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[ "Kay finds the ring in Pearl's purse and is still at a lost of who she really is, Pearl tells her to pawn the ring for 5,000 bucks. Michael is hung out to dry with no witnesses for River's trial, Lauren goes to Glo and gives her an ultimatum as does Jeffrey threatening to ruin her if she testifies. Chloe is rushed to the hospital and told she is to remain on bed rest. Cane vows to be at her beckon call putting family first and calling it quits with Lily for good. Billy is also there trying to get answers to his million dollar question. It is confirmed by the nurse that the baby is his." ]
[ "Murphy: Hello, Ladies. How was your shift?", "Pearl: She's getting the hang of it.", "Kay: Oh, come on. Every bone in my body aches.", "Murphy: All right, I'll see if I can find some more Epsom salts.", "Kay: Oh, I, you hope you don't mind I brought Pearl home. It seems since I lost all those brain cells, we used to play cards after every shift.", "Pearl: Grab the deck out of my purse. I'm gonna go wash up.", "Murphy: All right, I'll be right back.", "Kay: Oh. Oh, Lord. All right, cards.", "[Kay pulls out her ring out of her Pearl's purse]", "Kay: What?", "[Kay remembering]", "Pearl: Girl, where'd that come from?", "Kay: I don't know, some junk store I guess.", "Pearl: Unh-unh, Marge. That's not costume jewelry.", "Kay: Where'd it go?", "Murphy: What?", "Kay: My ring. My ring is gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Pearl and Murph walk back into the room]", "Kay: Why would you steal from me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "Jeff: I should've seen that coming.", "Gloria: Oh, yeah? What's that?", "Jeff: The way Jack played us.", "Gloria: Jack? What about you? Making a deal with him behind my back?", "Jeff: Ha. I could say the same to you.", "Gloria: Yeah. Thing is, I deserve top spot at Jabot.", "Jeff: Well, neither of us got it.", "Gloria: Well, at least Ashley doesn't have carte blanche to run the company. She's just gonna have to make room.", "Jeff: For both us. Where'd you go?", "Gloria: Wine cellar. Got a key. (Laughs) Open it! Ah!", "Jeff: Nice! What's the occasion?", "Gloria: I think it's time to toast Katherine Chancellor, for leaving me all that beautiful stock in her will. Really turned our lives around.", "Jeff: Yeah, too bad she had to die to do it. I kinda liked the old bird.", "Gloria: Yeah. Not to sound callous, but a lot of good came out of that. Jabot's back in the family, Kevin will be taken care of, and you and I...", "Jeff: Are on the love train express. Life is good. Oh, very good!", "Gloria: Is it feeling a little unseasonably warm in here?", "Jeff: Here, let me help you with that.", "Gloria: Uh, da, da, da. You just go sit over there, lover man. Watch the show.", "(Glass shatters)", "Jeff: Oh.", "Gloria: Uh-oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: (Growls)", "Lauren: (Gasps) Oh, my goodness!", "Michael: What's up, Buttercup?", "Lauren: Hi. Oh, they're driving me nuts. Holiday snafus. I can't wait for the 26th.", "Michael: I'm sorry I missed you this morning.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Michael: You know what today is, huh?", "Lauren: Uh, remind me again.", "Michael: Oh, don't you give me that. Come here, woman!", "Michael: Happy anniversary, Baby.", "Lauren: I know.", "Lauren: Happy anniversary. Three--three years! Feels like three minutes I don't know, so fast.", "Michael: Are we still on for tonight?", "Lauren: Yeah, but... you've got court this afternoon. Won't you be exhausted? We could always postpone.", "Michael: Oh, not on your life. I've dealt with Victor all morning. I will be in court with Lowell all afternoon. I'm looking forward to spending a little time alone with my wife this evening.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm. You nervous?", "Michael: Mm. No. All I have to do is to... convince the judge that a federal prosecutor and a police detective in a 40-year-old case coerced witnesses into testifying against Lowell.", "Lauren: Eh. You can do that in your sleep.", "Michael: Yeah.", "Lauren: (Giggles)", "Michael: Oh. I'm glad you have faith in me.", "Lauren: The evidence is solid, right?", "Michael: Yeah, well, apparently, our newly appointed federal prosecutor doesn't think our star witness, Howie Sullivan, is very trustworthy.", "Lauren: Don't tell me that's because of the drug conviction all those years ago?", "Michael: I wish Gloria would step up.", "Lauren: Well... don't count her out just yet.", "Michael: Her testimony is the knockout punch that we need to convince the judge to drop this case.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Ow! Oh! Oh, it hurts so much.", "Cane: The doctor's coming. The doctor's coming.", "Man: What happened?", "Cane: She's pregnant. She fell off a ladder.", "Chloe: Just tell me that my baby's gonna be okay. Ow! Ow!", "Man: Where are you feeling pain?", "Chloe: Just mostly right here. Here.", "Man: Put her in two.", "Chloe: Wait, wait, wait, can he come with me?", "Cane: I'm her husband. Can I go with her?", "Man: Of course.", "Chloe: Ow! Oh!", "Billy: Thanks for calling me. How's Chloe?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Pearl: I swear, I didn't steal from you, Marge.", "Kay: Well, then what was my ring doing in your purse?", "Pearl: You left it sitting on the counter.", "Kay: Well, why didn't you give it back to me? I mean, are you capitalizing on my--my memory problems?", "Murphy: Easy, Marge. Pearl's a good egg.", "Pearl: That hurts, that you think I'd steal from you, Marge.", "Kay: I don't know what to think. I-I just--I mean, I don't give a flying f about this piece of costume jewelry, for heaven's sakes. But it's the fact that you would take advantage of me, Pearl! I mean, that hurts! That hurts me! Now here, you take it. You keep it!", "Pearl: If you'd just listen to me! I borrowed your ring to take it to the pawn shop. That's not junk. That's high-quality emerald and real diamonds. You've been wearing a fortune on your finger.", "Murphy: You hear that, Marge? You're rich.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: How'd you like to be my hero and go get my shoe?", "Jeff: Okay, sure. Whoa!", "Gloria: (Laughs)", "Jeff: Ha! Jabot's newest executive will buy you ten pairs of shoes.", "Gloria: Oh! I can't wait to pick out my office! And the only title I'll take is president.", "Jeff: Co-president, matching titles.", "Gloria: Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute. You are so adorable when you think that I'm gonna let you be my equal. Mm-hmm. Well, I hate to disappoint you, buster, but I'm gonna be president and you can be vice president.", "Jeff: No so fast. We're equal partners in Agreeing Lovers.", "Gloria: Oh, yeah. Well, about at, a little confession. I bought some extra Jabot stock on my own.", "Jeff: (Laughs)", "Gloria: What? What's so funny?", "Jeff: I did the same thing.", "Gloria: You!", "Jeff: Just to be safe.", "Gloria: That's funny.", "Jeff: Mm. Yeah. Birds of a feather.", "Gloria: Yeah.", "Jeff: Yeah.", "Gloria: How much stock you got?", "Jeff: I don't know. I'd have to call my broker to find out. How much do you have?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Oh, I'm such a baby when it comes to being in a hospital.", "Cane: You're doing fine.", "Woman: Blood pressure's 110/75.", "Man: Can you tell 'em to rush the blood work?", "Woman: Yes, Doctor.", "Cane: When will you get the results?", "Man: Uh, we still need to run a few more tests.", "Cane: She's in a lot of pain. Can you do anything for that in the meantime?", "Man: I can't treat her until I pinpoint the cause.", "Chloe: I-I don't care about the pain. I just wanna know if the baby is okay.", "Man: The heartbeat sounds strong. We should know more after we run the M.R.I. and sonogram.", "Chloe: Okay.", "Man: The nurse will take you to your M.R.I.", "Cane: Thank you, Doctor.", "Chloe: Thank you. You know, you don't need to stick around.", "Cane: Of course I'm gonna stick around. I'm also gonna call your mother.", "Chloe: No, please, don't. You know she's gonna freak out and get all motherness on me. Ow. Ow. Ow.", "Cane: Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.", "Chloe: I'm just scared.", "Cane: You don't have to be scared.", "Chloe: I'm scared.", "Cane: You don't have to be scared, okay? They're gonna take care of you. And you and the baby are gonna be okay.", "Chloe: You don't know that.", "Cane: You heard what the doctor said, all right? She has a strong heartbeat. Just relax.", "Woman: We're moving you for the M.R.I.", "Chloe: I'm sorry.", "Cane: No problem.", "Chloe: Can he come with me, please?", "Woman: Yes, of course.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Chloe: What are you doing here?", "Billy: Lily called.", "Lily: How is she?", "Cane: We don't know yet. What are you doing here? I thought you had a company to run.", "Chloe: Cane?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You know, you're taking this awful hard.", "Lily: She fell off a ladder and we were arguing when it happened. So I am responsible if anything happens to Cane's baby.", "Billy: Here.", "Lily: Thanks. They just brought Chloe back.", "Billy: Any news? You know, you're being too hard on yourself. You're not responsible here.", "Lily: Well, if you heard us arguing, you wouldn't be saying that.", "Billy: I don't care what you said. You didn't force a pregnant woman to climb up a ladder, and you sure as hell didn't push her off.", "Lily: Why are you being so nice to me? I mean, we haven't exactly been talking these last few days.", "Billy: Well, contrary to popular belief, I'm a very nice guy. Why'd you call me?", "Lily: (Sighs) I don't know. I-I wasn't thinking.", "Billy: Nice. Yeah. That--that's great. Maybe I should... go. Should I go?", "Lily: No. No. Stay. Ugh. Can you believe that I went to see Chloe to apologize?", "Billy: Yeah, I can see that went smoothly.", "Lily: Yeah. I called her a bitch.", "Billy: Okay.", "Lily: She just... she gets to me, you know? She just--she knows exactly how to push my buttons.", "Billy: Yeah, Chloe's great at that.", "Lily: I just--I lost it. It's like every time I get to that place where I feel like I'm finally over Cane, it just... it hits me again. How she trapped him into being with her. She doesn't even love him.", "Billy: You don't think so?", "Lily: No, of course she doesn't. He's her security. She will have his baby, and he will be there for her for the rest of her life. And he definitely does not love her.", "Billy: Well, I guess it's unfortunate that, uh, he got drunk and... they made love.", "Lily: Well, she had her sights set on him early on. And she got pregnant as soon as she could.", "Billy: As soon as she could, huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: What are you looking for?", "Woman: Cardiac activity, amniotic fluid volume, evaluation of the uterus.", "Cane: Do you see anything wrong?", "Woman: You'll have to speak the doctor. He'll have more information after he looks at the M.R.I.", "Chloe: Wait, if there was nothing wrong with the baby, you would tell me. What's wrong?", "Woman: There's nothing to be alarmed about. Everything looks okay.", "Cane: Stressing out is not gonna help the health of the baby. Just relax.", "Chloe: (Exhales deeply) I just never should've climbed that ladder.", "Cane: It was an accident.", "Chloe: No. No. Lily--she came to make peace, and I just--I was just so freaked out that she came to the nursery, and I just... I flipped out. It was so stupid. It was so, so stupid.", "Cane: Don't blame yourself. Don't blame yourself, okay? Just... just focus-- focus on the health of the baby.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: So, Honey, what happened to all those people that were at the protest rally the day the bomb exploded? I-I thought you were tracking them down.", "Michael: Oh, I did. They all said the same thing. \"Sorry, man, I can't help you. I don't know anything.\" \"I didn't have anything to do with that guy that got killed in that bank explosion.\"", "Lauren: Unbelievable. I mean, someone's got to know something, right?", "Michael: Families, careers, if they know, they don't wanna testify. Now how can people who were involved in a group that was supposed to be all about peace and love just... look the other way when one of their own is in trouble?", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Michael: (Sighs) Yeah, Chantal, I was just about to head out to the courthouse what's up? Did he leave a contact number? Nothing? No, all right, uh... I will talk to you later. Well... there goes our last hope, as slim as it was.", "Lauren: What happened?", "Michael: Uh... uh, Howard Sullivan is not going to testify.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Yeah, but, you know, how did I ever end up with this ring?", "Murphy: The diner's lost and found?", "Pearl: A tip?", "Murphy: Oh, that would be one hell of a tip.", "Kay: Well, what do I do with it?", "Pearl: Well, the guy at the pawn shop said he'd give you 5 Gs for it. Now we could live large with that kind dough. Go to Vegas. Hit the slots. Dont'cha love Vegas?", "Murphy: Nah. Nah. Not me. I'd rather fish than gamble. You know, at the end of the day, you got something to show for it.", "Kay: Well, Las Vegas doesn't appeal to me.", "Murphy: Marge, that ring is perfect right where it is. A good woman like you deserves something nice.", "Pearl: Oh, we gonna gab all day or play cards?", "Murphy: Oh!", "Pearl: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: So how much Jabot stock do you own?", "Gloria: How much Jabot stock you own?", "Jeff: Ladies first.", "Gloria: I'm liberated. After you.", "Jeff: How about we trade?", "Gloria: Okay. And the one who has the most Jabot stock gets to pick their title.", "Jeff: Agreed.", "Gloria: What?", "Jeff: What, is this for real?", "Gloria: Jeffrey, you peeked when I was writing it down!", "Jeff: This is some kind of cosmic joke! Looks like we both own exactly the same amount of stock.", "Gloria: Yeah, well, that can't be!", "Jeff: We're perfectly matched. If ever two people belonged together...", "Gloria: I guess I'm just gonna have to find a better way to better you.", "Jeff: Bring it on.", "Lauren: Gloria!", "Jeff: Ugh.", "Lauren: Hello!", "Gloria: Company.", "(Knock on door)", "Gloria: Ahem. Well, hello, Lauren. Come in.", "Lauren: Did you know there was a pair of shoes floating in your pool?", "Gloria: Yeah, well, Fisher likes to chew on my shoes.", "Jeff: Hello, Lauren.", "Lauren: Hello, Jeffrey", "Gloria: Everything all right? Fen?", "Lauren: Yeah. He's at the babysitter.", "Gloria: Happy anniversary.", "Lauren: Thank you. I can't--I cannot believe it's been three years.", "Gloria: Three years. What's that? Leather. Well, can't do much with that unless Michael buys you a sofa. Not very romantic.", "Lauren: No. No. Uh, hey, Jeffrey?", "Jeff: Hey.", "Lauren: I'd love to talk to Gloria alone. Would you mind?", "Jeff: Um, sure. I think I'll run by Jabot and check out our, uh... our new offices.", "Gloria: Bye, lover.", "Jeff: Yeah. See you, Lauren. And congratulations.", "(Door opens)", "Gloria: What's on your mind?", "Lauren: I wanna talk to you about Michael and River.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Good news. You have a hairline fracture of the pelvis.", "Chloe: That's good news?", "Man: You have no organ damage, no arterial injuries. Your baby is perfectly healthy.", "Chloe: Oh, great.", "Cane: That is great news.", "Chloe: Oh! Thank you so much, Doctor. She's okay.", "Man: There are some precautions you'll need to take with a pelvic fracture.", "Cane: How do you treat it?", "Man: It's tricky. We can't put a cast on Mrs. Ashby. It'll have to heal naturally.", "Chloe: Okay. Whatever you say.", "Man: You'll need lots of rest so it heals before the birth. If it doesn't, it could cause complications.", "Cane: You're gonna have to stay in bed until you're fine. And I will take care of anything you need", "Man: You can do limited walking, but it'll be painful. I'm prescribing a medication that won't affect the baby and will keep you comfortable. The nurse will show you how to manage your injury.", "Chloe: So... no more hang gliding, surfing, bungee jumping?", "Man: You're gonna have your hands full.", "Chloe: You know, a few days of waiting on me and you'll resent it.", "Cane: You won't hear me complain. I'm just glad that you and the baby are healthy.", "Chloe: Wow. You really mean that, don't you?", "Billy: Well, it looks like good news.", "Lily: Thank God.", "Billy: Maybe you'll stop beating yourself up.", "Billy: Hey, excuse me, nurse? Uh, could you tell me what the doctor said? How's the baby?", "Woman: I'm not allowed to divulge private medical information.", "Billy: Of course you're not. I wouldn't even ask, except it looks like good news, you know? And I'm the baby's uncle, and the family's l freaking out. And I told the mothers-- look, I will call you as soon as I hear anything. So come on, Cathy. Spread some cheer. Spread some joy.", "Cathy: The baby's fine. The mother has a fractured pelvis. It's not life- threatening. She'll need a lot of bed rest. They're such a cute couple. She's lucky. I'm sure her husband will take good care of her.", "Billy: Yep. Cathy, you're an angel. You made two moms very happy.", "(Chuckles)", "Billy: Feel better?", "Lily: Yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: Yo, Mike. How you doing, my man?", "Michael: You're wearing the suit I sent.", "River: Yeah, with these threads I feel like a stuffed shirt lawyer.", "Michael: Not even with your hair combed.", "River: Yeah, I'm really psyched about today. I mean, you know, with Howe's and Gloria's testimony, the judge has to drop the case. You look bummed.", "Michael: I don't know how to tell you this.", "River: Well, just say it.", "Michael: All right. Uh, your friend, \"Kite,\" Howard Sullivan, is on an extended business trip to Europe.", "River: Did you explain how important it was to be here?", "Michael: He left word at my office. I have no way of contacting him.", "River: So Howie flaked? Bummer. Well, no--no sweat. We still have Gloria.", "Michael: Gloria will not take the stand for you.", "River: Of course she will.", "Michael: No, she won't.", "River: She said she wouldn't, but I know Glo. Her conscience will win out. She'll do the right thing.", "Michael: You knew Gloria 40 years ago. She's changed. Trust me. She won't come. You and I are walking into that courtroom... without any witnesses. Uh... only you and me. No one--no one else is gonna be there for you. Not Gloria, not Howard, not anyone else who was at that bank rally. Just you and me.", "River: I have faith in you, Michael.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Do you know where Michael is today?", "Gloria: Sorry, don't have a copy of his schedule.", "Lauren: He's in court right now trying to get the case against River dismissed.", "Gloria: I wish him luck.", "Lauren: He doesn't need luck. He needs you, Gloria. He needs you to go down there and testify that you were pressured into lying.", "Gloria: Well, I can't.", "Lauren: Can't?", "Gloria: Didn't Michael tell you? I'm back at Jabot. Jeffrey and I engineered a takeover with Jack.", "Lauren: And--and that has what to do with River's case?", "Gloria: Because I'm an executive again. And I have to protect my image.", "Lauren: Oh, please. It's a little late for that, don't you think? This is about Jeffrey not wanting you to help River.", "[Gloria remembering]", "Jeff: Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about the face cream. As long as you're a good little girl, nobody will ever see it or my letter.", "Gloria: Your letter?", "Jeff: Mm. The one detailing how you tampered with the face cream, leading to that poor woman's death.", "Gloria: Jeffrey, that was a tragic accident.", "Jeff: You can tell that to the police.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: No. No, it's not about Jeffrey. I can't have my name dragged through the papers associated with a terrorist.", "Lauren: Ahem. All right, so you don't give a damn about River, I get it. But what about your son? What about your son who is defending his father who he hasn't seen for nearly 40 years, partly because of your testimony? Are you really gonna let Michael down again?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: (Sighs) So the baby's fine.", "Lily: I know. I heard. That's great.", "Cane: Yeah. It looks like I'm gonna be, uh, waiting on Chloe hand and foot, though.", "Lily: Listen, Cane, I'm so sorry for what happened.", "Cane: You don't have to be sorry. It was an accident. The weird thing is, that maybe--I don't know, maybe it was a good thing.", "Lily: How?", "Cane: I don't know. Maybe it as a wake-up call. It made me realize that... the most important thing is... the health of the baby and the mother. Lily... I have... I've paid you lip service, setting boundaries, and I haven't done it.", "Lily: I know. I know.", "Cane: We can't keep doing this to each other. So... um, we can't have any more accidental meetings and we can't have... secret looks at each other when we see each other.", "Lily: You're right. I know that it's not fair to Chloe or the baby.", "Cane: It's not fair to you. It's not fair to you, Sweetheart, 'cause you need to live your life. You know, someone once said to me that the most important thing that a father can do for the child is to love the mother. Now... it's not gonna be easy, but I have to try. Because... I have to ma sure that that little girl... gets the love that only two parents can give.", "Lily: It's a girl? I-I knew I heard Chloe refer to the baby as a she, but I wasn't sure.", "Cane: I thought you knew.", "Lily: You never told me.", "Cane: I'm so sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You'll do anything for attention, huh?", "Chloe: How low can you sink? Using my accident to comfort the other damsel in distress.", "Billy: You don't think I was worried about you?", "Cathy: Mrs. Ashby? I need to confirm how far along you are.", "Chloe: Um, 23 weeks.", "Chloe: You are not the father of this baby, okay? So I don't know if you think that I was trying to go after you or him, whatever. But this baby is going to have two parents who actually give a damn, and it's not you. It's Cane. And if you don't believe me, well, then you can just call my doctor.", "Billy: Chloe? For real, I the father?", "Chloe: (Scoffs) You're hardly daddy material. I me, I wouldn't even trust you to take care of a goldfish.", "Billy: That isn't an answer.", "Chloe: You want me to write it on a t-shirt? I answered that question when I married my little girl's daddy.", "Billy: It's a little girl, huh? Wow. Chloe, Jr. imagine the two of you.", "Chloe: Is there anything else you wanna know?", "Billy: That'll do.", "Chloe: Oh... he's onto us. He better not mess this up, because things are finally starting to work out with Cane. And Cane is going to be an excellent daddy. I just wish I loved him the way I love your real dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I want everyone in the office searching for Sullivan. When we can expect him back in the country. I want a firm date. Yeah. Thank you, Chantal.", "River: You know how many illnesses are stress-related? Shingles, headaches, irritable bowel.", "Michael: What?", "River: You're wigging out. You'll give yourself a heart attack. Stress kills, dig?", "Michael: I do my best work when I'm worried.", "River: Ten minutes of meditation a couple times a day will make new man outta you. I could teach you.", "Michael: I appreciate your ability to stay positive when everything is falling apart.", "River: I got a roof over my head, food in my belly, and faith in you.", "Michael: Well, least one of us does. (Sighs) My case has just disappeared. I'm going to wing it.", "Man: The judge will see you now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Don't you dare accuse me of sabotaging my own son. I've sacrificed a lot for Michael!", "Lauren: Then I don't understand why you're stopping now! He needs you, Gloria!", "Gloria: He doesn't need me. He's got Howard.", "Lauren: Howard's in Europe.", "Gloria: Yeah, and I know he signed a paper saying he'd speak on Lowell's behalf.", "Lauren: Yeah, which isn't worth the paper it's written on.", "Gloria: Still can't do it.", "Lauren: You are the only one who can. All right, fine. If you wanna be part of your son's life and this family, you better get your butt down to the courthouse! And now!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Pearl: See ya, Murph.", "Murphy: Bye, Pearl.", "Pearl: Number for the pawn shop.", "Kay: Mm.", "Pearl: 5,000 clams is almost a year's worth of tips. Think about it.", "Kay: (Laughs) I will.", "Murphy: Take care.", "Pearl: Okay.", "Murphy: You don't have to pawn that ring if you don't want to.", "Kay: No, Murph, it's... it's not just the ring that feels out of place. It's just everything. I feel like a stranger in my own life. I mean, why-- why would I be a waitress?", "Murphy: Joe, Jr.'s been asking the same thing.", "Kay: (Laughs) I'll bet.", "Murphy: Look, so you hit a rough patch. So what?", "Kay: I really appreciate the support. Um... but to be honest, I don't remember you at all until the last few weeks.", "Murphy: (Laughs) Am I that forgettable?", "Kay: No. No. No. Not at all. Not at all. Look, maybe I should just... hock the ring, take the money and find someplace where I'll be more myself.", "Murphy: Oh, no, no, no, no. No more talk about you taking off. You know, Marge, having you here-- it's been a game changer. I mean, I've gotten to know the real Marge, not--not just a waitress. Now this is where you belong. Here with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Um, you care to help a desperate man?", "Cathy: Depends on what you need.", "Billy: Well, I've got this bet going with my brother about when the baby's gonna be born. And I hate to lose. Think you can help me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hi.", "Chloe: Hi.", "Lily: Um, I just... I wanted to apologize because this wouldn't have happened--", "Chloe: Apology accepted.", "Lily: Well, there's, uh... there's something else too. Um, Cane and I--we had a talk a little while ago.", "Chloe: Oh, did you?", "Lily: Yeah. And he made it very clear that our friendship is jeopardizing his family.", "Chloe: Well, he's right.", "Lily: You know, I know that I have made things harder for the both of you. And I'm gonna stop. I'm going to keep my distance and respect the family that you're putting together.", "Chloe: Okay. I'll believe it when I see it.", "Lily: I don't blame you for not believing me. I know that Cane and I have said that we would stay away from each other before, but... this time, you know, seeing you two together... you guys have a chance if I'm not in the way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cathy: My opinion-- the mother's wrong by a few weeks.", "Billy: Older or younger?", "Cathy: I'd say... two to three weeks further along than she thinks.", "Billy: Hm. Um, well, do you think the baby could be conceived, I don't know, as far back as... mid-June?", "Cathy: I'd bet my job on it.", "Billy: Won't the father be surprised?", "Lily: Hey, Billy? Um... I'm gonna go home.", "Billy: Yeah, sure. Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You and the baby will no longer be a priority. You will be my first priority. I didn't grow up with a real family. Okay, and I don't want that to happen to a child of mine. So from now on, the two of you will be my family.", "Chloe: (Scoffs) What are you trying to do, send me into labor? I mean... wow. I mean, you agreed to marry me, but, uh... family? I never thought that I would hear you say family.", "Cane: How's it sound?", "Chloe: Well, I think I could get used to it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Do you honestly think that Michael's just gonna welcome you with open arms if you refuse to help his father? This case means everything to him.", "Gloria: And he'll understand.", "Lauren: Not this time, Gloria. You turn your back on your son, and I don't think he'll even allow you in our house.", "Gloria: You telling me I can't see my own grandson?", "Lauren: Oh, like you would have the gall to look him in the eye after you've let his father rot in jail? I don't get it, Gloria! I don't get it!", "(Door opens)", "Jeff: I wouldn't do that if I were you. You walk out that door now, you'll be sorry you did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Your honor, the reason I'm requesting a continuance is because my witness couldn't be here.", "Judge: And where is it?", "Michael: He was called out of the country on an emergency, and he is crucial to my client's request that his original charges be dropped.", "Judge: When does this witness return?", "Michael: I'm not sure.", "Man: I object. Your honor, the attorney general moved this case from Ann Arbor to Genoa City to accommodate Mr. Baldwin at great cost to the taxpayer. Any further delay would be unconscionable.", "Michael: Your honor, this witness is the crux of my client's case.", "Judge: I appreciate the defense has suffered an unexpected setback. But that's not the court's problem. You petitioned the court, Mr. Baldwin. I'm denying the continuance. We will proceed.", "Man: Thank you, your honor.", "River: What now?", "Michael: Well, uh, you believe in God, don't you?", "River: A supreme being? Yes, of course I do.", "Michael: Well, then how about a prayer?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: It's time that we tell Noah that you and I are not together anymore.", "Nick: You were in Paris while I was and you never bothered to tell me about it.", "Jeff: Just a little reminder of what's at stake here." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon questions Adam as to why he is really with her or is he doing it to get revenge on Nick. Adam tries to explain his feelings, but Sharon doesn't quite buy his explanation. Victoria tells Nick that she and J.T. had a terrible fight and J.T. stormed out .Nick lets Victoria know that Phyllis had told him about the article in \"Restless Style.\" Billy comes to visit Chloe and Delia and sees Chloe with Chance. Billy comments on the picture that he had seen in the newspaper of Chloe and Chance. Lauren walks in and asks how many cups of coffee had Michael had. Lauren tells Michael that there shouldn't be a case against Daniel. Ryder tells Daisy that he will try to get away for awhile. Riggs calls Chance to come to see him at the police station. Billy only has insulting remarks toward Chance and Chloe being together. Lauren questions Ryder about why he had disappeared at Thanksgiving .Sharon tries to apologize to Adam, but Adam leaves. Lauren sees Ryder and Daisy together. After meeting with Michael, Adam calls Victor to talk to him. Victoria confronts Billy about the article in \"Restless Style.\"' Doris finds out that Sharon is dating Adam. Doris warns Sharon about Adam. Adam visits Sharon and tells her that they will make sure the door is locked this time.", "" ]
[ "Adam: You really think my being with you is about getting revenge on Nick?", "Sharon: You told me that you resented having to answer to Nick at Newman.", "Adam: I'm seeing you because I like you. I want to be with you.", "Sharon: And I understand that you threatened to sue him.", "Adam: Did you not notice the black eye on my face?", "Sharon: Well, you knew that when he found out about this that it was gonna set him off. Maybe that was the point.", "Adam: I can't believe you're saying this.", "Sharon: Maybe this whirlwind romance wasn't as spontaneous as I was led to believe.", "Adam: Hey. Did--did Nick put these thoughts in your head?", "Sharon: Just tell me if I'm right. Did you get close to me and earn my trust as the ultimate \"Screw you\" to your brother?", "Adam: (Sighs) No. (Sighs) I have fallen for you harder than I ever thought possible. This is real.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey.", "Victoria: Hey.", "Nick: You expecting someone else?", "Victoria: No, uh, no. It was just a-- I mean, J.T. and I got in a huge fight, and he stormed off.", "Nick: (Winces) Sorry, Vick.", "Victoria: Well, it's not like I can blame him. I mean, you would have done the same thing if your wife's sordid affair was splashed all over the World Wide Web.", "Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, Phyllis told me about the article.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nick: I came over to see how you're doing.", "Victoria: Well, so much for my grand jury testimony being sealed.", "Nick: Yeah. Unfortunately, leaks happen.", "Victoria: Yeah, but did it have to be \"Restless Style\"? (Sighs)", "Nick: I'm so sorry. What can I do?", "Victoria: There's nothing you can do. And the worst part is, I can't even dispute the article. I mean, I did it. I cheated. I have no one to blame for this but myself.", "Nick: Oh, no, there's definitely someone else to blame.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Kitty, kitty, kit--", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "Billy: Hey, yo.", "Chloe: Oh.", "Billy: Take it easy. There are kids in the room.", "Chloe: Hey, there she is. Come here my little peek-a-boo.", "Billy: (Growls)", "Chloe: Hi. Hi. Oh!", "Billy: You know, after that article, I half-expected to see you in here serving tea to the governor.", "Chance: What article?", "Chloe: Hey, I told you that my personal life was off-limits when it came to \"Restless Style.\"", "Billy: Oh, cool your Manolos, Mommy. I was referring to the article in the \"Chronicle\" about your, uh, knight in shining armor here.", "Chloe: Yeah, so then you must have seen the adorable picture of me and Chance, hmm?", "Billy: Of course I saw it. How could I miss it? You forwarded that link to everybody in your address book. Thanks to you, everybody in town knows about Chance's heroics.", "Chloe: Yeah, as they should, right? Because, uh, this man here risked his life for injustice.", "Billy: Did I just stumble into a bad \"Justice League\" comic book, or what? I mean, ug actually, no, I take that back. You know what you need? You need a trusty dog, an American flag and a pie of apple pie, and that prefect picture... (Clicks tongue) Right there. Oh, yeah.", "Chloe: Oh, yeah. Right here.", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: (Chuckles) (Growls)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Hello, my love.", "Michael: Hey.", "Lauren: How many cups have you had? Truth.", "Michael: I've lost count. Between Victoria's leaked testimony that appeared in \"Restless Style,\" Daniel's indictment, and my other less scandal-ridden cases, uh, I'm gonna need a caffeine drip.", "Lauren: There shouldn't be a case against Daniel. We both know he was set up. And I have a pretty good idea who might be responsible. (Scoffs) (Whispering) Why am I even surprised that Ryder left Daniel holding the bag?", "Michael: (Whispering) I still haven't given up hope trying to get him to come clean about what he knows.", "Lauren: Well, don't hold your breath, my love.", "Michael: Well, l--", "(Cell phone rings)", "Michael: (Sighs) Hold on. (Normal voice) Yes, Chantal. What are you still doing at the office? All right, wait. Hold on. I'm not--hold--I-- all right, hold on. Hold on. Let me--let me go outside and get a better signal. Yeah, hold it.", "Ryder: I don't know, Daisy. Yeah, I'll see if I can get away. Later. Let me guess-- uh, no whip skim latte.", "Lauren: (Normal voice) Not here for a coffee. I think it's time that you and I have a serious talk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Well, don't be surprised if you see some swizzle sticks in there.", "Chloe: Where did you take her?", "Billy: Uh, I had to meet an advertiser at the club.", "Chloe: Oh, I'm sure that your advertiser loved having a baby in the meeting.", "Billy: Oh, you kidding me? You kidding me? Delia's the reason why Seth signed on for a full-page spread.", "Chloe: Whee!", "Billy: Isn't that right?", "Chloe: (Scoffs) Yes, which I can see tired her out. Nap time? All right, say, \"Bye-bye, Daddy.\"", "Billy: Oh, um, can I tuck her in with you?", "Chloe: Yeah, that's not a problem.", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: Do you want to come with?", "Chance: Sure.", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Chloe: (Blows raspberry)", "Cordelia: (Squeals)", "Chance: Uh, I gotta take this.", "Chloe: Well, this is gonna be fun.", "Billy: (Making silly noises)", "Chloe: She's awake.", "Chance: Wait. Riggs-- the guy that stabbed me Riggs?", "Riggs: I saw your picture in the paper.", "Chance: Yeah, you're the reason for it.", "Riggs: Look, I'm in trouble, and I need a stand-up guy like you to help me. Could you just come down to the jail so that we can talk?", "Chance: Look, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what this is about and how the hell you got my number.", "(Phone hangs up)", "Chance: Hello? Hello, Riggs? Damn it.", "Chloe: Is everything okay?", "Chance: Huh? Yeah, uh, no. I don't know. I just got a weird phone call. I, uh, I gotta head down to the jail and--and just check it out, okay?", "Chloe: Okay.", "Billy: Well, if it isn't Genoa City's resident hero off to save the day again. Ta-da!", "Chloe: Be careful.", "Chance: I will. Come here.", "Chloe: Okay. Mwah.", "Chance: I'll call you later.", "Chloe: Okay.", "Chance: Bye.", "Billy: Hmm.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Billy: So you're not playing him, huh?", "Chloe: Excuse me?", "Billy: Well, originally, I thought maybe you were just using Chance to make me jealous.", "Chloe: Hmm.", "Billy: (Mockingly) Hmm. (Normal voice) It's happened before, hasn't it?", "Chloe: (Scoffs)", "Billy: But when I walked in earlier, you two looked like you were genuinely surprised that you weren't alone, and the way you were just looking at him as he walked out, like you were worried, I don't know. It makes me wonder... (Whispering) Could this be love?", "Chloe: Yeah, I'm pretty nuts about him.", "Billy: (Normal voice) Yeah?", "Chloe: I am. He's a really good guy, you know, unlike any other character I've ever dated. You know, he's trustworthy and dependable.", "Billy: And he's boring as hell.", "Chloe: (Scoffs)", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: Yeah, said the guy who dated a wannabe saint.", "Billy: All right, don't get nasty. I was just messing with you.", "Chloe: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: But if \"Lover boy\" ends up walking on water, you just give me a call, okay? (Chuckles) (Humming)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ryder: I-I'm really not supposed to leave the counter.", "Lauren: Oh, no, it's fine. I just have a couple of questions for you, starting with your disappearing act on Thanksgiving Day.", "Ryder: Look, I-I'm sorry I bailed. It was, uh, it was really nice of you to invite me.", "Lauren: So why leave?", "Ryder: I guess I was just tired of being grilled-- first by Daniel, then by Kevin-- just started to get to me.", "Lauren: You know, I have had my concerns about you from the very beginning. But I put those aside and I welcomed you into my family.", "Ryder: I appreciate that.", "Lauren: Then why do you keep pleading the fifth? If you had just told the truth, then Daniel wouldn't have had to go to jail. You knew we were counting on you, just like you knew there was a third man in the alley the night of the murder. So why not admit it?", "Ryder: See, this-- this is what I'm talking about. I am sick of the accusations and the doubts. It's like, why even grill me in the first place? You're not gonna believe anything I say.", "Lauren: I'm just trying to give you...", "Together: The benefit of the doubt.", "Lauren: Right.", "Ryder: Yeah, yeah. Don't bother. If you've got something to say to me, say it.", "Lauren: Fine. Don't play my family. I know that it means the world to Kevin that he's giving you this chance, so you make the most of it. But if you hurt one person I care about, you're gonna wish you were back in jail. Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute-- if I ever prove that you were the one that sent me the rat, you're gonna wish you never got out.", "Michael: There you are. Everything all right?", "(Cell phone rings)", "Michael: Oh, wow. It's me again. Sorry. Yeah? Oh, hey, Bruce. Huh? Oh, yeah. Long time, no hear. Are you still licking your wounds after losing that case to me? Huh? Adam Wilson? (Laughs) He hired you? Well, the little weasel's really going through with it. I should have known. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Ow. What happened to you?", "Nick: Uh... (Sighs) You don't want to know. (Bottles clink)", "Victoria: You didn't go after Billy because he posted that article, did you?", "Nick: Mnh-mnh. But trust me, Billy's next.", "Victoria: Oh, well, if not Billy, then it was Adam.", "Nick: Yeah, he had it coming.", "Victoria: I'm sure he did. But for you to go after our partially blind brother with your fist really doesn't sound like you, Nick.", "Nick: I know. (Sighs) You know, the worst part is, I played right into his hands. I mean, he was looking for a reason to come after me, and I gave him one. I don't know how I can be so stupid sometimes.", "Victoria: (Chuckles) Well, don't look at me. I'm just a woman who has an entire web site dedicated to her screw-up's, so I'm really not one to judge right now.", "Nick: I'm sure Adam would just love to have what happened go public. I mean, anything to put me in a bad light.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Uh, it's easier said than done. Listen, don't let Adam get to you. I mean, what can he really take from you? Nothing, unless you let him.", "Nick: (Sighs) You'd be surprised.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You gotta believe me. But you don't, so I'll tell you. I will tell you all the reasons that this isn't about Nick, and it's not just that you're beautiful, stunning, funny and kind. You get me. You get me in ways no one else ever has. You listened while I told you some of the horrific things that I have done. You didn't judge me. My own fa-- (Sighs) My own family wouldn't have me at the table for Thanksgiving, and you shared a plate of pasta with me. (Sighs) And it was-- it was the best meal I've had in years. (Sighs) (Sighs) And it's not just that you were there for me. You let me be there for you, too, to listen while-- while you grieved for the baby that you lost...", "Sharon: (Sniffles)", "Adam: Which is pretty incredible, considering we barely even knew each other, and I know that you felt the same connection that I did. And finally, there was someone that you could be yourself with, who accepted you, no matter what-- no axes to grind, no agenda. That is what you have been for me, and what I-- what I had hoped to be for you. (Sighs) And most of all... (Sighs) (Voice breaking) After everything you've heard about me, you saw good in me. (Sniffles) No one... (Sighs) Has believed in me like that since my mother.", "Sharon: Adam, I'm so sorry that--", "Adam: No, Sharon. I've gotta go. I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: (Muttering) Oh, you're still here?", "Billy: Yeah, well, your mother makes the best Reuben I've ever had in my life, and I am tired of eating out. Come on.", "Chloe: Oh, what, did you lose your personal chef now that Mac is eating pickles and ice cream?", "Billy: Oh, well, I bet that Chance is just wonderful in the kitchen. I bet he is. Is there anything that \"Dudley do-right\" can't do?", "Chloe: You just can't stand that he's a good guy, can you?", "Billy: Can you? I mean, this \"Boy wonder\" routine, it's not really your style at all.", "Chloe: Uh, thank God. Are you kidding me? I forgot what it's like to be with a good guy. I mean, did you know that there are actually men out there who put their women first?", "Billy: What, are you implying that I don't?", "Chloe: Maybe instead of dogging him, you should try to be more like him.", "Billy: (Chuckles) Oh, boy, has that guy done a number on you.", "Chloe: Oh, Chance doesn't do numbers.", "Billy: So I hear. Could you just turn your brain back on? There is no one in this world who is as moral as Chance is.", "Chloe: Oh, you know, you really shouldn't bring everyone down to your low standards, Billy.", "Billy: (Clears throat) One word--Cane.", "Chloe: Yeah, what about him?", "Billy: This entire town believed that he was the answer to every woman's prayers, that he was--he was moral. He was upright. He was just. They found out that he was just a lying fraud.", "Chloe: Yeah, and Chance is nothing like Cane.", "Billy: Well, maybe not, but you should watch your back anyway, because one day, you might come home to find out that \"Sir Galahad\" isn't as squeaky clean as he claims to be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: Thank you.", "Man: How's our local hero?", "Chance: Good. Good. Thanks a lot, Sid. Look, um, what's going on here? I mean, it's not lights out yet. Where are the inmates?", "Sid: In their cells, all except for your knife-wielding friend.", "Chance: You're talking about Riggs.", "Sid: His escape's the reason for lockdown.", "Chance: (Sighs) Sid, he called me and asked me to come down here. He said he needed my help with something.", "Sid: With what?", "Chance: I wish I knew.", "Sid: Yeah, me, too. All I do know is he's long gone now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: So I am taking it that you're not gonna tell me what happened with Adam to set you off?", "Nick: You know, I'd rather focus on getting J.T. to ignore the article.", "Victoria: (Sighs) It's not just the article. No, we've been having problems for quite a while now.", "Nick: I know you were hoping going to New York might get you guys back on track.", "Victoria: Yeah, I was. So much for that. You know, J.T. was working the entire time I was there, and then when we were together, well, things were just tense.", "Nick: I'm really sorry, Vick.", "Victoria: (Sighs) It's like everything that happened was just hanging over our heads the whole time.", "Nick: Well, since you've been home, have things changed for you guys?", "Victoria: No, they're worse than ever now. We don't even bond over Reed anymore. I mean... (Sighs) I just feel like there's this big wall up, and I don't know to tear it down. I'm really scared, Nick.", "Nick: Okay. Last time I suggested this, you practically ripped my head off, so I'm gonna try again. Maybe it's time you reconsider my offer to go to Dubai to work for Newman. Maybe some time apart is exactly what you guys need.", "Victoria: I don't know. I mean, I don't know. I-I don't know. I-- I couldn't leave Reed for that long.", "Nick: Then take him with you, Sis. You know, when Dad asked me to go to China, we were having serious problems, Phyllis and I were. But I went, and it turned out to be the best thing for us. It gave us some time and space to clear our heads, to really think about what's important. Sometimes distance is what a marriage needs to survive.", "Victoria: I wish I could have a guarantee of that.", "Nick: I can't do that, but I can guarantee you that you'll be walking into a situation where your talents and expertise will be hugely appreciated.", "Victoria: Well, that would be nice for a change, wouldn't it?", "Nick: Yeah, go over there, spend a few months doing what you love. Then maybe things over here won't look so bad.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Nick: Sorry. Excuse me. Hey, Michael. I was just about to call you. Uh, Phyllis and I want you and Lauren to come over--", "Michael: Yeah, yeah. That sounds great. Uh, are you still at the office?", "Nick: Do I need to be?", "Michael: Uh, we should probably discuss this there. Phyllis has enough on her mind with Daniel.", "Nick: What's going on?", "Michael: Adam went and did it. He's suing you for assault.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: What do you mean, \"No conscience\"?", "Chloe: I read your online trash fest on Victoria Newman.", "Billy: It was all true.", "Chloe: So that justifies making her problems public? I think it was enough when you hinted at the affair when J.T. went off on Deacon Sharpe-- those photos. But then you had to go ahead, and you had to do a follow-up.", "Billy: Yeah, I had to, okay? Because I need to prove that \"Restless Style\" isn't just some tabloid rag everybody thinks it is. I need to show that we print the truth.", "Chloe: At all costs-- attacking someone's reputation.", "Billy: Oh, you know, where the hell do you get off chastising me about cashing in on a scandal, huh? You want \"Restless Style\" to be a success just like I do.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Billy: And before you started hookin' up with Chance, you would have done the same, if not worse to get what you want.", "Chloe: You're wrong, Billy.", "Billy: And-- and don't kid yourself. You can't keep up this goody-two-shoes act very long.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Why don't you finish your sandwich and go?", "Billy: You know what? I might have been wrong also when I said that Chance was gonna be the one that let you down. I'm pretty sure you're gonna be the one that hurts him, just like I hurt Mac.", "Chloe: Guess what? We are nothing like you and Mac.", "Billy: Oh, come off of it. Chance and Mac, they're cut from the same kind, altruistic cloth. You and I? We're from the dark side, baby.", "Chloe: Well, maybe I've changed.", "Billy: Yeah. I told myself that once, too. Let me know if it works out for you, okay?", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sid: So apparently, Riggs was complaining of severe stomach pains. The warden called for an ambulance. En route to the hospital, he gave 'em the slip.", "Chance: Yeah, but why wasn't he shackled? Where were the EMTs? I mean, didn't anyone try and stop him?", "Sid: Apparently, it happened lightning fast. But, yeah, he was still in the chains.", "Chance: (Groans) Sid, none of this makes any sense.", "Sid: (Sighs) I wish I had some answers, Kid. I'm just starting to dig into it myself. I'll probably need to question you more as I get into it a little deeper.", "Chance: Can you at least keep me posted on whatever you guys find?", "Sid: Sure thing.", "Chance: Thank you.", "Sid: All right.", "Chance: Appreciate it. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Before I go off to meet Nick, do you want to tell me what that little, uh, stare-down with Ryder was about earlier?", "Lauren: He was just processing a warning I issued him not to mess with my family. Seriously, I will not tolerate Ryder hurting anybody that I care about, and I let him know it.", "Michael: Well, I hope it sinks in.", "Lauren: It better have. Anyway, Doll, I have to go. I promised Daisy I would close up. But I was thinking...", "Michael: Hmm?", "Lauren: That maybe we'd finish at the same time, and we'd meet up for a, you know, after-dinner drink? Mm.", "Michael: Mm. I was hoping for more than that.", "Lauren: Oh, really?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: Okay. Mm. Done.", "Michael: (Inhales) (Sighs)", "Michael: Oh, Adam.", "Adam: Michael.", "Michael: I just spoke with your lawyer.", "Adam: Glad to hear he's earning his retainer.", "Michael: Well, uh, you got a minute? I think we should talk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Son of a bitch. Adam was just waiting for an opportunity to mess with me, and now I gotta deal with this stupid lawsuit.", "Victoria: Well, it will be interesting to hear what Michael has to say.", "Nick: Yeah, I gotta go talk to him.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nick: Look, about Dubai, I don't want to overstep, but I just really don't want to see your marriage fall apart, Sis.", "Victoria: Well, you and me both, thanks. I just don't know that running away is the right thing to do. I mean, especially if it means taking Reed away from his dad for so long.", "Nick: Okay, well, what's worse, him being away from his dad for six weeks, or permanently after a divorce?", "Victoria: Maybe I should go before Billy decides to write another exposé on me.", "Nick: Don't worry about that punk. I'm gonna take care of him.", "Victoria: No, just forget about Billy. You concentrate on putting this mess with Adam behind you, okay?", "Nick: All right. See ya.", "Victoria: See ya.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Sharon: Mom.", "Doris: Hi. I promised Noah I would bake him up a batch of his favorite cookies.", "Sharon: Oh, I'm sure he'll appreciate that. Come on in.", "Doris: Oh, the place looks lovely.", "Sharon: Thank you. Well, it should. I feel like I do nothing but clean it lately.", "Doris: Surely, Noah doesn't generate that much mess.", "Sharon: (Sighs) No, I think I just do it to keep my mind off things.", "Doris: About the baby? It's good that you have Noah.", "Sharon: Yeah. Well, when he's here. You know, he's a teenager. And I can't expect him to sit here and babysit his mom. I mean, I know what that felt like, and I... (Sighs)", "Doris: Oh, those flowers are lovely. Are they from the yard?", "Sharon: Uh, no, those-- those were a gift.", "Doris: I didn't think Jack was still sending flowers.", "Sharon: He's not.", "Doris: Don't tell me--Nick?", "Sharon: No. I've been seeing someone new, Mom.", "Doris: Already? Oh, Sweetheart, when will you ever learn?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Ryder? Hey, Daisy.", "Daisy: You're back.", "Lauren: Yeah, how was business?", "Daisy: It's been a little slow.", "Lauren: Oh. Ooh, how's your burn healing?", "Daisy: Um, pretty well, actually. And now I know I can dress a mannequin with one hand.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) I hope it didn't ruin your whole Thanksgiving.", "Daisy: Are you kidding me? I had so much fun with you and your family. I-I told my parents how great everyone was, and my mother said I'm lucky, 'cause you're like my surrogate mom.", "Lauren: Aw, that's so sweet. I mean, really, I'm the lucky one. 'Cause not only did I find a hard worker, but I found a great girl. (Chuckles)", "Daisy: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Thank you, Ess! That sandwich really hit the spot! Am I gonna see you at the office tomorrow?", "Chloe: Yeah, I'm there every day.", "Billy: (Grumbles) Okay, I know you're upset at me for \"Dogging\" Chance.", "Chloe: Look, this actually has nothing to do with Chance. You are bummed out about Mac, and you just want company in your misery.", "Billy: No, I just want you to slow down a little bit.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Well... (Clicks tongue) My life is not about what you want anymore, so unless it has to do with our daughter, you can butt out.", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "Chance: (Clears throat) Is everything okay?", "Chloe: Yes. Billy was just leaving.", "Billy: So any juicy tidbits from the cellblock for our readers at \"Restless Style\"?", "Chloe: You just never quit, do you?", "Billy: No.", "Chance: Billy, I read the last article you wrote on Victoria Newman. I think I'll pass.", "Billy: Okay. But don't say I never offered.", "Chloe: (Sighs) I'm sorry about that.", "Chance: No, don't apologize for Billy. Besides, what's bugging me has nothing to do with him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I would think that you would want me to be happy.", "Doris: Are you happy?", "Sharon: Yes. I have finally met a man who doesn't treat me like I'm some poor, helpless mess.", "Doris: I think Nick and Jack treated you pretty well.", "Sharon: This guy, he just--he understands me on a level that they never did.", "Doris: It's not that I don't want you to be happy. It's just that you tend to rush into things.", "Sharon: That's not what I'm doing.", "Doris: When was the last time you were without a man? (Sighs) You've been through a lot. You lost a child. You can't tell me you have no feelings left for her father.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Mom, Nick and I are over.", "Doris: Oh, I've heard that before.", "Sharon: No, it's true. He has no intention of leaving Phyllis, and even if he did, you know what? I'm--I'm happy with Adam.", "Doris: Adam? (Stammers) Doesn't Nick have a brother named--", "Sharon: Yes. Yes. He--he is Nick's brother, but that has nothing to do with why I'm seeing him.", "Doris: Whatever the reason, you are asking for trouble.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Nick realizes he was completely out of line, and he deeply regrets his actions.", "Adam: Look, if you're just gonna continue to make excuses for him--", "Michael: No, I am just hoping that cooler heads can prevail, and we can all reach common ground outside of the courtroom.", "Adam: I would like nothing more than to let this go, but I can't. I've done nothing but play by the rules. Even though I'm qualified for a high-level position, I took my lumps as Nick's lackey. I figured that over a long enough timeline, he would see that I was a faithful employee. Eventually, the grunt work would end. And clearly, that was not his plan.", "Michael: I didn't realize that this punch was related to your position at Newman.", "Adam: No, not directly. But I realized I cannot let him continue these bully tactics personally and professionally, which is why I'm suing him and Newman.", "Michael: Hmm. Well, in that case, I have one request-- call Victor. If you're gonna sue the company along with Nicholas, you are essentially suing your father.", "Adam: That will be on Nicholas' head.", "Michael: Regardless, Victor deserves a heads-up. See ya around.", "Adam: Dad, its Adam.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: All right, I'm just gonna put the money in the safe and lock up.", "Daisy: Um, want me to stick around?", "Lauren: Uh, you know what? I think I've got it.", "Daisy: All right, see you tomorrow.", "Lauren: Okay, good night.", "Daisy: Good night.", "Lauren: Dai--Daisy? Is that you?", "(Rustling sounds)", "Lauren: What?", "(Rustling grows louder)", "Lauren: Daisy? What is that noise?", "(Rustling)", "Lauren: What is that? (Screams) (Gasps) Oh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Well, I say if Daddy Victor wants to come down here and defend his little girl's honor, then bring him on. Oh, speak of the devil. Um, thank you for your call. Have a good day. I'd ask what I could do for you, but I have a pretty good idea why you're here.", "Victoria: You're messing with the wrong Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Michael: Hey.", "Nick: What's up?", "Michael: Sorry I'm late. I ran into Adam at Crimson Lights. I spoke to him about keeping this whole mess out of the court.", "Nick: Was he receptive?", "Michael: Not at first, but then I encouraged him to call your father. I figured only Victor could talk him out of suing you, and he did. I got a call from Adam confirming it.", "Nick: That's what I want to hear.", "Michael: Well, let's not get all excited. In exchange for dropping the suit, Adam wants a promotion.", "Nick: Oh, here we go. (Sighs) What's he want? President? C.E.O.?", "Michael: Partners with you at Newman.", "(Nick's cell phone drops)", "Michael: Either he gets it, or you risk losing your position altogether.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: So Riggs faked an illness and managed to escape.", "Chloe: You mean the guy who stabbed you is out there roaming the streets? Just roaming?", "Chance: Yes. Look, don't worry. Everything's gonna be fine, though, okay?", "Chloe: All right, but what if he goes after you again?", "Chance: I don't think he has it in for me. But my question now is, if he was planning to escape, why would he call me? I mean, this-- this doesn't make any sense. I mean, unless... (Sighs)", "Chloe: Unless what?", "Chance: Unless-- I don't know. I don't know, but I can't shake this feeling that there's something else.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Daisy: Lauren?", "Lauren: Oh, Daisy! Daisy, don't move. There's a rat in here!", "Daisy: Oh! I just came back for my scarf, but now I kinda wish I didn't. What's with the lights?", "Lauren: I don't know. They just, like, suddenly went off. What the-- oh, my God. Where did the rat go?", "Daisy: Another rat? Do--do you think the person who sent the rat to Daniel and Amber's wedding sent this one to you, too?", "Lauren: Well, believe me, I'd like to think it was a coincidence, but I think I saw Ryder leaving the store when I got here earlier.", "Daisy: Ryder here?", "Lauren: Yeah, I mean, I saw him from behind, but, I don't know. Maybe it wasn't him. I am so freaked out. I-I have just gotta call the exterminator right now.", "Daisy: Y-you know, I wouldn't write this off. I mean, I didn't personally see Ryder, but the guy totally creeps me out. What if-- what if he did do this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ryder: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Okay. Just go ahead and say what you came to say. Just don't slap me again this time. I have a photo shoot with a local paper. Actually, they're-- they're doing an article on the blowout success of \"Restless Style,\" so...", "Victoria: Hmm. You know, you sit there, and you tally your web site hits and your little sales figures, and you don't even give a damn whose lives you ruin.", "Billy: Well, it's not like I'm making this stuff up, is it?", "Victoria: You don't care that my marriage might be over because of what you've done, and that my little boy might have to watch his mom and dad go through a divorce because you want to beat last month's circulation?", "Billy: You know, I didn't force you into Deacon Sharpe's bed.", "(Computer keys clicking)", "Victoria: No, you didn't. But since it's clear you don't know what it is that you did do, I guess I'll just have to find another way to make my point.", "Billy: Well, Sweetheart, I'm all ears.", "Victoria: Well, no, it's kind of a \"When you least expect it\" sort of a thing.", "Billy: Ooh.", "Victoria: You have no idea the trouble I can cause for you, do you?", "Billy: (Clears throat) (Mouthing words)", "(Computer keys clicking)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: How dare he even think he deserves that?", "Michael: All right, see, this is exactly the attitude that got Adam worked up in the first place.", "Nick: What are you talking about?", "Michael: Your father asked you to introduce your brother into this company respectfully. Instead, you took every opportunity to treat him like an underling. In doing so, you worked up somebody who already had a rather big chip on his shoulder.", "Nick: Yeah, well, maybe I was dismissive, but the idea of him even walking these halls is obscene after what he's pulled.", "Michael: Be that as it may, you ignored your father's request.", "Nick: And now I'm gonna ignore Adam's. There is no way in hell I'm gonna let this punk be my partner. Even Dad wouldn't sign off on that.", "Michael: Actually, it was Victor's idea.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs) Why can't she just be happy for me? (Sighs)", "(Knock on door)", "Adam: Let's make sure we lock the door this time.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Deacon: That little message we discussed? Why, I think it's time we deliver it.", "J.T.: Maybe I-I'll never be able to trust Victoria completely again.", "Heather: If you refuse to reveal your informant--", "Billy: All right, stop. You are not even thinking about charging me with a crime." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Lily and Cane begin to decorate the Christmas tree when Cane surprises her with a new ornament. At Gloworm, Jill and Colon have a drink together. Kevin and Chloe meet with the social worker from Child Protective Services. The social worker asks to talk to Delia. Daniel asks Daisy to move in with him. Sofia visits Cane and Lily and lets Cane know that the background check will be in soon on James. Hogan visits Gloworm looking for Jeff. Jeff sees Hogan and quickly hides. Phyllis objects to Daisy moving in with Daniel. The judge agrees to let Daisy move in with Daniel. After talking to Delia the social worker decides that this is just a false alarm. Billy visits Chloe to find out what is going on with the social worker. The background check turns out to be good on James. Colin listens as Jill tells him all about Cane, Lily and the twins. Colin lets Jill know that he had a son once, but had lost him. Lily and Sofia go out to eat at Gloworm where they run into Jill and Colin. Phyllis shows Billy the new edition of \"Restless Style\" with Sharon and Adam on the cover. Daniel insists that Daisy give the baby up for adoption, but Daisy refuses. Hogan gives Kevin Jeff's job. Hogan knocks Jeff unconscious. Cane and Colin come face to face. Colin asks Cane to come home.", "" ]
[ "(Sniffles)", "Lily: You look tired.", "Cane: Yeah, I'm okay.", "Lily: I know it's all those hours you've been putting in.", "Cane: Yeah, well, uh, you know, I took off so much time, so I suppose it's only right I do the work now, huh?", "Lily: No, I know. I just, you know, I feel bad that you've been so loaded down over Thanksgiving.", "Cane: Hey. What's this?", "Lily: What?", "Cane: Look.", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Cane: Under the tree. There's a--there's a box. I wonder, uh, I wonder who this is for.", "Lily: I wonder how it got there.", "Cane: I don't know. Hmm...", "Lily: Who's it for? Is it for... me? Yep. Can I open it?", "Cane: Uh...", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Cane: I don't know. Have you, um, have you been a good girl?", "Lily: Of course.", "Cane: Mm?", "Lily: You sly devil. What did you do?", "Lily: Oh, my gosh. (Gasps) Cane, this is so beautiful. Thank you. I love it. (Chuckles)", "Cane: I'm glad.", "Lily: You know that you got me another one last year for our first Christmas together, remember?", "Cane: Mm-hmm, I remember.", "Lily: I have it somewhere. Where'd I put it? See? Remember that? (Laughs) Oh, my gosh, we have had the most incredible year. I feel so blessed.", "Cane: You just wait and see. It's gonna get better.", "Sofia: Ooh. (Chuckles)", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: (Sighs) Hey. Hey.", "Lily: Hi.", "Sofia: You two are so sweet inviting me over to stay and decorate.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Sofia: But, uh, first, uh, Cane, um, while I was out, I got a call. Um, the background check is ready on our colleague from Australia. They're about to e-mail me the results.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Please join me.", "Man: Thank you.", "Blake: Yeah. Okay, good work. Well, it better be covered, or the boss is gonna deal with us personally, all right?", "Jill: So... you're from out of town. How long are you in for?", "Man: Mm... depends on how business goes. Why don't you tell me how long you've lived in Genoa City?", "Jill: My whole life. You're an Aussie. I have a son who's Australian.", "Man: Uh, how'd you do that? Have you ever been to Australia?", "Jill: (Chuckles) That is a long story.", "Man: Why don't I buy us both a drink?", "Jill: Great. (Cell phone rings) Hi. Ooh, I see you. Hello? Speaking. Wait, what? Where? Child protective services? What's this-- about Cordelia? Okay. Wait, what complaint? She's with her mother. Has something happened? Okay, yeah, I'll-- I'll be right there. Uh, Chloe, you better answer your phone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Look, I demand to know who called you. What exactly am I supposed to have done?", "Kevin: Let's keep our voices down. Whatever this is about, I don't want Delia hearing it.", "Woman: The party who placed the complaint said that you were taking inappropriate photographs and traumatizing the child.", "Kevin: What?", "Chloe: Oh, my God, that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.", "Woman: We take reports of child mistreatment very seriously.", "Chloe: Well, I can assure you that there was no mistreatment going on, Ma'am.", "Kevin: We were at a Christmas tree lot having our photo taken by a professional photographer. There was a million people around.", "Chloe: Yeah, and so--so what? We--we were goofing around in front of the camera. I mean, is there really a crime in that?", "Woman: Please, just bring the child back out here. I need to speak with her immediately.", "Chloe: (Sighs) I just don't understand who would have done this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Hello, Gloria.", "Gloria: My, my. First the Christmas tree lot, and now here. So who are you stalking, Jana? Me or Kevin?", "Jana: Look, if I have done something to offend you--", "Gloria: Other than break my son's heart?", "Jana: You know how sorry I am about that.", "Gloria: Of course you are. And Kevin may be the forgiving kind. I'm not. Excuse me. Well, well, well, if it isn't one of my favorite men.", "Hogan: Where?", "Gloria: (Laughs) You know I'm talking about you.", "Hogan: How are you, Beautiful?", "Gloria: Careful, careful. Flattery will get you any place. Table for one?", "Hogan: You take such good care of me.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) This way.", "Hogan: So how's business? Any problems while you were in Florida?", "Gloria: Not one. The place practically runs itself these days.", "Hogan: Great. Uh, you kids have fun?", "Gloria: Oh, it was absolutely heaven. First class all the way. Jeffrey rented a condo right on the beach-- dancing every night.", "Hogan: Jeff around, by any chance? I'd love to say hi.", "Gloria: Oh, I'm sure he's around here someplace. Why don't you have a seat?", "Hogan: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: (Sighs) You'll really let me stay with you until the baby's born?", "Daniel: Look, I'm not doing this for you, all right? Summer needs to be with her mom and away from you.", "Daisy: Summer in her room?", "Phyllis: Oh, my daughter's of no concern to you. (Sighs)", "Daniel: Hey, listen, I'm gonna check with the courts about seeing if we can change these arrangements.", "Phyllis: What--what-- what happened to, \"Hey, this is my mom's deal. I'm out of it\"?", "Daniel: Maybe I'm done letting my problems ruin everybody else's life.", "Phyllis: You're not doin' this. You are not moving her into your home. It's not happening. Forget about it right now.", "Daisy: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Now where were we?", "Man: You were telling me how Cane had come into your family, and you'd believed that he was your son.", "Jill: Yes, yes. He pretended to be Phillip for two years. He had us all fooled, and we're not unsophisticated people.", "Man: I can see that. So what did he tell you about himself?", "Jill: That he'd been raised poor with no real family, except for an uncle who raised him in the outback. Um, I really don't think that Cane ever felt wanted in his entire life.", "Man: What a sad story.", "Jill: Yeah, it is. He's fiercely protective of his family now. I mean, Lily and the twins-- they're his whole life. I think a big part of that is the emotional depravation he suffered as a child.", "Man: Lily's his wife?", "Jill: Yeah. They're so in love. And the twins-- they're just little miracles.", "Man: Tell me about Lily.", "Jill: Lily? Lily's great. I'm very fond of her. She was devastated-- well, we were all devastated when we found out how deceptive Cane had been. I didn't really think that I'd be able to have any faith in him ever again.", "Man: You're telling me you do now?", "Jill: Oh, Colin. Now I couldn't love or trust that man more if he were my own flesh and blood.", "Colin: Jill, you've got a big heart, and I really admire that. I just hope all this trust isn't misplaced.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: Ohh.", "Lily: So since Humphrey's mission in life is to eat everything he sees, then--", "Sofia: Oh, tinsel is out.", "Lily: Yes, out.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Sofia: Oh, that must be the e-mail I've been waiting for.", "(Ornament shatters)", "Lily: Oh.", "Cane: Uh, sorry.", "Lily: No, that's okay. Listen, no Christmas is complete without an ornament breaking, so don't worry.", "Cane: Listen, I-I'll clean it up. It's okay.", "Lily: Okay. It's all right.", "Sofia: Oh, this is it-- James Collier's background report.", "Lily: Wait, James Collier? Who's that?", "Sofia: Oh, that's Blake's formal business name.", "Cane: So, um, what's the report say?", "Sofia: Everything checks out. Credit's great, no criminal background, credentials are bona fide.", "Cane: (Sighs) Well, that's great. It means we can keep workin' with him, so...", "Sofia: (Chuckles) That is great, 'cause I have a stack of reports in my attaché that need analysis by tomorrow.", "Cane: Yeah, uh, hey, just give them to me. I'll run them over to him then for you.", "Sofia: Great.", "Lily: Wait. What about the tree?", "Cane: I think this tree is in very capable hands. Uh, besides, I have a couple of, um, errands that I need to run.", "Lily: Errands?", "Cane: Errands, yeah.", "Lily: Does it have anything to do with wrapping paper?", "Cane: Mm.", "Sofia: Honey, don't you know not to ask your man a whole lot of questions this time of year?", "Lily: (Laughs) Okay. You're right. Well, you take all the time you need to run those errands.", "Cane: Mm, errands. Thank you for being so understanding.", "Lily: You're welcome.", "Cane: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: You know, my little sister doesn't understand why she can't stay in her own room, or why she can't put up a Christmas tree with her mother.", "Phyllis: All right, Summer and I will spend a lot of time together after this is over.", "Daniel: Just not in her own home.", "Phyllis: Uh, Daniel, it's only a few weeks until this baby's born, and then she's going back to prison.", "Daisy: If I have any say in this--", "Phyllis: Yeah, no, you don't.", "Daniel: You don't have--no. You don't have any say in this. This is my problem, my kid. I'll take care of it.", "Daisy: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: (Quietly) What are you doing? What are you doing? You're gonna take care of it? Like you took care of it before when she drugged you and got pregnant? Come on. Come on. You don't know what she wants from you.", "Daniel: (Quietly) It doesn't matter what she wants from me. She's not gonna get it.", "Phyllis: How do you know that? She's crazy. She's a master manipulator. I don't want her taking advantage of you again.", "Daniel: Okay, so instead, you're just gonna let her take advantage of you.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. She's not gonna take advantage of me.", "Daniel: She is. She is taking advantage of you right now.", "Phyllis: No, she is not.", "Daniel: She is living here, and Summer isn't.", "Phyllis: Daniel, no. Daniel, that's not true. She's not taking advantage of me. I'm trying to protect you.", "Daniel: It is true. Look, I need to do this. Help me make this happen, all right? Call the judge and help me do this.", "Phyllis: Shh. Shh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Do you like having your picture taken, Delia? Yeah? (Chuckles) What about dressing up in costumes in front of people?", "Chloe: Right? Do we do trick-or-treat?", "Woman: (Gasps)", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: Okay, look--look-- look at this pictures. We're having a blast. She is giggling up a storm.", "Chloe: Yeah. We had such a fun time, right \"Boo-boo\"?", "Woman: We'll consider this a false alarm then.", "Chloe: You know, I would really like to know who was so interested, they felt compelled to pick up the phone.", "Woman: An anonymous caller, although even if I did know, I couldn't reveal any more information.", "Kevin: Hey, you, what do you say we get back to that tea party, huh?", "Chloe: Go with Uncle Kev.", "Kevin: Aw, come on. Let's go.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Woman: I am always glad when a tip like this turns out to be nothing.", "Chloe: Um, yeah, well, I understand that you were just doing your job.", "Woman: I'll show myself out.", "Chloe: Okay, thank you. Have a nice day.", "Woman: Uh-huh.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Kevin: (Sighs) She took off?", "Chloe: I swear, I was this-- I was this close to losing it.", "Kevin: Who the hell would have done this, and--and why?", "Chloe: I-I don't know. I don't know, but... (Sighs)", "Kevin: What? What?", "Chloe: Jana was there. I don't-- I-I saw her watching us. And, you know, she has a problem with our friendship. I know that.", "Kevin: I'm gonna go talk to her.", "(Knock on door)", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Chloe: Hi, Billy.", "Billy: What's going on with child services, and why are they calling about my daughter? Hmm?", "Chloe: So that's it. That's the whole story. It was really not a big deal, and it was a big misunderstanding.", "Billy: Yeah, wrong. People don't sic the authorities on innocent parents.", "Kevin: What are you implying?", "Billy: I'm not implying anything. I'm gonna go out and say it so you can understand. You are a lousy influence on my daughter.", "Chloe: What? No--no, he is not, Billy.", "Billy: Oh, come on. How often has \"Kevie\" here been involved in questionable activities with shady people?", "Kevin: Oh, you-- you are the last person who should be saying that to me given your history.", "Billy: Yeah, and-- and look at this. Hmm. So you guys, uh, playing house with my daughter? I mean, it's pretty obvious. Are you shacking up now? That's great. You gonna send out a Christmas card? Is that what's goin' on?", "Chloe: Okay, first of all, Kevin and I are not sleeping with each other. And that family portrait, that was a joke, and you're an idiot if you can't see that.", "Billy: Oh.", "Kevin: Uh... (Clears throat) I'm gonna go follow up on that angle we talked about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So have you and Malcolm set a date?", "Sofia: No, not yet. (Chuckles) But we are just happy to be livin' in the same city together.", "Lily: Yeah. I don't know how you guys stood to be apart. I remember when I thought that Cane was gonna be deported, it was... (Scoffs) Awful.", "Sofia: (Chuckles) Well, Malcolm and I both have jobs I mean, we both travel a lot. You and Cane, you know, you wouldn't have been separated by choice.", "Lily: Yeah, that's true. I don't know. I mean, I'm just--you know, I'm happy that it's all over, and that he's home with us and everything. I just wish, you know...", "Sofia: What? Lily, wh-what were you about to say?", "Lily: No, you know, listen. It's work. It's not my place, so it doesn't matter.", "Sofia: Lily, I want you to feel free to speak your mind around me, okay?", "Lily: No, I do. I--", "(Telephone rings)", "Lily: Oh, hold on. Sorry. One second. Hello? Yes. You do? Okay, great. I will be right there. (Chuckles) Thanks. Bye. Um, okay, so great news. Trumble's just got in the new shipment of \"Bumpy the Camel,\" the sequel, so I want to go and get it before they sell out-- sell out again.", "Sofia: Do you want me to stay and sit with the twins?", "Lily: Uh, no, no, it's fine. We have a neighbor that's down the street. Her daughter's trying to get her childcare badge... so she has dibs, but come with me, and we'll go shopping, we'll get some lunch...", "Sofia: And we will continue with this conversation?", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Footsteps approach)", "Blake: Surprised you're not celebrating.", "Cane: Well, that's because, uh, whatever I did to, uh, reinforce the identity I created for you obviously worked.", "Blake: Oh, come on. You're not dealing with amateurs here, Mate. You should know that.", "Cane: Well, that's a relief, huh?", "Blake: So the pressure's off now.", "Cane: Good news.", "Blake: But the bad news is, you're in a bar working. Back home, that's a hanging offense.", "Cane: Well, since, uh, everything came back clean, Sofia's decided to lump more work on you. Oh, I'm sorry, should I say lump more work on me? Since you wouldn't know the difference between a geothermal hot rock fracture system if it bit you in the butt.", "Blake: (Sighs)", "Cane: Right?", "Blake: You better do a good job, then. Make me look real smart. 'Cause we don't want to jeopardize those fat checks going into James Collier's bank account now, do we?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Cane is one of the most honest, forthright, genuine people I have ever met.", "Colin: You speak so highly of him.", "Jill: I know what he did was wrong, okay? But his intentions were pure.", "Colin: Why did Phillip go along with the deception?", "Jill: Phillip was in hiding. He was ashamed. I think he felt guilty because he'd abandoned all of us, his family. And then all of a sudden, there was Cane, and Cane had always longed for a real family.", "Colin: And...", "Jill: I think they thought that they could help each other out and heal some old family wounds at the same time.", "Colin: And you picked up an extra son in the bargain.", "Jill: Yeah, I did. I did. Boy, the first time I ever set eyes on Cane, I felt this connection. I can't even describe it to you. I think that I just saw myself in him.", "Colin: (Sighs) How do you mean?", "Jill: Well, never having had a real family, and feeling so alone in the world, you know, and always searching for where you belong, it can affect your whole life.", "Colin: Mm-hmm. I had a son once. I gave him everything I had. (Chuckles) And then I lost him. I'd do anything to get him back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: There is someone very anxious to talk to you.", "Jeff: Yeah, well, if it's Mark Hogan, I don't--", "Gloria: Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh. Mr. Hogan?", "Jeff: (Sighs)", "Gloria: Look who I just found.", "Jeff: (Laughs)", "Hogan: Hey, there, Jeffrey. Long time, no see.", "Jeff: Yeah, I was just on my way out.", "Gloria: Mnh. Honey, I think you can find time for one of our finest customers.", "Jeff: (Sighs)", "Gloria: Can't you? Mr. Hogan.", "Hogan: While you're at it, why don't you find that 15 grand you owe me?", "Jeff: 15? I thought it was 10.", "Hogan: It costs money to owe money. If you can afford fancy vacations in Boca Raton, you can pay me.", "Jeff: Yeah, well, there's Kevin. Maybe he can help us figure this out.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Gloria: (Stammers) No. No. No. No. She is trouble. You stay away.", "Kevin: What, are you the hall monitor now?", "Gloria: Hey, your judgment hasn't always been exactly right on, you know?", "Kevin: Look who's talking. You know what?", "Gloria: (Stammers) Stop--", "Kevin: Leave me alone, Mom, and stop meddling in my life.", "Jana: Oh. (Chuckles) Hello. (Clears throat) Where'd you come from?", "Kevin: Somebody, Jana, called child services accusing Chloe of traumatizing Delia.", "Jana: What?", "Kevin: You wouldn't know anything about that, would you? Would you?", "Jana: (Sighs) No, Chloe's, um, she's a wonderful mother. I can't... (Chuckles) I mean, just to think-- that--that's just-- that's outrageous.", "Kevin: Yeah, that's what we thought. Yet there we were in my apartment trying to convince a social worker that we hadn't scarred this kid for life.", "Jana: Well, is there anything I can do? I'd vouch-- I'd vouch for you.", "Kevin: No, I handled it. But you know what burns me the most, though? It's that whoever did this didn't for a second think about Delia, because had she been taken away from her mother, that's what would have traumatized her.", "Jana: (Sighs) Wow, uh, Chloe must really be a wr-- a wreck. Um, this isn't gonna go in any official file or anything, is it? I mean... come back to bite her one day?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Well, I'm glad you're not purple anymore, 'cause, you know, it's really not a good color on you.", "Billy: Yeah, all right. I'm sorry if I overreacted a little bit. It's just been a very rough day. I'm going on fumes.", "Chloe: Well, you know, you weren't totally off base.", "Billy: (Sighs) Oh, yeah? About you and Kevin?", "Chloe: I mean, you know me. You know, I've been chasing the whole \"White picket fence\" deal for pretty much my entire life. (Sighs)", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Chloe: And, I don't know, sometimes I wonder what I'm doing here. Why am I living in this apartment with Kevin? You know, taking funny pictures and making a whole caricature of, like, the real thing? Which is really funny, because you-- you're the one who would have an allergic reaction if you actually had to settle down, you know, and now look at you. You've got it all. You've got the house, the fence, the swing set in the backyard.", "Billy: Well, sometimes, the picture isn't as perfect as it appears.", "Chloe: Wow. Is... is that about Victoria? I mean, is she not pregnant like she was hoping to be? I'm really sorry.", "Billy: Hey, it's not your fault.", "Chloe: Are we okay?", "Billy: Mm-hmm. We're fine. We're fine. I just want to say hi to DeeDee before I leave if that's okay.", "Chloe: Yeah, okay. Well, for the record, you know, a little brother or sister... I would, uh, I would actually like that.", "Billy: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Thank you, your honor. That was the judge, and, uh, she thinks it's... a fine idea. She's very happy you're stepping up.", "Daniel: Perfect. Fine.", "Daisy: I'll--I'll go pack. (Grunts)", "Phyllis: Please be careful. Don't lift anything. Daniel and I will do that. (Sighs)", "Daniel: Thank you. Thank you for not fighting me on this.", "Daniel: (Whispering) I-if this doesn't work out, I will bring her right back here. I promise.", "Phyllis: There--there are groceries in the refrigerator. I want you to take them.", "Daniel: (Normal voice) Thank you. I... (Scoffs) I guess I'm gonna go help her pack her stuff.", "Phyllis: Wait a minute, Daniel. (Voice breaks) Thank you. (Normal voice) Thank you for giving me my daughter back. I know this isn't easy for you, and I'm really, really proud of you for stepping up. But listen to me. Please be careful.", "Daniel: I will. I will. It's not just a game - it's the game.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: My God, you have offered to raise Daisy's baby.", "Kevin: Ask me with a little more disdain in your voice.", "Jana: (Stammers) If you do this, y-you're never going to be free of her. Do you understand that? She's always going to be a threat.", "Kevin: Well, hopefully, she's going to be too busy making license plates for the next 50 years.", "Jana: That does not matter, okay? The point is is that woman is capable of evil, and nobody, no one, including the baby will ever feel completely safe.", "Kevin: All I know is the only way I can protect that kid is to raise her myself, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Hey, uh, thank you. Let me know if you need anything out here.", "Daisy: Things were really tense at your mom's. Maybe the baby'll be a lot less stressed here.", "Daniel: Daisy, I'm just trying to do what's best for everyone, okay? Well, guess this is where it all started, huh? Where you got me into this mess.", "Daisy: If I could go back, I would. I--", "Daniel: I-I don't need to hear apologies, okay? Amber, she could have forgiven me for having sex with you because you manipulated me into it. What she couldn't forgive me for was not wanting to have kids. And, well... (Clears throat) Now here I am being tricked into fatherhood, so thanks a whole hell of a lot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: Whew, I had no idea Bumpy the Camel was such a rock star.", "Lily: (Chuckles) Oh, yeah, big-time.", "Sofia: Well, so since I have you secluded, what was it you wanted to talk to me about with Cane?", "Lily: Um, yes, uh, well, listen. I don't want to sound selfish or ungrateful. But, you know, Cane has just been working so hard, and he's been pulling all- nighters for weeks now.", "Sofia: Well, I don't know why he's working extra hours, especially with Blake on board. You know what? If you want, I can ask him if he needs some backup.", "Lily: Oh, no, no, no, no. Please don't do that. I would be so embarrassed if he knew that I was complaining to his boss.", "Sofia: Lily, you are not complaining. You're just being a good wife.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Lily: Yeah--oh, sorry. Oh, it's Cane. Hold on. Hey, how's it going?", "Cane: Uh, I'm still out and about. Um, yeah. H-how are you? Is everything okay?", "Lily: Everything's good. Uh, we bailed the tree to do some shopping, of course. (Laughs)", "Sofia: (Laughs)", "Lily: Um, we're gonna go to Gloworm, though, to get a bite to eat. Do you want to join us?", "Cane: (Clicks tongue) Uh, you know what? I might be a while, so...", "Lily: Please?", "Sofia: Say, \"Pretty please with a whole bunch of sugarplums on top.\"", "Lily: Did you hear that? Sofia wants you to come.", "Sofia: (Chuckles)", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Cane: Listen, you ladies go. You have fun, okay? Yes, look, I'll be there as soon as I can, all right? I promise. All right, I love you. Bye. (Sighs)", "Blake: Well, the word around the bar is you're ruining the atmosphere.", "Cane: You know what? I'd really appreciate it if I could just get this work done so I can go and have lunch with Lily and Sofia if that's okay with you.", "Blake: Oh, that sounds good. I'll tell you what, um, I'll go keep the ladies company while you sit here and power through the charts and numbers.", "Cane: You listen to me, you little pissant, all right? I've had enough of your attitude for one day.", "Blake: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Back off, Mate.", "Cane: Mate? No, no, no, no. See, that's your mistake. I'm not your mate, all right? You're nothing. You don't give me orders. You're an errand boy. You're a lackey, all right? Lackey. There is one man pulling the strings, and we both know who he is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Look at me. I've just been sitting here monopolizing the conversation. I'd like to learn something about you.", "Colin: Well, I've been working for the Queensland government for the last few years.", "Jill: Mm.", "Colin: But I've recently, uh, returned to my previous profession. I'm in town to recruit an old colleague back into the team.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: I have no expectations, Daniel.", "Daniel: Good.", "Daisy: The way I was raised, surrounded by hatred, I would wish that on no kid. I-I don't know how to be a good mom. But at least she knows she'll be loved.", "Daniel: (Scoffs) Wait a second. You're--you're acting like you think you're gonna raise this child. You're not. As soon as you have her, you're going back to jail. Unless you give it up for adoption...", "Daisy: No, but Kevin said he's--", "Daniel: Uh, no, no. I know what Kevin said--that he wants to take it. No, there's no way I'm gonna let that happen. I want her to grow up far away from here, having no idea where she came from.", "Daisy: I won't. I won't give up this baby.", "Daniel: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Is Daniel nuts?", "Phyllis: I could argue it either way.", "Billy: Okay, well, I understand that he's your son, but--", "Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. Stop right there. He's my son. Right. Okay? And I'm glad I went after Adam. I'm glad, because it knocked Daisy and my son off our cover of the next issue of \"Restless Style.\"", "Billy: All right. Adam and Sharon, they are bigger news. However, the return of a vicious kidnapper seven months pregnant, that's pretty juicy stuff.", "Phyllis: Okay, right, yeah.", "Billy: And it is our bread and butter, mind you.", "Phyllis: Yeah. No. No. No. It's not. Listen. Get this straight. My son is a victim. She drugged my son, had sex with him.", "Billy: I know, which is all the more sensational, and people want to read this stuff. Look, here's my point. Everybody is fair game, even if their last name isn't Newman, okay?", "(Doorbell rings)", "Phyllis: That's our messenger. Our messenger with the latest issue of \"Restless Style.\" Thank you very much, John.", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: Behold. Are you ready to lay your eyes on our next issue before it hits the stands?", "Billy: (Chuckles) Lay it on me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: (Sighs)", "Kevin: Welcome back. You can thank me now. While you were gone, I saved your ass.", "Jeff: If that's all you came here to say, then... (Vibrates lips)", "Hogan: Hey, you might want to treat our friend here with a little more respect.", "Jeff: Yeah, well, I think our \"Friend\" here is gettin' a little too big for his britches.", "Hogan: Is that what you think?", "Jeff: (Grunts)", "Hogan: No civility these days. Such a doggone shame.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I have so enjoyed meeting you, Colin, and I hope that your visit here is a tremendous success.", "Colin: Well, thank you, Jill. Perhaps we could do this again sometime.", "Jill: That would be--", "Lily: Jill.", "Jill: Oh, Sweetheart.", "Lily: Hi, how are you?", "Jill: Oh, you have the best timing. Hi, Honey.", "Lily: (Chuckles) Hi.", "Jill: There's a new acquaintance that I would like you to meet. Colin Atkinson, this is Lily, Cane's wife.", "Lily: Hi, nice to meet you.", "Colin: Hi, nice to meet you.", "Jill: And his boss Sofia Dupre.", "Sofia: Hello.", "Colin: Well, you know, Jill speaks so highly of Cane. And now I-I've got these two lovely faces to go with the names.", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Sofia: Do I detect a New South Wales accent?", "Colin: Oh, she's good.", "Jill: Oh, she is.", "Sofia: Well-traveled.", "Jill: Hello, Darling. Hi.", "Sofia: I, um, work for McCall, Unlimited. Perhaps you've heard of it. We have a large project in Australia.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hi, you made it.", "Cane: I promised you I would, Baby.", "Lily: Hello.", "Sofia: Hey, Blake.", "Cane: Hey, Sofia.", "Sofia: Oh, hope we're not in trouble for, uh, ditching the Christmas tree.", "Cane: Uh, you know, I'll let you off the hook just this once.", "Sofia: (Chuckles)", "Jill: Colin, there's someone here I would love you to meet. This is my son Cane Ashby. Cane, this is Colin Atkinson. He's from Australia, too. I thought that you'd have a lot in common.", "Colin: Oh, yeah. I'll bet we do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Sighs) You know, not to belabor this--", "Phyllis: I-I--okay. Yeah, I know. I know. I know. Just open it.", "Billy: No, look, you and I, we need to come to an understanding if you want to continue with this magazine.", "Phyllis: I get it-- no sacred cows, I understand. I understand. I'll embroider it on a pillow. Just open that.", "Billy: Fine. I trust you...", "Phyllis: (Giggles)", "Billy: That you got my message.", "Phyllis: (Gasps)", "Billy: Ooh.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Billy: So is she a damsel in distress or evil temptress?", "Phyllis: Oh, that's fantastic. Oh, my gosh.", "Billy: This is a surefire hit.", "Phyllis: Absolutely. I can't wait to see it hit the stands.", "Billy: Oh, well, that's not all you-- that's not all you can't wait to see.", "Phyllis: Well, um, what? Sharon's reaction?", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Sure. How do you know me? (Clears throat) You know, Billy, I would have to agree with what you said before. There are no favorites. Everybody's fair game. But there are some games that are more fair than others.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I don't really want to talk about this anymore. This is a really small apartment, and unless the two of us can figure out how to get along, we're both gonna go crazy.", "Daisy: As long as you understand I'm not giving my baby up to some stranger.", "(Knock on door)", "Daniel: (Scoffs)", "Daisy: (Sighs)", "Jana: The guard said I could knock.", "Daniel: What are you doing here?", "Jana: May I please come in?", "Daniel: Uh, yeah, sure. Why not?", "Jana: Ahh. I stopped at Phyllis', and she told me that Daisy is here now. Hello, Daisy. These are for you. Welcome to your new home.", "Daisy: (Chuckles) Thank you.", "Jana: Mm-hmm.", "Daniel: You're giving flowers to the woman who almost killed you.", "Jana: Well, you know, I figured the only way to move past all of that is forgiveness. (Sighs) So no hard feelings.", "Daisy: Hmm.", "Daniel: Okay, we have now officially entered \"The Twilight Zone.\"", "Jana: Well, I know you're getting all settled in here, so I think I best be on my way.", "Daisy: Are you sure you don't want to stay and talk?", "Jana: No, another time. We'll have a nice, long chat over tea, see if we can come to some sort of an understanding, hmm? Okay, well, bye.", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: (Sighs)", "Kevin: Hey. Hey, where's Delia?", "Chloe: Uh, I dropped her off at my mom's.", "Kevin: What was so urgent?", "Chloe: What do you think? I want to know what Jana said.", "Kevin: Uh, Jana says that she didn't narc us out.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Okay, well, I'm sorry that Billy was such a toad.", "Kevin: Well, thank you for defending me.", "Chloe: No, no, thank you for being so terrific. You know, I'm--I'm not used to having someone to lean on and having someone to take fun pictures with. You know, we would be a really cute, little family. It sucks that we're just buds. Really. (Sighs) Such is life.", "Kevin: Such is life. Excuse me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: (Sighs) Man. (Sighs) This better not turn into another shiner. I had a hard enough time explaining where the last one...", "Hogan: I'm sure you'll think of something.", "Jeff: I should never have gone into business with you.", "Hogan: Oh, about that-- there's been a change in our corporate structure. Kevin's in charge now. You work for him.", "Jeff: You're joking.", "Hogan: I'm taking what you owe from your cut of the bookie operations. I'll expect a payment out of the till here every night.", "Jeff: Look, I'm sure we can discuss this like two--", "Gloria: Mr. Hogan. You're very bad. You haven't paid any attention to me at all. (Chuckles)", "Hogan: And now I have to leave.", "Gloria: Oh.", "Hogan: Life's so unfair. Isn't that right, Jeff?", "Jeff: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Blake: I'm so glad to meet you, Mr. Atkinson.", "Colin: Colin, please.", "Blake: Colin. Absolutely.", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Lily: So where are the shopping bags?", "Cane: They're in the car.", "Jill: You know what? Why don't we grab a table and have a bite to eat? Could you join us, Colin?", "Sofia: Oh, that'd be good.", "Colin: I'd love to. Let me get the bar tab, and I'll be right over.", "Jill: Great. Okay.", "Lily: Good idea.", "Sofia: What about right here?", "Colin: I'll bet you didn't expect to see me out so soon, given the fact that you put me in prison to begin with.", "Cane: (Whispering) You stay the hell away from my family. You got that?", "Colin: (Chuckles) Oh, that's funny. I thought-- I thought you and I were family. I think it's time you came home, Son.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Noah: You still want Adam, which means I don't want to know you anymore.", "Daisy: I'm not giving my baby to Kevin.", "Jana: You're gonna give it to me.", "Phyllis: (Grunts) Oh! Oh, my God!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Victor isn't happy that the judge rejected his plea and orders Michael to keep Sharon and Avery away from his case, because he has to take the blame for Diane's murder. Michael doesn't want to see Victor go to jail for something he didn't do, so he has a talk with Avery and subtly implies that she have Sharon hire her as a consultant on the case. If she finds any evidence to prove Victor's innocence, she is under an obligation to bring it to him Michael \"accidentally \" leaves a file behind that Avery and Sharon go through later. Sharon decides to risk losing visitation with Faith and get close to Adam to see if he slips up and admits that Victor didn't kill Diane. Nick tells Adam that he told Sharon that if she had a relationship with him she would lose visitation with Faith. Nick orders Adam to stay away from Sharon or he will once again be responsible for taking Faith away from her.", "When Sharon calls Adam, he refuses to see her, but she goes to his office anyway with Avery's tape recorder. She tries to get Adam to tell her what he saw the night Diane died, but he sticks to his story. He and Sharon are about to kiss when an angry-looking Nick interrupts them. Ricky sneaks into the police station and takes pictures of the Diane Jenkins investigation file before he goes to his interview with Billy for the editor in chief position at \"Restless Style.\" Billy tells Ricky he doesn't have enough experience to be editor, so Ricky tells him he knows that the police think Nikki killed Diane. When Victoria goes to see Victor in jail, he asks her to back up Adam's story that she saw him kill Diane. Victoria wonders who her father loves enough to throw his life away for. Nikki continues to drink because Victor won't let her tell the police the truth. Deacon tells Nikki that he saw everything that happened that night, and Victor killed Diane but he didn't do it alone. Nikki drinks even more and tells Deacon she wishes she could erase the last 6 months of her life. Nikki passes out on the couch and Deacon tells a sleeping Nikki that he will take care of everything. He calls to get two first class plane tickets to Las Vegas. Billy tells Victoria that he doesn't want to get married because he tried it, and he wasn't good at it, so they decide they don't need a piece of paper to be together. Victoria tells Billy that married or not, nothing will ever come between them again.", "" ]
[ "Deacon: What happened in the park-- if I told anyone, it would destroy your family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Yep, I'm looking at your résumé right now.", "Ricky: And I've got extensive samples of my work.", "Billy: Son, I'm sure you do, but we're talking about editor in chief of a national magazine. Maybe you should start with a, uh, staff job first. What do you think about that?", "Ricky: I'm just asking for a few minutes of sit-down. I bring a lot more to the table than you can tell from a résumé, and if you'd just meet with me, I-I promise you'll understand.", "Billy: I'm sure it'll be a revelation. Come see me in an hour.", "Ricky: All right, see you then.", "Billy: (Drops phone on table)", "Victoria: There he is.", "Billy: Hi.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Billy: Whoa! What's this?", "Victoria: Well, it's a... \"Whoo-hoo! I bought the magazine back\" present for you.", "Billy: One of Keely's chew toys? That's nice of you. I appreciate that.", "Victoria: No, it's-- it's a stress ball. You squeeze it. It's for stress.", "Billy: Ohh, nice. Yeah, thing's gonna get a workout. Thank you very much.", "Victoria: You're welcome, although I thought I would borrow it from you.", "Billy: Well, I thought the, uh, start-up with your brother was on hold?", "Victoria: Yeah, yeah, yeah, which is why I'm actually considering, maybe, going to work with my actually your family instead.", "Billy: With my family? Jabot? Baby--", "Victoria: Yeah. What do you think? Yeah?", "Billy: Nice. See, that is great.", "Victoria: Yeah, mm-hmm.", "Billy: There is life after Newman. (Laughs) Kick up your heels, carefree life, work with your in-laws sort of a thing. I like it.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, I couldn't exactly go and work for Newman with my dad there. Actually, my dad won't be there anymore, will he? He'll be in jail.", "Billy: Yeah? And your brother Adam will have his feet up on the desk. At least you don't have to worry about that yutz anymore. Mwah.", "Victoria: No, Nick will have plenty of time for all of us. (Laughs slowly)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Soak it all in. You'll be lucky to get a cubicle down in accounting after the board meets and decides who's gonna run this company.", "Adam: Yeah, they're gonna choose you, the guy who cost the company half a billion dollars, over the guy with a Harvard MBA.", "Nick: Oh, yeah, you got a fancy M.B.A. from Harvard.. It goes along with some criminal charges and convictions, not to mention your ongoing trouble with the S.E.C., which is probably gonna haunt you for the rest of your life. The board might let you make them some coffee, but run this company? No chance. Actually, who am I kidding? The board wouldn't trust you to let them take them their coffee, either.", "Adam: (Chuckles) Have you seen Sharon lately?", "Nick: Yes, I have, and we talked about how important it is that she stays away from you, and she couldn't agree more.", "Adam: Hmm. She didn't mention that when I saw her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I entered my plea. I killed Diane Jenkins.", "Michael: Victor, please, just--", "Judge Click: As I said, pending further investigation, the court declines to accept your plea.", "Victor: Your honor, with due respect...", "Michael: Victor.", "Victor: I loathe that woman, and I wanted her dead.", "(Gavel bangs)", "Judge Click: Order.", "Michael: That's enough. Please.", "Judge Click: Return Mr. Newman to his cell, please.", "Sharon: Will you excuse me for a moment?", "Avery: Yeah. Okay, the lead detective thinks there's more to this story. Clearly, so does the judge. Michael, this is your chance. Put personal feelings aside and let me help you prove Victor's innocent.", "Sharon: You didn't do it, Victor. Be honest. Tell me why you'd lie and say you're guilty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor confesses. He's already told the world that he killed Diane. Now what could you say that would make things worse?", "Deacon: Nikk, I gotta tell you, it makes me nuts seeing you all torn up like this.", "Nikki: What did you see, Deacon?", "Deacon: I saw everything. Victor did kill Diane... but he didn't do it alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You might want to rethink that.", "Adam: Just a simple statement of fact. Sharon didn't mention your anti-Adam chat.", "Nick: There's no way in hell Sharon would run off to you after the conversation that I had with her.", "Adam: You've been warning her away from me forever, so she's finally gonna start taking your advice now?", "Nick: Sharon knows, if she goes anywhere near you, I will revoke her visitation rights with Faith.", "Adam: Once again, you're using me and your daughter to punish Sharon for walking away from you.", "Nick: I'm just doing my job as a father to protect this little girl that cried herself to sleep every night while you let her mother rot in prison cell. Plus, Sharon's over you. She knows how dangerous you are and what it will cost her if she goes anywhere near you. So you want to tell me again how you two got together last night?", "Adam: Well, according to you, it didn't happen, so I guess it didn't happen.", "Nick: That's right, it didn't happen. You're blowin' smoke, as usual. You go anywhere near Sharon, and you will take Faith from her all over again. Can you live with that? Are you enough of a jerk to let it happen again? I guess we both know the answer to that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Talk to me, Victor. Help me understand. Why would you let them think that you committed the murder?", "Victor: (Sighs) We are not all like you. Some of us are guilty.", "Sharon: Maybe other people, but not you.", "Victor: Sharon, you're finally free, as you should have been all along. You look after yourself. You look after your kids. Don't spend another second worrying about me. No matter what the judge says, I'm guilty.", "Spencer: I can't believe you just blew this case.", "Ronan: This investigation is not closed, not yet.", "Spencer: Save it. We're not doin' it here.", "Michael: My client's not interested in your services.", "Avery: Well make him interested. Point out there are other options. Tell him he doesn't have to walk willingly into a cell.", "Michael: Because none of that ever actually occurred to me before.", "Avery: Try again.", "Michael: We're talking of Victor Newman, so on his behalf, thank you, but no, thank you. Oh, and before you mention it, I'm well aware that Sharon Newman is well within her rights to hire you for an independent investigation, and I also know that you're very good at what you do, and that you just might find proof that exonerates my client. Good and, of course, it would be your duty to bring that evidences to the court, even though it is contrary to what my client desires. (Sighs) I have no control over your actions. I just have control over my own.", "Avery: That's... very rational of you, Michael.", "Michael: I'm known for my rationality. I hope I didn't leave anything behind. (Sighs, taps briefcase) If you'll excuse me.", "Avery: Michael, what...", "Avery: Oh, my God.", "Sharon: What's that?", "Avery: Our shot at saving Victor from 20 years to life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Look, if you really saw something at the park, just say it already.", "Deacon: Trust me, Nikki, you don't want me to do that. You do not want to hear this out loud, but you know exactly what the truth would do to your family.", "Nikki: When would that be? How? When? When you-- when you go to the police? is that your plan? You're gonna torture me until you go to the authorities?", "Deacon: No, no, I-- nobody's gonna hear this, not from me. Look, I can keep this secret. I'll do it, for your sake.", "Nikki: And there's nothing in it for you.", "Deacon: Honey, what's in it for me is just being here with you, proving that you can trust me. I mean, come on, we had something good once. I-I think we could have something incredible again. It's--it's up to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: So of course, Nick needs to be at Newman so that Adam doesn't pull his \"King of the world\" routine again, but I can only imagine what kind of havoc he's gonna wreak on Newman this time. This thing works.", "Billy: Do you feel any better?", "Victoria: Huh? Yeah, I feel great. I'm just trying to break it in for you.", "Billy: Oh, continue.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Billy: Look, I'm sure, uh, Nick could use the distraction, not worry about Victor or everything else right now.", "Victoria: (Sighs) I don't want to talk about my dad. I don't want to talk about his confession. I don't want to talk about the fact that I never intend to speak to him again because of what he did to us. I don't want to talk about him. I will admit, however, that I am concerned about how all this is gonna affect my mom, but beyond that, it's not open for discussion, okay?", "Billy: Okay.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Okay.", "Billy: My lips are sealed.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: Which is pretty bad, because, you know, I can do some pretty amazing things with 'em.", "Victoria: Really?", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Are you trying to taunt me? Trying to lure me in the back room so we can do very wicked things together?", "Billy: Yes, I am. I am. I am, I really am.", "Victoria: Oh!", "Billy: Oh, wait a minute. (Clears throat)", "Victoria: What? What?", "Billy: Uh, I'm--I'm sorry. I-I forgot... (Slams hand down) I've got a meeting coming up soon.", "Victoria: Oh, okay. So we don't have time for wickedness.", "Billy: Mm, I like wickedness.", "Victoria: No, we don't have time, but we can do other fun things, like, we can talk about setting a wedding date. When am I gonna make an honest man out of you?", "Billy: I think it might be a little too late for that, so maybe we shouldn't even try, you know?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You and I--", "Deacon: No, I know that you can't see it right now, Nikki, but, Nikk, I'm loyal, and I--you know... (Sighs) I just think that we make sense in some crazy way. That we bake, all I want is for you to be happy again.", "Nikki: Excuse me.", "Nikki: Oh, I missed a call from Katherine.", "Deacon: Great, my biggest fan.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. Victor's being arraigned. I might be too late already.", "Deacon: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Listen to me. Malloy needs to stay out of this. You do as I say, and the judge will reconsider my guilty plea.", "Michael: Nikki doesn't want you doing this for her.", "Victor: I am confessing my crimes. This has nothing to do with Nikki.", "Michael: Oh, well, you think she wants you in prison?", "Victor: I am doing what has to be done. Now as for Sharon--", "Michael: Now that's another person who doesn't want to see you in a cell. Should I draw up the whole list?", "Victor: You make sure that she stays away from me, as well, all right?", "Michael: Why do you propose I do that?", "Victor: You figure that out. Both Avery and Sharon need to leave me alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: This is everything that the prosecution has against Victor?", "Avery: And what Michael would have challenged if--if Victor hadn't pled guilty. (Sighs) There's a confession. There's physical evidence in the form of shoe imprints.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh. Look. This is a page from Diane's diary, and it mentions Adam. Oh, and there's Adam's ridiculous claim that he saw the murder.", "Avery: Mm. Fully convenient that he offers himself up as an eyewitness months after the event.", "Sharon: Yeah, well, Adam loves a good lie, especially when it hurts Victor.", "Avery: Well, he's been charged with perjury once. If we can show that he's lying...", "Sharon: The judge would have to throw out Victor's plea entirely, then.", "Avery: No, no, no. She doesn't have to do anything, but would it affect her ultimate decision? I think it would. Now Victor is not gonna be pleased with this interference.", "Sharon: He can get as mad at me as he wants, as long as he's free.", "Avery: Well, we're gonna need some luck, and right now, the issue is Adam.", "Sharon: (Sighs) If only someone could get close enough...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ring (Ring) (Ring)", "Adam: Sharon. What can I do for you?", "Sharon: I need to see you.", "Adam: That's not a good idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You don't want to marry me, do you?", "Billy: To have, to hold, to trust, to honor, to forsake all others-- Baby, I want that with you like crazy. But we did the \"Father knows best\" thing, and it turns out this father is a bit of a moron, so...", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: Why don't we stay with the Hef and Bunny theme? You know, wild, crazy? Young, sexy...", "Victoria: Mm, mm, mm.", "Billy: You know, and just ride that train until both of us die side by side in our wheelchairs.", "Victoria: Hmm. Well, I do look good in a bunny tail.", "Billy: You do look good in a bunny tail. Now let's go to that supply closet and let's talk about this a little bit more.", "Victoria: (Chuckles) Wait, you have an interview.", "Billy: I know, I know.", "Victoria: You have an interview, and you know, it doesn't matter if we set a wedding date or not, because I am never gonna let you go ever again.", "Billy: I'm not goin' anywhere. (Growls)", "Victoria: (Giggles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You don't want to see me?", "Adam: I didn't say that.", "Sharon: Well, you didn't have a problem with my presence last night.", "Adam: I have a lot of damage control here at Newman. I've gotta put some fires out. Um, maybe if-- maybe if something opens up.", "Sharon: You'll pencil me in?", "Adam: Take care, Sharon.", "Sharon: He just blew me off.", "Avery: (Sighs) So now what?", "Sharon: Do you have that little tape recorder you use for interviews?", "Avery: What are you thinking? You're gonna get Adam to admit on tape that it's all lies?", "Sharon: It's almost impossible to get him to admit anything, but he might slip up. Some of the details-- enough to make the police question his statement.", "Avery: That involves you being in the same room with him. You sure you want to do that?", "Sharon: No, but I will, for Victor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Spencer: What the hell were you thinking? Months on this case--months! No arrests. You can't even narrow down the suspects. You get handed a confession by a man who's dodged a dozen charges before, and you block a guilty plea?", "Ronan: So forget lockin' up the right perp? What, any half-assed confession will do for you?", "Spencer: We have a guilty plea. We know who killed Diane Jenkins.", "Ronan: I once had a drunk in the tank that claimed he was on the grassy knoll.", "Spencer: (Scoffs)", "Ronan: Now would that have been enough confession for you, too?", "Spencer: You think your commanding officer is gonna see it your way?", "Ronan: If he's interested in solving this crime, he will, once I tell him there's evidence that Nikki Newman could be the killer, and that she's letting her ex take the fall.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Michael. I just came from the courthouse. I heard the judge rejected Victor's plea.", "Michael: For now.", "Nikki: What does that mean, \"For now\"?", "Michael: It was suggested that somebody else might have been involved in Diane's murder, so the court's waiting for more evidence.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Michael: Oh, oops. I'm sorry, I have to take care of this. Nikki, look, please, go home. There's nothing you can do here now, okay? Excuse me.", "Nikki: I'd like to see my husband, please.", "Nikki: Victor.", "Victor: What are you doing here?", "Nikki: This is all wrong. I know what happened, and I know what I have to do. Look it's my fault you're here.", "Victor: Stop this now.", "Nikki: Not until I make things right.", "Victor: I want you to get up, walk out of here, go home, or go to Katherine's, but get away from here, all right?", "Nikki: Get away from here and watch you suffer like this for something I did?", "Victor: Sweetheart, stop talking. You open your mouth, you're only gonna make things worse. Is that what you want? For things to get worse?", "Nikki: No, of course I don't. I don't like to see you herein this hellhole.", "Victor: Well, then, don't! Guard.", "Nikki: Don't, please.", "Victor: Would you kindly escort the lady out of here?", "Nikki: (Quietly) Please, let me fix it.", "Victor: Go.. now. Now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Oh, well, thank you for seeing me.", "Victoria: Yeah, of course. You said it couldn't wait.", "Michael: Your father would like to see you as soon as possible.", "Billy: Why is that, exactly?", "Michael: Victor just needs a minute of your time.", "Victoria: To say what? Is he changing his plea?", "Michael: Just... go see him, Victoria. He'll explain everything to you in person.", "Billy: And what if she doesn't go see him?", "Michael: Victor made the request. All I can do is deliver it. Think about it.", "Billy: Have a good day.", "Michael: I will.", "Billy: Look, Honey...", "(Elevator door closes)", "Billy: I know I've been encouraging you to stand with your family, but if seeing your father is going to, uh, throw you off or something, I...", "Victoria: (Sighs) Billy, my father confessed to murder, so he's gonna be going away for a long time, maybe for good.", "Billy: I know.", "Victoria: My father is gone. He's gone from my life, and it doesn't really matter if he's in prison or if he's not, so... maybe now is a good time for me to say good-bye to him... for good. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sharon, it's me. Call me when you get this.", "Nick: Hello.", "Avery: Hello. I'm glad you could make it. I have some very good news. The judge wouldn't let your father plead guilty. She's waiting to rule pending further investigation.", "Nick: Can a judge do that, just blow off a plea?", "Avery: if she wants to make sure there's nothing else to the case, yeah, she can do that.", "Nick: How'd you hear about this so fast?", "Avery: I was at the arraignment, per Sharon's request. She's convinced your father is innocent and determined to prove it.", "Nick: So she's dragged you into this now?", "Avery: She's so focused on clearing your father that she's walked into the lion's den with Adam, and she's with him right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I told you not to come.", "Sharon: Well, you and I say a lot things to each other we don't mean. I need to see you.", "Adam: Is this because of the stables? The kiss?", "Sharon: It's because of your father. I was his arraignment, and to hear him insist that he killed Diane, I just-- still can't imagine it.", "Adam: Well, some of us don't have to imagine it to see it up close and personal.", "Sharon: But that kind of rage... I thought I knew Victor.", "Adam: No. You know his dark knight shtick. Manipulating lesser mortals, convincing them that... convincing them that he knows best, but... I know the real Victor Newman.", "Sharon: To think that the man that I trusted and put my faith in-- I just can't wrap my head around it. How am I supposed to wrap my head around that?", "Adam: Diane defied him. She humiliated him. Those are two things that Victor Newman will not tolerate, so she paid for her sins.", "Sharon: So what happened, exactly? I mean, maybe if you walked me through what you saw that night, it would just help me learn to accept it.", "Adam: All the gory details, huh? You're not even bracing yourself, 'cause you don't believe there are details, do you? You don't think he did it.", "Sharon: Do you really believe that your father is the killer?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Sighs) (Inhales deeply) (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Spencer: That's right. Thanks to Malloy, you still have an unsolved murder on your books. He's right here.", "Ronan: Yes, Sir. Yes, Sir, but the evidence in the-- I know it's circumstantial, but I think it warrants further investigation that-- yes, Sir. No, I understand.", "Spencer: Screwed me out of a conviction and screwed yourself out of a job. Clear out this office. It's the last case you've blown for the G.C.P.D.", "(Door slams)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You let Sharon go see Adam.", "Avery: She's an adult. She doesn't have to ask my permission.", "Nick: It's a bad idea, and Sharon knows that.", "Avery: She found a logical way to get your dad out of a very difficult situation.", "Nick: Yeah, logic flies out the window when Sharon gets around Adam. After all the things that he has done to her, you send her to see him anyway?", "Avery: I didn't send anyone anywhere.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: The difference between you and me, Sharon, is that I don't believe people are inherently good. I know what they're capable of, and I've seen what my father's done.", "Sharon: Well, then, tell me what really happened. Once I understand exactly what he did, then I can see Victor the way you do, for who he really is.", "Adam: (Sighs) I'd like to help you on your path to reality, but I have a company to run, and you shouldn't be here anyway.", "Sharon: Why not?", "Adam: Because it's not smart. It's not what you need.", "Sharon: You always told me I could take care of myself, but no one gave me enough credit for knowing my own mind, and now you want to tell me what I need?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: And I have a separate list of references.", "Billy: Nice. I see that-- professors from journalism school. Do you have another one of these with references from publishers or journalists? Something I can use?", "Ricky: All right, I'm-- I'm just out of school, but I've got real-life experience.", "Billy: Hey, Man, I don't doubt that, and you have a great résumé, and like I said, you could probably just slide right in to a-a starting position a maybe even mid-level, but this is editor in chief.", "Ricky: I am a proactive, full-throttle journalist, kind of like the last editor of \"Restless Style.\" sure Phyllis swiped my photos, but it was an educational experience. You get the story, whatever it takes, and I took that lesson to heart. Now let me be perfectly clear with you. I'm not trying to pull a power play here or back you into a corner. This isn't quid pro quo. This is an aggressive pursuit of information based on the public's need to know.", "Billy: Wow. You were on the high school debate team, weren't you? I could tell, because my mind instinctively tuned you out after you said \"Full- throttle.\" Mm. The rest of whatever you said just flew right by me, a-and--and don't get me wrong, I like talk. I use it all the time, but this... (Taps table) This is print.", "Ricky: (Sighs)", "Billy: It's not radio, and, Son, I'm telling you...PR (Hits table) You're not ready, okay?", "Ricky: Yeah. Yeah, I am. You're back with Victoria Newman, correct?", "Billy: Yeah.", "Ricky: Well, I got bombshell news from the G.C.P.D. today, news that would blow Ms. Newman's mind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Victor: It down.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Victor: Thank you for coming.", "Victoria: Well, Michael made it clear that it was very important.", "Victor: Today's the day I entered a guilty plea for Diane Jenkins' murder and the judge rejected my plea.", "Victoria: So what happens now?", "Victor: It is obvious to them you haven't wanted to see me. Um... if you do as I say, you won't ever have, to look at me again.", "Victoria: What are you saying?", "Victor: I want you to verify Adam's statement, and I'd be locked up for life-- that you saw me kill Diane Jenkins.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Hey, come on--", "Nikki: Stop, leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone.", "Deacon: No, no, give me this. You don't want this, all right?", "Nikki: St n--", "Deacon: Nikki, Nikki! Honey, come on. Baby, come on, you don't want to do that.", "Nikki: Ohh, God. (Sighs) You don't know what I want. How the hell do you know what I want? You don't know anything. I just want... (Sighs) Yeah, I want--I just want, like, the last six months to... (Imitates explosion) Be gone, you know? No, no, I want-- I want the last year to be gone. Oh, God, please just make it like-- just make it like this year didn't happen.", "Deacon: Nikki, come on.", "Nikki: No, I-I always...just I always tried to help him, and it-- he pushes me away. He--he's pushed me away, and it is my fault.", "Deacon: Oh, come on.", "Nikki: It is totally my fault, and he knows it, and... (Sniffles) And he hates me. (Sobs)", "Deacon: Come on, Nikk.", "Nikki: (Sighs) God, I don't know how to fix that.", "Deacon: Nikk, come on.", "Nikki: Do you know how to fix that?", "Deacon: shh.", "Nikki: (Sniffles) No, I don't know what to do.", "Deacon: Okay. Well, listen to me. We can't erase the last six months, because then I wouldn't know you.", "Nikki: (Moans)", "Deacon: Knowing you has been about the best thing that's ever happed to me. Maybe it's the best thing that ever happened to you, too.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Deacon: You just rest. Just rest, Baby. Take it easy. I'm gonna take care of everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Ooh, oh! I'm so sorry.", "Avery: Sorry. I wasn't looking.", "Michael: (Chuckles) Well, preoccupied.", "Avery: Busy.", "Michael: Well, I hope there's no hard feelings with regard to my very firm insistence that you and Sharon not involve yourselves in Victor's, uh... situation.", "Avery: You simply made your point. No reason for me to take offense.", "Michael: So... you've backed off. You found nothing of use.", "Avery: Actually, today has been a real eye-opener in all sorts of ways.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You need to brush up on your research skills, friend. Victoria's father-- he already confessed. That's old news. We're not interested. Thank you for your time.", "Ricky: This has nothing to do with Victor Newman. The police have evidence pointing towards another suspect. They think that Victoria's mother might be the perp.", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You want me to lie for you. You want me to lie to the police. You know, I knew you didn't do this, Dad.", "Victor: There's a reason you stayed away from me because you think I've betrayed you. Now you do as I ask, and you will get exactly what you want.", "Victoria: Exactly what I want? At--what do you think I want? Do you think I-I want to see you locked up for something that you didn't do?", "Victor: I am guilty.", "Victoria: No, if you were guilty, you wouldn't be asking me to lie for you. You're trying to throw them off of this investigation. You're trying to throw them off so they stop looking for the murderer. Daddy, who do you care enough about to throw your entire life away for?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Yeah, hello. I'd like to make, uh, a reservation, please, for two, from Genoa City to Las Vegas. (Chuckles) No, no, no. We'll--we'll be traveling first class all the way. Great. Uh, as soon as possible, please. Thanks.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Deacon: Just be sweet to me like you used to.", "Nikki: You can't be serious.", "Avery: I knew you weren't completely over Phyllis, but you're not even over Sharon.", "Victoria: This seriously is worst thing that you could have done. I want you to get out!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Lily advises Kelly not to quit her job and be patient with Jack, because he will soon realize that Phyllis is his past and she is his future. Kelly tries not to give up hope about her relationship with Jack, but then she sees Phyllis and Jack talking about spending Christmas together and how special Christmas will be for them this year. Hilary gets jealous when she learns that Gwen really wants to pursue a relationship with Devon. Neil confides in Phyllis that there may be a treatment that could restore his sight.", "Adam feels sad when he sees Chelsea with Billy, and he is afraid he may never get back the life that he lost. Ashley's new employee, Tobias, turns out to be a spy for Victor whose job it is to find out information about Ashley's new perfume. Stitch is so upset to see Billy and Victoria looking like a family with baby Katherine that he gets drunk and passes out in Ashley's office. Ashley puts Stitch in the shower to sober him up before the big meeting tomorrow and the two end up making love in the shower.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: Oh, my God! Are you okay? What are you --", "Stitch: Whoa.", "Ashley: Whoa. Whoa.", "Stitch: Wait, whoa. What is it?", "Ashley: You're drunk.", "Stitch: Huh?", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Stitch: No, no, no. No. I'm just -- I'm just -- I'm just --", "Ashley: Whoa! Hold on there. We have an incredibly important research meeting tomorrow, and this is how you prepare for it?", "Stitch: Ashley, I swear --", "Ashley: Don't even bother, okay? I know smashed when I see it. You're smashed.", "Stitch: Oh, I'm -- I'm sorry. It's just --", "Ashley: Okay. Let me guess. It finally just sunk in -- Victoria's baby isn't yours.", "Stitch: Hey, Victoria. It's me. Listen, I'd like to see you and the baby. Once I finish up with work, I'll stop by. I'd really like to catch up.", "Billy: Hey, little one, I'm your dad, don't freak out, it ain't all bad, the good news is you got your mom, trust me, kid, she's the bomb. [Chuckles] What's wrong?", "Victoria: You used to sing that to Dee Dee.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Chelsea: [Sighs] Graham, what's up? Yeah. I thought we were supposed to look at fabrics tomorrow morning. Oh, yeah. No problem. We can move it to the afternoon. Mm-hmm. Did you send the sketches to Jack?", "Gwen: You didn't.", "Devon: Oh, I did. Yeah. I sang the entire song in my boxers. I was the hit at karaoke night, though. I was like a superstar -- rock star, actually.", "Gwen: How much you have to drink to be a rock star?", "Devon: A lot.", "Gwen: Oh, yeah?", "Devon: Hey, Hilary. This is a nice surprise.", "Hilary: Yeah. The night's just full of surprises.", "Phyllis: I appreciate your meeting me.", "Neil: Well, of course, Phyllis. Jack thought it was gonna be a good idea for us to touch base, so...", "Phyllis: It's a little awkward -- me taking your job.", "Neil: Yeah, well, don't feel awkward about it. I can't think of anyone better to, you know, head up Jabot's fashion line.", "Phyllis: Awfully big shoes to fill.", "Neil: I think you'll do just fine in your new position.", "Phyllis: Thank you. That doesn't mean I'm not gonna ask for your help.", "Neil: Phyllis, you can count on it, just like I know that Billy can count on your advice and support in r&D.", "Phyllis: Neil winters.", "Neil: What?", "Phyllis: You may not be able to see, but you have not lost a step, my friend.", "Neil: [Laughs] Very funny. You know, Jack has rearranged a lot of things here just because he wants what's best for the company.", "Phyllis: And I have high hopes that those changes he's made will work out. If they don't, I'm gonna have to do some rearranging of my own.", "Neil: Wow, Phyllis! Look who hasn't lost a step at all. I mean, your yearlong nap hasn't changed you one bit, has it, huh?", "Phyllis: Thank you, I think.", "Neil: Phyllis... we've had a lot of differences in our time, haven't we? But can I tell you that I am very happy that you're healthy and you're back here?", "Phyllis: Oh. I doubt everyone agrees with you.", "Lily: Oh, hey, Kelly! I have to talk to you.", "Kelly: Oh, yeah -- about the bears club banquet?", "Lily: No, no, no. There's a couple that wants to plan their wedding here, and they insisted that you do it.", "Kelly: It's not bad enough that Phyllis rubs her engagement ring in my face?! Now you expect me to plan her engagement party and her wedding, too?!", "Lily: No, no, no! I just --", "Kelly: I won't do it!", "Lily: Okay. Calm down. It's not Jack and Phyllis. It's another couple.", "Kelly: Sorry.", "Lily: That's fine.", "Kelly: No, it's not. I'm sorry I can't smile and be happy and friendly with clients and help them plan their birthday parties and their weddings and their celebrations.", "Lily: Okay, relax. Listen, why don't you just take a few days off of work, okay?", "Kelly: I think it would just be better for everybody if I quit.", "Jack: If there are any trees left on Christmas eve, I want to cover the cost of donating them to local shelters or safe houses or anyone, actually, who needs them.", "Amy: Oh, that's very nice of you, but somebody's already taken care of that.", "Jack: I can only guess who. Never mind. I-I'll make a donation. In the meantime, take this. I want to help in any way I can, okay?", "Amy: Well, have you picked out your tree yet?", "Jack: As a matter of fact, I have. Come with me. I want to impress my fiancée this year, and I think I found the baby. This is my tree.", "Victor: Well, too bad, Jack. That tree is already taken.", "Jack: First you take over Phyllis' medical care, and now you're gonna co-opt her Christmas tree?", "Victor: Do I need to remind you that I'm the one who gave Phyllis her life back -- something you obviously couldn't do? I'm here to make a charitable donation.", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're the one who called my assistant, insisting I come here to buy a tree.", "Victor: Are we paranoid now?", "Jack: Amy, send this tree to my house.", "Victor: Amy, I offer you double of what Mr. Abbott --", "Jack: I will triple it!", "Victor: And I will buy the whole damn lot.", "Jack: Are you really gonna one-up me at a charity?", "Victor: Do you honestly think I have to one-up you?", "Jack: You live for it!", "Victor: I live to make my family happy -- something you have a habit of interfering with, like right now.", "Nikki: Victor, you're fighting at a Christmas-tree lot, where people are here to try to do something good and decent? Amy, I am sorry. We will get back to you about the trees.", "Jack: Your husband's not here to do anything good and decent. He's up to something. I don't know what it is, but it's not charity. He's the one who tricked me to get here.", "Nikki: Really? I believe I asked both of you to come here so you could contribute to a lovely charity, but, as usual, you've turned it into something ugly.", "Jack: Maybe you're behind this, but he's still up to something.", "Victor: I am here to buy a damn tree, Jack.", "Jack: Or maybe you're here to get information on Ashley's new project at Jabot.", "Victor: Why would I give a damn about something that is bound to fail?", "Ashley: Drink it.", "Stitch: [Sighs]", "Ashley: Drink it -- all of it.", "Stitch: Hey, look, you don't have to babysit me.", "Ashley: I have to make sure that my brilliant chemist who solved the problem of my groundbreaking new fragrance is able to show up at the crucial in-house meeting tomorrow and not the hungover loser of the baby sweepstakes.", "Stitch: Ohh! Wow. Your concern is so touching.", "Ashley: You know what? I'm trying to speak plainly to you. Do you have any idea how much Jabot has invested in this project?", "Stitch: You know, you should cut your losses 'cause your love potion -- you know, it's a waste of time.", "Ashley: I know you don't really feel that way.", "Stitch: Yeah, I do.", "Ashley: No, you don't.", "Stitch: It hit me like a ton of bricks tonight.", "Ashley: No, it's just the booze talking.", "Stitch: Listen, drunk, sober, there is no such thing as true love, okay? It doesn't exist! It's a crock!", "Ashley: Ben... you had to have a good idea there was a chance this baby was Billy's.", "Stitch: Yeah, I know. I-I took biology. I was ready for that.", "Ashley: Then what weren't you ready for?", "Stitch: Seeing Billy and Victoria and that little girl looking like the perfect family.", "Billy: Yeah, I guess I have been singing that number for a while.", "Victoria: Yeah. You sang it to Johnny, too.", "Billy: Yeah, and to Dee Dee. [Baby crying] Oh. Lost your pacifier. There you go. All better?", "Victoria: You're so good with her. I don't know why that would surprise me. You've always had a way with the ladies.", "Billy: [Chortles] Yeah -- a way of making them hate me. Look what I did to you.", "Victoria: I survived.", "Billy: I-I should go. But you... are in great hands, kiddo.", "Victoria: Oh. Okay. Well, thanks for helping us. And thanks for the tree.", "Billy: Yeah. It looks awesome.", "Victoria: Yeah. We definitely do some things right.", "Billy: You know, I just -- I wish that -- [Chuckles] Better save my wishes for Christmas, huh?", "Victoria: Yeah. Oh, don't forget -- Delia's ornament.", "Billy: Thanks.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Sage: No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no! You can't!", "[Cell phone rings]", "Victoria: You... better get that.", "Billy: Yeah. [Sighs] Hey, Chels. What's up?", "Chelsea: I was wondering if you found someone to give our extra Christmas tree to.", "Billy: Yeah. I just dropped it off.", "Chelsea: Huh. Well, I'm sure you found it a great home.", "Billy: I did. So, um, how was your meeting?", "Chelsea: Oh, I just finished, so I was wondering if you wanted to meet me at the club for a drink.", "Billy: Sure. Sure. I'll -- I'll be -- I'll be there in a little bit.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Billy: I... I'd better get going.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah. Well, don't let us keep you.", "Billy: Listen, thanks for this. It'll be front and center on our tree. I'll make sure it gets its own spotlight.", "Victoria: Delia would like that.", "Billy: Yeah, she would. And I will expect one of these from you one day, peach.", "Victoria: [Chuckles]", "Billy: Okay? Well, I'll see you later.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. Bye.", "Adam: Get out of my way, sage.", "Sage: You can't talk to her.", "Adam: You can't stop me.", "Sage: You're not ready for this. You're going to risk everything. You have to leave with me right now.", "Adam: I'm not leaving yet.", "Jack: You know what? Take the tree. Take the whole damn lot if it'll make you happy.", "Victor: You have no idea what makes me happy, Jack, do you?", "Jack: Oh, I'll bet a little inside information about Ashley's project at Jabot might do the trick.", "Victor: Becoming delusional now?", "Nikki: Do I have to remind you two why we are here? We're trying to raise money for families who have no hope -- give them something to look forward to. And also, the trees that we have in our own homes are very significant this year, so we have a lot to celebrate.", "Victor: I am very much looking forward to seeing Summer open presents at the ranch with the rest of the family.", "Jack: And I'm looking forward to her spending time at my house, enjoying Christmas with her mother.", "Nikki: You're hopeless. You're hopeless -- both of you.", "Jack: You know what? I'll share. That's what Christmas is about, right? Time of sharing -- sharing time with your family, not trying to own them.", "Victor: You mean like staking a claim to Adam?", "Jack: I was a friend to Adam.", "Victor: I was his father.", "Jack: Yeah, I know, and if you hadn't blackmailed him when you found out he was responsible for Delia's death, he might still be here.", "Victor: You don't know a damn thing about my relationship with Adam, do you?", "Jack: You didn't have one.", "Nikki: All right. Will you two please stop this now? We have a new life to celebrate. We owe it to little Katie and our families to make this a time of peace. Now end this.", "Neil: You make it sound like people are rooting against you.", "Phyllis: Well, Neil, I've never really been the most popular person in this town, nor with you.", "Neil: That's ancient history. It was all a long time ago. You know, a lot of things have changed since then.", "Phyllis: Yep. Now I'm playing catch-up.", "Neil: That can't be easy.", "Phyllis: Well, it's really no different than what you're going through. I'm trying to find my way through familiar territory with blinders on.", "Neil: I am not gonna let that stop me from reclaiming my life or a full-time position right here. This is my home -- Jabot -- you know?", "Phyllis: Should I be worried?", "Neil: You should be looking over your shoulder. I'll get there soon, you know, but I got a ways to go before I work in anything other than an advisory capacity, because right now all I'm working on is, you know, not bumping into things and bruising myself.", "Phyllis: Darlin', you're not the only one.", "Neil: Really? The great Phyllis Newman? I didn't know you weren't bulletproof or bruiseproof.", "Phyllis: Well, you know what? Maybe I'm not as tough as I thought I was.", "Neil: Oh, come on. That's a hell of an admission for you to make. You know what I think? Here's some advice. You should strengthen yourself a little bit -- toughen up, you know? You were in a coma for -- what was it, a year?", "Phyllis: Yes, which means I cannot waste any more time. I got a second chance, Neil. I want to make the most of it.", "Neil: Somebody just echoed those exact words to me recently, and you know this person. Actually, they're a good friend of yours.", "Phyllis: Really? I don't have many of those. I bet it was Malcolm.", "Neil: Yeah, Malcolm. Yeah, Malcolm. He heard about my accident, and he stopped in to see me as he was going from somewhere to somewhere. You know him.", "Phyllis: Yeah. How is my old buddy doing?", "Neil: Mr. Smooth and charming is doing great. A successful career -- he's having a good life. But, you know, the most important thing is we sat down and we discussed some of my issues. He helped me face my blindness.", "Phyllis: That sounds like Malcolm. I'm glad he came by to see you. And, you know, Neil, facing your blindness doesn't mean letting it defeat you.", "Hilary: I didn't realize you two were seeing each other -- I mean, for real.", "Devon: Oh, we didn't plan this.", "Gwen: We just both happened to show up here. It's like we're on the same wavelength.", "Hilary: Oh, terrific!", "Devon: Yeah.", "Gwen: I'm not surprised, though. I could tell we clicked on our first date.", "Hilary: Well, that wasn't really a first date.", "Gwen: It seemed like it. Didn't it, Devon?", "Devon: Well, yeah. I think everything worked out the way we hoped. I know that lily and Neil believe that you're my girlfriend, so...", "Gwen: Ironic, isn't it -- how I pretended to be \"the one\" and now we're here on a real date? Who knows?", "Hilary: Well, this isn't a real date, either. And besides, Devon is still not ready to settle down.", "Gwen: I didn't realize how involved you were in your stepson's life.", "Hilary: Well, I don't really see Devon as my stepson.", "Devon: Hey, how 'bout I get another round for everyone? Be right back.", "Hilary: Listen, Gwen, you know, Devon really appreciates you pretending to be his girlfriend, but you don't -- you don't have to keep up the charade. You know, you can stop now.", "Gwen: This isn't pretending.", "Hilary: [Chuckles]", "Ashley: Yeah, just shut up and drink it.", "Stitch: All right.", "Ashley: [Sighs] And you know what? The next time you decide you're gonna be a stalker, maybe you should ease up on the tequila just a little bit -- make sure that what you're looking at through the window is really the reunion of a happy family and not just two divorced people that are sharing custody of their child.", "Stitch: You think I'm a real idiot, don't you?", "Ashley: For getting drunk the night before a meeting that could make or break a product that I've staked my entire career on? Yeah, I do think you're an idiot, actually. Tobias.", "Tobias: I...didn't expect anyone to, uh, be here this late.", "Ashley: Yeah. I'm kind of surprised to see you.", "Tobias: I forgot my tablet.", "Ashley: Okay. This is dr. Russell. He's heading up the, uh -- the product, the fragrance product. He's my chemist.", "Tobias: It's nice to meet you, dr. Russell.", "Stitch: Boom. Call me \"stitch,\" Toby.", "Tobias: You can call me \"Tobias.\"", "Ashley: Tobias has been transferred over from research. He's helping us out in the lab for a while.", "Stitch: Well, welcome aboard, matey.", "Ashley: You'll have to excuse dr. Russell. We've been working overtime, prepping for an important meeting tomorrow.", "Tobias: Well, I won't keep you. I just need to, uh, grab this.", "Ashley: Hey, Tobias, stop. I know what's going on. I know the real reason why you're here tonight.", "Victor: You're absolutely right, my darling. We owe it to our granddaughter to let bygones be bygones and embrace the Christmas spirit.", "Jack: I agree.", "Victor: In that case, just take the damn tree, Jack.", "Jack: I don't want the tree. Besides, you've already probably bugged it.", "Nikki: [Sighs] My God. I think you both missed your naps today. For heaven's sake!", "Jack: I wish you and your family nothing but the best for the holiday season. Enjoy your tree. Amy, got anything bigger than this?", "Amy: We have some 12-footers over there.", "Jack: Perfect. Let's look at 'em.", "Victor: Well, I tried.", "Nikki: Yes, I suppose. Now I have to get back to Victoria's. I promised her I'd help her with the baby. I didn't think you would mind.", "Victor: No, baby! Of course I don't mind. You go ahead. I have some business to take care of.", "Nikki: No more fighting. No more fighting, Victor.", "Victor: All right. All right.", "Nikki: Promise me.", "Victor: At least until after new year's.", "Nikki: Make it thanksgiving -- you have a deal.", "Victor: Okay. That's it. Right. All right. Um... Christmas trees are going fast around here. It's the, uh, lot in the park. Why don't you mosey on over here, okay?", "Lily: Kelly, wait. Just wait.", "Kelly: No, I've made up my mind, lily.", "Lily: No, stop it. Stop. You are not a quitter. You always fight back, so fight back now and don't let Phyllis win.", "Kelly: She already has!", "Lily: No, she hasn't. Jack is just trying to recapture something that doesn't really exist. He always ends up seeing her for who she really is, and he will this time, too. And he's gonna realize that his future is with you.", "Kelly: So, what -- I'm the anti-Phyllis?", "[Both chuckle]", "Lily: You know what? It's not a bad thing, okay?", "Kelly: [Chuckles]", "Lily: Please. Just tell me you'll stay, please.", "Kelly: I'll stay.", "Lily: Good. But still, take the night off. Just -- I don't know -- go get a Christmas tree or something, you know? It's the season of hope. Just don't give up on yours.", "Kelly: I'll try.", "Lily: Jack is gonna realize the past is just that.", "Kelly: I hope so. Thanks.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Adam: What the hell are you doing here?", "Sage: You made a deal with Constance. I am supposed to come to town with you.", "Adam: Well, maybe I said that, but there's no way in hell I meant it. I don't need you chaperoning, watching my every move.", "Sage: You think I want to be doing this right now?", "Adam: Well, I've given up trying to figure out what it is that you want, other than to make my life miserable.", "Sage: You shouldn't be here. You're not strong enough. You missed your medication today.", "Adam: You're right. I did miss my medication. Let's remedy that. Bartender, can I get a scotch, please? You know what? Make it a double, actually. Thank you. Perfect. Just what the doctor ordered.", "Sage: I am taking you home right now.", "Billy: Hey, tony, can you send a scotch over to my table? Yeah. Uh, actually, make it a double, like that one.", "Billy: Hey, you.", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Neil: You know, Phyllis, there's really no need to worry about me giving up. I'm actually in conference with a doctor right now -- this excellent doctor -- who's come up with this cutting-edge technique I'm excited about because it could help me maybe restore my eyesight. Nothing short of a miracle, huh?", "Phyllis: Well, you know I'm the poster child for miracles.", "Neil: Hey, um, any chance that you might share that poster with me?", "Phyllis: I will happily step aside for you.", "Neil: Thanks, Phyllis.", "Jack: Hi, you two! How's it going?", "Neil: Look who it is! It's Jack Abbott! Uh, I think we're finished here, right?", "Phyllis: Yes. Neil has agreed to ease me into my new position as head of fashion in exchange that I'm nice to your brother.", "Neil: Like that?", "Jack: Wow. You drive a hard bargain! So, since you two are finished, how 'bout we go for a walk in the park? It is a gorgeous night. The sky is full of stars.", "Neil: Oh, Jack, I didn't know you cared.", "Jack: You're welcome to join us.", "Neil: Oh, thanks, but stargazing isn't exactly at the top of my list, so...", "Phyllis: Hey, I'll hold your hand, describe the constellations to you. I can do that.", "Neil: Thank you, Phyllis. That's very sweet of you. Jack, you've got a good lady here. I-I'm hoping that one day soon I'll be able to look up in the night sky and see those stars for myself and all the beautiful people in my life.", "Hilary: Like I said, Devon and I -- we are both grateful to you [Chuckles] For pretending to be his girlfriend, but, um, you really -- you don't have to anymore, okay?", "Gwen: I'm trying to tell you I want to pursue something with Devon. I mean, why not? He doesn't have a girlfriend.", "Hilary: Yeah, well, there's a reason for that.", "Gwen: Oh?", "Hilary: Devon -- he's -- he's very picky about the girls that he goes out with.", "Gwen: Are you sure it's Devon who's picky and not you?", "Hilary: Me? Why would you say that?", "Gwen: I just get the feeling... that you don't think anyone's good enough for him.", "Hilary: Yeah. I guess I can be a little protective. But it's no secret that Devon has more money than fort Knox, and it has brought him his fair share of gold diggers.", "Gwen: And you think I'm one of them?", "Hilary: No. No. I'm not -- I'm not saying that. I'm just -- [Sighs] I'm just saying that Devon -- he's so much more than his bank account. He's sweet and he's sensitive and he goes out of his way to help people that he cares about and -- [Sighs]", "Gwen: Wow. The more you talk about him, the more interested I am in getting to know him.", "Devon: Hey. Did I miss something?", "Tobias: Ashley, I told you I came back to get my tablet.", "Ashley: Your tablet. I know.", "Tobias: Yes.", "Ashley: That's why the reason why you're here concerns me.", "Tobias: The reason?", "Ashley: Yeah. You're trying to put in a lot of extra hours to impress me, and I think there's something you need to know about this job. It's not the time you put it. It's actually the result of the effort you put in. Does that make sense?", "Tobias: Absolutely. I'll see you in the morning -- regular time.", "Ashley: Okay. See you then.", "Tobias: Okay.", "Ashley: [Sighs] Okay. Now where were we? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no.", "Stitch: Ahh.", "Ashley: No, no. You're not asleep. No, no. You have to get completely sober or you're gonna be too hung over for this meeting, and this meeting is too important. Come on. Wake up. Drink some more coffee.", "Stitch: Oh, please, please. No more coffee, please.", "Ashley: Come on.", "Stitch: Come on. No.", "Ashley: No more coffee?", "Stitch: No, please.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Stitch: [Sighs]", "Ashley: Well, then you leave me no choice. Take your clothes off.", "Stitch: Huh?", "Billy: To us.", "Sage: We should go right now.", "Adam: I'm not going anywhere.", "Chelsea: If we keep this up, you know, we might get arrested.", "Billy: You've never shied away from breaking the law.", "Chelsea: Well, neither have you, but maybe it's time we started acting like responsible adults.", "Billy: Mm. Do we have to?", "Chelsea: Just as least till we get home.", "Billy: What about Connor?", "Chelsea: Connor is with my mom tonight.", "Billy: Well, then, what are we doing here?", "[Both laugh]", "Chelsea: All right. I never thought that I could be this happy.", "Billy: Life is good.", "Chelsea: It's better than it's ever been.", "Billy: Let's go home.", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Neil: I'm glad you called.", "Lily: I needed a break from work. How are you doing?", "Neil: I'm -- I'm great. I am. I just met with Phyllis. Um, she's taking my old job.", "Lily: Dad, I'm -- I'm really sorry. That must have been hard for you.", "Neil: No, no. It's okay. I mean, it wasn't easy -- that's for sure -- but it is what it is. Hey, why don't we, uh -- why don't we go take a table?", "Lily: Yeah, sure. You want to sit at the bar or --", "Neil: No, not the bar.", "Lily: Oh, wait! Hey!", "Neil: \"Hey,\" what?", "Lily: Look who's here!", "Devon: Hey. What are you guys doing here?", "Neil: Devon?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Hilary: Um, Neil. Hey. I thought you had a meeting with Phyllis.", "Neil: No, I did have a meeting with Phyllis. We finished that meeting. Uh, and, Hilary, what -- come here.", "Hilary: [Chuckles]", "Neil: [Smooches] What are you doing here?", "Hilary: Um, I just -- I came to relax and grab a drink, and I ran in to Devon and his new friend Gwen.", "Neil: Oh. Hi, Gwen.", "Gwen: Hi, Neil. Nice to see you again.", "Hilary: Yeah. We were just getting to know each other better.", "Neil: So, uh, do you have room for two at your table, or...?", "Lily: Devon?", "Devon: Yeah. Do you mind?", "Gwen: Not at all. I like your family. They're just as nice as you.", "Billy: Is it giving you any ideas?", "Chelsea: The tree?", "Billy: Yeah. It's naked.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] Is that all you ever think about?", "Billy: What can I say? My appetite for you is insatiable.", "Chelsea: Uh, speaking of food...", "Billy: I wasn't.", "Chelsea: Well, I am. Okay. Don't laugh, but I was thinking tomorrow while you and Connor are unpacking the decorations and the lights for the tree, I'm gonna be baking.", "Billy: Really?", "Chelsea: Yeah! You know what they say -- if you can read a recipe, you can cook.", "Billy: Well, just because you can read a recipe doesn't mean you have to cook. It's not an obligation.", "Chelsea: Maybe it is a little corny. But I don't know. I was thinking about homemade cookies and egg nog and decorating the tree, maybe singing Christmas carols.", "Billy: It is definitely not too corny. In fact, it's just the kind of thing that's been missing from my life -- a family Christmas.", "Chelsea: It's karma, you know. You're feeling happiness right now because you gave someone happiness, like that family you gave our other tree to.", "Billy: Well, I was glad to brighten somebody else's Christmas.", "Chelsea: Who'd you give it to, anyway? Anybody I know?", "Billy: Yeah. Uh, I gave the tree to Victoria.", "Nikki: Well, little Katie is asleep like the angel that she is, and Johnny has informed me that he is not tired and he wants to read books by himself.", "Victoria: Hmm. Great. Thanks, mom.", "Nikki: Oh, it is a beautiful tree. I'm surprised you found time to go out and get one.", "Victoria: No, I didn't. Billy brought it.", "Nikki: Oh. That was nice.", "Victoria: Well, yeah. You know, it's Katherine's first Christmas, so he wanted to make sure that we had one for her. He even stayed to help me decorate it.", "Nikki: Did he?", "Victoria: Why are you saying it like that?", "Nikki: Like what?", "Victoria: I don't know -- like that it was more than Billy just thinking of his new daughter.", "Nikki: Was it?", "Victoria: Mom [Sighs] It's been a year since we split up, and there's been a lot of hurt and anger, so it's just nice for one minute to share a little joy with our daughter, like a family.", "Nikki: So, is that all it was -- just a minute?", "Victoria: I don't know. I can't ask for more.", "Nikki: Why not?", "Victoria: I just can't.", "Nikki: Is Billy gonna spend Christmas with you and the kids?", "Victoria: I don't know. I'm sure he'll come by and bring presents for the kids. But Billy's got his own tree, and I'm sure he has his own holiday plans with Chelsea and Connor.", "Nikki: What about you, sweetheart? What are your plans?", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Ashley: Pants, too.", "Stitch: [Sighs] Come on. Will you just take it easy? Why can't I just sleep this off?", "Ashley: No! And have you miss this meeting? It's too important to me to have you blow it over a broken heart.", "Stitch: You are cold-blooded.", "Ashley: No, I'm not. I'm just practical. Somebody has to be. Now, are you gonna give me your pants or not?", "Stitch: Mmm...not.", "Ashley: Okay. Fine.", "Stitch: Ohh! Ohh! Okay. That is -- that is freezing.", "Ashley: It's okay. It's gonna warm up. I promise.", "Stitch: Yeah?", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Stitch: Yeah, you're right.", "Ashley: Aah! Oh, no! No!", "Stitch: It's getting warmer already.", "Amy: It'll be delivered to your house tonight, Mr. Abbott.", "Jack: Thank you, Amy. Oh, and I'm sorry about that little run-in with Mr. Newman earlier.", "Amy: Don't worry.", "Phyllis: You and Victor still going at it? Some things never change.", "Jack: Victor will never change. So, I don't want to talk about Victor. What do you think?", "Phyllis: Wow.", "Jack: \"Wow,\" too tall, too short, too green, too --", "Phyllis: Too green?", "Jack: I don't know. Maybe you want some of that white stuff on it.", "Phyllis: It's perfect.", "Jack: What?", "Phyllis: Yeah. I mean, I'm sure I can find something wrong with it if I stare at it long enough.", "Jack: No, no, no. I like \"perfect.\" I like that -- just a little unexpected.", "Phyllis: Don't you get too used to a kinder, gentler me. I'm sure it'll only last for the holidays. But you're right -- the whole world looks good to me today.", "Jack: You're right. The whole world does look good.", "Phyllis: You getting mushy?", "Jack: No. I'm gonna do this. Ready to go home?", "Phyllis: Yeah. I'm ready.", "Amy: Oh, I'm so sorry. That one's taken.", "Kelly: [Chuckles softly] I know.", "Billy: Are you upset that I gave the tree to Victoria? It's Katie's first Christmas, and I just wanted to celebrate that.", "Chelsea: You -- you should. She's a huge part of your life. I'm glad you gave her her first tree.", "Billy: Victoria gave me something, too. Um... ...Dee Dee made it.", "Chelsea: Mm. It's beautiful, Billy. I'm sure this must mean a lot to you.", "Billy: It's like having a little piece of her with me. Victoria and I put that on our tree last year, and I was hoping that we could --", "Chelsea: Yeah, of course. We'll put it on our tree, this year and -- and every year.", "Billy: Thank you for understanding and for helping me pick up the pieces of my screwed-up life.", "Chelsea: Funny. I thought they were the pieces of my screwed-up life. I guess we were both a mess.", "Billy: Not anymore.", "Sage: What's wrong now? Oh, come on. We got a big one back at our house, cut from our own property. It's nicer than any of these trees.", "Adam: The size of the tree doesn't matter. To me, it's who you share it with that matters.", "Sage: All right, look -- you're gonna get what you want. You just have to be patient, okay? Come on. Let's get out of here. I'm freezing.", "Victor: You're late.", "Tobias: Had an unexpected run-in with my boss.", "Victor: Uh-huh. She didn't suspect anything, did she?", "Tobias: No -- just the opposite. Ashley thinks I'm completely dedicated to my work. She has no clue I'm working for you.", "Victor: All right. Keep it that way. Did you find out anything?", "Tobias: Not yet -- just invoices from France.", "Victor: You know the arrangement.", "Tobias: You want details about the top-secret product that Ashley's working on by new year's eve.", "Victor: Don't let me down, son.", "Victoria: I am gonna spend Christmas with the kids, and reed is planning to come sometime during the holiday.", "Nikki: Good! Then we'll expect to see all of you out at the ranch for a big Newman celebration.", "Victoria: Mom, as long as we have you and dad, the kids and I are gonna be okay.", "Nikki: You know that we are always there for all of you. But just try not to close yourself off finding love.", "Victoria: [Chuckles] I won't.", "Nikki: Okay. I'm just gonna tiptoe up and see the baby again. I just can't stop looking at her!", "Victoria: Thanks, Mom. Okay.", "Victoria: Hey. Ben, it's me. I got your message. Um, I guess we just keep missing each other, but I really want to talk to you. I have something to tell you.", "Ashley: What are you doing?", "Stitch: You said you wanted to help sober me up, didn't you?", "Ashley: This isn't exactly what I had in mind.", "Stitch: Me, neither, but it's working.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Summer: Mom, you know how much you mean to me.", "Phyllis: Really? Then is that the reason you gave up on me?", "Kevin: I am tired of watching you lie to Lauren, so you can tell her or I will.", "Jack: I'm sorry, stitch. You're fired.", "Both: No!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Luca tells Marisa that he doesn't know exactly where Ava is but he hired an investigator to find her. Marisa gets angry and leaves. When she comes back she eavesdrops as the private investigator tells Luca where he found Ava. Marisa sneaks off to this location and sees Ava. Luca arrives and urges Marisa not to approach their daughter because she might be scared. Marisa approaches her anyway and begins to cry. Sage tells Adam and Chelsea that she didn't fall in love with Adam Newman, she fell in love with Gabe Bingham and Adam looked like him. She says she doesn't want to wear out her welcome and agrees to move in next door when Adam offers. Chelsea gets the sense there is more to Sage and Adam's relationship than friendship. Nick and Noah give each other advice. Nick thinks Noah should give Marisa time and Noah thinks Nick should not be away from Sage at this time. Later, Sage arrives to tell Nick she is moving out but Nick says he needs to be with her and he thinks she needs him too. They kiss. Noah finds Kevin at the coffee house and complains that Kevin hasn't made finding Ava a priority. On the computer, Kevin finds out where Luca and Marisa flew to, that there is a school nearby with a student named Ava but something isn't right. Mariah tells Noah that she doesn't trust Dr. Anderson. Jack and Billy argue about the lawsuit against Jabot that Billy caused by relaunching the paragon project. Jack tells Billy to stay out of his way while he tries to clean up the mess Billy caused. Jack goes to Adam to ask him to drop the lawsuit. Adam says he won't do that but he has a way for Jack to come out unscathed. Jack has to let Billy take the fall.", "" ]
[ "Billy: Go ahead, Jack. Do it. Hit me. It's not gonna change the truth.", "Jack: What truth, Billy, that your obsessive need for revenge has hurt our entire family -- that truth?", "Billy: No, Jack. That you let Victor walk all over you and me and everybody else that you claim to give a damn about, including Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Stop right now! Stop it!", "Jack: What, are you gonna protect him now?", "Phyllis: Billy's right. You let Victor get away with despicable behavior.", "Chelsea: Sometimes I forget how you and I met.", "Sage: Oh. Well, that would be when I was pretending to be Mrs. Gabriel Bingham.", "Chelsea: Oh, yeah -- one lie of many.", "Sage: Well, it wasn't just Adam's lie. I was a co-conspirator.", "Chelsea: Well, I mean, you did a lot to help him. It wasn't just acting. So, something must have made you want to go out of your way for him.", "Sage: Well, uh, he looked like my best friend. That helped. [Chuckles] I don't know. You know Adam. He's charming and confident, intelligent, and underneath all of that, he's incredibly vulnerable. You know, he's -- he's a hard guy to resist.", "Chelsea: You fell in love with him, didn't you?", "Sage: Yeah. Yeah, I-I did.", "Adam: You fell in love with me?", "Kevin: Yes. Yes. Yes!", "Mariah: Sounds like this life-changing idea that your Swiss girl with the dragon tattoo has is really rocking your world.", "Kevin: I'm not telling you what it is.", "Mariah: Fine! But don't call me when you need to be bailed out of trouble or jail.", "Kevin: I'm not doing anything illegal. I'm just breaking new ground -- \"wow, I never thought in a million years this would happen in my lifetime\" new ground. It's unbelievable, unfathomable, un--", "Mariah: I get it. You're excited.", "Kevin: I can't remember the last time I was this excited.", "Mariah: And all over some yodel-hacking girl you met in the alps.", "Kevin: She happens to be a computer genius who has a huge idea. She doesn't even know how huge it is or how much money she stands to make off of it.", "Mariah: But you do?", "Luca: I'm starving. Do you want to go out, or should I order room service?", "Marisa: I'm not hungry.", "Luca: Well, we need food.", "Marisa: I don't want to eat, Luca. I want to see my daughter. Take me to see Ava.", "Luca: Well, we can't go yet.", "Marisa: Why not?", "Luca: I have a private investigator trying to locate her, and as soon as he finds her --", "Marisa: As soon as he -- you said you knew where she was.", "Luca: Yes. Well --", "Marisa: Was that just a ploy to get me to come to Spain with you?", "Nick: Whoa! Easy on the glassware, bud.", "Noah: I'm sorry.", "Nick: You want to talk about it?", "Noah: Uh, talk about what?", "Nick: Your fight with Marisa.", "Noah: Good guess.", "Nick: Well, you slamming the glasses around -- it's a good first clue.", "Noah: [Sighs] No, I don't want to talk about Marisa. What about you and sage? You guys okay? I mean, she is supposed to be here and she's not, and you're not supposed to be here and you are, so that was my first clue.", "Nick: Good guess, but let's talk about you first. What's going on with you and Marisa?", "Noah: Well, Marisa told me that she's gonna rush off with Luca to go find their daughter, and, um, I lost it and I said some pretty harsh things.", "Nick: Well, things have been pretty stressful between you two lately.", "Noah: Yeah. Yeah. They have. But it doesn't give me the excuse to act like an ass. I need to make this right.", "Nick: How are you gonna do that?", "Noah: I don't know. I need to find her, and I need to convince her to come back and be with me and to leave Luca and never look back.", "Nick: That'd be a big mistake, and you'll always regret it.", "Noah: A mistake? R-really? You -- you think that I should just let the woman that I love go? Of all people, I thought that you'd understand that.", "Nick: Hey, hey, hey. I understand more than you think.", "Jack: Wow! That sure says it, doesn't it?", "Phyllis: Look, I didn't -- beating up Billy is not gonna help a thing.", "Billy: I don't need you to come to my rescue, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Shut up, Billy! I shouldn't have lied to you. Neither of us should have. But Victor was making fools of us. He thinks he can toy with our lives without consequence. He deserved to be punished.", "Jack: And you didn't think I was ever gonna do that. Is that what you're saying? I have fought Victor Newman for decades. You know what I've learned? Getting down in the gutter with Victor is a losing proposition.", "Phyllis: I disagree.", "Jack: All it does is perpetuate the endless cycle of revenge our families have been locked in for years now. I would like that to end. I'd like to take the high road and negotiate some peace between the Abbotts and the Newmans.", "Billy: Is that what you were doing, Jack, when you decided not to tell me that Adam was still alive? You were taking the high road? Because guess what. This latest round of revenge and paybacks -- that's where it came from, Jack -- you lying to me. You, you ingrate -- keep you out of jail!", "Billy: You still don't get it, do you?! You covered for that dirtbag. You appeased him the same way you're appeasing Victor right now, and look what it got you, Jack. It got you a war anyway, because Adam launched paragon. It nearly destroyed both our families!", "Jack: And you thought relaunching it was the solution.", "Billy: Well, it's better than what you did...", "Jack: Oh, come on.", "Billy: ...Nothing.", "Phyllis: Okay. Please stop this. Okay. We can't do this. We don't have time to dwell on this. There is a new threat we need to deal with.", "Jack: What are you talking about?", "Phyllis: Victor's suing Jabot. He wants payback for everything he's lost.", "Marisa: You see this? This little girl is the only reason I got on a plane with you to fly halfway around the world.", "Luca: I'm here for our daughter, too.", "Marisa: If you know where she is, you'd better tell me right here.", "Luca: She's here in Majorca.", "Marisa: Where?!", "Luca: Money must change hands before I have an exact location.", "Marisa: You liar! You used our daughter to get me to go away with you!", "Luca: No. No. I wouldn't do that to you. I swear, Marisa.", "Marisa: [Sighs] If you're lying to me... I-I don't think I can take it.", "Luca: I give you my word. You'll be reunited with your daughter, our little girl, very soon.", "Marisa: [Sighs] I can't believe it's -- it's finally gonna happen after all these years. I...get to meet my baby. I wouldn't let myself believe it, that I would get to see her, talk to her, hold her in my arms.", "Luca: Have you thought about what you're gonna do next? Do you want to go back to Genoa city?", "Marisa: [Sighs] I don't know. There's not much left for me there.", "Luca: Well, you could stay here.", "Marisa: I don't know what the future holds, Luca. I just -- I want to be a good mother to my daughter.", "Luca: I want to be a part of Ava's life, too. We could...raise her together, maybe here in Spain.", "Marisa: I, uh... need some air.", "Luca: Marisa, wait. I've upset you.", "Marisa: When we left Genoa city, you told me you loved me.", "Luca: I meant it.", "Marisa: And you said that you would prove it by helping me find my daughter -- no strings attached. Did you mean that, too?", "Nick: I'm not saying you should give up on Marisa.", "Noah: Well, it kind of sounds like that.", "Nick: Things have obviously gotten complicated.", "Noah: Well, you know what they say -- \"three's a crowd.\"", "Nick: It's not just you, Luca, and Marisa anymore. There's a little girl involved.", "Noah: Yeah, but, you see, that doesn't change a thing for me.", "Nick: Maybe it does for Marisa. I mean, you said she and Luca went to find their daughter. Who knows what that means?", "Noah: Is this you telling me to not give up on Marisa? I-I --", "Nick: I'm just saying you need to give her the time she needs to figure things out on her own. She'll come back when she's ready. I know it's not easy, but it's what I'm doing with sage.", "Noah: How is sage right now? I mean, I heard that she had a hard time at sully's christening.", "Nick: Yeah. Uh...yeah. She's -- she stayed with Adam and Chelsea last night.", "Noah: What?", "Nick: Yeah. I think she's gonna stay with them for a while.", "Noah: No, dad. I'm sorry, man.", "Nick: Yeah. It's killing me. I saw her earlier. It did not go well.", "Noah: So, you just... gave up?", "Nick: I'm giving her the space she needs. I've been told that is the best thing I can do for her.", "Noah: Okay. Well, I don't know who the hell told you that, but I completely disagree. Dad, giving sage space right now -- that's the worst possible thing you could be doing.", "Sage: No, I-I didn't love you.", "Adam: That's what you said.", "Sage: I know that's what I said. That's not what I meant.", "Adam: Why don't you say what you mean?", "Sage: I never loved Adam Newman. I loved the man you were pretending to be.", "Chelsea: Gabriel Bingham.", "Sage: Yes. Gabe is the only man I've ever loved, besides from Nick, of course.", "Chelsea: Of course.", "Sage: You have to believe me.", "Kevin: If I can pitch this new technology to the Newmans and the Abbotts, they will pay a fortune to get their hands on it, and when I broker the deal --", "Mariah: You'll make a fraction of what you'd make if you stole it from her.", "Kevin: I can't do that.", "Mariah: Why, because you'd never do something so underhanded?", "Kevin: No, I wouldn't -- not to her.", "Mariah: Not to this girl? Kevin, do you want to get into her lederhosen?", "Kevin: You make it sound like I'm some creepy, lecherous old man trying to take advantage of this young, beautiful girl.", "Mariah: Wow. You didn't mention that she was young or beautiful.", "Kevin: That's because it's irrelevant. I'm only interested in her computer skills.", "Mariah: Yeah, right. I bet you want to get a hand on her skills.", "Kevin: This idea right now -- it's just a concept. It only exists in her head, so I couldn't reproduce it even if I wanted to, which I don't.", "Mariah: You haven't even told me what \"it\" is.", "Kevin: I know, because I'm not going to.", "Mariah: Okay. Give me a hint.", "Kevin: No.", "Mariah: Is it a time machine?", "Kevin: Nope.", "Mariah: A teleportation device?", "Kevin: No.", "Mariah: Is it a human \"mute\" button? You know, it would kind of be like a remote control but for humans, and then if they're talking too much or annoying you, you can turn it down to get them to shut up?", "Kevin: It's not that, although that is so appealing to me right now.", "Mariah: Are you seriously not gonna tell me what this is?!", "Kevin: I'm not because I can't trust anyone with this.", "Mariah: Not even me?", "Kevin: [Sighs]", "Luca: What did you find out? I followed the girl for a week. She has the same routine every day. After school, she goes to Santa Lucia park with her mother for about an hour and then home.", "Luca: So, she's probably there now. It would be very easy for me to grab her.", "Luca: No. We do this the way I said.", "Noah: I'm sorry. I shouldn't be telling you how to deal with your grief. I've never lost a child. I don't know how that feels.", "Nick: Yeah, I've been down this road before.", "Noah: Yeah, I know. And I know what it did to you and mom when Cassie died.", "Nick: That's what happens when someone's life blows up. You just try and hang on to a piece of the wreckage and hope you survive, and that's what I'm doing. I'm trying to stay afloat.", "Noah: And trying to keep sage from drowning, and I know that that must be a-a heavy burden to bear, and I know that you think what you're doing is right. Well, I-I just can't do the same thing with Marisa. I can't. I can't just sit back, wait for her to come around, act like I don't care, like she doesn't mean anything to me.", "Nick: That's not what I'm doing.", "Noah: I know that that may not be your intention... but keeping your distance -- giving her time and space -- it can come off that way, like you don't care.", "Nick: What if that's what she needs?", "Noah: I'll bet you that mom wishes she'd fought harder to reach you.", "Nick: It's different.", "Noah: Yeah, you're right -- it's different, because the roles are reversed this time. You make sage feel, so she's pushing you away.", "Nick: Son, I can't force sage to come home, just like you can't do with Marisa.", "Noah: No. No, we can't. But Marisa means everything to me, so I'm gonna fight for her. I'm gonna fight for her. And I think you should do the same thing with sage.", "Sage: Adam, every single time I laid in to you, it was because I was upset that you weren't Gabriel.", "Chelsea: That -- that must have been a very difficult time for you.", "Sage: Chelsea, I'm so sorry if I just made you feel uncomfortable. That's the last thing I'd want. You've been so kind and generous to me.", "Chelsea: No. You didn't make us uncomfortable, sage.", "Sage: I think I'm gonna be a complication, being here. You just got your family together, and now I'm here.", "Adam: Well, look -- I mean, it's a couple of nights in the guest room. It's no big deal.", "Sage: I don't want to wear out my welcome, and, to be honest, I left Nick because I needed some time alone.", "Adam: Right. Okay. Well, you know, I mean, in that case, um... our place across the hall -- our old place -- is vacant. Why don't you stay there?", "Sage: Do you think I could stay there for a while?", "Adam: I know the real-estate agent. She's a good friend of mine. I'll speak to her. We'll set up a lease. You stay as long as you want.", "Sage: You sure?", "Adam: Yeah, positive. Sounds perfect.", "Sage: Okay. All right. I'm gonna take you up on that offer.", "Jack: He also wants to be compensated for this latest round of losses -- the money he lost when Billy relaunched paragon?", "Phyllis: Correct.", "Jack: I told you this is what could happen.", "Billy: Oh, good. Here it comes -- another lecture on what a screw-up I am.", "Jack: You did screw up, Billy!", "Billy: I stood up to Victor!", "Jack: Yeah, and now we're facing a billion-dollar lawsuit that could bury our company.", "Billy: Bring it on. I'm not afraid of lurch.", "Jack: When is this gonna stop, Billy? When?", "Billy: When I crush that self-righteous bastard.", "Jack: What if he crushes you first? And not just you -- me, Ashley, everything our father built.", "Billy: That's not gonna happen.", "Jack: What, are you dumb or just naive?", "Phyllis: Jack.", "Billy: Oh, that's great.", "Jack: You don't get it, do you -- either of you? This man just lost his shirt. You thought he was dangerous before? You watch now. This time it could cost us our father's company, all because of your insatiable need for revenge, without considering the consequences, not just for you -- for all of us. Great job. Dad would have been real proud of you, little brother.", "Billy: Well, he'd be a hell of a lot more proud of me for standing up for the family name than he would have you for being such a coward.", "Phyllis: Jack.", "Kevin: Hey, hey, hey. I didn't say I don't trust you.", "Mariah: Fine! Then tell me what the next big thing is you and Heidi are working on.", "Kevin: You know what sounds good right about now? A peppermint latte. 'Tis the season, ho ho ho, and all that -- my treat.", "Mariah: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, big spender. You haven't made a dime yet.", "Kevin: Actually, I have. Chasing paragon has been a very lucrative side job -- two side jobs, actually. I'm collecting paychecks from the Newmans and the Abbotts.", "Noah: Don't forget about me. I, uh, also paid you to help me find Marisa's daughter.", "Mariah: Wow! Look at that! You can treat everybody. I'm gonna get extra sour cream on my burrito.", "Kevin: Sure. I'm in the mood to celebrate.", "Noah: Well, I hate to kill the mood, but I am not.", "Mariah: What's wrong?", "Noah: Kevin... I paid you to do a job, and you didn't do it. Now Marisa's run off with Luca to go find their daughter.", "Kevin: Dude, I'm sorry.", "Noah: Yeah. You look real sorry.", "Mariah: Noah!", "Noah: I'm losing my mind, worrying about Marisa, wishing like hell that I could help her find Ava. I paid you to do a job, Kevin. You didn't do it, Mr. Big shot.", "Kevin: Hey, I've been working my ass off, trying to make sure that paragon doesn't decimate Jabot and Newman.", "Noah: Good job! You failed, Kevin, just like you failed at helping me find Marisa's daughter.", "Phyllis: Jack is not a coward.", "Billy: You know what? The Jack I know never would have backed down to Victor Newman.", "Jack: Yeah. How did going head-to-head with him work for you, Billy?", "Billy: Well, at least I did something.", "Jack: Yeah, you reignited a war between the two families and accepted no responsibility for any of it.", "Billy: I stood up for the Abbott name, and I'm not going to apologize for that.", "Jack: No, of course you're not.", "Phyllis: We need to discuss a strategy here.", "Billy: Phyllis, there's nothing to discuss. You think it's my fault? Fire me. I'll go after Victor myself.", "Jack: He's suing all of us, Billy.", "Billy: Yes, but it's me that he wants to see suffer. So I separate from the pack, he comes after me, leaves the rest of you alone.", "Phyllis: We wouldn't do that to you, Billy.", "Billy: No, no. No, it's okay. Jack's right. I'm to blame for this situation, so why should the rest of you have to deal with it?", "Phyllis: Because we all want to see Victor suffer. Right, Jack?", "Jack: Yes. But there's a better answer than the way you two have been going at it.", "Billy: Oh, yes. Of course there is.", "Jack: You made this mess, Billy. Stay out of my way while I clean it up.", "Chelsea: Sage go out?", "Adam: Uh, yeah. She said she had something to take care of and she wouldn't be back till tonight.", "Chelsea: Oh.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Well, that was nice of you to suggest she move in next door.", "Adam: Nice because it's the right thing to do or nice meaning she won't be here anymore?", "Chelsea: No, nice that you care about her. It says a lot about your relationship.", "Adam: Friendship. Sweetheart, our relationship is a friendship. You know that.", "Chelsea: Yeah, I know, and you're doing what any decent friend would do, you know -- you're there for her when she needs you, and you're giving her a shoulder to lean on.", "Adam: Right. Let me ask you a question. Um... are you jealous?", "Chelsea: Stop it. No, I'm not jealous.", "Adam: Really? Okay. Then where are you going with this?", "Chelsea: No, I just -- sometimes it seems like there's, like, something more going on between you and sage that you're not saying.", "Adam: Like what? What do you mean?", "Chelsea: Well, you said you only slept with her once, right?", "Adam: That's the truth. Yeah.", "Chelsea: She says she's not in love with you, I know you're not in love with her, so... what is it, Adam? What is it you're not telling me?", "Nick: Th-that's, uh -- that's me.", "Sage: I-I-I see that.", "Nick: Well, I'm glad you're here. I'd much rather see you in person.", "Sage: You may not feel that way after I tell you what I have to say.", "Nick: That sounds ominous.", "Sage: I'm gonna move back in to my old apartment.", "Nick: The place across from Adam's?", "Sage: Yeah. He set it up. I'm gonna stop by the house a little later and get my things.", "Nick: Your things? How long are you planning to stay away?", "Sage: I'm not sure.", "Nick: Why are you doing this?", "Sage: I don't know. I-I just need to be on my own -- figure things out.", "Nick: You know, if that were true, I wouldn't mind. But you keep turning to Adam. Why, sage? Why can you share your grief with him and not me?", "Sage: I'm not trying to shut you out, Nick.", "Nick: Well, that's exactly what you're doing. I've tried to reach out to you, but you don't want my help. You'd rather talk to Adam, which I find extremely confusing, considering the way he's treated you.", "Sage: Adam and Chelsea understand that I need time. I thought you understood that, Nick.", "Nick: I'm not trying to pressure you. I want you to grieve in your own way, even if that means pushing me away, but I'm starting to think I'm going about this wrong, because all this distance is just driving us further apart. We need to be together right now. At least that's what I want. I want to hold you. I want you to understand that I'm hurting as much as you are.", "Sage: Nick, I --", "Nick: So, I need to say this. Christian is gone. He's gone, but we lost him together. I've tried talking to ministers and therapists and family and friends. I don't want to talk to them. I want to talk to you. Please talk to me.", "Kevin: Noah, there are billions of people in the world. It's a process. You can't expect me to find one kid when all you give me to go off of is her name.", "Noah: You're a smart guy, Kevin. You know it. I know it. You're always telling everybody how you can figure anything out.", "Kevin: I'm an expert in technology and deductive reasoning. I'm not a magician.", "Noah: That's too bad that you couldn't use your talents to help save an innocent girl from a destitute life. I guess it's not as exciting or financially rewarding as corporate espionage.", "Kevin: That's not cool.", "Noah: It's a process, only I thought that you made Marisa's daughter a priority.", "Mariah: Okay. Arguing is not gonna help find the kid. Now, you said that Marisa left with Luca, right?", "Noah: He said he was gonna take her to find Ava.", "Mariah: Okay. Well, find out where they went. And he needs more information, like a birthdate or something.", "Noah: She's 5 years old.", "Mariah: Okay, that's not a birthdate, so you need to call Marisa and find out.", "Noah: Well, that might be a little difficult at the moment because she's not really speaking to me.", "Mariah: What did you do?", "Noah: I may have implied something about the methods that she used to convince Luca.", "Mariah: I don't know why I'm trying to help you when you can't even help yourself!", "Luca: Heavens, Marisa. Where are you?", "Marisa: [Gasps softly] Ava.", "Adam: Okay. Thank you very much. I'll let sage know. That was easy. Apartment's all set.", "Chelsea: Great.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Uh, you know, we never got to finish our conversation about her.", "Adam: Right. Um... the truth is, I feel bad about the way I treated her. Sage was the one that helped me find my way back to you and Connor. Without her, I don't think I would have been able to do it. She sacrificed everything, and all I did was think about myself and what I wanted. I never once stopped to ask her what she wanted or what she was thinking about, so...I feel bad.", "Chelsea: You both have come a long way since then.", "Adam: I still feel like I owe her...something.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Adam: I'll get that.", "Jack: Chelsea.", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Adam: Did you want to come in?", "Jack: You've been saying you owe me. I'm here to collect.", "Noah: You think that it's okay to coerce a woman to come back to you with her child?", "Luca: Back off.", "Noah: Get out of here. I want you to leave -- now.", "Luca: Not without my wife.", "Noah: Your wife doesn't want you anymore, Luca!", "Luca: It's her decision.", "Marisa: Luca's right. It's my decision. Noah understands what I need him to do.", "Luca: I know it won't be easy. Believe me -- I understand. But it's time let Marisa go.", "Noah: If you hurt Marisa... I will find you.", "Luca: I intend to love her.", "Noah: Do it. Go for it. She will hate you every minute.", "Luca: You heard my wife. She wants this.", "Noah: She just wants her child back.", "Luca: Marisa and I had something very special. That kind of love never goes away.", "Mariah: If you keep accusing Marisa of sleeping with her ex, eventually, you're gonna get your wish.", "Noah: I know. I'm an idiot.", "Mariah: I didn't say that, but, yes, you are, unless you're trying to push her away, in which case good job.", "Noah: I'm not, although that is what dad thinks that I should be doing.", "Mariah: Nick thinks that you should push her away?", "Noah: No. It's just... in his own way, that's kind of what he's been doing with sage. He thinks that if he gives her enough distance that she'll just somehow suddenly come around.", "Mariah: Yeah. I bet I know who gave him that advice.", "Noah: Grandpa?", "Mariah: No, Dr. Anderson. She was in here earlier to drop off a gift for sully and then ended up staying to give Dylan and Nick unsolicited advice.", "Noah: Really? Advice that you don't agree with?", "Mariah: No more than I agreed with isolating Sharon from visitors.", "Noah: I mean, you can't really argue with the results.", "Mariah: Maybe.", "Noah: You really don't trust her, do you?", "Mariah: No, I don't.", "Kevin: Hey, guys, I found something.", "Luca: What are you doing?", "Marisa: I overheard you talking to your private investigator. I came to find my daughter.", "Luca: You can't just go up to her.", "Marisa: I have waited long enough.", "Luca: You may be her mother, Marisa, but she doesn't know you. If you approach like this, you'll frighten her.", "Marisa: No more stalling, Luca.", "Luca: No. We have to go through the proper channels -- do what's best for our daughter.", "Marisa: Being with her mother is what is best for Ava.", "Marisa: Hi.", "Phyllis: Sure that's a good idea?", "Billy: No, probably not.", "Phyllis: I'm just thinking something other than a liquid breakfast might help you see things more clearly.", "Billy: I see things just fine, Phyllis, and it's the same old story... Jack lecturing me about how he's always cleaning up my messes, telling me I need to fix my life, acting like my father instead of my brother.", "Phyllis: He's just looking out for you, Billy.", "Billy: Yeah, well, I don't need him to, okay? And I sure as hell don't need him to try and protect me.", "Adam: Jack, you kept my secret because you were trying to protect Billy.", "Jack: Which I didn't have to do.", "Adam: That's not my point. My point is you kept my identity a secret because you're loyal to Billy, not me, because at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is blood.", "Jack: Well, I'll try to remember that the next time your father turns on you.", "Adam: My father and I are fine.", "Jack: Oh, I'm well aware of your new allegiance. I'm also aware of your latest endeavor.", "Adam: You know about the lawsuit?", "Jack: Did you think I wouldn't know about that?", "Chelsea: Uh, lawsuit? What are you talking about?", "Jack: Oh, yeah. Victor is suing Jabot -- more specifically, Billy, but I'm sure Victor doesn't mind bringing the rest of us down with him.", "Chelsea: Adam won't let that happen.", "Jack: That's why I'm here. I want you to tell Victor to drop this suit.", "Chelsea: Of course he will.", "Adam: No. No, I'm not gonna do that. Jack, the lawsuit was my idea.", "Kevin: I checked all the international flights leaving Genoa city. Marisa and Luca flew to Majorca.", "Noah: Spain?", "Kevin: Mm-hmm. They checked in to a hotel a few hours ago. The area is really high-end. The hotel is five-star.", "Noah: Oh, that's great. I don't really care about their accommodations.", "Kevin: You will when I tell you what else I found.", "Mariah: So, tell us.", "Kevin: There's a school not far from where Marisa and Luca are staying, and at that school there is a 5-year-old girl named Ava registered.", "Mariah: Nice work!", "Kevin: I told you it's a process.", "Noah: Kevin, look -- I'm really sorry about coming down on you so hard.", "Kevin: You don't sound sorry.", "Noah: I'm sorry. This is great. Maybe Luca's telling the truth. Maybe he's taking Marisa to find her daughter.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, look at what else I found out.", "Noah: What the hell?", "Luca: Marisa, we must go.", "Marisa: I, um -- I, uh... like your teddy bear. I bet he's been with you since you were born. That's why he looks so loved. Is he your favorite?", "Ava: Yes. My mommy gave him to me.", "Marisa: [Crying]", "Ava: Why are you crying?", "Sage: I'm sorry you're in so much pain, Nick. I don't know what to say.", "Nick: Say you'll come home.", "Sage: I-I need time.", "Nick: I know what you said. But I cannot stay away from you.", "Sage: Nick, please.", "Nick: No. No more excuses. It's not working for either one of us. I love you, and I know you still love me, too.", "Sage: Of course I still love you.", "Nick: Christian died. Our love doesn't have to die with him. I don't want that.", "Sage: I don't want it, either.", "Nick: I want my wife back. I want us together... now.", "Sage: [Sighs]", "Billy: I don't need Jack fighting my battles for me, especially with Victor. I can hold my own with that... rusty old suit of armor.", "Phyllis: I have no doubt.", "Billy: Thank you. At least somebody has faith in me.", "Phyllis: Jack believes in you, Billy.", "Billy: Then he should listen to me. He should save himself from the rest of the family and cut me loose and walk away.", "Phyllis: You're right. He should.", "Jack: It was your idea to sue my family, after everything I did for you?", "Adam: Jack, you've always had my back.", "Jack: And now you're sticking a knife in mine?!", "Adam: You're my friend.", "Jack: Friends look out for each other!", "Adam: That's what I'm doing, Jack.", "Jack: By filing a lawsuit that could bankrupt my company?", "Adam: My father wanted way more than to just bankrupt Jabot. He was out for blood -- specifically, Abbott blood, more specifically, yours! And he'd secured the means to get it.", "Jack: What does that mean?", "Adam: Luca Santori's family made a major investment in Newman Enterprises. Now, I have it on good authority that my father was gonna use that money to exact his revenge on the Abbotts.", "Jack: So, this was your compromise?", "Adam: I convinced my father to take up his disagreements with you in court. He loved the idea of having the law on his side, he loved the idea of Jabot suffering major financial loss, and he loved the idea of Jabot suffering public humiliation.", "Jack: Oh, I'm sure he did.", "Adam: Let me tell you what he doesn't know. I've got a built-in exit strategy for you.", "Chelsea: And what is that?", "Adam: All you got to do is cut Billy loose. Jack, you let him take the fall.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Noah: Luca has been lying to you. Something about the story about Ava -- it doesn't add up.", "Chelsea: Do you really hate Billy that much that you would actually try to turn his own brother against him?", "Ashley: $50 million to make this go away?!", "Victor: You had a zero to that." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Billy had it out with Jack, after Jack changed the locks barring Billy from the family home. Billy felt that Jack was a hypocrite who was trying to push Billy out of the family. Jack felt that Billy was an embarrassment. Traci cried that their father would be ashamed of them both. Billy left after telling Jack that he'd always be his brother. Traci went with Billy. Jack's treatment of Billy dredged up Ashley's insecurities about not being a blood Abbott. Ashley noted that John, Billy and Traci didn't know Ashley was the product of her mother's affair. Jack assured her that she was family in every way that mattered and he told her that the truth wouldn't have made a difference to John. Jack decided to evict Brash and Sassy from Jabot. Ashley urged him to fire Phyllis too. Victor and Nikki supported Victoria after she revealed that the wedding was off. They were concerned when Victoria swore off men. Lauren got bad news about Fenmore's finances. Phyllis offered to help Lauren improve the company's online presence. Jack got a reluctant Lauren to agree to make a donation to the Abbott-Winters Foundation.", "Phyllis told Michael that she hadn't appreciated her spouse, and she urged him not to make the same mistake. Michael and Lauren had a private early anniversary celebration at the Club. Jack asked Phyllis if Lauren was having money troubles with Fenmore. Jack told Phyllis that she needed to let go of him so that they could both find happiness. Phyllis realized the relationship was really over. Traci promised Billy she'd help him and Jack heal their rift. Traci and Billy decorated the Abbott Christmas tree. Billy confided that he never felt like a full Abbott, but Traci assured him that he was loved and this was his family. Ashley met with Victor at the park because she was worried about Abby going through a divorce. Victor promised to make the holiday special for their daughter. Nikki spent time alone with Victoria, who felt bad about letting Travis get so close to the kids. Nikki offered her reassurance. Later, Victoria found Travis's photo id and stared at it. Billy dropped by and asked Victoria if she wanted to have a joint Christmas with the kids, but she opted to stick to the original schedule and spend Christmas day alone. Ashley and Traci made a pact to heal the family rift, like John would want. Victor had a surprise for Nikki – the jet was gassed up and ready to fly anywhere she wanted to go. Nikki was excited about the spontaneous trip.", "" ]
[ "Jack: What the hell?", "Billy: That's what I'm saying, what the hell. Where's the frittata?", "Jack: Get out of my house!", "Billy: Oh, no, Jack. Our house, okay? You don't get to be the arbiter of who's an Abbott and who's not. We all have the same father here.", "Traci: Can we just calm down?", "Jack: You don't want to be a real part of this family. You've already proven that.", "Billy: No, see, dad didn't think you were any better than me, and he proved that by the way he dished out the inheritance. Like a frittata. Is it in the kitchen?", "Traci: Okay, this is ridiculous. Ashley, say something.", "Ashley: Stop it.", "Jack: You are not welcome here!", "Ashley: Jack, stop it!", "Billy: You think changing the locks is gonna keep me out?", "Ashley: That was an oversight. We can have you another key made just like that.", "Billy: He knew exactly what he was doing. It goes directly against our father's last wishes, because he left this place to me, too. It's just as much my house as it is yours.", "Traci: Yes, honey. Of course it is.", "Jack: It was. Until you walked out not looking back.", "Billy: You want me to move back in? Legally I could go pick out a room right now.", "Ashley: Okay, you're really gonna start talking about legal things right now, Billy?", "Jack: Is that what you want to do? Try it! You will lose.", "Billy: Jack, you know, you pretend to have all the clout and the -- the cunning that dad had, but you don't. Not even close. You're no more john Abbott than I am.", "Victoria: Aren't you gonna say something?", "Victor: I'm not surprised, okay?", "Victoria: Well, I know you're not surprised. You promised not to say \"I told you so.\"", "Victor: Oh, I won't do that. Just gonna tell you that I think if you had married Travis Crawford, that would have been a bad mistake, so I'm relieved.", "Victoria: That's it?", "Victor: Yeah. Well, I'm disappointed for you. You know, I even tried to like the guy for your sake.", "Victoria: Yeah. I know you did, didn't you? [Chuckles] [Sighs]", "Victor: Come here. I'm sorry, my sweetheart. How are you?", "Victoria: I'm just starting to believe that having a successful marriage isn't in my skill set.", "Victor: Sweetheart, that's nonsense. You just happened to have been involved with two morons. You're charming, you have a good heart. I adore you. The right man will come along. I promise you.", "Victoria: You know, dad?", "Victor: What?", "Victoria: For the first time, I'm starting to realize that I don't want or need a man to complete my life.", "Victor: Oh, come on now.", "Nikki: Well? Look what I've got.", "Jack: I will freely admit I am not the man my father was, but I can't believe you have the audacity to measure yourself against John Abbott!", "Traci: Okay, this has gone too far.", "Ashley: Traci's right. Okay, separate corners. Jack. Go.", "Billy: You know what, Jack? Jill's my mother, and Dina's yours. That doesn't make me any less an Abbott than you are. And you think changing the locks and proclaiming who gets to come in the house and who doesn't is gonna change any of that? No, it's not, because I'm John Abbott's son just as much as you are.", "Jack: You are an embarrassment to this family!", "Traci: Jack!", "Billy: And you're a saint? Huh? You seem to be forgetting the affair that you had with my mother, the one that caused our father's stroke.", "Traci: Okay, stop this, both of you!", "Jack: So that's what you're using to justify what you did to me?!", "Billy: Horrible what I did to you. But at least I own it, Jack. Yet somehow what I did is so much more unforgivable than what you did, sleeping with your own father's wife.", "Traci: Okay, back off, both of you! Stop it! What is unforgivable is that both of you are forgetting who your father was! He would not want this going on! You're dragging each other through the dirt like this! And if he were here, he would be utterly ashamed of you both!", "Jack: Traci, get him out of here.", "Traci: Come on.", "Jack: Please.", "Traci: Come on, you and me. Let's go. Let's go!", "Billy: We're still brothers, Jack. We're always gonna be brothers. Can't change DNA.", "Jack: I am sorry I put you and Traci through that. I cannot deal with that, not in this house! Ash? Ash, what is it?", "Ashley: I'm less of an Abbott than Billy. Are you gonna lock me out, too?", "Lauren: That can't be right. No, no, no, no, no. You check those numbers again.", "Michael: [Growling] [Chuckles]", "Lauren: Uh, could you review that data and text me the updates? Thank you. Bye. Well, this is a nice surprise.", "Michael: Hmm. Maybe not so nice. I have some bad news about tomorrow.", "Lauren: Tomorrow?", "Michael: Our anniversary.", "Lauren: Oh! Honey, I'm so sorry. I'm still in work mode. Uh, what about it?", "Michael: I'm sorry. Um, I'm gonna have to cancel our dinner plans. I've got to -- I've got to be at a deposition all day tomorrow.", "Lauren: That's okay. Look, things are crazy right now anyway. Let's just -- we'll celebrate it another time.", "Michael: No, I wanted to make this special.", "Lauren: [Sighs]", "Michael: What? What's wrong?", "Phyllis: It's somebody's anniversary!", "[Cell phone rings]", "Michael: [Chuckles]", "Lauren: Excuse me. Yes?", "Phyllis: What's with her?", "Michael: Fenmore's. Same ol', same ol'. It's just one of those days.", "Lauren: Sorry, guys.", "Phyllis: Michael filled me in. He said things are a bit stressful at Fenmore's right now?", "Michael: What? I know when you're having a bad day.", "Lauren: [Scoffs] Delivery issues, you know. It's always a pain between black Friday and Christmas.", "Michael: She'll handle it.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Michael: My wife, the world's smartest retailer. Oh, wait. Okay, it looks like it's my turn. Talk amongst yourselves.", "Lauren: Will do.", "Michael: Hello?", "Lauren: [Sighs]", "Phyllis: Why do I get the feeling things are not as rosy as you're making them out to be?", "Lauren: Fenmore's sales, they go up and down, and right now we're down.", "Phyllis: During the holidays?", "Lauren: There's still time. We will recoup, and we always do.", "Phyllis: Yes. You always do.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Nobody can get through the biggest buying seasons without going to the mall or Fenmore's. My mom at Christmastime, she would take me and my sister to shop. And you are not doing good. Lauren. How bad is it?", "Lauren: I'll admit it's, uh, it's a little rough right now. But you know what? We'll get through it. We always do.", "Jack: No more awful talk like that. Of course you're an Abbott.", "Ashley: You started it.", "Jack: That wasn't aimed at you.", "Ashley: It's the truth, though, Jack. I mean, you're talking about Abbott blood. Because of our mother's affair, I don't have --", "Jack: You are my sister in every way that matters.", "Ashley: Well, this, uh, family breakfast seemed like a good idea at the time, you know. We were worried about you and thought you needed it.", "Jack: I appreciated the gesture.", "Ashley: I think we made things a lot worse.", "Jack: No, no, that's not true.", "Ashley: I'm gonna get going.", "Jack: No, no. Let's clear this up first. Billy had that coming. Ash, if I was insensitive to you, I am sorry. I'm sorry.", "Ashley: It's just the way you said it, Jack. Like bringing up Billy's mother and his birthright, like you're the real Abbott and we're not real Abbotts. Is that how you feel?", "Jack: No, no, no, no. You? Not you. Not -- not ever! I went after Billy because of what he did to me and to this family, not because of who his mother is!", "Ashley: But you still said it.", "Jack: I have never loved you one iota less because of who your biological father is. You know that.", "Ashley: I know, I know! I guess it's weird, isn't it? I'm a fraud. Isn't that strange that Billy and Traci don't even know?", "Jack: It shouldn't matter at all to you or anyone. Ash, it wouldn't have mattered to dad.", "Ashley: He didn't know.", "Jack: It wouldn't have made a difference.", "Ashley: Jack, we're never --", "Jack: No, I do know that. Ashley, look at me. You were his favorite.", "Ashley: [Chuckles tearfully]", "Jack: You were! If he was alive right now, he'd want you running the company! He trusted you a lot more than he trusted me, God knows! I'll tell you something else. He would have been over the moon about JabotGo.", "Ashley: It's the hottest downloaded app. [Sniffles]", "Jack: You don't have to tell me about that. You have single-handedly re- ignited our business and given brash & sassy a run for their money.", "Ashley: What are you thinking?", "Jack: I'm thinking maybe it's time to make a change, starting with getting our building back. I think it's time to throw brash & sassy to the curb.", "Ashley: What you're really saying is that you want to punish Billy some more, isn't it?", "Nikki: Oh, honey, I am so sorry. If I had known the wedding was called off, I never would have picked this dress up.", "Victoria: Mom, it's okay. You didn't know. It's fine. I just... the good news is, I won't have to be wearing one of these things ever again, so maybe I'm just gonna burn it.", "Victor: Oh! Then we'll have a bonfire at the ranch.", "Nikki: Victor!", "Victoria: No, mom, he's just being honest. You didn't think it was for real, either, did you?", "Nikki: Well, honey, I had hoped that it was.", "Victoria: Why didn't you just say something to me?", "Nikki: I did try, but I didn't think you were listening.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, you're probably right.", "Nikki: All right, so that's fine. You move on to the rest of your life. I will take care of this wedding dress. I will donate it.", "Victoria: Oh, there's a great idea. Thank you.", "Nikki: And we can have your father take care of Travis. Where do we find him?", "Victoria: He's gone. He checked out of the athletic club this morning.", "Victor: Oh, yeah? And probably no doubt stiffed them on the bill, right?", "Victoria: Actually, he paid in full, dad.", "Victor: Whoa.", "Victoria: Travis' moral compass is very selective.", "Victor: Well, I'll be damned.", "Victoria: He'll cheat on his fiancée but not a hotel bill.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Nikki: Sweetheart, listen, if there is anything we can do to help you get through this --", "Victoria: You know what you can do, mom? You can help me swear off men. That would be nice.", "Nikki: You don't mean that.", "Victoria: Yeah, I do. Finding out what Travis did and how close I let him become to the children, I never want to go through anything like that ever again.", "Nikki: So how did you find out? Did he tell you?", "Victoria: Um... no, not exactly.", "Victor: Well, who did?", "Victoria: Billy.", "Jack: Ousting brash & sassy is a brilliant business move.", "Ashley: It was my idea weeks ago. You shot it down.", "Jack: I should have listened to you then. Look, we don't need their rent money to stay in the black. We shouldn't have the competition this close.", "Ashley: Are you sure it has nothing to do with Billy being so close?", "Jack: No, Billy could use some space right now, and you've told me you'd like to get back in the lab. Am I right?", "Ashley: Okay, you know, this is about you wanting to keep Phyllis and Billy apart and you know it. Just admit it.", "Jack: Never crossed my mind.", "Ashley: So you're just cleaning house? Guess who should be given the boot? Phyllis. Billy did not act alone, Jack. I mean, how long do you plan on keeping her employed at jabot?", "Jack: You know what I realized this morning? Life is too short to dwell on hating Phyllis.", "Ashley: What does that mean?", "Jack: It turns out breakfast today was a very good idea.", "Ashley: Where are you going? Jack. Jack!", "Victor: Sweetheart, what I'm not happy about is that no sooner do you evict this Travis Crawford from your life, and who comes dancing back but Billy boy?", "Victoria: Would you please stop being so suspicious?", "Victor: Well...", "Victoria: I want nothing to do with men, all right? And by the way, I can't think of one single relationship that I've ever had that you've approved of.", "Victor: Hmm. Let me think about that. I can't, either. But that doesn't mean that you can't spend your life with a beautiful and smart and loyal spouse.", "Nikki: Well, thank you, darling.", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Victor: But don't settle. Don't ever settle.", "Victoria: Don't worry about that because I have completely bailed on that quest. No more endlessly searching for the ideal soul mate.", "Nikki: But, honey, living a life alone is --", "Victoria: Mom, it's gonna be like a vacation, okay? It is. I'm perfectly happy raising my children and going to my wonderful job. It's more than enough for me. And you know what I realize? I realize that Travis was just a rebound from Billy. I should have given myself more time after that breakup. And, you know, if Billy is the one to shed some light on this, then so be it. He finally did something good.", "Billy: I came to the house this morning for breakfast hoping to make amends with Jack, to make peace.", "Traci: [Sighs] Well, Billy, you weren't across the threshold for five minutes before you were yelling and arguing.", "Billy: 'Cause he's so dug in, Traci. I mean, he's so sanctimonious, he doesn't even listen anymore.", "Traci: I know. But if dad were here, he would remind you he's your brother. You're brothers. We're a family.", "Billy: Yeah, well --", "Traci: You've got to find a way to get along.", "Billy: Dad's not here, and it's no use.", "Traci: I'm not giving up. I intend to broker some peace on earth and goodwill among Abbott men.", "Billy: Well, good luck with that.", "Traci: I don't need luck. I got a little Christmas magic. Starting right here.", "Billy: No. No way.", "Traci: Let's go.", "Phyllis: So instead of lamenting it, we embrace it, right? Online shopping is here to stay. Let me take a look on your site, okay?", "Lauren: Oh, I already know what you're gonna say. We haven't updated our online presence.", "Phyllis: Why not?", "Lauren: Well, our website, for years, has always been to drive customers into the actual stores.", "Phyllis: Okay, but you can't be a loss leader. It should generate revenue just all by itself.", "Lauren: I understand that, but to do that, it's gonna take a complete overhaul.", "Phyllis: All right, maybe not.", "Lauren: Really? Do you have an idea?", "Phyllis: What if Fenmore's becomes a digital platform for fashion? You increase online sales, you drag more traffic to the stores, and you build brand loyalty.", "Lauren: Amazing.", "Phyllis: Let me put together a detailed proposal for you.", "Lauren: I would love that, but, I mean, don't you have a current job?", "Phyllis: You know, I don't see a long-term future at jabot, and I think --", "Jack: Sorry for interrupting, but, uh, I have a proposition to make.", "Phyllis: Well, that sounds promising.", "Lauren: And I will leave the two of you alone.", "Jack: Actually, this proposition is not for Phyllis. It's for you.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Billy: How's that? Is this good?", "Traci: Oh! It's perfect.", "Billy: All right. My work here is done.", "Traci: Wait, wait, wait, wait! You did not think that this was a one-step operation.", "Billy: I don't have time for this.", "Traci: What? To decorate?", "Billy: I'm -- I'm regretting getting roped into this right about now.", "Traci: [Laughs] I'm sure you are. But decorating the tree is gonna make you feel better.", "Billy: Yeah, as long as Jack doesn't have me chased off the property by the hounds.", "Traci: Oh, don't worry about it. Jack's at work. Besides, you can't leave your sister to do all this work alone. Hey, am I gonna get to open presents with my niece and nephew this year?", "Billy: Yeah, um... Victoria and I figured it out. She's gonna have the kids Christmas eve and I'll have them for Christmas day.", "Traci: Why don't you sound happy about that?", "Billy: Because it was scheduled around her, uh, her Christmastime wedding, and they broke off their engagement.", "Traci: Ohhhh.", "Billy: Don't say it like that, okay? We're not getting back together.", "Traci: [Scoffs] Believe me, far be it from me to give anyone any recommendations about their love life.", "Billy: Wow. You're not gonna butt in? Can you teach my mother that trick?", "Traci: [Laughs] Um, here you go. I do know one thing, though.", "Billy: Here we go.", "Traci: [Sighs] Children grow up so fast. And you only get those priceless moments when they are so overjoyed and excited to see what Santa Claus brought them just for a couple of years. I'm just a little sad that both of Katie and Johnny's parents aren't gonna be there for that.", "Victoria: Johnny and Katie ask about a thousand Santa questions every day. [Sighs]", "Nikki: Well, honey, try to enjoy it, 'cause they grow up so fast.", "Victoria: Yeah, that's true. They've also been asking about Travis. They want to know where he is.", "Nikki: [Sighs]", "Victoria: You know, it's really scary, mom, thinking about how close I came to making him their stepfather. Our marriage wouldn't have lasted. He also became such a constant in their lives, and now he's gone. They're wondering where he went.", "Nikki: You really do have to be so careful introducing another person to the kids.", "Victoria: I know that. Thanks for telling me now.", "Nikki: Honey, I'm not criticizing. I agree with you. Stop worrying. You don't have to control every single thing.", "Victoria: Do you have any more motherly intuition that you'd like to share with me?", "Nikki: Well, I will tell you this -- I am so proud of the stance you took with Travis. I mean, you didn't allow yourself to become a doormat when he cheated on you. And you knew that if you gave him a second chance, that could not lead to anything good.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, I guess I'm able to spot a disaster coming my way after how many marriages over the years?", "Nikki: Ah. Who's counting? The point is, you're going to go on with your life and do all the wonderful things that you've always done. Everything will be okay. Oh, my angel, I love you. Don't worry. It'll all be fine.", "Victor: Oh, fancy meeting you here.", "Ashley: Hi. Thank you for coming.", "Victor: You're welcome. So... what's the occasion? Does this have to do with Abby or what?", "Ashley: Yes, of course it has to do with Abby. She should be celebrating her first wedding anniversary. Instead she's, you know, ending the marriage.", "Victor: Oh, for heaven's sake. Well... she's strong like her mother. She knows what's best for her future, I think.", "Ashley: Thank you for the compliment.", "Victor: It's the truth.", "Ashley: Well, still, she's not as worldly as she'd like to believe. You know, she's not gonna just breeze through this divorce.", "Victor: She has learned more from you than you give her credit for. But I will make this Christmas for her more special, okay?", "Ashley: Really? Even with Victoria getting married and all the hoopla surrounding all that?", "Victor: Uh, Victoria has called off her wedding to Travis.", "Ashley: How is Victoria?", "Victor: Hopefully she'll be fine in a week or two.", "Ashley: [Laughs] I never saw this coming, did you? I mean, that parenting would still be a full-time job well into our kids' adulthood?", "Victor: Never stops, does it?", "Ashley: Never stops.", "Victor: No. Don't you have to go back to the office and make sure that you help save your brother from himself?", "Ashley: Oh, no, no. I'm perfectly happy just to relax and take a break with you. Yeah. Now that Jack and I have put jabot back on top and everything.", "Victor: But you and I know that jabot's back on top because of you, not because of your brother.", "Ashley: Hmm.", "Michael: Nuts?", "Phyllis: [Sighs]", "Michael: Why are you over here while Jack is sitting over there with Lauren?", "Phyllis: Well, according to Jack, he's propositioning your wife.", "Michael: He's a very funny man.", "Phyllis: It still hurts.", "Michael: Last time we talked, you were so optimistic. What happened?", "Phyllis: I don't want it to be over, Michael, but... Jack just... tell me we're gonna work through this.", "Michael: I really hope so.", "Phyllis: You know, I didn't appreciate what I had. You have to do that, Michael. Always.", "Michael: I agree. And you just helped me solve a really big problem. You hang in there. Okay.", "Lauren: You want me to be a sponsor of the foundation's new year's eve benefit?", "Jack: Not just a sponsor. I want you to be a patron co-host.", "Lauren: I'm very flattered, and I know the event is gonna be amazing. And, of course, the cause is very near and dear to my heart.", "Jack: Then I can put your name on the invitation and add a Fenmore's shopping spree to the silent auction?", "Lauren: You know, I'd like to go back to the patron part. Um, I'm just curious. What do you think that will cost me?", "Jack: Like that ever mattered to you.", "Lauren: It's the end of the year, Jack.", "Jack: Business is good, right?", "Lauren: Of course. Business is great. I'm just not as liquid as I'd like to be right now.", "Ashley: He is so beautiful. Oh! [Laughs]", "Victor: [Laughs] He is very happy. I think he's happy about being where he belongs, you know, finally.", "Ashley: Yeah. What a sweet boy.", "Victor: [Chuckles]", "Ashley: Oh! I can't help but feel for Sharon and Dylan, though. I know what it's like to have a child taken from you. It's not good.", "Victor: Yeah. Look at that. But I think he's better off being raised as a Newman rather than a McAvoy. I mean, he will have all the advantages in the world, you know?", "Ashley: Yeah. But I don't think I have to remind you that all the money in the world does not guarantee a child's happiness.", "Victor: Ashley. Who knows that better than I do? Without a father's love and without a father's presence, it all means nothing, you know? But he's gonna grow up with a lot of money, a lot of power, a lot of chances to change the world. Right?", "Ashley: Yeah. He's sweet. On that note, I'm gonna get back to work now.", "Victor: You're gonna have to help save your brother from himself.", "Ashley: Ohh! Never stops. Never stops.", "Victor: [Laughs] Nice to see you.", "Ashley: You, too.", "Victor: All right.", "Traci: Oh. Oh! Look! I loved this ornament when I was a girl.", "Billy: Yeah, one of the few unbreakable ones, which is why dad always let me play with it.", "Traci: [Laughs] Okay, here they are. Here are the ones with our names. And here's Ashley and Traci. And we have Jack. Billy, where's yours?", "Billy: Never had one. I was too young for this tradition.", "Traci: What? No, I distinctly remember that there was an ornament with your name on it.", "Billy: Traci, I'm used to being the odd Abbott out.", "Traci: Look, Billy, just because you were raised years later and had a different mom --", "Billy: And nobody really accepted Jill as an Abbott. Let's be honest about that.", "Traci: Well, she did not make it easy.", "Billy: That's true.", "Traci: But just because of that, you were never loved any less. Honey, all these boxes, they're full of your family memories and heirlooms. Yours. [Chuckles]", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Lauren: The recovery center that you support, it saves lives. I mean, we could have lost fen without those resources.", "Jack: Then I can count on you?", "Lauren: Who else are you asking?", "Jack: Only every other mover and shaker in town.", "Lauren: [Chuckles] Appealing to my ego. Smooth.", "Jack: Lauren, you inherited an empire. It is only right to give back.", "Lauren: You're right. My father believed in that very strongly.", "Jack: Is that a yes?", "Lauren: [Chuckles] Yes.", "Jack: [Laughs]", "Lauren: All right. Count on me.", "Jack: Excellent!", "Michael: All right, Mr. Abbott, no more laughing with my wife. I'm taking her back now.", "Jack: I will excuse myself. Thank you. Thank you very much.", "Lauren: Yes.", "Michael: Young lady.", "Lauren: Oh. Oh. Hmm. What? Oh. What -- hmm. What's all this?", "Michael: That is a preview. Since I'm unavailable to celebrate our anniversary tomorrow night, revelry commences tonight.", "Lauren: Really?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: How are you?", "Phyllis: I'm okay. Relieved you don't hate me.", "Jack: No, I don't hate you, Phyllis. I just don't want to be married to you.", "Phyllis: Michael and Lauren have been through rough spots, and they have managed to patch things up, Jack.", "Jack: Well, obviously, we're not Michael and Lauren. Funny you should mention that. I was just thinking of their wedding. You remember that?", "Phyllis: Jack.", "Jack: You left that night with nick Newman. Funny how history has a way of repeating itself.", "Phyllis: You know, I'm -- I'm not gonna take this. I'm not gonna stand here and listen to you berate me.", "Jack: Actually, that wasn't my intention.", "Phyllis: Really? What was your intention?", "Jack: What's going on with Lauren? Everything all right at Fenmore's?", "Phyllis: How would I know? I work at jabot, remember?", "Jack: Yeah, I remember.", "Ashley: Wow! I can't believe how much you've gotten done. It looks so festive in here.", "Traci: Oh, thank you. I had help. Billy was here.", "Ashley: Oh, my God. It's a good thing Jack didn't come back home.", "Traci: [Sighs] I had no idea things had gotten so bad between them.", "Ashley: It's never been so bad as this, and they're both so stubborn.", "Traci: Well, Billy said he's willing to try. We just have to work on Jack.", "Ashley: Yeah. Well, if you think we're gonna be one big, happy family gathered around the tree, it's gonna take a Christmas miracle, believe me.", "Traci: Well, what's wrong with hoping for a little miracle? You want to see how we did?", "Ashley: [Laughs] Sure.", "Traci: [Chuckles] Ashley, will you get the lights?", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Traci: All right. Here we go.", "Ashley: [Gasps] Oh, trace, it's so beautiful.", "Traci: [Chuckles]", "Ashley: So many memories.", "Traci: I'm not giving up, Ashley. I think we can still try to do what dad would want.", "Ashley: Yes, we can. We will.", "Phyllis: Jack, you have got that look in your eye, the one that says you are plotting something.", "Jack: I'm just piecing together bits of information. Uh, I've known Lauren a long time now. She never hesitates to write a check for charity, and she just did. But I've got the feeling she's hedging.", "Phyllis: Maybe she didn't feel like jumping at your offer.", "Jack: No, no, it was more than that. If Fenmore's has had a bad year...", "Phyllis: Jack, you are not thinking --", "Jack: Poaching her business? No, I'm loyal. She's a friend.", "Phyllis: Yeah, she is. I'm gonna head back to the office. I need to work on a proposal, a new venture that I am excited about.", "Jack: And what does that entail? How much time we talking about?", "Phyllis: Why do you ask?", "Jack: Why do I ask? I'm your boss. You work for me.", "Phyllis: You know what, Jack? Why don't you get it over with and fire me?", "Michael: Closed eyes, closed eyes, closed eyes. Stepping and stepping.", "Lauren: Okay, am I still okay?", "Michael: Yeah, you're okay. Okay, stop.", "Lauren: All right.", "Michael: All right. Open your eyes.", "Lauren: I can? [Gasps] [Chuckles] [Laughs]", "Michael: It pays you money, you take your chances.", "Lauren: [Chuckles] [Gasps]", "Michael: [Chuckles] I had this all arranged for tomorrow night, so I-I had to make do a little bit.", "Lauren: It's perfect. I don't even care that it's not our official anniversary.", "Michael: Eh, well, it will be. 'Cause at the stroke of midnight... you will be right here in my arms.", "Nikki: Hey.", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Nikki: I hope I'm not interrupting.", "Victor: Well, you are, but I don't mind it. How was your visit with Victoria and the children?", "Nikki: Um, okay. You know, she's still hurting. She's covering, but she'll be all right.", "Victor: Well, I'm glad to hear that she's feeling a little better. That, by the way, fits right into my plans.", "Nikki: Plans?", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Nikki: Victor.", "Victor: What?", "Nikki: The last thing our daughter needs is any kind of interference from you.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Well, guess what?", "Nikki: What?", "Victor: This is not about Victoria.", "Nikki: Oh, I'm beginning to realize that.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: What's going on?", "Victor: You know, we have had such difficulties and many problems the last few weeks and months. And I got you a little something.", "Nikki: What?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nikki: Isn't this a little early for Christmas?", "Victor: I don't need an excuse to buy you a present.", "Nikki: [Laughs]", "Victor: All right?", "Nikki: I guess not. [Laughs]", "[Knock on door]", "Victoria: Who is it?", "Billy: Gho-o-o-o-st of Christmas fu-u-ture!", "Billy: So, just wanted to nail down our, uh, Christmas schedule.", "Victoria: Yeah, I-I thought we'd already discussed that.", "Billy: Yeah, we did. Um, I mean, I know we have the big Christmas concert thing, but I just wanted to see if you wanted to flip the days. You can have the kids on Christmas day and I can take Christmas eve.", "Victoria: Have you made other plans?", "Billy: No, no, not at all. I just didn't want to hold you to plans that were made before --", "Victoria: Before my wedding blew up in my face. Look, I don't need your sympathy or your pity.", "Billy: That's good, 'cause I wasn't offering either.", "Victoria: Good. Then we'll stick to the original schedule.", "Billy: So Christmas alone? You okay with that?", "Victoria: I'll be fine with that. I'm a big girl. Why wouldn't I be?", "Billy: Okay. Look, I'm alone. You're alone. The kids like us both, which is very cool. I mean, it's up to you.", "Victoria: Separate Christmases as planned. It's what the kids are expecting anyway, so...", "Billy: Okay. Kiss them good night for me.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: Okay. Good night.", "Nikki: Oh, Victor!", "Victor: Do you like it?", "Nikki: I-I adore it.", "Victor: You do?", "Nikki: But I still don't understand why this couldn't wait till the 25th.", "Victor: It's for our trip.", "Nikki: What trip?", "Victor: The trip you and I will take. The jet is ready. And all you have to do is pick the destination.", "Nikki: Darling, we can't do anything like that right now.", "Victor: Why can't we do that? Why not?", "Nikki: Well, my goodness. We've got the kids.", "Victor: They're grown up.", "Nikki: Your job.", "Victor: To hell with it.", "Nikki: And what about Christmas?", "Victor: We'll be back in time to trim the trees and deck the halls. So what do you say?", "Nikki: Well... it has been a long time since we've done something like this.", "Victor: A very long time. And that's gonna change starting right now.", "Nikki: Well, in that case, let's pack. [Laughs]", "Michael: Hmmm.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Lauren: Let me just shut that off.", "Michael: No, no, no, no.", "Lauren: It's a work call. I've been expecting it. Let me --", "Michael: Lauren Fenmore Baldwin, you have a lot of people working for you who can handle that. This only you can do.", "[Both laugh]", "Lauren: That's correct, but...", "Michael: So relax and enjoy. Mwah. Ooh.", "Phyllis: You're not gonna fire me, you're not gonna let me go --", "Jack: You listen to me. Listen to me. And believe me 'cause I am telling you the truth. You need to let go. I walked in here, I saw you over there, the happiness in your eyes, the -- the excitement, the passion in your voice as you talked about your new venture. That's what I want for you. [Voice breaking] Believe it or not, I genuinely want you to be happy again. You need to let go so that you can have that. And I need to be free so that I can find what makes me happy.", "Phyllis: This is it. We're not gonna make it.", "Jack: Goodbye, red.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jessica: Hi. I'm Jessie. Here to see Cane Ashby.", "Paul: We don't expect you to be fine, and you shouldn't accept being fine. Let us help you.", "Mariah: You fired your own wife?", "Devon: I would like for you to host the show." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Daniel vented to Malcolm about Phyllis being in jail. Malcolm blamed Damon, and told Daniel to have faith in Phyllis. Christine & Michael broke Damon and Phyllis up as they blamed each other for their situation at the police station. The lawyers agreed they had difficult clients on their hands, but believed they could win. Dt. Weber refused to release Damon, telling Christine he was too much of a flight risk. Daniel chastised Phyllis for putting herself in danger and putting him in a position to have no one in his life. Phyllis assured him things were going to work out. Paul told Christine about his lead. She phoned Warden Paulson and threatened to go public with his secret surveillance unless she got a transcript of Phyllis' conversation with Dominic in prison. When the fax came through, she was stunned by what she read. Lily was devastated to learn Malcolm was leaving town for good. Drucilla chastised Neil for quitting his job and ordered him to make it right, worried about her own future with NE. Neil begged Malcolm to stay so they could rebuild. Malcolm said he was giving up a lot for Neil, who didn't even know it. Dru went to Victor and told him Neil had quit because of Nicholas. Victor refused Ashley's request to let Jack return to Jabot, told her they were all selfish, and said she had nothing to offer him in negotiations except full custody of Abby." ]
[ "Ashley: Jabot is on the verge of disaster. We need Jack, so please remove your stipulation and let him come back and help us out of this crisis.", "Victor: No.", "Ashley: What do you mean no?", "Victor: I will not allow Jack abbots to come back to your company. That was part of the settlement. Ere near Jabot I will simply withdraw my money.", "Ashley: Haven't you had your revenge? You humiliated Jack so that we could have the money that you damn well owed us.", "Victor: If you didn't like the terms, you shouldn't have agreed to them.", "Ashley: You had us over a barrel, Victor, because of your illegal actions, and we did you a favor by not taking you to court. I'm simply asking you to return it. Please, won't you just lend us a hand?", "Victor: Let me understand this. You're asking me to lend a hand to Brad Carlton, who refuses to let me see my daughter. You're asking me to lend a hand to your brother Jack, who has dedicated his life to making mine miserable. And you're asking me to lend a hand to you, who has manipulated me for your own selfish ends. It ain't gonna happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: First you tell me that you've 86ed the beauty pageant, now you're telling me what?", "Neil: Dru, I quit my job.", "Dru: Neil Winters, you did not quit your job.", "Neil: Yes, I did. Don't worry about it.", "Dru: Don't worry about it?", "Neil: Yeah, don't worry about it. I'll find something else. Hey, you know, I was thinking, maybe I'll take a little sabbatical first, see if I can get Malcolm to hang around. Maybe we could, you know, do stuff together. I might even brush up on my basketball skills.", "Dru: Oh, basketball? Oh, you must be joking me now.", "Neil: No, I'm not joking, Dru, and I gotta tell you something, it feels good.", "Dru: How can you feel good about losing the second position in a major company like Newman Enterprises? You've lost your natural mind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: What's up, guys?", "[Malcolm remembering]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: But look at you. You still don't trust me.", "Dru: Because it's dangerous. You're here searching for something. I'm not sure what it is, and neither are you, I think, but it's dangerous. It makes me very nervous.", "Malcolm: You know, it seems like your life would have been a hell of a lot easier if I just died after all.", "Dru: How can you say such a thing?", "Malcolm: What am I supposed to say? That's basically what I'm hearing.", "Dru: It's not the way I feel.", "Malcolm: You just don't wanna be anywhere near me.", "Dru: You still have not told me why you have come back to Genoa City.", "Malcolm: You know, Dru, right now I'm wondering the same thing. I'm gonna give you your space, but you tell Lily that I'll see her again. I'm not leaving without saying good-bye to her. I made her that promise and I won't break it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Is, uh, is that a fresh pot?", "Malcolm: Hey, what's up, Daniel? What's up, my man?", "Daniel: How's it going, Malcolm?", "Malcolm: Yeah, I just made it. You want a cup?", "Daniel: Yeah, please.", "Malcolm: All right, Daniel, what's going on, something with your mom?", "Daniel: It's bad, it's really bad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Wait a second. I can't believe you're mad at me.", "Damon: I'm being arrested on account of your misguided little costume party with Dominic Hughes. I shouldn't be mad at you?", "Officer: Sir, sit down.", "Chris: Damon, do what he says. You don't wanna make this worse for yourself.", "Michael: See, that's good advice, Phyllis, all right?", "Phyllis: No, no, no. Wait a second. I did this for us so we could get out of this mess.", "Damon: Yeah, well, you made us look guiltier than Dominic Hughes ever could have.", "Phyllis: Whoa. Are you kidding? That is not true.", "Chris: Can we continue this conversation later when we're not in the middle of a police station? Both of you, come on.", "Phyllis: I can't believe you're blaming me for this.", "Damon: That's your problem, Phyllis. You never could take responsibility for anything.", "Phyllis: You know, we wouldn't be in this predicament if you didn't decide to come over with--", "Michael: Phyllis, enough! Officer, please escort my client outside. Don't say a word. Don't.", "Michael: What a nightmare.", "Chris: Tell me about it. I can only imagine what she was gonna say next.", "Michael: Yeah, that little scene took approximately ten years off of my life, and with my luck, it was the ten years I was gonna spend on a tropical island sipping drinks out of a coconut surrounded by beautiful women.", "Chris: I can honestly say that nothing in law school could have prepared me for this.", "Michael: What, you didn't take bizarre clients 101? You know, cross-dressers and people who like to slice other people up with samurai swords.", "Chris: And then they shout at each other in the middle of a police station.", "Michael: Sounds like the very picture of why I went to law school.", "Chris: You can have at it. I'd rather represent someone who's sane.", "Michael: Look, it's not that Phyllis is insane. She just has no idea how to control her impulses.", "Chris: Well, Michael, she should learn. You realize none of this would have happened if she hadn't felt the need to, and I quote, \"do something really radical.\"", "Michael: Oh, please, please, please. Phyllis... Phyllis may be reckless, but she's essentially harmless in this case, unlike your client.", "Chris: What are you talking about?", "Michael: He's the one who got this whole thing started-- Damon Porter. You know, the violent one with the weapon and the mile-high grudge.", "Chris: Dominic Hughes killed his only child.", "Michael: For which my heart goes out to Mr. Porter, but you have to admit in this case, at the very least, he was sorely tempted to circumvent the law.", "Chris: All right, so maybe both of our clients are a little screwy, but Phyllis definitely destroyed any credibility they might have left.", "Michael: Mm-hmm. So, uh, why was Damon Porter walking around with a samurai sword in the first place? Come on, Christine, face it. Being the father of a murdered child is only gonna get him so far with the jury. In fact, it may even make the D.A.'s job a little easier-- motive on a silver platter.", "Chris: He still doesn't have Phyllis's past.", "Michael: Which, in this case, is totally irrelevant, unless you wanna consider Weber's failed attempt to convict her on the Abbott pool house fire.", "Chris: Oh, and you think a jury is gonna buy that Weber has a vendetta against Phyllis?", "Michael: Well, you tell me. You've been in his sights before.", "Chris: Yes, and it was a singularly unpleasant experience. He actually started to make me question whether or not I was innocent, but that is a defense that is not gonna work for Damon.", "Michael: No. We're gonna have to come up with something else.", "Chris: And in the meantime, keep our fingers crossed for both our clients.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: All right, talk to me, man. What's going on?", "Daniel: I don't know. For starters, my mom spent the night in jail.", "Malcolm: They arrested her?", "Daniel: Yeah, she decided to do something crazy and dress up like a man and get herself thrown in the drunk tank.", "Malcolm: Hey, Daniel, I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh, but that sounds like something your mom would do.", "Daniel: Well, they also caught her trying to fake out the guy who shot Damon and get him to admit on tape that he's been lying, so now they're charging her with attempted murder and a whole bunch of other stuff.", "Malcolm: Okay, hey, hey, take it easy, take it easy. Let me guess, this boyfriend Damon, he talked her into this, right?", "Daniel: No, no, not exactly.", "Malcolm: You know, Daniel, a real man protects his woman.", "Daniel: Yeah, well, with my mom, it's not always that easy.", "Malcolm: She's a big girl. She can take care of herself.", "Daniel: Yeah, but this situation is already such a mess.", "Malcolm: All right. She messed up. She picked the wrong guy.", "Daniel: Why, do you think that you could help her?", "Malcolm: I would do anything I could.", "Daniel: Thanks, man.", "Malcolm: Look, I gotta get back inside. Your mom's gonna be all right. You keep your head up, all right?", "Lily: Hey. Lily Winters-- our moms work together, you remember?", "Daniel: That's, uh, real funny.", "Lily: What's wrong with you? You don't look too good.", "Daniel: Thanks.", "Lily: You know, you weren't in class second period.", "Daniel: Are you checking up on me?", "Lily: Okay, chill, all right? I'm sorry you're upset, but don't blame me.", "Daniel: I'm sorry.", "Lily: So have you seen my Uncle Malcolm around?", "Daniel: He's in the other room.", "Lily: Have you talked to him?", "Daniel: A little.", "Lily: Isn't he amazing? Do you know that he lived in Africa? I would love to go to Africa. I'm gonna get my parents to send me there next summer.", "Daniel: That's great, Lily.", "Lily: Well, don't let me interfere with your sulking. Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I hear what you say, but I still fail to understand why you won't do this. It doesn't cost you a thing. All I'm asking is for you to leave us alone.", "Victor: But I'm leaving you alone. If I allowed your brother Jack to return to the company, I would be interfering.", "Ashley: Well, you already interfered. You caused this crisis, you and your revenge.", "Victor: Do you honestly think by insulting me you're gonna get anywhere?", "Ashley: Could you just ever think of anybody else but yourself?", "Victor: Don't give me that nonsense. Every single person that you just mentioned now has been thinking of their own selfish interests, including you. Now even if I were inclined to help your company, returning Jack Abbott to it is not the answer. He, like all of you, is too damn close to the company to recognize its massive problems.", "Ashley: That's ridiculous. That's ridiculous. Jabot has been doing beautifully under Jack. We've grown by leaps and bounds. He's the only one that can turn us around.", "Victor: Let me tell you something, you're deluding yourself. The crisis your company's in has been brewing for years. It's an organizational disease that family companies fall prey to. Jabot is no exception to that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Drucilla, come on. Don't be so upset about it.", "Dru: Don't be upset? How am I not supposed to be upset? How did this happen?", "Neil: I told Nicholas again I think it's a mistake canceling the pageant, and again he told me to go jump in a lake.", "Dru: He said that?", "Neil: Not in so many words, but that was the general gist.", "Dru: The gist--okay, so you got your feelings hurt, and you quit?", "Neil: Drucilla, I can't work for a guy who doesn't know a good opportunity when he sees it. The pageant is a terrific idea. We both know that.", "Dru: Yeah, we know that, and?", "Neil: Victor promised that none of my projects would be cut, and what does Nicholas do the minute he takes over? He pulls the plug on just about every one of them.", "Dru: Don't you think it's extreme that you're-- honey, listen, if you pick up the phone right now, I am sure we can get your job back.", "Neil: No, it's not gonna happen. Nicholas is a lot like his father--he's stubborn. The difference is Victor is smart and shrewd. Nick is so obsessed with his macho image--", "Dru: Never mind all that. What did he say when you said you quit?", "Neil: At first, he thought I was bluffing.", "Dru: Of course he did, because you're his number one guy. He can't afford to lose you.", "Neil: Then let him ask me back. If he can admit he made a hurried, irrational decision, I might say yes. Otherwise, I'll go work somewhere else.", "Dru: No, you're not working anywhere else. You're gonna work right here 'cause you gave these people your heart and soul.", "Neil: All good things must come to an end.", "Dru: But they don't have to. And why are you being so cavalier?", "Neil: What's the big deal? It's just a job.", "Dru: It's not just a job. Have you looked in the mirror lately? You have the number two spot in this major corporation-- Newman Enterprises. And what about me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Ahem. Excuse me, sir.", "Malcolm: Yeah, I'll be right with you. Well, hey, Shorty.", "Lily: Hi.", "Malcolm: Hey. Excuse me, young lady, but what are you doing here?", "Lily: Well, aren't you glad to see me?", "Malcolm: I am always glad to see your little face walk through that door, but aren't you supposed to be at school learning something?", "Lily: Well, I had a free period, so I thought I'd come and spend it with my favorite uncle.", "Malcolm: With who?", "Lily: My favorite uncle.", "Malcolm: Wait, wait, wait. One more time.", "Lily: My favorite uncle.", "Malcolm: Yeah, say it like you mean it. Well, you know what? I'm actually glad you're here, Lily. Um... here, come in the office with me. There's something I wanna talk to you about.", "Lily: Yeah, sure. About what? Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, sweetheart!", "Daniel: Mom.", "Phyllis: Hi.", "Daniel: When did you get out of jail? Why didn't you call me?", "Phyllis: Oh, my gosh, what are you talking about? Hey, aren't you supposed to be in school?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: Detective.", "Hank: Yes, Miss Blair.", "Chris: Are you almost through processing my client? I'd like to know when I can have a bail hearing set.", "Hank: Soon, but I don't think you're gonna be too happy.", "Chris: Why?", "Hank: We're pushing to have Mr. Porter held without bond, or at least to, uh, set high enough to keep him in jail until he goes to trial.", "Chris: What? You let Phyllis out, and she's the one with more serious charges leveled against her.", "Hank: She's not the threat that Porter is. The fact is Porter went to that motel room with a deadly weapon.", "Chris: Okay, it was self-defense. My client was shot and critically wounded, or have you forgotten about that?", "Hank: Counselor, he's a bigger flight risk.", "Chris: How? He was just released from the hospital. He's in no shape to go on the run or stay in jail, for that matter.", "Hank: The bottom line, Porter owns substantial property in another state. Now there's nothing to keep him here unless we do it.", "Chris: Well, you're right, I'm not happy about it. I'll see you at the hearing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Honey, I'm relatively sure you have nothing to worry about.", "Dru: Oh, yeah, right. Nothing to worry about. I won't last five seconds here, Neil, without you.", "Neil: What, you think Nick's gonna fire you?", "Dru: Oh, I don't think it, I know it. And why wouldn't he?", "Neil: Because he knows how valuable you are to this company, that's why.", "Dru: Oh, just like he yanked my very important beauty pageant project.", "Neil: All right, Drucilla, would you stop?", "Dru: No, no, no, no, don't \"Dru\" me. I know what time it is. That boy's been looking for a reason to get rid of me, and now he has it.", "Neil: Can you just have a little bit of self-confidence?", "Dru: Oh, I'm not lacking self-confidence, I'm lacking an M.B.A from Stanford. I realize I've carved out a nice niche for myself. I'm lucky, all right?", "Neil: You want me to stick around here just for you?", "Dru: Would that be so terrible?", "Neil: Honey, I'm not gonna work someplace where I'm a flunky, where my opinion doesn't count for anything. I'm a smart businessman. Now if Nick doesn't see that, someone else will. All right, listen, I'm gonna go track down Malcolm, all right?", "Dru: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: Hey, wifey-of-mine, keep your chin up, all right? You'll be okay. We both will. I promise.", "Dru: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So what's goin' on? Wait. Don't tell me. I'm gonna read your mind, okay? Um... you are quitting your job at the coffeehouse.", "Malcolm: Bravo. How'd you figure that one out?", "Lily: Wait, are you?", "Malcolm: Yeah. Yeah, I am.", "Lily: Oh. Wow. So did you find another job or something? You know, you're a great photographer.", "Malcolm: Uh, Lily, taking pictures just ain't in me anymore, no. Listen, uh... I'm leaving Genoa City.", "Lily: What? But... why? I mean... you and I were just getting to know each other again. You know, I feel like we have something really special between us.", "Malcolm: Lily, believe me, I feel the exact same way, I do.", "Lily: Well, did I do something wrong?", "Malcolm: No, hey, hey, no. Come here. You could never do anything wrong. What would make you say something like that?", "Lily: I don't know. It's just... you know, when you first showed up, you and I were kinda close, and then all of a sudden you just started to pull away.", "Malcolm: Lily... when I was stranded in Africa, I didn't know if I was ever gonna make it home. I was scared. But I would stop and I would think about Nate and I would think about you. And somehow, that just made me know that everything was gonna be all right.", "Lily: Really?", "Malcolm: Yes, really. Now granted, I remembered a scrawny little girl I used to carry on my shoulders and bounce on my knee, but look at you. You're all grown up. You're a beautiful little fast-talking little lady now. Hey, look at me. Don't you ever think that I don't adore you. You are such a shining little light in this family. I couldn't be more proud of you if you were my own daughter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: You know, Victor, um, actually, I agree with you. There is something missing at Jabot.", "Victor: Well, that's a good first step.", "Ashley: But you forcing us to remove Jack was done out of hatred for him, and you know it.", "Victor: Removing your brother is the best damn thing I ever could have done for you.", "Ashley: Well, he hasn't been at the helm for months, and our company is far worse off, not better. Even you can see that with your own two eyes.", "Victor: It is not up to me to solve your problems, all right?", "Ashley: You're doing this out of spite, and you know it.", "Victor: No, I'm not.", "Ashley: Well, let me ask you this then...", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: Businessperson to Businessperson.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: What do you suggest we do?", "Victor: There's a very simple solution. You give me custody of my daughter Abby, and you can do whatever the hell you please.", "Ashley: I won't even dignify that with an answer, Victor.", "Victor: Then why'd you come here? Why do you want to bargain with me when you have nothing to offer in return? How did you possibly expect to get anything?", "Ashley: Good question.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I don't understand, though. Why would you leave? And don't you dare try to brush me off with some lame excuse about things being complicated.", "Malcolm: Lily, you're just gonna have to trust me on this.", "Lily: That is all you're gonna say?", "Malcolm: Yeah.", "Lily: Why won't you tell me?", "Malcolm: Lily... I love you so very much. And one day, I will come back.", "Lily: God, this is so stupid. We are your family. Why wouldn't you want to be with us?", "Malcolm: Lily, look at me. I'm leaving you with a broken heart.", "Lily: That is so unfair.", "Malcolm: I promise, okay? I promise I will stay in touch with you.", "Lily: It's not good enough.", "Malcolm: Well, right now, sweetheart, it's gonna have to be. Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: School? How am I supposed to focus in school when my mother's rotting away in jail?", "Phyllis: Well, you're exaggerating, Daniel.", "Daniel: Mom.", "Phyllis: What? Frankly, I'm worried about you. You have finals next week. You should be in school.", "Daniel: Now that's-- that's really funny that you were worried about me, because I-I was up all night last night worrying about you.", "Phyllis: Well, I told you not to. I said Michael Baldwin's gonna bail me out.", "Daniel: Hey, Mom, look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I'm not used to having my mother call me in the middle of the night and ask me to find her a lawyer. I don't know, maybe-- maybe next time, I'll handle it a little bit better.", "Phyllis: There's not gonna be a \"next time.\"", "Daniel: Come on, with your track record?", "Phyllis: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You watch the way you talk to me. Do you hear me? This wasn't a cakewalk for me, either, especially when I-- when I looked up and I saw them bringing Damon in in handcuffs.", "Daniel: Damon got arrested, too?", "Phyllis: Yeah, and he's mad at me.", "Daniel: Well, can you blame him? I mean, you made a real mess of this whole situation. Okay, I know that you meant well and that you were just trying to help out, but why'd you call me? Why didn't you call Christine?", "Phyllis: She's not my lawyer anymore.", "Daniel: Still, you could've called her. She didn't know that you had another lawyer.", "Phyllis: Yeah, really? Have you been talking to Christine?", "Daniel: Yeah, Mom, I've been freaking out here a little, okay?", "Phyllis: Well, you know how the woman feels about me. Frankly, under these circumstances, I don't really feel comfortable putting my welfare in Christine's hands. I'm happier with Michael Baldwin being my attorney any day.", "Daniel: But she's still Damon's lawyer, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'm sure they'll get along famously.", "Daniel: You know, Christine says that you cause most of your own troubles.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? Is that what Christine says? Oh, wow. I'll tell you something, none of this would've happened if Christine were doing her job.", "Daniel: Wait a minute, so now this is her fault. You dressed up like a man and had to stalk this Dominic guy in jail because of Christine? Mom, how likely was that to work?", "Phyllis: I was this close. Seriously, Daniel. I was this close to getting a confession from that guy. And if I would've, everybody would be singing my praises, saying \"Phyllis is a genius.\" I have to do something.", "Daniel: No, you have to do nothing. What you had to do was sit back and let your lawyer decide what's appropriate.", "Phyllis: Oh, appropriate. Right. Appropriate. I'm sure you'd love it if your mother were appropriate.", "Daniel: Yeah, you know what? I might like that.", "Phyllis: Well, that's not gonna happen. My life is at stake. Desperate times call for desperate measures.", "Daniel: Look how far that's got you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: Thanks, Chantal. And will you hold my calls? I want a few minutes after that police station ordeal.", "Paul: Ordeal? Does that mean it didn't go very well?", "Chris: Oh, my gosh. I have never seen two people behave like that, not that when they have so much on the line.", "Paul: You want to talk about it?", "Chris: What's there to talk about? Phyllis and Damon decided to have an intense, personal argument in the middle of the squad room.", "Paul: Oh, God. That is bad.", "Chris: Yeah.", "Paul: I have something that might just cheer you up. Do you remember the conversation she had with Dominic Hughes at the Georgia state prison before his parole?", "Chris: Yeah.", "Paul: What would you say if I told you that there is a very good possibility that that conversation was recorded?", "Chris: Weber said that it wasn't. That they didn't--", "Paul: I don't care what Weber said. I just got off the phone with the warden, an Oscar J. Paulson. He inadvertently told me that he has a state-of-the-art surveillance system in the visitor's area.", "Chris: You're a prince, you know that?", "Paul: I am a prince. Now all we have to do is get the transcript. So this is what we're gonna do.", "Chris: Thanks, Chantal. Put him through.", "Paul: Warden Paulson, this is Paul Williams. We spoke earlier.", "Paulson: Hello, Mr. Williams. What can I do for you now?", "Paul: I have someone that would like to speak with you.", "Chris: Is this Warden Oscar J. Paulson of the Georgia state penal system?", "Paulson: Yeah, that's me.", "Chris: My name is Christine Blair. I'm an attorney representing someone who was shot and almost killed by one of your recently paroled inmates Dominic Hughes.", "Paulson: What does that have to do with me, counselor?", "Chris: Well, I was originally told that you didn't have any recording equipment, but thanks to Mr. Williams, we now know that that's not the case. On October 14th of this year, Phyllis Summers Abbott from Genoa City, Wisconsin, visited Mr. Hughes. I want that tape, warden.", "Paulson: Look, Ms. Blair, having surveillance systems doesn't mean we tape all visits.", "Chris: Well, you better hope that you have this one, or I will go to the Atlanta media with the scoop on how you secretly record visits from friends and family of the inmates there.", "Paulson: Now wait a minute there, counselor. Now if you did that, you'd deprive us of a very valuable tool. Having that surveillance system in place has cut down on a number of very serious problems-- escape planning, drug smuggling.", "Chris: Warden, I understand that. That is why I would hate to have to reveal that information. So here is what I suggest-- you get your best secretary and you have her start typing. Because I want a transcript of that visit on my fax machine today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Daniel, listen, I'm really no worse off than before. Damon and I would've been arrested anyway, okay? I just forced Weber's hand.", "Phyllis: Haven't you learned by now, I'm not a \"do nothing\" kinda gal. If I have a problem, I attack it. I go after it. I gotta do something about it. I don't just sit back and accept it. I mean, you--you know this about me, don't you? You're gonna have to deal with it.", "Daniel: Am I also gonna have to deal with the possibility that my mom's gonna be convicted for attempted murder?", "Phyllis: I'm innocent.", "Daniel: They never convict innocent people, do they?", "Phyllis: Listen to me. I have the best attorney in town. Possibly the best attorney in the whole Midwest. Michael Baldwin is gonna get me outta this. I want you to stop worrying.", "Daniel: I have to worry, Mom. No, no, no, because from what everyone is saying, you and Damon look guilty as hell.", "Phyllis: I don't care about everyone.", "Daniel: You know what? I don't mean to sound selfish here, but you're all I have. And what's gonna happen to me if they come here and they throw you in jail for the next 20 years?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Hello, Drucilla.", "Dru: Victor, I heard you were back in town.", "Victor: Yes, I came back last night.", "Dru: May I have a moment of your time, please.", "Victor: Sure. Come in.", "Dru: Thank you. I know I've come unannounced, so I'll get right to the point.", "Victor: Please do.", "Dru: I know this sounds absolutely crazy, but my husband has quit his job.", "Victor: Why has Neil quit his job?", "Dru: Because of your son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Daniel. Daniel. I want you to look me in the eyes. Look me in the eyes right now. I'm not goin' to jail.", "Daniel: Can you guarantee that? Because you are the only one that I can count on. You're the only one.", "Phyllis: That's not true. Your dad's always been there for you.", "Daniel: My so-called Dad is the one who dropped me off at boarding school so he could take off on tour. Now he's gone again. I don't even know where he is anymore.", "Phyllis: I know, I know. (Whispers) I'm not gonna leave you.", "Daniel: Everything you do gets you in deeper and deeper. Christine was right. You are your own worst enemy.", "Phyllis: (Clears throat) (normal voice) can we have a conversation for five minutes without mentioning her name?", "Daniel: Why? Because everything she says is true and right? When you take risks like you do, you don't even think about the consequences, and you know how that makes me feel? It makes me feel like you just don't even care about me.", "Phyllis: That's not true.", "Daniel: But still, its how I feel. Damon was scared to death when you took off, and both of us knew that you were gonna go do something stupid, and he would've stopped you if he could've.", "Phyllis: Stop this.", "Daniel: Why? Why do you do stuff like this?", "Phyllis: Shh. Keep your voice down. Listen, I'm exhausted. Let's go home, all right? Let's go home and get some rest.", "Phyllis: Don't worry. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Good job, fierce attorney.", "Chris: Same to you, Mr. Brilliant private eye. If it hadn't been for your hunch, we never would've known about their surveillance system.", "Paul: Well, we've got Warden Paulson exactly where we want him.", "Chris: I just hope we can get what we need out of that transcript.", "Paul: Well, if what your client said is accurate--", "Chris: Actually, she's not my client anymore. Michael's representing her.", "Paul: Really? What happened?", "Chris: Phyllis told her son to call Michael when she was arrested.", "Paul: So I guess that let's you off the hook.", "Chris: And thank heaven. As much as I hate to let people down when they need me, there was gonna be very little I could do for that woman.", "Paul: Well, that leaves you free to focus on Porter's defense.", "Chris: Well, now Weber wants to have his bail denied, which is so unfair. If he's gonna let Phyllis out, then Damon should be out, too. Instead, he is tightening the screws on my client.", "Paul: You know, Chris, I wouldn't worry about that. Once that fax machine starts humming, you are going to have all the proof you need to have those conspiracy charges dismissed.", "Chris: Well, I have to admit, I kind of like the idea of Hank Weber eating crow.", "Paul: Do I sense a little vindictive streak there?", "Chris: Michael reminded me of the troubles I had with him. And now that he doesn't want to let Damon out before the trial...", "Paul: You're right, he's got it coming. But you know what I think? I think you and Michael are going to miss the rush when the heavier charges go by the wayside.", "Chris: Mnh-mnh. I can live with it.", "Paul: Oh, come on. Fess up. Having Phyllis as a client is like a shot of pure adrenaline.", "Chris: It's like my own personal circle of hell.", "Paul: (Chuckles) methinks the lady lawyer doth protest too much.", "Chris: Are you trying to get me to move you into the hallway?", "Paul: Oh, you'd put me in the hallway? You are so cruel. There's a draft in the hallway. You know its cold and flu season. I'm keepin' my mouth shut.", "Chris: I think that's a really smart idea, because the last time I checked, office space was at a premium.", "Paul: Oh. (Fax machine humming)", "Chris: That could be the transcript.", "Chris: Oh, my God.", "Paul: What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Thanks. Appreciate it.", "Neil: Lily, honey.", "Lily: Daddy, not now, please.", "Neil: You need a ride to school?", "Lily: No, no, it's okay. You know, I'm just gonna go splash some water on my face, okay?", "Neil: Hey, what's going on with her? Is she in some kind of trouble?", "Malcolm: Nah, she's in no trouble. She's just a little upset.", "Neil: Why?", "Malcolm: I told her I was leaving.", "Neil: Oh. You're gonna take off, huh? Walk away from the only family that you have.", "Malcolm: You know, Neil, that's not exactly how I see it.", "Neil: Then how do you see it? Can't we at least talk about it?", "Malcolm: There's nothing left to talk about.", "Neil: All right, fine. Just listen, don't talk. Malcolm... for almost three years, you been blaming me for what happened to you in Africa. You misunderstood about Alex. You even thought I maliciously left you behind. And you came back here carrying around a hell of a lot of resentment and anger. Did you ever stop to think about what I been carrying around?", "Malcolm: What's your point, man?", "Neil: Do you have any idea how many times I wished I had my brother back, blaming myself? How many times I thought, \"If I had it to do all over again, what would I do differently so that my brother would be alive?\" And yet now you're here. Suddenly, without warning, you're back in our lives. Malcolm, this is nothing short of a miracle. Don't you see that this is our chance? This is our chance to do things differently. Yet you want to split before you've even arrived. Malcolm, don't you get it? This is our opportunity to heal and be brothers ag-- don't you want that?", "Malcolm: Nothing's ever that easy.", "Neil: All right, I'm gonna tell you something that'll make it easier, all right? You ready for this? You're the guy who told me so many times that I should shed this old suit and tie, right? Live life to the fullest.", "Malcolm: Yeah, so what?", "Neil: Surprise. I did it.", "Malcolm: You did what? What, walked away from Newman?", "Neil: That's right. That's exactly what I did.", "Malcolm: When?", "Neil: This morning. You know something? It feels great. And you see, now I can spend more time with my family. I can reconnect with my only brother. And you can't walk out that door before we have a chance to put this thing back together.", "Malcolm: Neil, I didn't ask you to quit your job. It doesn't change a thing.", "Neil: This doesn't-- doesn't make any sense at all. I don't get this, man. All the people that love you are right here in Genoa City. What are you looking for that you can't find right here? I mean, Lily-- she wants you to stay.", "Malcolm: Damn it, Neil. You have no idea what I'm giving up for you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: Would you mind coming out to the ranch?", "Neil: Is everything okay?", "J.T.: Are you interested in Mackenzie? Is that what this is all about?", "Malcolm: Lovely, lovely Olivia. (Doorbell rings) Dru." ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Kay and Murphy play a game of gin, but Kay's mind is not on the game of gin, but on selling stocks of Chancellor to the public. Jill talks on the phone and tells the man that she will talk to her people. The bartender, Tucker asks Jill if she is willing to take a risk. A conversation begins between Jill and Tucker. Phyllis tells Paul to tell her that he has good news. Paul lets her know about the surveillance tape footage which shows a third person in the alley. Phyllis gets optimistic that this is what they have been looking for to clear Daniel. At the jail, Deacon tells the person on the phone that they will be hearing from him. Deacon runs into Amber, who is there to visit Daniel. Amber remarks that Deacon must have more friends in here than on the outside. Deacon begins to make snide remarks that Daniel may be in here for the long haul. Amber insists that they will get him out .Daniel tells Amber to forget about Deacon. Victoria urges J.T. for them to talk, but J.T. doesn't think that talking would do any good. Billy wants Chloe found and to tell her to hold everything. Heather join Billy and demands to know who his informant is. Billy refuses to disclose his informant. Billy visits Victoria and upon seeing Billy, J.T. orders him out. Jill tells Kay that she had met with the lawyers. Kay wants to know how it had gone. Paul lets Jill know that Kay's baby had been placed with a family in Ohio. Paul meets with Murphy and tells him what he and Jill had been up to. Phyllis shows Heather the surveillance camera footage, but Heather refuses to use it. Kay asks Victoria to come to work for her at Chancellor.", "" ]
[ "Kay: Well, what's it gonna be? Now make up your mind. I don't have all day.", "Murphy: You're gonna regret doin' that, Toots.", "Kay: Well, we will see who is sorry.", "Murphy: Gin. (Chuckles)", "Kay: Oh, God. You're unbeatable today. (Sighs)", "Murphy: Oh, it's not me-- it's you. Your head's just not in the game. I mean, selling a piece of Chancellor Industries has you all jittery.", "Kay: I'm just not convinced that I'm doing the right thing.", "Murphy: You worried that the, uh, stock is gonna tank?", "Kay: Au contraire. I'm afraid the stock is going to do too well.", "Murphy: (Chuckles) Well, everybody should be that lucky.", "Kay: No, listen to me. The more people who buy in, the more shareholders I have to answer to.", "Murphy: And Katherine Chancellor doesn't answer to anyone.", "Kay: (Stammers) I would have more time for us if--when I, um, you know, turn over some of the reins.", "Murphy: That's what's really bothering you, isn't it? The idea that-- that you've reached the top and--", "Kay: Nowhere but downhill after this? Well, uh, mm.", "Murphy: (Laughs) The--the way you live your life? Not a chance.", "Kay: Murphy, I am paving the way to leave.", "Murphy: You don't have to do that. I mean, you can sit in that captain's chair till the day you drop.", "Kay: I know that. I just need to do this for Jill, make sure the company is in the right place, the best possible place, when-- when she takes over. I-I just-- it's harder than I thought it would be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: You talk to your people, I'll talk to my people, and we'll touch base next week. Oh, not this trip. I wanted to get some Christmas shopping done while I'm here in New York. Okay, next time. (Sighs) Bartender?", "Tucker: What can I get for you, Darlin'?", "Jill: Well, now, that depends on what you have. Make a suggestion.", "Tucker: Are you willing to take a risk?", "Jill: (Chuckles) Are we still talking drinks?", "Tucker: You just put yourself in my hands. I've got something that'll make you very happy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Please tell me you have good news.", "Paul: Well, I can't be sure yet if it's significant.", "Phyllis: Okay, but it's a lead of some kind. It's something, right?", "Paul: Phyllis, I have scoured every surveillance camera around the area of the crime scene, and these were taken behind a gas station. They're all time-coded just after the shooting...", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Paul: All right? You can see the sedan coming down the alleyway...", "Phyllis: Right.", "Paul: Pulling up next to the dumpster...", "Phyllis: Right.", "Paul: The driver was wearing a ski mask and talking on the phone.", "Phyllis: Th-this is the person that-- that Daniel was talking about a-all in black in the alley, the way that Daniel described him.", "Paul: Okay, he got out of the car...", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Paul: With a cap on.", "Phyllis: This is amazing. This is the murderer. This is the murderer. This proves that Daniel wasn't lying. This is the murderer-- the--the--the third man in the alley with the ski mask. Thi--this is-- this is the break we need.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Okay, then, so we're clear? You'll be hearing from me.", "Amber: Bet you got more friends in here than you do on the outside.", "Deacon: You know what? Um, I'm gonna let that pass. Because I can only imagine how difficult it must be to have a husband in jail.", "Amber: We're gonna find proof that Daniel's innocent...", "Deacon: Really?", "Amber: And when we do, you will be the one behind bars.", "Deacon: Yeah, I don't know. Something tells me that Danny may be in here for the long haul. But, you know, when you-- when you get lonely, which I know you will, 'cause I know you hate to be alone, you call me. I'll be waiting.", "(Knock on door)", "Deacon: Guard.", "Daniel: Was that Deacon?", "Amber: Yeah, he was talking to that guy over there. I hate that you're in here and he's free.", "Daniel: Look, forget about Deacon. Now that we're married, he can't touch you anymore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Keyboard keys clicking)", "Victoria: We need to talk.", "J.T.: Talking hasn't gotten us anywhere.", "Victoria: J.T., please.", "J.T.: Look, I need to be in shape for these meetings...", "Victoria: I hate this!", "J.T.: Okay? I just can't deal with this situation right now.", "Victoria: \"The situation.\" \"The situation.\" \"The situation,\" meaning my affair, right?", "J.T.: Your affair. Your affair. The re--your resentment of me and my new career while yours is stuck in limbo-- yeah.", "Victoria: No, I don't resent you.", "J.T.: Look, the next two days are important to me, okay? I gotta be on top of my game. I just--can you respect that and wait till this weekend, please?", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Get a hold of Chloe on set and tell her to hold everything. I really need her input. So what-- to what do I owe this pleasure?", "Heather: I'm here on official business. You published confidential grand jury testimony on your web site.", "Billy: So?", "Heather: So whoever leaked that broke the law, and so did you. But I am willing to overlook it if you name your source.", "Billy: I'm pretty sure the first amendment protects me as long as I print the truth, so...", "Heather: Was it a juror? Okay, look, if you refuse to reveal your informant--", "Billy: All right, stop. You are not even thinking about charging me with a crime.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Murphy: Yeah, this meeting with Tucker McCall could be the most important one of your life.", "Kay: Well, my dear, every move he makes is golden. I mean, he's as shrewd as can be.", "Murphy: Well, my wife is a pretty tough cookie. I mean, she can take him.", "Kay: Murphy, he sneezes in the direction of any company, and that company's stock just goes up.", "Murphy: Yeah, but-- but that's good for Chancellor, no?", "Kay: Darling, Chancellor is family-owned, and I can't help but wonder if letting him in the mix is such a good idea. Am I saddling Jill with a shark named Tucker McCall?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Spanish coffee.", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Tucker: It'll curl your toes and cloud your brain. Careful now-- it does have a kick.", "Jill: Have we ever met before? You look very familiar to me.", "Tucker: I get that all the time.", "Jill: Your boss lets you sit with the customers?", "Tucker: I pretty much have the run of the place. Why? You want me to go?", "Jill: That depends on how good this is. (Chuckles) You can stay. So what's your name?", "Tucker: People call me \"Mick.\"", "Jill: Hi, Mick. I'm Jill.", "Tucker: Nice to meet you, Jill.", "Jill: (Chuckles) Do you always flirt so shamelessly with the women who come into your bar?", "Tucker: Only the beautiful ones.", "Jill: You're very good at your job.", "Tucker: I'm good at reading people. It helps in my line of work.", "Jill: Think you can read me?", "Tucker: You're a successful businesswoman, but you didn't come from money. You're a fighter. You've struggled. You know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck. That's why you appreciate what you have now.", "Jill: Wow, you're good. I wonder if I could guess your story.", "Tucker: Give it a shot.", "Jill: Okay. Okay. You haven't always been a bartender. You like to travel around a lot. You're very adventurous. You're not the kind of man who likes to be pinned down nine-to-five. New York-- it's a nice place to visit-- not your home.", "Tucker: No, it isn't.", "Jill: There's a deep sadness in you-- some great loss that you've suffered. You've never completely gotten over it. Oh, wow, I'm so sorry. I didn't--I didn't mean to get serious like that.", "Tucker: (Chuckles) No. No need to apologize. You described me to a tee.", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You know, if you wanted to make time for us, you could.", "J.T.: Look, you know better than anyone what it's like to be up against a deadline, all right? This job is a big opportunity for me. I don't want to blow it.", "Victoria: How would you feel if I went to Dubai for a couple of weeks? There's a deal that Nick wants me to handle for Newman, and, um, maybe it would do us some good to have time apart.", "J.T.: Time apart isn't the answer. Just let me get through the next few days, and we can deal with this together, okay?", "(Knock on door)", "Billy: I come in peace.", "J.T.: Oh, get the hell out.", "Victoria: Hold on. Just--you're not helping things, all right? What do you want?", "Billy: I made a mistake when I published that article about your, uh, transgression. It was a rookie error. I'm sorry you fell victim to my inexperience.", "Victoria: You know, it's a little late for apologies, I think.", "Billy: I should have called you first, given you a chance to tell your side of the story.", "J.T.: Oh, so you're not sorry you published the article?", "Billy: Not in the least. But in all fairness, I should have given Victoria the opportunity to give her side, so... I'm here to do that now.", "Victoria: Why? So you can just write more trash about me? You know, you have some nerve.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Victoria: You really do.", "Billy: I tried.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. This has to be the man that Daniel was talking about-- the person in the alley. It has to be.", "Paul: Okay. Then he took the ski mask and the phone, put it in a gym bag and tossed it all in the dumpster.", "Phyllis: Do we have a picture of the face?", "Paul: No, it was an older surveillance camera. It only took an image every five seconds.", "Phyllis: What else do you have?", "Paul: Well...", "Phyllis: All right, so the gym bag...", "Paul: Yeah.", "Phyllis: What about that logo?", "Paul: Well, I'm running that logo through recognition software, but I haven't come up with anything yet. Then he got back in the car and drove away.", "Phyllis: This is incredible. So the police-- they didn't have any of this?", "Paul: No. To be quite honest with you, it took a hell of a lot of legwork, so maybe they just thought that, uh, they had their man. They didn't want to expend the extra man-hours, and, uh, case closed.", "Phyllis: The case is not closed. It's not closed. With this, they have to investigate now.", "Paul: Well, if it were me, I-I think they should.", "Phyllis: \"Should\"? Wait a se-- what do you mean, \"Should\"? Who drives around at night with a ski mask in June?", "Paul: Well, okay, Phyllis, I'm also looking into the possibility of other robberies that night, of people wearing ski masks.", "Phyllis: Listen, Paul, I really appreciate you pressuring Heather into opening up this case file. I'll never forget what you did for me. I will never forget it.", "Paul: No problem. Daniel's a good kid. Do you want me to, uh, walk those over to the D.A.'s office?", "Phyllis: No, no, no. I-I'm gonna take care of it. I'm gonna take care of it. They have to agree that this changes everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone rings)", "Kay: (Clears throat) Yes? Hello?", "Jill: I met with the lawyers.", "Kay: Oh, how'd it go?", "Jill: Very well. So how do things stand with the I.P.O.?", "Kay: Well, I have to admit, I am feeling some ambivalence towards turning part of my company over to strangers.", "Jill: Katherine, you have control over who's invited in, at least initially.", "Kay: I'm not convinced that Tucker McCall is a wise choice. Maybe we should just, you know... (Sighs) Keep our offer to people we know.", "Jill: Well, you'll meet him tomorrow, and then just trust your judgment.", "Kay: I'm curious to see what you think of him.", "Jill: Yeah, we'll see.", "Kay: All right. You have a safe flight home, Darling.", "Jill: I will. Thanks, Katherine.", "Tucker: Business?", "Jill: Just the biggest deal of my career.", "Tucker: (Chuckles) Anything you could tip me off to?", "Jill: Are we talking insider trading?", "Tucker: Easy on the reins. I'm a straight shooter, Darlin'.", "Jill: (Chuckles) Okay, it is a stock deal, okay? But it won't be made public right away. We're offering an I.P.O. -- that's an initial public offering-- by invitation only. See, we're hoping to raise enough venture capital th-- oh, Lord, I'm boring you to tears, aren't I?", "Tucker: No, no, not at all. I find it fascinating.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Lay off Victoria.", "Billy: Calm down. It's nothing personal.", "J.T.: No, you've been gunning for the Newman's with all that trash you've been writin'.", "Billy: Good stories sell magazines. Readers like to know even when the high and mighty Newman's have flaws.", "J.T.: But you don't give a damn who you hurt, do you?", "Billy: I'm just a journalist, man. I write what I see.", "J.T.: (Chuckles) No, you're not a journalist. You're an opportunist.", "Billy: Yeah, see, I am not the pretender here. Now you can put on that expensive handmade suit-- and it does look good-- but you're not foolin' anybody, especially Victoria, because at the end of the day, you're just a security guard, Buddy.", "J.T.: You're not worth this. (Chuckles)", "J.T.: Yeah, it's J.T. I need you to throw out a trespasser.", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I want to know what you plan to do about Billy Abbott.", "Owen: Mrs. Hellstrom.", "Victoria: He published grand jury testimony that was supposed to remain confidential.", "Owen: (Sighs) I'm well aware.", "Heather: I questioned Billy, and he refused to name his source.", "Victoria: Does that mean you won't follow up?", "Heather: Well, freedom of the press makes it difficult.", "Victoria: So you're just gonna drop it then?", "Owen: Look, we need to make a swift example of anyone who leaks grand jury testimony.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: That's the third guy. Daniel's innocent. With the--this is-- this is proof!", "Phyllis: Well, it raises reasonable doubt.", "Amber: (Sighs) You know, I went to see him earlier, and he was so low. He needs to know about this. I'm gonna go back, and I'm gonna cheer him up.", "Phyllis: Tell him not to give up.", "Amber: I will. I will. (Chuckles)", "Deacon: Well, we meet again.", "Amber: (Sighs)", "Deacon: You lonely yet?", "Amber: Not for long.", "Deacon: She looked happy.", "Phyllis: (Clears throat) I want to talk to you. What do you know about these?", "Deacon: Um, what are they?", "Phyllis: They're surveillance photos taken the night of Elkins' murder.", "Deacon: It's got nothing to do with me.", "Phyllis: It has everything to do with you. How dare you just sit back and say nothing and let my son take the rap for this? How dare you plead the fifth?", "Deacon: Well, so much for the sanctity of a closed hearing.", "Phyllis: You're gonna be really sorry you started this.", "Phyllis: Heather. (Sighs) Heather.", "Heather: What is it now?", "Phyllis: Right here-- surveillance photos taken the night of the murder. Look at that. Your father found them. A person in a ski mask wearing black, just like Daniel said.", "Heather: Those photos are useless.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: People are never boring when they're passionate about what they do. This deal excites you. Your eyes are sparkling.", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Tucker: (Chuckles) When you do what you love, it's always inspirational.", "Jill: Are you loving what you're doing?", "Tucker: I know the price of every bottle of booze on those shelves. I know how much I charge per drink. I know how much money this bar makes every day-- that's the math. What's intriguing is the fact that people can buy a bottle of booze for 20 bucks, yet they come in here. They spend $200, $300, one glass at a time for the same amount of pours, just so they can sit and talk to someone.", "Jill: Hmm.", "Tucker: I'll tell you a little secret-- we're not in the business of selling booze here.", "Jill: You're not?", "Tucker: We're sellin' a cure for loneliness.", "Jill: (Chuckles) I never thought of it that way before, but you're right.", "Tucker: Of course I'm right. Now you tell me more about this fascinating work you do.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Jill: Mm, don't go anywhere. Hello?", "Paul: Jill, its Paul. I've got some good news. I found some microfilm in the hall of records, and it looks like Katherine's baby was placed somewhere in Ohio.", "Jill: \"Somewhere\"?", "Paul: Right. I'm headed down there now. I, uh, am hoping to pick up on a-a trail of some kind.", "Jill: I want to be able to give Katherine good news by Christmas.", "Paul: Well, it could be the break we need, or it could be a dead end. I really can't go any further without talking to family members. You know, the smallest little memory could turn into a very important lead.", "Jill: All right, just as long as Katherine is not alerted.", "Paul: All right, don't worry about it. I will be very discreet.", "Jill: Okay. Call me when you get to Ohio.", "Paul: All right, will do.", "Jill: (Chuckles) Now where were we?", "Tucker: You were about to fascinate me.", "Jill: Ah.", "(Puts cell phone down)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Murphy: (Chuckles)", "Paul: Hey, Murph.", "Murphy: Paul, what's shakin'?", "Paul: Perfect timing. Do, uh, do you have a few?", "Murphy: Oh, I'm just pickin' up some food for me and the missus.", "Paul: Okay.", "Murphy: What's-- what's on your mind?", "Paul: Um, well, could we keep this between us? I-I-I really don't want Katherine to know about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Surveillance photos from behind the gas station?", "Amber: Mm, we found proof.", "Daniel: How does that prove that the guy in the ski mask was in the alley with me?", "Amber: Because it fits your description exactly. And your mom is gonna talk to the D.A.'s office, and maybe you can make bail.", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "Amber: (Chuckles)", "Daniel: That's good. That's--that's great. I'd do just about anything to get out of this place. (Chuckles)", "Amber: (Sighs)", "Daniel: Leave it to Mom to make things happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Heather, are-- are you--are you kidding me? (Scoffs) Are you blind? I mean, look. That person right there matches Daniel's description of the third man in the alley identically. Look at that.", "Heather: Okay.", "Phyllis: Look at that right there.", "Heather: Yes, I see, but there is nothing tying that person to the crime, and the gym bag in the dumpster could have been filled with anything. We'll never know, because it's been hauled away to a county landfill somewhere.", "Phyllis: Okay, but-- but you can investigate. You can investigate because of these.", "Heather: (Sighs) I have a solid case against Daniel-- evidence against him. He has motivation, opportunity, fingerprints on the murder weapon.", "Phyllis: You know, I-I-- I hope none of your loved ones ever have to face prison for a crime they didn't commit.", "Heather: Look, I know that you think I'm being a bitch, okay? But if I go back and ask the D.A.'s office to spend their time and money investigating this so- called lead, I promise you, they'll laugh in my face.", "Phyllis: You can fight them. You can fight them.", "Heather: If--if I thought that Daniel was innocent-- unfortunately, I'm sure the right person is going to jail for the crime.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay, yeah. I bet--yeah, I bet you're sure. I bet you are. You know what? You're insane. You're wrong, and I'm gonna prove it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Yeah, yeah, it's me. Uh, you remember that little message we discussed? Why, I think it's time we deliver it now. All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Jill hired me to look for Katherine's daughter.", "Murphy: Ahh. Now when--when did that happen?", "Paul: A few weeks ago.", "Murphy: It now makes sense why you and Jill were so lovey-dovey. Uh, it--it was your cover.", "Paul: (Chuckles)", "Murphy: You know, I never did think that you and Jill could be together.", "Paul: Well, Jill doesn't want Katherine to find out about it until we have something, so I am hoping I can count on your discretion.", "Murphy: Hey, mum's the word.", "Paul: I was thinking that, uh, you being relatively new in Katherine's life, you would be the perfect person to ask her about that time. You can ask her a few questions, see if you can jog her memory-- you know, with a little finesse.", "Murphy: Uh-huh, me tactful? That would be a first.", "Paul: (Laughs) Well, you can see if she remembers anything.", "Murphy: But what if you never find Katherine's daughter? Or worse, what if she's had a-a tragic life that could have been prevented if Katherine didn't give her up? I mean, it would tear her apart.", "Paul: Will you think about it?", "Murphy: Yeah. Yeah, I will.", "Paul: All right, thanks, Murph.", "Murphy: Yeah.", "Paul: Good to see you.", "Murphy: I'll see you, Paul.", "Paul: All right. Take care.", "J.T.: Hey.", "Murphy: Hey, J.T.", "J.T.: How you doing?", "Murphy: Oh, you're lookin' sharp.", "J.T.: Well, thank you, Sir. Appreciate it.", "Murphy: Okay.", "Paul: There you are.", "J.T.: Paul.", "Paul: Never thought I'd see you wearing a suit again.", "J.T.: Well, that makes two of us.", "Billy: Hey.", "Murphy: Hey, Billy, how you doing?", "Billy: I'm good, man. How are you?", "Murphy: (Chuckles) Good.", "Billy: Hey, you know what? Who does this guy think he is? I think I'm gonna--", "Murphy: No, no, no, no, no, no. Why don't you and I have a cup of coffee? Come on.", "Billy: Yeah, all right. Fine, a cup of coffee.", "Murphy: Yeah.", "Paul: So it looks like you were pretty smart taking that job.", "J.T.: Oh, you know...", "Paul: Let me tell you, it's not just the suit that looks impressive. It's the way you wear it.", "J.T.: Well, uh, this job has been good in a lot of ways. I mean, I'm-- I'm doing things I never would have at Newman.", "Paul: I always thought you underestimated yourself. I'm proud of you.", "J.T.: Yeah, well, I wish Victoria felt that way.", "Paul: What, is she having a hard time?", "J.T.: Well, let's just say this, uh, this job has been a good career move, but it hasn't been too good on my marriage.", "Billy: Go ahead, Murphy. Rip into me about the Victoria article. Just join the club, man.", "Murphy: Now why, uh, why would I do that? I don't know the first thing about running a magazine. But I do know you, and I know you've been better.", "Billy: (Clears throat) So you're disappointed?", "Murphy: Billy, I'm not the one to judge you. You are. So ask yourself this one question-- \"Am I proud of what I'm doing?\" Because at the end of the day, all the success in the world doesn't mean squat if you're not proud of who you are. Thank you. You know, I wa-- I was raised with old-fashioned values, and one of the things my father taught me was... don't hurt a lady.", "Billy: (Coughs) (Coughs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: So, uh, let me get this straight-- you and Nicholas are joining forces.", "Victoria: Yes, Nicholas and I will be buying Chancellor stock using money from our trusts.", "Kay: Well, can't you run it through the company?", "Victoria: No, because, um, well, I'm just, um, I'm just laying low-- keeping a very low profile.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Kay: Victoria, I know you've been having a very difficult time. You do know that you can talk to me about anything.", "Victoria: Thanks. I've tried calling my mom, but it's--it's kind of difficult to get a hold of her right now...", "Kay: All right.", "Victoria: With the time difference, and, you know, Katherine, I really could use some advice.", "Kay: Uh, well, all right. All right, let's just put business aside and--and talk about what's important.", "Victoria: I wish my husband felt the same way. You know, Katherine, it's like ever since he got this new job, I don't know. His priorities have changed, a-and I-I ju-- (Sighs) We've been arguing for months.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: I try to talk to him. I try to find common ground, but he either explodes at me or--or he needs to leave. And that-- (Sighs) I mean, I just don't know how to break the cycle, Katherine.", "Kay: Just because you're ready to deal with things, uh, J.T. isn't. Darling, he's got to find his own way. And the only control in this situation, the only control you have over anything is yourself.", "Victoria: You sound like my mother.", "Kay: (Chuckles) Well, we learned the hard way-- truly, the hard way. All right, so what, um, what can you do to make your life better?", "Victoria: Get a job. (Chuckles)", "Kay: Well, what's stopping you?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Well, Newman's off-limits, unless I want to work in Dubai. It might be good to get away for a while.", "Kay: Mm-hmm. However, there is another option.", "Victoria: Which is?", "Kay: Neil mentioned it before, and I think it's a wonderful, wonderful idea. Come to work for me at Chancellor.", "Victoria: Well, I am honored that you would ask me to work at Chancellor.", "Kay: It may not solve all your problems, and, well, you'd be doing the kind of work that you love, and it would be giving you breathing room from J.T.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: We've talked about taking a break from each other.", "Paul: Okay. Well, you know, there's nothing wrong with that.", "J.T.: Victoria's considering working for Newman, uh, in Dubai.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Taking a breather might actually be a good idea. That's why Nicholas. suggested that I work overseas for Newman.", "Kay: Well, what about Reed? Isn't he in school?", "Victoria: Well, yeah. I'll just-- I'll take him with me. We'd only be gone a couple of months, tops.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: And I don't like the idea of her taking Reed away for so long. You know, when Victoria and I both worked at Newman, it was, uh, it was great, you know? We saw each other all the time, but now it's, uh, it's a mess.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: How does J.T. feel about that?", "Victoria: He doesn't want me to go.", "Kay: Well, I would be thrilled to have you work at Chancellor.", "Victoria: I think no matter where I work, it's not gonna change things with J.T.", "Kay: I see. So your careers are not really the problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: But something has changed dramatically between the two of you, and it-- it keeps-- it keep raising its ugly head.", "J.T.: Are you talking about Billy's online piece?", "Paul: It can't be easy having your wife's infidelity plastered all over the internet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Just imagine if millions of people read about your indiscretions.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: Oh, what am I talking about? (Chuckles) They already have, haven't they?", "Kay: Well, yes, but, uh, my book came out long after I made those mistakes. And it really does. It takes the sting out of it.", "Victoria: You know, my affair almost destroyed my marriage. Having it made so public...", "Kay: Well, that must be very difficult. As much as J.T. loves you, he has to be struggling.", "Victoria: Katherine, I'm worried that we're past the point of no return, and I just don't know if he's gonna be able to trust me again ever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Victoria and I have talked about the affair. I've forgiven her, and we're moving past it.", "Paul: You don't really believe it's that simple, though, do you? It's not easy to recover from that kind of betrayal, on both sides. Trust me, I have been there. I'm sure Victoria feels guilty. And I would be very surprised to find out that you are-- are able to completely let it go and--and trust her completely.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Victoria, it's gonna take time before J.T. can trust you again. But the question is, can you hang in there? I mean, can you just keep reaching out to the man and risk rejection?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Maybe you're right. You know, I--maybe you're right. I mean, I've--I've been-- I've been trying to talk myself into--to moving past it, but I don't know. I don't know. Maybe I-I'll never be able to trust Victoria completely again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: (Chuckles) (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Did you see Daniel?", "Amber: Yes, he got so excited when I told him about the photos. So what did Heather say when you showed 'em to her?", "Phyllis: Oh, um... (Raises voice) The incompetent assistant D.A. who's sitting in the patio... (Normal voice) Said they were useless, yeah.", "Amber: No, no, no. That's the best lead we've had.", "Phyllis: Unless there's a direct connection to the person in the photos and the crime scene, they're useless in the case.", "Amber: I'm gonna kill her.", "Phyllis: No, no. Assaulting an officer of the court is not a good idea. It's not gonna help Daniel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: (Sighs) Got your message. What's up?", "Heather: Mm. Just once I wish you weren't so good at your job.", "Paul: Uh, so Phyllis showed you the surveillance photos?", "Heather: You could have warned me.", "Paul: (Sighs) Check your phone. (Sighs)", "Heather: Oh. Well, okay, fine. But Phyllis is delusional if she thinks those surveillance photos are gonna prove Daniel's innocence. Would you please talk some sense into that woman?", "Paul: (Sighs) She's fighting for her son. I would do the same thing for you.", "Heather: Yeah, but there's no connection between some random stranger tossing a gym bag into a dumpster and a crime scene.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You know it's up to us to find a connection.", "Amber: How?", "Phyllis: Why would somebody after committing a murder take time to toss a gym bag in the trash unless there was something incriminating inside of it?", "Amber: So we go dumpster-diving and find the bag.", "Phyllis: Yeah, by this time, you know it's in a landfill somewhere.", "Amber: Well, I will tear apart that landfill to save Daniel.", "Phyllis: So will I.", "Amber: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Tucker: Leaving so soon?", "Jill: Yes, I have to get back to Genoa City.", "Tucker: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: So what do I owe you?", "Tucker: On the house.", "Jill: Oh, come on.", "Tucker: No, please. Your money is no good here.", "Jill: Well, at least let me leave a tip.", "Tucker: (Chuckles) Really, it's not necessary.", "Jill: (Chuckles) Oh, trust me, you're gonna like that tip.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Murphy: Uh, I ran into Billy at the club.", "Kay: Well, I wish that young man would straighten up.", "Murphy: I gave him, uh, I gave him a good kick in the pants, for what it's worth.", "Kay: Well, he's never going to change until he gets rid of his demons, and, um, you know, all we can do is be there for him when he needs us.", "Murphy: Mm-hmm.", "Kay: You know, you said something earlier to me about this meeting with, uh, Tucker McCall being the most important meeting of my life. And actually, I think the most important meeting of my life was on a riverbank October 29, year 20-08.", "Murphy: That's the day I first set eyes on you. Hey, are you buttering me up so, uh, I'll let you win?", "Kay: Don't need to. Gin!", "Murphy: Okay.", "Kay: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Footsteps approach)", "J.T.: Hey.", "Victoria: Hey.", "J.T.: How'd you know I was here?", "Victoria: Um, you know when you got your flu shot? I had the doctor put a homing device in your brain. So I just... (Laughs)", "J.T.: Hey, listen. You know, maybe-- maybe I have thrown myself a little too hard into work.", "Victoria: You do what you need to do, and we'll deal with it, okay?", "(Footsteps approach)", "Billy: Hey, can I get a water?", "J.T.: I'm gonna deal with Billy the way I should have earlier.", "Victoria: No, hold on. Wait a second. I've already dealt with Billy. You see that guy at the end of the bar?", "Billy: Thanks. (Clears throat)", "Man: William Abbott?", "Billy: Uh, yes, Sir.", "Man: You've been served.", "Billy: Oh, what the hell, man?", "Man: It's about the, uh, leaked grand jury testimony.", "Billy: Thank you. Mm-hmm.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Mac: I just took a test to find out if I'm pregnant.", "Billy: And, uh...", "Mac: I find out this afternoon.", "Judge: You will reveal your source, or I will find you in contempt.", "Jill: I've been so looking forward to meeting you, Mr. McCa--" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nick sees the article about Sharon and Adam. Adam and Sharon are alone in a hotel room when Leslie comes to visit. Gloria orders Jeffrey to get the chocolate fountain ready for Katherine as she arrives. Kevin asks him about his eye, but Jeffrey only has slurs for him. Katherine asks Kevin about his relationship with Chloe, but he insists that it is only a friendship. Daisy thanks Daniel for letting her move in. Daniel calls Abby to talk about them. When Jana visits her alone, Daisy wants to know what is going on. Gloria asks Katherine to talk to Kevin about adopting Daisy's baby. Daisy insists on keeping her baby. Daniel asks Abby to go back to the way things were between them. Abby is for the idea until she finds out that Daisy is living with Daniel. Jack blasts Phyllis for the article that she wrote about Sharon. Malcolm arrives and lets Phyllis know that the phone lines at \"Restless Style' are all abuzz with callers about the article about Sharon defending Adam. Leslie tells Adam and Sharon about the article in \"Restless Style.\" Sharon insists on going to see Noah.", "Noah tells Sharon that he doesn't want to know her anymore. Nick sets the limits on when Sharon can visit Faith, but without Adam. Adam comes to visit Jack to reprimand him for his treatment of Sharon. Abby asks Daniel to leave after she finds out that Daisy is living with him. Katherine tells Sharon that she saw the article in \"Restless Style.\" Sharon and Phyllis argue. Nick interrupts Jack and Adam and orders Adam to \"shut up.\" Daisy and Jana reach a deal concerning the baby. Jana tells Kevin that she went to talk to Daisy about the baby.", "" ]
[ "Noah: Yeah, well, you're just along for the moral support, so no, \"My son's a genius.\"", "Nick: Got it. I'm just here for a book... on knitting.", "Noah: All right. (Chuckles)", "Noah: Mom?", "Nick: Damn it, Phyllis.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Sharon: (Sighs) What?", "Adam: I thought it was a dream, but you're still here. This just feels... right.", "Sharon: Well, except the part about being away from Faith. (Sighs)", "Adam: I hate that being with me now means more time away from your daughter.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Well, the only way that Nick will let me see my own child is in his presence and in his home.", "Adam: Yeah, we have to fix that.", "Sharon: Starting with proving that you didn't kill Skye.", "(Knock on door)", "Sharon: It's okay. Answer it.", "Leslie: We have a problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Jeffrey, would you please--", "Jeff: If you say, \"Jeffrey, would you please\" one more time--", "Gloria: All right. All right. Fine. Move your backside. Get things ready for the chocolate fountain. Katherine Chancellor needs everything just so. Mercury is in retrograde...", "Jeff: Oh, wack-a-doodle garbage when I'm bustin' my hump here.", "Gloria: Mercury is in retrograde. Communication is impeded. Things go wrong. People get crazy, so we have to be vigilant and prepa-- hello, Katherine.", "Kay: Hello, there.", "Jeff: (Sighs)", "Kay: Everything looks absolutely lovely.", "Gloria: Thank you. I was just telling Jeffery, everything for the fund-raiser for the children is going to be perfect.", "Kay: Good.", "Jeff: (Clears throat)", "Kevin: How's that new shiner?", "Jeff: What do you want?", "Kevin: Well, I have some questions about, uh, the books.", "Jeff: What? You want me to hand-hold you while you steal my bookie business right out from under me? Suck eggs, Rodent. Figure it out yourself.", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "Kay: Oh, Dear. Hello, my darling.", "Kevin: Hi.", "Kay: So, uh, why am I always so surprised how capable your mother can be?", "Kevin: (Chuckles) \"Under the tree.\" It's pretty cool, huh?", "Kay: Mm.", "Kevin: Every kid should have a gift during the holidays, and it's even better when it's exactly what they want.", "Kay: Oh, and you? What about what you want? Say, like, Chloe?", "Kevin: (Laughs) We're not talking-- I already told you Chloe and I are just friends.", "Kay: Ahh.", "Kevin: Besides, I have more important things that I need to worry about.", "Kay: Oh, such as?", "Kevin: Such as, um, making enough money to fight for custody of Daisy's baby. I want to raise my niece. Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: Um, your mom bought me really healthy food.", "Daniel: Well, I gotta go out. So if you need anything, ask the guard.", "Daisy: Hey, thanks again for having us.", "Daniel: Uh, I'm takin' off. You should probably go in there.", "Man: You got it.", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "Abby: Hello?", "Daniel: Hey, where are you?", "Abby: Uh, home.", "Daniel: Okay, um, stay there. I'll be right over.", "Man: Yeah?", "Jana: Hello. I was here yesterday. I would like to see Daisy... alone.", "Man: I'll be outside.", "Daisy: What's going on? What was that wink for yesterday?", "Jana: I have a proposition for you, and if you're smart, you will say yes.", "Daisy: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Would you talk some sense into him, Katherine? You are in no position to be a father.", "Kevin: Uh, excuse you. Um, at least this is something I want to do. Daniel doesn't want to do it. Daisy is an inmate. I can do this. I don't want this kid having the same childhood that I had.", "Gloria: Oh, so this is all my doing?", "Kevin: I'm not Daniel. I like the idea of kids.", "Kay: Kevin, becoming a father in this manner... wouldn't you prefer to go a more... traditional way?", "Kevin: Well, yeah, but look at Chloe and Delia. That was untraditional, and those two are amazing together. And you know what? I'm pretty good with Delia, too.", "Kay: Being good, I mean, is not going to get you custody.", "Gloria: Mnh-mnh.", "Kay: Do you understand that? Besides, you have not always been the model citizen you are today.", "Gloria: Extenuating circumstances, but true.", "Kevin: Yes, which is why I have hired an attorney. I'm hoping that I can just deal with this with my sister, but if I can't, I will go to court. And, yes, I know that my chances are pretty terrible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: (Sighs) Maybe it's you being pregnant or away from your aunt, but you're not the same person who... (Chuckles) You're not the same person who taunted me in that cage. Now remember, you once asked me for help. And I see you now, and I want to help you build a relationship with your brother, but it's not gonna be easy.", "Daisy: Well, what do you think it'll take?", "Jana: Kevin already cares about that baby, and he's offered to raise it.", "Daisy: Oh, no. I am not sucking up to you or my brother by handing my baby over. I'm keeping her.", "Jana: No, you cannot raise that child in your little prison cell.", "Daisy: Listen, Vance Abrams' associate is working for me now. Leslie? She's the one who got that basketball player acquitted. She's gonna do the same thing for me, and then it's gonna be me and Daniel and this baby. We're all gonna be together.", "Jana: Mm, but--but-- but, Daisy, Daniel despises you, and he wants absolutely nothing to do with you or the baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Hey. You sounded--oh! Oh, hi. Uh... what are--mm-- what are you doing?", "Daniel: I want things to go back to the way they were.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Abby: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: How is it that you come with food, but... I'm always hungrier after you bring it?", "Phyllis: That's a good article, isn't it?", "Jack: That is one body blow after another. You and Billy ready for the fallout?", "Phyllis: The only person who's going to experience fallout is Sharon, because everybody will know how twisted she really is.", "Jack: There are other players, you know. They're not gonna be too happy.", "Phyllis: Nick?", "Jack: Actually, I was thinking of Noah. Kids have a tendency to want to protect their moms.", "Phyllis: Listen, I take responsibility for everything I wrote. It's all true.", "Jack: Go get 'em, Tiger. You got a big seller here.", "(Knock on door)", "Phyllis: Oh, you know, that's Malcolm. We're going to Kay Chancellor's fund- raiser.", "Jack: Ahh.", "Phyllis: \"Restless Style's\" giving a check. Hello.", "Malcolm: Hey. Hey, Guys.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) Hey.", "Jack: Hey.", "Malcolm: I just, uh, just came from the office. The phones are blowin' up about the Sharon article.", "Phyllis: (Squeals) Are they?", "Malcolm: Oh, yeah.", "Phyllis: That's great.", "Malcolm: (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: Oh, I wish I could see Sharon's face when she reads it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: \"We're supposed to protect our children, always put them first. Little Faith, the most innocent of anyone in this story, deserves to know her mommy didn't do that\"?", "Adam: Look at this. \"Sharon turned her back on her, let the evil that separated them once before come back into their lives to separate them again.\"", "Leslie: People on juries can read, too. They'll have you convicted before you're even charged.", "Adam: You think Nicholas will use this to get full custody of Faith?", "Sharon: Well, no matter how angry Nick gets, he knows that Faith needs me. But when Noah sees this...", "Leslie: You know, I'll leave you to it. I have to assess the damage this does and figure out how to reverse it.", "Adam: For Phyllis and Billy to come after me-- that is one thing. But I mean...", "Sharon: Well, I'm fair game now.", "Adam: Because of me.", "Sharon: (Sighs) You know what? I have to talk to Noah. I'll see you later.", "Adam: Hold on. Wait.", "Adam: That's all.", "Adam: Hey, it's me. We gotta meet somewhere. I need to talk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs) I mean, Phyllis couldn't back off once, not even for you and Faith.", "Noah: She loves ripping into Mom, but this... (Sighs)", "Nick: It's ridiculous.", "Sharon: Noah. I saw your car in the parking lot.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Nick: And we just saw your article in this magazine.", "Sharon: Phyllis is-- is Phyllis. She lashes out. I can--I can take it, but you shouldn't have to deal with this.", "Noah: Then why did you give her the ammunition?", "Sharon: These are the same lies that she's been peddling for years.", "Noah: And, uh, which part was a lie? That you didn't leave us for Adam?", "Sharon: You and Faith are my priority. You always have been.", "Noah: I was at the house last night, Mom. You didn't come home.", "Sharon: Okay, well, that's not the point here.", "Noah: Do you have any idea how much time I spent worrying about you, afraid you'd spin out, steal things, end up back in the psych ward? But you're fine, and yet you still want Adam, which means I don't want to know you anymore.", "Nick: I hope trading your kids was worth it for Adam.", "Sharon: Faith is still my little baby, Nick.", "Nick: Who you are entitled to see whenever you would like at the tack house under my supervision, and Adam is not to ever, ever be with you under any circumstances.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: (Chuckles) \"Heroine addict,\" with an \"E\"? (Chuckles) That is very punny, Phyllis. (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: Honestly, Malcolm, it feels good to put out the truth about Sharon.", "Malcolm: Well, you did it with style and flair, might I add.", "Phyllis: No, it's a very well-written article. I mean, the proof is all there. Sharon isn't just, you know, pathetic and needy. She's selfish, self- destructive, deranged. She--she's fallen for her baby's kidnapper.", "Malcolm: Look at you, rockin' your righteous, take-on-the-world face.", "Phyllis: That's right. That's right. I am.", "Malcolm: Go ahead, Girl.", "Phyllis: Other than what Daniel's going through, this is the best I've felt in years. I feel really good.", "Malcolm: Well, that's a good thing, as long as Adam doesn't get all riled up and come after you.", "Phyllis: He's a weasel. I could take him any day.", "Malcolm: Well...", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Malcolm: I believe it, 'cause you a bad girl. A weasel's one thing. But a rabid weasel frothing at the mouth is a completely different animal entirely.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You called me. Speak up. What do you want?", "Adam: You hate me. Blah, blah. Whatever. But you care about Sharon, and you know Phyllis took this thing too far.", "Jack: Phyllis told the truth, and now you and Sharon get to live with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: (Chuckles) You want things to go back to the way they were?", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "Abby: You know, as far as lines go, that's right up there with \"You complete me.\"", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "Abby: So I am guessing that the whole Daisy thing has been resolved, thank God. (Whispers) Obviously, I've been missing you a lot.", "Daniel: It's worse. Has Jack talked to you? Has he mentioned anything to you at all?", "Abby: (Normal voice) Uh, stuff like Daisy lives with your mom now.", "Daniel: Yeah, um... she kind of lives with me now. I have this person who has purposely tried to screw up my life living in my apartment, and she always needs something. And it makes me feel like absolute garbage, because every time I look at her and I see that bump, all I can think about is how I-I want--", "Abby: How you want things to go back to the way they were.", "Daniel: Look, I can't make Daisy go away. But you tell me how to fix things with you, and I'll do it, whatever it is.", "Abby: I can't be your quick fix. (Scoffs) The fact that you would even come here knowing how I feel about all this, about Daisy, about the baby, about you, it's just--it's too much for me to handle, okay? It's not fair.", "Daniel: Well, do you think any of this is fair to me, either?", "Abby: But I can't do anything about that. This is all I can control... which is why I want you to leave.", "Daniel: Hey.", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey, Jeff, we really need to go over some of these details.", "Jeff: Go stuff an olive.", "Kevin: Look, it's not like I begged Hogan for this job, okay? And you're still in the game. I'm just in charge now. So why don't we go over some of the details of this arrangement so we can all make some money, okay?", "Jeff: You're the computer genius whiz kid. You don't need my help.", "Kevin: Hogan was talking about burning this place down when you were in Boca. He didn't back off until I agreed to take over, so maybe you can stop being such a jerk and say thank you.", "Jeff: (Sighs) Thank you, \"Nut boy.\"", "(Cell phone buzzes)", "Kevin: Hello? Hey, yeah, thanks for getting back to me. Okay, can, uh, can you meet at Gloworm? That'd be great. Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Katherine, hi. Hey, everything looks lovely. Um, have you seen Phyllis? She and I have something to discuss.", "Kay: Yeah, well, I can imagine. I saw the new issue of \"Restless Style.\"", "Sharon: Mm, yeah. Uh, she is relentless. All of the--the lies a-and the name- calling. I mean, \"Stupid,\" \"Naive,\" \"Evil\"-- I mean, she's just-- she's gone completely off the deep end, and this destruction has got to stop.", "Kay: Uh-huh, well, I recall something about you, uh, helping Adam with an attorney, right?", "Sharon: Well, I mean, Adam has the right to representation, and he can't afford the fee, so I am helping him pay the retainer, but you know that he was never charged with anything. They couldn't find any evidence that he hurt Skye.", "Kay: Shh, shh, shh, shh.", "Sharon: She's disappeared. She's done it before. It's more of the same.", "Kay: Shh. Sharon. Sharon. Now is he threatening you? Or I-is he demanding you-- you defend him? Or, Darling, are you just plain stupid?", "Sharon: This is exactly the way Phyllis works. She completely contorts the truth until people see things only the way that she wants them to.", "Kay: Ahh. Well, I am very clear-eyed, my dear, but, uh, I cannot imagine one legitimate situation where you would want to protect him.", "Sharon: Okay, well, I can explain the whole thing to you gladly, just later, because right now, I have to talk to Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Kay. You look amazing.", "Kay: Thank you.", "Phyllis: You really do. You look amazing. I want to get some shots of you. Um, this is a great charity. I'm so--I'm so glad you did this so the needy children can share in the magic of the holiday.", "Sharon: Um, Phyllis, yeah, hi. I'm standing right here. Feel free to acknowledge me. Or--or can you only bash me in print? That way, no one can call you a liar.", "Kay: All right, stop it right now. This event is for the sake of the children. Girls, I will not have anyone or anything standing in its way.", "Phyllis: Absolutely not. Some--some people don't care about kids. Excuse me. I have to talk to Malcolm.", "Sharon: Katherine, I have the right to defend myself.", "Kay: You take it elsewhere. And I will not tell you a second time.", "Phyllis: Hey. Hey.", "Daniel: Hey.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) How's it going with Daisy?", "Daniel: She's with the guard.", "Phyllis: Just a few more weeks until she has the baby, and then we're done with her.", "Daniel: Well, yeah, then we have a whole new set of problems.", "Phyllis: No, not really.", "Daniel: (Scoffs)", "Kevin: (Clears throat) Hi there.", "Phyllis: Hello. Look, I have to, uh, go air-kiss a few people who-- well, I have no idea who they are. (Laughs) Excuse me.", "Daniel: Hey.", "Kevin: So I hear that, uh, Daisy is living with you now. That's gotta be... different.", "Daniel: Yep.", "Kevin: How's the baby?", "Daniel: Still not born.", "Leslie: Kevin, hello.", "Kevin: Leslie, hi. Thank you for meeting me here. Uh, I don't know if you two know each other. Daniel Romalotti, this is Leslie Michaelson.", "Daniel: Vance's assistant.", "Leslie: Yeah.", "Daniel: Associate, yeah.", "Leslie: Yeah, nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you.", "Kevin: Shall we?", "Leslie: Yeah.", "Daniel: Hang on a second. What the hell is this all about?", "Kevin: Well, I called her to see if Daisy had mentioned my offer to raise the baby.", "Daniel: (Scoffs) (Chuckles) Just couldn't leave it the hell alone, could you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You and all the other smug, sanctimonious, hypocritical jerks involved in this-- Victor, Phyllis, Billy, Nicholas-- you want to come after me, come after me. Whatever. It bores me. But you go after Sharon? She hasn't done anything to anyone.", "Nick: Dude, shut up. You started all this when you followed Sharon to Louisiana. Phyllis never would have written that article if you hadn't done that.", "Jack: And I don't fault Phyllis for writing it, not one word of it.", "Adam: And that is because, simply put, you, my friend, are a jackass. Both of you are. You pledge your undying love to her over and over and over again, ad nauseum. But only if she plays your game by your rules, the way you want. If not, you toss her to the wolves. You two don't deserve the kind of loyalty and forgiveness that Sharon is capable of.", "Jack: And you deserve her loyalty and forgiveness? Is that it?", "Adam: I will do whatever it takes to make sure that you do not keep Sharon from her daughter.", "Nick: What'd you just say to me? Huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Hey. Have you seen \"Restless style\"?", "Abby: (Sobs)", "Noah: Hey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: So--so let me get this straight. You want to keep Daisy around for the baby's sake, then just toss the baby away?", "Leslie: You guys want to do this here? I mean, this is not the time or the place.", "Daniel: No, you don't get a baby as a consolation prize for having a crappy childhood.", "Kay: Listen to me. I've ordered one person out of this place today. Do not make me--", "Phyllis: Daniel, walk away. Walk away. Walk away.", "Kevin: No. No. No. No. No. This kid has no shot in life, none, because its mom is psycho and its dad is a deadbeat!", "Kay: Kevin! Kevin!", "Phyllis: Oh! Daniel!", "Jeff: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Hey, you guys. Hey! Hey!", "Kay: Stop it!", "Jeff: This isn't the kind of show the nice rich people came to see.", "Gloria: Please help yourselves to mimosas and enjoy the chocolate fountain.", "Phyllis: Wh-what, uh, let's-- let's go home. Let's go home.", "Gloria: Angel.", "Kevin: Leave me alone.", "Gloria: Angel.", "Kevin: Leave me alone.", "Kay: (Mutters) Oh, thank God for the children. Hi, Sweetheart. How are you?", "Malcolm: You want to go after him?", "Phyllis: He doesn't want mommy right now. I want to celebrate. This is our biggest issue ever. I want to celebrate. It's a red-letter day.", "Malcolm: All right, well, you bein' punny again?", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, you know, \"Scarlet Letter,\" blah, blah, blah, \"A.\"", "Malcolm: (Chuckles) Yeah. Yeah, I get it. I get it.", "Phyllis: I got a million of 'em, all right?", "Malcolm: (Chuckles) Unbelievable. Let's get a cocktail. Hey, Man, can you get the lady a mimosa? And, uh, I'll have a gin and tonic. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You want to protect that bond? The one of Sharon and Faith? The little girl who you said was dead?", "Jack: Faith is none of your business, you hear me?", "Adam: Oh, she's being used to hurt Sharon. That is my business. And your old buddy Red makin' Sharon out to look like she's evil-- that woman is nothing but a she-devil who has bloodlust at the very sight of Sharon. Now she is evil.", "Nick: You should have stayed dead. Then Skye would still be alive.", "Adam: You don't care about her. You don't care about anything but your ego and who is stroking it today. And it must be Phyllis, because she's making Sharon out to look like she's some demented freak for backin' away from old \"Saint Nick.\" Phyllis is nothing but a vindictive freak. You want to keep your kids away from evil? You want to do that? You keep 'em away from that psycho bitch. (Grunts)", "Adam: Yet another sucker punch, huh? At least we know who the good guys are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: You okay?", "Abby: Am I all \"Raccoony\"?", "Noah: Well, yeah, but you're allowed to be.", "Abby: This thing with Daniel was supposed to be fun-- fun, angst-free. And then I just... (Scoffs)", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Abby: I started wanting more against my better judgment, and I told him, and he said he did, too. And then bam! Daisy shows up. \"Surprise. You're gonna be a daddy.\"", "Noah: Yeah, but only because she drugged him. I mean, if that happened to a girl, the guy'd be locked up.", "Abby: No, I know that. I-I-I just-- there's gonna be a baby. A baby. Do I look like the stepmommy type to you?", "Noah: Whoa.", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "Noah: Wait, wait, wait. You said you wanted more. You didn't say you wanted to be married.", "Abby: I know. Supportive girlfriend. Stand by your man. I mean, how is that-- that-- how is that me? It's not me.", "Noah: First of all, being a dad, that's not Daniel. I mean, he broke up with Amber rather than play \"Happy little family,\" so he can't blame you for feeling the same way.", "Abby: He didn't blame me. He just left.", "Noah: Yeah, well, at least he, uh... (Sighs) He knows what he wants and what he doesn't. My mom gets Faith back, and she just--she walks away.", "Abby: (Sighs) Adam is the most repulsive, creepiest... I did see that \"Restless Style\" cover, by the way.", "Noah: Yeah, but the truth is, you give someone a chance, and... (Sighs) They just let you down.", "Abby: I guess--I don't know. I guess the question is, what? We're supposed to love them, anyway?", "Noah: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Are you well?", "Daisy: (Sighs) I'm not bleeding anymore, if that's what you mean. I still have placenta previa, but I think being out of that cell really helps.", "Jana: Yeah, it does, doesn't it?", "Daisy: Mm.", "Jana: You see, 'cause I understand...", "Daisy: (Sighs)", "Jana: What that's like to have a nice, soft bed, lots of food. And, of course, the thought of having your freedom just snatched away-- you know, that's really awful, isn't it? Just like how it's so awful for me to think about losing Kevin forever.", "Daisy: (Chuckles) You can't compare being in jail to being single.", "Jana: (Chuckles)", "Daisy: (Chuckles)", "Jana: Look, you want your freedom, and I want Kevin back, and I think that we can help each other. So once the baby's born, Phyllis will not protect you. And that means that Leslie Michaelson and Vance Abrams are not gonna bother with you, either, and Daniel, well, he's just gonna wash his hands of you. So, Daisy, if you don't want to be alone and end up in prison, you're going to need a friend.", "Daisy: Hmm.", "Jana: A friend who cares about you, right?", "Daisy: I already told you. I'm not giving my baby to Kevin.", "Jana: (Chuckles) No. You're gonna give it to me.", "Daisy: You want my baby?", "Jana: Well, you see, I've got lots of experience with children. I work at a preschool, and... (Sighs) If the baby lived with me, then Kevin would want to be a part of her life. And then it would be like we're back together. And it would be our life together.", "Daisy: Wait. No. What are we gonna tell people when--when I'm--I-I'm-- when they hear I'm giving my daughter to the woman I held hostage? They're gonna suspect somethi--", "Jana: Well, we wouldn't say anything now. We would take our time, and it would be a story of forgiveness and healing. And once we're close, I would refuse to testify against you. And then you'll probably get off then. And then, you realize that you're not ready to raise this child. And then you look at me as your safe haven. (Sighs) And, you know, you could see the baby whenever you want, no strings attached. And you wouldn't have that constant reminder of Daniel and how you tricked him. He might actually come around, Daisy. And that would mean the two of you might actually have a chance at romance. (Sighs) You see? It's all so simple, really.", "Daisy: Okay, do you really think that's all possible?", "Jana: I do.", "Daisy: Okay. Well, you know what? If you can keep me out of jail, and you'll help me with Daniel, we have a deal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: I'm sorry about that.", "Leslie: Oh, hey, not the worst fight I've seen. First one at a \"Presents for the kids\" event, though.", "Kevin: (Chuckles) Well, I guess that shows you how serious I am about this. I'm willing to get into a fight with my best friend.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: So why should she pick you to adopt her child?", "Kevin: Because I'm ready. Because I want to. Even Phyllis hasn't offered to raise the kid.", "Phyllis: Kay Chancellor, thank you very much for letting \"Restless Style\" be a part of your \"Under the tree\" fund-raiser. Here you go. (Laughs)", "Kay: Oh.", "Phyllis: Aw, thanks. As a mother, I know there is nothing more important than keeping a child's dream alive. So thank you.", "Kay: Oh, thank you so much.", "Phyllis: Uh-huh. Mwah. (Chuckles)", "Sharon: Are you sure about that, Phyllis? Because you sure seemed pleased today when you crushed my children with that garbage you wrote.", "Phyllis: Oh, um, I think what Sharon is talking about is the latest issue of \"Restless Style.\" It's really fantastic. It's a page-turner. Uh, consider it my gift to the community at large.", "Malcolm: Ladies, why don't we go take some more photos over there? Like way over over there.", "Gloria: Yes, Ladies, please. And, Katherine, come with me. I have more checks for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You just can't stop attacking me, can you, Phyllis? You know what? You're like the ultimate mean girl in school, only you know what? This isn't junior high school anymore, and I'm not gonna run off to the little girls' room and cry. I am standing right here, and I am telling you, I am not going to let you hurt my children ever again!", "Phyllis: You chose a baby-stealing murderer to be with over your own children, and instead of slinking back with him, you are here making a spectacle of yourself. What, do you want to hurt your children all the more?", "Sharon: Phyllis, I love my children. But you--you are full of hate and venom. You're like a snake.", "Phyllis: He's a murderer. Adam is a murderer. And you just can't see that. I-I know you hear the words, but they just don't seem to register in your brain. It's too bad. It's too bad that Faith doesn't have a mom who really cares about her.", "Sharon: Oh, I do care about Faith. I do care about Faith.", "Phyllis: No, I'm talking about Ashley. She should be back with Ashley, because that woman really cared about your daughter. (Grunts) Oh! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!", "Sharon: You made me-- you made me stoop way down to your level, Phyllis!", "Phyllis: You could not reach my level if you were airlifted!", "Sharon: (Gasps) Aah! (Breathing heavily)", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, no one can rescue you, Sharon.", "Sharon: I don't need any rescuing, Phyllis. Aah!", "Phyllis: Oh, my God! Oh, my--", "Sharon: (Yelling indistinctly) Liar! Stop lying about everything!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: I'm--I'm so sorry about this mess. Bye-bye now. Bye. Good-bye.", "Jana: What-- hi. Hi.", "Kevin: Hi.", "Jana: (Sighs) Um, I thought you should know I've just gone to see Daisy.", "Kevin: Why?", "Jana: Well, all of our lives have changed so much because of her, and, uh, there's a lot of bad energy that's still lingering, so I thought maybe-- I thought-- if I go to see her, maybe we could work towards forgiveness and try and replace some of this negative energy with something positive.", "Kevin: Well, if that makes you feel better, then good.", "Jana: We talked about the baby. And since, you know, you would make such a wonderful father, I was--", "Kevin: You-- you told her that?", "Jana: (Sighs) Yeah. I mean, Kev, I've seen how good you are with Delia. (Sighs) You have so much love to give. (Chuckles) Um, I don't think that there's anyone better to raise this baby. And I think Daisy really listened. Are you upset that I've gotten involved now?", "Kevin: No. I can use all the help I can get. So thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: You're back.", "Daniel: Chopped salad.", "Daisy: Great. Thanks.", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "Daisy: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: I guess this is the upside to being on the same continent as you.", "Abby: Yeah, it is kind of awesome that we can get together and agree that people suck.", "Noah: Well, I heard, uh, mercury was in retrograde.", "Abby: So everything is going to become shiny rainbows of happiness after mercury \"Un-retrogrades\"?", "Noah: Rainbows? Uh, not so much. Maybe just, uh, different shades of normal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Malcolm: Hey, what's happenin', Man? Careful. You might want to hose her down. (Chuckles)", "Jack: What the--", "Phyllis: (Laughs)", "Jack: Sharon?", "Phyllis: Oh. Adam? (Laughs) Oh, my goodness. I think my story about Sharon brought some extra excitement. (Laughs)", "Jack: Yikes. It's a good thing I love you.", "Phyllis: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Sharon, what happened?", "Sharon: Did someone hit you?", "Adam: It doesn't matter. Are you okay?", "Sharon: (Sighs) I can take a shower. I can wash my clothes, but I can't make Noah understand how much he means to me, and I'm afraid that Nick is gonna try to take Faith away from me forever.", "Adam: What do you want to do?", "Sharon: I want to fight. No matter what else they do to me, they're not gonna take away my daughter.", "Adam: Come here. (Sighs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: If Noah leaves town and doesn't come back, that's on Billy's head and yours.", "Colin: I'm here to help you, if you'll let me.", "Adam: Maybe it would be best if you and I just walked away from each other." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Victoria and Billy get into a fight because an article shows up on the \"Restless Style\" website about Nikki being a new suspect in Diane's murder. Victoria and Billy are both unaware that Phyllis gave Ricky the passwords to the website so that he could post the story. Billy assumes that Ricky somehow got the story on the website because he was mad at him for not giving him the job of editor. Billy promises Victoria that he will print a retraction and they make up, but Victoria is worried about Nikki because she couldn't handle being a murder suspect. Sharon and Nick get into a huge argument because of her plan to get close to Adam in order to get him to retract his story that he saw Victor murder Diane. Sharon is tired of Nick running her life so she tells him that she will fight him in court if he decides to take away her visitation rights with Faith. Adam is touched that Sharon defended him when they argued in his office when Nick interrupted them. Adam wants Sharon to wear his mother's ring again and gives it to her but she tells him that she can't wear the ring and he knows the reason. Avery and Nick get into an argument when she tells him she won't be the third woman in his rotation because he still has feelings for both Sharon and Phyllis. Nick tells Avery that she is wrong and proves it by giving her a passionate kiss outside of Crimson Lights.", "Deacon tells Nikki that he will keep quiet about what he saw the night Diane died if she agrees to marry him. Nikki tells him Deacon she won't marry him so Deacon tells her that he saw Victoria and Victor kill Diane and that she had blood on her clothes because she tried to stop them from killing Diane. Deacon explains to Nikki that Victoria bashed Diane's head in with a rock because Diane was insulting her (Nikki) but Victor had already done most of the work. Victor pays the new detective on the murder case to take the syringe out of evidence and bring it to him so he can put his fingerprints on it. The detective then orders a new forensic test on all the evidence but makes it look like Ronan gave the order before he was removed from the case. Nikki goes to Vegas and marries Deacon who then gets a friend from a tabloid to make sure that the pictures are all over the Internet. Sharon goes to see Victor in jail and gets a text with Deacon and Nikki's wedding picture. Sharon tells Victor the news and shows him the picture and Victor looks heartbroken.", "" ]
[ "Minister: Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?", "Deacon: I do.", "Minister: Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?", "Nikki: I do.", "Minister: Then by the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: The second autopsy on Diane confirms that blunt force trauma was the cause of her death. Not that the drug succinylcholine wasn't a factor-- it was found in her bone marrow.", "Victor: Hmm. Not surprising.", "Michael: Most importantly, uh, when they reexamined the leather case and the syringe, they found fingerprints they hadn't seen before-- yours.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Okay, I need you to listen to me.", "Avery: Why? What can you say? You want to add me to the rotation. You go from Phyllis to me to Sharon. Forget it. I don't want any part of that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: If I get caught, I'm not gonna have a career at all.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no. You're not gonna get caught. Relax, please. I have this covered.", "Ricky: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: It's gonna pay off for you. It's gonna pay off for both of us, I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs) This is the worst thing that you could have done! Are you gonna tell me that you don't know how much this hurts me?", "Billy: It's not what you're thinking. Believe me, it's not.", "Victoria: No, I don't want to hear your excuses, so don't even start. I can't stomach it right now. I want you to get out!", "Billy: Victoria, stop--", "Victoria: Get out!", "Billy: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Perfect.", "Nick: You're here again? They're gonna start charging you rent. Okay, um, I owe you an apology for storming out of here earlier like that.", "Avery: Well, you were anxious to get to Sharon.", "Nick: Well, I found her-- with Adam, and for the record, she was not tricking Adam into confessing that all his testimony was a lie. They were just looking like they wanted jump on each other.", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: It's completely predictable. Not that I'm not upset with you.", "Avery: Oh. What a relief.", "Nick: Look, Sharon can be very convincing when she's trying to deny her feelings for Adam. She even convinces herself. You can't just listen to what she says. You have to pay attention to what she does. It's more important.", "Avery: Well, that sounds like someone else I know. The way you launched out of here to run to Sharon's rescue-- what does that say about your feelings?", "Nick: (Pops lips) Okay, I know where this is going.", "Avery: You are jealous of Adam and Sharon.", "Nick: No, I am not.", "Avery: Really? Because I saw the two of you arguing. Yeah, I was here. You didn't see me because you were so intensely focused on Sharon.", "Nick: Because her behavior is putting my daughter at risk.", "Avery: Oh, really, Nick? You're gonna blame Faith for this? You know, next time you want to criticize Sharon for her lack of self-awareness, why don't you check out those industrial-strength blinders you're wearing? (Scoffs) Who am I to talk? I didn't see what was right in front of me. You know, I knew you weren't, maybe, completely over Phyllis, but you're not even over Sharon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh.", "Adam: Hello, again.", "Sharon: I didn't know anyone was here.", "Adam: Just getting some files from my dad's study.", "Sharon: Well, Gabrielle told me that there's a... package up here for me.", "Sharon: There it is.", "Adam: You know, um, I wanted to, uh... I wanted to compliment you on the way that you handled yourself with Nicholas. You really-- you really put him in his place.", "Sharon: Well, I'm a lot stronger when I'm... standing up for my daughter.", "Adam: You were standing up for me, too, although I-- I won't read much into that.", "Sharon: Yeah, I wouldn't. It was just a... a heat-of-the-moment kind of thing.", "Adam: When you're pushed in a corner or you're upset, you tend to have an instinct to defend me. I tend, in the same situation, to lash out at you. Example, the-- the wedding ceremony in prison. I s... (Sighs) I set all that up only to humiliate you in the end. It wasn't the worst thing I've ever done, but it was probably the smallest. I'm sorry. If I could undo that--", "Sharon: You can't.", "Adam: Your ring.", "Sharon: I thought you gave it to the prison guard.", "Adam: A heat-of-the-moment thing-- I went back for it.", "Sharon: Because it's your mother's.", "Adam: Yes, but that's not the only reason. I would give anything to have you wear this ring again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mauro: Mr. Baldwin.", "Michael: Oh, yeah. Yeah?", "Mauro: I don't know if you've heard that Detective Malloy has been removed from the case. I'll be leading the investigation now, along with Paul Williams.", "Michael: Duly noted.", "Mauro: You might find this interesting.", "Victor: There you are.", "Michael: Uh... were you aware that Detective Malloy had been removed from this investigation?", "Victor: Yeah, I heard.", "Michael: Um, did you also know that his last official act was to order the crime lab to reexamine all of the evidence in case they had missed something before?", "Victor: Hmm, is that so?", "Michael: I just received, uh, a file...", "Victor: Yeah?", "Michael: Of the latest forensic data.", "Victor: Uh-huh. What does it say?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: You know, I am a very, very lucky man. It's time to get married.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: How could you have bought into this rumor? It's completely ridiculous!", "Billy: I didn't buy into anything. I just--I don't know what's going on, for sure.", "Victoria: No, you don't, so drop it.", "Billy: I would love to hear an explanation of what's been happening that doesn't involve things hitting the fan for somebody in your family, but I can't think of one. Can you think of one?", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: No... (Sighs) Honey, I know you've been going through a lot, but I thought I should give you the heads-up, 'cause this could get really ugly.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Victoria: Listen, the past few months, I have been handling things on my own just fine without you, so please, don't worry about me.", "Victoria: Are you kidding me?!", "Billy: What? What's wrong?", "Victoria: \"Things could get ugly,\" huh? I guess you knew what you were talking about.", "Billy: What, the story already got out?", "Victoria: \"'Nikki Newman accused of murder,' says 'Restless Style.'\"", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Victoria: You just couldn't resist, could you! My mother is not a suspect in Diane's murder, and she never has been.", "Billy: Honey, right, but you said so yourself, your father would never confess to a crime he didn't commit unless he was trying to--", "Victoria: Unless he was trying to protect somebody that he loves, but it doesn't follow that it's my mother.", "Billy: Okay, who are you suggesting? Nick? Abby? But, I mean, you said that there's--", "Victoria: No, I said it couldn't be them.", "Billy: Okay, well, you have been around them a lot, and you would have picked up on something like that.", "Victoria: Oh, Billy, come on.", "Billy: Look, you haven't been around your mother. No one has. She's been pretty much outside of the realm of communication.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, that's because she's... (Sighs) That--that has nothing to do with murder, okay? Just...", "Billy: You ever think that, uh, maybe she's been drinking?", "Victoria: (Sighs) No, I don't want-- I don't--no, I don't want to believe that.", "Billy: But it has crossed your mind, right? I mean, that's what your mom does when she has something to hide-- she withdraws.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Victor...", "Victor: What?", "Paul: Look at me. You know how I feel about Nikki. You know how I will always feel about Nikki.", "Victor: I do. Mm-hmm.", "Paul: And you can trust me. I won't let her down.", "Victor: I'm counting on that, okay?", "Paul: Then tell me what I need to know. Whatever she has done, I can help her. There are extenuating circumstances. I can bring them to light in my investigation and make sure they go easy on her...", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Paul: But I need to know the whole story.", "Victor: You misunderstood me. I didn't mean to imply that Nikki was guilty, all right? I just meant to, um... meant to ask you to really look after her.", "Paul: That's all you're gonna tell me? That's all I have to do?", "Victor: Well, I think looking after Nikki is enough, don't you? It means everything to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: I have the wedding gown! Take a look at this.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Deacon: Here, check that out.", "Nikki: You bought a dress?", "Deacon: Yeah, wait till you see this thing, huh?", "Nikki: Oh, my God, it's white.", "Deacon: Yeah! You're gonna look gorgeous in this. I mean, you'll look gorgeous.", "Nikki: A veil? Are you kidding me?", "Deacon: Yeah, I-I told the woman at the boutique nothing's too good for my bride, huh? Hey, come on, please. Take it easy with that stuff. You're not gonna make it through the ceremony. You know, I think I know what the problem is. You see, you forget how good we used to be together. Nikki, we used to have a real connection. Well, there's gonna be plenty of time for you to remember once we're married.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You know, it blows my mind that you are taking this attitude with me. I have been right and you have been wrong so many times about Adam.", "Sharon: I have admitted my faults. I've begged for your forgiveness. I've changed.", "Nick: Yeah, I'd like to believe that, but that is just not what I'm seeing.", "Sharon: No, because you're only looking for reasons to punish me...", "Nick: Absolutely not true.", "Sharon: And what's worse is you are using Faith to do it.", "Nick: Well, think that if you want, but my only concern is the welfare of our daughter.", "Sharon: You know, if that's what this were really about, then you wouldn't keep threatening to take her away from me, because you know damn well she needs me.", "Nick: Then we can compromise. You can come and see her whenever you would like at my place, under my supervision.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Fine. Let's do it on your terms, for now.", "Nick: And what's that supposed to mean?", "Sharon: Well, you have all the power. You have full custody, but don't expect that to last, because I'm taking you back to court, and you're gonna see just how much stronger I've become when I fight you and win.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Nikki. Nikki, you home?", "Gabrielle: Mrs. Newman isn't here.", "Adam: When will you, uh, when will you be expecting her?", "Gabrielle: I really couldn't say. May I show you out?", "Adam: Uh, no, I actually have to grab a considerable amount of files from the study, so I might be a while. You don't have to hang around on my account. I'll be fine.", "Gabrielle: Yes, Sir.", "Adam: (Exhales slowly) Nikki, guess who? Just calling for a little progress report, see if you've managed to get your son to butt out at Newman. Hopefully, you have managed to do this. If not, it had better be soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I knew that Adam would be arrogant enough to think that I would fall into his mind games again, but how could you think that?", "Nick: I just walked in and saw you staring into his eyes like you couldn't get enough of him.", "Sharon: Nick, I was trying to get him to open up to me, to trust me, or didn't Avery tell you that that was part of the plan?", "Nick: What about when you were with him the other night, before you came up with \"The plan\"? You didn't think I knew about that, did you?", "Sharon: We just happened to run into each other.", "Nick: You swore to me up and down that you were done dealing with Adam. This is the second time that you have been with him since.", "Sharon: And both times, there is a reasonable explanation. Look, Nick, if you don't want to listen to reason, that's not my problem. That's yours.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Mom wasn't in Genoa City the night that Diane was killed, and she definitely was not in the park.", "Billy: But she was missing that night.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Well, she was probably on a bender, or--or bar-hopping in Dubuque.", "Billy: I hope so. I... (Laughs) I mean, because it's a rock-solid alibi-- lots of witnesses, easy to check. But... (Sighs) What if the police already did check? What if they started looking into her whereabouts and came up with answers that your father didn't like? Maybe that's what sparked his sudden confession.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: The timing of your confession raises a lot of questions for me-- just as Ronan Malloy was closing in on Nikki.", "Victor: Now Ronan Malloy has been pulled from the case, has he not?", "Paul: You know, Victor, the more you draw attention away from all this evidence that is piling up on Nikki... (Sighs) This dread in my stomach grows.", "Victor: Oh, just let it go.", "Paul: (Sighs) How worried do I need to be?", "Victor: Are you asking as an investigator, or as a friend?", "Paul: You should know the answer to that.", "Victor: You should be very worried.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: (Laughs) It's not bad, eh? Hey, we even got a view of the strip. You know, I was born and raised in this town. God, I love me some Las Vegas. Nikki, come on, please. I mean, you really don't want to do this.", "Nikki: No, you're right. If I put all these together, it's still not enough to get me through a wedding to you. (Sighs) Yes, hello. Could you please send up a bottle of vodka immediately? Thank you. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: So how'd it go with your dad?", "Victoria: Terrific, except for the part where he wanted me to lie and say that I saw him kill Diane.", "Billy: I'm sorry?", "Victoria: (Sighs) It doesn't matter. Nobody believed him anyway, especially not the judge. He tried to plead guilty today, and they completely rejected it, flat out. The only one standing behind him now is Adam.", "Billy: (Chuckles) Who's gonna take that seriously?", "Victoria: My dad is so desperate to take responsibility for this. I'm afraid that it means that he knows who the killer really is, and that it's somebody that he loves.", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "Victoria: You don't think that it's my brother or sister? I mean, do you?", "Billy: (Clears throat) There's another possibility.", "Victoria: Well, wh-who?", "Billy: (Sighs) You know how I told you that I had an appointment with Ricky Williams? Well, he was trying to impress me. Apparently he's plugged in to the murder investigation, and, uh, well, there's another suspect.", "Victoria: Not Nick or Abby.", "Billy: No, no, no, not your siblings. (Clears throat) Your mom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: (Shivers)", "Paul: Hey.", "Ricky: Hey.", "Paul: How are you? I've been--I've been meaning to get in touch with you and track you down.", "Ricky: Well, here I am.", "Paul: Well, I gotta get back to the police station right now, but, uh, this case is--", "Ricky: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I-I've-- I've been reading about it.", "Paul: All right, but let's get together soon, okay?", "Ricky: All right. You've got my number.", "Paul: Yeah, you bet.", "Phyllis: Ricky, hey. Well, this is fortuitous. You know, I've been racking my brain, trying to come up with some sort of settlement of our legal issues that would benefit both of us.", "Ricky: That's great. You can discuss that with my attorney.", "Phyllis: Yeah, you know, actually, um, I'm not gonna do that. Pardon me.", "Ricky: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: See, you don't know Avery like I know her. She's sort of, you know, paint-by-numbers type of gal, and I'm more like, um, somebody who would color outside of the lines. I have a feeling you understand that. That's good, that innocent look. That's really good. You should use that. It'll help for what I have in mind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Hey.", "Avery: Caffeine fix wear off?", "Michael: I am here for my wife. She wants brownies for dessert. What's your excuse?", "Avery: I never left. Time flies when you're hardly getting anything done. Can I get a refill, please?", "Woman: Yeah.", "Avery: Thank you.", "Michael: You do know it was always a long shot that Sharon could trick Adam, right?", "Avery: Well, if Nick keeps interfering, yes. I just--with his father's freedom at stake, why would he do that?", "Michael: You'd think I'd have an answer for you, given the hours that your sister and I have spent dissecting the tortured Nick/Sharon dynamic.", "Avery: Wait, I knew you were Phyllis' lawyer--", "Michael: And her friend.", "Avery: And I know you disapprove of me representing Daisy.", "Michael: I despise it.", "Avery: Well, that's fair, given what your wife has endured.", "Michael: My wife? My wife. My wife, my son, my brother, my brother's wife, not to mention your nephew Daniel. I'm the one who found him bleeding to death in the snow, where she left him unconscious. Did you know that?", "Avery: Everyone deserves a right to a competent legal defense, Michael, you know that.", "Michael: (Sighs) (Laughs) Oh, it's so noble, and oh, so very irrelevant to your reasons for taking her case. You want to make Phyllis pay for rejecting you.", "Avery: Wow, you do talk to Phyllis, 'cause that's exactly something she would say.", "Michael: Oh, your sister has flaws, God knows, but at least she owns 'em. She doesn't go around trying to pass herself off as some kind of saint. Oh, looky, looky. More fallout from your brilliant plan. (Clicks tongue) Brownies.", "Sharon: Thank you for agreeing to meet me. Things got a little bit out of hand before, but there are just things I could not say to you in front of Adam.", "Nick: I already know. Avery told me that you were gonna try and get Adam on tape admitting that he never actually saw Dad kill Diane.", "Sharon: Nick, do you know-- I would have been on my way to the D.A. right now with proof, if you hadn't interrupted us.", "Nick: (Scoffs) Give me a break, Sharon. The only thing that Adam was gonna confess was his undying love for you. If I hadn't walked in when I did, you guys might have been in bed together already.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: (Exhales slowly)", "Michael: Thank you. Hey. So you were saying...", "Avery: Well, I had a very brave volunteer offer to go undercover and get Adam to show his hand.", "Michael: (Laughs) Sharon as Mata Hari. I can't picture it.", "Avery: Well, that's what we were hoping--Adam wouldn't see it coming, either.", "Michael: Did he?", "Avery: I don't know. I haven't heard from Sharon yet.", "Michael: Then what did you mean when you said you'd learned something new?", "Avery: I learned that Nick Newman totally loses it at the thought of Adam being anywhere near his ex-wife.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I had one rule for you, just one.", "Sharon: First of all, who are you to dictate rules to me?", "Nick: I'm the guy who decides where our daughter spends her time and who it's with.", "Adam: Sharon and I having a conversation in no way endangers Faith.", "Sharon: Adam, please.", "Nick: You do realize this is the third time that you have lost Faith because you choose to spend your time with this demented subhuman?", "Sharon: Okay, I hurt you, and he hurt me, and now that gives you free rein to be as abusive as you want to be?", "Nick: Pointing out that you continually make the same pathetic mistakes is not abusive.", "Sharon: This is your tactic with us--dismissal. Is that what you're gonna do to Faith when she disappoints you one day?", "Nick: I'm not the one who dismissed Faith or ran away from her or gave her up for the sake of whatever it is you two have together.", "Adam: Sharon is an excellent mother, and you're not gonna separate the two of them again.", "Sharon: That's right, he's not, because I'm not gonna let him.", "Nick: Try me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You have actually never met Nikki Newman, have you?", "Ricky: No.", "Billy: No. She's about yeah big. The idea of her killing anything larger than a cockroach is laughable.", "Ricky: Well, I don't think the police are laughing.", "Billy: What do you want, Man?", "Ricky: I told you, I want to work for you.", "Billy: Yeah, and if you don't get what you want, you're gonna run with the story? You're gonna spread it around? Are you threatening my family?", "Ricky: No, no, I'm just trying to show you that I've got what it takes to-- to get the big story.", "Billy: Well, that's not the type of story that we're interested in here.", "Ricky: Mr. Abbott, I-I assure you--", "Billy: Thank you anyway, though. Elevator's still right there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I know that you're protecting someone. Who is it?", "Victor: I confessed because I'm guilty.", "Mauro: Time's up.", "Victoria: I will figure this out.", "Victor: Congratulations on your recent \"Inheritance.\" I trust the money was transferred to your account. You got something for me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Moans) (Sighs) (Grunts) Ohh.", "Deacon: Good, you're up. I wanted to let you sleep as long as I could, but I gotta--gotta tell you, we gotta hurry, yeah.", "Nikki: What? What? What do you mean?", "Deacon: We'll go to the airport.", "Nikki: What? I'm--I'm not going anywhere with you.", "Deacon: Yeah, you are, and I'll tell you why-- because I witnessed Diane's murder.", "Nikki: Stop, I-I'm not talkin' about that anymore.", "Deacon: Well, you're gonna want to hear this.", "Nikki: Ooh.", "Deacon: Nikki, it wasn't you. You didn't do it. Look, I know you were covered with blood, Diane's blood, and I know you woke up with that rock in your hand, but that's because you were trying to save her.", "Nikki: No, no, no, no, no. That--that is not true.", "Deacon: Yeah.", "Nikki: Save her from who?", "Deacon: From Victor... and from Victoria.", "Nikki: Victoria?", "Deacon: Victor was really laying into her, all right? And--and then, she started-- she started calling you names, terrible names, and--and Victoria lost it. She picked up a rock and she started just hitting her in the head again and again. And then I heard the scream, and--and you came over, and you grabbed that rock. You tried to get it away from her, and it was too late.", "Nikki: They never said anything to me about that.", "Deacon: (Laughs) Well, of course they didn't. You know, they think you don't remember. But what they didn't realize is, I was there.", "Nikki: (Moans)", "Deacon: Look, I don't--I don't give a damn about Victor, and the only reason that I've been protecting Victoria is for your sake, but I gotta tell you, this secret is starting to eat away at me, you know? I-I-I almost went to the cops twice.", "Nikki: No! No, you better not.", "Deacon: Well, I mean, you could-- you could talk me out of it. You could almost talk me out of anything. All you have to do is just--just be sweet to me, just be sweet to me like you used to.", "Nikki: You can't be serious.", "Deacon: Well, I'm afraid I'm very serious. Either we go to Vegas together, or I'm going to the police by myself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You want to explain to me how your fingerprints got on a leather case that you never touched?", "Victor: Well, I think the evidence speaks for itself, and in light of that evidence, the judge has every reason to accept my guilty plea.", "Michael: No, no, Victor, you're digging yourself in too deep.", "Victor: I don't want to discuss this any further, okay? You know damn well that I have my reasons for what I'm doing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Mm.", "Nikki: That's the last time you'll ever kiss me.", "Deacon: (Laughs) What? Whoa, careful there, Mrs. Sharpe.", "Minister: Let's get a photo. It's included in the package.", "Deacon: Oh, yeah, that's a great idea. I-- you know what? Do me a favor-- will you mind taking one with my cell phone first?", "Minister: Oh, happy to.", "Deacon: All right. Come on. Come on, Sweetheart. Right there. Come on, smile. You don't want to disappoint me.", "Minister: (Laughs)", "Deacon: Great. Let me see. Oh, that's great. (Laughs) Hey, uh, you know what? I got a friend of mine from L.A. he works at a tabloid magazine, and, uh, oh, wow, I'm gonna have him get this everywhere.", "Nikki: Mm-hmm.", "Deacon: What do you think?", "Nikki: Great.", "Deacon: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I can't do this. You know I can't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Stop. If you want Phyllis, if you want Sharon, then you know what?", "Nick: You don't mean that...", "Avery: Yeah, I do--", "Nick: And you don't know what you're talking about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ricky: This better play out the way you said.", "Phyllis: It will. It will, as long as you don't ever tell anybody where you got the pass codes to the \"Restless Style\" web site, okay?", "Ricky: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Good. I'll be in touch.", "Michael: You're back.", "Phyllis: I am.", "Michael: Mm, and I believe that was Ricky.", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Michael: You're legal adversaries, and yet--", "Phyllis: Yes, we-- we've come to an understanding. Isn't that great?", "Michael: (Gasps) Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I didn't authorize it. I didn't write it. I don't know how it got online.", "Victoria: Billy--", "Billy: It was probably that little weasel Ricky. I--he was pissed 'cause I threw him out. I will take it down, and I'll print a retraction immediately.", "Victoria: I'm really sorry, okay? I shouldn't have reacted like that.", "Billy: It's okay that you're freaked out right now. It's okay. It's gonna be okay.", "Victoria: It's just that there's no way my mother is gonna be able to deal with this. She's accused of murder. I mean, she-- she didn't do it. She couldn't have done it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Coming back here after I already told you that there's nothing you can do for me? I guess one could call that stubborn.", "Sharon: Is that a way of telling me that I need to learn my lesson?", "Victor: I appreciate that you want to help.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Sharon: Oh, I'm sorry. Will you excuse me just one minute? I-I just want to make sure that this isn't the nanny. (Gasps)", "Victor: What?", "Sharon: I-- I don't know how to tell you this.", "Victor: Tell me what?", "Sharon: Nikki just married Deacon Sharpe.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Deacon: You're my wife...", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Deacon: And I expect you to look and act like it in every way.", "Ronan: Do you want to go rogue with me? Do you want to figure out who Diane's murderer is?", "Nikki: I can explain." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "As Ben awakens on the sofa in the Jabot lab, Ashley walks in. Jack is in his office, looking for papers for a meeting with Ashley when Abby comes in and helps him look. Ben is dressed when Jack and Abby come in to join him and Ashley. Abby notices Ben's clothes and asks him aren't those the same clothes he had on the night before. Jack asks what is going on here. Victoria takes baby Kate to the park to meet her namesake, Katherine. Victoria introduces baby Katherine to Katherine. At the Athletic Club, Paul and Christine are in the dining room for a special breakfast when Kevin, Lauren, Jeff, and Gloria join them for an anniversary celebration for Michael and Lauren. In his office, Michael looks over some medical papers when Phyllis interrupts him and sits down opposite him. Phyllis, upon seeing the business card of a marriage counselor, asks Michael why he is seeing a marriage counselor if everything is fine between him and Lauren. Michael lets her know that he has that card for a client of his. Paul and Christine are invited to join Lauren, Kevin, Gloria, and Jeff for the anniversary celebration. Phyllis lets Michael that she had taken steps to gain back her life so she wants him to look into her holdings. Summer and Austin set the table for a special dinner with Phyllis and Jack. Summer is anxious that she will do something wrong. Jack finds out that Ben was drunk the night before and fires him. Ashley and Abby both exclaim, \"No.\" After talking a few moments, Jack reconsiders his decision and decides to give Ben another chance. Ben receives a message from Victoria. Victoria tells baby Kate all about Katherine.", "As Austin and Summer kiss, Phyllis knocks on the door. Phyllis walks in and commends Summer on her decorating and the view and then she confronts Summer about how she paid for it. She also asks her if she used the money from the sale of the condo. Summer is surprised. Gloria calls Michael to ask he is but he hangs up on her. Gloria complains to Kevin about how children treat their parents these days. Kevin is preoccupied on his cell phone when Gloria grabs it out of his hand. Gloria accuses him of being involved in something shady. Michael starts to leave his office but has a stomach ache and has to lie down on the sofa. Jeff seeks advice from Paul about dropping the charges against Ben but is quite surprised when Christine threatens to bring charges against Jeff. Kevin assures Gloria that he is fine. Ben visits Victoria and they get things straightened out between them. Victoria insists that there be no more lies and no more secrets. Ben has a far away look in his eyes as he remembers something from the night before. Phyllis asks Summer why she sold the condo since that was their home. Ben gets a call from Paul that the charges against him have been dropped. Ben is relieved. Victoria urges Ben to fight to clear his name but he refuses. Christine tells Paul that she is pregnant. Abby tells Ashley that Ben got drunk the night before. Ashley remembers making love to Ben in the shower. Tobias walks in to talk to Ashley and upon Ashley. When they leave, Tobias begins to take pics of the files on the formula for the new fragrance. When Ashley walks in on Tobias, he makes up an excuse about what he is doing. Summer and Austin have a talk with Jack concerning Phyllis. Phyllis comes to the Athletic Club searching for Kelly. Michael arrives at the Athletic Club dining room and finds Lauren upset over him not being there for their anniversary celebration. Lauren accuses him of seeing another woman. Michael tries to make up excuses but Kevin steps in and tells him that if he doesn't tell Lauren the truth, then he will. Michael gives in and tells Lauren that he will tell her what is going on.", "" ]
[ "Stitch: [Groans] My head. [Sighs]", "Ashley: Hi. Good morning, handsome.", "Stitch: [Sighs]", "Abby: Hey, uncle Jack, I --", "Jack: Can't right now, Abby! I got to get to the lab for a meeting with your mother.", "Abby: That's who I was looking for. And what exactly are you looking for?", "Jack: My notes for the meeting. They are here somewhere. I just saw them.", "Abby: Oh. I'll help you look.", "Jack: Thanks. I had breakfast with Traci this morning. She said you did some holiday celebrating with your friends last night.", "Abby: Uh, yeah, I met up with some people from the office at the underground.", "Jack: That sounds like fun.", "Abby: Fun? No. I had to pour some guy into a cab. It was so juvenile. You know, between you and me, I think I'm too old to have fun. What are those?", "Jack: You found them!", "Abby: [Chuckles]", "Both: Good job, Abby.", "Abby: Let's go find my mom.", "Jack: Yeah.", "Stitch: Oh. Wow. [Sighs]", "Ashley: Bad hangover, huh?", "Stitch: Yeah.", "Ashley: Does that mean you don't remember what happened last night?", "Stitch: Yeah, I drank a little too much. I, uh...", "Ashley: And you, uh...", "Stitch: I should probably apologize.", "Ashley: No. You don't have anything to be sorry for. I certainly don't have any regrets.", "Jack: Oh, good. You're both here.", "Ashley: Hi.", "Jack: Hi.", "Ashley: Hi, honey.", "Abby: Hi! Wait, weren't you wearing those clothes yesterday?", "Jack: Yeah, what is going on here?", "Victoria: Yeah. What do you think? It's your first snow. It's pretty, isn't it? Oh, I know it's a little chilly out. But there's somebody that I want to introduce you to. [Clears throat] She was an amazing woman. She lived her life on her own terms. She inspired all of us to do the same thing. She was my godmother. And you know what? You are her namesake. Katherine.", "Paul: Well, I'm not sure the citizens of Genoa City will appreciate us both taking the morning off. Unless, of course, we're here to talk about business.", "Christine: This is strictly personal.", "Paul: Really?", "Christine: Yes.", "Paul: What are you up to?", "Christine: You'll see. Oh, my gosh.", "Lauren: Hey, you two!", "Paul: Hi, there!", "Lauren: Aren't you supposed to be at work?", "Christine: No.", "Paul: Yes.", "Christine: [Laughs]", "Lauren: Oh. Okay.", "Christine: Okay, everybody's here. What's going -- is there a celebration?", "Gloria: It's Michael and Lauren's anniversary.", "Paul: I should know that.", "Christine: Happy anniversary!", "Lauren: You're sweet. Thank you.", "Gloria: In fact, why don't you join the celebration?", "Lauren: Oh, yes, do!", "Paul: It's up to you.", "Christine: Sure.", "Gloria: Great. Uh, please, um, uh, table for 7.", "Kevin: Shouldn't we wait for Michael? He is the other half of the anniversary couple.", "Gloria: That's right. Where is your husband, Lauren?", "Michael: Phyllis. What are you doing here?", "Phyllis: Oh, just can't get used to these warm welcomes.", "Michael: I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting you.", "Phyllis: You weren't expecting your bestie to come by and wish you happy anniversary?", "Michael: It's my anniversary. [Chuckles] Right.", "Phyllis: It's usually an occasion that brings a smile to one's face. Unless you and your wife are having trouble.", "Michael: We are not.", "Phyllis: Then why are you seeing a marriage counselor?", "Paul: So, are you sure you're okay with this?", "Christine: Yeah. It's Michael and Lauren's anniversary. I want to help them celebrate.", "Gloria: [Laughs]", "Paul: I wonder where Michael is.", "Gloria: Yeah, we're all wondering that, Paul.", "Lauren: He's had some big cases lately. I'm sure he's just still at the office.", "Gloria: It's just hard to have an anniversary celebration when 50% of the celebratees aren't here.", "Lauren: Okay. I'm sure he'll be here any minute, Gloria.", "Gloria: I hope so. I went through a lot of effort putting this thing together.", "Kevin: And it is all about you, mom.", "Christine: I am sure that Michael is out buying Lauren a beautiful anniversary present.", "Lauren: Let's hope.", "Gloria: Yeah, something romantic and bling-y and expensive. Take a note, lover man.", "Jeff: Hey, hey, hey, hey! That, you know, pirate-themed cruise I took you on was pretty romantic and very expensive.", "Gloria: Yes, it was. Yes, it was. Oh, Paul. He even dressed up as captain hook and broke into my cabin in the middle of the night to plunder and to pillage. [Laughs]", "Kevin: The nausea.", "Gloria: Oh! And that's exactly what you and Michael need, Lauren. A romantic getaway. I mean, forget everything and just focus on each other.", "Jeff: Yeah, with fen away at college, you and hubby have all the time in the world. You should take advantage of that.", "Lauren: [Chuckles] [Sighs]", "Michael: I recommended dr. Whitman to one of my clients.", "Phyllis: So you and Lauren aren't having problems? I know there was the whole carmine thing last year.", "Michael: Everything is fine between us. Thank you.", "Phyllis: Okay. And you'd tell me if it weren't?", "Michael: Yes. Now, why don't you tell me why you came here, because it certainly wasn't just to wish me a happy anniversary.", "Phyllis: I wanted to let you know that I am taking steps to reclaim my life.", "Michael: Do I want to know what that means?", "Phyllis: It's all good. For me, anyway.", "Michael: Naturally.", "Phyllis: As you know, Jack and I are engaged.", "Michael: Yes, you've told me repeatedly.", "Phyllis: And I am back working at Jabot as the head of the fashion division.", "Michael: You are the only person who could get promoted while still in a coma.", "Phyllis: Now that my personal and professional life are back on track, I want to make sure that my legal and financial affairs are in order.", "Michael: Anything in particular?", "Phyllis: I'd like to do a full accounting of my assets, make sure no one ripped me off while I was at the clinic.", "Michael: Well, Daniel held the power of attorney over your estate, but I did keep an eye on your holdings, your bank accounts, investments, the property you owned.", "Phyllis: Good. Then I can assume that there have been no significant changes I need to worry about?", "Michael: Well... there is one major change you should be aware of.", "Summer: Okay. How's that?", "Austin: Fine.", "Summer: Just fine?", "Austin: It's great.", "Summer: Now you're just saying that.", "Austin: [Chuckles] Okay, you can't freak out every single time we have someone over for lunch.", "Summer: It's not just anyone. It's my mom.", "Austin: And your mom's not gonna care whether we have blue napkins or white, okay? When I was growing up, we had one set of napkins, and they were paper.", "Summer: But you don't understand. Everything has to be perfect.", "Austin: Why?", "Summer: Because I want my mom to see that I can do this. You know, run a home or host a lunch.", "Austin: So, you convince her you're Suzy homemaker, then what?", "Summer: Then she'll realize that I'm a grownup, and that I knew what I was doing when I married you.", "Austin: You're asking a lot of a chicken Caesar salad.", "Summer: [Chuckles] Okay, maybe I should have gone with the crab Louie.", "Austin: I don't even know what that is.", "Summer: Okay, maybe I am freaking out a little bit. All right, a lot. I just feel like if I do this right, then my mom will see us together in our home and she'll realize how in love we are.", "Austin: And if she doesn't?", "Summer: Then Jack will be here. He knows how to keep things calm.", "Jack: Is somebody gonna answer my question?", "Abby: Well, I think it's obvious what happened. Stitch spent the night here.", "Jack: Why would you do that? You have a place of your own, presumably with a bed.", "Abby: Well, he was so drunk that he probably gave the taxi driver his work address and not his home address.", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, this is the guy you poured into a cab last night?", "Abby: Yeah, well, he wasn't fit to drive. I assumed that he could give someone the correct address. Apparently I was wrong.", "Jack: Is she right about this?", "Stitch: Yeah, uh --", "Jack: Did you spend the night here?", "Stitch: Yeah, I didn't plan to, but -- and, Ashley, I'm sorry for making your couch my bed.", "Ashley: Not a problem. I don't mind.", "Jack: I do. This is a very expensive, high-tech facility, not some flophouse for wayward drunks.", "Ashley: Jack, come on.", "Jack: Ash, there is highly confidential material in this lab. Now that we have security in place, we can't have an intoxicated employee wandering around here in the middle of the night. We can't.", "Ashley: Jack, it was a one-time thing.", "Jack: You don't know that. I'm sorry, stitch. You're fired.", "Both: No!", "Summer: Are you sure I shouldn't have gone with the other napkins?", "Austin: That's what you were thinking about when we were kissing? I've really lost my touch.", "Summer: No. Not at all. I just -- I want everything to be --", "Austin: Perfect? Yeah, I got it. You know, my mom once told me to stop trying to make things so perfect, to just try my best, and that was enough.", "Summer: Yeah, well, you sure grew up a lot differently than I did. The Newmans are always expected to be perfect.", "Austin: It's hard to achieve something that isn't possible.", "Summer: My grandpa thinks it is possible.", "Austin: Maybe you should stop trying to impress everybody, you know? Except me, of course.", "Summer: [Chuckles]", "Austin: Mm.", "Summer: No, no, no, no. Austin, Austin. We can't.", "Austin: Okay, look. Your mom and Jack, they're not gonna be here for awhile.", "Summer: Yeah, what if they show up early?", "Austin: Then they'll really see how much we love each other. [Laughs]", "Summer: No, they'll think that we're a bunch of kids fooling around during the day.", "Austin: And what's wrong with that?", "Summer: That's exactly how my mom sees me -- right out of high school, not having gone past third base with my boyfriend.", "Austin: Okay. One day your mom's gonna have to realize that you're a grown woman with a husband.", "Summer: Yeah, and in time, she will.", "Phyllis: How in the hell was this allowed to happen?", "Michael: By the time I was told about this transaction, it was already a done deal.", "Phyllis: My God, you wake up after a year in a coma, and you just assume the people you love haven't betrayed you while you were out of commission.", "Michael: I'm not sure that's what happened here.", "Phyllis: Every single time I think I have found my footing, someone pulls the rug right out from under me. How could this even happen?", "Michael: Phyllis, I really think you're blowing this out of proportion.", "Phyllis: Michael! Someone robbed me.", "Michael: Look, I've come to believe that when a problem involves money, it really isn't a problem.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, you know what? I am not the dalai lama, and when someone steals from me, I'm not gonna let it slide because it's good for my soul!", "Michael: I just need you to be reasonable here, just once! Reasonable!", "Phyllis: I am gonna figure this out.", "Michael: I guess not. I guess not.", "Phyllis: You know what? I'm gonna go. You celebrate your anniversary, have a good time, and you be happy that you have people in your life that you can actually trust if you put your life in their hands. I will talk to you later.", "Michael: Yes.", "Jack: I cannot believe the two of you are defending stitch's behavior, especially you.", "Abby: Well, I'm not saying what he did was right, but he doesn't deserve to be fired.", "Ashley: We can't afford to fire him. Have you forgotten the huge contribution he's made to our new fragrance?", "Jack: I don't care what he's done. If genius chemist comes stumbling in here and accidentally lets in a corporate spy, this revolutionary product of yours we've already spent millions on will be worth less.", "Stitch: Jack, what I did was wrong, but it's not who I am, okay? I just -- I got some tough news, and I reacted badly.", "Abby: I think we should cut him a break. I mean, he's had a tough time.", "Stitch: And that's no excuse for what happened last night, but I promise it won't happen again.", "Jack: Okay. Maybe I overreacted. For what it's worth, I know what it's like to find out you're not the father of a child you desperately wanted to be yours.", "Stitch: So does that mean I'm not fired?", "Jack: You have one last chance to get it right.", "Stitch: And I won't screw it up, okay? I'll get ready for the meeting.", "Jack: No, no. [Sighs] As important as this meeting is, given the circumstances, I think perhaps we ought to reconvene.", "Ashley: That's probably not a bad idea.", "Jack: Go over these in the meantime. I've sent you a copy of those by e-mail.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Stitch: Uh...I lost my phone.", "Abby: Oh, it's over here. I saw it earlier.", "Stitch: Thanks. Excuse me.", "Victoria: Hey. Ben, it's me. I got your message. Um... we just keep missing each other. But I really want to talk to you. I have something to tell you.", "Stitch: Um, you know, I'm gonna have to step out for -- for a little bit. Um, thank you.", "Ashley: Wait a second. I thought we were gonna go over Jack's notes?", "Stitch: No, and it [Sighs] Won't take long. Uh...thanks again, Jack.", "Jack: Are we making a mistake here?", "Victoria: I really wish you could have met the original Katherine. Describing her is just... it's not really gonna do her justice. [Chuckles] Katherine chancellor defied description. She was sassy, but kind. She was strong, yet vulnerable. She was opinionated, but very open-minded. She was principled, but she lived her life on the edge. And she wasn't afraid to make a choice, and she was all of those things all at once. I think that's what I admired about her the most. If there was a difficult decision to be made, she did not shy away from it. No, she didn't. Maybe I should take a page from my godmother's playbook, huh? [Sighs] There's a decision I've been putting off. I think I need to make a choice.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Summer: Okay, they're here. How do I look? How does the place look? I knew I should have gone with the other napkins.", "Austin: Hey. Everything looks great.", "Summer: [Sighs] Okay. Okay.", "Austin: Okay.", "Summer: Mom. Hi. Where's Jack?", "Phyllis: He'll be here. May I come in?", "Summer: Yeah, sorry. Come in.", "Phyllis: Summer. Wow! [Laughing] This place is big! And so spacious. I love what you've done with it.", "Summer: Thank you.", "Phyllis: Look at this view! You can see the downtown and the park. It's stunning.", "Summer: Yeah, it's nice.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's more than nice. It's spectacular. I imagine expensive.", "Summer: Um, yeah, I guess.", "Phyllis: I'm just wondering when you were gonna tell me that you sold my penthouse to pay for it.", "Michael: [Sighs]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Michael: Hello, Gloria.", "Gloria: You were supposed to be at the athletic club. Your entire family is here waiting to celebrate your anniversary.", "Michael: I know.", "Gloria: If you know, why aren't you here?", "Michael: I have something to take care of. I'll be there as soon as I can.", "Gloria: As soon as you can? Mic--", "Gloria: I just called your brother. He hung up on me.", "Kevin: That's good.", "Gloria: You know, Kevin, when I was young, children were a little less rude to their parents.", "Kevin: I'm not a child. I'm an adult being rude to you.", "Gloria: No, you are a brat, and you can't keep your eyes off your new little toy. You know, in my day --", "Kevin: You know, I'm sure in your day, there was some very interesting things coming through your telegraph machine.", "Gloria: We had telephones. And we had respect. Unlike you. I mean, what is so fascinating in that thing that you can't take your eyes off of it and have a conversation with me?", "Kevin: Hey, hey! Mom! Give me my phone.", "Paul: Well, I have a cause.", "Christine: Hey, Lauren.", "Lauren: Hmm?", "Christine: You okay?", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Christine: Did you call Michael?", "Lauren: You know, he's been so crazy busy lately. I just -- I don't want to bother him.", "Christine: Okay, I thought him teaming up with Avery was supposed to lighten his load.", "Lauren: Right, well, it doesn't look like they've worked out the kinks yet.", "Michael: [Sighs] [Sighs]", "Jeff: Paul. Just the man I wanted to talk to.", "Paul: What is it, Bardwell?", "Jeff: Um... let me ask you a question.", "Paul: Go ahead.", "Jeff: If one, hypothetically speaking, wanted to get charges against somebody dropped, how would he go about doing that? Hypothetically.", "Paul: Are these \"hypothetical\" charges the ones being brought against Ben Russell?", "Jeff: [Chuckles] Well, I don't know if you've heard, but I've decided to do the decent thing and drop my lawsuit against memorial hospital.", "Paul: Well, we all know how much you value decency.", "Jeff: Well, exactly. Which is why I was wondering how to make the criminal charges against Russell disappear, too.", "Christine: You don't.", "Paul: The DA decides whether or not to go ahead with the case.", "Jeff: Yeah, but if I suddenly remembered that I got stellar care from the good doctor, it probably wouldn't be worth it to pursue.", "Christine: No, it probably wouldn't.", "Jeff: Well, then. I have nothing but good things to say about the treatment I received from dr. Russell. So, case closed.", "Christine: Did you think it would be that simple?", "Jeff: Well, without me, you have no case.", "Paul: She doesn't have a case against stitch.", "Jeff: What do you mean?", "Christine: I could still bring charges against you.", "Jeff: What?", "Christine: Did you really think you could act so cavalierly with a man's life?", "Jeff: [Sighs]", "Victoria: No, Mom, Katie's asleep, so there's no need for you to rush back. Yeah, I'm sure.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Victoria: Okay. I'll talk to you then.", "Stitch: I came as soon as I sobered up.", "Victoria: Sobered up? Oh. Tequila.", "Stitch: Look, Vick, if you asked me to come over here so you could let me down, just get it over with.", "Gloria: What is the \"one-eyed bludgeoner\"?", "Kevin: None of your business.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. Are you in some kind of trouble again?", "Kevin: Why do you always assume that?", "Gloria: Oh, let me think. Oh, yes. History, observation, oh, and facts. And the fact that I've seen gruesome things on your computer before.", "Kevin: \"A,\" thanks. \"B,\" this is a phone, and \"C,\" I'm fine.", "Gloria: Okay. Enjoy. But you would tell me if you were.", "Kevin: Oh, mom. No.", "Gloria: I quit.", "Kevin: Thank God.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Kevin: [British accent] Hello? Uh, yes, this is Plato sphere. [Normal voice] My story got how many hits?! Well, uh... [Clears throat] [British accent] Yes, that's very impressive. Uh, n-no, no. Plato sphere doesn't do personal appearances.", "Jeff: Can you believe Paul and Christine threatened to have me arrested? Here I'm trying to do the right thing and --", "Gloria: Shut up, Jeffrey. I got other things on my mind right now.", "Jeff: Oh, sweet cheeks. I'm sorry. What's wrong?", "Gloria: I'm afraid Kevin is falling back into his old ways, and why isn't Michael at his own anniversary party?!", "Paul: Hey. You're worried about him, aren't you?", "Lauren: He'll be here. I know he will.", "Victoria: So, you thought I called you over here to say goodbye.", "Stitch: Your message was a little vague.", "Victoria: I thought you were coming by last night after work?", "Stitch: I did. I looked through the window and saw you and Billy with your daughter.", "Victoria: Oh, you saw -- you saw us.", "Stitch: Yep. Looking like a picture-perfect family. I expected to see the three of you, uh, in a picture on FacePlace with your new status.", "Victoria: You think that I got back together with Billy.", "Stitch: I just assumed.", "Victoria: [Chuckles] Well...why didn't you ask me", "Stitch: Wait, so -- so you're not?", "Victoria: No, I -- Billy brought by the tree for Katherine, and we decorated it together. It was all for her. Nothing's changed between Billy and me.", "Stitch: So, is that why you asked me to come by?", "Victoria: That's part of it.", "Stitch: Then what's the other part?", "Victoria: I don't really know where things are gonna end up with us.", "Stitch: You're saying they could end up somewhere?", "Victoria: If we're gonna give this a shot, then we just really need to be honest with each other. Do you think you can do that?", "Ashley: I think Abby's right. Ben's been going through a difficult time, but he seems to be moving beyond it.", "Jack: Abby, what do you think?", "Abby: Well, I agree with mom. He's not gonna do something as stupid as he did last night again.", "Jack: Okay, look, I hope you're both right. As far as security goes, I think we need to stay on full alert.", "Ashley: Why? Has there been a breach?", "Jack: No. I saw Victor yesterday, and he's snooping around again, trying to see what we're onto.", "Ashley: Did he say anything specific?", "Jack: No, but I think we all have to be on guard when we're dealing with him. Anything he does could be an effort to get more information.", "Abby: Do you want me to check him for a wire every time I hug him?", "Jack: Gee, why do I like the sound of that?", "Ashley: That's not even funny. I told you I don't want Abby stuck in the middle of your stupid war with Victor.", "Abby: Mom, don't worry. I can handle it.", "Jack: Okay, wait. If we don't have a meeting, I could st-- Summer invited Phyllis and me to lunch at her place today.", "Ashley: That's nice.", "Jack: Yeah, it is. This way I can always have a relationship with Summer through Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Jack sold my penthouse?", "Summer: It was Jack's idea, yeah. He took care of it for Daniel and me. Put the money into a trust.", "Phyllis: I don't care about the money. I care about our home. [Sighs] Nice to know how much I mattered to all of you.", "Summer: Mom, you know much you mean to me.", "Phyllis: Really? Then is that the reason you gave up on me?", "Summer: I never gave up on you.", "Phyllis: Then why was it so easy for you to let go of our home?", "Summer: Because you weren't there. Do you know what it was like living in that place without you? I hated it. Everywhere I turned, there was reminders of you, and I missed you so much, but --", "Phyllis: So selling it made it easier? To forget me? Is that what you're saying?", "Summer: Mom, no.", "Austin: Summer didn't move out of your penthouse to hurt you.", "Phyllis: No. She did this so the two of you could live in this shiny apartment, which I know you have not paid one cent for.", "Summer: Austin works two jobs to support us. And Jack bought this, so neither of us paid for it.", "Phyllis: That's amazing. That is really amazing how everyone has just moved on, as if I never existed, as if I was never gonna come back. My home, my job, my little girl -- all of it is gone. Maybe I shouldn't have come back at all.", "Summer: Don't say that. I missed you every second that you were gone, and I need you. I want you here. You have to believe that.", "Phyllis: I want to.", "Summer: Mom, I know it seems like everyone just moved on, but I flew down there as often as I could to see you. I called or video-chatted almost every day. I didn't know if you could hear me or not. But I never gave up on you, not for one second. I love you so much. And Jack and I are so grateful that you're back. Please believe it.", "Phyllis: Stop it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know. I know that you are grateful. I am sorry. I am just dealing with -- with a lot of other things that's, you know, happened since I was gone, you know? A lot of things.", "Summer: I understand. Can we just forget about it and have a nice lunch, please?", "Phyllis: I can't. I just actually remembered that there's something I have to deal with now.", "Summer: Right now?", "Phyllis: Yes. And we will do lunch another time, okay? I promise you. I promise you.", "Summer: Okay.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Michael: [Sighs]", "Victoria: So, is there anything that you want to tell me? I mean, like maybe why you look like this. You're all rumpled. Is that the tequila.", "Stitch: It was a weird night.", "Victoria: Yeah. Well, I can't really hold it against you. I mean, considering the condition that I was in the first night that we were together.", "Stitch: Yeah, we were pretty banged up, weren't we? We were in rough shape. [Chuckles]", "Victoria: Well, you know, people do crazy things when they're not thinking clearly.", "Stitch: They do.", "Victoria: [Chuckles] Look... I want -- I want to make a fresh start with you. And, um, I still have a lot of things to work out with Billy, like co- parenting and joint custody and all that, and I don't want to shortchange Katherine and Johnny.", "Stitch: I get it. Kids come first. I'm just -- I'm happy you're giving me a second chance. And I won't let you down. I promise.", "Victoria: [Chuckles] Okay.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Stitch: Oh, um... I'm sorry. It's Paul Williams.", "Victoria: Take it. Go ahead.", "Stitch: Hey, Paul. What's up?", "Paul: Hey, stitch. I'm glad I caught you. Uh, listen, I thought you'd like to know that, um... the D.A. Has decided to drop the charges against you.", "Stitch: So there's not gonna be a trial?", "Paul: No, Jeff Bardwell is not cooperating, so Chris has, uh... chosen not to go forward with the case. And he's also withdrawing his suit against Genoa City memorial.", "Stitch: Well, that's great news.", "Paul: Yeah, I thought it might be a weight off your back. So, um, good luck. All right, I should probably go and take care of paperwork.", "Christine: Wait, wait, wait. I -- [Sighs] I invited you to breakfast for a reason, remember?", "Paul: Oh, that's right. You wanted to talk to me about something. I'm sorry. I totally forgot.", "Christine: Well, that's because you have a big, generous heart. You're concerned about Lauren and Michael, you're worried about stitch. [Sighs] You care about so many people, and I just hope...that those wonderful qualities can be inherited by... our baby.", "Paul: Our baby?", "Christine: Uh-huh. [Chuckles]", "Paul: What, are you telling me --", "Christine: I took a home pregnancy test.", "Paul: And?", "Christine: It was positive. I think I'm -- I think I'm pregnant.", "Paul: Oh, my gosh! We're gonna have a baby!", "Christine: Yes.", "Paul: [Laughing] Oh, my God! Oh, that's amazing!", "Ashley: Did you send me a proposal for the marketing mix you're working on?", "Abby: Yesterday. I wonder what happened with stitch. Probably something with Victoria.", "Ashley: Why do you say that?", "Abby: Because he was supposed to go to her house last night, and he showed up at the underground and got stupid drunk.", "Ashley: I can't find the e-mail. What's the subject?", "Abby: \"M.M. For tsp.\"", "Ashley: \"M.M. For tsp.\"", "Abby: Yeah. Marketing mix for top-secret project.", "Ashley: Seriously?", "Abby: Uncle Jack said to be careful.", "Ashley: [Chuckles] Okay. All right, I'll try that then.", "Abby: Try it.", "Tobias: Hey, Ashley. Hi, Abby.", "Abby: Hey, Tobias. How's your new job going?", "Tobias: Just about to get started.", "Ashley: Yeah? What are you working on?", "Abby: Dr. Russell asked me to run his latest samples through the centrifuge.", "Ashley: Okay. Well, make sure you send me a copy of whatever you get, okay? Your results.", "Tobias: Will do.", "Ashley: Okay. Thanks. Let me show you this.", "Ashley: So, Tobias --", "Jack: Wow. On the list of things I knew Phyllis was gonna be upset about, selling the penthouse was nowhere near the top.", "Austin: She was definitely pissed.", "Summer: You should have heard her. She accused me of forgetting about her and wishing she'd never come back.", "Jack: I'm sure she didn't mean any of those things.", "Summer: She hasn't answered any of my calls or my texts.", "Austin: You want me to go look for her?", "Summer: [Sighs] No. My mom truly believes that we moved on and forgot about her when she was in the coma. I think that you should go find her, Jack.", "Jack: Me?", "Summer: She needs to know it's not the truth. She needs to know how devoted we were to her and what we went through waiting for her to get out of the coma. It has to come from you.", "Victoria: Now that Christine is dropping the case against you, you can work on clearing your name. You know what? You should call Avery. She's an amazing lawyer.", "Stitch: Whoa, Vick, Vick. Hold up. I told you that I didn't kill my dad, but I'm not going to the authorities, and I hope you won't, either.", "Victoria: Ben, you're innocent.", "Stitch: Hey, I made my choice years ago to protect my mom. I'm not going back on that. Plus, I served my time. It's over.", "Victoria: How can you say that? You lost everything. You lost your job, you lost your son.", "Stitch: Not everything. I still got you in my corner.", "Victoria: I'm glad that I finally know the truth. You know what? It feels good not having any secrets between us.", "Tobias: I want to make sure I put the right samples into the centrifuge. Dr. Russell said he put his latest data in the files.", "Ashley: I wanted you to see that the samples are actually right there.", "Tobias: [Chuckles] Thanks. I'll get right on that.", "Abby: It's funny. I felt so bad for stitch yesterday, so sad and broken, like he had lost his best friend.", "Ashley: I really have to find this proposal. We have to start working on it.", "Abby: And today he seemed so different.", "Abby: Mom?", "Ashley: What?", "Abby: We were right not to fire stitch, weren't we?", "Ashley: Absolutely.", "Abby: Would you find that e-mail, please?", "Abby: Sure.", "Ashley: Stitch is far too important for us to have let him go.", "Michael: I am sorry, Lauren. I was working and time just --", "Kevin: Stop lying, Michael.", "Michael: What are you doing?", "Lauren: What's he talking about?", "Michael: Nothing.", "Kevin: Michael's being late has nothing to do with work.", "Michael: Really? You're gonna do that here?", "Lauren: Why didn't you show up to our anniversary celebration?", "Michael: I couldn't.", "Lauren: And that's all you're gonna say about it?", "Michael: Yes.", "Lauren: Do you have any idea how humiliating it was for me to send everyone home because you weren't here?", "Michael: I'm sorry.", "Lauren: Look, I understand that something's wrong in our marriage, and I can't imagine that it would be another woman, but, honestly, I don't know what else to think.", "Michael: Lauren, there is no one else. I swear to you.", "Lauren: Then what is it? What?", "Michael: It's just work.", "Kevin: Michael, stop it.", "Michael: Please.", "Kevin: No.", "Michael: You stay out of this!", "Kevin: I am tired of watching you lie to Lauren, so you can tell her or I will.", "Lauren: Michael. Michael, please. Please just tell me what it is.", "Michael: Okay. I will tell you the truth.", "Summer: Jack's right. It doesn't make sense that my mom would be so upset about Jack selling her penthouse.", "Austin: It wasn't the apartment she was upset about.", "Summer: What do you mean?", "Austin: I was just thinking about all the things she said, about being forgotten and people moving on.", "Summer: You don't think that she --", "Austin: Is there any way she could have found out about Jack and Kelly?", "Jack: Phyllis, I just saw Summer. I know you're upset. We need to speak. Call me and we can straighten this out, okay? Where are you, red?", "Phyllis: Excuse me. Is Kelly Andrews working today? Never mind. I'll find her.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dylan: Will you marry me?", "Lauren: Damn you that you knew that you had cancer for weeks and didn't tell me!", "Phyllis: He was alone and vulnerable, but you were damaged." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jack refuses to let Billy take the fall for Paragon and says he will find some other way. Ashley and Victor have a meeting. Victor says he wants half a billion dollars to drop the lawsuit. Later, when she tells the family, Jack says he wants to take care of it peacefully. Billy thinks they need to fight Victor. Jack meets Victor at the athletic club. Victor has no interest in making a deal. He tells Jack to enjoy retirement. Jack says that if Victor wants a war, he's got one. Kevin tells Noah that Ava is going to an elite school for the very rich, not living in an abusive home like Luca told Marisa. Kevin finds that Luca's family is involved in illegal activities. Noah calls to warn Marisa. She demands the truth from Luca. Luca explains that he is the one paying Ava's tuition and she lives with a poor family but they are loving. Ava's mother arrives and asks if Marisa plans to take Ava away from her. Marisa says that's what she came to Spain to do but, after meeting the woman, she has decided not to uproot Ava. Kevin tells Mariah about his secret new idea- bringing full privacy back to computer use. Billy overhears. When Mariah leaves, Billy approaches Kevin and tells him about the lawsuit and that Victor will realize that Kevin was working with Billy.", "" ]
[ "Adam: Jack, I convinced my father to take up his differences with you in court. Now, he loved the idea of having the law on his side. He loved the idea of watching Jabot suffer tremendous financial loss and public humiliation.", "Jack: I'm sure he did.", "Adam: Here's what he didn't know. I built in an exit strategy for you.", "Chelsea: And what was that?", "Adam: It's very simple. You cut Billy loose. You let him take the fall.", "Chelsea: What are you saying?", "Adam: It's not like that, sweetheart. It's just business.", "Chelsea: It's -- it's wrong. All of it. After everything jack's done for you, you would advise Victor to sue his family for everything they have?", "Adam: Hold on a second. This is much better than letting my father use Santori money to go after the Abbotts. Jack, he's gonna blindside you guys. You won't even see it coming. You know that, right?", "Chelsea: So you're expecting Jack to dodge a lawsuit by blaming Billy for paragon?", "Adam: Blaming? Billy did it. He's guilty, sweetheart. He reignited paragon. Jack, this is a good idea, man.", "Jack: Okay, I want you to listen to me very closely, because I want you to quote me verbatim when you report back to your father. I am not going to run and hide while Victor wages war on my brother.", "Adam: Then you're all gonna lose.", "Billy: So you agree that the best course of action is to hang me out to dry?", "Phyllis: Well, I think when you're right, you're right. It's in everybody's best interest to let you take the fall for using paragon to siphon off the Newman entities.", "Billy: It would appease the mustache and keep Jabot solvent.", "Phyllis: But what would it do to you?", "Billy: Oh, I don't need to be connected to the family business to be happy. You know, I can start another magazine, buy a bar, win a restaurant in a poker game.", "Phyllis: Only one problem with that.", "Billy: What's that? My businesses never last?", "Phyllis: Jack would never do that to you.", "Billy: Well, I wouldn't give him a choice. It's the smart move.", "Phyllis: Jack would never sacrifice his brother to avoid a fight with Victor. My husband just isn't that kind of person.", "Ashley: I'm glad you could come by.", "Victor: How could I possibly have stayed away? Your summons was quite interesting.", "Ashley: But not unexpected, I'm sure.", "Victor: That remains to be seen. What would you like to discuss?", "Ashley: Let's make a deal.", "Kevin: Marisa's daughter is enrolled in a super-exclusive school in Majorca.", "Noah: That's not possible.", "Kevin: I checked. I double-checked. Her classmates are the children of diplomats and celebrities.", "Mariah: Ka-ching, ka-ching.", "Kevin: Yeah, isn't she supposed to be with some poor family living a life of hard knocks?", "Noah: Mm-hmm.", "Mariah: Someone's got to be lying.", "Noah: Yeah. Someone.", "Luca: Marisa, we must go.", "Marisa: I, um... I, uh, like your teddy bear. Bet he's been with you since you were born. It's why he looks so loved. Is he your favorite?", "Eva: Yes. My mommy gave him to me.", "Marisa: [Sobs]", "Eva: Why are you crying?", "Marisa: I've waited a long time for this. It's so nice to meet you.", "Eva: My name's Eva.", "Marisa: That's a nice name.", "Eva: Who are you?", "Carmen: Eva.", "Eva: Mama!", "Marisa: [Sighs] She's so beautiful.", "Luca: Like her mother.", "Marisa: What happens now?", "Luca: That's up to you.", "Adam: Give it some thought, Jack.", "Jack: No thought necessary.", "Adam: You've been cleaning up Billy's messes for years.", "Jack: He's my brother!", "Adam: And there comes a point in a man's life when you stand up and you suffer the consequences of your actions. That point in time for Billy is now!", "Chelsea: No, this wasn't all Billy's doing. I mean, Phyllis was in on it, as well.", "Adam: That's a good point. That's all the more reason for you to go along with the plan.", "Chelsea: Why? If Billy wasn't solely responsible, then --", "Adam: Billy was solely responsible for getting Phyllis involved.", "Jack: Phyllis was a very willing participant. But I am sure that Billy drove this whole thing, yes.", "Adam: Okay, and you're not the least bit angry? You're not upset just a little bit?", "Jack: Oh, I'm angry. I almost put a fist through my brother's face. But I am not turning him over to Victor Newman!", "Adam: Why don't you consider the rest of your family members? Why don't you do that? Something Billy didn't do when he reignited paragon, went after Newman.", "Jack: No, maybe he was just thinking about his daughter.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: That's not fair, Jack.", "Adam: It's true, you know, right? Everything always comes back to Delia for him. Everything.", "Jack: You know what Billy went through. You know what he lost. How can you ask me to betray my brother to save my company?", "Adam: I'm trying to protect you, Jack. This is a huge breach of trust on my part, too. Do you have any idea what my father would do if he found out I was --", "Jack: Why are you telling me?", "Adam: Because I know the way his brain works! He's gonna see this lawsuit as him getting his pound of flesh, and it'll be over! You stand in his way, you know what he's gonna do? He's gonna come after Jabot! He's not gonna stop until it's bankrupt! And then he's gonna go after you! He's gonna go after your entire family! You think I'm just talking financial here? He's gonna destroy every single one of you. You know what I'm talking about, don't you?", "Jack: You bet I know.", "Adam: Jack. Ashley's name's on the door -- C.E.O. I don't care. You know this lands in your lap, right? It is your job to protect your company. It's your job to protect your family.", "Jack: And that's exactly what I'm gonna do, Adam.", "Adam: Good.", "Jack: 'Cause this is how my mind works. My father built Jabot... so that his children would have a professional home, a place, a legacy. I am going to preserve that legacy... for every one of John Abbott's children.", "Adam: Can't talk to that man. I mean, I can't talk to him. [Chuckles]", "Chelsea: Do you really hate Billy that much? That you would actually try to turn his own brother against him?", "Victor: Well, I'm glad to hear that one of the Abbotts has some business savvy. What are you willing to offer?", "Ashley: You realize that the only thing I should be offering you is an escort out of the building, because Jack told me everything. About Marco. What you did. What you inflicted on Jack and Phyllis. I mean, you know what? You should actually be behind bars right now.", "Victor: Really?", "Ashley: Absolutely. I mean, how can you possibly defend what you did?", "Victor: I wonder how your good friend stitch would react to what you're saying now.", "Ashley: I'm not following.", "Victor: You aren't?", "Ashley: Do you have something to say to me? Please just say it.", "Victor: I wonder how he would feel if he learned that Jack was responsible for his sister Kelly's death.", "Ashley: What?", "Victor: I guess Jack failed to tell you that, didn't he? I'm sure he also didn't tell you about that boat explosion that killed a lot of people.", "Ashley: A boat explosion?", "Victor: Yes. The explosion of a cargo ship. He and Marisa were on that ship. A lot of sailors -- fathers and sons -- innocent people who died in that explosion.", "Ashley: No, Jack would never do something like that.", "Victor: Yes, he would, and he did. Your brother has a lot of blood on his hands. And I'm sure you wouldn't want him to be held accountable for that, now, would you? So, shall we talk business?", "Marisa: She's so cute and -- and polite and smart.", "[Door closes]", "Marisa: The way she spoke. Did you hear she asked my name? The light in her eyes.", "Luca: Your eyes. She's gonna be a heartbreaker. [Chuckles]", "Marisa: She is. She's...", "[Cell phone rings]", "Marisa: Noah. I, uh, I just met my daughter. She's the most precious, exquisite little girl.", "Noah: That's -- that's great. Marisa, that's great. Um, listen, Lu-Luca has been lying to you. Something about the story about Eva -- it doesn't add up.", "Marisa: What do you mean?", "Noah: The girl, your daughter -- she goes to one of the most expensive and prestigious schools in Spain. She's not from some poor, abusive family. Marisa, did you hear me? Is that what it seemed like to you? Did she seem like she was in some kind of trouble?", "Luca: What is it?", "Noah: Are you with Luca right now?", "Marisa: Yes.", "Noah: Marisa, you need to get away from him as fast as possible. He has been lying to you about everything. Marisa. [Sighs]", "Mariah: What'd she say?", "Noah: I don't know. The call dropped or she hung up. She was with Luca. Hey, Kevin? I need one more favor from you.", "Kevin: Dirt on Luca's family. Hmm.", "Noah: What's wrong?", "Kevin: I'm hitting some walls.", "Noah: Well, just find me whatever you can find, Kevin. Please hurry.", "Mariah: What is this going to accomplish?", "Noah: I just want to know who I'm dealing with.", "Mariah: What are you gonna do with the information once you get it? I mean, so what if he has a bad credit score or his real name is Irving.", "Kevin: Holy shiitake.", "Noah: What's up? What did you find?", "Kevin: Luca's family has been the target of multiple investigations into illegal activities.", "Noah: What kind of illegal activities?", "Kevin: Uh, market manipulation, political payoffs.", "Mariah: Well, that's not exactly \"holy shiitake\" worthy.", "Kevin: How about illegal arms dealing?", "Noah: Whoa.", "Mariah: Seriously?", "Kevin: Yeah, the Santoris are involved in some serious black-market stuff.", "Noah: What -- what about Luca? Is Luca's name on there? Has he been convicted of anything?", "Kevin: Authorities couldn't make charges against any of these guys stick.", "Mariah: Maybe they're innocent.", "Kevin: Witnesses recanted. Others went missing.", "Mariah: Oh, my God. That's scary.", "Kevin: Some judges and prosecutors felt the same way. Several cases were withdrawn when prosecuting officials had a sudden change of heart.", "Noah: Wow. Kevin, can -- can you send this to my phone?", "Kevin: Sure. But are you sure?", "Mariah: Noah, these are not people that you want to mess with.", "Adam: I'm doing everything I can to protect Jack. I'm trying everything I can to try to bring this to some sort of bloodless, peaceful resolution.", "Chelsea: While making Billy the scapegoat.", "Adam: No, no, no, it's not like that.", "Chelsea: I heard you. You think Billy is dispensable in all of this. I just don't understand. Why? Are you still harboring some resentment towards him?", "Adam: No, of course not.", "Chelsea: Are you sure? You know, when you were watching him play father to Connor, that didn't bother you?", "Adam: Of course that bothered me. Don't be ridiculous.", "Chelsea: So then why are you denying it?", "Adam: Because any resentment or jealousy I feel toward Billy is trumped by guilt. I'm responsible for him losing his little girl.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Adam: It's not personal.", "Chelsea: Babe, it's personal to me. I lived with him. I-I almost married him.", "Adam: You know, we don't need to rehash the whole --", "Chelsea: We were close in the same way, you know, you and sage were close.", "Adam: Okay, look, that's completely different.", "Chelsea: Why? Because she insists she wasn't really in love for you?", "Adam: Yeah, for one. Yeah.", "Chelsea: But you were more than friends. I mean, you and sage -- you shared something significant.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: So then how would you feel if I just cavalierly threw sage to the wolves?", "Adam: Billy brought this on himself.", "Chelsea: That's not even remotely true. You know what he's been through with Victor through the years. Billy is not the bad guy here. Your father is.", "Adam: Sweetheart, you think I don't know that?", "Chelsea: So then why do you want to be a part of all this?", "Adam: I don't have a choice!", "Chelsea: You do have a choice! Walk away! Don't help Victor anymore! You're out of prison now, Adam. He can't hurt you.", "Ashley: Ultimately, you're to blame for everything that's happened. But I am prepared to make you an offer of $25 million.", "Victor: [Chuckles] $25 million? You're wasting my time, my dear.", "Ashley: $50 million. I don't want to see another brother be hurt by you.", "Victor: Why are you so protective of that useless brother of yours? Billy boy Abbott brought all this down on you.", "Ashley: Our daughter's getting married, Victor, okay? And I don't want her wedding to be marred by you and I going at each other's throats.", "Victor: Nor do I. But as long as you hold me responsible...", "Ashley: Okay, there's enough blame to go around! $50 million to make this go away!", "Victor: You add a zero to that, then we can talk, okay?", "Ashley: $500 million?", "Victor: Bye-bye.", "[Clatter]", "Phyllis: Jack may have wanted to sock you in the jaw just now, but he loves you, Billy, unconditionally.", "Billy: I got to give it to my brother. He is loyal.", "Phyllis: Yep. And he knows how to channel his emotions, unlike some of us, which is a good thing for you and me and our entire family.", "Billy: Oh, yes. I'm well aware of his amazing qualities. They've been held up as the gold standard my entire life. But the guy is not without his shortcomings.", "Phyllis: None that I've noticed.", "Billy: [Groans] You know exactly what I'm talking about, Phyllis. [Sighs] The guy feels like he can coexist peacefully with Victor, and we all know that that is not possible, not after everything he's done.", "Phyllis: Which is why I went along with you, Billy, with this whole paragon stunt. But now that Victor is on to us --", "Billy: Now that he is on to us, why the hell would we appease him? No matter what we offer Victor, he's -- he's going to insist that he is the last one standing, and jack's magic powers, this voice of reason, is going to be worthless against the almighty Newman. You know that's true. There is only one way that we survive this.", "Adam: I'm committed to going down this road with my father. It's not worth talking about. There's no going back.", "Chelsea: Okay, but --", "Adam: To be honest with you, I'm glad I'm in this position.", "Chelsea: Really?", "Adam: Yeah. Really. I'm my dad's right-hand man. I can keep an eye on him, and I can keep Jack safe. It's perfect.", "Chelsea: Hmm. Okay, well, um, you didn't answer my question before.", "Adam: I didn't answer your question about what?", "Chelsea: Sage. How would you feel if I was making her a target for your father the way you're making Billy?", "Adam: It's not about that.", "Chelsea: Well, then explain it to me, Adam. What? What is it that I'm not getting?", "Adam: Sweetheart, I'm doing Billy a favor.", "Ashley: I met with Victor today.", "Billy: Why would you do that?", "Ashley: I made him an offer to keep him from pursuing a lawsuit.", "Jack: How much is he asking?", "Ashley: Half a billion dollars.", "Billy: [Scoffs] Half a billion? Well, that's -- that's a bargain.", "Ashley: It's no joke, Billy.", "Billy: Well, it ought to be. We can't afford that. Look, we're not making a deal with Victor.", "Phyllis: That's right. Billy is right. We'd be rewarding Victor for the horrible things he's done to this family.", "Ashley: Well, if we're gonna try to get out of this --", "Billy: Listen, we can't deplete Jabot's resources.", "Ashley: What we can't do is go to court, Billy, 'cause then we're gonna be liable for far more than half a billion dollars.", "Billy: Okay. All right. Fine. Look, I've got another option. I'm the one who launched paragon 2.0. I quit, Victor comes after me.", "Jack: No.", "Billy: Look, your hands are clean, and you can't prove that Phyllis was involved, so --", "Jack: I'm not gonna let you do that. I'm not offering you up as some ritual sacrifice to Victor's ego.", "Billy: Well, I'm not giving you a choice.", "Jack: Don't you understand? It's not going to end there. Victor sees this as an opportunity to bring down Jabot. And he's not gonna be satisfied just trashing Billy. He's coming after all of us. There is no settling with him, no matter what you offer.", "Ashley: Look, if we pay him --", "Jack: No, we're not going to trial. We are not giving him a half a billion dollars. No, I will talk to Victor. We will work out a better deal.", "Billy: Yeah, talk to him. Wake up, Jack.", "Ashley: Billy.", "Billy: There's no negotiating with Victor Newman, is there?", "Ashley: Hey!", "Phyllis: Hey!", "Billy: Is there? So what are you gonna do, Jack? What are you gonna do?! See? That -- that's what you have to do! You got to fight if you want to beat Victor, Jack!", "Marisa: Noah said that my daughter attends a school only the wealthy can afford, that she's not the miserable, impoverished child you and Marco --", "Luca: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You believe Noah?", "Marisa: I just saw it for myself! I was so overwhelmed meeting her for the first time, I wasn't thinking, but the clothes, the way she spoke -- it's obvious that she's loved and well-cared for. And you weren't at all surprised.", "Luca: I'd never let our daughter stay in an ugly, abusive situation.", "Marisa: You let me think the worst!", "Luca: Yes.", "Marisa: Why? Why would you lie to me?", "Luca: Because I knew I didn't imagine the love we felt for each other.", "Marisa: [Sighs]", "Luca: It was my family that drove us apart, Marisa, their meddling. I believed that we would find that love again if it was just the two of us searching for our daughter.", "Marisa: Tell me the truth about Eva.", "Luca: Marisa --", "Marisa: Tell me!", "Luca: I pay her tuition. I've been keeping tabs on her, providing for her.", "Marisa: And the family she lives with?", "Luca: They aren't wealthy, can't afford much, but they are good, loving people.", "Marisa: How could you?", "Luca: Look, what I did was misguided, hurtful. But I want to make it right now, Marisa. To see you and our daughter together -- I can make that happen for you.", "Noah: Grandpa, what are you thinking going into business with Luca Santori and his --", "Victor: Shh, shh, shh.", "Noah: ...And his family?", "Victor: Shh, shh, shh.", "Noah: Why are you doing business with them?", "Victor: Son, I'm running a company.", "Noah: These are very dangerous people that you're bringing into our lives.", "Victor: Oh, yeah? What have you heard?", "Noah: Okay, well, forget the bribery and the market manipulations. They're illegal arms dealers.", "Victor: They've never been convicted of anything.", "Noah: That's because they manipulated the system. They intimidated people. They threatened them.", "Victor: Noah. People on a certain level of business are known sometimes to intimidate people and do things that others don't like necessarily.", "Noah: I don't think...", "Victor: But you need to stay out of this. I'm warning you.", "Victor: Powerful people attract all kinds of unwanted and unfounded accusations.", "Noah: Unfounded? Are you sure they're unfounded?", "Victor: I know why you're doing this. You want to hang on to that girl.", "Noah: Maybe. So what?", "Victor: I understand, Noah, okay? If anyone understands, I do. But let me warn you. She's dangerous. You're too good for her. She has been with a lot of bad guys. Luca Santori, Marco. These are treacherous men. So consider you're lucky if she's gone.", "Noah: I get it. I get it. You don't want Marisa and I to be together. I hear you loud and clear. But this doesn't have to be like Billy and Victoria. It doesn't. Victoria's finally walking out on Billy.", "Victor: Wait a minute.", "Noah: You had to rub it in his face at the christening.", "Victor: Do you know how much it hurt to see my daughter Victoria, who I adore, associate herself with Billy Abbott? He's a useless SOB.", "Noah: You're just so good at getting what you want.", "Victor: You bet.", "Noah: And, you know, going into business with the Santoris, it does have the added benefit of throwing Marisa's ex into the mix, putting a wedge between her and I.", "Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You think that's what I'm doing? Come on now.", "Noah: What I know is that these are the worst kind of criminals, and I cannot just sit by while my grandfather brings them further into our lives.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. To which I have to say you let me worry about that, okay?", "Luca: Come in. I'm Luca. This is Marisa.", "Carmen: You were at the park.", "Marisa: Yeah. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you, Carmen, by speaking to Eva that way. You see, I'M...", "Carmen: Eva's biological mother.", "Marisa: That's right. And Luca's...", "Luca: I'm the man who's been paying for Eva's schooling.", "Carmen: I suspected this day would come. The adoption was so secret, no legal documents. I just knew one day you would want her back. I am begging you, please, to think about what you are doing. Think about the girl. [Voice breaking] My daughter, she is the light of my life. Her life, it's here. It's all she's ever known.", "Marisa: Seeing her, I...", "Carmen: I cannot afford much. I may not be able to afford a big house or the nicest of clothes, but she goes to a good school. Eva has a happy life with much love. So much love.", "Marisa: I can -- I can see that. And I am grateful for that, Carmen. I really am. All I want is my little girl's happiness.", "Mariah: Leaving?", "Kevin: Yes. I'm headed home. I need to do some serious work with a little more privacy.", "Mariah: Oh, yay. Your super-secret project with the yodeler.", "Kevin: Yodeler?", "Mariah: Yeah. The Swiss hacker chick who apparently is too dense to realize how great her idea is. What is this amazing idea, anyway?", "Kevin: I can't say.", "Mariah: Because it's not legal?", "Kevin: It's totally legit.", "Mariah: You said that the Newmans and the Abbotts would pay a fortune for it. Why?", "Jack: Going on the attack against Newman, escalating hostilities, is not the answer.", "Phyllis: What's left to escalate? Victor couldn't be any more hostile.", "Ashley: What's your suggestion?", "Jack: I will broker a better deal.", "Ashley: There's no chance in hell, Jack.", "Billy: See, this is what I'm thinking.", "Jack: I will get Victor to listen to reason.", "Phyllis: Reason? Victor doesn't do that, Jack.", "Billy: Jack, what is it gonna take for you to realize there is no reasoning with lurch. I mean, how low does this guy have to go?", "Jack: I will find a way.", "Billy: Oh, this -- this is great. While he goes and grovels to Victor, we're here doing exactly nothing.", "Ashley: It's all because of you, Billy. You're the problem.", "Billy: [Scoffs]", "Phyllis: Attacking one another is not gonna solve a thing.", "Billy: Well, neither is crippling Jabot by caving to Victor's demands.", "Ashley: You haven't given us a choice, Billy. No, I admit it. Losing half a billion dollars -- it's gonna hurt. But we can rebuild, and that won't be the case if we go to court.", "Billy: Well, there has got to be something we can do to save this company while Victor is laughing at us.", "Phyllis: Jack could find a way to combine our assets.", "Ashley: If he can't make a deal, I'm paying Victor off.", "Billy: Ashley, you can't do that!", "Ashley: I don't want to hear anything from you, okay, because your input is not welcome.", "Billy: Fine. Fine. You do whatever the hell you want.", "Phyllis: Oh, Billy, come on. What are you doing?", "Chelsea: You think you're doing Billy a favor, setting him up so Victor can take a swipe at him?", "Adam: Sweetheart, Billy acted on his worst impulses to take on my father, okay? Number one, it's a losing proposition. Number two, it feeds into the narrative that my father's made up about him, that he's inconsistent, that he can't be trusted, that he's a lightweight.", "Chelsea: But don't you think that by making him a target --", "Adam: I'm removing Billy from the fray is what I'm doing. I'm protecting him from acting on his anger toward my father. You see what I'm doing? I'm giving him his last chance, sweetheart.", "Chelsea: Uh, his last chance to fix things with Victoria?", "Adam: His last chance to get his family back. Thank you. Come here.", "Marisa: You can't know how hard it was for me to give up my daughter. It was the most difficult decision I've ever had to make.", "Carmen: How could you let her go?", "Marisa: I was determined to not raise my child in the unhappy life I was living. I wanted better for her. I was told that, uh, she was living in a difficult environment, abusive family.", "Carmen: No. Never. We would never. I could never hurt her.", "Marisa: I didn't know, Carmen. I was desperate to get my child out of the terrible circumstances that were described to me. I would have done anything. Done things I otherwise wouldn't have.", "Carmen: All for your daughter.", "Marisa: You can't know what it was like to finally see her.", "Carmen: I do know. I understand a mother's joy.", "Marisa: No, it wasn't just the joy of being reunited with her after all these years. It was -- it was the joy of seeing how happy she is.", "Carmen: You've come to take her back.", "Marisa: That's why I came, yes.", "Carmen: How will I tell her? [Sobs] I don't want her to think I'm sending her away.", "Marisa: I did come to take her back. But after seeing the two of you together, after meeting you, Carmen... [Sighs] How am I supposed to do that? [Voice breaking] How -- how can I rip Eva away from the only family she's ever known and the only mother she's ever known?", "Carmen: [Sobs] [Sighs]", "Marisa: Take care of my daughter.", "Carmen: [Sniffles]", "Marisa: Please. [Sobs]", "Victor: You do not want to get involved with the Santoris. And you do not want to throw a wrench into my business dealings with them, not at this critical juncture for my company. Don't make the same mistake that Billy Abbott did.", "Jack: I heard about the deal you made with my sister.", "Victor: Well, hello, Jack. She led me to believe that she has the decision- making power since she's C.E.O. Of your company.", "Jack: Well, I am here in good faith to try to come up with a compromise, a way to end this so that we can both get on with our lives.", "Victor: I told your sister what I expected.", "Jack: Well, you and I both know that half a billion dollars would cripple Jabot financially. And since neither Newman nor Jabot is particularly sound right now after paragon, I think we need to come up with another way.", "Victor: You have lost control, Jack. It's embarrassing. If I were you, I would go quietly to this good night, let Jabot just dissolve, enjoy early retirement.", "Jack: Why don't you go to hell?", "Victor: [Chuckles]", "Kevin: The Santoris are involved in some serious black-market stuff.", "Noah: They're illegal arms dealers.", "Victor: They've never been convicted of anything.", "Noah: That's because they manipulated the system. They intimidated people. They threatened them. And I cannot just sit by while my grandfather brings them further into our lives.", "Noah: Yes, I have, uh, I have information about a crime. Yes, it's a federal crime. There's an arms dealer doing business here in Wisconsin. Yeah. I know where your agents can find him.", "Luca: This is your choice? To leave Eva here with this family?", "Marisa: All I ever wanted was for my daughter to be loved and happy. And now that she is, I can't ruin that for her. Don't ruin this for her, Luca. Don't.", "Luca: What you did was so selfless. Such a good thing. I'm so proud of you.", "Mariah: Give me a hint. What is this world-changing idea?", "Kevin: Will you keep your voice down? I don't even like talking about it.", "Mariah: Why not?", "Kevin: Because I don't want somebody else to steal the idea from me and this other hacker.", "Mariah: Who is better at keeping secrets than me? I'm honestly a little offended that you won't tell me what it is.", "Kevin: [Sighs] You promise you won't say anything?", "Mariah: Consider me sworn. Spill.", "Kevin: This hacker and I have discovered a way to return complete privacy to computers, to make them hack-proof, full, complete, impenetrable protection of government, personal, and business information.", "Mariah: That's huge. Is it possible?", "Kevin: [Scoffs] I think it is. I think it's revolutionary. And this is the kind of stuff that fortunes are made on.", "Mariah: I mean, consider your secret safe with me. Now, excuse me while I revolutionize bartending.", "Billy: Hey, Kevin.", "Kevin: Hey. Billy, what's up?", "Billy: Uh...[Chuckles] Well, the whole thing kind of blew up in my face. Victor is threatening to sue my family for half a billion dollars.", "Kevin: Half a billion?", "Billy: Yeah, jack's trying to keep it out of court, but there's -- there's no guarantees, you know?", "Kevin: If this goes to court, they're gonna ask you questions, like who was helping you on the tech side of things... and that could be a problem for both of us.", "Billy: Victor's going to know that you were working for me to bring down Newman all while collecting a paycheck from him.", "Kevin: I don't like the sound of that.", "Billy: No. So... you got any ideas how to resolve this?", "Phyllis: Billy cares about this family and Jabot as much as you and Jack do. He has overcome so much. He has put up with so much, and he has always had the guts to take on Victor. What?", "Ashley: I'm just wondering when you're gonna be as loyal to your husband as you are to Billy.", "Victor: I will take this to court.", "Jack: I hope you do. I would love a chance to sit on the witness stand and tell the judge that you came after Jabot first, had me kidnapped, put a stranger in my wife's bed, the whole thing.", "Victor: Then your role in Kelly's death and the death of innocent people on the cargo ship would become public record.", "Jack: I will happily go to jail if it means my family will not be bled to death. You better get ready for your own cell.", "Victor: You're bluffing.", "Jack: You think I'm bluffing? I tried to make peace with you. I tried to reason with you, even after Marco, after everything you did to me, to my wife, because of paragon, something for which I was in no way responsible, and yet you sit here smug as ever, threatening me? Threatening my company? Consider negotiations ended. You want a war? You just got one.", "Victor: And I relish a war.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: Is there something wrong with my behavior, the way that I'm thinking or I'm feeling? You think I need to go back to Fairview?", "Nick: I boxed up the nursery.", "Sage: What are you trying to do? Pretend that Christian never existed?", "Cane: Not only did she sleep with him, she claims now she has feelings for him. Is that right?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "At Sharon's home, Dylan and Sharon discuss how the interview went. They notice how quiet the house is without Faith and Sully. Hilary and Devon kiss and make love. At the Athletic Club, Michael and Lauren go downstairs, but he can tell something is bothering her. Chelsea and Chloe talk about how that Chelsea thinks that Chloe may go after Hilary. Lily tells Cane that he needs physical therapy when there is a knock on the door and it is his therapist, Jessie. Lauren orders 2 vodkas. Michael inquires about the phone call she received from the bank. Lauren feels that the sales from Christmas will get Fenmore's in the black. Mariah explains to Sharon and Dylan about the interview that Dylan gave to Hilary and how she changed everything. Mariah lets them know that she quit GC Buzz. Sharon blasts Hilary for what she does to people. Chloe and Chelsea discuss the upcoming fashion show. Chloe tells Chelsea that she misses them. Hilary tries to get romantic toward Devon in order to change his mind about her and GC Buzz, but Devon tells her that she is still fired. Cane begins his physical therapy with Jessie and he watches her very romantically. Devon and Hilary discuss her being fired. Hilary tries to persuade him to give her job back but he still refuses. Sharon blames herself for all of their problems. At GCPD, Paul and Dylan discuss the judge's ruling and how he wouldn't change his mind. Lauren goes to visit Chelsea and Chloe and wants to handle their entire line of clothing at Fenmore's. Chloe wonders what is in this for them.", "Jessie is surprised when she finds out that Cane is in no pain from the physical therapy and then she spies the medicine bottle. She asks how much of the medication he has taken. Neil joins Lily at the Athletic Club dining room and asks her about her holding the foundation banquet there, but she refuses. Sharon reads article about her and what she did on the web. Devon goes to see Mariah and tells her that he had fired Hilary. Paul and Dylan discuss Dylan's feelings over losing Sully. Paul urges Dylan to get help from him or from Nikki. Michael joins Paul and Dylan in the office. Michael tells Dylan there are no do-overs in this case. Neil sees Hilary come into the dining room and beckons her to join them. Neil and Lily find out that Devon fired her. Lily is excited. Neil asks her to host the foundation banquet. Hilary readily accepts. Devon asks Mariah to host GC Buzz. Mariah hesitates to accept the offer. Cane eyes the meds in the garbage can that Jessie threw away. Michael explains why the judge ruled the way he did. Sharon visits Chelsea and asks for her job back to which Chelsea agrees and immediately puts her back to work. Hilary watches Mariah as she rehearses for GC Buzz.", "" ]
[ "Sharon: Mornings are so quiet now. I heard you up last night.", "Dylan: Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you up.", "Sharon: No, you didn't. I was already awake. I couldn't sleep hearing the judge's voice in my head, \"no visitation rights.\"", "Dylan: We knew it was a long shot. At least we tried. You know, at least we have all these memories of Christian. We had him here for a year. He's with us. Nobody can take that away.", "[Floor creaks]", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Mariah: Hey. I heard about the judge's ruling. I-I wanted to talk to you last night --", "Sharon: Oh, did you? Or were you trying to avoid us because of Dylan's GC buzz interview? I didn't want to believe that you would let them do that to us.", "Mariah: I-I wouldn't. Look, I never thought --", "Dylan: You convinced me that Hilary wanted to tell the story the right way.", "Sharon: Nothing even close to the truth went on the air.", "Dylan: I sounded like a jerk. It made your mom look like -- they had no business making this about her illness.", "Mariah: I know! Hilary screwed me over. Us. She did it to all of us.", "Devon: [Sighs] You look beautiful, honey.", "Hilary: Aww. And it's all for you. It's amazing how a good night's sleep can put everything in perspective.", "Devon: Who slept?", "Hilary: [Laughs] I'm proud of us. You know that? We never let nonsense get between us. We always put our marriage first.", "Devon: Right. Honey, I don't want you to think that --", "Hilary: Shh. I don't want you to think, either.", "Michael: Does this count as our walk of shame?", "Lauren: [Laughs]", "Michael: I can't believe it. It does. Look, I know the day is packed for both of us, but I'd like to do something special later after my deposition. And what's wrong?", "Lauren: Hmm? Oh, no. Nothing.", "Michael: Except it's not nothing. Ah, ah, ah. For better or worse, remember? What is it? What's wrong?", "Chelsea: What do you peg the audience at for this show?", "Chloe: Like how many people? Well, between TV and social media, I'm gonna say about a bazillion.", "Chelsea: Huh. It's pretty awesome of Hilary to do this for us. I mean, it's quite the platform. We should be grateful.", "Chloe: Okay.", "Chelsea: No, I'm -- I'm serious, Chloe. We need to be grateful.", "Chloe: Um, are you trying to give me a warning or something?", "Chelsea: I just think it's not really fair. I mean, people have been going after Hilary lately and --", "Chloe: Oh, I get it. Because Hilary went after Sharon and I'm clearly on Sharon's side, you think I'm gonna go after Hilary and ruin the show for us? Is that what you're saying?", "Lily: Hey, I still can't find that game that Charlie wants.", "Cane: You mean the one that goes [Imitates explosion]", "Lily: Yeah, I know. I'm actually hoping that it's sold out because that noise will haunt my dreams.", "Cane: Well, since I'm home all day, I'll order it online after the physical therapy session, okay?", "Lily: Look, I know that you hate missing work, but you need physical therapy.", "Cane: I know.", "Lily: And I know you don't like doing it at the office, so your therapist is coming here.", "Cane: All right, okay.", "Lily: Did you like him?", "Cane: Who?", "Lily: Jessie. Your therapist.", "Cane: Oh, Jessie. Okay, um, see, here's the thing I need to tell you about Jessie.", "[Knock on door]", "Lily: Oh, he's here. Are you ready?", "Jessica: Hi. I'm Jessie. Here to see cane Ashby.", "Cane: Okay, uh, Lily, this is Jessica.", "Lauren: Let's get one more latte for the road. Can we get two lattes to go, please? Thanks.", "Michael: Or maybe you'd like to tell me more about that, uh, phone call with the bank. Is that's what's on your mind? Or was it the dozen other phone calls this morning?", "Lauren: You know, I should have turned my phone off. I'm really sorry. Our anniversary only comes once a year.", "Michael: Hmm. Nah. Business is in your blood. And it's not going as well as you'd like.", "Lauren: It's just the season, you know. You always hope that Christmas sales will put you in the black.", "Michael: Fenmore's is in the red?", "Lauren: No. No, honey. I just meant that, you know, profits will peak, and you know how I love profits.", "Michael: Yeah. But not for profits sake. You love them for your father and your team and all those people who count on the paychecks you sign. It's a lot of pressure on those gorgeous shoulders.", "Lauren: [Chuckles] I can handle it.", "Michael: I know you can.", "Lauren: Thank you.", "Michael: But clearly it's troubling you right now.", "Lauren: I've been thinking a lot about my dad lately and what Fenmore's meant to him. [Chuckles] He took this one little store and turned it into something so big.", "Michael: And you nurtured it. All over the country. Fenmore's is a cultural touchstone. Who hasn't shopped there? You did that. You.", "Lauren: You are a lovely man. Have I told you that lately?", "Michael: Well, not in so many words, but I think I got the gist of that last night.", "Lauren: [Laughs] I tried.", "Michael: Listen to me. You're the smartest woman I know. You'll figure out a way to get through the season.", "Lauren: You know, I think I already have.", "Michael: Oh, well, then you're already halfway there.", "Lauren: [Chuckles]", "Mariah: And so I start thinking, \"wow, maybe Hilary isn't a complete hack,\" and maybe this is the right way to get the real story about what happened to you and Christian out into the world. And the interview went great. Dylan was amazing. You would have been so proud of him. I even went to get Hilary dinner afterwards, and then when I came back, she'd gone all Edward scissorhands on the piece and cut it up into bits. She'd sliced it and diced it and turned it into one long lie. So I told her that she sucks, and I quit.", "Sharon: You quit?", "Mariah: Yes, I had to. You would have never spoken two words to Hilary if it wasn't for me.", "Dylan: It's not your fault. I made the decision to talk to Hilary.", "Sharon: Hilary knows how to work people. She worked me for a time. You know, I thought maybe she was capable of some honesty, but I guess she's not, obviously.", "Dylan: But you are. And I know you had nothing to do with that edit.", "Mariah: Well, I picked a pretty bad time to start seeing the best in people, but I'm over that, and it won't happen again.", "Dylan: Well, maybe you can find another show and get back on track.", "Mariah: No. Gosh, no. I'm over that, too. TV can bite me.", "Dylan: [Chuckling] Okay. Well, um, I got to get to work.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Dylan: We all got conned. It wasn't your fault.", "Mariah: What now? Back to slinging drinks at the underground?", "Sharon: You'll find something. But I'm not sorry you're getting away from Hilary. She's a sadist, and she likes to inflict pain and misery on people. We've all had enough of that.", "Chloe: So you think that I would ruin our premiere just to take a shot at Hilary about Sharon? Is that what you're saying?", "Chelsea: Chloe, you don't exactly hide your opinions or your feelings. Not to mention I don't think you have the best track record when it comes to fashion shows.", "Chloe: [Sighs] But that doesn't mean that I can't suck it up, so I can make sure that GC buzz does a good show about us.", "Chelsea: Okay. Good. Great. We're fine, then. But we do need to finish those looks.", "Chloe: Great. Good. And yes, we will. And just for the record, I can suck it up because I actually watched GC buzz last night.", "Chelsea: [Gasps] Me, too!", "Chloe: It wasn't awful.", "Chelsea: It was hilarious! It was so bad, but it was so good. You know, you got me into that stuff.", "Chloe: [Chuckles] Yeah, blame me. Go ahead.", "Chelsea: Well, you did. But I have to say, after work, a long day of work, there's nothing better than some juicy gossip and a nice glass of wine.", "Chloe: Uh, juicy gossip, wine, and ice cream.", "Chelsea: Ice cream! I forgot the ice cream. What?", "Chloe: I miss this. I miss us.", "Hilary: Are you looking for something?", "Devon: Yeah, I'm looking for my phone. I have some meetings to get to.", "Hilary: I just need to fix my makeup quickly. I can be camera ready in two minutes. We are launching Chelsea's new collection today.", "Devon: Honey. You're not going on camera today. I meant that yesterday, and I mean it today. You're still fired.", "Cane: All right, am I sitting or...?", "Jessica: Yeah, take a seat.", "Cane: All right.", "Jessica: So, today's just so you know the routines so you can do the workouts on your own besides our sessions.", "Cane: Okay.", "Jessica: You'll do the heel slides -- 30 reps three times a day.", "Cane: All right.", "Jessica: Then you'll do the hip work with the bands -- 20 reps of each abduction, adduction. I'll send you an e-mail.", "Cane: Sounds like a full-time job. Okay, all right.", "Jessica: You get out what you put in.", "Cane: Hey, what's this?", "Jessica: A muscle stimulator.", "Cane: What does it do?", "Jessica: It's designed to send electrical impulses directly into the knee.", "Cane: Okay.", "Jessica: It's gonna fire up your muscles.", "Cane: My muscles already feel fired up, though.", "Jessica: I'm flattered. You're quite the charmer, cane.", "Cane: Well, I suppose I have to be good at something.", "Jessica: I'm sure you're good at any number of things. Lay down. I'll see if you're good at this.", "Hilary: Okay, I'm lost. I thought we had an amazing night.", "Devon: We did have an amazing night. You said you wanted to focus on us and not talk about work, and that's exactly what we did.", "Hilary: Okay, well, now I guess I want to talk about work, because you fired me for no reason.", "Devon: I had a reason. I released you from your contract because we agreed that the show would be positive and upbeat, and that's not what you delivered to me on air. So I need to find someone who can help me embrace that vision.", "Hilary: Okay, well, I'm ready, right? I'm ready to give you what you want. Today it's the ultimate feel-good story. It's Chelsea's collection. A woman- owned business. It's all about empowerment and drive and focus. We can't just drop the segment.", "Devon: Who says I'm gonna drop the segment?", "Hilary: Okay, so the segment is happening, which means I'm hosting.", "Devon: No, you're not hosting, honey, okay? I'm sorry. That Dylan interview wasn't the first time that you told me a segment would be a certain way and then it turned out being completely different, all right? You made your choice. I made mine, which is you no longer host the GC buzz.", "Hilary: Okay, this is ridiculous. You made your point, okay, Devon? Now just let me give you a show that we can both agree on.", "Devon: What kind of boss would I be if I made a decision and I didn't stick to it?", "Hilary: The flexible and reasonable kind.", "Devon: Sweetheart, you are creative, you're smart, and you can think quick on your feet. I know you can do anything you put your mind to.", "Hilary: But this is what I want to do.", "Devon: Well, you need to find something else to do somewhere where you can't damage people's lives and reputations.", "Hilary: And what about Chelsea's reputation? You need a host, okay? Unless you plan to do it yourself.", "Devon: No. I can find someone else. That's not gonna be a problem.", "Hilary: [Scoffs] You really think it's that easy to just walk out there, hit your mark, look into camera, and just make people love you?", "Devon: I know I love you, okay? We'll get through this.", "[Door opens]", "Hilary: [Sighs]", "Mariah: All right. I better load up on caffeine and get the job search started. Thank you, Hilary.", "Sharon: Mariah. You know, it's easy to blame her, but I'm the one that brought this on. You know, I did this to you and Dylan and nick and faith. Now I don't know if Noah will ever talk to me again.", "Mariah: Yes, he will. Faith will, too. They know how much you loved Christian. Everything that happened, it happened out of that love.", "Sharon: It's also out of fear, fear that Dylan and I would lose our child, fear that we would lose each other.", "Mariah: But you didn't lose each other, because Dylan knows what I know. Everything you do, you do out of love. Even for me. You know, I couldn't handle it at first, the idea of you loving me. Even weirder -- the fact that you wanted me around. But here I am. And you keep putting up with me time and time again, even though I'm the jerk that roped your husband into a horrible interview.", "Sharon: Don't talk about yourself like that. I'm not gonna listen to it.", "Mariah: See? You're doing it right now. You're -- you're even protecting me from myself. Because that is what you do. You protect all of us. You protect Christian. For a whole year, you were his mom. You were his whole world, and I know -- I know deep down he feels that. And that makes him the luckiest kid in the world. [Sniffles]", "Dylan: Hey, chief, have you looked at the Crakowski case yet?", "Paul: Hey. Would you, uh, shut the door behind you?", "Dylan: What's up?", "Paul: Well, uh... we haven't talked, and, uh, I tried to call you after the judge's decision.", "Dylan: Yeah, I-I wasn't ready to talk about it.", "Paul: Okay. What about now?", "Dylan: If I say no, can we get back to this case?", "Paul: How are you feeling?", "Dylan: Uh, it's like taking a bullet wearing a flak jacket. Impact knocks the breath out of you, but, you know, it's not fatal. And Christian, he's -- he's fine, he's loved, he's healthy, he's around familiar faces. He's gonna be okay. Sharon and I just need to find a way to move on, so...", "Paul: I was pretty impressed with her, actually. She was willing to give you up so you could spend time with Christian.", "Dylan: Yeah, well, that's never gonna happen. I told Sharon that we're in this together.", "Paul: Look, son... I-I just want you to know how sorry I am. I-I... I know how much it meant to you to spend time with that boy.", "Dylan: [Sighs] Assault with the intent to kill.", "Paul: Okay. Look, I know that being stoic is a really good quality, especially in this line of work. I mean, I know how much I'm hurting, and I was only the kid's grandfather. I really can't even imagine what you must be going through.", "Lauren: Ah, the business of fashion.", "Chelsea: Lauren, hey! What are you doing here?", "Lauren: I have a proposition for you girls.", "Chloe: Well, as much as I love being propositioned, uh, we're kind of sprinting to the finish line right now.", "Chelsea: Yeah, GC buzz is debuting our new collection, so...", "Lauren: Oh, good. Well, you can add this hype to this episode. Let's announce that Chelsea 2.0 will be carried exclusively at Fenmore's.", "Chloe: Uh, exclusively?", "Chelsea: The whole collection at Fenmore's?", "Lauren: It's the perfect marriage, right?", "Chloe: Uh, you know, as much as I love Fenmore's... what's in it for us?", "Cane: Okay. All right.", "Jessica: That wasn't so bad, was it?", "Cane: That was weird to start, but it's good. My muscles are now stimulated. [Chuckles]", "Jessica: That didn't hurt at all?", "Cane: Unh-unh. You, uh, you look disappointed.", "Jessica: Well, pain isn't fun, but it can tell us if we're pushing too hard. That should have hurt a little. Did you take a pain pill before I came?", "Cane: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I did.", "Jessica: Better to get by without them if you can. I've seen too many people use meds as a crutch. How long have you been taking them?", "Cane: Uh, a couple weeks.", "Jessica: Are you sure you still need them?", "Cane: Well, my knee hurts a lot, and I'm in a lot of pain, but, you know, you don't have to worry about me. I'm not gonna get addicted or anything, so...", "Jessica: People get hooked before they even realize it.", "Cane: Well, I'm not most people, so don't worry about it. I'm good. You can trust me.", "Jessica: Wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask.", "Cane: Well, I appreciate it. Thank you. Look, here they go. Gone.", "Jessica: Three pointer.", "Cane: All right. So, uh, I'm feeling better already. What now? We done or...?", "Jessica: No. Now for the fun part. Face down on the table.", "Cane: Ohh. Bring on the pain.", "Lily: Yeah, as soon as possible, please. Thank you.", "Neil: Hey, hey, hey.", "Lily: Hey. Do you have foundation business?", "Neil: I do, indeed, with a very intelligent, charming, beautiful young lady I happen to call my daughter.", "Lily: [Chuckles] Oh, now you're buttering me up.", "Neil: All right, look, uh, the foundation's new year's eve gala, we're -- we're hoping to have it here.", "Lily: Oh, uh, we would love to, but I wish you asked me six months ago. The conference and ballroom have been booked since then.", "Neil: Really?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Neil: Oh.", "Lily: Do you, uh, want another day?", "Neil: Another day? You're funny. No, uh, I wanted to have it here, but I guess we're gonna have to find another venue.", "Lily: I'm sorry. I wish I could help you.", "Neil: No, that's okay. I understand. I found the perfect host, and I'm just hoping that she's gonna say yes when I ask her.", "Lily: Why? Who you gonna ask?", "Sharon: It would be so nice if I could just keep all of the supportive people close and push the haters away. But what people are saying online about me...", "Mariah: They don't know you. They don't get a vote.", "Sharon: People who I have never even met, they honestly hate me.", "Mariah: Okay, stay off of social media. Boycott GC buzz. I mean, that show is supposed to be smart and funny and only lightly seasoned with snark, not nasty and mean-spirited. And, you know, as awful as it is to say, what Hilary did to us, what she did to our family, it wasn't even personal. She would gladly do it to anyone because we're not actually people to her. We're just this week's story. And you are still you. And you're pretty great.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Mariah: For what?", "Sharon: For reminding me that I am still me and I control my own life. No one else does.", "Mariah: [Chuckles] Okay. So you're leaving?", "Sharon: I'll call you later.", "Mariah: All right.", "[Door closes]", "Devon: Hey.", "Mariah: Oh. Devon.", "Devon: You have a minute?", "Mariah: Uh, not really.", "Devon: Mariah, I would really like you to come back to GC buzz.", "Mariah: Now I really don't have a minute.", "Devon: Can you hear me out, please?", "Mariah: Look, your wife is a human wood chipper. I don't ever intend on working for her again. So thank you for stopping by.", "Devon: Hilary no longer works with GC buzz because I terminated her contract.", "Mariah: You fired your own wife?", "Paul: Come on, Dylan. Talk to me, please.", "Dylan: But there's nothing to talk about. It's nick's call who gets to see his son. That's it. The court's not gonna do anything about it. I have to accept it. It is what it is.", "Paul: What it is, is incredibly tough.", "Dylan: I know that. I could flip out, punch somebody, punch something. What good's that gonna do?", "Paul: It doesn't mean you can't feel and it doesn't mean you can't talk about it. I mean, come on. This is the second time you found out that a child you fell in love with is not yours.", "Dylan: That makes me sound like a genius.", "Paul: It makes you sound like a man with a lot of love to give. We are here for you. I'm here. Nikki's here. Sharon.", "Dylan: I appreciate it, Paul, but the worst is over. I'm okay.", "Paul: Are you? 'Cause I'm not. What's wrong? Why won't you talk to me? Why won't you talk to -- to Nikki?", "Dylan: Nikki has -- she has other priorities.", "Paul: What does that mean?", "Dylan: I'm not a Newman.", "Paul: Oh, come on. She doesn't care about that. You know that.", "Dylan: Nick won, okay? What do you want me to say? He's got his son. Victor has his grandson. They're gonna have birthday parties. They're gonna celebrate Christmas and new year's the way the Newmans do.", "Paul: I know. You feel left out. I get that. Nikki loves you.", "Dylan: I know that. She also stood by victor through everything, and she's gonna have to stand by him now.", "Paul: If she knew that, she'd be here.", "Dylan: Paul, I'm -- I'm fine.", "Paul: Well, you shouldn't be. And we don't expect you to be fine. And you shouldn't accept being fine. Let us help you.", "Dylan: You're worried because of what happened when I lost Connor. You're worried about what I might do.", "Dylan: I'm not lying to you. I'm not covering anything up.", "Paul: You're shutting down, and that worries me. I mean, your feelings got to go somewhere.", "Dylan: I know. You're right. Yeah, but I'm not...", "Paul: What?", "Dylan: I haven't been shutting down.", "Paul: [Sighs]", "Dylan: When I -- when I lost Connor... I lost Chelsea, too, and I lost... and I lost everything. But this time is different because, you know, I have Sharon, we have faith, we have Mariah. I got you. You know, I have this job and... [Sighs] Even if I don't get a chance to be a dad again... I'm still a cop. So I'm gonna work hard, and I'm gonna go home to my wife. And tomorrow I'm gonna get up, I'm gonna do the same thing again, because I am luckier than most. Even if I don't have everything that I want.", "Paul: So the Crakowski case it is.", "Dylan: Yes, sir. That would help.", "[Knock on door]", "Paul: Yeah?", "Michael: Oh. Bad time?", "Dylan: No. Uh, actually, I asked Michael to come by.", "Paul: Why don't you take my office? I got to check on a case anyway. Have at it.", "Dylan: Okay.", "Michael: Ah, ah. Before you ask, the judge has ruled. There are no do-overs.", "Dylan: If we can't get any new rulings, then I think we should get some answers.", "Lauren: Well, first, your brand is so close to my heart in so many ways. I mean, you're made in America. Very important to me. You are for women, by women, which is a huge selling point, and I sort of feel like the godmother of your line. I remember the first jacket you had me sell at the boutique. I'm sure you remember that well.", "Chloe: Remember you were just upcycling dresses in your living room, and this was all just a dream.", "Lauren: That's right. And there are so many dreams yet to be imagined. So let's do it! Let's dream together and then work like hell to make them pay off.", "Chelsea: Well, listen, let's keep talking. I would love to talk about more specifics. Um, maybe just not today since we're so crazed, but...", "Lauren: Yeah, sure. Talk is good, and later is fine.", "Chloe: You know what? I really need you to check, uh, the zipper on this dress. It's a little wonky.", "Chelsea: You got it. Um, thank you for coming by. We'll see you really soon.", "Lauren: We'll talk soon.", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Lauren: And have a fabulous show, ladies.", "Both: Thank you!", "Chloe: All right, so it's this guy.", "Chelsea: I know, well, because this wasn't steamed yet.", "Chloe: Oh.", "Chelsea: See? And then you have to -- this guy hooks into that.", "Chloe: Okay.", "Chelsea: Once it's -- it'll lay differently once it's steamed.", "Chloe: All right.", "Lily: How about the underground? That could be fun.", "Neil: Hmm, that's not a bad idea. Got kind of a rock 'n' roll vibe. Put that on the list, would you?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Neil: Oh, hang on a second, would you?", "Lily: You are not calling her over here.", "Neil: Hilary!", "Lily: And you just called her over here.", "Neil: Come here.", "Hilary: Morning.", "Neil: Lily and I were just talking about the foundation benefit, and we're hoping that you could host the event for us, maybe?", "Hilary: You were both hoping that?", "Neil: Well, yeah, we were both... look, um, you're a board member. You're a talk show host, a popular one at that. And, you know, you, uh, you got a big fan base.", "Lily: Do you really want people to think that's our style is gossip and insults?", "Hilary: Well, you don't need to worry about that because I'm no longer associated with GC buzz.", "Lily: Oh, what? You quit?", "Hilary: We had a parting of ways.", "Lily: Wait. Devon fired you?", "[Laughs]", "Neil: What?", "Lily: It's a Christmas miracle! [Chuckles]", "Mariah: You understand you're gonna have to be celibate now. At the very least, she's gonna key your car or sew dried shrimp into your curtains so you don't know where the smell is coming from.", "Devon: People do that?", "Mariah: Possibly.", "Devon: Well, our personal life isn't the problem, but I do need to keep GC buzz --", "Mariah: Oh, please don't say it.", "Devon: ...Buzzing.", "Mariah: There. You did it. You want me to come back and work for you.", "Devon: Yes, I do.", "Mariah: No. Thank you for the offer, but no. Hilary is gonna torture you for this, and then she will torture me.", "Devon: Well, here's the deal, Mariah. I have a show to run, and you know how it works. And I know that you can do more than make coffee runs. That's why I'm here.", "Mariah: You want me to help get a new host up to speed.", "Devon: Close.", "Mariah: Well, I assume this new host will not have the claws of the last one -- no offense.", "Devon: Yeah, well, she has claws, but they're entertaining claws, and I think the people would like her for them.", "Mariah: Who is this delight?", "Devon: It's you. I would like for you to host the show.", "Mariah: You want to put me on TV?", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Mariah: Oh, I get it. I get it. You want to piss Hilary off as much as humanly possible. That's awesome. No.", "Devon: [Chuckles] All right, listen. You are smart, you are quick, and you're witty. And play it as tough as you want it, but you have a natural instinct for human-interest stories because that stuff that you got, that footage for thanksgiving, it's everything the show needed.", "Mariah: That was just luck.", "Devon: I don't think it was luck. I think that was you. You found that story, and it wasn't the first time that you made Hilary look good. You know that. You're more than just answering phone calls and getting coffee. You can do this, Mariah.", "Mariah: [Sighs] You really want to put a mike on me and make me say stuff on -- on camera, on TV? My online avatar is a hedgehog. I don't even take selfies. Why would I want to put my face on TV?", "Devon: Okay, fair enough. Listen, how about it's just a one-time thing? I just don't want to cancel today's show because it's the launch of Chelsea's new line.", "Mariah: Oh, that's right.", "Devon: Right. And we need a host just for today. So if you help us out and then afterwards you're not interested, we'll find somebody else.", "Mariah: Maybe the guy who delivers bagels.", "Devon: Maybe, okay? And anything that goes wrong, we can fix it in editing. Please? Say yes. Come on. Are you in or am I gonna have to track down the bagel guy?", "Neil: Are you and Devon okay?", "Hilary: Yeah, my husband and I, we are professional, okay? We had some creative differences, which we need some time to resolve. But until we decide on a direction, my departure will make good ratings. Any press is good press.", "Lily: So, what? Are you a lady of leisure now?", "Hilary: Actually, I have a benefit to host. So, Neil, when you get a chance, send me the details. I'll write up some copy.", "Neil: Sounds good.", "Lily: Yeah, I'm sure she will write up some copy now that she has so much free time. [Chuckling] Oh, God. Devon fired her. This is the best day ever.", "Neil: Hey, lily. Aren't you concerned about your brother even a little bit?", "Lily: Hilary said they're fine.", "Neil: And you buy that?", "Lily: What? You don't?", "Neil: Not for a second.", "Lily: You think it's too soon to mention divorce? [Chuckles]", "Paul: Well, hey, there. Is that glass in honor of your anniversary?", "Lauren: [Chuckles] Hi.", "Paul: And yes, I do have an alert on my calendar for special events like these. What can I say? I'm a romantic.", "Lauren: [Chuckles] You are.", "Paul: So, no groom?", "Lauren: No. No, he's not here. This is, uh, more liquid courage than celebration.", "Cane: Okay, all right, all right.", "Jessica: It sucks, but I got to break up the scar tissue.", "Cane: Stop, though. I know. It's starting to kill me.", "Jessica: Okay.", "Cane: [Groans] All right. Thank you. Thank you for stopping. [Chuckles]", "Jessica: Okay. That's it for today. You did great.", "Cane: You did, too.", "Jessica: Remember, if you need something for the pain, get something over the counter.", "Cane: Okay. Hey, uh... hey. Thank you.", "Jessica: Yeah.", "Dylan: I need to understand why the judge ruled against us.", "Michael: It was a complicated case. There are precedents for contested adoptions or hospital mix-ups, but this... well, one party was aware of the deception well before it was revealed.", "Dylan: What do we know about the judge? I mean, I'm just saying, you know, it wouldn't be the first time victor greased palms.", "Michael: It's true. Victor has exploited his position before.", "Dylan: That's right, and so he could have done it again. So let's just look at the situation, because I'm seeking visitation with his grandson --", "Michael: There's no reason to believe that the judge was influenced by anything other than evidence and testimony.", "Dylan: Well, then maybe we should have gone after nick with the fact that Christian ended up in the hospital.", "Michael: Why? Why, Dylan? Because a babysitter you and Sharon used before accidentally let him have a strawberry?", "Dylan: Because he didn't ask the right questions, that's why.", "Michael: You and nick have that in common! You want to know my answer? You seem to think it will change anything! It won't! And along with nick, you're not asking the right question.", "Chloe: Hi, Sharon. What are you doing here?", "Sharon: I just came to ask Chelsea something.", "Chelsea: Okay, Sharon, look, if this is about nick or the judge's decision --", "Sharon: I didn't come to talk about my personal life. I came here to work. That is, unless you've decided not to keep me on. In which case, I will just turn right around and not darken your door ever again. But I think I have something to offer, and I know I can help out here, so... do I have a job here, Chelsea?", "Chelsea: Grab this dress. Grab a steamer. We've got work to do.", "Michael: It was never gonna happen.", "Dylan: There was never a chance that we would get visitation?", "Michael: You were never going to imply that nick was an unfit parent.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Michael: Because nick is a good dad and you're a good man. You can't fight that. It's who you are. It controls everything you do. And you should be proud of that.", "Dylan: Yeah, at least I still have my pride, huh?", "Michael: [Chuckles] You have your decency. Lots of people don't have that. You should be glad you're you and not them.", "Lauren: I'm having some challenges with Fenmore's lately.", "Paul: Well, aren't there always challenges?", "Lauren: Yes, exactly. You know, I thought it was just part of the business cycle, but there is no upswing. [Sighs] And I didn't do anything to encourage a bounceback. And this online presence, it's so crucial right now, but I have been concentrating on all my long-term relationships.", "Paul: Which you're very good at, so that's good.", "Lauren: Well, yeah. Thank you. And all these vendors and the designers and the marketers, they're very, very important. But this internet...", "Paul: Oh, yeah. That's like another universe.", "Lauren: Right. And I need a rocket ship to get there. And I've already spoken to Phyllis. I've met with Chelsea. But nothing is locked down now, and, uh... [Sighs] My nerves are shot.", "Paul: Well, you don't need to panic. I mean, how does Michael feel about all this?", "Lauren: You know Michael. He's so wonderful and supportive and... there's just no reason to worry him about this right now, you know? He would say the same thing. That this is just a blip, and a very strong holiday season is gonna make everything better. [Chuckles]", "Lily: Cane!", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Wow. You look refreshed.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: I thought I'd find you in a heap on the floor.", "Cane: Uh, it wasn't that bad.", "Lily: No? Jessica took it easy on you?", "Cane: Uh, no, actually. She gave me the, uh, full-service treatment. But, you see, you're married to a beast who is impervious to pain, and... I only cried twice.", "[Both laugh]", "Lily: Well, that's good news.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: But guess what? I have better news.", "Cane: Ooh. Let me guess. You love me more when I was sweaty?", "Lily: Oh, no, that's old news. I have new news.", "Cane: Okay. All right, what is it?", "Lily: Hilary finally got what she had coming. Devon fired her.", "Devon: Try it again, Mariah.", "Mariah: Because this is gonna be so much better than the last seven times.", "Devon: Come on.", "Mariah: We're so glad you could join us tonight on GC buzz. I'm your host, Mariah Copeland.", "Devon: Boom! That was it! That was great.", "Mariah: [Chuckling] Okay.", "Devon: Seriously, you got this.", "Mariah: All right.", "Devon: Not so bad, right?", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: Is this the best place for you? Jack's office is right down the hall.", "Phyllis: Way ahead of you.", "Chloe: Are we ready to slay, ladies? Fist bump.", "All: Boom!", "Hilary: It will be a disaster, so I suggest that you just walk away now." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Who is the baby's daddy? This is the million-dollar question for Brad and J.T. Brad tires of being treated like an outcast, while J.T. is just anxious to know. When the baby's breathing becomes irregular, the doctor speculates that it could be caused by carbon dioxide contamination in the blood. J.T. asks how they can be sure this is the problem. The doctor states that blood tests will confirm this. The light bulb goes off in both gentlemen's head and they plead with Nikki to have the paternity tests done. Rushing back to the ranch, they wait for Victor's approval. He orders they proceed with the tests.", "Sharon's officially ready to throw in the towel and angrily expresses her feelings to Jack, because she can no longer deal with his deceit. Jack pleads and begs as she leaves. When Ben confronts him about making a statement, he lashes out at him. Jack realizes his reign as senator is ending and his only options are to resign or be impeached. Jack chooses to resign and asks Sharon if she'd stand by his side one last time at his press conference. Jill's ecstatic as she watches and listens to Jack resignation speech along with Kay, Cane, and Kevin. An overjoyed Kevin calls Glo to share the good news.", "Glo, however, has troubles of her own and his name is Jeffrey Bardwell. Threatening to expose her, Jeffrey offers a solution that will enable him to keep his trap shut...marriage. When Neil tells David he's calling in Nikki's loans, he, of course, explodes, and Sharon tells Nikki it's ok if she stays at her old house on the ranch.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Victor: Thanks for coming by again.", "Neil: No problem. How's your daughter?", "Victor: She... has not opened her eyes yet. I hope it'll happen today. I'm thinking positive. What did you bring by?", "Neil: My best wishes for your daughter. Um, I-I know I asked you this last night, but you're really determined to call in Nikki's loan, right?", "Victor: You better. I want it called in today.", "Neil: Victor, what's waiting a few more weeks? I mean, besides, the police were just here busting up your house--", "Victor: Neil, they call me a murder suspect a person of interest, it's irrelevant. I want the loan called in today, all right?", "Neil: I know you do, Victor. Why are you picking today to bankrupt Nikki?", "Victor: Are you taking her side or what?", "Neil: Absolutely not. I would never do that. I'm just looking out for you.", "Victor: I appreciate that. So call it in today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Nikki: Hey.", "David: Hey. Good morning.", "Nikki: Hi.", "David: You're exactly where I left you last night. I guess you've left me for a younger man.", "Nikki: Yep. He had a great night.", "David: Good. Then he won't mind if I steal you away for breakfast.", "Nikki: Okay. After J.T. comes back from the cafeteria.", "David: Sure.", "Nikki: Morning, Sunshine. Hey, Baby.", "David: He certainly knows how to put a smile on your face.", "Nikki: Yeah. He gives me hope that miracles are possible.", "David: Victoria.", "Nikki: Of course. I plan to be with her every day, as much as I can. Of course I won't be staying at the house. Victor doesn't want me there, and he's right. We can never live together again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You know, Mom, my spin is that you should feel really good this morning.", "Gloria: Feel good? How can I feel good when Jeffrey Bardwell knows the truth?", "Kevin: Well, let's see. \"A\"--the cops haven't dropped by. \"B\"--the cops haven't dropped by, and \"C\"--see \"A\" and \"B.\"", "Gloria: Yeah. That doesn't mean he hasn't told them. They could walk in here right now and put cuffs on me.", "Kevin: Wrong. Because the note from your dead husband said, \"Don't let her get away with it.\" You pointed the finger at Jill.", "Gloria: No, I suggested Jill. And it was a terrible thing to do.", "Kevin: Well, yeah, but, you know, self-preservation.", "Gloria: Yeah. I may be guilty, but I'm not stupid. Kevin, this is supposed to be my day. Finally, I get everything I want and he has to come along and ruin it.", "Kevin: Mom, if Jabot management sees you all worked up, they're gonna know that something is going on.", "Gloria: Hey, if I can stay cool with Jeffrey, I can stay cool at work. It's just not knowing, you know?", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "(Telephone ringing)", "Gloria: Board room, Gloria Bardwell.", "Jeff: Gloria?", "Gloria: Jeffrey. Why are you calling here?", "Jeff: Oh, gosh, I'm sorry, the receptionist must've connected me to the wrong extension. I'm trying to reach Katherine Chancellor. I'll try again.", "Gloria: No, no, no, no-- he hung up on me. He's looking for Katherine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Nothing positive?", "Ben: Uh, well, you know what? No, I read that there's a, uh, there's a big sale going on at the mall downtown.", "Jack: Now I get the jokes.", "Ben: Look, it's better than the editorial page. They're coming at you with keyboards blazing. You haven't issued a press release and it looks bad.", "Jack: Ben, there's too much to consider to just throw out another mea culpa.", "Ben: Once you give the word, and it needs to be soon, I've got the best political speechwriter in the country in speed dial.", "Jack: Hey. I'm glad you're back.", "Sharon: Morning, Ben.", "Ben: Sharon. I've got some calls to make.", "Jack: How's Noah?", "Sharon: Fine. He had fun at Sam's.", "Jack: I can pick him up at school today.", "Sharon: That's okay.", "Jack: I went back out to the ranch last night. You weren't there. I--did you stay somewhere else?", "Sharon: I was out.", "Jack: I know. I stayed there for awhile waiting for you. Where were you?", "Sharon: With Brad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: We meet again. How's the little guy doing?", "J.T.: Well, same as yesterday. No complications, which is a good thing.", "Brad: You get any sleep?", "J.T.: No, I, uh... woke up at 4:00 A.M., couldn't go back to sleep, so I came up here.", "Brad: Yeah, I went home around 3:00. I couldn't sleep either, so I went out again.", "J.T.: You didn't come back here?", "Brad: What's she doing?", "J.T.: She's taking his vitals. We're not allowed in the room right now. You know, every time I look at him, I wonder...", "Brad: Is that my son? Me, too.", "J.T.: It's crazy we don't know that.", "Brad: Talk to your future in-laws.", "J.T.: They can't keep putting off this D.N.A. test.", "Brad: Yeah, they can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey. I thought maybe you could use this.", "Sharon: Thanks.", "Jack: I'm glad you have someone you can confide in. I have to admit, I wish that someone was me.", "Sharon: Jack, you're the reason I left.", "Jack: I realize that. But Brad?", "Sharon: He is my friend.", "Jack: Maybe if I'd have just stayed on at your place a little longer--", "Sharon: And you know what would've happened? I would've found you and I would've asked you to leave. Okay, and yes, I came home. Alone.", "Jack: I'm glad to hear that.", "Sharon: You know how much easier it was for me to stay there at my old house than here? Sometimes I feel like I cannot breathe when I'm here.", "Jack: Sharon, this situation will improve.", "Sharon: Oh, the situation? Really? Has the situation gotten worse? Because Ben's here. What's going on?", "Jack: The senate has censured me. If I don't resign, there's talk of impeachment.", "Sharon: Oh, God. Oh, my God, Jack. Well, you know what Noah would say to this? He'd say, it sucks. And then I would tell him not to use that phrase, because I really, personally hate that phrase, but you know what? It's the best way to describe this! It sucks!", "Jack: Maybe that's the two-word sound bite Ben's looking for.", "Sharon: Well, you did it to yourself.", "Jack: I realize that.", "Sharon: Really? Really? It just never seems to make any difference to you, Jack. You--you would lie as easily as some people just breathe! I mean, did you ever stop to think--for one moment-- did you stop to think what this would do to Noah? And the fact that he's going to feel like having to defend you again?", "Jack: I will talk to Noah.", "Sharon: Really? Oh, like you did the last time? Because that's one for my hit parade-- how very good people can make bad mistakes?", "Jack: That's right. Sometimes good people do.", "Sharon: But aren't we-- aren't we what we do, Jack? And I'm just asking you because I really wanna know. You know, you are capable of being such a wonderful man, but you always give in to the side of you who just wants what he wants, no matter how wrong it is, and you do it again and again!", "Jack: I wasn't lying to you last night. I honestly felt I was protecting my father from a woman--", "Sharon: Okay, okay, I can't listen to this. I can't. You know what, Ben? Stay, all right? Maybe you can help my husband out of the situation that he's in, because I can't.", "(Door slams)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Pen clicking)", "Kevin: Mom, cut it out with the pen.", "Gloria: Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm just so excited about the Faces launch.", "Jill: Yes, we all are. Okay, what I'd like to discuss-- two things-- the kind of woman we have in mind for Faces of Jabot, and how much mileage we're gonna be getting out of this contest.", "Kay: Mmm.", "Cane: Knock, knock. I'm sorry to interrupt. Oh, hey, Guys.", "Kay: No, no, no, we've, uh, barely started.", "Jill: What's up, Darling?", "Cane: I'm gonna meet Patterson about the Clear Springs recycling program, okay?", "Kay: Excellent.", "Cane: Oh, you're working on the Faces contest, huh?", "Jill: Yes, it's very exciting. We're launching the web site later today.", "Kevin: Yeah, and she's a beauty, I might add.", "Cane: All right, okay, I'll update you over dinner.", "Kay: Over--yes, over dinner? Where we going?", "Cane: Uh, there's a new burger joint on Main.", "Kay: Well, I sign the bottom of your checks. I think you could afford something a little more upscale, don't you think?", "Cane: I'll make it the combo. All right, I'll see you guys later. Bye.", "Gloria: You know, I do have a few tweaks for the main page. I mean, the Faces need to say America--all sizes, all shapes, all colors, all ages, and should all be beautiful.", "Kay: Gloria, we have established all of that, Dear. Now I would like for us to keep this moving, if you please? I would like to accomplish as much as we can before our meeting with Jeff Bardwell if that's possible.", "Jill: Oh, Bardwell, that's right.", "(Pen clicking)", "Jill: I've got it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Mmm. This breakfast-- it was a great idea.", "David: I'm just happy to see you eating.", "Nikki: Mmm. I am so hungry.", "David: I take this as a positive sign that you can eat when you're with me. Would you like some more coffee?", "Nikki: Mm-hmm.", "David: Good. I think you're less tense because you've decided to move away from the ranch.", "Nikki: Probably.", "David: There's no excuse for the way Victor treats you.", "Nikki: I knew it was gonna be a challenge living under the same roof with him, but I thought we could work it out. I guess not.", "David: For Victoria's sake. I understand. Which leads me to this... now I agree with you that Victoria needs to be with her mother, and I've been thinking... why don't we buy a house? One big enough for Victoria and round the clock private nurse care? You and your daughter deserve to live in a stable, happy home, Nikki. And I'd like to give that you. You have suffered under the hand of Victor long enough. And I don't want you to sacrifice another thing for that man.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Hi, J.T.", "J.T.: Hey, Victor. How's Victoria?", "Victor: Not any better, no worse. How's the baby?", "Brad: He's good. We're waiting for the nurse to finish checking his vitals.", "Victor: Yes, Nurse?", "Woman: We'll be allowing visitors again shortly. Restricted to one person at a time.", "Victor: I'll be in momentarily.", "Woman: Okay.", "Victor: Thank you.", "J.T.: Actually, Victor, if you wouldn't mind, I've been waiting.", "Brad: So have I.", "Victor: Then you both can wait a little longer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I love that you've thought this through and included my daughter.", "David: Don't say no, Nikki. Not without giving it some thought. What is it? Are you afraid of antagonizing Victor?", "Nikki: Well, that's part of it. The more battles I can avoid the better.", "David: Okay, and what's the other part?", "Nikki: Well, I just think that when Victoria wakes up, she should be surrounded by her own things.", "David: We can move her things.", "Nikki: No, in her own room.", "David: That makes perfect sense.", "Nikki: You're not upset?", "David: No. I'm not upset, disappointed. You just want what's best for your daughter. I just want what's best for you.", "(P.D.A. Beeping)", "David: Oh, that's the Beeker meeting. I gotta run.", "Nikki: Okay. Well, thanks for breakfast. Sorry I ate so much.", "David: We'll talk later.", "Nikki: Okay. Thanks.", "Sharon: Hey, Nikki.", "Nikki: Hi, Sharon.", "Sharon: It's really good to see you out and about a little bit. How you doing?", "Nikki: I'm okay.", "Sharon: Yeah? 'Cause I--well, I talked to Victor last night.", "Nikki: Oh. Well, then you know how I'm doing.", "Sharon: Is there anything I can do?", "Nikki: No, I can't think of anything. You know, there is something.", "Sharon: Oh, well, name it.", "Nikki: Your house at the ranch? Would you mind if I stayed there?", "Sharon: Of course not. I--yeah.", "Nikki: And that would be perfect. I would be close enough to Victoria without being under the same roof as Victor. Thank you, Sharon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ben: The office has been swamped with calls.", "Jack: They wanna hear what I have to say. What, they didn't hear enough when I was defending myself with the senate ethics committee?", "Ben: They're interested in what you have--", "Jack: Oh, I know what they're interested in. The vultures are circling before the body's cold. No, they want the latest clips of a disgraced Senator Abbott that they can air ad nauseum and bask in their own self-righteousness. It isn't just my career I'm losing here. I'm about to lose a family! My wife can't stand to be in the same room with me, so you'll forgive me if I don't have some glib ad lib to hand you right now at the tip of my tongue.", "Ben: Jack, we can do this--", "Jack: I am not going to make a statement! You want that? Go--go get a statement from Victor! Or Gloria! Leave me alone!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: When you grow just a little bigger, I'll take you to the ranch. And then I'll take you to see your mother. And I bet you she's gonna open her eyes when she sees you and hears your voice. Mm-hmm. And then when you grow a little bigger, then we'll have a little room for you. Just for you. Gonna get it all ready. And you know what? I'm gonna put some old boxing gloves in there. And then when you grow older, I'll teach you how to box. You'll become a tough little kid. I promise you. Just like your grandpa. Okay? You just gotta keep on fighting now. You just wait. They call you \"The Miracle Newman.\" I'll teach you everything. Okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Thanks.", "Cane: Hey. How you doing, Man?", "J.T.: Hey.", "Cane: So how's the little one?", "J.T.: Well, he's hanging in there.", "Cane: That's good. Can I have an iced tea, please?", "J.T.: I gotta give you props, Man.", "Cane: What for?", "J.T.: Not bringing up the situation.", "Cane: There's a situation, is there?", "J.T.: Yeah, paternity. I figured--I figured Mrs. Chancellor told you all about it.", "Cane: Oh, you know, I learned awhile back that there's three things you don't really talk about-- religion, politics, who's the baby's daddy?", "J.T.: Yeah, well, we don't really know. It could be Brad. It could be me.", "Cane: Victoria's ex?", "J.T.: Yeah. But when I look at that kid, Man, I'm telling you, I see my son, you know? And I want him to be mine. I really do.", "Cane: That's impressive, you know?", "J.T.: What?", "Cane: Well, you know, there's a--there's a couple of things that scream, \"I'm an adult now\"-- buying a house, having a kid.", "J.T.: You know, a few years ago I had a chance to take care of a friend of mine and her son. And I thought-- I thought being around that kid would make me--make me run in the complete opposite direction, but... well, it shocked me as much as anybody... it didn't. You know, I got really attached to him.", "Cane: And now you're stepping up again. Cheers to that.", "J.T.: It's more than that, though. Maybe it's-- maybe it's a biological thing, I don't know, but... when I look at my son, when I look at that kid, I think if anybody ever tried to hurt him, Man, I would... I'd give up my life. I'd give up my life. Whatever he needs. For the rest of his life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Thank you, Sharon. I really appreciate it. Uh, excuse me? Doctor, I-I saw you in with the baby earlier. You looked concerned.", "Doctor: And you are?", "Brad: A family friend.", "Doctor: You need to speak to the Newmans then. I update them regularly. Excuse me.", "Brad: This is what I'm talking about. This is making me crazy. Nobody will tell me anything.", "Sharon: Wow, they won't even let you go in there and see him?", "Brad: No. Well, there is one nurse that takes pity on me and lets me in now and again. But until I hear the magic words, \"You're the father\"--", "Sharon: Oh, did they do the D.N.A. test?", "Brad: No, Victor and Nikki won't agree to it.", "Sharon: Well, they won't agree with each other about anything right now.", "Brad: And that makes it even tougher. You know, Victor was here earlier, and he made it clear that he'd be the first one to go in. Now I understand that he's the grandfather, and he has every right to see his grandson. But I-I feel like an outsider. I mean, that could be my son in there, and--and I'm excluded at every turn.", "Woman: You can go in.", "Brad: Oh, thank you so much. Do you mind?", "Sharon: No. No. Go ahead.", "Brad: Thanks a lot.", "Sharon: I'm gonna wait here for you.", "Brad: Okay. All right?", "Woman: All right.", "Brad: Thanks. Hey, little man. Do you know how popular you are? There is a line around-- uh, Nurse, his--his breathing seems like its irregular.", "(Monitor beeping)", "Brad: What's that noise? What's happening?", "Doctor: Sir, step back.", "Brad: What's going on? What's happening? What's wrong with him?", "Doctor: You need to leave so I can do my job. Get him out of here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Now we are hiring an outside accounting firm to handle the ballots?", "Gloria: Yes, I've already contacted that firm we used last year that you liked so much.", "Jeff: Oh, I'm sorry for the interruption. I'll wait outside.", "Jill: Oh, no, no, no. Please, come in.", "Kay: Hello. We can do this later.", "Kevin: Uh, no, actually, we can't. Not if we want it to go up on the web today. 'Cause we have to finish going over the design layout for the page.", "Jill: Kevin.", "Kay: I, uh...", "Jill: Katherine and I will work with you on that later, after we've had our meeting with Mr. Bardwell.", "Kay: I was intrigued by your, uh, phone call, Mr. Bardwell.", "Jeff: Yes, I've been very much looking forward to this meeting.", "Jill: Yes, you said you had a new business proposal that we wouldn't be able to resist?", "Kay: And we would love to hear it.", "Jill: Uh, Kevin, Gloria?", "Kevin: Yeah? Oh. Yeah.", "Jill: Okay.", "Jeff: There's no proposal. I'm telling them everything.", "Gloria: He said everything. He's gonna tell 'em everything. What do I do?", "Kevin: You get the hell out of doge. You've got the funds. You go find some tropical island and work on your tan.", "Gloria: Honey, I think you're right. I'll hire a plane, pay off the pilot so he doesn't tell anybody. I just need to get a few things from the house.", "Kevin: Unh-unh. Don't even go home. You know what? You can buy whatever you need later. Bon voyage, Mom.", "Gloria: No, no, just stop. Just stop. I need to think about this.", "Kevin: You don't have time to think about this.", "Gloria: I have family here. I have a life right here.", "Kevin: You'll be doing life in a cell, next to Jana, if you don't leave now.", "Gloria: All he has is circumstantial evidence. That is not proof.", "Kevin: You said he had the cream and it burned his hand.", "Gloria: And I'll just deny it. What's it got to do with me?", "Kevin: All right, fine, and what if Kay and Jill don't believe you? Then what?", "Gloria: I don't know. What do I do?", "Kevin: I don't know, Mom, but whatever you do, you gotta figure it out right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ben: Still debating?", "Jack: I was just looking over all the projects that I chaired, the bills I introduced. I'm proud of what we accomplished.", "Ben: You should be.", "Jack: But then, pride is one of the seven deadly sins, isn't it? Oh, well. I guess my constituents have decided I've engaged in all the others. I had no right lighting into you like that, and I'm sorry, okay?", "Ben: Don't worry about it.", "Jack: I think I'm still struggling with the idea that Gloria-- Gloria-- brought and end to my political career.", "Ben: It's not over yet. There's no proof that the letter she read was authentic. And while it's not a lot of fun to be censured, it doesn't have to be over. It doesn't have to end.", "Jack: Tell me that the next time you're censured.", "Ben: Bottom line-- you wanna stay and fight this thing, I'm your man, Senator. 110%.", "Jack: That kind of loyalty is hard to come by. Thank you, my friend.", "Ben: Little news flash-- its not-- it's not only your career on the line here. I was planning on getting you to the white house.", "Jack: (Scoffs)", "Ben: Hey, I learned from every one of Karl Rove's mistakes. You'll be golden.", "Jack: President Abbott, huh?", "Ben: Why not?", "Jack: I'm not sure I have the fight in me for that, Ben.", "Ben: What's the alternative, Senator?", "Jack: There are alternatives. I could walk away.", "Ben: You never struck me as the \"Walk Away\" kinda guy.", "Jack: You know what? You're right. You have always been straight with me, from day one. You told me truth even when I didn't wanna hear it. I appreciate that. Go ahead. Set up the press conference. I've made my decision.", "Ben: Excellent! All right!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: What happened with my grandson?", "Doctor: A bout of irregular breathing like that can mean a high level of carbon dioxide or even acid in the bloodstream.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh, that sounds terrible.", "Doctor: It's a common problem for preemies.", "Brad: What's the treatment?", "Doctor: We'll use a c-pap in addition to his ventilator.", "Nikki: Oh, to deliver pressurized air to his lungs? I read about that.", "Doctor: Exactly.", "J.T.: Now how--how do we determine if that's really what's wrong with him?", "Doctor: A blood test.", "J.T.: We only need a few drops, Nikki.", "Nikki: I know what you want.", "Brad: Nikki, let us do the paternity test. Please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: And all those lies he was telling you to discredit me and to make you think terrible things about me-- none of them are true.", "Kevin: Good. Good.", "Gloria: And I swear to you, he is nothing but a money hungry man who is obsessed with stealing from his brother's widow.", "Kevin: I'd cut out the \"I swear to you.\"", "Gloria: Why?", "Kevin: It's a little too Joan of Arc. But aside from that, it's--it's pretty good. If I didn't know any better, I might actually buy it.", "Gloria: You might?", "Kevin: Well, could you squeeze out, like, a tear or two?", "Gloria: Kevin! Will Katherine and Jill believe me?", "Kay: Well, Cane got off this time.", "Jill: Absolutely!", "Kay: I look forward to speaking with you again, Mr. Bardwell.", "Jeff: Well, you'll definitely be hearing from me. And please, call me Jeff.", "Kay: All right.", "Jill: Well, Jeff, Katherine and I will discuss your proposal, and we'll get back to you with feedback.", "Jeff: I hope you'll be brutally honest. I would expect nothing less.", "Kay: Ah. Um, are you, uh, ready, you two?", "Gloria: Absolutely.", "Kevin: Positively.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Well, your message sounded intriguing. So, um, what's up?", "Jack: Well, I've looked at all the possibilities...", "Sharon: And?", "Jack: And I really had only one choice, not just for me, but for us.", "Sharon: Which is? Which is?", "Jack: I'm resigning.", "Sharon: Wow. Um, I know how difficult that's gonna be for you, Jack.", "Jack: Well, I would say, \"It's the right thing to do,\" but I'm not sure you could keep a straight face.", "Sharon: You're right. And I'm not saying that to punish you, okay? I... I really do believe that this is a step in the right direction.", "Jack: I was hoping to hear you say that.", "Sharon: Okay, you know what? Don't--don't do that.", "Jack: Do what?", "Sharon: Don't pretend like you can do one thing, say one thing right, and it is going to fix everything, and it's going to fix us, because it is not.", "Jack: Okay, fine, fair enough.", "Sharon: I am so... I am so mad at you, Jack! And I'm mad at myself for believing in you!", "Jack: I am so sorry.", "Sharon: You know, that is the only time you ever say you're sorry is when you got caught.", "Jack: I probably deserved that. Look, I'm not going to ask for any promises about us, but I'm about to go do my last press conference as a state senator. And it would mean the world to me if you were by my side. I know I have no right to ask for that. I'm asking anyway.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Do you happen to know where David Chow is? Have you seen him? Thank you. David.", "David: Neil. What's up?", "Neil: You're not gonna like what I'm about to tell you.", "David: When you start out like that, no, I probably won't. What?", "Neil: Nikki's loan is being called in.", "David: Are you kidding me? Nikki's daughter is still sick. Her grandson is lying in the I.C.U. and Victor decides to pull this garbage now?", "Neil: It's complicated.", "David: Son of a bitch!", "Neil: Watch what you say about the man.", "David: What? What, you actually respect him or are you just trying to protect your job?", "Neil: I happen to respect Victor immensely. Don't make it personal, all right?", "David: Oh, please. Please! What the hell else could it possibly be if not personal? We're talking about the man's wife who left him.", "Neil: It's strictly business.", "David: Don't tell me the man know how to keep his personal and his business life separate, okay? Because that is a crock. Nikki dared to stand up to the great Victor Newman and he got his panties in a wad!", "Neil: David, you only know 1% of the story.", "David: I know an egomaniac when I see one. What--what, did you tell him what we talked about earlier? Don't think I won't go to the press with this.", "Neil: I tried to talk him out of it several times.", "David: Yeah, right. Aren't you the noble one? Look, you do not talk to Nikki about this. Do you understand me? She doesn't need the stress. I will deal with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor?", "Victor: I thought you would be here.", "Nikki: Why? Why do you say that? Did the hospital call?", "Victor: What happened?", "Nikki: The baby had trouble breathing.", "J.T.: They put him on a c-pap in addition to the ventilator.", "Brad: They found traces of carbon dioxide in his blood.", "Victor: Why wasn't I told about this?", "Nikki: Well, they reached me first, so I approved them doing a blood test and the treatment.", "J.T.: We wanna use some of the blood for a D.N.A. test.", "Brad: The test can't be done unless you both agree.", "Nikki: Look, we have the opportunity to learn the truth. They deserve to know. And we could go to court, but in the end, they're gonna order a blood test. Let's just do it. It's time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: Hello, Beautiful. Looking for me? I'm not at the bottom of that glass.", "Gloria: So you didn't tell Katherine and Jill all those lies about me? Did you come to your senses and realize it was a waste of time?", "Jeff: I never intended to. But that doesn't mean I won't. I have tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week. You're a clever woman. You get the picture. Are you shaking in your-- what I'm sure are top dollar-- boots yet?", "Gloria: What do you want?", "Jeff: To ease your anxiety. Make it all go away. You'll never have to spend another second wondering whether I'll tell the world what it is you've done. All you have to do... is marry me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I originally ran for the state senate because Wisconsin is my home. Always has been. I love its quiet beauty. I love its majesty. I love the plain-spoken, Midwestern values of its people. The controversies that surround me today threaten to overshadow any possible good I might do in the future. Therefore, I am today resigning from the state senate, effective immediately. I began this day looking at book of my father's, a favorite of his. It always sat on his desk, today it sits on mine. In it I found a quote from Theodore Roosevelt, and if you will indulge me, I'd like to share it with you now. \"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of good deeds could've done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly... who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Jill watching the press conference on TV]", "Jill: Finally, the man pays for his sins.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Kevin calls his mom]", "Kevin: Hey, Mom, assuming that you're not actually in handcuffs, I hope you're watching Jack's press conference. This has turned out to be a really, really good day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: My time in the senate has been marred by recent events. I honestly believe, though, with time and an unbiased eye, the positives will outweigh the negatives. I wanna thank my supporters, and my detractors. They made me strive to be the best senator I could possibly be. I wanna thank my wife, who has been and continues to be my shelter in a storm. I have gotten such love and support from my family. The value of which is immeasurable. I wanna thank... all those who voted for me. I want to wish the very best of luck to my successor. And I want to say how proud, how honored I was to serve the people of this great state. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Thank you very much.", "J.T.: What did they say?", "Victor: The baby is doing well.", "Nikki: Good.", "Brad: All right, let's not sidestep the real issue here. Other medical decisions are going to have to be made for him.", "Victor: And I will make those decisions.", "J.T.: As long as we don't know who the father is, you're calling the shots.", "Victor: You're damn right. That's my grandson we're talking about.", "Brad: And if he's my son, they'll be able to tell me what's going on with him. Right now, they won't tell me anything. I shouldn't have to wait until they call one of you to find out if my son's in a life-threatening situation.", "J.T.: Or my son. Look, we all want what's best for him. I know that. Victor, I'm pleading to your humanity here. Please.", "Nikki: Victoria would want to know.", "Victor: Order the test.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Gloria: I go to jail and my loving husband gets every dime of my inheritance.", "Kevin: It's kind of brilliant.", "Nick: You think you'll leave him?", "Phyllis: She'll forgive you.", "Jack: Not this time." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided by Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Billy confesses to Jack about being Chloe's baby's father and after his conversation with Lily leaves Jack a message stating he won't ever tell the truth. At the Ashby's, Cane plays nice with Chloe as they pretend to be a happy family for the welfare of the baby. Lauren and Michael celebrate their anniversary and River being out on bail thanks to Glo. Jana takes the money and gives it to River. Phyllis tells Jack about Nick and Sharon's passionate kiss on the bridge in Paris. Adam confronts Jack and tells him the jig is up then sees Victor and refuses to give in to him, paying the consequence of Victor's wrath." ]
[ "River: Oh.", "Eden: Uh, you won't believe all the rules they've got around here.", "River: Well, it couldn't be worse than jail. Although, there's one thing I've wanted to do since the day they locked me up.", "Michael: What's that?", "River: Ah! Now that's freedom. Where's my grandson?", "Lauren: He's with the sitter. He'll be home soon.", "Eden: What happens next? Will the judge drop the case?", "Michael: Uh, no. Most likely Lowell will get a jury trial.", "River: Ah. I keep the faith, huh? I got a primo lawyer. You mind if I take a shower?", "Michael: Um, make yourself at home. It's back there.", "River: Thanks. Where?", "Eden: I'll show you.", "River: Thanks.", "Lauren: I'm just so proud of you. Oh, my God, you were so incredible today. You were.", "Michael: I never thought I'd say this, but I... owe it all to Gloria. I mean, she sold the judge.", "Lauren: It's true.", "Michael: If we go to trial, I'll need her.", "Gloria: I can't believe it. I just keep getting his voice mail.", "Lauren: Oh, I wouldn't worry.", "Gloria: Yeah. Well, you didn't see how mad he was at the courthouse.", "Michael: Well, give it a moment. He'll move onto something else. You two have an empire to run.", "Gloria: Mm. I hope so.", "Lauren: Alright, I'll go make some snacks.", "Michael: Oh, no, no, no. No, Mrs. Baldwin, no you don't. It is your anniversary. I will do it. Yes!", "Lauren: Very nice.", "Gloria: And I'll help.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Michael: Okay, digits ahead of time.", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Eden: I gave Dad my room. I'll just take the couch or something.", "Lauren: Oh, you've got mail.", "Eden: Oh. Cool.", "Lauren: Is it anything interesting?", "Eden: It's just junk.", "Michael: Ow!", "Gloria: Sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry, Michael.", "Lauren: We better go in the kitchen and make sure they don't burn it down.", "(Crashing)", "Eden: Oh, my God! Are you guys okay?", "Lauren: What happened?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: I wish you could've heard your mum talking about River today at the courtroom. He is such a good and moral man.", "Kevin: Oh, well, that explains why he took off and left Mom and Michael with nothing.", "Jana: The police framed him.", "Kevin: (Sighs) I'm sorry. It's been-- it's been a crummy day.", "Jana: What, the plumber gave you an estimate, then did he?", "Kevin: Mm-hmm. Another 2 grand to fix everything. And to top it off, Amber pretty much accused me of killing Mrs. Chancellor.", "Jana: Oh, she didn't mean that.", "Kev: Uh, yeah, she did.", "Jana: You know what? I think you're stressing out because you feel really guilty about this money.", "Kevin: Mm. No. No guilt.", "Jana: Deep down inside, you know it's wrong to spend-- to spend stolen money, even if it is on plumbing, and it's eating away at you.", "Kevin: No, it is. And for the millionth time, it's not stolen. I found it. Mrs. Chancellor is gone and nobody is missing it.", "Jana: We could use that for a greater good. There are people who could benefit from that money.", "Kevin: You're absolutely right. Like us. Now let's go. We're gonna be late. I'm gonna pull the car around.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Keypad beeping)", "Adam: Ugh.", "Phyllis: It's you. You're still in town? Must be difficult living in a place where no one likes you.", "Adam: The price I have to pay for telling the truth.", "Phyllis: You know, I used to think you weren't a total jerk. It's interesting to know that I can be wrong sometimes.", "Adam: Have fun spending Christmas day in that prison mess hall with Victor.", "Phyllis: You know, that attitude of yours-- it's gonna catch up with you. You're gonna wish you did things differently.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Chloe remembering]", "Billy: For real, am I the father?", "Chloe: You're hardly daddy material.", "Billy: That isn't an answer.", "Chloe: You want me to write it a t-shirt? I answered that question when I married my little girl's daddy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Do you... do you want another pillow?", "Chloe: Hmm?", "Cane: Are you in pain?", "Chloe: Oh. The meds are finally helping. Hee hee hee.", "Cane: All right. Now... you listen to Daddy, little one, you do Mommy a big favor and you nix those somersaults until her fractured pelvis heals, do you hear me?", "Chloe: Mm. Oh. I think that was her first no.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So I'm thinking we should bump up the Ashley line. You know, with all this belt-tightening going on, it might be the perfect time to offer a wider selection of value-priced items. Billy?", "Billy: Um... say that again? Um, I'm sorry.", "Jack: Hey, where were you?", "Billy: I've got a lot of crazy stuff going on right now.", "Jack: Women troubles?", "Billy: Yeah, that's half of it. Actually, Jack, I need someone I can trust to talk to about this. Can, uh, you swear this... goes no further?", "Jack: You have my word.", "Billy: Chloe Mitchell-- well, we kind of... dated.", "Jack: Wait, Chloe, Cane's wife?", "Billy: Yeah. We met in New York.", "Jack: Does Cane know this?", "Billy: No. No, Cane does not know this.", "Jack: O-okay, so you knew her before he married her. I mean, stranger things have happened.", "Billy: You know that baby she's carrying?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Where is everyone?", "Gloria: Everybody is in the kitchen except for Lowell. He's in the shower.", "Jana: Oh, I was just telling Kevin how wonderful you were up there on the witness stand today.", "Gloria: Thank you, Jana.", "Michael: No need to make crudités with a minimum loss of blood.", "Gloria: Here they are.", "Michael: Hey!", "Jana: Happy anniversary, you two! This is from Kevin and me.", "Lauren: You remembered. That's so sweet.", "Michael: Thank you. Thank you.", "Gloria: Jeffrey was at the courthouse. If looks could kill, I'd be in a body bag.", "Kevin: Let me guess, he didn't want you testifying for the competition?", "Gloria: Lowell is not the competition. Jeffrey won't believe it. He said if I even went to the courthouse, he was giving the face cream to the authorities.", "Kevin: How long has he been holding that over your head? He's bluffing. He's bluffing. He--he--he wants you freaked out, so he'll have you under his thumb again.", "Gloria: I hope you're right, Kevin.", "Kevin: Yeah. Look, if he wanted you arrested, Mom, he'd have done it by now. So... where's the mad bomber?", "River: Hey! Good to see you again, Kevin. Hey, Buddy!", "Kevin: Whoa. Okay.", "River: Oh, party!", "Michael: There you go, guys.", "Eden: You look like my dad again.", "River: You know, I feel like him, too.", "Michael: Here, Mumsie.", "River: Hey, look, I'd like to make a toast.", "Michael: There you go.", "River: I'd like to make a toast to... my son and lawyer, Michael, who's gonna help me beat this rap.", "Michael: We still have a ways to go.", "River: Keep the faith.", "Lauren: That's right. I'll drink to that.", "River: And to Gloria, who did the righteous thing like I knew you would. You couldn't help yourself, Glo-worm. That's who you are. And, uh, Kevin and Jana, for changing the universe when you... melded yourself together at the ashram. There are no accidents, right? And, Eden... my biggest supporter and light of my life. A short while ago, we were virtual strangers, but now I think of all of you as family. Cheers.", "Michael: Cheers.", "Lauren: I'll drink to that.", "River: Hey, Buddy.", "Michael: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Have you talked to Chloe about this?", "Billy: Yeah, I talked to her, and she--she flat out said that it was impossible. There's no way it could happen.", "Jack: So what makes you think it's still yours?", "Billy: The due date. She did lie. I talked to the nurse and she said that Chloe is further along than she's saying she is.", "Jack: So what are you gonna do?", "Billy: I know one thing I'm damn sure not gonna do-- I'm not gonna ever marry that girl. There's no way in hell that I would marry that girl.", "Jack: Marriage isn't necessary these days.", "Billy: Yeah, we, Cane did it. He stepped up. When she convinced him that he was the father, yeah, he stepped up. Because he's so upright and noble. He married her just for the sake of that kid. And now, what does he get for his efforts? He's stuck in a loveless, sexless marriage. I would rather kill myself than get on that donkey.", "Jack: All right, let's slow down. Slow down. You're bouncing off the walls here. My first piece of advice is think long and hard about this. The last thing you wanna do is make a snap judgment here. That child deserves more than bonding with Cane and having you change your mind down the road. Look, trust me, as someone who knows, it is hard to live with a secret this big.", "Billy: Yeah, but sometimes you have to, right?", "Jack: Yeah, sometimes you do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Adam typing on the keyboard messaging Phyllis]", "Adam: I am so sick of being judged by you and your sanctimonious family. Yes, I did it. I found the diary. I handed it over to \"Sophisticate\" magazine. I'd do it again. I don't care if it takes my whole life, Phyllis. Victor's never gonna forget how he treated me.", "Phyllis: Hey, listen, it's a waste of time, trying to punish your father for-- for not treating you well.", "Adam: He killed a man. He deserves what he gets.", "Phyllis: Yeah, but see, the thing about Victor Newman-- I've known him a long time and he always gets the last word.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Adam: Hello?", "Frank: It's Frank Ellis.", "Adam: What are you, deranged? Why are you calling me?", "Frank: I need to see you right away.", "Adam: Why would I do that?", "Frank: Because if you don't get down o this jail A.S.A.P., I'm going to spill everything I know about Newman's diary to the D.A.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hello? Are you ignoring me?", "Billy: Oh, I'm sorry. Hi, excuse me. What--what are you doing, studying?", "Lily: Uh, yeah, and I need a break.", "Billy: Well, I would like to ask you something.", "Lily: Okay, sure.", "Billy: It's personal.", "Lily: (Laughs) Okay.", "Billy: At the hospital, I saw the way you were looking at Cane and Chloe. It's obvious that you're still in love with him. Why'd you break up?", "Lily: Well, I-I told you.", "Billy: Oh, come on. He could support that child and not marry her.", "Lily: No, he couldn't have. And he shouldn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: I was gobsmacked when I walked in and saw Gloria up on that stand. Your testimony was so moving.", "River: Hey... can I hold the little guy?", "Michael: You wanna go?", "Lauren: Yeah. Wanna give this to Grandpa?", "Michael: Who wants to play with you?", "Lauren: Go give Grandpa--", "Michael: Who was to play with you?", "River: Puzzles.", "Michael: Hopefully, it'll be the start of many more visits.", "Eden: We could get an apartment in Genoa City!", "River: What about the ashram?", "Eden: We could visit in the summer, you know, when school's out.", "Michael: Uh, we have one more reason to celebrate. Come here. Three years ago, the most beautiful woman in the world... had a... temporary lapse in good judgment and agreed to be my wife.", "Lauren: Oh, Sweetie. I have something for you.", "Michael: No. Wait. No. Look, we--", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Michael: We agreed no presents.", "Lauren: I'll be right back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Jack! Perfect timing. We need to talk.", "Jack: Not here, Adam. We shouldn't be seen together.", "Adam: I just got a call from our little buddy, the forger.", "Jack: He's out of jail?", "Adam: No. No. He wants me to come and see him.", "Jack: Don't get involved.", "Adam: He's threatened to sing if I don't come.", "Jack: Can't help you, Buddy. Not interested.", "Adam: You better get interested, Jack, fast. Ellis threatened to tell the D.A. everything about the diary, including your role in creating it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So... when Cane and I were together, I got pregnant. And you can't even imagine how excited Cane was. He couldn't wait to be a dad.", "Billy: What happened?", "Lily: Well, according to the doctors, the embryo wasn't viable, and so... it was reabsorbed into my body.", "Billy: Wow, uh, I'm sorry.", "Lily: So when Chloe got pregnant, I knew what it meant to Cane. And, of course, I knew what it meant to Chloe, too.", "Billy: Well, you said that she was chasing him from the beginning.", "Lily: Yeah, 'cause he was a Chancellor.", "Billy: So it was about the money?", "Lily: Yeah, of course. It was about money and prestige and security.", "Billy: Well, you know, I guess growing up the maid daughter doesn't really instill a lot of confidence in the future.", "Lily: Right. So Chloe saw Cane as perfect husband material.", "Billy: Then as perfect father material?", "Lily: And when the D.N.A. results said that Cane couldn't be excluded as the father, he stepped up. And I knew that he would do it before he did. Ugh, God, I hated Chloe.", "Billy: With good reason, yeah.", "Lily: Yeah, and then, so one day we were basically attacking her and she just... broke down crying. And I think it was in that moment was when I realized that... she really does love the baby, and that she wants what's best for her child.", "Billy: So the fashionista really does have a heart, huh?", "Lily: Yeah. And you know, two parents are better than one. Cane will make an incredible father.", "Billy: Yes, he will.", "Lily: And you know, even for all their differences, neither of them grew up with their parents. So they don't want their daughter to grow up that way.", "Billy: Yeah, I was shipped off to boarding school at one point, too, so I can see where they're coming from.", "Lily: You know, it's--it's funny, 'cause in a weird way, I actually admire that they're so committed to staying together for the sake of their child. I mean, isn't that how it should be?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: I didn't know you liked to knit.", "Chloe: Oh, yeah. I took up knitting, um, I don't know, about a few years ago. Very trendy in Manhattan. But I'm not very good. But I thought, uh, Christmas ornaments. I could make Matilda her first Christmas ornament.", "Cane: Matilda? All right, look, I really appreciate the Australian reference, okay? But--", "Chloe: Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like something, uh, a little boring, like, yeah...? Elisabeth or Diana?", "Cane: You really think I'm that stodgy?", "Chloe: Well, if the boot fits, Ashby.", "Cane: See, I'm thinking, uh, Bertha. Bertha Kay.", "Chloe: Bertha Kay?", "Cane: Bertha Kay.", "Chloe: Please tell me that you're joking. I promise you, that we will never, ever, ever name you Bertha Kay. I promise.", "Cane: Hm. Gotcha!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: Fen's out like a light.", "Michael: Ah.", "Lauren: Hi.", "Michael: Hi. What?", "Lauren: So three years ago, when we got married, Michael wrote me the most amazing letter ever. I've read it to many times, I know it by heart. Now... this doesn't begin to express how I feel, but it's a start.", "Gloria: Oh, read it to us, Michael.", "Michael: All right. Ahem. \"My dearest Michael, after three years of marriage, I expected we would settle down. Our relationship would be solid, but not nearly as exciting as when we first married. I was wrong. Every morning I wake up and see you lying next to me, my heart skips a beat. My favorite time is when you walk in the door at the end of the day.\" (Sniffs) \"I love the way your tie is always a little crooked. The way you take off your glasses to make a point and the way you and-- you and Fen laugh together in the bathtub.\" (Laughs) \"I couldn't feel more loved and cherished. What you wrote to me the day we married is even more true today. What we have will only grow stronger with time.\"", "Lauren: I love you today, tomorrow. And I'll love you forever and a day. This is the happiest day of my life. I love you.", "Michael: All right! Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Adam, you're getting all worked up over nothing. You lose your cool, you make mistakes.", "Adam: Ahem. You know, Jack, I'm well past the time for taking your advice. If I go down, you go down.", "Jack: Frank Ellis is a three-time loser. He has a lot more at stake than we do.", "Adam: What if he cuts a deal with the D.A.?", "Jack: It ain't gonna happen. Ignore him. And don't ever speak to me in public again.", "Phyllis: You and Adam were having an intense conversation.", "Jack: What do you want, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: I forgot my gym bag. So what were you arguing about?", "Jack: The kid gets on my nerves.", "Phyllis: Was it about that forged diary?", "Jack: Forged? Oh, is that what Victor's claiming?", "Phyllis: Were you arguing about the movie rights? Because you could write a screenplay with all the spare time you have. No job. No wife. Girls!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Say it all disappeared tomorrow, would you forgive Cane for cheating on you? Would you take him back?", "Lily: In a heartbeat.", "Billy: Wow. I-I don't know if could be that forgiving.", "Lily: Well, it was a one-time thing a drunken mistake. I mean, Cane and Chloe are only in this for the baby. They have separate rooms. Their marriage is completely platonic.", "Billy: Well, are you sure that's still the case?", "Lily: Yeah, absolutely. Are you kidding me? Cane would never go there again.", "Billy: Well, say they stayed married forever, or at least until the kid's, what, 18? I mean, I'm just saying, if I were Cane, I'd go there again, you know?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Hey, have you seen the uh, shelf brackets anywhere?", "Chloe: Um, yeah, I think they're in--in that thing. Whatever that is.", "Cane: How's the knitting going?", "Chloe: Please, remind me never, ever to do this ever again.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Esther: Why didn't you call me from the hospital?", "Cane: Come in, Esther.", "Esther: Oh, Katie! How you doing, Honey? How's the baby?", "Chloe: Uh, we're-- we're fine. Fine.", "Cane: Uh, she has to stay off her feet.", "Chloe: Uh, Mother, what's with the suitcase?", "Esther: You're five months pregnant and you're bedridden. You need me. I'm moving in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: Hello, Jana.", "Jana: Hi. Um... may I ask you a question?", "River: Ask away. I'll answer if I can.", "Jana: If someone is, um, dishonest, if they take something that doesn't belong to them, for example-- what do you think happens to their soul?", "River: Have you ever looked up dishonesty in the dictionary?", "Jana: No.", "River: It means lack of integrity. A lack, an emptiness, which can only be filled by--", "Jana: Integrity.", "River: Exactly.", "Gloria: I just don't understand why he won't answer. He's probably on his way here with the police right now.", "Michael: Jeffrey doesn't have anything on you anymore.", "Kevin: Except the tainted face cream.", "Michael: What?", "Lauren: What? I thought the face cream was gone, that it was in Korea.", "Kevin: Sorry.", "Gloria: Jeffrey lied.", "Michael: Big surprise.", "Gloria: And he's threatening to turn me in because of River.", "Michael: Jeffrey loves to torture you. How many times has he threatened you with that face cream? Hundreds?", "Kevin: Thousands.", "Michael: Well, he can huff and puff, he's never gonna blow your house down.", "Gloria: He didn't have a problem turning your father into the feds.", "Lauren: I don't think he's gonna do it to you. He loves you.", "Michael: In his own perverted way.", "Lauren: Well, then you know what? I'm proud of you. Jeffrey threatened you, and you called his bluff and you won.", "Gloria: I did, didn't I?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Uh, I'm here to see Frank Ellis.", "Victor: There was a change of plans. Sit down, Son. I knew you wouldn't come if I invited you. So I enlisted the help of my new friend Frank Ellis. He told me everything... about you and Jack Abbott forging that diary.", "Adam: Well, I'm sure I would say anything, too, if I thought I could buy my freedom.", "Victor: Listen carefully, I want to go after Jack Abbott. You'll help me do it. In return, I'll offer you a compromise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, you're batting 0 for 2, Sweetheart. Sharon and I are working things out. We've agreed to be open and honest with each other.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Jack: I am not giving up on my marriage, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: I don't believe you. In fact, anything that comes out of your mouth now has zero credibility. I told you to get your life together. I told you that, Jack.", "Jack: You also told me that Sharon would run to Nick's arms and that hasn't happened.", "Phyllis: Not for lack of trying.", "Jack: Sharon is not interested in your husband.", "Phyllis: Then why did I see them kissing on a bridge in Paris?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You and Jack Abbott found my notebook in Mexico. You hired Frank Ellis to forge a diary. Jack Abbott dictated every word. I have all of that in writing. Frank Ellis wrote it and signed it.", "Adam: The great Victor Newman-- you're sitting in jail, you're gonna get taken by this cheap con?", "Victor: Spare me. And listen carefully. All I want from you is to confess and corroborate what Frank Ellis has said about Jack Abbott's participation in forging this diary.", "Adam: All right, where does this... compromise come in?", "Victor: In return, I'll make sure the D.A.'s office is lenient with you. I'll use my power and influence to make sure that you get as light a sentence as possible.", "Adam: Why would you do that for me?", "Victor: I'm giving you opportunity to make things right by your mother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Holding onto that money is haunting you, and you need to cleanse your spirit.", "Kevin: My spirit is spotless.", "Jana: You need to give that money away to someone who needs it, Kevin.", "Kevin: Yeah, and charity begins at home, Jana.", "Jana: Think of all the lost souls that River could help at the ashram.", "Kevin: Look, if I were gonna give that money away, which I'm not, River is the last person that I would give it to.", "Jana: Why? He's a brilliant spiritual guru.", "Kevin: No, Jana. Drop it.", "Michael: All right, all right, listen, everybody, listen up, I would like to make an announcement. I...", "Lauren: Whoa.", "Michael: Would like to give my beautiful wife her anniversary gift.", "Lauren: Aw.", "Michael: It's not as beautiful as the letter she wrote me, but it is from the heart.", "Gloria: And what is it, Michael?", "Lauren: Thank you. Hold on. Hold on. (Gasps) It's a trip to Monte Carlo!", "Michael: Yes! Where we will gamble and we will take tango lessons from a top instructor.", "Lauren: Oh, Honey. Michael had a casino at the Colonnade room the night he proposed. You are the most thoughtful, sweet man.", "Michael: Yes, I am. To me.", "Lauren: To you.", "Eden: I just checked on Fen. He's fine. He's got his arm around Mr. Bunny and he's making a really cute face.", "Gloria: Oh! Lauren, can we see?", "Lauren: Yeah, okay, but just quick.", "Michael: Oh, yeah. Oh, you're gonna love this.", "Jana: River?", "River: Hmm?", "Jana: You know... I don't think that it's a coincidence that you were the one that married Kevin and me.", "River: Ah, like the Mandela wheel, it's the circle of life.", "Jana: I have such respect for you. All that you've done for the people at the ashram.", "Jana: That's why I want to give you this.", "River: What... I-I can't--can't--accept this. There must be more than $50,000 in here.", "Jana: Shh. Shah. No, you must take it. You deserve it. And the ashram deserves it much more than Kevin and I do. All that I ask, is that you keep this between until I've told Kevin, okay?", "River: Thank you. May the universe reward your incredible selflessness.", "Jana: I hope that the universe will reward Kevin.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Why don't you want me to move in? I love doing for others, especially my pregnant daughter.", "Chloe: Oh, Mom. It's not that we don't... you know, appreciate the offer, it's just that this isn't the mansion, you know?", "Esther: Oh, I-I don't mind. I can sleep on a blow-up mattress in the nursery.", "Cane: Esther, I really appreciate you wanting to help, but, um... I'm, um, Chloe's husband, and I should be the one that looks after her.", "Esther: (Sighs) Well, since--since I'm here, at least let me cook dinner.", "Chloe: You know what? We're actually all out of tofu.", "Cane: Uh-huh.", "Esther: Oh, no worries. I brought my own.", "Chloe: Ah. There's no stopping her, is there?", "Cane: I'll get Chinese after she's gone.", "Chloe: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Well, I should head home. I have an early class tomorrow.", "Billy: Okay. Thanks for keeping me company. I feel a lot better.", "Lily: Sure. Even though we talked almost the whole time about me.", "Billy: I-I apologize for prying.", "Lily: No, it's fine. You're really easy to talk to.", "Billy: So are you.", "Lily: Um, by the way, I just wanted to apologize for going off on you the other day about the whole Jabot takeover thing. I-I get why you did it.", "Billy: Thank you. I hope that we can be friends.", "Lily: Yeah. I do, too. All right, I'm gonna go now.", "Billy: Okay. Well, um, I'll see you.", "Lily: Bye.", "Billy: Hey, uh, Jack? Um... I've decided, uh, not to say anything about being the baby's father. I-I'm nobody's father. This is--this is really better for the kid, you know? And she really has a shot with a dad like Cane, instead of two supremely screwed up people like Chloe and, well, myself. And, um... I've thought a lot about what you said-- regretting it later. Well, uh... that being so, I-I-I'm not gonna change my mind. I'll take this secret to my grave.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: What were you doing in Paris?", "Phyllis: I was doing the cover shoot for \"Restless Style.\" I went there to surprise my husband. He didn't know I was coming. Big surprise.", "Jack: Did they see you?", "Phyllis: They didn't. I already told Nick about it. But I figure since you're being so open and honest with your wife, you already knew. Although, compared to your--your sex addiction to hookers, I guess this isn't the crime of the century, is it?", "Jack: Was it just a kiss? Or was there more?", "Phyllis: Talk to your wife about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: In a bind, huh, Jackie?", "Jack: Hey, Dad.", "John: Seems like you got yourself in quite a pickle, haven't you?", "Jack: It's not without irony, is it? I can't exactly go after Sharon about a kiss when I just confessed to sleeping with hookers.", "John: And that you have a sexual addiction, which you don't. Oh, Jack, really? (Sighs) So what are you going to do?", "Jack: I don't know. This whole Sharon and Nick thing is eating away at me. You got any suggestions?", "John: You could start by telling Sharon the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You got a lot of nerve bringing my mother's name into this.", "Victor: I'm trying to help you.", "Adam: You're trying to help me? Really? Because you actually care about my best interests? Come on, when I came to Genoa City, you threw me into a shark tank, and then judged me harshly because of the way I handled it. Any of your other kids you would've forgiven.", "Victor: I thought you went to Harvard. You seem to have a very bad memory. When I brought you to Genoa City, I gave you every opportunity in the world, at the expense of my other two children.", "Adam: You helped me fail. That's all you did. You made me the family pariah. Yeah, I went to Harvard. Yeah, I graduated second in my class, and now I can't get a job anywhere because you put out the word. And now you tell me you're gonna help me because of my mother's memory? Come on.", "Victor: You walk out of here, I will take you down, along with Jack Abbott.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: It took a lot of courage to do what you did today. Without you, Lowell would not be out on bail.", "Gloria: I didn't do it for your father. I did it for you, Michael.", "Michael: Thank you.", "Kevin: Here, Mom, here's your purse and scarf.", "Gloria: Thank you, Honey.", "Michael: Lowell? I'm sorry. I had you written off as some horrible coward. But you've proven to me that you're someone to be proud of.", "River: Thanks, Mike.", "Kevin: All right, fine. We give the guy a thousand dollars for the ashram. For Michael.", "Lauren: Wait! Okay, everyone? Let's take a picture!", "Michael: Yes!", "Lauren: Kevin, Jana?", "Michael: Yes! Yes! Yes!", "River: Why not?", "Gloria: All right.", "Michael: Come here, Gloria.", "Lauren: Okay. Wait, come on, Jana.", "Michael: Come on.", "Lauren: All right, everybody say...", "River and Eden: Puff the magic dragon.", "Michael: What? Oh!", "Lauren: That's great! Could this be any more perfect?", "Michael: It's too perfect. You're making me nervous now.", "Gloria: Oh, Mikey!", "Michael: We retake that. I was making a goofy face.", "Lauren: All right, let's do one more. Come on. One, two... three. No more puff.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: The nurse says you used your wife's face cream and you burned your face? Is that what happened?", "Jeff: Yeah, yeah. Oh, man. Why me?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: Your brother fronted the money for the scheme.", "Ashley: He sat there and he lied to me again.", "Jeff: I did use some of my wife's moisturizer. I think that was it.", "Lauren: How is it possible that River had enough money to buy such a big piece of property in Malibu?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Cane, Lily and Mac await word on whether or not Mac is pregnant. Kay questions Neil if the projections are ready in case Mr. McCall needs to see them. Jill comes in to join them . Kay demands to know where Jill had been. J.T. shows Mr. McCall his new offices which is across the street from Chancellor. Victoria questions Heather as to when Billy goes before the judge. Billy and Rafe discuss the court hearing. Billy refuses to reveal his informant. Phyllis questions Michael about the accident that Daniel had had in the gym room. Phyllis demands that Michael get her a bail hearing for Daniel, but Michael reminds her that Daniel had tried to escape before. Amber tells Daniel not to move as she tries to help him. Mac reprimands Billy for his treatment of Victoria in printing the story about her and the affair. Mac lets Billy know that she had taken a pregnancy test and was awaiting word. Michael tells Heather that he wants Daniel put into protective custody, but Heather refuses. Victoria promises Billy that she will make him pay. Neil and Kay meet with Tucker McCall. Jill is surprised when she comes in and sees Mr. McCall. Jill recognizes him as the man from the bar. Tucker offers to buy the entire 25% of Chancellor Industries. Kay promises to consider his offer. The judge orders Billy to reveal his source or be held in contempt. Billy refuses to reveal his source and is arrested .Phyllis, Amber and Michael visit the landfill to find evidence that will clear Daniel. Jill confronts Tucker as to why he hadn't told her who he was. Mac finds out that she is pregnant.", "" ]
[ "Lily: Hi.", "Cane: Baby, you're cold.", "Lily: Well, yeah. It's chilly out there.", "Cane: Well, come on. Sit down. I got some coffees for you. And for you, I have some decaf. (Sighs)", "Mac: And an éclair.", "Cane: Uh-huh.", "Mac: You're too cute.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Lily: Well, we have good news.", "Cane: Huh?", "Mac: Not that good news-- we don't get the pregnancy test results until later.", "Cane: Mm.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: That's what I thought.", "Lily: Well, I had a blood test done since we were at the lab, and my counts are really good.", "Cane: Yes! I am so happy.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Cane: I'm not surprised. You've had so much energy lately.", "Lily: Well, I've just been really excited, which doesn't mean I'm gonna fall apart if it turns out that you're not pregnant, okay? So don't worry.", "Mac: I can't help it. I know how important it is for you to have a baby that's yours and Cane's, and I also know that this is the only chance you're gonna get.", "Cane: And you gave us an opportunity. And we'll always be grateful for that, won't we?", "Lily: Yes. And if it turns out that it's not meant to be, then I'll make peace with that. I promise.", "Mac: Well, hopefully, that's a promise you won't have to keep.", "Lily: Hear, hear.", "Cane: Hear, hear.", "(Mugs clink)", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Mac: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Now you know we need to have those projections available just in case this Tucker McCall, uh, would like to go over them.", "Neil: Katherine, I've got 'em.", "Kay: I should have known. (Chuckles) You're really excited about this meeting.", "Neil: Oh, yeah. You bet I am. Tucker McCall is the \"Evel Knievel\" of the business world, accomplishing unimaginable feats. He--making them look easy. Case in point-- Collins/Macarthur. They were on life support until McCall singlehandedly stepped in and brought 'em back from the dead. So to me, business is like an art, and that was a masterpiece.", "Kay: Mm. He's an iconoclast not bound to the old ways of thinking. I, uh, I really appreciate that.", "Neil: But you're still not ready to make him part of the Chancellor Industries family.", "Kay: Well, be aware, we are selling him a very small slice of the company, but...", "Neil: Katherine, hear what he has to say. If you don't like it, shake his hand, send him packing. But whatever we do, we should be leaving right about now.", "Kay: Oh, where is Jill?", "Neil: I thought she was at the office.", "Kay: Uh, well, uh, she was due hours ago.", "Jill: Good morning, Katherine, Neil.", "Kay: Where the hell have you been?", "Neil: Good morning.", "Jill: New York.", "Kay: Uh, but you were supposed to be here hours ago.", "Neil: Okay, I think I'm gonna leave.", "Jill: (Laughs)", "Kay: And we are just gonna be right behind you.", "Neil: Yep.", "Jill: Good-bye, Neil.", "Neil: Bye, Jill.", "Jill: Excuse me.", "Kay: Uh-huh. So did you have any problems in New York?", "Jill: Problems? No, no. A few surprises. But then, I always say, a girl can use a good stiff challenge to keep things interesting, you know?", "Kay: Were you satisfied with the end results, Jill?", "Jill: Oh, very.", "Kay: I just wish you wouldn't cut things so close, time wise.", "Jill: I took a later flight. I didn't get much sleep last night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: So you never have to leave if you don't want to. It's all right here.", "Tucker: Great view.", "J.T.: That's the Chancellor building across the street.", "Tucker: Perfect. I've been waiting for this a long time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: All right, that sounds good. I'll talk to you later. (Whispers) Thanks. (Normal voice) Bye-bye.", "Victoria: Heather?", "Heather: Yes?", "Victoria: When does Billy Abbott go before the judge?", "Heather: He should go in around 4:00.", "Victoria: I want to be there.", "Heather: Okay, that's fine. I'll have my office tell you which courtroom.", "Victoria: Listen, I appreciate you moving so quickly on this.", "Heather: Just following orders.", "Victoria: Well, I can't imagine that you were very happy that Billy compromised the integrity of the grand jury by making private testimony public.", "Heather: (Clears throat) Is there anything else that you needed?", "Victoria: What happens when we find out who gave Billy the information?", "Heather: If we find out, uh, then we could charge him or her with obstruction of justice. But don't bet on anything, because as I said yesterday, Billy will most likely hide behind the first amendment.", "Victoria: He can't get away with that, can he?", "Heather: (Clicks tongue) Depends on the judge.", "Victoria: (Scoffs) This has nothing to do with freedom of the press. This is a personal grudge, and he's using his magazine as a weapon, obviously. Does this situation impact Daniel's case at all?", "Heather: Uh, no. We already had enough votes to indict even if we end up disqualifying a juror.", "Victoria: Well, then that's who you think the source is--a juror.", "Heather: Well, it almost has to be. I mean, it wasn't you or me, and it certainly wasn't the judge or the court recorder.", "Victoria: I guess Billy Abbott pays a lot better than jury duty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "Rafe: That didn't take long. Not even two months running a magazine, and you're already getting dragged into court.", "Billy: No, because you're gonna file a motion or whatever the hell it is that you do, and you're gonna get me out of this.", "Rafe: (Sighs) I wish I could, Billy. If your source was a juror, not that I'm asking, that person was committing a crime.", "Billy: That person, not me.", "Rafe: You're a witness.", "Billy: I'm a reporter.", "Rafe: All right, we'll make the first amendment argument, but y-you--", "Billy: Hey, come on.", "Rafe: You can't refuse a subpoena, Billy. It's gone all the way up to the Supreme Court.", "Billy: Fine, I will show up. Then what?", "Rafe: You answer the questions truthfully and respectfully.", "Billy: But I'm not gonna reveal my source, so...", "Rafe: You do that, you run the risk of being held in contempt.", "Billy: Well, why should today be any different than any other day?", "Rafe: Billy, this is serious.", "Billy: It always is when the Newmans are throwing their weight around. I'm ready for 'em.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Yes?", "Michael: (Clears throat)", "Phyllis: What did the warden say?", "Michael: That it was an accident.", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Michael: That Daniel was working out in the weight room, and the weight fell on him.", "Phyllis: It \"Fell on him\"? Accidentally? On purpose?", "Michael: My guess is someone pulled the pin out of the machine.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Who? You know, it doesn't matter. We're getting him out of here.", "Michael: Phyllis. Look--", "Phyllis: No, get me a bail hearing today, and we'll get him--", "Michael: No, even if I could get you a bail hearing--", "Phyllis: There's no \"If.\" There's no \"If,\" Michael!", "Michael: Daniel has run out on charges before. It's come back to haunt him. As far as the D.A. is concerned, he's a flight risk, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Oh, don't even talk to me about those people.", "Michael: Phyllis--", "Phyllis: If that twit Heather had used those--those surveillance pictures, none of this would have happened. He would have been released, and none of this would have happened.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: (Moans)", "Amber: No, no, no, no. Don't move. Don't move. Let me help you with this. (Sighs)", "Daniel: It's kind of hard to get comfortable.", "Amber: Cracked ribs will do that to you.", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "Amber: Is that better?", "Daniel: Yeah, thanks.", "Amber: I can't believe they want to send you back to jail like this.", "Daniel: Well, if it wasn't for the internal bleeding, I'd already be back in there.", "Amber: In your liver, right? And--and they're sure that it's not serious?", "Daniel: It just means that they have to do a follow-up cat scan...", "(Door opens)", "Daniel: And it means that I get to spend more time with you.", "Amber: But as soon as the doctor gives his okay, they're gonna lock you back up again.", "Phyllis: Not if I have anything to do with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Thanks.", "Lily: (Sighs) I just wish that we could have taken a home pregnancy test. Then we'd have the results by now.", "Mac: But we wouldn't, because it could be a false positive because of all the hormones I've been taking.", "Lily: I know. I know.", "Cane: Well, hopefully, the news will be worth the wait.", "Lily: It just feels like Christmas, you know? When you can't open your presents when your mom and dad wake up, so you just want to go and...", "Together: Jump on their bed.", "Lily: (Chuckles) Hey, don't even have those thoughts.", "Mac: I just--I don't want you to be disappointed.", "Lily: I won't be.", "Mac: I wish I were that sure.", "Lily: Listen, you didn't have the dream that I had, okay? Colleen told me that I would hold my baby. And if for some reason, the results aren't what I'm hoping, then that's fine. You know, I'll just-- I will find some other way to be a mom, you know? But as long as we have this hope, can we just enjoy it? Please?", "Cane: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.", "Mac: Absolutely.", "Cane: All right. Now I want to see these amazing blood test results.", "Lily: Ooh, they're in the car. Want me to get them?", "Cane: I will walk you out.", "Lily: Okay.", "Cane: Okay. And, you, I'll be right back.", "Mac: Okay.", "Cane: Do you, uh, want another éclair?", "Mac: (Chuckles) No.", "Cane: No?", "Mac: No, thank you.", "Lily: Well, get used to it. You're gonna be spoiled rotten. (Chuckles)", "Cane: (Chuckles)", "Billy: Hi.", "Mac: Billy.", "Billy: (Chuckles) I'm not even supposed to be talking to you right now.", "Mac: (Sighs) I heard about the article you wrote on Victoria, the new one.", "Billy: Right.", "Mac: I just-- I don't understand how you can do that-- how you can humiliate her publically for things that you've done yourself. How would you feel if someone printed all of your indiscretions in the paper?", "Billy: Like \"Page six\"? Y-you know, \"Page six.\" It's a gossip--never mind. Look, Victoria didn't have a problem when her daddy humiliated Colleen. You remember the video? So if the Newmans, they can dish it out, well, they can take it.", "Mac: So you're-- you're modeling yourself after Victor now?", "Billy: No, I'm selling a magazine. It's got a do-gooder on the cover, and it's got lots of chicken soup for the fashionista soul, but it's gotta have a little bit more spice, you know? Something to reel 'em in.", "Mac: Can we not talk about this again?", "Billy: Fine. What's new with you?", "Mac: I just took a test to find out if I'm pregnant.", "Billy: And, uh...", "Mac: And I find out this afternoon.", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Neil Winters. Where does he stand on my offer?", "J.T.: Well, he's not gonna pull a Sonny Corleone and get out in front of the boss, but, uh, I get the impression he's in favor.", "Tucker: You know him well?", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Tucker: He's a good man?", "J.T.: Excellent negotiator, rock solid. He, uh, he was, uh, mostly responsible for that Gephardt international deal.", "Tucker: I hadn't heard that.", "J.T.: Yeah, you wouldn't have. He flies under the radar.", "Tucker: Underappreciated at Newman.", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Tucker: Seems your father-in-law made quite a habit of that.", "J.T.: Well, then there's Jill Abbott.", "Tucker: Yes, there is.", "J.T.: I asked around, tried to get a sense of where she might be on this, but, uh, when it comes to you, she was pretty tight-lipped. It's hard to predict where she'll come down on this.", "Tucker: Yes, she is a bit of a wild card.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Well, I'm gonna go freshen up.", "Kay: U-uh, Jill, we're going to be late for the meeting.", "Jill: Oh, please. I won't be missed. Tucker McCall wants to meet you, not me.", "Kay: You know what? It is strange, though, isn't it, that we've never met? We travelled in the same circles. We have a lot of friends in common. I hear, though, he's just as charming as he is shrewd.", "Jill: (Chuckles) A lot of people say the same thing about you, you know. So if he's expecting anything different, he will be disappointed.", "Kay: Uh, don't dawdle.", "Jill: No, I won't. I wouldn't miss this meeting for the world. It should be fascinating.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: What was so urgent?", "Michael: I need my client put in protective custody.", "Heather: Why?", "Michael: I examined the weight machine he was using myself. There's no way that pin could have slipped out accidentally.", "Heather: Okay, well, you gotta give me something more than that, like who would have done it or why.", "Michael: I don't have all the answers right now. Would we like to wait till I have all the answers? Until it's too late? Look, do you want that on your conscience-- something worse happening to this kid?", "Heather: Okay. O-okay. Easy. I-I just--I can't do anything without some kind of proof.", "Phyllis: Nick is on his way. He cut his trip short just so he could come back.", "Daniel: He didn't have to do that. I'm fine.", "Phyllis: Well, he wanted to do that. Come on. Give me a break.", "Michael: Thank you.", "Phyllis: Oh, good. What's the plan?", "Heather: Uh, the plan?", "Phyllis: The plan, yes. What? You're looking at me blankly. It's your legal responsibility to keep my son safe. Obviously, you can't do that in jail. So what's next? A halfway house?", "Heather: (Clears throat)", "Phyllis: House arrest and he wears a little ankle monitor like your boyfriend did?", "Heather: Daniel, my understanding is that you were not threatened, and, um, you didn't see anyone tamper with this weight machine, correct?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Heather: Okay. So as far as you know, this was an accident.", "Phyllis: Oh. Oh. I will sue you--", "Michael: Phyllis.", "Phyllis: You, the warden, your boss, the state.", "Michael: Phyllis.", "Heather: (Clears throat)", "Phyllis: You have to protect him. It is your job to protect him.", "Michael: Phyllis, this is not helping.", "Phyllis: Well, she won't even look at the evidence for God--", "Daniel: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Shh. You've made your point, okay?", "Amber: You know what? Let's just give them a chance to work something out, okay? Come on, let's--", "Phyllis: Okay, yeah, work something out. Please make her understand. This is on your head.", "Amber: Mm-hmm.", "Heather: Daniel, unless you have something more to tell me--", "Daniel: (Straining) Yeah, I--yeah, I do. I do. (Normal voice) Look, I didn't want to say anything in front of my mom and in front of Amber because they're already freaked out enough. But there's this guy, and Deacon knows him. I don't know his name. Deacon visited him yesterday. And ever since he did, this guy's been two steps behind me everywhere I go.", "Michael: The weight room, too?", "Daniel: Yeah, he was there.", "Heather: So you're afraid of this person? But you didn't leave when you saw him come in.", "Daniel: I didn't know that he was gonna do what he did.", "Heather: Yeah—", "(Clears throat)", "Daniel: What I thought that he did.", "Heather: Yeah, I-I-I can't believe you're wasting my time with this. Really?", "(Door opens)", "Heather: Doctor, hi. How is the patient?", "Doctor: He's doing well. I've ordered a follow-up C.T. scan. And if there's no further evidence of bleeding in the liver, we can release you this evening.", "Heather: Excellent. Thank you. So I will be telling the warden to expect you.", "Daniel: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You really are enjoying this, aren't you?", "Victoria: Yeah. You know, it's too bad they don't sell popcorn.", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: I did warn you not to mess with me, Billy.", "Billy: You did, but, you know, I'm only gonna sell twice as many magazines now, and all you're doing here is making an even bigger story.", "Victoria: Well, the damage has already been done. Now it's just up to me to make you pay. That's exactly what I'm gonna do.", "Billy: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Neil, have you seen these famous quotes from our Tucker McCall?", "Neil: Yes, I-I have read some of them. Um, sounds like one of those guys-- either you love him or you hate him.", "Kay: (Chuckles) Well, we're going to find out which, aren't we?", "Neil: We will.", "Woman: Mr. McCall is here.", "Kay: Oh, uh, show him in. Oh, please stay. Uh, we're going to take some notes.", "Neil: (Whispers) This is it.", "Kay: Ah, Mr. McCall.", "Tucker: Tucker, please. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs. Chancellor.", "Kay: Likewise. Uh, this is, um, our C.E.O. of Chancellor Industries, Neil Winters.", "Neil: (Normal voice) Mr. McCall, welcome.", "Tucker: Thank you.", "Kay: Uh, please, uh, have a seat.", "Neil: Here you go.", "Tucker: Thank you, Sir.", "Neil: Uh-huh.", "Kay: (Clears throat) Now I'm going to ask you, uh, some old-fashioned questions, Mr. McCall--Tucker. Uh, exactly what are your intentions?", "Tucker: They won't be paving the road to hell, if that's your concern.", "Kay: Oh? Where does the road lead?", "Tucker: You're trying to get at my character. \"The true worth of a man is measured--\"", "Kay: \"Is measured by the objects he pursues.\" Yes, you're quite right-- I am trying to determine your character. And quoting roman emperors perhaps should tell me something.", "Tucker: (Chuckles) I already have an empire, Mrs. Chancellor.", "Kay: What do you want with mine?", "Tucker: An alliance. In the old days, this sort of thing was accomplished through arranged marriages.", "Neil: Yeah, that, uh, got messy sometimes.", "Tucker: Yeah, well, modern-day methods are much more efficient, if less romantic.", "Kay: I think you are a romantic.", "Tucker: You could have found that out online.", "Kay: Well, it's your reputation that's online. (Chuckles) Uh, you know, there's a great deal of daylight between some men in his reputation and their character, but... in your case, I think not.", "Tucker: Do I pass muster?", "Kay: (Chuckles) We shall see, Mr. McCall-- Tucker. We shall see.", "Tucker: (Chuckles)", "Jill: (Sighs) Please excuse my late arrival. I've been so looking forward to meeting you, Mr. McC-- Mr. McCall.", "Tucker: Hello. Darlin', I think I will take you up on that coffee you offered --black.", "Jill: Excuse me.", "Neil: I'll take one, too. Thanks.", "Tucker: Now that the pleasantries are over, shall we get down to business?", "Jill: So where do things stand thus far?", "Tucker: Well, I was just about to explain the particulars of my offer, Ms. Abbott.", "Neil: Uh, we understand from J.T. that you want to participate in our initial stock offering.", "Tucker: Yes, I do, under one condition.", "Kay: Oh, you have conditions.", "Tucker: Just the one. I would like to purchase the entire position, the full 25%.", "Kay: 25%? (Clears throat) Mr. McCall, I have spoken to friends, family, invited them to be a part of this, and you are asking me to shut them out completely?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Check and see if this is a full deck, and we can play cards while we wait for the call.", "Cane: You want to play poker?", "Mac: I'll make popcorn. Anybody else want hot sauce?", "Cane: Huh?", "Lily: Hot sauce? Is that a craving?", "Mac: No, sorry. It's just the way I like my popcorn. (Chuckles)", "Lily: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge: So you felt justified in violating the rule of law?", "Billy: I wouldn't quite put it that way, your honor.", "Judge: Do you have photos of the grand jurors who were present for Ms. Newman's testimony?", "Heather: Uh, yes, your honor. I do.", "Judge: Show them to Mr. Abbott.", "Billy: You know, I don't think that's gonna help us here. I wouldn't even recognize the... person. It was kind of a \"Deep throat\" sort of thing, you know? It was in the shadows. It could have been a-anybody. I don't think it was even a juror. It could have been a friend. It could have been a relative. It could have--", "Judge: Are you mocking this court, Mr. Abbott?", "Billy: No, Sir-- uh, your honor. I--", "Judge: You equate the exposure of Watergate to your lurid depiction of a marital affair?", "Billy: No, I was more referring to the general principles the two issues share-- freedom of the press.", "Judge: Freedom of the press does not extend to pornography, and that's exactly what you've engaged in here.", "Rafe: Your honor, \"Restless Style\" can hardly be considered pornographic material.", "Judge: That's in the eye of the beholder, Counselor. I know smut when I see it.", "Rafe: Ms. Newman's personal relationship connected her to an ongoing criminal investigation. That made this newsworthy. My client is a journalist wi--", "Heather: Perhaps your honor would be interested in hearing Mr. Abbott's credentials as a journalist.", "Judge: Indeed.", "Billy: I publish, write for and own \"Restless Style.\"", "Heather: Right, and that would be true for how long now?", "Billy: Months.", "Heather: Isn't it more like weeks, Mr. Abbott?", "Judge: I've heard enough. You will reveal your source, or I will find you in contempt, and enjoy doing it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Michael, look, I appreciate it, but why don't you just go home? Lauren's waiting for you.", "Michael: (Sighs)", "Amber: Yeah, enjoy your anniversary dinner.", "Phyllis: Unh. (Stammers) Keep your phone on.", "Michael: Why?", "Phyllis: Because your client may come down with severe abdominal pain.", "Amber: That could work.", "Michael: No, no, it couldn't. You think you're the only prisoner to ever try that one?", "Phyllis: Well, we're just gonna bust him out of here then.", "Daniel: I'm handcuffed to a bed.", "Phyllis: (Stammers) Am I the only one who cares? All this negativity! If you've forgotten, I owned a magazine. I know some people in high places. When they hear about this--", "Michael: Yeah, they would write huge stories listing all the incriminating evidence against your son, permanently tainting the jury pool.", "Phyllis: All right, well, if you want to accept it, fine. I'm not going to. My son is innocent, and there is information out there that proves he is innocent, and when I find it, and I will, I am going to shove it--", "Michael: Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Down Heather's throat.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: You know my track record. Whenever I take an interest in a company the way I'd like to do with Chancellor, it's been beneficial for everyone involved.", "Kay: I have a track record of my own, and I am the one who decides what will be beneficial to Chancellor Industries.", "Neil: If I may... (Clears throat) What if we were to offer you less than the full 25%?", "Tucker: I would respectfully decline.", "Kay: Hmm. All or nothing then?", "Tucker: You know where I'm staying. My offer stands till midnight. I do look forward to hearing from you. Ms. Abbott. Mr. Winters.", "Neil: (Clears throat)", "Jill: Of course you're gonna say no.", "Neil: (Sighs) Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. Wait a minute now. Let's not reject it flat out.", "Jill: Oh, my God. The man is dishonest. He is a liar.", "Kay: Why would you say that?", "Jill: Because, Katherine. I mean, he presented himself as wanting one thing, and then it turns out he wants something completely different.", "Kay: But if I-- if I had just known what he was after before we met, I would have turned him down flat. I think-- I'll tell you something. I think he played his hand perfectly.", "Jill: We would never, ever be able to trust him.", "Kay: Your thoughts, Neil?", "Neil: I think it's our chance to work with one of the greatest business minds of our time. And, you know, we can use his--his millions for new acquisitions.", "Jill: Yeah, we can use other people's millions, okay? Plenty of people are lined up around the block to take advantage of this offering. Plus, you've made promises.", "Kay: Well, there's that, but I haven't made any decision yet.", "Jill: Oh, Katherine.", "Kay: Well, no, it's an intriguing offer, and he's an intriguing man. The least I can do is consider it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Mom just needs to blow off some steam.", "Daniel: Michael? Look, I've seen her like this before. I'm sorry. I know it's your anniversary, but that woman is gonna hotwire a tank and crash it through a wall or something. Can--can you just get her a tranquilizer dart? A little one.", "Michael: (Chuckles) (Groans) I'll do my best. I'm not making any promises.", "Daniel: (Chuckles) Thank you.", "Phyllis: You--you must be on the plane. Okay. Well, I'm leaving the hospital right now. Uh, I'm going to the landfill on, I think its 124th--", "Michael: What are you doing?", "Phyllis: Uh, I-I'm getting that evidence. I'm--I'm--I'm getting the gym bag that the killer threw in the dumpster. That's what I'm doing.", "Michael: That was months ago.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Michael: Have you ever been to a landfill? (Stammers) Any idea the size...", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Michael: The stench? We're talking hundreds of acres of trash.", "Phyllis: No, I-- I talked to the manager. I talked to the manager. And--unh, unh-- he said that-- that the truck that-- that has that route usually unloads at, um, the same quadrant every-- every week. He--he sent me a map. He faxed it to me. Do you want to see?", "Michael: No, I don't want to see it.", "Phyllis: But just--it just-- it's--it's this spot right here, just in--in--the vicinity or-- I-I-it's fine. I'll just go through, you know, just a couple layers of stuff.", "Michael: Of rotten, putrid, stinking garbage...", "Phyllis: (Sighs heavily)", "Michael: With flies and-- and--and rats and God only knows what else. It would be like trying to look for a needle in a very, very stinky haystack.", "Phyllis: Yeah, but if I can find the evidence--", "Michael: No, Daniel doesn't want you doing this. He doesn't want you exposing yourself to--to toxic waste or used hypodermic needles...", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Michael: Bacteria. Oh, is any of this getting through to you?", "Phyllis: Do you have an alternative?", "Michael: Yeah. (Stammers) Anything.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Michael: I-I-I'll try to get another bail hearing for Daniel tomorrow.", "Phyllis: (Voice breaking) He may not make it till tomorrow.", "Michael: All right, no. You know what, Phyllis? You have another child. She needs you, too. And your son is in there worried sick about you with everything else he has to deal with. I understand your desperation, but you just can't do everything. There are limits. You can't expose yourself to... garbage.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Tucker: Well, that didn't take long.", "Jill: (Sighs) What the hell kind of game are you playing?", "Tucker: None, but I'm open to suggestion.", "Jill: The beard. See, I'd never seen a picture of you clean-shaven. That's why I didn't recognize you in New York.", "Tucker: What do you think? Better with or without?", "Jill: Why did you pretend to be a bartender?", "Tucker: (Chuckles) I was pouring myself a scotch in my bar, in my hotel, minding my own business, literally. You're the one who mistook me for a bartender.", "Jill: Well, you should have identified yourself.", "Tucker: Would it have made a difference?", "Jill: You're damn right it would have made a difference!", "Tucker: Well, yes, I guess it would have been my name that you were calling then.", "Jill: Oh, my God. Last night never would have happened, okay? It was inappropriate on so many different levels. I can't even think. I am one of Katherine's closest advisors.", "Tucker: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: Professional ethics demand that I maintain my objectivity.", "Tucker: Yeah, I'm just kinda remembering you calling my name.", "Jill: Are you not hearing anything I'm saying? I am telling you it is a very, very bad idea... (Sighs) For the two of us to even consider any kind of sexual... oh, hell. Mm. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Think Billy's lawyer is gonna slap some sense into him?", "Victoria: Plenty of people have tried, including me. I thought you had to work.", "J.T.: I did what I needed to do. I wouldn't miss this for the world. This judge is awesome.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know. I don't think we have to worry about Billy printing any more stories about us.", "J.T.: Yeah. Listen, you did the right thing taking him on.", "Victoria: Well, I'm sure you could have done without having our dirty laundry aired again.", "J.T.: I'm behind you on this, all right?", "Victoria: All right. I'm sorry that I put you in the position that I did. You have no idea how much I regret it.", "Rafe: Look, the worst that's gonna happen to your source is a fine and a stern talking-to.", "Billy: Yep, from \"Judge Blowhard.\"", "Rafe: You gotta play ball here. Look, if you don't want to say the name, just give Heather enough information to figure it out for herself.", "Billy: Then what, huh? Then no one will ever trust to come to me with information again, and the magazine's gonna fold. It's--look, it's not happening.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Two, please.", "Cane: All right. Dealer's gonna take three. And for you?", "Lily: None.", "Cane: Are you sure? Huh?", "Lily: Yes, I feel lucky.", "Cane: Uh-huh.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Mac: Doctor's office. Hello? This is she. Yes, I can hold for the doctor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: (Sighs) Here you go.", "Jill: Thank you.", "Tucker: You're welcome.", "Jill: Have you lived here long?", "Tucker: A couple hours.", "Jill: It's the first time you've seen the view at sunset then? Pretty spectacular.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You've made your decision, haven't you?", "Kay: No, no, no. Not--not my final decision.", "Neil: But you're leaning in one direction.", "Kay: Very interesting man, that Tucker McCall. He's persuasive. He's perceptive, unassuming, yet imperious. I think partnering with someone like that could be very, very worthwhile.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Dr. Lewis, hi. Yes, we've been waiting for your call. Wow. Yes, thank you. (Chuckles) Yes, I will be there. I'll--I'll see you soon. Thank you. We're pregnant!", "Lily: (Laughs) Oh, my gosh!", "Cane: (Laughs)", "Lily: Yes! Oh, my gosh, I'm so happy!", "Cane: Oh, I can't believe it!", "Mac: Believe it! You're having a baby!", "Cane: Oh, I can't believe--", "Lily: Oh, my God. We're having a baby!", "Cane: Our baby.", "Lily: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge: It's late, Mr. Abbott, and I am out of patience. Will you or will you not reveal your source?", "Billy: I could do that... but then I couldn't look at myself in the mirror tomorrow. So, um...", "Judge: Well, you are in contempt, and you, Sir, are going to jail.", "(Gavel bangs)", "Billy: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Mom went straight home?", "Michael: That's what she said.", "Daniel: Okay, good. Michael, thank you. I know that you've done everything that you could possibly do. Get out of here and go apologize to Lauren for me.", "Amber: Tell her we said, \"Happy anniversary.\"", "Michael: All right. Call me if you need anything. Otherwise, I will see you tomorrow.", "Amber: Will we ever celebrate an anniversary?", "Daniel: Of course we will. (Chuckles) You just can't lose hope, that's all.", "Amber: I know. It's just hard, you know? I just can't stand sleeping in our bed without you.", "Daniel: Well, I'm never without you, 'cause I dream about you every night.", "Amber: I hope you're not talking in your sleep.", "Daniel: (Chuckles) Awkward.", "Amber: (Voice breaking) I just really miss you.", "Daniel: Me, too. Hey. Hang in there. Be strong, 'cause the truth's gonna come out one way or another.", "Amber: We're all digging for it-- me and Michael and your mom.", "Daniel: It'll pay off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Dump truck rumbles by)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lauren: I caught a glimpse of a guy who looked just like you coming out of my boutique.", "Nick: Hey, guys.", "Kay: Did somebody send for a search party?", "Tucker: If you can get Katherine to turn down this deal, I will give you a million bucks." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nick and Avery talk while dinner is cooking on the stove. Summer interrupts them to talk to Avery alone. Nick starts to leave, but then listens to Summer and comforts her over Chelsea not ever being able to forgive her for causing the death of her unborn baby. Chelsea walks in on Adam and Sharon kissing. Sharon tries to explain, but Chelsea doesn't want to hear it and goes on to slap Adam's face. Nick and Avery listen to Summer pouring out her heart to them over the things that have been going on in her life. Chelsea rushes out of the house and Sharon urges Adam to go after her. Adam arrives home to find that Chelsea has packed and is getting ready to leave him. Victoria comes home to find the house decorated like the Bahamas. Billy comes out with two glasses and offers her a drink but instead of taking the drink, she informs him that not only was Adam invited, but Sharon crashed the party. Nick tells Summer some of the things that she did and said when she was a child.", "Victoria refuses the drink that Billy offered her, but goes upstairs to check on Johnny. Coming back downstairs, she takes the drink and begins to relax and reminisce about their trip to the Bahamas. Noah comes to visit Sharon to try to help her and puts down Adam for interfering in her life. Sharon defends Adam. Adam tries to change Chelsea's mind about leaving him and asserts that love isn't anything without trust. Chelsea reminds Adam that Sharon will soon be committed which unnerves Adam and he defends Sharon. Adam walks out of the room and leaves Chelsea. Chelsea picks up her purse and leaves the house. Nick begins to question Avery about her ex, but she clams up and refuses to tell him anything. Summer finds the letters that Avery's ex wrote to her and begins to read them. Chelsea finds herself outside of Nikki and Victor's condo.", "" ]
[ "Billy: Surprise! (Humming)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Is this my life right now?", "Avery: I hope so, because otherwise I'm snuggling with a complete stranger.", "Nick: It's just a world away from the one I've been living.", "Avery: Mm.", "Nick: I wonder if my father's ever had a moment of peace like this.", "Avery: Something tells me your idea of peace and your father's look very different.", "Nick: Tranquility...", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Global thermal nuclear war.", "Avery: (Chuckles) Yeah. Well, he was in his element tonight.", "Nick: And Sharon played right into it. I still can't believe she showed up to the party like that.", "Avery: You're surprised, even after you saw her in her state earlier?", "Nick: I guess I shouldn't be. I mean, I know what she's dealing with. I can put a name to it. I just can't believe it's real. I don't want it to be real.", "Avery: That's how I felt when I found out about my father.", "Nick: It's like, I don't want to take one step from right here, 'cause if I do, things might never be the way they were again.", "Avery: Well, when you are ready to take that step and talk about what's wrong with Sharon, there is no safer place than here.", "(Knock on door)", "Avery: Oh, boy. I'll bet you that is Mrs. Burg. She probably lost her dog again.", "Nick: (Chuckles)", "(Knocking)", "Avery: Okay. I'm coming. I'm coming. Summer, hi.", "Summer: Hi. Um, I'm sorry it's so late.", "Avery: That's okay. Uh, your dad and I just lost track of time.", "Summer: Um, I actually came here to talk to you about Chelsea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Gasps)", "Chelsea: You really ought to close the door next time. (Sighs) Don't let me stop you.", "Adam: Chelsea, hey. Chelsea, wait. Wait.", "Chelsea: (Breathing heavily)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Just like being back there, huh? Yeah? It... do you want a rum drink? It's good. I made it myself. And... (Clears throat) Yeah, it's made in China, but it's the thought that counts.", "Victoria: And what is that exactly?", "Billy: Okay. I could give you my nightly apology for my past sins coming back to haunt you instead of me. I could beg you to forgive me again. But it has come to my attention that those efforts have been less than effective-- case in point. So I decided to instead show you how much we love each other. I was gonna save you the boredom...", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: And me the humiliation. I hope it worked. So Jamaica, 2010, the site of some rum-fueled debauchery and a very, very spectacular and very illegal wedding-- one of the happiest times of my life, and yours, too, so I'm told. Can we go back there for a little while? We can remind each other what we have right here.", "(Clinks glasses)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: (Sighs) Uh, look, this is really embarrassing.", "Nick: Hey. No one's judging you.", "Summer: No, I mean, I showed up here like a total drama queen over nothing. It's-- really, it's not a big deal. I'm sorry for bothering you guys.", "Avery: Summer.", "Nick: No, no, no, no, no. I'll--you know what? I'll go. I should be the one to leave. You came to talk to Avery for-- and I'm sticking my nose in. I--", "Avery: Yeah, dads can be pretty clueless sometimes, can't they?", "Summer: You won't be mad?", "Nick: Sweetheart, you came to Avery. You turned to someone for help. I'm very proud of you.", "Summer: Yeah, maybe if I would have done that earlier, it wouldn't have caused a whole...", "Nick: Is this about the car accident? You saw Chelsea at the party. That must have been hard for you.", "Summer: When I walked in, when she saw me, she just--she backed away like she hated me.", "Nick: Sweetheart, it hasn't been very long. You're gonna have to give her some time.", "Summer: (Sighs) No. Okay, I-I killed her baby. She's never gonna forgive me. (Sighs) (Sniffles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Don't go.", "Chelsea: Get away from me.", "Sharon: Chelsea, it was my fault. I encouraged--", "Chelsea: Shut up!", "Adam: Chelsea, its not—", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs) Would you like to hear how the housewarming went? You'll never guess who was there-- Adam. Yeah, my father invited him. Unreal, right?", "Billy: Yeah, very. Here, you should try a Jamaican rum punch.", "Victoria: Oh, but wait. It gets much worse. Sharon decided to crash the party.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: Hmm.", "Victoria: She wanted to make amends for the contemptible way she's treated our family. (Sighs)", "Billy: Well, that's not exactly what you needed. I'm sorry I urged you to go. However, it did give me time to set this up. Maybe it will... take your mind off of your dad's horrible party if you just focus on what Jamaica meant to us?", "Victoria: So you want me to live in the past. That's what you're saying.", "Billy: No, no, just a quick visit. Then we can move on to the future.", "Victoria: Right now... it's all I can do to get through one day. I'm gonna go check on Johnny.", "Billy: (Sighs) But... (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: This ought to help. Triple chocolate-- guaranteed to fix anything.", "Summer: Not everything.", "Nick: Look, what happened was terrible, but that doesn't mean you are.", "Summer: And this whole time, I blamed Mom, and I said it was her fault that I freaked out, but... it wasn't. I caused the accident. I got in that stupid car, and I just wasn't watching where I was going. It just would have never...", "Nick: Sweetheart, you're not alone.", "Summer: (Sighs)", "Nick: Everyone's done things they regret.", "Summer: You never made someone lose their baby. (Sniffles)", "Nick: Yes, it was tragic. And Chelsea's gonna have to heal, but so do you.", "Summer: Yeah, but you never get over it-- you know, even with Cassie.", "Nick: It changes. Life moves forward, Summer, and you gotta move with it.", "Summer: How? Chelsea is always gonna hate me. So are you and Mom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: You son of a bitch.", "Adam: Chelsea--", "Chelsea: I don't want to hear another word out of your lying mouth again. (Sighs)", "Sharon: Adam, go! If you don't, your marriage is over.", "Adam: You gonna be okay?", "Sharon: Oh, I'm fine. I promise. Just go. Hurry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Is that seat taken?", "Billy: Yeah, I was kind of hoping so.", "Victoria: (Sighs) (Sighs) Down the hatch.", "Billy: Um... wow. You weren't kidding. (Chuckles) Easy, Tiger. Um...", "Victoria: Whew! Potent. (Sighs)", "Billy: Yeah, I-I don't really know what else is in Jamaican rum punch, but I-I got the rum down. (Chuckles)", "Victoria: (Sighs) True or false-- the old Victoria would have never gone to that party tonight.", "Billy: (Clears throat) Is this a trick question? Are you...", "Victoria: She would have blown off her father and his agenda, and she would have sent her mother a nice housewarming gift. But the new Victoria...", "Billy: (Clears throat) There's a new Victoria?", "Victoria: Well, yeah, there was supposed to be after that thrasher month I had. You know, I just thought I'd try a new start.", "Billy: I guess that party wasn't the best place to do it.", "Victoria: You know, it's just... (Sighs) Whenever I'm with my family, I feel like I get slapped in the face. And even if I'm expecting it, and even if I brace myself, it just still hurts so much.", "Billy: (Sighs) Come on. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. (Sighs)", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Summer, you think we hate you? Oh, Summer, you are our Supergirl. And your mother and I will always feel that way about you.", "Summer: (Scoffs) Supergirls save people. They don't run them over.", "Avery: Summer, you are loved by your parents. You know that.", "Summer: Well, I-I know. It's just... just when I saw Chelsea tonight, it just really scared me.", "Nick: What scared you?", "Summer: She hates me so much that I just start thinking that other people hate me and that everyone must hate me.", "Nick: All right, no one feels like that, no one.", "Summer: You know, I start thinking, like, why not? You know, why--why don't people hate me for what I did? 'Cause... I think I hate myself.", "Nick: Now you might be right about something. Chelsea may never forgive you. But, Summer, you gotta forgive yourself.", "Summer: It's too hard.", "Nick: I know it's hard, Sweetheart, but you gotta do it. It's worth it.", "Summer: Maybe I'm not worth it.", "Nick: You don't really think that, because if you do, you don't know the Summer that I know. You don't know the little girl who scraped her knee up because I took her training wheels off her bike but, instead of quitting, so got back on that bike and she was riding around like a motocross rider all day.", "Summer: (Sighs)", "Nick: Or maybe you don't know the little girl who won the Halloween contest, but she gave the trophy to the other girl who didn't have her own costume because she couldn't afford it.", "Avery: You did that, Summer?", "Summer: It was an ugly trophy, anyways.", "Nick: I also know her favorite color is blue, and she decided that blue is the color of happiness, because we were laying in the grass, looking at the sky all day.", "Nick: I also know her favorite pizza is thin crust. It's gotta be thin crust and pepperoni, but, under no circumstances, can the pepperoni be touching each other in any way.", "Summer: You remember all of that?", "Nick: Yeah. It's right here in the hard drive. You know what else is there? Every night before you went to bed, we would tell each other how much we loved each other. We'd say, \"I love you\"...", "Together: More than infinity.", "Nick: And I still do.", "Summer: (Inhales sharply) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sobbing)", "(Knock on door) (Knocking)", "Sharon: Oh, thank God you-- uh, Noah. Um, listen, right now, it isn't--it isn't a good time. I--", "Noah: I can see that, Mom. I-- where's Adam?", "Sharon: He just--just-- he's already come and gone. You know, I-I sent him away.", "Noah: What did he do to you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door slams shut)", "Adam: What are you doing?", "Chelsea: What I should have done weeks ago-- leaving you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs) Why did you let me drink that whole thing? It made me sad.", "Billy: You have a right to be sad after your father and I, um... that whole secret-keeping thing. (Sighs)", "Victoria: (Sighs) Hey, you remember the palm tree outside of our hut and how you decided that we couldn't leave Jamaica until we had real coconut milk?", "Billy: (Chuckles) Yeah, but it was too hard to open, so I climbed up on the roof and dropped it. (Chuckles)", "Victoria: Yeah. You did. You almost went over with it.", "Billy: Yeah, I did. It was almost a real Gilligan moment there.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: But I got job done.", "Victoria: Sure did.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: I drank so much coconut milk, I thought I was gonna burst.", "Billy: Yeah, but it was so good, Mon.", "Victoria: Yeah, but you know what was really good was the rum cake around the bonfire. That was so good.", "[Victoria remembering]", "Victoria: Whoo, rum cake.", "Billy: Rum cake.", "Victoria: Rum... sounds better that way.", "Billy: Rum... mmm... mum--mum--mum cake?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You know what I also enjoyed? Sharing our stories with Renée and Sebastian after we crashed their wedding.", "[Victoria remembering]", "Renee: They give you a hard time for being together?", "Billy: Uh, no, no. Um, actually, her, uh, her--her family loves me. I mean, especially her dad. He just...", "Victoria: Oh, yeah.", "Billy: Oh, he loves me so much it hurts.", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "Renee: They think it's too fast--love at first sight?", "Billy: (Coughs) Mm, excuse me. No, wrong pipe. That's... (Coughs, chuckles) that's a good point.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: No, no. It's a good point. It's a good point, actually, because this woman right here, she loved me the second she saw me in my boxer shorts.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You were so adorable.", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: (Chuckles) I think that's when I realized how much I love you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Mm-hmm. It's almost time to eat.", "Nick: It smells amazing, as usual.", "Summer: You're an awesome cook, an amazing lawyer. So what else are you good at?", "Avery: Well, a bunch of things, Summer. You'll just have to wait to find out. (Laughs)", "Summer: Oh, okay. Gonna keep me hanging?", "Avery: Yes. Well, actually, I will offer you dinner for now.", "Summer: Uh, thanks, but I actually promised Aria that I would go meet her for pizza, so...", "Avery: Oh.", "Nick: Pepperoni, no touching.", "Summer: (Chuckles) I'm really glad that you're here, Dad. Thanks.", "Nick: Me, too. (Kisses) Have fun tonight. Be careful.", "Summer: Okay. Bye.", "Avery: Bye.", "(Door opens)", "(Door closes)", "Avery: Hey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Nothing happened. Adam didn't do anything to me.", "Noah: Well, he sure hasn't helped.", "Sharon: No, he--it--it-- it's not his fault. It--it isn't him. It's me. I-I don't know what to do. It isn't working anymore.", "Noah: What isn't working, Mom?", "Sharon: My touchstone.", "Noah: Your...", "Sharon: Yes, it's--it's supposed to calm me. It was Dr. Watkins' idea, and I-I've been using it ever since.", "Noah: Faith's drawing?", "Sharon: Yes, it's-- it's supposed to be something meaningful, and you can't get any more meaningful than this, so then why isn't it working anymore?", "Noah: Mom?", "Sharon: It's not making me feel any better.", "Noah: Just calm down, okay?", "Sharon: No, I can't! I can't! I don't know how to! I don't have anything to hold on to.", "Noah: No, it's gonna be fine.", "Sharon: I'm afraid I'm gonna float away out of my body and--", "Noah: You're not, Mom. You're not.", "Sharon: I... (Sighs) Help me. Help me. Why aren't you helping me?", "Noah: Mom, I swear to you, it's going to be okay.", "Sharon: Oh, I know.", "Noah: You're gonna get through this, okay?", "Sharon: I just need to find something else. I have to find something else. Let's see. Photos. No.", "Noah: Just stop, Mom. Mom, stop!", "Sharon: No.", "Noah: Please! Just listen to me, okay, please. All right, maybe--maybe your touchstone isn't working, because you need the real thing, all right? I'm real. I am here. Please let me help you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Chelsea, what can I do to stop you?", "Chelsea: Why would you want me to stop me? I mean, this way, you don't-- you and Sharon don't have to sneak around.", "Adam: I came home to you. That should tell you something, right?", "Chelsea: What, that it takes two women to satisfy you?", "Adam: I'm not with two women. I'm not in a relationship with Sharon. It was a kiss. It was stupid, a mistake that will not happen again.", "Chelsea: You--you know, it's like you just can't help yourself. You know, you --you-- you promise me one second that you're done with Sharon for good, and the next, you're leaving me at a party to go chase after her. It's crazy.", "Adam: You saw the way that she left the party, right, and you know that she's capable of hurting herself.", "Chelsea: So... (Sighs) So you--you--you calmed her down by kissing her?", "Adam: She... kissed me. It caught me off guard.", "Chelsea: Admit it, Adam. You were as much into that kiss as she was.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Coughing]", "Billy: Well, since we're going down the \"I knew I loved you the first time I saw you\" road, I--", "Victoria: No, I know. Um, New Year's Eve, 2009-- you tell that story all the time.", "Billy: Ah. But you don't know the first time that I knew I wanted to marry you. Finn McGee's, when I unzipped my pants and I showed you my \"Kiss me, I'm Irish\" boxer shorts.", "Victoria: Mm. That was when you decided, huh?", "Billy: Yeah, most people could--they would have ran away, been scared, but no, you just laughed.", "Victoria: Mm.", "Billy: And it was the sweetest sound I've ever heard. And I knew if I could make you laugh for the rest of your life, I would be a very lucky man. I knew I wasn't good enough for you. That's why, in Jamaica, I knew I had to marry you right then and there. Otherwise, we would go home, we'd slow down. You'd think about it, move on, and I would lose you forever.", "Victoria: No. I wasn't going anywhere.", "Billy: I couldn't take that chance then, and I can't take it now.", "Victoria: Billy, I--", "Billy: Ah, you know what?", "Victoria: No.", "Billy: Hold on. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. This isn't right. This isn't perfect yet. What is Jamaica without music? You know what I'm saying? We need some music. Mm-hmm.", "(Reggae music playing)", "Billy: Dim some lights. You know what I'm saying? And do you remember this, the chicken? Can you do the chicken? Want to do the chicken? Now I'll make him a turkey. Gobble, gobble. That's right. Uh-huh. You know you like the chicken.", "Victoria: (Scoffs)", "Billy: You also like the lawn mower. You like this one? Yeah!", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "Billy: Ah, this worked the first time. (Chuckles) The Cadillac. Mm, you know, it seats two, Baby. Come on.", "Victoria: (Laughs) What?", "Billy: It seats two. Come get in this car.", "Victoria: Mnh-mnh.", "Billy: Come--come on. Come get in this car. (Chuckles) There she is. There she is. Oh, look at that. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Mm. What was that for?", "Avery: Oh.", "Nick: Not that I'm complaining.", "Avery: It's for you are a good man and a good father.", "Nick: If they had told me there would be days like this--", "Avery: You would have each of your children all over again.", "Nick: You're probably right.", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: I think Summer's through the worst of it.", "Avery: I think so, thanks to you.", "Nick: And you. She showed up to your door.", "Avery: Well, I don't think Phyllis would be as understanding as you.", "Nick: Look, she needs to learn that Summer needs help no matter who she gets it from.", "Avery: Yeah, well, good luck with that.", "Nick: Phyllis should be grateful that Summer has someone as great as you are with kids to turn to.", "Avery: You think I'm great with kids?", "Nick: You're amazing. You're a natural. Are you sure you don't have any?", "Avery: I did have one.", "Nick: What?", "Avery: Mm-hmm. One. Her name was Nancy. Nancy Drew Summers-- my imaginary child as a kid.", "Nick: Of course.", "Avery: (Chuckles)", "Nick: An imaginary friend.", "Avery: Yes. I wanted a daughter that was brave and mysterious and used her smarts to solve mysteries.", "Nick: So you invented her.", "Avery: Mm-hmm. And I even invented her boyfriend.", "Nick: Okay. Let me make sure--okay. (Chuckles) You, when you were a kid...", "Avery: Uh-huh.", "Nick: Invented a daughter...", "Avery: Uh-huh.", "Nick: And had a boyfriend.", "Avery: Uh-huh. Yes. I had a very active imagination. Still do.", "Nick: Really?", "Avery: (Gasps) Oh! Oh! That is probably why I am so enamored with you. You are just like Nancy's boyfriend.", "Nick: Ah. So he was incredibly good-looking with a great sense of humor but came from a messed-up family.", "Avery: You see, this is-- you think that I'm with you for you, but I'm actually with you because of your name.", "Nick: My name?", "Avery: Yes. I have Nick Newman. Nancy had Ned Nickerson.", "Nick: (Laughs)", "Avery: (Laughs)", "Nick: Well, it must be fate.", "Avery: I'd like to think so.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Sweet Noah. (Sighs) Gosh, you're trembling. I'm so sorry.", "Noah: No, no.", "Sharon: I'm sorry if I scared you.", "Noah: No. I'm--I'm your-- I'm your touchstone now, remember? (Sniffs) Touchstones don't get scared.", "Sharon: I'm just... I've done so many awful things, and even when I try to apologize for them, I make them worse. And--and they're all-- they think I'm crazy.", "Noah: No, don't-- who cares what they think? Okay? It's not true. You have a mood disorder.", "Sharon: That's a nice way of saying it.", "Noah: Which can be managed. Okay?", "Sharon: Can it? Am I ever gonna get better?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: It was a rhetorical question. You obviously gave as good as you got.", "Adam: Chelsea, Sharon-- she messes with my mind.", "Chelsea: That's not all she messes with.", "Adam: You know those snapshots in life, those moments where everything else fades, all those other pictures go away, but there are those few iconic moments that change everything for you?", "Chelsea: Adam, what does this have to do with anything--?", "Adam: That moment on that lake on that ice, when you were in that freezing water, and I realized that this woman who had been my friend was suddenly-- suddenly someone I... the only one that I could not be without.", "Chelsea: (Sniffles)", "Adam: Chelsea, I realized right then that I loved you. That was my moment.", "Chelsea: (Sniffles)", "Adam: That was my iconic moment that changed everything.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: And if I lost you, if I would have lost you then, I don't... tonight, again...", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: With Sharon, consoling her, comforting her, and the next thing I know, you're there. And then I see the best thing... (Sighs) The best thing that has ever happened to me in my life walk out that door. Please, do not walk out this time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Reggae music playing)", "Billy: (Humming)", "Victoria: Ooh. (Laughs)", "Billy: (Laughs) What is that? Uh, you.", "Victoria: You.", "Billy: You. (Laughs)", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "Billy: Uh. (Hums) (Laughs)", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "(Slow music playing)", "Billy: Hmm.", "Victoria: Hmm. (Giggles)", "Billy: (Humming)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So you owe your culinary expertise to an easy-bake oven.", "Avery: Oh, I wanted one more than anything. I used to dream about putting those little cakes in the oven and taking them out and putting 2 pounds of frosting on them.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Avery: Every Christmas I thought I was gonna get one, and my dad always said it was impractical. So to spite him, I decided to become the best chef I could be. I still dream about that silly oven.", "Nick: You know it's not really an oven, right? It's just a box with a bulb in it.", "Avery: Uh, here's what I know. You put the batter in it and a cake comes out. That's an oven, Nick.", "Nick: (Laughs) I think this is one of the many reasons I keep showing up here. You make me forget about everything else going on in my life. (Sighs)", "Avery: Yeah, Sharon?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Avery: It's okay. Listen, I expect you to be worried after what happened tonight, you know. And she was a huge part of your life, so...", "Nick: Thanks for understanding that.", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: I'll always be tied to Phyllis and Sharon, because of my kids.", "Avery: I know. And I would not expect anything less from you.", "Nick: And what about you, Ms. Clark?", "Avery: Hmm?", "Nick: Do you still keep in touch with your ex?", "Avery: Uh, well, no. There's no children to bind us, remember?", "Nick: Well, no contact at all? No, like, Christmas cards? No postcards, \"Hey, I'm in Maui, so glad you're not here\"?", "Avery: Mnh-mnh. No. No. It was a long time ago. It didn't end well. I made some mistakes, so...", "Nick: Any guys after him?", "Avery: Mm, not unless you count my dog Thurgood.", "Nick: How about before him? Who was your first love?", "Avery: This is so not worth talking about. I'm gonna make some coffee.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Hey, thanks for covering for me, Aria. Yeah, no. I just needed to chill. Okay. Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: I should never have listened to you. (Sighs) I'd be in my own place by now, instead of--", "Adam: Instead of giving me another chance?", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Chelsea: The day that you showed up with the lesson books and encouraged me to get my G.E.D., that's... that's the picture in my head.", "Adam: When everything changed for you?", "Chelsea: You had some serious issues, but I was no prize either, so I thought perfect match. (Laughs) We'll either go on a cross-country crime spree together or we'll make each other better people. Problem is those things are really hard to do when there's a third person tagging along.", "Adam: Well, she won't be tagging along anymore.", "Chelsea: Well, probably not, 'cause she'll be committed soon.", "Adam: Chelsea, it's not true.", "Chelsea: This coming from the man who ran to her rescue saying she may do something harmful. You can't have it both ways, Adam. You have to make a choice.", "Adam: I've made my choice. Now can we just please stop bad-mouthing Sharon?", "Chelsea: If I'm your choice, then why are you still defending her? I will always come in second with you.", "Adam: No. Is it necessary to talk about Sharon being committed?", "Chelsea: Yea--why would I say something like that? (Scoffs) Oh, gee, I know why. Maybe because tonight Miss Crazy Pants gave us her best version of a raging lunatic!", "Adam: Chelsea, I--", "Chelsea: Not to mention, the little bonfire she set at the ranch.", "Adam: Hey, I thought we were never gonna talk about that ever again. If Nikki or my father ever found out about that--", "Chelsea: Right, right, right. God forbid we protect people from a dangerous psychopath.", "Adam: She's not a psychopath. Will you just cut it out with the insults?", "Chelsea: But don't you see that she's a danger to people, Adam? You can't deny that.", "Adam: She just needs time. She needs time, okay. This is a person who needs help. She needs patience, understanding, something of what you seem to be lacking right now.", "Chelsea: Because I'm scared, Adam. I am scared for you. I am scared for us and our future. I have never loved anybody as much as I love you.", "Adam: Yes, and I-- and I love you. I love you, too, but love is meaningless-- Chelsea, without trust, love is meaningless. I know that sounds ridiculous saying the word \"Trust\" after what you just witnessed, but you're gonna have to trust me.", "Chelsea: I want to, Adam, but it is really hard to do when Sharon is always in the way.", "Adam: But she doesn't have to get in the way, okay. She doesn't have to get in between us if there is love and trust. I know what you witnessed was awful, okay. But you have to look me in the eyes and know that I'm telling you the truth when I say I love you and I say you need to trust me. Sharon will not come between us.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Let's go back to Jamaica. We'll get away from our families, make a clean start, just like you wanted.", "Victoria: I can't. Sorry, I'm just not ready.", "Billy: (Scoffs) (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: (Sighs)", "Nick: I didn't mean to put you on the spot. I just... I want to know everything about you.", "Avery: Oh, well, aren't you the one that's been advocating that we leave the past in the past and focus on our lives?", "Nick: Yeah, I'm cool with that.", "Avery: (Sighs) You know, I have a very big day tomorrow, so I have to call it a night.", "Nick: Okay. Uh... I really hope that I didn't, like, mess anything up. I just, uh--", "Avery: No, you didn't. You didn't. It's fine. It's fine, really.", "Nick: Yeah?", "Avery: Yeah.", "Nick: Okay.", "Avery: Yeah.", "Nick: Good night.", "Avery: Good night.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Avery: Good night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: \"Dear Avery.\" \"Love Dylan.\" (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: You can stop wondering, Mom. Okay. You will get better.", "Sharon: I wish I had your confidence.", "Noah: Just keep taking your meds. Give 'em a chance. It'll pay off.", "Sharon: What if it doesn't? What will happen to me? Will they lock me up?", "Noah: No, no. It--it--I won't let that happen. Okay. I swear to you, you will never go back there again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Paul: Is this too much? Do you feel like you're doing the wrong thing?", "Neil: You think you can override me when it comes to company policy?", "Devon: No, no, not at all.", "Nick: What are you talking about?", "Victor: You're protecting Sharon at my expense, aren't you?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread by Emma']
[ "Billy and Victoria spend the day with Johnny at Crimson Lights after checking out pre-schools. Jill and Hilary get stuck on the elevator after exchanging slurs. Tyler and Abby take a walk in the park, but she isn't too thrilled after their latest trip to Los Angeles when she finds out that it was just a walk down memory lane for Tyler. Cane and Lily meet with the doctor, who orders an MRI on Lily today. Devon visits Jack in his office, but he is too thrilled when Jack fires him, because he feels that Devon's mind is elsewhere. Hilary admires the music box and remembers when she wanted to take ballet lessons but her parents couldn't afford it. Billy and Victoria reminisce about Delia. Tyler tries to explain about Mariah to Abby, but she is still apprehensive about the whole situation. Mason gets acquainted with a waitress who works at Crimson Lights. Jack tells Devon to get out and start living life. Kelly meets with Victoria and Billy at Crimson Lights. Kelly has something for him. She hands him a book to help him to regain control of his life.", "Abby still remains upset as to whether or not things will work out between them, but Tyler asks her if she is breaking up with him. Abby doesn't tell him \"no\" or \"yes\"; she doesn't answer at all just gives him a questioning look. Hilary owns up to Jill that she read about Jill's father. Hilary also reminds Jill about how she lied and schemed to get what she wants. Hilary cannot believe that Jill offered up the music box for sale on the internet. Hilary tells her a date of the music box which piques Jill's interest. Mason asks the waitress her plans for later and they decide to meet. Mason books dinner for them using Devon's credit card. Jack tries to persuade Devon to take a sabbatical. Lily admits to Cane that she is scared about the MRI. Cane tries to lift her spirits. Victoria shows her jealousy when she senses how close Billy and Kelly are. Later she tells Billy that she is glad that he has her as a friend. Billy lets Victoria know how much he loves her. Abby and Tyler make up and walk off arm in arm.", "" ]
[ "Billy: Interviewing for preschool. Yes, because the way he reaches for toys says oh-so much. Not to mention it starts next fall. Not to mention, I mean, look at him! This kid is perfect. They should be so lucky to have this kid.", "Victoria: Well, you'd think that the Newman name alone would guarantee him a spot.", "Billy: I'm sorry. The Newman name? Hmm. Interesting, because this kid's last name happens to be Abbott. And since we're gonna be pretentious, I would like to say that the Abbott name would probably open up just as many doors, so... [Smooches] Besides, the kid's a legacy. It's the school that Delia went to, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Hold it! Oh. Or feel free to step off, preferably between floors. Or maybe that would be interrupting your regular schedule of trying to poison innocent people and ruin their lives.", "Hilary: I'm actually on my way to see my boss. Jack Abbott? You might have heard of him.", "Jill: I'll bet your favorite part of the day is sharpening pencils. So good for backstabbing.", "Hilary: I use pens. They're permanent.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Jack. You wanted to see me?", "Jack: Hey, Devon. Yeah. Come on in. Have a seat.", "Devon: Thank you. What's going on?", "Jack: Well... you're fired.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Oh, yeah. This is huge fun. Can I get back to the office now?", "Tyler: You mean back into hiding?", "Abby: It's work. My job. I'm not hiding.", "Tyler: Well, is part of your job description avoiding me and not talking about anything that happened while we were in L.A.?", "Abby: What? We went. It was warm. And now we're home, and its freezing.", "Tyler: [Scoffs] Okay, well, I'm not even gonna make a joke about being an ice queen.", "Abby: I'm sorry. Did you just call me --?", "Tyler: That was -- that was stupid. I'm sorry. It's just -- you know, I took you on that trip to L.A. because I wanted to thank you for thanksgiving. And now it's like you're barely even talking to me. So, come on, Abby. I mean, help me out. What went wrong?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: God, I hate this so much. Why can't doctors just give you the news over the phone? Why do they have to freak you out by making you wait?", "Cane: Its protocol.", "Lily: But my oncology check was fine. You know, we -- we were happy and -- and relieved, and now I don't feel very relieved.", "[Door opens]", "Dr. Kershaw: Lily, thanks for coming in. Cane.", "Cane: Doctor. Thank you.", "Lily: Hi. Um, sorry. I'm not trying to freak out, so if you could please just tell me why we're here.", "Dr. Kershaw: Well, something came up on your tests.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: And no blog entries from your office computer? Okay, Girlfriend. Wouldn't want you dragging Jabot into the gutter with you.", "Hilary: I apologized for what I did, and I meant it. Clearly you don't know a thing about second chances.", "Jill: Clearly I don't believe you deserve one.", "Hilary: Well, Jack disagrees. He forgave my past and gave me this chance. I'm not gonna make him regret it.", "[Bag thuds]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: I'm fired 'cause I wouldn't spy on Victor for you and Jill? What happened to you being impressed that I wanted to work for a living and not just live off of Katherine's money?", "Jack: To tell you the truth, I thought I'd be doing you a favor cutting you loose. I've gotten the distinct impression lately that you're looking for a reason to walk away from Jabot.", "Devon: Where did you get that impression? 'Cause I'm on time, I do my job, I meet my deadlines.", "Jack: Wow. Does that sound exciting. A man who loves his work. I am not looking for executives to punch time cards. I'm looking for engaged, excited individuals who add to the mix.", "Devon: I've been that guy.", "Jack: Listen to yourself -- past tense. Devon, you've gone through an awful lot lately, having all this money dumped in your lap. I think we'll agree it has not been an easy thing. Add to that the complications in your personal life and --", "Devon: Yes, Roxanne broke up with me. She said the money changed me, and she left. And now you're telling me that I have to walk away from the only thing that I have left?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: I hit the call button.", "Jill: Obviously the elevator knows not to trust you, either.", "Hilary: Or maybe it was you jamming your steam trunk in the door.", "Jill: Did you set this up? Is this some sort of scam? Did you futz with this electrical panel?", "Hilary: Oh, yeah, because it's my dream to be stuck in a cramped, tiny space with you. It's not gonna be long. Let's not use up the oxygen by talking.", "Jill: Or you could just hold your breath for 10 minutes.", "[Music box plays]", "[Music stops]", "Hilary: It's -- it's beautiful.", "Jill: [Scoffs] See, it just shows your lack of taste. It's a piece of junk.", "Hilary: I had something like it when I was a kid. I thought it was wonderful. Ballerina twirled in front of the mirror as the music played. My parents gave it to me. I pestered them until they promised me dance lessons. Of course, it was just a promise -- never happened.", "Jill: Why didn't your parents give you dance lessons?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I know its hard talking about Delia and school, but, you know --", "Billy: Don't check out, right? That's fair. I mean, that seems to be my fallback position. But, uh, hey, look...", "[Johnny coughs]", "Billy: I'm here. Oh, no! I'm here! That's progress, right?", "Victoria: It's wonderful.", "Billy: She was a weird kid, wasn't she? I mean, her whole love of school. Who -- who says on a Sunday, \"I wish it was Monday so I could go back to school\"? But she loved it. And if Johnny likes it half as much, then he's gonna be one happy kid, so...", "Victoria: You okay going back there?", "Billy: In September after he gets in?", "Victoria: Yeah, for the tour, you know, and the playdates. Not that kids actually play together at this point.", "Billy: Delia passed that test, too, with flying colors. The \"Share the play kitchen\" thing.", "Victoria: [Laughing] Yeah, I remember. I mean, it's not an official part of the process, but it's pretty important.", "Billy: I know. And it's not like we don't know them and they know us, but yet they're gonna make us jump through more hoops? I mean, who are these people?", "Victoria: I don't know. Maybe you're right. Maybe it's not the place for Johnny. I mean, I know that the headmaster and the teachers would treat him well, but they really loved Dee Dee. Maybe it's not fair to Johnny. Maybe another school would be better. One with less memories.", "Billy: [Clears throat]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: What do the tests show?", "Dr. Kershaw: I don't want your mind racing ahead to some dark place.", "Lily: My mind was already racing ahead to a dark place when you called me. Do you have any idea what it's like to get a call like that or to be sitting here like this?", "Cane: Let's listen to the doctor, okay?", "Dr. Kershaw: I understand. So let's get to it. Your ca-125 blood levels are mildly elevated.", "Cane: What does that mean?", "Dr. Kershaw: We don't know yet.", "Lily: So you called me to tell me that something was wrong, but you don't know what it is?", "Dr. Kershaw: No, we need to schedule an MRI to get more answers.", "Lily: The MRI is -- is to look for cancer. So you -- you think that it's back?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tyler: I mean, I thought you said that you loved living in L.A. while you were growing up.", "Abby: Yeah. L.A. is fabulous. What's not to love besides all the things that people hate?", "Tyler: [Sighs] Okay, well, is that why you were in a mood the entire time? I mean, the movie opening, restaurants, museums, shopping. You had that same expression on your face the entire time, no matter how great the spot was.", "Abby: Wait, I guess I'm just confused. So, you wanted me to have fun? I thought that I was just taking a trip down memory lane with all the places that you went with Mariah.", "Tyler: Who said that I went there with Mariah?", "Abby: Come on. Just admit it. You wanted to relive your past, and you dragged me along with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: You want to know about my childhood?", "Jill: No. Please, don't mistake my total and complete boredom for interest in you.", "Hilary: Hmm. That's a relief. I was worried.", "Jill: But I'm waiting.", "Hilary: Don't you have a TV in that bag or a three-piece band? Something to entertain you other than me?", "Jill: Listen, little girl, you are the one who broadcast Cane and Lily and Neil's news to the world. Well, now it's your turn, okay? Why didn't your parents give you ballet lessons?", "Hilary: My dad was arrested, okay? After that, no money, no lessons, no nothing.", "Jill: Wow. Sounds familiar.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Waiter: Nice to see you, Mr. Hamilton.", "Mason: Oh, I'm not -- I'm not sure we've met yet.", "Waiter: Not officially. I rang you up my first day.", "Mason: So, with all that craziness, you still managed to remember my name? [Chuckles] Well, I hope your boss knows how valuable you are to the team.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Come on. Jabot is not all you have. You got 2 billion bucks in the bank and a great family who truly gives a damn.", "Devon: People win the lotto, and they come back to work.", "Jack: People who are passionate about their work, yeah.", "Devon: I'll admit to you I've been preoccupied, but that doesn't mean I was angling for you to fire me.", "Jack: You have essentially said to me Jabot is a resting stop until you find something you love. Starting today, you can search for your passion full-time, not just after hours.", "Devon: That's not what I was saying.", "Jack: I'm not trying to be a jerk here. This is a turning point in your life. Neil has been concerned about you. Tell me something. Are you at all worried that Neil is gonna be disappointed?", "Devon: No. Not at all.", "Jack: Well, good. Then that's not an issue. Unemployment is. There are qualified people out there who need work. If your head is already out the door, why not open it for somebody else?", "Devon: Jack, my head is here.", "Jack: In a million places for a million different reasons. I'm not saying that's the money. It's probably typical for someone your age. But, Devon, I know what I'm talking about. I wasted years of my life trying to get out of my father's shadow, years trying to out-Abbott my father instead of finding myself. This is your time, your moment. Don't stay at Jabot because you're not ready to figure out who you are. Get out there! Start living your life!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You know when the interviewer asked about our hopes for our child's future?", "Billy: Oh, yeah. That was a moment, wasn't it? I don't want to lie. My heart skipped a beat. Everything I hoped for Delia's future, you know? And all the collages? I mean, you give a kid a glue stick, and they go nuts. Delia brought them all home and put them on the fridge. Johnny's gonna bring home collages, too. And when I see them, I'm gonna think of Delia. So... what school he goes to really isn't the issue. Whatever we choose, I'm not gonna forget. And here I go again, dragging you down. I'm sorry. I know this is Johnny's day. Whoo!", "Victoria: You know what? This is the first time that we've been out with Johnny since Dee Dee died.", "Billy: There's no way.", "Victoria: Yes.", "Billy: It can't be.", "Victoria: It's true. This is the first time. So, it doesn't really matter what you say. You're not gonna bring me down. I swear to you, I want to hear every word.", "Billy: Looks like we're doing pretty good, huh?", "Victoria: Yeah, we are.", "Billy: [Growling]", "Kelly: Hey.", "Billy: Hey, man!", "Kelly: Hi, Guys. Veronica, I'm Kelly. Uh, it's nice to meet you officially. We didn't get a chance at group.", "Victoria: Right. Um, it's actually Victoria, but it's really nice to meet you.", "Kelly: Victoria. I'm an idiot. I'm sorry.", "Victoria: Don't worry about it.", "Kelly: And this handsome guy must be Johnny.", "Billy: The man himself.", "Kelly: Is he still teething?", "Billy: Yes, he is. You know, we've got that frozen washcloth in the -- in the buggy here. It's saving my life. It's the only thing that works. It was a good tip, by the way.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Speaking of frozen --", "Kelly: Yes, my freezer's still dead.", "Billy: You know what? You should try the guy that I use at the restaurant. You can mention my name. You might get half off. He might charge you double.", "Kelly: [Chuckles]", "Victoria: Wow, it seems like this group session really gives you guys a chance to chat. It's nice.", "Billy: Yeah, not just that, but kind of have this habit --", "Kelly: Yeah, we -- we seem to just run into each other a lot.", "Victoria: [Chuckles]", "Billy: Yeah. And sometimes after group, we get coffee.", "Kelly: Which reminds me, I have something for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tyler: Man, who cares where I went with Mariah?", "Abby: You do, obviously, or why would you take me on your little nostalgia tour?", "Tyler: She was my ex. What? You've never dated anyone before we met?", "Abby: I was never engaged.", "Tyler: She cheated on me, and I told you that.", "Abby: Okay, well, maybe if she hadn't cheated on you, then you'd be married by now.", "Tyler: [Sighs] You know what? I blocked her calls. I'm with you, all right? And even if she was to cross my mind, it wouldn't matter, 'cause I think about you so much. So, what's really going on?", "Abby: You took me to the same places that you took Mariah.", "Tyler: [Scoffs] Okay. So, what if we went to New York? What if you took me someplace? Should I just assume that you'd been there with some other guy?", "Abby: New York's a big place. Are you calling me a slut?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: What? You're just gonna drop that deadbeat-dad story on me and pretend it wasn't for my benefit? What are you looking for?", "Hilary: Earbuds so I can pop them in and remove the need for us to talk.", "Jill: [Laughs] You're not as good as you think you are, you know. Obviously you went digging into Neil's past and decided to stick a shovel into mine. And you found out that my dad was...useless.", "Hilary: So what? [Scoffs] You think I want to bond with you in the bad daddy club? I just want these doors to open.", "Jill: So you had no idea?", "[Buttons clicking]", "Hilary: Yes. Okay, yes. I read about your dad. You brought yourself up from damn near nothing. Other than a mother that loved you and a lot of guts. Just like I did.", "Jill: [Laughs] No, no, no, no. We are not twinsies, okay? I did hair and painted nails and paid my dues.", "Hilary: So did I! And I didn't have a string of rich husbands, either.", "Jill: No, I earned all the respect I got.", "Hilary: Yeah, from John Abbott. I read about that. Saw something in you -- your drive, your ambition.", "Jill: Wow! You're playing me! Son of a --", "Hilary: You proved, okay -- you proved that you deserved everything you had. You lied and schemed. [Scoffs] Even got me to spy on the man that you love like a son.", "Jill: No, no, no. I told you about that. That was a trap I laid for you.", "Hilary: You're a force, a presence. No one can take that from you. And for someone like me to see a woman that strong, that powerful...", "Jill: What?", "Hilary: I admire you, okay? Not that you want it or need it. But I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: You know, Jack, I told myself that the money wouldn't change me. 'Cause I know what it's like to have a new life -- coming from nothing to being adopted into a well-respected, well-off family. And I figured if the money didn't mess with my head, then why would it mess with me now?", "Jack: This is a lot of money, Devon.", "Devon: Buy a nice car, some presents for the kids, do some charity work.", "Jack: Make a donation to help them find Delia's killer.", "Devon: And that brought people out of the woodwork. I don't even know if I'd put that in the plus column. For all I know, your brother might hate me for it.", "Jack: My brother is very grateful. So am I.", "Devon: You say I need to find myself. Where do you even suggest that I begin?", "Jack: I think one of the hardest things a man has to do is find himself. I'm not saying it happens overnight. How do you start? You -- you choose a path. You take a first step. You're gonna find forks in the road. You're gonna find detours. But you keep putting one foot in front of the other, and eventually, you find your way.", "Devon: Yeah. I thought music was my path. If I needed it that much, I'd be doing it right now.", "Jack: So keep looking.", "Devon: For how long, though? If I don't know what I want, how am I gonna know who I am?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: \"Words of wisdom.\"", "Kelly: Take it.", "Billy: Hmm.", "Kelly: Inspirational quotes. And before you get jaded and cynical, give it a try. Sometimes you need a little nudge towards perspective.", "Billy: I will give it a shot. Thank you.", "Kelly: And, Victoria, you might like it, too. Honestly, it's more inspirational and reassuring than it is sappy. But if you don't want to...", "Victoria: No, I mean, why wouldn't I?", "Kelly: Well, I overstepped with Chloe, and I would hate to do that again.", "Victoria: Oh, so Chloe's been to group, too?", "Billy: Ohh, that would be a big, fat no. We ran into her when we were having coffee.", "Victoria: One of your -- your coffee chats, yeah.", "Kelly: So, did you guys just get back from a preschool interview?", "Victoria: Yeah, exactly. We did.", "Kelly: You okay being back at Dee's school?", "Billy: Yeah, you know, we managed.", "[Johnny babbling]", "Billy: Yes, we did. The three of us, we went together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: If the tests are saying cancer --", "Dr. Kershaw: They're saying we need an MRI to know more.", "Cane: What are you looking for?", "Dr. Kershaw: New lesions.", "Cane: But she's had a hysterectomy.", "Lily: You took everything. You took my ovaries and my fallopian tubes. And that was the point -- so the cancer couldn't come back.", "Dr. Kershaw: That's the ideal, but lesions can occur, even after your type of surgery.", "Cane: Okay, so we do the MRI. Then what?", "Dr. Kershaw: If there are no lesions, we repeat the ca-125 in a month.", "Lily: And if we do the MRI and there are lesions, then what?", "Dr. Kershaw: We determine the cause, which may be unrelated to your medical history.", "Lily: Or it's cancer. That's the point of the test, right? I mean, I could be clear. I may not be.", "Dr. Kershaw: We have to wait and see. I can schedule you into the MRI now, or you can schedule it for late this week.", "Lily: What? You -- you want it today?", "Dr. Kershaw: Not because I'm overly concerned. But you're here already.", "Cane: We're here. Let's do it today.", "Lily: Fine. Let's get this over with.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: If you hate this so much, why do you carry it around?", "Jill: It's an eternal reminder of the crone who tortured me in life and continues to torment me from the grave.", "Hilary: Katherine Chancellor? You hated her?", "Jill: More than you can possibly imagine. Almost as much as I loved her. That harpy's had me chasing all over this planet trying to find out what it was that she wanted me to find.", "Hilary: A mystery.", "Jill: Mnh. Not a mystery any longer. She was just a flat-out sadist. Maybe the new owner will find some value in that box.", "Hilary: You sold it?", "Jill: Yeah. On an online-auction site.", "Hilary: Mrs. Chancellor left this to you in her will, and you put it up for bids?", "Jill: Oh, please. Stop with the indignation, okay? I was making a point. I put it out there for a Nickel. I got one stupid offer for $10.25. Person must be demented.", "Hilary: 10-25? That's weird. It's the same as the date on the box. 10-25.", "Jill: Oh, spare me the spooky...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mason: So, what are your plans for tonight?", "Girl: You know that new club that's opening tonight -- Bash? I scored an invite.", "Mason: Well, I just might see you there.", "Girl: I like that idea a lot.", "Mason: Yeah, I'd like a spot on your guest list tonight. Mason Wilder. Hello?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: How about I offer you a reprieve? You keep your job, but you take a long vacation, an extended break, a sabbatical.", "Devon: Come on, Jack.", "Jack: No, no, I'm not kidding here. At least a month. Do something crazy. Go... go off somewhere far away. Go for a hike. Take a swim. Take a bungee jump. Do something different. Try new foods, listen to new sounds. Not long ago, Phyllis wanted to go to Istanbul. I fought her every step of the way. Of course, she won. Istanbul was magical. We did everything. We saw everything. We tasted everything. We shopped. She haggled. On the last day, it rained, and we... it was one of the great adventures of my life, and I tried to stop it from happening.", "Devon: How's it going with Phyllis' recovery?", "Jack: Red's a fighter. She's gonna be back with us. Don't change the subject. It's a big world out there, Devon. Go out and grab it.", "[Door opens]", "Jill: For god's sake, Jack, you need to fix the damn elevator.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Cane, I am fine. This is what happens when you once have had cancer, you know? You have tests and follow-ups, and usually the news is great, and sometimes you need more tests, so... uh, pumpkin ravioli. That sounds really good, right?", "Cane: [Sighs] Must have been overwhelming for you, you know, being in the MRI machine with all that noise, you know, had time to think.", "Lily: There is nothing to think about until the results are in. But there is Christmas, and the twins have outrageous lists this year. I don't know where we're gonna find a purple bike with rainbow flames.", "Cane: You're amazing.", "Lily: Well, I'm not the one assembling the bike.", "Cane: [Laughs] No, but you are strong, and you are brave, and you always put the kids first, and you've done it even before they were born. But know this -- I love you, okay? It's all right to admit you're scared.", "Lily: [Voice breaking] I'm scared.", "Cane: Come on. Let me take you home.", "Lily: No, Cane. I'm not gonna hide. I just -- I have to get past this.", "Cane: It's all we have to do is get past this.", "Lily: It's just there was a time that I didn't even think that I would live long enough to see the twins born. And then I got well, and I got greedy, and I just -- I want to be there for everything. I want to be there for all the firsts and all the successes and all the tears and every random, single moment. I want to be there for all of it.", "Cane: You're gonna be there for all of it, Baby. You're doing everything right, okay? You've done all the tests. You've done the MRI. You always think of the twins. You're doing everything right.", "Lily: Yeah, and now I'm just taking a side trip to fear and self-pity.", "Cane: No, no, no. That's part of the journey, Baby. And if I'm lucky, you're gonna let me hold your hand and help you all the way through it.", "Lily: I know, but, Cane, how many years have you been holding my hand? I know this is not the marriage that you expected.", "Cane: I am grateful for every second of our marriage. There were so many times I could have lost you, Baby. This... this -- this is what I'm grateful for.", "Lily: I know. I am, too. I am, but then all of a sudden, Delia and Katherine -- they're gone. They're gone, and so many people have had their hearts just ripped out. And I don't know. Forgive me if for once -- for once I just thought that we were finally safe.", "Cane: We're safe. We are safe. We're safe.", "Lily: [Sniffles] I don't know. My body might not agree, so...", "Cane: Okay. All right. If that's the case, we're gonna make up for that, all right? We will make up for it. But all we have right now is this moment. We have this time. We have this time, Baby. We just focus on our family. We'll get through this.", "Lily: We were supposed to be starting the adventure of a lifetime.", "Cane: Oh, you didn't know, huh? We're already on the adventure of a lifetime. It's you and me, Baby. It's you and me, okay?", "Lily: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: You did. You just called me a slut.", "Tyler: Look, I'm not doing this, Abby.", "Abby: You just implied that I slept my way around New York.", "Tyler: What? Are you looking for reasons to be mad at me? Is that it? You're trying to find reasons to be upset? Okay, fine. Blame me for the cold weather. Or I don't know. Maybe my shirt pisses you off. That would make just about as much sense as you're making right now.", "Abby: You fed me the same soufflé that you fed Mariah.", "Tyler: [Sighs] Okay. You know what? I told you that I blocked her calls. You heard me say that, right? 'Cause I'm pretty sure that you did.", "Abby: I'm just a stand-in for the love of your life.", "Tyler: Who didn't even know the name that I was born with. Yeah, that was some grand love affair.", "Abby: But you gave her a ring. I don't know. Maybe -- maybe you didn't give her a ring, but you were engaged. And I'm just assuming that you got her a ring. I don't know. The ring -- it doesn't even matter.", "Tyler: Okay, you know what? I was an idiot for thinking that I could take you to L.A. and that you would have a good time.", "Abby: I did have a good time. [Sighs]", "Tyler: When? All those times that you weren't smiling?", "Abby: I was smiling. I was smiling in my head and then obsessing that you don't really like me.", "Tyler: Oh, come on. I don't just like you. I lo--", "Abby: Don't say it.", "Tyler: What? We've said that before.", "Abby: But that doesn't mean that we have to say it again.", "Tyler: Are you scared?", "Abby: Aren't you?", "Tyler: Of losing somebody like you? Yeah, that scares the hell out of me.", "Abby: There are so many things that could go wrong, things that -- that do go wrong, and those are with the people that I don't even care that much about. Not to say what could happen between us.", "Tyler: So, you're just gonna bail because things might go wrong somewhere down the line?", "Abby: Yes. Exactly. I'm glad that you understand.", "Tyler: Wait. Are you breaking up with me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kelly: Well, nice to see both of you. Thanks.", "Billy: Are you gonna call that freezer guy?", "Kelly: Well, maybe if I had a little bit more to go on than \"Hey, freezer guy.\"", "[Both laugh]", "Billy: Okay, Smartass. I'll bring you his number when I see you at group next time.", "Kelly: All right. Thank you.", "Billy: All right.", "Kelly: And you guys take care, okay?", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Billy: You too.", "Kelly: And you too, little guy. His hair. It's sweet. It's a lot like Sam's. Angel hair.", "Billy: You okay?", "Kelly: I'll see you soon.", "Victoria: So, is that what it's like in group?", "Billy: Uh, like what?", "Victoria: Well, like everything's okay, and then the pain just comes washing back again?", "Billy: Yeah, I'd say that pretty much sums it up. But, uh, she's a champ. You know, the trick is getting back out there in the world -- going to the gym, book club, that sort of thing.", "Victoria: Wow. You and Kelly seem to know a lot about each other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Am I breaking up with you? That's -- that's where your mind goes. Because I thought that we were making progress, and then you're asking if we're breaking up because maybe that's what you want?", "Tyler: No, if I didn't want to be with you, come on, I'd have enough respect to tell you. I wouldn't -- I wouldn't play games.", "Abby: So now I'm playing games. [Chuckles]", "Tyler: Okay, you're -- you're pushing me away because you're afraid to get close. Like you did with Alex.", "Abby: No, Alex and I broke up because we didn't have enough reasons to stay together. We didn't have...", "Tyler: Have...?", "Abby: This.", "Tyler: Okay, so there you go. You and I have this. We're not gonna blow it, right?", "Abby: Are we fighting?", "Tyler: No, we're talking about important things.", "Abby: Like grown-ups. Novel.", "Tyler: [Chuckles] This -- this is good. You and me, it's good. Can you please try to remember that?", "Abby: Well, I will have a much easier time remembering that if we can go someplace warm. Hell, I'd even take room temperature. It's freezing out here. I feel like my toes are gonna fall off.", "Tyler: Come on. Let's get out of here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mason: Yes, this is Devon Hamilton's assistant. He'd like a spot on your guest list for tonight's opening. Great. Thank you very much.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: I'm in a hurry, otherwise I'd take the stairs.", "Hilary: You should try them sometime. Good exercise. Safer than sparring with Mason.", "Devon: You think he could take me?", "Hilary: He will eventually. Just not the way you think.", "Devon: That's right. You think he's gonna pull a con on me. Kind of like you did on half the town. I already told you, he was just doing what he had to do to stay on your good side, and luckily he doesn't have that problem anymore.", "Hilary: He has his own agenda now instead of mine. It doesn't make him your friend.", "Devon: You know, you're more than happy to take second chances, just not give them.", "Hilary: Well, I'd like to think that I earned mine from Jack. Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. You know, one thing's for sure. I'm -- I'm not the same girl that wanted to watch everyone suffer. But there's only so much I can do to keep that from happening.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: All right. I checked every file, every account, every division from Chancellor that Victor inherited.", "Jack: Which is rightfully yours.", "Jill: Obviously. To see if anything that he inherited was a dud, a shady subsidiary, a tax-dodging division --", "Jack: Exactly. That's what we're looking for -- a chink in the mustache's armor, some place to drive the spike in.", "Jill: Exactly! Great plan, bad execution!", "Jack: What does that mean?", "Jill: It means if we want to find Victor's soft underbelly, we've been looking in the wrong place.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Sometimes Kelly and I, uh... we do a little debriefing after -- after group. It's so intense in there. There's your pain, there's their pain. [Sighs] And truthfully, sometimes you just get really sick of the whole thing.", "Victoria: So you talk about freezers and teething toddlers.", "Billy: [Laughs] Yeah, I guess so. See, the thing is... I see Kelly, and I think, \"Yeah, okay, there's someone who's been in the same hellhole that I'm in right now, and she climbed out.\"", "Victoria: Right. So it's proof that you can survive.", "Billy: Yeah. I mean, does it seem as silly as it sounds?", "Victoria: No. Not at all. In fact, I think it's brilliant. I am so grateful for group, and I'm grateful for everyone in it, because I think that maybe that's how you were able to go to Dee Dee's school today, and maybe that's why you're sitting with me and Johnny right now. You know, you just needed proof that you could survive. So the next time I see Kelly, I'm actually gonna thank her personally, because I think she's helped you a lot, and I'm really, really glad that you met her. I am.", "Billy: Have I told you that I love you today? Hmm? Hmm. \"Words of wisdom.\" [Chuckles]", "Victoria: [Chuckles]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Leslie: The fake innocence? Yeah. It's not gonna work. Spill the beans. What's going on?", "Avery: Your biological father is Ian Ward, and you must have some questions about him.", "Nick: Are we back on Sharon again?", "Victor: She's taking advantage of you, Son." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jack is in his office at Jabot when Lily and Neil pay him a visit. Lily mentions to Jack how he treated Kelly since Phyllis came home. Phyllis pays Kelly a visit in her office at the Athletic Club. Phyllis tells her that they need to clear the air between them. At the Athletic Club bar, Dylan looks at the engagement ring that he is planning on giving Avery while he watches Joe and Cane. Avery walks in to join him and rants about a case she has been working on. Dylan nods his head toward Cane and Joe. Kevin walks into the Underground and joins Mariah at the bar but he is preoccupied. Mariah knows something is wrong but Kevin doesn't want to tell her about Michael. Michael and Lauren go back to his law office to talk. Michael tells her that he has cancer and she begins to laugh. Michael cannot understand her attitude. Michael insists that he has prostate cancer and only then does Lauren begin to ask him how long he knew and how he found out. Lauren becomes angry that he knew for quite awhile and didn't take the time to tell her but told Kevin instead. Michael lets her know that he didn't intend on Kevin finding out but Kevin followed him to the doctor's office and he told him what was wrong. Jack and Neil discuss Jack's feelings for both Kelly and Phyllis and how Jack used both women. Joe tries to get Cane to be the spokesman for the investors so the people will see their side of the situation. Lily listens to them and then interrupts to give her opinion on what he and his investors are trying to do. At the park, Avery is upset over Joe and what his investors are trying to do to the \"little people.\" Dylan cannot tell her what is on his mind until he kisses her to get her attention. Dylan asks her if he has her attention now?\"", "Dylan reminds Avery of all they went through together in their earlier years. Avery remembers how she felt when she found out that Dylan was still alive. Lily joins in the conversation between Cane and Joe and asks him about the investors and who they were. Joe hands her a report that the investors gave to him. Neil and Jack discuss the problems that people face with keeping secrets. Phyllis accuses Kelly of being \"available\" to both Billy and Jack and not caring what it did to the women in their lives. Phyllis orders Kelly to get over herself. Kelly tells Phyllis that Jack invited her to move in with him and into his bed. Phyllis hurls some slanderous remarks toward Kelly which results in Kelly slapping Phyllis. Jack tells Neil that Phyllis needs to know the truth about him and Kelly. Dylan gets down on one knee to propose to Avery but she stands up and stops him. Avery gets up on the bench and shouts it to everyone listening how much she loves Dylan. Avery accepts Dylan's marriage proposal. Kelly follows Phyllis downstairs at the Athletic Club, where they are surprised to see Jack as he comes in the door. Lauren comforts Michael as he begins to shout. Kevin kisses Mariah when she comforts him over Michael‘s cancer and promises to be there for him. Joe comes on to Lily, who tells Cane all about it. Dylan and Avery go home to make love.", "" ]
[ "Lily: Okay. Here we are -- Jack's floor.", "Neil: So, you never answered, uh, my question.", "Lily: This way. Uh, what question?", "Neil: What do you -- what do you think of, uh...", "Lily: Right here.", "Neil: ...Devon's new girlfriend?", "Lily: Um, Devon's new girlfriend?", "Jack: Come in!", "Neil: Hey.", "Jack: Hey, you guys.", "Neil: Is that my buddy Jack? How goes it?", "Jack: Going great. How about you?", "Neil: Oh, it's going great, thanks. Appreciate that.", "Lily: You know, Dad, what I'll tell you is that regardless of what I think of Gwen...", "Neil: Yeah.", "Lily: ...What I do know is that Devon respects her and treats her a lot better than Jack did Kelly.", "Neil: Are you kidding? Uh, lily, that was absolutely uncalled for.", "Lily: I have to go back to work. Have a good meeting, okay?", "Neil: Yeah. Jack, I am so sorry about that.", "Jack: No, no, no need to apologize. She didn't say anything I haven't already thought myself. [Inhales, exhales deeply]", "Kelly: Phyllis. What can I do for you?", "Phyllis: I think it's time we cleared the air.", "Joe: The total number of structures coming down is around 15 -- give or take. The old candy factory may be repurposed for a central kitchen for a local restaurant, but other than that, those old, dilapidated buildings are going bye-bye.", "Cane: What do your detractors say? 'Cause the word is that the opposition movement's getting more vocal every day.", "Joe: Well, we've got a plan for that.", "Avery: Ohh. Hi.", "Dylan: Hey.", "Avery: Mm. What a morning. I have been doing battle with the forces of darkness in the prosecution's office since 8:00 A.M. Anyway, you ready for lunch? I am dying for a Reuben.", "Dylan: Lunch may have to wait.", "Mariah: Hey, Santa. What's shaking? You know, that tree you brought me is still standing -- well, kind of. It was on life support when you brought it to me. Hello? Debbie downer, what's the matter? You look like you lost your only friend.", "Kevin: That is exactly what I am afraid of.", "Lauren: I still don't understand why we had to come here. I mean, why couldn't we just talk in -- in the club?", "Michael: Well, it really isn't something I can tell you in public.", "Lauren: You mean the reason that you didn't show up to our anniversary brunch and why you've been so distant these weeks?", "Michael: Yes. And I am sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be honest with you sooner.", "Lauren: Oh, Michael.", "Michael: I have cancer.", "Lauren: [Chuckles]", "[Laughing]", "Joe: Look, this is gonna do more than revitalize the warehouse district. It's gonna bring a whole new life to the downtown area -- making Genoa City a destination for conferences, conventions, and like. Look, anyone in the hospitality business is set to gain from this. You know, that includes you, too, Dylan, if you choose to relocate crimson lights. Why don't you two come and have a seat? We could talk about the city's future -- your future.", "Dylan: Thanks, but I'll handle my own future without your help. Oh, now, if you'll excuse us, we have someplace to be.", "Avery: We do?", "Cane: I don't think they were too impressed with your sales pitch.", "Joe: Look, Dylan's taking this personal. All right, I don't blame him. It takes a specific type of person to see the vision and execute it.", "Cane: Which is why you've come to me.", "Joe: Precisely.", "Lauren: [Laughing]", "Michael: What are you doing?", "Lauren: I'm sorry. No. Really. I'm sorry.", "Michael: What, you think I'm joking? In your lifetime, how many jokes have you heard with the punch line, \"I have cancer\"?", "Lauren: [Chuckling] No. I thought you were gonna tell me you were having an affair, that you wanted a divorce, that you didn't find me attractive anymore.", "Michael: You thought I was having an affair?", "Lauren: Yes, I had all these scenarios in my head, and I kept playing them -- what you would say, what I would say. I would -- I said that I never saw it coming, and then you would tell me some story about a young, hot paralegal that you met at a deposition.", "Michael: Well, you were wrong to think that, weren't you? It's nothing as prosaic as an affair. It's nothing as complicated as breaking up a marriage. It's really simple. I have cancer, and -- not to put too fine a point upon it -- it's prostate cancer. You can keep laughing now if you'd like.", "Lauren: [Sighs] How do you know?", "Michael: I went in for some routine tests when I was having, you know, my little problems in bed. It turned up something totally unrelated. My PSA levels were elevated. He ran some more tests.", "Lauren: But that urology appointment was months ago.", "Michael: Yeah, well, then he sent me to an oncologist.", "Michael: It's not the doctor's fault. And I just -- I just didn't find out.", "Lauren: What do you mean?", "Michael: I have known for a while.", "Lauren: How long?", "Michael: Weeks -- several weeks.", "Lauren: Damn you! Damn you that you knew that you had cancer for weeks and didn't tell me!", "Jack: What I did wasn't fair to Kelly or to Phyllis. They both deserve better. Here's your water.", "Neil: Thanks. Jack, the way I'm looking at it, you were -- you were put in an impossible position.", "Jack: No, Neil, I had choices.", "Neil: Yeah, but, Jack, a year had gone by. Phyllis' doctors did everything they could. They agreed there was no hope that Phyllis would ever come out of that coma and be like she was before. Everything that made Phyllis who she was was gone. Now, I know how tempting it would have been to find solace at the bottom of a pill bottle.", "Jack: No, that wasn't an option -- just as it wasn't an option for you to crack open the booze just because of your blindness.", "Neil: Well, you also weren't looking for someone to fill the hole in your heart, but it happened. You were honest with Kelly about where you stood. You told her that you were hoping that Phyllis would come back to you one day.", "Jack: Yeah, at the beginning. And then I dropped the ball on the truth when Phyllis actually came back -- with both of them. I didn't tell Phyllis about Kelly for obvious reasons. The doctors didn't want us to pile on difficult information. I...", "Neil: And then after that?", "Jack: After that, I-I didn't want to hurt Phyllis. I didn't want to hurt either of them, so I just tiptoed along, keeping Kelly's hopes up and feeding Phyllis half-truths, and now -- now I'm drowning in them.", "Phyllis: We're both adults. We can be civilized about this.", "Kelly: Honestly, I have no idea what you're talking...", "Phyllis: I know you were sleeping with Jack.", "Kelly: Did he tell you? He didn't tell you.", "Phyllis: Jack was trying to protect me. He thought it'd be too much for me, hearing about your little tryst.", "Kelly: \"Tryst\"?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. He thought I was gonna blow it way out of proportion.", "Kelly: You know what, Phyllis? Since you're so eager to clear the air, and since Jack hasn't seen fit to tell you the truth about our relationship, I would be more than happy to tell you anything --", "Phyllis: I don't need you to tell me anything because you don't have a relationship with Jack -- that much I'm sure you are clear about. I think it's time to be honest.", "Kelly: Okay, Phyllis. Let's do that, then. Since you're clearly capable of dealing with it now, let's be completely honest.", "Kevin: It wouldn't help.", "Mariah: Are you sure you don't want something stronger than OJ.?", "Kevin: It wouldn't help.", "Mariah: Well, now I know something's up.", "Kevin: Look, can we just --", "Mariah: Just what?", "Kevin: Nothing.", "Mariah: Why are you acting so weird? Does it have something to do with the crack I made about you losing your best friend? Something happened I'm not aware of? Did you actually go out and find a best friend?", "Kevin: [Sighs] Have you seen the latest \"Plato sphere\" installment? That one- eyed bludgeoner -- he was one gnarly dude, huh?", "Mariah: Seriously? I have told you all of this personal stuff -- what it was like growing up in the path, having a mother who didn't care about me -- stuff that, by the way, I don't talk to anyone about. And then you come in here so upset, you're almost catatonic, and when I ask you about it, you change the subject to \"the kingdom beyond\" fan fiction. The fantasy that that guy writes is more real than what's going on here. You're the one who was so eager to be friends, and it's not something that I know a lot about, but from what I've heard, the friendship thing -- it goes two ways. The hell with it.", "Kevin: It's Michael.", "Michael: I wasn't ready to tell anyone.", "Lauren: Since when am I \"anyone\"?", "Michael: Look, I would like to have all the facts before making a public announcement!", "Lauren: So, how did Kevin find out, huh? I am your wife. I am the one that you made the vows to, but yet you choose to tell your brother before you tell me?!", "Michael: That is not how it happened! I did not tell Kevin! He figured it out!", "Lauren: How in god's name did he figure that out?", "Michael: You know how he is! He thought I was cheating on you, too. He started snooping around, doing what he does. He hacked into my phone -- my calendar or something. He found out I was having a doctor's appointment, and he just showed up, and at that point, I wasn't ready to lie to him! No, I-I should have told you! I need you in my corner! But this is my cancer! You are not allowed to be mad! You stop being mad! You can't be mad!", "Lauren: [Voice breaking] I'm not mad. I'm not. I'm scared!", "Joe: Look, I need to get in front of this thing, okay? Before it snowballs. Show the community the potential here so that they can embrace it, versus shun it. People love to get excited about things. It gets them worked up, makes them feel like they're part of something. And the best way to do that is get a local business such as yourself involved. Put you front and center as a spokesperson.", "Cane: Basically, what you're trying to do is buy my support.", "Joe: Of course not, cane. You've got too much integrity. I would never insult you that way. However, what I am saying is that, if you'd be willing to agree that this redevelopment plan is for the greater good of Genoa City and lend your time voluntarily, I'd be willing to bet that my backers would make a sizeable contribution to a charity of your choice. Cancer research, if I'm not mistaken.", "Cane: Let me, uh, talk to Devon and lily. I'm not really certain that they'll go for it, though.", "Joe: All right, for starters, you host an informal cocktail hour, where we put a plan out there to the community and field some questions -- put a face to the project so that people can realize that we're not the enemy here.", "Cane: Okay, but don't expect me to speak on behalf of the developers.", "Joe: You introduce me, and I'll take it from there, but as a local business owner and someone who's trusted in the community, I need you front and center.", "Lily: Hello, there. Well, before we let your organization use our facilities and good name, there's a few things I would like to ask you.", "Dylan: [Exhales deeply] Well, I think this looks like a-a good spot.", "Avery: [Sighs]", "Dylan: Avery?", "Avery: You know, I really thought cane was smarter than that -- for him to succumb to this empty flattery.", "Dylan: Really? We're gonna talk about Joe right now?", "Avery: He's trying to sell cane on taking his side in the redevelopment fight -- playing on their friendship, promising him God knows what. It's exactly the kind of backroom deal-making that I can't stand. You get a couple of people who have a lot of money and power making the decisions for everyone else!", "Dylan: Time out. No offense, but the last two things I want to talk about right now are real estate and Joe Clark.", "Avery: Okay, well, it's not about Joe. It's about what he's trying to do and how it's affecting you and a lot of other hard-working people.", "Dylan: Just talk about it later.", "Avery: No, this is about your future. This is about our fu--", "Dylan: Do I have your attention now?", "Avery: Uh-huh.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Avery: \"Reserved\"? Did you do this?", "Dylan: Mademoiselle, would you care to have a seat?", "Avery: Well, there doesn't seem to be anyone else clamoring for it.", "Dylan: I just wanted to make sure we had this spot to ourselves. Wanted everything to be perfect.", "Avery: Ah.", "Dylan: There you go.", "Avery: Ooh, hot chocolate. You came prepared.", "Dylan: Darlin', you ain't seen nothing yet.", "Avery: Okay, \"darlin',\" \"mademoiselle\" -- what's happening? Who are you? Mini marshmallows.", "Dylan: Mm-hmm.", "Avery: Ooh. Wow.", "Dylan: These are your favorite, right?", "Avery: They are. You really know the way to a girl's heart. A few more. Thank you. [Chuckles]", "Dylan: Do you remember? This is, uh -- this is the bench. This is the bench I stood on and announced to the world that I love you.", "Dylan: I love Avery Clark!", "Avery: [Chuckling] Dylan!", "Dylan: Can everybody out there hear me that I love this woman?!", "Avery: Get down.", "Dylan: Get -- no, you get up here.", "Avery: Ohh!", "Dylan: Ohh!", "Avery: [Chuckles nervously]", "Dylan: I'm not gonna be quiet until everybody in the world knows...that I love you.", "Avery: I love you.", "[Both chuckle]", "Avery: I remember.", "Dylan: And I told you that day that, you know, all I ever wanted was to be able to be together in public and just be open about our relationship and what we are to each other, and for some reason or another, it just -- you know, it hasn't been our time.", "Avery: Well, because I was married, and then you were in Afghanistan.", "Dylan: And then I was dead, which made that especially tricky.", "Avery: But you came back to me.", "Avery: Dylan.", "Dylan: It's me.", "Avery: I thought... [Voice breaking] Is this real? [Sobs]", "Dylan: It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's real.", "Dylan: You know, we've had more than our fair share of roadblocks. You know, it seems like so many times, just the idea of us [Sighs] You know, being together has been a fantasy. But we've overcome it all. And there's no stopping us. And this isn't a fantasy. It's real.", "Lily: So, cane and I here -- we care about this town and the people who are in it, and we don't make unilateral decisions. We're business partners. So, if one of us doesn't feel good about something...", "Cane: Then it's a no-go.", "Joe: Well, it sounds like you two have figured out the secret to a successful marriage.", "Lily: [Chuckles] Well, about my questions.", "Joe: Ask away. I'm an open book. And what I don't know, I will find out.", "Lily: Who are these investors that you represent?", "Cane: See, I have to know that, as well, 'cause if you want me on board, I have to know where the money is coming from.", "Lily: Do they have any sort of track record of keeping their promises?", "Joe: Well, I can give you an entire prospectus on the group and walk you through the plan.", "Lily: Yeah, that'd be great.", "Cane: See, what I want to know is who the sellers are -- I mean, the actual owners of the property -- 'cause I kind of find it incredible to think that everyone's prepared to sell everything at the same time.", "Joe: You know, I don't know much about the sellers, but, uh, I will say that the entire property is owned by a single corporation entity.", "Lily: Gerolamo, Limited?", "Cane: That's weird, I mean, 'cause they own the entire warehouse district, and I haven't heard of them.", "Neil: There's nothing worse than knowing people are keeping things from you...especially when it's people that you love and you trust. Jack, you are a good man. You know? You're doing the best you can, which is all any of us can really do.", "Jack: That's the hell of this thing. No matter what words I chose, no matter how I tried to couch this thing, someone I love is gonna get hurt. There's no getting around it.", "Phyllis: It's clear to me what you were to Jack and what you weren't. He was alone, and he's a man.", "Kelly: A very passionate man.", "Phyllis: And you were available. Married, taken -- no problem.", "Kelly: My relationship with Billy was based on --", "Phyllis: Was shameless. And when that didn't work out for you, you couldn't move on to Jack fast enough -- another grieving Abbott who was committed to another woman. My God, you must have felt like you got a second shot at the lottery, baby.", "Kelly: You would try to reduce it to that.", "Phyllis: Jack had needs, and you met them, but it's over, and you storming out of rooms acting like you're all wounded -- you're coming off like a hormonal teenager. Get over yourself.", "Kelly: You know what, Phyllis? I don't think that's what really pisses you off -- the fact that Jack and I slept together.", "Phyllis: Then tell me.", "Kelly: I think it's the fact that we slept together in your bed -- Jack holding me in his arms, night after night, in the place you once shared -- a place that he invited me to live, to redecorate top to bottom to make it my own as the new lady of the house. That's right. Jack invited me to live with him. We were living together. Why? Well, it was Jack's idea. He asked me because he loved me, and he wanted to be with me day and night. And you just can't stand it, can you?", "Kelly: That's why you're threatened by me -- not because Jack and I had something physical. It's because Jack and I had a commitment. We were planning a future. We had a life.", "Phyllis: You are delusional. You went after a man who was in love with another woman. What does that say about you, taking advantage of someone's grief like that? My God.", "Kelly: [Sighs]", "Phyllis: You are a woman who lost a son in a tragic accident. Shame on you.", "Kelly: Excuse me?", "Phyllis: You worked your way back into Jack's life, and you know what? He was alone and vulnerable, but you -- you were damaged, and I know it made him feel really good thinking he was rescuing you, kind of like helping a little animal out of the gutter.", "Mariah: What do you mean it's Michael? Did you guys have a fight? Is something going on?", "Kevin: I shouldn't have said anything.", "Mariah: But you just did.", "Kevin: Look, it's not like I don't want to confide in you. In fact, that's how I wound up here. I was -- my mind was spinning. I just started walking, and this is where my feet took me... because I need a friend. I'm just worried that if I say what I have to say -- you know, if I say it out loud, it suddenly becomes more real, and that just freaks me out.", "Mariah: [Sighs]", "Kevin: Michael has cancer. And he's telling his wife now, and, uh -- and I'm really scared. [Exhales deeply]", "Mariah: That sucks.", "Kevin: \"That sucks\"? That's what you've got? That's -- that's your version of being a friend? Wow, I'm overwhelmed with the supportiveness.", "Mariah: Kevin, I don't know what else to say.", "Kevin: Literally, there are, like, thousands of other things you could have said that would have been better than that, and I-I get that you're not good with this interpersonal-communication stuff, but could you at least pretend like you give a damn?", "Mariah: I might not be good at the interpersonal stuff, but I know enough to understand that you're angry right now -- not at me. But you're angry, and -- and trust me. I get it. I understand, but, seriously, dude, you have got to stop.", "Kevin: What?", "Mariah: I'm not your whipping boy!", "Kevin: I'm bearing my soul to you here, and you just acted like I told you I got a parking ticket with a \"that sucks.\"", "Mariah: \"Bearing your soul\"? It took me 10 minutes to get one sentence out of you.", "Kevin: Well, I didn't know what kind of reaction I would get. [Sighs]", "Mariah: Let's back up. If the shoe were on the other foot, what would your reaction be?", "Kevin: Huh?", "Mariah: If there was someone that I was very close to --", "Kevin: Well, that is a very big \"if.\"", "Mariah: Let's assume there is someone in my life who is as important to me as Michael is to you, and I told you that they had this terrible disease and that I was scared and I didn't know what to do. What would you say?", "Kevin: I would say, \"that --\" I would say, \"that's very unfortunate.\" [Sighs] You know what? Forget it. I shouldn't have said anything.", "Lauren: Help me understand how you could just shut me out like that. If it were me, and I had just gotten that would be the first person I would run lean on, to help me make decisions, to keep me calm. I'm really at a loss here because I would never do that to you. I would never treat you like that.", "Michael: [Sighs] When I went to prison for Fenmore, and I had to tell you that I was leaving you, it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Just couldn't bring myself to do it a second time.", "Lauren: How bad is the cancer?", "Michael: I just got the results of my last battery of tests. The doctor wanted to break it to me in person, and I had just gotten that phone call when you walked into my office to talk about Joe and your concerns about his project.", "Lauren: And you snapped at me, and I did not understand why.", "Michael: It's stage three.", "Lauren: So it's not the worst.", "Michael: Yeah, it's -- it's not good, but it is treatable.", "Lauren: So, weeks -- weeks, you knew about this. Weeks, we could have been discussing the options. Weeks, we could have been discussing what course of action to take, and you could have been getting treatment! Did you once ever stop to think about me and our family?!", "Dylan: [Exhales deeply] I -- you know, I've just been waiting for things to feel a little more concrete, you know, like with my business. [Chuckles] Isn't that a laugh? I mean, that's kind of funny.", "Avery: No.", "Dylan: That's -- yeah. I mean, I finally realized, you know, what if -- what if things never do settle down? What if it's just -- just life? And I-I think it's okay because together, you and I -- we can -- I mean, we can handle anything. We can handle the good, the bad...", "Avery: [Chuckles]", "Dylan: ...Whatever else comes our way. But all I I want to face it with you. You know, wherever our future takes us...I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Avery.", "Avery: Wait.", "Avery: Up. Up. Up you go.", "Dylan: I-I wasn't quite finished yet.", "Avery: I know. I know. J-just say... Dylan, you're the only man that I've ever truly loved -- once I was old enough and wise enough to understand what that really means. And you're also the first man who ever made me feel totally, completely loved in return -- all of me, no matter what -- even the parts of myself I don't particularly like.", "Dylan: You're -- you're perfect.", "Avery: No, I'm not perfect, and neither are you. But together, we're -- we're better. We're amazing, and we're something that -- that I never want to end. I love this man! [Chuckles] Ahh! I love this man! I do. I love you, Dylan McAvoy. So, if you were -- if you were about to ask me what I think you were about to ask me...", "Dylan: Avery... will you marry me?", "Avery: Yes.", "[Applause]", "Avery: [Chuckles]", "Lily: So, my main concern is there's a lot of artists in the warehouse district that rent studio space at a very affordable price. So, what's gonna happen when you come in, and you tear everything down and put these big office buildings up?", "Joe: Well, there's plans for a concert hall. The first floor is all allocated to art galleries.", "Lily: Yeah, but that's for-profit businesses with an upscale clientele. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the painters and the sculptors up in the lofts and the little storefront theater companies. I'd hate to see them get kicked out with nowhere to go.", "Cane: Yeah, she's right, 'cause once they scatter, you're gonna lose that sense of artistic community.", "Joe: Yeah, that's a valid concern. I'll bring it up with the investors.", "Lily: Okay, my next question would be has there been any economic research done on the impact of displacing all these small businesses at once? I mean, what's gonna happen to the waitresses and the waiters and the service workers when the wrecking ball comes in?", "Joe: Sure. There will be jobs. The net effect is that this is gonna be very positive for Genoa City.", "Lily: Yeah, but that's just your guess, right? I mean, you haven't done any actual research on it?", "Joe: No, nothing formal.", "Lily: Well, are you planning to?", "[Cell phone rings]", "Cane: Excuse me, guys. I have to take this.", "Lily: Yeah, sure.", "Cane: Hey, it's cane. Hey. Thanks for calling me back.", "Joe: You know, this passion that you have, it's very...", "Lily: Overbearing?", "Joe: I was gonna say \"hot.\"", "Lily: Excuse me?", "Joe: Well, you're a sharp, attractive, strong-point-of-view woman. This, uh, challenging my project in a whole new light is -- it's very attractive.", "Lily: You're hitting on me.", "Joe: I'm just showing my appreciation.", "Lily: Like I said...", "Joe: I just hope your husband knows what a prize you are and he goes out of his way to keep you happy.", "Neil: Jack, I know your heart's in the right place, man, 'cause it usually is, but we've had this conversation before, haven't we?", "Jack: Yeah, when Phyllis and I got engaged, and I wasn't honest with Kelly because her mother was in the hospital.", "Neil: Okay, Jack, look, I'm gonna say something to you here, but you made everything worse by protecting everyone involved. You know? I mean, you -- you gave Kelly hope when there was none. You disrespected Phyllis by trying to hide your engagement. What does the program say about making amends? It's all about the truth. The truth will set you free, no matter how difficult it is for the other person to hear it, man.", "Jack: Neil, you're just confirming what I already know. I have to tell Phyllis about Kelly and me -- all of it.", "Phyllis: Oh, I see I hit a nerve. As I was saying, Jack plucked you out of the gutter, and now he's tossing you back where you belong. Get over it.", "Kelly: You know, speaking of dumping, Phyllis, did Jack ever tell you about the last time he went to see you in the clinic? A little special trip --", "Phyllis: We are done!", "Kelly: Ohh, like hell we are!", "Mariah: Kevin. Kevin, please. Please wait. I'm -- I'm sorry. I don't know how to do this -- this stuff -- sickness.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, who does?", "Mariah: Good point. I guess I'm just trying to say that I'M...", "Kevin: Lame? Is that the word you're looking for?", "Mariah: [Chuckles] Yes. I'm lame. I'm very lame, and I'm sorry. But I want you to know that you're not alone. And I'm gonna do my best to be here for you.", "Michael: You know, when I was in the doctor's office, and, uh, he was reviewing my diagnosis -- what it meant, what my options were -- the only thing that I could hear in that moment were about a billion irrational questions just banging around in my head. How long could I afford to put things off -- a week, a month? And what if the treatment were successful, and I survived? What would it do to me? What would it mean? Would I function as a man? Son of a bitch! Damn it! Son of a bitch! I don't understand! [Voice breaking] Why is this happening to me?! I don't get it! I don't!", "Lauren: [Voice breaking] No, it's not -- it's happening to us. It's happening to us, baby, and together -- and together, we're gonna decide -- we're gonna decide what happens next. I'm here. I'm here, baby. [Sobs] I'm here.", "Cane: Hey, I'm sorry that took so long. How's the conversation going?", "Lily: Well, he managed to sidestep most of my questions, and then you will never guess what happened next.", "Cane: What happened?", "Lily: He hit on me.", "Cane: Joe hit on you?", "Lily: Yes, Joe. I mean, at least I think that's what he was doing.", "Cane: Did he make you feel uncomfortable?", "Lily: No, it's just -- it's annoying. It's like 'cause I'm a woman, he just gets to ignore my questions and thinks he can just shut me up by charming me, make me forget the fact that his real-estate deal could be harmful to this town.", "Cane: And you're upset that you think he didn't take you seriously?", "Lily: It's not even -- whatever. I'm just probably making a bigger deal out of it than it is.", "Cane: We're gonna go back over there, and we're gonna finish this conversation, and I will make sure he knows that my hot, sexy wife is not a pushover.", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "Cane: Come on. Let's go.", "Kelly: As I was saying, Jack made a special trip to Georgia just to say goodbye to you so when he told me loved me, he was free of you!", "Jack: Kelly!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kelly: You're the one who made a horrible mistake, and you're gonna spend the rest of your life regretting it.", "Chelsea: Maybe this is our first Christmas together, but it is my first Christmas without Adam.", "Sage: You just need a little more time!", "Adam: Tomorrow, I'm going back to Genoa City, and I'm starting over." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Cane and Lily stage a fight at the athletic club. Lily runs out and Joe follows her, having witnessed the whole fight. Cane admits to Devon that he and Lily are trying to get Joe to confess to stealing the money from Devon. Devon apologizes but doesn't understand why Joe would do it. Cane says it was to get Cane out of the way of Joe getting Lily. Joe catches up to Lily and they decide to take the twins to get a Christmas tree. The car stalls near the Abbott cabin, where they seek shelter. Lily makes excuses for not getting intimate with Joe. Though Sage decided to go home with Nick and they had an amazing night together, she claims to want to move back to the penthouse. Nick says everything he can think of to change her mind, but she insists. When she finds out that Nick packed up the nursery, she becomes angry and lashes out at him, saying he's trying to pretend Christian never existed. She goes to the park and is joined by Sandy, who offers advice. Dylan asks Paul to do a favor for him. He wants to give Sharon and Faith a Christmas gift and needs Paul's help. Nick comes over and asks if he can have Faith for the night. Dylan makes excuses to keep her there. \"Santa\" with Paul's voice shows up with presents for Faith and Sully. He has one more present- from Dylan. It's a bride and groom cake topper. Joe realizes that Lily is setting him up. He becomes violent and chases Lily to the door. He tells her she isn't going anywhere.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Mrs. Newman, I'm home!", "Sage: Hey.", "Nick: Hey. I, uh, I brought red roses, which are the flower of love, and a bottle of Montepulciano, which I just love to say. Say it with me.", "Sage: Montepulciano.", "Nick: See? It's fun.", "Sage: You didn't have to do that.", "Nick: Sage, you -- you came home. I'm so happy, and I'll do anything -- I mean, just anything to make you realize how much that means to me.", "Dylan: Why does it look like more is coming out of your mouth than going in?", "Faith: Can we have hot cocoa later?", "Dylan: Yeah, sure. Sure. So, sully, are you, uh, you done? Um...", "Faith: And maybe cookies?", "Dylan: Yeah. We can have cookies. Uh, maybe we can -- maybe we should try something else here.", "Faith: And make some popcorn strings for the tree?", "Dylan: Hey, why not?", "Faith: Aww. Sully's got his own stocking! This is so cool.", "Dylan: Well, I'm glad you like it.", "Faith: This is totally perfect, because I made you a stocking, Dylan.", "Dylan: What?", "Faith: Okay. You ready?", "Dylan: [Chuckles] Okay.", "Faith: Ta-da!", "Dylan: That is total Christmas awesomeness.", "Faith: [Chuckles]", "Dylan: Thank you, faith.", "Faith: You're welcome.", "Dylan: Is that my sock?", "Faith: Yeah. A clean one.", "Dylan: [Chuckles] Well, that's good.", "Faith: [Chuckles]", "[Knock on door]", "Dylan: Okay. Here we go.", "Paul: Hey, there. Hope this isn't a bad time for grandpa to visit.", "Dylan: Perfect timing. Just hang on to your socks.", "Sharon: Well, thank you for agreeing to see me here. You know, my schedule's been so busy with the new baby and holidays.", "Dr. Anderson: I'm just checking in. No reason it had to take place in a boring office.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Dr. Anderson: It's so cozy here.", "Sharon: Well, thank you. Oh, that was Dylan. I'm gonna be needed back at home soon. Is there some reason that you wanted to talk to me?", "Dr. Anderson: No, I'm just checking up on you. How are things going?", "Sharon: Well, Sullivan is amazing, and he makes everything else amazing. I don't want to be away from him for a minute.", "Dr. Anderson: Why is that?", "Sharon: Well, part of me, you know, it's just because I'm so in love with him.", "Dr. Anderson: And the other part?", "Sharon: Well, I know it's silly, but there's this little part of me -- just so tiny -- that fears I might lose him somehow. I know it's silly. It's totally irrational. Is it irrational? I mean, is there something wrong with my behavior, the way that I'm thinking or I'm feeling? Is that why you wanted to see me? You think I need to go back to Fairview? I", "Lily: Hi. Uh, I was thinking that we could go Christmas tree hunting for the kids like the old days.", "Cane: [Scoffs] You're kidding me, right?", "Lily: I thought that we at least agreed to be civil.", "Cane: Oh, okay. So you think that throwing some tinsel on a Christmas tree is gonna fix things? Stay out of this! Stay out of this!", "Lily: Devon, it's -- it's -- it's fine.", "Devon: No, it's not fine.", "Cane: What are you still doing here? Go.", "Devon: She works here, cane.", "Cane: Really? She works here? Okay, so that means that she's your problem now.", "Devon: Will you show a little respect, please?", "Cane: She slept with Joe Clark. And not only did she sleep with him. She claims now that she has feelings for him. Is that right?", "Paul: You and I have a lot to celebrate, little man. This is your first Christmas and my first Christmas as a grandpa. Boy, do we have a lot to learn.", "Faith: You're doing great so far.", "Dylan: I second that.", "Paul: Aww. Look at that. I can't tell you how proud I am of you. I mean, I look at you and I see your family so full of love and laughter.", "Faith: And cookies.", "Paul: And cookies. [Laughing] Yes.", "Faith: May I get us some Christmas cookies?", "Dylan: Have I ever said no to cookies?", "Faith: No.", "Dylan: Go.", "Paul: Look at this precious boy. Who thought a year ago you'd be a family man and I'd be holding this little bundle, this little bundle of McAvoy joy? [Laughs] My grandson. I'm never gonna get tired of saying that.", "Dylan: Seeing that smile on your face, you can say it all you want. And, uh, seeing, uh, that you're in the Christmas spirit, any chance I can, uh, ask you for a favor?", "Paul: [Sighs] Look at that, Sullivan. I mean, I just fell for the oldest trick in the book. He puts a beautiful, young grandson in my arms and then hits me up for a favor. How can I say no? Well, the truth is, I can't, so what is it?", "Dylan: I want to give Sharon an early Christmas present. And it's something really special. But I need your help.", "Dr. Anderson: Sharon, you're doing remarkably well. There's no need for inpatient treatment.", "Sharon: Oh, thank God. Because I feel good, but, you know, when I got home, I did notice I felt a little off. I just wrote that off to having a new baby in the house.", "Dr. Anderson: Well, that makes sense. You know, you're getting used to a new routine, possible postpartum issues. You know, throw in the holidays. I, um, I just want to make sure you're not getting too overwhelmed.", "Sharon: I feel blessed and happy, and I owe you so much for helping me get to this place.", "Dr. Anderson: You did the work, Sharon. You should be proud.", "Sharon: You know, the time just flew by at Fairview. I went in so confused and unsure, and I came out happy and healthy and with a beautiful baby boy.", "Dr. Anderson: Well, you know, many patients find that the time passes by a lot faster than expected. That's actually a positive sign. And the drug protocol we implemented for you allowed you to carry your baby safely to term.", "Sharon: And I'm forever grateful to you for that.", "Dr. Anderson: Well, you know, now we can get you back fully on your old meds, and it should be smooth sailing for you and your son.", "Sharon: You know, I've never felt better, stronger, and more grateful for the things that I have. And even it's the little things that bring me so much joy, like baking Christmas cookies and hearing carols, seeing faith's little footsteps in the snow where she crosses the ranch over to nick's house.", "Dr. Anderson: You and Nick live on the same property? You never mentioned that.", "Sharon: Well, why would it matter?", "Nick: So, Mariah's in charge of the, uh, holiday drink menu at the club.", "Sage: Mariah and holidays. It's a strange combination.", "Nick: [Chuckles]", "Sage: Maybe I should spend more time there so I can oversee things.", "Nick: No. Nah, it'll work out. It's kind of the charm of the place, you know. Besides, I like having you here. I'm just... I'm so happy. You know, last night, it's the way it should be, a lifetime of that. Just wrap it up, put a bow on it, and put it under the tree, because it's all I wanted. Will you dance with me? You know I can dip with the best of them.", "Sage: I can't.", "Nick: Yeah, you can. Just I'll lead, you follow.", "Sage: I'm sorry, Nick. I can't do this. I can't be here in this house. It's -- it's so hard.", "Nick: Yeah, look, I know it is. I know it is. But we took a big first step last night. You let me hold you. We made love for the first time since --", "Sage: I know. It was so wonderful. And you're so understanding with me.", "Nick: Just be honest with me, all right? Don't hide any of your feelings. There is nothing about us moving forward that's gonna be easy --", "Sage: I can't stay here in this house, Nick. I'm gonna move back to the penthouse.", "Nick: Why? I mean, last night was... I thought we were good.", "Sage: Because our son is still gone, and everything in this house reminds me of him.", "Nick: I took care of that. I-I boxed up the nursery. I donated the furniture and the toys and the clothes --", "Sage: What? Why did you do that? What -- what are you trying to do? Pretend that Christian never existed?", "Cane: You know, why don't you take all these feelings you have for Joe Clark and get out of my face?", "Lily: Cane, please don't be like this.", "Cane: What am I being like? You're the one that cheated on me, remember? You cheated on me.", "Devon: Okay, stop it. Cane, with everything you've been up to, you have no right to judge anyone.", "Lily: You can be angry with me, but this is for the kids.", "Cane: Oh.", "Lily: Please do not punish them.", "Cane: Okay. So now you're worried about the children.", "Lily: Mattie and Charlie are expecting a Christmas tree.", "Cane: Well, I will buy them one!", "Devon: Lily, let's get out of here.", "Lily: No, you know, I'm not gonna let cane scare me away. I have work to do here!", "Cane: Oh, work? Is that code for getting back in bed with Joe upstairs?", "Devon: Hey, that's enough, cane!", "Lily: No, Devon, stop. I can't do this. [Voice breaking] I don't know why I keep trying to save things. I hate you.", "Devon: You need to get the hell out of here.", "Cane: Devon, I...", "Devon: No, dude, how you gonna humiliate your wife like that?", "Cane: I hated every word that just came out of my mouth.", "Cane: Going off on lily like that, it was all for show.", "Devon: It looked pretty damn real to me.", "Cane: Well, I know it looked real, and it had to, because we knew we had to convince an audience of one. Joe Clark.", "Devon: So you and lily set up this whole thing?", "Cane: I'm sorry that fight had to look so ugly. It's just we knew if we could convince you, we could convince Joe.", "Devon: Then tell me what the hell's really going on.", "Cane: We have proof that Joe framed me for the million dollars that you lost.", "Devon: What kind of proof do you have?", "Cane: Okay. Inside his safe in his suite, he has a hoodie which was identical to the one the extortionist was wearing. Lily was there. She saw this. And Joe's DNA was all over it.", "Devon: And did you take this to the police?", "Cane: Yes. But unfortunately the evidence is inadmissible.", "Devon: So you're telling me that Joe Clark is the extortionist?", "Cane: Yes. We have means, we have motive, and I have opportunity.", "Devon: And what's his motive? It was money?", "Cane: No. His motive is lily. 'Cause he wants to get me out of the way so he can have her all to himself. Lily believes me. Tell me you believe me.", "Joe: Lily! I saw what happened.", "Lily: How could he do that to me in front of the guests and my staff? He completely humiliated me!", "Joe: Cane's a jerk. I've defended him before, and I'm done. He doesn't deserve you.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Cane: You're a wonderful woman, lily. You don't need someone like cane in your life.", "Lily: It's not just me. He's now punishing the twins. He's ruining their holiday for something that I did!", "Cane: Maybe I can fix it. How about I take you and the kids to go get a tree? The bigger, the better.", "Lily: Thank you. That's sweet. But Cane and I, we have a tradition where we go and we chop down a tree and then we decorate it and surprise the kids.", "Joe: All right, well, I'm all about tradition. So how about we go create some holiday magic?", "Paul: Wow. That's your idea of a Christmas gift? This is big.", "Dylan: Yeah, it's big. Can you help?", "Paul: I may be able to put it together.", "Dylan: No, no, no \"maybe.\" It has to happen tonight. Tonight. Are you good with that?", "Paul: Um, yeah, yeah. Let's do it. Lookit there.", "Faith: What are you whispering about?", "Dylan: Uh, Christmas. You know? Oh, thank you.", "Paul: Oh, yeah, me too.", "Dylan: You should, uh, you should finish your list, by the way. Did you finish it?", "Faith: No. Not yet.", "Paul: What? What do you mean, not yet? You got to get it in the mail or the elves won't have enough time to put together your toys.", "Faith: I don't mail my list. I flashchat it.", "[Both chuckle]", "Paul: Goodness.", "Dr. Anderson: That Nick lives on the same property as you is just part of the bigger picture. Does he -- does he stop by often?", "Sharon: Not really.", "Dr. Anderson: And since the baby, has he visited with sully? Do you think he plans to in the future?", "Sharon: Um, I think nick's working really hard on dealing with his own grief, and it's gonna be awhile before he'll be ready to spend time with my son.", "Dr. Anderson: The death of a child is a tremendous blow, as you know. The impact that it's had on Nick, on his wife, their marriage -- it's a devastating loss on so many levels.", "Sharon: Is this nick's therapy session or mine?", "Nick: I'm not trying to forget our son. I'm just trying to make it easier for you.", "Sage: By erasing him? What? You gonna make the room a home theater, Nick? A mancave?", "Nick: I just thought it would be one less thing you'd have to face.", "Sage: Because I'm so fragile?! Because I can't deal with my grief as neatly as you can?!", "Nick: No, because I love you and I thought it would help.", "Sage: Did you give everything away?! All of it?!", "Nick: No, I kept -- I kept the blue blanket and the little toy car that was mine that my dad gave him, the drawing that faith made for him, a-a couple of the gifts. [Voice breaking] Boxing up our son's life was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I'm sorry. I-I-I'm sorry if it was wrong.", "Sage: I'm sorry that you have to keep apologizing to me, Nick. All you do is try to help, and all I do is shut you down. You were right to donate all that stuff, okay? What are we gonna do with it, anyway? From the day I first moved in here, all I pictured was our life with Christian. I saw his highchair right there, throwing strained peas onto the floor. I saw him pick himself up by this table and take his first steps into your arms. I-I saw me sitting in that chair rocking him to sleep, singing to him. He would have been so loved. [Sighs] But, you know, with the crib being gone and the clothes and the toys... I still can't be here, Nick. I can't be in this house.", "Nick: Then let's move.", "Sage: What? No, faith loves it here. You've lived here forever. I would never, ever ask that of you.", "Nick: I will bulldoze this place.", "Sage: Nick, please --", "Nick: Just say the word, and I'll do it.", "Sage: No. Stop it. I would never, ever ask you to give this place up for me. This is my issue.", "Nick: [Voice breaking] It's our issue. How can I make you understand that? Sage, I'm doing everything I can to make this work. But you got to help me a little bit. Unless you don't want it to work.", "Paul: Oh, sweet dreams, little one. And you keep an eye on your little brother for me, okay?", "Faith: I will.", "Paul: All right. Oh! [Laughs] Wow. Doesn't get any better than that. I'll be in touch.", "Dylan: Thank you.", "[Lock clicks]", "Dylan: Okay.", "Paul: Whoa.", "Sharon: Oh, hi, Paul.", "Paul: Hi.", "Sharon: I'm glad you're here.", "Paul: Well, I was just leaving.", "Sharon: Oh, you sure you can't stay?", "Paul: Well, um, I wish I could. See you.", "Sharon: See you. Well, he was in a hurry. Hi, you two.", "Dylan: Hi.", "Sharon: And you.", "Dylan: [Chuckles]", "Sharon: Actually, I should say \"you three.\"", "Dylan: You should.", "Sharon: Oh. Look at him. He's a perfect, little angel. Did Paul say where he was going?", "Dylan: Uh, no. But we have, uh, more important things to deal with, don't we, faith?", "Faith: We need to make our lists for Santa.", "Dylan: All right.", "Faith: What's at the top of your list, mommy?", "Sharon: I think I have everything in the world that I could possibly want.", "Faith: What do you want on your list, Dylan? Or do you already have everything you could possibly ever want, too?", "Dylan: Just about.", "Nick: If you want space, I'll give you space. You need time, take as much time as you need. If you need support, I will be your rock. But if this isn't what you want... sage, what do you want?", "Sage: I want to not feel like this. I want to be not broken. I want to be able to turn to you and feel safe, the way that I could before Christian died.", "Nick: It's right here just like it was last night. And if we can string a bunch of nights like that together, I know we can find our way through this.", "Sage: Nick... I love you so much. But you can't fix me. You cannot fix this. I have to fix it myself. I mourned my parents. I mourned Gabriel. I mourned Constance. And I survived. But this -- Christian... I have an ache that is so dark and so deep, it doesn't feel real. I don't understand it. I don't know how to get out of it. I don't know how to put one foot in front of the other. I don't know how to live the rest of my life.", "Nick: Your life. Not our life.", "Sage: No, Nick. I have to figure it out. I have to understand it before we make decisions that we can't take back.", "Nick: So I guess I'm not bulldozing the place.", "Sage: I love that you would even consider doing that. But it's not the answer. Do you understand me?", "Nick: You're leaving.", "Sage: Please don't fight me.", "Cane: Even chief Williams agrees there's enough evidence against Joe to start a full investigation into him.", "Devon: So you didn't do it.", "Cane: No, I did not do it.", "Devon: I don't think I can ever say I'm sorry enough. 'Cause you -- I mean, you've really been nothing but a friend and a brother to me. And I-I apologize for believing that you could put money ahead of friendship and family. Listen, man, um, if you want to go after Joe and make him pay, I'm with you.", "Lily: [Sighs] Great. This cannot be happening.", "Joe: Well, I -- there's no cell phone service.", "Lily: Yeah, which means no tow truck. Oh, and now it's snowing. Fabulous. [Sighs]", "Joe: Yeah, listen. You just stay in here where it's dry, and I'll head back to the main road and flag down a car. We'll be fine.", "Lily: No, no, no. The Abbotts have a cabin nearby. We'll just, uh, we'll -- we'll walk there, and then we'll -- we'll call from there.", "Joe: Okay, well, look, I'm -- I'm game if you are, so...", "Lily: [Sighs]", "Dylan: Isn't this something?", "Sharon: The artwork you did there, it's -- I mean, it's dazzling.", "Faith: Thank you.", "Dylan: And complete with a \"D\" for Dylan. [Chuckles]", "Faith: \"D\" is also for Daddy, which is what you are now to Sully and kind of to me, too. Right, Mommy?", "Sharon: Right.", "Dylan: No one can replace your dad. But I couldn't be prouder to be like another dad to you. Thank you. Oh, you're so cute.", "Faith: [Chuckles]", "[Knock on door]", "Faith: I'll get it! Daddy!", "Nick: Hey, you. Come here.", "[Door closes]", "Sharon: Nick, this is a surprise.", "Dylan: Yeah. What's, uh, what's up?", "Nick: Well, I was wondering if faith could come and hang out with her old man tonight, maybe watch some Christmas movies, uh, dig into that game I can never seem to beat you at.", "Dylan: Oh, man, I thought, uh, I thought faith was -- was -- was staying here tonight.", "Nick: Uh, yeah. Yeah, she was. Uh, but honestly, I could use a night with her. And, uh, I promise I'll have her back in the morning. Um, that is, after my world-famous chocolate chip pancakes.", "Faith: Sage won't be there?", "Nick: Uh, no. Just be the two of us.", "Faith: Can I go, mommy?", "Sharon: That sounds like it would be really fun.", "Dylan: Yeah, you know, but we kind of had a whole, uh, whole thing set up here.", "Sharon: Oh, we did?", "Dylan: Yeah. Yeah, we -- we didn't finish our Christmas lists. We're right in the middle. We got to finish that. And then, uh, we had to string some popcorn, right? That's what you said. And -- and make some hot cocoa. So, I don't know, maybe, uh, tomorrow night is better than tonight.", "Sharon: Faith, why don't you show your daddy what's on your Christmas list already?", "Faith: Okay.", "Sharon: Dylan.", "Dylan: What?", "Sharon: Why would you do that? Why would you not let faith go with Nick? He's obviously alone and he needs this.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Sharon: Look, our lives are so perfect right now. They're right on track. This is the least we could do.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Dr. Anderson: [Sighs] [Sighs]", "Lily: [Sighs] I can't believe they still keep a key under the gnome. They told me about that so long ago.", "Joe: So much for electricity.", "Lily: Okay, I'm gonna try the phone. Great. Nothing. I cannot believe this is happening right now.", "Joe: Well, at least we have candles.", "Lily: Yeah, why not?", "Joe: What's wrong?", "Lily: Nothing. I just -- I was really looking forward to getting a Christmas tree for the kids.", "Joe: Well, as soon as we can. I mean, look, there's a heck of a lot of other worse places we could be stuck. I'll make a fire. It'll be warm and cozy, just the two of us.", "Lily: Yeah, I guess it's better than being publicly humiliated by my husband.", "Joe: You look beautiful in this light.", "Lily: So do you.", "Joe: I know a perfect way we can stay warm.", "Devon: Cane, you said that lily admitted to having feelings for Joe. Is that true?", "Cane: That was all part of the setup, wasn't it, to make him think that Joe was a big man in lily's eyes.", "Devon: Okay, so it was a team effort. Does that mean you're back together?", "Cane: My wife thinks that I extorted a million dollars from you.", "Devon: She wasn't the only one guilty of that.", "Cane: I am her husband. In the moment there was some fabricated evidence, all of a sudden my wife just, what, she doesn't believe me?", "Devon: Neither did I.", "Cane: Okay.", "Devon: And look where I am now. I'm -- I have my wife back, but she doesn't remember loving me.", "Cane: Wait, wait, hang on a second. Wait, Hilary still thinks she loves Neil?", "Devon: Yeah, she does. And all I can do is wait for her to get her memory back and try not to lose my mind in the meantime.", "Cane: Don't do that. Don't give up hope on her. Don't do that.", "Devon: The same goes for you and lily. You still love her, don't you?", "Cane: She hasn't responded to any of my texts. She should be there by now.", "Devon: What did you guys plan exactly?", "Cane: Joe and lily were meant to go and get a Christmas tree and then go back to our house, and then she was gonna serve him mulled wine and mistletoe and -- and he would think that he could relax and maybe just tell her the truth. Why is she not responding to any of my texts? I don't understand why.", "Devon: Well, what if Joe found out about your plan?", "Joe: Well, so where were we?", "Lily: Uh... yeah, we were just, you know, saying it's romantic and candlelight, just the two of us. So, I think we should just talk, you know?", "Joe: Well, sometimes words get in the way.", "Lily: No, that's -- that's -- that's not true. You know, we -- we fell in the bed so quickly. I think that we should get to know each other.", "Joe: You know I'm crazy about you. What else is there?", "Lily: Yeah, I-I think you're sweet, and I feel safe with you and protected. You know, not like with cane.", "Joe: I like the sound of that.", "Lily: Um, you know, I'm gonna try my cell phone again, actually, because there might be a sweet spot somewhere.", "Joe: Well, I'm sure I could find a sweet spot.", "Lily: [Chuckles] Joe.", "Joe: What -- what's going on?", "Lily: Nothing.", "Joe: I heard what cane said at the athletic club. Is it true that you have feelings about me?", "Lily: Yes. Of cour-- of course I do.", "Joe: Then why are you keeping your distance?", "Lily: B-because I just -- I-I want us to take things slow, and I'm still married.", "Joe: To a man who publicly humiliated you. And that ring's never stopped you before.", "Lily: [Sighs] Okay, well, you know, now that cane and I are over and, you know, I want to be with you, so I-I want us to do this right.", "Joe: By not sleeping with me.", "Lily: No. By waiting.", "Joe: Something's off, lily. I... are you setting me up?", "Sage: [Sighs]", "Dr. Anderson: Are you all right? Mrs. Newman, is there anything I can do to help?", "Dylan: I think it's a -- it's a great idea for you to stay with your dad. But why don't we finish our Christmas lists first?", "Faith: But you and mom said you already have everything you want, remember?", "Nick: She could also finish the list down at my place.", "Dylan: How about cookies, Nick? I know -- I know you like cookies. How about some more cookies for you, faith?", "Sharon: Yeah, I-I can wrap some up to take with you.", "Nick: Uh, I think I'm good with cookies down at my place. We got lots of stuff, so... uh, let's go.", "Dylan: Well, hold on. It's just -- I mean, it's so cold outside, and -- and it looks -- it looks like it's gonna snow. I mean, where's your, uh, where's your winter coat? Why don't you have your snow boots on?", "Sharon: Dylan, are you all right?", "Dylan: Yeah, no. Me? I'm fine.", "Sharon: What's going on?", "Dylan: N-nothing. I'm just -- you know, just having fun. Don't want the fun to end.", "[Knock on door]", "Sharon: I'll get it. I'll get it.", "[Knocking continues]", "Sharon: Coming.", "Paul: Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! Ho, ho! [Laughs]", "Sage: I met you with Nick at the hospital.", "Dr. Anderson: Dr. Anderson. I-I want to apologize again. That remark I made about Sharon's baby -- it was -- it was very insensitive.", "Sage: It's all right. It's okay.", "Dr. Anderson: No, it's not. You suffered a tragic loss. I'd ask how you're doing, but, uh... you want to talk about it?", "Sage: My husband tried to do a nice thing. He packed up our child's nursery so I wouldn't have to, and instead of thanking him, I got angry at him and... now I'm sitting here.", "Dr. Anderson: You shouldn't blame yourself.", "Sage: Well, then who should I blame? It's nobody's fault, and since there's no blame to throw around, I lash out at the person who loves me and is just trying to help. I just told him I needed time and space. I-I-I don't really know what I'm doing. I should just go home and be with Nick.", "Dr. Anderson: May I?", "Sage: Yeah.", "Dr. Anderson: Maybe that isn't the wisest decision. You left because you instinctively knew you needed space. Perhaps that's what's best for Nick, as well. Time to grieve alone.", "Paul: I understand you've been an extra special little girl this year!", "Faith: I have. Most of the time.", "Paul: Oh, I bet you've been perfect. Look at this. This is for you! Merry Christmas!", "Faith: [Chuckles]", "Paul: And this -- look here. Ooh hoo! Isn't this a cute thing. This is for your little brother. Hold on a second. Ho, ho, ho, ho. There you go. You're a perfect, little guy, too. Now, let's see what else we have in here. I think there's some more things for you. Yes! This is for you! Oh! Look here! This is for you!", "[Laughter]", "Paul: Oh, and this is for you! Look at all this stuff! It's all for you!", "Nick: I get it now why you wanted to keep faith here.", "Sharon: Oh, you are the best.", "Dylan: Well, faith's not the only one who's getting some of Santa's magic. There's still one very special present to deliver to her mom.", "Sharon: No, I really don't need any presents.", "Paul: Well, this is for you.", "Sharon: Really?", "Paul: I think you better open it.", "Dylan: If I were you, I would do what Santa says.", "Paul: Anybody in the mood for a wedding?!", "Dylan: Merry Christmas.", "Devon: Hey, lily, give me a call back as soon as you get this message, all right?", "Cane: All right, so she hasn't been home and she hasn't checked in? Thanks. That's the nanny. There's no sign of her.", "Devon: It just went straight to voicemail.", "Cane: God!", "Devon: Uh, what if Joe figured everything out? Would he hurt her?", "Cane: I don't know, but he has a temper. I'm not gonna wait to find out. Come on. Let's go.", "Lily: Setting you up? No! Cane hates me.", "Joe: Oh, the big fight. Perfectly timed. Perfectly staged.", "Lily: No, I would never choose to humiliate myself at work.", "Joe: Even if cane asked you?", "Lily: Of course not!", "Joe: Whatever cane wants.", "Lily: No, that is not true.", "Joe: Even after you -- you covered for him after he ransacked my room?", "Lily: Okay, that was a coincidence.", "Joe: And convinced you that the hoodie he stashed was mine so that I'd be the bad guy! I'm not the bad guy, lily!", "Lily: Okay. Joe, I know that, all right? So let's just see if our cell phones work so we can work on getting out of here.", "Joe: After everything I've done for you. I've cared for you, I've -- I've stood up for you, I've treated you a hell of a lot better than cane has. And after all that, this is how you treat me? Leading me on, lying?!", "Lily: No, Joe, you're wrong.", "Joe: You're not going anywhere.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Cane: The Abbott cabin's nearby. It would be the perfect place they could be alone and she can get Joe to talk.", "Devon: Then what are we waiting for?", "Chelsea: Uh, what's going on?", "Sage: I did something crazy.", "Dylan: Will you marry me right now?", "Faith: [Gasps]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "As Mariah sits at the coffee house texting Tessa to ask where she is, Tessa is in the backseat of a car with a hood over her head. As Tessa pleads \"you don't have to do this\" the hood is taken off. Tessa is in the car with Nikki and Sharon while Victoria is driving. They want answers! Victoria tells Tessa to stop messing with them as they know she is lying. Nikki tells Tessa that she is the one who knows the property and stables that burned down and now it's personal. As Mariah waits for Tessa's response Lola walks in and sits down to chat. They talk about Kyle and how relationships need trust. They talk about Tessa and Mariah tells her that she has no choice but to walk away and she will tell Tessa tonight. Meanwhile, Charlie is facetiming with Shawna when Cane sneaks up on him. They talk and Charlie tells him he wants to go to Colorado to be with Shawna but Cane convinces him they will discuss it after the holidays. Meanwhile in the hotel room at the Athletic Club Rebecca Barlow is making a play for Nick when Phyllis barges in. Rebecca is shocked to see Phyllis who insists this was all a misunderstanding and it isn't what she thinks. She tells her that she is with Nick. Rebecca initially blames Nick and asks how could it not have meant sex would be involved. Phyllis again apologizes how it was perceived. Phyllis knows the deal is lost however Rebecca surprisingly tells her the deal is still on because it is a good one. Phyllis assures Rebecca that she will get everything they discussed. Rebecca looks at Nick and responds with 'not everything.' The two shake on the deal. After Rebecca leaves Phyllis admits to Nick she knew what Rebecca wanted. She asks him if he would have gone through with it, and he reminds her that he was fully clothed when she showed up. Nick said he will do anything for her and that they are partners. Since this was such a huge deal, Phyllis insists she needs to take the contract to the office and will meet him at home after. At the Abbot house Billy leaves Phyllis a voicemail asking about the contract and tells her to call him no matter the time. Jack overhears and questions him about his message. He tells Billy he understands the draw of Phyllis but reminds him she is with Nick. Billy says what he did was selfish and that he still cares for Phyllis. Jack questions how do you work your way back after wanting to murder each other? Billy insists they were good together and that doesn't just go away. He then gets a text from Phyllis.", "Back at the kidnapping it dawns on Tessa that the women want her gone for good. She pleads with them and denies knowing or doing anything with JT's body or the fire. Sharon tells Nikki and Victoria that Tessa doesn't know anything The women decide Tessa is telling the truth and agree to leave her out on the side of the road. Sharon apologizes to Tessa and tells her to be safe and warm. They drop her off and drive away as Sharon announces that what they did was despicable. Phyllis is at the Athletic Club bar with Billy filling him in on the deal. Phyllis then tells Billy she realizes he was looking out for her earlier in telling her about Nick and Rebecca. Things turn to a more personal topic and Billy asks her if they should try again. Phyllis tells him she is sitting here with him while Nick is at home and that he doesn't deserve that. Billy brings up Summer and tells Phyllis he will apologize to Summer. He knows what he did was wrong. Phyllis asks him what sort of message it sends if she takes him back. Billy tells her the only reason she is with Nick is because she isn't with him. Phyllis tells Billy that they burned their relationship into the ground and now she is someone else. She leaves her rings on the bar and tells him they are done and walks away. Tessa calls Mariah sobbing and Mariah tells her she will be right there and will find her on GPS. Later on the side of the road Tessa is ranting about what a terrible person she is and Mariah sticks up for her. She thinks the kidnappers were the ones who took Crystal until Tessa tells her it was Nicki and Victoria who did this to her. Mariah tells Tessa that she was going to tell her that she is walking away from their relationship. Tessa tells her she understands and that she will leave her alone. Instead Mariah tells Tessa she needs her and they kiss. After insisting she will be fine returning back home, Nikki leaves Victoria's and is back at the ranch getting ready for bed. She climbs into bed and her hand feels something odd. She turns on the light and to her horror there is what appears to be JT's clothing - a leather jacket and jeans carefully laid out on her bed to which she then freaks out!!!", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Phyllis: Five golden rings.", "Billy: Five golden rings.", "Phyllis: I love them. Thank you. It's rebekah barlow, the cosmetics company owner that i told you about.", "Nick: The one interested in partnering with jaboutiques.", "Phyllis: We are this close to signing this deal, but first, she wants to have dinner with you.", "Nick: I just want you admit it, phyllis. You're pimping me out. Just one second.", "Nikki: Victor disappearing, then the fire, and now victor's gun and a bloody shirt shows up in the ashes. Oh, my god, who is out there moving bodies and planting evidence to frame your father?", "Tessa: I have no idea where that body is if it's not in that hole.", "Victoria: You better be telling the truth because, as you've seen, I'll find out if you're not.", "Tessa: [ Gasps, screams ]", "Tessa: [ Sobbing ] Please, please! You don't have to do this! Please! Please...", "Charlie: Did you get it? Yeah, I've been working out. That's what I was trying to tell you. Oh, that's what you want to see. Okay. Yeah, sure. Hang on.", "Cane: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!", "Charlie: Dad! What the --", "Cane: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "Billy: Hey, phyllis. It's me. Just give me a call back whenever you get a chance. Doesn't matter how late. Thanks.", "Jack: Ah, so that's where you two are now.", "Billy: Which is where?", "Jack: If you're checking in after hours, I'm guessing you're close on the rebekah barlow deal, which is a great get for the jaboutiques. So how close is close?", "Billy: Well, we could be signing the contracts any minute, which means we become her official brick-and-mortar distribution and gets us access to the clientele that we've been looking for. My idea. Of course, phyllis and I worked on it together, came up with a hell of a pitch.", "Jack: And the other part, about \"call me, no matter how late?\" That just business, too, or...?", "Billy: Well, what -- what else would it mean?", "Jack: I'm asking you.", "Billy: You really want to have this conversation?", "Jack: When you say it that way, yeah, now I really do.", "Billy: We don't have to talk about this, jack, you know. Not yet, anyway.", "Jack: She's with nick now, billy. Are you telling me the two of you are getting back together? Now, this -- this is the way you seal a deal.", "Nick: No. No, no, no. Listen, uh, I think we got our signals crossed. Oh, we can cross anything you want.", "Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no! No, that's not happening.", "Nick: Mnh-mnh. (Vo) they're all going in the Additional sponsorship", "Tessa: Why did we stop? What do you want from me? I gave you the money, and then crystal's supposed to be safe. That was the deal! An audience was not part of the deal. You don't get to watch just because you arranged this little party.", "Phyllis: Did you call me a pimp? Because, uh, my boyfriend here, he's not a prostitute. Boyfriend?", "Nick: This is the part where the signals were crossed. He's with you? Is this some game you two play, angry wifey busts in, tries to claw my face? Because that's not my thing. You didn't know.", "Phyllis: It was two people having a perfectly pleasant evening. I don't know who assumes sex is on the menu, I just -- Who assumes it's not? Dinner with a hot, attractive guy? You told me to go for it.", "Phyllis: He is a personable guy, and I thought you two were gonna have good, informative conversation about business. I thought it was the cost of business. Just dinner. Nothing else. You could have said something, casually mentioned \"my girlfriend, my partner...\" \"not looking.\" It's what people do.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. It's not his fault, all right? It's my fault. It was a misunderstanding. You are brilliant and gorgeous, he is brilliant and gorgeous. I thought the two of you could have a drink together, and I can hear how stupid that sounds, okay? I know, it's a blind spot.", "Nick: I mean, we did have a nice dinner. Stellar.", "Phyllis: What have I done? What have I done? I blew it.", "Nick: Yeah, I -- I think you did.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: If anyone understands the draw of phyllis, I -- look, if you want to talk about this, that's fine. If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, too.", "Billy: There's nothing to talk about. Phyllis and I are...mostly dead. Although, \"mostly dead\" isn't \"completely dead.\"", "Jack: Then you'd take her back. That was a tank that rolled over you at nick and sharon's wedding.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Jack: And you'd still go back? This is not judgment. I've been there. I know something about this. But you would be okay knowing that nick and phyllis...", "Billy: I never said it was gonna be easy.", "Jack: How did this even come up?", "Billy: We work together, you know? We fall into rhythm, go back and forth. It's a give-and-take. We both know what each other needs. We just started clicking. I didn't expect it, but, you know, she sees it, too.", "Jack: She betrayed you, billy. And from what I understand, you twisted the knife right back.", "Billy: I'm not happy about it. It wasn't a good move. In the moment, it felt like retribution, but, you know, clearly I understand that it was immature and it was selfish and it was -- it was stupid, and, to be honest, that doesn't begin to describe it. It's just... what if this is just the way that we are, okay? We're not perfect. We screw up. We understood that from the beginning. We screw up, and we move on. What if this is just another step in our dance?", "Jack: Only it's not a dance. Two short months ago, you two were ready to murder each other. Exactly how do you work your way back from that?", "Tessa: Why are you doing this? Okay, what do you want from me?", "Nikki: Stop playing games. You know exactly what this is about.", "Tessa: No, no! Because I swore, okay? I got rid of the footage, okay? It's over!", "Victoria: Enough! You speak when spoken to and not another word otherwise, and we expect answers.", "Tessa: You know everything! I am so sorry about the blackmail, okay? But you took the rest of the money and, you know, I will work and I will work until I can pay you back the rest.", "Victoria: I told you to stop messing with us.", "Tessa: I have, okay? I won't! I won't, ever! Please!", "Victoria: You lied the day were talking, and you're lying now.", "Tessa: No, I'm not, okay? Just tell me -- just tell me what you think that I did because I promise that i didn'T.", "Nikki: You have lived on the ranch with me and with sharon. You know the property, including the stables that burned down.", "Tessa: Okay, you -- you can't possibly think that --", "Nikki: From the very beginning, you insinuated your way into our lives and what was ours. When you realized you couldn't have it, you got more vicious, didn't you? There was a time this was about money, but now it's personal. For you, it's always leap over look. Ah. You two are still here. Me? I'm checking out.", "Phyllis: Rebekah, please, would you just let me apologize? I should have been more aware how this all might be perceived. And you really wanted the deal, and it's churning in your gut that tonight was a humiliating nightmare for me. One that I have every reason to hold against you.", "Phyllis: Yes. And yes, I want the deal, but... I hate that I saw you as a contract to nail and not as an actual person, and I regret the word \"nail.\" Well, we both still got lucky tonight because the deal is a good one, and I still want it.", "Phyllis: You do? You do. That's -- that is an excellent business decision. That is fantastically understanding of you. It is. And tonight was my fault, too. That's probably a sign not to mix business and pleasure. I'll still get the best shelf placement?", "Phyllis: Always. And marketing when I have new products?", "Phyllis: On our dime, not yours. Everything that we talked about, you will get. Not everything.", "Phyllis: No. No, no. Not everything. That was a mistake. You talked a good game about the locations.", "Nick: Only the best.", "Phyllis: Just like that, i think we've got a done deal. You're very fortunate. Not just about the contract.", "Phyllis: I didn't know what she wanted. I mean, okay, I might have figured that out if I had really thought about it at all, since she was basically drooling all over you. But I wasn't trying to use you or exploit you. I'm lying, I was. [ Sighs ] I was just -- I was seeing dollar signs, all right? And I was afraid of jabot's failure and someone else sitting in that seat, okay? I don't look at you like an extremely hot piece of beef.", "Nick: Listen. Two women tonight said in front of me how awesome I am, so it's a pretty good night, as far as things like that go.", "Lola: Talk to me, please. I am begging, and don't mention cheese or sides or gluten-free options.", "Mariah: Well, damn. There goes all of my options. Um, you know what, why don't you, uh -- why don't you talk to me?", "Lola: Okay. That's good. About what?", "Mariah: About something funny and semi-pointless. How about kyle?", "Lola: He's not a bad guy.", "Mariah: Wow. Lola. Oh, my god, that was so heartfelt.", "Lola: [ Laughs ] Okay. You know how he is. He's pushy and a little cocky.", "Mariah: A little?", "Lola: Oh, my god. [ Laughs ] But sometimes I look at him, and I'm like, \"dang. How can you look this good?\" Is that shallow of me?", "Mariah: No. I mean, attraction is attraction, and you can't help it. But, you know, there are things that really matter in a relationship, and that's why you get to know somebody better, so you can see what they have to offer, and they can decide if they're what you want.", "Lola: Exactly, and that's what happened with kyle. He's so funny.", "Mariah: He is. He's hilarious, and sometimes even intentionally.", "Lola: You know what, and all of the other issues that come up, well, he gets it. Stuff that's important to me like my truck and my restaurant and all of the other stuff that isn't work-related.", "Mariah: There are things that you can't have a relationship without. Things like... trust and respect. But if you don't have them...", "Lola: Then it's pointless. I mean, why even try otherwise? Kyle and I may seem like opposites, but when you get to it, we're not. Not really. It's just like you and tessa. You're totally different, but where it matters --", "Mariah: Don'T. You know, don't look to tessa and I as some beacon of romantic bliss. I'm waiting here for tessa to show up because I'm gonna tell her it's over.", "Tessa: Please, sharon, would you just tell me what it is that they think that I did, okay? Because whatever it was --", "Sharon: All we want is the truth.", "Victoria: Tell us how you moved J.T.'S body.", "Tessa: I didn't, okay? No, no, because how could I? Okay? I didn'T.", "Nikki: Maybe somebody moved it with you, or for you. And then you planted the evidence on my property.", "Tessa: What evidence?", "Nikki: A shirt, a gun. You know all about those. You stole one from my house.", "Victoria: And then you framed my father for murder.", "Tessa: Do you think that i have a death wish? Okay, whoever did this, it wasn't me, and I'm not working with anyone, okay? I just want -- I just wanted to be a normal person, I just want to live my life!", "Victoria: That's exactly what you would say if you were guilty.", "Cane: Hey, hey, hey. You didn't have to end your phone call with shauna because of me, all right?", "Charlie: Can we not?", "Cane: What? Can we not what? Yeah, okay. I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't have jumped in your selfie like that, all right? All right, buddy, what is it? What's wrong?", "Charlie: These long-distance relationships.", "Cane: Right.", "Charlie: It's just -- I mean, everyone told me not to do it. All of last year's senior couples that are in college now, they've broken up already. Shauna's probably gonna meet so many guys in colorado.", "Cane: Yeah, but they're not you, bud.", "Charlie: No! They're cooler!", "Cane: No, they're not cooler.", "Charlie: Plus, I don't know how to do this. I don't know -- how often do i call? How many texts is too much? How long should I wait for her to text back?", "Cane: All right, here's what were gonna do. Listen, how about we both take a crash course in long-distance relationships, okay? All right? And we figure it out together.", "Charlie: I want to go to colorado.", "Cane: What?", "Charlie: To see shauna.", "Cane: Charlie, that is a big trip.", "Charlie: Seeing shauna's important to me.", "Cane: I know it's important to you, but this is your mum's first christmas away.", "Charlie: I can still see mom. I don't --", "Cane: All right, listen, how about we do this? We take it one step at a time. We get through the holidays, and then we see what happens from there. Cool?", "Charlie: Yeah. Yeah.", "Cane: All right, buddy. I got some work I got to do. I'll talk to you later.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] Okay.", "Nick: What, are you worried she used invisible ink?", "Phyllis: Yeah, or a fake name, like amanda huggenkiss. It would serve me right.", "Nick: You scored a win. Take it.", "Phyllis: Well, I will shake off the shame in about a second.", "Nick: Were there better ways to score points with rebekah? Maybe. I mean, probably. Definitely. But years from now, we'll look back on this and, uh...", "Phyllis: And we're gonna cringe. She wasn't unattractive.", "Nick: No. Not unattractive at all.", "Phyllis: And she was ready.", "Nick: Really ready.", "Phyllis: Yeah, no, one might say that I had something to do with that negotiation.", "Nick: I could blame you. I mean, you set this whole thing up.", "Phyllis: Would you have done it?", "Nick: Done what? [ Chuckles ] I'm dying to know, though, how you managed to show up right at that moment. I mean, did you pay a waiter to give you a heads up, you know, to keep an eye on us?", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, that's exactly what I did. He called and said, \"she's half-naked. You better haul yourself over here.\" No, I'd like to know how exactly all this really did happen.", "Nick: I literally don't know. It was like -- poof! Clothes were gone.", "Phyllis: Well, you know, you have that effect on women.", "Nick: It's true. I'd like us to take note, though, that I am still fully dressed.", "Phyllis: Aww! Were you saving yourself for me?", "Nick: Well, unless rebekah was right, and you did come over to watch.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, I mean, that's me. I love to share. I mean, can't you just see that about me?", "Nick: No, I cannot see that at all.", "Phyllis: No. Me, neither. Thank you. Thank you. I -- I can't thank you enough, the way that you were willing to help me pull this together. I know that you had your doubts.", "Nick: And I was right.", "Phyllis: Yes, but you helped me anyway.", "Nick: That's because we're partners. And I will do anything for you.", "Phyllis: Hey, I'll do anything for you, too, okay?", "Nick: Okay.", "Tessa: You say you want answers, but whatever I tell you is not good enough. You say I planted the gun. Where did I get the gun? And why would I want to frame you? I saw the tape. If I wanted to rat you out, I'd go to the police, and then i would go to jail, too, for blackmail!", "Nikki: This wasn't about the authorities. It was about us busting you and you wanting to get back at us.", "Tessa: I gave you what you wanted! I gave you back the money and the tape! I don't know where J.T.'S body went. All I know is how it got there. When the police said there was new evidence, it wasn't me!", "Nikki: Tessa, this is what you do. You destroy. You lie. You take the truth and you grind it into the dirt.", "Tessa: It's like you want to punish me. Even you. I don't know what they're saying.", "Sharon: Come on. Get out of the car.", "Tessa: What?", "Sharon: No! Not you. Them.", "Tessa: Don't leave me.", "Sharon: Just try to stay calm.", "Tessa: Please, don't leave me alone!", "Sharon: She doesn't know anything.", "Nikki: She's an excellent liar. She's already proven that.", "Sharon: It's time to move on. Just take her at her word.", "Victoria: Not yet.", "Tessa: [ Panting ]", "Nikki: Shut up! The fact is you're a liar. You have told one lie after another since you got to town.", "Victoria: You blackmailed the woman who gave you a home and a job. You blackmailed mariah's own mother.", "Tessa: [ Sobbing ]", "Nikki: And you victimized my daughter with every note you sent and every dollar you demanded.", "Tessa: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.", "Nikki: And you know things.", "Victoria: Things that could destroy us and our families.", "Nikki: It comes down to us& versus you.", "Tessa: Please. Please. Please, sharon! Please! I promise I won't ever tell anyone.", "Sharon: What are you thinking? You can't do this!", "Tessa: Oh, my god! They want to kill me. You do, don't you? That's why we're out here.", "Sharon: Stop! Stop!", "Nikki: Sharon, you don't get a vote on this.", "Tessa: Oh, my god, please! Please, I don't know anything! I don't know about the body! I don't know about the gun! I promise! I don't know anything!", "[ Sobbing ]", "Victoria: We know you don'T. We believe you. We just had to be sure.", "Tessa: [ Sobbing ] \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Victoria: Untie her and put her outside. She can get home on her own.", "Sharon: It's freezing. We're in the woods. At night.", "Nikki: She's resourceful. Aren't you, tessa?", "Victoria: Do you want to ride back to town with us? Do you really want to take that chance?", "Tessa: Just do whatever you want, okay? I don't care anymore.", "Victoria: You heard her. Get out of the car.", "Tessa: [ Sobbing ]", "Sharon: I'm so sorry.", "Nikki: Yes, tessa. Such the fragile flower.", "Tessa: You believe me now, don't you?", "Sharon: Stay warm, and be safe.", "Tessa: [ Gasps ] Okay.", "[ Door opens ]", "[ Door closes ]", "[ Engine starts ]", "Tessa: [ Sobbing ]", "Sharon: That was despicable. You both should be ashamed, terrorizing that girl.", "Nikki: What goes around, comes around.", "Victoria: She's lucky we're not actually killers.", "Sharon: That's exactly what we are.", "Lola: There must have been something to have gotten you here. I mean, yeah, you've mentioned problems, but nothing that you and tessa can't work out.", "Mariah: Maybe we think that we work things out, but we never really do. You know, you make all these promises to each other. \"I'll always love you.\" \"I'll never leave.\" \"I'll never hurt you.\" But you do get hurt. And how much hurt can you take before you have no choice but to walk away?", "Lola: I won't ask what this is about.", "Mariah: Good.", "Lola: But it sounds like you know the answer, how much it takes until you have to walk away.", "Mariah: I was obsessed with this guy once, sort like a semi-stalker obsessed, minus the \"semi.\"", "Lola: [ Laughs ]", "Mariah: And I hated losing him. I hated being the one that was left behind. But I didn't really love him. Because, back then, I had so many walls up, and I've had some near-misses, you know, things that have felt like... these practice runs. But never anybody who really touched my soul. Not like tessa. I was so scared at first for so many reasons. It just terrified me. But I finally did it, you know? I finally let all of those walls down and let somebody in all the way. And I feel like that was my mistake, you know, letting my protective shield down. And I can't put it back up, so... I feel like I have no choice but to walk away.", "Lola: Let's go somewhere else. We'll grab a drink and talk about, I don't know, nail polish.", "Mariah: [ Laughs ]", "Lola: I don't want to leave you here as you watch your phone.", "Mariah: No, it's fine. I'm just gonna go home and I'm gonna pretend to be asleep if tessa ever shows up. And we'll have this horrible conversation in the morning.", "Lola: Okay, well, call me if you need me.", "Mariah: Thank you. I will. [ Cellphone rings ] Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to show up?", "Tessa: [ Sobbing ] I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. There was a bag over my head, and then a car, and then I don't know what --", "Mariah: Whoa, uh, slow down. Slow down. What happened?", "Tessa: I don't know where i am! I'm so cold!", "Mariah: Stay right where you are, I'll track your phone. I'm coming to get you.", "Phyllis: To a done deal.", "Nick: To a reckless redhead.", "Phyllis: Friends, lovers, and badass negotiators.", "Nick: Boom.", "Phyllis: Boom.", "Nick: You know, we should probably get out of here, although, I bet this room is paid for for the night. We could just stay here, get some room service, have some fun.", "Phyllis: I can bust right back in here, look for my man in any and all ways.", "Nick: Let's do this.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, or get that contract over the office and the team can start working on it.", "Nick: At this hour, if your team is still at the office, then you're a lousy boss.", "Phyllis: Fine. It'll be ready for them first thing.", "Nick: So... either stay here with me, or let's go home.", "Phyllis: You know, this is my first huge deal for jabot, and i cannot let my abiding lust for you get in the way.", "Nick: All right. Uh, you go to the office. I'm gonna go home and wait for you in bed.", "Phyllis: Okay. See you soon.", "Nick: See ya.", "Billy: Awkward as hell discussing this with you, but i guess no one knows the players better than you do.", "Jack: You and phyllis would have put each other through a wood chipper a few weeks ago.", "Billy: A hellscape of our own creation.", "Jack: And now, suddenly...", "Billy: I don't know, jack. Is it sudden? I don't know, maybe it is. And maybe for good reason. [ Clears throat ] It wasn't that long ago I was talking all tough with sharon about how much I was over it, how much I didn't care. It turns out, I'm really good at blowing smoke, jack.", "Jack: Even if you still care for phyllis and, believe me, i understand that, she's with nick now.", "Billy: Neither one of them is taking this serious, all right? And I have proof of that.", "Jack: And what would that be?", "Billy: This is just two people saving face. \"We blew up our relationship. Let's pretend that it's fine. Let's throw parties. Let's move in together.\" This is a pr -- a pr move. It's not a relationship.", "Jack: So you would be willing to wait on the sidelines until they just gave up their act.", "Billy: Phyllis knows nick isn't taking this serious. And her reaction to that was to mention a second chance.", "Jack: For you and phyllis?", "Billy: They were her words, and, in the moment, I got to say, it made sense, you know? I don't know, maybe -- like I said, maybe this is just who we are. We have regrets, we fight, and we make up. We rinse and repeat. This last time, yeah, we hurt each other bad. We went too far. Why? I don't know. My gambling and the way that i was acting, it really took a toll on us. It really messed with our minds, and we both jumped off the cliff. But now... we got to climb up because we were good before. And that doesn't go away.", "Jack: Take my word for this. When you treat each other that badly, it doesn't go away, either. [ Cellphone chimes ] That's phyllis. She wants to meet. I guess I'm not the only one who thinks that this can't wait. This holiday, no matter who's on your list,", "Phyllis: Locked and loaded. Rebekah signed.", "Billy: Congratulations.", "Phyllis: That's it? That's all I get? This is huge. And it was your idea. I brought it home, but you are gonna get the credit. Didn't I graciously give you the spotlight for jaboutiques?", "Billy: Yeah. This is really amazing. I thought you would have saved it till tomorrow at the office. We could have celebrated over lox and bagels. I thought you were, uh, coming here to talk about something else.", "Phyllis: Yeah, no, you weren't wrong.", "Billy: So that's it for the business talk, then?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, I'm done.", "Billy: Good, because i haven't stopped thinking about our conversation we had earlier.", "Phyllis: About how I reacted when you told me you saw nick with rebekah? I think you are really looking out for me, not making trouble.", "Billy: Well, I'm not above causing trouble. I mean, clearly, we both know me better than that.", "Phyllis: And somehow, we got to \"do I want us to try again?\"", "Billy: It was pretty interesting to me that your mind went there.", "Phyllis: I lied to nick earlier when I told him I was going to the office. I am here with you instead.", "Billy: So, where do we go now?", "Nikki: Sharon and her righteous anger. It was radiating from the backseat the whole way home.", "Victoria: Sharon can complain all she wants. We had to eliminate tessa as a suspect. Now we know she didn't plant the shirt or the gun.", "Nikki: Or the move the body, which means that she's not the only one in town who knows that J.T. Was in the park. And, meanwhile, your father is unreachable. Somebody is trying to frame him.", "Victoria: Ugh. I can't, mom. Not tonight. [ Sighs ] Let's just go to sleep. The kids will be happy to have you here in the morning.", "Nikki: Darling, I'm afraid it's time for your old mother to sleep in her own bed.", "Victoria: No, mom. Someone gained access to the ranch. And if that fire had gotten out of control...", "Nikki: It's fine. I mean, the guards have been alerted, and even without them, you saw me tonight. I was terrifying.", "Victoria: [ Chuckles ] Yes, you really were. But I'm serious.", "Nikki: Well, so am I. We will find out who is behind this and we will put a stop to it on our own terms.", "Victoria: Is it gonna be before or after we hear from dad?", "Nikki: I'm sure we'll hear from him soon.", "Victoria: Good night.", "Nikki: Love you.", "Victoria: I love you.", "Tessa: [ Sobbing ]", "Mariah: Tessa? Tessa! Hey! What happened? What happened? Are you all right?", "[ Sobbing continues ]", "[ Tessa sobbing ]", "Mariah: Hey. Hey, tessa. Calm down! Calm down! Was it crystal? Is that why they came after you again? I don't understand what's going on.", "Tessa: It's all my fault! I'm an awful person, and I try to change, and then I can't, and this is the price.", "Mariah: Hey, whatever happened, people make mistakes. It's fine. This is not your fault.", "Tessa: I blackmailed the woman who took me in. I knew that they would be scared, but I did it anyway. And sharon... sharon's been so amazing to me. And you've been so amazing. But I did it anyway. All these women were trying to do was stand up to a bad person, and I tried to profit off of it.", "Mariah: Whatever happened here tonight, whoever did this to you, you don't deserve this, okay? You didn't earn being dumped here by some thugs.", "Tessa: It was nikki and victoria.", "Mariah: What?", "Tessa: They think that i moved J.T.'S body, and I -- I know that that's who they think I am, but I'm not.", "Mariah: I know. I know, okay?", "Tessa: Do you? You didn't think that I could blackmail your mom, but I did. I mean... who knows what I'm capable of?", "Mariah: I know that it wasn't you.", "Tessa: The way that they looked at me, it's like they think I have evil inside of me.", "Mariah: Hey.", "Tessa: What if they're right?", "Mariah: Hey.", "Tessa: [ Sobbing ]", "Mariah: Look at me. Look at me! You are not evil, okay? You've had to protect yourself, you've had to protect your sister, and you've lived in a world where it is take or get taken, all right? And you don't have to live in that world anymore.", "Tessa: [ Sobbing ]", "Mariah: Even if...", "Tessa: Even if what?", "Mariah: Even if we're not together.", "Tessa: You're leaving me?", "Mariah: That's why I, um... I needed to see you tonight. I wanted to tell you that i can't do this anymore.", "Tessa: You're right. [ Stammering ] I -- I will -- I will leave -- I will leave you alone, and you'll never have to see my face again.", "Mariah: You didn't let me finish. The thing is... I need your face. I need you, and I know that now. So... you can't go. Okay? And I'm not gonna leave.", "Tessa: [ Sobbing ]", "Phyllis: Nick and I are starting over, you know? It's light. It's easy. No demands. No complications.", "Billy: That's because it's not real. It's a façade. It doesn't mean anything.", "Phyllis: That's not who we are, nick and I. He doesn't deserve me sitting here talking to you in private.", "Billy: Okay, I'm not gonna get into what nick deserves and what he doesn't, okay? Because I don't care. He's background noise to me. He's always been. But you and me...", "Phyllis: I don't know where this is coming from, not when you did what you did to prove we were done.", "Billy: You know exactly where it's coming from because you were there.", "Phyllis: We click. We have fun at work. But that's not enough.", "Billy: Yeah, it is. It is enough. Forget the other stuff, who did what to whom.", "Phyllis: The \"whom\" was my daughter. Forgiving is one thing, but forgetting a whole nother.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: She is across the world, and I had to ask her was she leaving because of you. She said no, but a part of me felt that she was lying. After everything, if I take you back, what does that say about me as a woman, as a mother?", "Billy: So this is about what you're gonna say to summer? Tell her I'm sorry. I'll tell her I'm sorry. I'll tell her that I hate what i did. Just like you hated what you did with nick.", "Phyllis: I was sorry before. What happened, when I thought we had a chance. But now it's after. And I'm with nick.", "Billy: That's because you're not with me. So change that.", "Phyllis: We burned it down to the ground, billy. And now I'm with someone else. I'm very sorry. We're done.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ]", "[ Screaming ]", "[ Muffled whimpering ] Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Reed: I came back for a reason -- I'm gonna find out how my dad died.", "Abby: I have an offer that you're not gonna be able to refuse.", "Mariah: Please leave her alone.", "Sharon: Not until I'm sure that she's out of your life for good.", "Victoria: It's been a rough week. I think a party actually sounds kind of fun.", "[ Car approaching ]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Elena tells Devon that he needs to decide what is more important her or his obsession with finding his stolen money and finding out more about Amanda. Mariah talks with Devon later and tells him that he needs to show Elena how important she is to him. Elena apologizes to Amanda for treating her so harshly and promises to give her the benefit of the doubt because Nate made her see that she judged her before she got to know her. Phyllis asks Amanda to help her file a wrongful termination suit against Abby but Amanda tells her they wouldn't win the case because she has a bad reputation. Amanda's words really hurt Phyllis and she goes to Summer to tell her about what happened. Summer tells her Amanda is right and she loves her mother's take no prisoners attitude but it wouldn't be so bad if she showed people how kind and loving she can be so people wouldn't always think the worst of her. Abby admits to Chance that she hired actors to help her stage the robberies in order to be able to fire Phyllis. Chance tells her that he figured that out a long time ago and he is so impressed by her gutsy plan that he decides not to arrest her for her victimless crime. Abby offers Chance the job of head of security and he promises to think about the offer.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Abby: I just got another call. Valuables are missing from a guest's room. We need to call the police.", "Chance: Someone installed a back door into your wi-fi system, allowing them remote access to any device connected to your wi-fi.", "Abby: You used the hotel security system to spy on me and everyone else who stepped foot in this hotel. Take your lack of conscience and get the hell out of here.", "Chance: I've been thinking more about the robberies -- about how the thief got away totally clean three different times.", "Abby: Oh, god.", "Chance: I'm so sorry.", "Abby: Oh, no, I'm sorry. No. Uh...", "Theo: I just feel like both of us could use some space. Am I wrong?", "Mariah: Summer.", "Summer: Hi.", "Mariah: I was afraid I might run in to you here.", "Summer: Oh, aren't you sweet?", "Mariah: Is kyle here? I brought him a gift to celebrate his new position.", "Summer: Oh. Well, I have a new position, too.", "Mariah: [ Softly ] I wonder what that is.", "Summer: I'm sorry. What was that?", "Mariah: Is he here?", "Summer: Uh, no. He's actually not here right now, but I'd be happy to deliver that to him when he gets back.", "Mariah: Actually, you know what? I'm sure you're busy, so I'd rather do it myself.", "Summer: No. I'm really not busy. I'd be happy to.", "Mariah: I bet you would. I just don't want to bother you. I'm sure you have better things to do, like posting selfies of you sucking face with your boyfriend.", "Summer: Okay. Well, not that it's any of your business, but, um, theo and I actually broke up.", "Mariah: Are you serious?", "Summer: Oh, yeah, no. That's right, 'cause now you care about me.", "Mariah: No, no, no. I don'T. I care about kyle. And a single summer is a dangerous summer.", "Abby: Chance... I know what this must look like.", "Chance: Do you?", "Abby: No, but you are 100% wrong.", "Chance: Do you mind if i venture a guess? Some other detective somewhere might see you with a haul like this and assume that you've been caught red-handed, that you were the mastermind behind every single one of the heists here at your own hotel.", "Abby: But don't I get a chance to explain my side of the story?", "Chance: Oh, I'm waiting.", "Abby: Despite appearances to the contrary... I am not a thief.", "Chance: Mm.", "Devon: Is that a map to where my money ended up?", "Amanda: [ Sighs ] You should know better than to sneak up on people.", "Devon: Well, maybe I should start stalking you.", "Amanda: Is that a threat?", "Devon: Or I can hire an investigator, 'cause you're obviously hiding something with the way you just closed your laptop when I walked up. Additional sponsorship", "Summer: Mariah, I am -- I am so done with your immature and ridiculous insinuations. I work with kyle. We're friends. We're in a really good place right now, but, most importantly... he's married.", "Mariah: Look, summer, I-I'm just looking out for my friend.", "Summer: So, if you were really kyle's friend, I think you would know that he would never cross that line, so not only are you just insulting me, but you're actually being downright rude to your bestie. Just because theo and I are taking a break doesn't mean that y--", "Mariah: Wait. Rewind. A couple of minutes ago, you just said that you two had broken up. Now you're saying that you're on a break. Are you confused?", "Summer: It's -- it's complicated. And I'm sorry. I don't owe you an explanation. This was between me and theo.", "Mariah: Were you guys ever even serious about each other, or was he just a way to make kyle jealous? Weren't you just using him until you could figure out a scheme to et you and kyle back together? Did theo find out the truth?", "Summer: Oh, wow. [ Sighs ] Well, um, you know, I know that you're -- you're cynical and you're jaded, mariah, and you try to convince the world that emotions are just for suckers -- well, except for your own, of course -- but the thing is is that the rest of us, the people that you don't -- you don't like or even respect -- we have actual feelings. And when our hearts break, it's real. It's not just some dumb metaphor. And I can promise you that none of us are living our lives for your entertainment.", "Amanda: You really need to stop jumping to conclusions. I closed my laptop because I am working and my clients rely on my discretion. I would be just as scrupulous with your information if you were to hire me.", "Devon: I'd never hire you.", "Amanda: Is there some specific reason why you are here? Because otherwise --", "Devon: I thought I made it clear -- I want my money.", "Amanda: I thought I made it clear that I don't have it. I was played just like you.", "Devon: No, it was nothing like me, okay? You scammed me by playing on my emotions, and I got caught between my head and my heart. So, what's your excuse? You don't have one, 'cause you're too gifted and -- and smart and talented to get tricked like me. So, that says to me that you're in on it.", "Amanda: I've told you a dozen times that I had nothing to do with colin's scam, but here you are. You are still hounding me. So, do I need to file a restraining order?", "Devon: Hey, you can do whatever you think you need to do.", "Amanda: No. I'm -- I'm not gonna waste my time trying to change your mind. I will settle for your inevitable apology when the whole truth comes out and you can't deny the facts any longer. But if you will excuse me, I'm meeting someone here soon, so if you can please...", "Elena: [ Sighs ]", "Devon: Hey.", "Phyllis: Hey, devon.", "Devon: I got to run. I'm sorry.", "Phyllis: [ Clears throat ] Hello.", "Amanda: Hi. Please, please, take a seat.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah. Thank you. Um...alright. I assume you got a copy of my contract with the grand phoenix -- okay -- and the e-mail with the description of abby's bogus reason for firing me.", "Amanda: Yes. I have perused all of the necessary documents.", "Phyllis: Great. How can we fix this? Where do we start?", "Amanda: Not so fast. Um... this is not as simple as it may seem.", "Abby: See? Fake.", "Chance: All of them?", "Abby: Every piece, every robbery, every victim. All a sham, fugazi. The only thing that was real was my plan to get rid of phyllis, and it worked. And that's the gospel truth.", "Elena: [ Sighs ]", "Devon: Hey. I've been calling after you. You didn't slow down or anything. What's going on?", "Elena: No, no, because i needed time and space to think things through and just decide what I wanted to say to you.", "Devon: This about amanda?", "Elena: You two at a restaurant. Did you end up there by chance? Was it by choice? Did you decide to confront her?", "Devon: No. I ran in to her. I saw her, and I decided to confront her. That's what -- if you think i invited her there, that's crazy.", "Elena: No, what's crazy is you lied to me.", "Devon: When did I lie to you?", "Elena: When you told me you'd be at work all day and then i show up at society and you're there with amanda.", "Devon: Babe, I just --", "Elena: We just had this beautiful, romantic lunch together. Do you remember?", "Devon: Of course I do! It was a great relief.", "Elena: Yeah, a relief from the inescapable cloud that's been over your head. Losing your inheritance is all you think about and talk about. Tell me I'm wrong.", "Devon: I didn't just lose my inheritance. I lost my trust in just about everybody and my life.", "Elena: I thought I was a part of that life, too, and I'm still here.", "Devon: That's not what i meant. Colin didn't just take from me. He took from the people I'd be able to help with the money and whose lives I could change. Alright? You're acting like you want me to just get over it this in a couple weeks.", "Elena: Money isn't even the main point. You're always gonna find a way to help people, but you keep focusing on amanda.", "Devon: Well, that's 'cause she won't leave. She's everywhere. Everywhere we go, there she is. And now nate's hanging out with her. He has no idea what he's dealing with.", "Elena: Well, nate's a big boy, and he's gonna make his own choices.", "Devon: Like the choice I made to give up my money, with amanda's help?", "Elena: Maybe you should give nate the benefit of the doubt. He is level-headed and logical, and he's even convinced me that maybe I've...been too harsh on amanda.", "Devon: Really? Wow.", "Elena: I have a question for you, and I want you to be honest with me and with yourself.", "Devon: Okay.", "Elena: Are you attracted to amanda?", "Devon: Not at all. I think that she's a liar, I don't trust one word that comes out of her mouth, and i can't wait until she leaves town and disappears. Is that an answer for you?", "Elena: You know... it almost would have been better if you were attracted to her... because if you're not... then you must be obsessed.", "Amanda: If you're thinking about pursuing a wrongful-termination suit...", "Phyllis: That's what I want to pursue, exactly.", "Amanda: ...Then I feel like i must warn you that these cases -- it's gonna be an uphill battle.", "Phyllis: Okay. Well, I've been fighting all my life, so...", "Amanda: Cases like these can take years.", "Phyllis: O-okay. Listen, this -- this case in particular is about doing the right thing. It's about justice.", "Amanda: Okay.", "Phyllis: This particular issue is about the security software in particular. My partners are saying i violated the terms of the contract because I made some tweaks to the system. I made it more user-friendly. That's all. I was just, you know, trying to help, and, um the [Chuckles] The issue here is my partners don't like me and they've never liked me, and this is their way of trying to get rid of me.", "Amanda: Okay. Um [Clears throat] If you're looking for vindication, I say go for it. Don't let anyone stand in your way.", "Phyllis: Okay. What are my odds?", "Amanda: 50/50.", "Phyllis: 50/50. That's good. I've had worse odds. Okay. Where do we start?", "Amanda: Uh, we don'T. Unfortunately, I won't be able to help you -- not personally.", "Phyllis: Oh, no. Are you just too busy? I-is it bad timing? I mean, I really want you to represent me. Your track record is phenomenal. You have no losses.", "Amanda: Oh, yes, that's true, but nonetheless --", "Phyllis: I have a lot of money.", "Amanda: I'm not worried about that.", "Phyllis: Okay. What -- what is holding you back?", "Amanda: [ Sighs ] You.", "Chance: Tell me about those robbery victims. Who were they?", "Abby: I spared no expense. I left nothing to chance. Pardon the pun. [ Chuckles ] I hired the best actors I could find.", "Chance: Incredible.", "Abby: I had to make it look authentic.", "Chance: You weren't worried by the third time that you'd be found out?", "Abby: I was aware of the risks.", "Chance: And you loved every minute of it.", "Abby: I had to put the pressure on phyllis while making the crimes seem legitimate. One didn't seem like enough, but three was the perfect number.", "Chance: So when I offered to help team up and smoke out the thief...", "Abby: It was an offer i couldn't refuse.", "Chance: I was gonna say that you happily used me.", "Abby: Getting you involved was a gamble. But it paid off.", "Chance: How?", "Abby: You gave me what i needed -- proof that phyllis was tampering with the security system, giving herself a back door into the software and then scrubbing the evidence when she thought she was about to be found out.", "Chance: You thought of everything.", "Abby: But now she's history. And there's no need for any more fakery, unless...", "Chance: Unless what?", "Abby: Unless... you plan on arresting me for my ever... [ Clattering ] ...So clever... subterfuge.", "Phyllis: I don't understand how I'm the problem. Can you please explain that to me?", "Amanda: My decision has nothing to do with who is right and who is wrong. It has everything to do with me. The case that brought me here to genoa city -- it was stressful and high-profile enough for a lifetime, and I do not want more of the same.", "Phyllis: Oh, how is my case on par with devon's?", "Amanda: Because... look, I know I'm not saying anything to you that you don't already know, phyllis. You are a lightning rod for trouble and controversy. And taking a case where the plaintiff has -- let's just call it a reputation -- is not what I'm looking for right now.", "Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] A reputation? What do you mean?", "Amanda: I can tell you all the things that I've found out about you since I've been in genoa city, but I don't want to hurt your feelings.", "Phyllis: Oh. Wow. Um, people make mistakes.", "Amanda: Yes, and the poor choices we make can follow us around for the rest of our lives, whether we deserve it or not. I'm not saying that your case doesn't have merit, okay? You may very well prevail. Now, if you want to continue to pursue this, I can -- I can compile a list of attorneys --", "Phyllis: I don't want your list. Thank you very much for, um, meeting with me. I'll leave here. I don't want... my bad reputation to taint yours. Um, I'll take care of this on my own, like I do everything else.", "Elena: You know what? I kept trying to avoid the warning signs. But after a couple of weeks, the way that you talk about her and the way that you react when you see her...", "Devon: She makes me upset.", "Amanda: ...And add to the fact that she looks just like hilary, it's not healthy.", "Devon: Well, she's not hilary -- they're nothing alike -- and her appearance has nothing to do with why I'm upset about what happened to me, alright? I don't -- I don't know why you're saying these things that you're saying, but if you -- you want out of this relationship, don't put it all on me.", "Elena: How could you even think that? I'm saying all this because you're the one pulling away from me, and I feel it every day. You know, when I used to think about the future... I saw us... together... happy... and in love.", "Devon: Babe, that's exactly what we are. Nothing has changed at all.", "Elena: What do you want, devon? Is it me... or is it to stay in your past with your anger? Because you need to decide what's most important to you.", "Devon: What -- what are you doing? Are you giving me an ultimatum?", "Elena: I'm giving you a wake-up call.", "Chance: You do realize filing a false police report is a felony?", "Abby: Mm. See, I lied about that, too. The police never got back to me because... I never called them.", "Chance: [ Chuckles softly ] didn't attempt to profit from your ruse. You didn't file a fraudulent insurance claim.", "Abby: It was a victimless crime, unless you count phyllis. And I-I did lie to chloe and chelsea, but I feel awful, and i had to make the crimes look legit.", "Chance: [ Chuckles softly ] I see. You feel bad about lying to your friends... but not about lying to me.", "Abby: No, see, that hurt most of all. And I would love to find a way to make it up to you... if you'd let me.", "Chance: Are you flirting with a federal agent?", "Abby: Hmm. That depends. Is it working?", "Chance: Of all the people to ask to dig in to a security system... you asked someone who is trained to see through lies... someone who figures stuff like this out for a living. That takes a lot of nerve.", "Abby: Mm. See, that... was the most exciting part -- beating you... at your own game.", "Chance: [ Chuckles softly ] Except you didn'T. I saw right through you... from the start.", "Summer: Alright. Well, I will consult with kyle, and I will get back to you with the answer. Yes, we are very much in sync on this project. [ Chuckles softly ] No, having his leadership on this one is a real bonus. I mean, kyle is -- he's stellar. He has great attention for detail. He knows exactly what our customers want, exactly what our employees need, and, yeah, he's a real team player. He breathes a lot of new life into jabot. Um, well, I will -- I will give you a call back. Okay. Bye. Hey. What are you, uh -- what are you doing here?", "Phyllis: Oh, you know, I just wanted to come see someone who didn't make me feel... you know, 10 inches tall.", "Summer: Why? What happened?", "Phyllis: Oh, you know, fired from a job I loved. [ Chuckles ] Uh, turned down by a lawyer who said I have a bad reputation. [ Clears throat ] The usual. \"The young and the restless\" will continue. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Mariah: Just what I thought. Ice-cold. You're a million miles away. What's going on?", "Devon: Just have a lot on my mind.", "Mariah: Let me guess. It's not about work?", "Devon: No, it's not even about all the money I gave away.", "Mariah: You feel humiliated. You're wondering how a big-time businessman got tricked.", "Devon: That's it right there. What does that, uh -- what does that say about me? What does that make me?", "Mariah: Neil winters' son. Katherine chancellor's beloved grandson. A man who is generous beyond measure and always sees the good in people.", "Devon: Well, I appreciate you saying that, but I do wish that I never signed away my money to cane.", "Mariah: You were trying to do the right thing -- honor your grandmother, be the man that you always are. You didn't do anything wrong, devon. You were just trying to do what the best people in your life expected you to do.", "Devon: And one of the people who scammed me has the face of hilary, and... as much as I try, I can't let go of that. It's like it's all I can think about. And she -- she cost me my fortune, and now she's gonna cost me my future.", "Amanda: Hey. Um, do you have your screen up? Yeah. Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Where is he? I understand the technology. No, I-I know that the tracker can lose signal sometimes, but what if it is not one of those times? What if he found the tracker and he destroyed it? Okay. Just figure it out and call me back.", "Elena: Got a minute?", "Amanda: Uh, well, that depends. Your boyfriend just dropped by to tell me what a monster I am, so if you're here to sing the same song, then --", "Elena: I'm not.", "Amanda: Well, forgive me if i find that difficult to believe.", "Elena: That's fair. I didn't believe you, either -- not one word since you set foot in this town. Maybe that should all change.", "Phyllis: This is textbook abby. We have history. She hates me. I get it. I get it. But...amanda sinclair -- I mean... she doesn't even know me. Everything she's heard about me is, like, secondhand, thirdhand. Yeah, I made mistakes. I mean, everybody's made mistakes, but... she said I was a lightning rod for trouble. I'm not a bad person.", "Summer: No. No, and it's really not cool, what she said, but, I mean, aren't you kind of a lightning rod?", "Phyllis: I mean, yeah. Yeah. I-I can be. Yeah, but, I mean -- but get to know me. Get to know me. Admire me.... and then be shocked at what i do.", "Summer: I mean, it kind of sounds like she took a deep dive on the internet to find all of your greatest hits... like, uh -- ugh -- when you plowed christine down with your car, when you got rid of J.T.'S body.", "Phyllis: Right, right. Okay. Alright. I don't need to relive my most challenging moments, but thanks.", "Summer: Hey, I have an idea.", "Phyllis: Shoot.", "Summer: We could build an all-inclusive database for all of your future frenemies so they can find all your exploits in one place, and then that way, it's just, you know, faster judgments and quicker rejections.", "Phyllis: Ha ha.", "Summer: Oh, mom, come on. You know that I'm joking, right?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I know. It's a joke. [ Sighs ] I know who I am. I know what everybody in this town thinks of me.", "Summer: I feel like today really threw you for a loop. I mean, you're right. It's one thing to be judged by people that know you.", "Phyllis: [ Exhales sharply ]", "Summer: But, for some reason, this one really got under your skin. I don't know. I feel like it kind of broke you a little.", "Devon: Elena thinks that I'm stuck and that I need to move on and stop focusing on amanda.", "Mariah: Maybe she has a point.", "Devon: About amanda?", "Mariah: No. No. You're right about her. She knew how to get under your skin, and she used it for all that it was worth. I think she's a threat. The sooner she's gone, the better.", "Devon: Thanks for saying that. I completely agree. I can't wait till she leaves town so I can focus on my own life and start to make things right with elena.", "Mariah: And you told elena all of this?", "Devon: She doesn't want to hear it. She's tired of hearing the same old story.", "Mariah: Oh. So you dump it all on me.", "Devon: You asked me, so...", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ] I know. Look... elena is the one that you need to fix things with. She's the one you need to talk to, and not about amanda -- about her, about you, about how much she means to you and how she's made you happier than you ever thought possible and you need her by your side so you can get through all of this, so you can build a new life together. You're the guy I'd run to for advice. And not too long ago, you would have immediately known the right thing to do. So where is the problem-solver that I knew and loved?", "Devon: I know. You're right.", "Mariah: Then what are you still doing here?", "[ Chuckles ]", "Devon: That's a good point. Thank you.", "Mariah: You're welcome.", "Elena: I'm not who you think I am. What I'm trying to say is i haven't been myself around you. I've been unkind, unforgiving, defensive. That's not who I am.", "Amanda: Then who are you?", "Elena: I'm someone who stands by her partner, for better or for worse, and it's been made clear to me that maybe I've been unfair.", "Amanda: Well, that's very big of you.", "Elena: I was raised to be better than that. Judge not...", "Amanda: Lest ye be judged. If it makes you feel any better, I know what it's like to get swept up in a situation and then realize that you've lost perspective.", "Elena: Yeah. I wasn't loving the person I was becoming.", "Amanda: And now you are willing to give me the benefit of the doubt.", "Elena: I don't know you, but if what you're saying is true, that you were blindsided by the situation with katherine's will, then I'm willing to believe you.", "Amanda: And that devon had me all wrong?", "Elena: That's definitely a possibility.", "Amanda: Did nate put you up to this?", "Elena: We spoke. And he stood up for you and i listened, and I decided that if there was no solid proof otherwise... thinking the worst of you accomplishes nothing.", "Amanda: What did devon have to say?", "Elena: This isn't about devon. It's about you and me. And I'm hoping you can put the way that I treated you on the side and we can start fresh. What do you say?", "Amanda: I accept.", "Phyllis: Okay. I'm letting an entire stranger affect me like. Um, I-I'm fine. Amanda sinclair is not the only game in town. There are boatloads of other incredible lawyers in town that would be honored to represent the force of nature that is phyllis summers. I got this. I'm fine.", "Summer: Are you really fine, though, mom? I mean, look, the takeaway here is that your reputation precedes you, right? And if something doesn't change, this is just going to keep happening.", "Phyllis: Okay. You're supposed to be on my side. You realize that?", "Summer: Mom, I am on your side. I am. I love you. I love my badass mom, who takes no prisoners. But the truth is people don't trust you.", "Phyllis: They don't know me.", "Summer: Well, you're notorious.", "Phyllis: I like that.", "Summer: No, that is not a compliment, mom. People think that you are always on the make, that you are self-serving, that you are...", "Phyllis: Okay. Shh, shh.", "Summer: ...A liability, mom.", "Phyllis: Please. [ Voice breaking ] We weren't all lucky enough to be born a newman or an abbott.", "Summer: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: Some of us have had to work real hard for what we got and use our instincts and our resources, and we'll never, ever apologize for that -- ever.", "Summer: Mom, I know, but it's never too late to change.", "Phyllis: I don't want to change. I don't need to change. There are things I have done that I am not proud of, and i have made mistakes. I realize that. But I play the cards that were dealt.", "Summer: [ Sighs ] I mean, I really thought that maybe you were gonna have this \"aha\" moment where you realize, \"wow, things just aren't working out the way that I've been doing them, so maybe it's time to make some different choices.\"", "Phyllis: Sometimes I really wonder I-if -- if you are my child.", "Summer: You're just gonna double down, aren't you?", "Phyllis: Yeah. You go with what you know, summer. You always go with what you know.", "Chance: I was on to you from the beginning.", "Abby: Impossible.", "Chance: You and I made a date for drinks before. So why do you think that I came back earlier than expected? I was giving you a chance to slip up, and that's exactly what you did. The minute I walked out the door, you went to go get that so-called evidence so no one would find it in your possession.", "Abby: When did you find out?", "Chance: Pretty early in the game. A bit of advice -- if you are contemplating a life as a criminal...don'T. Keep your day job or get a really good lawyer.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] But you didn't know what I was doing or why, so let's call it even.", "Chance: Really? You have a hotel and a restaurant, and you need to be a criminal mastermind, too?", "Abby: I am really bad at failure. Give me your blessing, or I will go on a fake jewelry-robbing spree. Save me from a life of crime. Tell me I'm good or I will just have to try harder.", "Chance: Alright. Alright. You've got the makings of a true outlaw.", "Abby: Mm-hmm. Tell me more.", "Chance: The world is a much safer place since you've decided to go straight and are gainfully employed.", "Abby: Good. Now, everything is out in the open, so why don't we, uh, pop the cork on some bubbly?", "Chance: And to what would we toast?", "Abby: Well, one thing is that we make a really, really great team, especially since we were lying through our teeth to one another the entire time.", "Chance: I'll give you this. It is the most fun I've ever had-working a case.", "Abby: Mm. Not much excitement in your line of work.", "Chance: Precious little.", "Abby: Then get a new job.", "Chance: It's not that simple.", "Abby: It is if there's one waiting for you. And there just so happens to be a job here for you at the grand phoenix -- head of security. Interested?", "Chance: Hmm.", "Elena: Well, I have taken up enough of your time. I'm sure you have a new case to work on.", "Amanda: And I'm sure you have to get back to saving lives, right?", "Elena: I'm glad we had this conversation.", "Amanda: Yeah, me, too.", "Elena: Oh, hey, I saw you earlier looking at your computer, and you looked upset. Is everything okay?", "Amanda: Um...yeah. It was just a couple of loose ends that I'm dealing with from back home. A woman's work is never done, right?", "Elena: Don't I know it? Well, I'll let you get back to it, and I'll see you around.", "Amanda: Yeah. Thanks again.", "Devon: Hey. What are you doing? What was that?", "Elena: adults, just having a civil conversation. You should try it sometime.", "Amanda: Hey. Yeah, I'm looking at the screen now. The signal is back, and he is exactly where he should be. Thank god.", "Phyllis: Okay. I'm gonna let you get back to work. You're the only one in my family who's gainfully employed.", "Summer: Already? I mean, you just got here.", "Phyllis: You're sulking?", "Summer: No. I-I don't -- [ Sighs ] I don't know, mom.", "Phyllis: Oh. Why, are you upset that you weren't able to talk me out of my scandalous ways and get me to walk the straight and narrow?", "Summer: You know that I love you.", "Phyllis: I know. And you'd love me a lot more if I acted like someone else.", "Summer: No, I just really hate seeing you unhappy.", "Phyllis: I am on top of the world.", "Summer: Okay. Well, you just weren'T.", "Phyllis: Well, I talked about it, and then I was fine. That's how I am. You know, I fall down, I get right back up. So, I am good. I just wanted to see my daughter. That's it. And you...are the one who seems like you need a life change.", "Summer: Um, no. I'm -- [ Chuckles ] I'm fine.", "Phyllis: Hmm. 'Kay, 'cause when I was walking in, I overheard you on the phone, and you were going on about kyle. It seemed a little bit like... hero worship.", "Summer: Oh, my god. Really, mom? Give me a break, please.", "Phyllis: Yeah, and I got your text about theo.", "Summer: Okay, and I thought that you'd be happy about that since you're always saying how he's not right for me.", "Phyllis: Well, believe me, I ma thrilled. I just don't want you to backslide. You're not still in love with kyle, are you?", "Summer: Mom. [ Chuckles ] Okay. You know, I'm not even gonna dignify that one with an answer.", "Phyllis: No, no, no. Yes, you are.", "Summer: Mom, I work with kyle. We're friends. And considering where we came from, I think that that's a really big step.", "Phyllis: Just because your heart has had time to heal doesn't mean it can take another hit.", "Summer: Okay, and the only kind of relationship I'M... interested in having with kyle is a working one. So, I'm fine. You can go fix your own life, okay?", "Phyllis: Alright.", "Summer: Okay.", "Phyllis: I love you.", "Summer: I know.", "Phyllis: You know that?", "Summer: Yes, I know.", "Phyllis: Who loves you the most?", "Summer: You do.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I do.", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: I really do. See ya.", "Summer: Please stay out of trouble.", "Phyllis: You tell trouble to stay out of my way.", "Summer: [ Chuckling ] Oh, my god.", "Abby: It would be a perfect fit. For one thing, you would be a 100% improvement over your predecessor, and I would be able to sleep well at night knowing that my baby is in good hands.", "Chance: It's all about you, huh?", "Abby: No! I want what's best for you... and for me. Wouldn't it be nice to take a break from saving the world and just focus on the one little corner of it?", "Chance: I'm flattered, really.", "Abby: Imagine all of the benefits.", "Chance: You mean insurance?", "Abby: That, too.", "Chance: There's more?", "Abby: Mm. Just say yes... and I promise I will make it worth your while.", "Chance: Hmm. I have a feeling you're not talking about my salary.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] You're a fast learner.", "Chance: I'll think about it.", "Abby: As I recall, we were about to share some champagne. No one can say no over champagne.", "Chance: You drive a hard bargain, abby newman.", "Abby: Mm. You have no... idea. Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Victoria: I just wonder if walking away from jabot is affecting billy more than he cares to admit.", "Billy: I don't know a damn thing about you. Who are you?", "Victor: This about amanda sinclair? That's very interesting indeed.", "Abby: To the future.", "Chance: The future sounds good.", "[ Glasses clink ]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "In the aftermath of Jack's resignation, everyone adds their 2 cents to the situation especially Nick who states that this is the lowest he can go. Jack fears that Sharon will leave him and Phyllis tries to offer words of encouragement that she won't. However, when she expresses Jack's fears to Nick he confirms that they are valid. On a positive note, they all agree on one thing; the welfare of Noah, who's taking the news of Jack's resignation well.", "Lily finds herself suffering from writer's block, unable to come up with 50 words that describe her worthiness of winning the Faces of Jabot contest. Colleen tries to pump her up and tells her that she needs to highlight her accomplishments. Cane overhears their conversation and praises her, then shares attributes of hers that are noticeable to him. Meanwhile, Amber tries to recruit Daniel to assist her with entering the contests. Daniel refuses, stating that what she's doing is wrong and she's liable to get caught; no matter if she's disguised as Marina. Of course, Amber does not listen and convenes with her preparations.", "Marry me or else; Jeffrey has made it clear of the consequences if Glo does not accept his proposal. Feeling trapped, Gloria tries to figure a way out and comes up with nothing. Kevin adamantly tells her she needs to tell Jeffrey to shove it. Glo doesn't think that'd be wise and caves, confessing to Kevin that she's going to accept his proposal.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Nick: Kinda reminded me of the Nixon resignation speech I saw on the History Channel.", "Phyllis: Wow. That's bad.", "Nick: He brought this on himself.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I mean, I'm sure he's humiliated.", "Nick: You know, part of me wants to throttle him, but the other part of me feels as bad about this as you do.", "Phyllis: Right. 'Cause he was your stepfather for many years.", "Nick: He was more like a real father. We talked about that, when we were trapped.", "Phyllis: He cares about you a lot.", "Nick: He's just so damn infuriating at times.", "Phyllis: I'm sure his wife isn't too thrilled with him right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Thank you again.", "Jack: Noah should be home soon.", "Sharon: Yeah. Early release for the holiday party at 4:00. He's, um, he's running the karaoke booth.", "Jack: I think we need to talk to him.", "Sharon: You mean, you wanna be the one to tell him the bad news?", "Jack: His stepfather just quit the senate. I don't think he should hear that from a friend or an enemy. It's gonna be difficult.", "Sharon: It really tears me up, Jack.", "Jack: I understand.", "Sharon: Stop saying that. Do you have any idea how bad this is gonna be for him? You're gonna break his heart. Again. And what's worse, I let you do that.", "Jack: He was so proud of me.", "Sharon: Yeah, he was.", "Jack: Sharon, I want more than anything to be a good stepfather to Noah and a good husband to you.", "Sharon: I've seen this movie.", "Jack: Look, I know you're upset with me. You have every right to be. But you have to know how much I love you.", "Sharon: Well, you have a funny way of showing it.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: You want me to marry you? Are you serious?", "Jeff: As serious as a murder charge.", "Gloria: Well, I don't know what to say.", "Jeff: A simple, \"Yes, Jeff,\" will suffice.", "Gloria: I didn't expect--", "Jeff: A marriage proposal? Surprise.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Gloria: One little problem, Jeff. I don't love you.", "Jeff: Love? Noun, four letters, definition--overrated. As opposed to prisoner-- eight letters. Definition--you.", "Gloria: Are you threatening me? It sounds like it.", "Jeff: I'll tell you what, Gloria. You take some time to think about it. But think fast. For your own good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Sorry your to go order is taking so long. We have a substitute chef.", "Amber: Okay.", "Daniel: That's okay. Just starving to death over here.", "Colleen: Oh, you can munch on these.", "Daniel: Thanks. I was about to start gnawing on Amber's arm.", "Amber: I'd give my right arm for a friend.", "Daniel: Oh, how sweet.", "Amber: (Laughs)", "Colleen: Hey.", "Lily: Hey.", "Colleen: Writing that paper for Econ?", "Lily: No, tonight, but check this out. It's the rules for the fresh face of Jabot contest.", "Colleen: Oh. \"Women of every age, shape, size and color who have special beauty that shines from within.\" Cool. What do you have to do?", "Lily: Uh, just submit a statement saying why I think I make a good candidate, and then I upload a video.", "Colleen: Doesn't sound too difficult, right?", "Lily: No. Great, it just froze up.", "Colleen: Maybe it's your laptop. Oh, Daniel's here. Maybe he can help fix it.", "Lily: No, I can do it myself. It's fine.", "Colleen: Yeah.", "Lily: What does \"Yeah\" mean?", "Colleen: Okay, let's just put it this way, I wouldn't put \"Computer Whiz\" to your contest bio.", "Daniel: Computer whiz? Or computer whiz-not?", "Lily: Wow!", "Colleen: Oh! Yeah, I have to refill coffees.", "Lily: Okay.", "Daniel: Okay, yeah, I get it. That was bad.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Daniel: But you know, you've got that textbook look if laptop phobia. Terrified, I don't know.", "Lily: Do I have a little balloon over my head with the words \"Help\" in it?", "Daniel: As a matter of fact, you do, so you mind if I take a look?", "Lily: No. Help me, please.", "Daniel: Let's see...", "Amber: Uh, hey, food's ready.", "Daniel: Just a sec. And you're all set.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Daniel: Good luck in the contest. Hope you win.", "Lily: Thanks.", "Amber: When does the contest start?", "Lily: Um, today.", "Amber: Is that your entry?", "Lily: Yeah, once I figure out what to say. Thanks, Daniel.", "Amber: I can take her.", "Daniel: No, you can't. No family members of Jabot employees can enter. Remember?", "Amber: Maybe you should check the rules again, because there has been a slight adjustment. I'm good to go.", "Daniel: Are we talking about this disguise thing again?", "Amber: Marina is not a disguise. She is an alter ego and she is a lovely person. And she's a great humanitarian and she would be perfect as one of the Faces of Jabot and she needs you to help her with her entry.", "Daniel: Well, tell Marina I'm booked.", "Amber: Nope!", "Daniel: Get over it.", "Amber: When have I ever gotten over anything, hmm?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Where have you been? Did you hear the news about Jack? He quit the senate! Pop open the champagne! Why weren't you answering your phone?", "Gloria: I was a little distracted.", "Kevin: Jack Abbott resigns and all you can say is that you've been distracted?", "Gloria: All right, I was a little more than distracted! I've been with Jeffrey Bardwell. The man's insane.", "Kevin: Ugh. Is he still torturing you? 'Cause I gotta say, the fact that he did not shoot his mouth off about you to Jill and Mrs. Chancellor is a good sign, Mom. It means he's not as confident as he wants us to think.", "Gloria: No, Honey, he's a lot more confident. A lot more.", "Kevin: Okay, how do you figure?", "Gloria: He just proposed to me. The lunatic expects me to marry him!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Hey, Guys, I'm home!", "Noah: Hey.", "Jack: Hey, Champ. You all psyched for the Christmas fair?", "Noah: Yeah. Miss Schultz says she'll go in that, uh, cut-out face thing that everybody throws sponges at. Everyone's psyched.", "Sharon: Okay. Well, honey, sit down. We need to tell you something.", "Noah: I've heard this before. Who died? Aunt Victoria? The baby?", "Sharon: Um, no, no. No one died. Everyone's fine.", "Noah: But it's something bad, right?", "Jack: It could turn out to be a good thing. Noah, I quit the state senate today.", "Noah: Is it because of all the things that have been happening to you? Like that hearing?", "Jack: Partly. There is a good side. As much time as I've been spending in Madison, it's put a lot of pressure on our family.", "Sharon: Because we have to, um, we have to spend more time apart.", "Jack: So I've been thinking maybe we could all take a family vacation, you know, that trip to France we keep putting off.", "Noah: You didn't resign so we could go to France.", "Jack: No, you're absolutely right. But it does mean we can spend more time together as a family.", "Noah: Why'd you quit? Really?", "Jack: Before... you and your mom became a part of my life, I made some real mistakes, Noah. The truth is, I told some real whoppers. And they've caught up with me. And as much as I... try to learn from those mistakes--", "Sharon: Sometimes apologizing just isn't enough.", "Jack: Sometimes... like this time, you simply have to face the consequences. And for me, that means... I had to quit being a senator. And that makes me very sad and a little angry. Angry at myself. See, I have no one but myself to blame for this.", "Noah: I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I agree to holy matrimony, he keeps quiet about the face cream.", "Kevin: That creep is blackmailing you.", "Gloria: He won't say \"I did it\" if I agree to say \"I do.\"", "Kevin: Uh, mnh-mnh. Sorry, Mom, that's not how it's gonna work.", "Gloria: Yeah, really? I wasn't hit with a stupid stick this morning. If we get married--", "Kevin: He's gonna go right to the cops.", "Gloria: I go to jail, and my loving husband gets every dime of my inheritance.", "Kevin: From both your dead husbands. It's kind of brilliant.", "Gloria: What do I tell him, Kevin?", "Kevin: You tell him no.", "Gloria: I tried that.", "Kevin: And what did he say?", "Gloria: He said, \"Think about it, Gloria.\"", "Kevin: Fine. Fine. You thought about it. No. No forget it. Not in this lifetime.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Uh, do you want some coffee?", "Nick: No. No, thank you. I'm just gonna check in with Sharon really quick.", "(Telephone ringing)", "Sharon: Abbott residence.", "Nick: Hey, it's Nick.", "Sharon: Hey. Um, did you hear Jack's speech?", "Nick: Yeah. Sorry.", "Sharon: Yeah, me, too. Um, we just told Noah.", "Nick: How'd he react?", "Sharon: You know, he reacted with amazing grace. And that's just the best word for it.", "Nick: Huh. Well, I'd like to talk to him. Uh, how about if I pick him up and take him to the Christmas fair and then hang out with him there, and, uh, bring him home?", "Sharon: Um, Jack is already on his way over there.", "Nick: Oh, okay. So how are you doing?", "Sharon: You know, I'm... I'm disappointed and--and I'm disillusioned. I don't know, I'm angry. Pick your emotion.", "Nick: How long do you think they're gonna be at the fair?", "Sharon: Maybe a couple of hours?", "Nick: Okay, well, I'd like to be there when he gets home. Are you okay with that?", "Sharon: I think that it would be great for him to spend some time with his dad right now.", "Nick: Okay, I'll see you soon. You okay with this?", "Phyllis: With you going over? Yeah, of course. You care about your son. You share a child with Sharon.", "Nick: Yeah, they told him, so...", "Phyllis: Yeah. That must've been hard.", "Nick: I'm sure it was.", "Phyllis: Noah has been through one crisis after another since his sister died.", "Nick: Yeah, well, some of those things couldn't be helped. But some of them, this one, could have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: \"Approximately 50 words.\" How hard can that be? I talk more than that in my sleep.", "Daniel: Yeah, I know. We got really thin walls in here. Why don't we just record you tonight?", "Amber: (Chuckles) because what I say in my sleep might be NC-17. I need a G-rating.", "Daniel: Hmm. Well, look at the time. Guess I should get going.", "Amber: No, I'm serious.", "Daniel: And that's why I need to joke here, because you should not do this.", "Amber: You don't think I have inner beauty, hmm?", "Daniel: I know you have inner beauty. And you know, the outer-- it ain't that bad, either.", "Amber: So?", "Daniel: So... this Marina-- she doesn't exist. You gotta come up with a whole back story, a whole history.", "Amber: Big deal. I'm good at that. You know, it's not like they're gonna do an F.B.I. check or something.", "Daniel: I also don't think you're gonna fool anyone.", "Amber: When I was trapped in that wreckage with Mrs. Chancellor, do you know what she said to me?", "Daniel: No, I don't, but I bet you're gonna tell me, aren't you?", "Amber: She said she thinks the secret to success is not being afraid to make mistakes.", "Daniel: Well, I guess in that case we should both be gazillionaires by now.", "Amber: Okay, but what I know, is the secret to failure is when you want something really, really bad, but you don't go for it because you're afraid you're gonna fall on your face.", "Daniel: Okay, so why do you want this so bad?", "Amber: Sue me. I was one of those little starry-eyed little girls who was addicted to the Miss American pageant every year. I had a dream.", "Daniel: A dream? Yeah, I can see it now-- \"From trailer trash to the tiara-- the Amber Moore story.\"", "Amber: Shut up! Shut up! I'm so gonna win this. And when everyone finds out who I am, that's just great publicity for my music career.", "Daniel: That's the Amber Moore I know and love.", "Amber: Ah! See! I am lovable. Excellent start.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hey.", "Lily: Hey, I just read about your uncle resigning.", "Colleen: Jack resigned?", "Lily: Yeah, it's all over the news, look.", "Colleen: Oh, my God. One sec.", "Colleen: No answer. Hey, uh, Uncle Jack, I heard this crazy rumor that you resigned the senate? Um, I hope everything's okay, so give me a call. Bye. How's the application going?", "Lily: Um... not good. I can't think of anything to write. I can say, um... I'm on the honor roll at Genoa City University. And, uh, I have great fashion sense. Yeah, like that's really gonna impress them. You know what? To be honest with you, I feel stupid talking about this when your uncle's going through something so huge.", "Colleen: Oh, it's okay. It's a nice distraction. You know what? You should write you accomplishments.", "Lily: My accomplishments?", "Colleen: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: Um, well... okay, when I won the Nobel Peace prize, the president commented on my lovely Perfume-on-the-Glo fragrance I was wearing.", "Colleen: Would you be serious for one minute?", "Lily: I'm sorry. I joke when I'm self-conscious.", "Colleen: Yeah, I know. Okay, but you lost your mom in a terrible accident, but you've managed to stay in college and get on the Dean's list. You work part- time and you got a green project at the U.", "Lily: Yeah, big whoop.", "Cane: What's big whoop?", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: Hey.", "Colleen: Hey.", "Lily: We're just talking about how I'm not an impressive person. And I'm not saying that so you can go, \"Oh, yes, you are.\"", "Colleen: Yeah, like those size nothing girls who say they're fat just so you can say, \"No, you're slim and you're hot.\"", "Lily: Yeah. I hate that.", "Colleen: Yeah, I hate that. It's a girl thing. Um, anyway, um, table four needs their check, so... to be continued.", "Lily: All right, bye.", "Cane: Oh... Faces of Jabot.", "Lily: Yep.", "Cane: You know, it is a big whoop. I think you're perfect for it.", "Lily: Ah, the needle on my B.S. meter is going off the charts right now.", "Cane: I really do think you have a chance at winning. And I'll tell you what I'm gonna do to increase your odds, I'll vote for you. Like, six or seven times.", "Lily: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Jack: A dry martini-- that's what I'd like. A double. Club soda's what I'll be having. I'm driving. Hello?", "Phyllis: Hey, it's Phyllis.", "Jack: Hey, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: You're not drinking alone, are you?", "Jack: I'm not drinking at all. Except in my mind. No, I-I dropped Noah off at the Christmas fair. I'll be picking him up later.", "Phyllis: Where are you?", "Jack: I'm at the Athletic Club.", "Phyllis: I'm gonna drop Summer off at the sitter. I'll be right over. Don't go anywhere.", "Jack: You—", "(Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So I brought the old Christmas stuff from our house, you know, the ornaments, the lights.", "Sharon: That is so, so thoughtful of you. And you know what? Those are the ornaments that Noah is used to, so...", "Nick: Yeah. I'm really worried about him, Sharon.", "Sharon: Yeah. I am, too. And this isn't the first time that my husband's problems have affected him. He used to look up to him.", "Nick: What Jack did when we were in Clear Springs? Any guy would look up to a guy like that. And I've seen him with-- with the two of you. He adores you both. I know he loves you very much.", "Sharon: Yeah. I know. I know. It's just really hard to... to feel it right now.", "Nick: Well, maybe Jack could be that guy again. With time. Unless, of course...", "Sharon: Unless what?", "Nick: Well, unless you think that letter that Gloria read to the ethics committee is for real.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hey, Uncle Jack.", "Jack: Hey! Uh... what was that for?", "Colleen: I heard about your resigning.", "Jack: I made my bed.", "Colleen: Well, you made a great senator.", "Jack: Well, I wanted to do more.", "Colleen: Well, maybe you'll get another chance.", "Jack: Well, politics isn't exactly one of those \"Another chance\" things.", "Colleen: Well, you never know. I better get back to work.", "Jack: Yeah. Hey, listen, thanks for the kind words. I'm not hearing too many of those lately.", "Phyllis: Well, you will from me.", "Colleen: Hi.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Colleen: Excuse me.", "Jack: See ya, Kid.", "Phyllis: All right.", "Jack: So are you here as my friend, my drinking buddy, or just my ex-wife?", "Phyllis: Well... how you doing?", "Jack: I think I found rock bottom. Guess the good news there is that there's no place to go but up.", "Phyllis: I hope so.", "Jack: You hope so?", "Phyllis: You know I'm not gonna judge you, don't you? Be straight with me.", "Jack: About?", "Phyllis: Did you really talk your father into rewriting his will?", "Jack: Gloria is an opportunist. She was after Dad's money from day one. Somehow my father could never see that.", "Phyllis: All the more reason he wouldn't want to leave her penniless.", "Jack: I'll have another one of these. Please get the lady anything she likes.", "Jack: I didn't realize how lonely I was till Sharon and Noah moved in.", "Phyllis: Well, I'm sure you knew, you just didn't admit it to yourself.", "Jack: Suddenly that big empty house was so full of life. Kids making messing. Dogs peeing on carpets. And I loved every minute of it.", "Phyllis: Yeah, really? You liked that dog peeing on the carpet?", "Jack: Okay, maybe not that.", "Phyllis: But you're right about Noah. He's a great, great kid.", "Jack: I love that boy like he's my own.", "Phyllis: I do, too. We're very odd, don't you think? We're--we're a family, all of us. We're a big, crazy, dysfunctional family, but we are a family, aren't we?", "Jack: Family. If I lose Noah and Sharon...", "Phyllis: Listen, you don't-- stop it. Sharon has not left you.", "Jack: Not yet anyway.", "Phyllis: You think she's gonna leave you?", "Jack: Phyllis, I betrayed her. Again. And Noah. Again.", "Phyllis: She's your wife. She'll forgive you.", "Jack: I'm not so sure. Not this time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Oh, cool buddy, I'm glad to hear it. Okay, I'll see you soon. Well, according to our son, they're making a killing at the Christmas fair.", "Sharon: Oh, good! I'm so glad that that thing was today because he really needed the distraction.", "Nick: You know, if Jack did tamper with John's will, he's gonna be in serious trouble.", "Sharon: You know, when I married Jack, I knew that he was no angel. But this?", "Nick: Yeah. I know.", "Sharon: You know, I am a pro at rationalizing. I would be the first one to tell myself that, okay, his behavior is terrible, but, you know, his motives are noble... ish.", "Nick: There's nothing nobleish about stealing your stepmother's inheritance.", "Sharon: Yeah. You know, deep down, I always really believed that Jack was a good man.", "Nick: And now?", "Sharon: I just feel like I-I woke up one morning and found out I was married to a complete stranger.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Sorry. I had to make some adjustments. The Faces of Jabot web site is swamped. Bad for me, good for you.", "Gloria: I used to be excited about that contest.", "Kevin: Look, how long do you think we can stall Jeff?", "Gloria: Not long. He's pushing.", "Kevin: What if you dream up a business trip, huh? Or come up with, like, an extended vacation to a country without an extradition treaty?", "Gloria: Why don't I just write him a check?", "Kevin: Because--no. No. He'll just keep coming back like some money eating bacteria.", "Gloria: All right, then we have to frighten him. He's gotta have a past. Everybody's got a past.", "Kevin: Mom, I've looked. There's nothing.", "Gloria: Honey, please look harder.", "Kevin: Mom, I know people who are good at, um... terminating this kind of problem. With extreme prejudice. One day we have a problem, the next day? Whoa! What happened to Jeff Bardwell?", "(Knock on door)", "Woman: Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Fisher.", "Kevin: What's up?", "Woman: There's a problem with the contest server.", "Kevin: Again?", "Woman: Yeah.", "Kevin: All right, I'll be right there.", "Woman: Okay.", "Kevin: Will you think about it?", "Jeff: I missed you.", "Gloria: I thought we'd finished our conversation for the day.", "Jeff: Well, we had. Then I realized-- when I make a decision-- especially a life-changing decision-- I like to have all the information. Don't you like to have all the information?", "Gloria: Of course I do, but you said you'd give me time to think about it, but if you give me more information, then I'm gonna need more time to think about it.", "Jeff: Fair enough. A couple of more hours won't hurt.", "Gloria: All right, so what is this new information?", "Jeff: Just this-- not only would you be saving yourself from prison orange, but in an odd way, you'd be getting William back.", "Gloria: By marrying his twin? You're not in the same league as your brother.", "Jeff: Oh, I beg to differ. We have the same genes. Which means the same devilish charm.", "Gloria: Your opinion.", "Jeff: Yours as well. Whether you admit it or not, you do find me attractive.", "Gloria: Is there anything else you'd like me to know because I'm very busy here.", "Jeff: Your feelings for me may be ambivalent at the moment.", "Gloria: They're not.", "Jeff: But you know what I think? You give it a little time, you'll grow to love me. Just like you did William.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh. Remember this one?", "[Sharon shows Nick a ornament that says Noah on it]", "Nick: Yeah. I gave that to Noah on his first Christmas.", "Sharon: Yeah. You know, this is his very favorite ornament. And every year... he finds a special place for it on the tree.", "[Sharon remembering Noah's first Christmas when he was a baby]", "Nick: I hooked you up with a little Christmas Eve present. Ta da!", "Sharon: Look, Noah! Look how it shines!", "Nick: This is baby's first Christmas.", "Sharon: Yeah! And look, it even says your name right there! Noah!", "Nick: (Laughs)", "Sharon: Yeah!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sharon? You okay?", "Sharon: Yeah. Yeah, I was just-- I was just thinking about that Christmas. I was so happy then. Life was a lot simpler.", "Nick: Yeah, it was.", "Sharon: And then it got complicated. When I started seeing Jack, and... well, when you...", "Nick: Me and Phyllis. I'm kinda glad I don't really remember any of that.", "Sharon: Well, you know, the noble side of me say, you know, you fell in love with someone else. What are you gonna do? But I'm not always that noble. No, I'm just playing. I'm fine with it. You and Phyllis are good together. But Jack? You know, what he did-- taking advantage of his father like that, when he's vulnerable, and going against his wishes? I mean, that was just so-- it's so deliberate.", "Nick: So what are you gonna do?", "Sharon: I don't know. Even if I were able to forgive him, I'd never be able to trust him again.", "Nick: So you think you'll leave him?", "Sharon: It's Christmas. How do I do that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: What I don't understand is how did Gloria get her hands on this new will?", "Jack: This so-called new will. You're assuming it's legit.", "Phyllis: Okay. True.", "Jack: Dad had a friend in prison. His name was Todd Scheller.", "Phyllis: Todd Scheller?", "Jack: As best I can piece the story together, his son found it among his father's things. What I don't get is how that ditz ever found this guy.", "Phyllis: Holy cannoli. Jana.", "Jack: Did you say Jana?", "Phyllis: Yeah, Jack, listen--", "Jack: Oh, boy! Wait, no, I gotta pick up Noah. Sorry to do this to you.", "Phyllis: Um...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone ringing)", "Sharon: Hello?", "Jack: Hey, it's me. Um, I'm on my way to pick up Noah. Can I get anything for you?", "Sharon: Uh, no.", "Jack: What are you doing?", "Sharon: Nick stopped by.", "Jack: Well, give Nicholas my best.", "Phyllis: Oh, uh, tell-- tell--tell Nick that I'm going with you to pick up Noah.", "Jack: Uh, Phyllis wants Nicholas to know she'll be with me when I get there. I'll see ya. Noah didn't have much of a reaction when I told him I was quitting the senate. He covers pretty well. I'm not really sure how he feels about it. I'm glad you'll be with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Phyllis is with Jack.", "Nick: So do you really think you can fake it with him until after Christmas?", "Sharon: I don't know.", "Nick: Noah is an intuitive kid. He's gonna know you're miserable.", "Sharon: You know... it took him so long to think about this place as home, and now... what, I'm gonna snatch all of that away from him?", "Nick: Well, he'll still have you, and me and Summer and Phyllis.", "Sharon: Yeah, but I just... I really wanted him to love Jack... so much. And now, what, I say, \"Oops, can you now not love Jack?\" I mean, that's insane.", "Nick: All right, look, even if you decide to leave him, I promise you, I'll do everything I can to make this a happy Christmas for him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: I make you uncomfortable, don't I?", "Gloria: I don't know you well enough.", "Jeff: Well, give it time. I'll grow on you. And think how easy it will be. You won't even have to change your name.", "Gloria: You really are full of yourself, aren't you?", "Jeff: Well, I can afford to be. It's a two minute warning. The score is Jeff-- 28, Gloria--nothing.", "Gloria: That's all this is to you? A game? Well, I'm gonna tell you something, you keep playing this game everybody's gonna know you're nothing like your brother.", "Jeff: I can live with that. William was honest. To a fault.", "Gloria: Honesty is a fault?", "Jeff: Yeah. I've read a bit of psychology, Gloria. My brother experienced something called cognitive dissonance with you. Two thoughts, held at the same time, in exquisite conflict. He wanted to do the right thing, but at the same time, he wanted to shield the woman he loved. Quite a dilemma, huh?", "Gloria: And what about you?", "Jeff: I have no such qualms.", "Gloria: Ah. And what if I were to tell my son Michael about your indecent proposal?", "Jeff: The lawyer? Oh, please. I hope for his sake, he knows nothing about the product tampering.", "Gloria: I didn't touch that cream. But just say I did-- hypothetically-- Michael's my lawyer. Anything I say to him is privileged.", "Jeff: But not your other son.", "Gloria: What about him?", "Jeff: I'd be willing to bet your entire fortune that both sons know exactly what you did. In fact, they probably helped you keep it a secret. Information, information. Face it, Darling Gloria. Now that you have all of it, marrying me is the smart thing to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: So, Miss, are you working hard or are you hardly working?", "Lily: I'm never gonna live that one down, am I?", "Cane: Uh, no.", "Lily: I swear, this is harder than Statistics. That was the hardest class I ever took. I'm just obsessing over this stupid contest. It's ridiculous.", "Cane: Yes, you are. You know, I've been sitting over there for an hour now, doing my own statistics. And you have done nothing, so if you would like some input from a very unbiased, yet extremely handsome observer... you are smart. You are funny.", "Lily: Mmm.", "Cane: You are kind.", "Lily: Ah.", "Cane: And you're also a shopaholic, which is a salesman's, uh, dream.", "Lily: (Laughs) wow, thank you. You give me so much depth.", "Cane: But that's only what's visible to the eye.", "Lily: So... there's more underneath?", "Cane: Exactly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Don't start, okay? I can do this.", "Daniel: We are talking about fraud here. Trying to pass yourself off as someone you're not.", "Amber: Marina-- A.K.A. someone else-- does not exist. It is not illegal to have an imagination, okay? Which is one of my many, many qualities that we can highlight in the video.", "Daniel: Yes, you have a lot of wonderful qualities.", "Amber: Okay, like?", "Daniel: You're a babe.", "Amber: Okay, babe-dom is not a quality.", "Daniel: Well, you're funny. You make me laugh more than anyone I've ever met. And you're exciting.", "Amber: Mmm! See?! This is good!", "Daniel: You're a loyal friend.", "Amber: Oh! Oh! This is exactly the kind of thing the judges need to hear! Okay, just--just save the rest for the video, so you can seem, uh, spontaneous, okay?", "Daniel: There's not gonna be a video, Amber. Not one that I'm gonna shoot, anyway.", "Amber: But you just said--", "Daniel: Yeah, you go ahead and you do this thing, and you're gonna feel like crap. And I care about you a little too much to help you get there, so...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey, everybody.", "Nick: What's going on?", "Sharon: How was the fair?", "Noah: We made a ton of money.", "Phyllis: Yeah, he said that, um, with all the money he made he's going to buy holiday gifts for kids who are having a tough time.", "Nick: That's great, Bud.", "Noah: Yeah, and, uh, I bought something with my allowance.", "Nick: Oh, yeah?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Nick: Something for me?", "Noah: No, it's for all of us. It's... for the top of our tree.", "Nick: Hey, look at that.", "Sharon: Wow, that is so professional. One of the kids at your school made it?", "Noah: Yeah. It's cool, huh, Dad?", "Nick: It's awesome.", "Noah: This is neat.", "Nick: What is?", "Noah: Well, except for my baby sister and Daniel, the whole family's here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Yes, I'd like to order a digital video camera. Oh, the best you have. I don't care how much it costs. High mega pixels? Sure. Yeah, I'll come pick it up. Amber Moore. Okay, thank you. Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You were kinda quiet on the car ride over.", "Phyllis: Yeah. You noticed that, huh? I was thinking about Jack. He's worried that his wife is going to leave him.", "Nick: She probably is.", "Phyllis: It's my fault, you know?", "Nick: What are you talking about?", "Phyllis: The man that gave Gloria that letter-- the one that made him... resign from the senate...", "Nick: Yeah, what about it?", "Phyllis: I'm the one who found his number. And I-I can't remember, but I may have mentioned it to Jana and... I guess that she got in touch with Gloria and-- and the whole thing has now snowballed.", "Nick: Well, you didn't force Jack to alter his dad's will, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'm not thinking about Jack. I'm thinking about Noah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Anybody in here in the mood for a Christmas cookie?", "Noah: Oh, yeah, these are my favorite.", "Sharon: I know!", "Noah: Hey! Hey, you found my ornament!", "Sharon: Yeah, you know what? Your dad brought that over earlier today. Wasn't that nice of him?", "Noah: Yeah, I thought I lost it.", "[Jack is standing outside the door and overhears]", "Sharon: You know, that star that you bought at your school is great. I love it.", "Noah: Well, Jack probably has his own star.", "Sharon: You know what? Even if he does, we're gonna use yours. So you two better get busy and cut down a tree.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey. You gotta check out what I did to--", "Gloria: Kevin, please, not now. Not now. He was here.", "Kevin: Bardwell?", "Gloria: Yeah. And he's not gonna give up.", "Kevin: Okay, that's it. I've had enough. He's gonna get what he deserves. He-- he taped you, right? Now we tape him, and we take it to the cops.", "Gloria: What, so he can go tell the whole wide world about this face cream fiasco? No, Kevin, it's not gonna work that way. He won. I've lost.", "Kevin: No. No, you don't mean that--", "Gloria: I mean exactly that. I have to marry that man.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jeff: I won't send you to prison. How's that?", "Gloria: Oh, great, you gonna hang that over my head?", "Kevin: Mom will kill me if she finds out that you know about this. It is your moral obligation not to rat me out.", "Brad: If I am the father, I will do everything I can to keep you away from him." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided by Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "The judge dismisses River's charges and happiness falls on the Baldwins‘; unfortunately it does not last . Glo is arrested at the hospital over the face crème (thanks to Jeffery setting her up). Michael realizes that they've been had by River. Victor plans his revenge on Adam and Jack as he hires Paul to investigate and shares with Ashley the information from Frank the forger. An enraged Ashley confronts Jack and cuts him out of the whole Jabot pie. Adam meets with a wedding planner." ]
[ "(Phone beeps)", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: The judge vacated the charges.", "River: Does it mean what I think?", "Michael: It means you're just not out of jail for now. The judge threw out the entire case. Listen to me... Lowell \"River\" Baldwin, my father, you are a free man. You are a free man.", "River: Oh! Oh, Son! Oh!", "Michael: It's done. It's done.", "River: Thanks to you.", "Michael: No. No. Thanks to Gloria. It was you. You made it happen. If you hadn't had the courage to get up on that stand, Lowell could've been in jail for the rest of his life. It was you. It was you. Thank you.", "River: Oh, yeah.", "Gloria: I'm so glad it helped, Michael.", "Michael: (Laughs)", "Lauren: You did good.", "Gloria: Now if I just have a marriage to go home to.", "Michael: How's it feel?", "(Cell phone rings)", "Gloria: It's Jeffrey.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Gloria: Excuse me.", "Michael: It's done.", "River: I have to tell Eden.", "Michael: Yes! Yes!", "Lauren: She'll be out of school by now.", "River: All right, I'll--I'll take a walk and find her son, thank you. You have no id... oh, man!", "(Door closes)", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Michael: Mm.", "Lauren: You.", "Michael: Not you. No. Thank you. Thank you for taking care of me through all this.", "Lauren: Are you kidding? That was the easy part. You... pulled your family together. That's huge.", "Michael: I did. I did it.", "Lauren: You did.", "Michael: I did it! I did it!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Oh, Jeffrey, thank God you finally called. Where have you been? Listen to me, you did not have to walk out of that courtroom. I was only there to help my son.", "Jeff: Gloria--", "Gloria: Not River. I don't give a damn about River. And if I were just about--", "Jeff: I'm in Genoa City Memorial Hospital.", "Gloria: What? What happened?", "Jeff: I went out to dinner last night. I had Thai food, and there must've been some hot peppers in it.", "Gloria: Oh, no.", "Jeff: Anyway, I-I couldn't breathe, and now I've got this rash all over my face.", "Gloria: Honey, I'm on my way. Don't you move.", "Jeff: Don't worry. I can't. Just look for the guy with the pizza face.", "Gloria: Oh, my poor angel. I'm on my way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Step away from the case files. It's break time.", "Heather: Oh, wow. Thanks, I'll take that. You're a lifesaver.", "Adam: Well, that's a job I will gladly take.", "Heather: What's up?", "[Adam remembering]", "Victor: You walk out of this door, I'll take you down along with Jack Abbott.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I've been thinking.", "Heather: Always dangerous.", "Adam: (Chuckles) I don't wanna wait. Let's--let's get married today.", "Heather: Oh, yeah. I'll just--I'll pencil it in between my depositions. Sounds good.", "Adam: I'm serious.", "Heather: Adam?", "Adam: Okay, if not today, then why not tomorrow? Why are--why are we waiting? Let's splurge. Let's spend some of this money I got from the publisher. I mean, we could put together a good ceremony.", "Heather: In one day?", "Adam: Money can make a lot of things happen fast. Or, you know, we could just go to, you know, city hall? Get this done now and just take off.", "Heather: To where?", "Adam: Anywhere you want. Think about it. Anywhere you wanna go, we travel well together. We could travel the world.", "Heather: Now?", "Adam: Now.", "Heather: Yeah, no, I-I-I... look at this caseload. I'm absolutely swamped right now.", "Adam: Come on, there's always gonna be caseloads. There's always gonna be distractions, we let that get in the way, but I-I won't. You're the only thing I can hold onto. I love you. I don't wanna let anything get in the way of that.", "Heather: Adam, I love you, too. I... I just--I can't pick up and leave in the middle of all this work right now. I mean, I'm this close to nailing Victor. Don't you wanna see that, too?", "Adam: Yeah. Yeah, of course.", "Heather: All right, just a couple more days, and then it's all gonna be done. And then we can go anywhere. Okay?", "Adam: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Jack: Are you sure you won't have something to eat? These pancakes aren't exactly up to Mamie's standards, but they're pretty good.", "Ashley: I didn't come here to eat, Jack. Have you spoken to Sharon?", "Jack: Yes. She's agreed to help me with my treatment.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm. Right. For your sex addiction?", "Jack: So there is hope for my marriage and for us.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: We have Jabot back, and that alone will brighten any day.", "Ashley: If you don't mind ignoring those gathering storm clouds.", "Jack: I'm not gonna let anything spoil this for me. Listen, I've been thinking about the Ashley line. The economy being what it is, um, maybe we should focus down market. Maybe even start a whole new marketing campaign.", "Ashley: Well, keeping an eye on how our marketing dollars are spent is probably a very good idea.", "Jack: Well, I'm willing to take a look at it. Unofficially, of course.", "Ashley: Very unofficially.", "Jack: Believe me, I know my position.", "Ashley: Do you? 'Cause I look at you and I don't know what the hell to believe anymore.", "Jack: You can believe I love my family and that I want Jabot to succeed.", "Ashley: I do. I do believe that, Jack. But I also know that the same skills that make you a consummate businessman make you a consummate liar.", "Jack: Wow, now there's a backhanded compliment.", "Ashley: It wasn't supposed to be a compliment at all.", "Jack: So what is this? Piling on? I've had kind of a tough week, Ash. You think you could give your big brother a break?", "Ashley: Maybe one break. But you know what? We can't afford any screw-ups because everyone is watching.", "Jack: You can trust me.", "Ashley: Same way I can trust you about your involvement with Victor's diary, Jack?", "Jack: You won't have a problem with me in any of this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: This confession is not enough. He's a forger. He's a convicted felon. No one will believe his word. We need evidence to back up the statement.", "Paul: Well, I can corroborate some of it.", "Victor: You can?", "Paul: Frank Ellis told you his first meeting was at the Genoa City Motor Arms? I saw Adam there that day.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Paul: Adam claimed that he was meeting an old friend from Kansas. I didn't believe him. He seemed a little odd. Now I know why.", "Victor: Can you find evidence to back this up?", "Paul: I can do that. I, uh... I will take the job, but not before I say this. I have watched you treat Nikki like dirt for months. And as your friend and as Nikki's friend, I understand that you're angry, but you are blaming the wrong person.", "Victor: I appreciate your concern, Paul. Some of the pity towards Nikki is misplaced, okay? Now the question is, can you put your personal feelings about me and Nikki aside and do the job?", "Paul: I can. This diary can hurt too many people.", "Victor: You bet. It already has. And it's time that Jack Abbott, Adam Wilson pay for the crime they committed before more damage is done.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Monkey boy is gonna wear me out.", "Lauren: (Laughs) Oh boy. I hope we hear from Gloria soon about Jeffrey.", "Michael: Oh, she will call as soon as she learns something.", "Lauren: At least he didn't go to the police with the face cream.", "Michael: What is with her anyway? This guy threatens to have her arrested, and still she runs off to be by his side.", "Lauren: I don't know.", "Michael: Why couldn't she have just married someone-- anyone just...", "Lauren: Like your father?", "Michael: I did not say that.", "Lauren: Oh, you meant it.", "Michael: No, really. Look, it's--it's good just to have a mother and a father with known addresses and no outstanding warrants.", "Lauren: It's a miracle, actually.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: After years of wondering, you have a sister and a father and, heck, we have the whole Christmas card.", "Michael: We do.", "Lauren: We do.", "Michael: You know, maybe we should get a bigger tree this year, too, what, with all the presents that are gonna be under it.", "Lauren: I think that's a great idea. And think how excited Eden's gonna be if it snows.", "Michael: Mm. I don't know. There's something to be said for 80-degree Christmases in Malibu.", "Lauren: Oh, remember, she said she didn't wanna go back to the ashram.", "Michael: Mm.", "Lauren: That reminds me, hold on a second.", "Michael: What?", "Lauren: You know, the other day I gave her some forwarded mail, and she said it was nothing, but... whoa.", "Michael: What? What is it?", "Lauren: Uh... this doesn't look like nothing.", "Michael: A tax assessment... for the amount of--wow. $23,000. Ouch. It's in Eden's name? That doesn't make any sense. Why would the tax assessment for the ashram be in Eden's name?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Hey there. Looks like you're loaded down.", "Heather: You got that right.", "Paul: So, uh, this'll just take a minute. It's important.", "Heather: Have a seat.", "Paul: Thanks.", "Heather: I assume this is about a case?", "Paul: Well, uh, yeah, it's part of it. But I'm really here as your father.", "Heather: Mm. What exactly does that mean?", "Paul: Look, I know you think that I haven't been loyal to you. And I get why you think that, but please listen. And--and try and believe that I do have your best interests at heart.", "Jack: Ms. Stevens, hard at work, I see. The D.A.'s office doesn't give you room to spread out?", "Heather: Well, I come here to get away from the phones.", "Jack: Yeah, we all have to do that sometimes. Hey, Paul.", "Paul: Hey, Jack.", "Jack: So how's the case against Victor Newman coming?", "Heather: I can't talk about ongoing investigations.", "Jack: Well, that smile tells me all I need to know. Just let me know if I can help in any way.", "Heather: Will do. Thank you.", "Paul: So, Jack, how is life treating you?", "Jack: Better and better. The Abbotts are back in control of Jabot, Ashley's back in town, and I gotta say, things are looking up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Are you all settled in?", "Ashley: Yeah, and I'm fine for now. What I really wanna see is you walking out that door.", "Victor: Soon.", "Ashley: You sound confident.", "Victor: I have corroboration.", "Ashley: You do?", "Victor: Confession by the man who forged the diary. He said that they hatched the scheme at the Genoa City Motor Arms Hotel. And Paul Williams has confirmed that he saw Adam Wilson there the day of that meeting.", "Ashley: Are you sure it's the Genoa City Motor Arms Motel?", "Victor: Yeah. Why do you ask?", "Ashley: Because that's where Jack said he had his tests.", "Victor: He had his what?", "Ashley: Jack says he has a sex addiction.", "Victor: (Laughs)", "Ashley: I know. I know.", "Victor: The only thing your brother's addicted to is lying. You know, this Frank Ellis told me that... your brother fronted the money for the scheme.", "Ashley: So then Jack would've paid for the motel for the meeting.", "Victor: Probably.", "Ashley: He was actually willing to see his marriage disintegrate over those motel charges.", "Victor: Well, if he had confessed, he would be in jail, not me.", "Ashley: I just-- I don't know what to say. I mean, he sat there in front of me and he lied to me again.", "Victor: I'm sorry. But that's what your brother does, my darling.", "Ashley: Damn him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "River: Hello?", "Michael: Uh, it's Michael. Hey, uh, Lowell, we just got some mail from the ashram yesterday, and there's a huge tax bill for the property in Eden's name.", "River: Really? That's so weird.", "Michael: I thought so, too. I'm gonna get in touch with the county assessor out there.", "River: No, don't. Really, Michael, you've done so much for us already.", "Michael: It's no trouble.", "River: We've taken advantage enough. Look, just send the bill back to the ashram. I'll speak to our manager out there.", "Michael: Lowell, this isn't just about the ashram. The fact that this bill is in Eden's name could mean that somebody's using her identity. It could be a very big problem for Eden.", "River: Well, if it is, I'll--I'll handle it. But--but you're right, it probably shouldn't wait, so I'll get on it as soon as I'm back at the apartment. Um, you'll be there if I have, uh, legal questions, right?", "Michael: Sure.", "River: See ya then. Thanks, Michael.", "Eden: Daddy? What are you doing here?", "River: Looking for you. Good news, pussycat. It's over. The judge threw out all the charges against me. I'm a completely free man.", "Eden: Daddy! We're free! No more running!", "River: Free.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Jeffrey! Oh, my! How are you?", "Jeff: Well, I'm better. They gave me something for the pain.", "Gloria: Jeffrey, you really have to watch what you eat.", "Jeff: Heh.", "Man: No, these are topical burns, not a food allergy.", "Gloria: Oh, no, no, no, no, Doctor, he is allergic to hot peppers.", "Man: No, has your skin come in contact with anything toxic?", "Jeff: Not that I can think of. Oh, you know... I did use some of my wife's moisturizer on my face. My skin gets really dry in this cold weather. You think that was it?", "Man: No toxin that does this should be in moisturizer.", "Jeff: Yeah, I wonder. You know, when I started putting it on my face, I could feel my skin start to burn. I thought it was just chapped.", "Man: Let me check your labs.", "Gloria: You didn't.", "Jeff: Didn't what?", "Gloria: Put that face cream on yourself.", "Man: Do you still have the cream, so we can run some tests?", "Jeff: Uh, no, I left it at home.", "Gloria: And I'll be more than happy to get it for you. I'll be right back, Darling.", "Jeff: Oh, would you?", "Gloria: Well, of course, Honey.", "Jeff: Oh, Doc, um, check my pocket there. I just remembered, I picked it up on my way out the door. I must've had a premonition about that stuff.", "Man: Ah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Okay, thank you, Chantal. I'll let you know. Right. Guess what? No clerical error. The taxes were filed in Eden's name. Lowell should know that.", "Lauren: Oh, this just came in from the, uh, Los Angeles County Clerk.", "Michael: Well, it should be the, uh, the property deed for the ashram. Mm. Oh. \"Property to be held in irrevocable trust for the minor beneficiary, Eden Gerick, by the undersigned grantor, Richard Gerick.\" So... the property is in Eden's name, but Lowell owns it.", "Lauren: I mean, that much property in Malibu? It's gotta be worth a fortune.", "Michael: How could Lowell afford that land?", "Lauren: Could he have inherited money?", "Michael: No. His mother's diary was very clear. That family had nothing. Even if they had, Lowell would never have risked claiming it. The feds would've been all over him if he touched it.", "Lauren: Maybe somebody gave it to him.", "Michael: That would've shown up in the ownership records. That land was a purchase.", "Lauren: Okay, so... how is it possible that River had enough money to buy such a big piece of property in Malibu?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: No more looking over my shoulder? I mean, don't you feel great?", "River: I do. You know what? I-I can't wait to get back home.", "Eden: What?", "River: Honey, I wanna leave Genoa City and go back to the ashram. Right away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: I'm worried about your case against Victor Newman.", "Heather: All right, you know what, Paul? I just--", "Paul: Look, I have been following the evidence, and a lot of it right no is pointing to Adam.", "Heather: Okay, well, you don't have all the facts.", "Paul: Not yet. But you don't either.", "Heather: Okay, great. Thank you for the heads up. Appreciate it.", "Paul: Heather, this is real. I'm afraid it's gonna come down to you and your career and your fiancé and when it does--", "Heather: This is ridiculous.", "Paul: And when it does, I hope you don't let Adam drag you down with him.", "Heather: Okay, fine. You've said what you've come to say. Now please, do me a favor and just leave it alone.", "Paul: I can't do that. Victor has hired me to find proof that the diary is a hoax and that he was framed.", "Heather: Wow. Perfect. So you're working against me. Again.", "Paul: I'm looking for the truth. Just like you. Which is why you need to take a good, hard look at Adam and Jack Abbott. They are up to their necks in this.", "Heather: You know, I have to-- I have to get back to work.", "Paul: Look, just promise me you'll think about what I said? Adam is not worth losing everything for. I'm gonna be out of town for a few days. My cell phone will be on.", "Jack: Oh, thanks.", "Paul: Hey, Jack.", "Jack: Hey, on your way out?", "Paul: You know, I gotta give it to you. If I were in your shoes, I would be worried.", "Jack: Oh, I learned a long time ago, no sense in worrying.", "Paul: Yeah, maybe. Not as long as you have a plan, right? Not as long as you can blame this whole... diary forgery on Adam and the whole mess, it's--it's okay with you, right?", "Jack: Well, if there's a forgery, or if there's a mess, it's all Adam's.", "Paul: Oh. Well, if I were you, I wouldn't get too cocky. Because whatever you two are up to, it reeks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Why would you do such a thing?", "Jeff: I had dry skin.", "Gloria: Don't, don't, don't. You know what this means.", "Jeff: I do?", "Gloria: Do you really wanna see me in prison?", "Jeff: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Gloria: You vindictive bastard. What do you want, Jeffrey? Top slot at Jabot?", "Jeff: I don't think that's your call.", "Gloria: You want me to stop playing games? I can do that.", "Jeff: I like our games.", "Gloria: What do you want to keep my name outta this? Just name your price. I'll pay it. Just don't turn me in?", "Jeff: Turn you in for what, Darling?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: I thought we agreed to stay here.", "River: It was never definite. Honey, we've imposed on Michael and Lauren long enough.", "Eden: That's not what they say.", "River: Of course not. They're too polite. If we tell 'em we're going back to the ashram, they'll make a big fuss and beg us to stay. So let's spare us all that scene.", "Eden: Maybe they really want us.", "River: Look, I... I need some time to clear my head. You know, smell the ocean again. We'll come back real soon, I promise.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Eden: Hey, Michael.", "Michael: What's wrong?", "Eden: Uh, nothing. I'm just kind of in shock, you know, with Dad being free.", "Michael: So you saw him?", "Eden: No, um, he called me and told me the news.", "Michael: Okay, Eden, did Lowell ever talk to you about money?", "Eden: Like how?", "Michael: Uh, was there a windfall? Some gift? Some way that Lowell made a great deal of money before you got the ashram?", "River: (Mouths words)", "Eden: He's asking about money. Like, did you get a bunch of money before we moved to Malibu?", "Michael: Eden, are you still there?", "Eden: Dad, what's going on?", "River: Hang up. Hang up. Just be polite, but get off the phone.", "Eden: Hey, Michael, I'm sorry, but I've gotta run. Okay, I'll talk to you later.", "Michael: Eden, don't hang up. I-I...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: All right, I'll be waiting at the bar, just inside the dining room. Okay, see you then,", "Ashley: Hello, Adam.", "Adam: Ashley Abbott, right?", "Ashley: Yeah. We met briefly at your father's wedding.", "Adam: Right. Uh, nice to see you again.", "Ashley: You, too.", "Adam: Rumor has it that you may be the next Mrs. Newman.", "Ashley: Really? Wow. Well, I know that your father and I-- well, we're good friends.", "Adam: My father has no friends. No real ones, anyway.", "Ashley: Okay, um... would you be willing to answer a question for me?", "Adam: Maybe. Depends on the question.", "Ashley: Okay. Was my brother involved in that diary you had published?", "Adam: Uh... Jack--Jack introduced me to the publisher.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm. That's his story. That's what he told the police. What's your story?", "Adam: Why are you asking me? Why don't you go talk to your brother?", "Ashley: Well, I think the answer to that is obvious, isn't it? And I promise that whatever you tell me, I will be very discreet with the information.", "Adam: Right. I'm sure.", "Ashley: I would. Can you look me in the eye and tell me that my brother didn't have any involvement with that?", "Adam: Look, ask Jack, okay? He has all the answers that you're looking for.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Why would she hang up on you?", "Michael: I'll bet anything Lowell was sitting right there. If he wasn't, he told her something.", "Lauren: What did she say?", "Michael: It wasn't what she said, it was how she said it. Like she'd been warned.", "Lauren: O-okay, are we getting paranoid here?", "Michael: Something is off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: Daddy, what's happening?", "River: Nothing. It's just time to go.", "Eden: Dad, no, wait, okay? I don't get it. What's the rush? Why are you avoiding Michael?", "River: I'm trying to make this easy for everyone.", "Eden: Daddy, please, just tell me.", "River: You can go back to Michael's. Meet me at the warehouse like before. We're taking off.", "Eden: What about my friends? I can't just disappear overnight. What about Noah?", "River: This isn't open for debate. We leave tonight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Welcome.", "Heather: Thank you for arranging this meeting.", "Victor: Have a seat. Entirely my pleasure.", "Heather: Well, I understand you've hired an investigator to help build your defense.", "Victor: I did. It's your dad. He's worked for me many times. He's very good at what he does. He'll get to the bottom of this, you know that.", "Heather: Well, I'm happy to take a look at anything he finds. We all want the truth here.", "Victor: I'm glad you feel that.", "Heather: Of course.", "Victor: Stevens, you've been a plague on my family ever since you set foot in Genoa City. You've launched your shoddy investigations against me in order to further your own professional career. But I assure you, this is the last time that your pathetic professional grandstanding is gonna hurt me.", "Victor: Why don't you take a look at this and read it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: You don't wanna turn me in?", "Jeff: I have no idea what you mean. What have you done?", "Gloria: You want me to confess?", "Jeff: If it feels good to you.", "Gloria: And you wanna hear it.", "Jeff: Oh, Baby, you can tell me anything.", "Gloria: You know something, lover?", "Jeff: Hmm?", "Gloria: It's not easy feeling like a naughty girl all the time.", "Jeff: Oh, I can imagine.", "Gloria: I know. And I don't wanna hurt anybody.", "Jeff: I know.", "Gloria: And I didn't wanna hurt you when I testified for River. I was helping my son.", "Jeff: Mm. I don't understand. Is that what you wanna confess?", "Gloria: Well... I guess I have done worse things because... I'm a bad girl.", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: I never wanted anybody to get hurt by that face cream. I tampered with the formula. But that cream was never supposed to be distributed. I thought I'd be the one to discover the problem and I'd save the day and I'd save Jabot and... and I'd be a hero.", "Jeff: But that's not what happened?", "Gloria: No.", "Jeff: Because you were a bad girl?", "Gloria: And you know, Jeffrey... sometimes... I just can't help myself.", "Jeff: Whoa. How--how bad was it? What happened?", "Gloria: Well... some of the cream got sold.", "Jeff: Mm-hmm.", "Gloria: And a woman died.", "Jeff: Mm-hmm.", "Gloria: And it was very bad.", "Jeff: Whoa, whoa, whoa, not in the mood yet.", "Gloria: Where is it?", "Jeff: What?", "Gloria: Where is the wire? Where is the tape?", "Jeff: What?", "Gloria: You honest to God think I'm gonna let you keep it? Where is it, Jeffrey? Come on, lover man, what's the game?", "Jeff: I'm not playing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Great.", "Adam: Can we use 'em everywhere?", "Woman: Whatever you want. My job is to give you and Heather the wedding of your dreams.", "Adam: Yeah, she certainly deserves it.", "Woman: Mm-hmm. Um, of course, since we're throwing this together so last minute, uh, that dream could quickly turn into a nightmare. I mean, especially with Christmas parties and holiday parties. You know, venues tend to fill up pretty quickly.", "Adam: I have every confidence that you'll find something.", "Woman: Are you sure we can't just persuade you to push it back month or two?", "Adam: Why postpone happiness any longer than necessary?", "Woman: Well, so you don't get married in a bowling alley.", "Adam: Oh, hey, Paul. Uh, this is Beatrice, the wedding planner.", "Beatrice: Oh!", "Adam: This is the father of the bride.", "Beatrice: Congratulations. You must be so excited.", "Paul: Excuse us, will you?", "Adam: Okay.", "Paul: I'll make this quick.", "Adam: There's no rush.", "Paul: I'm on a plane to Mexico in an hour. That's right, Adam, the walls are closing in. Victor has hired me to collect evidence on that diary hoax. Now my daughter may have a blind spot for you, but I assure you that I don't.", "Adam: Look, Paul, I got nothing to worry about. So I'm sorry that you don't trust me--", "Paul: Save it, okay? I don't have much time. And you don't either. There is a short window where you maybe can spare my daughter.", "Adam: Spare Heather from what? I would never do anything to hurt her.", "Paul: Confess. Turn Jack Abbott in, and maybe they'll show you some leniency. But at least you'll be able to save my daughter's career if you come clean.", "Adam: (Sighs) There's nothing to come clean about, Paul.", "Paul: She loves you, Adam. You're using that, and you are using her. So why don't you just step up and become the man you were when you first met, and then maybe, just maybe, the two of you can have a chance.", "Adam: (Sighs) There's nothing more to say.", "Paul: I gotta get to the airport.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: You liar! You were behind that forged diary!", "Jack: You cannot start listening to every stupid rumor you hear about me.", "Ashley: He confessed! The forger confessed, and guess where he said the meetings were held? The Genoa City Motor Arms. The same motel that was on your credit card bills. The same hotel that you said you used to feed your mythical sex addiction!", "Jack: You are out of control. Ashley I'm out of control?!", "Jack: I can't help it if some sleaze ball used the same hotel I did.", "Ashley: Stop it! Just stop!", "Jack: Listen to me, I have a problem. I'm not proud of it. I'm dealing with it.", "Ashley: Adam was seen at the same motel at the same time as the forger.", "Jack: Really?", "Ashley: Oh! You are so disgusting! You would throw Adam under the bus if it saved your skin.", "Jack: I am just trying to take all of this in and figure out why you are so upset. Okay, we have a forger. We have Adam. We have the Genoa City Motor Arms. Yes, I had cheap sex in a sleazy place. And I may pay for it with my marriage, but that's all that ties me to that place.", "Ashley: It's just a crazy coincidence?", "Jack: Yes.", "Ashley: You know, that look on your face is the same look you had when you swore to me that you didn't trick our father into cutting Gloria out of his will.", "Jack: Wait, wait a minute. I think we will all agree Gloria has been paid in full for that particular slight.", "Ashley: How in God's name did I get here?", "Jack: Where?", "Ashley: Navigating your lies again. I helped with the takeover at Jabot.", "Jack: Hey, don't start regretting that. That's a good thing. Jabot belongs with the Abbotts where it is.", "Ashley: That's not the point!", "Jack: Think about where we are. You are in charge. I am here, deep in the background, holding up my end.", "Ashley: I can't take that chance.", "Jack: On what?", "Ashley: On you. I'm back here in Genoa City, and I will run Jabot, but you can't have anything to do with it.", "Jack: Wait, wait, I can stay out of sight. But this would never have happened without me. You can't cut me out of it. Ashley I have to.", "Jack: Ash, I'll stay in the back seat.", "Ashley: You're not even in the car. You're out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: You just want me to believe that this... that Frank Ellis just up and confessed to a major felony? Without any good reason at all?", "Victor: Listen to me very carefully. I never confessed to a murder. The evidence you used against me to put me into jail is based on a forgery. Your boyfriend--your fiancé, Adam Wilson, was behind it.", "Heather: Victor, for all I know, you could've cooked up this confession in your cell last night.", "Victor: You interview the man.", "Heather: We'll look into it.", "Victor: Just remember one thing. I have never lied to you, unlike your fiancé, Adam Wilson. First time you tried to pin a murder on me, I was proven innocent. Same thing is happening now. The only difference will be that Adam Wilson will end up behind bars.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You okay?", "Michael: Yeah, yeah.", "Lauren: Does it make any more sense?", "Michael: Something is just not right here.", "Lauren: You keep looking at those papers, they'll burst into flames.", "Michael: What did you say?", "Lauren: I'm just saying you're so intense, I'm surprised the documents haven't burst into flames.", "Michael: That's it.", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: That's how Lowell was able to buy the ashram.", "Lauren: What? I-I don't understand that.", "Michael: The explosion at that bank-- it set the place on fire. Everything in the vault went up in smoke... unless it didn't.", "Lauren: No! You don't think...", "Michael: My father stole that money. We've been had.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: You look gorgeous today. Did I forget to tell you that?", "Gloria: Yes, you did.", "Jeff: Well, this is exactly how I'm gonna remember you.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) Don't you worry about that, Honey. I'm gonna be right here with you.", "Jeff: Oh, 'fraid not. Did you get all that?", "Wallace: The whole confession.", "Gloria: Jeffrey!", "Wallace: Gloria Bardwell, you're under arrest.", "Jeff: Would you believe this has hurt me more than it has you?", "Gloria: Not in a million years, Bardwell. Ah! This isn't over.", "Wallace: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kay: I can think circles around those businessmen, Phillip.", "Murphy: Phillip?", "Kevin: The money--it's gone. Please, please tell me that you moved it.", "Jana: I gave it to River.", "Michael: I know who you really are.", "River: Mikey, listen..." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Adam comes downstairs and meets Chelsea just as she is bringing him breakfast in bed. Adam says he has to get to work because he has a meeting. Devon, Lily, and Leslie meet behind Neil's back concerning the dress code at work. Neil comes in and confronts Devon about going behind his back. At the coffeehouse, Christine tells Paul about her meeting with Danny. Victor and Nick discuss how Nick is trying to protect Sharon from Victor's wrath. Victor lets Nick know that Chelsea insists that Sharon set the fire at the ranch. Nikki confronts Sharon about the fire and promises to make her pay for what she did. Neil claims he was only joking and wasn't really mad at them for changing the dress code. Lily and Devon are surprised. Christine informs Paul that she quit her job and is moving to Genoa City.", "Nikki tries to get Chelsea to testify against Sharon but she refuses. Sharon rushes to Nick only to find Victor there. When Nick confronts Sharon about setting the fire, she begs for his help in getting Victor and Nikki to drop the charges against her. Sharon explains to Nick that she is sick, but with the help of her medication, she is getting better. Leslie loosens Neil's tie and coaxes him to relax. Adam finds out that it was Chelsea who told Victor and Nikki about the fire at the ranch and who had set it. Adam finds it hard to believe that Chelsea would betray him. Sharon uses her computer to find out that the police has no suspects in the arson fire. Victor and Nikki discuss the fact that Chelsea won't help them and come to the conclusion that Adam was behind the rash of fires in the area. Victor promises to make Adam pay. Adam confronts Chelsea about telling Victor and Nikki that Sharon set the fire.", "" ]
[ "(Knock on door)", "Nikki: Your paper. It's probably going to be the last time you can enjoy reading one, though, since starting tomorrow, all the headlines will be about you being arrested for arson.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Looks like whatever it is you have to tell me is not good news.", "Victor: Well, Son, it's not what I should tell you. It's what you should have told me. Its one thing for you to express your disloyalty to Newman Enterprises, quite another to turn your back on your family.", "Nick: What are you talking about?", "Victor: You're protecting Sharon at my expense, aren't you?", "Nick: You mean, at your party?", "Victor: No. I mean about the fact that she burned down the damn ranch.", "Nick: Dad, you told me it wasn't Sharon, that it was some random person, a serial arsonist.", "Victor: But you knew different all along, didn't you?", "Nick: No, I didn't. Mom told me she thought it was Sharon. When we found out she was wrong, I was relieved.", "Victor: Well, she wasn't wrong, Son.", "Nick: I don't understand. What changed? Why are you so sure Sharon set the fire?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: (Exhales slowly) (Exhales slowly)", "(Footsteps on stairs)", "Chelsea: Ohh.", "Adam: For me?", "Chelsea: Breakfast in bed. I guess you saved me the trip.", "Adam: Well, I have to be at work. I have a videoconference with the Biotech in Stockholm.", "Chelsea: Oh. Okay, um, well, I can just box it up for you. You can eat it on your drive in.", "Adam: Hush. I'm very grateful that you came home last night.", "Chelsea: I want to believe that things can be okay again. (Sighs)", "Adam: Well, it means a lot that you're willing to trust me. We'll get through this. Love you. I'll call you later.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Adam: Maybe we'll get lunch.", "Chelsea: (Chuckles) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So this is the downside to working for your father-- that you do something he may not like, and you feel like you're gonna get grounded.", "Leslie: Yeah, but not fired. That's why you two needed to be the ones to orchestrate this little mutiny.", "Devon: Well, just hang on, it's not a mutiny, okay? Let's get that straight. We are engaged in a pilot demonstration of an alternate workplace policy which is currently under consideration, okay?", "Leslie: Oh, wow, you have a bright future in marketing, young man.", "Devon: Thank you. Why do I feel like that's not a compliment, though? (Chuckles)", "Lily: I don't know, I just-- I-I feel like Dad's gonna be fine with it, you know? And we haven't done anything that can't be undone.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Lily: We just sent out an e-mail saying dress more casually, and put on some music.", "Devon: Exactly. Good music, at that.", "Lily: Yeah, I mean, the whole point is just to foster a more creative, vibrant atmosphere. Its like, who could object to that? I don't know, I just think that we don't give Dad enough credit. I think he'll even embrace the change.", "Devon: I think so, too.", "Lily: Guess we'll see.", "Neil: Devon!", "Devon: (Exhales slowly)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Hi, how are you?", "Chris: Hi, good.", "Paul: Oh, it's so good to see you. You know, if you'd let me know ahead of time, I would have picked you up at the airport.", "Chris: Oh, that's okay. I used the cab ride to pull myself together.", "Paul: What's the matter? It didn't go well in New York?", "Chris: It was awful. So all the way there, I was trying to think of a way to explain to Danny what was going on with us.", "Paul: Well, my guess is, an explanation wouldn't help all that much. I mean, I wouldn't know how you would explain it.", "Chris: You know, I couldn't get it out. Once he looked at me, I started to cry, which only made things worse. I... I finally just told him that you and I were getting back together.", "Paul: How'd he handle it?", "Chris: He got really quiet.", "Paul: Well, that's not surprising. I mean, I-I'm sure Danny loves you.", "Chris: No, I know. It's just that Danny and Nina are two of my oldest, best friends. I just--I can't believe I'm doing this to them.", "Paul: Uh, I don't think they'd want us to lie. Look, I-is this too much? I mean, do you feel like you're doing the wrong thing?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Did you ever discuss this fire with Sharon?", "Nick: (Sighs) I asked her point-blank if she started it, and she denied it.", "Victor: Well, I could hardly believe it myself. I mean, taking over the company, selling my shares-- it was very vindictive, but burning down the ranch house, our home? That's a level of hatred I didn't think she was capable of.", "Nick: Could it have been accidental?", "Victor: No, she had no reason to be there. Remember, last night, she came over to the party to ostensibly apologize for the Newman debacle? I think she really wanted to apologize for the fire she set.", "Nick: Well, you didn't say that last night.", "Victor: Well, we didn't know that until after the party, when Chelsea returned and told Nikki and me that Sharon was to blame for the fire, and that Adam had known all along.", "Nick: So Chelsea's your source? She's a renowned con artist, Dad.", "Victor: But what reason does she have to lie?", "Nick: Well, maybe 'cause her husband is spending all of his time trying to help Sharon with this illness. You might be getting played here. Chelsea might just be trying to get rid of the competition.", "Victor: What kind of illness are you talking about?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You know, what irritates me the most is the fact that you almost got away with it.", "Sharon: Are you blaming me for what happened at the ranch?", "Nikki: Blame? No. Prosecute, yes, to the fullest extent of the law.", "Sharon: Those are empty threats.", "Nikki: You think so?", "Sharon: Nikki, you've already gone around to everyone in town, including the police, trying to blame the fire on me, and no one took you seriously because you sound ridiculous. Look, I'm--I'm sorry that I barged in on your party last night, and--and I'm sure that that's what all of this is about and it's your way of saying, back off and--and stay away from your family.", "Nikki: Sharon, it's no longer up to you whether you stay away from my family or not. I'm gonna make sure that you are put away where you can't cause any more damage. Do you happen to know what the sentence is for arson in Wisconsin? I do. Up to 60 years. Mm, mm, mm, mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: How long you worked here? What's it been, less than a week? You think you can override me when it comes to company policy?", "Devon: No, no, not at all. This is just an experiment, Dad.", "Neil: Yeah, well, it failed, Devon.", "Lily: What, you--you haven't even given it a chance.", "Neil: Wait a minute. You--you encouraged this?", "Lily: Yeah, I did, and I think it's a great idea. Why are you getting so upset?", "Neil: I am the C.E.O. of this company. I am the new C.E.O. It has to be clear from the outset how the chain of command is laid out.", "Leslie: I think everybody should just take a step back here.", "Devon: Look, it's not like we sold off a division without telling you, okay? All we did was tell people to relax for a day and loosen up.", "Neil: Oh, man, if I ever hear that phrase again--", "Lily: Yeah, you know what? You're gonna keep hearing it as long as you're wound up this tight. What is going on with you?", "Neil: You want to know what's going on with me? Do you really want to know?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Neil: I just like messing with you, that's all. (Laughing) What? Y'all really think I'm that much of a hard-ass? All right, you know what? I'm insulted. I should be offended right now, really, I should be. (Laughs)", "Lily: So you're-- you're joking?", "Devon: You're seriously okay with the music and the--and the casual dress?", "Neil: Yeah, sure. Let's just see how it goes...but if productivity slips, it's back to commandant Neil.", "Devon: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Well, I just want you to know, if--if moving forward...", "Chris: I know.", "Paul: With this relationship makes you miserable--", "Chris: Wait, wait. Wait. Once again, you are completely underestimating how I feel about you.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Chris: If I could turn this off and walk away and not hurt Nina and Danny, don't you think I would do that?", "Paul: Well, you have to admit that you have been resisting the pull for some time. (Laughs)", "Chris: (Laughs) Yeah, and I can't do it any longer. You are stuck with me.", "Paul: I'm okay with that. So where do we go from here?", "Chris: I have been thinking a lot about that.", "Paul: Really?", "Chris: Well, actually, no, I've done more than just think about it. I quit my job.", "Paul: You--you quit your job?", "Chris: I did. (Laughs) So I'm leaving D.C. I'm coming back to Genoa City.", "Paul: Wh--you quit your job? You're moving here now?", "Chris: (Stammers) Okay, yeah, I know-- okay, I-I don't want to freak you out, right?", "Paul: Mm.", "Chris: But this is what I thought-- if we're gonna do this, if we're really gonna do this, we have to be in the same city. And I'm freaking you out, aren't I?", "Paul: No, it's-- I-I just am surprised. I never expected this, that's all. I mean... (Laughs) Is it possible to freak out in a good way?", "Chris: (Laughs) In a good way?", "Paul: Well, yeah, you know, like freaking out in-- in the best way possible, because, uh...", "Chris: (Laughs)", "Paul: I'm freaking out! (Laughing) I'm very happy, yeah.", "Chris: (Laughs) I can't believe I did it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: You shouldn't be here.", "Nikki: We have a lot to talk about.", "Chelsea: No, I told you everything I had to say last night.", "Nikki: What's the matter, Chelsea? What are you afraid of?", "Chelsea: Adam cannot find out that I told you about Sharon.", "Nikki: Well, it's going to come out.", "Chelsea: No! No.", "Nikki: I need you to go on record with the authorities.", "Chelsea: It's not happening.", "Nikki: If you don't testify, I can't pursue this. I don't have enough evidence.", "Chelsea: That's not my problem. I'm sorry. I thought you had a right to know about what happened to your home, but I-I can't help you with this any further. I can't.", "Nikki: What, are you afraid that Adam will be upset?", "Chelsea: (Sighs) Well, he's very... protective of Sharon.", "Nikki: Oh, yes, I'm--I'm familiar with that. Nicholas was, too, until recently, and boy, does she play on that. Listen, Chelsea. If you don't help me put Sharon behind bars now, she is going to continue to interfere in your marriage. I've seen her operate. She is relentless. You have the opportunity right now to remove her from the picture permanently. And if you don't take advantage of that, I promise, you will regret it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sharon said something about not feeling well, not thinking clearly. Do you know anything about that?", "Nick: Dad, we've all noticed that Sharon hasn't been herself lately.", "Victor: And that's attributable to what, a mental illness or what?", "(Knock on door)", "Sharon: Hi.", "Nick: Hey.", "Sharon: Um... is Noah here? I need to see him.", "Victor: You're not gonna involve my grandson in this, all right? You take responsibility, for once, for the things you have done. Be honest.", "Nick: Let's not do this right now, okay? Faith's home.", "Sharon: She is?", "Nick: Yeah, she wasn't feeling well, so I kept her home from school.", "Victor: So apparently, there's something wrong with you. If that's the case, I think you should seek treatment... away from town, some isolated place, so you can't do damage to anyone around here.", "Sharon: Thanks for stopping him.", "Nick: Well, it's true, isn't it? You started that fire and you've lied to me about it, and you got Noah to lie to me, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: This is fantastic. I'm so happy.", "Chris: (Chuckles) And a little scary. It's okay, you can admit it.", "Paul: No, no, not at all. I-I just, uh... I guess I'm a little concerned that you'll be missing some high-powered career opportunities, or...", "Chris: Mm, mm. I would pass 'em up anyway.", "Paul: We could have talked about the possibility of me coming to D.C. I mean, we still can.", "Chris: I know, but you know what? I'm excited for a change in my life, you know? A change of pace, priorities. I am proud of the work I've done and what I've accomplished, but I-I still feel like something is missing, and I am hoping that I'm gonna find that here with you.", "Paul: Wow. I mean, it--this is like something I had-- I had given up on, a future I had given up on.", "Chris: So what do you have planned for today? Because I have to find a place to live.", "Paul: Well, that's easy-- you can move in with me.", "Chris: No, I-I think--", "Paul: Come on.", "Chris: No, that would be moving too fast. I'm happy to move a thousand miles to be closer to you, but I don't know, sharing a bathroom?", "Paul: Oh, God. I-I've got plenty of room.", "Chris: I know. I just--I think we should ease into this, each have our own place, till we know for sure. (Giggles)", "Paul: Okay. So what do you say? You need some help finding an apartment?", "Chris: I would love that.", "Paul: Me, too.", "Chris: Okay. (Giggles) All right.", "Paul: (Giggles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: I-I should have never told you about Sharon.", "Nikki: No, no, you did the right thing-- not just for Victor and me, but for your marriage.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) You don't understand. If Adam finds out about this, he is going to be furious.", "(Door opens)", "Nikki: Well, hello, Adam.", "Adam: Nikki.", "Chelsea: Hey. Um, your-- hey, your conference call's over already?", "Adam: No, I forgot my laptop. I need it for the conference.", "Chelsea: Mm.", "Adam: What brings you by?", "Nikki: Good to see you. Actually, you're the one I wanted to talk to. I need to find out what you know about Sharon and the fire at the ranch.", "Adam: Sharon and the fire? I wasn't aware there was a connection between the two.", "Chelsea: Uh, she--Nikki just has it in her head that if, um, if Sharon did do it, she would have unburdened her soul to you, you know?", "Adam: Why would you say that?", "Nikki: Well, it was obvious last night that the two of you are still very close, whether or not your wife wants to acknowledge that or not.", "Adam: Well, I don't know anything about the fire, and as far as Sharon is concerned, I believe she was out of town.", "Nikki: Well, should the subject ever come up again--", "Adam: It won't.", "Chelsea: Can I walk you out, Mrs. Newman?", "Nikki: Sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I've already answered those questions from you, Nick.", "Nick: Not honestly.", "Sharon: Where's Noah?", "Nick: You're talking to me right now.", "Sharon: Nick, just tell me where he is. Where's Noah?", "Nick: It's true. You got him to lie for you, right?", "Sharon: No!", "Nick: Sharon.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Nick, it--it just slipped out. I didn't mean to tell him.", "Nick: Oh, my God. (Sighs)", "Sharon: I'm so sorry.", "Nick: For which part, burning down my family home, or dragging our son into it?", "Sharon: I didn't mean for any of it to happen. The fire--I didn't even know what I was doing. I didn't remember it afterward.", "Nick: So are we all just supposed to forget that it happened?", "Sharon: Nick, it wasn't me who did those things. It was the disease, so what good would it do to lock me up in prison? I won't get better there. I'm getting better now. I'm taking my medication. It's starting to work. Please don't let your parents take that chance away from me. Let me get well. That's all I'm asking.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Well, I think it's absolutely hilarious how we were so worried for no reason. (Chuckles)", "Lily: I don't know. Dad was pretty convincing when he was reaming us out.", "Devon: No, he was kidding.", "Lily: Maybe...", "Devon: Yeah.", "Lily: Or he knew Leslie was there and realized how it could look to her.", "Devon: Really? You think, when he laughed it off, that was an act?", "Lily: Could be.", "Devon: Well, then let's drink to Leslie, the good influence.", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Devon: You know?", "Lily: I just think it's just, you know, how he's wired. He's just serious and driven, focused.", "Devon: Yeah, he's type \"A\" all the way, you know?", "Lily: That's why Mom was just so good for him, you know? She could just make him laugh and poke fun at him, made him see there was more to life.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Lily: He hasn't had that since. I mean, a little bit with Harmony, but...", "Devon: You know what it is, too? I think there's a lot of guilt mixed in there with it. I know he couldn't let go of feeling like he's let down Sofia and Moses.", "Lily: He's just so hard on himself in every part of his life.", "Devon: Yeah, and then he ends up being hard on other people, too, without even seeing it.", "Lily: That's why I think Leslie is not the kind of person to put up with that, which could be good for him.", "Devon: Oh, shoot, I think it would be great for him. She can shake him loose a little bit. (Chuckles)", "Lily: Yeah, let's see.", "Devon: Well...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Yeah, I-I did see that research. It's very interesting. It's a much broader market than I was expecting. (Clears throat) Yeah, well, you learn something new every day, don't you? Uh-huh. Okay, very good, I'll talk to you l-- yeah, bye-bye. So what you got for me?", "Leslie: Just a report from the field, based on my own limited observations. You'll be happy to hear productivity has not fallen off a cliff, and morale is definitely up.", "Neil: Uh-huh. Well, well. That's an argument in favor of the occasional casual dress day, though I'm sure I could marshal just as many points in opposition.", "Leslie: Oh, no doubt. But before you do that, don't you think you should at least attempt to walk a mile in the other side's casual shoes?", "Neil: Damn, I forgot my sneakers. Remember, I didn't get Devon's memo.", "Leslie: Oh, stop being so literal, Neil. You know what I'm saying.", "Neil: What? What?", "Leslie: Let's just see what impact it might have on your productivity and morale to just, you know...", "Neil: What--what are-- what are you doing?", "Leslie: I promise it won't hurt a bit.", "Neil: What are you doing?", "Leslie: It will not hurt... one bit.", "Neil: Better?", "Leslie: Um, yeah, just, uh, do me a favor-- unbutton the top two buttons. Yeah. Much improved. Feel different?", "Neil: I feel colder.", "Leslie: Um, okay, so I'm going to check back with you later, see how it worked out.", "Neil: Leslie, you don't have to leave.", "Leslie: Yes, I do, if we're gonna stick to our agreement.", "Neil: And, uh, what agreement is that?", "Leslie: Oh, the one where you said you'd fire me if the heat between us got to be too much. Wouldn't want you to have to make good on that so soon.", "Neil: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh, no. Oh, please, don't tell me that Chelsea threw you out.", "Adam: No.", "Sharon: Well, she will, if she finds you here. I wouldn't be surprised if she follows you over here again, after what she saw last night. She saw us kissing.", "Adam: Forget about that for now. Sharon, Nikki was over at my house this morning. She has it stuck in her head again that you started that fire.", "Sharon: I know. I saw her, too. She--she was here, and she was telling me she was gonna have me arrested.", "Adam: Based on what? What--what would put her back on your trail?", "Sharon: I don't know. But I saw Victor, too, and he was furious. He seemed to know for sure what I had done.", "Adam: Well, they didn't bring it up at the party, so what would have happened between then and now?", "Sharon: Um... Chelsea told them.", "Adam: No. No.", "Sharon: Adam, she told them. Of course she did.", "Adam: No, she was with me at my house this morning when Nikki came by. She backed me up completely.", "Sharon: Well, who could have told them?", "Adam: Other people knew.", "Sharon: Who? Dr. Watkins, Noah-- neither of them would have any reason to go to Victor and Nikki. Chelsea saw us kissing. Adam, this is payback.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: But you only looked at one apartment.", "Chris: Yeah, I know, and it's perfect.", "Paul: Perfect?", "Chris: Four rooms, okay? Which are the exact rooms I need--living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom. What are the odds?", "Paul: Okay, let me point out a few things that you might have overlooked, like the leaky faucet, the cracks in the ceiling, the carpeting that has seen better days.", "Chris: Yeah, but I wouldn't worry about that.", "Paul: Well, you know, there's--you--you-- you don't have to rush it. We can keep looking.", "Chris: Okay. (Laughs) You know, the idea isn't to find the greatest place in Genoa City. The idea is to find a place as close to you as possible, and I did that, so I'm happy.", "Paul: (Chuckles) You know, oh, my God, I think about where I was just a few weeks ago-- facing the possibility of life in prison.", "Chris: Mnh-mnh, I wasn't gonna let that happen.", "Paul: That seems almost as unreal as this does right now. Mm.", "Chris: Does that feel real enough for you?", "Paul: It's getting there, but I think-- I-I think you can, uh...", "Chris: (Laughs)", "Paul: Give me a reality... (Chuckles) That's better.", "Chris: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: So Nicholas confronted Sharon himself?", "Victor: Well, obviously, she denied setting the fire, and he wanted to believe her. But what is worse than lying to him was that she may have told the truth to Noah.", "Nikki: Why do you say that?", "Victor: Because after you had it out with her, she came running over to the tack house, looking for him...", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Victor: As if he was gonna save the day for her.", "Nikki: Well, he has been protecting her, but...", "Victor: I know.", "Nikki: The poor kid. She--how can she put him in such a horrible position?", "Victor: (Sighs) I wish she hadn't done that.", "Nikki: Well, come on, I mean, it's his mother. Yes, she put us through an awful ordeal, but it doesn't compare to the chaos she put into his life. I mean, that woman is beyond the help of a team of psychiatrists. It's not fair to think that he knows the right thing to do. He's a kid. He just wants to live in peace.", "Victor: I know. Well, he's not gonna have much of that once we bring charges against her.", "Nikki: Well, I don't know if we can.", "Victor: What are you talking about?", "Nikki: Chelsea is refusing to cooperate with the investigation. She thinks that Adam might get upset with her, and she's probably right.", "Victor: Did you make it clear to her that she might lose her marriage? Did you see how Adam was wrapped up in Sharon's situation?", "Nikki: I did, but I don't think I got through to her.", "Victor: (Sighs) Well, I'll tell you what-- with or without her support, we're gonna proceed.", "Nikki: How? I mean, we--we don't really have any proof that she started the fire. I mean, yeah, we have the bracelet thing, but she can easily claim that I planted it or it was somehow in the house before the fire started.", "Victor: So you don't want to do it?", "Nikki: Oh, God, y-- no, I want to do it. There's no way she's gonna get away with it.", "Victor: Oh, good, my darling.", "Nikki: We have to find a way to hold her responsible, that's all.", "Victor: Baby, I love you, I love you.", "Nikki: (Laughs) Well, I love you, too. Mwah.", "Victor: But, you know, when you're pushed in the corner, when it comes to defending your family, you're like a lioness. I feel sorry for Sharon. I'm a lucky man.", "Nikki: Yeah, well, Sharon's been pretty lucky, too. What if somebody had been staying at the ranch that night? She would be looking at murder right now.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nikki: I mean, it was a terribly cruel thing to do. We have so many beautiful memories in that house.", "Victor: I know. I promise you, we'll make new ones. Okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Uh-oh. Forget something else?", "Adam: Yeah. I forgot what a good liar you are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Please have a seat.", "Leslie: Hey, thank you.", "Lily: Hi. We are a little scared to go back to the office.", "Leslie: You don't need to be. He's doing fine, getting into the spirit of things.", "Lily: Uh, not really.", "Devon: Mnh...", "Leslie: Yes, really. Even loosened his tie.", "Devon: Get out of here.", "Lily: Wow. Yeah.", "Leslie: Yeah.", "Devon: That's an improvement. I'm gonna get a refill. You want some coffee?", "Leslie: That'd be great. Thanks.", "Devon: Lily?", "Lily: I'm fine.", "Devon: All right.", "Lily: So whatever you're doing with my dad, it is working.", "Leslie: I'm not doing anything, Lily.", "Lily: (Laughs) No, something's happening with him, 'cause this morning, he was actually pleasant, so what's that about?", "Leslie: Well, if he's changed, it might be because he's happy to be working with his family.", "Lily: I don't know. I think he's happy to be working with someone.", "Leslie: (Sighs) It won't hurt a bit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Neil remembering]", "Neil: What are you doing?", "Leslie: It will not hurt.", "Neil: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: (Chuckles)", "Chris: (Laughs) (Clears throat) A little too public?", "Paul: Well, uh, maybe, a tad. We're grown-ups, you know.", "Chris: (Laughs)", "Paul: (Chuckles) And you know, I-I think you had a good point. We have lots of time, and if we're gonna do this the right way, then...", "Chris: You're right. We do have lots of time.", "Paul: Come here. (Laughs)", "Chris: (Chuckling)", "Paul: Maybe I was wrong. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: How about some chicken noodle soup? Does that sound good?", "Faith: Mommy's soup?", "Nick: Mommy's soup? Um... hmm, is that the same as chicken noodle soup? Does it have noodles?", "Faith: I want Mommy.", "Nick: I know, Sweetheart. You always want your mommy when you don't feel good, but the truth is, mommy isn't feeling too good, either, right now.", "Faith: Is she getting better?", "Nick: Oh, yeah, she is. She's taking her medicine, just like you are. She's gonna get better real soon, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: \"Police have yet to apprehend a suspect.\" (Sighs) So the police don't have a suspect, but Nikki and Victor are sure it's me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I just wonder if the other fires-- the warehouse and Gloworm-- they were just coincidence.", "Nikki: What, you think Sharon started those, too? They have no connection to you or to the family at all.", "Victor: Yeah, but, Sweetheart, that's the point. What if they wanted everyone to think the burning of the ranch was just a random fire, like Gloworm and the warehouse, without there being a personal vendetta involved?", "Nikki: Well, if that's true, it worked. We were convinced.", "Victor: That's right... until Chelsea told us otherwise.", "Nikki: I don't know. I mean, that's diabolical, but it's clever. Is Sharon that clever?", "Victor: I don't think it is about Sharon. I think this has everything to do with Adam. He wants to protect her.", "Nikki: You really think he would risk going to prison for her?", "Victor: Well, I don't think that he thinks he's gonna go to prison. He thinks he's just very clever, and he doesn't think anyone will find out. I got news for him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Nikki didn't come here with questions about the fire. She already had her answers, didn't she? From you. You went there last night, to my father, to Nikki, and you told them that Sharon started that fire. You didn't come back because you decided to trust me. You came back because you felt like you had solved the problem on your own.", "Chelsea: It does solve the problem. The only problem we have ever had has been Sharon.", "Adam: Sharon is sick. She needs help.", "Chelsea: I don't care! She's not my priority. Why is she yours? I'm your wife!", "Adam: That's right. That's right, Chelsea. Keep saying it. You're my wife. You are my wife and I chose you and I love you, but apparently, that is not enough, is it?! It's not enough! You have to push things! You have to take it to the point where Sharon could go to jail, take it to the point where she could lose her children. You betrayed me, Chelsea. I had a plan and it was working-- all because you're feeling insecure.", "Chelsea: Yeah, and why is that, hmm? Has anything happened in the past 24 hours or so to make me feel less than secure in my marriage?", "Adam: If there's no trust and there's no faith, you can't blame that on Sharon. Getting rid of Sharon doesn't fix things, Chelsea. Quite the opposite.", "(Door slams)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: You got us two tickets to Jamaica.", "Billy: Run away with me.", "Avery: I want to be completely open and honest with you.", "Phyllis: This is so unlike Jack to be late for a meeting, especially such an important meeting. Where is he?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread by Emma']
[ "Nick goes to visit Nikki but finds out from Victor that she went Christmas shopping. Victor gives Nick a lecture on how Sharon is taking advantage of him. Sharon goes to visit Jack but encounters Hilary instead. They begin to discuss how people can be given second chances. Hilary asks Sharon about her connection to Jack. Sharon lets her know that Jack is her ex. They also discuss Phyllis and Summer. Nikki goes to visit Dylan at Crimson Lights and finds him fixing a toaster. She says she tried to call him. He informs her that he got the message. Nikki looks at him and tells him that she got his message too. Jack grows impatient waiting for Neil to join him for lunch. When Neil does arrive, he lets Jack know that he was in a meeting with Chelsea and Chloe. Abby visits Victoria to check on Billy but is quite put out when she finds out that Billy met a woman with whom he has been spending a lot of time. Abby asks if Chloe could help Billy through this. Victoria feels that Chloe blames Billy for Delia's accident. Leslie and Tyler meet at the coffeehouse and she is quite surprised how he talks about Abby. Nick lets Victor know that he will not lay a guilt trip on Nikki because of Dylan being her son.", "Avery watches as Nikki and Dylan talk. She brings Dylan a file on Ian Ward and wants him to look at it, but he refuses. Nikki returns home and finds Nick there with Victor. Nick lets Nikki know that he will try to accept this situation which pleases her. Victoria pays them a visit. When Nick begins to leave, Victoria tells him that she wants to talk to him. Victoria tries to tell Nick how she feels about Dylan being part of their family. Nick doesn't return her sentiment toward Dylan. Victoria lets Nikki know that she will accept Dylan as part of her family which pleases Nikki but unnerves Victor, who tells them that Dylan will not be welcome in his home. Avery gets a call and leaves Dylan alone with the file on Ian Wad. Dylan opens the file and begins to read about Ian Ward. Nick helps Sharon carry decorations down from the attic. Sharon lets him know that he is a good man and isn't responsible for the things that happened to him. Neil practices his speech on how to ask Leslie to marry him. Leslie arrives and sees that Neil is hiding something, but he refuses to tell her what the secret is. Hilary confronts Jack about the bottle of pills that she found in his desk drawer. Jack explains that he was an addict, but Phyllis helped him to get his life back.", "" ]
[ "Victor: What brings you by, Son?", "Nick: I came to see Mom.", "Victor: She, uh, had some errands to do and probably do some early Christmas shopping, you know?", "Nick: She does love this time of year.", "Victor: Sit down, Boy. Yeah, she was so looking forward to all of us being together for Christmas since we couldn't do it at thanksgiving.", "Nick: Well, that's what I wanted to talk to her about -- my not showing up.", "Victor: She knows you were in shock when you found out that Dylan McAvoy was your brother.", "Nick: Look, Dad, I couldn't just come over here and sit around and pretend like everything was normal. I just couldn't do it.", "Victor: But Noah said you spent some time with your children.", "Nick: Are we back on Sharon again?", "Victor: I just commented about the fact that I was happy that you spent time with your kids.", "Nick: But not their mother?", "Victor: She's taking advantage of you, Son.", "Nick: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Knock, knock. Hey. Um...I'm here for Jack.", "Hilary: I'm sorry. He's not in. Can I take a message?", "Sharon: I'm Sharon Newman. We met at the Athletic Club bar the other night.", "Hilary: Right. Hilary Curtis.", "Sharon: You work for Jack? Neil helped you get the job?", "Hilary: Yes, in spite of my shortcomings.", "Sharon: Well, I'm sure Neil wouldn't have recommended you if you weren't qualified.", "Hilary: I just -- I just don't want to disappoint him or Jack. You know, I'm really grateful for the opportunities.", "Sharon: Ah, that second chance you were talking about.", "Hilary: Did you hear everything that Neil and I were discussing?", "Sharon: I'm sorry. I don't normally make a habit of eavesdropping or giving unsolicited advice to strangers. It's just it seemed like you and I were in a similar place.", "Hilary: How so?", "Sharon: I'm here for a second chance, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Hello.", "Dylan: Hey. Uh, what can I get you?", "Nikki: Uh, I-I didn't come in to order anything.", "Dylan: Yeah. Well, I -- you know, I got a lot to do here right now.", "Nikki: You didn't return my call.", "Dylan: Yeah. I'm sorry about that. I've just been -- I've been busy.", "Nikki: I just wanted to make sure that you had gotten my message. The DNA results came back, and it's official. You are my son.", "[Blender whirring]", "Dylan: I got your message.", "Nikki: I guess I got mine, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Uh, uh, that -- that's -- that's not for me.", "Neil: Hey, Jack.", "Jack: Hey. Where've you been? You're 20 minutes late.", "Neil: No. No, I'm not. I'm 10 minutes late. I texted you. I told I was in a meeting with Chelsea and Chloe. Yeah, Jack, I know. Show in Milan, right?", "Jack: Right.", "Neil: Right. Well... everything looks great.", "Jack: Good.", "Neil: I got these final designs from Chelsea, if you want to see them.", "Jack: No, I-I don't want to see those.", "Neil: Something tells me you didn't call me here to talk about business.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: We missed you guys at thanksgiving.", "Victoria: Yeah. You know, Billy wasn't really ready for a big family get- together.", "Abby: How is Billy? Where is he? I wanted to say hi to him.", "Victoria: He went to the restaurant.", "Abby: That's great that he's working. I mean, I know he hadn't been doing that for a while.", "Victoria: He's trying to get back into things. He's spending more time with Johnny and me, and, you know, it's been hard, but he's getting there. I think, actually, the support group has really helped him.", "Abby: I'm glad you're doing that.", "Victoria: No, not me -- just Billy. You know, he sort of wanted to do it on his own.", "Abby: Oh. Um...I'm sorry.", "Victoria: What? You know what? It's for the best. Really, it is. And he met this friend there. She's this woman who lost her 7-year-old son, and, you know, it's been great. He's really able to talk to her about how he's feeling.", "Abby: Why can't he talk to you? Why is Billy talking to a stranger instead of you, especially about something so personal?", "Victoria: Well, you know, that's just it. Losing a child is an extremely personal thing, and unless you've been there, I mean, you can't really understand it, no matter how hard you try.", "Abby: But you lost Delia, too.", "Victoria: Yeah, I did. But this woman, Kelly -- she lost her son tragically, so she's been through everything that Billy's going through.", "Abby: What about Chloe? I mean, she'd understand.", "Victoria: I think there's a part of Chloe that still blames Billy.", "Abby: Oh, God. Yeah, it's -- it's awful. I mean, I understand, but I don't know who I feel worse for.", "Victoria: You know what? I just have to focus on the positive. Billy has somebody to lean on, and, yes, I wish it was me, but... it's this woman, Kelly, and if she can help him, that's all that matters, right?", "Abby: Still, it's got to hurt.", "Victoria: I am grateful that Billy's finally turning a corner. He's going to meetings. He's really coming around, and, you know, everything's good.", "Abby: But if it is ever not good, then you know that I'm here.", "Victoria: Yes, I do know that. Thank you. So, tell me something else. Tell me something about you -- something fun. How are things going between you and Tyler?", "Abby: Uh, they're going. Yeah. Yeah. We said the \"L\" word, and it wasn't awful. It was pretty nice, actually, once we got over the shock of it.", "Victoria: That all sounds very good.", "Abby: Yeah. Yeah. It is.", "Victoria: So, why don't you sound so happy?", "Abby: Because this is the point in the relationship where I always find a way to screw things up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: So, tell me about your trip to California with Abby.", "Tyler: Well, it was great. And then it wasn't. And then it was again.", "Leslie: Oh, wow. Sounds roller-coasterish.", "Tyler: Things are never quite what you expect with Abby.", "Leslie: Oh. Are you having second thoughts about getting involved?", "Tyler: No, just the opposite.", "Leslie: Really?", "Tyler: Yeah. Well, not me. That's for sure. I mean, when I met her, I thought she was just some, you know, like, rich spoiled girl out to have a good time.", "Leslie: And what -- you were wrong?", "Tyler: Yeah. There is a whole lot more to her than that. I'm serious, Les. She's amazing. You know, she's smart. She's sensitive. She's generous. That girl has got a great heart. And she's just -- she's beautiful inside and out. What?", "Leslie: I'm just saying, okay, you were giving me a hard time on thanksgiving about being ready for a picket fence. Sounds like you're the one that's ready to settle down.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Actually, this is more like my 10th chance.", "Hilary: Yeah. You said you made a few mistakes at the club the other night.", "Sharon: And Neil was able to look past mine. And he's asked me to be an advocate for the Jabot models, all because I stuck my nose in a photo shoot that I happened to walk by.", "Hilary: That was you? I-I heard about that.", "Sharon: So, I was just on my way to H.R. to fill out some employment papers, and I thought I'd say hi to Jack.", "Hilary: Oh. You two are friends?", "Sharon: We're exes. It's a long story. But we just realized we were better off with other people.", "Hilary: Well, it's too bad about Jack's fiancée. Did you know her?", "Sharon: Um, Phyllis. Yeah. Yeah, I do.", "Hilary: I guess you heard about her accident, then.", "Sharon: Oh, it's terrible.", "Hilary: You know, I haven't known Jack for very long, but it is obvious how much he loves her and misses her. That model that you stood up for -- that's Jack and Phyllis' daughter, wasn't it?", "Sharon: Summer.", "Hilary: Yeah. Its weird how they just found out about her being theirs. It's hard to imagine that a man could lie about being someone's father for so many years.", "Sharon: Well, Nick didn't mean to deceive anyone. He's a good man.", "Hilary: Jack's a good guy, too, you know? He didn't deserve to be lied to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You know, I can remember a time when you were on Sharon's side.", "Victor: And I can remember a time when you didn't want anything to do with her.", "Nick: Well, I'd like to think my shift is a compassionate one. Dad, Sharon's battling a mental illness.", "Victor: Son, she's using that as an excuse for all kinds of ill behavior over the years, you know? She's trying to draw you back into her life.", "Nick: I can handle Sharon.", "Victor: You have been through a lot of emotional upheaval lately. Remember that. There's only so much someone can take. I mean, you found out that Summer's not your daughter, that Dylan McAvoy is your brother, and that he's the reason that Avery stood you up at the altar. Now your mother wants to take him into our family.", "Nick: Now we get to it.", "Victor: Get to what?", "Nick: You want me to be as mad as you are. You are upset that Mom hung on to this secret for so long. You can forget it, Dad. I am not gonna lay some big guilt trip on Mom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I know you're upset with me. I know you're confused. [Sighs] I didn't want to hurt anybody in this, but... I was so young when I had you, I-I truly thought that giving you up for adoption was the best thing for you, and I've always wanted that -- just the best, even now.", "Dylan: I have a life, okay? My parents were great. My mom, Penny -- she loved me, she raised me, she stood by me until the end, and I know she didn't say anything, but no matter what, she's gonna be the only woman in my life who will ever be my mom.", "Nikki: I understand...", "Dylan: Good. I'm glad.", "Nikki: ...How you feel.", "Dylan: I'm glad that you understand, Nikki, because you seem like a real nice person, but I'm not ready for this, okay? I don't need this in my life.", "Nikki: Of course. But if you should change your mind... I will always be open to you being in mine.", "Dylan: Look, if you're gonna tell me I should give her a chance...", "Avery: No. That's the last thing I would do.", "Dylan: You're the only one who isn't offering an opinion on how I should handle things with Nikki.", "Avery: Okay. I think everyone's just trying to help.", "Dylan: Well, they can't. There's nothing to fix.", "Avery: Well, I don't think Nikki's trying to fix things as much as make up for lost time.", "Dylan: We didn't lose time. She gave it away. Not that it matters. It's not like I'm some orphan who grew up with a huge void in my life, okay? My parents loved me, and I loved them.", "Avery: Yes, your parents were the best. But, Dylan, I know better than anybody what it's like to find out everything you believed about your parents isn't true.", "Dylan: I just don't understand why my mom didn't tell me. But it doesn't change how I feel about her or my dad.", "Avery: Of course not, and I don't think that's what Nikki wants.", "Dylan: Then why did she bring up all this stuff? Why? If she didn't think I would suddenly consider her my mom, what was the point?", "Avery: I think she just wanted you to know the truth.", "Dylan: Okay. Now I know.", "Avery: You know that she's your biological mother, but you still have a father out there, too.", "Dylan: Terry McAvoy is my father.", "Avery: Yes, he is, and he was amazing. He loved you. He taught you about baseball and building things and life. Yes, he is your father. But your biological father is Ian Ward, and you must have some questions about him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Look, I know there's a lot about this that irritates you. That she didn't tell you about the kid is just one part of it.", "Victor: Well, she should have been honest with me, Son.", "Nick: Well, clearly, she was worried about your reaction.", "Victor: That's hogwash. She knows she can come to me with anything.", "Nick: Sometimes the fact that you've hidden something -- it becomes bigger than the secret itself, and as more time passes, it gets harder and harder to tell the truth.", "Victor: Yeah, but that's no excuse.", "Nick: No, it isn't, but I understand what Mom's going through. It's just too bad that, of the 7 billion people that are on this planet, the kid she put up for adoption just happens to be Dylan McAvoy.", "Victor: Yeah, but if she had been honest about it, we wouldn't be going through any of this.", "Nick: You're right, but I'm not gonna judge Mom for her actions. Clearly, you're going to.", "[Door opens, closes]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I'm not saying what Nick did was right. It wasn't. But...we've all done things we regret.", "Hilary: Agreed.", "Sharon: And Nick did try to make things right. That's why he took the second paternity test.", "Hilary: It's funny that he decided to do that after all these years.", "Sharon: In his heart, he feels that this is the way things should have been -- Jack being Summer's father. If the first DNA test had just shown that, things would have been so different.", "Hilary: Jack might have stayed with Phyllis all those years.", "Sharon: And Nick would have stayed with me and our son.", "Hilary: It's amazing how one decision can just change everything.", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Hilary: Well, at least you're all getting a second chance now, if you can get past all the lies and deception.", "Sharon: I have to believe we can.", "Hilary: You're lucky. I know some people will never forgive me for the things I've done.", "Sharon: You forgive yourself, remember? Don't worry about what other people think.", "Hilary: That's easier said than done.", "Sharon: I know. I have to go. Tell Jack I was here?", "Hilary: Will do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: No, you're right, Neil. I didn't ask you to meet me to talk about business.", "Neil: Jack, I'm here for you. Talk to me.", "Jack: Summer and I went to visit Phyllis for thanksgiving. The trip didn't quite go as we'd hoped.", "Neil: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.", "Jack: Yeah. It was Summer's idea, which I loved. She had it in her head that once Phyllis sensed the two of us in the room that maybe she'd come to. I got so caught up in her excitement that I started to believe it myself -- convinced myself that maybe today was the day she'd...squeeze my hand again or something -- anything -- to let us know she'd be coming back. When she didn't, Summer was crushed. She said she wasn't, but I could tell by the look in her eyes she was losing hope.", "Neil: So, Summer was crushed? What about you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: Sharon was here.", "[Pen clicking]", "Hilary: Oxydycone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, I haven't given up hope, if that's what you're asking.", "Neil: It isn't.", "Jack: Was I tempted? Yeah, that's why I called you.", "Neil: Oh, I'm so glad that you did, Jack.", "Jack: I don't know how many times I can keep asking my friends to pull me back from the edge, though.", "Neil: Hey, hey, hey, hey, listen to me -- as many times as you need to. That's how you get through the holidays -- Christmas, New Year's, all the other days in between -- with help, from me and everybody else who cares about you.", "Jack: You know, when I stopped using, when I got clean, I somehow thought it would be easier after that.", "Neil: Yeah, right. We all think that in the beginning. And then you realize it's an ongoing struggle.", "Jack: Yeah, I keep learning that lesson with every setback. It just seems I've had more than my share of setbacks lately.", "Neil: And I really sympathize with you. And those empty chairs at thanksgiving must be so hard to take. But you had a lot of people around your table, right?", "Jack: Yeah, I did. Yeah. Ashley was there. She was in town. Traci's been here for a while, and Abby and Kyle and Summer, and, yeah, it did make me feel better to have everyone there. How 'bout you? Did you get to spend thanksgiving with Devon and Lily?", "Neil: Oh, yeah -- Devon, Lily, Moses and the twins, and a very special lady that I happen to be in love with.", "Jack: Well, it doesn't get much better than that, does it?", "Neil: Hey, I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to say that.", "Jack: No, no, no, no. Don't you dare apologize for that. No. I am thrilled for you and Leslie.", "Neil: Thank you. It's been a long time since I've, you know, been this happy.", "Jack: You deserve it.", "Neil: Thanks. As a matter of fact, uh... I want to show you something. Look at this.", "Jack: It's just all so sudden.", "Neil: [Laughs]", "Jack: Congratulations, man. She's a lucky woman.", "Neil: I just hope she agrees with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tyler: You're crazy. Me, settle down?", "Leslie: All right. Well, from the way you were talking, it sure sounded like it.", "Tyler: All right. Well, then, you need to get your hearing checked, because I got no plans.", "Leslie: So, you're not serious about Abby?", "Tyler: I didn't say that. It's just that -- I don't know -- the last time I put a ring on a woman's finger, the whole thing blew up.", "Leslie: Your relationship with Mariah ended because the b-- she cheated on you.", "Tyler: All right. Well, I got to take some of that blame, too -- all right? -- 'Cause I rushed her.", "Leslie: Oh, my God. I can't believe you're defending her.", "Tyler: I'm not defending her. It's just that we weren't even together that long, you know? She freaked out at the thought of spending her life with the same person. You can relate to that. Come on.", "Leslie: She should have said no when you proposed.", "Tyler: Yeah, well, I should have seen that she wasn't ready. You know, hell -- maybe I didn't want to. But, either way, I'm glad it didn't work out, or else I would have never found Abby, so...", "Leslie: Abby, who you're not contemplating a future with.", "Tyler: I'm just not making any plans. I'm taking things slow. I do not want to mess things up this time.", "Leslie: She's the one, isn't she?", "Tyler: Maybe.", "Leslie: [Chuckles] Well, isn't that something? We both found the person we want to be with.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Dylan, will you just hear me out?", "Dylan: Avery, I told you I am not interested in Ian Ward, okay?", "Avery: Okay. Well, then, you can throw this away. But I did some research. He disappeared after the truth came out about the cult and his illegal activities, and this is everything that I could find about him and the New World. Look, it may give you some insight into the man who's responsible for you being here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Are you gonna answer your son?", "Victor: Your son came to see you.", "Nick: I was with Dylan when he got the DNA results.", "Nikki: I wanted to tell you in person.", "Nick: Mom, I didn't need to see a test to know that what you told us the other night at the club was true.", "Nikki: I'm so sorry it came out that way.", "Nick: We didn't know Dylan was gonna be there, and, in all honesty, I should have handled everything a lot better.", "Nikki: To blurt it out like that that he's my son -- that's not how I wanted you to find out you had a brother.", "Nick: Or that it was Dylan?", "Nikki: I know that was a shock.", "Nick: Well, again, I should have handled it better.", "Victor: Son, no one blames you for reacting the way you did. You found out that Dylan McAvoy is your brother, with Avery standing right there.", "Nick: If anyone understands why you didn't come forward with the truth sooner, it's me. I mean, what kind of hypocrite would I be to pass any judgment on any of the choices you made? The fact that your other son is Dylan -- that's just something I'm gonna have to deal with.", "Nikki: Oh, Sweetheart, thank you.", "Victor: Well, look who's there.", "Victoria: Hi. Oh, um, I'm not interrupting, am I?", "Victor: No. We're happy you're here. I love it when my family is together.", "Victoria: Well, we're not all here, Dad.", "Victor: You're right. Abby is not here.", "Victoria: Yeah, or Adam -- the son that nobody wants to mention.", "Nick: I'm out of here.", "Nikki: Honey, I'm really glad that we had this talk.", "Nick: Yeah, me, too. Dad.", "Victor: All right, Son.", "Victoria: Uh...Nick, I'll walk you out.", "Nick: Okay.", "Victoria: Hey. So, um, I wanted to talk to you about Dylan. You know, he's been a really good friend to Billy -- one of the only people that's been able to reach him since Dee Dee died.", "Nick: Okay.", "Victoria: Um... [Sighs] And I know that the situation is --", "Nick: Ridiculous? Insane? Unbelievable?", "Victoria: Yeah, it is, but it's not Dylan's fault. He didn't know that he was adopted. He didn't know that his brother loved the same woman that he loved. You know that.", "Nick: What do you want me to say, Vick -- that I'm cool with this, that I hope that we can all just be this big, happy family someday? 'Cause I can't say that.", "Victoria: I'm sorry to hear you say that. Do you remember when I came back from boarding school and you told me that you had my back, no matter what? You always have. You've defended me to Dad, to J.T., to Billy. Whenever you thought that they were treating me wrong, you defended me. And do you remember last year, when I got kidnapped? You showed up in Miami with Billy. You're my hero, okay? You're my best friend.", "Nick: What about Dylan?", "Victoria: I don't know. I mean, I'd kind of like him to be part of my life, too. I want him to be a part of our family. That doesn't have to change things between us, right?", "Nick: Feels like it already has.", "[Door opens, closes]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: I've heard enough about Ian Ward to know that I don't want to read this, okay?", "Avery: You've been through a lot lately, and it's gonna take some time for all of this to sink in, and once it does --", "Dylan: Nothing's gonna change. I've known men like ward -- men with no morals, no honor, men who lie, take advantage of innocent people without a second thought.", "Avery: Dylan, don't you at least want to know if the man is dead or alive?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Leslie... would you do me the honor of -- \"Do me the honor\"? Well, no. I can't say that. That's way too stiff. Um...okay, okay. Ah, ah, ah, ah. I love you, and I want you to be my wife.", "Leslie: I'm meeting Neil Winters. Thank you. Thanks.", "Neil: Well, looky here -- ama-- you look beautiful! I love this. Is this new?", "Leslie: No.", "Neil: No?", "Leslie: No.", "Neil: Well, it is beautiful, just like you.", "Leslie: All right.", "Neil: Hmm?", "Leslie: Okay. What's going on?", "Neil: What do you mean? C-can't a man compliment his beautiful lady?", "Leslie: You're up to something.", "Neil: I'm up to something? What? Why would you say that?", "Leslie: Oh, wow. Yeah. The fake innocence? Yeah. It's not gonna work. It's not going to make me back off. Spill the beans. What's going on?", "Neil: [Chuckles nervously]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: So, this is the focus-group analysis from Abby and Lily. There are two reports. The first one is on our latest lipstick, and the second one is on mascara -- no, eye shadow. And, um, this is from advertising. Brian said to be sure and look at the packaging ideas for the new men's cologne. They want the order by the 15th. And I think that's everything.", "Jack: What about the R&D report I asked for?", "Hilary: Oh. Um, didn't I upload those?", "Jack: No, you didn't.", "Hilary: Um, sorry. I thought I did.", "Jack: Hilary, what's going on?", "Hilary: Nothing. It's just -- it's one report.", "Jack: Hilary, you're not telling me something.", "Hilary: You know how much I appreciate this job, right? And after everything that happened with Neil and Cane, for you to trust me -- I just don't want you to think that I --", "Jack: Think what?", "Hilary: I was -- I was just looking for a piece of paper. I wasn't snooping, I swear. I would never do that. I respect your privacy.", "Jack: Just tell me what's going on.", "Hilary: I found these. I read online that you got hooked on prescription pills after your back surgery.", "Jack: Yeah, I had a serious problem. And I got clean, thanks to Phyllis. And I've stayed that way.", "Hilary: Then, um, what are these?", "Jack: These... I went to visit Phyllis thanksgiving, and it didn't go so well. She was so still. And if you knew Phyllis, [Chuckles] She was never still. And seeing her like that and then coming home and watching my brother get through the holiday without his daughter and Kyle working at Chancellor-Newman, it all came to a head, and in a weak moment, I...arranged to get these pills.", "Hilary: Did you take any of them?", "Jack: No.", "Hilary: Because, you know, when things came to a head for my mom, she couldn't resist the urge, and she went out and got drunk with Neil, and it ended up being her last night.", "Jack: I'm so sorry.", "Hilary: Just... just get rid of these.", "Jack: Yeah. I plan to.", "Hilary: I know I'm just your assistant, but if you need me to do anything to help --", "Jack: No, no, no. Thank you. That's -- that's -- that's very kind of you. I've got a very good support system -- not just my family. I've got friends, and all I have to do is pick up the phone, and they'll be there.", "Hilary: That's good. You're lucky. You know, some people don't have anybody.", "Jack: Including you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Victoria's willing to do whatever it takes to help Billy deal with his grief and to keep their marriage together.", "Tyler: Well, you know, if something's worth fighting for --", "Abby: That's what I wanted to talk to you about.", "Tyler: Uh-oh.", "Abby: I'm sorry. [Chuckles] I went off the freak-out meter earlier, and you were right. When a relationship gets to a certain point, I just make excuses and find a way to blow it up. That's what I was doing. I was looking for a way out. But I don't want to do that this time.", "Tyler: I'm glad that you said that, because...this is different, what we have.", "Abby: For me, too.", "Tyler: Yeah. You know, it's, like, the first time that I feel like I don't have to leave my baggage at the door, you know, or pretend to be somebody or something that I'm not.", "Abby: Yeah. I can be myself around you, too, and that wasn't who I am. I'm not insecure. I'm Ashley Abbott's daughter. I am Abby damn Newman. I have men falling at my feet, Tyler, and I am not jealous of some ex. I don't even remember her name. So, from now on, only me, only honesty. I hope that doesn't scare you away.", "Tyler: No. No way. You know, my parents -- they were one big, lying, cheating mess. I didn't know that people could have open, honest relationships.", "Abby: Until now?", "Tyler: Yeah. Until now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: It doesn't matter what's in this file. Dead or alive, Ian Ward is dead to me.", "Avery: Are you sure?", "Dylan: What? Why would I want to know about a guy like this I have no connection to?", "Avery: For closure.", "Dylan: Closure? Avery, there's not gonna be any closure, okay? Its lies on top of lies. Finding out about Ian Ward is just gonna -- I'm sick of being jerked around by decisions made by Nikki and other people that I can't control, that I cannot change. Everybody's telling me what to do, how to feel, and where I belong. I I feel. And I know where I belong, okay? I don't want to keep looking back. Please. I just want to move forward.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I'm glad you came by. I was gonna have to wait for Noah to bring those down, and Faith's been driving me crazy about getting started decorating.", "Nick: Yeah. It's a good thing she left Miss Patsy at my place.", "Sharon: Oh, thanks for bringing her by. And thanks for bringing the boxes down.", "Nick: Yeah. It feels like just yesterday that I was taking those upstairs for you.", "Sharon: The last 12 months have flown by.", "Nick: Well, you've come a long way in a year.", "Sharon: From being a wreck, you mean?", "Nick: That's not the way I was gonna put it.", "Sharon: You know... I just want to focus on having a really nice Christmas and look forward to what lies ahead in the New Year.", "Nick: Like your new job.", "Sharon: Yes! I'm so excited!", "Nick: I am so glad that you're gonna be able to be there for Summer and look out for her, especially since Phyllis can't.", "Sharon: I'm sorry Summer's hurt so much.", "Nick: That's kind of a pattern with all the women in my life -- Summer, Phyllis, Avery. I mean, this time last year, I was scouring the internet, looking for an easy-bake oven. [Chuckles] You should have seen her face when she opened it.", "Sharon: I hate seeing you like this.", "Nick: Well, I brought it on myself.", "Sharon: Not all of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: Just give me a hint. Just a little one? Please?", "Neil: I... was just... thinking about your Christmas present.", "Leslie: Oh, nice. Now, you already know I'm pro present.", "Neil: Mm-hmm.", "Leslie: So, what'd you get me?", "Neil: N-no. That's not gonna -- it's a surprise, all right? You're gonna have to wait.", "Leslie: No. I really -- I don't like surprises. Really, just tell me.", "Neil: Don't you love that feeling of anticipation and excitement -- you know, waiting for the big day? Remember -- remember what that felt like, when you were a little kid?", "Leslie: Actually, I really don't. I mean, Christmas was just another day of my parents screaming at each other. Then after my mom passed and Gus went to prison, I mean, my aunt -- she really tried to make holidays special for Tyler and me, but, no -- it just was never really a happy time.", "Neil: Hey. Come here. I'm gonna change all that.", "Leslie: You already have.", "Neil: You ain't seen nothin' yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I appreciate you trying to make me feel better.", "Sharon: Well, they're not just words, Nick. You're not to blame for everything that's gone wrong in your life lately.", "Nick: I guess Dylan turning out to be my brother is on my mom, but the rest --", "Sharon: Not your fault.", "Nick: Why do you keep saying that?", "Sharon: Because... I hate to see you beat yourself up over things that you're not responsible for.", "Nick: If you're talking about what happened with Avery...", "Sharon: You know... things didn't fall apart for the two of you because of anything that you did wrong.", "Nick: Yeah. She never got over Dylan.", "Sharon: And I'm glad you realize that, because I wouldn't want you to think that you're not good enough. You are, Nick. You're a good man, and you didn't deserve what happened to you.", "Nick: Thanks.", "Sharon: I just wish I could do more.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cell phone beeps]", "Avery: That's me.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Avery: Um...yeah. I have an appointment. I-I have to go, actually.", "Dylan: [Sighs] [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Is everything okay between you and Nicholas?", "Victoria: Yeah, I hope so.", "Victor: What were you two talking about?", "Victoria: I just told him that I'm... willing to accept Dylan into my family.", "Nikki: Oh, Sweetheart, thank you. I appreciate that -- more than you'll ever know.", "Victor: I don't get any of this. How -- how can you say that when you know how...much pain he has caused your brother and the rest of the family?", "Victoria: Really, Dad? Listen, I just -- I mean, I'm sorry. I-I wish you would understand. Dylan has been a really good friend to Billy.", "Victor: Oh, really? Oh, it warms the cockles of my heart. Billy boy Abbott, friends with that Dylan whatever-his-name-is. Hell will freeze over before I invite that boy into this house or into our family.", "Victoria: Really, Dad? I'm sorry to hear you say that, because he's welcome in my family." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "At the Athletic Club, Kelly and Phyllis come downstairs as they continue to argue. Once they get to the bottom of the stairs, they notice Jack, who came in the door. At the Underground, Mariah and Kevin just look at each other after kissing. Chelsea is on the phone as she and Billy walk in the park. When Chelsea hangs up, Billy asks her who that was and what was going on. Chelsea is hesitant to tell him but she says that she paid Jeff off to drop the charges against Ben and the hospital and in turn the charges were dropped against him. At the mansion, Gabriel plays a game a chess by himself as Sage comes in to join him. Sage confronts him about his trip to Genoa City and how she talked him down when he saw Chelsea with Billy. Adam tells Sage that he needs to reclaim his family. Billy talks about the many gifts for his children and accidentally calls Kate \"Delia.\" Chelsea questions Billy about him substituting Kate for Delia. Billy denies that he did it. Sage tells Adam that he cannot go back on his deal. Adam asks Sage to tell him about Gabriel. Kevin and Mariah argue over who kissed whom. Mariah watches Austin, who is on the phone, leaving Summer a message. Kevin accuses Mariah that she doesn't want Austin to know about the kiss. Austin interrupts them and informs them that Summer is looking for Phyllis. Kelly walks off into the dining room while Jack takes Phyllis upstairs to the office. Phyllis admits to Jack that she knows all about him and Kelly. Jack orders Phyllis to stay there while he goes to find Kelly. Phyllis becomes angry. Downstairs at the bar, Kelly is approached by Summer, who questions her about Phyllis. Jack comes downstairs and tells Summer that Phyllis is upstairs. Kelly tells Jack that he picked the wrong woman and he will live to regret it. Kelly tells Jack that she didn't know that Phyllis was such a \"psycho\" and goes on to tell Jack how Phyllis attacked her. Upstairs, Phyllis assures Summer that she is fine but wants some answers from Summer. Phyllis asks Summer how she felt about Jack dating Kelly. Phyllis apologizes to Summer for being so upset over this situation. Adam demands answers about Gabriel. Sage is hesitant to give him any answers but finally gives in. Sage shows Adam some of Gabriel's prized possessions and explains each piece. Sage asks Adam things about his mom. Billy lets Chelsea know how much he hates Adam and he cannot let go of this hatred.", "At the Underground, Austin lets Kevin and Mariah know that he doesn't want Summer to get hurt by this whole situation. Mariah and Kevin discuss the kiss and what might come next. Chelsea tells Billy that she doesn't want Connor to know that Adam killed Delia until he is older. Summer tells Phyllis that Jack went to the clinic to tell her good-bye. Kelly becomes angry when Jack defends Phyllis. Kelly lets Jack know that she doesn't want him now since she knows what kind of man he really is. Phyllis comes downstairs and interrupts them. Kelly walks away leaving Jack alone with Phyllis. Jack goes home and finds Phyllis in the living room. Jack asks her how she found out about him and Kelly. Jack tries to put his arms around Phyllis, but she pulls away. In her office, Summer apologizes to Kelly for her getting hurt. Mariah and Kevin discuss \"sex\" and what will come next. Kevin shows her a picture of Delia and tells Mariah about Chloe and his marriage to her. Billy tells Chelsea that he will never change his feelings toward Adam, but he will try to not let his hatred for the man show. Billy also tells Chelsea that he will not let Adam come between them. Mariah and Kevin go home together to decorate a Christmas tree. Sage calls a stop to supplying Adam with more information about her family's business when he becomes more inquisitive. Adam lets Sage know that he is going home and starting over. Phyllis tells Jack that she loves him, but it will take her time to get over this between him and Kelly.", "" ]
[ "Kelly: As I was saying, Jack made a special trip to Georgia just to say goodbye to you so when he told me he loved me, he was free of you!", "Jack: Kelly!", "Phyllis: Oh, perfect timing, Jack.", "Kelly: Absolutely! I am done with her!", "Phyllis: I will decide when we're done!", "Jack: This is not the place.", "Phyllis: Oh, you're telling me that? Really?", "Kelly: You should go. Please. Leave my place of business.", "Phyllis: Oh, are you kicking me out?", "Jack: We're going upstairs. Come on. Come on.", "Austin: Hey.", "Mariah: Hi.", "Austin: Summer, it is me again. Please call me when you track down your mom, okay?", "Kevin: What? What's the problem?", "Mariah: With what?", "Kevin: You know, that -- that thing that just happened, the kiss.", "Mariah: I just didn't...", "Kevin: Oh, I get it. You don't want Austin to get the wrong idea?", "Mariah: Who cares about Austin?", "Kevin: So it's me? I'm the one with the wrong idea?", "Chelsea: Yep. Uh-huh. Okay. Right, well, like I said, I got to go. Bye. Okay, where to next?", "Billy: That was a lot of uh-huhs and yeahs and sounds that weren't exactly words in that phone call. Secretive.", "Chelsea: Well, 'tis the season. Should we go to the toy store?", "Billy: Ah. Who was on the phone, Chels?", "Chelsea: Um... Jeff. He dropped his bogus lawsuit against the hospital, and the D.A. Has dropped all the charges against stitch. So, my hot chocolate's getting cold. Do you want to...", "Billy: How much did you pay him?", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] What makes you assume that --", "Billy: Because it's your dad we're talking about, and he always has his hand out, so... how much?", "Chelsea: Enough to get him to do the right thing. Isn't that what you wanted?", "Billy: Even stitch doesn't deserve to be scammed.", "Chelsea: So we will just consider it our good deed in the spirit of the season.", "Billy: And that earns lots of points on Santa's \"nice\" list.", "Chelsea: Oh, yeah? What else does it get me, huh?", "Billy: A lot more of this.", "Chelsea: Oh. Well, then I'm really happy that we're spending Christmas together this year.", "Billy: Yeah. Me, too. You know, I want eggnog and candy canes and...", "Chelsea: Mistletoe.", "Billy: Yeah. And lots of presents under the tree for you and me and the boys and Delia only to be opened on Christmas morning.", "Chelsea: You mean Katie.", "Billy: Yeah. What'd I say?", "Chelsea: Delia.", "Billy: Oh, I mean, that -- that's just a slip.", "Chelsea: I think it's more than that.", "Sage: No exercises today?", "Adam: Brain work today.", "Sage: Hmm. You must be exhausted after your foray into Genoa City.", "Adam: My first big outing since the accident.", "Sage: Yeah, you almost blew it.", "Adam: Until you saved me, right?", "Sage: Is that a thank you?", "Adam: Getting me out of that club after seeing Billy and Chelsea together, that's what I needed, talking me down, so...", "Sage: Look, I know how hard this is. And like I said, this transition's gonna take some time.", "Adam: Well, I disagree completely. Yesterday convinced me. The only way to do this is just to dive right in and do it. I need to get back to my life and reclaim my family.", "Chelsea: Calling your new daughter Delia...", "Billy: It didn't mean anything, Chels. It's a habit. You know, I think about kids, and my mind automatically goes to my first-born.", "Chelsea: Are you sure that's all it was?", "Billy: Yeah, I mean, what else would it be?", "Chelsea: Well, I-I don't know. Maybe you were thinking that your new daughter with Victoria could be a-a second chance.", "Billy: No. No. That's not it at all.", "Chelsea: It would be understandable. You know, you just lost your child and --", "Billy: Katie is her own person, okay? She's not some warped opportunity for me to replace what I've lost.", "Chelsea: Even on Christmas?", "Billy: I mean, yeah, okay? When I'm watching Connor tearing through his presents, I'm gonna be thinking about Delia. But not because he's a replacement. Because watching that kind of unbridled excitement would remind me of Delia in a good way.", "Chelsea: What about when you go over to Victoria's on Christmas morning and you spend time with Katie and Johnny?", "Billy: Is that how you think this is gonna go? That we're gonna rip through presents at your place then bolt over to Victoria's for Christmas over there?", "Chelsea: No, it -- it doesn't matter. I mean, when we do our tree thing, that's just about scheduling. I'm just saying I think it's important for you to spend time with your kids.", "Billy: And time with you. And if I should happen to slip up and call Katie Delia...", "Chelsea: It's just an accident.", "Billy: Right. Right. I don't ever want to put that kind of pressure on my baby girl. You can't replace someone that you loved and lost with somebody else.", "Chelsea: It's kind of like, you know, with Adam. I mean, I loved him, but I certainly don't consider the time I spend with you as -- as -- as a way to replace him.", "Billy: I certainly hope not considering how worthless and malicious Adam was.", "Sage: You can't renege on our deal.", "Adam: I'm not gonna abandon Constance.", "Sage: Then how are you possibly --", "Adam: I'll have to go back and forth between here and Genoa City.", "Sage: You're rushing into this. I don't like this at all. You're taking on too much too soon.", "Adam: Okay, well, that's your opinion.", "Sage: Checkmate. You're unprepared.", "Adam: Okay. Maybe I wasn't as prepared as I should have been yesterday.", "Sage: For seeing Chelsea with Billy?", "Adam: [Groans] That was an inconvenience. What really worried me was that she might not be convinced that I am who I claim to be.", "Sage: Yeah, you're not enough like Gabriel.", "Adam: Okay. In what way?", "Sage: I cannot explain --", "Adam: I can't keep wasting time here, okay? I need to -- I need to be able to sell myself with utter confidence as Gabriel Bingham.", "Sage: In a few more weeks --", "Adam: No, I need the information now! I need more!", "Sage: Oh, is that right?", "Adam: You want me to say it? Do you need to hear it? I need your help, sage. Help me. I need to know everything there is to know about this guy, okay? I need to know details, uh, the books that he liked to read, the sports that he was into, the clothes he wore. Why that sweater? Why -- why that tie? Why did he wear that? What -- I need to know all these details.", "Sage: All right. I'll make some notes, and we'll start tomorrow.", "Adam: Or we could start now.", "Mariah: Did I say there was a problem?", "Kevin: No, you just kissed me.", "Mariah: No, you kissed me. You moved in, and then I moved in.", "Kevin: Yeah, and then you couldn't get away fast enough.", "Mariah: No, that's not what happened.", "Kevin: That's exactly what --", "Austin: Hey, Kev.", "Kevin: Austin.", "Austin: Hey, are you heading out soon?", "Mariah: Why do you ask?", "Austin: 'Cause I'm the next shift. Anything I need to know?", "Mariah: Um, yeah. I, uh, I-I restocked the liquor but not the bar -- the beer. I-I didn't do that.", "Austin: Why are you being weird?", "Mariah: I didn't get much sleep.", "Kevin: Rough morning.", "[Cell phone beeps]", "Mariah: Oh, your wife's really got you trained.", "Austin: That's the Mariah I know.", "Kevin: So, what's up, Austin?", "Austin: Summer's trying to track down her mom.", "Kevin: Wait, wait, wait. Phyllis took off?", "Austin: Yeah. Look, she came over for lunch, and then things got intense and she ran out.", "Mariah: Intense over what?", "Austin: We think Phyllis may have figured out that Jack was seriously into Kelly.", "Kevin: Ooh.", "Austin: Yeah. And you know Phyllis.", "Kevin: Well, if she has sniffed out Kelly, the best thing for you and Summer is to steer clear of the blast zone.", "Phyllis: I know everything -- everything -- that happened with you and that woman while I was gone!", "Jack: Everything?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Not that you bothered to tell me one word. I had to figure it out all on my own, Jack.", "Jack: So, instead of coming to me and asking, you attack Kelly?", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, because I was coming after you next. But I wanted to get a few things straight with that slut first!", "Jack: Stay here and get your act together.", "Phyllis: Where the hell are you going?", "Jack: To check on Kelly!", "Phyllis: Oh, Kelly is not wearing your ring.", "Jack: I'm well aware of that, thank you.", "Phyllis: She's not your concern anymore, Jack. You made your choice. And that woman can take of herself just fine.", "Jack: That woman deserves my compassion --", "Phyllis: Oh, was she a victim here?", "Jack: She does not deserve --", "Phyllis: Are you going to leave me and make sure she's okay? Is that what you're gonna do?", "Jack: I am! Stay here.", "Phyllis: [Sighs]", "Summer: Kelly, hi. I'm looking for my mom or Jack. I think my mom knows.", "Kelly: Phyllis thought she knew everything about Jack and me, but she didn't.", "Summer: You saw my mom?", "Kelly: Yes. And I was more than happy to fill her in. It was quite a scene.", "Summer: Okay, I was scared that this was gonna happen. Um, do you know where my mom is right now?", "Kelly: No, Jack dragged her off somewhere before it could get any worse.", "Jack: Summer, I need a moment alone with Kelly. Your mother's upstairs in the office, okay?", "Summer: Okay.", "Jack: Kelly. Kelly, please.", "Kelly: What do you want?", "Jack: I want to know that you're okay.", "Kelly: Don't you dare tell me how sorry you are!", "Jack: Listen, all I want to say --", "Kelly: No! I don't want to hear it, Jack. I am gonna be fine. You're the one who made a horrible mistake. And you're gonna spend the rest of your life regretting it.", "Kelly: I heard a lot about Phyllis, how jealous she could be, how over-the-top she was. But I had no idea what a flat-out psycho she actually is.", "Jack: I am not gonna try to defend Phyllis to you.", "Kelly: Well, good! 'Cause she's indefensible! The things that she said to me, Jack.", "Jack: What she did she should never have done. Coming here, coming after you, I wish I could have stopped her.", "Kelly: You could have, but you didn't. Instead of blaming you like she should have, she came after me. She attacked me, tried to demean me. I cannot believe that is the woman that you talked so much about, the one that you love so much, the one who brought so much joy into your life. I cannot believe you chose that woman over me.", "Phyllis: Did Jack call you in for reinforcement?", "Summer: No, I came looking for you on my own.", "Phyllis: To reel me in?", "Summer: What are you talking about? I was worried about you.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry that I worried you. I am fine, honey. I am.", "Summer: When you got that upset, I knew it had to be about something more than Jack selling your old apartment.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it was.", "Summer: You were talking about Kelly.", "Phyllis: You knew?", "Summer: Mom.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. And you kept it from me?", "Summer: I didn't want to. It was terrible not being able to tell you the truth.", "Phyllis: Did Jack...", "Summer: No, no, no. Jack didn't tell me to keep quiet about it. It wasn't like that.", "Phyllis: Then what was it like?", "Summer: There were so many times that I wanted to tell you everything, but I was scared that it might just push you over the edge and then you'd get sick again!", "Phyllis: I needed to hear the truth, Summer.", "Summer: I know you did, but how could I risk that? I was so happy and thankful that you were back, mom, and I'm sorry, but I just thought eventually at the right time Jack would tell you about Kelly, so I waited and I waited, and... now you're really mad at me.", "Phyllis: I'm not mad at you. Just sit. Sit down. Never at you.", "Summer: I should have told you. I'm sorry.", "Phyllis: Yes, you should have. But it's all right. I'm sorry that I got so upset before. I never should have put any of this on you. It's just... honey, it has been shocking finding out everything that has happened while I was gone.", "Summer: I'll help in any way that I can, mom.", "Phyllis: I know you will. I know you will.", "Summer: At least now you know everything.", "Phyllis: [Scoffs] Not everything. There's still something I need you to tell me.", "Sage: This is where Gabriel kept his most prized personal possessions.", "Adam: Yeah?", "Sage: Yep.", "Adam: Handsome fella. Sure got around a lot, didn't he? Exceptional taste. Nothing but the best.", "Sage: This was his favorite watch.", "Adam: \"With much love, dad.\" You knew him well, didn't you?", "Sage: We spent some time together.", "Adam: Yeah? He the guy who taught you how to play chess so well?", "Sage: I taught him.", "Adam: Okay.", "Sage: That's a college graduation gift from his dad. They were very close. He was very devastated when his father passed.", "Adam: I'm gonna have to figure out a way to fake that kind of paternal love.", "Sage: Victor Newman wasn't --", "Adam: My father and I never really had [Chuckles] That kind of relationship, no. Left pocket or right?", "Sage: Left. What about your mother?", "Adam: Uh, my mother was... [Chuckles] My mother was the most wonderful person I've ever known.", "Sage: What was she like?", "Adam: I really, um, appreciate you showing me these things, you know? Fills in some of the gaps.", "Sage: Well, you know, it's just a start, so don't get ahead of yourself.", "Adam: Now it's time to see if I know Gabriel Bingham well enough to fool the world.", "Chelsea: I understand why you feel the way you do about Adam.", "Billy: Well, good, because those feelings aren't going to change. The guy killed my daughter.", "Chelsea: I know, Billy. I know. But sometimes it -- it hurts me to hear you criticize him.", "Billy: I don't ever want to hurt you. But when I hear that guy's name, I see red, and it makes me glad that he is dead and gone. I'm sorry. I know that today is the day we're supposed to be planning our first Christmas together, so maybe we should just leave Adam out of it.", "Chelsea: You really don't get it, do you? You don't! Maybe this is our first Christmas together, but it is my first Christmas without Adam. Last year, we actually spent a wonderful holiday together, and -- and we certainly didn't realize it was gonna be our last, so...", "Billy: Well, however much happiness you had last Christmas, it was all a lie, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Billy: It was a lie because he knew that he had just killed my daughter, and he was just pretending!", "Chelsea: I know, Billy! But it doesn't erase the memories that we share, all right?", "Billy: Maybe we would be better off if we just didn't talk about it --", "Chelsea: But we do talk about it because every single time I mention his name, you --", "Billy: I know. I bring up how much I hate the guy.", "Chelsea: I have very mixed emotions about how I feel about Adam. I am torn, okay, between the man that I loved and the man who took Delia's life.", "Billy: I don't know what you want from me.", "Chelsea: I want you to be sensitive for, like, one second, maybe be aware! Be aware that it's almost the one-year anniversary of his death. That's coming around the corner. Be aware.", "Billy: I will try and be more sensitive.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Billy: But if are looking for me to let go of the hatred that I feel for Adam just because the two of us are together, I can't do that.", "Austin: I just don't want Summer to get caught in the crossfire when Phyllis goes after Kelly and Jack. You done?", "Mariah: Uh, yeah, finally.", "Austin: I'll take it to the office.", "Mariah: Thanks.", "[Door opens, closes]", "Mariah: You can't just kiss someone.", "Kevin: Didn't you like it?", "Mariah: I didn't expect it.", "Kevin: Well, I didn't plan it. It's called being in the moment.", "Mariah: A moment of what?", "Kevin: Affection. I opened up about my brother, and you comforted me.", "Mariah: Oh, comfort through kissing.", "Kevin: Yeah. Friends comfort each other through kissing all the time.", "Mariah: Oh, do they? Well, you know, if that's the kind of friends we are, Kevin, then what are we supposed to do now? Have sex?", "Billy: I can't pretend that Adam never existed.", "Chelsea: I'm not asking you to. But despite what happened, he's still my son's father.", "Billy: And you don't want Connor to know that Adam killed Delia?", "Chelsea: One day, eventually, I will tell him. But all Connor needs to know now is how much his father loved him.", "Billy: Just not as much as he loved himself.", "Chelsea: See? That right there, you can't be doing that. You can't be saying those types of things in front of me or my kid.", "Billy: I can't help how I feel.", "Chelsea: I understand that when you look at Connor, you think of Delia and you think of what Adam took from you. But do you know what I see? I see a son that Adam gave him, and I see that he is resembling his father more and more every day.", "Billy: Me, too.", "Chelsea: That can't be easy on you.", "Billy: No. No, it isn't.", "Chelsea: If you really love me, Billy, and if you really care about Connor as much as you say you do, you have to accept the fact that Adam will always be a part of our lives.", "Adam: Boarding school, Switzerland.", "Sage: College?", "Adam: Princeton.", "Sage: Why Princeton?", "Adam: Legacy.", "Sage: Smile more when you talk. Sport?", "Adam: Uh, that's easy. Sailing.", "Sage: No.", "Adam: No, wait. Uh, he enjoyed sailing. He loved it. But he joined the crew team.", "Sage: For how long?", "Adam: Two years at Princeton and then junior year in London, which didn't go well because he loved the pubs more than he loved his courses. And then after that, his pathway to graduation was, let's say, um, circuitous.", "Sage: Gabriel was very smart. He just didn't like academia. That's all.", "Adam: That's what they all say. He was a screw-up who got by on charm and personality. I know the type.", "Sage: Gabriel was very kind and sweet, and everyone around him felt that. You might want to keep that in mind.", "Adam: Yes, ma'am.", "Sage: And try and suppress your actual personality when you're out there being Gabriel, will you?", "Adam: You trying to tell me you don't think I'm sweet?", "Sage: Yeah, sweet like arsenic.", "Adam: [Chuckles] That's cute.", "Sage: Uh, okay. After school.", "Adam: Uh, he went to go work with Daddy in the mines.", "Sage: Software.", "Adam: Yes, I know. Software. But, uh, gibe wasn't that hard of a worker, was he?", "Sage: I never said that.", "Adam: No, I gleaned that. While he was off on his adventures, his company went under.", "Sage: No, the company didn't go under. It was taken over. Hostile takeover.", "Adam: Which is what happens when the senior V.P. of Operations is off gallivanting around the world instead of paying attention to his business.", "Sage: You know what? We're done for now.", "Adam: I'm ready.", "Sage: No, you're not ready, not at all.", "Adam: I got one question wrong.", "Sage: No, you know the facts. You spit them out like you're taking a test. You're nothing like Gabriel Bingham. And besides, you're a mess.", "Adam: What are you talking about? My strength's almost all the way back. I feel great.", "Sage: I'm not talking about physical strength. You saw how shaken you were yesterday when you saw your wife with Billy Abbott.", "Adam: And now I'm, you know, past that.", "Sage: No, if you don't get emotionally strong, this whole thing -- this whole thing will fall apart.", "Phyllis: How did you feel about Jack and Kelly?", "Summer: I was a brat about them being together for a long time.", "Phyllis: Oh. That's sweet.", "Summer: But eventually I tried to accept it.", "Phyllis: You liked her?", "Summer: I love Jack like he was my dad, and he was finally starting to look like himself again. You know, not constantly miserable.", "Phyllis: Kelly said that -- did Jack visit me at the clinic to say goodbye?", "Summer: Yeah. But, Mom, I... I believed the entire time that you were gonna come back and that Jack would want to be with you. I told Kelly that. But I also understood that Jack should not be alone when...", "Phyllis: He gave up on me?", "Summer: I really wish you would understand.", "Phyllis: You know what? Maybe I will when he and I hash it out.", "Summer: Mom, please have some sympathy for Jack.", "Jack: You've only seen one side of Phyllis. Clearly not her best side.", "Kelly: You're defending her?", "Jack: No, I'm thanking you...", "Kelly: [Scoffs]", "Jack: ...For being understanding, for always being selfless, for always taking the high road.", "Kelly: Yeah, that's right, Jack. I did. I did everything that you asked me to do. I moved out of the house. I kept quiet about our relationship. And I did all of that because I was foolish enough to think that you were going to step up and tell her about us, foolish enough to think that you still wanted me. Well, now that I'm seeing you clearly, I'm glad to be rid of you, Jack. Because now I know what kind of man you really are. Oh, look. It's your fiancée.", "Jack: How long have you known?", "Phyllis: Few weeks.", "Jack: How'd you find out?", "Phyllis: Her messages. \"Miss you,\" \"love you.\"", "Jack: You hacked my phone?", "Phyllis: Yeah. I invaded your privacy, Jack.", "Jack: Why didn't you say something to me?", "Phyllis: I wanted you to say something. I knew there was something different about you, and there was. You had fallen in love with another woman.", "Jack: I was going to tell you --", "Phyllis: Really?! When?!", "Jack: Because the doctor warned me not to add to your distress!", "Phyllis: Oh, my goodness! You didn't want to add to your distress!", "Jack: I'm not gonna let you twist this around. After everything you'd been through, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you!", "Phyllis: Oh, really? Guess what? You did! [Voice breaking] You hurt me so bad.", "Jack: Let me do this.", "Phyllis: No.", "Jack: Let me do this. I hated this. It was killing me not telling you.", "Phyllis: Good. You should have told me.", "Jack: I was going to tell you today.", "Phyllis: Today? That is mighty convenient that you planned to spill all when you had been lying to me ever since I came home.", "Jack: I am not the only one in this room who's been lying, Phyllis.", "[Door closes]", "Kelly: What do you need, Summer?", "Summer: I came to apologize for my mom.", "Kelly: For your self-righteous, narcissistic mother who wouldn't know an apology if it bit her in the butt?", "Summer: My mother is still getting used to being back. And yes, she was mad. Jack broke a promise that he made to her.", "Kelly: That sounds familiar. And, Summer, you don't have to apologize for her.", "Summer: You love Jack, and I know that. You really helped him.", "Kelly: Summer.", "Summer: I'm just sorry that you got hurt.", "Kevin: Us? Do the sex? Us?", "Mariah: Who else?", "Kevin: Oh, I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but no.", "Mariah: Why no?", "Kevin: Why not no?", "Mariah: Well, Kevin, usually for guys, that's the next stop on the friendship express.", "Kevin: I can't deny that part of me -- guess which part -- thinks it's a terrific idea.", "Mariah: And the other parts?", "Kevin: The other parts of me are yelling, too. Sex would be so...", "Mariah: So...?", "Kevin: [Sighs] I can talk to you, and you can talk to me. Do we really want to mess all of that up and regret it afterwards?", "Mariah: Is that what happened with your ex, Chloe?", "Kevin: It all goes back to her, doesn't it?", "Mariah: Cute.", "Kevin: That's Delia.", "Mariah: Chloe's daughter.", "Kevin: Hmm. Oh, man, I was demolished when we lost her, but Chloe, it was like...something inside of her broke. She literally lost her mind.", "Mariah: And you got her help?", "Kevin: Well, no. I remarried her.", "Mariah: Wait. What?", "Kevin: I thought I could love her back to health.", "Mariah: [Sighs] Bad idea.", "Kevin: Yeah, I heard that, ignored it.", "Mariah: So, where is she now?", "Kevin: She's somewhere getting better without me.", "Mariah: Kevin, look, no -- no matter how much you may want it --", "Kevin: I know. Some relationships just can't be saved.", "Billy: I will never stop feeling the way that I do about Adam.", "Chelsea: Never. Well, that's final.", "Billy: No. No. This is final. Chelsea, I love you.", "Chelsea: Billy, I can't always be --", "Billy: And I respect what you have to do for Connor. I love that little boy.", "Chelsea: I know. I know you do.", "Billy: [Sighs] It's gonna take a lot, but I will try and learn to keep my mouth shut and stop slamming Adam.", "Chelsea: I mean, if you can't ever --", "Billy: I'm -- I'm gonna try. Okay? I will try.", "Chelsea: You will?", "Billy: Not saying I'm always gonna succeed, but I am strongly motivated.", "Chelsea: Oh, are you now?", "Billy: Yeah. And I refuse to let Adam come between us...and the life that we're building.", "Adam: All right, look. I will admit, I was a little bit off my game yesterday. It was the first time I had seen Chelsea since --", "Sage: You were rattled when Billy Abbott showed up. With what's at stake --", "Adam: I know what's at stake. I can't afford to let anybody know that I'm Adam Newman. I get that. If I do, I might as well be signing my death certificate. So many people out there that want to see me locked up forever.", "Sage: I'm trying to be honest and helpful with you here.", "Adam: Well, then be helpful by getting out of my way. Let -- let's remember something. You're agreeing to all of this by choice.", "Sage: My reasons for helping you --", "Adam: I know what your reasons are. That doesn't mean you get to call all the shots, sage.", "Sage: You just need a little more time!", "Adam: Tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm going back to Genoa City, and I'm starting over.", "Mariah: So, you were devoted to Chloe and you loved Delia like your own daughter.", "Kevin: Is that a criticism?", "Mariah: No, no. I just mean I've -- I've never had anybody love me like that.", "Kevin: Mariah --", "Mariah: No, no. I don't need for you to do that, Kevin. I-I -- that wasn't a hint. I...", "Kevin: I didn't think it was.", "Mariah: Good. It wasn't.", "Kevin: So, relax. We're friends, right?", "Mariah: [Chuckles] So, we're cool?", "Kevin: Totally cool.", "Mariah: No more comfort through kissing.", "Kevin: No. All right, I'm gonna take off.", "Mariah: All right. See ya.", "Kevin: Do you need a lift?", "Mariah: Sure. And I don't -- I don't know what you're doing later, but if you're free, maybe you could come by and help decorate the little tree you got me?", "Kevin: What? That would take, like, two minutes and one ornament.", "Mariah: Yes or no?", "Kevin: I'll get the tinsel.", "Mariah: I'll grab my coat.", "Summer: Hi.", "Austin: Hey. Did you find Phyllis?", "Summer: Yeah. I found her and Jack and Kelly. Just not in time. It was bad. My mom feels like Jack and I betrayed her.", "Austin: She take it out on you?", "Summer: It was intense, yeah, but luckily we ended up in a good place. She really ripped into Kelly and was gearing up for a battle with Jack, though.", "Jack: You cannot condemn me for not being forthcoming when you haven't been, either. I know how your brain works. You've been testing me.", "Phyllis: I have been waiting patiently for my fiancé to fess up!", "Jack: Oh, please.", "Phyllis: Where you going?", "Jack: To turn up the thermostat so you can take your damn coat off.", "Phyllis: You know what? Don't even bother. I'll go to my place. Wait a minute. I can't. You sold it.", "Jack: That was a very difficult decision.", "Phyllis: Oh, not so much, since you clearly moved on without me.", "Jack: It had nothing to do with my --", "Phyllis: And then I find out that you actually came to the clinic to say goodbye to me. \"Thanks for the memories, but sorry, baby, I got a new woman in my home.\"", "Jack: You stop right there. That is one of the most difficult, painful things I have ever done in my life.", "Phyllis: Dumping me when I couldn't talk back to tell you to bite me?!", "Jack: Going to Georgia to say goodbye to the woman I love! So that you --", "Phyllis: So that what?! You wouldn't feel like you're cheating?!", "Jack: I wasn't cheating!", "Phyllis: Jack, did you make her laugh? [Voice breaking] Did you stroke her hair? Did you rub her back? Did you do all those things? Did you turn up the damn thermostat for her?! Because all that stuff, that's my stuff! That is stuff that my man does for me! With me! Just me! God. Did you love her? You cheated.", "Jack: You were not here.", "Phyllis: That wasn't my decision.", "Jack: Phyllis, you left me behind with all of your stuff. Your things, your clothes, your...the scent of you. [Voice breaking] Your presence was in every room of this house, taunting me. \"Go ahead, Jack. Touch me. Feel me. But you can never have me again.\" And after all of the countless hours, the endless days and weeks and months you did not respond at all to Avery or... Summer or me, yes, I got to the point where I...", "Phyllis: Where you wanted her?", "Jack: No. Where I actually accepted the fact that you would not come back to love me again.", "Phyllis: Is this your apology?", "Jack: I'm not going to apologize for missing you. I'm not going to apologize --", "Phyllis: My God, do you not even feel guilty at all?!", "Jack: I felt so guilty. I still feel guilty.", "Phyllis: Good. You should. You moved her into this house.", "Jack: Wait, how -- how did...", "Phyllis: Because she confirmed it. Kelly confirmed it, and then I found these disgusting swatches when I first moved back in. These.", "Jack: Of course, you did.", "Phyllis: Redecorating. Jack, you were gonna sleep in our room for the rest of your life with another woman? Why?", "Jack: Phyllis, I-I told you why.", "Phyllis: Why did you ask me to marry you?", "Jack: You came back.", "Phyllis: That's it. That's why.", "Jack: For almost a year, I had nothing of you but memories. So that's why I was unprepared for your return, your glorious return, all of you. So passionate and alluring and vindictive and infuriating and...and so incredibly beautiful. You came back to me. The first time I asked you to marry me, I knew how much I loved you. This...this time, I know how much I need you, how I don't want to spend another day of my life without you, without you loving me.", "Phyllis: What about Kelly?", "Jack: Kelly is a part of my past. It's gone now. You have to believe me. No, no, no, listen to me. You have to trust me or we have nothing here. Can you do that?", "Austin: You always said Phyllis and Jack, they loved each other so much that nothing could come between them.", "Summer: Yeah, that was before.", "Austin: Phyllis wouldn't let something that good go just because of Kelly.", "Summer: She seemed really mad.", "Austin: But she still wants to marry Jack, and she wants the life she had before the accident.", "Summer: I'm beginning to wonder if that's even possible.", "Kelly: [Exhales sharply] [Sobbing]", "Phyllis: Somehow I will find a way to move on from what happened with Kelly.", "Jack: Okay, now I get to ask. Why?", "Phyllis: Because, damn it, I love you. I love you.", "Billy: Let's get out of here.", "Chelsea: All right, but first, I need more hot chocolate. Ooh!", "Billy: I got a better way to warm you up at home.", "Chelsea: Yeah, that's a good idea. But first, hot chocolate.", "Billy: [Chuckles] Okay, but extra marshmallows in mine. And not the little ones with the --", "Chelsea: [Laughs]", "Billy: Oh, you are gonna pay for that.", "Chelsea: Whoo! [Laughs] Ooh! [Laughs] Oh! Truce?", "Billy: Truce.", "[Both laugh]", "Adam: Delia! [Breathing heavily]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: What are you doing? Brainwashing faith in what to say? Coaching her so she'll stay with you?", "Ashley: What's that?", "Victor: Compensation package for when you leave Jabot and join me at Newman- Chancellor.", "Adam: And my first guinea pig just walked through the door." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Dylan gives Sharon a surprise wedding as an early Christmas present. Sharon's kids are there for the wedding as well as Nick and Dr. Anderson. Nick is happy for Sharon and Dylan, but he is sad because he remembers how happy he and Sage were on their wedding day. When Sage moves into the apartment across from Adam and Chelsea, Chelsea invites her to help decorate the Christmas tree. Connor forms a bond with Sage, and Chelsea invites her to go to Connor's Christmas pageant. Kevin helps Cane and Devon find Lily, so they are able to save her before Joe hurts her. Devon gets Joe to admit that he framed Cane for stealing the ransom money from Devon. Paul arrests Joe. Lily asks Cane to forgive her, but he isn't sure that he can get past the hurt she caused him when she thought he stole the money that Devon gave for Hilary's ransom.", "" ]
[ "Chelsea: [Sighs] It's a good tree.", "Adam: It's a great tree.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] Can we stay like this all night long, please?", "Adam: Yeah. Are you kidding me? After all your effort decorating this place, we can stay here as long as you want.", "[Knock on door]", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] Seriously?", "Adam: Yeah, all right. I'll -- I'll get it. Whoever it is, I'll tell them to scram.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Adam: Don't move.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Sage: Oh, thank god. Heat.", "Adam: You, uh...weren't sitting alone in the park again, were you?", "Sage: No, no. My heat's off in my apartment. But, um, I'm interrupting something. I should go.", "Chelsea: No. It's -- it's okay. Uh, what's going on?", "Sage: I did something crazy.", "Adam: What did you do?", "Sage: Hey, neighbors.", "Sharon: Is this... I mean, are you -- are we --", "Dylan: Oh, you're right. You're right. In, uh, all the commotion with Santa, I left out one very crucial part. Will you marry me? Right now?", "Sharon: Now?", "Dylan: Right now. This second. Or sooner.", "Sharon: Yes. Yes!", "Paul: Oh, good! That way, I didn't get ordained online for absolutely nothing. Whoa!", "[Laughter]", "Faith: Santa Paul can marry people and bring presents?", "Nick: Yeah, he is full of tricks. I guess someone is staying here tonight. No worries. I will come and get you first thing in the morning.", "Sharon: Oh, Nick. Well, we would love it if you would stay.", "Dylan: Yeah, if you want. Please, stay. Absolutely.", "Nick: Okay.", "Mariah: Hello?", "Sharon: Hey.", "Mariah: Hi! Seriously, does nobody in this town believe in advance notice? This is all I could manage for a bridal bouquet.", "Noah: Well, I did pick up the rings from the jeweler, because I am the perfect stepson and I do what I'm told.", "Sharon: I love it. It's perfect. My head is spinning. [Chuckles]", "Paul: Okay. Are we ready to do this?", "Dylan: I've waited long enough, Santa.", "Paul: I guess so. Let's arrange the furniture.", "Nick: Noah, why don't you, uh --", "Noah: Yeah, yeah.", "Dr. Anderson: Oh. [Chuckles] My goodness.", "Sharon: Oh. Dr. Anderson.", "Dr. Anderson: Sharon, you left your phone at the -- at the coffee house. I-I'll just leave it here. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to intrude.", "Sharon: Oh, you know what? This is gonna sound really funny, but...Dylan and I are actually getting married right this minute. And...", "[Laughter]", "Sharon: You know, it's fate that you're here, because this wedding would have never happened if you hadn't taken such good care of me. So, please stay.", "Dr. Anderson: I-I'd be honored. Oh, wow. This is not at all what I expected.", "[Laughter]", "Paul: All right. Hey. Come on, you two. Get over here. Let's have the, uh -- the bride here. The groom here, perhaps.", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "Paul: All right. Now I'm going to read this very deep and meaningful wedding ceremony that I downloaded from the internet.", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Paul: [Sighs] Dearly beloved --", "Faith: Wait! This is all wrong.", "Cane: Kevin, where's the chief? We need to talk to him now.", "Kevin: Oh, he's out playing Santa. He went to the Newman ranch, Sharon's place. If you haul it out of here, you can join him and be helper elves.", "Cane: Uh, we figured out a plan to nail Joe Clark for framing me.", "Devon: Lily's gonna get him to admit that he planted the ransom money.", "Cane: Okay, but to do that, she has to be alone with Joe.", "Kevin: And that plan backfired somehow?", "Cane: And now lily's MIA and alone with Joe Clark. And that's why we need Paul, and I need Paul now.", "Lily: What are you doing? Why are you acting this way?", "Joe: Oh, amazing how you can just stand there with a straight face after you purposely just tried to tie one over on me, acting like you and cane are finished, pretending like we have a future.", "Lily: Cane and I -- our marriage is not a marriage right now. There is a lot of anger and pain there. And with you, things are -- are so easy. So, there's no reason to be upset.", "Joe: You let him convince you to try to set me up? He's been lying to you from day one about his own damn name! And yet, you trust him over me?", "Lily: I can see that you're hurt and you're angry right now, so let's just go back to Genoa city and we can sit and we can talk about this, okay?", "Joe: No. Some people don't know what's good for them. And they have to learn the hard way.", "Lily: You're scaring me. Okay? And I know that you don't want to do that, because you're the kind of person who wouldn't hurt me.", "Joe: No. I'm not like cane.", "Lily: Okay. Then let me go.", "Joe: Did cane even fess up for his actions? Did he?! No. He just continues to accuse and blame. And every time I turn around, it's more lies and -- and insults.", "Lily: But you wouldn't lie to me, right?", "Joe: Never.", "Lily: Then tell me the truth. Did you write the ransom note to my brother? Did you frame cane to get me to turn against him? All of that so that you could win my love?", "Devon: Now, what is this?", "Kevin: The car's tracking system. Kudos on the late-model car. What direction was lily headed?", "Cane: The plan was to go into the country and chop down a Christmas tree.", "Kevin: That was her cover story? Dark road at night, a guy with an ax?", "Cane: I know. It was her idea. She thought if she could get him alone somewhere private, she could convince him that he could be the man in her life.", "Devon: We all know my sister is brave and maybe a little crazy.", "Kevin: Yeah, I get it. They would bond and she would play to his ego, but no joke, I wouldn't hand that guy an ax.", "Devon: We get it, Kevin.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Devon: Can you figure out where the car is going or not?", "Kevin: [Sighs] The car's stopped. It has been for a while.", "Cane: Where? Where?", "Kevin: Just outside of town. I'm sending you the exact", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Cane: Got it. Let's go. Let's go.", "Devon: Okay.", "Kevin: You're welcome.", "Sharon: Sweet girl, what's wrong?", "Faith: Sully's not here. You can't marry Dylan without the baby here.", "Mariah: This is true. I'm gonna go get him.", "Dr. Anderson: You sure you're okay with this?", "Nick: Yeah. My daughter's smiling. I'll be fine.", "Mariah: Not a peep.", "Dylan: There he is. Come on, Santa. Let's get this going. Let's go.", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Paul: Okay. Dearly beloved... [Sighs] Here's the thing. I mean, this is anything but a cookie-cutter union. I just can't read a boilerplate ceremony from the internet. I...", "Dylan: You're gonna improvise?", "Paul: Shh.", "Dylan: Whoa. Gosh. Okay.", "Paul: Here we are, right? We stand in a room full of a boatload of love. And seeing you both fall in love and make a life together and grow a family has been one of my deepest joys. If there are any two people on this earth that deserve to have happiness and joy, it's you two. So, I'm gonna shut up now and let you two say whatever you need to say.", "Dylan: Okay. You mind if I go first?", "Sharon: No. I -- [Chuckles] I'm still catching up. Go. [Chuckles]", "Dylan: My whole life, I've wanted this -- you know, a family of my own. I know how precious this is, all of it. I mean, this -- this is what it feels like to be happy. And I know that now. You did this for me. And I just -- I want to give it back to you every day for the rest of our lives.", "Sharon: I, uh -- I thought that I had ruined any chance at real happiness again. I'd had my turn, and it was over. But then there you were, my friend, at first, fixing my roof, making me laugh, and promising and proving that I could be loved, even with my flaws. No matter how damaged I was, even when I checked myself into Fairview, you didn't run. You stood by me and our baby, and here we are now, a beautiful family made of love and trust and faith in each other. And it's a miracle. I'm so grateful.", "Paul: Wow. That's beautiful.", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Paul: Oh. It's me again. Um, uh, I'm sorry. The rings. We need the rings.", "Faith: Pretend Sully was the ring boy.", "Dylan: Okay. Thanks for the rings, big guy. Okay.", "Paul: All right.", "Dylan: No. Other one.", "[Laughter]", "Paul: Sharon, do you take my son to be your husband, to stand by him, to support him, to nudge him when he should visit his father every now and then, and to humor him when he writes in that dog-eared journal of his?", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "Sharon: [Laughs] I do.", "Paul: And you, Dylan, do you take Sharon to be your wife? And I mean, by that, do you promise to take the trash out and the recycling and to get up when the baby cries and to love her more than any other human being on the face of this earth?", "Dylan: L of the above.", "Paul: All right, then. In the eyes of god and all the people here that love you, I pronounce you a very lucky husband and a very beautiful wife. Okay. Hey. Let's get on with it. Seal the deal, you two.", "[Laughter]", "Paul: Yay!", "[Laughter, cheering]", "Chelsea: When you didn't move in yesterday --", "Sage: Thank you.", "Chelsea: Sure. We were kind of hoping it was because you and Nick had managed to work things out.", "Sage: We didn't. There was a-a moment. Nick offered to bulldoze his house for me so we could start over fresh.", "Chelsea: That's...", "Adam: Ridiculous.", "Chelsea: ...Sweet.", "Adam: It's ridiculously sweet.", "Sage: Very sweet. But it didn't feel like the answer. I just have to stop second-guessing myself, like dr. Anderson says.", "Adam: Dr. Anderson is...?", "Sage: She's Sharon's doctor from Fairview.", "Chelsea: Oh. Have you been consulting with her?", "Sage: [Sighs] No. We -- we just had a chat in passing. She's been very kind since Christian...", "Adam: Um, so -- so, this doctor, she told you you should follow your instincts, huh?", "Sage: Yeah, she said that I should just, um, do what's best for the baby's father and what's best for me.", "Chelsea: Well, if, for you, that's moving in next door, then --", "Sage: I think it is.", "Adam: You know what? Then that's what you should do.", "Sage: I don't want you guys to think that I'm gonna be over here all the time, interrupting your private time. I promise you won't even know that I'm here.", "Chelsea: Well, before you make that promise, I have to ask you -- do you like angels?", "Noah: I have some champagne!", "Mariah: Yes!", "Sharon: Everybody grab some champagne.", "Dylan: Sure, sure.", "Noah: You want a milk?", "Dylan: Here you go. Here you go, Nick.", "Nick: Um, not --", "[Laughter]", "Noah: Mom.", "Sharon: One for everyone.", "Paul: I'm good. I'm good.", "Noah: I'll trade you the milk for that champagne.", "Sharon: [Chuckles] Okay.", "Paul: Thank you.", "Faith: Can I make a toast?", "Sharon: That would be wonderful.", "Faith: Okay. [Chuckling] To Mommy and Dylan. I love you so much.", "Sharon: Cheers.", "Faith: Cheers.", "[All exclaiming]", "Mariah: Hello. Hi. I think somebody wants to kiss the bride. Yes, we do. Yes, we do! Kiss mommy.", "Noah: I think it's, uh, wedding photo time.", "Sharon: Yes!", "Noah: Everybody get together right here.", "Paul: Short people in the front, tall people in the back.", "[Camera shutter clicks]", "Paul: Good! Awesome! Look at these beauties.", "Mariah: Hey, there. Wow. So, you wanted to do a good deed, and you...ended up at a wedding. It's uncanny, considering a couple months ago, we didn't know you existed.", "Dr. Anderson: [Chuckles]", "Mariah: And now you're toasting the bridge and the groom.", "Dr. Anderson: Well, it's -- it's so gratifying to see a patient grow and thrive. It's why I do what I do.", "Faith: Cheers.", "Paul: Cheers, cheers.", "[Cell phone vibrates]", "Paul: Merry Christ-- oh, no. That can only mean one thing.", "Faith: Police business?", "Paul: Yes, I'm afraid so. Okay. Yeah, better make this quick. Santa's very busy.", "Kevin: Well, hot-wire the sleigh, big guy. Something's going down, and you need to be there.", "[Car doors close]", "Cane: [Sighs] Son of a --", "Devon: Well, they didn't just stop here. Lily's car broke down. Why didn't she call roadside service or something?", "Cane: I don't know. Maybe she lost her cell signal or something. I don't know. Maybe lily thought they could go somewhere and they could talk and that she could get a confession out of him there or something.", "Devon: Out in the cold, at night?", "Cane: You know what? The Abbott cabin is nearby. Lily knows exactly where it is. She knows where they keep the key. It would be the perfect place that they could be alone and she could get Joe to talk.", "Devon: Then what are we waiting for?", "Joe: Cane did this to you. You let him get inside your head. He can't own up to his crimes. And then he tried to pin it on me, which makes no sense at all. Why would I go after your brother's money? I care about you.", "Lily: Yeah. You care about me so much that you're blocking my way out of here.", "Joe: It's the middle of the night, okay, the dead of winter. Where are you gonna go? Your car won't start. You'll freeze to death, lily. That's what I'm saying. You don't even know what's best for you.", "Lily: Oh, but you do? You know exactly what I need?", "Joe: Yes. To be with me, someone who respects you.", "Lily: I know that you care about me. But I owe it to my kids to try to save my marriage.", "Joe: Your kids wouldn't even notice if cane left.", "Lily: What? Of course they would. They love their father.", "Joe: There's something between us, lily. I can't make this up.", "Lily: Yes. I will admit that we have chemistry. We do. You know, and, yes, you've been someone I can count on, but when I turn to you...", "Joe: Several times. Because you wanted me as much as I wanted you. You were so brave, sweetheart, creating distance between you and cane because you know that you deserve better, because he's taken you for granted.", "Lily: Yeah, you know what? That's what you do in a marriage sometimes. You take each other for granted. But you learn from it and you move on and you try harder. You'll understand that when you're with the person who can love you the way that you deserve to be loved.", "Joe: No, no. Don't patronize me. What is with you women? Avery did the same thing, and now you. What more can I do?", "Lily: You can let me go out the door.", "Joe: Never.", "Joe: Avery tried to blame me for something I didn't do. And now cane is doing the same thing. When is someone gonna defend me? When is someone gonna defend me like you defended cane?", "Lily: Joe, there is somebody for you. It's just not me. And holding me hostage isn't gonna change that.", "Joe: We're sitting here having a conversation, and yet I'm holding you hostage? Just like Avery insisted that I was stalking her. Meanwhile, she was in love with the guy who'd rather throw a punch than say hello. I'm not the dangerous one here.", "Lily: You broke cane's arm.", "Joe: I was defending myself. I'm the only guy in this town that won't throw a punch and ask questions later. So how am I the dangerous one?", "Lily: Joe, stop it. You're hurting me.", "Joe: You don't know what pain is.", "Lily: Joe, stop it. Please!", "Cane: Hey, hey! Let her go!", "Paul: All right, Dylan. I got to take off. I'm sorry.", "Dylan: Was it the call you got?", "Paul: Yeah. Police business. So, uh, anyway, congratulations. You deserve all this.", "Dylan: Thanks for doing this.", "Paul: You bet.", "Dylan: All right.", "Paul: Love you, son.", "Dylan: Yeah, be careful out there, Santa.", "Paul: Will do. All right. Good night, everyone!", "Noah: Good night!", "Nick: Sharon? I'm glad to see you so happy.", "Sharon: Nick, I wish -- well, you know what I wish for you.", "Nick: I know. Uh, I'm gonna take off. And you, beautiful -- I know you want to stay here tonight, and I'm cool with that.", "Faith: Okay. Thanks. Good night, Daddy.", "Nick: Good night. I love you.", "Sharon: Nick... are you sure?", "Nick: Yeah, I mean, she wants to stay here. Who wouldn't? It's fun.", "Sharon: But you said you wanted some one-on-one time with faith.", "Nick: Yeah. I'll be just fine on my own.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Dr. Anderson: This brings me so much joy. I-I can't even tell you. [Chuckles]", "Dylan: Well, we're glad you could stay.", "Sharon: Well, it was fate that you happened to be here, and I'm so happy you were.", "Dr. Anderson: Keep doing what you're doing. It's working.", "Nick: I'll, uh, walk you out.", "Dr. Anderson: Oh. Sure. Thank you.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Noah: What's, uh, with the death stare?", "Mariah: It's not a death stare. Not yet, but it can turn into one if need be.", "Adam: Wow. That's some impressive scissor-work, ladies.", "Chelsea: Connor loves to string these around the tree. Don't you, buddy, huh? It's his favorite holiday tradition.", "Adam: Holiday tradition? When did that start?", "Chelsea: Uh, today. [Chuckles] Is that -- is that a problem?", "Adam: No. No, not at all. I think it's great. Love that. Sage?", "Sage: Hmm?", "Adam: Everything all right?", "Chelsea: Um, you know what? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought him around you so soon.", "Sage: No. Stop it. Please. This is wonderful. It's very therapeutic for me. Please don't stop.", "Chelsea: Okay, well, unfortunately, he does have to stop, because it's past his bedtime.", "Sage: Aww, no.", "Chelsea: We'll see you soon, I'm sure. Can you say good night? Can you say good night, baby? Can you say good night?", "Sage: Can you say good night, cutie? [Smooches]", "Adam: So cute.", "Sage: Good night, love.", "Adam: Come here. Say good night to daddy. All right. Have a good night. Mwah! Good luck. Hopefully it's easier than last night. Putting him down sometimes is a chore.", "Chelsea: Good night! Bye!", "Adam: Now for a different kind of night cap. A little brandy, huh?", "Sage: Oh, okay. Is this what families do? They put their kids to bed, pour some brandy, and stare at the tree?", "Adam: You know, I don't really know what other families do.", "Sage: [Chuckles]", "Adam: But it's what I'm gonna do right now. So... how about a toast?", "Sage: To...mothers. I think I would have made a pretty damn good one. Is that...bad to say? Should I not have said that?", "Adam: No. That's -- you're right. I mean, that's -- it's wonderful. It's better than, you know, being sad and moping around, right? It's nice seeing you with Connor. Sort of seemed a little lighter, you know? You had a smile on your face like you were having a good time. It's good to see.", "Sage: Yeah, I'm starting to feel a little more human again.", "Adam: Well, let's -- let's not go overboard.", "Sage: [Laughs] Oh, man. Why is it easier with you and Chelsea and Connor than it is with Nick and his children? What the heck is wrong with me?", "Adam: Hold on a second, sage. First of all, there's nothing wrong with you, okay? g", "Joe: This is a setup. You guys were in on this from the beginning -- to make me feel like I'm some abusive jerk.", "Cane: We didn't have to try that hard, did we?", "Joe: Have you even counted the lies, cane? The insults?", "Devon: Hang on. Hang on. Joe, this isn't a setup. Lily had a tracking thing in her car. We got word that she was stuck on the side of the road, so we came to look for her. That's it. We know you've been good to lily, even if cane won't admit it. You care about her, and you've proven that in more ways than one.", "Joe: Exactly.", "Devon: And you had to show her who and what cane really is, even if it means setting him up. We get that.", "Joe: Someone had to show her what he's capable of. You were never gonna leave him because of the kids. If I had it to do over, I would have framed him sooner.", "Paul: All right. That's it. Joe Clark, you're under arrest. Let her go. Back up. Back up. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you.", "Adam: The emptiness will never go away. I'm not gonna lie to you. Nothing will ever fill it. But eventually, scar tissue will come. And, uh, you know, it's like a callus on your hand. It'll protect you from feeling any more pain.", "Sage: You sound awfully sure about that.", "Adam: I am. You're talking to a guy who came back from the dead, remember?", "Sage: [Chuckles]", "Adam: I had lost everyone and everything I ever cared about.", "Sage: You never gave up hope. You made a plan to get back, and it worked. But Christian's never coming back.", "Adam: Yeah. I know. But, sage, you have hope. You do, and I know you feel like this is the end. I know what it feels like. This isn't the end.", "Sage: I try with Nick. You know, I try, but all I see is misery and pain in the future. And I don't want that for either of us. Like dr. Anderson says, I have to do what's best for both of us.", "Nick: I guess I took walking you out a little too far.", "Dr. Anderson: Oh, but it was wroth it. Sometimes the snow can be like therapy. And it charges less than I do.", "Nick: [Chuckles] Faith might be able to make snow angels in the morning.", "Dr. Anderson: Make them with her. Go sledding. Give yourself permission to be a kid again. Try to just remember what's still right in this world.", "Nick: Am I gonna get charged for this?", "Dr. Anderson: [Chuckles] It's friendly free advice. But I can stop.", "Nick: Yeah. You were right about that. I shouldn't have pushed. I should have given sage space, and she walked out. You're probably right about this, too.", "Dr. Anderson: I'm sorry. I saw her earlier in the park. She, um -- she needed someone to listen.", "Nick: Well, you are the professional. You listen to me. You listen to sage. You work at Fairview but spend a lot of time at memorial. You go to weddings in your off-hours.", "Dr. Anderson: [Chuckles]", "Nick: Doesn't leave a lot of time for a personal life.", "Dr. Anderson: I manage.", "Nick: You married? You got a husband? Is there a Mr. Dr. Anderson?", "Dr. Anderson: [Laughs]", "Nick: Kids? I'm sorry if it's personal. I just -- you know so much about me.", "Dr. Anderson: No, it's -- it's a perfectly fine question. And the answer is I'm married to my work.", "Nick: But you obviously know a lot about relationships. You can't get all that from books.", "Dr. Anderson: There was someone. Once.", "Devon: Hey, Paul, do you mind if a ride along?", "Paul: No. Not at all. Chatty Cathy here is gonna be a barrel of laughs. Let's go, Joe.", "Cane: Devon. Thank you for believing in me.", "Devon: Runs in the family. Don't forget that.", "Joe: Yeah, don't forget, lily, that I believed in you.", "Paul: Let's go.", "Cane: Roadside service is coming to give your car a jump. But in the meantime, if you want, you can wait in my car.", "Lily: So, that's it? We're just gonna talk jumper cables now? I want to talk about us. Can you forgive me for doubting you?", "Cane: I don't want to talk about this here. I just don't.", "Lily: This is where we are, and I want to talk this out. Look, our plan worked. I did it because I want to show you that I'm behind you. I-I was -- I was terrified, but I got through it 'cause I want to show you that I believe in you.", "Cane: You believe in me now. Well, before you believe in him, didn't you? And you believed him so much that you slept with him. But you did it twice.", "Lily: Cane, come on. We both have done stupid, shameful things to each other, and we've found our way back.", "Cane: You chose to believe him so much that you slept with him, and you believed him over me. And I just don't think that you and I will ever be able to get past that.", "Lily: Um... I can find my way back to the car. Thank you for showing up when you did.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Adam: Hey! How's the little man?", "Chelsea: Well, the little man is growing up.", "Adam: Yeah?", "Chelsea: Even though he's only two, it looks like he has his first crush.", "Adam: Uh-oh.", "Sage: Me?", "Chelsea: [Laughs] Evidently, your angels were way superior to mine.", "Sage: [Laughs] Oh, no! Well, I'm honored. But I should get going. It's late, and my apartment's probably warm by now.", "Adam: Okay. It's a pretty long walk, though. You think you can hack it?", "Sage: Yeah, I can handle it. Thank you.", "Chelsea: Sage, um... Connor has this pageant thing at his preschool tomorrow. Would you want to go with us?", "Adam: You know, I mean, if you feel like that's too much, you don't have to --", "Sage: No. I-I'd like that a lot. Thank you, Chelsea.", "Adam: All right.", "[Door opens, closes]", "Nick: So, this mystery man...", "Dr. Anderson: [Chuckles] Well, he wasn't much of a mystery. Funny, very handsome, down to earth, kind of like you.", "Nick: Uh, so a dazzling smile.", "Dr. Anderson: Absolutely.", "Nick: He let you down?", "Dr. Anderson: [Chuckles] Well, it was the kind of thing where I was left thinking, \"Well, I won't be doing that again.\" [Chuckles] Falling in love, I mean.", "Nick: It was that bad?", "Dr. Anderson: Yeah, the worst part about it was that he didn't take any responsibility. I had it in my head, you know, oh, but he's such a great guy. It must be all my fault. It was irrational, but loss can do that to you. The same way that you carry that guilt in you about Christian.", "Nick: Yeah, well, we're talking about you right now.", "Dr. Anderson: [Chuckles] No. Neither of us is on duty. This is a conversation.", "Nick: About you.", "Dr. Anderson: This is why I became a therapist. You know, I thought if I studied hard enough, if I helped enough patients, I could maybe heal myself.", "Nick: How's that working out for you?", "Dr. Anderson: [Chuckles] Um, I'm getting there. I'll tell you, for the first time ever, I feel like maybe I could try again. Oh. [Chuckles] No. It's fine. You -- you keep them. I'm gonna stick around.", "Nick: You sure?", "Dr. Anderson: It's my therapy. Good night, Nick.", "Nick: Night, Doc.", "Dylan: Darn it. I knew I forgot something. With all the wedding planning, I forgot about the honeymoon. So, what do you want to do? You want to go to the beach? You want to go skiing?", "Sharon: Mm, I do have a place in mind.", "Dylan: Really?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Dylan: Okay, well, name it.", "Sharon: Well, um, it's comfy and cozy, lots of excitement and noise -- lots of noise.", "Dylan: Lots of noise. [Laughs] We're -- we're not going anywhere, are we?", "Sharon: No. I'm not letting go of this... or you. Faith is in her room, and Sully's in his crib. And Mrs. McAvoy would like her husband to make love to her.", "Dylan: Well, I should go find him.", "Sharon: Oh!", "Dylan: Get out of here!", "Sharon: [Laughs]", "[Sully cries]", "Sharon: Well, the honeymoon's over.", "Dylan: Nope. It's just getting started.", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Sharon: He wasn't hungry. He's just fussy, and I-I was patting his back, and nothing.", "Dylan: Did you do the jiggle move?", "Sharon: I did the jiggle, I did the sway, I did the \"shh.\"", "Dylan: Come here. Hey. Did we wake you up?", "Faith: You have to sing to him.", "Dylan: Really?", "Faith: Mommy always used to sing to me. Um, you didn't forget how, did you, mommy?", "Sharon: Remind me, sweetheart. Come here.", "Faith: Hey, Sully. Silent night holy night all is calm all is bright round yon virgin mother and child holy infant so tender and mild sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace silent night holy night shepherds quake at the sight glories stream from heaven above heavenly hosts sing \"hallelujah\" Christ the savior is born Christ the savior is born silent night holy night all is calm all is bright round yon virgin mother and child holy infant so tender and mild sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: You should consider postponing it. You know, maybe springtime would be a better time.", "Ashley: Absolutely not. You're not postponing your wedding.", "Jack: I'm going to expose Victor for everything he did at a press conference today.", "Phyllis: What?!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Nick and Nikki are even more determined to save Chancellor park and stop Victor's development project. Nick talks to Devon and tries to persuade him to buy the park but he says that he would have a conflict of interest because Victor is a PR client. Devon thinks things over and after talking to Sharon and Hilary he decides to buy the park to stop Victor's project. Devon tells Hilary and says he is worried how Neil will react since he hasn't spoken to him yet because he is busy taking care of Sofia and Moses in New York since Sofia was injured in a car accident. Ashley fights Victoria to keep Ravi working for Jabot since Ravi has a non compete clause and now Newman and Jabot are competitors since Newman owns Brash and Sassy. Jack shows Ashley plans to update the Jabot lab so Ashley can get back to doing Research and Development . Jack tells Ashley he plans to run Jabot from home. Faith is upset that her parents won't take her to the park to skate with her friends so she disobeys them and calls a cab to take her. Scott tells Abby that she is the one that gave him the information about Victor's development deal which he later told to Sharon. Scott promises that he will protect her and take the blame if Victoria discovers the information and he will leave her name out of it. Scott warms Abby's hands because she forgot her gloves and that leads to a kiss which Faith sees because she is skating at the park.", "" ]
[ "Abby: Hey.", "Victoria: Morning, abby.", "Abby: Uh, dad back from his trip yet?", "Victoria: Yeah, he should be here any minute.", "Abby: I'll come back.", "Victoria: I need coffee.", "Nikki: Hi, sweetheart.", "Nick: Hey.", "Nikki: I got your message. What's going on? Hey.", "Nick: Well, I have news about the park development. It is not good.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] All right, go ahead. Just pull the band-aid off.", "Nick: Newman enterprises is behind the shell company.", "Nikki: Damn. Victor strikes again.", "Chelsea: You don't seem surprised.", "Nikki: Well, no, are you? Nothing that man does shocks me anymore. But I thought he would at least have enough respect for katherine to not pave over the park that has her name on it!", "Nick: Dad is not gonna like it when he finds out we're the ones trying to stop him.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] It's just gonna make him dig his heels in deeper.", "Nick: He is not gonna want to lose to the two outcasts of the family.", "Nikki: You're right. That might just give me more motivation to fight.", "Hilary: Story ideas. I will leave them with you to look over.", "Jack: Well, no time like the present. You got a pen?", "Hilary: [ Scoffs ] You're giving me notes?", "Jack: I am the one that signs the checks.", "Hilary: [ Sighs ] Yeah. I forgot about all of your vast knowledge of television production. I'm sure that I will benefit greatly from all your expertise.", "Jack: I'm micro-managing, aren't I?", "Hilary: Just a little.", "Jack: Funny, ashley had the same complaint. Only that discussion was not quite so polite.", "Sharon: Here you go, a dozen of our most decadent delights.", "Scott: Perfect. Thank you.", "Sharon: What's the occasion?", "Scott: It's a peace offering for victor.", "Sharon: A word of advice -- he prefers tequila.", "Scott: Ah, well, you don't happen to have a dozen or so bottles stashed in the back, do you?", "Sharon: No, I'm fresh out.", "Scott: Then these will have to do, and, uh, after putting hashtag back online without his say-so, I wanted to demonstrate what a team player I can be.", "Sharon: Mm. And not the kind of employee who would pass along confidential information that the newman company was behind the chancellor park development.", "Scott: Yeah, well, you never heard that from me, remember?", "Sharon: I'd hate to think of what you're gonna have to buy victor if he ever did find out.", "Scott: So let's just pretend we never even spoke of it.", "Sharon: I'm grateful that that did happen, though, and I'd be happy to send a box of pastries to your source, but you haven't revealed who it is.", "Scott: Yeah, my, uh... my lips are sealed.", "Sharon: Mm, well, they're perfect for kissing, then.", "Scott: Thanks.", "Victor: I see things have happened while I was gone.", "Victoria: Uh... \"save chancellor park! Stop the newman development.\" Yeah. Nick's leading this crusade.", "Victor: Is that so?", "Victoria: He found out about alco, and he confronted me.", "Victor: Who informed him?", "Victoria: I'm still trying to figure that out myself.", "Victor: I expected some pushback.", "Victoria: Yeah, but not this fast, and now everything's just gonna snowball.", "Victor: You're not worried about a little bad publicity, are you?", "Victoria: Personally? No. I mean, when you pass out on live tv, there's nowhere to go but up. I tried to talk nick down and explain all the reasons why this development makes sense, including that katherine would have cheered it on herself.", "Victor: [ Exhales sharply ] You know, I understand why people are upset. In fact, I sympathize. What they're all forgetting is that the park may be named after katherine, and I'm glad it is, but the land is owned by the city.", "Victoria: Well, nick and others don't see it that way, apparently. They see us as the greedy corporation that's trying to desecrate a landmark that's been dedicated to one of their town's former residents.", "Victor: Okay, well, I'm not about to destroy katherine's legacy.", "Victoria: A fact which i tried to get through to my hard-headed brother. I mean, the plans clearly state a dedicated green space to katherine. They show that. But he is intent on leading this crusade, so I think we have a fight on our hands, dad.", "Victor: You tell your brother to bring it on, and no one is gonna stop me from developing this project. Additional sponsorship", "Jack: I think some of these are great ideas, and micro-managing or not, I am gonna want some input.", "Hilary: If you insist, although, I was not planning to be here this long. Your mother's not gonna sic security on me again, is she? I'm sorry, that was uncalled for.", "Jack: I'm fine.", "Hilary: I apologize if I'm speaking out of turn, but... I'm worried that maybe you're taking on a little too much at one time.", "Jack: Whoa. [ Cellphone chimes ] You're questioning my capabilities? Oh. You know what, hilary, I can handle your show, jabot, and my mother all before lunch. I just put out a fire at jabot and kept this conversation going at the same time. See, I can multitask with the best of them.", "Hilary: Are you telling me that there hasn't been a time where you let something slide?", "Jack: Okay, you got me there. Look, I realize this is going to require a certain level of balance, and maybe I haven't found that balance just yet.", "Hilary: I'm guessing that this has probably occurred to you, that maybe, just maybe, that balance doesn't exist?", "Victoria: Abby. This involves you, too. Would you please join us? Everyone gather around. What I have to say is very important, and I want it passed down to all of your divisions. Now, it's come to my attention that someone has leaked information regarding a newman enterprises project to someone outside of the company. Subterfuge is despicable at any time, but it's especially galling when this company is under investigation. Now, this leak could jeopardize a deal that's been in the works for a long time. A deal that is confidential and compromised means that jobs here at this company are at risk.", "Abby: I agree. This is a serious violation. We need to find the responsible party and deal with them accordingly. Can you give us any other details?", "Victoria: I'd like to keep the specifics under wraps until we know that the leak is completely plugged. However, I do want you all to keep your eyes and ears open and report anything suspicious to me immediately. That's all, thank you.", "[ Door closes ]", "Scott: We should talk.", "Abby: And why do we need to do that?", "Scott: Not here. Anywhere away from the office, but it has to be now. Come on.", "Ashley: Well, hello there.", "Ravi: Hey.", "Ashley: Christmas is two weeks away. We're in the home stretch.", "Ravi: Right, there's --", "Ashley: Doesn't mean we can relax, though. Quit the contrary. In fact, I want you to check and then re-check our order management system.", "Ravi: Ashley --", "Ashley: I'm thinking for those last-minute shoppers, we should offer free express shipping on all orders over $100. What do you think? You're so sweet. Thank you.", "Ravi: I didn't -- those weren't me.", "Ashley: Oh, really? Well, then who? [ Sighs ] Jack. An apology.", "Ravi: You guys had a disagreement?", "Ashley: We had a clash of the titans.", "Ravi: About what?", "Ashley: You know what, we've got too much going on to distract ourselves with that.", "Ravi: No, I can't handle any projects right now.", "Ashley: I know. Holidays are overwhelming, even for genius types like you. I can have somebody come in here and help you with your workload.", "Ravi: You'll need to have someone come in and replace me. I'm giving my notice.", "Ashley: Very, very funny.", "Ravi: It's not a joke.", "Ashley: You're quitting?", "Ravi: I am.", "Ashley: Have you looked at your contract? I'm pretty sure it's iron-clad.", "Ravi: There's an opt-out clause. This is me opting out.", "Ashley: You're leaving me?", "Ravi: It's not personal. Really, it's not. It's business. I've been thinking for a while this would be the best thing for everyone. I got a job offer that is too good to refuse. It would be unfair to ask you to match it. It's a bigger title, more money, more benefits. It's the complete package.", "Ashley: Well, you haven't said who this offer's from.", "Ravi: Victoria newman. I'll be working for newman enterprises.", "Victor: Send him in.", "[ Knocks on door ]", "Michael: Victor.", "Victor: Yep.", "Michael: I've brought you a welcome-back gift -- the audit of newman enterprises. The authorities came back with...nothing. The company's clean.", "Victor: As expected.", "Michael: Yes, well, once they finish going over your personal accounts, assuming no red flag pops up, you and the company should be cleared of any alleged criminal involvement with designdate.", "[ Intercom buzzes ]", "Victor: Yes? All right, send her in.", "[ Exhales sharply ]", "Michael: Hello, nikki.", "Nikki: Hello, michael. Normally, I would want to chat with you, but victor and I need a private moment. I'm sure he understands what the topic of the conversation will be.", "Michael: Mm, well, I'll be in touch. Nikki.", "Nikki: Good to see you.", "Victor: So, you're here to discuss the park?", "Nikki: Chancellor park. It was renamed in katherine's honor, in case you have forgotten.", "Victor: I'm surprised nicholas sent you.", "Nikki: Well, it's just as much my fight as it is his. Frankly, I'm stunned that you're involved in this situation at all, considering the optics. I mean, you would be hard-pressed to find somebody in this town who didn't adore katherine.", "Victor: And you damn well know that I adored katherine. I was very fond of her.", "Nikki: Well, then, why are you trying to erase her memory?", "Victor: I'm not gonna do that. In fact, her name will be commemorated in the center of the new plaza.", "Nikki: Really?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nikki: What are you gonna, write her name with concrete? Oh, you could put a nameplate on the bench. If you want to commemorate her, the best thing to do is leave the park alone.", "Victor: Okay, let me tell you something that obviously you didn't know. The park bears katherine's name, but the land is owned by the city. There were various people who bid on it. I'm gonna develop it beautifully... gonna make a jewel out of it, okay?", "Nikki: Oh. Modest, as always.", "Victor: Do you actually know what's good for the city?", "Nikki: Actually, yes, I think I do. Fresh air, green grass, trees. That is what's best for the city.", "Victor: Are you aware of the fact that the city's population is exploding and we need new housing?", "Nikki: Katherine was a champion for the homeless and the poor, and I can guarantee you, she would not want her name associated with some overpriced condo.", "Victor: And for your information, there will be condos and apartments built for low-income renters.", "Nikki: Ugh.", "Victor: You have no idea what this means, do you? You know what it means for the city? We're gonna employ people, entrepreneurs will come in, open new shops. We're gonna stimulate the economy. What don't you and nicholas get about that? I wish you would realize that what I'm doing is a good thing.", "Nikki: Eventually, there's gonna be a battle about this that not only will you lose, but you'll lose big.", "Nick: Okay, I think you're gonna break a rib.", "Devon: Merry christmas, faith.", "Faith: Same to you, mr. Hamilton.", "Devon: Have you finished writing your list to santa claus this year?", "Nick: Pretty sure that was done in july.", "Faith: But I did add an addendum before I mailed it. There's this really awesome engineering kit I saw at fenmore'S.", "Devon: Wow. Okay. Well, I sure hope that you find everything you want under your tree this christmas.", "Faith: Well, I should because I've been extra good this year, right, dad?", "Nick: Uh, I don't know...", "Faith: Dad!", "Devon: [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: All right, you've been perfect -- most of the time.", "Faith: [ Laughs ] Well, my friends are going ice skating in the park. Can you take me?", "Nick: Can you see if your mom will take you? I have to hang out here for a little bit and talk to mr. Hamilton about something very important.", "Faith: Okay. Well, it was nice to see you, mr. Hamilton.", "Devon: You, too, sweetie. Addendum?", "Nick: She's 11.", "Devon: Good luck keeping up with her, man.", "Nick: Yeah, you're telling me.", "Devon: So, what's going on, nick? Why did you want to meet?", "Nick: Well, I'm sure you've heard by now the plans for chancellor park.", "Devon: Yeah, I have.", "Nick: Well, I'm heading up a campaign to stop my father's developers.", "Devon: Your father. So it's victor who wants to bulldoze my grandmother's memory like that? I thought those two were friends. Hell, I thought he and I were friends. He used to be my mentor all those years ago at the rec center. So much for loyalty.", "Nick: My dad's only loyal to himself.", "Devon: Well, it was one thing when I thought it was a stranger, but now this changes things.", "Nick: Well, you can stop all this right now, devon.", "Devon: How do you figure I do that? I don't have any claim to it. The park wasn't part of my inheritance, so the land belongs to the city.", "Nick: Yeah, but you could some of the money she left you to purchase the park and leave it as-is.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Nick: It is a perfect solution, man.", "Devon: I wish it were that simple.", "Nick: What's the problem?", "Devon: The problem is, my company just purchased a pr firm, and victor is one of our clients, so I think it'll be a conflict of interest.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah. Well, is there anything I can do to change your mind?", "Devon: I wish I had an answer for you, nick. I mean, I want you to still fight for what you think is right, but I can't get your hopes up.", "Victor: Ashley, what brings you by?", "Victoria: Daddy, I can handle this.", "Victor: Play nice.", "Victoria: Would you like to step down the hall? My office isn't ready yet.", "Ashley: Here's fine for what I have to say. Although you might want to contact your legal team to come join us.", "Faith: Mom. Mom! Mom!", "Sharon: Sweetie, I cannot take you skating.", "Faith: But peyton's going, and gabriella, addison, jada -- everyone.", "Sharon: There answer is no. I am too busy right now.", "Faith: I can walk! It's not that fair.", "Sharon: Um, I'm not comfortable with that, and besides, I don't want you at the park unless I can be there, and right now, I can'T. I'm too busy. But we will go another time. Promise.", "Faith: This is so unfair. [ Sighs ] I don't have to be watched every second.", "Sharon: Okay, maybe I am being a little overprotective, but I've had some recent reminders that there are some not-so-nice people in the world.", "Faith: Well, I don't want to be stuck here all day. So may I call monique and ask her if she can give me a ride home?", "Sharon: Yes. You may. And someone needs a refill.", "Faith: Hi. I'd like to request a cab, please. 815 hyde park. But don't pull up right in front. I'll be around the corner. I'd like to be dropped off at chancellor park. Thank you.", "Victoria: Well, you can huff and puff all you want. This is happening. Ravi starts here in two weeks.", "Ashley: You're very confident.", "Victoria: I anticipated your reaction and I covered my bases. I knew that you'd be unhappy.", "Ashley: Well, obviously. You're trying to poach a very valuable team member.", "Victoria: Look, why don't we just cut to the chase, okay? Why don't you come up with a number that makes you comfortable to compensate you for your loss at jabot, and I'll write a check, and we can be done with this by lunchtime? I'll even throw in a meal voucher for the top of the tower. I know you like the chef.", "Ashley: I didn't come here for a free lunch, and I didn't come here for your money. This isn't a stunt, victoria. I'm not gonna let you steal our top it employee.", "Victoria: Ravi's jabot contract states that he can leave for a better deal. Isn't that right, michael?", "Michael: Give me a minute. I'll still reading.", "Ashley: You know, don't waste your time, michael. Ravi has a non-compete clause, which means that he can't just pack up his things and walk across the street to newman. I will sue you to keep him just where he is.", "Victoria: I don't need to read the fine print to know that that clause doesn't apply. Newman is not a jabot competitor.", "Michael: Uh, um, you weren't before you purchased brash & sassy, but now you are.", "Jack: I apologize. That took a little longer than i thought.", "Hilary: How is she?", "Jack: Today's a pretty good day.", "Hilary: Watching your mother succumb to a disease isn't easy. But I do admire everything that you're taking on.", "Jack: Thanks.", "Hilary: But jabot is a huge company. People need a leader, and they can't see uncertainty at the top.", "Jack: You're talking about ashley trying to kill our sponsorship deal with your show? Well, we had it out on that one, big time, and judging from the fact that you're here, I guess you know how it ended.", "Hilary: Although, if I was in your sister's shoes, I probably would have reacted the same way. Jack, you walked away from your company and then you had second thoughts. I mean, she thought she was running the company, and then all of a sudden, the big kahuna comes in and says, \"oh, no, no. Not so fast, sweetie.\"", "Jack: Wow, tell me what you really think.", "Hilary: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. That was just a little bit of my inner feminist coming out. I am happy that jabot is sponsoring the show. But you need to ask yourself this one question, and it will put all of this into perspective for you.", "Jack: Okay, and what is that?", "Hilary: What do you want? Because I would sacrifice anything for just one more day with my mother. So I understand why you want to be there for yours.", "Jack: I have to do this. I need to help her. No, no -- I want to help her. I love my mother. And in a different way, I love jabot. And balancing the two is not out of the question. I just haven't figured out a way to do it just yet.", "Chelsea: Is devon stepping up? Is he buying the park?", "Nick: I'm not sure. I know he's thinking about it.", "Chelsea: Okay, well, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that everything works out.", "Nick: Well, if he does, then this whole problem is gonna be behind us.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] So, you went to see devon while nikki went to see victor.", "Nick: Picked up on that, huh?", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Yeah. I thought that'd be for the best. If I had gone with mom, then the focus goes on my relationship with my dad and not the park, and I don't want anything to overshadow this issue.", "Chelsea: I think that's a very mature attitude.", "Nick: Can't say I wasn't tempted because I was. But for today, at least, I am not gonna make this a father-son problem.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] Okay. So talk to me.", "Scott: I, uh -- I don't want to fak you out.", "Abby: Well, then, you shouldn't have just said that because now I am guaranteed to freak out. Unless what you're gonna tell me isn't as bad as what I think you're gonna tell me, but what i think you're gonna tell me is, like, really, really, really bad, so... okay, this is where you say I'm wrong about where this is going.", "Scott: Yeah, I can't do that.", "Abby: The leak at newman. The person that victoria is hell-bent on crucifying...", "Scott: Technically, it's -- it's you.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] \"The young and the restless\" will continue. They're getting ready for a hot deal..", "Ashley: My office, please. Was that victoria on the phone?", "Ravi: Yeah.", "Ashley: So, I'm assuming that she told you there's no longer a job waiting for you at newman.", "Ravi: She did. But how?", "Ashley: I went over there and I, uh, handled the issue.", "Ravi: You fought for me.", "Ashley: Kind of wondering why I bothered, though, since your loyalty is so insignificant.", "Ravi: I am loyal to this company, and more importantly, to you. When I accepted victoria's offer, I was trying to do right by us.", "Ashley: Wait. You quit because of me?", "Ravi: I know the only thing holding us back from sharing something deeper is the fact that I work for you. You're a busy woman, you got a lot on your plate, I get that. I just thought if I backed off here, it might make it easier for you.", "Ashley: Well... I'd rather have you here than anywhere. And since I'm the boss, I get to decide whether or not there's a conflict, and I think that you should stay.", "Ravi: I don't really have a choice.", "Ashley: True. You don'T. Um, we can talk about this later, but right now, I have a meeting.", "Ravi: Was it hard to get victoria to back off?", "Ashley: Not when I threatened to sue. Jabot rarely enforces its non-compete clauses, but I was willing to go to the mat for you.", "Sharon: I'm handing out one of these to every customer who comes in here. You know, it's a shame that victor needs to destroy genoa city landmarks in the name of \"progress.\"", "Devon: Yeah. It is unfortunate, but, you know, we can't be too sure of his motives yet.", "Sharon: Oh, are you on his side now?", "Devon: Well, no, no. I'm just saying there's always two sides to everything.", "Sharon: Well, in my opinion, when it comes to victor, there's a right side and a wrong side, and he is wrong about this.", "Devon: Yeah. Well, thank you for the coffee, sharon.", "Sharon: You're welcome. Don't forget your flier! I know that katherine meant a lot to you.", "Devon: Yeah. Of course she did. And, believe me, I know that this park represents her not just to me, but to a lot of people in this community. I realize that, and she'd always love when people would gather there to celebrate any kind of life event, and it's kind of a big slap in the face to her memory to just want to put some buildings up in its place.", "Sharon: Well, have you thought about...?", "Devon: Using my own money to buy it?", "Sharon: The money that she left you.", "Devon: It's funny, nick just asked me that same question.", "Sharon: And?", "Devon: And I have a lot to consider.", "Abby: You realize you put me a terrible position at work.", "Scott: Whoa, slow down. This is why I didn't want to do it at the office. Making a scene isn't gonna be helpful. You need to tone it down.", "Abby: Are you trying to manage me?", "Scott: I'm only trying to explain calmly and quietly.", "Abby: Well, I'm waiting.", "Scott: This all started when sharon was trying to help nick save that park.", "Abby: So you came to me asking me about the company behind the development.", "Scott: I had my suspicions that there was a newman connection.", "Abby: And then when you got your answer, you ran to sharon. You used me, and now I'm on the hook, and the second that victoria finds out, she's gonna fire me.", "Scott: Look at me. I won't let that happen. I promise.", "Devon: [ Sighs ]", "Hilary: Time for another cup?", "Devon: Sure. Another one won't kill me.", "Hilary: You seem a little... off.", "Devon: I just have a few things on my mind, that's all.", "Hilary: Share.", "Devon: Nah, it's not worth getting into. How you doing?", "Hilary: [ Chuckles ] No, no, no, no, no. Nice try. We are friends, and friends let each other vent. You helped me when I had a bad day. Now it's your turn. You're on the air, caller.", "Devon: It's mostly about something that I know in my gut is the right thing to do, but I'm not sure if neil's gonna be onboard with it.", "Hilary: Have you even discussed it with him?", "Devon: You know how moses and sofia, they moved to new york?", "Hilary: Yeah. Yeah, they -- they worked it out so that she could take a job there.", "Devon: Well, sofia just got into a pretty bad car accident.", "Hilary: Oh, my god.", "Devon: She's fine, but the recovery's gonna take a minute, and neil went there to help out with moses.", "Hilary: I'm so sorry that you guys are going through all this.", "Devon: It's okay. Just to reiterate, this is not for \"the hilary hour.\"", "Hilary: You have my word. Besides, if I wanted to run the story, I would have to run it by new boss.", "Devon: New boss? You found a sponsor.", "Hilary: Well, since you said that you wouldn't back the money truck up to the studio, I had to look elsewhere. After a few misses, someone came to my rescue.", "Devon: Hmm.", "Ashley: Thanks for the flowers. They're pretty.", "Jack: Ash, I hate fighting with you, I --", "Ashley: Yeah, I don't like it that much myself, jack. And maybe I owe you a flower or two for some of the things i said.", "Jack: You're home a little earlier than expected.", "Ashley: Yeah, I wanted to check on mother.", "Jack: Oh, mother's doing okay right now. By the way, she really enjoyed her time with you yesterday, the part of it she remembers, anyway. And I appreciate you looking after her, I do. I know I kind of tossed her in your lap, and that wasn't good form, and --", "Ashley: Jack. She's my mother, too. And I enjoyed the time I spent with her. It also made me see things a little differently where that argument was concerned, so...", "Jack: Traci, in her infinite wisdom, suggested that maybe it wasn't all-or- nothing, that maybe we could actually compromise. To that end, I'd like you to see something.", "Ashley: It's a work order. What designs? I don't get it. Oh, wait, this is the jabot lab.", "Jack: I've had this in the works for some time now. The way I see it, by new year's, that lab will be back to its former glory.", "Ashley: Jack, this is an amazing design.", "Jack: And long overdue. That lab has needed a reworking for some time now.", "Ashley: How did you sneak this past me?", "Jack: Oh, I have my ways. I know you love working down there, building new products that keep jabot on top. Now with brash & sassy gone, i thought you should have a state-of-the-art lab once again. Look, I've always felt that your greatest value to the company is the work you do there.", "Ashley: And that's where you think I should go. Full-time.", "Nick: Shocker. Dad didn't budge.", "Nikki: I'm sorry I wasn't able to change his mind. How did your efforts go?", "Nick: I put fliers on every surface I could find, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if dad hired someone to follow me around and take them down.", "Chelsea: Seems like you've hit a dead end. Maybe it's time to back off.", "Nick: Absolutely not.", "Nikki: No, no. It's just time to find another way to stop victor.", "Scott: Look, nick doesn't know I'm the one that gave sharon the information about newman, and sharon doesn't know that I got my information from you.", "Abby: I need a scorecard to keep up with all of this.", "Scott: You're twice removed from ever being connected to this leak, and even if victoria ever gets even remotely close, it won't matter.", "Abby: You did hear the part about victoria firing me...", "Scott: Look, if it comes out, I'll step up, admit it's my fault, and I'll keep your name out of it.", "Abby: You'd do that for me?", "Scott: I regret it even came this far.", "Abby: You know, for a minute, I was worried that you were, um...", "Scott: What, setting you up?", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Scott: Look, I -- I hope you know better now.", "Hilary: It does not get more complex than this. You are caught between looking out for your company or stepping in to help save chancellor park. When you boil it down, it's doing right by the newmans or doing right by katherine. [ Groans ] I would not want to be you.", "Devon: Well, thanks. That's all you got for me?", "Hilary: Uh-huh.", "Devon: Since when do you hold back in putting in your two cents?", "Hilary: Well, since we both know that you already made up your mind but you just haven't said it out loud yet. We both know what your next move is.", "Devon: Act like you know me. All right. Well, if I'm gonna beat victor, how high should I bid?", "Victoria: Ashley forced my hand. I had to rescind the offer that I made to ravi.", "Victor: Well, I commend you for trying to up the tech game. But I think, in the end, it is just as good that you didn't push hard. You would have had a conflict, it would have made it to the press, and we've had enough bad publicity for a while. I want this park project to go through.", "Victoria: You're right. The last thing that we need is a civil war with jabot distracting us.", "[ Intercom buzzes ]", "Victor: Yes? Send him in.", "Michael: Oh, hey.", "Victoria: Hi. Dad told me the good news about the audit.", "Michael: Uh, well, unfortunately, I may have jumped the gun.", "Victor: What are you talking about?", "Michael: Oh, well, um, the authorities may have cleared the corporate accounts, but, uh, apparently, the audit is still open.", "Victoria: Why?", "Michael: The auditors found anomalies in one of victor's personal bank accounts.", "Victor: What do you mean? What anomalies?", "Michael: You know what, word is this just came across my desk minutes ago. I've got nothing but generalities for you.", "Victor: They're grasping at anything to charge me! It's pathetic!", "Jack: I don't know what i expected, but I certainly didn't expect you to be disappointed.", "Ashley: Give me a break. I had complete control of the company for one minute, and then the next...", "Jack: And the next you get to do what you love doing, in your lab!", "Ashley: If you say so.", "Jack: Ash, if you and I both do what we do best --", "Ashley: Please! Don't sugarcoat this, please! You want to have control of the company again. Apparently, there's nothing i can do about that. But just please drop the \"I'm doing this for you, ashley\" act. So, now what? You're getting 24-hour care for mother, a nurse?", "Jack: No, I'll be running the company from home.", "Ashley: You can't be serious.", "Jack: Yes, I am.", "Ashley: Jack, you're gonna short-change both jabot and mother.", "Jack: I have faced far more difficult situations. It's about confidence, ashley! Luckily, I have enough for both of us.", "Scott: You know, we should probably get back to the office.", "Abby: Right. Yeah.", "Scott: Cold?", "Abby: Well, it is december in wisconsin.", "Scott: Well, no wonder. You're not wearing any gloves.", "Abby: I didn't have time to grab them before we left.", "Scott: Here. Take mine.", "Abby: I'm fine, really. I can just put my hands in my pockets.", "Scott: Come on. They're freezing. They're freezing. Here. That better?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: The authorities are sending an official over to meet with you personally about the audit anomalies.", "Kevin: It won't be long before the truth comes out and victor discovers what you did.", "Scott: Oh, great. You're home. Whew!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Reed returns home determined to find out what happened to JT when Victoria tells him they never foound his body he thinks JT may still be alive. Victoria tells Reed not to get his hopes up but they will find out what happened to his father. Nikki takes a sip of wine then tells Jack about it and he adviuses her to go to a meeting she does go to a meeting and returns with a desire to fight back and expose the person who is tormenting them about JtT's death. Nikki tells Victiria she has a plan to take the blame off Victor and expose the evidence against him as false. Abby decides to put a resturant/nightclub in her new building and asks Nick to help and be her mentor but he tells her know because it is too much hard work so she decides to ask Devon for help and advice. Billy thinks he and Phyllis will get back together soon but Phyllis sees him at the office and tells him she wants their relationship to be busines only before he has a chance to tell her he wnts another chance with her. Jack calls Kerry and they plan a breakfast date at the Athletic club.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "[ Metal clanking ]", "Phyllis: I'm very sorry. But we're done.", "Abby: Commercial on the bottom, apartments above, and it's just sitting there, empty. You are looking at the new owner of 985 cresthaven place.", "[ Squeals ]", "Reed: Whatever you've got planned here, I -- count me out.", "Victoria: It's a going-away party for you.", "Reed: Okay.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Reed: Okay. I'll come to your stup-- I'll come to your party.", "Victoria: Reed has been holding out hope that he was gonna see his father again someday. What if it comes out that his mother and his grandmother are responsible, and that we've been covering up J.T.'S death all of these months?", "Nikki: [ Shrieks ]", "[ Screams ]", "Victoria: Mom [Sighs] Take a breath.", "Nikki: [ Swallows hard ] Are we alone?", "Victoria: Yes, of course. Calm down. What's wrong?", "Nikki: [ Gasps ] The person who has been tormenting us was in my house. In my bedroom!", "Victoria: What? How do you know?", "Nikki: Because... they left these! Ah!", "Victoria: Oh, my god. Those are --", "Nikki: The same clothes that we buried J.T. In. I know!", "Victoria: Put them away. Please.", "Nikki: I-I-I turned on the light, and I saw them lying on the bed. They were laid out as if he was still lying in them. Whoever did this is mocking me. This is really sick.", "Victoria: Well, I guess now we have proof that whoever's trying to frame dad is the same person who moved J.T.'S body from the park. But [Sighs] Mom, how -- how are they getting past security?", "Nikki: Well, I hate to think this, much less say it, but... could it be one of the guards?", "Victoria: No! No, they've been with us for years. I mean... no, it's more likely somebody that we know, someone close to us. An approved visitor, like -- like tessa.", "Nikki: Well, it wasn't her, because she was with us all evening, before we left her stranded.", "Victoria: Well, then, it has to be somebody that we trust, someone who has access to our homes. Someone who lives close-by?", "Nikki: I just can't think of anybody this brazen. I mean, this is so twist-- [ Front door lock clicks ] Who's that? Who has a key?!", "Victoria: Hide the bag, quick!", "Nikki: Oh, my god!", "[ Keys jingle ]", "Victoria: Reed!", "Reed: Hi!", "Victoria: What are you doing home?", "Reed: Hi, mom.", "Victoria: I thought finals were next week?", "Reed: Yeah, well, they were. I had them arranged so that i could take them early so I could come home sooner. Have a longer holiday.", "Victoria: Oh, wow.", "Nikki: It's sure wonderful to see you walk through that door.", "Reed: Ohh.", "Victoria: If I had known you were coming home early, I would have picked you up at the airport.", "Reed: Well, I wanted to surprise you.", "Nikki: You certainly did that.", "[ Chuckles ]", "[ Footsteps approach ]", "Nick: You're back.", "Phyllis: Just walked in the door.", "Nick: I was missing you. I didn't know, uh, dropping off a contract would take so long. Any problems?", "Phyllis: No. No, just tied up some loose ends. Now I'm fully available to lavish my attention on you.", "Nick: Oh, yeah.", "[ Footsteps approach ]", "Abby: Hmm. Those are beautiful rings. Did dina leave those out?", "Billy: No, they're mine. [ Sighs ] What are you doing right now? [ Sighs ] You want to go out? You want to go do something fun, maybe? You hungry or something?", "Abby: Uh, sure. What'd you have in mind?", "Billy: I don't know. Uh... I don't know. You -- you and arturo like to go dancing. Where do you guys usually go?", "Abby: Oh, the rooftop bar at the club, but it's closed for the season. There's not a lot of options.", "Billy: What about that place in lake geneva, uh... they have the open-mike. What's that place called?", "Abby: No, I know the one that you're talking about, but their food isn't that great.", "Billy: Hardware. Let's go to hardware.", "Abby: Only open on the weekends.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Geez. Bummer.", "Abby: I know. We could go somewhere and just grab some food, but by the time we got there, the kitchen would probably be closed.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Abby: They roll up the streets so early in this town.", "Billy: Yeah, no, let's just bag it. I'm in a crappy mood. I probably shouldn't pour a bunch of alcohol down my throat.", "Abby: Strictly hypothetical, but what if I told you that I knew where the last piece of mrs. Martinez's apple pie was hidden? Would you want to split it with me?", "Billy: You evil girl, you. I thought kyle was the one doing the hoarding.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] Well, you know me and my sweet tooth. What do you say? Two forks?", "Billy: No, it's all you. I'm not that hungry. Thank you, though.", "Abby: Is everything okay?", "Billy: Yeah. Everything's fine.", "Abby: All right. Well, I will just be upstairs reading, so let me know if you change your mind about that apple pie.", "Billy: Thanks, abby. I will.", "Victoria: Are you sure you don't want something to eat?", "Reed: Yeah, mom. I'm fine.", "Victoria: Well, I have fruit.", "Reed: That's okay.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Um, if I'd known you were coming, I would have run to the store and stocked up the fridge with all your favorites.", "Reed: Don't worry about it. It's okay. I can get whatever it is that I need.", "Nikki: Well, your license is suspended, darling.", "Victoria: Well, we can go to the store together tomorrow. How's that sound?", "Reed: Honestly, I can take the bus or call a ride. It's no big deal.", "Victoria: All right. Suit yourself.", "Nikki: You've become very self-reliant.", "Reed: Yeah, I guess so.", "Nikki: Well, you're gonna have a nice long break. What do you plan to do with all this extra time?", "Reed: I came back for a reason. [ Sighs ] I'm gonna find out how my dad died.", "Victoria: Sweetheart, listen, I've really tried to keep you informed about how the investigation is going, and it's -- it's just dragged on a lot longer than any of us thought it would.", "Reed: Listen, I know you don't like talking about this, but I need answers.", "Nikki: Why don't we talk about it tomorrow?", "Victoria: Yeah, I agree. Right before bed? I'm not gonna be able to sleep.", "Reed: Okay. I get it.", "Victoria: All right. Come on, let's go get your room ready, all right?", "Reed: [ Sighs ] Okay.", "Victoria: Come on. Get your stuff. Additional sponsorship", "Jack: Funny, I heard those rumors, too. Who's your source? [ Chuckles ] Well, I thought I'd give it a try. Okay. You need a quote. Um... this is off the record, of course. How about, \"asked about a possible partnership between online superstar rebekah barlow and jabot's hot new stand- alone boutiques, a well-placed source did not deny the possibility.\" Will that work for you? You bet. Okay. We'll talk soon. Thanks.", "Billy: You don't have to cut that short on my account.", "Jack: No, not at all. And congratulations on the barlow deal.", "Billy: Thank you. How'd you hear about it? Just closed last night.", "Jack: Okay, I talked to legal about a board-related matter, and they were up late trying to put the contract to bed. Hey, this will bring a lot of traffic to the boutiques. Younger buyers, first-time buyers. People with a lifetime of purchasing ahead of them. Hey, play it right, you're gonna build them into loyal jabot customers.", "Billy: That's the point.", "Jack: Timing couldn't be better, with ashley launching her new line. We're gonna have to combat that from every angle. Phyllis must be ecstatic.", "Billy: Yeah, we both are.", "Jack: Can I assume from your mood that you and phyllis had \"the talk\" and it didn't go so well?", "Billy: She said she's moving on with nick.", "Jack: I'm sorry to hear that.", "Billy: I appreciate your kind words, jack. But we both know that I brought this on myself.", "Abby: So, it wasn't until after this friend and I talked that it totally hit me.", "Nick: This inspiration of yours.", "Abby: Yes. It was after 9:00. We wanted to grab a bite to eat, maybe go dancing -- on a \"school night.\" Well, good luck with that in this burg. [ Laughs ] I mean, that's when I realized, there's no place local that has a cool vibe a-and great food. The last time genoa city had a place that checked all of those boxes was the underground.", "Nick: May it rest in peace.", "Abby: It was the go-to hot spot seven nights a week. A place where you could grab food, grab a drink, hang out with friends, listen to good music. Not too big, not too small. And you kept making it better. Innovating with open-mike nights and special theme nights.", "Nick: Well, a lot of that was noah.", "Abby: The fact remains that you were running the hottest spot in town. And I want to do something similar with cresthaven place. I don't want to just fill it up with little retail shops. I want to turn the ground floor into a hip eatery that turns into a club after dinner.", "Nick: Well, be prepared for long hours, constant employee turnover, way more paperwork than you ever thought -- and this is all if you stay in business. 80% of restaurants fail within the first five years, abby.", "Abby: Yeah, most of those are bad locations. I read all of those studies. But, nick, this building is in a real up-and-coming area. It has plenty of street parking --", "Nick: For now.", "Abby: ...Easy access from all directions. But what I need -- what I need to make it a success, is someone with real-world experience to guide me.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] I suppose you have someone in mind?", "Abby: We would have so much fun with this. And it wouldn't eat up much of your time, because you would just be advising me.", "Nick: It's gonna take up more time than you think, abby.", "Abby: Nick --", "Nick: Listen.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: Abby, I'm sorry. But I got to say no. I-I'm so busy, I barely see my kids as-is.", "Abby: Okay. [ Sighs ] I understand.", "Nick: Look, I'm not saying you shouldn't do this, but you need a very strong business plan in place. [ Cellphone rings ] Oh, it's summer, in dubai.", "Abby: Yeah, you should take it. Thanks.", "Nick: Hey, kiddo!", "Arturo: Hey! How'd it go with nick? What'd he think of your latest pitch?", "Abby: Well, about as much as he thought of the last one.", "Arturo: No way! He didn't go for it?", "Nick: Wait, your grandfather still hasn't connected with you in dubai? Is he even in dubai? Yes, this bothers me. Does it not bother you? Look, sweetheart, I promise you I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. I'm gonna find your grandfather.", "Reed: Morning.", "Victoria: Hi. Mwah!", "Nikki: Hi, darling.", "Victoria: Baby, how did you sleep?", "Reed: Fine. [ Sighs ] Um... the kids already at school?", "Victoria: Yeah, the bus came for them a while ago.", "Reed: Oh, darn. I'm sorry I missed the little rugrats.", "Victoria: Oh, that's okay. You can surprise them tonight. Do you want bagels, fruit, coffee? Help yourself.", "Reed: Yeah, thank you.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Reed: Well, grandma, did you come all the way here for breakfast?", "Nikki: Oh, actually I spent the night so I could spend some more time with you before you rush off to be with your friends.", "Reed: First stop this morning is to go to the police station and meet with detective rosales about dad's death.", "Victoria: Reed, as I told you last night, I would prefer it --", "Reed: Mom, he's the best person to answer my questions.", "Victoria: It's not necessary, reed. I can tell you what you need to know.", "Nikki: Yes. Both your mother and I can.", "Reed: Then why haven't you?", "Victoria: Because you were at school, a thousand miles away, and I didn't want to say something that would upset you if I couldn't be there to help you through it.", "Reed: Mom... [ Sighs ] I know it's hard for you. Getting into this. And just because things weren't good between you and dad doesn't mean you didn't care about him.", "Victoria: I did.", "Reed: I don't mind getting my information from the police if it makes it easier on you.", "Victoria: [ Scoffs ] I would rather that you come to me.", "Reed: Okay. [ Sighs ] Well...could I see a copy of the autopsy report, if you have one here?", "Victoria: There is no report, because there was no autopsy done. The police never found your father's body.", "Reed: Well, if that's the case, then... I mean, how do they know that he's dead? Oh, my go-- maybe he's not! May-- [ Stammering ] Maybe he's alive, and they have it all wrong! Mom?", "Arturo: Nick's right, you know. Restaurant business is tough. Even when the economy's booming, if you don't hit all the notes just right, or have a big enough ad budget...", "Abby: No, I have a huge following online. Getting the word out isn't gonna be the problem.", "Arturo: Okay, great. So, once the grand opening party's over with, how are you gonna keep them coming back?", "Abby: Well, that's why I need a mentor -- someone who knows what works and what doesn'T.", "Arturo: Maybe instead of a bar-restaurant, you ought to consider a steadier business.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Arturo: You know? Like an upscale grocery store that's part of a chain, or, mm... what about a salon?", "Abby: No! No way in hell. Mia would want to be involved.", "Arturo: Okay. Say no more.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] I really want to stick with my idea about a late-night spot. Especially since you took me to that place in miami. It wasn't just couples that were there. There were -- there were groups there, there were people celebrating milestones in their lives. Genoa city doesn't have a place like that. And I want to be the one to bring it to them.", "Arturo: Okay. I will help however I can. Since nick is not on board, who you gonna try next?", "Abby: Well, we need someone with experience. Someone who's objective. Not a newman or an abbott. Oh, my god. No, this is perfect!", "Arturo: What?", "Abby: I know just the person.", "Reed: How does finding dad's dna in the soil sample mean that he's dead? I mean, wh-what if he was just...hiding there? What if he got mugged and was hurt and -- I mean, that could explain how he lost his watch.", "Victoria: Reed, I don't want you getting your hopes up. The police are fairly certain that your father's not coming back.", "Reed: W-well -- well, how do they explain his dna being in the park when his body wasn't?", "Nikki: Detective rosales thinks that it was there, but that, much later, somebody moved it.", "Reed: But that doesn't make any sense. It's right out in the open! I mean, how could they do that without getting caught? Why would they do that?", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] I wish I knew.", "Victoria: It's really horrible to even think about.", "Reed: What are the police saying? Do they have -- do they have a suspect?", "Nikki: Uh... [ Doorbell rings ] Oh...", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] I'll get it.", "Jack: You earn that headache?", "Billy: Hmph. If you're asking if I'm hungover, I didn't drink last night. Thought about it. Not ruling it out for the future. But I'm aware that that's part of the reason why i ended up in this mess in the first place. Acting impulsively.", "Jack: It's good that you recognize that.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Yeah, well, too bad I didn't have this restraint a few months ago. I remember you warning me about lashing out at phyllis, and how it would come back to bite me.", "Jack: The voice of experience. Didn't know you were even listening.", "Billy: Well, I was. But the damage was already done.", "Jack: I take it phyllis can't forgive whatever revenge you took on her?", "Billy: [ Clears throat ] Oh, I don't know. I could be wrong. But she's coming around. You know, she doesn't want to punish me as much anymore. I think that's a good thing.", "Jack: Yeah. So, if that's true, if old feelings are starting to resurface, what's holding her back? This thing with nick?", "Billy: Nick. Nick is safe. He's a port in the storm. I don't know. Maybe that's part of the appeal.", "Jack: She tell you that, or are you speculating?", "Billy: She told me a lot of things. I'm still trying to figure out what it all meant. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe it's real. Or I think she's maybe just trying to convince herself that she made the right choice. She said something that caught my attention.", "Jack: What was that?", "Billy: She asked me what it would say about her if she took me back.", "Jack: Sounds like she's looking out for her reputation.", "Billy: She still loves me, jack. I know she misses me. We get together, and we connect on all the levels, except... [ Sighs ] I don't know. Taking me back, after what i did... I think she would just... hate herself too much for it.", "Jack: I'm sorry things didn't work out the way you hoped.", "Billy: Yeah. Maybe I pushed too hard too fast. I don't know. Maybe she just needs some more time to get over what happened.", "Jack: Yeah, that's what i told myself.", "Billy: Yeah, well, I'm not you, so...", "Jack: No, you're not. So don't make the same mistakes I did. Don't wait around for something that's never going to happen. Let her go, billy.", "Nick: Man, it is great to see you.", "Reed: It's good to see you, too.", "Nick: Sorry you missed summer. She just took off for dubai about a week ago.", "Reed: What is she doing there?", "Nick: Well, she went to work with your grandfather, but it didn't work out like that. Right? I mean, do you have any more information?", "Nikki: I have been in close communication with summer, and she's just fine. Doing everything she can to get up to speed.", "Nick: Still, it was pretty crummy of dad to lure her over there under false pretenses.", "Nikki: That is not what happened.", "Nick: Really, mom? When's the last time you talked to him? Do you even know where he is?", "Reed: What? Wait. Grandpa's missing, too?", "Victoria: No, no, no, no, no. Your grandfather is not missing. He's on a business trip. He's just not doing a very good job of staying in touch with us. He does that from time to time. There's no need for alarm.", "Nikki: You know, reed, um, I have some errands to run. I'd be happy to, uh, give you a ride if you want to spend time with your friends somewhere.", "Reed: Um... yeah. You can take me to the coffeehouse.", "Nikki: Oh, that's fine.", "Reed: Um, also... uh, I want to finish our conversation when I get back.", "Victoria: Yes. Of course, honey. Do you need some money?", "Reed: No. [ Sighs ] I think I'm okay for now.", "Nick: Come here.", "Reed: Yeah. It's good seeing you.", "Nick: Hey, you need anything, you call me.", "Reed: I will. Thank you, uncle nick.", "Nick: Sorry. I wasn't thinking.", "Victoria: Obviously not!", "Nick: Look, I'm not happy with dad's disappearing act, but I didn't think how it'd sound to a kid whose father went missing and then declared dead.", "Victoria: Well, there's something else that I need to tell you, and I don't want reed to hear about it. [ Sighs ] After you left the police station yesterday, rey told mom and me that he considers dad a suspect.", "Nick: In J.T.'S murder? Why? Because they found one of dad's guns on his own property? That's not incriminating.", "Victoria: The arson investigator found something else in the stables. A man's shirt with blood on it. J.T.'S blood, according to rey.", "Nick: Oh, man. That does sound bad.", "Victoria: It's intended to.", "Nick: Wait, you think...?", "Victoria: Someone is trying to set dad up. And they're doing a damn good job of it.", "Jack: Oh, good. I caught you before you left.", "Billy: Jack, if you're gonna give me more bad news, I'm not in the mood right now.", "Jack: I know you didn't want to hear my advice about walking away from phyllis, but don't shut me out because of it.", "Billy: Look, I know you're only saying that because you don't want to see me get hurt again. All right? I get it.", "Jack: I don'T. I really don'T.", "Billy: Okay. And you might be right, okay? Maybe she'll never take me back. But I'm not giving up that easily.", "Jack: Just remember, if you press too hard, you could put a strain on your working relationship.", "Billy: What are you saying? You want me to give up my job, too? You understand I'm not gonna have anything left?", "Jack: Oh, really? How about those two kids a few blocks down that think their father hung the moon? I suggest, the next time you start questioning your existence, you pay them a surprise visit and watch their faces light up.", "Billy: Okay. You got me there.", "Jack: And I doubt victoria would mind your dropping by her home a little more often.", "Billy: What is that? Like a little hint I should start something up with victoria again?", "Jack: No, not at all. Interesting, though, that's where your mind went.", "Billy: Hey, what's going on with kerry?", "Jack: We're talking about you right now.", "Billy: We're changing the subject right now.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Jack: She's sending me mixed signals.", "Billy: Is that one of them right now?", "Jack: No, this -- this is work. I got to deal with this.", "Billy: Jack? You should get back out there. Find yourself a mate. Set a good example for your little brother.", "Nick: How's your day so far?", "Phyllis: Not half bad. Hope you don't mind I stopped by. Nick texted me that he was here. I'd also like an update, too.", "Nick: Well, dad is still not home. But after talking to vick, I think I understand why.", "Victoria: Oh, whatever he's doing, you can be sure that dad is not hiding from rey rosales. He hasn't even heard his crazy theories.", "Phyllis: Which are?", "Nick: Dad is now a suspect in J.T.'S homicide investigation. But honestly [Sighs] It doesn't sound that crazy to me.", "Victoria: What is that supposed to mean?", "Nick: Dad was furious with J.T. He threatened him on live tv. And then, when I impersonated him, dad showed up with a .38, and he was mad enough to kill him.", "Victoria: Being mad enough and actually going through with it are two very different things.", "Phyllis: I have to agree with nick.", "Victoria: Excuse me?", "Phyllis: Maybe victor did kill J.T. We have to at least consider the possibility. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Jack: Sugar, you have to know, any time you call, I'm gonna come running. Now, what's going on?", "Nikki: I drank alcohol last night.", "Jack: Oh, boy. What happened?", "Nikki: I was at victoria'S. I-I was stressed out about something, and... well, victoria had been drinking wine. When I got in the room, she was already drinking it, so it was sitting there on the table. A-and then she left the room, and before I even realized what I was doing, it was in my hand, and... I took a swig.", "Jack: How much did you drink?", "Nikki: Oh, I was able to stop myself after that first sip, but I am so upset. I thought I had it under control.", "Jack: We're all one bad moment away from a slip-up.", "Nikki: Yeah, but I have gone through so much this past year, and I was never once tempted.", "Jack: Tell me about that. What's got you so stressed? What triggered this?", "Nikki: Just feeling overwhelmed. So much going on at the same time. Jack, there was a fire at the ranch the other night.", "Jack: What?", "Nikki: Our stables burned to the ground. All the horses are okay, and nobody was hurt, thank god. But it really shook me up. So I decided to spend the night at victoria'S. And, suddenly, at the front door is reed, coming home one week early from school.", "Jack: I hope that doesn't mean he's having problems at school.", "Nikki: Oh, I-I don't think so. But he is in so much pain, jack, trying to deal with this as an adult. But I could see... glimpses o-of... of that scared little boy inside, grieving for his father. You know, he -- he never did get a chance to say goodbye to him.", "Jack: That's a lot for someone his age to handle.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] It's breaking victoria's heart to see him go through this.", "Jack: Nicholas tells me victor is incommunicado. That can't make things any easier.", "Nikki: I, uh... I want to believe that he's fine.", "Jack: But you can't help worrying. Nik, you've been through this. He's done this before, repeatedly.", "Nikki: No. This is different, jack. Victor had just hired summer away from fenmore's to head up his new real-estate division in the middle east.", "Jack: Summer? Wow.", "Nikki: Yes. But the point is, she is in dubai, halfway around the world, and she is still waiting to meet with her grandfather.", "Jack: And he has disappeared. I can understand why that would be disconcerting.", "Nikki: Victor was so excited about having her at newman. There were all these projects he wanted to go over with her, people he wanted her to meet. And then, when she arrived, he wasn't there.", "Jack: Well, surely he left word with someone.", "Nikki: No. Not even a note. No one on his staff knows where he is or when he's returning. And [Inhales deeply] I'm doing the best I can to look out for summer, but... of course, nicholas is very upset.", "Jack: So, it sounds like you have been spending all of your time worrying about your son, your daughter, your grandson, your granddaughter, your husband, your horses. Am I leaving anyone out?", "Nikki: Very funny, jack.", "Jack: This isn't a joke. Nik, I admire how you keep your family together, but you have to know what happens if you don't take care of yourself. Your M.S. Flares up and --", "Nikki: I do know. Gulping that wine last night showed me that. I am leaving here and going directly to an aa meeting.", "Jack: Good. I'll go with you.", "Nikki: Thank you, jack.", "Phyllis: Look, if rey is serious, and that was J.T.'S blood on that shirt, I find it very incriminating.", "Victoria: Dad had nothing to do with J.T.'S death.", "Nick: You know that for a fact?", "Victoria: I'm a lot closer to him now than you are.", "Phyllis: Well, that means that you have high hopes for his innocence. Still, you can't prove it.", "Victoria: If something like that were weighing on him, i would absolutely know about it.", "Nick: I'm not sure it'd bother him that much. In fact, he may feel good about it.", "Phyllis: I think victor's motivation to kill J.T. Would be to protect his family. Especially you, not to mention his grandchildren.", "Victoria: Stop talking about him as if he's guilty. Someone is trying to pin this on him.", "Nick: Well, my main concern here is summer. So if you do ever hear from our dad, please let me know. I got to get to work.", "Phyllis: I will walk out with you.", "Victoria: Uh, phyllis, if you don't mind, I would love to pick your brain about something.", "Nick: Ah. My christmas present, no doubt.", "Phyllis: I'll make sure she gets you something real nice this year.", "Nick: Oh, yeah.", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: Hey, I'm sorry, uh, you know, if I upset you before.", "Victoria: You're gonna end up with a lump of coal in your stocking if you don't vamoose.", "Nick: Okay. See ya.", "Phyllis: Bye.", "Victoria: What the hell are you thinking, trying to turn nick against our father?", "Phyllis: Just relax. Nothing's gonna happen to victor. No one can prove that he killed J.T., Because he didn'T. No one's gonna railroad him, because he's gonna get the best defense possible. If rey is suspicious of him, that's fine. Takes the heat off of us. It could be the perfect solution.", "Victoria: [ Inhales sharply ] You know [Sighs] When you say these asinine things, I can't help thinking...", "Phyllis: What?", "Victoria: Whether or not you had something to do with those items that showed up at the stable. You know, the ones that have made my father look so guilty. You could've snuck them in.", "Phyllis: I am not setting up victor. If somebody else is, that's fantastic. Works in our favor.", "Victoria: Whoever is doing this is not our ally! [ Sighs ] J.T.'S clothes, the ones that he died in, showed up at the ranch. On my mom's bed.", "Phyllis: Tell me she had the sense to get rid of them.", "Victoria: She wouldn'T. Because they might clear his name if we hang onto them. My mom would never let my dad take the fall for something that she did. So why don't you think about that the next time you go around accusing him of murder?", "Abby: Mmm. That hit the spot. Want to split a dessert with me?", "Arturo: You go ahead. I'm stuffed.", "Abby: Coffee?", "Arturo: Okay, how much longer are you gonna make me wait to hear this brilliant idea of yours?", "Abby: Oh, I thought you liked to be teased.", "Arturo: Yeah, but not like this.", "Abby: [ Giggles ]", "Arturo: [ Chuckles ] The suspense is killing me.", "Abby: Well, it didn't stop you from finishing off that reuben in record time.", "Arturo: I love the food here.", "Abby: What about the ambience?", "Arturo: I like it here. It's comfortable. You know, classy, but not too snotty. I always feel good when I'm here.", "Abby: What do you think about the décor?", "Arturo: It's, uh, okay. More on the masculine side, maybe. Hey, what's up with all these questions, hm? [ Abby laughs ] Wait, is this a research expedition for the kind of place you want to open?", "Abby: Maybe I'm just giving you the biggest hint about who I'm gonna approach next to mentor me.", "Arturo: You mean devon? The guy who runs this place?", "Abby: Mm-hmm. You met him at nick's bachelor party, and the jaboutiques launch.", "Arturo: Yeah, I remember. He seemed like a cool dude. And you're not related to him, and he just happens to run a restaurant, so...", "Abby: Not to mention the fact that he runs a really hot club on the roof -- just seasonal, but still -- and he has a hot streaming service, so he has connections to lots of different people in the music industry, and he just happens to be a really good friend of mine.", "Arturo: Approaching devon seems like a great idea.", "Abby: I thought so.", "Arturo: There's only one problem.", "Abby: What's that?", "Arturo: I'm kicking myself for not thinking about it first.", "Abby: [ Laughs ]", "Phyllis: Billy. Hey, you got a minute?", "Billy: Yeah, what's up?", "Phyllis: Come in my office. I'll fill you in. Please, have a seat. The barlow deal. Word is starting to get out.", "Billy: I'm not surprised.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] The pr department is starting to work on a press release. I thought I'd give the exclusive for the feature story to kiki louden.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] I think that's a good idea. She did a wonderful job on the launch.", "Phyllis: I thought so, too.", "Billy: I was, uh, planning on sending flowers to rebekah. Unless you've already taken care of that.", "Phyllis: That's a nice touch. Go for it. I noticed that you weren't in the office this morning.", "Billy: Yeah. I, uh, overslept. Must have been all the, uh, late nights working on the pitch. Kind of caught up with me. And then I was about to walk out, and then jack cornered me. He wanted to know the details, so...", "Phyllis: Makes sense.", "Billy: Were you looking for me?", "Phyllis: I couldn't help but wonder if you might be avoiding me.", "Billy: Oh.", "Phyllis: After our talk last night... I would completely understand.", "Billy: I wouldn't do that, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Good. I'm glad to hear it. Because I have enjoyed working with you these past few days, and I meant what I said about us making a great team.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Professionally.", "Phyllis: I think what is best for jabot is that we continue to work together that way. But I don't want to put pressure on you. If you're uncomfortable...", "Billy: I'm not.", "Phyllis: ...Or if you need a break...", "Billy: I don'T. It'll be, uh -- it'll be fine. No problem.", "Phyllis: Super. Super. I am relieved to hear that.", "Billy: I was actually thinking that you might be uncomfortable.", "Phyllis: I have no reason to be. I made it clear where things are at. It seemed like the message was received.", "Billy: Definitely.", "Phyllis: Good. Then we put that all behind us, and we can have a productive, friendly working relationship.", "Billy: Good. Yeah, that sounds great.", "Phyllis: I have some copy that I'd like you to take a look at --", "Billy: Okay, yeah. Just send it my way.", "Phyllis: Okay. Will do.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Nick: Wow. How'd I rate such a warm welcome?", "Phyllis: Thank you for dropping everything at work to look out for our daughter. You know what? I was just doing what any father would do. Thanks for, uh, backing me up with vick. I couldn't tell, though. Do you really think dad could have killed J.T., Or were you just taking my side out of loyalty?", "Phyllis: I think what you said was plausible.", "Nick: It's nice to know somebody has my back", "Phyllis: You can count on me. You can. And I know, from the outside, it seems like we're together for all the wrong reasons, but in my heart, I know I'm right where I belong.", "Jack: Hello to you, too. Wonderful. Thanks for asking. Listen, kerry, the reason I'm calling, um... I had a wonderful time with you on thanksgiving, and I was hoping to see you again. Terrific. Drinks tonight at the club? Uh, breakfast works, too, yeah. Um...uh, tomorrow morning. 8:00-ish? I'll see you then.", "Reed: Thanks for meeting me.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Yeah, of course. What's on your mind?", "Reed: Um... I need you to be honest with me for a second.", "Billy: Yeah, absolutely. Always.", "Reed: Do you think that... my dad's really dead?", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Unfortunately, I do. I don't think the police would have came forward without conclusive evidence. And I'm sorry, man. I really am. You know, I know what it's like to lose your dad.", "Reed: You know what it's like to lose your elderly dad. After he's lived a good long life. If what the police are saying is true, then my dad was murdered in his 40s. [ Billy sighs ] Now, billy, I know you're just trying to be nice to me, but... it's -- it's not the same.", "Billy: I hear you. I do. And you have a point. [ Sighs ] Look, all I'm gonna say is, just be careful with the anger, okay? It can be...explosive, and it can take over your life. And it can start to crowd things that are... actually really important.", "Reed: Nothing's more important to me than finding out who killed my dad, and making them pay.", "Nikki: Phyllis may be many things, but I don't think sadistic is one of them.", "Victoria: Then you don't believe she's framing dad?", "Nikki: She's certainly not the one who put J.T.'S clothes on my bed.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] I suppose not. I just hate the way that she's vilifying him to nick, driving the wedge in even deeper, knowing that he's innocent.", "Nikki: Yeah, I hate it, too. Not that it shocks me that she would go that far to protect herself. Maybe I should take a page out of her book.", "Victoria: What do you mean?", "Nikki: All this time, I've been laying low, keeping quiet, hoping for the best. I've been playing right into my tormentor's hands. [ Inhales deeply, smacks table ] I need to take control of this situation.", "Victoria: Mom, I hope you're not planning on confessing.", "Nikki: Oh, of course not. That would implicate you. I would rather die than do that. I'll find another way to prove that your father is innocent. The evidence against him is planted, and it's fake. We need to fight back. We need to expose it as a fraud.", "Victoria: How?", "Nikki: Watch and learn, my darling. Watch and learn." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Billy gets upset with Victoria because she didn't include him in the planning of their Christmas vacation and he heads to his favorite dive bar to drink because its the only place he can be himself. Nick and Chelsea get into an argument because Nick feels Adam is taking advantage of the situation to try and get her back in his life. Connor isn't happy about Sharon's visit and later when she is gone he tells Adam that she wants to send him to boarding school. Connor also tells Adam Sharon told him the monster will return and nobody can do anything about it. Adam knows Connor is making things up and goes to speak to Sharon who suggests he and Chelsea tell Connor that his manipulation will not be tolerated. Adam later tells Chelsea about his talk with Sharon and Adam and Chelsea both decide that Connor's manipulation can't continue and they will find out the reason for his behavior together.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Chelsea: Adam wants me to move in with him so that I can be there for connor full-time.", "Nick: The only thing that matters is doing what is best for connor.", "Chelsea: Sharon said that he's found a way to cope with his fear, so isn't that a step in the right direction?", "Connor: Sharon, sharon, go away. I don't want you here another day.", "Nick: I believe adam is using connor's issues to get closer to chelsea.", "Phyllis: Are you sure that maybe... you aren't better off... without chelsea?", "Victoria: Billy's going through something. He left here just a little while ago to go talk to jack and get some advice.", "Billy: Hey, man, can I grab a scotch, neat, please? Thanks.", "Billy: [ Speaking indistinctly ] Here.", "Victoria: [ Laughs ] How's your salad?", "Billy: It's great. It's always great. Want some more wine?", "Victoria: Oh, please. That's nice. Oh, I've been meaning to ask you, how's the job search going?", "Billy: Slowly. Nothing's caught my eye yet.", "Victoria: Have you been looking online?", "Billy: I have. It seems like that's where people look for jobs nowadays.", "Victoria: [ Chuckles ] Well, you know, I was thinking, um, I could put some feelers out there and see if any of my colleagues --", "Billy: I appreciate that, honey -- I do -- but I'm gonna do this on my own.", "Victoria: Sure. Yeah. I understand.", "Billy: I want to work. I want to contribute. I do. It's just about finding the right fit, and that takes time.", "Victoria: I-I --", "Billy: [ Chuckles ]", "Victoria: [ Chuckles ] That's -- that's true.", "Billy: I know. But that's why I left jabot, right? I want to find my passion. I want to find something that makes me want to get up in the morning, and I am open to all possibilities.", "Victoria: I'm very glad to hear that.", "Billy: Thank you. Whatever I wind up doing, the one thing that is non- negotiable -- it has to be fun, okay? I want to feel alive. That -- that is a must.", "Victoria: I am so proud of this drive that you're taking -- leaving a job that didn't work for you and starting fresh.", "Billy: Hmm.", "Victoria: I know it's been a rough couple of months -- I understand that -- but look at you, coming out on the other side stronger than ever. Just take your time until you find the perfect thing. I am behind you all the way.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Chelsea: You wouldn't dare.", "Adam: You need to remember who you're dealing with and what I'm capable of, because I have zero qualms about taking exactly what I want from you.", "Chelsea: Right here... right now, in front of our son?", "Adam: That's how the game's played. Now give me all your 4s!", "Chelsea: Sorry! Go fish!", "Adam: Really?", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: Really? You don't have any?", "Chelsea: Nope.", "Adam: Wow. Wow. So much for my card-shark skills.", "Chelsea: Hmm. [ Gasps ] We've been outplayed by the master.", "Connor: [ Giggles ]", "Adam: Well, you are the only one that could bring us together like this. United in defeat.", "Nikki: Alright, here's the update. Christian is up to his elbows in pumpkin, learning how to take out the seeds and roast them.", "Victor: [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: He likes to help in the kitchen. It's kind of his thing these days.", "Victor: He's at that age, isn't he?", "Nikki: And once they're in the oven, the cook will feed him his dinner.", "Nick: Hey, thanks again for watching christian so chelsea and I can spend some time together.", "Victor: We love having him around -- just love it. Maybe he'll end up being a chef. Who knows?", "Nick: Anything's possible.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nikki: I'm sure whatever he chooses, he'll be wonderful at it.", "Victor: So, son, now that chelsea has ruined your political ambitions, what are you gonna do with your life?", "Adam: You know what? Next time, why don't you let your old man win?", "Connor: No way. I'm gonna beat you both again.", "Adam: Yeah, I bet you will.", "Connor: Hey, mom?", "Chelsea: Yes?", "Connor: Will you make us special blueberry pancakes for breakfast tomorrow?", "Chelsea: You are going to turn into a pancake yourself if you keep eating those every day.", "Connor: Is that a \"yes\"?", "Chelsea: Okay, fine.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Connor: Alright!", "Chelsea: Alright, but scrambled eggs for the rest of the week.", "Adam: Ooh, protein.", "Chelsea: Mm.", "Adam: I am down with that. Yes.", "Connor: Me, too.", "Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] [ Doorbell rings ] Oh. I didn't realize it was time already.", "Connor: Time for what?", "Chelsea: Oh, sharon's gonna stop by for a visit.", "Adam: Sharon. Hi.", "Sharon: Hi.", "Adam: Come on in.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Adam: Let me grab your coat.", "Sharon: Hello, chelsea.", "Chelsea: Hi, sharon. How are you?", "Sharon: I'm fine, thanks.", "Chelsea: We really appreciate you stopping by.", "Sharon: Well, I was happy to do it. Additional sponsorship", "Nick: I guess thanksgiving was just too good to be true. Eventually, I knew you'd hit me with the \"I told you so.\"", "Victor: Wait a minute, son. I'm simply asking you, \"what are your plans for the future?\"", "Nick: Right.", "Victor: I mean, whatever reservations I had about your political ambitions, I know they energized you, you know? So I hate for you to lose that.", "Nick: I had options, okay? I chose to quit my campaign so i could spend more time with my family after the hostage situation.", "Victor: And I read your report. I did, okay? I think it's ironic that the two people for whom you sacrificed your political ambitions are now living with adam.", "Nick: Okay. I didn't come here to argue with you about this.", "Victor: Well, I don't mean to argue with you, okay? Excuse me. Anyway, son, whatever choices you make in the future, please think about them more carefully.", "Nikki: Your father means well.", "Nick: That is always the rationale, isn't it?", "Nikki: Honey, I understand that it's a sensitive topic, but was he really wrong to be concerned? It's obvious to both of us that you having to leave the city council race really has taken a toll on you.", "Nick: Look, it was a disappointment -- alright? -- Walking away from my campaign. I was really starting to get into it. And this idea that I could do so much more for my community in this place that I've made so many great memories -- it just seemed like a natural extension of my work at new hope.", "Nikki: I know how much it meant to you.", "Nick: Look, if simon black had never come after chelsea and terrorized her son... I think I had a pretty good chance of winning.", "Nikki: I think so, too. Does chelsea understand that the choices she made after her husband died really have cost you?", "Nick: Of course. And she's mortified.", "Nikki: So mortified that she doesn't want to face you?", "Nick: She's living with adam for connor's sake, period.", "Nikki: You know, you've been down this same road with her before, and there were problems then. I do think that the two of you love each other, but... she makes it very hard for people to trust her.", "Nick: I appreciate your concern. I know it comes from... a good place and you love me, and I'M... sure the way our relationship looks to the outside world and what they're thinking -- well, I don't care. I know where things stand with chelsea and I.", "Chelsea: Sharon, can I get you something -- coffee, tea?", "Sharon: Um, no, thanks. I'm fine. I see you got the cards out. You want to play go fish?", "Connor: We already did.", "Sharon: Oh. Okay. How 'bout a different game, then? Whatever you want -- fine with me.", "Connor: Only if mom and dad play with us.", "Chelsea: Well, sweetheart, I can't right now. I made plans with nick.", "Adam: Do you remember? We talked about how important it is to keep your commitments. Your mom promised she would spend some time with nick, so... she'll be home later, though.", "Chelsea: I'll be back before you know it, okay? I love you.", "Adam: Alright. I have, uh, some things I need to get done upstairs, so...", "Connor: Dad!", "Adam: Hey. Sharon came by to see how you're doing. Why don't the two of you visit for a little while, alright? I'll be down in a little bit.", "Sharon: Well, if you don't want to play a game, we can do something else. We could draw or listen to some music.", "Connor: I said you didn't have to come anymore. Why are you here?", "Victoria: You know, billy, before, when I brought up your -- your job search, I wasn't trying to pressure you. You know that?", "Billy: I know you weren'T. Look, if I knew the direction that I was going to, it's just -- it's still not the right time of the year.", "Victoria: Right. The holidays.", "Billy: Yeah. Everybody's partying and having a good time. Nobody's hiring. So, I figured it'd have to wait until after the new year either way.", "Victoria: That is a really good point.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ]", "Victoria: Which is why I-i have a suggestion.", "Billy: [ Clears throat ]", "Victoria: I was thinking that we could go away for christmas.", "Billy: That's a great idea.", "Victoria: Really?", "Billy: Yes. Yes. We talked about it. A little getaway, a new change of scenery, time with you and the kids. Sounds like the perfect cure to whatever ails me.", "Victoria: Hmm. Is that just a figure of speech, or is there something that's really wrong?", "Sharon: I've really enjoyed our talks. You know, my daughter faith -- she's away at school, so I don't have anyone to play fun games with. Did you have a bad day?", "Connor: It was great before you showed up.", "Sharon: Well... what was so great about it? You know, I haven't played old maid in so long, and I would really like to. I can't do it myself. You have to have at least two players.", "Nick: You know, you didn't have to ring the bell. You could just use your key.", "Chelsea: Well, I-I felt strange just letting myself in.", "Nick: I want you to still feel like this place is home, chelsea.", "Chelsea: How's christian?", "Nick: He's good. I dropped him off at my folks'. Thought it'd be nice if we had the place to ourselves.", "Chelsea: I like the sound of that. But, unfortunately, I can't spend the night. I promised connor I would be home before his bedtime.", "Nick: Alright. I think what we could use is a break. How 'bout a good, old- fashioned dinner date, you know -- nice dinner, bottle of wine? How's that sound?", "Chelsea: It sounds perfect.", "Victoria: Well, then I'm really glad to see you so chipper.", "Billy: Never better. So, tell me about our little getaway. Come on. Let me hear it.", "Victoria: Oh, nothing.", "Billy: Nothing? It is something. Look at that gleam in your eye.", "Victoria: Okay. I know that christmas is a few weeks away.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: But I have a really wonderful surprise I cannot wait to share with you.", "Billy: Well, then don't wait. Come on, vick. Tell me. I want to know.", "Victoria: Alright. We're going to telluride -- you and me and the kids.", "Billy: Telluride?", "Victoria: Yes! We leave on christmas eve on the newman jet. We are staying at the most fabulous place you've ever seen. It's this private lodge on the top of a mountain. It's all to ourselves. We have private staff so you won't have to lift a finger. We'll wake up on christmas morning. We'll have a big family breakfast. We'll open our presents. And I even hired a private ski instructor to teach the kids on the bunny slope how to snowboard.", "Billy: Wow.", "Victoria: And the best part of all? Guess who's coming. Reed. He's gonna meet us in colorado. So, what do you think?", "Billy: I think -- I think it sounds great, you know? I think it would be wonderful to see reed.", "[ Clears throat ]", "Victoria: But?", "Billy: You're just kind of catching me off guard a little bit.", "Victoria: Well, I know. That's the whole point. It's a surprise. Come on! You love surprises!", "Billy: I do love surprises. I just thought we would have talked about, you know, our vacation together.", "Victoria: Billy, we've talked about skiing.", "Billy: I know, but that was more of a theoretical conversation about, you know, a trip. I didn't know that you were gonna book the newman jet and get a place on top of a mountain with staff and everything.", "Victoria: Well, okay. Well, I mean, we could always leave on a different day, I mean, unless that's not the issue.", "Billy: I'm sorry. I think it sounds wonderful. I really do. I just thought we would have planned it together. That's all I'm saying.", "Victoria: Well, if you were to create the perfect getaway --", "Billy: What would it look like? Ooooh. [ Sighs ] Beach, sun, surf -- that kind of thing, maybe.", "Victoria: Alright. I get it. Skiing's out.", "Billy: No, I'm not saying that. We're just brainstorming, right? It's blue sky. It's -- it's -- there's no wrong answer?", "Victoria: Well, would you like to stay at -- at a resort or someplace private?", "Billy: Might be nice to have people around. A little more lively.", "Victoria: Should we ask hannah to come along so we can go out at night, or do you want to spend the whole time with the kids?", "Billy: If hannah's available, I think it'd be great to bring her along. Maybe we can leave on the 27th. My mom's gonna be in town. We can spend christmas here, and then we can go to telluride till after new year.", "Victoria: Billy...", "Billy: Yeah?", "Victoria: ...I have to work.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: If we leave on the 27th, with two travel days tacked on either end, and we come back on the 1st, that only gives us four days to unwind. That's really not enough, is it?", "Billy: [ Sighs heavily ]", "Victoria: Look, why don't we just table this for now? I'm sure we can figure something out.", "Billy: Okay. Whatever we decide, I know it's gonna be amazing.", "Nick: We'll, uh, meet you over there. Thank you. Hey. Great minds think alike.", "Victoria: Hey! How are you guys?", "Chelsea: We're good.", "Nick: You, uh, here alone?", "Victoria: Billy just left. I don't want to keep you from your evening.", "Nick: Okay. Uh, have a good one.", "Victoria: Okay. You, too.", "Chelsea: Bye.", "Nick: Thank you. How's this?", "Chelsea: Perfect. This is really nice, nick. Thank you.", "Nick: You're welcome.", "Chelsea: Should we start with a bottle of wine?", "Nick: Whatever you want.", "Chelsea: Maybe an appletini.", "Nick: Go for it.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: So, how's connor doing? Is he getting better?", "Chelsea: Today was a fun day.", "Nick: Yeah?", "Chelsea: Yeah. He'S...starting to act like his old self a little bit.", "Nick: That sounds like progress.", "Chelsea: Sure. Um, I just get a little concerned 'cause there are some signs, you know? He will be acting really connected to me, and then, suddenly, he'll withdraw. I just don't know how to handle it when he does that. It's happening less frequently, though, I think. I don't know. It's just so hard to tell.", "Nick: Well, given that... uh...", "Chelsea: What? What were you gonna say?", "Nick: Nah, just -- I don't want to overstep.", "Chelsea: No, nick. Please. I love hearing your opinions. And I don't want you to feel excluded or like you're an outsider in my son's life.", "Nick: Okay. Uh... do you ever consider that you playing house with adam is actually making things worse for connor?", "Adam: Hey. Where you going?", "Connor: My room.", "Adam: That was fast.", "Sharon: Yeah. I couldn't get much out of him.", "Adam: Oh. Well... I mean, that's not necessarily a bad sign, right? He's been in excellent spirits lately. He's probably just a little tired.", "Sharon: Perhaps.", "Adam: Maybe tomorrow? I mean, only if you have time.", "Sharon: Why don't I text you in the morning and then we can see what our schedules look like?", "Adam: That would be perfect. And thank you again, sharon, for doing this, really.", "Sharon: You're welcome.", "Adam: Bye, sharon.", "Sharon: Bye.", "Connor: Is she gone?", "Adam: Yeah. Yeah. Come -- come on down here. What, you weren't up for a visit today?", "Connor: I don't like her anymore.", "Adam: Really?", "Connor: Really.", "Adam: I'm -- I'm surprised to hear that. I thought sharon was one of your favorite people. What -- what changed?", "Connor: She says mean things.", "Adam: That doesn't sound like sharon. Maybe you misunderstood something, connor.", "Connor: No, I didn'T.", "Adam: What exactly did sharon say to you?", "Connor: That if I'm not good, you're going to send me away like she sent her little girl away. She also said the monster's coming back and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.", "Victor: How was your private conversation with nicholas?", "Nikki: Well, I'm afraid you hit a raw nerve, bringing up his campaign.", "Victor: I didn't intend to.", "Nikki: No, I know, darling, but he's still very upset that he had to end it.", "Victor: Well... I guess he's equally as upset about the fact that chelsea moved in with adam.", "Nikki: Ohh. He is trying to be understanding... but this is all about what's best for connor, but I have to say that situation is becoming untenable.", "Victor: I know. Nicholas and chelsea are not meant for each other. I wish he would finally find a woman with some integrity. The chelseas and the phyllises are not for him.", "Nikki: Well, people do change, you know.", "Victor: Oh, yeah?", "Nikki: You certainly have.", "Victor: Well, wait a minute, now. Do you like the new me?", "Nikki: Very much.", "Victor: [ Chuckling ] Really?", "Nikki: Retirement suits you.", "Victor: Thank you, my darling.", "Nikki: And look at billy.", "Victor: What? Why the hell would I look at billy?", "Nikki: Well, he and victoria's relationship is back on track because of all the hard work he's doing in therapy.", "Victor: Oh. Hmm.", "Nikki: I mean, he is facing his issues head-on, and I, for one, applaud him for that.", "Victor: Well, good for him.", "Billy: [ Thinking ] God, what a pit. The whole place smells like a wet rag. Still, it's safe. Brain in the jar. I don't have to be perfect or answer to anyone. Hey. I'll get a, uh, shot of bourbon and whatever you have on tap, please. Thanks. [ Thinking ] Shot and a beer -- the price of admission. I don't need booze... just a little peace. \"The young and the restless\" will continue. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Rey: So, I finally got to pitch my community-training series -- you know, the emergency first aid, rapid response.", "Sharon: How'd it go?", "Rey: The mayor's liaison loved it. Everything alright?", "Sharon: Fine. Why?", "Rey: You seem a little distracted.", "Sharon: Um...", "Rey: You had another... session scheduled with connor today. Is that what's going on? Did something happen?", "Sharon: Why would you think that?", "Rey: Is -- is adam getting inside your head again? 'Cause if he is, I will put him on notice --", "Sharon: No, rey. Please. It's -- adam is not a-an issue.", "Rey: Then what is it?", "Sharon: I'm concerned about connor. His parents think he's improving, but I'm worried that they are just seeing what they want to see.", "Rey: I'm sorry to hear that.", "Sharon: It seems like he doesn't trust me as much anymore, and that's not a good sign, only I'm not sure because I haven't been doing this for very long, and I wouldn't want to misjudge the situation, because if I'm wrong, then i could undo all of the progress that connor's made, and he was just in such despair before, it was just so heartbreaking.", "Rey: Sharon, sharon, you are a conscientious person. Just watching you as a mother, the way you are with your own children... you have this loving, wonderful, warm way about you with kids, so trust your instincts and your training. I have complete faith in you.", "Sharon: Well, I appreciate the kind words.", "Rey: Well, there's more where that came from.", "Sharon: But what if my instincts are wrong, you know? What if connor is better off without my help?", "Adam: Your instincts are dead right. Connor's going down a darker road than any of us thought.", "Chelsea: How can you accuse me of hurting connor... when I've done everything I can to help him?", "Nick: I don't doubt for one second that that's how you feel. I know how much you love your son. But letting your 8-year-old son determine how you choose to live your life is a mistake, chelsea.", "Chelsea: I see. Advice from the world's greatest dad, whose parenting strategies include letting your daughter think her grandfather's dead.", "Nick: Come on. That's not fair.", "Chelsea: No, it wasn't, especially for connor, who's still suffering because you decided to keep us all out of the loop. So I will not apologize for putting my son's wants and needs first. It's about time someone did.", "Nick: I have tried to be supportive. I've respected every single decision you've made. But I think you living with adam to try and get your son from acting out -- I can't pretend it's normal because I don't think it is.", "Chelsea: What's not normal is the number of traumatizing and confusing things that have happened to my son over the past few months, okay? So, yeah, we've needed to use some unusual tactics to help solve his problems. I'm sorry.", "Nick: Well, what's gonna happen down the road when connor gets his hopes up yet again and they're dashed? Because you know that's how it's gonna end up.", "Chelsea: Adam and I are doing our best to prevent that.", "Nick: How can you? Eventually, your son is gonna realize that his parents aren't back together. I mean, what is the plan here? Are you gonna live with your ex-husband until your kid goes off to college?", "Chelsea: The only signs that I have seen of the happy little boy he used to be are when he is with his mother and his father -- both of us. I am sorry if that upsets you. And you know what? It's no picnic for me, either, nick, living under adam's roof.", "Nick: Yeah. Well, you know who's the happiest in all this? It's adam.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: The thing he wanted most when he came back to genoa city was to get his wife and his son back, and it's happening. He's getting everything he ever wanted.", "Chelsea: You are so off base. Adam hates seeing our son suffer just as much as I do.", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: I see the pain in his eyes every time connor wakes up from a nightmare. He has never taken advantage of the fact that I am staying there -- not once. We are doing this solely for our son, so if you can't understand that we are desperate to heal him, I'm not sure what else to say to you.", "[ Sighs ]", "Nick: Alright. Could we, uh... just change the subject? Try and be pleasant? I'd like to try and salvage this evening.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] The message is from adam. Something happened after connor's session.", "Nick: Yeah. You should -- you should go to him. I'm sure he needs you.", "Chelsea: I'm really sorry.", "Nick: It's alright. We can try this again some other day. It's okay, really.", "Chelsea: I wish this wasn't the way things were.", "Nick: I'll have the valet bring the car around.", "Chelsea: No, it's okay. Stay. Eat, please. It's a few blocks away. I'll walk. I could use the fresh air.", "Victoria: Looks like neither of our nights turned out as planned.", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Adam: Then connor told me you warned him the monster was coming back and there's no way to stop it.", "Sharon: Please tell me that you didn't believe any of this.", "Rey: Sharon would never say something like that to an impressionable kid.", "Adam: Of course she wouldn'T. I knew he was making it up. I just didn't want to call my son a liar to his face, especially given how fragile he is right now.", "Sharon: Yeah, I totally get it, but connor needs to realize that he can't keep making up stories to get what he wants.", "Adam: Okay. What do you suggest?", "Sharon: Well, you and chelsea need to sit down with him as a united front and let him know you're not gonna tolerate any lying or manipulating.", "Adam: Hmm. Do as we say, not as we've done our whole adult lives, eh? No, you're right. You're right. We're the adults. We need to lay down some ground rules.", "Sharon: Well, the sooner, the better.", "Adam: Alright. I'll let you know how it goes.", "Sharon: Please do. Oh, and if there's anything i can do...", "Adam: I appreciate that, sharon. Rey.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ]", "Rey: [ Clears throat ]' Looks like you were right.", "Sharon: I would give anything to not be.", "Victor: Well, it seems that the christmas movie marathon continues. I told christian we would make some popcorn. What's the matter?", "Nikki: I just heard from nicholas. He's gonna pick christian up earlier than planned.", "Victor: Oh. Did he say why?", "Nikki: Not in so many words, but I think his dinner with chelsea didn't go very smoothly.", "Victor: [ Breathes deeply ] You know what I think about that relationship.", "Nikki: Yes, I do, and so does he.", "Victor: I know. I know. I won't belabor it, okay?", "Nikki: Thank you. You know, maybe I should talk to chelsea -- try to knock some sense into her.", "Victor: Oh! Where have I heard that before? For years, someone told me not to interfere in my children's lives, you know -- to let them live their lives as they see fit. I-I -- it sounds so fa-- does it -- did that come from you?", "Nikki: Touché.", "Victor: Well, come here, my baby.", "Nikki: Oh, my gosh. I guess all we can do at this point is... hope for the best.", "Victor: [ Chuckling ] Yes. Exactly.", "Nick: This was a great call for dinner. I mean, what a good idea.", "Victoria: Thanks.", "Nick: Hey!", "Victoria: What? Yours is better.", "Nick: You've been saying that ever since we were kids.", "Victoria: Because it's true.", "Nick: Well, life was a lot easier then, huh?", "Victoria: Why did chelsea take off?", "Nick: She is willing to sacrifice everything for connor, which... I'd be okay with, you know, if adam weren't involved. But he is, and... it's really starting to get to me.", "Victoria: That woman is leaving you high and dry. She's either with adam, or she's with you. She can't have it both ways.", "Nick: Is that what's going on with billy? I mean, he's pulling the same stuff?", "Victoria: What do you mean?", "Nick: Well, you were obviously here on a date, and then he leaves you high and dry, you know, to finish your coffee alone and pay the bill. What's up with that?", "Victoria: He had to go to the gym.", "Nick: The gym?", "Victoria: Yeah, he had to squeeze in a workout.", "[ Laughs ]", "Nick: At this hour?", "Victoria: Well, it's because his therapist wants him to be more consistent with his exercising, and he blew off the past couple of days, so...", "Nick: Alright. I guess that seems like a semi-reasonable excuse. You don't seem too thrilled about that, though. What's going on? You know you can talk to me about anything.", "Victoria: I just wonder if walking away from jabot is affecting billy more than he cares to admit.", "Billy: Give me two. [ Thinking ] This is fine. It's good. They want my money. That's all they want. I don't have to be anyone I'm not, and that's pretty damn great. So why doesn't this feel better?", "Sharon: I keep going over my visits with connor in my head, wondering if anything I said has done any bit of good for him, or have I just made things tougher on him?", "Rey: Come on. Come on, now. I'm not gonna let you get down on yourself. Therapy takes time to produce results, and there are no guarantees. Aren't you the one who told me that?", "Sharon: Well, I guess -- I guess I can't help feeling like I'm on shaky ground. You know, everyone in the family is suffering, especially connor, and that poor little boy -- he's just been through so much, and my heart just bleeds for him.", "Rey: I get -- I get that you are worried and that you are feeling helpless, but connor's struggles aren't your fault. And, frankly, considering who his parents are... you might be connor's best hope right now.", "Chelsea: We were counting on sharon to help us get through this. If connor's rejecting her...", "Adam: Okay. It's a step back, for sure. But we can't give up.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Maybe I should go back to nick'S. I mean, pretending that everything's fine, going out of our way to act like we're this close-knit family again -- maybe -- maybe it wasn't the right decision. I mean, if connor really believes, you know, since he started acting out that's why i moved in here, he's gonna continue acting out so that i stay.", "Adam: He's -- he's a little boy, chelsea. His thought process is not that sophisticated. I'm sure he didn't even realize I was gonna go talk to sharon about his claims. I mean, he was hoping that i would believe his lie.", "Chelsea: Eventually, he's gonna figure it out, adam. He's gonna realize the three of us are not this perfect nuclear family. The longer this goes on, I mean, he's gonna be so disappointed.", "Adam: So, are you saying you think you should leave?", "Chelsea: I just think that we should consider what kind of potential long-term impact this arrangement will have on connor. I mean, none of the people we've asked for help have been able to give us any guidance.", "Adam: [ Clears throat ] If you want to move out... I won't stand in your way, okay? You need to do what you think is best. But the only time that he's making progress is when the three of us are together.", "Chelsea: I know. I felt that, too.", "Adam: Okay. Well, then... trust your instincts.", "Chelsea: I'm trying! But this stuff with sharon is making me question everything. I mean, I just -- I don't know. Are we supposed to find somebody else? Are we supposed to find somebody that connor can relate to better?", "Adam: Look, he was relating to sharon just fine until today. So I think it is better to figure out what changed rather than teach him we're just gonna jump through hoops every time he's upset about something.", "Chelsea: No, you're right. And then he'll think that his lies worked and that's why we got rid of sharon. We'd be teaching him how to manipulate us.", "Adam: Mm-hmm.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ]", "Adam: We're his parents, so we need to make the call. And we need to do it together.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ]", "Nikki: Christian is in the media room, out for the count.", "Nick: The movie put him to sleep?", "Nikki: Which one? He went for the double feature tonight.", "Nick: Ah. That's my boy.", "Nikki: [ Chuckles ]", "Victor: Everything alright, son?", "Nick: Yeah. Why?", "Victor: We just weren't expecting you yet.", "Nick: I like to be unpredictable, dad.", "Victor: Yeah? I'll go wake up christian, alright?", "Nick: Thank you.", "Victor: Yep.", "Nikki: Are you going to stonewall me, too?", "Nick: [ Sighs heavily ] It wasn't a great night.", "Nikki: I can see that. You want to talk about it?", "Nick: I'll tell you this much -- I know what I have to do now.", "Victoria: Hi!", "Billy: Hey.", "Victoria: How was your workout?", "Billy: It was good. I'm tired. I'm good tired.", "Victoria: Oh. I love that feeling.", "Billy: Mm. I'm gonna go, uh, take a shower.", "Victoria: Want me to wash your back?", "Billy: Yes, I do. That sounds like a fine idea." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Will wants to do a search of the premises, and Victor tells that the cleaning staff has had their hands on everything in the offices and that this will not be helpful to him at all. The alternative is for Will to get a warrant if Victor isn't going to comply with Bardwell's wishes. \"That won't be necessary,\" Victor assures. Lily goes to her father and tells him that Paul quit the case. \"Paul didn't tell me that.\" Lily says that he just gave up on Devon. Sullivan tells everyone to head to another part of the hall to give the officers a chance to search the area The execs are all together in an office. \"Anyone want to play Texas Hold'em?\" Jack jokes. Paul arrives. \"Now why am I not surprised?\" Michael sees when he arrives. Paul is put in the room with the execs. Paul tries to explain to the Winters and Michael that he just had to quit. \"I get it,\" Devon says. \"You had a chance to work for me or a big corporation and you picked the corporation.\" Will is kind to the Winters and thanks them for cooperating. Dru even offers he and his people refreshments. Michael knows that Jack and Brad's prints are going to be on the tape and that can only help his case. Jack thinks that he can go back to his office but Sullivan tells him that he can't. The team hasn't searched his office yet. Victor appears and tells Jack that they should go and do something relaxing. Jack doesn't want to do that but Victor insists. Jack turns once more to look to the door to his office. He sees the officers standing before the door talking. He slowly turns away from the door and gets on the elevator with Victor. They go to the Athletic Club and have drinks. Victor makes a suggestion that they take bongo lessons together sometime soon. Jack isn't that keen on that idea but Victor knows that it will be fun. Then Victor moves to other topics. \"Who do you think did this killing?\" Jack says that he doesn't believe that Devon did this. He thinks that Neil or Dru did it. He is sure that Nikki didn't do this, and as for Phyllis Newman, he isn't sure what she wouldn't do. He definitely feels that Brad could have killed Carmen though. \"Interesting,\" Victor says. \"I heard a rumor that your prints were on the tape.\" Jack's mouth drops. He says his prints should be on everything. He sometimes needs to get his hands on tape, markers or paper \"Jack! We are friends. If you need something, you should come to me. I'll lend you mine!\" Detective Sullivan comes to Will. \"The crew is going to have a long night. They found evidence in the parking lot. The same parking lot where the Winters, the Newmans and the Abbots park their cars \"" ]
[ "Will: I'd like to conduct an evidence search.", "Brad: Do you have a warrant?", "Will: No.", "Dru: Are you here to harass us yet again?", "Jack: Drucilla, walk away.", "Dru: Jack, how could I walk away? My son has been accused of murder.", "Victoria: I'm sorry, but without a warrant--", "Dru: A warrant? For what?", "Sullivan: Okay, we're gonna start in the room where the evidence was collected.", "Jack: Evidence in Carmen Mesta's murder.", "Will: Uh, hold off for a minute, Maggie.", "Brad: Mr. Bardwell, I'm afraid if you don't have a warrant--", "Dru: No, let him search. Let him search. Because whatever they find, I'm sure it's gonna lead them to the real killer.", "Will: I'm expecting to have permission any moment now.", "Victoria: By whom?", "Victor: Hello, Mr. Bardwell.", "Will: Thanks for meeting me here. There's been a development in the Carmen Mesta murder case. I'm hoping for your full cooperation.", "Victor: What development are we talking about?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Paul quit?", "Lily: Yeah, Colleen told me this morning. So, wait, you didn't know either?", "Neil: No, I didn't, no, no. Why would Paul do this and not tell me about it?", "Lily: I don't know. Maybe he told Devon's lawyer and hasn't gotten a hold of you yet.", "Dru: Hey, did you hear what's going on?", "Neil: Paul's off of Devon's case.", "Dru: What? He can't be!", "Neil: Well, he is.", "Lily: Yeah, Paul just quit without any reason. When I asked him about it, he was all, \"oh, it's complicated.\"", "Dru: Complicated?", "Lily: Like that explains it.", "Dru: Complicated? What about Devon, Neil?", "Neil: I'll talk to Michael. If we have to, we'll hire another private investigator.", "Dru: That's not even the half of it. Do you see what's going on out there? Do you see that madness?", "Neil: I see. I see it, Drucilla.", "Lily: You guys, what are all these cops doing out here?", "Neil: The test came back from the lab.", "Dru: And?", "Neil: And the police are taking the next step-- which may or may not help Devon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Enough people handled that tape to create all kinds of reasonable doubt. I know you, Michael, you'll run with it.", "Michael: Did you know before the lab report came out that Brad Carlton was one of those people?", "Paul: Oh, yeah, along with a slew of others.", "Michael: I'm asking about Brad.", "Paul: He mentioned it. He said he used it to repair something-- something in the office.", "Michael: Michael Baldwin.", "Neil: Michael, hi, it's Neil. Listen, you need to come over to Newman Enterprises immediately.", "Michael: What's up?", "Neil: The DA and his crew are about to turn this whole place upside down.", "Michael: I'm on my way. Paul, we'll have to finish—", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: Hey.", "Colleen: Hey.", "JT: Are you okay?", "Colleen: Yeah.", "JT: Colleen, I'm sorry.", "Colleen: Me, too.", "JT: Can't we just agree to disagree?", "Colleen: I guess we can try.", "JT: Good. Good. So, um... how was art history today?", "Colleen: Um, interesting.", "JT: Yeah? Did the professor behave himself?", "Colleen: What do you mean?", "JT: Did he, you know, did he terrorize any of your other classmates?", "Colleen: Oh, not, you know, more than usual.", "JT: Hey, you wanna grab a bite?", "Colleen: You know what? I already ate. Um, I have to go back out. It's gonna be crazy until the benefit.", "JT: You meeting the professor?", "Colleen: There's a lot of last-minute things to do. So...", "JT: Yeah, that guy does not appreciate you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Girl, you are gonna blow him away in that dress. Just come back and tell me if he proposes, okay?", "Amber: Just can't stay away from me, can you?", "Professor Korbel: Hi.", "Amber: For yourself or someone else?", "Professor Korbel: Uh, no. No, not for me.", "Amber: Well, I have dressed, uh, cross-dressers before, so I thought I'd discovered your little secret.", "Professor Korbel: It's for a colleague. A birthday present. My department's throwing a lunch.", "Amber: Oh. Well, we have some great jewelry over here. Come here. This one, right here-- this is my favorite. She will think you have amazing, excellent taste.", "Professor Korbel: I trust you.", "Amber: Okay. Well, I will put it in a box. I will put the--the receipt in here in case she wants to exchange it. Would you like it gift-wrapped?", "Professor Korbel: You think of everything.", "Amber: I try. So where are you taking me tonight on our, uh, big date?", "Professor Korbel: Tonight?", "Amber: Adrian, you forgot?", "Professor Korbel: Can we just do something low key?", "Amber: Oh, that's fine.", "Professor Korbel: Just until the benefit is over.", "Amber: Oh, the museum benefit?", "Professor Korbel: Yeah, you know about it?", "Amber: Mrs. Chancellor was talking about it. It's for antiquities, right? It sounds interesting.", "Professor Korbel: You wanna go?", "Amber: I would, but I can't afford a ticket. Well, I guess I could buy a ticket, but then I wouldn't eat for the next week.", "Professor Korbel: As my date.", "Amber: You wanna take me to the benefit?", "Professor Korbel: Unless you think, uh, two dates in a row is too much.", "Amber: Yes! No, I mean, no! I mean--I mean, yes, I would like to-- no, it's not too-- that's fantastic.", "Professor Korbel: Great, then it's a date?", "Amber: Yes. Oh, um... no.", "Professor Korbel: What is it?", "Amber: What am I gonna wear?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Well, we should rethink India.", "Brad: Cancel.", "Jack: It's not much of a tax incentive.", "Detective Sullivan: Mr. Carlton, I'm gonna need you to wait her for a second, please.", "Brad: You haven't officially started your search yet.", "Victoria: What's wrong?", "Brad: I just wanna get a few papers out of my office. It's no big deal.", "Will: The, uh, police forensics unit will run their own tests, but the lab that Baldwin chose is very reliable.", "Victor: In other words, you think the murder might've occurred in this building?", "Will: Well, that's to be determined. With your permission my team will search for further evidence.", "Victor: You know, the cleaning crew has touched everything around here.", "Will: If there's blood evidence, we'll find it. We'll look for the murder weapon-- anything that might connect to Carmen's death. I wanna search whatever parts of the building that Devon Hamilton had access to.", "Victor: Devon Hamilton is an intern. He has access to everyone and everything here.", "Will: Mmm. I realize this is inconvenient, but we'll need to keep people out of the areas being searched.", "Victor: As long as you don't hamper my employees.", "Will: Well, the alternative is to get a warrant and have the building emptied.", "Victor: That won't be necessary.", "Will: I'll need you to sign a consent form.", "Sullivan: Okay, we, uh, have consent to search the premises. If you'll please just follow the officer?", "Michael: What a surprise.", "Dru: Devon's not answering.", "Lily: He probably has his phone turned off.", "Dru: Okay, come on, Devon, please, Baby, answer the phone so I can warn you.", "Neil: Yeah?", "Sullivan: I need you to vacate the room.", "Lily: I'll check the mailroom, see if Devon's around.", "Neil: Okay.", "Will: Gentlemen, come in.", "Michael: William.", "Will: I'd like to ask everyone remain here while we begin our search.", "Victoria: You know, I really wish you would've talked to me about this first, Dad.", "Victor: My Darling, what is there to talk about? I do not believe that Devon Hamilton is the murderer. And if he isn't, the real killer's still walking around this building.", "Jack: Any one of us could be the killer, right, Bradski?", "Brad: Sure, Jacko-- me, you, one of the cleaning crew. Carmen said she liked to work late. It was quiet, she could get a lot of work done.", "Will: Mr. and Mrs. Winters, join us. As I was about to explain, after each area has been searched and cleared, we'll let you know. Meanwhile, there'll be an officer stationed in here with you. Protocol to insure that nobody tampers with the search.", "Dru: I don't understand something. I mean, I'm all for the search. And my husband and I will do whatever it takes to help out, right, Neil?", "Neil: Yes, of course. We want you to find Carmen's real murderer.", "Dru: Yeah, but Carmen was killed weeks ago. Isn't it a little late to be collecting evidence?", "Will: The CSI Team will determine that.", "Victor: Well, I suggest you make yourselves comfortable. I guess we'll be here for a while.", "Jack: Anybody up for a game of Texas hold 'em?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Phone rings]", "Lily: The cops are swarming all over the place. That nasty DA is acting like he has the golden ticket.", "Colleen: Well, he's probably looking for more evidence against Devon.", "Lily: Oh, I'm sure he is.", "JT: Is there any more butter?", "Colleen: Uh, second shelf in the back. Hey, Lily said that the cops are all over Newman looking for more evidence.", "JT: Oh, yeah?", "Colleen: Yeah. I know, it was so wrong of Paul to drop Devon's case like that.", "Lily: Yeah, and my dad didn't even know about it.", "Colleen: That's lame.", "Lily: I know. Devon was supposed to come to work today.", "Colleen: Man, he is gonna freak when he sees police all over the place.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: What's going on?", "Will: Officer, would you escort Mr. Hamilton to Mr. Newman's office? Uh, leave the mail cart.", "Will: How's it going?", "Sullivan: Nothing yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, Jack, what did I tell you? The stock went up, didn't it?", "Jack: I should've listened. You're a genius.", "Victoria: He sure is. No one knows the Hong Kong market like my dad.", "Victor: You're right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: What's going on?", "Dru: Where have you been? We've been calling you and calling you.", "Devon: I had my cell phone off. I'm sorry.", "Dru: Okay.", "Neil: Devon, the results came in on that evidence that they took from the break room.", "Devon: From the break room? What did they find?", "Neil: They found that the tape was used in the murder. All our prints are on it, plus a few other people.", "Devon: Well, that's a good thing-- other people's prints, right?", "Michael: Uh, unfortunately, the district attorney continues to focus on building a case against you.", "Devon: Can you repeat that one more time, please?", "Michael: I'm sorry.", "Devon: No, no, no.", "Dru: Is your processor giving you a problem?", "Devon: No, it's just-- the sound drops out sometimes. And when people talk at the same time, it blends together. I don't know if there's something wrong or if it's me.", "Neil: That's cool. That's cool. We'll call the audiologist. We'll schedule another appointment.", "Devon: No, I don't-- I don't care about that right now. I care about what else they found.", "Neil: Okay, all right.", "Victoria: I would really like to keep this out of the papers, on account of the benefit. Trust me, this is not the type of crowd that would show if there's even a whiff of impropriety.", "Brad: So how worried should I be?", "Neil: Why didn't you tell me Paul's off the case?", "Michael: It's not a big deal. There are plenty of good PI's around.", "Neil: Not a big deal? What reason did he give for quitting?", "Michael: Conflict of interest. He does work for Newman.", "Neil: Now wait a minute. He knew that when he took the case.", "Michael: You won't get an argument from me.", "Devon: Did, um... you just say that Paul Williams isn't working on my case anymore?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Bardwell hasn't shifted focus. He's still investigating Devon, no one else.", "Brad: Bardwell isn't what I'm worried about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: The professor give you homework, too?", "Colleen: No mercy.", "JT: You know, you're taking his class, you're his research assistant, you're working with him on this fundraiser as a volunteer. You'd think the guy would cut you a little slack.", "Colleen: Why are you so down on Professor Korbel? He warned me that it would be this way, JT. I didn't have to do the fundraiser. I wanted to.", "JT: Relax, okay? Can I do or say anything right?", "Colleen: Well, you know what? Why don't you just ignore me, okay? 'Cause I'm kinda stressed. Sorry.", "JT: Yeah, I know you are. Hey... why don't we plan something fun this weekend after your fundraiser?", "Colleen: Sounds good.", "JT: Yeah. I wonder if they found any evidence at Newman.", "Colleen: You're off the case.", "JT: Well, it doesn't mean I want to see Devon get convicted.", "Colleen: Well, then why didn't you try and convince Paul not to quit?", "JT: Colleen, please, let's not get into this again.", "Colleen: You know what, JT? The Winters family is very upset. They didn't even know that Paul had dropped the case. They had to find out from Lily.", "JT: Well, I'm sorry that it happened that way. But it's not my fault. This was Paul's case. It was his deal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So you wanna tell me why I had to hear the news from Lily?", "Paul: When she talked to me about it, I assumed she'd heard about it from you, via Michael.", "Dru: You assumed wrong.", "Paul: Look, I had to excuse myself. I had no choice. I hope you understand, Devon.", "Michael: There's always a choice, Paul. Now you've made yours. So be it.", "Brad: Why would Jack's fingerprints be on that tape? He's not exactly Mr. Fix- it.", "Jack: I'll have to get back to you. No, something's come up.", "Devon: Did you quit the case because of me?", "Paul: That's not why.", "Devon: Look, Paul, I... know that there's a lot of evidence against me. But I swear to you, I didn't kill Carmen.", "Paul: Devon, I believe you.", "Devon: Well, thank you. But I want you to continue working the case.", "Paul: Look, Michael will find someone else. Someone good.", "Devon: Did you say he's gonna find someone else? It's not the same, okay? I'm very scared about this, because innocent people get put away all the time.", "Paul: I wish I could help you.", "Devon: Okay, I get it. That you had to choose between working my case or for a company-- a large company-- that will keep you employed for many years. You have your priorities.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hello?", "Professor Korbel: Uh, Colleen, it's Professor Korbel.", "Colleen: Hey, I was just about to call you. Um, \"Houston, we have a problem.\"", "Professor Korbel: I'm sure you'll solve it. Listen, I, uh--", "Colleen: Well, the transportation company just called and Dr. Redneck's changed his mind. He won't let them take the sculpture.", "Professor Korbel: He can't do that. The benefit's tomorrow.", "Colleen: Oh, my gosh, is it tomorrow? I didn't even realize that. What are we gonna do?", "Professor Korbel: It's all right, I'll call Dr. Resnick.", "Colleen: Okay, I'll be there in a little while.", "Professor Korbel: Don't bother.", "Colleen: But, no, we have a lot to go over still.", "Professor Korbel: We'll go over them in the morning.", "Colleen: But I--", "Professor Korbel: Colleen, I don't think we should be meeting at night anymore.", "Colleen: Okay. I'll see you in the morning.", "Professor Korbel: Good-bye.", "Colleen: Bye.", "JT: Sounds like you're off the hook tonight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hey, how are we on change?", "Amber: Uh, we could use some singles, maybe a few rolls of quarters. Hey, does Lauren do all the buying for the store?", "Lily: Uh, yeah.", "Amber: Gosh, she's got great taste.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Amber: Think she'd knock a little off the price for me?", "Lily: Um, I don't know, you'll have to ask Lauren. But we do get an employee discount, so...", "Amber: Really how much?", "Lily: Uh, 20%.", "Amber: Hmm. This is not on sale, so forget it.", "Lily: Well, what are you looking for?", "Amber: I need something epic for tomorrow night.", "Lily: Ooh, hot date?", "Amber: I am going to that art benefit thing with Adrian.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please. The public and common areas on this floor have been released. But we're still searching individual offices. So we'll have inconvenience you a little while longer. Therefore, will you please vacate this office now?", "Michael: Victor, do you have a moment?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Nerve-wracking, isn't it?", "Dru: You know, I... I just wish that we could fast-forward our lives by about, um, six months? And then this whole madness would be over.", "Victor: Jack wasn't too happy to see the police, was he?", "Michael: Small wonder. His fingerprints are all over that roll of tape used to transport Carmen's body.", "Victor: This is very disturbing, you know?", "Michael: Could be nothing. Could be something.", "Victor: Jack Abbott is full of secrets, isn't he?", "Michael: Yeah, it appears that way.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Michael: There's something else you should know about that tape. Brad's fingerprints were on it, too. That means Jack and your son-in-law have reason to worry.", "Victor: Jack Abbott owns Jabot.", "Michael: You found proof?", "Victor: I have confirmation.", "Michael: From whom?", "Victor: Never mind from whom. I have it.", "Michael: Do you know what this means, Victor? We can bring Jack down... hard.", "Victor: Right. As much as I relish the thought of exposing Jack Abbott for what he really is, now is not the time for a legal battle.", "Michael: What are we waiting for?", "Victor: Have a seat. There are several considerations. A high-profile court battle would draw a lot of negative publicity. Hence, it would hurt Jabot. Nikki and I own shares in Jabot.", "Michael: Which have taken quite a hit already.", "Victor: Then there's Katherine to be considered.", "Michael: Yeah. I don't wanna see her blindsided. We have to figure out a way to protect her.", "Victor: And even if Jack Abbott lost Jabot, he still owns NVP that is unacceptable to me. I want that company back. And for that, I need leverage.", "Michael: Isn't the possible loss of Jabot enough leverage to force Jack to sell?", "Victor: I like sure things. Now... let's turn the tables on Jack Abbott and use his Machiavellian charms against him.", "Michael: What are you planning?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Jack, your numbers don't make sense. If you don't open your projected number of retreats, we're gonna be sitting with a lot of surplus product on our hands.", "Jack: Are you saying I am overestimating? I'm telling you, these numbers are conservative.", "Victoria: You're expanding too quickly. Brad's right.", "Jack: Okay, boys and girls, let's get the truth out on the table here. We are not bickering about NVP or Newman. This is about Bradley's and my fingerprints being on a roll of duct tape that was used in a murder.", "Brad: I'm not worried about it, are you, Jack?", "Jack: Maybe you should be. \"I used it to fix a chair\" may not be a compelling explanation for everyone as to why your hands were all over it.", "[Phone rings]", "Victoria: Hello?", "Professor Korbel: Victoria, its Adrian.", "Victoria: I will, um, leave you to slug this out. Hey, what's going on?", "Professor Korbel: Uh, we have a little problem.", "Victoria: Little? Well, that's good, because I don't think I could handle a big one right now.", "Professor Korbel: Uh, Redneck's pulling the sculpture.", "Victoria: What? Oh, that's supposed to be our showpiece for the benefit. Oh, all right, I'll call him.", "Professor Korbel: I did. He won't budge.", "Victoria: So then we have no real draw for our antiquities display? You have any brilliant thoughts?", "Professor Korbel: Many.", "Victoria: Well, give me one, please.", "Professor Korbel: You could loan us something from the Newman collection.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: He's taking her to the event?", "Lily: Yeah, are you upset?", "Colleen: No, don't be silly. I mean, he has to take someone, right?", "Lily: I guess.", "Colleen: It's just, why her? I know that Victoria's invited a lot of important people. I know that... I mean, there's gonna be a lot of big-time collectors. I know Professor Korbel wanted to talk to them. Does he really want some girl around that thinks that she can buy antiquities at, like, a flea market? 'Cause that's dumb.", "Lily: Um, you sound kinda jealous.", "Colleen: I'm not jealous.", "Lily: Oh, okay.", "Colleen: Lily, I'm not! I just wanna know what kind of game he's playing. You know, first he kisses me and then he tells me to even forget that it happened. And then today he gives me this amazingly, like, thoughtful gift.", "Lily: What? You didn't tell me he bought you something. What was it? Was it cool?", "Colleen: It was a book.", "Lily: Oh.", "Colleen: No, I mean, it's a very, very special book. It means a lot to me and he had to work really hard to get it.", "Lily: Oh. Well, that's chill.", "Colleen: But then, you know, I'm confused now because then an hour later he calls and cancels, like, our work time, just, like, he can't even stand to be around me.", "Lily: Sounds like you're not the only one that's confused.", "Amber: Lily, uh, could you help?", "Lily: Um, hey, I gotta go.", "Colleen: All right, I'll talk to you later.", "[Colleen hangs up the phone]", "JT: Hey, you wanna rent a DVD tonight?", "Colleen: Um, you know what? I-I can't. I have something to do. All right, I'll see you later.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Okay, thank you, Sir, appreciate that.", "Dru: This is for you, Mom.", "Dru: Thank you.", "Neil: Hey, Devon? Why don't you go home? There's no reason for you to stick around here.", "Devon: I got all that mail to deliver, though.", "Neil: Hey, Mr. Bardwell, how's it going?", "Will: Uh, I appreciate your cooperation.", "Dru: Um, could I prepare a snack for you, Mr. Bardwell? Water? Tea? For your men, you know?", "Will: No, thank you, Mrs. Winters.", "Devon: Did you find anything?", "Will: You know I can't discuss that with you.", "Devon: You couldn't be more wrong about me, Mr. Bardwell.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sullivan: Okay, to start with let's come down here.", "Paul: You're causing quite an uproar, Detective.", "Sullivan: I'll be right there.", "Paul: So are you finished with Victor's office?", "Sullivan: Yes, we are.", "Paul: All righty, I shall let him know.", "Sullivan: Hey, what are you doing hanging around here anyway? You're off the case.", "Paul: Yeah. Maybe I'm here to see you.", "Sullivan: Excuse me.", "Brad: You pulled Jabot products off your shelves without even asking if Newman would have an issue with it?", "Jack: My mistake. Next time I'll be sure to run any decisions I make at NVP by you.", "Brad: You know, Jack, you--", "Michael: What's that smell?", "Jack: What?", "Michael: Oh... the sweet smell of justice about to be served. Gentlemen.", "Michael: Paul?", "Paul: I'm on the clock.", "Michael: For whom? Newman, or Brad Carlton?", "Paul: Oh, knock it off, Baldwin. I'm sick of your digs. You wanna do your client some good, why don't you look at some of the other people whose fingerprints are on the tape.", "Michael: Well, Brad was on the security video hiding outside of Carmen's suite. I didn't see anyone else there.", "Paul: You wanna take the focus off Devon? What about Dru? What about Neil? Wouldn't they be more likely suspects? Or I know, what about Kevin? Your brother? He has a history of problems with women. Who knows, maybe he even had a little fixation with Carmen Mesta.", "Michael: You're out of line, Paul.", "Will: Michael? You got a moment?", "Michael: Yes, William, what is it?", "Sullivan: Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Carlton, we can't release your office yet.", "Brad: I really need to get in there.", "Sullivan: Well, we'll get to it soon. I'll let you know when we're finished.", "Victoria: Okay, I want you to take a look at this and tell me what you think. Is this special enough for the fundraiser?", "Colleen: Hi.", "Brad: Hey, Baby.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Colleen: Hi, Dad. Um, you know that Dr. Resnick pulled out of the benefit, right?", "Victoria: Yes, yes, I do. And I am frantic. Colleen, look it's from the Newman collection. And more importantly, it's here and it's in town.", "Colleen: I think it's great", "Victoria: Do you mean that, or are you just saying that?", "Colleen: I mean that.", "Victoria: Okay, good. Good!", "Colleen: Uh, there's something I wanna show you guys. It's, uh, an out-of- print book I've been looking for.", "Victoria: Oh, about the Grugeon collection? Where did you find it?", "Colleen: Professor Korbel gave it to me.", "Brad: Why? Does he give gifts to all his students?", "Colleen: Well, no, but I've been working really hard on the fundraiser. It's kind of like a thank you.", "Brad: Really? Well, of all items for him to choose. Why is this guy so interested in our family?", "Victoria: You know, this wasn't very easy for him to find. He had to put a lot of effort into tracking this book down.", "Colleen: I know. And I also know what you guys are thinking, and you're wrong. Professor Korbel is just trying to help. I'm writing a paper on the Grugeon collection. He's known that for months.", "Victoria: Well, Colleen, by the way, I know that you're meeting with Adrian later, so I was wondering if you could do me a favor and drop this off with him. It's the final guest list.", "Colleen: Sure.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Devon, they have opened offices in the east building. It won't be long, so just hang in there, all right?", "Devon: I am.", "Victor: I must say I admire the way you've handled yourself during this very difficult situation. I remember when I first met you in the rec center. You've come a long way, Son. Your parents must be very proud of you.", "Dru: We are.", "Neil: Yeah, we are. We're very proud.", "Devon: Thank you very much, Sir.", "Victor: Jack, uh, have you got a minute?", "Jack: Uh, they just opened up my office.", "Victor: Why don't we grab a bite to eat?", "Jack: Could we do that another time? This whole day has been a bust already.", "Victor: Ah.", "Jack: Thanks.", "Sullivan: Uh, Mr. Abbott? The district attorney wanted me to, uh, tell you that we haven't released your office yet.", "Jack: Wait, he just told me--", "Sullivan: He's mistaken. If you'd just be patient and wait.", "Jack: Could any part of this day go right?", "Victor: Now, Jack, why don't we go to my office and practice our Ikebana.", "Jack: Yeah, another time, all right?", "Victor: Listen, I seriously suggest you get out of this insanity right now. Let's get a bite to eat. Come on, let's go.", "Jack: Okay.", "Victor: Here we go, Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Okay, Telecom Industry. And who wins?", "Devon: Well, that's the thing. I haven't made up my mind yet. You know, on one hand, it'd be very convenient for everything to come together. You know, your telephone, your internet, your cable. You pay one bill and that's it. Pretty soon you'll be watching TV and the phone will ring and your show will automatically pause and the caller I.D. will show up right on your screen.", "Neil: Right, but is that something that you really want?", "Devon: Well, why not? On the other hand, though, it's like one company controls the world. And if they go down, we all do.", "Dru: Right.", "Devon: If you don't-- say you don't like your telephone service. I mean, you lose your cable and your internet, too?", "Neil: Right, right, right. All good questions.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Neil: Can I help you?", "Will: We're releasing this floor.", "Devon: So does that mean I can deliver my mail, Mr. Bardwell?", "Will: On this floor, yes.", "Dru: Thanks, Mr. Bardwell.", "Devon: Thank you. Um, can we talk about this later, though, guys?", "Dru: Please.", "Devon: 'Cause I need to figure out what I need to write.", "Dru: That'd be good. That'd be good.", "Neil: Sure.", "Dru: All right. Neil, what... this boy has done nothing to deserve this! I don't understand it.", "Neil: Oh, Drucilla, Honey... come here. I wish I had all the answers, you know? But I don't.", "Dru: My faith is being tested, Neil. It's being tested.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sullivan: Nada. Here, James. No new evidence collected.", "Will: Every office searched?", "Sullivan: Including the washrooms and the supply closet.", "Will: Okay, then. Next floor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Bongo lessons?", "Victor: I'm telling you, there's nothing better to relieve stress. Come with me one afternoon. I'll teach you.", "Jack: Yeah, I'll pass for right now. You know, I'm dealing with the Carmen Mesta mess on top of the Jabot mess.", "Victor: Jack, I am telling you, bongos are the thing. I mean it.", "Jack: Tell you what, why don't you take a couple of lessons and you can tell me all about it.", "Victor: All right. So what do you think-- Michael Baldwin and Paul Williams finding all this evidence in the break room and then... the DA searching Newman Towers.", "Jack: I think it's inconvenient, is what I think.", "Victor: You don't think Devon Hamilton was a murderer, do you?", "Jack: That kid? No way.", "Victor: Who do you think it was?", "Jack: Well, I'd hate to speculate. I don't know. Neil or Dru would be the obvious choice. Or it could've been an accident.", "Victor: Who do you think was the... less obvious?", "Jana: What is this, like a parlor game-- \"Who killed Carmen Mesta?\" Who do you think killed her?", "Victor: A parlor game? Well, since we're talking about less obvious, how about Nikki and Phyllis?", "Jack: Nikki--no way. Phyllis--well, who knows what Phyllis is gonna do next?", "Victor: Well, who the hell did it? What do you think?", "Jack: I don't know, long shot--Brad, maybe?", "Victor: Well, they say that his fingerprints are on the tape.", "Jack: You heard that, huh? What else did you hear?", "Victor: Also said something about your fingerprints being on the tape.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: So they still tearing things apart at Newman?", "Paul: They're working their way through the building.", "JT: They find anything?", "Paul: No, not that I know of. Brad better be telling the truth about not being involved in this.", "JT: You got your doubts?", "Paul: Don't you?", "JT: Hey, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later.", "Victoria: Hey.", "JT: Hey. Are you all right? You seem a little stressed out.", "Victoria: Good eye.", "JT: So I hear there's some excitement down at Newman.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah, evidence specialists, the police, the district attorney-- just, um, another boring day at the office. So, uh, what did you think about that book that Professor Korbel gave Colleen?", "JT: What book?", "Victoria: She didn't show you the book on the Grugeon collection?", "JT: Oh, we were so busy trying not to get into another fight, I'm sure she probably just forgot", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Not late, am I?", "Professor Korbel: Well... you look very nice this evening.", "Amber: Why thank you, Adrian. So what's the plan? Bowling and pizza?", "Amber: Well, isn't that what you college-types do?", "Professor Korbel: Well, not the professors.", "Amber: Really? What do the professors do?", "Professor Korbel: We talk. Mostly about ourselves. We're fascinating people.", "Amber: I'll bet.", "Professor Korbel: Now I know a nice little Italian joint on Union. Very intimate.", "Amber: Intimate is good.", "Colleen: Hey, are you guys talking about Scarlatti's?", "Professor Korbel: Yeah, that's right.", "Colleen: Well, um, great food. The waiters sing opera. You'll love it.", "Amber: Opera. Sounds fun.", "Colleen: Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, and I know that you said that you didn't wanna work tonight, but Victoria asked me to give you this. It's the final guest list.", "Professor Korbel: Thanks.", "Amber: Nice of you to go out of your way like that. Especially when you've got that hot boyfriend of yours at home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: She was at Indigo. She heard you and me talking.", "Victoria: Really? Colleen didn't say a word about, uh, seeing us the other night.", "JT: Well, she didn't come right out and tell me either. But, uh, she was pretty upset at me for complaining to other people instead of to her.", "Victoria: Oh. And being the brilliant PI that you are, you put it together?", "JT: Well, put it this way, she's, uh, she's a lot more upset at me for-- for confiding in you than you for listening.", "Victoria: You know, it seems that every time I see you lately, things between you and Colleen have gotten worse.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Thank you. Uh, have you thought about hiring a lawyer?", "Jack: Why bother? Half of Newman Enterprises is a suspect right now.", "Victor: Yeah, but what if the district attorney and Michael Baldwin start digging?", "Jack: Yeah, you might have a point-- certainly Michael. Yeah, maybe I'll look into that.", "Victor: Why the hell are your fingerprints on that tape?", "Jack: I've been in that cabinet any number of times-- for tape or markers or scissors or anything else.", "Victor: Jack... are you insulting me now? You and I are friends. If you need a pair of damn scissors, borrow mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So what happens next?", "Michael: Well, everything they've collected will go to their lab. We won't know the results for a while.", "Dru: Well, what if they don't find anything?", "Michael: Well, we won't know that until all the evidence is tested, but if there is any connection to Carmen, the DA's office will let me know.", "Will: Yeah, this is taking longer than I thought. Right. As soon as I can. Okay, bye.", "Sullivan: CSI just found an earring in the garage.", "Will: Only one?", "Sullivan: Well, the other one was on Carmen's body when we found her.", "Will: You think it's a match?", "Sullivan: It looked like it to me.", "Will: So another piece of evidence at Newman. Where all the Winters park their cars and all the Newmans and Jack Abbott and Brad Carlton.", "Sullivan: Oh, no, the boys in the lab are in for a long night tonight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: I want you to use that inside source of yours to find out about the search.", "Paul: Look...", "Brad: Did they find anything?", "Paul: The DA's office will not release any information--", "Brad: We need to know.", "Paul: Why? There isn't any physical evidence connecting you to Carmen, is there?", "Brad: No.", "Paul: Then what are you worried about?", "Brad: Baldwin's all over me.", "Paul: That's his job.", "Brad: And it's our job to make sure he doesn't take this any further.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Gloria: The one good thing about your father not being here anymore, Jack, he doesn't have to see what a horrible son you turned out to be.", "Michael: I call to the stand myself.", "Ms. Sinclair: Objection!", "Nick: There's a problem, right?", "Dr. Okamura: Yes." ]
Young and the Restless
["Provided By Glynis Proofread By _ Emma_ Victoria, Mr. Bardwell, but you've already interviewed everyone here."]
[ "Chloe and Sharon watch a photo shoot between Summer and Esmerelda. Nick joins Sharon to also watch the photo shoot. Sharon and Nick reminisce about Cassie until Chloe walks up and starts to talk about Delia which she thinks unnerves Sharon and Nick because they stop talking. Chelsea comes downstairs and is quite surprised to see a Christmas tree. They start to plan a family Christmas for Connor until Kevin stops by and spills the beans to Adam that Connor was missing the day before. Adam asks how long Connor was missing. Chelsea lets him know that it was long enough for her to consider calling the police. Michael and Lauren meet Fen at the coffeehouse, but their celebration is soon ruined when Fen mentions leaving town. Sharon and Nick assure Chloe to talk about Delia whenever she needs to. Christine joins Paul in his office to try to get him to go home and sleep, but he is adamant about finding Carmen Basco's killer. With Christine's help, they go over the facts of the case again. Michael and Lauren are dead set against Fen leaving town. Nick and Sharon reminisce about Cassie. Chloe and Summer view the pics from the photo shoot, but Chloe notices that Summer isn't quite herself today and questions her about it, but Summer refuses to divulge any information. Chelsea and Kevin try to explain things to Adam, but he doesn't quite believe them that it was as simple as they say. Chelsea apologizes to Adam for leaving Connor alone with Chloe and asks if things are all right between them.", "Christine and Paul discuss the case against Michael and how he lied to keep Fen safe. Fen tells Michael and Lauren that he cannot step foot back in prison or the other inmates who Michael helped to put away would seek revenge. Kevin arrives to join in the celebration of Fen's homecoming. Fen gets a message from Summer to meet him. Esmerelda offers Summer an address of how to get some \"pick me ups.\" Summer has reservations about accepting the number. Sharon watches from a table. Sharon questions Summer about Esmerelda, but Summer brushes it off as being nothing. Sharon isn't quite so sure. Sharon becomes aggravated at Nick and tells him to \"shut up\" when he puts Phyllis up on a pedestal and is always putting himself down. Summer and Fen talk a walk in the park. Fen is always looking over his shoulder. Fen lets Summer know that he is leaving town because someone will always be after him. Lauren suggests to Michael that they leave town with Fen. Chloe and Kevin make plans for later. Nick orders Faith a dollhouse and Sharon a foot spa. Cassie visits Sharon and tries to persuade her to tell Nick the truth. Adam lets Chelsea know that he knows what he wants and nothing will stand in the way of him getting it.", "" ]
[ "[Sharon & Chloe giggle]", "[Camera shutter clicking]", "Sharon: That is root beer they're drinking, isn't it?", "Chloe: Absolutely. I think. You know what? I better check. Okay. Okay. Hold up. Hold up. I need to do a sobriety check.", "Summer: Oh, come on. You're no fun.", "Chloe: Oh, neither is getting arrested.", "[Both laugh]", "Chloe: Okay, good. Girl, you pass. You know what? I just want you to focus on Summer. I'm gonna switch out Esmeralda's bracelet.", "Summer: Okay.", "Nick: Looks like they got you doing double duty today.", "Sharon: Oh, no, no. I just -- I promised Faith I would take a few pictures. She wants to see what a photo shoot looks like. She's dying to walk in her big sister's shoes one day.", "Nick: Oh, glad I don't have to think about that for awhile. I mean, I cannot handle the thought of Faith growing up. I still can't believe Summer's not a little girl anymore.", "Sharon: I bet.", "Nick: And it seems like yesterday she was just playing dress up and putting on a fashion show in the living room.", "Chloe: Yeah, Delia used to do the same thing, um, with samples off the rack. She wanted to be a model. An actress. And a doctor. And an astronaut. You know, if there was someone who could have done it all, it was Dee Dee.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Door opens]", "Adam: How was the shoot?", "Chelsea: It was good. It's better than the last one. Got to leave a little bit early. How's Connor do-- you got us a Christmas tree?", "Adam: It's our son's first Christmas. I figure we should do it up right even though he's too young to even appreciate it.", "Chelsea: I don't think it's ever too early to start making happy memories.", "Adam: You're right about that. It's never too early. It's not too late, either.", "Chelsea: What do you mean?", "Adam: Last Christmas didn't go so well.", "Chelsea: Ah. That.", "Adam: I was a jerk.", "Chelsea: Yes, you were.", "Adam: Well, I want to make up for that. There's a lot I would do differently if I could go back, do it all over again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: [Sighs]", "Christine: [Chuckles] Maybe you should mainline it instead. It could be more effective.", "Paul: [Chuckles]", "Christine: Or I have another idea. You could come home and actually get some sleep.", "Paul: Yeah? And how am I supposed to do that? When two of my closest friends are at the center of a murder investigation.", "Christine: A clear head can help them. Besides, we finally have something positive to focus on. Michael and Fen are out of prison and home with Lauren.", "Paul: How long is that gonna last? You and I both know it's just a matter of time before someone in the Baldwin family ends up back in prison for killing Carmine Basco.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Should I be offended?", "Fenmore: What for?", "Lauren: Well, your dad and I pick you up from prison and the first place you want to come is here for brunch instead of home so I could cook for you.", "Fenmore: Well, the whole time I was locked up, all I dreamt about was Crimson Lights' scrambled eggs.", "Lauren: But what about my scrambled eggs?", "Fenmore: Well, the taste.", "Lauren: What? What's -- what's wrong with them?", "Fenmore: There is no taste.", "Lauren: Are you kidding?", "Fenmore: Not kidding.", "Lauren: Really?", "Michael: Could use a little bit more seasoning.", "Fenmore: A lot more seasoning.", "Lauren: Okay, you know, Mr. Bobby Flay over here had some high blood pressure lately. I've been cutting back on the salt just a little bit.", "Fenmore: Yeah, look, I was just kidding, Mom.", "Lauren: I don't think you were.", "Fenmore: I've been in jail for awhile. The last thing I'm gonna complain about is your food.", "Lauren: [Laughs]", "Michael: The food is terrible. And it's not even among the top-10 terrible things about that place.", "Fenmore: Look, you shouldn't have been in there. You never should have confessed to Carmine's murder.", "Michael: I would do it again. If it meant protecting you.", "Lauren: Let's hope that that's not gonna happen.", "Michael: No. We'll find a way out of this.", "Fenmore: There's only one way out. I need to disappear.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: So sorry. I shouldn't have brought up Delia.", "Sharon: What do you mean?", "Chloe: Well, because every time I do, the conversation comes to a screeching halt and then people are looking at me with those deer-in-the-headlights looks, like you are right now.", "Sharon: Yeah. And then you feel like it's up to you to put the other person at ease, so you change the subject and carry on about something completely irrelevant, and that takes about all the energy you can muster up.", "Chloe: I'm so sorry. I totally forgot who I was talking to.", "Sharon: Please don't apologize.", "Nick: There's no right or wrong in times like this. Chloe, you mourn the way you need to.", "Sharon: And if that means sharing stories about Delia, then go right ahead.", "Nick: And if they can't deal with it, then that's their problem.", "Sharon: You know, I still get so emotional when I talk about Cassie, but, at the same time, it makes me happy. Those memories -- that's what I have left of my daughter, so don't let anyone ever take that away from you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Good news. Connor is still sleeping, which means we have plenty of time to make this place all... Christmassy.", "Adam: What'd you have in mind?", "Chelsea: Well, let's see. Stockings by the fireplace, obviously. A gingerbread house. I've always wanted a gingerbread house. And one of those ornaments that says \"Baby's First Christmas,\" and then maybe, like, one of those animatronic Santa Claus things. Or, you know what's adorable? A blow-up Rudolph. We could have a blow-up Rudolph.", "Adam: You know, we could just settle for some string lights and a few ornaments.", "Chelsea: Oh, that's all you have?", "Adam: I found it. It was in the storage closet. Must have been here before I moved in.", "Chelsea: Oh, these are Victor and Nikki's decorations. Okay, well, that's fine. We have plenty of time to buy some more.", "Adam: You know what? Before we do that, I will go check the storage closet, see if there's something I can't dig up.", "[Knock on door]", "Chelsea: Oh. Kevin. Hi.", "Kevin: Hi. Can I come in?", "Chelsea: Of course. If you're looking for Chloe, she's at the Underground. We had a photo shoot there.", "Kevin: Yeah, I know. I just got a text from her saying that they were wrapping up. How'd everything go with you two? I hope it wasn't too tense.", "Chelsea: Not at all. It was as if yesterday didn't happen. And if the positions were reversed, I'm not sure I would be as understanding.", "Kevin: Well, you came home. There was no Chloe, no Connor. No wonder you thought the worst.", "Chelsea: Well, you didn't.", "Kevin: It's not my kid that was missing.", "Adam: Connor was missing?", "Kevin: Uh, no. I mean, not for long. It was just a misunderstanding.", "Adam: How long?", "Kevin: I just told you.", "Adam: How long?", "Chelsea: Long enough for me to consider calling the police.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: You know, when I took this job, I honestly thought I could do some good. You know, being able to use my investigative skills, as well as enforce the law and get the bad guys off the streets. But in Carmine's case, the whole thing is --", "Christine: Yeah, he was the bad guy.", "Paul: And now I'm supposed to make sure that his death doesn't go unpunished. I find justice for a guy who was terrorizing innocent people.", "Christine: But those innocent people took the law into their own hands.", "Paul: Do we know that? Really? Besides, Carmine needed to be stopped.", "Christine: Yeah, by the police. Paul, this isn't the wild, wild west. You can't gun someone down in a back alley and expect to walk away with no consequences.", "Paul: Yeah. You and I both know we're not looking for a cold-blooded killer. Most likely, we are looking for someone who killed Carmine Basco in self- defense.", "Christine: Thanks to Michael's interference. Which is going to be next to impossible to prove.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: What are you thinking about? You can't leave town.", "Fenmore: I have to.", "Lauren: There's no way that we would allow that.", "Fenmore: Christine reopened Carmine's case. She and Paul are gonna keep digging until they figure out why Dad pled guilty for a murder he didn't commit. And when they do, they're just gonna -- they're gonna try and throw me back in there.", "Lauren: You don't know that.", "Fenmore: Mom, the evidence is right there in front of them. They just have to piece it together.", "Michael: That doesn't mean you run away.", "Fenmore: I have to. It took everything in me to make it through the last 30 days in that place. How am I gonna make it through the next 30 years?", "Michael: It'll be 60 years if you take off and force them into a manhunt.", "Fenmore: I'll take my chances. [Sighs] You know what it's like in there, Dad. I'd rather die than go back.", "Lauren: Don't say that.", "Fenmore: You don't get it, Mom. I am dead either way. At least this buys me some time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I mean, that one may work.", "Summer: What about that one?", "Nick: You know, you were really great with Chloe earlier. She needs the advice of people who understand.", "Sharon: Well, I wish I didn't understand. I still think about that night, and I always wonder what I could have done differently.", "Nick: Well, sometimes I'll see a picture of Cassie. It'll take me right back to that moment. Sitting in her room. Holding her hand. Watching her take her last breath. [Sighs] That's why I was fighting so hard to hang on to Summer, you know? I couldn't stand the thought of having to say goodbye again.", "Sharon: I'm sorry, Nick. I mean, I -- I know what a difficult year this has been for you.", "Nick: I brought a lot of it on myself. I wanted so bad to be the father that Summer deserved, to be the man that Avery loved.", "Sharon: You were.", "Nick: For a time, maybe, but I knew that they both belonged to someone else. I tried to convince myself that it didn't matter, that, you know, that I was enough. I should have known that it was all gonna blow up. Lies always do.", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Summer: Um, something wrong with the pictures?", "Chloe: I -- I just don't think you look as focused as you usually do. Are you feeling okay?", "Summer: Yeah. No, I'm fine.", "Chloe: Okay. 'Cause I know that we're working you a lot, so if you need a break, you know, just tell me.", "Summer: Jack called you, didn't he?", "Chloe: I just think that he wanted to make sure there wasn't another repeat, like the last shoot.", "Summer: Yeah, no, there won't be. I mean, you have Sharon now to watch over me, and I'm learning to stick up for myself now, too.", "Chloe: Okay. Doesn't hurt to be extra cautious.", "Summer: No, I know. I can handle it. I don't want any special treatment just because my dad's the C.E.O.", "Chloe: Okay. If you're sure.", "Summer: No, I'm sure. I am. I want to work. I need to work. It just takes my mind off of all the drama going on in my life.", "Chloe: I get it. I just wish other people would understand that, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: I jumped to conclusions. The truth is, Connor was never in any danger.", "Kevin: Yeah, Chloe would never hurt him.", "Chelsea: He was just being fussy, so she decided to take him in the car for a ride to calm him down.", "Adam: Without telling you.", "Chelsea: Well, she only thought she was gonna be gone for a few minutes, you know? Take him around the block a couple of times, but then Connor would not have it, so --", "Kevin: Apparently that kid has a set of lungs on him. Not that that's a bad thing.", "Chelsea: Chloe just lost track of time. And I tried calling her, but her phone had died.", "Kevin: And she didn't realize that because she was so focused on Connor.", "Adam: So, where was the nanny with all of this?", "Chelsea: Well, Vanessa had called in sick.", "Kevin: Listen, Chloe was just trying to help. Chelsea got a little paranoid. Understandably. I mean, because of me. Because I came here telling you that Chloe shouldn't spend so much time around Connor.", "Adam: Maybe you were right.", "Kevin: No. I thought too much of it. I never should have said anything. [Sighs] I'm just -- I'm just tired of seeing Chloe in so much pain.", "Chelsea: She's lucky to have you.", "Kevin: No, I think I'm the lucky one. Delia was like a daughter to me, and, uh... I think I need Chloe right now as much as she needs me, maybe more. Okay, look. I'm gonna head out. I'm sorry for sticking my nose in your business.", "Chelsea: No, don't be silly. But tell Chloe I will call her later about the shoot, okay?", "Kevin: I will. Thanks.", "Chelsea: Bye. There really wasn't anything to worry about. I promise. Connor was fine.", "Adam: But you were concerned that our son might have been taken. And your first call was to Kevin.", "Chelsea: Because I thought Chloe might be with him. I wasn't gonna press the panic button unless I knew that Connor was really missing, and he wasn't. So... everyone is fine. Everyone is okay. We are okay...aren't we?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: You know, you're absolutely right. There's no way we can make a case for self-defense if we don't know who pulled the trigger. Michael certainly isn't volunteering any information.", "Christine: Let's just go through this one more time. Maybe we can pick up something new.", "Paul: [Sighs] Okay. [Sighs] Carmine took the officer's weapon -- the murder weapon. He also took the officer's uniform. But Michael's prints were the only set found on the gun.", "Christine: Which tells us he most likely wiped it clean before he handled it.", "Paul: Right. Michael knew that. He knew we would test for gunshot residue. That's why he took the gun and shot it into the wall in the alley.", "Christine: Hoping to sell the story that he was the one that killed Carmine.", "Paul: All right, on a subsequent search, I found that bullet in the alley. And I confronted Michael about it, and he did everything humanly possible to divert suspicion from anyone else.", "Christine: Fen.", "Paul: That would be my guess.", "Christine: Okay, but we have to do better than guess. Have the crime scene photos turned up?", "Paul: Oh, no. They're still unaccounted for.", "Christine: And what happened with the autopsy report?", "Paul: Well, that's the other thing. [Sighs] The replacement medical examiner who signed it was an apprentice. And now he's got a job in D.C. with the feds.", "Christine: Did you talk to him?", "Paul: Oh, yeah. I mean, that report was so carelessly written. But you know what? This whole case has been a sloppy mess from top to bottom. And I have to admit I have not helped. I told Alex to mark the case closed the minute Michael confessed, and that decision may have caused us to miss key evidence.", "Christine: Or other suspects. But you knew that.", "Paul: Michael was protecting his family.", "Christine: Something you're very familiar with.", "Paul: Yeah, I can't change what happened to Ricky. I was just so hoping that things would be different for Michael's son.", "Christine: And now?", "Paul: [Sighs] I don't think this will end well for anyone involved.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Look, Son. I know the prospect of going back to prison is scary. But you're tougher than you think.", "Fenmore: Right. In rehab, I actually learned that I am not tougher than I thought.", "Michael: No. I watched you on your side of the fence in that place. I saw how you handled yourself with those other inmates.", "Fenmore: That was before they found out my father was the former D.A. If I step foot back in that place, every guy that you ever put away will be lined up just to send you a message. At my expense.", "Lauren: Honey, we cannot let that happen.", "Michael: He's not gonna go back. You just promise me you won't run.", "Kevin: Hey! Uncle Kevin is here. The party can begin!", "Michael: All right, Kevin!", "Kevin: Congrats, Buddy. You made it out. And in one piece, too. At least it's all behind you, huh? Ah, so. What's first on the agenda?", "[Cell phone beeps]", "Fenmore: Summer wants to meet up. I think I'm gonna pass on brunch.", "Michael: I was looking forward to spending some time with you.", "Fenmore: Well, rain check.", "Michael: No, I was looking forward to --", "Lauren: Let him go. Have fun, Sweetheart.", "Fenmore: Fun? Right. Bye.", "Lauren: [Sighs]", "Kevin: What's up with Fen? For someone who just got sprung from prison, he sure seems pretty miserable.", "Michael: He just spent nearly a month watching his back every second of every day. It's gonna take him awhile to adjust.", "Lauren: Right, and we just need to give him space... to clear his head.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esmerelda: Summer, wait. Here.", "Summer: Who's Rob?", "Esmerelda: My contact.", "Summer: For what?", "Esmerelda: A pick-me-up. You look like you could use one.", "Summer: Yeah, um, no, I'm not into drugs.", "Esmerelda: Did I say anything about drugs? It's just an energy pill. You're gonna want to pop a few if you're into keeping this job.", "Summer: Yeah, no, I don't think that'll be a problem.", "Esmerelda: Right. Daddy will always find a place for you. It just won't be in front of a camera. Not if you keep taking pictures like these.", "Summer: [Sighs]", "Esmerelda: Think about it?", "Nick: does it feel to be back in this world again?", "Sharon: Good. I mean, it's painful on the feet, but good.", "Nick: [Chuckles] I used to remember you saying your feet used to always hurt after photo shoots.", "Sharon: Still do, but, you know what? It's worth it to have a purpose again.", "Summer: Hey, um, I just came over to say bye.", "Nick: You know, you did a great job today, Supergirl. I'm real proud of you.", "Summer: Thanks.", "Sharon: Hey, want did Esmerelda want?", "Summer: She just wanted to give me some tips on how to make my photos better.", "Sharon: You don't need any tips from her. Or much else, for that matter.", "Summer: Thanks.", "Nick: Well, I hope I can see you again soon.", "Summer: Yeah. Bye.", "Nick: I want to thank you for looking out for her.", "Sharon: Oh, it's my job.", "Nick: Still, it means a lot. You know, most kids Summer's age right now are having the time of their lives. I mean, a lot of adults wouldn't be able to handle what she's going through, and she's basically doing it alone.", "Sharon: She doesn't confide in you?", "Nick: It's gonna take her a long time to be able to trust me again -- if she ever does, for that matter. You know, maybe you could talk to her, see if she'll open up?", "Sharon: Well, what about Phyllis? I mean, is there any word on her prognosis? Any indication that she might come out of her coma?", "Nick: Nothing. I would have thought that something would have happened by now. At least, I was hoping, and not just for Summer -- for Daniel, for Jack, too. Do you have any idea how many times he has gone back and forth to Savannah, just praying that he'll find the woman that is strong and vital and sarcastic and that he was planning to marry? That must kill him every time he has to come home alone. And Avery, too. I mean, she and Phyllis were just starting to make their way back to each other. It's just not fair to her or to anyone. I mean, how are we supposed to make up for the mistakes we made? How am I supposed to do that?", "Sharon: Nick, enough, okay? Enough. Stop it. Just shut up. Phyllis was ruthless, Nick! Okay, that did not come out the way that I wanted it to.", "Nick: I sure hope not.", "Sharon: It's just -- [Sighs] It is really hard for me to sit here and listen to you put Phyllis up on a pedestal while you tear yourself down.", "Nick: Look, I know Phyllis has her faults.", "Sharon: Okay, you're still being too kind. Phyllis was ruthless, Nick. She manipulated, she blackmailed, she cheated, she broke up marriages.", "Nick: So did I.", "Sharon: Okay, but you don't pretend that you're perfect. That's the difference. You know, Phyllis made you out to be the worst person walking the earth for lying about Summer's paternity, conveniently forgetting that she drugged Danny and led him to believe that Daniel was his son for years. Okay, so, was it right for you to lie? No. But it's no worse than a lot of the things Phyllis has done. It's no worse than some of the mistakes I've made. Do you think I'm a horrible person?", "Nick: Of course not.", "Sharon: Neither are you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: You seem pretty quiet.", "Fenmore: Yeah. Like a mouse. [Sighs] That's what they called me in prison.", "Summer: It's a good thing that you got out while you did. Your parents must be pretty happy.", "Fenmore: Mom even offered to cook.", "Summer: She must have really missed you.", "Fenmore: I'm sorry. What were we saying?", "Summer: Fen, are you using again?", "Fenmore: What? Why would you even ask that?", "Summer: Because you're getting all fidgety and nervous, like you need a hit or something.", "Fenmore: It's not that. [Sighs] I just -- I feel -- [Sighs] I don't know. I feel exposed, I guess. In prison, you can't let your guard down for a second.", "Summer: Yeah, but it's not like you're gonna get jumped in the park. Fen, I don't understand. Is that what you're worried about? Who would want to hurt you?", "Fenmore: Everyone my father ever put away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Its 30 seconds later from the last time you checked. You have somewhere to be?", "Michael: No, no. I cleared my schedule to spend some time with my son.", "Lauren: Oh, Honey. There will be plenty of other times.", "Michael: Yeah, I suppose so.", "Kevin: Okay. Okay, what are you two holding back from me now? Is this about the Basco case? Do you still think they're gonna send you back to prison?", "Michael: Kevin, not me. Fenmore.", "Kevin: What? That's crazy. There is no way Fen killed Carmine.", "Lauren: Yeah, but he confessed.", "Kevin: Well, yeah, to take the heat off of Michael. It's not like anyone believed him. Think about it. A kid Fen's size getting the gun away from Carmine, overpowering him? It doesn't make any sense. Wait. Wait. You think there's a chance he did it?", "Michael: It doesn't matter what we believe. All that matters is what the police can prove.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: I know my priority should have been finding Carmine's killer. I mean... it's my job.", "Christine: But when a friend asks for help... you're not gonna say no. And I'm not just talking about Michael. You were there for Nikki, too.", "Paul: I wasn't about to let her go looking for her son all alone. I was her only friend all those years ago. And I felt it was my responsibility as her friend to help her see it through. And you're right. I couldn't be two places at once, and the Basco case suffered.", "Christine: Well, there's just so much about this case that doesn't add up.", "Paul: Michael did such a good job at pointing the evidence at himself. Now it may not point to anyone else.", "Christine: It wouldn't be the worse thing in the world if this case never got solved.", "Paul: Oh, I'd be fine with that. If I hadn't taken an oath. And I owe it to the people of Genoa City and to the public to find the truth.", "Christine: You are such a good guy.", "Paul: Yeah.", "Christine: I'll let you get back to work.", "Paul: Love you.", "Christine: I love you. See you.", "[Door opens]", "Paul: [Sighing] Boy. Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Do you still want to do this together?", "Adam: [Sighs] What I want is for you to be open with me, for you to be honest with me. You could have told me that Chloe took Connor.", "Chelsea: Chloe didn't take Connor. It was just a -- I was afraid.", "Adam: Of what?", "Chelsea: You. What you would think. I'm not a bad mom. I would never do anything to hurt Connor.", "Adam: I know that.", "Chelsea: But it was my choice to leave him here with Chloe. Maybe that wasn't the wisest thing to do, but it was -- it was convenient and it was spur of the moment, and I thought if you found out about it --", "Adam: What? I'd fight you for custody? That I would cut you out of his life?", "Chelsea: And out of yours. You've done it before.", "Adam: But I know what I want now. And I won't let anything stop me from getting what I want.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cassie: You almost blew it.", "Sharon: Cassie? What are you doing here?", "Cassie: What were you thinking? Going off on Phyllis like that!", "Sharon: I can't be seeing you. Not now.", "Cassie: You told Chloe that it was okay to think about her daughter any time she wanted. You're allowed, too.", "Sharon: No. You went away.", "Cassie: You needed me to come back.", "Sharon: Why?", "Cassie: Because you feel guilty -- for what happened with Phyllis, for letting Dad believe that Summer isn't his daughter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Fen, I don't understand why you're so freaked out. Everybody that your dad helped prosecute -- they're in jail and you're not.", "Fenmore: Everyone has friends on the outside, and I was warned that they were gonna be after me. That's why I have to leave town.", "Summer: And go where?", "Fenmore: A place where I can blend in, disappear. I have to hide from the cops, too. They're gonna be after me because of Carmine.", "Summer: No, Fen! You don't even remember what happened that night.", "Fenmore: I know I pulled the trigger, and once they have proof of that, they -- once they have proof of that, they're just gonna try and lock me up again.", "Summer: What happened to you in there?", "Fenmore: Its better I didn't tell you. Look, I've got to go.", "Summer: No, Fen, please stop. Please, Fen! Stop! Please, you have to stay and fight this. Please, we can help you.", "Fenmore: No, you can't. All right? Not only are there people after me, there are other people that are coming for me that I owe. And I can't be here when they come to collect.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Hi.", "Kevin: Ah. Hey.", "Chloe: I'm sorry. I tried to get here as soon as I could. Where's Fen? I mean, we can't have brunch without the guest of honor.", "Kevin: Uh, well, he got a better offer. Cute blonde, up-and-coming fashion model. Did a photo shoot for you today.", "Chloe: Yeah. I'm kind of concerned. I think that there's something off with her.", "Kevin: Uh, I don't know, maybe she was just a little anxious about seeing Fen.", "Chloe: Maybe.", "Michael: [Groans]", "Chloe: Everyone looks a little anxious today, huh?", "Lauren: All I'm saying is that Fen may have a point.", "Michael: Are you actually suggesting that he live on the run.", "Lauren: Well, it is better than him going back to that place where God knows what could happen to him.", "Michael: And what are we supposed to do? Are we just supposed to send him off with a \"Goodbye, good luck\"?", "Lauren: No! We go with him.", "Michael: What? Have you lost your mind?", "Lauren: I want him to be safe, Michael.", "Michael: Well, so do I. You know what? Why jump off the deep end if we don't have to? Fenmore has to be convicted before he's locked up again, and that may never happen.", "Lauren: Look. He confessed to killing Carmine, and he dropped his sober chip by the body.", "Michael: And I picked it up. The police don't know that, but I picked it up. There's no physical evidence linking Fenmore to the murder.", "Lauren: Why should we put our faith in a justice system that allowed Carmine to escape?", "Michael: All right, listen. Two guards allowed Carmine to escape. You can't blame the whole system for that.", "Lauren: And will the system care why Fen put a bullet in Carmine? Will it realize that our son did the world a favor?", "Michael: We won't know unless we stand and fight.", "Lauren: Oh, damn it, Michael.", "Michael: Our resources are here -- money, friends that could help acquit Fenmore, and it's not unprecedented. In Indiana vs. Ellis, the defendant walked because of the deceased's history of stalking and harassing the family prior to his death. In South Carolina vs. Crawford -- what? What was that for?", "Lauren: Never giving up.", "Michael: No, I'm not gonna give up. Not when it comes to my family, no.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: So, before we join them, I wanted to know if you had plans later.", "Kevin: Uh, no. Why? What do you have in mind?", "Chloe: I wanted to make up for canceling dinner last night.", "Kevin: Are you asking me out on a date?", "Chloe: How do you feel about corn dogs and indoor miniature golf?", "Kevin: Ah. Are you sure?", "Chloe: You know, Delia was always trying so hard to get us back together. I think it's only fitting that we go to one of her favorite places.", "Kevin: [Chuckles] I can't think of anything better. But if it gets to be too hard --", "Chloe: Listen, it's always gonna be hard without Delia around. And I'm sure I'm gonna have a breakdown at some point, but... I have a feeling I'm gonna smile a lot, too.", "Kevin: I think she would really like that. [Chuckles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Success. All bulbs working, all straightened out and ready to go on the tree. However, next year, I vote that we buy some new lights.", "Adam: Next year, huh?", "Chelsea: Well, I'm all about Connor growing up with tradition. I just don't want untangling lights to be one of those traditions. Where are you going?", "Adam: Uh, there's something I got to do.", "Chelsea: Now? I thought we were gonna decorate together.", "Adam: We will, and while I'm out, I'll pick up one of those \"Baby's first Christmas\" ornaments. Tradition, right?", "Chelsea: Don't even think about coming back here without a gingerbread house.", "Adam: I wouldn't dream of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Yes, so, I would like to have 0856, the Victorian dollhouse. Yeah. Yeah, I'll wait. Thanks. Yeah, I'm still here. Perfect. And when can I get that delivered? Great. All right, uh, that'll do it. You know what? I changed my mind. Can you throw in also the 7727, the heated foot spa? Yeah. And can you gift-wrap that, please?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I have nothing to feel guilty about. Phyllis' fall was an accident.", "Cassie: That might not have happened if you hadn't riled her up.", "Sharon: Everyone makes mistakes.", "Cassie: Changing the results of Summer's paternity test wasn't a mistake. You did that deliberately to ace Phyllis out, to ensure that you were the only woman connected to Dad through his kids. You thought it'd make you feel more important. Special.", "Sharon: I don't want to talk about this.", "Cassie: Don't you?", "Sharon: No. Shouldn't even be seeing you right now. Look, I'm on my meds, my life is back on track. I'm fine.", "Cassie: You're never gonna be fine. Not as long as you have this secret. It's gonna haunt you every day of your life.", "Sharon: You're saying I should tell Nick the truth? I can't. He would hate me.", "Cassie: It's the only way that you're gonna get better, Mom. You do want to get better, don't you?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: Why don't you get your skinny ass on your broomstick and fly the hell out of town?", "Kelly: You want to set up a memorial foundation in Delia Abbott's name?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sage and Adam visit the Coffeehouse and sit down at a table. Adam notices Noah walk in. Victor visits Victoria and holds baby Kate as he talks to Kate about working at Newman Enterprises. At the lab, Ashley and Ben work on the formula for the new fragrance. Ashley senses a tenseness between them and says that there is no need for tension between them. Ashley reminds him that it was just one night. Ben assures Ashley that he has no regrets over what happened between them. Ashley assures Ben that she will never say anything to Victoria about what happened. Victoria lets Victor know that although she has Johnny and Reed, Kate is a gift from God that she didn't think that she would ever have. Victor asks Victoria about her coming back to work. Victoria tells him that she will as long as she can have a nursery so that she can spend time with Kate. Mr. Sherman is with Sharon when Nick stops by to pick up Faith. Faith is upset that she is going to be living with Nick instead of with Sharon and Nick. Faith comments to them both that Nick doesn't want to be a family with them anymore. After Faith goes outside, Nick asks Sharon about the lies that she may have told Faith about him. Sharon and Nick argue over the custody hearing and what tactics Mr. Sherman will use to gain Sharon custody of Faith. Sharon tells Nick that she will refuse to give up custody of Faith. After Nick leaves, Mr. Sherman asks Sharon how dirty she's willing to fight to gain custody of Faith.", "Nick visits Victoria to see Kate. They discuss the upcoming custody hearing and Sharon‘s sickness which will restrict from being a proper parent to Faith. Victoria tells Nick about her and Billy being parents to Kate but that things are improving between her and Ben. Ben leaves Tobias alone in the lab. Tobias gets a call from Victor. Ashley meets with Victor in the dining room of the Athletic Club. Victor pushes a brown envelope toward her and lets her know that it is part of a severance package when she comes to work for him at Newman. Sage starts to leave the Coffeehouse when Adam sees Sharon walk in on the cell phone. Sage comes back to Adam's table and asks him who the woman is. Adam lets her know that she is his ex-wife. Victor asks Ashley how she and Abby are doing at Jabot. Victoria asks Nick what happened to his leg. Nick explains that he was drinking and was caught in a bear trap. Sage advises Adam not to blow his cover or he would be going to jail. Sharon asks Noah for his help in keeping custody of Faith. Adam walks up and asks for the sugar to see if Sharon will recognize him, no one does. Noah tries his best to get rid of the man but Adam wonders if he knows him. Sharon goes on the defensive and tells him that he probably saw her in the tabloids. When Sharon senses that the man doesn't know what she is talking about, she apologizes. The man asks them about a place to live here. Noah tells him about the hotel at the Athletic Club. Noah tells Sharon that the man was coming on to her. Sharon asks Noah again if he will help her to regain custody of Faith. Ashley turns Victor down on his proposition for her to work at Newman. Ben visits Victoria to check on her and Kate. Victoria agrees to go out on a date with him sometime. Ben is hesitant and Victoria wonders if he is keeping something from her again. Ben looks at her and tells her that it is Ashley. Ashley arrives back at the lab and upon looking through the glass, sees Tobias filming the notes for the new fragrance. Ashley goes back out the door and around the corner of the office. Adam gets on the elevator and starts to go upstairs when Victor gets on the elevator with him. Nick is behind the bar at the Underground when Sage walks in and asks him for a drink. Nick looks at her and remarks, \"It is you!\"", "" ]
[ "Sharon: Good morning, Nick.", "Nick: Is faith ready for school?", "Sharon: She's brushing her teeth. You're welcome to wait inside.", "Nick: David Sherman.", "David: Morning, Nick.", "Nick: Are you serious? Your lawyer is here with you and faith? What're you doing? Brainwashing faith on what to say? Is that the game plan? Coaching her so she'll stay with you?", "Adam: Sage, do you ever sleep or, you know, like, go to the ladies room, read a book? Anything like that?", "Sage: Yes, I am an actual person, gibe. I do a lot of things that don't involve you.", "Adam: Well, all I've seen you do is look over my shoulder, so...", "Sage: Who are you calling?", "Adam: Will you relax? I'm checking the time.", "Sage: You have a watch for that, a gift from your father. Maybe you should start paying attention to your current life instead of your old one.", "Adam: 'Cause you're jealous of my life, right? That I have one? Because all you do with yours is take care of old women and grown men? That must be so fulfilling.", "Sage: Well, if your life is so fulfilling, why do you need to be babysat? What are we doing here, anyway? Isn't this slumming it for you?", "Adam: Absolutely. But a lot of the locals hang out here. I figure I can practice being Gabriel in front of unsuspecting friends...or enemies.", "Sage: Well, your own widow didn't waste two seconds looking at you, so congratulations. You passed the test.", "Adam: Well, she was across the room, so it's time to see what happens when I'm up close and personal. And my first guinea pig just walked through the door.", "Victor: Yes. Look at that pretty face. Look at that pretty face. Another beautiful granddaughter. Look at you. Huh? I can hardly wait for you to sit behind a desk with glasses on and a briefcase next to you, running Newman- chancellor. How's that?", "Victoria: Oh, boy. You already had the nameplate printed up, didn't you?", "Victor: Yes. So pretty. You know, Katherine would be very proud. Another strong woman to run the ship. Right?", "Victoria: [Sighs] Yep. Out of a onesie and into a power suit. Daddy, will you please let her finish kindergarten first?", "Victor: Well, maybe. Maybe. But now that we have settled her future, what about yours?", "Victoria: Oh. I have big plans for a shower.", "Victor: That's not what I'm referring to. What's your next move?", "Ashley: Did you convert those measurements?", "Stitch: Yep, that's the final, with adjustments for evaporation. Not ideal.", "Ashley: Not quite there yet, huh? Oh, my God. I thought he would never leave. I hate it when I hire such dedicated assistants. Okay. There's so much tension between us, and I just don't know why. We're two adults. It was only one night. Unless I'm missing something.", "Sage: What?", "Adam: That guy.", "Sage: Yeah, he's cute.", "Adam: Yeah, I know. He's really cute. He's my nephew.", "Sage: What?", "Adam: Yeah, it's my brother Nick's son.", "Sage: Oh, your brother, as in your brother Nick that you wanted to leave dead in the woods?", "Adam: Yeah.", "Sage: Yeah. Okay.", "Adam: Oh, don't do that. My brother would've done the same thing to me.", "Sage: Yeah. Sure. So, how does your nephew feel about you, huh?", "Adam: Well, it's complicated. He actually used to be my stepson.", "Sage: [Chuckles]", "Adam: Yeah. I actually saved the kid's life once. You know, which you would think would win me at least a few brownie points with him, but, in the end, nothing. With his mother? Absolutely. But with him? Nothing.", "Sage: Well, at least your motives were pure.", "Adam: Yeah. Well, okay. I'm gonna go over there, so just to be on the safe side, you should probably leave.", "Sage: You don't have to worry about me. If things get messy, I can take care of myself.", "Adam: Well, that is adorable that you think I'm concerned about you. I'm going over there, and if he suspects me, I'm gonna have to bolt. I don't want you slowing me down.", "Sharon: This wasn't planned. David was a few minutes early. You were a few minutes late. It happens.", "Nick: He couldn't have waited in the car? \"Hi, faith. I'd like you to shake the hand of the man who tried to destroy your grandmother in court.\"", "Sharon: I'm not the one who started this custody suit, Nick. You are. So don't come in here and throw around accusations. I would never try to cut you out of our daughter's life. Can you say that you wouldn't do the same to me?", "Nick: So, what's the angle? Feed faith a bunch of lies, try and trash me in front of the judge?", "David: Oh, no, no. I just came for the coffee, Nick.", "Sharon: If you're worried about what faith thinks about you, then why are you taking me to court?", "Nick: Because I'm the parent. It's my job to do whatever is best for faith, no matter what.", "Sharon: Meaning you want every ugly detail out there about me? But no one's allowed to say anything bad about you.", "Nick: Because what you did to me and to Summer is pertinent. It matters. It shows everyone what you're capable of.", "David: Excellent insight into the approach you and ms. Clark intend to take in court. Thank you for that.", "Nick: Yeah, well, we all know your approach, don't we, Sherman? It's scorched earth. I saw it firsthand with what you did with my mother.", "Sharon: David, would you excuse us for a moment? There's fresh coffee in the kitchen.", "David: Of course.", "Nick: This is just another slap in the face. How can you hire the man who defended Ian ward? What does Mariah think about this?", "Sharon: Anything I have to explain to her, I will.", "Nick: Why don't you explain it to me first? I hired a friend to be my lawyer. You went Defcon 4 with your choice.", "Sharon: Avery is a high-powered attorney, who also happens to be your ex- fiancée, and we all know how she feels about me. I hired an attorney who isn't afraid of the Newman name or resources.", "Nick: He's a shark who likes seeing his name in print.", "Sharon: This could all go away, Nick, with one word from you.", "[Footsteps approaching]", "Faith: You're fighting again.", "Nick: No. No, no. We were just talking, kid. And I'm taking orders for dinner tonight. What would you like me to cook?", "Faith: For a sleepover at your house?", "Nick: Well, it's not just my house. It's your house, too.", "Faith: I'm not sleeping there. You can't make me punish mommy, too.", "Stitch: For the record, I did not make that on a burner in the lab.", "[Both laugh]", "Ashley: Well, there's always next time. Okay. So, I can tell that you want to talk. Want to get something off your chest. I already told you, I don't think any less of you.", "Stitch: And I appreciate it. It was a bad night -- I mean, emotionally. Um, but since then, some good things have happened.", "Ashley: Oh, yeah? Like what?", "Stitch: Well, Jeff Bardwell. He dropped his suit against the hospital.", "Ashley: Fantastic.", "Stitch: The DS's no longer pressing charges against me for practicing medicine without a license.", "Ashley: So, does that mean you get to keep your medical license?", "Stitch: Uh, not sure yet. But practicing medicine, you know, it's... well, it feels like it's the whole point to my life.", "Ashley: Aha. As opposed to pheromone-based fragrances. Look, I guess I can understand that, but, uh... I hope you know how much we value you here. You know that, right?", "Stitch: I know that. I'm grateful. We made some progress.", "Ashley: We've made a lot more than \"some.\"", "Stitch: First thing I've been proud about in a long while.", "Ashley: Yeah, it feels good, huh?", "Stitch: Yeah.", "Ashley: Uh, you probably get that a lot, practicing medicine. And I bet you're gonna go right back to it -- aren't you? -- The first chance you get.", "Stitch: I'm not going back until we're done here. You have my word.", "Ashley: Well, honestly, hearing that from a lot of people wouldn't mean much, but hearing it from you, it does, and that says a lot about you. It's very special. So, you said that things are looking up in a lot of areas? What does that mean?", "Stitch: I saw Victoria again. And I thought that door was shut with her, but looks like I was wrong.", "Ashley: Okay. So then you officially regret that shower we took, don't you? And...what happened after.", "Victoria: See, the good news is, is that Katie doesn't need über business Victoria right now. She just needs mommy Victoria.", "Victor: Well, that is not what I'm talking about.", "Victoria: Are you fishing about my love life, daddy?", "Victor: Well, I want to know about your personal life, sweetheart. You know.", "Victoria: Okay. Well, I do admit I'm absolutely and completely in love to the point where I am delirious.", "Victor: With the baby, right?", "Victoria: Good guess, dad.", "Victor: Uh-huh. But you know that I'm not talking about that.", "Victoria: I know what you're talking about, all right?", "Victor: [Laughing]", "Victoria: I know. Look at me.", "Victor: [Laughing] What?", "Victoria: Look at that baby.", "Victor: Yes.", "Victoria: And men are not my top priority right now, and it shouldn't be for you, either. You're so good with babies. There's no other mogul on earth that is as adorable as you are with an infant. It's a proven fact.", "Victor: Really?", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: Well, that's so nice to hear. So, what do you plan to do, as far as work is concerned?", "Victoria: Well, I hear that Newman-chancellor has an excellent maternity-leave policy.", "Victor: Which you helped to implement. You know that.", "Victoria: Me?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Victoria: Oh, that's right. I did do that, didn't I? Yeah.", "Victor: Not trying to push you back into business.", "Victoria: Except you are.", "Victor: Boy... you know me only too well, don't you? But, sweetheart, you have enormous value to the company. You know.", "Victoria: Daddy, you could run the company blindfolded.", "Victor: No, but, sweetheart, do you know what it means to me? It just warms my heart to see you in the office every day. You know? My goodness. I love that.", "Victoria: You just don't give up.", "Victor: Have you ever known me to give up?", "Victoria: No, I -- no.", "Victor: Exactly.", "Victoria: Dad, okay, I'm not retiring. I promise you.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: I will be back to work at Newman-chancellor when I'm ready.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: But only on one condition.", "Victor: What's that?", "Stitch: There is no such thing as regret regarding a woman like you. You're brilliant, exciting, stunning, beautiful...", "Ashley: Okay, really, you don't have to do that. No, no, you don't have to flatter me. That's okay. Thank you, but...", "Stitch: If things were different...", "Ashley: Yeah, I know. They're not, so...", "Stitch: Things are complicated, personally and professionally.", "Ashley: Exactly. So we're agreed, right? It was just...a one-time thing, and it's best forgotten.", "Stitch: Well, an isolated incident, maybe, you know? But forgotten? Probably -- probably not.", "Ashley: Billy and Victoria had something really special, so I can't help but root for them. Sorry.", "Stitch: I would expect that, so...", "Ashley: But then again, if you take a step back and you just look at them objectively -- I don't know -- maybe there is no hope, and... maybe they have moved on.", "Stitch: Yeah, it's a new chapter for both of them, and... I'm kind of hoping I'm in Victoria's.", "Ashley: Well, it's a good thing that Jack and Abby didn't suspect anything -- right? -- When they came in there? That would've been bad.", "Stitch: Oh. You kidding me? You know, I would -- I would obviously never mention this to anyone.", "Ashley: Oh, I'm not gonna say a thing. I promise you. I mean, us being quiet about it is your best chance with Victoria, right? Because if she did find out about it, that door that she's kept open for you would probably shut for good.", "Victor: A new mother of a beautiful baby... and always ready to negotiate. So... what are we negotiating? Salary, title, oversight? What? What?", "Victoria: You know what?", "Victor: What?", "Victoria: Katie's a gift. She's a gift that... I never thought I was gonna have. And I guess I stopped hoping because, you know, it hurt... too much. But I have Johnny and reed, and I told myself that I was already luckier than anybody ever deserved to be. But deep down, dad, I think that there's always more love to give. You and mom taught me that. The heart's always growing. And Katie exists. She's here. And I don't want to miss one single second with her, dad.", "Victor: And you shouldn't, okay?", "Victoria: Okay.", "Victor: You shouldn't. But you want to come back to work, don't you?", "Victoria: Yes, I do.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: With a full nursery for Katie, just like I had for reed when he was a baby. So that she's right next door if she needs me, if I just want to go and kiss her sweet little face.", "Victor: You've got everything you need, okay? You just name it.", "Victoria: Okay. Negotiations concluded, then.", "Victor: I think they are.", "Victoria: Now, do we have any information about Ashley's project? Do we know what we're up against?", "Victor: Mm. Now you're getting serious, aren't you?", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: Question is... do they fully realize... what they're up against? Us.", "Sharon: Sweetheart, you love spending the night at Daddy's. And he'll make you pancakes.", "Nick: For sure, and with blueberries.", "Faith: [Breathes deeply] Daddy doesn't want to be a family with us.", "Nick: Sweetheart, families, you know, they change.", "Sharon: You know that, faith. Maybe you've seen too much of it. But I promise I don't mind you sleeping over with daddy. I think you two deserve to have your special time together, just like we deserve to have ours.", "Nick: You know what? This is a bigger conversation for another time. But right now, you got to get to school. You got friends there who want to play with you, and you've got teachers who want to teach you a bunch of cool stuff.", "Sharon: Better go jump in daddy's car. Get your backpack. Give mom a kiss.", "Nick: Did you tell her I was punishing you?", "Sharon: No. She's a smart little girl. I told her that I had done something wrong, and these are the consequences.", "Nick: Well, the consequences now are that my daughter hates me right now. Thank you.", "Sharon: Well, no one's forcing you to sue for custody, Nick. Okay. I did something wrong. How you choose to handle it, that's up to you.", "Nick: I'm gonna handle it by doing whatever is best for faith, no matter what.", "Sharon: We haven't even been to court, and you act as though you've already won.", "Nick: Once they find out about how you switched that DNA evidence, how exactly do you think I'm gonna lose?", "Sharon: Well, maybe the judge will be rational and he'll understand that I did something terrible when I was ill.", "Nick: Oh, and I'm sure Sherman's just gonna pound that home -- your illness, and you were a victim, and it was never your fault. Is that how you're gonna play it, Sherman?!", "Sharon: Because it's true. And I have my illness under control now, despite all the pressure I'm under.", "Nick: You had moments of lucidity. You knew you had done something evil. 'Cause you worked so hard to cover it up. Your choices, Sharon, people suffered because of them. Summer suffered.", "Sharon: And I'll regret it forever, Nick. And I know that it cost me you, and I accept that, but I will not give up my daughter just so you can have an eye for an eye. I won't.", "Nick: Well, then I'll see you in court. Did you hear how angry he is?", "David: Eh, seen worse. He expects to win.", "Sharon: He can't. I won't give up my daughter.", "David: Well, then I have just one thing to ask you -- how dirty are you willing to fight?", "Sharon: Of course I want to be with faith. But I refuse to believe that means I need to tear her father apart. I -- I still love Nick.", "David: Doesn't sound as if the feeling is mutual.", "Sharon: Well, I can't change how he feels. But what kind of mother would I be if I attacked faith's father? I just -- I won't do that to either of them.", "David: Do you think Nick or his family have the some compunction?", "Sharon: I know how dirty the Newmans fight. I have been up against them too many times before.", "David: Then you know they will hit you where it hurts. Your only shot at retaining custody is to fight back even harder. Better yet, you strike first.", "Sharon: Nick, he keeps acting as though I should just give up all my rights to faith for her own sake.", "David: Yeah, well, of course he'd say that. He wants to win. Whatever it takes.", "Sharon: You know, we've had this fight before in the past, and we rebuilt our family.", "David: Do you think that's happening this time? Because I sense a finality to this.", "Sharon: No, I don't think that's happening this time. But I have to believe that something can be done before everything gets worse. I have to at least try before it's too late.", "Victoria: First grandpa and now uncle Nick? Ooh, she's getting a lot of love today.", "Nick: I wish faith would've come with me. Then she could've seen that someone likes me. I mean, Katie does like me, right?", "Victoria: Yes, she likes you. Faith loves you.", "Nick: She didn't say two words to me on the way to school today.", "Victoria: Oh, come on. You know what it's like to be caught up in the middle of your parents' drama. It'll pass. Don't worry.", "Nick: I look back at faith's life, it has been nothing but drama, and now I'm adding to it. Maybe I'm making a mistake.", "Victoria: Oh, my gosh. I'm way too tired to smack you upside of the head, so just know that I want to. Do it yourself.", "Nick: I'm worried, vic. Just want to make sure I do right by faith.", "Victoria: You are. You are protecting her from a mother with a history of destructive behavior. You can't back down or give up just because your little girl gives you the cold shoulder in the car.", "[Baby cries]", "Nick: For someone who's exhausted, you're pretty tough.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, it's the mother in me.", "Nick: And how is Katie's father? How's the co-parenting going? Are you and Billy maybe getting closer again?", "Victoria: It's going good. It's actually kind of wonderful.", "Nick: Ahh.", "Victoria: As parents.", "Nick: And that's it?", "Victoria: Look, I didn't tell dad this, but I'll tell you -- there is someone that things are changing with. Ben. I know that Katherine isn't his, but we're getting closer. I kind of have a sliver of hope that we can make this work.", "Stitch: Hey, Tobias, will you double-check those levels for me while I'm gone?", "Tobias: You got it, dr. Russell.", "Stitch: Call me stitch, man. And don't forget to take a lunch break.", "Tobias: When you're back.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Tobias: Hello.", "Victor: Hello.", "Tobias: Dr. Russell just left for lunch. No idea when miss Abbott's coming back.", "Victor: I called you to let you know that you'll have the lab to yourself for a while, okay? You make use of it. Got it?", "Tobias: Yes, sir.", "Victor: Ashley.", "Ashley: Hi.", "Victor: Nice to see you.", "Ashley: You too.", "Victor: Have a seat.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Victor: I am so glad that you can join me.", "Sage: You love this, don't you, this challenge?", "Adam: You lie to Constance every time you call me Gabriel.", "Sage: I have my reasons for that.", "Adam: And those don't concern me. What I'm doing here, I have my reason that don't concern you.", "Sage: What if you crash and burn?", "Adam: I crash and burn? Hmm. Let's see. I've already been there, and I've done that, and look how that turned out.", "Sage: Enjoy yourself.", "Adam: I will.", "Sage: Be careful. I'm out of here.", "Adam: You do that.", "Ashley: This is wonderful, isn't it? It's been a long time since it's been just the two of us having a lunch. Too long.", "Victor: Hell of a long time, hasn't it been? How's Abby doing at Jabot?", "Ashley: Very well.", "Victor: Yeah?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: I'd love her to come to work at Newman-chancellor.", "Ashley: I'm sure. She's very passionate. Just have to keep her pointed in the right direction.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. And how are you doing? I remember you left, you were somewhat disappointed, but you're back in Genoa City now. Are you content?", "Ashley: If I wasn't, would you try to make everything better?", "Victor: You're not upset about my concern, are you?", "Ashley: You're a little predictable, which is surprising.", "Victor: Mm.", "Ashley: Jack told me that you might be fishing around for information about our progress.", "Victor: My goodness. Was he thinking I was gonna get you to divulge that secret? He doesn't know you very well, does he? But you and I understand each other. That's what's important.", "Ashley: What's that?", "Victor: Compensation package.", "Ashley: Oh.", "Victor: For when you leave Jabot and join me at Newman-chancellor.", "[Both laugh]", "Victoria: Oh, yes. What a nice brother.", "Nick: Yeah, well, if things were so good with stitch, how come he's not keeping you fed?", "Victoria: Well, it's not like that. Not yet. But at least I know I can trust him, and I can trust myself because I didn't fall for a liar.", "Nick: Mm, technically, he did lie to you.", "Victoria: To protect his mother.", "Nick: Okay, it's in the plus column, I'll agree, but you got to keep your eyes open. Otherwise, the bad stuff can sneak up on you, no matter how emotionally invested you are.", "Victoria: He's not Sharon.", "Nick: No, he's not. Thank God for that.", "Victoria: Aww. You are worse than I am.", "Nick: Eh, you know, she's just so quiet. Got to make sure she's still there.", "Victoria: So, are you gonna tell me? What happened to your leg?", "Nick: [Sighs] Yeah. You know, I got myself snagged into a bear trap, walking into the woods.", "Victoria: [Laughing]", "Nick: It's not funny.", "Victoria: What? Oh. You're not joking, are you?", "Nick: No.", "Victoria: Well, what were you thinking? Are you okay?", "Nick: No, I'm gonna be okay. And wasn't exactly thinking. More like drinking.", "Victoria: Oh. I see. Drowning your sorrows, and then you walk into a bear trap. That's brilliant, Nick.", "Nick: Yeah, it's not my finest moment, no.", "Victoria: So, how did you even get out of there? What do you remember?", "Nick: Well, it was an angel of mercy, as far as I can remember. I've tried to track her down, but no luck. If I hadn't got confirmation that a woman did call 911, I'd think it was just all part of a dream.", "Sharon: Noah. Hi.", "Noah: Hi.", "Sage: What's wrong?", "Adam: I'm fine.", "Sage: Who is she? Hello?", "Adam: What?", "Sage: Who is she, the blond? You stopped when you saw her.", "Adam: That, uh, woman is my ex-wife. That's -- that's the boy's mother. I feel like if I can fool her --", "Sage: Are you insane? You want to show your ex-wife your new face? What the hell is wrong with you?", "Adam: She looks pretty upset.", "Sage: You think you can fix that? She doesn't know who you are, and it needs to stay that way. Let's get out of here.", "Adam: Sage, you were on your way out of here. Why didn't you just, you know, keep going?", "Sage: You're in no condition to take care of someone. Two weeks ago, you were hopped up on meds, and your head was wrapped like a mummy.", "Adam: I appreciate your concern. Now goodbye.", "Sage: If you taint this, and I have to tell Constance that her grandson died in that river, it's gonna really, really piss me off. And going to prison as Adam Newman's gonna be the least of your problems. Do not blow this.", "Sharon: And, of course, faith is so confused, seeing your father so angry.", "Noah: Poor kid. Thinks she's finally getting her family back together, now she's got to deal with visitation and custody crap. It shouldn't be this way, mom.", "Sharon: Exactly. That's why I'm trying to keep her away from all this. I want to somehow handle this inside of the family. And I hate asking you this, Noah, but I need you right now. Help me protect faith. Help keep me from losing her.", "Adam: Uh, could I get one of you guys to reach the sugar over there for me, please?", "Sharon: Of course.", "Adam: Thank you. Very much. Appreciate that.", "Sharon: It's no problem at all.", "Adam: You look really familiar to me. Do we -- do we know each other?", "Sharon: No, I don't think so.", "Noah: I'm sorry. Not to be rude. I was just trying to have a conversation with my mom.", "Adam: I'm sorry. Yeah, no, that's -- it's just that face -- I feel like -- I feel like I know you.", "Sharon: Well, it was probably from a tabloid, which means it was scandalous and negative.", "Adam: Oh. I -- I apologize. Um... it's awfully nosy. I should've just minded my own business, let you guys finish your coffee.", "Sharon: No, no, I'm sorry. It's just, when someone recognizes me these days, I immediately think the worst.", "Adam: Really? Oh, here I was being overly optimistic. I'm new in town. I just, I thought I saw a familiar face.", "Noah: Anything else? I just wanted to finish the conversation.", "Adam: No, yeah, go ahead. I can see that. Oh, there is one more thing, actually -- I'm looking for a hotel. You guys have any --", "Noah: Yeah, Genoa City athletic club. Full service. It's great.", "Sharon: Oh, right. They're under new management now, and they've done some great renovations.", "Adam: Well, thank you, kind people, for the sugar and for the -- for the suggestions. I appreciate it. Take care.", "Noah: That was gross.", "Sharon: What?", "Noah: That guy was hitting on you right in front of me.", "Sharon: No, he wasn't. He just seemed kind of lost or something.", "Noah: \"Lost\"...", "Sharon: Anyway, back to this issue with your father, this all-out war. I think that you can make this go away.", "Noah: No, mom. No more. I can't. I'm sorry. The only ones that can fix this are you and dad. This one's on you.", "Ashley: That's very interesting. You actually think I can be bought.", "Victor: You and I used to be a pretty good team in the past.", "Ashley: [Laughs] It's been a really long time since we've been a good team, Victor.", "Victor: Yeah, been a while. So why'd you come back to Genoa City? Miss family or join Jabot again or... does Jack finally value the way you ought to be valued?", "Ashley: I have to tell you that I find these power games that you play so incredibly tedious. Honestly, do you and Jack actually still find them interesting after all these years? Tell me the truth.", "Victor: I remember you left Genoa City because Jack didn't pay you what you deserved.", "Ashley: I left for a lot of reasons. But now I'm back... with something so incredibly interesting to you that you're offering me a job.", "Victor: Why don't you read it, get back to me?", "Ashley: No.", "Victor: Mm.", "Ashley: And you know I won't read it. I'm turning it down without even opening it.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: Is that really what this is all about?", "Victor: It's about business and respect.", "Ashley: I don't believe you. But I also don't care. I don't care. Please don't contact me again if it's just to play these silly little games. I'm really busy.", "Victor: Mm.", "Ashley: I am.", "Victor: Mm.", "Ashley: But it's been wonderful to see you again.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: All right, you go get some rest while Katie's crashed out. I'll check in on you later.", "Victoria: Yes, after some more juice. Thank you.", "Nick: Mwah.", "Victoria: I love you.", "Nick: I love you, too.", "Victoria: Bye.", "Nick: Bye.", "Stitch: Hey. Hey, Nick. Here visiting your niece?", "Nick: Yeah. She's amazing, like her mother. Vic tells me you two are on better terms? Don't hurt her again.", "Stitch: Trust me -- that's the last thing I'd ever want.", "Nick: Yeah, well, people find a way to hurt each other anyways. So don't.", "Victoria: Uh, Ben, hi. Nick, uh...", "Nick: Yeah, yeah, I know. Was just leaving.", "Victoria: Brr!", "Stitch: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Stitch: Hi.", "Victoria: Hi. Katie's upstairs sleeping.", "Stitch: How are you?", "Victoria: Me?", "Stitch: Yeah.", "Victoria: I'm -- I'm fine. I'm just, you know, messy and tired, but I'm happy.", "Stitch: Well, you look it -- I mean, the happy part, not the tired and stuff.", "Victoria: I am... in a lot of ways.", "Stitch: That's good. That's great.", "Victoria: And I was thinking that when I can finally maybe tear myself away from Katherine for a few hours, I was sort of hoping that maybe you and I could go on a date.", "Stitch: Yeah. Sounds great. Um...", "[Both chuckle]", "Victoria: You don't sound so convinced.", "Stitch: No, no, no! I mean it. I-I-I do.", "Victoria: Okay. I mean, unless something's changed.", "Sharon: You know what? I've tried talking to your father, and he either shuts down, or he gets angry. But if you talk to him --", "Noah: I have, mom. Dad's convinced he's doing the right thing for faith.", "Sharon: And you don't agree with that, do you?", "Noah: No, I do not. But how many times have you told me that I shouldn't be fighting your battles or be put in the middle? Look, I've been worried about you for so many years, both of you. I mean, I went to France just so I could be free of it for a little while. On the day that you and dad were supposed to get married, I even said to him, \"I don't think you have to worry about mom anymore.\"", "Sharon: I know I've been a burden to you.", "Noah: No, no, mom, look. I'm not saying that to make you feel bad. Okay? Honestly, I'm not. But as much as you think you need me, you don't. Even with everything that's happened to you, you are stronger now than you've been in a long time. This is not gonna break you, okay? And you don't need me to be your champion. Not anymore. You and dad got to this place together, and I believe that you two -- only you two -- can find your way out again.", "Sharon: No, we can't, Noah. Because your father isn't listening to me, and I'm afraid that this is going to get so ugly, it's going to hurt all of us in so many ways. I don't want faith all to myself. I want to give her a good life with me and your father, co-parenting. Now, I hate asking you this. This is not your job. I understand that. But not for my sake. For the sake of your whole family, help me stop this from becoming all-out war.", "Nick: Yeah, Avery, just fit me in whenever. Sharon already has David Sherman in her damn living room, ready to beat our case into the ground. We got to be ready. Sure. Okay. I'll see you then.", "Sage: Excuse me, sir. Do you serve food here?", "Nick: It's you.", "Stitch: No, no, no, no, no. Of course, I want a date. Hell, I want a million of them -- a lifetime, if I could.", "Victoria: Maybe that's what you used to want when you thought that Katie was yours, but now I'm just a lady in sweatpants and with a baby and an ex- husband, and I know that's a lot of baggage. I get that.", "Stitch: Hey, you are every single thing I could ever want, Katie included, no matter who the father is. You're her mother. That makes her a kid I will always want to know.", "Victoria: You're saying everything that I want to hear, but --", "Stitch: But nothing. That's how I feel.", "Victoria: Okay. So then why the hesitation? I thought that you would be excited that we were gonna try again. I was excited for us, but now it's just...", "Stitch: Victoria, it's just... you're right. There is something. It's Ashley.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Victor: Yes?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Paul: Chris and I have an announcement of our own. We're gonna have a baby.", "Lily: You can sit here and schmooze my husband, but he's not gonna help you carve up this town.", "Jill: Why don't you stay and help Victoria with the baby?", "Victoria: Ben can stay, actually, right?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Phyllis talks to Michael and Nick about the fact that she has finally accepted that her relationship with Jack has ended. Phyllis tells Michael that she has an idea that could help increase Fenmore's sales; and once she has it ready, she will tell Lauren more about it. Nick thinks that Phyllis is on the right track with her ideas about how to expand Fenmore's web presence. She also tells Nick that she hopes to get a job at Fenmore's once she shows her ideas to Lauren. Nick has a bit more then he can handle with Faith and Christian living at home although he won't admit that he is overwhelmed and tells Summer he has everything under control. Ashley hires Robbie, the computer programmer who helped her develop the JabotGo app. His new job is to make sure that the Jabot website can handle the increased traffic without crashing. Jack tells Ashley to take advantage of the fact that Robbie has a crush on her to keep him motivated to do his job quickly. Phyllis overhears Jack telling Ashley that he wants to take over Fenmore's. The ladies of Chelsea 2.0 have their big fashion show on GC Buzz, and everything is going well until Mariah falls on her face while modeling her dress, because Hilary cut the heel of her shoe. Mariah sees a blurry image of Hilary standing over her before she passes out.", "" ]
[ "Chelsea: Chloe, what do you think? Runway ready?", "Chloe: Hot off the mannequin. I love it. Okay, chunky or lariat?", "Chelsea: Chunky. Absolutely. And the lariat, just in case.", "Chloe: You know what? I'm just gonna -- I'm just gonna layer chains just in case.", "Chelsea: I like it.", "Sharon: Do you want a boot or a sandal?", "Chelsea: Sandals with a heel.", "Sharon: Oh, we've got that.", "Chelsea: All heels today. All day.", "Sharon: The higher, the better.", "Chloe: Yeah, as long as I'm not wearing them.", "Chelsea: All right, now for the best sellers. Gonna start with this one, make sure there aren't any tags. Sharon, can you give me scissors?", "Sharon: So am I really still a part of this?", "Chloe: Hey, we are going live on GC buzz to promote the hottest Chelsea 2.0 line yet. So hell to the yeah! Right, Chelsea?", "Mariah: So keep on buzzing, GC.", "Devon: And we're out. That was fantastic, Mariah.", "Mariah: Really?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Mariah: Please don't lie to me.", "Devon: I don't even have to lie.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Devon: It was great.", "Hilary: That was my line. \"Keep on buzzing, GC\"?", "Devon: Now it's her line, honey.", "Hilary: You've got to be kidding me.", "Devon: She was very comfortable in front of the camera. You saw that.", "Hilary: She belongs behind a coffee machine.", "Devon: Honey, she has a natural vibe.", "Hilary: You mean a natural drab?", "Devon: It's temporary until we can find a permanent replacement.", "Hilary: Where does she even get off thinking that she can do something like this?", "Mariah: Because you do it every day? How hard could it be?", "Hilary: It's a skill.", "Mariah: You walk in front of the camera and read some lines. Boom. Done.", "Hilary: There is much more to it than that.", "Mariah: Not really.", "Hilary: You know, I realize that professionals like me, we tend to make these things look easy.", "Devon: Listen, can we not do this right now? Because we really do have a show to prep for today.", "Hilary: Well, you can prep all you want, but this one has no experience.", "Devon: And neither did you, honey.", "Hilary: [Scoffs] But I wasn't going live, honey.", "Mariah: You -- you didn't say anything about live. We're -- we're going live?", "Devon: Yeah, I didn't say that?", "Mariah: No.", "Hilary: It's not just about going live, sweetheart. It's all the things you'll be doing while millions of eyes are on you. Better take a closer look at that rundown.", "[Doorbell ringing]", "Nick: Coming! Hey, Supergirl.", "Summer: Hey, dad.", "Nick: Yep. Oh, sorry. Just a rag with some spit-up on it.", "Summer: Oh, nice.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Summer: Uh, where is he?", "Nick: He is upstairs. Just gave him a bath. He's now playing in his crib.", "Summer: Okay, um, hey, I got this for Christian. I figured you didn't have any time.", "Nick: Wow, look at that. Thanks. It's awesome. So you can tell things have been a little busier than usual around here.", "Summer: Yes. Oh, hey, that's probably a good idea.", "Nick: Yeah, faith felt pretty bad that Christian was in the hospital, so she has banished strawberries in this house forever.", "Summer: [Chuckles] Uh, well, it looks like you could use some help.", "Nick: What are you talking about? I got all this covered. It's all good.", "[Christian crying]", "Nick: Okay, let me just... yes, I will go...", "Faith: Dad, you've got to help me with my book report. It's due tomorrow.", "Nick: Tomorrow? Okay, no problem. We can do this. Uh, did you like the book?", "Faith: I'm not sure. I'm only halfway through.", "Summer: Yeah, you've got this.", "Jack: I have something new I want to run by you. Could be big.", "Ashley: Sounds interesting. Ravi's gonna be here any second, though.", "Jack: Who?", "Ashley: Ravi, the genius who built the JabotGo app. I hired him as our engineer.", "Jack: And we're meeting with him because...?", "Ashley: Oh, my God! Do you ever read the memos I send out? Our downloads are exceeding our expectations, which means our server is in danger of crashing. We need to scale up so we can stay ahead of demand.", "Jack: Okay, let's do it.", "Ashley: Okay, we're gonna have to hire some more people maybe.", "Jack: The money's there.", "Ashley: Not really a money issue, per se. More of like a space issue. And I know Phyllis' office is kind of small, but it might come in handy.", "Jack: Sure. Why not?", "Ashley: What are you saying? She's leaving?", "Jack: Something tells me she won't be around much longer.", "Ashley: Okay, I need details.", "Jack: I made it very clear to her that things are done between us forever, for good.", "Ashley: Do you think she actually believed you this time?", "Jack: We've got a lot of work to do. Suppose we focus on where we want to go instead of where we've been.", "Michael: Hey, you. [Sighs] That's not good. What's wrong?", "Phyllis: [Voice breaking] There's nothing wrong I haven't caused.", "Michael: [Sighing] Oh, goodness. You've been here before. Down, depressed. But you always rally. Unless something's changed?", "Phyllis: You said I could do this. You said I could win jack back. But you also said I needed to be realistic. [Chuckles tearfully] This is reality. Michael, it's... [Sniffles] We're done. We're over.", "Michael: Come here.", "Phyllis: [Sighs]", "Nick: A little brain food while you finish your book.", "Faith: I'd rather have a Christmas cookie.", "Nick: Well, I would rather you not wait until the last minute to do book reports.", "Summer: Hmm. Yeah, he's got you there.", "Nick: So why don't you take your snacks and your book, run upstairs, and finish it? When you're done, we'll get after it, all right?", "Faith: Okay.", "Nick: And the brain food. There we go.", "Summer: Uh, so do you need help with anything? You know, dishes?", "Nick: Nope. Got it under control. But I could use your help with something.", "Summer: Yeah?", "Nick: Yeah. Why don't you give one of these a whirl?", "Summer: You made Christmas cookies?", "Nick: Oh, yeah.", "Summer: [Chuckles]", "Nick: Let's see. Let's go with this one. I'm particularly proud of that one.", "Summer: All right, well, did anyone teach you to color in the lines?", "Nick: You know, faith said the same thing.", "Summer: All right.", "Nick: And?", "Summer: Mm. So, so good.", "Nick: Mm.", "Summer: Mm. You know, I'm just not so hungry right now, though.", "Nick: Okay, well, maybe later.", "Summer: Yeah. Definitely. Definitely later. Um, are you sure you're really okay, though? I mean, I can help with anything -- cleaning up, babysitting, baking some really delicious Christmas cookies.", "Nick: Yeah, um, no. I'm good. Seriously. I-I can handle this. Besides, you have your own life, your own things to do.", "Summer: Yeah, work, school, a minimal social life, no fiancé because he turned out to be a criminal, and did I mention that I live with my mom?", "Nick: Technically she lives with you.", "Summer: Is that supposed to cheer me up?", "Nick: Did it work?", "Summer: No.", "Nick: No. How's she's doing?", "Summer: Um, she's... you know... it's hard.", "Nick: What's going on?", "Summer: I don't know. She was in a weird mood earlier. I think something might have happened with jack.", "Nick: No idea what?", "Summer: I don't know. I mean, you know mom. She acts so tough, but whatever this is, I don't know, I'm pretty worried about her.", "Phyllis: Maybe that's who I am. I am that woman. I just -- I profess my undying love, I make promises I can't keep, and I hurt men that are good. I don't deserve jack.", "Michael: [Scoffs] [Chuckling] The hell you don't. I know you're the best damn thing that's ever happened to that man.", "Phyllis: Except the part when I slept with his brother.", "Michael: You made a mistake. But love conquers all, right?", "Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. Not this. What I did was unforgivable. And I was so stupid to think there could be any other end result. When jack walked away, it just... he kissed me, and... that kiss was final. I could fight a divorce. I can do that, but... that kiss was more final than words could ever be.", "Chloe: If you keep on getting inspired, we're gonna need to rent a truck to get all the goods to the studio.", "Chelsea: Can you blame me? Publicity like this? I mean, GC buzz, their following is massive. It's huge.", "Chloe: Perfect demographic.", "Chelsea: I know. It is like the best brand exposure ever. It's pretty great of Hilary to get involved. She can pull off pretty much anything.", "Sharon: Except telling the truth.", "Chelsea: Sharon. Sharon? Is this gonna be a problem?", "Sharon: Nope.", "Chelsea: Okay, because if it is, you know, you don't have to be involved.", "Sharon: I will be the consummate professional. Promise.", "Chloe: Sharon knows how important this is. We're a team, a team that really needs to get to the studio. So, are we ready to slay, ladies? Fist bump. Come on.", "All: Boom!", "Chloe: Let's do it.", "Hilary: And that is how it's done. [Scoffs] So you really think you can do that?", "Mariah: Walking. Wow. You put one foot in front of the other, stop, pout, turn, do it again.", "Hilary: When was the last time that you walked in four-inch platforms?", "Mariah: You know, Hilary, I've been walking on my own now for years. This time I just have to do it in front of a camera in heels. It's not that big of a deal.", "Hilary: You need to put a stop to this, Devon, because this is going to be a disaster.", "Devon: No, it's not, honey. I'm sure Mariah can handle it, all right? And listen, if you want, you can just conduct the interview. You don't have to model anything.", "Hilary: Host participation is the whole point. Look at this. Part one -- Chelsea and Chloe talk about the line. Part two -- models model the line. Then part three, the host models an outfit.", "Devon: Which I'm sure she can handle.", "Hilary: Okay, then let's see it right now. Show me confident. Show me polished. Show me sexy.", "Devon: Honey, stop it. Will you please stop undermining her? This is your call.", "Mariah: If the program says host participation, this host is going to participate.", "Devon: That's it. Great attitude.", "Hilary: Yeah, yeah, you do that. But let me just give you a little, tiny bit of advice. Confidence is 90% of the game. So if you hesitate, if you're self- conscious, or if you have a second of self-doubt, it will be a disaster. So I suggest that you just walk away now before you get laughed out of town, because we all know that's exactly how it's gonna go down.", "Hilary: I have prepped for this show for a week.", "Devon: [Sighs]", "Hilary: Okay, I am ready to go right now.", "Devon: Except for the fact that I fired you.", "Hilary: Well, I don't expect you to admit that you were wrong, but this time, you were wrong, Devon. The segment, the show, it needs me, okay? Why don't you just rethink everything, okay? And then you can hire me back, you can put me on, and you can talk about what an amazing moment this will be for the show.", "Mariah: Translation -- you mean amazing moment for you. Devon, I've got this. I'm not gonna let you down. I am actually looking forward to it.", "Hilary: This is ridiculous.", "Devon: You just said that 90% of this job is confidence. And it looks like Mariah has all she needs.", "Mariah: Hey.", "Sharon: Hi.", "Devon: Hey, Sharon.", "Sharon: Uh, so Chloe and Chelsea are parking the car and they're bringing up the rest of the stuff.", "Devon: Perfect. Perfect.", "Sharon: Um, I thought you quit.", "Mariah: I -- yeah. Um, I'll explain it later. Are those the dresses for the segment?", "Sharon: Yes.", "Mariah: Great, 'cause I'm gonna be wearing one of them. I'm hosting the show.", "Sharon: Which explains why Hilary's looking at you like that.", "Mariah: Isn't it great?", "Ashley: So you see that we're at max capacity, which is fantastic. But can you also see how the pages are loading more slowly now and the sessions are timing out? This keeps going on like this --", "Jack: Our server could crash.", "Ashley: Yes! He's paying attention! What's really good, though, about us scaling now is that I have so many great ideas. I'm gonna make the next version of this app even better.", "Jack: Okay, I'm completely on board with whatever you decide. I don't know the first thing about making a good makeup app better, so I'm expecting you to take the lead in this meeting.", "Ashley: I don't know that much about it myself, jack, which is why I hired a pro. He's the best.", "Jack: Okay, until he gets here, I want to talk about this new venture. It could be very --", "Ashley: I don't think we're gonna have enough time. Ravi is a very, very prompt human being.", "[Knock on door]", "Ravi: Hello.", "Ashley: Hey!", "Ravi: Hope I'm not late.", "Ashley: No, you're right on time. Come on in. Good to see you again.", "Ravi: How are you?", "Ashley: Ravi, this is my brother, jack Abbott. He is the C.E.O. Of jabot cosmetics.", "Ravi: Sorry.", "Ashley: [Chuckles]", "Ravi: Nice to meet you.", "Jack: Uh, likewise. Listen, we are very impressed with this app you and Ashley developed. We're just hoping to make it a little better.", "Ravi: The beauty of technology is that it can always be improved. Although some things are perfect the way they are.", "Jack: Okay, well, why don't we get started, then?", "Ashley: Let's. This is so exciting. Guys, we are riding a wave. The mobile represents almost two out of three digital media minutes, and I want to make sure that JabotGo is a part of those minutes. Hooking and holding on to millennial mobile adapters, I mean, that's the key to building brand loyalty. And if we can do that, I find it so exciting.", "Chelsea: So, you're gonna be our host. Congratulations.", "Mariah: [Sighs]", "Chloe: Should be interesting.", "Mariah: Why? Because you don't think I can do it?", "Chloe: No, because I saw Hilary giving you the stink eye.", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "Sharon: Well, I am thrilled, not only because you deserve this but because of the way Hilary spun Dylan's interview and trashed us. I'm glad Devon fired her.", "Chloe: Well, karma's a bitch.", "Mariah: And we have a live show to do. So, if you guys want to go over and meet our segment producer, you're gonna love her. She's great.", "Chelsea: And you're okay being one of our models?", "Mariah: Absolutely. I've got the pout down cold.", "Chelsea: All right, let's do this. I want to go meet the producer. We have a lot to do, not a lot of time. You'll prep Mariah?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Chelsea: Great.", "Sharon: All right, so this is your dress.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Sharon: And it's easy to make adjustments.", "Mariah: Perfect. Well, at least one thing about this will be easy.", "Sharon: And shoes -- very important.", "Mariah: I know. These are great.", "Sharon: Um, you're not wearing those, sweetie. You're wearing these.", "Mariah: Oh. These. Did I mention I have a fear of heights?", "Sharon: It's okay to be a little afraid.", "Mariah: A little afraid? I am freaking terrified out of my mind.", "Sharon: You're gonna be great.", "Mariah: You have to say that. You're my mom.", "Ravi: When I created the underlying architecture for this app, I planned for a facilitation of scaling so the main components are all in place.", "Ashley: Very clever.", "Ravi: I had a strong feeling this would succeed in the marketplace.", "Jack: So, how long will all this take?", "Ravi: Well, it depends on what the metrics, cache database, and hosting topology show.", "Jack: The hosting topology. Right.", "Ravi: Once those parameters are clear, I promise the turnaround will be as quick as possible. And luckily we're scaling at just the right time. After all, premature optimization is the root of all evil. Sorry, it's programmer humor.", "Ashley: Donald Knuth.", "Jack: Wait, who?", "Ravi: You -- you know who Knuth is?", "Ashley: Only the Godfather of computer science.", "Ravi: I knew we were speaking the same language.", "Ashley: Hardly at your level. But I think with your genius and my ideas, we are gonna develop products that women are gonna want even more than they already do.", "Jack: As long as it works. That's all I care about. So what do you need to get started? Ravi?", "Ravi: Sorry, um, what -- what was the question?", "Jack: You know what? Ashley is the point person on this. The two of you can work out the details together.", "Ashley: Thank you so much for coming on board.", "Ravi: Thank you.", "Ashley: We're so excited.", "Ravi: Thank you. It's a really great opportunity. Thank you. And -- and thank you, too.", "Jack: No, thank you.", "Ashley: We'll see you later.", "Ravi: Sounds good. Thank you. Did I say that already? I-I meant it, so...thank you.", "Ashley: Sure. Bye. He's so smart! He is so smart. We can count on him, you know. He comes in high--", "Jack: He certainly seems motivated. Maybe a little too motivated.", "Summer: It's kind of weird, isn't it? Things really end with mom and jack and she's alone, you've lost sage, and no more Luca.", "Nick: Which is a good thing.", "Summer: I don't know. It just kind of feels like we're all...adrift.", "Nick: Look, we have lost a lot. That is true. But we still have each other. And we have Christian. I mean, if he isn't a sign that anything is possible, I don't know what is. All I see is hope, summer, for all of us.", "Summer: You know, I think that my mom could really use this pep talk.", "Nick: Is that what this visit was really about?", "Summer: I don't know. You know, even when jack divorced her, she still thought that she could win him back, but whatever's happened, if this is really the end for my mom and jack, I have no idea how she's gonna deal with it.", "Nick: Well, I'm not saying it's gonna be easy, but I know your mom's gonna get through it because her daughter has the biggest heart in the world.", "Faith: I can hear you.", "Nick: Oh, well, I meant to say both of my daughters have the biggest hearts I've ever seen. I mean, how lucky am I?", "Faith: Very.", "Nick: Okay, I will go check in on your mom.", "Summer: Thank you.", "Nick: Can you wait around here till the sitter gets here?", "Summer: Yeah, sure. Um, is it okay if I make myself something to eat?", "Nick: Uh, I thought you said you weren't hungry. I mean, what's up?", "Faith: [Chuckles] You tried dad's cookies, didn't you?", "Summer: Yep.", "Nick: Oh, that is hilarious.", "Summer: [Laughs]", "Nick: Making fun of my cookie making skills. Now, I'm gonna leave, but when I get back, that book is gonna be done, right?", "Faith: Totally.", "Nick: Okay. Hey, summer.", "Summer: Yeah?", "Nick: Don't worry too much about your mom, all right? When she hits a wall, she always finds a way to climb over it.", "[Door closes]", "Phyllis: Jack said that we need to find what makes each of us happy. I have no idea what that is.", "Michael: You've got some incredibly good-looking friends. That's a start.", "Phyllis: [Chuckles] Well, I know what makes you happy. Lauren.", "Michael: Pure bliss.", "Phyllis: [Chuckles]", "Michael: Although she's struggling a little at the moment. I have a feeling she's not telling me everything that's going on at work. But, you know, she's got her chin up, and it's all about onward and upward. I think a good Christmas season and all will be well.", "Phyllis: You know, I told her about an idea that I think might help.", "Michael: Yeah? Tell me.", "Phyllis: Just a bubble right now. I need to flesh it out some more.", "Michael: No, no, no. No, give me a hint. I'll spring for a muffin.", "Phyllis: Oh, all I'm gonna say is that... if it works, the two of you will have even more to celebrate when your next anniversary rolls around, okay?", "Michael: Well, I like that.", "Chelsea: Let's see.", "Chloe: Okay, these? What do you think about these?", "Chelsea: Yeah, I like it.", "Chloe: Okay.", "Chelsea: I like it. What do you think?", "Mariah: Well, you guys are the expert. I don't know.", "Chloe: And then I would go with this one. I don't know. We'll figure it out when we put the dress on.", "Chelsea: Perfect. Yeah. Absolutely. All right, let's get you dressed and styled!", "Mariah: Okay!", "Sharon: This is gonna be so fun!", "Chloe: [Chuckles]", "Sharon: What are you doing?", "Hilary: I was just admiring these shoes. They are gorgeous.", "Sharon: They're for Mariah, the new host.", "Hilary: I was hoping that we could be civil.", "Sharon: After what you did to my husband, twisted his words?", "Hilary: They were still his words. That you are unstable? Fact. That he has troubles of his own? Fact. Maybe I made them a little more interesting. But is it possible that maybe it's closer to the truth than you want to admit?", "Sharon: What are you still doing here? You were fired.", "Hilary: Well, my husband still owns this show, so I have a vested interest in its success...or failure, whatever the case may be.", "Sharon: Hey. My daughter is beautiful, she's smart, and she's charming. She's gonna make the GC buzz audience forget all about you.", "[Knock on door]", "Phyllis: Uh, come in!", "[Door thuds]", "Nick: Geez.", "Phyllis: What are you doing here?", "Nick: Uh, so I guess this is where the magic is happening?", "Phyllis: Yeah. One of the perks when you sleep with your husband's brother.", "Nick: Yet here you are still fighting for what you want, although things may not have worked out the way you hoped.", "Phyllis: You didn't just wander in here, did you?", "Nick: Nope. I'm on a mission. A pep talk mission.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. Summer?", "Nick: Isn't our daughter the best?", "Phyllis: Oh, she is. She is. And I am fine.", "Nick: Yeah, I can see that.", "Phyllis: It's my own damn fault, isn't it?", "Nick: [Sighs] Summer's concerned that things are really over between you and jack. Is that true?", "Phyllis: You know... I would say it was over when I kissed Billy, but, uh, you know, I don't think I wanted to face it even after the divorce.", "Nick: But you still love jack.", "Phyllis: I don't know if that really matters because he was very clear that there is no future with us.", "Nick: Well, then is this the best place for you? I mean, you walk in here every day. It's jack's company. Jack's office is right down the hall.", "Phyllis: Way ahead of you.", "Kevin: Happy anniversary.", "Michael: Yes, here's to many, many more.", "Kevin: You are a lucky man.", "Michael: And don't I know it. Maybe you'll be celebrating some anniversaries of your own someday? Chloe? Moving in together? Good news?", "Kevin: Maybe. Even though I almost torpedoed things before they got off the ground.", "Michael: [Sighs] Why am I not surprised? And I say that with love. What happened?", "Kevin: Well, I had this great idea to pack up some of her stuff, right? Let her know how excited I was that she and Bella were moving in with me.", "Michael: She didn't see it that way.", "Kevin: No, she got a little bugged. She got a lot bugged.", "Michael: Women and their stuff. I'm not quite sure if that was incredibly brave of you or incredibly stupid.", "Kevin: So, not romantic? Why am I the only one who sees it that way?", "Michael: Oh, romantic, in an \"invasion of privacy,\" stalker-y kind of way.", "Kevin: Well, maybe. Still, the way she freaked out, it surprised me.", "Michael: Well, aside from having your way with Chloe's stuff, how's everything else going on between you two?", "Kevin: Great. You know, it's kind of like it always was, and at the same time, different. I tell you, though, I open up that door knowing that Chloe's there and Bella. It's the best part of my day.", "Michael: I'm really happy for you, brother.", "Kevin: Thanks. I'm happy for me, too. And here's some more good news for Chloe and for Chelsea. Chelsea 2.0 is going big and live on GC buzz today. It could be a game changer for them.", "Ashley: Ravi has a crush on me? I don't think so.", "Jack: Are you kidding me? I know what I saw. From the moment he walked in the door, he didn't take his eyes off of you.", "Ashley: Really? That's so cute. He's kind of young, though, isn't he?", "Jack: I don't know. You tell me.", "Ashley: [Laughs] Well, hoodies have never really been my style, jack.", "Jack: Well, we can use it to our advantage.", "Ashley: [Gasps] As a motivator?", "Jack: Why not?", "Ashley: You are shameless.", "Jack: No, I am purpose driven, and we have to keep JabotGo on the top of the heap. Now, I want to talk to you about this new venture. Fenmore's.", "Ashley: What? A strategic partnership? That sounds intriguing.", "Jack: A partnership is a minefield waiting to happen. I'm talking about a takeover.", "Phyllis: I'm just throwing ideas against the wall. I want to see what sticks. You have the best business instincts, all right? I want your input.", "Nick: So you want to expand Fenmore's web presence.", "Phyllis: Correct. They have a very good basic online foundation, but there's so much more they can do.", "Nick: Yeah, I mean, Fenmore's is an institution.", "Phyllis: Right. Which is very good, very good. But it also could be bad if they are seen as a dinosaur.", "Nick: Ooh, I wouldn't say that to Lauren if I was you.", "Phyllis: Well, what they did is they took what was working in the stores and they just transposed it to a website.", "Nick: Yeah, but the problem is consumers don't shop the way they used to.", "Phyllis: Exactly. It's all about branding and awareness these days. Now, if I can create and optimize a digital omni-channel platform for Fenmore's, then not only is it gonna improve business, but I'm gonna drive traffic back to the stores. It's gonna be transformative!", "Nick: Really like what I'm seeing.", "Phyllis: Yeah! I mean, the ideas are solid, right?", "Nick: Yeah. What I like more is your enthusiasm.", "Phyllis: [Chuckles] If I can pull this off.", "Nick: You can do it. I mean, your work at Newman, at restless style, you were a webmaster before anyone even knew what that word meant.", "Phyllis: [Laughs]", "Nick: You're gonna rock this, and Lauren is gonna be thrilled.", "Phyllis: Oh, and just maybe it might work out for me, too, you know? Kind of counting on it. Might be my ticket out of this shoebox.", "Nick: Well, I think it's gonna be great for you, so --", "[Object clatters]", "Nick: Oh.", "Phyllis: Oh! [Laughs]", "Nick: I'm so sorry.", "Phyllis: That was my little gift that summer gave me. No, it was an office- warming present. It was for luck.", "Nick: Yeah, well, it looks to me like you're making your own.", "Michael: Oh, hey, beautiful girl.", "Summer: Hey.", "Michael: Mwah. Ooh, ooh, ooh. I just saw your mother earlier.", "Summer: Yeah? How'd she seem to you?", "Michael: Oh, there's been some rough patches, but... well, she has you. That's a good start.", "Summer: Thanks.", "Michael: See you.", "Summer: Hey.", "Kevin: Hi.", "Summer: So, I hear you have a new roommate.", "Kevin: Two of them, actually. And the -- the shorter one's even cuter than her mom, if that's possible.", "Summer: Well, that's great news. How is Mariah taking it?", "Kevin: She's cool.", "Summer: Really? Okay, 'cause it's not like I ever imagined you two as an actual couple or anything, but you are living with the woman who hit Mariah over the head with a bottle.", "Kevin: Yes, but the important thing to remember is that Mariah and I are great friends and nothing is gonna change that. And speaking of my new roommate, she's about to be on live TV.", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Mariah: Hi.", "Chelsea: You look fantastic.", "Mariah: Thanks. Yeah, my own hair and makeup team. I could get used to that.", "Sharon: Selfie!", "Mariah: [Laughs]", "Sharon: Got it.", "Chloe: Okay, so you need to finish getting ready?", "Mariah: Yes. Yeah.", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Sharon: We got to get your shoes on.", "Mariah: Do I have to?", "Sharon: We practiced this.", "Mariah: Yeah, a little.", "Sharon: Just remember, heel to toe, one foot in front of the other, let your hips swing a little, lean back, and have a good time.", "Mariah: Yeah, right. Got it. Have a good time.", "Devon: All right, everyone, we go live in five minutes!", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Chloe: You guys look great. Yeah. It's gonna be awesome. Oh, relax. It's water.", "Jack: Fenmore's has had a tough year. Lauren's trying to put a good face on it, but all the signs are there. They're underperforming, they have debt load issues. They're weak.", "Ashley: Have you spoken to anybody else about this plan of yours?", "Jack: Well, I did a little out-loud thinking in front of Phyllis.", "Ashley: Oh, that's just great.", "Jack: Wait, I covered. And besides, I don't think she's gonna be around for much longer.", "Ashley: Thank God. I mean, honestly, it's gone on for far too long.", "Jack: Are you with me or not?", "Ashley: Lauren's our friend. You know that?", "Jack: Getting Fenmore's would be such a coup. Think about it. An established, respected chain under the jabot umbrella.", "Ashley: It has definitely a huge upside.", "Jack: I'm gonna take a look at the numbers. If they're what I think they are, if we don't do it, someone else will. Fenmore's is ripe for the taking. Without much risk to our bottom line, we could have that company, but we have to move and move fast.", "[Music plays loudly]", "Faith: [Chuckles]", "[Christian crying]", "[Door opens]", "Nick: What is going on?", "Faith: What?", "Nick: How long has Christian been crying?", "Faith: I don't know, but the sitter's with him.", "[Music shuts off]", "Nick: Amy, it helps if you, like, bounce him, you know, while you're walking around! Well, I hope this means that you finished that book.", "Faith: Almost. I was waiting for you.", "Nick: All right, I'm gonna go upstairs and check on Christian. When I get back, we're gonna talk about this.", "Faith: But, dad, GC buzz is about to start! Chelsea's gonna do a fashion show! We have to watch!", "Nick: Read.", "Mariah: Hello, Genoa city, and welcome. I'm your host, Mariah Copeland, and we have a wonderful show for you today, because we are here with the geniuses behind Chelsea 2.0, Chelsea Newman and Chloe Mitchell. Hi, you guys, and thank you so much for being here.", "Chelsea: Thank you for having us.", "Chloe: Yes, thank you so much.", "Mariah: So, what do you guys have for us today?", "Chloe: So, these are pieces from our 2017 spring collection, and we are really excited to show them.", "Mariah: Now, Chelsea, I'm so curious. Where do you get your inspiration from?", "Chelsea: For this collection, it really was just spring, everything spring encompasses. That includes, you know, new life, um... uh, renewal, love, all of those things. You know, in spring the air becomes cleaner and crisper, and the colors become brighter. And, um, I don't know, I'd say that hope shines brighter in the spring, as well, so...", "Mariah: Well, we could all use a little hope. I'm sure our audience is so excited to go on this fashion journey with you, so without further ado, what have you got for us?", "Chelsea: All right, let's do it.", "Chloe: Yeah, let's bring them out.", "Chelsea: Our first model is Kira. She is wearing a butterfly and crane print wrap dress with a cap sleeve. Today we've chosen to accessorize it with a tassel necklace, but really you can pair it with anything. It's a great look for day, it's a great look for night.", "Kevin: Mariah?", "Summer: Why is she hosting?", "Mariah: Thank you so much, Kira. That was a beautiful dress.", "Kevin: What happened to Hilary?", "Chelsea: That really is one of our favorites.", "Chloe: Yeah, I think in the...", "Nick: [Hushed] Hey, I said no TV.", "Faith: [Hushed] But, Dad!", "Nick: I don't care if Chelsea is on or not.", "Faith: But, Dad!", "Nick: Give me the remote. This is going off now.", "Faith: But, Dad, look! Mariah's hosting! She's a star! Go, Mariah!", "[Christian cries]", "Nick: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: ...Throw it in your suitcase. When you get to your destination, shake it out and wear it.", "Mariah: A dress that doesn't need ironing. I am sold. [Chuckles] Now, Chloe, are there any trends that our audience should be looking out for?", "Chloe: Yes, people should be looking out for bright colors and bold prints. Anything bohemian to Victorian to military with some fun '80s shoulders thrown in it.", "Chelsea: Which brings us to our next model. Lacey is not only pretty in pink. She is pretty in coral. This look is very strong but very romantic. It is our ruffle romper. As you can see, there is a ruffle trim on the sleeve and the bodice and the short cuff. I'd like to say this look is not only flirty but it's fun and sexy and perfect for a night on the town.", "Chloe: Thank you, lacey.", "Mariah: You know, I have to be honest, Chelsea. Pink is not my favorite color, but I can get on board with this. It's beautiful.", "Chelsea: Good, well, I'm glad. And we've also saved the best for last. We have the perfect model to show our next look. Mariah?", "Mariah: You know, guys, I have been practicing, and I think I've got this.", "Chelsea: You are gonna be great. Mariah is wearing one of our more bohemian looks. It's my favorite look from the collection, actually. And it has a beautiful slit, it's very sexy, um, a low v-neck, so I hope you guys like it.", "Sharon: [Gasps]", "Faith: [Gasps]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: No more work. It's time for your treatment.", "Chloe: Hold on, hold on.", "Sharon: But she could be hurt.", "Chloe: No, they're still rolling. Let's see what she does.", "Hilary: If you admit that you were wrong, just maybe I'll come back." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jack's first day running Jabot from home didn't go well because Dina interrupted his meeting and mistook the woman he was talking to for Traci. Scott was thrown when Faith was cold toward him. Mariah and Sharon urged him not to take it personally. Mariah told Scott that Sharon would accept if he proposed to her. Scott thought it was too soon for that, but he thought there was a chance it would happen someday. Mariah asked Faith why she was mad at Scott. Scott returned before Faith had a chance to respond. Mariah encouraged Faith to give Scott another chance. Scott surprised Sharon with a homemade meal to celebrate her finishing her college finals. Sharon and Scott said they loved each other, and Faith saw them kissing. Michael tried to convince Victor to take the audit seriously. Victor wasn't concerned because he thought the investigation was a bluff. Victor offered to show Victoria his private files to prove that his finances were in order. Victoria assured Victor that she believed him. Kevin had breakfast with Gloria and Michael. Michael asked Kevin to hack into Victor's files to see what the government had on him, but Kevin refused. A panicked Kevin warned a mystery person that it wouldn't be long before Victor found out what he or she did.", "Gloria was dismayed when Ashley revealed that Jack would be working from home, meaning Gloria would have to report to the mansion for work and deal with Dina. Gloria tried to ignore Dina's insults out of respect for her condition. Dina insisted that Gloria treat her normally and respond in kind. Dina discovered that Chancellor and Newman were more profitable than Jabot. When Jack tried to make excuses, Dina said that John had always considered Jack a disappointment. Victor told Ashley that Jack was insecure and that he took on more than he could handle. Jack ordered Ashley to start delivering more innovation so that he could make a mark on the company and make John's legacy a lasting success. Victor and Victoria were ordered to meet with an official about Victor's financial anomalies. The official happened to be JT, Victoria's ex husband.", "" ]
[ "Dina: Where's jack?", "Jack: I'm here, mother. Everything all right? What is it?", "Dina: Well, I was just waiting for all the sniping to begin, you know, your daily battle. Who's running jabot today?", "Ashley: No, we've settled it. Came to agreement.", "Jack: A compromise.", "Dina: Oh?", "Jack: Yes. Ashley's doing what she loves, working in the lab...", "Ashley: ...And jack is gonna resume his position as C.E.O. Full-time.", "Dina: And I'm not consulted on the matter? Well, I see where I stand.", "Ashley: What?", "Jack: Wait, where are you going?", "Dina: To pack my bags and take the next flight to paris before I'm compromised out of this into some home for the bewildered.", "Sharon: If I hurry, I think i can go over my notes one more time before -- [ Gasps ] Oh, wait! Where is my head? Honey, uh, I'm not gonna be able to take you to school today. My final is scheduled for --", "Scott: I can take her.", "Faith: I don't want you to.", "Sharon: Why not?", "Faith: Because... he drives too fast.", "Scott: I can slow down. At least two miles below the speed limit.", "Faith: You say that now.", "Mariah: Hey, kiddo, um, it's fine. I'll take her, okay?", "Faith: Oh, awesome. Bye, mom.", "Sharon: Bye.", "Faith: Let's go!", "Scott: Have a good one, faith.", "[ Door closes ]", "Victor: You know they're bluffing.", "Michael: I don't think so. Not this time.", "[ Knocking on door ]", "Victor: Come in.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Michael: Hey.", "Victoria: Uh, it's -- are you here about the audit? I'm sorry.", "Michael: I am encouraging your father to take preemptive action, and he is resisting me.", "Victor: It's ludicrous.", "Victoria: Well, if our attorney is advising that we...", "Victor: Sweetheart, they want us to go through every byte of information that we have.", "Michael: We have to sort through these anomalies the authorities found.", "Victor: Allegedly found. If they had anything of substance, their top auditors would be here trying to sniff out any incriminating evidence. You know that.", "Victoria: What makes you think they're gonna take legal action?", "Michael: They refused to speak. In my experience, the more tight-lipped the authorities are, the more certain you can be they have a case.", "Victor: Well, then you find out what they know, and then we'll fight them.", "Michael: All right. I'll do my best.", "Victor: Good.", "Victor: So, you've got those projections with you?", "Victoria: Right here.", "Victor: Decrease the line item five by 20%, and then we're good to go, okay? Anything else?", "Victoria: Daddy, last year was rough for us.", "Victor: I know. I thought we've gotten past that.", "Victoria: Me, too. I thought I made it clear to you that you can trust me and that I'm fully on your side.", "Victor: I know that.", "Victoria: All right. Now that michael's gone, would you please be honest with me? How much trouble are we in?", "Scott: Attribution.", "Sharon: A process used to explain ours or another's behavior.", "Scott: Okay. Now, this is a real tricky one. What are the possible ways that you can tick off a tweenage girl without even realizing it?", "Sharon: Is that a test question?", "Scott: I'm just trying to up my grade as live-in boyfriend. According to faith, I'm failing. She won't even get in a car with me.", "Sharon: Well, maybe that has nothing to do with you.", "Scott: Well, who else?", "Sharon: Maybe she didn't want to have to answer a bunch of questions to her friends that they saw you with her at the drop-off.", "Scott: Nah, faith seems to confident for that. To what else could I attribute her behavior?", "Sharon: I like what you did there.", "Scott: Yeah?", "Sharon: I don't know, jealousy?", "Scott: Of me being with you?", "Sharon: Well, she has to share her mom's attention.", "Scott: Okay, so, tell me. What do I do to fix it? I mean, do I have to move out?", "Sharon: Don't you dare. No. Just -- don't worry, okay? She had the same issue when nick moved in with chelsea.", "Scott: Okay, all right, oh wise psychology major. [ Chuckles ] Tell me what I do. I mean, I'm serious. I haven't dealt with a girl like faith since I was her age. I just want your kid to like me.", "Sharon: I know. Be yourself. And in no time, she's gonna be crazy about you just as her mom is.", "Scott: Can I give you a ride to school?", "Sharon: [ Scoffs ] The way you drive? Forget it.", "Scott: Oh, come in. I -- you saw me parallel park today. I did a good job! It was one time! One take! I backed in, and right there, i settled right in, one time.", "Ashley: Jack and I are not going to bring a caregiver in here to take care of you, mother.", "Jack: We are committed to that. We are not going to change our minds.", "Dina: Well, I am relieved to hear that. But I still have my doubts about the actual arrangements.", "Ashley: We have no plans to bring a caregiver in here.", "Dina: Why do you keep repeating yourself? I'm the one who's supposed to have memory problems.", "Jack: No, mother, you just said you still have doubts.", "Dina: About you. How in the world are you gonna run jabot from here?", "Jack: Well, that's easy.", "Dina: Easy?", "Jack: Telecommuting is the wave of the future.", "Dina: Oh. [ Chuckles ] Not for C.E.O.S, dear. There's bond to be issues.", "Ashley: And, um, we will do our best to work around them. Such as, today, I had scheduled some meetings with suppliers, and since, jack, you're gonna be here, I will take care of them.", "Jack: Actually, uh, you won't need to do that. I will take those meetings.", "Ashley: From home?", "Jack: Yes.", "Ashley: One of them is over lunch, jack.", "Jack: No problem. I will handle it. Wouldn't you rather be doing research anyway?", "Ashley: Of course I would. There is somebody I could meet about a rejuvenation cream.", "Jack: Well, there. There's the person you should take to lunch. Come on. Go for it!", "Ashley: You sure?", "Jack: With mrs. Martinez to run interference and video chat at my disposal, I am ready to handle any and all challenges. Mother?", "Dina: Hmm?", "Jack: Mother, you don't need to do that.", "Ashley: The holidays aren't quite over yet.", "Dina: If you say so. But I find it very odd that decorations are still up in february.", "Ashley: What are you gonna do if something like that happens in the middle of a business meeting, or worse, a crisis that's happening?", "Jack: I am perfectly capable of keeping her occupied while i work.", "Ashley: Uh-huh.", "Jack: I got this. Don't worry about it.", "Ashley: Okay. Good luck with that.", "Victor: There. Check your inbox.", "Victoria: Why? What have you got for me? More work?", "Victor: No, sweetheart. I opened my files to you. You can peruse them at your heart's content.", "Victoria: Daddy, I don't need you to do that.", "Victor: You're concerned I'm holding something back, take a look.", "Victoria: I believe you. Look, do you know how long it's taken for me to regain your trust?", "Victor: You have, my love.", "Victoria: This has got to be making you crazy, though, not knowing what the investigators have uncovered.", "Victor: Let them look at it. I don't care. The only thing they'll find out is that my financial statement is on the up-and-up.", "Victoria: Taxes?", "Victor: Pay every dime.", "Victoria: Annual in-house auditing?", "Victor: My books are looked at four time a year.", "Victoria: Okay, well, then maybe this is just the case of mistaken accounting.", "Victor: Oh, wait a minute. When they send people over here to look at my books, it isn't because there was a little accounting mistake.", "Victoria: All right, so what's the game plan? We just lay low and brace for impact?", "Victor: You know me. I go on the attack.", "Victoria: Then what's the plan of attack, dad?", "Victor: You know that the numbers for next quarter look very good. So you and I will go celebrate, have a lavish lunch.", "Victoria: Upstairs?", "Victor: No. We go to town. Some beautiful place where we can be seen and envied.", "Gloria: She's hopeless! \"Temporary C.E.O.\"", "Kevin: So you've mentioned 20, 30 times.", "Gloria: Yeah, because jack should have appointed me instead of ashley because I would have done a better job, hell, the janitor would have been more competent.", "Kevin: What is keeping michael?", "Gloria: Oh, he had to stop by victor's office, you know. The \"great man\" snaps his fingers, and everybody's got to come running. You know, there's just no crossing victor newman.", "Kevin: Not unless you can get away with it.", "Gloria: You know, sweetie, I'm so glad you're bringing little bella to visit more. I do. I wish that you would move back to genoa city.", "Kevin: Not gonna happen, mom.", "Gloria: Why not?", "Michael: I'm sorry I'm late.", "Gloria: [ Groans ] You should be. Here I have to rush through breakfast, and now I've got to get back to the office.", "Michael: Well, I'll make it up to you.", "Gloria: Good. Cash. Lots of it. Always work. You think I'm kidding?", "Kevin: [ Laughs ]", "Michael: Oy.", "Kevin: Really? You couldn't make it here on time.", "Michael: I tried, it's just been such a bear at work.", "Kevin: Oh, save it, mikey. You showed up late on purpose, and now you owe me, too.", "Michael: I live here. I deal with our mother on a daily basis.", "Kevin: Okay, you get a pass. One time only.", "Michael: Actually, I would have preferred to be here.", "Kevin: That bad?", "Michael: [ Sighs ] I don't know which is worse, being called on the carpet by victor, or dealing with gloria's latest melodrama.", "Kevin: Fill me in on victor.", "Michael: There's a little thing called attorney-client privilege.", "Kevin: By now, everybody knows the authorities are looking into victor's finances.", "Michael: Well, I'm trying to find out what they uncovered.", "Kevin: Can't be done.", "Michael: Why not?", "Kevin: You'd have to consider every numerical transaction connected with every department, division, and subsidiary at newman.", "Michael: Oh, it's gonna be a lot easier than that.", "Kevin: Oh?", "Michael: The anomaly is not with newman enterprises. It's with one of victor's personal bank accounts.", "Kevin: Huh. That's not good.", "Gloria: Just in case. Wouldn't want the lack of a box to slow down your departure from the office.", "Ashley: [ Laughs ] Please don't forget that I still outrank you, and I always will.", "Gloria: Oh, don't I know it, and I am willing to serve, but things do go more smoothly when jack is behind that desk.", "Ashley: You think so? I guess you didn't get the memo. He's not gonna be working from the office anymore.", "Gloria: Oh, that doesn't make any sense. He is C.E.O. Why would he work from any place but right here in the building, in his office?", "Ashley: Because he's gonna be working from the house --", "Gloria: Don't, don't, don't! No. No. No.", "Ashley: Yes, so he continue to --", "Gloria: No, no, no! Please don't say that. Please do not say that, ashley. Come on. Just --", "Ashley: Take care of our mother, gloria.", "Gloria: No! No. No.", "Ashley: Yeah, I mean, we have such a lovely house. I don't understand -- why would you object to working there instead of here anyway?", "Gloria: Because here I am not plagued by hypercritical dina underfoot all the time, criticizing my hair, criticizing the way I walk into a room.", "Ashley: Mm, well, you know what I say -- if you don't like it, you can go find a job someplace else.", "Gloria: Oh, relax, ashley. Ugh. I can adapt. Especially if properly compensated.", "Ashley: [ Laughs ] You want a raise?", "Gloria: Yeah. I do. I do. I want to be reimbursed for gas, time-and-a-half for overtime, and a car service.", "Ashley: Okay, well, you know what, you need to take that up with the C.E.O., And you know where to find him.", "Jack: Our problem, sandra, is that your organic products are just too expensive. You get what you pay for, jack.", "Jack: [ Sighs ] Okay. Maybe we can help each other here. If I could commit to your supplying, say, 15% of our annual need... I might offer you a discount.", "Jack: Have I mentioned that you're our favorite supplier?", "Dina: Traci! Why didn't you tell me you were chatting with your sister? Tell me, darling, how did the meeting go with the publisher? I'm afraid I'm not --", "Jack: Sandra, excuse me --", "Dina: I have a great idea for a new book.", "Jack: I'm gonna put you on hold for just second, all right? Mother, I'm in the middle of a very important negotiation. Can you give me a few minutes?", "Dina: But I wasn't finished chatting with traci.", "Jack: That isn't traci.", "Dina: Now, what are you saying, that I don't recognize my own daughter now?", "Jack: Oh, no, no. Of course not.", "Dina: Now, wait a minute. How selfish and insensitive that is.", "Jack: You know what, here's my problem. The business news is on right now, I'm tied up with traci. Maybe you could watch it for me and maybe report to me what you see?", "Dina: Well, why don't you tape it?", "Jack: No, I need your perspective, your insight. You'd really be helping me.", "Dina: Oh, all right. Tell traci I'll chat with her later.", "Jack: Okay, will do. And, mother, be sure to watch the show all the way to the end. The last few minutes sometimes give the best tips. I am sorry, sandra. I -- sandra? Sandra, can you --", "[ Sighs ]", "Michael: Do you have your computer with you?", "Kevin: Sure. What do you need?", "Michael: Everything you can tell me about errors in electronic bank records.", "Kevin: For the thing with victor?", "Michael: Yeah. I have this idea --", "Kevin: Hold on, mikey, that's not how victor's accounts work.", "Michael: I had no idea you were so well-versed in the matter.", "Kevin: I just mean victor's wealth is so off the charts, his bank accounts wouldn't be set up like yours or mine.", "Michael: Are you sure that's all it was?", "Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. Blame it on my techie brain. You mentioned electronic bank records, and my mind went to programming mode, weighing the difference between corporate account security versus personal. A flashback to my pass key days.", "Michael: You may be the solution we're looking for.", "Scott: Is this your office now?", "Mariah: Uh, yeah, when my least favorite co-host decides to use my actual office. What's your excuse?", "Scott: Oh, I'm here for the coffee. I wanted to support sharon instead of giving it to the national chain.", "Mariah: Aww. You know, I will raise a cup to that. In fact, you inspired me to get a refill.", "Scott: Oh. How did faith's ride to school go?", "Mariah: Uneventful. And, no, she didn't complain about you.", "Scott: Well, that's something, I guess.", "Mariah: Look, you really can't get too offended by all this. Faith takes a while to warm up to people. It's kind of how kids are.", "Scott: Well, that's the thing. She and I were getting along great until, like, today. Something happened. I don't know.", "Mariah: She's almost a teenager. So get used to the mood swings. There will be more, trust me.", "Scott: Thanks.", "Mariah: Do you need something?", "Scott: Since I got you here alone, there's a topic of concern I wanted to ask you about.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Scott: As this is my first christmas with sharon, and now that we're living together, is there a special present she wants, something she's got her eye on? Something that she's, like, been dying to get?", "Mariah: Besides a diamond ring?", "Scott: [ Exhales sharply ] Are you celebrating something?", "Victor: We are celebrating an extremely profitable quarter.", "Ashley: Oh! Well, I hope it eases the sting from your latest failure, victoria. She tried to poach ravi from jabot.", "Victor: Really?", "Victoria: Oh, that's okay. I mean, we've hired someone with far more experience who's not in love with you.", "Ashley: Well, I don't want to keep you from your celebration. Clearly, you've earned it.", "Victor: Well, now, ashley, perhaps sometime in the distant future, you know, jabot's success with equal newman'S.", "Ashley: Oh, I think it's gonna happen much sooner rather than later, victor. In fact, come the new year, i intend to best newman's cosmetics division.", "Victor: Well, now that you're gonna be C.E.O. Of jabot, maybe I should give you some tips.", "Ashley: Mm, you need to keep up. Things have shifted. For the better.", "Victor: Really? Come on. Tell us all about it. What has jack been up to now?", "Michael: I understand that mr. Newman is pressing you to take action on this, but we cannot move forward until I -- hold on, just a second. I am consulting with an expert in financial analysis right now, so I will call you back. Yes.", "Kevin: I'm your expert in financial analysis?", "Michael: Can you help me out on this?", "Kevin: Are you seriously asking me to --", "Michael: I'm not asking you to do anything illegal.", "Kevin: Yeah, you kind of are.", "Michael: No, you would be simply entertaining an as-if scenario.", "Kevin: By hacking into victor newman's personal finances?", "Michael: Look, it is my job to find out how and why the authorities are trying to come at my client.", "Kevin: Mikey, it's too dangerous.", "Michael: Look, all of this information will be given to victor sooner or later, so where's the harm?", "Kevin: Outside of me going to prison?", "Michael: No, that's not gonna happen.", "Kevin: That is exactly what will happen if I'm caught snooping through those records.", "Michael: My client's records?", "Kevin: Which became government property the minute any of that information was put into a tax return, so thank you, but I'd rather not go to prison until bella's in grad school. [ Sighs ] You know what that would do to me, being stuck in a claustrophobic jail cell? You would lose your license. Again.", "Michael: Okay.", "Kevin: Okay, what?", "Michael: I admit that all of your points are...", "Kevin: Valid?", "Michael: I may have gotten a little carried away.", "Kevin: A little?", "Michael: But I was brought back to my senses by your genius reality check.", "Kevin: You're welcome.", "Michael: I can't believe i even let myself go there.", "Kevin: Well, victor newman twirling his mustache can have that effect on people.", "Michael: No, no, I should never have put you on the spot like that, I --", "Kevin: What are little brothers for?", "Michael: Forget I asked.", "Kevin: I wish I could.", "Scott: Got coffee. Now I need specifics. Has sharon hinted about a ring?", "Mariah: No.", "Scott: Is she expecting one?", "Mariah: I mean, she hasn't come right out and said it.", "Scott: It's just a feeling you get.", "Mariah: Let me put it this way. If you wrapped up a diamond in sparkly paper, got down on one knee, I don't think sharon would exactly turn it down.", "Scott: Wow. Yeah. I was thinking earrings or a bracelet or... but an engagement? I... isn't that kind of soon?", "Mariah: Oh, by my calendar, absolutely. But by sharon'S... don't get me wrong. I am no way pushing this.", "Scott: You're advising.", "Mariah: Not even. I mean, I'm the last person to give advice on marriages or relationships. Or even second dates.", "Scott: What's your take on happily-ever-afters?", "Mariah: Mm. Not so much.", "Scott: Yeah, I wasn't a big believer, either. When I tote my life around in a carry-on and wake up and not even know what language to speak, it never really feels permanent, you know?", "Mariah: Yet, here you are, signing up for carpools and leftovers.", "Scott: Yeah. Major change, right?", "Mariah: Why make it now?", "Scott: You know, there's only so many times you can stare down the barrel of a gun and not start to rethink your life.", "Mariah: Well, I hope that my mom is more to you than just flipping a switch.", "Scott: She is. Sharon is what I never saw coming. You know, even after everything I've survived, I'm inspired by her bravery. Her battles haven't hardened her, and, yes, she's taken strengths from her victories, but she's come out on the other side with empathy and compassion and this amazing generous heart. Your, uh, eyes are starting to glass over.", "Mariah: [ Laughs ] No. I just -- I haven't heard anyone talk like that outside of novels or movies.", "Scott: You know, I'm not trying to say that sharon and i are the stuff that dreams are made of -- yet. I mean, there are obstacles, and everyone gets that, right? But I'm ready for them.", "Mariah: Are you ready to go diamond shopping?", "Scott: Not today.", "Mariah: [ Laughs ]", "Scott: But maybe someday soon I'll call upon you to help me pick out the perfect rock.", "Gloria: And I shifted the meetings that ashley had scheduled for tomorrow, and you will see where I booked the new video chats.", "Jack: Yeah, everything seems to be in order.", "Gloria: So, onto the e-mails. You know, I am so pleased that you decided to come back as C.E.O. Jabot will surely thrive under your leadership.", "Jack: Yeah, that was the plan.", "Gloria: So, what's bothering you, boss?", "Jack: I just thought this would be a smooth transition, until I had very important video conference interrupted unceremoniously by my very confused mother.", "Gloria: Mm, I can imagine. Jack, if there is anything i can do --", "Dina: You!", "Jack: Mother. Mother. Do not call the alarm company.", "Dina: Am I to be subjected to this [Laughs] Tacky gold-digger in my home on a daily basis?", "Gloria: As if I would waste my time being in the presence -- never mind. How you doing, dina?", "Dina: Why did you stop?", "Gloria: I was being considerate of your condition.", "Dina: Jack, how could you tell this woman about my health concerns?", "Jack: Mother, mother, she is my assistant. I am working from home now, and she has to know what's going on.", "Dina: I will not be pitied.", "Jack: No, no. No one is doing that.", "Dina: And don't think I can't defend myself in a verbal cat fight.", "Gloria: Mm, be careful what you wish for.", "Jack: Gloria...", "Dina: Oh, come on, you think you can best me? [ Laughs ] Just try me, sister.", "Gloria: Need the job. Need the job. I need the job.", "Dina: Give her permission, jack. Listen, you -- call a bitch a bitch.", "Gloria: You want it, you got it.", "Dina: [ Giggles ]", "Gloria: Suck it up and back off because I ain't going anywhere, you self- righteous stuck-up old bitch!", "Dina: [ Laughs ] Now we're talking.", "Jack: [ Sighs ] will continue.", "Mariah: [ Exhales sharply ]", "Faith: Is he here?", "Mariah: Okay. Spill. What's the deal with this scott thing?", "Faith: Nothing.", "Mariah: Oh, yeah? Really?", "Faith: I should probably get started on my homework.", "Mariah: Unh-unh! Stop. Turn around. I'm calling bogus on this whole scott deal. And if you ever want me to tell any sisterly secrets again...", "Faith: Can't I just not like him?", "Mariah: Well, he had to have done something to set you off.", "Faith: Why? You're mad at people all the time.", "Mariah: [ Scoffs ] Okay. Fair, but usually I have a reason, like some people are annoying. Faith... look, sometimes it's easier to be mad than it is to be fair. Like, if someone you like does something that's a little bit wonky, it might seem like it's easier to just write them off, like that one wrong thing is an example of who they are instead of just...", "Faith: One wrong thing.", "Mariah: Yeah. Is that what happened with scott?", "[ Door opens ]", "Faith: Well...", "Scott: Whew! Oh, great, you're home.", "Mariah: Hey! Uh, what is all that?", "Scott: A surprise for sharon. She's wiped from working and studying. I figured, uh, we could cook for her tonight. What do you say?", "Faith: I've got homework.", "Mariah: Okay, but you'll help after homework?", "Faith: Yeah.", "Mariah: Baby steps.", "Scott: Yeah.", "Mariah: All right, what do we got there?", "Scott: A whole bunch of stuff.", "Mariah: Nice.", "Scott: Here, take one of these. Thank you.", "Mariah: What are we cooking?", "Victor: So jack is running jabot again?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm. From home.", "Victor: Huh.", "Victoria: How innovative.", "Victor: Yeah. How are things with dina?", "Ashley: You know, some days are better than others, but she's not going anywhere yet.", "Victor: Must be hard on you.", "Ashley: Mnh-mnh. We're pulling together as a family to keep her safe and happy. Still have lots of energy to battle brash & sassy with everything we've got.", "Victoria: I welcome the challenge.", "Victor: So, what you're saying is you're carrying your own load as well as jack'S.", "Ashley: Well, no. I mean, jack is --", "Victor: He's grandstanding. He wants to prove to the world that he can do it all.", "Ashley: I would prefer not to speak about my brother. I'm sure you understand why.", "Victor: I know you've been very, very kind to your brother, although he often didn't deserve it. Just remember that jack is foremost about himself.", "Ashley: [ Laughs ] And you are foremost about yourself.", "Victoria: That's not true.", "Victor: It's all right, darling. The difference is, I didn't inherit my company. I built it. I own my power.", "Ashley: And you don't think jack does?", "Victor: Jack is pretending. He has so many insecurities. He won't be able to keep his ego in check.", "Ashley: Well, I don't think this is about jack's ego at all. I think he's just stepping up and being there for our mother.", "Victor: Piece of advice -- your brother, as always, is taking on too much.", "Jack: Oh, where has this day gone?", "Gloria: Yeah, look at all we've accomplished. Listen, I'll go back to the office, finalize the schedule for the rest of the week, give you a call at the end of the day before I leave.", "Dina: Well, in my day, a secretary could do what little you've accomplished in half the time while filing her nails.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Gloria: Impressive, while you were fluffing your skirts and powdering your wig, back in the day.", "Jack: Ladies, must we do this again?", "Dina: Oh, I'm done here. Tell the help they're done for the day.", "Jack: Gloria.", "Gloria: [ Groans ]", "Jack: Thank you. Thank you. And I'm sorry.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. Oh, I get it, jack. Don't worry. Don't worry. In fact, I wish you luck for the rest of your day.", "Dina: [ Sighs ] I couldn't wait till she was gone. Now, would you like to hear the report from business news?", "Jack: Uh, yeah. I -- I would.", "Dina: Okay.", "Jack: Have a seat. Do tell me what you learned.", "Dina: Well, first of all, victor looked dashing in the segment on the newman success.", "Jack: There had to be more than just newman's glowing numbers for the show.", "Dina: Oh, well, katherine must be over the moon with the coup she pulled for chancellor.", "Jack: Are you sure about that? Chancellor has been stagnant for months now.", "Dina: Oh, well, no, on the contrary. They just acquired a new skincare manufacturer. Did you find it?", "Jack: Yeah. Chancellor could make a fortune with this.", "Dina: Oh, without a doubt. Now, if only jabot were in such good shape.", "Jack: Jabot is holding its own.", "Dina: Well, are you satisfied with that?", "Jack: You know, businesses ebb and flow, mother. Ashley's made a few unfortunate choices, and I've had a lot on my plate.", "Dina: Stop making excuses, son. John had a lot to contend with, and under his management, jabot rose to the top. He always said you were a disappointment.", "Jack: I'm sure dad never said those words.", "Dina: Stop questioning me. He certainly did. You let the man down your entire life.", "Scott: Oh, looking good! I'm thinking if I take these flowers and I put them in a vase, it'll make the perfect centerpiece. What do you think?", "Faith: Why are you doing this all of a sudden? You know, making dinner and buying flowers for my mom.", "Scott: It's not so sudden, you know, sharon finished her finals, and that's a big deal.", "Mariah: And this is scott being considerate. Isn't that nice?", "Faith: Yeah. Nice.", "[ Car approaching ]", "Mariah: Oh! I think that's sharon.", "Scott: Okay, everybody get ready, okay?", "Mariah: Okay. Come on.", "Scott: Come on. Okay.", "Scott: Surprise!", "Mariah: Surprise!", "Sharon: Oh, my goodness! Wow! I hope you all know that today's not really my birthday.", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ]", "Scott: Well, we're proud of you. I think that warrants a celebration.", "Sharon: Oh, how sweet of you, and -- oh! Something smells delicious.", "Scott: Well, I hope it tastes the same.", "Sharon: You did all this?", "Scott: It was a group effort. Mariah kept me from destroying the kitchen, and faith -- look at this spectacular table she set.", "Mariah: But it was all scott's idea.", "Scott: Oh.", "Sharon: Mm, well, I'll thank you more thoroughly later.", "Scott: [ Laughs ]", "Sharon: But right now, I'm starving, and I want to see what you cooked.", "Ashley: The renovations to the lab are going well. And that meeting I took today could not have gone better. How was your first day working from home?", "Jack: Have you seen today's business headlines? Newman is headed toward its best quarter in years, same thing with chancellor.", "Ashley: Mm, so I see.", "Jack: And yet we are lagging behind. You didn't see this coming?", "Ashley: Excuse me? I barely had time to warm the C.E.O. Chair.", "Jack: Still, we are stuck in the middle. You're okay with that?", "Ashley: Where's this coming from, anyway? I mean, our profits are gaining.", "Jack: At a snail's pace! The momentum we had when i brought in fenmore'S...", "Ashley: I created the jabotgo app, jack.", "Jack: The point is, it is old news. Now the competition is gaining ground on us.", "Ashley: That's not true. We're on very solid ground.", "Jack: Solid does not get us a feature in the business news.", "Ashley: Oh! Is that what this is all about? You didn't get your picture in the paper?", "Jack: [ Groans ]", "Ashley: Does it really matter that much?", "Jack: Does it -- for you to ask that, it makes it very clear to me why jabot is still stuck in neutral.", "Ashley: Okay, you know what, these kind of headlines are mostly hype, you should know that.", "Jack: Yeah, easy for you to say. It isn't your reputation, your name on the line.", "Ashley: Is your ego really that fragile, jack? You really need to have that kind of attention and praise and publicity?", "Jack: What I need from you is innovation and determination so that we can take what dad gave us and I can build on it, making jabot number one. That's all that counts. I am not going to let dad's legacy wither away and die.", "Kevin: It's me. It's starting to unravel. No, no, I can't stop it. It won't be long before the truth comes out and victor discovers what you did.", "[ Sighs ]", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Victoria: I'm wrapping things up. Are you gonna be here much longer?", "Victor: No, I am finished. We can go. [ Telephone rings ] Yeah? [ Sighs ] Send him in.", "[ Door opens ]", "Michael: [ Sighs ] I'm glad I caught you. The authorities are sending an official over to meet with you personally about the audit anomalies.", "Victor: Tell them to set up an appointment.", "Michael: No, they're treating this with the highest level of urgency.", "Victor: Michael, I don't care what they're treating it with. Make an appointment.", "Michael: This guy is on his way to newman tower as we speak, like now.", "Victor: Well, you tell him I'm not here. You deal with those number-crunchers, all right?", "Victoria: My dad's right. This is just a power play. Tell them that dad left for the day and he can schedule --", "Michael: Let me make myself clear. Yours and victor's attendance is mandatory tonight.", "Victor: Why?", "Victoria: What? What would they want from me?", "Scott: All right, now you can relax.", "Sharon: Wait a minute. Why don't you just let me go clean up the kitchen and then i can relax?", "Scott: Not allowed. Dishwashing is part of the package. Look, kick back, relax. Your semester break has officially begun.", "Sharon: Mm. You know what, you stay. The dishes can wait.", "Scott: If you're about to have your way with me, maybe we should, uh, move this upstairs.", "Sharon: Mm, first... I want to tell you something.", "Scott: What is it?", "Sharon: Do you remember the night that you and abby went missing?", "Scott: Can we pleas not wreck this great evening with talking about abby?", "Sharon: It has nothing to do with her. I was thinking about our phone call from that night, after you sped off from the top of the tower. Do you remember any of that?", "Scott: Just that it was tense and quick and, you know, we got cut off.", "Sharon: I said more than just \"be safe and come back to me.\"", "Scott: Whatever you said, it's --", "Sharon: You know, I just said something in the heat of a scary moment.", "Scott: You regretting what you said?", "Sharon: Not what. When. See, this is how it should be. You and me. Here. After a perfect night. Scott, I love you. And this is not the first time I've said those words to you, but tonight I mean them even more.", "Scott: I love you, too.", "Ashley: Is that supposed to be an olive branch?", "Jack: I am not taking back what I said.", "Ashley: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: You can't just walk away from this conversation!", "Ashley: I'm not gonna stand here and let you accuse me of somehow destroying the company that john abbott built.", "Jack: That is not what i said, ash.", "Ashley: It's exactly what you said.", "Jack: Okay, what I meant to say is we can't let things slide.", "Ashley: Oh, so now I'm letting things slide?", "Jack: No blame, no fault. It is happening. I meant what I said. We need to preserve this legacy for our kids, the same kind of legacy dad left for us.", "Ashley: I agree.", "Jack: Then why are we arguing about this?", "Ashley: I'm not arguing! I'm just encouraging you! Please, take a breath!", "Jack: No. We can't back off now.", "Ashley: Jack! We could have the kind of success that you envision, but it's not gonna happen in one day, it's not gonna happen with one conversation. We're working together here. We will continue to work together for many years to come.", "Jack: Yeah, I'm sure mother thought that, too.", "Ashley: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: Ash, we don't know how much time we have. I need to leave my mark. I need to do it now.", "Victoria: You know, it's all a game to these guys, alluding to anomalies. Scheduling after-hours pop-in meetings, it's scare tactics, it's just posturing.", "Victor: Well, they'll soon realize that I cannot and will not be intimidated.", "Victoria: All right, well, we need to present a strong united front. Although, we should tread very carefully.", "Victor: I will tread carefully for another four minutes. If he doesn't show up, he'll talk to an empty room. [ Intercom buzzes ] Yeah? Send him in.", "Victoria: J.T.?", "J.T.: Hello, victor. Hi, victoria.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Billy: I have enough money for both of us, so you could quit, like today.", "Hilary: City council just announced the winning bid for the park's redevelopment.", "Lily: Scott grainger?", "Abby: We had sex.", "Lily: [ Coughs ]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Lola's truck breaks down so she makes a deal with Sharon to have a pop up resturant inside Crimson Lights for the winter until she can raise enough money to fix her truck. Sharon is very happy with her decison when Lola deposits her share of the first day sales into her account. Abby tells Devon about her idea for a resturant /night club that is open twenty four hours . Devon likes the idea but he isn't happy that Abby wants Lola to be the Chef so he says no until she has a well known chef. Abby decides to get Lola to cater a private dinner for Devon at his penthouse hoping to get him to change his mind about the deal. Lolla cancelsa date witrh Kyle and gets Fen to be her waiter for this very important dinner but she has no idea about Abby's plans for her to be the chef of her new resturant if the dinner with Devon goes well. Jack is upset with Kerry for standing him up for their breakfast date and he accepts her apology fro getting caught up in work and forgetting the date. Kerry asks for a second chance to make things up to him but Jack just wishes her luck with her work. Cane and Charlie are both upset to see Reed talking to Mattie at the Ashby kitchen table but Charlie calms down and leaves them to talk . Cane isn't so understanding when he walks in and sees Reed and Mattie together and he treats Reed rudely telling him to leave because Mattie has to study for her final exams.. Mattie is upset with Cane and yells that Lily would have understood that she and Reed are just friends now and would never have treated Reed so rudely. Victoria tells Billy that Rey thinks Victor killed JT but she knows her father didn't do it. Victoria asks Billy not to say anything to Reed about it and Billy agrees although he thinks Victor could have killed JT. Victoria doesn't know that Reed was hiding and he overheard her talking to Billy about Victor and when Billy leaves Reed tells Victoria that she is a liar because she didn't tell him Victor killed JT.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Fen: I want you to meet my friends. I've been telling them all about you, but, uh, words are not enough to describe you.", "Lola: Sometimes words just aren't enough. You have to show how you feel.", "Reed: I'm gonna do things right this time. Maybe one day I can come back and show you I'm not a complete loser. I'm gonna miss you, though.", "Mattie: I'm gonna miss you, too.", "Victoria: What are you doing home? I thought finals were next week.", "Rey: Victor newman is now the prime suspect in the murder of J.T. Hellstrom.", "Reed: Nothing's more important to me than finding out who killed my dad and making them pay.", "Cane: There comes a time when you have to stop living your life for hilary and you have to start living it for yourself.", "Devon: So, lily took her away from me, and you're trying to erase her from my memory.", "Cane: I come in peace.", "Devon: Nobody's looking for a fight. Come inside.", "Cane: Well... I just wanted to say, uh... I'm sorry about the way things went down the other day. It wasn't right, okay?", "Devon: There was a lot going on.", "Cane: Shauna leaving's a loss for everyone, especially for you, and, uh, I could have been more understanding.", "Devon: Well, I understand you were looking after shauna and your son. How is charlie doing?", "Cane: A little heartbroken, but he's hanging in there. He's okay.", "Devon: It can be difficult sometimes to, uh, be sensitive to others when you're wrapped up in your own thing.", "Cane: Are we talking about me here, or are we talking about you?", "Devon: Probably talking about both of us.", "Cane: All right.", "Devon: Listen, I hate to rush you out of here, but I got a ton of work I got to get done this morning.", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure without neil here, you've got a lot of extra stuff landing in your lap, right?", "Devon: Oh, no, it's not like that. I, uh -- I probably talk to neil more since he's moved up north than when he was actually here.", "Cane: Well, you know neil. He's a worrier. He just wants to make sure he's there for both you and lily.", "Devon: Is that why you came to check on me?", "Billy: I got johnny and katie to school with no fighting and minimal spills. Is -- is reed here, by chance?", "Victoria: He's on teenager time, which means he'll be up about noon.", "Billy: Oh, that sounds so good, right? The good old days. Late-night snacks, no job, waiting for a special someone to call you back.", "Victoria: If she wasn't calling you back, she probably had a reason.", "Billy: That's not very nice. But the reason I came back was because I was hoping that we could talk to reed...together.", "Victoria: About what?", "Billy: Well, I --", "Reed: Morning, guys.", "Victoria: Hey, honey! Where you going? Don't you want to get some breakfast?", "Reed: No, I'm fine. I'll get something when I'm out. See ya.", "Billy: See ya.", "Victoria: Ohh. So, what did you want to talk to him about?", "Billy: We had a little conversation yesterday. It was the first time... in -- in -- in a little while, and, um, I don't know. He was...", "[ Sighs ]", "Victoria: He was what?", "Billy: I don't know how to describe it, exactly, but i think you might have a problem on your hands.", "Kyle: Hey, dad. Having breakfast with an empty chair this morning?", "Jack: [ Sighs ] Apparently.", "Kyle: Oh. Someone actually stood you up? I was kidding.", "Jack: It's kerry. She's not returning any of my texts. You know, there was a time people didn't hide behind these things. They'd actually have to tell you to your face they weren't interested in you.", "Kyle: Sounds terrible.", "Jack: [ Scoffs ]", "Kyle: Maybe she got the time wrong or got caught up in the lab and lost track.", "Jack: I know what it is to lose time at work. It happens to me occasionally when I get too absorbed. But... I know how driven she is. I -- her talent and her drive are --", "Kyle: Are the appeal.", "Jack: Yeah. But I don't think that's what this is.", "Kyle: If she's ghosting you, then she's not as smart as we think she is. I got to get to work myself so i can leave early tonight.", "Jack: Oh, big plans?", "Kyle: Lola.", "Jack: Taking her somewhere fabulous?", "Kyle: In the past, I would have been going to extremes to impress her, but... she doesn't care about any of that. She calls me out if I go too hip new york guy on her.", "Jack: And what does a normal wisconsin guy do? I mean, where does he take his date?", "Kyle: Ice skating.", "Jack: Sounds like fun.", "Kyle: I'm kind of excited about it.", "Jack: I'm happy for you, son.", "Kyle: Thanks. And with the whole kerry thing, it's probably just a misunderstanding, okay?", "Jack: Yeah.", "Kerry: Hi. You've reached kerry johnson. Leave me a message.", "Jack: Hey! It's jack abbott. I'm sitting at the genoa city athletic club at a lovely table for two, and there's no one else here. Um... my waiter's starting to feel sorry for me.", "Lola: I'm having a crap morning.", "Glor: This is a cbs news special report. I'm jeff glor at cbs news headquarters in new york. Good afternoon. Michael cohen, president trump's former personal lawyer, has just been sentenced to three years in federal prison. He pleaded guilty to nine counts of tax evasion, lying to congress, and a financial institution, and perhaps most notably to, campaign finance violations related to hush money payments made to an adult film actress and \"playboy\" playmate during the 2016 campaign plsm cohen says that the president directed him. He wasn't the president at the time. Directed him to make those payments. In addressing the judge, cohen said, \"weakness was a blind loyalty to donald trump,\" and he felt it was his duty to cover up the president's \"dirty deedS.\" Tearing up, cohen apologized inside the courtroom saying, \"you deserve to know the truth. Lying to you was unjusT.\" Paula reid is at the federal courthouse in manhattan. Paula, this is video we're log at of michael cohen walking into the courtroom earlier with his family. Tell us about this sentence.", "Reporter: Well, cohen's lawyers were hoping that their client would be spared any jail time. They tried the paint him as a good man mark who made mistakes when he represented mr. Trump, but he's since been reformed and cooperated with the government. But federal prosecutors believe he tried to undermine democracy for his own profit, and that were asking the judge for a substantial sentence. He faced anywhere from four the five years, so this three-year sentence, this is a victory for the justice department in this case. Now, the special counsel says that cohen has cooperated with them, that he has been useful to them in their investigation into russian meddling in the 2016 campaign, but that was not enough to get him really any leniency here. At the end of the day, even though he has cooperated against the president of the united states, he really doesn't have a lot to show for that cooperation with this sentence.", "Glor: So paul lark explain this for uS. Cohen has said he fully flipped and has gone entirely the other way, but there's not a long-term cooperation agreement in place, right? That's right. Those are big discrepancies. Cohen's attorneys say he has fully cooperated. But federal prosecutors say he has not fully cooperated. They do not believe he has shared everything he knows about crimes that were committed. That's why they did not seek leniency in this case. That's part of why they were asking the judge for a substantial sentence, and here the judge laying out an explanation for this sentence. These are crimes that deserve a substantial punishment. Just because you cooperated with the special counsel doesn't mean you can be absolved or responsibility for these many crimes.", "Glor: Okay. So repeating breaking news at this hour, michael cohen has been sentenced to three years in prison in manhattan for his crimes. Paula, explain to us then why michael cohen -- if you're michael cohen's legal team or if you're michael cohen, why wouldn't you just go one way or the other completely and hope for a presidential pardon or fully cooperate long term?", "Reporter: Well, let's go back to august. That's when cohen decided... remember, this is a man who said he would take a bullet for the president. Back in august he decided he would start cooperating with federal prosecutors. That's the same time when it became clear that federal prosecutors had enough evidence to charge him from several times ranging from tax fraud, bank fraud, campaign finance violations. He says he agreed to cooperate in the interest of his country and his family, but this is the only way he was going to get his sentence reduced. There was always the chance of a presidential pardon, but he says both financially and for his family he did not want to fight this through a trial and possibly a conviction and wait for that pardon. Again, he says he did not want to fully cooperate because of his family. He didn't want to enter into a long-term deal because of his family, but it's not exactly clear if that has rally panned out. Ultimately federal prosecutors say they believe he still has knowledge of potential crimes that he has not shared with them.", "Glor: Okay. Paula reid, stand by. I want to go to weijia jiang at the white house right now. Weijia --.", "Reporter: Jeff, I lost you for one second. I can tell you we are anxiously waiting for reaction from president trump or the white house, and we're certainly expecting something, because he has been so vocal in the days leading up to today, working to set the stage for what we saw unfold in that manhattan courtroom as simply a platform for michael cohen to continue lying to save himself and to get lesser time behind barS. He has worked to distance himself also from cohen and for the crimes that cohen will now serve time for, specifically when it comes to those hush money payments for the two women who are accusing the president of having affairs with them. On friday when the seventh district filed sentencing memos as guidance for what was going to happen today, the president said in the third person, totally clears the president, but, in fact, it did the opposite. It implicated him because prosecutors drew a direct line between cohen and then-candidate trump, saying that cohen acted in coordination and at the direction of individual one, which we now know, of course, is donald J. Donald trump some what this means for president trump is very critical. Even though he has tried to paint himself as a victim, and he called this a very simple transaction and said, even if this was a campaign finance violation, it's not my fault, it's because I had a bad lawyer, it's because cohen didn't tell me, and i should not be -- i should not serve any time for this because I didn't do anything wrong. That's something we're closely watching for, because this again is such a close tie between the president and now what cohen is serving time for, jeff?", "Glor: Weijia, thank you very much. Once again, michael cohen just now given three years in prison. Back the paula reid down at the courthouse. So paula reid, talk about the two different paths then, as well, because you're talking about the southern district, prosecutors in the southern district of new york, but then also the special counsel.", "Reporter: That's right. There are two different cases. One is with federal prosecutors here in new york. He entered a plea deal with them back in augusT. But he surprised everyone a couple weeks ago when he entered another plea deal, agreeing to coop rate with the special counsel investigation into the 2016 campaign. Both of those cases brought back different reviews in terms of his cooperation. The special counsel says he provided useful, credible information to them in their investigation, but the federal prosecutors say they don't bereave he was fully cooperative. They think he's still withholding some information, again about possible campaign finance violations. President trump came out and said, cohen was my lawyer. He should know campaign finance laws. President trump once again denied that the hush money paid to his mistresses was a campaign finance violation. He said that was a personal payment. The campaign finance stuff is being handled by the federal prosecutors in new york separate and apart from the special counsel investigation. Both federal prosecutors and the special counsel both found a useful witness in mr. Cohen.", "Glor: Okay. Paula reid outside the courthouse there in new york city for us in lower manhattan this morning. Paula, appreciate all of your reporting on this story, and, of course, we will be talking to you again throughout this afternoon. So to repeat, michael cohen, president trump's former lawyer, has just been sentenced to three years in federal prison for crimes that included payments to mr. Trump's alleged mistresses. Much more on all of this story on your local news on this cbs station, on our 24-hour streaming service, cbsn, and we'll have a full wrap-up on the \"cbs evening news\" tonight. Until then, I'm jeff glor, cbs news in new york. Especially detective rosales' latest theory.", "Billy: Does he have a suspect?", "Victoria: Yes, he does -- my dad.", "Billy: Really?", "Victoria: It's ridiculous.", "Billy: I mean, is it, though? J.T. Tried to kill victor. I mean, that's not something that he would take lightly.", "Victoria: He didn't do it, billy.", "Billy: Okay, but you don't know that for sure, and neither do I, and if rey is looking at victor, that's not gonna stay a secret for very long, so I think you're probably gonna have to talk to reed about it.", "Victoria: I said no! I don't want you to say a word about this to my son.", "Fen: It's been pretty great being home so far.", "Lauren: I bet. So...your dad and I have been discussing your decision to leave law school.", "Fen: No, I know that's what you guys wanted for me, and I-i get it, okay? It's safe and stable, but it's not the life I want to live.", "Lauren: You're right. And I guess part of why I wanted it for you was a little selfish, you know? I love talking about my son, the soon-to-be lawyer.", "Fen: I see why that would make your friends think you're pretty cool.", "Lauren: [ Chuckles ] Anyway... dad and I love you, and we're gonna support your decision.", "Fen: Wow! Um...okay. be honest, this is going a lot smoother than I thought.", "Lauren: Just not financially.", "Fen: Uh...what?", "Lauren: Yeah. Everything that we have paid toward your education will be a forgiven debt, and, you know, you can stay with us for the next few months rent-free. But if you want to be a musician, you have to do this on your own.", "Fen: That's a little hardball, don't you think, mom?", "Lauren: No. It's for your own good. I was a singer when I was your age. I felt all the feelings that you feel right now. What you're about to go through, I have gone through. The life of a musician is not easy. It's sleeping on floors and doing terrible jobs. But if you have a passion for music, you will do anything to keep it alive, and passing this test will show you that you are on the right path.", "Fen: I know. But [Sighs]... Okay, fine.", "Lauren: If you need a plan \"b\" or you want to go back to law school, there is no shame in that.", "Fen: No. There is no plan \"b,\" okay? Plan \"b\" is an admission of failure. And I'm not gonna fail.", "Lauren: I admire you. In fact, I'm a little jealous of you. That life's not all misery, you know.", "Fen: Yeah, well... you're gonna have to tell me your stories with, uh -- with danny someday.", "Lauren: [ Laughs ] You may not be old enough for me to ever tell you the truth on that.", "[ Laughs ]", "Fen: I'm gonna make this happen, mom. Okay? I'm gonna prove to you and dad that quitting law school wasn't a mistake.", "Lauren: I hope so. I believe in you.", "Fen: Yeah.", "Abby: Hey, you! Arturo told me about your truck and what happened and your idea. How did it go?", "Lola: Sharon said yes!", "Abby: Oh, wow! How exciting!", "Lola: Yeah. Uh... she might have done it as a favor for rey, but I don't care.", "Abby: Oh, I'm sure that's not the case. Congratulations. We will definitely have to celebrate later. Come here. Mm. Good job.", "Lola: Thank you.", "Abby: Sharon. Hey, thank you so much for letting lola work out of your shop. I know arturo was really worried about her.", "Sharon: It wasn't a favor. It was good business. She made a great pitch.", "Abby: Well, she knows what she's talking about when it comes to food and the business of selling it.", "Sharon: She's smart, driven, and she has an amazing menu. I bet she'll be running her own restaurant one day soon.", "Abby: I bet you're right.", "Devon: Ever since shauna left, all I've been doing is thinking about how I let hilary down. But this morning I woke up and i felt lighter. I felt more clear and I felt more focused and realized that i just needed to shed some excess baggage that's been dragging me down.", "Cane: Yeah. You've been, uh, carrying a heavy burden, I know.", "Devon: Yeah. So I fired some artists from lp today.", "Cane: Okay, hang on a sec. So, you fired artists from your recording label before you went for a run?", "Devon: That's correct, yes, 'cause, you know, none of us know how much time we have on this planet, and I want to pour mine into the artists that I'm actually passionate about -- like renee, for example. I want to take raw talent like that and nourish it and polish it and put it back out in the world 'cause that's what our company does. That's what we've been about, and that's why neil and i created lp to begin with.", "Cane: Does he know this has happened?", "Devon: Uh, no, I haven't had a chance to run it by him, but he's gonna understand when i explain it to him. I just feel like we need to strip the company down to make room to rebuild, you know?", "Cane: I'm happy to see you fired up, but, you know, neil's your partner. [ Cellphone chiming ] I'm thinking maybe you should --", "Devon: Hang on a second. It's a text message. It's from abby. She wants to talk to me about a business opportunity. That could be nice. Um, do you mind if I take care of this? I need to call her back and shower.", "Cane: Sure. Hey, I was just gonna say, though, you know, neil's not just your partner, he's your father, you know, and he just wants to make sure, like we all do, that you're okay.", "Devon: Yeah. I know he does. I know. I'm fine, though. Everything's under control. Trust me.", "Victoria: Sorry. I didn't mean to sound so harsh before. I'm just really tired of the police hounding my family.", "Billy: I'm sure it's exhausting.", "Victoria: It is, very. And in my heart, I know that my dad didn't have anything to do with J.T., So it's also very frustrating. Of course, my dad's not here to defend himself and get rid of this crazy idea, but I know that, eventually, the police will abandon it, so there's no reason to burden reed. He's already dealing with too much right now.", "Billy: Yeah. He seems... emotionally a little bit all over the place. I guess hearing that the cops are looking at his grandfather for killing his father is not gonna make it any better.", "Victoria: No, and there's no reason that a teenager should have to process that. I mean, reed doesn't know what to do about the police department's bogus suspicions. It's just gonna make him feel more helpless and on edge.", "Billy: Well, you know, I'm gonna do whatever I can for him. I want him to be okay. And, of course, I'll do whatever you think is best.", "Victoria: Thank you. I'm gonna keep an eye on him. I'll get him counseling if he needs it.", "Billy: Okay.", "Victoria: Listen, I'm really grateful to you for being there for him. It gives me peace of mind to know that he has somebody that he can talk to.", "Billy: The kid's like family to me. And no matter what happens between us, I am always, always gonna be there for you and the kids.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Charlie: So, what are you doing here?", "Reed: Um, I came back from school a little early so I could have a longer winter break.", "Charlie: How did you get here?", "Reed: A plane.", "Charlie: How'd you get to our house? You still don't have your license yet, right?", "Mattie: What's your problem, charlie?", "Charlie: I'm just asking. Logical question.", "Mattie: You don't know what he's been dealing with. His dad's been... his dad's gone, so you can just stop with the interrogation, okay?", "Charlie: Yeah. I, uh... heard about your dad. I'm sorry.", "Reed: Thanks. I'm sure things have been tough around here, too, without your mom.", "Charlie: It sucks, but... at least she's coming back home. I'm sorry, man. I didn't --", "Reed: It's -- it's fine.", "Charlie: I've got that, uh, bro-meeting thing I got to get to. See ya.", "Mattie: Can I get you something to drink or to eat?", "Reed: Um [Sighs] Uh... sure.", "Mattie: Sorry I don't have anything stronger.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Reed: Wouldn't want anything stronger.", "[ Sighs heavily ]", "Mattie: I was, uh, nervous to text you after everything happened with my mom.", "Reed: I'm glad you did.", "Mattie: I wasn't sure if you were still mad.", "Reed: I'm not. Losing my license at the time felt like a big deal, but... now it doesn't really feel like anything.", "Mattie: I'm so sorry about your dad.", "Reed: It's different now, knowing that he's dead. I still can't believe it. Before, when I thought he was on the run... from the things that he's done, I... was mad at him -- mad for abandoning me, for being selfish, but... now I can't be mad. [ Sighs ] I don't really know what to be.", "Cane: Hey, reed.", "Reed: Mr. Ashby.", "Abby: Hi! Thank you so much for meeting me.", "Devon: Oh, of course.", "Abby: How you doing? You look great!", "Devon: Thank you. You look great yourself.", "Abby: Ah, thank you.", "Devon: I'm feeling very well, though. I am feeling very re-energized with work.", "Abby: Goo!", "Devon: Yeah. I was happy to get your text message 'cause I'm very excited to hear what you have for me.", "Abby: All right. Okay. Um, I will just jump right in. Here it goes. I bought a building -- a multi-purpose space downtown on cresthaven place.", "Devon: Wow. Okay. That's near where they're building the new high-rise.", "Abby: Yes. My building is right next door.", "Devon: Oh, that's fantastic. You'll have a ton of foot traffic pretty soon.", "Abby: Yep, and all those feet have mouths that need to eat, so what I want to do is... I want to open a restaurant.", "Devon: Okay.", "Abby: Yes. I'm putting all my own money into it. I'm gonna oversee every detail. But what I need... is someone with connections and expertise that can really give this restaurant the buzz it needs to get off the ground.", "Devon: Oh, boy.", "Abby: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Okay.", "Abby: [ Laughs ]", "Devon: Well, let me start by asking you what do you think is gonna set your place apart from the other ones that will probably pop up around there?", "Abby: For one...", "Devon: Mm-hmm?", "Abby: ...I want it to be open all the time -- all day, all night.", "Devon: Okay.", "Abby: So, I want it to be a constant in the neighborhood where people can go anytime. That way we hit every demo. We get moms who need coffee, students on a break from their class who are studying, we have business lunches, dinner dates. Then you get the hipster crowd at night who are looking for great music, great drinks. Yeah.", "Devon: I love that concept. It gives you a wide range. What do you feel like the vibe's gonna be of the place?", "Abby: Well, I'm thinking accessible, first of all -- funky, edgy. You know, we're not in the 'burbs.", "Devon: Sure. Sure. I probably should have started with this question, but what kind of food are you gonna serve? 'Cause we all know that's everything.", "Abby: Yes, and I found someone.", "Devon: Okay.", "Abby: Undiscovered talent, up-and-coming.", "Devon: I would think in that area, you would probably need a chef that has a name and comes with a built-in reputation and clientele, you know?", "Abby: Uh-huh.", "Devon: Unless whoever you found is on the verge of breaking out. Who is it?", "Abby: Lola rosales.", "Devon: Lola rosales. Do I know who that is?", "Abby: Yes! You know her. Yes, you loved her food at the jaboutique's launch. You've probably seen her food truck around town.", "Devon: Yes. Okay.", "Abby: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, well, running a food truck is a bit different from running a restaurant. I'm sure you know that. I think that experience is important in that industry, right?", "Abby: Yeah, but -- but that's what you do. You -- you break talent. That's your thing, like with your singers, you know? It's the same thing.", "Devon: Uh, it's a little different. Um, abby, I'd love to partner up with you on something like this 'cause I think it's a great idea and I think you have an amazing location.", "Abby: Yeah!", "Devon: But unless you have a chef that comes with some name recognition and, you know, a theme, an amazing menu, I don't know if I can get behind it right now.", "Abby: Okay. [ Chuckles ] Yeah, yeah. Um, I-I totally get it. Yeah.", "Devon: I apologize, but please circle back around if anything changes, okay?", "Abby: Okay.", "Devon: Promise?", "Abby: I promise, yes.", "Devon: I got to take off.", "Abby: All right. Thank you.", "Devon: Take care.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Lola: Hi. Just go ahead and grab it. Here you go. Thank you so much. Hi. Thank you. Thank you. Ohh.", "Fen: You need some help with that? Man strong.", "Lola: [ Sighs ] Man cheesy. Woman just fine by herself. But woman very busy, so you can put that right there. Thank you.", "Fen: Got it.A: Hi.", "Fen: Oh, god. What's in here?", "Lola: Uh, the parts to a commercial-grade holiday.", "Fen: Gotcha.", "Lola: Yeah. There's another box outside.", "Fen: What, am I suddenly working for you in the la vida lola pop-up?", "Lola: You know what? Your boss is very busy right now, and she can't chat.", "Fen: Well, I mean, I'd be happy to work on the barter system, you know, for, like, maybe, uh...", "Lola: A free sandwich.", "[ Chuckles softly ]", "Abby: Wow! Looks like it's going well.", "Lola: You know, I can remember a few times on the food truck where I served so many people that I almost fell over at the end of the day.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "Lola: I have doubled that.", "Abby: Oh, my goodness. Well, I hope you're not too exhausted, because I have an offer that you're not gonna be able to refuse.", "Lola: I do say no to a lot of things, so don't be so sure of that.", "Abby: Well, I want to host a private dinner tonight at my friend devon hamilton'S. He's not easy to please, but i know you can do it. I want you to blow him away with your food. I'm thinking four courses, a whole menu. I-I-I want you to pull out all the stops. I know that it's a lot, and please tell me if I'm asking the impossible.", "Lola: No, I will do it. I have a notebook filled with recipes that I have been saving for the day that I have my own restaurant. I will design the menu in a way that the dishes will tie in together yet... have a progression and leading to a killer dessert.", "Abby: That sounds great! Yes, please. A-and buy all of the best ingredients that you need. I will reimburse you for everything. And hire whatever support staff -- servers, line cooks.", "Lola: I do my own prep. Other people just get in the way.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] I believe that. But maybe really do hire a server because I want you just to be completely focused on making the meal of your life.", "Lola: Okay. I'll do it. Um... is there a specific reason why you're trying to impress this guy?", "Abby: There is, but I can't tell you just yet. I'm just working on a little project. Are you in?", "Lola: So in. Oh, I'll have to cancel plans with kyle.", "Abby: I'm sure he'll understand.", "Lola: Yeah, he will. You know, things have been going really well lately.", "Abby: Aww! That's great! But maybe put all of that in a box for tonight. I-I don't want any distractions.", "Lola: No problem.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] I believe that. But maybe really do hire a server because I want you just to be completely focused on making the meal of your life.", "Lola: Okay. I'll do it. Um... is there a specific reason why you're trying to impress this guy?", "Abby: There is, but I can't tell you just yet. I'm just working on a little project. Are you in?", "Lola: So in. Oh, I'll have to cancel plans with kyle.", "Abby: I'm sure he'll understand.", "Lola: Yeah, he will. You know, things have been going really well lately.", "Abby: Aww! That's great! But maybe put all of that in a box for tonight. I-I don't want any distractions.", "Lola: No problem.", "Abby: And please tell me who you get as a server, 'cause I'm gonna put them on the security list.", "Lola: Okay.", "Abby: It's gonna be great!", "[ Claps ]", "Lola: [ Chuckles ]", "Fen: Thank you.", "Kerry: Oh, hi.", "Jack: I'm still on the board, so I, uh, kind of come and go here.", "Kerry: Yeah, of course.", "Jack: I'm jack...", "Kerry: I know, jack.", "Jack: ...The person you made breakfast plans with and then stood up.", "Kerry: I am so sorry.", "Jack: I'm actually not looking for an apology. An explanation might be swell. At first I thought maybe your phone had died. [ Cellphone chimes ] Oh. So much for that. Then my son suggested that, uh, maybe there was a misunderstanding, but that's not the truth, either, is it?", "Jack: Things and people.", "Kerry: I swear that's all it was. My co-workers and clients usually forgive my flakiness because my work makes up for it.", "Jack: I'm not a co-worker. I'm not a client. I'm not sure what I am. I thought we connected... quite well on thanksgiving, and -- well, that was before your vanishing act. Of course, you can't blame that one on work.", "Kerry: You're right.", "Jack: Here's how I see it. Either you just don't want to date me, which would be a disappointment but I could deal with that -- it's rare, but it's happened before -- or you're playing games with me, leading me on for reasons that I don't understand, and if that's the case, let me be very clear. I'm not interested.", "Cane: Well, uh... this is unexpected.", "Mattie: Yeah. Uh, reed took his finals early so that he could come home for break and deal with his dad.", "Cane: That was awful news. I'm sorry about your dad, man.", "Reed: Thank you.", "Cane: I'm sure your mom's happy to have you home, so...", "Reed: Yeah. Uh, I think so. Should probably get going.", "Mattie: No! You -- you don't have to go.", "Cane: No, no. That's probably a good idea, you know, considering the timing and all, so...", "Mattie: What timing?", "Cane: Well, he's already taken his finals, and you haven't done yours yet.", "Mattie: I'll get my work done, like I always do.", "Cane: You know school is important to her, right? She has a big week coming up, and, you know, I know you don't want to distract her, 'cause that's not your intention, right?", "Mattie: You don't have to talk to him about me. I'm right here.", "Reed: I don't want to. I don't want to hurt her at all.", "Cane: Okay. That's good.", "Mattie: Dad, come on.", "Reed: It's cool. Um, I've got to get going anyway.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Reed: [ Sighs ] It was good seeing you.", "Mattie: You, too.", "Cane: Okay. See ya.", "Lola: Just sent you your share of today's take.", "Sharon: What?! [ Gasps ] No way!", "Lola: Mm-hmm, and it's only been one day.", "Sharon: Wow! Good job! Here's to a profitable winter!", "Fen: Hey.", "Lola: Oh. You're still here.", "Fen: Yeah. I just, uh, wanted to make sure you didn't need anything else.", "Lola: Thank you for your help today.", "Fen: Ah, it's no biggie. I'm glad I could be here... while, uh, abbott's not.", "Lola: He's working an actual job.", "Fen: Ah, he's crunching numbers for a company that his family owns, so...", "Lola: Okay. And what exactly is it that you're doing with your life?", "Fen: Music. I'm, uh -- I'm a singer.", "Lola: [ Chuckles softly ] That makes sense.", "Fen: Okay, well, look, just slow your roll on the snap judgments, all right? Unlike abbott, I'm not opposed to working a real job until i make it, okay? Manual labor, menial jobs -- doesn't matter. You know, I don't have, uh, soft hands, and I'm not afraid to get them dirty.", "Lola: You moved two boxes today.", "Fen: And I will move 100 if i have to, until I make it.", "Lola: Can't hate on a guy who has dreams.", "Fen: So, uh... how about a movie tonight?", "Lola: [ Chuckles ] I do appreciate the efforts, but... our deal was a sandwich, and I'm busy.", "Fen: Well, then... until we meet again.", "Lola: Hey, hold on. On second thought, are you busy tonight?", "Fen: Uh, well, whatever was on my calendar just -- pbht! -- Gone, obliterated.", "Lola: It's not a date. It's a job. You said nothing was beneath you, right?", "Fen: I did. I'm kind of regretting that now.", "Lola: I need a waiter for a private dinner that I'm catering.", "Fen: Oh, you -- you mean tonight? Oh, god. I just remembered, um, I have a root canal, so...", "Lola: Huh. Okay. So, your perseverance ends at box 3?", "Fen: All right. Where's the dinner?", "Lola: It's at devon hamilton's penthouse. Do you know him?", "Fen: Devon hamilton? Hamilton-winters, the owner of lp? Yeah. He's like genoa city's bruce wayne.", "Lola: So, what do you say? Are you gonna help me out?", "Fen: I'd be honored.", "Kerry: Hey, jack. Please wait. Your reaction is totally fair. I was working this morning, but to leave you sitting there was... it was disrespectful.", "Jack: So you're not playing games with me?", "Kerry: No. Not on purpose. I know it probably comes across that way. Look, jack, my life is -- my life is complicated.", "Jack: We're all grown-ups here. Life is complicated.", "Kerry: I handled things poorly. But I really like you, jack. Give me another chance... knowing I have two strikes against me? Don't you usually get three in baseball or something?", "Jack: I appreciate the apology. I'll let you get back to your work.", "Lola: [ Sighs ]", "Kyle: You look wiped out.", "Lola: Wiping out is exactly what I would do if I go ice skating right now.", "Kyle: No worries. We'll just skip to the after-skating part -- hot chocolate by the fire.", "Lola: About that... something came up.", "Fen: Hey.", "Kyle: Fen.", "Fen: Hey. Uh [Breathing heavily] I was halfway down the block when i realized you didn't tell me what time tonight. She must have told you. Uh, we have plans. Um, so, what do you want me to wear -- uh, downtown hip and sexy or, like, uptown crisp and clean?", "Lola: Black shirt and black pants.", "Fen: Okay.", "Lola: Abby asked me to cater a dinner tonight at devon hamilton's, and it could be a huge opportunity. I needed a server, and he was here.", "Fen: Yeah. Too bad you weren't there.", "Lola: I can text you the time later.", "Fen: [ Sighs ] Oh, ice skates. That's cute. I guess you're gonna have to find somebody else to ice-skate with tonight, though.", "Lola: It's a job. That's all. I will be bossing him around while he refills some waters. You can't possibly think that it's a date.", "Kyle: I don'T... because this is what a date looks like.", "Mattie: I can't believe you talked to him like that!", "Cane: I'm sorry about his father, and I know he's going through a lot, okay?", "Mattie: You practically shoved him out the door!", "Cane: I don't know why he was here in the first place. Why was he even here, mattie?", "Mattie: Because we got over everything that happened in the past. Now we're friends.", "Cane: Look, I'm just trying to say that I would prefer that you were friends 1,000 miles away as opposed to being friends right here in my kitchen.", "Mattie: It's my kitchen, too.", "Cane: Yes, it is your kitchen, too, and with your mom not being here, it's just everything is harder right now. Do you understand that?", "Mattie: I know, and reed gets that! We have a lot in common. We understand what each other is feeling.", "Cane: I just don't want you getting hurt again.", "Mattie: I wish mom were here! She'd get it!", "Cane: Mattie. Mattie.", "Victoria: You and I have been through a lot.", "Billy: We've been through it all. And I really appreciate the fact that you've been able to... preserve... this.", "Victoria: What is \"this\"?", "Billy: Us. Okay. [ Chuckles ] I'm gonna go. It's getting late. Listen, uh, vick, about your dad --", "Victoria: I don't want to talk about it anymore.", "Billy: I-I just don'T... want you to be in denial about it, okay?", "Victoria: Well... you can assume that that's not the case.", "Billy: But if the police have evidence that link your dad to J.T.'S murder and he's gone awol now, I just --", "Victoria: I'm aware, and the police are wrong. I don't -- I don't want -- I don't want you breaking your promise to me that you're not gonna say anything to reed.", "Billy: Okay. [ Sighs ]", "Reed: You lied to me. You knew.", "Victoria: Reed...", "Reed: How could you not tell me that victor killed my dad?!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Kyle has lunch with Jack and tells him he wants to be CO-CEO with Jack or he will leave Jabot and go to another company. Jack agrees but only on a temporary basis and they will revisit the issue in a few months. Mariah tells Lola that Summer and Theo broke up and she should watch out for Summer because she doesn't think she ever got over Kyle. Kyle heads to the office where he has a glass of champagne with Summer to celebrate his promotional. Sumer tells him that she and Theo broke up and that he should keep one eye open around Theo. Summer explains that she caught Theo snooping around Jack's desk and she got a feeling he was hiding something. Lola has champagne waiting for Kyle when he gets home and she bristles a bit when he said he already had a glass with Summer but she just tells Kyle they can make love instead of drinking champagne. Lola asks Theo if his break up with Summer had anything to do with Kyle and he assures her Kyle had nothing to do with the end of his relationship with Summer. Victor asks Summer to forgive him for letting her think he was dead and she says that she is trying her best to forgive him. Elena talks to Nate about Devon and how she fears he will never be over Hilary. Nate later talks to Devon who admits that when he sees Amanda he remembers Hilary's final days in the hospital and it has been very tough for him. Nate persuades Devon to talk to a grief counselor and Devon also promises to stay away from Amanda. Victor tells Devon he had Amanda investigated and he found out Amanda hired a company to erase her online history before Colin hired her. Victor gives Devon the file on Amanda and promises to catch Colin and his accomplice.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Victor: Find out everything you can about a lawyer called amanda sinclair.", "Elena: What do you want, devon? Is it me, or is it to stay in your past? Because you need to decide what's most important to you.", "Devon: Hilary...", "Amanda: I'm not hilary. I'm amanda.", "Kyle: You're appointing me and lauren joint C.O.O.S.", "Jack: There's more. I think it's time for summer to get a promotion to head of marketing.", "Billy: Who do you have in mind to take summer's position?", "Jack: Theo.", "Summer: Hey. Jack won't be back for a while.", "Theo: I know. I, uh, ran into him at the elevators. He's headed to dinner with kyle.", "Summer: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So what are you -- what are you doing in here?", "Theo: I'm looking for some notes jack said he left for me.", "Summer: Really, about what?", "Theo: A report I gave him yesterday.", "Summer: Mm.", "Theo: Got 'em. So, uh, what's the deal with this meeting between jack and kyle? Is there something I should know about?", "Summer: It depends how well it goes.", "Kyle: Hey, hey. Thanks for meeting me.", "Jack: Hey, no problem. A chance to have dinner with my son-slash-C.O.O.?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Oh, would you like another drink?", "Jack: No, I think I've been sufficiently buttered up by now. Why don't you tell me what you want to talk about?", "Mariah: Everything's going smoothly at power. We're building our clientele slowly and methodically, not taking on any more than we can handle.", "Devon: Yeah, it's a smart approach.", "Mariah: So that's one thing you don't have to worry about.", "Devon: Mm.", "Mariah: How's everything else going?", "Devon: Uh, it's just been busy. I just have, uh, some things going on with one of tucker's companies, and the normal stuff at hamilton-winters.", "Mariah: And?", "Devon: And what?", "Mariah: And how did it go with elena when you guys talked?", "Devon: [ Sighs ]", "Mariah: Did you guys come to an understanding about amanda?", "Devon: Mm, not quite.", "Mariah: Oh, no. What happened?", "Devon: Well, for starters, when I went to look for elena, she was with amanda.", "Mariah: What? Why was she with amanda?", "Devon: I -- they're making peace. I guess they're friends now. I don't know.", "Mariah: What?!", "Devon: Yeah, it was, uh, nate's brilliant idea because he thinks amanda's amazing because she helped him with one legal issue. Guess it doesn't take very much to win him over. And I'm, uh -- I'm guessing that he's gonna be inviting us on some double dates soon.", "Mariah: Wait, is he dating amanda?", "Devon: He swears he's not, but he sure changed his tune about her overnight.", "Mariah: Well, maybe he's just trying to alleviate the tension, you know? Negotiate a ceasefire.", "Devon: Yeah, I'm sure he'd like to frame it that way, but it's not his place to do that, so he needs to mind his damn business.", "Nate: Getting ready for the holiday, I see.", "Elena: Hey. Yeah, I picked up some rare blues records for jett.", "Nate: Oh, I bet he'll love that.", "Elena: Yeah.", "Nate: Coffee, please. Where's devon?", "Elena: He's at home, still working. Thought I'd give him some space.", "Nate: Okay.", "Elena: So, did amanda tell you that we had a sit-down, tried to break the ice?", "Nate: No, but I am glad to hear it.", "Elena: Yeah, I think you made me realize that maybe I was blaming her for things she's not responsible for.", "Nate: Yeah, I know you're motivated by your concern for devon. And he's lucky to have you in his corner. Last time I saw you, you were going to lunch with devon, and it seemed like you realized you needed to make your relationship a priority.", "Elena: Yeah. Our date was lovely, and I was hoping his positive attitude would stick, but... the next day, he was back to lashing out at amanda.", "Nate: That's got to be hard on him when they keep running into each other.", "Elena: That's the thing, he didn't bump into her. He went looking for her.", "Nate: I guess it's gonna take more time for him to work through his anger over the will.", "Elena: I don't even think this about the anger anymore. I'm not even sure it's about amanda. Although, he insists it is, and I believed it at first. But when I look in his eyes, I think this is all about hilary. I don't think he's over her, and... I'm not sure he ever will be.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Victor: This about amanda sinclair? Uh-huh. Really? Uh-huh. That's very interesting, indeed. Additional sponsorship", "Elena: So am I the last person to realize that devon's still not over hilary?", "Nate: I wouldn't put it like that.", "Elena: But you suspected it.", "Nate: It's crossed my mind. I tried to put myself in devon's shoes. If someone showed up out of the blue who looked like carolyn...", "Elena: Carolyn. That'S...your fiancée who...", "Nate: That would definitely mess with my head. Especially if she turned out to be part of some scheme to defraud me. Even if it wasn't wittingly.", "Elena: When I first found out that we were gonna be dealing with hilary again, I sort of lashed out. I'm not proud of it. And all it did was push devon away and make him think that he should bury his feelings, and now we've been tiptoeing around each other.", "Nate: I'm sorry. That's, uh -- that's got to be hard on you.", "Elena: Yeah, I just don't know how to deal with a situation like this. It's as if I'm dealing with another woman, but she's not the other woman, or maybe I'm the other woman, I don't know.", "Nate: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Devon loves you. You know that.", "Elena: Yeah, I know. And I love him, too. You know what, I am talking your ear off about this. I'm sure everything will be fine.", "Devon: I don't know what she wants me to do. First, she said we needed to take time aside for our relationship, which we did, and then she said we needed to talk things out, and we tried that, but then she doesn't believe what I have to say. So...I don't know what to do.", "Mariah: Well, it sounds like she's trying to be there for you, and that's a good thing.", "Devon: Yeah. This might sound terrible, but i think the best thing she could do is just take a step back and let me try to figure things out my own way.", "Mariah: So your plan is to shut her out?", "Devon: No, I'd like time, though, to figure things out on my own.", "Mariah: I get it. Just -- be careful, or you may end up with more time on your hands than you would like.", "Theo: So... you know why jack and kyle are meeting, but you're not gonna tell me?", "Summer: It's not really my place to say.", "Theo: We're keeping secrets from one another now.", "Summer: I don't know. Are we?", "Theo: You don't believe I was getting notes on a report.", "Summer: Well, I do know that you have a history of making kyle's life difficult, and, as your friend, I would hate to see you fall into old patterns.", "Theo: And you're concerned for my sake, friend?", "Summer: Yes. I'm serious. You have a really good opportunity here, and I would really hate to see you blow it, theo.", "Theo: Well, you don't have to worry. That's the last thing I'd ever do.", "Kyle: This is about business.", "Jack: I gathered as much. You have a proposal you want to run by me.", "Kyle: Yes.", "Jack: Something ambitious.", "Kyle: It is.", "Jack: And you want my approval on it.", "Kyle: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Well, I've been a big supporter of your ideas lately.", "Kyle: Which is why I'm bringing this one up.", "Jack: Okay, shoot. Let's hear it.", "Kyle: I want you to reinstate me as C.E.O. These are real people,", "Summer: Hey!", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart!", "Summer: Hi, grandpa. What are you doing here?", "Victor: Come here.", "Summer: Hey!", "Victor: Hi, baby.", "Summer: Hi!", "Victor: Missed you.", "Summer: Well, I've missed you, too, but I just saw you at thanksgiving.", "Victor: Well, but, you know, that visit was a very short one. Your grandmother and I would love to have a longer visit with you.", "Summer: No, I know, I know. Okay, here, come sit, um...", "Victor: All right.", "Summer: Yeah, I've just been, um, spending a lot of time at work, you know? I -- I got a big promotion. I don't know if you've heard.", "Victor: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I have, indeed, and I came here to congratulate you.", "Summer: Well, thanks.", "Victor: Yeah. Now, I understand that there's a fellow called theo who, uh -- who was promoted who runs the social media department for jabot?", "Summer: Yeah. Seems like you, uh -- you hear a lot, huh?", "Victor: Yeah. [ Chuckles ] Are the two getting any closer, or what?", "Summer: Well, I guess you don't hear everything 'cause we, uh... we actually broke up.", "Victor: Oh.", "Summer: But we just decided to be friends.", "Victor: Well, that's good to know.", "Summer: What, you're happy that I had another heartbreak, huh?", "Victor: No, I didn't mean -- I didn't mean it that way.", "Summer: What?", "Victor: No, no, no. It's just, you know... it's just like when I heard the two of you might be coming closer that, um, I did some investigating, you know I had some concerns about him.", "Summer: Well, I don't know exactly what you're, uh, talking about, but it doesn't -- it doesn't even matter 'cause it's over.", "Victor: I never want you to settle for less. You deserve the best.", "Summer: I don't know about that.", "Victor: Oh, yes, I do, sweetheart. I have lived a little longer than you have, you know. Things don't work out in one relationship or another, big deal. You know what it usually means? It means that a better one is out there waiting for you.", "Summer: Yeah, I mean, I'd like to think that he's out there somewhere.", "Victor: Or perhaps it's someone you already know.", "Mariah: What are we looking at?", "Lola: Oh, uh, hi. Uh, kyle is asking his dad something, but I can't tell how it's going.", "Mariah: Asking him for what?", "Lola: I don't want to jinx it, but I will fill you in when it's over.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Lola: How are you?", "Mariah: I am good. I just stopped by because I have a piece of news I thought that you would be interested in.", "Lola: What's that?", "Mariah: Summer and theo broke up.", "Lola: Oh, well, that's like their thing, isn't it? On and off.", "Mariah: Yeah, I know, uh... I think it's for good this time. Summer's only keeping theo around to give kyle heartburn, so now that that stopped working, it's \"buh-bye, theo.\"", "Lola: Oh. I actually hope that's not the case. It almost makes me feel sorry for theo.", "Mariah: Sorry for theo? Uh, no, I think he and summer sort of deserve each other. But now that they're broken up... you need to watch out for her.&", "Kyle: I'm not suggesting you step down as C.E.O. I'm glad you came back, and i love working with you.", "Jack: So what exactly is your proposal?", "Kyle: That we share the position. Like billy and I did, minus the constant battles and mistrust.", "Jack: Kyle... I appreciate everything that you do at jabot, and you did an amazing job covering for me when I was away.", "Kyle: Don't say \"but...\"", "Jack: But...", "Kyle: You just talked about how much you liked my recent initiatives -- the new ad campaign, the partnerships with the korean skincare line, the upgrades to the website...", "Jack: All those were great.", "Kyle: Generating bold, creative ideas and executing them to perfection is my forte.", "Jack: I agree. But all of these things you can do as C.O.O. And my right-hand man.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: Kyle, is it understood within the company that you are my designated successor.", "Kyle: Understood is the not the same thing as guaranteed. You're asking me to wait indefinitely in hopes that everything works out, but a lot could happen before you decide to retire. Even if we make it to that moment without any major upheaval, the board could decide to go with someone else, someone who has been at the helm of a company who has the experience i need to get under my belt.", "Jack: Okay, okay. You make a good point. So what if I have someone drawn up that very clearly delineates that you are my chosen successor?", "Kyle: Mnh-mnh. Not good enough.", "Jack: Not good enough?", "Kyle: I am ready for this job. And if it's not with you, then maybe it should be for someone else.", "Jack: Wait, what are you saying now?", "Kyle: If you are not willing to promote me... then maybe it's time I move on. Running out of gift ideas, seeking something more.", "Devon: I've been expecting you.", "Nate: Really?", "Devon: Oh, yeah. I thought it was just a matter of time before you came over here to defend amanda because i confronted her again.", "Nate: I haven't spoken to amanda nor would I presume to speak for her.", "Devon: Mm.", "Nate: I came over because I'm worried about you.", "Devon: Don't have to worry about me, nate. I am fine. Okay? Though I'm sure you don't believe me.", "Nate: Listen, with ever", "Devon: I don't want to go there, nate.", "Nate: Neil saw what I was going through because he had been where I was. He lost dru, and he saw right through me, the same way I'm seeing through you now.", "Devon: Okay. Did elena talk to you and tell you her theory that I'm drawn to amanda because she looks hilary?", "Nate: It makes sense.", "Devon: It makes sense. Okay. Well, elena is wrong, and if she sent you here to talk to me --", "Nate: Elena did not send me. And I understand why you don't want to talk to her about your grief, because you love her and you don't want to hurt her. But there's point in hiding it from her anymore because she knows.", "Summer: Okay. Why are you so invested in my love life all of a sudden, huh?", "Victor: Because I'm looking out for you, as I always do.", "Summer: Really? Is that what you call it, what you've been doing lately is looking out for me?", "Victor: Sweetheart, i understand how you feel about that. It must have been a terrible shock to you, to have thought that I had died, and I... I apologize for that. I don't feel good about that.", "Summer: Well, the thing is, is that if you, uh, had to do it all over again, you'd probably just do the same thing, wouldn't you?", "Victor: Well, think about it. If I told you the truth, I would have put you in a terrible position -- to betray my confidence or lie to your mother.", "Summer: I don't care. Either of those options would have been better than believing that you were dead. You don't -- grandpa, you don't understand what that did to me. And then to just find out that it was a game later on? I don't --", "Victor: It wasn't a game. It really wasn't a game. I was trying to protect myself and save my son.", "Summer: Really? Your son who poisoned you. He took priority over me. Do you even hear how that sounds?", "Victor: You're right about your feelings. Okay? It's the past, history now. I came here to, um... ask you to forgive me. Do you think you can?", "Summer: I'm trying.", "Victor: You are? Okay.", "Summer: [ Sighs ]", "Victor: Come here.", "Summer: You make it really hard to forgive you sometimes.", "Victor: Okay. I know, I'm aware of that. Yeah, I'm a hardass sometimes, sweetheart. I'm so sorry.", "Summer: [ Chuckles ] But I adore and I love you, okay?", "Summer: I love you.", "Victor: Please forgive me. I feel much better now, and that's why I came, to ask for your forgiveness, okay?", "Summer: Okay.", "Victor: Okay.", "Jack: I have to be honest, I wasn't expecting this.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: Not at this time, and certainly not from you.", "Kyle: I didn't mean for that to come across as harsh, and I'm not trying to force your hand, but... I am being honest about where i am in my career and what I need. I'm ready to test my wings and see what I can accomplish. I want that to happen at jabot. But if you feel differently, for whatever reason, then I can start searching for something else with no hard feelings.", "Jack: You could actually see yourself walking away from the family company...", "Kyle: If it's not the right fit at the right time... yes. Maybe I could come back down the road when the timing is better.", "Jack: You've given me a lot to think about.", "Kyle: I don't mean to rush you. Take as much time as you need. Maybe we can talk at the end of the week. Thanks for meeting me.", "Jack: Hold on. Sit down. Sit down. I don't need more time. I know what my answer is.", "Kyle: You gonna torture me?", "Jack: Just for one more minute. Congratulations.", "Kyle: [ Laughs ] Really? Yes!", "Jack: I want to be clear about what we're saying. We're gonna give this a try.", "Kyle: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: We'll be co-C.E.O.S for a month or two and see what we think then, all right? Sound good?", "Kyle: Sounds perfect.", "Kyle: And if you negotiate jabot's contracts like you just negotiated this... I think the company's in good hands.", "Lola: What are you saying, that you're worried that kyle might cheat on me with summer?", "Mariah: No! No, I don't doubt kyle at all. He's completely devoted to you. But he is a little naive when it comes to summer. It's like he has a blind spot for her trickery.", "Lola: She's not a witch.", "Mariah: Sure about that?", "Lola: I have to find out what's going on.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Lola: So...? Come on!", "Jack: So you are looking at jabot's new co-C.E.O.", "Lola: That's amazing! Oh!", "Kyle: Ah!", "Lola: Congratulations!", "Jack: Isn't that great?", "Lola: Oh!", "Theo: What's that all about?", "Mariah: I don't know, but they look happy.", "Theo: They sure do. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Theo: So, what are we celebrating?", "Lola: Kyle is going to be C.E.O. Of jabot again.", "Jack: Co-C.E.O. Don't put me out to pasture just yet.", "Kyle: And it's on a trial basis, but, uh, I won't let you down.", "Mariah: Oh, my god, that is fantastic news! Congratulations!", "Theo: How about drinks on me to celebrate?", "Kyle: I'm gonna take a rain check. I want to get back to the office and, uh, dig in.", "Jack: And I better let lauren know about the change of plans.", "Kyle: Ooh, I hope there won't be any hard feelings.", "Jack: It will be fine. I will handle it.", "Theo: Okay, so that's two no'S. Mariah?", "Mariah: Oh, no, I have to work, as well, so I will walk out with you.", "Jack: Perfect.", "Mariah: Bye, guys.", "Theo: Fine. Everyone's loss.", "Lola: I am so excited for you. Jack is recognizing your hard work, and you're just beginning to show him what you can do!", "Kyle: Thank you.", "Lola: We are definitely celebrating tonight, so think about what you want to do.", "Kyle: Mm. I have a few ideas.", "Nate: All I'm saying is, I'm here if you want to talk about hilary.", "Devon: I -- did we not have this conversation already when ana was here, and you guys helped me through my grief, and I got rid of all of hilary's things and I put her pictures away, and then I moved on with my life?", "Nate: Until amanda walked through the door.", "Devon: Yeah, that was a -- a big shock, but I'm not going backwards.", "Nate: But you do need to acknowledge the effect it's having on you.", "Devon: Okay.", "Nate: I'm sure, in that first moment, it must have felt like a miracle. And every time you see her face, in the split-second before your brain sends the message to your heart, you think it's her.", "Devon: I get why you'd assume that, nate, but I know the difference between the two. Amanda is not hilary, I get it.", "Nate: Okay, so what are you doing? Why do you keep seeking her out?", "Devon: I don't want to talk about it anymore.", "Nate: Okay, you don't have to talk to me or elena, but I see you two both hurting.", "Devon: [ Sighs ]", "Nate: And so you probably should talk to someone. Because you cover it pretty well, but it's crushing you, isn't it?", "Devon: I -- what do you want to hear, nate? What do you want me to say to you? Things have been tougher than I've let on? Sure. They have.", "Nate: Okay. That's okay. Now we're getting somewhere.", "Devon: [ Sighs ]", "Lola: Lonely bar stool for one?", "Theo: I'm my own best company.", "Lola: Don't you need to get back to the office, too?", "Theo: This is my office. One of the perks of working in social media.", "Lola: Are you sure you're okay with kyle's promotion?", "Theo: Absolutely. And congrats, again.", "Lola: He worked really hard for it.", "Theo: I know. I get to see him in action every day, and the guy is busting his butt.", "Lola: How are you liking your new job?", "Theo: Well, it's actually going really well. You know, I had certain concerns.", "Lola: I remember.", "Theo: But, you know, i haven't had to change who I am to make it work. I'm finding ways to make the job suit me. Putting my own spin on it.", "Lola: So, how is everything else going?", "Theo: There are a lot of pivots in this conversation.", "Lola: [ Chuckles ]", "Theo: Hey, if there's something you want to say, just -- just say it.", "Lola: Thank you. Mm. I heard you broke up with summer, and you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.", "Theo: No, it's fine. It was a mutual decision.", "Lola: Theo, can I ask you something else, just because i consider us friends?", "Theo: Yeah, of course. I seem to be racking up friends today. [ Chuckles ]", "Lola: Did your breakup have anything to do with kyle and summer?", "Summer: What? He said yes?", "Kyle: [ Laughs ]", "Summer: Hooray! I'm so happy for you! And I am so relieved because if he said no, then I would not have known what to do with this. Do you want to do the honors?", "Kyle: Oh, that's so nice of you, but I came back to get some work done.", "Summer: So? We can still be productive while sippin' some bubbly. You know, it's like a -- it's like a staff meeting, but with benefits. Okay, you -- you know what I mean.", "Kyle: [ Laughs ]", "Summer: Um, we could -- we could sip some bubbly, and the knock something off of our to-do lists, you know, and then just keep on repeating that.", "Kyle: I'm not sure that's the most effective work strategy...", "Summer: Come on, come on...", "Kyle: But... what the hell? Today's not a normal day.", "Summer: That is right, it's not. Okay.", "Summer: Come on!", "[ Cork pops ]", "Summer: Hey! [ Laughs ]", "Kyle: Yes! [ Laughs ] Stouffer's lasagna with meat & sauce has", "Devon: I'll tell you what it's been like, nate. Whenever I -- I look into amanda's eyes, I get flashes of being at hilary's bedside in the hospital with her. And... those were the worst days of my whole life. But, all right, they were also the last moments I got to spend with my wife.", "Nate: I remember how hard you both fought to hold on. Now it... sounds like a part of you is still fighting to do that.", "Devon: It's been over a year, though, man. I don't -- I don't feel like I should still be dealing with this, you know?", "Nate: That's not how grief works. You can't tap your watch and tell it time's up. But you also can't beat yourself up for feeling this way. I'm here for you, and so is elena.", "Devon: I don't want elena to be anywhere near this because I don't want her to feel like she's competing with a ghost.", "Nate: Then all the more reason for you to get some helpg myself with my memories.", "Nate: That sounds like a good start.", "Summer: All right, cheers to you having the guts to go after what you want. And for jack not calling your bluff.", "Kyle: Mm! I wasn't bluffing.", "Summer: Hm?", "Kyle: I was ready to leave jabot. And you're part of the reason why.", "Summer: Okay, um, excuse me?", "Kyle: That didn't come out right. What I meant was... I've been inspired by the way you walked away from all the opportunities victor offered you at newman because you wanted success on your own terms. It inspired me to think I could do the same if it came down to it.", "Summer: Well, uh, thank you. I think?", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ]", "Summer: So, are you, uh, happy to be staying?", "Kyle: Yes! Of course. This is what I wanted. Mmm! But we can't let up now. Because, technically, the job's still temporary.", "Summer: Right, but it will be permanent because everybody here is behind you, with the possible exception of theo.", "Kyle: He was surprisingly supportive when I saw him earlier, no quips or jabs. Wait. That's suspicious, isn't it?", "Summer: Um, just unusual, yeah.", "Kyle: You know something i don't?", "Summer: No?", "Kyle: Mm-hmm.", "Summer: I don't know. Well, maybe, I just -- I saw him going through some papers on jack's desk earlier.", "Kyle: Uh-huh. What papers?", "Summer: Well, it was some notes that jack left him on a report. I -- just something about it seemed off, so I'm just saying to maybe keep one eye open.", "Kyle: [ Scoffs ] Don't worry. I'm not letting my guard down when it comes to theo. But it is kind of odd to have you reporting to me about your boyfriend.", "Summer: Well, he's actually not my boyfriend anymore.", "Kyle: You broke up?", "Summer: Yep, and please do not give me the fake sympathy, okay? I know that you think that I'm better off without him, and, to be honest, so do I.", "Kyle: All right. Well, that deserves another toast.", "Summer: Okay. You can top me off.", "Kyle: Oh! Let's do it.", "Summer: Thank you.", "Kyle: Bam. Ooh, a little spillage.", "Summer: [ Chuckles ] That's okay, no one will know.", "Kyle: No one will know, shh.", "Summer: All right. Cheers to moving up.", "Kyle: And moving on.", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Theo: I can assure you, my breakup with summer hadthing to do with kyle.", "Lola: Yeah, of course not. I didn't think -- [ Sighs ] I just -- sorry.", "Theo: It's fine. Summer and I are both focused on our careers, and it doesn't leave much time for anything else.", "Lola: I understand. When society was getting ready to open, I was working day and night, and I barely saw kyle. It was an issue between us.", "Theo: I feel like you've got to make sacrifices on the way up. You know, you do what it takes to play the long game, and then once you get to where you want to be, then it's all worth it, right?", "Lola: Um, I don't know if I am where I want to be yet, but I like where I am. And it's pretty great.", "Theo: You achieved your dream.", "Lola: Yeah, but it doesn't mean I'm done dreaming.", "Theo: Got it.", "Lola: I'd like to have my own restaurant someday. And a house and a dog.", "Theo: And kids?", "Lola: Yeah. Someday.", "Theo: I hope that happens. You're, uh -- you're gonna make a great mom.", "Lola: Thank you.", "Devon: Mr. Newman. Hey. Come on in.", "Victor: How are you, man?", "Devon: Doing well. How you doing?", "Victor: Sorry to come by unannounced, but there's something that I wanted to discuss with you personally.", "Devon: Oh, you don't need to apologize. What's -- what's going on? I'm intrigued.", "Victor: [ Sighs ] First of all, I got to tell you how sorry I am that you were swindled.", "Devon: Thank you.", "Victor: By, of all people, colin atkinson.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Victor: And you know how much I respect katherine chancellor.Ther part of why you're here?", "Victor: Well... the other reason is that, uh, I want to show you some information I have regarding the lawyer who, um -- who helped atkinson in the scheme. Her name is amanda sinclair. In one week...", "Kyle: I thought you'd still be at work.", "Lola: I got my sous chef to fill in because I promised you a celebration.", "Kyle: Oh.", "Lola: Chili pepper chocolate mousse, and a bottle of champagne -- the good stuff.", "Kyle: Mmm. But, you know what, why don't we save it for new year's eve? You'd drink a glass, and i already had some at the office.", "Lola: Oh. Okay. Did jack have a bottle waiting for you?", "Kyle: It was actually summer.", "Lola: Thoughtful. Well, why don't we, uh, skip the champagne and get right to the other surprise, which I have been saving for a very -- i mean, very special occasion?", "Kyle: Ooh.", "Lola: [ Giggles ]", "Kyle: [ Exhales sharply ] I'm liking this surprise. This is a really good day.", "Lola: Well, it's about to get even better.", "Nate: Hey.", "Elena: Hey.", "Nate: Thanks for coming back.", "[ Clears throat ]", "Elena: Yeah, so, you talked to devon? I'm sure he welcomed your advice with open arms.", "Nate: [ Chuckles ] He was tense at first, but i tried to make it clear I was there to offer my support, not judge him.", "Elena: And?", "Nate: In the end, I think he was relieved to express some of the feelings he'd been holding in.", "Elena: So, did he talk to you about amanda?", "Nate: Hmm, probably shouldn't go into all the details, but... yeah.", "Elena: Great. Guess he would be upset if he knew you were telling me about your conversation.", "Nate: Yeah, I just wanted you to know that I -- I think he's acknowledged what he's dealing with, and he's taking steps to handle it.", "Elena: Good. I mean, that's all I wanted, whether he talks to me or you or anyone else.", "Nate: Mm.", "Elena: Thank you so much.", "Nate: [ Chuckles ]", "Devon: Now, how come you have information about amanda?", "Victor: Well... I first met amanda when she was defending nate. She impressed me. So I wanted to know a bit more about her background, you know.", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: Turns out, it's very difficult to find out anything.", "Devon: Yeah, I know. I ran into the same problems. There's nothing about her online.", "Victor: Right. There's a reason for that. She hired a company that specializes in erasing someone's online history.", "Devon: Are you serious? When did she hire that company?", "Victor: Well, just about the same time that colin atkinson started his scheme.", "Devon: [ Scoffs ]", "Victor: And I don't think it's a coincidence, do you?", "Devon: No. Well, of course it's not. Of course it's not. Oh! And I've had everybody in my life recently try to get me to believe that she was involved with colin by accident, that she was innocent in the whole thing, and I knew better. I've known better the whole time, and still fell for it. It's not gonna happen again.", "Victor: Well, I'm very sorry about the whole thing, I really am. Now, here is information that my investigators collected. And, uh, hopefully, it will help you.", "Devon: Thank you. Wow.", "Victor: Hey, devon. I...was very fond of katherine, and this really pisses me off. So we're gonna get this guy, okay?", "Devon: Thank you.", "Victor: And we're gonna get his accomplice, if it is this woman, okay?", "Devon: I appreciate you.", "Victor: So, meanwhile... watch it. Keep a close eye on her. All right?", "Devon: Oh, I will.", "Victor: Nice to see you, man.", "Devon: You, too. I can't thank you enough." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Victor heard Nick's side of things with Neil, and agreed not to interfere in how he ran NE. He did, however, suggest that Nick consider whether or not losing Neil was worth it. Jack and Phyllis shared coffee, and he told her to save herself even if it meant watching Damon go down for what had happened with Dominic. Jack insisted he'd always love Phyllis. Christine refused to answer Michael's questions and left him alone with Paul, who was also tight- lipped. Michael suspected they were hiding something. Alone with Phyllis, he suggested they had evidence clearing Phyllis but incriminating Damon. Phyllis said it was time to put herself first, like Jack had said. Christine told Damon about the evidence, but insisted they not come forward just yet. Damon was reluctant to go along with it. Dru and Neil chastised Devon about skipping a class. He got defensive and stormed away from a family dinner, followed closely by Lily who was still upset about Malcolm. Dru was hopeful when Nick phoned and asked Neil to meet with him the following morning at NE. Bobby accused Nikki of trying to make herself feel better about something when she insisted she'd pay for the renovations to his condo. She broke down in tears and he took her in his arms. Victor walked in and found them this way." ]
[ "Trevor: What's up, J.T.? What can I get you?", "J.T.: Hey, Trevor. Um, just a coffee, man.", "Trevor: All right.", "J.T.: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Malcolm, all the people you love are right here in Genoa City. What are you looking for that you can't find here? Lily wants you to stay. I want you to stay.", "Malcolm: Neil, stop. Look, you don't understand. I can't stay. You have no idea what I'm giving up for you.", "Neil: What is that?", "Malcolm: Forget it. Look, I've got to get back to work.", "Neil: No, wait a minute. Hold on a minute. I want to know what you meant. You're the one who's choosing to leave town. I'm trying to get you to stay.", "Malcolm: Neil, things aren't all that great between us, so why don't you just let me go? Look, even if I wanted to stick around, things would probably get worse, and I don't want that.", "Neil: Hey, you listen to me, all right? This is our second chance here. It's a chance to make things better. If you leave now, who knows when we'll see each other again? Come on, man, I just got you back. I don't want to lose you again.", "Malcolm: It won't work, Neil.", "Neil: We'll make it work. Come on, I have a lot of free time on my hands. I just quit my job. We can hang out whenever you want. You just say the word.", "Malcolm: Neil, its wishful thinking.", "Neil: No, it isn't.", "Malcolm: Look, would you just leave it alone? I've made up my mind. I'm not staying.", "Neil: Is this about Dru? Is my wife the reason you're in such a hurry to leave town? 'Cause I gotta tell you, man. Ever since you got back into town, I've had this feeling that there's something going on between the two of you. Am I right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: He quit, Victor. He just quit.", "Victor: What does that have to do with me?", "Dru: Well, everything. I mean, Neil's an exemplary employee, and he quit because of your son.", "Victor: In other words, you're saying that Nicholas forced Neil out.", "Dru: No, I'm not saying that Nick fired Neil. What I'm saying is nick made the environment difficult for Neil to operate in.", "Victor: Difficult how?", "Dru: Well, for one, he scrapped a lot of Neil's most important projects, one of which he put a lot of time and effort into.", "Victor: And what project was that?", "Dru: The beauty pageant. We all collaborated heavily on that with your money, our time, our effort, and I'm telling you we would have had a hit on our hands. But now we'll never know because of what Nick did.", "Victor: Nicholas then obviously disagreed with the idea.", "Dru: No, I know, and Neil tried to explain to him what a huge mistake he was making, but your son wouldn't listen.", "Victor: Uh-huh, because he didn't agree.", "Dru: Right, well, Victor, I know that you made a special provision for Neil, a promise even, to allow him to wrap up his projects, but I fail to understand how Nick is allowed to wield that machete and just hack down good work. Shouldn't he be getting his feet wet first? I don't want to start a fire, but I'm really worried that our C.E.O. of Newman Enterprises is allowed to do this. What's gonna happen to our company?", "Victor: And you don't think your husband can speak for himself, do you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Hey, Mac, it's me. Listen, I'm at the coffeehouse. Why don't you call me or stop by or something, all right? We need to talk.", "J.T.: Fourth row back, third seat from the left.", "Girl: Excuse me?", "J.T.: We had class together last year. Intro to biology, Professor Reinholt. You sat fourth row back, third seat from the left.", "Girl: Oh, that's right. I remember you. T.J., Yeah?", "J.T.: Actually, it's J.T. I sat right behind you.", "Girl: Sure, you asked me out, yeah?", "J.T.: No, I don't think I did.", "Girl: No? It's too bad. I would've said yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey, guys.", "Lauren: Hi.", "Michael: Hello, Kevin.", "Kevin: Sorry to interrupt your foreplay. I forgot my cell phone. Don't sweat it, and go back to doing whatever it is you were doing.", "Lauren: Is it my imagination, or was he okay?", "Michael: Oh, he's better, so much so that I'm starting to think that it's time for him to move on, you know, get his own place again for the sake of my love life.", "Lauren: Yeah, but, honey... and believe me, I really want him to stand on his own two feet, too, but don't you think you're kind of pushing it a little fast?", "Michael: He's come a long way.", "Lauren: And that's true, but he needs you. You're his rock. Hmm, as tempting as it is to be actually...", "Michael: Uh-huh?", "Lauren: To have the room to... mmm.", "Michael: Have I told you how glad I am to be involved with the only woman in Genoa City that was willing to give my brother a break? Have I?", "Lauren: You're such a good man.", "Michael: I am a good man.", "Lauren: You are.", "Michael: I'm a very good man.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: So what's the matter? Isn't that the fax we've been waiting for?", "Chris: Yeah, it's the transcript from Warden Paulson all right, but it is not at all what we were hoping for.", "Paul: What do you mean? Didn't Phyllis warn Hughes not to come to Genoa Ccity like she said?", "Chris: Yeah, yeah, yeah, but as usual, she didn't stop there.", "Paul: Oh, what else did she say?", "Chris: \"Hughes: You're worried about me getting hurt? Phyllis: Or worse. Hughes: Why? Phyllis: Damon Porter is my boyfriend. Hughes: Yeah, I figured it had to be something like that. Phyllis:...", "Phyllis: He hasn't been able to stop thinking about this incident for years. This has eaten away at him for all these years.", "Dominic: And you think he wants revenge.", "Phyllis: Revenge? That's easy. He's out for blood. He's out for your blood. And if you cross his path, there's gonna be major carnage, and you're not gonna walk away this time.", "Chris: This is not good.", "Paul: Well, it does prove Phyllis wasn't part of a conspiracy. It clearly shows that Phyllis did not lure Dominic to Genoa City so Damon could kill him.", "Chris: Absolutely, and if I were representing Phyllis, I would be overjoyed. But as Damon's attorney, I...", "Paul: Oh, I get it. Phyllis has now become a very good witness to prove that Damon had desire to kill Dominic Hughes.", "Chris: He now has intent, at least, even if he never had the chance. Okay, so now I am holding a document that could save Phyllis, but I am motivated to burn it and pretend like I've never seen it.", "Paul: Wow, this is a new one, isn't it?", "Chris: Tell me about it. I'm damned if I don't show it to Michael, but Damon Porter may very well be damned if I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Victor, I hope you know I didn't come here to cast aspersions on your son. God knows that wasn't my intention. It was just that I was hoping that you could harness the situation.", "Victor: I just wonder why your husband hasn't said a word to me about that.", "Dru: Well, you know about a man and his pride. He'd never approach you about this.", "Victor: But you would.", "Dru: Victor, what if I were to tell you I was here on my own behalf? I love my job, everything about it. I've worked so hard on the pageant, and I was on the cusp of making it a reality. Of course, we'll never know because of Nick.", "Victor: What do you want me to do?", "Dru: Would you talk to your son, please? I never believed that you were okay with what was happening.", "Victor: No, I'm not. I'm very upset that Neil is no longer with the company. I agree with you.", "Dru: Of course, because-- well, Neil knows the ins and outs of Newman Enterprises. He's the most loyal employee you'll ever have, victor.", "Victor: I know that. I know that better than anyone, Drucilla.", "Dru: So you'll talk to your son? You're the only one he'll listen to.", "Victor: I will think about this, all right?", "Dru: Thank you, Victor. Thank you so much. I know how busy you are. I really appreciate it. Oh, God. The house is so pretty, all the Christmas decorations.", "Victor: Thank you. Not far off, is it?", "Dru: No. Bye-bye.", "Victor: Bye-bye. Bye, Drucilla.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey. What's wrong? You okay?", "Lily: Yes.", "Kevin: You're crying.", "Lily: Look, it's nothing, okay? Just go have your coffee. I'm fine. Just go, okay?", "Kevin: What, am I still the leper? I thought we got past that.", "Lily: Look, why aren't you listening to me? I don't want to talk to you.", "Kevin: I hate seeing you so sad.", "Lily: Oh, really? Is that right?", "Kevin: Lily, not a day goes by that I don't feel guilty about the things that I did. Some of those things hurt you, so when I see you upset like this, I can't help but feel a little responsible.", "Lily: Well, you're not. At least not this time.", "Kevin: So then talk to me. Tell me what's wrong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: Neil, why don't you just go talk to your wife?", "Neil: I have. She told me I'm crazy. Listen, I know that once upon a time, you and Drucilla had something going on. If you're worried it'll be too uncomfortable for me to have you around, then don't be. Look, man, I am totally secure with my marriage.", "Malcolm: As you should be. Drucilla's crazy about you.", "Neil: Then what's the deal? Why are you being so selfish?", "Malcolm: Selfish?", "Neil: Yeah, what else do you want to call it? I mean, first you put Nate through hell, thinking you were dead, then you breeze back into town, charm your niece into adoring you, then you take off again? Don't you realize you're gonna hurt that little girl? Don't you care about her?", "Malcolm: Neil, I care. I care more than you know.", "Neil: Then why are you doing this? There has to be more to this story, Malcolm. Come on, what's up?", "Malcolm: What's up is that I'm leaving. Now you, you take good care of that daughter of yours, you hear me? Because she's special. Now I told her I was gonna stay in touch with her, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. (Cell phone rings)", "Neil: Hold that thought. (Ring)", "Neil: Neil Winters.", "Victor: Uh, Neil, this is Victor.", "Neil: Yes, Victor, hi.", "Victor: Would you mind coming out to the ranch?", "Neil: Sure. Is everything okay?", "Victor: We will talk about it when you get here, all right?", "Neil: Um, I'll be there as soon as I can.", "Victor: The sooner, the better.", "Neil: Certainly.", "Malcolm: Big man says jump, you better bounce up outta here.", "Neil: Hey, we're not through discussing this. Do you hear me? Don't you dare leave town without talking to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: So I'm still deciding a major.", "Girl: You mean that biology class didn't make you wanna go premed?", "J.T.: Hell no. I really have no idea what I'm gonna do with the rest of my life.", "Girl: Mm-hmm.", "J.T.: Well, I'm working part-time for this private detective. That's pretty fun.", "Girl: It sounds dangerous.", "J.T.: Nah, not so far.", "Girl: Well, I'm sure your girlfriend's thankful for that then, right?", "J.T.: Actually, I don't have a girlfriend.", "Girl: I thought I remember you mentioning someone in class. Um, Colleen?", "J.T.: Oh, uh, yeah. Well, you know, we're not together anymore.", "Girl: Sorry.", "J.T.: No, it's all right. It didn't work out. But I kinda like being unattached.", "Girl: Oh, really?", "J.T.: Yeah. It keeps me outta trouble when I talk to pretty girls like you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Kevin, why are you doing this to me?", "Kevin: Because I care. Because I can see that you're hurting.", "Lily: Look, I said it isn't about you.", "Kevin: You can talk to me.", "Lily: My Uncle Malcolm just said good-bye to me.", "Kevin: The guy that I met?", "Lily: He's leaving town. I don't know why because he just got here. I mean, he said he might not stay, but...", "Kevin: You thought he didn't mean it or that he would change his mind?", "Lily: It's like, I know I shouldn't be so upset. You know, it's silly 'cause I don't even know him that well. But I don't know, I can't explain it. I feel so connected to him.", "Kevin: I get that. That's kinda how it was with Mikey and me, even though I hadn't seen him in, like, ten years.", "Lily: Yeah. I don't know, it was like... \"Wow, he's so fun, and interesting. And it's gonna be really great to have him around,\" and I thought that he felt the same way, you know, having this niece that wasn't a little kid anymore, that he could talk to like a real person. I thought it might be kinda cool... like he had a real family.", "Lily: I don't know, it's like he acts so tough, and I know it's 'cause of all the stuff that he's been through in Africa. But I could just tell that deep down, he's a really, really good person. And with everyone else, he may act all defensive, but with me, you know, we just--we kid around and we have fun and... so, uh...", "Kevin: It's okay.", "Lily: Don't do that. Don't touch me. Don't ever touch me. I don't even know why I'm sitting here talking to you. I don't know...", "Kevin: Because, because you know I would never hurt you again.", "Lily: Do I know that, Kevin? Do I really know that? Look, I have to go. I'm gonna be late for class.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: Hey, what'd you say to make her run out like that?", "Kevin: Uh, n-nothing, nothing. I-I was just listening to her.", "Malcolm: Look, if you do anything to hurt that girl...", "Kevin: Lily was upset because--because you're leaving.", "Malcolm: She told you that?", "Kevin: Yes.", "Malcolm: All right, you listen up. I don't know you, but I'm hearing rumors that I don't like. Now I might be leavin', but you best believe I got eyes in the back of my head. So if you even think about causing that girl even a little bit of trouble, you're gonna wish you hadn't. You understand?", "Kevin: Look, I'll tell you the same thing I just told Lily. I would never hurt her.", "Malcolm: Good. Keep it that way and we won't have a problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You know, you were really uptight from work when I got here. What happened?", "Michael: Oh. What happened? Well... (Clears throat) my partnership with Christine is taking on a whole new dimension.", "Lauren: In what way?", "Michael: Oh, we find ourselves suddenly entering unique new territory, as law partners anyway. We may find ourselves on opposite sides of the same case.", "Lauren: How on earth did that happen?", "Michael: (Chuckles) Phyllis.", "Lauren: Phyllis?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: I'm confused.", "Michael: I'm a lawyer and it confuses me. Let's see, Christine and Phyllis were not working well together, so I took Phyllis on as my client while Damon Porter remained with Christine. You throw a conspiracy charge into the mix and, well, you see where I'm going with this?", "Lauren: Yes, I do.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: It's very messy.", "Michael: Yeah. I actually thought I was doing Christine a favor by taking Phyllis off her hands, but little did I know that I might end up actually working against my own law partner.", "Lauren: Aha. So let the battle of the wits begin.", "Michael: Yes, well, I hope it doesn't come to that, though it has been known to happen when coconspirators are on trial.", "Lauren: Do you really think there was a conspiracy?", "Michael: Ah, absolutely not. Unfortunately, it is my job to convince a jury that there wasn't, and that would be the hard part. But if we all keep a cool head, no one panics, we should all be able to work together.", "Lauren: Oh, right. You're talking about Phyllis here. That's a mighty big \"if\" there. I-I can't even imagine what a handful as a client she must be.", "Michael: You have no idea.", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: This is the most incriminating statement.", "Paul: \"Phyllis: He won't be satisfied until you're dead.\" Yeah, I'd say that's pretty categorical.", "Chris: \"And when you said this, Ms. Summers, were you serious?\" \"No, I was just kidding, your honor, honest. I was just trying to scare the man.\"", "Paul: \"Then you're saying it's just a coincidence that the defendant shows up at Mr. Hughes' door with a sword and subsequently does cause grievous bodily harm?\"", "Chris: You shoulda been a prosecutor.", "Paul: Yeah.", "Chris: Do you see the jam I'm in?", "Paul: So Phyllis is free and clear. She's off the hook. Why would she testify?", "Chris: She might not have a choice. The D.A. Will go to the judge to sever her case from Damon's, drop all the charges against her, and then they'll have to put her up on the stand and force her to testify about statements her boyfriend made.", "Paul: Like did he ever say \"I will kill Dominic Hughes if he ever comes to Genoa City\"?", "Chris: I could object on relevancy, but there is no guarantee a judge will sustain me. Paul, I have to say it. I mean, it was a brilliant idea, but more and more, I am wishing you had never come up with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: May I offer you a cup of coffee, Neil?", "Neil: Oh, no, thanks. I just got my fix at the coffeehouse.", "Victor: In that case, please make yourself comfortable.", "Neil: Thank you. Um, you made it sound pretty urgent when you phoned.", "Victor: I heard some rather disturbing news, Neil. I want you to confirm it. Is it true that you have decided to leave Newman Enterprises?", "Neil: Yes, Victor. I, uh... I quit. Sometimes in life you have to take a stand for what you believe in, and promises were made that were not kept.", "Victor: You mean promises to keep alive certain projects of yours.", "Neil: Exactly. See, it's not the fact that they were killed, it's the way it was handled.", "Victor: And how was it handled?", "Neil: All I'm saying is I can work for you. I can't work for Nicholas. It's really a question of style.", "Victor: Would you elaborate about that?", "Neil: Nick and I, we don't see eye to eye on a lot of things. I'm really not here to whine to you, Victor. I'm--I'm off the payroll now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Olivia: Malcolm.", "Malcolm: Hey.", "Olivia: So you're still here.", "Malcolm: Yeah, for the moment anyway. I couldn't just run out on the coffee shop. I had to do my last shift.", "Olivia: Plan on standing in the doorway forever?", "Olivia: Did you decide on whether you're gonna take me up on my offer of a place to stay?", "Malcolm: Did you think any more about your decision to keep Nate from knowing about me?", "Olivia: That's not fair, answering a question with a question.", "Malcolm: Liv, what's so fair about lettin' the boy go on thinkin' I'm dead?", "Olivia: I'm not gonna let him think that forever, and by the way, it was you who deceived--", "Malcolm: Yeah, I know, I know, you think I messed up. Olivia, I'm standing here because I wanna do right by him. That's why I came back.", "Olivia: Well, if you want to do right by him, you'll wait. The question is, are you gonna wait here with me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: So you want to go out this week?", "Girl: Yeah.", "J.T.: Yeah, can you squeeze me in between classes?", "Girl: Yeah, give me a call.", "J.T.: Oh, you bet. I'm gonna call you. You'd better pick up your phone.", "Girl: I will. Bye.", "J.T.: All right.", "J.T.: What do you want?", "Kevin: Real babe.", "J.T.: What's it to you?", "Kevin: Nothing, nothing. I was just admiring.", "J.T.: Look, Fisher, you know, why don't you find somebody else who actually cares about what you're saying?", "Kevin: Come on, man. Do we have to do this? I know I'm getting tired of it. Aren't you?", "J.T.: Just have a seat.", "Kevin: Look, I know we're never gonna be best friends, but--", "J.T.: Best friends? What planet are you living on, Fisher? We're never gonna be friends at all.", "Kevin: Fine, fine. But still, can we give it a rest? This constant insulting each other all the time, it's really old. Can we for once just talk?", "J.T.: What the hell do you want to talk about?", "Kevin: That girl you were just talking to, one of many?", "J.T.: Fisher, read my lips, all right? Go away. Or better yet, you know, I think I will.", "Kevin: Hey, did you ever... did you ever find Mac?", "J.T.: Yeah, she's staying at her Grandmother's.", "Kevin: So did it help?", "J.T.: Did what help?", "Kevin: The important information that you had for her. Did it make her happy like you thought it would?", "J.T.: No, no, not really.", "Kevin: That's too bad. I mean, it sounded like she was upset.", "J.T.: Are you interested in Mackenzie? Is that what this is all about?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: Liv, to stay here with you, look, it's tempting. It is.", "Olivia: Well, I'm not trying to pressure you. I just want to be your support. I mean, after everything you've suffered, all the time you've spent away from the family, it doesn't make any sense for you to run off like this. I'm offering you a place to stay, a safe haven if you wish.", "Malcolm: Well, lord knows we all want a place to feel safe.", "Olivia: This apartment used to be your home.", "Malcolm: Yeah, it did. You know, you and Nate, you two were the closest thing to family I ever knew.", "Olivia: Well, you can stay here, take all the time you need to figure out what you really want.", "Malcolm: Wow, you know, things really aren't going the way I pictured they would.", "Olivia: Yeah, well, you're not the same guy who left Genoa city three years ago.", "Malcolm: What about you, hmm? Are you the same sweet Olivia I remember? Or did you change, too?", "Olivia: Want to stay and find out?", "Malcolm: I think you just answered my question with a question. Oh, lovely, lovely Olivia. (Doorbell rings)", "Dru: Liv! Liv, open the door, please.", "Malcolm: No, no, no, no, no.", "Dru: Liv, you in there?", "Malcolm: Don't.", "Dru: Liv?", "Olivia: Can't this wait till later?", "Dru: No, it cannot. You will never believe what Neil's gone and done. Open the door!", "Malcolm: Go, go, go. (Knock on door)", "Olivia: I'm coming!", "Dru: Jeez! Golly, what took you so long? You will never believe what Neil's gone and do-- Malcolm, what are you doing here?", "Malcolm: Hello, Dru.", "Dru: Okay, okay, now I see what took you so long to come to the door.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: So you actually think that Phyllis will be forced to testify against Damon.", "Chris: If I were a prosecutor and I knew that she had made statements about his desire to make sushi out of Dominic Hughes, you'd better believe I'd make it happen. I have to assume that Glenn Richards would do the same thing.", "Paul: Oh. Can't you just say nothing? I mean, it was a private conversation. No one else heard it. Oh, asking Phyllis to keep her mouth shut. That's not gonna happen.", "Chris: Yeah, thank you. We're talking about the original loose cannon. There's no way to predict what she'll say up on that witness stand, no matter how much she wants to protect Damon.", "Paul: So what are you gonna do? Are you required to tell Michael?", "Chris: Not legally.", "Paul: If he were just any lawyer...", "Chris: I wouldn't even consider it.", "Paul: But he's not just any lawyer.", "Chris: He is a friend. He is my partner, but if I show this to him, he is ethically bound to take it to the prosecutor. He has to act in his client's best interest.", "Paul: So you don't show it to Michael.", "Chris: Can you imagine how furious he would be if he knew I had it and didn't?", "Paul: Chris, you have a client to protect. You can't worry about what makes Michael angry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I'm sorry. Phyllis masquerading as a man?", "Michael: Oh, yeah, it's a gas, as long as you're not her lawyer.", "Lauren: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I won't laugh anymore. I should be more sensitive. Okay, is my humor unattractive?", "Michael: Au contraire. There is not a thing about you that I don't find very, very attractive.", "Lauren: That was such a nice thing to say.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: Mmm. So which one of us is gonna look at the clock first do you think?", "Michael: No, no, no, no, no, you don't think we could steal a little more time?", "Lauren: No, no, let's look. Let's look. (Gasps) do you?", "Michael: Oh, man. It breaks my heart.", "Lauren: I know, I know. I've got so much work to do, but can we reconvene?", "Michael: All right. Will you take a rain check?", "Lauren: Yes.", "Michael: Later tonight?", "Lauren: Ooh, later tonight?", "Michael: Yeah.", "Lauren: Definitely. Okay. See you later, okay?", "Michael: Aw!", "Lauren: I'll be back, I promise.", "Michael: Wait.", "Lauren: Are you stuck?", "Michael: Yeah.", "Lauren: (Laughs) bye.", "Michael: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: You gonna sit there and tell me you got something for Mackenzie?", "Kevin: If I did, would you have a problem with it?", "J.T.: Yeah. Yeah, I would have a big problem with it. Look, Fisher, I don't know where your head is now, but you've been screwed up for so long, I don't want you anywhere near a girl I care about.", "Kevin: Well, it's not really your choice now, is it? It's Mac's.", "J.T.: Okay, look, before you even think about spending a minute with Mackenzie, you'd better fix whatever's wrong with your head, man.", "Kevin: Maybe she'd like to help me with that.", "J.T.: Help you?", "Kevin: Yeah. Mac's been really sweet to me. She talks to me. She's helped me a lot already.", "J.T.: Okay, no, no, no. You need so much more help than Mackenzie can ever provide for you.", "Kevin: Maybe, but still--", "J.T.: Fisher, I'm gonna make this really simple for you, so you just listen to me really quick. Stay away from her. The last thing Mac needs, the very last thing she needs, is some guy hoping she can make him well.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Neil, I'm sure you have taken into consideration that my son is feeling his way into running one of the biggest and most complex companies in this country.", "Neil: If anyone understands that, Victor, it's me. I know what it's like to try to fill your shoes.", "Victor: I know you do. Any way we can arrive at a middle ground?", "Neil: Life's too short for a guy like me with my education, my experience, my skills to deal with someone who dis-- hey, listen, I'm not gonna badmouth Nick or give you the impression that I haven't said this to his face. You know, I'm not mad at Nicholas. I'm not mad at you, for that matter. In all actuality, I'm not that unhappy being unemployed for awhile.", "Victor: Now you know I don't believe that for a minute.", "Neil: All right, look, um, you want the truth? Nicholas is totally out of control. He's not listening to or taking advice from the many people that helped make your company what it is today. There's a lot of talent in that building.", "Victor: Yeah, I recruited most of them.", "Neil: You see, Nick is too busy exercising his authority over everyone. He's carrying on the tradition of toughness at the top. The trouble is, he thinks he's you, and he's not. He doesn't have your experience or your savvy. Hey, Victor, I strongly suggest that you rein him in. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to find out this way.", "Victor: It's all right, Neil. I respect you, and I appreciate your honesty, although it hurts as hell. Thanks for coming by.", "Neil: Thank you, Victor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: So I see I broke up your play date here.", "Olivia: Malcolm, please, I apologize for my sister's rude interruption.", "Dru: You don't have to apologize for me.", "Malcolm: Drucilla, your timing wasn't very good.", "Dru: My timing is impeccable, and what are you still doing here? You told me I'd have nothing to worry about.", "Malcolm: I don't want you to worry either.", "Dru: But you're still here.", "Olivia: Because I invited him here.", "Malcolm: Drucilla, I just wanted to talk to Liv.", "Dru: So talk.", "Malcolm: Privately. This ain't got nothing to do with you.", "Dru: I'm not going anywhere, so say your good-byes.", "Olivia: Why are you acting this way?", "Dru: Why are you acting this way? He's supposed to be gone!", "Olivia: This is my home! I invited him here!", "Malcolm: Ladies, ladies! See, this is exactly what I didn't want was to come between the two of you. Look, I can't take this. I gotta go.", "Olivia: No, Malcolm--", "Malcolm: No, no, no, no. Olivia, it's obviously better for everyone if I go. Besides, I might not have been able to tear myself off of you.", "Malcolm: I'm gonna miss you, Liv.", "Malcolm: See you when I see you, Dru.", "Dru: Mmm.", "Olivia: Wh-- oh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: I know you don't think it matters, but my relationship with Michael is very important to me.", "Paul: No, Chris, I understand that. You know, friends and business are a tough mix.", "Chris: I wonder what he would do if the shoe were on the other foot.", "Paul: Chris, you have to do what's best for you, what's best for you and your client. That is what Michael would do.", "Michael: Oh, I'm sorry. What would I do? Putting words in my mouth again, Williams?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Olivia: What gives you the right to come into my home and tell me how to run my life?", "Dru: If you think I'm gonna sit around and let that man ruin my family, you are absolutely out of your mind.", "Olivia: He's not going to do that. It's all in your head.", "Dru: It's not all in my head. See, he recognized the wisdom when I asked him to leave Genoa City. See, he agreed.", "Olivia: No, he's leaving Genoa City because he understands, because he's a decent human being, and he knows that he's causing you pain by being here.", "Dru: No, he recognized the truth here, okay, something my sister just can't seem to do. I gotta wonder why. He ain't gonna commit to you, Olivia. You must think you're gonna get a little mmm-mmm.", "Olivia: Wait, wait, no. Malcolm and I have always shared something special. Don't you make that cheap!", "Dru: That is ancient history, and you know it. This is bigger than me. This is about my family. And if Malcolm stays in this town, we're gonna have trouble.", "Olivia: Because of Lily?", "Dru: No, because Lily wants a stronger relationship with her uncle, and I cannot have that, Liv. It makes me nervous, and Neil's beginning to wonder why, too.", "Olivia: Well, I hope you're happy with your peace of mind, because you're the only member of this family that's glad to see Malcolm go! And don't you care? Don't you care that your husband is finally happy that his brother is in his life again?", "Dru: I'm just saying it's better to have a little disappointment now rather than a bigger calamity later.", "Olivia: Yeah, keep saying that. Maybe you'll believe it. But we know what this is about-- you, as usual, and your needs coming ahead of everybody else.", "Dru: That is not true. You know I care about you, Liv.", "Olivia: You don't give a damn about me! Just go. Just get out of here! Get out!", "Olivia: Oh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Connie said you might be here.", "Nick: Yeah, I wanted to be here when the kids got home from school, since Sharon's being at work is so new. Luckily, I was able to get away.", "Victor: How are things going at Newman Enterprises?", "Nick: Great. No problems.", "Victor: I understand that Neil Winters quit.", "Nick: Yes, he did. It was his decision.", "Victor: Really? Hmm. Do you mind if we discuss that?", "Nick: Why not? So what happened? Did he come talk to you? I knew this was coming. Look, I need to know something. Am I running this company or not? That's what we need to discuss.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: We may be divorced, but I'll always love you.", "Victor: Obviously, you have no desire to consult with me.", "Nick: This company is either mine to run or it's not.", "Nikki: You give me no choice but to give you your wedding present right here, right now." ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Devon is very upset and worried. \"I heard my mother pacing in her room all night. Has anyone seen her this morning?\" Seems that Yolanda is sleeping in late this morning. Devon worries that his mother is missing the drugs and the lifestyle. Neil knows that Yolanda will always crave the drugs, but only she knows how she is feeling about the drugs. Yolanda comes out soon and is bright and cheery. She announces that she is going to be looking for a job now. Drucilla smiles at Neil. The day before, Drucilla told Neil that she felt that Yolanda should be moving out soon and she feels that this job idea is playing right into their hands. Neil worries that Yolanda isn't ready to go out and live on her own, and he also feels that Devon isn't ready to have her move out either. Later at the coffeehouse, Devon and Yolanda are together. He wants to help her find a job, but she wants to do that on her own. She tells him that soon she will be able to afford an apartment and when that happens, Devon will be able to come and live with her instead of the Winters. Devon smiles at that idea. Phyllis shows up for her meeting with Nikki. Nick answers the door. He is surprised finding her at the door and asks her what she is doing. She says that she has a meeting and so he lets her in. Nick leaves with Noah, but says that he will be back. Phyllis and Nikki have their meeting but it soon becomes clear to Nikki that Phyllis isn't listening to her. Phyllis shakes herself out of her dull fog and tries to have a conversation. Nikki shakes her head at Phyllis. \"Gees You and Nick You both are acting strange this morning.\" Phyllis waits at the house and soon Nick returns to talk to her about the night before. She doesn't want to talk about it. As far as she is concerned, nothing happened. 'Brenda' calls Scott. He had called her earlier but didn't get an answer. He tells her that he will be home in a day or two. She is looking forward to seeing him when he gets back. She asks if his mother has read the book yet. She hasn't. He is sure that she will soon though. Scott wants to talk some more but the line is breaking up and Sheila can't hear him anymore. They hang up. Later on, Scott decides that something is wrong with his writing partner and decides that he will be leaving Genoa City much earlier. \"Something just isn't adding up with 'Brenda'. John is alone at the house. Gloria and Kevin have gone out to the coffeehouse together. The mail has come. John finds an envelope with his name and address on it but nothing else. He opens the letter and looks at the bottom of it. It has been signed by Tom Fisher. John reads: \"There is something that I think that you should know John. Gloria and I were never really legally divorced. She has been paying me for months to keep me quiet about it. I thought that you should know.\" John crumples up the letter and pounds his fist on the desk. Lauren has a whole itinerary planned for her honeymoon and Michael will learn about it as they go along. They have snorkeling equipment and the first stop is to do a little of that along with some fishing. The captain comes to get the happy couple to take them out but Lauren begs off. \"You go along Michael. I want to stay here and read some of Scott's book.\" Michael is not pleased with that idea, but he leaves with the captain who will take him out to sea. They will return later to meet with Lauren later. Lauren settles in and relaxes. She flips the page, and takes a sip of her champagne. She starts to read. Soon, Lauren gets to the part in the story where a character is upset because she lost her husband and then her baby to another woman. Lauren finds that very strange to read. \"Could he know? I never told him, so where would he hear? Never mind. It is probably just a coincidence.\" Lauren continues reading. Soon she has to stop again. \"What?\" Lauren reads how a woman is tied to a chair and held in a farmhouse. That is too close for comfort. Lauren jumps up in the bed. \"This? Could it be?\" She flips the pages reading ahead and recognizes what she is reading. \"How could it be? Is it possible?\" \"YES! It is possible Lauren!\" Lauren looks over the manuscript to the doorway. She sees Sheila standing before her clear as day and real as ever." ]
[ "Sharon: How was your breakfast meeting?", "Brad: Went well. You all set for this morning?", "Sharon: Yeah. Uh, yeah. I was just-- I was looking over my notes. I know this is a very important appearance.", "Brad: You'll be great.", "Sharon: That's what you always say.", "Brad: I'm always right.", "Sharon: So, um, anything else on the agenda for today?", "Brad: That's it. We do this this morning, and we head back to Genoa City. I'm sure you're anxious to get home, see your son and your husband.", "Sharon: Look, Brad, um... you know, what happened last night, um... I know things got a little dicey there, um, but... we came to our senses and did the right thing.", "Sharon: We did do the right thing. You feel that way, too, don't you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Nicholas?", "Phyllis: (Whispering) all right, he's not here. Just as well. It's just as well. (Doorbell rings)", "Phyllis: Jack.", "Jack: You don't look happy to see me. I think I know why.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Miguel's getting a fresh pot.", "Nick: I'll wait.", "Nikki: Well, you're up early this morning.", "Nick: I wanted to make sure I got here in time to take Noah to his basketball day camp.", "Nikki: What a great father you are--being up so early, especially after that late night last night.", "Nick: Yeah, it was, uh, it was quite a night.", "Nikki: You must have been exhausted when you got home.", "Nick: Why do you ask?", "Nikki: Well, honey, you're still in your suit. Let me guess--you stumbled through the front door and just crashed on the sofa. Looks like somebody had a little too much champagne.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Hey, did you see the sale in Fenmore's here?", "Neil: Like I care about sales.", "Devon: Morning, guys.", "Dru: Morning!", "Neil: Good morning.", "Devon: Hey, is my mom up yet?", "Dru: Unh-unh.", "Neil: She's still sleeping.", "Dru: What's wrong?", "Devon: I woke up in the middle of the night and heard her pacing around in her room, and I'm thinking that something's going on with her.", "Dru: What?", "Devon: I have no idea. I mean, I hate to even say it, but I'm thinking it maybe has something to do with the drugs.", "Dru: Oh, good lord.", "Devon: No, uh... she's been clean for a couple of months, but could she be missing it?", "Neil: Well, Devon, that's a question that you're gonna have to ask your mother, you know? She's gonna fight those cravings for the rest of her life. I certainly haven't seen any signs of relapse.", "Devon: Well, I hope not. I'm gonna grab something to eat.", "Dru: Okay. You know, it's a daggone shame that boy has to carry around this kind of weight for his mother. It's not right, Neil. It's not right.", "Neil: You still want her out of here, don't you?", "Dru: I didn't say she could stay here forever.", "Neil: No, neither did I. And I'm just as concerned about Devon as you are.", "Dru: But?", "Neil: You really feel that Yolanda's ready to make it on her own? Because I'm not sure she's ready for that. And as a matter of fact, I don't think Devon is ready for that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Morning, Mom.", "Gloria: Mmm.", "Kevin: I brought your paper.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: Is something wrong?", "Gloria: (Whispers) John. (Normal voice) you know, he knows I lied about the wedding expenses. He knows I used the extra money to bail Tom out of jail, and he doesn't even seem upset.", "Kevin: That's a bad thing?", "Gloria: What if it's an act? What if he was just holding back so he wouldn't ruin the wedding? What if he really is furious?", "Kevin: Okay, shh, shh. Calm down. Calm down.", "Gloria: No, not calm down. I did some really stupid things, Kevin.", "Kevin: Shh, shh, shh, shh.", "Gloria: Good morning, sweetheart.", "John: Good morning.", "Gloria: How did you sleep?", "John: Not very well. Now there's something on my mind I want to talk to you about.", "Kevin: Okay. I'll get out of your hair.", "John: No, don't leave, Kevin. This concerns both of you.", "Gloria: Both of us?", "John: It's about the situation with your ex-husband Tom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Hi. You've reached Brenda's voice mail. Please leave a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks for calling. (Beep)", "Scott: Hey, Brenda, it's Scott. Listen, call me back as soon as you get this, okay? Thanks. Wonder where she is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Do you like that?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: Why aren't you opening your eyes?", "Michael: Because I was having the most incredible dream.", "Lauren: Tell me about it.", "Michael: I dreamt that somehow I had convinced the most beautiful girl in the world to marry me.", "Lauren: Surprise. It's not a dream.", "Michael: Yeah? Wait. You mean we're really married?", "Lauren: We're really married.", "Michael: Mmm. And right now, we're all alone on a yacht?", "Lauren: Yeah, if you don't count the captain, the chef, first mate and a couple of other guys I saw around here.", "Michael: Oh. Does it get any better than this?", "Lauren: Mmm. I don't know. But, honey, we have our whole lives to find out.", "Man: Good morning, sir.", "Michael: Good morning, sir. Mmm!", "Lauren: Oh! That looks delicious.", "Michael: Wow.", "Man: For the newlyweds, I have prepared eggs benedict, yogurt and fresh fruit.", "Lauren: Mmm.", "Man: Or if you'd prefer, I could cook up an omelet made to order.", "Lauren: Oh, no, no, no. This looks fantastic. Thank you so much.", "Michael: Great.", "Man: Then I'll leave you to enjoy your breakfast. The captain will be by shortly to give you today's schedule.", "Michael: Thank you very much.", "Lauren: Thanks.", "Michael: Uh, schedule?", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Michael: Just how much preplanning went into this trip?", "Lauren: Mmm. You're about to find out.", "Michael: Ooh, am I?", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: Mmm.", "Lauren: Ta-da!", "Michael: Thank you.", "Lauren: You're welcome.", "Michael: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: What makes you think I'm not happy to see you?", "Jack: I was a jerk at the reception last night. I know we've had our differences lately. I've no business talking to you like that.", "Phyllis: Are you here to apologize?", "Jack: And to bring a peace offering.", "Phyllis: What's in the bag?", "Jack: Coffee and Danish.", "Phyllis: Jack, you didn't have to go to all the trouble.", "Jack: It's no trouble. I love have breakfast with my favorite gal. So what do you say? Am I forgiven?", "Phyllis: Well, who could say no to a man who comes bearing gifts?", "Jack: Well, good. I'll get a couple of mugs. It's gonna taste better that way.", "Jack: Here we go. Got you a latte, just like you like it.", "Phyllis: Oh, good. Great. Latte. I like that in the morning.", "Jack: There we are.", "Phyllis: Ah, thank you. Good, good, good, good, good.", "Jack: Hey. Feel like I should have gotten you decaf.", "Phyllis: Why is that?", "Jack: I don't know. You seem a little edgy.", "Phyllis: Oh, no, not at all. I'm fine. I mean, I'm a little nervous. I'm about to meet Nikki, and I have to get ready, and--", "Jack: Well, why don't you give her a call? You could move the meeting back a little bit.", "Phyllis: No, no, I can't. My day is already jam-packed. I can't do that. I just, I... need to get ready. Listen, this is really sweet of you, but--", "Jack: But it would be easier if I wasn't here right now.", "Phyllis: Rain check?", "Jack: Sure. Hey. I know I don't say this enough. You do know how much you mean to me?", "Phyllis: Here you go. I need to get dressed, so...", "Jack: Okay. I'll show myself out.", "Phyllis: Okay. See you later.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I didn't have that much to drink last night.", "Nikki: How late did you stay?", "Nick: I don't know. I wasn't wearing a watch.", "Nikki: Who else was there?", "Nick: I don't remember, Mom. I was wiped out. You know, I haven't been sleeping that well lately. I just wanted to get home.", "Nikki: So what's going on with Sharon?", "Nick: She's in St. Louis.", "Nikki: I know that. How are things going out there?", "Nick: From what I've heard, she's doing great.", "Nikki: Oh, so you talked to her.", "Nick: No. She left a message before I got home last night.", "Nikki: Have you called her back?", "Nick: No, Mom, but I will. Are there any other details of my life you need to know about?", "Nikki: I'm sorry. I'm just curious. You all right? You don't seem like yourself.", "Nick: I'm fine. So please stop asking.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: The answer's yes, Sharon. We did the right thing last night.", "Sharon: It was hard, though, resisting temptation.", "Brad: Very hard.", "Sharon: Well, we let things go too far. It shouldn't have gone that far.", "Brad: Well, um... I can't say I'm completely sorry about that. I enjoyed our kiss. (Cell phone ringing)", "Sharon: Hello?", "Nick: Hey, it's me. I was just calling to see how things are going.", "Sharon: Hi, honey. Um, did you get my message?", "Nick: Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't call you back last night. I got home pretty late.", "Sharon: How was the wedding?", "Nick: It was good. Everyone missed you.", "Sharon: Well, I'm sorry I couldn't be there.", "Nick: Yeah, I am, too. So, uh... what's your plan for the day?", "Sharon: I just have this one last appearance this morning, and then Brad and I are coming home. He filled in for Drucilla. Um, but anyway, I have to get ready, so I'll just, um-- I'll see you tonight. Okay, bye.", "Brad: I've got to get going. I have to make a few calls. I'll check back with you later.", "(Door opens) (Door closes)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: You want to talk to us about Tom?", "John: Yes. That man has cast a dark shadow over this family from the day he arrived in Genoa City. Now it would be one thing if he was just a painful reminder of the past. But he's become a threat. And I want to assure both of you that he will be dealt with. So you no longer have to live in fear. And very soon, you'll both be able to put whatever anxiety about this man you've had behind you, once and for all. That I promise.", "Gloria: Oh, John. Oh, John, I hope you are right.", "John: Oh, sweetheart...", "Gloria: Because you have no idea how much I want that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: (Quietly) baby?", "Neil: Mmm?", "Dru: Listen, I'm not suggesting that we toss Yolanda out on the street. No, what I'm saying is, let's evaluate the situation, right?", "Neil: Mm-hmm.", "Dru: The longer that she stays in our home, the more of an effect she's gonna have on our son.", "Neil: I agree with you. She isn't the best influence.", "Dru: Okay. Then what are we gonna do about it?", "Neil: I don't know. I wish I did.", "Dru: We'd better figure out something quick.", "Neil: Okay. Well, you got any ideas?", "Dru: Well, yes, I do, as a matter of fact.", "Yolanda: Hey, everyone. It's a beautiful morning, isn't it?", "Dru: (Normal voice) yes, it is. Yes, it is. We noticed you slept late.", "Yolanda: Ah, I wasn't sleeping, actually. I was looking through want ads.", "Dru: Oh.", "Neil: So what are you looking for?", "Yolanda: A job. I've decided that it's time that I finally got one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Three guesses how we're gonna be spending our time, huh?", "Lauren: That's right, honey. We're going snorkeling. There are some great reefs around here. I thought we could explore together.", "Michael: Mmm, I love 'em. I love 'em, I love 'em. (Cell phone ringing)", "Michael: (Groans) can we throw that thing overboard?", "Lauren: No. I can't believe you're giving me a hard time. I know you've got one.", "Michael: Oh, no, no, no.", "Lauren: Yours is right on you.", "Michael: I'm prepared, right?", "Lauren: You're so bad. Ooh, it's Scott.", "Michael: Tell him hello for me.", "Lauren: Okay. Hi, honey.", "Scott: Hey, Mom. How's life on the high seas?", "Lauren: It is wonderful. So where are you?", "Scott: I'm at the coffeehouse. Just wanted to call and say hello and let you know that your wedding made the front page of the \"Chronicle.\"", "Lauren: Really? Will you save me a copy?", "Scott: I bought ten of 'em.", "Lauren: Okay. So what's next for you? Are you going back to Toronto to finish your book?", "Scott: That's the plan, yeah. But I will be back really soon, so don't worry. Genoa City is my home now.", "Lauren: Oh, boy, I love hearing that.", "Scott: Well, look, I know you probably want to get back to Michael. One question and then I'll let you go.", "Lauren: Sure. What?", "Scott: I was wondering if by any chance you talked to Jack or Paul recently about Brenda.", "Lauren: Um, no. Why?", "Scott: It's nothing. It'll wait.", "Lauren: Okay. Listen, I really wanted to thank you for giving me a first peek at your manuscript. I cannot wait to read it.", "Scott: Well, I hope you enjoy it.", "Lauren: I'm sure I will.", "Scott: Okay. Well, listen, I won't take up any more of your time. You go and enjoy your honeymoon.", "Lauren: All right, sweetie. And I love you so much, more than I could possibly ever tell you.", "Scott: I feel the same way. Bye, Mom.", "Lauren: Bye. All right, well, that settles it. I have the best kid in the whole world.", "Michael: Mm-hmm. You have the very, very best kid and the best ears...", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Michael: And face...", "Lauren: Oh, and I just cannot wait to read his book.", "Michael: Oh. No, no, no. I believe we were in the middle of something when that phone rang.", "Lauren: We were?", "Michael: Mm-hmm. I think we were right about, um... here, here, and I was here and maybe here. Right here... here... around there...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings) (Ring)", "Scott: Hey, Brenda.", "Sheila: Hi, Scott. How are you?", "Scott: I'm good. I tried calling you a few minutes ago, but I got your voice mail.", "Sheila: The battery in my cell phone died. I was recharging it. So how was the wedding?", "Scott: Everybody had a great time. I wish you could have been there.", "Sheila: Your mom was happy?", "Scott: Yeah, yeah, she was happier than I've ever seen her. It was an honor to walk her down the aisle. She looked amazing.", "Sheila: I'll bet she did.", "Scott: I'll give you the rest of the details when I see you.", "Sheila: Well, when will that be?", "Scott: I'm not sure. I'm still coming back to Toronto.", "Sheila: When, exactly?", "Scott: A couple of days.", "Sheila: Well, perfect.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Captain.", "Man: Hello, Mr. Baldwin. I see you're ready for some snorkeling.", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Michael: Lauren said we'll be sailing by some great reefs.", "Man: Indeed. In fact, there's a spectacular one about a quarter league east. If you like, we could anchor the yacht here where the waters are calm. I could take you out in one of the launches.", "Michael: Oh. That sounds great. Lauren?", "Lauren: You mean now?", "Man: Uh, we'd have to, otherwise we'd fall too far behind schedule.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Michael: Come on, come on. Let's go.", "Lauren: Well, yeah, you know, it sounds great, but I'd rather not go right now.", "Michael: Uh-huh. You sure?", "Lauren: Honey, I really-- I want to read Scott's book. All right? Will you be too disappointed if I don't go?", "Michael: Yes, I'm disappointed. This is outrageous. This is our honeymoon. We should be together. And if we can't do that, what's the point? I mean, let's just turn this boat around and go home. I don't care.", "Lauren: Oh, you stop it. I'll go with you tomorrow. Okay?", "Michael: Mm, all right.", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Michael: Okay, fine. Okay. You know what? If I don't come back with a fish, I will come back in one.", "Lauren: Oh, please, not in a fish.", "Michael: Mmm.", "Lauren: All right.", "Michael: All right.", "Lauren: I love you.", "Michael: Love you, too. Fish. Fish calling me. The call of the ocean.", "Lauren: Go have a good time. Tell me all about it.", "Michael: Must get fish. Must... I love you.", "Lauren: I love you.", "Michael: Captain. I love you.", "Lauren: I love you.", "Lauren: I think I'll take a bath first.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Ready to go?", "Sharon: Ready as I'll ever be.", "Brad: Let's get out of here.", "Sharon: Brad, um, before we go, there's one thing I want to say.", "Brad: Sure.", "Sharon: Um... I just want you to know how much your friendship means to me. That's one reason why I'm glad nothing else happened last night, because... if I didn't have you, who else would I have to turn to for advice?", "Brad: I feel the same way, Sharon.", "Sharon: Good. Because I just couldn't bear losing you, Brad. I just... I couldn't bear it.", "Brad: That's not going to happen. I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Did I hear you talking to somebody?", "Nick: Yeah, I just called Sharon.", "Nikki: Oh! How is she?", "Nick: She's good. She has one more appearance today, and then she and Brad will be coming home.", "Nikki: Okay. So how are you doing? Any regrets?", "Nick: Regrets about what?", "Nikki: About not going to St. Louis with her. I know you said that that was the best thing, but do you still feel that way?", "Noah: Hi, Dad.", "Nikki: Hey, there he is.", "Nick: Hey, little man. How'd you sleep last night?", "Noah: Great. It was fun sleeping in your old room.", "Nikki: Well, you're gettin' off to a late start. It's a good thing your dad's driving you. You can have breakfast in the car.", "Noah: I'm starving.", "Nikki: Yeah? Well, let's turn around, march into the kitchen. (Doorbell rings)", "Nikki: I'm going with you. Honey, can you get that, please?", "Nick: Yeah. What are you doing here?", "Phyllis: Uh, I-I came here to see Nikki. We had a meeting scheduled.", "Nick: Oh, yeah. Come on in.", "Phyllis: Is she here?", "Nick: Yeah. She's in the kitchen with Noah. She'll be right out.", "Phyllis: Um, listen, Nicholas...", "Nick: No. Not here, not now.", "Noah: All set.", "Nick: All right. Let's get going. I'm gonna take him to his basketball camp, but I'm not gonna stay. I'll be right back. Wait for me, all right?", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Nikki: Hi, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Nikki: I was hoping that was you at the door. You want some coffee?", "Phyllis: Um, no, thank you.", "Nikki: Okay. Well, then let's get started. I've been thinking about our plans for the Jabot wellness centers, and I know we talked about approaching Jack together, but now I'm thinking maybe it would be better if I went to him by myself.", "Phyllis: Oh, why is that?", "Nikki: Well, I couldn't help but notice the tension between you and Jack last night. I think he might respond better if I approach him initially alone. I mean, don't worry. I will make it very clear that this is half your idea. But once I get him on board, then later on, we can talk about the particulars... hello, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Go on, please.", "Nikki: I was saying that I think Jack will respond better if I go to him by myself.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I-- I understand you thinking that. It's not necessary. Jack came over this morning, and he apologized.", "Nikki: Oh, really? So everything is okay between the two of you?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. It looks that way.", "Nikki: Oh. Well, why didn't you say so? Then we're back to plan \"A.\" You and I can go to Jack together, get him on board. I really think we can have something on paper by the end of the week.", "Phyllis: Oh, that soon?", "Nikki: Well, when were you planning on doing it?", "Phyllis: Uh... honestly, I wasn't sure.", "Nikki: Can you give me some rough estimate? Next week, next month?", "Phyllis: I-I don't know. I--I'm--I don't... I-I don't know. I can't really commit right now. I just--", "Nikki: Boy, you and Nicholas...", "Phyllis: Me and Nicholas what?", "Nikki: Well, you're just both so touchy this morning. Too much champagne last night? Anyway, um, I'm heading into town. I'll walk you out.", "Phyllis: Um, Nikki, I would love that cup of coffee after all. Um, do you mind if just pour myself a cup?", "Nikki: Fine. Sure. Be my guest. Miguel's in the kitchen if you need anything.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Nikki: All right, see you later.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Yolanda: Well, these jobs are the ones I'm gonna call today. What do you think, Neil? Are they any good?", "Neil: Hmm? Uh... yeah. Yeah, especially this one at the top. That--I think you'd be great at any of them, Yolanda.", "Yolanda: Thank you.", "Devon: When are you gonna start calling?", "Yolanda: I guess now is as good a time as any.", "Dru: I second that. You can use the phone right there or Lily's phone or--", "Yolanda: You know what? Thank you, but I don't want to tie up your phone lines. I think I'll go to the coffeehouse.", "Devon: Well, hey, I'll go with you.", "Dru: Wait, wait, whoa, whoa. You be careful, and keep your eye on the clock. I don't want you to be late for your study group at the library, okay?", "Devon: I won't be late.", "Yolanda: Don't worry, Dru. I won't let my son be late. All right.", "Neil: Watch your back, kid.", "Dru: You know what, Neil?", "Neil: What?", "Dru: That woman getting a job...", "Neil: Hmm?", "Dru: That would be the answer to our prayers, I swear.", "Neil: Yeah? Maybe it would open your eyes to something.", "Dru: Such as?", "Neil: That you've been judging that lady a little too harshly.", "Dru: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Lauren: Come in.", "Man: I'm sorry to disturb you, Mrs. Baldwin.", "Lauren: Oh, that's okay. Is there a problem?", "Man: A small one, I'm afraid. I don't have some of the spices your husband requested for dinner. But not to worry. We're still close enough to shore. The mate and I can take the other launch to a nearby harbor.", "Lauren: Oh, that's okay. You don't have to do that.", "Man: It's no problem. I'll leave this here for you, but I'm sure you won't need it.", "Lauren: All right. Thank you.", "Man: You're welcome.", "Lauren: All right. Here we go. [Lauren sips Champagne and starts reading the manuscript.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Oh, perfect.", "Kevin: Here, Mom.", "Gloria: Thank you.", "Kevin: Sure.", "Gloria: Oh, cheers.", "Kevin: Cheers.", "Gloria: (Laughs) mmm. Mmm.", "Kevin: Hey, Mom, you know, I can't believe Mr. Abbott said all those nice things about me. Do you think he meant them?", "Gloria: Of course he did. I always knew that he'd come around.", "Gloria: He just needed some time to figure out what a wonderful young man you are.", "Kevin: Well, it's pretty obvious he's forgiven you, too.", "Gloria: Yeah. But when he said he wanted to talk to us about your father, I thought my heart was gonna stop. But he only wanted to protect us. Shame on me for not having faith in him. Because he loves me so much. I don't know why I ever doubted that. But now... it's like a whole new beginning for all of us.", "Gloria: What is it, Kevin?", "Kevin: Nothing.", "Gloria: No, no, you tell me.", "Kevin: Nothing. It's... I think it's terrific that Mr. Abbott wants to look after us, you know, but, um, I'm worried about Tom. I'm worried he might try and do something.", "Gloria: I can't imagine what. Everything's out in the open, and he doesn't have power over us anymore.", "Kevin: I know.", "Gloria: So why are you so worried?", "Kevin: Because... whenever anything in my life is going well, something always happens. And I hate the thought that Tom might do something to mess up our lives again.", "Gloria: But John... is looking after us now. And, baby, nothing bad is going to happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: \"Tom Fisher.\" [A letter from Tom Fisher.]", "John: \"John, I'm sure you're wondering why I'm writing to you. I wanted to give you a little head's up, just between us guys. Just between us husbands of Gloria, to be specific. There's something you don't know, but you'd be real interested in knowing. Gloria and I were never legally divorced.\" (Sighs)", "John: \"She's been desperate to keep you from finding out. So desperate, she's been throwing your money at me to buy my silence. I went along with it for awhile, but my conscience has been eating away at me. You need to know the truth, Mr. Abbott. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Gloria is still my wife.\" Son of a...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Are you sure you got enough quarters, Mom?", "Yolanda: Yeah, I'm good.", "Devon: Well, listen, why don't you just use my cell phone? It would be a lot easier.", "Yolanda: Oh, no, Devon. I appreciate that, but I want to do this on my own.", "Devon: Okay. I'll stick around for a little bit if you want me to.", "Yolanda: That is all right. I don't want you to be late for your study group 'cause if you are, I will never hear the end of it from Drucilla, so, no. (Chuckles)", "Devon: Um, I wanted to tell you, Mom, I'm very proud of you.", "Yolanda: Thanks.", "Devon: It's so great, the way you've turned things around. It's like you've really started caring about yourself, and that is really great to see.", "Yolanda: Well, I'm not just doing this for myself, Devon. I'm doing this for you, too. Once I get a job and my own apartment, you won't have to live with the Winters anymore. You can live with me. We can have our own place.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: (Reading.) \"How did this happen? Allison asked herself. How did she lose everything that mattered to her? The doctor she'd adored from the moment she saw him, the baby she'd carried inside of her for nine months and loved more than she ever thought possible. She once knew such happiness. How did her world fall apart? But Allison knew the answer to that painful question. It was all because of her, because of Ingrid. First she stole Allison's husband, and then her son... what? It sounds just like...", "Lauren: But that's not possible. I never told Scott about Sheila. Unless he somehow found out, but... no, I'm sure it's just a coincidence. (Launch approaches)", "Lauren: (Sighs) I'm sure that's all it is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh, stop it. Come on. They weren't that impressed.", "Brad: Are you kidding me? You rattled off every detail about the spring line by heart. You blew them away. You're in for some major kudos when we get home. I'm gonna tell everyone what a great job you did.", "Brad: Did I say something wrong?", "Sharon: No, it's just... it's not that I don't want to go home, it's just... a part of me wishes this trip would never end.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Thanks for waiting.", "Phyllis: Well, you said we need to talk.", "Nick: Yeah... about what happened last night.", "Phyllis: Nothing happened last night. Nicholas, nothing happened.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: Hi, man.", "Kevin: Hey, Scott.", "Scott: Just givin' you a head's up. I'm going back to Toronto this afternoon.", "Kevin: Wow. So soon?", "Scott: I was gonna leave in a couple of days, but I figure with my mom's wedding, I want to get back here as soon as possible. So I'm just gonna go finish my book and then move to Genoa City.", "Kevin: Wow. How long are you gonna be gone?", "Scott: It's hard to say. I'm hoping Brenda and I can get this wrapped up pretty quickly.", "Kevin: Yeah, you been working on that thing for awhile now. I bet you're eager to get done with it, huh?", "Scott: In more ways than one.", "Kevin: What does that mean?", "Scott: It's my writing partner. Everyone keeps telling me how strange she's been acting. And I've always defended her. But I'm starting to wonder if what they were saying is right. There's something about her that doesn't add up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: (Reading.) \"Allison screamed. But if Ingrid heard her, she didn't show it. She just glared at Allison, murder in her eyes. Without another word, she turned and walked out, leaving Allison tied to the chair in the old farmhouse.\"", "Lauren: Oh, my God. This is my story. Everything that Scott wrote happened to me. It's impossible.", "Sheila: Impossible but true. Right, Lauren?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: What's going on with you and Sharon these days?", "John: Now we know.", "Ashley: The only question is what are you gonna do about it?", "Sheila: Do you really think they could keep me locked up? You go ahead. You pinch yourself. Because I am real." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Kevin, Michael and Gloria get ready for the hearing. This is the day that Gloria will have to face a judge who will decide if she is allowed to use the name 'Abbot'. It is raining but she doesn't care. \"It was a year ago today that I married John for the second time, so let it rain.\" Michael warns Gloria that the fact that she didn't legally marry John is going to be a problem. Jack is salivating over the prospect of having Gloria become a Fisher again. John appears and tells that he can see that his son hasn't learned a thing. Jack feels that he has to do this as 'that woman' embarrasses them and makes a mockery of the name every time that she uses it. John doesn't believe that and he tells Jack not to be too sure of himself. Things could go another way. Jack and Ashley are at the courthouse when Gloria and her sons arrive. \"Well if it isn't Vampira,\" Jack shoots. Jack starts hurling the insults and doesn't stop until Michael reminds him that they are in a court of law. Court starts and Kevin goes to the stand where he tells how anyone that ever saw these two could tell that they were in love. Michael goes on the stand next and tells that he had seen his mother and John together many times. \"They slept together, used the same credit cards and he referred to her as his wife.\" Michael also puts into evidence stationary and business cards that were used by Mr. and Mrs. John Abbot, as well as bills with Mrs. John Abbot written on them. Jack and Ashley say their fear is that Gloria is going to embarrass them with the use of the family name and they want this stopped because she isn't the man's widow. Gloria gives heartfelt testimony about the name and how it is the only thing that she has left of John. She begs the judge not to take her name. She doesn't use it to embarrass John, she uses it because it makes her proud and it is his gift to her. Jack tries to give the testimony he wants but his father is there and talks to Jack while other people are talking. John pushes Jack to tell the truth when he is asked if he had heard John referring to Gloria as his wife. \"Now tell the truth Jackie!\" John warns wagging his finger. \"Yes,\" Jack tells quietly. \"He referred to her as his wife many times.\" The judge goes to her chambers to think things over and Miss Sinclair tells her clients Jack and Ashley that there is no way that they can lose. The judge returns and finds that although she understands Jack and Ashley's feelings, she finds no evidence that Gloria is trying to embarrass the Abbot's in anyway. She stops the temporary restraining order and Gloria is free to use the name Abbot!" ]
[ "Kevin: Hey, how long before we have to leave for court?", "Michael: We still have a few minutes.", "Kevin: Well, it's supposed to rain.", "Gloria: Seems appropriate, somehow.", "Kevin: Why do you say that?", "Gloria: Because one year ago today, John married me for the second time.", "Kevin: It's your anniversary?", "Gloria: It should've been.", "Michael: I didn't know that.", "Gloria: So let it rain. 'Cause the sun's never really come out for me since the day John died.", "Kevin: Don't be sad, Mom. Geez, if I were you, I'd be mad as hell.", "Gloria: Believe me, I am, Kevin. I mean, the nerve of those two, Jack and Ashley, taking me to court to keep more from calling myself Mrs. John Abbott.", "Kevin: Talk about low.", "Gloria: Yeah. All they care about is making money and hurting me. Cold as stone, those two.", "Kevin: It just seems so petty-- trying to take away your name.", "Gloria: It doesn't matter what they try to do, I will always be John Abbott's widow.", "Michael: Okay, Gloria, I need to warn you. Your not being legally married to John was the decision of the probate court. And no matter how much you disagree with it, it's legally binding. A sure way to turn the judge off is to pretend it's not.", "Kevin: Excuse me.", "Gloria: What a wonderful day that was. John and I stood in front of the minister and pledged to share our lives.", "[Gloria sees the spirit of John]", "John: Oh, my, you looked so radiant that day.", "Gloria: I felt so beautiful. So loved.", "John: You were... and you still are.", "Gloria: I know it sounds silly... but sometimes I can almost feel you right here with me, John.", "Michael: Did you say something?", "Gloria: No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: A judge has already ruled the marriage was invalid.", "Ashley: Let's hope that's enough.", "Jack: It will be, Sis. By the end of the day, Gloria will be back to being a Fisher-- and there's not a damn thing she can do about it.", "[Jack sees John's spirit]", "John: Oh, I wouldn't be too sure of that, Jackie.", "Ashley: I hope you're right, Jack. I hope everything goes smooth today.", "Jack: What?", "John: You know, I barely recognize you-- the man you've become. Have you no shame?", "Jack: Shame? How do you think I feel every time that woman calls herself \"Mrs. John Abbott?\"", "John: And why should it matter to you what she calls herself?", "Jack: Because my name is John Abbott, too. And I don't wanna be in any way associated with the woman responsible for your death.", "John: Now, Jack, Gloria is not responsible! And stop saying it.", "Jack: Dad, you never saw this woman for what she is.", "John: You never gave her a chance. Jackie, you have become so self-involved, you don't even know what day this is.", "Jack: No, I know what day it is. It is the last day Gloria can call herself an Abbott.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: You know what? I just, I think it's so fantastic that we're doing this.", "Neil: All right, pretty ladies, take a break. I made us some coffee.", "Dru: Thank you, Honey.", "Victoria: Oh, thank you.", "Dru: Hey, how you doing, man? That's what I forgot-- my rain gear.", "Professor Korbel: The weatherman said 80% chance.", "Victoria: Yeah, and we know how accurate they are.", "Professor Korbel: Seemed pretty confident.", "Neil: Hey, Brother, you want some coffee?", "Professor Korbel: Don't mind if I do.", "Dru: All right, then.", "Neil: Sure.", "Dru: Thank you, Honey", "Professor Korbel: Looks like you're getting the place ready for the after party.", "Dru: Oh, yeah. Well, we're expect some very important VIPs at the benefit tonight. And so my husband and I decided to throw a real special after party, right, Honey?", "Neil: Yes, indeed. Everything look ok?", "Professor Korbel: Well, I wouldn't dare complain after you offered the place for free.", "Neil: Well, how could I say no? I mean, Victoria asked me to do it. Look at that pretty face.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Professor Korbel: Yeah, well, I imagine it's next to impossible to refuse a request from the charming Ms. Newman.", "Victoria: What can I say?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Hi.", "Sharon: Hi. Are you okay?", "Brad: Just another day at the mill.", "Brad: You know, it's funny, isn't it? I put a little tape on the arm of my secretary's chair... I don't know. Last time I heard, that wasn't a hanging offense.", "Sharon: When Cameron faked that setup and the police came after me...", "Brad: But no one's come after me, Sharon. I don't want you worrying.", "Sharon: Sure. No problem. You may be implicated in a murder when you're really innocent, but I'll put that right out of my mind.", "Brad: Do that.", "Sharon: I talked to Dru last night. She said that they searched the whole building.", "Brad: Oh, yeah, fun times.", "Sharon: Did they find anything?", "Brad: Well, if the police did, they neglected to call and tell me about it.", "Sharon: Smart aleck.", "Brad: Heard anything from Jack?", "Sharon: No. Not since yesterday when I left here, but I know that he has this hearing with Ashley this morning, so I'm not worried.", "Brad: Yeah, about this thing with Gloria? Jack say anything about my mother?", "Sharon: You mean, after he introduced himself at the club?", "Brad: Yeah, I'm sure he had a lot of questions.", "Sharon: Lots.", "Brad: You didn't say anything?", "Sharon: No, of course I didn't. I felt bad lying to him, but Rebecca's past has to stay in the past.", "Victor: Morning. Hope none of you were too inconvenienced by the police being in the building yesterday.", "Brad: It wasn't, more disruptive to the workday than anything else.", "Sharon: Fortunately, I left before the whole thing got rolling.", "Victor: It's a terrible thing. Everyone will cooperate with the authorities. The sooner we find the culprit, the sooner we can get back to our normal lives around here.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Victor: What are you doing here? I thought you'd be in the hospital having your baby.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, well, unfortunately, wishing does not make it so.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Any problems?", "Phyllis: No, just a daughter who doesn't wanna come out and a very impatient mom.", "Victor: A stubborn daughter?", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Victor: You're not going to work today, are you?", "Phyllis: Oh, Victor, it's better than sitting around at home. That'd drive me nuts. Plus, I have act to work on until Nick gets here. He's gonna drive me to the doctor's. We're gonna see what's taking so long.", "Victor: Well, don't work too hard, all right?", "Phyllis: I'm not.", "Nick: Hey.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Nick: You ready?", "Phyllis: Uh, yeah, I'm--I'm gonna just take care of something in my off", "Victor: Phyllis, if you will excuse us. Son, I'd like to talk to you a minute.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Nick: I'll see ya.", "Victor: Kindly close the door. What's up?", "Victor: I heard something very interesting in regard to the police investigation-- Michael Baldwin told me.", "Nick: What's that?", "Victor: Seems some fingerprints were found on the tape used in Carmen Mesta's murder that belonged to Jack Abbott and Brad Carlton.", "Nick: Really?", "Victor: Uh-huh. Hard to believe that either one of those two would be involved. Least of all, Jack Abbott.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, who'd have thought? The day Dad brought home Gloria to meet the two of us that it would all end up here.", "Ashley: The whole thing is sad--for everyone concerned.", "Jack: If only Gloria had found some other rich guy. Why did it have to be Dad?", "Ashley: Just lucky, I guess. Sweet big-hearted Daddy fell for Gloria's \"poor me\" routine.", "Jack: Well, let's face it, Dad's Achilles'' heel Remember Dina leaving three little kid behind.", "Ashley: Yeah, and Jill had an affair on him... with you.", "Jack: And Gloria was a bigamist, married to a lunatic. If it weren't for that mess, he wouldn't have spent the last few months of his life in prison.", "Jack: Well, well, look it's Vampira and her bloodsucking sons.", "Jack: Ah, there's no reason for it. What, you don't like your own name, so you wanted to steal another one?", "Gloria: I didn't have to, Jack, your father gave it to me.", "Jack: My father never had any idea who you real are.", "Gloria: Your father knew me very well, believe me.", "Michael: Gloria...", "Jack: No, no, no, don't interrupt.", "Gloria: My name's not Fisher.", "Jack: Well, I'll just see about that, now won't we?", "Michael: All right, both of you, this is a court of law.", "Gloria: You know, the one good thing about your father not being here anymore, Jack? He doesn't have to see what a horrible son you've turned out to be.", "[Spirit of John appears]", "John: You wanna bet?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Any new clues when they searched the building.", "Colleen: Well, hopefully, they found something that will help.", "Lily: Well, anything point to somebody else is good for him.", "Colleen: From what I've heard, Michael Baldwin can make any jury believe up is down and down is up.", "Lily: Yeah, well, that's exactly what it's gonna take. Ooh, that is so cute!", "Colleen: You like it?", "Lily: Yeah. But... who are you trying to impress-- JT or the professor?", "Colleen: Neither.", "Lily: So, you and JT made up?", "Colleen: For now, anyway.", "Lily: Any more kisses with Adrian?", "Colleen: I'm trying not to think about that.", "Amber: Sorry I'm late! I overslept.", "Lily: All right, it happens.", "Amber: Not all my fault, though. Adrian kept me out way past my bedtime last night. You know, I meant to cut our evening short, but he's just such an amazing person.", "Lily: Yeah, so I hear.", "Amber: That man knows about everything. Like, there was this artist named Russo in the late renaissance who lived with a baboon.", "Lily: That is kinky.", "Amber: Yeah, and they say he disinterred dead bodies because he was so fascinated with the process of decomposition. Isn't that wild, huh? And the way Adrian tells it, he's just so funny. Don't you think so, Colleen?", "Colleen: Digging up corpses? That's, like, hilarious.", "Amber: Um, did I mention he's taking me to the benefit? You know, the one to raise money for the art museum?", "Colleen: Yeah, I heard.", "Lily: Oh, I love that one.", "Amber: Oh, yeah, that dress is killer. I bought the same one in a different color to wear tonight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: That's unbelievable. You totally made that up.", "Professor Korbel: No, it's a true story. I was doing research in Milan at the time.", "Victoria: Oh, really?", "Professor Korbel: Yeah.", "Victoria: That's great.", "JT: What's so funny?", "Victoria: Adrian just told this really great joke. Uh, where's Colleen?", "JT: Oh, she should be here soon. Meantime, what can I do to help?", "Victoria: Well, you may be sorry you asked.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Glenda Warren presiding.", "Judge Warren: You may be seated. Are the parties prepared to proceed?", "Michael: Yes, your honor.", "Ms. Sinclair: Yes, your honor.", "Judge Warren: All right, first let me clarify. The only issue before the court today is the petition to make the temporary restraining order a preliminary injunction. Counselors, have you had an opportunity to explain these matters to your clients?", "Michael: We have, judge.", "Ms. Sinclair: Yes, ma'am.", "Judge Warren: All right, fine. Mr. Baldwin, does your client admit that she uses the name Mrs. John Abbott?", "Michael: Uh, typically, your honor, uh, she refers to herself as Gloria Abbot.", "Judge Warren: Is that a yes or no?", "Michael: Neither. In answer to your honor's question, not to my knowledge. Certainly, the magazine named in the complaint referred to her as Mrs. John Abbott, rather than quibble about who said what to whom--", "John: Gloria is my wife!", "Judge Warren: Fine. Then let's proceed. You may call your first witness, Mr. Baldwin.", "Michael: I would like to call, uh, Kevin Fisher.", "Kevin: My mom loved Mr. Abbott. She told me over and over and over.", "Kevin: Yes. For a while, we were all living together at the Abbott house. I was there when they recited their vows. And I heard him refer to her many times as \"my lovely wife.\"", "Miss Sinclair: Objection, The marriage issue has been decided and cannot be attacked collaterally during this proceeding.", "Judge Warren: Mr. Baldwin, is that your intent?", "Michael: I'm just offering evidence to help you determine what the real party in interest--", "Judge Warren: I don't know that I necessarily agree with that statement, but I am going to enter it into evidence on this issue. You may proceed.", "Michael: Go on, Kevin.", "Kevin: I just wanna say that anyone who saw them together knew how deeply Mr. Abbott cared for my mom.", "John: Are you listening, Jack? Now that is a good and loyal son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Dad?", "Victor: Yes?", "Victoria: I would like to introduce you to Adrian Professor Korbel.", "Victor: Adrian--you are the illustrious professor.", "Professor Korbel: Yes, Mr. Newman.", "Professor Korbel: And thank you for your generosity. Donations helped us.", "Victor: Yes—", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ms. Sinclair: That's all I have, your honor.", "Judge Warren: Very well. Mr. Fisher, you may step down.", "Judge Warren: Mr. Baldwin call your next witness.", "Michael: I call myself.", "Ms. Sinclair: Objection!", "Judge Warren: On what grounds, Ms. Sinclair?", "Ms. Sinclair: On the ground that attorneys are prohibited from testifying in cases like this.", "Michael: The main issue barring me from testifying-- that a jury might jumps on a lawyer's testimony-- that doesn't apply here.", "Woman: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?", "Michael: I do.", "Michael: I'll make this brief. On numerous occasions I have seen John and Gloria together. I witnessed, they have a-a strong and undeniable bond. They treated each other as man and wife. They... lived under the same roof. They slept in the same bed. They used the same credit cards. They filed joint tax returns. They were affectionate with each other in public and in private. With my whole heart, I believe that John Abbott considered Gloria his wife.", "Ms. Sinclair: Objection! You can't know what was in his mind.", "John: Oh, I can tell what was on my mind.", "Miss Sinclair: You're merely speculating on what you think he felt.", "Judge Warren: Objection sustained.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Time to come up for air.", "Brad: Hey. Oh, thanks. Yeah, I fell behind yesterday.", "Sharon: You seem so calm.", "Brad: I'm really okay, Sharon.", "Sharon: I wasn't. At least not yesterday, when I found out that you and Jack were suddenly part of this investigation.", "Brad: That had to shake you up, huh?", "Sharon: Yeah, it did, a little. And then like I said, I talked to Dru last night, and now the whole thing makes sense to me.", "Brad: What does?", "Sharon: Why the police would want to investigate every inch of Newman Enterprises. The DA is convinced that Devon did this and he wants to solidify his case. Devon works here. His fingerprints were on that tape, so send in all the evidence people, of course.", "Brad: That's a good theory.", "Sharon: The point is, you're right, Brad. We don't need to overreact. A roll of duct tape doesn't make it a crime scene. It doesn't mean a murder was committed here.", "Brad: You seem less worried than before.", "Sharon: That's because I listened to you. And you seem convinced that you were not going to get drawn into this.", "Brad: Yeah, well... ultimately, that depends on our friend Mr. Baldwin.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Tell me about your two marriages to John Abbott.", "Gloria: The first time... I didn't know I was still married to Tom Fisher. But when John found out, he insisted that we get married all over again.", "Michael: Your honor, I would like to introduce into evidence exhibit \"A.\" Mrs. Abbott, do you recognize these?", "Gloria: Its John and my personal stationary and my business card.", "Michael: The stationary reads, \"Mr. and Mrs. John Abbott,\" is that correct?", "Gloria: Yes.", "Michael: And the business cards?", "Gloria: Gloria Abbott.", "Michael: I would now like to introduce into evidence exhibit \"B.\" Do these look familiar to you?", "Gloria: Yes.", "Michael: Can you tell the court what these are?", "Gloria: These are the bills and the canceled checks for the stationary and the business cards.", "Michael: Uh, who made these purchases?", "Gloria: Well, John did, of course. That's his signature on the bottom of the check.", "Michael: Mrs. Abbott, could you tell the court, in your own words, why you would like to be able to call yourself \"Mrs. John Abbott\"?", "Gloria: John Abbott made me feel good about myself for the first time in my life. He supported me. And he encouraged me to learn and to grow. And he respected me. And he loved me more than anyone else ever had. He loved me in spite of my faults. Having his name makes me very proud. And it's my way of honoring him.", "Michael: So, it was not your intention to defraud or embarrass his children?", "Gloria: Of course not. I don't want his name because of what it might mean to other people. I want his name because of what it means to me and the happiness it brings me. I adored John Abbott, your honor. And having his name is the only thing I have left of him. Please don't take that away from me, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Neil, what in the world are you doing there?", "Neil: I don't want one of our guests to get hurt if the, uh, chair collapses, you know?", "Victor: Hello, Dru. I happen to know a few dowagers of Genoa City who would break that chair, although it is made out of steel.", "Dru: Oh, you did not just say that.", "Neil: Yes, he did.", "Victor: I must say, I find it admirable that both of you are involved in this benefit. Considering your lives are in turmoil.", "Dru: Well, you know, Victor, really, it's a welcome departure.", "Victor: You know you can come to me if you need any help.", "Dru: Thank you.", "Neil: Yeah, really.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So what do you think, Doc? Is it time to induce?", "Phyllis: Yeah, or can we expect her to stay in there until preschool?", "Dr. Okamura: Inducing labor would be the worst thing to do right now.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. You--you had already--", "Nick: Okay, there's-- there's a, uh, there's a problem, right?", "Dr. Okamura: The baby is in a breech position.", "Phyllis: Uh, the Breech position?", "Nick: What's that?", "Dr. Okamura: Instead of the head being down by the birth canal, the feet are.", "Nick: I'm surprised you didn't see this the other day.", "Dr. Okamura: This had to have occurred very recently.", "Phyllis: Are-- are you suggesting I can't deliver naturally?", "Dr. Okamura: The problem with vaginal delivery is that there is a risk of the baby being stuck and being compromised to the point of losing oxygen.", "Phyllis: Okay, so are you suggesting a c-section?", "Dr. Okamura: It's a better option for you.", "Phyllis: All right. Isn't there anything we can do to turn her around?", "Dr. Okamura: There is a procedure however, I have to be honest with you, there are some risks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ms. Sinclair: Please tell the court why you originally initiated the hearing", "Ashley: Gloria had agreed to appear as a guest judge on a television reality show. And my brother and I could not stomach the thought of her exploiting our father's name.", "Ms. Sinclair: Exploiting it how?", "Ashley: By pretending to be John Abbott's widow... when the court has already ruled her marriage invalid.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: This one's not... bad.", "Lily: Yeah, I mean, it is your color.", "Colleen: I know, but I just feel like I want something that stands out, you know?", "Lily: Yeah. And we both know why.", "Colleen: Lily.", "Amber: So is JT taking you to the benefit tonight?", "Colleen: That's the plan.", "Amber: He seems like a really nice guy.", "Lily: He is.", "Amber: I talked to him the other night at Indigo.", "Amber: He-- he was really quiet. Is he usually that shy?", "Colleen: JT? Shy? No.", "Lily: Yeah, you must've gotten him all tongue-tied or something.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: Excuse me, Victoria said something about napkins?", "Dru: Yeah, JT, straight through that door there.", "JT: Okay.", "Dru: Thank you.", "JT: Thanks.", "Victor: How is Devon these days?", "Neil: Devon-- he's doing as well as can be expected, Victor.", "Dru: Yeah, his hearing is coming back. He's--he's inspired by that.", "Victor: Either of you have any clue as to who might've killed Carmen Mesta?", "Neil: Are you kidding me? I've asked myself that a hundred times.", "Neil: Yeah, well, the DA is still investigating, which means to me that, um, he's keeping an open mind.", "Dru: Why do you give him that much credit? You know he's after our-- he's after our son, and only our son. Victor, as for that roll of tape that he found, it's only given him permission to plow through Newman Enterprises and pile up circumstantial evidence.", "Victor: Do you know if Carmen Mesta had connections with any other man in town? N well, yeah, there was a man from her previous place of employment. Apparently, uh, things ended quite badly.", "Victor: Badly enough to kill her?", "Dru: He was a married man, an executive with the company. She likes that type. That's her MO. Do you see the pattern?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Why would Michael Baldwin cause you problems?", "Brad: He wants the police to go after someone other than his client.", "Sharon: Okay, why you?", "Brad: Why not me? Anyone with even the slightest connection to Carmen or the evidence is fair game.", "Sharon: Fair game for what? He can't manufacture evidence.", "Brad: Sharon, I know you like the guy, but you have to--", "Sharon: Well, if I were on trial for murder, I'd want him to represent me, yes.", "Brad: Yeah, and there's a reason for that.", "Sharon: Because he's the best. Because he's smart and he's tenacious--", "Brad: Because he doesn't let a little thing like ethics get in the way of winning.", "Sharon: What are you afraid of, Brad?", "Brad: What do you think? If Baldwin puts me under his microscope, everything could come out all over again. And this time, it won't stay contained.", "Sharon: But you didn't kill Carmen. And neither did Dru, neither did Devon, neither did Jack. You know, Carmen's past isn't really very pretty. If you ask me, that's where they should be looking. It probably caught up with her.", "Brad: The damage will have been done.", "Sharon: Then steer Michael in another direction. Carmen's past-- that's where Michael and the police ought to be looking.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You can't imagine the distress that Gloria's actions have already caused me.", "Ms. Sinclair: What are some of your concerns... if she's allowed to continue using your father's name?", "Jack: I worry about fraud. What if she were to buy a car or a house or apply for credit under the pretext that she is John Abbott's heir. Her using the name \"Mrs. John Abbott,\" to me, is tantamount to identity theft.", "Michael: Objection, your honor!", "John: That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.", "Judge Warren: Overruled. Mr. Abbott, you may continue.", "Jack: More important, the fact that my father rewrote his will-- cutting Gloria out-- I think speaks volumes as to how he felt about her.", "Ms. Sinclair: No further questions. Your witness.", "John: Now you manipulated me into making that will when I was in a confused mental state. How dare you use this", "Michael: Distress you claim you suffered-- have you actually lost standing in the community because of something Gloria actually did?", "Jack: Yes, I believe we have.", "Michael: Can you give me any specific example?", "Jack: People are too polite to say anything to your face, but I think it's quite clear what they're thinking.", "Michael: Ah, so you can hear the thoughts?", "Jack: No, of course not.", "Michael: Isn't it true that the only reason we're all here is because of the hatred you and your sister feel towards Gloria Abbott out of jealousy and resentment?", "Michael: Mr. Abbott, should I repeat the question? Can you hear me?", "Jack: No, no, no, I heard the question. If you're suggesting that I was somehow jealous of my father's relationship with Gloria, that's absurd.", "Michael: Did you ever hear your father refer to Gloria as his wife?", "John: Don't pretend you don't see me.", "Michael: Mr. Abbott?", "John: Now the others can't, but you can!", "Jack: Stop it! I can't think!", "Judge Warren: Mr. Abbott, are you all right? Would you like to have a brief recess?", "Jack: No. No, let's--let's get this over with.", "Michael: The question was... did you ever hear your father refer to Gloria as his wife?", "John: Now, Jack, if you ever truly loved me, be honest.", "Jack: Yes.", "Michael: Did you hear it once or many times?", "Jack: Many times.", "Michael: No further questions, your honor. Pass the witness.", "Ms. Sinclair: Were you surprised when the court ruled that Gloria Abbott was not John Abbott's legal wife?", "Jack: Not really. See, I always wondered why my father never filed the legal papers to make this marriage legal if it was important to him. It wasn't like him to let things slip between the cracks. Particularly as this second ceremony was only necessary because the first marriage wasn't valid. It just seems to me-- if only subconsciously-- my father did not wanna be married to this woman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Okamura: Ah, sorry about that. Now, about the procedure I mentioned. It's an external cephalic version.", "Phyllis: Okay, with a name like that, it can't be fun.", "Dr. Okamura: Well, some women find it very uncomfortable.", "Phyllis: Uh, that's all right. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Whatever's best for the baby.", "Dr. Okamura: Okay, the ECV is done by applying pressure to the abdomen, then manually manipulating the baby into the head down position.", "Phyllis: All right, you mentioned risks?", "Dr. Okamura: Yeah, there's a small risk of the baby not getting enough oxygen because of a pinched umbilical cord or damaged placenta or premature rupture of the membranes. But even if it were successful, the baby could return to the Breech position before labor begins.", "Phyllis: So it's all for nothing?", "Nick: Um... could we have a minute to talk about it?", "Dr. Okamura: Oh, of course. Just take your time and talk about it. Then when I get back, you tell me what you decide.", "Nick: Thanks, Doc", "Nick: What do you think?", "Phyllis: It sounds scary. What if something goes wrong?", "Nick: I know. But a cesarean is a major surgery.", "Phyllis: Listen, if the doctor can change the baby around into the birth position, I have a chance of delivering normal, right? What do you wanna do?", "Nick: I don't know, but we have to decide... now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Your dress is ready, Mrs. Chancellor. Yeah, it came in this morning from alterations. Oh, no, I'll be happy to deliver it, right after work.", "Lily: So are you sure this is the one you want?", "Colleen: Positive.", "Lily: Okay.", "Colleen: Here you go.", "Amber: Uh, I could take it in back, you know, let it out a little in the waist, if you like.", "Colleen: Well, it fit perfectly.", "Amber: Whatever you say.", "Lily: Um, so, are you heading over to Indigo?", "Colleen: Yeah, I promised that, uh, I would help with the decorations.", "Lily: Okay, well, I'll be there soon. So try to stay dry, all right?", "Colleen: For sure.", "Colleen: Bye.", "Amber: What is her problem?", "Lily: I don't think she's the one with the problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Daydreaming on the job, JT?", "JT: Oh, hey, Mr. Newman, how you doing?", "Victor: All right, thank you. How well do you know that professor?", "JT: Not well. I know that he's, uh, he's smart, very well respected, won a lot of awards and that kind of thing. Actually, Colleen's working for him as his research assistant this semester.", "Victor: Really?", "JT: Yeah.", "Victor: Well, that must be a lot of fun.", "JT: It's a lot of work.", "Victor: What a shame that he got caught up in that murder investigation of Carmen Mesta. Brad's fingerprints were found on that tape-- I think that's just... coincidence, don't you?", "JT: Yeah, well, you've known him a lot longer than I have, so...", "Victor: Right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge Warren: I've heard all the evidence in this matter. I will now retire to my chambers to make my decision. The court will stand in recess.", "Gloria: How do you think it went?", "Michael: Well, you should always be prepared in case things don't go our way.", "Gloria: I'll just keep good thoughts, huh?", "Ashley: Well, now we wait.", "Ms. Sinclair: I wouldn't worry. It would take a miracle for the judge to rule in Gloria's favor.", "John: As you know, Jack, I'm a firm believer in miracles.", "Judge Warren: I've given it a great deal of thought. Mr. Abbott, Ms. Abbott, I do understand your concerns about embarrassment and potential fraud. However, after having heard Gloria Abbott's testimony, I am convinced that this is not her intent. Therefore, I am denying the petitioner's motion for a preliminary injunction and dissolving the temporary restraining order heretofore entered by this court. Court will stand adjourned.", "Gloria: Did I just win?", "Michael: Yes, Gloria, you won. I mean, uh, Mrs. John Abbott.", "Gloria: Oh, thank you, Michael. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: About time you showed up.", "Colleen: Sorry, I got hung up talking to your girlfriend.", "Professor Korbel: Who?", "Colleen: Amber?", "Professor Korbel: You know, whenever I forget you're only 20, you inadvertently remind me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: JT, I always wondered what happened to that report that you did on Brad Carlton a little while ago.", "JT: Uh, what about it?", "Victor: Do you remember what was in it?", "JT: Why do you ask?", "Victor: No reason. If you have a chance, let me have a copy. I want it for my files, all right?", "JT: Yes, sir. I'll see what I can do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Okay, well, I'm gonna leave my cell phone on, so call me. Hope you have good news for me, bye.", "Brad: Voice mail?", "Sharon: Yeah, the hearing should be over by now. I don't know why Jack hasn't called me or picked up the phone.", "Brad: Well, I'm sure he'll get a hold of you.", "Sharon: You know, maybe he's celebrating. He did say that there's no judge that would let Gloria keep John's name.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I suppose you're gonna gloat now.", "Gloria: Mnh-mnh. I'm just sorry this had to happen.", "Jack: Oh, I'll just bet.", "Gloria: You know, Jack, you are so preoccupied with yourself, you have no idea what a special day this is, do you?", "John: Very special.", "Jack: So enlighten me.", "Gloria: Today is your father and my wedding anniversary. We were married one year ago today. So getting to keep his name... it's like a wonderful gift.", "John: You're welcome, Sweetheart. Happy anniversary.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Okamura: Okay... have you decided?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Um, we're gonna have the c-section.", "Dr. Okamura: Good. So when's the last time you ate?", "Nick: About an hour ago. I had a sandwich.", "Phyllis: Uh, he meant me.", "Nick: Yeah, I knew that. I was just trying to bring a little levity to the situation. Did it work?", "Phyllis: No, not really.", "Nick: Oh, okay, all right.", "Phyllis: Um, uh, about six hours ago.", "Dr. Okamura: Okay, perfect. I'll go and book the OR for this afternoon.", "Phyllis: Okay. Bring levity to the situation?", "Nick: I, you know...", "Phyllis: Okay, we're really doing this?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: Just think, in a couple hours, you're gonna be holding our little baby in your arms.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Gloria: I was just telling Joanna what a big help I've been.", "Joanna: Too bad there's only one guestroom.", "Jack: Hello, I got a pregnant woman trapped in here.", "Lily: But you're good, right?", "Daniel: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By _ Emma_']
[ "Nikki and David actually get to spend some quality time together as he meets her at the hospital and then follows her back to Sharon's old place. David brings over some groceries to make the place more hospitable and because he wants to make Nikki a home-cooked meal. Victor calls and tells Nikki he'll be at the office so if she'd like to drop by to see Victoria she can. Nikki goes and finds that Victor is still there and they are civil and reminisce about old times. Nikki then decides to leave and finds that David has finished cooking dinner, she thanks him for his consideration with a kiss, and Victor witnesses it from the door window.", "Colleen is still baby-sitting J.T. who tells her he'll be fine; she refuses to leave. J.T. continues to argue that he'll be fine; Colleen wants him to eat something, Lily calls and agrees to meet them at the Club. Colleen convinces J.T. to leave because Lily has put off studying so she can cheer him up. Colleen meets up with Lily; and J.T. calls and states he's at the hospital and will have to take a rain check. Lily suggests they order take out and join him and when they arrive, they find J.T. and Cane talking. J.T. tells Colleen that Cane brought food for him. While Colleen keeps J.T. company, Lily and Cane bond in the waiting area. Colleen checks on Lily to see if she's ready to leave and she says she's fine and can stay longer; Colleen asks if Cane can give her ride and he tells her no problem. He tells Lily he needs to make a stop at Jabot first and then asks if she'd like to grab a bite to eat.", "Daniel is feeling the heat because he just hit Heather's car; trying to alleviate the situation he offers to pay for the damage if she'd agree to take it to a body shop instead of the dealer. Heather says no and asks to see his insurance and discovers that it is expired, and, of course, being the ADA Heather reads him the riot act. Amber offers to help him by hooking him up with Vlady a mechanic she knows that does great work. Daniel informs Heather of this and is in the clear until Cane and Lily show up. Cane reveals Vlady's real identity and Heather realizes she's actually busted this guy on several occasions. Daniel gets chewed out AGAIN by Heather and thanks Cane for not minding his own business. Cane tells him he was just looking out for him, tempers flair, discussion gets heated and Gina comes over to mediate and tell them that the kitchen will be closing shortly. Cane and Lily leave and Daniel tells Amber where to go after throwing his car keys at her.", "At Jabot, Cane and Lily look for an important file for Cane's AM meeting. Lily locates it and things heat up tremendously as their eyes lock and Cane goes in for a kiss that does not happen thanks to the roaring sound of a vacuum cleaner." ]
[ "Nikki: Your cousin Noah sure wants to take you riding. Did you know that your mother used to ride dressage? She did. And she's got a scrapbook full of pictures. She'll show 'em to you.", "David: How's he doing?", "Nikki: Oh, well, we had a scare earlier. His carbon dioxide levels went up so they had to put him on a c-pap.", "David: That is scary.", "Nikki: Yeah, but he fought through it. Just like his mother's gonna do.", "David: How's she doing?", "Nikki: Gonna wake up any day. Isn't that right, Honey? Yeah. You go to sleep. Sweet dreams. Sweet dreams. You ready?", "David: Sure. Where to?", "Nikki: I'm staying at Sharon's.", "David: Well, I didn't think you'd wanna be within 50 feet of you know who.", "Nikki: Yeah, no kidding. This way I'm close by, but I don't have to put up with Victor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gabby: Excuse me, Mr. Newman?", "Victor: Yes?", "Gabby: I was told there are special pillowcases for your daughter.", "Victor: In fact, there are silk ones. Uh, my wife took them to the hospital. You're gonna have to ask her.", "Gabby: Is she here?", "Victor: Nope. Uh, she won't be back till tomorrow. Um, do you have her cell number?", "Gabby: Oh, it isn't urgent.", "Victor: All right.", "Gabby: Thank you, Mr. Newman.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victor: Come here, Baby. Stay. That's it. That's it. Stay. That's it. Good boy. What are you chewing on? What are you chewing? What are you chewing? Oh, you got one of her shoes? Well, I won't tell her. I didn't see this happening. Boy, and you like that, don't you? You like that, don't you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: You should go home.", "Colleen: Look, I'm really sorry about the manicotti. I had no idea Victoria made it.", "J.T.: It's fine, seriously. I just... I just wanna be left alone, all right?", "Colleen: Why? So you can stay here and stress out some more?", "J.T.: I'm stressing now. What's the big difference?", "Colleen: Well, I can keep you company. That way it saves you from doing anything irrational.", "J.T.: I'm just gonna probably lie down, all right? I'm not gonna do anything crazy. You should go home to your professor.", "Colleen: My professor is still in class, okay? And he'll be grading finals all night. I'm not leaving until you eat something.", "J.T.: I'm not hungry.", "Colleen: Starving yourself is not gonna help Victoria or the baby. I mean, what happens if she wakes up and you're too weak to drive over there? I'm doing this for selfish reasons. Because I don't want you calling me at 3:00 A.M. in the morning asking for a ride.", "J.T.: I'll call a cab.", "Colleen: I'm taking you out for a meal, J.T.", "J.T.: I'll put some extra cream in my coffee, if that'll make you feel better.", "Colleen: Real food. Come on! It's my treat. Now the J.T. I know couldn't resist an offer like that.", "J.T.: Watch me.", "Colleen: I'm not leaving until you say yes.", "J.T.: The couch is all yours.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Colleen: Hey, Lily. Yeah, I'm just at J.T.'s. Where are you? Okay, do you wanna come to the club? I'll see you soon. Bye. She is meeting us over there.", "J.T.: I didn't say I'd go.", "Colleen: Lily is taking a break from studying so she can cheer you up. You're coming.", "J.T.: You know, I don't ever remember you being this bossy.", "Colleen: Well, I remember you being so stubborn. But I always won. So come on. Put that down.", "J.T.: Ugh.", "Colleen: Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Hmm. Hey.", "Daniel: Where'd you go?", "Amber: Shopping.", "Daniel: Did you buy me something?", "Amber: We're not talking.", "Daniel: Oh, we're not. You know, 'cause I am so sorry. I did not mean to upset you.", "Amber: Ever think of taking sensitivity training?", "Daniel: Amber, I just don't wanna see you disappointed. You know, you enter that contest and your ex-in-laws find out about it--", "Amber: I know. I know. I get it, okay?", "Daniel: So you forgive me?", "Amber: Well...", "Daniel: I'll make it up to you.", "Amber: Mmm! There's this really cute dress at Fenmore's! It's got this--", "Daniel: Whoa, whoa, whoa, I was thinking more along the lines of taking you out to dinner while I still had a job.", "Amber: Why wouldn't you have a job?", "Daniel: The casino's being hauled away in chunks. Jack quit the senate. Don't see much of a future there for me. Oh, yeah, and if I don't get this paper turned into my professor by noon tomorrow, I'll fail History.", "Amber: I thought your semester was over.", "Daniel: Yeah, I took my last final. I just got this one paper left. What did you buy? A video camera?", "Amber: More like an investment in my future.", "Daniel: You're not making enough money to afford this.", "Amber: Well, I've been putting money away every week and my promo CD is selling on the internet.", "Daniel: This camera is, like, $3,000. That's a lot of CDs. Are you sure?", "Amber: That's why God created credit cards.", "Daniel: I am still not helping you.", "Amber: Gee, thanks.", "Daniel: You know, if you took the camera back now, just think of all the money you could save. And you could take me out to dinner.", "Amber: What about your paper?", "Daniel: That's why God created caffeine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Hi.", "David: Hey.", "Nikki: The house seems so quiet without Noah running around. You got groceries?", "David: Yeah, I just picked up a few of the staples, you know, some bread, water, coffee.", "Nikki: Oh. You didn't have to do that.", "David: I wanted to.", "Nikki: That's very sweet.", "David: I'm gonna cook you a home-cooked meal. You deserve it.", "Nikki: You cook?", "David: Well, I try. So don't get your hopes up too high, okay? Opening a restaurant has always been on my list of things to do in this life. If not this one, the next one.", "Nikki: Wow.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nikki: Hello?", "Victor: I'd like you to know I'm going to the office for a few hours.", "Nikki: Okay. Great.", "Victor: If you would like to see Victoria, then, um, you can come by. I'll be gone in about five minutes, okay?", "Nikki: Thanks. Victor's going to the office.", "David: Oh. Uh, you know, Nikki, there's some business I really need to talk to you about.", "Nikki: Oh, David, my head is buzzing. I really need a break from it.", "David: So when did Victor start calling you to announce his whereabouts?", "Nikki: We just thought it would be better that he's not there when I visit Victoria.", "David: Okay, well, um, we'll have dinner later then.", "Nikki: Yeah, but I don't wanna make you wait for me.", "David: Yeah, but I really need to talk to you about this.", "Nikki: Business?", "David: Yeah, look, it can wait until after you get back, okay? So take your time.", "Nikki: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gina: So you alone tonight?", "Amber: Oh, no, Daniel's parking. The lot's full.", "Gina: Oh, that's because we're having a private party up in the Founders room.", "Amber: Mmm.", "Gina: Want a table?", "Amber: Oh, no, thanks. Um, I'm just gonna wait here. But thanks, Gina.", "Gina: Okay.", "Amber: Cool.", "Amber: Hey. Hitting the gym or a defendant?", "(Laughs)", "Daniel: Hey.", "Amber: (Giggles)", "Daniel: What's the matter with Heather?", "Amber: Who cares?", "Daniel: You are never gonna believe what I just did.", "Amber: Took a job at the mall playing Santa?", "Daniel: Oh, ho-ho-ho. No!", "Gina: Hey, Sweetheart!", "Daniel: Hey, Aunt Gina. How you doing?", "Gina: How are you?", "Daniel: Um, actually, I'm pretty crappy. I just hit a car in the parking lot on the way in here.", "Gina: Honey, are you okay?", "Daniel: Yeah, I'm--I'm fine, but my wallet's not gonna be.", "Gina: What about the other driver?", "Daniel: I hit a parked car in the parking lot.", "Amber: Wait, wait, did you leave a note? Because I had a friend once who had a hit and run--", "Daniel: Yes, yes, I left a note. Of course I did. Look, I got their license plate number. I was wondering if you could help me find it. I have a really high deductible on my insurance. You know, that way it makes the insurance cheaper.", "Amber: Yeah, until you hit someone.", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Gina: Uh, we keep our members' license plate number in the database. Come with me. I think I can find it.", "Daniel: You won.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hey, you.", "Lily: Hey.", "Colleen: What's with all the schoolwork? I thought the semester was over.", "Lily: Um, I'm just doing a paper for extra credit. I need an \"A\" in this class.", "Colleen: Oh, right, you need it, or you want it?", "Lily: I need it to make the Dean's list.", "Colleen: Right.", "Lily: Where's J.T.?", "Colleen: Um, we took separate cars so I didn't have to drive him back. He's probably looking for a parking space.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Colleen: Oh!", "J.T.: Hey, it's me.", "Colleen: Um, parking's brutal. I found a space a couple of blocks back.", "J.T.: I'm at the hospital. I, uh, I couldn't sit in a restaurant. I had to come see the baby.", "Colleen: Okay, well, just stay for a little while and then come here. We'll wait.", "J.T.: Yeah, not tonight. Sorry, Colleen.", "Colleen: Okay. I understand. Bye.", "Lily: Is he coming?", "Colleen: Nope. He's at the hospital.", "Lily: Well, we could bring him food.", "Colleen: Good idea. I'll get it. Do you want anything?", "Lily: Uh, yeah, get me the house salad.", "Colleen: House salad?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Colleen: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Would you think about running for Jack Abbott's senate seat? Well, I certainly am not. Talk to the governor about it. Uh, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Thank you.", "Nikki: You're still here?", "Victor: Yeah, been a change of plans.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Hey, Gina, the, uh, the trainer said you wanted to see me?", "Amber: You hit the assistant D.A.'s car? You idiot!", "Daniel: Yeah, let's just hope she's cool about it.", "Amber: Oh, right, right, you have met her, right?", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "Gina: Heather, is this your license plate number?", "Heather: Um, yep, that's it. Is there a problem?", "Amber: I hope you have good insurance. Actually, I hope you have fantastic insurance. Because she is gonna squeeze everything she can get out of you. And then she's gonna squeeze a little bit more and then...", "Daniel: Uh, I, uh... don't wanna make you cry again.", "Amber: Uh, can I-- can I get a glass of wine? White--white wine.", "Gina: Come with me, Honey.", "Heather: Daniel, what's this about?", "Daniel: Um... I kinda dinged your car.", "Heather: You dinged my car?", "Daniel: Yeah, uh, it's-- it's--well, it's more than a ding, less than a crash. I-I-I kinda dented the rear fender.", "Heather: You kinda dinged my car, or you kinda dented the rear fender?", "Daniel: It was an accident. I was looking for a parking spot. The only spot there was next to you. I-I tried parking-- you were parked half in my spot, but it wasn't your fault. 'Cause the guy next to you had done the same thing-- parked over the line. Look, I was looking for a different spot.", "Heather: Okay, okay, Daniel, how bad is it?", "Daniel: They can hammer it out. Um, I'll--I'll pay for the damages.", "Heather: Yes, you will.", "Daniel: Yeah, um, and about that. Look, I have a really high deductible. So I thought maybe, you know, I could pay out of pocket?", "Heather: Okay, fine. Just take it to my dealership.", "Daniel: Yeah, uh, a dealer? They cost a lot of money. I was thinking maybe a body shop.", "Heather: No, no, no. They don't do a good job at a body shop. I don't--you-- you-- I need it done right, so you've got two choices. Either call your insurance carrier, or pay out of pocket. Who's your carrier?", "Daniel: I don't know. It--it starts with an \"E,\" I think. I-I just switched it.", "Heather: Okay. Show me your license and proof of insurance. Maybe I could help.", "Daniel: Some people would say that hitting a cop is probably the worst thing you can do, but I would like to disagree and say hitting the district attorney that just got done prosecuting you is probably a little bit worse.", "Heather: Come on, Daniel.", "Daniel: You know, I had a nightmare once about hitting a cop. Almost. Um... I'm not saying that you're a nightmare. Uh, you know what? Never mind. Here, just--there you go.", "Heather: Thank you. Thank you. Okay, let's see. It's expired, Daniel.", "Daniel: What are you talking about?", "Heather: Expired! Do you even have insurance?", "Daniel: Yeah, of course I have insurance.", "Heather: You know, it's illegal to drive in the state of Wisconsin without insurance.", "Daniel: I have insurance. I just don't have the right up-to-date card. I guess that's maybe the upside or maybe the downside to hitting a lawyer, I guess. They know their rights and mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Hot wings, meatball sub, and a week's worth of sports pages.", "J.T.: Appreciate it, man. How'd you find me?", "Cane: Oh, you know. Did a little detective work in the old country. I figured you'd be either here or home, so... is he yours?", "J.T.: I hope so. Still waiting on the paternity test.", "Cane: You freaked out?", "J.T.: Yeah, in a good way. A good way, man. I've never--I've never really wanted anything that badly in my life.", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah, that's where you and I differ, though. I just don't-- I just don't think I'm there yet, you know?", "J.T.: Oh, yeah. Well, I didn't think I was either, and then... then you see the little guy, and everything changes.", "Cane: He's a good looking boy.", "J.T.: Looks like his mom.", "Cane: I bet he's gonna get all the girls.", "J.T.: You just wait till you have one of your own.", "Cane: Yeah. Just gotta find the right lady, though.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: So look, um... I can leave if you wanna stick around.", "Victor: Oh, did you solve the pillowcase problem or what?", "Nikki: Oh, yes. Crisis averted. J.T. brought a lot of them last time he was here.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: Oh, no, no, no, no. No! No! Zapato!", "Victor: He hoped that you wouldn't see it. He hoped that you wouldn't see it.", "Nikki: Oh, my shoes! Why do you have to have such expensive tastes?", "Victor: He missed his mommy.", "Nikki: Oh, I miss him, too.", "Victor: Come here.", "Nikki: Why can't you chew Victor's shoes? Oh, Honey.", "Victor: There we go. Come on.", "Nikki: Here, take it, boy. It's yours.", "Victor: Look, she's giving it back to you. Boy, are you happy now. Are you happy now?", "Nikki: Hey, I was at the hospital earlier and the baby's coloring is better.", "Victor: I'm happy to hear that.", "Nikki: Any news on the DNA test?", "Victor: No, not yet.", "Nikki: Well, I'll be glad when we find out one way or the other. It'll ease a lot of the tension.", "Victor: I certainly hope it's J.T.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: So when do you get the test results?", "J.T.: Soon. I don't know if I can wait any longer.", "Cane: Yeah. You nervous?", "J.T.: A little. You know, if you'd have told me a year ago that I'd want a baby, I would've told you you're crazy, you know? I-I didn't know I'd feel this way until he was born. I-I knew I would support Victoria and the baby no matter who the father was, but I didn't know I'd love the guy so much. You-- you don't even know you have it in you, and then... then it happens and it's, uh... it's overwhelming.", "Cane: A girlfriend of mine thought she was pregnant once. Turned out it was a false alarm, though.", "J.T.: Yeah, I, uh, had a girlfriend who lost a baby.", "Lily: Hey.", "Colleen: Hey.", "Cane: Hey.", "Colleen: Since you wouldn't come to the food, we brought it to you.", "J.T.: I'm not hungry, Colleen.", "Colleen: You're gonna be a patient here if you don't eat something.", "J.T.: I ate. Cane brought me some food.", "Cane: I got him a meatball sandwich.", "Colleen: That's healthy.", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Lily: Wow. I have never seen a baby that small.", "J.T.: He's got a set of lungs, though. You should hear him cry. The doctor says he's getting stronger.", "Colleen: Hey, little one. He looks better today.", "Lily: So what should we do with all this food? I hate for it to go to waste.", "Cane: Oh. Maybe someone here would like it. I'll go and see if the nurses know.", "Lily: Oh, okay. Thank you.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Colleen: Um, we can't stay long because Lily has to get back to schoolwork.", "Lily: Oh, no, no, no, I can stay. I can stay.", "Colleen: You are so into him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Oh, that woman is such a witch! How much you wanna make a bet she's gonna get her entire car painted, hmm?", "Daniel: Maybe. She wants me to take it to the dealer.", "Amber: Oh, of course she does! She so wants you to get ripped off. But I do know this place... once I accidentally dinged Mrs. Chancellor's car. I wasn't supposed to be driving it, but he did such a great job, she never even noticed.", "Daniel: Well, if you have the name and number of this guy, I'd be glad to pass it on to Heather.", "Amber: Yeah, for sure! For sure! And tell her to use my name, 'cause then Vladmir-- he'll give her a discount.", "Daniel: Oh, you want me to tell Heather to drop your name? No. No. No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Man, J.T. is so attached to that baby. You know, I really hope it's his.", "Colleen: Yeah.", "Lily: Sorry, I didn't mean...", "Colleen: Oh, that's fine. I mean, I'm really hoping it's my dad's, but... you know, either way, that baby will have great parents.", "Lily: Won't that be weird? If you have a little baby brother, and then if you get pregnant, he'll be your baby's uncle?", "Colleen: Yeah, not happening. Mnh-mnh. Nope.", "Lily: Hey, wasn't that nice of Cane to bring J.T. food?", "Colleen: Excuse me? Wasn't it nice of me? Or don't I count?", "Lily: No, but you're always nice, Sweetie. See, I'm just getting to know Cane.", "Colleen: Shocking. The hottie has a heart?", "Lily: Ah, shut up.", "Cane: Mission accomplished. And the nurses thank you.", "Lily: Oh. Did you get any phone numbers?", "Cane: Yeah, I got a couple. But I'm gonna give 'em to Korbel.", "Colleen: Ha!", "Cane: You know, if I knew you were coming over, I would've brought that CD I burned for you.", "Lily: Oh, I forgot! I'm supposed to burn you a CD, too!", "Cane: No worries, it's cool.", "Lily: No, I had, uh, I had finals this week. So I'll just do it this weekend.", "Cane: Okay. Did you get a chance to finish your entry for the, uh, Faces of Jabot contest?", "Lily: Uh, kind of. I wrote the essay, so all I have to do is the video now.", "Colleen: Um, I'll be right back.", "Lily: Okay.", "Cane: Bye. Do you wanna sit?", "Lily: Yeah, sure.", "Cane: So... what are you doing for the holidays?", "Lily: Um, usual family stuff.", "Cane: Hmm. So you know, I owe you for Thanksgiving.", "Lily: You mean the dinner that almost wasn't?", "Cane: Yeah, but that was fun. That was fun. Um, I, uh, I'd like to make it up to you, so... maybe I could... you know, invite you over for Christmas?", "Lily: Are you cooking?", "Cane: Uh, my version of cooking is reheating, so, no. The kitchen is-- is Esther's domain.", "Lily: Uh...", "Cane: You wanna come?", "Lily: Um, I'd love to, but I can't. It's my first Christmas without my mom.", "Cane: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "Lily: No, it's fine. Uh, I've just been volunteering at the place where she went to and a lot of kids still remember her, so it'll be nice to hear them tell stories about how wonderful she was.", "Cane: If you need any help, just call me. I'd love to come down and help volunteer.", "Lily: Yeah, I will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Playing \"Greensleeves\")", "Victor: Did you find the mail?", "Nikki: Yeah. Yeah, Casey sent us a Christmas card.", "Victor: How's Casey doing?", "Nikki: Very well. She's hoping Noah will come back and visit her soon.", "Victor: I got all the stuff for the, uh, the gingerbread house.", "Nikki: Oh, Noah loves decorating that every Christmas.", "Victor: What are your plans, by the way?", "Nikki: Phyllis is gonna have something special at the tack house.", "Victor: Well, if you'd like to do that, I'll have everyone here.", "Nikki: Okay, that's fine. Ugh. Remember all those years the kids just couldn't wait to open their presents on Christmas morning?", "Victor: Yeah. Nicholas was the most impatient, wasn't he?", "Nikki: Oh, then there was that time poor Cassie didn't see her gift under the tree and started crying.", "Victor: Yeah, I remember.", "Nikki: And then Noah-- he started crying, too. Oh, 'cause he didn't get one.", "Victor: Well, we got him one the next morning, didn't we?", "Nikki: He was so little. He barely fit in that saddle, but he cried and you caved.", "Victor: Well, how could I not, for heaven's sake?", "Nikki: You weren't that soft with our kids.", "Victor: Well, you know, somehow, with grandchildren, it seems to be different. I don't know what it is, but...", "Nikki: I wish that weren't true.", "Victor: So, um... we're in agreement about Christmas then?", "Nikki: Sure.", "Victor: All right. I'm heading to the office.", "Nikki: What, do you mean now? This late?", "Victor: Yeah, something I need to take care of.", "Nikki: Oh. All right, well, call me in the morning.", "Victor: All right.", "Nikki: I'll see you then.", "(Door closes)", "Victor: (Sighs) she has no idea, Zapato, does she? I guess I'm gonna have to tell her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Do they let you hold him?", "J.T.: No. No, he's not, uh, he's not strong enough yet, but... in a few weeks, hopefully. I was telling him all about his mom-- how beautiful and smart she is.", "Colleen: Well, I bet he can't wait to meet her.", "J.T.: I keep thinking about how Victoria's gonna look when she sees him for the first time.", "Colleen: I have to go and see if Lily needs a ride, okay? Are you sure you'll be okay?", "J.T.: Yeah, don't worry about me. I'm fine.", "Colleen: Well, someone has to. Make sure you get some sleep.", "J.T.: I thought you didn't want me sulking in the dark.", "Colleen: Sleeping doesn't count.", "J.T.: If I can sleep, that would be a good thing.", "Colleen: I'm gonna come back here in the morning and see if you're okay.", "Cane: I tried to learn French once. I even got one of those audio courses. I just don't think I have that language gene.", "Lily: Yeah, neither do I.", "Cane: But you do speak French, right?", "Lily: Well, for survival.", "Cane: Oh, I forgot. You lived in Paris.", "Lily: Yeah, you either spoke French or nobody talked to you.", "Colleen: Hey. You ready?", "Lily: Uh, oh, we can stay longer if you want.", "Colleen: What about your schoolwork?", "Lily: Oh, it's no big deal. All I have to do is proofread, so... and plus, I know you wanted to keep J.T. company.", "Colleen: I do. Do you think that you can drive Lily home?", "Cane: No, that's cool. That's cool. Um, do you mind stopping by Jabot real quick?", "Lily: Yeah, that's fine.", "Cane: Okay. Are you hungry?", "Lily: Um, yeah, yeah, do you wanna get something to eat?", "Cane: Yeah, let's do that.", "Lily: Okay.", "Colleen: I will see you guys later.", "Cane: See you later.", "Lily: We're gonna say bye to J.T.", "Colleen: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Wow! Something smells good!", "David: Hey, I didn't think you were gonna be back so soon. How was your visit?", "Nikki: Oh, Victor was there.", "David: I thought he was going out.", "Nikki: Well, he is now. I didn't wanna hang around and deal with him.", "David: Did he give you a hard time with anything?", "Nikki: He was surprisingly calm. We were actually able to talk about the holidays and how we were going to organize them. It was amazing.", "David: Good. Just as long as you plan to put aside some time for me.", "Nikki: We'll see.", "David: Hey, that's not a no.", "Nikki: Thank you for being so understanding.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Victor remembering]", "Nikki: \"My darling Nikki, I will make your dream come true.\"", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: \"All my love, Victor.\" What does this mean?", "Victor: Yeah, I bet you wanna know, don't you?", "Nikki: Yeah.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. A series of beautiful spas of your design all across America.", "Nikki: What?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nikki: Are you kidding?", "Victor: No.", "Nikki: Oh, my God! Oh, that's amazing! Victor, thank you!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: All right, Zapato. All right, my boy, come here. Let us now... deliver the mail to Nikki. Come on. Let's go. Heel. Come on, boy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Yeah, uh, her name is Heather Stevens. But listen, don't-- don't mention to her that you know me, know my name, anything about me. Yeah. He could you give her a good deal? Oh, thank you so much, Vlady! Listen, when my CD drops, you'll be the first one to get a copy. Cool. Thanks, bye. Done.", "Daniel: Done. Yeah, are you sure I can trust this Vladmir guy?", "Amber: Yeah. I mean, he did a great job with Katherine's car.", "Daniel: He seems to be open a little late?", "Amber: He is a hard worker. You got a problem with that?", "Daniel: Heather?", "Heather: Hey. Daniel, I just saw the car. And it's--it's not bad at all. So I just wanted to apologize in case I was a little hard on you earlier.", "Daniel: No, no, it's cool. Just--about the dealership, um... I've got this guy that I know, he can do it for cheap. Well, cheaper.", "Heather: Okay. Okay, whatever, I just-- I just want 'em to do a good job.", "Daniel: He will. He will do a great job. I promise. And in the meantime, I want you to take my car.", "Heather: Well, what are you gonna do?", "Daniel: I'll take the bus. I'll hitch a ride from a friend. I'll do whatever I have to do.", "Heather: I can't take your car.", "Daniel: Then let me rent a car for you, please?", "Heather: Okay, that sounds fair. Just write the name and the address down for me.", "Daniel: I will drop your car off personally. The guy's name is Vladmir. He is supposed to do great body work on cars.", "Cane: Wait, are you talking about that guy who works at the garage on Wilton, right?", "Daniel: Um, yeah, I think so.", "Cane: Yeah, I know that guy. His name's Mickey McCullin. The place is a front. It's a chop shop.", "Heather: Mickey McCullin? I've prosecuted that guy twice for using stolen parts.", "Lily: Hey, isn't that the guy who ripped off Devon?", "Daniel: I don't know, is it?", "Heather: Is that the place you were gonna take my car? Are you serious? You know what? I should've expected something like this from you.", "Daniel: I had a friend that got work done there and it was great. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was a chop shop.", "Heather: I'm taking my car to the dealership tomorrow. And you can call me with your insurance information.", "Daniel: Okay. Fine.", "Heather: Okay. All right. Thank you for wasting my time.", "Daniel: Thank you. Thank you. And thank you. You couldn't just walk by?", "Cane: Daniel, I'm doing you a favor.", "Daniel: You are not doing-- you are not doing my wallet any favors.", "Cane: You're gonna send the assistant D.A. to a chop shop? What are you crazy?", "Gina: Hey--hey, guys! Guys, keep it down. Listen, if you're hungry, you need to order now, all right? Because the kitchen's closing.", "Cane: We'll go somewhere else. I'm sorry.", "Daniel: I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Hey, what were you gonna talk to me about?", "David: Oh, um... just about your holiday plans as they relate to business, but it's been covered.", "Nikki: Oh, it's my granddaughter's birthday in a couple of days. I haven't bought anything.", "David: Well, I could pick something up, if you like?", "Nikki: Oh, no. I wanna do it. But thanks.", "David: If you need anything, just let me know.", "Nikki: I don't know what I would've done the last few weeks without you. You are something.", "Nikki: Really something.", "(Thud)", "Zapato: (Barks)", "Nikki: Was that Zapato?", "Nikki: Zapato? Zapato?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: (Sighs) I am so, so sorry. I had no idea Vladimir was that Mickey whatever his name is.", "Daniel: Mickey whatever-- who runs a chop shop!", "Amber: What, you think I would've send you there if I had known? Huh? I mean, I definitely never would've sent Heather there.", "Daniel: Well, it's a little late for that, don't you think? Oh, talk about a night from hell.", "Amber: Forgive me?", "Daniel: Forgive you? No, no, I don't think I'm gonna forgive you, no.", "Amber: I forgave you!", "Daniel: You know what? Well, I guess that makes you a much better person than I am. Here, drive yourself home.", "Amber: Oh! What are you gonna do, huh?", "Daniel: I'm gonna walk.", "Amber: Oh, it's cold.", "Daniel: I could use the air. Thanks. Bye, Aunt Gina.", "Gina: Be careful, Honey.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "Gina: Amber? Why don't you finish up, Honey? I'm--I'm getting ready to close.", "Amber: Oh, yeah, no more for me because I am driving.", "Gina: Okay, well, good. Then I guess I'm officially closed.", "Amber: Yeah. You have another customer here.", "Gina: He's waiting for me.", "Amber: Oh! Okay! Way to go, Gina.", "Gina: Well, sometimes.", "Amber: Yeah, well, um... I think I'll, uh...", "Gina: Go?", "Amber: (Purrs)", "Gina: (Laughs)", "Amber: Bye, Honey.", "Gina: Bye, Sweetie.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I'm putting together a little picture album for Victoria. That's \"Mommy\" to you. So she can see how you looked every day. You've changed so much already.", "(Camera shutter clicks)", "J.T.: Boy, these women just can't seem to stay away from you. I'll be back in a little while, okay?", "J.T.: I thought you went home.", "Colleen: I decided to keep you company instead.", "J.T.: Didn't Lily need to get home and finish her schoolwork?", "Colleen: Yeah, she did, but, uh, she got a ride from someone a little more appealing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: This Clear Springs insurance thing is such a mess. It's gonna take years to figure it out.", "Lily: Well, tell me what we're looking for and then I can help you.", "Cane: It's a folder that says \"R.I.F.S.\"", "Lily: Which stands for what?", "Cane: Remedial Investigation Feasibility Study. There's some more.", "Lily: Oh, sounds serious.", "Cane: Yeah. It's a, uh, environmental impact statement. I have a meeting tomorrow morning and I won't be coming to the office. I have to take it with me.", "Lily: So what do I get if I find it?", "Cane: My undying gratitude?", "Lily: Well, that's a start. Oh! I got it!", "(Vacuum running)", "Lily: Um... we should go.", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah, we should. Yeah, we should.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Thanks again. Dinner was wonderful. You can cook for me anytime.", "David: I'll call you in the morning.", "Nikki: Okay.", "(Car engine starting)", "(Telephone ringing)", "Nikki's voice: Hi, it's me. Um, I just wanted to thank you for bringing my mail. That was very thoughtful of you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: I don't trust you, Jack, and I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to again.", "Michael: I am not confident that Jana won't try to hurt you again.", "Kevin: I will get her out one way or another.", "Jana: Do you think that he's going to try to help us?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided by Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "At the Chancellor residence, Jill spends time with both Colin and Cane which doesn't sit too well with Cane. Blake surprises Lily with a visit. Michael and Lauren enjoy dinner and drinks at Gloworm. Daniel joins them. Chloe sits on the sofa when Kevin comes home. Kevin wants them to be more than just friends. Chloe is surprised. Ronan sits at the bar at Jimmy's and reads a Christmas card from Nina then calls her. Heather comes in to join Ronan. Lauren talks to Daniel about his letting Daisy live with him. Jana visits Daisy to see how she and the baby are doing. Chloe points out her bad qualities to Kevin and says she is terrible at relationships. Kevin tries to explain to her that she doesn't know whether or not they will work unless she gives it a try. Chloe still refuses to give in. Colin asks Jill about the living arrangement at the Chancellors'. Jill tells him about Katherine. Blake helps Lily wrap Christmas gifts until he picks up one that is his. Lily grabs it away from him. Cane comes home and upon seeing Blake with Lily orders him out. Lily is puzzled by Cane's actions.", "Colin and Jill kiss. Michael and Lauren enjoy a drink together and some quiet time. Daniel comes home and finds Jana with Daisy. Jana makes up the excuse that she is just trying to get over the hostility that she feels for Daisy. Heather encourages Ronan to tell Nina about her illness and that he could possibly die. Ronan refuses to tell Nina anything. Kevin and Jana kiss. Ronan and Heather kiss.", "" ]
[ "Jill: So come on, Colin. How could you possibly know a secret about Cane when you told me you weren't even certain that you'd ever met him?", "Cane: That's 'cause he's, uh, he's pulling your leg, right?", "Colin: (Laughs)", "Jill: (Laughs)", "Cane: (Chuckles)", "Colin: You sure it's not you misleading the lady?", "Cane: (Chuckles) No. Oh, I'm sure. Yeah.", "Colin: Then she won't be surprised to hear that, um... you used to be quite the rugby player some time ago-- could have gone pro.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Jill: Really? Is that true?", "Colin: See? She had no idea.", "Jill: (Chuckles) You mean all this time we've known each other, and this has never come up?", "Cane: You know, I told you I played rugby. It's--it's how I got my nickname.", "Jill: Yeah, but you never told me you were that good.", "Cane: (Sighs) He's exaggerating, right? Hmm?", "Colin: Mm... no. No, I'm positive. I recall Samantha talking about it-- watching him play and saying how good he was, the opportunities that he had. Too bad he had to walk away from it all. You see, if he'd stayed in the game, he could have had anything he wanted.", "Cane: Oh, I do. I have everything I want right here, and I'm not goin' back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Blake: Oh, sorry to intrude. Um, I was wondering if I could borrow Cane for a minute.", "Lily: Uh, actually, he's not here. He's having dinner with Jill.", "Blake: Oh. Oh, well, just tell him I swung by.", "Lily: Uh, n-no. Uh, do you want wait? I mean, he'll be back soon.", "Blake: No, it's cool. You're probably enjoying a quiet evening. I don't hear anyone crying.", "Lily: Yeah, well, I'm just-- I'm wrapping Christmas presents, but come in, please.", "Blake: Okay. Well, you, uh, need some help?", "Lily: I would actually love some, so... (Chuckles)", "Blake: All right.", "Lily: You know, lucky for me that you stopped by.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: (Sighs) Today was the best anniversary present you could have given me. To spend the whole day alone with you with your phone off was a complete miracle.", "Michael: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Lauren: So thank you.", "Michael: Well, I appreciate your effort, too. I know it hasn't been easy. I mean, going out, leaving Fenmore with a sitter...", "Lauren: Yeah. I've been anxious, and, um, yeah, I've-- I've thought about Daisy. But you know what? I am now focusing on being grateful and not being in fear.", "Michael: Aw.", "Lauren: How's that?", "Michael: I like it.", "Lauren: Good.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) I like you a lot.", "Michael: Mm.", "Daniel: (Clears throat)", "Lauren: Oh, hi. You know, actually, I wanted to check in with you. How are you doin'?", "Daniel: Goin' a little stir-crazy. I had to get away from Daisy. I figured I'd have a drink or something, you know? The quarters are a little cramped.", "Lauren: Wh-why are you seeing Daisy?", "Michael: What, the penthouse is cramped?", "Lauren: Yeah, I...", "Daniel: I thought you guys would have heard. Daisy's staying with me now.", "Lauren: What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Daisy: Why'd you come back?", "Jana: I wanted to tell you...", "Jana: (Sighs) I bought a crib. Look at that. (Chuckles) Isn't that grand? I mean, it's not gonna be here for a few more weeks, but that's plenty of time before your due date.", "Daisy: (Pops lips) Don't you live in a motel room?", "Jana: No, not for long. Once I get custody of the baby, Kevin's gonna insist that I move in with him.", "Daisy: What if he doesn't? What happens to my baby then?", "Jana: You don't know Kevin like I do, do you? He would never turn us away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Hey.", "Kevin: Hey to you. I have got something funny to show you.", "Chloe: Yeah?", "Kevin: Wh... Christmas cards.", "Chloe: (Chuckles) Yeah. Yeah, it's--it's great. It's funny. But, um, I don't know. Maybe Billy's right. Maybe we shouldn't send them out to people.", "Kevin: (Scoffs) Why? Because of that stupid thing that happened the day the pictures were taken with child protective services?", "Chloe: (Sighs) No, I just mean, look at us, you know? The three of us posing like we're a family? It's supposed to be a joke, and people are gonna think that it's for real.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Hey, Doc, it's, uh, Ronan Malloy again. I was just... I was hopin'-- about those biopsy results, uh-- I-I know that, all right? I know that it's not likely they'll be negative, but, uh, there's still a possibility-- yeah, I'll call-- I'll call you later. Thanks, Doc. (Sighs) (Sniffles)", "Heather: Hey. How's it going?", "Ronan: Great.", "Heather: I got a card from Nina, too. So you gonna be at the Chancellor place for Christmas?", "Ronan: Nope, and no one can force me into it, not even you. So back the hell off me.", "Heather: I was making conversation, not trying to, uh, force you into anything.", "Ronan: (Scoffs) Yeah, not the girl who blackmailed me into Thanksgiving dinner.", "Heather: And I learned my lesson, right? You have nothing to fear from me.", "Ronan: (Chuckles)", "Heather: I-I do hope you'll change your mind, but only because I'll be there with my dad, and it would be nice to see you. Oh, well, not nice so much as a relief. Otherwise, I'll have to picture you collapsed somewhere all alone.", "Ronan: That's funny to you?", "Heather: No, it's not. I'm serious. I worry about you. I'm probably taking my life in my hands to say it out loud. (Sighs) Are things worse?", "Ronan: No. I told you, I'm doing great.", "Heather: Okay. Well, if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: How's the other job going?", "Blake: At McCall? Good. Good. I'm making quite a name for myself. Why? Have you heard otherwise?", "Lily: Uh, no, no. I mean, Cane said that you're doing fine. It must--it must be easier, I guess, not having a wife and kids competing for your time.", "Blake: Cane is very much in demand.", "Lily: Yeah. We just didn't expect the job to be so time-consuming. But what's funny is that I don't think that Sofia did, either, because when I mentioned to her how much Cane is working, she just seemed... I don't know. She seemed surprised, you know?", "Blake: Huh.", "Lily: I mean, you work with her. Does she have unreasonable expectations?", "Blake: Not particularly, no.", "Lily: Well, I wonder why Cane's having such a hard time meeting deadlines. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I'll get these, and you two can get to know each other better.", "Colin: (Clears throat)", "Cane: Thank you.", "Jill: Mm.", "Colin: It's a nice setup you got here. I could pull the plug on it in a second.", "Cane: Yeah, you think so?", "Colin: I don't want to expose you. I just want you to accept my offer and come home.", "Cane: All right, you have an entire organization in Queensland who are happy to do your bidding. You don't need me.", "Colin: Yeah, but you need me. Otherwise, you're gonna lose the lot, including your wife.", "Cane: You know, I'm sure that Lily will be really upset when she finds out I lied to her again. But she'll understand why I had to get away from you when I tell her the whole story.", "Colin: Including that, uh... (Clears throat) That bit about embezzling from Mrs. Chancellor? Don't force my hand. I'm here to help you. The fact that you-- the fact that you're breathing at all is because you're family. Not this bogus setup-- a real family. You've created a hell of a mess for yourself, Son. And I'm here to help you get out of it, and in the process, give you a chance to redeem yourself. (Clears throat)", "Cane: You want me to turn to crime. Is that what you want?", "Colin: You've already done that. This way... this way, you'll have my protection for you and your family.", "Jill: Who would like a brandy?", "Cane: (Clears throat) Um, you know what? It's getting late. I-I need to leave. I'm sorry, so... but thank you.", "Jill: Oh. Mwah. You're welcome, Honey.", "Cane: It was wonderful. Good night. You have a good night, Colin.", "Colin: Hey, mind how you go, Cane. Let's do this again... soon.", "Jill: Well, I think that went very well.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Glasses clink)", "Lauren: You know, your apartment is nowhere near as secure as your mother's, and I had a problem with Daisy staying there. What is to stop her from going out the window and down the fire escape?", "Daniel: Lauren, Daisy's in no condition to be climbing out windows and jumping off of fire escapes.", "Lauren: No, no, no. No, no, no. What about Ryder? What about Ryder? He could show up at your door with a gun. I can't even believe that you're willing to live like this.", "Daniel: Trust me, I spend as little time as possible at home with Daisy.", "Lauren: Look, I'm-- I'm--I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can only imagine how miserable you must be having to be face-to-face with that woman who just wreaked havoc on your life. I...", "Daniel: I'm just hoping that in a few weeks, Daisy will be a bad memory.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Michael: And the mother of your child.", "Daniel: Thank you, Michael. I'm trying not to think about that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You know what? I don't give a crap if nobody sees these cards. I didn't want to take the damn photo in the first place.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Yeah, I know. I remember.", "Kevin: I mean, but I did it. I did it to make you happy. And you were, right? It was a good time.", "Chloe: Yeah, it was... a great time, and I appreciate that you did it.", "Kevin: No, you don't. You don't appreciate me. It's really insulting, actually.", "Chloe: Insulting? When was I insulting to--", "Kevin: (Scoffs) I am not your sidekick, Chloe, all right? I am not frickin' duckie. Would it be so awful if people thought we were an actual couple?", "Chloe: No, it wouldn't be awful, but it would be very inaccurate.", "Kevin: I'm a good guy. I'm a really good guy. And you should want to be with me the way I want to be with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You know, Daniel, you work from home. With Daisy there, how can you?", "Daniel: I haven't. I-I-I don't know. Even before she moved in, I-I-I couldn't focus, and I know it sounds like an excuse.", "Lauren: No. I totally understand. I just--I think it is so wrong the way that she has hijacked your life like this.", "Daniel: You'd know all about that, wouldn't you? It happened to you enough times with Sheila.", "Lauren: I just--I can't believe that her vendetta has spread to my friends, and now my friend's son.", "Daniel: You're not responsible for this. You know that, right?", "Lauren: Logically.", "Daniel: This has got nothing to do with you and Sheila, or even Sarah, for that matter. I guess Daisy just liked my smile and... I need a drink.", "Michael: Put it on our tab.", "Michael: You were very kind to Daniel just now. You know, not many people...", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Michael: Could put their fear aside and empathize with another human being. It's a very highly developed skill. I find you extremely impressive, Mrs. Baldwin.", "Lauren: He's trying so hard to do the right thing. And we need to help him.", "Michael: Well, we'll make sure the baby gets a good home far, far away, and that Daisy gets a permanent home in the state pen. And then...", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Michael: We can all move forward.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Look at, l-look at that--that one. Look. Isn't that adorable? (Chuckles)", "Daisy: (Sniffles) It's not as if this is a done deal, me giving you my baby.", "Jana: (Sighs) Daisy, what choice do you have? Hmm? If you don't want to spend the rest of your life behind bars, which you absolutely will if I decide to testify against you...", "Daisy: (Sighs) I don't just want my freedom. I want Daniel, too. Now I thought we had an agreement.", "Jana: (Chuckles) Well, I suppose it's only fair since your little one will be reuniting me and Kevin.", "Daisy: (Sniffles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Really? You've been thinking about you and me?", "Kevin: You can't be that surprised.", "Chloe: Yeah, I can. It's not like... it's not like you've given me any kind of hint that you've been into me.", "Kevin: I mean, you're just my smart, beautiful best friend who also makes me laugh.", "Chloe: It just never occurred to me.", "Kevin: Really? You haven't once thought about what we would be like as a couple?", "Chloe: No.", "Kevin: I don't believe you. We live together. We act like a family. We look like a family.", "Chloe: Yeah, I know. We're--we're best friends, and we're roommates, and it's --it's just not the mental box that I have you in.", "Kevin: So-- so the guys you date come from some other box? Which one is that? Losers? Liars?", "Chloe: Typically, yeah.", "Kevin: Well, then sue me for thinking that you and Delia deserve a lot better.", "Chloe: Well, don't you think that you deserve better? And come on. You know me. I'm a mess. I mean, no one knows better than you. From Billy to Chance to Ronan-- I mean, I'm relationship road kill. You know, and to be quite honest, it's been a relief to not have to think in those terms.", "Kevin: So you're gun-shy?", "Chloe: (Sighs) Look, \"Chloe the girlfriend\" is a totally different animal than \"Chloe your buddy.\" You know, she's toxic. And I just think that, you know, I don't know, we're better off as friends, and I just don't think that it would ever end well.", "Kevin: So you haven't thought about us as a couple, but you already know how it's gonna end? You don't know how it would end or if it would end. And what if it didn't? Huh? How about that? What if we worked?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: Um, other people live here?", "Jill: Mm, I share the place with another woman. It's a legal settlement. Don't ask. (Chuckles) But our children and our grandchildren-- they know they're always welcome here.", "Colin: I can understand why Cane would find this, uh, this atmosphere inviting. Still... (Sighs) There's gotta be a time when you would like a little, um, privacy. Hmm?", "Jill: Well, I have been known to sneak off to the office for a little \"Me\" time every once in a while.", "Colin: And how far is that?", "Jill: It's really close. Would you like a private tour?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Blake: What about this one? What paper for this one?", "Lily: Oh, uh, you can't do that one.", "Blake: Why not?", "Lily: Because... (Chuckles) It is, um, it's yours.", "Blake: Mine?", "Lily: Yeah. What, did you think that we would forget you? We wouldn't, okay? (Chuckles)", "Blake: (Sighs)", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hey, look. I finally found someone to help me.", "Cane: Out! Out! Out! Get out! Out!", "Blake: Wha--", "Cane: Get out.", "Lily: Cane, what the...", "Blake: It's all right. It's all right. Look, its fine. It's a bad time apparently. I'll go.", "Cane: Yeah, that's right. That's right. You can go. Bye.", "Blake: Good night, Lily.", "Cane: Thank you. (Sighs)", "Lily: Cane, what the hell is going on?", "Cane: I'm sorry. It's just, you know, I-I come home, and I wanted to see you. I hardly ever see you anymore, and he's here. He's here again and again and again. (Sighs)", "Lily: (Scoffs) Are... (Sighs) Are you jealous?", "Cane: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: So this is where you come to get away from it all.", "Jill: Yes. This is my inner sanctum.", "Colin: Hmm. Two desks?", "Jill: Well, technically, this office does belong to both my sister and me, but she's hardly ever here anymore, and certainly not this late.", "Colin: I like this-- sneaky.", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Colin: It makes you feel like you're getting away with something.", "Jill: (Laughs) (Sighs) Well, I guess you've seen all there is to see... unless there is something else you'd like me to show you.", "Colin: (Sighs) And I thought you were gonna play hard to get. (Chuckles)", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Well, I'd like to make a toast...", "Lauren: Oh, okay.", "Michael: To my phenomenal wife...", "Lauren: Aw, Honey.", "Michael: Who every day gives me a new reason to love her. (Glasses clink)", "Lauren: That's so nice.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: And what were today's reasons?", "Michael: Well, let's see. In chronological order...", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: You were adorable with our son. You were courageous to come out and celebrate our anniversary with me in spite of, you know, \"Crazy McCray.\" And, um, you were very sweet and incredibly compassionate with Daniel just now. You know you knock my socks off, don't you?", "Lauren: That comes later.", "Michael: Really?", "Lauren: Mm-hmm. (Chuckles)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Lauren: Mm, hold on one second. Hmm.", "Michael: The sitter?", "Lauren: Uh-oh. No, it's a blocked call, a blocked number. Hello? What happened?", "Michael: What?", "Lauren: Okay. Okay. We're on our way.", "Michael: What is it?", "Lauren: (Sighs) The silent alarm went off at the boutique. I-it could be Daisy.", "Michael: All right. All right. Let's stay calm we don't know.", "Lauren: (Sighs) Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Come on. I like old crooners. Cheer up. You're fine, right? Isn't that what you want everyone to believe? No, no. Come-- don't--don't go. Don't go.", "Ronan: Listen, that's--", "Heather: (Sighs) You obviously need to open up to someone.", "Ronan: I need to open up?", "Heather: Yeah.", "Ronan: Yeah, how about you? How open are you?", "Heather: I'm sufficiently open.", "Ronan: (Chuckles)", "Heather: (Chuckles)", "Ronan: Sweetheart, you're an emotional Fort Knox. I've never seen you have an unguarded moment. Do you even have unguarded moments?", "Heather: (Scoffs) You hardly know me.", "Ronan: My point exactly. No one knows you. What do I know about you? You are-- you're tough. You are demanding. You are competent, and you're very professional.", "Heather: All good things.", "Ronan: Great things. All an act. It's all armor so that nobody gets through. You want to bust me on being closed off? Why don't you look in the mirror?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Yeah, I suppose I'm jealous that Blake gets to spend more time with you than I do, so...", "Lily: (Scoffs) Well, Honey, he was waiting to see you.", "Cane: (Scoffs) Yeah.", "Lily: What, you don't believe that? It's not like he knew you weren't gonna be here.", "Cane: I'm not talking about tonight. You know, I-I just feel like, you know, he's taking advantage of the fact I have to work so hard, you know?", "Lily: Okay, well, here's what I don't get. (Stammers) It's like, you don't like working these long hours. Blake doesn't work these long hours. It seems like no one else expects it but you. I mean, I-I talked to Sofia and my dad, and they're both really surprised that the job is taking up this much of your time. I mean, just stop putting so much pressure on yourself. You're gonna burn out.", "Cane: (Sighs) I want tell you something. Sit down. (Sighs) I'm not that good at what I do, you know? I, um, I get the work done, you know, and the work is fine. It just--it just, um, it just takes me longer than most people. You know, it's always been like this.", "Lily: But at Jabot, you were fine.", "Cane: Jabot was different. Jabot was different, you know? I-I had help back then. I didn't have the twins, and, yeah, I can get work in under the wire, you know. Just now--it's just hard for me.", "Lily: Well, I mean, can you ask for an assistant? Or have Blake do more?", "Cane: (Sighs) No, I can't, you know? Tucker's not Jill. He doesn't have the same feeling of loyalty that Jill has, you know? And if I don't get the work done, I'll be cut. And--and--I-I don't know. I just, um... (Sighs) I'm just gonna have to work harder. Um, I'm sorry. It's just not fair to you and the babies. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Hello.", "Jana: Hello. Well, I've just come here to keep Daisy company.", "Daniel: That's fine, just maybe a little unexpected.", "Daisy: For me, too. But I-I really appreciate it.", "Jana: Yeah, well, I don't come here for you as much as for myself.", "Daisy: Well, anything I can do to help with your recovery... people have been so kind to me. I just want to pay it forward.", "Jana: I should be going.", "Jana: Daniel, listen, I know you feel completely violated. But I have to say, the more time I spend with Daisy, and the more compassion I allow myself to feel, the stronger I get. You know, it's really true what they say about forgiveness, actually. Because it helps you so much more than the one being forgiven.", "Daniel: So you're... lobbying for the woman who blew both of our lives to hell? What's up with that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: I thought you'd be gone.", "Chloe: Um, no, I was just thinking. Um... look. I know how this is gonna sound, but I really mean it. I don't want to lose what we have.", "Kevin: I want to build on it.", "Chloe: Chance and I would have been so much better off if we had just stayed friends.", "Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, because he cheated on you. He didn't deserve your trust. But, Chloe, you know me. Was I ever once disloyal to Jana, when I had all the reason in the world?", "Chloe: No, and I'm not accusing you or saying that you would ever treat me badly.", "Kevin: You're just not interested. Look, its fine. You can't help how you feel. (Sighs)", "Chloe: Um, look, I'm gonna go head to the office. My internet keeps on freezing up, so I just... I guess I'll just talk to you later.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Thank you. Its okay-- no strings, no talking required. We can change the music to \"Silent Night\" if you want.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Heather: I really was just trying to be helpful before.", "Ronan: I don't need a shoulder to cry on any more than you do, okay?", "Heather: So are you saying that if I bared my soul to you that you would do the same?", "Ronan: (Chuckles) You're gonna... (Laughs) You're gonna bare your soul to me? Mm, yeah, that's gonna happen.", "Heather: Do we have a deal?", "Ronan: Yeah. Yeah, we have a deal.", "Heather: Be careful what you ask for, because I might not be able to stop once I get rolling, given that my life pretty much blows right now.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Heather: Oh, you think I'm kidding.", "Ronan: Yeah.", "Heather: Well, this is not a-at all what I expected for myself. Shouldn't I be Christmas shopping for at least two kids right now? Debating whether it's overkill to get a stocking for the dog? Promising my husband that I won't go overboard on his gift this year like I do every other year? You see any of that happening? (Sighs) It could be that's for the best considering my track record with men. I mean, I'm--I'm definitely better off alone than I would be in a marriage like my mother's. I remind myself of that a lot. (Chuckles) Sometimes it helps. Other times... after I brush my teeth and crawl under the covers, it just hits lonely I am.", "Ronan: Hey. Hey. You still have enough time to turn it around. I mean, that's more than some of us can say.", "Heather: What do you mean? When you say that you don't have time... you're not that sick, are you? You're dying?", "Ronan: It looks that way, yeah. (Sighs)", "Heather: Are you sure?", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Heather: But you haven't even had time to get a second opinion.", "Ronan: I'm pretty much an expert on the subject at this point.", "Heather: So you've been keeping it to yourself?", "Ronan: (Quietly) Listen to me. I don't want you telling anyone, you got it?", "Heather: Katherine Chancellor has connections. She could get you in to see specialists into--into clinical trials.", "Ronan: I know. I know. I've already got it covered, all right? (Sighs)", "Heather: What about support? Your mother?", "Ronan: Hey. No, do not tell-- you do not tell Nina. Heather, do not tell Nina. I've put her through enough already.", "Heather: You think you're protecting her keeping your distance. But if you die, and she never even got the chance to know you... please, Ronan, don't do that to her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "Jana: Uh, Daniel, I know that you know that people can change. Otherwise, you wouldn't be friends with Kevin now, would you? Or even be speaking to me after all the horrible things I've done. But I was able to change my life, wasn't I? Because someone... (Sighs) Kevin... believed in me. And I think that that's what maybe Daisy needs, too. Well, I'm gonna go. Bye.", "Daisy: (Sighs)", "Daniel: Thirsty?", "Daisy: Yeah.", "Daisy: Thank you.", "Daniel: Is this yours?", "Daisy: Mm, I was just bored. (Sighs)", "Daniel: It's not bad. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Michael: I'll get the lights. (Bang)", "Jill: Uh-oh. Oh... my God. (Scoffs) Oh, my God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Where'd you learn how to do this?", "Daisy: (Scoffs) You can stop making fun of me now.", "Daniel: I'm not making fun of you. It's good. You have a good eye. Did you copy from a magazine or something?", "Daisy: It's, uh, what I imagined our baby would look like.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Who is this person?", "Jill: \"This person\" is Colin. Colin, this is my sister Lauren and her husband Michael.", "Colin: Hi. I'm sorry to have... screwed up the evening.", "Michael: Likewise.", "Colin: You know what? This is the nicest store that I've ever had-- I'll get a cab.", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Colin: (Sighs) Uh, uh, look, uh, thanks for everything. (Chuckles)", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Colin: We'll stay in touch.", "Jill: You're welcome. Yes, it was lovely.", "Michael: (Sighs)", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Colin: So... right.", "Michael: Yes.", "Lauren: Why couldn't you have used the back seat of your car, or wait a minute-- what about a sleazy motel? Why? Why on earth did you have to bring your tawdry sex life to the floor of my office?!", "Jill: Because I am Jill Abbott Fenmore, that's why! And I will do whatever the hell I want in my office!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Huh? Look at this.", "Lily: What?", "Cane: There you go.", "Lily: Okay, you know what? You are never getting out of this job again...", "Cane: Oh, really?", "Lily: Now that I can see what you can do. Another of your secrets exposed.", "Cane: Hey, I'm sorry about before.", "Lily: (Tsks) Listen, come here.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Lily: You know... (Sighs) We weren't even sure that we would even make it to this Christmas. So let's just enjoy it, okay? And focus on the family.", "Cane: Okay. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Blake: Well, Cane was pretty ticked off when I saw him.", "Colin: Well, he, uh, probably feels the walls closing in.", "Blake: Yeah. And he could strike out at you again.", "Colin: What's he gonna use against me? Nothing. On the other hand, he's a little more vulnerable now in ways that he wasn't before.", "Blake: (Sighs) Look, you want to be careful that nothing you do affects Lily. Cane is very protective of her, to a point it's not even rational. Now he'd never be able to forgive you of that, and he would lash out.", "Colin: The smartest way for Cane to protect his wife is to do what I tell him. I just know he's smart enough to figure that out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Jana: Hi. Um, I'm sorry to just drop by like this without phon--", "Jana: Oh, my God. (Grunts)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Ronan, wait.", "Ronan: What? What? Just let it go! Would you let this go?", "Heather: No, may--", "Ronan: This is not your life!", "Heather: Maybe you're right. Maybe Nina wouldn't want it. She wouldn't want to get close if it meant getting her heart ripped out all over again. At least give her the choice.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Heather: I think that she would choose to love you as much as she could for as long as she could, and I think you need that as much as she does.", "Ronan: (Breathing heavily) (Sighs) (Sighs)", "Chloe: What the hell is wrong with you? He killed Chance.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: What if I already had my one miracle? What if you and I cannot have a baby?", "Deacon: I was thinking maybe, you know, you and I--", "Kay: You should go back to work, yes.", "Chloe: (Scoffs)" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "At Newman Enterprises, Jack is in severe pain and considers taking another pain pill when John appears. Fen sees Jamie at the coffeehouse and as usual exchanges some slurs toward him. Summer joins Jamie and they have a brief chat. Adam comes home to Chelsea but he refuses to forgive her for what she did to Sharon. At home, Lauren tries kissing Michael to get him to forget about work when a telephone call informs him that Jamie's father was arrested for DUI. Avery slams down the top on the computer, picks up her things, and leaves the apartment. Summer unties the letters addressed to Avery and starts to read more when she hears a noise outside. Summer quickly puts the letters back in the box. Jack reminds John that he just had surgery and needs the pain pills. Chelsea tries to explain her actions to Adam, but he doesn't want to hear it and walks out on her. At the coffeehouse, Chloe tells Kevin that Tucker called and told her that he found a discrepancy in the books. Kevin is insulted that Chloe is blaming him. Michael informs Lauren that Jamie's father is in jail. Jamie finds Summer in the storage room and tells her about his father's arrest. Summer then tells Jamie about her mother. As Kevin insists to Chloe that he will put the money back into Tucker's account, Chelsea interrupts. At the bar, Adam and Jack talk about Newman Enterprises and Jack being hooked on pain medication. Adam warns Jack that Victor will go through them to take back the company.", "Avery opens the box and finds that someone pried into her things. Michael tells Jamie that his father was arrested. Jamie starts to leave, but Lauren invites him to join them for dinner. Chelsea lets Chloe know that Sharon started the Newman fire. Jack reminds Adam how many times he sat behind the Newman desk and had every opportunity to take over the company. Adam warns Jack about the pills that he is popping. Jack refuses to trust him. Jack sees another side of Adam that he hadn't seen before and finds out that it is all due to Sharon. Jack advises Adam to stay away from Sharon. Kevin manages to transfer the money back into Tucker's account online. Avery visits Summer to confront her about snooping into her old love letters. Summer begs her not to tell Phyllis. Avery agrees as long as Summer does not do it again. Fen accuses Jamie of trying to take over his life. Jamie tells Fen that he doesn't appreciate the life that he has. Summer asks Avery about the letters but she refuses to tell her anything. Chelsea tells Chloe that she is not going home. Chloe advises Chelsea to get Sharon out of the picture. Since Chelsea has doubts about testifying against Sharon, Chloe offers to help her. Jack advises Adam to cut Chelsea loose.", "" ]
[ "Jack: (Inhales sharply) (Exhales slowly) (Groans) (Sighs)", "John: Jackie's little helpers? You know, everyone knows it's a problem but you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Fen: Want me to take a picture for you, send to your folks, so they can see what a good boy you are?", "Jamie: What?", "Fen: You look studious. Your parents would be really proud of you, or... never mind. Yeah, I gotta go, before my dad finds another reason to not be proud of me.", "Summer: So intense. What is this, \"The meaning of life\" stuff, or just calculus?", "Jamie: \"Trying not to get kicked out of school\" stuff.", "Summer: Yeah, I hate that stuff. Any more texts?", "Jamie: Not today.", "Summer: That's good. Maybe the person's over it.", "Jamie: Y-you can sit if you have homework, too.", "Summer: Uh, yeah. Um...", "Jamie: It's fine. I-I get it. You don't want to be seen with me.", "Summer: No, its not-- I mean, ew, I can, like, not sit here with you. I'm just kidding. I have someplace to be.", "Jamie: That explains it.", "Summer: Uh, yeah, I gotta go. Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Hey. Glad you're home.", "Adam: No harm, no foul? Just have things get back to the way they were, huh?", "Chelsea: We can try.", "Adam: And fail? And act like things are normal. It's not gonna make me forget what you did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: (Sighs)", "Lauren: Sit down.", "Michael: You are compromising my ability to lock up a felon.", "Lauren: Mm, yeah?", "Michael: You can, uh, compromise, uh, some more right here.", "Lauren: Right there?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm, gladly. (Chuckles) Mm, mm.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Michael: I don't-- I don't hear that.", "Lauren: Mnh-mnh.", "Michael: Mnh-mnh.", "Lauren: Mnh-mnh, just get rid of 'em. Mm.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Michael: All right!", "Lauren: Okay, get it.", "Michael: What? What? Okay. Yeah, yeah, okay. Thank you. Jamie's father has just been arrested. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Padlock rattling)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I had surgery, Dad. I had a bullet removed, if you'll recall.", "John: Ohh, so now you eat pills like candy.", "Jack: That is prescription medication to alleviate pain.", "John: Jack, you stuffed a wad of cash in that doctor's hands to get more drugs. Now does that sound legitimate?", "Jack: My primary physician does not understand my discomfort.", "John: Ohh. So what's next, let's see, dark alleys, code words?", "Jack: When the pain goes away, I will stop the meds.", "John: And when will the pain leave? When you have everything Victor ever had or wanted? Jackie, look around you! You've pushed your entire family away.", "Jack: No, Kyle is working here, Phyllis is all but family.", "John: I see.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "John: So that's what we're waiting for, huh? Pills to kick in? Ohh, look at you, Jack.", "Jack: Yeah, look at me. I'm king of the world.", "John: Son, you're hurt and you're lonely. Pills will never make that go away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Yes, I-I did a bad thing, for the sake of our marriage.", "Adam: You trashed Sharon's life. That's what you did.", "Chelsea: Sharon trashed her own life, Adam. She tanked Newman Enterprises. She --she torched Victor's house.", "Adam: No one needed to know that.", "Chelsea: Sharon can do all of these horrible things and you don't judge her for a second, but me, you... (Sighs)", "Adam: Sharon has made some mistakes due to a very real illness. What's your excuse?", "Chelsea: I love you. That's my cross to bear, and ever since the miscarriage, I've had to sit around and watch you just drift away.", "Adam: Drift? Drift?", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Adam: There was no drifting. I was right here, but it wasn't up to your standards how much I was here or not, but I was right here. You refused to accept that.", "Chelsea: Mm, you know who else was right here? Sharon, in a cottage, with my husband.", "Adam: Mm.", "Chelsea: And you know what? You know what? If Sharon was really as sick and as fragile as you--you say she was, why didn't you call her family when all of this started, Adam? Let them help her, but no, you needed to have Sharon all to yourself. You needed to sit around and make excuses for her and cover for her.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Adam, you--you-- you paid somebody to burn down those other buildings. Jeff and Gloria-- their business-- it is--it is done. It is destroyed because of you. I mean, you--you could have been arrested for arson, for God sakes.", "Adam: Okay, good. Now the truth comes out, right? That's what this was about? You're protecting me from Sharon, right? That's why you ratted her out to my father? Don't do that. Don't do that, Chelsea. Don't act like this is some altruistic gesture and you're just trying to make the world all right, okay? Just call it like it is. This was a sucker punch because of a kiss-- a kiss that should never have happened, yes, but this is about a kiss.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I'm your wife, Adam. I'm allowed to be a little bit angry when your mind and--and your time and your heart is with somebody else.", "Adam: Sharon was confused about a lot of things. I was never confused, and I needed you to trust me.", "Chelsea: Sure. Exactly.", "Adam: That's what I needed. I needed you to trust me.", "Chelsea: No, you know what you need? You know what you need? This feeling that Sharon gives you. She believes in you. She believes in you and only you, and you love it. You love that feeling, and you don't want to lose it!", "Adam: She's sick, Chelsea. She's sick.", "Chelsea: Can I ask you something? How is this any different from the time Sharon flew to Kansas before our wedding to make one last pass at you? How is this any different? She wanted you then, Adam, and she wants you now. The only difference is, the last time, you said no.", "Adam: You want to know one of the reasons that we fell in love with each other? It was because we're flawed, and we both admitted it and we wanted to be better people.", "Chelsea: And so... (Voice breaks) (Sighs) So... (Sighs) This proves I'm still flawed. (Normal voice) So now what? Adam!", "Adam: Now... I need to go.", "Chelsea: Yeah, of course you do. I don't have to ask where.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa! If you need money for the meter, you don't have to raid my tip jar.", "Chloe: Oh, no, I'm just looking for all the money that's missing out of the TagNGrab account.", "Kevin: What's that?", "Chloe: Yeah, Tucker called me about the discrepancy in the business account-- the business that he now owns, that we don't? Is this the \"Financial maneuvering\" you were telling me to shut up about while you handled it?", "Kevin: Okay, slow down.", "Chloe: Because he is going to hire financial forensic guys, and then he's gonna follow the money and trail it back to the person who stole it... unless it goes back now.", "Kevin: Okay, so money's missing, and this is my fault because...", "Chloe: Because you are a hacker who doesn't always see the line between right and wrong, and I saw you with your computer.", "Kevin: (Gasps) Shocking. I mean, who uses a computer, right? Besides everybody.", "Chloe: You stole Tucker's money, didn't you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Jamie's father is already in lockup, waiting for arraignment. If they hold him over and convict...", "Lauren: Mm.", "Michael: Jamie could end up in foster care.", "Lauren: (Sighs) That kid just cannot catch a break. You know the sweetness that's so clearly in there, I... you can see why Ronan wanted to mentor him, and why you're willing to do the same.", "Michael: I think about Kevin...", "Lauren: Well...", "Michael: All the things I should have done to save him, all the things he did because I wouldn't help him, and here's Jamie, this vulnerable kid, who's already having a tough time, sucked into the system. Anything could happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jamie: Never would have guessed you for a cat burglar.", "Summer: I did not break in, okay? I have a key.", "Jamie: Mm-hmm. So your real name is Clark.", "Summer: Yeah, this is my aunt's storage place.", "Jamie: Mm, and she said, \"Hey, go watch my boxes\"?", "Summer: Okay, it's quiet and there's no drama, and no one knows that I'm here. At least, no one knew that I was here, hmm?", "Jamie: Oh, hey, I-I-I know nothing, all right? I was never here.", "Summer: (Chuckles) Okay.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Summer: Is it o-one of those texts?", "Jamie: (Sighs) \"You're a waste of space, loser.\" Uh, it's like having a pen pal who's anonymous and hates me, but it came and you're right here, so at least I know it's not you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You ever read those little bottles that pills come in? I'm paraphrasing here, but I think it goes something like, \"Don't booze it up while you're on hard-core pain meds.", "Jack: You're concerned about what I'll do with a bulldozer?", "Adam: (Chuckles)", "Jack: What are you, my social worker?", "Adam: I'm a friend... of sorts, and you are my boss, and all that being said, I feel you should look after yourself.", "Jack: Well, I'm touched and oh, so convinced.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: (Scoffs) Yeah, nice. So, uh, we hang out, we get coffee, you follow me places, but then you think I'm some \"B\" who sends nasty texts.", "Jamie: Look, people do stuff without thinking, like... m-maybe they're freaked out about something, do stuff to distract themselves.", "Summer: Yeah, by torturing strangers? Not my thing.", "Jamie: Y-you walk up to me a-and bam, you start acting like we were friends. You're not exactly normal.", "Summer: (Chuckles) Okay, so being friendly is now abnormal? Yeah, you have a very skewed view of the world, you know that?", "Jamie: People can be weird, all right? Y-you think they're friends, but they're not. At least that's the way it's been for me. But it's not you, so... cool.", "Summer: Yep, I'm just some freak that hangs out with cardboard boxes.", "Jamie: I-I have a place like this.", "Summer: Where?", "Jamie: It's, uh, it's higher up, where I can look down, watch people, my dad, cops, kids from school. They--they look like toys. It's perspective, I guess.", "Summer: Yeah, me, too. I guess that's why I like this place. It's quiet... usually. Just--it's kind of like my vault. Well, my aunt's vault. Well, I guess I just thought that maybe there was things in here about my mom or about my family or maybe even me, so... you never said where your place was.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Jamie: Hello.", "Michael: Hey, Jamie, it's Michael Baldwin. Would you mind coming over to my place? We need to talk.", "Jamie: Um, about what?", "Michael: It's about your father, Jamie.", "Jamie: Uh, sure. I-I'll be--I'll be right there. (Sighs) Gotta go to the Baldwins'.", "Summer: Um, yeah, he's friends with my mom.", "Jamie: Look, I-I won't tell him about this place. Hey, I was never here, remember?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: There has to be some way that we could make sure that he doesn't get lost in the foster system.", "Fen: Sounds better than what he's dealing with at home, right? Like, there are definitely good foster families out there.", "Lauren: There's also another part of the system that could damage a very vulnerable kid like Jamie.", "Fen: Hey, save the world, Mom and Dad. Adopt Jamie. Tuck him in. Give him milk and cookies.", "Lauren: What is wrong with you?", "Fen: It was a joke. Would you relax?", "Michael: You watch your mouth with your mother. You hear me?", "Fen: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You think I'm stealing?", "Chloe: You've done it before.", "Kevin: Under duress, Babe, but I have retired the chipmunk head. I'm not crazy or stupid.", "Chloe: Adam and Tucker took away something that you loved, so maybe you felt justified, entitled, or maybe so smart that you would never get caught.", "Kevin: Yeah, because I won't.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Kevin: Look, Chloe, it's our money. The company that we created generated revenue. I'm just using some creative accounting and the offshore banking system.", "Chloe: Kevin. Tucker knows. He knows.", "Kevin: If he could prove anything, he would.", "Chloe: Oh, because you're such a genius that he's never gonna figure it out?", "Kevin: Well...", "Chloe: No, you listen to me. You put the money back.", "Kevin: And then what, Chloe? This--this is the answer. Adam did this to us. He wants to see us bleed, and I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction.", "(Door opens)", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Chelsea: Hey, sorry, I just—", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You sit at my desk, in my office--mine-- with my permission.", "Adam: I serve at the pleasure of the king. Is that about it?", "Jack: That is exactly it. It is my office, my staff, my company, and I know that Victor has been swooping in, waving his black cape.", "Adam: Dad likes to play the family card... when it suits him. Emotional bribery-- it's pretty heady stuff. The opportunity to get paternal approval...", "Jack: It's a lie, Adam.", "Adam: He feels Newman is his, and he wants it back.", "Jack: And he's going to try to go through you to get it.", "Adam: Actually, he's going to try and go through you. He knows you're steering the Newman ship while heavily medicated. You're making this all too easy for him, Jack.", "Jack: Too easy for him, or too easy for you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jamie: (Sighs) So what did my dad do this time?", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Michael: Uh... well... hit-and-run, D.U.I. He's already been arrested.", "Jamie: W-was anyone hurt?", "Michael: Unfortunately, yes. They're being treated.", "Jamie: Thanks for letting me know.", "Lauren: Jamie, this isn't just about your dad.", "Jamie: I'm a minor, no other family, so... hello, foster care.", "Lauren: Where's your mom?", "Jamie: Haven't seen her in awhile.", "Lauren: I want you to know, we will do whatever we can to help you.", "Jamie: Thanks. I'll--I'll let you know what social services tells me to do.", "Lauren: Please, don't go.", "Michael: Stay for dinner.", "Jamie: N-no, it's-- it's cool, thanks.", "Lauren: I-I cannot let you leave without a meal. Come on, we're-- we're just having takeout. We have more than enough.", "Fen: Yeah, stay, man.", "Lauren: You see? It's all set. I'll get the plates.", "Michael: I will wrangle drinks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Well, that didn't look tense or anything. (Sighs)", "Chloe: Kevin won't let it go. The company, our finances-- I mean, it is just getting worse.", "Chelsea: I have something worse.", "Chloe: No, look, I don't want to start turning this into, like, a whole competing thing, like, whose life sucks more. Just trust me, my news is worse.", "Chelsea: Sharon started the Newman fire.", "Chloe: Okay, you win.", "Chelsea: That's why Adam was protecting her, and then he kissed her and I saw it. And then I went and I told Victor and Nikki about the fire, and now--and now if you could see the way that he's looking at me... (Sighs) I think my marriage may be over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I am the acting C.E.O., Jack, as you said, at your request, and I am no threat to you.", "Jack: All the times you sat behind Victor's desk-- you could never make it stick. Always tussling with Victor or Nicholas or Victoria. Now you got one thing between you and the throne-- me, the guy who threw you to the wolves, the guy who let you take the rap for forging daddy's diary. Who would blame you for wanting to even the score? And here I just had surgery... lingering pain. This could be a real party for you.", "Adam: Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm trying to sink my claws into the C.E.O. gig. That must be why I'm warning you to lay off the pain meds and put down the scotch. Go home to sleep, Jack. Rest. Heal properly.", "Jack: Then you're looking out for me.", "Adam: Those pills you're popping are heavy-duty opiates, basically synthetic heroin. If I wanted to oust you at Newman, I would just pat you on the back, tell you you're doing a great job. We could call a big board meeting and they could all see you like this.", "Jack: Like what?", "Adam: Not yourself, Jack. Sure, it sucks to hear. Frankly, it's-- it's hard to watch. You're muddling information. You have a-a simple little interview with Sarge's nephew Mason. You have a huge meeting with that energy guru.", "Jack: Did Phyllis tell you about this?", "Adam: Nobody had to tell me about this. I am the acting C.E.O., So, of course, I know what's going on, and I'm telling you, Jack-- trust me. You have to trust me. Look around, brother. You have no one else.", "Jack: I don't have to trust you, Junior. I could just fire you.", "Adam: (Chuckles) Yes, you can. You can just fire me, the one guy who's actually trying to help you out. That would be perfect. Meanwhile my father and his cronies can swoop right in, and you wouldn't be aware, because you'd be searching for bliss in the bottom of a pill bottle. My brother Nicholas-- he might regain interest, want to lead the charge, and then my brother and my father would be toasting their success over your failure.", "Jack: Wow. Did I just see you reveal honest emotion? Something got you on edge, Adam?", "Adam: Don't worry about me. You have enough on your plate.", "Jack: If my C.E.O. is not on his game, that is my business.", "Adam: (Exhales slowly)", "Jack: I've been hearing a lot lately about Sharon and her illness. That have something to do with your frayed nerves?", "Adam: Sharon. (Clears throat) No. Haven't you heard? Everyone turns their back on her eventually. So why would I be any different?", "Jack: I did turn my back on her. I regret that. I once loved her very much, and despite what you might think, I'm glad she's not alone, but, Adam, given your history together, I think maybe it's best the two of you stay far apart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: But you were protecting Adam from the emotional bloodsucker. He should be thanking you.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I won't hold my breath.", "Chloe: O-okay, this is not happening.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Chloe: No, this whole little whimper voice... (High-pitched voice) \"Oh, poor me! Will Adam ever forgive me?\" (Normal voice) No, listen, he lied to you.", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Chloe: He stashed his ex on your property, and he keeps on going to check on her to make sure that poor \"Widdle\" Sharon's okay? He should be begging you for your forgiveness! I-I'm telling you, if Kevin pulled something that big behind my back, I would be like, \"Yo, you fix it.\"", "Chelsea: And would he do it?", "Chloe: Well, he would have to, because he loves me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: I give Tucker back his stupid money, and I lose my house. Cardboard box, here we come.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: How's school? Your grades okay?", "Jamie: Uh, 3.0.", "Michael: Ah.", "Lauren: Wow, that's amazing, especially with everything that's going on.", "Michael: I see you hitting the books at Crimson Lights. See, that's how you do it, boy! More times with the books, little less time on the internet.", "Fen: How about the fact I'm at swim practice? I'm really close to nailing the 400 freestyle record.", "Lauren: I didn't realize. Oh, my God, that's so great!", "Michael: How about you, Jamie? Clubs, sports, extracurriculars?", "Jamie: Not since I got kicked off the baseball team for fighting.", "Lauren: You were in a fight?", "Jamie: Yeah, it was-- it was my old school. I should have walked away.", "Michael: Well, new school, new start. You can try out for the team in the spring.", "Fen: Oh, I-I know the baseball coach. I'll introduce you.", "Lauren: Well, there you go. Thank you, Fen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I'm glad you're here. How was school?", "Summer: Uh, schoolish. You know, books, lockers, number 2 pencils.", "Avery: Your dad told me that you cut a few times.", "Summer: Uh, yeah, well, uh, I got busted, so that won't be happening again.", "Avery: Where do you go when you skip?", "Summer: Um, you know, around, just--the park.", "Avery: By yourself? That seems a little boring.", "Summer: You know, don't you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jamie: So, uh, that's cool, about the baseball coach.", "Fen: How do you do it, pull off this-- this pathetic victim thing you got going?", "Jamie: So I guess we won't be hangin' with the coach, huh?", "Fen: You-- you sucked in Ronan, my girlfriend, my parents. You know what? Wh- why--why don't you join the swim team next? Then you can just drown me and take over my life.", "Jamie: What, you think I'm faking this?", "Fen: I think you milk it for all it's worth.", "Jamie: First, Summer isn't your girlfriend. Second, you're the one that acts all buddy-buddy and then turns jerk-hole when your parents are out of the room. And as far as taking over your life, did you miss the part about me going to foster care? Huh? Yeah, lucky me, and lucky you. You get to keep your life and your parents that you're too stupid to be grateful for.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: That storage unit contains personal items, okay? You weren't invited to go there. You weren't invited to go through my things. It's like me marching up to your bedroom and reading your diary. Do you understand? Look, Summer, we are friends. You come over to my house and we hang out and we cook, and I-I don't understand why you would betray my trust like this. Why would you do this?", "Summer: I just wanted to know.", "Avery: You wanted to know what?", "Summer: About you and my mom.", "Avery: By going through my boxes?", "Summer: My mom never talks about her family or--or where she grew up, so I just thought, maybe-- maybe there was something in there about her. I mean, I-I'm supposed to be like her, but maybe I don't want to be, so I just want to learn what she was like at my age. But there was nothing, so I'm sorry, Avery.", "Avery: Okay, whatever peace you are looking for, you're not gonna find it reading my letters.", "Summer: It's just that I didn't even know that you existed until last year, and--and reading those letters--", "Avery: Oh, my God. (Voice breaking) How many did you read?", "Summer: Only--only a couple, and I'm not gonna tell anyone, okay? I'm not gonna tell my mom or my dad, I swear. Just--please don't tell them what I did, okay? It--look, it started off as someplace quiet, that I could be someplace alone. Just... are you gonna tell them?", "Avery: We are gonna keep this between us, and you are going to keep what you read to yourself.", "Summer: Who was the guy in the letters?", "Avery: Those letters are from a long time ago. It's... (Clears throat) It's in the past, and it needs to stay there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I was helping Sharon through a rough time. She has no one else.", "Jack: Wasn't that long ago you were writing Sharon off. Now--", "Adam: I understand her actions.", "Jack: And it's a relief, isn't it? Knowing you can forgive her, being back in her world again? You have to admit, it was more of an obsession than an attraction... but it's good to be back in her orbit, isn't it?", "Adam: Jackie-boy, are we talking about me and Sharon or you and \"Red\"? I mean, I have noticed a little something between the two of you.", "Jack: Phyllis has moved back to her place.", "Adam: But you asked her not to go, right?", "Jack: There aren't many people I can trust, Adam. Phyllis is one of them.", "Adam: I'm sure that's all it is.", "Jack: And if it isn't, what's the difference? Neither of us is married... unlike yourself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Kevin makes you nuts, but at least the two of you can still be in the same room together. Adam was horrified that I exposed Sharon's crime, because it was a crime, yet somehow, I'm the bad guy in all of this.", "Chloe: Well, Adam needs to get over it.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Chloe: He cannot point fingers.", "Chelsea: No.", "Chloe: You know what you have to do? You have to draw up a list of all the nasty things that he and Sharon have done. It will take him a week to go through every single thing, and by then, he'll probably forget why he was mad.", "Chelsea: Yeah. Well, I can't even go home right now. I'm just gonna get a room at the club.", "Chloe: Shut up. You're staying with Kevin and me.", "Chelsea: Oh, no, that's okay. I wasn't fishing for that. I just...", "Chloe: You don't have a choice. I'm your only friend and you're mine, and I'm pretty sure that this is what friends do, so... I could beat up Adam for you.", "Chelsea: (Laughing)", "Chloe: I could kick his ass. Better yet, I could kick Sharon's ass.", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: Yeah, that is way more satisfying.", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Chloe: God...", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Chloe: She's a piece of work. She just knows how to work Adam every single time.", "Chelsea: You're not making me feel any better.", "Chloe: No, you can fix this.", "Chelsea: How?", "Chloe: Get Sharon out of the picture.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: There are more brownies if anybody wants 'em. Oh.", "Michael: Where's Jamie?", "Fen: Oh, he had to take off.", "Lauren: Without saying good-bye?", "Fen: I guess he's not big on manners.", "Michael: What'd you do to him?", "Fen: He's a-- he's a delinquent with a drunk for a father who just got arrested, but \"Big bad Fen\" must have scared him away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jamie: It looks like Dad's in some serious trouble this time. You know, my--my first reaction was--was, good. I mean... he--he deserves it. I mean, yeah, I know I'm not supposed to say that, but that's how I felt. And now I don't feel so good about that. I mean, no--no matter what, he's--he's still my dad.", "Summer: I'm sorry.", "Jamie: You know, don't be. I'm not trying to throw a pity party.", "Summer: No, I-I didn't say that you were. I-I felt like you were being honest.", "Jamie: Fen thinks I'm playing the pity card. He's all pissed off because I'm trying to steal you and his parents from him.", "Summer: What? That's crazy. I'm not Fen's to be stolen from, and his parents adore him.", "Jamie: Yeah, they do. Two parents who care-- the guy has no idea how good he has it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: I tried to get Sharon out of the picture. That was the whole point of telling Nikki and Victor about the fire, but unless I testify, the charges are not gonna stick, and it's not like Adam's gonna say anything.", "Chloe: Then testify.", "Chelsea: Right. Like I'm gonna get on the stand and just point at angelic Sharon and say, \"It was her! She did it!\" And then watch Adam take Sharon in his arms and take off his wedding ring and throw it at my head. (Exhales sharply)", "Chloe: Get a grip, Cupcake. We can do this. We are going to make Sharon go away and Adam stick around.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You're no prize, Adam, and yet Chelsea still loves you. Marriage is hard enough when you're totally committed. If you can't give 100%, do your wife a big favor and cut her loose. 'Cause if you go on pretending that she's your one-and-only, you are not the new, improved Adam you want us to believe. You're the black-hearted villain that everyone thinks you are. Is that who you are, Adam?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: I'm sure Victor wants to see me rot in jail. (Voice breaks) Looks like he's gonna get his chance.", "Chelsea: You don't even seem interested in trying to fix things.", "Adam: Can things be fixed?", "Victor: Why are you here?", "Nick: To get you to back off Sharon.", "Victor: Why would I do that?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread by Emma']
[ "Sharon, Chelsea, Chloe and Devon console Mariah after she takes a fall at GC Buzz. Hilary is her own nasty self to Mariah telling everyone that she was not ready to host a show. Mariah thumps the microphone into Hilary's chest and tells her she can have her job back and stalks off. At the Coffeehouse, Summer tells Abby and Kevin what had happened to Mariah on the set of GC Buzz. Nick tries to explain to Faith how Mariah fell. Sharon insists that she is taking her to the hospital to have her checked out, but Mariah refuses. Sharon gets a call from Faith about how Mariah is. Sharon assures her that she is fine and she is taking her home so she can stop by to see her. Chelsea and Chloe try to lift Mariah's feelings. Cane tells Lily how good his physical therapist is which makes Lily fume with anger and stalk off. Summer shows Kevin the footage of Mariah falling. Sharon mentions something about her face and Mariah wants to know what is wrong. She gets a compact and sees that her nose is red and beginning to swell. Faith goes to see Mariah to make sure she is all right. Nick and Christian visit Chelsea at work but they find her down and out about what had happened on the show. She feels that her designs will be a flop. Chelsea asks him if he had seen the broadcast. Nick confirms that he had.", "Chelsea tells Nick that she will be considered a \"joke\". Nick tries to lift her spirits about her designs. Faith brings Mariah some Christmas cookies that she and Nick decorated. Chloe finds Kevin at the Coffeehouse, but he is more concerned about Mariah falling than he is about Chloe and Chelsea's designs. Hilary tells Devon that if he will admit that he was wrong then maybe just maybe she will consider coming back. Devon just looks at her. Cane is looking over some business papers when Lily comes in wearing a doctor's lab coat. She tells him that she will give him therapy. Lily tells him that it is time for his treatment. Abby and Summer watch and laugh over Mariah falling. Kevin apologizes to Chloe for being so preoccupied over Mariah. Nick lets Chelsea know how much she has helped him. Lily and Cane kiss and make love. Faith tells Mariah that maybe something made her fall. Mariah begins to remember looking up after she fell and seeing Hilary laughing at her. Lily tells Cane to increase his sessions with Jessie.", "" ]
[ "Faith: Daddy, that was part of the show, right? Mariah was supposed to fall?", "Summer: Oh, my God. Did that just happen?", "Kevin: I don't know. I mean, we both saw it, right?", "Abby: Hey, guys. What's going on?", "Summer: Mariah just fell flat on her face on live TV.", "Abby: Oh. Wow.", "Summer: Okay, what do you think? Do you think that she did this on purpose?", "Kevin: Why would anybody do that on purpose?", "Chloe: Hold on. Hold on.", "Sharon: But she could be hurt!", "Chloe: They're still rolling. Let's see what she does.", "Mariah: That was fun! All of the dresses featured on today's show can be found on the Chelsea 2.0 website or in stores coming soon. As always, keep on buzzin', GC.", "Cane: [Exhales sharply] There she is! My beautiful wife.", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "Cane: Come here.", "Lily: Whoa. [Laughs]", "Cane: Hello.", "Lily: Someone's happy to see me.", "Cane: Always. Always. Especially right now.", "Lily: What's so special about right now?", "Cane: You know, I feel -- I feel alive. Do you feel this? Do you feel this? Alive? Are you alive? Yeah?", "Lily: Oh, yeah. My, uh, insurance underwriters' convention? Yes, it was exhilarating. I feel very alive.", "Cane: That sounds sexy.", "Lily: Yeah, not so much. Did you, uh -- did you work out again?", "Cane: Yeah, I did back-to-back after my pt session.", "Lily: Wow. That's, um...", "Cane: What? Crazy?", "Lily: No, I was -- I was gonna say commitment. You must really be enjoying your therapy sessions, huh?", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah. You know what? I had my doubts about Jessica, but, you know what, you were right.", "Lily: Well, those are words to live by.", "Cane: Because she has these hands that when she touches my body, I just feel like -- [Sighs] It feels like magic.", "Lily: Oh. Really?", "Cane: Uh-huh.", "Lily: Mm.", "Sharon: Are you sure you're okay? Let me see your pupils.", "Mariah: Why?", "Sharon: Because if they're dilated, it means you have a concussion.", "Mariah: I don't -- I'm fine. I'm fine. Seriously.", "Sharon: You lost consciousness.", "Mariah: I was out for like five seconds. I think. I don't know what happened. Maybe I was just closing my eyes in deep and utter humiliation.", "Chelsea: Let me take this from you.", "Mariah: What?", "Chelsea: The mic.", "Mariah: Oh. Right. I -- I really don't know what happened. One second, I was doing the show, and the next --", "Chloe: You fell flat on your face.", "Devon: You just tripped. It happens to everybody.", "Mariah: Here? Now?", "Sharon: Sweetie, you were great! Wasn't she good?", "Devon: Yes, you were.", "Chelsea: Absolutely.", "Chloe: I've never seen anything like it.", "Hilary: Mariah, are you okay? That looked really bad.", "Mariah: Really, Hilary? I thought it was awesome. Please don't pretend like you care.", "Hilary: Of course I care. Not only is the liability troubling, but this happened on live television.", "Mariah: Thanks for the reminder.", "Hilary: You know what, don't even worry. With all the hard work that we put in trying to promote the segment, I'm sure that...nobody watched.", "Mariah: [Sighs]", "Sharon: I have an idea. Rather than standing here needling my daughter, why don't you find out what happened?", "Mariah: Me! I happened. I told you, six-inch heels and these feet are not a good combination.", "Hilary: No, Mariah, it was not your fault. You were forced into hosting before you were ready. This is prime time. It's the big leagues, and --", "Sharon: Watch it.", "Hilary: I was just saying that you have you reason to be embarrassed.", "Mariah: How about mortified? Can I be that?", "Hilary: Well, don't worry. Everybody who saw you hit the floor like a dead cockroach, they will all forget. Eventually.", "Sharon: Hey. Are you in pain?", "Mariah: Not physical.", "Devon: Listen, Mariah, I for one am very proud of you because you stumbled a little bit...", "Mariah: That's one word for it.", "Devon: ...But you got back up and you finished the broadcast like a pro.", "Mariah: Chelsea, I'm so sorry about your dress.", "Chelsea: Oh, it's fine.", "Mariah: No, no, it's ruined. And so is the entire segment promoting your line!", "Chelsea: Mariah, stop. Nothing is ruined. Honestly, I'm just glad you're not hurt.", "Chloe: Yeah, I second that.", "Hilary: Ouch.", "Sharon: What is it now, Hilary?", "Hilary: Well, I'm just saying that these shoes, they cost like, what, $1,000? That's more than you make in a month. Especially since you'll be back brewing coffee and sorting mail.", "Mariah: You know what, Hilary? You wanted this so badly. It's yours.", "Summer: Okay, well, she got back up and she spoke. Coherently, even. So that must mean that she isn't hurt.", "Kevin: Maybe. Or maybe she's in shock.", "Abby: Okay, back up. Mariah was hosting \"GC buzz.\" Like...Mariah, Mariah?", "Summer: Yeah, that's the one.", "Abby: And she was modeling a dress, in a fashion show.", "Summer: Yeah, it was for Chelsea's new line.", "Abby: Okay, what sort of bizarro world is this? What happened to Hilary, and who thought it was smart for Mariah to fill in?", "Kevin: It literally just happened, Abby. We know what you know.", "Summer: Okay, she was doing surprisingly well. I mean, she was strutting her stuff, getting really into it, and then she tripped over her heels, was not pretty.", "Abby: On live TV no less.", "Summer: Yeah. I mean, talk about mortified. Really.", "Abby: I mean, at least she finished the show, right? That took guts. Or maybe she was a little loopy.", "Kevin: Well, I, for one, will feel better once I know Mariah's okay. Let me call her.", "Abby: [Chuckles]", "Summer: God, I just hope that the internet trolls don't descend.", "Abby: Too late.", "Nick: So, you know, sometimes people sneeze or they forget a line or maybe they just look at each other and start laughing. It's kind of the fun of doing live TV.", "Faith: That didn't look fun to me.", "Nick: No. It didn't.", "Faith: It looked like it hurt.", "Nick: Yeah, but you saw how quick she popped up, right? I mean, your big sister is tough. Just like someone else I know.", "Faith: I want to see for myself. Can we go make sure she's okay?", "Nick: Well, if we go down there right now, I'd feel like we were kind of in the middle of everything. I think we should just kind of wait here. But why don't you call her on the phone, see if she's okay?", "Faith: Okay.", "Nick: [Sighs] Wow.", "Sharon: Are you ready?", "Mariah: For?", "Sharon: I'm taking you to the hospital.", "Mariah: What? No.", "Sharon: Mariah --", "Mariah: There are people at the hospital. They have phones and TVs and tablets.", "Sharon: And you really think that the hospital TVs were airing \"GC buzz?\"", "Mariah: It doesn't matter. I'm fine.", "Sharon: You don't know that.", "Mariah: No, I -- I do. Maybe a couple bruises, but other than that...", "Sharon: Well, I'd rather err on the safe side.", "Mariah: Mom, I am begging you to trust me on this. I just want to go home.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Mariah: Thank you.", "Sharon: I'm gonna keep an eye on you all night.", "Mariah: [Sighing] Oh, my gosh. I cannot wait to crawl into bed and never get out.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Sharon: It's faith.", "Mariah: Can you?", "Sharon: Yeah. I'll take it. Hi, honey. It's mommy. Yeah, Mariah's okay. I'm -- yes, I'm positive. I'm talking to her right now, and I'm bringing her home, so you can come and see for yourself. Okay, bye-bye.", "Mariah: Faith was watching.", "Sharon: She just wanted to make sure you weren't hurt.", "Mariah: Just my ego.", "Sharon: Come on. Let's go.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Chelsea: Hey, Mariah, I-I hope you feel better.", "Devon: Yeah, and please let us know how you're doing later on.", "Mariah: Yeah.", "Chloe: Yeah, listen, and -- and don't worry about all the gossip. It was just an accident. And the worst gossips are gonna talk about it and then they're gonna forget about it. And it's not like you were committed into a psychiatric facility. I mean, now that's something that people are gonna talk about. Am I right?", "Sharon: Let's go.", "Devon: See you, guys. You and I need to talk right now.", "Chloe: It could have been worse.", "Chelsea: Could it?", "Chloe: Don't get all doom and gloom on me.", "Chelsea: That fall is going to go viral, and you know it. It is. Reveling in other people's misery is human nature.", "Chloe: Well, that's depressing.", "Chelsea: My spring line is now a punchline. You know what? Joke's on me.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "Cane: Incredible hands. That's all I can say. They're just incredible. Incredible.", "Lily: Oh, really? And what does she do with these incredible hands?", "Cane: Well, it's not what she does with them. It's how she does it. You see, today she had me lay on my back, and then she starts working my lower extremities, like from here down.", "Lily: Hmm. Any lower extremity in particular?", "Cane: Yeah, my feet. Well, in particular, my toes.", "Lily: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I thought your feet were ticklish. I can't even go anywhere near them.", "Cane: Yeah, I know you can't do it, but she can. Jessica can touch anything she wants 'cause she has these hands -- like I said, they're magic.", "Lily: Mm-hmm. So we're at the toes.", "Cane: Right, we're at the toes. Anyway, so she starts on my toes, and then she works her way up to my calves, then to my thighs --", "Lily: Okay, that's enough.", "Cane: And then to my inner thighs.", "Lily: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You are such a jerk.", "Cane: What did I do?", "Lily: \"Oh, it's not what she did. It's how she did it.\" You're deliberately trying to get a rise out of me.", "Cane: Is it working?", "Lily: No, it's not working.", "Cane: You are such a liar.", "Lily: You know what? I am so glad my dad took the twins for the night so you can focus on your little \"therapy session.\"", "Cane: Oh, speaking of focus, next time she's coming over, we're doing deep muscle stimulation. Where are you going?", "Lily: I'm turning the shower on.", "Cane: Oh, you don't have to. I already had one.", "Lily: It's for me, not for you.", "Cane: Did I say something?", "Lily: No!", "Cane: Did I do something or...?", "Summer: Hey. Voicemail again?", "Kevin: Yeah. Pointless to leave another message.", "Abby: You know what? She'll call you back when she's ready. She's gonna need you. She's gonna need all the support she can get.", "Kevin: It just sucks, you know? Mariah was really working hard to make something of herself.", "Summer: Yeah, well, she, uh, she did that kind of.", "Kevin: What does that mean?", "Abby: Well, she's become an instant internet sensation. I mean, she definitely made something of herself.", "Kevin: No.", "Summer: Yeah. Oh, yeah.", "Kevin: [Sighs]", "Sharon: Would you stop looking at that thing?", "Mariah: I can't. It's like a train wreck. I can't look away.", "Sharon: You're overreacting. You know, it wasn't that big of a deal.", "Mariah: I faceplanted on national television, Sharon.", "Sharon: So? It's like Chloe said. You know, if that's your worst crime, I think you're doing pretty good.", "Mariah: My God. This is just out there for eternity, for the whole world to see. Talk about karmic payback.", "Sharon: If you're suggesting that you deserved this --", "Mariah: Didn't I? I went from glorified gofer to TV host just like that. I had no experience, no training.", "Sharon: Neither did Hilary!", "Mariah: Yeah. And look where that got her -- her own husband fired her. The job is jinxed.", "Sharon: Are you actually gonna sit here and give Hilary the satisfaction of being right? She thinks you max out at coffee brewer. But I know that you can be a lot more than that, and so does Devon. And deep down, so do you.", "Mariah: How's my face?", "Sharon: Perfect as always.", "Mariah: Why don't I believe you? Oh, no.", "Sharon: What?", "Mariah: What do you mean, what?! My -- my nose is swelling up!", "Sharon: Let me see.", "Mariah: No, it is! Oh, my God. I'm gonna look like one of those ultimate fighter guys, on top of everything else!", "Faith: Mariah. Are you okay?", "Mariah: Hey, squirt.", "Sharon: Faith, it's so sweet of you to be concerned, but you can see that Mariah's fine, right?", "Mariah: Yeah, if you ignore my growing nose and the black eye that's gonna follow it.", "Faith: Daddy said you were tough, and now you look it.", "Sharon: See? That's the spirit.", "Mariah: Oh, so you and your dad watched the big moment together.", "Faith: Yep. You were unforgettable. You landed right on your face. How did you do that?", "Mariah: [Scoffs] Come here. Please don't tell anyone, but I could really use one of these right now.", "[Door opens]", "Nick: Hey.", "Chelsea: Hi. Is he sleeping?", "Nick: No, no. I just like putting baby in a corner.", "Chelsea: Ba-dum-dum. So? I take it you saw the broadcast?", "Nick: What broadcast? Oh, the GC buzz -- yeah. Yeah, I saw it. Talk about a fashion statement.", "Chelsea: You're really on a roll tonight.", "Nick: Just thought you could use some cheering up.", "Chelsea: Yeah, I do. But Mariah actually needs it more. I feel so bad for her. She was thrilled about that show. Well, you know, as thrilled as Mariah can get.", "Nick: Yeah, I was gonna say.", "Chelsea: And now she will go down in history as the host that fell flat on her face.", "Nick: Well, faith has the Mariah angle covered. You know, Mariah fell on her face so she could land on her feet, just like you're gonna do.", "Chelsea: I don't know about that. Have you been on any form of social media in the past hour? Do a search for my line, and instead of being directed towards a website where you can, you know, buy things, you'll be led to a big, fat laugh free of charge. [Sighs]", "Chelsea: It was very sweet of you to come. I appreciate it, nick, but the damage is done. You should take your sweet, sleeping, little angel and head home.", "Nick: Nope. No way.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Nick: Who are you? The Chelsea Newman I know is not a quitter.", "Chelsea: [Scoffs] You did not just go there.", "Nick: Pretty sure I just did.", "Chelsea: I worked my butt off on this line. I worked late nights, I worked early mornings, I-I spent time that I want to spend with my son on the line. I needed today to be perfect. And you know what? I'm gonna tell you something. I could have accepted it if -- if, you know, the critics didn't like it or if people didn't buy it. I have to accept that, because that's real life. But this? I mean, this is how it ends? I'm like a joke! I'm a joke on the internet! I'm like -- I'm like a cat on a bike or a -- or a dog singing the Macarena!", "Nick: Okay, hold up. I think cats on bikes are cool.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Nick: If a dog was singing the Macarena, that'd be pretty cool, too. See that? See what happened to your face? Your lips, they kind of did one of these, and when -- you're also forgetting the golden rule of the universe. There's no such thing as bad publicity.", "Chelsea: If that is the golden rule, then we're in serious trouble.", "Nick: Look, okay, people are laughing right now. But they're gonna remember your name. Chelsea 2.0. Then they're gonna go to your website, then they're gonna see how amazingly talented you are. Heck, when it's all said and done, you might end up thanking Mariah for falling on her face.", "Chelsea: Really? And I should pay her a commission or something?", "Nick: Now you're talking.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Nick: I didn't do anything.", "Chelsea: Yeah. You did.", "Faith: Daddy and I made them.", "Mariah: Oh, well, I'm guessing this one is yours.", "Faith: How do you know?", "Mariah: Because it is adorable and, no offense, but your dad's decorating skills needs some work.", "Sharon: I've been telling him that for years.", "Mariah: [Laughs]", "Faith: Have it. It'll make you feel better.", "Mariah: Oh, no, no, no. I'm -- I'm not hungry right now. I'm gonna save it for later.", "Faith: You know it's bad when she doesn't want a cookie.", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Mariah: Okay, guys, I'm right here. Thank you.", "Sharon: I hope you brought your homework along with those cookies, because you have a book report that you need to work on and finish before you go back to your dad's tonight.", "Faith: Actually, I was thinking maybe I'd stay here tonight.", "Sharon: Oh, we would love that. Okay, well, I'll just call your dad and clear it. And in the meantime, why don't you get started on the homework?", "Faith: Okay.", "[Both laugh]", "Faith: I love you, Mariah. I'm sorry you fell over and embarrassed yourself on TV.", "Mariah: I love you, too, kid. Oh, my God. She kills me.", "Sharon: She's so sweet.", "Mariah: I wish I could be more like Faith. She's always so happy.", "Sharon: She's a child.", "Mariah: Eh, I was never that cheerful. Shocking, I know. But it must be nice to be able to look on the bright side.", "Sharon: You know, you've got to stop beating yourself up. Accidents happen.", "Mariah: But I wish they would stop happening to me. But I got to say I'm not totally blameless.", "Sharon: Of course, you are.", "Mariah: No. [Scoffs] If I hadn't tried so hard to stick it to Hilary, to prove that I could fill her shoes... maybe I should have learned to walk in them first.", "Sharon: I think you're overreacting. Everyone's gonna forget all about this. They probably already have.", "Mariah: Wrong. Face it. Your daughter is a meme.", "Kevin: Hey. How's Mariah? Is she hurt? She's not answering my calls.", "Chloe: Oh, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.", "Kevin: Sorry. Hi.", "Chloe: Hi.", "Kevin: But we watched the show. We saw that fall. It was horrible.", "Summer: Yeah, but she really stuck the landing.", "Kevin: Summer, it's not funny!", "Chloe: Well, it's a little funny. You got to admit.", "Abby: Do you want to grab another coffee?", "Summer: Yes. You read my mind.", "Kevin: Why am I the only one who cares about what happened?", "Chloe: We care, Kevin. You're just borderline obsessed.", "Kevin: I'm not! She's my friend! I'm concerned!", "Chloe: She's fine, I think. Look, she didn't break anything. She didn't bust a tooth. We didn't have to call the ambulance, so just take it down a few notches.", "Kevin: How is she?", "Chloe: She's Mariah. She handled it with as much dignity and sarcasm as she can muster. She's fine. [Sighs] Wish I could say the same for myself.", "Hilary: Don't worry, Devon. I forgive you.", "Devon: For what?", "Hilary: For trying to replace me with Mariah. As misguided as it was, you did teach me a lesson. You are the money. I am the talent.", "Devon: Is that what you think?", "Hilary: You know, that's just it. See, I am the talent. [Scoffs] Mariah is not. I'm sorry. I just -- I keep thinking about tonight's show. It was cringeworthy, for her and for GC buzz. But at least now we're on the same page.", "Devon: Are we on the same page, hon?", "Hilary: Yeah. We want everything to get back to normal.", "Devon: No.", "Hilary: What do you mean, no?", "Devon: I mean no to everything that you're saying. Normal is never gonna be you twisting interviews around like you did with Dylan McAvoy and turning his words into something completely opposite of what he wanted to say. We can't have that.", "Hilary: I understand, okay? Everything by the book this time.", "Devon: No, you won't.", "Hilary: Devon, take a breath, all right? Everybody saw the slap on my wrist. You made your point. So, if you admit that you were wrong, maybe -- just maybe -- I'll come back.", "Devon: [Chuckles]", "Lily: Unh, unh, unh. No more work. It's time for your treatment.", "Cane: I've already had my treatments. Plus I have to get these reports done now.", "Lily: Well, that was not a request. It was doctor's orders.", "Cane: Well. Hello, Dr. Ashby.", "Lily: Oh, yeah.", "Cane: Yeah?", "Lily: That's me.", "Cane: See, I didn't know that you made house calls.", "Lily: Well, only for my most special patients. Now, I may need you to open wide, 'cause I have to take your temperature.", "Cane: [Muffled] You know what? I was feeling a little feverish.", "Lily: Shh! Be a good boy or you're not gonna get your lollipop.", "[Both laugh]", "Lily: So, are you enjoying your therapy sessions with whatever her name is?", "Cane: You know, actually, right now I have absolutely no idea who you're talking about.", "Lily: Mm-hmm. Just remember who really takes care of you.", "Cane: I won't forget it. Trust me.", "Lily: Oh, just as I thought. You're running a fever.", "Cane: And what do you think we should do about this fever, Dr. Ashby?", "Lily: Well, didn't you say something about muscle stimulation?", "Cane: Yeah, I did.", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Summer: I can't stop watching this!", "Abby: It's so brutal and so painful and so hilarious.", "Summer: Exactly. Does that make us bad people for laughing at Mariah?", "Abby: You're right.", "Summer: And hey, okay, she didn't get hurt. There was no damage. She didn't hurt other people. And, you know, she kind of looked amazing doing it.", "Abby: Hey, yeah. If you're gonna bite it, you might as well look good doing it.", "Summer: Exactly. So maybe we shouldn't feel so terrible when we're watching it and laughing at Mariah.", "Abby: Yeah, it's definitely not the meanest thing I've done.", "Summer: No, it's not. I am the well aware of the meanest thing that you've ever done.", "Abby: Yeah. Okay, but still, we shouldn't be using someone else's misfortune as our amusement, okay? We're above that.", "Summer: Okay, okay, just hear me out. If it was you or me trying to walk down the runway and we fell so hard that we cracked the floor, how many times do you think Mariah would be watching that? Exactly. Okay? So just one more time.", "Abby: Just once.", "Summer: Okay. Oh!", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Summer: She falls hard, man!", "Kevin: Thanks. Hey, I'm sorry. I guess I was a little bit focused on Mariah before.", "Chloe: It's fine.", "Kevin: No, it's not. I didn't stop to think about what this could mean for you.", "Chloe: Hint -- nothing good.", "Kevin: So talk to me.", "Chloe: [Sighs] Today was a really big day for us. Finally a chance to position the brand, to go big.", "Kevin: One little tumble on TV isn't gonna change all that.", "Chloe: Well, maybe not for Chelsea because she has friends and resources up to here, but not me. People are finally starting to look at me like a normal person, a businesswoman, even, not just \"that crazy chick who ran that dude down.\"", "Kevin: People don't say that about you.", "Chloe: Well, they might not be saying it, but they're thinking it.", "Kevin: I don't.", "Chloe: Maybe you're a touch crazy yourself.", "Kevin: You have no idea how special you are, do you? You are so funny, smart, interesting, and you are so sexy.", "Chloe: I really like where you're going with this.", "Kevin: I really am sorry I was so focused on Mariah before.", "Chloe: It's traumatizing for her.", "Kevin: Still, it's not an excuse. You know, you may not have friends up to here, but you got me, and I'm not going anywhere.", "Chelsea: Still sleeping?", "Nick: Man, I wish I could sleep that hard.", "Chelsea: Thanks for the pep talk.", "Nick: Anytime.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] I never realized. Were you always this much of a \"glass half full\" type of guy?", "Nick: You know, lately I've just been realizing how incredibly blessed I am. You know, I know it's easier to remain optimistic if things keep working out for you.", "Chelsea: So even with all of the trials and all of the tribulations you've experienced over the past year, you're still an optimist?", "Nick: And my glass just keeps getting fuller. 'Cause every second I get to spend with my son and every moment that Christian spends with faith and the rest of my family, it's... [Sighs]", "Chelsea: [Sighs] Hi. Oh! You know, for someone so small, you have had quite the effect on your dad.", "Nick: It's not just him, you know. Yeah. You.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Nick: You know, you have been a lifesaver from the moment you sat with me in the hospital after we lost Christian.", "Chelsea: I'm glad.", "Nick: And you just keep being there for me. You helped me through my grief like no one else could.", "Chelsea: Well, maybe that's 'cause I'm still going through mine.", "Nick: Maybe.", "Chelsea: I mean, misery does love company, after all.", "Nick: I'm never miserable when I'm around you. Um, so I want to -- you know, I want to help you the way you've helped me.", "Chelsea: Well, you are in luck, because you already have.", "Lily: Well, now it's time to listen to your heart.", "Cane: But, doctor, you don't have a stethoscope.", "Lily: No, I like a more personal approach, very personal. Uh-oh.", "Cane: What is it? Is there a problem? Is there something wrong, doctor?", "Lily: Yeah, I detect a rapid heartbeat. Must be all the stimulation.", "Cane: It must be.", "Lily: You know, I think that we need further tests. I recommend a full body scan.", "Cane: Yeah? That sounds painful.", "Lily: Well, it can be, but I have something for the pain.", "Cane: You know, doc, I'm thinking I might need two doses. Can you do that for me?", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "Abby: I haven't laughed that hard in months.", "Summer: I know. I think we both needed that.", "Abby: We should do it more often, but not at the expense of someone else's suffering, even Mariah.", "Summer: Okay. Agreed.", "Abby: Hey, isn't your birthday coming up?", "Summer: Hmm. Yeah. Don't remind me.", "Abby: Why?", "Summer: I don't know. Just with everything that's happened this year, I was hoping I could just skip it.", "Abby: Are you crazy? With everything that's happened this year, that's exactly why you can't skip it. You deserve a day of celebration, summer. And not to hijack your day, but I think I deserve some celebration, too. I think a little bit of time to kick back, recharge, have a little fun.", "Summer: Okay. All right, are you thinking what I'm thinking? Spa day.", "Abby: Weekend in Vegas. All right, we'll do your thing.", "Summer: Yeah, okay.", "Abby: [Laughs] Let's do it.", "Chloe: Well, thanks for trying to cheer me up.", "Kevin: Didn't work, though, huh?", "Chloe: Well, it didn't not work. I just want to go home and cuddle up with you and Bella.", "Kevin: Ah, forget this day ever happened.", "Chloe: Pretty much. Until tomorrow when Chelsea and I have to gear up for damage-control mode.", "Kevin: I still haven't heard from Mariah. Not that I'm obsessing.", "Chloe: Listen, she might be unlucky when it comes to high heels, but she is very lucky when it comes to having you as a friend.", "Kevin: Well, after tonight, she's gonna need all the friends she can get.", "Hilary: You know, it takes a big man to admit when he's wrong.", "Devon: Honey, the only mistake that I made was where Mariah's concerned. I'll give you that. But she's bright and funny and has a real feel for news.", "Hilary: Okay. You are way too generous.", "Devon: But she just wasn't ready to host, period. Especially not a live show for her very first time. But I kept pushing and pushing, and look what happened.", "Hilary: Hey, there is nothing that happened that can't be fixed. Every decision that you made can easily be undone.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Devon: You got to be kidding. This has to be a joke.", "Hilary: What? What's wrong?", "Devon: Mariah's trending.", "Hilary: Oh, no. Poor thing. It's worse than I thought.", "Sharon: I'll be confiscating this, thank you very much.", "Mariah: Hey!", "Sharon: I can't stand to watch you torture yourself!", "Mariah: Then don't watch!", "Sharon: You had a bad day. We've all been there.", "Mariah: But you've never been here.", "Sharon: Are you seriously comparing bad days with me?", "Mariah: All right. You're right. See? I'm sorry! I suck!", "Sharon: No, you don't. And you are perfectly entitled to a good mope session. Why don't I get the ice cream and the wine?", "Mariah: I'm more of a pizza and beer kind of moper.", "Sharon: Okay, whatever you need. But let's just try to keep things in perspective. You know what Dylan once told me? That Brett Favre's first pass he ever threw was an interception.", "Mariah: Okay, I'm sure this is relevant somehow.", "Sharon: Oh, and Thomas Edison, um, what was it about him? Oh, 1,000 -- 1,000 attempts at making the light bulb before he succeeded. Can you just think about that for a second?", "Mariah: I can and will.", "Sharon: I'm just saying you're in good company.", "Mariah: Yeah. Brett, Thomas, and me. Three peas in a pod.", "Sharon: No.", "Faith: Mariah?", "Mariah: Yeah?", "Faith: Can you help me with my book report?", "Mariah: Uh, you know what? You should ask your mom because she seems to suddenly know everything.", "Faith: Really? So, will you know why Mariah fell?", "Mariah: Uh, no. Actually, I do know the answer to that one. It's because your big sister is a klutz.", "Faith: Not true. You looked so good on the red carpet. So glamorous.", "Mariah: Yeah. Till I tripped.", "Faith: But maybe it wasn't you.", "Mariah: What do you mean? Of course it was me.", "Faith: No. I mean maybe there was something that made you trip. Then it wouldn't be your fault.", "Sharon: Um, faith, let me see the book report.", "Cane: You know, that was the best checkup I ever had.", "[Both chuckle]", "Lily: Well, I should hope so. Are you feeling better?", "Cane: Yeah. You know what? You're a miracle worker. You know that?", "Lily: [Chuckles] So, how many times a week are you seeing what's-her-name?", "Cane: Twice.", "Lily: I think you should double it.", "Cane: Yeah?", "Lily: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: You'd like me to see her more?", "Lily: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, she's doing a good job, you know? It's working. You're feeling better, not using any of the painkillers. I think she's helping you.", "Cane: Yeah? I thought you were jealous.", "Lily: Who, me?", "Cane: Yeah, you.", "Lily: No.", "Cane: No?", "Lily: No. But that woman deserves a bonus. Whatever she's doing, she should keep it up. And that goes to you, too, Mr. Ashby.", "Chelsea: Well, thank you for stopping by.", "Nick: Yeah, anytime. I should probably let you get back to work.", "Chelsea: And, um, you know what? I am going to try to put a positive spin on things, if that's possible.", "Nick: Well, if anyone can do it, is it you.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] Look. There you go again, Johnny optimist.", "Nick: I know. I can't even stop right now. It's, like, a thing.", "Chelsea: [Laughs] It's like, \"feeling down? Supernick to the rescue to shower you with tons of cheer, tons of joy.\"", "Nick: I feel like I need a cape.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Nick: Like, you could make me a cape, right? Something flashy? Maybe bedazzle it. I mean, I want people to see me coming.", "Chelsea: Okay, I'm on it.", "Nick: Thanks. Everything's gonna work out for you, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: Well, um, have a great rest of your night, and thank you again.", "Nick: Yeah. Uh, okay, so, you know, if you, uh, you need a boost, I'm your guy.", "Chelsea: Got it.", "Hilary: What do you mean, in a good way? That is not possible.", "Devon: See for yourself.", "Hilary: \"We love GC buzz\"? \"Mariah is my hero\"? #Mariahrising? #Mariahrules? Oh, hell no!", "Devon: It looks like they love her and the show.", "Hilary: That walking disaster? What am I even talking about?! She can't walk! That was the problem!", "Devon: Hey.", "Hilary: God, this is -- I cannot believe this is happening. [Sighs]", "Devon: Maybe I made the right decision after all. Go, Mariah!", "Sharon: The opening paragraph needs to be stronger, don't you think, sweetie?", "Faith: Yeah.", "Sharon: What can we say that would really grab people's attention? Let's ask Mariah's opinion. Mariah? Hello, Mariah?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Hilary: I'm just so thrilled that you were able to meet with me on such short notice.", "Mariah: I can't do this. I can't host the show, Devon.", "Faith: Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh", "All: Hey!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "JT tells Victoria that there have been recent large money transfers from Victor's personal account to an offshore account and that is why Paul asked him to help with the investigation. Abby tells Lily that she has feelings for Scott and she is confused by them because she doesn't like him, as a person. Abby also tells Lily that she and Scott had sex while they were trapped in the storage facility. Lily tells Abby that she should push Scott to make a decision because he can't have both her and Sharon. Abby advises Lily to make sure she wants to divorce Cane and Lily tries to talk to Cane twice about the subject but he is too busy with work to pay attention to her. Cane gives Hilary an interview for the Hilary hour about how Chancellor Industries is the company to watch in the coming year. Cane tells Lily he can't forgive her for kicking him when he was down so she had better watch out. An anonymous bidder wins the Chancellor Park development deal and leaves everyone wondering what this person will do with the park. JT wonders if Reed is ignoring him because he is still angry with him for moving so far away for his job. Billy arrives to bring the kids presents to Victoria and is not happy to see JT at the house.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Nick: This park is gonna get stolen out from under us.", "Nikki: This has to stop.", "Chelsea: Seems like you've hit a dead end. Maybe it's time to back off.", "Nikki: No, no. It's just time to find another way to stop victor.", "Lily: Thought you would have taken a break from dating after everything that happened with zack.", "Abby: It's complicated.", "Lily: I mean, in spite of everything, I really miss cane.", "Hilary: She'll come around. Just give her some time.", "Cane: I'm just afraid that it's over and, uh, she doesn't know how to tell me that the divorce is still on.", "J.T.: I vow to honor you and to love you for the rest of my life.", "Victoria: I don't want to miss one moment of being husband and wife and parents of our remarkable son.", "J.T.: You're so caught up in your family's drama that you can't even see right from wrong anymore! I don't want my son being raised that way!", "Victoria: You can't stand it, that I have the power and the money and the success that you don'T.", "J.T.: I made my own success without the help from anyone, unlike you! You can't even manage to be a decent mother! Ah!", "Victoria: Why are you taking my little boy away from me?", "J.T.: You'll always be a part of his life.", "Victoria: You know what, J.T.? I'm never, ever gonna forgive you. J.T.", "J.T.: Hello, victor. Hi, victoria.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: Whoa.", "Victoria: Nick, you scared me.", "Nick: I'm sorry. I was just on my way to the gym. I saw you sitting here.", "Victoria: I'm just catching up on some reading, having some coffee.", "Nick: Hmm. Irish, I assume?", "Victoria: Why would you think that?", "Nick: Well, have you read the latest?", "Victoria: What?", "Nick: Guess not. Here you go. \"Chancellor industries: The one to watch in 2018.\" Yep. \"Acting C.E.O. Ethan 'cane' ashby has major plans to move the company forward in the new year.\"", "Victoria: Okay, listen, i know how to read, all right? Newman used to get these headlines.", "Nick: You mean before they got involved in that fiasco like with the sex- trafficking ring and then followed that up with wanting to turn a playground into high-rise condos for the one-percenters?", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Cane: Coming!", "Abby: Hi.", "Lily: Hey. Pull up a chair.", "Abby: Thank you.", "Lily: I ordered you a skinny mocha latte.", "Abby: Ah, you are the best. What do I owe you?", "Lily: Oh, just some quality girlfriend time.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] Sounds good. So do you have some news for me?", "Lily: News?", "Abby: Well, when we had drinks before, you had mentioned that you miss cane, even after everything he's put you through, so when I got your text, i thought... well, I don't know. I thought maybe there had been some news on that front.", "Lily: Ah, um, no. No changes.", "Abby: I'm sorry.", "Lily: It's fine. I mean, do I care about cane still? Of course I do. I can't turn those feelings off, but it doesn't erase his lies.", "Abby: So you think when the baby's strong enough to go home, you're gonna follow through with the divorce?", "Lily: I think I have to.", "Abby: You think or you know? Because that's a big decision. And you need to be absolutely certain.", "Billy: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, don't go.", "Phyllis: I have to. I am so busy. Okay, look, now that your leg is finally healed, go for that run that you mentioned. I know it's driving you crazy not working out.", "Billy: Well, I can think of a much more exciting way to get my heart rate up.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: You think you can sneak away for a little exercise?", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] I thought i was insatiable.", "Billy: Is that a no or yes?", "Phyllis: Billy, I would love nothing more than to take the entire day off and go for a round with you, but I cannot. I have back-to-back meetings with some very important stuffed shirts, and I know it's not the most thrilling activity, but someone has to work for a living.", "Billy: Well, see, that's the thing. You don't, really, because i have enough money for both of us. So if your heart's not in it anymore, you could quit, like today.", "Cane: Well, thanks again for calling, and, uh, thank you for the basket. Let jill know she has exquisite taste in champagne. [ Doorbell rings ] Okay, dad. All right, mate, I'll talk to you soon. Bye.", "[ Sighs ]", "Hilary: Good! You're home!", "Cane: All right, okay. Uh, now is not a really good time for me --", "Hilary: I am here to ask the man of the hour to come on my show today.", "Cane: Oh, so you saw the article, too, huh?", "Hilary: Yeah, quite the accolade. I would like to interview you about your plans for chancellor, unless your dance card's full.", "Cane: I accept, and I'm thrilled that you would ask. You know what? It kind of feels like things are looking up for me.", "Nick: Thank you. You know, that's some pretty sweet press for a guy who couldn't get a job digging ditches six months ago.", "Victoria: Nepotism always helps.", "Nick: Yeah, so I've heard.", "Victoria: From what i understand, he went to jill looking for work, not the other way around. But she's always considered him a son, so...", "Nick: You don't think he's gonna do a good job?", "Victoria: I think he's a capable executive with a ton of experience.", "Nick: With some serious character flaws.", "Victoria: Which is exactly why I don't consider him a threat or much of a competitor, for that matter. Newman enterprises is gonna be just fine. Thank you very much.", "Nick: Well, no offense, but I'm hoping newman enterprises is a lot less fine after today.", "Victoria: Meaning?", "Nick: I guess you haven't heard. Devon threw his hat into the ring to purchase chancellor park. The newman sale is not a done deal. City council is gonna be announcing the winning bid later today.", "Victoria: Well, trust me, I'm not worried about it, not in the least. I'm more curious about what provoked devon to get into this competition.", "Nick: The \"what\" would be me.", "Victoria: Why am I not surprised?", "Nick: I just made a personal appeal to him. Devon has scruples. Unlike dad, he was more than willing to help honor katherine's legacy by leaving the park untouched. And I really hope you're the one to call and congratulate devon.", "Victoria: Yeah, we'll see about that.", "Nick: Got to go. Don't work so hard.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, I would say the same to you, except you don't have a job.", "Nick: That's so funny.", "Victoria: J.T. I didn't know you were staying here.", "J.T.: Come on, victoria. I figured you'd hunt me down.", "Victoria: Why would I do that?", "J.T.: To find out why I'm in town and why I'm involved in the newman audit. Additional sponsorship", "Phyllis: [ Laughs ]", "Billy: You can laugh all you want, but I mean what I say.", "Phyllis: No, I know you do, but I don't want to be a kept woman. I'm my own person. You know that.", "Billy: All I'm saying is that if going to work every day starts to feel like a grind, well, you don't really have to do it because we're fine. You know, we can go on trips together, plenty of them.", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]", "Billy: And you can think of something to do on your own.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Billy: So you don't have to answer to lauren.", "Phyllis: Well, you know what? I like answering to lauren. I like working for her. I mean, besides, you know, she needs me. I'm never gonna forget how she came through for me, you know, when I needed to get away from jabot, when I needed a job. I'm not gonna leave her in the lurch.", "Billy: Okay. Fair enough.", "Phyllis: Are you having a tough time with the life of leisure? Are you just bored that you're not working?", "Billy: Are you kidding me?", "Phyllis: [ Laughs ]", "Billy: I love my life right now. Not stressing over at brash & sassy. Believe me, the last thing i want to do is join the rat race again.", "Phyllis: Hmm.", "Billy: But if you insist on slugging it away at fenmore's, then I got plenty of things to keep me busy, like, you know, i can go work out. I can stay in contact with philly's trainer, make sure she's on her race schedule, you know. Plenty of very important things to do.", "Phyllis: Uh-huh. Okay, well, you do that, lover boy, all right? While I got to get to work.", "Billy: Okay, but when you're done, I got dibs.", "Phyllis: That's fine. And I can't wait. Under one condition.", "Billy: Shoot.", "Phyllis: You use some of this free time to come up with something creative I can look forward to, okay?", "Billy: Oh, I definitely will.", "Phyllis: Okay. Thank you. Bye.", "Billy: Have a good day.", "Lily: Can we please just talk about something else, like the weather? I swear I feel like I change my mind 15 times a day.", "Abby: I've been there. Yeah, one minute you feel shocked and then paralyzed. You know, when I was going through everything with ben... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make this... this is about you and cane.", "Lily: No, it's fine. I just -- I don't know. I think sometimes, you know, one minute I can get past it and to keep our family together, and then the next I feel like i can't get past it, and then i feel like, \"why prolong it?\" And then I just get angry and...", "Abby: I get it.", "Lily: I know you do. I know. I know last time we talked, you alluded to a new man in your life, but then you didn't get into it 'cause it was complicated.", "Abby: I just have so much going on. I don't want to dump anything in your lap. It was my stuff.", "Lily: No, please. It'll be a relief to think about someone else's mess. And it might help you to get it off your chest.", "Abby: You know, I haven't told anyone about this. Like, no one, not one soul.", "Lily: Okay, all the more reason to talk about it. Abby, I swear I won't tell anyone.", "Abby: This person, he is someone that I never, ever thought I would be attracted to.", "Lily: Well, that's okay. Some of the best romances start that way.", "Abby: This is not a romance. No, it is not a relationship. It's -- it's nothing. It's just this thing I can't get out of my brain.", "Lily: Well, obviously. Just tell me who it is. You're killing me. Please.", "Abby: Scott.", "Lily: Scott grainger? What? Uh, okay, that is complicated, and you're right -- not someone I would have ever pictured you with.", "Abby: Oh, yeah. Now do you see why I haven't told anyone? Mm-hmm.", "Lily: So, is this a crush that he doesn't know about? Or have you guys flirted? What?", "Abby: More than that. We had sex.", "Lily: [ Coughs ]", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Victoria: I knew you'd gone into cybersecurity, but online fraud investigations?", "J.T.: Well, I took some courses in forensic accounting. I decided I liked it. And when this job opened up in warsaw combining the two, i jumped at the chance.", "Victoria: None of which explains what you're doing here.", "J.T.: Paul williams called me out of the blue, asked me for some help with this newman audit and the, um, scandal surrounding it.", "Victoria: Alleged scandal. I'm so sick of hearing that word right now.", "J.T.: Well, given the roasting newman's taken in the press over this connection with zack stinnett...", "Victoria: All right, fine. You've made your point.", "J.T.: Paul, christine, they just wanted somebody who knew where the bodies were buried at newman. And since I got some insight into how victor's mind works...", "Victoria: You know what that sounds like? Guilty until proven innocent.", "J.T.: Oh, victoria, it's not --", "Victoria: How dare they automatically assume that there's criminal conduct just sitting around on our books waiting to be discovered.", "J.T.: Because they know victor. Are you gonna claim it's impossible that he was up to something while you were off running your own company? Or that this designdate situation doesn't warrant a ton of scrutiny?", "Victoria: Regardless, J.T., As my ex-husband, you have no business investigating this. It's a conflict of interest.", "J.T.: Somebody really high up in the chain of command approved my appointment, so clearly they don't see it as conflict of interest. Look, victoria, paul and christine and the feds they're working with, all they want is the truth. And they thought I'd be the best person to help them find that. And I don't believe anybody's trying to pursue some vendetta against victor.", "Victoria: What about you? By the time our marriage had ended, there was a lot of bad blood between you.", "J.T.: Well, that was years ago.", "Victoria: Well, still, i can't help wondering if you're jumping at the chance to make trouble for my dad.", "Lily: So it only happened once in the storage locker when you two...", "Abby: We were trapped, yes. And neither of us, I mean, never, ever -- and the thing is, is that part of me still can't stand the guy.", "Lily: Well, obviously some part of you can.", "Abby: I can't stop thinking about it. I can'T. And -- and it would be one thing if it had just been this random hookup, but...", "Lily: You feel like there's more to it.", "Abby: I don't know if it's chemistry. I don't know if it's something more. I don't know. I mean, the guy's not even my type. But then again, I thought zack was my type, and he turned out to be this evil, deranged criminal. You know what? My track record with guys -- not so good. Maybe I should just join a convent or take a vow of singledom. Is that even a thing?", "Lily: No, I know your head's spinning, but let's not make any life pronouncements here.", "Abby: I don't know what to do, what to say. I don't know anything.", "Lily: Listen, I get, you know, what happened with you and scott. You're trapped together in this place where you don't know if you're gonna get out. It's very intense. So I can see why you feel like you might have this connection.", "Abby: I hear a \"but\" coming.", "Lily: But... I mean, have you talked to scott? Do you know what he's thinking, or is this more...", "Abby: One-sided? Well, I don't know. I mean, after the other day, and we fell into this epic kiss. But then... look, I know that he's going through his own turmoil with this whole thing, but I haven't heard from him. Nothing. Not a word.", "Lily: Abby, look, you're my friend, and I want to be here for you and support you, but i can't help thinking about sharon, you know. So whatever you and scott are playing at, it's not fair to her.", "Abby: Trust me, I know.", "Lily: Do you?", "Abby: [ Sighs ] Yes. And scott just moved in with her, and now they're suddenly acting like they're this perfect couple in a world full of couples.", "Lily: Wait, wait, wait. They're living together and he still...", "Abby: And I know that he's having a hard time. He's trying to deny whatever this is between us, but, you know, he can't have it both ways.", "Lily: Well, you know, it's how a lot of men feel. They feel like they can compartmentalize things so they don't have to face what they don't want to. But it's no way to live. But neither is being the other woman. So if you want this confusion to end, there's only one thing you can do.", "Cane: I think that went well, don't you?", "Hilary: Oh, come on. Don't be modest. You killed it during that taping.", "Cane: I did, didn't I? Huh? You know why? And that's because of your amazing interview techniques. And it's actually kind of nice to be seen in a positive light for a change.", "Hilary: Well, you worked really hard to turn things around.", "Cane: It wasn't easy.", "Hilary: Well, I'm impressed. And you gave me a show that my viewers will love. So I think it's a win/win.", "Cane: Thank you for letting me be a guest on your show. And to show you my appreciation, I would like to buy the coffee. What would you like?", "Hilary: Are you getting it for here or to go? Because I'm assuming that you're going to work.", "Cane: Actually, I have something that's more important I have to take care of.", "Billy: Hey.", "Nick: Hey.", "Billy: Nice to see another fellow man of leisure.", "Nick: What?", "Billy: You're out taking a jog in the middle of the afternoon on a workday, nick. I'd say that's leisurely.", "Nick: Look, dude, other than us just being in the park at the same time, we don't have anything in common.", "Billy: Okay.", "Nick: Look, you're just coasting along, kicking back. I'm doing something good with my life.", "Billy: Oh, is that \"kicking back\" supposed to be an insult?", "Nick: Take it however you want, man.", "Billy: All right, well, I'll tell you that I'm enjoying my life. I'm having a really good time right now. I will give you props on this little crusade you got going on here, though.", "Nick: Really?", "Billy: Yeah. This park is named after one of the greatest women this town has ever known. My kids love it here. I love it here. That's why we planted a tree in her memory. They're saying they're gonna keep it safe in the green area that they promised, but I don't want to see one square inch of this place changed for another victor newman vanity project.", "Nick: Yeah, I guess you don'T. Looks like we do have something in common.", "[ Footsteps depart ]", "Victoria: Just the job, huh?", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Victoria: One that has nothing to do with your feelings for my dad. Really?", "J.T.: Really. Really, it is a temporary job with the perk of an all-expense- paid trip to the states to see reed before christmas.", "Victoria: And mac doesn't mind you being gone during the holidays?", "J.T.: No, she told me to go. She's fine with the kids. I couldn't pass it up, all right? And I'll be home by christmas eve, and everything will be fine. Full disclosure -- it's a great assignment, one that's gonna look really good on my résumé. But I didn't come here to tear victor apart, okay? Whatever issues we've had, they're in the past. Although with the look he was giving me the other day, [Chuckles] I don't know if he could say the same thing.", "Victoria: I don't think that dad would be happy to see any auditor coming his way, especially not an ex-son-in-law.", "J.T.: Particularly this one.", "Victoria: Well, you know, he never really got over the way that you filed for full custody of reed and then took him away from here.", "J.T.: That's victor's problem. What I care about is everything is good between you, me, and reed. I want to spend as much time with him as I can when I'm not working. I already called him and told him I would love for us all to get together.", "Victoria: I don't know. That might be a little tricky for me under the circumstances.", "J.T.: I know it's awkward, but just try to separate the personal from the professional.", "Victoria: Right. Like you're doing.", "J.T.: When it comes to my work, I'm completely fair. I just do the analysis and report what I find.", "Victoria: My dad's personal account, the one that supposedly has certain anomalies --", "J.T.: You shouldn't be asking me about that.", "Victoria: I have to ask. My dad is claiming that he's done nothing wrong, and i believe him. But is there something that you can tell me about it?", "J.T.: [ Sighs deeply ] All right. Yeah. There's been a series of sizeable cash transfers from your father's personal account to an anonymous offshore account.", "Victoria: Recently?", "J.T.: Yeah. Doesn't look good. Somebody's trying to hide something, and I'm gonna figure out who it is and why. I'll try to handle this as sensitively as possible. But you should prepare yourself for what I might find.", "Phyllis: So, based on the report I sent you last week, you'll notice our sales at fenmore's in the last couple of months have not only gone up, but we've managed to stay up, and that is including the in-store purchases, which you and I both know... [ Cellphone vibrates ] ...We've seen a steady decline. But in this business, that's what we do, you know. We adjust. We adapt to the ever-changing climate, and people, they shop online. That's what they do, especially during the christmas season, you know. [ Cellphone vibrates ] Nobody wants to be in an overcrowded -- excuse me -- store. Uh... yeah. You know, they want to get on the computer. They want to have, voilà, christmas list done. But you know what? For those people who are old-fashioned lovers of the hustle and bustle, we have designed a marketing strategy -- [ Cellphone vibrates ] One moment. It just is a crazy day. [ Mouthing ] Bad boy!", "Abby: You are right. I'm gonna give scott an ultimatum. Sharon or me, all in or all out.", "Lily: Yeah, he doesn't get to string you along. You deserve better than that. And whatever he decides, at least you'll know where things stand.", "Abby: And won't that be a relief.", "[ Chuckles ] [ Cellphone chimes ] Ooh. That is a reminder for my 2:00 meeting. I got to go. But hey, thank you so much for listening.", "Lily: Yeah, of course. Works both ways.", "Abby: I'll talk to you soon.", "Lily: Okay, bye.", "Abby: Bye.", "Hilary: Getting a refill?", "Lily: Uh, yes, that's the plan.", "Hilary: Oh, you must have been here awhile. Oh, wait a shame. You just missed cane. Uh, he gave me an exclusive on \"the hilary hour,\" and then we swung by just to grab a cup of coffee.", "Lily: An exclusive interview or an ambush? Because that's usually how your grubby, little show works.", "Hilary: [ Chuckles ] Lily, you are behind the times. Now with jabot as our corporate sponsor, we are all about good news and upbeat messages.", "Lily: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.", "Hilary: That's the reason why we had cane on the show, because wall street financial, a very respected business publication, named chancellor as the one to watch in 2018 because of cane's leadership.", "Lily: I, uh, I wasn't aware of that.", "Hilary: Oh. He didn't mention it? Probably because he thought you wouldn't care.", "Lily: Of course I care. That's a huge accomplishment for him.", "Hilary: What are you telling me for? I'm not the one who needs to hear what you think.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Cane: Hey.", "Victoria: How's the baby doing?", "Cane: Better every day, thank you.", "Victoria: Good. I'm glad to hear that. [ Sighs ] This obviously is a good day for you, then. Sam's doing better, and you just scored a major publicity coup. Congratulations. It sounds like you're making everything happen at chancellor.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Victoria: Did I say something that'S...", "Cane: No, no. No, not at all. I... look, I know that you're being sincere when it comes to sam, but you don't have to pretend that you care about my career.", "Victoria: I was being sincere about both, actually. Look, cane, I think that we should just end this animosity between us. The last thing that newman needs is another feud. It's stressful, and it's very bad for morale. I think there's plenty of room for both of our companies to thrive without attacking each other, don't you?", "Cane: Well said.", "Victoria: Thank you. I meant it.", "Cane: And is this because newman's being investigated as a, uh, front for a prostitution ring?", "Victoria: We're going to come out of that even stronger. I just want to move forward. That's all.", "Cane: Put all this ugliness behind you? Look, victoria... I'm not gonna be able to forget so easily the way you kicked me when I was down. And there's some other people i can't forgive, either. So, now I'm back on top... I don't know, maybe they should just watch out. I'll see you. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Phyllis: What in the hell?", "Billy: Well, I was just enjoying watching you work. Consummate professional. Especially knowing what was going on in your head.", "Phyllis: I cannot believe you. Texting me about how you want your way with me in graphic detail while I'm with a buyer?", "Billy: You said you wanted me to come up with something creative to do. I was just following orders.", "Phyllis: You didn't leave much to the imagination, especially when you suggested I...", "Billy: Yeah, I thought you'd like that.", "Phyllis: Yeah, you thought right.", "Billy: So what are we waiting for?", "Phyllis: I'm still on the clock. I cannot go home right now.", "Billy: Plenty of rooms upstairs.", "Phyllis: You want to get a room?", "Billy: In the worst possible way. [ Cellphone vibrates ] Wasn't me.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Lauren needs me. She's waiting on me.", "Billy: Lauren's a buzzkill.", "Phyllis: She's heading into a meeting. She needs my input. Look, I have to go, but you just keep one thing in mind, okay, until you see me next. That should hold you for a while.", "Billy: Yeah, it will. And just remember when you're done tonight...", "Phyllis: Yeah?", "Billy: ...You're all mine.", "Phyllis: Copy that.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Bartender, can I get a pitcher of ice water, please?", "J.T.: I was surprised to get your call. Wasn't sure how you felt after this morning.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, I've been giving our conversation a lot of thought, and you were right. I think I should set aside what's going on at newman for the sake of reed.", "J.T.: What have you told him about my visit?", "Victoria: We discussed it last night. I kept it simple. I just told him you were back in town for work.", "J.T.: What did he say?", "Victoria: He was surprised. I just thought maybe it was better not to elaborate until you and I had a chance to talk in private.", "J.T.: Well, I-I think you handled that perfectly.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, thanks.", "J.T.: So, uh... what's the plan for this evening?", "Victoria: I texted him and let him know that you're dropping by. He should be here any minute, i think. I just thought we could keep things casual, you know, order in some dinner. That chinese place that you like the dumplings, it's still around, actually.", "J.T.: Is that right?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "J.T.: I haven't thought about that place in years.", "Victoria: I'll get the menu. How about that?", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "J.T.: Hey, vick. Thanks. Means a lot.", "Cane: Hey. I wasn't expecting to see you today.", "Lily: Yeah, sorry. I just -- I heard about the news with you and chancellor, and i wanted to congratulate you.", "Cane: That's -- that's sweet. I appreciate that.", "Lily: Is this a bad time? You seem distracted.", "Cane: Um, I'm kind of in the middle of something. Can you just give me a minute?", "Lily: Uh, sure.", "Cane: Yeah?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: All right, one second. Now, where were we?", "Billy: Hey. Change of plans.", "Phyllis: Oh, really?", "Billy: Yeah, I made a reservation at that new moroccan restaurant that we've been dying to try. So I figured we'd hit the town, fire it up a little bit, then come back here and have our own little, uh, private afterparty. What do you say?", "Phyllis: After the day I had today, I can't think of anything I'd rather do than make a night of it with you.", "Billy: Perfect. I'll have a quick shower and then we'll hit the town.", "Phyllis: Good.", "Billy: Make it a night that we remember.", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: Hey, um, let me take your coat for you.", "Lily: Oh, um, if I'm interrupting...", "Cane: No. No, not at all. Uh, I'm really glad you came by.", "Lily: Thanks.", "Cane: Um, so I suppose you're kind of wondering, uh, who that was, huh?", "Lily: No, it's none of my business.", "Cane: No, no, it's -- I'm interviewing nannies, you know. I'm trying to find a live-in for sam, you know, be prepared for when he, uh, leaves the hospital.", "Lily: Oh. Um, how's he doing? Any updates?", "Cane: Uh, yeah. Sit down. Come on. Well, he's, uh, he's getting bigger. He's getting stronger. He's, uh, putting on weight, which is great, you know. And the doctors say he could come home soon.", "Lily: That's great. You know, I was thinking the other day --", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Cane: Oh, excuse me. I got to take this. One sec. Hello? Cane. Hey. Hey, thanks for calling. That's really kind of you to say so. I would love to do lunch. Okay. All right, well, uh, call my office and we'll put it on the calendar. All right, bye. I'm sorry about that.", "Lily: That's okay. I'm sure you're getting a lot of those calls today.", "Cane: Yeah, the phone's kind of been ringing off the hook. Ever since I put those new strategies in play at chancellor, you know, things are finally paying off for me.", "Lily: That's great.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: I know that you've been down a long, hard road. And, you know, you persevered through some dark times. And now the sun's coming out, so I'm happy for you, and i couldn't be prouder.", "Cane: I appreciate that.", "[ Cellphone ringing ] [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I should have turned it off. Um...", "Lily: That's okay. You know, I'm gonna -- I'll get out of your way.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Hey. It was good to see you.", "Lily: Yeah, you, too.", "Cane: Oh, your jacket. Here.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Cane: You got it.", "Lily: Bye.", "Cane: Bye. [ Sighs ] It's cane. Yeah, I was, uh, I was kind of surprised when I saw the article, too. Uh-huh. Well, thank you. All right.", "Victoria: Sounds like poland is agreeing with everyone. Is mac still working for that nonprofit, or did she have to give it up when you relocated?", "J.T.: No, no, they liked her so much, they're letting her do it remotely.", "Victoria: Well, that's excellent.", "J.T.: And D.J. Is in international elementary school. Doesn't that sound fancy?", "Victoria: It's very fancy.", "J.T.: [ Chuckles ]", "Victoria: Such a little charmer. I'm sure he's got a lot of friends.", "J.T.: Yeah, you know it. The baby's doing great, cruising all over the house.", "Victoria: So cute at that age.", "J.T.: I was, uh, chatting with mac and the kids earlier. Sounds like becca's gonna be walking pretty soon, so...", "Victoria: Well, it sounds like this move has been good for all of you. Although I'm sure the transition was a little rough, such a big change and everything.", "J.T.: We had a few bumps along the way, but we adjusted. Hardest part was not having reed around. Everybody misses him.", "Victoria: I'm sure.", "J.T.: He was so upset with the idea of living abroad. And I felt horrible asking him to give up his life for my job, you know. Kids are all about their friends at that age.", "Victoria: Yeah, so I've learned.", "[ Chuckles ]", "J.T.: But I was surprised when he took off without saying a word to anybody. You know, it's like he'd rather give up everything and move back to genoa city than go to europe with his family.", "Victoria: You know, i wouldn't really take it personally, J.T. He was going through some things himself at the time. Just like you, he and I have hit some rough spots, but everything's really good now. And I am so thrilled to have him here. I really am. And I'm sure you can tell from talking to him how happy he is.", "J.T.: Oh, yeah. No, I definitely have. I definitely have, but I thought everything was good, and now I'm not so sure.", "Victoria: Why?", "J.T.: Well, he knows we're here waiting for him, right?", "Victoria: Right.", "J.T.: Why hasn't he shown?", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Hilary: Well, hi, there.", "Nick: Hey.", "Hilary: How's your campaign going to save chancellor park?", "Nick: Fine.", "Hilary: I admire what you're doing.", "Nick: Well, someone needs to stand up to these developers.", "Hilary: Even when \"they\" turn out to be your estranged father?", "Nick: Order's up.", "Hilary: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait! Uh, breaking news. City council just announced the winning bid for the park's redevelopment.", "Billy: Okay, beautiful. You ready to rock and roll? You playing hard to get now? Hey. Phyllis?", "[ Scoffs ]", "Nick: What do you mean, devon lost?", "Hilary: Just what I said. He didn't win the bid for the park.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Damn it. So newman gets it after all.", "Hilary: Actually, they didn't win, either.", "Nick: Who did?", "Hilary: No clue. It just says that at the last minute, an anonymous bidder came in and trumped the other two offers. So now the question becomes, what does this unknown person intend to do with chancellor park?", "Nick: Well, whatever it is, it can't be good.", "Lily: [ Sighs ]", "Cane: Hey, it's cane ashby.", "Lily: This is lily ashby.", "Cane: Hey. I didn't realize it was you. Um, hey, can I put you on speaker real quick? I just got to reply to this e-mail.", "Lily: Uh, yeah, that's fine.", "Cane: All right. So what's going on?", "Lily: Uh, well, I know that you're really busy. I wasn't sure if you had eaten yet, so I know we didn't get to really catch up before. I thought maybe you'd want to grab a bite?", "Cane: I'd love to, but I've got a lot going on right now, and then I have to go back to memorial to see sam, and then i have a business dinner tonight. But how about another time?", "Lily: Uh, yeah, absolutely. That's fine. We can do another time.", "Cane: Hey. Thanks for calling, all right? Bye.", "Lily: Bye.", "Victoria: Reed, it's me again. Give me a call when you get this. Your dad and I are wondering when you're gonna be here. You know, it's possible that he may have just gotten caught up with some friends after school. Or maybe he went to the music store. Sometimes he goes there to drool over the new guitars. That's possible.", "J.T.: He could have sent you a text to let you know. I just tried, and he didn't pick up. Something tells me I'm getting iced out here.", "Victoria: Why would he do that?", "J.T.: I don't know. Maybe he's still upset with me and doesn't want to do the whole face-to-face thing.", "Victoria: No, no, no, no, no, no. If there was a problem, we would know about it.", "J.T.: Maybe.", "Victoria: Look, it's possible that you're right and he may be acting out for some reason, but it's more probable that he went to the movie with his friends and he turned his phone off for some reason.", "J.T.: The movies? [ Chuckles ] Come on.", "Victoria: Well, I mean, he's a teenage boy. Unless he's playing his guitar, he doesn't really have the greatest attention span. [ Chuckles ] I'm sure he's gonna be here soon. Do you want some more wine? The bottle's in the kitchen. Help yourself.", "J.T.: Yeah, that's a great idea.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] [ Doorbell rings ] Hey, don't tell me you lost your key again.", "Billy: I know better than to barge in like I own the place, but I had a little unexpected free time on my hands, so i thought I'd bring the kids' gifts over. I didn't know if you started putting stuff under the tree yet.", "Victoria: [ Clears throat ] Um...", "Billy: J.T. What the hell?", "J.T.: Well, it's great to see you, too, billy." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Abby lies to Devon and tells him she found a famous Miami chef for her resturant and Devon agrees to taste the food at a private dinner for him and Ana. The dinner goes well and Devon and Ana love the food but Devon is upset that Abby tricked him. Devon admits that Lola is a wonderful cook and agrees to be Abby's mentor and partner in her new resturant but only if Lola is the chef. Lola is also upset with Abby because she didn't tell her about her plans but is excited to take the job as chef of the new returant. Victoria tels Reed that Victor is being framed for JT's murder because he didn't do it. Reed eventually understands and tells Victoria that Cane still won't let him see Mattie even though they are just friends. Victiria tells Cane that Mattie and Reed are only supporting each other through similar situations. Victoria tells Cane that Mattie is welcome at her house any time. Mattie and Charlie want to decorate for Christmas but Cane doesn't want to until Victoria tells him to take things one day at a time and do one thing each day to make his kids happy. Tessa tells Mariah that Sharon was involved with Victoria anhd Nikki in questioning her and leaving her in the woulds. Mariah decides that they shoud do something to make the ladies see actions have concequences. Nikki persudes Mia to give her information on JT's case in exchange for her getting business clients for her new salon. Victoria worries that Nikki's sudden friendship with Mia might lead Rey to the truth about Jt's death. Nikki takes another drink at Mia's salon and contiues her slide off the wagon.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Abby: I want to open a restaurant.", "Devon: Unless you have a chef that comes with some name recognition, I don't know if i can get behind it right now.", "Lola: I need a waiter for a private dinner that I'm catering.", "Reed: Mr. Ashby.", "Cane: I just don't want you getting hurt again.", "Mattie: I wish mom were here! She'd get it!", "Nikki: I've met your husband a few times, mia. He's investigating the murder of my daughter's ex-husband. Are there any breaks in the case?", "Tessa: [ Gasping ] [Crying] It was nikki and victoria. They think that I moved J.T.'S body.", "Billy: The police have evidence that link your dad to J.T.'S murder.", "Reed: How could you not tell me that victor killed my dad?!", "Victoria: I didn't say anything because I didn't want you to get upset.", "Reed: Or know the truth! I heard you talking to billy. Grandpa killed dad!", "Victoria: The police are wrong.", "Reed: How could you be so sure?", "Nikki: Reed, your grandfather is being framed. By whom and why, we don't know yet. But your mother and i both know that he would never do that to you. Anyone who cares about you would not want you to lose your father.", "Victoria: The police are just looking for a solution, and they're just making it more complicated.", "Nikki: Yeah, sad to say, your grandfather has made a lot of enemies.", "Reed: Well, if he's found guilty, you can put me at the top of that list.", "Mariah: Hey, sorry those --", "Tessa: [ Gasps ] Stop!", "Mariah: Tessa? [ Tessa whimpering ] Tessa!", "Tessa: [ Gasps ]", "Mariah: Hey -- hey!", "Tessa: Ugh!", "Mariah: Hey, are -- are you okay? I think you were having a nightmare.", "Tessa: [ Sighs ] Well [Clears throat] Considering all the nightmares I've caused, it's karma.", "[ Coughs ]", "Mariah: Look, you've messed up a lot, but this was not a result of karma. This was nikki and victoria terrorizing you. They think you have J.T.'S body, and that you're framing victor.", "Tessa: Can we not talk about it? Uh, how was your day at the studio?", "Mariah: Who cares? Please, would you just tell me everything? You'll feel better.", "Tessa: No, I won'T.", "Mariah: Where are you going?", "Tessa: I just need some air, okay?", "Mariah: Tessa, wait --", "Tessa: Look, I know you can't trust me. But believe me when I say this -- talking about what happened to me, it's a bad idea. I'm sorry.", "Mariah: Uh --", "Fen: Hey. Uh, so... is this what you had in mind?", "Lola: Yeah. Perfect.", "Fen: Great.", "Mia: She's right.", "Lola: [ Sighs ] My sister-in-law, mia rosales. Fen baldwin.", "Fen: It's great to meet you.", "Mia: Same here. No kyle tonight?", "Lola: I am working, and fen kindly agreed to help. At devon hamilton'S.", "Mia: Whoa! You go, girl!", "Lola: If devon likes my food, it could lead to fancy gigs. And, you know, his company throws events all the time.", "Mia: Mm. Well, maybe you can get me an introduction? You know, all his singers he has on his record label must need their hair and makeup looked after.", "Lola: We'll see.", "Mia: Actually, I'll be, um, mingling with gc's a-list, as well, tonight. One of the town's most prominent residents booked a beauty consultation.", "Lola: And who's that?", "Mia: If it pays off the way I'm hoping... I'll let you know.", "Devon: What's going on?", "Abby: I have amazing news. After we talked, and you told me I needed to attach a celebrity chef to my restaurant-club idea...", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Abby: ...In order for you to back it, I took it to heart. I dove in deep. I looked at all of my contacts. And I found an amazing chef. From miami.", "Devon: Really?", "Abby: Yes, who just happens to be in wisconsin looking at sites for a potential new venture.", "Devon: You're kidding.", "Abby: I'm not kidding.", "[ Laughs ]", "Devon: Wow. Okay.", "Abby: And I convinced them to give gc a try by having them cook a private dinner for the devon hamilton this evening at your place.", "Devon: At my place?", "Abby: Uh-huh.", "Devon: Oh, wow. And what if I told you I had plans tonight.", "Abby: Ugh. You do?", "Devon: No, I don'T. Luck you.", "Abby: [ Laughs ]", "Devon: Who's the chef?", "Abby: Well, you know, I-i don't want a famous name coloring your reaction. This is all about the food. That's what's important. We need to make sure that it's a right fit for the kind of atmosphere that we want to create.", "Devon: Okay. So this is a blind taste-test?", "Abby: Exactly. So, are you in?", "Devon: Well, you can let yourself in early so that the chef can start preparing.", "Abby: Perfect! Thank you so much!", "Devon: But I want my sister ana to be there, as well. Because if I get behind any project, this meal has to blow her away, too.", "Abby: Understood. Yep. I get it. Um... and I am confident that it will, considering the genius of all involved.", "[ Clicks tongue ] Additional sponsorship", "Victoria: Vengeance isn't the answer. It's not gonna bring your dad back.", "Reed: I just want the truth. To honor my dad's memory by finding his murderer and making him pay. Whoever they may be.", "Nikki: But we're not interested in the truth. Or justice. Only protecting your father. And ourselves. If reed ever found that out...", "Charlie: Hey, dad.", "Cane: Hey, guys.", "Charlie: So, reed's still a sore subject. But I think I know just the thing that will lighten the mood around here.", "Cane: Charlie --", "Charlie: We should get some christmas decorations.", "Cane: All right. Charlie --", "Charlie: Look, dad, come on. We're less than two weeks away from christmas eve. Sam sure would enjoy it. I know I would.", "Cane: Listen, guys, with your mom in prison, it just doesn't feel right, us celebrating and making the house, you know, bright and festive.", "Charlie: So then what?", "Mattie: We're just supposed to ignore the holidays?", "Charlie: Tat's not what mom would want.", "Cane: I can't do this, all right? I just can'T. Sorry.", "Devon: I got to say, my intrigue and appetite are beyond piqued.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "Ana: Thanks for arranging this, abby. I've never had a big-time chef prepare a meal for me at home.", "Abby: Oh. [ Laughs ]", "Ana: Is this how you eat all the time, devon?", "Devon: I survive off of takeout more than anybody should.", "Abby: Well, we are all in for a treat this evening -- a four-course meal of delicious and trendy cuban-fusion cuisine, per your menus.", "Fen: Oh!", "Devon: Okay.", "Fen: I'm, uh, fen.", "Devon: Thank you.", "Fen: I'll be looking after you tonight.", "Ana: Thank you.", "Abby: Okay. I'm gonna let the chef know that we're ready for the first course.", "Devon: Sounds good.", "Ana: Thanks for inviting me to join tonight.", "Devon: Oh, of course. You don't have to thank me. Your opinion is very, very important to me.", "Lola: Marinated, chilled, and good to go.", "Fen: Wow, those look amazing. Any for your --", "Abby: Hey!", "Fen: Ow!", "Abby: No. If you do a good job, then you might get the first pick of leftovers.", "Lola: I will take these out, re-introduce myself. Explain to devon the journey I would like this meal to take him on.", "Abby: Oh, lola, lola. [ Chuckles nervously ] Your food, it needs no introduction. From bite one, devon will be on whatever journey you intended. You can't leave the kitchen.", "Lola: Excuse me?", "Abby: This dinner tonight, I-I-it's about me pitching a massive business idea to devon. And, you know, um, he hates interruptions, so please help me out here.", "Fen: How?", "Abby: Okay. Do as little talking as possible while serving him. And, please, just -- just stay in here until we're finished. And then, when we're done, you can go out there, you can take a bow. I-I -- I promise.", "Lola: It's customary for the chef to go out and introduce themselves.", "Abby: Yes. I agree. And you would be so adorable. But you really, really, really need to play this my way. [ Sighs ] Can you promise me that? Please?", "Nikki: So, reed is off school for weeks, with nothing else to do but obsess on his father's death and who might be responsible for it. [ Sighs ] This is a powder keg.", "Victoria: I'm just gonna do my best to keep him away from rey rosales.", "Nikki: Please do. Because rey will just fire him up about your father.", "Victoria: Yeah. Or, worse, imply that we weren't cooperative enough, and recruit reed as some kind of a spy.", "Nikki: That's another reason why I need to find out exactly what rey thinks he has. You and I know your father is innocent, but we need to impress that upon rey.", "Victoria: That's a commendable plan, mom. Although I'm not sure how you're gonna pull it off.", "Nikki: You will. Starting tonight.", "Abby: Appetizer feedback?", "Devon: [ Sighs ] Well, I think you probably should have saved it for dessert, 'cause I don't know how you're gonna top that.", "Ana: The best raw fish I've ever eaten. And devon has treated me to some crazy-expensive sushi.", "Abby: [ Inhales sharply ] This scrumptious journey is only beginning. Heh...", "Lola: I am in exile. Please be my eyes and ears.", "Fen: Yeah, you got it.", "Lola: Okay. So, what'd they think?", "Fen: He was raving. And his sister was, too. Although, from the way she was checking me out, I think she might be more interested in the help than the meal.", "Lola: Good for you. You should get her phone number. But not until you help me serve the meal of their lives.", "Fen: All right.", "Lola: Now, deliver my pasta.", "Fen: On the double, chef. Hey, um... by the way, lola, you're rocking this so hard. Like, for real.", "Lola: Thank you. But I am only as good as my last course.", "Fen: Yeah.", "Lola: Oh, hold on. Thank you.", "Tessa: Hey.", "Mariah: Hi.", "Tessa: Sorry. I just needed to clear my head. But it was productive. I saw that gcac was hiring for holiday servers.", "Mariah: Are you gonna apply for a job?", "Tessa: Well, I mean, as long as devon hasn't been circulating my old publicity photo with \"do not hire\" stamped across my face.", "Mariah: Heh... you know, I was, um, thinking, before you left... I just can't get over how upset you were.", "Tessa: Can you try?", "Mariah: How? I mean, tessa, you've been traumatized.", "Tessa: I've survived worse, so...", "Mariah: This was an attack by women that we know!", "Tessa: I would love to drop the subject permanently, okay?", "Mariah: I don't know that i can. And if you're not gonna tell me what happened, then... I'm gonna go to sharon. I'm gonna tell here the story, and then we can confront princess victoria and the richest ex-stripper in the world together.", "Tessa: No! No, no, no. We can'T.", "Mariah: Why not?", "Tessa: Because I didn't -- I didn't tell you the whole truth. Nikki and victoria weren't alone. Sharon was there, too.", "Mia: Please, come in.", "Nikki: Well, thank you for fitting me in on such short notice.", "Mia: Oh, nonsense. I'm honored. You are my first private consultation in genoa city in my new home salon. Let me take that for you.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Mia: Yes, of course. Although I'm always very pleased to come to your place.", "Nikki: Well, I was very pleased to have a change of scenery. Nowhere else I'd rather be tonight.", "Reed: Mom? [ Sighs ] I just want to tell you that I'm not mad at you. It's just this whole situation with dad.", "[ Sighs ]", "Victoria: I understand.", "Reed: If you and grandma are sure grandpa didn't do it, then I-I believe you. Why didn't you just tell me that the cops suspected him? I mean, I can handle the truth.", "Victoria: Did you know that i still see you as my handsome little boy? No matter how hard I try not to?", "Reed: Could you please try a little harder?", "Victoria: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Deal. And, by the way, you get major points in the maturity department for coming down here and talking to me instead of resenting me on social media all night long, or whatever it is you're doing up there.", "Reed: [ Scoffs ] Thank you, I guess.", "[ Sighs ]", "Victoria: You really have matured.", "Reed: So you have noticed. Unlike some people.", "Victoria: What does that mean?", "Reed: [ Sighs ] Mattie's dad.", "Victoria: What? Oh, come on. You just got back. What happened?", "Reed: Mattie and I [Sighs] Kind of made up, as friends, online. And, you know, with everything she's going through with her mom and the prison sentence, she needed somebody. And with dad gone, I understood where she was coming from.", "Victoria: I think it's really nice that you have each other to confide in.", "Reed: We thought so, too. But when I went over there to catch up... mr. Ashby made it crystal clear that... I'm not welcome in his home, let alone her life.", "Victoria: Oh, reed. I'm sorry. I thought he'd gotten past that.", "Reed: Yeah, so did we. And I've been so responsible and productive.", "Victoria: I know.", "Reed: [ Sighs ] He obviously just doesn't care.", "Victoria: Well, I do. You need friends like mattie. She's a very thoughtful young lady. You know, I knew that the night that she called the cops when you were drunk driving.", "Reed: Heh... yeah. I forgave her for that a long time ago. Honestly, she saved me from doing a lot more damage.", "Victoria: Wow. At this rate, you're gonna max out on your maturity points in your first week back.", "Reed: [ Laughs ]", "Victoria: [ Laughs ] So, do you have plans for the night? I could drive you or call you a car. It's your choice.", "Reed: Mattie and I were gonna go to zelati's and get some pizza, but, you know...", "Victoria: Oh.", "Reed: I mean, I guess I could always just get one delivered and [Sighs] Crash early.", "Victoria: Yeah, that sounds perfect. You can sleep in.", "Reed: Yeah.", "Victoria: Maybe you can hang out with mattie tomorrow.", "Reed: Mom, I told you. Mr. Ashby --", "Victoria: No, I -- I heard you. But on behalf of you and mattie, I have some very serious meddling to do. Come here.", "Charlie: You told dad the truth. Mom would understand about you and reed.", "Mattie: Still. What he heard me say was, \"you're a horrible parent, and you don't understand me at all.\"", "Charlie: That's not what you meant.", "Mattie: When he gets home, I'll clarify that. And apologize. Then... he might be open to the concept of christmas.", "Charlie: Probably. But I don't want to waste any time. Dad's ready to sit this whole year out, no problem. I think I'm gonna get the ball rolling on my own.", "Mattie: That's not going to happen.", "Charlie: What, you're gonna stop me?", "Mattie: No, you dork. I'm going to help you.", "Mia: Maybe the universe is giving my present early this year. I'm not questioning it. Just maximizing this chance to make you look even more glamorous.", "Nikki: You made quite an impression on me at your party.", "Mia: Hoping to do the same tonight. Seasonal drink before we dive in? These are my special candy-cane cocktails, with a precise infusion of peppermint schnapps.", "Nikki: No, thank you. But, please, go ahead. I insist.", "Mia: Oh, well, then, how about some custom-brewed hot tea? I'm a demon in the kitchen -- as long as I stick to liquids.", "Nikki: [ Exhales softly ] Sounds great.", "Mariah: Perfect. Ahh. [ Water pouring ] Let's talk makeup. Wants? Needs?", "Nikki: Well, um... I don't know. Something new for the holidays. Maybe something striking but not too heavy.", "Mia: Mm.", "Nikki: Just enough to get me noticed at all the events around town.", "Mia: [ Sighs ] As someone... people build guest lists around, any advice for a gc newbie who'd be thrilled to get on the standby page?", "Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Well, it's not like buying a ticket to a sold-out event. Things are on a more intimate scale here than in miami.", "Mia: I have to be invited.", "Nikki: That's usually how it works.&", "[ Chuckles ]", "Mia: How is a chick with no clout supposed to get any invites if she can't network during the holidays?", "Nikki: Networking is just socializing with the right people. Which you're doing.", "Mia: Then my new friendships become recommendations to the friends of my new friends?", "Nikki: Basic social advancement.", "Mia: So, if I do you right, perhaps you'd consider making some intros for me? Putting in the odd good word? And suddenly I am the dreaded, pushy hairdresser no one wants to recommend.", "Nikki: Oh, no, no, no. That's not at all what I was thinking. You're a doll. I would love to have a friend like you. And to lead you into the social scene in genoa city.", "Mia: I don't know what to say.", "Nikki: Yeah, neither do I. It's just that... I-I'm not sure what I can say -- or should say -- because of your husband. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Abby: That fig ravioli -- pretty amazing, right?", "Ana: Was there a sauce? It's all a delicious blur.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] Sage butter with grated pecorino.", "Ana: Right.", "Abby: Mm-hmm.", "Ana: And that shrimp dish! So...", "Abby: My thoughts exactly.", "[ Abby and ana laugh ]", "Fen: All right. Countdown to dessert and coffee. Anything else I can get you, uh, mister -- mr. Hamilton?", "Devon: No. No, I think I'm good. Um... what was your name again? Sorry.", "Ana: Fen, right?", "Fen: Yes. Fen -- fen baldwin.", "Devon: That's right. I knew I recognized you. You're michael and lauren's son, right?", "Fen: Yeah. You know, I-I think I used to know you when we were kids. Um... I'm a musician now.", "Devon: Oh.", "Ana: Oh, you do look familiar. And a musician?", "Fen: Actually, uh, I happen to have a demo on me of the kind of stuff I've been working on right now -- you know, when I'm not waiting tables. Um... if you don't mind, whenever you get the chance...", "Devon: Yeah, yeah. Thank you.", "Fen: No pressure.", "Abby: Well, you know, um, fen, I -- I think we're ready for the final course. Now.", "Fen: Awesome. All right. I'll be right back with those desserts.", "Devon: Thanks, fen.", "Abby: Okay. Um, if you'll please excuse me for just one second, I'm gonna go check in with the chef.", "Devon: Okay.", "Abby: Thanks. I'll be -- be right back.", "Devon: Thanks.", "Abby: What the hell, fen?!", "Lola: What? The food?", "Abby: It's flawless. Unlike our server's judgment and listening skills.", "Lola: Fen, what did you do? You didn't spill anything, did you?", "Abby: Oh, he spilled all right. He foisted his music demo on devon right in the middle of service.", "Lola: You did?!", "Fen: It was just, like, 20 seconds, okay? 40 seconds max. I just... I w-- [ Sighs ]", "Lola: If I didn't need you to deliver my final course, you would be out on your butt.", "Fen: I wasn't trying to sabotage anything.", "Abby: Try it again and you won't need the elevator to reach the sidewalk.", "Lola: [ Huffs ]", "Abby: Hmm.", "[ Sighs ]", "Tessa: I apologize again.", "Mariah: For what?", "Tessa: For not telling you the whole truth. Trying to keep sharon out of it. It was clear that she was uncomfortable, and that she hated what nikki and victoria were doing. They were in charge.", "Mariah: Sharon is a social worker. She helps counsel battered women. How could she let them do that to you? To the woman that I love?", "Mia: I had no idea rey thought your family had anything to do with his murder case. He...doesn't really bring his work home with him.", "Nikki: Mm. Yeah, he's questioned my kids and me several times. Now he's fixated on my husband. I don't understand it. Victor is completely innocent.", "Mia: Mm.", "Nikki: I mean, I know rey's a good man, he's a good cop. Devoted to his job. He's very thorough. But...", "Mia: He's making life hell for you.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] Well. There's a reason why my husband's unauthorized biography was named \"ruthless.\" He wouldn't blink an eye defending himself, or possibly retaliating against rey's reputation. Might even try to get him fired for wrongfully accusing him. [ Gasps ] I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't be saying these things.", "Mia: No, you can. I'm not my husband.", "Nikki: Yeah, but it's not fair to you. Still [Sighs] I am hoping you could do something to make rey realize that he's made a mistake. [ Sighs ] It seems we're both married to very stubborn men. But, you know, sometimes, only the wives can get through to them, and make them see things when nobody else can.", "Mia: I'm sure I have no doubt about that. But rey's as tight-lipped at home as he is at work.", "Nikki: Well, if a resourceful, good-looking woman like you can't get him to open up, then... I guess it's hopeless.", "Mia: Hopeless is a state of mind.", "Nikki: Really? You think so? I mean, if you could find out just enough for me to stop this insanity, we could save both of our husbands from so much unnecessary ugliness. And I would hate for things to become awkward between you and me. I mean, we're just getting to know each other.", "Mia: [ Scoffs ] Well, uh... I promise you this -- I'll do my best to help. Your friendship means that much to me.", "Nikki: Me too. For anyone to go that far [Sighs] With so much at stake... that's a real friend.", "Mia: Let's finish transforming you with a few key products I have. Back in a tick.", "Nikki: Okay.", "[ Footsteps recede ]", "Cane: Well [Sighs] We might as well get this out of the way, huh?", "Victoria: I'm a little shocked it's even necessary.", "Cane: Me too.", "Victoria: After everything that's happened since reed and mattie were dating, for both of our families... you don't see their ancient history repeating, do you?", "Cane: Well, that's what I'm afraid of. But this time it could be worse for both kids.", "Victoria: I'm not trying to cause any trouble or drama, either. But, that being said, reed is a different person now. He's more responsible. He owns up to his mistakes.", "Cane: Yeah, mattie's over it. But I can't forget how reed hurt her. You know, and I'm worried, if it happens again --", "Victoria: They're not dating.", "Cane: Well, plenty can happen between now and january.", "Cane: And mattie, you know, with her mom away, she's a lot more emotional and vulnerable than she was before, you know.", "Victoria: And reed just learned from the police that his father's death has been labeled a murder.", "Cane: So... what I'm worried about is, if two kids need a reason to say \"the hell with it\"...", "Victoria: You're right. But if we forbid them from hanging out, I'm afraid it's just gonna drive them to more bad behavior.", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: And they're each other's emotional support right now because they're going through similar pain. They've been in touch for a while now.", "Cane: Since when?", "Victoria: Since lily's accident.", "Cane: [ Sighs heavily ] Okay.", "Victoria: It's a positive...", "Cane: I see. Okay.", "Victoria: ...I think, in an avalanche of heartbreak. I plan on telling mattie that she's welcome at my house any time.", "Cane: You know she didn't tell me? That's how out of sync I am with my own daughter. I don't know what I'm doing.", "Victoria: I think you're trying to be the best father that you can possibly be.", "Cane: Yeah, this single-parent thing, it's, uh... it's like, every day, I'm getting punched in the stomach, you know? And I have full-time help, but it just doesn't matter.", "Victoria: That doesn't tell you how you can protect your kids, and it doesn't convince you that you're not failing the people that are most important to you.", "Cane: You know, I have all this help. It's like there's this hole inside me, and I can't fill it in. Christmas is approaching, and i feel like it's just getting bigger, you know?", "Victoria: Do you know what I've been doing? I've been taking each day as it comes, and finding something in it that makes the kids happy.", "Cane: [ Exhales softly ] Okay. And how's that working for you?", "Victoria: Once i made the choice, I felt a difference right away.", "Mia: Thoughts, please?", "Nikki: Oh, I feel so much better since our talk. And this, it's -- it's just amazing. I love it.", "Mia: Oh! Thank you.", "Nikki: Well, thank you. Thank you for being so perceptive and a good listener and direct. In fact, you remind me a lot of me at your age.", "Mia: That's a supreme compliment. Thank you.", "Nikki: Well, we do have a fair bit in common, you know.", "Mia: No, I don't know. You're nikki newman, and I'm not.", "[ Laughs ]", "Nikki: Oh! Before that, I was nikki reed -- working-class girl living a very non-luxury life.", "Mia: You must be joking.", "Nikki: I am not. In fact, when I met victor newman, I was... working at the only job option i had, really, at a little dive outside of town called the bayou.", "Mia: Bartending?", "Nikki: Uh, no. That came later. I was a dancer.", "Mia: Oh, hell no!", "Nikki: Hell, yes!", "Mia: [ Laughs ] How long till victor found out your sexy secret?", "Nikki: Oh, secret? Darling, I was on that stage the very first time victor laid eyes on me, so... it worked out pretty well.", "Mia: You went from strip club to country club [Snaps] Instantly.", "[ Laughs ]", "Nikki: Oh, hardly, hardly. I had a lot to learn about behaving like a lady and being able to mix in with victor's society set. And so can you.", "Mia: And if I bomb out, you can always teach me your old routines.", "Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Well, I don't know about that. But here's your first lesson.", "Mia: Hmm?", "Nikki: The wealth, the social status --", "Mia: Oh, don't tell me they mean nothing.", "Nikki: Oh, I would never say that.", "Mia: [ Laughs ]", "Nikki: With it is a hell of a lot better than without it.", "Mia: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: No. Your family and your closest friends, those are the people that you fight for, that you protect and stay closest to, because they are really the most important people of all. [ Sighs happily ] Mmm! This is so fantastic. Did I say that already? [ Mia laughs ] But how am I gonna maintain this at home?", "Mia: Oh, well, you'll just have to hire me to do that for you.", "Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Well, you're right. I've got no choice. There you are.", "Mia: It's our first appointment. You really want to start over-tipping me?", "Nikki: Too late now. It's christmas.", "Mia: This has been my best night since moving here. Thank you, nikki.", "Nikki: Ohh. Thank you. I look forward to a long, mutually beneficial relationship.", "Abby: Clearly you enjoyed dinner. But was it exceptional? For my nerves, just bottom-line it.", "Devon: [ Sighs ] Well, I always try to. And, to be honest, abby... this was probably one of the most exceptional meals I've ever had in my life, honestly.", "Abby: Ohh!", "Ana: I disagree.", "Devon: You do?", "Ana: Strongly.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Ana: It wasn't \"one of\" anything. It was the best dinner I've ever eaten.", "[ Laughs ]", "Abby: [ Laughs ] You are evil.", "Ana: [ Giggles ]", "Abby: So, what do you say? Are we gonna open the hottest, hippest joint in town?", "Ana: With the best food, cooked by the greatest chef?", "Abby: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: We have to talk terms first.", "Abby: All right. Let's hear them.", "Devon: Well, for my connections, and my ability to mint this place on the a-list, I want to be able to make executive decisions, and bring home half the gross.", "Abby: Okay. I cave.", "Devon: Yeah?", "Abby: Let's do this.", "Devon: All right, well, that brings me to my final stipulation.", "Abby: Ana, you heard him say \"final.\" Okay. Let's hear it.", "Devon: [ Chuckles ] I just want to meet this mystery chef. Can you bring him out?", "Abby: Heh...", "Abby: All right. Now presenting tonight's celebrity chef... lola rosales!", "Lola: \"Celebrity\"?", "Devon: lied to me.", "Abby: Okay. Okay. Um... [ Chuckles nervously ] Everyone just chill out, okay? It's a big win for all of us. Let me explain.", "Devon: Go ahead.", "Abby: I decided to open the hottest, most exciting restaurant hangout in gc history. Serving food from rising star lola rosales. And, you see, devon, he -- he wanted a named chef for an easy sell and built-in pr. And, yes, I totally get that. Lola is unknown. But, devon, her food sells itself. So I decide to do an open-minded, blind taste-test to prove my point. No pressure on my partner or my culinary discovery. And it worked. [ Laughs ] So, brava, lola. Congrats, devon. And, hey, let's give it up for your girl, visionary, right here. Right here. Yeah. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Heh... you're not backing out now, are you?", "Devon: [ Sighs ] Well... I'm not thrilled that you played me.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Devon: But you are right that it is all about the food, and not about how famous the chef is. And you know this is still gonna be difficult, right?", "Abby: I do. Yes, I do. A-and I totally get it. I am going to work my butt off. I promise you that. But, devon, I need you to be 100% behind this. I can only do this with you. And lola.", "Devon: Lola hasn't even accepted an offer yet.", "Lola: Uh... [ Exhales ] An offer that i didn't even know about.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Abby: Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, devon. I'm sorry, lola, that I wasn't completely honest with you. Lola, I believe in you. And I -- I knew your food would do all of the talking for us. I -- we... [ Laughs ]", "Devon: [ Chuckles ]", "Abby: Right? \"We\"?", "Devon: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.", "Abby: We want you [Sighs] To be the chef at the new restaurant that we're opening. We are still opening a restaurant, right?", "Devon: Oh, we are if lola agrees to cook the way she did tonight. What do you say?", "Lola: Well... y-yes.", "Abby: [ Squeals ]", "Devon: Yeah?", "Lola: I mean... yes! Oh, my god! Is this really happening?", "Devon: Nice. [ Chuckles ]", "Abby: It just did. Thanks to you. Aaah! Come here!", "Charlie: Is this okay, or is it just sad?", "Mattie: It's appropriate. The main event is in the living room, and we nailed it, so...", "Charlie: Yeah. I think mom would approve.", "Mattie: She'd strongly disapprove, loudly, if we had grinched-out and put in zero effort.", "Charlie: Well, we had to, even if it was only to see sam freak out.", "Mattie: [ Chuckles ]", "Cane: Yeah, well, I hope sam's not the only christmas-crazed kid in this house. I just spent three hours looking for this...", "Charlie: Oh, ho!", "Cane: ...Beautiful, enormous thing.", "Charlie: Oh, that's so cool, dad!", "Mattie: Yeah. We're gonna need a lot more decorations, though.", "Cane: Yeah, well, luckily, I stopped by the chancellor estate and esther gave me a crateful. They're in the back seat of the car. Go get them.", "Charlie: Yeah, all right.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Mattie: I am so happy you... changed your mind.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Mattie: What did it?", "Cane: Well, uh, I got this infusion of christmas spirit from the last person in town I expected to get it from, so...", "Tessa: We both can't be sidelined by nikki and victoria's stupid scare tactic.", "Mariah: And sharon. She was there, too. She doesn't get a pass.", "Tessa: They probably forced her to come.", "Mariah: No, they forced you. The three of them.", "Tessa: Okay, yeah. There's no sense in whitewashing it. But now -- now can we put it behind us?", "Mariah: No. Not if it means sharon gets away with being there. Saying nothing, watching them torment you, that'S... just not gonna work for me.", "Nikki: Victoria? Victoria?", "Victoria: Mom? Hello?", "Nikki: Hey!", "Victoria: Hey.", "Nikki: Where'd you go?", "Victoria: Me? Oh, do you have some secret late-night plans or something? Look at you.", "Nikki: [ Chuckles ] I've already seen to them. The makeover was my ticket in. To mia rosales. So I can start fixing things for your father.", "Victoria: Mia?", "Nikki: Wife of top cop causing our problems? This way, she can further our agenda while slipping me a few tidbits about her husband's case.", "Victoria: And you trust her? Why would she do that for you?", "Nikki: It wasn't a difficult negotiation, victoria. Mia has certain goals she would like to achieve in town... quickly. And they require friends in high places, so she and I are about to become very close.", "Victoria: If detective rosales gets even the smallest idea of what you and mia are up to, you're gonna become his number-one suspect. Until he makes it a fiendish foursome with the rest of us!", "Nikki: You're being paranoid.", "Victoria: And you're being too relaxed about the whole thing, or else you would see that involving mia in might have been a fatal mistake." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Phyllis tries to find out what happened in Vegas with Chance and Adam but Chance doesn't tell her anything w his time in Vegas. Chance doesn't take the job Abby offered him but he does decide to stay in town for a while so he and Abby toast to the future. Billy continues to struggle with feelings that Victoria expects him to be perfect. Billy wonders why he can't tell Victoria how he feels instead he tells her that their relationship is fine. Victoria thinks Billy is avoiding her but she can't figure out the reason for it. Billy goes to the bar again and opens up to Amanda about his feelings and she tells him she feels she can't trust anyone. Billy tells Amanda he feels he can't trust himself at all. Connor stops Chelsea from moving out of the penthouse by telling her the monster inside him will get bigger if she doesn't move in permanently. Chelsea heads to Nick's place after Connor is asleep and she tells him that Connor had a breakdown tonight and she feels that she and Adam are the only two people who can help Connor. Nick wonders if their relationship has a future because there is nothing he can do to help her with Connor.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Billy: Sometimes I feel like I'm playing a role in life, like I'm some actor in a play -- \"whatever, it's all good\" -- even if it makes me unhappy.", "Amanda: What does make you happy?", "Billy: I used to think I knew.", "Abby: Take your lack of conscience and get the hell out of here.", "Abby: Head of security. Interested?", "Phyllis: Chelsea makes her own choices, and chelsea is choosing to live with adam.", "Nick: It's not that simple.", "Phyllis: It is that simple. I think you deserve better -- much better.", "Phyllis: Oh! Stupid machine! Oh, take that! Ridiculous! Ridiculous! [ Sighs ] Wait.", "Nick: Why are you talking to a jukebox?", "Phyllis: I'm not talking to it. I'm screaming at it because all this machine ever does is give me grief. Stupid.", "Nick: Well, it's a jukebox. The only thing it's going to give you is a tune.", "Phyllis: It doesn't even give me a tune! Take that. Ha!", "Chelsea: Hey. Where's connor? How is he?", "Adam: He's upstairs playing a game. And he's doing about as well as he was when you video-chatted with him an hour ago.", "Chelsea: I'm not gonna apologize for being anxious about my son.", "Adam: Well, first of all, he's our son... and I wasn't asking you to apologize.", "Chelsea: I felt like you were.", "Adam: Well, I'm not. Why are you getting so worked up?", "Chelsea: I'm not worked up. I'm not. I'm -- [ Sighs ] It's been a long day, okay, adam? Most of which I've just been thinking about connor and how we can help him. So...I'm sorry if I'm coming apart a little bit. I just want this to get better.", "Adam: So do I. But we can't overreact to everything he says or does.", "Chelsea: Yeah, like all these lies about sharon?", "Adam: No that's different.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I'll say it is.", "[ Sighs ]", "Adam: Look, we have to find a way to call him on what he did without making him feel threatened. I mean, I even considered making something up to show connor what he did was wrong.", "Chelsea: No. That's not the answer.", "Adam: Okay. Well, then, what is?", "Chelsea: We have to be better parents.", "Adam: Okay.", "Chelsea: We can't lie to him, either.", "Adam: Have we been lying to him?", "Chelsea: Not directly, but we might as well be.", "Adam: Okay. I'm sorry. I'm not getting any of this. What are you talking about?", "Chelsea: I am talking about our situation, adam, with me... here... in your house.", "Billy: [ Thinking ] Come on, man. You can do this. Slow down. Get a little focus. Maybe try reading the directions... because it's got to be perfect. The perfect little house for the perfect family. [ Sighs ] What's that saying -- \"perfect is the enemy of good\"? Something to think about.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Billy: [ Thinking ] Look at you, all confident and put together like you have all the answers. I bet you never had a gambling problem or lost your company's yacht in a poker game. I bet you never broke your wife's heart. On the other hand, you can't bend your legs or move your arms. You don't saying much, either, do you? Hell, that might be your advantage. Between you and me, I'd call it a trade-off. Wouldn't you?", "Victoria: Hey!", "Billy: Hey.", "Victoria: What is this?", "Billy: Uh, well, it's supposed to be a dollhouse for katie.", "Victoria: Oh. Okay. Um, it looks kind of, um...", "Billy: It's looking a little funky. Yeah. I get it. Every time I go to do something, I end up with extra pieces in my hand that are supposed to go somewhere.", "Victoria: You'll figure it out.", "Billy: Mm. I'm trying.", "Victoria: You are a creative, talented guy who knows how to pfollow directions.", "Billy: Yeah. Getting pretty good at following directions.", "Victoria: Oh, my gosh. This is so cute.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ]", "Victoria: I love it. Katie's gonna love it, too.", "Billy: Anything for my girls.", "Victoria: [ Chuckles softly ] Additional sponsorship", "[Inaudible] I think they'll hit $50 billion in agriculture. Several threads to pull together there from president trump's remarks. First off the top he was talking about china trade, which is a significant accomplishment for the administration happening amid the impeachment drama. He also maid references to polling data and talking to campaign officials. They believe this has been a net benefit for theresident. Weijia jiang is at the white house. Weijia, take it from there.", "Reporter: Major, this could not have been a better moment for that split screen time president trump is talking about. He needed something to focus on other than what just happened on capitol hill. That's why he's trying to talk about china, which is a victory for him. As for the rest of what he said, it's much of the same, hitting home the same points he's made since the launch of this inquiry. First he continues to defend himself, saying he did nothing wrong, and he was only acting on behalf of the country, not himself, when he had those conversations with the ukrainian president. Number two, again, continuing to attack the process. We heard the same words, witch hunt, sham, hoax, that he believes is working when he's communicating to the american public, painting himself as the victim of a political witch hunt and of a partisan process that has left him scrambling to defend his presidency. I do think it's interesting, major, that he said that the democrats were trivializing the impeachment procitizen. I believe this is a new talking point. He's acknowledging that this is a critical tool for law lawmakers but says it's not appropriate in this case because he is innocent. And so there you heard it. The president saying once again, defending himself, that despite the monumental development in this inquiry, he is innocent. Weijia jiang on the north lawn of the white house, thank you very much. Our impeachment coverage continues on our 24-hour streaming network. That's cbsn. You can watch it on cbsnews.Com or on the cbs news app. There is more to come on this cbs station and tonight, of course, on the \"cbs evening news with norah o'donnell.\" Many of you will now return to \"cbs this morning.\" For the time being, this has been a cbs news special report. I'm major garrett, cbs news, new york. For news 24 hours a day, go to cbs", "Chelsea: You always make it about nick.", "Adam: Am I wrong?", "Chelsea: Yeah, you're wrong. Other people have shown their concern, adam. Even sharon said she was worried that connor was getting the wrong idea about us.", "Adam: Okay, and sharon also said that he was getting better and that one of the reasons is because he felt safe when we were together in this house. And you thought the same thing up until, what, five minutes ago?", "Chelsea: I am expressing my concern.", "Adam: Okay. And so am I. And my concern is that nick will say or do anything to get you to move back in with him, even if it means hurting connor.", "Chelsea: Oh, that is so unfair.", "Adam: Really?", "Chelsea: Really. Nick has been so understanding about this situation, and he would never want that little boy to suffer. Are you crazy?", "Adam: Well, you have a much higher opinion of me than I do, chelsea.", "Chelsea: You know, you are so consumed with your hatred for nick that you -- you question everything.", "Adam: Yeah, you're right! I do -- with good reason.", "Chelsea: Adam, I don't want to argue with you about this.", "Adam: Oh, okay. So you're just gonna drop this bomb and you're gonna walk away?", "Chelsea: I am trying to have a discussion with you!", "Adam: Yeah, you're trying to have a discussion about who knows best how to raise our son, and you think it's nick!", "Chelsea: That's not true! It's not a contest!", "Adam: Okay. So, you're not denying it?", "Chelsea: Don't you dare put words in my mouth. I will not take the bait.", "Adam: Okay. Okay, fine. Fine, chelsea. When should we tell connor and upend his world again -- tomorrow? Next week? How 'bout christmas morning?", "Chelsea: Obviously, when we can both deal with this rationally and calmly. Clearly, you can't, so...", "Adam: Where are you going?", "Chelsea: I'm going to pick up some things.", "Adam: Oh, at nick's, I would assume. That's a great idea. It'll give him a chance to spew more poison.", "Connor: Don't go, mom! Please don't go!", "Phyllis: Have you been following the city council race since you dropped out?", "Nick: I check in on it from time to time.", "Phyllis: Mm. Then you'd know that the chicken-coop candidate is ahead in the polls. You know what that means.", "Nick: Fresh eggs?", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] No. It actually means if you were to have dumped somebody whose name I can't mention...", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: ...Instead of pulling out of the race, you would have won by a landslide. Or fresh eggs. I don't know. Hey, I'm unemployed. Maybe I'll throw my hat in the ring. Ooh. No, no, no. Too many skeletons rattling around in my closet.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. You are, uh... definitely one of a kind.", "Phyllis: I am.", "Nick: You are. Alright. Uh, I got to get out of here. I got to go check on christian.", "Phyllis: Okay. If you see our daughter, tell her to call me, please.", "Nick: I always do.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Nick: I'm curious, though, about something. You didn't actually put any money in that jukebox, did you?", "Phyllis: What? Now, why on earth would I lie about that?", "Nick: To get me out of my funk... which you did. So, here you go. To play a couple of songs, you know -- some real songs. Uh, anything... except \"revenge.\"", "Billy: We're fine. We are. It's just me... figuring things out.", "Victoria: I want to help you, billy, all that I can.", "Billy: I know you do. And I appreciate that. It's just, you know -- it's -- it's -- it's me running around. I've got therapy. I've got the gym. I've got my time. I've got family time. Believe me, sometimes I feel like a walking self-help book.", "Victoria: I know that this is a transition time for you, and i don't want to put any pressure on you.", "Billy: You're not. You're not. I do -- I feel your support, and I-I-I-I appreciate it. And I'm not forgetting about you. I'm not forgetting about us, okay? And when I get to the end of whatever this is... you'll be by my side. You are my priority, okay?", "Victoria: I'm behind you 1,000%.", "Billy: That's a lot -- 1,000%.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] I love you, billy.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Billy: Duty calls.", "Victoria: I'm so sorry. It's always something. Oh. Yeah. This won't take long. Hi. Yes. Victoria newman.", "Billy: [ Thinking ] This was your chance, billy. Why didn't you tell her the truth? Why do you keep holding back? Why? (Pirate girl) ahoy!!!!!", "Billy: [ Thinking ] It's never gonna change unless you make a change, billy, so why hold back? Tell her what's got you so twisted up. It's victoria. You love her. She loves you.", "Victoria: Billy?", "Billy: Put the phone down for a second. Come and sit, will you?", "Victoria: You look so serious. Is everything okay?", "Billy: Vick, I, uh...", "Victoria: What is it? You can talk to me. You can always tell me anything. You know that.", "Billy: I need you.", "Connor: You were fighting. You were yelling at each other.", "Adam: You know, we're sorry about that, bud. Your mom and I were just having a little disagreement. It's nothing to worry about.", "Connor: This is sharon's fault.", "Adam: No, connor. No, it's not.", "Connor: She doesn't want us all together.", "Chelsea: That's not true.", "Connor: The monster sent sharon to make you and dad fight. The monster wants one of you to leave. That's his plan. When you aren't together, everything goes wrong.", "Adam: But you know what? We are together. And we're not going anywhere. Right, mom?", "Chelsea: That's right. We're both here.", "Connor: For now, you are. But what about later?", "Chelsea: Honey, c--", "Connor: No, don't!", "Chelsea: Connor, I just want to help you calm down. It's okay.", "Connor: I know you think something's wrong with me, but it's not me. It's the monster. Why don't you believe me?!", "[ Crying ]", "Chelsea: Connor... come here, sweetie.", "Connor: You promise you're coming home? You swear?", "Chelsea: Yes, connor, I swear. I'm coming home.", "Connor: [ Whimpering ]", "Phyllis: You ready for this? I know I am.", "Chance: Tell me something, phyllis. Have you ever thought of attaching a subject to your questions? Because I don't know what \"this\" means.", "Phyllis: Oh, stop being coy. I know that abby ran to you gloating that she fired me.", "Chance: And what if she did?", "Phyllis: I knew it.", "Chance: I'm not saying that that's what happened, but why would it matter to you? The deed is done.", "Phyllis: Mm. 'Cause I know that you're partially responsible for pulling the pin.", "Chance: How do you figure?", "Phyllis: How do I figure? Because I'm sure abby asked you to get dirt on me.", "Chance: No. No. She asked me to find out who was messing with the hotel security system... and all roads led to you. Here's a little inside information. Crooks don't get to blame the feds for busting them when they actually committed crimes.", "Phyllis: I'm not a crook.", "Chance: Hmm. Where have i heard that one before?", "Phyllis: I'm innocent, and i will prove it.", "Chance: You must be confusing me with someone who gives a damn. I'm out of this, phyllis, so you can take it somewhere else.", "Phyllis: Should I take it to vegas?", "Chance: [ Chuckles ]", "Phyllis: Is that where i should take it? Because you still haven't answered the question. What were you and adam doing in sin city together?", "Chance: Well, I guess that figures. If you have nothing else to say, throw vegas at the wall and see if it sticks.", "Phyllis: Oh, I have plenty to say.", "Chance: And none of it will mean a damn thing. Stop bluffing with an empty hand, phyllis. You're embarrassing yourself.", "Phyllis: I'm embarrassing myself? Hmm. Okay. Well... why don't you chew on this piece of the puzzle? It involves a duffel bag... and a gun. \"The young and the restless\" will continue. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Victoria: I'm so sorry.", "Billy: For what?", "Victoria: I just have to leave so soon. I feel like I'm spoiling the moment.", "Billy: Hey, it's tomorrow in australia. You've got to get back to the office to make the call.", "Victoria: I know. I just wish I could spend the rest of the evening here with you.", "Billy: [ Thinking ] And you should want that, too, billy. Tell her to blow off the call and stay. Me, too. But the sooner you get the call done, the sooner you come back to me.", "Victoria: Okay. Good point. Alright. I'll see you soon.", "Billy: Okay.", "Victoria: Bye.", "Billy: Bye. [ Thinking ] Okay, billy. Just calm down. Calm down. You got to work out some of this energy, man. Yeah. Maybe you need a good workout. Or maybe that isn't what you need. Maybe you need -- maybe you need something else.", "Chance: I have got to tell you, phyllis, your obsession with my time in vegas is as baffling as it is entertaining. Let me ask you, does whatever you think I did involve a buffet, celine dion, and a pair of loaded dice?", "Phyllis: Now you're bluffing.", "Chance: You're not a good enough poker player to know that.", "Phyllis: I'm a very good poker player.", "Chance: Mm.", "Phyllis: I'm also on to you. So, let's, uh, stop with the bad jokes... and let's get real.", "Chance: Okay. Real it is. What do you want to know?", "Phyllis: Let's start with the duffel bag and the gun.", "Chance: I worked undercover, phyllis. Sometimes that requires me to carry a gun and -- uh-oh -- a duffel bag.", "Phyllis: But you weren't the one carrying it.", "Chance: You talking about riza, adam's buddy?", "Phyllis: No. You know who I'm talking about. I'm talking about that little guy -- the sleazy guy... the one with the bad suit. What was in the bag?", "Chance: I don't know. His lunch?", "Phyllis: You do know, and i want you to tell me.", "Chance: Are you a cop, phyllis? Or a prosecutor? Do you have a subpoena or anything at all that will require me to tell you one damn thing? Of course you don'T. You've been hammering adam and me about this ever since I came back to town, and I can only guess it's to get some kind of leverage against me or adam -- I suspect adam because he's done something wrong to you, and while I admire your tenacity, I have better things to do, and so do you, like getting a job. That should keep you busy.", "Phyllis: Wow. That's a great speech.", "Chance: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: [ Chuckling ] It is. You know you could brush me off. You can try, but you're not gonna get rid of me. You know that, right? I know what I saw. Something big was going down in vegas, and you and adam are right in the middle of it. I'm gonna find out what it is.", "Chance: [ Chuckles softly ]", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Abby: Oh, let me guess. You are either coming from work or going back.", "Victoria: I'm going back. I needed some fuel for a late night at the office.", "Abby: Mmm. Lola's empanadas should do the trick.", "Victoria: They are my favorite.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] Well, you're awfully cheerful for someone about to pull an all-nighter.", "Victoria: Oh. It shows, huh>", "Abby: Uh, yeah. It's written all over your face.", "Victoria: Ahh.", "Abby: So?", "Victoria: Well, you know, um, billy and I -- we've been a little distant with each other lately, but... tonight was like old times, better times.", "Abby: I'm so glad. I'm really happy for you.", "Victoria: Thank you. Me, too. And just in time for the holidays. Let's just hope that the rest of this year makes up for everything that our family has been through in 2019.", "Abby: We deserve it.", "Victoria: We do deserve it. Yes. [ Both laugh ] So, how -- how are how are things with you?", "Abby: Kind of great.", "Victoria: Great?", "Abby: Yeah.", "Victoria: Really? So, the hotel is doing well?", "Abby: Business is picking up.", "Victoria: Good. So, this perky attitude that you have, is -- is that why, or did someone put that gleam in your eye?", "Abby: Well, I don't want to jinx it, but yes. Maybe. I-I don't know. I will let you know later, if there's anything to even tell. Listen, you just go finish your work, eat your empanadas, and get home to billy.", "Victoria: I can't wait.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "Amanda: [ Sighs ] Have a seat.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ]", "Chance: Is there anything else, phyllis?", "Phyllis: I have plenty more.", "Chance: I doubt that very much. But you'll keep pretending that you do until you run out of hot air, and it's too bad, really. I could learn to like you if you weren't such a pain in the ass.", "Phyllis: Such a boy scout. That's what you want everybody to think. But I know otherwise because you're friends with adam.", "Chance: Your old pal.", "Phyllis: Yeah, my old pal -- past tense.", "Chance: So, I'm right. It's too bad. I'd imagine you can use all the friends you could get.", "Phyllis: You know, take your condescending good-ol'-boy bull and sling it at someone stupid enough to buy it, because, really, I don'T.", "Chance: We're done now, phyllis. You have finally worn me out.", "Phyllis: I have?", "Chance: Look, if you want to keep digging, be my guest. But you might want to stop and ask yourself this -- \"is my life so empty that I have to spend it digging up dirt on other people?\"", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: Hey.", "Chelsea: Hey.", "Nick: I wasn't expecting -- what's wrong? Is it connor?", "Chelsea: He lost it again tonight -- just completely broke down.", "Nick: I'm sorry.", "Chelsea: I had to hold him until he fell back asleep. I'm only here to get more clothes, and then I have to go back before he wakes up again.", "Nick: Yeah. I understand.", "Chelsea: Of course you understand... because you are being so patient with me.", "Nick: There's not much else I can be at the moment.", "Chelsea: I'm sure you're getting sick of this.", "Nick: I can't lie to you. It's hard. It's hard for everybody.", "Chelsea: Everybody?", "Nick: I'm not saying this to make you feel worse, but I was putting christian to bed tonight... and he had tears in his eyes. He asked me if chelsea and connor were ever coming home. I didn't answer him... because, honestly, I don't know the answer to the question myself.", "Abby: Hey.", "Chance: You made it.", "Abby: I hope you didn't start without me.", "Chance: I almost had to.", "Abby: Why?", "Chance: Your friend phyllis decided to choose me as the target of her day.", "Abby: Ooh.", "Chance: I guess you were unavailable.", "Abby: Sorry.", "Chance: It's no big deal.", "Abby: No, but I am the one responsible for you becoming one of phyllis' enemies -- not that I'm sorry about it.", "Chance: I'm not sorry, either.", "Abby: But surviving phyllis means that you are qualified to be our head of security. So... are you accepting my offer?", "Chance: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Amanda: So, here we are.", "Billy: Here we are.", "Amanda: What's wrong.", "Billy: Nothing. Everything's perfect. My wife is perfect. My family is perfect. Everything is perfect but me.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Amanda: I know a little about that.", "Billy: Oh, yeah?", "Amanda: Mm-hmm. I am starting over with a brand-new, squeaky-clean slate, leaving all my baggage behind, so all that's left is right now -- no before, no after, just...this moment. But I can't help thinking that it would be really nice if it would stay that way.", "Billy: Mm. Frozen in time.", "Amanda: Mm. Something like that.", "Billy: You know what just dawned on me?", "Amanda: What?", "Billy: I don't know a damn thing about you. I mean, I know you're an attorney. You look like hillary. There's got to be a story there, right?", "Amanda: Mm, no story. Just an unfortunate coincidence.", "Billy: I liked hilary.", "Amanda: Well, I'm not her.", "Billy: Which leads me to my question. Who are you? You know what? It's none of my business. I-I shouldn't have asked that. I'm sorry.", "Amanda: No, no. It's okay. Who I am is somebody who finds it very hard to trust people. I thought I was getting better at that, but... apparently, I have a long way to go.", "Chance: Look, abby I... I appreciate your generous offer.", "Abby: You don't need to finish.", "Chance: I do want you to know I was tempted.", "Abby: But not tempted enough to accept. Look, I get it. Being the head of security at the grand phoenix isn't quite as important as keeping the world safe.", "Chance: I'm thinking of handing that job over to someone else.", "Abby: What?!", "Chance: Part of your pitch was successful. I've decided I'm going to stay here in genoa city for a while.", "Abby: Well, that's great! I mean, are you sure that this place is exciting enough for you?", "Chance: I don't know about exciting, but... it definitely has its charms.", "Abby: What are you gonna do?", "Chance: I don't know. I figure that I'll take my time, see what comes to me.", "Abby: Well, this calls for a toast.", "Chance: A toast.", "Abby: To...the future.", "Chance: \"The future\" sounds good. [ Glasses clink ] As a part of that future, how about you and I go out on a date?", "Connor: [ Gasps ]", "Adam: Hey. It's okay, bud. I'm right here. I'm right here, and your mom's coming back, alright? Ready you must share your mom's we're always gonna be here for you.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Chelsea: I don't know what to say.", "Nick: I probably shouldn't have told you that about christian. I'm sorry.", "Chelsea: No. No. I'm the one that needs to apologize for making things so hard on him...and you. [ Sighs ] I'm really trying my best here, but it just doesn't seem to be working for anybody.", "Nick: I own a lot of that, too. Christian has had so many people come in and out of his life. I just wanted so badly to provide some stability for that little boy. I'm not doing a very good job of that.", "Chelsea: Because you chose me.", "Nick: I didn't mean it like that.", "Chelsea: If you won't say it, I will. I've not been able to help you provide that stability. I just want to be there for everybody. [ Sighs ] I really have the best of intentions, but I have to put someone first.", "Nick: Yeah, connor.", "Chelsea: He feels like his house is on fire. Adam and I need to put out that fire.", "Nick: I hear you... and I understand. But, honestly... I don't know if I can keep doing this. Can you?", "Billy: Trust? Yeah, that's -- that's a hard one.", "Amanda: The hardest.", "Billy: With me, it's the other -- other side of that coin. It's can I be trusted with anyone? Can I trust myself with anything?", "Amanda: Well, you and I are quite the pair.", "Billy: Yeah? Hmm. I should be getting home.", "Amanda: Yes, that's right. [ Clears throat ] You have a life -- a perfect life.", "Billy: That I do." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ... Nothing was done wrong. Zero was done wrong. I think it\'s a horrible thing to use the tool of impeachment. Should be used in emergency. To be using this for a phone call. There was no pressure at all, the relationship was perfect. I did more fo6r them than obama did for them. It\'s a scam. Shouldn\'t be allowed. They\'re trivializing impeachment. When you use impeachment for absolutely nothing than political gain. That being said my numbers have gone through the roof. Fundraising has gone through the roof for republican party. People are disgusted. No one has seen anything like this. Democrats made fools out of themselves. Saw them quoting incorrectly. They kept saying "me" when it was "us." Talked about attorney general of the united stateS. Or talking about past corruption. Nobody likes to talk about but why isn\'t europe paying? For years we\'ve been suckers, but we\'re not suckers anymore. Why isn\'t germany paying? Why aren\'t european countries paying a lot of money? Why is it always united states? Why is it the suckers pay? We changed that but no one brings it up. I think the whole impeachment hoax-- it is a hoax-- nancy pelosi knows it. She sai in an interview we\'ve been working on it for two and hayears. Reporter was shocked, she seems to be a liar. Not a good thing for our country. Nobody has ever seen numb bars like this before. So the palm beach gardens the impeachment is a scam. When you look at the I.G. Report and these horrible F.B.I. People, talking abo talking about gotta get him out. To get them out, insurance policies, you know the insurance policy is just in case she lose, meaning crooked hillary, who is crooked as a $3 bilL. Just in case cooked hillary lose, we have an insurance policy. We\'ve been going through the insurance policy for three years and it\'s a disgrace. Thank you very much, everybody.']
[ "Ash and Brad spent time with Abby planning to decorate the Abbott Estate. When Gloria and John joined them, Abby asked why she wore so much makeup. Gloria admitted it was to look younger than she was. Alone with John and Gloria, Ash delighted in making Gloria uncomfortable by talking about inviting her two sons to Christmas Dinner, while Gloria annoyed Ash by admitting she planned to decorate the house herself. Sharon and Nick were disappointed to learn Malcolm", "needed to find someone to run the coffeehouse full time now that they were both working. Damon got released on bail, and Christine begged him to keep quiet about the evidence until more time had passed. Malcolm again harassed Damon about getting Phyllis into trouble. Phyllis interrupted them and took Damon aside to speak privately. She demanded to know if he and Christine were hiding something. Damon refused to answer, said he could no longer trust her, and insisted she'd forced them to opposite sides of the same battle. Nikki told Victor that Bobby was really Charlie Cassen and she wanted to help him. Victor wanted to get things back on track with their marriage, but Nikki walked away. Bobby and Victor agreed they needed to talk, man to man. Wandering in the park, Malcolm encountered a mysterious woman who'd also spent years in Africa. They talked, then agreed to have dinner together. She admitted she was in town on unpleasant business." ]
[ "Victor: You make yourself right at home, Mr. Marsino.", "Nikki: Victor, don't even make me say--", "Victor: Where's your wife?", "Bobby: Look, I'm not doing anything I gotta hide from Brittany.", "Victor: If you don't mind, I'd like to speak to my wife alone.", "Bobby: Yeah, I was just gonna go outside and clear my head. (Door closes)", "Victor: What's going on here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: I gotta tell you, Christine, I'm impressed.", "Chris: About what?", "Damon: Not only did you get that judge to grant bail, you got him to set it low so I could scrape it together.", "Chris: Well, there's no reason to believe that you were a flight risk.", "Damon: Well, you'd think not, but listening to that assistant D.A. tell it, you'd think I was public enemy number one, wouldn't you?", "Chris: I'm sure that was Weber's doing.", "Damon: No doubt. Can I buy you a coffee? It's the least I can do to repay you for springing me from the lockup.", "Chris: Uh, actually, if you don't mind, I'd rather skip the coffee and get down to business.", "Damon: The transcript of Phyllis's visit with Dominic Hughes.", "Chris: Unfortunately, while it will probably exonerate Phyllis, it's only gonna make you look guiltier than you already do.", "Damon: I know. I've been giving that a lot of serious thought.", "Chris: Well, now that bail's no longer an issue, it's up to you. Do you wanna leap in and help Phyllis, or do you wanna hold off and protect yourself?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Cassie is never gonna get her homework done if you keep telling her all these fantastic stories about Africa.", "Malcolm: Well, look at it this way, Sharon. Cassie's working on geography, I gave her a bonus lecture.", "Sharon: Well, I don't know if Cassie's teacher is gonna look at it that way.", "Malcolm: That's their loss.", "Nick: Hey.", "Sharon: Oh, hi, hon.", "Nick: Man, it is good to see you. I'm glad you're back.", "Malcolm: Good to see you, Nick.", "Nick: I wish I could have come by sooner. I hear your stories are pretty incredible.", "Sharon: Oh, yeah, we were just talking about his stories.", "Nick: Well, you can stick around and tell me about it, especially now that you're working here.", "Malcolm: I guess you guys don't know. Today's my last shift.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: My favorite angel.", "Brad: Wait a minute. I thought you said the snowflake was your favorite.", "Abby: It is... my favorite snowflake. This is my favorite angel.", "Brad: Oh, of course. Thank you for clarifying that for me.", "Abby: Actually, they're all my favorite.", "Ashley: Abby, these are called heirloom ornaments. Do you know what that means?", "Abby: Uh, they're old?", "Ashley: Yes, they're old and they're very special. They've been in my family for a long time.", "Abby: Since you were my age?", "Ashley: Even before then.", "Brad: Probably since Uncle Jack was your age. I know it's hard to believe Uncle Jack was ever your age.", "Ashley: Every year I put them out along with all the other ornaments, but this year you and I are gonna do it together. Come here. We're gonna decorate this whole house, you and me.", "Brad: Oh, that sounds like fun, doesn't it?", "Abby: Uh-huh. Can I help pick out a Christmas tree?", "Ashley: You bet. We're gonna get the biggest, fattest tree we can find. What do you think of that?", "Abby: Wow.", "Gloria: Yes. I still can't get over it, John. It's just so amazing, having a thing like that right at your fingertips.", "John: It is rather amazing.", "Gloria: Oh.", "John: Well, Abby.", "Gloria: Hi, cutie.", "Abby: Hi, Grandpa. Hi, Gloria.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I don't appreciate your tone. It's insulting.", "Victor: Don't you give me that nonsense. You don't think a man has a right to know why the hell his wife is in his own living room hugging another man?", "Nikki: Can you just trust that it's nothing illicit?", "Victor: What was this about?", "Nikki: Stop asking me-- if you must know, we were talking about the wedding gift that I'm giving Bobby and Brittany.", "Victor: What damn wedding gift are you talking about?", "Nikki: I'm paying for the renovation of their condo so they can move into their home.", "Victor: Have you lost all of your marbles? So what? What do you mean you're paying for the renovation of his condo? What are you talking about?", "Nikki: Victor, I owe it to him.", "Victor: What do you mean you owe it to him? What do you owe to him? This sounds more ludicrous by the minute. What hold does this man have over you?", "Nikki: All right, I will tell you. Bobby is the key to everything that I have been going through these past few months.", "Victor: What do you mean he's the key?", "Nikki: The brother of the little boy that I killed, Joshua Cassen, it's Bobby. Bobby Marsino is Charlie Cassen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Well, hello, you two.", "John: Hey, Bradley, how are you?", "Brad: I'm fine, thanks. Just came by to pick up Abby.", "John: Great.", "Abby: Hi.", "Gloria: Hi yourself, cutie pie. Have you ever seen that neat little gizmo your grandpa has in his car?", "Abby: Which one?", "Gloria: It's-- well, you push this button, and there's this real live person who talks to you.", "Abby: About what?", "Gloria: Ooh, all kinds of things-- where you can find the nearest Italian restaurant or gas station or whatever. You can even make phone calls with it, and it'll open your car doors if you lock your keys inside. I mean, it is the most incredible thing. What's it called again, John?", "John: Onstar, honey.", "Gloria: Yeah, Onstar.", "Brad: All right, pumpkin, we better hit the road. What do you want for dinner?", "Abby: Orange chicken.", "Ashley: Hey, that's crazy. You had chicken last night. Remember, we had Chinese.", "Abby: I want it again. Please, Daddy.", "Brad: Well...", "Ashley: We have tons of leftovers. Feel free.", "Brad: You sure?", "Ashley: Yeah. We'll make a bag up.", "Brad: Well, I'll give you a hand.", "Gloria: So you like Chinese, huh?", "Abby: Uh-huh.", "Gloria: Boy, me, too, especially egg rolls. They're my downfall.", "Abby: What do you mean?", "Gloria: Well, I mean they're fattening 'cause they're fried, not that you have to worry about that yet.", "John: And neither do you, madam.", "Gloria: Oh... aren't you sweet? A liar, but sweet.", "Abby: I also like fortune cookies.", "Gloria: Oh, you do? Well, so do I, but I think I like almond cookies better, except you don't get those funny little sayings with them. What's the matter, sweetie? You look so serious.", "Abby: How come you wear so much makeup?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: What do you mean this is your last shift? You just started working here.", "Malcolm: Yeah, I know. Look, I'm sorry. I guess Trevor didn't tell you.", "Sharon: This is the first I've heard of it. It's just kind of a shock, Malcolm. The coffeehouse seemed like the perfect place for you, and you're so great with people, especially kids. I was just noticing that a few minutes ago in the office.", "Malcolm: It was the stories they were digging, Sharon, not me.", "Sharon: Are you kidding? Cassie and Noah were practically spellbound by your stories. It's like you have this special gift when it comes to young people.", "Nick: Malcolm, you're not leaving because of what happened between your brother and me, are you?", "Malcolm: Neil told me he quit his job, but he's a grown man. That's his business.", "Nick: Then you two talked about it.", "Malcolm: I heard there were some issues between you two, but my moving on has got nothing to do with that.", "Sharon: Well, if you don't mind my asking, what does it have to do with?", "Malcolm: Let's just say it's hard to come back to a place where everybody has got used to you being dead. I got some things I gotta sort out, that's all.", "Cassie: Malcolm?", "Malcolm: What's up?", "Cassie: Hey, I thought your stories were really cool, so I decided to do my geography project on Kenya, but I need some more information. I was wondering if you could help me.", "Malcolm: Yeah, of course I can. Let's go.", "Cassie: Cool.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: It's your decision, but if you ask me, it's time to start thinking about yourself.", "Damon: I have always felt extremely guilty that Phyllis ever became involved in this whole sordid mess. I'm not about to just abandon her now.", "Chris: Damon, I'm not suggesting that, but I have to ask, what's the rush?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Abby, honey, that's kind of a personal question to ask, isn't it?", "Abby: I'm sorry.", "Gloria: No, sweetie, don't be. It's okay.", "John: Listen, I'm gonna run upstairs, okay?", "Gloria: Okay. Whew! Why do I wear so much makeup? Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm. Let me see. How am I gonna answer that one? Well, just between us girls, maybe it's because I'm getting older, and when you get to be my age, you use more makeup.", "Abby: Mommy wears makeup.", "Gloria: Yeah, but your mommy's a lot younger and prettier than I am, sweetie. She doesn't need as much camouflage.", "Abby: What's that?", "Gloria: Well, it's like when you're trying to hide something. You won't understand any of this until you're older, sweetie, but, see, on the inside, I still feel exactly like I did when I was younger, so I guess I still try to look like that, and so I put on lip gloss and blush and eye shadow, sometimes maybe a little too much, because, see, when I see color, I think young, happy and pretty. Does any of that make sense? It does? Come here. Ooh, hugs.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: And you know this for a fact.", "Nikki: Bobby told me himself.", "Victor: When did Bobby tell you himself?", "Nikki: We were at the club one night, and he was talking about his childhood. He was born right here in Genoa City. His father was a professor. He moved the family to Cleveland after Bobby's older brother disappeared.", "Victor: Hold on for a minute. You told me a little while ago that you were certain Brad Carlton was this Charlie Cassen.", "Nikki: I know. I was wrong about Brad.", "Victor: And you're sure you're not seeing what you wanna see.", "Nikki: He told me outright his birth name was Charles Robert Cassen. He is the man I've been looking for. He's the brother of the boy I killed. His whole family was destroyed after this. His mother was so depressed she couldn't even get out of bed. His father became an alcoholic. His father had been drinking and was behind the wheel when his parents were killed in a car accident in Ohio, and then Bobby was shipped off to live with some aunt and uncle in New York. They were the Marsinos. The uncle didn't like having him around. He made it very clear. Can you imagine how painful that must have been for him? His whole life would have been completely different if it hadn't have been for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You can stay late tonight, right, bud?", "Man: Not a problem.", "Nick: Thanks.", "Cassie: Okay, so the Masai, they're the herders that you talked about, right?", "Malcolm: Mm-hmm, in the...", "Cassie: Red robes.", "Malcolm: There you go. See?", "Cassie: Thanks.", "Malcolm: You're welcome. Good job.", "Sharon: See? I told you you had a special gift with teenagers.", "Malcolm: All right, Sharon, you got me. Guess I'm just a sucker for the kids, right? Look, they're just starting to see the world as it is, you know--the good, the bad. They're not stuck in their ways like most of us. You know, they get excited about things. They got ideas.", "Nick: Well, it sounds like you've given this a lot of thought.", "Sharon: Which is interesting because you don't have any kids of your own.", "Malcolm: Well, technically, maybe, but I like to think of Olivia's boy Nate as my son.", "Sharon: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.", "Malcolm: No, no, no. You didn't, you didn't. Look, I should probably get back to work.", "Nick: You sure? I mean, Sharon and I can cover for you if you wanna take off.", "Malcolm: Really? If you would, that'd be great. I'll just go fill out my timesheet.", "Nick: Not a problem. Hey, thanks again and good luck.", "Malcolm: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: Christine, I can completely understand your concern for me, truly, but every day we keep this to ourselves, Phyllis is stressing for no good reason.", "Chris: So you're worried about how she's gonna feel about you when she learns that you could have saved her a lot sooner?", "Damon: Yeah. We're still together. I mean, I think we are.", "Chris: Yeah, but she's innocent. We have the proof. It's not like she's ever gonna be convicted of anything. We would never let it go that far.", "Damon: She's someone I love. The idea of causing her any undue pain is very difficult for me.", "Chris: Just please keep this in mind-- once the cat is out of the bag, there is no way the D.A. Will even consider dropping your case.", "Damon: Do you actually think he might have otherwise?", "Chris: The evidence is murky. It's not clear who attacked whom first, but once Glenn Richards reads that transcript and sees that Dominic Hughes was ready to apologize to you, while you're being portrayed by your closest confidant as some violent angry man who's hell-bent on revenge...", "Damon: What you're saying is that it's open and shut at that point.", "Chris: It is my very strong advice to keep quiet for now. In the meantime, I have to get to work, try and figure out how I'm gonna prove your innocence.", "Damon: Can I get a coffee?", "Malcolm: You know, actually, I just clocked out, but yeah, yeah. I wouldn't want you thinking you're getting lousy service.", "Damon: Thank you.", "Malcolm: How's Phyllis?", "Damon: Brother, you know, maybe we shouldn't talk about Phyllis.", "Malcolm: You still blaming her for the trouble you got her into?", "Damon: Who are you? Where did you come from? And why do you keep coming at me like I slapped your granny? I don't know you, and you don't have the first clue what's going on here, so please lighten up on the accusations.", "Malcolm: Look, all I know is she got arrested for attempted murder and lord knows what else because she tried to help you.", "Damon: Against my w--", "Malcolm: Watch yourself.", "Damon: Phyllis did some very stupid things, one of which got me arrested. We are in this together. We are trying to get out. Would you like to help, brother? Put a cap on the testosterone and keep your silly comments to yourself.", "Phyllis: Hey, Damon, oh, my gosh. Hey, Malcolm. Baby. Oh, I can't believe that you were released. I was worried about you.", "Damon: I was worrying about you, too. Thank you for your concern.", "Phyllis: So, um, what's going on here? I could cut the tension with a knife.", "Malcolm: Nah, no tension. We were just being silly, right, brother?", "Phyllis: Okay, um, actually, I was hoping that you two could be friends, but...", "Damon: What are you doing here?", "Phyllis: Um, listen, I just had a very interesting conversation with my attorney. I wanna talk to you about it.", "Damon: Absolutely. You wanna go out on the patio?", "Phyllis: Sure. Bye.", "Phyllis: Is this better?", "Damon: Yeah, it's fine. What's up?", "Phyllis: Um, what's up is Michael thinks Christine is hiding evidence.", "Damon: He said that?", "Phyllis: Yeah. He thinks it's something that could help me but harm you. What is it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Bye, sweetie. I'll call you tomorrow after school.", "Abby: Bye, Mommy. Bye, Grandpa.", "John: Bye-bye, honey.", "Ashley: Ooh, close the door. It's freezing out there.", "Gloria: It wouldn't be almost Christmas if it weren't. Here.", "John: Thank you, honey. Oh, you know, you and Brad seem to be getting along fine.", "Ashley: What choice do we have?", "John: Well, I meant, you know, the situation could be difficult.", "Ashley: Yeah, it's awkward at times.", "John: I'm sure, but you're both handling it very civilly.", "Ashley: Well, we're doing our best. You know, for Abby's sake. If we have to be separated, I guess its going as well as can be expected.", "Gloria: Ah, I see the decorations are out.", "Ashley: Thought it was time we brought them down from the attic.", "Gloria: Oh, there's a lot. They're really fabulous. I was just asking your father at dinner where the Christmas things were.", "Ashley: Oh?", "Gloria: Yeah, I just love Christmas. It's my absolute favorite time of year.", "John: Oh, really? Well, I just happen to see the glow all over your face when you say that.", "Gloria: Oh, I'm warning you, John, look out. I'm like a little kid. Can't wait to get my hands on this place and really do it up right. Gorgeous.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: But why are you assuming responsibility for things that guy has done?", "Nikki: Bobby would have had a mother and father who loved him. He would have had an older brother to look up to. He would have been part of a family, but I destroyed all of that. He never had a chance. He has spent his whole life thinking he didn't have family. You of all people know what that feels like.", "Victor: Does he know any of this?", "Nikki: No, I haven't said anything. I don't know if I should. Now do you understand why I feel the need to help him in any way I can?", "Victor: But money's not gonna solve any of this problem.", "Nikki: Maybe not, but more and more I wonder if I'm going to have any peace unless I tell him the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Hey, watch it.", "Malcolm: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't see you coming. You all right?", "Woman: I'm fine. Forget it.", "Malcolm: You're sure you're okay?", "Woman: Positive.", "Malcolm: Hey, lady, lady, wait a minute. Wait. What are you doing out here all by yourself? You know, this park can be dangerous.", "Woman: The dangers of a city park don't worry me.", "Malcolm: Maybe they should. You know you're shivering, right?", "Woman: It's my fault for not wearing something warmer. I just wanted to take a walk, get some air and meditate. Didn't realize how cold it was.", "Malcolm: Well, then you're obviously not from around here. Look, why don't you just put this on for a minute, all right?", "Woman: What about you?", "Malcolm: I got something in my bag. Look, you're freezing. I don't bite. All right? All right.", "Woman: It's warm. Thanks.", "Malcolm: Don't mention it. You came all the way out here just to meditate?", "Woman: There's something I need to take care of in Genoa City. I've been procrastinating.", "Malcolm: So it's not something you're looking forward to.", "Woman: No, it isn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So I had a little visit with my father before I came here. He's not too thrilled that I let Neil resign.", "Sharon: Did he try to pull rank?", "Nick: Actually, no. He is going to let me run the company.", "Sharon: Wow. Honey, that is such a big step up from running this place.", "Nick: Yeah, but it's the same idea, you know. It's a place of my own that I can manage my own way, and it's crazy to think that with us both working we're gonna be able to keep our hand in the day-to-day operations of this place and Milwaukee.", "Sharon: Yeah, we definitely need to get some help because I don't like the idea of the kids having to do their homework in the office when they should be at home.", "Nick: We should all be home, especially nights. You know, we need someone that we can trust on the financial end. Maybe lure them in with some equity down the line.", "Sharon: Well, I hope you find him soon, or her, because, you know, as much as I love this place, I really miss just being at home at night and relaxing with my family.", "Nick: Me too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: When you say do it up right, what does that mean?", "Gloria: You know, deck the halls, like that. Gotta make sure Santa doesn't miss us.", "Ashley: So you just assumed that you'd be doing the decorating this year?", "Gloria: Well, I am the lady of the house now, Ashley, and I have such fabulous plans for this place.", "Ashley: Usually I do the decorating every year, and I already told Abby that she and I would do it together-- kind of a mother-daughter thing.", "Gloria: Oh, really?", "Ashley: Yeah, I want the holidays to be extra special for my little girl this year for reasons that I'm sure I don't have to talk to you about.", "Gloria: Well, maybe you should talk to me about them since we both obviously want the same thing.", "John: Which is to make this house as magnificent as possible, hmm? I think that would be wonderful.", "Gloria: Oh, I knew you would, my darling.", "Ashley: You know what they say about too many cooks.", "Gloria: No, Ashley, what is it they say?", "John: Look, I am saying, ladies, I do not see any reason why we can't all be involved in pitching in with the decorations. Now do either of you?", "Gloria: Well, I just want our first Christmas together to be so perfect.", "John: All right.", "Gloria: It's been forever since I've been able to celebrate the holidays the way I like, and I can tell you for a fact I've never had such gorgeous things to decorate with. Oh, I can just picture it-- Christmas Eve, the house all sparkly and shimmering, a big, beautiful Christmas tree. May sound old hat to you, Ashley, but to me, well, it's almost like a fantasy.", "Ashley: I don't doubt that.", "John: You know, Christmas has always been very special around here, the whole family. Which reminds me...", "Gloria: What, darling?", "John: Steven and Ben, your sons...", "Gloria: Mm-hmm?", "John: What are their plans for the holiday?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I know having Bobby here is an imposition, but I'm begging you to please just go along with me and make him and Brittany feel welcome. Please.", "Victor: I realize you're carrying this burden around with you, but why the hell didn't you come to me to talk about it? I'm your husband.", "Nikki: Well, Victor, when I discovered this, you weren't around. How do you expect us to communicate if you're not here?", "Victor: That's another matter you and I need to discuss.", "Nikki: What?", "Victor: I think you and I should try to reconnect. How the hell can we do that when there are strangers in the house?", "Nikki: I'm sorry. I don't mean to cut this short, but I have a headache. I have to take some aspirin.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: Phyllis, I really have no idea how Christine is planning to handle my defense.", "Phyllis: Damon, don't-- don't jerk me around here. I mean, don't do that after everything we've gone through.", "Damon: Who's jerking you around? I don't think I can appreciate your tone.", "Phyllis: My tone? What... I'm sorry. It's really stressful, isn't it, for both of us? Okay. I could see that, um, Christine would try to persuade you to keep your mouth shut and not tell me anything, but you have to remember how much that woman hates me.", "Damon: Hate is a rather extreme word, don't you think?", "Phyllis: No, I don't. Listen, it would be her fondest wish that I rot in prison. No one's gonna convict you, Damon.", "Damon: You can guarantee that, can you?", "Phyllis: Yes, I can. Dominic killed your only son in cold blood. That's tragic. Me, on the other hand, the D.A. is gonna dredge up every single thing I've done in my past. I'm screwed.", "Damon: Then why do you keep making things worse?", "Phyllis: I'm--okay. All right, listen, um... I know what I did was sort of impulsive and I'm sorry that it landed you in jail, okay? I'm sorry about that. I take full responsibility, okay? So I wouldn't be surprised if you never spoke to me again.", "Damon: Well, we both know that ain't never gonna happen.", "Phyllis: Good. So just tell me what it is. I mean, what is this evidence? Is it something forensic? Some forensic evidence or a surprise witness? Just tell me.", "Damon: Phyllis, this isn't good. You can't just show up and work me for information.", "Phyllis: I'm not doing that. I'm not working you at all.", "Damon: I would love to believe that, I would. I would love to believe that, but after everything that has happened, I'm not sure I can trust a word that comes out of your mouth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: How does that work for you?", "Woman: Great. Thanks.", "Malcolm: You're welcome. So you came all the way to town to do something you really don't wanna do.", "Woman: That's right.", "Malcolm: You wanna talk about it?", "Woman: Not really.", "Malcolm: Okay, suit yourself.", "Woman: You from around here?", "Malcolm: Not anymore.", "Woman: You used to be.", "Malcolm: Yeah, that's right.", "Woman: You came from where?", "Malcolm: Africa, actually.", "Woman: You're kidding.", "Malcolm: No, I'm not.", "Woman: I just came from Africa.", "Malcolm: No, you didn't.", "Woman: True. I was there several years working with a relief organization.", "Malcolm: And where might that be?", "Woman: Tanzania.", "Malcolm: Okay. I know Tanzania.", "Woman: Hmm.", "Malcolm: I didn't make it that far, but I heard the need is really great there.", "Woman: The need is overwhelming there. So many pictures I can't get out of my mind.", "Malcolm: Yeah, tell me about it.", "Woman: Where were you?", "Malcolm: I spent most of my time in northeastern Kenya.", "Woman: Very dangerous.", "Malcolm: You have no idea. Well, then again, maybe you do. I traveled around a little bit before I came back to the states, but I don't know if that was such a good idea.", "Woman: Coming back?", "Malcolm: Mm-hmm.", "Woman: Why did you?", "Malcolm: I thought there was something I needed to take care of.", "Woman: And did you?", "Malcolm: No.", "Woman: All this stuff you got...", "Malcolm: Yeah, yeah. I'm, uh, I'm actually on my way out of town.", "Woman: What about your unfinished business?", "Malcolm: I guess it's unfinished. Makes us even, right?", "Woman: Yeah, right. I'm hungry. Wanna get something to eat, if you're not in too much of a rush?", "Malcolm: Um, you know, I should probably just get a move on.", "Woman: Wherever you're going, it'll still be there, won't it? Come on, I'm in a strange town, I'm lonely, and I'm not too shy to admit it. Besides, I still got your jacket.", "Malcolm: Yes, you do, and we wouldn't want the young lady to freeze, now, would we? Okay, yeah, let's get something to eat. Lead the way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Your sons live in town, right, Gloria?", "Gloria: Yes, but I almost never seen them.", "Ashley: Well, you and my dad had dinner with them once that I know of.", "Gloria: Well, your father got to see exactly how they treat me.", "John: Well, sweetheart, you just know that those boys are always welcome here. You know, perhaps they could come by some evening when we're all together, and certainly for Christmas.", "Gloria: Well, John, that's--", "Ashley: That's such a shame that you don't get along with your own children.", "Gloria: Let's just say that we've had our differences.", "John: Well, honey, what better time than the holidays to work through your differences?", "Ashley: I agree with you, Dad. I would be so interested in meeting your kids.", "Gloria: Well, we'll... we'll see.", "Ashley: No, not a \"we'll see.\" I'll go get the calendar. We'll pick out a day.", "Gloria: No, please, let's not go to a lot of fuss.", "Ashley: It's not fuss. It's Christmas. We're family.", "Gloria: Ashley, dear, I'm sure you mean well, but--", "John: Look, look, it's getting rather late. Let's just give it some thought, okay? And you just know that the invitation is always, always open, okay?", "Gloria: Thank you.", "John: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You're making it sound like I'm conspiring against you.", "Damon: I have no way of being certain that you're not.", "Phyllis: You're the one with something to hide, not me. But I guess since you gave up your zen attitude and all your green tea, you only care about protecting yourself.", "Damon: Phyllis, you came up with that whole ludicrous undercover fiasco without so much as warning me.", "Phyllis: I never would have had to do that if you didn't decide to be the last samurai.", "Damon: Perhaps I should have stood back and let Dominic shoot you. Would you have liked that better?", "Phyllis: Perhaps you should have.", "Damon: I'm sorry. You're just... you're making me so angry.", "Phyllis: Let me tell you something. Ever since you told me about Elias, I have put your needs before mine. Everything I did was to protect you.", "Damon: I know that, and ever since then, you have acted like I am incapable of making my own decisions about my own life.", "Phyllis: That's not true. That's not true.", "Damon: It's not?", "Phyllis: No.", "Damon: You were the one who decided I shouldn't go to Georgia myself.", "Phyllis: I decided that because I was afraid you would resort to violence if Dominic Hughes got paroled.", "Damon: Look, why-- why are we debating this? Phyllis, you're a loose cannon. As a result, you have drawn a line in the sand. You have forced us-- you have forced us to separate our interests. If there is a rift between us, it's-- it's... it's your fault, it's not mine.", "Phyllis: You wanna play it that way? Is that what you wanna do? You're hiding something from me. I know you are. Whatever it is, Michael and I are gonna find out. Count on it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You know, I don't--I don't think you have any idea the effect you have on people, how much pain you cause when you leave this family, when you leave me. You just don't have a clue what that does. (Door closes)", "Victor: I think you and I need to talk, Mr. Marsino.", "Bobby: Yeah, I got a pretty good idea what you wanna say.", "Victor: I don't think you do.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lauren: What happened?", "Michelle: Gloria-- ten minutes with her, and I'm climbing the walls.", "Phyllis: Things are never gonna be the same between us again, are they?", "Damon: I honestly can't answer that.", "Bobby: You wanna talk to me about what you walked in on?", "Victor: My wife in your arms." ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "In his apartment, Kevin and Jana kiss and cannot get enough of each other. Outside of Jimmy's bar, Chloe catches Ronan and Heather kissing and hurls insults at them. Heather apologizes to Ronan for kissing him, but he tells her not to do that. Lauren and Michael walk in and catch Jill being more than a little bit intimate with Colin. Jill and Lauren insult each other before Lauren and Michael begin to laugh at Jill's hair. Jill also laughs at how her hair looks. At home, Victoria sings, \"Down through the chimney with old St. Nick\" to Delia. Billy comes home and joins in the fun. Billy mentions to Victoria that they may have a house full of children, but she has her doubts. Victoria tells Billy about her doctor's appointment and how he ran some tests on her. At Gloworm, Katherine and Nikki enjoy some time together when she notices that Deacon walked in. Nikki cannot keep her eyes off him. Katherine turns her head slightly to see that Nikki is looking at Deacon. Katherine begins to ask Nikki if she came to Gloworm just to see him. Nikki tells Katherine that she wasn't sorry that she saw him. Lauren asks Jill who the man is. Jill finally opens up and tells Lauren that he is from Australia. Chloe comes home to the apartment to find Kevin and Jana on the floor and is quite embarrassed. Heather visits Ronan and brings him a small Christmas tree.", "Jana quickly goes to the bedroom while Kevin and Chloe talk. Chloe tells Kevin that she is moving out. Billy and Victoria come to the conclusion that the lab tests may be good news instead of bad news. Ronan and Heather make love. In Katherine's dining room, Chloe drowns her sorrow in a container of Rocky Road ice cream. Katherine joins her. Chloe pours her heart out to Katherine about Kevin and Jana. Ronan finds out that the lab tests are positive. The doctor wants him to come to Boston, so they can figure out a solution.", "" ]
[ "Jana: (Moans) (Grunts) (Sighs) (Gasps) Oh, God. (Gasps) (Moans) Oh, God. (Gasps) Kevin. God, I've missed you. (Gasps) I have missed you so much. (Moans)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: So much for not being a couple.", "Heather: Chloe, th-- this is not what it looks like.", "Chloe: Really? Really? Is that the best that you can do? You're a lawyer. I think you can lie a little bit better than that.", "Heather: Ronan and I were just--", "Chloe: You're unbelievable. I mean, first, you sleep with my fiancé while I'm with him, and then you show up at his funeral, and you cry your eyes out because you love him so much, and now you're about to hop in the sheets with his killer.", "Ronan: All right, if you want to be mad at someone, then why don't you be mad at me, okay? I'm the one that kissed Heather.", "Chloe: Wow. Wow. (Laughs) Look at this. Look at this! Now he's defending you. He is defending you. Imagine what he's gonna give you when you actually give it up. You're disgusting, the both of you.", "Heather: Oh, God. Look, I'm-- I'm so sorry.", "Ronan: No. No, no, no, don't. Don't do that. Chloe's mad at the world right now, and she's just taking it out on us. There's something to be said for her timing, though, huh?", "Heather: Yeah. (Chuckles) Yeah, that...", "Ronan: Yeah, \"That.\"", "Heather: That would have been a mistake. Um... I-I-I'm gonna take off.", "Ronan: Yeah? You're gonna-- you're gonna go? Okay.", "Heather: Yeah. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Are you really trying to justify having sex with a stranger in my office?", "Jill: Oh, he wasn't a stranger, okay? And I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this.", "Lauren: You know what? We were trying to have a very romantic anniversary dinner...", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Lauren: Which you ruined.", "Jill: Maybe if you didn't have this place secured like the damn pentagon...", "Michael: (Laughs)", "Jill: I wouldn't have accidentally set off the silent alarm. What are you laughing at?", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Michael: (Laughs)", "Lauren: Are you--", "Jill: What?", "Lauren: Are you trying to blame me? (Laughs)", "Jill: What?", "Lauren: Oh, my God.", "Jill: Oh, my God.", "Lauren: We weren't the one-- we come in, guns blaring...", "Michael: (Laughs)", "Lauren: You should have seen the look on your face.", "Jill: (Laughs)", "Lauren: (Laughs) Not to mention your hair.", "Jill: (Laughs)", "Lauren: Oh, my...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Up on the housetop reindeer pause down comes good old Santa Claus down through the chimney with lots of toys all for the little ones Christmas joys ho...", "Together: Ho ho.", "Victoria: Who wouldn't--?", "Billy: Who wouldn't go? Ho ho ho who wouldn't go? (Laughs)", "Victoria: (Laughs) Up on the housetop click, click, click.", "Billy: (Silly voice) And down through the chimney with good Saint Nick come here. Come here. Come here.", "Victoria: Yay!", "Billy: (Normal voice) Hello. Hello. How are you? Mwah! How are my two favorite girls, huh? Hmm?", "Victoria: Oh, well, we are doing great. Right, Delia?", "Billy: Yeah? What'd you do today? What did you do?", "Victoria: We had a tea party, and we... we baked cookies.", "Billy: You baked cookies? Well, of course you baked cookies. You can't have a tea party without any cookies, right?", "Victoria: That's right. Oh, you know what? I happen to have two unburnt cookies here for you and Jessica. If you guys want to finish those cookies, they're all yours.", "Billy: You want to finish the cookies? Oh, there goes Jessica.", "Victoria: There goes Jessica.", "Billy: (Laughs) It's very cool, you hanging out with DeeDee.", "Victoria: Yeah?", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Yeah, I gotta admit, I kind of like having a little girl around. It's kind of nice.", "Billy: Yeah, well, maybe soon there'll be one more, maybe two, maybe three... (Whispers) Maybe 15.", "Victoria: Oh, really?", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: I mean, really? You--you want to have a big old huge family?", "Billy: Yeah, I, uh, I'm kind of looking forward to that idea.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Well, what if I told you that, uh, that might not happen?", "Billy: Why not?", "Victoria: I saw my doctor today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Ladies, our finest sparkling water. Nikki, nice to see you out again-- missed the chocolate-covered wrestling match.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Kay: Uh, I-I was here, Gloria.", "Gloria: I'll send your server right over.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Kay: Mm. All right, where were we? Ah, yes. \"Restless Style\" article...", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Kay: Sharon and Adam?", "Nikki: Awful. Awful. I feel so bad for Nicholas.", "Kay: Well, he must be furious with Billy.", "Nikki: Even more so Sharon. I... (Sighs) Hopefully, his eyes have finally been opened.", "Kay: What could possibly have been going through that girl's mind? How could she? Siding with Adam?", "Nikki: You know, it really isn't that shocking.", "Kay: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Remember, Katherine, from the very beginning, I knew what Sharon was. I knew what she was after. I tolerated it for Nicholas.", "Kay: Mm.", "Nikki: But then when he decided to get together with Phyllis, they had Summer. I thought, hallelujah. He is finally over Sharon. But he keeps getting drawn back to her.", "Kay: Like with you and Victor? Hmm.", "Nikki: Oh, please. Are you saying this is genetics? (Scoffs)", "Kay: Well, Nikki, I was hoping things had changed between you and Victor since I last saw you.", "Nikki: Well, even if they had, Victor has made it very clear he's not interested in being together.", "Kay: I've always thought you and Victor belonged together.", "Nikki: So did I.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "Nikki: But there are too many things that make it clear that that's not the case.", "Deacon: Hi. It's, uh, it's been a while. How have you been?", "Nikki: Oh, um, well. You?", "Deacon: Um, it's been kind of rough, you know? But I've been stickin' to the program.", "Nikki: Yeah, me, too.", "Deacon: That's good, Nikki. I-I was thinking maybe, you know, you and I--", "Kay: You should go back to work, yes.", "Deacon: I'll see you around.", "Kay: (Drops eyeglasses) Is that why you wanted to come here?", "Nikki: What, Deacon? No. Katherine, I haven't seen him since that day he came by the ranch. I didn't even know he was back at work.", "Kay: My dear... (Sighs) We could have gone to any restaurant in town, but you chose this one. Now I want you to be honest with me. Was there a part of you that you were hoping you would run into him?", "Nikki: No. But I will say, when I did see him...", "Kay: Hmm?", "Nikki: I wasn't sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You gonna tell us who your internet porn star is?", "Jill: Internet porn star?", "Michael: (Clicks tongue)", "Lauren: (Sighs) Jill, did you forget that there are video surveillance cameras everywhere? (Laughs)", "Jill: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Michael!", "Michael: (Laughs) No. Oh, I'm out. (Laughs)", "Lauren: (Laughs) So what's his name? I mean, we saw him in all his glory. The least we should do is know who he is.", "Jill: All right, Lauren. His name is Colin, okay?", "Lauren: Aw.", "Jill: He's from Australia. He and Cane have several acquaintances in common. I met him at Gloworm.", "Lauren: Mm, small world.", "Michael: (Laughs)", "Jill: I invited him back to my house for dinner. He was interested in my life, so I thought I'd bring him here and show him the boutique.", "Lauren: (Laughs) Oh.", "Jill: For God sake, one thing led to another... mm.", "Lauren: Clearly. We noticed that part.", "Jill: For God sakes, look. You have a husband and a family, okay? I am single. The man found me attractive. I found him attractive. So is this a crime?", "Lauren: Well... no. No, it's not.", "Jill: (Sighs) Good. Okay.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: So can we kind of just keep this between ourselves, huh?", "Lauren: Mm...", "Michael: Stop torturing the woman.", "Jill: Thank you.", "Lauren: She tortured me for the last few months, remember?", "Jill: Oh, for God sake.", "Michael: The police report will read, \"False alarm, thanks to Lauren.\"", "Lauren: (Groans) You are no fun.", "Jill: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.", "Michael: Give her a break. What if someone had walked in on us the many times that we've made out?", "Lauren: Excuse me?", "Jill: Oh! Oh! Oh! Wait, wait. No, no, no! You had sex in this office?", "Lauren: (Gasps)", "Michael: (Imitates sizzle)", "Lauren: Well, at least it was out-- without cops and guns.", "Jill: (Laughs) So I guess we do have something in common, don't we? (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Mm. (Clears throat) So why'd you go see the doctor? Is everything okay?", "Victoria: Well, yeah. I mean, I... guess everything's okay, but I was just a little worried since we did not get pregnant last month.", "Billy: Yeah, yeah. And we tried every day...", "Victoria: Yes.", "Billy: Almost twice... (Clears throat) A day. (Chuckles)", "Victoria: (Chuckles) We did. Your doctor said that everything is okay on your end, and so I went to see Dr. Okamura, and he... (Inhales deeply) He ran a full battery of tests. We did the ultrasound and the urine and blood panels and all that good stuff, and--", "Billy: Okay. O-o-okay, okay. What's the verdict?", "Victoria: Well, he wants to wait until the test results come back before he comes to any conclusions.", "Billy: Well, Honey, everything could be okay.", "Victoria: I want it to be okay, but I don't know if I told you this before, but I had trouble conceiving before Reed. (Sighs) Everybody called him \"The miracle baby.\"", "Billy: Well, I believe in miracles.", "Victoria: So do I. So do I. But what if I already had my one miracle? What if you and I cannot have a baby?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I'm paying you to serve drinks.", "Deacon: Does anyone look unhappy to you?", "Gloria: Nikki doesn't look too thrilled.", "Deacon: Yeah, well, she's had kind of a rough go of it lately.", "Gloria: Hmm. Anything to do with you?", "Deacon: You pay me to pour drinks.", "Gloria: (Chuckles)", "Kay: Nikki.", "Nikki: Katherine, you said you wouldn't judge me.", "Kay: (Sighs) Darling, I'm not gonna sit here and watch you make the same mistake over and over again repeatedly.", "Nikki: I am trying my best to stay sober and come up with a life for myself without Victor.", "Kay: Girl, you've--Darling, involving yourself with Deacon, it's going to be far more difficult for you to achieve either of those things.", "Nikki: He's been a good friend to me.", "Kay: He is your drug of choice.", "Nikki: (Scoffs) That is not true.", "Kay: It's what you do, Nikki. Don't you understand that? Every time you break up with Victor, you rush into another relationship, and it's almost always disastrous.", "Nikki: I am simply trying to get through each day.", "Kay: Well, you would be better off doing it without Deacon. Darling, I understand he makes you feel better, but he's not helping you get better. Only you can do that.", "Nikki: Okay, fine. Let's say I do that.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: I continue with the program. I stay sober, I get strong, and I still want to see Deacon. What then?", "Kay: I won't say a word. (Ice clinks in glass)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Well, I'd say this was a bonding moment, but I'm still not sure you're not lying about these surveillance cameras.", "Michael: Well, trust me, she was.", "Lauren: (Clicks tongue)", "Michael: Oh, you know what? Um, I just remembered I have something to do.", "Lauren: Now?", "Michael: Yeah, now. Uh, why don't you two... go grab a cup of coffee at Crimson Lights, and I will meet you there later? Jill, you don't mind giving Lauren a lift, do you?", "Jill: Uh, no, I guess not.", "Michael: Wonderful. Wonderful. Okay, I will reset the alarm and see you two later.", "Lauren: Thanks.", "Michael: Thank you. All right.", "Jill: (Sighs) So, Sister...", "(Door closes)", "Jill: Can I relax? You're not gonna tell anybody about this?", "Lauren: Um... why don't we go get a cup of coffee and talk about it?", "Jill: Okay, but let's make it a drink. I need one.", "Lauren: Oh, I don't think you need to loosen up any more.", "Jill: (Laughs) Who are you, Cary Nation?", "Lauren: Mm. Uh, coffee or nothing, Jill.", "Jill: Lauren, I'm the one driving.", "Lauren: (Gasps) Exactly. One more reason not to have you drink.", "Jill: One drink, okay?", "Lauren: One more, you mean.", "Jill: Wow!", "(Alarm beeping)", "Lauren: (Gasps) The alarm.", "Jill: (Gasps) The alarm!", "Lauren: (Gasps) Michael reset it! Wait.", "Jill: Oh, my God, if we don't get out of here in 30 seconds, it's gonna go off. Hurry!", "Lauren: Wait, I-I can't run in these shoes!", "Jill: Faster! Yes, you can. You have to. Quick, quick!", "Lauren: How--I can't!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "(Knocking on door)", "Heather: (Laughs)", "Ronan: You shouldn't have come.", "Heather: Yes, thank you, I would love to come in.", "Ronan: It's a bad idea. It's a bad idea.", "Heather: Whoa. (Chuckles) You living in a dump like this? Yeah, I-I agree. Luckily, I'm here to do something about that. There. Better already.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Chloe.", "Chloe: Kevin. (Sighs)", "Jana: Hello.", "Chloe: (Scoffs) Jana.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Jana: Well, I'm just gonna get dressed. (Sighs) Mind if I use our bedroom?", "Kevin: Yeah. Go. It's... its okay. (Clears throat) You said that you had something to do at the office.", "Chloe: Oh, so you decided to just have sex with your ex on the floor? Yeah, that makes sense.", "Kevin: I don't owe you any explanations.", "Chloe: No. No, you don't owe me any explanations, not that you can actually come up with one, except maybe, \"Oops. Oops, I slipped, and I fell on top of Jana.\"", "Kevin: What--what are you-- what the hell are you mad at? You were the one who --who--", "Chloe: What, left you to your own devices? Yeah, yeah. But I didn't expect you to be such a tool.", "Kevin: This is between Jana and me.", "Chloe: You know what? Dock at any port you want, but this ship is gonna set sail.", "Kevin: (Scoffs) Meaning what, you're--you're moving out because of this... or because of what happened earlier?", "Chloe: No, because I don't think that Delia and I should be here. You know, it's one thing if I walk in on you and Miss Jana, but it's another thing if she does. I mean, it's her teacher.", "Kevin: You know, you are making a big deal out of nothing, but what else is new? Do what you want.", "Chloe: I'll just be back and get my stuff later.", "(Door opens)", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "(Door closes)", "Kevin: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: (Laughs) So, uh, what part of this \"Not being a good idea\" are you not getting?", "Heather: What, you mean 'cause we can't stand each other?", "Ronan: No. Because I'm dying.", "Heather: Should-- should I call 9-1-1?", "Ronan: Ha ha ha. It's--", "Heather: Oh, my God. Wow. It's--it's like you-- you don't even have a fever.", "Ronan: No, I don't have a fever.", "Heather: Uh-huh. So you mean you're not dying?", "Ronan: No, Heather, I'm not dying, not this second, I'm not.", "Heather: Well, that's all we have, Ronan, this second. That's all we're guaranteed.", "Ronan: (Scoffs) Okay. Yeah. That's--is that it? Yeah?", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Ronan: Really easy for you to be philosophical when you have your whole life ahead of you, isn't it?", "Heather: Oh, do you have a crystal ball that I don't know about?", "Ronan: Oh, do you have a fatal disease that I didn't know about?", "Heather: Uh, no, I don't, but I could get hit by a car tomorrow.", "Ronan: (Scoffs)", "Heather: I-I could fall off a ladder while I'm decorating your crummy apartment.", "Ronan: You could. Death by irony.", "Heather: (Chuckles) Well, death's death. It pretty much sucks either way. So you might as well live while you have the chance. Unless... unless you're afraid.", "Ronan: (Scoffs)", "Heather: Unless you would rather spend your life dying rather than living.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Heather: (Sighs) Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: All right, so the only reason I agreed to come here today is because caffeine makes me jittery.", "Jill: Mm-hmm. And because this is a private club with security?", "Lauren: You gonna give me a hard time about Daisy?", "Jill: No, I am not.", "Lauren: Even after I gave you a really hard time about... (Australian accent) \"Mr. Down Under?\"", "Jill: (Laughs) You were just having a little harmless fun, okay? I realize that Daisy is anything but harmless.", "Lauren: (Normal voice) Well, still, I-I think I could have been a little bit more sensitive about what happened in the office.", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Lauren: I didn't realize you were so lonely.", "Jill: (Sighs) And I didn't realize that Daisy coming back to town was gonna make you so crazy.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Jill: I know you've been having a really hard time.", "Lauren: Michael can certainly attest to that.", "Jill: You're really lucky to have him.", "Lauren: Yes, I am. Fen and I both are. But I don't want to put too much on him, you know? It's not fair.", "Jill: No, it's not. So... why don't you lean on me? That's what sisters are for.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Clears throat) So, um... you're one of those people who reads the last chapter of a book first, huh?", "Victoria: No. That's not what I'm doing, by the way.", "Billy: Well--well, it seems like, you know, you've skipped a few things like the test results, what the doctor might say... the two of us trying again...", "Victoria: It just doesn't look very good, that's all.", "Billy: Oh, come on. You already got pregnant once, and we weren't even trying. You know, actually, that might have to do with my, like... (Spanish accent) Über-machismo way.", "Victoria: (Chuckles) Oh, yeah. No doubt. No doubt about that.", "Billy: (Normal voice) Look, come on. We're just gonna continue to do our part, and we're not gonna stress over results that we might not get, you know what I'm saying? It's...", "Delia: (Yawns)", "Billy: Yeah, I think it's past somebody's bedtime. Yes, I do. Look, you are tired. Come here.", "Victoria: Hmm? Oh, yeah. It's--it's getting late.", "Billy: Yep. Oh!", "Victoria: Time for bed.", "Billy: Hey, um...", "Victoria: Yeah?", "Billy: Do you mind doing the bedtime thing?", "Victoria: Really?", "Billy: Yeah, I mean...", "Victoria: I mean, 'cause you've been kind of gone all day, and she has--", "Billy: I know. I know. And I feel bad. It's just, you know, I've got some stuff I have to do. I've got stuff I have to do.", "Victoria: Some stuff you gotta do? Okay, come on. I'm more than happy to do bedtime...", "Billy: Okay.", "Victoria: And the bath and jammies and bedtime. Good night.", "Billy: Good night.", "Victoria: Good night, we'll see-- see you in the morning.", "Billy: Good night! Don't let the bedbugs bite. (Laughs)", "Victoria: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Victor said he wanted you off the ranch by the time he got back, so have you given any thought to, um, where you might go?", "Nikki: Um, not really. (Sighs)", "Kay: Well, uh, there's always my place.", "Nikki: (Scoffs) Jill would love that.", "Kay: Well, it's a big house. (Chuckles)", "Nikki: Hmm.", "Kay: Oh, I don't want to--", "Nikki: Not too big that you can't keep an eye on me.", "Kay: Uh, valet ticket. Valet ticket.", "Nikki: No, I have my ticket.", "Kay: Okay.", "Nikki: Forgot my gloves. You go ahead.", "Kay: Nikki--Nikki... um... leave them.", "Nikki: Oh, for heaven's sake, I'm just getting my gloves. Thank you.", "Kay: If you say so.", "Nikki: Go on. Go.", "Deacon: I'll make you a deal. You have a club soda with me, and I'll give these back to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Hey.", "Gloria: Hey, you. What are you doing back? Where's Lauren?", "Michael: Oh, with Jill.", "Gloria: Huh. I hope she's wearing her body armor.", "Michael: I'm hoping she won't need it.", "Gloria: Aren't we optimistic?", "Michael: Well, I have decided that Lauren needs a sister, and right now, Jill is her best chance at getting one.", "Jill: I made a lot of... really bad choices when it first came out that you were my sister. I just wanted so badly to connect with you. And then when it seemed like you didn't want that... (Sighs) Well, I'm just sorry for any pain that I caused you.", "Lauren: (Sighs) you know, I guess I-- I could have really handled things differently, too. I was just... I was so angry at my father. And I really-- I... I took that out on you.", "Jill: (Sighs) I should have had sex in the office a lot sooner.", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Jill: It would have saved us a lot of grief. (Laughs)", "Lauren: (Laughs) Oh, my God!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Mm.", "Heather: Mm. (Sighs) Mm.", "Ronan: (Breathing heavily)", "Heather: Mm.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Heather: Mm. Oh. Mm.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: And why are you so eager to get Lauren and Jill together?", "Michael: Because... I remember what my life was like before I let my brother back in it.", "Gloria: You have no idea what that means to me, Mikey, that my boys, you and Kevin, have become so close.", "Michael: And I want that for Lauren.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: I mean, this ongoing battle between her and Jill isn't doing anybody any good. I know Jill is Jill, but she still is Lauren's sister.", "Gloria: Yeah, that's right. And Daisy is Kevin's sister. Should he reach out to her, too?", "Michael: Daisy is in a category all by herself. No one-- no one should go anywhere near Daisy.", "Gloria: Well, unfortunately, Kevin keeps getting sucked in by crazy women.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Where's Chloe?", "Kevin: (Clears throat) She left.", "Jana: Well, if you're worried that she might come back, we could take this into the bedroom. (Sighs) God, how I've missed our bed. (Sighs)", "Kevin: You always used to say it was lumpy.", "Jana: No, I've-- I have no complaints tonight... about anything. Oh. And we can-- we can wake up tomorrow morning next to each other, and I'm gonna make you a nice, nice English breakfast. We can sleep in. Liza's given me the morning off, because... I'm supposed to help with the pageant, so--", "Kevin: Jana, Jana, slow down. Slow down.", "Jana: Oh.", "Kevin: You got the wrong idea here.", "Jana: What do you mean?", "Kevin: I mean that, um... (Clears throat) What just happened-- this...? (Sighs) This Doesn't mean that we're back together, okay?", "Jana: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Hmm. Boo!", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: Ha ha. Funny. (Laughs) Well... I think I owe you a pint of rocky road.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: Yeah. Vanilla just wasn't gonna cut it tonight, you know?", "Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, my dear, I've had a few of those nights myself.", "Chloe: Mm.", "Kay: Okay. Esther, got--yeah, there we go.", "Kay: (Sighs) Mmm, looks good.", "Chloe: Mm-hmm.", "Kay: (Sighs)", "Chloe: So... I told Kevin that Delia and I were moving out with no place to go.", "Kay: Well, you could always come here. But I have a feeling that's not gonna solve your problems.", "Chloe: (Chuckles) You know, you're always right.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: As usual.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: Um... (Sighs) Everything was going so perfectly, you know? We were great roommates and great friends. Kevin's awesome with Delia. She loves him so much. And then out of the blue, he just blurts it out that he wants more.", "Kay: Mm-hmm. So what did you say?", "Chloe: I said that I was really sorry and that I just didn't see him that way. And then he got mad. And then I got mad.", "Kay: Mm.", "Chloe: And then I walked out.", "Kay: And you came here.", "Chloe: No. No, I wish that I had come here, but instead, I went back there to go talk to him about it all, and I walked in on him...", "Kay: Hmm.", "Chloe: With Jana. Like with with Jana.", "Kay: (Stammers) Chloe, I'm not so old that I can't remember what \"With with\" means.", "Chloe: (Laughs)", "Kay: (Laughs) Oh, my God.", "Chloe: I just--you know, I don't-- I don't know why I'm surprised. I shouldn't be surprised at all, because he just proves what I already believe...", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: That there is no such thing as a good guy.", "Kay: (Scoffs)", "Chloe: I just never really thought that Kevin-- Kevin of all people would actually be--", "Kay: Yeah, all right. All right. He--he is going through a great deal lately. He's, uh, fighting for, uh, Daisy's child. And he's dealing with his feelings for you.", "Chloe: He told you?", "Kay: Chloe, all you have to do is look at him, and you know Kevin is crazy about you.", "Chloe: (Sighs) God, I'm such an idiot.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Unh-unh! Hey. Close your eyes.", "Victoria: What? What?", "Billy: (Stammers) Close your eyes.", "Victoria: What are-- what are--what are--what--?", "Billy: Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.", "Victoria: What are you up to? What--I'm not good at this.", "Billy: Just trust me. Trust me. Trust me.", "Victoria: Trust you? I'm gonna break something.", "Billy: No, I got you.", "Victoria: Well, can't I open them now?", "Billy: No, you can't.", "Victoria: Why not?", "Billy: Don't bump your knees.", "Victoria: What? I don't like this, William.", "Billy: I don't care. Hold on. You'll like it in a minute.", "Victoria: Can I open them now?", "Billy: Okay, wait. No, no, no. Not yet.", "Victoria: When? Okay.", "Billy: Not yet. Not yet. Okay, now.", "Victoria: (Gasps) Oh! Wow, look at that. That's--that's--where-- where did you find all of this-- this stuff?", "Billy: Are you kidding me? I am the king of vintage. If you want it, I can get it.", "Victoria: (Gasps) This is exactly how jam and Margaret would have done their home-- exactly!", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: (Chuckles) Oh, this is so cool. Oh, stockings. Look, they have \"Mother,\" \"Father,\" \"Reed,\" \"Delia\"...", "Victoria: Who is this one for?", "Billy: Our baby.", "Victoria: But, you know--", "Billy: And it's gonna happen, so shh.", "Billy: (Laughs)", "Victoria: You've given me everything I never even knew that I wanted. Do you know how amazing that is?", "Billy: Mm-hmm. It's amazing.", "Victoria: I'm serious.", "Billy: I'm sorry. Okay. I'm listening.", "Victoria: Well, it's just that, you know, they all said that we wouldn't last, whoever \"They\" are, but we beat the odds.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: So we can beat them again. We could get pregnant.", "Billy: Oh, all right. Well... (Clears throat) (Chuckles) Would you like to get started now? Hmm?", "Victoria: Oh, actually, tonight on the clock, it's not really-- it's not a good night for that.", "Billy: What, to get pregnant? Oh, we don't care. We'll just practice. We'll practice tonight, and every other night until we hit the jackpot.", "Victoria: (Chuckles) Baby, you always hit the jackpot.", "Billy: Oh, I love it when you lie to me. Come here. (Laughs)", "Victoria: What are you doing?", "Billy: (Laughs)", "Victoria: (Laughs) Don't put that on me!", "Billy: Mwah. (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: I've missed you. When can I see you again?", "Nikki: I can't.", "Deacon: Why not?", "Nikki: Because. I'm trying to get my life together, and I need time and space to do that.", "Deacon: I told you, Nikki. I can help you with--", "Nikki: If you care about me, you'll give me that.", "Nikki: Deacon, Merry Christmas.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: So what's, uh, for dessert?", "Jill: Mm, for dessert, I am going to leave the two of you alone to continue your anniversary celebration. I'm really glad we did this.", "Lauren: Me, too.", "Jill: Michael.", "Michael: Jill. Okay, uh, that seems like it went well.", "Lauren: It did. It did. Thank you.", "Michael: What'd I do?", "Lauren: What'd you do? You saw what I didn't. You gave Jill and me an opportunity to take a step towards being real sisters.", "Michael: I'm glad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Look, Jana, I feel really, really bad about--", "Jana: Yeah, it's-- it's all right.", "Jana: Good night.", "Kevin: Good night.", "Jana: (Sighs) You love me, Kevin. You just don't know it yet.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Damn it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You can't blame me for not thinking that he would actually--", "Kay: What, have feelings for you? How is that?", "Chloe: Come on. You know me.", "Kay: Mm.", "Chloe: You know, when I-- when I start something up with a guy, I meet him out at a club or parties and, you know...", "Kay: No, I know. I know.", "Chloe: There was Billy.", "Kay: Mm.", "Chloe: And then I had a nice sweet romance with Chance.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: But Kevin and I were buddies, you know? We just, I don't know, we--we goof around. We hang around on the couch, watch silly movies.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: You know, we're friends--best friends. It just never really occurred to me that we would be more.", "Kay: Well, then, um, why are you so upset? I mean, with--with Jana? That is something to think about, my dear.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Kay: Ahh, really think about.", "Chloe: Okay.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone vibrates)", "Ronan: (Sighs) Hey, Doc, what's going on? It's awfully late. I guess you'd be calling about the biopsy results, huh? Why don't you give it to me?", "Doctor: It's positive, Ronan.", "Ronan: (Sighs) All right, so, um, so now what?", "Doctor: I've put you on the national donor list, but you need to come to Boston so we can discuss all your options.", "Ronan: Yeah. Yeah, okay. Look, I'll be giving you a call.", "Doctor: Don't wait too long.", "Ronan: Yep. (Sighs)", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: Have you done with the Diane that I know?", "Diane: She's wised up.", "Kevin: Don't be here when I get back, all right?", "Chloe: Oh, yeah, no problem.", "Kevin: Yeah, and leave your key on the counter.", "Gloria: Stop sniffing around Kevin. He doesn't want you.", "Jana: Then why did he make love to me yesterday?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Abby's wedding planning session turns into an argument with Victor and Ashley over the Newman Enterprises lawsuit against the Abbott family. Jack decides that the only way to save his company from being ruined by the Newman lawsuit is to hold a press conference and tell everyone the truth about how Victor replaced him with Marco despite the fact that Phyllis doesn't want everyone to know that she couldn't tell that Marco wasn't Jack. Billy promises Victoria he will be the man she deserves but Victoria tells him that she has heard those words from him before, and she finds them hard to believe now. Noah is upset that Marisa thinks that Luca has changed, and she can't see that he is evil. Victor and Mariah both tell Noah to let Marisa go, because she is still in love with Luca.", "" ]
[ "Abby: So, we've picked a date, and we have compromised over the color scheme.", "Stitch: And by \"compromise,\" we mean I let Abby decide everything -- except for the shoes. Well, I'm wearing a suit, but my feet got to be comfortable.", "Abby: [Laughs] He still thinks that he's gonna wear sneakers. Yeah. No. It's never happening.", "Stitch: No? It's bad?", "Abby: No. Okay. What's going on? You two have been giving each other death stares since you got here.", "Victor: We were discussing your wedding plans. Let's stick to that, all right?", "Abby: Great. It's another round of Abbotts vs. The Newmans. What's the fight about this time?", "Victor: My sweetheart, let's not get in to it.", "Ashley: We might as well just tell her. She's gonna find out eventually.", "Abby: Find out what?", "Ashley: Your father... has decided to sue jabot -- more specifically, me.", "Abby: What?!", "Ashley: Merry Christmas.", "Abby: Okay. Dad, I am COO of Newman. How could you not tell me about this? What is the lawsuit about?", "Victor: Your father's trying to recoup the money that was stolen from him by the Abbotts.", "Abby: Well, there must be some other way to get back what they owe you.", "Victor: I'm afraid not.", "Michael: Victor has done some unbelievable things in his time, but he had you kidnapped and replaced by a drug lord -- this Marco Annicelli?", "Jack: Yes.", "Michael: And Marco Annicelli hooks up with detective Harding, and he is involved in -- in Austin and Courtney's murders?", "Jack: Yes. He admitted to both before Victor had him shipped back to the Peruvian prison.", "Michael: So Marco pays for his crimes, and yet you let Victor off the hook. Why, after what he put you and Phyllis through?", "Jack: Victor threatened to tell the authorities about the people who died when I escaped and made my way back here.", "Michael: You actually killed people?", "Jack: No, no. But people did die in that boat explosion when Marisa and I escaped. As for Kelly... I don't know what happened to Kelly. That doesn't look good.", "Michael: Foreign justice systems can be very tricky.", "Jack: I didn't mean to harm anyone. I only did what I had to do to survive.", "Michael: And Victor's been holding that over your head?", "Jack: You bet he has. Well, no more. I tried to make peace with him. That bastard thinks he can get away with anything he wants to my family and I'll just stand by. I'm done.", "Michael: What are you planning to do?", "Jack: I'm going to admit to everything I did and expose Victor for everything he did at a press conference today.", "Phyllis: What?!", "Mariah: Here are the rest of the decorations. I think that we should put them up before the Christmas shindig tomorrow night.", "Noah: Yeah. Yeah, sure.", "Mariah: What's wrong? I thought I'm supposed to be \"bah, humbug.\"", "Noah: No, I'm sorry. It's just -- my head's in a different place.", "Mariah: Your head or your heart?", "Noah: I guess I thought that Marisa would have called by now.", "Mariah: You know, there's this guy -- I don't know if you've heard of him -- Alexander graham bell. He had this crazy invention. Maybe you've heard of it.", "Noah: Well, last time I talked on the phone with Marisa, she hung up, so if she wants to talk to me, she'll call.", "Mariah: Or maybe she'll just show up.", "Noah: Hey.", "Marisa: Hi.", "Noah: Um, hey. Uh. Listen. Those things that I said to you before you left --", "Marisa: It was a tense time for both of us, but it's in the past, now that I finally found Ava.", "Noah: Good. Uh, where is she? Where's your daughter?", "Luca: She's still in Spain.", "Mariah: What happened? You couldn't bribe someone to get her into the country?", "Luca: I'm the one who had a problem with immigration officials.", "Victoria: Daddy gave you this one last year. I was hoping that he would be here this year to help you put it on the tree.", "Johnny: [Scoffs] Daddy!", "Victoria: Johnny, I thought you were gonna build something for Daddy. [Grunts softly]", "[Cell phone ringing]", "Mariah: Did you have trouble with airport security? What -- you forgot to declare your hair gel?", "Luca: Someone called your FBI and told them I was re-entering the country. They were told I was involved in a criminal enterprise.", "Mariah: Do you have any idea who would do something like that to you?", "Marisa: Well, my money's on Victor. He would do anything to keep me away from Genoa city.", "Mariah: It does have a very Victor feel to it.", "Noah: Um...who did you leave Ava with -- a nanny?", "Marisa: Uh, no. I, uh -- I left her with her adopted family. She's happy and loved in a good home with good people. It would have been cruel and selfish for me to rip her away from that.", "Noah: Well, what was cruel and selfish was for Luca to make you believe that Ava was being mistreated.", "Marisa: Luca didn't lie about everything. Ava's family isn't well off. There's a lot of love but little money.", "Mariah: Really? Well...who's paying for that fancy private school she goes to?", "Marisa: Luca pays for it.", "Noah: Is that right?", "Marisa: He's been looking out for our daughter for all these years.", "Noah: Oh, I see. He's known where she's been all along.", "Marisa: Luca lied, yes, about a lot of things. But he cares about our daughter.", "Billy: [Sighs] Ohh. Ohh. [Sighs] [Grunts] \"Where are you?\" Why do you care? Ohh. [Exhales sharply] [Breathing heavily]", "Phyllis: You're gonna tell the press what Victor did -- what he did to me?", "Jack: He has to pay.", "Phyllis: No, not like this.", "Jack: Listen, it is the only way. Victor has to answer for his crimes, and I have to save my family's company.", "Phyllis: So, you're gonna tell the whole world that I was duped into sleeping with another man for months?", "Jack: I'm sorry. I don't have another choice.", "Phyllis: Yes, you do have a choice. Don't do this. Michael, tell him what a terrible mistake he's about to make, please.", "Michael: Jack, there are a lot of things to consider, and not just what you'd be putting Phyllis through. I can't promise you unequivocally that you won't be prosecuted for those deaths, and Marisa could be held accountable, too.", "Jack: I'm willing to take that risk, and I will protect Marisa.", "Phyllis: What are you talking -- you're gonna protect Marisa? You're gonna protect Marco's lover but not me? What's going on here?", "Jack: The only person I want to see hurt here is Victor. Can you help me?", "Michael: Uh...I could arrange a press conference.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. Michael. Michael. No. I am not gonna let you do this.", "Abby: No, no, no, no. No. I-I don't want my families fighting right now.", "Stitch: Yeah. I think they kind of are.", "Abby: Well, I want it to stop. It's almost Christmastime. We're getting married. This should be a time when we're all coming together, not hurling insults or litigation at each other.", "Ashley: Speak to your father.", "Victor: Your mother's family brought this on. I have filed the lawsuit, and I will not withdraw it.", "Abby: But what about my wedding? It's the most important day of my life.", "Victor: Sweetheart... maybe you should consider postponing it, you know? Maybe springtime would be a better time.", "Abby: You want us to postpone it?", "Ashley: I don't think that's necessary.", "Victor: I think it will solve a number of problems. The lawsuit will be settled by then, and you and stitch would have plenty of time to plan the wedding.", "Stitch: Look, you -- you wanted the wedding of your dreams. If you want to take time --", "Ashley: Absolutely not. You're not postponing your wedding.", "Luca: I'm...going to go resolve this immigration matter.", "Marisa: Good luck. [Sighs]", "Noah: So, what's really going on here? I mean, you've just been leading him on, right, until you can get Ava and bring her here yourself?", "Marisa: No. No. Luca and I agreed it was best to leave our little girl right where she is.", "Noah: You and Luca? What, so you guys are a team now? What the hell, Marisa? I mean, the guy's been lying to you about everything. Now you're -- you're listening to him?", "Marisa: Noah, he's not the coldhearted person you think he is.", "Noah: He used your daughter to manipulate you.", "Marisa: You're wrong. He was totally protective of her. He stopped an investigator who wanted to grab her and run, and when I wanted to take her away from her home, he insisted I hear out her adopted mother. He wanted what was best for her and for me. He convinced her mother to send us photos and regular updates, and, in exchange, he's gonna set up a trust fund for her.", "Noah: I don't believe it.", "Marisa: It's true.", "Noah: I don't believe... that you're defending Luca.", "Marisa: [Sighs]", "Billy: Hey, hey, hey, buddy. I'm excited about spending some time with you and your sister this morning. You think maybe we could play, um, a, uh, quiet game?", "Victoria: Johnny, would you please build that tower while I talk to your dad for a minute?", "Billy: I'll be right back. Look, I know what you're gonna say, and I'm sorry, all right? I'm -- I...overslept.", "Victoria: Overslept? Is that what you're going with?", "Billy: It's the truth.", "Victoria: [Sighs] You're hung over, Billy. You drank too much last night and you fell asleep in your clothing and you nearly slept through the time that you demanded to spend with your children.", "Billy: You just described a very specific type of oversleeping, and, look, I'm here, okay? That -- that's all that matters.", "Victoria: Do you know the only reason that I'm letting you see them right now is because your lawyer told me that he would take me to court if I didn't?", "Billy: Well, I'm sorry, but you can't just go changing the terms of our agreement 'cause you're mad at me, Victoria.", "Victoria: The reason that I want to change the terms is because I assume that you're probably still drunk right now.", "Billy: [Scoffs] You want me to get my lawyer on the phone?", "Victoria: Do you want to turn this into a court battle?", "Billy: You mean the way that your dad sicced all of his attorneys on my entire family?", "Victoria: If you want to blame someone for filing a lawsuit against jabot, don't blame Newman enterprises. Look in the mirror. You're the one that created this problem between our families, and I bet that Jack and Ashley aren't thrilled with you, either.", "Victor: What difference does it make to you when stitch and Abby get married?", "Ashley: Because Abby wants to get married on new year's eve, and every bride deserves to have the wedding they want.", "Abby: Mom, that's very sweet, but --", "Ashley: Didn't you say it was the most important day to you? Okay. And you've chosen a venue, right, but you don't think you can book it?", "Abby: The Lausanne. It's elegant. It's the perfect size. It's perfect.", "Henry: And booked solid for two years.", "Abby: Henry, hi. This is my mom and dad. Everyone, this is Henry, our assistant wedding planner.", "Victor: Uh, assistant? Well, how many assistants do you need to plan your wedding, huh?", "Abby: Our fabulous wedding planner, Nona, is a very busy woman.", "Henry: But not as busy as the Lausanne. It's impossible.", "Ashley: Oh, that's a word the Newmans don't understand. Isn't that right, Victor? I mean, haven't you said yourself that there's no string in this town that you can't pull? So, why don't you prove it and make this happen for your daughter?", "Victor: I still think it's best if stitch and Abby postpone their wedding.", "Stitch: I don't want to turn our wedding into a battleground.", "Ashley: I just am trying to give Abby the wedding that she wants.", "Victor: All right. You'll have your wedding.", "Abby: Thank you, dad.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Abby: And I think I would like to stick to new year's eve.", "Victor: And, while we're at it, why don't we suggest a different venue?", "Abby: Okay. Where?", "Victor: Top of the tower.", "Abby: Will it be ready in time?", "Victor: Well, of course. If I tell them to get it ready, it'll be ready.", "Abby: Okay. Uh, thank you, dad. It's perfect.", "Victor: Okay, my sweetheart. So, the two of you talk about your wedding with your planner, and your mother and I will adjourn to the bar and have a discussion. Thank you.", "Jack: There is nothing you can say that will change my mind.", "Phyllis: Michael. Michael!", "Michael: I'm sorry. I know. I know. I agree with Jack. Victor cannot get away with what he's done.", "Jack: Thank you, Michael. Please let me know when the press conference is ready.", "Phyllis: So, you're just gonna completely ignore how I feel right now?", "Jack: You and Billy went ahead with your plans without even talking to me.", "Phyllis: Okay, that's different.", "Jack: You bet it was different. You two were so hell-bent on revenge that you made a bad situation a thousand times worse! You riled Victor up so much, he wouldn't listen to reason! Well, he's gonna listen now. When I go public with this, everyone's gonna know what he did.", "Phyllis: Everyone is gonna know what Marco did.", "Jack: You have been telling me for weeks you want me to do something. You want Victor to pay. Hell, you went behind my back to exact your own punishment on the man, thinking I would never step up and do what I needed to do. Well, I'm stepping up. And nobody -- you included -- is gonna stop me.", "Jack: Admit it. You have been furious with me for allowing Victor to bring Marco into our lives.", "Phyllis: Jack... I lived with a stranger... a criminal... for months. I let him into our home, into my bed, and every time I think about it, I get sick. I get sick. And I am furious, but not at you. I [Sighs] Am consumed with hatred for Victor.", "Jack: Then you understand why I have to do this?", "Phyllis: Yes, and I want to see him brought to his knees as much as you do, but not if it means you going to prison.", "Jack: Well, listen -- they would have to extradite me first. Once all of the facts are out, that probably won't happen.", "Phyllis: Probably? What? You're willing to risk all of this on \"probably\"?!", "Jack: It will be worth it if I get what I want.", "Phyllis: Which is what -- revenge?", "Jack: No, justice. I get to tell a judge and jury about every despicable thing Victor did to you and me because he thought I was behind this cyberthreat to his company. I get to watch his face as he realizes he's not gonna make a dime -- not a dime -- from jabot or the Abbotts, and I get to watch them drag his ugly face off to prison for the rest of his life. He has more to lose than I do.", "Phyllis: What about me, Jack? What about what I stand to lose?", "Victor: I assume you got your summons?", "Ashley: What does that have to do with anything?", "Victor: I can tell by your attitude.", "Ashley: My supporting our daughter has nothing to do with your lawsuit, but since you brought it up, didn't we agree you were gonna give me some time to convince my brother to pay you the $500 million you've demanded?", "Victor: For your information, I talked to your righteous brother Jack. I asked him to pay me back $500 million that he stole from me. He declined. In fact, he declared war on me. And you know what I do when that happens. I make the first move.", "Ashley: Oh? By what -- filing a completely baseless lawsuit?", "Victor: You'll find out how baseless it is once you lose jabot. John Abbott would be ashamed of all of you.", "Ashley: Don't you mention my father's name.", "Abby: Really? Is it too much to ask that you forget all this animosity for five minutes and focus on my wedding?", "Ashley: I'm sorry. Of course not.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Victor: Yeah?", "Ashley: I'm sorry.", "Victor: Where? I'll be right there. I have some business to attend to.", "Abby: It can't wait?", "Noah: When you left here, you couldn't stand Luca.", "Marisa: A lot has happened since then.", "Noah: Santori manipulated you. He used your child to force you to live with him when he could have just taken you to her right away.", "Marisa: Luca regrets what he did.", "Noah: I'll bet.", "Marisa: Once we both saw our daughter, the truth came out about how long he'd known her whereabouts and her circumstances. He admitted it was wrong to lie to me. He's -- he's truly sorry.", "Noah: He's sorry? I'll bet he is. He jerked you around for months. He owes you more than an apology.", "Marisa: I owe him, too.", "Noah: For what?", "Marisa: I never told him he had a child. He has plenty of reason to hate me, and he doesn't. He's forgiven me. We've found a way to move past the hurt we've caused each other.", "Noah: Marisa, please, don't get taken in by this guy.", "Marisa: Noah... I am not some naive fool.", "Noah: I'm not saying that.", "Marisa: I know when Luca is being si-- you know what? Forget it. You don't trust me. You're gonna believe whatever you want to believe about Luca.", "Noah: Facts? Yeah. You're right. I am.", "Marisa: Well, you can do it alone.", "Luca: I've never had a problem getting into this country before.", "Victor: If you're implying that I had something to do with your detainment, I assure you you're wrong.", "Luca: I don't believe you'd cause trouble for me now that my father's agreed to invest in the rebuilding of Newman enterprises. You wouldn't risk jeopardizing such an important relationship. But...", "Victor: You think Noah's behind it?", "Luca: He's let his lust for my wife cloud his judgment. He needs to be taught a lesson. Do you want to do it, or should I?", "Victor: I'll take care of it.", "Billy: I told Jack and Ashley to let me face Victor on my own, but they have this stupid idea that they need to look out for me.", "Victoria: Um, it's not just that. They don't trust you. They know that if you go after my father on your own, you're just gonna make everything worse, just like you always do.", "Billy: [Scoffs] Thanks for the vote of confidence.", "Victoria: You can't argue with me, Billy. You know it's true.", "Billy: Yeah. Yeah. You know, can I just go play with my kids now?", "Victoria: Sure. Sure. Go ahead. Maybe you can explain this to them... and help them understand what you've done to our family.", "Billy: [Booming voice] \"I won't let you turn tower town into a playground for dinosaurs!\" \"You can't stop me!\" [High-pitched voice] \"Well, he can with my help!\" [Normal voice] Supermom to the rescue! [Imitates dinosaur growling] And tower town was saved, and they all went for pizza. Ahh. And that's an awesome lesson in gender roles, isn't it?", "Johnny: Hey, I like pizza, too.", "Billy: You like pizza, too? Do you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna decorate the Christmas tree as a whole family. And guess what!", "Victoria: Billy....", "Billy: I saw a plate of gingerbread cookies on the dining-room table. They look kind of naked. I think we're gonna have to dress them.", "Victoria: Well, my mother's coming over later, and we're gonna be decorating cookies.", "Billy: Oh, Nikki's not gonna mind if we get a head start, right? Right? Say, \"Please, Mom?\" [Chuckles]", "Victoria: Okay.", "Billy: Yay! Thanks, mom. She's the best.", "Ashley: So, we're all set on the menu and the music.", "Henry: We still have to order champagne, cake, linens, place settings. I'm heading out, and we'll keep you all posted. Meantime, you two need to make all the decisions regarding attire.", "Abby: For the men and the women?", "Stitch: Great. What about me? What should I do?", "Ashley: Bye. Thank you.", "Abby: Bye.", "Stitch: \"Stay out of it, stitch.\" Okay.", "Abby: I'm sure there are plenty of lives that need to be saved between now and new year's eve.", "Stitch: Message received. All right.", "Abby: Well, I am officially freaking out.", "Ashley: Why? Why are you panicking?", "Abby: Because there's so much to do and we only have a few weeks to do it.", "Ashley: Oh, honey, you have a wonderful coordinator and assistant and even more wonderful mother who's gonna make sure the whole thing goes off without a hitch.", "Abby: Maybe dad was right. Maybe we should postpone the wedding.", "Ashley: No. Absolutely not.", "Stitch: Maybe we should at least consider it, you know? Not just 'cause of the lawsuit. You seem to have a lot on your mind right now.", "Ashley: I can handle it, okay? I always do.", "Abby: But I hate to put more pressure on you.", "Ashley: Honey, this is your wedding. It's important. I'm not gonna let another fight between the Newmans and the Abbotts stop it from happening on schedule.", "Abby: I really don't mind.", "Ashley: Nothing is more important to me than your happiness, okay? So, please, let me deal with it.", "Abby: If you insist.", "Ashley: I do.", "Abby: Okay. Well, um... I will talk to you later.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Abby: I love you.", "Ashley: I love you, too, honey.", "Michael: Hey.", "Abby: Hi.", "Michael: Hey, stitch.", "Stitch: Hey.", "Ashley: Hi!", "Michael: Ashley. I'm glad you're here.", "Ashley: Why? What's up?", "Michael: I spoke to Jack. He told me everything -- about Victor and Marco Annicelli.", "Ashley: Yeah. He just told me. It's disgusting, isn't it? Honestly, Michael, if the truth ever came out --", "Michael: Oh, the truth's going to come out today.", "Ashley: What are you talking about?", "Michael: Jack is holding a press conference here. He's gonna tell the media everything.", "Ashley: What do you mean, \"everything\"? You mean what it took for him to get back?", "Michael: He feels it's the only way to take Victor down and save jabot.", "Jack: I wasn't there to protect you from Marco. I couldn't help you then. I can now, and I can make Victor pay for what he put you through.", "Phyllis: So, is this what this is about? This is about you getting revenge, making Victor pay, no matter what it costs me?", "Jack: What happened to the Phyllis who would take on any bully, hell with the consequences?", "Phyllis: I am the same woman I have always been! The world is different, Jack. Your life can be shredded in just a few images with a few sound bites. You expose Victor, you expose me. How long do you think it's gonna take for my public humiliation to go viral?", "Jack: Honey, it will trend for a few minutes.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? See, that's long enough for summer to hear and for Daniel to hear and the people I work with. I'll be the only woman in the world who didn't know she was sleeping with another man for months! How do you think that's gonna make me feel?!", "Jack: Your story will elicit compassion, not judgment.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? See, I think it's gonna elicit humiliation, Jack. Don't you care about that? Don't you see that?!", "Jack: I understand that you're scared. So am I. We can get through this together.", "Phyllis: No, you don't understand! You're not doing this as a team! You are doing this alone! Do you not see that?!", "Jack: I'm sorry you feel that way.", "Phyllis: [Scoffs] [Voice breaking] Are you just gonna go ahead and do this?", "Jack: Yes.", "Phyllis: [Exhales sharply]", "Noah: I'm never gonna understand women. I'm really not. It's like you think they're gonna react one way, and then they do a complete 180 on you.", "Mariah: So, let me get this straight -- you thought Marisa was gonna be happy that you sicced the feds on her husband?", "Noah: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Mariah: I knew the second that Latin lizard opened his mouth that it was you. That's why you had Kevin dig up information on the Santori family.", "Noah: You know what? I really had no choice.", "Victor: You didn't? Really?", "Noah: Well, that didn't take too long. Luca got you on speed dial?", "Mariah: I'll be over there, pretending to work.", "Victor: What were you thinking, calling the FBI.? Didn't I tell you to stay away from the Santoris?", "Noah: And I asked you respectfully not to interfere with my relationship with Marisa.", "Victor: Noah, this is serious business.", "Noah: Yeah, you're right, which is why I came to you. Bringing a corrupt family like the Santoris into our lives is very serious.", "Victor: Noah... my grandson, I love you. But you didn't keep Luca away, you didn't have him detained, because you were concerned about Newman enterprises. You had him detained because you want Marisa for yourself. You want to keep her away from her husband.", "Noah: That guy's a dangerous man...", "Victor: Wait a minute.", "Noah: ...Just like the rest of his family is.", "Victor: Let me tell you something. The Santoris are willing to invest money so I can rebuild Newman enterprises. You may have jeopardized that right now.", "Noah: [Chuckles softly]", "Victor: Not only that, you have jeopardized the livelihood of all those people who work for Newman enterprises. That's irresponsible, son, just because you are absolutely obsessed with this woman. I'm telling you, stay away from her. She has a checkered past. Besides that, she's interested in another man.", "Noah: [Chuckles softly]", "Mariah: I hate to say it.", "Noah: Don't.", "Mariah: He's right.", "Luca: The authorities won't be causing me any more trouble. Now I can concentrate on... making sure our investment pays off. Yes, sir. I'll keep you posted, Father. [Exhales sharply]", "Marisa: Did you straighten everything out with the FBI.?", "Luca: Transparency -- that's the key. I have nothing to hide. I let them know that.", "Marisa: Do you have any idea why you were detained?", "Luca: I spoke to Victor about it.", "Marisa: And did he admit he was behind it?", "Luca: No. But he had a good idea who was -- another Newman.", "Marisa: Noah? No. I don't -- I don't think so.", "Luca: It makes sense, Marisa, considering how he feels about me -- and you.", "Marisa: If we'd tried to enter the country with Ava, she would have seen you handcuffed and hauled away by federal agents.", "Luca: Imagine what that would have done to her. Clearly, Noah's willing to go to any lengths to get me out of your life. He doesn't care who he hurts in the process.", "Marisa: Including our daughter.", "Luca: What he doesn't understand... is we'll always be bonded by the child we share.", "Billy: Aw, your cookies look just like you guys! Nice work, mom!", "Victoria: Thank you. How's yours coming over there?", "Billy: Ah, it's -- you know, it's a masterpiece, huh?", "Victoria: Yeah? Oh! That's...lovely.", "Billy: And how 'bout yours?", "Victoria: Well, um... my eyes are crooked and I don't have a nose and my hair is messy, but...", "Billy: So, a pretty good likeness, then, huh?", "Victoria: Well, it's not very easy to do when you have a little wiggleworm on your lap. Oh, no.", "Billy: No, no. Daddy to the rescue. I can fix it. I can fix it. Aww.", "Victoria: Mommy's broken.", "Billy: See? Little of this... a little of that. And... perfection. Our family's whole again.", "Michael: Yeah. That's perfect. Thank you. Michael Baldwin.", "Ashley: Jack.", "Jack: You're not gonna change my mind.", "Ashley: You don't have to sacrifice your future to keep Victor from going after our family.", "Jack: There is no other way.", "Ashley: Pay him the damn money, Jack!", "Jack: And bankrupt us? No way!", "Ashley: Look, I am in charge of this company.", "Jack: I am the head of this family. It is my job to protect this family and our legacy. Our father asked me to do that.", "Ashley: You know what, Jack? I'm not gonna let you do this. I'm not.", "Jack: I'm getting enough resistance from Phyllis, believe me.", "Jack: What's she doing here?", "Ashley: She probably wants to see for herself that you're going to actually go through with this plan.", "Jack: I am.", "Ashley: Look how unhappy she is. I think she's even more unhappy than I am.", "Jack: I wish she hadn't come -- or you, for that matter.", "Ashley: I realize you think you're doing the right thing, Jack, but if the people you love most don't agree, then maybe you should listen.", "Jack: [Sighs]", "Billy: Two kids down for naps? I still got it. [Sighs]", "Victoria: You're a good father. It's just that...", "Billy: It doesn't erase my screwups. I know.", "Victoria: ...I can't excuse your behavior lately, Billy.", "Billy: Look... look... I'm gonna make it up to you, okay? I will. I'm -- I'm gonna be the man that you deserve. I will be the father that those kids deserve. Okay?", "Victoria: [Sighs] I really want to believe you, but fixing our family isn't gonna be as easy as fixing a gingerbread cookie.", "Billy: Look, I know. I know. I do. But I will put in the work. I'm willing to do that.", "Victoria: I feel like I've heard that before so many times.", "Billy: Yeah, but this time I mean it, right?", "Victoria: You mean it every time you say it. I can't, Billy. I can't go down this road again, hoping for the best and knowing that, inevitably... the worst is gonna come.", "Billy: Don't. Don't, okay? Just don't...say that. Please? Listen. I want you to give me one more chance -- please? -- Just one more chance to make it up to you. I'm begging you, Victoria. Come on.", "Marisa: I can't believe that Noah would go to such lengths to hurt you.", "Luca: I don't want to dwell on it.", "Marisa: That's very generous of you.", "Luca: I want to move forward with my life. I thought you'd be doing the same.", "Marisa: What do you mean?", "Luca: Well, why aren't you with Noah?", "Marisa: We, um -- we had a fight.", "Luca: I'm sorry. I hope you can work things out, if, you know, that's what you want.", "Marisa: Well, I don't know what's next for Noah. I just know that I can't move in with him right now. I need time to sort things out.", "Luca: Well, I won't pressure you to move back in with me.", "Marisa: Thank you.", "Luca: Where will you go?", "Marisa: Oh, I'll... probably get a room here.", "Luca: Oh. We'll be neighbors. [Chuckles]", "Marisa: [Chuckles]", "Luca: That'll be new. And nice.", "Marisa: Yes, it -- it will.", "Luca: Well, if you ever -- if you ever need anything, you can always knock on my door.", "Marisa: That's good to know.", "Noah: You and my grandfather on the same side? Wow. Never thought I'd see the day.", "Mariah: Let's get one thing straight -- Victor and I agree on one thing and one thing only, and that's that you need to take the blinders off when it comes to Marisa.", "Noah: You've been pulling for us to be together.", "Mariah: That is before I realized she is still in to her not-so-ex-husband.", "Noah: They share a kid, okay? That's all.", "Mariah: Noah, you can't trust her.", "Noah: Look, you don't even know her, okay?", "Mariah: Since the day that you met her, it has been one lie after another. First it was her ex-boyfriend/drug lord. Second, she forgot to tell you she was married. And, third, \"oh, wait, I totally forgot -- I also have a kid.\" I mean, really! What's next?", "Noah: She's had a rough life, okay? And it's hard for her to trust people. And you know what? You, of all people, should understand that.", "Mariah: What happened to you?", "Noah: What?", "Mariah: You used to be the guy that could read people -- Austin, Harding, even Victor. Why can't you see that Marisa is using you? You are just one rich guy in a long line of 'em.", "Noah: You know what? What is it that you think that you know about my relationship with Marisa, huh -- you, who hasn't been able to commit to anybody long enough to even figure out what love is? Hmm.", "Abby: I thought that we were gonna go over flower arrangements and seating charts. I wasn't expecting things to get so...", "Stitch: Intense? Yeah, things were definitely uncomfortable.", "Abby: And weird, right? Not that I don't appreciate my mom's support, but why was she so insistent we get married on new year's eve? It wasn't just me, right? She was really pushing for it?", "Stitch: She was. Look, I-I-I think I know why.", "Abby: You do?", "Stitch: It's because of me.", "Victor: What the hell is going on here?", "Phyllis: Jack's called a press conference. He's ready to tell all.", "Ashley: Jackie, you don't have to do this.", "Jack: No, he has to pay.", "Ashley: But at what cost?", "Michael: Jack, you ready? All right. Ladies, gentlemen.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Faith: Who do you think Sully looks more like -- Mommy or Dylan?", "Victor: You're responsible for the downfall of your family!", "Abby: Why did you lie to me about stitch's almost-last words in the fire? \"o holy night\" and later, Jordan and Adam sing for a duet you are not going to want to miss. It is the finale. Stay with us." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Nikki and Victoria got together and talked about JT's return and investigation. Billy informed Victoria and Nikki that he was still angry with JT for taking Reed from Victoria all those years ago. Victoria hoped to help Reed reconcile with JT. Billy urged Victoria to have some fun. Victoria told Billy that he could bring Phyllis with him when he came to visit the kids. Nick and Devon discussed the purchase of Chancellor park by a mystery buyer. Sharon felt like Scott had been avoiding her since she said she loved him, and she insisted that they talk. Scott kept putting the conversation off, but eventually, he told her that her declaration made him think about what he wanted in life, and he wanted her. Hilary met with Jack to discuss the direction of her show. He was proud of Hilary for embracing the more positive and upbeat angle that he'd insisted on. Jack wasn't thrilled that Hilary interviewed Cane, which gave free press to Chancellor, a rival. Jack vowed to best Victor and Cane, and Hilary was pleased to see Jack's competitive side reemerging. She showed Jack pictures of Sam and talked about holding him. Hilary accepted Jack's invitation to Christmas dinner. Devon later invited Hilary to spend the holiday with him, but she told him she had plans.", "Nick was proud when Mariah told him that Faith seemed to share his aversion to Scott, but he later encouraged Faith to give Scott chance. Nick told Chelsea about his plans to stage a rally to save the park. Chelsea couldn't go, due to work, so Nick took Faith and Mariah with him. The rally had a big turnout, and Chelsea told Nick she was proud of him. Faith told Mariah about going to the park without permission and seeing Scott kissing Abby. Nikki confided in Jack that she'd done something wrong, but it was best if he didn't know the full story. Jack urged her to talk to someone. Nikki took Jack's advice. She confessed to Victoria that she stole money from Victor's account and sent it to an offshore account. Nikki was terrified that JT would find out and she'd go to jail.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Sharon: This is how it should be -- you and me, here, after a perfect night. Scott, I love you.", "[ Sam crying ]", "Cane: Oh, there you go.", "Hilary: You're the cutest little thing ever, huh?", "Jack: I'm saying I want to sponsor your show.", "Chelsea: They want to sell chancellor park?", "Nick: Don't worry, mom and i are on it. We are not going down without a fight.", "Nick: What do you mean, devon lost?", "Hilary: Just what I said. He didn't win the bid for the park.", "Nick: Then who did?", "Kevin: It's starting to unravel. What? No. No, I can't stop it. It won't be long before the truth comes out and victor discovers what you did.", "J.T.: Paul and christine and the feds they're working with, all they want is the truth. Somebody's trying to hide something, and I'm gonna figure out who it is and why.", "Nikki: Mm!", "Victoria: So good to see you. [ Chuckles ] There's a little more to that hug than a simple \"I'm so glad we're having coffee together.\"", "Nikki: Well, since you and i were on opposite sides during that chancellor park issue, i guess I wasn't sure if you wanted to even see me.", "Victoria: That's never gonna happen. Anyway, it's a non-issue since newman was outbid.", "Nikki: Your father must be furious.", "Victoria: Dad never enjoys losing, ever.", "Nikki: Are you sure it wasn't devon who bought the land?", "Victoria: Yeah, he would have said so. I mean, whoever put in the winning bid is keeping it a secret from everyone.", "Nick: How about this? I pay for your coffee, and you tell me you're the one who bought the park.", "Devon: It's tempting, but I'd be lying to you if I said it was me.", "Nick: Coffee and a doughnut, final offer.", "Devon: Look, I want to know who it is, too. The good news is, victor won't be the one tearing down katherine's park to put up some condos.", "Nick: Bad news is, whoever did score the land is probably gonna do that anyway.", "Sharon: Breakfast is ready! Pancakes.", "Scott: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm already late. I overslept. Bad time for my alarm not to go off.", "Sharon: I turned it off.", "Scott: What?", "Sharon: Your alarm. I turned it off. You've been avoiding me by waking up early and sneaking out of the house. I'm not gonna let you do that today.", "Nikki: You're distracted, and it's not about just losing some land. As rare as it happens, newman has been outbid before, you know.", "Victoria: It would have been a big win for the company.", "Nikki: Honey, if you are preoccupied about something having to do with business, you would be talking a mile a minute and not stirring your coffee and staring off into space. So whatever's on your mind, it's hitting closer to home.", "Victoria: You know that audit that dad's been dealing with because of the designdate debacle?", "Nikki: Yeah.", "Victoria: Well, the company's books checked out just fine, no red flags.", "Nikki: Oh! Well, then, what's wrong?", "Victoria: The problem was found in one of his personal accounts, and you're never gonna guess who they brought in to investigate. J.T.", "Scott: Oh, man, I really am late, but if you want to tie me upstairs in the bedroom so i can't leave, there's no arguments here.", "Sharon: You can't just keep dodging this conversation, scott. It's important.", "Scott: Look, I'm not dodging anything, and I certainly haven't been avoiding you.", "Sharon: The other night, i told you I love you.", "Scott: And I said it right back. There's nothing to avoid. It's all right there.", "Mariah: Oh, my gosh, do i smell pancakes? Score! All right, I call dibs on the maple syrup, all of the maple syrup.", "Faith: Who drank my juice?", "Scott: Uh, that was me. Sorry, my bad. I'll get you some more.", "Faith: Never mind.", "Sharon: I'll get the juice and more pancakes.", "Mariah: Hey. You're just gonna stand there? You got pancakes to eat.", "Scott: Oh, well, save me some syrup, will you? provided by...", "Nikki: I assume this was christine's idea, bringing J.T. In, not some complete stranger, someone who has no attachment to newman at all.", "Victoria: Paul made the suggestion because as J.T. Said, he \"knows where all the bodies are buried.\"", "Nikki: Look, J.T. Worked at newman a lifetime ago, and the two of you have been divorced for years. He has nothing to bring to this investigation, and if he claims that he does, he's bluffing.", "Victoria: Is he? Mom, he was head of newman's security, which means he had access to personal and professional information.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] You worry too much.", "Victoria: Obviously paul and christine are making this their number-one priority.", "Nikki: This whole thing is ridiculous. It's irrational. You and I both know that victor would never have anything to do with the sex trafficking ring, for heaven's sake.", "Victoria: But dad provided the infrastructure via newman enterprises.", "Nikki: But that doesn't mean that he knew what was going on.", "Victoria: But even unknowingly, newman funded criminal activity, and the authorities are determined to make someone at the company pay.", "Chelsea: You were such a champ, fighting for the park.", "Nick: Fight's not over yet.", "Chelsea: But the city accepted a bid.", "Nick: It's not a done deal, though, and there's no guarantee that the company who won the bid is going to be able to build on the land.", "Chelsea: And the plan is still condos?", "Nick: We don't know who bought it, but you can bet they're gonna want to turn a buck and destroy the skyline. We may have lost the battle, but it doesn't mean we give up the war.", "Chelsea: How do you fight the sale?", "Nick: Well, you are currently dating a social media warrior.", "Chelsea: Oh? Am I?", "Nick: Yeah. I scheduled a rally later today, you know, a protest, even before I knew about this deal. Just because victor lost out -- this was never about him. This is about katherine and our city, so we're gonna get together, get a bunch of signs and banners, and make a bunch of noise, and hopefully get some press out of it.", "Chelsea: Signs and banners.", "Nick: Yep. As many as we can muster up.", "Chelsea: How do you plan to get those?", "Nick: Well, my super-hot girlfriend is an amazing designer, so...", "Chelsea: I do appreciate the flattery, except this particular time --", "Nick: It's not gonna get me anywhere, is it?", "Chelsea: Normally, I would love to help, but I'm in the middle of providing three holiday custom gowns for, like, the grande dames of genoa city, and..", "Nick: It's okay. I get it. Work comes first. But if you can get away, you know, you've got a set of lungs on you. We could really use you at the park, you know, to yell.", "Chelsea: Set of lungs? What do you mean? I don't yell. I barely yell. That's not true.", "Nick: I don't know about that. Come to the rally, please.", "Chelsea: I will try. I promise. And if I can't be there, I will be cheering you on in spirit.", "Hilary: And those are all the big story ideas for next week.", "Jack: Hmm.", "Hilary: I think that we can both agree that they're strong, empowering, and they maintain that buzz-worthy feel that my audience looks forward to every day.", "Jack: It is very important to me and to the company that this show be on-brand for jabot. I want these segments to have meaning in people's lives, to be more than just mindless entertainment.", "Hilary: And I think that that's exactly what I just presented to you. Positive, in some cases, even inspiring stories. If you don't agree, jack, then i don't really know --", "Jack: No, I actually do agree. I think this is a giant improvement on the show. And you clearly have a knack for these upbeat stories, and to be honest, I wasn't sure you'd be able to deliver, and you have. You know, this is not the old \"the hilary hour,\" and this, you have convinced me is a different hilary than the one who used to go to such lengths to get the latest snark and gossip.", "Hilary: Oh, it is still me, jack. Always me, just a different side.", "Jack: It's a lovely side, and you should be very proud of what you're doing. I know I am.", "Mariah: Wow. You're really committed to that clean-up job. I respect that. I also will let you do this every day, if you want.", "Scott: Yeah, no, I'm -- I'm good with sharing the job.", "Mariah: [ Laughs ]", "Scott: So, uh, what's on the schedule for today, faith? Any big plans for your winter break?", "Mariah: Well, I for one have a very rare day off, so I am going to binge-watch tv. Just nothing with a host, co-host, or interviews of any kind.", "Sharon: Well, it's a beautiful day, and it's not too cold. Why don't you take faith ice skating?", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Mariah: Huh, cold outside versus warm inside. That's gonna be a tough call.", "Sharon: Oh! Hi, nick.", "Nick: Hey. Sorry to just bust in. I got a busy day. I need all hands on deck.", "Sharon: Oh, that's right. I'm sorry, I forgot. The rally.", "Nick: Well, it's lucky i didn'T. I mean, I have a park full of people, ready to go.", "Mariah: Great. I guess I'm going outside after all.", "Nick: Uh-huh.", "Faith: Daddy!", "Nick: Hey. How are you?", "Faith: Good.", "Nick: Guess what I have -- hand warmers just in case your hands get cold at the rally. You are coming, right?", "Faith: Mm-hmm.", "Mariah: I'm sorry, no hand warmers for moi?", "Nick: I'll make you a deal. I'm gonna hook you both up with hand warmers if you help me make a banner, and I'm talking a huge one, like major visual impact.", "Mariah: I'm sorry, does your father not understand who he's talking to? Because we are the dream team of visual impact.", "Faith: We have paint in the garage.", "Mariah: What are you thinking, cardboard or a sheet?", "Nick: I'm gonna leave this decision in your very capable hands, but let's get going.", "Mariah: Ready to get messy, kiddo?", "Faith: Always.", "Mariah: Teamwork makes the dream work.", "Nick: [ Laughs ] All right, you, uh, want in on this sign thing?", "Sharon: You know what, scott and I, we need to talk.", "Scott: You know, you were right the other day. The fight is really important for the community, and I think you and I can catch some alone time later.", "Nick: All right, just forget I asked. I got the dream team on it. I don't want to mess up their creative mojo by bringing their mom in, so you guys, uh, you know, spend some private time. You're good.", "Nikki: I know it's unnerving to have your ex-husband investigate your family's company, but at the same time, it must be nice for reed to see his father, especially so close to christmas.", "Victoria: Well, in theory, it's wonderful, but reed has been avoiding J.T.", "Nikki: I thought they were getting along better.", "Victoria: Maybe because they were on separate continents.", "Billy: Hey. Hi.", "Nikki: Hi.", "Billy: Hope I'm not interrupting.", "Nikki: Oh, no.", "Victoria: No, I was just telling mom that J.T. Is back in town.", "Billy: Yeah, that he is.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, billy stopped by the house last night, and he was there.", "Nikki: Oh. How was your reunion?", "Billy: Oh, I'd like to say warm and fuzzy.", "Nikki: But...", "Billy: Too much history. I mean, we're talking about a guy who did everything he could to get custody of reed and then tried to take him out of the country. I feel like I can hold a grudge when it's for the right reason, and this is one of those times. Plus, what he did to vick --", "Victoria: That he said I was a terrible mother? It's not about me. It's about reed. And he's living with me now, by choice. That's all that matters.", "Nikki: I hate the idea of J.T. Causing more pain for you and your family.", "Billy: Well, hope it's a quick in-and-out trip, you know? Plus, I think I'll take reed's example and stay away from J.T. As much as possible.", "Hilary: Will all of our meetings be like this, you handing me compliments and coffee? Because I could used to this.", "Jack: As long as you're doing great work, and I'm sure you will be.", "Hilary: Did you see how i stayed away from the snark and the gossip during cane's interview? I had no mention of lily or his family drama, and trust me, there is plenty of it.", "Jack: I'm glad you brought that up. Yes, kudos on the restraint, but I would rather you run an interview like that by me first.", "Hilary: Why would I do that?", "Jack: Because I am your primary sponsor, and as such, i am your producer. With veto power. And I would veto a show about the competition.", "Hilary: Since when is jabot competing with chancellor? They don't even have a cosmetics division.", "Jack: Chancellor is a major player in town, and in the world of \"the hilary hour,\" there is only one company upon which we are heaping praise.", "Hilary: Oh, and this doesn't sound like jealousy at all.", "Jack: It's how the game is played. Any company that is not jabot is a rival.", "Hilary: And cane got that winning hand with that splashy business story.", "Jack: He gets one every lifetime.", "Hilary: I think I like this jack abbott. It reminds me of myself. You hate not being number one. And considering that victor and cane are ahead of you at this point...", "Jack: At this point. Trust me, I'm going to be changing that very soon.", "Faith: [ Shivers ] No hand warmer yet?", "Nick: No, no. You're gonna have to earn that. So the hot chocolate's gonna have to do the trick.", "Mariah: All right. Thank you so much. Yeah. I'll see you there. All right, so that was the camera operator. He's good to go and he's gonna meet us in the park.", "Nick: Do you really think hilary will air it?", "Mariah: Oh, yeah. Hilary's all about the feel-good empowerment, grassroots campaign right now. And, plus, she's not gonna pay for any footage that she doesn't air.", "Faith: I am gonna get back to work.", "Nick: All right, hot chocolate will be ready in a couple minutes.", "Faith: Got it!", "Mariah: You know, I can stay inside here, the warm house, while you go back out there and get paint all over you.", "Nick: Ah. Nice try.", "Mariah: Mm, it was worth a try.", "Nick: Why don't you, uh, you know, tell me how things are going around here, you know, with scott moving in.", "Mariah: Besides the compromising moments I've accidentally walked in on?", "Nick: Whoa! No! Don't want to hear about that.", "Mariah: Be glad you're just hearing about it.", "Nick: I'm talking about more, like, family-friendly information, you know? Like how faith is handling it.", "Mariah: Well, uh, she seemed fine, but the last few days, she hasn't been that chatty with scott.", "Nick: That's my girl. I'm just saying, you know, scott isn't nearly as charming as he thinks he is, and if faith is having a problem with it...", "Mariah: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I -- I didn't say that there was a problem.", "Nick: I'll just talk to sharon about it.", "Mariah: Whoa, whoa, whoa. All I said is that faith isn't being that chatty.", "Nick: Well, that is a problem because faith talks -- a lot. You know that.", "Mariah: And I know that you want to jump all over this because scott bugs you.", "Nick: Also, faith is my kid, so...", "Mariah: Look, why don't you just let me do the big-sister thing here. I'll keep an eye on the situation, handle sharon. It's probably nothing.", "Scott: Yeah, whatever works for your schedule. Great. Yeah, I got your book and that e-mail you sent with the articles. Yeah, I'll give them a read, and then we'll touch base. Cool, sounds good.", "Sharon: Can that call wait? I know the last five couldn't, but I really need to talk to you.", "Scott: You know, I might be out of the office, but it doesn't mean I don't have work to do.", "Sharon: I'm just asking for some of your time, scott. This is important.", "Scott: [ Sighs ]", "Sharon: So, I scared you when I told you that I loved you.", "Scott: That's not true. I -- I just might have needed a second to catch up, but I did.", "Sharon: You recited the words back to me, and, scott, you hesitated. And you didn't really sound all that convincing. So just be honest. Did you feel obligated and forced to tell me what you thought I wanted to hear? And is that why you've been avoiding me? to mariah.", "Nick: Uh, you're not gonna skip out on me that fast. [ Imitates tires squealing ] Sit down. I want to talk to you.", "Faith: Okay.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] What's, uh... what's been going on around here with scott? How's that going?", "Faith: Well, you know...", "Nick: \"Well, you know...\" that's not exactly a ringing endorsement. I know your mom wouldn't move anyone in here that you didn't like.", "Faith: I did like him.", "Nick: But you don't anymore? Did something happen? What changed?", "Faith: Mom is happy. She wants scott here.", "Nick: But, faith, if you don'T...", "Faith: I'm fine.", "Nick: Is this kind of like when I moved in with chelsea? That took some time to get used to. Look, I know it's not easy to let new people into your life, to make room for them, but maybe if you give scott a chance, you'll realize that you do like him.", "Hilary: How's your mom?", "Jack: At the moment, she is developing a sweet tooth. After we're done here, I am tasked with going to crimson lights.", "Hilary: Well, she sounds determined.", "Jack: Well, I guess that comes with watching hours of the stock market. Be warned -- before we leave, she may be giving us investment advice.", "Hilary: For you, maybe. I'm sure I'm still on her hit list. At the risk of going on yours, too...", "Jack: I don't think I like the sound of that.", "Hilary: My interview with cane yesterday... it was interesting to me personally. It was a redemption story, okay? Cane, he screwed up in a big way, and I know because i plastered it all over my show, more than once, but look at him now. He is running chancellor, he is raising a baby that has medical needs. He didn't fall apart. He didn't play the victim. He pulled it off, and I didn't believe in him.", "Jack: Cane's a smart man. Under different circumstances, i would have hired him at jabot. He did make a big mistake, but you know what, underneath, i think he's a good guy, and I'm sure he's going to give this new little baby boy all the love and attention he offered to mattie and charlie.", "Hilary: Did I tell you that i went to the hospital to see the baby?", "Jack: No.", "Hilary: Come here. Now, come on. Tell me -- tell me that this is not the cutest baby ever.", "Jack: That he is. You look very comfortable holding a baby in your arms.", "Hilary: Me? Oh, god, no. My life is way too busy. The last thing that I need is a child. No. No, thank you very much.", "Victoria: Thank you very much for hanging out with the kids later.", "Billy: Absolutely. You're a busy woman. Before you go, though, I have to ask you -- doesn't it kind of drive you nuts that the only reason J.T. Is here is to investigate his former boss and his ex-father-in-law?", "Victoria: I don't love it. It's invasive. But I guess I'd feel that way about anyone picking through the newman accounts. And, besides, J.T. Says that he won't let his personal issues color any of his findings.", "Billy: Oh! So noble of him.", "Victoria: Look, billy, i can't go there, okay? I can't get all angry and defensive. If anything, maybe I can help J.T. And reed try to fix things between each other.", "Billy: I think that's a little easier said than done, vick.", "Victoria: You know reed is harboring a lot of anger and resentment towards his father. I thought that maybe I could just help them try to meet in the middle.", "Billy: Or maybe J.T. Will stand up and be a decent parent this time?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: Okay, hold on. I'll shut up, all right? You know what, you can't take this upon yourself, all right? It's the holidays. You got to have some fun, you got to do all those great things you do, like burn cookies with the kids.", "Victoria: That's not funny.", "Billy: Okay, I'll come over and burn cookies with the kids. How's that?", "Victoria: You're welcome anytime.", "Billy: Okay.", "Victoria: Bring phyllis.", "Billy: Really?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: You know, if you're not comfortable with that, she would totally understand.", "Victoria: She's a part of your life now, which means she's a part of the kids' lives. That's just how it goes now. And I think that things will go a lot smoother between us now that you and I aren't working together.", "Billy: Well, yeah, because you fired me.", "Victoria: You don't seem very miserable.", "Billy: No, I'm actually not at all. I enjoy not working. It's actually fantastic. How's your career change, by the way?", "Victoria: I have to admit, it's kind of a relief. I go to work, I care a lot. It's difficult sometimes, but at least I don't feel the pressure of running my own company. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll be my own boss again, but for now, I'm fine. I mean it. Bring phyllis. We'll celebrate. It's gonna be a great holiday.", "Billy: Look at us, huh? Friends again. I like it.", "Victoria: I do, too.", "Nick: Hey, all right! More park supporters! Awesome!", "Mariah: The camera operator is just getting a coffee, but he's gonna be ready to roll when the time comes.", "Nick: Okay, I'm gonna go find someplace to hang this banner. If more people show up, just fill them in, let them know what the plan is.", "Mariah: Okay, captain.", "Faith: [ Sighs ]", "Mariah: Hey. We're alone. He's gone. You can talk to me.", "Faith: About what?", "Mariah: About whatever is going on between you and scott. I know you're avoiding him. Come on, if you're upset, you can talk to me. Tell me why. Cone of silence. Sister swear?", "Faith: I'm not a little kid anymore. Please don't treat me like one. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Hilary: [ Sighs ] That was mariah at chancellor park. It turns out that nick newman is quite the local activist.", "Jack: Oh?", "Hilary: Yeah, apparently, he's staging a rally to oppose any future development on that land.", "Jack: Well, good for him. I will be there in spirit, if not in person.", "Hilary: Yes, you have enough on your plate with your mother and jabot and micromanaging my show.", "Jack: What can I say? I'm a overachiever. And, by the way, this helps a lot, your meeting with me here. I appreciate it.", "Hilary: Well, you keep underwriting my show, and I will keep showing up.", "Jack: Oh, good. That's good to know.", "Hilary: Jack... you're a really good friend, and you were the first person who gave me a break when I blew up my life. So if there's anything that i could do to make your life easier...", "Jack: What's going on? You getting soft on me? All this kind talk and baby pictures...", "Hilary: Okay, you better watch it, all right? Friendship does not go that far. You're a good man, jack. Taking care of your mother. I'm sure it's not easy on dina. She's feeling like a burden. I'm sure it's agony, a strong independent woman like that. Especially when she's so stubborn.", "Jack: I suddenly realize how much you and she have in common.", "Hilary: Well, I don't have any family, so I don't have to worry about one day feeling like a burden.", "Jack: Speaking of that, what are you doing for christmas?", "Hilary: Have we not met? I'm a little busy creating a media empire, so I will be working straight through.", "Jack: So, no time off, huh?", "Hilary: No, I think I'm just gonna let the other people deck the halls. \"The hilary hour\" does not believe in hiatuses.", "Jack: That's a shame. I was gonna invite you to have christmas with us, but, you know, you're busy...", "Hilary: Well, coming to my sponsor's house, that would qualify as building my empire.", "Jack: Oh, building business relationships is terribly important. Critical.", "Hilary: Yeah, and if that means coming and celebrating with you and your family, well, then, I guess... I guess I accept. Thank you, jack.", "Jack: I look forward to it. Now that we're done here, I must address a sweet tooth that will not be ignored.", "Hilary: [ Chuckles ]", "Sharon: Obviously this was a mistake, and you're not going to make time to talk today.", "Scott: Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Phone -- phone is going in my pocket. I'm sorry. I do want to talk. We need to.", "Sharon: But it's like torture for you, and that worries me even more. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe we should just forget what I said and forget how you reacted. I...don't know where that leaves us. I mean, you live with me now, and my two daughters.", "Scott: You're right, I'm avoiding, and we have to do this. Both of us need to be honest about everything. You deserve that. I mean, what kind of guy am I if I can't give that to you?", "Sharon: So are you ready to do this, then? To have this conversation?", "Scott: I am.", "Sharon: Knowing that whatever happens as a result...happens?", "Scott: Yeah, we just -- we can't do it here. Too many distractions. Come on.", "Jack: Nikki?", "Nikki: Well, mr. Abbott. How very nice to see you. Where's dina?", "Jack: She's with mrs. Martinez right now. She had a pastry craving and insisted they come from crimson lights.", "Nikki: Well, that's a good sign, isn't it?", "Jack: Some things she has a pretty firm grip on. Other things... she mistook a colleague of mine for traci in a video conference earlier.", "Nikki: I'm sorry. You're a good son. You're a brave man.", "Jack: Yeah, you say those words, and it sounds like pity. My mother's the one who's going through hell. I'm just watching her do it.", "Nikki: I say it completely out of admiration, jack. How many people can take on the world like you can?", "Jack: You know what, enough about me. Let's talk about something a lot more interesting.", "Nikki: Such as?", "Jack: I don't know, you.", "Nikki: Trust me, there is absolutely nothing exciting about my life right now.", "Jack: You seemed kind of lost in thought when I walked in. What's on your mind?", "Nikki: Well, there's no fooling you, is there? I have a difficult decision. Earl grey and chamomile.", "Jack: Hey. Hey. Please, don't lie to me.", "Chelsea: Hey.", "Nick: Hey.D? Did nobody show up?", "Nick: Uh, just me, the girls, and a couple hundred genoa city loyalists.", "Chelsea: [ Gasps ] Really?", "Nick: Yeah, it was awesome. It's gonna all be on the \"the hilary hour\" later, so you can check out the footage. We had some cheers, some chants, a bunch of signs, and one incredible banner.", "Chelsea: That's wonderful.", "Nick: I did have to hand out a lot of hand warmers, though.", "Chelsea: Well, it's a worthwhile investment.", "Nick: You didn't think i could pull this off, did you?", "Chelsea: I did.", "Nick: But you didn't stop worrying ever since I started in on it.", "Chelsea: Okay, that is not true. Maybe I was, like, a little worried, at first. Because victor was involved.", "Nick: Look, I'm not worried about my dad. You shouldn't be, either.", "Chelsea: You know what, i feel so bad now. I should have blown off my deadline to be there for you.", "Nick: You're gonna make the next one.", "Chelsea: My david, going into battle with the anonymous goliath.", "Nick: You're picturing me like that statue -- naked, i mean.", "Chelsea: [ Giggles ] You did something really good today. Something really worthwhile. And everybody, they showed up because of you, because you care, and you gave them something to care about.", "Nick: Well, we just have to keep at it until we know the park is safe from development.", "Chelsea: Oh, it's gonna be safe 'cause there's no stopping you. I'm really proud.", "Nick: It'd probably be a good time to show me how proud you are.", "Jack: I would hate to think i ruined our friendship when i said we shouldn't be together romantically.", "Nikki: No, jack, we're friends. We'll always be friends.", "Jack: Okay, so talk to me.", "Nikki: I did something rather impulsively, and now looking back on it, I think it was a mistake.", "Jack: How bad?", "Nikki: It could ruin everything for me. I had my reasons, though.", "Jack: And what were they?", "Nikki: Oh, I was trying to beat victor at his own game, and... now I think it's backfiring on me.", "Jack: Funny, that's how some of my favorite mistakes started. Listen, maybe I can help you.", "Nikki: No, I can't tell you, for your own good.", "Jack: Okay, I hope you are talking to someone you can trust.", "Nikki: Bringing other people into this mess, it just...", "Jack: Nikki, you need to get out ahead of this thing. You let it unravel without you, you have no control, and then it's just you against the inevitable.", "Nikki: You tell me the last time you did that.", "Jack: So do what I know you can do in this situation -- be smarter than me.", "Mariah: What are you ordering? Faith. If you don't want to be treated like a kid, don't act like one. Thank you. It's just the two of us here, and I really need you to tell me what's going on. This is about scott, obviously, and if you're upset or ticked off, then I'm the person to tell. I'm not your mom. You're not gonna upset me with whatever you have to say, and I'm not your dad, either. So it's not like you have to choose a side. I have one side, and that's yours. So talk to me.", "Faith: It's nothing. It took me a while to get used to living with chelsea, too.", "Mariah: So that's what you're saying this is? You're just getting used to having scott around? Mm, I don't buy it.", "Faith: So now I'm a liar?", "Mariah: [ Scoffs ] Look. Mom is gonna pick up on this. She's gonna notice that you're not even talking to scott, and she's gonna ask what's going on. What are you gonna do then, lie to her, as well?", "Faith: I don't want to get in trouble.", "Mariah: Why, what did you do?", "Faith: I went to the park the other day to skate with my friends. After mom said I couldn't go.", "Sharon: Okay, we're here. It's private. Let's say what needs to be said.", "Scott: When you told me you loved me...", "Sharon: It scared you.", "Scott: No, it moved me.", "Sharon: That's not what it seemed.", "Scott: It was one of those moments that stops you in your tracks.", "Sharon: Well, you couldn't have been surprised, scott. I mean, I asked you to move in with me and my kids. I wouldn't have added someone to the equation if I didn't love him.", "Scott: But you invited me to live here without mentioning love, and I thought maybe that's how this works. I move in, and love's off the table until things develop into something more serious.", "Sharon: Something more serious than living under the same roof?", "Scott: Yeah.", "Sharon: Oh, my god.", "Scott: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I don't have a ton of experience with long-term committed relationships, and that was by choice. I had my job, I had travel, and the risk... when I did let myself fall in love, it just --", "Sharon: It ended badly, i know.", "Scott: So I've just avoided relationships in general.", "Sharon: I asked you to move in here, and you said yes. So here we are. Now, you can say that you were moved or you were touched and you were overwhelmed when i finally said the words, but this is where we are now. So I don't know why you moved in here if...if the words \"I love you\" would send you into a tailspin. Didn't you know that you were just setting me up to be hurt?", "Devon: Hello, hilary.", "Hilary: Hey.", "Devon: Thank you. Hey, what do you, uh... what do you have going on for the holidays? What are your plans? Maybe you can come by and get a bite to eat and have a drink.", "Hilary: I would love to, really, but I will be spending the day with the abbotts.", "Devon: Really?", "Hilary: Really.", "Devon: Okay, well, you enjoy yourself, and if anything changes...", "Hilary: You will be the first to know.", "Mariah: Look, kiddo, I'm serious, you really can't sweat the small stuff.", "Faith: But what if mom finds out?", "Mariah: Well, she's not gonna find out from me. But here's what I don't understand. How does you going to the park without mom's permission connect to scott?", "Faith: He was there, at the cafe in the park. I hid so he wouldn't see me. He wasn't alone.", "Mariah: Who was he with?", "Faith: Abby.", "Mariah: Were they fighting again? I mean, they do that a lot. Maybe it was about newman, something to do with grandpa or aunt victoria...", "Faith: I couldn't hear what they were saying. But they started to leave. Then scott came back... and he kissed abby. Like, really kissed her.", "Scott: I hate this. I'm not saying it right. When you said you loved me, it hit me. It made me realize that I have to make a decision about... what I really want out of life.", "Sharon: You know what that is now?", "Scott: I want you, sharon. I want this. I want all of this. You're different than anyone I've ever known. Maybe that's because you've been through so much. You don't waste time, you don't play games. You know exactly what you want, agenda-free. Do you have any idea how rare that is? People flounder. They try and they fail and they give up and they move on. You opened up your heart to me in a way that no one ever has. Or ever will. It makes me want to do the same. I love you, sharon. Fully. Truly. Forever.", "Nikki: Victoria. Can we talk in private?", "Victoria: Yeah, let's go in dad's office. He's out for the day. What's wrong?", "Nikki: Um... have you heard anything new from J.T. About the audit?", "Victoria: No, not since we talked. Why?", "Nikki: Well, um...", "Victoria: Is everything okay?", "Nikki: I have a confession to make. I hate even dragging you into this, but it's just been eating away at me too much.", "Victoria: What is it?", "Nikki: I stole from your father. I took funds from his personal account and moved them to an offshore bank.", "Victoria: Mom... no. Why?", "Nikki: If J.T. Finds out...", "Victoria: He's not gonna back down from this.", "Nikki: I know! That's why if I ever discovers what I did, I --", "Victoria: You could go to prison." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jack and Kerry decorate the Abbott Christmas tree and have a nice talk where they larn more about each other they comclude their second official date with a kiss under the mistetoe. Arturo and Abby disagree when Arturo tells Abby that she shouldn't have been so rude to Mia when she told everyone that Nikki was her first client for her new business. Mia turns on the fake tears to get Rey to console her and they make love but Rey gets upset when Mia mentions Nikki is her new client because he knows Nikki is using Mia to see what information Tey has about Victior and why he considers him a suspect. Mariah and Sharon get into a an arguement because Sharon thinks Tessa is running a long con on Mariah and Mariah doesn't think this is the case. Sharon tells Mariah she will do anything she has to do to get Tessa out of her life.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Abby: We want you to be the chef at the new restaurant that we're opening. We are still opening a restaurant, right?", "Devon: Oh, we are, if lola agrees to cook the way she did tonight.", "Mia: This has been my best night since moving here. Thank you, nikki.", "Nikki: I look forward to a long, mutually beneficial relationship. You know things.", "Victoria: Things that could destroy us and our families.", "Nikki: It comes down to us versus you.", "Tessa: I didn't tell you the whole truth. Nikki and victoria weren't alone. Sharon was there, too.", "Jack: So you're not playing games with me?", "Kerry: Not on purpose. Give me another chance?", "Jack: It is looking fantastic. I left some pictures of last year's decorations. Use them as a guide, but, simply put, I want jaws to drop. I want it to look like santa's gonna slide down that chimney any second now. Oh, and the tree should be here within the hour. Make sure all of the ornaments are out for everyone. And when you think that you have enough lights on the tree, hang one more strand.", "Mariah: What were you thinking?", "Sharon: About what? What's wrong?", "Mariah: Tessa! She is an emotional wreck because of the hell that you three inflicted on her.", "Sharon: I'm sure she'll survive. Vermin usually does.", "Mariah: Does it even matter to you what kind of trauma you caused?", "Sharon: I wish there were another way of getting the answers we needed. I really do.", "Mariah: So instead of sitting her down like an actual human being, asking her questions, you were okay with nikki and victoria threatening physical harm, or worse.", "Sharon: No.", "Mariah: Then what?", "Sharon: We had to make sure she wasn't responsible for the fires at the stables and planting that evidence. We had to make sure she wasn't the one who's trying to frame victor.", "Mariah: I don't know what happened to make you do something like this, but... this is heartless!", "Sharon: She blackmailed us, mariah! And what did she do when she got caught? Lied. Over and over again. What did she do with the money? Lied about giving it to charity. What did she do with the video from the night that J.T. Died? Lied about giving us the only copy. She is not the innocent victim that she has you believing she is, and she brought this upon herself.", "Mariah: You were the one that took part in the murder and a cover-up. Remember that.", "Mia: Looking for this? You want it? Come get it. I won't bite. Well, maybe just a little, but I promise you'll like it. I missed that.", "Rey: Missed what?", "Mia: That look. Like you'd walk through broken glass to have me.", "Rey: You're a beautiful, desirable woman.", "Mia: I'm your wife. We belong together.", "Rey: We've talked about this. Somewhere along the road, everything went bad.", "Mia: We're getting back on track, right? I can see it in your eyes every time you look at me. Every time we're close like this. You can feel it, too. I know you do. Stay.", "Rey: I can'T.", "Mia: You could.", "Rey: It's not the kind of job that I can just call in sick, hmm?", "Mia: Sometimes I think you love that job more than you love me. But at least whatever you love, you give it 100%.", "Rey: Nothing less. I'll see you tonight.", "Abby: Are you sure?", "Lola: Mm-hmm.", "Kyle: Hey. I got here as quick as I could.", "Lola: I'm glad you're here. I didn't want to go through this alone.", "Kyle: What's going on?", "Lola: I don't think I'm ever going to get my truck up and running again.", "Kyle: Whoa, what about your pop-up restaurant here? Focus on that.", "Lola: I won't have time.", "Kyle: Why not?", "Lola: I kind of got this new job.", "Kyle: You -- what?", "Lola: I am the head chef of a new restaurant, my own restaurant.", "[ Laughter ]", "Kyle: Are you serious? How?", "Abby: Devon and I are the owners.", "Arturo: But my little sister's running the kitchen.", "Kyle: What? This is for real?", "Abby: As real as it gets.", "Kyle: This is --", "Lola: Amazing, right?", "Kyle: What you've always wanted.", "Lola: But bigger and better, and I wanted you to be the first person I told.", "Kyle: Now the whole town is going to know, starting now.", "Abby: No, wait, kyle, I have a plan!", "Lola: What are you doing?", "Kyle: Excuse me! Ladies and gentlemen, your next round of hot chocolates is on me, in honor of my girlfriend, who also happens to be genoa city's newest sensation, chef lola rosales!", "Abby: Oh, yeah! Additional sponsorship", "Jack: I told you you'd make a boatload of money before christmas. Nicholas didn't name this place dark horse by mistake. Thanks. If you're happy, we're happy. Just come to us the next time you want to buy. Or sell. Yeah, we got your covered. I'd love to get together and celebrate. Tonight...", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Kerry: Hello, phyllis. Yeah, working on that right now. [ Chuckles ] Yeah. Okay, just one second.", "Lola: It's just all happening so fast.", "Arturo: Yeah, well, wait till you hear my ideas about lighting and fenestration and the kitchen layout. 21st century.", "Abby: Well, we can have a meeting, everyone can throw out their ideas. You can tell us about a menu.", "Mia: Just the people I wanted to see.", "Lola: Hi, mia.", "Mia: I have the best news. It's gonna knock you out. I'm so glad you're seated.", "Arturo: Wow. That's great. Let's hear it.", "Mia: You are looking at the new personal stylist of none other than mrs. Nikki newman!", "[ Squeals ]", "Arturo: That's fantastic.", "Lola: Oh, she's the a-lister you had an appointment.", "Mia: Can you believe it?", "[ Giggles ]", "Abby: You must be so proud.", "Kyle: Congratulations, mia.", "Mia: Thanks. First phyllis, now nikki. I mean, this could be the start of something big.", "Abby: Well, lola has some exciting news of her own. Why don't you tell her what you've got cooking? I'm sure she'll be thrilled.", "Mariah: You know, you're the reason that tessa and I are still together, so, really, i should be thanking you.", "Sharon: This I've got to hear.", "Mariah: She was on her way to the coffeehouse, and I was going to break up with her, but she didn't show up there. Instead, she called me, sobbing on the phone from the middle of nowhere.", "Sharon: And you dropped everything and ran to the aid of the poor, defenseless scam artist.", "Mariah: She was terrified. The way the three of your treated her...", "Sharon: We didn't touch her.", "Mariah: Just because you didn't leave scars doesn't mean that you didn't do any damage. You crossed a line!", "Sharon: Not as many as tessa has.", "Mariah: Oh, so that gives you the right to judge her?", "Sharon: As a matter of fact, yes, it does. As much as you may not want to hear this, it's my job as your mother to tell you --", "Mariah: You know what, you're absolutely right. I don't want to hear it.", "Sharon: But this isn't love. This has got \"long con\" tattooed all over it. Tessa knew that you were done with this. You were pulling away, you were being secretive. You were spending less time at home. She had to have known, and now she's using what happened the other night to keep you with her.", "Mariah: No, no, that's not true.", "Sharon: She has a pattern of doing unthinkable an unforgivable things.", "Mariah: And what you did, mom, was unforgettable. So I'm asking you please leave her alone.", "Sharon: No, I can't do that, not until I'm sure that she's out of your life for good.", "Mariah: Please, please don't make me choose between the two of you.", "Sharon: You won't have to because I'm not going anywhere. She's hurting you and she's got you tied up in knots.", "Mariah: I'm not listening to this.", "Sharon: Mariah, she will never stop until you put an end to it!", "[ Door slams ]", "Mia: Head chef of your own restaurant?", "Lola: It's not that big of a deal.", "Mia: No!", "Abby: Lola! Don't be modest. It's not every day that devon hamilton opens a restaurant. You'll have celebrities and hit-makers fighting for reservations.", "Mia: I don't know what to say.", "Lola: You were right, mia. This is just the beginning.", "Abby: Sure. Yeah, mia's starting out small, and you're starting at a top-tier restaurant!", "Arturo: You've both got a lot to be proud of.", "Lola: And once people find out who is behind nikki newman's new look, well, I'm sure people are gonna come and bang down your door.", "Kyle: Yeah, no doubt.", "Arturo: Not a lot of people can say they've lived up to nikki newman's high expectations, so good job, mia.", "Mia: Thanks. Well, I should get going. Lola, oh my -- I'm so pleased for you.", "Lola: Thank you. You, too.", "Mia: Gracias.", "Lola: See ya.", "Abby: Bye! Okay, we better head to work. I cannot wait to write down all of my ideas and run them by devon.", "Arturo: Hey, and in case i haven't said it recently, I am so proud of you.", "Lola: Thank you. My head is still spinning.", "Abby: I'll call you later. Bye, kyle.", "Lola: Bye. I can't stop smiling.", "Kyle: You deserve this. You worked so hard for it.", "Lola: All the hard work is yet to come, and, besides, as i always say, the chef is only as good as her last course, and i have an hour until the lunch rush, so...", "Kyle: Oh! We need to celebrate.", "Lola: What do you have in mind?", "Kyle: Mm, jabot's christmas party is coming up.", "Lola: Swanky?", "Kyle: Definitely.", "Lola: Well, I can finally use that dress that's been dying of boredom in my closet.", "Kyle: Mm. Get catered to instead of doing the catering.", "Lola: My favorite guy, my favorite time of year...", "Kyle: Mmm.", "Lola: Now get out of here 'cause I got to start working.", "Kyle: Yes, chef.", "Sharon: Maybe we can discuss more ways your organization can help our domestic violence victims. I would love to do lunch. I will see you then. Thanks. Hey. I was hoping I'd run into you before I leave. I have a lunch with the director of the shelter --", "Rey: What do you need?", "Sharon: Well, I don't want to step on your case, or anything.", "Rey: Good, then don'T. Sorry. It's -- it's nothing that you said, it's just, uh... it's been a hell of a morning.", "Sharon: Guess that's going around.", "Rey: Still, I shouldn't have taken it out on you.", "Sharon: Maybe I should have been prepared, you know. It's the second time that's happened to me today.", "Rey: Who's the culprit?", "Sharon: Me, according to mariah.", "Rey: Ah, the old mother-daughter dust-up.", "Sharon: You know, we've had our ups and downs before, but... this just feels different.", "Rey: What are you two fighting about?", "Sharon: Love. She's just missing every red flag that comes her way. The object of her affection is an unfeeling manipulative backstabbing liar, and mariah can't or won't shake herself free.", "Rey: How'd she get mixed up with someone like that?", "Sharon: The heart wants what it wants, I guess.", "Rey: It's a tough one.", "Sharon: What if lola were dating someone like that?", "Rey: I would do a background check, put a tail on him, haul him in for questioning, and I'd let him know that if he did anything to hurt my sister, i would be the worst enemy he ever had, and I'd do everything within legal limits to erase him from my life. You know, the usual.", "Sharon: It's a pity you don't have kids. You'd be a great dad, rey. [ Cellphone rings ] I better, uh...", "Sharon: Go. I'm fine. Thanks.", "Rey: Anytime. Hi.", "Mia: I know you're busy at work and you have your hands full...", "Rey: What's wrong?", "Mia: Everything.", "Rey: What do you need?", "Mia: You. Uh, how long till you get home? I need to see you.", "Rey: I'll be there as soon as I can.", "Abby: Okay, where should we start?", "Arturo: Let's talk about what you did to mia.", "Abby: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What I did to her?", "Arturo: Yeah, well, you know what a big deal it was for her to get nikki as a new client, and you just ran right over her.", "Abby: No, all I did was tell her the other good news happening in her family.", "Arturo: Yeah, baby, but it's the way that you did it. You made it seem like her news was nothing.", "Abby: So, what, you want me to bend over backwards and act like she hung the moon because she got a job plucking nikki's eyebrows?", "Arturo: Okay, come on, no job shaming.", "Abby: I'm happy for her. I'm happy that she got a job. I really am.", "Arturo: I know for a fact that it's not easy, coming to a new place, trying to make new friends, and starting with nothing.", "Abby: She has plenty. She has a husband who makes a decent salary -- oh, and she's got you running interference.", "Arturo: You look at mia and you see a woman who --", "Abby: I see a woman who destroyed her marriage and broke a few hearts along the way and ruined your relationship with your brother.", "Arturo: Yeah, well, I played a role in that. Look, mia is just like anyone who grew up with nothing and wants more. Underneath it all, she's just this insecure kid with big dreams. She just wants...", "Abby: No, please. Please, go on. I am dying to hear more about the way you see mia.", "Arturo: [ Inhales sharply ]", "Abby: [ Scoffs ]", "Tessa: Sharon?", "Sharon: Are you stalking me now?", "Tessa: No, I'm applying for a job.", "Sharon: Here?", "Tessa: Yeah, but I was hoping we could talk.", "Sharon: Tessa.", "Tessa: It would only be for a minute.", "Sharon: Whatever this is --", "Tessa: Please. Just hear me out.", "Sharon: You have one minute. I assume this is about mariah.", "Tessa: It is.", "Sharon: You do know that she was going to break up with you the night we went into the woods.-Tessa: Yes. She told me.", "Sharon: So why are you still here?", "Tessa: I love her.", "Sharon: How can you say you love someone who was going to dump you a few days ago? Have you no dignity?", "Tessa: When I needed someone, she was there.", "Sharon: And you had no one else to turn to. That should tell you something.", "Tessa: Like it or not, mariah and I are in love, and you can refuse to accept that, but you're not my breaking my heart. You're hurting mariah, and you're destroying your relationship with her. But if that's what you want, be my guest.", "Sharon: You're a special kind of smart, aren't you? You're not smart enough to leave, but you are smart enough to know that mariah's only staying with you out of guilt over what happened, that you brought on yourself. The fact that you're willing to let her do that tells me how very little you actually care about her.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "[ Door opens ]", "Jack: Thought I heard the bell. You look, uh -- I'm sorry, I'm speechless.", "Kerry: Glad I stuck around.", "Jack: That makes two of us.", "Kerry: Definitely worth the wait. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Arturo: Look, mia can be a lot of things, but she is definitely not a threat to us.", "Abby: I never thought she was.", "Arturo: Really? Look, all I'm saying is if you keep trying to make her feel minimized or like she's not living up to the people around her, it's just gonna put a wedge between all of us. When she gets hurt, she fights back. Fights back ugly. When you least expect it.", "Abby: I already told you, I'm not afraid of her.", "Arturo: I don't want you to be. All I want is for everyone to be happy. I want mia to be happy. I want her to be ecstatic.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Arturo: Confident and successful. You know why? Because if mia's happy, rey's happy. And if those two are peaceful and content, that will make me ecstatic, which will make you full of sunshine, over the moon, good vibes, great energy. You see, it's just a full circle of bliss.", "Abby: Mm. Dream on, dreamer.", "Arturo: Baby, please do not engage.", "Abby: The very fact that you feel this need to protect her...", "Arturo: No, that's -- that's not what I'm doing.", "Abby: Well, it seems like that. Look, mia needs to realize, in no uncertain times, that her old way of doing things is not gonna fly in genoa city because someone will take her down.", "Rey: Hey. That looks good. [ Chuckles ] Haven't seen one of these in years.", "Mia: I went to a little store that sells craft beers.", "Rey: It's nice. Thank you.", "Mia: Remember when we were first married? We were unstoppable back then.", "Rey: Well, the present isn't so bad, is it?", "Mia: I've been trying, rey. I've been trying so hard to make it all work, and I just kept running into walls. And then -- boom! A brand-new client. A big- wig. I was dying to tell someone. So, I ran into arturo and lola. When I saw them downstairs with kyle and abby, I decided to tell them the big news, but... all they could talk about was lola's even bigger, more fantastic news, that she's gonna be a chef at this fancy new restaurant...", "Rey: Are you kidding me? That's --", "Mia: You, too?", "Rey: Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Mia. Mia. Talk to me. Come on.", "Mia: I don't know what I was thinking. I don't belong here. It's too cold. And I'm not just talking about the weather. It's the people. It's like their hearts are frozen to anything new. There's this... this invisible bubble around everything I want, and I'll just never fit in.", "Rey: It's just gonna take some time.", "Mia: I'm lonely, rey. I've never felt so alone in my life. It's probably because I feel loneliest when I'm with you. Don't get me wrong, I admire you for taking our marriage vows so seriously. But if we're just going through the motions, if your heart's not in it, then... we should just go our separate ways. I won't hate you. I could never hate you. We will be best friends. Have some good memories. But this limbo we're living in, it's killing me. I miss you, rey.", "Rey: Hey, hey, hey.", "Mia: I miss us, but if -- if that's not what you want, if you're happier without me here, then I'll just --", "Rey: Hey. Hey, hey, hey.", "Mia: I just want you happy. That's all I've ever wanted, okay?", "Rey: I never stopped loving you. And when I love something...", "Mia: You give it 100%.", "Rey: Always.", "Kerry: I have to say, after your visit to jabot the other day, where you barely gave me a chance to explain myself, let alone say goodbye, the last thing I was expecting was this fancy dinner invitation, delivered by courier, no less.", "Jack: Well, I needed to get your attention somehow.", "Kerry: I thought you might have decided it wasn't worth the effort.", "Jack: I said I wasn't interested in playing games. That didn't mean I wasn't interested in you. If the object was to intrigue me...", "Kerry: And if it was?", "Jack: I am intrigued.", "Kerry: What was it exactly, hmm? My, uh, smile? My eyes?", "Jack: I think it was your dossier.", "Kerry: You don't say.", "Jack: Yeah. Before we knew each other, I -- I knew that you were a well- respected scientist....", "Kerry: Uh-huh.", "Jack: ...Brilliant, and list of achievements a mile long. Everyone I talked to said that you were brilliant and hard-working and dedicated, and no one said a word to me about those eyes. Or you grace. Or your charm. Or your wit.", "Kerry: So imagine your surprise when you met me.", "Jack: Oh, yeah, my every expectation went right out the window.", "Kerry: Nothing like you expected, huh?", "Jack: No, you are brilliant and dedicated and fairly complicated, I think.", "Kerry: Well, imagine my expectations about you. Jack abbott, titan of industry.", "Jack: Oh, dear.", "Kerry: Hmm? Crowned prince of the business world. [ Giggles ] Jack, your family is written about as if you're american aristocracy.", "Jack: So, when you met me, what? You thought...", "Kerry: All business, all the time. No one ever mentioned your smile.", "Jack: Well, then. I propose a toast.", "Kerry: Mm.", "Jack: To digging deeper.", "Kerry: Cheers.", "Kerry: I love what you've done with the place. Very festive.", "Jack: Yeah?", "Kerry: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Not too shabby, huh?", "Kerry: My only question is -- when does this tree get the full abbott christmas treatment, hmm? I mean, there is nothing sadder to me than an undressed christmas tree.", "Jack: Well, it was supposed to be done before you got here, but the tree came late. You hungry at all? Mrs. Martinez has laid out some lovely things for us in the dining room.", "Kerry: Actually, I, um... I have something far more exciting in mind.", "Jack: Oh?", "Kerry: Mm-hmm.", "Mariah: Hey!", "Tessa: [ Sighs ]", "Mariah: I'm sorry.", "Tessa: No.", "Mariah: I didn't mean to scare you.", "Tessa: No, it's not you. I'm sorry, I, uh... I've been, uh, jumping sky-high anytime anyone comes near. I, uh, keep thinking it's sharon.", "Mariah: Well, you're safe, okay?", "Tessa: I don't think I will ever feel safe again. Especially not here. Was there nowhere else we could meet?", "Mariah: You're fine. You're with me, and I've got your back. Always. What are you working on?", "Tessa: Oh, I was sending out résumés and filling out job applications.", "Mariah: Well, they're still hiring holiday staff at the gcac. Whatever happened to that?", "Tessa: You know, I memorized that menu like the back of my hand. I knew it backwards and forwards. Plus, my interview could not have gone better. The manager loved me, said I had great energy and that I'd be a perfect fit.", "Mariah: Okay, so what happened?", "Tessa: I didn't hear back. I guess it, uh, just didn't work out. Don't worry. I will find another job. I always land on my feet.", "Mariah: There's something else you're not telling me, and don't pretend there's not because I know that look by now.", "Tessa: It's nothing.", "Mariah: Tessa, I can't help if you don't tell me what it is.", "Tessa: I ran into sharon at the club, and she hates me, and she will always hate me. And I have to figure out a way of living with that while living with her daughter.", "Mariah: Wait, what did she do?", "Tessa: Oh, it's -- it's over, you know, it's fine. But we're not.", "Mariah: When did you see her?", "Tessa: After my interview.", "Mariah: Oh, my god. She is out of control, tessa. I know exactly why you didn't get that job.", "Mia: I missed you.", "Rey: Me, too.", "Mia: I never want anything to keep us apart ever again.", "Rey: I won't let it.", "Mia: Mmm. We're gonna communicate, okay? Talk. Be a part of each other's life.", "Rey: I want that, too. So, tell me...", "Mia: What?", "Rey: Everything. Everything you've been holding back. Tell me -- tell me about this new gig, your new client.", "Mia: It's nikki newman.", "Rey: You don't say.", "Mia: Yeah, I mean, I'm used to working with women with millions of dollars, influential friends, but... she's nothing like I expected. She's so nice and funny.", "Rey: Mm.", "Mia: Did you know she used to be an exotic dancer? Incredible, right?", "Rey: Yeah, that's -- that's one word for it.", "Mia: She started with nothing. Now she's a woman with everything she could wish for.", "Rey: Yeah, except a husband who would come back to her from wherever he's run off to.", "Mia: I'm sure there's a simple explanation for that.", "Rey: Yeah. You want to know what it is? Victor newman's my main suspect in the murder of J.T. Hellstrom.", "Mia: Yeah, but... you don't have enough evidence to back that up. Just enough to embarrass his family and make this man your enemy.", "Rey: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute, wait a minute. How do you know this? Have you discussed this with her?", "Mia: No, no, no, no. Not really, but, I mean, all she said was that victor's innocent and that he would never kill the father of his grandson.", "Rey: Mia...", "Mia: Look, I believe her.", "Rey: Did it ever occur to you -- okay. Why do you think she came here? Why do you think she's pulling you in? Why do you think she hired the wife of the lead detective who's investigating her husband?", "Mia: Of course I know. She's doing everything it takes to protect the man she loves. Same thing I'm doing right now.", "Jack: You know, you learn a lot about someone by how they decorate a tree.", "Kerry: Is that a compliment or a critique?", "Jack: I'm a little surprised that, as a scientist, you would approach it in such A... haphazard way. No, I appreciate the creativity and the enthusiasm...", "Kerry: Wow. I rather assumed you'd have butlers and engineers and a team of cherubim here to make sure everything's just so.", "Jack: [ Chuckles ] Actually, the angels and the engineers come while we're sleeping and fix everything that we've done. They do it every year. Here we go.", "Kerry: Cheeky.", "Jack: Ta-da! So... what do you think?", "Kerry: It's difficult to tell.", "Jack: What do you think now?", "Kerry: [ Gasps ] It really is gorgeous.", "Jack: It really is.", "Kerry: Perfect.", "Mariah: Every time I think that you've sunk to a new low, you manage to outdo yourself.", "Sharon: I beg your pardon?", "Mariah: What were you hoping to accomplish, keeping tessa from a job at the club?", "Sharon: I did nothing of the kind. I simply told the truth, that she's a liar, a thief, and a blackmailer.", "Mariah: So you're not even denying it.", "Sharon: You know, it was my responsibility to do that, and i would do it again in a heartbeat.", "Mariah: You're not giving her a chance.", "Sharon: I'm helping that place, just like I'm trying to help you because I'm your mother and I love you.", "Mariah: And tessa loves me, too!", "Sharon: Tessa is manipulating you because that's what she does because she can, and if you refuse to get yourself out of a relationship with that criminal and you refuse to see the truth and she will not let you go on her own free will, then I, as the person who loves you the most of earth, am gonna have to make sure that she has no other choice.", "Arturo: Abby, hang on. Hang on, hang on, hang on. You know that I'm crazy about you.", "Abby: I do, because you have impeccable taste.", "Arturo: Correct. And I love how strong you are, I love that you never take no for an answer, and I love how passionate you are about the things you care about. I love, love, love that you believe in us enough to fight for us. But I know mia, and I'm worried that if you keep on baiting her and trying to make her feel ridiculous or small, this isn't gonna end well for anybody.", "Abby: She doesn't scare me. I've dealt with plenty of women like her.", "Arturo: Yeah, but there is only one mia, and if you knew her like I know her, you'd worry, too. Big time.", "Mia: You practically admitted it yourself. The evidence you have against victor newman is not enough.", "Rey: Forget what I said. I want to know exactly what you told his wife.", "Mia: Nothing! It's not like you would actually tell me anything about that.", "Rey: I can't have you going off at the mouth, jeopardizing things, mia.", "Mia: I swear, I didn't say anything. Can I help it if my client felt like she could open up to me? She genuinely feels like this is turning into a witch hunt!", "Rey: She said that, did she?", "Mia: No, no, not in so many words.", "Rey: Oh, so this is your opinion?", "Mia: I felt that she and i made a real connection. It was obvious she needed someone to talk to. And that's part of my job, to lend a sympathetic ear. And, from what she said, it sounded like her husband is not as guilty as you think, and i just don't want you to make a mistake, rey.", "Rey: Mia, these people are using you.", "Mia: No. I hope you don't let your biases get in the way of the truth.", "Rey: It's like I'm talking to nikki newman herself. Boy, you learn fast, don't you? Those are her words, mia, not yours. You don't see what is going on here with --", "Mia: Rey, you don't get it! Those people are not like us, okay? You don't want them as your enemies!", "Rey: Oh, so you expect me to ignore evidence that could prove the man is a murderer just so they can be your friends? You listen to me, mia. You get this through your head. Nikki newman is not your friend. She will never be your friend. Whatever carrot she is dangling, there is a stick that she will use to beat you with. Whatever fairy tale is playing in your head, there are no stars in the sky that's gonna work out for you.", "Mia: I was only trying to help you.", "[ Crying ]", "Jack: I have to admit, I did not have the holiday spirit, until now.", "Kerry: Well, brilliant of me to suggest decorating the tree, then.", "Jack: Absolutely brilliant. You are full of surprises.", "Kerry: Can you stand one more?", "Jack: Try me.", "Kerry: All right. Take my hand.", "Jack: Where are you taking me?", "Kerry:", "Jack: Mistletoe.", "Kerry: As a chemist, I have to inform you that it is a parasitic little plant, poisonous to humans, but i believe there is a christmas tradition that accompanies it.", "Jack: I think you're right.", "Kerry: Well, we mustn't break tradition." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Bobbie's partner gets a warning that someone wants to hurt him big time. Brittany can't forgive her parents. Christine reluctantly accepts Michael's confession. Drucilla has a language barrier. Frederick wants Brittany to get on with her life. Jack insists on getting the couch.", "Michael knows that charges are going to be filed. Neil sees his bride take another man's hand. Phyllis knows that the secrets have nothing to do with the wedding. Sal leaves wants the person who tried to close the club to be given a message. Vanessa gets a quiet caller. Victor learns that a weasel is going to take the fall. Victoria gets the 411." ]
[ "Michael: So one way for you to feel less crummy for having to prosecute Victor would be for me to cut a deal.", "Chris: This isn't about my feelings.", "Michael: Like hell it isn't. You're wracked with guilt for having to prosecute your old friend Victor and a certain ex-fiancé.", "Chris: I didn't commit the crime, Michael. It was the two of you. Someone would have to do this job if it wasn't me. And its true-- that person might not be inclined to offer you a deal. Do you wanna know why? The evidence is good, and it's getting better. Pete Hudson was the first to cave under pressure. Trust me. There will be more.", "Michael: You actually want me to believe that you're doing me a favor, even though you could make this whole thing go away.", "Chris: Make it go away--how?", "Michael: Forget it. You'd never do something like that.", "Chris: Look, I can't promise you total immunity, but if Victor is convicted on the basis of your testimony--", "Michael: Do you hear how ugly that sounds?", "Chris: Yeah, of course I do, but what about when you and Victor both are convicted and go to jail? Do you like that better? Come on, Michael, be smart. It doesn't make any sense to martyr yourself to save Victor. He is going down either way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hello! Dad? Hi. (Door slams)", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart. Thanks for coming so quickly.", "Victoria: Well, you know, you call, I respond. That's the way it works.", "Victor: Is that the way it works?", "Victoria: What's going on?", "Victor: Sit down. We need to talk.", "Victoria: Okay. Is this something I don't want to hear?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: This has to do with Nicholas, doesn't it?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: What has he done to you?", "Victor: Perhaps the question should rather be... what does Nicholas think I've done to him or to all of you?", "Victoria: Is he right about that? Have you done something? All right, let's hear it. I want to hear the whole story. I want to know what happened.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Anita: Sweetheart, are you sure you don't want some breakfast?", "Sal: The way that guy was talking to you was a crime.", "Bobby: Who? Hodges? I don't notice him.", "Sal: Yeah? Angelo said the chump who shut you down had a kid dancing at your club. Tell me Hodges ain't the one, Bobby. Because whoever did that, shouldn't be walking around, much less talking.", "Frederick: Honey, drink your juice.", "Brittany: I don't want any damn juice!", "Anita: Hey, watch your language.", "Brittany: How could you do this to me? How could you embarrass me like that in front of my friends?", "Frederick: I couldn't just sit by and watch those men take advantage of you.", "Brittany: Dad, don't you get it? I'm talking about all the stuff that you hate. This was my chance to put that all behind me. I'd never have to take my clothes off in public again. But instead, you blew it for me. How could you be so stupid?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Honey, I am so glad we had Newman's jet. Can you imagine if we had to fly commercial? We'd be still flying! (Laughs)", "Neil: (Sighs) I'm still trying to figure out what day it is.", "Dru: Honey, it's the day before our wedding. We are in Japan.", "Neil: Yeah, yeah, like that really tells me anything.", "Dru: What are you talking about, precious? It is all you need to know.", "Neil: I'm just glad that Lily's sharing a room with Olivia until after our wedding night.", "Dru: Well, you know, maybe I should sleep in Auntie Olivia's room, too. You know, they say its bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.", "Neil: I think we're way beyond superstitions by now, don't you?", "Dru: We need all the help we can get. You know what? You should go wash up.", "Neil: Wash up?", "Dru: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: No, I'm good. You go ahead.", "Dru: No, I still have stuff to put away. Go ahead. Take a shower.", "Neil: Oh, lord. All right, listen, I will... be in...", "Dru: Ooh!", "Neil: The shower.", "Dru: Okay. Whoo! (Wolf whistles)", "Dru: It's all in Japanese. How am I supposed to make a call?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Vanessa: You know what this reminds me of?", "Damon: What's that?", "Vanessa: That week we spent in the virgin islands.", "Damon: Really? Now let me see. Well, there was sand. There was sun. There was the sound of the ocean, but I really don't recall it being anything like this.", "Vanessa: No. I just meant you and me-- together, alone in our sweet little hotel room. Romance, darlin', it is in the air. It's a wedding, you know. So no more secrets between us, right? (Telephone rings)", "Vanessa: Someone has rotten timing. I'm gonna go look at my bedroom. (Telephone rings) (ring)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Well, I don't know what you want me to do. I mean, they just can't produce, you know, a hotel room out of thin air.", "Jack: Well, look, we'll make the best of this, okay?", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, we will. Don't strain yourself.", "Jack: Maybe there's a sofa bed. No, no such luck.", "Phyllis: Hmm, too bad. So that leaves one question-- who will get the only bed?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Frederick: Honey, people like Marsino don't have connections with legitimate people in the music business.", "Brittany: What makes you so sure? You don't know Bobby.", "Frederick: Yeah. I know his type. Believe me, if his friend had any real influence, he'd be living in Los Angeles or Nashville, not in Genoa City.", "Brittany: Dad, you're wrong. Mr. Staley travels. He's looking for someone fresh.", "Anita: (Scoffs)", "Brittany: Bobby told him about me.", "Anita: Honey, you are so smart and beautiful and strong-willed, but you are so naive in so many ways.", "Frederick: These men are conning you, sweetheart.", "Brittany: This is my life. I just want to see if I can make it as a singer. Why are you two doing this?", "Frederick: Kitten, do you have any idea of the odds against you?", "Brittany: What are you afraid of, that I'm gonna fail? Or are you afraid that I'm gonna succeed and prove you wrong?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: You better not be blowin' smoke, Sal. This girl deserves the best.", "Sal: What do you want from me, Bobby, huh? I'm doin' you a favor even showin' up in this place.", "Bobby: All right, who are these contacts of yours?", "Sal: What's to know? They're contacts, music people.", "Bobby: Yeah, and how do you know 'em? You just meet 'em, like, one time in an airport bar?", "Sal: Get outta here. I'm talkin' about numbers I can call, huh-- one time. I got one shot. Now if I bring in some no-talent chick or some kid who's gonna split with mommy and daddy halfway through negotiations, that's it, door closes.", "Bobby: Look, this girl's dynamite, trust me.", "Sal: Yeah? I'm just not too sure if her life's too screwed up to see this thing through.", "Bobby: Unh-unh. She can handle her parents.", "Sal: Oh, she's doing such a good d job of it so far.", "Bobby: Right. She's playin' nice, lettin' 'em yell at her. It's not gonna be a problem.", "Sal: You sure are quick to try and get this girl's career started, huh? What's the matter, pal? Ain't no record deal, no slap and tickle?", "Bobby: Like I said, she's a great singer.", "Sal: Okay, whatever you say. Just remember, while you're pushing your little songbird to fame and fortune, you got a business of your own to run.", "Bobby: Hey, business comes first before anything else. Make sure our friend knows that.", "Sal: Oh, he knows that, but it comes down to money, like everything.", "Bobby: Did I ever miss a payment, Sal?", "Sal: No, and as long as you keep your priorities straight and don't get too carried away playing talent agent, maybe you won't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: So Nicholas was right-- the abnormalities that he noticed in the sales figures, they were artificially induced.", "Victor: Right.", "Victoria: Why? What on earth were you thinking?", "Victor: I wish I could say to you I wasn't thinking, that I did this on impulse.", "Victoria: But that's not true. This was a carefully orchestrated plan.", "Victor: Right.", "Victoria: Do you have any idea how upsetting this is to me? I mean, basically, what you're saying is that you had no confidence in me, in my division, in my skills at marketing to make Safra a success without you intervening.", "Victor: Right, you could say that I didn't have enough faith in you.", "Victoria: You admit it.", "Victor: If there's one person in all of this that I've undervalued, it is you, my daughter.", "Victor: And I apologize to you for that. I always thought it was best for Nicholas if he became the heir apparent. That was a dreadful mistake.", "Victoria: Because he betrayed you.", "Victor: You know?", "Victoria: I don't know what he did, but I know he was determined to do something.", "Victor: He turned me in to the authorities.", "Victoria: Oh, my God.", "Victor: He's determined to put me in jail.", "Victoria: Oh, my God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: I can't talk right now. Neil could come in any moment. Just be there.", "Damon: Drucilla, will you just let me handle this alone, please?", "Dru: Not an option. Five minutes, I'll meet you in the garden. Bye.", "Vanessa: Who was on the phone?", "Damon: The concierge. Just checking to find out if our room was okay.", "Vanessa: Why would the concierge... Damon.", "Damon: Yes, Vanessa.", "Vanessa: I'm on your side, you know.", "Damon: That's good to know.", "Vanessa: You are a very frustrating man.", "Damon: I was just heading out for a little while. You need anything?", "Vanessa: Well, can I come along?", "Vanessa: Okay, never mind. I've got some unpacking to do anyway.", "Damon: I won't be long.", "Vanessa: Well, just save a little time for us together, okay?", "Damon: Yeah. I will.", "Vanessa: The concierge, right. You are keeping secrets, Damon. Why?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: (Thinking) when your father hired me as his attorney, I, in a sense, became his advocate. So yes, I do stand between him and his enemies. But take a bullet for him? I don't know. Fall on my sword for him? It could happen under certain circumstances. Look, listen to me. The truth is the only likely reason that I would stand and fight for your father is because I wanted to win your admiration.", "Victoria: Mine?", "Michael: Yes, ma'am.", "Victoria: Am I blushing?", "Michael: It's okay. It's good for the circulation.", "Michael: So back to business. According to you, Victor is going down either way. And also according to you, you still need my testimony. Do I sense a bit of inconsistency there? A little white lie to get me to deal maybe?", "Chris: Call it what you want. We both know you're in a tough position. You've watched clients sweat out the exact issues-- do I save myself? Can I handle going to jail again?", "Michael: I have weighed the pros and cons of this a hundred times.", "Michael: There's only one way out of this for me.", "Chris: And that's to tell the truth.", "Michael: Yeah. Right, you are. I did it. It was all my idea. Victor didn't even know about it until it was over. That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.", "Chris: Have you been listening to me at all?", "Michael: The only deal I can give you is you leave Victor alone for a full and complete confession from me.", "Chris: So you're taking the bullet for Victor.", "Michael: Nobody said anything about bullets. It all started when I found some funds in a discretionary account in the legal department. And I wanted to ingratiate myself with Victor. So I got in touch with display and product placement chiefs at a number of Safra retailers. I spread the money around quite generously, and you know the results of that. I mean, boy, Victor was as mad as a hornet when he found out.", "Chris: This is such a crock. You are making it up as you go along.", "Michael: When I do think about it, I think maybe I should've been more careful. But then maybe I shouldn't have done anything at all. You know, Safra is a pretty good product.", "Chris: Just stop. Stop. Do you have any idea what you're gonna do to yourself by making this your version of events?", "Michael: Yes. Yes. But hey, that truth is the truth. Comes the day you have to face the music.", "Chris: I can't believe you're doing this.", "Michael: I hope you're taking notes.", "Chris: Okay. This is how you want to play it? Remember, I tried to help you.", "Michael: I appreciate that, Christine, I really do.", "Chris: Save it for the judge, okay?", "Michael: You're letting your personal feelings get in the middle of this, and that's a bad idea.", "Chris: I don't have any personal feelings, not for someone who cares so little about himself.", "Michael: Boy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: (Humming)", "Dru: There we go.", "Dru: Wow, that was such a quick shower, honey.", "Neil: Oh, no, no, no. I haven't gotten in yet. I just wanted to see you, my wife to be. Talk about a lucky man.", "Dru: Yes, you are. And you could be luckier if you would get into that shower.", "Neil: You going somewhere?", "Dru: Well, I was gonna go for a walk. You know, I'm kinda nervous about the wedding, and I need to calm down and everything. And then I thought I'd take a nap, and you can take a nap with me if you want to.", "Neil: No, how about this? Why don't I go get dressed, and I'll join you for your walk?", "Dru: No, no, no. No, baby, you take your shower. And I'll take a walk, okay? I won't go far, I promise. I'm just gonna explore the garden, okay?", "Neil: Mm-hmm. Well, I'll be here if you need me.", "Dru: I always need my man. That's why we're doing this marriage thing again, right?", "Neil: Yes.", "Dru: I love you. You're good enough to eat. See you in a little while.", "Neil: Yeah. See you in a little while.", "Neil: Let's try redial. (Telephone rings) (rings)", "Vanessa: Hello. Hello? Is anyone there?", "Neil: Vanessa. Why would you be calling Vanessa Lerner's room? Damon. Damn it, Drucilla, what are you hiding?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Look, we can argue this all day long.", "Phyllis: I don't wanna argue with you.", "Jack: Okay, I'm gonna put my foot down. I'm sleeping on the sofa. You sleep in the bed, that's it.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Look, look, look. This sofa is great for me. Look, I'm the right length. You would be too long.", "Jack: Phyllis, don't be a martyr, okay?", "Phyllis: I'm not being a martyr. I'm hardly being a martyr, Jack. It's just, I know how tired you are and how much stress you're under.", "Jack: Well, thank you for your concern, but let's do things my way.", "Phyllis: Okay. We'll do things your way. If you change your mind, just--", "Jack: I'll let you know. I promise. (Telephone rings)", "Phyllis: Hello.", "Neil: Phyllis, its Neil.", "Phyllis: Hey, what do you need?", "Neil: Hey, is the coast clear?", "Phyllis: Um, yeah. Jack just left a little bit ago. Listen, you have to be careful.", "Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, I want you to meet me at the cafe downstairs as soon as possible.", "Phyllis: Why?", "Neil: It's about Damon and Dru. You're right, the e two are definitely up to something. And we're damn well gonna find out what it is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Do you think it's gonna come to that? I can't stand the thought of you in jail.", "Victor: I don't think it will come to that. No charges have been filed as of yet. I doubt any will be.", "Victoria: So this is a lot of saber rattling.", "Victor: Perhaps.", "Victoria: I don't really know what to say.", "Victor: I guess you're very disappointed at your dad, aren't you?", "Victoria: I just wish you hadn't done this.", "Victor: If it's any consolation, I think I've learned something from this.", "Victoria: I guess that means something coming from you.", "Victor: I haven't yet told you why I asked you to come over.", "Victoria: This isn't it?", "Victor: You know that I've asked your brother to take over the company.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know.", "Victor: I realize that I haven't been fair to you. You've always been loyal to me. Even when you were very angry with me, you never betrayed me. You never would.", "Victor: You and I are very much alike, you know. We are much more alike than your brother and I.", "Victoria: Where are you going with this?", "Victor: Obviously, your brother will not be running the company.", "Victoria: (Laughs bitterly)", "Victor: So what I'm asking you is... will you accept the responsibility of taking over the company for me?", "Victoria: I can't tell you how long I have waited to hear you say those words. I have lived for this.", "Victor: Are you saying yes?", "Victoria: No. I can't. I... too much has happened.", "Victor: But I thought--", "Victoria: I... I'm so angry with you. I can't believe you did something like this. My heart breaks that you would do something so foolish, that you would put yourself in such jeopardy, that you would put us in such jeopardy. I... I... I just... it's not that I'm afraid of the challenge. I'm not afraid of the challenge. I just, I...", "Victor: It's not your dream, not now.", "Victoria: Not now. I'm sorry.", "Victor: Come here.", "Victor: Don't apologize, okay? It's nothing that you have done. Nothing. Blame it on me... for not seeing the gem I had in you. My sweetheart.", "Victoria: I'm so afraid for you. I love you so much. I will always love you.", "Victor: Don't be afraid for me. You just take care of yourself.", "Victor: Just know that I will always love you with all my heart. I love all of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: Listen, Sal, I'll take care of the club. And I want you to take care of getting Brittany a date to sing for somebody that can actually do something for her.", "Sal: Are you listening to me? I work hard to make the connections I got. Now this chick's got scary things goin' on, and her old man, he's a freak.", "Bobby: Who, Hodges? He's all talk. He's used to getting what he wants in his small, little world. He thinks he can make thunder and lightening, but he can't. He's nothin'.", "Sal: Yeah, he shut you down once, Bobby.", "Bobby: That was my fault.", "Sal: Yeah, sellin' beer to kids.", "Bobby: It was a wake-up call. It won't happen again. Listen, you could eat off the floors at Marsino's. Girls don't hook; I don't water down the booze. I run a clean joint.", "Sal: But a guy like this, you know, connected in the community, he could make trouble. Maybe we should have someone talk to Hodges, you know, someone who can leave an impression.", "Bobby: No, no, no. Sal, there's no reason to get primitive with the guy. He's just having a problem with his little girl growing up, that's all. He's not a threat.", "Sal: All right. If I go to bat for this girl, you guarantee I'm not wasting my time.", "Bobby: Yeah. And if there is any trouble, I'll personally take care of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Frederick: Honey, do you have any idea how difficult it is for a singer who's already working in a legitimate venue to get a record contract, much less some girl that's working in a strip joint?", "Brittany: (Sighs) so it's a long shot. That's no reason not to try, is it? So I get hurt. I'll learn something. This is about my passion, my dream of becoming a singer. Why can't you understand that?", "Frederick: Because, sweetheart, it's most likely an impossible dream. Look, I'm sorry, but the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can make peace with it and get on with your life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Oh, come on now. (Speaking Japanese)", "Damon: What-- what is so urgent?", "Dru: What is so urgent? We're looking for the orchid.", "Damon: Oh, you did not get me out of my room five minutes after I got here.", "Dru: Oh, yes I did. We're running out of time, brother. What's the matter with you?", "Damon: Drucilla, the orchid is my responsibility. You're supposed to be here to get married, or had you forgotten?", "Dru: I have not forgotten.", "Damon: You know, we don't have a patent on the orchid. Anybody can snatch this idea from us at any time. If Neil gets suspicious, he's gonna start lookin' into things.", "Dru: No, no, no, no. I will take care of Neil. You keep your eyes on Miss Lerner. Keep her out of our hair, okay?", "Damon: Drucilla, it's her discovery.", "Dru: It's our future, Damon, the future of Jabot, its very survival. Why can't you see that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, hey, hey. Hey, what are you doing?", "Neil: Hey, look--", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Neil: They're talking.", "Phyllis: Yeah, they are, aren't they? About what, do you think?", "Neil: I don't know. Wedding's gonna be out there in the garden area.", "Phyllis: Hmm, do you think they're talking about where the place cards should be?", "Neil: Not likely.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: Okay. This is what we're looking for. It's very rare, very hard to find, and we may be beyond the growing season.", "Dru: Listen, it may be hard to find, but life is hard. I'm undeterred, okay?", "Damon: All right. For the record, I agree with you. I know how much this means to you, to all of us at Jabot. Believe me; I want to find this thing, too. I want to grasp this magic as much as you do.", "Dru: It's the silver bullet, the future of Jabot, man. I gotta tell you, we are so close I can taste it. I'm serious, but we have to get to it first, all right? Before anyone else gets their sticky fingers on it and starts figuring things out. Now this is where the rubber meets the road, honey. We gotta hit that jungle and find that orchid. Let's go.", "Damon: Drucilla, might you want directions?", "Dru: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Are you both so clueless that you think I could actually be happy working a 9-to-5 job, with or without a college degree?", "Anita: Honey, how would you know unless you give it a try?", "Brittany: Some things, mother, you just know.", "Frederick: All right, look, this isn't getting us anywhere. Let's just continue the conversation at home.", "Anita: That's a very good idea. Why don't you just sign the check--", "Brittany: I have my own home.", "Frederick: Brittany, we're your parents, and we know what's best for you.", "Brittany: Don't tell me what to do.", "Anita: Honey, please, just--", "Brittany: Mom, no. Just stay away from me, both of you. I mean it; just stay the hell out of my life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sal: All right, listen, I'll talk to you later when I've talked to our people. And we should have an answer, all right?", "Brittany: You're not leaving, are you?", "Sal: Sorry, got another appointment, kid.", "Brittany: Well, couldn't we just at least finish our conversation?", "Sal: Some other time. Listen, I'll work something out with Bobby to hear you sing.", "Brittany: Well, let's work it out now.", "Bobby: Don't worry, it's gonna happen. Sal's just a little busy. Come on, you wouldn't want to be talking to somebody if they weren't busy, right?", "Brittany: Please, Mr. Staley, please don't hold my parents' actions against me. They don't own me. I can do whatever I want.", "Sal: Sure, sweetheart.", "Bobby: We're gonna see this through, right, Sal?", "Sal: Sure, Bobby. I'll be in touch.", "Brittany: I'll never forgive them for this, never.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Thanks for coming over on such short notice, Victor.", "Victor: I guess you wouldn't have called if this weren't important.", "Michael: Christine was just here.", "Victor: Anything new regarding the investigation?", "Michael: Yes. One of the people who received valuable compensation from me has become a great deal more talkative lately.", "Victor: What provided her with specifics?", "Michael: Apparently. And as you know, in a well-run investigation, specifics can lead to more specifics, and before long a very complete picture of what happened can be made.", "Victor: So you're not so confident then that this will go away.", "Michael: Much less than I was.", "Victor: You think charges will be filed?", "Michael: I know they will.", "Victor: Well, that's not very good news now, is it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Thank you.", "Bobby: You know, Britt, this isn't the end of the world.", "Brittany: How could you say that? My father made a ridiculous scene.", "Bobby: Yeah, your old man is a hothead.", "Brittany: Not normally. He's a banker. Ordinarily, he goes out of his way to avoid making a scene.", "Bobby: Yeah, like the last time he came down to the club and saw you on stage. We had to throw him out.", "Brittany: Yeah, I don't know what's gotten into him lately. But the real problem is your friend took off like he couldn't wait to get away from me.", "Bobby: No, no, no. Don't read anything into that. Sal had another appointment. Don't worry. We'll talk to him.", "Brittany: Yeah, right. Like he wants to get involved with someone whose father is a loose cannon.", "Bobby: Don't worry. He'll forget all about that once he hears you sing.", "Brittany: You really think so?", "Bobby: Sal's got a thick hide. He's not afraid of your old man.", "Brittany: So you think he'll give me another chance?", "Bobby: Yeah, but in the meantime, I need you to do somethin' for me.", "Brittany: Anything.", "Bobby: You gotta keep a lid on your old man. He's really puttin' me in a tough spot here.", "Brittany: What do you mean?", "Bobby: He keeps makin' wild threats about shuttin' my place down. People hear that, word gets around, unh-unh.", "Brittany: You mean Sal?", "Bobby: Let's just say we know a lot of the same people.", "Brittany: What are you talking about?", "Bobby: Don't ask me to explain it all to you, all right? Just, your old man keeps makin' threats like that, could be a problem.", "Brittany: Do you mean someone might hurt my father?", "Bobby: I don't want that to happen. So make sure he chills out. Know what I mean?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Angelo: Hey, look what the cat drug in.", "Sal: So business good?", "Angelo: It's pickin' up since we got the booze patrol off our back. You know, Bobby's been doin' a little advertising, you know, it's classy stuff. It seems to be workin'.", "Sal: You look happy.", "Angelo: Yeah, I am. I love this place. You know, knowing what I'm gonna be doin' every day, knowin' I got somethin', you know, solid under my feet.", "Sal: Wow, that's almost poetry. You're not gettin' soft, are ya?", "Angelo: Not a chance. Luggin' all these booze cases around, it keeps me in shape.", "Sal: Hmm. It's different from the old days, huh, when you had to earn a living with your muscle?", "Angelo: That's for the kids, Sal. Me, I'm a law-abiding citizen now. I pay my taxes, the works.", "Sal: Well, I hope ya got social security, Ange, because I know about someone who wants to spoil your fun-- big time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: What-- what is that about?", "Phyllis: I-I don't know.", "Neil: I keep telling myself that this right here, this is business. This is about business and nothing else. I mean, there's no way that Drucilla could even think about... I can't even say it.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. Come on, Neil, not the day before the wedding. Please.", "Neil: You know what? I keep having these really bad thoughts that are going through my mind, like maybe she's marrying me for Lily's sake and that she really likes Damon instead of me.", "Phyllis: Don't. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Don't do that to yourself. That's not it.", "Neil: What? What, you know something that I don't here?", "Phyllis: What? No, mean, it's just not possible.", "Neil: Look at 'em. What-- what is that paper that they're lookin' at?", "Phyllis: I don't know. Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll fly out of their hands and into ours.", "Neil: Yeah, or maybe the two of them will come over here and tell us exactly what they're doing here.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, that's not likely, right?", "Neil: Oh, no. This isn't good.", "Phyllis: What do you wanna do?", "Neil: What else can we do? Come on, let's follow 'em.", "Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no. I'm not gonna get in trouble. I'm in another country, no.", "Neil: Are you kidding me? My marriage is happening in less than 24... I can't get married unless I know what's going on. Are you coming or not?", "Phyllis: All right, shh. I'll go with you.", "Neil: Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Any thoughts?", "Michael: I knew what I was doing had its risks.", "Victor: Of course you did.", "Michael: Well, I've been through it once, and I've survived. I can survive again.", "Victor: What are you talking about?", "Michael: Jail, although it might not come to that. It just depends on what kind of judge I get.", "Victor: Wait a minute-- depends on the kind of judge you get?", "Michael: I told Christine that the bribery was my idea, to leave you alone and that I'd make a full confession. It is the only way to handle this, Victor. It's the only way that makes sense.", "Victor: Are you suggesting that you take the fall for me?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dru: Hold up. Wait for me.", "Neil: I want to trust that woman in the worst way, but how can I not be suspicious?", "Phyllis: I know, I know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You brought him down, and along with him, you brought down this wonderful house of cards that was the Newman family." ]
Young and the Restless
Glynis !
['Provided By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Bobby assured Victor that Nikki was just his friend, then suggested Victor not neglect her since her love for him was strong, but not infallible. Victor thanked him for his advice and agreed to let him and Brittany stay on at the ranch. Alone, Nikki thanked Victor. He suggested she tell Bobby the truth about his dead brother, but she said she wanted to wait. Victor admitted he'd seen a side of Bobby he liked. Brittany convinced Lauren to hire her at the boutique for the holidays and not tell Bobby about it. Bobby then told her that they would be staying at the ranch, and admitted to seeing a side of Victor he liked. Gloria and Kevin's talk of Christmas annoyed Michael. Gloria noticed that Michael and Kevin were getting along much better. She and Kevin decided to decorate the condo in the hopes of getting Michael into the holiday mood. Lauren and Michael shared a romantic evening together, and she insisted he'd enjoy Christmas with the right person. Malcolm had dinner at the lodging of his mystery woman. He opened up to her about Africa, and about his time in GC. He admitted to feeling a connection with Lily that he couldn't explain. The woman recommended he not leave town, and invited him to spend the night on her sofa. Phyllis visited Damon and wanted to fix their relationship. Damon said the trust between them was gone forever, and admitted they had a very questionable future together. Phyllis, devastated, kissed him good-bye and left." ]
[ "Bobby: You want to talk to me about what you walked in on?", "Victor: My wife in your arms.", "Bobby: It wasn't what it looked like, not that you have to believe me.", "Victor: I do believe you. My wife explained it to me.", "Bobby: Well, what did she explain?", "Victor: That she has a need to reach out to you to help you.", "Bobby: And you got a handle on that?", "Victor: I do indeed, Mr. Marsino. Otherwise, I wouldn't be talking to you. There are a lot of things about my wife you don't understand.", "Bobby: Well, you got that right. Actually, I'm worried about her.", "Victor: What do you mean you're worried about her?", "Bobby: Well, it's obvious that she's got something heavy going on.", "Victor: That she certainly does.", "Bobby: You think it has something to do with me?", "Victor: As a matter of fact, it does have something to do with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Let me know if I can help you with anything.", "Brittany: Hey, Lauren.", "Lauren: Brittany, hi!", "Brittany: Hi. Are you closing?", "Lauren: Well, not for about half an hour. Can I help you find something?", "Brittany: Actually, I'm here to see you.", "Lauren: Okay, what's up?", "Brittany: I was wondering... are you hiring?", "Lauren: As a matter of fact, I am. Do you know somebody?", "Brittany: Yes. Me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You managed to sneak away, huh?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. It's been way too long since I've seen my boys, especially you.", "Kevin: (Chuckles) I was kind of wondering when I'd hear from you.", "Gloria: Well, I meant to call, but...", "Kevin: And tell me that you got married? Yeah, it would have been nice.", "Gloria: Well, it's been crazy, and I figured Michael would have told you.", "Michael: You figured Michael would have told who about what?", "Kevin: (Hums \"the wedding march\")", "Michael: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, behold the blushing bride.", "Gloria: Okay, you two. Knock it off.", "Kevin: What? Can't we congratulate you?", "Gloria: Yeah, of course you can. It's nice to know at least one of my sons is happy for me.", "Kevin: What does that mean?", "Michael: Never fear, little brother. I'm sure that dig was meant for me.", "Kevin: What's this? What did I miss?", "Gloria: Michael's idea of a wedding present was to warn John that he'd better change his will, so that I wouldn't get my hands on any of his money.", "Kevin: What are you, insane?", "Michael: I've been called worse.", "Gloria: Anyway, I forgave him, but only after he promised not to pull a stunt like that again.", "Kevin: Wait a minute. Where was this?", "Gloria: He came by the house. Yeah, I could have strangled him.", "Kevin: Oh, wait a minute. So Michael's welcome at the Abbott house, but I'm still dog meat? What's that about?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adrienne: It's good, huh?", "Malcolm: Yeah. I'm tripping off this place, though. This beats the restaurant.", "Adrienne: I thought you'd be more comfortable on a chilly night.", "Malcolm: Well, it's definitely warmer.", "Adrienne: Um, I've been meaning to ask. What were you doing in Africa?", "Malcolm: Well, nothing near as noble as you. Um, I was out there taking pretty pictures.", "Adrienne: You're a photographer?", "Malcolm: I was. Not anymore.", "Adrienne: Aha. Must be a story there.", "Malcolm: Yeah.", "Adrienne: Me, I, uh... I wanted to escape.", "Malcolm: Escape?", "Adrienne: Mm-hmm.", "Malcolm: Okay, there's gotta be a story there.", "Adrienne: For another time.", "Malcolm: Okay, fair enough. Thanks. Well, Tanzania, I never made it out there. I told you that, but I heard it's primitive.", "Adrienne: It's about as poor as poor can get and then a little bit poorer, but it's beautiful. You haven't lived until you've been to the Ngorongoro crater. I mean, it's, uh... it's got these animals like you've never seen before. And the balance of nature, it's just... it's perfect. You can actually sit there and just see what it must have been like, the whole world, a long time ago.", "Malcolm: Oh, I know what you're talking about. I saw my share of beauty in Africa, and it is breathtaking. I also saw my share of ugliness, though. My God, there's so much pain out there. But when there's joy, when those people are happy... I mean, they fight every day for it.", "Adrienne: Yes, they do.", "Malcolm: They earn every bit of it. And once you've experienced something like that, I mean, once you've really lived it, it just... it changes something inside you.", "Adrienne: Almost makes you feel guilty, doesn't it? We have it so good here.", "Malcolm: Hmm, yeah, sometimes it does. But, you know, other times... I don't know. I long for the simplicity.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: Hi.", "Phyllis: Hi. Just hi? What kind of greeting is that?", "Damon: Well, after the things you said at the coffeehouse, it was about the best I could do.", "Phyllis: The things I said? What about the things you said?", "Damon: Baby, I... I can't go another round with you.", "Phyllis: I don't want to go another round. I don't want to fight.", "Damon: All right, what can I do for you?", "Phyllis: Well, I'm here because, um, I, uh... I think I left my suede jacket here in your closet.", "Phyllis: I think I left it in your closet. Have you seen it?", "Damon: No, I haven't seen it.", "Phyllis: Are you sure?", "Damon: Yes, I'm sure. Why would I lie?", "Phyllis: What happened to us?", "Damon: What do you mean?", "Phyllis: You know what I mean. We used to be as close as two people could be, and now we can't even have a civil conversation. Where did we go wrong?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You want to work here again?", "Brittany: I know I didn't end things on the best note.", "Lauren: No, leaving me with no notice is not exactly the best note.", "Brittany: I really am sorry about that. It won't happen again.", "Lauren: I'm confused. I thought you were singing at the club.", "Brittany: I am, but that's only a few nights a week.", "Brittany: The truth is, Marilyn's isn't doing very well.", "Lauren: I'm sorry to hear that.", "Brittany: Money is a little tight right now. Bobby's condo is being remodeled. Until it's finished, we have to find another place to live. I thought we had something really great lined up, but now it looks like we'll be living in a motel, which costs money we don't have. Anyway, you would really be helping me out. So what do you say?", "Lauren: The job I have is only temporary.", "Brittany: That's fine. I'll take anything.", "Lauren: But you have to promise me that you're not gonna bail on me again. I mean, this is the busiest time of the year for me.", "Brittany: I won't, I promise.", "Lauren: I need you at the beginning of the year to do inventory.", "Brittany: I will. Whatever you need, I will be there.", "Lauren: All right, well, I just have one more question for you then.", "Brittany: What?", "Lauren: How soon can you start?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: So you know what's going on with Nikki?", "Victor: As a matter of fact, I do.", "Bobby: And you don't think there's anything happening between her and me?", "Victor: No, Mr. Marsino, I don't think so, and if I did, you wouldn't be standing here.", "Bobby: Well, that's a relief.", "Victor: What you don't know about my wife is that she's a very caring, very concerned woman, and for reason or another, she feels a deep sense of responsibility toward you.", "Bobby: Okay, that's what I don't get. Why me?", "Victor: Let's just say it's because of who you are.", "Bobby: What does that mean?", "Victor: That is all I'm going to say right now, okay?", "Bobby: Well, look, if this has something to do with me, I got every right to know. All right, well, I understand you and your wife are going through some stuff right now, and I don't blame you for wanting me out. So as soon as I hear from Brittany, I'm gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Me, welcome at the Abbotts? That'll be the day.", "Kevin: At least you got to go there. See, Mom?", "Gloria: No, baby, it wasn't like that.", "Kevin: Well, then what was it like?", "Gloria: He wasn't there to see me.", "Michael: The family doesn't know about either of us, despite my repeated warnings to Mama dear that her little white lie will be her undoing.", "Gloria: Michael, why don't you let me worry about that?", "Kevin: No, no, I think he's right. It's time you told the truth.", "Michael: Hmm?", "Gloria: Would you two please stop? I can't tell John yet.", "Kevin: Mom, Mom, you've got the ring on your finger. You're in, and it's time you brought us in, too.", "Michael: But the moment she does, the marriage is over, so don't get your hopes up, Kevin.", "Kevin: You know, I really don't think that's true, Michael. I honestly believe that Abbott loves our mother. I think you should back off, let her be happy and give her a chance.", "Michael: Okay.", "Gloria: Well, all right then. I guess it's \"give Gloria a break night.\"", "Kevin: Well, except for the part about inviting us to Christmas and introducing us to the Abbotts as your sons.", "Michael: (Laughs) I bet that was nice for a moment.", "Gloria: Look, honey, we'll spend time together, I promise. Maybe we could-- I don't know--bake cookies, if you'll show me how or maybe go out caroling in Kenosha or something. Nobody will know who we are over there.", "Kevin: It's not the same thing, Mom.", "Michael: (Laughs) caroling in Kenosha! (Laughs) look, he's not gonna be happy until he has a stocking hanging at the Abbott fireplace just chock full of cash.", "Kevin: (Laughs) man, talk about cynical.", "Michael: Ho, ho, ho. Except it's not a joke, is it, Kev?", "Kevin: You're like an old scrooge. You know that?", "Michael: And I'm damn proud of it.", "Gloria: Oh, you are not!", "Michael: Bah, humbug!", "Gloria: You only feel that way because you never had a real Christmas growing up.", "Michael: So?", "Gloria: Michael, I tried. You know I tried, but your father and Kevin's father, they wouldn't go along with it.", "Michael: Oh, please, don't sweat it, Gloria.", "Michael: Christmas was hardly the most important thing that Kevin and I missed out on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adrienne: Hard coming back, huh?", "Malcolm: From Africa, you mean?", "Adrienne: Yeah.", "Malcolm: Yeah, it was. I mean, when you're out there, you feel like you're on a different planet, you know?", "Adrienne: Yeah. You said you used to be from here. You have family in town?", "Malcolm: Family, um, yeah, I guess you could say that.", "Adrienne: You either do or you don't.", "Malcolm: It's complicated.", "Adrienne: Is that why you're running away?", "Adrienne: Well, aren't you? Running away?", "Malcolm: Yeah, I guess I am.", "Adrienne: Because, um, it's complicated. You told me there was something you needed to take care of.", "Malcolm: Something I thought I needed to take care of.", "Adrienne: You changed your mind?", "Malcolm: No, I had it changed for me.", "Adrienne: You don't seem like the kind of man who lets other people push him around.", "Adrienne: Not if it's something you really needed to do.", "Malcolm: Maybe I was wrong about it.", "Adrienne: Uh-huh. Or maybe you're letting other people decide what's best instead of thinking about what's best for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: Why you want to get into this now?", "Phyllis: Well, because I hate what this thing with Dominic Hughes is doing to us.", "Damon: We've been accused of conspiracy to commit murder. I suppose we could go to prison for quite some time. I just think we really need to get our priorities straight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: So seriously, when can you start?", "Brittany: How about tomorrow?", "Lauren: Ah, tomorrow's great. Now I've already made the schedule, so call me and tell me what nights you're singing at the club, and I'll fit you in where I can.", "Brittany: Okay, great. Um, Lauren...", "Lauren: Mm-hmm?", "Brittany: One more thing.", "Lauren: What?", "Brittany: I'd rather Bobby didn't know about this.", "Lauren: Really, why?", "Brittany: It's just better that way.", "Lauren: It's better keeping your husband in the dark?", "Brittany: I love Bobby to death, but he can be pretty old-fashioned about some things. All he wants to do is take care of me, provide for my every need.", "Lauren: Oh, gee, I wouldn't exactly call that old-fashioned. It's very rare and sweet.", "Brittany: I think so, too, but his ego is already so bruised by the situation that we're in, which is all because of what he wanted to do for me.", "Lauren: Making the club a cabaret?", "Brittany: If he found out I went and got a job... well, I'm just afraid of what that might do to him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: If I had to come home from a trip and found some guy I wasn't crazy about traipsing around my house, I might have come out swinging.", "Victor: That thought crossed my mind, Mr. Marsino. This is not exactly the homecoming that I'd envisioned. Sit down, please.", "Bobby: You know, if you don't mind me saying, it was pretty rough on Nikki with you gone.", "Victor: She told you that?", "Bobby: No, she didn't say anything, but the business I'm in, you learn a lot about women. They have this secret code. They say one thing, and they mean another. You've just gotta know how to read it.", "Victor: Uh-huh, and you're good at that?", "Bobby: Yeah, it's a talent. Take your wife, for example. She didn't have to say anything, but you could tell that she was miserable when you were gone. She looked like she was dying inside just being cut off from you like that.", "Victor: She talked to you about her personal problems?", "Bobby: Well, if you're asking me if she confides in me, the answer is no. But I could tell just by the way she was acting-- all tough and confident, like it wasn't killing her. But what I'm trying to tell you is your wife loves you, but when she doesn't hear from you how much she matters, it cuts her to the quick. Look, I'm probably saying more than you want to hear. So I'm packed. I'm just gonna get my stuff and just take off.", "Victor: Why don't you go unpack?", "Bobby: Excuse me?", "Victor: You don't have to move to that motel.", "Bobby: Are you serious?", "Victor: Mr. Marsino, do I look like someone who doesn't mean what he says? My wife would like you to stay.", "Bobby: Mr. Newman, if you're just doing this to avoid some big fight with your wife...", "Victor: I'll say it one more time. I don't mind if you stay a little while longer.", "Bobby: Well, I guess I've got some unpacking to do. Thank you, Mr. Newman. Thank you very much.", "Victor: You're welcome.", "Victor: How long have you been standing there?", "Nikki: Long enough. Thank you for understanding.", "Victor: I'm doing this because I love you and because I realize this means more to you than I ever thought.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Gee, Mikey, what a lousy thing to say.", "Michael: The subject brings it out in me.", "Kevin: Yeah, but still...", "Michael: You feel the need for an apology?", "Gloria: Well, boy, if you have to ask...", "Michael: Well, look at the time. Enough of this jolly yuletide banter.", "Kevin: Wait. You're leaving?", "Michael: Evidently.", "Kevin: Do you have a date?", "Michael: Hopefully.", "Kevin: And when will you be home?", "Michael: Why, you planning on throwing a wild party?", "Kevin: Yeah, probably not as wild as the one you're gonna have.", "Michael: Well, uh, I probably won't be back, so try not to wreck the place, okay?", "Kevin: You got it.", "Gloria: What in the world is going on between you two?", "Kevin: Now I'm hungry. Are you hungry?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I hope you know what you're doing.", "Brittany: Trust me. It is much better if Bobby doesn't know I'm working here.", "Lauren: But don't you think it's gonna be a little hard to hide this? I mean, what if he asks you about your day or comes in here?", "Brittany: I'll figure that out.", "Lauren: All right.", "Brittany: So you won't say anything to him?", "Lauren: No, no, not if you don't want me to.", "Brittany: Thank you. I'd really appreciate it.", "Lauren: I mean, I guess I understand. You're doing this to protect the man that you love. I admire that.", "Brittany: I know everything will work out-- the club will be a success, we'll be living in Bobby's condo. It's just gonna take some time. At least this way I'll be able to buy him a decent Christmas gift, something really special to show him how much he means to me. What are you smiling about?", "Lauren: I just think it's great.", "Brittany: What is?", "Lauren: This side of you. I really understand why Bobby loves you so much.", "Brittany: Wow, Lauren, that's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me. I love him, too, so much. I never even knew it was possible to love someone the way I love Bobby. I would do anything for him.", "Lauren: I'm sure Bobby feels the same way. All right, sweetie, I gotta close up, okay?", "Brittany: Yeah, I should go, too. Thanks again, Lauren.", "Lauren: You are welcome. Now I'm gonna see you tomorrow, right?", "Brittany: You want me to open?", "Lauren: No, no, no. 10:00 is fine.", "Brittany: Great. I'll be here.", "Lauren: All right then. See ya.", "Brittany: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Listen, I know we're facing a dire situation. I just--I just think it's sad. We used to be so close, and it just makes me sad how we let things deteriorate.", "Damon: It hurts me, too, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Well, then let's stop arguing. Let's join forces.", "Damon: We can't. We have different attorneys.", "Phyllis: There's no reason we can't work together.", "Damon: Apparently, there is a reason.", "Phyllis: Why?", "Damon: Because we're not fighting the same battle anymore.", "Phyllis: I'm not the enemy.", "Damon: I know that.", "Phyllis: Do you? Do you know that really?", "Damon: I just wish you could have stuck with Christine as your lawyer. Maybe all this animosity could have been avoided.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adrienne: Why are you looking at me like that?", "Malcolm: I've just been sitting here listening to you read me like a book and you don't even know me.", "Adrienne: Am I getting it right?", "Malcolm: Yeah, maybe a little.", "Adrienne: Well, good. You never told me exactly why you came back.", "Malcolm: Guilt... curiosity, confusion.", "Adrienne: Okay. That explains everything.", "Malcolm: All right, um... look, there's a boy. I made him a promise, but I didn't keep it.", "Adrienne: Ah, that's the guilt.", "Malcolm: Yeah.", "Adrienne: Your son?", "Malcolm: He's my ex's boy.", "Adrienne: Have you seen him?", "Malcolm: No. Turns out he's not even here. His mom sent him to a private school in Europe and she doesn't think it's appropriate if I go see him right now.", "Adrienne: Because you didn't keep your promises.", "Malcolm: Yeah. She feels he's suffered enough on account of me.", "Adrienne: Still, if you feel you owe this boy, why are you running away? I mean, if you feel you have a debt to him.", "Malcolm: There's another child involved. It's a girl, and I hadn't seen her since she was an itty-bitty thing, and then I come home, and I realize she's all grown up now. I mean, she's such a beautiful, beautiful young lady. And when I saw her for the first time, I mean, I don't know how to explain it, but there was this connection. I felt it in my bones. It was something I'd never felt before in my entire life.", "Adrienne: I'm not understanding. This explains why you're leaving?", "Malcolm: I don't wanna hurt anybody.", "Adrienne: And if you stay, you think you will.", "Malcolm: Maybe.", "Adrienne: Well, I think you're a man who's being pushed into doing something you don't really wanna do. Look, I'm tired. Why don't you sleep on it? The couch is all yours.", "Malcolm: Thanks. Listen... I'm not really sure if I'm gonna stay.", "Adrienne: Okay. Hope I see you in the morning.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Thank you so much for letting Bobby stay. It means a lot to me.", "Victor: I almost told him the truth, you know.", "Nikki: Please don't do that. It might make things worse, and I'm just not ready to tell him yet. I can't.", "Victor: Well, at least think about it.", "Nikki: I will. I get the feeling you don't hate him quite as much as you thought you did.", "Victor: Let's just say I saw another side to him tonight.", "Nikki: I just can't help wondering how different he might be if I hadn't destroyed his family.", "Victor: Well, you would bring peace to him if you told him about his brother.", "Nikki: Victor, I just can't yet.", "Victor: Well, there's no rush, okay? But think about it.", "Nikki: Okay.", "Victor: And now let's please not talk about them anymore. I've missed you. My eyes hurt whenever I look at you. I just want you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Michael.", "Michael: I was hoping you were still here.", "Lauren: Yep, just closing up. You okay?", "Michael: Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed to get out of my apartment.", "Lauren: Uh-oh. What happened?", "Michael: Gloria-- ten minutes with her, and I'm climbing the walls.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Michael: I was just hoping that you might provide me with a little, uh, sane companionship.", "Lauren: Mmm, you know, you are so lucky 'cause you've just walked into the offices of sane-- sane and what?", "Michael: Sane and... how about sane and sexy?", "Lauren: Oh, I like that, I like that a lot. So tell me something. What did your mother say to upset you?", "Michael: I'm not upset. I just had to get out of there. You know, Kevin and Gloria going on and on and on about Christmas. It started to get sappy and sentimental, so you know, I got the hell out.", "Lauren: Don't tell me you don't like Christmas.", "Michael: You know, I just think people get carried away.", "Lauren: Well, that's half the fun.", "Michael: If you say so. I guess I just never got into it.", "Lauren: Maybe you were never shown the right way to celebrate.", "Michael: Maybe. Oh, well, too late.", "Lauren: No, no, it is never too late to appreciate Christmas. I just think you need the right person to share it with.", "Michael: Oh.", "Michael: Ho ho ho.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: This is all we had. I need to go to the store.", "Gloria: You know I don't want potato chips. Kevin, I asked you a question.", "Kevin: What? Nothing is going on with Michael and me.", "Gloria: Honey, if I didn't know the two of you, I'd almost...", "Kevin: What?", "Gloria: Think that you were friends.", "Kevin: Yeah, we are.", "Gloria: Since when?", "Kevin: Why are you so interested?", "Gloria: Are you kidding? My mouth about fell open when the two of you were kidding around just now.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, uh, Mikey's loosened up a bit.", "Gloria: Well, how and when did that happen?", "Kevin: Um... let's just say we, uh, we had a meeting of the minds.", "Gloria: It's what I've been hoping for for so long, that you and Michael would be close one day.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, it's a start anyway.", "Gloria: Well, I'm so glad, 'cause I can't think of a better Christmas present than my two boys getting along so well.", "Kevin: Well, I can think of much better gifts than that.", "Gloria: What?", "Kevin: Maybe a new car, a new computer.", "Gloria: Yeah, a new car. Wouldn't that be something?", "Kevin: Yeah. No, no, I mean for me.", "Gloria: What?", "Kevin: Yeah, a new car.", "Gloria: No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Hey.", "Bobby: Hey. Where have you been?", "Brittany: I had some stuff I needed to do in town.", "Bobby: Really?", "Brittany: Mm-hmm.", "Bobby: What kind of stuff?", "Brittany: Private stuff that you don't need to know about.", "Bobby: What are you up to?", "Brittany: Hasn't anybody told you it's not smart to ask a lot of questions at Christmastime? So are you all packed?", "Bobby: Um, no.", "Brittany: Well, what are you waiting for? We're staying at the motel tonight.", "Bobby: Actually, we're not. There's been a change of plans.", "Brittany: What do you mean?", "Bobby: Well, it looks like we're gonna be staying around here for awhile.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Oh, I don't believe this.", "Kevin: What? A guy's Mom hits the jackpot, and he can't even look forward to a decent Christmas gift?", "Gloria: Honey, I can't start throwing John's money around like that on your Christmas gifts. How would that look?", "Kevin: It would look like you love your kids.", "Gloria: But I do. You know I do, both of you, and I'm gonna prove it.", "Kevin: Even a used car. If the mileage is low--", "Gloria: No, Kevin, would you stop with that? I wanna give you boys a really beautiful Christmas, the kind we never had when you were little.", "Kevin: Yeah, terrible Tom wasn't really a holiday cheer kind of guy.", "Gloria: No, but see, now for the first time we don't have to live under that cloud anymore. And I can try to give you the kind of Christmas I always wished that I could, and I'm not talking about presents, you know, like cars and computers, like that. I'm talking about the spirit of it, bringing that to you and Michael. What do you think?", "Kevin: Yeah, maybe.", "Gloria: What's wrong?", "Kevin: Well, first of all, it sounds like science fiction or something.", "Gloria: Oh, Kevin!", "Kevin: And second of all, you heard Michael. Good luck getting him in the spirit.", "Gloria: Well, there must be some way to turn that brother of yours around.", "Kevin: Yeah, maybe if a Christmas tree falls on his head, and a fat bloody chance of that happening around this place.", "Gloria: Whoa, Kevin, you just gave me the most fantastic idea.", "Kevin: You're gonna hit him in the head with a Christmas tree?", "Gloria: No, this place, we'll fill it with Christmas.", "Kevin: How?", "Gloria: Well, you know, lights and decorations and a huge tree-- you know, really go to town. And then when Michael walks in and he's totally surrounded by it, ta-da! You know... (hums). He's gonna love it. It'll be perfect.", "Kevin: Well, yeah, you know, that would be pretty cool.", "Gloria: Yeah.", "Kevin: And it'd be a first for me, too, you know, spending Christmas in a place that was all decked out.", "Gloria: Okay, so come on, let's get cracking. We got to get everything done before your brother gets back.", "Kevin: Well, there's one problem, Mom.", "Gloria: What?", "Kevin: Well, we don't have any of the stuff that you mentioned, and any place that would sell it is closed by now.", "Gloria: No, no, no, no, no, not to worry. I drove by a Christmas tree lot on the way over, had this big sign, \"open 24 hours.\" And as far as ornaments go, I know where I can get my hands on plenty of those. Really incredible ones, too.", "Kevin: Are you sure?", "Gloria: Yes, yes, yes. Just leave everything up to your old mom, and make some coffee, lots, 'cause we're gonna be up late. Come here. (Humming)", "Kevin: She's crazy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: It's, um, it is a good thing you locked that door.", "Lauren: Yeah? Why?", "Michael: Because I told Kevin that I probably wouldn't be home tonight.", "Lauren: Oh, really?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: That's great.", "Michael: Yeah.", "Lauren: You don't-- you don't mean here, do you?", "Michael: Come on, why not?", "Lauren: Because the cleaning crew could come by.", "Michael: So how's about we go to your place?", "Lauren: Well, okay. I just have some work to do, all right? This is the busiest time of the year.", "Michael: Oh, and here I am trying to get busy.", "Lauren: Oh, come on. Everybody's in the holiday spirit, you know, all that magic.", "Michael: Oh, yeah? Is it working for you?", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: The holiday magic, because I think it's starting to work for me. Yeah.", "Lauren: Is it?", "Michael: Yeah, yeah.", "Lauren: Oh, yeah, feeling the magic now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: I don't get it. Do you mean we're leaving tomorrow instead?", "Bobby: I don't know exactly when we're leaving, but there's no rush.", "Brittany: So we don't have to move?", "Bobby: No, not for awhile.", "Brittany: What about Mr. Newman?", "Bobby: Actually, he's very cool with it.", "Brittany: Really?", "Bobby: I just talked to him, and he invited us to stay.", "Brittany: Why would he do that?", "Bobby: Beats me. You know, Nikki wants us to stay, he wants his wife to be happy. I can understand that.", "Brittany: I am happy, Bobby. I would have been just as happy at the motel, too.", "Bobby: Oh, yeah, but this is way better. It's not like we can go nuts on Christmas, but at least we got a roof over our head, and a nice one.", "Brittany: You're sure about this? Mr. Newman really said it was okay.", "Bobby: Listen, I don't get it either, but I gotta tell you, I saw a whole different side of him tonight. Underneath that crusty shell, there's a human being. I was very impressed.", "Brittany: Well, you know what? I'm very impressed with my husband.", "Bobby: Oh, really?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Okay, so once again this is my fault.", "Damon: I didn't say that.", "Phyllis: It sounded that way.", "Damon: I'm sorry that any of this has happened. I just think that now both of us need to concentrate on playing the hand we've been dealt, that's all.", "Phyllis: What? Damon, even if it destroys us?", "Damon: What's destroying us is that I can't trust you anymore.", "Phyllis: You said that earlier. Do you really feel that way?", "Damon: You don't trust me either. Admit it.", "Phyllis: That's not true. I just think that you and Christine are keeping something from me, that's all. So if you just tell me, just tell me what it is.", "Damon: We have already had that conversation once this evening.", "Phyllis: Oh, I'm realizing something.", "Damon: What's that?", "Phyllis: That no matter what happens with this court case, things are never gonna be the same between us again, are they?", "Damon: I don't know, Phyllis. I honestly can't answer that.", "Phyllis: You just did.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Malcolm: How much trouble are you gonna cause this lady, man?", "Nick: I need you to be my right hand around here.", "Neil: Are you offering me my job back?", "Kevin: Surprise!", "Gloria: Yay! Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho ho!" ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Nikki has bad news for Phyllis. \"We can't work on the campaign for the anti- aging cream together as originally planned. She says that Phyllis not getting along well with Jack could screw things up and she doesn't want her project to get caught in the middle. Phyllis says that there is no problem with she and Jack. Nikki doesn't care. \"It is my idea and I will pitch it to him myself.\" Phyllis finds that a little unfair. \"It was your idea, but it was dead until I brought it to life.\" Nikki knows that but ultimately the idea is hers and she will not allow Phyllis to screw it up. Nikki tries to see Jack at the Athletic Club, but Phyllis is there trying to be present at whatever time Nikki plans to pitch her idea. Nikki is not pleased but she understands Phyllis's eagerness to be a part of the team on this. \"Okay Phyllis I will call Jack in the morning and make an appointment to see him about the idea. In the meantime, you should find Jack and spend sometime with him, if you know what I mean?\" Phyllis doesn't know what she means. Nikki feels that being with Jack the night before the meeting to pitch the idea should be self-explanatory. Nikki's cell phone rings and she is off, leaving a saucer-eyed Phyllis coming to terms with what Nikki just instructed her to do. JT and Mackenzie are ready to go now. They say goodbye to Jill, Esther and Katherine and they are out the door. Katherine is uneasy. She isn't sure that JT and Mackenzie are right for each other anymore. Katherine worries that if things don't work out this time for Mackenzie, she will be devastated much like the time when she broke up with Billy. Sharon has a whole new outlook on her marriage and she is determined to make it work. Nick comes into the house with her bags from the trip and he starts heading upstairs. She calls to him, telling him to take the bags up later. She gestures for him to come over and be with her for a while. He does, staring at her awkwardly with his hands in his pants pockets. She moves closer to him, and shyly starts kissing him. He holds her close. She wants to go upstairs and make love with him. He tries to get into it, but can't stop thinking about Phyllis and the night before. Kissing her Climbing on top of her Smelling her It is too much for Nick and he pushes Sharon gently away. He knows that she is disappointed. \"I am sorry Sharon,\" he says quietly. She is hurt. Her eyes fill up with tears and pain at being rejected. She turns from him and rushes up the stairs. Nick stays downstairs pacing alone. Sharon returns after a while. \"Noah will be home soon,\" Nick says. \"Oh, and there is that Christmas thing at the club tonight, so he might want to go to that.\" Sharon demands to know if this is the way that it is going to be from now on. \"Are we going to live this meaningless existence, pretending to be okay, and not connecting? By the way, why are you not as upset about this as I am?\" Sharon asks. Nick has no answer for her. Sharon hates the silence. \"I can't stand it. Yell at me! Shout at me! I feel like I am on a ledge Nick. I am on a ledge and I am about to fall over. I am reaching for something Someone And I almost did!\" Nick asks what she means. She tells that she was on the trip feeling desperate and she came on to someone but nothing happened. Nick demands to know who that person was. Sharon ignores the question. Nick can tell that this person was Brad. Sharon is quick to say that Brad did nothing and that she was the one that came on to him. Gloria comes home happy and full of glee jabbering about the cold weather. John is waiting. He has been pacing. He is very serious and Gloria sees that right away. \"Gloria do you really love me?\" She is surprised by the question but not after he shows her the letter that he received from Tom about her still being his wife. Gloria's gig is up. Tears come to her eyes. She said that she didn't know that she was still married at first, but then later Tom showed up and he told her then. She starts explaining things but then decides that trying to do that now is useless. John tells Gloria that sometimes it is what we ‘do' that counts and not what we ‘say'. She doesn't understand that. Later at the mansion, Jack and Ashley arrive at the house and meet with Kevin. The three of them were called by John to the house. They are worried about what John is going to do now that he knows that Gloria is still married to Tom and that she was never really married to him in the first place. John comes downstairs and greets everyone warmly. He rushes to the door when he hears the doorbell. He lets in the good reverend who is a friend of the family. Jack rolls his eyes when he sees the minister not understanding. John turns to the stairs. \"Gloria! Are you ready?\" She walks into the room tastefully dressed in bridal wear and walks to John's side. Jack doesn't mean to be rude, but he has to ask how they are going to get married knowing that Gloria is already married to someone else. John tells Jack that this is a restatement of their vows. \"Papers will have to be filed and changed, but that will come later. Right now, I want Gloria to know that we all have our flaws but to me, in my eyes she is perfect.\" Michael is freaking out. He is at the coastguard station waiting for news on Lauren and where she could be. The officers are checking things out but haven't found her yet. When the captain of the ship comes into the room, Michael is ready to attack. Michael was told that there was an explosion of the fuel tank. He assumes that the good captain didn't really take very good care of his ship and that he is the reason that Lauren is missing. The man defends his ship and even had it recently checked for safety. \"Yeah right,\" Michael says sarcastically to the man. Michael's attention is now directed to another officer who has just come in. He has a man with him who is holding a huge piece of the cruise ship that was found while searching for wreckage. Michael stares at it, not understanding the implication of it all. The officer tells him that they have been looking over pieces of the wreckage and there is evidence that there is evidence that this was an explosion that occurred due to the rigging of a device to go off. Michael turns away from the men Into the corner he whispers \"Tom \"" ]
[ "Man: That was a barracuda.", "Michael: It must have been 5 feet!", "Man: Yeah, predators in the open sea can grow to be very large, be very dangerous.", "Michael: And believe me, I'm staying out of its way.", "Man: Well, that may be why we haven't seen many fish worth catching.", "Michael: Hiding from the barracuda? Well, listen, its hot dogs instead of fish.", "Man: No, I think our chef can do a bit better than that, mate.", "Michael: No doubt. Look, uh, maybe we should be heading back. I'm a bit hungry and, you know, I would like to know what my, uh, new bride is up to.", "Man: Right. [The yacht explodes.]", "Michael: Lauren! What the hell is happ--", "Man: We gotta go!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Mikey, you are one lucky dog. Probably having the time of your life right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Please come in. I was just about to call you.", "Nikki: Oh, really?", "Phyllis: Uh-huh. Um... listen, I think that we have to strike while the iron is hot, so I am ready to pitch our idea about the Jabot wellness centers to Jack.", "Nikki: Oh, well, that's interesting because I've been rethinking the idea of our being partners.", "Phyllis: Why?", "Nikki: One simple reason. Your relationship with Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: You're not gonna believe what I have to tell you.", "Jack: What is it with women, anyway? One day, you're her hero, her lover, the next, you make one mistake, and you're like something she found on the bottom of her shoe.", "Ashley: So I take it you're talking about Phyllis?", "Jack: It's just something I don't get about her.", "Ashley: Well, maybe what I have to tell you will take your mind off of it for a minute.", "Jack: Don't count on that.", "Ashley: I think it will. Gloria and Dad aren't really married, Jack.", "Jack: What?", "Ashley: That's right. She and Tom Fisher were never legally divorced.", "Jack: Oh, my... how's Dad dealing with this?", "Ashley: It's hard to tell, but after all of Gloria's other lies, I mean, what do you think he's gonna do?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Ohh! Brr! Oh, John, John, John. I got you some of that fabulous 12-grain bread you like so much from that cute, little bakery on the other side of town. Honey, why are you looking at me like that? Huh?", "John: I need to ask you a question.", "Gloria: Of course, sweetheart, anything. Ask.", "John: Tell me, how much do you love me?", "Gloria: (Laughs) now why would you even ask me a question like that? Because you know I love you more than anyone or anything in this whole, wide world. You believe that, don't you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Well, I guess that's about it.", "Kay: Have you called ahead to alert your roommates?", "J.T.: There's no need. There's nobody in my room.", "Esther: (Sobs) ohh...", "Kay: Esther...", "Mac: Bye, Esther. I love you.", "Jill: Mac, don't worry about her. She'll calm down when she realizes you've been gone for awhile.", "Mac: You both know how grateful we are, you know, letting us stay here.", "Kay: Yes, yes, of course, darling, of course.", "J.T.: And you're welcome to come visit us anytime.", "Kay: Thank you. We...", "Jill: We'll take you up on it.", "Kay: Count on it, yes. I love you, I love you, I love you.", "Mac: I love you, too, Grandma.", "Mac: Jill...", "Jill: My little niece.", "J.T.: Thank you for everything.", "Jill: Bye, J.T.", "J.T.: Thanks for puttin' up with me.", "Jill: Ohh, I've gotten used to you.", "J.T.: Ready?", "Mac: Okay.", "Jill: So, Katherine... is your tongue still attached?", "Kay: I beg your pardon?", "Jill: I could tell how hard you were biting it just now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Okay. Now I want to hear all about your meeting, every little detail.", "Brad: Not much to tell.", "Victoria: Oh, come on. After Dru had to leave and Sharon was facing all those meetings on her own, you must have seemed like the lone ranger riding to the rescue.", "Brad: That's an exaggeration.", "Victoria: All right, well, if you don't want to brag about your heroics, then tell me about Sharon.", "Brad: What do you want to know?", "Victoria: How did she do? This was the biggest group of buyers she's had to deal with so far.", "Brad: She did fine.", "Victoria: Okay, well, how did they react to her, you know, her look, her demeanor, the way she handled herself?", "Brad: Everyone loved her.", "Victoria: All right, I think I get the message here.", "Brad: What message?", "Victoria: We've talked enough about Sharon.", "Brad: Good.", "Victoria: In fact, we've talked enough, period.", "Brad: Right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey, where are you going?", "Nick: I was just putting your bags upstairs.", "Sharon: Oh, well, the bags can wait.", "Sharon: Honey, is something wrong?", "Nick: No. No, I'm just... I'm a lucky guy.", "Sharon: Well, the way you say that it's like you don't think you deserve to be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: John, where is this coming from? Are you really questioning my love for you?", "John: Some people might think I should be.", "Gloria: Why? What did I do?", "John: Nothing, except be yourself.", "Gloria: You're talking in riddles.", "John: This came in the morning mail.", "Gloria: Oh, God.", "John: This is how Fisher blackmailed you, isn't it?", "Gloria: (Sobs) I... I didn't know this. I didn't know about this until he came to Genoa City. And I should have told you. I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid of--", "John: Hush, hush, hush, hush, Gloria. Hush.", "Gloria: I guess there really is nothing I can say, is there?", "John: You're right. It's not about saying things. It's about doing things.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Mmm. Lady, you are a sight for sore eyes.", "Victoria: Oh, come on, Carlton. You just spent all that time with Sharon, and not to mention there were undoubtedly scads of beautiful women there.", "Brad: Yeah, but none of them were you.", "Victoria: And that was a problem?", "Brad: Yeah, it was a big problem.", "Victoria: You remember the last time we were here, we almost made it upstairs?", "Brad: Funny. I was thinking exactly the same thing.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah? But first before anything happens...", "Brad: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: I'm gonna ask you to prove you mean all those nice things you said to me.", "Brad: (Chuckles) ask and you shall receive.", "Victoria: Turn off your cell phone.", "Brad: As it happens, Abby is with Ashley tonight, so... there you go. Proof enough?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Nikki, what does my relationship with Jack have to do with this project?", "Nikki: I just told you, I've been having second thoughts.", "Phyllis: Why? We're sitting on a gold mine.", "Nikki: Look, it's not your fault. I should have known that we can't work together.", "Phyllis: What's that supposed to mean?", "Nikki: Come on, Phyllis, you have to admit that you and I aren't really in sync.", "Phyllis: Okay, listen, maybe we haven't been in sync in the past, but that's ancient history. Listen, get to the point. You said this concerns Jack.", "Nikki: Look, I have no problem with office romances as long as it doesn't affect your job.", "Phyllis: What Jack and I do or do not do together, I promise you, it won't affect this project.", "Nikki: Oh, really? Well, what about the tiff you had this morning?", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. It was nothing. We're past it.", "Nikki: Well, Jack might be past it, but I don't think you are. You are reluctant to go to him with this pitch.", "Phyllis: Nikki, that wasn't because of an argument.", "Nikki: Oh. Well, then why were you acting so weird with Jack this morning?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Well, if we're talking about luck, then I would say we both grabbed the brass ring.", "Sharon: You know, I thank God every day I married you.", "Sharon: Nick, don't stop.", "Sharon: Sweetheart, look, I know that making love isn't going to solve everything, but it's a starting place.", "Nick: I do love you.", "Sharon: Well, then hold me. I don't want to just hear the words. I want to feel loved.", "Sharon: Unless that's something that you don't care about anymore.", "Nick: I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Nikki, ohh, I was--I was cranky and I was just tired, that's all.", "Nikki: Oh, is that what it was?", "Phyllis: Yeah, that's--that's what it was. Listen, all couples have their ups and downs. I don't have to tell you about that.", "Nikki: All right, hold it, but we're not talking about me and Victor, we're talking about you and Jack.", "Phyllis: Yes, I know, and I'm ready to go on this project. Let's go to Jack right now and pitch our idea. Let's do it.", "Nikki: I don't think you understand how important this thing is to me. It has been my dream to have my own project ever since I came up with this anti-aging cream years ago.", "Phyllis: I know, and I took the ball and I ran with it, which you were praising me for at the wedding. You were, remember? And now you're attacking me.", "Nikki: I'm not attacking you. I am reevaluating things.", "Phyllis: That's a polite way of saying you're acing me out.", "Nikki: Look, the bottom line is we are going to need Jack's support to get this thing off the ground.", "Phyllis: So let's go get it.", "Nikki: The way you and Jack keep blowing hot and cold, do you understand why I'm concerned?", "Phyllis: No, what I understand is that you're rippin' off my idea.", "Nikki: Excuse me, it was my idea, but I do appreciate you reviving it.", "Phyllis: I can't believe this. So what you're really telling me is, \"thanks, Phyllis, but why don't you hit the road?\"", "Nikki: Look, I'm sorry, but now that you have helped me get focused on my dream again, I'm not gonna let you mess it up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Oh, I'm not exactly thrilled with the idea of J.T. and Mackenzie living together.", "Jill: Why? They're both adults.", "Kay: Barely. Mackenzie hasn't really thought this through.", "Jill: Please tell me that you're not so old-fashioned that you think she should wait till she's married.", "Kay: No. No. In this day and age, most people think living together is the best way to test the relationship.", "Jill: Well, then what's the problem?", "Kay: Well, I just have to wonder if our Mackenzie and young Hellstrom have talked about the commitment that they're making.", "Jill: Katherine, why are you making this so complicated?", "Kay: Well, I just think it's something that shouldn't be entered into so lightly.", "Jill: Well, I don't think it should, either. You're just afraid that Mackenzie's gonna go and get her heart broken, aren't you?", "Kay: Yes, of course I am! I mean, we know what happened the last time things got complicated with J.T. and that was just an act.", "Jill: Love is a risky business.", "Kay: Oh, she's such a tender age, Jill. My God, I mean, she has already suffered enough pain.", "Jill: You mean Billy?", "Kay: I'm just concerned if this doesn't work out with J.T., I mean, the girl is going to be devastated.", "Jill: I hear what you're saying... but I hope you're not gonna try and talk Mackenzie out of this 'cause you'd be wasting your breath. She won't listen to you. At that age, they never do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Okay, here we go. Got everything?", "J.T.: Oh, boy. Yeah, I think so.", "Mac: Okay.", "J.T.: (Sighs) home sweet home.", "Mac: Wow. Okay, well, this place could use a woman's touch.", "J.T.: Well, it doesn't look that bad.", "Mac: Please. Only a man could say that with a straight face. Look at this. All there is in here is a carton of milk, that's it.", "J.T.: I'm sure Kevin and Scott probably ate out a lot.", "Mac: Uh, you know, maybe I should run out and pick us up some groceries.", "J.T.: Oh, no, no, no. Not so fast. We got something more important to check out first.", "Mac: Oh, yeah? Would that happen to be your bedroom?", "J.T.: Our bedroom, not mine. Ours.", "Mac: Hold on, not so fast.", "J.T.: All right, we'll walk real slow. It's fine.", "Kevin: Hi, guys. Bye, guys.", "J.T.: Was it something we said?", "Kevin: Uh, no, I'm headed over to the Abbott house. Mr. Abbott called. He didn't say what he wanted, but he seemed kind of intense. So are you guys movin' back in?", "Mac: Uh, yeah. You don't mind, do you?", "Kevin: No, no, I, uh, I think it's great. Um, wait, what about Scott?", "J.T.: He can have Mac's room.", "Kevin: Well, then, where's Mac gonna--", "J.T.: We only need one bedroom.", "Kevin: Right, of course. All right, I'll see you.", "Mac: It's gonna be fun, you know, all of us living here under the same roof.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, I think so, too.", "J.T.: Don't worry about him. He'll get used to it.", "Mac: Oh, it's not that.", "J.T.: Then what?", "Mac: Well, you know, I had an idea of what it would be like, you know, our new home, getting here, settling in a little first.", "J.T.: That's fine, yeah, whatever you want.", "Mac: You sure you're okay with that?", "J.T.: Hey, we got all the time in the world, okay? That's what I love about us living together. There's no pressure. Now why don't you work on that grocery list and I'm gonna finish up packing?", "Mac: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Where are the helicopters?!", "Officer: One's already searching, the other's en route.", "Michael: Do they even know what caused the explosion?", "Officer: It might have been the fuel tank. They're not sure.", "Michael: What? Might have? Not sure? That's not good-- they just told me that it may have been the fuel tank that exploded! What kind of dump are you running there? How could you let something like this happen? [Michael calls someone on his cellphone. ]The governor is busy, but I need help. We have got two lousy helicopters. Now I want every damn chopper that's airworthy out there looking. Don't you understand? That's my wife out there! Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay, yeah. Thank you.", "Man: Look, Mr. Baldwin, you've gotta believe me. The yacht was perfectly maintained. We went over the entire fuel system just a week ago.", "Michael: Well, you didn't go over it well enough, obviously, did you?", "Officer: Mr. Baldwin? This was just brought in.", "Michael: What's that?", "Officer: It's a fragment of the boat's hull. It still needs to be tested but...", "Michael: But what? Tell me.", "Officer: Well, apparently, the police department found traces of an explosive.", "Michael: What are you saying?", "Officer: This wasn't an accident. Looks like we have a criminal investigation on our hands.", "Michael: Tom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Oh, my gosh. So Gloria was never really divorced from Tom. Oh, I don't believe this. You think Dad's gonna give her the old heave-ho?", "Ashley: I have no idea, but even he has a breaking point, don't you think?", "Jack: Yeah. I just hate the idea of him being alone. I mean, a guy like that-- at his age? How many opportunities does he get? (Cell phone rings)", "Jack: Oh, sorry. Hello.", "John: Jack, have you seen your sister?", "Jack: Uh, yeah, I'm sitting with her right now. What's up?", "John: Good. I need you both to come home.", "Jack: Dad, is everything all right?", "John: We'll talk when you get here.", "Jack: That was Dad. He wants us to come right home.", "Ashley: Uh-oh.", "Jack: Yeah, uh-oh. I think it's about to hit the fan. What's the story with Abby?", "Ashley: Well, she's at a friend's. She might stay for dinner. Why?", "Jack: I have a feeling this is gonna be a long night.", "Ashley: Uh-oh. Oh, my God.", "Jack: Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: What are you doing?", "Victoria: I thought you dozed off.", "Brad: I did for a bit.", "Victoria: What woke you?", "Brad: Empty bed. I missed you.", "Victoria: Oh. I was thirsty.", "Brad: Mmm. So much for our big coming out as a couple, huh?", "Victoria: Oh, that's okay. I'm sure we'll have other opportunities.", "Brad: How was the wedding?", "Victoria: Oh, it was wonderful. It was very touching. Not a dry eye in the house.", "Brad: Ah. Is that what I think it is?", "Victoria: Yep.", "Brad: You caught the bouquet?", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. I wasn't gonna mention it.", "Brad: Why not?", "Victoria: Oh, well, it's just the type of thing that sends most guys screaming from the room.", "Brad: Mmm, yeah, well, in case you haven't noticed, I'm not most guys.", "Victoria: I've noticed. I've noticed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Noah will be home soon, right?", "Sharon: Yeah. Soon.", "Nick: I'll bet he's excited.", "Sharon: Why do you say that?", "Nick: Did you forget that the club's having their Christmas thing tonight?", "Sharon: So that's how it's gonna be, Nick? Just business as usual around here? Maybe if we forget about our problems, they'll just go away?", "Nick: I didn't say that.", "Sharon: Well, you haven't said much of anything. That's the problem.", "Nick: I'm trying.", "Sharon: Well, try harder, damn it! We're in the middle of a crisis here!", "Nick: You think you're telling me anything I don't already know? But you nagging me is not gonna fix our marriage.", "Sharon: You know what? Fine, Nick, get mad at me. Yell at me! I don't care! Anything is better than this silence.", "Nick: Whatever.", "Sharon: You say that you already know everything I'm telling you.", "Nick: So?", "Sharon: So then if that's true, why aren't you as upset as I am?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: So this letter just showed up in the mail?", "Jack: Courtesy of your father.", "Kevin: Oh, like that creep hasn't done enough, now he's gotta go and do this. You know what's gonna happen now, don't you?", "Ashley: Well, we don't know anything until we talk to our dad.", "Kevin: Oh, come on, Ashley, your father has to be furious with my mom.", "Jack: He's gotta be a little thrown finding out that his wife is still married to her ex, yes.", "Kevin: And my poor mother who is--hello, Mr. Abbott.", "Jack: Hey, Dad.", "John: Hope I didn't drag you all away from anything important.", "Ashley: Daddy, nothing's more important than you.", "Jack: No. Hey, we're here for you, buddy. (Doorbell rings)", "John: Excuse me. Reverend Bock, nice to see you.", "Reverend Bock: John, nice to see you again.", "John: Thanks so much for coming.", "Reverend Bock: Wouldn't miss it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Katherine, it's not gonna do any good to mope.", "Kay: I'll mope if I feel like it.", "Jill: Yeah, but it's so depressing to be around you. Okay. There must be something I can do to get you out of this funk.", "Kay: You could if you'd just be quiet for a change.", "Jill: No, quiet is the last thing you need, actually. What do you say we go out to dinner? I'll treat.", "Kay: I'm not hungry.", "Jill: Okay. Let's go on a nice long ride. The air will do you good.", "Kay: No, Jill, no.", "Jill: A movie?", "Kay: I don't feel like a movie!", "Jill: Don't you snap at me! I'm only trying to help you.", "Kay: I was just wondering what you said before about... young people never listening to their elders. That's very true. Why can't they realize we're just speaking from experience?", "Jill: Don't you remember what it felt like to know everything?", "Kay: Well, I just wish I'd have... had more time with her. So I could've... told her how I felt about it.", "Jill: It's too late.", "Esther: Mac forgot her favorite pillow, Mrs. C. I know she won't be able to sleep without it. I just know she won't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: All right, I'm done unpacking.", "Mac: Great. Oh, um, you know, I realized... I forgot my favorite pillow at my grandmother's house. But it's okay. I can do without it for a night or two.", "J.T.: You want me to go get it for you? I don't mind.", "Mac: No, that's okay. But it's sweet of you to ask.", "J.T.: All right. Well, how's that grocery list coming?", "Mac: Good. Long. All the cupboards are bare, too. And I know how much you need to eat.", "J.T.: You got that right.", "Mac: So do you think you boys can keep this kitchen clean?", "J.T.: You know, that was one of the perks about living with your grandmother. Esther did all this stuff.", "Mac: You know, there's-- there's still time. We can go back there if you'd like.", "J.T.: No, no, no.", "Mac: Are you sure?", "J.T.: Yeah. Oh, I forgot!", "Mac: What?", "J.T.: I promised the guys I'd play a pickup basketball game tonight.", "Mac: I was gonna make us dinner. You know, celebrate us moving back in together...", "J.T.: Well, we can do it tomorrow, right? I mean, that way you'll have time to buy food.", "Mac: Sure.", "J.T.: What? Do you want me to cancel?", "Mac: No, no, it's okay. I mean, maybe we can have dinner later. What about your foot? Are you okay?", "J.T.: Oh, I'm tough, come on. Besides, it feels better.", "Mac: Well, what time are you gonna be back?", "J.T.: Uh, I don't know. But I will call you, all right?", "Mac: Okay.", "J.T.: But before I leave... I got something for you. Actually, actually, it's for both of us.", "Mac: Mm-hmm.", "J.T.: And seeing that it's almost Christmas...", "Mac: Who knew you were such a romantic?", "J.T.: Oh, hell, I'm like, the most romantic guy you'll ever meet. See you later.", "Mac: Okay.", "Mac: Uh... well, I guess I can go get that pillow now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Do you think that I'm not upset? I hate the way things are.", "Sharon: Oh, yeah? What are we gonna do about it then?", "Sharon: There is that silence again. Nick, do you have any idea how lonely that makes me feel when you do that?", "Nick: What do you mean? I'm here! We are living together with our son. We eat together. We do things. We talk.", "Sharon: That is just going through the motions! That is entirely different than being connected to somebody. To somebody who knows how you feel. Someone who knows who you are! Nick, when I tell you that I'm lonely, when I'm feeling lonely all the time, I mean that I... I feel like I'm on this ledge, and I'm about to fall unless I reach out and I grab something or someone. And I almost did!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Maybe I'd better explain something to all of you. Reverend Bock is not here for counseling today, if that's what you think.", "Jack: Then why is he here?", "John: Boy, you guys are slow. Gloria, are you ready or what?", "Kevin: Maybe I should go check on her.", "John: No, no, no, no, no. Your mother's just fine. Gloria?", "Ashley: Daddy, what are you doing?", "John: Honey, we're getting married. What do you think?", "Jack: Dad, how can you get married if she's--I mean--I'm sorry, Gloria, if you're still married to Tom.", "John: Jack, Jack, don't be so literal. Of course, there are papers to be dealt with. And I've already got my attorney on it. What we're doing here today is we're restating our vows.", "Kevin: Wow. That is so cool.", "John: Yes, it is cool, Kevin. I want your mother to know that I love her now, and I will love her always, just as she is.", "Gloria: Flaws and all.", "John: You know, I realized something, that I never see those flaws. As far as I'm concerned, you're perfect.", "Gloria: John...", "John: Mm-hmm. Reverend, shall we get started?", "Reverend Bock: That's a splendid idea, John.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Look, captain... I'm sorry I went off on you earlier.", "Man: No need to apologize, Mr. Baldwin.", "Michael: I just can't fathom how--", "Man: Something like this could happen? Neither can I. You mentioned someone named Tom.", "Michael: Yeah, Tom. Dangerous man-- he's threatened me and my family.", "Man: Do you think he could be responsible for the explosion?", "Michael: It wouldn't surprise me. But right now all that matters is finding Lauren alive.", "Man: The authorities are doing everything they can, sir.", "Michael: She could have survived. I mean, you hear stories all the time about people living through horrible accidents. You know, fires and explosions and natural disasters. I mean, it's a long shot, but it... it could happen.", "Man: Yes, sir.", "Michael: Mm-hmm. We're gonna need a miracle, aren't we?", "Officer: Mr. Baldwin?", "Michael: Yes?", "Officer: That was the head of the search team. Now the wreckage wasn't spread over a large area. They've scoured every inch, even sent divers down below. But it's getting dark, which means the search is more difficult.", "Michael: I don't care. I want people out there all night. If necessary, I'll write a check to cover the overtime. But you don't give up. You keep looking, 'cause this is my wife out there!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Vacuum running)", "Esther: Mac!", "Mac: I can't hear you.", "Esther: Oh! Oh! (Vacuum stops)", "Esther: Oh, sweetie, I'm so glad you changed your mind. Where are your suitcases?", "Mac: Oh, no, no, I didn't change my mind. I just forgot my pillow.", "Esther: Oh.", "Mac: Um, do you know where Grandma is?", "Esther: Oh, she's not here.", "Jill: Esther, who's here?", "Esther: It's Mackenzie.", "Jill: Mackenzie. Katherine just went out. You missed her.", "Mac: Oh.", "Jill: Esther, um, give us some privacy. Please.", "Jill: What is it, honey? You look like you wanna say something.", "Mac: I was just wondering how Grandma feels about my moving in with J.T.", "Jill: Don't you know by now if Katherine has something she wants to say to you, you're gonna hear about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Hello? Hey, Mac, I'm back. Hey, I'm sorry I was a jerk-- blowing off dinner for some stupid basketball game. Hey, come on out. We'll go to the grocery store together. Mac? You're not Mac.", "Kay: (Chuckles) well, how astute of you.", "J.T.: No, I mean, uh--", "Kay: No, I know what you mean. I just stopped by to, um, bring Mac her old pillow. She won't admit it, but she can't sleep without that lumpy old thing.", "J.T.: How did you get in?", "Kay: How did I get in? Oh, I still have the key she gave me.", "J.T.: Oh, right. Where is she?", "Kay: I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine.", "J.T.: She's probably at the grocery store right now.", "Kay: Um, Jeffrey Todd, while, um... you know, while I have you alone, I, um... I'd like to talk to you for a moment.", "J.T.: Look, Mrs. Chancellor, if this is about Mac and me, I promise I won't--", "Kay: No, no, I don't want any promises. No, no. I want you to listen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, shoot. Phyllis... what are you doing here?", "Phyllis: Looking for Jack, same as you.", "Nikki: How did you know he would be here?", "Phyllis: How did I know he'd be here? I know he likes to relax here. And, let me guess, you just were in the neighborhood, and you thought you'd stop by?", "Nikki: I told you--", "Phyllis: I know what you told me, Nikki. But just because you decided that you're gonna pitch this idea to Jack alone, doesn't mean I'm gonna let you.", "Nikki: Okay, you know what? He's not here so... we're both out of luck.", "Phyllis: You're not gonna get away with this.", "Nikki: Excuse me?!", "Phyllis: This is a power play, pure and simple.", "Nikki: That is utterly ridiculous!", "Phyllis: Not as ridiculous as you implying that I can't get along with Jack or work with him. I've been getting along with him fine since I came back to the company.", "Nikki: Look, his involvement on the web site has been minimal at most. Now if he gets involved in this project, he's gonna be a lot more involved.", "Phyllis: And I can handle it. And I resent you saying I can't. You don't have a shred of evidence.", "Nikki: My God. Phyllis, I wanna do this just as much as you do. I will call and make an appointment with Jack in the morning.", "Phyllis: Thank you very much.", "Nikki: But I do think that you should see him tonight.", "Phyllis: Why?", "Nikki: I would think that would be obvious. (Cell phone rings)", "Nikki: My phone, excuse me. (Ring)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You need to be somewhere?", "Brad: Well, uh... you know, I did come here straight from the airport.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. And you wanna check in at the office?", "Brad: Well, I'll just get a jump on catching up on some things.", "Victoria: Oh. But you are reporting directly to the C.E.O. and I think maybe she might cut you a little slack.", "Brad: Well, she might but, you know...", "Victoria: Hey, look, if you wanna-- you wanna get to work, if you feel you need to do that, don't let me stop you.", "Brad: I'm just assessing my options. Unless, you know, you have something else in mind?", "Victoria: A couple of, uh, steaks in the fridge and a nice bottle of wine?", "Brad: Hmm.", "Victoria: But first things first.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You almost?", "Sharon: But I didn't, Nick.", "Nick: When? On your trip? With who?", "Sharon: It doesn't matter because nothing happened! But that's not because of me.", "Nick: What?", "Sharon: You heard me, Nick. That is how desperate I feel. That's how lonely and vulnerable I am.", "Nick: So you're telling me that you want another man?", "Sharon: No, I'm not! I want you! You're the only man that I've ever wanted! I keep saying that. Why can't you hear me?", "Nick: It was Brad Carlton, wasn't it?", "Sharon: Nick, listen to me, nothing happened.", "Nick: Did he come on to you?", "Sharon: No, that was me. It was all me. That's how empty I feel.", "Nick: That bastard!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, I guess I'm standing in for you. (Cell phone rings)", "Kevin: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'll make this quick.", "Gloria: Oh, Kevin, please.", "Kevin: I'll make it quick. (Ring)", "Kevin: Mikey, what are you doing calling me on your honeymoon? You don't have to check in.", "Michael: Kevin, just shut up. Just be quiet and listen.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, sure. Is something wrong?", "Michael: Yes. Something's very wrong. I have terrible news.", "Kevin: What? What happened?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: You have to find Tom Fisher. He is your key.", "Kevin: Wait a minute, wait a minute, look at this.", "Paul: What do you have?", "Jack: As much as I love this sudden sweetness, I have to wonder is there perhaps an ulterior motive?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "River runs after confessing to Michael. Glo is taken to jail, while everyone searches for Michael. Michael is at Heather's office issuing a warrant for River's arrest. Heather struggles with her oath to uphold justice and love for Adam as he ask her to run with him to Europe." ]
[ "Adam: Hey, hey, hey, um...", "Beatrice: Hey.", "Adam: Listen, there's been a slight change of plans.", "Beatrice: Oh, God, please tell me you've come to your senses and decided to push back the wedding?", "Adam: No, as a matter of fact, I need to move it forward to tomorrow.", "Beatrice: Tomorrow?", "Adam: Yeah.", "Beatrice: No, but how do you expect me to have everything put together by then?", "Adam: No, no, hold on. I hired the best, so just make it happen.", "Beatrice: And your fiancée's on board with this?", "Adam: Uh, no, she doesn't-- she doesn't know about it yet. It's a surprise.", "Beatrice: Do you have a marriage license?", "Adam: Not yet.", "Beatrice: Okay, well, Wisconsin has a 5-day waiting period after the license is obtained.", "Adam: We can't-- we can't wait that long.", "Beatrice: Okay, I don't understand. What's the rush?", "Adam: Um, look, I-I may need to leave the country suddenly, for business obligations.", "Beatrice: Okay, well, regardless, I don't see how there's a way around state law.", "Adam: Would the fact that I'm Victor Newman's son be of any importance?", "Beatrice: The Victor Newman?", "Adam: Mm-hmm. So obviously, money is no object.", "Beatrice: Well, um, there's always Illinois. No residency requirement, a 1-day waiting period, and even that can be waived by petitioning the court.", "Adam: Good. Good. Make it happen.", "Beatrice: Okay, I'll just need the number of guests.", "Adam: No guests. No guests. Just the two of us.", "Beatrice: Okay. Um, and there's this lovely venue in Chicago I can recommend.", "Adam: Yeah, just as long as it's near an airport.", "Beatrice: Perfect. Oh, um, there's this exquisite hotel.", "Adam: You know what? I don't need details. Just--just do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Heather remembering]", "Adam: Okay, look, here's the deal. I found the journal at home in the trash. I told Jack about it.", "Heather: Why Jack?", "Adam: Because he hates Victor. You know, I-I knew that he worked in the magazine business. I figured he'd know a publisher, which he did. He was more than happy to make an introduction. So I met the guy, made the deal, got it published, end of story.", "Victor: I never confessed to a murder. The evidence you used against me to put me into jail is based on a forgery. Your boyfriend--your fiancé, Adam Wilson, was behind it.", "Adam: I'm glad you didn't dump me.", "Heather: Well, I understand why you did it.", "Victor: Just remember one thing-- I have never lied to you, unlike your fiancé Adam Wilson. First time you tried to pin a murder on me, I was proven innocent. Same thing is happening now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Are you here to speak with Mr. Newman again?", "Heather: Bring me Frank Ellis.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Kev, I know that you're upset with me.", "Kevin: Hold on, hold on, I have a message from my mom. Jeff is in the hospital.", "Jana: What? Did she say why?", "Kevin: Some kind of allergic reaction. I should head over there.", "Jana: My God, I hope it's nothing serious.", "Kevin: I'll, uh, give you a call and let you know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Wallace: I think I have everything I need, Mr. Bardwell.", "Jeff: Well, if not, just let me know.", "Wallace: Someone from the D.A.'s office will be in touch to go over your statement.", "Gloria: Statement? That statement is a pack of lies! He didn't find any face cream in my things, because I didn't have it. And he knows that.", "Jeff: Honey, the cops don't have me on tape confessing to putting something in that cream. Which reminds me, who else knows about what you did?", "Gloria: Jeffrey, I'm begging you. Please don't do this. Because I can't go to prison. I can't be shut away from my family. I can't be shut away from you!", "Jeff: Well, you know what they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.", "Gloria: You are the one that better be worried when I get out of this mess, 'cause you're not getting away with this, Bardwell.", "Wallace: All right, that's enough. Okay, let's go.", "Gloria: No, no, no. I would like to speak to my son, Michael Baldwin, because he is my attorney.", "Jeff: Courage, Cupcake! And don't fret about Jabot. I'll hold down the fort until you can join me. (Chuckles) Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: Don't stare at me like I'm some stranger.", "Michael: Well... you are. I believed in you. Your daughter, Gloria, Lauren-- we all did. We did everything we could to get you off, and it turned out that you were guilty all along. And now you want me to forget that I know the truth.", "River: It was a lifetime ago. I'm a different man. We need to get beyond this. Forget--forget the past.", "Michael: How can I forget that a man died because of you?", "River: I never meant for that to happen.", "Michael: And I'm supposed to believe that after everything else you've told me is a lie?", "River: Son, son, listen to me--", "Michael: No! No! No! I am an attorney. I took an oath to uphold the law. You're gonna come with me to the D.A.'s office. You're gonna turn yourself in.", "River: The hell I am. I've spent my last minute in prison.", "Michael: No. Look, come with me. Let the judge decide your future.", "River: Michael, now you listen to me, Michael, and listen well. I am not going... back. Now unless you think you can... knock me out and drag me there, you need to... back away and... now.", "Michael: I can't.", "River: I didn't think so.", "Michael: But I promise you, though... one day I'll have to come for you. And you will pay the price.", "River: Come on, Michael. You're no saint. It's not as if you never crossed the line. You've served time in prison yourself.", "Michael: I'm not saying that I'm perfect. I'd like to think that I've become a better man.", "River: So have I. Think about it. How would you fare if you were judged on your past?", "Michael: I paid for my crime. I learned from it.", "River: And I learned from mine. I don't need to spend years in prison to know what I did was wrong.", "Michael: I'm sorry. I can't. I have a wife and a son who look up to me. And if no other reason but for that, I have to do the right thing.", "River: You realize this will break your sister's heart.", "Michael: Yes, I do.", "River: You can't turn me in.", "Michael: Why not?", "River: Attorney/client privilege.", "Michael: I quit.", "River: What I said, I said in confidence.", "Michael: Even if were still your attorney, I would be obligated to report you if I felt you were a danger to someone else.", "River: Who am I a danger to?", "Michael: Eden.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: I thought you said Michael and my dad would be back by now.", "Lauren: Oh. Well, um... they had a lot to talk about.", "Eden: You know, if my dad still wants to leave, I'm going with him.", "Lauren: Is that what you want? Or are you afraid to disappoint your dad?", "Eden: It's what I want.", "Lauren: You know, it's funny. I thought you were, uh, torn earlier. I thought you said you wanted to stay in Genoa City.", "Eden: I just said that so I wouldn't hurt your feelings.", "Lauren: I don't believe you.", "Eden: (Scoffs) I hate it here. Everyone's so backwards, so caught up in the rules and stuff.", "Lauren: Huh. And I thought you liked going to regular school and having friends.", "Eden: I already had friends, back in California.", "Lauren: Well, I realize that, but--", "Eden: Genoa City sucks. I can't wait to get out of here.", "Lauren: Well, I'm sorry to hear that you're willing to just... walk away. And there's no one here that you're gonna miss.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Is this your confession?", "Frank: Yes.", "Heather: Is this your handwriting?", "Frank: No. I forged it. Yes, it's my handwriting. If you don't believe me, I can write it down again.", "Heather: Did anyone coerce you to write this?", "Frank: No.", "Heather: Were you compensated in any way whatsoever to write this?", "Frank: No. Not a dime.", "Heather: Okay. Mr. Ellis, I would advise you to think long and hard before you add perjury to your rap sheet. Your list is long enough as it is.", "Frank: Every word is the God's honest truth.", "Heather: Okay. If you were intimidated in any way, Mr. Ellis, I can protect you. Okay, I can get you moved out of here away from anyone that has threatened you.", "Frank: I know what this is about.", "Heather: I beg your pardon?", "Frank: I know that you want me to say that I lied so you can get your boyfriend off the hook.", "Heather: No, I can assure you, the only thing I am interested in is the truth.", "Frank: Well, you got it right there in your hot little hand.", "Heather: Why should I believe you?", "Frank: Well... do you remember when you saw me with Wilson at coffeehouse?", "Heather: Yeah, of course.", "Frank: Okay, well, he and I were doing some business. That's where he asked me to forge the diary. I know he didn't tell you that, but look at me. I mean, honestly, do you really think that I'm an investment banker?", "Heather: Well, I think that's about all for now. Thank you. Guard, would you please escort Mr. Ellis back to his cell?", "Frank: Hey, um... if you need anything else, you know where to find me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Will $10,000 be enough to cover the down payment?", "Beatrice: Oh, more than enough, Mr. Wilson.", "Adam: Good.", "Beatrice: Your fiancée is lovely, by the way.", "Adam: Thank you. I, uh, I took the liberty of writing her dress size and shoe size on the back.", "Beatrice: Oh. Wonderful.", "Adam: Listen, make sure you pick out something classy, you know, elegant, like Heather herself.", "Beatrice: Leave it to me. I promise you, she won't be disappointed. I have impeccable taste.", "Adam: Good.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Adam: I've got a call here.", "Beatrice: Oh.", "Adam: Oh, it's her. Hey, beautiful, you must be psychic. I was just thinking about you. Listen, I-I need to see you soon.", "Heather: I need to see you, too. Right away.", "Adam: I'll be there in five minutes. All right, wish me luck.", "Beatrice: Good luck.", "Adam: I'll be in touch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Ms. Stevens?", "Heather: I have somewhere to be, Mr. Newman.", "Victor: I don't give a damn. I just want you to know that I went to my son first. Out of respect for his mother, I offered him to come clean. In return, I'd prevail upon your office to... be easy on him... if he gave up Jack Abbott. He refused. Too proud to admit that he did something very wrong. I've given up on him. He made his own bed. Just want you to know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: Ow!", "Woman: Sorry. Your pain meds are wearing off.", "Jeff: Huh.", "Woman: It's almost time for another dose. I'll be back soon.", "Kevin: Something's different. You get a haircut?", "Jeff: That's funny.", "Kevin: Must really hurt.", "Jeff: It does.", "Kevin: So what happened? You eat those jalapeño peppers again?", "Jeff: Nope. This is more about getting burned from the outside in.", "Kevin: You burned yourself? With what? Oh, my God. You didn't. No. No. Not even you could be that cold. Where is my mom?", "Jeff: Probably complaining that horizontal stripes make her look fat.", "Kevin: You turned her in?! You son of a bitch! Do you realize what you've done?! This--this implicates all of us!", "Jeff: Well, maybe you can get adjoining cells. I know it's not the Christmas you're used to, but at least you'll all be together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Would you please listen to me? I don't belong in this place.", "Man: Tell it to the judge, lady.", "Gloria: And these handcuffs are hurting my wrists.", "Man: So quit squirming.", "Gloria: (Sighs) Thank you. Thank you very much. At least the detective has some compassion.", "Wallace: Please, please, sit down.", "Gloria: Oh! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! What are you doing?", "Wallace: Standard procedure, ma'am.", "Gloria: Why are you treating me like a common criminal?", "Wallace: May I remind you you've been arrested?", "Gloria: And I'm trying to tell you I'm innocent. My husband set me up.", "Wallace: Really? Really? Well, how do you explain this?", "Gloria's voice: I never wanted anybody to get hurt by that face cream. I tampered with the formula, but that cream was never supposed to be distributed. I know that looks very bad. But it's not what I meant.", "Wallace: What did you mean?", "Gloria: My husband and I have this twisted little game he likes to play. And I didn't mean that I--", "Man: We booked this into evidence.", "Wallace: Good. Take it down to the lab. I'm gonna start the paperwork.", "Man: Yeah.", "Wallace: You can make your phone call now.", "Gloria: Pick up, Michael. Michael, this is your mother. And I'm at the police station. And I'd like for you to come and get me. And please hurry. I think I'm in an awful lot of trouble.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: You think I'm a danger to my own daughter?", "Michael: Yes, I do.", "River: Oh, now wait a minute. I made huge sacrifices for that girl.", "Michael: What sacrifices?", "River: Hell, I could-- I could've run away to Europe, South America, lived-- lived like a king on that money, but I chose to stay here because it was better for her.", "Michael: Oh, give you the father of the year award.", "River: I know you're bitter, Michael. I don't blame you. I screwed up royally with you.", "Michael: Yes, you did.", "River: And I can never get those years back, but--but the second time around with Eden--I did it right.", "Michael: Did you?", "River: You have eyes. The girl worships me.", "Michael: Of course she does. She has no idea who you are.", "River: Look, life handed me a second chance. And I've made good use of it. I never committed another crime. I-I-I dedicated myself to helping others at the ashram.", "Michael: Is that supposed to make up for the fact that a man died because of your greed?", "River: I was young! Stupid. Please, please, please, please, Michael, let me go. I'm no danger to anyone. I promise.", "Michael: I can't.", "River: We're family. We're family. I love you and Eden.", "Michael: You don't lie to the people you love. Which you have done from the very first moment we met up. And as for my poor sister, you've lied to her her entire life.", "River: For--for her own good.", "Michael: She actually thinks that you're all about peace and love.", "River: So why would you wanna destroy that, by turning me in?", "Michael: Because at this late date, I have developed a conscience. Something you could not possibly relate to.", "River: Look, you may hate me, but I know for a fact you've grown very attached to your sister. I don't--I don't think you have it in you to hurt her that badly. So... I'm going walk out that door, disappear. And you're gonna keep your mouth shut, not for me--not for me. For Eden.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Babe, I have the most exciting news. What's wrong? Are you sick again, Honey? Is this the Epstein-Barr thing acting up?", "Heather: I'm gonna give you one last chance.", "Adam: I-I don't know what you're talking about.", "Heather: If you ever cared about me at all, just tell me the truth about the diary.", "Adam: Sweetheart, I already told you--", "Heather: Where did you get it, Adam?", "Adam: Heather, where is this coming from?", "Heather: Just answer the question!", "Adam: I-I got it at the ranch.", "Heather: It's over. It's over.", "Adam: (Sighs) What's over? What--what's over?", "Heather: Everything. Just tell me that it's not true. That you haven't been lying to me all these months.", "Adam: I...", "Heather: God. You can't, can you?", "Adam: Please try to understand me.", "Heather: No. I'm never gonna understand how you looked at me in the eye and you stuck to that stupid story about... the diary in the trash.", "Adam: Look, it's not like Victor is innocent. I mean, come on. All the evidence suggests that he went down to Mexico to kill Walter Palin.", "Heather: Don't you realize that even if he did kill Walter, we're never gonna get a conviction now. And I can't even think straight enough to-- to count how many felonies you've committed.", "Adam: Sweetheart, please, listen to me. Just listen to me. You're my world. I-I did this for us. You're all I have.", "Heather: You did this for us?", "Adam: Victor didn't just treat me badly. I mean, are you forgetting how he treated you? The man thinks that he can behave this way because he's a billionaire. That's not right.", "Heather: I'm sure the money that you got for the journal-- that didn't, uh, matter at all, right?", "Adam: The money is our ticket out of here, Honey.", "Heather: Oh, my God.", "Adam: It still can be.", "Heather: You aren't serious, are you?", "Adam: No one is gonna believe a three-time loser like Ellis. Let's burn this confession, leave the country and never look back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Jana: (Sighs) Kevin, I'm really glad that you phoned. Listen, about the money--", "Kevin: Not--not now. Jana--Jana, not now. I need you to find Michael right away. Mom has been arrested.", "Jana: Arrested? What for?", "Kevin: It's a long story. Will you just tell Michael to get to the police station A.S.A.P.?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: And you, I thought you loved my mother!", "Jeff: I do. I'll be waiting for her when she gets out.", "Kevin: Like she's ever gonna talk to you again?", "Jeff: Gloria and I don't hold grudges. In fact, I think she'll respect me now more than ever.", "Kevin: Are you on crack?", "Jeff: Oh, come on, Kevin, you know your mother. Every now and then you gotta put her in her place.", "Kevin: This is not one of those sick and twisted games of one-upmanship you two play! Mom is in custody. The cops have the face cream. There's no way to fix this!", "Jeff: She'll be fine, Kevin.", "Kevin: Fine? Fine? You're an idiot. My mom could spend the rest of her life in jail! Fine?! What is this, orange juice?", "Jeff: Whoa! Oh! Ow!", "Kevin: You think that hurts? Just you wait!", "Jeff: Oh! Nurse! Ow!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: The lab's putting a rush on the face cream.", "Wallace: You know, I pulled the original file. This case was never closed. I mean, the D.A.'s gonna be all over this.", "Man: We're handing it to him on a silver platter.", "Wallace: Yeah, I know. I mean, we got a suspect, a taped confession, the evidence? Guess the cold cream case isn't a cold case any longer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Thank you for helping me get Fen back to sleep.", "Eden: No biggie.", "Lauren: You know, it's such a shame that you won't miss him. 'Cause he's gonna miss you like crazy.", "Eden: I'll miss him.", "Lauren: Just Fen?", "Eden: What I said before? I didn't mean I... there's a lot of things that I'm gonna miss.", "Lauren: Look, whatever happens with your dad, I want you to know you're welcome to stay here. You can finish Genoa City High. You can be with your friends.", "Eden: I can't believe you'd want me after the way I acted when I got here.", "Lauren: Are you kidding? Your whole life had been turned upside down. Michael and I certainly understood that.", "Eden: I still wanna talk to my dad.", "Lauren: Of course. But will you consider staying?", "Eden: I don't know what I'm gonna do. I just know I'm not running off anywhere today.", "Lauren: Okay. Well, why don't we put your clothes away? You know, just in case?", "Eden: Okay.", "Lauren: Maybe your bag? Aw.", "Eden: Okay, I know I should've outgrown this by now, but... my dad gave him to me when I was 3. I had to stay in the hospital overnight to get my tonsils out. And he said that teddy could take care of me when he couldn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: It's time for me to go.", "Michael: You walk outta here, you're never gonna see Eden again. Are you sure that's what you wanna do? Abandon her like you abandoned me?", "River: You haven't given me besides... Eden doesn't wanna leave. She's found a home here. And it's a comfort to know that you and Lauren will take good care of her. Good-bye, Michael.", "Michael: Don't do this.", "River: God bless you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Lauren: We need to get you some more, uh--", "Eden: Maybe it's my dad and Michael.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Jana: Where's Michael?", "Lauren: He's not here, Jana.", "Jana: Well, where did he go? This is an emergency! He's not answering his phone.", "Lauren: He's with his father. Why are you so upset?", "Jana: Gloria's has been arrested.", "Lauren: Oh, great!", "Eden: What did she do?", "Jana: I'm not sure. He just--Kevin just phoned me and told me to find Michael and have him go to the police station as soon as possible.", "Eden: He gets his dad out of jail and now his mom's in?", "Lauren: I'm telling you, it's one nightmare and then it's another.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Office, please? I need to call Michael Baldwin again.", "Man: One phone call, Mrs. Bardwell.", "Gloria: Oh, come on! He didn't answer the phone!", "Kevin: Mom?", "Gloria: Kevin! Thank God! I tried reaching your brother. He's not answering his phone.", "Kevin: Yeah, same here.", "Gloria: Detective, that's my son. Please... please?", "Wallace: All right, go ahead.", "Kevin: Thank you. I can't believe he actually went through with it.", "Gloria: Neither can I.", "Kevin: I mean, I knew he was threatening, but I just thought he was bluffing.", "Gloria: What are we gonna do, Kevin?", "Kevin: Uh, nothing. Nothing. Nothing until Michael gets here. In the meantime, do not say a word to the cops.", "Gloria: It's too late.", "Kevin: What?", "Gloria: Jeffrey tricked me into confessing, and they have it on tape.", "Kevin: What? Mom, why would you talk to--", "Gloria: Please don't yell at me. I know I'm in trouble.", "Kevin: You realize if it comes out that Michael and Lauren and I knew about this, we're all up a creek!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Frank: Man, that A.D.A. chick-- she's like a-- she's like a bulldog.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. So she questioned you about your confession?", "Frank: Yeah, she was, um, she was trying to get me to admit that I was lying.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Did you hold firm?", "Frank: Absolutely.", "Victor: And she believed you?", "Frank: Oh, yeah. Looked like she was a little green around the gills, as a matter of fact.", "Victor: Oh, yeah? Good.", "Frank: Now I just gotta wait for my public defender, see what they'll give me for--for copping to the forgery.", "Victor: Forget it.", "Frank: What?", "Victor: You remember our part of the deal. You talk to no one, unless and until I tell you to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Please say something.", "Heather: You want me to give up my career and my reputation and just run away to some foreign country with you?", "Adam: Honey, it's the only way we can be together.", "Heather: I would be disbarred. I would be disgraced. Do you have any idea how hard I worked to get to where I am?", "Adam: Yes, I know. I will take care of you. Okay. Look me in the eye and answer me this, okay? Do you love me?", "Heather: That doesn't matter anymore!", "Adam: Sweetheart, that is the only thing that matters. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.", "Heather: I can't believe that this is happening.", "Adam: What I wanted to tell you before all of this happened was that I... I made arrangements for us to get married tomorrow in Chicago.", "Heather: You did?", "Adam: Listen, when my mother died, I came to Genoa City to find my family. But after Victor and the rest of the Newman's turned their backs on me, I just felt lost.", "Heather: Adam--", "Adam: Heather, don't you see? We were meant to find each other. You're all the family I have. You're all the family I need. And I'm all the family--", "Heather: I can't.", "Adam: You need.", "Heather: I can't. I can't. I can't do this, Adam.", "Adam: Look, if--if I... if I believed that you didn't love me, I would turn myself in right now. I would spare you any further embarrassment or pain. But you do... I know you do. Look... please... please come with me. Together, we can face anything.", "Heather: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want you to go. Now. Just run.", "Adam: Without you?", "Heather: Yes.", "Adam: No, look, there--there is a flight to London, okay? We can still make it. We'll get married once we get to England.", "Heather: I need time to think, okay? But you don't have time. You need to get out of here before I change my mind.", "Adam: Okay.", "Adam: The fact that you would put everything you believe in aside to help me, don't you see? This proves it. This proves that you-- that you love me. Please, for once in your life, just... forget about the rules, forget about the repercussions and follow your heart. I will wait for you at the airport gate.", "Heather: Just... go.", "Adam: I will wait for you at the airport gate.", "Heather: Now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Wallace: Here you go.", "Gloria: Thank you.", "Kevin: I still can't reach Michael. Look, Jana and Lauren are looking for him. We'll find him.", "Wallace: We've heard your husband's side of the story. Why don't you give me yours?", "Gloria: It's like I told you, he set me up.", "Wallace: Well, how? How? Start from the beginning.", "Kevin: Unh-unh. Don't do it.", "Gloria: Kevin, the detective wants to hear my side of the story.", "Kevin: Yes, and you have a right to counsel before you say a word.", "Gloria: And what if we can't find Michael?", "Wallace: Then I'll process you and move you into lock up until you do.", "Gloria: No. No. No, Kevin, you gotta help me.", "Kevin: Mom...", "Gloria: I can't let him put me in a jail cell.", "Kevin: Mom, there's nothing I can do, okay? You need to-- you need to be strong. Look, look, be strong and don't say a word until Michael gets here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Oh, God, it's the voice mail again, isn't it?", "Lauren: Yes, and the mailbox is full.", "Jana: Well, there's got to be some bloody way to reach him.", "Lauren: Uh, Honey, would you please go check on Fen for me?", "Eden: Yeah, sure.", "Lauren: Thanks. All right, I, um, hesitated saying anything in front of Eden, but Michael is meeting River in a warehouse downtown.", "Jana: Why?", "Lauren: It's a very long story, but the bottom line is, he should be home by now.", "Jana: Well, what am I gonna do? Kevin's at the police station and he's freaking out.", "Lauren: Yeah, well, that mother-in-law of ours has the worst timing!", "Jana: Okay, I could go to the warehouse. I could find Michael myself.", "Lauren: That's a great idea. Yeah, yeah, it's downtown, Crescent Street.", "Jana: Crescent Street?", "Lauren: Look for Michael's car.", "Jana: Okay. Wait, hang on! What if he's not there?", "Lauren: I don't know. I don't know. Just--just pray that he is.", "Jana: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Bad time?", "Heather: Look, if you're here about Victor...", "Michael: No.", "Heather: Or the confession?", "Michael: No. No. No. I'm not. Ahem. I need your help on another matter.", "Heather: And what matter is that?", "Michael: I want you to swear out an arrest warrant against Lowell Baldwin.", "Heather: You're kidding.", "Michael: No. I just found out he was guilty.", "Heather: I can't believe you're telling me this.", "Michael: Yeah, well, it's never easy to, uh, turn in the man who gave you life, but... I have to do what's right for myself, my son, for justice.", "Heather: But still, you've--", "Michael: I've looked the other way a lot in my life. And you know, every day a little bit of my soul has died. I'm not gonna let that happen again. Not this time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul's voice: You've reached Paul Williams' Investigations. I'm out of town at the moment, so please leave a message. I'll return your call the minute I get back to my office.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Lauren: Michael? Thank God. Do you know that your mother's been arrested?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jill: Forget about Jabot. Come work with us at Chancellor.", "Heather: Adam?", "Adam: Heather.", "Jack: You said it was Gloria's face cream?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Cane and Lily come into the hotel dining room and settle into a booth. Lily comments on the workout that they had had. Lily tells Cane that they are getting the best gift ever. Mac visits Billy in jail to see how he is doing and to tell him that she is pregnant. Chloe is in the living room of the Chandler mansion when Chance comes in. Chloe lets Chance know what is going on with her and that she had overheard Billy talking to the juror. Jack on the phone with Ashley tells her to get here as soon as she can. Jack sees Emily and invites her to Christmas dinner. At Tucker's office, J.T. and Tucker discuss Tucker's meeting with the Chancellor lawyers. Nick calls Victoria to get to his office as soon as possible. Ashley tells Adam that Kay had decided to see all 25% of Chancellor stock to Tucker. Adam reveals that he knows Tucker by reputation. Victoria comes into the coffeehouse for a cup of coffee and finds out from Adam that Kay had sold all 25% to Tucker. Emily lets Jack know that Patty's case had been turned over to another doctor. Patty reads an article about herself. She wonders what else had she done. Jack and Emily kiss as Ashley interrupts them. Victoria confronts Nick about the Chancellor stock and finds out what Adam had told her is true. Chloe visits Billy and tries to get him to reveal his source, but Billy refuses. Nick orders Adam out of his office . Victoria is quite upset because J.T. had not told her about this since he worked for Tucker. Emily visits Patty and finds out that Patty remembers that she had taken Colleen. Emily visits Jack and tells him about the breakthrough. Victoria lets J.T. that she is going to work in Dubai and taking Reed with her . Chloe goes to visit the judge to tell him what she knows about the juror.", "" ]
[ "Lily: (Sighs) That workout was amazing.", "Cane: Well, you know, I knew once you got word that your blood count was good, there'd be nothing stopping you.", "Lily: Well, I didn't break much of a sweat, but it was just really nice to be active again.", "Cane: You know, you're glowing, and I don't think it's from the workout.", "Lily: You know what? It's like... (Sighs) As hard as this year has been, I just have so much to be grateful for, you know? It's like I feel like myself again, and it's almost Christmas...", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: And...", "Cane: Hmm?", "Lily: We're getting the best present that we could hope for.", "Cane: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey.", "Mac: Hi.", "(Door closes)", "Billy: The guard told me I had a visitor. I didn't expect you.", "Mac: I just wanted to make sure you were okay.", "Billy: Even though part of you thinks I got what's coming to me?", "Mac: As upset as I was about you posting Victoria's grand jury testimony on your web site, I never wanted you to go to jail.", "Billy: Yeah, well, the judge can't keep me in here forever just for not revealing my source, so I'll be out.", "Mac: Yeah, I-I, uh, I hear it might be a while before that happens, which brings me to the other reason that I'm here. I have news.", "Billy: You got the results.", "Mac: I'm pregnant.", "Billy: Ah, that's--that's...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Hi.", "Chance: Hey.", "Chloe: I didn't see that coming.", "Chance: What happened?", "Chloe: That was Michael Baldwin. Daniel wants him to help out Billy.", "Chance: I thought the two hated each other.", "Chloe: Yeah. Well, I guess they bonded over sharing a cell. Anyways, he spoke with Judge Renfroe, who suggested that maybe someone at \"Restless Style\" might know who gave Billy the scoop on Victoria's testimony.", "Chance: What did the judge say?", "Chloe: Well, he said that he would consider letting Billy go if that certain someone, who would remain anonymous, would reveal the source's name. (Sighs)", "Chance: Chloe, you wouldn't happen to know someone like that now, would you?", "Chloe: I was at \"Restless Style\" when the juror made the offer to Billy.", "Chance: Please tell me Billy did not ask you to lie for him.", "Chloe: No. He didn't--he didn't even know that I overheard.", "Chance: Okay. What are you gonna do?", "Chloe: I'm--I'm debating.", "Chance: You're debating?", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Chance: Chloe, what is holding you back?", "Chloe: Billy's reaction when he finds out that I actually spoke, so I--", "Chance: Oh.", "Chloe: (Sighs) I don't know what to do, all right? You are the most upstanding citizen I know, so why don't you tell me what to do?", "Chance: Don't--no. No, no, no. This has to be something that's right for you, and only you.", "Chloe: (Sighs) I shouldn't even be in this position. You know what? Maybe I don't have to be. Yeah. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I'm here now. Get here when you can. F-fine. Don't rush. Wow. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever see you in person again.", "Emily: I'm sorry. I have been so swamped.", "Jack: Oh, no sorrier than I am. Tell you what-- you can make it up to me. Spend Christmas with me.", "Emily: That would be lovely.", "Jack: Just so we're clear, I could spend time with you before Christmas, too, you know?", "Emily: (Clears throat) I am available right now if you have some free time.", "Jack: Well, thanks to my sister being late, you're on. You know, we--we got to do something about your workload. Seriously, as nice as it is to hear your voice over the phone, it does not compare to seeing your face.", "Emily: I am not the only one who's been tied to my work. Last time we spoke, you were preparing for a major investment deal. How's that going?", "Jack: How's that going? It's gone.", "Emily: (Whispers) Ahh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: So it went through?", "Tucker: And I got the full 25%.", "J.T.: Well, I was wondering why I couldn't get a hold of you this morning.", "Tucker: Well, I was, uh, concerned with a lot of other matters. The deal was sealed last night, and I imagine--well, ooh, actually, I know the word is spreading like wildfire.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs) Hey, Vick, it's me. Can you meet me at the office? We need to talk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Well, now that the deal is off the table, could you at least tell me what it was?", "Ashley: Okay, here it is-- Katherine decided to go public with a portion of Chancellor Industries. Now she only invited a few people in on the initial offer, but then she turned around and decided to sell the entire 25% to Tucker McCall.", "Adam: The Tucker McCall?", "Ashley: Yeah. Why? Do you know him?", "Adam: Not personally, but the guy's a--he's a legend in the financial world.", "Ashley: (Groans)", "Adam: He created a company and a vast fortune out of scratch. You know, the-- the critics, he defied all them and he had a Fortune 500 company turn into a global enterprise. The guy, he--we--we studied his business model at Harvard.", "Ashley: Really?", "Adam: Yeah.", "Ashley: Well, I'm not saying what Katherine did wasn't smart. It was very smart. I'm just disappointed, and I'm not the only one. I mean, Jack, the Newmans-- everybody that knew about it, we wanted in on it.", "Adam: Well, I appreciate you keeping me in mind.", "Ashley: Oh, come on, Adam, after everything you've done for me, how could I not? Anyway, I got to go. You sure you don't want a ride?", "Adam: No. Get out of here. Go. Leave.", "Ashley: You sure? Okay.", "Adam: You don't want to keep Jack waiting.", "Ashley: I don't. Bye. Kisses. Mm. See you.", "Adam: Bye. See you.", "Victoria: Hi. Can I get a coffee to go, please?", "Woman: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Adam: Hello, Victoria.", "Victoria: Really not in the mood for talking right now, Adam.", "Adam: Yeah, you know what? I completely understand.", "Victoria: (Clears throat)", "Adam: I-I empathize. I would be pretty bummed out, too, if the Chancellor I.P.O. fell through, and I really didn't have anything else going on.", "Victoria: What are you talking about?", "Adam: Well, the I.P.O. that-- you didn't hear? Tucker McCall--he got all 25%.", "Victoria: But J.T. works for Mr. McCall, and he didn't say anything about it.", "Adam: Whoops. Well, it sounds like someone's keeping secrets.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So, hey, shouldn't you be getting to Jimmy's?", "Cane: Um, no. I have Colin covering for me.", "Lily: Why?", "Cane: I, uh, have to run some errands.", "Lily: Oh, okay. Well, I do, too.", "Cane: Oh. Well, do you want me to come? I'll help you.", "Lily: No, no, no. I'm fine.", "Cane: Oh, good. Good. Oh, I mean, uh, wow. Good God. Look at the time. Got to go.", "Lily: (Laughs) Okay. Well, you take all the time that you need, all right? Take all day if you want to, so...", "Cane: Are you trying to get rid of me? 'Cause I just don't know if I can deal with that sort of rejection and pain.", "Lily: Pain? Really? Because you actually seem relieved that I don't want you along.", "Cane: Oh, don't be ridiculous.", "Lily: What are you hiding?", "Cane: Nothing.", "Lily: Ethan Hurricane Ashby.", "Cane: Ooh!", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Cane: Now I know I'm in trouble. Uh, okay. All right, I'll tell you. I was... (Whispering) I was going to go and get your Christmas present.", "Lily: (Laughs) Oh, my gosh.", "Cane: (Normal voice) What?", "Lily: Oh, I was gonna get yours, too.", "Cane: Aw. But I have everything I want right here.", "Lily: Hey, we can't forget Mac.", "Cane: Oh, no, we can't forget Mac. What do you want to get her?", "Lily: We need to get her something really, really special.", "Cane: Okay. But, you know, whatever we get her won't really add up to what she's doing for us, hmm?", "Lily: That's true.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: And you were worried that that strip wasn't gonna turn blue.", "Mac: I told you, I came here because I wanted you to hear it from me.", "Billy: Yeah, you wanted me to hear that in here. You know, Sweetheart, there's just some information that you shouldn't share.", "Mac: Maybe you should have applied that to your magazine.", "Billy: Did you come in here to lecture me about my work?", "Mac: This matters to me, and whether you admit it or not, I know that it matters to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: It was my big gambit to get a little more control at Jabot. I was this close.", "Emily: Focusing on what might have been is the quickest path to personal and professional misery. You need to find a way to just move on from this and accept it.", "Jack: Yeah, accepting the unknown has never been my strong suit. I don't know what McCall is up to. I can tell you this-- he did not buy a quarter of Chancellor Industries to sit in the corner and watch.", "Emily: I doubt Katherine Chancellor's just going to suddenly dismiss the opinions of you and your family in favor of someone who has no history with the company.", "Jack: You really think?", "Emily: I have no idea.", "Jack: (Laughs)", "Emily: I-I know zilch about the business world. (Laughs)", "Jack: Well, that's fair enough. I know zilch about your world. Tell me about your world. How's work?", "Emily: Mostly good, though some of my patients aren't doing as well as I had hoped.", "Jack: Is Patty maybe one of them? Doctor/patient confidentiality, I know.", "Emily: (Sighs) I know. When medication improves a patient to the point where they have, uh, certain privileges-- um, time in the dayroom where they mingle with the other patients-- that's a good thing. It's just I personally had hopes for a bigger breakthrough.", "Jack: Such as?", "Emily: Acknowledgement of what she's done, remorse for her actions. And when that doesn't happen after a certain amount of time, you wonder if she might benefit from a-a different approach or a different therapist.", "Jack: Wait, wait. You--you--you'd turn Patty over to another doctor?", "Emily: (Sighs) I... I think it's--it's time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: What else did I do?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Emily: I-I should go. I don't want to be late for what might be my last session with Patty.", "Jack: Before you go, can I offer you one piece of advice?", "Emily: I'm listening.", "Jack: It's pretty much what you said about Jabot. You've given your all where Patty's concerned. If you feel you need to walk away now, you should have no regrets.", "Emily: Thank you. I'll let you know what happens. Oh. Wow.", "Ashley: Well, I guess I didn't have to rush over here, huh?", "Emily: Hello, Ashley.", "Ashley: Hi. Good to see you again.", "Emily: You, too. Good-bye.", "Jack: Bye.", "Ashley: Bye.", "Emily: Bye. (Clears throat)", "Ashley: Oh, come on. Your mood has certainly improved since last we spoke.", "Jack: Yes, she made the day bearable after the Chancellor stock debacle.", "Ashley: Oh, Jack, after all the horrible things that have happened to our family, it's not the end of the world.", "Jack: It could be the end of Jabot.", "Ashley: Oh, why would you say that?", "Jack: We don't know what McCall's intentions are. After meeting him, I don't have a good feeling.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: So you'll handle bringing those subsidiaries up to speed?", "J.T.: Uh, yeah, no problem.", "Tucker: J.T...", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Tucker: Everything okay on the home front? Heard you leaving a couple of messages for your wife earlier.", "J.T.: Well, I was, uh, I was hoping to give her a heads-up about your involvement in the I.P.O. she and her brother were hoping to get involved with it themselves.", "Tucker: So you hadn't already told her I was interested?", "J.T.: Uh, you said it was confidential... although I-I do wish I would have known about it going through last night to avoid her possibly hearing it from somebody else.", "Tucker: (Sighs) Well, I appreciate you keeping my confidentiality, even when it put you on a tough spot, but that's what I expect you to do. The Newmans are known for being pretty shrewd businesspeople. Your wife may be angry now, but eventually she'll understand why you did what you did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hey.", "Nick: Hey. Did you get my message?", "Victoria: No, I didn't check my voice mail yet.", "Nick: What do you want?", "Adam: To prove I'm not a liar.", "Victoria: Adam claims that Tucker McCall took the entire 25% of Chancellor's I.P.O. (File flops on table)", "Nick: How did you even know about that? There's no way Katherine extended that invitation to you.", "Adam: Well, Nick, you are not the only one with connections in this town.", "Victoria: Wait a second. Uh, it's true?", "Nick: Yeah. I figured J.T. would have told you.", "Victoria: Well, he didn't. And since something like this doesn't happen overnight, it means he's known for a while, and he never said a word.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: So I guess there's nothing left to say.", "Mac: I guess not.", "Billy: Tell Lily I hope everything works out for her.", "Mac: Lily... not Cane or me?", "Billy: Do you want me to lie to you?", "Chloe: Of course you're here.", "Mac: Actually, I was just leaving. Bye, Billy.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Mac: (Knocks on door)", "Chloe: These are some nice digs you got here.", "Billy: Yeah, thanks. What the hell do you want?", "Chloe: I want to know, what is so special about protecting this juror?", "Billy: (Sighs) I'm protecting \"Restless Style,\" its reputation, your job, not to mention, this little thing called \"Freedom of the press.\"", "Chloe: Come on. This is me you're talking to.", "Billy: You know, I'm finally doing something for all the right reasons, and I can't get one of you to be on my side. This is fantastic.", "Chloe: Yeah, because you know what? No one likes a martyr, especially someone who just tries it on for size because it fits him in the moment.", "Billy: That's not what I'm doing.", "Chloe: Everybody knows that you thought that you were just gonna get a little slap on the wrist, and then you ended up in jail. And now what? What, you think that you're gonna come off as this noble journalist falling on his sword for his constitutional rights?", "Billy: Think what you want.", "Chloe: (Sighs) You know, Amber told me that a set of weights \"Accidentally\" fell on Daniel's chest, nearly killing him. So, what, you're gonna stick it out for integrity's sake? Or maybe even get your pretty little face bashed in? (Scoffs)", "Billy: Nobody's messing with me yet.", "Chloe: Yeah, not yet, not yet. Come on, Billy. This is not like, you know, you're busting some political corruption scandal for \"The Times.\" This is about smearing the Newmans' name because you're holding a stupid little grudge. So why don't you go and tell the judge what he wants to know so you can get the hell out of here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: It is awful when someone in your own family turns their back on you.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nick: Adam, beat it.", "Adam: You know, we actually have business we need to discuss--", "Nick: I said get out now!", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Three phone calls, two missed text messages, all from J.T. asking me to call him or meet him right away.", "Nick: Maybe he was going to tell you.", "Victoria: Oh, well, he's a little late.", "Nick: Any chance that he didn't know?", "Victoria: No, he knew. He knew, okay? When I brought up the stock offer, he told me to hold off on it, but he wouldn't say why. You know, even if he couldn't tell me, he could have at least alluded to more than he did. (Sighs)", "Nick: It might have jeopardized his job.", "Victoria: God, I am his wife! Do you know how many times he has condemned me for putting my loyalties to Dad and the company before our marriage? And then he turns around and he does the same exact thing.", "Nick: Okay, Vick. Vick, come on.", "Victoria: I know why he's doing this. He's doing this to punish me, not just for Deacon, but for everything I've ever done wrong in our marriage.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victoria: Hmm.", "Nick: You gonna get that?", "Victoria: No. (Sighs) He waited to talk to me before. He can wait a little longer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Are you waiting for someone?", "J.T.: Well, I'm, uh, thinking she's not gonna show. You okay?", "Mac: You don't want to know.", "J.T.: Uh, try me.", "Mac: I just visited Billy in jail. (Laughs)", "J.T.: (Laughs) Well, I'm not gonna-- I'm not gonna lie. I'm pretty happy he's behind bars.", "Mac: Yeah, I can't blame you after the article that he wrote.", "J.T.: You know, he doesn't deserve a visit from you or anybody else.", "Mac: Well, I doubt I'll be going back anytime soon. (Sniffles)", "J.T.: That bad?", "Mac: Remember how I told you I was trying to be a surrogate for Lily and Cane?", "J.T.: Wait a minute. Are you... oh, that's great! Congratulations!", "Mac: Oh, thank you.", "J.T.: Hold on. Let me get you a seat here.", "Mac: (Laughs)", "J.T.: Come sit down. I'll take care of you.", "Mac: Thank you. I will take your reaction over Billy's any day.", "J.T.: Wow.", "Mac: (Sighs)", "J.T.: How far along are you?", "Mac: Not far at all, which is why I probably shouldn't have told him or you.", "J.T.: Are you scared 'cause of what happened when we were together? Hey, look, there is absolutely no reason you shouldn't be able to carry this baby to term. I mean, from what I've heard about in vitro fertilization, just the fact that you got pregnant right away is--I mean, it's a really good sign, right?", "(Door opens)", "Lily: I agree. (Giggles) Hi.", "Cane: You know, guys, if ever a baby was destined to be, it's this one down here.", "J.T.: (Laughs)", "Lily: Uh, are you following me?", "Cane: Well, how could I stay away?", "Lily: (Laughs) Hey, you okay?", "Mac: Yeah.", "J.T.: She went to see Billy earlier.", "Cane: Ohh. And I take it you told him?", "Mac: As unhappy as he is about what I'm doing, he really does want this to work out for you.", "Cane: Hey, look, I suggest you just forget the negative things he said and just stay away from the guy.", "J.T.: I agree with Cane. Billy's not the guy you thought he was. He's a pompous ass who tries to hurt anybody who gets too close to him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: For once in your life, do the right thing.", "Billy: (Laughs) How is ratting somebody out doing the right thing?", "Chloe: You seriously plan on staying here till the judge gets word that they need the extra cot and then he's gonna set you free?", "Billy: (Laughs) I already told you that Rafe is working on my release, and if it doesn't happen immediately, I'm prepared to wait until it does.", "Chloe: Okay. How about how it impacts the rest of your life like your own child?", "Billy: My own daughter is too young to know what's going on around here, but if she ever does hear about it, I would like to think she'd be proud of her old man for sticking to his principles.", "Chloe: Yeah, I'm sure she's gonna be really proud that her father's got a record.", "Billy: Oh.", "Chloe: Something to rave about, you know? I should know.", "Billy: All right, look, all I did was refuse to name my source. That doesn't make me Tony Soprano.", "Chloe: Okay, what about when she finds out that her father chose to push tabloid trash over his own child? So as long as you're in here, you think twice about seeing her.", "Billy: You can't do that.", "Chloe: Oh, yeah? There is no way that I am bringing an innocent child into this place looking at you in this hideous orange jumpsuit in front of the rest of the scum of this world, which probably means that you are going to miss your little girl's first Christmas.", "Billy: Well, then I just have to hope that I'm not gonna be here that long, but thank you.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Yeah, it's been a real red-letter week for the Abbotts. On top of everything else, Billy has so alienated a judge, he's been thrown in jail for God knows how long, not that I care.", "Ashley: Mm. Right, not that you care.", "Jack: I don't have time to clean up Billy's messes. I got to focus on Jabot right now.", "Ashley: Really? You're still trying to regain control?", "Jack: I have not given up trying to get Jabot back since the day we lost it. Have you?", "Ashley: Wow. I've had to come to grips with a lot of things not turning out the way I wanted them to, starting with my farce of a marriage...", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Ashley: And the fact that my two daughters are gonna be raised by one parent instead of the desired two parents. And Colleen...", "Jack: Yeah, Colleen.", "Ashley: Colleen, Jack-- I mean, it's such a tragedy. Excuse me if I find it shocking that you're still dwelling on the fate of Jabot.", "Jack: It's our future. This I.P.O. was an oppor--", "Ashley: It could have been-- it could have been a wonderful opportunity-- you're right-- for us to have more say in how the company's run. But hello! It's not gonna happen. I'm okay with that.", "Jack: Well, I wish I was as accepting as you are.", "Ashley: Maybe-- maybe if you stopped trying to re-create life as it was when dad was around, you could be. We've all done it. I see Billy struggling just like you have to live up to Dad's image, Jackie, only to hate yourselves when you fall short.", "Jack: Whoa, whoa. No, no. Did--that's no excuse for the mess Billy's made.", "Ashley: I agree with that. There isn't any excuse. I'm just saying maybe if we let go of the past a little bit and just try to accept ourselves for who we are now, we could have better lives. It looks like you've already started, actually. Your relationship with Emily-- it looks like it could be a new beginning for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Emily: (Sighs) You say your medication is helping? How do you feel?", "Patty: Good. A lot clearer, I think.", "Emily: And the other patients? Have you...", "Patty: When do I get to see Jack?", "Emily: Patty, we talked about this.", "Patty: I was just hoping he and I could play tennis again. We used to--to go to the club for matches all the time. But things just keep getting in the way lately.", "Emily: (Sighs) What things?", "Patty: Well, he's always... working all the time. And I, well... (Inhales sharply) I, uh, I have all my social obligations. You know, I have a lot of people coming in and out of here every day and, uh, our chats together. (Giggles)", "Emily: Actually, Patty, that's what I've, um, I've come here to talk to you about. I, uh... (Sighs) Wow, this isn't easy. Um... I feel you might benefit with a, uh, another therapist.", "Patty: I don't understand.", "Emily: I'm concerned I'm not helping you.", "Patty: But you are. Y-y-you're a--you're making everything better. I-I mean, th-thanks to you, you're making it all better for me, Dr. P.", "Emily: Oh, Patty, I...", "Patty: No, it's true. You have to believe me.", "Emily: I would like to, Patty. I really would. But frankly, I'm not sure you understand why you're even here.", "Patty: Yes, I do. I understand. I took that girl, and I never should have taken her.", "Emily: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "Emily: What did you just say?", "Patty: I took that girl.", "Emily: (Sighs) Do you remember her name?", "Patty: She was scared. So was I. I was scared and confused.", "Emily: Do you remember anything else?", "Patty: I was wrong... so wrong.", "Emily: About what?", "Patty: (Inhales deeply)", "Emily: Patty, what were you wrong about?", "Patty: No more.", "Emily: (Sighs)", "Patty: Mnh-mnh.", "Emily: It's okay.", "Patty: Where's Jack? I really miss my husband.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Jack: Thanks.", "Ashley: Jackie, it just seems that maybe you let your obsessions get in the way of what really matters in life, you know, like, um, a solid relationship, a stable family, being happy.", "Jack: You make it sound like I don't want those things.", "Ashley: No, no. Maybe deep down inside, you don't think you deserve them. I-I felt that way, but having Faith kind of changed all that, you know? She's like my--my fresh start. I'm so determined to prove to my little girls... (Sighs) And to myself that no matter what life throws at you, whatever crap comes your way, happiness is possible. And maybe it's possible for you and Emily, huh?", "Jack: Could be.", "Ashley: It's kind of exciting. Christmas and the New Year are right around the corner. I refuse to spend them ruminating on everything that's gone wrong in my life.", "Jack: Then what, we just forget about what happened to Dad and Colleen?", "Ashley: Like we ever could, Jackie. Really? Like we ever could? Maybe instead of mourning their deaths, we should honor their lives by making our lives better, huh? By looking at the end of this year as... (Sighs) A new beginning... for all of us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I get that you don't want to talk to J.T. about this, Sis, but... (Sighs) Isn't that what got you two where you are right now?", "Victoria: I don't even know what I'd say. I mean, I think the bottom line is we don't trust each other anymore.", "Nick: You can always get that back.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Maybe you and Phyllis can, but I really don't think it's possible for my marriage.", "Nick: (Sighs) You sound like it's already over.", "Victoria: Well, for months, J.T.'s been telling me that I'm not the woman that he married. I'm starting to think that maybe he's not the man I fell in love with. But we've only been married for a little while. I mean, if it's this bad now, what does that say about the future?", "Nick: Well, I've given up trying to predict the future. I can tell you this-- no matter how hard it is, you got to do what's best for you and your son.", "Victoria: I think I finally know what that is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You know, he didn't even care that he might not see his own daughter on Christmas, let alone getting his pretty little face bashed in.", "Chance: Well, add it to the fact that if he doesn't go to the judge, you're gonna have to.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Do I have to? Do I?", "Chance: Chloe, you can do whatever you want to do.", "Chloe: (Sighs) All right, well, I know that you're not gonna tell me what to do, but can you please tell me how I go about deciding what to do?", "Chance: Have a seat. First, I would look at the pros and cons. I would see if it was worth the risk to me. If it was, then I would do it. But if it wasn't, I'd forget, and I'd just move on.", "Chloe: You make it sound so simple.", "Chance: Sometimes it is.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Where's Romalotti?", "Man: Uh, moved to protective custody. The warden didn't want him hurt before his bail hearing.", "Billy: So he's going home. Good for him.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Billy: Don't worry. Daddy's gonna come home soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Cane: All right, do you, uh, do you want to do some more damage on that credit card, or, uh, do you want to get out of here?", "Lily: Well, I'd love to stay, but I want to take advantage of how good I'm feeling, and I want to drop this off at the toy drive, too, so...", "Cane: Ooh. And I got some stuff, too.", "Mac: I can't wait to see the shelter kids' faces when they open these presents. It's gonna make their Christmas.", "Lily: I know. I had so much fun doing it, too, especially the little girls. Like, look at this one.", "Cane: (Clears throat)", "Lily: I had one almost identical to this when I was little, and I carried her everywhere.", "Cane: Aw, you were preparing for motherhood back then-- very sweet.", "Lily: Yep. And then this. It's not the exact same one that my mom gave me, but I think that every girl should have a music box, so...", "Cane: Mm-hmm. And every boy should have one of these, right, J.T.?", "J.T.: Yeah, absolutely.", "Cane: Thank you very much. And if he's gonna be musically inclined...", "(Drum rattles)", "J.T.: Yeah, you know, we bought one of those for Reed last year--almost went deaf, but he loved it, man.", "Cane: (Laughs)", "Lily: (Laughs) See, Honey, you already have good paternal instincts.", "Cane: Oh! All right, well, we should get out of here.", "Lily: Yeah. Um, all right. I guess we'll talk to you guys later.", "Cane: All right.", "J.T.: See you later.", "Mac: Bye.", "Lily: Bye, you guys.", "Cane: J.T., hey, good to see you, man.", "J.T.: You, too. All right.", "Cane: Bye, man. Take care. Bye, Mac.", "Mac: Bye.", "J.T.: You want to talk about it?", "Mac: (Sighs) It's just-- it's like they're shopping for their own child, and I just want to make sure that they get one.", "J.T.: Yeah. Well, uh, stressing out's not gonna help.", "Mac: I could say the same thing to you. You've been checking your phone like it's a lifeline, and you haven't touched your lunch at all. I'm sorry. If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay.", "J.T.: No. No, that's all right. (Sets phone on table) I kind of already did a few months ago. (Sighs)", "Mac: You and Victoria are still having problems?", "J.T.: Yeah, things just keep getting worse, you know? I, uh, I keep looking at this phone wondering why she hasn't called, but at the same time, kind of relieved she hasn't, 'cause I keep thinking about how bad the next conversation might be.", "(Door opens)", "Mac: It looks like you're about to find out.", "Lily: Next Christmas.", "Cane: Next Christmas.", "Lily: (Sighs)", "Cane: Come on, Babe.", "Lily: Bye, guys.", "Cane: Bye.", "Mac: I'm gonna go.", "Victoria: No, stay. This won't take long.", "J.T.: Hey, why don't we talk about this at home, okay?", "Victoria: You know, changing locations isn't really gonna change what I have to say. I'm gonna go work in Dubai for Newman, and I'm taking Reed with me.", "J.T.: No, you're not. We've talked about this—", "(Cell phone rings)", "J.T.: Yeah, Mr. McCall, what can I do for you?", "Victoria: (Sighs) (Scoffs) Even when I say I'm leaving.", "J.T.: Okay, yeah. Uh, Victoria. What--hey-- (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Family therapy over?", "Nick: What do you want?", "Adam: Have you had a chance to look at the international air contract? (Sighs)", "Nick: Yes, Adam, I did. I had some minor adjustments, but for the most part, I agreed with your suggestions. What's the matter? Were you hoping I wouldn't?", "Adam: Honestly, Nick, I half-expected you to take another swing at me.", "Nick: Well, that's one of the differences between us, Adam. I don't enjoy inflicting pain on people.", "Adam: The implication being that I do.", "Nick: You could barely contain how happy you were that J.T. never bothered to tell Victoria about the McCall and Chancellor stock offer.", "Adam: You have me all wrong. I am heartbroken over those two kids.", "Nick: Just exactly how many hours a day do you spend trying to piss me off?", "Adam: (Laughs) Not as many as you spend trying to get rid of me, Nick, which you should have learned by now, that is a colossal waste of time. I mean, I'm everywhere you didn't want me to be. I'm at the ranch, Newman, Sharon. Things keep going like this, I will be sitting behind that desk in that chair very soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Well, thank you.", "Emily: I am so glad you're still here.", "Jack: Everything okay?", "Emily: (Sighs) Yes. Patty-- she had a breakthrough today.", "Ashley: Wow.", "Emily: Yeah, she acknowledged what she did to Colleen.", "Ashley: (Gasps) That's huge.", "Jack: Wait, she actually admitted the kidnapping?", "Emily: Well, not in so many words, but she knows she was wrong in taking Colleen, and she expressed regrets over it. That is a major, major step in my opinion.", "Jack: Does that mean you'll be staying on as her doctor?", "Emily: I can't walk away now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: You're so pretty, Emily. I'm really glad I chose to look like you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: New roommate.", "Billy: Nice tats. Mm. This is gonna be a long night. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: (Sighs) Okay. Hi. Is, um, Judge Renfroe available? Yes, I have information on the juror that Billy Abbott is trying to protect.", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: You'll get the phone when you tell me that Amber is out of town.", "Michael: We didn't order champagne.", "Lauren: Who's it from?", "Man: They asked to remain anonymous.", "Ryder: Just so you know, I'm pretty sure she's in Genoa City." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "At Fenmore's, Michael tells Lauren how good it is to see her back in the swing of things. Michael suggests that they go away for Christmas. Gloria and Fen arrive at church for the pageant and bump into Jana. Chloe visits Kevin to get some things. Jack arrives at the Athletic Club to pick up Diane and Kyle for the Christmas pageant. Kevin and Chloe argue when Kevin mentions that he wanted more from their living together. At the church, Nick tells Phyllis that he is glad that she got rid of Daisy. Noah joins Nick and Phyllis. Sharon lets Adam know that she wants to be with him, but she also wants to be with Faith at the pageant today. Adam encourages her to go to the pageant. Michael and Lauren arrive at the pageant. Phyllis sees Jack with Diane which unnerves her. Phyllis confronts him about being with Diane. The pageant begins with Sharon watching from the back of the church.", "After the pageant, Gloria confronts Jana about Kevin. Jana lets Gloria know that Kevin made love to her. Sharon looks around in the church and asks God for help in knowing what to do. The preacher comes up behind her. Sharon pours out her heart to him about Faith and Nick. At home, Kevin plays a game with Fen as Michael and Lauren watch. Michael questions Kevin about Chloe. Kevin lets Michael know that Chloe moved out. At Gloworm. Gloria asks Chloe why she moved out of Kevin's so that Jana could get a foothold in Kevin's life again. Jana orders a champagne cocktail to celebrate the New Year early. Nick and Faith spend time with Diane and Kyle. Phyllis tells Jack about the deal that she made with Adam regarding the story in \"Restless Style\" about the murder investigation into Skye's death. Adam promises that Sharon will have Faith back with her soon.", "" ]
[ "Lauren: One sec. One sec. One sec. Okay. You were saying?", "Michael: How is it you make work look so sexy?", "Lauren: Well, hold that thought till later tonight. I don't want to be late for Fen's Christmas pageant. Did Gloria pick him up on time?", "Michael: Hmm? Oh, yeah, they should be at the church any minute. She's having Fenmore do vocal exercises to warm up his instrument.", "Lauren: Oh, Dear.", "Michael: Don't worry. He can handle his grandma. It's good to see you back in action.", "Lauren: It feels good to be back in action. It wasn't fair to let Jill, you know, just bring me my work at home. (Sighs) I'll feel better once Daisy is locked up for good, but in the meantime, I'm pullin' my weight around here.", "Michael: Well, I know you are. And I've been thinking, we haven't talked about Christmas. Gloria would like to have the whole family together.", "Lauren: Okay, yeah, oh, just please not at our house. You know how exhausted I am by Christmas day.", "Michael: No, no, no. What I was thinking about is doing something completely different, and since our trip for Thanksgiving didn't pan out, what do you say we try it again?", "Lauren: You want to go away?", "Michael: Why not get away from all the craziness?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Fen: Hi, Jana.", "Jana: Oh, Fen. Hello! Mwah. How are you? You all set? You ready?", "Gloria: Yes. He's very, very excited.", "Jana: Well, good. I hope the whole family's coming to see you.", "Gloria: Michael and Lauren wouldn't miss it for anything.", "Fen: Uncle Kevin's coming, too.", "Jana: Uncle Kevin. Well, that is wonderful, isn't it? (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Kevin: Hi.", "Chloe: Can I come in?", "Kevin: Don't you still have your key?", "Chloe: Under the circumstances...", "Kevin: (Sighs) Come in. I wasn't expecting you.", "Chloe: Well, I just, I, uh, came to get my stuff. I told you I was moving out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I am here to pick up the star of the Christmas show.", "Kyle: I'm not the star. I'm the narrator.", "Jack: When you volunteered to help these kids with their show, you became a star in my book.", "Diane: Yeah, in mine, too. Have I told you how proud I am of you?", "Kyle: Like a million times.", "Diane: Okay, well, then this is a million and one.", "Kyle: (Chuckles) Um, Mom, do you have my pages?", "Diane: No. Why would I have your pages? Did you leave them in the room?", "Kyle: Be right back.", "Diane: Mm. Oh, Kyle.", "Kyle: Thanks.", "Diane: Mm-hmm. (Chuckles)", "Jack: Well, I'm glad we can get together like this, despite our differences.", "Diane: What differences? We haven't any differences. Well, except maybe for your inexplicable attachment to that--", "Jack: Wh--", "Diane: Anyway, there's no reason for things to be unpleasant, especially with the holidays coming up.", "Jack: What have you done with the Diane that I know?", "Diane: What? Who? Which one? The bitch Diane who's no fun to be around? She's wised up.", "Jack: Do tell.", "Diane: Well, obviously, our days of... being involved are over. Your interests lie elsewhere. C'est la vie. There's no reason for that to be a problem. We have a wonderful kid to raise, so... friends.", "Jack: Friends. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Daddy!", "Nick: Hey, you. (Grunts)", "Jana: Oh, hello. Hi, Summer. You all ready? Do you know your lines?", "Phyllis: Yes, she's been practicing all morning.", "Jana: Good. Well, thanks for let-- for letting Faith be a part of the show.", "Nick: Yeah, well, I can't guarantee she's gonna actually stay in one place, so...", "Summer: (Giggles)", "Jana: Eh, well, whatever happens, it'll be fine. Anyway, let's get you ready, little girl, okay?", "Nick: Oh, yes.", "Jana: Come on.", "Nick: Break a leg, Kid.", "Jana: Come on. Come here.", "Phyllis: Go ahead. Lay me out. Just remember, we're in a church.", "Nick: I have nothing to say to you about the article you wrote about Sharon-- not now, not ever.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Nick: You know how I feel. I know why you did it. I just wish you would have thought about Noah and Faith for one second before you actually did write it.", "Phyllis: I-I wish that Sharon would have thought about Noah and Faith before she hooked up with Adam again. Nick, you know, I'm sorry. I just reported the facts. If I hadn't done it, someone else would have.", "Nick: All right, well, I don't want to argue about this with you.", "Phyllis: I'm not arguing with you at all.", "Nick: Okay, great.", "Phyllis: Good. So is Sharon coming here to see her daughter in the play?", "Nick: I don't know.", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Nick: Sharon's not my problem anymore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: (Sighs heavily) I want to go back to the club, follow up on the freight elevator. Since no one saw Skye leave, that had to be the way that she left. Do you want to come?", "Sharon: Faith is in a Christmas play today.", "Adam: Oh, you're going?", "Sharon: I want to. But Nick and Noah are gonna be there, and so are some friends who don't understand why I'm with you, and if I go, it's gonna cause a scene.", "Adam: You see? This is exactly what I'm talkin' about-- that you're gonna suffer because of me.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Adam--", "Adam: No, Sharon, listen to me. You think that by proving my innocence, that somehow it's gonna convince Nick that-- that you should have custody of Faith. Maybe it isn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Okay. Everything's fine on the floor. How much time do we have?", "Michael: Uh, we have plenty of time.", "Lauren: Good. Let's talk about the holidays.", "Michael: Let's talk.", "Lauren: Yes. (Sighs) So I know things have been crazy. And, um, that's why I think we should stay home. I do. I think we should hang our stockings on the mantel. We should put milk and cookies out for Santa and have a real, normal Christmas for Fen.", "Michael: Listen to me. I don't want you to make this a sacrifice for me and Fen.", "Lauren: You and Fen have been the ones who have been sacrificing. I know that when I get frightened, I go down that rabbit hole. And I know what it has cost my family. And I'm--I'm not gonna do that anymore, you know? I've been feeling better.", "Michael: I am in awe of how well you're handling Daisy being out of jail.", "Lauren: That is because I have the most awesome, supportive husband.", "Michael: Yeah, you do.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm. I do.", "Michael: You do, but, um, I might also have something else for you that will help you handle Daisy better. I wanted us to decide about Christmas before mentioning it. I didn't want you to feel pressured.", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: Well, you know that Daisy wears an ankle monitor.", "Lauren: Yeah, the only saving grace in this whole thing.", "Michael: Yes. If ever she's not where she's supposed to be...", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: The police are immediately contacted, and now so will you.", "Lauren: How?", "Michael: You get a call from the monitoring service. If there's any immediate danger, you'll know. If you don't get a call, there's no danger.", "Lauren: (Sighs) How did you manage that?", "Michael: I'm really good-looking...", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Michael: And well-connected.", "Lauren: Yes, you are.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: So when does it start?", "Michael: Already has.", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: Do-- no calls.", "Michael: No problems.", "Lauren: Do you know what the hardest thing of this whole thing has been? Is that I have felt that Daisy has been in control. And... do you know what you just did for me? You made me feel like I'm back in charge of my own life.", "Michael: I'm glad I could do that for you.", "Lauren: (Sighs) Do you know that there isn't a day that goes by that I am just so thrilled that I am married to you?", "Michael: Mm, funny.", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Michael: It's funny. I-I was thinkin' the same thing.", "Lauren: Really?", "Michael: Mm-hmm. Really. Really.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Look, I'm just moving out. It's not like we're going anywhere. I mean, Delia, she would be devastated if you just vanished from her life. I mean, she's been through so much between the divorce and losing Chance. And I don't want her to think that everyone just disappears.", "Kevin: Well, I'm gonna miss having her around. Tell her I'm gonna see her soon, okay?", "Chloe: Yeah, I can do that. (Sighs) (Sighs) Look, this... this is really awkward. I didn't--I didn't think that you were gonna be here. I thought you were gonna be at Fen's show.", "Kevin: I was just about to leave. Look, you--you had said you wanted to go with me. Do you still?", "Chloe: I... well, I... (Sighs) I don't want you to feel like, you know...", "Kevin: What? Because I said I was attracted to you, things can't be normal between us?", "Chloe: No, I didn't say that.", "Kevin: But it's what you're thinking, isn't it? Its like, \"Oh, it's gonna be too hard for me now to even hang out with you.\"", "Chloe: I didn't go and sleep with my ex five minutes after I got rejected.", "Kevin: Maybe I was sick and tired of being treated like some stupid sidekick in a--in a teen flick.", "Chloe: Why didn't you just say something to me? I thought we were best friends, and it's not my fault that you wanted more.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Well, I am really glad that you got rid of Daisy for Summer's sake.", "Phyllis: Oh, so am I, believe me. I-I don't feel good that she's staying with my son. You know, I worry about him, so...", "Nick: Is Daniel gonna be coming to see the kids?", "Phyllis: No, he can't. A security guard called in sick, so he has to stay with Daisy until another guard relieves him.", "Nick: Yeah, Mom's not coming, either. She's got an A.A. meeting. It's important she sticks to her schedule.", "Noah: Hey, Dad. (Sighs)", "Nick: Dude, I'm glad you came.", "Noah: Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Hey, well, you're still talking to me.", "Noah: Yeah, you feeling guilty about writing that stuff about my mother?", "Phyllis: Listen, Noah, I know you're upset. But you can't be pleased with the things that your mother has done.", "Noah: I'm not. I got a big problem with what my mother's done, but you didn't have to be that vicious, okay? Faith's gonna grow up. She's gonna see that someday. That's not cool.", "Phyllis: Okay. I got it.", "Noah: You like to stir things up. That's your thing. But one day... one day it's gonna backfire on you.", "Phyllis: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I want to be with you, and I want to help you. But this is my first Christmas with Faith, and I just... I had so many dreams for us. I wanted to set up the Christmas tree. I wanted to take her on a sleigh ride and to the puppet show. I...", "Adam: Yeah, this here is about as far off from what you've dreamt of as you can get.", "Sharon: (Sighs) It's not what I expected. But I made my choice.", "Adam: Can you live with it?", "Sharon: I've learned to live with a lot.", "Adam: Okay. Let's just take this one day at a time, all right? You're Faith's mother. You should go to this thing. She would want you there.", "Sharon: You're right. I'll regret it if I don't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: So, what? You don't want to talk about it?", "Kevin: I've gotta get to Fen's show. I'm late. I don't want to disappoint him.", "Chloe: So you're just gonna blow me off.", "Kevin: Look, I'm not the one moving out, okay?", "Chloe: What is this? Is this good-bye? Sayonara? You're gonna kick me out of your life just because I don't want the same thing?", "Kevin: Look, don't be here when I get back, all right?", "Chloe: Oh, yeah, no problem.", "Kevin: Hey, and leave your key on the counter.", "Chloe: Sure. Will do. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Hey, I know you're busy, but, uh, I wanted to say hi.", "Jana: Oh. That is... (Sighs) It was really sweet of you.", "Noah: Uh, how you been?", "Jana: (Sighs) Actually, I've been really great. Yeah, it looks like Kevin and I are getting back together.", "Noah: You are?", "Jana: Yeah. Well, when you've gone through as much as we have, it's really hard to stay apart. We're soul mates. I hope you understand. No hard feelings.", "Noah: Uh, yeah. None at all.", "Jana: Okay. Well, look, the show's about to start, so... you take care, okay?", "Noah: You, too. (Inhales sharply) Okay. (Sighs) Hey, where's Faith?", "Nick: She's with Summer and the big kids.", "Noah: (Clears throat)", "Nick: I saw you talkin' to Jana.", "Noah: Uh, yeah.", "Nick: You guys hangin' out a little bit? You like her?", "Noah: No. No. She's--she's, uh, she's not my type.", "Nick: Mm, sure.", "Gloria: Hey!", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: Jana insisted on taking Fen backstage...", "Lauren: Oh, okay.", "Gloria: To get ready with the rest of the kids.", "Lauren: Well, thank you so much for driving.", "Gloria: It was my pleasure. I'm just glad you're here. I didn't think you'd make it. I wasn't sure.", "Lauren: Well...", "Phyllis: Hey. Neither was I. I know you've been stressed out lately because of me. I know.", "Lauren: You know something, Phyllis? Our kids are in the Christmas pageant. Let's just not talk about you-know-who and enjoy ourselves today.", "Phyllis: Okay, yeah.", "Lauren: Okay?", "Phyllis: That sounds good. Let's enjoy ourselves. (Sighs) Remember when we were expecting, and--and we talked about our kids going to the same school together?", "Michael: Fenmore adores Summer. He even bought her a special Christmas present.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: She has one for him. That's great.", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Phyllis: See?", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Phyllis: They're friends, just like we'd hoped.", "Lauren: I'm glad we're spending this day with you.", "Phyllis: Yeah, me, too.", "Lauren: Okay. Let's sit down.", "Jack: Well, where shall we sit?", "Diane: Someplace close with an unobstructed view to shoot from.", "Jack: Boy, back in the day, I never would have figured you for a mother with a video camera.", "Diane: Really? Oh, no, I'm a-- I'm a video junkie. I tape everything-- every birthday party, every hockey game, every sneeze. (Laughs) Everything.", "Jack: Well, look at you.", "Diane: Uh-oh. Look what Kyle forgot.", "Jack: Oh, his script.", "Diane: Forgetful like his mother. Here, will you watch my bag? Thanks.", "Jack: Uh, sure.", "Phyllis: Look at you. Your first outing with Diane as proud parents. How's that going?", "Jack: Well, better than expected. I see Nick and, uh, Noah are here. So how is the climate? Chilly? Or is it, uh, an arctic frost?", "Phyllis: It's, um, fine. He's restrained. I think that has to do with, um, him hanging up his white suit of armor. He's not being Sharon's champion anymore.", "Jack: Best thing Nick could do for himself.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Good for him. I feel bad for him.", "Jack: Why is that?", "Phyllis: Well, because he just assumed that he and Sharon would ride off into the sunset together, and he didn't think that Sharon would torpedo him for Adam.", "Jack: Yeah, I will never understand that. That's insane.", "Phyllis: You're being kind.", "Jack: Well, Sharon wanted Adam. Sharon got what she wanted, and everything that comes with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I think you have information that could be of great help to me. I promise I'll make it worth your while.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Now I need all of my shepherds. You're gonna stand here in the middle around the manger. Angel, are you ready? You're ready. Angel's ready. Shepherds ready. We've got three wise men. Come over here. Come step in a little bit more. There you go. Stand there. Come back here.", "Jack: Was Kyle panicky?", "Diane: No, no. Jana had an extra copy for him.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Noah: Hey, uh, where's Dad?", "Phyllis: He's helping Faith.", "Lauren: Is Kevin coming?", "Michael: Yeah, he said he was.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Jana: Okay.", "Reverend Fulton: Okay, before we start, I'd like everyone to turn off their cell phones, beepers, anything that makes noise or could be a distraction. Welcome to our annual Christmas pageant. I see we have quite a crowd this year. I see some new faces. Hmm? Good to see the old ones, as well. Maybe some of you would like to drop by during the year, also.", "All: (Laughing)", "Reverend Fulton: So... what makes Christmas such a special time of year? Saint Nicholas, of course. And all the usual traditions and trappings, but it is so much more than that. Christmas is a time when God sent his only son into the world to be born, and there is nothing more joyous than hearing the story and seeing the miracle of his birth through the eyes of children.", "Jana: (Whispers) Fen. Fen, say--say your first line.", "Fen: Parents, family, and friends, welcome!", "Summer: Thank you for coming. We hope you enjoy the show.", "All: (Cheering) (\"Silent Night\" playing)", "Kyle: Every year, we celebrate the miracle of Christmas, recalling what took place in a manger in Bethlehem on the night our lord and savior was born. (Applause)", "All: (Cheering)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I'm looking for information. A woman disappeared from here around Thanksgiving.", "Man: You look a lot like that guy the cops are callin' a-a \"Person of interest.\"", "Adam: Yeah, well, they're not tellin' the whole story. I'm just a guy who's trying to find the truth.", "Man: The truth can be expensive. What do you want to know?", "Adam: Were you working here the night Skye Lockhart disappeared?", "Man: Sure was. Busy night. Got in some weight machines for the exercise room.", "Adam: Okay. Did you see anyone carry out anything big that-- a-a rolled-up carpet, a shower curtain? Something big?", "Man: No, nothin' like that.", "Adam: Okay. Right. Did you see anybody suspicious-looking? Someone who looked like they didn't belong here?", "Man: You know, sometimes, uh, the V.I.P.s, they'll use the freight elevator. Uh, you know, to dodge the paparazzi. You know, there was this one couple I remember.", "Adam: Okay, uh, this girl right here. Wait. Wait. Whoa. Hold... right here. Is this her?", "Man: I didn't get to see their faces.", "Adam: Okay, well, did you see their hair color? Did you see the clothes they were wearing? Anything you can to describe them.", "Man: Uh, winter coats. I mean, it was cold out.", "Adam: Okay, so I noticed there's a camera now been installed in the freight elevator. Is that right?", "Man: Yeah, yeah, we put them in a couple years ago, after an employee got caught stealin'.", "Adam: Okay, well, can you get me pictures of everyone who was on that elevator that night?", "Man: I could talk to my friend in security. Eh, it'll cost you more for my time, and, of course, he's gonna want a taste.", "Adam: Here. Here's just a little taste. Consider that a Christmas bonus.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: And so it was that they all came together on that one starry night in Bethlehem.", "Girl: Joy to the world.", "Boy: Joy to the world.", "Summer: Peace on earth.", "Fen: Good will to all.", "Girl: Good to all!", "All: (Laughing) (\"Hark! The herald angels sing\" playing)", "All: (Cheering)", "Michael: All right, good job, Buddy!", "Lauren: Nice job.", "Michael: Oh, you did a great job!", "Lauren: That was so good. That was the best Joseph I have ever seen.", "Michael: Wait, let's get more pictures.", "Kevin: So--so good, Pal. So good.", "Gloria: Fen, you were magnificent. You can see he's got real talent. Time for acting classes.", "Michael: No, come on. Let's take pictures. I want to get pictures and do interviews. Come here. Come here. Wait. Mommy, Grandma, over here.", "Kevin: Hi.", "Michael: All right, let's see. We gotta get...", "Jana: Hey. You made it.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah. And, uh, from what I could tell, it looked, uh, it looked great.", "Jana: Thanks. Yeah.", "Kevin: So do you-- do you have a minute to talk?", "Jana: Sure. Yeah.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Jana: We...", "Kevin: Um, about last night...", "Jana: Yes. (Chuckles)", "Kevin: I hope you understand. I did not mean to hurt your feelings.", "Jana: No, you didn't. Just 'cause we're sleeping together, it doesn't mean we're back together, does it?", "Kevin: We slept together. Yeah. And I just--I feel like we're finally getting along now.", "Jana: You know what, Kevin? Don't worry about it. It's fine. It is what it is. And I'm fine with that.", "Kyle: Dad!", "Jack: Hey! Excellent! Oh.", "Diane: Oh, bravo! You were awesome. Good job.", "Kyle: Thanks, Mom.", "Jack: Very, very impressive.", "Kyle: It was easy.", "Jack: Easy? I could never have talked in front of this many people at your age, never.", "Phyllis: Oh, my goodness, \"Mary, Mary quite contrary,\" you were awesome, awesome, awesome.", "Nick: You were spectacular.", "Noah: I loved how you pushed the shepherd out of your way to say your line.", "Summer: (Giggles)", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) And you, sweet thing, you--you practically stole the show.", "Nick: She's got skills. Skills!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Okay, just a couple more things.", "Chloe: Hmm. Well, I can't forget you. Delia would never forgive me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "Michael: There you go, Buddy. Excellent.", "Lauren: I thought Chloe was coming.", "Kevin: Oh, there was a change of plans.", "Gloria: Oh, what a shame.", "Kevin: Yeah. Hey, you know what? I have a gift for you as a congratulations, and I left it at home.", "Michael: Oh, wait. We can swing by and get it. Yes.", "Lauren: You want to? Okay.", "Michael: Are you comin'?", "Gloria: No, no, no. You go ahead. I have another engagement. Fen, I am so proud of you. Not everyone has star quality, and you know you get your talent from my side of the family.", "Michael: All right, that's enough. That's enough of that.", "Lauren: All right, let's save him. Come on, Honey.", "Michael: Nobody wants to see that. Come on. Presents! Presents. Presents for the star!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Reverend Fulton: Anyway, I think you did a wonderful job with the children.", "Jana: Oh, thank you.", "Reverend Fulton: Thank you so much.", "Jana: Oh, thank you so much. (Chuckles)", "Reverend Fulton: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: Stop sniffing around Kevin. You're making a fool out of yourself because he doesn't want you.", "Jana: Really? Then why did he make love to me yesterday?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, Kyle. You were great. You kept the show moving like a pro.", "Kyle: Whatever.", "Jack: Hey. Hey. Let's be polite, huh?", "Kyle: Thanks.", "Phyllis: Sure.", "Diane: You were fabulous, both of you.", "Nick: Weren't they something?", "Diane: (Chuckles)", "Noah: Hey, Guys. I'm takin' off.", "Nick: Hey, Bud, thanks for comin'.", "Noah: It was nice to meet you again.", "Diane: You, too, Noah.", "Jack: Well, great job, everyone. Uh, Diane, Kyle, I'll give you a ride back to the club.", "Diane: Uh, no. No need to put yourself out. We'll take a cab.", "Jack: Well, I'm happy to drive.", "Kyle: Its fine, Dad.", "Jack: Ready?", "Phyllis: Okay, uh, hey, Baby girl, have fun at Victoria's tonight, okay? All right, Sweetie, have fun with Faith.", "Kyle: See you.", "Jack: See you all later.", "Nick: All right, well, uh, you know, we're just headed off for some pizza if you want a ride.", "Summer: And chocolate mint ice cream.", "Nick: Oh, ice cream. Of course, uh...", "Diane: (Laughs)", "Nick: You guys want to come?", "Diane: What do you think?", "Kyle: Mom, have you ever known me to turn down pizza?", "Diane: (Laughs) Looks like we're in.", "Nick: Let's do it.", "Diane: Thank you. It's a nice invitation. Thanks.", "Kyle: Cool.", "Nick: No, come on. It'll be fun.", "Kyle: Chocolate mint ice cream. Yum!", "Summer: Yeah!", "Nick: Ice cream.", "Summer: (Giggles)", "Nick: Let's go get some ice cream.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Help me do what's right for my daughter.", "(Footsteps approach)", "Sharon: (Gasps)", "Reverend Fulton: I didn't mean to startle you. I thought everyone had gone. Did you have a child in the play?", "Sharon: Yes. Faith.", "Reverend Fulton: Oh, yeah. She's a darling girl.", "Sharon: Thank you. I miss her so much.", "Reverend Fulton: She's not with you?", "Sharon: No. No, she's-- she's with her dad now because he disapproves of my life, the choices that I'm making. (Sighs) So many people are furious with me-- my friends, my family.", "Reverend Fulton: Why is that?", "Sharon: Because I'm helping a man they despise. And they have every right to hate him. I-I hated him, too, once. But I-I forgave him because I see the good inside.", "Reverend Fulton: God forgives wickedness.", "Sharon: You know, he's been falsely accused of a horrible crime. But I promised I would stand by him. Only it's putting a really-- a really big strain on my relationships, especially with my children. I really care about this man. I want to stand by him. I want to do the right thing. I just don't know how much longer I can live like this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Man: My homeboy from security copied this off the hard drive. It's from that night on the freight elevator.", "Adam: Thanks, Brother. I was never here.", "Man: If you need anything else, you know where to find me.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Phyllis: Ahh. Hello?", "Adam: Hey, I've been following up on what might have happened to Skye. You're gonna want to see this.", "Phyllis: Okay, so show me.", "Adam: Well, I can't meet you right now, but you don't want to write anything until you see this.", "Phyllis: You think I'm falling for that?", "Adam: I'm not the one who's gonna look like a fool.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, when you have this, uh, eye-opening evidence to show me, why don't you just give me a call?", "Jack: Who was that?", "Phyllis: Adam.", "Jack: Wait. You're working with Adam?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: So it's a microphone with a speaker so that you can sing into it, or you can do this. (Voice amplifies) Uh, Michael Baldwin to the principal's office.", "(Laughter)", "Kevin: (Laughs)", "Fen: (Voice amplifies) Thanks, Uncle Kevin.", "Kevin: (Normal voice) Sure thing, Pal.", "Audience: (Cheering)", "Lauren: You shouldn't have. Really, you shouldn't have.", "Michael: Be glad it wasn't drums.", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: I thought that Fen would like it.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: No, it's great. Fenmore can play with it in his room under a blanket. (Chuckles)", "Lauren: With the door closed.", "Michael: (Laughs)", "Lauren: Hey, you want to make hot chocolate? All right. Let's go.", "Michael: I'll be with you in a sec.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Audience: (Cheering)", "Michael: (Laughs) (Voice amplifies) So Chloe didn't come with you tonight?", "Kevin: Uh, no. She couldn't make it.", "Michael: What happened?", "Kevin: Nothing happened.", "Michael: (Normal voice) Well, usually Chloe and Delia's stuff is all over the place. Everything's gone. You're in a mood. Don't tell me you and Chloe were involved in something that backfired.", "Kevin: (Sighs) No, nothing backfired. Oh, Chloe mov-- and Delia moved out. It was getting kind of cramped in here.", "Michael: For who?", "Kevin: For Delia. She needs space to run around. And it was time for Chloe to go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "Chloe: I got your phone call. You wanted to see me?", "Gloria: Yes, I do, about Kevin.", "Chloe: He told you I moved out.", "Gloria: And when did that happen?", "Chloe: Today.", "Gloria: No, he didn't tell me, but it all makes sense now. Jana told me that she and Kevin are sleeping together. Is it true?", "Chloe: Is that any of your business?", "Gloria: Guess that means yes, huh? You know, you could have hung on to your man if you'd come to me. I could have given you some pointers.", "Chloe: My man? My man? My man? He's not... (Sighs) We were just friends.", "Gloria: The point is, you're out. \"Crazy baby Jane\" is in, God help us. \"Whatever you were\" to Kevin, it made a real mess for all of us.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Jana: Hi. Um, champagne cocktail, please. I'm celebrating the New Year early.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Summer made a long list for Santa this year.", "Diane: (Laughs) I'm not sure that everybody gets everything they wish for.", "Nick: Well, she was pretty good.", "Diane: So no lump of coal in her stocking this year?", "Nick: (Chuckles) No. No way.", "Kyle: I've been really good, too. Right, Mom?", "Diane: Eh...", "Kyle: I volunteered to help with the play today.", "Diane: (Laughs) And you know what that gets you? The last slice of pizza.", "Nick: Score!", "Diane: (Chuckles)", "Nick: (Whispers) Score!", "Diane: Well, I'm glad we did this.", "Nick: (Normal voice) I am, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I promised Sharon and Adam that if they came up with evidence that Skye was alive, I would print it.", "Jack: Why are you making a deal with the devil?", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. I know he'll try to manipulate me. I know that. He can throw anything my way. I'll use it. I'll use it as evidence when he's finally charged with Skye's murder.", "Jack: Okay, if junior is stupid enough to let you get close, fine. Get your story. Don't be foolish. I still believe he killed Skye. I don't want anything happening to you.", "Phyllis: Nothing's happening to me.", "Jack: Okay, just so you know, from here on, I am watching your back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Reverend Fulton: I can't give you an answer. How much longer you continue on your path is only something you can decide with God's help. You're asking the tough questions. An answer will come.", "(Door opens)", "Adam: Sharon? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.", "Sharon: Um, no, that's okay.", "Reverend Fulton: I'll say a prayer for you.", "Sharon: Thank you so much.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Adam: You okay?", "Sharon: I will be.", "Adam: Nick give you a hard time?", "Sharon: No one saw me.", "Adam: Not even Faith?", "Sharon: No, I just couldn't-- I... (Sighs) What are you doing here?", "Adam: Oh, I, um, I figured the play had been over for a while, and I hadn't heard from you, so I was a little concerned.", "Sharon: Well, did you go back to the hotel? Did you find clues? I...", "Adam: Oh, yes. Yes, I did. Take a look at this. This is a picture taken in the freight elevator the night that Skye disappeared.", "Sharon: And no one would open up an umbrella in an elevator unless they didn't want to be identified.", "Adam: Mm-hmm. Except I can identify the woman. Those could be Skye's shoes, sure. But that bag-- that is her bag. No doubt about it. That's some designer limited-edition thing that could have fed a family of ten for a month. Trust me, she bragged all about it. And the guy next to her? I'll bet you anything that was Victor. Look at the time stamp. 8:01. I couldn't have killed her and made it to my train to New Orleans in that time.", "Sharon: This is our first piece of real evidence.", "Adam: Yeah. That's Skye. I'll stake my life on it. We're gonna find the truth. And, Sharon, I promise you, here before God, that I love you, and I will have you back in your daughter's life soon.", "Adam: Do you believe me?", "Sharon: (Sighs) I do. I do.", "Adam: (Inhales deeply) (Sighs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Billy: It's Victoria. I would just like to make her happy again.", "Adam: What are you scared of? That I'm really innocent?", "Phyllis: Terrified." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "At the Underground, Nick sees the woman who rescued him from the bear trap. Adam gets on the elevator and looks at the bracelet on his arm from his father. Victor gets on the elevator with him but is preoccupied with talking on the cell phone. Adam inquires if he is having trouble. Victor turns around and looks at him. Dylan looks at the poster advertising the rally to save the Coffeehouse and the other businesses that Joe and his associates are threatening to destroy. Avery walks in to join him. At the Athletic Club, Joe and Cane sit at a table going over the strategy for the meeting with the other tenants. Lily joins them and tells Joe that she is on to him. Chelsea and Connor take a walk in the park. At the Abbott home, Victoria asks Ben why he hesitates about them going out. Ben tells her that it is Ashley. Victoria suggests that he go back to the hospital since the charges against him have been dropped. Before Ben can elaborate on this suggestion, Jill and Billy arrive and are surprised to see Ben there. Avery admires her engagement ring. After a kiss or two, Avery tells Dylan that she has to meet with Nick to go over strategy for the custody hearing. Paul comes in to join them and tells them that he also has good news about him and Christine expecting a baby. Christine joins them. Jill begs Victoria to let her have a peek at the baby. Victoria and Jill go upstairs while Ben and Billy talk. Billy tells Ben that he is glad that the charges against him were dropped. Billy lets Ben know that he is at a good place right now with Chelsea. Nick asks Sage about the man he saw with her. In the park, Adam sees Chelsea with Connor.", "Joe sees Victor walk into the Athletic Club and sit down at the bar. Joe urges Cane to go over and talk to Victor about their rally. Reluctantly, Cane gets up and walks over to where Victor is. Joe comes on to Lily that she is the woman behind the man. Avery walks into the bar and interrupts Nick. Sage leaves. Nick tells Avery that she was the woman who saved him from the bear trap. Avery and Nick discuss the strategy they will use against Mr. Sherman. Avery lets Nick know that she and Dylan are engaged and asks for his blessing. Adam listens to Chelsea talk to Connor. Chelsea looks up and sees Adam. She asks, \"Don't I know you?\" Nick and Avery hug as he congratulates her on the engagement. Joe walks in on them. Paul, Christine, and Dylan discuss her possible pregnancy. Jill asks Billy why he didn't stay with Victoria and the baby. Billy lets her know that he is with Chelsea now. Adam hesitates from giving Chelsea a straight answer. Dylan walks into the Underground and upon seeing Joe tells him that he is the person he was looking for. Avery holds up her hand and shows Joe her engagement ring. Joe congratulates her. Christine is upset over Paul telling Dylan about the baby before she saw a doctor to confirm the pregnancy. Jill and Victor discuss Joe's proposition for the business district.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Yeah, just fit me in whenever. Sharon already had David Sherman in her living room, ready to beat our case into the ground. We got to be ready. Okay, cool. I'll see you soon.", "Sage: Excuse me, sir. Do you serve food here?", "Nick: It's you.", "Sage: Excuse me?", "Nick: From the woods. me out of that bear trap. You saved my life. It was you, wasn't it?", "[Cell phone rings]", "Victor: Yeah. So, what is the latest? Why the hell did I hire you? You get that job done. You got it? I don't give a damn what it takes.", "Adam: Sounds like you have a bit of a problem on your hands.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Avery: Looks great.", "Dylan: Hey, I didn't know you were stopping by.", "Avery: Well, I'm in between meetings, and I'm in need of a strong cup of coffee.", "Dylan: Oh, you just love me for my coffee.", "Avery: Among other things.", "Dylan: Like?", "Avery: Like you rallying the troops here. Where do I sign up?", "Dylan: Right here.", "Joe: This looks great. You know, this event's very important for us, so let's just make sure the appetizers and cocktails are flowing.", "Cane: Don't worry. You won't be disappointed with our food and beverage choices.", "Joe: Well, I hope I'm not disappointed at all. You still think we're fighting an uphill battle here?", "Cane: Well, it's like I told you -- it's gonna take a little bit to convince the players of this town to sign on to your redevelopment plan, because they are firmly entrenched in the city's history, and they don't like change.", "Joe: Well, we'll just have to convince them it's for the greater good.", "Cane: See, there you go again, saying \"we\" as if I'm part of your plan.", "Joe: You used to be a big player in this town, cane. Your word carries considerable amount of weight.", "Cane: Well, right now, I'm, uh -- I'm a little preoccupied organizing your little soiree.", "Joe: How long is this party planning gonna keep you satisfied? Look, I'm giving you an opportunity here to make a difference in this town's future -- in your future. So what's it gonna be? You on board?", "Lily: Don't answer him, cane. I'm onto you.", "Chelsea: It's Christmastime, and guess what that means. Santa Claus! Yeah. Santa. And once Billy gets here, we're gonna go meet him! Yeah. Doesn't that sound like fun, huh? Oh. [Breathes deeply] We are gonna have a good Christmas, buddy. I never would've believed that if you told me a few months ago, but... now we're gonna be a real family... thanks to Billy.", "Victoria: So, why the hesitation? I mean, I kind of thought that you would be, you know, excited that we were gonna try again. I was excited for us, but...", "Stitch: Victoria, you're right. There is something. It's Ashley.", "Victoria: Oh. Ashley Abbott. Um...okay. I wasn't expecting you to say that. So, what's going on?", "Stitch: You know how I've been spending a lot of time at the lab, putting in crazy hours? I mean, sometimes I barely have time to eat.", "Victoria: You're just afraid that you won't have time for a relationship.", "Stitch: No.", "Victoria: But you could just ask Ashley to maybe not work you so hard, cut back some of your hours.", "Stitch: No, no, no. I'm grateful for the work. I mean, at least I've been able to earn a living, for God sakes. [Chuckles]", "Victoria: Well, you could go back to work at the hospital now that the charges have been dropped, you know? I mean, I know that you'll still be pressed for time, but at least you'll be doing something that you love and might give you a whole new outlook on things.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Victoria: Oh, not now. Um, I'll just get rid of whoever it is.", "Jill: Hi! It's Grandma and Daddy!", "Victoria: Oh. Billy, Jill. Hi.", "Jill: I just couldn't wait one more minute to meet my new grandbaby.", "Victoria: Yeah, you know, now is not really the best time. I wish maybe you would've called first.", "Billy: Oh.", "Avery: It's so beautiful. I love my ring. It's exactly what I would've chosen for myself.", "Dylan: Have you told anybody yet?", "Avery: You know, I started to make a couple calls, but you just can't give incredible news like this over the phone!", "Dylan: What if we hire a sky writer?", "Avery: Ooh!", "Dylan: So then everybody in the world will know she said yes.", "Avery: Oh. As if there would be any other answer. Can you believe how happy we are? I thought I had lost you forever. Thought I was never gonna see you again, never gonna love like this again. You know, that first Christmas without you, I threw away the Christmas decorations. I didn't get a tree, I didn't listen to music...", "Dylan: We will this year. And every year after.", "Avery: Yes. Mmm. I should go. I have to meet Nick and talk about the custody case.", "Dylan: Okay. Well, thanks for stopping by.", "Avery: Yes, my pleasure. I wish everybody could be as happy as we are right now.", "Dylan: Mm.", "Paul: Let me guess -- you won the lotto.", "Dylan: Better.", "Avery: [Laughs]", "Paul: You're serious!", "Avery: [Laughing] Yes!", "Jill: Congratulations, honey. I was so thrilled when I found out that she was healthy... and that she was Billy's, of course. I'm sorry. Some things are just meant to be.", "Billy: Subtle, isn't she?", "Stitch: Maybe, uh -- maybe it's best if I go.", "Victoria: No, no, no. You don't have to go. You shouldn't feel unwelcome.", "Jill: Unless you really want to go.", "Victoria: Maybe you and Billy should go. I mean, Katherine's sleeping anyway.", "Jill: Victoria, I am her grandmother. I have never seen her. Please. Just a glimpse, just a peek! We've lost a lot this last year. This new little life, and she's a namesake of Katherine's and Delia's. Please, it would mean so much to me.", "Victoria: Okay. Of course. Yes. Fine. We won't be long.", "Billy: Look, uh, sorry for just dropping in, but when my mom gets her mind set on something, you know, it's...", "Stitch: Eh, she's a proud grandmother. You know, I can't blame her for that.", "Billy: Oh, I, uh, heard from Chelsea that she convinced her dad to drop the lawsuit against the hospital.", "Stitch: Yeah, that was a standup thing she did, you know, going to bat for me like that.", "Billy: Must be a hell of a relief to have a clean slate again.", "Stitch: Yeah, it is.", "Billy: Listen, I'm, uh... I'm glad for you.", "Stitch: Thanks? [Chuckles]", "Billy: Look, man, I know that you and I are probably never gonna be friends, but I'm in a -- I'm in a good place, and maybe these holidays will be a chance for it to be a... a restart for everyone.", "Victor: Do I know you?", "Adam: Uh, no, I -- I don't think so. But everybody knows the famous Victor Newman.", "Victor: You sure you don't... remember you and I meeting somewhere?", "Adam: No, no, no, I, uh... would've remembered that, for sure. Sir.", "Victor: Right. After you.", "Adam: No, I -- I insist.", "Nick: I'd know your face anywhere. I remember looking into those eyes and just being so... incredibly grateful.", "Sage: That was me. [Chuckles]", "Nick: It was you.", "Sage: Yeah. That was me.", "Nick: Uh, thank you, uh, for everything. I mean, if you hadn't come along...", "Sage: Oh, yeah, I just -- I just called 911.", "Nick: Yeah, the paramedics said that somebody had stopped the bleeding and put a scarf around me.", "Sage: I just did what anybody would do. I'm really very glad that the paramedics came and found you in time.", "Nick: Well, that makes two of us.", "[Both chuckle]", "Nick: I'm Nick Newman.", "Sage: Oh. It's nice to meet you. Again meet you -- officially this time.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Sage: How is your leg?", "Nick: Uh, it's still there. That's all that matters, right?", "Sage: Yeah.", "Nick: I still cannot believe I stepped into a bear trap.", "Sage: Yeah, I know.", "Nick: Getting a lot of laughs about that, actually. Aren't those things illegal?", "Sage: Yes, I think they are illegal. That was a relic. I thought they cleared all those bear traps out of there.", "Nick: Well, they missed that one.", "Sage: Yeah. What were you doing there, all by yourself, walking around?", "Nick: Just looking for something.", "Sage: Did you find it?", "Nick: Well, let's put it this way -- it was definitely not what I was expecting. And you?", "Sage: What?", "Nick: Well, how did you end out there, just when I needed you?", "Sage: Oh, I -- I was just, uh, jogging. I jog.", "Nick: With your dog?", "Sage: My what?", "Nick: There was a dog out there. Stayed with me the whole time till you showed up.", "Sage: Oh. That must've been your guardian angel, looking down on you, helping you.", "Nick: Yeah, and there's one down here, obviously.", "Sage: [Chuckles]", "Nick: I went looking for you afterwards.", "Sage: You did.", "Nick: I came across this spooky old mansion. I mean, it was straight out of \"psycho.\" Mrs. Bates actually answered the door.", "Sage: [Laughs] She did?", "Nick: Yeah, this old lady in a wheelchair. I asked her if she knew you. She said she didn't know anyone by that description. But she wasn't telling the truth, was she?", "Victoria: Wow. Look who woke up.", "Jill: Well, this was not my fault, okay? Not counting my ooh'ing and cooing over her, of course.", "Billy: Mm.", "Jill: Oh, sweetheart. You're just gonna have to get used to how grandma's gonna embarrass you in front of all your friends by going on and on about how wonderful my Katherine rose is.", "Billy: Your Katherine rose?", "Jill: [Laughs]", "Billy: I guess we had nothing to do with that.", "Jill: I just hope you get the best characteristics of both your namesakes. I hope you get Delia's joy and enthusiasm and Katherine's strength and courage. I could do without her bad attitude, though.", "Billy: Leave it to Mom to put it all into perspective.", "Jill: True.", "Victoria: Oh, let me get a picture of you guys with the baby.", "Jill: Oh, great. But we all need to be in it. Stitch can take it.", "Victoria: Uh...", "Jill: Maybe back here by the tree?", "Stitch: No problem. Yeah.", "Jill: Victoria, back here by the tree.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah, sure, sure.", "Jill: Do you have a little digestive upset? Is that what you're having?", "Victoria: [Chuckles]", "Jill: Okay. Great. And now one with the proud parents, okay?", "Victoria: Okay.", "Jill: Good. Stitch, you can take this one, too. Okay. Close together. Close together. Smile! Perfect.", "Stitch: There we go.", "Lily: It's not gonna work. You can sit here and schmooze my husband all day long, but he's not gonna help you carve up this town.", "Joe: I'm trying to revitalize it, lily.", "Lily: No, you're trying to make money. That's why you're having this cocktail party here -- to line up support before Dylan can hold a rally to stop you.", "Cane: See? You got her all riled up.", "Joe: What's wrong with making money? You as a businesswoman, I think, would appreciate that.", "Lily: I do appreciate it, but I also appreciate tradition. And if you tear it down, you're losing something irreplaceable. And that is bad for business.", "Joe: So, how about it? Is she speaking for you?", "Cane: Lily and I are a team, and you should never forget that.", "Joe: Duly noted. And given my past with relationships, well, I'm inspired by you two. It's nice to see a couple that actually loves and respects one another.", "Paul: Congratulations! I couldn't be happier.", "Avery: Oh! Well, we're pretty happy ourselves.", "Paul: Yeah. So what took you so long?", "Dylan: We had a few little obstacles to overcome.", "Avery: Yes, just a few.", "Dylan: Yes.", "Paul: But here you are -- you made it.", "Dylan: We did. And now if we can stop this redevelopment project from moving forward, we would have everything we could possibly ask for.", "Avery: It's going to happen.", "Dylan: I know, because I'm on a winning streak.", "Avery: Yes.", "Paul: Yeah.", "Christine: Hey.", "Paul: Oh, hi! You're not the only one. Go ahead. You're just in time.", "Dylan: Avery and I are engaged.", "Christine: Oh, my gosh! That's so great!", "Paul: Isn't that fabulous?", "Christine: So great.", "Paul: Chris and I have an announcement of our own. We're gonna have a baby.", "Nick: I mean, everything was fine, at first. But then she started getting nervous or something and started covering. What I can't figure out is why she would do that.", "Sage: She just gets confused sometimes. It happens, unfortunately.", "Nick: So, you do know her.", "Sage: Yes, I do. I live very close by, and sometimes she gets confused, and I just lend a helping hand when I can.", "Nick: Well, you're good at that.", "Sage: Oh, gosh. Oh, my gosh. It has gotten really, really late.", "Nick: Well, you came in here looking for something to eat.", "Sage: I know, and I forgot that I was meeting a friend of mine, so it was really nice to meet you -- for the third time.", "Nick: Wait. Hold up, though. Before you go, I just have -- I have -- I got one more question for you. Um... the night you found me... you weren't alone, right? There was someone else with you that was a guy? Who was he?", "Adam: Hey, it's 2:00. Does that ring a bell, or did you forget you're supposed to meet me at the park? Anyway, I'm, uh -- I'm gonna wait around here for you for a couple more minutes. If I don't see or hear from you, then you're gonna have to find your own way back to... back to the house.", "Cane: Thank you very much.", "Joe: Well, looks like providence is on our side. This is a great opportunity.", "Lily: What, for you to invite Victor to your party?", "Joe: For cane to.", "Cane: How did I get roped into all this?", "Joe: He'd be more inclined to listen to you.", "Lily: Okay. Do you really want to get in the middle of all this? You say that you're on my side --", "Joe: Which is to remain neutral, which, from my understanding, doesn't jeopardize that. I'm simply asking cane to extend an invitation. Mr. Newman can accept or not.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Cane: Excuse me, Victor. Would you mind if I join you?", "Victor: Hello, cane. I just ordered. I have a minute. Sit down.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Lily: You know, he is really going out of his way to help you. It's just, there's a lot of bad blood there. Victor practically forced him to quit chancellor.", "Joe: Well, you think he regrets it? I mean, look at him. He's in his element, lily.", "Lily: Well, seems like you're in your element, too, trying to recruit cane and me.", "Joe: Look, it's no secret that I wouldn't want you two on my team, all right? Cane's a proven asset. And you know what they say -- behind every great man is an extraordinary woman.", "Nick: I don't mean to put you on the spot. But if there was a guy there, I'd -- I'd like to thank him, too. Maybe I imagined that, as well.", "Avery: Hi.", "Nick: Hey.", "Avery: Oh, I hope I'm not too early.", "Sage: No, not at all. I was just leaving. Stay out of those bear traps.", "Nick: I'll try. You may not have seen them, but that woman's got a set of wings on her.", "Avery: Wait. Was that the woman who saved you?", "Nick: It is. She walked right into my bar? Can you believe that?", "Avery: What's her name?", "Nick: Uh... you know, she never said. But I got to thank her for everything she did and tell her how much I appreciate it.", "Avery: Ah. Well, we should get down to business.", "Nick: Yeah. The sooner the better. Let's have a seat. [Chuckles]", "Avery: Sure.", "Nick: Um, so, I can't tell you how furious I was to come to Sharon's house and find her and David Sherman talking about the case with Faith in that house. I wanted to hand this guy his teeth on a platter. But I didn't, because, you know, cooler heads prevailed.", "Avery: Good. Violence is not the way to solve this.", "Nick: Yeah, I know we're in a good position here, and I don't want to blow it.", "Avery: Exactly. Now, here is the motion that we talked about. I'm ready to file it, as soon as you sign off on it.", "Nick: Whoa. What do you got going on here? Something you want to tell me about?", "Avery: Um, yeah. Just something I picked up in a gumball machine.", "Nick: Must've been a pretty expensive gumball machine. So Dylan finally popped the question?", "Avery: I hope we have your blessing.", "Nick: Of course, you do. But I do think my brother is punching way over his weight.", "Avery: [Chuckles] Well, I'm pretty lucky myself.", "Nick: Eh, you're both lucky. A lot of people go their whole lives without finding what you and Dylan have.", "Chelsea: Wasn't that fun visiting with Santa Claus? Hmm? I can't wait until Christmas morning when he brings you lots of presents. But you do know Christmas is not just about getting presents. Right? It's about love and life and hope. It's about the first big snowfall and tasting the snowflakes on your tongue, and... sleighing down the hill and making snow angels. Hmm? Watching everybody ice skate on the frozen pond. Keeping warm with hot chocolate. But mostly, Christmas is about family, hmm? I know you.", "Victoria: That's impossible. I don't see it.", "Billy: No, look -- right here. You see how the corners of her mouth are curling up? She's smiling.", "Jill: Well, I don't know if Katie's smiling, but look at the two of you. You're sure smiling. [Chuckles] Oh, would you e-mail me these tomorrow?", "Victoria: Yes, I will, tomorrow, when I have more time.", "Billy: I think that is our cue to leave.", "Jill: Honey, honey, why don't you stay and help Victoria with the baby?", "Victoria: Um, Ben can stay, actually. Right?", "Stitch: Yeah, if you -- if you'd like.", "Jill: Yeah, but there's really nothing like a father's touch.", "Victoria: Well, I'm sure that we'll have plenty of opportunity for that.", "Jill: Oh. All right, little sweetie. Daddy's gonna come back and see you real soon.", "Billy: Yeah, you can count on it. Daddy loves you.", "Jill: [Chuckles]", "Billy: Hey, thanks for this, and I'll see you later. Uh, I guess that goes for you, too.", "Jill: Not necessarily.", "[Door closes]", "Stitch: So, is Billy right? Will he be seeing me here soon?", "Victoria: You know that's what I want.", "Stitch: You know, all I can think about is looking through that window and seeing you and Billy and Katie together, and...", "Victoria: So don't think about that. You know? That has no bearing on us. We can do this, Ben. I know we can make it. Right? Right?", "Stitch: Yeah.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Stitch: Okay.", "Victoria: Now, what did you want to tell me?", "Stitch: Um...", "Stitch: I'm not quite sure how to tell you this.", "Victoria: Take your time. I'm not going anywhere.", "Stitch: There is a secret I'm keeping from you.", "Victoria: About Ashley.", "Stitch: Ashley and the project we're working on, um... I know your dad is desperate for details, and he might ask you to get them from me, and I can't do it, Victoria. I can't share any of this with you.", "Victoria: [Chuckles] Hold on a second. Is that what you're worried about?", "Stitch: Yeah. You know, sometimes these kind of things can break people up.", "Victoria: Yeah, I guess, if you can't separate the professional from the personal, but I can, so... I don't think that we have anything standing in our way.", "Stitch: No, I guess not.", "Victoria: Good. So, now that that's settled, I'd like to get back to the original topic that we were discussing -- that romantic date that I was talking about.", "Stitch: Yeah. Did you have anything in mind?", "Victoria: Yes, actually, I did, and since you haven't asked me, Ben Russell, what are doing on new year's eve?", "Nick: So, when's the big day?", "Avery: Oh, we haven't set one yet. But, uh, I didn't come here to talk about my engagement. We have a lot of business to do, and, you know, I charge by the hour, so the quicker we do this, the less it's gonna cost you.", "Nick: Well, I know what you're doing, and I know why you're doing it, but you don't have to.", "Avery: What do you mean?", "Nick: You don't have to feel guilty about your happiness with Dylan just because me and Sharon didn't work out. You and Dylan deserve this. I mean, you've been through hell to get here.", "Avery: It's definitely been a long road.", "Nick: And look where it's taking you -- to the best place possible. You two have passed every test thrown at you, you've proved that you belong together. And don't let anyone or anybody come between you.", "Avery: Thank you, Nick. Thank you.", "Joe: Well, if this is a stroll down memory lane, you mind if I join?", "Paul: Here's to marriage.", "Dylan: I'll drink to that. And Avery would, too, if she didn't have to take off.", "Paul: And one more toast to a baby on the way.", "Christine: Okay. You keep saying that, but we don't know for sure.", "Paul: Well, the home-pregnancy test says it is.", "Christine: We need a doctor to confirm it.", "Paul: Here's to confirmation, then.", "Dylan: To confirmation. Well, if that happens and I can fight off the developers, we're gonna have a lot to celebrate this Christmas.", "Paul: Well, let's hope Santa gives us everything we want. Right, sweetheart?", "Christine: Right.", "Jill: I don't know why you didn't insist on staying with Victoria. I mean, Katie is your child, Billy. She's not Dr. Buttinski's.", "Billy: Stitch didn't seem like he was butting in, at least not in Victoria's eyes.", "Jill: Well, that's because she's not thinking straight. You've got to do something about this.", "Billy: Oh, not this again.", "Jill: Yes, this again. I'm gonna keep saying it until you listen to me.", "Billy: Well, there's nothing to listen to, okay? Victoria divorced me. There is no future for us.", "Jill: That was before Katie was born. Children change everything.", "Billy: You make it sound so simple.", "Jill: Oh, but it could be so simple, if only you and Victoria weren't so proud and pigheaded. Honey, if you don't watch out, both of you are gonna end up with the wrong people. Stitch is no more good for her than Chelsea is for you.", "Billy: Oh. Chelsea... we're supposed to be taking Connor to go see Santa, and -- and they're probably already there.", "Jill: Well, I'm supposed to meet Colin at the club. You don't see me running off. This is more important, Billy.", "Billy: What's more important is me not screwing up yet another relationship.", "Jill: Billy, please --", "Billy: Mom, I will always love Victoria, and we will always have the kids to bond us, but look at me. My life is with Chelsea now.", "Chelsea: I'm sure of it. I recognize you from somewhere. I just can't place it. Hello? Can you help me out here?", "Adam: You're right. We have seen each other before.", "Adam: You and I go way back.", "Chelsea: We do?", "Adam: All the way back to the other day at the Genoa City athlete's club?", "Chelsea: Oh, Athletic Club.", "Adam: Athletic Club. Thank you. No, I'm sorry. I'm not from around here. But anyway, you were there, and you were waiting on somebody else across the room.", "Chelsea: And you caught my eye, yeah. Yeah, I remember. Small world, huh?", "Adam: Very. Very small.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Adam: That's a very handsome young man you have there.", "Chelsea: Thank you. What do we say to the nice man, huh? Can we say thank you? Huh?", "Billy: Hey. Sorry I'm late.", "Chelsea: That's okay. Hi. Look who's here.", "Billy: Still time to see Santa?", "Chelsea: Oh! Well, I hate to break it to you, but he couldn't wait any longer, so I took him myself, but you will be very proud. He was the only kid that did not cry on Santa's lap.", "Billy: Way to go, buddy. You're a rock star.", "Chelsea: Yeah, he's getting all the compliments today. This gentleman was just saying how handsome he... where'd he go?", "Billy: Good job.", "Cane: All we're asking is that you come to the cocktail party and you hear the sales pitch.", "Victor: Hmm. I thought you said you had no interest in this. Yet you just included yourself in that statement.", "Cane: Did I? Must've been a slip of the tongue.", "Victor: Really? I'll be damned. Okay.", "Cane: So? Will you come to the party, yes or no?", "Victor: Tell your people that I have some interest in the redevelopment of the warehouse district. I'll think about it, okay?", "Cane: Thank you very much.", "Victor: Yep.", "Cane: Enjoy your lunch.", "Victor: Thank you. Good day.", "Cane: Certainly.", "Jill: Victor, I couldn't help but overhear. And if you're not careful, you're gonna be on the wrong side of history.", "Victor: Well, I haven't yet been on the wrong side of history, and I don't plan to be.", "Cane: Where did Joe go?", "Lily: I don't know. Probably to reel in some other victim. He tried to seduce me again. And from the looks of it, it seems like he's doing the same with you.", "Nick: You are interrupting an attorney-client conversation, slick.", "Joe: Well, that's an interesting way of conducting business. I'm not criticizing. I'm just saying more should follow suit.", "Avery: Oh, as opposed to the away you do business -- by strong-arming people into lying.", "Joe: I wouldn't consider hosting a cocktail party strong-arming. In fact, that's why I'm here -- to extend an invite. Maybe you could stop by and listen to our side of the argument.", "Nick: I'm busy.", "Joe: You know, your father may be there.", "Avery: That's not exactly an incentive for Nick.", "Nick: Yeah, my father and I, we may share the same last name, but we rarely share the same views. See, in my world, people come before profits.", "Joe: Yeah, in my world, they're not mutually exclusive.", "Nick: Yeah, well, you can say it all you want, but I know better. So you can take your invitation and --", "Joe: And go to hell.", "Nick: You don't have to do that. I want you to beat it.", "Dylan: I'd rather he didn't. Just the guy I was hoping to see.", "Paul: So, on a scale of 1 to 10 -- 1 being \"not at all\" and 10 being, uh... \"divorce papers are in the mail\"... how badly did I screw up?", "Christine: Do you really want to know?", "Paul: Well, yeah, or I wouldn't ask.", "Christine: I just wish you hadn't said anything to anyone.", "Christine: It's not anyone. He's my son.", "Christine: I know, but we agreed that we would wait to find out for sure if I was pregnant.", "Paul: Honestly, that was my intention. I, uh... I just got carried away. I was so thrilled that Dylan and Avery are engaged, I wanted to share our excitement about a baby.", "Christine: Okay. But what if...", "Paul: Oh. Come here. [Breathes deeply] Look, I'm sorry. I know I jumped the gun. And I know there is a slight chance that there is a false-positive. I hope that's not the case, but if it is... the good news is, we can keep on trying. Okay?", "Christine: Okay.", "Dylan: You'll want to hear this, too. At least, I hope you will.", "Nick: Well, if you're talking about what I think you're talking about, I've already seen the evidence, and I wholeheartedly approve.", "Joe: Evidence?", "Nick: Yeah. Must've set you back quite a pretty penny, man. I'm proud of you. I'm behind you all the way.", "Dylan: Thanks.", "Joe: What is this? About the protest? What, did you hire some people to show up?", "Avery: That won't be necessary. The rally's gonna be huge.", "Nick: You really can't see what's happening here? You must be just too focused on tearing up our neighborhoods.", "Joe: Okay. I give up. What am I missing? Congratulations. I mean it. I've always wanted you to be happy, Avery, and if... Dylan does that for you, then so be it. I wish you both all the luck in the world.", "Victor: Thank you. I'm surprised at you. Always thought of you as the savvy businesswoman. And yet now you tell me you're interested in... some tired old buildings?", "Jill: It's not the buildings, Victor -- not per se. It's the people in the buildings. It's...people who've worked there for years -- for generations, some of them.", "Victor: All right. And?", "Jill: Well, you tear those down, you eliminate everything that makes Genoa City Genoa City", "Victor: Since when have you become such a sentimentalist?", "Jill: Since Katherine died.", "Victor: Mm.", "Jill: See, I just... I want to know that there's something lasting in this world, you know? That we don't just move forward and forget everything that came before. 'Cause it's people that matter. It's what they left us that matters. I mean, how would you feel if they tore Katherine's plaque off Chancellor Park and changed the name...", "Victor: Mnh-mnh.", "Jill: ...Or if, a hundred years from now, nobody ever remembered the name Newman Enterprises?", "Victor: No one will tear down Katherine's plaque at chancellor park. And no one will forget Newman Enterprises.", "Jill: Well, they will if these shortsighted developers keep on getting their way.", "Victor: Well, then I suggest you talk to your stepson. 'Cause I think he has more than a passing interest in that whole project, don't you?", "Jill: Listen, honey.", "Victor: What?", "Jill: Family members don't always agree, do they? You ought to know that better than anybody.", "Victor: Are we finished?", "Jill: I just want to tell you that if cane wants to back his friend, I got no argument with that. But me? I feel a great loyalty to Genoa City -- past, present, and future.", "Victor: Really? And I don't?", "Jill: Well, does that mean you're gonna stay out of this mess?", "Victor: What it means is that this conversation is finished.", "Jill: [Chuckling]", "Victor: You have a good day.", "Jill: You too.", "Victor: All right.", "Victoria: That was really sweet of you, singing Katie to sleep like that.", "Stitch: You think she liked my Elvis imitation?", "Victoria: Yeah. How could she not? You're so good at it.", "Stitch: [As Elvis] Oh, well, thank you very much.", "Victoria: And thank you for, um, you know, taking those pictures before.", "Stitch: Well, it's not like Jill gave me much choice.", "Victoria: Not really.", "Stitch: Besides, they were beautiful.", "Victoria: But there was somebody missing.", "Stitch: Yeah?", "Victoria: I want a picture of us.", "Stitch: Oh, no, no, no. Come on, come on. The camera hates me.", "Victoria: You're gorgeous. What are you talking about? Stop being so modest. Come on. Get in the shot. Let's see. Aww! Now, see? That's cute.", "Stitch: Look at that face. Look at that goofy smile.", "Victoria: It's not goofy. Your little smile, your corners are turning. You look like Elvis. It's so sexy. I like it.", "Stitch: Do you?", "Victoria: Uh-huh.", "Billy: Oh, I'm sorry I missed the big moment. It's not every day that a kid meets St. Nick for the first time. So, what did you think about that beard, huh? Should I grow one like that?", "Chelsea: No, I don't think so. Hi! Here, let me grab him.", "Billy: You got him?", "Chelsea: Yeah. [Grunts] Boop boop!", "Billy: Well, I'm sorry, bud. I would've liked to have been there, but I had a meeting myself.", "Chelsea: Was it a work thing?", "Billy: It's my mom. She just insisted that she couldn't wait another minute to meet her new grandchild.", "Chelsea: So you were at Victoria's?", "Billy: Uh, yeah. Stitch was there, and he stayed after I left.", "Chelsea: Hmm. How do you feel about that?", "Billy: Well, if Victoria wants to have him as a part of her life, then who am I to argue? As long as we're clear on who Katie's father is... we're all good.", "Chelsea: We are all good, aren't we?", "Billy: Yeah, we are. Come on, family.", "Chelsea: I think he's getting tired now. Yeah, somebody needs a nappy. Somebody needs a nappy, huh? You're such a good boy. Yeah. Yeah, you are. Yeah, you are.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kelly: All that year asleep did for Phyllis was give her an excuse to be an even bigger bitch than she was before.", "Dylan: You go back to Jabot, and you get your job back.", "Joe: You're making a mistake marrying Dylan McAvoy." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jack prepares to tell the world all that Victor did but when it comes time for the press conference, Jack changes his mind. Victor takes the microphone and tells the press that he's recently acquired some money and Newman Enterprises will soon be on top again. Phyllis and Ashley tell Jack he did the right thing. Victoria tells Billy, again, that it's over between them. Nikki arrives. The kids wake up and Victoria goes upstairs to attend to them while Nikki tells Billy she can't help him this time. Victor interrupts them and tells Billy that Jack settled. Billy leaves and goes to Jabot where Jack and Phyllis are kissing. Jack tells Billy that he will always be an Abbott but he will never work for Jabot again. Billy leaves and Phyllis tries to follow but Jack says it doesn't always have to be Phyllis to console Billy. Ben tells Abby that he told Ashley that he loved her but he didn't mean it, he thought they were going to die. Abby tells Ben there isn't going to be a wedding. She joins Ashley at GCAC and confronts her. Ashley has the same story as Ben. Ben goes to the coffee house to talk to Dylan. When he returns to GCAC, he promises Abby that he will spend the rest of his life proving that she is the one he loves. She agrees to go ahead with the wedding. Michael shows up to Victoria's house while the family is celebrating Christmas. Victor signs the paperwork and wants to celebrate getting the money from the Abbotts. No one else feels like celebrating. Ashley walks through the park and gets a phone call. The money was transferred to Victor's account. Ashley feels pain in her head and collapses in the snow.", "" ]
[ "Stitch: When Ashley and I were together, trapped in that fire, I... we shared a moment.", "Abby: Okay, um... a moment. Um... what -- what kind of -- of moment? Like -- like a -- like a sex moment? Did you have sex with my mom in the rubble?", "Stitch: Abby, okay, this is-- it isn't about sex. But I told your mother I loved her.", "Ashley: You don't have to do this, Jackie.", "Jack: I want him to pay.", "Ashley: But what cost?", "Michael: You ready? Let's go. All right, everyone, please.", "Victor: You stop him right now, okay? He thinks by telling the truth, he'll be a hero. If he reveals the story about Marco, this will bring ruin to all of us.", "Phyllis: Sounds to me like somebody's really afraid to spend the rest of his life in prison.", "Victor: I know you would love to see me behind prison walls. But if I go, so will your husband.", "Phyllis: Victor, I tried to stop him, okay? I did. But apparently he is all about the truth. So, if I were you, I would pack a bag and get out of town.", "Victor: You know that's not gonna happen. That's ridiculous.", "Jack: As you may know, jabot and Newman enterprises have been under siege by a computer virus. The full story of destruction, though, cannot be told in balance sheets or quarterly reports or facts and figures. I've called this press conference to tell you the whole story.", "Sharon: And, sully, what do you want Santa to bring you for your first Christmas? [Chuckles]", "Faith: You always talk to him and ask him questions.", "Sharon: Well, yeah.", "Faith: He can't answer.", "Sharon: Well, I did the same thing for you when you were his age. It's good for babies to hear people talk to them. It helps their brains grow when they hear language.", "Faith: Oh. It helps him?", "Sharon: Absolutely. [Chuckles]", "Faith: You think if I had talked to baby Christian, he wouldn't have died?", "Sharon: No. No, sweetie. That was -- that was just something else. Have you been thinking about Christian?", "Faith: Yeah. I never even got to meet him. But I loved him. I would have been the best big sister ever.", "Sharon: I know you would have. And it's okay to be sad. I'm sad about it, too. But you have this baby brother who loves you very, very much.", "Faith: I wish Christian were here. But I'm so glad we have sully. We're really lucky, aren't we, mommy?", "Dylan: [Clears throat]", "Billy: Just one more chance. Just one. I'm begging you, okay?", "[Knock on door]", "[Door opens]", "Nikki: Hi, darling! Don't you just love this time of year? I can feel the joy in the air.", "Billy: Yeah. Oh, hey, you, uh, you want me to take those from you?", "Nikki: Thank you. Yes. Thank you.", "Victoria: Weren't you just on your way out?", "Nikki: Oh, oh, Billy's leaving?", "Victoria: Yeah, well, something came up.", "Nikki: And I'm right in the middle of it, aren't I?", "Billy: Something did come up, Nikki. Um... my future, my life with Victoria, it's all up in the air.", "Victoria: Billy, now's not a good time.", "Billy: You know what? That's not true, 'cause now is the perfect time. It's Christmas. It's -- it's about faith, it's about family. You and I got married once on Christmas eve, and I'm believing in us, okay?", "Jack: I'm very proud of jabot cosmetics, a company my father started that our family carries on to this day -- respecting his vision, cherishing, protecting his legacy, and doing our very best to emulate the integrity for which our father was well-known. John Abbott was a very courageous man. His high ideals, though, were sometimes difficult to live up to.", "Michael: It's okay. I'm here.", "Phyllis: I can't believe he's doing this to me, Michael.", "Jack: Sometimes courage is as simple as not being afraid to shine light on the truth, no matter how painful, no matter how detrimental to business as usual. Then again, sometimes... ...sometimes courage is about facing adversity head on with dignity... and grace. Something I learned about from my wife. I apologize. There will be no announcement today. Hey, hey. What the hell do you think you're doing?", "Victor: The press came to hear a story today. I have a hell of a scoop for them.", "Victoria: Christmas or no, you've lied to me for the last time. I can't do this anymore, Billy. I won't do it. Why don't you just leave before the kids wake up?", "Nikki: Why don't I go up and check on the children?", "Victoria: No, mom, there's no need. Billy was on his way out.", "Billy: A chance, Vick. That is all I'm asking.", "Victoria: I have given you so many chances. More than I can count. And we always end up right back here with you asking for more chances. So, no more.", "Billy: Look, I did. I lied to you, and I admit that. And I am so sorry for that.", "Victoria: I asked you to your face if you were planning something against my father, and you lied to me repeatedly. You said no.", "Billy: Don't let my mistake ruin what we could have. Victoria, look at me. I love you. And I love our family. And I know how much happiness we could have. Come on.", "Victoria: You should have thought of that when you were lying to me, maybe on your way to the casino or playing the cards or gambling the horses or, oh, let's please not forget the DUI., Billy.", "Billy: Oh, no, no, let's not forget the DUI., Right, 'cause that is unforgivable -- all of it unforgivable. But your dad, who has you arrested on our wedding day and pits you against your brother and your sister and lies to you at every turn -- oh, and there -- there's some whoppers in that collection, aren't there? That's all fine, right? 'Cause that's dear, old dad. He gets a fresh chance every time. Answer me this, Victoria. How can you have more faith in Victor than you do in me?", "Victoria: Okay, let's not drag my dad into this, all right?", "Billy: How can I not? It's impossible. The man has his hand in every aspect of our lives!", "Victoria: You see, that's our problem. You hate my father more than you love me and the children, and that's why we're done, Billy!", "Billy: Want to take a shot, Nikki? Go ahead.", "Nikki: I have no right to say one word.", "Abby: You're -- you're in love with my mom?", "Stitch: No. No, no, no, no, I'm not. Definitely not.", "Abby: But -- but -- but you just said that...", "Stitch: No, no. Listen. Listen to me. Hold on. I said the words. At the time, I thought we were gonna die. You know, I didn't mean it.", "Abby: But -- but you said it.", "Stitch: Look, there -- there was -- there was a lot of smoke. Not a lot of oxygen. Ashley and I were trying to stay alive, wondering if we were gonna make it. We just -- we just had a connection.", "Abby: Yeah, a love connection.", "Stitch: No, it was -- listen to me. It was -- it was -- it was a moment, okay? But what you -- the way I feel about you, this is forever. You and I are forever.", "Abby: Hmm. Except -- except for that -- that moment. Yeah, are there any other moments that I should know about? [Sniffles]", "Stitch: I love you. And I want to respect what we have. I want to start our life together with no doubts and no shadows.", "Abby: Oh, my God. [Sniffles] Does my mom believe you? Does she think that you're in love with her? Is that why she's so -- so into this wedding, making it happen so fast? Because she wants to be the bride? Is my mom in love with you?", "Ashley: This is not good.", "Phyllis: What the hell is Victor up to?", "Jack: Walk away, Victor. Consider yourself very lucky the truth did not come out today.", "Victor: I'm indeed feeling very lucky. Jack Abbott is giving up. Wouldn't be the first time.", "Jack: I had more than myself to look out for. People I care about were involved. But you wouldn't understand that.", "Victor: I understand completely. You capitulated on all fronts, didn't you? Wise decision. And thank you for the $500 million that you invested in my company. Now let me tell me you, the public the good story. I guess my former partner disappointed you because he had promised a good story to tell. But I have a hell of a story to tell. In spite of the devastating fire that brought down Newman towers and in spite of the even more devastating virus that penetrated our computer system unleashed by ruthless, unconscionable competitors, Newman enterprises has now just accrued enough money to restart its business. And we shall soar right back to the top where we belong.", "Sharon: Faith has really been looking forward to decorating the tree at Victoria's.", "Faith: And the cookies.", "Dylan: Oh, there's the cookies. One-track mind, kid.", "Sharon: Thanks for taking her.", "Faith: Oh, I have to get my reindeer apron.", "Dylan: Well, I got to run, all right? I'll be at the coffeehouse if you need anything.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Nick: See you, bud.", "Dylan: See you.", "Sharon: Um, so what you walked in on earlier, faith really loved Christian, and she's sad. She misses him. And I'm sorry if that was awkward.", "Nick: No, it's not awkward at all. You know, there's... there's nothing awkward about missing people you love.", "Sharon: How you doing?", "Nick: Sage moved out.", "Sharon: Oh. I'm sorry.", "Nick: Yeah. I've been on the other side of it, you know. After Cassie died, I... I left you, our marriage.", "Sharon: I'm really sorry that you're going through this. No one should have to grieve the loss of two children in one lifetime.", "Nick: Doesn't get any easier. I'm trying to be a better man. I want to treat sage better than I treated you.", "Sharon: You're one of the best men I know, Nick. But even the best men aren't immune to feeling pain from loss of people they loved.", "Faith: Mommy, I can't find my apron.", "Sharon: Okay, we'll look together. I'll be right back.", "Nick: Okay.", "[Sully fussing]", "Nick: Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Come here. Okay. That's okay. Come here. Oh, that's okay. Oh, that's okay. Hi. It's okay. I know. It's okay, buddy. This is supposed to be the time of sweet dreams and happily ever afters, you know?", "[Sully crying]", "Nick: It's okay. It's okay.", "Stitch: Your mother is not in love with me, okay? She doesn't want to marry me. It's -- it's nothing like that.", "Abby: Maybe she didn't say those actual words, but -- [Sniffles] But she has feelings for you, doesn't she? You guys slept together.", "Stitch: Once.", "Abby: Maybe she hasn't gotten over it. Maybe this whole time, she's had a thing for you. Oh, my God. I cannot believe that those words just came out of my mouth.", "Stitch: Ashley does not have a thing for me.", "Abby: [Sniffles] You know, I've noticed something between you two. A weirdness. [Scoffs] Now it all makes sense. Unless you're gonna deny it. But since we're all about truth and honesty...", "Stitch: Okay, yeah, it -- it -- it's been awkward at times, but Ashley and I are good. She knows how much I love you.", "Abby: When you proposed to me, she said, \"oh, it's too soon,\" that we hadn't been together long enough and that I had -- I had a bad track record. Translation -- I was gonna mess this up. No, not this time. You messed this up. You and my mom.", "Stitch: Okay, nothing is messed up, abs.", "Abby: Hmm.", "Stitch: Okay? I just -- I'm just trying -- trying to be honest.", "Abby: Yeah, yeah. Straight to the heart. Thank you so much.", "Stitch: Okay, I didn't tell you this to hurt you. I told you this so I'd get it right! Build our marriage on honesty!", "Abby: Marriage? [Scoffs] What marriage? You think there's gonna be a wedding after this?", "Jack: No comment.", "Phyllis: Thank you. Thank you.", "Ashley: I'm so relieved. Jackie, what changed your mind?", "Jack: I don't know. I-I knew I had the truth on my side, but I saw my wife and I realized sometimes it isn't as important to beat your enemy as it is to protect your loved ones.", "Victor: Meanwhile you saved yourself years behind bars.", "Ashley: Jack saved you, too, Victor, but he's not gonna hold his breath and wait for a thank you.", "Michael: All right, jack. Where do you and jabot go from here? I can respond to the Newman lawsuit this afternoon.", "Jack: No, no lawsuits, no fighting. We go with Ashley's deal. $500 million. And the lawsuit is dropped.", "Phyllis: Jack, jabot can't take a hit like that.", "Jack: We will be challenged. No doubt about it.", "Ashley: It's not gonna be the first time. We can do this together. You know, Victor, just because you got money in your pocket does not mean you've won.", "Victor: You're not the victims here. You came after me. You're the predators. You're lucky I accepted this deal. Otherwise I would have taken you to court, each and every one of you.", "Ashley: Are we done here?", "Jack: Spare us your little Victory lap here, okay? Michael, draw up a contract. In return for cash, Victor agrees not to pursue criminal or civil charges against jabot or any of its officers regarding paragon.", "Michael: Whatever you say.", "Jack: It ends now, Victor. No more wars, no more blood. I'm done with you. My family is done with you.", "Victor: You just remember one thing. I will always protect my family and my company.", "Jack: You will always protect your ego and your family be damned, and everyone knows that. You think you won? You have no idea what you lost.", "Victor: [Chuckles]", "Victor: Michael, I would like you to draw up the agreement and then submit it to me for my signature. And once I put my name on it, I expect the funds to be transferred to a Newman holding account.", "Jack: Enjoy snuggling up to your cash register, Victor.", "Victor: You bet I will. Meanwhile, I'm gonna celebrate with my family.", "Ashley: I can't believe I have to plan a wedding with that man.", "Jack: Ashley, would you help Michael with the language? I am done with that man.", "Ashley: I know that this payoff definitely puts jabot in a precarious situation. But it's only temporary, jack. You did the right thing.", "Michael: Yeah, a half billion dollars worth of the right thing.", "Jack: I would pay any amount of money to have that smug bastard out of our lives. [Sighs]", "Sharon: You two getting to know each other?", "Nick: Oh, yeah. He's a good-looking boy.", "Sharon: [Chuckles] Sorry. I thought he would be asleep for at least a few more minutes.", "Nick: No, it's fine.", "Sharon: Maybe he just wanted to spend some quality time with his uncle.", "Nick: Your uncle Nick is looking forward to spending lots of quality time with you, bud. Yeah.", "Dylan: Hey!", "Stitch: Hey.", "Dylan: Want some coffee?", "Stitch: I'm good.", "Dylan: No, no, you need some coffee. I've been living on coffee these days. You know, sully's up all hours of the night, so you're gonna drink some coffee with me. Your -- your Godson's a night owl, by the way.", "Stitch: Like his dad.", "Dylan: [Chuckles] Yeah. You add the holidays to the mix. I mean, look, if Santa married Sharon and me, I mean, where do we go from here but full-out Christmas madness, right?", "Stitch: You got married?", "Dylan: That's it right there. I couldn't wait any longer. Spur of the moment. Paul was there dressed as Santa. I mean, you know, he did the honors. It was -- it was perfect.", "Stitch: Congrats, man.", "Dylan: Thanks. What's going on? You afraid you're not gonna get everything on your list this year?", "Stitch: I'm afraid the only thing I'm gonna get for Christmas is my engagement ring back.", "Abby: Mom.", "Ashley: Hi, honey. Sorry I don't have any time to --", "Abby: No. Why did you lie to me about stitch's almost last words in the fire?", "Ashley: What?", "Abby: No, just please -- just answer the question.", "Ashley: I don't really remember what was said.", "Abby: No, stitch told you that he loved you. [Sniffles] Not me. He was honest with me, so now it's your turn. No more lies. Do you love Ben?", "Nikki: Listen, I have done more than my share of damage while under the influence, things I can never take back or make right. So I'm certainly in no position to judge you.", "Billy: I remember that talk that we had once, comparing our addictions -- your vodka rocks and my trifectas.", "Nikki: It's 'cause we feel threatened, we're scared, we feel unloved. And so that's where we go. Our safe place. Sadly, it's not really a safe place for us or for anybody who loves us. That's why when you're ready, there is help out there.", "Billy: [Scoffs] Nikki, the only help that I need is Victoria back by my side. That's all I want. Hey, you remember when my gambling was starting to get out of control? You -- you talked to Victoria. I mean, that could have ended us, but it didn't because she listened to you. Do you think -- do you think maybe you could talk to her again and, um, you know, nudge her my way?", "Nikki: Billy, this is not your addiction this time. You attacked her father on a grand scale, and then you lied to her. You have hurt her very deeply, Billy. I don't know if there any forgiveness left.", "Billy: Don't say that, okay? There has to be. Nikki, there's got to be, and I will find a way to make this up to her and everybody else that I've hurt.", "Victor: Well, now, good luck with that, Billy boy. You just single-handedly brought your family down to its knees.", "Billy: You did this to my family.", "Nikki: Listen, guys, it's Christmas. The kids are upstairs. Can we please keep the peace?", "Victor: I did this to your family?", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victor: You want to destroy me. You ended up destroying your own family. Thanks to you, a large infusion of cash is coming my way because your brother saw the light.", "Billy: Jack settled? He...he swore he'd never do that.", "Victor: I bet you $500 million he did.", "Billy: You must have backed him into a corner. That's the only way he would have caved.", "Victor: You backed him to a corner, Billy boy. You're responsible for the downfall of your family!", "Billy: Merry Christmas, Victoria.", "[Door opens]", "Victor: Good riddance.", "[Door closes]", "Victor: Well, now... was this made for Billy boy? I love it. Mmm. It's good.", "Phyllis: I know how important it was for you to be honest and get out from under your conscience.", "Jack: Yeah, what kind of man would I be? What kind of husband if -- if I cleared my conscience at your expense?", "Phyllis: $500 million. That's -- not so sure that deal works in your favor.", "Jack: I love you. I love our life together. If I'd revealed the truth... there would have been no going back. You were right. It -- it would have damaged us.", "Phyllis: Jack, if I just trusted you, if I trusted your instincts how to handle Victor, I don't know --", "Jack: Do not apologize. What you suffered at Victor's hands was unspeakably wrong. You wanted justice. I understand that.", "Phyllis: The choice you made to protect me might decimate this place.", "Jack: As long as you're not decimated, I'm gonna be just fine.", "Nick: Sharon, he is amazing. I'm thinking I'm gonna learn a lot more from him than he's ever gonna learn from me.", "Faith: Reporting for cookie duty.", "Sharon: You sure are.", "Faith: Who do you think sully looks more like? Mommy or Dylan?", "Sharon: You know, I'm having a hard time figuring that out myself. What do you think, Nick, in your unbiased uncle opinion?", "Nick: [Sighs] You know, I'm not sure. But I think he's gonna get the very best of both his parents.", "Stitch: Well, I had the great idea to tell Abby that I told Ashley I loved her when we were trapped in Newman tower.", "Dylan: Hmm.", "Stitch: Look, I didn't want to start our life together with any secrets between us.", "Dylan: Doesn't sound like the truth worked.", "Stitch: Abby took off. Not too good.", "Dylan: Well, I mean, for all the honesty that you hit Abby with, your feelings for Ashley were real. So where you at with that now?", "Stitch: Whatever I felt for Ashley, it's... it's over.", "Dylan: Well, look, I'm rooting for you and Abby to be happy. But I've learned from experience when you have those big feelings like you had for Ashley, you can't just turn it off.", "Stitch: I know what I want, Dylan. A life with Abby. I made my choice. She has to make hers.", "Abby: Ben wants us to have an open, honest relationship. [Scoffs] The kind of relationship that I thought that I had with you.", "Ashley: You do have that with me, Abby.", "Abby: Really? Yeah, 'cause when I told you that Ben and I were engaged [Sniffles] I told you, and you basically waved it off. You made me doubt myself, doubt our relationship.", "Ashley: I'm sorry.", "Abby: Is that because you wanted him for yourself?", "Ashley: No, honey. I-I was happy for you.", "Abby: Yeah. So happy that you practically pushed us down the aisle. [Scoffs] Is that because [Sniffles] He'll officially be off the market? Is that why? Or is whatever's going on between you gonna continue?", "Ashley: Honey, there is absolutely nothing going on between Ben and me. You have to believe that.", "Abby: Then why are you so crazed about us getting married so quickly?", "Ashley: I just want you to be happy.", "Abby: Do you feel guilty?", "Ashley: Okay. You want the truth? I'm gonna tell you the truth.", "Abby: [Sighs]", "Ashley: When Ben and I were trapped in that fire and we were measuring our future in minutes, we did say some things to each other. But we thought we were gonna die. You have to understand this, Abby, because Ben and I, we care about each other, but you and Ben love each other. And I think you have the kind of love that can last a lifetime. And I want that for you. And it's right there in front of you. I want you to grab it, because you never know when you're gonna get this chance again, Abby.", "Abby: So that's why you want us to get married so quickly?", "Ashley: Yes.", "Abby: It's because you want me to be happy?", "Ashley: Yes. I want you to be happy. That's my ulterior motive.", "Abby: But the wedding happening so soon with the Newmans and the Abbottts at war...", "Ashley: Honey, the Newmans and the Abbottts are gonna be at war the day after the sun falls out of the sky. I mean, you could look for a million reasons to put it off, or you could just go for it. Ben loves you. And I know that he can make you happy.", "Stitch: You're damn right I will.", "Victoria: Hi!", "Faith: Grandpa!", "Victor: Well, my goodness, my goodness, my goodness! Aren't you as pretty as the sugarplum fairy! My goodness.", "Nikki: Come here, love bear.", "Victor: Look at that. So, are we gonna trim the tree and then later on you put some goodies onto the cookies? What do you think?", "Faith: I have my special reindeer apron.", "Nikki: Oh, boy!", "Victor: I love that. You're so sweet.", "Victoria: Let me get your coat.", "Nick: Hey, mom.", "Nikki: I can't believe you're gonna act like a bomb just didn't go off in this room.", "Victoria: Why don't you run into the kitchen and check out the cookies and see if you can get inspired for decorating, huh?", "Faith: Okay.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Nick: What's going on? Or do I want to know?", "Victor: Just an impressive business coup, son. Let's not talk about business. Let's celebrate the holiday.", "Nikki: \"Impressive business coup\"? Like you didn't just almost bankrupt jabot.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Victoria: Oh, hi, Michael. We're having a party. Would you like to join us?", "Michael: I won't be long. I just need a signature to ensure that Victor doesn't pull an even more questionable move than usual.", "Victor: Have a cookie.", "Phyllis: Jabot will have to restructure. If we have to close some divisions, we can.", "Jack: Let's not talk business, okay? Christmas is just around the corner. I feel like celebrating, celebrating us, celebrating our marriage, our future.", "Phyllis: I love the sound of that. I do. But I'm not so sure I made Santa's \"nice\" list this year.", "Jack: How about I help you make his \"naughty\" list? Oh, I think I can feel the Christmas spirit coming on.", "Phyllis: [Laughs]", "Billy: Thought you might be here.", "Jack: You heard.", "Billy: [Scoffs] Half a billion makes a lot of noise. I just -- look, I wanted to say I'm sorry for my part in all of this.", "Jack: Your part? As if you're fractionally responsible for what happened? This was your brain child, Billy. This was your big idea.", "Billy: Jack, I never thought it would escalate --", "Jack: No, you never thought. You never do. You just act first and then apologize later. Well, somehow the apologies never seem to make up for the damage. Do you have any idea the harm you did to this company, to our family again?!", "Phyllis: Jack. Okay.", "Jack: You outdid yourself this time, Billy! Victor is dancing on our ashes. Our father is rolling in his grave. All thanks to you.", "Ashley: I told her, Ben, that the only thing you and I share is our love for her.", "Stitch: I'm gonna do everything I can to prove that.", "Abby: [Scoffs] Like another serving of honesty? I don't know how much more of that I can take.", "Stitch: Yeah? Well, there's more of that where that came from, because you are smart, beautiful, passionate. Nearly dying in that fire made me realize how much I wanted to live, how I want to live every day of my life with you.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Ashley: Oh, uh, excuse me. I'm sorry. I got to take this. I love you.", "Abby: I love you.", "Stitch: I'M... I am sorry. I'm so sorry that we kept anything from you. I'm sorry that -- that telling you hurt you. It was the last thing I wanted to do. But I promise no more secrets, okay? Only honesty, love, bubbles, and mint chocolate chip ice cream. [Chuckles] And the good kind, not that crappy store brand. If you'll still marry me.", "Abby: Okay. Okay, yeah. Let's do it.", "Billy: I'll make this up to you. I will.", "Jack: A half a billion dollars, Billy?", "Billy: Yeah, whatever it takes.", "Jack: Pack up your office. Get out of this building.", "Jack: So that's it? I'm fired? We're done?", "Jack: You will always be an Abbott. You will never work in this building again.", "Billy: Look, jack, I'm --", "Jack: I don't care where you go, really. Hell, wherever you go, it'll probably blow up. Only this time, I will not pick up the pieces! No, you have hurt this family and this company for the last time, little brother.", "Phyllis: Billy.", "Jack: Don't follow him.", "Phyllis: Jack, come on. You didn't have to cut him off like that. He just wanted someone to talk to.", "Jack: It doesn't have to always be you.", "Victor: Just remember. Billy Abbott is responsible for all this.", "Michael: Now we're done. The money will be transferred.", "Victor: All right.", "Victoria: Michael, would you, uh, like a cup of cider before you go, Christmas cookie?", "Michael: I thank you for the offer, but I really don't have the stomach for it. Uh, besides, I have a Christmas surprise to plan for Lauren.", "Victor: Give her my best.", "[Door closes]", "Nikki: So, what was that about?", "Victor: Well, it's just that Michael Baldwin and I took different sides of this rather controversial issue, and one day he will know all the details and he'll remember that we basically respect each other.", "Nick: I wouldn't be too sure about that, dad. Things seemed a little frosty there.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Victor: They did, didn't they? Oh, yeah. $500 million is being transferred to my account right now. I think it's time to celebrate.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Ashley: Hi. Okay, so the money went through without a problem? Right. Thank you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dr. Neville: The world is changing, Mr. Winters. And what I need is a grateful and motivated investor.", "Phyllis: I am your wife. We took vows. But you didn't even make it to our wedding night!", "Victor: The Abbottts have conceded defeat. Victory's ours." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Ashley collided with a woman and accidentally spilled coffee on her. The woman didn't accept Ashley's apology and launched into tirade. Later, Ashley smoothed things over, and the woman introduced herself as Farrah Dubose, owner of a real estate agency and newcomer to Genoa City. Jack and Billy had it out after Jack sent Brash and Sassy an eviction notice, kicking them out by December 31st. Billy accused Jack of being spiteful, but Jack insisted that it was just business and refused to change his mind. Cane worried that the eviction would damage Brash and Sassy, but Victoria was ready to take Jack on. Victoria considered asking Victor for office space in Newman Tower, but Billy convinced her not to. Cane asked Ashley to help out with Jack, but she said her hands were tied. Cane secretly called Jill to tell her about the eviction, even though Billy and Victoria told him not to. Billy and Victoria took Johnny and Katie to see Santa and had a great time. Billy took Victoria's hand, but she pulled away.", "Hilary and Devon argued about whether or not he was trying to control her and whether or not she could get the respect she wanted if she worked at GC Buzz. Hilary turned down Devon's offer to be the host again. Hilary made a snide comment about their hotel room not being a home. Mariah agreed to host GC Buzz, temporarily, over the holidays, after Devon agreed to quadruple her salary. Hilary met with her agent and told him she wasn't interested in other job offers. Neil was concerned when he found Devon drinking early in the day. They talked about Hilary's passion and drive, which had attracted them both to her. Neil gave Devon marriage advice and told him that Hilary was right about the hotel room. Devon bought Nick and Sage's old penthouse, along with the entire building it was located in, as a surprise for Hilary. Hilary was angry at not being included in such a major purchase. Devon admitted he should have consulted her first and assured her that he wanted to support her and remain her husband, partner and best friend. They made up and Hilary agreed to live there. Jack and Neil met to finalize plans for the benefit. Ashley asked Jack to give Brash and Sassy some more time to find a new location, but he refused. Ashley was bothered that Jack was acting so differently than John would have. Jack told her that John was dead and Jack was in charge, so she should get used to it.", "" ]
[ "Billy: Pardon me.", "Jack: Can I help you?", "Billy: Yeah, you can tell me what you're doing with this -- an eviction notice. Really, Jack?", "Jack: I gave you a lease. I'm terminating it.", "Billy: No, you're breaking it.", "Jack: Happens all the time.", "Billy: Not like this, it doesn't, Jack. It's days before Christmas, and you want us out by the end of the year?", "Jack: I need the space to expand production. Strictly business.", "Billy: Oh, don't give me that.", "Jack: If that's all you're here for...", "Billy: No, Jack, if you're gonna pretend this has anything to do with business, it doesn't. This is about keeping your little brother in the corner. Well, guess what? This time, I'm not letting you get away with it.", "Cane: You can't be serious.", "Victoria: How much more serious can it get, cane?", "Cane: Oh, no, no! Jack's the one who signed the lease. He can't just rip it up on a whim!", "Victoria: It's not a whim. It was cold and it was calculated.", "Cane: This is because of Billy. You know that, don't you?", "Victoria: It's also because of brash & sassy! Jack probably realized we were getting very close to developing our new product line, and this is what he's doing.", "Cane: Yeah, and what a better way to throw a wrench to the plan than to leave us homeless!", "Victoria: No! Do not give up! Okay? Please. We're gonna get our products to the market on time.", "Cane: Oh, really? What are we gonna do, run this from our living rooms? What do you want to do?", "Victoria: Let Jack do his worst. He has no idea who he's messing with right now.", "Ashley: Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. [Gasps]", "Farrah: Aah! Are you kidding me?!", "Ashley: I'm so sorry.", "Farrah: Look at this mess! What are you thinking?!", "Ashley: Well, excuse me. In my defense, you could watch where you're going.", "Farrah: Want to know where I was going? To show a $3 million listing. That is, until you doused hot coffee all over my new suit!", "Ashley: Well, as I said, my apologies.", "Farrah: This is custom couture, and it's ruined! And you probably cost me my commission, too!", "Ashley: Shut up. You know that? Be quiet. And you know what else? Have a nice day.", "Farrah: What a bitch.", "Ashley: Bitch.", "Devon: Let me get back to you, Barry. So, you have an agent?", "Hilary: Oh, yeah.", "Devon: Just says my wife, like that's normal.", "Hilary: [Scoffs] What's the problem, Devon?", "Devon: It's just a lot of questions running around in my head, like -- why?", "Hilary: Like, \"why did I hire him?\"", "Devon: Well, no, why am I hearing it from this guy instead of from you?", "Hilary: Oh, well, I didn't want to say anything until I knew he was legit. I mean, if it wasn't gonna work for me, then why bother?", "Devon: Oh, I don't know, because I'm your husband?", "Hilary: Oh, yeah, I know. So, what did he say?", "Devon: Well, to hear Barry say it, he's received several serious offers.", "Hilary: Job offers? For me?", "[Laughing]", "Hilary: Wow. He works fast. He is just as good as Jack said.", "Devon: So that's the connection?", "Hilary: Oh, yeah. Because, unlike my husband, Jack believes in me. He actually trusts my instincts.", "Devon: So much so that he recommended you to one of the top talent agencies in the country.", "Hilary: Oh, Barry, he saw my reel and he was blown away. Why do you seem so upset, Devon? I thought that this would be mutually beneficial. You get to keep me away from \"GC buzz,\" and I get what I want the most.", "Devon: Fame?", "Hilary: A successful career. Who knows, Devon? This might be the best thing that's ever happened to us.", "Ashley: Hold on. Please. A peace offering. The last thing I want to do is get into a cat fight.", "Farrah: Well, we wouldn't want that now, would we?", "Ashley: Definitely not. In fact, why don't you let me pick up your dry cleaning bill?", "Farrah: Even though the collision was my fault?", "Ashley: Well, it was kind of my fault, too. You know what? I'm gonna throw in a trip to Fenmore's boutique. You can buy a new outfit for your showing on me.", "Farrah: That's not necessary. My company will pick up the tab.", "Ashley: Farrah Dubose, real estate by Farrah. I've never heard of it.", "Farrah: Well, we're new in town.", "Ashley: Well, I'm sure I'm gonna be hearing about it a lot in the future.", "Farrah: Well, that's the plan.", "Ashley: Oh, I, um... I don't have a card.", "Farrah: Oh, are you, uh, one of those ladies of leisure? That must be nice.", "Ashley: Mm, no. I help run my family's company, so I can afford the dry cleaning bill if you want me to do it.", "Farrah: Oh, no, I got it covered, truly. But if you really wanted to help out, why don't you buy a house from me?", "Ashley: [Laughs]", "Farrah: Or two.", "Ashley: Uh, you know, I came in for a cup of coffee and I'm leaving with two houses. Farrah, I think you're gonna do just great in Genoa city.", "Farrah: So is that a no? Well, how about just one house? [Sighs]", "Devon: Honey. Stay. Please.", "Hilary: Now or on the show?", "Devon: Both.", "Hilary: Why would I do that, Devon?", "Devon: Because Jack isn't the only person who believes in you. Okay? And the only reason I even got into this business in the first place is because you convinced me that we could do it together. So can we please put this ugliness behind us?", "Hilary: Yeah. It was pretty ugly when my husband fired me.", "Devon: Well, you know why I did it. But I would like you to come back.", "Hilary: On your terms.", "Devon: On our terms.", "Hilary: There is no such thing. I know that you're trying to be generous -- I get that -- but... this is just another attempt for you to control me.", "Devon: That's not it at all. I don't want to control you, but I do want to bring out the best in you.", "Hilary: Why can't you see that I am at my best when I'm Hilary Curtis? Not Mrs. Devon Hamilton, not the billionaire's trophy wife.", "Devon: That's not fair, hon.", "Hilary: You have more than Katherine's inheritance. You have her undying respect. You have her legacy. And in this town, that is worth more than gold. Do you really blame me for wanting to know what that feels like?", "Devon: No. I get it.", "Hilary: No. I don't think that you do.", "Devon: I -- I do. I understand what you're saying, but let me tell you something. That dignity and that self-worth that you're looking for? You can find it right here. Okay? We can make something great here, something we can both be proud of and create our own legacy. Can you please just give it a second chance?", "Hilary: No. I'm sorry, Devon.", "Devon: So I'll see you back at home, then?", "Hilary: What home? Oh, you're talking about the hotel room that we play house in? Yeah, I'll see you there. Oh, congratulations.", "Mariah: For?", "Hilary: This. It's all yours.", "Victoria: Okay. Would you please just sit down? You're annoying me.", "Cane: You know, there cannot be a worse time for this to happen, and I'm saying that to you literally.", "Victoria: That's exactly why jack's doing it. Brash & sassy! Is firing on all cylinders. He needs to find a way to slow us down, and this is it.", "Cane: I'm not talking about the company, Victoria. Christmas is just around the corner.", "Victoria: What are you worried about? Santa's still gonna show up for your kids.", "Cane: I just bought this exotic German sports car. It's on its way here as we speak.", "Victoria: Would you stop talking like you're out of a job, for heaven's sake?", "Cane: You know what we're out of? We're out of our ability to deliver our product to our suppliers as scheduled. That's what we're out of.", "Victoria: Okay! Just calm down!", "Cane: We have to call Jill.", "Victoria: No!", "Cane: We have to call Jill.", "Victoria: No!", "Cane: She has to know. What are you talking about?", "Victoria: We are not bringing her into this. It's just gonna make things worse. She's not exactly known for having a level head, you know that.", "Cane: Neither does Billy. He's gonna blow a gasket when he finds out -- that is, if he doesn't already know.", "Victoria: Focus on your rehab, okay? Trust me. Promise.", "Cane: I don't like that jack's playing games with us like this. I don't like it at all.", "Victoria: Well, jack's not the only one who knows how to play the game.", "Billy: How long you gonna punish me, Jack?", "Jack: This is not an effort to punish you, Billy.", "Billy: I slept with your wife, okay?", "Jack: Thank you. I remember.", "Billy: Yes, and I'm sorry about that, okay? It was a jackass move, and I'll regret it till the day that I die.", "Jack: And that makes it all better? You apologize, and -- poof! Water under the bridge.", "Billy: No, no, but, Jack, this -- this is hurting Victoria. Brash & sassy! Is her baby. She put her heart and soul into that company --", "Jack: I have nothing but sympathy for Victoria, especially after she keeps making the same mistake with you over and over again.", "Billy: You'll never make that mistake, right, because you're the good brother -- the trustworthy one, the straightforward one, the dependable one, and I'm the eternal screw-up.", "Jack: Your words, Billy.", "Billy: You know what, Jack, you can cut me out of the family albums, you can disinvite me from Christmas dinner, hell, you can change the locks on the house. Oh, no, wait, you actually did that already.", "Jack: Oh, I guess you can take that one off your list, right?", "Billy: Don't pretend this has anything to do with business, Jack. Or upholding the family honor. I know why you're doing this.", "Jack: By all means, enlighten me.", "Billy: You're afraid of the competition.", "Jack: Get out of my office.", "Billy: Touched a nerve, didn't I, Jack?", "Jack: Better get packing, Billy. New year's gonna be here before you know it.", "Billy: Jack, you're just so used to being the alpha male, you don't like to be challenged by a younger, hungrier breed.", "Jack: That is absurd.", "Billy: Is it? I don't think so.", "Jack: I'm not afraid of you. In fact, quite the opposite. You have zero impact on my life anymore.", "Billy: Okay, so, if that's true, then why are you kicking me out, Jack? Hmm? I mean, if I'm such a nothing, what's the big deal if I work in the same building as you? Or as far as you're concerned, brash & sassy! Will never compete with jabot, so who cares, right? Except you care, don't you?", "Jack: Oh, here we go.", "Billy: You don't like the competition in the workplace. You definitely don't like the competition on the home front.", "Jack: You're starting to sound paranoid, Billy.", "Billy: That's what's happening, Jack. Your position at the head of the table -- that's only your position. Right there. To carve the turkey, to hand out the Christmas presents. You know, God forbid I even consider that my family, or challenge you in any sort of...", "Jack: Family isn't just something you celebrate at Christmas! It's all year. You live it. You nurture it. You protect it. You work at it. And you don't betray it by scratching the first juvenile itch that happens.", "Ashley: What is going on?", "Billy: Why don't you ask older brother, okay, because, once again, he has all the answers. Oh. I'll take that.", "Ashley: That looked really intense.", "Jack: It's just Billy being Billy. Immature and irresponsible. You know the drill.", "Ashley: What set him off?", "Jack: They got their eviction notice. Brash & sassy! Will be out of the building by first of the year.", "Ashley: What the hell, Jack? What happened to thinking about it?", "Jack: There's nothing to think about. As Billy just proved, getting them out of this building as soon as possible is our top priority.", "Devon: Mariah, I need you to host again.", "Mariah: What? No. No way. Not ever. Not again.", "Devon: Can you just think about it?", "Mariah: Why, because it seems like I'm so open to the conversation?", "Devon: Well, Mariah, you are my best option, okay? And you're also my only option, which is all the more reason I need you to say yes.", "Mariah: I am so confused. I thought Hilary would jump at the chance to host again. Lights, camera, ego. And I was very much looking forward to my new role behind the scenes.", "Devon: And I promise, you can still be segment producer after I either convince Hilary to come back or I find a permanent replacement.", "Mariah: Yes, but you're forgetting what happens in the meantime. In the meantime, I am food for trolls to chew up and spit out.", "Devon: Okay. I understand why you'd be a little camera shy after your stumble.", "Mariah: Stumble? The red carpet has an imprint of my face.", "Devon: Well, despite that, you're still standing, and you're trending in a good way. Have you seen what people are saying about you online?", "Mariah: Yeah. Faith showed me one of the fan pages.", "Devon: There you go. You have a fan page. Okay? That means people like you. It means they relate to the fact that you fell down and you got back up and you did a great job. And they want to see you. But more than that, I need you. I really need you. And I promise, it doesn't have to be long-term.", "Mariah: But that's what you said last time, and then I ended up eating dust bunnies. I'm sorry. It's not worth the emotional trauma.", "Devon: Okay, hey. How about I double what you'd make as a segment producer?", "Mariah: Double that, and I'll consider it.", "Devon: Done.", "Mariah: Really?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Mariah: Oh, my God! I'm a horrible negotiator. I should have asked for more! Okay. One week.", "Devon: You're gonna have to give me more time than that to get things up and running, Mariah. I mean, at least until the holidays. Please?", "Mariah: Fine.", "Devon: Yes?", "Mariah: Yes.", "Devon: Thank you.", "Mariah: Okay, but here's -- here's the deal.", "Devon: What?", "Mariah: I wear my own clothes -- clothes that I feel comfortable in. One humiliation is enough, thank you very much.", "Devon: Okay.", "Barry: So, how'd your husband take it?", "Hilary: Surprised. He couldn't believe that I had several offers on the table. If only he knew that you were bluffing.", "Barry: I wasn't. I mean, I was, but I don't have to be. Any one of those offers could turn out to be legit, Hilary. That's how good you are.", "Hilary: Really?", "Barry: Sure. You let me do my job, I'll put you out there. You'll see, the interest will come pouring in.", "Hilary: Well, I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I think everything is going exactly as planned.", "Barry: [Laughs]", "Hilary: What?", "Barry: I'm just not used to the client telling me what to do. So, how far are you gonna take this? What's your end game?", "Hilary: Groveling. I want to watch my husband grovel.", "Cane: Victoria, if you have an ace up your sleeve, I need to know what it is.", "Victoria: Don't worry. I'll take full responsibility. If my plan backfires, it's on me.", "Cane: No, no, no, no. We're in this together. Do you understand that?", "Victoria: Yes, we are, but brash & sassy! Was my company to begin with, so I'll do whatever it takes to protect the brand, okay?", "Billy: It's no use.", "Victoria: Where have you been?", "Billy: Swallowing my pride.", "Cane: Oh, you saw Jack? What did he say?", "Billy: He's still giving us the boot. We got to be out by December 31st.", "Victoria: He's not backing down at all?", "Billy: If anything, he's more determined now.", "Cane: So there's nothing we can do, huh?", "Victoria: Yes, there is.", "Billy: No, no, no. That's not happening.", "Neil: Hi. Whoa, whoa. A little early, isn't it?", "Devon: It's 5:00 somewhere, right?", "Neil: Yeah, but not here. What's up?", "Devon: Oh, let's see. Thanks to your friend Jack, Hilary now has a talent agent. And apparently, \"GC buzz\" is beneath, and I'm just like, what's next? Am I gonna be beneath her soon? Is she gonna move onto something bigger and better, you know?", "Neil: Right, right, right. So, what can I do?", "Devon: There's nothing you can do.", "Neil: That's the wrong answer. Hi, excuse me. Can I get a club soda with a slice of lemon? Thanks. Okay. Start talking.", "Devon: [Sighs] I just feel like I've given her everything that I got. And I'm not talking about money. I -- I believed in Hilary when no one else would. I bought her this damn TV show so she could show the world that she's a star in every way.", "Neil: Mm-hmm. But it didn't work?", "Devon: Well, no, it did, until we ended up on different pages and she let her worst instincts take over.", "Neil: Right, right. You're talking about the Dylan McAvoy interview?", "Devon: Yes, I am. And I had no choice. I had to fire her after that. You know? Or maybe I did have a choice. But, either way, I sucked it up, I told her that I wanted to hire her back. She wants to have nothing to do with it and feels like all I do is make concessions for her. And I just -- I feel like -- when is it ever gonna be enough?", "Neil: Right, but for most women, it probably would be enough.", "Devon: But most women aren't Hilary.", "Neil: Well, see, you knew that when you married her. I mean, hell. That's the main reason you married her, isn't it?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Barry: Listen, what you do in your marriage is your business. You want to make the guy get down on his knees, that's your call. I'll be honest with you. I only met you as a favor to Jack because I owed him one.", "Hilary: Oh. Okay.", "Barry: But now that I've met you, there's no question you definitely have something. That \"it\" factor. So, if you ever decide you want to get real about your career, you call me. I'll see you.", "Ashley: Now where are you going?", "Jack: Meeting.", "Ashley: Jack, come on!", "Jack: Can we please drop this?", "Ashley: No! Victoria and Billy are gonna fight you on this.", "Jack: Then we're just gonna have to fight back harder, aren't we?", "Ashley: Is that what you want? A war with brash & sassy!?", "Jack: This is business.", "Ashley: Yeah, that's what you keep telling me.", "Jack: And you keep questioning it.", "Ashley: I'm wondering if maybe it's more personal, yeah.", "Jack: Oh, is this about Phyllis? That's what Billy just said. That I'm ousting him from the lab to prove my point, to teach him a lesson.", "Ashley: Right. Are you?", "Jack: You're the one who told me we would need more space with these new hires.", "Ashley: Oh, don't do that. I said I needed a couple offices, not an entire floor. If you took Billy out of this equation, you think...", "Jack: Do I want Billy out of my life? Yes. Am I ever going to forgive him? No. But this is not some devious plan on my part.", "Ashley: Really? This is all for the good of jabot?", "Jack: Space is key here. But security is also an issue. Having the competition this close was never a good idea from the beginning. Secrets are easily overheard at a very pivotal time in our company.", "Ashley: Okay. I hear you. I just -- I'm sick and tired of the two of your being at each other's throats. I miss my family.", "Jack: So do I. But the fact is I can't trust Billy. I made that mistake once, and it cost me dearly. I'm not gonna make that mistake again.", "Victoria: What are you doing? Confiscating my phone?", "Billy: No, I saw who you were gonna call and I stopped you from doing it.", "Victoria: Well, what do you suggest that we do?", "Billy: I don't know, but we're not gonna call your father to bail us out, okay? I mean, do you remember how miserable you were working at Newman enterprises?", "Victoria: I won't be working at Newman enterprises. I'll be working at Newman tower.", "Billy: It's the same thing. In that building, under your father's watchful eye, being indebted to him, okay? We have a lease. Jack can't break it just because he's having a temper tantrum.", "Victoria: What do you want to do, Billy? You want to call your mommy?", "Cane: That's my vote.", "Billy: No. Jill can't know anything about this.", "Cane: What are you talking about, Billy? She owns the company. She has to know.", "Billy: We need a plan first, cane.", "Cane: New year will be here before you know it, okay?", "Billy: Yeah, I know.", "Cane: Deal with it.", "Victoria: So, what are you thinking?", "Billy: I'm thinking that Jack is in control. That's not gonna change. But Ashley, she's always been the conscience of that company. Maybe she can talk some reason into him.", "Cane: Hang on a second. You're hedging this on a \"maybe?\"", "Billy: That's all we got right now.", "Cane: Okay.", "Billy: You ready?", "Victoria: Oh, crap! Santa.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: Okay, yeah. Go home and get the kids and meet me at the north pole.", "Cane: You know I'd say you're crazy dealing with this right now, right?", "Billy: But you have kids so you know the drill.", "Victoria: Phone.", "Billy: Right.", "Cane: Uh, can you please tell Santa what I want for Christmas? All we really need a miracle.", "Devon: You know what? I'm sorry because this is probably the last thing that you want to be talking about.", "Neil: What, \"this\" being Hilary?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Neil: You know, I think I'm the perfect person to talk to. I mean, who knows better than I do why you fell for her? Man, when she walks in a room, no one else exists, right?", "Devon: Mm-hmm. And it's not even how beautiful she is or how smart she is. It's just -- there's something about her, this fire, this...", "Neil: Yeah. It's called a wild fire.", "Devon: She just has this burning desire to be somebody. And her passion and dedication for it is just --", "Neil: What, all contagious, right? Makes her almost impossible to resist. A, she's not a door prize, man. You can't put her on a shelf or hang her on a tree. That's your wife.", "Devon: I know that.", "Neil: Now, see, that heat that you're talking about doesn't have to cool off, per se, but it can't blaze all the time, or else it's...", "Devon: Everybody's gonna get burned.", "Neil: Right. You want a nice healthy glow. That's more sustainable. You know? Like a fireplace. You keep that warmth alive in your marriage and your home... that's the business.", "Devon: Well, according to Hilary, we don't have a home. She says we're just playing house here.", "Neil: Yeah, that's, uh, a little over the top, but, technically, she's right. I mean, look at you. Where are you living? You're living in a hotel. I don't care that you own this hotel.", "Devon: What are you saying to me, I need to growing up?", "Neil: No. What I'm saying is you're not a bachelor anymore, right? So stop living like one, son.", "Mariah: Aaaah. Even my butterflies have butterflies. Is that normal? You're gonna be great.", "Mariah: Yeah, just like last time, except maybe without all the injuries. Just deep breaths. Last time we went live. This time, it'll be taped. And today is just a --", "Mariah: Rehearsal. Rehearsal. I know, I know. I got this. I got this. Not a big deal. Except why do I still feel like I'm facing a firing squad? Can I see another rundown, please? Oh, yeah. Sure.", "Mariah: Can I see it? Okay. Okay. A lot of good old-fashioned holiday cheer. Mm-hmm.", "Mariah: How to make spiced apple cider. I can do that. Mm-hmm.", "Mariah: Cookie decorating contest. Great! I love it. It's perfect. Wait, are we really gonna decorate the whole place like the north pole? Yeah!", "Mariah: That sounds great. That'll be awesome. As long as I don't have to wear one of those, you know, stupid Christmas elf costumes. Oh. [Laughs]", "Mariah: So dumb. Just deep breaths. You're gonna be amazing. You were born for this.", "Mariah: [Inhales sharply]", "[Sighs]", "[Laughs]", "Billy: Here, we got to put a little bit more in there, you know?", "Katie: Tastes like broccoli.", "Billy: Broccoli? No! This is like the best hot chocolate and marshmallows ever. See? You got to get more.", "Victoria: Definitely teach our kids the fine art of cramming more sugar into their bodies.", "Billy: These are things that they need to know, Victoria. Tell mom. Say, \"mom.\" \"Yes, mom, I need to know this.\"", "Katie: Yes, mom.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. Okay.", "Billy: \"I need to know this.\"", "Katie: Yes, Mom.", "Billy: See?", "Victoria: So, Katie, you were on Santa's lap for a long time.", "Billy: Yeah. That guy behind you, the little boy was giving you stink eye. He started stomping his feet when you took too long.", "Victoria: The one with the blue candy cane.", "Billy: I was about tell him what he could do with that blue candy cane...", "Victoria: Okay, so back to our pg conversation. What do you ask for from Santa, hmm?", "Billy: Everything? Like everything on your list, top to bottom? Uh-oh. We need a bigger tree.", "Victoria: Definitely need a bigger tree.", "Billy: What about you, buddy? Were you a good boy this year?", "Johnny: Yeah. Have you been a good boy?", "Cane: Hey.", "Ashley: Hey.", "Cane: Hey, uh, I was just coming to your office to talk to you about this eviction notice. Listen, Ash, there was no discussion about this. We've just been ordered out by January 1st.", "Ashley: I know, and I'm really sorry. Jack's decision, and what he says, goes.", "Cane: Look, I understand he's the C.E.O., which means he has the power. I get that. I do.", "Ashley: Yeah, it's part of his job description, actually.", "Cane: Okay, but, you see, Billy says that you're the conscious of jabot.", "Ashley: Oh.", "Cane: So I've come here, I'm standing in front of you, and I'm trying to appeal to your conscience that this -- this just isn't fair.", "Ashley: Honestly, cane, I hate to say it, but I wouldn't put too much stock in what my brother Billy says.", "Cane: Well, usually I don't, but, you know, this is kind of a special case.", "Ashley: [Sighs] Look, he sees himself as the black sheep of the family. Jack's the patriarch, Traci and I are the \"heart and soul\" of the family, apparently.", "Cane: Which sounds accurate, right?", "Ashley: It's a little bit more complicated than that. I'm sure you understand family dynamics.", "Cane: Which is very similar to business. You know, it's only boiling down to, you know, right and wrong, black and white. You know, unless you want this to have a war that continues on indefinitely. Which, in that case, it's gonna destroy your business, my business. Is that what you want?", "Ashley: Obviously not.", "Cane: Okay.", "Ashley: I want my family back together.", "Cane: Okay. Then stop this eviction.", "Ashley: Then again, maybe jack's right. Maybe distance would be a good thing.", "Cane: See, I don't really agree with that, because I think that, you know, if Jack and Billy want to fix their problems, then, you know, they shouldn't avoid each other like this. At least if they're in the same building, they'd have to coexist, and over time, jack's wounds -- they'll heal.", "Ashley: You're not playing fair.", "Cane: Ah, neither is Jack.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm. You're using a family rift so you can hold onto some real estate.", "Cane: Right. And jack's using your family rift to push us out of the building. You know, he has never had a problem with us being here before. You know that.", "Ashley: Mm, guess what?", "Cane: What?", "Ashley: I did. I never liked the thought of brash & sassy! Being in this building. The only reason why it happened was because we needed the money when we made the deal, but we don't need the money now.", "Cane: Okay. So, this isn't about money, right? Which means it's personal to Jack. It's a vendetta.", "Ashley: Look, what exactly do you think I can do?", "Cane: Okay. If you can't stop the eviction, can you just buy us some more time? We have to relocate our offices. It'll take us weeks, maybe months. That's all I'm asking.", "Ashley: Look, it's not that I don't want to help you. Honestly. This was jack's call, and he made it. I'm sorry. Hey, Jill. It's me. You need to call me as soon as possible.", "Jack: Lily did a great job with these menus. Please tell her I appreciate everything she's done. Oh, and on auction items, I assume we're doing well there. If not, I still have contacts that can be persuaded to donate. So, I think that's about it.", "Neil: Hey, Jack. It's so good to have you involved.", "Jack: Oh, it's good to be back. Oh! Did Hilary mention -- did she meet with my friend Barry?", "Neil: Uh, Devon mentioned it, actually, yeah.", "Jack: I hope he didn't mind my interfering. Look, she -- she was so determined to stand on her own. I was very impressed, and I wanted to do what little bit I could to help.", "Neil: No, no, no, it's cool. I understand why you did it. Devon's having a rough time.", "Jack: With Hilary?", "Neil: With all of it. They're a crossroads, Jack. It's time for them to pick a direction and make it work.", "Hilary: Devon! Devon! I got your text! What are you doing here?", "Devon: Hey! You made it.", "Hilary: Uh, yeah. What are we doing in nick and sage's old apartment?", "Devon: Farrah, this is Hilary. Hilary, this is Farrah. She is a real estate agent.", "Farrah: Delighted.", "Hilary: Oh! Nice to meet you.", "Farrah: So, how do you like it?", "Hilary: Um...", "Devon: This place has been on the market ever since sage passed away, so...", "Farrah: Yeah, so, your husband must really love you a lot to buy you this place.", "Hilary: You bought me this place?", "Devon: I bought us this place. You said you wanted to stop playing make- believe, and I know you weren't happy living in a hotel.", "Hilary: So you just went out and bought a penthouse?", "Farrah: Oh, no, honey, he bought you the whole building. You know what? I'm gonna have those papers drawn up and on your desk by the end of the afternoon.", "Devon: Thank you very much. Appreciate that.", "Farrah: Yeah, and, um, don't hesitate to think of me for any of your future needs, okay?", "Devon: Absolutely.", "Farrah: Hilary, it was nice to meet you. Congratulations on your new home.", "Hilary: Thank you.", "Farrah: This is Farrah.", "Devon: Honey. This is where our life can really begin. We can live here, we can start a family here. I mean, what do you think? How'd I do?", "Hilary: I am really hoping that you can get your deposit back. Because if you're living here, you're gonna be living alone.", "Devon: Hey, wait, wait, wait. Honey, where you going? Listen, I know I should have probably discussed this with you beforehand.", "Hilary: Oh. Yeah. Probably.", "Devon: Hey. You said you wanted a real home. I thought that you'd be happy.", "Hilary: First of all, this isn't a real home. This is one of your gifts designed to keep me in line.", "Devon: That's not true.", "Hilary: And, secondly, how could make such a huge purchase without consulting me? What if I don't like this part of town?", "Devon: This is your favorite neighborhood.", "Hilary: Okay, what if I wanted a house with a yard?", "Devon: Is that what you want?", "Hilary: Maybe I want a pool or a tennis court.", "Devon: Well, hey, do you remember? We own the athletic club right down the street. Or I could build you a gym downstairs. I can put a garden on the roof here. I mean, what -- what do you really want?", "Hilary: I want a damn say! Okay? This is our life, Devon. You and me. Sometimes, I feel like I am just along for the ride, to smile and say \"thank you\" while you whip out your checkbook.", "Devon: Well, that's not how I want you to feel at all.", "Hilary: Then include me in things, okay? [Sighs] You want to surprise me with a watch? Okay, fine. Go ahead. Knock yourself out. But come on, Devon. A home?", "Devon: I agree with you. I get your point. And I apologize, okay? But for the record, I did not buy this place for your gratitude.", "Hilary: Really? You didn't think that this big surprise was gonna make us kiss and make up?", "Devon: Hilary, I bought this place because I love you and I want you to be happy. That's the truth. Now, for two seconds, can you forget about how much of an ass I am and just take a look around and see if you actually like it? Please? I mean, there's more than enough space here for us. And think of all the ways that we can make it our own.", "Hilary: Yeah. It has potential.", "Devon: Sweetheart. This is in no way me trying to tie you down, okay? If anything, it's me taking a step back so you can be exactly whoever it is you want to be, as long as that person is my wife, my partner, and my best friend.", "Hilary: Well, it's gonna need some paint. And some great artwork over there. Minimalist. Something classy.", "Devon: So you do like it. It's a yes?", "Hilary: I think we've found our first home.", "Devon: Yes! [Laughs] Oh, honey. I cannot wait to start a life here with you.", "Hilary: Mm, Devon?", "Devon: Yes?", "Hilary: I hope that you know that this doesn't mean that I'm coming back to work.", "Devon: I do.", "[Both chuckle]", "Billy: What are the odds we get out of here without having to buy that whole plate of cookies?", "Victoria: Very, very, very low. Thank you for, you know, leaving the office and coming out with me and the kids. I needed that.", "Billy: You just wanted to sit on Santa's lap.", "Victoria: Yeah. Who doesn't? [Chuckles]", "Billy: [Clears throat] You think those two little elves had a good day?", "Victoria: Well, look at them. They've been smiling all day long.", "Billy: That's the sugar.", "Victoria: [Laughs]", "Billy: Yeah, they're happy. Except for when Johnny asked if I was a good boy. [Sighs] Oh, well. There's always next year, right? I've got 365 days to try and turn it around.", "Victoria: Absolutely. I have faith.", "Billy: Wow. That's one of us. Forget all that, all right? Right now, the most important thing is giving those two the best Christmas they've ever had.", "Victoria: It's a deal. Look at them. They're already caught up in the Christmas magic.", "Billy: It's hard not to be.", "Victoria: Yeah. Oh, Katherine -- she dropped her cookie. You can't eat that, baby. It fell on the floor. [Laughs] Well, grab another one! They're so beautiful! Look at this one. Can I have this one?", "Ashley: You're back.", "Jack: Yeah.", "Ashley: I ran into cane.", "Jack: Really? Let me guess. He appealed to your empathetic side?", "Ashley: I'd call it my conscience.", "Jack: Can't say that I blame him. Divide and conquer -- smart move. What did you tell them?", "Ashley: That it was your decision and I supported it.", "Jack: Really? Well, thank you. Though, I'm not convinced you're sold. Not that long ago, you wanted them gone, too.", "Ashley: Oh, I know, Jack. But under these circumstances, I think the right thing to do is to give them some more time.", "Jack: No. It's done.", "Ashley: Do you know what I find incredibly unsettling about you sometimes? You are john Abbott's son. And you can be disturbing ruthless.", "Jack: Our father was a great man, Ash.", "Ashley: Yes.", "Jack: He's dead. I'm in charge now. This is who I am. Get used to it.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: It's been decided. This space has to be cleared out by the time you leave for home New Year's Eve.", "Victor: I know you're angry with me, son, but I want you to know, should you ever want to come back to Newman, the doors are wide open.", "Phyllis: What do you think?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Mariah noticed that Scott was being very affectionate with Sharon, and Mariah locked eyes on Scott and made pointed comments about being faithful and loyal. While hanging out with Mattie, Reed deleted messages from JT unread. JT caught up with his old friend, Cane. JT admitted he thought Victoria might have something to do with the fact that Reed was avoiding him. Cane thought that was possible. He encouraged JT to take Reed back to Warsaw with him. Cane said that he'd always love Lily, but she wanted to divorce. Cane helped JT out by inviting Mattie to the Club and telling her to bring Reed. Mattie convinced Reed to stay and talk with his dad. Reed accused JT of putting Mac and their children ahead of him. JT assured Reed that he was never an afterthought. JT admitted he'd been hard on Reed because he didn't want Reed to make the same mistakes JT had as a teenager. JT promised to put in a good word for Reed with Cane. Cane talked with Mattie about Mac and how much they owed her for being the surrogate who gave birth to Mattie and Charlie. Mattie suggested that Cane might like Reed more if he thought of Reed as JT and Mac's son. Cane promised to try that. JT asked Cane to give Reed a break. Victoria confided in Michael that Nikki stole the money and asked him how to keep her parents out of prison. Michael didn't think that would likely be possible. Abby burst in, seeking an update on the audit, and she stormed off after Victoria and Michael refused to bring her into the loop.", "Billy, who still harbored a grudge over Cane sabotaging him, seethed about Cane's business success. Phyllis urged him to let it go. Billy took his complaints about Cane to Victoria. Victoria asked Billy for advice on protecting her family from the investigation. He suggested that she find a way to persuade JT to drop the case. Mariah intercepted Abby and suggested they have a single girls' night out. Abby was suspicious of Mariah's motives, and she turned Mariah down. Abby insisted on talking to Scott. Mariah saw them leaving the coffeehouse together. Cane and Billy sniped at each other. Billy admonished JT for investigating Victoria's family. JT flirted with Phyllis in front of Billy. Victoria privately told JT that Nikki stole the money and asked him to keep her out of prison. JT told her that Nikki would have to face the consequences. Billy was upset that JT had disrespected Mac by flirting with Phyllis. Scott told Abby that they were toxic together and that he wanted to be with Sharon. Abby angrily announced that they should stay away from each other. Mariah talked with Sharon and suggested that Scott was trying too hard. Sharon thought Mariah was being cynical because of her bad luck in love, and she assured Mariah that she'd find someone. Mariah confronted Scott about kissing Abby. He swore it wouldn't happen again and begged her not to tell Sharon. Mariah decided to keep quiet, but she promised to make Scott pay if it happened again.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Scott: I love you, sharon. Truly. Forever.", "Faith: Then scott kissed abby. Like, really kissed her.", "Reed: We have permission to see each other.", "Cane: No, reed, you don't have permission to see each other.", "Mattie: Actually, we do, dad.", "Cane: And on whose authority?", "Mattie: Mom'S.", "Victoria: I don't think te about is everything is good between you, me, and reed.", "Nikki: If J.T. Finds out...", "Victoria: He's not gonna back down from this.", "Nikki: I know! That's why if he ever discovers what I did...", "Victoria: You could go to prison.", "Phyllis: No. No. No, no, no. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.", "Billy: Hold on, hold on. That's not exactly the reaction I was looking for.", "Phyllis: This so cannot happen right now.", "Billy: What is wrong with you?", "Phyllis: I'm swamped.", "Billy: Oh, so you can't give me 10 minutes?", "Phyllis: 10 minutes? No. I can't do that. No can do. Nope.", "Billy: This is important, phyllis.", "Phyllis: \"Important?\" Is that what we're calling sex on the elevator right now?", "Billy: Is that why you think I'm here?", "Phyllis: It's not.", "Billy: No. Today, \"important\" actually means important.", "Sharon: [ Laughs ] Okay. I have to get back to work. We don't want to scare away the customers.", "Scott: One more.", "Sharon: Mm.", "Scott: And two more? Yeah.", "Sharon: [ Chuckles ]", "Scott: And three, huh?", "Sharon: I can't -- whoa!", "Scott: Oh, no, no, no.", "Sharon: Shoot.", "Scott: Let me -- let me help. Let me help, let me help.", "[ Moaning ]", "Sharon: Oh. Oh, okay. That's -- that's not helping me.", "Scott: It's helping me.", "Sharon: You know what, I'll tell you something. You should be the one who cleans up, and I will get you a to-go coffee for your ride to the office.", "Scott: Oh, don't even bother. I'm actually working remotely the rest of the day. You're much better company than my co-workers. They don't let me do this.", "Sharon: [ Chuckles ] I'm sure.", "Mariah: [ Clears throat ]", "Sharon: What --", "Mariah: Is this a coffeehouse or a kissing booth?", "Sharon: Hi, mariah.", "Scott: Hey, mariah.", "Mariah: If you guys could keep your hands or lips free for just a minute, I would love a cup of coffee.", "Sharon: Do you want to try our new holiday blend?", "Mariah: Nah, you know me. I'm traditional. I like to stay loyal, faithful to one cup of coffee.", "Mattie: Here's your refill.", "Reed: Thank you.", "Mattie: Deleting your e-mails from your dad before reading them. It's a move I pulled when I was angry with my dad.", "Reed: Doesn't it feel so good? It's awfully therapeutic.", "Mattie: At least yours is way off in another country.", "Reed: Actually, mine's here in good old gc.", "Mattie: Wait, your dad's in town?", "Reed: Yep.", "Mattie: And that's a bad thing? I thought you two had a good relationship.", "Reed: [ Sighs ] We do, when we're on separate continents.", "J.T.: Well, they'll just let anybody in here these days, huh?", "Cane: [ Laughs ] J.T. Hellstrom.", "J.T.: You know it. How are you?", "Cane: What's up, mate? What are you doing in town?", "J.T.: Well, uh, short-term work assignment, playing a little holiday catch-up with reed.", "Cane: Uh-huh.", "J.T.: Yeah, I don't know how much you know, but he's actually been living in town with victoria for a while.", "Cane: Um, uh, I'm actually kind pretty well-aware of that. You know he's dating mattie, right?", "J.T.: Wait, my reed and your mattie? You kidding me?", "Cane: Yeah, I wish I was.", "J.T.: Wow, well, that's a small world. Hey, you know, you've probably seen a lot more of him than i have lately because he's been blowing me off ever since I got back in town.", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah.", "J.T.: I'm wondering if victoria has something to do with it.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] You know what, I wouldn't really put much past her these days.", "J.T.: Yeah?", "Cane: Yeah, yeah. So, if I was you, I'd try and get him out from under her influence and get him back on that next plane to europe with you, huh?", "J.T.: Huh.", "Victoria: If there's a platinum attorney-client privilege, I'm requesting it.", "Michael: Victoria, you and i don't need levels. Whatever you say, as always, will stay between us.", "Victoria: I mean it, michael. No one can find out what I'm about to tell you.", "Michael: Why does this not sound good?", "Victoria: Because it's not. So?", "Michael: It doesn't leave this room.", "Victoria: The anomalies in my father's personal bank account. It was my mom.", "Michael: Oh, god.", "Victoria: She stole the money, she transferred it to offshore account.", "Michael: Nikki?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Michael: You're positive? How do you know this?", "Victoria: She confessed.", "Michael: To?", "Victoria: To me. Only to me.", "Michael: But how did she pull this off?", "Victoria: I don't have details. Michael, all I'm concerned about right now is keeping both of my parents out of prison. Additional sponsorship provided by...", "J.T.: I remember when reed was that small. Now he's a big old teenager.", "Cane: Yeah, you know what, sam had a rough start, but hey, he's getting stronger, which is great.", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Cane: Yeah.", "J.T.: Sorry to hear about you and lily. You guys have been through the wringer before. Any, uh... any chance?", "Cane: I'll always love her, but she's kind of made it clear the marriage is over, so... yeah.", "J.T.: Well, that's too bad.", "Cane: Yeah. But, you know, for the kids' sake, you know, I want to stay friends with her. Which really isn't the case with you and victoria, though, is it?", "J.T.: No, she seemed fine the other day.", "Cane: Oh, yeah?", "J.T.: Invited me over to a family dinner...", "Cane: Okay.", "J.T.: ...Ordered my favorite chinese food. The only problem was reed didn't show up.", "Cane: Well, I still wouldn't turn my back on her if I was you, so...", "J.T.: Are you speaking from experience?", "Cane: We had this problem at brash & sassy, and you know, i thought it was gonna level out, but instead, she fired me.", "J.T.: She fired you?", "Cane: Yeah.", "J.T.: [ Clears throat ] Is there, uh... is there any reason?", "Cane: It doesn't matter anymore, you know, what's done is done, it's in the past, but you know what the good news is? I'm now at chancellor, and business is booming.", "J.T.: That's good.", "Cane: It's good. It is good. Hey, um, can I ask you something?", "J.T.: Yeah. Go ahead.", "Cane: Lily and I were trying to figure out the custody arrangements, you know, with mattie and charlie. How did you and vicki figure it out?", "J.T.: Yeah, well, I mean, reed's living here, but I still have full custody of him, so...", "Cane: Okay. Wait, as I recall, your custody hearing wasn't really cordial.", "J.T.: Far from it. Yeah, not only did I have to battle victoria, but her father tried to influence the outcome.", "Cane: And after all that, you still didn't mind if, uh, he lived here with her, huh?", "J.T.: Well, look, man, i mean... I miss him like crazy, but...", "Cane: I bet you do.", "J.T.: He wants to live here, so... if I try to play that card, he'd just resent me, and I don't want that.", "Cane: Yeah, we all know that victoria likes to hold a grudge and, you know, considering the custody battle, she's probably not really that forgiving with you, so who even knows what she's telling reed?", "J.T.: Right, which is exactly why I want to sit down face to face with him and talk it out. But right now, he won't even return my text messages.", "Cane: You know what, I can probably help you with that.", "Mattie: It took me a long time to even talk to my dad after what went down with our family. But he's always had my back, and I realized that it wouldn't be easy to cut him completely out of my life. [ Cellphone rings ] Perfect timing. What's up, dad?", "Cane: I miss you, that's what up. Um, hey, do you want to, uh, meet me in the club and get a bite, and you can hear all about my good news?", "Mattie: Oh, um... I'm kind of busy.", "Cane: You can bring reed.", "Mattie: You're inviting reed?", "Cane: Yeah, well, I'm trying to win the father of the year award, okay?", "Mattie: Well, you certainly win points for trying, but...", "Cane: It's weird, I know.", "Mattie: A little.", "Cane: When you donated blood for sam, you did me and your little brother a solid, so it is time for me now to return the favor. I'm not saying I'm gonna be best buds with reed, but I'm willing to try, so... it's the holidays, and you know what, I believe in miracles.", "Mattie: You had me at \"willing to try.\" We'll be there.", "Cane: There you go.", "J.T.: Thank you.", "Cane: You're welcome.", "Abby: I'm sorry, are you in the middle of something?", "Victoria: Michael and I were discussing a contract.", "Abby: Which one?", "Michael: It's a new one.", "Victoria: It doesn't concern you.", "Abby: Well, that's fine because I have enough stress in my life anyway, and by the looks of those worry lines on your forehead, wow, this must be a doozy.", "Victoria: Can I help you with something?", "Abby: I need an update.", "Victoria: On?", "Abby: On a number of things, including the investigation into the corporate leak. The audit?", "Victoria: It's being handled. You can show yourself out, I'm sure.", "Abby: I am an executive at this company and a family member. You cannot keep me in the dark.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] That's not what I'm doing. I think we've discussed your paranoia already.", "Abby: Oh! Am I being paranoid, michael? Victoria's got your tongue, huh? Well, you work for newman. I am a newman. So please tell me what you and my sister are cooking up.", "Victoria: Abby, would you stop with the antics? I want you to take a look at brash & sassy's latest sales numbers. Get well-versed in every figure for our upcoming meeting.", "Abby: That's just busy work.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, it's an assignment that I expect you to finish by the end of the day. We'll discuss your other issues tomorrow.", "Abby: Mm. Can't wait.", "Victoria: Do me a favor. Would you knock next time? You know dad doesn't like people just walking in here.", "Abby: Well, if it's so top-secret, then lock the door!", "Victoria: I'm sorry. Where were we?", "Michael: Victor. Is he aware of nikki's involvement?", "Victoria: No. And it has to stay that way.", "Michael: No. I can't guarantee that. At any time, that investigation is gonna point directly at nikki, and given that her gun was involved in zack's murder... [ Sighs ] This couldn't look worse.", "Mariah: Hey! Look who it is. Ho, ho, ho.", "Abby: What?", "Mariah: Oh, nothing, just getting into the holiday spirit.", "Abby: Fun. Um, now, if you'll excuse me.", "Mariah: You know, it has been so long since we've talked. Why don't we catch up?", "Abby: Me and you? What about?", "Mariah: Everything! I mean, how are you? What's going on? Spill.", "Abby: Uh, I'm good. Are you okay?", "Mariah: Yeah. I'm great. You know, it's just with the whole \"your boyfriend turning out to be a pimp\" thing, and then you getting trapped in the storage locker, and then zack getting shot right in front of you, I mean... that must have been crazy-intense, right?", "Abby: Are you trying to get me to appear on \"the hilary hour?\" Because that's not gonna happen. Are you taping me now?", "Mariah: No, that's the last thing that I'm trying to do.", "Abby: Okay, then what's your end game?", "Mariah: Drinks? A girls' night with one of my best gal pals, you know? We're both single. We should be out there mingling. How's tonight?", "Abby: Well, that sounds delightful, but, um, yeah, I'll have to pass.", "Mariah: Why? Is it 'cause you're seeing someone these days?", "Abby: Look, that might work on your whole tv gossip show, but I'm sticking with \"no comment.\"", "Phyllis: \"Cane ashby is the one to watch in 2018.\" So what?", "Billy: What do you mean, \"so what?\" The blunder from down under does not deserve that title, okay? He didn't earn it. My mother gave him that job because no other company would touch him, because she felt bad for him.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, I'm gonna ask you again -- so what? You don't compete in the corporate jungle anymore. Suits, meetings, reports, body sprays -- I mean, that's all behind you, isn't it?", "Billy: Board rooms put me to sleep nowadays, yes, but that doesn't mean that I have forgotten that he sabotaged me and brash & sassy. He humiliated me with the hockey league. Caused a lot of damage, and more importantly, my club-level seats.", "Phyllis: Let it go. Cane's having a moment. Big deal.", "Billy: It's how this moment came about, phyllis, okay? The guy is a lying shark, and now he's running my mother's company. One stupid shady move, and he could grind chancellor into the ground.", "Cane: Thanks, man.", "Mattie: Who's that with my dad?", "Reed: That's my dad.", "Mattie: What?", "Reed: Come on. We've been played. Let's go.", "Mattie: No, no, no, no, no. You can't avoid him forever.", "Reed: I can avoid him tonight.", "Mattie: Please? For me? We've started making progress with my dad, and maybe this is our chance to win over yours. I'll be by your side the whole time, and I'll even give you a kiss.", "Reed: All right. Let's go. [ Sighs ] Hey, dad.", "J.T.: Hey, reed. Man, I'm so glad to see you. Come here.", "Reed: Don't you mean desperate, tricking me into this and all?", "J.T.: Well, sorry about the devious means, but you didn't leave me any choice.", "Cane: All right, listen, don't blame your dad. This was my idea. I set this up. Okay? Because he misses you. All right? Hey, don't be mad at me, either.", "Mattie: We're good. Impressive move, actually.", "Cane: Oh, really?", "Mattie: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: So, uh, remember my beautiful but yet sarcastic daughter, mattie?", "J.T.: Yeah, it's been a few years. Good to see you.", "Mattie: Welcome back to genoa city, mr. Hellstrom.", "J.T.: Thank you. Yeah, and I hear you and my son are dating.", "Reed: Dad...", "Mattie: Why don't we all sit down and order some food?", "Cane: Uh, actually, we booked two tables because J.T. And reed need to spend some time alone.", "Michael: Short of relocating victor and nikki to a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the U.S., I'm at a loss.", "Victoria: There must be something we can do. What if we go to the source of the problem?", "Michael: The audit?", "Victoria: Is there any way we can have it called off?", "Michael: You were married to jeffrey todd. You don't have any sway there?", "Victoria: That's not gonna happen. He's gonna play this by the book. We have to come up with some semblance of a defense for my mother, michael. The clock is ticking here.", "Michael: Ptsd.", "Victoria: You want my mom to say that she has post-traumatic stress disorder?", "Michael: She was just recently stabbed.", "Victoria: No, she's not gonna go for that. Not if it means dragging the abbotts and dina's condition into the spotlight.", "Michael: We have another problem.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Great.", "Michael: The prosecutors could argue that your mom and dad were working together, that nikki was trying to hide victor's assets so they wouldn't be seized.", "Victoria: And since there's no love lost between my father and J.T. --", "Michael: So he's likely to pursue that angle.", "Victoria: Great. This situation is like being in quicksand -- the harder we fight, the quicker we sink.", "Michael: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Yes. Yes. That could work.", "Victoria: Tell me.", "Michael: Your mom and dad are still legally married. They can't be forced to testify against each other.", "Victoria: Given the way that things are between those two, i wouldn't be surprised if they'd jump at the chance to put each other behind bars.", "[ Sighs ]", "Scott: Words that strike fear into the heart of every man.", "Abby: Look, I'm not really in the mood for your witty banter. This is serious.", "Scott: Is there a problem at the office?", "Abby: The office? Try the park. Where you kissed me?", "Scott: I kissed you? Sharon's inside.", "Abby: Oh! Huh. I'm sorry. Are you suddenly concerned about the woman that you're living with while you're kissing me? Are you scared that she's gonna overhear us?", "Scott: Look, if we have to talk, we'll talk, but we can't do it here.", "Abby: Fine. Lead the way.", "Sharon: Scott was here a minute ago. More coffee?", "Mariah: Uh, yeah.", "Sharon: I wonder where he went.", "Mariah: Me, too.", "J.T.: It seems like mattie's grown into a nice young lady. I was caught off guard when cane told me you two were dating. I had no idea.", "Reed: There's a lot you don't know about.", "J.T.: Yeah, well, I mean, it's kind of hard to know anything when you're ignoring me. You want to tell me why you've been giving me the cold shoulder, huh? Did mom say something?", "Reed: Mom? No.", "J.T.: Look, every time we talked on the phone, text, video chat, you seemed fine. What's changed between us?", "Reed: Dad, nothing has changed since the day I took off. I've been pretending to be cool because I didn't want you to drag me off to poland and make me suffer again.", "J.T.: Oh, come on. Make you suffer again? What are you -- what are you talking about?", "Reed: Never mind.", "J.T.: No, no, no. No, I want to talk about this, man. I want to know what's going on.", "Reed: You never had time for me. It was always about mac and D.J., And then when becca showed up... [ Scoffs ] I didn't stand a chance. I was an afterthought. You didn't even ask me if i wanted to move to poland with you. You were just gonna take me out of school, away from my friends and my life, and... you didn't even care.", "J.T.: Well, look, I mean... yeah, I could have handled the move differently. It was a crazy time. But you... man, you have never, ever been an afterthought to me, all right? Part of the reason I took this job is because I wanted to spend time with you.", "Reed: Right. You didn't even tell me you were coming to town.", "J.T.: Yeah, well, the job came up suddenly, and I didn't have time to contact anyone.", "Reed: You're here investigating my mom and my grandfather. I mean, it would have been nice to hear that from you.", "J.T.: Yeah, that's, uh... that's a really complex situation.", "Reed: [ Scoffs ] I've heard that too many times. So now that I've told you how i feel, are you gonna take me back with you?", "J.T.: Not necessarily.", "Reed: When are you just gonna admit that you don't want me around?", "J.T.: All right, let me finish, man. God, kid, you're -- you're putting me in a no-win situation here.", "Reed: I'm not a kid.", "J.T.: If I don't let you stay in genoa city, I don't want you around. If I take you back to europe with me, I'm ruining your life, man. I do want you to live with me, but I want it to be your decision.", "Reed: Seriously?", "J.T.: Yeah, seriously. Look... I know you're gonna make the right decision because I have faith in you. Now, I'm asking to have a little faith in me. Trust that what I'm telling you is the truth. Now, can you do that?", "Mattie: Awesome news about sam.", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah. He's doing so well, thanks to the blood you donated.", "Mattie: Mm-hmm. So, what's mr. Hellstrom like?", "Cane: J.T.'S a stand-up guy, so he'll do good by reed.", "Mattie: Fingers crossed.", "Cane: You know who we owe a lot of thanks to? Mac.", "Mattie: Yeah, charlie and i wouldn't be here without her.", "Cane: Yeah, this is true. She carried you and your brother, you know, for lily, and you won't find anybody that selfless. All right, all right. What's the smile for?", "Mattie: I'm just happy that you don't hate all of reed's parents.", "Cane: Oh, please. Come on.", "Mattie: Maybe if you thought of reed at J.T. And mac's son instead of victoria newman's, you wouldn't dislike him so much, and the thought of us dating wouldn't seem so bad.", "Cane: Nice one. You know what, I just might have to give that a try.", "Mattie: You should.", "Cane: I will. Okay.", "[ Chuckles ]", "J.T.: [ Chuckles ] Easy on the sugar there, man. All right, here's a little fun fact for you. I used to date lily's best friend colleen way back in the day. She was one of the greatest people I've ever known. We had some great times together.", "Reed: Can we maybe skip the trip down memory lane? I don't need to know what it was like dating without cellphones.", "Jordan: Hey, we had cellphones. They just, you know, they... you flipped 'em open.", "Reed: [ Laughing ] We done?", "J.T.: You remind me so much of myself at your age.", "Reed: Doubtful.", "J.T.: Yeah? All right, well, I played guitar. Colleen's dad hated me. We used to sneak around to see each other. Does that sound familiar?", "Reed: Yeah.", "J.T.: And I tried to pretend like I didn't give a damn when, you know, deep down, I really did. That's probably why I'm so hard on you, you know? I'm trying to keep you from making the same mistakes I made.", "Reed: What mistakes?", "J.T.: Well, according to your mom, you haven't made any of them yet, so let's just leave it there. I don't want to give you any ideas. You know, I, uh... I might be able to help you guys smooth things out with cane.", "Reed: You don't even know mattie.", "J.T.: Yeah, well, I know you.", "Mattie: Hey, um, sorry for interrupting. I just wanted to say goodbye. Dad wants to go check on sam, and I have to study.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Mattie: It was nice to meet you, mr. Hellstrom.", "J.T.: Yeah, it was nice meeting you, too, and, uh, please call me J.T. I'm not nearly as old as your dad.", "Cane: Hey.", "Reed: Well, I would like to say my goodbyes privately, if that's okay with you.", "Cane: Sounds good. All right. Go.", "[ Chuckles ]", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Cane: Yeah.", "J.T.: Well, I can, uh... I can drop mattie off, if you want.", "Cane: Oh, thank you for the offer, but...", "J.T.: No, come on. It'll save a trip. You get to the hospital sooner.", "Cane: I can't argue with that. I'll let her know.", "J.T.: Yeah, before you go, I just -- thanks for helping me out with reed.", "Cane: I'll add it to the list.", "J.T.: The list? There's a list?", "Cane: Yeah, there's a list, you know that. You owe me still for saving your life when you got electrocuted.", "J.T.: Uh, the way I remember it, I was driving around in the tornado looking for you, but, i mean, who's keeping score? Especially since I got another favor to ask you.", "Cane: Sure.", "J.T.: Take it easy on reed.", "Cane: Okay.", "J.T.: I understand you're overprotective, I get it. When I was that age, girls' parents hated me -- for good reason. But, look, there's a big difference between me and him. He's actually a good kid, you know?", "Cane: All right.", "Victoria: Hey, did you get your homework done?", "Billy: Yes, mother!", "Victoria: I gave you a key for emergencies.", "Billy: Saving our planet from rogue aliens is an emergency. Right, johnny? Johnny? He's upstairs taking a nap. It's all good. You having a bad day?", "Victoria: Is it that obvious?", "Billy: Come here. Join my galactic team in saving our planet from aliens. It's a great way to de-stress.", "Victoria: Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you stressed out? What's wrong, did the spa not have the plush robe that you like so much?", "Billy: Hold on a second. I am taking a sabbatical from work. That doesn't mean that I spend my days at the spa.", "Victoria: Would you just --", "Billy: At least not every day.", "Victoria: Focus, all right? The source of your tension is...?", "Billy: Okay, you see that alien right there? That little one? He has an aussie accent.", "Victoria: What did cane do this time?", "Billy: Cane got named \"the one to watch in 2018.\" Give me a break. I mean, did you read the article?", "Victoria: I read it. I just have more important issues on my plate right now.", "Billy: Like?", "Victoria: The audit. It turns out that J.T.'S not on a wild goose chase. There was an actual financial impropriety, and it's a serious one.", "Billy: That's not exactly surprising, vick. Your dad is a crook.", "Victoria: He's innocent, okay?", "Billy: Come on.", "Victoria: It's true.", "Billy: Convince anybody of that.", "Victoria: What would you do if your family was in this position? How would you protect them?", "Billy: Are you asking billy the schemer to come out to play?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, obviously I'm desperate right now.", "Billy: Okay, well, I would tell you to get J.T. To drop the audit any way that you can.", "Victoria: You think I should seduce my ex-husband?", "Billy: Oh, no. No, no. I'm not promoting infidelity. Plus, I would never do that to mac. I'm just saying that you two still have a relationship, a connection, you know? do what you need to do. \"The young and the restless\" will continue. They're getting ready for a hot deal..", "Phyllis: Does it have to be a jabot elevator, or will any one do?", "Billy: I thought you were too busy to play today.", "Phyllis: I got off early. There are nine floors of fun to be had.", "Billy: A family of six just got on that one. Drink first?", "Phyllis: [ Gasps ] Yeah. Please.", "Billy: Oh, well, well. Look at that, my two favorite people acting all buddy- buddy.", "Phyllis: Oh, just ignore them.", "Cane: Hey.", "Billy: Too late.", "Phyllis: J.T., Welcome back.", "J.T.: Hey, phyllis. You look amazing. I love the hair. Do, uh, blondes really have more fun?", "Billy: They do with me.", "Phyllis: They?", "Billy: You know what I mean.", "J.T.: So, you guys are together? That's interesting.", "Cane: Yeah, anyway, on that note, I got to go.", "Billy: Aww, so soon?", "Cane: Yeah, I have to get to the hospital to see sam.", "Phyllis: How is sam doing?", "Cane: He's doing much better, thank you for asking. He'll be ready for the olympics any day now.", "Phyllis: Fantastic.", "Cane: Yeah. Hey, uh, did you see the article about chancellor? You should check that out.", "Billy: Yeah, I think there was two or three copies lining the floor of the stable where my racehorse is, I'm assuming covered in manure by now.", "Cane: [ Laughs ] You see that? Some things never change. Billy's still full of himself. See you, mate.", "J.T.: All right.", "Cane: All right.", "Billy: Okay, see you later, J.T.", "J.T.: Well, actually, I'm waiting on reed and mattie, so can I buy you a round?", "Billy: No, thanks.", "Phyllis: Martini. Never turn down a free drink.", "J.T.: That is the spirit. How about a martini for this pretty lady, huh?", "Billy: I'll have a draft beer, whatever you got. [ Clears throat ] Well, J.T., I hear you're persecuting victoria.", "J.T.: Well, I'm looking into newman enterprises' books, if that's what you mean.", "Billy: Well, she's the C.O.O. Of the company, so it affects her.", "J.T.: Right.", "Billy: Begs the question -- why don't you just back off?", "J.T.: Because I'm a professional, and, uh, I don't let my personal relationships get in the way. I'm surprised you're defending her. Didn't she fire you?", "Phyllis: You know, before you toss out another snide remark, let's not forget billy ran into a burning building to save your son.", "J.T.: And for that, I will be forever grateful.", "Billy: Well, you did the same thing for cee cee, so let's just leave it at that. And speaking of, it looks like reed and mattie are wrapping things up.", "J.T.: Hey, you guys, take your time, all right? I'm really enjoying this company right now.", "Mariah: So, now that it's been a few weeks living with scott... is it everything you've been hoping for?", "Sharon: And more. Now, I admit, I had my doubts. You know that I did. But he swept them all away.", "Mariah: Mom, do you ever get the impression that, uh... I don't know, that, uh, scott's trying too hard?", "Sharon: No. Wait. Where is this coming from?", "Mariah: Nothing. Uh, you know what, this is getting heavy. I'll be right back.", "Sharon: Wait. Mariah. Sit down.", "Mariah: [ Scoffs ]", "Sharon: I know why you're questioning my relationship.", "Mariah: You do?", "Sharon: You've been knocked around by cupid a bit lately, but you can't let that make you cynical. I've had my ups and downs with love, but I'm in a good place now. And you will be, too. Very soon, you will find the perfect partner for you, too.", "Abby: You're either in or you're out.", "Scott: In or out of what?", "Abby: I'm not gonna be your dirty little secret.", "Scott: Where is this coming from? We're not having an affair.", "Abby: Stealing kisses, having sex in a storage unit?", "Scott: I thought we agreed that was a mistake.", "Abby: Yeah, so did I, but then you couldn't keep your lips off of me.", "Scott: Look, to quote newton, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.", "Abby: Yes, I did kiss you back. There is this inexplicable attraction that neither one of us can make sense of, but look, I know where this is headed, and I have been there before. I am not gonna be the other woman. It didn't end so well. It never does.", "Scott: I'm not asking you for anything. I moved in with sharon, and I love her. End of story.", "[ Door opens ]", "Reed: Hey, mom.", "Victoria: Oh, hey! I was wondering when you were gonna be home.", "J.T.: Sorry, we got held up at the club. I gave him a ride home. Hey, thanks.", "Victoria: That's great. I'm glad you two connected.", "J.T.: Yeah. Me, too. We, uh, managed to talk about a few things.", "Victoria: Thank you for contacting your dad.", "Reed: Actually, I didn'T. Uh, mattie's dad pulled a quick one.", "Victoria: He what?", "Reed: I'll let you explain. I'm gonna go upstairs.", "J.T.: All right. Cane just did me a little favor, that's all. All right, well, uh, I'm gonna get out of here.", "Victoria: Hold on a second. Why don't you stay? Have a drink.", "Scott: Abby, wait. Wait! You need to hear me out.", "Abby: Why, so you can go on and on and on about your undying love for sharon?", "Scott: Please.", "Abby: Fine. Fine, get on with it.", "Scott: It's the most committed relationship I've ever been in, and I want to make it work. I don't want to hurt her.", "Abby: Wow. If this is commitment, I shudder to think of what your other relationships were like.", "Scott: See? You don't get me, I don't get you -- another reason we're toxic for each other.", "Abby: Oh, yeah, you really know how to pour on the compliments.", "Scott: The truth hurts, but it needs to be said. I mean, that night in the storage unit, there were some major extenuating, life-or-death circumstances that surrounded what happened between us, and i regret it.", "Abby: So do I.", "Scott: But we can't deny that we have a physical attraction to each other. But I still believe that that is a residual spark from that night. And it has to be extinguished. And I never meant to hurt your feelings and lead you on in any way, and if I did, I sincerely apologize. But this is where it needs to end.", "Abby: Well, great. I am thrilled that you have come to that conclusion. And since they don't make designer fire suits, the only way I can think to avoid further combustion between us is for you to stay the hell away from me.", "J.T.: Thank you.", "Victoria: I suppose you've had the glue-in-the-hair thing with D.J. And becca.", "J.T.: Oh, yeah. Glue and glitter. In her hair.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Victoria: You know, when johnny and katherine were younger, he tried to give her a haircut.", "J.T.: Yeah?", "Victoria: Yeah, luckily i caught him before he made the first cut.", "J.T.: Been there.", "Victoria: I don't suppose there's any way I can stop you from cutting my family off at the knees.", "J.T.: [ Sighs ] Come on, victoria, we shouldn't talk about the audit right now.", "Victoria: But we have to talk about it.", "J.T.: Why do we have to talk about it?", "Victoria: Because you're smart, J.T., Okay? And I know that you're gonna get to the bottom of this anomaly sooner rather than later.", "J.T.: Wait a minute, do you know something?", "Victoria: Purely hypothetically speaking, what if the guilty party, what if they were regretful and... and what if they were determined to make amends?", "J.T.: [ Clears throat ] Well, hypothetically speaking... I'm hearing a lot of \"what ifs\" without a lot of facts, so i don't think I can give you a response without knowing the whole story.", "Victoria: If I share this information with you, I'm gonna need some sort of guarantee that you'll show the guilty party leniency.", "J.T.: [ Sighs ] It's not my place, all right? I'm an investigator. I can't make promises like that.", "Victoria: Okay, I get it. But maybe you could somehow influence the outcome?", "J.T.: You know, victoria, the way you're talking... did you have something to do with this? Are you asking me to keep you out of prison?", "Scott: Sharon in the back?", "Mariah: She left. Where did you and abby go?", "Scott: We had some, uh, work stuff to take care of for newman.", "Mariah: Is \"work stuff\" code for sucking face?", "Scott: Why would you say that?", "Mariah: Did you and abby sneak off to make out?", "Scott: I didn't, and I don't understand why you'd say that.", "Mariah: Because you've done it once before, that I know of, in chancellor park. I don't know where else or how far it's gone.", "Scott: How'd you find out?", "Mariah: Because you two were dumb enough to put the \"p\" in pda, kissing out in the open for everyone to see.", "Scott: It was a mistake. Abby and I set the record straight, and it will never, ever happen again.", "Mariah: I know it won'T.", "Scott: I have no right to ask you this, but...", "Mariah: But you're going to anyway?", "Scott: Please don't tell sharon what happened between me and abby.", "Mariah: She won't hear it from me. But I am going to be watching you. I have eyes and ears all over this town, and there's no way in hell I'm going to let you hurt my mom.", "Scott: That's the last thing I want. I'm fully committed to her. I -- I swear, abby is out of the picture.", "Mariah: Good. She better be. Because if you step out of line one more time, you will have to answer to me. I just kidnapped a woman to help a girl that I barely even know. Imagine how far I'll go to protect my own mom.", "Billy: Well, once a player, always a player, I guess, huh?", "Phyllis: Who, J.T.?", "Billy: No, the bartender.", "Phyllis: Oh, that was just alpha male energy.", "Billy: Oh!", "Phyllis: The two of you share an ex-wife, so you're gonna try to top each other. The testosterone was overwhelming. I actually thought it was quite sexy.", "Billy: You enjoyed him flirting with you like that.", "Phyllis: He was being friendly. [ Gasps ] Are you jealous at the fact another man might find me attractive?", "Billy: If I had an issue for every man that found you attractive, I would be the angriest guy on the planet.", "Phyllis: Sweet-talker. Okay, then, if that's not the problem, what's bugging you?", "Billy: J.T.'S married to mac, but he sure wasn't acting like it.", "J.T.: All right, you're not guilty, but you know who is, don't you?", "Victoria: And I hope you're gonna change your mind about helping me when I tell you who. The person who transferred the money out of my dad's personal account was my mother.", "J.T.: Nikki? Are you joking? Oh, god. You're serious.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] She had her reasons.", "J.T.: [ Sighs ]", "Victoria: My father's innocent, he had absolutely nothing to do with this. And it has nothing to do with the sex-trafficking ring or designdate, either.", "J.T.: Then what is it?", "Victoria: Just a fight between my mom and dad that escalated in typical newman style. My mom's guilt is off the charts. She never meant for it to go so far, she really didn'T. Can you please take that into consideration and make sure that she's not punished for this?", "J.T.: I'm sorry, victoria, i don't have a choice. If your mom committed a crime, then she's gonna have to face the consequences." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Angelo feels that Frederick may turn out to be a problem. Bobbie may lose control of his business. Brittany feels that she has no one to talk to anymore. Damon gives a warning about the flower. Drucilla jumps to conclusions. Jack perceives a threat.", "Michael plays \"Let's Make a Deal\". Neil reveals that he is ready to cancel the wedding. Nick outlines his terms for forgiveness. Phyllis screams in terror. Raul listens for a change. Vanessa knows who her roommate is with. Victoria never wants to see her brother again." ]
[ "Michael: Victor, I don't want a pat on the back. I don't want a gold medal. I'm telling you I'm taking the fall for this.", "Victor: No, you're not.", "Michael: I already told Christine. I said that bribing Safra's retailers was my idea. I even came up with a pretty good story about where I got the money. I found it in a discretionary account that nobody knew about.", "Victor: You're not listening to me.", "Michael: It's the only reasonable solution to this. Chris all but said you were the high-profile target. You know damn well you're the man her bosses want to string up in public. Look, if they have to settle for little old me, they might decide it's not worth the trouble.", "Victor: They might not settle for little old you. This is my idea, my plan to benefit my company, all right?", "Michael: I don't understand. You don't have a choice.", "Victor: You don't have to understand. I've made up my mind.", "Michael: This isn't a good idea!", "Victor: I said, I have made up my mind. I'll take the rap for this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens and closes)", "Nick: Did you talk to Dad? It's terrible, isn't it? I mean, can you believe what he did? And for all the years, all the lectures we've had to listen to about character and integrity. If he'd just once said that sometimes you gotta be a hypocrite... you try to avoid it, but it's part of the game. If he'd just once copped to the fact that he's as fallible as the rest of us, then I could have forgiven him.", "Victoria: You forgive him? You? Who the hell are you to forgive anyone? Are you God?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Angelo: What kind of trouble you talking about, Sal?", "Sal: Brittany's old man-- Fred Hodges, right?", "Angelo: What about him?", "Sal: I was sitting with Bobby and the songbird at the athletic club restaurant, and her father comes over and starts making threats.", "Angelo: What kind of threats?", "Sal: About shutting down the club.", "Angelo: Well, what'd Bobby have to say about it?", "Sal: Bobby-- you know, the old Bobby I used to know-- he would have carved that guy's face up right then and there.", "Angelo: Yeah, you know, he's a little different lately. Ever since this Brittany started working here, I only get half his attention.", "Bobby: Sal, what are you doing here? Hmm? Is something wrong?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Vanessa: Have you seen Damon?", "Jack: Well, lovely to run into you, too, Miss Lerner.", "Vanessa: I'm sorry. Please excuse me. I'm just am a little rattled at the moment.", "Jack: Have a seat. How come?", "Vanessa: Well, Damon and I were in our room settling in when he got this sudden urge to go out, supposedly alone.", "Jack: Supposedly?", "Vanessa: Yeah, well, I've got a funny feeling I know exactly what he's doing and who he's doing it with-- Drucilla Winters.", "Jack: They're colleagues, Vanessa.", "Vanessa: I know that, but is that all they are?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Oh, my God! Hi! Hi, guy. Look at that thing!", "Damon: Drucilla, slow down! Slow down! You go tearing through the forest like that; we'll never find the orchid.", "Dru: And if we don't hurry up, people are gonna notice we're missing.", "Damon: People? Don't you mean Neil?", "Dru: Well, Neil's one of them. Then there's your roommate, your girlfriend, whatever you call her.", "Damon: You know what? If you'd like to go back, be my guest. Frankly, that's where I think you belong.", "Dru: Oh, no, I'm with this from beginning to end. Go, team Jabot!", "Damon: Spare me the pep talk. What we need right now is results.", "Dru: We're not gonna get any results if we're hanging around here, okay? We've got a lot of ground to cover. Let's go.", "Damon: And there's a lot of things we can miss. Now, look, you insisted on coming along. Now you want to rush. That's not the way I work, understand?", "Dru: Okay, let's do it your way. Lead on.", "Dru: Well, hold up. Wait for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Phyllis.", "Phyllis: What?", "Neil: This is really, really bugging me.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. We don't know what they're up to.", "Neil: I can't believe this. I want to trust that woman in the worst way, but how can I not be suspicious?", "Phyllis: I know, I know.", "Neil: I'm telling you right now, if that big-headed freak lays a hand on my girl, I'm gonna clock him. I'm gonna lay him out. That's all there is to it. I'm gonna lay him out.", "Phyllis: Of course you are, of course. Just relax, breathe, breathe.", "Neil: (Breathes deeply) what'd they do? Come on. Stop it! Come on!", "Phyllis: Aah! I'm coming. I'm coming, I'm coming.", "Dru: Ooh, hey, wait up. Oh, oh, hey. Okay, all right. Here I come. Here I come. Wait for me. I'm... can you give me a hand here? Oh. Oh, shoot. Wait. Hold on.", "Phyllis: What, what, what?", "Neil: Over there. Come on. Holy moly. L-ladies first.", "Phyllis: Aah!", "Neil: Ladies... go on.", "Phyllis: Ew.", "Neil: Phyllis, we're gonna lose 'em. Would you get a grip?", "Phyllis: I'm afraid. Please.", "Neil: Cross the log. Go.", "Phyllis: Okay. I can't look down. Sure. Go on the log with me.", "Neil: I'm going, if you'd just hurry up and get across.", "Phyllis: Aah!", "Neil: Shh. Be quiet.", "Phyllis: (Whimpers)", "Neil: That's it. That's it. Go on. Go on. Get up. Go on. Over.", "Phyllis: Yuck.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Sheesh.", "Damon: My, my, my.", "Dru: Man, why didn't you help me across the log? What...", "Damon: I'd say we hit the jackpot.", "Dru: Oh, my God. You know what? Shall we pull 'em up from the roots, you know, and just put 'em right in the thing? Wha...", "Damon: I need you to slow down, all right? We have to find the right plant first.", "Dru: Okay.", "Damon: Yeah? Okay.", "Dru: Okay, okay.", "Damon: Now all we need is a couple of samples, and we can get on outta here.", "Dru: All right.", "Damon: Remember I showed you this? This is what we're looking for.", "Dru: Okay. Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: O-kay, Neil. Um, listen, that's--that's...", "Neil: That's what?", "Phyllis: You don't want to see this, okay? We really should go.", "Neil: No. I'm staying right here, no matter how much it kills me. I can't believe I'm supposed to be marrying that girl. What the hell is she doing?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Raul: (Mumbles) what does that mean?", "Raul: Hello.", "Brittany: Hi. Any calls?", "Raul: Nope. It's pretty quiet around here with J.T. Gone, isn't it?", "Brittany: Yeah, whatever.", "Raul: Rough day?", "Brittany: Nothing I can't handle.", "Raul: And that's what you call handling it, just sitting there with your arms crossed, looking like you could spit nails?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: So let's hear it. What's going on?", "Angelo: Nothing. We're just shooting the breeze.", "Bobby: Really? Sal, I thought you had an appointment. The way you ran out of that restaurant so fast made Brittany feel like she put her foot in it.", "Sal: Hey, her old man did that, not her. Anyhow, I still got an appointment.", "Bobby: Yeah? But you still had time to come down here and shoot the breeze with Angelo.", "Sal: Is there a law against it? Ange, I'll be in touch. Hey, you, don't let that girl grab you by the nose, huh?", "Angelo: Later, man.", "Bobby: Yeah, have a nice day.", "Bobby: Come on, Ange, something stinks in here.", "Angelo: Well, Sal was telling me what happened today with your girlfriend's old man.", "Bobby: It's nothing. I'll take care of it.", "Angelo: So how you gonna do that, Bobby?", "Bobby: Relax, Ange. I'll handle it.", "Angelo: Well, I hope so. You know, your name might be on the sign out front, but I got a big interest in this club.", "Bobby: Yeah, of course you do.", "Angelo: And I don't plan on letting anybody take that from me. Got that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Wow. You know what? I gotta tell you, I don't see it.", "Damon: Well, just be patient.", "Dru: I just don't--", "Damon: Just be patient. We'll find it.", "Dru: Okay, let me see the pic... oh!", "Damon: You all right?", "Dru: Yeah. Let me see the picture.", "Damon: Okay.", "Dru: Okay. Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Listen, Neil, I know how upset you are, but I'd like you to notice how big Damon is.", "Neil: I don't care how big he is. You see, he's over there doing lord knows what to my bride-to-be.", "Phyllis: I just don't know if a fistfight is necessarily the way to go.", "Neil: What do you want me to do? You want me to sit over here and pretend like nothing's happening?", "Phyllis: No, it's just... it's just, you know, he's--", "Neil: It's just what? It's just that he's big, and I'm not big? What are you saying? Aren't you my friend? I don't care if he's big. I'm bigger, okay? And when I get mad, I am huge.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Oh. Oh. Guess what. I think I found it. It's gorgeous. It's gonna bring us so much money, Damon. Look.", "Damon: Drucilla, that's not it.", "Dru: What do you mean, that's not it? Of course it's... look.", "Damon: No, no, no, no, no. Look here. Here and here.", "Dru: Yeah?", "Damon: No. It's not the same flower. I mean, it's similar, but... baby, let me tell you something else. The orchid we're looking for is very rare, all right?", "Dru: Okay.", "Damon: If, perchance, you do find one, for God's sake, don't pick it.", "Dru: Well, okay. All right. I was just trying to help.", "Damon: All right. All right.", "Dru: You know what? At least I didn't pick it in vain. Kind of like a boutonniere.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: All right, all right. Have you seen enough? Let's go.", "Neil: I told you, I'm not leaving. I'm staying till the bitter end.", "Phyllis: Why do you want to do this to yourself?", "Neil: Because I want to be sure of my ground. I need all the evidence I can get. Do you understand?", "Phyllis: What more do you need? What more do you need? What more evidence do you need, Neil? Come on. I mean, let's go, before they do things.", "Neil: Phyllis, I told you, I'm staying right here, and you're staying with me, okay?", "Phyllis: Ah. Okay, okay.", "Neil: You're gonna stay right here. We're gonna sit tight, and we're gonna get... do you see that?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I see it. Aah! Get it off me! Get it off!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Don't hassle me, Raul, okay? I'm not in the mood.", "Raul: Well, you want to talk about it? Maybe I can help.", "Brittany: I don't need help.", "Raul: Fine. You change your mind; I'll be right over here.", "Brittany: You know, you say that, but you're not really here.", "Raul: What's that supposed to mean?", "Brittany: If I want to talk about my life, it has to stay within the limits. I better not mention Marsino's or my work there or my singing or my ambitions.", "Raul: Hold... Brittany, hold on. Hold on a second. I love your singing. And it's even okay if you want to talk about stripping, up to a point.", "Brittany: Raul, I know I'm not the center of the universe, but when you hope and pray for something, and then it finally comes along and then someone who supposedly cares about you screws it up completely, it makes you wonder. It makes you wonder about everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: Come on, you think I'm not gonna protect this place and us along with it?", "Angelo: Look, a guy like this Hodges-- he can hurt us, Bobby.", "Bobby: All right, he's just blowing smoke. He's not gonna do a thing.", "Angelo: Yeah, it's like Sal was saying, you know, you've changed. It used to be anytime somebody talked about taking away your meal ticket, they'd be getting their food through a tube for awhile.", "Bobby: Yeah, well, you know what? I got smart.", "Angelo: I suppose you got a big, smart plan then, huh?", "Bobby: Yeah, I do. Wake up, ange. I got as much to lose in this place as you.", "Angelo: You know, you say that, and I know you mean it, but--", "Bobby: But what?", "Angelo: You know for a fact this Hodges jerk doesn't have friends down at city hall? I mean, are you so sure he's all talk?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: All right, Victor, calm down. I'm not fighting with you. This is the only way to handle the situation. You have to let me take the hit. Now these retailers, they only saw me, they only spoke to me. Your name was never even mentioned. I am the ambitious flunky who got carried away.", "Victor: But you have a prison record already. They'd just throw away the key.", "Michael: Maybe, maybe not.", "Victor: Why are you doing this?", "Michael: Damage control. I'm a good person.", "Victor: You're not my flesh and blood. This is my scheme. I ordered you to execute it.", "Michael: I am your lawyer, your advocate, your guardian, if you will. I take that very seriously.", "Victor: You're my lawyer, you're not a 1-man secret service for Victor Newman.", "Michael: What if I want to be?", "Victor: Why would you want to be that?", "Michael: Because no one would think I'd do it. At least, no one that matters.", "Victor: I see, I see, I see. So Michael Baldwin has an ulterior motive for his altruism. Who are you trying to impress?", "Michael: You make it sound so stupid.", "Victor: It is very stupid.", "Michael: You're not me.", "Victor: Let me tell you something... I've been called every name in the book. More people hate my guts than you can shake a fist at.", "Michael: Your point?", "Victor: The point is you don't need redemption any more than I do. You got that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So you, too, huh? You want to start taking shots at me just like everyone else?", "Victoria: I wouldn't waste my time.", "Nick: So Dad bribes half the world to make your little division a success, and you're gonna thank him for it? You know, Vic, I seriously misjudged you.", "Victoria: Me and everyone else.", "Victoria: Oh, you want to defend his lies, his hypocrisy, his total disregard for the law? Well, fine, let's hear it then.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Suppose you give me a hint as to why you're so upset.", "Vanessa: Well, if Damon and Dru are off doing what I think they're doing--", "Jack: On the night before Dru's wedding?", "Vanessa: I'm not talking about that, and you know it.", "Jack: Okay, obviously something has you unhinged.", "Vanessa: We wouldn't be here if... we wouldn't be here at all if it weren't for me. It's my discovery. A fact which Mr. Porter seems to have conveniently forgotten.", "Jack: Now why would you say that?", "Vanessa: Because if I'm right, he and Drucilla are off orchid hunting without me. How's that for a knife in the back?", "Jack: You really think...", "Vanessa: I don't know. When we were back home, I accused him of trying to cut me out of this entirely.", "Jack: And how did Mr. Porter react to that?", "Vanessa: Well, he's a very good dancer, Jack, very masterful. You would do well to remember that yourself.", "Jack: He's been very loyal to me. I trust him implicitly.", "Vanessa: Mm-hmm. Yeah, well, I did, too, once upon a time. I came to my friend-- a man I believed in-- with information that I believe has the power to transform an entire industry. Silly me, I expected him to handle it fairly.", "Jack: Well, I guess that's my question. What do you mean by \"handle it fairly\"?", "Vanessa: Oh, connect the dots, Jack. This is a once in a lifetime discovery.", "Jack: If it's for real.", "Vanessa: Oh, it is. Believe me. I mean, you wouldn't be here, 7,000 miles away from Genoa City, if you didn't believe that.", "Jack: Okay, Ms. Lerner, there's fair and there's fair. I understand you feel you might be due some compensation.", "Vanessa: Might be? Unh-unh. Think again.", "Jack: We have to find this flower. We have to get it back to the lab, separate its chemical properties, see if this stuff can be synthesized.", "Vanessa: Wait, you're telling me my business?", "Jack: We have to determine the optimum concentration. We have to find a suspension medium, additives, fragrances, and then we have to test it on human beings under very strict government regulations.", "Vanessa: Yes. Jack, Jack, Jack, what's your point? That it's gonna cost money, take time, require some investment?", "Jack: More than some.", "Vanessa: Yeah. So you're gonna do whatever it takes, because at the end of the day, you stand to make billions. You or whatever company secures the patent first.", "Jack: Is that a threat, Ms. Lerner?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Aah! God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Get 'em off of me! Get 'em off of me. Get 'em off of me.", "Neil: Oh, my God.", "Phyllis: Off of me. Get 'em... oh, God, get it off me.", "Neil: Oh.", "Phyllis: Get it off.", "Dru: Hi, guys.", "Neil: Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Hi.", "Neil: Hi.", "Phyllis: Is it off of my arm? Is it off of my arm?", "Damon: What are y'all doing here?", "Phyllis: There was a bug crawling on my arm.", "Neil: Wait a minute. No, no, no, no. You're asking us what are we doing... what the hell is it with you two?", "Dru: I was in the sundries shop buying a postcard for Aunt Mamie and asked Damon to go exploring with me.", "Neil: Exploring, huh?", "Dru: Yeah.", "Damon: Yeah, that's right. So what about y'all?", "Dru: Yeah.", "Neil: What about us? Um, it's a funny thing happened when I got out of the shower, you know, 'cause I went downstairs, and I ran into Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Yeah, he ran into me, and we decided to go exploring ourselves.", "Damon: I see. And y'all just happened to wander into the forest?", "Phyllis: Yep.", "Damon: That's quite a coincidence, wouldn't you say?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I'm not gonna defend anything to you. Why should I? You're the judge and the jury. What I want to know is who sent you out into the world to straighten everyone out?", "Nick: Victoria, I don't think I'm better than everybody else, and I'm certainly not trying to play God.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah, right, not you.", "Nick: Look, you feel sorry for dad because he's in a hell of a mess. But it's a mess he made. So don't shoot the messenger.", "Victoria: You're not the messenger. You're the executioner.", "Nick: Look, Dad took people's jobs away, their livelihood. That's what happens when companies fold.", "Victoria: Jabot hasn't folded.", "Nick: Yeah, but it might. And that was certainly Dad's intention. And what about Ashley's baby?", "Victoria: Oh, come on. You cannot blame him for that was a terrible accident.", "Nick: Oh, so you're saying our actions have no consequences. Or when they do, we shouldn't be held accountable.", "Victoria: Maybe we should, but not like this. This is our father. Get out of here. I don't want to talk to you anymore. I don't even know who you are. I don't want to look at your face", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Raul: So this Sal guy-- he's a record producer?", "Brittany: Not exactly. But he does have connections with a lot of important people.", "Raul: People in the music business?", "Brittany: Yeah. He could open doors for me if he thinks I have talent. Anyway, we're sitting there talking about my career, and then my--", "Raul: That's when your Dad barges in.", "Brittany: It was so embarrassing. He was yelling, making threats, calling Mr. Staley and Bobby names. I swear, Raul, I wanted to die there right on the spot.", "Raul: So what happened, your Dad just finally backed off?", "Brittany: Well, my Mom was pulling on his arm. She was as embarrassed as I was. And then he and Bobby went out and talked. Raul, it was so ugly-- and the timing.", "Raul: So what happened?", "Brittany: Well, Mr. Staley left, of course. It was so obvious he couldn't wait to get out of there.", "Raul: You think your chance is blown now or what?", "Brittany: Well, Bobby says it's not, but it wasn't exactly a great start.", "Raul: You know what I think? Music is business, Brittany. If this guy goes down and hears you sing and he likes you, this whole thing that happened with your parents, it's not even gonna matter.", "Brittany: Well, he did promise he would set something up with Bobby.", "Raul: See, there you go. I bet you happens.", "Brittany: Yeah. Maybe it won't.", "Raul: Hey, you are a rare find.", "Brittany: You think?", "Raul: You're darn right I do. I just hope...", "Brittany: What?", "Raul: Well, that this guy's legit.", "Brittany: Well, you know, he's not exactly Quincy Jones, Raul, but if he knows people he can call, if he can open that door just a crack, that's more than what I have now.", "Raul: Yeah.", "Brittany: And if my music career took off even a little bit, I wouldn't have to take my clothes off anymore. I could actually sing for a living. You'd like that, wouldn't you?", "Raul: Yeah. Yeah, I think I would. I'd love that.", "Brittany: Thank you.", "Raul: For what?", "Brittany: For listening to me vent.", "Raul: Hey, hey, you remember me? I'm your number one fan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: Look, Ange, Fred Hodges-- he's just an uptight suit whose daughter is a sexy, talented chick, and he can't handle it.", "Angelo: Then I think he needs to learn how to appreciate things, like his health, for starters.", "Bobby: Come on, Ange.", "Angelo: No, I mean it. Bobby, this guy needs one of those talks we used to give people to get his attention.", "Bobby: Yeah, I mean it. You stay away from Fred Hodges. You got it?", "Angelo: I'm tellin' you, this Brittany chick--she's messin' with your head, man.", "Bobby: Oh, you never fell for a chick before?", "Angelo: Sure, but I--", "Bobby: Did you forget to breathe?", "Angelo: No, but I--", "Bobby: Did you forget to put your clothes on in the morning?", "Angelo: Bobby, that's not what I mean.", "Bobby: Did you mess everything up and forget to take care of business?", "Angelo: Okay. Okay, you're right. Okay? I worry too much, but I got a reason. You know, I threw in with you on this club to make it work. It's my security, my future, and I ain't never had that before.", "Bobby: Ange, you're not goin' on welfare. Give it a rest.", "Angelo: All right. Look, you say you're gonna take care of it. I believe you're gonna take care of it. But if you don't, then somebody else will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: What-- what's the coincidence? So what? We walked out of the hotel, through the garden and into the beautiful forest, I mean, just like you did, evidently.", "Damon: At the exact same time on the same path? Were you all following us?", "Dru: Yeah.", "Neil: What if we were? You know, Damon, I really, really don't like your attitude.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Damon: It's just a question.", "Neil: Yeah, well, here's another one-- what the hell are you two doing all the way out here? Because what I've seen so far I don't like.", "Dru: Hey, let's take a chill pill.", "Phyllis: Yeah, let's do that. Let's do that. Let's do that, okay? No need for bloodshed. Let's enjoy the beautiful forest.", "Dru: You know, for once, I have to tell you, I agree with phyllis. I mean, I do. Let's just enjoy the scenery. Look at this place.", "Phyllis: That's right.", "Damon: That's what we were doing.", "Phyllis: Exactly, exactly. And we're gonna do it, too. Look at the beautiful orchids over there. Look at the orchids.", "Dru: Never mind the orchids. You should see the bamboo, girl. It is over there, way over there, and it is huge. You've never seen anything like it.", "Phyllis: Good, good. Well, I like the orchids. They're beautiful with the colors and the shapes.", "Neil: What I'm curious about--that little piece of paper in your hot, little hand-- where is it?", "Dru: Honey, listen. That piece of paper, by the way, it's just a map.", "Neil: It's just a map.", "Dru: It's just a map.", "Neil: Where did you get the map?", "Dru: Well, I was in the sundries shop and this nice little man-- he overheard me talking about exploration, and he just gave it to me. You don't believe me?", "Phyllis: Huh.", "Damon: Now I'm gonna ask you one last time--I mean, were you following us?", "Phyllis: Wow, wait a second.", "Neil: Phyllis--", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Let me deal with this. You, like, genius types, you're really paranoid, aren't you? Wow, like there's only one path to the jungle here, so anyway... I gotta tell you, I've had my fair share of exploration today. I'm gonna leave. Anyone want to join me? Okay. That's a bad cold.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Vanessa: I don't make threats, Jack. That's not how I operate.", "Jack: If you're hoping I'm going to negotiate a deal with you right now, Vanessa, it ain't gonna happen.", "Vanessa: Well, well, well. You certainly changed your tune. I mean, you were foaming at the mouth to pin me down on the plane. Why the 180?", "Jack: It seems to me you were the coy one in-flight, and it gave me a chance to reconsider the idea of getting anything on paper. At this juncture, I think we won't.", "Vanessa: Why, because it's premature?", "Jack: Exactly.", "Vanessa: Or because you're trying to cut me out altogether?", "Vanessa: No, but there will be, Jack, and you damn well know it.", "Jack: I repeat-- we have nothing right now. We're here on a hunch.", "Vanessa: Mm-hmm. You say that very convincingly. Unfortunately, I'm not stupid.", "Jack: This has nothing to do with stupidity. We're just starting things right now. A lot can go wrong. If this turns out to be a viable commercial venture, you will be recognized for your contribution in an appropriate manner at an appropriate time.", "Vanessa: With you deciding what's appropriate.", "Jack: Of course.", "Vanessa: Well, I thank you for your candor, Jack. You have a lovely evening.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Honey, did you see the size of that big bamboo? I mean, didn't you think it was beautiful?", "Neil: Yeah, right.", "Dru: You didn't think so? Oh, honey, you're suffering from sleep deprivation. You know, you never learned how to negotiate that jet lag.", "Neil: Drucilla, stop it!", "Dru: You know, back in the day when I was a model, I learned every trick of the trade. You have to drink lots and lots of water. You were eatin' that caviar. Lots of salt in the caviar.", "Neil: Drucilla, I could care less about the water.", "Dru: I think you should take a nap, darling. You should take a nap. Just go into the alpha. Don't go into the R.E.M. Go into the alpha. You need to go to bed on Japanese time or else you won't be worth a dime tomorrow on the big day.", "Neil: Hey, hey, hey, hey, listen to me, okay? There's not gonna be a big day tomorrow if you don't stop playing games. Now I wanna know what Damon and the rest of these clowns are doing at our wedding, and I want the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: What are you looking at?", "Michael: Who are you? I feel like I've just received absolution.", "Victor: What I'm telling you is you cannot let other people define you.", "Michael: I never have.", "Victor: Well, then don't start now, because you'll do things that are not in your best interest. Don't try to impress others with your fairness and humanity. They'll interpret that. They'll think that's weakness. They'll devour you.", "Michael: They?", "Victor: I will not let you take the fall for me, you got that? You go to Christine Blair, you tell her you'll make whatever deal she wants to as long as it gives you the most immunity.", "Michael: No, I don't like this, Victor.", "Victor: I'm ordering you to do it.", "Michael: That's how I got in trouble in the first place-- taking your orders.", "Victor: You tell Christine Blair if she wants me to come to my office.", "Michael: Victor, I can handle this. Let me do this for you.", "Victor: Michael Baldwin, let me explain something to you. All my life I've been accused of not taking responsibility for the consequences of my actions, that I'm ruthless and unfeeling. It ain't so. You will not take the rap for me. I'm responsible for this. This was my idea and my plan, my scheme. I will suffer the consequences, not you. End of story.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: Hey.", "Vanessa: Well, I don't have to ask where you've been.", "Damon: Oh? Where have I been?", "Vanessa: Off orchid hunting with Drucilla Winters. I have a sort of sixth sense about being screwed over.", "Damon: Vanessa, no one's trying to screw you over.", "Vanessa: Really, the thought never crossed your mind, not once? Because I can almost guarantee you, it's crossed Jack Abbott's.", "Damon: You two have been talking?", "Vanessa: Sparring is more like it. But let's get back to you and your sneaky little sidekick.", "Damon: Yes, Drucilla and I went out into the forest briefly.", "Vanessa: Didn't find the orchid, though, did you? And you're not going to, not without me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Honey, there's nothing going on.", "Neil: Nothing going on, huh?", "Dru: Mnh-mnh.", "Neil: Don't give me that-- don't feed me that line of bull about how you've always wanted to visit Japan, because I'm not buying it!", "Dru: So now you're a mind reader?", "Neil: Obviously not, otherwise I'd know why you invited all the wedding guests that you did. Who is it now? It's Jack, Damon, Vanessa--", "Dru: Okay, you invited motor-mouth Phyllis who I can't stand.", "Neil: Ah, ah, ah. Motor-mouth phy-- motor-mouth Phyllis is the only person who's being totally straight with me these days.", "Dru: Oh, so you would pick that gold digger over me. That hurts, oh, yes.", "Neil: Yeah, well, what hurts me are all the lies-- like I'm the village idiot, like I'm blindly swallowing whatever half-baked goods you've decided to cook up. It's up to you right now. You've gotta make a choice. Either you tell me the truth about whatever the hell is really goin' down here, or there's not gonna be a wedding, 'cause damn it, I will cancel the wedding. And don't even dare lie to me, because I know when you're lying to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Oh, yeah, this is all my fault. I made dad cheat. I made him lie. I made him break the law.", "Victoria: You make me sick. This whole damn thing makes me sick. Our family is broken, and you went a long way toward making that happen. Nicholas. Nicholas, we could've solved this bribery thing amongst ourselves.", "Nick: No, we couldn't.", "Victoria: Yes, we could've if you'd just kept your mouth shut. But you couldn't do that, could you? You had to make your play. You had to see if you could bring the big man down. Well, you did it. You brought him down, and along with him, you brought down this wonderful house of cards that was the Newman family. You know, I was just thinking about... when I first got back from Switzerland and I wasn't a kid anymore. And dad was married to Ashley, and I was mad as hell about it. And over the years, there have been so many crises and conflicts and times that we didn't think that we would make it as a family, but we did. I don't think we're gonna make it this time.", "Nick: That's up to us, don't you think?", "Victoria: You can't just wish and make it so. We're not a family anymore.", "Nick: Sis, that's a little harsh.", "Victoria: Do you really think so? I cannot see our father in jail and then just go on with my life as if nothing's happened. I am not indestructible. We, as a family, are not indestructible.", "Nick: Well, maybe it was time for a change.", "Victoria: That is sick rationale for stabbing your father in the back.", "Nick: You just refuse to see--", "Victoria: No, I see. I see perfectly. You waited for your opportunity. You waited for him to slip, and then you made your move. And now we have a new leader. Did you ever once consider how this might affect him?", "Nick: Now that's our father committed a federal crime, and you want to just ignore it because you're afraid of how he's gonna handle it. You're feeling sorry for the wrong guy.", "Victoria: Nicholas, I'm feeling sorry for all of us-- for you and for me and for mom and dad and Sharon and your children.", "Victoria: I feel sorry for all of us. I gotta get out of here.", "Victoria: I don't know how I'm ever gonna forgive you for this. Maybe some day I will. But I think that when it finally sinks in what you've done, you're gonna have a hard time forgiving yourself.", "Victoria: Good luck.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: Your sister is gone. I don't know if we're ever gonna see her again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I think you have a job to do. Why don't you just do it?", "Chris: Victor Newman, it is my duty to place you under arrest." ]
Young and the Restless
Glynis !
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Daniel told Phyllis to find a way to make things work with Damon. Malcolm told the mystery woman that he was considering staying in town, while she admitted her unfinished business involved and infuriating ex husband. Christine begged Damon not to tell Phyllis about the evidence. He made no promises. Phyllis tried making amends with Damon, who insisted too much had happened. Malcolm interrupted their chat, exchanged harsh words with Damon, then stayed with Phyllis when Damon stormed out. To help Devon learn about Christmas, Dru and Neil gave him $200 to spend on gifts. Lily took him to the mall. Nick offered Neil his job back, but Neil did not accept since he disagreed with Nick's handling of the company and its employees. When Dru heard that Neil wouldn't be returning, she burst into Nick's office and demanded a conversation. Michael and Lauren joked about living together, then agreed to give it some serious thought. Kevin and Gloria decorated the condo (using Abbott family decorations) to surprise Michael. When he arrived with Lauren, he blasted them for doing so and demanded they get rid of everything. They were devastated, and Lauren blasted Michael for his attitude, before storming out. Malcolm admitted to Phyllis that he was considering staying in GC because of a woman he'd met. The woman, Adrienne, showed up at Damon's door and he greeted her, admitting it had been a long time." ]
[ "Dru: Hey, don't let the cookies burn, kids.", "Lily: We won't.", "Devon: All right.", "Dru: (Humming)", "Neil: My, my, my wife. Maybe you should hang that mistletoe someplace more private.", "Dru: Honey, is that all you think about?", "Neil: Only when I'm asleep or awake.", "Dru: Okay. Well, you need to focus. You have a meeting with Nick Newman, you know?", "Neil: You know, about Nick Newman, I just wish I knew why he wanted to see me. You know, I can't help but wonder-- maybe he's just trying to push my buttons again.", "Dru: Stop speculating, okay? You'll find out soon enough. Besides, we have a problem of a different color. Christmas.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adrienne: I wasn't sure I'd find you still here this morning.", "Malcolm: Well, thanks for the couch and, uh, the coffee. It's good.", "Adrienne: Might be the best part of my day.", "Malcolm: The coffee?", "Adrienne: Yeah. It could all go downhill from here.", "Malcolm: You talkin' about the, uh, unfinished business?", "Adrienne: Something I should've taken care of a long time ago.", "Malcolm: It got anything to do with a man?", "Adrienne: Ex-husband. I'm planning on paying him a visit this morning.", "Malcolm: You worried about it?", "Adrienne: More for me than for him.", "Malcolm: What do you mean?", "Adrienne: Keeping my anger under control.", "Malcolm: Oh. Sounds like a man who's done you wrong.", "Adrienne: Not wrong exactly. He's just done some things I can't begin to understand.", "Malcolm: And now you're looking for some answers.", "Adrienne: It's the reason I returned from Africa.", "Malcolm: Well, listen, no disrespect, but if you two are divorced, what difference does it make what he's done? I mean, unless...", "Adrienne: What?", "Malcolm: Well, unless, of course, there's a child involved. I mean, did you have a kid with this guy?", "Adrienne: Look, I've already said too much.", "Adrienne: Maybe, um... when I've settled my issues... I'll need someone to talk to. But you'll be gone by then, won't you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: We're still looking for witnesses at the motel. The staff didn't see or hear anything, the rooms on either side were vacant, so I asked Paul to use his connections on the force and try and get ahold of the ballistics report, information on the gun that Dominic used.", "Damon: Huh? Oh, um, yeah. Well, wh-what does that matter, Christine?", "Chris: Well, I'll trace it. Uh, if it wasn't registered or if it has a negative history, that will reflect on his character. It will help for me to paint Mr. Hughes as someone other than the \"saved soul\" he purports to be. You're still uncomfortable with keeping the transcript from Phyllis?", "Damon: Do you know how difficult it was for me to see her, knowing what I know?", "Chris: You're worried your relationship won't survive this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm. I should let you sleep on my floor more often.", "Michael: Hmm. Sleep. You got sleep?", "Lauren: Oh, baby, is your back killing you? We could've gone to my hotel suite.", "Michael: Hmm, hotel, huh? How's that working for you, living in a hotel?", "Lauren: Yeah, I've been doing it for so long, it's easy. A little impersonal, but you get used to it.", "Michael: Mm-hmm. That sounds like a rollicking endorsement.", "Lauren: Oh, well, honey, make me a better offer, why don't you?", "Michael: A better offer. (Clears throat) uh, a better offer as in, uh, moving in together?", "Lauren: How would you feel about that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: (Laughs) what do you think, baby? Was it worth it?", "Kevin: You kidding, Mom? It's fantastic.", "Gloria: Oh, well, considering this was everything the all-night store had... I feel kind of like what's his name, that masterpiece painter guy?", "Kevin: Michelangelo?", "Gloria: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel like I'm the Michelangelo of Christmas.", "Kevin: (Laughs) yeah, you're Michelangelo of the serious caffeine buzz.", "Gloria: Oh, boy. No kidding. Enough of that stuff. Did the trick though, huh?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Gloria: Helped us stay awake all night so we could put our surprise together for your brother.", "Kevin: Mm-hmm. Man, is he gonna be jazzed. I mean, look at this place, Mom. You really outdid yourself.", "Gloria: Well, it truly was a labor of love. Kind of a lifelong dream... making Christmas special like this for my boys.", "Kevin: The whole thing is just... it's awesome. And I'm gonna sit right here and not go anywhere until January.", "Gloria: (Laughs)", "Kevin: Kinda feels like being a kid again, you know? Only without the closet. Like terrible Tom and the closet never even existed.", "Gloria: My baby.", "Gloria: Merry Christmas.", "Kevin: Merry Christmas.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Uh, let me get this straight, Christmas is a problem?", "Dru: Well, honey, maybe that's the wrong choice of words.", "Neil: Thanks.", "Dru: It's just that I've been thinking a lot about you know, Devon's Christmases in the past.", "Neil: Mm-hmm. And you're wondering how do we bring him into our family traditions, make him feel like he's really one of us.", "Dru: Well, yes. You know, something as basic as exchanging gifts-- he has to learn how to give as well as receive.", "Neil: Right. Well, honey, I guess we could give him some money so he could buy some presents.", "Dru: Well, honey, not just give him the money, but we have to give him guidance. He shouldn't have to think that he has to get us anything flashy. It's the thought that counts, right?", "Neil: It certainly is, especially since Daddy's unemployed, and we have to be extremely careful this time of year.", "Dru: Right, which is why you're gonna march right out this front door and go to Nnick Newman's office. I've got to tell you, honey, I have a feeling that he is gonna make our family's Christmas a whole lot merrier.", "Neil: Yeah, we'll see.", "Dru: (Laughs)", "Neil: Wish me luck.", "Dru: I wish you luck.", "Neil: All right, baby. Love you.", "Dru: Love you, too. Kids, check the oven.", "Lily: Oh, those smell good.", "Devon: So you guys do this every year then, huh?", "Lily: Bake cookies?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Lily: Oh, yeah. We give 'em to friends and teachers and the doorman. It's something that's nice and personal. Plus, when you're on a budget like I am...", "Devon: Yeah, well, at least you have a budget.", "Lily: Oh, come on, stop. Christmas isn't about money.", "Devon: Yeah, you know, you say that because you have some, Lily. But if you haven't got a cent to your name like me, it's just a little tough to be a part of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: You know, you gave me a lot to think about last night.", "Adrienne: Your decision to leave town, you mean?", "Malcolm: Yeah.", "Adrienne: Come to any conclusions?", "Malcolm: What you said made sense.", "Adrienne: That other people's agendas were trying to push you away.", "Malcolm: I mean, for awhile there, I lost track of why I even came back to town, I mean, what was in my heart.", "Adrienne: To see your former stepson.", "Malcolm: Mm-hmm. But he's in Europe, so I don't really know when that's gonna happen.", "Adrienne: What about the girl you mentioned?", "Malcolm: My niece. You know, that's the best surprise I coulda had, connecting with her. I mean, that girl, she's-- she's something special.", "Adrienne: And your ex-wife, where does she fit in?", "Malcolm: She lives in Genoa City, too. And, uh, so does my brother.", "Adrienne: Hey, it sounds like your whole tribe is here.", "Malcolm: Yeah, yeah, pretty much.", "Adrienne: But someone in your family doesn't want you to stay.", "Malcolm: Yeah, my brother's wife. She's afraid I'm gonna mess up her perfect little life and cause her a bunch of problems.", "Adrienne: But you said last night you didn't want to hurt anyone.", "Malcolm: And I don't. But this isn't really about what I want.", "Adrienne: What is it about?", "Malcolm: How the life of a beautiful young lady could be affected if I do stay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: It's kind of the next logical step.", "Lauren: Is it?", "Michael: You want to set up housekeeping?", "Lauren: I asked you how you would feel.", "Michael: All right. I'll have to think about that. I--whom would I prefer to be my roommate, uh, my nutty younger brother who leaves empty potato chip bags between the sofa cushions and is driving me insane, or a roommate of the opposite sex with benefits?", "Lauren: Hmm. I mean, I don't want to sway you either way here, but I know who I would choose.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: But I also know how you relish your privacy and independence.", "Michael: Oh, like I've had a lot of that lately.", "Lauren: Well, I mean, what would you think if--if Kevin, at some point, was ready to live on his own? Wouldn't you want your place all to yourself, or would you be willing to share it with someone?", "Michael: Well, presuming that the someone were you, I think it's definitely worth thinking about.", "Lauren: All right. Well, I'll think about it if you think about it.", "Michael: Well, I'll think about it if you think about it.", "Lauren: Okay, great. That sounds like a good deal.", "Michael: It is a deal.", "Lauren: Yeah, excellent.", "Michael: Although, perhaps-- except I would like to table this until after my forced march through the holiday season because I'll be in a much better humor when the ringing in my ears dies down from all the sleigh bells ringing and all that.", "Lauren: Oh, my God. Here we are with the attitude about Christmas again. What happened to you to make you feel like this?", "Michael: My fear and loathing of jolly old elves?", "Lauren: Is it really loathing? I mean, are you seriously down about Christmas?", "Michael: You know, put it this way, it's fine for certain people. People whose childhood wasn't-- you know, we're gonna skip this because I'm about to get maudlin, and...", "Michael: We were having a really wonderful conversation.", "Lauren: Yeah, weren't we?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: You know, someone's opening for me this morning. So do you, uh, want to go back to your place and see if we can find some holiday cheer in here somewhere?", "Michael: All right, only if we start small, very small.", "Lauren: Uh, mistletoe over the boudoir?", "Michael: Yeah. Now, you see, now you're talking.", "Lauren: See, it works every time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: That shower felt good.", "Gloria: I bet. Whoa. I'll grab one at home.", "Kevin: (Chuckles) yeah, after you answer about a zillion questions?", "Gloria: What does that mean?", "Kevin: I overheard you make that call to Abbott.", "Gloria: Well, I had to tell him something. I couldn't very well stay out all night and not let the man know that I'm okay.", "Kevin: I could not believe that phony story you told him. That you came over here to try and mend fences with Ben and Steven, your fake sons.", "Gloria: John knows we don't get along. And he understood completely when I said we shouldn't expect \"my boys\" on Christmas. And don't start in on me again about telling him the truth. You know why I can't.", "Kevin: Yeah, especially now that the lie has gotten even bigger.", "Gloria: Stop pushing me to tell him who my real sons are. It's getting very tiresome.", "Kevin: That doesn't make me want it any less, our being a real family again, out in the open. I hate having to sneak around to see my own mother.", "Gloria: I know, baby. I hate it, too. But... we're together now, right?", "Kevin: Mm-hmm.", "Gloria: And when your brother walks in that door and sees what we've done for him out of love, well, that's what it's all about, huh?", "Kevin: Mm-hmm.", "Gloria: Okay, here we go... Santa. (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: You know, I'm thinking about going to devil's head next week and getting a little bit of snowboarding in.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the devil head.", "Daniel: Yeah, well, it's, uh, no Switzerland, but I don't know... do you ski at all? Did I ever ask you that?", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Daniel: What's going on, Mom? You're not going back to jail or anything, are you?", "Phyllis: No, I'm not going back to jail. Don't worry about it.", "Daniel: Okay, well, from the way you're acting, you know, it's freaking me out a little bit here.", "Phyllis: Don't be freaked out. Everything's fine. I'm just a little... upset at this whole situation between me and Damon. I mean, I just, all of a sudden, can't count on him for anything. And it just makes me sad, after everything we've gone through together.", "Daniel: Well, you know that I'm here for you, right?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. It's nice to have a supportive son.", "Daniel: Why don't you try talking to him?", "Phyllis: I did that.", "Daniel: Why don't you try again? Run him down. You're good at that, right?", "Phyllis: Oh, really, you think?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Phyllis: I am.", "Daniel: And if you're not gonna be happy right now, then it's crazy for you guys to not be together.", "Phyllis: How do you know so much about relationships? How'd you get so smart?", "Daniel: (Sighs) I don't know. I've just been this way, but you haven't paid me much attention.", "Phyllis: I have to. That's--that's not true. I pay you a lot of attention. Speaking of which, you have to go to school.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm. Look at all the attention you pay. My last day was yesterday, remember?", "Phyllis: I know that. I was just testing you, and you passed.", "Daniel: Go see Damon.", "Phyllis: Where are you goin'?", "Daniel: I am gonna run down to the store and pick out a snowboard for you to get me for Christmas.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Daniel: So, you know, it'll save you a little bit of the trouble.", "Phyllis: Oh, very funny.", "Daniel: Who's trying to be funny?", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: Christine, I care so deeply for Phyllis. At the same time--", "Chris: You're furious with her.", "Damon: Well, it just seems like it's all falling apart because of this mess with Dominic Hughes.", "Chris: Which she contributed to significantly.", "Damon: It was my mess to begin with. Losing Phyllis... it's too painful to even think about.", "Chris: Damon, I know it's not gonna be easy, all right? But it's temporary. Eventually, we'll take the transcript to the D.A., and it will exonerate Phyllis. Just, in the meantime, I...", "Damon: Don't tell Phyllis what we know.", "Chris: I have to create a strong avenue of defense for you before we can inflict that kind of damage on your case. So I am asking you, will you hold off?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Thanks for stopping by, Neil. I'm really hoping we can clear the air.", "Neil: Nicholas, I'm here with an open mind. I'll definitely listen to what you have to say.", "Nick: I'm glad to hear it. Neil, I really respect your work and your talent. You've been a tremendous asset to this company, and I just don't want to lose you. Simply put, I need you to be my right hand around here.", "Neil: Are you offering me my job back?", "Nick: I am. Are you interested?", "Neil: I don't know. This isn't as simple as everyone apologizing because things got out of hand. It's a little more fundamental than that.", "Nick: You believe our philosophies are out of sync.", "Neil: I believe you and I have two totally different visions of how this company should be run, how upper management should work.", "Nick: Well, I hope this isn't your way of bringing up that beauty pageant again. Because if it is, I'm gonna tell you right here and now, I am still not on board with that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adrienne: I'm not sure I understand.", "Malcolm: It doesn't matter. Look, bottom line, I don't want to cause that girl even a little bit of grief.", "Adrienne: And you think you would if you stayed?", "Malcolm: No, I don't. But her mother does.", "Adrienne: This young woman, she wants you to stick around, doesn't she?", "Malcolm: Yeah. She was pretty broken up when I told her I had to leave.", "Adrienne: What about your brother?", "Malcolm: What about him?", "Adrienne: Does he want you to stay?", "Malcolm: He and I, we got issues. And I don't know if we'll ever be able to work 'em out. I mean, we see the world through different eyes. He's my brother. I mean, he's my blood. He's the only one I got. I love him, I do, but it's hard. It's hard to be around him sometimes. I don't know. I don't know if I'm making any sense.", "Adrienne: Who says people have to see things the same to have a relationship, huh?", "Malcolm: Okay, whose side are you on?", "Adrienne: I just don't believe that running away ever solved anything... told you that last night. What's most important is that you're true to yourself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: I don't buy into all this happy holiday junk. I mean, listen, who really wishes for peace on earth?", "Lily: Uh, moi. Okay? I do it every year.", "Devon: And why do you do that? You know it's not gonna happen.", "Lily: Because it's about the spirit of the season an wishing goodwill to all and sharing. That's what Christmas is all about.", "Devon: You know you sound like one of those sappy Christmas cards, right?", "Lily: Oh, I'm gonna take that as a compliment.", "Devon: Okay, so what are you saying? You don't enjoy getting presents for Christmas?", "Lily: No, I am not saying that. Of course I do. It just doesn't take that much to make me happy. There's so much more to it than that.", "Devon: You know what? I would bet money that you're one of them people who goes around town singing her fool head off on Christmas, huh?", "Lily: And what's wrong with that? Actually, you know, my school does this community service thing where we go caroling in nursing homes and hospitals.", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: In fact, now that I think about it, you better come with me because you are in serious danger of becoming one of those people who hates December.", "Devon: Maybe I will go with you.", "Lily: Really? You'll go caroling with us?", "Devon: I will think about it, all right?", "Lily: All right. Sweet.", "Devon: That is if your parents don't slap the cuffs on me. I am in the doghouse from cutting that one class, remember?", "Lily: Oh, come on. That is something entirely different. That was school and this is Christmas.", "Devon: I know that, Lily, I know. But I saw the look in your dad's eyes, and to tell you, I still don't get what the huge deal was about it.", "Dru: Uh, okay, young man. You see, that's exactly why we need to have a chat, huh? (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: I'm not making any promises, Christine.", "Chris: It sure would make my job a lot easier.", "Damon: Any luck finding that guy Phyllis saw coming out of Dominic's motel room?", "Chris: We're still looking, though he swears Phyllis is lying.", "Phyllis: Oh, really, he does?", "Phyllis: When you're finished, can I have a moment with you, please?", "Damon: Of course.", "Phyllis: Good. I'll be out on the patio.", "Chris: Know what? We're just about done here. I'll call you if I hear anything.", "Damon: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I know. I thought there was mistletoe down there.", "Michael: Yes, well, you promised mistletoe, and I better be seeing mi--", "Kevin: Surprise!", "Gloria: Yay!", "Kevin: Surprise!", "Gloria: Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho ho. (Laughs) look at that. Isn't that gorgeous?", "Kevin: Well, it took you guys long enough to get here.", "Gloria: Yeah.", "Kevin: What do you think, big brother?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I couldn't sleep last night. How did we end up being on the opposite sides of this thing?", "Damon: I believe it began when you decided to take matters into your own hands.", "Phyllis: Damon, come on. I apologized for that. I'm sorry you got arrested. I'm sorry.", "Damon: You know what? I did this. I'm the one who carried around this desire for vengeance all these years. I'm the one who let it ruin my life. When I met you, it was the first time in eight years that I'd felt at all at peace.", "Damon: I'd lost everything that was dear to me-- my son, my wife. You gave me a reason to live for something. You gave me that connection I needed so badly... I'd been without for so very long.", "Phyllis: Then why are we letting this happen? Damon, I mean, I think that my attorney would be flipping out right now if he knew I was talking to you even.", "Damon: Yeah, it's, uh, it's probably not a good idea for us to share secrets.", "Phyllis: So how much did Christine tell you not to tell me? Because I saw the way she looked at you just now.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Malcolm: Hey.", "Damon: What? Go away.", "Phyllis: Oh, my... Damon, are you kidding me? Don't--don't talk to him like this.", "Malcolm: Phyllis, you all right?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Have a seat.", "Devon: Look, I get the message loud and clear, okay? Cutting class--bad. Homework--good.", "Dru: Cut the sarcasm. You yourself said, \"What's the big deal?\"", "Devon: Well, to be honest with you, I don't see what the big deal really was, okay? It was one time. I didn't go to class because I didn't have my project done and I didn't want to be embarrassed.", "Dru: And whose fault is that? The way to avoid embarrassment is to have your assignment completed.", "Lily: Mom, come on.", "Dru: Don't \"come on\" me.", "Lily: Look, I am sorry, but everyone can't be perfect all the time. I can see where Devon is coming from.", "Dru: And I can see I need to talk to you, too, young lady.", "Lily: What? I-I didn't cut class.", "Dru: That's not the point. We're talking about upholding responsibility here. Now if--if due to extenuating circumstances you cannot complete your assignment, you go to the teacher before class, not after. All this sneaking around, it only makes matters worse. Do you understand what I'm sayin'?", "Devon: Yes, I understand what you're saying.", "Dru: Lily?", "Lily: Yeah, responsibility, I get it.", "Dru: Good. 'Tis the season to be jolly, and I never want to have this talk again.", "Lily: Don't worry, Mom. We'll be good. We don't want coal in our stockings.", "Dru: Right. That's right. Now, Devon, I want to thank you so much for helping us put up this Christmas tree and all these beautiful decorations. Really appreciate that. And Mr. Winters and I had a conversation, and we decided that... we wanted to give you something, little something just to kick off your Christmas shopping. We don't want anything flamboyant, we just want you to know that we're happy that you're here.", "Devon: Now hang on now. This is, uh...", "Dru: $200. We want you to spend it wisely. I can help you make a list and we can go over who should get what and--", "Lily: Mom, come on now. You're taking all the fun out of it.", "Dru: That wasn't my intention, honey.", "Devon: I don't--I don't know what to, uh, what to really say, but this is... this is really nice of you to do this. Thank you.", "Dru: You're welcome.", "Lily: So do you want to hit the stores? (Laughs)", "Dru: (Laughs)", "Devon: Nah, you know, I think--I think I can handle it on my own.", "Lily: Um, no, I don't think so. Shopping is one of my favorite things, okay?", "Dru: Yes, it is.", "Lily: Well, what can I say? Come on, let's go before it gets too crowded.", "Dru: You kids have fun.", "Lily: We will. Oh, I know the best stores, too. We'll have so much fun. You'll have presents...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Well, I'm sorry that you think the beauty pageant was the reason I quit. It's not about that one project.", "Nick: Well, then what is it about? Because, Neil, I gotta be honest, from where I'm sitting, to me, it looks like you quit because you didn't get your way.", "Neil: That's fair because I was rather upset when I quit. But it's not about the projects. It has more to do with how you view this company, how you motivate the staff. It's become more and more evident to me that our styles, they're not a good fit.", "Nick: Well, that's too bad. I was really hoping we could work together, but if you think I'm fundamentally wrong--", "Neil: No, see, now wait. Now that's just it right there. You know, it's not about right and wrong. Maybe I'm right, maybe you're right. It doesn't matter. You know, we're not even close to being on the same page when it comes to figuring out how we're gonna coexist.", "Nick: And why do you think that is, Neil? Could it be because you got used to calling the shots around here? Neil, this is my family's company. This is my company. If you can't accept that...", "Neil: I know this is your company. Your name is on the outside of this building. But let me remind you of something. I worked for your father-- a great businessman-- for many years. He built this company from the ground up. Don't think that you can waltz in here and learn the ins and outs of this massive corporation in just a couple of months.", "Nick: Neil, I grew up in this company. I think I know enough about it.", "Neil: Except how to treat its employees. You know, Nick, let me tell you something man-to-man. People like to feel that their opinions are listened to, that their experience is valued.", "Nick: Thanks for the human resources lesson.", "Neil: You know, sooner or later, you're gonna have to learn how to function with a team of people. That is, if you want a company.", "Nick: Well, then I guess your answer is no, you don't want to come back to work for Newman Enterprises.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I'm--I'm fine considering I'm being charged with conspiracy to commit murder. But otherwise, it's all good.", "Malcolm: Prince charming here doesn't seem too broken up about it. How much trouble you gonna cause this lady, man?", "Phyllis: Malcolm.", "Damon: Are we done?", "Phyllis: Um, oh. Oh, maybe we are. I don't know, are we?", "Damon: You came looking for me, Phyllis. I'm here for you, but I'm not gonna be interrogated by your friend. You know where to find me.", "Phyllis: Damon. Damon!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Michael, why aren't you saying anything? The elves were here all night to bring you some Christmas cheer.", "Kevin: Yeah, they did a pretty outstanding job, too, didn't they?", "Gloria: (Giggles)", "Michael: Would you please get this crap outta here right now?", "Gloria: What?", "Kevin: What?", "Michael: This is my home. This isn't Santa's workshop. So you take it down and get it out. Get it out of my sight.", "Kevin: Talk about ungrateful.", "Michael: Now, Kevin!", "Gloria: Well, don't you like it even just a little bit?", "Michael: I take it this bright idea was yours.", "Gloria: Well, yes. Your brother and I, we were-- we were just trying to do something to make you happy.", "Michael: Happy? Have you lost your mind? What makes you think for one moment that I would tolerate this?", "Lauren: Michael, why are you acting like this? They did it in the spirit of the season. They worked hard for you.", "Michael: They did this for themselves. And I thank you not to join them in trying to ram this bogus holiday cheer down my throat.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: What the hell is wrong with you, Michael?", "Michael: Nothing a good trash barrel won't fix.", "Kevin: Lauren doesn't deserve to be spoken to that way, and Mom worked her tail off. We just stayed up all night trying to do something nice for you.", "Michael: Don't you people listen to word I say?! I do not... do Christmas. I thought I made myself clear on that subject before I left.", "Gloria: Yes, you did. But I had no idea that you would react like this.", "Michael: Well, now I know what to put in your stocking-- English language tapes.", "Kevin: Oh. You are something, Michael. Our mother went out at midnight in the cold by herself to get you this beautiful tree. She found these gorgeous ornaments I don't even know where. She's trying to do something for you that she was never able to do before, something she wanted so bad for us when we were kids, something that she dreamed about, and you spit in her face. I think that sucks. I think that really sucks. Come here.", "Lauren: I agree. I think your attitude stinks.", "Michael: Why thank you.", "Lauren: I don't know what's gotten into you, but no one here is asking you to put on a Santa suit and ho ho ho. You could at least be a little accepting and let other people enjoy the holiday.", "Michael: Well, that's fine as long as they do it someplace else.", "Lauren: I don't know your life story, Michael. And I don't know what happened to you to harden your heart like this. But would it kill you to give a little... show a little kindness, a little warmth? Oh, right. That's Christmas spirit. And we wouldn't want to force it on you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: (Whispers) honey, I was just waiting for you.", "Neil: What are you doing?", "Dru: (Normal voice) how'd it go?", "Neil: It didn't go.", "Dru: What do you mean?", "Neil: Apparently, young Mr. Newman has everything totally under control. He doesn't need anyone else's input.", "Dru: Well, didn't you try to compromise?", "Neil: There's no point. It doesn't matter anymore. I'm not coming back here to work at Newman Enterprises, that's all there is to it.", "Dru: Oh, we're gonna see about that.", "Neil: No, don't go--", "Dru: Nick, I need to have a word with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: Phyllis, I don't like your boy.", "Phyllis: \"Boy.\" I noticed.", "Malcolm: Listen to me, your son's come to me and he's worried sick about you. I don't like the idea of you caught up in nonsense from this guy.", "Phyllis: I--shh. It's fine.", "Malcolm: It's fine?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'm fine. So I thought you were leaving town.", "Malcolm: I was.", "Phyllis: What happened?", "Malcolm: You know how sometimes everything aligns itself exactly at the right time?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Malcolm: I met this woman--", "Phyllis: Oh. Of course, a woman. How did I know you were gonna say that?", "Malcolm: No, it was an accident, literally.", "Phyllis: Oh, an accident. Yeah, I'm sure it was.", "Malcolm: No, listen to me. We talked, you know, and it was like, um--", "Phyllis: \"It was like, um,\" what? You talked and everything worked itself out and...", "Malcolm: Okay, you got jokes. You got jokes. Go ahead. But I'm serious. See, talking to her made me realize that leaving town right now might be a big mistake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: Adrienne?", "Adrienne: Hello, Damon.", "Adrienne: It's been a long time.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Damon: What are you doing here? How'd you find me?", "Phyllis: You know, I'm not the kind of girl who wants men fighting over her anyway.", "Malcolm: I'm one of your men now, huh?", "Dru: You never paid him the proper amount of respect. Your father respects him." ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Jack reminds Billy of their deal, while Jill tries to convince him to work with her and Cane at Chancellor Industries; he declines the offer and states he'll take his chances at Jabot. Jeffrey shares with Jack Glo's involvement with the tainted face cream and her current place of residence. Heather arrests Adam at the airport and Kay finds out about Murphy's giving nature as he helps out River." ]
[ "Gloria: Why do they need so much ink for a few fingerprints? If I got it all over my clothes--I mean, this stuff's never gonna come out.", "Kevin: Mom, Mom, Mom, relax. A little ink is the least of your worries right now.", "Gloria: Where's your brother? Why's he taking so long?", "Kevin: Michael is on his way. He's dealing with River.", "Gloria: I don't want to hear that name again. I let everybody browbeat me into helping him, and that's why Jeffrey turned on me, and that is why I'm in this mess.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Gloria was arrested for what?", "Lauren: I have no idea, but Jana told me that Kevin has frantically been trying to reach you, a-and by the way, your voice mail is off.", "Eden: I tried to call you, too, okay? Where's Dad? Is he going back to California or is he staying here?", "Michael: I don't have any answers for you, Eden. If I did, I would tell you.", "Lauren: All right. River is free, and now your mother's in jail, so...", "Michael: You know what? One fire at a time. That's all I can do.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Lauren: Well, that's probably Kevin.", "Michael: Kevin, look, I... oh, Victor. Uh, sorry. It's a bit crazy here at the moment. Uh... I haven't had a chance yet to talk with Heather. Well, maybe she has questioned Adam. I just... yes, absolutely. I will be on it as soon as possible.", "Michael: One more fire.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Excuse me. Uh...", "Woman: Yes?", "Adam: When do you think this flight's gonna take off?", "Woman: It's hard to say when you're dealing with the weather. I'm sorry.", "Adam: Okay, thanks.", "Woman: I was so afraid I'd miss our flight.", "Man: It's been delayed, thank goodness.", "Heather: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want you to go. Now. (Whispers) Just run.", "Adam: W-without you?", "Heather: Yes.", "Adam: No, look, there--there is a flight to London, okay? We can still make it. We'll get married once we get to England.", "Heather: I need time to think, okay? But you don't have time. You need to get out of here before I change my mind.", "Adam: When my mother died, I-I came to Genoa City to find my family. But after Victor and the rest of the Newmans turned their backs on me, I... just felt lost and...", "Heather: Adam.", "Adam: Heather, don't you see? We were meant to find each other. You're all the family I have. You're all the family I need, and I'm all the family you need.", "Heather: I cannot-- I can't. I can't. I can't do this, Adam.", "Adam: Look, I-if I... if I believed that you didn't love me... I would turn myself in right now. I would spare you any further embarrassment or pain. But you do. I know you do. Look, please... please come with me.", "Heather: (Sniffles)", "Adam: Together we can face anything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Command performance, huh?", "Jack: You haven't said boo to me about Jabot since the takeover. There are some changes in the Ashley line I would like to implement.", "Billy: Always willing to listen.", "Jack: Oh, I expect you to do a lot more than listen.", "Billy: I'm sure you do.", "Jack: Billy, if any part of you is thinking that after the takeover you can just blow me off, you think again. That's not gonna happen.", "Billy: Jack, will you relax, please? Just relax. No one's blowing you off. Okay? It's just Ashley is all over my case, and quite frankly, she nearly foams at the mouth every time your name's mentioned.", "Jack: Yeah, I'll bet she does.", "Billy: So what's her deal?", "Jack: Sharon threw me out of the house. I've been cheating on her with prostitutes.", "Billy: You... (Coughs) You what? You, my brother, you've been paying for it? Oh, come on, Jack. With a wife like that--so hot? Come on. What's wrong with you?", "Jack: I have an addiction. I'm not at all proud of it, and it may well cost me my marriage.", "Billy: Okay, I'm sorry. I apologize. You're right. Um, I'm sorry to hear this, and I-I hope that you and Sharon can--", "Jack: Okay, let's not belabor it. Ashley is gonna be a problem. We're gonna have to tiptoe around her for a little while. I'm staying at the club. I want you to stop by my suite, and we can discuss some of these changes I'm talking about.", "Billy: Jack, I am willing to listen to all of your suggestions--", "Jack: You're \"Willing to listen\"? Who the hell do you think you're talking to? I was running Jabot before you were born.", "Billy: Jack, will you listen to yourself? Come on. You know damn well that there can't even be a hint that you're involved, unless you want a huge lawsuit on your head. You want that?", "Jack: You're not gonna cut me out of this, kid.", "Billy: Nobody is cutting you out. Look at me. I'm sitting in front of you. I'm right here, right?", "Jack: Yeah, I'm beginning to wonder.", "Billy: You know what, Jack? I really don't appreciate being treated like a little flunky.", "Jack: You and I have an agreement. When people don't live up to their agreements--", "Billy: Don't you even finish that sentence. Now why would you think that I wouldn't live up to my agreement? See, that's what I'm talkin' about. That's the problem. You never give me a chance, Jack, okay? Now I'm being pulled in so many different directions it's not even funny. I've got Ashley, I've got you, and let's not forget my mom is plenty pissed right now. (Chuckles) Meanwhile, I have a brain. It's right here.", "Jack: No one is suggesting that you're not--", "Billy: Jack, you're gonna let me finish. Now you must think that when I was sent off to Hong Kong it was some sort of long vacation. Well, I'll let you know something. I worked my ass off for this company. I put that office back on track. When Ji Min was murdered, all hell was breaking loose. Who do you think fixed it? I fixed it.", "Jack: No one's suggesting you're not a valuable player. I'm just questioning your loyalty.", "Billy: What if I have my own ideas that I want to implement? Would that be a sin? Would it be a sin? Try sitting in the backseat--", "Jack: I hear--I hear your frustration, Billy. I hear your frustration. That doesn't change the fact that you and I have a deal.", "Billy: Which I will honor, I promise you, as soon as the time is right. Okay? Now look, Jack... (Groans) I've gotta go. I promised my mom that I'd come see her.", "Jack: What's that about?", "Billy: I don't know. All I know is that I should go there soon and--and take care of all this damage control. Hey, look, man, just... just try to relax, okay? I'm sure everything's gonna work out. Just give it some time, all right? I love you.", "John: You know, I never realized how much your little brother takes after you-- big smile, oozing charm, and the uncanny ability to walk over any family member that gets in his way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Murphy: Evening, ladies.", "Kay: Hey there. I was beginning to wonder if you got snowed in.", "Pearl: Why don't you take a load off, Marge? Have a bite with your roomie for a change.", "Kay: You sure?", "Pearl: If I need help, I'll give you a holler, yeah.", "Kay: Yeah?", "Murphy: I'm buyin'.", "Kay: Sold.", "Pearl: (Laughs)", "Kay: Sold. Ah, you're an angel, Pearl.", "Murphy: That'd be good to get a load off your dogs, right?", "Kay: Oh, please. After standing six solid hours on cement, anything would feel good.", "Murphy: (Laughs)", "Pearl: Two specials tonight-- meat loaf and chicken-fried steak with biscuits and gravy. Get you anything to drink while you're decidin'?", "River: I really... I really need some hot tea. Uh, herbal if you have any.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: How could you just let Dad walk away without knowing what his plans were?", "Michael: We talked a lot about your future... (Clears throat) Where you'd be happiest.", "Eden: Where I'd be happiest? And what about Dad? He's part of this, too.", "Michael: We'll talk more about this after I've found out what's going on with Gloria and Victor and the rest of the free world...", "(Chuckles)", "Eden: (Voice breaking) You're putting me off because he's not coming back. You talked Dad into leaving without saying good-bye.", "Lauren: Wait, Eden.", "Eden: No.", "Lauren: Did something bad happen today?", "Michael: He admitted it. Everything we suspected, he admitted it was true.", "Lauren: Even the part about the bomb?", "Michael: He didn't go to that bank to keep it from being detonated. No, no. He went to make sure it blew up.", "Lauren: (Whispers) How... how is this possible?", "Michael: That's how he got the money to invest in real estate in Malibu. He stole it. He planned that explosion to burn the place to the ground to make it look like all the money had gone up in smoke.", "Lauren: And--and what about the janitor that died?", "Michael: Mm. He gave me the old song and dance about how it was an accident, but since it took place during the commission of a violent felony, my pathetic excuse for a father is also a murderer.", "Lauren: I don't even know what to say to you.", "Michael: How's it feel? How's it feel, Lauren, to be married to a man who's...? (Clears throat) Got not just one but two criminals for parents? Hmm.", "Lauren: Hey, Michael, Honey, I married you. You're not your father.", "Michael: At least I know the truth. Lowell Baldwin is a full-blown sociopath. (Voice breaking) He's a liar... a cheating, manipulating, murdering son of a bitch. And the only question I really have is, how am I supposed to spare my little sister from knowing all that, hmm?", "Michael: (Crying)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Yeah, Harvey, I... I can't do it tonight. I'm swamped. Okay, thanks. Bye.", "[Heather remembering]", "Heather: You move pretty fast, huh?", "Adam: I'm highly motivated.", "Heather: I don't drink with strangers.", "Adam: Well, that's easily fixed. I'm Adam.", "Heather: Heather.", "Adam: Heather. Nice to meet you. So that's settled. We're not strangers anymore.", "Heather: Doesn't mean you're not strange.", "Adam: Good strange? Good strange?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: (Exhales deeply)", "Heather: Hey, Paul, it's--it's me. Um, look, I know you're traveling right now, but call me back. It's urgent.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: That kid's gotta know, he can't just dismiss me like that.", "John: Oh, I wasn't referring to your brother.", "Jack: And I'm not about to talk to you about this allegedly phony diary. I don't care what anyone says. There is not a shred of evidence that ties me to any of it.", "John: Well, congratulations, Jack. You escape punishment, except for alienating your sister and destroying your marriage.", "Jack: You made your point.", "John: You know, meanwhile, you're not one inch closer to being part of the family business. Let's see. What have you gained-- revenge against Victor?", "Jack: Yes!", "John: Oh, Jack. You know, if you focused on making the people you love happy instead of making the people you hate suffer, you might be a much happier man. And maybe, just maybe, one day you will come to realize that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hi, Mom.", "Jill: Hi, Billy. Come on in. It's freezing out there.", "Billy: Okay. Well, you--you look good.", "Jill: Oh. Do I? I, uh, I haven't been sleeping very well.", "Billy: Guess the Jabot thing didn't help.", "Jill: Look, what happened at the stockholders' meeting hurt me very much. But if the past few weeks have taught me anything, it's how quickly we can lose what's most precious to us.", "Billy: I hear that.", "Jill: I love you, baby. I want us to make peace. Could we just put the past behind us?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: (Lowered voice) You admitted to tampering with the face cream, knowing that he used it on himself to entrap you?", "Gloria: I didn't know any such thing.", "Michael: (Groans)", "Gloria: Jeffrey's threatened me so many times, I thought he was just trying to scare me for helping your father.", "Kevin: The guy is a weasel, Mom. Why wouldn't you think that?", "Gloria: I didn't know there was a cop with a tape recorder behind that curtain.", "Michael: Well, I can't believe testifying to get Lowell out of jail is what put you in.", "Gloria: But you are gonna get me out... right, Michael?", "Michael: Let's just say I have my work cut out.", "Gloria: Good idea. Let's get out of here. This place gives me the creeps.", "Michael: You can't leave yet, Gloria.", "Gloria: Why not? I got the bail money.", "Kevin: You need to be arraigned first.", "Gloria: Fine, let's do it.", "Michael: It's too late to get you in front of a judge today.", "Gloria: You're not expecting me to spend the night here, Michael? This place is horrible. Those cells are filthy, and the people they've got in this place are just--", "Kevin: Mom, Mom, Mom, just chill out. I'm gonna talk to Michael, and you just sit tight.", "Michael: (Lowers voice) There's only so much I can do. This is not a speeding ticket. This is manslaughter.", "Kevin: Yeah, and if she gets pushed too far, she's gonna crack like an eggshell. And then guess who else gets charged with a felony for knowing--", "Michael: I know what the stakes are.", "Kevin: Good, good. Then do what you did for River and get her the hell out of here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: Where's Michael?", "Lauren: At the jail, I suppose.", "Eden: Still?", "Lauren: Your brother has a lot going on right now.", "Lauren: Oh, uh, Sweetie? Do you mind if I have that?", "Eden: My phone? Why?", "Lauren: I just--I don't think you should be talking to your father right now.", "Eden: So now I can't even talk to my dad?", "Lauren: There's a lot... going on here, and, um, I just don't want you to get into any trouble.", "Eden: Why can't the two of you just tell me what's going on?", "Lauren: When Michael comes home, we will tell you. Um, but in the meantime, I'd be a lot less nervous if I had your phone.", "Eden: You can't stop me from following my dad.", "Lauren: I'll make a deal with you. If your dad goes back to the ashram, and you want to follow him there, I'll take you myself. But let's just see how the next few days unfold. Okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Ahh.", "River: Oh.", "Woman: I'm starved.", "River: Thanks. Mmm.", "Pearl: Here's a little appetizer while Joe Jr.'s busy ruinin' the rest of your meal.", "Kay: Thank you, Pearl.", "Murphy: Oh, it smells real good.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Pearl: So, Murphy, is that one of your strays? Saw you two come in together.", "Murphy: Yeah, well, he was out there hitchhikin' in the snow. He didn't have anything but his clothes on his back. You know, so I... oh, he said he was on his way west.", "Pearl: And I suppose after giving him a ride, you'll want to pay for his dinner, too.", "Murphy: Ah, now--now, Pearl, don't scold me. I mean, it's almost Christmas. What kind of scrooge would I be if I left the poor guy out there cold and hungry?", "Pearl: Murphy P. Rockefeller, you ain't. Shouldn't be spendin' money you don't have.", "Murphy: Now I don't reckon that a-- that a tuna fish sandwich is just gonna bankrupt me.", "Kay: What was that all about?", "Murphy: Oh, it's just Pearl being Pearl. You know, she worries about nothin'. Mmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I guess you're wondering why we haven't put up a tree.", "Billy: Ah, tinsel's overrated.", "Jill: Oh, your grandmother-- she used to love to decorate this house for the holidays. And I gave her a really hard time about it. I wish I just... every single morning I wake up, and it hits me all over again. She's gone, Billy. I will never see my mother again. So the last thing I want to do is lose my son.", "Billy: I felt bad about this, too. You have to know I-I didn't mean to hurt you.", "Jill: I know, baby. Truce?", "Billy: What, just like that? You don't want to tear into me again or beat me, spank me? Anything? Nothing?", "Jill: (Laughs) Stop. Stop it.", "Billy: Okay, okay, fine. From now on then, this son and mother thing is gonna come before business, okay? Is it a deal?", "Jill: It's a deal.", "Billy: All right.", "Jill: So how is it at Jabot?", "Billy: That took nanoseconds. I am so proud of you.", "Jill: No, no, no. I just didn't want the subject to be off-limits, that's all.", "Billy: Okay, fine. It's fine. We--we're restructuring. Everything's-- everything's fine.", "Jill: Do you know what your title's gonna be yet?", "Billy: Really, who knows? Uh, I guess after the dust settles, I might be second in command, but... maybe.", "Jill: I'm just a little disappointed, because when Kay and I found each other again, and then you came home, I had this dream... the two of you working by my side at Chancellor Industries, growing your grandmother's empire. Honey, that's your legacy, both of you boys. I want our family back together again.", "Billy: M-mom--", "Jill: Please, Billy. No, please. For me. Forget about Jabot. Come work with us at Chancellor.", "Billy: (Sighs) I'm sorry. I thought you invited me here to make peace. Isn't that what you said?", "Jill: Yeah. What's so awful about working with us?", "Billy: Okay, what would I be doing?", "Jill: Anything you want. Anything that interests you.", "Billy: Well, what if I took a position that was over Cane? Would all hell break loose then?", "Jill: Why are you so competitive with your brother?", "Billy: Mom, you know why I'm competitive with him. Because he's your favorite.", "Jill: That is not true!", "Billy: Oh, yes, it is. How long have you known this guy--two years? And--and look at all you've done for him while I was off serving time in the gulag for bad behavior.", "Jill: Honey, the reason that I have been focusing on Cane is because he had such a tough break as a kid. I never got to be a mother to him.", "Billy: You didn't get to send him off to boarding school like you did me. That's... mm.", "Jill: Billy, I'm sorry. I know I made some mistakes with you.", "Billy: You know, I wonder what's worse--not having a mom at all, or having one that doesn't even know you exist? If you don't have a mom, then she can't disappoint you time after time after time.", "Jill: I had no idea you felt like this.", "Billy: I do feel like this. Look, I'm... I'm sorry. Thank you for the job offer, but I think I'm gonna stay with the Abbotts, who don't treat me like such a peon.", "Jill: Stop it. Stop, stop, stop. You be honest with me. You didn't help get me thrown out of Jabot just out of loyalty to your father's family, did you? My God, you did it for the money. Well, Billy, you forgot to do the math.", "Billy: What does that mean?", "Jill: It means, what do you think is gonna be left for you after Jack and Ashley take their share? Because you are not one of the original three. Any son of mine is always gonna be an outsider to them.", "Billy: I am well aware of what it means to be your son. So I'm still just gonna have to take my chances.", "Jill: Okay. When it all falls apart over there... just don't say I didn't warn you.", "Billy: Mom, I love you. Okay? I just don't want to work for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door closes)", "Jack: Hello? Anyone home?", "John: Well, looks like your wife is doing some redecorating.", "Jack: Yeah, I wanted Sharon to make herself comfortable, make her feel like she was at home here.", "John: Nice words, Jack. Do you ever really mean them? Do you honestly believe that you have done your best to have Sharon and her son have a real home?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: All the months of planning and maneuvering to take back john's company... but nothing. Even if these charges don't stick, I'm through at Jabot.", "Kevin: Ya think? I'm sorry, Mom. That was, um, insensitive.", "Gloria: Oh, no. You're mad, Kevin. I made you a lot of promises I can't keep anymore.", "Kevin: And just think of all the rotten things we did to Mrs. Chancellor just so you could get that stock.", "Gloria: I could kill Jeffrey.", "Kevin: Well, you had to know it was all gonna come out eventually. (Sighs) Maybe Jana's right. Maybe it is all about karma.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Adam remembering]", "Adam: We are so much alike. Can't you see that? We look at life the same way. We're a perfect match. Can't you see that, Honey? Heather, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.", "Heather: (Gasps)", "Adam: Will you marry me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman over P.A.: Attention. Trans-global airlines flight 921 has been cleared for departure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Frank Ellis confessed. The diary's a forgery. Why is my client still locked up?", "Heather: We're looking into the veracity of Ellis' statement.", "Michael: What about Jack or Adam? Have you spoken to them?", "Heather: I'm not discussing any of this with you until I have all the facts.", "Michael: You do know once this diary is proven to be a fake, your case is blown to hell, and Adam is toast.", "Heather: I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?", "Michael: Word to the wise-- you might think of rescuing yourself. You have a conflict of interest the size of Texas.", "Heather: If the time comes when I feel I can't be objective, I will hand the case over to someone else. You have my word, Counselor.", "Michael: I guess we'll have to wait and see, won't we?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Heather remembering]", "Adam: You're not saying anything.", "Heather: Um, I-I, uh... I don't-- I don't know what to say.", "Adam: You're rejecting me.", "Heather: Shut up for a minute... and let me finish. I don't know what to say except that I love you and yes, yes, yes, I will marry you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Hi, yes. I was curious if flight number 921 to London has taken off yet. Okay, um, well, I'm about 15 minutes from the airport right now. If I leave, can I still make it? (Whispers) Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Pearl: Warm you both up?", "Kay: Sure, why not? Pearl, what did you mean before about Murphy spending money he doesn't have?", "Pearl: Oh, come on, Marge. You know how he is. Too bighearted for his own good.", "Kay: Hmm.", "Pearl: Why, he sees someone a little worse off than him, he can't let it go by without trying to help.", "Kay: He's been very generous with me.", "Pearl: Well, you're a friend. I'm talking about total strangers. Like Mr. Chamomile tea over there. Murphy'd give a guy like that the shirt off his back even if it's freezing out. Problem is, the bait and tackle business isn't exactly a gold mine. You could throw a rock through Murphy's store most days and not hit a customer.", "Kay: Doesn't he have any savings?", "Pearl: Awful hard to put something aside when you're giving it all away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: At this time, passengers with small children, those requiring special assistance and those ticketed in the first-class cabin are invited to board the aircraft.", "Heather: Adam.", "Adam: Oh, Heather. You made it. Mm, I'm so glad you came.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Lots of cards, huh?", "Jack: Yeah, sure are. A lot of happy holiday memories in this house-- finding all the ornaments, decorating the tree, singing Christmas carols...", "John: Oh... don't forget Mamie's gingerbread.", "Jack: Mamie's gingerbread.", "John: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: And on Christmas Eve, you'd take out the old family bible and read the Christmas story aloud.", "John: Oh, I would start it, and then I would pass it around. Everybody had a turn.", "Jack: Afterward, we'd all sit by the fire drinking mulled wine and... and reminisce.", "John: The way you were hoping it would be for you, huh, Jack? Till everything started unraveling. Jackie, don't you realize that everything you love is slipping away? But it is not too late for you to turn your life around.", "Jack: How?", "John: You know how.", "Jack: That's not an option.", "John: (Sighs)", "John: Jackie... the truth is always an option.", "Jack: Sure it is, if I'm willing to have all my mail transferred to the state penitentiary.", "John: You know, I'm beginning to think you're an addict. You're addicted to lying. And the people who no longer trust you are becoming much wiser. You notice how the list is growing?", "Jack: I know I've made a lot of mistakes, Dad. Believe me, I'd undo a lot of 'em if I could.", "John: I see. Well, let's see. How far back do we go? How about that sleazy motel? Next time, pay cash. There's no paper trail. And--is that what you mean about undoing mistakes, or are you talking about character?", "Jack: You know when everything changed, when everything started to go south? When they ran me out of Jabot. What I wouldn't give to undo that.", "John: (Sighs)", "(Door opens)", "Jack: Sharon? Wow. What happened to your face?", "Jeff: Chemical burn. Just came from the hospital.", "Jack: Looks pretty nasty.", "Jeff: It is.", "Jack: So how did it happen?", "Jeff: Well, this cold weather's really been doing a number on my skin. Anyway, it was really bugging me, so I grabbed some face cream that Gloria had laying around. I put some on my face. The next thing I knew, it's like my face was on fire.", "Jack: You said it was Gloria's face cream?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: (Sighs)", "Pearl: Well, the guy at the pawnshop said he'd give you 5 g's for it. Now we can live large with that kind of dough. Go to Vegas, hit the slots... don't ya love Vegas?", "Murphy: Nah, nah. Not me. I'd rather fish than gamble.", "Pearl: Oh.", "Murphy: You know, at the end of the day, you got something to show for it.", "Murphy: Ready for dessert?", "Kay: Ah, only if you'll let me pay.", "Murphy: So old Pearl's got you thinkin' that I can't afford to buy you a piece of pie?", "Kay: Yeah, listen, l-listen to me. Now do you need help financially? No, I'm saying, will you be able to keep your business afloat?", "Murphy: Marge, I appreciate the offer, but I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about. Just to have the pleasure of your company every day makes me feel like a rich man.", "Murphy: Oh, uh, pecan for me and lemon meringue for you?", "Kay: Mm-hmm, yes, yes, yes.", "Murphy: All right, I'll go tell Pearl, and when I get back, I want to talk about that toy drive that's coming up next week.", "Kay: Another toy drive?", "Murphy: Yes, ma'am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Sighs)", "(Thinking)", "Billy: Hey, Falloutgirl. Rough day. Won't bore you with the details. Be great to hear a friendly voice even if it's only on a screen. Text me back if you feel like it. Sonny.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Manslaughter... my God.", "Michael: How long have we known this could happen?", "Lauren: I know. It just-- it just doesn't make it any easier for your mother.", "Eden: Michael. When did you get back? Have you heard anything from Dad?", "Michael: No. And I don't expect to. The police are looking for him.", "Eden: Why?", "Michael: Because.", "Lauren: He lied, Eden. He used us... all of us.", "Michael: Turns out our father was guilty. Lowell bombed that bank in Ann Arbor, but not before he stole millions of dollars. Then he bought the ashram with that money, put it in your name so that he couldn't be traced there. That's why the tax bill was in your name.", "Eden: N-no. It's not true. I-I don't believe you.", "Michael: This is not speculation. Lowell admitted it to me-- the whole ugly story-- before he took off... again.", "Eden: How did the police find out?", "Michael: I told them.", "Eden: You turned in your own father?", "Michael: Lowell might have fathered me, but he is not my family. You are my family. And that is my concern-- that my family is safe. And the best way to accomplish that was to tell the authorities the truth.", "Eden: Go to hell.", "Lauren: You did the right thing.", "Michael: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Now, Mom, you need to stay strong... and quiet. Very quiet. Can you do that?", "Man: Visit's up, ma'am. Time to go back to your cell.", "Gloria: Kevin.", "Kevin: I will be here first thing in the morning, I promise.", "Gloria: Tell your brother.", "Kevin: What?", "Gloria: Tell your brother to do whatever the hell he has to do to get this nightmare over with.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Are you sure this wasn't an allergic reaction?", "Jeff: No, no, Doc said definitely the burn came from whatever was in that jar, not something my system overreacted to.", "Jack: Do you maybe remember the name of it?", "Jeff: The face cream? Um... something from Jabot. Um... Gloagain. That's it.", "Jack: Where is Gloria? I want to talk to her.", "Jeff: In jail.", "Jack: In jail? Why?", "Jeff: Uh... while I was in the E.R.-- oh, man, I hate to be the one to tell you this--", "Jack: Enough with that! Spit it out!", "Jeff: (Sighs) She came as soon as she heard. She's very distraught. Oh... (Laughs) Hell, what am I saying? She was practically hysterical.", "Jack: Because?", "Jeff: Well, it turns out she's the one responsible for tampering with that batch of product two and a half years ago. Can you believe it? My own wife was responsible for this whole damned disaster.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Do you have your ticket?", "Heather: No.", "Adam: Okay, we're gonna have to hurry then, but I'll trade with somebody in first class if there's nothing left. We'll just, uh, we'll sit in coach. It doesn't matter where we sit as long as we're together.", "Heather: Look, Adam, I don't--I don't need a ticket. Neither do you.", "Adam: What are you talking about?", "Heather: I'm not here to run away with you. I'm here to arrest you.", "Man: Hands behind your back, please.", "Adam: Heather, no.", "Man: Adam Wilson, you're under arrest.", "(Handcuffs click)", "Man: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.", "Adam: Don't do this to us, baby, please.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Murphy: Where did you get all this money? What, did you rob a bank?", "Victor: I have a plan.", "J.T.: We'll do whatever you need.", "Adam: If you have any thoughts of testifying against m--", "Heather: Testifying? No, I have every intention of prosecuting the hell out of you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Daniel tells Billy that he is getting out of jail. Daniel tries to get Billy to reveal his source. Chloe tells Chance that Billy will kill her when he finds out that she had revealed the source. Michael surprises Lauren with an anniversary dinner. Jack and Emily discuss the new robber baron of Genoa City. Phyllis interrupts them to invite Jack to Daniel's homecoming celebration. Amber offers to go with Phyllis to get Daniel, but Phyllis tells Amber to do everything and not let anyone else do anything . Deacon and Phyllis make their plans to get Amber out of town. Chloe and Chance arrive for the party .Chloe reveals that she was the one, who had helped Billy when he wouldn't help himself. Victoria visits Billy to remind him that she would make him pay. Everyone at the coffeehouse welcomes Daniel home. Jack takes Emily skating. Emily remembers her first kiss. Deacon tells Ryder that he is leaving town. A man comes into Billy's cell to let him know that he is free to go. Chloe gets a call from Billy to get over to \"Restless Style\" immediately. Michael calls the police on Ryder. Ryder arrives at the party to make things right with Daniel. Phyllis tells Amber to go out to her car to get a present that she had gotten for Daniel and Amber. Deacon kidnaps Amber.", "" ]
[ "Daniel: Probably the same people that buy \"Restless Style.\"", "Billy: When are they springin' you, smart-ass?", "Daniel: I'm just waitin' on the paperwork, brother. Damn hearing took forever.", "Billy: But you're gettin' bailed, right?", "Daniel: Oh, yeah. Can't wait to get the hell out of this place.", "Billy: Yeah, I know how you feel.", "Daniel: You got no idea how I feel. You--you can walk through that door-- any one of these doors-- any time that you want. All you gotta do is hand over then name of your informant to the judge.", "Billy: Yeah, and then I'd have to compromise my principles, man.", "Daniel: Oh, \"Compromise.\" Come on. What are you talking about, Billy? Who are you trying to kid?", "Billy: Oh, come on. Go ahead. Do it again. Tell me what an unethical bastard I am. Look, this means something to me, and it's my right under the first amendment not to reveal my source, and I will stay in here in this rat hole before I give in to that bully judge.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You know, if Billy finds out that I gave that juror's name to the judge, I swear, he's going to kill me.", "Chance: Hey. Hey.", "Chloe: Seriously.", "Chance: I guarantee you, your name is not gonna be leaked, okay?", "Chloe: Oh, just like the grand jury testimony wasn't supposed to be leaked?", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Chloe: Maybe I just never should have said anything to the authorities, kept my mouth shut. (Sighs)", "Chance: Chloe, stop. Look, doing the right thing isn't always easy.", "Chloe: Yeah, I know. You're telling me.", "Chance: But you did it, okay? You followed your convictions.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Chance: I couldn't be prouder of you.", "Chloe: Thank you.", "Chance: You're welcome. (Sighs) Look, if you don't want to go out, we can always stay in.", "Chloe: No.", "Chance: It's not a problem.", "Chloe: Are you kidding me? Sit here and watch me go crazy? No, I need to get out, get Billy off my mind, have a good time. Besides, I told Amber that we would drop by and say hi since Daniel's getting out, you know?", "Chance: Okay. Well, then... let's roll.", "Chloe: Okay. Just tell me that I'm doing the right thing, right? I'm doing the right thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Madame.", "Lauren: Honey.", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Lauren: I thought we agreed to skip our anniversary celebration this year.", "Michael: Oh...", "Lauren: You're amazing.", "Michael: If you will recall the exact conversation, Mrs. Baldwin...", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Michael: You had raised the issue, and then Fenmore had a serious complication with a juice box, and I was unable to respond.", "Lauren: Oh, I see how this is gonna go. All right, my husband the lawyer.", "Michael: I will never... (Whispers) Miss an opportunity to spoil you.", "Lauren: Oh, that's so sweet. Thanks.", "Michael: (Normal voice) (Chuckles)", "Lauren: So maybe one year, we could actually celebrate on the day of our anniversary.", "Michael: Oh, now you're just talking crazy-nuts.", "Lauren: I know. I know. But who am I to complain? You know why? 'Cause I see jewelry boxes, and everything was all right with my world. So where should I begin?", "Michael: Oh, well, wait. Leave those till after dinner. Anticipation's half the fun.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Michael: Here is to many more years of wedded bliss.", "Lauren: I feel the same way.", "(Glasses clink)", "Lauren: Mmm.", "Michael: Come here, wife.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: All hail the new robber baron of Genoa City.", "Emily: Sorry.", "Jack: You know what? I can now see his face without going ballistic.", "Emily: Pretty upset yesterday-- cutting you out of the Chancellor stock deal.", "Jack: Well, you know, I had a good talk with my sister Ashley. She reminded me when I focus on things I can't have, I don't see what's right in front of me. There will always be new stock offerings, but a beautiful, intelligent woman with style and charm doesn't come along—", "(Door opens)", "Phyllis: Hey, um...", "Jack: Hey.", "Phyllis: Hi, Jack.", "Jack: You know Emily, right?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Emily: Hello, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Hello. Um, I wanted to ask you something if you would stick around.", "Jack: Why? What's going on?", "Phyllis: We're doing a little impromptu celebration for Daniel.", "Jack: Wait, he's getting out?", "Phyllis: Yeah, on bail. I'm going to pick him up right now, so can you--you stay, please?", "Jack: You don't mind?", "Emily: Not at all.", "Phyllis: O-okay, yeah, I'll see you-- I'll see you later then.", "Jack: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: It's like a comp-- probably like a--just--", "Kevin: Hey, what time are you leaving to go pick up Daniel?", "Phyllis: I'm--I'm doing it right now.", "Amber: Oh, I should come with you.", "Phyllis: Yeah, oh, come here for a second.", "Amber: Okay. Okay. Yeah?", "Phyllis: (Quietly) I would, um, I would really love it if you just stayed here and used your creative juices to celebrate, you know? And--and-- and, you know, decorate things and make everybody excited. Don't--don't let them do anything. You do it all.", "Amber: Oh, okay. Okay, sure.", "Phyllis: You got it?", "Amber: Yeah.", "Phyllis: All right.", "Jana: Hey, Amber?", "Amber: Yeah?", "Jana: Should I make a \"Welcome home\" sign for Daniel?", "Amber: No, no, I'll do it.", "Jana: You sure?", "Amber: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you know what else I think we need? I think we need, um, maybe, like, giant streamers.", "Jana: Oh, yeah.", "Amber: Yeah, big streamers and stuff, and maybe we...", "[Phyllis remembering]", "Deacon: It's all set-- the alley behind Jimmy's in one hour. And be prepared to take care of business. That proves nothing. I'm certainly not gonna go to prison for it.", "Phyllis: No, you probably won't go to prison with that-- not if you do exactly what I tell you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: ...Redo some of the Christmas stuff to kind of make it seem \"Daniel homecoming-Y.\" Yeah.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Jana: I agree. I'm gonna make my cookies.", "Kevin: Ooh, yeah.", "Amber: Oh, yeah, make some cookies.", "Jana: Yeah? Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: (Shivering)", "Phyllis: You set?", "Deacon: Yeah, I'm all packed. (Sniffles) When do I get that phone?", "Phyllis: You'll get the phone when you tell me that Amber is out of town. Do you understand that? You'll text me with it.", "Deacon: (Sighs) Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Emily: You look like you're about to break out dancing.", "Jack: This was my dad's favorite song.", "Emily: I bet Christmas was a big deal at the Abbott family.", "Jack: Oh, it was the biggest day of the year. I can still smell pine once or hear this song, and I'm immediately transported back to a happy childhood Christmas.", "Emily: Mm. (Chuckles)", "Jack: How about you?", "Emily: Me? Uh, when I was a kid, Christmas was magical. Unfortunately, my line of work sucks the fun out of the holiday. Statistically, this is the time of year when suicide and depression reach its peak. So I smell a Christmas tree or walk past a holiday window in the store-- it, uh, reminds me of all my clients who struggle with the season.", "Jack: What a shame.", "Emily: Yeah.", "Jack: How sad that there are that many lonely people in the world.", "Emily: I didn't mean to bring you down. (Chuckles) But, to me, Christmas is staying glued to my cell phone, praying it doesn't ring.", "Jack: That is wrong. That is not fair. Everyone should enjoy Christmas.", "Emily: It comes with my job. Is there any sugar? Any--", "Jack: Uh, no, just sweetener, I think.", "Emily: Okay, I'm gonna go get some sugar. I'll be right back.", "Jack: Yeah, this is Mr. Abbott. Uh, I need you to do a couple of things for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey. Hey, are you ready to go?", "Daniel: Oh, hell, yes. (Moans) Oh, careful. (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: Oh, sorry.", "Daniel: Thought you weren't gonna make it in time.", "Billy: Hi, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Hey, Billy.", "Daniel: Where's Amber?", "Phyllis: Um, she's at Crimson Lights. Um--", "Daniel: Fine.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Daniel: Um, so I'm free? I can go?", "Phyllis: Yeah, we just have to get your personal effects, but you can go.", "Daniel: Okay, um, just, uh...", "Phyllis: Let's-- let's get out of here.", "Daniel: Give me a sec.", "Phyllis: All right.", "Daniel: Hey, um, thank you for everything you helped with yesterday.", "Billy: Eh, no problem, buddy.", "Daniel: Well, look, man, if you need anything, just let me know if I can do anything for you.", "Phyllis: What was that about?", "Daniel: (Stammers) Nothing. Come on. It's just guy stuff, you know? (Growls and laughs) Come on, let's get out of here. I want to go kick-start my marriage.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: You know, the letters, they--they don't pop out enough. I'm gonna do it over.", "Jana: All right.", "Kevin: What? I thought it looked fine.", "Amber: No, it didn't.", "Kevin: Well, look, Daniel's gonna be here any minute.", "Daisy: What? D-Daniel's getting out?", "Jana: Yeah, on bail, thanks to Eden getting that gym bag out of that smelly dump.", "Daisy: (Sighs) I've never smelled something so disgusting than that place...", "Jana: I know, right?", "Daisy: In my whole life.", "Jana: Do you fancy a cup of tea?", "Daisy: Mm, yeah.", "Jana: Yeah? Let's go.", "Chloe: Hi. Hey, we're here.", "Jana: Hi. Welcome. How are you?", "Chance: Hey, everybody. How you doing?", "Kevin: Good to see you guys.", "Chloe: Yeah, how you doing?", "Chance: Good to see you.", "Amber: Oh, hi! I'm so glad you guys made it! Ooh! Ooh!", "Chloe: Hi. I would never miss your party.", "Chance: How are you?", "Amber: Oh, you brought Chance, so you guys are definitely, um--", "Chloe: Yeah, we're something. We're definitely something.", "Chance: (Clears throat)", "Amber: You don't know how happy I am that Daniel's getting out of that hellhole tonight.", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Amber: Sorry. I forgot about Billy.", "Chloe: Yeah, well, you know, he's just really stubborn. And I tried to get him to talk to the judge and tell him what he knows, but he would rather play the martyr.", "Amber: (Sighs) You know, it's hard to believe that Billy would actually choose to stay locked up. I bet Delia really misses her dad, huh?", "Chloe: Yeah, well, before this, you know, she saw him every day. She doesn't understand why he's disappeared, so that's why I had to do something. I had to do something about it. Really--", "Chance: Do you, uh, need help hanging the sign here, by any chance?", "Amber: Yeah. I-I need a better marker. I'll be right back.", "Chance: (Sighs) I thought you wanted to keep quiet about turning Billy's informant in.", "Chloe: Amber is my friend. I trust her.", "Chance: And you think she won't tell Daniel, who won't turn around and tell his best friend Kevin, who won't turn around and tell Jana? Chloe.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Point taken. I know. Billy can never, never know, ever. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Jack on the queen.", "Billy: (Chuckles) Daniel's not here.", "Victoria: Oh, well, that's okay, because I didn't come to visit Daniel. I thought I'd see how you're getting on in your new accommodations.", "Billy: The mattress could be a bit firmer.", "Victoria: Ohh, are you not sleeping well?", "Billy: Oh, no, like a baby.", "Victoria: You wouldn't if you had a conscience.", "Billy: Hey, look, you're the one who chucked me under the bus. If you're here for an apology, it's a little late.", "Victoria: Why would I do that? You're getting everything that you deserve. I warned you not to mess with me, but you didn't take me seriously.", "Billy: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: (Laughs) I wish you could have seen the horrified look...", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Lauren: On that woman's face. And Fen was so proud of himself. He just announced to the entire ladies' room, \"Well, boys have peanuts!\" (Laughs) It was so cute.", "Michael: \"Peanuts\"?", "Lauren: (Laughs) Oh, it was so cute.", "Michael: That boy's not right.", "Lauren: Oh, yes, he is.", "Michael: I gotta have a serious talk with him and set things straight.", "Lauren: He's adorable, and believe me. Believe me, he has plenty of time to figure out all that stuff.", "Michael: I just can't believe how fast he's growing up.", "Lauren: I know.", "Michael: Seems like we were married just yesterday.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) The Colonnade room?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: The boiler exploding.", "Michael: You in that wedding dress. You knocked my socks off.", "Lauren: Hmm. You were pretty amazing yourself.", "Michael: Mm?", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Michael: Aren't we the lucky ones...", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: To be married to such \"Beauty-full\" people?", "Lauren: Aren't we?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: (Laughs) It's just the, um, outside influences that worry me. You know, the con artist fathers, the, uh, shady half brothers that show up unexpectedly, exploding yachts... let's see, what else? Oh, yeah, boxes of rats.", "Michael: All right, forget the rats. No more rats. We have a restraining order against Ryder, and as for outside influences, \"Love conquers all.\" You remember that one?", "Lauren: I do, but...", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: We've had some pretty close calls. You know, our honeymoon, the warehouse.", "Michael: We are still standing.", "Lauren: The only other time I felt this uncomfortable--", "Michael: Don't. Don't say her name.", "Lauren: I'm not gonna pretend that Sheila never existed. She ruined my life and my relationship with Scotty for many years.", "Michael: Sheila is dead. There's no reason for you to go there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: A little bit higher. No, higher. Higher. Higher.", "Jana: Higher?", "Amber: No, no, no, no. Lower. Lower. No, just--just--just--just--", "Kevin: Amber! Amber!", "Amber: Raise it a little bit.", "Kevin: Amber, make up your mind, please.", "Amber: It's not right. It is tilted! Okay, just--just--just bring it up a little on that side.", "Kevin: No, I think that you're tilted.", "Amber: (Scoffs)", "Daniel: I think that it looks perfect.", "Amber: Wha--aah! Oh!", "Daniel: (Laughs) (Groans)", "Amber: Mwah. Oh--oh, my God. I'm sorry! I forgot about your ribs. Oh, my God.", "Daniel: It's okay. Come here.", "Amber: Mm. (Laughs)", "Kevin: All right. All right, enough. You're gonna scare away my customers.", "Jana: Hi.", "Daniel: How you guys doing?", "Jana: Welcome home. Good to see you.", "Phyllis: Hey, Daniel, look who stuck around.", "Jack: Hey, there. How you doing?", "Daniel: I'm doing much better now, thank you. Whoa.", "Jack: Oh, I'm sorry. Daniel Romalotti, Dr. Emily Peterson.", "Emily: Hi, nice to meet you.", "Daniel: Nice to meet you, too. I thought you were someone else there for a second.", "Emily: I get that all the time.", "Phyllis: Okay, everybody, eyes on me. Eyes on me right now. I just wanted to thank you all for coming to the dump--well, although you didn't, but, um... (Chuckles) Uh, thanks for your support uh, and finding the gym bag and, you know, helping my son get out of jail. I am absolutely thrilled... (Sighs) That he's home. And, um, just thank you very much. And I--I want to thank the love of his life. He's reunited with the love of his li--of his life, and I'm just very, very happy about that.", "Daisy: Welcome home.", "Daniel: Thank you.", "Jana: You know, Daisy decided to lend a hand that night.", "Daniel: Well, then I'm definitely putting you in the \"Friend\" category.", "Amber: (Laughs) Yeah.", "Daisy: Glad I could help.", "Jack: Okay, so what was that about?", "Amber: Oh, we need to celebrate.", "Phyllis: What was what about?", "Jack: Last I heard, you were miserable that Daniel was married to Amber.", "Phyllis: Um, well, she loves my son, and I love her for that.", "Jack: Hey, hey, hey, it's me you're talking to. Remember?", "Phyllis: I had a change of heart. It's not impossible to have a change of heart.", "Jack: Well, Em-Emily and I are on our way out of here. Um, we have plans.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. Thanks for sticking around.", "Jack: Yeah. Hey, Daniel will get through this.", "Phyllis: Oh, I know. We found the gym bag. He'll definitely get through this. Bye.", "Emily: \"Plans\"? That's news to me.", "Jack: Yeah, it's a little surprise. Come on.", "Amber: I knew you'd be home soon. I just knew.", "Kevin: I plan on renaming this \"The Romalotti special.\"", "Daniel: Oh, Brother.", "Amber: (Chuckles)", "Daniel: Thank you. You have no idea how much I missed your coffee. I literally had dreams about it.", "Amber: You were supposed to be dreaming about your wife, Mister.", "Kevin: (Chuckles)", "Daniel: Mmm. Hmm. (Chuckles)", "Amber: (Chuckles)", "Daniel: (Chuckles)", "Amber: (Giggles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Yeah, it's Deacon. Listen, I just checked out of the club. I'm on my way.", "Ryder: Where the hell are you going?", "Deacon: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Emily: Where are you taking me?", "Jack: Just a few more steps.", "Emily: Okay.", "Jack: Stop.", "Emily: Mm-hmm. Can I open my eyes yet?", "Jack: Not yet.", "Emily: All right. (Sighs)", "Jack: Open.", "Emily: Oh, Jack, this is beautiful. What-- when did you put this together?", "Jack: Oh, I made a couple calls from Crimson Lights. Now listen, if I guessed your shoe size wrong, I can have the right size skates sent over right away.", "Emily: Oh, I love that you went to all this trouble, but my skating days are over.", "Jack: Nonsense. We're gonna get you in touch with that little child inside of you again, but you have to give over. Turn off your phone. Turn off your phone.", "Emily: Okay, okay. I'll trust you.", "Jack: Put yourself in my hands.", "Emily: Okay.", "Jack: I'm gonna give you back the spirit of Christmas.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: (Laughs)", "Amber: Okay, that's good. (Chuckles)", "Jana: Mm-hmm.", "Daisy: So if they found stuff in that gym bag that proved your story, why didn't they drop the charges?", "Amber: Oh, they will.", "Daniel: Yeah, Michael's on it.", "Jana: Yep, the evidence in that bag will prove that Daniel is innocent, 'cause there was a third man in that alley.", "Daniel: That's right.", "Chloe: Mm-hmm.", "Amber: Yes. Oh.", "Kevin: We gotta--", "Chloe: Hmm, so to those who were willing to go through other people's... stuff to find out the truth. And, uh, I hope you guys are on my side whenever I get in trouble.", "Amber: Ahh, cheers to that.", "(Mugs clinking)", "Jana: Cheers.", "Amber: Yeah, ditto, too.", "Chance: You know, it floored me when I heard about what you did, Ms. Newman.", "Phyllis: Uh, Phyllis. Phyllis.", "Chance: Sorry. Phyllis. No, I mean, you could have spent weeks digging through there and found nothing.", "Phyllis: Well, I wouldn't have given up.", "Chance: Well, then obviously, you're a terrific mother.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Amber: (Laughs) I know. I know. She is amazing! (Squeals) (Giggles)", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) Yeah, well, you know, anything for my kids, anything. And I love my son so much, and, um, his incredible, incredible wife, my daughter- in-law. Yeah, she is the best daughter-in-law anybody could have, the best, right? Here, to Amber.", "Amber: Aw.", "Daniel: To Amber.", "Jana: (Laughs) Yeah.", "Amber: Yay, thanks.", "Jana: (Quietly) God, when did the love fest start?", "Amber: (Quietly) It's crazy, isn't it?", "Jana: Enjoy the ride while it lasts.", "Amber: I know.", "Kevin: Um, does anybody need a refill?", "Daisy: Oh, sure.", "Amber: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: Yeah? Okay.", "Jana: Phyllis, take a seat.", "Amber: Yeah. Yeah, sit down. Look at the cake.", "Daniel: Hey, uh, where's Ryder?", "Kevin: Oh, uh, I told him not to come. I didn't want him, uh, ruining my best friend's homecoming.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: I'm done here. I'm heading back to California.", "Ryder: No, you can't do that. That's not part of the plan.", "Deacon: Look, I'm gettin' off this little merry-go-round, Pal, before it crashes. See ya.", "Ryder: My mom is not gonna like this.", "Deacon: I told you before, I don't answer to her anymore.", "Ryder: I am so over this. It's like everybody does what they damn well please, and while I get blamed for everything and get ordered around.", "Deacon: Can I give you a little advice here? Just listen to what I'm saying. Stand up to that bitch. She has no power over you unless you give it to her.", "Michael: My wife and I are having dinner here tonight.", "Ryder: What has that got to do with me?", "Michael: Under the terms of the restraining order, if you encounter either of us out in public, you turn around, and you walk away. Otherwise, you're in violation.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I know how the Newmans work. I saw the same bullying techniques in Victor when he dealt with Colleen, and, Honey, it's not gonna work here.", "Victoria: It's not just me that you've hurt.", "Billy: You know, you keep blaming me for your marriage falling apart. I didn't have anything to do with that. I didn't fabricate any lies. I printed the truth. And you think I'm being punished because I'm in here? Oh, Honey, my magazine is selling off the racks. My web site is getting more hits than it ever has before, and, you know, I have to thank you for that, because you made me a martyr, and it just turns out that people love that. Oh, oh, there's also a plus to this. I don't have to pick out a new suit every day for work, because I look good in orange.", "Victoria: You know, I really hate to break it to you, but that image that you have of yourself as a hero is all in your head. Most people see you as a big jerk hiding behind the first amendment.", "Billy: I'm gonna go to my grave with the name of my source, so if you're waiting for me to spill the beans, well, you can just leave. You're wasting your time. So go--go shopping. I don't know. Go fight with your husband. Go bite the heads off of small children, whatever it is that you Newmans do for kicks, but just go.", "Victoria: Hey, I'm in no hurry to leave. I'm rather enjoying the sight of you behind bars. Oh, um, and while you're rotting away in here, you can think about this. The Newmans are off-limits.", "Billy: (Chuckles) Princess, there is nothing that's off-limits. In fact, my readers, they expect me to print anything that you guys do out of order, so if I were you, if you don't want to end up in my magazine, I'd start living the life of a nun.", "Victoria: You come at me again, and I will knock your teeth straight.", "Billy: Yeah? Well, this could get real messy, Sweetheart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I've called the police.", "Ryder: Look, I didn't know you were gonna be here. I'm not hassling anybody. Just chill.", "Lauren: Why don't you tell us what you were talking about with Deacon just now?", "Michael: All right, why don't we go back to the table?", "Lauren: I want to know. You said you're not working for him, but that looked like a very intense conversation.", "Ryder: Why don't you mind your damn business?", "Michael: Don't talk to my wife that way.", "Lauren: Excuse me. When it's my family, it is my business!", "Chance: Okay, okay, uh, Mr. Baldwin, can I get you guys to back up and just calm down?", "Michael: We have a restraining order.", "Chance: I know you have a restraining order against him. Let me handle this, please. I need you to go.", "Ryder: Look, this is a public place. I wasn't bothering anybody.", "Chance: Yes, I know that, and I've read the terms of the restraining order. You're in violation. Now either, \"A,\" I can slap the handcuffs on you right now and walk you out of here, or you can go out on your own accord.", "Michael: Thank you, Detective Chancellor.", "(Cell phone beeps)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Emily: Well, it looks like you haven't skated in a while, either.", "Jack: Oh, I'm gettin' better by the minute. In no time at all, I'll be doing flying sit spins. (Grunts)", "Emily: Oh! But--y--", "Jack: (Groans)", "Emily: You got the \"Sit\" part down pat.", "Jack: Ha ha. (Groans and grunts)", "Emily: Did you hurt yourself?", "Jack: (Breathing heavily) I think my dignity is bruised.", "Emily: (Chuckles)", "Jack: Hey, come on. You're not gonna get away without taking one spin out here.", "Emily: Okay, okay. (Clears throat) Hold my hand. Yeah?", "Jack: Yeah. Easy.", "Emily: (Chuckles) Okay.", "Jack: There you go.", "Emily: Did you skate on here when you were a kid?", "Jack: Oh, yeah, my sisters and I would race out here. Oh, you got it?", "Emily: (Exhales) Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Yep, I found myself face-first in a number of snowdrifts.", "Emily: (Chuckles) Wow. I once knocked out my neighbor's front tooth with my hockey stick.", "Jack: I'll try to keep my distance.", "Emily: (Chuckles)", "Jack: You're doing great.", "Emily: Thank you. Okay. Ooh!", "Jack: Oh, I got it. You know, it just makes me feel young and happy and carefree.", "Emily: Yeah?", "Jack: I'm gonna let go now.", "Emily: No, no, no.", "Jack: Come on. Ready?", "Emily: Okay, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Oh. Oh, this is fun.", "Jack: I knew it. I've been had.", "Emily: (Laughs)", "Jack: I should have known this the moment you said you played hockey.", "Emily: Oh, Jack, this is wonderful. (Laughs)", "Jack: Yeah, this is.", "Emily: Yeah. Whoo! (Laughs) Mm. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Oh, wow. It's really late. I got a life to get back to. I've seen enough of how much yours sucks.", "Billy: Oh, come on. We're having so much fun. Darn it.", "Victoria: Well, fun is what I'm gonna have when I walk out of he and you can't leave. Fun is playing with my little boy. Oh, but you can't see your daughter when you're in jail, can you? That's too bad.", "Man: Your lawyer's waiting for you.", "Billy: Rafe? Well, that's--that's weird. He usually comes here to see me.", "Man: You've been sprung.", "Billy: Yo, I can leave?", "Man: Gonna miss your friends?", "Billy: (Chuckles) That's funny. No, I'm just-- I'm surprised, man. What changed the judge's mind?", "Man: All I know is your lawyer got a court order.", "Billy: Yeah, you know, man, I could kiss you. But I'm joking, so don't hit me. Just lead the way, all right?", "(Keys jingling)", "Billy: Ahh, he did it. (Singsong voice) He did it. I'm free. (Claps hands) (Normal voice) See ya, buddy. Let's go! (Voices overlapping)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Excuse me. You look happy.", "Daniel: Well, I honestly believe that everything's gonna work out for the best.", "Phyllis: Me, too. There might be bumps in the road, but I want you to know, you're not gonna be alone. I'll always be there for you.", "Daniel: And Amber.", "Phyllis: And Amber.", "Amber: Did I hear my name?", "Daniel: Maybe. Maybe I was talking about another Amber.", "Jana: Uh-oh.", "Amber: Uh, you only get one Amber in your life, and it is me. (Chuckles)", "Daniel: (Chuckles)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Chloe: Oh, ex-excuse me. Sorry. Hello?", "Billy: I need you to get over to the magazine right away.", "Chloe: Uh, o-okay. What's wrong?", "Billy: It's an emergency.", "Chloe: Well, do you think that it can...", "(Cell phone hangs up)", "Chloe: Wait? Um, sorry. Duty calls for me, as well. Congratulations, Daniel.", "Daniel: Thank you. Thank you.", "Chloe: I'll see all you guys later.", "Amber: Oh, thank for coming. Okay, come on.", "Jana: Bye.", "Kevin: So if the cake wasn't enough, Jana made her delicious organic oatmeal cookies.", "Amber: Ohh.", "Daisy: Want me to get you one, Mrs. Newman?", "Phyllis: Um, Phyllis, please. Yes. Phyllis.", "Kevin: I've always liked Phyllis.", "Daniel: Oh, baby, if you could bake cookies like Jana...", "Amber: (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: Aw.", "Jana: Um...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Emily: I know. It's okay.", "Jack: I've got it. Oh, I'm gonna get off my feet. I'm so happy.", "Emily: All right. (Sighs)", "Jack: (Sighs and groans)", "Emily: Ice-skating trivia. My first kiss was on the ice.", "Jack: Really?", "Emily: Yes.", "Jack: How old were you?", "Emily: I was 11. Jason Ellers-- oh, and he was cute. (Clears throat) We were playing hockey.", "Jack: Oh, hockey again. This is a recurring theme.", "Emily: (Chuckles) Okay, we collided, and Jason came over and helped me up and planted a kiss right on my lips.", "Jack: Wow.", "Emily: And I could have died.", "Jack: Young Jason had some smooth moves.", "Emily: Yeah. Mm-hmm. Do you remember your first kiss?", "Jack: Oh, yeah.", "Emily: Yeah?", "Jack: I was 5.", "Emily: 5? Precocious. (Laughs)", "Jack: Janell-- Janell was her name, an older woman. She was 6.", "Emily: Mm.", "Jack: Long, blonde curls. And she loved to kiss, and I'll never forget it.", "Emily: And I'm sure she didn't, either. You were born a player, Jack. (Clears throat)", "Jack: I don't know. I'd like to think these days I'm finally past that. I'm more of a one-woman man now.", "Emily: Really?", "Jack: Really.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: What are you doing here?", "Ryder: Look, I know you asked me to stay away, but I want to make things right with Daniel.", "Kevin: No. No, this is not the time.", "Ryder: Look, I'll leave as soon as I talk to him.", "Kevin: Dude-- (Scoffs)", "Ryder: I'm glad you're out.", "Phyllis: No, no. Keep away from my son.", "Daniel: It's okay. Its okay, Mom. You know you could have saved me and my family a whole hell of a lot of trouble if you just told the truth to the grand jury.", "Ryder: I wanted to, but after Deacon threatened me, I--", "Amber: Do you have any idea what happened to Daniel in prison, huh? He got hurt. He got hurt. There was an accident.", "Ryder: Maybe--maybe Deacon had something to do with it?", "Amber: I know he had something to do with it.", "Jana: Well, you know what? Deacon's not here right now, is he? So would you like to tell us your side of the story?", "Ryder: I'm sorry. I-I can't.", "Amber: (Scoffs)", "Kevin: I had no idea he was gonna show up.", "Daniel: It's not your fault, man.", "Amber: I would love to just smack the truth out of that punk.", "Phyllis: You and me both.", "Amber: Why would he show up here and ruin-- ruin our whole--our party?", "Daniel: Okay, relax. Relax.", "Amber: I could--I could just kill him right now.", "Daniel: Relax! He didn't ruin anything, trust me.", "Phyllis: Hey, um, Amber, I have a gift for-- for you and Daniel. Can you get it in my car? It's unlocked. It's in my car. Can you get it, please?", "Amber: Yeah. Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: It--the--the fresh air might do you good.", "Amber: Okay, sure. Sure.", "Daniel: You want me to come with you?", "Amber: No, no.", "Phyllis: I want--I want us to take some pictures together.", "Amber: I'll-- I'll be right back, okay? Mm! (Sighs)", "Phyllis: She is fine. Really, she's fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I am more convinced than ever that Ryder is hiding something.", "Michael: I agree. But he has already taken up too much of our time together this evening. So let's enjoy the rest of our time together.", "Lauren: Hmm.", "Michael: Forget about Deacon, Ryder and rodentia of any species...", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Michael: Size, genus, mm. I think it's time that you opened this anniversary present.", "Lauren: Hmm. Well, there's nothing like jewelry to make a woman happy.", "Michael: Nothing? Because I did have something else planned.", "Lauren: Oh, really?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: Well, then I'd like to amend my previous statement.", "Man: Champagne?", "Lauren: Oh.", "Michael: We didn't order champagne.", "Man: Oh, it's from a person who wanted to wish Mr. And Mrs. Baldwin a very happy anniversary.", "Lauren: Oh, who's it from?", "Man: Uh, they asked to remain anonymous.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You in the Christmas spirit?", "Emily: Oh, yes, with the ice-skating and the music and the alcohol? Jack, this --this is-- this is wonderful.", "Jack: So you're ready for part two?", "Emily: There's more?", "Jack: Oh, yeah. The skating is just the warm-up.", "Emily: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Chloe: You're out.", "Billy: (Chuckles) Surprise. I stood my ground, and I won.", "Chloe: Wow, that's-- that's fantastic.", "Billy: Yeah, I beat that crooked judge at his own game. Did you catch the article in \"The Chronicle\" that said I had \"Journalistic integrity\"?", "Chloe: So you didn't have to make a deal?", "Billy: No. Nope. I just didn't give in, and it paid off. And now I'm going to write a story about it. \"Billy Abbott sticks it to the man and wins.\" And I need you to go find a great visual for it, so...", "Chloe: Um, okay.", "Billy: (Chuckles) Look who came to celebrate.", "Victoria: My attorney called and said the judge let you out.", "Billy: Drink it in.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Who'd you pay off?", "Billy: Oh, you're confused. See, it's the Newmans who pay people off. See, I have principles. I wouldn't expect you to know anything about that. But now that I'm back, I am free to write about any sordid little stories you want to throw my way. So why don't you get up, get out of here, hop to it, start scandalizing? I've got a magazine to publish.", "Victoria: You come after me again, and I'm gonna wipe that grin off your face-- permanently.", "Billy: Mm-hmm! Wow!", "Chloe: (Clears throat)", "Billy: Did you see the look on her face? I mean, that was priceless. You know, the best thing I ever did... (Door slams) Was not give up that juror's name. Oh, this is gonna be fun.", "Chloe: Yeah.", "(Computer keys clicking)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You need to leave.", "Ryder: Everywhere I go, I'm getting kicked out. I'm not bothering anyone.", "Kevin: You're bothering everyone.", "Ryder: You, too, huh?", "Kevin: My family keeps telling me I need to cut you loose. And I say that they don't understand what you've been through the way that I do-- you know, how messed up you can get from being abused, a-and that's why I haven't given up on you, why I keep fighting for you.", "Ryder: Until now.", "Kevin: I just-- I don't understand. I asked you to do one thing and not show up tonight. Why couldn't you do that? (Stammers) (Sighs) It makes me think that I shouldn't give you the benefit of the doubt, that maybe I can't help you. You might need to crash and burn on your own like I did before you can change your life.", "Jana: Kev, you know what I think? I think that maybe taking away Ryder's safety net might make him tell us what we want.", "Ryder: You don't understand.", "Kevin: You're right, I don't. So why don't you explain it to me? Wh--", "Ryder: This sucks. I am sick of being the bad guy.", "Daisy: Deal with it, and stop talking to me before someone gets suspicious.", "Ryder: Just so you know, I'm pretty sure she's in Genoa City.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I'm sorry this didn't turn out to be the anniversary I'd hoped for.", "Lauren: Oh, Honey, I'm sorry. I've just been so distracted since that champagne thing. It just really unsettled me.", "Michael: Well, we sent it back unopened. It's over. Oh, thank you. (Clears throat)", "Lauren: Thank you.", "Michael: That. Thank you. But one good thing came out of tonight. At least we know for certain that Ryder is behind everything that's happened recently.", "Lauren: (Sighs) Right.", "Michael: And that means there is no more reason to even mention the \"S\" word.", "Lauren: Thank you so much. Thank you for being my love and my best friend and my protector. You just-- you're the greatest husband anyone could ever have. (Chuckles) Mm. (Chuckles) Okay.", "Michael: (Groans)", "Lauren: Let's go home. (Chuckles)", "Michael: (Growls)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, come on, Deacon. Text me. Text me. (Sighs)", "Daniel: Hey, let me see those pictures.", "Phyllis: Oh! Yeah, um...", "Daniel: Eh, delete.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Daniel: (Chuckles) Delete.", "Phyllis: Yeah. (Chuckles)", "Daniel: You can keep that one.", "Phyllis: That's great. What's that for?", "Daniel: (Sighs) I'm starting to think that it was worth going to jail. Seeing you and Amber so close is, uh, very cool.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Amber.", "Amber: What do you want?", "Deacon: I came to get you. Come on.", "Amber: Let go of me.", "Deacon: Come on.", "Amber: Let go of me!", "Deacon: Get in the car.", "Amber: What the hell are you doing?! Let go of me! Stop it!", "Deacon: Get in the car. Get in the car. Come on.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Daniel: Amber, um, where is she? I thought she was just running out to the car.", "Michael: Lauren told me you didn't think Daisy was entirely trustworthy, so I ran a little background check.", "Woman: You ratted me out to the judge, you bastard." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Adam and Sharon discuss Phyllis and the new evidence they have for her. Jack cautions Phyllis to be careful where Adam is concerned. Adam calls Phyllis to meet him at Gloworm. As Adam and Sharon are leaving, they pass Tucker, Ashley, and Abby, who are just coming in. Billy and Victoria arrive for dinner with Tucker and Ashley. Billy asks Victoria what she is up to. Billy and Victoria discuss the possible outcome of the lab tests. Billy and Victoria join Tucker, Ashley and Abby. Abby lets Tucker know that she saw the look on his face when he saw Sharon with Adam. At the Athletic Club, Diane is on the phone insisting that she will pay her bill when Nick calls to ask her to join him. Adam shows Phyllis a pic of two people, who appear to be Victor and Skye. Phyllis refuses to buy his story and refuses to print any of it in her story. Tucker talks to Victoria about what will happen when she gets her hands on \"Beauty of Nature.\" Abby watches them. Ashley finds out from Billy about the tests that Victoria is undergoing to try to get pregnant. Abby asks Victoria if he was hitting on her. Victoria denies the accusation. Abby tells Victoria that Tucker hit on Diane. Abby visits Tucker with a bottle of champagne. When she opens the bottle, it bubbles out all over her dress. Tucker gets her a towel to dry her dress off. Nick and Diane make love. Sharon tells Adam that she loves him. Jack and Phyllis find incriminating evidence against Adam. Victor is on his way home.", "" ]
[ "Sharon: Ignore them. Ignore them. We have more important things to deal with.", "Adam: I'm used to being a sideshow attraction, but you...", "Sharon: Just focus. Look, if you really think that the man in this photo is Victor...", "Adam: Don't you?", "Sharon: Well, I mean, I know what he's capable of, but setting his own son up for murder?", "Adam: Oh, it's poetic justice at its best in his definition. Look, this man is far, far away somewhere right now mumbling to himself, chuckling over a glass of tequila, patting himself on the back. Listen, I know the two of you are very fond of one another, okay? But he wants to gut me like a fish. It doesn't matter how much he likes you. You're gonna get caught up in the splatter, too.", "Sharon: No. He won't get the chance, because we're going to use Phyllis so that everyone will see the proof that you're innocent.", "Adam: Mm, well, that's a whole different kind of splatter we could get caught up in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You don't seem that shocked about my collaboration with Sharon and Adam.", "Jack: I think it's a good idea, but I think you have to be very careful. Obviously, Adam wants to use you to prove his innocence. But he's gonna get cocky, and he's gonna get sloppy, and he's gonna incriminate himself, and nothing gives me more pleasure than giving Adam rope to hang himself.", "Phyllis: Oh, I love it when couples think alike.", "Jack: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Phyllis is relentless. If she wants to destroy someone, she will dig and dig to bury you, and she'll accidentally uncover that you're innocent. It's about time her nastiness had some kind of purpose.", "Adam: Well, then I guess I will make that call.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Phyllis: Oh, look at this. Speak of the freak. You'd better have something solid I can run.", "Adam: Yeah, blah, blah. Just come on down to Gloworm. Meet me.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) Really? You just snap your fingers, and I come running?", "Adam: Uh, scratch that. Change of venue. Uh, meet me at Skye's suite.", "Phyllis: How creepy of you. Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You okay?", "Sharon: (Sighs) Come on. We have someplace to be.", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "Sharon: Enjoy your evening.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Okay, I've gotta run.", "Jack: Wait, do you really think I'm gonna let you deal with that psycho all alone? Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: Are you sure you're up for this? Family dinners? Merry, merry.", "Victoria: Well, do I not look festive?", "Billy: Yes, but you look like someone who's had some very annoying tests at the ob-gyn, and you deserve a break.", "Victoria: Well, I had a break. It was nice having Summer and Faith stop by for a while before the sitter picked them up, and shopping was great fun.", "Billy: Mm-hmm. Okay, let's go home. Let's watch TV. Come on.", "Victoria: No, we can't. Look, it's a family dinner where various members of our family who can still stand sitting together at the same table.", "Billy: Yep. You don't need to do this.", "Victoria: Look, the deposition on the lawsuit starts tomorrow, and it's gonna get uglier before it gets better. And these medical tests-- whether or not I can have a baby... (Sighs) I do need this. Let's just do it. (Sighs)", "Billy: Okay. Merry, merry.", "Victoria: Merry, merry.", "Ashley: It's surreal.", "Abby: Um, it's disgusting.", "Billy: What's disgusting? My tie? I like this tie.", "Ashley: Aw, I'm glad the two of you made it.", "Victoria: Oh, thanks. It's really nice to be here. So what's surreal and disgusting?", "Tucker: Uh, you just missed Adam and Sharon.", "Victoria: In public? Together?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm", "Abby: Yeah. You-- did you see the way he looked at her? It made my skin crawl. How can she stand it?", "Tucker: Well, they had the good sense to beat a hasty retreat.", "Ashley: If Sharon had any sense at all, would she be with Adam?", "Abby: No. I was watching you, you know.", "Tucker: Watching me?", "Abby: When we saw Sharon and Adam, you stayed calm, but he had this totally intense look on his face like you would have decked him if he looked at Mom cross-eyed.", "Ashley: Aw.", "Tucker: Don't you know I pay people to do my deckin' for me?", "Ashley: (Chuckles)", "Abby: Oh, whatever. You joke, but I saw it.", "Tucker: Hey, I think, uh, Gloria has a few of the good bottles back there. Should we get 'em all?", "Ashley: Yes.", "Abby: (Laughs) Yeah.", "Tucker: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Diane: Well, I would pay the balance if I had the money. This is harassment. (Sighs) White wine, please.", "Nick: Diane.", "Diane: (Sighs) Wow. Twice in one day. (Laughs) That's quite the haul.", "Nick: Oh, yeah. Cleared the shelves at toy-ville. Where's Kyle? With Jack?", "Diane: Sleepover at a friend's.", "Nick: Um, would you, uh, like to sit down? I mean, you don't have to, but it's an open chair, so...", "Diane: (Laughs) I see that. No, I-it's just the-- the kids aren't with us, and, I don't know, do you think we're capable of-- of having an adult conversation?", "Nick: Ahh, don't worry about that. It's like high school French. It all comes back to you.", "Diane: I took español.", "Nick: Ahh, muy bien.", "Diane: (Chuckles)", "Nick: Well, then I guess you're out of luck.", "Diane: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I hadn't really thought of it till now, but everything that Phyllis said in that article...", "Abby: Yeah. Sharon wants Adam? Maybe she's always been twisted after all.", "Ashley: I know. Well, what's your take on it, Billy? I mean, you published it. What do you think?", "Billy: Mm, sorry. I wasn't really paying attention to... you.", "Victoria: Uh, you know, I-I sent Reed an e-mail, and, uh, I'm just gonna check and see if J.T. helped him respond to me. Excuse me. I'll be back.", "Tucker: You know, I have some business to check on myself. Don't let anyone take my seat.", "Ashley: They wouldn't dare.", "Tucker: Okay.", "Abby: (Clears throat) Well, uh, that was swoony, just so you know.", "Ashley: I'm aware of it.", "Abby: (Chuckles)", "Ashley: (Chuckles)", "Abby: Okay, well, this feels like intermission, so, um, excuse me.", "Ashley: Wow, we lost another one.", "Abby: I'm going to go, uh, powder my nose.", "Ashley: Okay. You've been awfully quiet, both you and Victoria. What's going on?", "Billy: (Sighs) Yeah, it's just a long day. Some medical tests, you know.", "Ashley: Are you sick?", "Billy: (Chuckles) No, no. It's Victoria. She's not sick, either. It's, um, \"Can we ever make a baby together\" type of tests.", "Ashley: Oh, Billy. Billy, I'm so sorry. I know it's frightening, but it's just tests so far, right?", "Billy: Mm-hmm. I would just like to make her happy again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Diane: So I'm listening to Kyle do his narration--", "Nick: He was good.", "Diane: He was, wasn't he? And I don't just mean, \"I'm a mom, so humor me and say something about my son.\" He was good.", "Nick: I know. He was really, really good.", "Diane: (Laughs) That's Kyle. He's this sweet, capable, competent boy, who will do the narration at the Christmas pageant. And I sat there, staring at him, and thinking, I made that. I made something that incredible.", "Nick: I know what you mean. I mean, I feel the same way about Summer. I mean, she's got that smile. You know, people react to her. We can be anywhere-- it doesn't matter where we are-- and they just want to talk to her. She is... (Sighs) Truly special.", "Diane: This is embarrassing. We're pathetic. The kids aren't even here, and all we've done is talk about them. (Laughs)", "Nick: (Laughs) That's true.", "Diane: (Laughs)", "Nick: Okay, one more--", "Diane: (Chuckles)", "Nick: You know those mornings where it's like they won't let it go? And all you're thinking is, I just need some peace and quiet? And then the kids are gone, and it's like peace and quiet is not what it's cracked up to be.", "Diane: Oh, I know. I'd at least like the phone to stop ringing for a while.", "Nick: So who's calling?", "Diane: Nobody very interesting. Maybe that's the problem. Well, you clearly have much wrapping to do. (Chuckles) So I'm--I'm gonna take off.", "Nick: No, no, no. You can't go anywhere. We got dessert. There's no kids around to fight over who gets the last bite, so...", "Diane: What was I thinking? (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Okay, thanks, Leslie. Keep me posted.", "Sharon: She'll do it?", "Adam: She is heading down to the police station right now as we speak. She's gonna check for an inventory of Skye's belongings.", "Phyllis: Okay. (Sighs)", "Adam: Oh, hello.", "Phyllis: Hi.", "Sharon: Here, show her the picture so we can get this over with.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) Yeah. Um, \"Her\" would love to see the picture. Let me see.", "Adam: Here you go, her.", "Phyllis: Really? This is what you have for me? Adam, say hello to a life sentence.", "Adam: Come on now. We know that's Victor, and we know that's Skye.", "Jack: Even if that is Skye, how do we know that's not you luring her out to her death?", "Adam: Mm. Check the time stamp out, please. Now think about this. How could I have made it to my train shortly after that if I did her in?", "Phyllis: And if we checked to see if the train was late?", "Adam: Mm, be my guest. Go ahead. And I hope you're as diligent with your fact- checking with this as you were with everything else. The question still remains, how did I murder Skye, dispose of her body, and make it to my train on time?", "Phyllis: If you think I'm running with this, you're a moron.", "Sharon: This is proof that Adam was set up. Take it. Use it.", "Phyllis: This is a female torso and a male torso blocked by an umbrella.", "Adam: An umbrella that was opened inside a freight elevator. That would indicate someone who's trying to hide themselves.", "Phyllis: When you can prove that this is Skye and this is Victor, I'll run it.", "Adam: Okay, well, I'm in the process of doing that right now.", "Phyllis: Okay, great. Call me when you have something other than wishful thinking. (Sighs) Okay. All right. That really could be Victor, and it really could be Skye. Just listen to me. She could be alive. (Scoffs) He could be telling the truth. That--that weasel... could he be telling the truth?", "Jack: I'll be Adam. You be Skye. Let's see how fast we can make it to the train station.", "Phyllis: You are so hot to me right now. (Chuckles)", "Jack: Get out of here. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: How you doin'?", "Victoria: Well, uh, you know... (Pops lips) Dad is supposed to be deposed tomorrow for the lawsuit. (Sighs) So much for peace on earth.", "Tucker: Yeah, but, uh, after the depositions, you'll be that much closer to controlling Beauty of Nature. What would be your first move? Rebrand? Maybe, uh, new packaging? Or just change the letterhead to say, \"It's mine now, Pop\"?", "Victoria: (Chuckles)", "Billy: Enough about me. How about you? You're bright and sunny these days. Is your good cheer named Tucker? (Silly voice) He's just \"Swoony.\"", "Ashley: (Laughs) No, that's not it, although it is true. (Inhales sharply) You know what it is, Billy? It's the respect. It's, um, the two of us being equals. I mean, seriously, it's very refreshing for me to be in love with somebody and to love them for exactly who they are, and--and not in spite of who they are, you know? And to be loved that way in return. It's nice.", "Abby: That's assuming you know exactly who the man is. You know, maybe every itty-bitty detail isn't obvious. Maybe are there are some you haven't been privy to.", "Ashley: Who are we talking about?", "Abby: I'm just... hypothetically.", "Tucker: I'm disappointed. I expected Gloria to put up a hot-pink Christmas tree...", "Ashley: Oh.", "Tucker: With feather boas all over it. Where is it?", "Ashley: (Laughs)", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Woman: Mr. McCall?", "Tucker: Yeah.", "Woman: Your next course will be out shortly. I apologize for the delay.", "Tucker: Oh, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait, Darlin'.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Diane: I'm stuffed. That is the most I've eaten in a long time, the most relaxed I've been.", "Nick: Mm-hmm. So I guess that's a no if I said, uh, how about a horse ride?", "Diane: (Giggles) Do you do that much? Go riding?", "Nick: Not as much as I'd like to. Did you ride much when you were with my dad?", "Diane: Uh, no. Um, we lived in town at the penthouse. We didn't get out to the ranch much.", "Nick: Right, 'cause my mom lived there.", "Diane: Yeah. You know, it really slays me how that place has not changed one bit in all of these years. (Chuckles)", "Nick: It could definitely use an upgrade.", "Diane: Yeah, I think so. I renovated, uh, a house much like the main house, uh, outside of Toronto, took down some walls and brought the outside in. It's really an incredible transformation. Did you know that our homes should be an organic extension of the lives we live? So I-I-if they're stagnant, then so are we.", "Nick: Go on, Sister.", "Diane: No. (Laughs) It's true. I'll show you what I mean someday.", "Nick: Why don't you show me right now? Come with me to the ranch. Our kids are busy. My dad's, like, three time zones away.", "Diane: Oh, I don't have to go to the ranch. I can--I can sketch something for you on--on a napkin.", "Nick: All right, can you just cut me some slack here? I'm improvising. I'm just trying to find a way to make the evening last.", "Diane: Then what are we waitin' for?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I got Reed this fantastic remote-control airplane because he's got incredible manual dexterity-- just happens to be that he does.", "Tucker: Oh, you wouldn't be biased, now would you?", "Victoria: Oh, no. No, not at all. Not me. (Chuckles)", "Billy: Well, speaking of parents, or parents-to-be...", "Abby: Oh, no, no, no. You are not talking about the person who we're not talking about.", "Billy: Oh, come on. Daniel's in a jam. You care about him. Why don't you pick up the phone? It's the holidays.", "Abby: I don't need complications in my life, and Daniel's problems are very, very complicated.", "Billy: Mm-hmm. Well, you know, I spent a lot of years running away from complicated. And then complicated came knocking on my door, and said, \"Howdy. How are you?\" Mm-hmm. And the rest, my friends, is epic, romantic history. Isn't that right?", "Victoria: Excuse me. I just-- (Sighs)", "Billy: Whoa, okay, hey. Honey, come here. Wait--", "Ashley: I'll go.", "Billy: Excuse me.", "Abby: I don't think he was talking about Daniel.", "Tucker: No, I don't think he was.", "Woman: Mr. McCall?", "Tucker: Yeah?", "Woman: Is everything to your liking? Your party has dwindled.", "Tucker: No, everything's all right, Sweetheart.", "Woman: Okay.", "Tucker: Thanks for asking.", "Woman: Mm-hmm.", "Tucker: What?", "Abby: \"Sweetheart\"? \"Darling\"? It's just...", "Tucker: Old-school.", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "Tucker: I know. I-I've gotta work on that.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Tucker: Oh. Uh, Zurich. I gotta deal with this. It's gonna take a while. Hey, would you tell your mom that I'll be back at my place later if she wants to come by?", "Abby: You bet, Darlin'. (Ring)", "Abby: (Chuckles) See you.", "Victoria: Please tell me that I did not just... (Sighs) Burst into tears at that dinner party.", "Ashley: Billy told me why. And you know that I understand.", "Victoria: I saw a pregnant woman at the doctor's office today. (Sighs) And I really resented her a lot. But then I felt really ashamed, you know? I don't... I don't want to begrudge anyone their happiness. But I think it's just gonna get worse. What if that part of my life is really over?", "Ashley: You know, it's just one moment. You get through that one and then worry about the rest. And please just forgive yourself for having any thoughts that you're not proud of, okay? You need to be kind to yourself. Please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: The housekeeper's down the hall, but she's almost done, so we can leave really soon.", "Adam: Oh, God, good. This place makes me want to climb the walls.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Adam: Just thinking about Skye talking about money and power and everything that she could get from me, and all I wanted was you. It's just--I can smell the woman's perfume still. Perfume.", "Sharon: What? What about it?", "Adam: She was very loyal to it. It was her mother's scent, but it'd long been since dis-- discontinued, but it was, uh, really hard to track down. It was a hassle. She always insisted on it, though. If--if Victor dropped her off anywhere on this globe, anywhere, she would have insisted on ordering this. We can possibly use that to track her down.", "Sharon: Okay. All right. But right now, Leslie should be calling us with the inventory, and if she can prove that the purse and shoes are missing... oh, God.", "Adam: What?", "Sharon: My locket.", "Adam: The picture of Faith is missing?", "Sharon: No, wait. It has to be here.", "Adam: Where'd you last see it?", "Sharon: I don't know. The car? The church? The church. I must have left it at the church.", "Adam: Okay, hey, hey, don't worry about it. We'll find it. We will.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Adam: (Whispers) Gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Diane: There's a lot of ghosts here.", "Nick: Was this a bad idea?", "Diane: You mean c-coming to the ranch? Or coming back to Genoa City at all?", "Nick: Yeah. This town can be tough. I mean, everybody's always in your face and in your business. And sure as hell, if you don't want to see someone that day--", "Diane: They're right in front of your face every time you turn around. So why do you stay?", "Nick: This is my home.", "Diane: You must be a lot braver than I am.", "Nick: You? Come on.", "Diane: I... am not as fierce as I once was. I blame Kyle for that. (Chuckles)", "Nick: Well, I guess I'm not as laid-back as I used to be. I'm gonna put that on my kids, too.", "Diane: (Laughs) Mm, maybe someday, we could meet in the middle.", "Nick: Wouldn't that be something?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Victoria's in the ladies' room, and she's fine.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: She is.", "Billy: Sure she is. I drove my wife to hanging out in the bathroom. Everything is peachy-keen fine.", "Ashley: Billy, you know, if you want a baby, you can make it happen.", "Billy: Mm-hmm. But if Victoria can't carry it to term...", "Ashley: Well, there's a lot of different ways to bring a baby into your life. You know that.", "Billy: Yes, adoption-- that is a brilliant idea.", "Ashley: There you go.", "Billy: That's the way to go. It's great, except for it takes years. It takes years, and Reed is halfway across the country. We had a miscarriage, and my wife is hanging out in the bathroom.", "Ashley: Just take it easy and slow down, okay? I mean, a child is one of those things that's worth waiting for, so...", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "Abby: Hey. Are--are you okay? Did someone upset you?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Where's Tucker?", "Abby: Oh, uh, he had work to do. Do you think work's real name is Natasha or Kiki? Was he hitting on you before?", "Victoria: Hold on. Wait. Tucker? No. No. He wasn't hitting on me.", "Abby: Well, he is that kind of guy.", "Victoria: He's the cheating kind?", "Abby: Yeah.", "Victoria: No, I think that he and your mom are very happy.", "Abby: Yeah, I--yeah. I think they are, too. So how come I walked in on him and Diane Jenkins looking very busted?", "Victoria: Diane? Look, why would he even bother with a woman like that when he has Ashley? I mean, even if she threw herself at him, he deals with women like that all the time.", "Abby: Uh, please define \"Deals with.\" (Stammers) Besides, Diane isn't the issue. Tucker is, and my mom deserves someone who is devoted to her.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Abby: I'm sorry. I-I, um, I have to go run a quick errand. I'm sorry. Uh, just tell everyone I said \"Kisses,\" okay? Bye.", "Victoria: Kisses?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Okay, from the club to here, plenty of time for Adam to kill Skye, dispose of her body, and hop in his choo-choo.", "Phyllis: Really? 'Cause it wasn't even enough time for me to blow out my hair.", "Jack: Adam got his D.N.A. into Hightower in order to fake his own death.", "Phyllis: Okay, or--", "Jack: Believe me. He could swing this.", "Phyllis: I-I understand, but Victor and Skye could have made a deal to make Adam suffer.", "Jack: You're really starting to buy Adam's theory?", "Phyllis: No, no. Not necessarily. But listen to me. Adam--he's crazy. And he's self-indulgent. But Victor is a master of revenge.", "Jack: Where are you going with this?", "Phyllis: All we know is Skye is missing. She's missing. She could be dead. But right now, she's just missing. That we can be sure of. What we can also be sure of is somebody walking her out of that hotel at 8:01. Adam or Victor? Who's lying?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Are you sure you didn't just take something out of your pocket and maybe it got hooked on the locket?", "Sharon: I-I don't know. I-I'm trying to remember. I just... I-I know that I can replace the locket, and I can replace the print th-that's inside it with a different picture, but it's just-- it's not this locket. It's not this picture.", "Adam: Hey, hey, hey. We're gonna find it here or wherever.", "Sharon: You can't know that.", "Adam: I can, and I do. You're not gonna lose Faith because of me. Not again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Sighs) You ever been to a Jamaican wedding?", "Victoria: (Sighs) I'm okay. I mean, it's not like every moment can be romance under a Christmas tree. We... we can get through this, we can get through anything, right?", "Billy: Yeah, that's, uh, that's survival. That's not living. That's not giving you everything you want.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Well... life doesn't really work that way.", "Billy: You... should get everything you want. All the \"Donkey Kong\" and \"Skee- ball\" you can handle. Or, I don't know, little babies who call you \"Mama.\"", "Victoria: Mm.", "Ashley: Excuse me, you guys. I'm sorry to interrupt. Did either one of you see Tucker and Abby leave?", "Victoria: Oh, yeah. Tucker went to work, and Abby had to run some errands.", "Ashley: That's kind of strange. I mean, what an anticlimactic end to the evening. But, then again, maybe that's a good thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Tucker: Abby?", "Abby: Surprise. I brought you some Christmas cheer.", "Tucker: Well, come on in.", "Abby: Thank you. Are you all done with business for the night?", "Tucker: Uh, yeah, just about. (Glasses clink)", "Tucker: You didn't have to do this. Why you bringin' me a gift?", "Abby: Well, I couldn't buy you a horse like you bought for me, so I thought I'd bring something that was a little bit more fun. And you had to leave dinner early, so I thought we should open this now. (Champagne cork pops)", "Abby: (Gasps) Oh!", "Tucker: Oh!", "Abby: (Blows raspberry)", "Tucker: Okay.", "Abby: Oh, my God. (Laughs) Oh.", "Tucker: I'll get a towel.", "Abby: (Sighs) (Scoffs) Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You look different.", "Diane: I guess I forgot for a second about the wolves at the door.", "Diane: Yeah, um, I didn't just come back to Genoa City so Kyle could be near Jack. I came... seeking gainful employment.", "Nick: You in a financial bind?", "Diane: I'm broke, in debt. I spend most of every moment of every day trying not to freak out about it. (Chuckles) This is the first time I've said that out loud, and it feels good. (Chuckles)", "Nick: (Chuckles)", "Diane: It feels liberating. And later, I'll put my bitch face back on, and I will deny it to the bitter end, but in the meantime, thank you for not making me feel ashamed. You're a good guy.", "Nick: Your secret's safe with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You don't have to do this. I mean, we don't have to talk about--", "Adam: What happened, Sharon-- what happened that night in the mental hospital the night that Faith was'll never forget it, and I'll never forget it, either. Now I can thank you over and over for defending me. I can apologize over and over for having hurt you. It still doesn't change the fact that right now, here I am again dragging you through hell. I mean, what with this-- this article that Phyllis did, Nick and Noah and Jack... and Faith. I mean, he's keeping you-- Nick is keeping you away from Faith when she's asleep, let alone when she's awake. I... I can't have you be away from Faith again like I did last year. I can't be responsible for that.", "Sharon: That won't happen...because I understand you now. We're gonna prove your innocent, and the rest... the rest will just fall into place. Because I don't just believe in you, Adam. I...", "(Cell phone rings) (Ring)", "Adam: Leslie. What happened? Yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: This is what I'm saying. Wouldn't it be delicious that Victor would get to set up Adam the way that Adam set up Victor? (Sighs) I mean, he never got to punish Adam for what he did to--to Ashley and Faith ever. Victor owes Adam such a massive payback--", "Jack: Uh, grant you, there is motive on both sides, but I am telling you...", "Phyllis: What is this?", "Jack: Adam--", "Phyllis: What is that?", "Jack: What?", "Phyllis: This.", "Jack: Hey, no, no. What are you doing?", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. Wow. Please. Please. Please. Look at this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: You look like you're feeling better. Are you, I hope?", "Victoria: Well... (Sighs) Let's just see what happens the next time I pass a lady with a bump.", "Ashley: (Chuckles) Oh, come on. You're gonna be okay. Be nice to yourself. Besides, I know Billy. He loves you so much. No matter what the tests say, he's not gonna stop until you get what you want.", "Billy: Hey, Rafe, it's me. Yeah, um, listen, completely off the record, we never had this conversation-- no, Man, I didn't break any laws. Would you just listen to me? Okay? Hypothetically, in a \"What if down the road\" kind of a world... (Clears throat) How does one go about buying a baby?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: What a waste? I am wearing your present. I can't believe it. This is what I get for trying to open your bubbly. I'm so sorry.", "Tucker: It's the thought that counts.", "Abby: You know, that is-- that's my thing. I don't think. I just do. I guess it's my worst quality... or my best. Depends. Well, I need to go get you a new bottle. And--oh. Oh, my gosh. If I try to go outside like this, I am gonna freeze.", "Tucker: You can't go out like that. You have to bundle up first.", "Abby: Oh, um--", "Tucker: Let's go. (Sighs)", "Abby: Oh, I-I-- but I owe you a bottle.", "Tucker: No, no. Don't give it another thought.", "Abby: (Sighs) (Chuckles)", "Tucker: Good night.", "Abby: Good night.", "Tucker: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Leslie, thank you. You are a gem. Thank you. Okay, she checked the inventory. Skye's bag and shoes were not on the list. That's her. She's alive somewhere.", "Sharon: Yes. Gosh, I knew it. I knew it. And now everyone else is gonna have to accept that.", "Adam: And we're gonna find that locket of yours. Trust me.", "Sharon: Hey. Um, I didn't get to finish saying what I was saying before.", "Adam: Then tell me. What were you gonna say?", "Sharon: (Sighs) Adam, you and I shouldn't be together.", "Adam: That's what you were gonna say?", "Sharon: We both know it. It's as crazy and irrational as people say it is. It's impossible, and it would never work. Only it does work. You're gonna help me find that locket. I'm gonna help prove that you're innocent. Whatever you've done in the past, you're a different person now. And whatever I've done, I'm not the same woman I used to be. What I was gonna say is... I love you.", "Adam: Mm. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I can't believe this. There is blood on this shoe.", "Jack: It isn't just a shoe. There's a purse in her-- and the umbrella.", "Phyllis: You were right.", "Jack: Adam killed Skye. He disposed of the body, and then he disposed of her things.", "Phyllis: Adam's guilty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: It's all right. We got all night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Mr. Newman, we'll be landing in Genoa City shortly.", "Victor: Good. I look forward to getting my home affairs in order this evening.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: What's more important to you? Putting Adam away, or getting your scoop?", "Diane: I think it's wonderful the progress you've made from chasing sugar daddies to becoming a sugar mama.", "Ronan: If you want to tell me what really happened that night..." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Victoria shows Johnny the pretty decorations at Crimson Lights. Adam and Chelsea are kissing, but suddenly he pulls away from her. She wonders what is going on with him. Sharon takes her meds as she looks at a pic of Cassie and vows to tell Nick the truth. Nick visits Sharon and assures her that she can tell him anything. She is just about to start talking when Noah arrives with a tree. Billy and Kelly go to the Underground for drinks. Dylan visits Avery and lets her know that he read the file on his father, Ian Ward, and found out some things about his life in prison. Dylan no longer blames Nikki for her actions in giving him up for adoption years ago. Mason, once again, uses Devon's credit card to buy things he wants. Devon walks up and notices him on the phone. Devon smiles. Nick and Sharon discuss Cassie and her death years ago. Hilary joins Devon and Mason. Devon goes to check on something leaving Hilary and Mason alone. Mason tells Hilary not to ruin this for him. Kelly offers Billy encouragement on how to get through Delia's death. Victoria notices a rash on Johnny's neck and immediately calls the doctor. Stitch walks in to the coffeehouse and offers to look at Johnny. Stitch tells Victoria that it is nothing but a rash from the sweater that Johnny was wearing, and it should get better. Nick and Sharon reminisce about Christmases past while Noah watches them. Chelsea and Adam make love.", "Stitch and Victoria get better acquainted while discussing Delia's death and the impact it's having on them. Kelly tries to offer Billy hope over drinks. After decorating the tree, Nick goes to the Underground thus leaving Noah alone with Sharon. Noah lets Sharon know that Summer will always be his sister. Sharon becomes so flustered that she drops the ornament in her hand, and it bursts. Avery runs a check on Dylan's father and finds that there is no record of his death. Nick sees Billy and Kelly together and asks Billy who his friend is. Kelly explains who she is but she senses that Nick has something to say to her. Nick explains to her about the child that he lost. Nick gives Kelly some helpful advice. Noah questions Sharon about her and Nick. Adam lets Chelsea know that he loves her. Chelsea returns the sentiment.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: Hmm. Look at everything. Everything's so beautiful. Don't you think? It's all decorated up for Christmas. I guess Santa's gonna visit pretty soon. You know what? It's gonna be a different kind of Christmas this year. You're still gonna get lots of presents. Don't worry about that, okay? But we're gonna need to give something really important to Daddy, right? We're gonna... we're gonna need to give him some hope.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kelly: Thank you. This is perfect.", "Billy: Yeah, well...", "Kelly: Here?", "Billy: Yeah, perfect. I definitely needed something stronger than a coffee after Sherry's story about losing her kid to a hit-and-run.", "Kelly: Yeah, that was a little close to home.", "Billy: Yes, it was. Anyway, I have it on good authority that this place has the best margaritas in town.", "Kelly: Ah. Even better than your place?", "Billy: Yeah. Trade secret, so shh.", "Kelly: Is that why we didn't go to Boulevard?", "Billy: Yeah. That and I was really trying to avoid the \"Poor Billy\" looks.", "Kelly: Yeah, you get a lot of those there, huh?", "Billy: I do. From the moment I walk through that door, everybody's falling all over themselves, trying to take care of me.", "Kelly: Oh, my God. Yes. Some of my friends smothered me with attention. It's almost like they fed off my pain, took a kind of perverse pleasure from it.", "Billy: Secretly happy that it's you and not them.", "Kelly: You know exactly what I'm talking about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: What is it? What's wrong?", "Adam: [Sighs] Nothing.", "Chelsea: What are you thinking?", "Adam: I'm thinking about the future.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Knock on door]", "Avery: Uh, just a second. Hi.", "Dylan: Hey.", "Avery: I was just about to call you. You must have been reading my mind.", "Dylan: I know I said I didn't want to know... but I couldn't help myself. I read the stuff you dug up on my biological father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: There. That should make you happy. I'm taking my meds. I'm doing everything right. So you don't need to supervise me anymore. [Sighs] Or maybe... you were right. And I won't get well until I stop keeping secrets. [Sighs] I have to do it. I have to tell Nick the truth, that I'm responsible for Phyllis' coma and that... Summer really is his daughter.", "[Knock on door]", "Nick: Look who I found sledding down the hill.", "Faith: Hi, Mommy. I had so much fun at Cane's party.", "Sharon: You were sledding in your cast?", "Nick: Well, what can I say? She is her father's daughter.", "Sharon: [Chuckles] Yeah. Whoops. That's what worries me.", "Nick: Hey, why don't you run upstairs and take your coat off? You all right? You, uh, seem a little down.", "Sharon: [Sighs] No, I-I'm not all right.", "Nick: Something you want to talk about?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mason: ...6-1-9-0. And the expiration date is March 2015. Devon Hamilton. Now, again, how much is it for the private suite? All right, and that comes with the full bar, right? And a deejay? Uh, what about a masseuse?", "Devon: So that's how it is.", "Mason: Look, I can explain. It's not what you think.", "Devon: [Laughs] Relax. Relax, Mason. You think I'm really gonna narc you out to Nick for making plans on company time? Come on. [Laughs] Should have seen your face. [Laughs]", "Mason: Yeah, well, it's nothing like the look on your face after you ran into my fist 10 times at the gym.", "Devon: Oh, please. You barely grazed me. I was gonna ask you where you went to boxing school. Was it Girl Scout camp? Is that where you learned?", "Mason: Oh, you're gonna pay for that next time.", "Devon: Yeah? Kiss that modeling --", "Mason: Can I help you?", "Hilary: I hadn't planned to come between you and your trash talk, but so long as I have, I wanted to thank you for defending me to Lily earlier.", "Devon: She was over the top, and you didn't deserve it. But Lily's dealing with a lot right now.", "Hilary: Well, she also has a lot -- husband, kids -- storybook life.", "Devon: That's the thing about storybook lives, is they only seem that way on the outside.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: What's wrong, Sharon? Did, uh, something happen? You've been so positive lately.", "Sharon: No, it's just I... I've been thinking a lot about Cassie lately.", "Nick: Well, that's understandable, after Delia's accident.", "Sharon: I keep wondering what she would be like, how she would view the world, how she would view me. You know, I've done some things and some bad things that I'm sure she wouldn't approve of.", "Nick: You've been working real hard to make up for that. And I know Cassie would be behind you 100%, just like Noah and Faith...and me, too.", "Sharon: I can't tell you how much it means to hear you say that, and to hear you stand up to your dad for me... it's more than I deserve.", "Nick: The person who did those things, it wasn't you. You have a chemical imbalance in your brain, and it messes with your ability to think clearly.", "Sharon: If you only knew.", "Nick: So then tell me. You know you can confide in me. I'm right here. Think how much better you'll feel if you can get it off your chest. Then it won't have power over you.", "Sharon: You're right. I need to say this.", "[Knock on door]", "Noah: Ho ho ho! Delivery from the North Pole.", "[Both chuckle]", "Sharon: [Gasps] Oh, my gosh! Noah! A tree?!", "Noah: Well, yeah. You seem surprised. It's Christmas. Hey, Dad. What are you doing here?", "Nick: Oh, I just dropped off Faith from a party. Let me help you out with that.", "Noah: Oh, yeah, thanks. Make yourself useful.", "Nick: Well, maybe if you'd work out more, you could do this on your own.", "Noah: That's more your thinking.", "Nick: Well, uh, this is gonna be fun -- decorating together as a family. Just like the good old days.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Mmm-mmm.", "Kelly: You're right. Best margarita I have ever tasted.", "Billy: Yes, they are. I'm just gonna have one, though, and then I've got to go.", "Kelly: Okay. Whatever works.", "Billy: Whatever works. Nothing works is the problem. I want to connect with my wife. I want things to go back the way they were. But I can't seem to, uh, make that happen.", "Kelly: You know, Billy, my husband was an outdoorsman. Loved fly-fishing. It was beautiful to watch him. You know, he was out there casting the line. The fluidity of it was like watching an artist at work. But after Sam died, that's where he escaped -- into nature -- and I resented that, that he could find solace and I couldn't, that he turned towards his own world instead of turning towards me. Looking back now, I think, well, what was I thinking? Because every time that he looked at me and I looked at him... all we could see is what we lost. We were never gonna survive. Hey! Okay, it doesn't mean that you and Victoria are gonna go down that road. Okay? Your situation is different.", "Billy: Yeah, I'll say.", "Kelly: For one, you have another child.", "Billy: Yeah, we do.", "Kelly: Look, you're not gonna pick up your life like nothing's changed. But there are couples that find each other again. Maybe you and Victoria are one of them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: What do you say I get out of this sweater and we get you one of those Christmas cookies over there, huh? That's what you really want, isn't it? What is this? Johnny, where did this come from? This isn't good. Oh, my gosh. Hi. Yeah. This is Victoria Newman. Uh, my son has a rash, and -- and I'm afraid that he's having a reaction. No, I-I didn't realize that it was late. Could you please have the doctor call me? I'm gonna take Johnny to the emergency room right now.", "Stitch: Excuse me. I'm a physician. I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. If you like, I could take a look at your boy.", "Victoria: Yes, that would be great. His name's Johnny.", "Stitch: Hey, Johnny. Hey. How would you like to play a really fun game? Watch this quarter. Abracadabra, change-o-presto. Where'd it go? What happened to it? Maybe it's under this shirt. Does he have any allergies?", "Victoria: None that I know.", "Stitch: Oh, wait a second. Maybe it's behind your ears. Let's see. [Sighs] Has he eaten anything new or unfamiliar?", "Victoria: Not that I-I saw. No.", "Stitch: Have you switched laundry detergents, bath soap?", "Victoria: No. No.", "Stitch: What? Wait, wait. What is that? How'd that quarter get behind your ear? Are you a magician, too? [Chuckles] I think I know what's wrong with him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Higher. Okay.", "Sharon: Yeah, but -- but a little -- little less high.", "Nick: So higher but less high.", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Noah: Looks great.", "Sharon: It's sagging in the middle.", "Nick: Well, they're Christmas lights. The wire's malleable. It's supposed to sag.", "Faith: Can I put ornaments on?", "Nick: Well, we could do it all together.", "Faith: Like a real family?", "Nick: Like a real family.", "Faith: I'm gonna go get my special ornament.", "Nick: [Chuckles] Is that, uh, still up there on her shelf?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm. So she can see it every night before she goes to sleep. You know how kids are with their routines.", "Nick: Speaking of routines, I never knew you to be so precise with this. You know, it doesn't have to be perfect.", "Sharon: I just wanted it to be perfect for Faith. She hasn't had so many happy Christmases.", "Nick: We had some good ones, didn't we? Like when this guy was growing up. My favorite ones were it was just the four of us. You and me, Noah and Cassie, sitting around the tree, laughing, opening presents. Those were the good old days.", "Sharon: I remember one time we were sitting in front of the fire after we'd put away all the wrapping paper and the ribbon and you told me how much it meant to you to have a simple Christmas, just like this one.", "Nick: As opposed to the typical Newman Christmas where we have the tree bigger than the one in the Rockefeller Center.", "Sharon: [Chuckles] One year, there were so many lights, I had to wear sunglasses.", "Nick: That was the best morning -- sitting by the fire. And you came down and found us asleep like three hours later with our heads together.", "Noah: If you say so. I don't remember.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Nick: You're gonna want to be careful with that section. 'Cause it looks like it might be a couple centimeters off, and that's not gonna work.", "Sharon: Oh, very funny.", "Nick: Don't you know the rule on tinsel? You're not supposed to just place it on there. You've got to throw it.", "Sharon: Throw it.", "Nick: Let it fly.", "Sharon: Oh, like, um...", "Nick: Like just --", "Sharon: Like -- like this? Like this? How's that?", "Nick: No, it's not -- you --", "Sharon: [Chuckles] Is that good?", "Nick: Oh, my gosh. You are gonna -- here.", "Sharon: [Laughs] Here, have some more.", "Nick: No, you got it.", "Sharon: Place it on you just right.", "Nick: I'll show you the right way to hang this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Look, I knew it was bad, but Ian Ward took this thing to a whole nother level, preying on vulnerable people with his new-world philosophy. Yeah, sure. Who -- who wouldn't want a more positive relationship with money? What does that even mean? A relationship that would lead to what? What did he say?", "Avery: Uh, something about a just and honorable way of life.", "Dylan: A just and honorable way of life. Then he -- he takes off with his followers' savings after the commune went south. You know what the craziest part is? Even after he'd left his lieutenants to take the fall, these guys are rotting away in jail, talking about this guy like he was some kind of savior.", "Avery: He got inside their heads.", "Dylan: He brainwashed them. That's what he did. And when he was done, he left a complete trail of destruction. Including what he did to Nikki.", "Avery: Does that mean you see her in a different light? Maybe you understand the choices that she made.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Stitch: [Chuckles] It's amazing what a little over-the-counter antihistamine will do.", "Victoria: I know. I mean, look. The rash is barely even noticeable now.", "Stitch: Yeah, well, follow up with an allergist, but I think everything will be okay as long as we get rid of this sweater.", "Victoria: Oh. For sure.", "Stitch: It was probably the materials or the dyes.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Stitch: Something didn't agree with Johnny.", "Victoria: Listen, I cannot tell you how thankful I am that I ran into you. I mean, you were just so calm and cool. I was just a complete basket case. I'm so sorry.", "Stitch: You were worried about your son. It happens. It's totally understandable.", "Victoria: I overreacted.", "Stitch: It happens.", "Victoria: Not to me. I've just been a little overprotective since my -- my stepdaughter Dee Dee was killed by a hit-and-run driver.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: What did you mean you were thinking about the future?", "Adam: I've just been wrapped up in this past year. All that's happened, everything that's gone wrong. I should be concentrating on how right this moment feels.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kelly: I thought you were only gonna have one.", "Billy: You're right. I should go.", "Kelly: Mnh-mnh. It's good to get out of your head for a while. And you're right. These are tasty.", "Billy: Are you recommending that I get tanked?", "Kelly: There are a lot of ways to forget your troubles, Billy. For me, it's work.", "Billy: Oh, yeah, the nonprofit. Is that rewarding?", "Kelly: It is. Hooking up generous people with people in need -- it's -- it's great. It reminds you that there are good people in the world", "Billy: I haven't seen that in a while.", "Kelly: Oh, it's out there, Billy. Real, live angels. He...", "Billy: You talking about somebody in particular?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Stitch: That's who you are, Victoria Abbott. I knew you looked familiar.", "Victoria: Actually, it's Victoria Newman. And, you know, I thought you looked familiar, too. I just still can't place you.", "Stitch: Ben Rayburn. We spoke briefly at the Veterans Day benefit. I'm a friend of Dylan's.", "Victoria: Oh, that's right. Yeah. Stitch. Yeah.", "Stitch: [Sighs] I, uh...I was on rounds the night Delia was brought in. I can only imagine what you and your husband are going through.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Stitch: I'm really sorry for the both of you. I met Billy a couple times. He seemed like a fun-loving guy.", "Victoria: Yeah, he is. Well, he -- he was. He's working on it, you know. He's going to these grieving-parent groups... without me. And, you know, I'm not really used to feeling helpless, but lately I just -- I-I feel... [Sighs]", "Stitch: I'm -- I'm sure you're doing all you can.", "Victoria: I just feel like, you know, I should be able to reach him. So I'm standing there, waiting for an opening or like, you know, a crack in the wall, but I just get that stare like he's gone somewhere far, far away.", "Stitch: Must be especially hard this time of year.", "Victoria: Yeah, it is. I was hoping that maybe we could still have a nice holiday, maybe Billy would come around, but I'm telling you, thanksgiving was excruciating, and I just don't really know how we're gonna get through Christmas.", "[Johnny babbles]", "Victoria: Sorry. I don't even know you, and I'm unloading all of this on you. It's ridiculous. [Chuckles]", "Stitch: Sometimes that makes it easier.", "Victoria: [Chuckles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kelly: This isn't about the actions of one person, Billy. It's about the power of hope.", "Billy: Yeah, I'm sorry. In my experience, hope doesn't have any power. All I had was hope as I was lying on the side of the road next to my dying daughter.", "Kelly: I know. I've been where you are. I have. Everything seems futile, pointless.", "Billy: Isn't it? I mean, you bring your kid into this world. They're here for a few years. Then some idiot comes along on a dark road -- wipes it all out.", "Kelly: I don't know why some things happen to some people while others die in their sleep at 99, having never been sick a day in their lives. And I don't think we're ever supposed to know the answers to that. I think we're just supposed to put -- listen to me -- one foot in front of the other and make the most out of every minute that we have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: What's changed, Adam?", "Adam: [Sighs] What do you mean?", "Chelsea: You were in a really dark place for a couple of months. Feeling guilty about Delia's death. Because of the transplant... because she had to die in order for Connor to be able to --", "Adam: Yeah, it's been really tough to accept.", "Chelsea: It seems like you finally have.", "Adam: [Sighs] I finally decided to listen to you and Jack. Decided to stop living in the past. Can't change things. Can't go back. But I can focus on making a better future.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: How can I have a place in that family? I'm not a Newman.", "Avery: No, but you are Nikki's son.", "Dylan: No, I'm the son of Terry and Penny McAvoy, and that's not gonna change. But I do -- I do understand Nikki's actions a little more now. Of course she gave me up. I was just a reminder of the bastard who forced himself on her. It just makes me sick I've got this guy's blood running through my veins.", "Avery: I know. I'm sorry. But, Dylan, you wouldn't be here if it weren't for him.", "Dylan: Yeah, like that matters.", "Avery: Dylan.", "Dylan: Ask Sully. Ask Ara. Ask the guys in my squad who died because I couldn't save them.", "Avery: You tried to save them.", "Dylan: Yeah, I failed.", "Avery: Dylan, you risked your life for them. You went above and beyond. Come on. I'm sure if they could, they would thank you for your bravery, for the lives you did save, the good you did do. None of that would have happened if you weren't born. And what about me? I wouldn't know you. You wouldn't be a part of my life and a part of my future and... for me, that would be the greatest loss of all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Faith: All finished.", "Sharon: [Gasps] Look how beautiful.", "Nick: Oh, you guys haven't seen anything yet.", "Sharon: [Gasps] Yay!", "Faith: Can we open presents now?", "Noah: Oh, well, you've got to wait for Christmas, Squirt. Don't you know that by now?", "Sharon: Oh, you were the same way -- very anxious for Christmas, even before you were born. Remember he used to kick whenever he heard the word \"Santa.\"", "Noah: No, I didn't. You guys are making that up.", "Nick: We had to stop watching Christmas movies because of that.", "Sharon: Except for \"It's a Wonderful Life.\" I couldn't skip that one.", "Nick: Right. Just before we sat down to watch that movie, we were talking about you, Son, and all the hopes and dreams we had for you. And then when it gets to the part where Jimmy Stewart realizes what he has and how thankful he is, you know who -- she was bawling like a little baby.", "Sharon: Okay, I wasn't the only one crying.", "Nick: Well, that was 'cause I had your fruitcake.", "Sharon: [Gasps] You like my fruitcake!", "Nick: No, I didn't. Real men don't like fruitcake.", "Noah: Don't you have to work at the Underground tonight?", "Sharon: I think that we have embarrassed our son with all of our reminiscing.", "Nick: One day, you're gonna be sitting around, bringing up all your memories, and embarrassing us.", "Faith: Do you have to go, Daddy?", "Nick: Yeah, I do. Come here. Give me a hug. Oh. I love you. Good seeing you, Bud.", "Noah: Love you, Dad.", "Nick: This was really fun.", "Sharon: Yeah, it really was. Okay, young lady, it's well past your bedtime, so why don't you go get in your PJs, and I'll come up and read you a story.", "Faith: Bye, Noah.", "Noah: Good night, Kiddo. All right, Mom, I'll help you clean up.", "Sharon: Ah, thanks, Honey. Oh. Looks like we forgot one.", "Noah: Look at you -- a week into your new job and already spending money left and right.", "Sharon: I know, right? I spent my entire first paycheck on ornaments and tinsel.", "Noah: And how is the new job going? You're, uh, you're mentoring Summer, right?", "Sharon: I'm giving her all benefit of my modeling experience... for whatever that's worth.", "Noah: Well, whatever you can do to help. You know she means a lot to me, right? I mean, whatever happened, she'll always be my sister.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Well, to be completely accurate, I guess you could say he just, uh, he challenged me to go out and find my passion.", "Hilary: Any hint on what that might be?", "Devon: I'm working on it.", "Mason: Can I get you something else to drink?", "Devon: Yeah, can I get another beer?", "Mason: You got it.", "Devon: Thanks, man.", "Hilary: And I'll have another dirty martini. The dirtier, the better.", "Mason: No surprise there.", "Hilary: [Sighs] I don't know what I ever saw in him.", "Devon: A way to spy on me and my family.", "Hilary: Well, I am done with all that. And Mason. I might think about following my lead.", "Devon: He's just looking for a fresh start, Hilary, like you are.", "Hilary: Don't let him fool you.", "Devon: What do you mean fool me? The guy literally hasn't asked me for anything.", "Hilary: Just be careful.", "Devon: All right. I'm gonna check in on Lily. I'll be right back.", "Mason: Are you trying to ruin this for me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Hungry? I can make you something. Pancakes, maybe.", "Adam: [Sighs] Hold on a second. Come here. Now, a lot feels the same between you and me. But I want you to know... that a lot has changed, too. There will be things that will be handled differently. My priorities are straight. You and Connor are the most important things in my life.", "Chelsea: What about Victor? You still haven't gotten what you want from him.", "Adam: I don't want anything from him. I spent too much time and too much energy banging my head against a wall trying to win his approval or... love. I don't -- I don't know. But it -- it strikes me... a son should never have to do that with his father. Case in point -- I have a son now, and I -- I can tell you from experience that loving my son is an effortless thing.", "Chelsea: I'm sorry.", "Adam: Don't be. I'm done with it. I have a lot to be happy about. But we need to talk about something a little more important right now. You mentioned something about pancakes.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] Coming right up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Are you trying to tell me to fake it until I make it? Yeah, I've tried that. Put the big, goofy grin on my face, go through the motions. I'm not fooling anybody, though.", "Kelly: All I'm saying is don't give up. Believe me. I've wanted to plenty of times. I still do. But then someone or something will come along to make me think there's a reason to go on after all.", "Billy: I've got that someone or something. I just can't... connect again. And nothing seems to help. Except...", "Kelly: Except what?", "Billy: You know, this does a bit, talking.", "Kelly: Yeah? Well, then we'll keep on talking.", "Billy: Hmm.", "Nick: Hey, Billy.", "Billy: Hey.", "Nick: Didn't know you were coming in tonight. Who's your friend?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh, what a mess. I can't believe I was so careless.", "Noah: It's no big deal, Mom.", "Sharon: I know. I just -- I don't want you thinking that I'm overly anxious or not capable of taking care of myself, because things have been good lately. I'm stronger. I'm standing on my own two feet.", "Noah: I can see that.", "Sharon: So you're not worried, then.", "Noah: Actually, I am.", "Sharon: But you just said --", "Noah: I know. A few months ago, I told Dad that I thought that you were leaning on him too hard. Now I feel like Dad is leaning on you too hard.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: I don't want to ruin anything, Mason. I just want you out of my life.", "Mason: After all that I did to help you screw over the Winters, you owe me.", "Hilary: Sex, money -- what'll satisfy you? Devon's whole fortune? Well, if that's what you're after, you can count me out.", "Devon: Hey. You taking off already?", "Hilary: Yeah. I just need a bit of fresh air. It was nice talking to you.", "Devon: Yeah. It, uh, it was. For a second there, I almost forgot who you were.", "Hilary: Well, that's a start.", "Mason: Hey, look, man, I'm off duty in about an hour. You want to hit up a club?", "Devon: The same place as the press thought I was at the other night?", "Mason: Nah. It's the new one down on 4th Street. Hey, man, you're the man of the moment. People are gonna want to capitalize on your name.", "Devon: Not if I can help it. I'm not really up for anything crazy tonight. I'll just catch you at the gym, all right?", "Mason: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Stitch: Wait a minute. I see something else behind this ear now, but it's much bigger than a quarter. Look at that! A Christmas cookie!", "Victoria: Oh, yes! That's exactly what you wanted.", "[Both chuckle]", "Stitch: Dig in, Champ. The rash has completely disappeared.", "Victoria: Oh, good. Hey, you know, you were really good with him. Do you have a family of your own?", "Stitch: I do. But...", "Victoria: But...", "Stitch: It's complicated. Anyway, as long as Johnny's better, I'm gonna be on my way.", "Victoria: Okay, well, thanks for everything, Stitch. Appreciate it.", "Stitch: All in a day's work. Take care, Champ.", "Victoria: Bye. Let's get you home to your daddy, okay? Mwah!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Kelly and I left a bereavement group. She lost her son last year.", "Nick: I'm very sorry to hear that.", "Kelly: Thank you. It was a tough session, so we thought we would just come here and grab a drink.", "Billy: Yeah, I-I need to go home. So, um... what was the theme of today's meeting? Find yourself going through hell...", "Kelly: Keep walking.", "Billy: [Chuckles] Yeah. Hey. Hey, man, these drinks were truly fantastic. Thanks. I appreciate it.", "Nick: See you, Bud.", "Billy: See you.", "Kelly: I had a chance to meet your sister a while back. She seems like a very special person.", "Nick: She is. And she loves her husband very much.", "Kelly: That's obvious. As obvious as how much Billy loves her.", "Nick: Exactly.", "Kelly: Is there something that you would like to say to me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Nobody's leaning on anybody. You father and I...we're rebuilding our friendship. That's all it is.", "Noah: Okay.", "Sharon: I thought that would make you happy.", "Noah: Do I want to see my parents get along? Of course. But... let's just say that I have seen you two take two steps forward and three steps back before.", "Sharon: Well, that was because we were either madly in love or we were furious with each other. But this time, it's -- it's comfortable. I support your father. He supports me.", "Noah: Sure, that all sounds great, but, Mom, let's be honest. You and Dad are both alone. And Dad is still messed up over Avery. And I don't want to see either of you getting hurt.", "Dylan: I just don't want to talk about it anymore. I don't want to think about it anymore. [Sighs]", "Avery: Well, we can go back to what we were doing before you found out all this. We were on a date, if you recall. And you promised me the night of my life, which, frankly, I'm still waiting for you to deliver.", "Dylan: I know, but there's just too many --", "Avery: I know. There are questions that you need answers to. I know.", "Dylan: The articles that you gave me say that Ian Ward was finally brought to trial and that he served a short sentence. But after that, there was nothing. There was no mention of him anywhere.", "Avery: I noticed that. I just assumed that maybe --", "Dylan: He died? Yeah, me too. But it just -- I don't know. The story feels like it's unfinished. There's no obituary. Do we know for sure that he's dead?", "Avery: Well, we can find out right now. Nothing. No death record anywhere for Ian Ward.", "Dylan: Can you check the legal databases?", "Avery: I'm already on it, and I'm coming up empty here, too. You know, it is possible that he changed his identity when he got out of prison. He could have died under an assumed name.", "Dylan: Maybe he didn't die at all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Stitch: Scotch. Neat.", "Mason: You got it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: This time will be different, Noah. Nobody's gonna get hurt.", "Noah: I hope not. I don't want to see anything set you back. You have worked too hard to get to where you are. You finally put your mistakes behind you. That's where they need to stay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kelly: Whatever's on your mind, just come out with it.", "Nick: I lost a child, too. Turned my whole life upside down -- mine and my daughter's mother. It overwhelmed us. And we did things that we never thought we would do. And it's taken us years to get past that. So do yourself a favor and don't make the same mistakes we did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Well, you're five minutes too late. I just put Johnny down.", "Billy: Oh. Sorry I missed that.", "Victoria: It's okay. I'm happy you're home. You've been drinking.", "Billy: Uh, I stopped at the Underground after group, just had a few. That's all. No big deal.", "Victoria: All right, well, I have some leftovers in the fridge. If you'd like, I can heat them up for you if you're hungry.", "Billy: Thank you. That sounds nice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Each day is a chance for renewal, a shot at redemption, an opportunity to balance the karmic scales. Today, that is what I choose.", "Chelsea: Pancakes are ready. Do you want your usual strawberries on top?", "Adam: I'm ready for something new.", "Chelsea: I like the sound of that.", "Adam: What I said before about... having changed, I meant it. But there is one thing that has stayed the same. I love you.", "Chelsea: I love you, too.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kyle: I'll photograph the files.", "Jack: That's corporate espionage, and there are serious penalties.", "Michael: Paul called. He started asking me a lot of questions.", "Lauren: What kind of questions?", "Cop: Fen Baldwin?", "Fenmore: Yeah?", "Cop: I was sent by Paul Williams. He wants to talk to you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Lily continues to butt heads with Joe about the warehouse district development project and later tells Kelly that she can't shake the feeling that Joe is hiding something about the project from her and Cane. Lily tells Neil that she is worried that his blindness might cause him to want to drink again. Neil admits that he has been tempted to drink again but thoughts of his family keep him from drowning his sorrows in the bottle. Devon and Hilary continue to be frustrated about only having stolen moments together but resign themselves to the fact that it will have to be that way for a while.", "Jack continues to be caught in the middle in the war of words between Kelly and Phyllis. Kelly tells Jack that if Phyllis comes at her again she is not backing down, because Phyllis is a bully and she will not be her victim. Michael admits to Lauren that he is scared that the cancer treatment will take away his ability to be intimate with her. Lauren assures him she loves being intimate with him but he must have the treatment because his family and friends need him in their lives. Michael is afraid his cancer treatment will make him dependant on Lauren and when times get tough she will look for comfort with another man again.", "" ]
[ "Avery: Is this a bad time?", "Phyllis: No, no, no. We're having coffee, and I'm not in a coma, so it's an excellent time.", "Avery: Ah.", "Jack: Can I get you a cup?", "Avery: No, thank you. I just came to talk. Well, actually, to share some news.", "Phyllis: Progress. People willingly giving me information. Great. Hit me.", "Avery: Okay. Uh, well, uh, you and Jack aren't the only ones who are getting married. Dylan and I are engaged.", "Kelly: So, we will have a waitstaff with passed appetizers, champagne, and full bar.", "Joe: Well, you know what the movers and shakers of G.C. Expect. Plan on exactly that so that this cocktail party impresses.", "Kelly: That's what we specialize in.", "Lily: You know, the locals aren't money-hungry land grubbers. You can't just give them a few drinks and think they'll side with you over Dylan.", "Joe: You know, this isn't about me versus a coffeehouse. This is about revitalization, construction, investment, the excitement that comes with real change, progress.", "Lily: [Chuckles] You really don't have to polish your pitch on me. 'Cause, yeah, I know that you're creating new jobs, but you're also destroying existing ones, and people will notice that.", "Joe: This really upsets you. Well, I thought it was just because I rubbed you the wrong way. You know, I think I've got an idea that would make this easier for you.", "Dylan: You, uh, look like we did on recon missions.", "Sharon: How's that?", "Dylan: Uh, a little jumpy, ready to duck and cover.", "Sharon: Oh, I was just making sure Nick isn't here. I don't want another blowout -- not now. And no offense, but that goes for Avery, too.", "Dylan: All clear. You can have a seat. You want a coffee and a muffin?", "Sharon: Will your coffee make me less jumpy?", "Dylan: Probably not, but it's free.", "Sharon: [Chuckles] You have to stop being so nice to me. I'm not used to it.", "Dylan: Uh, Sharon, we're friends.", "Sharon: Well, I still can't believe you haven't shunned me for what I've done.", "Dylan: I made a lot of mistakes. I could have gone to jail. I'm not qualified to point fingers.", "Sharon: Well, you weren't well. You got help, and people forgave you. Right now, you're my role model.", "Dylan: Might want to aim a little higher.", "Sharon: I regret what I did, and I always will, but right now, I have to fight even to share custody of my daughter, and I have to duck and cover to walk into the coffeehouse that I once owned.", "Dylan: Or you can just live your life and fight for what you want...because nobody's gonna hand you anything, so how bad do you want what you want?", "Michael: Sweetheart.", "Lauren: Yeah?", "Michael: When did you get up?", "Lauren: Ugh, I couldn't sleep.", "Michael: Uh-oh. Don't tell me.", "Lauren: Yep, I've been researching prostate-cancer treatments.", "Michael: Dr. Larson is not a fan of what you're doing. \"The internet is not our friend,\" end quote.", "Lauren: Well, I am not gonna be the one treating you.", "Michael: Well, that's good news.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm. Actually, I was also researching how cancer affects families, you know, especially adult children.", "Michael: Oh, whoa. Okay, hold on. Don't tell me that, um, after everything Fenmore's been through, we're just gonna -- we're gonna tell him that I'm sick.", "Hilary: No, you're fine. Doing great, actually. You don't even need me anymore.", "Neil: Oh, no, no, no. Don't get it twisted. The stick is one thing. You, my dear, are something else entirely. Ah.", "Hilary: Hey, look at you. You're moving with so much confidence.", "Neil: [Sighs]", "Hilary: Unless that's really not how you feel.", "Neil: Oh, no. I'm good. Why wouldn't I be?", "Neil: Devon, is that you?", "Devon: Yeah, it is, dad. How'd you know it was me?", "Hilary: Uh, well, Neil -- he is on top of his game today.", "Neil: Yeah, I'm mastering a new skill every day. That's the plan, my man.", "Devon: Does that include sensing when someone you know walks in?", "Neil: Well, like you said, on top of my game.", "Hilary: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: There's nothing to worry about.", "Devon: Are you worried about him?", "Hilary: There's no need to gang up on me. It was just a little wifely concern. I know you expected to have your sight back by now.", "Neil: Yeah, it's true. But what do we do in life? You know, we pray for the best and expect the worst and learn how to smell the difference between fresh- brewed dark roast and that weak stuff.", "Devon: Really?", "Neil: Now, when did you get so gullible? [Chuckles] Hey, is he smiling yet?", "Hilary: Not yet.", "Neil: No, but you are.", "Hilary: [Chuckles] I can't help it. You always make me laugh.", "Neil: This lady right here -- she's a great catch. Now, if you stick with me, kid, I'll show you exactly how to pick up on the right woman.", "Sharon: Maybe I'm not as brave as you are.", "Dylan: It's not about being brave. It's doing what you have to do to get your life back.", "Sharon: You sure you want to be seen giving me a pep talk? Some people might not approve.", "Dylan: Why don't you stop worrying about what other people think, okay? You're a good mom. You focus on that.", "Sharon: But it might mean fighting with your brother and his lawyer, your girlfriend.", "Dylan: First of all, Nick can handle his own. I'm not worried about him. And Avery -- if I started letting my friends down, I wouldn't be the man she expects me to be.", "Sharon: Maybe I haven't paid enough for my sins. Maybe I deserve this.", "Dylan: Sharon, what you did -- it's not who you are -- at least not all of it.", "Sharon: Not everyone sees it that way.", "Dylan: Again with the \"everybody.\" Stop with that. I know you. I know Nick. It's a priority to be a good parent for both of you, so you guys got to figure out how to do that and do what you have to do for the sake of your kid.", "Michael: Telling Fenmore about this now... well, I don't think it helps anyone.", "Lauren: So, what are you gonna do? You gonna pretend? I mean, do you know how much energy that's gonna take?", "Michael: Fenmore has finally left all the chaos in his life behind. This is gonna bring him down. You know he's gonna want to come home and be with us. This is not what he needs.", "Lauren: You're gonna lie to him on e-mails and texts and phone calls?", "Michael: I'm not lying. I'm omitting.", "Lauren: And what about when he comes home for the holidays?", "Michael: Listen to me. [Clears throat] I want this Christmas to be wonderful for you, for me, for Fenmore. I want music and the tree and too much to eat and as little drama as possible.", "Lauren: I should get dressed. And look, here's a list of questions I made for the oncologist. Why don't you look it over and see if you want to add something?", "Michael: I will do that.", "Lauren: I think it's great we're doing this together -- going to the doctor as a couple.", "Michael: Yeah. Yes.", "Lauren: I'm glad you told me.", "Michael: Me, too.", "Lauren: We're gonna get some real answers today. Then we'll know what to do next, right? [Chuckles]", "Jack: That's terrific news, Avery.", "Avery: Thank you. Of course, we haven't set a date, and there's no big announcement.", "Phyllis: Why not?", "Avery: What?", "Phyllis: Why not a big announcement?", "Avery: Oh, uh, because I'm -- I'm not -- we're -- we're not trying to steal your thunder.", "Jack: Of course not. No one would think that.", "Phyllis: Someone would. You think that someone's me.", "Avery: I'm not saying you'd be upset.", "Phyllis: No. You actually did just say that.", "Jack: Phyllis, this has been a difficult recovery period, and I say this with all the love in the world -- your reactions have been unpredictable at best.", "Phyllis: I'm kind of a loose cannon.", "Jack: Those are not my words.", "Phyllis: No. You know what? I am. I am. It's kind of my claim to fame, isn't it? Even before the stairs and the coma, then I come back, and I'm even more all over the place.", "Avery: No one faults you for that.", "Phyllis: Well, maybe you should because here you are practically apologizing for getting engaged. That isn't right. Listen to me. Are you listening to me?", "Avery: Yeah.", "Phyllis: You look scared right now.", "Avery: Yeah, well, you're my sister. The fear is ingrained.", "Phyllis: I am incredibly happy for you. You have loved that guy for so many years. Now, I don't know much about your ex, but he sounds like a jerk.", "Avery: [Chuckles]", "Phyllis: And Dylan McAvoy is not a jerk.", "Avery: No, he is not.", "Phyllis: Look, and I know I can be a bit reactive from time to time, but I want to hear when good things happen to you, okay, honey?", "Avery: Okay.", "Phyllis: Look, contrary to what you all apparently believe about me, I actually enjoy hearing when good things happen to good people.", "Avery: Okay. Wow. [Chuckles]", "Jack: It sounds like the beginning of a heartfelt wedding toast. As long as things are good, I'm out of here. Congratulations, best wishes on your engagement.", "Avery: Thank you, Jack.", "Phyllis: What about mine?", "Jack: Congratulations and best wishes on yours, too.", "Phyllis: So, let me see.", "Avery: Oh.", "Phyllis: [Gasps]", "Avery: Do you like it?", "Phyllis: Oh, Avery, it's perfect.", "Avery: It is. He knows me so well.", "Phyllis: Ohh. Okay, so, details.", "Avery: Phyllis, I can't.", "Phyllis: What? Come on. I told you I can be happy for you now.", "Avery: Yeah, and I have to get to work.", "Phyllis: All right. You working on Nick's custody case against Sharon?", "Avery: You know I'm not at liberty to say.", "Phyllis: Yeah, but I'm right, aren't I? That is just one big, extended dysfunctional family.", "Avery: [Sighs]", "Phyllis: Hey, let me testify against Sharon. Consider it your wedding gift from me.", "Avery: If I need you, I will let you know. In the meantime, will you be happy and just enjoy your engagement?", "Phyllis: You and me both, kid. Yes.", "Avery: All right. See you soon.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Sharon: You're right. Faith is what matters here, and I want her to be with Nick and me.", "Dylan: Yeah, but Nick's not there yet.", "Sharon: No. He's too hurt, and he's too angry. Right now, he thinks the way to protect Faith is to keep her away from me, and that's ridiculous. I've never been a danger to Faith, but ripping her out of my life -- now, that would be dangerous.", "Dylan: I don't think Nick's gonna listen to you right now. So, maybe a mediator, a family therapist?", "Sharon: No, I could never get him to go to someone like that. I did ask Noah to help, though I'm not sure if that's gonna happen. I feel bad asking our son to get in the middle of it, but my attorney wants me to fight dirty.", "Dylan: And you don't?", "Sharon: No, absolutely not. Faith is older now. You know, she's clever. She's smart. She'll know what's going on. But if Nick's family starts throwing their weight around, I may never visit with Faith alone again.", "Dylan: Yeah, Victor can't own every judge in town.", "Sharon: Well, he doesn't have to. His name's Victor Newman.", "Dylan: [Inhales deeply] [Exhales deeply] You're a great mom. That's something you can prove. You're capable, you're employed.", "Sharon: Oh, no, I'm not employed anymore. Actually, Phyllis took great pleasure in letting me know that I'm fired.", "Dylan: Phyllis? Not Jack?", "Sharon: I don't know. Maybe it was an oversight or something he...", "Dylan: She can't do that. That's got to be Jack's decision, right? You go back to Jabot, and you get your job back.", "Joe: This whole event makes you feel complicit somehow, right? As if G.C.A.C. Is backing my development project.", "Lily: That's how it looks, don't you think?", "Joe: Well, so maybe we move it to a different venue. And maybe it's time I check into a different hotel.", "Kelly: No, no, no. Look how much we got done in one sitting, and I don't have anything else to concentrate on, which means I can give it my full attention.", "Joe: Look, you're excellent at what you do. I'd be more than willing to recommend you and the athletic club to a less controversial event.", "Kelly: Lily, don't you agree that we can do this event the way it needs to be done, regardless of other issues?", "Joe: I can explain to cane that we're moving it. No harm, no foul.", "Lily: Oh, my gosh, it's fine. Okay? The GCAC is happy to handle your event.", "Kelly: And you don't need to move to another hotel, obviously.", "Joe: But you're gonna be biting your tongue the entire time. I'm not a bad guy, lily.", "Lily: I didn't say you are, but you are backing a bad project.", "Joe: Okay, that's your opinion.", "Lily: And here I am, already biting my tongue.", "Joe: I'm one of the good guys, lily. I'm gonna prove it to you.", "Lauren: That was educational and very overwhelming. Here, why don't you take surgery? And I'll tackle radiation, and then we can switch.", "Michael: Don't forget about hormone therapies. You know, there are three different hormone therapies for one little, tiny prostate cancer.", "Lauren: Because it spread to the outside of the prostate. You know, the doctor feels that the combination of all of the treatments would be far more productive.", "Michael: [Scoffs] Therapeutic. None of this sounds therapeutic -- this, uh, herbs, acupuncture. Now, if it were a nice massage and martini, that's therapeutic.", "Lauren: Well, if the doctor says that's okay, then you should go for it.", "Michael: Yeah, well, maybe it'll help stave off the bone-crushing, life- withering side effects he mentioned.", "Lauren: He said possible side effects.", "Michael: Yeah, well, I already won the cancer lottery. Why not win the side- effects lottery, too? Why have one side effect when you can have them all?", "Lauren: Maybe we should talk to that patient of his that's in remission.", "Michael: [Scoffs] Yeah, I'm already the star of my own cancer show. I'm not ready to share the spotlight.", "Lauren: Remission, honey. He said remission.", "Michael: He also mentioned getting a second opinion.", "Lauren: And I think we should do that immediately. What are you doing?", "Michael: I am not yet a full-time patient. I am still an attorney. I'm gonna go to my job, and I'm gonna forget about prostates and treatment and all of this, and for, you know, a few hours, I'm gonna pretend to have my old life.", "Lily: [Sighs] God, can you believe that guy?", "Kelly: Who? What? Oh, Joe?", "Lily: He's just always on, you know? He's just always working it.", "Kelly: Yeah, I know. I hate charming guys.", "Lily: No, I'm serious. And acting like he would take his business elsewhere like he's doing me a favor?", "Kelly: Or maybe as the client, he feels like he shouldn't have to defend his event.", "Lily: Whatever. Either way, he's playing us.", "Kelly: Well, I personally don't mind. I mean, he's cane's friend, and business is business.", "Lily: Well, then why can't he keep it business? Why does he have to go through this whole thing about charming people and flirting and playing games? It's insulting.", "Kelly: Has it been that bad?", "Lily: Yes. I mean, whatever. I don't know. No. I just -- cane says it's just how the guy goes through life and I shouldn't take it personally.", "Kelly: Has he overtly hit on you?", "Lily: No. He wouldn't. I don't know. I just feel slimy after being around him, like he's playing cane and me, which he is.", "Kelly: Well, some guys are just like that, you know? The charm oozes. Like I said, I hate them. [Sighs] I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound completely bitter.", "Lily: No, you don't sound bitter. You just sound hurt, and I'm really sorry Jack did that to you.", "Kelly: Me, too.", "Lily: The staff told me what happened with you and Phyllis.", "Kelly: Oh, I'm so sorry. That was completely unprofessional.", "Lily: No, screw professional. Knowing Phyllis, she probably pushed your buttons.", "Kelly: Oh, she did. Every button I have...twice. Lots of cheap shots and low blows, and I got right down in the mud with her. Told her that what Jack and I had together wasn't just some cheap fling -- that it was real and special.", "Lily: Ouch.", "Kelly: I wanted Phyllis to hurt just as much as I do. Only difference is she has Jack to comfort her. Me... I'm on my own.", "Jack: No Avery?", "Phyllis: No. She had to go play super lawyer.", "Jack: Well, good. Put that down. Come here.", "Phyllis: Wow.", "Jack: Wow, indeed.", "Phyllis: What was that for?", "Jack: Because I love you, and I thought it was amazing how you handled Avery earlier.", "Phyllis: Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. But at the same time, it offends the hell out of me.", "Jack: Well, no, it was a compliment. I thought you handled Avery's engagement announcement with grace and charm.", "Phyllis: Why do I get extra points for that? She is my sister. She's happy. I'm her sister. I'm happy for her. It shouldn't be some big feat of heroism for me not flipping out on someone.", "Jack: You're right. I was being overly cautious.", "Phyllis: Well, look, you're right, because I've been flipping out ever since I got back to town. And, of course, almost annihilating Kelly doesn't exactly make me look warm and cuddly.", "Jack: I think we agreed to put all that behind us. If you've changed your mind, I can get flak jackets for the whole town.", "Phyllis: No. I'm okay. I am the mature, responsible [Inhales deeply] Grateful- to-be-alive me.", "Jack: Well, I may have to kiss you again.", "Phyllis: I-I just am going to reserve the right to go off on people who mess with Summer or Daniel or Lucy or you.", "Jack: Absolutely. But we keep the past in the past, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah, as long as Kelly stays out of my eyeline.", "Jack: Okay, here we go.", "Phyllis: No, I'm just saying, you know, this, us -- I woke up for this, so I am going to reserve the right to protect it.", "Jack: So am I.", "Avery: Yes, the patient's name is Sharon Newman. This is a notification to expect a subpoena tomorrow regarding her ECT records. Right. The subpoena will give you no choice. Thank you.", "Joe: Well, you still do that thing. Yeah, twitch with your brow when you get all worked up. Yeah, it used to be over your law books, and on occasion, it was for me. But if I do recall correctly, most of the time, it ended up well for both of us.", "Avery: What do you want, Joe?", "Joe: To tell you you're making a mistake marrying Dylan McAvoy.", "Sharon: I am the reason Jack thought he had a daughter and then the reason she was taken away. Trying to convince him to give me my job back...", "Dylan: You were married to him once, right?", "Sharon: Yeah, I was.", "Dylan: He never made any mistakes?", "Sharon: Of course he did. He knows it.", "Dylan: Is he a good guy? I mean, he seems like a decent guy.", "Sharon: He is. So is Nick, but Nick insists he's never gonna forgive me.", "Dylan: We're not talking about Nick. We're talking about Jack. We're not talking about marriage. We're talking about your job. You were hired to do a job, and you're good at it.", "Sharon: You're talking about walking into Jabot and asking for a favor from a man who I hurt. Besides, you know, maybe the point isn't even the job. Maybe the judge would like to see me be a stay-at-home mom.", "Dylan: So, you lose Nick. You lose your job. You lose being able to walk in here and sit down at the coffeehouse. I mean, how much can one person lose?", "Sharon: I don't know. I don't want to find out.", "Dylan: That's why you need this. You need to know that you don't deserve to lose everything you ever had, and if it starts by asking for your job back, so be it. Do it for Faith.", "Hilary: So, is Neil on his way to see lily?", "Devon: Uh, yeah, the cabby's all set to help him into the athletic club if he needs, but the doorman and the valet know Neil, so he'll be fine.", "Hilary: Why do you think she wanted to see him?", "Devon: I have no idea. But, uh, do you mind if we just enjoy each other right now? 'Cause we don't get spend that much time together.", "Hilary: I really need to get to the office.", "Devon: Right this second? You can't sit and talk with me? Come on. I had a dream about you the other night. I dreamt that we were laying in bed, and we fell asleep in each others' arms and woke up the exact same way", "Hilary: That's interesting. Thought you'd be dreaming about Gwen by now.", "Lily: You know I love you.", "Neil: I know you do, and I love you, too. Stop trying to butter my bread.", "Lily: I'm not. I'm just -- I'm explaining that I love you, and I don't know. I just felt like at thanksgiving, it seemed like you were trying a little too hard to seem okay, and I don't know if it's because you feel like you can't talk to us, but I'm just worried that if you don't talk...", "Neil: What? Go on.", "Lily: I'm just really worried that you might start drinking again. Am I crazy and out of line?", "Neil: No. Lily, you're not crazy. I-I am an alcoholic, and I-I always will be. Lily, I can remember the taste and the burn of the very last drink that I had. I am tired of Braille, walking canes, and going out in public, and I know that people are staring at me. So, yeah. Yeah, some days, I feel like drinking is the only answer. I know it's not gonna restore my eyesight, but, damn it, it's gonna help me take away the pain just for a few minutes.", "Lily: Just please don't start again, okay?", "Neil: Where are you? I'm sorry. Hey, I am so sorry, but I had to. I had to tell you the truth, lily.", "Lily: No, I'm glad you did, and I'm gonna tell you the truth, too. You have a lot of people who love you. You have me, you have Devon, you have Hilary, and you have a little boy who wants you to read to him.", "Neil: Oh, God, I know. Moses. I know. That's the main reason why I-I don't pick up that first drink, baby.", "Lily: Good. So, how tired are you of learning Braille?", "[Both chuckle]", "Neil: Man, I'm -- loud and proud. I'm standing strong.", "Lily: Okay. I have a surprise for you.", "Neil: Yeah? What you got?", "Lily: I ordered a couple of books in Braille to read to Moses.", "Neil: That's excellent. Thank you from me and Moses for that.", "Lily: Yeah. Do you want to try right now? Here.", "Kelly: [Gasps] Good morning.", "Jack: Morning.", "Kelly: Excuse me.", "Jack: Kelly, wait.", "Kelly: Yes?", "Jack: This is gonna happen again -- the two of us in the same room. We maybe have to figure out a way to deal with it.", "Kelly: It's not a problem for me, Jack, as long as your fiancée isn't involved.", "Jack: You have to understand.", "Kelly: I --", "Jack: Phyllis lost a year of her life.", "Kelly: I do understand loss, Jack. I know what it can do to a person -- the way it makes your soul dry up because it's easier not to feel, and then the world gives you a reason to feel, and suddenly, you're a raw wound all over again.", "Jack: Phyllis fully intends to back off.", "Kelly: Is that what she told you?", "Jack: She did.", "Kelly: And you believed her?", "Jack: Look, her behavior towards you was inexcusable.", "Kelly: But you're excusing it anyway.", "Jack: I am trying to explain her to you.", "Kelly: Jack, all that year asleep did for Phyllis was give her an excuse to be an even bigger bitch than she was before.", "Sharon: Jack?", "Phyllis: Ugh. This is really not happening right now.", "Sharon: I'm looking for Jack. When will he be back?", "Phyllis: Why? Did you bring a DNA test saying Mariah is his?", "Sharon: I'll come back later.", "Phyllis: That might be tough when I tell security to bar the door. You are no longer a Jabot employee.", "Sharon: Jack hired me. It's up to him to terminate my employment.", "Phyllis: You came to convince Jack to keep you on?", "Sharon: It's his company.", "Phyllis: And I am his fiancée.", "Sharon: Which has nothing to do with my job.", "Phyllis: Sharon, you need to get a grip. He is never, ever going to side with you over me.", "Devon: You're jealous of the woman that you handpicked to be my girlfriend?", "Hilary: [Sighs] I don't care what you do.", "Devon: What are you talking about? Yes, you -- you obviously care. You care like I care that you go home and get in bed with my father every night. And I don't say anything 'cause this is the situation that we got ourselves in, but, I mean, you're getting all riled up over a half-lipped kiss with a girl that you picked.", "Hilary: I know. I have no business being jealous, b it plays in my head. And you can go and kiss any woman you want in public... except me.", "Devon: And you don't think I want to? I mean, really, I see you every day, and I have to avoid you. Seeing you with Neil -- that's worse. I mean, I don't know what else I can do. I don't know what we can do.", "Neil: \"Bumpy just watched the ants go by.\"", "Lily: [Gasps] Dad! That was so good. You nailed that.", "Neil: No, I didn't. Stop it.", "Lily: Yes, you did. I didn't realize you made so much progress.", "Neil: Lily, I haven't made any progress at all.", "Lily: What are you talking about? You just read the book.", "Neil: I know this book. I know this book like the back of my hand. You know, I've read it a million times to Mattie, Charlie, and now Moses.", "Lily: Oh, um...", "Neil: Your dad's a fake. I'm getting nowhere fast with this Braille expertise, aren't I?", "Lily: I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you. I'm just gonna take the books back.", "Neil: No, no, no. You're not gonna take the books back, okay? I'm not gonna drink over this. I'm not gonna do that. I am just gonna -- I'm gonna try harder.", "Lily: Really? Well, in that case, I have another book. \"The squishy meatball.\" You don't know that one by heart, do you?", "Neil: Sadly, I don't.", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "Neil: But it sounds like my kind of story.", "[Both chuckle]", "Lily: Okay. Well, let's try it. Come on. Here.", "Lauren: Do you really have to go?", "Michael: Huh? To work? Yeah, that's why I make big bucks, huh?", "Lauren: I thought you wanted to get a second opinion.", "Michael: That would be best.", "Lauren: All right, well, uh, I'll start researching oncologists.", "Michael: I'll take care of it.", "Lauren: But I thought you were busy.", "Michael: I can multitask.", "Lauren: But, honey, this close to the holidays, the doctors book up. I mean, we may not even get in till after the 1st of the year.", "Michael: Well, all the better. And then we can enjoy the holidays.", "Lauren: Dr. Larson would prefer that you decide on a treatment sooner, rather than later.", "Michael: Well, if we go with another oncologist, Dr. Larson will no longer be an issue.", "Lauren: Well, I don't understand why you can't just take the morning off.", "Michael: Because I can't!", "Lauren: Honey, the sooner you start treatment --", "Michael: What, Lauren?! The sooner I'll be all better?", "Lauren: Isn't that what we want?", "Michael: It's the side effects. What if all this treatment does is make it so I can't be a real husband to you ever again?", "Avery: I will not have you disrupting my work.", "Joe: Well, I just stopped by to invite Michael to the party I'm having at the G.C.A.C.", "Avery: Okay, well, if you're delivering party invitations personally, you must be on a very tight schedule. Michael isn't here. Feel free to make an appointment with our assistant.", "Joe: So, nothing? I tell you you shouldn't marry Dylan, and you act like you never heard it.", "Avery: I heard it, and I don't care.", "Joe: You know what this is about? Timing, Avery. That ring doesn't represent this internal bond between you and Dylan. It has to do with me.", "Neil: \"And it wobb-- wobb-- wobbled. It wobbled and wigg-- wiggled and jigg-- jiggled. It squish-- squish-- squishled?\" Wait a minute, now. \"Squishled\" is not a word, so \"squish-- squishled until it came to a stop.\" Yeah. Moses is really gonna like this book. Except can you please confirm for me that \"squishled\" is not a word, my dear? 'Cause I've never heard of... heard of it before.", "Hilary: You knew that I was with Neil. You knew that this was how it had to be.", "Devon: So then I got to like it? I have to be happy that you go home with him and you go to bed with him and you wake up with him? An I mean, I got to be happy that he gets to spend every second with you that I don't get to have?", "Hilary: No. But you can't punish me every time I see you.", "Devon: That's not what I want to do, okay? What I want... I can't have.", "Hilary: Me, too. All we have is this.", "Devon: Yeah, but not here. I mean, if all we get is what's left over, I don't want things to be like that.", "Hilary: Me either.", "Devon: Let's get out of here.", "Avery: You have an epic level of self-importance. You know that? My engagement is about many things. You are not one of them.", "Joe: Why propose now? Look, Dylan just wants to stake his claim now that I'm back in your life.", "Avery: But you're really not, Joe. You've moved here, apparently, but you are not back in my life.", "Joe: We have history.", "Avery: Yes, we have history. We have history. We were married. It didn't work out. Dylan and I -- Joe, I am not proud of my infidelity. I am not. But Dylan and I have built something together. It's real. It's honest. And trust me, it has nothing to do with you.", "Joe: Maybe not for you, but for Dylan, it... you know, feel free to stop by the party. It's always nice to see you.", "Dylan: [Sighs] That guy cannot give it a rest, can he?", "Avery: Evidently not.", "Dylan: What'd he say this time?", "Avery: Well, he wanted me to realize that he's the reason you proposed.", "Dylan: He said that?", "Avery: Stop. Stop. Listen, I know you. I know us. I'm just not sure I know Joe anymore. And I can't figure out what he's up to.", "Jack: I know you're angry, but I have never known you to be cruel.", "Kelly: Me cruel? Me?", "Jack: You have every right to be angry. This is not the way to handle it.", "Kelly: This isn't -- I shouldn't -- Jack, all I have ever heard about Phyllis is how over-the-top she is, that she's hell on wheels.", "Jack: Not from me, you didn't.", "Kelly: And clearly, it is true. But I'm the one whose behavior isn't living up to your standards?", "Jack: Phyllis is passionate and intense...", "Kelly: Oh, the endless tribute starts again.", "Jack: ...Has pulled more than her share of stunts over the years. She also fell down a flight of stairs and was rendered comatose for a year. If you're mad at me, be mad at me. Phyllis is not the bad guy here. I am.", "Kelly: Phyllis is a bully, and I am not a victim. And if she comes near me again, I will not back down.", "Sharon: This isn't about taking sides, Phyllis. Jack and I have our own history. I provided a service for Jabot, and I did my job well.", "Phyllis: You see, I don't get it. Do you really think that Jack will ever forgive you for what you did to him, to Summer, to Nick? No one will forgive you ever.", "Sharon: Well, not everyone is you, Phyllis. Most people have a heart and a soul and some human decency, but you -- you just go on judging me, ignoring what you've done in your life and who you've hurt. Maybe for once in your life, you need to take a good, long look at yourself before you come after me.", "Lauren: Michael. I love you. And making love to you is wonderful. You know, it's hot and loving and gentle and fierce. But that's not all we are and all that we have. I need you. I need your wit, and I need your humor. I need your support. I do. You know, the way that you calm me down, the way that you make me crazy. But those treatments -- we need those treatments because all of us -- fen, me, Scotty, Kevin -- we all need you.", "Michael: Those treatments -- I mean, those treatments might not even work. We can't know that. But we do know that they might ruin our sex life. They might make me needy physically and emotionally, make me dependent on you for all the sordid little details of daily life, rip every ounce of romance away from us, and I will become this thing you look after, not the man that you once loved.", "Lauren: It hasn't even happened yet, and you're acting like we've lost it all. Honey, I love you so much, and I will stand by you no matter what.", "Michael: Last time things got tough, you didn't stand by me.", "Lauren: [Sighs]", "Michael: Last time, you slept with another man.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: Why did you invite Hilary to come to your private suite?", "Paul: Chris and I are gonna have a baby. And I have you to thank for it.", "Adam: Or what it was like to stand there and watch your son go blind, knowing you couldn't do a damn thing about it!", "Sage: Except run down a child!", "Adam: Damn it, that is not what happened!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "While Ashley is unconscious, she has a dream about her father. They sit on the park bench together and John explains that he has different priorities and cares more about her than Jabot and she needs to take care of herself. At Jabot, Phyllis wonders why Jack doesn't fire her also. Ashley arrives and says she has confidence in Jack and Phyllis together and she is stepping down as CEO. Nikki visits Sage while Victor visits Adam and Chelsea. Nikki tells Sage about the baby that she and Jack lost years ago and tries to persuade her to move back with Nick. Victor tells Adam and Chelsea that Jack settled. Chelsea wonders if this means Adam can stop working at Newman Enterprises. Victor says that is up to Adam but there is a lot of work to be done. Before leaving, Victor tells Adam that he's proud of him. Adam is overjoyed and admits to Chelsea that he really does care. Chelsea thinks there is something that Victor is holding over Adam's head. Victor joins Nikki and Sage. He tells Sage that if she wants to leave he will help her. She thinks he wants to get rid of her. When Victor and Nikki leave, Sage talks to Adam and Chelsea about this. Adam says his father is a maniac. Chelsea wonders about Adam's change in attitude. Neil goes to Hilary's suite thinking she texted him to meet her there but it was really Dr. Neville, who examines Hilary. Dr. Neville asks Neil to invest in his research but Neil doesn't want to. Dr. Neville implies that he will turn Neil in if he doesn't get the money he needs to subsidize his work. Hilary asks Devon to invest and he agrees in order to keep Neil out of prison. In her suite, Hilary kisses Neil. He pulls away and leaves. Cane gives Lily the twins' schedule and asks if she can come by on Christmas morning. Lily persuades him to stay home through the holidays and he agrees. In the GCAC dining room, Devon meets with Dr. Neville. Ashley interrupts and introduces herself to Dr. Neville after hearing him speak of his medical breakthroughs.", "" ]
[ "John: Ashley. My beauty.", "Ashley: Daddy.", "Jack: Billy's a grown man. He brought this on himself.", "Phyllis: Billy just lost his wife. You just yanked his job from him. I don't know is this is the time for tough love.", "Jack: This is exactly the time for tough love. He just put in jeopardy everything my father built. You mess with this company, there are repercussion, even when you're family.", "Phyllis: Oh, jack. He went after Victor. So did I. I gunned just as hard for him as Billy did. So, what? Does that mean you're gonna boot me from the company, too?", "Jack: [Sighs]", "[Cork pops]", "Adam: Whoo!", "Chelsea: Ooh!", "Adam: All right. What are we toasting to? The holidays? A toast to our son? Us? We should toast to us, babe.", "Chelsea: How about the fact that you came home from the office today.", "Adam: I mean, you know, it's go-- it's good. It's, um -- it's good. It's not romantic. I like my toasts to have a lyrical quality to them. How about your beauty? We could toast to your beauty.", "Chelsea: No, listen. That's what I'm saying is you coming home from the office today is romantic. It means we have a normal life after everything you've been through. We're just normal people having a normal life. I mean, not that you and I are really normal, by any means.", "Adam: No, no, no. And don't say that again. Lightning will strike.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] It's good, though.", "Adam: It is good.", "Chelsea: And I'm happy.", "Adam: I'm happy, too.", "[Knock on door]", "Adam: And I would have drank to that, but, uh --", "Chelsea: You know what? It's probably sage. She's probably lonely next door. Victor. Hi.", "Victor: Hello, Chelsea. How are you?", "Chelsea: Good.", "Victor: My boy.", "Adam: How are you?", "Victor: You're celebrating already? How did you hear?", "Adam: How did we hear what?", "Victor: The Abbotts have conceded defeat. Victory is ours.", "Devon: At least Joe was smart enough to cop a plea with Christine.", "Cane: Well, he admitted to extorting money from you and for framing me, so...he's gonna start his sentence immediately.", "Devon: Out of state, too. He'll be out of our lives.", "Lily: For how long?", "Cane: Minimum sentence is six years.", "Devon: You don't have to be afraid anymore.", "Lily: Thank you. Thank you both. Just being alone with him in that cabin -- him blocking the door and the look in his eyes. It -- I'm just really grateful that you both showed up. I'm glad it's finally over.", "Cane: We don't know if it is 'cause we don't know who took Hilary. We know it wasn't Joe. And Dr. Neville makes no sense. So there is someone else behind this, and whoever it is, we will find them.", "Neil: How many times are we gonna go over this? Somehow, that medication you're taking is making you think that you're in love with me, but you're not in love with me. You can't be. You're in love with Devon. You married Devon, and I refuse to come between you two. You got that?", "Hilary: There is nothing to come between, Neil.", "Neil: I can't do this.", "Hilary: Then why did you even come? You could have said all of this over the phone.", "Neil: I came here because you texted me to come over. That's why.", "Dr. Neville: Actually, I sent you the text. Hello, partner. Long time, no see. Mrs. Hamilton.", "Sage: Sorry. There's not much in the pantry yet.", "Nikki: Oh, please. Don't worry about that. This is lovely. I just wanted to see how you're settling in. But we do miss you at the ranch.", "Sage: I can't go back there, Nikki.", "Nikki: Well, you know, sometimes healing is easier when you're not alone.", "Sage: Well, I'm not alone. I mean, not all the time. And nick's not alone, either. We're both doing what we have to do.", "Nikki: Well, I don't know. He seems a little lonely to me, just pained. And I don't say that to make you feel guilty. I just think that Nicholas feels things more deeply than he's willing to talk about.", "Sage: I know. Right now, this is where I need to be -- away from nick and all the reminders. Sharon's doctor agrees.", "Nikki: Really?", "Sage: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: Living here, in this apartment that you used to share with Adam? She's okay with that?", "Sage: Chelsea and Adam have been very wonderful to me -- supportive and non- judgmental. Chelsea even invited me to her son's preschool pageant. Guess she knows I'm not gonna burst into tears, so I guess that's progress.", "Nikki: Well... that's very convincing. But I know better.", "Sage: Nikki, I don't mean to be rude, but I'm really not okay with one more person thinking that they know how I feel about this.", "Nikki: Honey, I do know how you feel. I lost a baby -- a perfect, beautiful baby that should have had a wonderful life. It leaves such a hole in your heart. You need love to heal that, maybe even the kind of love that created the child to begin with.", "Adam: You know, I told jack to let it go, let Billy take the fall for what he had done.", "Victor: Well, fortunately for us, he declined to do so.", "Chelsea: A $500 million settlement? Can Jabot even survive without that capital?", "Victor: It'll be pretty tough. Adam knew how to get to jack. He threatened to sue Jabot.", "Adam: Well, I appreciate your faith in me.", "Victor: That's why I brought you onboard. I trust your instincts.", "Chelsea: Well, um, it's awesome. Congratulations, Victor. You finally have what you've always wanted. And I finally have what I've always wanted, which is my husband back home.", "Victor: Yes. He's at home. And look how beautifully you have decorated this whole damn place. I mean, that's beautiful. Look at that.", "Chelsea: But, you know, I just mean now that you don't need him at Newman enterprises anymore, so... mission accomplished. I mean, wasn't that the deal? Adam's out of a job now?", "Victor: Well, what he decides to do in the future -- that's his decision.", "John: You look a bit pale. And I know why.", "Ashley: Daddy, I know why you're here. You're disappointed in me, aren't you? Because I let Victor decimate Jabot.", "John: Mnh-mnh. The business is not my priority. You and your siblings are. But I really have to talk to you. Ashley, you have to admit what's wrong here. Honey, it's the only way.", "Ashley: I want Abby to marry Ben. You know that, right?", "John: Yeah.", "Ashley: I want them to get married. I want them to be happy. I want them to get on with their lives.", "John: I see. So, you fainted because of your daughter's love life. I don't think so.", "Ashley: Well, I'm happy we agree on that.", "John: You know, you are a woman of science, and you know what this is.", "Ashley: I mean, it's -- it's low blood sugar. And I-I'm stupid. I should be carrying a protein bar with me all the time, every day.", "John: No, no, no. You're not gonna find it in there. Now, remember who you are. You are a fighter. You're not a quitter.", "Ashley: How am I a quitter? Why are you more concerned about me than you are Jabot, daddy?", "John: Because you are. And with good reason. I love you.", "Ashley: I love you, too, daddy.", "Ashley: Oh.", "Jack: You and Billy are completely different issues.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? We both were after the same plan to bring down the black knight. You just banished him from the Jabot kingdom. Wh-why not me?", "Jack: Billy is a danger to himself and to this company right now.", "Phyllis: Oh, evidently, so am I. So, should I just go back up my box of things or...?", "Jack: No, he just sucked you into his plan.", "Phyllis: Because I am such a weak-willed person who doesn't know her own mind?", "Jack: No, because he exploited your pain and anger.", "Phyllis: Nobody exploits me. Not anymore.", "Jack: You didn't want the world to know about Marco, so I settled with Victor. It was the only way to get out of this.", "Phyllis: You paid Victor money after what he did to me, to us.", "Jack: No. That payment was for the sake of our privacy and to keep my brother out of prison. Now that he's in the clear, I don't have to put up with his complete lack of self-control.", "Phyllis: But you'll put up with me? Because you pity me? Because you feel guilty or you -- you need to protect me for some reason?", "Jack: You're damn right I do. And I don't apologize for that. Phyllis, we are married. You're my wife.", "Phyllis: And that's what this is all about. I am your wife. We took vows that we were gonna stand by each other all the way, but you didn't even make it to our wedding night!", "Dr. Neville: I want you to follow my finger without moving your head. Well done.", "Neil: Doc, are you out of your mind coming here?", "Dr. Neville: Not at all. I'm just checking on a very special patient... who, according to what I read, received some first-class medical care by me.", "Neil: Yeah? Is that right? The cops -- if they find you here, they're gonna arrest us both, probably Gwen, maybe even Hilary.", "Dr. Neville: Except that's not gonna happen, is it? Well, Mrs. Hamilton, I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me, for what you said about my work, your recovery in your interview. I mean, thanks to you, some people think I'm a miracle worker. I am touched. I mean, it's all true, but I'm touched. And I'm sure you are, too, considering she didn't out you as the man who had her stashed in a boathouse. You really should get rid of that canoe. I think there are things living in it.", "Hilary: Okay, you both saved my life. And I would tell anyone that.", "Dr. Neville: Well, I have a lawyer standing by just in case the D.A. Gets frisky. And, of course, it goes without saying -- I won't mention anything if you don't. Right, partner?", "Neil: [Chuckles] Yeah. There is no partnership. Hilary has recovered.", "Dr. Neville: Oh, no. She's done more than that. She's recovered and the word is out there. That's fantastic. It's an opportunity to change things for both you and me. If I'm a hero, you can be, too. That article means I'll be published. If I'm recognized as a visionary, there will grants, there will be patents. But that dream needs to be subsidized. The world is changing, Mr. Winters, and what I need is a grateful and motivated investor.", "Neil: You picked the wrong guy to blackmail. You've been paid already. Now leave town.", "Dr. Neville: [Chuckles] I thought you of all people would understand. Appreciate. Obviously, you don't. That is a crying shame. Mrs. Hamilton...thank you.", "Hilary: Why didn't you just give him the money? You know he can out you whenever he wants.", "Neil: You think he's going to incriminate himself in the process? Never gonna happen, Hilary.", "Hilary: Well, what if he's just trying to help other people like me? He's the reason I have a second chance... to get things right.", "Neil: You don't need to be grateful to Neville or to me. Good night.", "Devon: I have to respect Hilary's decision. So, no, we're not going to search for anyone else. She just wants us all to move on with our lives.", "Cane: Look, I understand that. The rest of us feel the same way. But whoever took her put all of this in motion, and without that, I would not have been framed, I would not have been arrested. There is someone still messing with us, and we are still paying for this.", "Devon: I understand that. We are all in this. But Hilary's the one who lost the most in everything. Okay? And if this is what she needs to move on with her life, then so be it.", "Lily: Yeah, but has she moved on? I mean, she's still clinging to dad, living in the past. That's not a marriage. Neither of you deserve that.", "Cane: Well, if you've made up your mind, there's nothing I can say to convince you, so excuse me.", "Devon: You okay?", "Lily: He doesn't want to forgive me.", "Devon: Maybe he just needs time.", "Lily: It's not gonna change anything. He basically said that at the cabin.", "Devon: Yeah, but, lily, you and cane love each other. There's always hope.", "Lily: You love Hilary. Where's your hope?", "Devon: That's very different. 'Cause, like I said, you and cane love each other. Hilary doesn't love me anymore. So it's -- you know, when you try to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you, it's just more pain waiting to happen.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry for that honeymoon comment.", "Jack: No, no, no. Don't ever apologize for that. If I could erase what happened, believe me, I would.", "Phyllis: We both have been affected by what Victor did. He had you he-held hostage by a crazy woman who told you I was dead, and now you have to feel guilty because you did what it took to get your life back.", "Jack: No, I have blood on my hands. I deserve my guilt.", "Phyllis: But that's what this is about. You were coming back to your loving wife, and who was there? It was me, oblivious because I got sucked in by that pig. I mean, God, jack, you have to resent that -- that I swallowed the lies and the explanations.", "Jack: We both have pain and rage and guilt and shame, but we have each other. We are here now. I am here with you, for you. We've been so far. We can go farther. But I need to know you're with me.", "Ashley: Hey. Jack's right. If we let this tear us apart, then Victor wins.", "Sage: You were with jack Abbott? Ma-maybe that's why Victor doesn't like him.", "Nikki: Oh, well, there are many reasons why he doesn't like him, but that is definitely one of them. Jack and I were happy. The pregnancy was going so smoothly. Baby was healthy. There was an accident.", "Nikki: Damn it, Victor, will you please listen to me?!", "Victor: I'm not gonna listen to you, okay? I'm gonna talk to my daughter. Now, leave me alone!", "Sage: Victor was there?", "Nikki: Yeah. I went into labor. But it was too soon.", "Nikki: The baby's dead?", "Jack: He was just too tiny.", "Nikki: [Crying] No! Oh, God. A b-- a boy that you always wanted. Oh, my God. I'm sorry. Oh, God help me. I'm sorry, jack.", "Nikki: [Sniffles]", "Sage: You weren't with your son just like I wasn't with Christian.", "Nikki: No. And that haunted me. I felt so lost. Of course, jack blamed Victor.", "Sage: You and jack didn't make it.", "Nikki: Honey, the point is when I say that I know what you're going through, I really do. Something like that changes you, and it changes your relationship. But that doesn't mean that you can't move forward with Nicholas. He loves you so much. He needs you.", "Sage: Maybe what we have -- what we had wasn't strong enough to begin with. You and jack weren't meant to be. And maybe Nicholas and I aren't meant to be. Not every story has a happy ending.", "Victor: You know, Adam can leave Newman enterprises any time he chooses. But I'm sure he'll take on something challenging, something bold and risky.", "Chelsea: But not too risky.", "Victor: Your husband is a chip off the old block. And we don't do anything halfway, now do we, Adam?", "Adam: Mnh. We did have a deal to bring down paragon, restore some of the revenue that we had lost at Newman.", "Chelsea: Uh, right. But that's over now.", "Adam: It's over. Yeah, no, that's done. But, you know, now we have to use that revenue and rebuild Newman, make sure the world knows that Newman can't be defeated, right? That we're back. I mean, that's a -- that's a hell of a task.", "Chelsea: But then, you know, when does it end?", "Victor: Well, that's the point, Chelsea. It doesn't end. There's always a challenge, always something to be overcome. And that's what we're like. That's what makes us tick. That is what unites us. Cheers.", "Devon: Hey.", "Hilary: Hey. May I join you?", "Devon: Yeah. Of course you can. Is everything okay? Is your suite all right?", "Hilary: Yeah. No. It's fine.", "Devon: Are you here for dinner? I can tell the chef it's you. He'll make you anything you want.", "Hilary: No, I don't want dinner. It's something else, and I think you might be the only person who can help.", "Devon: Whatever it is, name it.", "Hilary: Will you, um, invest in Dr. Neville's research?", "Devon: [Sighs] Why would I invest in someone who should be locked up?", "Hilary: I'm alive because of him. I have my memories back because of him.", "Devon: You probably would have had your memories back a lot sooner if you were in a hospital with a real doctor.", "Hilary: You don't know that.", "Devon: Hilary, the only reason I didn't say anything was to protect you.", "Hilary: And your father. You don't want Neil in prison any more than I do. And Dr. Neville -- he only cares about his research.", "Devon: So, he's blackmailing you? He's blackmailing all of us?", "Hilary: No. Not in so many words. But you met him. You know him. He's unpredictable.", "Devon: And that's exactly the kind of guy I'd like to be in business with.", "Hilary: But he's also brilliant, okay? And this research means a lot to him. It means more to him than somebody else's freedom.", "Devon: The guy's a creep. But he'll get his money. Just...tell him to call me.", "Hilary: You're a good man, Devon. Thank you.", "Devon: You're welcome.", "Victor: Well, may this be one of many such Newman celebrations.", "Chelsea: We can only hope.", "Victor: Nice to see the two of you together. Okay? And by the way, tell Connor that Santa got his e-mail, you know?", "Adam: [Chuckles]", "Victor: And he will not be disappointed Christmas morning.", "Chelsea: No, he won't be. He finally has his dad home, so...", "Adam: There you go.", "Victor: I'm happy for all of you. And I'm gonna say hello to sage. Apparently Nikki's visiting, so...", "Chelsea: Oh.", "Victor: ...I'm gonna check in.", "Sage: Good. I'm glad, actually. She needs as much support as she can get right now. We've been trying to help her, but...", "Victor: When I think of what she has lost, what she has gone through, she needs all the support and love we can all give her. Anyway, goodbye, sweetheart.", "Chelsea: Bye.", "Victor: [Smooches] Son.", "Adam: Dad.", "Victor: I'm proud of you.", "Adam: You hear that? Proud of me. That's really something, huh?", "Chelsea: Oh. Now you're talking. You didn't have much to say before Victor left other than the fact that you would be happy to stay at Newman enterprises?", "Adam: Well, yeah. You know, I was overwhelmed by the old man's good cheer. You know?", "Chelsea: Adam, if I had a drink of champagne every time he used the word \"family,\" I would be passed out by now. You know he does that intentionally just to get to you, right? And -- and it works.", "Adam: It's not done for my benefit, babe. He -- he -- you know, that's just -- that's how he talks. He talks that way. You know that. Family all the time.", "Chelsea: But isn't that why you're staying at Newman? For his attention, for his affection, to feel like you're finally part of the family?", "Adam: Babe, that's not a bad reason to stay at a job.", "Chelsea: Just like that? You inflict paragon on him even though it completely risked me and Connor, and suddenly all is just forgotten and forgiven?", "Adam: Look, it's hard to hold a grudge against somebody who got you out of a prison sentence. Look across the hall, all right, at sage. She's mourning the loss of a child. She's having marital problems. Look at us. I'm not stupid. I know what I have. I got you. I got Connor. Quite frankly, that's all that matters to me.", "Chelsea: It's more than that, Adam. Victor has some hold on you. It's a thin line between love and hate, so... which one is it?", "Victor: So, uh, why aren't you back at the ranch?", "Sage: Victor, Nikki already tried that.", "Victor: Well, if you don't want to move back, that's okay.", "Sage: I'm good being here right now.", "Victor: This is your old place, right? I mean, right across from a man you used to call Gabe.", "Sage: It's helpful to have friends nearby.", "Victor: Especially considering what you've gone through. And I guess you have some difficulties in your marriage to nick right now.", "Nikki: But Nicholas loves sage.", "Victor: You know, we Newman men are driven. We go after things. Sometimes we do it in a ruthless manner. One could call us self-centered. Very difficult to have relationships that last.", "Sage: But nick has tried. Victor, it's me. I take responsibility for this.", "Victor: Well, if you want to move somewhere else, you have my support.", "Sage: Are you trying to get rid of me?", "Jack: Victor hasn't won anything but some money. We have Jabot. We have family.", "Phyllis: Minus your brother, who has just been fired. I mean, between that and the money, Victor's just dancing on john Abbott's grave.", "Ashley: I think my father would have other priorities right now, Phyllis.", "Jack: What does that mean? And why do you look so pale?", "Ashley: Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe losing half a billion dollars doesn't exactly put color in a person's cheeks. But, you know, Jabot isn't really about capital, is it? It's about...passion and focus and the collective will of everybody involved, right?", "Phyllis: That's your reaction to Billy being fired? Because you could actually reverse that decision as C.E.O.", "Ashley: Well, I trust jack. As a matter of fact, I trust the two of you together. I think you can do what dad did, you know? I think you can rebuild Jabot again.", "Jack: Yeah. The three of us can work together and make this happen. Yeah.", "Ashley: Well, you're gonna have to do it without me, Jackie. I'm stepping down as C.E.O.", "Jack: You're resigning?! I realize this Victor thing has been a really big mess, but take a vacation. Take a sabbatical.", "Ashley: Jack, it's the best thing for me and it's the best thing for Jabot if I step aside, okay? I'm out.", "Phyllis: Is this about Billy? Is this about me?", "Ashley: No, no. And I'm gonna stay on the board, but the day-to-day -- I'm just not interested in it anymore.", "Phyllis: Well, what about co-CEO.? Jack needs you.", "Ashley: But he's got you, Phyllis. And I mean this with all sincerity. You both have so much passion and... you have a lot of brains, and you -- you can make this company great again.", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. And what are you gonna do with your time? Wedding planning?", "Ashley: [Chuckles] No, I think I'll find something to do. [Sighs] Dad would want this. Okay?", "Jack: Okay, no, no, no. It's not okay. Something's wrong. Tell me what it is. We'll make it right.", "Ashley: Look --", "Jack: Don't make any decisions that you're gonna regret.", "Ashley: I love you. This is the best thing, okay? Okay.", "Victor: Why would I want to get rid of you?", "Nikki: Victor certainly didn't come here to upset you or to convince you to leave.", "Victor: Of course not. I mean, if you want to move, that's your choice. You can go anywhere you like. I'm just suggesting, in case the two of you don't find a way back to one another, then I'm there to help you. I mean, this is not the place for you to continue living in, is it? You lived a lie in here. You were married to Gabriel Bingham in here.", "Sage: But that's over now, Victor, and Adam and Chelsea are happily married. It's very reassuring to see that. You don't have anything to worry about.", "Victor: Okay, well, just know that if you need help, I'll be there to give it to you. Okay?", "Nikki: We're both here for you. And if Victor is right, if this place turns out to not be a good fit, there is always room for you at the ranch. Okay? Now, we're gonna get out of your hair and say good night. You take it easy.", "Victor: All right, sage. You take care of yourself, okay?", "Sage: Okay.", "Victor: Here we go. I'll take it.", "Nikki: Thank you, darling.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: Let's get back to romance, all right? I'll -- I'll grab two new glasses. Let's do that, okay?", "Chelsea: No, I mean it. I mean it. What -- what does Victor have on you?", "Adam: Sweetheart, not every interaction with my father has something to do with blackmail, okay?", "Chelsea: Okay. Does this one?", "Adam: [Sighs] What do you want to hear? Sweetheart, you want to hear that you're right? You're right. Okay? You're right. It's like what you said in the hospital room the other day. I didn't want to accept that my father was reaching out to me. Ever since I found out that Victor Newman was my father, I've been on the outside looking in. I'm in the circle now. I'm in the circle. He wants me in there. And quite frankly, I think I've earned it. You want me to admit that I care? I care. You were right.", "Chelsea: I just think that you can gain Victor's respect and approval without having to be his right-hand man. I mean, what have you said to me for so long? You've said for so long we need to have a life separate from Victor.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: So, let's do that. Because, Adam, when he doesn't shine his light on you, there's darkness, and it scares me.", "Adam: Babe, I don't need Victor Newman shining his light on me to survive, okay? I have this wonderful life. You -- you have your company free and clear. We don't need him there. I've got Connor. I've got you. We've got -- I know it's important, okay? I'm not gonna let anyone ruin that, and that includes me.", "[Knock on door]", "Chelsea: [Scoffs] Victor. It's like we summoned him by saying his name three times.", "Adam: Just -- I'll tell him we're out of champagne, okay? Hold on.", "Sage: Hi. Sorry to bother you.", "Adam: What's wrong?", "Chelsea: Let me guess. It has something to do with Victor Newman.", "Hilary: Yes, Doctor. No, he is very interested in investing. It's the number that I texted you. He's expecting your call. Please. This will help a lot of people.", "[Knock on door]", "Hilary: Hey. If you changed your mind about investing --", "Neil: No. Never. Never. I, uh -- I just hope that Neville runs far and fast. You know? Anyway, I didn't come here for that. I came here to apologize. I shouldn't have accused you of trying to get me alone in your room. I know that Neville -- he set it all up. I know that.", "Hilary: I don't mind. See, I can admit that. Can you admit that it feels right to be alone with me?", "Neil: Do you see what's happening? We're going around in circles here.", "Hilary: Okay, yeah. You feel guilty.", "Neil: Yeah, I do. I do feel guilty.", "Hilary: What, about protecting me? Hiring the man who saved my life?", "Neil: That never would have happened if I hadn't chased you to the islands on your honeymoon and shown you that video.", "Hilary: None of this would have ever happened if I never came to Genoa city to blame you for my mother's death. But you forgave me. Okay, and your forgiveness turned to love.", "Neil: Maybe you were grateful. Maybe you cared about me. But you fell in love with my son, and my son is still in love with you.", "Hilary: It should have always been you.", "Neil: [Sighs] This was a mistake. We can't keep doing this. Hilary, come on. No more time together, please. I got to go.", "Hilary: You could have said that over the phone, too. But you didn't.", "Lily: Hi.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: What's that?", "Cane: It's the, uh, twins' schedule for the next few weeks. I mean, since they're going on vacation and, you know, holidays, the, uh, carpool won't be an issue. Would it be all right with you if I come over Christmas morning to see them open presents? Would you mind doing that?", "Lily: Uh, how early? 'Cause I'm sure they'll be bouncing off the walls before the sun's up.", "Cane: Well, I can come over before then.", "Lily: And you're just gonna leave again?", "Cane: Well, if this doesn't work for you, maybe we could change visitation scheduling or something.", "Lily: No. I-I want you to stay.", "Cane: No, I can't do that. It's not gonna happen. Anywhere, there's the schedule.", "Lily: No, Cane. I-I... I just meant for the holiday. I want the kids to have one last magical Christmas before we tell them that our family's not gonna be the same anymore.", "Cane: I don't think that's a good idea. You know, I think we should be honest with them, you know, straight up from the beginning.", "Lily: I'm not asking for a lot. I just want to give them one last time together as a family. Just help me give them that.", "Cane: Okay. We'll have one last Christmas together as a family.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Chelsea: So, what did Victor do now?", "Sage: I'm not even sure that it happened. I think Victor just told me to leave town.", "Sage: Well, he's very good at that. It usually comes with a big, fat check, though.", "Sage: Yes. He -- he offered me whatever I want. He said that the Newman men are self-absorbed and always manage to move on. He said that you and nick are alike in that way. What does that even mean?", "Adam: Well, it means he's a maniac, sage. He's a maniac that has to control ever single tiny little thing in this world. Listen, don't even deal with him anymore, okay? In fact, the next time he comes over, I don't want you to answer the door.", "Chelsea: Thank you for showing up, my real husband. The Adam who adores Victor was starting to freak me out. So, why did you lie before?", "Jack: It just wasn't like Ashley.", "Phyllis: Well, honey, maybe it's about Abby's wedding. You know, her baby girl's all grown up.", "Jack: Yeah, maybe. But resigning. Maybe after the wedding, she'll change her mind. I did appreciate her faith in us, though.", "Phyllis: Yeah. We're gonna get through this, honey.", "Jack: There's no one I'd rather get through it with.", "Victor: Well, now, that warms the cockles of my heart. My goodness. All that love knowing full well you're poorer than a church mouse.", "Hilary: That's all I needed to know. You still want me. And soon, you will admit it to yourself and everyone else.", "Dr. Neville: Mr. Hamilton. Dr. Simon Neville. I appreciate you -- do you mind?", "Devon: Hilary wanted me to meet with you, so here I am.", "Dr. Neville: Your wife is an exemplary woman. She's strong, brave, and she's a devoted ally, which is exactly what I need now -- allies for my research. And if you're so inclined, I've brought some notes on some clinical trials --", "Devon: I don't care what you have. My father could go to prison if you talk. So, for his sake and for Hilary's, I'm gonna cut you a check for your research, and then you're gonna leave my family alone.", "Dr. Neville: [Chuckles] That's the, uh, easiest pitch I ever gave. Thank you.", "Devon: And since they don't exactly have contracts for this type of agreement...", "Dr. Neville: [Chuckles] To earthshaking medical breakthroughs.", "Ashley: I'm sorry. Excuse me. Oh, hi. Uh, Ashley Abbott. What kind of earthshaking medical breakthroughs?", "Dr. Neville: Uh, well, the kind that people spend their whole life looking for. I'm sorry. Miss -- miss --?", "Ashley: Oh, Ashley Abbott.", "Dr. Neville: Dr. Simon Neville.", "Jack: Suddenly I prefer to eat at home.", "Phyllis: You know, it is so wonderful to know that you have so much of Jabot's money. What is it? A third of what your kids sued you for? It's amazing the kind of bond you have.", "Victor: Isn't it? I love your fighting spirit, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Yeah. You have Jabot's money. Is that filling that little black hole where your heart would be?", "Nikki: I just want you to know that I regret how things were handled.", "Jack: Thank you, Nikki. Jabot will be fine. We've been down before. We've fought back before.", "Victor: I'll make sure that I find room for some of your former employees.", "Phyllis: Billy and Ashley are already gone from Jabot. No one's gonna thank you for trying to destroy our company. So if you choke on a piece of steak, good luck on finding someone to give you the Heimlich.", "Jack: That's a nice visual. Shall we?", "Victor: You have a nice evening, you two. You know, I was gonna have fish, but I think I'm gonna have a good, juicy steak.", "Nikki: Yeah. I'll be you are.", "Adam: Just because I work with my father doesn't mean that I've all of a sudden become delusional, you know, a-and forgotten what he stands for, what he does to people. This is what he does, sage. He chases people away from our family, okay? And what I'm telling you is stop dealing with him altogether. Let me deal with him, okay? Now I'm -- I'm gonna go take care of my son. I'm gonna check on him -- the one Newman man who no one has to be warned away from.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chelsea: Sage moving across the hall from us is a huge mistake.", "Marisa: I'm quitting my job here, Noah. I'm going to work for Luca.", "Luca: What's this?", "Victor: I'm paying your family's investment back plus interest.", "Luca: It doesn't work like that.", "Victor: [Chuckles]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Nikki and Victor spend time alone at home. Nikki is surprised when Victor makes no move to go to work. He reminds her that he is cutting back. Nick walks into the Underground and looks around as if it is strange to be back there. Noah comes out of the back and is surprised to see him there. At the beauty shop, Summer is surprised to see that Phyllis is now a blonde. Phyllis talks about changes she is making in her life. Nick and Noah discuss what Sharon did to him which he isn't about to forgive any time soon. Victoria, Cane, and Billy are upset that they are being evicted from the building. Victoria demands answers from Jack. Victoria tries to talk him out of it but he stands steadfast in his decision. Victoria is determined not to leave until she gets some answers. Victoria gets a call from Cane that she needs to get to the office of Brash and Sassy immediately. The moving men are at Brash and Sassy ready to move them out. Billy tries to stop them but with no luck. Nick lets Noah know that Christian has Sage's eyes. Noah tries to get him to change his mind about Sharon, but Nick refuses. Victor looks at a picture of Adam and wishes that he was still here. Nikki tries to lend him moral support. Nikki and Victoria discuss Victoria and Nick working at Newman. Jack joins Victoria, Cane, and Billy in the office of Brash and Sassy and tells them that he thought that he was helping them so they could enjoy the holidays but they still have to be out by December 31.", "Summer visits Nikki and is surprised with a birthday present that Nikki bought her in New York. Phyllis visits Nick at the Underground and they plan a surprise birthday party for Summer. Nikki gets a text from Nick inviting her and Victor to the birthday party. Noah makes up an excuse to get Summer to the Underground to pick him up, but in reality she walks into her surprise birthday party. Phyllis and Nick surprise Summer to a vacation to the beach anywhere in the world. Summer is thrilled. Phyllis and Victor come face to face at the party, but they are cordial to each other. Nick thanks Victor for keeping the peace at the birthday party. Billy and Cane argue in the office at Brash and Sassy, but it suddenly gets too much for Victoria and she pushes all the things off the table. Billy tries to console her, but Victoria walks away.", "" ]
[ "Nick: [Sighs] Trivia Tuesday.", "Noah: Dad?", "Nick: Hey.", "Noah: What are you doing here?", "Nick: Well, I do own the place. [Chuckles] I figured I'd, uh, you know, get back after it. Start a normal life again, whatever that is.", "Noah: You sure you're ready for that?", "Nick: Now seems like as good a time as any, you know? It's new year's. It's all about fresh starts and whatnot.", "Noah: Yeah. Well, we're with you, 110%. Whatever you need.", "Nick: Well, how lucky am I. You know, I just haven't told you this yet, but I really appreciate the way you've stepped up around here so I could spend time with Christian.", "Noah: I'm just doing my job. No big deal.", "Nick: No, it's a very big deal. I'm proud of you, son. Sons needs to hear that from their fathers once in a while.", "Noah: Well, you know what would make me proud?", "Nick: What?", "Noah: If you took some of these bottles of whiskey and helped me restock the bar.", "Nick: Yeah, that's not gonna happen. I'm on my break.", "Noah: This isn't gonna work.", "Nick: Let's go. Pick it up.", "Victor: Whew! Is Christian here?", "Nikki: Oh, yeah, he's upstairs sleeping like a little angel.", "Victor: I love that. You know, maybe later on, I'll take him to the stables. Maybe the pond. He'd like that, I think.", "Nikki: Well, yeah, he'd love that, but aren't you going to the office?", "Victor: [Exhales sharply] Don't you remember me talking about pulling back?", "Nikki: Yes, I do, but I didn't think I could believe it.", "Victor: You didn't think I'd manage that?", "Nikki: Actually... I think that you have changed a lot recently. Especially after Adam's death. I mean, your way of dealing with loss has always been to throw yourself into work. And now it's different somehow. You have changed.", "Phyllis: What do you think?", "Summer: Wow. [Laughs]", "Billy: Hey. What is this?", "Cane: These are the guys here to help us move.", "Billy: No, we're gonna come up with a solution. We don't need help moving, Cane.", "Cane: Yeah, well, I didn't call them. Your brother did.", "Jack: Come in. I had a feeling I might be seeing you.", "Victoria: I want answers, Jack, face to face.", "Jack: It won't change anything.", "Victoria: This is ridiculous. Throwing out brash & sassy!? Expecting us to find a space by the end of the year? It's impossible. You know that, don't you?", "Jack: You and your partners are resourceful people. I'm sure you'll be just fine.", "Victoria: We have a lease. Cane negotiated it in good Faith, Jack.", "Jack: Things have changed. I know you're under pressure. I've offered to cover your expenses to help with the move.", "Victoria: We all know that you want revenge for what Billy did. We know what this is about.", "Jack: I'm not your father. Revenge is the last thing I want. I know all too well what comes of revenge. Innocent people are caught in the middle. I think we've had quite enough of that. The last thing I want to do is hurt you or your children.", "Victoria: Fine. If you really mean that, then you'll reconsider what you're doing to me and my company.", "Jack: It's business, Victoria. JabotGo is a success. We need the space.", "Victoria: Jack, would you just hear out?", "Jack: The decision has been made.", "Phyllis: Thank you so much.", "Summer: Wow.", "Phyllis: You already said that.", "Summer: It's -- it's just a really, really big change.", "Phyllis: Do you like it?", "Summer: I love it.", "Phyllis: I love it, too! I love it, too. It just was way past time for a change. I don't want to be red anymore.", "Summer: Well, you look gorgeous, and there is nothing like a new look to ring in the new year.", "Phyllis: Yes, a new look, a new attitude, a new year, and maybe, just maybe, a new job.", "Summer: Wait, are you leaving jabot?", "Phyllis: Well, I am working on a project for Fenmore's, and it really could change the way business is being done. But nothing concrete, all right? So just keep it to yourself.", "Summer: Okay.", "Phyllis: All right? I am not going to wait for Jack to toss me out on my assets.", "Summer: Well, I mean, you sound almost excited.", "Phyllis: Oh, I am. I am. I just -- I've finally got it through my thick skull that it's time to move on, and it just -- it's feeling good.", "Summer: Well, I'm just really happy to see you like this. I mean, you finally realize that you're gonna be okay.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the only reason why I wasn't okay was because I made the mistake of a lifetime, but, you know what, it's time to just dust myself off and live again and hopefully smarter this time around.", "Summer: Oh, well, do I feel you on that one.", "Phyllis: Hey! But, hi, birthday girl! Okay? Today is about celebrating. No regrets. And you know what? My advice? You get a cake, you put a candle in it, and you just celebrate, and you wish big because the sky is the limit for you.", "Summer: Mm, no. No cake. Not this year.", "Phyllis: What?", "Summer: Mnh-mnh.", "Phyllis: Not even double-chocolate with buttercream frosting? What? Who are you?", "Summer: [Laughing] I know! It's just been, you know, it's been a tough year. With everything that happened with Luca, I've made a lot of mistakes, and I'm just looking forward to the year being over.", "Phyllis: Honey, I know that it has been a rough one, but you made the decisions you needed to make at the time, and look at how much wiser you are.", "Summer: Well, somehow I just thought wiser would be a little bit better.", "Phyllis: [Laughs] Here's some wisdom for you. Life is tough enough, so when there is something to celebrate, we celebrate. Now, there is something that you have got to like to do. Tell me.", "Summer: Ahh, okay. Well, yeah, I mean, I'd like to be drinking a margarita on the beach with my toes in the sand somewhere, but, you know, we're in Genoa city and it's winter, so that's probably not gonna happen.", "Phyllis: Would you settle for dinner with your mom?", "Summer: Yeah. That sounds perfect.", "Phyllis: Good. Come here. Don't you doubt how amazing you are, all right?", "Summer: Hey, I really like the blonde hair.", "Phyllis: Oh, thank you. I really like you, too.", "Summer: [Laughs] I love you.", "Phyllis: I love you, too. See ya.", "Victoria: I'm not leaving until we resolve this.", "Jack: That ship has sailed, Victoria.", "Victoria: We just want more time.", "Jack: It's not going to happen. And please remember -- we did you a big favor letting you move in here to begin with.", "Victoria: And we appreciate that, we do, but this is a critical time for our company. We're developing a new product line and we want to build on that momentum, and moving the company unexpectedly at such a pivotal point, it's not gonna be good for us, Jack. But maybe that's what you want. You want to undercut us? That's what you want to do?", "Jack: That was never my intention.", "Victoria: Look, we're rivals, but good rivals create good competition, they don't tear each other apart.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Victoria: [Sighs] Yes.", "Cane: We have a situation. I need you to come down here now.", "Victoria: What's going on?", "Cane: I'll fill you in when you get down here, okay?", "Billy: Well, I don't care what your work order says. This is our property. You don't have permission to move it, do you? No, you don't. Hey. You take brash, I'll take sassy. We'll do this the old-school way.", "Cane: All right, guys. Ignore him, okay? We're gonna wait for Victoria to get here.", "Nick: I really miss this, man -- hanging out with you, working together.", "Noah: Really? Looks like I'm the only one doing any work around here.", "Nick: You know, I checked out the books.", "Noah: Checking up on me?", "Nick: Yeah. They look good. Actually, they look amazing. Probably had something to do with this -- you know, trivia Tuesday, open mic night, live music.", "Noah: Yeah, I probably should have run that by you first.", "Nick: Yeah, you should run things like this by your boss, but I trust you, man. You got good instincts.", "Noah: Wow. Thank you. Appreciate that.", "Nick: I know what it's like to work with your old man and feel like, you know, your judgment's always getting questioned.", "Noah: Yeah, he didn't make that easy, that's for damn sure.", "Nick: Which is why he can have Newman and I'll have this place. It's better for our relationship, plus, I don't have to wear a suit.", "Noah: I'm with you there.", "Nick: And I love what you did with these holiday drinks. I was thinking of maybe doing, like, a mistletoe mojito or a scrooge-driver.", "Noah: No. [Laughs] Nice.", "Nick: Yeah. Right?", "Noah: Done. Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor.", "Nick: Well, that is because of your little brother. Man, I love that kid. He's got his mom's smile. You know, Christian came back into my life, and I realized that I have got to start living again.", "Noah: Listen, I'm really glad that everything's working out for you, it's coming together, and you're happy, but...", "Nick: But what?", "Noah: It's just how everything is between you and mom, you know? She's devastated.", "Nick: [Sighs] Yeah, well, I don't want to talk about your mom right now.", "Noah: I know how angry you are at her and that you don't want her anywhere near Christian after what she did, and I get it, I do, but come on. It's the holidays.", "Nick: Yeah, so, what? I should just forgive her and put a bow around it, put it under the tree? I just don't think I can do that.", "Noah: What about Faith? She's caught in the middle of all this.", "Nick: Look, son, I love the fact that you want to look out for your little sister and that you want peace in the family, but Sharon brought this on herself. Noah, I'm doing the best I can. I need you to respect that.", "Noah: I do, you know I do. It's just -- there has to be some way for you to work things out, because no matter what's happened, we're still family. You're still my mom and my dad.", "Nick: Look, um, your mom blew up the idea of family when she tried to build a fake family with my son and Dylan. She watched me grieve every day for my wife and son, and she did nothing.", "Noah: Look, I -- I still can't wrap my head around what she did. But it's over. Right? I mean, you have Christian. Isn't there some way at all you can make peace?", "Nick: Look, I'm just trying to put one foot in front of the other, take it day by day. I'm taking care of your little brother and making sure that Faith feels loved and secure.", "Noah: You and mom have been through so much, dad. I know you have it in you to forgive her.", "Nick: I have forgiven her so many times. But she chose to lie. Even after the truth came out, she and Dylan fought to spend more time with my son, the son they stole from me. So, no, Noah, I'm nowhere close to forgiving Sharon.", "Victor: I wish Adam were alive and could start his life over again.", "Nikki: This is more than grief, though, isn't it?", "Victor: Yeah. I honestly think he would have been safer in prison, you know? He would have been alive had it not been for me.", "Nikki: So, that's why you haven't been going into the office. You're just sitting behind that big desk, thinking about how things might have been with Adam as your heir to Newman enterprises.", "Victor: [Sighs] You know, I spent my whole life building a company from the ground up... maybe build a legacy for my children. And now none of them are interested in following in my footsteps.", "Nikki: Don't say that.", "Victor: Hmm?", "Nikki: They admire everything that you have accomplished. They respect you for it.", "Victor: [Sighs] Maybe they do, sweetheart. But think about it -- none of them seem interested in taking over for me. I mean, you heard my conversation with Nicholas. He couldn't have cared less. He's not interested.", "Nikki: Yes, but Nicholas has always been very vocal about where he wants to be, what he wants to do. He's never wanted to work at Newman. Now, Victoria, on the other hand, she loved working there. She looked forward to taking over for you. You kind of chased her away, and that -- that was your choice, not hers.", "Victor: You're right. And now there's no one.", "Nikki: Well, that's not true. Abby loves working at Newman. Summer loves working at Newman. Maybe you need to just look at the next generation.", "Victor: But, sweetheart, let's be real. Abby, as wonderful as she is and as capable as she is, she can't yet a run multi-national corporation. She's just not ready for it. And summer, my sweet summer, she's learning.", "Nikki: I understand how hard this is for you. But you need to know that the children love you and they know that you love them. And they've watched you sacrifice so much.", "Victor: Maybe too much.", "Nikki: Nicholas and Victoria spent their whole life watching you just devote yourself to business, and they don't want to follow that.", "Victor: I know.", "Nikki: They want to do life their own way. They want to spend more time with their family. That's their choice. Surely you can understand that.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Victoria: They were just packing things up?", "Cane: Yeah, files, sample books -- everything.", "Victoria: And you just let them? Unbelievable.", "Billy: Oh, I tried to stop them, but Cane stopped me.", "Cane: Hang on, that's 'cause I am sane, okay? They had a work order and we have an eviction notice. We can't do anything unless our paperwork's legitimate. So, did you talk to Jack and sort things out?", "Billy: Oh, wow. Look who's here. Jack, the man.", "Jack: You called my assistant and said you wanted to see me. I don't have a lot of time.", "Victoria: Yeah, you said you'd cover the expenses, but you never mentioned that you actually called the movers.", "Jack: My building, my call.", "Victoria: Canceling the lease is one thing, but throwing us out like this? You claim that this is business. This is personal, Jack. When did you become such a bully?", "Jack: I'm a businessman. I'm not heartless. Moving can be very challenging, very trying. I'm trying to help.", "Cane: Oh, no, you're not.", "Jack: Christmas is just around the corner. You all have families. You have children. I thought it would be nice if you could finish your move in time to enjoy the holidays.", "Cane: [Scoffs]", "Nikki: Oh! Happy birthday, Summer.", "Summer: Thank you.", "Nikki: What a nice surprise!", "Summer: Well, I just had to come on by. I found the most beautiful Christmas decoration, and it's not like you guys really need anymore, but I just couldn't resist.", "Nikki: Oh, my goodness! Wow. What could this be? Ohh. Everyone always needs another angel. Let's see. We're gonna put this... ...right there. Perfect.", "Summer: Mm-hmm. [Laughs]", "Nikki: Hey, while you're here... your grandfather and I brought this for you from New York for your birthday.", "Summer: Aww! Thank you, grandma.", "Nikki: Well, open it! I want to make sure you like it.", "Summer: Okay! [Chuckles] Oh, my gosh. This is incredible! I saw pictures of this from a fall runway show, and I went nuts for it.", "Nikki: I know. I made a note of it.", "Summer: You remembered a random comment that I made? Grandma, you are amazing. I love it!", "Nikki: Well, I'm just doing my duty as a grandparent.", "Summer: I love you. Thank you.", "Nikki: I love you, too, sweetie. We really want you to know how special you are, and we know you've had a difficult year, but you've come out stronger for it, just like a Newman would.", "Summer: Well, it hasn't really been an easy year for any of us.", "Nikki: Well, listen. You have everything ahead of you. The sky's the limit. Anything that you want. You're strong and you're smart. You can make good decisions for yourself. So you just go out there and do whatever you want. And whatever life throws at you, you're strong enough to deal with it, because you know why? You're a Newman.", "Summer: [Laughs]", "Nikki: That's all you need. [Laughs]", "Jack: Well, you all have a lot of work to do, so I suggest you get busy. Do you want me to call the movers to come back, or do you want to handle that yourselves?", "Victoria: We'll fight this, Jack.", "Jack: The eviction is totally defensible. Though, I must give you some credit for going to Ashley to convince her to change my mind.", "Cane: Yeah, well, at least she has a conscience.", "Jack: Insulting me doesn't change a thing. It's been decided. Accept it. You need to find a new location because this space has to be cleared out by the time you leave for home new year's eve.", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Nick: [Sighs] We're not open yet. Wow. Look at you.", "Phyllis: Apparently, I'll have more fun now.", "Nick: Something tells me you could use some fun. Anything other than the hair color changing?", "Phyllis: Well, I'm still living at our daughter's place, and I'm just hoping that the new year brings in all kinds of changes.", "Nick: Well, good for you. Look at us, both getting our lives back on track.", "Phyllis: Mm! But our daughter needs our help.", "Nick: What's wrong with summer?", "Phyllis: She's just -- she's not in a good place. Would you believe she wants to ignore her birthday? She doesn't want any plans, she doesn't want any cake.", "Nick: What?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: No double-chocolate cake with buttercream frosting? That is so wrong.", "Phyllis: Exactly. You in?", "Nick: I am way ahead of you.", "Phyllis: Yes!", "Summer: [Gasps] Oh! It's perfect!", "Victor: Well, whoa! You look beautiful!", "Summer: Thank you, grandpa.", "Victor: You're welcome.", "Summer: I love it!", "Victor: Seeing your smile is thanks enough. Happy birthday, okay?", "Summer: Thank you.", "Nikki: Summer and I were just chatting about what she has in store for next year.", "Victor: Oh, yeah?", "Summer: Yes, yes, I am going to work very hard at Newman, and I'm going to make sure that I'm at the top of all my business classes.", "Victor: Very, very hard.", "Summer: Yes.", "Victor: Yeah. You're already on top of everything, aren't you? You're a smart girl.", "Summer: [Laughs]", "Victor: So.", "Summer: Um, I have a lot of Christmas shopping to do, and I haven't even started my wrapping yet.", "Nikki: Oh, well, honey, go! Go have fun! It's fine.", "Victor: You better get going.", "Nikki: I love you.", "Summer: Thank you. I love you.", "Victor: Okay, sweetheart. I love you.", "Summer: Thank you. Thank you, guys.", "Victor: Okay.", "Nikki: Have fun, birthday girl!", "Victor: That coat looks fantastic! All grown up.", "Nikki: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: Can you imagine that Phyllis is her mother?", "Nikki: Now, Victor, it's Christmas.", "Victor: Mm.", "Nikki: Goodwill toward all.", "Victor: [Chuckles] Even towards Phyllis?", "Nikki: [Laughs] You are incorrigible, you know that?", "Victor: I am.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Nikki: Oh!", "Victor: What?", "Nikki: It's a text from Nicholas. He and Phyllis are having a surprise birthday party for summer, and we are invited.", "Victor: Huh.", "Nikki: But only if you promise me you'll be on your best behavior.", "Victor: Well, that, I cannot promise, but I will try my hardest.", "Nikki: Hmm.", "Cane: If anything is available -- just anything. Right, right. The holidays. I forgot. All right, thank you.", "Victoria: That sounds great. When? Huh, oh, well, yeah, no, it's a smaller space than we'd hope for, but we can make that work. So, what are the terms of the lease? Um, we're just gonna keep looking around. Thank you very much, though. Damn it. Anything?", "Billy: No, we're on a wait list for two places, but they're not available till February. I mean, what are we supposed to do -- we can't just pop up on the street like a lemonade stand. We need real space for the lab, for a warehouse, for offices.", "Victoria: Okay, great. Fine. So we take control of the situation -- we have what it takes to fix this.", "Billy: No, we're not gonna do that, we already went over this.", "Victoria: Newman tower. It's just temporary, Billy.", "Billy: No way in hell.", "Victoria: Why, because you hate my father?", "Billy: No, because we can do better.", "Victoria: No, we can't, Billy! Why are you arguing with me on this?", "Billy: I'm not arguing with you, I'm trying to fight for you, for our company! I think, out of everybody, you should understand that!", "Nick: Oh! Dude! I wasn't even looking, man. Thank God we did that beach blanket bingo night.", "Noah: Very tasteful.", "Nick: Did you text summer?", "Noah: I did, yeah. My car's broken down, and Marisa's out of town, and she needs to give me a ride.", "Nick: Ah!", "Noah: At least she can do for a brother because she never makes time for me.", "Nick: Nice. Guilt. It's a good touch.", "Noah: I thought so.", "Nick: Well, let's hope the guests arrive before the birthday girl.", "Nikki: Well, hello!", "Nick: Oh, there we go!", "Nikki: Wow.", "Nick: What's up, man?", "Nikki: Hey, look who's here!", "Victor: Look at this!", "Nikki: It's daddy!", "Nick: Sorry for the last-minute notice.", "Nikki: Oh, it's no problem. We're thrilled to be here.", "Victor: Anything for summer. Look at this. My goodness. What a nice job you did.", "Nick: Well, I got this guy a party hat. He's probably gonna starting gnawing on it before he actually wears it, so let's get some pictures of that before it happens.", "Nikki: Yeah. Okay, good. Let's do it.", "Nick: Come on, dude.", "Victor: Hi, Noah.", "Noah: Grandpa.", "Victor: Got a minute?", "Noah: Uh, yeah, summer's gonna be here any minute. I should probably finish getting things ready here.", "Victor: I know you and I have not been seeing eye to eye.", "Noah: Well, you tried to throw me in jail.", "Victor: A big mistake. And I apologize. I just thought that for tonight's party, we could put all those differences behind us.", "Noah: Yeah, okay, but it's not gonna change the problems that we have.", "Victor: Well. So, I understand you've been doing a wonderful job running this place in your dad's absence? That's so nice of you to support him like that.", "Noah: I'm always gonna have dad's back. And he's always gonna have mine.", "Victor: I know you're angry with me, son. And I understand that. But I want you to know, as your granddad, I love you and I believe in you. Should you ever want to come back to Newman, doors are wide open, all right?", "Noah: Look, grandpa, some guys are meant for the suits and the executive suites, and some...aren't.", "Victor: Just think about it.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Victor: Just excuse for me for a moment. I need to take this.", "Nick: Yeah, that -- oh!", "Nikki: Uh-oh.", "Nick: Oh, man, it fell!", "Noah: Oh, no!", "Nikki: Good thing I got a picture.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Nikki: Let me get -- let me get another one now.", "Nick: Yeah, we're gonna have to get a different hat, too.", "Nikki: Without a hat! That's cute. That's cute.", "Nick: All right. Here we go.", "Nikki: Ready? Here we go.", "Nick: Smile!", "Nikki: Christian!", "Nick: Say \"happy birthday!\"", "Nikki: Adorable. It's perfect. Thank you, baby!", "Abby: Aww! How cure are you! Look at that little party animal. Hi!", "Nick: Yeah, he takes after his dad.", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Nick: You want to give your aunt some sugar? Be careful. It's probably gonna be drool.", "Abby: Aww, that's okay. Hey, where's Faith? It's not like her to miss a party.", "Nick: Oh, she had her final rehearsal for the big Christmas recital.", "Nikki: Your father and I are so looking forward to that, but let me tell you something. You better bring her home a big piece of cake, or you're never gonna hear the end of it!", "Nick: Well, we're gonna actually have to get the cake to do that.", "Phyllis: I got the cake. I got the cake.", "Nick: Oh, there we go.", "Phyllis: Traffic, a line at the bakery, but we've got cake.", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Nikki: Your hair... very becoming.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Summer: Really, Noah? I can't believe your car broke down.", "Noah: Yeah, well...", "All: Surprise!", "Nick: Happy birthday, summer!", "Summer: You guys did not have to do this.", "Phyllis: Yes, we did.", "Abby: Happy birthday.", "Phyllis: You need a proper birthday party, and I'm sure Noah would make you a wonderful margarita like you were craving.", "Nick: We tried to bring the beach to you.", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Summer: Well, it looks just like it.", "[Laughter]", "Noah: Drinks are coming up.", "Abby: Ooh, make that two, and grande. Let's go.", "Nick: There we go.", "Phyllis: [Gasps] Hi.", "Nick: Well, we did it.", "Phyllis: We did it. We did. Ooh! I need to get some candles.", "Nick: Oh, no, no, I have some in my desk in the office upper right-hand drawer.", "Phyllis: Okay, okay, okay.", "Victor: Looks nice. What you did to your hair. I hope for the sake of your daughter we can keep this civil.", "Phyllis: Today is all about my beautiful daughter, which is why I agreed with nick you should be invited. You're welcome.", "Nikki: Everything fine here?", "Victor: Everything is just fine, my baby.", "Nikki: Well, maybe the best way to keep things fine is to stay as far away from Phyllis as possible.", "Victor: Mm. I agree.", "Summer: Well, here is a birthday wish -- everyone in my family just gets along.", "Abby: Family harmony. You know, that's what I was gonna get you for your birthday, but it turns out it doesn't exist.", "Summer: Oh.", "Abby: I'm sorry. Happy birthday?", "Summer: Sure, why not? Noah, these are really good, by the way.", "Abby: Mm-hmm.", "Noah: I get pretty big tips for these, right?", "Summer: So, you're -- you're really happy working here. You're not just doing this for dad?", "Noah: Yeah. I love it. You know, dad values my opinion, he trusts me to make decisions. No games. Just mutual respect. Let me tell you, it's the only family business that I want to be a part of.", "Abby: I know it didn't work out for you at Newman, but there's no place I'd rather be. It's exciting and there's pride in what we do, working together.", "Summer: Yeah, no, I feel the exact same way. I mean, it's kind of cool to get to be a part of something so big, you know?", "Noah: You two want to jump in the shark tank, I wish you the best, but just wait until Grandpa tries to throw one of your butts in jail or pays to have somebody you love go away.", "Abby: I did that all by myself.", "Noah: Right. I'm sorry about you and Stitch.", "Nick: Hey, Summer, can I talk to you for a second?", "Summer: Yeah. Sure.", "Nick: How about you take your little brother?", "Noah: Come here, little buddy. Oh! Hey, pal!", "Abby: Hey! So, your hands are full, so I'm gonna help myself.", "Noah: Go for it.", "Summer: Okay, what's going on?", "Phyllis: What do you think?", "Summer: I think that they're all beautiful. And warm. And not here.", "Phyllis: ...But you can be there.", "Summer: What do you mean?", "Nick: This is your present from us. Pick any place in the world, and we're gonna send you there.", "Summer: Wait, this is for real? Are you serious?", "Phyllis: Yes, you pick a friend or two, you pick a beach, pack a bathing suit, and off you go.", "Summer: [Laughs] Oh, my God! Seriously? You guys are amazing! Really? Oh, my God! Thank you!", "Nick: Of course.", "Summer: Thank you. This is the best.", "Phyllis: You are the best. And I am gonna get some candles in the cake.", "Summer: Okay.", "Nick: Now, before you blow out those candles, I just want you to know, you know, how proud I am of you. I know this year has been challenging.", "Summer: Thanks. Yeah, I mean, this -- this year kind of sucked.", "Nick: Yeah, but you handled it with strength and heart. In fact, your giant heart never ceases to amaze me.", "Summer: Well, I mean, I do have very, very good genes.", "Nick: You actually do.", "Summer: [Chuckles] Okay, well, I'm gonna tell Noah about my awesome present.", "Nick: Okay, that's fine, but don't tell him that he should be taking any days off, okay?", "Summer: We'll see.", "Victor: My boy. What a wonderful party for summer.", "Nikki: Such a good idea.", "Nick: Ah, well, thanks for coming. And, uh, thanks for keeping the peace, too. Getting along with Phyllis. You know, when we're all together like this and celebrating, it really doesn't get any better than this.", "Noah: What's that? What's that?", "Summer: Hi! What are you looking at?", "Noah: He loves the couch!", "Summer: Hi!", "Billy: Instead of letting Jack run over us and doing whatever he wants, we got to push back or do something.", "Victoria: We are not dragging this company into the mud because you and your brother can't get along.", "Billy: He doesn't have a right to go after brash & sassy! The way he's doing.", "Victoria: Well, he is, and he wants blood.", "Billy: No, he's not gonna do that, okay? We can fix this, okay? We can fix this together. We just got to take a stand. We'll go to court and we'll tie it up there. We have rights as a tenant!", "Victoria: Right, okay. And as we're fighting this losing battle in court... then what? What about brash & sassy!, Our new product line, our new app? We need to focus on our company, not you sticking it to your brother.", "Billy: No, that's not what this is about, okay? This is about the company. I know how much it means to you. We can't let Jack just grind us under his heel like he is doing, okay? I can fix this. Do you trust me?", "Cane: Not a chance in hell.", "Billy: What is that supposed to mean, Cane?", "Cane: Oh, you know what it means? It means I don't trust you can handle this 'cause you're so emotionally involved in this. You're out there trying to start fights with the movers...", "Billy: Well, maybe a little emotion is good instead of running to mommy every time there's a problem.", "Cane: You are a complete idiot. She is the boss!", "Billy: Well, we can handle this without her interference.", "Victoria: Oh, stop it, both of you.", "Cane: She owns the company, Billy.", "Billy: You're going against my judgment now, Cane?", "Cane: You don't have any judgment to go against.", "Billy: Look, this is good. Why don't you use this to fight Jack instead of me?", "Cane: Basically, you want to ruin the company's future because you're mad at your big brother. Is that what this is?", "Billy: No, this is about principle.", "Cane: You don't have principles. If you did, you wouldn't have slept with his damn wife.", "Victoria: Oh, stop it!", "Cane: You've been a liability to the company since Jill hired you. That's the problem.", "Billy: Better than a mercy hire like you've been.", "Cane: Yeah, well, at least I don't drag the company down like you do. Happy birthday to you", "Noah: And many more", "[Laughter]", "Nick: Oh, yeah, the big finish. Whoo!", "Nick: All right, make a wish.", "Phyllis: A big one.", "Summer: Well, I already have such an amazing family. You know? Everything else is just...", "Noah: ...Icing on the cake?", "Summer: Noah, nice.", "Nick: Nice. Very nice.", "Victor: Well, I'm gonna make sure that whatever wish you have, it'll come true.", "Abby: Come on, hurry, before the candles burn out.", "Nikki: Yeah, come on!", "Summer: Okay.", "[Cheering]", "Noah: So, uh, what'd -- what'd you wish for?", "Summer: Noah, it's none of your business, but I will let you know when it comes true.", "Noah: I'll hold you to that.", "Nick: You want to get in there?", "Summer: Ooh! Doesn't it look so good? It looks like someone doesn't want to wait.", "Nick: Yeah, he loves cake.", "Phyllis: Good job.", "Summer: I think you need a little bit...", "All: Oh!", "[Laughter]", "Nick: I cannot believe you did that.", "Victor: What are you --", "Summer: Oh!", "Nikki: I'm sorry! Oops. I'm so sorry.", "Victor: What are you doing?", "Nick: Okay.", "Victor: Look at that. Look at your grandpa.", "[Laughter]", "Victor: Yes.", "[Door closes]", "Jack: What took you so long?", "Billy: You don't give a damn about brash & sassy!, Do you, Cane? You just want to make sure that your payments are made on your brand-new sports car you just ordered.", "Cane: At least I didn't blow $200,000 on a bad horse, Billy.", "Billy: Oh, are you trying to make fun of me now? Don't you know that I don't have feelings so it doesn't matter? I'm trying to save this company.", "[Indistinct arguing]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: You're more transparent than cellophane.", "Nikki: And you're about as deep as a cookie sheet.", "Ashley: You uphold the terms that we've agreed on. That's your master plan.", "Jack: I know what I'm doing, ash!", "[Glass shattering]", "Jill: What the hell is going on here?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Abby cleared the air with Nate when she admitted she made their relationship more difficult than necessary and that she didn't have to take part in Victor's ruse to fake his death. Abby and Nate parted ways as friends. Billy felt that he and Amanda were kindred spirits. She confided that she grew up in foster care and didn't know her biological parents. Amanda shared her philosophy that you shouldn't let people get too close, and it made Billy think someone had hurt her. Billy surprised Victoria with an opportunity to pamper herself and have some time alone. Billy told Victoria he'd worked hard to prove himself worthy of her. He hoped she'd say that he didn't need to do that, but instead, she spoke glowingly about the man he'd become. Amanda was shaken when she received a call from someone who didn't say anything. Theo chatted with Lola about his view that they were both creative types. Summer vented to Kyle about her lack of social life. She didn't see why they should both be stuck at the office, so she video called Lola and asked her to convince Kyle to come home. Lola couldn't, because she was busy at work, and when she showed off the crowd at the restaurant, Kyle saw Theo. Kyle asked Summer if she missed Theo, and she said she didn't. Kyle told Summer she was invaluable to Jabot. Theo was upset that Lola was taking his favorite meal off the menu. She promised to make it, whenever he wanted. It would be their secret.", "Devon acknowledged he'd made Elena's life hard because she'd had to help him through a lot of grief. He promised to change and be the man Elena deserved. She asked him to be candid with her about everything, and he promised to do so. Devon read the PI report on Amanda. He learned that she had a failed engagement to a man named Ripley Turner, and afterward, they both took out restraining orders on each other. Right after this, she closed her private office and was contacted by \"Chance.\" Nate tried to help Elena feel better after she nearly misdiagnosed someone. She thought it happened because she was distracted by her personal life at work. Devon asked Abby if Amanda was meeting people at the hotel. Abby didn't know.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Lola: Did your break-up have anything to do with Kyle and Summer?", "Kyle: Don't worry. I'm not letting my guard down when it comes to Theo, but it is kind of odd to have you reporting to me about your boyfriend.", "Summer: Well, he's actually not my boyfriend anymore.", "Billy: Everything's perfect. My wife is perfect. My family is perfect. Everything is perfect but me. (laughs)", "Victor: She had a company that specializes in erasing someone's online history, just about the same time that Kyle Atkinson started his scheme.", "Devon: I'd known better the whole time, and I still fell for it. It's not gonna happen again.", "Nate: I didn't order that.", "Abby: Hi. (laughs)", "Nate: This is a nice surprise. What's the occasion?", "Abby: Just a friendly gesture. We are still friends, aren't we?", "Amanda: Have you ever felt like you had to be the best at everything?", "Billy: Are you kidding me? Failure's not an option.", "Amanda: So you push yourself to be perfect, so that no one can criticize you.", "Billy: You gotta stay on the treadmill 'cause that's what people expect.", "Amanda: You gotta be three times better than anyone else, or you risk being called an underachiever.", "Billy: I'm pretty sure I've lived half my adult life in a fishbowl. Family and friends constantly looking in-", "Amanda: Always.", "Billy: ... Waiting for me to go belly-up.", "Amanda: Always under someone's watchful eye, right?", "Billy: We're kindred spirits, you realize that?", "Amanda: [Laughs] Except in my story, there was no family.", "Billy: Is that right? What happened?", "Amanda: I ... I'm an orphan.", "Billy: Hmm.", "Amanda: I grew up in foster homes.", "Billy: Did something happen to your parents or ...?", "Amanda: I never tried to find out.", "Billy: Wow. I'm sorry. I'm sitting here complaining when you clearly (laughs) had it worse than I did.", "Amanda: No, no, don't. Don't feel sorry for me. In a lot of ways, I had it easier. I got to define myself, set my own goals.", "Billy: You realize how difficult it is to have a family and friends supportive team that just doesn't understand who you are? It's very difficult.", "Amanda: [Laughs]", "Billy: They expect you to be something that you're not. I feel like the ugly duckling.", "Amanda: Well, don't ever forget, that little duckling that nobody loved, that nobody understood, turned out to be a swan.", "Billy: That's true, but he had to be on his own in order to find himself though, right?", "Amanda: Huh? I found myself. School, work.", "Billy: Look at you, you got it all figured it out.", "Amanda: [Laughs] Professionally. Personally? Well, that's a whole other story.", "Summer: Ooh, mm-mmm. Time of death is two hours ago.", "Kyle: So, we'll order somethin'. What do you want?", "Summer: I just want this marketing plan to be finished. I- oh my gosh, I have no life. My- my sleep pattern's all off and my appetite.", "Kyle: Take a break.", "Summer: Oh, I don't know. Maybe I just need some exercise or somethin', you know? Gotta get that blood flowing.", "Kyle: [Laughs]", "Summer: [Laughs]", "Kyle: Whoa, whoa. Slow down, Slugger.", "Summer: What? It's hard to stop when you're rising to the top, right?", "Kyle: Um ...", "Summer: Come on.", "Kyle: Mm-hmm.", "Summer: Come on.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Summer: Oh.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Summer: You should really try this. It gets the brain-", "Kyle: [Laughs]", "Summer: ... Working. Focus on the fight, you know?", "Kyle: Uh-huh.", "Summer: Head, body.", "Kyle: [Laughs]", "Summer: Body, head. [Laughs]", "Kyle: Why don't you go home? Take it out on your pillow? Get some sleep, recharge the batteries. Ah.", "Summer: No, I- because I ... Nevermind.", "Kyle: Whoa. What ... Out with it ... Since when s- working all night better than chillin' at home?", "Summer: I don't know, since now. You know, I don't really have anything exciting to do with my nights anymore, so I might as well just focus on work. Come on.", "Kyle: [Laughs]", "Theo: Oh, the intrepid chef. What's up?", "Lola: Last I heard, you were given an office with all the fixings over at Jabot. You know, for work, phones, computers, assistants. So, why are you constantly bringing your work here?", "Theo: I do my best work outside an office, and since your food is inspirational ...", "Lola: Okay, flattering will get you [Laughs] nowhere. What are you working on?", "Theo: I'm working on a new line of emojis to promote the company on social media. I'm calling them, wait for it, Jabojis. And they're going to be phenomenal.", "Lola: [Laughs] Jabojis?", "Theo: You like?", "Lola: Isn't that a question you should be asking your team?", "Theo: Don't get me wrong. The- they're a talented squad, but they have worked in the corporate structure forever. And it gets hard to see the wealth of possibilities right outside the door. Sometimes you gotta step outside yourself. You're creative. You know what it's like.", "Lola: Cooking is very different from designing emojis.", "Theo: Okay, in the kitchen, you have a team of people working behind you, but you're the one who spends countless hours experimenting, inventing, and refining all your recipes. You probably get inspiration from everywhere.", "Lola: I guess so.", "Theo: See? We have more in common than you think.", "Devon: Honey, you home?", "Elena: Hey.", "Devon: I'm glad you're here.", "Elena: What's all that? New project?", "Devon: No, this is just information about Tucker's company. It's nothing important though. Um, I was hoping I'd get a chance to talk to you. You still in your scrubs?", "Elena: Yeah. Soon as I got home, they called me to come back in.", "Devon: I'm sure it's a relief to go to work and deal with actual life and death situations instead of my problems I got goin' on here.", "Elena: Devon, I'm not trying to avoid you.", "Devon: I know.", "Elena: It's just ...", "Devon: I know you're not, and I don't wanna make it worse, so I'll be quick with what I have to say.", "Elena: I really think you should get ready though.", "Devon: Is ... Give me a couple minutes, please. I want to apologize to you for making your life hell lately. Since everything has happened to me, you've been running yourself ragged trying to be there, and I know it's strainin'. You've helped me through losin' my dad and Hilary, and now you got ...", "Elena: Amanda?", "Devon: Yeah. And I think that you deserve to be with somebody better.", "Elena: I don't think I'm clear on what you're trying to say.", "Devon: What I'm trying to say is that things are gonna change starting right now because I don't wanna do anything more to push you away. I think that we've spent more time hashing out our problems with our friends than with each other.", "Elena: There's nothing wrong with a second opinion.", "Devon: No, no, there's not, but I do believe that we can work through this a little better if we tell each other what our needs and our fears are, and it's just the two of us without outside influences, you know?", "Elena: [Laughs] Is that your way of saying that you're not happy with me having a sit-down with Amanda?", "Devon: No, not at all. That's- that's not what I'm sayin', and I hope you know that I'm not the type of person to tell you who you can and can't talk to.", "Elena: Lately I don't always recognize you.", "Devon: I'm sorry about that. I'm just tryin' to navigate this new territory we're in, and I understand why you went to talk to Amanda because you just ... You wanted to clear the air 'cause we don't know about the truth yet, you know? And I'm fine [Laughs] that you did it.", "Elena: She doesn't have to be our enemy, Devon. She can just be.", "Devon: Right. She can. She can be far away from us, so that we can just focus on each other.", "Elena: And how are you gonna do that? By telling me about the great parts of your life and leaving out everything else?", "Devon: No, not at all, honey.", "Elena: I want all of you, Devon. Even the parts that you think you need to hide because that's the only way this is gonna work.", "Devon: I completely agree with that.", "Elena: It's what we have to do.", "Devon: And it's what we will do. Because you're my everything.", "Elena: So, you'll come to me and let me love every part of your messy, crazy, wonderful life because I can handle it?", "Devon: That's right. I will do that because I know you can.", "Elena: We just have to have more faith in each other. And you have to trust that I'm gonna love you no matter how tough or ugly things get.", "Devon: I know, and I think we've been through more than enough, so things can absolutely change.", "Elena: Okay. Mm, seal it with a kiss?", "Devon: Done. I'll see you in the morning, and we'll talk more after you get some sleep. Okay?", "Elena: It's a deal.", "Devon: Okay. Have a good night.", "Elena: You too.", "Devon: Love you.", "Elena: Love you too.", "Billy: A little bit of mystery is a good thing, isn't it?", "Amanda: A little mystery is good at times, but um, secrets, that's a no-no.", "Billy: Secrets? You got more secrets than Area 51.", "Amanda: [Laughs] Well, I- I've made mistakes.", "Billy: Yeah, well, who hasn't?", "Amanda: You know how people say when you first meet someone, you're not actually meeting them, you're meeting their representative?", "Billy: Mm, that's good.", "Amanda: Mm-hmm. And it's true. People only show you what they want you to see. The good, fun-loving parts. And then you think that that's who they really are. Charming, wholesome, open-minded. Then little by little, the mask begins to slip, and you finally get to see the monster lurking beneath it.", "Billy: You don't think that's true for everyone.", "Amanda: Everyone.", "Billy: Ouch.", "Amanda: [Laughs] And if you don't let people get too close, then you don't give them a chance to disappoint you.", "Billy: Come on, somebody hurt you because that is a lonely way of living.", "Amanda: Well, at least it's safe.", "Billy: I mean it's safe maybe, but I mean you're cutting yourself out of what could be your life's greatest adventure.", "Amanda: Are you saying that you have ... You've never made a bad call about anyone?", "Billy: Oh, no, no, no, I've made plenty of bad calls. I have been the bad call more times than I would like to admit, and for whatever reason, it's always the other person that pays the price.", "Amanda: Hmm.", "Billy: Yeah, what does that mean? Hmm? What does that- is that- are you saying that you wanna know more, or is that a red flag, and you're tryin' to keep your distance?", "Amanda: You should get that.", "Billy: Yeah. Just give me a minute. Hello.", "Amanda: Hey. I was just thinking about you.", "Billy: Hey, what's, uh, what's goin' on? Where you at?", "Victoria: At work.", "Billy: Really? That's a late night.", "Victoria: Yeah, um, but I'm gonna be leaving any minute. Are you out somewhere? Can I meet you?", "Billy: Uh, that's not gonna work, but I, uh, I left you something at home.", "Victoria: A surprise?", "Billy: Yes.", "Victoria: Wow. I can hardly wait.", "Billy: Well, you finish up, and I'll see you at home.", "Amanda: It's getting late. I'm gonna head out.", "Billy: Uh, just- just give me a minute.", "Amanda: Sorry.", "Victoria: Billy. Billy, are you there?", "Billy: Yeah, I'm still here.", "Victoria: Am I keeping you [Laughs] from something?", "Billy: No. I was just thinking about your reaction when you, uh, when you see your surprise.", "Victoria: Well, I'll see you at home then.", "Billy: Okay.", "Nate: Of course we're still friends. I mean I'm sitting here, eating at your restaurant.", "Abby: Well, our menu is pretty amazing. I have sworn enemies that would crawl through broken glass to feast on our piaya. (laughs)", "Nate: Yeah, you got a point there.", "Abby: But there's a difference between being friends and friendly. You and I, we have friendly down. You visit my businesses. We wave to each other. We see each other around town.", "Nate: Not enough?", "Abby: I was hoping for more, and I know that's presumptuous considering everything that we've been through.", "Nate: Sounds like you had an epiphany.", "Abby: I made things a lot harder than they needed to be, and the best thing you could probably say about me right now is that I'm a brat. I insisted on moving so slow that I moved us backwards.", "Nate: Ah, we all have baggage.", "Abby: I know that I can't change what happened, but I would like to set a course for the future as friends, honest to goodness friends.", "Nate: Yeah?", "Abby: Yeah. I mean I still like all of the things I admired about you when we started dating.", "Nate: Mm, my, uh, my wit and my charm.", "Abby: (laughs) And your honesty, your integrity, your intelligence, your sense of humor, your elegance.", "Nate: And uh, I really am a catch, huh? [Laughs]", "Abby: [Laughs] But most of all, I admire your decency. And I'm hoping, by keeping you in my life, some of that will rub off on me.", "Nate: It's not like faking Victor's death was your idea.", "Abby: But I defended it.", "Nate: Your whole family went along with the plan. What- would could you do?", "Abby: Well, I- I could've kept my distance. I could've fought for myself. I- I could've not taken a shortcut, done things the right way. The point is is that you are a really great guy, Nate. And I'm really happy that we're friends again. (laughs)", "Nate: So am I. Behold.", "Lola: Theo, these are great! You didn't just whip these up sitting there?", "Theo: Ah, you're right. It's true. I have been pulling all-nighters for the past couple weeks but not just with my designs, on planning the roll-out, you know, a real multi-platform approach.", "Lola: Here you are complaining that your team is too corporate, but you- you are Mr. Business All Work And No Play.", "Theo: Both. And also neither. I mean, which you should appreciate, because you are just as ambitious as I am. And also just as carefree.", "Lola: What makes you think that?", "Theo: Well, ambition took you from your food truck to the hottest restaurant in town. And carefree kept you sane about it.", "Lola: Okay, so then tell me something. You were offered a job in Paris, but yet, you took the one that landed on your lap. That's not blazing a new path.", "Theo: Was it my life's goal to dream up a new set of emojis for Jabot? No. But right now, my objective is to take this simple, little thing and blow it up, you know, light it on fire and emerge from it not looking like a loser.", "Lola: Since when is super-cool-you worried about looking like a loser?", "Leo: I just want to prove somebody wrong.", "Lola: Anyone I know?", "Kyle: Ugh. You're right. [ Groans ] This food went bad fast.", "Summer: I know. Go home. Get some real food. You have your own private chef.", "Kyle: Lola's working.", "Summer: Yeah. I'm sure if you tell her that you're coming home early that she'll hang up her apron and pack up something to go and she will probably beat you home.", "Kyle: I promised I would help you, and I meant it. I'm not going anywhere. You're the one that needs sleep.", "Summer: I do not.", "Kyle: [ Chuckling ] You're exhausted. You're slap-happy.", "Summer: Hey, I know what to do.", "Kyle: What's your bright idea? Let's get on paper before you forget it.", "Summer: Oh. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier.", "Kyle: Whoa! Give me the phone.", "Summer: [ Laughs ] You will thank me in the morning.", "Kyle: Doubtful. What are you doing?", "Summer: I'm calling your wife.", "Kyle: A video call?", "Summer: Yes. No. No. Stop. [ Both laugh ] Wow. Those are some slow reflexes. You really should be in bed.", "Lola: Hello? Summer?", "Summer: Hi, lola.", "Lola: What are you doing with kyle's phone? Is he alright?", "Summer: No, actually, he's not. He's, uh, working really hard , and he's eating the worst food imaginable, and I need you to convince him to come home. Look at this face. Tell him to come home. Alright. You're welcome. Goodbye, lola.", "Kyle: Sorry about that. She's getting a little punch-drunk. Doesn't know what she's saying.", "Lola: What is she saying?", "Kyle: She thought you might skip out of work early and meet me at home if you saw how beat i look.", "Summer: Take him home, lola! He's spoiling all my fun!", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ]", "Lola: I wish I could. But... it's pretty busy. Look. And, besides, a couple of the crew members called in sick, so I have my hands full.", "Kyle: I figured. Sorry, summer. You're stuck with me tonight.", "Summer: Ohh! Thanks for nothing, lola!", "Kyle: I'll let you get back to it. See you at home.", "Lola: Love you.", "Kyle: Me, too. And this is going away so you don't try to make any more prank phone calls.", "Summer: Alright. You're the boss.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Summer: Is everything okay?", "Kyle: Yeah. Nothing a slice of pepperoni won't fix. Why don't you call in an order and let's get back to work? Managing type 2 diabetes?", "Devon: She graduated from yale school of law. She went on to establish a successful practice in madison. Local awards, community service, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. No, there's nothing earth-shaking here. Okay. She was engaged? And she filed a restraining order against the guy? Hang on a second. Yeah, I see the name. It's ripley turner. Okay, hang on. I'm still scrolling. What do you want me to see? Oh, he filed one against her, too. Well, that's interesting. I didn't see that coming. It sounds messy. Hang on. She closed her office not too long after the orders were filed. Was contacted by chance chancellor to take his case, and then she winds up here in genoa city. And that's it. I mean, that explains why she's not too thrilled about going home again. No, this is -- this is perfect. This is everything that i wanted, man. Thank you very much. You did a great job. Okay. I'll be in touch with you. Thanks again.", "Elena: Hey.", "Nate: Hey.", "Elena: Thanks for meeting me.", "Nate: Yeah. What, uh, seems to be the problem?", "Elena: Well, I misread her symptoms when she first presented in the E.R., And if I hadn't caught myself, we could have went down the wrong road and had a bad diagnosis.", "Nate: Okay. You straightened everything out, got on the right protocol, turned it all around.", "Elena: Yeah, but what if i hadn't? We would have treated her for an illness that she doesn't even have.", "Nate: Why are you asking me about a hypothetical scenario?", "Elena: [ Sighs ]", "Nate: You made one mistake and corrected it, and now you're second-guessing every move you make? Listen to me. Your mind's playing tricks on you. You probably haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks, and you're dealing with a lot on the homefront.", "Elena: Yeah, I just -- I want to be --", "Nate: Perfect?", "Elena: Yeah, and to give my patients the best care and understanding.", "Nate: Then don't let what's going on in your personal life shake your confidence. You think you're spending too much time worried about devon and not enough taking care of your patients?", "Elena: I love devon. And if I'm not giving my patients 100% of me, then that's on me, not him.", "Nate: Mm.", "Victoria: Oh. [ Sighs ] \"Hey, beautiful. Katie's at her sleepover. Johnny's fast asleep, and hannah's got everything under control, so there's nothing for you to do but relax and enjoy the peace and quiet until I get home. I just needed to get out, get some fresh air, and clear my head. Treat yourself until I come back& to you.\" Ok everyone! \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] This l-looks great. How did you -- how did you come up with this?", "Summer: I'm just a genius.", "Kyle: Yeah, that -- that you are.", "Summer: Okay. Don't be too surprised. I know I got the job based off of my connections, but I kept the job because I'm so great, so don't forget that.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I won'T.", "Summer: Uh, look, I'm, uh -- I'm pretty bad at relationships, not just mine but other people's, and I'm sorry that i made that stupid phone call earlier. I should just keep my nose out of other people's business and just focus on being really good at work.", "Kyle: Stop. Really. It's fine. And you won't be alone forever. But, I got to tell you, alone is better than in bad company.", "Summer: Yeah. Yeah. I think that theo and I breaking up was probably for the best.", "Kyle: There's no part of you that misses him? When you called lola, I could see was at society. There's no part of you that's wondering why he's hanging out there tonight?", "Summer: No. Not at all.", "Theo: I didn't order this.", "Lola: I've been experimenting. Try it out.", "Theo: Seriously?", "Lola: I think I have the right balance of heat and acid and sweet, but I could really use a second opinion.", "Theo: This is a dream come true.", "Lola: [ Laughs ] What do you think?", "Theo: This is so good... it makes me want to hug somebody.", "Lola: [ Chuckles ] Looks like we've got a winner.", "Theo: You should call it theo's delight.", "Lola: Oh. I really think theo should stick to his, uh, day job... which, speaking of... you never told me you were trying to prove yourself to.", "Theo: Myself, mostly.", "Lola: And kyle, maybe?", "Theo: Yeah, like that would ever happen. No. I could make jabot a household name, and I still wouldn't measure up in his eyes.", "Lola: I'll see what I can do on my end. I'll put in a good word. We're pretty tight, you know -- your boss and I.", "Theo: Lucky you.", "Lola: [ Chuckles ]", "Theo: Now, if you'll pardon me, this fantastic dish in front of me is calling my name, and I'd like to get back to it.", "Lola: Well, you know, I was working on a few things in the kitchen. It's like with your sketches.", "Theo: Can't stop refining them?", "Lola: Would you mind being my guinea pig tonight?", "Theo: Bring it on.", "Brendan: Five-card stud. You in?", "Billy: No, I'm good. I got somewhere need to be.", "Brendan: Next time.", "Billy: Yeah. Next time. [ Thinking ] You did it -- turned 'em down. See? It's not a problem anymore. Pat yourself on the back. What does help for heart failure look like?", "Nate: I'm speaking from experience here. Shutting out your personal life to focus on your duties as a doctor is a skill. Like all the other skills you learn on the road to becoming a physician, you got to work on it. Make some sacrifices? Sure. But, eventually, you perfect it.", "Elena: Easier said than done.", "Nate: Devon can take care of himself. Maybe that's something you both need to remember.", "Elena: Devon and I talked about him letting go of his obsession with amanda.", "Nate: You're preoccupied with saving your relationship. It's all a juggling act. Do your job to the best of your abilities and do what you can to support the man you love.", "Elena: I know.", "Nate: I got your back with everything at the hospital. And with devon... trust he knows what he's doing. It'll all work out in the end.", "Elena: [ Chuckles softly ]", "Abby: Devon!", "Devon: Hey.", "Abby: What brings you by so late?", "Devon: Ah, well, elena's at work, and I thought I'd get out of the house and check out the competition.", "Abby: Oh! Not too shabby.", "Devon: No, it's not at all. You've -- you've done a really, really nice job here, and it's giving me some ideas to change some things up the gcac.", "Abby: Mm! Give me a run for my money?", "Devon: Yeah. It's a little friendly rivalry, that's all.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "Devon: But, really, kudos on keeping things together over the last few months.", "Abby: Thank you. Yeah. It hasn't been easy after all the hiccups.", "Devon: I bet. I half-expected people to start flocking to my club.", "Abby: Mm. No offense, but people like the vibe over here.", "Devon: Ah! Are you calling us \"stuffy\" or what?", "Abby: Your words.", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Devon: Yeah. I bet that, uh -- that lawyer, amanda sinclair, for example -- she'd probably find my place right up her alley. She's still checked in here, yeah?", "Abby: Good thing, right? I mean, she's the last person you would want to run in to having drinks at your club.", "Devon: Yeah. She's probably meeting new clients in here all the time and having meetings in your lounge, right?", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] Mm.", "Victoria: [ Chuckles ]", "Billy: Mm. What did I do to deserve that?", "Victoria: Everything. The wine, the chocolate... time to myself -- it's everything that I needed, with the exception of you.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] I just wanted to give you a little bit of time to unwind.", "Victoria: It's like you read my mind.", "Billy: Oh, really?", "Victoria: Yeah. You are everything the perfect non-husband should be.", "Billy: Uhh. Nobody's perfect.", "Victoria: You are. You're perfect... for me... for us. I want to just show you how happy you make me.", "Lola: Eat.", "Theo: Don't you know better than to rush your taste-tester? Wow. Pleasing to the eye.", "Lola: So, which one do you like best?", "Theo: On a scale of 1 to 5?", "Lola: Lay it on me.", "Theo: Well, this one's a 5.", "Lola: Mm-hmm.", "Theo: That one -- definitely 5. Now, last but...not least... can I rate this one a 5 1/2?", "Lola: [ Chuckles ] You don't get extra points for sucking up.", "Theo: Hey, my best buds are my taste buds, and we take food seriously. I know what I like, and if i like it, so will people with great taste who love cutting-edge flavor.", "Lola: Okay. Well, it is your job, after all -- setting trends.", "Theo: Well, I just hope I do half as good a job with my jabot-ji project as you have done with your experimental menu, which I have just this second renamed \"experimenu.\" Feel free to trademark it.", "Lola: [ Chuckles ] Well, thank your buds for me. I'm replacing my spinach empanadas with one of these contenders.", "Theo: What? N-no, no. I love those.", "Lola: But if I put these on the menu --", "Theo: Take away the spinach, and I will stage a low-key protest.", "Lola: You wouldn't!", "Theo: Try me.", "Lola: Over the spinach empanadas?", "Theo: Have you tried them? I will have the spinach growers of america and every vegetarian within a 100-mile radius down here so fast.", "Lola: No. I mean, okay.& Let's compromise. I will make them for you whenever you want, on demand, special order.", "Theo: You'd do that for me?", "Lola: Yeah. It'll be our little secret.", "Theo: I like secrets. It's a deal.", "Summer: Ugh. Another reason that I'm glad that theo and I went our separate ways is he is a workplace distraction that I do not need.", "Kyle: Mm-hmm. Ooh, good point. About theo.", "Summer: I mean, I want to be somebody, you know, gets stuff done, who's known for being a team player or a hard worker who never gives up, not just some lame-o's girlfriend.", "Kyle: That's how everybody sees you. [ Chuckles ] About the team worker, hard worker part, not the lame-O.", "Summer: Wow. Yeah. I got it. Really, though?", "Kyle: Hey. I've always admired your ability to get what you want.", "Summer: Well, even my uniquely wrong ways of getting it?", "Kyle: [ Laughs ] Yeah. You're a one-of-a-kind in an off-the-rack world.", "Summer: Oh. Well, in that case, I guess I'm pretty happy that your dad put you back in the big chair, where you belong.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Summer: It's nice to have friends in high places.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Kyle: And I can count on you to make me look good, back me up.", "Summer: No, you do that all on your own.", "Kyle: Ah. Thanks.", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Kyle: Yeah. I-if this sounds corny, I'm going to blame it on the lack of sleep, but, uh... you're invaluable. You mean more than you know... to jabot. Anyway, let's get back to work.", "Summer: Unless you want to go home.", "Kyle: I am exactly where i want and need to be.", "Abby: I think I know why you're asking all of these questions about amanda, and don't worry -- your secret is safe with me.", "Devon: What secret?", "Abby: That you're hoping she leaves and goes back to wherever she came from.", "Devon: Wow. Well, yeah. You know me too well.", "Abby: I wish I could tell you more about her, but, really, she just keeps to herself. She'll sit in the lobby sometimes, working, relaxing, but, um, it looks like she has other plans tonight.", "Devon: Guess so.", "Abby: I'm sorry I couldn't be more help.", "Devon: It's okay. Don't be sorry at all. It's always nice to see you. And I meant what I said earlier. You've done a really, really great job, so keep up the good work.", "Abby: Mm. Well, I learned from the best.", "Devon: Aww. Take care.", "Billy: You know how much I love you?", "Victoria: Yes, I do. You show me every day... in the words that you say and all the things that you do.", "Billy: I spent forever trying to prove that I deserve you. [ Thinking ] Tell me I never had to. Say that you love me no matter what.", "Victoria: I know that you've worked so hard focusing... in therapy on us and on the kids. You know, it's like you've transformed yourself in ways that I've never imagined, billy. When I found you outside of the bar on new year's eve...", "Billy: [ Chuckles softly ]", "Victoria: ...A million years ago... I had no idea that this is the man that you could be.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: But I was right. I was. With a little hard work, I knew that, eventually, we'd uncover the real you.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Amanda: Hello? Hello?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne and']
[ "J.T. basks in the news of being the father of the baby and assumes the responsibilities of fatherhood immediately (signing the birth certificate, etc.). However, he is sympathetic to Brad and tells him he's welcome to come by and see the baby anytime, and if he wants updates to give him a call. Brad appreciates this and congratulates him and decides to leave after Victor kicks him out. Victor and J.T. bond over fatherhood and talk about what this job entails and the sheer joy it provides and then decide that this baby needs a name. J.T. decides that Reed (Nikki's maiden name) would suit him fine.", "Nikki's elated about the outcome of the paternity test but also sympathetic towards Brad. This is short-lived, though, when Victor informs her that he wants his money. Nikki is clueless and shocked to find out he called in her loans. When David joins them at the hospital, Victor has a fit and leaves. David tells Nikki he knew about this and she is furious. Nikki decides that she is not going to take this lying down though and she goes over to see Victoria and gets a cold reception from Victor who wonders if she brought her checkbook. Nikki threatens to sue Victor, because he was the cause of Clear Spring's demise. Victor welcomes the challenge and Nikki adds that she knew he would.", "Cane is in turmoil at the Athletic Club as he thinks about what almost happened in the Jabot conference room with Lily. Lily is working out with Colleen and shares what happened between her and Cane. Amber interrupts Cane's daydream and tries to ask him to lunch. Jill enters and tells Amber to get lost because they have important family business to discuss. Lily joins Jill and Cane for lunch and they talk about the Faces of Jabot contest while Amber sulks as she observes from the bar. Kay spots her and tells her to join her in the gym. Jill leaves Cane and Lily to go back to work and Cane takes this opportunity to bring up what almost happened last night. Lily is pleased and feels like this is a turning point but is mistaken once again when Cane (who's struggling to spit it out) beats her over the head with the age issue. He tries to give her the \"friend\" speech but she angrily storms out which leaves Cane distraught and in turmoil. Brad, distraught, finds comfort in Sharon and Colleen while Kay tells Amber to let Cane go because he does not love her.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Victor: J.T., I'm very glad that the DNA results show that you're the father of my grandson.", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Victor: Hey, congratulations.", "J.T.: I can't believe it. This is, uh, this is a great day. It really is a great day.", "Victor: Ah. I'm sure Brad Carlton won't agree with you.", "J.T.: Yeah, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually feel sorry for the guy. You know, he could've been me.", "Brad: J.T.?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Brad: Congratulations. I know how much this means to you.", "J.T.: Thank you.", "Nikki: What's wrong? Is there a problem with the baby?", "Victor: Nothing at all, Sweetheart. Nothing at all.", "Brad: The DNA test came back. J.T. is the father.", "Nikki: Oh, Brad, I'm sorry.", "Brad: I'm gonna get a cup of coffee.", "Victor: If you want an update on the baby, we'll call you later, all right? If anything is new, then we'll let you know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Oh, I got it!", "(Vacuum running)", "Amber: Kiss me! It's mistletoe. It was a joke.", "Cane: Right. Um... I'm sorry. What's up?", "Amber: Um, noth--nothing. I was actually looking for my scarf and I can't find it and I've kinda worked up a little bit of an appetite looking for it. Um, hey, would--would you like to maybe, uh--", "Jill: Hello, Amber. Hello, Sweetheart.", "Cane: Hey, Mum.", "Amber: Um, Jill, I was actually just asking Cane if he would like to grab a bite. Maybe we could all go eat.", "Jill: We have plans. Um, family business.", "Amber: Sure. See ya.", "Cane: (Chuckles)", "Jill: I'm just amazed that you were ever married to her.", "Cane: Mmm.", "Colleen: Well, it seems like Cane's over the whole age thing.", "Lily: Yeah, I guess so.", "Colleen: Keep going!", "Lily: Uh, okay, so... I was looking at him...", "Colleen: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: And he was looking at me. And I know he wanted to kiss me. Maybe I just think he did, 'cause I wanted to, and maybe I just mistook what I wanted for what he wanted.", "Colleen: Yeah, 'cause you've got that all figured out.", "Lily: You think I'm overanalyzing, don't you?", "Colleen: You? No, never.", "Lily: Come on!", "Colleen: Okay, I bet he thought, \"It would suck to kiss Lily, but I don't wanna hurt her feelings, so...\"", "Lily: A mercy kiss?", "Colleen: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: Our lips barely touched.", "Colleen: And I bet he would've leaned in for more if it wasn't for the vacuum.", "Lily: How do you know?", "Colleen: A good guess?", "Lily: Well, I leaned in first.", "Colleen: Well, that's good.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Colleen: Okay, let's do one more set and let's make it a little bit more challenging, okay?", "Lily: Okay. You know, we should probably stop talking about this before he comes in and overhears us. So what are you doing later?", "Colleen: Um, I'm gonna go check on my dad. He finds out today if he's the father or not.", "Lily: Mmm. That's stressful.", "Colleen: Yeah. He wants so badly to be the father, you know?", "Lily: Yeah. Well, I hope he gets his wish.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I'm glad you're still here.", "Brad: I'm surprised Victor hasn't called in a S.W.A.T. team.", "J.T.: Yeah, well, there's one good thing about the way this turned out.", "Brad: What's that?", "J.T.: I'm in charge. Victor's not, so... listen, if you wanna stay, you stay. If you wanna know how the baby's doing, call me.", "Brad: Thanks, J.T. I appreciate that.", "Doctor: Mr. Hellstrom?", "J.T.: Yes?", "Doctor: I have an update on your son.", "J.T.: Uh, yeah, it's fine. Go ahead. Uh, Nikki, Dr. Bagano has some news.", "Nikki: Don't you wanna wait for Victor?", "J.T.: No, it's fine. We can fill him in later. Go ahead, Doctor.", "Dr. Bagano: Well, good news. The retinal test showed no abnormalities. We dilated with eye drops, and everything looks normal. There's been no recurrence of the raised CO2 levels. His breathing is getting stronger.", "J.T.: That's great. That's great news.", "Dr. Bagano: I can show you his growth chart if you'll come with me.", "J.T.: Sure.", "Nikki: I'll be right there.", "J.T.: Okay.", "Nikki: Brad... I'm so sorry. Throughout this whole ordeal I really saw the best of you.", "Brad: I love that little guy.", "Nikki: I know you do.", "Brad: Well, go on. Uh, take care of your grandson.", "Nikki: I will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Sharon: Brad?", "Brad: I'm still at the hospital.", "Sharon: Well, you sound terrible. What's going on?", "Brad: It's official. J.T.'s the father.", "Sharon: (Gasps)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I know. Exactly.", "Lily: Hi.", "Jill: Oh, hi! Hi, Lily.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt you guys, but I was just working out and Cane here showed me the proper way to do triceps extensions.", "Jill: Oh, did he?", "Lily: And it made a huge difference. I wanted to come by and say thank you.", "Cane: Why don't you, uh, why don't you stay and join us? I'll get you a chair.", "Lily: No, no, no, no, I don't wanna intrude.", "Jill: No, no, we would love to have you.", "Cane: See? Now you can't bail out. Come here.", "Lily: Okay, thank you.", "Jill: We were just talking about the faces of Jabot contest. And I hear you're taking my advice and entering.", "Cane: And she has a good shot of winning... if you ask me.", "Kay: Hello there.", "Amber: Oh, hi, Mrs. C.", "Kay: Well, you are certainly not one for subtlety, are you, my dear?", "Amber: Well, I-I was--", "Kay: It's--it's all right. It's all right. He did not see you.", "Amber: It wasn't-- it wasn't him.", "Kay: Oh.", "Amber: No. Um... I-I was actually thinking about um--um, this song that I was writing last night. It's, um, it's kinda like, um, a tearjerker ballad. Mariah --she'd kill for it.", "Kay: Yeah, I see.", "Amber: So, um... are you gonna go join them?", "Kay: No, no, I'm not. In fact, um... I am going torture myself in the gym. Doctor's orders to rehab the shoulder.", "Amber: Mmm. That's what you get for trying to hold up a collapsed parking garage with one arm.", "Kay: Oh, I can think of a... no, I really can't. I cannot think of anything less pleasant activity than going to the gym. Now I've sweated in my life, but I assure you it was over... far more pleasant activities than just working out.", "Amber: Okay, that's one for the memoirs.", "Kay: Why don't you come with me? Oh! Let off some of that steam?", "Amber: Yeah, uh... I-I'd love to, but, um... you know, when my marriage ended, my gym membership kinda went along with it.", "Kay: Oh. I'll make you a business deal. You become my motivator and I will get you your membership. Deal?", "Amber: Yeah, deal. (Giggles) thank you.", "Kay: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Dad? Pops? My old man? If he ever calls me by my first name, he's not driving till he's 30.", "Victor: Well, you get to have only one mom, one dad, so those names are sacred. I'm sure Victoria would agree with you.", "Woman: Excuse me, Mr. Hellstrom?", "J.T.: Yes?", "Woman: I'll need you to sign a birth certificate.", "J.T.: Well, I'd love to, but we don't have a name yet.", "Woman: You can add it later. Follow me.", "J.T.: Excuse me, I'm a dad. I have to go sign a birth certificate.", "Victor: That's nice. He's a happy man.", "Nikki: And we're happy grandparents. Who happen to have other grandchildren and one has a birthday today.", "Victor: Oh, yeah, yeah, Summer's first--first birthday. How sweet.", "Nikki: Yes. It hasn't been boring.", "Victor: Are Phyllis and Nicholas planning a party or what?", "Nikki: I was hoping we could find a way to both be there.", "Victor: Ah. I'll call and find out if you've left, okay?", "Nikki: I meant be there at the same time.", "Victor: You must not know what's going on.", "Nikki: What?", "Victor: The money you borrowed from me for that ridiculous Clear Springs development is due. In its entirety.", "Nikki: What?! That--that development is almost dead! What are you talking about?", "Victor: I don't give a damn. The loan is due. Pay it back. Yeah!", "Nikki: We have a premature grandson and a comatose daughter-- they're both fighting for their lives. And you pull this?", "Victor: I told you to abandon the project, you didn't listen, all right?", "Nikki: I had no choice, Victor.", "Victor: Of course you had a choice! What the hell are you talking about? You secured the loan with your business and marriage assets. What the hell were you thinking? What's your plan now?", "Nikki: My plan is to develop a new strategy and move forward. Just like you would do!", "Victor: I'm saving you from yourself and from your idiotic decision. All right? That way you have some money left after the divorce. How the hell did you not know?", "Nikki: Uh, because nobody told me. And I'm not clairvoyant! Although, I can predict what you do very well.", "David: What's going on?", "Victor: My ex-wife and I are discussing business that doesn't involve you.", "Nikki: David is in business with me. He is involved. We can talk in front of him.", "Victor: I'm gonna leave this room because I can't breathe this hot air that both of you produce. When I come back, you and I will continue this conversation without being interrupted by you.", "David: (Sighs) that was about the loan, wasn't it?", "Nikki: What? You know about that?", "David: I received the papers several days back.", "Nikki: And you didn't tell me?", "David: Nikki, you've been dealing with so many things all at once. And with the holidays right around the corner, I thought it would be best--", "Nikki: To keep it from me? To keep it from me? Is that what you thought?", "David: No. No. I was trying to correct the situation.", "Nikki: Don't ever, ever do that again. Don't ever hide things from me! I did not want him being a knight in shining armor, and I don't want you to be that either! Please!", "David: All right. I'll meet you at the car.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hey.", "J.T.: Hi.", "Colleen: I, uh, thought my dad would be here.", "J.T.: Yeah, he, uh, he didn't feel very welcomed.", "Colleen: That never stopped him before.", "J.T.: The paternity test results are in. That's my son.", "J.T.: Listen, I-I know you're probably a little disappointed.", "Colleen: No. That's... okay.", "J.T.: Your dad was--", "Colleen: J.T., it's... its okay. I'm happy for you.", "J.T.: Can you believe I'm a dad? I keep... I keep thinking about all the things I wanna teach him, you know? How to ride a bike, how to, uh... catch a ball, of course, a sense of humor. You know, that's always important.", "Colleen: Well, you'll make a great father.", "J.T.: As soon as he gets out of the incubator, I wanna take him back to the loft. I know it's not necessarily baby-friendly yet, but...", "Colleen: Well, you know, you have a lot of time to sort that out.", "J.T.: And Victoria's gonna open her eyes soon. I know how much she wants this family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh! Brad!", "Brad: I really thought...", "Sharon: I know, I know, I know. I... I'm so sorry.", "Brad: Me, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: So many women have entered the contest already.", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: I mean, all ages.", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: All walks of life.", "Cane: Which makes us more than just another beauty contest.", "Jill: You know, I was thinking that I would like the focus of the spring ads to be the diversity of the American woman. You know, not just what she looks like, but who she really is inside.", "Cane: 'Cause what Jabot is looking for is a woman of substance.", "Jill: Yeah. The only challenge, though, is how do we take on the high price point of French cosmetics while getting across that we are uniquely American?", "Lily: Well, I don't know if this is a good idea, but what if you shot the spring ads in France?", "Jill: In France?", "Cane: You know, that could work. We could show them who we are, highlight our product, on their turf. That's a good idea.", "Lily: Yeah, and for some reason I'm thinking about the, uh, the Rodin museum in--in the Hotel Biron.", "Jill: Oh, that's right. I forgot, you and your mother lived in Paris for awhile.", "Lily: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: Tell me about the museum.", "Lily: Um, it's Rodin's sculpture, and it's breathtaking and lush and the hotel's amazing-- the courtyard and the gardens?", "Jill: Lily, this is so interesting. I'm definitely gonna give this some thought. Hmm. Beautiful and smart. Exactly the demographic we're trying to reach.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: And... ten. And... ugh.", "Amber: One more set of ten, then we have tricep curls and shoulder rotations.", "Kay: Amber, my dear, I am rehabilitated. Now you just run along and do whatever it is that you do and I'm fine.", "Amber: You hired me to do a job, so I'm doing it. You get one minute of rest, then the next set.", "Kay: I should've hired you years ago.", "Amber: That means a lot to me. And I don't expect people to forgive and forget, but if more people could be like you, then...", "Kay: Well, my dear, I've had my share of bad deeds. I know exactly how it feels.", "Amber: Mmm. You know, when I saw Jill with Cane earlier, she totally shut me down.", "Kay: Oh, now you be careful there. You don't want to get on Jill's hit list. It's very hard to get off.", "Amber: Tell me about it. I guess saving her life wasn't enough, huh?", "Kay: Oh, absolutely. Present rights do not erase past wrongs. Not in Jill's world.", "Amber: Yeah, I can't even imagine holding a grudge like that.", "Kay: Well, most of them were against me. We got into it more times than I can count. (Chuckles) we were fighting over... who our home belonged to. And we ended up in court. And there she was in my face, screaming, and I'm not proud of this, but... I slapped her. Next thing I knew, we were rolling around on the floor and her hands were wrapped around my throat.", "Amber: Oh, my God! No way!", "Kay: No, it's true. No, it's true. People had to tear us apart. And to this day, she's more than willing to throw that in my face. Oh! Oh, the stories I could tell.", "Amber: I'm gonna start writing 'em down.", "Kay: What for?", "Amber: To help you with your tell-all book. When you're ready, of course.", "Kay: That's sweet. That's unnecessary, though. Oh, Jill inherited her memory from me.", "Amber: Hmm.", "Kay: All right. What? What?", "Amber: Next set.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Okay, what about this one?", "Brad: It's good, too.", "Sharon: All right. What about this one? And if you say \"Good,\" I'm gonna scream.", "Brad: It's... fine.", "Sharon: Okay. You need to talk about this. You cannot keep this bottled up inside of you.", "Brad: Denial is a beautiful thing.", "Sharon: Um... not for us, it isn't.", "Brad: (Sighs) when I lost my unborn son in that car accident, I was devastated. So I really wanted this child to be mine. It almost... it almost feels like I lost another son. I loved him. I fought for him, and now he's gone.", "Sharon: Well, I... I can understand that.", "Brad: I really wanted to watch him grow up, Sharon. Love him. Do all the things a dad's supposed to do. And now I can't do any of them. But you know what? Uh... the fact is, I-I-I did it to myself. My son only existed in my mind.", "Brad: You know what, Sharon? I know about death all too well. And the fact is that no one died. I blame myself.", "Sharon: For what?", "Brad: For not being realistic. I pride myself on being a realist. Its--its ridiculous-- it's ridiculous that I let myself think about this baby and--and his future.", "Sharon: Well, what did you see?", "Brad: A few days before my father was murdered, he surprised me. He told me we were going to take a trip. He was gonna take a month off of work during the summer and we were gonna follow the Cleveland Indians all over the country, go to all their games. It was just gonna be a father/son road trip. Of course, neither of us knew that he wouldn't be alive to take me. So, uh, I figured I would... make up for that trip with my own son. And my dad would be able to look down on us and smile.", "Sharon: You know, you could always take that trip someday with Abby?", "Brad: I love and adore my little girl, but she is more the \"American Girl\" than the American League.", "Sharon: Well, I'm glad you told me that story. Did it help?", "Brad: I feel like my heart's going to fall out of my chest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: There's so many wonderful moments to look forward to. You know, when the baby takes... a first step, says the first few words.", "J.T.: The first, \"Dad, can I borrow 20 bucks?\"", "Victor: (Laughs) I'll tell you, wait till he's asking, \"Can I have the Ferrari?\" Um... I got a little something for you here.", "J.T.: Thank you.", "Victor: And more of those when Victoria opens her eyes, all right?", "J.T.: You know, we never talked about how she'll be when that happens. I mean, she's been unconscious a long time.", "Victor: There's no point in talking about it, is there?", "J.T.: I just want you to know I'm gonna be there for her. No matter what. I'm there for her and the baby.", "Victor: I believe that, J.T. and I appreciate that. By the way, I gave her a baby name book. Did you ever look into that?", "J.T.: Yeah, she, uh, she said you were trying out names. Um, Jaken, Macro, Igor?", "Victor: You know I was joking, right? None of the above.", "J.T.: I keep thinking I should wait for Victoria to wake up to name the baby, but I-I want my son to have a name.", "Victor: Yeah, I think he should have a name. I think he would like that. That's a good idea. Take a look in that book.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: So... when did Victor tell you about the loan?", "David: Neil told me about it a few days ago.", "Nikki: Last night at dinner-- you almost told me about it, right?", "David: Yes, but it never seemed to be the right time. Nikki, you've been so overwhelmed with everything lately, between your daughter and Victor?", "Nikki: Is there anything else about this situation I don't know?", "David: The issue of the loan came up several weeks ago between Neil and me. It was right after the accident, right after Victoria was hospitalized. Victor wanted to proceed. I told Neil that he should back off. And he did.", "Nikki: Another thing I don't know? Great.", "David: That's right. But my motives were--", "Nikki: Honorable? Or so you think. Just so you know, I can't stand it when a man thinks he knows what's better for me than I do. Please don't be that man. Ever.", "David: Understood. I won't be that man. I won't be that colleague. I'm sorry.", "Nikki: Could you repeat that? I've never heard that statement from my husband.", "David: Well, then I'll go one better. I'm very sorry. How's that?", "Nikki: Apology accepted.", "David: Good. Would you like to hear my analysis? I've been working on this problem for several weeks now.", "Nikki: Well, it's not that complicated. Victor wants his money and he's filed for it. I owe him a whole lot of something I don't have.", "David: And you pledged your company to him as collateral.", "Nikki: How long do you think it will take for it to be his, instead of mine?", "David: The facts aren't in issue, Nikki. You did sign the loan papers. And there's nothing in the transaction that was illegal. I'd say, as long as it takes Victor to get in front of a judge and have you served. Now of course, you could fight it, which might buy you some time.", "Nikki: Yeah, but the outcome would be the same. And once the divorce is final, he'll have everything, and I'll have nothing. I can't let that happen.", "David: I did tell Neil several weeks ago that if Victor called in the loan, we would go to the media.", "Nikki: Yeah, we will, but after the hit he took with the drilling, I doubt that it'll be big headline news.", "David: Yeah, but I still think it's worth a shot.", "Nikki: Here's how we have to think-- what would Victor do?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: You know, I heard something from my grandson.", "Amber: You have a grandson?", "Kay: Mm-hmm. Yes. I heard, uh, that you wanted to enter the faces of Jabot contest.", "Amber: Ah. I might've mentioned something, but...", "Kay: But you couldn't because of, um, the \"No family\" provision?", "Amber: Oh, you know, rules are rules. Um, can I get you something to eat or--", "Kay: I saw the way you were staring at Cane. And the real reason you want to win this contest is to impress him, right?", "Amber: Please... love 'em or leave 'em, that's my middle name. Actually, you know, it would even be on my birth certificate, but they had a little complications.", "Kay: You know, its funny-- really funny how the possibility of imminent death acts as a truth serum. Because when we were under that rubble, you told me that you loved him.", "Amber: Yeah, then.", "Kay: Now? I can see it in your eyes. I know exactly how you feel. Nothing cuts so deep. Nothing. Do you know all those years ago, Jill and I weren't really arguing over whose house it was. We were arguing over a man-- who just happened to be my husband at the time-- about, uh, who he loved more. I suspect it was Jill, not me. The truth-- that really hurt. It really hurt. So if you were under that rubble right now, what would you say to me about Cane?", "Amber: That I could love Cane till the day I die.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Well, this has been fun, but I've gotta get back to the office.", "Cane: I got it. What? You gonna deprive me of the joy of taking two beautiful women to lunch?", "Jill: Sometimes, my son, you are too charming for your own good.", "Lily: Yeah, I should actually get going, too.", "Jill: No, the two of you can stay. And please convince her to upload her video, will you? The sooner it's online, the more people will see it.", "Lily: Okay.", "Jill: I'll call you.", "Cane: Bye.", "Lily: Well, I'm sure you have lots of work to do.", "Cane: Uh, Lily, I... Lily, I think we need to talk.", "Lily: Uh, okay.", "Cane: About what happened in the conference room last night?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Hey, Honey.", "Colleen: Hi. Hi.", "Sharon: Hi.", "Colleen: I'm really sorry, Dad.", "Brad: Thanks, Baby. You talked to J.T., huh?", "Colleen: Um, yeah, I went to the hospital looking for you.", "Brad: You know what? It's okay. I mean, I knew this was a possibility. Of course, uh... Sharon thinks it would help to talk about it.", "Colleen: Well, whatever works for you.", "Brad: There. See how sensible she is, huh?", "Sharon: Well, that didn't happen by accident.", "Colleen: Um, Dad, I-I know that we've got into some good fights, but... I know that no matter what happens, you will always love me. And that baby in that incubator would be lucky to have you as a dad. I know that I am.", "Brad: Thank you, Sweetheart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Thanks.", "J.T.: (Sighs) well, I've been waiting to... I've been waiting to say this since you were kicking around inside your mom's stomach. Hey, little guy. It's me. Your dad. It's your dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Look at that! I left it in the dining room and it ended up in the gym's lost and found.", "Kay: Well, there you go. Sit down for just a moment, would you?", "Amber: When people say that, it's never to give someone good news.", "Kay: I left out a-a part of my confession earlier-- a very important part. The man that Jill and I were fighting over? I drove to the airport to pick him up. And on my way home, we had a violent argument and I drove over a cliff and he died. Not right away, but, um... he left the country to get a quickie divorce from me so he could marry Jill. And she was pregnant with his child.", "Amber: Oh, my God.", "Kay: And I guess I could... blame my drinking on my rash behavior. I did. And I did. But the truth is, I was responsible, not them.", "Amber: Yeah, but I-- I know you never meant to hurt him.", "Kay: That's irrelevant. That's irrelevant. And this should really act as a fair warning to you, sweetheart. I hung onto a fantasy that someday, the man I said I would love for the rest of my life would love me again. And it doesn't work that way. It just doesn't. No matter how much you love someone, you cannot make that someone love you in return. You can't. Either they do or they don't. Cane doesn't love you, Amber. Cane does not love you. And I-I think it would be better if you accept this. Let it go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I know what happened at my party didn't mean anything, but... then we started to get to know each other and... isn't it crazy that I used to be nervous around you?", "Cane: Yeah, I know. I know.", "Lily: Wait, were you nervous around me?", "Cane: Me? Well, you know, coming from two different cultures... I was, uh... I was afraid I would do something that would turn you off.", "Lily: Yeah, I thought the age thing turned you off, but... I guess it is just a number, right?", "Cane: Yeah. It's just a number.", "Lily: Yeah, I know, um... I know most girls my age are still majoring in partying, but I'm so over that.", "Cane: Lily, Lily, um... I'm 31 years old. And you're 19. And, um... wanting something and acting on it are two... they're two different things. I like you so much. I-I... I like you. And, um, the problem...", "Lily: What--what's-- what's the problem?", "Cane: This difficult for me, you know? And I need you to... I need you to understand.", "(Sighs)", "Lily: Understand what? That--that you flirted with me?", "Cane: I shouldn't have done it.", "Lily: You wanted to kiss me.", "Cane: Please don't be mad at me about this.", "Lily: Don't be mad? You make me think that you like me, and I just got out of a divorce, and you took advantage of that.", "Cane: I am so, so sorry.", "Lily: Yeah, I'm sorry, too.", "Cane: Lily, please, please, please...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: I was waiting to go inside and, uh... Victor more or less asked me to leave. So I did.", "Colleen: You didn't go visit the baby?", "Brad: Nope.", "Colleen: Well, Dad, I can go with you now if you want.", "Sharon: I just spoke to J.T. at the hospital. He said that we could all go over there and see the baby if we want to.", "Brad: No.", "Colleen: Dad, it might be good, though.", "Sharon: Just to make your peace.", "Brad: Making my peace is something I'll have to do on my own.", "Colleen: Tell me how I can help you.", "Brad: Sweetheart, I have you and Abby. No man could hope for anymore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: You know, before you were born? Your mom and I were trying to figure out what your name was gonna be. Of course, everybody in the family wanted to weigh in. I guess that's no big surprise, huh? But your mom's gonna win this one. Trust me, she's strong-willed and thoughtful at the same time. That's really important for a guy. I'll teach you about that someday. Yeah. Your mom came up with this name that she really liked. Reed. I liked it, too. I did. It was your Grandmother Nikki's maiden name. A reed is strong. And when the-- when the wind comes, a reed knows how to bend. (Exhales) welcome to the world, Reed Hellstrom. Welcome to the world.", "(Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door slams)", "Victor: I'm home. Which means, according to our agreement, that you shouldn't be.", "Nikki: Well, I am here to see my daughter. And if you don't like it, I guess you can call the police. They already know the floor plan.", "Victor: Did you bring a checkbook?", "Nikki: Oh! No, I didn't. That was not at the top of my list of things to bring.", "Victor: Why don't you ask the guy you run around with to bring the checkbook with space for a lot of zeros in it, okay?", "Nikki: I get that you want your loan paid back. But my company will remain mine, as will my dignity, in spite of your best efforts to rid me of them.", "Victor: Good luck.", "Nikki: You ruined the development with your senseless drilling. And you have to pay for that. I am suing you.", "Victor: You don't have the money.", "Nikki: Perhaps you're not aware of this, but there is such a thing as hiring an attorney on a contingency basis. 33% of several hundred million dollars is pretty good motivation. I'm gonna go see my daughter now. See you in court.", "Victor: I'm looking forward to it.", "Nikki: I'm sure you are.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: Your father went too far. Now somebody has to step in and stop all this nonsense!", "Kevin: Michael, you're not even gonna believe what Mom just did.", "Jack: There's a lot of good stuff here.", "Sharon: If you love me, you will not make this harder." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jeffrey goes to Jabot and runs into Jill and Ashley and shares that Glo was the one who tainted the face cream. In jail Jeffrey has bought an outraged Jack who threatens to ruin her. Adam is questioned by the DA and lies through his teeth, Heather stands her ground returning his ring she tells him she will bring him down. Victor tells JT and Victoria the truth when they visit him and Jill tells Ashley she's not leaving Jabot entirely. Jana is collecting food at Crimson Lights and Kay pawns her ring for a hefty price, which she gives to Murphy." ]
[ "Ashley: Thank you. Hi. How are you?", "Victor: Coming every day, you make it bearable for me to be here.", "Ashley: Well, I'll keep coming every day. Don't you worry about it.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: You okay? You seem a little tired.", "Victor: Oh, yeah.", "Ashley: It must be awful for you being in here.", "Victor: I've been in worse places.", "Ashley: Really?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: I spoke to Jack. Of course, he denies everything.", "Victor: That doesn't surprise me.", "Ashley: I know. He says that he had nothing to do with the diary and that it was just a coincidence that Adam and the forger happen to meet at the same motel where Jack was having his romps with the prostitutes. He's so unbelievable. It's embarrassing.", "Victor: Well, at least he's consistent.", "Ashley: Well, I can't have him anywhere near Jabot. I just don't trust him.", "Victor: It's pretty hard when family turns against you, isn't it? I still have a difficult time dealing with the fact that my son turned on me.", "Ashley: Well, Adam didn't grow up knowing you. He doesn't have the same allegiance to family, you know?", "Victor: Yeah. But his mother was such a gentle and honest woman.", "Ashley: It must be hard for you to believe that Hope raised a son like him.", "Victor: Listen, for him to turn away with such venom-- that is what is so difficult to understand.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Thank you, Officer.", "Adam: Did you get a good night's sleep?", "Heather: Adam, you remember the district attorney, Dennis Ellroy?", "Adam: Mr. Ellroy.", "Dennis: We're here to question you about the allegations made by Frank Ellis. He claims that you and Jack Abbott paid him to forge Victor Newman's diary.", "Adam: Really?", "Heather: Would you like a lawyer present?", "Adam: No, that won't be necessary. I haven't done anything wrong. I'm innocent.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Okay.", "Murphy: Where are you off to?", "Kay: Out.", "Murphy: Where?", "Kay: Just out.", "Murphy: Well, I'll get my coat. I'll drive you.", "Kay: No, no, no. No, if you come with me, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?", "Murphy: Marge? What are you up to?", "Kay: Oh, come on, Murphy. You know better than to ask questions this close to Christmas.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: Jack? I thought you moved out.", "Jack: I'm here to talk to you about Gloria.", "Jeff: Oh. Did you stop by the jail? How is she doing?", "Jack: She wouldn't see me.", "Jeff: Oh. All that guilt she must be feeling. That face cream scandal forced you to walk away from Jabot. Man, we were both Gloria's victims.", "Jack: She talked to you about this?", "Jeff: Are you kidding? Would I have used it on myself if--", "Jack: She did. We had pumped millions of dollars into our new product, Gloagain. We made a whole batch of samples to hand out at stores and boutiques. Gloria mixed a cleaning solvent into it and put it on her own face.", "Jeff: Yeah. That woman goes places I'd never go. I'm too much of a hedonist to ever wanna hurt myself.", "Jack: Of all the times for this to happen-- just when the Abbotts get control of Jabot again.", "Jeff: Huh.", "Jack: If it gets out that my father's widow is responsible for Emma Gibson's death...", "Jeff: Yeah, the press will have a field day.", "Jack: Jeffrey, I need to talk to Gloria.", "Jeff: Well, she might talk to me. Come on, I'll take you to her.", "Jack: Let's go.", "Jeff: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I'm so happy you're here.", "Ashley: Me, too. You shouldn't worry. You did everything you could to bring Adam into your life.", "Victor: But I sometimes think if I had been more involved with his upbringing, this wouldn't have happened.", "Ashley: Maybe. But Hope didn't want that.", "Victor: No, she didn't.", "Ashley: On a lighter note, I spoke to Abby.", "Victor: You did?", "Ashley: Yes, and she's definitely gonna be home for Christmas. And she sends her love and she told me to tell you she misses you very much.", "Victor: I certainly hope I'll be out of here by then.", "Ashley: Why wouldn't you be? What are you talking about? Frank Ellis confessed. The diary's a fake. They have no case.", "Victor: Well, but conceivably, the D.A. could still hold me.", "Ashley: What?", "Victor: If Adam Wilson doesn't recant. It's his word against Frank Ellis'.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Tell us exactly how you came across Victor's diary.", "Adam: At the ranch. In the trash. But you already knew that, didn't you? Because I explained this to the F.B.I. already. I'm sure you read the transcript.", "Dennis: Do you know Frank Ellis?", "Adam: Yes, unfortunately. We met at a job interview.", "Heather: I ran into Frank and Adam together at Crimson Lights.", "Adam: We had a cup of coffee afterwards. As far as I know, that's not a crime. Maybe in your book.", "Dennis: What did you talk about?", "Adam: He said he was an investment banker. I thought I'd pick his brain on some job opportunities, but he flew outta there as soon as Heather showed up.", "Heather: My office in Chicago prosecuted him.", "Adam: Yeah, he took off. I never saw him again.", "Heather: Frank claims that someone phoned him, someone calling himself Victor, in need of a forger. And when he went to Crimson Lights, you identified yourself as the person who wanted to hire him.", "Adam: The man's a con-artist. I mean, you said so yourself. He's the foundation of your case? Really? I mean, come on, guys, give me a break. I've done a little research into this Frank Ellis character myself and, uh, we're looking at a three strike loser who's looking at some serious prison time. Tell me that you didn't offer him a deal to testify!", "Dennis: The details in Ellis' statement are very convincing.", "Adam: That jail you got him locked up in? Victor there, too? That's one hell of a big coincidence, don't you think? I mean, Victor could've hired a forger in jail, spoon-fed him details. How hard would it be for one of the wealthiest men in the world to buy a statement from some petty con looking to get out of some jail time?", "Heather: We've subpoenaed Ellis' bank records.", "Adam: Come on, you know Victor's not that stupid. Ellis gets a lighter sentence, some money in an offshore account. Victor walks on a murder charge. And everyone wins. Except me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: There you go. Dragonfruit tea.", "Jill: Thanks, Jana.", "Jana: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: So what's going on over there?", "Jana: Oh, it's a food drive. \"V8--make every serving count.\"", "Woman: V8 is donating $1 million to feeding America, which will help to provide over 30 million servings of fresh fruits and vegetables to people in need.", "Jana: And we're also accepting donations for local food banks.", "Jill: Katherine was a big supporter of the food bank.", "Woman: It is so important that people have fresh produce in their diets.", "Jill: I'm gonna make a donation in Katherine's name.", "Jana: We'd love to take your money, wouldn't we?", "Woman: Absolutely.", "Jill: She was always so generous to people in need.", "Jana: Well, thank you.", "Woman: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Ahem.", "Man: What can I do for you?", "Kay: How much can I get for this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Maybe you're right. Maybe the diary is a fake. Maybe I'm the victim of a big hoax here, I don't know. I didn't see Victor write it. It just looked like his handwriting.", "Dennis: Why didn't you turn it over to the authorities right away?", "Heather: It's not like you had any big love for your father.", "Adam: I didn't. He kicked me out of the house. I-I took the diary because I was angry. I already explained this to the F.B.I.", "Dennis: Tell us again.", "Adam: Look, Victor's my father, for better or for worse. I'd hoped that we'd work things out. I thought I was protecting him. You--you remember how low he was back then? I mean, I didn't know if I was reading real events in that journal, or some revenge fantasy.", "Dennis: What changed your mind?", "Adam: When the man responsible for killing Sabrina ended up dead in Mexico, when it was found out that Victor was down there with him, when--when Victor went down with that boat and was the only one to survive. I mean, come on.", "Heather: You should've turned that diary in to the authorities.", "Adam: By then, I-I had been maligned and vilified, my reputation destroyed. I couldn't get a job. I figured I'd make a little money off of it.", "Dennis: How was Jack Abbott involved?", "Adam: (Sighs) I talked to Jack about introducing me to a publisher. He hooked me up with this guy Drake from \"Sophisticate\" magazine. You know what? Talk to Drake. We didn't know if the diary was real or not, and he hired some independent experts and had it vetted. I mean, the F.B.I. must've authenticated it, too. Otherwise, you guys would never have arrested Victor in the first place. Here's an idea, what if Ellis forged the diary and had it planted long before I ever met him? What--what if it was no accident that I just happened to run into him? I mean, this thing could-- could've been a set- up from the beginning.", "Heather: Why would Frank Ellis wanna set you up?", "Adam: Not Ellis, whoever he's working for.", "Dennis: Who might that be?", "Adam: Take your pick. You could spend a decade interviewing Victor's enemies. Oh, and you know what? Here's another idea. What if Ellis saw us together, huh, Heather? And he wanted to get back at you through me?", "Dennis: We'll look into it.", "Adam: You know, maybe this isn't the best time to say this, but, uh... Sweetheart, I'm--I'm shocked. I mean... you really think I would set Victor up? You know me. You know I'm not that kind of person.", "(Cell phone beeps)", "Dennis: Excuse me.", "Heather: Adam, what the hell are you doing?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: I've seen this ring before.", "Kay: Well, a friend of mine brought it in. She wanted you to authenticate it.", "Man: She tell you I offered her 5 grand?", "Kay: Oh, please, it's worth three times that much.", "Man: Says who?", "Kay: Says me. Look at the size of that emerald. Look at it.", "Man: Sister, you're dreaming if you think you can get 15 Gs for this piece of glass.", "Kay: Yeah, well, those pieces of glass happen to be diamonds.", "Man: Yeah. Poor quality. Practically worthless. $6,500.", "Kay: The setting is 18-karat. It says so right on the inside. Go ahead, look at it. Do you have any idea how much the price of gold has gone up in the last six months?", "Man: Do much gold trading, do you?", "Kay: I won't take less than $11,500.", "Man: In this town? In this economy? I'll be lucky to find a buyer. $7,500.", "Kay: $11,000. Or I could take it to, um, one of those Genoa City jewelers and see if they can do better.", "Man: $8,500, and that's my final offer.", "Man: Lady, you're busting my chops. 10 grand, and not a penny more.", "Kay: You've got a deal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: It's occupied.", "Michael: Gloria Bardwell's visitors?", "Man: Room two.", "Jeff: Hello, Darling. Look who I brought for a visit.", "Gloria: I got nothing to say to you.", "Jack: You're lucky there's a guard outside that door. Right now, I'd like to wrap my hands around your scrawny little neck and squeeze the life out of you.", "Gloria: Get out of here! Why'd you bring him?", "Jeff: Like it or not, we're in business together. You two have to work things out. I'll leave you along to talk.", "Gloria: I've got nothing to say to Jack.", "Jack: I'm not going anywhere until I hear some answers.", "Jeff: You need anything, Buttercup?", "Gloria: For you to drop dead.", "Jeff: Oh. Be nice to me, Glo. Who will visit you in prison?", "(Knock on door)", "Gloria: Whatever he told you, it's a lie. Can't you see that he is railroading me to get my stock?", "Jack: You put the cleaning solvent in that face cream.", "Gloria: It wasn't me.", "Jack: The police have your confession on tape.", "Gloria: Jeffrey threatened me. I was scared. So I said whatever he wanted me to say.", "Jack: How did he get his hands on the cream?", "Gloria: I don't know, Jack! Maybe he recreated the formula.", "Jack: Out of thin air?", "Gloria: His brother was the D.A. in the investigation. No telling what kind of information he had access to.", "Jack: So he recreated the jar, too?", "Gloria: Oh, come on, Jack! You got money, you can get anything!", "Jack: Stop!", "Gloria: I'm just telling you what I think happened.", "Jack: You compromised the company! You're the one who caused me to walk away from Jabot and give up everything!", "Gloria: You know how much Jabot means to me. I am the last person who would ever hurt your father's company.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Hi, Jill.", "Jill: Ashley.", "Ashley: May I help you with something?", "Jill: I'm just clearing a few things out of my office.", "Ashley: Really? I could have everything sent to Market Street for you.", "Jill: Oh, that won't be necessary. I'm moving upstairs.", "Ashley: Why?", "Jill: I still have a very large stake in this company, Ashley. Why you and your brother felt you had to blindside me at that stockholders' meeting--", "Ashley: I'm sorry about that. I really am. It was a family decision. Traci and Billy agreed. And you know, we never should've sold Katherine that stock. It was done under duress. You know that.", "Jill: Well, why didn't you come to me and make an offer, Ashley?", "Ashley: Are you saying you would've sold us your stock, Jill?", "Jill: (Sighs) Probably not.", "Ashley: I think you just answered your own question.", "Jill: When you and Jack were managing Jabot, it nearly went under. I'm not gonna let that happen. That's why I'm sticking around.", "Ashley: Well, I don't think you have any say in the matter anymore.", "Jill: You're seriously underestimating me if you think I can be silenced. You and that weasel of a brother of yours are not gonna bully me out of this company.", "Ashley: Okay. I'm aware you're going through a difficult time. I remember my first Christmas after my father died. But that doesn't give you any excuse to speak that way to me.", "Jill: Then let me give you a little friendly advice. How long do you think it'll be before Jeff and Gloria stab you in the back? Good luck, Ashley, keeping everybody in line.", "Ashley: Thanks, Jill.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Nick told us about Frank Ellis. I knew it. I knew Adam was lying.", "Victor: You know, he and Jack came up with every word of the diary.", "J.T.: What are the chances that you and the forger ended up in jail together?", "Victor: Hmm.", "Victoria: Somebody must be looking out for you--Sabrina.", "Victor: Could be.", "J.T.: When are they getting you out of here?", "Victor: Soon, I hope, J.T.", "Victoria: What do you, you hope? You should be out of here by today. What is Michael doing? Is he sitting around with Ellis' confession in his pocket?", "Victor: (Exhales deeply) I handed that confession to Heather Stevens.", "Victoria: Heather?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Dad, what if she's in on it with Adam? She could ignore it. Or worse, she could destroy it to protect him.", "Victor: Hm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Why are you lying?", "Adam: I'm not. I don't get this. Why are you so angry? I didn't do anything.", "Heather: Except forge Victor's diary.", "Adam: What? No.", "Heather: You stood here in my office yesterday and you admitted it to me.", "Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second, you misunderstood. I said that Victor killed Walter Palin and deserved to be in jail. I never said anything about Ellis forging the diary. I mean, why are you doing this to me? I said I loved you. I said that if--if you didn't go to London with me, I-I may as well be in jail.", "Heather: You told me to burn Frank's statement and asked me to run away with you.", "Adam: To get married! To--to leave. To start fresh. Let me-- let me ask you something. If you really thought I was confessing to a felony, why did you tell me to run? Why did you tell me to get out of here? If my plane hadn't been delayed, Sweetheart, I'd be in London right now, okay? I wouldn't be here. How you gonna explain that to your boss? If you have any thoughts of testifying against me--", "Heather: Testifying? No, I have every intention of prosecuting the hell out of you!", "Adam: A good defense attorney will tear you to shreds. You can kiss your job good-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Heather Stevens is an extraordinarily ambitious woman. And sometimes, the ambition is misplaced. I know that she wants to make an impression in the D.A.'s office. But I think she basically is honest.", "Victoria: No, Dad, no. I do not trust her. You should've gone straight to the D.A. what if she tips off Adam?", "J.T.: Oh, I think you know your father better than that.", "Victor: Think about it. Adam will get burned either way. Only this time, his fiancée will be holding the blow torch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dennis: See if she can switch it around. Okay, check with my assistant. Okay. Bye. Did you get anything out of him?", "Heather: Uh, no. No. But I know Adam, and he's lying.", "Dennis: Well, then he's been lying to you all along.", "Heather: Yeah, and he's not gonna get away with it.", "Dennis: This is a first for me. You have more confidence in Frank's story than your boyfriend's?", "Heather: Yeah. It's slightly pathetic, I know. Um... but I've--I've done some checking, and right around the time that Adam sold the diary, Ellis, uh, was waving around a lot of cash.", "Dennis: Do we have enough to charge Adam?", "Heather: Not enough to stick. I still have to connect some dots, but, um... Adam is guilty as sin. I can't prove it yet, but I will. I promise you. I will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: So let them know that I have a couple of boxes to be picked up.", "Jeff: Hey, Jill.", "Jill: What happened to your face?", "Jeff: Oh. Gloria.", "Jill: She did that to you?", "Jeff: Indirectly.", "Jill: What, did she let you sleep too long in the tanning bed?", "Jeff: (Chuckles) No, I found an old jar of her face cream in the back of a drawer and used it.", "Jill: Face cream? What kind of face cream?", "Jeff: A Jabot product. I don't know, what was it called? Uh, Glo something.", "Jill: Gloagain?", "Jeff: Yeah, that was it.", "Jill: Oh, my God. Gloria held onto a jar of the contaminated face cream?", "Jeff: Yeah, she must've. That whole face cream thing happened before I was around. My brother was D.A. on that.", "Jill: Yeah, there was a jar missing, though. Why didn't she turn it in with the rest?", "Jeff: Jill, she didn't just have it. She created it.", "Jill: No, no, that was Ashley's project.", "Jeff: No, no, Gloria is the one who put the cleaning solvent into that sample batch of Gloagain.", "Jill: Gloria?! Gloria did that?!", "Jeff: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: How do you know?", "Jeff: She said so herself.", "Jill: Oh, my God. I should've known! Wait till I get my hands on her! I will kill her!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I don't know why you tampered with that face cream, what sick twisted reason you had. You know, that really doesn't matter, does it? Do you have any idea what that did to my family? How it crushed my father?", "Gloria: I loved your father. I'd never do anything to hurt him.", "Jack: Don't you ever say those words in front of me again. You loved him? He loved you! God help him. If I live to be a hundred, I'll never understand why. And how did you return his love? By destroying a company he spent a lifetime building!", "Gloria: It wasn't me!", "Jack: It all times out. You were in the lab at the time that that sample was tampered with. I remember talking to you about this, how self-righteous you were! How dare anybody question you! See, that's before I knew you, Sweetheart. I know you now. I know that's how you behave when you're guilty.", "Gloria: No, Jack! You gotta believe me!", "Jack: I can still see the look on my father's face when he heard. Someone died because of a Jabot product. His son had to walk away from his company, never to work there again. That destroyed my father. And to think, I let you back in my house. To think, I was willing to let you partner with my family to get the company back, when all along--all along, you were the reason we lost it in the first place!", "Gloria: I did love your father.", "Jack: You save those tears for the jury. You're going to prison for manslaughter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: So what does Michael think about Ellis' confession? Is it gonna hold up in court?", "Victor: Probably not.", "Victoria: What if he's lying?", "Victor: He isn't. He knows too many details. I'm satisfied with that.", "Victoria: What if you can't prove it?", "J.T.: Paul's on it. He's out of town chasing down leads. I talked to him this morning.", "Victoria: When were you gonna tell me?", "J.T.: I just did.", "Victoria: Do you trust Paul?", "Victor: I've known him for a long time. If there's anyone I can trust, it's Paul Williams.", "Victoria: All right, but what if he finds evidence against his daughter's fiancé?", "J.T.: Don't worry about Paul. He'll do the right thing. But Heather-- that's a different story. If I were in her shoes, could I prosecute you? Put the person you love in jail? That would be tough.", "Victor: That's a good point. We'll find out, I guess.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dennis: You're free to go.", "Heather: But don't leave Genoa City until this is resolved.", "Adam: I got job prospects in London. How long is this gonna take?", "Heather: Well, you still have that $2 million from Victor's diary, right? You can afford to stay in town a couple more weeks.", "Dennis: We'll be in touch.", "(Door opens and closes)", "Dennis: I want you to coordinate our efforts with Gil Wallace on this. Get him on Frank Ellis' confession right away.", "Heather: Okay. What--what exactly are we trying to prove here-- that Victor killed Walter Palin? Or that Adam made it look like he did with a forged diary?", "Dennis: Both.", "Heather: Good. In that case, I think maybe I should step down from Victor's case and focus solely on Adam's.", "Dennis: You're worried about conflict of interest?", "Heather: Yeah, well, I don't want the defense attorney at Victor's trial bringing up that I'm also prosecuting his son. I can just hear Michael Baldwin right now, \"You claim that Adam Wilson framed his father for the very murder you're accusing my client of.\"", "Dennis: Well, you can always hand the Wilson case off to someone else.", "Heather: No. That one's mine. I have to see it through.", "Dennis: It means that much to you?", "Heather: Adam belongs behind bars-- right along with his father.", "Dennis: Remind me to never cross you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Murphy: What is this?", "Kay: Open it.", "Murphy: Christmas isn't till next week.", "Kay: Well, you've just been so kind.", "Murphy: Oh, Marge. Marge, Marge, I really can't--", "Murphy: Where did you get all this money? What, did you rob a bank?", "Kay: No. I sold, uh, my ring.", "Murphy: I can't accept this.", "Kay: Oh, come on, come on, your business is in trouble.", "Murphy: No, no, it's too much.", "Kay: Well, then... chalk it up to my philanthropic nature.", "Murphy: You're what?", "Kay: You know, come on, Murphy. You have been so good to everyone, and it's only right that you accept a helping hand when you need one. Now you look me in the eye and you tell me that you do not need that.", "Murphy: Marge, this is your nest egg.", "Kay: Well, uh... I'm not as altruistic as that. I'm really doing it for myself.", "Murphy: Oh? How do you figure that?", "Kay: How do I figure that? Well, um... if you lose your business, you have to sell the trailer, and then where will I live?", "Murphy: (Chuckles)", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "Murphy: Marge... Marge, you're a peach. Listen, I'll pay you back, every penny, I swear.", "Kay: No, no, no, no. You cannot put a price on what you've done for me, for heaven's sakes. You put me back on track. I'm--I'm sober now. You've given me a reason to go on. And that money ten times over can't begin to repay what I owe you.", "Murphy: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: How do you know Gloria's the one that put the solvent in the face cream?", "Jeff: It's true.", "Jill: Look at his face.", "Jeff: I found a jar in the bathroom and used it. I had no idea.", "Ashley: If this is true, that woman single-handedly came this close to destroying my father's company.", "Jeff: Yeah, the paramedics took me to the hospital. Somebody called the police. It seems this was an unsolved case in their books.", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Jeff: Well, I told them that Gloria couldn't have had anything to do with the tampered cream. And to prove it, I let them wire my hospital room.", "Ashley: And that's where she confessed?", "Jeff: I'm as shocked as you are.", "Jeff: They got the whole thing on tape.", "Ashley: When I see her, I'm going to kill her.", "Jill: Get in line.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: You can think whatever you like about me, Jack. I didn't put that solvent in the face cream.", "Jack: The D.A. thinks he has enough evidence to hold you here. That's good enough for me.", "Gloria: Yeah, well, I'll never be convicted.", "Jack: Oh, I'm sure if there's a loophole out there somewhere, your shyster son will find it. The worst day of my life was the day my father died. You know what the second worst day was? The day I learned I could no longer work at Jabot. Wow. You're responsible for both.", "Gloria: John died of a stroke.", "Jack: My father would never have gone to prison if he had never met you. And we both know what prison did to his health.", "Gloria: I'm not to blame for that. I miss him every day of my life.", "Jack: He would still be here if it weren't for you. But you know something? I'm gonna be in the front row of your trial, relishing in every moment of your humiliation. And if the D.A.'s office asks for my assistance in convicting you, I will move heaven and earth to help them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, Murphy. Oh, Dear.", "Murphy: 10 grand? Pearl said the guy at the pawn shop only offered 5.", "Kay: Well, I, um, I almost accepted his first offer, and then I, um... I said let's negotiate.", "Murphy: You doubled the offer?", "Kay: (Laughs) I walked through that door and I was thinking, \"All right now, I'll take $7,500.\" And then I saw something in his eyes, and I said, \"I'm gonna squeeze some more out of him.\"", "(Laughs)", "Murphy: (Laughs)", "Kay: I did. I had this dumb feeling that I could've walked out of there with nothing.", "Murphy: Margie, Darling? You missed your calling.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: I told you I'd get my hands on that ring. I've never seen anything like it in my life. Yeah, come see for yourself. It'd be a steal at half a mil.", "(Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: You're not gonna believe this, Jack. Call me back, it's urgent. I'm at Jabot. After that woman is convicted, we're gonna file a civil suit. She's not gonna keep one penny of my father's money.", "Jeff: She took it well.", "Jill: I would like to see Gloria behind bars for the next 20 years.", "Jeff: Ah, still jealous that she stole me away from you?", "Jill: Oh, please.", "Jeff: Oh, come on! Don't pretend like we didn't have any fun. I seem to remember you, me and, uh, this table.", "Jill: You are disgusting!", "Jeff: (Laughs) Okay, but if you ever need anybody to talk to...", "Jill: Not if you were the last man on earth!", "Jeff: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Not a word about Frank Ellis' confession to anyone. This must stay in the family.", "Victoria: Okay. But why?", "Victor: I have a plan.", "J.T.: We'll do whatever you need.", "Victoria: I just want you out of here.", "Victor: I have every intention of being home for Christmas, yeah?", "Man: It's time.", "Victor: Not a word.", "Victoria: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.", "J.T.: Bye, Victor.", "Victor: Your time is running out, Sir.", "Jack: This from a man who's in jail for murder.", "Man: Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Heather remembering]", "Adam: You're my best friend. My family. The only one I trust. How--how can I propose to you without having any prospects or any way of taking care of us? Baby, you're everything to me. I wanna spend the rest of my life making you happy. Please tell me you want that, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Heather: (Sniffs)", "Heather: What are you doing here? Are you--are you here to confess to me again, and then deny it in front of my boss?", "Adam: I have loved you more than I have ever loved anyone. How could you betray me? You broke my heart.", "Heather: (Voice breaking) You broke mine. I honestly thought we were gonna spend our lives together, but what--what kind of love is it that you're asking me to give up everything that I believe in and run away with you? You're a felon! You know, I-I was in love with who I thought you were! That man doesn't even exist. None of it was the truth!", "Adam: Look, come on, you want truth? Wake up, Heather! Victor went to Mexico to find the man that killed Sabrina. He found him. What, do you think he wanted to chat? That man is dead now-- Walter Palin. This is what you threw our relationship away for! To protect Victor? To protect a murderer? You call that love?", "Heather: As far as I'm concerned, both you and your father are manipulative bastards. And you know what? You can just--just... take-- take the ring and get out.", "Adam: No.", "Heather: Take the ring and get out. Take it!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Thank you so much.", "J.T.: What's all this?", "Jana: Hi.", "Jana: Well, did you know that there are 35 million people in this country who don't even know where their next meal is coming from?", "Woman: Would you like to make a donation to a very worthy cause?", "Jana: V8 is donating $1 million to \"Feeding America's national produce program.\" So they're gonna be providing fresh fruits and vegetables to local food banks. Isn't that great?", "Victoria: That's great.", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Victoria: Yeah, of course we'll make a donation. Of course.", "Woman: Thank you.", "Victoria: Sure. Here.", "Woman: Wow! That's so generous.", "Victoria: Oh.", "Jana: Well, thank you. I'll tell you what, drinks are on the house. What would you like?", "Victoria: Oh, two lattes, please.", "J.T.: It's from Paul. He says, \"I'm onto something in Mexico that will bury Jack and Adam.\"", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: You kissed Sharon.", "Victor: This is all difficult.", "Nikki: Being in jail, or having to cooperate with me?", "Ashley: We are gonna go after you for every penny you've got, Gloria, not to mention, your shares of Jabot stock." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jack tells Emily to keep her eyes closed as they walk into a room with a Christmas tree ready for Emily and Jack to decorate. Victoria tells Nick that Billy is going to get off scot free and it isn't fair. Victoria and Nick discuss her going to work in Dubai and wanting J.T. and Reed to come with her. J.T. and Reed walk in. Sharon and Adam walk in from Christmas shopping and stops by for a bite to eat. Sharon and Adam encounter Nick and Victoria. Nick and Adam manage to be cordial to each other . Adam offers Sharon to go somewhere else, but Sharon refuses. Daniel thanks everyone for helping and standing by him. Amber orders Deacon to go of her. Deacon finds out that the gas tank is on empty. Billy remembers his conversation with Chloe as he writes the article for \"Restless Style\". A woman comes in and tells Billy that he had ruined her life for ratting her out to the judge. Billy starts to call Rafe to get him to get to the bottom of this . Jack and Emily decorate the tree. Eden puts the blame on Daisy for sending Lauren the rats. Daniel goes for looking for Amber but cannot find her. Daniel finds Amber with Deacon. Deacon lays the blame on Phyllis. Michael tells Eden that he had run a background check on Daisy and she was squeaky clean. Billy finds out that it was Chloe, who had ID'd the informant to the judge. J.T. forbids Victoria to take Reed out of the country. Deacon is arrested for kidnapping Amber. Billy fires Chloe.", "" ]
[ "Jack: Eyes closed?", "Emily: Yes, yes, but can I open 'em now?", "Jack: No. No, no, no, no. A little bit further.", "Emily: Okay. At least we're not on the pond still. Whoo!", "Jack: Oh, you were so graceful out there.", "Emily: Yeah.", "Jack: You could have skated with your eyes closed.", "Emily: Yeah, tell my elbow that.", "Jack: Yeah, you fell how many times? Once? Big deal.", "Emily: (Sighs) Okay.", "Jack: Okay, ready?", "Emily: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Big, deep breath.", "Both: (Inhale deeply)", "Jack: Smell anything?", "Emily: Mm. Mm-hmm. Pine. It's lovely.", "Jack: Not depressing?", "Emily: Oh, I might be starting to overcome my aversion.", "Jack: Wow, my plan is working.", "Emily: (Laughs)", "Jack: Go ahead. Open.", "Emily: Oh. (Chuckles) Wow. Oh, Jack, that's beautiful.", "Jack: It is beautiful, isn't it? My staff did quite a job here.", "Emily: Well, when do they decorate?", "Jack: Oh, they don't. That's what we're gonna do.", "Emily: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: He's getting off completely scot-free. Now tell me, how is that fair?", "Nick: Vick, it's his baby's first Christmas. Do you really want him to spend it in jail?", "Victoria: I want him to pay for what he did to me. And if that makes me a petty person, then I'm a petty person. (Sighs) My marriage is fragile enough as it is without him reminding the whole internet that I had an affair.", "Nick: Your talk with J.T. how'd that go?", "Victoria: Terrible. I already felt like crap for destroying his trust in me.", "Nick: Now he's returning the favor...", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nick: By keeping a lid on Tucker's plans.", "Victoria: You know, I was the one person that didn't count when J.T. was supposed to keep a secret. I mean, we told each other everything. (Sighs) I miss how we used to be so much.", "Nick: Are you sure you want to take that trip to Dubai next month?", "Victoria: I've been thinking about that. And, you know, whenever I bring up the trip to J.T., it's obvious that he doesn't want to hear it, but I need to work, Nick. I need to, for my own sanity. And if I can't do that in Genoa City, then--", "Nick: So which way are you leaning?", "Victoria: I was thinking that I would convince him to go with us, you know? The three of us. It would be good for us as a family to get away, don't you think?", "Nick: Yeah. Well, here's your chance to talk to him about it. Looks like he's in a pretty good mood, too.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah.", "J.T.: Hey.", "Victoria: Santa's here tonight. (Chuckles) Reed is really excited about seeing him. Hi, Baby.", "Nick: What's up, Dude? All right, well, I need to get to Daniel's party.", "Victoria: Oh, I'll stop by later if I can.", "J.T.: Yeah, give him my best.", "Nick: I'll do that. I sure hope Santa's good to us this year, brings us everything we're hoping for.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Do you think there's any chance that Santa would take something back with him to the North Pole, and maybe feed him to the reindeer?", "Adam: It's kind of embarrassing.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh, I didn't think all those bags were even gonna fit in the car.", "Adam: My driver, he's a genius at finding space. I'm starved. Do you want to get a-a table?", "Sharon: Yeah. Oh, wait.", "Victoria: Hearing about those two together is one thing, but actually seeing them together?", "Nick: Revolting, isn't it?", "J.T.: That's one word for it.", "Sharon: Oh, look, our fan club's here.", "Adam: Let me guess, Nick, Victoria--who else?", "Sharon: Um, it's J.T. and their son Reed.", "Adam: Sometimes, going blind can be a blessing.", "Sharon: (Chuckles)", "Adam: Do you want to, uh, want to go somewhere else?", "Sharon: No. Let's stay here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Okay, uh, seriously, I have no idea how to even begin to thank you guys. Michael, um, you never gave up on me, even when I completely ignored your advice and made your job ten times harder.", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Michael: Well, try a hundred, but who's counting?", "Daniel: Hundred, fine. And, Lauren, thank you for sharing him with me. I-I-I didn't mean to take up so much of his time. I'm sorry.", "Lauren: You're forgiven.", "Daniel: (Chuckles) You guys, seriously, you have no idea how much I missed you or how grateful I am that you stood by me this way.", "Jana: Well, you've done the same for us. God, many times, haven't you?", "Daniel: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: We're not even close to being even.", "Daniel: (Chuckles) Uh, Mom, there really-- (Sighs) There aren't words.", "Phyllis: Um...", "Daniel: I mean, you went and you dug through tons and tons of garbage looking for evidence to save me, and, I don't know, I guess if that's not love, I don't know what is.", "Daniel: And, Daisy... (Chuckles) Thank you. Thank you for showing up at the landfill. It was really cool of you, especially since I don't even really know you that well.", "Daisy: (Chuckles) Well, your wife's been really great to me. It's the least I could do.", "Daniel: Yeah, Amber, um, where is she? I thought she was just running out to the car.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: I said let go of me!", "Deacon: Stay still!", "Amber: Ow.", "Deacon: This is cr-crazy. How could this be happening?", "Amber: Duh, I told you, it is crazy. You can't just grab me and drag me out of town like this.", "Deacon: This car is practically new. There's no reason that this should be stalling like this. Damn it, we gotta get out of here.", "Amber: Oh, no, you need to listen to me. You can't--", "Deacon: Wait a second. \"E\"?! There's no way. I just filled the tank up. How the hell can this gas tank--Amber, come here!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Computer keys clicking)", "[Billy remembering]", "Chloe: For once in your life, do the right thing.", "Billy: (Laughs) How is ratting somebody out doing the right thing?", "Chloe: You seriously plan on staying here till the judge gets word that they need the extra cot, and then he's gonna set you free?", "Billy: (Laughs) I already told you that Rafe is working on my release, and if it doesn't happen immediately, I'm prepared to wait until it does.", "Chloe: Okay. How about how it impacts the rest of your life, like your own child?", "Billy: My own daughter is too young to know what's going on around here, but if she ever does hear about it, I would like to think she'd be proud of her old man for sticking to his principles.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Computer keys clicking)", "Billy: (Claps hands) \"Your humble correspondent spent most of his time avoiding the county lockup's assortment of freaks, save for a memorable night with 'The Rage,' my temporary cellmate, a biker from Madison with a colorful vocabulary sporting the latest in jailhouse body art. Call it the price of journ-- journalistic integrity...\" (Cracks knuckles) \"Which... I was... more... than happy... to pay.\" (Strikes key)", "Chloe: Well. Whoo! Yay. That was fun. Okay, well, now that you got that out of your system, why don't you hit \"Delete\"?", "Billy: What-- what are you talking about? This is gonna be great.", "Chloe: Because that is gonna land you back in jail once the judge reads it, so you need to let this go.", "Billy: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you--actually, do you think that I should capitalize \"First amendment\"? (Whispers) I think I should. (Normal voice) Oh, come on. Don't look at me like that. I was the underdog here.", "Chloe: Mm.", "Billy: I mean, I-I stuck to my principles, something that a lot of people, including you, didn't think I was capable of, and it paid off. Look, I stood by what I believed in, you know? And it feels-- it feels great. You know, I feel like the old me. You know, I haven't felt this good...", "Chloe: Oh--oh, wow. Okay.", "Billy: Since...", "Chloe: Whoa. Oh, that's--", "Billy: I bought this damn magazine. That's a fact.", "Chloe: Ow, that's not fun.", "Billy: It is fun.", "Chloe: (Scoffs)", "Billy: You know its fun.", "Woman: You ratted me out to the judge, you bastard.", "Billy: I didn't tell that judge anything.", "Woman: I had to pay bail. My Christmas is ruined. I could wind up in jail, lose my job!", "Billy: Whoa, whoa! Okay, okay, okay! I hear you, okay? But listen to me. I didn't tell that judge anything. You have to listen to me. I went to jail to protect you. Now look, if you got busted, Honey, I-I'm sorry. I truly am, but I had nothing to do with it, okay? I told you, I promised you that I would protect you. I told you that I wouldn't reveal my source. I did not reveal my source.", "Woman: You're the only one who knew. I'm telling the whole world Billy Abbott's word means nothing!", "Billy: (Clears throat) What the hell is going on right now? I-I-I mean, I thought I-- that--that judge let me out because I wasn't gonna crack. You know, if somebody got to him and undermined me-- oh, this is not good.", "Chloe: Who are-- who are you calling?", "Billy: I'm calling Rafe because I need him to get to the bottom of this right now. I need to find out who ID'd that juror. This isn't good.", "Chloe: (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: This is great.", "J.T.: Yeah. You know, when I was a kid, this was the highlight of my year.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah?", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Victoria: Sitting on Santa's lap? (Chuckles)", "J.T.: (Chuckles) You know, takin' that list, puttin' it right in his hands, cuttin' out the middleman.", "Victoria: Mm, the direct approach. I like that.", "J.T.: Hey, why don't we, uh, why don't we get the sitter to come pick up Reed when he's done with his little visit here with Santa? And, you know, we can, uh, go to dinner, help the \"Fat man\" out with his shopping list.", "Victoria: Yeah. Yeah. Okay, that sounds fabulous. (Chuckles)", "Adam: So what's the first one again?", "Sharon: It's grilled halibut with mango salsa and spinach and wild rice.", "Adam: Mm.", "Nick: I hear the fish here is pretty good.", "Adam: Maybe I'll try it.", "Sharon: Um, I hear that Daniel got out on bail. That--that, um, Phyllis must be relieved.", "Nick: Yeah, we all are. I think Daniel's got a real shot at putting all of this behind him.", "Adam: Yeah, I'm glad the kid's out. I would not wish that on anyone.", "Nick: Yeah, well, the difference is, you were guilty.", "Sharon: Nick, don't start.", "Nick: I'm not starting anything. I'm just stating a fact.", "Adam: I see you're not gonna let me forget my mistakes, but I'd like to move on, Nick.", "Nick: I'll bet you would.", "Sharon: Can we not do this here?", "Adam: Look, I know this isn't the time or the place, but I'd like to talk about, uh, some thoughts I had on the Dubai deal.", "Nick: Vick and I have that covered.", "Adam: Yeah, well, I-- okay, we'll talk about it at the office tomorrow.", "Nick: No, that deal is done.", "Adam: I have some notes.", "Nick: Okay, you can make all the notes you want, Adam. So we should talk about that snowmobile that Noah's been begging us for.", "Sharon: Um, right. Yeah, I-I looked that up online, and it just-- it seemed like maybe it goes too fast, and there were all these horror stories of kids getting hurt.", "Nick: I'm sure he'll be careful. He is very responsible with the car Dad gave him.", "Adam: You know, I had a-- I had a snowmobile growing up on the farm. There's a lot of good trails in Wisconsin.", "Nick: No one asked you, and anything concerning our son is off-limits. So we'll talk more about the snowmobile later, all right? You guys enjoy your dinner.", "Adam: Thanks. We will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Ready?", "Emily: Yes. Ahh! (Laughs)", "Jack: Voilà.", "Emily: I am impressed. That is usually the hard part.", "Jack: Well, you know, everybody in the family had their job. Mine was stringin' lights.", "Emily: Mm. I suppose you had, uh, all the ornaments alphabetized.", "Jack: No, we didn't, Smarty-pants. No, the--the great fun is unwrapping these things and reminiscing about where they came from.", "Emily: Mm. So you had all the kinds that were different.", "Jack: Oh, yeah, each one unique, each one special, each one irreplaceable, a treasure. Now here's one. This one, there's a lot of history.", "Emily: (Chuckles) That's sweet.", "Jack: Yeah. My mother said she'd never seen a more beautiful snowman. My mother was a little stingy with the compliments, so I took her at her word. I thought I was Michelangelo for a day.", "Emily: You made that?", "Jack: Yep, fourth grade.", "Emily: Wow. Kept it all these years.", "Jack: Oh, yeah, you'll find when it comes to Christmas, the Abbotts are pack rats.", "Emily: Oh, we were the opposite-- kept things simple. Yeah, my folks had decorating down to a science. Dad would get the tree from the attic--", "Jack: No, wait, wait, wait. You had an artificial tree?", "Emily: Blasphemy, I know. But my brother wa--", "Jack: No, no, no, step aside.", "Emily: My brother was allergic to evergreens.", "Jack: I'm not-- I'm not standing in judgment.", "Emily: (Chuckles)", "Jack: Any tree that's decorated with love is a beautiful tree.", "Emily: Huh. Well, we weren't very wealthy, but, uh, Mom and Dad would make Christmas real special for us kids. (Whispers) Oh, wow. (Normal voice) This one-- this one's really elegant.", "Jack: That, my father gave to Traci the year that Colleen was born, her one and only child.", "Emily: I'm sorry, Jack.", "Jack: No, no, no. Don't be. These boxes are filled with love, memories-- memories of all the love we shared, and that is what makes this season so special.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: Poor Lauren was so freaked that night.", "Noah: Weren't you?", "Daisy: Rats are no big deal. I mean, it was from a pet store. How scary is that?", "Eden: Lauren didn't find out it was a store-bought rat until after the exterminator told her. You couldn't have known that at the boutique.", "Daisy: Whatever. It's gone now.", "Lauren: So, Noah, how'd the Chem final go?", "Noah: I aced it.", "Lauren: Of course. How about you?", "Eden: What if Ryder isn't the one who sent you those rats?", "Lauren: Who else would it have been? What?", "Noah: What?", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Noah: Eden, no way.", "Lauren: There's no way Daisy would do something like that. In fact, when I told her there was a rat in the store, she was as freaked out as I was.", "Eden: Every time I'm around her, I can't help feeling that her \"Nice routine\" is just some big act.", "Lauren: All right, Honey, she was working with me the entire evening. She didn't even take a dinner break. So you tell me how and when she could have gotten that rodent in there.", "Noah: Lauren's right. I know you don't like her, but come on.", "Eden: You two keep telling me that I should just give her a break because she's new in town. But I can't help it. There's still something about her that I don't trust.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Michael: ...Want to be, and so--", "Jana: Oh, here he is. So, what, you didn't find Amber?", "Daniel: No, there's no sign of her out there.", "Kevin: That is just weird.", "Jana: Well, yeah, she was so anxious to see you. I can't believe she could even bear to leave your side.", "Michael: Did you try giving her a call?", "Daniel: That's a good idea. No, it's just ringing and ringing. There's no answer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Let go of me!", "Deacon: Settle down.", "Amber: You know, Daniel's probably looking for me right now, and everyone at that coffeehouse is gonna be looking for me.", "Daniel: You know what? Let 'em look.", "Amber: They are gonna hang your butt from the highest--", "Deacon: Amber, listen to me. You're never gonna see those people again. You're not going back. We're gonna start a new life together-- you and me and \"Little D.\"", "Amber: Little D.?", "Deacon: Honey, this was never just about me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Emily: \"Anything worth doing is worth doing right.\"", "Jack: (Chuckles)", "Emily: The world according to my mother.", "Jack: Yeah, I can hear my dad right now. \"Jackie boy, patience is a virtue. This is a chance to learn patience one ornament at a time.\"", "Emily: (Chuckles) Amazing, isn't it, how the older we get, the--", "Jack: Yeah, the smarter our parents get.", "Emily: Yeah.", "Jack: Tell me about yours.", "Emily: My folks?", "Jack: Yeah.", "Emily: Well, they're both gone.", "Jack: I'm sorry.", "Emily: Mm, its okay.", "Jack: You said you had a younger brother.", "Emily: Yes, and we don't see much of each other. I always thought I would have my own family by now and my own Christmas traditions. But I guess it didn't work out that way.", "Jack: It's not too late, you know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Okay if I give your son a lollipop?", "J.T.: Well, that things huge. I mean--", "Victoria: I don't know. That's a lot of sugar. That's--", "J.T.: Uh, yeah. All right.", "Victoria: All right. I mean, Christmas only comes once a year. Oh, why not?", "Woman: I have a lollipop for you.", "Victoria: Oh.", "J.T.: Whoa, Buddy, look at that. Look at his eyes.", "Victoria: (Laughs) What do you say, Reed?", "Reed: Thank you.", "Santa: I love this age. They're like little sponges, absorbing everything and changing all the time.", "J.T.: That is true.", "Victoria: Yeah, that's very true.", "Woman: Ready? Smile.", "(Camera shutter clicks)", "Victoria: Aw.", "J.T.: Good job.", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "Santa: Okay, Mom and Dad, one on either side.", "Victoria: Oh, you-- you want us in the--do--", "Santa: Sure.", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Victoria: Okay. Sure.", "J.T.: All right, let's do it.", "Woman: They're priceless. You'll love it, especially him one day.", "Victoria: I'm sure we will. Yeah. All right. (Chuckles)", "Woman: Ready?", "Victoria: Ready.", "Woman: One, two, three...", "(Camera shutter clicks)", "Victoria: Yay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Thanks. Save room for dessert?", "Sharon: What?", "Adam: The waiter said that, uh, they had gingerbread crème brûlée-- sounds intriguing.", "Sharon: Oh, dessert. Um, no. I think I'm pretty full.", "Adam: I'm sorry if, um, I overstepped earlier with Nick. (Stammers) I just figured if we could talk about snowmobiles, that we'd find some common ground, and I-I was not trying to cause any trouble at all.", "Sharon: I know that, Adam. I'm not upset. I-it's just Nick. He--well, we're Noah's parents, so...", "Adam: Yeah, I-I will be very sensitive next time, I-I promise.", "Sharon: I was, um, impressed that you two could have a conversation without coming to blows.", "Adam: (Chuckles) Well, if I said that grass was green, Nick would disagree with me. But I am trying, Sharon, for you and Noah. You make me want to be a better man.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Everything I did, I did for little D. You know, that kid is the best thing-- hell, he may be the only good thing I've ever done in my life.", "Amber: Well, when the two of you left L.A., um, he definitely took a piece of my heart with him.", "Deacon: You know, he still asks about you.", "Amber: Really?", "Deacon: Yeah, all the time.", "Amber: (Sighs) Wow, uh... (Sniffles) I just, um, guess I just assumed that he'd forgotten about me by now.", "Deacon: Amber, Honey, no one ever forgets about you. (Chuckles) He's--he's got this little picture he keeps in his bedroom of you. You know that he still thinks of you as his mother?", "(Door opens)", "Daniel: Get away from her, Sharpe. Whatever you thought you had planned, it's over, my friend.", "Deacon: What the hell are you doing here? How did you even manage to find us?", "Daniel: Come on, you didn't think you were actually gonna get away with this, did you?", "Deacon: Get away with what?", "Daniel: You okay?", "Amber: Fine.", "Deacon: Answer me!", "Daniel: You know what the penalty for kidnapping is? It's 20 to life.", "Deacon: I would never hurt Amber, but you know who would? Phyllis. Yeah, that's right. Your mom's been blackmailing me. She said, \"Take Amber and get out of town, or else.\" She set this whole thing up.", "Daniel: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey.", "Kevin: Hey.", "Nick: Where is everyone?", "Kevin: Oh, uh, the party broke up already.", "Nick: Really? That seems early.", "Jana: Yeah, it was really strange. First, Amber disappeared, and then Daniel and his mom just took off.", "Kevin: Oh, it's a good thing you're here, though, 'cause, uh, Phyllis forgot her phone.", "Nick: Oh, cool. I'll make sure she gets it. Thanks.", "Kevin: Okay.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Nick: Hello?", "Paul: Nick? It's Paul.", "Nick: Hey, Paul, what's up?", "Paul: Well, Deacon, Amber and Daniel are in the barn at the farmers' market on Old River Road. Where's Phyllis? What, did she forward her calls or something? Oh, never mind. She just pulled up.", "(Phone hangs up)", "Nick: Paul? What the hell is going on?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: (Sighs) So much better than the coffeehouse.", "Lauren: Isn't it? (Chuckles)", "Michael: Yeah.", "Lauren: And Fen was so cute when Gloria picked him up.", "Michael: Mm. Mwah! Was he?", "Lauren: Yeah. You see, he has decided that he needs Grandma to re-e-mail his Christmas list to Santa just in the event the one that we sent didn't get through.", "Michael: Mm, see? Meticulous, thorough, devastatingly good-looking. Takes right after his old man.", "Lauren: (Laughs) Mm. What are we gonna do with all this time alone, huh?", "Michael: (Sighs) I can think of a couple of things.", "Lauren: (Clicks tongue) Just a couple?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Lauren: Oh, um, are we home? No.", "Michael: (Laughs)", "Lauren: (Laughing) We're not home.", "(Knock on door)", "Eden: Guys? Are you in there? I can't find my keys.", "Lauren: (Sighs) Uh, you should--all right, go answer the door. Go.", "Michael: (Groans)", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Michael: Where did you leave them last?", "Eden: Well, if I knew that, I wouldn't have locked myself out.", "Michael: Mm.", "Lauren: Ahem.", "Eden: Ooh.", "Lauren: She's got you there.", "Eden: Look, I just came to get my reusable shopping bag. I left it in there. The store's open till, like, midnight, so...", "Michael: Now just a sec.", "Noah: I'll wait here.", "Eden: Okay.", "Michael: Now that we're all here, I'd like to discuss something.", "Eden: What?", "Michael: Well, Lauren told me on our way home that, uh, you didn't think Daisy was entirely trustworthy, so I ran a little mini background check.", "Lauren: You did what?", "Michael: While you were in the wine shop, I made a few phone calls. According to Dean Hadley, she's an excellent student over at Walnut Grove. She hasn't missed a day of class all semester.", "Eden: She's good at covering her butt. I could have told you that.", "Michael: I also called a friend who is on the police force, had them run her through their database.", "Noah: What'd it say?", "Michael: Daisy Tompkins has no criminal record-- not in the state of Wisconsin, not anywhere. They, uh, faxed me a copy of what came through their computer.", "Eden: So the moral of the story is what? I'm paranoid?", "Michael: The moral of the story is I take you and your concerns very seriously, especially as they relate to Lauren's safety. But now that we've established that Daisy could be possibly, uh, a decent human being, maybe it's time to reconsider our opinion, and, you know, maybe we were a little off base about her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Well, yeah. Thanks, man. Yeah, okay. Thanks for checking it out for me. I appreciate it.", "Chloe: (Sighs) What did Rafe say?", "Billy: Well, I was right. According to him, some lousy fink went to the judge and described the woman who leaked Victoria's testimony. I--how the hell could this happen? I don't understand. I mean, you know, maybe she told somebody, and that person just-- just ratted her out. I mean, I don't know. I don't know how else to-- how to explain this. It doesn't make any sense to me. Oh, my God. The night she came here to meet with that scoop, you were here. It was you, wasn't it? Hey, look at me! Did you really do this to me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Do you have the spare key I gave you?", "Eden: Yes, I do, Michael. You and Lauren can go back to your snogging.", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Eden: We won't interrupt next time.", "Lauren: (Gasps)", "Noah: See ya.", "Eden: (Chuckles)", "Michael: Mm-hmm. Yeah.", "Eden: Bye!", "Lauren: Mm, kids just grow up so fast and delightful these days, don't they?", "Michael: \"Snogging\"?", "Lauren: Yeah, \"Snogging.\" We used to call it \"Making out.\"", "Michael: Oh. I used to call it \"Pitching woo\" back after the, uh, WWI.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) \"Pitching woo\"?", "Michael: That's right.", "Lauren: Oh, Honey, you're dating yourself.", "Michael: Well, I'd rather date you.", "Lauren: But what about your wife?", "Michael: (Sighs) She's invited, too.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) Excellent.", "Michael: Mm. Oh. Oh, this is good.", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Michael: All right. Backwards. Ah! Ah!", "Lauren: And frontwards.", "Michael: We're skilled.", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Michael: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Emily: (Sighs) (laughs) Ooh!", "Jack: Oh.", "Emily: How's that?", "Jack: Absolutely breathtaking.", "Emily: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: How was your veal?", "J.T.: (Clears throat) Well, I offered you a bite.", "Victoria: I know.", "J.T.: It was really good. Thanks.", "Victoria: Well, my dinner was good, too. Thank you.", "J.T.: (Chuckles) Hey, why don't we bring Reed home some, uh, German chocolate cake? You know he loves that stuff. What? Too much sugar? Eh, yeah, you're right. Never mind.", "Victoria: You know what? He's probably fast asleep already, anyway.", "J.T.: Yeah, I'm sure you're right. So what'd the, uh, messenger bring you?", "Victoria: Oh, um, these are some reports that Nick wants me to read for the project in Dubai.", "J.T.: Is that it?", "Victoria: And travel documents.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Look, I know when we talked about this before, you weren't exactly in favor of my going, and, um--", "J.T.: Well, considering you're trying to drag Reed along with you, too, yeah.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Look, I was thinking that maybe we could go together. You could come with us. We could go as a family. It might be good. I-it might be good for us to do that.", "J.T.: I can't--I can't go halfway across the world. I have a job, you know? Something you conveniently forget.", "Victoria: That is not true.", "J.T.: Look, the--the work I do is important. I like it. I'm good at it. I have responsibilities here.", "Victoria: I know that. But what about your responsibilities to us? I mean, isn't our marriage at least as important as whatever it is you're doing for Mr. McCall?", "J.T.: \"Whatever it is that I'm doing for Mis--\" see th--that--that right there, that's the problem.", "Victoria: Well, you-- you never talk about it. It--y-you don't tell us what it is that you do.", "J.T.: Have you ever asked me? Have you ever asked me?", "Victoria: Would you be straight with me if I did?", "J.T.: (Sighs) Victoria, you don't take me serious. You never have. All right, you say, \"Jump,\" and I'm supposed to say, \"How high?\"", "Victoria: Hold on a second. I never, ever meant for you to feel that way.", "J.T.: Well, I do, all right? And I don't--I don't remember the last time that I felt respected for something that I can provide to this relationship besides free child care when you want to wheel and deal for Newman.", "Victoria: Do you have any idea how hard I have been trying to make things better between us? Do you?", "J.T.: Well, I-it shouldn't be that hard. Isn't that the real problem? (Sighs)", "Victoria: Okay, fine. You don't want to go to Dubai? That's fine. Reed and I will go, and when we come back--", "J.T.: No, no, no, no. Hold on. Hold on a second. If you want to go to Dubai, have at it. But if you're talking about taking a toddler halfway across the world like you're taking him across town, to a place that-- that nothing is familiar to him, and you might be working God knows how many hours for Newman--", "Victoria: Are you kidding me? We will have the nanny with us. We're not even gonna be gone that long.", "J.T.: You cannot take Reed out of this country without my permission. The--the guy over there playing Santa Claus? He's right-- our son is growing up every damn day, and it's not fair of you to ask me to miss out on that.", "Victoria: Hold on a second. So what are you saying? You're saying you're not gonna give me your permission? Is that what you're saying?", "J.T.: That's exactly what I'm saying.", "Victoria: Excuse me, I am his mother.", "J.T.: And I'm his father. And I made up my mind. And if you think I won't fight you on this, you're wrong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Phyllis blackmailed you into kidnapping me? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?", "Deacon: It's the truth.", "Daniel: What'd she have on you, huh? What could she possibly be holding over your head?", "(Police sirens wail)", "Deacon: This is a setup.", "Amber: What makes you say that?", "Deacon: Well, the gas tank was empty right after I filled it, right? And \"Boy wonder\" here, he knew exactly where to find us. And he didn't bat an eye when I mentioned his mother. And now the cops, they're already on their way.", "Daniel: (Sighs) How about that?", "Deacon: You two and Phyllis. You're in on this together.", "Daniel: Sucks to be on the receiving end of it, doesn't it?", "Deacon: I'm outta here.", "Paul: Sharpe!", "Deacon: Get out of my way!", "Paul: You're not going anywhere.", "Deacon: Get out of my way!", "Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going? Hey, stop it.", "Man: Deacon Sharpe?", "Amber: That's him right there, Officer. He forced me into his car back in Genoa City and said I'd never see my family or friends again.", "Man: You're under arrest for the kidnapping of Amber Moore.", "Deacon: What? It's ridic-- I didn't kidnap anyone. This is a setup!", "Phyllis: Here, I think the D.A. will be interested in this.", "Deacon: (Grunts)", "Paul: That's a disposable cell phone. It ties Mr. Sharpe to the Elkins murders. Make sure that gets hand-delivered to, uh, either my daughter or Owen Pomerantz.", "Man: Will do.", "Deacon: (Grunts)", "Man: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.", "Deacon: You know the only person that you're really hurting. (Grunts)", "Phyllis: My God, we did it. We did it.", "Daniel: (Laughs) (Grunts)", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. I'm heavy. I'm heavy. Hi.", "Daniel: I tell you, we make a pretty amazing team. You were amazing, as always.", "Amber: Oh, we--we all were.", "Paul: Looks like things turned out just the way you wanted them to.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, for once, they did, right?", "Amber: Here's your, um, your super-duper spy necklace.", "Paul: Yeah, that worked out pretty slick, didn't it? Thanks.", "Amber: Yeah.", "Nick: Spy necklace?", "Paul: Yeah, it's got a, uh, G.P.S. device and a-a panic button implanted in the pendant. That's how we were able to follow Deacon's car.", "Daniel: Yeah, so we'd know exactly where he'd taken her.", "Phyllis: Yeah. (Chuckles)", "Paul: So Amber was never in any real danger.", "Phyllis: No, we had her back the whole time. It was--it was fun.", "Nick: Well, sounds like you thought of everything.", "Daniel: Hey, yeah, Paul, thank you so much. Thank you for everything.", "Paul: It felt pretty good to beat Sharpe at his own game, didn't it?", "Phyllis: (Laughs)", "Daniel: You're damn straight.", "Paul: (Laughs) See you guys later. Take care.", "Amber: Bye. Thank you.", "Phyllis: Thanks, Paul.", "Daniel: Take care, man.", "Amber: Thanks.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) So, um, uh, let's go celebrate--my treat.", "Daniel: Celebrate.", "Phyllis: How about it?", "Amber: I-I just want to go home.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: And you and I need to talk first.", "Phyllis: Okay. I-I'll--I'll see you guys later.", "Daniel: Uh, I'll-- I'll call you tomorrow.", "Phyllis: All right.", "Daniel: (Chuckles)", "Amber: I can see how happy you are.", "Daniel: How great is it, huh? How great is it that that crook finally gets what he deserves for once? I mean, they took him away in handcuffs. That has gotta be one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen. You know, you always said--you always said, \"Just keep the faith,\" right? Keep the faith, and one of these days, it's all gonna work out. You know what? I think after tonight, I'm finally gonna be able to start believing that.", "Amber: Mm.", "Daniel: Mwah! Come here. (Laughs)", "Phyllis: I saved my son. Can you believe it? I-I did that. Sometimes, the good guys actually win.", "Nick: How many times do you think we have sworn not to keep secrets from each other?", "Phyllis: What?", "Nick: You put this whole thing together behind my back. I only found out about it because you left your cell phone at the coffeehouse. Paul calls and instantly assumes that I was in on this, and why wouldn't he? We are married.", "Phyllis: Okay. All right, all right. (Chuckles) (Stammers) No, lis--I--", "Nick: Do you have any idea how disappointed I am, hurt, that you wouldn't include me on this?", "Phyllis: Nick, you're such a hypocrite. I-- you want to talk about secrets? Really? How many secrets do you have from me right now? Uh, like the one about Adam and Sharon sleeping together, and how it drives you crazy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Sharon: Uh-oh.", "Adam: What?", "Sharon: Wait.", "Adam: Mm.", "Sharon: Mistletoe.", "Adam: I'm gonna have to get myself some of this stuff.", "Sharon: No, we don't need it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Okay, fine. I told the judge what I knew.", "Billy: What gave you the right to do that, huh? Do you have any idea how badly you crippled my credibility in this place?", "Chloe: I wasn't gonna let you stay in that place.", "Billy: I wasn't gonna stay in that place, okay? Rafe and I had it all mapped out. The court of appeals would have sided with me.", "Chloe: Really? For how long? How many months were you gonna be there? Delia would forget what you looked like.", "Billy: Oh, knock off that \"Delia crap,\" okay? It was a classic first amendment case. (Groans)", "Chloe: Oh, my God, this is such garbage. Come on! You are-- this is not \"The Washington Post.\" This is not \"Deep Throat,\" okay? So get over yourself. I got you out of jail so you would experience your daughter's first Christmas, so you should be thanking me.", "Billy: Oh. Oh, okay. You want-- you want me to thank you? Okay, I will thank you. I'll thank you. Are you ready for it? Go get your crap and get out of my office, because you are fired!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: So answer me, Nick. When were you gonna tell me about Sharon and Adam?", "Nick: Don't twist this around. This is about you going after Sharpe and not cluing me in beforehand.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I did. I went after him. He was trying to take my son down. And I nailed him. It's over. It's over. But this thing with Sharon, it goes-- it goes on and on. For God sake, you punched Adam in the face, and you ended up with a partner at Newman. You lost control. And it's because you can't stand the thought of Adam and your ex-wife together. Right? And you hid that from me.", "Nick: I didn't want to dump a bunch of useless information on you, Phyllis. Your son is facing 25 years to life in prison. Who cares who Sharon is sleeping with?", "Phyllis: Oh, you care! Obviously. You can't even talk about it. And that scares the hell out of me.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chloe: These walls have seen bigger, badder tantrums than yours.", "Adam: You're wonderful. You know that?", "(Picture crashes)", "Sharon: (Gasps)", "Nick: And honesty straight out the window.", "Phyllis: And we are back to where we started." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Victor meets with Mr. Merrick about his meeting with Phyllis and Jack. At Newman Enterprises, Jack looks over his messages and finds one from his doctor which he ignores. After the assistant leaves the room, Jack pops another pill. Nick prepares breakfast of pancakes for himself and Noah while they discuss Avery and Sharon. Sharon talks to an investigator and tells him that she was in Chicago the night of the fire. The investigator inquires if anyone had seen her or if she could verify that she was there. Sharon cannot. Adam comes downstairs and finds Chelsea just coming in the door. She offers to leave and asks if she should come back later. They discuss their marriage and Adam says he doesn't know what he is feeling. Jack calls Neil for a meeting in about an hour. Neil sees Leslie and a young man which he thinks is her boyfriend. Leslie lets him know that the man is her younger brother, Tyler. Nick and Noah discuss how that Sharon was treated at the Newman party. Noah asks Nick to help him get through to Victor to lay off of Sharon. Adam lets Chelsea know that he kissed Sharon instead of the other way around. Tyler asks Leslie how long had she's been sleeping with the boss which Leslie resents. Chelsea and Adam argue over Adam's attraction to Sharon. Adam tells Chelsea that they need a break from each other to find out how they really feel. Nick asks Victor to go light on Sharon, but Victor refuses. Nick even offers to help Victor to regain control of Newman Enterprises but again Victor refuses. Nick lets Victor know that Sharon is bipolar.", "Adam questions Jack about his meeting with Mr. Merrick to which Jack resents. Victor refuses to drop the charges against Sharon. Sharon calls Noah to ask him if he would bring Faith by for her to see and spend time with. Noah agrees. Chelsea tells Chloe about her talk with Adam about their marriage. Nick arrives at Sharon's just as Noah is leaving. Noah questions Nick about his meeting with Victor. Sharon asks Nick if he will let Faith spend more time with her. Nick agrees. Sharon decides to take Faith on a little trip. Victor visits Adam and tells him that if he will help him to regain control of Newman then he will help Sharon. Adam has his reservations. Chelsea tells Chloe that she will not let Sharon win. Jack lets Neil know that he is merging Jabot with Newman.", "" ]
[ "Victor: So how would you characterize Phyllis' approach to your green product line, Mr.--What is your name?", "Matt: Mr. Merrick.", "Victor: Mr. Merrick.", "Matt: Yes, Sir. Uh, innovative, cost-effective, organic. She made me want to do business with Newman.", "Victor: I am Newman.", "Matt: Right, but you're no longer the majority stockholder.", "Victor: That is why that company will only perform at a fraction of its potential.", "Matt: Are--are you suggesting that might change soon?", "Victor: I'm suggesting that you reconsider your association.", "Matt: Phyllis guaranteed certain... perks if I signed with Jack Abbott.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Matt: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: Well, I hate to inform you, Mr. Merrick...", "Matt: Merrick.", "Victor: Uh, I don't think that Phyllis will be in the position to fulfill those promises, those perks, as it were. Neither will Jack Abbott. Their position at Newman Enterprises is tenuous at best.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mason: Is there a problem, Mr. Abbott?", "Jack: Did--did my doctor say why he was calling?", "Mason: He wants to schedule a follow-up appointment with you as soon as possible. Would tomorrow afternoon work for you?", "Jack: No, I'm a bit too busy running this company to make time for the good doctor right now.", "Mason: He was pretty insistent.", "Jack: He's being overly cautious. I have the pain under control now.", "(Telephone rings)", "Jack: (Groans)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Bang!", "Noah: Hmm.", "Nick: You know what? My cooking's not that bad.", "Noah: The fork didn't break.", "Nick: That is an improvement, right?", "Noah: (Inhales sharply)", "Nick: You know what? Your little sister, she really likes my pancakes.", "Noah: I've also seen her eat paste.", "Nick: Just try it.", "Nick: Yeah?", "Noah: It's not bad. It's not great. Better than the usual hockey pucks you make. Pass the syrup.", "Nick: There you go.", "Noah: Thank you. So is this Avery's influence?", "Nick: Might be.", "Noah: It's a good influence. Moved on from Newman, more relaxed, managed not to burn breakfast.", "Nick: (Chuckles) I don't know, it feels, uh, it feels right with Avery. I like who I am when I'm with her.", "Noah: I get it. She likes to cook, you like to eat.", "Nick: You know this.", "Noah: (Chuckles)", "Nick: Have you talked to your mom today?", "Noah: Um, no, not yet. She's freaking out a little bit. If Grandpa presses charges... we can't let it get to that.", "Nick: Son, you can't stop your grandpa.", "Noah: I swore to Mom that I wouldn't let her get sent away.", "Nick: How you gonna prevent that?", "Noah: I have to keep that promise, Dad. Gotta stop him. Will you help me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I just can't believe that Victor and Nikki are accusing me of setting that fire.", "Man: If some criminal destroyed your home, wouldn't you investigate?", "Sharon: Oh, it's just that I don't know anything about it. You know, I wasn't even in town that night. Um, I was in Chicago.", "Man: Oh. Can you prove that?", "Sharon: What, you mean like with credit card receipts, things like that?", "Man: Anything you got.", "Sharon: Oh, I... I think I paid cash for everything. You know, I just wasn't expecting that I'd have to keep track of my every move.", "Man: Was there anyone there who saw you?", "Sharon: Yeah, I'm sure there were many people who saw me. Just, you know, all of them were strangers to me, so... anyway, if you don't mind, I have a very busy morning.", "Man: If you come up with evidence that confirms your trip...", "Sharon: I will forward it to you. Um, I'm so sorry I couldn't be of any more help.", "Sharon: (Exhales slowly)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: If you want, I can come back for my clothes later.", "Adam: You're taking your things?", "Chelsea: I don't feel-- I don't feel comfortable here, especially if you're... gone.", "Adam: You can stay here, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: No, it's-- it's your house, Adam.", "Adam: I'm fine at the club.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) So, um... so how long do you think you'll want to be there?", "Adam: I'm not sure.", "Chelsea: (Chuckles) So that's it? We get in one big fight, and you're ready to pack it in, quit our marriage?", "Adam: You came here to pack, too.", "Chelsea: You walked out on me, Adam, and now you don't even seem interested in trying to fix things.", "Adam: Can things be fixed?", "Chelsea: We can apologize or compromise. I mean, isn't that what a marriage is about-- give-and-take? Unless-- unless you don't want this marriage anymore.", "Adam: What I don't want is to get into this when I need to be at work.", "Chelsea: Do you love me, Adam? Did you ever?", "Adam: I meant every word when we said our vows.", "Chelsea: Why are you talking in the past tense? We--we've been apart for less than 24 hours. Have your feelings changed?", "Adam: I don't know what I feel anymore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Hi.", "Neil: Hi.", "Woman: Table for one?", "Neil: Actually, uh, I'm gonna be joining a friend.", "Woman: Okay.", "Neil: Thanks. Appreciate it.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Neil: Morning, Jack.", "Jack: Neil, we need to meet.", "Neil: Okay, when?", "Jack: Well, I... (Chuckles) I don't want to sit on this too long.", "Neil: What's going on, Jack?", "Jack: Uh, better we talk about the details in person. Where are you now?", "Neil: I'm about to sit down and eat breakfast at On the Boulevard. Uh, you need me to come to you, or...", "Jack: No, that's fine. I'll be there in an hour.", "Man: Hey.", "Leslie: Mwah!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Noah, you are not responsible for your mother's actions or what happens to her.", "Noah: Who else is gonna keep Mom out of jail, dad? Nobody cares. Did you see how they raked her over the coals at that party?", "Nick: You know, Sharon and I may not be married anymore, but she's still your mom and Faith's.", "Noah: So what does that mean?", "Nick: It means that I will always care about what happens to your mom.", "Noah: So you'll help me?", "Nick: I'll do what I can, but, Son, you gotta keep me in the loop. You can't keep any more secrets from me. We're on the same team here.", "Noah: I know. I know, I'm sorry. I am. But we gotta find a way to put the brakes on Grandpa. Dad, he's got an army of lawyers, and as soon as he goes full-blown Victor Newman, Mom's not gonna stand a chance in court.", "Nick: It may not come to that.", "Noah: She torched his house. You think he's gonna let that slide? And on top of that, she's directly responsible for him losing control of his company. He's going to throw down everything he's got.", "Nick: If she's tried and convicted of arson--", "Noah: We can't let it get that far.", "Nick: I think the judge is gonna take into consideration that she had an undiagnosed, untreated behavioral disorder.", "Noah: What does that mean? No jail?", "Nick: She'll get a lighter sentence, probably serve out her time at Fairview.", "Noah: She's not crazy!", "Nick: Yeah, well, Fairview may end up being her best option.", "Noah: (Sighs) No, no, she is so afraid of that place, Dad. She will not survive that again.", "Nick: She needs treatment.", "Noah: She's getting it. She's got a doctor, she's on meds.", "Nick: (Sighs) Look, setting the fire was a violent act, and you need to prepare yourself--", "Noah: Dad, listen to me. Being around Faith and me is what keeps Mom calm. She needs to be around us, to hold Faith, not just for ten minutes every other Tuesday.", "Nick: We can make some arrangements.", "Noah: But if you really want Faith and me to have our mom around...", "Nick: Of course that's what I want.", "Noah: Then you have to find a way to convince Grandpa to ease up.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Noah: Mom, you okay?", "Sharon: Um, Honey, I-I'm having a really hard time.", "Noah: What--what-- what do you need?", "Sharon: Could you bring Faith here? I-I just need to see my little girl.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: You don't know if you love me anymore?", "Adam: Not in the way you deserve.", "Chelsea: What does that even mean?", "Adam: That I should love you with my whole heart.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) So--so you-- you do have feelings for Sharon.", "Adam: Before, when I... when I told you that she initiated the kiss...", "Chelsea: Yeah?", "Adam: I lied to you. I kissed her.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "Adam: When it happened, I felt something. I don't--I don't know. It was very confusing.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) And when I called you on it, you--", "Adam: Blew up, 'cause I... didn't want you telling me things that I wasn't willing to face.", "Chelsea: Yeah, well, now I guess we both have to face this. (Sighs)", "Adam: I'm just trying to sort this out-- how it happened, why it happened, what it means, if anything. I... but I-- I can't say it didn't affect me. That's the truth, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: (Voice breaking) I think I liked it better when you lied. (Sniffles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: Uh, Neil. Hey.", "Neil: Hi.", "Leslie: I thought that was you over there. I mean, I don't even rate a hello? (Chuckles)", "Neil: Well, hello. Uh, I didn't want to interrupt your breakfast.", "Leslie: Oh, please. Tyler wouldn't have minded, would you?", "Tyler: Not at all.", "Leslie: See? Tyler's very secure about his place in my life.", "Tyler: Pull up a chair. We're just about to order.", "Neil: Uh, no, thanks. I actually, uh, have a meeting with Jack. He's gonna be here soon.", "Leslie: Oh, well, then you can have a cup of coffee with us while you wait.", "Neil: I wish I could. I have some reading to catch up on.", "Leslie: Sit. It'll give you a chance to get to know my brother.", "Neil: Your brother?", "Tyler: Her much younger, much smarter brother. I'm Tyler.", "Neil: Neil.", "Leslie: Okay, now not that much younger, and the advanced degree hanging in my office proves I'm the smarter one in the family.", "Tyler: And you know street smarts trumps book smarts.", "Leslie: Oh, okay. Well, I'll remember that next time you need to be bailed out of jail.", "Tyler: (Scoffs) Okay, one time, I got busted, all right? Once. (Scoffs) I was, like, 19. You believe this? You know what? Come on, have a seat while I straighten this out.", "Leslie: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: Okay, I will.", "Tyler: Okay, first of all, those charges were dropped.", "Leslie: Mm-hmm, because I put my fancy book-learning to good use. I mean, at 19, you would think the boy would know better than to draw on walls.", "Tyler: It was art.", "Leslie: It was vandalism.", "Tyler: Well, it got me noticed, and it launched my career.", "Leslie: Oh, career? That's what you call it?", "Tyler: That was cold.", "Leslie: (Laughs)", "Tyler: You believe she did me like that?", "Neil: (Laughs) Mm, yes, yes, I can. I pay her a lot of money to be ruthless.", "Tyler: Oh, oh, you're her boss? Oh, I didn't know that. Here I'm talking to you like a fool, and you're the big boss. (Chuckles) Well, Sister, tell me... how long you been sleeping with the boss?", "Leslie: (Coughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I didn't say that I didn't love you, Chelsea. You claimed you wanted me to be honest, and so I'm being honest.", "Chelsea: I do, Adam, but I was just here having a life when you decided to move that woman onto our property.", "Adam: What do you want me to say? Do you want me to say that I'm guilty? Because I am. I am guilty...", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: Of rushing to her side, of kissing her, of feeling an attraction, and I shouldn't have felt--", "Chelsea: Okay, okay, okay, I have already heard you say that you were attracted to her. You don't have to keep repeating yourself on that, okay? Thank you. (Sighs)", "Adam: Just I don't understand. I can't get my mind around this thing where you just tore up Sharon's life like that. You went to Nikki and my father. That was cruel.", "Chelsea: Yeah, and you know what? You will never forgive me for it, will you?", "Adam: It wasn't just about Sharon. It was about her kids. There's gonna be an effect there. There's gonna be ramifications. Do you understand that? I mean, do you even care?", "Chelsea: Didn't even cross my mind. Guess it's a good thing I'm not a mother.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: Chelsea... you would have made a very, very good mother. I know how much you wanted that baby. So did I.", "Chelsea: I wanted a family. Some things just aren't meant to be.", "Adam: Maybe they still are.", "Chelsea: Meant to be, after all this?", "Adam: You and I aren't exactly what we would call \"Typical.\"", "Chelsea: (Chuckles)", "Adam: Maybe we just take some time, we figure out where we are, where we're going.", "Chelsea: A break, not a breakup?", "Adam: Exactly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I didn't expect a visit from you today. So, uh, thought you had turned your back on me. Why are you here?", "Nick: To get you to back off Sharon. I want you to drop the investigation.", "Victor: And why would I do that?", "Nick: Because there's no proof Sharon started the fire.", "Victor: I guarantee you that my investigators will find some proof that links her to starting the fire, okay?", "Nick: Even if they do, Sharon can't be held responsible for her actions.", "Victor: Why, because of the purported illness?", "Nick: Dad, she's bipolar.", "Victor: Oh, come on, son. Bipolar. That's the defense of a first-year law student.", "Nick: She was diagnosed by a licensed therapist and prescribed medication to treat her disorder.", "Victor: Well, I certainly hope that medication will prove effective, because who knows what else she'll up to?", "Nick: Dad, if she did this--", "Victor: Son, she has done enough damage to this family. It stops right here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Thanks.", "Tyler: (Clears throat)", "Leslie: That was an inappropriate question.", "Tyler: But not inaccurate?", "Leslie: Neil and I are not sleeping together.", "Neil: Yeah, your, uh, your sister and I are-- we're colleagues, you know? We're strictly coworkers. (Clears throat)", "Tyler: (Laughs) All right, there's way too much tension up in here. It's time to relax. I was just messing with you, my man. I know you two aren't together. Otherwise, you would have sat as soon as she said \"Sit.\"", "Neil: So, uh, just based off of what I've heard, you're an artist?", "Tyler: Uh, my degree's in graphic design, yeah.", "Neil: Wow. Where do you work?", "Tyler: Well, I started out designing posters for some clubs around L.A., and then I bounced up to san Francisco, did advertising for an internet start-up.", "Leslie: He's being modest. His campaign put the company on the map. Now it has half a billion users.", "Neil: Nice. How'd you accomplish that?", "Tyler: It was guerilla-style, mostly. You know, you find a sticky concept, something that gets--", "Neil: Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Define \"Sticky.\"", "Tyler: It's something people can't forget, you know? It's, uh, like a word or an image, you know? Then you cover the city with it. Stickers, posters, paint.", "Neil: Right, right, right. I got it. I like it, and its-- its very--very grassroots.", "Leslie: Yeah, changed the way people thought about advertising. That's the kind of change we can use at Jabot.", "Tyler: Damn, Leslie. Did you just turn this into a job interview?", "Neil: Why don't you work up a pitch, my man, and we will talk?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Don't forward any calls to me.", "Mason: When shall I say you'll be back?", "Jack: This afternoon.", "Adam: Where are you rushing off to?", "Jack: I have a meeting.", "Adam: I didn't see it on the schedule. Who's it with?", "Jack: I don't run my schedule by you. I run this company.", "Adam: When we can find you.", "Jack: Adam, there will be days when I arrive late, days that I leave early due to my recovery. That is why you're here.", "Adam: Tell me again why you didn't show up at the meeting with Matt Merrick.", "Jack: I don't answer to you.", "Adam: I'm guarding your back, Jack.", "Jack: Then do that.", "Adam: I will continue to, as I have, but if you don't want my father huffing and puffing and knocking the door down, you need to be honest with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Dad, Sharon's not out to hurt anyone.", "Victor: Oh, yeah? Then how do you explain the fire?", "Nick: If she did do this, she wasn't in her right mind at the time.", "Victor: Son, why are you suddenly her ally?", "Nick: For the same reason you stood by Mom through all of her problems. This is the mother of my children.", "Victor: Son, there's a huge difference. Your mother's an alcoholic, not an arsonist.", "Nick: Both Mom and Sharon have problems that they can't fight alone. They need their families.", "Victor: (Sighs) Well, then you and your kids support and love her. That's all I can say.", "Nick: I can tell you this-- Sharon is not gonna get better sitting in some jail cell. Please don't pursue this.", "Victor: Sorry, Son.", "Nick: All right, then what do you want?", "Victor: Any number of things.", "Nick: Do you want me to fight for the company? Is that what it'll take to get you to back off?", "Victor: Too late for that, Son. You and Sharon made choices, and now you have to live with the consequences.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Noah: Hey.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Noah: I promised Faith cookies.", "Sharon: Oh, and you're gonna get 'em, both of you! Ohh, I'm so glad you're here. Thank God. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Of course I suspected something. I mean, anybody can see that they have a connection, but hearing Adam say those words... it felt like I was being hit by a truck.", "Chloe: What words did he use, exactly?", "Chelsea: He said that he felt something for Sharon.", "Chloe: Yeah, that \"Something\" being her tongue down his throat.", "Chelsea: Please, okay? I already have the vivid images in my head. They keep just playing over and over and over, every time I close my eyes.", "Chloe: It must be torture.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) That's not the worst part.", "Chloe: Well, I mean, what could really be worse than... oh, no, he didn't do--", "Chelsea: No. No, no, he didn't do that, but he said... (Sighs) Adam said that he wasn't sure how he feels about me anymore.", "Chloe: Okay, look, you guys were fighting, right? I mean, I'm sure that you said some things that you didn't mean, either.", "Chelsea: How did this happen? A few months ago, we were so happy. We were living in this house and we were expecting a baby, and now he--he wants a break?", "Chloe: Wait, hold up. A break?", "Chelsea: Adam... (Sighs) Adam said that maybe we should take some time apart to gain perspective.", "Chloe: Honey, that's called hedging your bets.", "Chelsea: What do you mean?", "Chloe: Adam wants to keep his wife handy, just in case this whole Sharon thing blows up in his face.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Hey.", "Nick: Hey.", "Noah: Thanks for coming. I gotta get to work, and she just seems like she's doing so much better now that I brought Faith over.", "Nick: Yeah, you didn't want to rush it. I get it.", "Noah: Yeah. How'd it go with Grandpa?", "Nick: Not as well as I expected.", "Noah: Ohh, man.", "Nick: All right, don't worry. We're gonna work it out.", "Noah: Yeah. (Chuckles)", "Nick: See you, man.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Nick: Well, it looks like you two are having a good time.", "Sharon: Oh, we are. The best!", "Nick: Hey, Faith, why don't you go upstairs and draw your mommy a picture for her new collection?", "Faith: Okay.", "Sharon: Um, so Noah told me you went to see Victor.", "Nick: Yeah. My first mistake was thinking I could reason with him.", "Sharon: Well, y-you explained my situation to him?", "Nick: Yeah. I-I really thought that Dad would show some empathy, but I couldn't convince him to back off of the arson investigation.", "Sharon: (Gasps) Oh, God. You know, I've done some really terrible things to him. I'm sure Victor wants to see me rot in jail, and it looks like he's gonna get his chance. (Voice breaks)", "Nick: Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: Thanks for giving my brother a tryout at Jabot.", "Neil: Well, I couldn't exactly say no, not with my entire family working there.", "Leslie: I would have understood.", "Neil: Eh, I couldn't risk it. You might have put that law degree of yours to work and slapped me with a lawsuit for unfair hiring practices.", "Leslie: Ah. Hey, Jack.", "Jack: Hi.", "Jack: So was that business or pleasure?", "Neil: Jack, that would be business. I did send you a memo that I hired Leslie at Jabot.", "Jack: Indeed you did, and it looks like you two are enjoying a close working relationship.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: No, no. Adam wouldn't do that to me.", "Chloe: This is Adam Newman, the ultimate \"I'll stab you while smiling at you\" guy.", "Chelsea: No, but he's never been that way to me, Chloe. He wouldn't hurt me. We've been through too much together.", "Chloe: So have Adam and Sharon. He stole her baby from her.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Chloe: She made him think that she was dead. Like, he got her thrown in jail.", "Chelsea: Oh, God, that is so twisted.", "Chloe: Yeah, because he is twisted, and you just don't see it because you're wrapped up in this whole happily-ever-after mode.", "Chelsea: Okay, if Adam wanted Sharon, why would he have married me in the first place?", "Chloe: Because when you have a special history with someone, you just get, I don't know, thrown into that whole boomerang mode. I don't know.", "Chelsea: Hard to stay away.", "Chloe: Yeah, and Adam clearly can't.", "Chelsea: He just needs to feel-- Adam needs to feel needed.", "Chloe: Yeah, we all want to feel needed.", "Chelsea: I'm just saying it all stems from his father, you know? Victor, he-- he has Nick and he has Victoria and Abby. He never needed Adam, and as much as Adam pretends he doesn't care, deep down, he really wants Victor to-- to love him and accept him.", "Chloe: And you think that's why Adam is so fixated on Sharon?", "Chelsea: Well, she does need him.", "Chloe: And so does his wife!", "Chelsea: Well, not as desperately as Sharon does.", "Chloe: Yeah, well, that is the perfect definition for that wack-job-- desperate. I mean, she just clings to every man because she's afraid to be alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I know things seem pretty bleak right now.", "Sharon: Yeah. Well, your father's a force to be reckoned with.", "Nick: So are you, when you want to be.", "Sharon: Nick, I-- I don't even know if I know how to be that person right now. This illness--it's just-- it--I-I can't even trust my own thoughts.", "Nick: The medication will help with those jumbled feelings.", "Sharon: Oh, great, so I'll be normal and sane when they cart me off to prison.", "Nick: You work with this doctor, and she'll get you back to being that force of nature again, and that's who you need to be when you fight Dad.", "Sharon: I wish I could just get it together.", "Nick: I told Dad that you've been sick and haven't been yourself lately.", "Sharon: And--and he didn't believe you?", "Nick: That's what he said, but I think he's gonna underestimate you. He's gonna think he has an easy fight on his hands, he'll let his guard down, and that's when you show up and surprise the hell out of him.", "Sharon: Nick, look, I-I really do appreciate this pep talk, but you and I both know that this is gonna come down to what the jury believes.", "Nick: It's gonna come down to evidence. They can't convict you unless they have some. Is there any to be found?", "Sharon: Nick, I don't even remember that night, but from what I've been told, there is nothing there that could implicate me.", "Nick: Who told you that? Adam?", "Sharon: I mean, he promised he covered his tracks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mason: Excuse me. You can't go in there.", "Victor: I beg your pardon? See the name on the building? What does it say?", "Mason: Newman Enterprises.", "Victor: You're talking to Victor Newman right now.", "Mason: What can I do for you?", "Victor: I don't give a damn, Sir. You become aware.", "Mason: Um, I'm not following.", "Victor: You become aware of the history of this building, this company. I built it from the ground up.", "Adam: Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The great Victor Newman, picking fights with an assistant.", "Victor: That was not my intention. Simply making the young man aware of the history of this... place he's working for.", "Adam: Mm. You took a little dramatic license, didn't you? For example, you don't run this place, not anymore, Dad.", "Victor: We'll see about that.", "Adam: There's only one Newman in charge here, and it ain't you. Thank you, Mason.", "Victor: With your help, I'm planning to make a play against Jack Abbott.", "Adam: It slip your mind, Pops? I've already turned you down.", "Victor: Let's say I'm giving you another opportunity.", "Adam: Which I would take, why?", "Victor: Because I don't think you would want Sharon to spend extended time in a padded cell, would you? And then one has to consider your own culpability. You might spend some prison time for a crime you helped cover up. So it's going to prison or helping me to get this company back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Thank you. So was this casual Friday?", "Neil: No, Jack, I'm, uh, still in my breakfast mode, right? So what's going on?", "Jack: I'm selling Jabot.", "Neil: Say it again? I-it--", "Jack: I'm selling Jabot.", "Neil: But it's your family's company.", "Jack: Which is why I gave this a lot of thought.", "Neil: Jack, I can't believe you're willing to sell the company that your father founded.", "Jack: Whoa, uh, just because I'm selling it doesn't mean I'm walking away from it.", "Neil: How does that work?", "Jack: Well, I'm keeping all of my assets under one umbrella.", "Neil: Wait a minute, let me get this straight-- you're folding Jabot into Newman?", "Jack: I wanted you to be the first to know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You can't take this from Adam. You have to make this break a breakup.", "Chelsea: Didn't you just say last night that I should stand by my man and fight?", "Chloe: Yeah, that was before Adam wanted to take a time-out in your marriage so he could just go suck face with Sharon.", "Chelsea: Ah! It was one kiss.", "Chloe: That you know about.", "Chelsea: No, no. Adam would have told me if there was something else.", "Chloe: (Laughs) Please. The only reason why you know about that kiss is because you walked in on it.", "Chelsea: Adam is honest with me.", "Chloe: He's a guy, and they all come from the same school of thought-- what you don't know won't hurt you-- but it does, and do you want to get hurt again?", "Chelsea: I can't give up on him.", "Chloe: Give up on him, or this life that you have with him?", "Chelsea: Oh, it's not the house or the money. Trust me, I've been broke before.", "Chloe: You still love him?", "Chelsea: Yeah... and there's no way I'm letting Sharon have my husband.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Blackmail, Dad? That's so last year.", "Victor: Oh, yeah, but very effective.", "Adam: Only if you have evidence against me, which you don't.", "Victor: No, Son, I know you well enough. You don't do the heavy lifting, do you? You pay someone to do the dirty work for you.", "Adam: That's more your style.", "Victor: How long do you think it'll take me, with all my connections... to find out who you paid to be the arsonist?", "Adam: The one who doesn't exist? Boy, I don't know.", "Victor: Well... past experience tells me it won't take much cash or convincing to get this guy to spill the beans.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Faith: It's for you, Mommy.", "Sharon: (Gasps) Oh, goodness, look at that! I love it! (Gasps) Your pictures have been helping me so much, Honey. Mm, but not as much as hugging you helps.", "Nick: I really hate to, uh, to do this, but we should go. I gotta get her home.", "Faith: I want to stay here with Mommy.", "Nick: Sweetheart, your mommy's not feeling well right now. Maybe next time.", "Sharon: You know, Nick... there might not be that many more opportunities.", "Nick: Okay, you can stay the night with your mommy. I'll pick you up tomorrow. I know you're gonna be a really good girl, right? Give me some knucks.", "Sharon: Thanks, Nick.", "Nick: Sure.", "Sharon: So, Faith, you and I get to spend the whole day and the whole night together.", "Faith: What are we gonna do?", "Sharon: Hmm. How would you feel about going on a trip?", "Faith: Where?", "Sharon: Well... it's a surprise.", "Faith: (Giggles)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Avery: You own it? It's yours?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Avery: Nick, that's fantastic!", "Adam: See if you can get Sharon and I both in jail, and you're gonna miss your one opportunity to get Newman back.", "Sharon: But we have to go now, Faith. Come on. We're going on an adventure!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread by Emma']
[ "Kyle visits Jack at home to discuss Victor and Newman Enterprises. Jack informs him about the biotech division of Newman Enterprises. Kyle tells him that he will take photos of the files. Jack warns him that that is corporate espionage. Over breakfast, Michael asks Lauren what she would like for Christmas. She doesn't really know how to answer. Neil visits Avery to get her help. As Paul goes through the boxes of evidence concerning Carmine's murder, Christine comes in. Noah and Courtney spend time together at On the Boulevard. Leslie stops by Michael and Lauren's table. Lauren lashes out at Leslie, accusing her of causing their family heartache. Summer and Fen meet for coffee at Crimson Lights. Summer asks him if he is still considering leaving town. Michael gets a call from Paul that he has his personal effects and for him to stop by the police department. Avery sees through what Neil isn't telling her and knows he is going to ask Leslie to marry him. Avery is thrilled. Fen tells Summer that he doesn't remember anything about the night that Carmine was murdered. A cop approaches Fen and tells him that Paul wants to talk to him at the police station. Michael goes to pick up his personal effects but is once again questioned by Paul about the pin that was found at the murder scene. Michael makes up a story to cover the real truth as to what happened. Jill lets Esther know her true feelings about the music box. Esther reveals that the letters mixed up spell Katherine. Lauren visits Jill. Kyle warns Jack about trying to bring down Bio-Tech by using the FDA. Jack wonders if Kyle is really concerned about the employees or if he is really worried about Victor.", "Jack warns Kyle to keep his eyes open at Newman. Avery and Neil discuss his future with Leslie. Summer asks Leslie for advice concerning Fen and his plan to leave town. Leslie advises Summer to talk Fen out of leaving. Leslie interrupts them. Neil makes up a story that Avery forgot her water bottle, and he brought it to her. Leslie asks Avery what the real reason was that Neil was there. Fen is brought in for questioning, but he tells a different story than Michael about the pin. Christine walks in and Paul tells her that both Michael and Fen are lying. Noah lets Courtney know that there is a lot about her that he needs to know. Jill and Lauren discuss Michael and Fen. Lauren lets Jill know that everything changed for them when Carmine was killed. Jill finds out that Esther purchased the music box.", "" ]
[ "Jill: Well, thank you so much for absolutely no help at all.", "Esther: What's wrong?", "Jill: Not now, Esther.", "Esther: Well, who was that on the phone?", "Jill: That was a so-called customer-service agent at this online auction site I used.", "Esther: Online what?", "Jill: You know what? I really don't have time to explain the entire internet to you, okay? But I will tell you this -- this hunk of junk in the real problem, okay? This stupid music box that Katherine left me. Tried to unload it on some poor sap, and they sent it back, addressed to me. Well, I am gonna find out what this is all about.", "[Keyboard keys clacking]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey.", "Kyle: Dad, hey. Uh, what'd you need to see me about?", "Jack: I want to talk to you about your work at Newman-Chancellor. How's it going?", "Kyle: Same today as it was yesterday, I guess. Victor's working me pretty hard.", "Jack: Of course he is. I'm not worried about that. What I am concerned about is how he's playing with your head.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Doorbell rings]", "Neil: Hi.", "Avery: Neil. Hi.", "Neil: Hi. Sorry to stop by without calling first.", "Avery: That's okay. I was actually just on my way out to meet Leslie. What's going on?", "Neil: Avery, listen -- I need your help.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Fenmore seemed a little better today, don't you think?", "Lauren: He's still very jittery.", "Michael: I'd say that's to be expected.", "Lauren: Every time I see his eyes darting around, like he's afraid he's gonna be jumped, it just -- it breaks my heart.", "Michael: It's all right, Sweetheart. It's gonna take a little while for Fenmore to get adjusted from being in prison, but he'll do it.", "Lauren: If he doesn't wind up behind bars again.", "Michael: That's not gonna happen.", "Lauren: I am just so terrified that they're just gonna show up at our door and they're gonna arrest our son for killing Carmine.", "Michael: All right, Sweetheart, how can they do that when they have no proof?", "Lauren: Yet.", "Michael: There is nothing pointing to Fenmore except his own confession, which was an obvious fabrication. He's an impulsive, scared kid trying to save his dad from going to prison, right? Without physical evidence to back up his story, the police have no grounds to make an arrest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: You're still at it?", "Paul: Oh, yeah. Hi.", "Christine: Hi. Mwah!", "Paul: I thought you had court today.", "Christine: Yeah, that was this morning, hours ago, after I woke up to an empty bed. What time did you finally get home?", "Paul: Oh, I never actually made it home.", "Christine: You spent the night here again?", "Paul: Yeah, I know, I know.", "Christine: Oh, gosh. This Basco case...", "Paul: Well, I promised myself I wouldn't leave until I went over all the evidence again, hoping to find something I didn't catch before, and late last night, I found it -- the one piece of hard evidence that could lead us to the real killer and place him at the scene of the crime.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: You're concerned that Victor is playing with my head?", "Jack: He is misdirecting you, giving you juicy, challenging assignments so you'll settle in and enjoy yourself and forget why you're there in the first place.", "Kyle: [Scoffs] It's a little thin, Dad. Come on.", "Jack: Do not ever underestimate that man's guile.", "Kyle: Look, I-I need you to trust me. I'm being careful. Frankly, I just wish that I had something for you. I've been --", "Jack: Actually, I found something. That's why I called you.", "Kyle: That's great. What is it?", "Jack: In Newman-Chancellor's Biotech division, there's a company called Bonaventure Industries. I want to know everything about it -- every detail.", "Kyle: Mm. Financials?", "Jack: Starting with that.", "Kyle: Consider it done. I'll photograph the files.", "Jack: No, no. Just read it and report back to me. No photographing. That's corporate espionage, and there are serious penalties for that.", "Kyle: There aren't any penalties if you don't get caught. Don't you have the faith in me to pull this off?", "Jack: I believe you can do anything you set your mind to. I'm also a dad, and I worry.", "Kyle: Okay. So, why is this company the key to hurting Victor?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Well, work is going great, which is why I wanted to bring you here over lunch so we could celebrate.", "Courtney: Wow, Noah. I don't think I've see you this excited about work...since ever. [Laughs] What happened?", "Noah: Well, it turns out my grandpa has some faith in me after all. He put me on a special project this morning.", "Courtney: Really? You're gonna crush it.", "Noah: That's the plan.", "Courtney: Do you want to know who else I believe in?", "Noah: Who?", "Courtney: Santa.", "Noah: Really?", "Courtney: Yeah. He's actually a close personal friend of mine, and, um, he wanted me to ask you what you wanted for Christmas this year.", "Noah: Hmm. Well, turns out that I already have everything that I want right here.", "Courtney: [Giggles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: What do I want for Christmas?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: Oh. It's not a thing, that's for sure.", "Michael: Oh. Make my shopping tough why don't you?", "Lauren: No. Honey, I just...want our whole family to escape from this nightmare. I know that's a lot to wish for.", "Leslie: Hey, there.", "Michael: Oh, hey.", "Leslie: I just wanted to say I'm so glad you're out.", "Michael: Yeah, you and me both.", "Lauren: Well, you're the reason he was in there.", "Michael: Sweetie, that's not true.", "Lauren: Yes. When Carmine was arrested for selling drugs to Fen, Leslie got the charges dropped. If she hadn't been representing that sleaze, he would still be in jail, and nobody I love would be accused of killing him.", "Michael: Sweetheart, you can't blame Leslie for that. Fenmore recanted his story. Carmine was innocent -- at least, that time.", "Leslie: I really am sorry that you and Michael have suffered so much. At least, uh -- at least Carmine can't hurt you anymore. Bye.", "Lauren: Suffered? [ Scoffs ] She doesn't even have a clue.", "Michael: Let it go, please.", "Lauren: What time is it? I feel late. Where's your watch?", "Michael: Still the property of the GCPD.", "Lauren: Oh, that's right. [Sighs] I'm 10 minutes late for meeting Jill.", "Michael: I thought I was going with.", "Lauren: Honey, I think we need some private sister time. You know, I just don't feel like I've been there enough for her with everything that she's been going through, so... would you mind meeting us later?", "Michael: No, that -- that sounds great. [Chuckles]", "Lauren: Don't look so happy about that.", "Michael: Love you.", "Lauren: I love you more.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Thank God your dad talked you down last night. I was really scared that you were gonna leave town.", "Fen: Well, I may not have to. Dad said that the evidence is a mess, which means the cops, they probably won't come after us.", "Summer: That's great. But what about the other things you said that you were worried about, like the guy in prison you said that you owed? Can he cause problems for you on the outside?", "Fen: No, at this point, I'm thinking he just said that to mess with me, something just to keep me scared.", "Summer: Yeah, he sounds like a great guy. So, all of this means that you're not even gonna think about running away now, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Michael: Yeah, Paul, what can I do for you?", "Paul: Well, I hope I'm not interrupting family time.", "Michael: No, uh, Fenmore's at the coffeehouse with Summer. I'm at the club. My beautiful wife has left to go visit her sister. What's going on?", "Paul: I have your personal effects from the night you were arrested.", "Michael: Yeah. You got my watch? What time is it, please?", "Paul: Yeah, I'm sorry it's taken so long, but the requisition to release your stuff finally came through, so I was thinking maybe you could come by now and pick it up?", "Michael: I'll be there shortly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Here we go.", "Christine: Michael's coming?", "Paul: Maybe today we'll finally get to the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: So, it's not a lawyer you want.", "Neil: No, not at all. I know quite a few lawyers -- probably too many. No offense.", "Avery: I get that a lot.", "Neil: Yeah, every, this is something that only -- only you can help with.", "Avery: Okay. Lay it on me.", "Neil: All right, here goes. I'm setting up this huge Christmas surprise for Leslie, and I was hoping that I would have my lovely all to myself around that time, if you know what I mean.", "Avery: Oh, okay. Well, uh... we do have some cases that need attention, but it's a slow time. I can work some things out. Yeah, I'll make sure her plate's cleared for work.", "Neil: Yes! That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Thank you very much.", "Avery: Yeah. So, what's the surprise?", "Neil: It's a secret. That's the whole point.", "Avery: Yeah, I know, but, you know, come on. Give me a hint. I mean, I did just agree to be your Christmas elf, so...", "Neil: What?", "Avery: Well, does it involve a suitcase and an airplane? No. Maybe a getaway by the lake?", "Neil: [Laughs]", "Avery: Big city weekend in Chicago? What?", "Neil: You -- this is funny. What's with the interrogation?", "Avery: I don't know. It must be something pretty good if you're trying to keep everything under wraps. I mean, what could be s-- wait a minute. Does this surprise involve a ring? Oh, my God. It does. You're gonna propose to Leslie. Neil, that's fantastic. [Laughs]", "Neil: [Chuckles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Fen: You make it sound like there's nothing to worry about. The case has been reopened.", "Summer: So? You just said that the cops aren't gonna come after you.", "Fen: Probably won't. But... if my dad is wrong about the evidence, they could still figure out that I killed Carmine.", "Summer: Fen, don't say that. You're not a murderer.", "Fen: How do you know that?", "Summer: I-I just do.", "Fen: You weren't saying that last year when Jamie accused me of pushing him off that ledge.", "Summer: Okay, that was different.", "Fen: How?", "Summer: I don't know. I-I never really believed that you did it. But Jamie was just really convincing, and with the whole situation, it almost seemed possible.", "Fen: This is possible, too, Summer. It is, even though I... it's frustrating 'cause I just don't even remember everything about that night.", "Summer: Okay, then it was self-defense. It had to be, Fen. You would never just shoot someone in cold blood, and Carmine was a complete psycho, and everyone knew it. Fen, just promise me you won't run. Fen, please, just promise me.", "Cop: Fen Baldwin?", "Fen: Yeah?", "Cop: I was sent by Paul Williams. He wants to talk to you. Will you please come with me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: You don't have to thank me.", "Michael: Yeah? Well, I beg to differ. You have been a great friend, both to Fenmore and to myself.", "Christine: Well, you know I'm always gonna help if I can. No need to make things any harder than they already are.", "[Door opens]", "Paul: Michael, come on in.", "Michael: Thanks.", "Paul: So, how's Fen?", "Michael: Well, it's a difficult transition, but he's managing. So, you have my things?", "Paul: Yeah. Sorry it took so long. Bureaucracy for you.", "Michael: [Chuckles] Thank you. You didn't have to handle this personally.", "Paul: Well, I wanted to ask you a question.", "Michael: Oh. What is it?", "Paul: That sobriety chip in the bag of your things there... what can you tell me about it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I never thought it was possible to hate an inanimate object this much. And now I can't even track down the buyer because I sent it to a post-office box.", "Esther: The person that bought this sure has a funny name. \"Rake Thine\"?", "Jill: Yes, I noticed that. I should've realized that with a name that nutty, something fishy was going on, especially since the auction bid was $10.25 -- Katherine's birthday. What the hell are you doing over there?", "Esther: I'm playing around with the name. \"Rake Thine.\" It's an anagram. At first, I thought it might mean \"Rethink Ear.\"", "Jill: Of course. \"Rethink Ear.\" At the hell is that supposed to mean, Esther?", "Esther: I don't know. I thought maybe it meant something to you.", "Jill: Oh, good Lord.", "Esther: But then I started moving all the letters around, and I realized that it spelled...Katherine.", "Jill: Oh, my God.", "Esther: Yeah, it's like one of those puzzles I love to do in the Sunday paper.", "Jill: Oh, my God. Someone is toying with me, and I do not appreciate it.", "Lauren: Hi! Hope you don't mind. I just let myself in.", "Jill: Yeah, well, you wouldn't have had to if someone was doing their job.", "Esther: I'm sorry, Lauren. I didn't hear the bell.", "Lauren: Oh, no. I didn't ring the bell at all. I, uh [Chuckles] I let myself in like I own the joint.", "Jill: I'm glad you did. I'm really glad to see you.", "Lauren: I'm so glad to see you, Sis.", "Esther: Can I get you anything? Some tea or...?", "Lauren: No. No, no. I'm fine.", "Jill: Some privacy would be novel. I was so glad to hear that Fen had been released early.", "Lauren: Yeah, we were, too. We've got a long road ahead of us, but... Michael and I are gonna do everything we can to help him.", "Jill: Of course. That's what families do. They help each other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Actually, it was Jill that first homed in on Bonaventure Industries. She's had her eye on it since she was at Chancellor.", "Kyle: What does Bonaventure do?", "Jack: Cancer research. They've been conducting some clinical trials, cutting a few corners, possibly, where they shouldn't.", "Kyle: Right, but how would Jill know that? She's not a scientist.", "Jack: For now, it's a fishing expedition. If we find some improprieties, the FDA's gonna want to know about it. If not... well, I'd think the press that the company's being investigated is not going to be good for Newman- Chancellor. I can see you're already uncomfortable with this.", "Kyle: You're targeting a company that could potentially save lives that might not be doing anything wrong in the first place. Once you set this in motion, Dad, you could tank them. You could ruin people's careers.", "Jack: If they're clean, they'll survive. If Victor cuts them loose, I'll find a way to finance them.", "Kyle: You're making it sound awfully simple.", "Jack: Tell me something -- is it really Bonaventure that you're worried about? Or are you suddenly a little squeamish about hurting Victor? There was a time that you and Victor were close. You starting to have second thoughts about going through with this?", "Kyle: No, no, no, not at all. Look, I signed on to this mission to make Victor pay for all the rotten things that he has done to you. Truthfully, I was just asking about the company, but... if you say that you'll take care of it, watch out for the people who work there, it's all the reassurance I need.", "Jack: Thank you. I appreciate that, and I genuinely appreciate the support. You helped me in more ways than you know. You've also helped Summer, even if you don't realize it.", "Kyle: Really?", "Jack: Yeah, she's got a birthday coming up in a couple of days, and she's in a better place in this new year of her life than I ever thought was possible. That's in large part because of your help in keeping the rest of us in our place.", "Kyle: Well, you know me. I'm always happy to tell my old man what to do.", "Jack: [Chuckles]", "Kyle: Look, I promise I won't rest until I get that information for you.", "Jack: Yeah, but don't let this job or the mission behind it consume you. You've got your own life to live.", "Kyle: Don't worry. I'm living my life. I'm learning a ton of new stuff over there and -- not for nothing -- there's a very cute associate that I like to spend my breaks with. And before you suggest anything, I highly doubt that Victor planted her there to distract me.", "Jack: Just promise me you'll keep your eyes open.", "Kyle: I will. I promise. I guarantee you, nothing's gonna go wrong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Avery, now that you know, you need to promise me --", "Avery: Yes, not a word. Scout's honor. I'm just very excited for you and Leslie. Finally, two people getting it right.", "Neil: Yeah, well, took me a few tries.", "Avery: Well, join the club.", "Neil: I know. I -- I made quite a few mistakes with women. You know, Karen and Sofia -- both good women. I didn't love them the way you should love a person that you're gonna spend the rest of your life with. You know, I went into those marriages for the wrong reasons.", "Avery: I'm right there with you. My marriage -- big mistake. And then I wanted things to work out so badly with Nick... but we just couldn't... I don't know. Leslie was right, I guess. She could see what I couldn't, you know? He and I just... why are we talking about relationships that didn't work when we should be talking about your bright, shiny future with Leslie? Because, Neil, that's what it's gonna be. I have no doubt.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: [Sighs]", "Summer: Uh, Leslie? Hi. If it's okay, I just wanted to get some advice.", "Leslie: Oh, sure. Ask away.", "Summer: Um... what if somebody I knew, hypothetically, committed a crime and they weren't around to be charged for it? What would happen?", "Leslie: How serious is the crime?", "Summer: Very.", "Leslie: How hypothetical is this question? Honey, are you in trouble?", "Summer: No. No, it's not me. I swear.", "Leslie: A warrant would be issued. There'd be a manhunt, and then, when he was caught and brought back to trial, the fact that he fled would work against him.", "Summer: Um, I never said that it was a he.", "Leslie: [Clears throat] Tell Fen not to run. It won't end well.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: This sobriety chip belongs to Fenmore... which I'm sure you've deduced.", "Paul: Michael, I'm sorry. I hate that I have to keep putting you through this. But it's my job.", "Michael: What else do you want to know?", "Paul: How did you end up with the chip that night?", "Michael: Fenmore gave it to me.", "Paul: When was that?", "Michael: The night Lauren received her award. He showed up at our hotel suite and surprised us. The center had approved a one-day pass so he could attend the ceremony.", "Paul: Must have made you very proud.", "Michael: Yes, it did. Fenmore looked good, healthy, whole... like he was ready to take on the world again. It was very special, his wanting to be there for his mother.", "Paul: I can imagine.", "Michael: Fenmore showed it to us. He'd worked so hard to get clean, you understand. He wanted us to have it, so I put it in my pocket. We were all looking forward to a great night.", "Paul: One that didn't end well. I'm so sorry, Michael.", "Michael: You and me both.", "Paul: Well, I think that about covers it. And if you don't mind, I'm going to hold on to that chip for a while.", "Michael: Friend or not, next time we do this, we're doing it with a lawyer.", "Paul: Understood.", "Michael: [Sighs] Fenmore, call me when you can. Uh, there's no need to panic. There's just a development that we need to discuss.", "Paul: Fen, thanks for coming by.", "Fen: Oh, I didn't even realize I had a choice.", "Paul: Well, I just, um... I want to talk for a moment.", "Fen: What's this about?", "Paul: I just have a few follow-up questions for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Oh. Well, Leslie, I'm in the doghouse, aren't I? I was on my way to see you, and then -- come -- come in -- Neil stopped by.", "Leslie: Wow.", "Neil: Hey, Honey.", "Leslie: Hi. What are you doing here?", "Neil: You know, it's funny, but, um...I ran into Avery this morning at the gym, and she left her water bottle there, so I decided to bring it to her.", "Avery: Yeah, goodness, yes. Thank you. Thank you for going out of your way.", "Leslie: Well, you see, that is why I date this man. He just -- he does sweet stuff like that.", "Neil: That's me. I'm full of sweetness. Listen, I'm gonna leave you two to your business. I will talk to you later. Bye, Baby.", "Leslie: Have a good one.", "Neil: You too. Bye, Avery. Thanks again.", "Avery: Yeah.", "Leslie: So, why was he really here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Courtney: You've got me very spoiled.", "Noah: I do?", "Courtney: All these sexy private dates in the middle of the day. The whole place to ourselves -- it's unbelievably hot.", "Noah: Sure, yeah. Pastrami sandwiches in a big empty room. I'm gonna add that to the list of things that you like.", "Courtney: [Chuckles]", "Noah: And then I'm gonna use it to prove to Summer that I know you better than she thinks I do.", "Courtney: Yeah, what's that about?", "Noah: Oh, Summer made some crack about how I don't know all there is to know about you.", "Courtney: What else did she say?", "Noah: That was it. I think Summer's just still weirded out that we're together.", "Courtney: Yeah. I hope she can get over it, and we can go back to how things were. I kind of miss my best friend.", "Noah: I hear you.", "Courtney: You know, Summer's birthday's coming up, and... I kind of wanted to do something special for her.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Noah: Something important?", "Courtney: Not as important as you.", "Noah: You know, Summer's right -- there is a lot more I have to learn about you. And I intend to learn every single thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: How are things with Fen otherwise?", "Lauren: Oh, you mean is he clean and sober? Yeah.", "Jill: Well, good. That's good, isn't it?", "Lauren: You know, one day at a time, as the saying goes.", "Jill: You know what? You're always gonna worry. I worry all the time. You know, that Billy will gamble again or do something incredibly self-destructive and stupid, especially now. I phone him, I text him, message him, I stop by his house -- anything I can to let him know that I am here for him if he wants to talk to me. But he never does. I just want to comfort my son, Lauren, like any mother, but he won't let me. And then I keep telling myself that things will get better in the future. Because they have to, right? And you know what helps me with that? Thinking of you and your family.", "Lauren: I don't know why.", "Jill: Because a month ago, Fen and Michael were in prison, and now they're out, and now you can get your lives back on track.", "Lauren: I'm trying. But it is so hard. Fen was traumatized. I just hope -- I hope -- that he is gonna be able to pull through this.", "Jill: Lauren, pretty soon, the police are gonna find the real killer, and you're gonna be able to put all of this behind you.", "Lauren: You know, everything changed for us the night that Carmine was killed. And sometimes I just feel like I'm -- I'm caught in this time warp and stuck in that night, and I don't know if it's ever gonna end.", "Jill: I am so, so sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Well, I'm relieved that you're out of prison and home safe. We were all worried about you, Fen.", "Fen: Thanks. So, why did you want to see me?", "Paul: Oh, because we are reopening the Carmine Basco murder investigation, which means I have to review all the evidence, and that includes the confession you made the day your dad was sentenced. So, um... what do you have to say about that now?", "Fen: I-I-I was an idiot.", "Paul: What does that mean?", "Fen: Well, it means that, um, you and Christine were right. I-I-I only said that I shot Carmine to keep my dad from going to prison.", "Paul: Mm-hmm.", "Fen: Which obviously didn't work, so it was kind of pointless.", "Paul: Right. So, does that mean you're officially withdrawing your statement?", "Fen: Yes.", "Paul: Okay. All right.", "Fen: Is -- is that it? Can I go?", "Paul: Almost. Anything you can tell me about this?", "Fen: It's my sobriety chip. They gave it to me in rehab after I hadn't used for a month.", "Paul: How did your dad get a hold of it?", "Fen: Well, the day I got it, my mom and dad, they came to visit me at the center, so I just gave it to them to keep.", "Paul: So your dad carried it around with him since the day that they visited you.", "Fen: I guess. Wow, I...didn't realize how much that meant to him.", "Paul: Right. I'm sure they're very proud.", "Fen: I-I hate that I disappointed them, that I did drugs again. All they've ever done is try to protect me.", "Paul: They always will. Okay. So, um... I think that about covers everything. You're free to go. You can go out his way if you want.", "Fen: Thank you.", "Paul: Sure. [Sighs deeply] They're both lying.", "Jack: Hey, thanks for coming by to check on me, Neil, but I assure you, I'm doing a whole lot better than the last time you saw me.", "Neil: I'm glad to hear that, Jack, but you know the temptation to use never completely goes away, my friend.", "Jack: Believe me. I've learned that lesson. I promise you, I'm doing better. Thanks to you. Have a seat.", "Neil: Thanks.", "Jack: What I want to hear about is how this big proposal is coming along. How are plans coming?", "Neil: Oh, Jack, let me tell you something -- everything is coming together perfectly.", "Jack: Fantastic. I'm telling you, not a day goes by, Neil, that I don't wish I had proposed to Phyllis before this accident. I know she's gonna be fine. I know she's gonna come back and that we're gonna get married, but... you can't afford to waste one minute. My advice to you, whether you like it or not, is marry Leslie as soon as you can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: So, you're seriously sticking with this water-bottle story?", "Avery: Well, is it so hard to believe? You know how I like to hydrate when I work out.", "Leslie: Huh. You know what? I bet it has something to do with Christmas. Yeah, Neil already said he's planning a surprise.", "Avery: Well, then, sit back and be surprised.", "Leslie: Okay, now, I know Christmas is a big deal to some people, but, honestly, the whole holiday thing, it really stresses me out. I mean, I hope he's not planning anything too elaborate. Okay, the best surprise for me would be for him to take me someplace, between Christmas and New Year's -- someplace warm, someplace where we can just, you know, relax. It's been so intense around here.", "Avery: With work or something else?", "Leslie: I ran into Lauren at the Athletic Club. And when I tell you she went off on me for defending Carmine... she said if it wasn't for me keeping Carmine out of prison, her family wouldn't be going through this mess.", "Avery: Leslie, you were doing your job. Lauren was out of line saying that.", "Leslie: Yeah, well, to tell you the truth, it's not anything I haven't said to myself more than once. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't take that case, Avery. But I, uh...made my decision. And now I have to live with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Oh, my gosh. Thank God you're back. W-what did Paul want?", "Fen: I'm not sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Hey, should I ask how you doing? Or have you covered that all with Lauren?", "Jill: Yeah, I think we're a little talked out on that subject.", "Michael: Mm. Oh, yes, the infamous music box. Were you ever able to figure out why Katherine left it to you?", "Jill: Why, yes. Yes, I was. To torment me. I actually sold that thing online at an auction, and it was returned to me.", "Michael: Did the buyer get a full refund?", "Jill: I wish it had been that straightforward.", "Lauren: Then why?", "Jill: I have no idea! And now I can't track down the person.", "Lauren: Well, you know, whenever anybody orders anything online at Fenmore's, we require a phone number. So what about the website you used? Why don't you look up the buyer's phone number on the transaction record?", "Jill: That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of it? It is time to put an end to this mystery.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You know, Jack, there's something else I want to talk to you about, uh, concerning business, if you don't mind.", "Jack: Sure. Fire away.", "Neil: Yeah, speaking of which, firing -- Devon. Devon told me that you fired him, and then he said he was only fired if he wanted to be.", "Jack: Neil, you and I both know, where business is concerned, Devon's heart has never been in it. I was just trying to shake up his world a little bit, get him to think outside of the box about the rest of his life.", "Neil: Yeah, no, I understand that. He has been a bit lost. The inheritance hasn't helped. I was only hoping that he would take some time to reflect on what would make him truly happy, you know? I don't care if it's at Jabot. I just -- I want what's best for the kid.", "Jack: Yeah, believe me, I want the same thing for my son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: Listen, is your dad around?", "Noah: Uh, no, not right now.", "Kyle: Well, I wanted to talk to him about Summer's birthday. I'd like to keep it as drama-free as possible.", "Noah: Sure. Great. That's a good goal.", "Kyle: Know where I can find him?", "Noah: Well, don't quote me on it, but, uh... have you tried the house?", "Kyle: No. No, I didn't think of that.", "Noah: Did you try calling him?", "Kyle: I don't have his number, but it's not necessary. No. Just tell him I stopped by.", "Noah: Yeah, sure will. Oh, hey, how's the marketing project?", "Kyle: It's going pretty well, actually. It's a lot of work, but it's good. Thanks for asking. Listen, I hope this means there are no hard feelings between us.", "Noah: Oh, no, no. Actually, I got put on a special project of my own.", "Kyle: Oh, yeah? What would that be?", "Noah: I'm supposed to oversee what's going on with one of the subsidiaries. It's Bonaventure Industries.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Ah, there we go -- recent transactions.", "Lauren: Um, Honey, you know what? We're gonna leave you to this, okay? I love you.", "Jill: But Michael just got here.", "Lauren: I know. We just had this crazy, crazy day, but I hope you find what you're looking for.", "Jill: I do, too. There have been so many dead ends with this stupid thing.", "Michael: Well, good luck.", "Jill: Thanks, Michael.", "Lauren: You want to tell me what's on your mind?", "Michael: Uh, Paul called. He wanted me to pick up my personal effects from the night of my arrest. And when we got to his office, he started asking me a lot of questions.", "Lauren: What kind of questions?", "Michael: Mainly about what I was doing with Fenmore's sobriety chip from rehab.", "Lauren: Oh, my God. What did you tell him?", "Michael: Do not panic. I think I took care of it. Let's go.", "Jill: Ah. There it is -- a phone number. I have got you now.", "[Esther cell phone rings]", "Jill: It was you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Well, Michael and Fen weren't the only ones withholding information. I didn't tell either one of them that I had forensics analyze the chip.", "Christine: What did they find?", "Paul: There was residue that matched the crime scene in the alley and a trace of blood -- Carmine Basco's blood.", "Christine: So we know the killer probably dropped it at the crime scene.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: You talked to Paul without your dad there?", "Fen: He just -- he needed to ask me some questions.", "Summer: Were you totally freaking?", "Fen: On the inside, yeah, but its okay. I think I handled everything okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: Well, this chip is still another piece to the puzzle, still doesn't tell us who pulled the trigger.", "Paul: No, but I know how we can find out for sure.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: Who would do something like this for Dee and not want anyone to know about it?", "Alex: We got him. We got a lead on the guy who killed Delia.", "Jack: We're gonna do a little surprise something here at the house -- very small.", "Nick: Small. So I didn't make the cut?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Billy is sitting on the couch when Jack walks in and tells him he needs to go to the Jabot holiday party. Billy declines and tells him his plan is to watch a holiday movie. Meanwhile Phyllis is at her office having her makeup done by Mia who hints at being invited to the party. Phyllis extends an invite. Nikki is at the police station with Rey who thanks her for coming out in the road conditions to which Nikki retorts she didn't have a choice did she? Rey then tells her she is in a lot of trouble for attempting to influence an official police investigation. Kyle and Ted (executive assistant) are chatting at the office, when Lauren and Kerry enter. Kerry casually asks if Jack will be at the party. Michael enters but quickly gets a call from Nikki at the station. Lola and Kyle are at the holiday party at the club where Lola mentions she finally gets to wear her dress and that she is happy as she has a great boyfriend and will soon be a head chef. Jack and Nick are at Dark Horse when Victoria arrives. Jack suggests she takes Billy to the party and that he is at home feeling down. Back at the station Michael is representing Nikki in the interrogation room. Michael assures Rey that Nikki has not affected the investigation. Rey brings up Victor's unexplained absence. After the interrogation Michael tells Nikki she needs to stay away from Mia. He also tells her she shouldn't be home alone and that he has an idea (Jabot holiday party).", "Fen is serving at the party and Lauren tells him she is proud of him. Fen then approaches Kyle and Lola where Kyle gives him a hard time. Lola intervenes and sticks up for Fen. Nick and Phyllis are toasting a drink then kiss as Jack interrupts. Jack announces that Billy may be coming to the party, then he sees Kerry and joins her. Meanwhile, Victoria is at Billy's where she convinces him to go to the party. Meanwhile Charlie is downing several beers while telling Reed that Shawna has posted pics of herself on social media with some guy. Rey arrives home and fills Mia in about Nikki. Mia tells him about the party. He doesn't want to go but will go only to make her happy. At the party Nikki is eying the liquor. Michael gives Fen a hard time about his new job when Lauren intervenes and tells him they are supportive. Phyllis gives a speech thanking everyone and announces sales are 6% up over last year. Victoria and Billy enter the party and greet Phyllis and Nick. Billy says he didn't want the + one invite to go to waste. Kerry and Jack are enjoying the party but agree their private party was better. Victoria, Nikki and Nick are talking about the investigation and how it is impacting Nikki's health as Rey and Mia enter the party. Michael warns Rey not to cause trouble. Charlie is still drinking at his house with Reed who convinces him to go to a party. Reed insists on driving despite his suspended license since Charlie has been drinking. Back at the party Nikki is adding booze to her drink. Mia approaches Nikki and apologizes, and asks if they can still be friends. It's now karaoke time at the party and Fen is nominated to sing. As Fen sings Billy and Victoria are looking at the photo they had taken and Nikki is once again adding more booze to her drink. Fen then walks over to Lauren to join in and sing with him. The song lyrics include 'believe in me' and 'follow your dreams'. Fen is quite a good singer. Nikki has a few words with Rey and then stumbles out the door. Reed is behind the wheel driving in the snow storm. He can't see out the window, and as Nikki stumbles out into the street Reed hits something, Nikki falls onto the ground in the snow.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Nikki: I drank alcohol last night. I thought I had it under control.", "Nikki: You're a doll. I would love to have a friend like you. It's just that, I'm not sure what I can say because of your husband.", "Victoria: If detective rosales gets even the smallest idea of what you and mia are up to, you're gonna become his number-one suspect.", "Charlie: Shauna's probably gonna meet so many guys in colorado.", "Cane: Yeah, but they're not you, bud.", "Kerry: Well, we mustn't break tradition.", "Phyllis: I made it clear where things are at. It seemed like the message was received.", "Billy: Definitely.", "Billy: No! Whoa, whoa! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!", "Jack: You lose track of time? You're gonna be late for the jabot holiday party.", "Billy: Plans have changed, jack. I got a hot date with the couch. We're about to kick and watch a christmas-movie marathon.", "Jack: Billy...", "Billy: Jack. Beats the hell out of going to a work thing and watch phyllis prance around with nick.", "Jack: Staying in your hidey-hole, glued to the television, is not gonna make the pain go away. You need to get out there, little brother.", "Billy: I appreciate your pep talk, I really do, but this is exactly where I want to be.", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]", "Mia: Look at me please.", "Phyllis: [ Gasps ]", "Mia: Okay. All...set.", "Phyllis: Aww!", "Mia: [ Laughs ]", "Phyllis: Okay, let's see!", "Mia: Let me know what you think.", "Phyllis: Wow!", "Mia: Hmm!", "Phyllis: Look at the eyes! They're so smokey.", "Mia: [ Laughs ]", "Phyllis: Wow, look at me! I'm ready to party.", "Mia: Okay. I'm so glad you're pleased.", "Phyllis: Oh, I definitely am.", "Mia: Yes? Oh, perfect.", "Phyllis: Thank you. Oh, wow. Okay. [ Mia sighs ] So, let me pay you. Your regular rate plus 20%.", "Mia: Wow. Thank you. That's really very generous.", "Phyllis: Well, my pleasure. Absolutely. There you go.", "Mia: Sounds like that party tonight's really gonna be something.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, you know, it's not gonna be a huge deal. But, you know what, I tell you, as far as office parties go, I think it's gonna be very nice. We have a great staff. They work hard all year long. I think it's gonna be a treat for them.", "Mia: Well, since I'm in your office, working for you today, doesn't that make me staff? At least for today?", "Phyllis: Would you like to go to the party?", "Mia: Only if it's not too much to ask. I mean, heh, rey and i could really use a night out.", "Phyllis: Absolutely. The more, the merrier.", "Mia: Thank you. Truly. You really don't know how much this means to me.", "Rey: Thank you for coming in. Sorry to keep you waiting. I know it's a challenge getting around out there with the snow and everything.", "Nikki: Oh, now you're being polite. On the phone, you made it clear I had no choice. Why am I here?", "Rey: You approached my wife in an attempt to influence an official police investigation. That is a serious crime. You need to follow me. Come on.", "Ted: Open the bar as guests start arriving, and then have the waitstaff begin circulating with trays of champagne... a half hour in. Awesome. I'll see you in a few.", "Kyle: Sounds like you totally have a handle on things.", "Ted: Yeah, the venue's super on the ball. Uh, food, drinks, uh, décor, entertainment, valet, coat check. They made it super easy.", "Kyle: Anything special planned, beyond the usual booze and cheese puffs?", "Ted: Oh, man. I got a holiday photo booth, uh, karaoke, once everyone's appropriately loosened up...", "Kyle: Mm-hmm.", "Ted: ...And music by the best deejay in town.", "Kyle: Who?", "Ted: Me.", "Kyle: [ Snorts ]", "Ted: [ Chuckles ] It's one of the many skills that didn't make it onto my résumé.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ]", "Lauren: I thought it was interesting.", "Kerry: [ Laughing ]", "Lauren: By the way,' that dress is stunning.", "Kerry: Oh, thank you. I was about to say the same about yours.", "Lauren: Oh, well, thank you. You should stop by the store next wednesday, because I have a very special forrester trunk show just in time for new year's eve.", "Kerry: Ooh, I will keep that in mind.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm. [ Chuckles ]", "Kerry: Do you know if jack is coming this evening?", "Lauren: I mean, I assume so. You know, he's on the board, and he usually attends the jabot gatherings. And why? You wouldn't be interested in him, would you?", "Kerry: We've been spending a little time together.", "Lauren: Have you, now? Hmm. That's wonderful. And, um... between us girls, jack can be a handful. But he's worth it. He's witty and charming and a brilliant conversationalist, and certainly knows how to treat a lady, that's for sure.", "[ Laughs ]", "Michael: So I've been told.", "Lauren: Oh, my god! I was just talking about you!", "[ Laughs ]", "Michael: [ Chuckles ]", "Lauren: Mwah! Kerry, you remember my husband, michael, don't you?", "Kerry: Oh, sure, yes. From the jaboutique launch party. It's nice to see you again.", "Michael: Yes. Likewise. Lauren was telling me just this morning that you've been -- [ Cellphone rings ] Oh. Oh, sorry.-Actually, I should take this. Excuse me.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Kerry: Of course.", "Lauren: Of course, honey.", "Michael: Yes, nikki? What's going on?", "Nikki: I'm at the police station. I need you to get down here immediately.", "Michael: All right. On my way. Well [Clears throat] Looks like duty calls.", "Laun: Ohh.", "Michael: Hopefully I'll catch up with you later.", "Lauren: Okay, sweetheart. Uh, please be careful. The roads are a mess.", "Michael: Yes, I will.", "Nikki: I'm not saying another word without my attorney present.", "Rey: Smart of you to call a lawyer. You're gonna need one. Additional sponsorship", "Lola: First one in the door. I am such a dweeb. I was so excited about tonight that I...couldn't wait.", "Kyle: I can't take my eyes off you. Glad you finally had a reason to wear that dress, 'cause you look gorgeous.", "Lola: You're so sweet.", "Kyle: Of course, that's not just about the dress. You'd be amazing in anything.", "Lola: It's because of how happy I am. I have an incredible boyfriend. I am going to be the head chef at abby and devon's new restaurant. It's like everything in my life is coming together at once, and... I can't even believe it's real.", "Kyle: [ Exhales softly ] It's real. You're real. So is this.", "Lauren: [ Laughs ] Okay. Girls, what do we drink to?", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Kerry: The holidays.", "Lauren: Ooh.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no. No. To you two. I am beyond blessed to have such strong, bold, innovative women by my side that make my job easier every day. Thank you for your support and your friendship. Okay?", "Lauren: Oh, well, thank you. And hear, hear!", "Kerry: Hear, hear.", "Jack: If they want to break ground in green bay in december, more power to them.", "Nick: As long as they start digging in the next two weeks, I'm good with it.", "Jack: Agreed.", "[ Footsteps approach ]", "Victoria: Hey. [ Sighs ]", "Nick: Hey.", "Victoria: Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt.", "Jack: Victoria. Nice to see you. How are you?", "Victoria: I'm fine, thank you. How are you?", "Jack: No complaints.", "Victoria: Good.", "Nick: What's up?", "Victoria: Um, well, I was on my way home from work, and I thought I would stop by and see if you wanted to get dinner. We could grab a bite and discuss the plans for the weekend with the kids?", "Nick: Yeah, I can't tonight. It's, uh, jabot's holiday shindig, and phyllis is hosting.", "Victoria: Ohhh. I was kind of wondering why you two looked so spiffy.", "Jack: [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: Uh, as for this weekend, I'm thinking sleigh riding, maybe ice skating, maybe both, followed by pizza, hot chocolate, and an inordinate amount of gingerbread men.", "Victoria: Oh, wow. I love it. Okay. So we'll just go over the details later.", "Nick: Walk you out?", "Victoria: Sure. [ Cellphone rings ] Oh. Heh... that's reed. I better see what he wants. Hi, hon.", "Jack: Hey, you know what, you go ahead. I'll see you there.", "Nick: Yeah, cool.", "Victoria: Yeah, okay. Yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun. sure to wear your warm coat, 'cause it's freezing out. [ Scoffs ] Okay. Yes, have a good time. Tell mattie I said hi. Bye. What happened to nick?", "Jack: I sent him on his way. Listen, it sounds like, uh, you don't have any plans for the evening. Might be fun if you came to the holiday party yourself. With billy.", "Victoria: Well, that sounds like a nice idea, but, uh, if billy wanted me to go, he would have asked me.", "Jack: He's feeling pretty down these days.", "Victoria: Oh, I know. Phyllis.", "Jack: When I left him, he was in his sweats, on the sofa, glued to the television. I told him that's no way to heal a broken heart. Tried to pry him out of there, but...", "Victoria: You didn't really have any luck with it.", "Jack: You two seem to be in a pretty good place these days. Maybe you could convince him to get off his duff and join the festivities.", "Victoria: Why do you think i would be able to change his mind if you weren't able to?", "Jack: Because I'm his annoying older brother, and you're you.", "Victoria: I hear a compliment in there somewhere.", "Jack: All I'm asking is that you get him to the party. Who knows? Maybe you'd have a good time, too. What do you say?", "Rey: She is trying to obstruct justice.", "Michael: And you're trying to take down a newman to score points with the police commission. You've made this a very personal vendetta.", "Rey: She made this personal by involving my wife. Cozying up to mia, pumping her for information about the hellstrom murder. Do you deny it?", "Nikki: Mia was doing my makeup. We were having a very friendly conversation. I didn't ask about any of the details of your case, nor did she offer them.", "Rey: But you did convey to her that I shouldn't upset your very powerful husband. I could interpret that as a threat.", "Michael: Let me assure you that mrs. Newman was in no way, shape, or form trying to threaten you.", "Nikki: Mia and I both love our husbands. We just want what's best for them. It's a shame that the two of you don't have the same kind of trust that victor and I have.", "Michael: Nikki -- nikki, stop talking. Let me handle this.", "Rey: You know, your -- your client's behavior reeks of desperation. I am more certain than ever that she knows more about this murder.", "Michael: We have heard no proof that my client has affected your investigation one iota. So unless you're planning to arrest her, we will be on our way.", "Rey: Don't leave town. I may want to speak to you again. Meanwhile, you need to track down your other client.", "Michael: Oh, you're referring to victor newman?", "Rey: Mm-hmm. We have compelling evidence linking him to J.T.'S death. But because of his continued, unexplained absence, we've been unable to question him.", "Michael: We have tried everything in our power to find him.", "Rey: I am so sick of hearing that, counsel. And so is the D.A.", "Nikki: My husband is innocent. He's being framed.", "Rey: Well, if you have evidence to prove that, let's hear it. It's gonna save your husband a lot of misery.", "Nikki: Have you ever even considered the possibility? Because your top priority should be tracking down whoever set fire to our stables --", "Michael: Nikki --", "Nikki: ...And then placed the gun and the bloody shirt, but falsely implicated him.", "Rey: I'm not at liberty to discuss that aspect of the investigation.", "Michael: No, we're out of here. Nikki, please.", "Nikki: [ Huffs ] That man can be such a horse's ass.", "Michael: Have you heard from victor? Have you heard from victor at all? No thought of where he is, nothing?", "Nikki: None. I'm not lying to you, michael.", "Michael: No. Oh, yeah. Okay. I believe you. Just, if you get word, your first call needs to be to me. Understood.", "Nikki: Yes!", "Michael: Also, and this is important, mia. Don't go back to her place. Don't invite her to yours. Don't try to befriend her in any way. From how her husband just reacted, it's probably best to not interact with the woman at all. You'll just make the situation more complicated than it already is. Got it?", "Nikki: Okay. Got it. Anything else?", "Michael: You dodged a bullet. You should be happy.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] I'm going home. Need my coat.", "Michael: No. Who else is home?", "Nikki: What, my house?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: No one. Why?", "Michael: I don't think you should be alone. I have a better idea.", "Lauren: So, when did you get hired here?", "Fen: Uh, well, tonight's actually my first night.", "Lauren: Ohh.", "Fen: Yeah. You and dad said I needed to find somewhere to work until my music career took off, so... here I am. [ Sighs ] Serving mini shrimp tacos and fried mac-and-cheese lollipops.", "Lauren: [ Laughs ]", "Fen: Would you, uh, care for one?", "Lauren: No. You know what, maybe later. But I'm impressed. You got a job in record time.", "Fen: Yeah, well... I wonder if dad's gonna be as enthused as you are.", "Lauren: I will soften him up.", "Fen: Thanks. You're, uh... you're the best.", "Lauren: [ Chuckles ]", "Kyle: Hey.", "Fen: Can I, uh, interest either of you in an appetizer?", "Lola: Fen, hi. How's it going? Oh, my god. You've really gotten into this waiter thing.", "Fen: Yeah, well, I had such great time the other night at devon's helping you with the private dinner that, you know, when I saw the club was hiring, I figured, why not?", "Lola: You saved my life, and I could not have done it without you. And I will also take one of these taco things.", "Kyle: It's a good look on you, baldwin.", "Fen: Oh, yeah. The, uh -- the apron?", "Kyle: Yeah, the whole waiter uniform. Apron, towel. Bunch of crumbs on the front of your shirt. Such is the life of a wannabe artist.", "Lola: This is a perfectly fine job. I waited on lots of tables to save money until I could open my food truck.", "Kyle: You're right. Shame on me. It's a noble profession.", "Fen: Ohh. Apology accepted. So, if you and the, uh, crown prince here need anything else, just give me a shout.", "Lola: By, fen.", "Nick: It looks like your assistant did an amazing job organizing this so we can relax.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. I know. Poor baby. You've been putting in a lot of hours. You have.", "Nick: [ Inhales sharply ] Oh, look what we have here.", "Phyllis: What?", "Nick: No, it's over here now. Oh, it moved. It moved.", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] What? What is it?", "Nick: It's mistletoe.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: I think you're hallucinating. I don't see mistletoe.", "Nick: Stop trying to kill my fantasy.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Jack: Well, look who's already in the party spirit.", "Phyllis: Hi, jack. Will any other abbotts besides you and kyle be joining us tonight?", "Jack: Well, let's see. Uh, traci's in new york, abby's working on her latest project, and, uh, hopefully billy will make an appearance. Uh, will you excuse me, please?", "Kerry: Well. Good evening.", "Jack: It is now.", "Billy: Wow.", "Victoria: Yeah. It's cold out there.", "Billy: You look [Clicks tongue] Very, very nice.", "Victoria: Whew! Thank you.", "Billy: You must have plans, dressed like that.", "Victoria: You look really comfortable.", "Billy: Oh, yeah. Well, thank you very much. Is it, uh -- is it reed?", "Victoria: Oh, no, no. We had a nice long talk, and everything's okay. At least for now.", "Billy: Good, good. I'm glad to hear that.", "Victoria: I just came by to see how you were doing.", "Billy: You just... you talk to jack? Did jack talk to you, to -- I'm gonna strangle him. You know that?", "Victoria: No, no, no, no. It's actually a good thing.", "Billy: Really?", "Victoria: It is, yeah. You know, it's been a rough week. I think a party actually sounds... I don't know. Kind of fun.", "Billy: Don't do that.", "Victoria: Would you take me? Please?", "Billy: No, don't do that.", "Victoria: What?", "Billy: You do that thing with your eyes, and you just --", "Victoria: What thing are you talking about?", "Billy: You look like a lost little puppy dog that needs, like, shelter from the storm.", "Victoria: It's working, then, right? Good.", "Billy: I can't say no when you do that.", "Victoria: Well, because I think it would be a positive thing for both of us. I know it's been hard. Breaking up with phyllis and watching her move on with nick so quickly. Look, you shouldn't let it ruin your holiday, and you have a lot to celebrate.", "Billy: Oh, do I?", "Victoria: Yes, you do.", "Billy: Okay. Like?", "Victoria: Well [Sighs] You're still contributing to jabot's success. You have a family and kids who love you very much. And I think the thing that you should bear in mind, that's most important, is that your ex-wife is gonna be really peeved if she got all dolled up and you're not gonna go. So are you gonna shower and change or what?", "Billy: I'm not gonna shower. But I will change. Okay? Give me 20 minutes.", "Victoria: I'll give you 10. So hurry. Move it.", "Billy: Hey. Thank you.", "Victoria: [ Chuckles ]", "Reed: [ Sighs ]", "Charlie: Mattie's not here.", "Reed: Where is she?", "Charlie: One of her nerdy high-school clubs went caroling. You'd know that if you bothered to ask. You can't just assume people are waiting around for you to show up.", "Reed: Dude, chill out. Why are you in such a mood?", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] Check out shauna's page.", "Reed: Who's the dude in all these pictures?", "Charlie: No clue. But she posted them tonight, and changed her relationship status to \"single,\" so... I've been dumped. Merry christmas to me.", "Mia: Not exactly miami, is it?", "Rey: Noticed that, did you?", "Mia: Well, I'm glad you're home. Long day?", "Rey: [ Sighs ] Just finished going a couple rounds with nikki and her lawyer about using you to get to me.", "Mia: Rey, I really wish you wouldn't have done that.", "Rey: Nikki crossed the line. I wasn't gonna let that slide.", "Mia: For the record, no one uses me. Okay? But I'm sorry you're so upset. I didn't mean to cause such a mess.", "Rey: I know. I know you didn'T.", "Mia: [ Sighs ]", "Rey: I was thinking we'd order in, go to bed early tonight?", "Mia: I was thinking of a late bedtime.", "Rey: Why?", "Mia: The C.E.O. Of jabot cosmetics called me last-minute to do her hair and makeup -- phyllis summers.", "Rey: Yeah, I know who she is.", "Mia: She was so delighted with my work, she invited us both to be guests at her company's holiday bash tonight.", "Rey: Oh, mia. Mia, you know that's -- that's not my thing.", "Mia: Come on. It'll perk you up. It sounds like it's gonna be really fun. Okay?", "Rey: [ Sighs ]", "Mia: I really, really want to go -- and not just for the networking. For the chance to celebrate -- come on -- the season with my husband. We haven't done anything christmas-y yet. Please say yes?", "Rey: [ Chuckles ] Anything to make you happy.", "Mia: Yes! Thank you.", "Lauren: I am delighted that you came back, and that you brought nikki with you.", "Nikki: Oh, thank you. That's so sweet.", "Michael: It's a good-sized crowd.", "Lauren: Ah, yes. The jabot people love to party. Of course, next week is my shindig with fenmore's employees and their significant others.", "Michael: Oh, what day?", "Lauren: Yeah, tuesday. Tuesday night, after hours at the museum. It's gonna be beautifully elegant.", "Michael: Well, I would expect nothing less.", "Lauren: Well, thank you, darling.", "Nikki: You know what, I need to make a quick call. Have fun.", "Michael: Sure.", "Lauren: Oh, yeah.", "Lauren: Is nikki okay?", "Michael: Oh, yes and no. She's tough. But with victor having gone awol, though, she's gonna have to stay strong with rey rosales all over her case. You're kidding me.", "Lauren: Oh, uh, yeah. I was gonna tell you the news.", "Fen: Hey, dad. Um... lamb kebab?", "Michael: Is this how you intend to support yourself?", "Fen: Yeah, until I get a record deal.", "Michael: If you do.", "Fen: No, when. All right? Just face it -- your kid's a major talent.", "Michael: Music is a brutal industry. If you're smart, you'll keep law school in the --", "Lauren: Honey. I know you had dreams of baldwin & baldwin. But we also agreed that we were gonna support fen's dreams.", "Michael: And we shall... for now. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Phyllis: Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please? Welcome to jabot's holiday celebration -- 2018 edition! [ Cheers and applause ] I hope you're having a fantastic time so far. Let's give a big hand to my executive assistant, ted, who organized tonight's festivities. Amazing work, really. And I want to also thank each and every one of you in this room, because you embarked on this journey with me. And as your C.E.O., I am pleased to announce, at the end of the third quarter, profits are up 6% over last year. So that is fantastic. [ Applause ] All because of you, our tireless staff. You are the best in the business, hands down. So give yourselves a round of applause. [ Applause ] I know that this is just the beginning, but it's a wonderful start. So I am wishing all of you the happiest of holidays. So go and enjoy yourself tonight. Happy holidays!", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "[ Applause ]", "Kyle: That's interesting.", "[ Sighs ]", "Victoria: Hello, phyllis. Nick.", "Billy: We just caught the tail end of your speech, but it looked like they were eating out of the palm of your hand.", "Phyllis: Uh, yeah. I think that they're all having a very good time.", "Nick: Vick, you didn't say earlier that you were coming with billy.", "Victoria: It was a spontaneous decision. After you dissed my dinner invitation.", "Billy: Can't let a perfectly good plus-one go to waste.", "Phyllis: Absolutely not. I-I'm glad that the both of you came. So, enjoy yourself.", "Billy: Oh, we intend to.", "Phyllis: Good.", "Billy: Yeah. Drink?", "Victoria: Sure.", "Kerry: I'd like to say, as fantastic as this party is, I enjoyed our quiet evening at your house even more.", "Jack: Yeah, that was a real highlight for me, too.", "Kerry: That kiss we... heh... I haven't stopped thinking about it.", "Jack: I can't stop thinking about it, either. Hey, what you got there?", "Kyle: Our first formal photo.", "Lola: It's epic.", "Jack: [ Laughs ] Suitable for framing.", "Kerry: [ Chuckles ] Definitely.", "Kyle: Kerry, do you know my girlfriend, lola? She's a fantastic chef.", "Kerry: Yes, I do. And yes, she is.", "Lola: Kerry is one of my regulars.", "Kyle: Oh.", "Kerry: Yeah. Those incredible sandwiches of yours have kept me going through many a marathon workday. Honestly, I live on her food.", "Lola: I'm flattered.", "Kerry: Do you make all of your own sauces and condiments?", "Lola: Every day. With only the freshest products.", "Kerry: Okay. That mojo salsa...", "Jack: Lola's got to be pretty special. I don't know when I've last seen you this happy.", "Kyle: I could say the same to you. I'm glad you took my sage advice and got back out there.", "Jack: Not half as glad as I am.", "Victoria: Rey was grilling you again?", "Nick: What about?", "Nikki: I tried to form an alliance with mia so that i could find out anything I could about the case that rey is building against victor. But it backfired, just as you warned me it would. I never should have trusted that silly woman to keep her mouth shut. Now rey is more determined than ever to pin J.T.'S murder on your father.", "Nick: Mom, I'm worried about you, and the stress you're under.", "Victoria: This is all gonna sort itself out. It's not worth ruining your health over.", "Nikki: I'm perfectly fine. I don't want you worrying about me.", "Nick: Mom --", "Nikki: Michael shut him down and got me out of there. I am just so sick of that damn detective trying to come after my family all the time! [ Sighs ] You've got to be kidding me.", "Lauren: Don't you? Michael?", "Michael: 'Scuse me.", "Lauren: Michael?", "Michael: What the hell are you doing? If you think you can waltz in here just like that --", "Phyllis: What's the problem?", "Michael: The problem is that the detective hauled nikki down to the station earlier, which was completely uncalled for, and now he has shown up at a private event where nikki and her children are attending.", "Rey: We were invited.", "Mia: By phyllis.", "Michael: Is that true?", "Phyllis: Initially, I had no idea that victoria and nikki were going to be here. But I'm really sure that we could all behave like civilized people.", "Lauren: Right. Don't you remember? Phyllis, victoria, and nikki and I all went to a get-together that mia threw? I mean, her career is as a make-up artist. It has nothing to do with her husband's police work.", "Mia: Exactly. Rey does his thing. And I do mine.", "Michael: This is not an opportunity for you to harass or intimidate my clients.", "Rey: That's not gonna happen.", "Mia: We're just here to have fun. Relax. There'll be no trouble. I swear.", "Michael: There better not be.", "Charlie: I was wondering why shauna wasn't calling or responding to my texts.", "[ Sighs ]", "Reed: When was the last time you talked to her?", "Charlie: About a week ago. She said she missed me. But she also said that the long-distance thing was too hard. Trying to keep in contact thousands of miles apart. I kept telling her not to say that, but it was clear she was breaking up with me. I-I just didn't want to hear it.", "Reed: Well, man, sitting here looking at pictures of her and some other guy isn't gonna make this hurt any less. You got to get up, get off your phone.", "Charlie: And do what?", "Reed: A couple of friends of mine from gc high are having a hangout tonight. Just chilling. Play some video games and watch a movie. [ Sighs ] I came over to invite mattie, should come. Maybe cheer you up.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] I don't know, man.", "Reed: There's gonna be girls there. You could change your status, post a few pictures. Show shauna you're not laying around pining for her.", "Charlie: You know what, let's go.", "Reed: You're not driving.", "Charlie: Dude, I'm fine. I've had, like, two beers.", "Reed: Yeah. Explain to the cop that pulls you over and smells that on your breath.", "Charlie: [ Scoffs ] So, what do we do? Call a ride? In this weather? Everyone will be leaving by the time we show up.", "Reed: I've only been drinking soda. I'm fine. Just let me drive.", "Charlie: With a suspended license? Dude, no way! You'd get in so much trouble.", "Reed: It's just a few miles. And I'll be careful. I'm not gonna let you get a dui, man. It sucks. Don't make the same mistake I did. We going or what?", "Charlie: [ Sighs ]", "Reed: All right.", "Nikki: Now, listen, you two. You don't need to keep an eye on me.", "Victoria: I realize that.", "Nikki: I am not going to fall to pieces just because rey rosales is here. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.", "Victoria: Mom, I believe you. But I just don't want to leave you alone.", "Nikki: I'm fine. This is a room full of friends. After I say hellos, I'll probably head off, get a good night's sleep. Billy.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Nikki: I want you to take my daughter and go mingle.", "Billy: You know what I would love to do? I would love to get one of those, uh, goofy pictures everybody's got, they're walking around with. The kids would love it. Come on. We'll put some antlers on. It'll be great.", "Nikki: There you go. You don't want to disappoint my grandchildren.", "Billy: No.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Okay. Well, can you just leave your car here and get a ride home? Because I hear it's a little treacherous out there.", "Nikki: I appreciate your concern. But I have lived in wisconsin my entire life. I have driven through snow once or twice.", "Victoria: [ Huffs ]", "Nikki: So, please go. Get your picture taken. It's an order.", "Billy: Yes, ma'am.", "Victoria: Okay. Bye.", "Nikki: Mwah! Good night.", "Victoria: Good night.", "Jack: What are you doing all by your lonesome?", "Nikki: Talking to you. What's new?", "Mia: Isn't this a great party? And it was so nice of lauren and phyllis to make us feel so welcome.", "Rey: [ Sighs ] Mia, how many times do i have to tell you this? These people aren't your friends.", "Mia: Please don't start. Heh...", "Rey: They live in a different world than we do.", "Mia: Well, I am trying to work hard enough and smart enough to get closer to their world someday, okay? Look how far and fast lola's star is shining. In fact, there she is with kyle. Why don't you go say hi? Okay? I'm gonna grab a drink. I'll -- I'll join you in a minute. Okay.", "Nick: You know, I get it why mia wants to be here, but what is rey doing here?", "Phyllis: Well, she is a force to be reckoned with. And, you know, men should never disappoint their women.", "Nick: I feel like that is directed at me.", "Phyllis: Well, you know, this is my party, and there is some serious music playing right now, and yet, we're not dancing.", "Nick: There's no dance floor.", "Phyllis: Well, I know. So? What's stopping us?", "[ Both laughing ]", "Jack: Well, I'm glad to hear you're doing okay. If you ever want to talk, though, I'm always available.", "Nikki: I know you are. And I appreciate it. But I'm sure your date must be wondering where you've run off to.", "Jack: You hang in there, okay?", "Nikki: Always do.", "Mia: If you are still speaking with me, I want to apologize for what happened with rey. I can't believe he overreacted like that.", "Nikki: Oh, no, mia. I-I'm the one who should be sorry. I -- I should never have dragged you into this.", "Mia: Well, I hope we can still find a way to be friends. Well, I should get back to my husband. [ Chuckles ] Enjoy your evening.", "Nikki: You too, dear.", "Ted: All right, all right, all right! Party people, guess what time it is?", "Billy: 9:07, 54 seconds.", "[ Laughter ]", "Ted: You're wrong. Karaoke time, and I'm looking for volunteers! [ Crowd groans ] Aw, come on, now, don't be shy! Someone out there must have the urge to burst out in song. Who will it be?", "Lola: Fen can sing.", "Fen: Oh, n-no. I'm -- I'm -- I'm working right now.", "Lola: Yes, you can.", "Phyllis: Oh, well, you have my permission.", "Ted: Hey, someone's got to come up here and get this thing started.", "Nick: Let's go, fen! Get it! Let's go!", "Ted: Whoo!", "Kyle: Come on, rock star. Show us what you got.", "[ Cheers and applause ]", "Ted: There he is!", "Fen: Uh, do you have \"believe in me\" in there?", "Ted: I do. All right! [ Laughter", "[ Music plays ] People say, if you play with fire you're gonna get burned", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Oh, that's very cute. The kids are gonna love that.", "Billy: It's adorable. They're gonna love it.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: I'm glad you convinced me to come.", "Victoria: So am I.", "Fen: Walkin' my own path it's gonna be a life-changer you gotta let me go, do my own thing I'm gonna throw caution to the wind makin' my own beat followin' my own dreams believe in me believe in me believe in me believe in me", "[ Cellphone vibrates ]", "Rey: [ Sighs ] Oh, I need to take this. It's work.", "Mia: Hurry back.", "Rey: Okay.", "Nikki: [ Stumbles ]", "Rey: Any problems, call me. Leaving so soon?", "Nikki: You have a lot of nerve, persecuting my husband and me, repeatedly. If you're as smart as you think you are, you'll back the hell off.", "Rey: Is that a threat?", "Nikki: Call it a word to the wise, detective. You have no idea who you're dealing with.", "Rey: [ Chuckles ] Believe me, I do. And if you think you intimidate you, sadly, you are mistaken. I am going to take victor down. And when I do, you're going with him.", "Nikki: For what?", "Rey: Obstruction. Aiding and abetting. Maybe... maybe more.", "Nikki: Well, you know what? You don't scare me, either.", "Rey: That's great. You're gonna make my job so much easier. Over-confident people always make mistakes. [ Sighs ] Happy holidays, nikki. Enjoy them while you can.", "Reed: Is the defroster on?", "Charlie: Uh, yeah.", "Reed: Crank it up. I can't see a thing.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ]", "[ Loud thud ]", "Reed: [ Gasps ] What was that?!", "Charlie: I don't know. Did we hit something? Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Reed: Last night, on the road, when we -- it was my grandma. I'm at the hospital now. She might not make it.", "Sharon: Sorry.", "Nick: I need to get ahold of summer. Maybe she heard from dad. Dad needs to be here.", "Nate: Keep fighting, nikki.", "Victor: My darling.", "Nikki: Victor..." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Sharon, Rey and Mariah begin to plan for the holidays since Faith will be home for a visit and they want to make things special for her and Mariah is sure Faith will be very happy that Sharon and Rey are back together. Abby and Chance have a first date that goes very well they even share a kiss after dinner and before they head to a club. Sharon introduces Chelsea to Amanda and Chelsea asks her if she should sue Walnut Grove school to get Connor back in because she thinks its unfair that they won't allow him to return to school. Amanda advises Chelsea to consider other schools homeschooling rather than suing the school. Adam drops Connor off at the ranch for the day and tells Nikki what is going on at the school. Nikki picks up on the fact that Adam is using the words family, we, and us to refer to himself and Chelsea and later she tells Nick what is going on with Connor and the fact that Adam seems to want a relationship with Chelsea. Adam asks Phyllis to seduce Nick so that Chelsea will stop thinking about Nick and concentrate on her family. Adam admits to Phyllis that he has realized that he and Chelsea belong together and since she wants Nick anyway it is a good deal for both of them. Phyllis is deeply offended and angry that Adam would use both her and Chelsea as pawns to get what he wants and she tells him no and that he will regret this big mistake. Phyllis sees Nick at Society and decides to do the right thing and tell him about the deal Adam wanted to make with her even though it might cost her a chance at being with Nick.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Chance: I've decided I'm gonna stay here in genoa city.", "Abby: To...the future.", "Chance: As a part of that future, how about you and I go out on a date?", "Nick: I believe adam is using connor's issues to get closer to chelsea.", "Phyllis: I don't think adam's intentions are as sinister as you believe, but he's definitely interfering in your relationship with chelsea.", "Chelsea: I thought the principal was going to share with us her plan.", "Adam: Yes, and I was not expecting her to ask us to withdraw him and suggest we homeschool him for a while.", "Nick: I don't know if I can keep doing this. Can you?", "Sharon: One piping-hot coffee.", "Amanda: Thank you. What do I owe you?", "Sharon: Oh, this one's on me. I just want to thank you again for helping out with my community thanksgiving dinner.", "Amanda: Well, I loved being a part of it. But I can't say no to free coffee, so thank you.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Excuse me for interrupting. You are not gonna believe this.", "Sharon: What's wrong?", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I'm so sorry, do you mind if I talk to sharon alone for a second?", "Amanda: Uh, yeah. Yeah, no problem.", "Sharon: Is it connor? Did something else happen?", "Chelsea: It's not what you think, but things just went from bad to so much worse.", "Adam: Thanks for letting us drop by.", "Nikki: Well, connor, you are always welcome to come visit.", "Connor: Thanks. May I see the horses?", "Nikki: Yes, you may. Hank is out in the stables. Ask him if he has any carrots to feed them.", "Connor: Okay. Bye, dad.", "Adam: All righty. Have fun!", "Nikki: Connor seems to be doing well.", "Adam: Yeah, it's been a good day.", "Nikki: Well, I'm sorry he's been going through such a rough time. Victor and I are always here for him. It's important to us that connor knows that.", "Adam: He does, believe me. When I mentioned I was coming to the ranch, he was super excited to come along.", "Nikki: So, why are you here?", "Adam: Will my father be home soon?", "Nikki: No, he's out for the evening. Were you hoping to see him or avoid him?", "Adam: I was just asking.", "Nikki: Okay, let's not play any games. What is the real reason for your visit?", "Adam: I just wanted connor to have some fun, okay, while chelsea and I try to figure out what to do now that our son has been...", "Nikki: What? Been what?", "Adam: Never mind. Chelsea and I will handle it. Besides, I know you'd rather not prolong our time together.", "Nikki: Oh, no. No, no, no, no. You don't get to hint that something bad has happened to my grandson and then just leave. You tell me right now exactly what is going on.", "Abby: I am leaving things in your capable hands. So unless this place blows up or there's a zombie invasion, please don't call me. Thank you.", "Chance: Sounds like you've got big plans.", "Abby: As a matter of fact, I have a date, and I don't want anything getting in the way. I have been looking forward to this all day.", "Chance: So have I.", "Nick: We meet again.", "Phyllis: Hey! Cheers. Cheers.", "Nick: Cheers", "Phyllis: Imagine that -- both drinking alone, again.", "Nick: Who says I'm drinking alone?", "Phyllis: Uh, well, you are alone.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ]", "Phyllis: Unless chelsea is coming to meet you.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Is this the button you're always gonna push with me?", "Phyllis: I can't help myself. I'll try to suppress it.", "Nick: I don't think you can.", "Phyllis: Well, allow me to try. Come on, have a seat. Okay. [ Clears throat ] [ Laughs ] What?", "Nick: I have a question for you.", "Phyllis: I may have an answer.", "Nick: Abby fired you. You are furious with her. Yet here you are, hanging out in her restaurant. Why is that?", "Phyllis: I like the food.", "Nick: Really?", "Phyllis: Yeah. I do like the food.", "Nick: That's good.", "Phyllis: [ Giggles ] I also like this drink. It's like my new obsession. It's delicious. Have you ever had it?", "Nick: Uh, I've tried it.", "Phyllis: Yeah?", "Nick: Yeah. It's called the red hot revenge.", "Phyllis: And it has a catchy name.", "Nick: Yeah, I highly doubt that's a coincidence. This is the kind of thing you find extremely amusing -- hiding out in plain sight while having this beverage in particular while hatching a plan", "Phyllis: Oh. Why would you say that?", "Nick: Last time I saw you, I warned you not to go down this path. So I'm gonna ask you again -- what are you doing here? Wow! Additional sponsorship", "Phyllis: What you're accusing me of is something I would definitely do, but --", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: [ Giggles ] But I'm not here to tangle with abby, and I'm not here to sabotage her restaurant. I just want to drink this because I like it. That's all. Do you want a sip?", "Nick: No, I do not. Thank you. I think you came for a beer and a bite.", "Phyllis: Suit yourself.", "Nick: But you should follow my advice. Stop fuming about losing your job. Now, I don't know why abby fired you, from the grand phoenix, but I'm fairly confident she had good reason.", "Phyllis: In her own mind.", "Nick: You still have a chunk of the hotel. It's not like you're destitute. You're gonna get a cut of the profits whether you work there or not. So go find something else that interests you and do that.", "Phyllis: And what are you suggesting? I hand out my résumé, look at job want ads, whatever? I mean, no -- I'm not doing that.", "Nick: Why not?", "Phyllis: Because I don't need a job. I need a throne. I need a seat of command.", "Nick: Oh, here we go.", "Phyllis: I like to shake things up.", "Phyllis: Well, you do excel at shaking things up.", "Phyllis: It's my superpower.", "Nick: Seriously. You're gonna land on your feet. You always do, and you can do it without resorting to dirty tricks because you're very talented, a very smart and ambitious woman. You can do anything. There's something amazing out there for you, and I have faith you're gonna find it.", "Adam: It's our second meeting with connor's principal. It's a follow-up visit about the issues he's been having.", "Nikki: Well, walnut grove has always been very supportive when it comes to helping troubled students.", "Adam: The administration, in its infinite wisdom, has formally requested that connor not return after winter break.", "Nikki: I can't believe that.", "Adam: Mm. Yeah. How did she put it? They feel their academy is no longer the best place for connor to pursue his education.", "Nikki: This is outrageous. How dare she suggest such a thing without coming up with another plan?", "Adam: Chelsea and I, we made that point more than once, but the principal was adamant -- it's time to move on.", "Nikki: You know the newman family has been extremely generous with walnut grove over the years. Our kids and most of our grandkids attended.", "Adam: So we're clear, I'm not here asking you to intervene. I don't want you and victor demanding special treatment and pulling strings.", "Nikki: You and chelsea feel that it's best to deal with it yourself.", "Adam: Mm-hmm. You know what kills me is... we have been working very hard with connor, and although he is still struggling, now that chelsea moved in, you know, we've had some good moments together. And in those moments, chelsea and I, we still see our same sweet, wonderful, happy kid, and we see what's possible for him in the future, you know, once he gets through this painful chapter. We're doing everything we can to support him and help him feel safe and secure. So for the school to basically tell us our efforts aren't good enough... it really feels like a kick in the gut.", "Nikki: Well, this is all very disturbing. If you don't want victor and i to contact the school on connor's behalf, I know that he will want to do whatever he can to help, and that includes just lending an ear, if that's what you need.", "Adam: Well, I think I should go clear my head before I discuss that with chelsea.", "Nikki: Well, connor will be fine here. Take as much time as you need.", "Adam: Thank you, nikki.", "Chelsea: Our son needs stability and structure. Going to school provides that. But now the principal is insisting this is for connor's benefit. But of course she's going to frame it that way.", "Sharon: I see how upset you are, and I would be, too. Still, I don't really believe that she would suggest something like this lightly, and she had mentioned the possibility before.", "Chelsea: But it's not fair. It's as if the school is punishing connor for being in pain. [ Sighs ] It's like, every time we think we're making progress, something goes wrong.", "Sharon: I understand, and I'm here for you, chelsea, whatever you need. Have you and adam told connor that he won't be returning to walnut grove?", "Chelsea: Not yet. We want to figure out how we're gonna proceed before we break the news to him.", "Sharon: Good plan.", "Chelsea: Yeah. And, also, you know, I want to see if I can fight this request from walnut grove, you know what I mean? See if we have any options, legally speaking.", "Sharon: Well, I'm not the right person to help you with that, but I think I might know someone who can.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Phyllis: What you just said to me -- thank you very much. The pep talk. I appreciate it.", "Nick: I meant every word.", "Phyllis: I'm glad that we can be like this after everything we've been through.", "Nick: Me, too.", "Phyllis: I have faith in you.", "Nick: Yeah?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I do. I think whatever's going on with chelsea and adam and connor, I think that you will take care of it like the terrific guy you are. While doing good for the community with new hope.", "Phyllis: And, oh, if I didn't like you so much, I would find you annoying.", "Nick: See, you had me very until the very end because i know for a fact there are times when you are annoyed by.", "Phyllis: No... no!", "Nick: Oh?", "Phyllis: A little bit...", "Nick: A little bit.", "Phyllis: A little bit. [ Both chuckle ] I'll get past it.", "[ Chuckling continues ]", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: What's wrong?", "Phyllis: Uh, I -- I booked a massage, and they can take me earlier.", "Nick: All right, well, then off you go.", "Phyllis: Yes. Uh, I'll see you later. I don't want to leave you here alone.", "Nick: No, it's all good. I've got plenty of things that keep me busy while I'm eating.", "Phyllis: Okay. All right. See you.", "Nick: Oh, don't worry, I'll get you a drink.", "Phyllis: Oh! Oh, thank you.", "[ Giggles ]", "Sharon: I assume you two know each other from the grand phoenix, where amanda has been staying.", "Amanda: I do recognize you.", "Chelsea: Same, although i don't think we've spoken.", "Amanda: Well, it's nice to meet you, ms. Lawson.", "Chelsea: Likewise. And, please, call me chelsea.", "Sharon: So, amanda is an attorney, and since you have some legal questions that need answering, I thought I would bring the two of you together.", "Amanda: Anything you tell me will be confidential, and I just so happen to be free at the moment.", "Chelsea: Um... well, there's an issue at my son's school. Actually, the teachers and administration are the ones that have the issue with him.", "Sharon: I'll leave you to it.", "Amanda: Before you continue, I just want to let you know that I don't need every detail about your family life, just enough so that I can grasp what's going on. We'll take it from there, okay?", "Chelsea: Right, okay. Sure. Um... here goes. My son is 8 years old. He's going through a really rough time, and his father and i believe that his school is being grossly unfair.", "Chance: I'm surprised you wanted to come here. Won't it be like a busman's holiday, or something?", "Abby: Not at all. I told my favorite hostess to let the staff know that I am off-duty so no one will bug us, and the sous chef made a very special menu for us. Our table is right this way.", "Cane: It's like you've thought of everything.", "Abby: I tried. Although, I didn't anticipate big brother.", "Chance: As in orwell, \"1984\" or the tv show?", "Abby: As in nick sitting right over there.", "Chance: Oh.", "Nick: Oh, hey, abby. Chance, how's it going?", "Chance: Can't complain, how about you?", "Nick: Same.", "Abby: I didn't know you were coming in tonight.", "Nick: Yeah, I found myself free so I thought I'd come in and grab some dinner.", "Abby: Well, enjoy your evening.", "Nick: You do the same. [ Cellphone rings ] Hey, mom. How's it going?", "Nikki: I need to see you. Can you come by the ranch? I just had a very enlightening conversation with adam.", "Adam: Well, thanks for coming so quickly.", "Phyllis: Well, how could i resist such a, uh, intriguing invitation. Command, actually. You could have said \"please.\"", "Adam: Mm. Drink?", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Uh, no, I just enjoyed happy hour. I thought you'd be busy with connor and chelsea.", "Adam: Oh, they're both out.", "Phyllis: Mm. Well, so... what was so urgent? And why did I need to keep this meeting a secret.", "Adam: I have a proposition for you. And it's one little guarantee we both get what we want.", "Abby: How did you like the first course?", "Chance: Outstanding. It's hard to get ceviche in the midwest.", "Abby: Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wasn't sure how you'd feel about me choosing the menu on our first date.", "Chance: Well, it's fine by me. I like a woman that knows what she wants.", "Abby: Good to hear.", "Chance: You have come a long way since I was last in town. No more fluffy socialite. Now you're a successful entrepreneur.", "Abby: It's given me purpose. My work is very important to me.", "Chance: Yeah, I've noticed. I've seen how far you'll go to protect your investment.", "Abby: [ Giggles ] Okay. You are not going to let me live that down, are you? Busting me for a jewel heist that I didn't actually commit.", "Chance: Why would I? It helped lead us to this moment.", "Rey: Hey, you.", "Sharon: Hey! I thought you had a mound of paperwork to do.", "Rey: Yeah, it took me less time than I thought it would. Any chance you can cut out early?", "Sharon: Not for a while yet. I still have some things I have to handle. Not to mention chelsea is here.", "Rey: Mm. I'm guessing she sought you out because of connor. More problems?", "Sharon: Hopefully I have steered her in the right direction.", "Amanda: Well, I am really sorry that you're going through this. I'm sure it's really hard to watch your child struggle.", "Chelsea: Sheer torture.", "Amanda: But I do admire your determination to do what's best for connor even if it means ruffling a few prep school feathers.", "Chelsea: There's nothing i wouldn't do for my son.", "Amanda: So the question becomes -- is fighting walnut grove going to provide you and your family with the best outcome?", "Chelsea: I mean, the whole thing is so outrageous. Refusing to accommodate a traumatized pupil who just wants to stay in his safe and familiar environment?", "Amanda: I understand your point of view, but before we go filing lawsuits, we have to evaluate things from every angle.", "Chelsea: Including the school's, I suppose.", "Amanda: Yeah. So, a month ago, the principal expressed concern regarding connor's interaction with his classmates, and he's also missed a great deal of school, and the day after your previous meeting with the principal, you kept connor home from school again.", "Chelsea: Well, he had a nightmare, and severe stomach pains. We have to take it day by day", "Amanda: Wow. He's dealing with a lot. On top of which, he's also falling behind in his schoolwork, even though you and his teachers have done your best to try and get him caught up.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ]", "Amanda: It really sounds like connor is struggling, and he's frustrated, and, as a result, he is acting up in class. It's nothing terrible, but it's becoming more and more frequent. Are those the pertinent facts?", "Chelsea: Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.", "Adam: So, what recourse do we have?", "Adam: Well, private schools, they operate under contract law. I was taking a look at walnut grove's policies, and their rules do state that any behavior that repeatedly disrupts the learning environment can result in suspension or even expulsion, but they haven't even taken it that far, so...", "Chelsea: Probably because they don't want to piss off the newmans.", "Amanda: Yes, that could be the reason, but it could also be that they truly believe that walnut grove is not the right environment for connor any longer. Before turning this into a time-consuming and expensive legal battle, I would recommend that you look into other schools and see if they can better address connor's needs. Or maybe if homeschooling is a better fit. I just think that you and the boy's father... I think you need to ask yourselves -- is it possible that it's just time for a change?", "Chelsea: You've given me a lot to think about.", "Nick: Thanks for reaching out and bringing me up to speed on connor.", "Nikki: Well, it occurred to me that perhaps chelsea didn't want to burden you, but I felt you needed to know.", "Nick: Thank you. Despite all the weirdness, that little boy still means so much to me.", "Nikki: I know that.", "Nick: Well, you said he was here. I wouldn't mind seeing him or hanging out with him a little bit.", "Nikki: Yeah. He's had his dinner. He's watching cartoons in the media room.", "Nick: Okay. Don't worry. I won't say anything to him about walnut grove or anything his parents are grappling with.", "Nikki: Oh, wait a minute. Nicholas, before you do that, um... there's something else that adam said, and I think you might find it quite disconcerting.", "Phyllis: What is this mutual beneficial arrangement you are alluding to?", "Adam: I need chelsea to be more focused on our family.", "Phyllis: Well, she moved in. That's not focused enough for you?", "Adam: I feel things are starting to happen between us, but she is torn on living here", "Phyllis: Well, because of nick.", "Adam: And it's stressing her out, which is not good for her, it's not good for connor, who's at a critical juncture.", "Phyllis: Okay, where do i come into this.", "Adam: All that I'm asking you to do is pursue your heart's desires.", "Phyllis: And that would be?", "Adam: That would be nick. You want nick.", "Phyllis: Are you asking me to seduce my ex-husband for you?", "Adam: I wouldn't put it that way.", "Phyllis: How would you put it?", "Adam: I'm asking you to acknowledge your own impulses and go after what you want. I mean, you've made so many mistakes that have come back to bite you, now's your chance to make things right. So, what do you say?", "Phyllis: I say go to hell. Enter the golden state. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Sharon: This should hold you over till we get back to my place.", "Rey: I am counting the minutes.", "Sharon: I have a confession to make. Underneath these work clothes, I'm wearing something festive. It's red and white and skimpy.", "Rey: Okay. Now you're killing me. I need to get out of here. But promise I won't make you wait too long, and here's something to tide you over.", "Rey: Mmm.", "Mariah: Look at you two. So caught up in the holiday spirit, you don't even need mistletoe.", "Nikki: And adam went on and on that way. He talked about \"we\" and \"us\" and \"our family.\" It didn't sound like he was talking about two people co- parenting a child. It sounded much more intimate.", "Nick: And you think adam told you this because he knew you would come to me with it?", "Nikki: I don't know. I didn't get the sense that he was playing games or trying to be manipulative. He seemed very sincere, speaking from the heart.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Man, it is really difficult to imagine this adam that you are describing.", "Nick: Well, no matter how you and I feel about him, it's clear that he loves his son, and now i am hearing about his great yearning to reunite the three of them permanently.", "Nick: Adam really said this to you?", "Nikki: He didn't have to. I heard a man who is hoping to reset the clock. Pick up where he left off with chelsea.", "Nick: Well, I appreciate it, but you're not telling me anything I didn't already know. I've been warning chelsea for a while that my brother wants more. She is living with adam because she thinks that's what's best for connor, so I cannot interfere, but I told her I don't know how much longer I can do this.", "Nikki: You haven't given up yet.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] I love her, mom.", "Nikki: You know I have issues with chelsea, but I do understand how you feel. But if you want to fix things with her, I'm afraid you're running out of time. You've got to do something now.", "Chelsea: Nikki? It's chelsea. Oh. I didn't realize -- adam left me a message asking me to come pick up connor. Hi.", "Nick: Hi.", "Phyllis: How dare you talk to me like that! Do you have such little respect for me? Do you think I'm so pathetic that you're gonna say jump and I'm gonna say, \"how high?\"", "Adam: Calm down.", "Phyllis: Don't patronize me. I mean it. Don't you dare patronize me. And how am I doing that, phyllis?", "Phyllis: Did you or did you not ask me to make a play for nick so that chelsea would leave him and she would come to you, like I am one of your minions?", "Adam: You know what I think, is you're blowing this way out of proportion.", "Phyllis: Don't -- don't talk to me like I'm a hysterical female.", "Adam: I'm not. And I really don't understand why you're fighting me on this. I'm just trying to get us what we deserve, right? A little happiness at last.", "Phyllis: At chelsea and nick's expense.", "Adam: Look, my time with chelsea has shown me that we truly do belong together and that we should be a family again in every sense of the word, and not just for connor to help him through this crisis but for keeps. And I also know how you feel about nick. Ever since you split up, you have longed to have him back.", "Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] Okay, you know nothing about me.", "Adam: You know I think you should just put your wounded ego aside and you should just admit it, that you want nick because you've been contemplating how or when to make that happen. So all I'm asking you to do is just step up that timeline.", "Phyllis: Stop pretending like you're doing me a big favor. This is about you and only you.", "Adam: Really? Because you haven't been circling him for weeks waiting for your moment, phyllis? And before you tell me I'm wrong, again, I saw you two together earlier at society. I mean, you guys practically had hearts in your eyes. So would you drop the pretense? I mean, I don't understand what the problem is. I thought you'd be up for this. Are you afraid you're gonna get turned down? I mean, what is the real problem here, phyllis?", "Phyllis: You. You're the real problem. Ok everyone!", "Chance: Being a chancellor, or a newman, or an abbott comes with a lot of expectations.", "Abby: You've made your family very proud. I can just picture katherine beaming down at you.", "Chance: She was a great lady. I miss her.", "Abby: You and a lot of other people. But I know that you're ready for a change. Something a little less intense than being a superhero, but challenging enough to satisfy your inner adrenaline junkie. And I will be very curious to see where that leads you.", "Chance: So will I. I have no clue what I'm gonna do next. Although, I am confident that I'll figure it out. But, right now, I am very happy to live in the moment -- your company, this wonderful meal. You know, I bet you ordered something incredible for dessert, but if you're feeling spontaneous, I have an idea.", "Abby: Spontaneity is my middle name.", "Chance: Huh.", "Abby: [ Giggles ]", "Mariah: So, I was texting with faith earlier. Shouldn't be long before she's back from boarding school.", "Sharon: I can't wait. I miss her so much. There's just tons of things I want to do together.", "Rey: Yeah. I'm looking forward to seeing her, too.", "Mariah: She always liked you. I think she'll be glad to see for herself just how happy the two of you are right now.", "Sharon: Let's hope.", "Mariah: So, christmas should be great this year. You know, we're doing everything together. But greatness requires planning. So let's talk about it. Okay? Gifts, uh, meals, special outings. What have we got?", "Mariah: Oh. Oh, no. Are we not doing this christmas thing together?", "Nikki: I asked nicholas to come over to discuss a family matter. I hope you don't mind, while he was here, I explained what's going on at walnut grove.", "Chelsea: Oh, no, of course not.", "Nick: Please let me know if there's anything I can do.", "Nikki: Yes. The same goes for victor and me.", "Chelsea: I really appreciate that, but I have to talk to adam first.", "Nick: Yeah. Are you in a hurry, or can we spend some time together?", "Nikki: Oh, I'll give you two some privacy.", "Chelsea: Oh, that's -- that's not necessary, nikki. I'm so sorry. I just have to get connor home. It's been a long day.", "Nick: Yeah, he's, uh -- he's watching cartoons. I'd like to see him before you go.", "Chelsea: Sure. So long as you don't plop down next to him and get too caught up.", "Nick: I do love cartoons, so no promises.", "Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]", "Adam: I don't understand why you're so upset. Mutually beneficial arrangements, partners in crime, I thought this is who we were, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Wow. Okay. Silly me, I thought we were friends.", "Adam: We are friends, phyllis.", "Phyllis: No we're not. You don't have the faintest idea of what a friend is.", "Adam: You just hate that i know you so well.", "Phyllis: You don't know anything about me, adam.", "Adam: So was I mistaken about you wanting nick back? Or are you just angry that I'm asking you to admit it?", "Phyllis: Okay, you really don't know the difference between the two of us teaming up to take your father down and you asking me to have sex with my ex- husband to serve your own agenda.", "Adam: No. No, I don'T. Because it serves your agenda, too.", "Phyllis: This is about respect. That's what this is about. It's about not treating those people in your life who you allegedly care about, including your precious chelsea, as pawns.", "Adam: Yes, I respect you.", "Phyllis: No, you don'T. You wouldn't have asked me that. You would have never asked me that, and you would be trying to make amends. Yeah, I was right. You just made a really big mistake, adam. One you will regret. What does help for heart failure look like?", "Chance: There's this little club in lake geneva that just opened a few weeks ago. They're supposed to have killer drinks and desserts.", "Abby: I'm up for anything.", "Chance: That's good to know. Because I've been thinking about what it would be like to kiss you. And, if it's all right with you, I'd prefer not to wait till the end of the date to find ouT.", "Abby: It's more than okay.", "Mariah: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to push. I just... assumed. And there I go, opening my mouth and inserting my foot again.", "Sharon: No, it's fine. We just hadn't gotten around to making specific plans. But I'd love to spend time with you during the holidays.", "Rey: Well, that works out very nicely since I feel exactly the same way.", "Connor: Yay, you're home!", "Adam: Hey, you! Oh! Where'd you think I'd be?", "Connor: I don't know, I'm just glad you're here.", "Adam: Did you have a fun time with nikki?", "Connor: After I came from the stables, she sat with me while I ate, then let me watch cartoons on the giant tv in the media room.", "Adam: Ooh! That sounds awesome.", "Connor: [ Yawns ]", "Chelsea: Oh! Is that a yawn I see?", "Adam: [ Yawning ] Are you a little tired, champ?", "Connor: A little.", "Adam: Mm.", "Chelsea: Why don't you go upstairs, put on your pjs, and brush your teeth? One of us will be up to tuck you in in a bit, okay?", "Connor: Okay.", "Chelsea: Okay. [ Sighs ] He really did have a nice time at the ranch.", "Adam: Thanks for picking him up.", "Chelsea: Oh, yeah, I was glad to do it. But you never told me why you asked me to go. Did you need more time to think about what we should do?", "Adam: I'd like to hear your thoughts. I mean, you have more experience parenting than I do, and my -- my head's a little all over the place about this school thing.", "Chelsea: Trust me, I was a mess, too, which is why I went into battle mode. I asked sharon for help.", "Adam: And what did she suggest?", "Chelsea: That I talked to a lawyer. So I did, actually. I met with amanda sinclair, at crimson lights.", "Adam: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I know who she is. So, what did she say?", "Chelsea: Amanda helped me realize that I need to come at it with a different perspective, you know, be more calm and rational instead of freaking out all the time.", "Adam: Well, that sounds like a good conversation.", "Chelsea: Yeah, it was. And I haven't made any decisions yet, but... I don't know, adam, maybe withdrawing connor from walnut grove wouldn't be the worst idea in the world. I mean, at least until we get past this immediate crisis.", "Adam: That's an interesting thought.", "Chelsea: Nothing's off the table. You know? And we can consider all of our options over the holidays. I just think if we keep our cool and act out of love instead of fear and frustration, we can get through this. We can figure out what's best for our son.", "Adam: We can and we will. Together.", "Phyllis: Hey, bud, I think i left my credit card the last time I was in here earlier. Can you, uh, check on that for me?", "Phyllis: I don't need a table. I came to tell him, that guy... about his brother. You know, and I could blow things up and get something I want out of the deal, but I'm not gonna do it. I'm gonna take the high road. For now. For now.", "Nick: Thanks." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ... my friends keep me on the go-']
[ "Colleen begs the nutty professor to keep kissing her but he moves from her and tells her that this is wrong. He is her teacher and he shouldn't be doing this. He feels guilty as he enjoyed kissing her and didn't want to stop. He is on her again and they fall to the floor and make love. He loves it. \"Wow!\" he exclaims when it is all over. They come together again under the sheets and kiss now. In the elevator, Phyllis begs Jack to cut the child out. She is hysterical, Jack can't do that. He can't hurt her just like that. He finds it interesting that they spent all their marriage trying to get pregnant and now here they are. \"Oh no! My water just broke!\" Across town, Nick works like the devil to get the door to the car open to save Daniel. Sparks are already igniting from under the car. Lily stands nearby to help if needed. Nick makes one big heave and the door opens. He gets Daniel out and drags him up a hill. Lily is right behind them. KABOOM! The car explodes. \"You saved my life,\" Daniel says while laying in the back seat with his head on his wife's lap. Nick wasn't about to lose another kid to another car accident. Lily looks down at her husband's face and sees that he is unconscious and she can't get him up. Nick tells her to keep talking to him and he will keep driving. Nick calls the hospital to let them know that he is on his way with someone who needs immediate attention. He then calls Phyllis. She is thrilled to hear from him. \"I am in labor!\" Nick will get to her as soon as possible. Jack says that he has a rescue team on their way to get to them. It shouldn't be long. Phyllis doesn't care about that. She knows that it is too late. She is going to have the baby now. Nick enters the hospital carrying Daniel like a baby. \"Someone help me! He's not breathing!\" Attendants come and take Daniel to an examination room in the ER. Nick goes to the front desk thinking that Phyllis has been admitted but she hasn't arrived yet. In the elevator, the baby is coming and Jack hasn't a choice as to whether or not he is going to help. Phyllis pants and shouts as Jack manages the whole event. Jack sees the baby's bottom and knows that things are underway. He does as Phyllis instructed him to do. \"Is she breathing? Is she breathing?\" Jack is moved by what he has just witnessed. \"She's beautiful!\" The baby is born just fine. Phyllis smiles. Jack hands her the baby and that is when he gets the call that the elevator has been fixed and will be moving any second now. Phyllis doesn't even care. She just keeps staring down into the face of that innocent child as she smiles. \"Thank you Jack \"" ]
[ "Kevin: You look so sexy tonight.", "Jana: It's mood lighting.", "Kevin: No, I think it's the hair.", "Jana: What, like the bedraggled look, do you?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, the sexy adventuress, braving the ice storm.", "Jana: Only to get to a party that's been canceled.", "Kevin: Well, it's a miracle we made it here alive.", "Jana: It's kind of spooky in here, isn't it?", "Kevin: What? Being stranded while the whole city is paralyzed?", "Jana: Being stranded with a group of people, any one of whom might be a murderer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: I just got another half case of bottled water. This should keep us good until, uh, tomorrow morning.", "Dru: Yeah, Baby, you know what? I think the batteries are dying. Do we have any more?", "Neil: No, not that I'm aware of.", "Dru: What? It's our only contact to outside.", "Neil: Yeah, I know. Hey, I think I'll try Lily again on her cell, see what's taking her and Daniel so long.", "Dru: They should be here by now, even with the weather.", "Neil: Damn it, no service.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Well, this is not exactly how I thought we'd be spending our evening.", "Victor: What could be better than dancing by candlelight with family and friends around? Hmm?", "Nikki: It's just like you to think positively.", "Victor: Yes, my beautiful. What could be more positive than dancing with a beautiful woman?", "Neil: Um...", "Victor: Yes, Neil?", "Neil: So sorry to interrupt. Uh, Noah--he just woke up in the office. He's calling for you.", "Nikki: Oh, let me go see. Thank you.", "Victoria: I, uh, I think I'm gonna get a glass of wine. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do. Rebecca, would you like anything?", "Rebecca: No thanks, Dear.", "JT: I could use a drink.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Victor: Well... quite an evening, Rebecca.", "Rebecca: It's the best party in town.", "Victor: Yes. One I can't leave.", "Rebecca: Well, it gives me an opportunity to get to know some of my new friends a little better.", "Victor: Yes, yes, yes. You know, Victoria has not told us much about our new in-laws. Where is your son?", "Rebecca: Oh, he stayed home because of the weather.", "Victor: Smart man. I just want you to know that he is a... he's a pleasure to have around.", "Rebecca: Well, he speaks very highly of you as well.", "Victor: Well, thank you. I know so little about Brad's past. Perhaps we'll have a chance to talk about that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Still no service.", "JT: I know. I hate it. I wanna call Colleen and make sure she's all right. I'm afraid she's stuck in some classroom up on campus, freezing her butt off.", "Victoria: I wouldn't worry. Colleen is a smart girl. I'm sure she's somewhere warm and cozy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Don't stop.", "Professor Korbel: You are so... this is wrong. We shouldn't be doing this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: You're gonna be okay, all right? We're gonna get you out of here. You just hang in there. Can you? And then we're gonna go home.", "Nick: Okay, I think I got it!", "Lily: Did you get it? Is it open?", "Nick: Come on! All right, Daniel... get your seatbelt. Okay... look, this is gonna hurt.", "Lily: Daniel, you're gonna be okay. We're gonna get you out, okay?", "Nick: Grit your teeth, Buddy.", "Lily: Get him out. Careful! Careful!", "Daniel: Aah!", "Lily: Oh, God! You're all right! You're all right! Come on!", "Nick: Give me your arm!", "Lily: We're almost there. Daniel...", "Nick: Okay.", "Lily: Do you have him? Is he okay?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Lily: Come on! Come on!", "Nick: Go! Go! Go! We're almost there.", "Lily: Aah!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: We need a doctor.", "Phyllis: You need these scissors. The scissors are in here.", "Jack: No.", "Phyllis: I want you--", "Jack: Stop it. Just stop it.", "Phyllis: I want you to cut her out of me.", "Jack: No.", "Phyllis: I mean it. No, this is the only way she's gonna survive.", "Jack: You need a doctor.", "Phyllis: No! I don't care about me! I want you to save my daughter!", "Jack: I can't do it! I can't do it. I can't harm you. I won't take the baby that way!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: You're right. You're right. I have a boyfriend. What was I thinking? I can't...", "Professor Korbel: Colleen...", "Colleen: No, it's okay. It's okay. Don't worry.", "Professor Korbel: Look, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm--I'm the adult here. I'm your teacher. I should've been practicing self-restraint.", "Colleen: No, no, it's not all your fault.", "Professor Korbel: Yeah, it is. I mean, even if you did seduce me.", "Colleen: What?", "Professor Korbel: Kidding. Look... I crossed the line. I did. I mean, I shouldn't-- I should've known better. I'm supposed to know better.", "Colleen: So are you saying that you're not sorry that we...", "Professor Korbel: No. I'm not sorry at all. And that's a problem. It's a very big problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Brad?", "Brad: Hey, you're awake.", "Sharon: What are you doing over there?", "Brad: Thinking.", "Sharon: Oh. About what?", "Brad: You.", "Sharon: Please don't do that.", "Brad: Well, it's hard-- being alone here with you. Not being able to get close.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Rebecca was telling me about Brad's childhood.", "Rebecca: Uh, Victor is politely staying awake.", "Victor: That is not true. I'm fascinated. What was he into? Was he into sports?", "Rebecca: Well, he loved baseball.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Rebecca: And he read a lot. He always had a book with him, no matter where he went. Sometimes he'd stay up all night, reading.", "Victor: Was he popular? Did he run for student body president?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Hey, you're investigating the Carmen Mesta case, right?", "JT: I was. I quit.", "Kevin: Why?", "JT: Can't really talk about it. Its business stuff, you know?", "Jana: You know, they fingerprinted me. It wasn't much good, though. My fingerprints weren't on the tape.", "Kevin: Yeah, fortunately for you.", "Jana: So did you see any photos from the crime scene?", "Kevin: Nancy drew here would like to know.", "JT: All right, if I tell you, you gotta promise to keep it secret.", "Jana: Promise.", "JT: Yeah, I saw 'em. They were pretty gruesome.", "Jana: Lots of blood?", "JT: Yeah, buckets of blood.", "Kevin: Gross.", "Jana: Oh, you're joking!", "JT: So I'm going through the photos one night, and I'm trying not to let 'em get to me. And I noticed-- I noticed something in the corner of one.", "Jana: What, the murder weapon?", "JT: It looked like a piece of a lead pipe. Of course, there wasn't a lot of light where I was working. It was night, so it was kinda hard to tell.", "Jana: So what was it then?", "JT: Piece of a pretzel stick. It had dropped on one of the photos. And I'm telling you, in that light, it looked exactly like a murder weapon.", "Kevin: Lame.", "JT: You thinking what I'm thinking?", "Victoria: That depends. Are you into tall, dark and handsome men?", "JT: Okay, now we are on totally different wavelengths.", "Victoria: I was thinking about Brad. Which is probably what my father is hounding Rebecca about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Better than coffee?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm. Much. Brad...", "Brad: What?", "Sharon: I want you to know that it's hard for me, too. And everything you said before, I feel the same way.", "Brad: We're quite a pair, aren't we?", "Sharon: Well, I'm glad that you can still confide in me about your past. And I want you to know, also, anything you say tonight, I will take it to the grave.", "Brad: What do you wanna know?", "Sharon: I wanna know everything--anything.", "Brad: All right, uh... I'll start with the \"peanut butter years.\"", "Sharon: Sounds like that comes from the time when you were on the run.", "Brad: And being terrified I couldn't protect my mother. You know, if I made one mistake, it could've been over.", "Sharon: You know, I cannot imagine having that kind of a burden as a 17-year- old. Did you have any happy memories?", "Brad: My sister. She made me laugh so hard, it physically hurt. We had a really strong connection.", "Sharon: Yeah. I could see that. You know, I saw that with Cassie and Noah. No matter how much they argued, I could see how much they meant to one another.", "Brad: It's been a tough year for Noah, hasn't it?", "Sharon: Mmm. He's getting better, though.", "Brad: Kids are resilient. I mean, they bounce back so quickly.", "Sharon: It's like they absorb the shock and they're inconsolable and then they just-- they get it all out and they move on.", "Brad: Yeah, I wish I could be like that for us.", "Sharon: Yeah, now, uh... Noah's gonna have a new baby sister. Something that Nick and Phyllis were able to give him.", "Brad: I guess that's... the one good thing to come out of their relationship.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Why'd I get stuck here?", "Jack: Because of me.", "Phyllis: Because of you? Why?", "Jack: Because you didn't go on maternity leave because I didn't treat you like a real partner. Because you felt you couldn't trust me, and for good reasons. I didn't appreciate all you'd done.", "Phyllis: I'd appreciate it if you'd put some water on my forehead, please.", "Jack: Oh, yeah, here, here. You know what? This little girl is gonna be just like her mom. She's gonna come on her own sweet time and only on her own terms. Better?", "Phyllis: It's payback. This is happening to me because of all the horrible things I've done to people and everything I've taken away from people.", "Jack: No, no, no, don't, no.", "Phyllis: It's true. It's what I get. It's what I deserve.", "Jack: Hey... I don't think God's that angry at you.", "Phyllis: You know, maybe I'm not the greatest mother in the world. I mean, I know that about myself. Maybe I would've let her have ice cream for breakfast. And maybe I would let her put makeup on when she's 10. Maybe I'd do that. But I just--I want-- I want the chance to--to try.", "Jack: I know. You'll get it. You'll get it. Come here. Come here. You'll get it. Just try to rest. Try to rest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: You okay? It's all right.", "Nick: Okay, Buddy, here we go.", "Daniel: Nick, you saved my life.", "Lily: Shh, don't talk. Don't talk.", "Nick: I wasn't about to lose another kid to these roads, Bud. Just hang in there. We're almost there.", "Lily: Daniel? Daniel?!", "Nick: What? What's wrong? Is he okay?", "Lily: No, something's wrong. He's barely responding to me.", "Nick: All right, just keep talking to him.", "Lily: Daniel, can you hear me? Daniel?! Can you hear me?", "Nick: Daniel? Daniel, talk to us, Buddy.", "Lily: Nick, I'm scared! Please, just hurry up!", "Nick: Okay. Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Do you believe in karma?", "Jack: If it exists, I'm screwed.", "Phyllis: Do you believe in karma-- that all the good and bad things that we've done in our life come back to haunt us? Full circle?", "Jack: Yeah, I suppose. I've come to look at this as karma.", "Phyllis: How?", "Jack: All the time you and I couldn't have a child, and here we are. The guy upstairs has gotta have a pretty good sense of humor.", "Phyllis: I'm glad you're here with me. I couldn't do this alone.", "Jack: Yeah, I know, you love hanging out with me. You know what, though? We're gonna get you outta here. And we're gonna get you to a hospital. And you're gonna have this little girl. And she's gonna have a full head of red hair.", "Phyllis: And Nick will see her born.", "Jack: Yeah, I could use a sub. I think I need a breather, Coach.", "Phyllis: I hope you didn't mean that.", "Jack: Why? What?", "Phyllis: Because my water just broke.", "Jack: What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Rebecca: And he lost the election by three votes.", "Nikki: Knowing how competitive Brad is, I'm sure he was just devastated.", "Rebecca: He was. He never went out for student council again.", "Victor: Where did you say he went to school again?", "Rebecca: You know, there's one defining moment in Brad's childhood that I think would answer all of your questions.", "Nikki: Well, do tell.", "Rebecca: He was about 12 years old. And one day he was walking home from school and he saw a turtle in the middle of the street. It was beginning to cross in one of the busiest streets in the city, but out he went, into the traffic, waving his arms, putting out his hands to stop the cars, so that he could scoop up the poor creature and get it out of harm's way. He was willing to risk his life for something that couldn't save itself. That's the kind of person Brad was-- and still is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: She would do anything to save a life.", "Sharon: Well, obviously so would you.", "Brad: Well, come on, I mean, I had to run in the street, waving my arms and yelling. Stephanie could've been killed.", "Sharon: Oh, gosh. And she did all that to save a turtle?", "Brad: My sister was the real hero.", "Sharon: How?", "Brad: You're loyal and caring. You'd risk your own life to save a friend.", "Sharon: Well, tonight... no one can save you. Because we're gonna play a game of poker. And I never lose.", "Brad: Really?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Brad: All right, strip or regular?", "Sharon: I thought we were trying to stay out of trouble.", "Brad: Yeah, that's right. We are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Wow.", "Professor Korbel: Yeah.", "Professor Korbel: Here.", "Colleen: Thank you.", "Colleen: That tickles.", "Professor Korbel: It's meant to.", "Colleen: What are you thinking?", "Professor Korbel: That your body reminds me of a famous statue. God, you are so perfect, just like it.", "Colleen: Which one?", "Professor Korbel: It's a 19th century nude. Baudelaire's mistress, called \"woman bitten by a snake.\" It is unbelievably sexy. It kicked off an era of realism in sculpture.", "Colleen: What made it so real?", "Professor Korbel: It depicts a woman in the throes of passion. It's stunning.", "Colleen: Sounds scandalous.", "Professor Korbel: Believe me, it is.", "Colleen: So... where is it today?", "Professor Korbel: Paris, I think. Maybe I'll take you there someday. Are you blushing?", "Colleen: Well, it's not every day I'm compared to a famous piece of artwork.", "Professor Korbel: Well, you should be. Have I told you yet you're stunning?", "Colleen: No, I don't believe you have.", "Professor Korbel: Well, in that case, you're stunning.", "Colleen: This feels so weird.", "Professor Korbel: Weird?", "Colleen: Good weird. Like it's not really my life.", "Professor Korbel: Yeah. This feels pretty real to me.", "Colleen: So what happens when the lights go back on?", "Professor Korbel: We go back to our normal lives.", "Colleen: Is that possible? Do we just forget that this happened?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Well, I don't know about that.", "JT: No, it really happened.", "Jana: JT? You will never guess what I found in the supply room. Masking tape!", "JT: Why don't you lay on the floor and I'll trace the outline of your body with it.", "Jana: No, silly, it's a clue! Or we could make it one. We could all touch it and turn it into the police to test for fingerprints.", "JT: Okay, that has to be the most bizarre suggestion I've heard tonight.", "Victoria: Besides, wasn't it duct tape?", "JT: Yeah, Jana, I hate to break it to you, but the police have already searched this club-- right after they found Carmen's body. They impounded anything that looked like evidence.", "Jana: So? I still say we could maybe have a bit of fun. Maybe...", "Victor: I suggest you save your antics for another day, another place.", "Jana: Right. Sorry.", "Victoria: Oh, are we all having fun?", "Victor: We are just getting to know more about our in-laws.", "Rebecca: Especially Brad.", "Victoria: Oh. Did you, um, did you happen to tell them my favorite story from when Brad was a teenager?", "Nikki: We heard about the turtle.", "Victoria: The turtle? I love that story. That's my favorite story.", "Victor: What other story are you talking about?", "Victoria: Well, um, Brad was always living in the shadow of his older brother.", "Nikki: What? Older brother? I didn't know he had a brother.", "Rebecca: They were a few years apart.", "Victor: And?", "Nikki: Really?", "Victoria: Well, his brother was, um, he was a big time jock-- all around athlete. MVP in everything in high school. And one day when Brad turned 17, he, uh, he took his brother's identity and he joined the navy under his name just to prove that he could do whatever his brother could do.", "Nikki: My goodness. That must've been so frightening for you. He was so young.", "Rebecca: Well, it was, in a way. But it taught him discipline.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Rebecca: I don't think he knew what he was getting into at the time.", "Victor: So where is the other Brad Carlton now?", "Rebecca: Uh, he's not with us. He was killed in a car accident shortly after young Brad enlisted. Um, Brad kept his brother's name to honor him and it became something no one questioned. I think it was a way for all of us to feel closer to him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: My phone! It's working!", "Lily: Call the hospital!", "Nick: Yeah. Hang in there, bud.", "Lily: everything's gonna be fine.", "Nick: Yeah, hi, uh, I'm calling to report an accident. I am bringing the driver to the hospital. Male, 18. Yeah, he was, uh, trapped inside his car. I got him out with a crowbar. He's having trouble breathing. Yes, yes, he's conscious, but barely. Look, I am ten minutes away from Memorial Hospital. I can't stay on the phone. I will see you very soon. Okay, thanks.", "Lily: Wait, why did you hang up?", "Nick: Don't worry. Don't worry. They're gonna have somebody waiting for us when we get there.", "Phyllis: My cell phone! Nicholas, is that you?!", "Nick: Yeah, yeah, it's me. I'm on my way.", "Phyllis: Listen, um, my water broke. I can't have this baby in here. She'll never make it.", "Nick: You're in labor?", "Phyllis: Uh-huh.", "Jack: I'm gonna see if I can get to building security.", "Nick: I know you're probably scared right now, but Jack is with you. He's gonna take very good care of you, okay?", "Phyllis: Yeah, he is.", "Jack: Hello, this is Jack Abbott. I am in--in the elevator in Newman Tower. I need you to get here. I've got a pregnant woman in labor.", "Nick: You be tough. Don't let my little girl make an entrance without me. I wanna be there.", "Daniel: Don't tell her about me.", "Nick: All right, listen, somebody on my end wants to talk to you, okay? Look, just tell her you're okay, all right?", "Lily: Here.", "Daniel: Mom?", "Phyllis: Hey, Daniel. Hi. Are you okay?", "Daniel: Yeah, I'm--I'm fine. How's--how's my sister?", "Phyllis: She's-- she's doing great. She's giving me a hard time right now, though.", "Daniel: I told her to. It makes me look better.", "Jack: Okay, as soon as you can get here. Thanks.", "Phyllis: Well, you're kinda neck-and-neck", "Daniel: I gotta go, Mom, okay? Bye. I love you.", "Nick: Let me talk. Let me talk to her.", "Nick: Hey, Sweetheart, it's me. How you doing?", "Jack: Sweetheart? When did you start calling me Sweetheart?", "Nick: Jack, be level with me. How's Phyllis doing, really?", "Jack: Um, she's-- she's hanging in there. Listen, I called building security.", "Phyllis: Aah!", "Jack: They're getting an ambulance here.", "Nick: Can you guys get out of the elevator?", "Jack: We're gonna try.", "Nick: All right, just-- you take care of her, all right?", "Jack: Hey, hey... hey, listen, maybe your karma's no so bad after all. Hey...", "Phyllis: No.", "Jack: The ambulance is on its way, so is Nick.", "Phyllis: No. No, it's too late! She's coming out now. She's coming out now! Aah! Oh, Jack!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Oh!", "Sharon: 5 to zip. You know, I thought you'd be more of a challenge, Brad.", "Sharon: Yeah, right.", "Brad: Thank you, Sharon.", "Sharon: For what? Putting you in your place?", "Brad: For letting me talk about my sister.", "Sharon: You know, because you can't do a tribute out in the open to your sister, you know, like we did for Cassie. How about... we'll plant a tree in Stephanie's honor. And then you can go and visit her and think about her whenever you want.", "Brad: Actually, I know the perfect spot right out there in the garden. I'll show you after the storm.", "Sharon: Why don't we go now?", "Brad: Now?", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Brad: It's raining.", "Sharon: So? It'll be fun! Come on!", "Brad: All right, let's go.", "Sharon: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I guess we didn't know Brad as well as we thought.", "Victoria: Well, it happens.", "Nikki: Well, Sweetheart, honesty's very important in a solid relationship.", "Rebecca: I'm glad I was able to clear up any misconceptions you might have had about my son.", "Victoria: Oh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hello?", "JT: Colleen, thank God. Are you okay?", "Colleen: Hey. Yeah, I'm fine. We just stayed warm. Uh, the police didn't want anyone driving.", "JT: All right, okay, I'll be over to pick you up in a few.", "Colleen: No, no, no, it's okay, I... uh, JT's coming. He's, um--", "Professor Korbel: Your boyfriend. And he's worried about you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Daniel? Nick, he is not waking up! What do we do? Nick, he's not breathing!", "Nick: Okay, Lily, calm down. Listen to me. Listen to me. You're gonna have to give him CPR I can't stop driving. I'll tell you how to do it. You can handle it, right?", "Lily: Yes, just hurry up!", "Nick: Okay, tilt his head back, make sure his airway is clear.", "Lily: Okay.", "Nick: Now take his mouth on yours and breathe. You'll see his chest start moving if it's working.", "Lily: What if it doesn't work?", "Nick: Then make sure your mouth is completely sealed over his, okay?", "Lily: Okay.", "Nick: Give one breath every two seconds. Can you handle this, Lily?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Nick: Okay.", "Lily: I got it.", "Nick: Listen, Sweetheart, don't stop doing it until we get to the hospital, all right? You keep doing it.", "Lily: Okay.", "Nick: We're almost there.", "Lily: One... two...", "Nick: Good. Nice and easy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Don't do it yet. Wait for my call. Okay. That was building maintenance. They said the elevator may drop a couple of floors when they turn the power on.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? \"May,\" as how-- as in, how could this get any worse-- may?!", "Jack: Forget-- forget that I told you that. It's not a big deal. You know what? I'm gonna call your doctor again. I'm getting a ringtone.", "Phyllis: Thank you, God.", "Jack: Dr. Okamura, please. This is an emergency. I'm with Mrs. Newman. Come on, come on, come on. Dr. Okamura? This is Jack Abbott. I'm the man you spoke to earlier. I'm with Phyllis Newman. She's in the elevator. Her water has broken. I need you to tell me what to do. No, the paramedics have not gotten here. Tell me what to do!", "Phyllis: Shh. Shh.", "Jack: I can see the baby's bottom right now.", "Phyllis: Jack, Jack-- oh, my God! She's--I can't-- I can't stop any longer. She's coming now. I have to push!", "Jack: Okay, she's gonna push.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God.", "Jack: Doctor? Doctor? I lost him.", "Phyllis: You--you look at me. Are you ready? Are you--are you ready for this?", "Jack: I'm as ready as I'm ever gonna be.", "Phyllis: Jack, you listen to me. If you see the cord first, I want you to get in there and you get her head and you pull her out. You do what you have to do.", "Jack: Okay.", "Phyllis: Do you understand?", "Jack: I will try.", "Phyllis: No, you're not gonna try. You are going to do this. You are gonna do this. This baby has to live.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: The club looks so...", "Kevin: Normal?", "Jana: Yeah. It's a pity.", "Kevin: You know, Honey, a lot of people find your fascination with murder and killing kinda creepy.", "Jana: Do you think I'm creepy?", "Kevin: No. Wait. No.", "Jana: Well, then you know what? Who cares? It's a passion of mine. Plus, I don't give a fig what anyone else thinks.", "Kevin: Mmm, passion. Now there's a word I like.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I still can't get through to Brad.", "JT: Well, he'd be proud of you.", "Victoria: Why?", "JT: That convincing story you told your folks. Hell, you almost had me believing it.", "Victoria: It's what I had to do.", "JT: Well, lie to your folks? I don't know if any man deserves that kind of support.", "Victoria: You lie to your girlfriend.", "JT: By omission. Cause of my job. It's not the same thing.", "Victoria: Whatever. Excuse me.", "Rebecca: I enjoy Victoria so much. I couldn't ask for a better daughter-in- law.", "Nikki: Oh, thank you. Hey, we were just talking about you.", "Rebecca: I was just saying what a wonderful addition you are to my family.", "Nikki: Couldn't ask for a more genuine, honest young lady.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: Hey, Mr. Newman, if you don't mind me asking, did you learn anything new about Brad today?", "Victor: I heard things about his background I never knew before, thanks to his mother's storytelling.", "JT: Yeah, it makes sense now-- the fake identity. All the secrecy. They would've been in a lot of trouble if the navy found out he enlisted as a minor.", "Victor: You know, the amazing thing is, it's a relatively innocuous, almost innocent story.", "JT: Yeah, yeah, it surprised me as well.", "Victor: Well, one thing less to worry about.", "JT: You know, it was good talking to you, Mr. Newman. I gotta get outta here.", "Victor: JT, you have a good evening.", "JT: Thanks.", "Victor: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Somebody help me! He's not breathing! There you go, Buddy. They're gonna take good care of you, all right?", "Lily: Is he gonna be okay?", "Nick: Yeah. He's gonna be just fine. Wait right here. Excuse me. My wife was in labor. They called for an ambulance. Can you tell me if she checked in yet?", "Woman: Uh, what's her name?", "Nick: Phyllis Newman.", "Woman: Okay. I'm sorry, Sir, we don't have anybody by that name here.", "Nick: What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: One more push.", "Phyllis: I'm so tired.", "Jack: I know you are. You can do this--okay! Phyllis... the legs are out.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Jack: Come on, you're halfway there.", "Phyllis: Are her arms out?", "Jack: No.", "Phyllis: Are they against her head?", "Jack: I don't know. I can't see.", "Phyllis: Okay. Jack, on the count of three, I'm just gonna push as hard as I can. I'm just gonna push as hard as I--", "Jack: Okay, here we go. Here we go. Get ready to meet your baby. Push! Push! Push!", "Phyllis: Aah! Aah! Aah!", "Jack: The head is out. The head is out.", "Phyllis: Is she breathing? Can she breathe? Can she breathe? Answer me. Jack, look at me. Is she alive?", "Jack: She's alive. And she's beautiful. Time to meet your mommy.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. Hey, baby girl. Baby...", "Jack: Cover her-- cover her up. Cover her up.", "Phyllis: Look at you. Oh, my God. I've been waiting so long to see you. Oh, my baby...", "Jack: Hello, this is Jack Abbott. Turn the power on now. Okay, get ready. Hold tight. Here we go.", "Phyllis: Look at you. This is your first ride.", "Jack: There's no jolt. Thank you.", "Phyllis: Baby, it's your first ride.", "Phyllis: Thank you. Thank you, Jack. You gave me a miracle. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: After gargoyles, we move onto stained glass. A study in contrasts. It's a fitting end to our unit on cathedral ornamentation. And not coincidentally, one of my most engaging lectures.", "Colleen: I don't know if I can make it.", "Professor Korbel: To my next class? Or the rest of the semester?", "Colleen: I don't know.", "Professor Korbel: Your talent shouldn't be wasted, Colleen.", "Colleen: There are other things to think about.", "Professor Korbel: None more important.", "Colleen: I have to be the one to decide that.", "JT: Hey.", "Colleen: Hey.", "JT: Hi. You okay?", "Colleen: Yeah.", "JT: So what did you guys do all night, huh?", "Colleen: Oh, we just catalogued artwork.", "JT: In the dark?", "Colleen: We had flashlights.", "Professor Korbel: Hope I didn't bore you.", "Colleen: No, not at all. I'll never look at French sculpture the same way ever again.", "JT: Listen, we better get going, all right? It's still rough out there.", "Colleen: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Good night, just be careful out there. It's still slippery. Did you hear from her?", "Neil: No, I haven't. You know what? I'm starting to get worried.", "Dru: Well, let's get our stuff and get outta here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: What did you think of Rebecca tonight?", "Victor: I don't know who started the lies-- she or Victoria or someone else-- but all I know is, I'm standing there while my daughter's telling tall tales, wanting me to buy them.", "Nikki: I know. I know. I cannot believe she just lied to our faces. She's obviously protecting Brad.", "Victor: Aren't you curious why?", "Nikki: Of course, I am.", "Victor: Then I'm gonna have to find out what he's hiding.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Oh, well, that was a great idea!", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh! It's freezing!", "Brad: Get by the fire. Get by the fire.", "Sharon: I have not done anything like that since I was a kid.", "Brad: Oh, you are shivering. Here, come here, get this off.", "Sharon: Button-- button--button.", "Victoria: You know, I really think it's starting to let up. Brad, you'll never guess how we spent the evening--", "Brad: Hey. Ah!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: How's Daniel?", "Lily: Um... he's gonna be okay. They said the rescue breathing saved his life.", "Nick: You did a good job.", "Lily: I don't know what he would've done without you.", "Nick: I'd do anything for that kid. Oh, your husband.", "Woman: Are you the father?", "Nick: I am. Are you... are you okay? Is she--is she-- is everything...", "Phyllis: Yeah, everything's fine. Thanks to Jack.", "Jack: Say hello to your baby girl.", "Nick: Hi. Thank you.", "Woman: We're gonna need to take her. We need to get her checked out. Take Mrs. Newman to exam room three.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: I couldn't bear the thought of you losing another daughter.", "Nick: It didn't happen.", "Victoria: You need to know what happened last night.", "Brad: What happened?", "Gloria: You should butt out so I can help Lauren.", "Joanna: Excuse me, she is my daughter." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By _ Emma_']
[ "Summer's first birthday party is the hot ticket in Genoa City. Everyone close to her has gathered to celebrate (Daniel, Noah, Victor and Nikki). Tensions run high though when Victor mentions calling in Nikki's loans and she shares that she's suing Victor.", "Glo is on another date with Jeffrey; the game is definitely on as they go a little overboard with the PDA for Kevin's sake. Sharon still angry with Jack reads the letter he wrote to her when he was trapped in the garage. She shares that she does not want to end things YET, she just needs some time away from him to think things through for Noah's sake.", "The tension between Cane and Lily is so thick that it could be cut with a butcher knife.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Victor: That's right. That's right. Yeah. Well, not only are we here to celebrate our granddaughter's first birthday-- that's right. I have some news for you. The DNA test results are back.", "Phyllis: Please don't let it be Brad.", "Victor: J.T. is the father.", "Phyllis: Oh, good! Good! That's great!", "Nick: Vick is gonna be thrilled.", "Daniel: J.T.'s a daddy? That's tight.", "Phyllis: Hey, Summer, J.T. is your new cousin's daddy! Look, she's very happy.", "Victor: That's good. He's very happy. She's very happy with Grandpa, isn't she? That's right.", "Summer: (Coos)", "Phyllis: Um, get your father a cupcake.", "Victor: Cupcakes?", "Phyllis: Yes, yes, it's a new tradition. We're doing cupcakes. Everybody gets to light the candle and make their wish. So...", "Nick: There you go. Just, uh, you know...", "Victor: That's a good girl.", "Nick: Humor her. Here we go. Let's take a picture.", "Victor: You wanna blow it out?", "Phyllis: All right!", "Victor: We take a picture?", "Nick: Dad, you gotta blow it out.", "Phyllis: All right, make a wish. Make a wish.", "Victor: Hold on a second. Let me take off my glasses.", "Phyllis: Here we go. Make a wish.", "Victor: Here we go. Now do I blow it out?", "Phyllis: Yes. Blow it out. But make a wish.", "Victor: I did. I did.", "Phyllis: Good job.", "Victor: Yeah, my baby.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Victor: Um, there's something I wanna tell you, son.", "Nick: Want me to take her?", "Victor: I want you to-- come here. Go to Daddy. There we go. There we go.", "Nick: Yeah, I know.", "Victor: Uh, it has to do with your mother.", "Phyllis: Summer?", "Victor: I called in her loan.", "Nick: Wow. Early, uh, Christmas present, huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I told Victor, he can't walk all over me anymore.", "David: Yeah, I think he's done enough of that in your lifetime.", "Nikki: He has just pushed me to my limits. I am not paying back his loan. He is not getting N.V.P. he can try to take my company, but that's not gonna happen.", "David: I'm very proud of you.", "Nikki: Well, it could be years before the insurance companies settle on Clear Springs. I'm not gonna put my life on hold.", "David: And you shouldn't have to. We move forward. We start afresh. I've got plenty of ideas.", "Nikki: So do I. Step one-- sue Victor's company for causing the explosion.", "David: I thought you wanted to move past that.", "Nikki: Well, I do, once I get what I deserve.", "David: (Chuckles) you do know that Victor's gonna come at you with everything?", "Nikki: Hey, bring it on. Who knows his tactics better than I do? This time, he can't bully me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I keep forgetting to tell you I got another gift for Noah.", "Sharon: Don't you think you're overdoing it, Jack?", "Jack: It's an ant habitat.", "Sharon: Oh. Oh, he'll love that. He always talks about the one that they have in school.", "Jack: Yeah, I had one when I was a kid. I stared at that thing for hours. Listen, I wish you'd give us another chance. Stick around after the holidays.", "Noah: Hey, Mom? This tape keeps sticking! Can you help me finish wrapping?", "Sharon: Yeah. Come here.", "Noah: Thanks.", "Sharon: Oh, wow.", "Jack: Is that a gift for your sister?", "Noah: Yeah, it's a picture frame.", "Sharon: We put a picture of Noah in it.", "Noah: Yeah, we're gonna put it in her room.", "Jack: Well, that's cool. I'd love to have a frame like that on my desk.", "Noah: Well, I'll make you one. Can we go now?", "Sharon: Yep. There. Okay, where's your backpack?", "Noah: It's over by the door.", "Jack: Okay, let's hit it.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Noah: Hey, I call shotgun!", "Sharon: Um, no, in the back.", "Noah: Hey, but I called it! That's not fair!", "Jack: Your mom doesn't ride in the back.", "Noah: Well, then you can ride in the back and you can drive, Mom, right?", "Sharon: Right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Hello, anybody home?", "Gloria: Merry Christmas. Oh, Kevin!", "Gloria: I'll put these down here.", "Kevin: What the hell?", "Gloria: Aah!", "Kevin: Mom, you shouldn't have. Unless I like it.", "Gloria: I thought you weren't home.", "Kevin: And I thought I took your key back.", "Gloria: I took Michael's.", "Kevin: Mom, that key is for emergencies.", "Gloria: Honey, this is an emergency. I have to hide Michael and Lauren's Christmas presents.", "Kevin: I see. You know, you can't even look in that store without showing them a bank statement.", "Gloria: Hey, what's the good of having money if you can't spend some of it?", "Kevin: You can invest it. Or you can give it to me.", "Gloria: Ha!", "(Pounding on door)", "Gloria: Shh! Shh! Shh!", "Kevin: Who is it?", "Michael: It's me!", "Lauren: And Mrs. Me!", "Michael: Open up!", "Gloria: Wait! Wait!", "Lauren: Could you please hide Gloria's present--", "Gloria: Oh, what? So I won't be tempted to open them before Christmas?", "Lauren: Oh!", "Kevin: Here, you guys can all hide them in the same closet.", "Lauren: Great.", "Michael: Great. We're thinking alike.", "Lauren: That is really scary. Well, look who bought out the place!", "Kevin: Yep. Yep. She gives new meaning to the term buying one's affection.", "Michael: You didn't get all that for us, did you?", "Gloria: No. Some of it's for Fen. And there is one kind of expensive one for my brother-in-law Jeffrey.", "Kevin: Oh.", "Lauren: Gloria!", "Michael: For who?", "Kevin: Well, you know what? If it's expensive, I'm sure he's gonna like it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: So was it the \"Let's just be friends\" or \"You're too young for me\" speech.", "Lily: Uh, try both.", "Colleen: Ouch.", "Lily: Yeah, he said he likes me, but he just can't deal with my age.", "Colleen: And what did you say?", "Lily: I got mad. I mean, he comes onto me and tells me that my age is a problem? It's like, what did he expect me to do?", "Colleen: Well, you know, I think he likes you. I think he's just freaked out. I mean, why not be his friend?", "Lily: And watch him hook up with other women? I don't think so.", "Colleen: Well, then he'll realize that he's an idiot for not dating you.", "Lily: Been there, done that.", "Colleen: You know, I don't see him dating anyone else.", "Lily: Well, yet. But he has followers everywhere he goes.", "Colleen: Okay, how about this? How about if he goes on a date, then you stop hanging out with him?", "Lily: I'd like to, but I'm kind of not in the mood to get my heart broken again.", "Colleen: You know what? This time it might be worth it.", "Lily: You know what? I'm just gonna ease up. I'm gonna--I'm gonna keep it friendly. No pressure.", "Colleen: Well, he won't be able to resist you.", "Lily: Mmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Gasps)", "Nick: You know, Dad, you calling in that loan? You're not just hurting Mom. You're hurting all of us.", "Phyllis: So adorable, Victor. Thank you so much.", "Summer: (Fusses)", "Victor: You're welcome.", "Nick: And I don't care how you rationalize this, you're not doing this for anyone's good except your own.", "Phyllis: Oh, boy! I think someone needs to be changed.", "Daniel: I bet that's my cue.", "Summer: (Fusses)", "Phyllis: Oh, no! Somebody needs to be changed.", "Daniel: Oh, let's see.", "Phyllis: Here, take this with you. Take this.", "Daniel: Is this her sweater?", "Victor: There we go. Are you taking your mother's side or what?", "Phyllis: Look at this.", "Nick: I'm not taking anyone's side, Dad.", "Victor: Look, she borrowed that money without thinking of the consequences, all right?", "Nick: There are consequences for everyone. You are creating more problems for this family.", "Phyllis: Baby, look at this. Look at this. Look at this.", "Nikki: Hi, everybody.", "Phyllis: Hey, Guys!", "Nikki: Where's the birthday girl?", "Phyllis: Oh, she's getting changed.", "Nikki: Oh.", "Victor: You're early.", "David: By my watch we're right on time.", "Nikki: Next time I'll call.", "Victor: Next time you'll abide by our agreement, all right? Anyway... it was so nice being here. Thank you for the cupcake and give a kiss to the birthday girl.", "Nick: Dad? Dad?", "Victor: Nice to see you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I spoke to my accountant and he said I have to buy tax free gifts for all of you before the end of the year.", "Lauren: Oh, well, then we should talk to our accountant and make sure that doesn't change anything for us.", "Kevin: Here you go. You can give it to me.", "Lauren: Oh, thanks.", "Gloria: Now do you have a college fund for Fen yet?", "Lauren: Yes, we do.", "Michael: Wait a second, hold on. Back it up. You are buying expensive gifts for Jeffrey Bardwell.", "Gloria: No! One gift.", "Michael: No, no, spending money on the man is gonna give him the wrong impression.", "Kevin: What? That she can't buy him?", "Lauren: I agree with Michael.", "Kevin: Yeah, so do I.", "Gloria: No wrong impression. Come on, the guy's my brother-in-law. And I am going to spend time over the holidays with him.", "Michael: No.", "Gloria: Yeah.", "Lauren: Now I-I just don't understand what you see in him. I mean, other than he looks like William.", "Michael: Don't trust this man! He is sleazy! He's after your money! That's it!", "Gloria: I thought the same thing, but the more I get to know him, the more I like him. So please, just give him a chance.", "Michael: Why? Why waste my time? I can already see through this guy.", "Kevin: He's a really good judge of character.", "Lauren: You know, you've been married to two really amazing men, John and William. Why are you scraping the bottom of the barrel now?", "Michael: She's right. You don't wanna get involved with this man.", "Gloria: Well, all of you are wrong. He can be very charming.", "Kevin: So can kidnappers, Mom. Doesn't say much.", "Gloria: Would you please just give him a chance, Michael?", "Kevin: So, Mom, how long do you plan on keeping this up? Because Michael and Lauren didn't buy your whole \"Jeff is a great guy\" routine for a second.", "Gloria: You know, you weren't a lot of help.", "Kevin: That's because I agree with them. Where are you going?", "Gloria: I'm going to meet Jeffrey.", "Kevin: Ugh. I'm coming with you.", "Gloria: Absolutely not.", "Kevin: Uh, absolutely yes.", "Gloria: Honey, I can handle him.", "Kevin: No, you can't.", "Gloria: I'm not gonna argue with you about this, Kevin.", "Kevin: Good, good, because I'm coming.", "Gloria: No, you're not.", "Kevin: Yes, I am.", "Gloria: Honey!", "Kevin: What?", "Gloria: I told Jeffrey that I wouldn't marry him until my children were convinced I was in love with him. So you should come. Sit at the bar and watch us. And glare at him.", "Kevin: This may be the dumbest idea that you have ever had. Pretending to pretend that you're in love?", "Gloria: Yeah, well, maybe. But you're my son and you're obligated.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, you gave me life. I get it.", "Gloria: Glare as hard as you can, baby. I don't know how long I can stall him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: So what are you doing tomorrow?", "Lily: Mmm, I don't know. Why?", "Colleen: I wanna go Christmas shopping.", "Lily: Wait, I thought you did Hanukkah with your dad?", "Colleen: Yeah, I just wanna get gifts for Adrian and friends and stuff.", "Lily: Mmm.", "Colleen: What would you do if Cane walked in?", "Lily: Uh, I don't know. Why?", "Colleen: Because Cane just walked in.", "Cane: Hey, I, uh, called the, uh, to go order in?", "Lily: Well, should I say hi? Pretend like I don't see him?", "Colleen: Well, if you want your plan to work, I'd say hi.", "Lily: Should I wait until he says hi first?", "Lily: He just ran out the door. He probably knew that we were talking about him.", "Colleen: Okay, you need to do something to keep your mind off him, okay? You should work it off, train for a marathon. You need to do something.", "Lily: Yeah, I'll spend the rest of my life on a treadmill.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "All: Happy birthday!", "Phyllis: Yay!", "David: Make a wish.", "Nikki: Ooh!", "Phyllis: Good! Good!", "Nikki: Pretty!", "Phyllis: Perfect! Oh, gosh! Oh.", "Nikki: Um, look, Phyllis, I'm really sorry about Victor's behavior.", "Phyllis: Oh, don't worry about it. No problem.", "Nikki: I didn't mean to antagonize him, but, you know, I'm not gonna let him walk all over me either.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Well, you two are always welcome here.", "David: Thank you.", "Daniel: I think, uh, Summer wants her cupcake.", "Phyllis: Not until her boyfriend gets here. She can't have that.", "Daniel: Oh, did you hear that? Fen's coming to see you.", "Phyllis: Fen is coming.", "Daniel: Yeah, he is.", "Nick: You know, Dad shouldn't have called in those loans.", "Nikki: He's gonna do what he's gonna do. You know, he wants a fight, he's gonna get one, but, uh... it's okay. Because I've decided I'm gonna sue him for causing the explosion.", "Nick: Mom, lawsuits hurt everyone involved. So what do you think?", "David: I think your mother has the right to stand up for herself.", "Nick: By suing my father?", "David: How she does it, is her choice.", "Nikki: Do you know that a lot of people lost their life savings in Clear Springs? And that is Victor's fault. He did that. He is responsible for that. He is responsible for the explosion and for the accident that happened to your sister.", "Nick: Mom, you're going too far.", "Nikki: No, I'm not going too far. Your father went too far. Now somebody has to step in and make a stand and stop all this nonsense. Right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: So have you named the baby yet?", "J.T.: Reed. Reed--it was, uh, Victoria's suggestion.", "Victor: Oh, yeah? That is Nikki's maiden name.", "J.T.: Right. Yeah, she, uh, she wanted to name it for Nikki and keep it in the family.", "Victor: How does it feel to be a dad?", "J.T.: Overwhelming. In a good way.", "Victor: You bet. Best feeling there is. You go home now and go to sleep. All right?", "J.T.: There's time for that later.", "Victor: Trust me, when you take that baby home, you ain't gonna get a lot of sleep. I know.", "J.T.: I really don't wanna leave, 'cause if something happens, I wanna--", "Victor: If something happens, I'll be here. Don't worry about a thing. All right?", "J.T.: All right. Please call me if anything happens.", "Victor: I will do that. I'll call you.", "J.T.: Thank you.", "Victor: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Uh, excuse me! Coming through!", "Nick: What's up, Dude?", "Noah: Happy birthday, Summer!", "Daniel: Happy birthday, Summer, but no \"Hello, Daniel\"?", "Noah: All right, hi, Daniel.", "Daniel: Hi.", "Noah: Did she get any good presents?", "Daniel: Yeah, she got some building blocks and she got this little learning center which makes animal noises, and she got baby's first cell phone, so she can talk just like Mom, right?", "Phyllis: Just like Mom.", "Daniel: Just like Mom.", "Nick: Hey, uh, hop in there. Get close to your sister. Let me get a shot of you guys.", "Noah: Okay.", "Phyllis: Oh, there was a yawn.", "Nick: All right, ready?", "Noah: All right. Yeah.", "Nick: Say \"Pizza\"!", "Daniel: Pizza!", "Noah: Pizza!", "Nick: There you go.", "Sharon: They grow up so fast, don't they?", "Phyllis: Yeah. It's been a year.", "Sharon: Oh, man.", "Phyllis: Yeah, they grow up real fast.", "Sharon: Right, it's a year.", "Nikki: How are ya, Jack?", "Jack: Well, I'm above ground. I hear there's a senate seat available if you're interested.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, listen, have--have a seat. Jack, I want you to take a picture with Summer. And you, too, Sharon.", "Sharon: Oh, no, no, no, you don't want me--", "Nick: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, we want you in that picture. Definitely. Definitely.", "Nick: Slide in, Dude.", "Phyllis: Just--go ahead. Take a picture.", "Nick: Ready? Cheese!", "Daniel: Happy birthday.", "Nick: Nice!", "Sharon: Yay.", "Phyllis: Great. Jack, um, this is a present from the three of us.", "Jack: For me?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Um, because, uh, you know, you helped me in the elevator. And if it weren't for you, maybe our daughter wouldn't be here at all.", "Nick: Yeah, you brought Summer into this world. We won't forget it.", "Jack: I did what anybody else would've done.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. Stop being humble. Just open the gift.", "Jack: A doctor's bag?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: Well, I think that's very cute.", "Phyllis: It's cute, right? Yeah, it's fine. Um, I just figured, maybe, you know, you and Sharon can play doctor, too. I mean, if you want.", "Jack: I look at your little girl and I remember that night and... I realize I got one thing right in my life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Why thank you very much. Oh!", "Jeff: Gloria. Wow, you look beautiful!", "Gloria: Well, thank you very much. And I'm very much looking forward to our dinner.", "Jeff: They're, um, setting up a table for us over in the corner.", "Gloria: Why the corner? Isn't the point for people to see us?", "Jeff: I'll see what I can do.", "Gloria: Oh, Kevin!", "Kevin: How's lover boy doing?", "Gloria: He's getting us a table.", "Kevin: Catch you later. Thanks.", "Jeff: So all set!", "Gloria: Great. Thank you.", "Gloria: Thank you, Jeffrey.", "Jeff: You're welcome. So shall I order us an appetizer?", "Gloria: Yes, you choose.", "Jeff: Aren't you the pliant one? Where's the waiter? That's your son over there at the bar watching us?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Jeff: Well... why don't we give him a show?", "Gloria: Why, Jeffrey, you read my mind.", "Jeff: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: So the tension between Jack and Sharon you could cut with a knife.", "Nick: Yeah. It's almost uncomfortable.", "Phyllis: Almost?", "Nick: Yeah. I'm kinda surprised that they're still together.", "Phyllis: I think people are still surprised that I'm, uh, with you.", "Nick: Uh, you got that backwards.", "Phyllis: Oh, I don't think so.", "Nick: Yeah, you do. What--I-I...", "Phyllis: See if you can balance it. I don't need anymore cupcakes. Hey, is this, uh, Noah's coat?", "Daniel: Uh, yeah, I'll run it out to him at the stables.", "Nick: Good man.", "Sharon: Well, I'm gonna get some more coffee.", "Nick: So have you read the latest report on Clear Springs?", "Jack: No, what does it say?", "Nick: Well, the, uh, the town's in better shape than we thought. The casino and parking structure are obviously toast, but a lot of the old buildings, they can be saved.", "Sharon: So, I, uh, I love the--the cupcakes.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: I-I figured, you know, everybody can pick their own flavor. I like red velvet. It's too rich for Summer, but I like it. So, um, how are you and Jack spending the holidays?", "Sharon: Um... well, I think, uh, we're just gonna keep it low key.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, low key.", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Yeah, that'll probably be good after everything you've been through.", "Sharon: Yeah, well, there's not much good about it.", "Phyllis: Yeah. So, uh, I-I know Jack screwed up. But, um, everything he did, he did before you were married. So, um... I know he's tried to be a better man since then.", "Sharon: Yeah, um... tried being the operative word.", "Phyllis: Right. Did--did he show you that letter that he wrote when he was trapped in the garage?", "Sharon: Uh, no.", "Phyllis: Really? Oh, you should definitely read it. It--it was about you.", "Sharon: So he showed this letter to you?", "Phyllis: No, he didn't show it to me. He didn't show it to me. I found it on his desk accidentally. I-I think it said, \"My love for you is literally keeping me alive.\" That's--that's what it said.", "Sharon: Um, why are you telling me this?", "Phyllis: Well, because I-- I wanna see him happy. And you make him happy. If I were you, I would wanna leave him, too. But before you start making some life- altering decisions, you should read the letter. You should definitely read it.", "Michael: Hey!", "Nick: Come on in!", "Phyllis: It's freezing!", "Lauren: Yeah, I know! I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "Michael: Birthday girl! Birthday girl!", "Nick: She is, uh, feeding the horses with her big brothers.", "Lauren: I don't know how long we can stay. You won't believe what happened at the store. Women were fist fighting over cashmere.", "Lauren: Hi, you guys. I'm exhausted!", "Phyllis: I know, I'll bet. Can Fen have a cupcake? 'Cause that's-- that's what we're having.", "Lauren: Ooh, sugar before bed? I don't know, I don't know. What do you think? Okay!", "Phyllis: Here.", "Lauren: They're beautiful!", "Phyllis: That's for you.", "Michael: Yes, yes. Well, hello, Jack. I'm surprised you're not huddled with your lawyers over that new will.", "Jack: That new will, as you call it, is not worth the paper it's written on. It's a fake, just like your mother.", "Phyllis: Uh, hey! I love you both, but, um, if you bring this party down, I'm gonna kick your butt.", "Michael: All right.", "Nick: Yeah, you're on your own.", "Michael: Thank you.", "Phyllis: Hey! There's the pretty girl!", "Noah: Hey, Fen.", "Michael: Aw, she's adorable.", "Phyllis: Hey, look!", "Lauren: Can you hold this for one second?", "Phyllis: Sure. Sure.", "Michael: Are we having cupcakes?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's cupcakes.", "Noah: Oh, wow.", "Phyllis: This is for you.", "Michael: This is great.", "Nick: Ready, Guys?", "Michael: Get in here.", "Phyllis: Cupcakes for everyone.", "Nick: Cupcakes! Say cheese.", "All: Cheese!", "Nick: Fen! All right!", "Lauren: He looked right after!", "Sharon: Hey, you guys, we have to get going.", "Phyllis: Oh!", "Jack: Uh, we'll pick up Noah in the morning.", "Nick: Uh, yeah, cool. Uh, call first. 'Cause we're gonna go and get some pancakes first.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Jack: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Hi, pretty girl.", "Nick: Hey, Jack? I know it sounds trite, but if there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask.", "Jack: You're the first person to say that to me in months.", "Nick: I mean it.", "Jack: I know that. I appreciate it.", "Phyllis: Hey, watch yourself.", "Nick: Thanks for coming by.", "Sharon: All right, bye, Nick.", "Michael: Oh, good-bye, Sharon. Good-bye, Jack!", "Lauren: Bye, Guys!", "Michael: Daddy really know how to clear out a party, doesn't he? That's more cupcakes for us, my friend, right? Right? Right? Right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Good news travels fast. Congratulations, man.", "J.T.: Thank you, appreciate it.", "Cane: That's cool. So, uh, I didn't think you were leaving the hospital.", "J.T.: Oh, well, Victor's keeping watch.", "Cane: Yeah? Good. Good. You know, man, I'm admiring you for this. You know, the way you're stepping up to being a dad. No fears.", "J.T.: Who said I wasn't scared? When I found out I was a father, I almost hyperventilated.", "Cane: But you look happy, man.", "J.T.: Oh, I'm happy. I'm definitely happy. I'm also scared to death. I'm a single dad raising a premature baby. I mean, what happens if I mess up? Actually, let me rephrase that. What happens when I mess up? I guess I, uh, hopefully don't mess up so bad. You know, kids expect their parents to know what they're doing. And it's easy to say that until you're--you're in a situation and you got nobody there to catch you.", "Cane: I really can't give you much advice on that, my friend. My uncle, you know, he may have been a nice guy, but he wasn't really parent of the year, if you know what I mean.", "J.T.: Yeah. But that's it. For the rest of his life, I'm responsible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Hmm.", "Jeff: Here you are.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "(Chuckles)", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: Laying it on a little bit thick, don't you think?", "Jeff: Well, is your son still staring at us?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. Oh! I have a surprise for you.", "Jeff: A present?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. I saw it in the store and couldn't resist.", "Jeff: Ah, you really shouldn't spend your money on me.", "Gloria: Yeah, listen to you. Oh, come on, Jeffrey, open it.", "Jeff: All right. What could it be, Gloria?", "Gloria: My, my... I hope you like it.", "Jeff: Oh, my God! It's--that is beautiful! And far too extravagant. My goodness!", "Gloria: But I want you to have it.", "Jeff: I really can't accept this.", "Gloria: Please do. It'll make me very happy.", "[Kevin calls Michael]", "Kevin: Michael, you're not even gonna believe what Mom just did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Okay, you know what, Kevin? We will talk about this later. Yes. Yeah, bye.", "Phyllis: The little princess is fast asleep.", "Lauren: Aw!", "Michael: Aw!", "Daniel: Mom, I gotta say, you really know how to throw a party.", "Phyllis: Thanks.", "Nick: So what was your favorite part? When my dad accused me of siding with my mom, or when Mom said she was gonna go after Dad?", "Michael: Oh, I'm sorry I missed that.", "Phyllis: Hmm, I kinda liked the big reveal-- \"I'm suing your father.\" I liked that.", "Michael: Wait, suing? Who's suing who? What?", "Nick: Oh, yeah, my mother is suing my father.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Michael: Oh, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.", "Nick: Yeah, seriously.", "Daniel: Let's not forget Jack offering his senate seat to Nikki.", "Michael: Ha ha! I really am sorry I missed that.", "Phyllis: You know, you're just as bad with that little quip-- hello--to Jack about the lawyers and the will?", "Michael: I think I behaved rather well.", "Lauren: I think you did, too, Sweetheart. There were no punches thrown. Very good.", "Phyllis: It's ironic, isn't it? That we brought our families together for this joyous occasion, and--and we end up fighting.", "Michael: And on that note, we have to take off.", "Lauren: Oh, is it time?", "Michael: Yes.", "Phyllis: Okay!", "Michael: Where's your coat?", "Nick: I'll get your coats.", "Phyllis: Ooh, ooh, ooh, we have a cupcake down. Cupcake down.", "Daniel: You're chewing on that block. You wanna take that one with you?", "Lauren: Do you mind?", "Phyllis: Thank you so much for the beautiful outfit.", "Lauren: Oh, did you like the outfit?", "Lauren: Aw!", "Phyllis: Bye, Fen!", "Daniel: I'm gonna go upstairs. I'm gonna say good night to Noah.", "Michael: See you later.", "Phyllis: All right.", "Lauren: Bye, Sweetheart.", "Phyllis: Bye-bye.", "Lauren: Talk to you later.", "Phyllis: Thanks. Your coat. Your coat.", "Lauren: Oh, my coat.", "Michael: Let me just throw you. We can run for the car.", "Nick: See ya, little Fen.", "Michael: All right, Sweetie.", "Phyllis: Bye.", "Nick: See you, Guys. Drive safe.", "Lauren: See you later.", "Michael: All right, hold on! Wait, here's your coat!", "Nick: Put that coat on her.", "Lauren: It's cold!", "Phyllis: It is cold. Shut that.", "(Shivers)", "Nick: (Sighs) silence. And cupcakes.", "Phyllis: It's quiet.", "Nick: Yeah. That was some party, huh?", "Phyllis: You know what? Next year... we're gonna do a kiddie party.", "Nick: Yeah. At a pizza parlor with-- with a jumpy. I love jumpies. The jumpy will really be for me.", "Phyllis: No adults. Just us... on the jumpy.", "Nick: All right, sounds good. So, uh... what did you and Sharon talk about?", "Phyllis: Well, in my, uh, subtle way, I told her to give Jack another chance.", "Nick: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Oh! I forgot the medicine bag. I'll call Phyllis in the morning.", "Sharon: She said that, um... you wrote me a letter when you were trapped in the garage?", "Jack: Yeah, I did.", "Sharon: May I read it?", "Jack: Sure.", "Sharon: \"Sharon, at this moment, my only strength comes from imagining you in my arms. My love for you is literally keeping me alive. In this last hour, I've had so many thoughts about my life-- the highs and lows. I know I've disappointed many people, but I want you and Noah and Kyle and my sisters to always remember one thing-- I could not have loved you more. I'm so lucky and so proud to have been your husband. I love you, Jack.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Lily: Hello?", "Colleen: Hey, are you working out?", "Lily: Yeah, well, I'm trying to, but Cane's here. I mean, how am I supposed to forget about him if he keeps showing up.", "Colleen: What's he wearing?", "Lily: What is this, torture Lily day? I have to go.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Well, that was just a lovely dinner. Thank you.", "Jeff: Well, you know, I was so busy staring at you, I didn't even notice the meal.", "Gloria: Isn't that sweet?", "Jeff: I'm sorry to cut the evening short, but I've got some overseas calls that can't wait.", "Gloria: Okay. Well, we'll do it again sometime, Mr. Bardwell.", "Jeff: Oh, I plan on it.", "Gloria: Good night.", "Jeff: Good night.", "Gloria: Mmm. That was excruciating.", "Kevin: How can you let him kiss you?", "Gloria: I just close my eyes and think of England.", "Kevin: England?", "Gloria: Oh, I didn't think I'd be able to keep my food down. Every time he touched me I thought I'd puke.", "Kevin: He's nasty.", "Gloria: All right, it's over now.", "Michael: Hello. Where's your date?", "Gloria: I guess he's gone upstairs to his room.", "Michael: Oh, perhaps that's because he realizes that you were not going to see him anymore.", "Gloria: No. We had a lovely evening. And he has a wicked sense of humor, Michael.", "Michael: Mmm. Wicked is quite the accurate adjective.", "Kevin: Look, maybe he's not as bad as we think.", "Michael: Don't tell me Gloria has taken you over to the dark side.", "Gloria: How was Summer's birthday?", "Michael: We ran into public enemy number one.", "Gloria: Did you and Jack talk about the will?", "Michael: It was mentioned briefly.", "Gloria: I've been thinking about it. Let's not settle John's probate. At least not for awhile. Let's sit on it.", "Michael: Why? What do you have to gain from that?", "Gloria: Well, for starters, I get to see Jack suffer longer.", "Kevin: In the spirit of the holiday season.", "Gloria: Yeah. I wanna explore my options. Sue him for damages. He thinks I'm gonna wrap this whole thing up and be done with it? He's delusional.", "Michael: Okay, lawyer hat coming off, horrified son hat. Uh, why do you wanna prolong this whole thing?", "Gloria: After the way he treated me, you need to ask? Now put your lawyer hat back on, because I want everything that's owed me plus interest. And that includes the Abbott mansion.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I made us a little something to eat.", "Sharon: Um... no, thank you.", "Jack: You working?", "Sharon: Yeah, I really have to get going on this, um, Valentine's Day N.V.P. promotion here.", "Jack: Everything I said in that letter is true, you know?", "Sharon: I know.", "Jack: You're just not in love with my anymore?", "Sharon: Jack... it's not that simple. I just don't trust you anymore after all the lies that you've told. And you know, if this were just about you and me, I... but I have Noah to consider. And he's just been through so much. You know, and he really looked up to you. And--and you let him down.", "Jack: That's probably the worst part of all of this. I wish you'd give me a chance to make it up to both of you.", "Sharon: No. I need to work this out on my own.", "Sharon: I'm not-- I'm not leaving you. I do not want to talk to a divorce lawyer. I just... need some time away from you so that I can think about this clearly.", "Jack: There's a lot of good stuff here.", "Sharon: Jack... if you love me, then you will not make this harder. I need to do this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You know, I think this is the first Christmas that we're not all gonna be together.", "David: I'm sorry to say that I'm partially responsible for that.", "Nikki: You are not. You've been nothing but supportive and wonderful. No, Victor is the problem. I've spent our entire marriage tiptoeing around his moods. I'm finished with that. And I am not going to apologize for having you in my life.", "David: I agree with that. And I don't think we need to wave a red flag in front of him either.", "Nikki: Well, Nicholas accepts you. Victoria accepts you. And Victor's just gonna have to get used to it. The sad thing is, he deceives himself. He thinks by making all the decisions he's protecting me. When actually he's just making me weak and dependent.", "David: I can't even imagine that. That's so far from who you are today.", "Nikki: Well, he is through manipulating me. I am not going to live my life in his shadow anymore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I'll make you a promise. I'll always protect you and guide you. You know, you're a Newman. You know what that means? It means that a lot of people will respect you, a lot of people will envy you. Some people will even hate you for being a Newman. That's just the way it is. But you know something? Let 'em come on. You and I will take 'em on. I will always be at your side. Your grandpa--your grandpa's a tough old bird. I'll always be at your side, my boy.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Daniel: Did you knock over a liquor store? You got hundred dollar bills in your purse.", "David: Read the complaint.", "Nikki: Half a billion dollars?", "Kay: Are you really intending to destroy your wife?", "Victor: My soon to be ex-wife." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Boo Proofread By Emma']
[ "Glo is having the worse day of her life as she is hit with more and more bad news. Jeffrey hands her divorce papers and Ashley tells her that they are going to hit her with a huge Civil Suit. Michael, Jana and Kevin come in and share that River is a fraud and her testimony was in vain. Phyllis tries to get over the kiss between Nick and Sharon but that does not fare well as she comes to give Summer her presents. Jack is ready to take his rightful place at Jabot but Ashley is not having that. Heather and Adam are OVER, as he's arrested while bidding adieu to Victor. Heather stands by to keep him there. Noah and Eden find the money Jana gave to River and replace it with paper. When River obtains it he's shocked by the discovery. Nikki and Victor share another confrontational moment about their joint account for the children." ]
[ "Kevin: Sorry, I couldn't find to-go lids.", "Michael: Hope Jana's coming to the lockup with us. She tends to have a calming effect on Gloria.", "Kevin: Maybe. Maybe not. I haven't told her about the manslaughter charge.", "Michael: Why not?", "Kevin: Because I spun the whole face cream story. I made it seem like it was a scam of Jeff's. I figured the less people who knew about what Mom did, the better.", "Jana: What did she do?", "Michael: (Sighs) Excuse me.", "Kevin: Do you remember how... how I promised I would not lie to you again? Well, I broke my promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Jack: Hey.", "Sharon: Jack? What is it?", "Jack: I-I know I'm not supposed to drop by like this, but... I have some news. That tainted face cream, the woman who died, my being exiled from Jabot... we now know who's responsible for it. Gloria's been arrested.", "Sharon: Gloria did it?", "Jack: I found out, and I... I mean, I...", "Sharon: Hey, uh, come in. Come in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Ashley remembering]", "Gloria: But you have now stooped to a new low of nastiness, Jack. You honestly think that I would endanger the health and the safety of hundreds of people? And you think that I would intentionally jeopardize a company that I happen to have a big stake in, a company that happens to be my husband's legacy... and that I would willingly subject myself and that beautiful child to a toxic substance that burned us and could have scarred us for life? Do you think I'm insane?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: If they'd told me it was you here...", "Ashley: Now you know.", "Gloria: Listen, I already know every word you're gonna say to me, okay?", "Ashley: Do you?", "Gloria: Since you don't want to hear my side of it, let's call it quits right now.", "Ashley: Sit... your ass down!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: That's fine. I don't think we need any more balloons.", "Nick: You think?", "Phyllis: All right, you can, uh, have more balloons if you want. It doesn't matter.", "Nick: Do we need to talk about this some more?", "Phyllis: Talk about what?", "Nick: Phyllis, come on. Look at me.", "Phyllis: What? I mean, we're-- we're not finished decorating, and--and the cake hasn't come. Do you want to get into this right now?", "Nick: Is that what's got you so on edge?", "Phyllis: I'm not on edge! You kissed Sharon. You kissed her, and it wasn't just some small kiss, it was like it was out of \"Casablanca\" or something. It was a kiss. Am I gonna hold a grudge forever? No. No. But does it upset me? Yeah. I don't want to talk about it anymore. I don't want to remember it. I just want to celebrate our incredible daughter's birthday. Please. You hurt me. Figure it out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Heather: (Sighs) I left the breakfast tray outside in the hall.", "Adam: May I come in?", "Heather: What part of \"It's over\" didn't you get last night?", "Adam: Listen, I didn't want to take off without letting you know what a huge mistake I think you're making.", "Heather: You were told not to leave the jurisdiction. Or did you think the D.A. and I were joking?", "Adam: It's this town, Heather. Please, can't you see this?", "Heather: It's not the--", "Adam: No, listen. If we could get away from the closed doors and the narrow minds for a second--", "Heather: It's not the town, Adam. The problem is you.", "Adam: I don't think this--", "Heather: No, just go. I have nothing good to say to you right now. Leave.", "Adam: Okay. Fine. But I tried, okay? You remember that. Because this is it, Heather. This is the last time we're gonna see each other. You might as well take this, too.", "Heather: I don't want it.", "Adam: Sell it.", "(Ring clinks on table)", "Adam: Keep it. I don't care. I don't need it anymore.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Heather: (Crying)", "(Knock on door)", "Heather: Who is it?", "Paul: It's your dad.", "Heather: (Sniffles) (Crying)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Thank you for agreeing to see me.", "Victor: You want to see me about Nicholas and Victoria?", "Nikki: Yes. It's almost Christmas, so it's time for us to make our annual deposits into the children's and grandchildren's trusts.", "Victor: Then why don't you make the deposit?", "Nikki: I went to the bank, and our joint account is frozen.", "Victor: What do you mean it's frozen?", "Nikki: When one of the signatories is assumed dead, it creates complications.", "Victor: Why are you coming to me with this? We have people who take care of these things.", "Nikki: Your accountant is out of town until the first of the year.", "Victor: Then tell Michael Baldwin to deal with it.", "Nikki: Michael is a little busy trying to get you out of a murder charge. So this gift needs to be made before the end of the tax year-- ideally, before Christmas. That is our tradition. Please don't be difficult.", "Victor: This is all difficult.", "Nikki: What is--being in jail or having to cooperate with me?", "Victor: You take your pick.", "Nikki: Look, you're the one who set us up as co-administrators of this trust. If you want to dissolve it, be my guest. But that won't change the fact that we have children and grandchildren together. Neither one of us will ever escape that.", "Victor: You do what you have to do, all right?", "Nikki: Yeah. You do know it's your granddaughter's birthday?", "Victor: Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?", "Nikki: You have a tiny bit on your mind these days.", "Victor: You tell her that I adore her... and, um... just tell her I adore her and wish her a happy birthday.", "Nikki: I will.", "(Knocks on door)", "Nikki: It's too bad you can't be there in person. Good-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: How could Gloria do such a terrible thing?", "Michael: Kids...", "Jana: And how could you bloody keep that from me?", "Michael: Excuse me, I'm afraid that there's more bad news.", "Kevin: Now what?", "Michael: Not only did Gloria's testimony at Lowell's hearing turn Jeffrey against her, it set a guilty man free.", "Jana: Guilty?", "Michael: Turns out my father was a fraud. He lied about everything. He admitted he used all of us before he went on the lam again.", "Kevin: Well, that was big of him. I knew it. I knew it. I said from the beginning that that guy was full of it.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Michael: Hello. Michael Baldwin. Yeah. Yeah, I'll be right there. Okay. All right. All right! Uh, I will fill you in on the details later.", "Jana: I don't know. No, this has to be a mistake. River's a good man.", "Kevin: No, no. He's obviously not a good man, Jana. You used to get that people were untrustworthy until you bought in to all this la la new age crap. And now that guy has taken off with my $60,000.", "Jana: Oh, what? So everything that I believe in is bloody rubbish, is it? Well, thank you. That's really kind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Wait. Do you think your dad's guilty?", "Eden: I don't know what to believe anymore.", "Noah: Look, I should get to Summer's party. Are you gonna be okay?", "Eden: Yeah. Teddy's really good at figuring things out.", "Noah: (Chuckles) What?", "Eden: The bear's fat. It feels weird. The seam's loose.", "Noah: Oh!", "Eden: What the hell? Noah?", "Noah: How much money is in there?", "Eden: A lot.", "Noah: Uh, no, Eden. Holy crap.", "Eden: Okay, I mean, it must be my dad's, but I mean where did he get this? We never had more than a few hundred dollars.", "Noah: What are you gonna do with it?", "Eden: I guess I-I have to hide it. I mean...", "Noah: Okay. Uh...", "Eden: Okay. I mean, I can't keep it here. Lauren's always straightening things up, or she's in my room and she's looking for dirty clothes to wash. I mean, she's bound to find it.", "Noah: We could stash it at my house. With all the drama going on, I could leave it on the dining room table and nobody'd notice.", "Eden: Okay. Um, okay. You take it.", "Noah: I got it.", "Eden: Keep it, Noah, all right?", "Noah: Put the paper in the bear instead of the money.", "Eden: Yeah, okay, um, scissors--we need scissors and rubber bands.", "Noah: Scissors.", "Eden: Cool.", "Noah: Okay, here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You know, the place looks great.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it does. All right? All right.", "Nick: Your neck actually looks even better.", "Phyllis: You're not gonna have any room for cake.", "Nick: (Chuckles) There's always room for cake... and this.", "Phyllis: (Whispers) I love you.", "Nikki: Ooh! Ooh! I'm not late, am I?", "Phyllis: No, not at all.", "Nick: No, you're right on time.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, I'll help you with those.", "Nick: No, I can-- I can do it.", "Phyllis: I got it. I got it. Thanks.", "Nikki: Thanks.", "Phyllis: Um, there's punch in the kitchen, and, uh, I'm gonna check Summer to see if she's up from her nap.", "Nikki: Sure, yeah.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nikki: Is everything okay between you two?", "Nick: Uh, yeah, yeah. We're fine. I did something I wish I hadn't. I think we're gonna be cool if, uh, if we can work it out.", "Nikki: You think?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Two and a half years. Two and a half years of feeling empty and lost... my father's legacy gone, my family scattered... any sense of purpose and meaning in my life gone. Nothing was right after that... except you. You and Noah were the exception. But I was so filled with rage and bitterness and anger, I couldn't even let you in.", "Sharon: You went out of your way to accommodate Gloria. And I thought it was out of respect for John or maybe out of your guilt for the way you treated her and that's why I went along with it. But now that woman and her idiot husband deserve everything they get.", "Jack: Well, you have my blessing to throw them out on their butts.", "Sharon: And it would be my extreme pleasure.", "Jack: (Voice breaking) And I'm sorry... for everything. (Sniffles) I put my faith in the wrong people. And I know you stood by me as long as you possibly could. I have so many regrets.", "Sharon: All of us make mistakes. What's important here is what you've learned from this, Jack, because you... you could have such a good life if you would only stop standing in your own way. You think you're ready to do that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: Dad.", "River: Hey, Pussycat. I-I didn't realize that anyone was here.", "Eden: I didn't hear you call. Weren't you even gonna say good-bye?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: You warned me about Adam, told me what kind of guy he was.", "Paul: I hate seeing you hurt like this.", "Heather: (Voice breaking) Well, I guess that's what I get for not taking your advice.", "Paul: You know, for the record...", "Heather: (Sniffles)", "Paul: I wish I'd been wrong. I know how much you loved him. But you did the right thing. There's no decent man who would force you to make a decision between your relationship and what you knew was right. You did the right thing.", "Heather: (Crying)", "Paul: (Whispers) Its okay.", "Heather: I needed to end things, and that's what I did. (Sniffles) Um... tell me about Mexico. Uh, did you... (Sniffles) Did you find any evidence against Victor?", "Paul: No, but I found plenty against Adam.", "Heather: Surprise, surprise. Is it strong?", "Paul: Ironclad.", "Heather: You know the first thought that popped into my head when Adam proposed? It was that a wife can't be compelled to testify against her husband. And of course, Adam convinced me that that was absurd. (Exhales) I guess next time I'll trust my instincts.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Jeffrey framed me. How am I to blame for that?", "Ashley: It's never your fault, is it, Gloria? What you did-- destroyed people's lives and nearly ruined my father's company-- but you just go ahead and blame whomever you want, because that's what you do.", "Gloria: I am innocent until I am proven guilty, so you just spit out all the accusations--", "Ashley: You know, you were married to my father. You were married to my father! I thought that you were a shameless gold digger, but I-I couldn't be more wrong. You are so much more dangerous than I could ever imagine.", "Gloria: Once I'm cleared, Ashley Abbott, you're gonna eat those words.", "Ashley: Once you're convicted, if not long before, Jabot is gonna be filing a civil suit against you to recover the cost of the damages to the company, my brother's career, my reputation. We are gonna go after you for every penny you've got, Gloria, not to mention your shares of Jabot stock.", "(Knocks on door)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Jack remembering]", "Jack: I thought I was saving Jabot when I sold it to Chancellor. Now look. I may have lost your life's work, the company that meant so much to you.", "John: Son, nothing means more to me than you and your sisters.", "Jack: I am so damn sorry about that.", "John: Jack, you have nothing to be sorry about. Don't you know how proud of you I am?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Hello, son.", "Jack: Hey, Pop. Thought I might find you here.", "John: Showing up like this, Jackie.", "Jack: I left the house, I got in my car... I just wound up here.", "John: Well, that's not like you to be so aimless.", "Jack: It isn't every day you get had quite the way I was.", "John: Jack, I expect you to rise above this mess that you've made.", "Jack: The mess I made? You mean Gloria, don't you?", "Ashley: What are you doing here? What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be anywhere near this property, Jack.", "Jack: Reread the settlement. As long as I'm not conducting business, I can be anywhere in this building--", "Ashley: You are the last person on this planet that should be giving me attitude. I never should have given you my proxy, not with Gloria involved. But stupid me, I let you talk me into it.", "Jack: Ash, we both were had, and yes, I should never have trusted Gloria. It's how we proceed from here that's important.", "Ashley: Well, I'm having the legal department draft up a civil suit so we can gain control of Gloria's stock. Is that okay?", "Jack: Perfect. What else?", "Ashley: Well, I'm leaving for a meeting, and you're just leaving.", "Jack: Ash, just--", "Ashley: I don't need the complication. I mean it, Jack. Get out. Now.", "John: She's right, you know.", "Jack: If you hadn't shamed me into giving Gloria a break, I wouldn't have any of these problems.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: How's my little tangerine this morning?", "Gloria: Wishing you'd go to the D.A.'s office and tell him you set me up.", "Jeff: I, your devoted husband? I don't know what you mean, sugar lips.", "Gloria: You know damn good and well what I mean, you son of a bitch. And you could get me out of this place if you wanted to.", "Jeff: God, you're beautiful when you're cornered.", "Gloria: Well, let's see how you feel when Jabot sues us for every single dime, every single share of stock that we fought for. Did it even occur to you once what your petty jealousy has cost us?", "Jeff: It did. That's why I've come prepared.", "Gloria: Divorce papers.", "Jeff: Mm. Sign on the dotted line and their lawyers can't touch you. It's the only way to protect our fortune.", "Gloria: I get nothing. You get everything. And you got your freedom.", "Jeff: You know I'll wait for you.", "Gloria: If you'd really been looking out for our fortune, you would have flushed that cream down the toilet.", "Jeff: Or... you wouldn't have testified for your ex-lover. Now who would you rather give your money to-- Jack and Ashley or me?", "Gloria: I'd rather give it to Satan himself.", "Jeff: At your service.", "Gloria: Go back to hell where you belong.", "Jeff: (Laughs) I'll leave the papers with you, Darling. But, uh, don't dillydally. Once Jabot files their lawsuit, it'll be too late.", "(Knocks on door)", "Jeff: Guard?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Thanks.", "Victor: I've been expecting you.", "Adam: Have you?", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Have a seat.", "Adam: Thank you.", "Victor: You here to gloat?", "Adam: I'm here to say good-bye.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: I'm here to thank you.", "Victor: Mm.", "Adam: Yeah, I want to thank you.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: Ever since I got to Genoa City, it's just been... one big learning experience, you know?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: A real eye-opener.", "Victor: Tell me about it.", "Adam: Once I figured out the kind of man that you really are--you know, how you treat your family-- I realized that I want to be just like you.", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Adam: How about that, huh?", "Victor: Have you succeeded?", "Adam: Oh, you betcha. You betcha. I-I... I've studied your moves.", "Victor: (Laughs)", "Adam: Yeah. I've memorized your playbook.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: Here you are, a seasoned pro... left to sit here and rot in jail while me, the rookie, gets to walk. I mean, how about that, right?", "Victor: How about them apples, huh?", "Adam: Yeah.", "Victor: So you're the winner.", "Adam: Well, and you... not so much.", "Victor: (Chuckles) I've learned so much about you, too, you know? Kind of baffles me, though, how a wonderful woman like hope-- extraordinary woman, warm, good-hearted... was an extraordinary woman-- could raise a son like you, a man of such low character. Been one of the great disappointments in my life to watch the way you've turned out.", "Adam: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, thanks for caring. Uh, have a merry Christmas. Enjoy the prison food and all that good stuff.", "Victor: You do the same.", "Gil: Adam Wilson? You're under arrest.", "Adam: No, this is impossible. The D.A. said I was free to go.", "Gil: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used--", "Adam: What kind of evidence you got?", "Michael: Fraud, obstruction of justice.", "Adam: You don't have any evidence for that. What are you talking about? I'm free to go.", "Gil: Taylor, let's go. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to talk to an attorney...", "Adam: How is this happening? This is bull! No, this is bull!", "Gil: And have him present while you're being questioned, all right? If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be presented...", "Michael: Well, that's entertainment.", "Victor: Yeah, it is, isn't it?", "Paul: Well, that was a hell of a show you put on.", "Victor: Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it, mm-hmm?", "Michael: We've already spoon-fed the D.A. everything he needs.", "Victor: Mm-hmm, good. Now it's time for the grand finale, isn't it? After all the hard work you've put in, I don't want you to be disappointed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: I'm glad you're here.", "Eden: You came back to get me, right?", "River: Eden...", "Eden: Okay, well, let me grab my stuff, okay? And then we can take off. Are we going back to the ashram?", "River: I--you... you can't come with me. Not this time.", "Eden: Why not?", "River: I want you to stay with Mike and his family. They can give you a better life than I can.", "Eden: You talk like you're going underground again. You were just cleared.", "River: I'm going to miss you every minute.", "Eden: You have my bear.", "River: Remember why I gave him to you?", "Eden: (Voice breaking) So that I'd never be alone.", "River: Can I take him now? My way of feeling closer to you.", "River: Good-bye, my angel.", "River: Be at peace.", "(Door closes)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: So where are the candles?", "Nick: Ah. I got those. Here you go, Dude. Make yourself useful.", "Noah: Thank you.", "(Knock on door)", "Nick: Oh, that, uh, that would be Sharon.", "Nikki: How you doing, Honey?", "Noah: Mm-hmm, okay.", "Nikki: Good.", "Nick: Hey.", "Sharon: Hey. So Noah forgot these.", "Nick: Yeah, he, uh, he said. Thank you for bringing those by.", "Sharon: Sure. Um, oh, this one is from me.", "Nick: Very nice of you.", "Sharon: Well, I don't mind. You know, I don't get much chance to buy things for little girls these days. I miss it. Anyway, um, hey, can I go inside? I'd like to say hello to the happy birthday girl.", "Nick: Uh, you know, that's, uh... that's not really a good idea.", "Sharon: What's going on? Is Phyllis on the rampage or something?", "Nick: It's not really on a rampage. She's trying to get over a broken heart. She saw us in Paris on that bridge.", "Sharon: How is that possible? She wasn't even there.", "Nick: Photo shoot for \"Restless Style.\" She was there to surprise me.", "Sharon: Oh, my God. Um... wow. I-I feel terrible.", "Phyllis: Look who's up from her nap and all ready to go!", "Noah: (Singsong voice) Hello!", "Nikki: Oh, let me see. (Gasps) How beautiful you look. Ohh.", "Phyllis: You can say thank you if you want.", "Summer: (Mouths word)", "Phyllis: No.", "(Laughs)", "Nikki: Oh, well that's okay. You're very welcome anyway.", "Phyllis: All right. I--you know what? Where's Nick? I want to get a picture of the three of us.", "Nikki: Oh, he's outside talking to Sharon.", "Phyllis: Okay. I'll be right back, sweet thing.", "Nikki: Mm. (Gasps) Look at these pretty buttons.", "Phyllis: (Scoffs) We're about to sing \"Happy birthday.\" Hi, Sharon, nice to see you. Bye now.", "Sharon: Um, the big present is from Noah and, uh, the smaller one's from me. So... uh... have fun.", "Nick: It's freezing out here. Should we go in?", "(Door slams)", "Noah: Yay!", "Nikki: Good job!", "Nick: Thattagirl.", "Phyllis: Did you make a wish?", "Noah: All right, Summer, way to go. Do we have any ice cream?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Nikki: Ice cream...", "Nick: I'll get the scoop.", "Noah: Let's get it. Cake and ice cream, come on.", "Nikki: Hey. Let's go help them with that ice cream, shall we? I wonder what flavor it is?", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey... Fisher. Hi, boy. Hey. What do you think you're doing?", "Jeff: What's it look like I'm doing?", "Sharon: Get your feet off my new sofa. And since when do you-- you know what? Never mind. Five minutes from now, it won't matter.", "Jeff: What happens five minutes from now?", "Sharon: You are going to go in the pool house and pack up your things and Gloria's things, and I'm throwing you out of the house today.", "Jeff: Ah, wait just a second.", "Sharon: Now Jack has been extremely kind to both of you, and considering that Gloria's showing her true colors...", "Jeff: Look at this face. I could have permanent scars. I'm one of her victims, too, you know.", "Sharon: Go sell your crazy story someplace else. You're no longer welcome in this home.", "Jeff: Okay. Fine. I never wanted to live here, anyway. See ya, Honey.", "Sharon: Hey... (Whispers inaudibly) Go, get him. Get him, get him. (Fisher barking)", "Jeff: Hey, get off! Get down! Get down! Get off me! What--n-no!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: I did what I had to.", "Jack: Defending her, insisting I be nice to her.", "John: She was my wife. I loved her. There was no reason to be suspicious.", "Jack: Well, now that you do know what she's capable of, maybe you can stop hounding me about treating her with respect. From where I sit, John Abbott's widow has had a free ride for long enough.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Kevin: Hey, Mom.", "Gloria: Kevin. Michael, please tell me you have good news. Am I gonna get out of here?", "Michael: I'm sorry, Gloria. The docket's full. Uh, you won't be arraigned until tomorrow at the earliest.", "Gloria: I gotta stay in here another night?", "Michael: Maybe two.", "Gloria: No, Michael, no. Not everything I've been through. Don't do that to me.", "Kevin: Mom, there's more.", "Gloria: What?", "Michael: It's about Lowell. He's not the man we thought he was. He lied, and now he's gone.", "Gloria: (Moans)", "Kevin: (Whispers) Its okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I could use some good news today.", "Victor: Certain people have come forward that will testify to the fact that the diary is a fake. So I should be vindicated very soon.", "Ashley: That's fabulous.", "Victor: Say it.", "Ashley: (Chuckles) Okay, I will. Aren't you glad you came back home to face those charges?", "Victor: For many reasons. My beautiful Ashley. Soon I'll be home... and you and I will be together. We've a lot to celebrate.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Thank you. All set?", "Dennis: And then some.", "Heather: Great.", "Dennis: Heather, are you sure you want to do this?", "Heather: I am more than sure. I want to see this guy get put away.", "Rafael: Adam Wilson?", "Adam: Who are you?", "Rafael: Rafe Torres, from the public defender's office. I've been assigned to your case.", "Adam: Um, sorry I'm not gonna give you much of a workout. The D.A.'s got nothin' on me. No case--", "Heather: Before you mislead your representation, you should take a look at who's walking through that door.", "Man: Hola, Amigo. Remember me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Then you agree with me that I was right about Gloria.", "John: Son, if I knew how twisted her mind was, do you--", "Jack: You know now, Dad.", "John: Yes, her behavior was deplorable. And I would never ask you to honor a woman who would go to such despicable lengths to discredit you.", "Jack: Thank you. Thank you. I would like to think I'm not disrespecting your memory by hating her guts.", "John: You're entitled. You're entitled.", "Jack: I was in charge at Jabot. It doesn't matter which employee tampered with that cream. Andrew Gibson wants me out of here.", "John: I know that, son, but listen, you were the target of deliberate sabotage. Now how on earth could Andrew Gibson continue to punish you for his wife's death?", "Jack: When you put it that way...", "John: Look, son, maybe just allow the universe to deal with Gloria. You focus on getting back your rightful place at Jabot. (Sighs) Trust me, Jack. She will get what's coming to her. Nobody-- nobody skips through life without consequences.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: What the hell? Where's my money?! God--", "(Metal clangs)", "River: (Panting)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I went out on a limb for your father... and it was for nothing.", "Michael: Yes, it was for nothing.", "Gloria: That cream. That damned cream. And I can't even blame Jeffrey. He sat in that courtroom and warned me with his eyes not to go on that witness stand. I knew what he might do, but I went ahead and did it, anyway, 'cause I thought I was being so noble helping your father. And it turns out he's... an evil, selfish user.", "Gloria: (Voice breaking) It's karmic justice, don't you know? It's true. I did want to screw over Jack and Ashley. Now I've just ended up screwing over myself.", "Kevin: It's okay.", "Gloria: (Sobbing)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Murphy: What were you, a duchess in another life?", "Kay: Why does that sound familiar?", "Nikki: It's obvious something's bothering you. Just say it.", "Paul: I just kind of would like to know where we stand.", "Man: (In Spanish) Your secret is safe with me, Amigo." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon makes plans to take Faith away on a little surprise trip. Nick shows Avery the run-down nightclub that he bought. She asks a lot of questions. Nikki visits Chelsea to try to convince her to testify against Sharon, but she refuses. Victor gives Adam an ultimatum, either he helps him to regain Newman Enterprises or he will let Sharon spend the rest of her life in jail. Michael and Lauren celebrate their anniversary and he lets her in on the fact that he has a special surprise for her. Lauren pumps him to tell her what the surprise is. Michael refuses to tell her. Carmine presents them with a special bottle of champagne to celebrate, but Michael refuses. Sharon cannot find Faith's special doll so Faith suggests going to Nick's to get it. Sharon refuses to take her back to Nick's but leaves the house instead. Nikki lets Chelsea know that witnesses came forward to give Sharon an alibi that she was indeed in Chicago.", "Carmine apologizes to Lauren for offending Michael. The New York cop, Alex, questions Carmine about a woman that he is looking for. Leslie finds Neil in deep thought in his office. Leslie finds out that Jack is planning on merging Jabot with Newman Enterprises. Adam gives in to Victor's demands but has some terms of his own. Victor and Jack come face to face. Adam advises Jack to take some time off and get off the pills. Nick comes home and lets Noah know that he bought the nightclub. Victor comes home to Nikki and finds out that she talked to Chelsea but she refused to testify against Sharon. Victor tells Nikki that they are not going to pursue the case against Sharon. Michael gives Lauren her special surprise of being waited on hand and foot and a special bubble bath. Nick finds Faith's special doll and takes it to her, but Sharon and Faith are gone. When he tries to call Sharon, she doesn't answer. Faith begins to cry to go home but Sharon refuses to take her. Nick lets Avery know that Sharon took Faith.", "" ]
[ "Sharon: (Sighs) You like surprises, don't you, Faithy?", "Faith: Mm-hmm. When will we come home?", "Sharon: Oh, you know, we're just gonna be gone a little while to have some fun. We are going to have such a good time together. It's gonna be warm and sunny, and you're gonna be swimming and playing. And you're gonna have so much fun, you might not ever want to come home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I thought you'd be out of town all day.", "Avery: Well, the other attorney canceled.", "Nick: You gotta go back to the office?", "Avery: Are you making me a better offer?", "Nick: Why don't you grab your coat and find out?", "Avery: Oh. Okay. Are you gonna give me a hint?", "Nick: You're gonna want to bring some lipstick, too.", "Avery: Why? (Chuckles)", "Nick: 'Cause you're gonna be kissing me a lot.", "Avery: Oh. Okay, well... (Giggles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Hmm. You know, this brunch could be tasty.", "Michael: But you're not dazzled.", "Lauren: Not yet. You know, you bailed on our anniversary, Michael, and this apology meal with the accompanying gifts-- it better knock my socks off.", "Michael: Whoa, whoa. Accompanying gifts?", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: Do I not get any leniency because I had to abandon our plans for the public good? I mean, I was doing the work of the people.", "Lauren: And you know, it's funny. Last time I checked, you weren't married to the people. So tell me, what did you get me? Is it shinier than a Maserati? Is it more fabulous than a pair of Louis Vuittons?", "Michael: You know what? All I can tell you is that you will be surprised.", "Lauren: So what is it? Is it sparkly, huh?", "Michael: No.", "Lauren: No? Oh, my God. It's a trip. Is it a trip? Is it Paris? Is it Italy?", "Michael: No. No, it's not that, either.", "Lauren: Am I gonna like this?", "Michael: Well, now I'm... I'm not so sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Uh, sorry we keep getting interrupted.", "Neil: It's okay, Jack. I needed the time. It gave me a chance to absorb the fact that you're folding Jabot into Newman.", "Jack: Yeah, how do you feel about that?", "Neil: How do I feel about that? Well, let me tell you. I feel used.", "Jack: Wait, why?", "Neil: Making the company a subsidiary of Newman means that you're gonna be running the show, Jack, not me. You actually hired me to be a stopgap C.E.O.", "Jack: Because of your leadership and restructuring, the takeover now makes sense for Newman Enterprises. I just want to keep Jabot close.", "Neil: And in the midst of all this closeness, you gonna promise me that, um, I'm not gonna be just a yes-man?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: But why won't you talk to the arson investigator?", "Chelsea: I told you not to come back here, Nikki.", "Nikki: It's not unreasonable for me to expect you to follow through what you started.", "Chelsea: I wish I had never said anything to you in the first place.", "Nikki: If you hadn't come to Victor and me, we would never have learned that Sharon is the one who burned our house down.", "Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah. And now Adam knows that I'm the one that pointed you to Sharon.", "Nikki: Okay, so what? He's upset?", "Chelsea: Yes! Wouldn't you be? I completely betrayed him. And now this whole situation is threatening to ruin my marriage.", "Nikki: Chelsea, I doubt that your marriage is on the rocks because you told the truth.", "Chelsea: What other reason would my husband have for moving out of our house?", "Nikki: Adam still has feelings for Sharon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Even if I did hire someone to set fires to cover for Sharon...", "Victor: You and I both know that's precisely what you did, don't we?", "Adam: Well, you'd have to be able to prove it.", "Victor: You know me and what I'm capable of.", "Adam: All too well, Dad.", "Victor: Just know this-- I will not leave a stone unturned until I find evidence that links Sharon to the fire that burned down my home.", "Adam: Unless I agree to help you.", "Victor: That's up to you, Son. Who do you value more-- Jack Abbott or your old love Sharon?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You will absolutely be surprised, I guarantee it.", "Carmine: Hey.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Carmine: I kind of overheard you guys talking about your anniversary, so I thought you might like this. It's, um, it's on us.", "Lauren: Oh. Why, thank you. Carmine, right?", "Carmine: Yeah.", "Michael: Yes. Carmine. What the hell are you doing here?", "Carmine: (Scoffs) Well, the bar I used to work at burnt down, but since you're the D.A., you already knew that, right?", "Michael: A wise man might have seized that opportunity to leave town.", "Carmine: Why? I got a sweet new gig here tending bar. Actually, today's my first day.", "Lauren: Really? And they're letting you give away champagne already?", "Carmine: Oh, no. This is, um... yeah, it's on me.", "Michael: I have a feeling Mr. Basco is trying to butter us up in hopes that I've forgotten his attempt to kidnap my brother's wife.", "Carmine: Can't you accept the gesture?", "Michael: Take the champagne back.", "Carmine: Well, could you at least let your wife enjoy it?", "Michael: When it comes to you, nothing is free. Somehow, everyone else pays. Take it back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: When you approached me about leaving Chancellor, you said that I could be hands-on...", "Jack: And you are.", "Neil: That I could do things my way. That is what swayed me.", "Jack: Neil, none of that has changed. You have my word.", "Neil: Then why not leave Jabot right where it is?", "Jack: We can streamline certain operational areas, utilize the same infrastructure for promotion and marketing. We save overhead, Neil. It's a good business move. You disagree.", "Neil: Jack, you know, I know you pretty well, right? And these recent moves that you've been making-- it seems to me it's all about the power. It's your drive to obtain more control, man.", "Jack: Nothing wrong with having a little ambition, Neil. Nothing wrong with wanting to have it all. And, uh, I intend to have it. Listen, relax. It's a smart move. And we will both prosper beyond our wildest dreams.", "Neil: (Sighs) Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I don't get it. Is the surprise that you're still thinking of buying this place?", "Nick: Thought and... bought.", "Avery: Wait, you-- you own it? It's yours?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Avery: Nick! Oh! That's fantastic. (Laughs)", "Nick: Thanks to you.", "Avery: Oh. Okay, what changed your mind? Wait, what are you gonna call it? When are you gonna open? What, uh, uh, uh, uh, signature drink-- is there gonna be one? (Sighs) What can I do to help?", "Nick: I'll answer the first question, because that's really the only one I remember.", "Avery: Okay.", "Nick: It was when you sent me that photo of you. It was kind of silly but also hot with the dance pose.", "Avery: Yes.", "Nick: That's what sold it for me.", "Avery: Okay, you are right now ordered to, uh, wipe that image from your brain.", "Nick: No! No. No shot. In fact, I want to see it again, maybe on opening night.", "Avery: No, that is not happening. Tell me the rest. That's not the only reason.", "Nick: I just needed something of my own where my ex-wives aren't involved and my siblings. It's just mine.", "Avery: Mm-hmm. Not your dad involved.", "Nick: Yeah. This place is gonna be for people like me who are dealing with work and life, and they can come here and just kick back, have some fun, have some drinks, listen to some music, and maybe do a little dancing.", "Avery: I love it. I love it. I... (Sighs) I feel like we should have confetti raining or cannons booming.", "Nick: Well, how about, uh... popping corks?", "Avery: Yes! (Laughs)", "Nick: Yeah? Let's do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Uh, you know what, Sweetie? I-I realize that Miss Patsy is your favorite doll and your best friend, but it looks like she might still be at your daddy's.", "Faith: Let's go get her.", "Sharon: You know what? Here's an idea. I happen to know that there are a lot of other wonderful dollies out there who would just fall all over themselves to get to be your best pal and have tea parties and snuggle up with you at night. So you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna pick one of those really special dolls to be your new friend, okay? But we have to go now, Faith. Come on. We're going on an adventure. Let's go. (Chuckles) This is gonna be so fun. Let me get my coat. Go!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: My marriage is none of your business.", "Nikki: I am just trying to help you.", "Chelsea: No, I don't need your advice. And I don't think Adam would even appreciate me discussing this with you.", "Nikki: You're the one who said your marriage is falling apart.", "Chelsea: Okay, now I'm really--I'm done talking about this, okay?", "Nikki: Really? Even when it's obvious that your husband still has feelings for Sharon?", "Chelsea: Obvious how?", "Nikki: He followed her out of our party.", "Chelsea: He-- he was concerned.", "Nikki: And after Sharon told the arson investigator that she was in Chicago... (Gasps) All of a sudden, a hotel called and said that they had confirmed that she was there.", "Chelsea: Really?", "Nikki: Yeah. And now we have witnesses confirming, \"Oh, yes, we saw her. We saw her in the restaurant. We saw her at the hotel.\"", "Chelsea: Well, has it ever occurred to you maybe I was wrong? Maybe Sharon didn't start that fire after all.", "Nikki: Or maybe Adam paid these witnesses to come forward to give her an alibi. He's quite capable of that, isn't he?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: How do you feel about The Underground?", "Avery: Oh, I like it. Yeah, it's subversive. It's mysterious. You have to be in on the secret.", "Nick: Hmm.", "Avery: Customers come to The Underground to avoid their stressful lives from up above.", "Nick: Interesting. That, and we are also in the basement.", "Avery: Well, that's true. I am so excited about this.", "Nick: I am, too. I am, too. I've got a designer and a work crew starting tomorrow.", "Avery: Already?", "Nick: Yeah. They're gonna work around the clock. I'm paying them 24/7. They're gonna get this place up and running. In the meantime, I'm gonna be getting the word out, hoping to build some momentum.", "Avery: I am so glad you are doing this. I think you're going to be so happy.", "Nick: Well, I hope so. Or it could be just another headache going on with everything else.", "Avery: No. No. No more headaches. Why, are you worried about Sharon?", "Nick: Well... (Sighs) She and Faith are having a sleepover tonight.", "Avery: Tonight?", "Nick: Yeah. Faith asked. I felt pretty comfortable with it.", "Avery: Okay. Well, then it seems like she's getting better, you know? At least she's over that whole \"Rule the world\" phase.", "Nick: Well, she's gonna need that fire to deal with my dad.", "Avery: Yeah. I'm sure Victor's pretty mad at her still for crashing the party.", "Nick: He's definitely on the warpath.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: All right, you win. Leave Sharon alone.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. In return, you do as I say?", "Adam: Not quite. I have conditions.", "Victor: You are in no position to negotiate--", "Adam: You need to back off, Dad.", "Victor: Don't you tell me how to run business.", "Adam: You cannot micromanage things. It's going to kill it.", "Victor: You do as I say.", "Adam: You can't keep showing up here, do you understand that? It looks suspicious, especially to Jack.", "Victor: Do you think I give a damn about that jackass?", "Adam: You're just gonna have to trust the way that I want to do this thing.", "Victor: Trust? You?", "Adam: Yeah, I know. That's a big deal for you, the big \"T\" word, but you're gonna have to go there, Dad. Otherwise, have at it. Do your worst. See if you can get Sharon and I both in jail, and you're gonna miss your one opportunity to get Newman back.", "Victor: All right. Let's do it under your terms... for now. Just know that I'll keep you on a very short leash, and you and Sharon better be careful, unless you want to end up hanging by that leash.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Mmm! Good coffee.", "Lauren: Mmm. Now that is delicious. (Laughs)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Michael: Oh, wait.", "Lauren: No, you're not gonna get that.", "Michael: Yes. Hold on. Hold.", "Lauren: Honey!", "Michael: Okay, it's work.", "Lauren: (Laughs) Never would have guessed.", "Michael: I know. Michael. Uh, uh, oh, okay, hold on. I'm gonna spend five minutes on this phone call, and that is it. Five minutes.", "Lauren: (Scoffs)", "Michael: Yes. All right. What? Now?", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Carmine: I, uh, didn't mean to offend your husband.", "Lauren: Hmm. He's got a long memory.", "Carmine: Uh, he's got it right. I just wanted him to know that I'm not that guy anymore. Happy anniversary. What can I get you?", "Alex: Don't I know you?", "Carmine: No, I meet a lot of people tending bar.", "Alex: No, no, no, no. You're from 122nd Street right near Lex.", "Carmine: Yeah, I don't know where that is.", "Alex: No, in New York. You used to run with Ziggy Carucci's group. Come on. (Laughs)", "Carmine: No, sorry. I'm from Detroit.", "Alex: Detroit?", "Carmine: Yeah.", "Alex: Really? Hmm. (Clicks tongue) My mistake.", "Carmine: That's okay. I got one of those faces. What are you drinking?", "Alex: Have you seen this girl hanging around?", "Carmine: (Sighs) No. I would definitely remember a hottie like that.", "Alex: Oh, she's been hanging with this guy I know--Newman. You know him?", "Carmine: Yeah. The guy's a Jabroni.", "Alex: Why do you say that?", "Carmine: Oh, he's a hothead, you know, a short fuse. He attacks people for no reason. It doesn't surprise me the cops are after him. (Scoffs)", "Alex: I never said I was a cop.", "Carmine: I just assumed.", "Alex: Okay. Then I'll assume they say \"Jabroni\" in Detroit. (Chuckles)", "Carmine: (Chuckles)", "Alex: Yeah.", "Carmine: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Footsteps approaching)", "Neil: (Sighs)", "Leslie: Um, now what happened to the good mood and the casual look?", "Neil: (Sighs) Duty called.", "Leslie: The meeting you had with Jack?", "Neil: Leslie, what do you got for me?", "Leslie: Uh, drafts of the Gadson agreement. Here. So did Jack make you get all buttoned up again?", "Neil: You know what? Jack informed me that he plans to fold Jabot into Newman.", "Leslie: But you'd still be C.E.O., right?", "Neil: Jack denies it, but I suspect that will become an empty title, and I'll be second in command.", "Leslie: Like you were at Chancellor.", "Neil: Same lack of autonomy, different letterhead.", "Leslie: But isn't Jack your friend? Why assume he's not being honest with you?", "Neil: Something's off.", "Leslie: In what way?", "Neil: He's merging his family's company in with Newman, right? Jack's always been fiercely territorial about the Jabot name and legacy.", "Leslie: You think he was wrong to buy Newman?", "Neil: More that he did it for the wrong reasons. You know, it was all about power and an old vendetta.", "Leslie: Hmm. Well, Jack owns Newman now. Maybe he's satisfied.", "Neil: (Sighs) Jack, Jack, Jack. Jack wants everything. And if he gets everything, where does that leave me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Look at the lengths he's gone to to protect her. He paid for somebody to start the other fires. He paid for false witnesses. He has broken laws all for Sharon.", "Chelsea: Well, then why would I say something to your investigator? I'm not gonna have my husband sent to prison, Nikki. (Sighs)", "Nikki: Look, I have been where you are, and right now the only person in prison is you. You've allowed your feelings for your husband to just lock you in this house, terrified of saying anything that will upset him.", "Chelsea: I'm not scared of Adam. I-I just don't want to destroy everything that we have.", "Nikki: Well, being afraid of what your husband's gonna do next is clearly tearing you apart.", "Chelsea: You don't know anything about me, Nikki.", "Nikki: Actually, I do. I've been you.", "Chelsea: (Scoffs) Yeah, right.", "Nikki: Yeah. We both came from sketchy pasts. We both met and married rich, powerful men.", "Chelsea: Has Victor ever hurt--hurt you the way Adam's hurt me?", "Nikki: Repeatedly. But we always seem to find our way back to each other.", "Chelsea: Nikki, if my testimony puts Sharon in jail, Adam will never find his way back to me.", "Nikki: Which tells me he's not worth having.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, you just can't stay away, can you?", "Victor: By the way, Jack, every time I'm here, you're not. What do you do with yourself all day? You're certainly not working.", "Mason: Hel--Mr. Newman. I'm Mason Wilder. I want to apologize for--", "Victor: That's all right, Jason. That's quite all right. Um, just know who's who around here, because I'll be back in there sooner than you think.", "Mason: Yes, Sir.", "Victor: You have a nice day, Son.", "Jack: What the hell was Victor doing in this office?", "Adam: How many times do I have to tell you that he's gonna have his ass in that seat before you're even aware he's coming after you?", "Jack: This is business as usual, Junior. So did he lay out a specific plan, or did he just make general threats?", "Adam: Just as before. He wants me to work against you.", "Jack: And what did you tell him?", "Adam: I told him that I am on board with him, although I am firmly in your camp.", "Jack: You sure about that?", "Adam: I'm sure that your camp won't be standing much longer if you don't clean yourself up and get off those pills.", "Jack: I do not have a problem with the--", "Adam: Everyone has been covering for you-- Phyllis, even Kyle, and, yes, even me. This has to stop.", "Jack: I am in charge here!", "Adam: Then act like it, Jack! My father is a shark, and if he smells blood in the water, he will come in for the kill.", "Jack: (Breathing heavily) I will say it yet again. I do not have a pill problem.", "Adam: Well, you sure do take a lot of them, Jack.", "Jack: They are prescribed post-surgery pain medication. I am fine, Adam.", "Adam: Then why are you letting other things fall through the cracks?", "Jack: If this is another reminder that I forgot my appointment with Mason or this green energy guy, save it, okay? Your little lecture is one thing I do remember.", "Adam: It's not just these meetings you're flaking on, Jack.", "Jack: Flaking?", "Adam: There are other projects. There are contracts that need your approval. People are waiting.", "Jack: I will get around to those things.", "Adam: No, it's not just that. You're contradicting yourself. You're forgetting things. Do you know that Phyllis and I both have had to take conference calls in your stead because you just forgot?", "Jack: Okay, m-maybe you're right. Maybe I haven't been as on top of the day- to-day at Newman as I should be. But that is not about the pills.", "Adam: Then what is it about, Jack?", "Jack: My energy has been split. My focus has been split between Jabot and my work here. That's no longer gonna be an issue. I am rolling everything under the Newman umbrella.", "Adam: No, that is not a good idea. That will only exacerbate things and cause problems, and I can't imagine Neil's gonna--", "Jack: They are my companies! I will do with them what I want!", "Adam: You need to go home. You need to get some rest. You need to just check out for a little bit and take a break and clean yourself up. And then when you come back, you can run things the way that you and I both know you can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs) Hey. I thought you were at work.", "Noah: Slow afternoon. They didn't need both bartenders. The other guy's late on his rent, so they'll call me if they need me.", "Nick: Well, you better rest up, because once the new club opens up, it's not gonna be many slow nights, at least I hope not.", "Noah: You didn't buy the club.", "Nick: Yes, I did.", "Noah: That is excellent.", "Nick: I'm glad you think so.", "Noah: You moved fast on that, too. You left Newman in your rearview, never looked back.", "Nick: You know, I'm really looking forward to working with you, Bud. It'll be nice to do something with our time other than worry about your mom.", "Noah: Tell me about it. You know... (Sighs) I've been thinking, what do I tell Faith if her mom goes to jail?", "Nick: Well, I hope it doesn't come to that. Sharon's worried about it, too, so I'm letting Faith stay the night over there.", "Noah: Good. That--that--that'll be good for both of them. But... I don't think that Faith's gonna go to sleep without Miss Patsy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Hi, Darling.", "Victor: Hi. Hi, Baby. What's going on?", "Nikki: Oh, well, I don't know. I hope your day went a little better than mine.", "Victor: Why? Did the contractors give you a hard time?", "Nikki: No. I tried to convince Chelsea to talk to the arson investigator about Sharon.", "Victor: How did that go?", "Nikki: She's protecting Adam. She's worried what her testimony would do to him and to them as a couple.", "Victor: And you think that's a foolish idea?", "Nikki: (Sighs) I wish I didn't understand it quite so well.", "Victor: Well, that certainly is a change of heart on your part. I mean, I remember the time when you weren't too fond of that girl when she was carrying our grandchild.", "Nikki: Well, no, of course not. I thought she was gonna cause trouble for Victoria. But she has kept her word about Johnny. She seems to have done away with her shady ways.", "Victor: Seems to?", "Nikki: Listen, with Adam as a husband, all she's doing is trading one set of problems for another. Uh, she is so insecure where he is concerned. I don't know if she's gonna testify. If she doesn't, what are we gonna do?", "Victor: Nothing. We're not gonna pursue the case against Sharon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Come on. Trust.", "Lauren: I can't see. (Laughs)", "Michael: Trust me. Okay.", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: Wait for it.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: Ready. Ta-da!", "Lauren: Oh. Oh.", "Michael: All right, like I said, it's not Paris, and it's not a five-star restaurant, but I did order your favorite food, and the champagne is chilling, and Fenmore's spending the night at friends.", "Lauren: It's beautiful.", "Michael: And I-- I got your favorite bath salts.", "Lauren: From Tuscany?", "Michael: Yeah, oh, well...", "Lauren: (Laughs)", "Michael: Jill helped me place the order. And after we eat dinner, I'm gonna draw you a bath, and I'm gonna wait on you hand and foot and whatever else needs waiting on.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) What else could I need?", "Michael: (Sighs) Well, it's--it's... it's like I said. It's--it's rarer than diamonds. And I hope you like it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: Yeah, I'm just concerned that we're giving them too much leeway in paragraph 27. And the, um, citizens of planet Prometheus love our new mascara. But the purchase order is in Promethean, and Jabot's translator is on vacation.", "Neil: Don't we have a Promethean translator on call?", "Leslie: I didn't think you were paying attention.", "Neil: I am a little distracted.", "Leslie: Stop stressing about your future with Jabot. You are so valuable to Jack. You'll be fine.", "Neil: Leslie, I am very confident in my ability to run this company. But now I'm not too sure if I made the right decision in coming here. I swear to God, if Jack takes away any of my power, I... (Sighs) But talking about it is keeping us away from the work at hand. What is it-- paragraph 27, right?", "Leslie: Yeah. Okay.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Leslie: Paragraph 27--okay. So you see the language here. I'm just concerned that...", "Neil: Um... thank you very much for listening to me, and I think that's all that we should cover today.", "Leslie: Anytime. Yeah. Anytime.", "Neil: Bye.", "Leslie: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sharon?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Sorry I missed your call. Please leave a message.", "Nick: Sharon, where are you and Faith? Call me as soon as you get this message.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: No fair asking where we're going, or it won't be as much of a surprise, okay? Now we're not going to Grandma and Grandpa's new penthouse. And we're not going to an amusement park. But you will love it there. Why don't you try to close your eyes and take a nap? And when you wake up, we'll be in the fun place.", "Faith: I want Miss Patsy.", "Sharon: Honey, why don't you try to go to sleep without her just this once? And soon we'll get you a nice new friend. Doesn't that sound nice?", "Faith: No! Go home, Mommy!", "Nick: Noah, are you still at the house?", "Noah: Yeah. Sure.", "Nick: Did your mom come by to pick up Faith's doll?", "Noah: Uh, I thought you dropped it off to her.", "Nick: Uh, I'll tell you what. Just stay there, and if your mom comes by, give me a call, okay?", "Noah: Yeah, yeah. Okay. I will. I will.", "Avery: What weren't you telling Noah?", "Nick: Sharon's gone. Her car's not there. There's an abandoned suitcase. Every time I call her, it goes straight to voice mail. I think Sharon took Faith.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: (Chuckles) A handwritten love letter?", "Michael: Like I said, rarer than diamonds. (Chuckles)", "Lauren: \"My darling beautiful wife, the things that I didn't know\"--", "Michael: The things that I didn't know on our wedding day could fill a book.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Michael: How could I have anticipated that having you constantly able to read my mind would actually be comforting? Or that as we grew older guys would even hit on you more?", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Michael: Or that my loneliest moments would be when I'm home and you're not? Thank you. Thank you for marrying me, Lauren Fenmore Baldwin. How could I have anticipated that every year that we're together would be just as wondrous as the day I fell in love with you?", "Michael: Still falling, my love. I'm still falling. (Sighs)", "Lauren: (Sniffles)", "Michael: (Sighs) All right. (Sighs) Would you have rather gone to Paris?", "Lauren: (Laughs) Oh, not on your life. (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Noah: Mom? No, wait, wait, wait. Adriana, don't come here. No, you don't understand. There was a cop here asking questions about you. Whatever kind of trouble you're in, stay away from here, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mason: And here as well, Mr. Abbott.", "Jack: I... I thought I finished these.", "Mason: Uh, my fault. (Sighs) I gave you the wrong paperwork.", "Jack: You don't have to take the fall for me, Mason. I know these papers have been on my desk in this folder for a couple of days now. I thought I'd finished them.", "Mason: I should have reminded you.", "Jack: If I screw up, you tell me, okay? You don't have to take the fall for my mistakes.", "Mason: What mistakes?", "Jack: (Chuckles) Call me Jack. My dad is Mr. Abbott.", "Mason: (Chuckles) Okay. Sorry.", "(Door opens)", "(Door closes)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Here, Sweetheart.", "Nikki: So what did you do, make some kind of deal with Adam?", "Victor: What if I did?", "Nikki: Oh, my God. You will do anything to get your company back.", "Victor: Sweetheart, think about it for a moment. What good would it do to put Sharon into jail? Does that get us our house back?", "Nikki: Are you kidding? Victor!", "Victor: Honey, I think we need to focus on what is attainable right now. You know, vengeance is just not very practical, considering the fact that we can take advantage of the situation.", "Nikki: So you're gonna let her get away with this? That woman has taken too much from us.", "Victor: Well, Sweetheart, I understand how you feel, but do me a favor. Go along with me on this. I know what I'm doing.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Did you decide to move back in? I thought we agreed we were gonna take some time apart.", "Chelsea: I don't need a break to think. I'm ready to forget the past and move forward, Adam.", "Adam: Forward how?", "Chelsea: I am ready to recommit to you right here, right now, because I love you more than anyone in the world. Can you say the same thing about me?", "Adam: Of course. I want nothing more than to get things back to the way they were. And I'm willing to try for it. I just think that it's-- it's gonna be a long road ahead.", "Chelsea: I know. I can handle that.", "Adam: I just gotta get my mind around this whole thing. How you-- you went behind my back to my father, of all people. It just--it's...", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Adam: It's something that's not easily forgotten, you know?", "Chelsea: All I need right now from you is an answer. Regardless of any feelings you've ever had for Sharon, can you look me in the eye right now and promise me you will make our marriage your number one priority? Yes or no?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Faith: (Crying)", "Sharon: Everything is gonna be okay, Faith. I promise.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: Well, you know, opportunity exists all around us. You just have to know where to look.", "Nick: Noah's not answering. I don't like this.", "Jack: Let's just chalk it up to stupidity.", "Phyllis: And the pills." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread by Emma']
[ "Billy apologizes to Stitch and tells him he admires him for protecting his mother for all those years. He gives Stitch and Victoria his blessing on their relationship. Billy also thanks Chelsea for being so gracious about him being Katie's father. The couples promise to do their best to raise their children together and do what is best for them. Jack refuses to give Sharon back her job but he does promise her a recommendation so that she can get another job. Noah and Mariah do their best to persuade Nick to drop the custody suit and not take Faith away from Sharon, but Nick refuses to drop the custody suit, because he thinks he is doing what is best for Faith.", "Fen and Summer discuss their problems with their parents. Fen wonders why Michael and Lauren are trying to get rid of him. Sumer is frustrated that Phyllis is constantly calling and texting her, wanting to know what she plans to do in the future. Fen invites Summer and Austin to go on a ski trip with him and his friends. Adam tells Sage that he intends to get his family back using Gabriel's identity and then when the time is right, he will tell Chelsea the truth. Sage reminds Adam that she is the only person he can trust, and that if he tells everyone his true identity he will go to jail for causing Delia's death. Adam decides to take a chance and heads over to Jack's house and tell him that he is Adam. Jack is stunned", "" ]
[ "[Doorbell rings]", "Stitch: [Exhales]", "Victoria: Oh. Hey! Santa's not due for a few more days.", "Stitch: Yeah, this isn't about Christmas.", "Victoria: No?", "Stitch: No. I thought my favorite new mom could use a little pampering. Hey.", "Victoria: Hi. First thing in the morning? That's really sweet of you, but I wish you would have given me a little notice. I look awful.", "Stitch: You look gorgeous, and you, little Katie, are just as pretty as your mommy.", "[Both chuckle]", "[Katie cries]", "[Both laugh]", "Chelsea: Okay, Doug. Thanks for letting me know.", "Billy: Hey. You're up early.", "Chelsea: Busy day. You know, with Connor and with work and Christmas coming up so soon, I'm just a little crazed.", "Billy: Was that the office just now? On the phone.", "Chelsea: Oh. Um... uh, no.", "Billy: Oh. Is it secret?", "Chelsea: No, it's -- it's just my lawyer.", "Billy: Okay.", "Chelsea: It had to do with Adam.", "Billy: Ah.", "Chelsea: Which I know is not your favorite subject, so...", "Billy: You make it sound like I hated the guy. [Chuckles] Will you tell me what's going on if I promise to keep a lid on the smart remarks?", "Chelsea: Can you do that?", "Billy: For you, I will give it a shot.", "Chelsea: Some of Adam's assets were locked in probate when he died. They've been released. It's really just business stuff, but it feels --", "Billy: Final.", "[Knock on door]", "Sage: Open up. I know you're in there.", "Adam: Did you follow me here? What the hell do you think you're doing?", "Sage: I'm saving you from yourself!", "Noah: You want to get another case of sour mix?", "Nick: No, I think we're good. Hey, I'm gonna need you to work some extra hours as we get closer to the custody hearing. Gonna be preparing with Avery, and then when we get to the actual court date.", "Noah: You know, I'm actually kind of glad you brought that up.", "Nick: What? The schedule?", "Noah: Uh, no. The hearing. Listen, dad, is this really necessary?", "Nick: Well, it is if I'm gonna get full custody.", "Noah: No, I mean, is it necessary that you do this to Faith.", "Nick: I'm doing this for her, son.", "Noah: I'm not so sure that I agree with you on that. Why can't you guys just share custody? Does it have to be this big battle?", "Nick: Noah, I --", "Noah: Because if things get nasty, it's gonna be bad for everybody, especially Faith.", "Nick: Yeah, it's killing me, but I don't have a choice.", "Noah: How many times have you told me whenever a decision is made, you always have a choice? Do you have to be so rigid on this? Is it, you know, sole custody or nothing? My way or the highway?", "Nick: I've explained to you the position I'm in.", "Noah: Yeah, right, that you think that mom is unfit because of something that she did well over a year ago. She's not. Okay? She's worked really hard to get well. Faith needs her mom right now. If you take her mother away... she may just wind up hating you. Right? That can't be what you want.", "Nick: Sharon put you up to this, didn't she?", "Jack: I didn't realize we had a meeting scheduled.", "Sharon: We didn't. I took a chance that you would see me and not throw me out of the building the way that Phyllis threatened to.", "Jack: Suppose you just tell me why you're here, Sharon.", "Sharon: I'm sure you heard Phyllis fired me -- without cause. I came in for a shoot and she told me I was done.", "Jack: And what? You feel that was unjust?", "Sharon: [Sighs] According to Phyllis, I'm wasting my time trying to plead my case to you. But, Jack, you know the quality of my work. I have built a rapport with the models, I've created a positive drug-free environment. There hasn't been one incident of any of the models being mistreated.", "Jack: I'm aware of all of this.", "Sharon: Are you also aware that Nick is going after full custody of Faith? I need this job, Jack. I need to show the court that I lead a productive and stable life. If it comes out in a hearing that I was so abruptly let go, I could lose my daughter, Jack. And that isn't fair! That isn't right!", "Jack: You really want to talk about what's fair and right? After what you did to me?", "Nick: Your mother pleaded with you to lay a guilt trip on me.", "Noah: No.", "Nick: To drop my custody suit.", "Noah: She asked me if I... could try to reason with you.", "Nick: It was irresponsible of her to put you in the middle of this.", "Noah: I'm not a child, okay? I'm a grown man who doesn't want this to escalate. You're my family, and I love you, and someone's gonna wind up getting hurt. And this can be avoided.", "Nick: I don't think it can. You don't understand.", "Noah: Oh, I don't understand? I understand that you're the one being irresponsible right now. Dad, you're putting your anger in front of doing what's best for Faith.", "Nick: That's your mother again. Those are her words.", "Noah: No, this is me talking. For some reason, you can't find a way to be rational about this thing with mom. I've been trying to convince you from the beginning to work this out so that Faith doesn't suffer. It's a week before Christmas.", "Nick: Yeah, I don't like the timing of this, but this is bigger than one holiday.", "Noah: No, you're right. This is about your unwillingness to just bend. To see the situation for what it is.", "Nick: No. This is between your mother and me, and this is exactly why I feel the need to fight for full custody of Faith. I need to protect your little sister from this kind of manipulation. She is using her children to get what she wants.", "Mariah: By that logic, the person Faith needs protecting from is you.", "Jack: I lost a daughter because of you.", "Sharon: I hate what I did. I hate the person I'd become. Are you gonna hate me forever now, too?", "Jack: It wouldn't change anything, wouldn't get me my daughter back, because, of course, she never was mine to begin with. I wonder if you know how emotionally devastating it was for that young woman.", "Sharon: Yes, I do know, and I am deeply sorry that Summer was hurt.", "Jack: Yet you are trying to drag me into your custody battle with Nick.", "Sharon: I would think that you, of all people, would understand what's at stake for me. Because you went through the same thing with Diane. Because of her, you lost custody of Kyle. She took Kyle to live outside of the country because the court granted her the right to do so. You hardly ever saw him growing up. You had almost no say so in how he was raised. Jack, I have worked hard to turn my life around after all the terrible mistakes I've made. And, yes, I know what I've done to you and to Nick and to Summer. But I am not the same person anymore. Just like you are not the same person you were when you were hooked on pills, when your addiction took over.", "Jack: [Sighs]", "Sharon: You have an illness. So do I. That's no excuse for all of the mistakes that I've made, but it is a fact. You know, Faith asked me if Nicholas is punishing me for being bad. Of course, I told her no, but that's exactly what it feels like he's doing to me. Nick -- he's not interested in what's best for our child. He just wants to get back at me. Do you think that that's fair, Jack?", "Fenmore: You ever sprain a thumb texting that fast?", "Summer: Oh, my god! Fen, you're here!", "Fenmore: Hey!", "Summer: Hi! How are you?", "Fenmore: How are you? You look -- you look fantastic.", "Summer: You look better. Is that Arizona sun doing that? You took so handsome.", "Fenmore: Thanks. You know, just good, clean living.", "Summer: In a frat house? Right. Yeah. I know what goes on there.", "Fenmore: How would you know?", "Summer: Mm, you hear stories.", "Fenmore: They're not true. Well, some of them aren't true.", "[Both laugh]", "Summer: When'd you get in?", "Fenmore: Yesterday, but I'm not gonna be around long.", "Summer: You just got here.", "Fenmore: I know. That's actually why I wanted to talk to you. I have a proposition for you.", "Chelsea: I guess it's just strange to think of how long it's been since Adam died, and we're just now finishing up with his estate. Just doesn't seem real somehow.", "Billy: Is that all that's bothering you? You were, uh, tossing and turning again last night.", "Chelsea: Oh, I'm sorry. Did I keep you up?", "Billy: No. I'm not worried about me. Is everything okay?", "Chelsea: Yeah. I just have a lot on my mind right now, Billy. You know, this new line has been quite challenging.", "Billy: Would it help if I hired someone?", "Chelsea: No. Actually, there is something that has kept me very happy and excited. And I'm happy to show you. It's all done. Katie's christening gown. Look, it is all wrapped and ready to go.", "Billy: That is fantastic, Chelsea. That was really thoughtful of you.", "Chelsea: Well, it makes me happy.", "Billy: I can't help but wondering, though...", "Chelsea: What?", "Billy: ...If my turning out to be Katie's father is the reason you've been so keyed up.", "Chelsea: No. Billy, I told you. I am happy for you. This baby -- I mean, it's gonna be a part of both of our lives. The same way that Connor and Johnny are a part of our lives. This new, you know, family that we're building. We will find a way to make it work. I'm not worried.", "Adam: This is my life, sage. You do not get to live it for me.", "Sage: Why are you so reckless?", "Adam: How am I being reckless?", "Sage: You cannot disappear like this. You know what it does to Constance.", "Adam: Really? Just handle it!", "Sage: We had a deal. I am to accompany you and reassure her you'll be safe. The way you're behaving, you'll be anything but.", "Adam: It's not really the old lady that you're worried about, though, is it? Hmm? It's Gabriel. I mean, let's be honest here. Whatever weird connection you had with this guy, you're afraid of losing him again. Or at least his face, right? That man is gone. He is dead and buried in a mismarked grave. Get over it. Move on.", "Sage: I'm trying to help you and you say something like that to me?", "Adam: Like what? The truth?", "Sage: You talk about things you don't know anything about. And here you are, making a huge risk. Making this irrational emotional decision to come back to Genoa City and insinuate yourself into your old life. If you get found out --", "Adam: No, I know what you think my choices are. Either I live a lie... and I reconnect with the people of my life without ever letting them know who I really am, or I become Gabriel Bingham and I just abandon my life altogether? You're wrong. Sage, you are wrong. I believe there's another way.", "Mariah: Noah's right. You're not even considering what a custody battle will do to my little sister. Not to mention what a jerk you're being to Sharon.", "Nick: This is about what is best for Faith. And as for Sharon, Mariah, you just haven't been around long enough, but you've seen the way she acts when she loses control.", "Mariah: That's past tense. Do you have a crystal ball, Nick? Do you know for a fact that Sharon is gonna lose it again? Because if you don't, you can't say that taking Faith away from her mother is what's best for her.", "Nick: Okay, both of you listen to me. I have fought like hell to keep this family together. I wanted things with Sharon to work out so bad that I've just turned a blind eye to everything she's capable of. I ignored every warning from my family, from Sharon herself. So, Mariah, you just don't know.", "Mariah: I know when someone is being a hypocrite. And right now, that's you. When Sharon first invited me to live with you, you pretended to be welcoming and cool with it, not because you actually wanted me around, but because you wanted dirt on Ian. You were using me.", "Noah: So how is that any different than what you're accusing mom of now? I mean, just because she asked me to try to get through to you.", "Nick: Look, I was looking out for my family then, too, with good reason. The only thing that matters right now for the next few weeks is Faith. We have to make her our priority. But from everything you just said, Mariah, it sounds like you care about Sharon just as much. And I hope that's true, Mariah. Because Sharon is gonna need you. She's gonna need both of you.", "Jack: I did some things under the influence that I truly regret. Sorry as I am, and, yes, I could blame it on the disease. People don't have to forgive me. Sick or well, we are each responsible for our actions.", "Sharon: Nick will use this to call me unfit. He'll tell the court I can't even hold down a job, but that isn't why I was fired. Phyllis hates me. She has always hated me. This was strictly personal.", "Jack: Phyllis is in charge of the fashion division. She decides who she wants to work with. She has full authority to hire and fire. I'm not gonna start second-guessing her now.", "Sharon: Thank you for hearing me out.", "Jack: Sharon. [Sighs] You're in a difficult position. I am not without compassion. I'll see that you're given a recommendation so that you can get a job elsewhere.", "Sharon: Oh, Jack, thank you. Thank you so much.", "Jack: That doesn't mean I've forgotten what you did.", "Sharon: I guess that's something I'm gonna have to learn to live with.", "Sage: What other way is there?", "Adam: I believe I can pull this off. I can be your old pal Gabe, and I can also get my life back.", "Sage: That's impossible.", "Adam: No. No, it's totally possible. I'll establish myself here in Genoa City as Gabriel Bingham. I'll win Chelsea's heart as Gabriel Bingham. I'll make her fall in love with me all over again.", "Sage: You do realize that she'd be falling in love with someone else.", "Adam: No, it's not someone else. It's me. The face is different my heart is the same. And all of the things that made Chelsea and me wonderful together, all the things that drew us together, they'll bring us back together again. And then when the timing is right, I'll reveal myself. I'll tell her the truth. Make her understand. Make everybody understand. Then I'll reclaim my life. Take time and it's gonna take patience. It's gonna take a lot of finesse, but in the end, it's gonna be worth it. I will be Adam Newman again.", "Sage: You're delusional.", "Adam: No.", "Sage: Yes. You are. Adam Newman, risen from the dead, faces serious jail time. No one's gonna forgive you for running down that poor, innocent girl.", "Victoria: Oh. Wow. You got her back down.", "Stitch: Yeah, I have that effect on women. Either they scream at the sight of me or else I put them right to sleep.", "Victoria: No middle ground, huh?", "Stitch: I guess that's why god invented roses.", "Victoria: Which, by the way, if I didn't say thank you before, thank you. They're gorgeous, Ben.", "Stitch: Seeing your face light up is all the thanks I need.", "Victoria: I'm gonna put them in some water.", "Stitch: Oh, wait, wait, wait. In a minute. I've got a whole goodie bag for you.", "Victoria: What? Oh. Roses and presents. Wow.", "Stitch: Yeah. Here. Okay. Scented lotion that comes with unlimited foot massages, huh? Right? Okay, your favorite chocolates, champagne bottle filled with bubble bath, and a guilty-pleasure romance novel that you can read.", "Victoria: You had me at foot massage.", "Stitch: Oh.", "Victoria: I didn't even realize until you just said it that my feet were in need of it.", "Stitch: I'm ready when you are.", "[Doorbell rings, Katie fusses]", "Victoria: Um...", "Stitch: Okay, you get the door, I'll get Katie.", "Victoria: Deal.", "Billy: Hey, there. Hope it's not too early. Chelsea and I just wanted to -- this is getting to be a habit.", "Sage: Look, you haven't thought this through.", "Adam: This is all I ever think about.", "Sage: You're living a dream. This is a fantasy.", "Adam: You think you know me? You think I'm this cold-blooded monster who would run down an innocent little girl and not have any remorse? Is that what you think? It was an accident! I had a really, really good life. I had a woman that lived me. I had a brand-new little boy. And I had to put all of that on hold because my old man wouldn't let me break free. He couldn't stand the thought of me having something of my own. I deserve this.", "Sage: Well, you don't really strike me as the type of person that thinks life is fair. I don't know what you deserve, but that's not the point. Name one person in Genoa City that would even entertain the idea of giving you that chance. As much as you love Chelsea, she's with Billy Abbott now, the father of the child you killed. You're not close to your family. You would have left your brother dead in the woods. And according to you, your father wouldn't hesitate to turn you in. So if you can't turn to your family, the ones who are supposed to love you unconditionally, who's left? I'm the only person that knows you're alive. I'm the only person you can trust. I'm the only person you exist for. You owe me. You need me. There isn't a single person in this entire world that you can count on. Just me. So you might want to think about that the next time you're tempted to treat me like dirt.", "Adam: [Clears throat]", "Sage: And if you continue with this charade to get Chelsea back, you will get caught, and you will go to prison. You need to face reality. Adam Newman is dead. And if you want to have any future, any life at all, he needs to stay dead.", "Adam: Adam Newman may be dead, but the love that I have for my son and my wife is not. You better pray that this works out for both of us.", "[Door slams]", "Billy: Seems like every time I walk in the door, I find the doc here with my kid.", "Victoria: That's probably gonna keep happening, since Ben and I are seeing each other again.", "Chelsea: You know what? Why don't we come back another time?", "Stitch: Maybe Billy and I ought to talk one-on-one.", "Billy: No. No, this is something I want everybody to hear. When I went digging around into your past, it was because I wanted to save Vicki from you. Because I thought you were someone I never wanted around my child. But, uh... I was wrong. You did something incredibly selfless trying to protect your mother, and your life would have been a whole lot easier if you just said, \"hey, everybody. She did it. Not me.\" And... I was part of the problem for you.", "Stitch: You didn't know. You were trying to protect your family.", "Billy: I realize that now. And, look, um... I don't have any objections to you spending time around my daughter. As far as you two starting over, it's none of my business. I just want you to be happy.", "Stitch: Well, thanks for that, Billy. I mean, you know, I --", "Billy: Actually, I wasn't quite done.", "Noah: You know, you're talking like this is a done deal. Like you're definitely gonna get custody. And then we have to choose sides.", "Nick: I should not have ever said anything negative about your mother. The last thing I want you guys to feel like you got to do is pick sides. It just made me so angry when I heard Sharon came to talk to you, Noah. I said it before, I'll say it again. This is between Sharon and me. I don't want you kids involved.", "Mariah: Well, we are now. So I'm gonna say this. I was raised by a controlling freak who preached forgiveness and letting go, but then lied and stole from people and messed with their heads. But Ian didn't completely brainwash me. And I have read a book or two in my life. And what I've learned is forgiving someone, especially someone who you consider to be your enemy, is huge. It can, like, change the whole fabric of the universe. I think Gandhi said that. Personally, I'm not great at forgiveness. But I am also not a parent. I don't have to be somebody's role model. So, I agree with Noah. You don't have to pursue this, Nick. You can just wait and see what's best for Faith instead of deciding up front that Sharon isn't worthy of being her mom.", "Billy: Chelsea said something earlier that really kind of got to me.", "Chelsea: I did?", "Billy: About how we're building something together, creating a life for our family. And all the kids, and all of them, including that beautiful little girl over there. This has been a hell of a challenging time, and you have handled it with so much more grace than I ever would have if I had been in your shoes. I can't tell you how lucky I am to have your in my life.", "Victoria: We've managed to do that with Johnny.", "Chelsea: It wasn't always easy, but... [Laughs]", "Stitch: Hey, if life were easy, we'd be bored out of our skulls. What fun would that be, right?", "Chelsea: That's true.", "Billy: You know, we actually did come over here for a reason.", "Chelsea: Uh, yes. Actually... this is for Katie. With our warmest wishes.", "Victoria: Wow. Okay. The paper looks pretty.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Victoria: Oh, my gosh. It's exquisite. I can't believe you made it.", "Chelsea: Well, I wanted to make her something special for her christening.", "Victoria: Chelsea, I don't know what to say. This is an amazing gift. Thank you.", "Chelsea: You're very, very welcome.", "Billy: You hear that, Katherine rose? You have your very first Chelsea Lawson original.", "Stitch: I guess we don't have to look for a Christmas miracle.", "Summer: Yeah, we would love that. Ski trip right before Christmas sounds perfect.", "Fenmore: Does Austin ski?", "Summer: Um, I'm sure he can. He's really coordinated. I just don't know if he does. It doesn't really seem like his thing.", "Fenmore: Oh. What's his thing?", "Summer: Um... well, he's really good at photography and video stuff and editing. He's making my mom this thing for Christmas, so...", "Fenmore: Cool, but that was like kind of his job, right? What else does he do? Is he into sports?", "Summer: Yeah, a little, I guess.", "Fenmore: Hunting, biking, fishing?", "Summer: Why are you asking this?", "Fenmore: I just want to learn about him. That's why I thought it'd be cool if you guys go on the trip, we can all get to know each other.", "Summer: Yeah, well, that sounds like you're suggesting that I don't know him that well.", "Fenmore: That wasn't my intention. But, you know, coming from the sounds of it, maybe you should go on the trip so you can learn about him.", "Summer: Fen, please don't be like that.", "Fenmore: I'm sorry. I care about you, Summer, and if Austin is gonna be involved in your life --", "Summer: Involved in my life? He's my husband, fen.", "Fenmore: I'm protective of you. Do you remember that time I tried to fight Kyle?", "Summer: [Laughing] Oh, my gosh. Yeah, that was a really bad idea.", "Fenmore: Yeah, it was pretty bad. You know, last time I was here, I used my protective voice and I told Austin, \"you better not hurt her.\"", "Summer: No, you did not do that!", "Fenmore: I did. I'm sorry. [Chuckles] I think I was channeling your dad.", "Summer: Which one?", "Noah: You know, those things you said to my dad --", "Mariah: Did I overstep?", "Noah: Are you kidding me? Thank you. I really appreciate the way that you're looking out for our sister in all this. It's nice to hear you talking about her that way.", "Mariah: Are you sure that wasn't you?", "Noah: You know, you keep on surprising me. Although I'm pretty sure Gandhi didn't say that forgiveness was huge.", "Mariah: No, no, I don't think he did. It was Plato sphere. It's a fantasy writer I'm really into right now.", "Noah: [Chuckles] Well, let's hope it worked. Maybe you got through to him a little bit.", "Nick: After everything we've been through together, I don't see any reason why we can't remain civil.", "Sharon: Like two people who once loved each other so much? Who don't want to subject their child to an ugly fight at Christmastime?", "Nick: Okay, if you don't want this to get ugly, then you need to stop putting our children in the middle of this. Noah told me you asked him to come and talk to me. That wasn't fair to him.", "Sharon: Nick, you're the one who's trying to rip Faith out of my life. You're the one who's doing this to the kids.", "Sharon: I did not know what else to do. If talking to Noah helped you see reason --", "Nick: It was wrong. Period. How can you not see that? Are you in the middle of another manic phase?", "Sharon: Wow. That is low. Even for you. But you are Victor's son.", "Nick: [Scoffs] I guess there goes remaining civil.", "Sharon: I'm the only one who appears to want to keep this family whole. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to stop it from splintering.", "Nick: Wow. You accuse me of being like Victor, yet you sound exactly like him. You think you can justify anything.", "Sharon: No, that's not what I meant. You're putting words in my mouth!", "Nick: I think that's exactly what you meant. Using this whole \"two people who used to love each other\" stuff, using Christmas.", "Sharon: So, you're gonna say now that you were never in love with me?", "Nick: Love you? Sharon, I don't even know who you are anymore. I'd be a fool to think that I could believe one more thing that comes out of your lying mouth.", "Jack: Phyllis! Phyllis! I need to talk to you! Red!", "Adam: There's no one else here, Jack.", "Jack: Who the hell are you?", "Stitch: How's that feel?", "Victoria: Like sheer bliss.", "Stitch: [Laughs]", "Victoria: Where did you learn how to rub a foot like that?", "Stitch: I took a course in reflexology.", "Victoria: Mm. Well, let's hear it for higher learning.", "Stitch: [Chuckles] You know... I cannot wait to give you the rest of your full body treatment. Pure bliss from head to toe. You ready for it?", "[Katie cries]", "Stitch: Oh. Okay, here. You stay here. I'll get her. Okay?", "Victoria: Wow.", "Stitch: Here. [Sighs] Hi. Hey. What are you fussing about? Huh? We're right here. Yeah. [Chuckles] Yeah.", "Fenmore: Come on. Nick's your dad. He always has been.", "Summer: Yeah, of course. I just -- I don't know. Last time I saw you, Jack Abbott was my dad. Then mom came home and blew Sharon out of the water, and suddenly I'M...a Newman again.", "Fenmore: Hey. Abbott, Newman -- it doesn't matter. You're Summer. It's all you need to be.", "Summer: Thanks, fen.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Summer: Oh, my gosh. Leave me alone!", "Fenmore: Is that the person you were texting before? You're getting that whole, like, intense Summer face.", "Summer: It's my mom. When is she gonna stop telling me, \"I need to see you. Where are you? You need to call me.\" It's like, how old do I have to be for her to treat me like an adult?", "Fenmore: Sounds like things are back to normal with Phyllis.", "Summer: Yeah. I love having her back, I do. It's just she is driving me crazy lately with wanting to know what I'm gonna do with my life.", "Fenmore: At least she cares. I showed up yesterday and my parents, they couldn't even wait to get rid of me, practically pushing me out the door.", "Summer: I'm sure that's not true.", "Fenmore: It is. It's weird. I've never really felt this way, but I swear they don't even want me around. They're acting really strange.", "Summer: What are we gonna do with these people that call themselves our parents?", "Sharon: When did you become so cold? All you care about is winning. You have got to be right. Never mind the fact that this is the worst possible thing you could do to Faith -- ripping her mother away from her?", "Nick: What mother? Who can count on you, Sharon? You have proven over and over again that you are unreliable.", "Sharon: That is your response to everything! You bring up the past and you throw it in my face. Never mind the fact that I have been doing really well -- terrific for the last several months -- until you destabilized everything.", "Mariah: Can I talk to you for a second?", "Sharon: Absolutely. I don't know why I thought we could have a rational conversation.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Mariah: You can't do this.", "Sharon: Well, I can't just stand there and take his insults.", "Mariah: Listen to me, Sharon. This is not the way. You're just gonna end up making things worse.", "Nick: Dude, I tried. I tried.", "Noah: That's what you call trying? You know what? Forget it. Okay? It's like talking to a catcher's mitt.", "Nick: Noah, come -- Noah. [Sighs] Hey. I didn't, uh, see you there.", "Sage: Yeah. I wasn't there very long. I just was -- didn't hear anything.", "Nick: Sorry. My ex and I, we're going through this custody thing.", "Sage: Yeah, I gathered that. Sorry.", "Nick: What you overheard, I don't know why I'm -- [Sighs] I guess I just don't want you to think you saved the life of a total jackass.", "Sage: [Chuckles]", "Jack: I asked you a question. Who are you? What do you want?", "Adam: What I'm about ready to tell you is gonna be very, very difficult for you to believe. But then again, you've seen some crazy things in your life.", "Jack: Stop there. I don't know what this is. Why are you talking to me like you know me?", "Adam: I do know you, Jack. I know things about you no one else possibly could.", "Jack: Is this some kind of shake-down?", "Adam: No, this is much more complicated than a shake-down.", "Jack: Phyllis. Phyllis! If you've done anything --", "Adam: She is fine, Jack. As far as I know.", "Jack: What do you mean by that? What, you're working with someone else?", "Adam: You calm down and let me explain. Who are you calling?", "Jack: The police.", "Adam: Put that phone down, Jack.", "Mariah: Nick is being nasty and unfair, and it's not going to end any time soon, so, Sharon, you need to toughen up and deal with it, okay?", "Noah: Mariah's right.", "Sharon: Well, there's only so much I can do.", "Mariah: Well, I just came by to check the schedule. I'm not on till later, so I'm gonna head home.", "Noah: Breathe.", "Sharon: Thank you so much for your efforts, but it's clear your father isn't interested in trying to work anything out. It was like talking to Victor.", "Noah: Dad is being stubborn, okay? But he's nothing like grandpa. He may still come around.", "Sharon: I can't hope for that, Noah. But I promise you... Nick will not take Faith away from me, no matter what I have to do to stop him.", "Nick: I hate what this battle is doing to my kids. I wish it wasn't necessary, but it is. Hey, do me a favor and tell me that your parents divorced and you turned out completely normal.", "Sage: A little more complicated than that.", "Nick: Yeah, it usually is. Well, what's your story? What are you doing here?", "Sage: Oh, I just, you know, just in the neighborhood.", "Nick: Yeah, I wish I could stay. I got to go pick up my daughter, Faith.", "Sage: Oh, yeah. Go. Go on. I'm good.", "Nick: Come back.", "Fenmore: Hey, let me know about the ski trip. I know it's last minute, but it'll be fun.", "Summer: Okay. I'll text you about it later. I miss this. Just hanging out with you. Old friends. They're the best kind.", "Fenmore: That's right. Old friends.", "Summer: [Chuckles]", "Chelsea: Hannah took the boys to the park so they could watch everybody go sledding.", "Billy: Oh, so I guess me and mama have the place all to ourselves.", "Chelsea: I love you very much.", "Billy: Good.", "Chelsea: And I loved what you said about us and about me.", "Billy: I meant every word of it.", "Chelsea: Was it hard praising me like that in front of Victoria? [Laughs]", "Billy: No, not at all. In fact, it felt really good to get it all out in the open. You are the woman I want to be with.", "Chelsea: I believe you.", "Billy: [Chuckles] Good.", "Chelsea: It's just, you know, sometimes you...seem a little distant, Billy. So, you seem like something else is on your mind.", "Billy: [Sighs] Well, you know, sometimes when I'm around Katie, it makes me think about Delia. You know, I go over there and I get emotional.", "Chelsea: Of course. I understand.", "Billy: It's just that... Delia always wanted a little sister. You know, somebody that she could have tea parties with and share secrets with and boss around. And now she's never gonna get to meet her little sister. On second thought... maybe she can.", "Chelsea: What do you mean?", "Billy: Come on.", "Chelsea: Where? Where are we going?", "Billy: You'll see.", "Chelsea: Like that?", "[Door opens]", "Adam: Please, Jack. No police. I just want to talk to you.", "Jack: Talk to me! Who are you?! What do you want from me?!", "Adam: I don't want a thing from you. This isn't what you're thinking.", "Jack: How the hell do you know what I'm thinking?", "Adam: Why don't you just let me explain.", "Jack: Fine. Explain! What are you doing here?! Who are you?!", "Adam: It's me, Jack. Adam.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: Are you afraid to kiss me?", "Mariah: [Laughs]", "Billy: Who are you?", "Victoria: What are you doing out here?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Victor pairs up Scott and Abby because he wants them to find out who bought Chancellor park and if the new owner wants to continue the development project. Abby thinks that Victoria already knows about the night they had sex inside the storage unit. Abby asks Scott to find a way they can work together without having to see each other. She also tells him that she has started dating again. Jill tells Cane and Billy she plans to sell Chancellor Industries and use the money from the sale to help people in need. Cane asks Jill not to sell the company and give him a chance to make it more of a success. Jill promises to take his words to heart before she makes the decision to sell the company. Billy tells Jack about Jill's plans to sell the company and he heads to the Chancellor mansion to talk to Jill. He makes her an attractive offer to buy the company. Billy tells Ashley and Traci the news and Ashley decides to call an emergency board meeting to stop Jack from buying Chancellor because they fear that Jack is making reckless decisions that could hurt the company and the Abbott family.", "Nikki and Victoria both ask JT not to turn her in to the police for stealing Victor's money but he thinks he has no choice. Nikki tells Kevin to get out of town and she will not tell the police that he helped her steal Victor's money. Victoria tells Victor that Nikki stole his money and he promises her that he won't do anything to Nikki. He gets a call from Paul saying that JT's report states that the problem with his account was due to a mistake by the bank. Victor thanks JT for his actions and asks him not to tell Nikki she won't be facing charges because he wants to give her the good news himself.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Cane: You're looking at the acting C.E.O. Of chancellor industries.", "Nick: Chancellor industries, the one to watch in 2018.", "Jack: I am taking a leave of absence from jabot.", "Ashley: If our father were alive, he'd be appalled at your behavior.", "Jack: He's my father, not yours.", "Ashley: You are the true seat-filler, jack. A sad shadow of the great man that raised us both! You want to have control of the company again, so now what? You're getting 24-hour care for mother, a nurse?", "Jack: No, I'll be running the company from home.", "Kevin: I'll get right to work on nikki's accounts, online, mobile phone. You may find things out about nikki you'd rather not know.", "Nikki: Victor used you to do his dirty work! And I think it is disgusting that he would pry into my personal business!", "Nikki: I stole from your father. I took funds from his personal account and moved them an offshore bank.", "Victoria: The person who transferred the money out of my dad's personal account was my mother.", "J.T.: Your mom committed a crime. She's gonna have to face the consequences.", "[ Straw squeaking ]", "Abby: Ahh! Something wrong?", "Victoria: I'm just wondering why there's no mention of batson solar in the energy division report.", "Abby: Well, we sold batson in june, and that report is for the third quarter.", "Victoria: Right. My mistake. I just have a lot of my mind right now.", "Abby: It doesn't have anything to do with J.T. Being back in town, does it?", "Victoria: No. What do you mean?", "Abby: Well, I mean, he is investigating newman finances, and, uh, well, he's good at his job.", "[ Door opens ]", "Victoria: Hi, dad. How was your trip?", "Victor: Cut short because of your message. Obviously we have a potential disaster on our hands.", "Victoria: I understand.", "Victor: Who the hell is siphoning money from my personal account? I want a full update A.S.A.P. Before J.T. Hellstrom comes up with the answer.", "Nikki: There's been a development. Unless something happens to stop it, I'm going to be revealed as the one who embezzled money from victor's personal account, and that means your part in it will be revealed, as well.", "Paul: Hey, J.T.", "Christine: Thanks for coming in.", "J.T.: Sure. I'm, uh, guessing you called me in for a status report.", "Christine: Uh, actually, it's a bit more than that. Paul and I just got off a call with my liaisons in the investigator's office.", "Paul: They've fast-tracked this. We need everything you've got by tonight.", "Christine: All your leads, your forensic accounting, and most importantly, your conclusions.", "Paul: We're counting on you for all the answers.", "Jill: Home for the holidays!", "Esther: Oh! [ Sighs ]", "Jill: [ Laughs ] Oh, thank you, sweetheart! There's just a few more left on the helicopter.", "Billy: Yes. My mother. Famous for packing light.", "Jill: [ Chuckles ]", "Billy: Hi.", "Jill: Come here!", "Esther: The neighbors are complaining. The noise from your chopper is interrupting their meditation hour. What should I tell them?", "Billy: Tell them \"merry christmas.\" And namaste.", "Esther: [ Groans ]", "Billy: What? It's a helicopter, I'm not gonna apologize for that. It's only money.", "Jill: Mm. Oh, \"it's only money,\" is it?", "Billy: Yeah.", "Jill: Well, it looks like i got back here just in time, doesn't it?", "Billy: Okay. I'll go get the rest of your stuff.", "Jill: All right.", "Billy: Welcome home.", "Jill: Thank you, darling.", "[ Sighs ]", "Traci: And so I had to wait for six hours at laguardia.", "Ashley: No!", "Traci: Believe me, I was tempted to crawl back to my apartment and into bed. Right, jack? Do you know what I mean?", "Jack: Absolutely.", "Traci: But I was not going to let that stop me from coming home and seeing my family for christmas. Just a few cancelled flights? No.", "Ashley: That's right, you put yourself on a train, and here you are.", "Traci: I did, and it was a little overcrowded there, too, but I made all these new friends. [ Laughs ]", "Ashley: Jack. Jack?", "Jack: Good for you.", "Ashley: Good for traci that she was smashed against a bunch of strangers for 800 miles?", "Jack: Wait, she didn't say that.", "Ashley: What is so enthralling on your tablet? You want to share it with us?", "Jack: I'm sorry, traci. It's this fawning puff-piece about chancellor industries being \"the one to watch in 2018.\"", "Traci: You wish someone had written a fawning puff-piece about jabot?", "Jack: You're damn right, i do. I'm gonna have to talk to pr, and very soon.", "Ashley: Don't you think you have enough on your plate?", "Jack: What, to keep me from making jabot all that it can be? Never. We have to make a splash. One that can't be ignored by the business community.", "Traci: I thought jabot had a great year.", "Ashley: It did, and we're poised to have another one.", "Jack: We need to want much more. We want to attract the attention of the entire industry.", "Traci: That gleam in your eye means that you have something splash-worthy in mind.", "Jack: I'm mulling over a few ideas, yeah.", "Ashley: Well, why don't you take your sisters to lunch so we can discuss it?", "Jack: Yeah, ordinarily, i would say yes, but I have business to tend to, and then i have to look after mother this afternoon. You go ahead.", "Traci: [ Exhales ] He needs to slow down.", "Ashley: Yeah. Tell me about it. Listen moms,", "Nikki: Hey, where do you think you're going?", "Kevin: To pick up bella so i can catch the next flight out of town, and if you're smart, you'll do the same thing.", "Nikki: Kevin --", "Kevin: I knew this would happen -- I knew it that day. Nikki, please forget about how victor had me hack your cellphone and e-mail accounts. Like I said, I am truly sorry.", "Nikki: I have no use for apologies, kevin.", "Kevin: So you're turning me in? Because you said you would let it slide if I --", "Nikki: You know what, I just came up with a better plan. I want you to go after victor as underhandedly as he went after me.", "Kevin: Meaning...?", "Nikki: Siphon his personal bank account and put it into one of my offshore accounts. Can you do that?", "Kevin: Nikki, I'm begging you, do not go down that road. It will blow up in your face, and I'll be stuck in the middle, again.", "Nikki: You do it right, and neither one of us will have to worry.", "Kevin: It's not about doing it right or wrong. It's about the fact that --", "Nikki: All right, listen to me. Maybe I did nail you to the wall, but like victor, i compensate good labor generously. Please do this for me, kevin.", "Kevin: Earlier, you mentioned something could happen to prevent this from coming out.", "Nikki: Well, I do have somebody watching out for me, but right now, it doesn't look very good.", "Victor: Obviously we need to find out very quickly who embezzled from me. Otherwise, J.T. Hellstrom will think that I'm trying to evade taxes, which I'm not. So who do you think would do this, and why?", "Abby: Sounds to me like someone with a personal vendetta.", "[ Intercom buzzes ]", "Victor: Yes? Send him in.", "Scott: You wanted to see me?", "Victor: There's a special project that needs very particular handling.", "Scott: Anything you need.", "Victoria: Abby, you should team up with scott on this.", "Victor: I think that's a very good idea.", "Billy: Ah, yes, catching up on your horoscope -- a lot more fun than lecturing me.", "Jill: Wrong. I see here that philly has sweet odds in the fourth.", "Billy: Come on, can't you be just a little bit happy for me? I bought as a surprise for phyllis.", "Jill: You bought your girlfriend a racehorse, and you named it philly.", "Billy: I know, you would have preferred me name it...biltoria or villy.", "Jill: [ Laughs ] No, no, no, no, no. I'm no longer playing matchmaker for you and your ex.", "Billy: [ Laughs ]", "Jill: But as your mother, i just have to wonder -- what have you accomplished lately, besides having a good time, of course?", "Billy: This coming from a woman who's on a permanent bucket list adventure.", "Jill: This bucket list adventure I worked my whole life for.", "Billy: See, that work thing, that's what I'm trying to actually skip. But I'll tell you what, mom, I've been a very good boy this year, and you are still afraid that I'm going to screw up everything. Well, I've learned my lessons.", "Jill: Now, where have I heard that before?", "Billy: Thank you for the vote of confidence.", "Jill: Billy, I can't stop being your mother. I'm going to worry. Although, I'm gonna take my share of the blame.", "Billy: Nobody's asking you to do that.", "Jill: I don't know, maybe john and I just gave you too much, you know? I mean, where is the motivation? Where is the drive if your cup already runneth over?", "Billy: This is the question I've been trying to answer my whole life, and I think i figured out that I've just been looking in the wrong places.", "Jill: Sweetheart, if this whole wild ride of a life of mine has taught me anything, it's that you got to look inside yourself for true fulfillment. You can't count on cars or racehorses or even phyllis.", "Billy: Oh, there it is, right on time.", "Jill: No, I am serious. I mean, instant gratification is not gonna give your life true meaning.", "Billy: I get what you're saying, okay? I really do. I've been spending some time with dina lately, and...", "Jill: Oh...", "Billy: Everything that she's going through, watching her life slip away, moment by moment, it'S...", "Jill: Oh, god, it's horrible.", "Billy: It's hell on earth, is what it is.", "Jill: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: For her, obviously. For ashley, for traci, for jack. There's a lesson in all of it. Enjoy it while you can. It might not be there later.", "Jack: Thank you for making the drive. I'm a little home-bound right now, but I wanted to congratulate you in person.", "Cane: Thank you. I appreciate your vote of confidence, and with jill coming back to town, I look forward to showing her what I've accomplished in such a short amount of time.", "Jack: Okay, to you, to chancellor, and all you are poised to accomplish.", "Cane: Thank you. That is delicious eggnog. However, I'm somewhat certain that I'm not here so you could celebrate my success.", "Jack: Well, you're obviously a busy man, so I will plunge right in. I heard about chancellor's shrewd purchase of a small skincare manufacturer.", "Cane: Well, it's not exactly a secret, and it's not exactly small.", "Jack: Industry buzz is that it's pegged for monster growth, that is, with an investor with deep pockets.", "Cane: That is what we're hoping.", "Jack: Well, this company and its products integrate perfectly with jabot's plans for the next year.", "Cane: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Well, I'm sure what you're gonna propose is fascinating, but unfortunately, jack, you're kind of... kind of late to the party.", "Jack: How do you mean?", "Cane: Well, you see, my team has already, uh -- how can I say this? Has a couple of your major competitors on the hook, and we're looking at closing a deal with one of them.", "Jack: This is jabot. What, you're not gonna even entertain a bid? You're turning me down flat?", "Cane: Kind of like what you did to me when I came to you desperately seeking a job. Look, jack, I'm not the kind of man who holds a grudge, but you know what, I am the kind of man who does not forget so easily. Thank you for the eggnog.", "Jill: So fabulous to see you. You must be very proud of that amazing article, too.", "Cane: I am, thank you. Hey, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?", "Billy: Oh, no, our little conversation is done. You have perfect timing. Well, almost perfect. I still have to see your face.", "Jill: Oh, my lord. Again, with the two of you. What is this? It can't be professional rivalry.", "Cane: All right. Okay. You want to see something magnificent? Look at this -- it's sam. I took this morning in the hospital.", "Jill: Oh, my god, he's looking healthier every day.", "Cane: He's getting stronger.", "Jill: When can I meet him?", "Cane: Say the word.", "Jill: So sorry about you and lily. But you must be very proud of everything else you've accomplished, huh?", "Cane: I am. And that's because you showed your faith in me when it comes to running chancellor, and you continue to show your faith in me.", "Jill: Well, it's very richly deserved.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Jill: I'm sure you'll make even more of your next opportunity.", "Cane: You said next.", "Jill: Mm. Oh, dear. Okay, well... I hate to be the grinch here, but I'm just gonna lay it out on the table. This concerns you, too.", "Billy: What does?", "Jill: I think now is the time to sell the company.", "Cane: Whoa, whoa. Hang on a second. Wait...", "Jill: No. I warned you. I warned you when I made you acting C.E.O. That I was looking for the right time to sell.", "Cane: That's before I made all the positive changes.", "Jill: We will talk in depth, I promise, but as katherine used to say, you got to sell high, and believe me, I will never get a better price. And with all that money, I can do so much good in the world. This trip that I'm on with colin, it continues to be thrilling and unforgettable. No! It's opened my eyes to all the suffering in the world. We can't let esther plan my fabulous funeral yet. I got a lot of years left, and i have decided that I want to spend them helping people in need.", "Cane: Did you know about this?", "Billy: First I ever heard of it. You know the way she is when she sets her mind to something.", "Jill: We will talk more on the way to the hospital. In the meantime, I want to meet sam.", "Victoria: We've spent months of planning on the chancellor park project.", "Victor: Far too much time to walk away from it now.", "Abby: I don't know what scott and I can do about it. I mean, we don't know who the mystery buyer is or what plans they have for the park, if any.", "Scott: The city will have to reveal this person's identity soon.", "Victor: I'm not gonna wait for the announcement, okay? I want answers now.", "Victoria: Clock's ticking. So we want abby by your side to help you crack this.", "Scott: Okay, then. We'll get started right away.", "Abby: And we will report back as soon as we know anything.", "Victor: Good. It's a good idea, teaming up those two.", "Victoria: Thank you. Well, for better or for worse, they've proven that they work well together.", "Victor: Now... about the embezzlement...", "Victoria: Yeah?", "Victor: Abby seems to think that someone has it in for me personally. You have any idea?", "Victoria: I don't know, dad. I'm thinking onward and upward. There's no sense in focusing on our enemies.", "Victor: What about nicholas?", "Victoria: No, dad. I don't see him operating like that, do you?", "Victor: We've got to find whoever the guilty party is as soon as we can, okay?", "[ Door opens ]", "Christine: How's it coming, J.T.?", "J.T.: Uh, you know, it's a work in progress.", "Christine: Yeah, well, I'm sure accelerating the deadline hasn't helped. So, if you want any assistance from one of our better number-crunchers...", "J.T.: [ Sighs ] No. No. No need. I got it.", "Christine: Okay. We just hit a wall with this investigation, and paul was hoping that maybe you could break through. Not only from your professional track record but your history with the newmans is what clinched it.", "J.T.: I'm grateful to both of you for the opportunity.", "Christine: You know how victor operates, how he thinks. But, seriously, if you think this is too close...", "J.T.: How do you mean?", "Christine: Just seeing victoria again. I mean, it's got to make the job a bit harder.", "Paul: Hey, that's all in the past, right, J.T.? Look, I wouldn't have called the guy if he wasn't the right one for the task.", "J.T.: Yeah, I do the job I'm hired for, no exceptions.", "Kevin: The D.A. And the feds go after newman enterprises because of that sex ring, and when they come up empty-handed...", "Nikki: Then they turn to victor's personal accounts. I didn't see that coming, either.", "Kevin: [ Sighs ] When michael told me about the expanded audit, I logged in to cover our tracks, but I had limited options. The one thing that I kept clinging to is that if you stay in the clear, so do I.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Nikki: Wait, hold on. Oh, it's victoria.", "Kevin: Everything okay?", "Nikki: I don't know. In the meantime, you and bella better pack your bags.", "Kevin: [ Sighs ]", "Traci: So I braved a blizzard to come home for christmas to be with my family, to spend extra time with dina, to enjoy the holidays, but I also came to check on jack.", "Ashley: And now you see my point.", "Traci: Not only has he taken on too much, he seems eager to do it.", "Ashley: Taking care of mother is a full-time job. He wants to do that while competing with his rivals, and at the same time, he wants to run jabot from home.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Okay. I know that things are strained between the two of you right now, but, ashley, he has always listened to you. Do you think you could convince him to take a step back?", "Ashley: I have tried and tried. If this crazy pace gets the best of jack, he's not gonna be the only one that gets hurt.", "Traci: It'll be us, too.", "Ashley: And mother. And jabot.", "Jack: You're sure about that?", "Billy: I thought mom was just gonna give me a good old-fashioned holiday scolding. As soon as cane walked in the room, the conversation quickly changed from my behavior to her plans for chancellor industries. She's thinking it's time to sell the company.", "Jack: I spoke with cane earlier. He was flying high on his new gig at chancellor, just as smug as you could be.", "Billy: Ah, well, easy come, easy go. What's that sparkle in your eye, jack? You thinking of making a bid?", "Jack: Jabot once was a subsidiary of chancellor, remember? Just flip the equation, and it's still a pretty good combination.", "Billy: So this could be a good opportunity, then? So, what now? You get the board together, come up with a feasibility plan?", "Jack: And let chancellor get snapped up by another company while I'm stuck in meetings dealing with my own bureaucracy? Your big brother's smarter than that. I'll tell you what -- you look after dina. I'll be right back.", "Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Jack. What do you mean, \"look after dina?\"", "Jack: There's eggnog.", "Abby: Seriously? Here?", "Scott: It's the site where victor wants to build. It seems like a logical place to start. What? Too cold for you?", "Abby: No, jackass. This is where we kissed. Oh, and then you announced -- \"didn't mean that. I'm gonna go shack up with my true love, sharon.\"", "Scott: Don't be jealous.", "Abby: Oh, I am not jealous. I am angry at victoria sticking us together. And I'm suspicious.", "Scott: About what?", "Abby: [ Sighs ] That she's onto us and that she's playing some sort of weird mind game.", "Scott: Victoria wouldn't do that. If anything, she'd use it against us to fire us. I know for a fact she's still steaming about the bonus check she had to cut me.", "Abby: At least you got a bonus. All I got was more pressure. My dad is expecting results.", "Scott: I'm aware of that.", "Abby: Okay. Then let's come up with a plan, one that produces results and where we don't have to spend any time together. At all.", "[ Keyboard clicking ]", "Nikki: Are you sure this is a good idea?", "Victoria: J.T.'S known since last night that you transferred the money. He hasn't done anything. He said he was going to. If he's waffling, then we still have a chance, okay? You ready?", "Nikki: I guess so.", "Victoria: Okay.", "J.T.: [ Sighs ]", "Nikki: Hey, J.T.", "J.T.: Hi.", "Nikki: Good to see you. [ Clears throat ] So, I, uh... I assume victoria told you about last night.", "Nikki: Yeah, she did.", "J.T.: And you have the same request, that I look the other way?", "Nikki: Well...", "J.T.: I got to admit, seeking me out like this in public...", "Nikki: I thought maybe, uh, we could go to the police station, but why make it easier for them to arrest me, right?", "Victoria: We know how serious this is.", "Nikki: Yes. In spite of everything, I still don't regret what I did to victor because of the way he treated nicholas and me. I do wish I had used different methods...", "J.T.: I wish you had, too.", "Victoria: Please, just listen.", "Nikki: Living with victor has just been...hellish. Beyond words. I -- I couldn't believe some of the things that I witnessed. I would have to sit there and watch him abuse people he thought had done him wrong, and then in public, I would have to support him, I would smile, and I would have to forgive his mistreatment of people, and he did it all, of course, \"out of love.\" According to him, \"to protect the family.\" But, uh... I hate to say it, but I was a silent partner in all of his vendettas, the ones that I know about, and they just made me feel sick with guilt and fear. Because I knew that one of these days, he was gonna turn against me, and he did, and I felt terrible. I went through a lot of bad things. I hated myself. And then I did something that i never thought I even had in me. I started acting like victor. [ Sighs ] I'll tell you, I will never step over that line again.", "J.T.: I believe it. And I'm sorry to be the one who has to turn you in.", "Nikki: But you have to.", "J.T.: How do you think reed's gonna feel that his father decided to send his grandmother to prison?", "J.T.: He's gonna hate it. And then you're gonna hate me, but nobody's gonna hate it any more than I do.", "Jill: Photos really don't do sam justice, do they?", "Cane: No.", "Jill: He's such a feisty little tiger! He's exactly like his dad.", "Cane: Yeah. He's a fighter like his dad.", "Jill: If they don't release him soon from the neonatal unit, that little baby's gonna come banging on that door. I am so proud of you, the way you've stood up for him, and the way mattie donated blood -- you know what, it's moments like this where you really know you've done something right.", "Cane: And you know there's nothing more important to me than family, right?", "Jill: Mm.", "Cane: Which is why I'm so confused, okay? That you would know, decide to sell chancellor because that's gonna affect my ability to provide for my family.", "Jill: Sweetheart...", "Cane: All right, listen. It's -- it's kind of like whiplash to me because on one hand, you're telling me how proud you are of the things I've accomplished, and on the other, you just want to toss me out to the highest bidder.", "Jill: No, no, no! This is a purely business decision.", "Cane: Which hasn't been finalized yet, correct?", "Jill: [ Sighs ]", "Cane: All right, let me pitch you something, all right? You said to me that you want to sell the company and the take the profits to help the less fortunate, right?", "Jill: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: Okay, but even if you sell the company for a massive profit, that money is finite. But if you let me run the company and let me take it to greater heights, I can guarantee you a stream of income for years to come that will let you achieve all of your goals.", "Jill: You don't think that I've thought about this extensively? I keep telling you, it's business.", "Cane: I know it's business to you, but to me, this is very personal because I love this company, and if I can just take my modesty and my ego and just push it aside for a second, I'm seriously kicking butt at this. It's all because of you. You gave me this chance when no one else would, and you trusted me to run chancellor, okay? And I've worked so hard, and I'm only just starting, and I want to show my kids -- that's all three of my kids -- they can be proud of their dad. And if you give me this chance and you don't sell this company, I will make you glad that you didn't do it.", "Jill: Wow. That's a hell of a pitch.", "Cane: That's because it means a hell of a lot to me.", "Jill: Okay. I promise you, I will consider every word you've just said before I make the decision.", "Kevin: Nikki? You have news?", "Nikki: Book a flight. Take bella and get out of town as soon as you can.", "Kevin: Am I gonna get stopped at the airport?", "Nikki: Right now, I'm the only target, and I'm gonna try to keep it that way. But it's not gonna last forever. You just have to go now. Go!", "Kevin: Okay. Thank you so much. After what I did to you...", "Nikki: A part of me is still furious with you for doing what you did, but I'm sorry that i dragged you into this.", "Kevin: For what it's worth, I appreciate that, not that it's gonna do us any good.", "Christine: Hey, I got your text.", "Paul: You done?", "J.T.: Yeah, I just e-mailed you the report.", "Christine: Oh, fantastic. I'm gonna go read it. Why don't you get a detail on standby to go over to newman enterprises?", "Paul: Copy that.", "Christine: I have a judge waiting. Let me go read the report.", "J.T.: Actually, I think it's better if I go over it with you both. There's a few surprises in there I want to alert you to.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Victor: Where'd you disappear to?", "Victoria: I had some business to take care of. I -- I also got some lunch.", "Victor: Okay. Let's talk about this damn audit, okay? After you. You seem to think nicholas couldn't have done this.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Victor: Who else would have this kind of animus towards me? Hmm? And the financial wherewithal to pull it off? And the audacity. I can think of one person -- jack abbott.", "Victoria: That's a reach, don't you think?", "Victor: He spent an entire year trying to smash brash & sassy. I prevented him from doing so by buying the company. Don't you think for one moment that he's not capable of such a caper.", "Victoria: It wasn't jack. It was mom.", "Victor: What do you mean, \"it was mom?\"", "Victoria: I didn't want to tell you, dad. I didn't want there to be another war. I just want this to all go away. I tried enlisting J.T.'S help. It's not gonna happen.", "Victor: [ Exhales sharply ] I'm not gonna do anything, okay? Don't worry about it. I just want to know the details. [ Cellphone rings ] Yes, christine? Oh, well. Thank you for letting me know. Well... according to christine, I've been cleared. Apparently, her and J.T. Found out that no money was transferred. It was an error committed by the bank. So they're no longer auditing me. Seems that your talking to J.T. About my case helped a great deal.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] I'm astounded. I -- I don't know what to say. I'm a little bit worried about what you have in store for mom now that you know.", "Victor: I'm not gonna do anything. Don't worry about it.", "Victoria: Dad, she's in agony over this. Somebody needs to tell her she's not facing charges.", "Victor: That person should be me, and I will do it. Liberty mutual stood with me", "Scott: Better? You were so unhappy in the park.", "Abby: [ Scoffs ] If you wanted me to be happy, then you should have stayed at the park and not followed me here.", "Scott: Yeah, we're doing a job for victor, together. I can put aside our issues and focus on the task we've been assigned. Can you?", "Abby: Oh, yeah. Without a doubt. And do you want to know why? Because I -- I am not pining over you. There are no thoughts in my head about what might have been. There's no \"might have been\" because you and I, we are totally wrong for each other. In fact, I don't even recall what attracted me to you in the first place, enough to let that...mistake ever happen.", "Scott: Now it's a mistake.", "Abby: Mm-hmm.", "Scott: Interesting. So you've convinced yourself, and now you want me to buy into your revisionist history, is that what it is?", "Abby: [ Laughing ] I don't care -- I don't care what you buy, what you do, what you think. Apart from this project that we've been given, that is my only focus.", "Scott: [ Scoffs ] Understood, but we still need to eat. We're gonna be putting in some long hours on this.", "Abby: Well, don't expect me to be available 24/7 because i have a life outside of this, one that involves dating.", "Scott: And what new app did you download for that?", "Abby: Okay. No app. Just real people, flesh and blood. You know, I think I have become an excellent judge of who is worth my time, and who should be kicked straight to the curb.", "Scott: Abby! Are we, uh, done for the day? Yeah, I think we are.", "Ashley: Jabot and chancellor industries?", "Billy: Yep.", "Ashley: And jack was serious?", "Billy: Serious enough to run out of here and leave me in charge of your mom. He said it's something he'd been thinking about for a long time.", "Traci: Wait. Jack can't just go buy a multi-million-dollar corporation like a last-minute christmas gift. Can he?", "Ashley: No. You can't purchase a company as valuable as chancellor on a whim. You need to plan, you need to strategize, talk to your team, your board of directors.", "Billy: That's exactly what he said would slow him down.", "Jack: I know my mother's diagnosis played a large role in her decision to come back into our lives, but it just feels unfair. We're racing against this insidious disease trying to make up for lost time.", "Jill: Well, it isn't fair. Alzheimer's is... god, it's just a horrible thing. I'm so, so sorry for your sisters and you, and dina. But you're taking care of her every single day. Good for you.", "Jack: Oh, thanks. Hasn't always been easy.", "Jill: I'm sure. It must be overwhelming. So, what, you're running jabot from home?", "Jack: I know it sounds like a lot, but I have...embraced my twin responsibilities, and I'm doing pretty well so far.", "Jill: Good, and ashley's taking care of things from the office?", "Jack: You know, ashley's real talents are in the lab. That's where her heart is. How about you? How's your heart?", "Jill: My heart is doing quite well, thank you. Thanks to my constant monitoring, and thanks to esther's constant over-supervision via text. But I'm so grateful to her.", "Jack: You want to see real gratitude in action? Sell me chancellor industries.", "Jill: Oh, my god! Word travels fast, doesn't it? And you, my friend, travel even faster.", "Jack: Well, I admit, billy tipped me off, and don't blame him. He should be rewarded for getting you the offer you deserve and for keeping the wrong hands off of your company.", "Jill: Really? And what hands would those be?", "Jack: Cold, greedy hands that are gonna hack it up and auction it off in pieces -- soulless, corporate raider hands. Jabot would never mistreat a jewel like chancellor.", "Jill: Well, I would hope not. Do you remember what good friends john and katherine were?", "Jack: They would both haunt me from the grave if I did anything wrong to your company.", "Jill: Oh, that old bat. Katherine invented haunting, even when she was still alive.", "Jack: May she rest in peace.", "Jill: [ Sighs ] May she rest in peace. You know something, jabot and chancellor -- I think that's a deal katherine would approve of.", "Jack: I agree. But it's your approval I came here for.", "J.T.: Hey. Your dad asked me to come by.", "Victoria: Hi. Yeah, I -- I thought it was all going to hell, so I told him about mom. And then you came through for me.", "J.T.: Well, all I did was file the report, as requested.", "Victoria: I thought you'd made up your mind. I don't know what changed it, but you did the right thing, and I'm really grateful. My mom made a mistake, but i think punishing her would have had some terrible consequences.", "J.T.: Yeah, I think in this instance, the punishment wouldn't have fit the crime.", "Victoria: Is that why you made your choice, or was there some other reason?", "[ Door opens ]", "Victor: Well, if it isn't J.T., Man of the hour.", "J.T.: Hi.", "Victor: How the hell are you?", "J.T.: Great.", "Victor: Huh?", "J.T.: Great. Thanks.", "Victor: Nice to see you. Today we're out here to test people's knowledge about", "Jack: Okay. This is the details of jabot's offer to purchase chancellor industries.", "Jill: Ooh. I hope you're not expecting an instant answer.", "Jack: No, no, no, no. No, take your time, look it over, call me if you have any questions. I think you'll find it an enticing offer.", "Jill: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: [ Chuckles ]", "Jill: What's amusing?", "Jack: Oh, the notion that two of the midwest's leading companies are joining forces over a deal scratched down on the back of one of esther's santa claus napkins.", "[ Laughter ]", "Jill: What would people say? But it is christmas, after all.", "Ashley: I don't care if jack is the C.E.O. He can't run around making unilateral decisions like this. The market is very tricky. This could be the worst time to be buying another company.", "Traci: And you're thinking that all that he's taken on is compromising his judgment. Well, okay, he's gonna be home any minute. So why don't we all just sit down and we'll talk it through?", "Ashley: No, I'm through with talking. We're past that. You and I have to make some calls. Call a meeting with the board for tomorrow, before jack takes this too far.", "Victor: I wanted to thank you in person.", "J.T.: I just did what i thought was best for all concerned.", "Victor: I remember many years ago when you left genoa city, we didn't part on the friendliest of terms, did we? I mean, whether it was the issue with you leaving victoria and the issue pertaining to custody of my grandson... a lot to overcome, but I think you did just that today.", "J.T.: Well, I'm just glad we can put that all behind us.", "Victor: Now, having said that, if there's anything you need while you're here, don't hesitate to ask, all right?", "J.T.: [ Chuckles ] That's very generous of you, and, uh, I'll -- I'll let you get back to work, but... you should know, it's gonna come as a shock to nikki that you know what she did.", "Victor: Mm.", "J.T.: And that she's off the hook with the authorities.", "Victor: Do me a favor. Don't let her know that. Don't let her know that all." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Nikki is laying in the snow after being hit by Reed. Charlie thinks they hit a deer and says they are forgetting this ever happened. They are soon back at Charlie's arguing over the incident. Meanwhile, Nikki is being rushed into surgery. Charlie is worried about the dent in his car when he was supposed to be home. Reed convinces him that it is bad if it is found out he was the one driving and tells Charlie to get some rest. Nate learns Nikki was the one hit and brought in. Kerry and Jack are back at his house talking about the tree decorating and they end up in a kiss under the mistletoe. Cane tells Charlie he is up late. Charlie tries to evade Cane by telling him he is tired. Cane notices he has been drinking and he asks if he had been drinking and driving. Nick and Phyllis return home. Phyllis is excited about the success of her party and confidence in Jabot. Nick compliments Phyllis on her focus and ambition. Nick asks if she had even thought about them being together two months ago and Phyllis agrees she never saw it coming. They toast and then talk about Billy walking in with Victoria at the party. Nick says he thought for a second Billy and Victoria had gotten back together and he asks if it would bother Phyllis if they did. At Victoria's, Billy and Victoria are discussing Victor's absence and Victoria is adamant Victor is not responsible for JT's death. Billy suggests Victor has likely hired someone to find JT's killer himself and he will be back when the murder is solved. He tells her JT's killer will be toast and by Victoria's reaction he realizes he said something wrong. Reed enters and is surprised to see them. Victoria asks what is wrong. Meanwhile, Jack and Kerry and enjoying an evening drinking wine. Kerry comments that Jack is loyal to Phyllis and Jabot and that Jabot is so complicated. Jack tells her about Phyllis and Billy and says they all survived and that he has gotten past Phyllis Meanwhile, Phyllis is telling Nick that she and Billy are done and she is choosing to be happy and hopes Billy finds happiness even if it is with his sister. Nick asks if Billy is trying to send a message and Phyllis assures him she is fine with him moving on and they kiss. Reed is explaining that he was at a party and assures Billy and Victoria that he was not drinking and he heads off to bed. Victoria admits that all of Reed's issues are because of her. She wants to give her kids good memories and Billy offers to help. Back at the hospital Nate is examining Nikki and he tells her to keep fighting. Phyllis and Nick share a romantic evening in the bedroom.", "Meanwhile, Charlie insists he was not driving but Cane is upset and asks if this is something new and urges Charlie to talk to him. Charlie admits something did happen and he doesn't know what to do about it. Back at Victoria's, she and Billy continue their discussion on Phyllis and Jabot. Billy admits he will suck it up so as not to jeopardize the company and he will be patient and do what he needs to do for Jabot to succeed. He tells her that he has faced his gambling issue and that rehab helped him. They agree Billy is in a better place but he also admits that he screwed up when they were working together. Victoria gets a phone call from the hospital about Nikki. Kerry is fixing decorations on the tree when Jack gets a phone call from Billy about Nikki and they rush off to the hospital. Nick and Phyllis are chatting in bed when Nick gets his phone call about Nikki. Nick and Phyllis arrive at the hospital first followed by Billy and Victoria, then Kerry and Jack. Meanwhile, Charlie tells Cane about Shawna being done with him and how the whole night was stupid. Cane tells him he is a good kid and that he just screwed up. Charlie texts Reed to tell him he got busted and that they should go back and check the road. Reed tells him to get some sleep. Back at the hospital Nate is relaying there is internal damage with Nikki's spleen and she will be in surgery. A cop walks by and Nick angrily demands answers while the others hold him back. Phyllis tells Kerry she will cover if she wants to slip out. Kerry had no idea Nikki and Jack were married and asks how many wives Jack has had but is interrupted by Jack. She tells him she will get a ride home and says goodbye. Nick cannot get ahold of Victor. He tells Phyllis she should go home and prepare for work the next day. She agrees and he promises to call if he needs her. Billy tells Victoria he will go back to her house and watch the kids while she is at the hospital and assures her Nikki will be ok. Victoria, Nick and Jack are sitting waiting to hear about Nikki. Jack assures them Nikki will survive. Hours pass by as they wait, fall asleep, grab coffee and pace the room. Nick is furious that the person who hit Nikki has not been found. Billy tells Reed about his grandmother and Reed races off. Back at the hospital, Jack leaves and Victoria and Nick are left waiting. Nate comes out with news that Nikki had surgery to remove her spleen and that she also had a high blood alcohol content. Reed comes rushing in asking to see his grandmother. Victoria tells him it was a hit and run. Someone plowed into his grandmother and didn't stop and took off. Reed is horrified as the realization sinks in that he hit his own grandmother. Back at Cane's house, he is telling Charlies that at least he didn't drive and he isn't like Reed. Charlie gets a phone call from Reed who informs him that it was his grandmother they hit and that he is at the hospital where Nikki might not make it.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Victoria: I think a party actually sounds, I don't know, kind of fun.", "Phyllis: Welcome to jabot's holiday celebration: 2018 edition. [ Cheers and applause ] I'm glad that the both of you came, so enjoy yourself.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Billy: Oh, we intend to.", "Rey: I am going to take victor down, and when I do, you're going with him. Happy holidays, nikki. Enjoy them while you can.", "[ Thud ]", "Reed: What was that?", "Charlie: I don't know, did we hit something?", "Reed: Don't! Don't!", "Charlie: Dude, what if we hit something that was alive, like a deer or something.", "Reed: We would have seen hooves or antlers. It's fine, okay?", "Charlie: No, it's not.", "Reed: Hey! You're drunk and I'm driving with a suspended license! We're not vets! If we call for help, we're totally busted. Let me just drive you home, okay? Forget this ever happened.", "Charlie: My dad is home.", "Reed: Good. Good. That's a good thing.", "Charlie: How is that a good thing?", "Reed: That means he's not gonna pull in and see what happened to the car.", "Charlie: But what if he comes down and says, \"hey, buddy. How was your night?\"", "Reed: He's obviously asleep.", "Charlie: But if he's not?", "Reed: Black ice. It's wisconsin roads. That happens all the time. It's fine. That's it.", "Charlie: Except not.", "Reed: What, you want to tell him that you got wasted because of a girl and you were on your way to a party? Oh, and then bring me into it, a guy who he basically hates... how would that make things better?", "Charlie: There is no better. Okay? Tonight -- look, this just sucks.", "Charlie: We. Are. So. Screwed.", "Reed: Come on, man. It's not that bad.", "Charlie: Look at that!", "Reed: I saw.", "Charlie: That's a dent. That's -- [ Sighs deeply ] How am I gonna explain that? That I hit something when I was on the road and I was supposed to be home? I didn't stop to help. [ Sighs ] Look at that dent, all right? If something was alive, it's not anymore. That's because of us.", "Reed: Don't say it like that.", "Charlie: I've been in the car when bad things happen, okay? This isn't the same as when... [ Sighs ] This is not good.", "Reed: Man. I feel bad. I feel awful. Do you think that I want to think that I hit a deer? I swerve out of the road for squirrels. At least I used to when I had a license, but I don't anymore. And if I get busted for driving without...", "Charlie: I'll say that I was driving.", "Reed: After you'd been drinking? Go ahead, you do that. This is bad for you and it's bad for me. Let's just go to sleep and we'll deal with this in the morning, okay?", "Charlie: What if my dad makes it to the car tomorrow before us?", "Reed: [ Sighs ] I don't know, throw a tarp over it.", "Charlie: A tarp over the car in the garage, which we've never done before... ever.", "Reed: Just... [ Sighs ] Man, go to sleep. Just sleep this off and you'll feel better about it in the morning. We both will, okay?", "Nate: Hi. What do you have? Not sure yet. Best guess is a pedestrian hit-and-run.", "Nate: How bad is it? She'll have the entire town pulling for her, though.", "Nate: Why is that? It's nikki newman. Additional sponsorship", "Kerry: Oh, it's late, my feet hurt. But if you insisted you fixed the tree, then I have to see it.", "Jack: I believe I said I made some minor decorating changes.", "Kerry: To my handiwork? I'm a chemist, not santa's helper, but I maintain I did an excellent job on the abbott tree.", "Jack: Revisionist's history. I think we agreed that you work was, uh, haphazard.", "Kerry: Enthusiastic. All right, come on, show me your special flair.", "Jack: Wait, surely you don't think I am lying, that this would be a cover to get you here for a nightcap.", "Kerry: No, no, no, I would never think such a thing. I'll have a cabernet. What? Hmm. Mistletoe procreation -- one sad spring has become many. This wouldn't happen to be your addition to the decor.", "Jack: Actually, that was my main decorating change. I wanted to increase my odds of getting a second kiss.", "Kerry: You should have asked me beforehand. Could have saved yourself the effort.", "Jack: Oh, then it's a lost cause?", "Kerry: Absolutely hopeless.", "Jack: I guess I have to get you your coat, drive you home.", "Kerry: I'm already out the door.", "Cane: Hey. You're home late. I'm assuming you weren't at a studying group.", "Charlie: Uh, yeah. People got together to watch the game and just stayed. Trying to hang out before everyone leaves for break and stuff.", "Cane: Okay. Well, uh, can you do me a favor next time and maybe ask mattie to go with you? I mean, she doesn't have to go, but, you know, it's gonna kind of make her feel welcome.", "Charlie: Yeah, I should go to bed.", "Cane: Hey, hey, hey. Don't go. I haven't see you all day, buddy. What's going on, man? Give me an update. You don't have to talk just about school, okay?", "Charlie: I'm just tired, man.", "Cane: Hey. Hey. Hey. Come here. Have you been drinking? I can smell the beer on your breath, charlie.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] It was just one.", "Cane: Oh, buddy, what are you thinking, all right? You're underage.", "Charlie: I'm sorry. It was just tonight. I --", "Cane: You didn't drink and drive, did you?", "Charlie: No.", "Cane: You better not lie to me about this. Did you drink and drive?", "Phyllis: Did you notice --", "Nick: What, did I notice the way that those pants fit those hips? No, not one time tonight.", "Phyllis: Did you notice that I can throw a serious party?", "Nick: Yeah. You sure know how to enjoy one, too.", "Phyllis: [ Laughs ] No, i think I forgot -- I forgot that those nights can exist, you know, where you can feel the power and the success and the fun all rolled into one.", "Nick: Yeah. Isn't that, like, every night for us, though?", "Phyllis: I'm talking about the events where other people are invited. You know, I just think that the company is bouncing back. Morale up and brand confidence is gonna be next.", "Nick: You sound surprised.", "Phyllis: Well, I am, you know? I know that I exude absolute confidence.", "Nick: True.", "Phyllis: And I am confident, but, you know, I could have just as easily fallen on my face at jabot C.E.O.", "Nick: No way. Never gonna happen.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] It could have.", "Nick: Oh, come on. Look at the way jack tried to alter the company bylaws to prevent you from ever being C.E.O. I mean, deep down, even he knew when you guys were married, even before that C.E.O. Job was on your radar, that this was a person who could step in and step up. I mean, an abbott in name only, but with the smarts to make it happen.", "Phyllis: Do you really think that jack would give me that much credit?", "Nick: Phyllis, anyone who knows you -- and I mean really knows you -- can see it. The drive, that fire, the energy, the focus, the pure naked ambition.", "Phyllis: Okay. That doesn't repel you?", "[ Grunts ]", "Nick: That is not the way i feel about you.", "Phyllis: Obviously. I guess not.", "Nick: Mm. What about my ambition? Does it turn you off?", "Phyllis: I did not think that you could get sexier, but, by god, you did.", "Nick: Boom.", "Phyllis: [ Giggles ]", "Nick: Two months ago, did you ever see this, you know, you and me, like this?", "Phyllis: No. Honestly, I never saw it coming.", "Nick: You are on fire, completely in control. You did the impossible. You jumped in there and you showed those people that you are the leader that they needed. That's a big deal, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Is it too late to have a drink? Rhetorical. Of course not! You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna toast. We're gonna toast to me and jabot and you and dark horse.", "Nick: No. Unh-unh. It's not about dark horse. No way. This is about you. It's your night.", "Phyllis: No, we share, okay? And I do, on occasion. And only with you.", "Nick: It was, uh... it was a good event, even though billy and vick did show up.", "Phyllis: Yeah. That was something, him walking in with jabot's biggest competitor on his arm. He's always loved making an entrance.", "Nick: Mm. The guy feeds on attention.", "Phyllis: Mm. Yes, he does, with his rotating ladies. First it was sharon, then victoria. I wonder who he's gonna show up next with.", "Nick: For a second there, i did think, you know, that maybe billy and vick were back together.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Would you have gotten all protective brother on him, gotten in his face?", "Nick: You know what, it's obvious. Vick is, uh, doing her own thing right now, and I don't get a vote, even though I know I'm right. What I'd really like to know is how much would it bother you if billy and vick were back together.", "Billy: I mean, come on. Who sleeps with a toy plane?", "Victoria: [ Scoffs ] Your daughter, the pilot.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] The pilot. Yeah. When your dad gets back, I'm sure he'll buy her a plane. Or, knowing him, an entire airline. You're worried about him, aren't you?", "Victoria: Look, he's gone awol before, but, um, you know, there's always been something behind it, a death or a loss, and we expect him to go underground, recover, but not like this. I mean, there's -- there's been no e-mail, no text. Not to us, not to the company. It's just not like dad to casually neglect newman. For no reason.", "Billy: Well, maybe it's not entirely out of nowhere.", "Victoria: Dad is not responsible for J.T. He did not hire someone, he did not do it himself, not anything like that, okay?", "Billy: That's not what I'm saying, vick. What I'm saying is your dad hates to not be in control. Okay? He's an egomaniac. He's not gonna sit back and the let the gcpd take their time trying to find J.T.'S killer. He's probably got a team out there doing it himself. And he'll come back into town with his black cloak flappin' in the wind, and he'll present J.T.'S killer, head on a platter.", "Victoria: You obviously thought a lot about this.", "Billy: Just off the top of my head. But, if anything, your dad is predictable, and J.T.'S killer will be toast, trust me. Did I say something?", "Reed: Oh. I didn't know that you'd be here.", "Victoria: Reed. Hi. What's wrong?", "Kerry: It felt good tonight, being a part of something.", "Jack: I wish my dad could hear you say that.", "Kerry: Mm.", "Jack: Boy, did he love jabot, and he always wanted that, a sense of unity. I may not be part of the day-to-day, but seeing the company through your eyes is fun. It feels good.", "Kerry: Wow. You really seem okay with not being there. I mean, unless I missed it, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of awkwardness between the abbotts and the new C.E.O.", "Jack: Yeah, my family can behave when the timing counts.", "Kerry: I didn't mean it like that.", "Jack: I know that. You're a brilliant chemist and even more brilliant at navigating the political mine fields of jabot.", "Kerry: Well, phyllis knows I'm loyal to her and to the company. It's a collective success, and I'm very invested.", "Jack: Yeah, and yet here you are, on my sofa, under my mistletoe. I'm glad you can leave your work in the lab behind and come drink wine with me.", "Kerry: Jabot is not the most complicated company I've ever worked for.", "Jack: No?", "Kerry: The most incestuous, though? Very. Too far?", "Jack: No, no, no, no. You're right on the money.", "Kerry: Everyone's related, everyone has their own complicated history...", "Jack: Most notably billy, phyllis, and yours truly.", "Kerry: Since you're mentioning it, I guess the topic isn't off-limits.", "Jack: Phyllis and I had our time. So did she and billy. It turns out, some of those times were concurrent, and that wasn't easy. For any of us. But, you know what, we all survived.", "Kerry: It's a very generous way of seeing things.", "Jack: Yeah, there's enough pain to go around. We don't need to wish it on each other. Well, except maybe sometimes. I'm past the whole phyllis thing. For a while, there, I wondered.", "Kerry: Oh?", "Jack: We all fall back on the familiar. Sometimes, even the most painful past is more appealing than an unpredictable future. But you can't go backwards. It's a trap. And there is so much good stuff ahead.", "Phyllis: Well, I think we did this. Didn't we already do this? I mean, you know, billy and i are done. We burned it down. I guess I could wallow in my guilt and my shame, but I choose to be happy. The kind of happy that feels like relief and excitement at the same time. So if he can get that with somebody else, or with victoria, I hope he grabs it. Even if it is with your sister. Don't hate me.", "Nick: He better not be messing with her head. He started with sharon, now vick. I mean, do you think this is about his social life, or do you think he's trying to send a message?", "Phyllis: Well, I don't know what kind of message that would be. Maybe \"I still got it.\"", "Nick: Maybe it's directed right to us, you know, to show us what it would be like to jump into the old well.", "Phyllis: Did you just call it -- excuse me!", "Nick: Well, okay, maybe I'm reading too much into it.", "Phyllis: You are!", "Nick: [ Chuckles ]", "Phyllis: You are. Listen to me. Billy is not gonna hurt victoria ever again. He better not even think about it because she's not gonna take any garbage from anyone.", "Nick: That almost sounds like admiration.", "Phyllis: It's respect. Besides, I don't think billy could really hold a mirror to us when it comes to weird dating choices. We are an actual couple, not some dog-and-pony show slash performance art. I do not care what billy thinks or does anymore, just like you don't care about sharon. Am I wrong?", "Nick: You are not wrong.", "Phyllis: We just got back from a party.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: We have some incredible wine.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Epic chemistry.", "Nick: Yep.", "Phyllis: Healthy libidos. Why exactly are we talking?", "Nick: Yeah, stop talking.", "Phyllis: Really.", "Reed: Um, there was a party. It was -- it was lame.", "Victoria: Oh, what kind of party?", "Reed: Mom, I haven't been drinking, so don't worry about me.", "Billy: Hey, come and sit down. Let's talk logistics, you know, like who's gonna eat the cookies come christmas eve or who's gonna be the reindeer and eat the carrots -- you know, that kind of thing.", "Reed: I can -- I can eat the carrots. Um, I'm gonna go to bed. Night, guys.", "Billy: Hey!", "Victoria: And he's gone, just like that.", "Billy: Well, at least he's not vowing vengeance or retribution on his father's killer. That's success.", "Victoria: I miss him. I miss him. He's in the house, and I still miss him. He used to be my little boy, and now he's practically a grown man. And his father's gone. Thank you. And the year that he's had, and johnny and katie -- I mean, how much turmoil and change can one kid take? It's all because of my choices.", "Billy: Don't do that. What happened between you and J.T., That's not your fault. And what happened to him after is someone else's entirely.", "Victoria: But I'm their mother. I'm their mother, and it all comes back to me, no matter what. And I picture them in the future, and all of this emotional scarring that they'll have to deal with that I didn't save them from, and I -- I can't fix the bigs things, and I even find the smaller things daunting.", "Billy: Okay, what smaller things?", "Victoria: All of this, like, christmas. Christmas song and cookies and paper snowflakes and all that. I just want to give them some good memories before this year is over.", "Billy: We can do that. We can do that together.", "Victoria: We?", "Billy: Yes. I will be your very own personal kringle man. Whatever you need, I will take care of it, okay? \"Ho, ho, ho.\"", "Nate: Keep fighting, nikki. Keep fighting.", "Charlie: I wasn't drinking and driving. I wouldn'T. I let a friend drive me home -- a sober friend.", "Cane: All right. Listen, it is a school night, and you're underage and you're drinking. Okay? So what is this? Is this about mom? I mean, are you suddenly gonna start acting out, or something?", "Charlie: No! No.", "Cane: Okay, do you realize if something happened and you got busted, you can kiss all your college acceptance goodbye. Do you know that? Do you?", "Charlie: Yes, dad, I know. I'm sorry. I wish I hadn't taken a single sip.", "Cane: So tell me something. Is this a regular thing that I'm just figuring out now and finding out about? What is it?", "Charlie: No. I swear.", "Cane: Okay, so what's going on? Listen, I'm not gonna kid myself that this is the first beer you've had. All right? But if this is not about mum, if it's something else... all right? Buddy, what is going on? Did something happen tonight? Talk to me.", "Charlie: Something did happen. Dad, I don't know what to do about it.", "Billy: I think it's the hat. It really brings out your ears. They're adorable.", "Victoria: That's funny. You're very proud of yourself, aren't you?", "Billy: Well, my game is strong.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. I think you're just acting cocky because you were able to push phyllis' buttons when you walked in with me.", "Billy: Phyllis isn't why I do anything anymore. She's my boss. That's it.", "Victoria: Ooh! \"Boss\" said without choking.", "Billy: Mm-hmm, because I'm a pro.", "Victoria: Yes, you are. You were very professional tonight. You stood back and you let her run the party and run the whole show.", "Billy: Mm-hmm, phyllis in all her glory.", "Victoria: Oh! Also said without choking.", "Billy: Only on the irony. Phyllis running jabot while i stand back like a good foot soldier and... all right, I'm starting to choke a little bit. I'll stop there. In all honesty, I want my company back. I want the abbott company back in abbott hands. But I will suck it up, I will do the right thing. I won't do anything to jeopardize the company, to make it crash and burn so I can ride in like a hero. I'll be patient, and I will do what I need to do to make sure it succeeds.", "Victoria: Good. Just work hard and focus.", "Billy: That's the plan.", "Victoria: Good. That's very good.", "Billy: Are you questioning me because you think I might be stressed out and making mistakes and possibly gambling again?", "Victoria: Well, I mean, you don't have to -- you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.", "Billy: It's okay. I know that, for me, gambling cannot come in moderation. I learned that. For a time, I thought I could walk the fine line and gamble on ponies or cards or whatever else it was, and I would have it in control, but that's not true, and very intensive, very expensive rehab helped me admit that. But I did. No more gambling for me. It's not on the table. Now it's day to day.", "Victoria: You seem happier. I know it doesn't feel that way. I know that the highs are not the same.", "Billy: Mm. Or the lows.", "Victoria: But, from what i can see, you seem a lot lighter, you know? Even with everything that's been going on lately.", "Billy: I say it's the antlers.", "Victoria: However, you did give jabot a very nice christmas present with the boutiques.", "Billy: Yep.", "Victoria: With ashley and her products gone, the company could have easily shutteredbefore the end of 2018, and your idea was the company's life raft.", "Billy: Yes, I am a hero, victoria.", "Victoria: You are a hero. I wish, you know, that you could have come up with that idea for the boutiques for brash & sassy two years ago. That would have been nice.", "Billy: Yeah, but I'm truthfully a screw-up.", "Victoria: No, I didn't mean that.", "Billy: No, but it's true because we could have been celebrating tonight. We could have had a beautiful christmas shindig and celebrated brash & sassy's phenomenal success, but my lapses in judgment were very substantial while we were working together.", "Victoria: We all made some bad decisions.", "Billy: This right here, these costumes, were a fantastic decision. This right here is a north pole power couple in the making.", "Victoria: We can always have fun, can't we?", "Billy: Always.", "Victoria: Always. [ Cellphone rings ] Hello?", "Jack: Can I see your work now?", "Kerry: Have some patience.", "Jack: Eh, you can say I'm a legendary businessman. I'm afraid patience isn't part of my legendary skill set.", "Kerry: [ Chuckles ]", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Kerry: Every time a phone pings...", "Jack: ...An angel gets his wings.", "Kerry: Exactly.", "Jack: It's my brother.", "Kerry: [ Chuckles ]", "Jack: Oh, god. It's nikki newman. There's been an accident. She's in the hospital. I got to -- I got to go.", "Kerry: I'll drive you.", "Jack: No, that's all right. I'm okay.", "Kerry: No, no, no. You need your hands for your phone.", "Phyllis: What's that?", "Nick: Oh, this...", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: There you go.", "Phyllis: You think this would make a real good social media post?", "Nick: [ Chuckles ]", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] For the jabot page or my personal page, you know, \"genoa city's power couple. They like to work hard but play harder.\" Something like that.", "Nick: Well, my hat is amazing.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it is. [ Cellphone rings ] Who is calling you this time of night?", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Might be about the kids. Hello? What? Yeah, uh, okay. I'm on my way.", "Phyllis: What is it? What's going on?", "Nick: My mom's in the er. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Nick: Excuse me. I'm nick newman. My mother was brought in here. Let me get the doctor for you.", "Nick: No, I need some information, please!", "Phyllis: They'll get the doctor, they'll find the doctor.", "Victoria: Nick. Have you seen mom? Where is she?", "Nick: We just got here. I saw a nurse. She didn't know anything. They're looking for a doctor.", "Jack: Hey.", "Phyllis: Jack. Kerry.", "Billy: I, uh -- I called jack.", "Victoria: Good. Mom would want you here.", "Jack: I was on the phone the whole ride over. The hospital wouldn't tell me anything.", "Victoria: All we know is that there was a car accident.", "Nick: I don't even remember mom leaving the party. What the hell happened?", "Charlie: Shauna's just done with me. And she didn't even tell me herself. She just posted like 20 pictures with this new guy and changed her relationship status. I mean, a week ago...", "Cane: I know, you were sending her ab shots. I know, I'm sorry.", "Charlie: She was saying how hard it was to be apart.", "Cane: And you wanted to go to colorado and see her, too, huh?", "Charlie: Yeah. And if you would have let me go, it would be have been me, shauna, and her new boyfriend. I'm so stupid. This whole night is just stupid.", "Cane: So it was just the beer, right? There's nothing else you want to tell me, or...? Okay. All right, buddy. Go, uh, have a shower, get some rest, all right? I'm gonna go back to bed. I mean, unless there is something you want to talk about.", "Charlie: No. I'm not ready yet.", "Cane: Okay. All right. You're a good kid, all right? I love you. You screwed up. But don't ever do it again, do you understand me?", "Charlie: Yeah.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Charlie: Yes, sir.", "Cane: All right, pal.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Nate: I got this. Okay.", "Nick: How is she? What happened?", "Nate: There's internal damage.", "Nick: How bad?", "Nate: It's her spleen.", "Victoria: We need to see her and let her --", "Nate: She's already being prepped for surgery.", "Victoria: Already?", "Nate: Yeah.", "Nick: Does she know where she is?", "Nate: No. She's still unconscious. I'll keep you updated as best i can, but I'll be in the or with her, okay?", "Nick: Who knows how long she was out in that cold. Who would do something like this? Hey! Did they find him? Did the find the person that did this to my mom?", "Jack: Nick! Nick!", "Phyllis: Nick!", "Nick: I want him in jail now!", "Jack: You need to punch a wall, we got outside. In here, you hold it together. I mean that.", "Nick: All right. I need to get ahold of summer. Maybe she heard from dad. Dad needs to be here.", "Phyllis: Okay. Just tell her we love her.", "Nick: I'll be back.", "Phyllis: Hey. This is a lot, so, uh, I can let jack know when things settle down if you need to slip out.", "Kerry: I was there with him when he got the text. I didn't know he and nikki were so close.", "Phyllis: They were -- they were even closer before. They were married. A couple times.", "Kerry: I had no idea.", "Phyllis: Well, I think she could have had jack, but victor newman is her kryptonite.", "Kerry: Mm. The way jack talks to nick, the way he knows him...", "Phyllis: Yeah. That's what happens after you're part of a family for so long. I mean, sometimes jack still sounds like their stepfather. The bond has taken a couple of hits over the years, but... jack is loyal. When he cares about someone, it's forever. Ooh. [ Chuckles ] You haven't gotten the \"who, what, when\" history lesson yet.", "Kerry: How many wives had jack had?", "Jack: Hey, I'm sorry. I should stick around here. You should go home.", "Kerry: Are you sure?", "Jack: Yeah. Yeah. Let me call you a ride.", "Kerry: Oh, no, no, no. It's okay. That's not necessary.", "Jack: How are you gonna get home?", "Kerry: There's an app for that. I'll be fine. I'm thinking good thoughts for nikki.", "Jack: Thanks.", "Kerry: Hey. I know work is the last thing on your mind right now, but if you need me to do anything...", "Phyllis: I appreciate that.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Summer hasn't heard from dad, nor has anyone in his office. They don't have any way to get ahold of him.", "Phyllis: Is she okay?", "Nick: Well, I had to walk a fine line between trying to get information out of her and not freaking her out.", "Phyllis: Wherever victor is, whatever he's doing, he's gonna find out, and nikki's gonna wake up, and she's gonna be fine.", "Nick: You look tired.", "Phyllis: No, I'm good.", "Nick: No, you should go home and get some sleep.", "Phyllis: I'm not going anywhere.", "Nick: Phyllis, you have a huge day tomorrow. You're gonna get all of your holiday numbers. It's gonna be a monster. You need to be prepared for that.", "Phyllis: I'm gonna put a phone under my pillow, okay? You call me if you need anything, even if it's a sandwich.", "Nick: I will.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Billy: [ Clears throat ]", "Victoria: Nick's right.", "Billy: Yeah, which is why I'm gonna go to your place and relieve hannah, make sure the kids are okay, and be there just in case you don't make it home tonight.", "Victoria: Just don't give them christmas cookies for breakfast, please.", "Billy: Hey, things happen sometimes. Your mom is strong. She's gonna be okay, okay? Just like her daughter.", "Nick: I hate this place. The sitting and the waiting, you know what that means. The last time we were here, it was for dad.", "Victoria: He made it.", "Nick: Yeah, but they're not immortal. Someday, vick, we're gonna come here, wait, and we're gonna go home alone.", "Jack: Someday, yes. This is not that day, not even close. Your mother's a very strong woman. She's endured a lot, she has survived a lifetime with victor. If she can survive that, she can survive quite a lot.", "Victoria: Where's my brother?", "Nick: Gcpd still has no idea who did this to mom. I'm not going another night without this bastard locked up in a cell.", "Reed: Hmm. I see how it is.", "Billy: No, you don'T.", "Reed: Telling me you didn't spend the night?", "Billy: Your mom's at memorial right now.", "Reed: What? What happened?", "Billy: It's not her. She's fine. It's actually -- it's your grandmother.", "Reed: I got to go. I've got to be there now.", "Billy: Hey.", "Jack: Listen, I'm gonna make a quick trip home, take a shower, check on dina. I'll be back, all right?", "Victoria: Thank you for being there for mom.", "Jack: I always will be. Call me with any changes?", "Nick: We will.", "Nate: [ Sighs ]", "Victoria: Hey, how did it go?", "Nick: Hey. How'd the surgery go?", "Nate: The team removed your mother's spleen. She's in recovery.", "Victoria: Oh, that's great. That's what we wanted, right?", "Nate: Have you been able to reach victor?", "Victoria: No, not yet.", "Nate: He'll want to be here.", "Nick: Just say whatever it is you're trying not to say.", "Nate: I'm not -- I'm not trying to dodge your question. We just don't know enough yet. So we wait, we run more tests. But we did get some results back earlier. Nikki had a high blood alcohol content when she was brought in.", "Victoria: Well, that doesn't make any sense.", "Nick: No, no. We were with her at the party. We didn't notice anything. Why would she start drinking again now?", "Nate: I have to go check in with a specialist. We're covering every angle.", "Victoria: Mom was drinking?", "Nick: What?", "Reed: How is grandma? Can I see her?", "Victoria: Honey, you did not have to come here.", "Reed: I should be here with you.", "Nick: Your grandma's out of surgery.", "Victoria: The doctors are working really hard right now.", "Reed: It's bad, isn't it?", "Victoria: Look, I'm gonna call you if there's any updates. I think you should just go home.", "Reed: I'm not gonna leave you alone. What happened?", "Victoria: It was dark out and very icy, and there was a hit-and-run.", "Nick: Yeah. Up behind the club. Somebody plowed into your grandmother, didn't stop, and just took off.", "Cane: That's my boy. You feel that pain, all right? Don't forget it.", "Charlie: There's no chance of that.", "Cane: All right. We know what the decent thing in all of this was. You didn't drive. I mean, you look at reed, okay? He doesn't have a license. Charlie, you don't want to be like reed. Do you understand me? [ Cellphone rings ] Is that shauna? All right. Take your time, all right? And, uh, enjoy your hangover.", "Charlie: Hey.", "Reed: It was my grandma. Last night on the road when we -- when we were wondering... it was my grandma. I'm at the hospital now. She might not make it." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Phyllis is told of the accident and she and Nick go to see Daniel nearby. He has fractured ribs and will be fine. Phyllis isn't happy that she didn't know right away that he was hurt. He could have died. Phyllis gets a visit from Victor and Nikki who are glad to meet their new grandchild. Victor is thrilled. Phyllis calls Michael and Lauren to come and visit. They get ready to go to the hospital and are ready to go out the door when Lauren suddenly decides that she should really stay home instead. Michael heads out alone. Lily is with Daniel and she fills him in on the fuzzy memories that he has of the night before. He has fractured ribs and a pnuemo-something. He has a tube in him that helps him to breathe but otherwise he is going to be fine. Joanna and Gloria Victoria tells Brad that her father was asking questions at Indigo and she told him that Brad had a brother who died and that Brad took over his identity. Brad is furious. \"Do you know what you have done?\" He tells that this is only going to peak Victor's curiosity now and he will have more questions than ever. He and Victoria head out to the hospital to see the new baby. Brad and Nikki go for coffee and Victor and Victoria sit and talk. Victor says that he likes Rebecca and asks how she is. Victoria says that she is a wonderful mother-in-law. \"You should bring her to the Christmas party. The more family there the better,\" he says. Nikki and Brad are returning from getting their coffees and Nikki tells him that she had no idea that he had a brother. \"I don't like to talk about that,\" Brad says. Nikki says that she understands but the second that she is with Victor again she tells him how Brad shied away from the question when she brought it up. They know that both Brad and Victoria are lying to them. That is unacceptable to Victor. JT and Colleen show up to help Victoria with her rescheduling of the event. Adrian is there and ignores Colleen the entire time. He doesn't even look at her. He leaves before the work is done, telling he has some exams to take care of. JT and Colleen go home later and he is feeling amorous. She tells him that she is too tired. He understands and decides to go and have a shower. He promises to make breakfast for them when he gets out. He calls Michael and tells him that he wants him to look into something. He wants Brad investigated. \"He has been living under an assumed name for some years now. He supposedly had a brother that had the name and that died.\" Michael feels that this is something that Paul would be better at handling. Victor doesn't want anyone else to know about this aside from Michael." ]
[ "Phyllis: Oh, look at you yawning! Isn't she the most beautiful thing? She's gorgeous.", "Nick: She's just like her mama.", "Phyllis: You gave us quite a scare. Yes, you did.", "Nick: You know, she's only a couple hours old and she's already a troublemaker.", "Phyllis: I know. I think it's genetics. I couldn't believe what I was going through in that elevator-- not being able to reach you.", "Nick: It was driving me crazy. I wanted to be with you so bad.", "Phyllis: I thought it was some... some payback for all the bad things I've done in my past.", "Nick: The world doesn't work that way. Not in my world.", "Phyllis: I couldn't bare the thought of you losing another daughter.", "Nick: It didn't happen.", "Phyllis: No, it didn't.", "Nick: You and the baby are okay. That's all that matters.", "Phyllis: Oh, you know, we're okay thanks to Jack.", "Nikki: There's Jack.", "Victor: Jack? Where are they?", "Jack: You heard?", "Victor: Yes.", "Nikki: You saved the baby's life.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Nick: Oh, thank God you were in that elevator.", "Jack: Wait till you see this little girl. She's incredible.", "Victor: That's our granddaughter. We owe you.", "Phyllis: Nick, I felt so guilty. Jack in that elevator with me, delivering this child. After everything the two of us went through trying to have a baby together. And not to mention, I know that he was hoping that this child might be his.", "Nick: Well, it was meant to be, I guess.", "Phyllis: Why is it meant to be? That's so cruel.", "Nick: We don't get to know why.", "Phyllis: Mmm. I mean, I know this-- I can trust Jack with my life... and our baby's life. What are you looking at?", "Nick: Well, there's your answer. It's a hell of a story, you know? I mean, you, stuck in an elevator during an ice storm, the power goes out and you go into labor. I'm desperately trying to get to you and I don't make it in time.", "Phyllis: And we live happily ever after, right?", "Nick: Okay, uh...y, I gotta tell you. There's--there's more to the story.", "Phyllis: What do you mean, more? Did we have twins?", "Nick: No, we don't have twins. Uh, Daniel and Lily were in a car accident last night.", "Phyllis: Wait, wait a second, what?", "Nick: Yeah, they hit an ice patch and slid through a guardrail. The airbags deployed.", "Phyllis: Thank God.", "Nick: But Daniel was stuck in the car-- pinned behind the steering wheel. His driver's side door was all mashed in.", "Phyllis: What-- and how do you know?", "Nick: Well, I was on my way to get you. And, uh, I saw Lily in my headlights, trying to flag down help. She didn't know it was me. And then we pried Daniel out of the car.", "Phyllis: So when I spoke to the two of you on the phone...", "Nick: We were on our way to the hospital. Daniel was having trouble breathing.", "Lily: And I thought that we would never make it to the hospital in time. And then he picked you up and ran you into the emergency room.", "Daniel: Nick did that?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Daniel: I guess I missed out on all the excitement, huh?", "Lily: Well, I don't know if you would call it excitement. You have a, um... a fractured rib and pneumo-something. But the doctor says that you're gonna be okay.", "Daniel: What about you? You okay?", "Lily: Yeah, I'm just sore from the stupid airbag. I'm fine.", "Daniel: Mom have the baby?", "Lily: Yeah, she did. How about it, huh? You have a little sister.", "Kay: \"The money went to Violets.\"", "Amber: What does that mean?", "Jill: And Phillip knows what you did.", "Kay: I'm certainly glad he does, because I have no idea what Sylvia Browne was talking about.", "Jill: He knows what you did, and he forgives you.", "Kay: I don't remember hurting Phillip, but evidently I must have.", "Amber: And she also said someone needs your help.", "Kay: Well, that's what my nightmares must be about, but... dear God in heaven, I still don't have any answers.", "Gloria: Good morning, everybody! And happy holidays!", "Michael: Hey.", "Lauren: Oh, hi, Gloria.", "Gloria: Oh, how'd everybody sleep?", "Joanna: How do you think? Fen was up all night because of the storm.", "Michael: Eggs anyone?", "Lauren: Yes, please, honey.", "Gloria: Yeah, I heard the power was out over most of the city. Personally, I love a good storm. I slept right through it.", "Michael: Eggs? Eggs?", "Joanna: No eggs for me. Thank you for asking.", "Michael: Okay.", "Gloria: Where is my grandson?", "Lauren: Asleep, mercifully.", "Joanna: I don't see how you are ever going to get him on a schedule if you let him sleep now, Lauren.", "Lauren: Mother, the baby was up all night.", "Gloria: You know, sometimes, Joanna, you just gotta learn how to be flexible.", "Lily: Oh, look who came to say hello.", "Phyllis: Your baby sister wanted to say hi.", "Daniel: Hi, baby sis.", "Lily: She is gorgeous. Can I hold her?", "Phyllis: Oh, sure.", "Lily: Okay.", "Phyllis: Make sure you have her head.", "Lily: Okay. Hi, little baby.", "Phyllis: There you go.", "Lily: Oh, my gosh.", "Phyllis: Daniel... how are you?", "Daniel: It hurts. I'm lucky to be here.", "Phyllis: What did the doctor say?", "Lily: Um, Daniel fractured a rib and tore the lining of his lung. Here you go --back to mommy.", "Phyllis: What does-- what does that mean?", "Lily: It just means that ...", "Lily: He'll be in the hospital for a day or so, but he'll be all right.", "Phyllis: Daniel, why didn't you tell me when I talked to you on the phone?", "Daniel: While you were in labor?", "Phyllis: Yes, while I was in labor. I'm a mother. I need to know that. I mean, what if you'd died?", "Daniel: What if I'd died?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Daniel: I didn't die.", "Phyllis: Well you must've been terrified.", "Daniel: Not as scared as I was when I was trapped in that car and there was gasoline dripping.", "Phyllis: There was gasoline dripping?", "Daniel: Yeah and there were sparks flying out--", "Phyllis: There were sparks flying? You didn't tell me--", "Daniel: But, you know, I said to myself-- no way was I gonna die on my baby sister's birthday.", "JT: Is your coffee cold? Do you want a refill?", "Colleen: No, thanks.", "JT: You know, you've looked miserable. It's too bad you had to get stuck over on campus with that workaholic", "JT: Yeah, it's just as well. We'll go get your car later this morning.", "Colleen: JT, I...", "JT: Oh, damn it, my alarm clock. I hate this sound!", "Brad: Hey. I'm gonna go shovel some of that salt off the driveway. I'll be right back.", "Victoria: Brad, uh, wait a second. Um, we may run into my mother and father at the hospital. So you need to know what happened last night.", "Brad: What happened?", "Victoria: My dad was, um, he was talking to your mother. And he was trying to get-- he was trying to get some information out of her.", "Brad: All right, well, mom can handle that.", "Victoria: He was asking a lot of questions about you. You know, uh, when my father investigated you before we got married, he found out that you were using an assumed name.", "Brad: You never told me that.", "Victoria: Well, I just found out myself. So I thought that I better explain it before my father trapped Rebecca into saying something that she couldn't explain.", "Brad: Explain it how? What did you say?", "Victoria: I told him that... I told him that you took your brother's identity--", "Brad: My what?!", "Victoria: And you joined the navy. It's the only thing that I could think of. I was trying to think on my feet. I'm sorry.", "Brad: What about the real Brad Carlton?", "Victoria: He died in a car accident.", "Brad: Do you see what you've done here? Now we have to tell more lies to cover up what you said about my non-existent older brother.", "Brad: Victoria, you have opened the door to a ton of questions here. How do I produce a birth certificate?", "Victoria: I thought I was helping you.", "Brad: Now what do I do? How do I play this? Victor pries into this too deeply, and he could find some answers that hurt us all.", "Victor: Oh, my goodness!", "Nikki: Oh!", "Victor: Well, congratulations to both of you.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Nick: Thank you, dad.", "Nikki: Oh...", "Victor: So, son, how does it feel to be a dad again, huh?", "Nick: There is just nothing like it.", "Victor: Look at that. Look at that.", "Nikki: I don't think I could get you a Christmas gift that will top this.", "Nick: Mom, honestly, I have my Christmas present for life right here.", "Phyllis: That's for sure. Look at you, sugar plum. Look at you. Sweetie... this is Nikki and that's Victor.", "Victor: There, you see? That's right.", "Nikki: Hey, sweetheart.", "Victor: By the way, how is Daniel?", "Nikki: Look at her.", "Phyllis: Oh, he's okay. Thanks for asking.", "Nick: Phyllis just found out about the accident. Some night, huh?", "Phyllis: She's so little.", "Victor: Boy, look at that.", "Victoria: Excuse me!", "Brad: Hey!", "Victoria: We're here to meet our new little niece.", "Phyllis: Here she is.", "Victoria: She's beautiful.", "Brad: Wow. Who--who wants to hold her while I--", "Nikki: I will. I will. I will. I will.", "Nick: Gee, I wonder who.", "Victor: Okay, here we go.", "Nikki: Hello, princess.", "Brad: Beautiful.", "Nikki: Yes, hello, princess.", "Nick: Hey, hey, hey.", "Nikki: Look at you, sweetheart.", "Gloria: Two months is way too young to be teething.", "Joanna: Lauren was teething at two and a half months.", "Gloria: Impossible.", "Joanna: No, it isn't.", "Lauren: Okay, the doctor said four months. Can we drop it?", "Gloria: See?", "Joanna: That's because the baby was born prematurely.", "Michael: Okay, slackers, I could use some help in there.", "Gloria: Of course, Michael. Anything you need.", "Joanna: That woman-- she must be driving you batty.", "Esther: Well, the car's out of the ditch, but you have a flat tire.", "Amber: I don't have a spare.", "Esther: Robert's running into town to get you one.", "Amber: That's really nice of you.", "Esther: You can thank Mrs. C..", "Amber: Thank you.", "Kay: I can still see him sitting there in that chair-- swinging his legs.", "Jill: I should never have sent him off to boarding school so young.", "Amber: Didn't Phillip like boarding school?", "Jill: He didn't have a choice. I had just married John Abbott. I was insecure. I thought if Phillip was around, it would put too much pressure on the marriage.", "Amber: Really? I heard John Abbott was a great guy.", "Jill: He was. He was a great guy. It was me--I was selfish. John would've been a wonderful father to Phillip. He wanted him here. But I said no. If I had just kept him... he wouldn't have resented me. He wouldn't have been so angry. He wouldn't have turned to the bottle.", "Kay: Well, that may have been my fault-- his having the drinking problem. After all, I am alcoholic. He may have inherited it from me. Though, no one could've known that at the time. No, Phillip trusted me. He trusted and I did nothing to stop him from self-destructing. Oh, no. I'm the one who failed him.", "Jill: We both failed him.", "Colleen: Imagine if Nick hadn't come along when he did.", "JT: Yeah, or Jack hadn't gotten in the elevator with Phyllis. She would've had to deliver the baby herself.", "Daniel: Where were you guys?", "Victoria: Hey! Uh, may I come in?", "Lily: Of course, come on in.", "JT: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi. Nick told us what happened. Are you okay?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Victoria: How about you? How are you feeling?", "Lily: Oh, I'm--I'm sore, but it's no big deal.", "Victoria: Good. Well, I see that you survived the storm.", "Colleen: Why wouldn't I?", "Victoria: JT was worried about you. He, uh, tried to call you, but we couldn't get any reception.", "Colleen: Well, I was at school. He knew I was.", "JT: Yeah, but it was still good hearing your voice.", "Victoria: Well, I'm happy you were safe. Listen, I don't know if you have any time today, but I could really use your help.", "Colleen: Sure, what do you need?", "Victoria: Well, I, um, wanted to start working on rescheduling the benefit. And I was thinking maybe you could meet me at the house later.", "Colleen: Okay.", "JT: I'll pitch in. I'm good.", "Victoria: Great. Well, your little sister is adorable.", "Daniel: So is your niece.", "Victoria: I hope you feel better.", "Daniel: I will.", "Victoria: Okay. Bye.", "Lily: Bye. So, um, you were with Victoria last night?", "JT: Yeah, at Indigo, with a bunch of people.", "Daniel: You guys realize that years from now, people are gonna be asking, \"where were you during that big ice storm of '06?\"", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart. Sit down.", "Victoria: Hi, daddy.", "Victor: The nurse asked your mother and me to leave for a while.", "Victoria: Where's Brad?", "Victor: I think he's getting some coffee with your mother.", "Victoria: Hmm. You know, it was really nice having Indigo all to ourselves last night. I think it really gave you all a good chance to... to really get to know Rebecca.", "Victor: Yeah. She's an interesting woman.", "Victoria: Yeah, she is.", "Victor: I'm sure that Brad is a lot of comfort to her.", "Victoria: I've really enjoyed having her around.", "Victor: Bring her to our Christmas party. You know, I love to have as much family around me as possible.", "Brad: Daniel was very fortunate Nick knew what to do.", "Nikki: Oh, I'll say. He could've died. Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk.", "Brad: Why are you sorry?", "Nikki: Well, it must bring up painful memories for you, when you lost your older brother.", "Brad: Yeah. Uh, mom and I were talking about that this morning.", "Nikki: I can't believe all the years I've known you, and I never knew you had a brother.", "Brad: I-I really don't like to talk about him, Nikki.", "Nikki: I understand.", "Daniel: Hey. What's crackin', Jack?", "Jack: You okay?", "Daniel: It hurts like hell. But I guess considering the alternative...", "Jack: Where's Lily?", "Daniel: She's out getting something to eat.", "Jack: I see the hospital has you on a, \"restricted diet.\"", "Jack: Even for pizza? Want me to see if I can smuggle in a slice?", "Daniel: Nah, thanks.", "Jack: Boy, I thought your mom put me through the wringer, then I heard about you.", "Daniel: Yeah, yeah, well, I couldn't let her get all the attention, now could I?", "Jack: Are you guys trying to give me back-to-back heart attacks?", "Daniel: Word is you're a hero.", "Jack: I will never again complain about a boring day behind the desk.", "Daniel: You know, Jack... you have helped me more times than I can count. And now my baby sister-- she already owes you her first day on this planet. I guess we're just never gonna be rid of you, huh?", "Jack: No such luck, kiddo. No such luck. (Telephone ringing)", "Lauren: Hello?", "Phyllis: Hey, Lauren, it's Phyllis.", "Michael: Hello?", "Phyllis: Oh, hey, Michael, you, too.", "Lauren: Michael?", "Michael: Yeah, I'm on the extension.", "Lauren: Oh, yeah, yeah, right, right, right. Well, then-- no, I'll get off.", "Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, stay, I have news.", "Michael: What--what's up?", "Lauren: Is everything okay?", "Phyllis: Uh, what's up? Hmm, there was an ice storm last night.", "Lauren: Yeah, really. Did you lose power, too?", "Phyllis: Yeah, and that's probably why my daughter was born in an elevator.", "Michael: You had the baby?!", "Michael: Did you just say that she was born in an elevator?", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Michael: Yes, only you. Congratulations. Congratulations.", "Phyllis: Thanks. I can't wait for you guys to see her.", "Michael: Oh, she took her sweet time. Are you at the hospital now?", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Michael: We'll go see her?", "Lauren: Yeah, absolutely! So kiss Nick. Tell him congratulations from us.", "Phyllis: I will.", "Nick: I'm glad you and your mom are home safe, bud. Got it. Bambina-- that's with an \"a,\" not an \"o.\" All right, buddy. I love you.", "Victor: Was that Noah?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Victor: Yeah. I just want you to know that I'm very happy that... you've made me a grandfather again. Okay, see you a little later.", "Michael: All right, look, let's leave Fenmore with the battling gorgons, and we're gonna go see Phyllis' baby.", "Lauren: Oh, that is such a good deal.", "Joanna: Oh, I'll look in on him.", "Gloria: No, no, no, don't you dare. He doesn't know you. And you'll scare him, okay?", "Joanna: I beg your pardon!", "Michael: All right, you know what? Uh, Lauren and I will be going out for a while.", "Gloria: Fine. I'll take care of Fen.", "Joanna: Don't worry. He's in excellent hands.", "Victoria: Oh, good! Come on in. We're just getting started.", "JT: Thank you.", "Colleen: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi.", "JT: Very festive jacket.", "Victoria: Oh, thank you.", "Colleen: Um, oh, I-- I didn't know that you had help.", "Victoria: Yeah. We were just divvying up the guest list.", "Korbel: Grab one of these. Jump right in.", "Korbel: Let's try to keep it that way for me.", "Victoria: How much can we salvage? Really? Well, that's better than I thought.", "Korbel: You know, I do have storage space available.", "Victoria: Okay, well, uh, let's do that. (Door closes)", "Victoria: Hi. I hope you're here to help.", "Brad: Sure.", "Victoria: Good. You can start over here.", "Lauren: Michael, I, you know, I don't think it's a good idea that I leave Fen here.", "Michael: Fine. We'll take him with us.", "Lauren: We can't take him to the hospital.", "Michael: What? Too many people want refunds?", "Lauren: No, it's just-- hospitals are filled with germs. I think I should stay here with the baby and you should go.", "Amber: Phillip was hot.", "Esther: Yeah, the girls were all over him.", "Amber: I'll bet they were.", "Kay: Yes, he was quite a charmer. Do you know, I remember we would sit down at the dinner table, we'd start talking, we'd start laughing. By the time we got up, hours--hours had passed.", "Jill: I remember one Christmas, I wanted to get him something really special-- a gift that he would really love. And he said all he wanted was to come home and live with me. And have me act like his mother for once. That's all I wanted, too, you know? But I could-- I... I couldn't.", "Amber: Phillip was really lucky to have so many people that love him.", "Jack: So, okay, fess up, Nick. No guy in his right mind wants to be in the same room when a woman's having a baby. You planned all this, didn't you?", "Nick: You got the storm, the blackout, the elevator--all of it.", "Jack: The lengths he went to not to hear Phyllis' scream.", "Nikki: Aw.", "Jack: So have you come up with a name for this little darlin' yet?", "Nikki: Yeah, we keep asking that.", "Nick: We, uh, we haven't decided yet. But she was born in an Otis elevator. It's got potential.", "Phyllis: We're not naming our daughter \"Otis.\" Absolutely not.", "Nikki: Oh, no. No.", "Nick: All right. How about, uh... Isabelle? Mom, you like Isabelle?", "Nikki: Isabelle? Isabella Newman--I like that.", "Phyllis: I just-- I think that people will call her names, like--like \"Izzy,\" and then it'll be \"dizzy Izzy.\" And she'll--", "Nikki: Well, she's cute.", "Phyllis: I like Madison.", "Nick: Uh...", "Phyllis: What do you think of that?", "Nikki: Madison?", "Jack: You know what? I, uh, I got a phone call. I'll see you guys later.", "Phyllis: Uh, come-- come and say good-bye before you leave.", "Jack: Yeah, I will.", "Nick: Don't you remember? Mermaid? I wasn't a fan of that one.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Nikki: Oh, come on!", "Phyllis: You know, I wanted to give her the middle name of \"Cassidy\" to honor Cassie. But... I-I think that might be difficult for Sharon, so... maybe not.", "Nick: Well, it's a good idea. But Cassie was her own person. And our little girl's gonna be an original, too.", "Nikki: She's already a force to be reckoned with. Look how she was born, my gosh!", "Phyllis: We could call her \"storm.\"", "Nick: Storm?", "Phyllis: Storm Ann Newman.", "Jack: Well, tell me when you have an estimate, okay? Oh, and call me--tell him. Yeah. a giant oak limb fell on the gardener's shed. Thank God the kids weren't still living there. They'd have had a hell of a scare.", "Victor: I guess it was a rough night all around, wasn't it?", "Jack: Yeah. Never a dull moment.", "Victor: I've got to give you credit, Jack. You held it together. I think a lesser man would've folded under this.", "Jack: It was crazy. You have no idea. No idea at all. At one point, Phyllis is out of her mind. She's telling me to dig into her purse and pull some scissors out and cut the baby out of her belly. I kept telling her, \"Nick is calling an ambulance, he's on his way! He's on his way! Hang in there. He's on his way!\" I knew he wasn't coming. I knew the ambulance wasn't coming either, not in this weather. Even if they had come, I was trapped in an elevator between floors, in a building with no electricity. And then-- then her water broke. And these contractions kept coming, one after another, one more intense than the last. And she's in this horrific pain. And we had nothing to take the edge off. I got no phone. I can't call a doctor. The baby's in breech. And I suddenly remember... it's up to me. Whatever goes wrong--anything-- it's my responsibility. If Phyllis and the baby don't make it, I... I have to live with that. And I know I could never live with that.", "Lily: So... mom sends her love. What did the, uh, what'd the nurse say?", "Daniel: That I was the best patient ever.", "Lily: Okay, what did she really say?", "Daniel: You know, I always have had this fantasy about nurses. And I think she's game.", "Lily: Daniel! That better be the drugs talking, mister.", "Daniel: You know you're cute when you're jealous.", "Lily: Okay, did she say anything?", "Daniel: She gave me a tube to blow into to help strengthen my breathing.", "Lily: And when will they release you?", "Daniel: Soon, I hope. I gotta get some Christmas shopping done.", "Lily: Oh, please, gifts can wait, okay?", "Daniel: You know, there is one thing that I wanted to get for you.", "Lily: What?", "Daniel: There was, um, this shampoo that you borrowed from Ashley. And I just-- when I was in the car, you know, they say your life flashes in front of you, whatever. There was this moment when... I remembered when I washed your hair. And... it just smelled like coconuts. It was really soft. And I don't know, it was like a perfect moment. So... I wanted to get you that and do that all over again.", "Michael: Oh, my gosh. She is exquisite.", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Michael: That is the second most beautiful baby I have ever seen.", "Phyllis: Oh, I think it's the first.", "Michael: Oh. Okay, well, agree to disagree. What's her name?", "Nick: We, uh... we honestly don't know. It's either... Penelope...", "Phyllis: Penelope.", "Nick: Clare.", "Phyllis: Clare.", "Nick: Eugenia...", "Michael: That's just mean.", "Nick: Roxanne Summer Newman.", "Michael: Just mean as can be.", "Nick: We're struggling.", "Michael: Oh, yeah. Well, Lauren and I were challenged in the name department as well.", "Phyllis: I hope our babies will be the best of friends.", "Michael: Oh, please. It'll be no time before they're all grown up and complaining about their inept parents.", "Joanna: Lauren, you should never have fed him.", "Lauren: Shh. Shh.", "Joanna: Now he's training you to be on his schedule instead of the other way around.", "Gloria: When a baby is born premature, they need all the nourishment they can get. So then you can put them on a schedule.", "Lauren: It's okay.", "Joanna: A schedule is most important.", "Gloria: So your needs are a little more important than the baby's, huh?", "Joanna: Is that what you really think I'm trying for here?", "Gloria: I think you should butt out so I can help Lauren.", "Lauren: Shh, shh, shh.", "Joanna: Excuse me, she is my daughter.", "Lauren: All right, all right, both of you, if you really wanna help, you will leave Fen and me alone! It's okay. I'm sorry.", "Victoria: You must've been freezing your buns off in Adrian's office last night.", "Colleen: Oh, no, it wasn't that bad. Professor Korbel got jackets and stuff from the lost and found.", "Brad: Professor, that was quite a present you gave Colleen.", "Korbel: Present?", "Korbel: Oh, the book.", "Brad: Yes, the book, \"the Grugeon collection.\"", "Korbel: Yeah, well, I wanted to give Colleen something to thank her for all her hard work. Well, Victoria, it looks like you've got three willing and able soldiers to carry on. And I've gotta get back to oversee a final exam in one of my graduate courses.", "Victoria: Okay. Thanks for all your help.", "Korbel: Bye-bye.", "Victoria: See you later.", "Jack: Okay, you two, I'm outta here.", "Phyllis: Okay. Um... what about the meeting I missed with marketing?", "Jack: That should not even be on your radar now.", "Phyllis: Yeah, but... I was gonna work on the file while I was in the hospital. You could just... oh, here.", "Nick: Here you go.", "Jack: I thought you couldn't trust me with your pet project.", "Phyllis: You could just take that. Anyway... uh, hey, uh, don't forget to tell Marty that the colors were wrong on the mock-up.", "Jack: I'll do that.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Jack: And you, little beauty... I was honored-- honored to be there for your world debut. Maybe you could go a little easy for a while now?", "Jack: You're a lucky little girl. You got two great parents. I'll see you around.", "Nikki: Well, I do think that Jack was sincere in what he said about Phyllis and the baby.", "Victor: But is he sincere about anything else he says?", "Nikki: He's not the only one. Brad obviously doesn't wanna talk about losing his brother.", "Victor: That's right. And suddenly his mother appears out of the blue. And now there's a brother that we never knew about.", "Nikki: And Victoria is lying to us.", "Brad: You think Victor believed Victoria's answers?", "JT: It sounded like it. He said Rebecca cleared up a lot of questions for him. Maybe the way Victoria handled things paid off.", "Brad: Yeah. You never know with Victor.", "Esther: I'll tell her. They're putting your tire on right now.", "Amber: Oh, awesome! Thank you, Mrs. Chancellor.", "Esther: Mrs. C.?", "Kay: What is it, Esther?", "Esther: Well, maybe the information that you got from Sylvia will help you when you dream again.", "Jill: It could lead you down a new path.", "Amber: I'd be afraid to fall asleep again.", "Kay: It doesn't matter if I'm awake or dreaming of unicorns. I'm just... so confused!", "Jill: \"The money went to Violets,\" is not in the least familiar to you?", "Kay: No. What has Phillip forgiven me for? To whom do I need to make things straight? We have reminiscing and analyzing and I still have no idea what any of this means or has to do with a baby crying in my nightmares!", "Jill: I know, I know, I know. It's all right. It's all right. We'll figure it out.", "Michael: Well, the Newman baby is cute, but ours is cuter.", "Lauren: Well, of course.", "Michael: Oh...", "Michael: It's strangely and eerily quiet.", "Lauren: Yes. Yes, it is.", "Michael: Where's frick and frack?", "Lauren: Um... I had a meltdown.", "Michael: Really?", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Michael: Did you hit anyone?", "Lauren: No, I didn't hit anyone. But I did tell them to take off. And I'm not sure where on earth they went.", "Michael: If you don't stand up to them, they will roll right over you. Trust me.", "Gloria: Oh, Michael, you're back!", "Michael: Yeah.", "Gloria: Hi. Is Fen still sleeping?", "Lauren: Yes, he is.", "Gloria: Aha. Okay. Well, Lauren... I wanna apologize. All I wanted to do was make your life easier. But I realize now I did the complete opposite. So, here.", "Lauren: Oh!", "Gloria: This is for you.", "Lauren: That is so sweet. Thank you! It's beautiful!", "Gloria: Oh, good, I'm glad you like it.", "Michael: Great minds.", "Joanna: Lauren.", "Lauren: Mother.", "Joanna: This is a peace offering. Things to help you relax. I'm so sorry, Lauren.", "Lauren: Thank you. Thank you both for your thoughtfulness.", "Joanna: I can do that. Meanwhile, why don't you make Lauren a cup of that tea that she loves so much?", "Gloria: Good idea, Joanna. Would you like that, Lauren?", "Lauren: Yeah, I really would. Thank you.", "Joanna: Good. We're gonna take wonderful care of you.", "Michael: Nothing for me, thanks.", "Phyllis: I'm imprinting this moment in my mind.", "Nick: I think... we should call her \"Vicki Nicole.\" Whadda ya think?", "Phyllis: Um, I think absolutely not. It's a joke. I was joking. It could be Vicki Nicole.", "Nick: I could've lost you last night.", "Phyllis: But you didn't.", "Nick: I could've lost the baby. I could've lost Daniel.", "Phyllis: But you didn't. You didn't.", "Nick: The whole time I was driving, I was so afraid I was... that I was gonna hit an ice patch... and get into an accident with the kids and... and we wouldn't make it. And I didn't know what was going on with you or if you were okay or if the baby was okay.", "Phyllis: Listen, I was an idiot. I should've never stayed back.", "Nick: I don't ever wanna be apart from you again.", "Phyllis: You won't. We'll be together forever. We're gonna be old... and grey together. Although, I'm not gonna be grey. But we're gonna be old together. And we're gonna raise our daughter. And Daniel and our daughter will have long lives. And... we'll have... we'll have a bushel of grandchildren.", "Nick: How many's in a bushel?", "Phyllis: 18.", "Nick: That's a lot of kids.", "Phyllis: I never wanna be without you.", "Colleen: I'm sorry I rushed you out of there.", "JT: That's all right. Victoria had it under control. Besides, now I got you all to myself. You know, last night, all I could think about was having you and me under the covers, all warm and toasty.", "Colleen: You know what? I'm really tired. I didn't really sleep, so...", "JT: Well, then, um... why don't we go to bed?", "Colleen: JT, I'm really, really tired.", "JT: Okay, all right, I'll take a shower and cook some breakfast. How's that sound?", "Colleen: Perfect.", "JT: All right.", "Brad: Everyone's zeroing in, asking a lot of questions about my family. Nikki brought up my brother at the hospital.", "Victoria: Yeah, my dad did, too.", "Brad: I think we should tell Victor the truth.", "Victoria: No. No, let's just let it lie. It's not worth opening up if we don't have to.", "Brad: I hope you're right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sorry to call you this late, Michael, but I need some information.", "Michael: What's Jack up to now?", "Victor: It has nothing to do with Jack Abbott. This pertains to Brad Carlton.", "Michael: What is it?", "Victor: I have some information that he has lived under an assumed name for the last 25 years. In fact, he has used his older brother's name. I want some confirmation.", "Michael: Isn't this more in Paul's realm?", "Victor: I want you to handle that. I don't trust anyone else, all right?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: I only wish the best for your brand-new little girl.", "Korbel: You ever do something you know you shouldn't, but you went ahead and did it anyway?", "Colleen: Trust me. This is for the best.", "JT: This has something to do with Korbel, doesn't it?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Lynne-Marie']
[ "Patty is very upset when Genevieve accepts Jack's marriage proposal. After Jack and Genevieve leave her house to tell Ashley and Billy the news, Patty angrily tears up the blanket that Jack and Genevieve used to keep warm when they made love. Nikki bursts into the courtroom and tells the judge she killed Diane. The judge doesn't believe her and arrests her for contempt of court. Nikki finally tells Nick and Victoria that she must have killed Diane because, when she woke up at the park, the rock was next to her and her clothes were full of blood. Nick, Phyllis, and Ronan decide to team up and investigate the murder to find Diane's real killer. Billy agrees to consider giving Phyllis her job back at \"Restless Style\" if she can come up with a story to clear Victor and Nikki. Victor is transferred to the state penitentiary where he tells Sharon to accept the fact that he will be in jail. He asks her to take care of Nikki. Michael asks Avery to help him prove that Victor is innocent. Ronan stops by the penitentiary to tell Victor he appreciates him getting him reassigned to work on a case in Hawaii, but he will not stop digging until he figures out he really killed Diane. Adam calls an emergency board meeting so the board can name Victor's successor at Newman Enterprises.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: Hi. Can I get a cappuccino, please? Thank you.", "Billy: Hey.", "Ashley: Well, hello there.", "Billy: Ooh, Christmas presents. Are those for me?", "Ashley: Those are for Delia.", "Billy: Oh, yeah? Hi.", "Ashley: Hi. Mm.", "Billy: She's gonna clean up again this year, right?", "Ashley: Oh, she should. And what about you? What do you want to find under the tree this year?", "Billy: I've got everything I need, including Victor out of my life.", "Ashley: I can't believe what he did to you, Billy.", "Billy: Yeah, well, if he had his way, I'd be celebrating the holidays alone in an ashram in Mumbai.", "Ashley: It's sick the way he kept Delia from you when--when she needed you most.", "Billy: You surprised?", "Ashley: No, I'm not surprised. And you know what? I'm not exactly brokenhearted about the fact that he's in jail, but there's something not quite right about it.", "Billy: I don't know, it feels pretty right to me. He might not have killed Diane, but I think he finally got what was coming to him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Genevieve, did you hear me?", "Genevieve: (Voice shaking) You asked me to marry you.", "Jack: This is usually the time you have to answer.", "Genevieve: (Laughs) (Normal voice) I... I just...", "Jack: I know, you were just divorced, and Colin left you with a broken heart and the ability to tell a good relationship from a bad one. Do you know how long it took me to get there? My first marriage was so miserable, I never got it right... until now, until you--", "Genevieve: Wait, please wait. Yes. I will marry you.", "Jack: Oh, God, I love the sound of that. Um, I think that means we have something to do here.", "Genevieve: (Laughs) Oh, it's beautiful.", "Jack: (Whispers) I am so in love with you.", "Genevieve: (Whispers) I love you. Mm. Mm.", "Genevieve: (Moans)", "Genevieve: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Well, I guess I don't have to worry about you being able to handle Malloy.", "Phyllis: Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. This isn't what it appears to be.", "Ronan: (Chuckles)", "Nick: Really?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: 'Cause it appears to me that you guys are... having sex.", "Ronan: Okay, listen, I know you didn't come here to give your ex a hard time about seeing me.", "Phyllis: Yeah, and--and which would be very, very funny, considering that you are having sex with my sister.", "Nick: (Sighs) I came here to speak to Malloy.", "Ronan: Okay then, what's it about? 'Cause I'm assuming it's not fantasy football advice.", "Nick: My father's about to reenter his guilty plea in court, and I really don't think my dad killed Diane.", "Phyllis: Neither do we.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: We're actually working together to find out who the real murderer was in the park that night.", "Nick: Have you come up with anything that could prove he's not telling the truth?", "Ronan: I haven't. I'm sorry. And as of right now, I have nothing that's gonna stop your father's guilty plea from going through.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Your honor...", "Judge Click: Order.", "Nikki: He's innocent. Victor is innocent.", "Victor: Nikki, please don't say another word.", "Nikki: Please, he--he did not kill Diane.", "Spencer: This is a ploy, your honor.", "Nikki: I'm telling the truth. I know what happened in the park.", "Victor: You have to stop her.", "Michael: We request a brief recess, your honor.", "Judge Click: (Sighs)", "Victor: Victoria, take your mother out of here.", "Nikki: No, no, no, no, no. I won't go.", "Judge Click: (Bangs gavel) I said order. Bailiff, remove this woman.", "Nikki: Your honor, please, I beg you, please, please listen to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Ash, where are you?", "Ashley: Crimson Lights with Billy. Why?", "Jack: Uh, stay there, both of you. There's something I want to speak to you about.", "Ashley: What's the matter, Jack?", "Jack: I'll be there soon.", "Ashley: (Sighs) That was Jack. He wants to talk to us.", "Billy: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, are you ready to spread the good news?", "Genevieve: Oh, boy, am I.", "Myrna: (Sniffles)", "Genevieve: (Laughs) Who's there? Myrna?", "Myrna: (Exhales quickly)", "Genevieve: Myrna, is that you?", "Myrna: (Sighs) (Clears throat) (Voice breaks) Do you need me? (Sniffles)", "Genevieve: When did you get back?", "Myrna: Oh, just now.", "Genevieve: You sound like you've got a cold. Are you not feeling well?", "Myrna: (Sniffles) No, I'm not feeling well.", "Genevieve: Oh, I'm sorry. Nothing ruins Christmas like being sick.", "Myrna: Oh, I can think of other things. (Sniffles)", "Genevieve: Ohh, you poor thing.", "Myrna: No, no, no, I don't want you to touch me. I don't want to give this to you and Jack. Um, I'll be in my room, okay?", "Genevieve: Oh, wait, wait, Myrna, I've got some fabulous news. No, really, it m-might make you feel better. Look.", "Myrna: Oh, God!", "Genevieve: Jack and I are getting married!", "Myrna: I'm gonna be sick.", "Genevieve: She just seems to go from one misfortune to the next.", "Jack: Well, I guess there's some bug going around. She'll feel better soon enough.", "Genevieve: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: There has to be a way that we can prevent this judge from accepting Dad's plea.", "(Door opens)", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Ronan: I have tried, I promise, but so far, all I've accomplished is pissing my bosses off at the G.C.P.D. and getting an unpaid vacation from the Bureau.", "Nick: So everyone's trying to shut down the one guy trying to uncover the truth?", "Ronan: I mean, Walsh can put the brakes on the case, but that doesn't stop me.", "Phyllis: Or me.", "Nick: You know, after that article came out about my mom in \"Restless Style,\" which I'm assuming you had something to do with...", "Phyllis: Oh, come on.", "Nick: I'm not sure I want your help.", "Phyllis: Oh, you don't? Really? Come on. We all know it's possible that your father is covering for Nikki.", "Nick: So you think my mom killed Diane?", "Ronan: I want you to see something. Come here.", "Phyllis: (Whispers) Excuse me.", "Nick: Excuse me.", "Nick: What the hell? Whose hand is that?", "Ronan: As far as I can tell right now, it's Diane's.", "Nick: What is that lying next to her?", "Ronan: A rock, a rock covered in blood.", "Nick: Who sent you this?", "Phyllis: It came through too many servers for us to be able to trace it.", "Nick: I guess that means it's possible... My mom could have killed Diane.", "Ronan: Actually, I think it means that she didn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Looks like I got here just in time.", "Nikki: (Slurring speech) Your honor, my name is Nikki Newman, and you must let me speak.", "Judge Click: This is a court of law, Mrs. Newman.", "Nikki: Yes, I know, I know that, but he is lying.", "Victor: Nikki, stop.", "Nikki: He did not kill Diane.", "Victor: That is--", "Nikki: I did. I did.", "Victor: That is not true, your honor.", "Nikki: Yes, it is true.", "Victor: Your honor, Mrs. Newman is an alcoholic. She had an unfortunate relapse. She's drunk right now. She does not know what she's saying.", "Nikki: Yes, I do. I know exactly what I'm saying.", "Judge Click: Guard.", "Nikki: I know what I'm saying. Victor, please, please, don't do this. I'm not worth it. (Voice breaks) Tell them the truth. Tell them the truth.", "Victor: Baby, stop it.", "Nikki: (Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: You're engaged?", "Jack: We are engaged.", "Genevieve: (Laughs)", "Ashley: That was quick. (Laughs) I'm sorry.", "Genevieve: Thank you?", "Ashley: I am so sorry. I didn't mean it the way it sounded. It's just--I'm so sorry that y-you-- you just kind of scared us earlier.", "Billy: Yeah, uh, we didn't know whether this was good news or bad news, man.", "Ashley: Glad to know you're okay.", "Billy: I mean, this is great news for Jackie. This is really great news. For you, on the other hand--", "Genevieve: (Scoffs) Billy.", "Billy: I mean, you know what they say about the Abbott family-- enter at your own risk.", "Genevieve: (Laughs) Oh, Billy.", "Jack: Billy.", "Billy: What, what? I'm not trying to scare her.", "Genevieve: Oh, there's no chance of that.", "Billy: No, I'm just trying to prepare you...", "Genevieve: Oh. (Laughs)", "Billy: Trust me. Yeah.", "Ashley: Well, I think this is a first, isn't it, that all Abbott children are happy and in love at the very same time.", "Jack: Well, let's try to keep it that way, shall we?", "Genevieve: (Giggles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Myrna: (Breathing heavily) No...", "(Fabric tearing)", "Myrna: No! No! No! No! No! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! (Sobbing) I hate you, and it's...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Hey, my man Wilson. What's up, man?", "Wilson: Hey, not much.", "Deacon: (Laughs)", "Wilson: How about you?", "Deacon: Uh, a little bit of this, a little bit of that, you know how it goes. Hey, do me a favor-- let me get a soda water with a twist of lime, all right? Oh, you like 'em, huh? Yeah, this is, uh, the new look, huh?", "Wilson: All right. (Whistles sharply) This, too?", "Deacon: Good, right? Oh, man. This, my friend, was a gift from my wife. Beautiful, isn't it? I guess you heard I got married.", "Wilson: Yeah.", "Deacon: Hey, listen, by the way, I was wondering, is Gloria around here?", "Wilson: Took the day off.", "Deacon: (Groans) All right.", "Wilson: Listen, can you cover a shift for me tomorrow?", "Deacon: Oh, Buddy, I'd love to, but I got big plans with the missus.", "Wilson: Forget it. It's on the house.", "Deacon: No, no, no, Dude, this one's on me. You keep the change. (Opens bottle) (Liquid pouring) Mmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So you don't think my mom or dad killed Diane?", "Ronan: I think that someone's playing me, and I think they have been from the start. The photo of Ashley in the park, a recording of you threatening Diane, using my cell phone to get all of you to that warehouse-- I think that whoever's behind it is now pointing me towards Nikki. I think that they're trying to keep me confused. I think that they want me to be distracted.", "Phyllis: The real killer.", "Ronan: Or someone who knows who the real killer is.", "Nick: Well, I can tell you who it's not. It's not my parents.", "Ronan: Well, unfortunately, that doesn't help us, Nick, or them.", "Nick: Well, I'm in, no matter what you need-- money, access to our planes, any equipment you'll need, anything to find who the real killer is. It's yours.", "Ronan: Ohh, hold on a second. Are we talking about the three of us working together?", "Phyllis: I think that Nick has a lot to offer.", "Ronan: Um, Nick, I can't guarantee that the truth won't lead us to one... or both of your parents.", "Nick: I'm not afraid of the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor, tell them that you made a mistake.", "Judge Click: Mrs. Newman--", "Victor: Sweetheart, please stop this.", "Nikki: This is not justice. This is a damn farce. That man did not kill anybody.", "Judge Click: That's it. Guard, take her away.", "Nikki: No, no, don't touch me! I am not finished.", "Michael: Your honor, I'll be handling bail for Mrs. Newman.", "Judge Click: Not until tomorrow, you won't.", "Nikki: Victor, Victor, I--", "Judge Click: Find a nice room for Mrs. Newman.", "Nikki: I'm gonna make this right. I'm sorry.", "Victor: Victoria, please go with your mother.", "Nikki: I won't let you do this for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Look, if we at least show this to Walsh, it will prove that someone's trying to frame my mom.", "Ronan: I thought about that, but it could backfire, too. Nikki could end up in a cell right next to Victor.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Nick: Yeah.", "Avery: 25 to life.", "Nick: Damn.", "Avery: Nick, your mom was here. She was drunk, and the judge cited her for contempt and had her arrested.", "Nick: Okay, I'm on my way. I gotta go.", "Phyllis: How bad?", "Nick: 25 to life.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry.", "Nick: You guys keep working. If you need anything, call Connie. I'll be in touch.", "(Door closes)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge Click: The prisoner is to be transferred to the state penitentiary to begin serving his sentence immediately. (Bangs gavel) Court is adjourned.", "Man: All rise.", "Sharon: Victor.", "Victor: It's all right.", "Sharon: I'm still not giving up.", "Victor: You don't have a choice, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Love you too, Sis. Bye. Well, Traci couldn't be any happier for us.", "Genevieve: Aw, that's so nice. I--you know, I just don't see the downside to being a part of your family.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Billy: Oh, hell. I don't believe this.", "Ashley: What is it?", "Jack: Ooh, maybe you spoke too soon.", "Ashley: What? What?", "Billy: Victor got 25 to life.", "Ashley: I gotta call Abby. She can't hear this from anybody else.", "Billy: Yeah, I'm gonna call Vicki. Um, excuse me.", "Jack: And I thought this day couldn't get any better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Connie: Department heads are all here, Mr. Newman. We're ready to start.", "Adam: The meeting is canceled.", "Connie: Your father wanted to go ahead with business as usual.", "Adam: That was before my father realized he was gonna be behind bars the rest of his life. The judge came down harsh.", "Connie: (Gasps) No.", "Adam: Time to move forward. Send out a notice immediately to all board members. We're going to be meeting to name Victor's new successor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: No, I understand. All right, thanks, Manny. Yeah. Later.", "Phyllis: That your I.T. friend at the bureau?", "Ronan: Yeah, and he's not too down with helping us trace where that video file came from.", "Phyllis: Well, you can give him incentive. You know, remember, Nick talked about how we could use his planes and his cars and his resources.", "Ronan: Yeah, that was a little, uh, that was a little weird, right?", "Phyllis: Uh, what was weird? Nick was worried about his parents. What's weird?", "Ronan: I'm talking about the reaction he had to us being together. I mean... he was much cooler than I thought he'd be.", "Phyllis: Cooler. Oh, was he? (Sighs)", "Ronan: You're disappointed.", "Phyllis: Why would I be disappointed?", "Ronan: Because you were hoping he'd be jealous.", "Phyllis: Oh, not hoping. No, I wasn't.", "Ronan: Yeah.", "Phyllis: No, I wasn't.", "Ronan: Okay.", "Phyllis: I... (Scoffs) I don't-- I mean, you know, some--some people like to be missed, but I wasn't-- I'm--I'm not disappointed.", "Ronan: Well, anyway, Nick has too much going on to worry about what we're up to, right?", "Phyllis: Right. Um, I think... I'm done here. I think you investigated me thoroughly, Detective.", "Ronan: Yeah?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Ronan: Where you going?", "Phyllis: Somewhere. I have something to do.", "Ronan: Ooh, sounds so mysterious.", "Phyllis: I thought you liked mystery.", "Ronan: (Chuckles) So later, then?", "Phyllis: Yeah, later.", "(Door closes)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Nicholas. Baby, you-- you've gotta help your father. They wouldn't listen to me. You have to help him. I told them that he didn't do it.", "Victoria: She's, um, she's been like this since they put her in there.", "Nick: Mom, what were you thinking, bursting into court like that?", "Nikki: Ohh, I made such a mess of everything.", "Nick: Mom, did you kill Diane? Is that why Dad confessed?", "Nikki: I... yeah, I-I must have.", "Nick: What do you mean, you must have?", "Nikki: Well, I thought it was Victoria, but that's why I-- I-I thought that she did it.", "Nick: What is she talking about?", "Victoria: (Sighs) She got this crazy idea in her head that I killed Diane.", "Nick: What?", "Victoria: Yeah, so as soon as I convinced her that it wasn't true, she came straight to the courthouse.", "Nick: Mother, why did you tell the judge that you killed Diane?", "Nikki: (Sighs shakily) Because I-I was in the park and--and I saw Diane and... (Sighs) And then I must have blacked out or something, but when I woke up... (Voice breaks) The blood-- the blood was on the rock. The rock was just covered with blood, and so was I. (Sniffles)", "Nick: But you don't remember killing her.", "Nikki: I remember the blood.", "Nick: And you told that to Dad. That's why Dad confessed.", "Nikki: Son, you've gotta do something, please. (Sniffles) You've got to help your father, 'cause he did not do this.", "Victoria: Shh.", "Nikki: Please help him.", "Victoria: (Whispering) Its okay, it's okay.", "Nikki: (Sighs shakily)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Listen, being separated from the other prisoners was not necessary. I can handle myself.", "Michael: You don't get to make those decisions. You don't get to make any decisions now. This is what you wanted so damn badly.", "Victor: This is how it has to be.", "Michael: You didn't have to give up your freedom.", "Sharon: Why is he behind that?", "Michael: (Sighs) Standard procedure for high-profile prisoners, to protect them from the other inmates.", "Sharon: You shouldn't be here. This isn't right.", "Victor: I am. You'll get used to it, all right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Topping the news at this hour, Victor Newman was sentenced today for the murder of his ex-wife, Diane Jenkins. The billionaire received a term of 25 years to life. An intoxicated Nikki Newman reportedly burst into the courtroom during the proceedings.", "Myrna: (Exhales slowly)", "(Poker clatters)", "Myrna: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: How'd Abby take the news?", "Ashley: She wants to come right home.", "Jack: Well, I hope you told her there's no point. \"The Mustache\" has left the building.", "Genevieve: Jack, aren't you a little worried about your niece?", "Jack: Well, she's a grown woman. She's perfectly capable of surviving without Victor. In fact, she's better off without him.", "Ashley: You know what? How can you be so heartless?", "Jack: You want to know how? I think of Traci and Col-- you really expect me to feel sorry for Victor? I am pleased. I am relieved that bastard's gonna spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars.", "Ashley: Well, then, why don't you just throw a party, Jackie?", "Jack: Hey, that's an idea. Let's throw a party. Let's have lunch. We'll celebrate our engagement and Victor's long-awaited trip to the big house.", "Ashley: You are incredibly crass.", "Genevieve: Uh, how about we just celebrate our engagement?", "Jack: Okay, I'm not gonna fight both of you.", "Genevieve: That's a good choice.", "Billy: (Drumming fingers)", "Genevieve: Gloworm?", "Jack: Gloworm it is. I'll call Gloria and tell her to chill your favorite champagne.", "Ashley: And I'll call Tucker, and maybe he can join us.", "Jack: Okay, perfect. Billy?", "Billy: You know what, guys? I'd hate to blow you off, but I am going to, uh, track down Victoria, make sure she's okay.", "Genevieve: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Okay, I get that.", "Billy: Hey, congratulations, and, you, welcome to the family.", "Genevieve: (Laughs) Thank you.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: See you there, Ash.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Billy: Hey, Vick, it's me again. Look, I'm gonna head to the house and wait for you there, but you call me if you need anything.", "Phyllis: Excuse me.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Just the man I wanted to see.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Victor, we've been through all this. You're not helping Nikki. You know, ever since you pled guilty, she has married Deacon Sharpe. She's drinking again. You saw her in court. She's out of control. If she keeps saying she's guilty, one day, they're going to believe her, and she's going to be in there along with you.", "Victor: Listen carefully. That cannot happen. I am paying for Diane Jenkins' murder. That's it. You all take care of Nikki. Is that clear?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs) So... can things get any worse?", "(Cell phone rings)", "Nick: Actually, yes, they can. What?", "Adam: Board meeting is tomorrow, naming a new C.E.O. of course, it's just a formality.", "Nick: I'll be there. Adam didn't waste any time. He already called the board together.", "Victoria: He was in court. He knows that you're slammed with everything going on with Mom and Dad right now.", "Nick: It's no surprise he took advantage of that.", "Victoria: All right, well, I'm gonna call the board members. They know us. We'll just get them on your side.", "Nick: Look, I don't want Adam in charge of Newman any more than you do, but right now, there's someone else we have to deal with.", "Deacon: Hey, \"Nicko-louse.\" You better think twice if you're coming to use me as a punching bag again.", "Nick: I'm not.", "Deacon: Oh. Well, in that case, what can I do for my little step-kiddies?", "Nick: I just saw my mother. Did she mention anything to you about Diane's murder?", "Deacon: No, why?", "Victoria: She thought that I killed Diane.", "Nick: Why would she think that?", "Deacon: I-I don't have any clue why she would-- she's gotta be really messed up if she thinks her own daughter is... (Sighs) Capable of murder. Where is she right now?", "Nick: County jail.", "Victoria: She tried to stop Dad's sentencing.", "Deacon: (Sighs) Drunk?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Deacon: Damn it. Um, look, she's-- she's gonna need me.", "Victoria: Please. You're the last thing that she needs.", "Deacon: Okay, I'm her husband.", "Victoria: Uh, you're a slimeball...", "Deacon: Ouch.", "Victoria: Who takes advantage of people when they're at their lowest. You're doing it to my mom, just like you did it to me, so--", "Deacon: You know, Vicki, I really--I fail to see where all the--the animosity comes from. I mean, all I did was sleep with you, and then Billy--he put you on the cover of his magazine, and then, um, you did what anyone would do-- you married him. Ciao. (Slams glass down) Jeez!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Phyllis, I've got nothing to say to you. I need to find my wife--", "Phyllis: Oh, I know, I know. You said you'd never hire me back before blah, blah, blah.", "Billy: Oh, wow, good. Your hearing, it's 20/20.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it is, it is. Listen, I'm not gonna pretend there's nothing in it for me. Of course there's something in it for me, but honestly, I can help Victor and Nikki.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: They didn't kill Diane. They didn't. We all know they didn't kill Diane, okay? We all know that, right? (Claps hands) I, myself, I'm going to keep digging and digging until I find out who did it. I think that it would behoove you to run my stories in \"Restless Style.\" You see, it would cast a doubt on Victor's plea. Uh, not to mention, you will make a hell of a lot of money.", "Billy: Even if I wanted to hire you back, which I don't, Victoria would never forgive me.", "Phyllis: I think she would, if I was able to clear both her parents of murder.", "Billy: Okay, really? All on your own?", "Phyllis: No. Me, Nick, and Ronan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Ronan: It's Malloy. Uh, A.D. Kersh. Yes, hello, Sir. How are you? Yes. Yes, I've read the case. It said in the briefing that Hernandez caught it. You are going to assign me to it, as well? Well-- well, I hope you don't mind me saying, Sir, but... I've been freezing my suspended ass off up here in Wisconsin, and you want me to work a case in Honolulu? That sounds too good to be true.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: How much you must love her, to do this for her.", "Victor: I want you to go home.", "Sharon: Victor, I remember what it feels like to think you're going to spend the rest of your life locked up.", "Victor: I told you that everything is as it should be.", "Sharon: Nothing is as it should be. Even Nikki agrees with that.", "Victor: I don't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: (Slurring speech) You're a little overdressed for this joint, don't you think? You should be at the country club, lunchin' with the ladies. (Laughing)", "Nikki: (Slurring speech) Actually, a jail cell is exactly where I belong.", "Woman: Hmm.", "Nikki: Exactly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey, Vicki, Honey, um, I got a little held up. I'm still at Crimson Lights. I'll be back soon. Okay.", "Phyllis: Three-for-one deal. 3-for-1 deal, Billy. You got me, Ronan, Nick, all working hard, working really hard to clear Victoria's parents. That's what you got. (Sighs)", "Billy: How do I know you're not lying about all this? I mean, that's sort of what you do, you know? You say whatever you think you have to say...", "Phyllis: Ohh, it hurts me.", "Billy: To get what you want. Does it hurt you?", "Phyllis: It hurts me.", "Billy: I really don't care. That's what you do.", "Phyllis: It does, it does. It hurts me. Call Nick. He'll tell you.", "Billy: Tell you what, if you can come up with a story that clears Victoria's parents, then I'll think about hiring you back.", "Phyllis: Oh, you'll think about--ha ha, that's great.", "Billy: Uh, we don't hug.", "Phyllis: Come on, come on.", "Billy: We--we don't hug.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Billy: Come up with a story, deliver that story, and I'll think about hiring you back. That's all that I can promise you, okay? (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Billy: Yeah, you're welcome.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Nick, this just keeps getting crazier by the minute. Dad confesses to murder, Mom marries Deacon, and then she tries to tell me that she thinks I'm the one that killed Diane... do you think that that's why Dad pled guilty? Do you think he's trying to protect me?", "Nick: I don't know. It's a real mess.", "Victoria: (Sighs heavily)", "Nick: That's why I decided to hook up with Phyllis and Ronan.", "Victoria: \"Hook up\"?", "Nick: Yeah, they're working together to try and find the real murderer.", "Victoria: Phyllis and Ronan? Okay, whatever.", "Nick: Well, I'm just trying to keep them focused on clearing Mom and Dad. I told them I would do anything I could to help.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Nick: You know, I think I'm gonna get Paul on board.", "Victoria: Yeah, good. Good. The more people we have on our side, the better.", "Jack: Well, so much for \"No Victor\" talk.", "Ashley: Just try to behave yourself, okay? Hi. How are you guys holding up?", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Well--well, you know, we've had better days.", "Ashley: I know. I talked to Abby, and she's not doing very well, either. I'm sorry.", "Victoria: I'll give her a call.", "Nick: Me, too.", "Jack: How's Nikki doing?", "Victoria: She's not doing so well. (Clears throat) She's just sort of, um, you know, she's going through a rough time.", "Jack: Well, if I can be of any help--", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Jack: I know Victor's your father and what he does affects the two of you, but Nikki has always been the one he hurts the most.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: Nikki. Hey. (Sighs)", "Nikki: You bastard.", "Deacon: God, Baby, I'm so worried about you. You know, they say that you've been telling all these really weird stories--", "Nikki: Get out! Get out, you son of a bitch.", "Deacon: Look, Nikki...", "Nikki: Lying s--", "Deacon: I can--I can see that you're upset.", "Nikki: Guard! Guard!", "Woman: What's going on?", "Nikki: Remove this man. I don't want to see him. He's gotta get out of here...", "Deacon: Look, I-I know...", "Nikki: It could get really ugly in here.", "Deacon: I'll go, all right? She gets like this when she's been drinking. Honey, I'm sor--", "Nikki: Get out!", "Deacon: Okay, listen, I'll--I'll bring you something for that nasty hangover you're gonna have tomorrow. Baby, I love you.", "Nikki: Oh, well, I hate you.", "Deacon: It's just wrong.", "Nikki: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Myrna: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Well, that was fun.", "Michael: Ooh, I can't remember when I've had a better time in court.", "Avery: Nobody likes to lose.", "Michael: Especially you.", "Avery: Meaning?", "Michael: If anybody can help me turn this around, it's you.", "Avery: You want to work with me?", "Michael: I don't like what you're doing with Daisy, but when it comes to getting people out of prison who don't belong there, that's your specialty. Sharon, any luck with him?", "Sharon: (Sighs) I swear, he was a mule in another lifetime. There must be something you can do.", "Avery: (Sighs) This is new ground for me, trying to get somebody out of prison who's fighting to stay in.", "Sharon: Well, you've never met Victor before.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Excuse me.", "Michael: All right.", "Adam: Get daddy all tucked in his cell?", "Sharon: How'd you do it, Adam? How'd you make me believe you had a heart?", "Adam: You think I'm supposed to feel all broken up that my father's locked away in prison the rest of his life?", "Sharon: He's innocent.", "Adam: Not according to him.", "Sharon: You have no idea what it means to love someone so much that you'd give up your life for them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Aloha, victor.", "Victor: What are you doing here?", "Ronan: What, do you mean instead of hanging ten with the locals in Oahu? I appreciate it, though, the thought of you trying to arrange such a plum assignment for me, really, but it just made a guy like me suspicious.", "Victor: Well, aloha, Brother. You have a nice day.", "Ronan: I don't believe you killed Diane.", "Victor: I don't give a damn what you believe.", "Ronan: Let me help you.", "Victor: You can't help me, and I don't want your help, all right?", "Ronan: I know you think you're doing what's best for Nikki--", "Victor: You don't know what the hell I think! You're an arrogant punk. Go back to Hawaii and ride the waves, will you? Case closed.", "Ronan: Case isn't closed for me. I've been fired.", "Victor: You drop it.", "Ronan: I'm not going to drop it until I find the real killer.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Angelina: (Singing off-key)", "Chloe: She is not singing at the wedding, because you would never let that happen.", "Lauren: Tucker.", "Tucker: Looks like I'm the speed bump. I haven't made up my mind yet.", "Nikki: I am determined to find out what happened to me that night." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jack has lunch with Phyllis and invites her to a business meeting to help to keep Victor from regaining possession of Newman Enterprises. Nick holds Faith while Sharon informs him that she was leaving town with her. Nick sends Faith upstairs to get ready for bed while he confronts Sharon about her plans. Sharon insists that she was leaving town because she couldn't risk losing Faith again. Nick encourages Sharon to stay and fight Victor. Kevin pumps Alex for information about the woman he is questioning him about. Chelsea lets Chloe know that she and Adam are getting a divorce. Phyllis and Jack argue over the fact that he is addicted to his pain medication. Adam watches from the bar.", "Jeffrey and Gloria walk in and notice that Chelsea has been crying. Gloria and Chloe leave Jeffrey and Chelsea alone so they can talk. Chelsea informs Jeffrey that she and Adam are getting divorced. Avery talks to Sharon and agrees to represent her in the arson case. Sharon confesses everything to Avery including the fact that she did indeed burn down Victor's ranch house. Avery also finds out that Adam knew all about it. Jeffrey lets Chelsea know that she and Adam are good together. Alex reprimands Kevin for trying to pump him for information. Adam goes to see Sharon and informs her that he and Chelsea are getting a divorce. Adam thinks that their kiss was the only thing that made any sense in this whole mess. Nick and Avery kiss. Phyllis goes to visit Nick and finds Avery there. Phyllis asks Avery if she's living there now.", "" ]
[ "Nick: I don't know what I was thinking saying that Faith could stay the night with Sharon. Noah? Great. He's gone, too?", "Avery: Maybe we can call him. I'm sure his phone is on.", "Nick: Oh, he's probably out trying to track down Sharon before anything happens. And if anything does happen...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: When you married me, I knew in that moment how much you loved me with your whole soul. (Sighs) If it's not like that now, I deserve to know.", "Adam: I don't want to hurt you.", "Chelsea: Say it.", "Adam: Things have changed.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) I want a divorce.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Noah's not answering. I don't like this.", "Avery: Okay. Slow down. Maybe Sharon took Faith to the movies.", "Nick: On a school night? And that still doesn't explain the open suitcase and the clothes everywhere. I'm callin' the police.", "Faith: Daddy? Miss Patsy!", "Nick: Faith! Oh, come here, Sweetie. Oh, oh, come here. Come here. Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Chloe: Ta-da!", "Kevin: I thought we decided Delia was the only one Santa could afford to visit.", "Chloe: This isn't a Christmas present. It's a \"Love and gratitude for giving Tucker's money back\" present.", "Kevin: Oh, yeah. You're gonna be filled with love when we're living on the streets.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Kevin: Whatever this is, we can't afford it.", "Chloe: Open it.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Chloe: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. (Giggles) Don't break it.", "Kevin: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: Coupons?", "Chloe: From Delia and me. Oh, and Bobby.", "Kevin: The dog made me coupons?", "Chloe: I told you he was brilliant.", "Kevin: I get to be the panda at a tea party with Delia? I never get to be the panda. That is so nice.", "Chloe: I know. That's because she loves you. And did you see how much I love you?", "Kevin: You're gonna...", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Finally.", "Chloe: (Laughs)", "Kevin: And then you're gonna...", "Chloe: Yep.", "Kevin: This is the greatest gift ever.", "Chloe: (Laughs) And you have the sexiest dimples ever.", "Kevin: (Laughs)", "Chloe: But, uh, I have something that's even hotter ta-da!", "Kevin: A check from Tucker for buying us out?", "Chloe: But look. It's even better than he said it was gonna be. I guess he kicked in a little extra since we really ramped up the pathetic factor.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Tucker McCall taking pity on someone.", "Chloe: Well, I guess his heart grew three sizes.", "Kevin: Maybe. It's not enough to pay off the equity line on the house though. But I will figure it out.", "Chloe: I know you will, Sweetie. But call me old-fashioned, but I don't really want any plans that involves us getting arrested. And, well, the bank is not giving us an extension.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Well, you know, opportunity exists all around us. You just have to know where to look.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hey, Babe, it's me. I'm just--I'm gonna be late because I'm dropping off some reports for my dad, so don't wait up, okay? I'm really sorry, but I'm gonna be late.", "Cane: I'm sorry, Sweetheart. I'll be late. (Sighs) I love you.", "Lily: I love you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, uh, no, this is--this is the wrong table. I'm meeting Matt Merrick.", "Jack: Actually, that's a white lie that I told to your assistant. This is an apology dinner. I should never have spoken to you the way I did, and I'm sorry. Please sit?", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Jack: It is also a working meal. I have a very important presentation to make tomorrow in Chicago, and I need your help. I want you to be there with me to do an R & D presentation.", "Phyllis: No. No.", "Jack: So what do you say we order some food, and we'll get right to work?", "Phyllis: No.", "Jack: No? You're not hungry?", "Phyllis: No, I can't go to Chicago with you.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: A divorce?", "Chelsea: Well, did you think we'd have an open marriage? You'd come home to me Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sharon Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays? We'd draw straws for weekends?", "Adam: I'm not with Sharon.", "Chelsea: You're not with me, either, Adam, not the way that I need.", "Adam: You're right.", "Chelsea: You used to love me more. How did that just go away?", "Adam: It didn't. It just... shifted. What happened with my father and exposing Sharon, it just...", "Chelsea: God, you really believe that, don't you? You really believe that that's when all of this started? Adam, things changed way before that, and you know it. Every second you spent with Sharon-- that was you choosing her over me.", "Adam: It was never about you, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: Well, it should have been. I'm your wife, Adam. And I used to matter most... until I lost the baby. You can't even talk about it now. The day I came home from the hospital, you thought that we should just push it aside, ignore what happened, pretend we'd be just fine. You even said yourself, you-- you weren't good about talking about your feelings. You--you had other ways of coping. You wouldn't even let me help you.", "Adam: That wasn't your job.", "Chelsea: Of course that's my job. I was aching without the baby, but I was aching even more without you. We could have ached together, but instead, you decided to come up with a million excuses to leave. It was--it was as if you couldn't stand the sight of me.", "Adam: That's ridiculous.", "Chelsea: Or... (Sighs) I-I felt like it was all my fault because of that.", "Adam: I told you before. It was never your fault. None of it.", "Chelsea: Me and the baby-- we were everything to you. We were your answer, and then suddenly... suddenly he was gone, and it hurt so, so bad. You started telling me once how much it hurt. Tell me now. Tell me now how much that hurt.", "Adam: I went to Sharon because she needed help.", "Chelsea: No. You started slipping away way before that, and you know it.", "Adam: You think I just went to her as a distraction from the pain?", "Chelsea: Maybe I want to know that. Maybe I want to think that it's a distraction and not the fact that-- that you just couldn't be away from her. Why did you go to her, Adam?", "Adam: The truth is, I don't know. (Sniffles)", "Chelsea: (Sniffles)", "Adam: We just... keep disappointing one another. It's never quite enough.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) So then I-I guess all that's left are the lawyers.", "Adam: (Sniffles) This is your home. I'll be fine at the club.", "Chelsea: Adam? (Sighs) (Exhales slowly)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Look, I know I have been a jerk, and I am sorry. Let's just chalk it up to stupidity and stress and pain.", "Phyllis: And the pills. I said it out loud. Are you gonna yell at me?", "Jack: No, cool and calm.", "Phyllis: I react to things. Sometimes I overreact to things.", "Jack: Yeah, I kinda noticed.", "Phyllis: But I'm not overreacting to this. I'm really worried about you.", "Jack: And I should be more grateful and less defensive. I realize that. Red, I'm lucky to have you in my life. You keep me honest, which is why I need you in Chicago with me. Look, stay ticked at me if you want to. But don't let it get in the way of us conducting important business.", "Phyllis: I-I understand. Listen, I--that's-- that's not the reason I can't go with you. It's Summer's birthday tomorrow.", "Jack: Oh. (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Jack: How could I forget? So you got big plans for the big day?", "Phyllis: Uh, yeah, maybe. Dinner with family. I don't really know who that is, but...", "Jack: So--so look, Summer would be in school till what? 3:00? And we all know you won't be making anything but reservations. So what if I promise-- what if I promise to have you back before dinner? Look, I-I wouldn't ask this if it wasn't really important.", "Phyllis: Why--why do you need me there so badly?", "Jack: This meeting is crucial to us moving forward at Newman. We have to stave off interference from Victor, and believe me, he's circling. He's gonna make his move soon, and... and I'm not at the top of my game.", "Phyllis: Because of pain and the stress.", "Jack: And the pills.", "Phyllis: Jack, that's a big deal. That's a big deal-- admitting that, admitting that you have a problem.", "Jack: I didn't say I have a problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So you missed Miss Patsy? She missed you, too. In fact, she begged me to take you over to your mommy's house, so we went, and no one was there. I thought you were staying home.", "Sharon: Um, we had some errands.", "Faith: We were taking a trip, but I forgot Miss Patsy.", "Nick: Okay. Um, I'll tell you what-- why don't you and Miss Patsy go upstairs and brush your teeth, okay?", "Faith: Okay.", "Nick: All right, brush 'em good.", "Faith: Okay.", "Sharon: Good night, Sweetheart.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Faith: Good night.", "Nick: A trip? You put my daughter in a car, and you were going out of town?", "Sharon: You didn't have to call a lawyer, Nick. He--he said I could have her for the night.", "Avery: It's okay. I'm here as a friend.", "Nick: Avery, could you go and check on Faith, please?", "Avery: Yes, of course.", "Nick: Our daughter said, \"A trip.\" So where were you going? To get ice cream? Go check out some Christmas lights? Where were you going?", "Sharon: Away. I was taking Faith, and I was running away.", "Nick: So you were kidnapping our daughter?", "Sharon: I was afraid. The arson investigator, Victor... I've already spent too much time away from Faith. The--the thought of losing her again--", "Nick: So you were gonna take her from me and everyone else who loves her?", "Sharon: No. I couldn't. She was crying for her dolly Miss Patsy, and if she was sobbing that much for her doll, how would she feel if she never saw you again? Or Noah or Summer? I-I had to bring her back home. But... now I have to get out of town. I... even if it means leaving my baby behind.", "Nick: Sharon, you gotta be smart. You cannot leave.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Well, I can't stay. Victor's not gonna let up.", "Nick: So you're just gonna bail on your kids again? You gotta stay and fight.", "Sharon: Against Victor? I'd lose. He wants to punish me. He will... he'll hire lawyers. He'll--he'll pay off judges.", "Nick: All right, just... listen. Settle down and start from the beginning. But you need a lawyer. So we're gonna get you one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey, so did you ever find, uh, Noah Newman? That's who you were looking for, right?", "Alex: The guy you don't know all that well? Yeah, I did.", "Kevin: Well, lots of people come through here. I might know someone who knows him.", "Alex: Mm.", "Kevin: If I knew more about why you were looking for him, I could ask around.", "Alex: Hmm, that's true. You could. Unless you already know plenty, and in that case, you're obstructing justice and impeding an investigation.", "Kevin: (Scoffs)", "Alex: Just a little more? Top it off?", "Chloe: How bad?", "Chelsea: (Sighs) Divorce.", "Chloe: Oh.", "Chelsea: (Sniffles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Scotch, please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Okay, I'm sorry I snapped earlier, again. For what it's worth, I'm not even taking the meds anymore.", "Phyllis: Wait a second. You stopped cold turkey? You didn't even wean yourself off?", "Jack: We're--we're not introducing a kitten to solid foods. I'm just--", "Phyllis: No, no, Jack, this is difficult. You may need a program.", "Jack: And I'm not an addict.", "Phyllis: Yeah, b--", "Jack: I got prescribed drugs. I took them. Now I don't need them anymore.", "Phyllis: Okay, that medication was very, very strong. You know, to just stop like that, you may be irritable--", "Jack: Are you ever gonna back off of this?! (Sighs) I'm sorry, okay?", "Phyllis: I need to go get Summer's gift.", "Jack: W-w-wait, Red. I am sorry.", "Phyllis: This isn't you. This is the medication. I've dealt with tougher things. When you need help, I'll be there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: And are you being good for Cindy? Huh? No, Matty, no, don't give Humphrey too many treats. Okay, Charlie, Baby, I can't hear you. Wait, wait, wait, don't hang up yet. Don't hang--", "Cane: Wait, wait, wait. I love you guys. I love you.", "Lily: I love you, too, okay? Mwah, mwah, mwah. Kisses. (Sighs)", "Cane: They're gettin' big, huh?", "Lily: (Sighs) I know, but... that's their job. They have to.", "Cane: You know you don't have to work here if you don't want to. You know, you can stay home with the kids. It's okay.", "Lily: (Sighs) I know. I-I know. I do, but then... I don't. You know, I-I like working. I like talking to adults and--and seeing you. But... I don't know. Then when I'm home with the kids--", "Cane: And they're so darn cute.", "Lily: (Sighs) It's just every mom article says that the big lie is you can't really have it all. You know, like I have to choose between \"A\" or \"B.\" But what if I don't want to?", "Cane: What about option \"C\"? You in Tahiti on a beach drinking from a coconut while the kids play in the sand. Hmm?", "Lily: (Chuckles) Why are you torturing me?", "Cane: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't speak. Don't speak. I'm, uh, I'm picturing you in a little tiny string bikini right now.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Cane: (Exhales sharply)", "Lily: Oh, you just keep visualizing. Keep it going.", "Cane: You know what we could do? We could ask Neil if he could start a day care here, and you could see the kids whenever you want. Hmm?", "Lily: Yeah, that's a-- that's a good idea. I don't know. My mommy guilt is my own problem.", "Cane: You're an amazing mother. You know that, right? And I love having you here, and I love having you at home. Hmm?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey, look, I am the last person in the world who would obstruct justice-- honestly. My brother is the D.A.", "Alex: Well, then next time, try not to come across like you're fishing for information.", "Kevin: (Exhales sharply)", "Alex: (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: This is so stupid. I'm not a crier. (Sniffles)", "Chloe: You're not crying. Okay, you are. But you're not a crier.", "Chelsea: He said that, um, that I could stay at the house.", "Chloe: Well, that was big of him.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Chloe: But you can tell Adam that you're not gonna stay at that creepy house. You keep on staying with Kevin and me. I mean, there's no way you're gonna go stay at that house by yourself.", "Jeff: (Shivers)", "Gloria: Oh, I know, I know, I know! It's cold. Hey!", "Jeff: Cold. Man! What's wrong?", "Chelsea: Nothing. I'm--I'm good. I'm fine. (Sniffles)", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. Chloe, come on. It's been ages. Let's catch up.", "Jeff: What did Adam do?", "Chelsea: Why would you just assume that--?", "Jeff: Chelsea, you're not a crier. What'd he do?", "Chelsea: (Sighs) It doesn't matter.", "Jeff: Like hell it doesn't.", "Chelsea: You don't have to start playing \"Hero,\" Dad, okay? Nobody's watching.", "Jeff: Will just give me a chance to be a regular dad?", "Chelsea: You know when you started acting like a father to me? When I married Adam and you saw dollar signs. Before that, you pretended like I didn't even exist, okay?", "Jeff: I was a waste of skin, and I should have been shot. Now I know you. I kind of like having you around, Kid, not your husband's money.", "Chelsea: Good, because Adam and I are getting a divorce. How you like me now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I'm happy to help you, Sharon, as an under-the-radar consultant. I do still work for Newman.", "Sharon: Um, yeah. Uh, I-I don't know. Maybe this isn't such a good idea.", "Nick: She cleared you after the Skye conviction.", "Avery: Uh, Sharon, give me a dollar.", "Nick: Its attorney-client privilege.", "Avery: We're gonna call it my fee, okay? You hire me-- thank you-- and anything you say I can't repeat now.", "Sharon: Um, I, uh, have bipolar disorder. I've been through some cycles, ups and downs, and I-I've done some things that I really regret...including setting Victor's house on fire.", "Avery: Okay.", "Sharon: And the night of the fire, I really don't know what I was thinking. I didn't even remember the fire until Adam told me about it.", "Avery: Adam? Adam. So he's aware of everything? He helped you cover this up? Look, Sharon, I know you don't know who to trust right now. I understand that. But I promise you I am on your side. Okay, there's no reason this should even go to trial. There's no material evidence. There's no witnesses, and even if it did go that far, we can mount a strong defense given your diagnosis.", "Sharon: You don't know how much Victor hates me.", "Avery: Sharon, I think I have a pretty good idea. I know all the players in this, and I wouldn't say that we could do this if I didn't think it was true. So go home. Get some rest.", "Nick: And since she didn't say it, I will. Stay put.", "Sharon: I will. Thank you. Thank you both. Nick, will you kiss her good night for me?", "Nick: I will. I mean, do I know how to show you a good time, or what? Could I have any more baggage?", "Avery: Oh, come on. Baggage is something that weighs you down. You have history. That's different. And not many men would do what you just did for your ex. Not without some ulterior motive.", "Nick: Yeah, Adam-- he's a whole other story entirely.", "Avery: Yeah, well, listen. She's the mother of your children. You love them. You're being a good father.", "Nick: Yeah, and it's not just for Noah and Faith. Sharon has a legitimate problem, and who knows how long she's been dealing with it? And if she doesn't have anyone, chances are she's gonna turn to Adam. And I have to keep her away from him for everyone's sake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: You and Adam were good together, good for each other. The guy made you laugh. I bet you don't laugh easy. And he made you feel safe. I bet you never had that before. But he wasn't there when you needed him. Anybody could see that.", "Chelsea: When?", "Jeff: After the baby. He said he had to deal with grief in his own way. Hmm.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "Jeff: He cheated on you, didn't he?", "Chelsea: It doesn't matter. (Sighs) My marriage is over, and... there's nothing left.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I know I'm not supposed to be here.", "Sharon: No, come in. It's good that you're here.", "Sharon: So, um, Avery knows that I set the fire. She's agreed to be my attorney. She's gonna help me fight Victor.", "Adam: Fire her.", "Sharon: No, Adam. I can trust her.", "Adam: She won't be able to help you. My father won't be coming after you.", "Sharon: What did you do?", "Adam: It's done. The details are irrelevant.", "Sharon: Well, whatever you did or you said, that had to be huge. And, Adam, if you did that for me, you've got to stop helping me for the sake of your marriage.", "Adam: Chelsea and I are... it's over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I love your earrings.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) Well, you have exceptional taste-- exceptionally expensive taste.", "Chloe: Yeah, I'm sorry that Kevin had to hit you up for that cash, but we're okay now.", "Gloria: Good, because there's nothing worse than money coming between family.", "Chloe: So did you get it?", "Gloria: Hmm?", "Chloe: The insurance money.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) Yeah, maybe Santa will drop it down the chimney soon. Ho ho.", "Chloe: Yeah, I'm hoping he's gonna bring me something soon, too...", "Gloria: Mm.", "Chloe: Because I just cannot wait to get this business started with Chelsea.", "Gloria: Chelsea?", "Chloe: Oh, my God. We haven't told you. (Laughs) It is so you-- fashion.", "Gloria: Mm.", "Chloe: Oh, my God. You should totally invest.", "Gloria: Well, if it involves soirees, fashion week, and trips to Paris... (Chuckles)", "Chloe: Uh, yeah, obviously. Go big or go home. Are you interested?", "Gloria: I got some great ideas.", "Chloe: Oh, uh, we're only pursuing silent partners right now.", "Gloria: Oh, you're hilarious, Chloe. Me, silent? My money is wonderful, but my ideas-- priceless.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Chelsea asked me if... she has my whole heart. She knew the answer before she even asked the question. And after everything that she's been through, I... I couldn't lie to her. She didn't deserve that.", "Sharon: (Clears throat) So you--you mean... you and I? I mean, there's no chance. We couldn't. We're--we're friends. We're finally friends again.", "Adam: Friends. Yes, nothing more.", "Sharon: I mean, you helped me, and--and I'm grateful.", "Adam: And I would-- I would do it all over again.", "Sharon: You know, the kiss, um, I really shouldn't have kissed you back. I sent mixed messages.", "Adam: I know. You're finally getting back on your feet, just trying to figure things out. But maybe...", "Sharon: Maybe what?", "Adam: Maybe that kiss is the only thing in this whole mess that made any sense.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Okay, now maybe you can relax now.", "Nick: Nope. I'm alert and tense at all times.", "Avery: Okay, well, can I get you a glass of wine? A beer? Both?", "Nick: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Remember? I'm tense kinda here-ish.", "Avery: Kinda. Yes, yes, yes. How thoughtless of me.", "Nick: Yes, I've noticed that about you. You're selfish. You never share your cake with me.", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: You never let me beat you at chess. You never calm me down after I'm freaking out about my ex-wife disappearing with my kid. Actually, you've done all those things.", "Avery: Mm, is Faith asleep?", "Nick: Mm-hmm. Noah's working. Summer's at a friend's.", "(Knock on door)", "Avery: (Sighs) It's probably Sharon.", "Nick: Oh, who knows at this point?", "Avery: (Laughs)", "Phyllis: Hi. Oh, my God, are you living here now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: So my mom won't give me money, but she'll give you money? I'm feeling really loved right now.", "Chloe: Babe, its fashion. It's glitz and glamour and everything... (Imitates Gloria) That Gloria loves.", "Kevin: And now you're in business with her. Well, I hope you realize you just made a deal with the leopard print-loving devil.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I may invest in Chelsea and Chloe's new fashion company.", "Jeff: Fashion?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Jeff: (Chuckles) Buttercup, that's-- that's a risky racket.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Jeff: And we're getting such lovely new money. We need to put it on a sure thing.", "Gloria: Yeah, when those gals hear what I have to say, it will be a sure thing.", "Jeff: No place like home.", "Gloria: What?", "Jeff: The beauty of a horse-- the second coming of Secretariat up for sale because the owners filed for bankruptcy.", "Gloria: You want to buy a bankrupt horse?", "Jeff: No, my love, I want to purchase a Pegasus-- our ticket to the winners' circle.", "Gloria: Mm.", "Jeff: But if you'd rather tie up our cash in a risky fashion line that'll take forever and maybe go nowhere...", "Gloria: Ahh, come on, Lover Man. I haven't signed any papers. And a lady always has the option of changing her mind.", "Jeff: True.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: No, I'm not here to ask you for anything. I feel something that makes it impossible for me to be married to Chelsea.", "Sharon: Wow, this is all my fault. I'm--I--", "Adam: No, no, no, no, Sharon. This is not your fault. This is me. This is my fault. It's on me. But when I changed in Kansas and I turned that corner, I want to stay down that path. I want to be the better person, and that means I'm not gonna lie to you, and I'm not gonna lie to Chelsea. That being said, I-- I'm gonna go now.", "Sharon: Adam? Um, good night.", "Adam: Good night, Sharon.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Your report is so concise. Concise is very sexy.", "Cane: Mm, God, I like having you work here, 'cause no one else calls my reports \"Sexy.\"", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Cane: Huh?", "Lily: Well, how about we go home, yeah?", "Cane: Mm.", "Lily: And we read the kids a story...", "Cane: Mm.", "Lily: And then after they fall asleep, I can tell you more about your \"Report.\"", "Cane: I like you working here. You make me feel good. Hmm?", "Lily: Don't look at me like that, okay? Not here.", "Cane: Hmm?", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Cane: Is that because last time we almost got caught doing it here on your father's desk? Hmm?", "Lily: Okay.", "Cane: Hmm?", "Lily: You come on. I'm taking you home with me.", "Cane: Yeah?", "Lily: Yes.", "Cane: I think that is the best idea you've had all day.", "Lily: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Um, it's Summer's birthday tomorrow, and, uh, since she's finally talking to me, I thought it would be really great, uh, for the three of us to go out.", "Avery: I'm gonna let you guys talk.", "Nick: Uh, you don't have to leave. We're just planning a party for Summer. Please stay.", "Phyllis: Um, so it... should just be the three of us, uh, for her actual birthday, and then maybe this weekend, all the rest of the people can come, like the grandparents and the cousins and the uncles and the aunts.", "Avery: I would love to be there. Thank you. I'm gonna go.", "Nick: All right, I'll call you later.", "Avery: Okay, good night.", "Nick: Good night.", "Phyllis: Do you want me to call my sister back? Uh, I don't want you to yell at me.", "Nick: No yelling. Let's just talk about Summer. When's the last time you talked to her?", "Phyllis: Brie--I-I-- it was brief. I-I can't remember when, but it was brief. She was really busy.", "Nick: Well, she was pretty broken up after the party. Seeing Chelsea-- I mean, she thought that everyone hated her, including us.", "Phyllis: That's crazy. We would never hate her.", "Nick: Of course not, but with all the drama and the tension, it's easy to forget that she's hurting. She needs us.", "Phyllis: I know she does, especially since she's screaming out that-- that sh- she doesn't need us at all, right? So you're right.", "Nick: I think it's a really good idea if the three of us had dinner together.", "Phyllis: Do you think you could sit across the table from me and actually be nice to me? Do you think you can handle that?", "Nick: I think I can handle that.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jill: I'm the one who let him in last night.", "Sharon: Adam made clear his feelings for me.", "Dr. Watkins: And that troubles you?", "Sharon: Because I have feelings for him, too.", "Adam: The one thing you want I can get for you. You'd be a fool to get rid of me." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread by Emma']
[ "The Abbotts and the Newmans come together to throw Summer a surprise birthday party, but Summer admits to Nick she was happier last year when he was still her father and Phyllis was healthy and there with her for her birthday. Fen feels like Paul will soon discover that he killed Carmine, so he asks Summer to cover for him with Michael and Lauren, because he intends to run away before the police arrest him. Paul finds gun powder residue on the suit Fen was wearing the night Carmine died, so he goes to Michael and Lauren's place to arrest Fen.", "Summer gives into peer pressure and takes one of the energy pills one of the model friends at her birthday party offers her. Devon is arrested and accused of trashing a hotel room in Las Vegas and not paying his hotel bill. Devon intends to prove that someone stole his credit card and his identity. Hilary tells Devon she knows he would never do that. She starts putting clues together in her mind and suspects Mason stole Devon's credit card, because of all the new things he has bought for himself. Hilary doesn't tell Devon, because she has to get proof. Noah catches Kyle in Victor's office and wonders why he is in his grandfather's office so late. Victor and Nikki are not happy that Nick is friends with Sharon, and they hope that he doesn't get romantically involved with her again. Sharon helps Nick clean up the club after Summer's party, and Nick gives Sharon a kiss.", "" ]
[ "Jack: It was a great idea you had.", "Hilary: It was your idea. I just provided the inspiration.", "Kyle: [Chuckles] Oh, man. Are all of those for Summer?", "Jack: A gift for every birthday of her life that I missed out on.", "Kyle: That's excellent. How are you, Hilary?", "Hilary: Good, Kyle.", "Kyle: You know, it's gonna take Summer her entire surprise party to open up all of these.", "Jack: Oh, no, I'm gonna send these to her. We can't have crying at her party. No tears -- meaning mine.", "Kyle: It's a good idea. Try not to embarrass your kid at the party -- meaning me.", "Jack: I'll try to contain myself.", "Kyle: You know, I wanted to say I think it's extremely cool of you to let Nick host this thing.", "Jack: Nick and I both want what's best for Summer.", "Kyle: Hold that thought.", "Jack: Meaning what?", "Kyle: Meaning I don't doubt that you and Nick can play nice in the sandbox. The question is, can you and Victor?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You know... I'm sorry Victoria won't be with us today.", "Nikki: I know. [Sighs] This party was put together so quickly. Johnny already had that doctor's appointment today, so...", "Victor: I love every opportunity to be with my children, you know?", "Nikki: Can you do me a favor?", "Victor: What?", "Nikki: Let's not have another go around at Dylan today. I'm just grateful that we have a family event that we can celebrate together.", "Victor: Okay. But some people don't belong in this family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Here we go.", "Sharon: I like it.", "Nick: It looks terrific.", "Sharon: You always do a good job on the sign.", "Nick: Well, sign-making is my specialty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I was talking about Dylan. I don't want to talk about Dylan today.", "Victor: Dylan is not the usurper here.", "Nikki: Well, what now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: If you would have called me earlier, you wouldn't have spent the night in jail. You realize that, right?", "Devon: Dad, I didn't think that I'd get locked up in the first place. I thought I'd come down here and flash my I.D. and the cops would realize they arrested the wrong person.", "Neil: Hold on. Wait. They think that you trashed a hotel room in Vegas?", "Devon: Yes. And dodged the bill. It's ridiculous.", "Leslie: You should have called me immediately, Devon. You're lucky we were able to arrange bail before they extradited you back to Nevada.", "Devon: Back to Vegas? Leslie, I was never there.", "Leslie: According to the evidence, you were.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Fenmore: What are we gonna do?", "Michael: Ride it out.", "Fenmore: When Paul asked me how my sober chip ended up in your pocket after Carmine was killed, I told him a completely different story than you did.", "Lauren: He never led on that he already heard your father's version.", "Fenmore: I mean, I should have thought about that. I just -- I --", "Lauren: He tricked him. Paul blindsided Fen.", "Michael: Paul was just doing his job. He was just doing his job, and actually he was doing it quite well.", "Fenmore: Yeah, well, now he knows we were lying.", "Michael: That is something he always suspected. This is no cause for panic.", "Lauren: Are you kidding me? They could arrest him for killing Carmine.", "Michael: Fenmore already admitted that he was under the influence that night. So, he was confused and possibly not remembering correctly what he did with his sober chip or how it got into my pocket.", "Fenmore: But we know how it got there, Dad. I dropped it. You picked it up to cover for me.", "Michael: Fortunately, even if you and I misspoke while being questioned by the chief of police, there is no evidence of wrongdoing.", "Fenmore: [Scoffs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: [ Sighs ] You have been staring at that chip since last night. Is it telling you anything different today?", "Paul: Tells me the same story -- that Carmine's blood is on the chip, and Michael obviously picked it up in the alley after Carmine was killed. But, no. It does not tell me who dropped the chip or who pulled the trigger on the fatal shot. But...I found something else that will. When Fen confessed to the shooting to cover for the real killer, or so he thought at the time, I asked Lauren to voluntarily turn over the clothing Fen was wearing the night of the murder.", "Christine: And did she?", "Paul: She said she couldn't, because Fen went directly back to rehab, wearing the same suit he had on during her award ceremony.", "Christine: And because the case was officially closed, you couldn't get a warrant to have the clothes turned over.", "Paul: Right, but now the case is wide open.", "Christine: You filed a warrant for the suit?", "Paul: I did, and it turns out it's still at the rehab center.", "Christine: How did that happen?", "Paul: I guess Fen forgot to take it with him.", "Christine: Was it cleaned?", "Paul: It's been zipped away in a suit bag ever since Fen took it off that night.", "Christine: Which means it's been sealed from any contamination.", "Paul: Exactly. So, I sent it to the lab and put a rush on it. But if there are any traces of blood splatter on it --", "Christine: It places Fen at the scene. And if there's any gunshot residue...", "Paul: It places the murder weapon in Fen's hand.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Fenmore: Paul won't drop this.", "Michael: Yes, Son. You are right. Paul will continue to investigate...", "Fenmore: And if he does --", "Michael: ...Without results. And in time, the case will go cold.", "Lauren: Oh, and how can you be so sure?", "Michael: If I were still the district attorney, I would never even pursue a case with so little evidence.", "Lauren: But you're not. Paul's wife is the D.A., and do you think that she's --", "Michael: And as a defense attorney, if my client were charged on the basis of what little they've got, it would be the easiest case I ever won. Christine knows that. She knows she has no evidence. She has no case.", "Fenmore: Really?", "Michael: I am absolutely certain, Son.", "Lauren: Okay, let's just put this aside and do something fun as a family, okay?", "Fenmore: Like what?", "Lauren: Decorating for Christmas.", "Fenmore: [Sighs] Oh, God.", "Michael: Hey, hey! That sounds great to me! Don't you think it could take your mind off this, Fenmore?", "Lauren: Didn't you say something about Summer's party?", "Fenmore: At the Underground.", "Lauren: Yeah, why don't you go?", "Fenmore: And do what, Mom? Pretend like everything is okay? I can't do that.", "Michael: What else? What else can I do?", "Fenmore: Dad, even if everything happens like you said and the case goes cold, it is never going to be closed.", "Lauren: But you will not be in prison, and you will live a normal life.", "Fenmore: The cops are gonna continue to be after me for this case. Nothing is ever gonna be normal again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Door opens, footsteps]", "Both: Happy birthday!", "Summer: Could you keep it down, please?", "Courtney: Oh, come on! I'm just trying to make up for being such a crummy friend lately.", "Summer: Yeah, by announcing that it's my birthday?", "Noah: And by helping you celebrate.", "Summer: Thank you, Noah and Court. I'm just -- I'm really wiped. I kind of want some down time.", "Noah: Unacceptable.", "Courtney: We made plans.", "Summer: Oh, what kind of plans?", "Noah: Bowling.", "Summer: [Laughs] Oh, bowling? Bowling?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Courtney: Summer, it's gonna be fun. Come on.", "Summer: You're being serious.", "Both: Yeah.", "Summer: Oh, and if I refuse to ever leave this spot?", "Noah: Uh, we burst into song.", "Both: And a-one, and a-two, and --", "Summer: Please, please, please, wait. Don't sing. Please. Okay, I will -- I will go with you guys to the bowling alley.", "Courtney: Mm-hmm.", "Noah: Great.", "Summer: If you both solemnly swear that you will not announce that it's my birthday. Really, guys, please. I am just so not in the mood to have a room full of people making me the center of attention.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: Well, enjoy the party.", "Jack: Wait, wait. You know what? I've been thinking. You should come.", "Hilary: Oh. I don't really know Summer, and it's mostly family.", "Kyle: That's nonsense. All her friends are gonna be there.", "Jack: I'd feel a whole lot less guilty after you spent all this time on working on these presents.", "Kyle: Just come, have a drink, eat cake. How can you turn down free cake?", "Hilary: I, uh, I can't. Okay. I'll see you there.", "Jack: Great. Thanks again.", "Hilary: Anytime.", "Jack: She's an attractive woman. You're a single guy.", "Kyle: And I am happily playing the field.", "Jack: You know what? Playing the field can be pretty lonely sometimes.", "Kyle: Well, I just haven't met anyone that I like spending that much time with since, uh...", "Jack: Since Summer.", "Kyle: My sister. Yeah. We don't see each other that often, but when we do, it's as friends.", "Jack: But seeing each other at the party today, that won't make you uncomfortable, will it?", "Kyle: The only thing that might make me uncomfortable is knowing you and Victor are in the same room, and I'm working for one and spying for the other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Hi, Daddy!", "Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.", "Abby: How are you?", "Victor: Thank you. I'm fine.", "Abby: Good to see you. You remember Tyler, right?", "Tyler: Hello.", "Nikki: Oh, yes. Of course. Hi. How are you? Excuse me just a minute.", "Abby: Okay.", "Tyler: Good to see you, Mr. Newman.", "Victor: Is Neil keeping you busy over there? Because if he's not --", "Abby: Oh, my gosh. Are you trying to woo Tyler over to Newman-Chancellor?", "Nick: And hope that Abby follows you? Hey, Sis.", "Abby: Hey.", "Nick: Tyler, I'd offer you a drink, but, as usual, my bartender is late.", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Mason: Here! Here! Nick! I'm here.", "Nick: There he is.", "Victor: There he is.", "Nikki: I'm a little surprised to see you at a party for Summer.", "Sharon: Well, Nick thought Summer might like it if I were here. I'm working with her now. Plus Summer still thinks of Faith as her sister. But if you're going to lay into me, Nikki --", "Nikki: Actually, I would like to thank you.", "Sharon: Oh?", "Nikki: For being a friend to my son.", "Victor: So, what were you and Sharon talking about over there?", "Nick: Oh, we were just, uh, remembering an old Noah birthday. It was funny.", "Victor: Yeah?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Victor: This is Summer's day, you know.", "Nick: Yes. Summer really likes Sharon, Dad. She's a guest of mine today.", "Victor: Uh-huh. If you don't mind my saying so, Son, she's working her way back into her life, you know.", "Nick: It's not a problem.", "Victor: Well, try to prevent it from becoming a problem. Because if you don't, I shall.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Yeah, well... some things have changed. Not everything. We're still family. We still have each other. Hey, we stay strong. We stay together. We maintain your innocence. If they had solid evidence, you would have been arrested.", "Fenmore: Wouldn't you be looking over your shoulder if you were me?", "Lauren: Okay, Honey. You know... your dad and I have worked so hard to protect you. And now your job is to enjoy your freedom and live your life. Can't you at least try to do that?", "Fenmore: Yeah. I can. I can try.", "Lauren: Good.", "Michael: Wow.", "Lauren: [Chuckles]", "Michael: That's it? Done? No argument?", "Fenmore: I've got to believe this is gonna turn out okay.", "Michael: You keep thinking like that, we'll get through this.", "Fenmore: Maybe I will head over to Summer's party.", "Lauren: That's good!", "Fenmore: Yeah.", "Lauren: Good!", "Fenmore: I'll go there. I love you, Mom.", "Lauren: I love you so much, Baby.", "Fenmore: And you. [Chuckles] I love you, Dad.", "Lauren: [Chuckles]", "Michael: I know. Okay. Good.", "Fenmore: All right. Later.", "Lauren: Have a good time.", "Michael: Bye.", "Lauren: [Sighs] You...are not as confident as you sounded, are you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You are actually giving your blessing to a friendship with Nicholas?", "Nikki: I was talking about my other son.", "Sharon: Oh.", "Nikki: Faith tells me that Dylan is your friend... and Faith's.", "Sharon: Well, I haven't yet explained to her how he is actually her uncle.", "Nikki: But you've continued to let him be in her life, and I appreciate that.", "Sharon: He's a nice man. And I've asked Dylan and Nick to lay down their swords, but they're both incredibly stubborn, just like --", "Nikki: Brothers?", "Sharon: Well, I'm not gonna take sides.", "Nikki: Well, that's good. And even though it may seem like we are bonding at the moment, my opinion of you has not changed, Sharon.", "Sharon: Well, back at you, Nikki.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You know, Dad, at first I was just a little annoyed, the way you keep taking swipes at the mother of my children. But I'm warning you for the last time, you got to stop.", "Jack: Gentlemen! Nick, the place looks great.", "Nick: Thank you, Jack, and thanks again for letting me have Summer's party here.", "Victor: How decent of you, Jack. Hello, Kyle.", "Kyle: Victor.", "Victor: You know, your son is a very committed, hard-working fellow.", "Jack: I'm well aware. I wish he was still at Jabot.", "Victor: I'm sure you do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: So, I've arranged for a fellow attorney in Nevada to appear in court on your behalf. Now, since it's a misdemeanor, you won't have to return to Las Vegas for trial.", "Devon: Leslie, I can't return someplace that I've never been.", "Neil: That is clear, Son, to both of us. Have you been informed of the evidence?", "Devon: They said something about my credit card.", "Leslie: Yeah, your card was used at a bar and at a club there.", "Devon: And how could that have happened?", "Neil: Well, receipts were signed with your signature, reservation was made in your name.", "Devon: So, obviously, someone has stolen my identity, then.", "Leslie: The hotel claims they have video of you gambling in the casino.", "Devon: Well, that's great. 'Cause that'll prove that it wasn't me, and whoever's running around impersonating me won't get away with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mason: What's your poison?", "Hilary: I'll just have a club soda.", "Mason: So, how'd you score an invite to this party?", "Hilary: My employer is the birthday girl's father.", "Mason: Mm. The job, obviously, is going well for you.", "Hilary: Says the man wearing another expensive watch. Takes a hell of a lot of tips to afford those.", "Mason: It was my last big purchase with my modeling money.", "Hilary: We were together then. I've never seen that watch.", "Mason: Because you were too busy destroying people's lives.", "Abby: Everyone! They're coming! Hide!", "Summer: You know, it's weird that you actually own a bowling ball, but why would you leave it here? I don't --", "All: Surprise!", "[Noisemakers trumpeting]", "Summer: I'm sorry. Ignore the tears. I'm -- I'm really happy. [Laughter] Let's party. [Chuckles]", "[Cheers and applause]", "[Noisemaker toots]", "Abby: Hey! Really surprised, huh?", "Summer: Yes.", "Abby: Happy birthday.", "Summer: Thank you.", "Tyler: Happy birthday, Supermodel!", "Summer: Thank you! [Laughs] Thank you, Guys.", "Nikki: We are so proud of you!", "Summer: [Laughs] Thank you!", "Victor: Hello, Sweetheart.", "Summer: Hi!", "Victor: Happy birthday to you.", "Summer: Thank you. I'm so happy that you guys are both here -- and Nick and Jack. How'd you do that, Grandma?", "Nikki: Nicholas did it all.", "Summer: Oh. [Laughs] Wow.", "Victor: Well, Sweetheart. I think they're all waiting for your presence, okay?", "Nikki: Yes, they are. Party, party, party!", "Summer: Thank you.", "Hilary: Best spontaneous reaction ever.", "Summer: [Laughs] Thank you, Hilary. Okay, do not get all sappy with me, because I will start all over again.", "Jack: I'm just so glad I can say these words to my daughter. Happy birthday.", "Summer: Thank you. [Sighs]", "Nick: Tears of joy?", "Noah: That's what she said.", "Nick: How'd she seem when you picked her up?", "Noah: Strange. She's in kind of a funky mood. You know how she's always asking nonstop questions about her presents? No, not today. She didn't even want to acknowledge it was her birthday.", "Nick: Okay.", "Nick: Excuse me, Ladies. Could I talk to the birthday girl for a minute?", "Esmerelda: Come and find us after, Summer.", "Summer: Yeah, no, I will.", "Nick: First, happy birthday.", "Summer: Thank you.", "Nick: Now, can you tell me what's really going on?", "Abby: Don't you just love parties? Especially when they're in the middle of a work day.", "Tyler: Actually, I kind of feel like I owe you some happy after ruining our time in L.A. If you'll let me, I'd kind of like to do a do-over.", "Abby: Well, what part would you want to do over?", "Tyler: The whole thing. Yeah, we go back to L.A., you know? We'll discover new places, do things we've never done before. Make the place ours.", "Abby: Instead of yours and Mariah's? I would love to. And I can give you plenty of reasons to forget all about Mariah. Permanently. Mm-hmm. [Chuckles]", "Tyler: How long is this party supposed to last?", "Abby: Oh, we have to stay a little while longer.", "Tyler: [Groans] All right, I'm gonna get us some drinks, all right?", "Abby: Okay.", "Victor: Sweetheart. Who's Mariah?", "Abby: Tyler's ex, but don't worry. She's out of the picture, so don't send a hit squad. [Laughs]", "Victor: I want my family to be happy, you know.", "Abby: I know you do.", "Nikki: Still a strange situation for you, isn't it?", "Jack: Summer and I get closer all the time, and that's wonderful, but it's hard to accept all the lost years. I know about Dylan. Summer told me.", "Nikki: Well, I would love to have a relationship with my son, but I don't know if that will ever happen.", "Jack: What's in the way?", "Nikki: Victor. He's refusing to allow Dylan to be a part of the family because of... [Sighs] ...Dylan's conflict with Nicholas.", "Jack: Would Victor be more accepting of anyone but Dylan being your son?", "Nikki: I guess I'll never know. Maybe he would feel better about it if I hadn't run to Paul for help.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Thank you very much. The report's gonna be ready soon.", "Christine: I know you're hoping that nothing incriminating will turn up on Fen's suit.", "Paul: With everything in me, Chris. Because then we would have no real evidence -- not on Fen or Michael or Lauren. [Sighs] You know, on the other hand, I hate being put in a position where I might have to put away someone I care about very deeply when the victim is a criminal. I mean, carmine is scum. Sometimes I wonder why I even took this job.", "Christine: [Sighs] Because you believe in the system. And law enforcement is in your blood.", "Paul: Yeah, well, my dad was a cop. I'm an administrator.", "Christine: And an investigator. An excellent one.", "Paul: That's because I'm your husband.", "Christine: Mnh-mnh. It's because you stand for right over wrong, and you're determined to make a difference. And, yes. Because I believe in you.", "[Telephone rings]", "Paul: Williams. All right. Thank you. The forensic report on Fenmore's clothes. It's ready.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Courtney: Fen.", "Fenmore: How you doing, Courtney?", "Courtney: Good. Glad to see you're out of prison.", "Fenmore: Thanks.", "Courtney: But, um, I don't really appreciate you telling Summer I'm some kind of drug addict.", "Fenmore: So, you're saying that you never use?", "Courtney: This coming from a guy who was basically caught with an entire pharmacy? I know Raven doesn't deal that much. Who'd you get to sell you all that stuff?", "Noah: Hey. You okay?", "Courtney: I am now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Maybe I was a little shocked, but I'm better now. I'm having a good time. Really. It's a good birthday.", "Nick: Summer, I know you. And in spite of everything, I still feel like I'm your father.", "Summer: Yeah, um... a year ago, you were. And that's exactly it. With everything that's happened to me in this past year -- finding out that you're not my dad, Mom being really sick, and...", "Nick: And not here.", "Summer: Yeah, I was starting to accept everything. I really was. But then a birthday is like -- it's like a time stamp. It's like a gigantic marker on your life map. And here I am. You know, exactly one year ago, there I was. I was happy. And Kyle was my crush. He wasn't my brother. You and Mom were getting along, and Mom -- Mom gave me my infinity necklace.", "Nick: Sweetheart, when she gave you that, it was with the wish that you'd have all good things forever. And I know the last thing she would want to know is that you were sad on your birthday.", "Summer: I am... trying very hard not to be.", "Nick: Well, you know, when you were little and you were sad... all I had to do was hug you, and it would go away.", "Summer: [Laughs] It still works.", "Nick: Yeah. Oh, Fen's over there. Go have fun with your friends.", "Summer: Okay. Thanks. Hey.", "Fenmore: [Laughing] Hey!", "Summer: Hi.", "Fenmore: Hi.", "Summer: I'm so glad that someone remembered to invite you, and that you actually showed up.", "Fenmore: Oh, I had to. I came to say happy birthday.", "Summer: Thanks.", "Fenmore: And goodbye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You know, the discrepancies in the stories that Fenmore and I told Paul could create problems.", "Lauren: I thought you said that everything was okay to Fen?", "Michael: Everything I told Fenmore was true. The question is, why is Paul asking about the sobriety chip?", "Lauren: But is there any way that Paul can prove that you were the one that found the chip in the alley?", "Michael: He confirmed that the chip and Carmine's body were in that alley. That's not a dispute.", "Lauren: But that chip does not tie Fen to the murder, right?", "Michael: I don't see how it could. Yeah, I'm just gonna have to take my own advice, the advice I gave Fenmore, and just stay calm and know that I was right, and there is no real evidence.", "Lauren: I am so glad that you got through to him, you know? Now he can feel secure and he can enjoy his freedom and his friends.", "Michael: I hope so.", "Lauren: What do you mean, you hope so?", "Michael: Our son feels things very deeply. He tends to act without thinking.", "Lauren: Well... we're just gonna hope that that's not gonna happen this time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Goodbye? Fen, you promised me --", "Fenmore: I didn't promise, and thinks have gotten out of control.", "Summer: Is it that convict who threatened you?", "Fenmore: No, it's the cops. They're starting to close in on me. I've got to get out of here.", "Summer: No, Fen, you cannot go. Please, just talk to your parents.", "Fenmore: You don't understand. I have to. I have to. And I need your help.", "Noah: Really? You guys are both doing this to me?", "Summer: Do what?", "Nick: Just making conversation.", "Noah: And giving my girlfriend the third degree.", "Courtney: Noah, its okay. I want to get to know your parents better, anyways.", "Noah: Why?", "Courtney: Obviously, so they can tell me embarrassing stories about you as a child.", "Noah: I don't have any embarrassing stories.", "Sharon: Oh, there was this one time. It was around the holidays.", "Nick: Noah got his head stuck.", "Sharon: In the stairwell, in the railing and he didn't cry.", "Noah: That did not happen. I have big ears.", "Nick: He was singing Christmas carols.", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Courtney: Christmas carols?", "Noah: No.", "Victor: You approve of Sharon digging her claws into our son again?", "Nikki: Absolutely not. Just have to hope that our son is not stupid enough to get near that woman again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Indistinct shouting]", "Neil: Come on! Get going! No! No! You can't come in here!", "Leslie: We will take legal action.", "Neil: We told you, no comment. You're not allowed in here. You're not allowed in here. Hey. We have no more comments, okay?", "Devon: Well, it looks like the GC Buzz is all over it.", "Hilary: What's going on?", "Devon: Are you enjoying this Hilary? A negative story that you didn't have to manufacture?", "Hilary: What are you talking about?", "Neil: This is insane. We kept the press at bay, all right?", "Leslie: Yeah, we need to discuss how we're gonna proceed legally.", "Neil: Come on.", "Devon: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: What do you want me to do?", "Fenmore: I --", "Jack: Hey. You having a good time?", "Summer: Um, yeah. Yeah. I am.", "Jack: So, listen. I had something sent over to your place for you to open later.", "Summer: Oh, um, you didn't have to get me anything, Jack.", "Jack: No, it's all right. It meant a lot to me. I hope it means a lot to you.", "Summer: Yeah, it will.", "Jack: I wish I could give you the one thing you want.", "Summer: Mom.", "Jack: Yeah. No matter where your mother is, never forget she loves you very, very much.", "Kyle: Hey.", "Summer: Hi.", "Kyle: Finally I get to congratulate the, uh, the birthday girl.", "Summer: Yeah, you better get in before I'm swept away by my fandom.", "Kyle: Listen, I hope you have a really good year, Summer. You deserve to be happy. In every way.", "Summer: Thanks. So do you.", "Jack: Well, what do you know? This family is starting to seem like a real family.", "Kyle: Uh, yeah. And I have some family business to tend to.", "Jack: What do you mean? What do you have to do?", "Kyle: Well, I still don't know why Victor has Noah researching Bonaventure Industries. And I haven't been able to photograph the Bonaventure file because it's in Victor's office.", "Jack: Well, I don't want you risking that.", "Kyle: No, no, no, no, no. It's not a risk. Right now, no one is there. The timing is perfect.", "Jack: I don't want you to get caught.", "Kyle: Dad, it's not a big deal. I won't get caught. I can get in there, photograph the file, then I will leave before anyone even knows I was there. Trust me.", "Jack: You, I trust.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: Just give me --", "Paul: Chris.", "Christine: Oh, I got to go. Okay. Bye. Is that the forensics report on Fen's suit? Well?", "Paul: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Fen, you cannot leave.", "Fenmore: Look, I'm going. All right, no one will know I've left until I don't show up at home, and when they start looking, I need you to cover for me.", "Summer: Lie, you mean.", "Fenmore: Just misdirect my parents. All right, just tell them I told you I was going to New York.", "Summer: Where are you actually going?", "Fenmore: I can't tell you that, Summer. I really -- I don't want to pull you further into this.", "Summer: Please, Fen, that is not fair.", "Fenmore: It's the only choice. Thank you.", "Summer: For covering for you, even when I know that I shouldn't be.", "Fenmore: No, for being my friend, Summer. I want to be one to you, too, so here's some advice. Be careful about choosing your other friends.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Courtney: So, then I'm officially your girlfriend, huh?", "Abby: Smart of you and Kyle to heed my words of wisdom.", "Noah: We did what now?", "Abby: Well, you're not trying to one-up each other in front of my dad.", "Noah: And what makes you say that?", "Abby: Because I just saw Kyle leaving. I figured he was going back to work.", "Noah: The sneaky little suck-up. Hey, I can't let Kyle get the upper hand on this project we've been working on. I'll see you later?", "Courtney: Okay.", "Noah: Okay. Excuse me. Grandpa, um... I wanted to get a jump on the Bonaventure company at work.", "Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You can do that tomorrow.", "Noah: I don't think so.", "Victor: Huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esmerelda: The girls and I are hitting another party after this. You in?", "Summer: I -- I can't. I'm really beat, and I have another photo shoot in the morning. And, plus, my eyes are already puffy from all the crying. So... is this one of the energy pills you were telling me about?", "Esmerelda: All the models use them. They're completely harmless.", "Summer: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Well, I positively love this family.", "Lauren: [Chuckles]", "Michael: And I positively adore my wife.", "Lauren: Aww.", "Michael: [Smooches]", "Lauren: And I adore you.", "Michael: Yeah.", "Lauren: Mm.", "[Knock on door]", "Michael: Okay, uh, I'll get that. I'll get that. Hold on. I'll be right there. Paul. Come on in.", "Paul: Hi. Looking for Fen.", "Michael: Uh, he's not here right now. Why?", "Paul: I have a warrant for his arrest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Laughter]", "Summer: Oh, my God.", "Nick: Did Noah happen to tell you when he would be back?", "Abby: I think he went into work.", "Nick: Well, he was supposed to pick up Faith and get the tree for the tack house.", "Abby: Tyler and I can do that for you.", "Nick: That worked. Yes. Hey, get a big one.", "Tyler: I have never picked out a Christmas tree in my life.", "Abby: Another new experience for us to share.", "Tyler: [Chuckles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Well, it's bad enough that the press have surrounded my place, and now they're following me here.", "Neil: Okay, Devon. Here's what we're gonna do. When we leave here, we're gonna slip out the back. I want you to come and spend the night at my place, all right?", "Devon: No, no, no. I don't need to do that. I appreciate everything you guys have done, but I don't need you to babysit me. Really. I'm fine.", "Leslie: Okay.", "Devon: We'll, uh, we'll talk tomorrow.", "Leslie: Yeah, I'll definitely take a look at the surveillance tapes between now and then, okay?", "Devon: Thank you.", "Leslie: Yeah.", "Devon: Thanks.", "Neil: [Sighs] Oh, my boy. Sorry all this is happening. Hey. We're gonna sort it all out. I promise you. Come here.", "Devon: Thanks.", "Neil: I'll see you soon, okay?", "Devon: Okay.", "Neil: Call me if you need me.", "Devon: I will.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Devon: [Sighs]", "Hilary: I read it. But I don't believe it. Katherine Chancellor would sure be proud of her grandson.", "Devon: What'd you say? Huh?", "Hilary: Wait, wait, wait. You don't want to get in any more trouble, okay? Just -- get out of here, okay? Unless I'm gonna call security. Okay, move!", "Devon: [Chuckles] Wow. You are scary.", "Hilary: Wow. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.", "Devon: So, what makes you believe I'm innocent?", "Hilary: I was the original stalker, remember? With all that research, I learned a lot about you. And trashing a room in Vegas? Not you.", "Devon: Well, the cops think it was me. And I need to figure out who's making them believe I was somewhere I wasn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mason: All right, Nick. I will see you on my regular shift.", "Nick: On time, Mase?", "Jack: Hey. It was a great party.", "Nick: Thanks.", "Summer: Yeah, it was. Thank you, both of you, for everything.", "Jack: So, where are you off to next?", "Summer: Um, I think I'm gonna go to a party with my friends.", "Jack: [Laughs] Have fun.", "Summer: Thanks.", "Nick: Be careful.", "Summer: I will.", "Courtney: Hey, Summer. Can I get in on that?", "Summer: Why? Because Noah's gone?", "Courtney: No, because we were friends first, and I think you could use a real pal right now.", "Summer: Yeah. Let's go.", "Jack: If I don't see you before, have a Merry Christmas.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Victor: Not wishing me coal in my stocking?", "Jack: I'm confident you'll get exactly what you deserve.", "Victor: As well you, Jack.", "Nikki: Good night.", "Jack: Merry Christmas. [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: What are you doing?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sharon, thank you so much for staying and helping me clean up. I, uh... I think I remembered everything except a cleaning crew.", "Sharon: [Chuckles] It was a really wonderful party.", "Nick: Yeah, it was. I wish there was more I could do for Summer. I know -- I know how much she misses Phyllis. Come on.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kyle: Get out of my way, Noah.", "Noah: Not until you tell me what you're doing here. What were you looking for in my grandfather's desk?", "Jack: You seem to have gotten to know this Kelly pretty well.", "Billy: It's not like I'm running around cheating on my wife.", "Victor: He shouldn't be treated as we treat our other children!", "Nikki: Why not?! He's my son!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon walks in on Mariah and Kevin before they have a chance to kiss. Later she advises Mariah to open her heart to love. Nick is hurt when Faith tells Santa that she wants her parents to get married for Christmas, and she doesn't want any presents. Nick has a talk with Faith and tells her that she can be upset, but she will have to accept that he and her mommy won't get back together. Faith runs away from Nick's house and she isn't at Sharon's house either. Kevin accidently tells Fen about Michael's cancer because he thinks he already knows the truth.", "Billy and Chelsea go to the site of Delia's memorial to tell her that her wish of having a baby sister came true and her name is Katherine Rose. Sage listens in to the conversation and then calls Adam and says they have to talk, but he isn't answering his phone. Jack doesn't believe Adam is alive until he tells him that he knows where the prostitute who died in his living room is buried. Adam also explains that he didn't come forward and say he accidently ran over Delia because nobody would believe him and then he didn't want to risk Billy and Chloe not giving Delia's eyes to Connor. Adam also tells Jack how Gabriel Bingham died saving him. Adam asks Jack not to call the police. Jack agrees but feels he has to call Billy.", "" ]
[ "Jack: You're Adam.", "Adam: I am.", "Jack: Adam who?", "Adam: Adam Newman. Your friend. Your worst enemy's son. I'm Adam Newman.", "Jack: Adam Newman is dead. He died in a horrible accident. His body was identified by dental records.", "Adam: That's what everyone thinks, Jack.", "Jack: I know. I was at the memorial service.", "Adam: I need you to listen to me.", "Jack: Okay, look. I don't know what kind of sick joke you're playing here, but I'm done. Time for you to leave.", "Adam: Give me a chance to explain myself.", "Jack: I'm calling the police.", "Adam: No, Jack, don't call the police. It's me. I can prove it.", "Sage: [Sighs] [Chuckles] Gabe. Where are you? I've been looking everywhere. I need you to call me right now. Okay?", "[Car doors open, close]", "Sage: Oh, my God. Um...", "Chelsea: This is where you wanted to come?", "Billy: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Why?", "Billy: I want Delia to know about her sister.", "Christine: [Chuckles]", "Paul: Ho, ho, ho, ho!", "Christine: The kids are gonna love you.", "Paul: Just so long as you do.", "Christine: Oh, I do.", "Paul: [Laughs] And the place looks great, doesn't it? Dylan did a great job.", "Christine: Yes. It was very generous of him to let the police society use the coffee house for the children's Christmas party.", "Paul: Well, events like this are important, you know? They show us in a different light. It's a win-win for everybody.", "Christine: Oh, it is. Especially Dylan.", "Paul: Maybe the community will rally around him and all the other small business owners and preserve the neighborhood.", "Christine: Nice.", "Paul: Yeah.", "Christine: Yeah, so...", "Paul: Make sure my situation is all set here.", "Christine: Where is Dylan?", "Paul: Oh. Uh... he and Avery were out hanging fliers for save the neighborhood rally next week.", "Christine: Okay, but I'm assuming you have some help with the kids -- volunteers from the department?", "Paul: Well, I had a couple guys lined up, but they had to pull an extra shift, so this Santa is gonna be flying without any reindeer.", "Christine: So Santa vs. 100?", "Paul: Actually, we're expecting more like 200.", "Christine: 200? [Chuckles] I'll be right back.", "Paul: Where are you going?", "Christine: I'm gonna go get you some help.", "Paul: Oh.", "Faith: I need to talk to Santa!", "Nick: Okay, hold on. Why don't you just get him a cookie and I'll go butter him up for you?", "Faith: Fine.", "Nick: [Sighs]", "Paul: Ho, ho, ho! Nicholas! I remember you!", "Nick: [Chuckles] Thanks, Paul. Glad it's you.", "Paul: Really? You don't look that happy. What's going on?", "Nick: Well, I need a Christmas miracle.", "Mariah: So, this Chloe chick must be a real weirdo.", "Kevin: Wow. Way to embrace the spirit of Christmas.", "Mariah: [Laughs] Well, eggnog and mistletoe were never really my thing.", "Kevin: Well, maybe that's because you never shared either with the right person.", "Mariah: Oh. Did you read Plato sphere this week?", "Kevin: Why do you listen to that guy and not me?", "Mariah: Because he's smart, and you're you.", "Kevin: So, what are his latest words of wisdom?", "Mariah: There is no right person, only right choices.", "Kevin: I see. So you choose to be a scrooge.", "Mariah: Well, I could pretend that the holiday fairy came by and sprinkled magical dust all over me and suddenly my feelings about Christmas changed.", "Kevin: Or [Gasps] You could just change for real.", "Mariah: See, that's exactly why I like Plato sphere. He's a realist.", "Kevin: A realist, huh? How's this for reality? A real, live mistletoe hanging over your head. What are you gonna do about it?", "Mariah: Not what you're hoping.", "Kevin: Why? Are you afraid to kiss me?", "Mariah: No. I'm just not easily manipulated into a kiss by a guy holding a glorified piece of parsley over his head. [Chuckles]", "[Door opens]", "Kevin: [Clears throat]", "Fenmore: No, I understand. I just thought it'd be cool if you guys could go. Yeah, yeah, next year for sure. All right. Bye.", "Lauren: Hey. What's going on? I thought you were supposed to be on a plane to Canada.", "Fenmore: I canceled my reservation.", "Michael: Why?", "Lauren: Yeah, who was on the phone?", "Fenmore: Summer. I was hoping she and Austin could join our group, but the terms of his plea agreement don't allow him to leave the country.", "Michael: But you're still going.", "Lauren: Yeah, I mean you can. I can book you a later flight.", "Fenmore: Okay, what is with you two? Since I got home from school, you've just been pushing me to go on the ski trip. What's going on?", "Nick: It's been pretty rough for Faith. It's a complicated situation for a kid, and she seems to be taking out most of her anger on me.", "Paul: Oh. I'm sorry about that, Nick.", "Nick: Yeah, it's never fun when your kid's not talking to you, especially this time of year.", "Paul: What can I do to help?", "Nick: Well, I'm hoping you can get her to tell you what she wants for Christmas. You know, something special I can get for her.", "Paul: I'll see what I can do.", "Nick: Thanks, bud. All right, kid. You're up. Santa is ready and fired up to talk to you.", "Paul: Ho, ho, ho, ho! Well, look at you! Faith! How are you?", "Faith: I got this for you.", "Paul: Oh, and look at that. What a beautiful cookie! I'm gonna set it right over here. So, now, tell me, Faith. Have you been a very good girl all year long? Have you done your homework and cleaned your room and been very good to your mom and your dad?", "Faith: Yes. I was way nicer than a lot of grownups. So I think I should get something big this year.", "Paul: Okay! Let's see what we can do. What would you like?", "Faith: Just one thing. My mom and dad to be married.", "Sharon: Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.", "Mariah: No, you're not. I mean, you're really not. We were just trimming your tree for you.", "Sharon: Yeah?", "Kevin: Yeah, just, you know, getting into the holiday spirit.", "Mariah: Mm-hmm. So, how did it go with Nick after I left the underground?", "Sharon: Oh.", "Kevin: You know, actually, I should take off.", "Sharon: Kevin, I didn't mean to chase you off.", "Kevin: No, no, no, no, you're good. I told Paul I would help him out with this police charity event, so I should get over there.", "Mariah: Yeah.", "Kevin: And if I don't see you, merry Christmas.", "Mariah: You too, Kris Kringle.", "Sharon: So, what is going on between you two?", "Mariah: Nothing. He just came by 'cause I needed help putting that ugly thing at the top of your tree.", "Sharon: And because Kevin is so tall, you asked him to help you out with that.", "Mariah: He got it up there, okay?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm. Oh. What's this on the ground here? Is this mistletoe?", "Mariah: I don't know. I'm not a plant person.", "Sharon: Hmm. It's okay to admit you have feelings for Kevin.", "Mariah: I don't do feelings.", "Sharon: What about Tyler?", "Mariah: Okay, share time is over.", "Sharon: Mariah! Everyone else in my life has cut me out. You were there for more. I want to be there for you.", "Mariah: Please don't hug me.", "Sharon: I want to know you. Tell me something about yourself. Something I don't know.", "Michael: It's your uncle Kevin.", "Fenmore: Kevin?", "Lauren: Kevin?", "Michael: I'm worried about him.", "Fenmore: Is something wrong?", "Michael: The holidays are tough for Kevin since Delia died, and now with Chloe gone, I'm just very concerned.", "Fenmore: I'll give him a call, and I'll go see him when I get back from my trip.", "Lauren: You're still going?", "Fenmore: I'd already booked a later reservation. I should probably get going.", "Lauren: Oh, good. Oh, good. I'm glad. I love you, honey. Have the best trip, and don't worry about anything here.", "Michael: Take care. Mwah!", "Fenmore: Love you guys.", "Michael: Love you, too.", "Fenmore: Thanks.", "Lauren: I hate lying to our son.", "Michael: He deserves to have a happy Christmas. I promise we'll tell him the truth after the holidays.", "Lauren: Well, that can't come soon enough for me.", "Michael: Look. Maybe the doctor we're seeing today for a second opinion will have better news than Dr. Larson.", "Lauren: And what if he doesn't?", "Michael: Let's just hear what he has to say.", "Lauren: You know, I know you don't want to even talk about treatment options. But if this oncologist says the same thing as Dr. Larson... you're gonna have to.", "Jack: You can prove you're Adam Newman? A dead man?", "Adam: I'm not dead, Jack.", "Jack: No, you're sick and you're twisted, but you're not Adam. I know that.", "Adam: If I wasn't Adam, then how would I know about the diary that you and I faked to frame Victor for murder? How would I know about that? Or the hedge fund that Skye and I set up. I was determined to make it on my own, and you and my father were determined to crush me, so you teamed up, and then you slept with Skye behind my back.", "Jack: You could have read about that on any gossip site.", "Adam: It wasn't online that when you found out Victor was trying to frame me for Skye's murder, you had second thoughts about siding with him. So what did you do? You went to Hawaii to prove that she wasn't dead.", "Jack: Okay, somebody told you that.", "Adam: You and I are the only ones that know what happened in this very room new year's eve. Stephanie wheeler. She overdosed on booze and pills. It was a nasty combination. So what did you do? You called me for help and I came to help you, Jack. I took care of everything. I got rid of the body. I covered for you to the police. Now who in the hell else would know that?", "Sharon: Peppermint tea. It's a Christmas tradition.", "Mariah: [Chuckles] Thank you.", "Sharon: So. You and Kevin.", "Mariah: We're friends. He gets me. He doesn't judge me.", "Sharon: Well, that could be the basis for something more.", "Mariah: I'm gonna go with something less.", "Sharon: You're playing it safe.", "Mariah: What, is that not what Cassie would have done?", "Sharon: Well, I don't know. I didn't get a chance to help her navigate matters of the heart, but if you want my advice --", "Mariah: I can't imagine I can stop you.", "Sharon: Well, if you close yourself off to being loved, you're right. You won't get hurt. But you also won't be loved.", "Mariah: I'm not sure I even know what love is.", "Paul: Faith, I'm sorry, but... weddings aren't on the list of wishes that Santa can grant.", "Faith: Why not?", "Paul: Well, because... [Sighs] It's not something my elves can make in a workshop.", "Faith: Well, last year, I asked for my mom and dad to get back together. And you made that happen. Why can't you do this?", "Paul: I did. Well... [Sighs] Hmm. Weddings are [Sighs] Something that happens when two people love each other.", "Faith: My mom and dad do love each other. Is that gonna make it happen for them?", "Paul: It's something only they can make happen, Faith. I'm sorry. I wish I could give you what you want, but I can't. Is there anything else I can get for you for Christmas?", "Faith: No. Nothing.", "Nick: [Sighs]", "Billy: She had the best smile.", "Chelsea: She really did.", "Billy: Mm. And she knew how to use it, too. If she wanted something, she'd just flash that cheeky grin.", "Billy: And you would grant her wish.", "Billy: [Chuckles] Yeah. Anything she wanted. There was one wish, though, that I couldn't make happen. Every year, she'd be blowing out the candles on her birthday cake or pulling on a wishbone. One year she even asked Santa for one. She said to me and Vick, \"well, you're gonna have to get an extra-big stocking for him to put it in.", "Chelsea: What is it that she wanted?", "Billy: A little sister. I mean, she always loved Johnny and reed, she did, but she wanted somebody who took tea parties seriously, who would dress up in white gloves and feather boas. [Sighs] Well, your wish came true, Dee. [Sniffles] Your little sister finally came. And her name's Katherine rose. Katherine is for Mrs. C., Rose is for your favorite flowers. [Sniffles] I hope that you're both up there raising a pretend tea cup to little Katie right now. I just wanted you to know about her. [Voice breaking] 'Cause I promise you that she's gonna know all about you. [Sighs] Hello.", "Jack: Okay, I don't know who you are, but I sure as hell know who sent you.", "Adam: What are you talking about?", "Jack: This has the mustache's fingerprints all over it.", "Adam: No, Jack.", "Jack: Victor Newman -- who else would know about Stephanie wheeler? He's the one who set me up with her.", "Adam: No.", "Jack: I can't believe he thought he could pull this over on me. It's the same stunt he pulled with Sharon.", "Adam: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Jack: Okay, you go back and you tell your boss it's not gonna work this time. I'm not gonna go crazy. I'm not gonna tell him about Jabot's secret project.", "Adam: I am not here to spy for my father. I came here to talk to you, Jack. I need you to believe what I'm saying to you.", "Jack: Your time's up, pal. Get out of here.", "Adam: Look at me and listen to the words that are coming out of my mouth. I know things, Jack. I know things that Victor Newman, he couldn't possibly know. I know where Stephanie's body was that morning, right? A redhead in a black dress -- she was right here, face down. And you were scared when you called me, Jack. You were scared. Just like I was scared the last time I saw you. Do you remember what I said to you? I told you you were the father to me that Victor never was. I meant that. I did, and I trusted you with everything. I trusted you with my son. This is not a sick joke. This is not a scam. This is the truth. I'm Adam Newman.", "Jack: I believe you.", "Adam: [Sighs]", "Adam: Still got that great right cross, huh? And here I thought you were gonna give me the kindest, warmest reception.", "Jack: This is me being kind and warm. Anyone else in this town would have been a lot harsher, and you would have deserved it.", "Adam: Sure. You're right.", "Jack: How did this happen? The car blew up. They found your body in the river.", "Adam: That's what everyone thought.", "Jack: You were the only one in the car with Billy, right?", "Adam: Yeah. And, uh... during the accident, I got knocked unconscious, and when I woke up, I was trapped and... Billy was gone. Everything after that was kind of a blur. I remember there was an explosion. I woke up in the river cold. It was freezing. I thought I was dead, Jack. Visions of Chelsea and Connor were flashing through my head, and then somehow, some way... someone pulled me out of the water.", "Jack: And what happened then?", "Adam: Next thing I remember, I woke up in a hospital bed. I wasn't in a hospital.", "Jack: Where were you?", "Adam: Someone's house. I was in a room somewhere. My face was bandaged. I was weak. I couldn't talk. I was... pretty touch and go. And there was a woman there.", "Adam: [Groans]", "Sage: Gabriel? Oh, my God. You're awake. Gabriel.", "Adam: [Mutters]", "Sage: No, shh. Don't talk. You're gonna be okay. You just need to rest, right? Rest, Gabriel.", "Adam: I'm not Gabriel.", "Sage: I know.", "Jack: So who is Gabriel?", "Adam: Gabriel Bingham. It was the man who rescued me. He must have seen the accident. Came to help me. He got me out of there, but he didn't -- he didn't make it.", "Jack: He died saving you?", "Adam: It sounds horrible. You know, when they found me, Jack, on the riverbank, I was wrapped in his coat, my face was burned beyond recognition. Everybody thought I was him, and I just... I went with it. That's the whole story.", "Jack: No, that's not the whole story. Where have you been all this time? Why didn't the police know you were alive? And how did you get this face?", "Adam: I had help.", "Sage: I'm so sorry to intrude.", "Billy: Who are you?", "Chelsea: What are you doing out here?", "Sage: I got a flat tire down the road, and I was just looking for the market that I passed earlier to call a tow truck.", "Chelsea: Do you have a cell phone?", "Sage: Yeah, but the battery's dead.", "Chelsea: Oh, here, you can use one of ours.", "Sage: Oh, God, no, no. It's okay. If you could just point me in the direction of the market, that'd be great.", "Billy: It's just up the road there. In fact, you can see the parking lot from here.", "Sage: Oh, yeah.", "Chelsea: Do you want us to give you a ride?", "Sage: No. Gosh, no. Thank you so much. Have a nice day.", "Lauren: So now that the second doctor said the same as the first, we can go over which treatment options you want to go with.", "Michael: There's no reason to rush. I'm already looking into getting a third opinion.", "Lauren: Michael, you just saw the top two oncologists in the state.", "Michael: I want another opinion. I don't think that's unreasonable considering what a huge decision this is.", "Lauren: It is huge. It is, but it's important that we move forward.", "Michael: And I will, once I am confident I have an accurate diagnosis.", "Lauren: Can we at least agree on a plan of attack here? So you don't have to delay your treatment.", "Michael: Why prepare for something that may not even happen?", "Paul: Since you've been a very good boy, I'll see what I can do.", "Kevin: All right, Santa. How about a break in the action?", "Paul: I didn't think that happened until after the 25th.", "Kevin: [Chuckles] Well, I thought I could take advantage of this opportunity to put in my holiday requests.", "Paul: Uh-oh. Santa doesn't do pay raises.", "Kevin: Hmm. All right, it's not for me. I was hoping Santa could get this place a reprieve from the corporate raiders.", "Paul: Well, that's part of the reason I'm here, actually, to build community support for crimson lights and the rest of the warehouse district.", "Kevin: That's great. Since you mentioned it, a raise would be really good.", "Paul: Let this be a lesson to you. [Laughing] My reindeer work for peanuts! [Laughs]", "Fenmore: Hey, Santa. Do you mind if I borrow your helper?", "Paul: Please do! Shoo! That's the worst elf I've ever had. Hello!", "Kevin: I thought you were on a ski trip with your college buddies.", "Fenmore: Yeah, my flight got delayed. I thought I'd check in, see how you're doing.", "Kevin: Uh-huh. And, what, texting's not a thing anymore?", "Fenmore: Yeah. You know, I --", "Kevin: You're like the king of texting, so why are you here in the flesh?", "Fenmore: I spoke to mom and dad earlier.", "Kevin: Uh-huh.", "Fenmore: Dad finally came clean, told me why they'd been acting so weird.", "Kevin: [Sighs] Thank God. I'm glad you know.", "Fenmore: Me too.", "Kevin: Listen, he is going to need tons of love and support if he's gonna beat this cancer.", "Fenmore: Cancer?", "Mariah: So, if you can't see it and you can't feel it, how do you know it's real?", "Sharon: It's the way you feel.", "Mariah: What? All tingly?", "Sharon: Like you can't breathe and you can't think, except about him. And it's the way you feel when you're in his arms, the way your heart skips a beat when he walks into a room. Or when he walks out. And the whole world doesn't exist without him in it.", "Mariah: Well, I don't need to guess who you're talking about. [Chuckles]", "Sharon: You know, despite everything, the wedding being canceled and the custody battle, I still love Nick.", "Mariah: It just doesn't seem worth it -- falling in love.", "Sharon: Well... one day you'll fall in love and you'll see why it's worth the risk.", "Mariah: I wouldn't bet on it.", "Sharon: Hey, wait a minute. Come here. You've been told your whole life that you're not lovable, but that's not true. I love you. And one day you will find the kind of love that Nick and I shared.", "Mariah: [Chuckles] Faith is lucky to have had you her whole life.", "Sharon: Mm.", "Mariah: [Chuckles] And I knew that was coming.", "Sharon: [Laughs] I'm so happy I have both of you. I just hope we don't lose Faith.", "Mariah: Nick may think he can take you on, but he doesn't stand a chance against the two of us.", "Nick: All right. A visit to Santa -- check. Done shopping -- definitely check. The Christmas tree's looking sweet -- check! What should we do next?", "Faith: I don't care.", "Nick: [Sighs] All right. So... I heard what you asked for from Santa. And, you know, I know how upset you are that he can't give it to you.", "Faith: You could. You should just talk to mommy.", "Nick: It's not gonna fix anything, sweetheart.", "Faith: It will.", "Nick: Look, I know how much you wanted your mom and me to get married and for us to be a family again.", "Faith: You promised!", "Nick: I know I did, and at the time, I meant it. I swear. But things changed. And now it's just not possible.", "Faith: It's not fair.", "Nick: I know it's not. And you can be hurt and you can be sad and angry all you want. And you don't have to hide your feelings.", "Faith: I wish things could be different.", "Nick: I know. Me too. You can be as upset about this as you want. But eventually you're gonna have to accept it, okay?", "Faith: Okay.", "Nick: Your mom and I, we're gonna do everything possible to make this a happy Christmas for you. You know what? You're so lucky. You're gonna get two Christmases.", "Faith: And I have to go back and forth again. Between your house and Mommy's.", "Nick: It's gonna be okay. I promise.", "Michael: I got an appointment!", "Lauren: Honey. Do you really believe that he is going to tell you something any different than the other two doctors have?", "Michael: Maybe not. But they both told me that there was no rush, it's a slow- growing cancer, I don't have to make a decision right away on how to treat it. All right?", "[Door opens]", "Michael: So you -- son, you're supposed to -- it's okay.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] You ready to go?", "Billy: Not just yet. Listen, um... just because I have a new daughter doesn't mean that I don't miss you like crazy, because I do. I... I think about you every single day. And it's happy thoughts. [Chuckles] Just like I promised. It's not easy, but, um... but I have somebody who's been helping me. You remember Chelsea, right? She was your mom's best friend. And she's a really amazing woman. I just want you to know that we're gonna be thinking about you a lot over Christmas, okay? See this? This is true. \"Forever in our hearts.\" Merry Christmas, Dee Dee.", "Jack: Why would a stranger help you hide from the police?", "Adam: She had her reasons, Jack.", "Jack: This woman who was there when you woke up.", "Adam: Sage. Her name is sage.", "Jack: And what exactly did sage do to help you?", "Adam: She arranged... the plastic surgery so I can have Gabriel's face, and she made it possible for me to take over his life.", "Jack: Did she also arrange for Gabriel's body to be identified as yours?", "Adam: She bribed the coroner to say that the dental records of the body they pulled out of the river were mine.", "Jack: Oh, my God.", "Adam: It sounds --", "Jack: All this time we thought you were dead and... you were alive. You fooled us all.", "Adam: I was desperate.", "Jack: Yeah, I'll bet you were, to pull off a stunt like this.", "Adam: So you understand.", "Jack: Oh, I understand. As in how you did it, and I understand why.", "Adam: Jack, like I said, I was desperate.", "Jack: Desperate to get away with killing Delia.", "Paul: Wow! I bet you I know what you want! Another candy cane. But this is your last one, 'cause I don't want you to get a tummy ache. There you go! Merry Christmas!", "Christine: Need some help, Santa?", "Paul: [Laughs]", "Christine: I'm not that funny.", "Fenmore: How are you feeling?", "Michael: I'm feeling fine.", "Fenmore: What about you, mom? Are you holding up?", "Lauren: Yeah. I'm okay, sweetie.", "Fenmore: Then why didn't you tell me instead of trying to sending me off on this vacation?", "Lauren: We just thought it was best if we wait till after the holidays to break it to you. That's all.", "Michael: Obviously your uncle felt differently.", "Fenmore: Don't be mad at Kevin, all right? He thought I knew.", "Kevin: How was I supposed to know the truth you told him was the exact opposite of that?", "Fenmore: You guys shouldn't have lied to me, all right? Either of you. I'm not a kid anymore. You need to tell me these things.", "Michael: Yes, yes. That was my decision, and, yes, you are right. I will be honest with you. But no more accidental slips.", "Kevin: Well, now that your wife and son know.", "Michael: Thanks to you.", "Kevin: You're welcome.", "Fenmore: Eventually you're gonna have to tell grandma and everybody else.", "Michael: I know. I just want to know exactly what I'm facing before I do anything else.", "Adam: Jack, I never meant to hide from what happened to Delia that night.", "Jack: Yet that's exactly what you did.", "Adam: I'm sorry that I hurt so many people.", "Jack: You're sorry?", "Adam: There is nothing that I can say that can make up for your loss -- nothing.", "Jack: I was devastated by Delia's death. But Chloe, Billy. My brother's life will never be the same again.", "Adam: Know that it was an accident, Jack. I swear to you.", "Jack: Why didn't you come forward, then?", "Adam: Because I'm me, Jack. Because I'm Genoa City's resident villain. [Sighs] No one's gonna believe that I didn't see her. And I didn't run and hide like the despicable, selfish coward everyone thinks I am. Would you have believed me?", "Jack: You didn't give me a chance!", "Adam: I did! I came to you and I asked you. Do you remember?", "Jack: You know what I do remember? You kept asking me if I believe in redemption.", "Adam: And what did you say? You said that you did. And you finally convinced me, and I was ready to go forward and turn myself in, and that's when Billy and Chloe came to me and they said they were gonna... they said they were gonna donate Delia's corneas to Connor, and I just -- I felt like if they found out what happened, what I did, they would take it back, and he's my son, Jack, and I couldn't risk that.", "Jack: What about after the operation?", "Adam: After the operation, I finally had the life that I wanted. I had a wife. And my son and my family.", "Jack: And you weren't about to give that up.", "Adam: I was going to. Jack, I recorded a confession. I left it for Chelsea. Billy knows about the tape. I was on my way to turn myself in when Billy showed up, and that's when the accident happened.", "Jack: So you confessed to this horrible crime and you still came back here?", "Adam: I lost a year... with my son. I can't afford to lose any more time, Jack. You understand that.", "Jack: I understand that your son is alive. Billy's child is gone forever.", "Nick: Look what I found! More ornaments. I bet I know which one's in here. Faith? Faith? Faith! Where are you?", "Christine: Bye-bye, Santa's watching, okay? Okay.", "Christine: Don't forget. Santa's watching, okay? Okay.", "Christine: Bye-bye. Merry Christmas. Bye-bye! A-ha. And to all a good night.", "Paul: So the coast is clear?", "Christine: Yeah.", "Paul: Well, well, well.", "Christine: You okay, Santa?", "Paul: Yeah, I was just thinking about Faith and Nick. They were here earlier.", "Christine: Let me guess. All she wants for Christmas is for her parents to be back together.", "Paul: Yeah. The one thing that all the Newman money can't buy.", "Christine: I'm sure you did your best to make her feel better.", "Paul: I tried. It just breaks my heart to see kids hurt by their parents' mistakes.", "Christine: Well, thankfully that is one thing our kid won't have to worry about. He or she is going to have perfect parents.", "Paul: Well, that bar is set pretty high.", "Christine: Oh, come on, Williams. We so have this.", "Paul: Oh, if you say so, Williams.", "Christine: [Chuckles]", "Paul: So... what does this perfect parent want for Christmas? And try to keep it within my budget.", "Christine: Well, this year you are very lucky. [Sighs] I have everything I want. [Chuckles]", "Fenmore: You do have cancer. That's what the doctor said.", "Lauren: Two doctors have said.", "Fenmore: Was there something else? Is it worse than you said?", "Michael: No. This is just what I didn't want. Everybody worrying, thinking the worst. Look, this is supposed to be the happiest time of the year.", "Kevin: We love you. That's why we're worried about you.", "Michael: Well, don't. There's no reason to. No, one way or the other, I'm gonna beat this thing.", "Fenmore: What do you mean, one way or another?", "Michael: It's just an expression. [Chuckles] Oh. Come on! This -- let's celebrate! It's Christmastime. There must be a bottle of something sparkling somewhere around here.", "[Knock on door]", "Sharon: Nick.", "Nick: Is Faith here?", "Sharon: Faith? No, she's not here. She's supposed to be with you.", "Nick: Well, she was.", "Sharon: What do you mean, she was? Where is she?", "Nick: I don't know.", "Sharon: How can you not know?", "Nick: She took off. I think she ran away.", "Billy: To Delia.", "Chelsea: Forever in our hearts.", "Billy: You know, if you had told me a year ago that I could ever be this happy again --", "Chelsea: And yet here you are.", "Billy: That hole in my heart that was Delia will never be filled again, but Katie and you, you make it bearable. [Chuckles] A lot more than bearable. I'm looking forward to life again. And to a new year with you.", "Chelsea: Well, cheers to that.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Sage: Adam, where are you? We need to talk. You need to call me back immediately. I hope you're not doing anything stupid.", "Adam: Jack, nobody feels worse about what happened to Delia than I do.", "Jack: You're gonna compare your guilt to what Billy's been through?", "Adam: That's not what I meant. Of course not. Of course he's suffered more than I have. I'm just saying if I turn myself in now, what good is gonna come of that? It's certainly not gonna lessen his pain. It's not gonna bring Delia back. It's gonna hurt Connor. My son deserves to have a father, Jack.", "Jack: Yeah, well, Delia deserves justice.", "Adam: And I have to live with what I did every single day. I have to wake up in the morning knowing that that precious little girl is not here because of something that I did. Don't you think that's justice enough?", "Jack: No. No, it's not! Why did you come back?", "Adam: I told you why I came back, Jack. I'm here for my family.", "Jack: If that's the case, you'll understand why I'm doing what I have to do.", "Adam: Jack. Don't make this mistake. Don't call the police.", "Jack: I'm not. I'm calling Billy.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dylan: The mayor's willing to see us.", "Avery: We can do this.", "Dylan: Yeah, we can.", "Chelsea: Are you following me?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Since Jill intends to sue Jack over the abrupt termination of the Brash and Sassy lease, he is ready for a fight. Victoria is ready to do anything she has to do to make sure that Brash and Sassy stays on track. Dylan tells Sharon that he is going undercover on a case and will be away at night, so he tells her to ask Nick if Faith could stay with her at night so she won't feel lonely. Nikki tells Paul she feels like Dylan is avoiding her. Dylan tells Paul that he is avoiding Nikki, because he feels like Victoria and Nick will always be more important to Nikki and he doesn't have a place in her life. The Newman family gathers to watch Faith in her play. Afterwards, Dylan asks if Faith can spend the night with Sharon. Nick refuses; and when Faith overhears them fighting, she shouts that she is sick of all their fighting and wants a divorce.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: Oh! Hold the door, please! I don't have a free hand! Oh! Thank you.", "Jill: Of all the arrogant, pigheaded, underhanded moves, not to mention criminal --", "Jack: Jill, don't be so hard on yourself.", "Jill: You breaking brash & sassy's lease on what can only be considered a whim is not only unconscionable, it is illegal.", "Jack: I understand your being angry.", "Jill: Don't you condescend to me.", "Jack: I'm agreeing with you. My seemingly unwarranted attack on your company blindsided you, and it wasn't fair.", "Jill: Exactly. All right. Since you've seemingly come to your senses and admitted you were wrong, might I assume that you're gonna honor our lease?", "Jack: Don't be ridiculous.", "Victoria: I should be doing that.", "Billy: I'm almost done.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Where did cane go?", "Billy: I don't know. He took off. I guess he's in full panic mode, which is very unbecoming. Oddly, I'm the only one keeping their cool here.", "Victoria: I should never have allowed myself to lose control like that.", "Billy: Look, Vic, relax. It's not that big of a deal.", "Victoria: I should've never thrown a tantrum like that at work. I mean, who does that?", "Billy: Me, for one. I do. And this -- this is nothing.", "Victoria: \"Nothing\"?", "Billy: Nothing. Come on. You're frustrated, you're angry. It's pent up, and you needed to release it.", "Victoria: I took it out on a bunch of a beakers and test tubes.", "Billy: Yes, you did, and there's more where that came from. And what's important here is that you let it out, right? That's a good thing. And I'm sure it felt amazing. Come on. Tell me it felt good. Open your mouth, move your lips. \"It felt good.\"", "Victoria: No, actually. You're wrong. It didn't feel good. It felt great.", "Billy: [Gasps] Yes.", "Victor: Uh, would you kindly press the button for brash & sassy? I'm so used to going straight up to the top, I nearly forgot.", "Ashley: Oh, that's a good one. You know, under the circumstances, why don't you press the button for me?", "Victor: Oh, my goodness. I forgot to be a gentleman. Of course I shall do that. Here we go. So, how long did it take your brother to evict my daughter from his building without forewarning?", "Ashley: You know, look at it this way. Now you can offer them space in your building and show up my brother in the process. How fun.", "Victor: Too easy to show up your brother. But you know what he did is not only unacceptable but possibly illegal. Hello.", "Ashley: Could you please remember where we are, victor?", "Victor: I beg your pardon?", "Ashley: Remember where we are.", "Victor: Oh, I know where we are. It's no secret, all right? Unlike your brother, I know how to separate the personal from business.", "Ashley: [Laughs]", "Victor: [Chuckles] That funny?", "Ashley: That's funny. And just so you know, this decision my brother made was strictly business. It wasn't personal.", "Victor: Oh. I'm so glad that you're standing up for poor Jack. Although you damn well know he is wrong.", "Ashley: Mm.", "Victor: Nice chatting with you.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm. You too. Next time, I'll take the stairs.", "Nick: Seems like everybody had a good time.: Yeah. Hey, listen, I will be happy to clean up here if you need to go.", "Nick: Eh.", "Phyllis: I know that dad of the year has got daughter number two's event to attend.", "Nick: There's plenty of time to get to faith's play.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Nick: Yeah. I mean, I got to clean up and stuff.", "Phyllis: Or maybe there are so many ex-wives you can deal with in a day?", "Nick: Let's just say some are easier to be around than others.", "Sharon: Oh, Dylan, can you help me finish wrapping these?", "Dylan: Uh, I'm sorry. You're gonna have to go alone.", "Sharon: You're going to work?", "Dylan: Yeah, Paul just called. He's assigning me to a new case.", "Sharon: But you're gonna miss faith's play.", "Dylan: I know. I'm gonna try not to, but if I do, I'm gonna make it up to her. I don't want to go in right now, but this is kind of my job.", "Sharon: Okay. Call me later.", "Dylan: [Sighs] I can help you finish.", "Sharon: So, this new case you're on, is it murder, robbery...?", "Dylan: Uh, well, the only detail I could get out of Paul is that it's gonna be really busy. It's undercover work.", "Sharon: Sounds kind of dangerous.", "Dylan: More like tedious. You know, a lot of sitting around in the middle of the night, observing bad guys.", "Sharon: Okay. So why can't Paul just dump it on somebody else? I mean, just for one night. I was looking forward to going to the play with you, and faith is gonna be... I'm sorry. I know I'm not being a very good detective's wife. I know this is the job.", "Dylan: I know. You know, I feel bad about missing faith do her thing, but... what's really bad is that I'm gonna be gone a lot of nights for the next few weeks.", "Sharon: Christmas? New Year's?", "Dylan: I'm not sure. I mean, maybe Mariah could spend more time here.", "Sharon: Well, she's putting in more hours at the GC buzz, not less.", "Dylan: You know, I was thinking, maybe you could talk to nick tonight. Talk to him about getting more time with faith during her holiday.", "Sharon: Mm. I don't know.", "Dylan: I mean, faith can be here when I'm not here, and the house won't seem so empty.", "Sharon: I think I should ask nick if I can have faith for Christmas Day.", "Dylan: I think maybe you should ask for her whole time off of school. It seems reasonable to me.", "Paul: I understand that. We need that warrant. Make it happen. Okay.", "Nikki: Hey.", "Paul: Nikki, hi.", "Nikki: Hi.", "Paul: Can I help you?", "Nikki: I was just poking my head in to see if Dylan was around.", "Paul: Oh. Well, he's not now, but he will be soon. Do you need something specific?", "Nikki: Well, just basic contact would be a good beginning. I'm starting to feel that our son is avoiding me.", "Sharon: It looks like nick and I have the Christmas break pretty much divided down the middle.", "Dylan: What's -- what's wrong with being flexible, you know? He's got Christian full-time, he's running his bar full-time. How much time does he actually have to spend with faith while she's off from school?", "Sharon: Mm, not much, probably.", "Dylan: Well, it's the holidays. Obviously, she's gonna see nick. She's gonna hang with her baby brother. But what she really wants to do is...", "Sharon: Is ride her pony and have playdates with her friends.", "Dylan: No, she wants to hang with her mom. And you never know. You might be doing nick a favor.", "Sharon: I don't think he'll see it that way.", "Dylan: Yeah, well, this is an important time for faith. You know? All the upheaval about Christian, it's been really tough on her, and I just -- look, I think she needs her mom. I think the less stress for her, the better.", "Sharon: Well, she's been doing really good lately. She hasn't been angry. She's actually been spending a lot more time over here. She chooses to.", "Dylan: Yeah, I know. For a reason. A few solid days of you two hanging out together could cement that.", "Sharon: Well, I'm really touched that you put so much thought into faith's feelings.", "Dylan: I love faith, and I love you. And I just think there's way too much upside not to try. So, you'll talk to nick?", "Sharon: Definitely.", "Dylan: Great. I'm gonna head in to the station.", "Sharon: Okay. Be careful, detective.", "Dylan: Mm. Yes, ma'am. And if I do miss her play, just tell her to \"break a leg\" for me, okay?", "Sharon: Okay.", "Jack: Who you calling now?", "Jill: I am trying to decide which lawyer would most enjoy suing you on my behalf. It is a plumb assignment, you know.", "Jack: I like you, Jill.", "Jill: You are so full of it, Jack!", "Jack: I like you so much, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna save you the mega bucks per hour in legal fees you're about to shell out by telling you what any good lawyer would tell you -- your case is a loser.", "Jill: You are so deluded. My lease is ironclad.", "Jack: Do you honestly think I don't know what goes into every single lease and contract that I sign? Be grateful that I gave your company till new year's eve to clear out.", "Jill: Oh, I know. And you even offered to move us. You're so considerate.", "Jack: What can I say? 'Tis the season.", "Jill: I've said it before, I'll say it again -- thank God there's only one of you.", "Jack: You know, it's funny. I wake up most mornings and think the same thing myself.", "Jill: So, where'd you go?", "Jack: Well, let's see. You name it, I went there. You know, I actually did think of you in the Riviera. You know, they have all those topless bathing suits there.", "Jill: You thought of me?", "Jack: I couldn't help thinking how intimidated you'd be.", "Jill: How reassuring to know that you haven't lost your talent for ingratiating yourself.", "Jack: Well, you know me, Jill -- always trying to think of something nice to say. Though, I must admit, in your case, it is a little challenging.", "Jill: You know what, Ashley? I would've expected nothing better from him, because he is a man in perpetual need of proving himself. But I really expected you to have better sense.", "Ashley: Well, good evening to you, too, Jill.", "Jill: I will see you in court, and don't you dare worry about my legal fees. Honestly, burying you is gonna be worth every penny.", "Ashley: So, how far do you intend on taking this?", "Jack: Oh, why stop now when I'm having this much fun?", "Victoria: Well, I guess I'm gonna have to write Jill a check for all this wasted inventory.", "Billy: On the contrary, this is an investment into your mental health. And if you ask me, I think you stopped too soon.", "Victoria: Nope, I'm good.", "Billy: Liar. Come on. There's more stomping on that last nerve than Jack kicking us out of here or cane and me getting in a fight. So come on -- let it out.", "Victoria: Billy, I really don't need to let anything out.", "Billy: You know what?", "Victoria: What are you doing?", "[Glass shatters]", "Victoria: Ah.", "Billy: We'll call that one Travis, okay? And here. Go ahead. You can call that one Billy. I will not be offended. Go on. I know you want to.", "Victoria: This is silly.", "Billy: No, it's not. It's actually cheaper than therapy and probably a write- off, so let's see it.", "[Glass shatters]", "Billy: Oh-ho-ho! Yeah!", "Victoria: You're right. That felt really good!", "Billy: Yeah. See? Now, what about here?", "Victoria: No, no, no.", "Billy: Yes, come on. You can't stop festering all this kind of thing. You got to let it out. So have at it. There's family issues, right? There's Johnny's preschool teacher, that condescending...", "Victoria: I can't stand that guy. I'm gonna need two for that guy.", "[Glass shatters]", "Billy: There you go. Perfect. And dare I say, daddy issues?", "Victoria: Okay. A little one for him.", "Billy: Okay.", "[Glass shatters]", "Billy: Yes!", "Victoria: And Virgil in shipping.", "Billy: Virgil.", "Victoria: And Nancy in distribution. And the guy that cut me off on the 173.", "Billy: Hate the 173!", "[Glass shattering]", "Victoria: No, we shouldn't.", "Billy: Oh, yes, we should. Come on. We have come too far to turn back now. Come on. We owe it to ourselves. It is a fantastic idea.", "Victoria: No.", "Billy: You got it?", "Victoria: Put it back.", "Billy: Nope.", "Victoria: No.", "Billy: No.", "Victor: Well, that's a very interesting...", "[Glass shatters]", "Victor: ...Approach to R&D.", "Jill: What the hell is going on here?", "Billy: I convinced Victoria to lay down a carpet of glass. That way, when somebody comes here that we don't want here, you can hear them.", "Jill: Oh, stop it! Would you please behave like an adult for two seconds?", "Billy: I would love to, but it's kind of impossible with him here. By the way, what are you doing here?", "Victor: Offering my beautiful daughter refuge.", "Victoria: Oh, thanks, dad. That's so nice of you.", "Victor: Darling, why don't you move brash & sassy to Newman tower? You know, I think it's best for everyone concerned. And to hell with jabot. Who needs them?", "Both: That's not happening.", "Victor: What, are you disagreeing in tandem now? I mean, this is like a stereo.", "Billy: Yes, and no, thank you, but we don't need Newman space, because we're not leaving here, because we all know why Jack is pulling this stunt, and I'm not gonna let him get away with it.", "Jill: Yes, and I just came from seeing Jack, and I'm in complete agreement with Billy.", "Victor: Well, I have a simpler solution.", "Billy: Oh, really? I would love to hear that. Please, tell me -- what am I missing, victor?", "Victor: Since you seem to be the cause for Jack wanting to evict brash & sassy, why don't you just move along, get the hell out of here? That way, I'm sure Jack will offer brash & sassy a lifetime lease if you are out of the picture.", "Nick: You know, you don't have to do that. Noah can handle the rest. Unless, of course, you don't want to leave.", "Phyllis: You know what? If I leave... I got to go back to jabot... and see Jack. And wonder if he's gonna compliment me on my hair color... if our hands gonna touch when I give him that report or that memo or fax that I make up an excuse just to see him with. I'm gonna wonder if he will ever love me again.", "Nick: Phyllis...", "Phyllis: Look, while I am still stalling, I would like you to give this to faith after she takes her bow tonight. It's the only undamaged piece of cake left.", "Nick: Hey, for the record, I didn't know Christian was gonna tackle the cake.", "Phyllis: Oh-ho! Yeah, blame the toddler. Yeah, classy.", "Nick: It's not blame. It's pride. I mean, he went after that cake with true Newman gusto.", "Phyllis: No, you're raising him right.", "Nick: And it is chocolate, which happens to be my favorite.", "Phyllis: He's definitely your son.", "Nick: I just can't wait to learn every single thing about him.", "Phyllis: You know, look. I know that you are still angry at Sharon, and I do not blame you, but you got to admit, she and Dylan did very good during the time they had with him.", "Nick: What? I'm sorry. Did -- did you just say something nice about Sharon?", "Phyllis: Well, I really don't want to, but I am looking at the bright side of things for you.", "Nick: Well, the bright side is that my son is alive, and he is with me.", "Phyllis: No, you're right. I am very happy. Christian is exactly where he belongs.", "Nick: Thanks, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Hold on. Um... can you turn your head a little? Just -- yeah. Cake. Are you saving this for later?", "Paul: Sorry, Nikki. I've got a new case kicking into gear, and I'm juggling a lot of the details.", "Nikki: Oh, no, I understand. I'm just a little anxious about Dylan. Maybe I'm being oversensitive, but after a few unanswered calls and texts -- I don't know -- one starts to feel that they're being avoided. Is he avoiding me?", "Paul: Well, Nikki, I can't speak for him.", "Nikki: Okay, then. Forget I asked.", "Paul: Well, I can tell you that... Dylan is missing the child he raised for over a year, and it just so happens that Christian is living with your other son now.", "Nikki: Well, if he thinks that I'm taking sides, I'm not.", "Paul: Well, I don't think you are, Nikki, but I can tell you, from my perspective, how much it hurt to lose a grandson. So I can't tell you -- I can't imagine -- what he must be going through.", "Nikki: I want to be there for him. I want to comfort him. He won't let me.", "Paul: Like you were there for nick?", "Nikki: Look, I am trying to do good by both my sons in this horrible situation. No matter what I do, somebody gets hurt. I-I have to go to faith's school. I don't want to be late for her performance. But if you should see Dylan, can you please tell him I was here?", "Paul: I can do that.", "[Door opens]", "Paul: You just missed your mother.", "Dylan: Yeah, I know. I was waiting for her to leave.", "Paul: She thinks that you're avoiding her.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Paul: You know, Dylan, I -- I thought you didn't want to talk to Nikki about Christian because it hurt too much. But now I'm getting the feeling it's much deeper than that.", "Dylan: Yeah, it is deep, Paul. Nikki made her choice, and her choice was nick.", "Sharon: Hi. You seen Faith yet?", "Nick: No, I just got here before you did.", "Sharon: Okay. Uh, well, as long as we have a moment alone, there's something I wanted to run by you.", "Nick: Are you kidding me right now?", "Sharon: What?", "Nick: How many times do we have to do this? I thought you and Dylan were not gonna ask me anymore about spending time with Christian?", "Sharon: This isn't about Christian.", "Faith: I need you -- both of you! Help!", "Jill: We don't need your help with office space, so...", "Victor: Don't be so hasty, all right? I gave you damn good advice. If you want to get rid of the problem, get rid of Billy boy. I don't know what the issue is.", "Jill: No, you wouldn't. Thank you very much, but I really don't need your advice in running my company, and any suggestions you have about whether Billy should stay or leave -- not needed.", "Victor: You know, sometimes I can't help it. Advice just slips past my lips before I can edit it.", "Jill: Oh, my God. You know how to edit yourself? That's news.", "Victor: Isn't that something?", "Jill: Mm.", "Victor: So you don't need my advice?", "Jill: No, I don't want your advice. In fact, when I have a problem, do you know what I do?", "Victor: What do you do?", "Jill: I ask myself what Katherine would do, and then I have my solution.", "Victor: I'll be damned. You know what Katherine would want? Is for you to make sure that her legacy stays intact and that chancellor industries stays on top. That's what she would want.", "Jill: What she would want is family loyalty. That's what you don't understand, and that's why Billy is staying.", "Victor: And you understand family loyalty? Wow. I'll be damned.", "Jill: So, if you'll excuse me, I have a strategy to execute.", "Victor: Well, if you'll excuse me, I have my granddaughter's play to go to. How's that? Bye-bye.", "Jill: Have a good time.", "Victor: Same to you.", "Jill: Playtime is over.", "Jack: What is this? An early Christmas present?", "Ashley: Brash & sassy's lease. Do you want to go over it with me, and I can show you just how out of line you are? Look, I don't want them in the building any more than you do, Jack, and I'm not a lawyer, but it's pretty cut-and-dry -- you cannot legally evict them.", "Jack: I guess it's a good thing for all of us you sidestepped that legal career. You'd be awful at this.", "Ashley: The contract is binding.", "Jack: Contracts are made to be broken. Everyone knows that.", "Ashley: I don't know that. That's why we sign our names to them. We're promising to uphold the terms that we've agreed upon.", "Jack: In some ideal dream world. I function in the real world, where real business gets done, and where our lawyers are two floors down right now finding any loophole they can for me.", "Ashley: They're finding any loophole?", "Jack: I know what I'm doing, ash!", "Ashley: You know... let's just put all this aside, okay? Is this really necessary, all this drama? Is that the best way to use our time, Jack? I mean, JabotGo is doing so great, we're scaling up to meet demand, Ravi is working his buns off -- Christmas is upon us!", "Jack: And now is the time to assure that the success we're about to enjoy is secure. You created JabotGo. It's your baby. Look what it's done to jabot's bottom line. Think what you could create if you had your lab back. You miss it, don't you?", "Ashley: That's beside the point.", "Jack: There is nothing arbitrary about the timing of kicking brash & sassy out to the curb. It is necessary. What doesn't make any sense is putting out all this blood, sweat, and tears to put jabot on top while our competitor resides a few floors down, trying to undercut us.", "Ashley: You can say his name. It's Billy.", "Jack: Billy... you're right. I don't trust him. I've been given good reason not to. Wouldn't you agree?", "Phyllis: Am I interrupting?", "Phyllis: Here's that marketing report I promised you.", "Ashley: You couldn't e-mail it?", "Phyllis: I did that, too, but I thought maybe you'd want to take a look at the hard copy before it's distributed.", "Jack: I'll take a look when I have a chance.", "Phyllis: Terrific.", "Ashley: Changed your hair, huh?", "Phyllis: Yeah, it was time for a change.", "Ashley: I guess we heard the last of that nickname of yours. I'm not gonna miss it. Are you?", "Phyllis: Goodbye.", "Ashley: Oh, my God. She's so obvious. She changes her hair, she has to drop off reports in person -- it's all ploys to stay in your head.", "Jack: That's why I didn't comment on it. I wish you hadn't, either. I have moved on. And if I don't engage with Phyllis, she'll do the same thing.", "Ashley: So, on a brighter note, about that lease --", "Jack: Could we argue about this over dinner? I'm starving.", "Ashley: Fine.", "Sharon: Look, you know Nikki's not my favorite person in the world at all, but she does love you, and that's very real.", "Dylan: But, look, I'm not one of her kids, really. You know what I'm saying. I didn't grow up with her. I know she cares about me, but when push comes to shove, she's a Newman, and I'm not. And that makes all the difference. [Breathes deeply]", "Paul: Excuse me.", "Dylan: What -- what are you doing? I thought you wanted me to go over this case.", "Paul: Do you think you can come in here and drop a bomb like that about your mother, get busy with work, and pretend like you never said anything?", "Dylan: I'm not pretending. I'm just doing my job.", "Paul: Dylan, you've got a personal life, too. It doesn't go away when you walk in the office.", "Dylan: I just -- I don't know what you want from me right now.", "Paul: In my office. Close the door. So, you think that Nikki is choosing nick over you.", "Dylan: Okay, Nikki is focusing on her family, and I'm gonna follow her lead, and I'm gonna focus on my family, whatever that takes.", "Paul: You are Nikki's family.", "Dylan: Can we not go over this again, all right? Not right now.", "Paul: All right. Consider the subject dropped.", "Dylan: Thank you.", "Paul: You have it in your head to focus on your family? Case can wait.", "Dylan: Come on, Paul. Honestly, I could -- I could use the distraction right now.", "Paul: You already have one. From what I understand, faith has a performance tonight.", "Dylan: Yeah. Yeah, she does. But I thought that we were gonna go over this case.", "Paul: I don't want you using this job as a way of hiding from your personal issues, especially when it causes you to miss events like this. Dylan, kids grow up fast -- faster than you think. This case can wait. Do I have to make it a direct order?", "Dylan: No, that's not necessary. Thank you.", "Nick: Here we go.", "Faith: Is it almost done? The show's about to start.", "Sharon: Almost.", "Nick: Safety pin...", "Faith: Hurry!", "Sharon: Okay...done.", "Faith: You saved my life. You are the best mom and dad ever.", "Nick: Oh.", "Faith: Oh, grandpa's here!", "Sharon: Okay. Why don't you go say hi? Your dad and I have to talk.", "Nick: Actually, I'll go with you, faith. Come on.", "Faith: Hi, grandpa!", "Victor: How you doing?", "Nikki: Where is Dylan? Is he coming?", "Sharon: What do you care, Nikki? Nicholas is here, otherwise known as the son who counts.", "Nikki: That's not true, and you know it. I did everything I could to keep Christian in Dylan's life.", "Nikki: As long as I was not involved. I know, Nikki. You're more transparent than cellophane.", "Nikki: Oh, and you're about as deep as a cookie sheet. How both of my brilliant sons got mixed up with the likes of you I don't know.", "Victor: I have a feeling that I'm gonna see the best performance I've ever seen.", "Faith: Maybe not.", "Victor: Why?", "Faith: What if I forget everything?", "Nick: What are you talking about? You have spent so much time memorizing and rehearsing. You're gonna be amazing.", "Faith: But I'm so nervous.", "Victor: But, sweetheart, I have spoken with thousands of people -- I still do. Everyone gets nervous. That's normal. It's okay.", "Faith: But how do you make the nervous feeling go away?", "Victor: Hmm.", "Victor: Well, I have a secret. Do you want to know what it is?", "Faith: A secret? Yeah!", "Victor: Come here. What you do is this. You look at the crowd, and you pick just one person. You don't think about anyone else, don't look at anyone else, just that one person, and you try to look at them and convince them of your performance. Okay?", "Faith: Just one person?", "Victor: Yeah, one person.", "Faith: Who do I pick?", "Victor: Well, you'll figure it out. Okay?", "Faith: Thanks for giving me your secret, grandpa.", "Victor: You're welcome, my sweetheart. Good luck. Wow.", "Faith: It's time. The show's about to start! Eee!", "Jack: Next time you suggest a new restaurant, pick one with better service.", "Ashley: Stop complaining. The food was decent. Got some work done.", "Jack: Yeah, once you agreed that I was right to terminate brash & sassy's lease...", "Ashley: I didn't agree to anything like that at all. I just said I'd put it aside so we can get some other things done.", "Jack: Damn. I thought I got that one by you.", "Ashley: What, you think I like harping on you all the time? I'm trying to keep you from making a huge mistake.", "Jack: If it's a mistake, it's my mistake to make. I'm getting sick of you questioning everything I do. If they sue us, they sue us. That's why I have a team of lawyers two floors down. I've got this, ash. Can we please drop it?", "Ashley: No, we can't.", "Jill: And the lipsticks?", "Billy: I have the numbers here.", "Victoria: Mattes are outselling shimmers, as expected. I just shot you the latest stats.", "Jill: And the European market?", "Billy: I think we're --", "Victoria: They're leading with the darker shades. The data's on page 5.", "Jill: Good. Well, I'm glad to see that our numbers are steady, because our attention will be elsewhere occupied for quite a while. Stopping this ludicrous eviction by Jack will be our number-one job. So, I hope both of you will bear that in mind the next time you get the urge to destroy expensive office equipment.", "Victoria: Okay, look, I don't need a lecture on what's important.", "Jill: Oh, you don't?", "Billy: No. No, we're very clear about what we have to do about Jack.", "Victoria: Jack is trying to toss us out at a critical time because he wants to hurt the company.", "Jill: Well, I'm glad to see that you both know what the stakes are here, okay? So get together with cane and find out how to beat jabot at their own game, because I am done playing around.", "Faith: Dylan!", "Dylan: Hey!", "Faith: Hey! You came!", "Dylan: Yeah, I ran in just as the curtain came up. I had to stay in back, but I loved every minute of it, and you were awesome.", "Faith: Thanks.", "Dylan: Congratulations.", "Faith: Are those for me?", "Dylan: Yeah.", "Faith: Oh, I love flowers. I was thinking maybe I'd want to be an astronaut when I grow up, but now I like show business a lot more.", "Sharon: Honey, you were so great!", "Faith: Thanks!", "Sharon: Wow! I thought you couldn't come.", "Dylan: It was too important to miss.", "Faith: It was almost awful, but mom and dad saved me 'cause they fixed my costume. Otherwise, I would've been a total wreck.", "Sharon: Faith, don't sell yourself short. Your performance tonight was a great success because you put in all the sweat and the hard work and the dedication it took to make it that way. You have a lot to be proud of. This is your night, faith.", "Faith: You're the best. Oh! I have to tell grandpa something. I'll be right back.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Dylan: Bet that hug felt good, huh?", "Sharon: You have no idea.", "Faith: Well, thanks for coming.", "Nikki: Thank you for such a wonderful evening.", "Victor: You were wonderful. Okay?", "Faith: Because I used your secret.", "Victor: Oh, you did? What'd you do? Who'd you pick?", "Faith: It was you.", "Victor: Oh! I love that. I love that. I love that.", "Nick: Hey, uh, sorry, earlier, jumping the gun, thinking you wanted to talk about Christian.", "Dylan: You asked?", "Nick: Asked what?", "Sharon: Well, we were talking about faith's schedule for winter break, and we thought, since you're gonna have your hands full with Christian and the underground, it might just be better for everyone if, uh, we changed it up a little and faith spent the majority of those nights at our house.", "Nick: Absolutely not.", "Billy: Don't worry about my mom. She lays it on thick sometimes. It's just part of her charm.", "Victoria: Oh, shut up, will you, Billy?", "Billy: What'd I -- what'd I do now?", "Victoria: No, it's not -- it's what we did, okay? I never should've gone along with your suggestion to break beakers and test tubes. What did it get me, huh? Did it get me some deeper epiphany or some greater understanding of myself? Hardly. I looked like a total goofball.", "Billy: And what's wrong with that?", "Victoria: Because it was humiliating, and not just in front of Jill, in front of my father, of all people.", "Billy: You don't care what he thinks, Victoria.", "Victoria: I have worked too hard creating something special with this company to let people think that I take it like a joke. I'm a professional. I have credibility, or at least, I -- I had credibility. Until you started in with your childish antics.", "Billy: Okay. Well, I apologize. It's no excuse. I'm just trying to make you laugh a little bit.", "Victoria: There is no excuse. My work is very important to me. And I created this company from scratch, and I am gonna do everything to make damn sure that it stays on track. Jerk.", "Ashley: You know, Jack, I've been excited about working with you again. We're doing great things. Actually, amazing things. And I know sometimes in business, of course, obviously, you have to be tough. You're morphing into somebody I don't like very much. I understand, what happened with Billy and Phyllis -- I mean, it changed you and not for the better.", "Jack: I'm not going to be a doormat anymore. What they say about nice guys is true. I am not going to finish last again.", "Ashley: So that's how you see it? That's how you're gonna justify your callous and, frankly, extremely ugly behavior?", "Jack: I will say this once again. The choices I am making are for the good of this company.", "Ashley: You know what I see? What I know? This bitterness is gonna eat you up if you let it, Jack. You're better than that. I don't want that for you.", "Nick: I think it's astonishing that you don't think it's insensitive at all that you're asking me to not spend Christmas or new year's with faith. It's her entire vacation.", "Sharon: It's not her entire vacation.", "Dylan: It's a legitimate request. Families do it all the time.", "Nick: Well, not this family and not this time.", "Dylan: But it could be better for faith.", "Nick: What, for me to ignore my daughter over Christmas?", "Sharon: That's not what we're saying. Wouldn't you like some time alone with Christian where you don't have to also take care of a 9-year-old? Just be in that baby bubble for your first Christmas with your son?", "Nick: I love how you two are selling this, like it's some benefit to me. But you would be the ones who would get faith for two weeks straight.", "Dylan: That's not even close. You're gonna have Christmas at your dad's. You're gonna see her then, you're gonna see her each and every day at the ranch. All we're really talking about is having her sleep at our place.", "Nick: You know, Dylan, I don't even want to talk about this with you, all right? This is between me and Sharon. The custody agreement is in place.", "Sharon: And we're not suggesting that we should change the entire --", "Nick: I really wanted to spend Christmas with my son and my daughter. Do I have to remind you that I lost my wife? I'll be without her over the holidays?", "Dylan: We know you suffered a loss, okay? We suffered a loss, too.", "Nick: Did you just go there? Do you expect me to feel sorry for you? You stole my son from me. I'm not agreeing to this. You're just gonna have to live with the agreement that we already made.", "Faith: Stop! Why are you guys always fighting? You're always ruining everything. I hate it! I want a divorce!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Christine: You are throwing your son into harm's way. Can you really live with that?", "Sharon: I don't want to fight with you about this!", "Nick: I don't want to fight, either!", "Dylan: Faith's not up there.", "Nick: Where is she?", "Victor: My granddaughter Faith is missing. I want you to search the grounds immediately, all right?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Traci tried to play peacemaker between Jack and Ashley. Dina blamed herself when she learned that Ashley and Jack were fighting for Jabot. Ashley admitted to Ravi that she didn't want to be with him romantically, and they agreed to keep things strictly professional. Nikki told Nick that she embezzled money from Victor's account. Michael and Lauren discussed using her vote to help Fenmore's. Billy considered skipping the board meeting so he wouldn't have to choose sides, but Phyllis told him it was important to make a decision. Jack and Ashley met with board members to try and secure their votes. Jack made Phyllis a board member in an attempt to stack the votes for himself. The vote was tied. Abby, Billy and Morgan sided Ashley. Phyllis, Lauren and Traci voted for Jack. Kyle was the tie breaker, and he stunned his father by voting against him. Victor set up a romantic dinner for Nikki at the ranch. He told her that she could either come back to him and he'd make the charges go away, or he for turn her in for embezzlement. Nick asked Michael to help keep Nikki out of prison. Michael was trying, but he didn't think it would be easy.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Jack: This is the details of jabot's offer to purchase chancellor industries.", "Ashley: Jack can't purchase a company as valuable as chancellor on a whim. You and I have to make some calls. Call a meeting with the board for tomorrow, before jack takes it too far.", "Nikki: I want you to go after victor as underhandedly as he went after me. Siphon his personal bank account and put it into one of my offshore accounts.", "Victor: Don't you think for one moment that he's not capable of plotting such a caper.", "Victoria: It wasn't jack. It was mom.", "J.T.: It's gonna come as a shock to nikki that you know what she did, that she's off the hook with the authorities.", "Victor: Do me a favor. Don't let her know that she has been cleared. I want to convey that news to her myself.", "Nick: The rally at the park was awesome. I mean, people love that park. They use it. They fought for it. And just because some anonymous bidder came in and scooped it up and is gonna do god knows what with it, don't think that this is over.", "Nikki: Couldn't be any worse than what your father had planned.", "Nick: Mom, you okay?", "Nikki: Yeah. Of course. Why do you ask?", "Nick: I don't know. You seem, uh...", "Nikki: I seem distracted? I'm -- I'm sorry. I am. It's just one of those days, i guess.", "Nick: I think it's more than that. Talk to me. What's going on?", "Victor: I want the finest china, the marquis candlesticks, and a huge bouquet of flowers. How about one red rose, okay? It's a special evening for our special guest.", "Traci: Um, [Clears throat] They have done a spectacular job of decorating downtown, so what do you think? Maybe after dinner, we could get in the car, go look at the lights?", "Jack: If we're still speaking at that point.", "Ashley: Pass the sugar, please.", "Jack: Oh, you have confidence in my ability to do that?", "Ashley: Absolutely, 'cause I'm looking right at you, so I'm quite certain you're not trying to do something behind my back.", "Traci: [ Sighs ]", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Traci: You realize you are both being just ridiculous.", "Ashley: Oh, really? Because I'm looking out for what's best for our company?", "Jack: Oh...", "Traci: Ashley, you could have handled this differently. You didn't have to call a board meeting and a confidence vote on jack.", "Ashley: I tried, but your brother wouldn't listen.", "Jack: Whilst your sister fails to see the distinction between not hearing her and disagreeing with her.", "Ashley: How many times did i attempt, but your brother refused to see?", "Jack: You could have called traci. You could have gotten billy and abby together. We could have had a family conference, butted heads in private. Instead you set up a situation which will cause the public to question not just me but jabot, our products, our services!", "Ashley: You know what, jack? You would have brushed them off just like you always do.", "Jack: You don't know that!", "Ashley: Yes, I do. You know what I did? I made a huge mistake. I should have called this board meeting months ago.", "Jack: Traci, do you still have confidence in my ability to continue running this company?", "Traci: [ Scoffs ] No, no, no, no. I am going to listen to both sides and then make my decision, just like everyone else.", "Lauren: I just cannot take my mind off of this, uh, board of directors meeting and what it could mean for fenmore'S.", "Michael: As one of the few non-abbotts in the room, you could have a lot of influence.", "Lauren: Are you suggesting that I demand something for fenmore's in exchange for my vote?", "Michael: [ Chuckles ] I would never advocate pay for play, but...", "Lauren: But I could make suggestions. Strong suggestions.", "Michael: Hmm. About what could make you gain or lose confidence in jack.", "Lauren: Hmm.", "Billy: Doesn't matter what i do. Somebody's gonna be pissed off at me. I could abstain. You know, I could just not show up.", "Phyllis: Like that isn't gonna piss anyone off?", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Life was so much easier when jack wasn't speaking to me.", "Phyllis: Look, I know that you don't want to get caught up in the family drama, but this is a big deal, and you are smart. Your vote really could determine the future of your family and jabot.", "Billy: No pressure, then.", "[ Sighs ]", "Jack: See the position you're putting the family in, asking them to choose, dividing us at a time we should all be coming together?", "Traci: Especially now.", "Ashley: Are you on his side?", "Jack: Of course she is. I'm right!", "Traci: No, I didn't say that. I'm just expressing my individual belief this family is facing serious challenges right now.", "Jack: Exactly. So back off.", "Ashley: You know what? You forced me to make this decision, jack. Because of your irrational belief that you could be in control of everything all the time!", "Jack: Now I'm irrational?", "Ashley: I didn't mean irrational.", "Jack: Traci, did she say irrational?", "Ashley: I meant unrealistic for you to think you can run jabot from home while simultaneously taking care of our mother.", "Traci: Please, do we have to rehash this over and over?", "Jack: She's the one who keeps bringing this up. What I've done, I've done for our family.", "Ashley: Oh, you're such a martyr, aren't you? Please. Give me a break. You did this because you're in love with being the king of all things jabot.", "Dina: Enough! Stop all of this chatter immediately before my bridge club arrives! And for god sakes, act your age, the pair of you.", "Jack: Mother, it is 2017. We are all adults.", "Dina: Why are you two even fighting?", "Traci: Mother, we really don't need to go into that --", "Dina: Answer me!", "Jack: We were having a disagreement.", "Ashley: It's just a business matter.", "Dina: Stop being so condescending and secretive. I haven't lost it yet. And you're no better hiding things from me now than when you were children.", "Ashley: We're just trying to figure out how to manage jabot under the new circumstances that we're in, so I called a meeting of the board to try to figure out who should be in charge.", "Dina: Oh, I see. A confidence vote to decide whether jack should remain C.E.O. [ Voice breaking ] Because I'm sick.", "Jack: No.", "Dina: I caused all of this because...", "Jack: No. Mother.", "Dina: ...I am sick.", "Traci: No, no, mother. Let's calm down, and let's not talk about this, especially not before your bridge club, okay?", "Dina: It's too late for that.", "Traci: Come on. Let's go get you ready. What do you want to wear?", "Dina: Oh, I don't care. It doesn't matter.", "Traci: It does matter.", "[ Chatter ]", "Ashley: Why do you have to be so damn stubborn? It was your choice to stay home and take care of mother.", "Jack: Don't you blame this on mother. It is not your fault. It's yours. [ Door closes ] Did you make those calls?", "Gloria: Yep. And even had face time with other assistants.", "Jack: How are my votes looking? Where are things leaning?", "Gloria: In general, there is resistance to change.", "Jack: Good.", "Gloria: Yes. Sentiment favors \"continuity of management.\"", "Jack: Oh, dear.", "Gloria: Oh, dear. Except for ashley, of course, whose motive is clouded by good ol' sibling rivalry.", "Jack: And they don't like ashley. That's even better for us.", "Gloria: However, perception is everything. And your image as the strong, stable force at the top has been eroding because you are no longer a permanent presence in this office!", "Jack: Cut to the bottom line.", "Gloria: Foster's abstaining. Morgan will be at the meeting.", "Jack: Morgan's gonna go with ashley.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Have you heard from --", "Gloria: Not yet. But even with that, it could go either way, jack.", "Jack: I need to do some campaigning.", "Ravi: Hey.", "Ashley: Hi.", "Ravi: Hey, there are rumors going around about a board meeting today.", "Ashley: What else have you heard?", "Ravi: [ Sighs ] That they might be removing jack.", "Ashley: Well, we're trying to keep it quiet, but yeah, the plan is to have a vote of confidence/no confidence.", "Ravi: [ Sighs ] What do you think's gonna happen?", "Ashley: I think there's a good chance that jack will win, and I can't let him.", "Nick: Chelsea's gonna be gone all day, and the kids are at daycare, so...", "Nikki: Well, honey, i appreciate the privacy. I'm just not sure if I should bring you in on this.", "Nick: Mom, is it your health?", "Nikki: Oh, no. No. Everything is fine there. Ironic, considering where i might be headed.", "Nick: All right, what's going on?", "Nikki: Okay, um... you know that newman is being audited.", "Nick: Yeah, because of the, uh, the sex ring that that guy zack was running.", "Nikki: Yeah, they're trying to figure out how deeply involved your father was in it.", "Nick: Dad would never be involved with the exploitation of young women like that.", "Nikki: Of course not. You and I both know that. But while they were investigating, they also looked into his personal accounts, and they found some questionable activity.", "Nick: Is that what you're worried about? Mom, mom, relax, okay? Yeah, you are still married, but you cannot be held responsible for anything illegal he does with his money.", "Nikki: No, it's not that simple --", "Nick: And you've been living apart for months.", "Nikki: You don't understand.", "Nick: You're gonna be fine. But if it'll help, I will call you an attorney.", "Nikki: Can I just tell you that I did it, okay? What they found, the red flag on his account, it was me! I embezzled the money from your father. Being in love is an amazing thing.", "Ravi: However the board votes, you'll be taking on more responsibility.", "Ashley: Yes, I'm gonna have a lot of late nights.", "Ravi: Then my timing's perfect.", "Ashley: Why? Did you come up with some software that'll speed up my research?", "Ravi: More like slow you down.", "Ashley: What?", "Ravi: Picture this -- a bungalow overlooking nothing but the ocean where you can just put away your problems and stress and just be in hawaii.", "Ashley: A trip?", "Ravi: Yes. It was gonna be my christmas present to you, but I figured I'd give you a heads up with everything going on.", "Ashley: Ravi...", "Ravi: We will have our own private beach. I mean, we'll still have wi-fi. I figured, you know, it'd stress you out if we didn'T.", "Ashley: It sounds wonderful. I can't -- I can't go.", "Ravi: I should have given you more notice.", "Ashley: No, I-I can't go because it would be unfair to you. Oh, boy, you know, you are so incredible. You're so passionate, and you're so considerate, and I think -- I didn't mean to, but I think I've been leading you on. You know, it just felt so good to be appreciated by you and desired by you, and...", "Ravi: You know, I shouldn't have sprung this on you. It's -- it's really okay.", "Ashley: Ravi, I need to say this. I have to say this. And I just think that I've been kind of using you. I'm sorry. I mean, only because I didn't want to have to think about what was going on at work and what was going on with my mother and... oh, my god, it's something my mother would do is use people that way.", "Ravi: [ Sighs ] So I was just a diversion, a distraction from everything else going on in your life.", "Ashley: A very handsome, very sexy, incredible, amazing diversion. I'm sorry. I should have been honest with you from the very beginning.", "Ravi: It was my choice. I mean, I know what this is.", "Ashley: But you want more, and you deserve to have more.", "Ravi: Look, I don't need to hear about how we're in different points in our lives or how many times you've been married. None of that matters.", "Ashley: What does matter is what we want. What we both want.", "Ravi: You don't want to be with me. Okay.", "Ashley: I'm sorry.", "Ravi: No, I-I get it. I hear what you're saying. I've always been good at that.", "Ashley: So, do you think you might take that job at newman after all?", "Ravi: I don't know. Um, I need to think about it. And, uh, you got a board meeting to prepare for.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Ravi: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: Stability. That's what our customers and our business partners want to see at the top. You of all people should appreciate that.", "Billy: As the most unstable of the clan?", "Jack: No, as a corporate executive who helped put brash & sassy back on the map.", "Billy: Not sure you want to bring up brash & sassy, jack. You did everything you could to drive us into the ground.", "Jack: That was business.", "Billy: Nice spin.", "Jack: I have to see it that way, otherwise I'd still be angry at you for stealing my mother's password.", "Billy: Ah, but that was just business.", "Jack: I accept that both you and I had to make certain decisions.", "Billy: Like unilaterally going after my mother's company?", "Jack: You really want cane running chancellor? Look, billy, you and I have been through a lot. I have always been there for you. When you were trapped in the underground fire...", "Billy: I was wondering how long you were gonna take to bring that up.", "Jack: I risked my life to save yours.", "Billy: Just a smidgen of guilt on there.", "Jack: And a dollop of \"you owe me.\"", "Billy: You're right, jack. I do. I owe you. To be the best brother that i can be, like you have been to me.", "Jack: This isn't just about loyalty to each other. This is a vote for dad. This is standing up for him and his legacy. Look at my record. Look at my successes. They alone should tell you there is only one logical outcome here.", "Ashley: Jack isn't capable of running the company, billy. It's a simple statement of fact.", "Billy: Facts according to ashley abbott.", "Ashley: Please. You've seen him in action yourself, how his emotions cloud his better judgment. You really want me to remind you of how he badmouthed you to the hockey league?", "Billy: I don't need a reminder, no. Although you could bring it up with the board members, might help turn the tide.", "Ashley: But not with you?", "Billy: I laughed with jack today. He doesn't hate me, ashley. I don't want to go back to that.", "Ashley: What if I hate you?", "Billy: You're just more forgiving.", "Ashley: Look, you know me. I would never, ever do something like this unless I thought it was completely necessary. For the good of our company, for the good of our family, we have got to take the title of C.E.O. Away from jack.", "Jack: If I thought for one second I wasn't the right person to run jabot, I wouldn't even allow a vote. I would step aside immediately.", "Abby: I just can't believe it's come to this. Mom must have a reason, though, right?", "Jack: She's always... you know what? I'm not going to question her motives. I'm not gonna take this personally.", "Abby: Well, how could you not? When my dad brought victoria back to newman, it showed how little confidence he had in me, and that hurt.", "Jack: I've been here before, more than once. You know what? I was always the outlier, the one who brought fresh ideas that the old guard was gonna have problems with. I guess that's why I still think it's important to promote and encourage innovation.", "Abby: Like when I came to you with my project.", "Jack: That's a perfect example. How long did it take me to buy you that warehouse? No time at all. And then when you decided to take the project to victor?", "Abby: You were furious.", "Jack: Yes, I was, but i eventually made peace with that. The important thing is, i believed in you. I still do, probably more than anyone else. And if you want a job at a family company where you are valued and appreciated, there is always a job for you at jabot.", "Ashley: I'm taking this step for your uncle jack's best interests.", "Abby: So you're kicking him out of his job?", "Ashley: No, he's overextended, abby. He's the one who chose to be your grandmother's primary caregiver.", "Abby: Well, that's admirable. He shouldn't be punished.", "Ashley: And I'm not punishing him. But with these extra responsibilities, your uncle has been making some bad decisions.", "Abby: Are you sure there's absolutely no other way?", "Ashley: I really am hoping that at the end of the day, your uncle jack is gonna be grateful to have this decision taken out of his hands.", "Jack: The bottom line is, it is no secret that I saved fenmore'S.", "Lauren: [ Scoffs ] After you drove off all the investors I wanted to work with, I was forced to come to you.", "Jack: My methods were aggressive, but the partnership has been beneficial, no?", "Lauren: In many ways.", "Jack: Then I can count on your support?", "Lauren: If you show your continued commitment to fenmore's, by say putting more money toward our marketing of the brick-and-mortar stores, i think that might give me a lot more confidence in you, jack.", "Jack: Then we understand each other perfectly.", "Ashley: And if jack goes through with his plans to purchase chancellor...", "Lauren: What?", "Ashley: Oh, I think that's very interesting that he failed to mention that to you, especially considering it will directly affect the resources that are available to fenmore'S.", "Lauren: Unless jack and i make a deal beforehand.", "Ashley: Do you honestly think he'll abide by it? Don't forget -- he offered to lease space to brash & sassy and then turned around and raised their rent to an exorbitant amount.", "Lauren: That behavior sounds more like victor.", "Ashley: Doesn't it? I don't trust my brother's judgment. I don't trust him to keep his word, lauren. And it would be irresponsible of me -- actually, all of us -- if we didn't take action now.", "Lauren: Jack is the devil that I know. A new C.E.O. May not give fenmore's the consideration we deserve.", "Ashley: I can promise you this. If I were to become C.E.O., I would make sure that fenmore's was our top priority.", "Phyllis: Surprised at the call. I assumed that you'd be out securing votes for the board meeting. You're not sure you have this nailed down.", "Jack: Not yet. Which is why I need you to do something for me.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Mom, that is a lot of money. Um, and you not only embezzled it, but you stashed it into an offshore account? I mean, um...", "Nikki: You're disappointed in me. I know.", "Nick: Disappointed? I'm impressed. How did you even do something like that?", "Nikki: Well, the opportunity just presented itself to me, and I couldn't resist.", "Nick: Is this because of me, because dad took the money from my accounts?", "Nikki: No. It might have sparked something, but no. I did this for myself. I wanted him to understand how it felt to have somebody else totally controlling his life, and he would have nothing to say or do about it. I secretly got pleasure out of that. And now because of my daring and smugness, I might be arrested.", "Nick: Well, embezzling money isn't something you learn overnight. You had to have help. I'm not asking for names. In fact, don't tell me. But whoever did this must have had the skill to be able to cover your tracks.", "Nikki: Well, I assumed that also until I found out that J.T. Got assigned the case.", "Nick: Do you think he's gonna figure out you did it?", "Nikki: He already did.", "Nick: What?", "Nikki: Yeah, victoria and i both talked to him. We appealed to him, but he insisted there's nothing he can do, that the law is the law.", "Nick: But this is a family thing. I mean, yeah, it involves a ridiculous amount of money, but this is what newmans do. This has nothing to do with the criminal investigation.", "Nikki: It doesn't matter. I did it. I took the risk. I went too far. There's no escaping this.", "Ashley: Hey. Have you decided, you know, if you're gonna stay or go to newman?", "Ravi: Well, I'd like to stay, if that's okay with you.", "Ashley: Yeah! Yeah, I mean, if -- if...", "Ravi: No, I understand our relationship is strictly professional now. But what hasn't changed is that I still enjoy working for you.", "Ashley: Even though we're not paying you as much as victoria offered?", "Ravi: I know my value, and I'll renegotiate when the time is right, so be ready for that.", "Ashley: Okay. I'm counting on it.", "Ravi: I like the freedom I'm given here and the working environment we've created.", "Ashley: I will fight to maintain that environment, ravi.", "Ravi: You can do it. You can do anything.", "Ashley: Thanks.", "Abby: Mwah.", "Traci: Hi, sweetie.", "Billy: Hey.", "[ Clears throat ]", "Ashley: Hello. Thank you all for coming. [ Door closes ] Before we get started, i compiled some information that i think you'll find useful for your vote. Hi, lauren.", "Lauren: Hi.", "Ashley: Here you go. Could you pass some of these down?", "Abby: Of course.", "Ashley: Thank you. And as of... right now, jack is late.", "Billy: Well, that doesn't exactly inspire confidence, does it?", "Ashley: No.", "Billy: Wow. Tough crowd.", "Traci: Let's do this. Gloria, uh, hi. Could you please tell jack --", "Jack: Hello, everyone. How are you all? Sis, may I?", "Traci: Yes.", "Jack: Gloria, could you please send in one more chair for our late arrival? Thank you.", "Abby: Wait. Who's missing? Foster?", "Abby: No, he abstained. He won't be here.", "Jack: Please welcome our newest board member.", "Ashley: What?! You can't do that! You can't just appoint somebody to the board!", "Jack: Turns out I can. Look at the bylaws. I'm the C.E.O. I can appoint a new board member any time I want.", "Traci: But, jack, why phyllis, of all people?", "Jack: Because this board needs someone with expertise in e-commerce and digital.", "Traci: So, fine. But why her?", "Jack: The fact that she has caused me personal pain only tells you that I have put the company's interests first.", "Ashley: Oh, my -- it's obvious to everybody in this room why you appointed her five minutes before the meeting, jack.", "Gloria: And coming through. Mind the feet, phyllis.", "Ashley: Next to lauren, please.", "Gloria: There you go. Can I get anybody anything? Coffee, pens, paper, whatever.", "Jack: Maybe you can get ashley more water. She appears to have overheated suddenly.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Ashley: I'm fine, thank you. So shall we do this? Would you like me to call this meeting to order, jack?", "Jack: Thank you. As C.E.O., I'm more than capable.", "Ashley: Well, I guess that's what we're here to determine. My dad'S.", "Jack: I don't need this job. I don't need the money. I'm not in it for the prestige. I'm not here to make friends. The reason I am here, the reason we are all here, is because of a promise I made to my father a long time ago. Corny as that sounds, it's true. John abbott had a great idea. I still believe that to this day. It's as simple as that. What isn't simple is change in changing times. It requires a certain adaptability, a certain singleness of purpose. It allows you to make the difficult decisions, the unpopular decisions. Sometimes you're required to ask someone to play a new role, temporarily, and then step away from it. It's not a personal decision. It's the best decision for the company at the time.", "Ashley: Please don't imply that that's why I called this meeting, jack.", "Abby: Mom.", "Jack: No, I'm not implying -- in fact, I am implying that we have the same motive -- loyalty to this company, to make it as strong, as vibrant as we can so that we can come up with the next great idea. On my way here, I stopped to talk to the workmen who are renovating the lab, where I am expecting my sister, the innovator of the year award winner, to do just that -- to innovate, the come up with the next great thing. I am incredibly proud of my sister. I'm wildly enthusiastic about us working together. I couldn't bring my father's dream to a realization without her. We have to do it together, building on the success we've already established, the success we've already enjoyed. And with that, I think we should bring this to a vote.", "Traci: I second the motion.", "Ashley: Before we do that, I'd like to offer some perspective and some facts, a reminder about that deal i closed with cartwright last week that jack shot down behind my back because I was the one that negotiated it.", "Jack: It was a bad deal.", "Ashley: That's not true. It would have given us a substantial fourth quarter, and you know it. This isn't about one deal, however. This is about a pattern of behavior that started long before jack asked me to step in. Another reminder -- the messy fight he's had going on with brash & sassy where decisions had been made based on personal vendettas.", "Jack: I think billy and i have agreed that sometimes business gets messy. Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty.", "Ashley: Then how about your kneejerk decision to buy chancellor without consulting anyone?", "Abby: Well, this is the first I've heard about that.", "Jack: Chancellor is a game changer.", "Ashley: Okay, so do you have a game plan? Any kind of business plan, projections, anything?", "Jack: Sometimes you have to work on instinct.", "Ashley: Right, instinct. Look, I understand that my brother's been under a tremendous amount of pressure, which is why I was happy to step in, take over so he could spend more time at home with our ailing mother. However, I think it's completely unrealistic to think that he can run a company of this size and magnitude outside of the office.", "Jack: I am handling things just fine, thank you.", "Ashley: Are you? I got a call from sandra yesterday. Sandra is our newest supplier. You had a video call with her. Apparently our mother walked in on it, thinking that sandra was her daughter, traci.", "Traci: Jack, why didn't you tell me this? If you need more help at home --", "Jack: I've already hired more staff. Nothing like that will happen again.", "Ashley: Jack, you don't know that. Mother's disease is unpredictable. Now, I was able to smooth things over with sandra. She didn't lose any confidence in our company.", "Jack: Don't do this, ash.", "Ashley: I have to wonder, why are you so intent on running jabot from home? Is it because you want to continue to act on impulse unchecked? Do you want to continue to make decisions based on personal vendettas?!", "Jack: I asked you to stop.", "Ashley: Fine. On the matter of the current C.E.O., I move to vote confidence/no confidence.", "Nikki: Michael is convinced that the prosecution will argue that victor and I were working together.", "Nick: Yeah, they're gonna assume that dad asked you to hide assets in your name so he could avoid them getting seized.", "Nikki: Unfortunately, i really don't see a way out of this.", "Nick: What about the hacker who did this? I mean, he or she could testify that this has nothing to do with newman or designdate.", "Nikki: Then the D.A. Will either say that the hacker is lying or that I kept that person in the dark. Christine and the feds want to see victor prosecuted, and they're not going to stop until they can connect him and newman to this sex ring.", "Nick: The embezzlement provides a narrative.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] Well, the inescapable truth is that I did steal the money. It's a felony, nicholas, up to 10 years in prison. And I don't look good in orange.", "Nick: I'm scared for you. [ Cellphone chimes ] Who's that from?", "Nikki: Your father. \"Please join me at the ranch at your convenience. A matter of mutual interest.\"", "Nick: That's weird. I mean, just after you admit to J.T. That you're behind the theft, he wants to see you?", "Nikki: \"Mutual interest.\"", "Nick: Yeah, I'm not buying that. Dad only looks out for himself. Look, if you're going, I'm coming with you.", "Nikki: No. I have to do this alone.", "Ashley: That's one vote \"no confidence\" so far.", "Jack: Well, we'll see how long that lasts. Who's next?", "Lauren: I vote that jack stays.", "Jack: Thank you, lauren. It appears the sands are shifting. Phyllis?", "Phyllis: I, too, support jack staying.", "Ashley: What a surprise. I hope you got a lot for that.", "Phyllis: What greater reward than a seat on the board of this very fine company?", "Jack: Abby?", "Abby: I vote... \"no confidence.\"", "Jack: I thought you...", "Abby: I'm sorry. Mom made some good arguments.", "Jack: And, of course, it has an added benefit. You can make points with victor by telling him you weakened our company for his benefit.", "Ashley: That's not fair, jack. Don't talk to my daughter that way.", "Abby: Mom, it's okay. I got this. Look, uncle jack, earlier today you praised me for my forward thinking, said you were proud to be my uncle and that you'd be honored to work beside me. And be proud of this -- I voted with my conscience, and I'm certain it's the right decision.", "Billy: So I guess it's, uh, my turn. [ Clears throat ] \"No confidence.\"", "Jack: Here you are coasting along on this company's profits, and you seem to be working against your own self-interest for the momentary pleasure of sticking it to me.", "Billy: You're not in a good place, jack. You don't even see it.", "Jack: Traci, you have the final vote.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] I am very concerned about how much jack has taken on. But I have confidence in my brother. I vote jack stays.", "Abby: So...", "Ashley: It's a tie.", "Victor: Thank you, roberta.", "Nikki: What is all this?", "Victor: It's an appreciation.", "Nikki: Of?", "Victor: All we have been through, who we are. I wanted to create a perfect moment in time.", "Nikki: Oh, my god. Is this...?", "Victor: It's the very one.", "Nikki: I had forgotten all about it. You gave me this right before we boarded the jet... when you took me to an island in the norwegian sea because i wanted to see the northern lights.", "Victor: It was a beautiful night, wasn't it?", "Nikki: A manipulation couched in romance. We had argued.", "Victor: Well, if we hadn't argued, you would not have remembered the beautiful sights. Would you?", "Nikki: Are you saying that my life is richer because of your lies and deceit?", "Victor: Our life. We chose not to be ordinary. Unless, of course, you have taken up needlepoint.", "Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Good god. Well, what if I said that i have?", "Victor: That would come in handy. In prison.", "Phyllis: There has to be a solution offered in the event of a tie. Tossing a coin, reading the bloody entrails of a ritual sacrifice. I don't know.", "Traci: Now there's an idea.", "Abby: You did a wonderful thing making a commitment to look after dina. She needs you now. Why not just step down?", "Jack: It is not an either/or situation, abby. I feel a deep commitment to the people whose livelihoods this company provides. That includes their parents and their children.", "Ashley: This company has run without you before, and quite well.", "Billy: Hell, even I've had my time in the C.E.O. Chair. Place is still standing.", "Jack: Well, I am the current C.E.O., And as I see it, failure to get enough votes to remove me is equivalent to saying I should remain.", "Ashley: No, it's not. Sorry.", "Gloria: There is one board member who hasn't been heard from yet.", "Jack: I knew he would come through.", "Traci: Kyle?", "Gloria: His vote just arrived via special courier.", "Abby: Just in time. The tiebreaking vote.", "Gloria: Oh, my. Isn't that exciting?", "Lauren: So, how did he vote?", "Gloria: You think I looked?", "Ashley: Could you please? Please just open the envelope.", "Jack: Yes, please.", "Gloria: Okay. The decision as to whether jack should stay on as C.E.O. Or go is...", "Billy: Well?", "Jack: Gloria?", "Gloria: I can't believe it.", "Jack: \"No confidence.\"", "Gloria: You've been voted out, jack.", "Nick: Thanks for coming over. This isn't something I wanted to get into over the phone.", "Michael: Of course. When you said it was about nikki...", "Nick: Mom fessed up. She said she's the one behind the embezzlement.", "Michael: Right.", "Nick: What are you gonna do to keep her out of prison?", "Michael: Well, I am currently trying to create a defense, but it's challenging.", "Nick: She didn't do anything wrong. They're married. The money's community property.", "Michael: I agree, but it looks like the authorities are trying to make an example of her.", "Nick: She is scared to death, michael.", "Michael: She has reason to be.", "Nikki: So you're enjoying this.", "Victor: Mnh-mnh. I just woke up one morning to find that an inordinate amount of money had been removed from my bank account without my knowledge, so then I started to make a list of my enemies.", "Nikki: Long list.", "Victor: But not only did i feel violated. I realized that the movement of that sum of money would arouse the interest of law enforcement. They would think I had something to hide.", "Nikki: Don't you always?", "Victor: Well, I'm good at it.", "Nikki: Bravo. You figured out it was me.", "Victor: Why?", "Nikki: It had nothing to do with wanting to get you into legal trouble.", "Victor: Did you want to teach me a lesson?", "Nikki: You had it coming. I wanted you to know what it felt like to be violated, not that the authorities will give a lick about that when they arrive any minute to take me away. So in the meantime, you have your fun. Mock me. Rail at me. Go ahead.", "Victor: I can make all this go away, have all the charges dropped if you come back to this ranch, to this house, and our marriage. On my terms. Or I can call the police, have them arrest you. What would you like me to do?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jack fills Kyle in on Nikki's accident. At the Ashby house, Reed and Mattie are talking and she asks if Reed went to a party. Reed admits to it but says be glad she wasn't there. At the club, Fen waits on Devon and mentions his demo but Devon quickly excuses himself. At the hospital Victoria and Nick are discussing Nikki. Victoria tells him there is no word yet from Victor and they worry Victor won't get back in time. At the coffee house Rey gets a coffee from Sharon and he tells her that Nikki is in ICU. Rey uses the opportunity to bring up Victor and Sharon questions him still thinking that Victor had something to do with JT. Charlie and Reed are discussing the accident at the Ashby house. Charlie refuses to believe they hit Nikki and says if they knew they had hit a person that they would have stopped. Charlie suggests they get the car fixed outside of town for cash and then asks Reed for money. Devon and Ana are eating their meal and Fen approaches him again. Devon rudely tells him he needs to be waiting tables and not pitching his music. Nate updates Victoria and Nick on Nikki and recommends an MRI which will tell them more on her condition. After Nate leaves they discuss Nikki's drinking and the stress she was under. Victoria tells Nick that Victor is innocent and if Rey had left Nikki alone she wouldn't be here now. Nick agrees and tells her that it is almost as if Rey thinks Nikki killed JT. Victoria just stares at Nick At Jabot Sharon is visiting Phyllis to discuss Nikki's accident. Sharon wants to talk about who may have hit Nikki and she mentions the bloody clothes on Nikki's bed. Sharon suspects the person who is stalking them may have hurt Nikki. Phyllis convinces her it was likely just an accident. Phyllis tells Sharon that Nikki had been drinking heavily and Sharon tells her that Nick must be devastated. Jack is at the hospital where Nick asks if he knew Nikki had been drinking. He admits he knew but that he had gone to an AA meeting with her and thought she was doing better. Nick feels guilty that he pushed Nikki about Victor's whereabouts. They admit that Victor may be in serious trouble as they know he would be by Nikki's side if he knew. At the club Kyle is hassling Fen who is waiting on him. Kyle gives Fen a hard time when Ana comes up to Fen and tells him he shouldn't have pitched his music to Devon. Fen asks Ana to get Devon to listen to the demo and Kyle admits that Fen is quite good. Ana offers to help him produce a demo for Devon. She admits it is her first and Fen's declines her offer for someone more experienced. Kyle goads Fen about how stupid of a move that was. Kyle tells Fen he should have taken Ana on her offer. Fen realizes he made a mistake.", "Back at the hospital Nick, Victoria and Jack are waiting on news. Victoria tells Jack she just wants her mom and best friend and Jack comforts her. Michael arrives at the hospital where Nick demands to tell him where Victor is. Michael tells him he has not heard from Victor in weeks. Nick hears his name called out, and Sharon approaches him. She puts a hand on him as Phyllis walks over and interrupts. Phyllis tells Sharon she is surprised to see her and tells her she is taking good care of Nick. Nate is giving an update and Nick heads over to talk to him. Back at the Ashby's, they return from getting the car fixed and they agree they need to get their stories straight. Reed is starting to feel guilty and tells Charlie he cannot keep the secret and he wants to come clean. He cannot end up in prison like his mom. Reed agrees to keep quiet. Once again at the hospital Nate is relaying that Nikki has a brain contusion for which there is no treatment but that it may resolve on its own. Rey approaches and Nick blasts him. Rey tells him he isn't here because of Victor but that he is investigating what happened to Nikki. Nate offers to answer any questions about Nikki's condition as Nick threatens to remove Rey from the investigation and accuses of him of harassing them. Rey comments on Victor not being there and Nick is held back by Michael as he lunges at Rey. Rey and Sharon exchange glances. Later Sharon, Victoria and Phyllis are taking in the waiting room. Sharon sticks up for Rey. Phyllis thinks Nikki's accident is tied to the clothes on Nikki's bed and JT's body being moved. They agree that Rey must think one person is responsible for all of these acts. Phyllis feels it was just a horrible coincidence but Victoria fears the three of them will be targeted next. Kyle is home blowing up a plastic palm tree. He asks how Nikki is before telling Jack he is surprising Lola because she misses Miami. Kyle turns the topic to Kerry and asks advice on how to impress a woman. Kyle asks Jack what his next move is. Jack admits he has a next move and that Kerry is going to love it. At the hospital Rey and Nick bump into each other. Rey tells Nick they need to talk. Back at Devon's Ana answers the door to Fen, who humbly apologizes. Ana tells him she is going to make a name for herself in the music business and offers to still work with him if he is interested. He admits he is short on money for the demo but Ana assures him all he has to do is sing and give the performance of his life. Back at the hospital, Nick tells Rey that Nikki would not want Rey on the case. Nick tells him with or without his help he is going to find out who did this. Meanwhile Reed goes to the coffee shop clearly upset.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Devon: She was signed to the label that I had before lp, and we released a few decent-sized hits. You're michael and lauren's son, right?", "Fen: Yeah. I'm a musician now. Actually, uh, I happen to have a demo on me of the kind of stuff I've been working on right now. Um, if you don't mind, whenever you get the chance.", "Devon: Yeah, yeah. Thank you.", "Fen: No pressure.", "Nikki: The person who has been tormenting us was in my house -- in my bedroom!", "Victoria: Well, I guess now we have proof that whoever's trying to frame dad is the same person who moved J.T.'S body from the park.", "[ Loud thud ]", "Reed: [ Gasps ] What was that?", "Charlie: I don't know. Did we hit something?", "Reed: What happened?", "Nick: Somebody plowed into your grandmother, didn't stop, and just took off.", "Victoria: Hey. How did it go?", "Nick: Hey. How'd the surgery go?", "Nate: We just don't know enough yet.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Can you give me a window for the delivery? [ Huffs ] But it'll be here today? Great. Thanks. Dad.", "[ Keys clatter ]", "Jack: Hey.", "Kyle: Oooh. Look who's doing the walk of shame. Must have been some date you and kerry had.", "Jack: 'Fraid not. I just came from the hospital.", "Jack: Hospital? What happened?", "Jack: Nikki newman was hit by a car last night after the jabot holiday party.", "Kyle: Oh, geez. How is she?", "Jack: [ Sighs ] The doctors are not optimistic.", "Kyle: I'm sorry. How'd this happen?", "Jack: I don't know. They found her body, unconscious, in the middle of the road, and rushed her to the emergency room.", "Kyle: So it's a hit-and-run?", "Jack: Yeah, looks like.", "Kyle: What kind of lowlife leave someone to die in the street?", "Mattie: I'm surprised you're here this early. You guys were out late last night.", "Reed: [ Sighs ] Yeah. Um... just wanted to check in on him.", "Mattie: You mean 'cause shauna dumped him?", "Reed: Yeah, he was really bummed out when I dropped him off.", "Mattie: He still is. He's not going to school today.", "Reed: I don't blame him, after everything he's been through.", "Mattie: Yeah, I think staying home has more to do with his hangover than having his heart broken. What did you guys do last night, anyway? Did you go to a party?", "Reed: Yeah. Um... but, I mean, it -- it really sucked. You should be glad you weren't there.", "Devon: [ Sighs ] You ready for another day of wall-to-wall meetings?", "Ana: Downside of neil moving away.", "Devon: Mm-hmm. I don't mind picking up the extra work so he can be near lily, though.", "Ana: 'Cause you're awesome.", "Devon: Well, no one's gonna think I'm awesome if I'm late for my first appointment. Where's our waiter at?", "Fen: Hey! Right here.", "Devon: Hi.", "Ana: Hi.", "Fen: Hey. Um... sorry for the wait. Uh, so, we have some specials today --", "Devon: We're cool on the specials. If we could just order, that'd be fantastic.", "Fen: Yeah. Got it.", "Devon: I'd like to get the, uh -- I know what I want. The spinach omelet and an orange juice.", "Fen: Okay. And, uh, for you?", "Ana: Um... scrambled eggs and whole-wheat toast.", "Fen: Got it. Um, so, I just -- I wanted to ask you --", "Devon: 'Scuse me one second. I need to speak to henry real quick. Sorry.", "Ana: Club manager. Devon has business to discuss with him.", "Fen: Yeah.", "Ana: You should probably get that order in.", "Fen: Right.", "Ana: Oh. And don't bring up your demo. Devon hasn't had time to listen to it.", "Fen: Okay.", "Nick: No. [ Sighs ] I still haven't heard from dad. No, summer hasn't, either. No. Don't do that. Look, I will let you know if there's any change in your grandmother's condition. I promise. I love you, too, son.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Hey. That was noah. He's ready to jump on the first flight out here. I told him to just hang tight.", "Victoria: That's probably best.", "Nick: How are your kids?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, reed's obviously concerned, but I haven't mentioned anything to johnny and katie yet. I was just kind of waiting till, well... [ Sighs ] You look exhausted.", "Nick: [ Inhales deeply ] It's nothing some coffee can't fix.", "Victoria: Why don't you go home and shower? I'll take over for a little while.", "Nick: No, I can'T. I got to be here to hear what nate has to say.", "Victoria: Sure.", "Nick: Any word from dad?", "Victoria: No. You?", "Nick: No. I'm still waiting to hear back from michael baldwin. I figured, if dad told anyone about his trip or where he was, it would be his attorney.", "Victoria: Knowing full well that michael doesn't have to disclose anything to us.", "Nick: Well, in this case, I would like to believe that he has our best interests at heart.", "Victoria: Who knows? Maybe dad's on his way home now.", "Nick: Yeah, maybe. Doesn't mean he's gonna get here in time. Additional sponsorship", "Rey: Still no luck in finding someone to replace tessa?", "Sharon: Not yet. But I make a pretty mean cappuccino. Can I tempt you?", "Rey: Just A...regular coffee. To go. You coming in later?", "Sharon: Took a personal day. I promised faith that we'd spend the day decorating. Christmas still means a lot to her.", "Rey: It's gonna be a rough one this year.", "Sharon: Unfortunately, she's used to nick and me being apart.", "Rey: You haven't heard.", "Sharon: Heard what?", "Rey: Nikki got into an accident last night. Hit-and-run.", "Sharon: Oh, my god. How bad?", "Rey: She's in icu.", "Sharon: [ Gasps ] Her family must be freaking out.", "Rey: Her kids and grandkids are.", "Sharon: Victor still hasn't shown up?", "Rey: Hard to believe something like this wouldn't bring him back to genoa city.", "Sharon: You still think he had something to do with J.T.'S death.", "Rey: He has gone out of his way to avoid my questions. Now he has to decide what's more important -- his freedom or his wife.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] There's no way that was your grandma we hit last night.", "Reed: I wish that it wasn'T.", "Charlie: No, that was a tree branch or a deer or something. Someone else hit mrs. Newman.", "Reed: They found her in the road outside of the club. That's right where we were when we thought we hit something.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] We would have known if we'd hit somebody. We would have seen her.", "Reed: All the windows were iced over. We couldn't see anything.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] I can't believe this is happening. Have you heard anything about your grandma? I-is she gonna make it?", "Reed: I don't know.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] Listen, man, we had no way of knowing you hit someone last night. If we did, we would have stopped.", "Reed: She could die.", "Charlie: Don't say that! She's alive. And memorial is -- I-it's a great hospital. Plus, my uncle nate works there. He's like a genius.", "Reed: I think that he's actually her doctor.", "Charlie: So then she's getting the best care possible. Now, we got to figure out what we're gonna do.", "Reed: What do you mean?", "Charlie: Well, we got to get the car fixed.", "Reed: I don't freaking believe this.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] There's this guy outside of town. He said he'll fix it for cash. I got a little bit, but not enough to cover the whole thing.", "Reed: [ Sighs ] I've got a little bit of money back at my mom's place.", "Charlie: All right. Let's go get it. Head to the shop.", "Reed: What are you gonna tell the repair guy?", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] Figure that out on the way.", "Devon: Ana, are you sure I'm gonna be able to make that 2:00 P.M.? 'Cause I have a, uh, meeting with david grandy at 11:00, and then I have to get all the way back across town.", "Ana: I'll see if I can push your 2:00 to 3:00. Don't want to cut your time with david short.", "Devon: No, not at all. He has that new start-up.", "Ana: Young company rising fast. David's developed some new apps he wants to pitch. I looked over his proposal. A couple of them could be real moneymakers for us.", "Devon: Yeah? Good. Very good. Uh, I'm good on coffee, actually. I'm gonna take off right now. Um, but, hey, text me and let me know if you can move that later meeting, 'cause I want to hear everything this app wiz has to say.", "Fen: [ Clears throat ]", "Ana: Okay.", "Fen: Uh, devon, I-I'm sorry. Um... I-I know you haven't had the chance to listen to my demo yet...", "Devon: Excuse me?", "Fen: The flash drive I gave to you at the penthouse.", "Devon: Yes... yes. I remember you did that.", "Fen: Yeah, no. I-I just -- I just wanted to say, I know, if you listen to my music --", "Devon: I'm gonna stop you right there. Um, I don't mean to offend you, but you were hired to wait tables, and that's what you should be doing, and not pitching me your music while I'm trying to work.", "Fen: Yeah, no, I'm -- I'm sorry. I just, um... I'm -- I'm super hyped about my music, and I know if you just listen --", "Devon: I'm sure. I'm sure. I understand. I-I get all that. But you're not understanding that I don't want you bothering people who are paying customers, or myself, with this kind of thing while you're on the job. 'Cause you end up losing your job if you do that. Okay? Let's get out of here so I'm not late for my first meeting.", "Nate: Your mom is still unconscious, and her vitals aren't what we'd like them to be. They're just...", "Nick: What does that mean? I-is she staying the same or getting worse?", "Nate: Right now, the same.", "Victoria: Okay. What's next, then?", "Nate: I want to start off with an mri, and that should be able to tell us a lot more.", "Nick: Look, can you just give us an idea of what her chances are?", "Nate: I'll know more after the test.", "Victoria: But she's gonna make it, right?", "Nate: Thank you. I'll, uh... I'll let you know once i have the results. Okay? Thank you.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] I just can't believe we didn't know that mom was drinking again.", "Nick: I mean, I knew she was under a lot of stress, with dad being gone, and the investigation of J.T.'S murder. But I had no hint that she was drinking.", "Victoria: I should have known something was off. I just thought that she was tired and stressed out. Or that her M.S. Was flaring up. [ Sighs ] But all this time --", "Nick: Vick, no, no. Don't do that. All right? Don't blame yourself. I'm pretty sure she just started drinking again, all right? I mean, that whole thing with rey's wife, and asking her to get rey to back off on investigating dad -- mom never would have done that if she was sober.", "Victoria: I know. Maybe she went too far. But she believes that dad's innocent, and so do I.", "Nick: No, it's just... dad playing his usual games. Getting mom to fight all his battles for him. He needs to be here. She needs him.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] If rey would have left her alone, mom would not be in that hospital bed right now.", "Nick: Harassing mom, hauling her down to the station. It's like he thinks mom's the one who killed J.T.", "Sharon: I thought you might know something about nikki's condition.", "Phyllis: Nick texted me. She made it through the night. But it's not looking great.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] That's terrible.", "Phyllis: It is. I could have told you all of that over the phone.", "Sharon: I thought we should discuss what happened in person.", "Phyllis: There's nothing incriminating about us discussing nikki's accident.", "Sharon: There is if we're talking about who might have done it and why.", "Phyllis: I'm not interested in playing guessing games with you, so whatever you got to tell me, get at it.", "Sharon: Victoria told me about nikki finding J.T.'S bloody clothes on her bed.", "Phyllis: It's probably the same sicko that planted the shirt and victor's gun in the burned-out stables.", "Sharon: If they are, this person really despises nikki -- maybe enough to try to kill her.", "Phyllis: Look, I thought about that. Nobody knew that nikki was gonna be at the jabot christmas party. Michael invited her last-minute. Even if they did, how would they have known that she was gonna be alone and go out the back way?", "Sharon: Maybe they were following her.", "Phyllis: And maybe unicorns are real. It's probably just what it looks like -- an accident.", "Sharon: It's possible. It was maybe just a careless driver, someone who had too much to drink at a holiday party.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Like nikki. Thank god she was not behind the wheel.", "Sharon: Nikki was drinking?", "Phyllis: Yes. Heavily, according to the doctor.", "Sharon: She's been sober for so long!", "Phyllis: Listen, what she's gone through in the past few months, that would drive anyone to drink.", "Sharon: Nikki is not anyone. She's an alcoholic. Nick must be devastated.", "Nick: You hound my mom for months about a crime she had nothing to do with, and now you won't assign a single officer to figure out what happened to her? Really?! Well, you know what you can do with all your understanding?", "Jack: Heard anything from nate?", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Nah. Mom had an mri. They're trying to figure out why she's not waking up.", "Jack: Oh, nick, I'm so sorry.", "Nick: Did you know she'd been drinking again?", "Jack: She texted me last week, asked to meet with me. She said she'd had a sip of alcohol. That's all she claimed it was. I even went to an aa meeting with her.", "Nick: All right. Well, I guess she had things under control.", "Jack: It seemed that way. I saw her at the party last night, and she was drinking club soda -- or claimed she was. Maybe I should have kept a closer eye on her.", "Nick: No, don'T. All right? I mean, vick and I didn't even know she was struggling.", "Jack: Alcoholics are very good at hiding their drinking.", "Nick: I just didn't realize the stress she was under. Instead, I piled on more. I hassled her about where dad was. I was sure she was covering for him. I pushed her too hard.", "Jack: I honestly believe nikki has no idea where victor is. It's one of the reasons she was upset.", "Nick: I just don't get it -- how my dad hasn't gotten in touch with her.", "Jack: You and I both know how selfish your father can be. But I still have to believe, if he could be by her side right now, he would be.", "Nick: So, the only real... reasonable explanation as to why my dad isn't here...", "Jack: Victor could be in serious trouble.", "Fen: Is there, uh -- is there anything else I can get you? Okay.", "[ Fork clatters ]", "Kyle: Waiter? [ Sighs ]", "[ Sighs ]", "Fen: What do you want, kyle?", "Kyle: Dropped my fork. Could you get me another?", "Fen: [ Sighs ] Wait. What do you need a fork for? All you're having is coffee.", "Kyle: You're right. [ Spoon clatters ] Oops. Could you get my spoon?", "Fen: [ Scoffs ] You know, the owner of this joint already threatened to fire me. So there's not much keeping me from \"accidentally\" spilling hot coffee all over your package.", "Kyle: I'm gonna have to talk to devon about your attitude. It might help him make a decision regarding your employment.", "Fen: You can take your fork and spoon and shove them --", "Ana: Fen.", "Fen: You're back.", "Ana: Devon just left for work. I wanted to tell you, he's been under a lot of pressure lately. It put him in a bad mood this morning. That's why I tried to tell you not to pitch your music to him.", "Fen: Yeah. Well, that, um... [ Clears throat ] That pretty much blew up in my face.", "Ana: I talked to devon. Don't bug him again, and you won't lose your job.", "Fen: Thanks.", "Ana: Didn't want you thinking my brother was self-centered.", "Fen: Well, if you want to do him -- and me -- a favor, just... get him to listen to my demo.", "Kyle: [ Snorts ] You gave devon a demo of you singing?", "Fen: Ignore him.", "Kyle: You should tell devon to play it. Though it pains me to admit it, dude's actually pretty good.", "Fen: Listen to him. This guy knows what he's talking about.", "Ana: I know. I listened to your demo.", "Fen: Okay, so you -- so you're -- so you're gonna convince devon to do the same?", "Ana: No.", "Fen: Why not?", "Ana: Devon gets demos sent to him every day. A lot of them are high quality. Tracks laid down by professionals on state-of-the-art equipment. He's not gonna be impressed by an amateur effort.", "Fen: [ Stammers ]", "Kyle: Ouch.", "Fen: But devon's a professional. I mean, he'll recognize talent when he hears it.", "Ana: He wouldn't get past the first three bars. Look, I think you're good. Have real potential.", "Fen: Look, um, no offense, but I'd rather hear this from a professional. You know, not an -- an assistant.", "Ana: Fine. You don't want to work with me, forget it.", "Fen: Uh, w-- wait. Uh, what?", "Ana: We could use lp's recording studio to make a tight demo. One that would get devon's attention. You sing. I produce.", "Fen: Have you ever done anything like this before?", "Ana: You'd be my first.", "Fen: Virgin producer.", "Ana: Mm.", "Fen: Um... thanks, but I-I -- no, I think I'm gonna hold out for someone with, uh, a little more experience.", "Ana: [ Scoffs ] Good luck with that.", "Fen: I don't need luck. Just talent. And I got plenty of it.", "Ana: Ugh.", "Kyle: [ Snickers ] [ Sighs ] Yeah. Genetics are a real mystery. Seriously. How do two parents as smart as michael and lauren have a kid as epically stupid as you are?", "[ Sighs ]", "Victoria: Nick, I really wish you'd go home and get some rest.", "Nick: No. I want to be here. In case mom needs me.", "Victoria: She needs a miracle! I'm sorry.", "Jack: N-nick, you know what, grab a bite to eat. Get some fresh air. May be a good idea.", "Nick: Yeah, okay. Just call me if, uh -- if you hear anything.", "Jack: Yeah. Promise. You okay?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] I broker multimillion-dollar deals every day. I manage hundreds of employees. I've handled marriage, divorce,", "[Sighs] Motherhood. I feel like I'm 5 years old right now. And I'm really trying hard to hold it together, but I -- I just want my mom. [ Sighs ]", "Jack: I know how close you and nikki are.", "[ Sighs ]", "Victoria: She's my best friend. I know that sounds corny.", "[ Sniffles ]", "Jack: Nah, it didn't sound corny. Any mother would want to hear that.", "Victoria: It's been a really rough year, jack. She's just stuck by me through everything. Even when I told her that i didn'T... I didn't need her help. But you know what, I-I really do need her.", "Jack: She knows that. She needs you, too, victoria.", "Victoria: I wish she knew that I was here right now.", "Jack: Oh, she can hear you. She's fighting to get back to you. All of you.", "Victoria: What if she can't?", "[ Sighs ]", "Michael: I'm sorry. I should have been here sooner. But I just got your texts this morning. How is she?", "Nick: She's not good.", "Michael: What'd the doctor say?", "Nick: Nate will know more after they do an mri.", "Michael: Well, was he optimistic, what?", "Nick: He'S... unreadable.", "Michael: Right.", "Nick: Michael, listen to me. I need to talk to my dad. All right? I'm not gonna ask you where he is or what he's been doing, but I need to get a message to him -- that he needs to come home.", "Michael: If I could get in touch with him, I would tell you. But I haven't heard from victor for weeks.", "Nick: So he didn't give you any hint or clue as to where he was headed?", "Michael: No, not a word. I'm sorry.", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Michael: Look, if I hear anything, I'll let you know.", "Nick: All right. Thanks.", "Michael: I'm -- I should check on victoria.", "Nick: Yeah, she'S...", "Michael: All right.", "Sharon: Nick! \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Nick: I'm sorry I didn't call you.", "Sharon: No, that's okay. I...just wanted to see if there was anything I could do. But I can go if you want.", "Nick: No. No, I know how close you've gotten to my mom in the past few months.", "Sharon: Have you been able to see her?", "Nick: No.", "Sharon: Nick...", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Nick: Hey, phyllis.", "Phyllis: What's going on? Is there any news?", "Nick: She still hasn't woken up.", "Phyllis: Did nate say what was next?", "Nick: They're running more tests. They're just waiting for the results.", "Phyllis: Surprised to see you here, sharon. I thought that you were gonna be at the police station to find out about nikki's accident.", "Nick: You two saw each other earlier?", "Sharon: I stopped by the jabot office. I -- when I heard about nikki, i thought maybe phyllis could give me an update, and I didn't want to bother you. The hospital was on my way. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.", "Phyllis: Well, as you can see, I'm taking good care of him.", "Sharon: All right. Well, I'm gonna find out who was put on nikki's case, and I'll let you know any progress they've made.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Fen: There you go. Wait, cash?", "Kyle: For the tip. The way you're handling your music career, you're gonna need every penny.", "Fen: Okay, yeah. This coming from the guy who can't work his way up at the company that his family owns.", "Kyle: Not where I want to be at jabot. But I know how to play the game. Somebody offers you a chance to make your goals reality, you take it. It's a no-brainer.", "Fen: Okay. So, if that guy ted said he could help get you in the C.E.O. Chair, you'd accept his help?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Ana's not ted.", "Fen: No. She's worse. She's devon's sister. I mean, that's the only reason he hired her as his assistant.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Let me bottom-line this for you. People like ana don't stay assistants for long. She's smart, driven, connected. She's gonna go far. Fast. You blew a chance to go with her. But, hey, maybe you like waiting on guys like me every day.", "Reed: I can't believe that guy fixed the car so fast.", "Charlie: Fortunately, there wasn't a lot of damage.", "Reed: Wish I could say the same about my grandma.", "Charlie: Heard anything about her?", "Reed: No. I'm gonna call my mom and check in.", "Charlie: Hey, wait. We need to get our stories straight first.", "Reed: What stories?", "Charlie: Reed, where you gonna say you were all day?", "Reed: I guess I hadn't thought about it.", "Charlie: Well, you need to. 'Cause I don't want to get caught in a lie. We can just say we were hanging out at my house playing video games all day. That sound believable?", "Reed: Yeah, I guess so.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] What's wrong?", "Reed: Dude, this is m-- this is my grandma. She could die, and we're trying to cover our asses. What am I supposed to do, go to her funeral and pretend it wasn't my fault?", "Charlie: It wasn't! She was walking around in the road in the middle of the night! How were we supposed to know someone was there?", "Reed: It wasn't just someone.", "Charlie: I know. I know.", "[ Sighs ]", "Reed: I'm sorry, man. I just... I can't do this.", "Charlie: Do what?", "Reed: I can't keep this secret. I have to confess what I've done.", "Nate: The mri shows nikki's suffering from a brain contusion.", "Nick: So what happens now?", "Nate: There is no treatment. But it could resolve on its own.", "Nick: And if it doesn't?", "Nate: It's too early to discuss that possibility.", "Nick: No, no, no. Hey, my dad is not here. So if you're thinking of trying to lay a trap for him, you do it somewhere else. Because the last thing my family needs is you hanging around.", "Rey: Nick, I am sorry. Genuinely.", "Nick: Save it.", "Rey: I never wanted to see something like this happen to your mother.", "Nick: Oh, really? Well, it's not gonna stop you from using it to try and nail my dad for killing J.T., Right?", "Rey: [ Sighs ] That's not why I'm here.", "Nick: I don't give a damn why you're here! So take your sympathy and beat it.", "Rey: I am investigating what happened to your mother.", "Victoria: What?", "Nick: No. No, that is not happening.", "Rey: It's not your call, man.", "Nate: Hey. I'm nate hastings. I'm nikki's doctor. Okay? I can answer any questions that you have about her condition.", "Rey: Okay, great. Is there somewhere we can go talk?", "Nate: Yes. Follow me.", "Nick: I'm gonna do everything I can to get you off this case.", "Rey: I'm just doing my job, nick.", "Nick: Really? You have been harassing my family for months. I'm supposed to suddenly believe that you are now on our side?", "Rey: I don't really care what you think.", "Nick: Really? Why is that? 'Cause you're the cop and you get to call the shots?", "Michael: Nick, nick, nick, nick, nick!", "Nick: You have done nothing to figure out who caused that fire at my ranch. And you have treated my mom like she is a suspect when she has been a victim. And now you waltz in here, 12 hours after she was hit by a car?! Are you kidding me?!", "Rey: Well, at least I'm here. Which is more than I can say for your old man.", "Nick: [ Mutters angrily ]", "Michael: No! No, no, no, no! Nick, nick! Nick, no! No!", "Rey: Look, nick, I know you're upset, so I'm gonna let that slide. But you need to let me do my job.", "Sharon: Nick, just let it go. For your mom's sake.", "Nick: I'm good.", "Charlie: Look, are you high, man?! You're gonna tell the cops you hit your grandma and drove off? That's crazy stupid!", "Reed: [ Sighs ] It was an accident.", "Charlie: Dude, no one's gonna believe that now.", "Reed: I can't keep lying to everybody.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] That's exactly what my mom said. All right? She wanted to tell the truth and do the right thing. But look where that landed her! She's in prison with a bunch of nasty criminals all because of an accident.", "Reed: You don't know that that's gonna happen to me.", "Charlie: You don't know that it isn'T.", "Reed: Look, this is my decision.", "Charlie: No, it's not!", "Mattie: What's going on?", "Sharon: Nikki's a fighter. She always has been.", "Victoria: I know.", "Sharon: And that's not gonna change. She may be unconscious now, but I'm sure she knows we're all here.", "Victoria: How's nick?", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Uh... he's calmed down. I convinced him to eat something.", "Victoria: You know, I don't blame nick for being upset. Finding out that rey is investigating what happened to mom.", "Sharon: Rey is a good cop. He's gonna do everything he can to find out who hurt your mom.", "Phyllis: Yeah, and what if he does?", "Sharon: That would be a good thing, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Not if it's the same person who put J.T.'S bloody clothes on nikki's bed. And the grave digger that moved J.T.'S corpse.", "Victoria: You think that mom's accident is tied to those things?", "Phyllis: I don't know why else rey would take a hit-and-run case.", "Victoria: Rey thinks that somebody intentionally hit my mom.", "Sharon: We don't know anything for sure. I mentioned a possible connection between nikki's accident and the J.T. Stuff earlier to phyllis, but she didn't think there was one.", "Phyllis: That was before i knew rey took nikki's case.", "Victoria: Oh, my god. If one person is responsible for all of these acts...", "Sharon: Victoria, we don't know --", "Victoria: But that's what rey thinks. What if he's right?", "Kyle: [ Grunts ]", "[ Pants ] [ Front door slams ] Hey.", "Jack: Aloha. [ Sighs ]", "Kyle: I was going for south beach, but okay.", "Jack: Is that what the pile of sand and all the space heaters outside are about?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] First things first, though -- how's nikki?", "Jack: Oh, nikki's not gonna be sipping mai tais on the beach any time soon.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry.", "Jack: Care to explain?", "Kyle: It's a surprise for lola.", "Jack: What's the occasion?", "Kyle: She misses miami.", "Jack: Not a fan of single-digit temperatures here in wisconsin five days in a row?", "Kyle: I thought about taking her to florida, but between her catering gig and getting ready for the opening of abby and devon's new restaurant, she barely has time to go on a date with me.", "Jack: So if you can't take the girl to the beach...", "Kyle: Bring the beach to her.", "Jack: The beach and... all the trimmings.", "Kyle: May have gone a little overboard.", "Jack: Can you actually go overboard when you're trying to impress your girlfriend?", "Kyle: Well, I hope it works.", "Jack: She really means a lot to you, doesn't she?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] I want her to know how much.", "Jack: You know, you set the bar kind of high. How are you gonna top this?", "Kyle: I was hoping to get a few pointers from my old man.", "Jack: I don't know. I'm a little rusty these days.", "Kyle: Oh, don't tell me you haven't used that famous jack abbott charm on kerry.", "Jack: Well, I hate to brag, but I did host a very elegant, really romantic dinner for two here at the house.", "Kyle: Nice.", "Jack: Soft music, candlelight. Very nice.", "Jack: Nice. But a little... tame for lola and me.", "Jack: Kerry was impressed.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I'll cut you some slack. But you obviously like the lady. So what's your next move?", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Nate: Just let me know if there's anything else I can do.", "Rey: Thank you.", "Nate: All right.", "Rey: We need to talk.", "Fen: Hey.", "Ana: Devon's not here. Not that he'd speak to you if he were.", "Fen: I di-- I didn't come here to see devon.", "Ana: Then you must have knocked on the wrong door. Because you made it clear you weren't interested in anything I had to say.", "Fen: Look... I'm an idiot.", "Ana: No argument here.", "Fen: I didn't want to hear that my demo sucked, all right? I-I should have listened to you. I mean, you would know what he liked. You're devon's sister.", "Ana: Okay. Hold it right there. I'm not just devon's kid sister. I grew up living and breathing music. It became my passion. I studied the performance and the business side of it in college. I don't have a ton of experience or my own record label, but I know my way around a recording studio. From all sides.", "Fen: I did-- I -- I didn't realize.", "Ana: You didn't ask. I'm gonna make a name for myself in this business. And it's not gonna be as devon hamilton's little sister.", "Fen: I believe you.", "Ana: That mean you want to work with me? If I'm still interested?", "Fen: [ Sighs ] Um... yeah.", "Ana: I'm not gonna beg you.", "Fen: No, no, no, no. It's not -- look, it's not that. Okay, producing a demo that devon's gonna want to listen to isn't cheap. There's studio time, musicians, rental gear -- I mean, that stuff costs money.", "Ana: I've got it covered. All you have to do is sing.", "Fen: What, that -- that's it?", "Ana: No pressure. You just have to give the performance of your life.", "Fen: Yeah. No pressure at all.", "Jack: I think the flamingo may be a step too far.", "Kyle: No offense, but black-tie and candlelight are, um...", "Jack: Classic? Truly romantic?", "Kyle: Totally '90s. Might want to think about stepping outside of your comfort zone and into the new millennium. Unless you're just not that into the lady chemist.", "Jack: Oh, no, no. I'm definitely into kerry.", "Kyle: So why haven't you answered my question? What's your next move?", "Jack: I'm not gonna share all my secrets with you.", "Kyle: So you don't have one.", "Jack: No, I have one. And kerry's gonna love it.", "Mattie: Seriously? You were fighting over a call in a football game? That's so lame.", "Reed: There was no pass interference.", "Charlie: That guy was all over him.", "Reed: The ref didn't think so.", "Charlie: Well, the ref's and idiot!", "Mattie: Who cares?", "Charlie: Team got screwed by a bad call.", "Mattie: I can think of way better ways to spend your time. Like filling out your college applications. Which is what I'm going to do. Unbelievable.", "Charlie: Phew!", "Reed: I hate this.", "Charlie: Yeah, that was close. But we can't say anything. All right? My mom's already in prison. My dad will lose it if I get in trouble with the law, too.", "Reed: You weren't the one driving.", "Charlie: We both left the scene of an accident.", "Reed: I can't keep lying to my family.", "Charlie: Do you have any idea how many laws we broke? I was drinking. You were driving with a suspended license, and you already have a dui. This isn't some minor thing, dude. They're gonna come down hard on us, and it's not gonna change anything for your grandma. So why do it? What's the point? How's it help anybody?", "Reed: I guess you're right.", "Charlie: So you're not gonna say anything to anybody, then?", "Reed: [ Sighs ] I'll keep my mouth shut.", "Charlie: All right.", "Sharon: We shouldn't have said anything about nikki being targeted.", "Phyllis: Especially since we have nothing to back it up.", "Victoria: But it does make sense. Mom said that J.T.'S bloody clothes laid out on her bed felt like a warning, and now here she is in the hospital, fighting for her life.", "Phyllis: It's just a horrible, horrible coincidence. And whoever laid these clothes out, they've been toying with us for months. You know, why stop now?", "Victoria: Because maybe this is their end game, and maybe my mom is not the only one that they're after.", "Sharon: Do you think...", "Victoria: Whoever did this could be planning to take us all out. One by one.", "Rey: Dr. Hastings filled me in on your mother's condition -- before and after the accident. I'm really sorry.", "Nick: Well, my mother wouldn't want you on this case.", "Rey: I got assigned to it because the department is taking what happened to nikki very seriously. You may have noticed, I have a reputation for not letting go until I get answers.", "Nick: Some might call it obsessive.", "Rey: Which is exactly what you need to track down this dirtbag who ran your mother down and left her for dead.", "Nick: Well, whatever. You do your thing. 'Cause with or without your help, I'm gonna find the person who did this. And when I do, he's gonna pay." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Theo misses an important business meeting and later reschedules the meeting but he thinks Kyle is trying to sabatage his job. Jack advises Summer not to try and mediate disputes between Theo and Kyle but later she advises Kyle to manage the situation with Theo better so that Theo can be motivated to do great work for Jabot. Elena reads the file Victor gave Devon with all the information about Amanda and later warns Nate that Amanda could be dangerous. Billy and Victoria continue to grow further apart but Victoria thinks that she and Billy are fine because Billy keeps acting like everythimg is fine. Billy and Amanda's connection continues to grow but they agree that niether of them wants to haave an affair they just want to be friends. Devon tells Amanda he is thinking of suing her because of her part in Colin's scheme but Amanda tells him he hasn't got a case.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Billy: I'm pretty sure I've lived half my adult life in a fish bowl.", "Amanda: Always under someone's watchful eye, right?", "Billy: We're kindred spirits, you realize that.", "Amanda: [ Laughs ]", "Victor: Find out everything you can about a lawyer called amanda sinclair.", "Elena: She doesn't have to be our enemy, devon. She can", "Devon: She can. She can be far away from us so that we can just focus on each other.", "Victor: Here's information that my investigators collected.", "Theo: I can take whatever you guys throw at me. The only thing uncle jack will be regretting is not hiring me sooner.", "Theo: Now, I'm thinking we launch a social media campaign centered around makeovers. Valentine's day is right around the corner, so maybe we have people post stories about the one who got away, and we pick a few people and we reunite them with their long-lost loves, after they've each had a makeover using jabot products, of course.", "Summer: I like it.", "Jack: It's a fun idea.", "Theo: We could also do a tie-in withe one of those adventure dating shows, like, say a couple goes on a blind date -- bungee-jumping or heli-skiing, and then we give them a jabot makeover before dinner, dancing, whatever. It'll give us a nice before-and-after contrast to highlight the products.", "Summer: Yeah. Sporty-not to jabot-hot.", "Jack: Not too bad.", "Theo: Christmas is next week. Maybe we give mrs. Claus a makeover.", "Jack: Okay, look, these are all fun, out-of-the-box ideas, but I think we have to keep our eye on the big picture -- sure things, home-runs, like.. partnering with circe brands?", "Theo: Oh, yeah, right. I am all over circe.", "Jack: Good, because a partnership with them is the kind of high-stakes deal that generates real revenue.", "Theo: Got it. I'm cultivating a relationship with the C.E.O. Right now, I'm the seduction phase, laying the groundwork, but I will get down to brass tacks soon.", "Jack: Just closer the deal, okay? Summer gave this to you as your first big test, and it reflects on her, as well.", "Theo: Well, consider it closed. I have a meeting with tim tomorrow.", "Kyle: Oh. You mean today.", "Theo: What?", "Kyle: You had a meeting scheduled with tim today, about an hour ago, and you missed it.", "Victoria: Would you push my 10:00 back an hour? And send me the latest blueprints on the brooklyn development. Okay, thanks. Oh! [ Chuckles ] What would I do without you?", "Billy: Probably fall asleep at your desk.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: You've been at it 24/7.", "Victoria: Well, I know, but i don't have a choice. The work doesn't stop. I just have to keep up with it.", "Billy: Okay, and you still have to eat, so the kids are at school and breakfast is ready, so come on.", "Victoria: Well, it'll have to be quick, but thank you. I mean, not just for that, but for everything. Thank you.", "Billy: Hey, we're partners. I like taking care of things around here.", "Victoria: Oh! I'll be right back.", "Billy: Okay. Keep smiling another second. And...scene. Ugh, you're a terrible actor. Oh, well. Fake it till you make it, billy.", "Theo: No, the meeting's tomorrow.", "Kyle: It was this morning. You stood them up, and they're not happy.", "Jack: How could this happen?", "Theo: Look, I'm not sure, but I will find out.", "Summer: Okay, I'm sure it was just a simple mix-up. It's not the end of the world.", "Kyle: I took care of it, talked him down. We're grabbing drinks tonight.", "Theo: The hell you are! My guy, my deal.", "Jack: I don't care who handles this, just salvage it.", "Kyle: I told you I've got it.", "Theo: Tim! Theo vanderway here, falling on my sword for the egregious scheduling error. I'm not sure what happened, but let me make it up to you with vip to damian marley show tonight. We can have dinner before and talk about he deal? Great. I'll see you then. It's all good. The guy's a huge reggae fan, mon. You must have missed that factoid.", "Jack: Nice save.", "Theo: Not gonna let you down, jack.", "Jack: That's what I like to hear.", "Theo: Like I said, this business is all about building relationships.", "Elena: Devon?", "Devon: Hey, honey.", "Elena: Hey. There you are.", "Devon: How you doing?", "Elena: I got the day off. Would you like to go and grab a bite?", "Devon: Oh, I'd love to, but I have to get to a meeting.", "Elena: Mm. Hope you're not avoiding me.", "Devon: No. Why would I do that, honey? When I promised to keep it real with you the other day, I meant it.", "Elena: Good. So we will just focus on you and me, and not amanda.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Elena: You know what, i shouldn't have brought her name up.", "Devon: No, it's okay that you did. I've actually been thinking -- it's great that you guys cleared the air with each other, but you should probably still keep your distance from her. Because, the truth is, we really don't know anything about her. Mm.", "Elena: We know enough.", "Devon: We don't, though. We have no idea what her personal life was life before she came to town. We don't know her background or who she is or what she's even capable of.", "Elena: What she's capable of?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Elena: What do you mean? Are you saying that she could be a threat to us?", "Devon: I don't know. I don't want to find out, but I think it's smart if we both stay away from her.", "Elena: I mean, okay. It's gonna be hard with her traipsing around all over town, but it's fine by me.", "Devon: Yeah. We both want the same thing, right? We want to be done with her and for her to be out of our lives, right?", "Elena: Yeah, you can say that again.", "Devon: Okay. Then let's be a team on this.", "Elena: Okay. But we're more than teammates, right?", "Devon: Well, I think so. Mmm. I have to go, though.", "Elena: Mm.", "Devon: Okay?", "Elena: Okay. Have a good day.", "Devon: Thank you. You, too. All right. I love you.", "Elena: Love you.", "[ Scoffs ] Additional sponsorship", "Summer: Uh, well, the marketing buys that we made this quarter have really paid off in sales, and the korean skincare line is doing pretty good.", "Kyle: Eh, she's being modest. The sales for that line are through the roof. That one decision has paid off in a much bigger way than anticipated.", "Summer: Well, thank you, but it really was a team effort. I just ran with the concept that you and I were already working on in the initial stages. And I hope that the rest of my team will keep me looking good.", "Jack: Nice job, everyone. I look forward to hearing about the circe meeting. Keep me updated.", "Theo: I will. This deal's gonna blow you away. So, cuz... did you set me up?", "Victoria: So, what do you plan to do today?", "Billy: I'm working. I landed a consulting job.", "Victoria: Oh, my god, that's incredible!", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: I didn't even know you were etting close on something.", "Billy: It happened fast.", "Victoria: Well, tell me all about it.", "Billy: It's in mergers and acquisitions. The one downside is that it's in chicago. I wanted to talk to you about that, but I will have to go to chicago for work here and there, but I'll try and keep it to a minimum.", "Victoria: That's okay. I mean, I understand that sometimes work takes you away from family, but, let me tell you something, you have been putting more than your fair share around here, so... I think we can work out the travel part.", "Billy: [ Clears throat ]", "Victoria: Are you excited about it? I mean...", "Billy: Am I? I am. Yeah, it feels good to be back in the game and not at the family company. I think is gonna be good for me.", "Victoria: I think so, too.", "Billy: I will miss you when I'm on the road, of course...", "Victoria: Oh!", "Billy: ...But I'll think about you every minute I'm gone.", "Victoria: Well, I think that's gonna make coming home even more special. I'm so happy for you.", "Billy: She means it. God, she's so beautiful. How about we go upstairs and celebrate a little bit?", "Victoria: Ooh! I promise we will, but we can'T. I'm late. Wait. Mwah!", "Billy: [ Laughs ]", "Victoria: I'll see you later.", "Billy: Okay.", "Devon: Hey.", "Amanda: [ Chuckles ] Another day, another confrontation with you.", "Devon: I'm just here to let you know that my attorney has advised me to take legal action against you.", "Amanda: [ Scoffs ] Well, go ahead, if you want to throw away your money.", "Devon: You mean more of my money?", "Amanda: You have no grounds for a suit.", "Devon: I have proof that i was defrauded.", "Amanda: By colin atkinson, not me. I've told you over and over again, all I ever wanted was for the truth to come out.", "Devon: Well, I want the same thing. I want the whole truth, and i don't think that it has yet.", "Amanda: What are you implying?", "Devon: That as long as colin is on the run, we won't get any answers to what really happened until he's found.", "Amanda: I'm sure that the feds are doing everything they can to find him.", "Devon: Oh, and that's enough for you? You're fine with them handling it? You don't want to help out at all?", "Amanda: [ Scoffs ] I'm not -- I'm not a detective, and I don't believe in vigilante justice. So I don't know what I could possibly do.", "Devon: I -- I'm sure you could figure something out. I bet you have some skills or some information that could help out.", "Amanda: You would lose that bet.", "Devon: Okay. Well, you know what, amanda, maybe you don't care at all about finding out the truth. Maybe all you care about is your perfect track record as an attorney staying intact.", "Amanda: I've earned my flawless record.", "Devon: I'm sure you have. Though all I have to go on is your word. And it's not like I'm gonna spend my time digging through your records to see if you're actually telling the truth, but maybe I should because that'd be a good way to find out how honest you've been.", "Amanda: That would be a complete waste of your time.", "Devon: Yeah. I am pretty busy, anyway. And I'm more concerned, anyway, about how, uh -- how you being involved in this whole will situation may bother potential clients who might want to hire you.", "Amanda: [ Scoffs ] I'm sorry. Are you -- are you threatening me?", "Devon: I don't think so. I'm just pointing out some inconsistencies about how someone as skilled as you with a perfect track record could get tricked and involved in a massive scam just because you failed to do some basic due diligence.", "Amanda: Everyone makes mistakes.", "Devon: Not someone like you, though, right? At least not the person that you've presented to us. None of this adds up, really.", "Amanda: I am disgusted that i played a small part in what happened with your inheritance, but I would like to put it behind me and move on. I'm assuming that you're not gonna let that happen, are you?", "Devon: I'm not gonna put anything behind me or move on until I get answers, and I still have the resources to get those answers, no matter how well-hidden they may be.", "Amanda: I usually charge for legal advice, but I'm gonna give you a freebie. I'm not liable for what happened to you. You decided to give away your money. I was just doing my job.", "Devon: Okay, well, your job's done, so why are you still in town?", "Amanda: Maybe I like it here.", "Devon: Sure.", "Amanda: And, you know, your little legal matter, it hasn't affected my ability to land clients. See, nate, he seems very happy with the work that I've done for him. Phyllis has asked me to do some work for her, and I'm actually on my way to a meeting right now, so I'm gonna assume that we are done here.", "Elena: Hey!", "Nate: Hey.", "Elena: Busy morning, huh?", "Nate: Patient after patient. By the way, I discharged the woman you talked about the other day.", "Elena: Ugh. The one that I almost misdiagnosed? I'm still kicking myself for being distracted.", "Nate: She is doing fine and at home now.", "Elena: Thank you for that. And thank you for talking me down the other day. You really are a good friend.", "Nate: I know how much you're dealing with. Devon being taken advantage of, all the loss he's endured, amanda and hilary...", "Elena: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, when you lay it out like that, I'm surprised we're both still standing.", "Nate: But you are. I admire how you two are working through it.", "Elena: We're trying.", "Nate: I think acknowledging amanda was a victim, too, can take some of the pressure off. I hope you guys move on.", "Elena: But what if she wasn't?", "Nate: What if she wasn't what?", "Elena: The victim. What if you're the one who's been wrong about amanda this whole time?", "Victoria: The project is on schedule, and it's under budget. Yes, so we're good to go. Okay, we'll talk soon. Dad! Hi!", "Victor: Well...", "Victoria: Are you okay?", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart. Yes!", "Victoria: Oh!", "Victor: Well, it sounds as if I made the right decision, putting you in charge.", "Victor: Well, good job to you, too. You know, it takes skill to turn a compliment about me into an opportunity to pay yourself on the back for having good judgment.", "Victor: My baby...", "Victoria: [ Giggles ]", "Victor: You're doing a hell of a job, you really are.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Victor: Yep.", "Victoria: So, are you just stopping by?", "Victor: Well, I had an appointment around the corner, so I thought I'd stop by, you know, but if you're busy...", "Victoria: No, of course not.", "Victor: You sure?", "Victoria: I always have time for you, yes.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: How are you doing?", "Victor: I'm doing good, you know, actually doing very well. I went sailing with my crew. Over the weekend, we won a race.", "Victoria: Oh, great!", "Victor: Yeah. In fact, I'm gonna buy a bigger yacht, a 40-footer. Average speed, 30 knots, you know? Yeah.", "Victoria: Um... daddy.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Victoria: You know, it's okay to say that you miss it here.", "Victor: Hmm. Is it that obvious? [ Exhales sharply ] I poured my heart and soul into this place. Most of my adult life, you know?", "Victoria: I know.", "Victor: But that does not mean that I regret stepping back. It was the right time, and, uh, I made the right decision, you know? Not gonna mount a comeback.", "Victoria: Well... that's good to hear. Listen, if you want me to fill you in on anything...", "Victor: No, no, no.", "Victoria: Doesn't matter, whatever it is...", "Victor: No. No, no. I'm not gonna look over your shoulder.", "Victoria: Well, you are showing a lot of restraint, and I appreciate that.", "Victor: Yeah. Does this place make you as happy as it made me?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Yes. I'm living my dream.", "Victor: So, how does all that sit with billy boy? Everything all right?", "Victoria: Yes, it is! We're happy. We couldn't be happier. Wow!", "Nate: I can't believe we're back to square one, again. The last time we spoke, you said you understood how unfair it was to blame amanda for how she looks.", "Elena: I know, I did, but hear me out.", "Nate: I've already heard you. You're stuck on this to the point of becoming obsessed.", "Elena: [ Sighs ] Okay. I'll admit it, it's been a struggle for me dealing with hilary. I meant amanda. Both of them. Honestly, they're both intertwined in my head. Okay, look, it was hard enough for me to deal with the memory of devon's wife. It's like she was everywhere -- in his mind, pictures all over the penthouse, and then devon was finally getting closure, and we were both moving on, and now... amanda. And it's shocking for me to see her every day, so I can only imagine how hard it is for devon. Look, I know your ta had an impact on him. And thank you so much for being there for him, but... it didn't fix everything. Devon still has questions about... amanda, and... I do, too. And so should you.", "Nate: Where is this all coming from?", "Billy: Hey. You having some coffee.", "Amanda: Yes, um, this is a coffeehouse.", "Billy: Yeah. It is. I thought it'd be weird to not say hi.", "Amanda: So weird. Sit down.", "Amanda: So, how are you doing?", "Billy: How am I doing? I'm good. I'm good. I got a new consulting job.", "Amanda: Oh, wow! Well...", "Billy: Yeah.", "Amanda: Congratulations.", "Billy: Thank you very much. It's my first job since leaving my family company. I kind of feel like a kid that graduated middle school that's trying to get all buff during the summer, getting ready for high school, you know?", "Amanda: Well, except you're a grown man.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Amanda: And don't take this the wrong way, but you are handsome, you are successful, and you are moderately charming, so I think it's probably okay for you to yourself.", "Billy: Yes, but you've only met my representative.", "Amanda: Oh, true.", "Billy: The real me is a frog-like creature covered in warts.", "Amanda: [ Giggles ] Okay, tmi, I do not need to see your warts. We are not those kinds of friends.", "Billy: Oh, are we friends now?", "Amanda: Well, I think a certain number of conversations probably meets the definition.", "Billy: Okay. I'll go with that.", "Amanda: We also have a great deal in common, so...", "Billy: We -- we do. We do. We have figured that one out.", "Amanda: I spend the whole day acting like I am unbreakable and untouchable, and I'm exhausted.", "Billy: It's hard to pretend to be someone that you're not to everyone around you.", "Amanda: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: You know, if you want to share any of these mistakes or anything, I guarantee you that I will match you blow for blow.", "Amanda: [ Chuckles ] No, we are not those kinds of friends. Yet.", "Kyle: Really? You're gonna play the victim?", "Theo: You didn't answer my question. I know that meeting was scheduled for tomorrow. I confirmed it with tim's assistant myself.", "Kyle: Well, why don't we call his assistant and see if that's true.", "Theo: Okay, calling to check up on me will make us both look like fumbling idiots. The situation is resolved, and you are the C.E.O. Of a major company. Act like it.", "Kyle: You can't admit you made a mistake, and I cleaned up your mess. You should be thanking me.", "Theo: That's not gonna happen. I'm gonna close this deal, and then you can thank me.", "Kyle: Right. This deal's gonna be epic! It's all about relationships.", "Theo: Hilarious.", "Kyle: I hope it works out. I really do. Because, like you said, I'm in charge. If I was going to sabotage you, do you really think I'd do it at the expense of the company i run? You screwed up all on your own, cuz. You didn't need any help from me.", "Summer: Oh, my gosh, it is exhausting having to constantly be the referee between kyle and theo.", "Jack: I can imagine. Look, that is not your job. Theo reports to you. Your job is to get him to his a-game.", "Summer: I know. No, I know, it's just so much easier said than done.", "Jack: I realize it's a complex dynamic. This whole corporate structure is new to theo.", "Summer: Yeah, he's trying really hard to fit in.", "Jack: Yeah, he's doing the same thing with the family, and kyle isn't making it easy for him on either front. And I realize it isn't easy for kyle to take on his responsibilities as co-C.E.O. With theo around.", "Summer: Oh, my gosh, this whole thing is just a mess. Do you really think it can work itself out?", "Jack: I think this is an opportunity for kyle to find his management style in dealing with a complex situation.", "Summer: So you mean like a test? Eco mpetition \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Jack: Not so much a test as an opportunity. Look, I have all the faith in the world in kyle. I wouldn't have kept him on as co-C.E.O. If I didn'T. This is an opportunity to learn. I know he has issues with theo. I also know he is going to have the company's best interest at heart. Eventually, that will be the priority.", "Summer: And what about theo?", "Jack: Theo's a hardworking, ambitious man. They're both very capable.", "Summer: So you're saying that I don't need to mediate.", "Jack: No, uh, given your history, I think you're a little too close to the situation.", "Summer: Okay, I just want you to know that I've been completely professional with all of this.", "Jack: No, no, I -- I don't doubt that for a second. I'm just saying, in this particular situation, take a step back.", "Summer: Okay, I mean, yeah, it's -- it's better for me, too. I don't need all that added stress, anyway.", "Jack: Right?", "Summer: Yeah.", "Jack: So a hands-off approach is best for everyone. We're agreed?", "Summer: Yep. Thank you.", "Jack: Thank you.", "Summer: Hey, theo, um, do you want to go over what we discussed in the meeting?", "Theo: Um, could we do it a little later? I need to focus on this circe thing.", "Summer: Yeah, sure.", "Kyle: Can you believe he accused me of sabotaging him?", "Summer: Okay, we need to talk. Come on, let's get out of here.", "Amanda: Can I ask you a question, if you're up for it?", "Billy: Shoot.", "Amanda: Are you looking to have an affair?", "Billy: Pardon me? Uh, no. No, no, I'm, uh -- why would you ask me that?", "Amanda: Well, you are a man in a committed relationship, and you keep striking up conversations with me.", "Billy: So men and women can't be friends? I mean, have you not seen the movie \"when harry met sally?\" I think it kind of settled that debate.", "Amanda: I think the whole point of that movie is that they were more than friends.", "Billy: Oh, so you're gonna cross-examine my knowledge of '80s rom-coms now?", "Amanda: Oh, no, I am cross-examining you. Why is it every time I see you, you're alone, and what is with this vibe between us?", "Billy: Oh, what \"vibe\" between us?", "Amanda: [ Scoffs ] This banter? You trying to charm me to... tell you more about myself, even though you will not admit that that is what you are doing... come on, every -- every man that has ever chatted me up like this, they were just, you know, working up the nerve to ask me out.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Well, I do have a natural flirtiness that spills out of me.", "Amanda: Oh! It just spills out.", "Billy: Yes, and you are the one that said I am moderately charming. No, I am not trying to sleep with you.", "Amanda: Okay. Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Okay. Are you trying to sleep with me?", "Amanda: No, I am not.", "Billy: Okay. Well, good on you for just putting it out there like that.", "Amanda: Yeah, you know, i thought we should just get it out of the way.", "Billy: Yeah, clearly.", "Amanda: So things are good at home?", "Billy: Yeah. Things are -- things are -- things are great. Things are great on paper. I mean, some would even say they're perfect, but, uh... I don't know. I've always been nervous of perfect.", "Amanda: Why is that?", "Billy: You name it. The, uh, frog-like creature under these clothes is always a little bit more comfortable with messy.", "Amanda: Messy how?", "Billy: Yeah, I don't know. All of it. I've been known to be a little, uh, reckless, maybe unpredictable, wild at times.", "Amanda: [ Inhales sharply ] Ugh, I hate wild.", "Billy: Really? You don't find it even a little bit exciting?", "Amanda: No, there's no comfort in losing control.", "Billy: Yes, that is the point, amanda.", "Amanda: Maybe it's different because I'm single. You have someone that you love, that you can get wild and crazy with.", "Billy: Yeah. That's true.", "Amanda: And that makes you a lucky man.", "Billy: Hmm.", "Victor: I may be retired, but I'll always make sure that billy boy treats you right.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] I know. It's one of your reasons for living.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Victoria: You have nothing to worry about when it comes to billy.", "Victor: After all he has put you through, he should be treating you like a queen.", "Victoria: That is all ancient history. Billy has been amazing ever since we got back together.", "Victor: Good.", "Victoria: He has. He's helped me through the whole J.T. Ordeal, he's thrown himself into being a stay-at-home dad, taking care of the kids, cooking for them, taking them to school...", "Victor: What? Is that what you call a house-husband?", "Victoria: Dad...", "Victor: Well, you're not even married.", "Victoria: We don't talk like that.", "Victor: Oh.", "Victoria: Times have changed.", "Victor: Well, excuse me.", "Victoria: We appreciate a man who shares in the responsibilities at home. Maybe you ought to try it sometime.", "Victor: Yeah, right.", "Victoria: [ Giggles ]", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Victoria: Billy's good. Actually, he just took a consulting job in chicago.", "Victor: Really?", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: I'm glad to hear that. Sweetheart, you may be a powerful C.E.O. But, to me... you'll always be my little girl.", "Victoria: Thank you. I love you.", "Victor: I love you, too. I adore you.", "Nate: Both you and devon told me you were backing off when it came to amanda. So what's changed? Why suddenly all the questions about her?", "Elena: I just realized we don't know a lot about amanda. And I bet you don't, either.", "Nate: I know plenty, like normal stuff that comes up in conversation.", "Elena: So, has she talked to you about her friends or about her life back in madison?", "Nate: What are you getting at?", "Elena: I'm just saying you're a good man who wants to believe that amanda was treated unfairly. But you just went through a breakup of your own.", "Nate: Abby? That has nothing to do with amanda. And, by the way, amanda and i are just friends.", "Elena: And I wasn't trying to imply it was romantic. I'm just saying maybe you needed someone to fill the empty emotional space, and maybe that was amanda.", "Nate: I don't need that from amanda, and you're way off-base. If you want to dig into the psyche of someone regarding amanda, look at yourself and devon. I don't know why you guys can't let this go. Has it occurred to you that devon is looking for an excuse not to?", "Victoria: Billy? Billy!", "Billy: Hey! How was work?", "Victoria: Hey!", "Billy: Actually, I don't really care.", "Victoria: What?", "Billy: No, I mean, I do care, just not tonight because I got a plan.", "Victoria: Okay...", "Billy: Yeah, the two of us are going to go to chicago for one night only, okay? Hannah's gonna watch the kids. Every time I go to chicago from here on out, it's gonna be all work and no play, but not tonight, okay? We're gonna go, we're gonna shake it up, we're gonna have a little fun. What do you say?", "Victoria: Wow! What's gotten into you?", "Billy: Nothing's gotten into me. I just thought it'd be fun to go, you know, spend a night together. I'm gonna be just as busy as you are soon, and we talk about not being ships in the night here, so it'll be good. Come on.", "Victoria: It's really tempting, it is...", "Billy: Okay, well, then just don't overthink it.", "Victoria: But I -- you know I would love to, but I -- I can'T. Not tonight.", "Billy: Well, there's nothing that needs to be done tonight that can't be done tomorrow, vick.", "Victoria: Yes, but it just makes tomorrow that much harder, you know? And it's just not where I am right now. I mean, that's not where we are. Right?", "Billy: Right.& So where exactly are we? Yeah, um, I was half-kidding.", "Victoria: No, you were not. I'm sorry.", "Billy: Be convincing. It's okay. How about I, uh, go order us some dinner?", "Victoria: That sounds great.", "Kyle: Theo's mistake nearly cost the company a huge deal, and he's accusing me of undermining him like we're two low-level punks pranking each other back in new york. He has no idea what the stakes are. What? You think I switched his meeting? Come on, summer.", "Summer: [ Clears throat ] I have decided to be switzerland when it comes to you and theo.", "Kyle: Since when?", "Summer: Since I realized that it doesn't do any of us any good for me to be caught in the middle.", "Kyle: Oh! Hmm. My dad said something to you, didn't he?", "Summer: Okay, look, kyle, i have to work with both of you in different capacities. So anything that I say is just gonna complicate the situation even more.", "Kyle: Well, I am your superior, and I am asking your opinion on another employee.", "Summer: What? Wait, are you serious?", "Kyle: No, of course not, but I like having you as a sounding board. You and theo aren't dating anymore, and we are just two friends talking. So I don't see the problem.", "Summer: [ Sighs ]", "Kyle: I feel like you have something to say, and I want you to be able to speak your mind, so why don't you just say it?", "Summer: [ Sighs ]", "Summer: Okay, no, I do not think that you tried to sabotage theo. I am sure it was just a simple mix-up, but you really did jump on his mistake, like you were waiting for something to use against him.", "Kyle: He was lucky I was there to save his ass.", "Summer: Okay, but he could have and probably would have solved it himself, and, as his boss, I just don't think that it was the most constructive way to deal with an employee.", "Kyle: Oh. It's hard to be constructive when the employee is all bull and bluster.", "Summer: Okay, look, I know that theo can be this way, but he's also really talented. Nobody knows social media better than he does, and, as his boss, I mean, I think it's kind of your job to bring out the best in him, you know?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Yeah, I suppose so, but it's -- it's hard when it's a constant battle to cut through all the double-talk and spin.", "Summer: Okay, and maybe that will be theo's downfall, but, until then, you cannot let your personal feelings get in the way of how you manage him. And if you let him pull you down, it's just gonna make you look bad.", "Kyle: So... your advice is...?", "Summer: Just don't let him pull you into his game. Okay? Just stay above it.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "[ Knocks on door ]", "Jack: Come in!", "Theo: You, uh, wanted to see me?", "Jack: Yeah, close the door. I just want to know that you're ready for your meeting.", "Theo: 100%. And, listen, I have no idea how the dates could have gotten mixed up. But there's no point dwelling on it.", "Jack: That's right. That's in the past. You roll with the punches.", "Theo: And that's the key to success, right?", "Jack: Absolutely, but let's make something very clear here. We are family, yes. That will never change. But, in this building, all that goes out the window. In this building, you are not my nephew, you are a marketing executive. We all have jobs here that require our full attention.", "Theo: I promise you, I am putting my all into this.", "Jack: I believe you. Just know that you're not getting any special treatment from me.", "Theo: Understood. A mistake like today will not happen again.", "Jack: Good. Because I really want this to work out.", "Nate: I'm worried about you. By focusing on amanda, you're allowing devon to stay fixated on something that's unhealthy. For him and your relationship. You should be encouraging him to let it go.", "Elena: What if he already has, and somebody else believed that amanda was hiding something so they dug up information on her?", "Nate: What person? What information? You know what, never mind. [ Scoffs ] I -- I don't want to know, and I don't want to be involved.", "Elena: But you are involved, probably more than you know.", "Nate: What does that mean?", "Elena: Look, I know you're worried about me and devon, but I'm worried about you.", "Nate: I am just fine, thank you.", "Elena: I need to say this, and I need you to hear me. Amanda is a complicate woman with a lot of secrets -- secrets that make me believe she could be dangerous.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Neil tells that Lily will not be coming home for Christmas. Instead, he has planned for he, Drucilla and Devon to go to New Hampshire to be in a cabin and wear snowshoes. Lily will be with them. Devon wants to stay with his mother but she hears him talking to Neil and she orders him to go. \"I need to be by myself. I have a job now, and I have to get used to doing my own thing.\" Later she offers to look for another place to stay while the Winters are away. Neil tells Yolanda that he is proud of her and he is sure that Drucilla and he will have no trouble leaving her in their house while they are gone. Drucilla jokes about Sharon being glad that Brad came to take her place on the tour. Sharon gets immediately defensive. Drucilla sees that she hit a nerve. She apologizes for implying anything about she and Brad on the trip. Sharon denies that anything happened. That may be true, but it doesn't take a genius to see that something went on. Drucilla looks from side to side and then tells Sharon that she has some advice. \"I used to be a model, and Well Sometimes you meet men and all that I understand. We are married honey, we are not dead Just be careful. And most importantly Don't tell Nick!\" Sharon says that she already has. Michael keeps telling himself that Lauren is fine somewhere. Kevin is strangely silent. Scott shouts at Michael that his mother is gone and that she isn't coming back. \"You are responsible for her missing. You are the reason that she got involved with Tom!\" Mackenzie is worried. She can't find Kevin anywhere and he hasn't returned any of her calls. JT as information but he can't tell Mackenzie about it. Paul gets disturbed by JT's emotional distress over the case, and keeps reminding him to deal with things better. When JT returns the coffeehouse, Mackenzie is upset. Mackenzie asks him about his case, but JT will not give her any information. The phone rings and Mackenzie talks to Kevin. He finally turned his phone on and is returning her call. He tells her everything. Mackenzie hangs up and goes to JT. \"That was Kevin. You knew about Lauren didn't you? You knew about Kevin too didn't you? Why didn't you tell me? Is this the way that it is going to be? I don't know anymore \" she says. She then runs off into the back room of the coffeehouse. Sheila and Lauren are alone in the basement. Sheila smiles as she tells Laurent that Tom is dangerous and that he may panic and kill them. Lauren doesn't believe anything that she says. Why should she? When Tom returns to the room, Sheila makes a play for him. She talks to Tom as if she is siding with him and wants to continue the kidnapping the way that they plan. She takes her tied hands and rubs him reminding of the plan and assuring him that she can end this properly if he will let her help him. \"You can run things Tom, I will just be there to watch your back.\" Tom smiles at her, kisses her and tells her, ‘No!' Lauren is watching everything and when Sheila's negotiations break down, she rushes to Tom telling him that they have to talk in private. Tom takes Lauren upstairs to the kitchen. He makes sure the chain lock is on the door and then Lauren explains. \"I got lots of money. I can give it to you and you can run out of the country. You have the bank account in South America right? Make a phone call and I will set everything up. You go free, and she gets just what she deserves.\" Tom can't think right now. Lauren pushes him hard to get him to agree to her idea, but he doesn't. \"I need a guarantee that this is going to work first,\" he tells Lauren. He turns his back for a moment. In the basement, Sheila has been left alone. She works like the devil on her ropes, and finally she bites the last strand free. \"Oh I am going to make you and Lauren pay for this Tom,\" she promises. Lauren puts her hand on the chain lock quietly to get the door open, but then she and Tom hear a loud noise BOOM! Tom goes rushing to the basement, and while he is gone, Lauren opens the lock and runs like a demon out of there. Tom realizes his mistake and returns to the kitchen fast. The door is open and Tom runs through it to catch Lauren." ]
[ "Lauren: (Screaming)", "Lauren: Aah!", "Sheila: Nice try, Lauren. Let's see how you like it!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Let's go, recruit. Ten more, on the double. I wanna see you sweat!", "Brad: What are you doing here?", "Victoria: I'm not following you, if that's what you're wondering. When you left my place this morning, you said you were headed straight for the office.", "Brad: Well, that was my plan, but I decided to get in a quick workout.", "Victoria: Oh, me, too. I guess it's true what they say about great minds, huh?", "Brad: Actually, I'm glad I ran into you. Forgot to thank you.", "Victoria: For what?", "Brad: For last night. And this morning. It was incredible. You were incredible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: So after this, we're gonna go meet with the executive board of Morrison department stores. Meet and greet, okay? Very important.", "Sharon: Wait, what time does that end?", "Dru: Well, early, I hope, because we have to be back in Genoa City for a 3 P.M. Meeting with the R&D department.", "Sharon: Right.", "Dru: You know, very important, okay?", "Sharon: You know, are there gonna be any more trips after this Detroit one?", "Dru: Oh, a ton I hope, after the holidays.", "Sharon: Good.", "Dru: Sure you don't need to take a breather after all this traveling?", "Sharon: No, I love the traveling. I love talking to people, selling the products. You know, I just... I had such a great time in St. Louis.", "Dru: I bet you did.", "Sharon: Meaning what?", "Dru: Well, Sharon, everybody knows that you weren't in missouri alone.", "Sharon: Drucilla...", "Dru: You were with that fine man Brad Carlton.", "Sharon: So?", "Dru: So I'm sure you were thrilled to find out that he had to fill in for me. Look, I'm not gonna hold it against you.", "Sharon: Brad and I work well together.", "Dru: Yeah, I'm sure you do.", "Sharon: Look, if you're insinuating that something happened with me and Brad while we were in St. Louis, you're wrong. And besides that, I would never cross that line.", "Dru: Sharon, relax, okay? I didn't mean to imply anything.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Dru: Okay.", "Sharon: Right.", "Dru: Okay.", "Sharon: Sorry, let's just get back to the itinerary.", "Dru: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: But they explained to me that if you--", "Man: Excuse me, Mr. Baldwin?", "Michael: What? What's going on? Any word on my wife?", "Man: I'm afraid not. But we'll keep looking.", "Michael: I don't believe this. This has been almost, what, 24 hours?", "Man: We're doing everything we can. For the record, I'm hoping we'll have some good news.", "Michael: But you don't think we will.", "Man: We don't give up easily.", "Kevin: Mikey...", "Michael: Yes. Yes, well, you heard him. If Lauren is alive, they're gonna find her. This is not over.", "Scott: Yes, it is. It's over. My mother is dead.", "Michael: No, look, Scott, you just can't go there. You gotta have--", "Scott: I said she's dead! She's dead! She is never coming back to us! And it is all your fault!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Paul, are you telling me you don't think Tom Fisher blew up Michael and Lauren's yacht?", "Paul: I think he was involved.", "J.T.: We have proof. He bought a one-way ticket to Miami.", "Paul: Right, this is where you have to be careful. This is a perfect example-- how you can obsess with one single detail and miss something more significant.", "J.T.: We missed a lot, didn't we? Now Lauren could be dead.", "Paul: You know, just don't do that. We did the best we could with the information we had. Now we have to stay focused.", "J.T.: Yeah, yeah, you're right.", "Paul: All right.", "J.T.: I'm sorry. What's next?", "Paul: Let's stop and think about what we have. We think it's very possible that Tom was involved with whatever happened in Florida. We think he may not be acting alone. Which means he was either working for someone or with someone.", "J.T.: You think this Jennifer person might know something?", "Paul: I'd lay money on it. And apparently, she was very close with Tom. The one thing I don't get... even given all his faults, Tom does not strike me as a cold-blooded murderer. Which means it's very possible she was pulling the strings.", "J.T.: So we gotta find her.", "Paul: Damn right we do. Because whatever's going on down there may not be over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: (Grunts)", "Lauren: I'm gonna kill you!", "Tom: Hey! Get up!", "Lauren: (Screaming)", "Tom: Not so fast!", "Sheila: (Screaming)", "Tom: Get up! Get in the damn chair! And you! You want me to tie you up, too? You keep doing what you're doing, and I'll get the rope out. Now you two wanna kill each other, that's fine. But you're damn well gonna wait until I get some money and get the hell outta here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Yolanda: You sure are quiet over there. What you working on?", "Devon: Oh, it's for Neil. He's not sure on what to get lily for Christmas, so I told him I'd write out a little list of some cds that she might like.", "Yolanda: Oh, that's nice of you.", "Devon: Yeah. I don't mind to do it. It's fun, too.", "Neil: Hey.", "Yolanda: You're home early.", "Neil: Yeah, a little bit.", "Devon: Neil, check this out.", "Neil: What's that?", "Devon: It's the list of cds for Lily.", "Neil: A list of--already? Man, you move fast.", "Devon: You're lucky I move fast, too. It's Christmas in a couple of days, man.", "Neil: Oh, please don't remind me. I haven't even started shopping yet. All right, what is this? \"Forbidden\" what? Man, you know something? I haven't even heard of half of these.", "Devon: Just hand the list to the kid behind the counter and he'll hook you up.", "Neil: Okay. Now you realize I'm trusting you on this, right?", "Devon: I know that. Don't worry about it. Lily will love any one of those cds. Speaking of, when's she get in?", "Neil: Listen, there's been a little change of plans. Lily isn't coming home for Christmas.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Okay, Sharon, I'm gonna talk to cal in marketing. Oh, and I have this really great idea. How about if we push for the samples so we can take them to Detroit? Isn't that hot? Sharon? Hey. Are you with me?", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Dru: Wow.", "Sharon: I'm sorry, I was just thinking about, uh, something.", "Dru: You seemed a million miles away. Okay, look. If this is about what I said about you and Brad, I'm really sorry. I know that you have your issues with Nick. And, you know, don't we all have issues? And I know that you really respect your marriage, and you'd never do anything to jeopardize it.", "Sharon: Right, I wouldn't. I know I wouldn't.", "Dru: I'm gonna tell you something. Back in the day when I was modeling, I was working with the most gorgeous men in the world. And sometimes I'd think, \"Well, you know, you have a couple of drinks--what if?\"", "Sharon: Well, did you ever?", "Dru: Let's just say half the time, you don't even know half the men are married. Look, we're hitched, but we're not dead. You just don't have to act on what you see, that's all.", "Sharon: Right. Some women do, though.", "Dru: Yeah, and they risk everything they have in the process, which is why you have to stay focused and out of trouble, Sharon.", "Sharon: No, you know, I told you Brad and I, we didn't--", "Dru: Right. You didn't cheat on Nick. I get that piece, but judging by the way you're squirming right now, you got very close to doing something stupid. I'm gonna tell you how to handle this. Do not tell Nick.", "Sharon: It's too late for that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Good girl. I am impressed. You've gotten stronger, haven't you?", "Victoria: I'm glad you noticed.", "Brad: What?", "Victoria: I'm just admiring the view.", "Brad: The view's not bad from here, either.", "Victoria: You know...", "Brad: What?", "Victoria: I'm sensing a paradigm shift.", "Brad: What do you mean?", "Victoria: Well, if you remember the last time we were here, how we were working out together? You know, we were challenging each other. It just feels different now, you know what I mean?", "Brad: I guess something's changed.", "Victoria: I guess so. But let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. Well, you and I, we work so well together, I'd hate to lose that competitive edge.", "Brad: Something tells me we don't have to worry about that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: What is it with you two? You're like cats and dogs.", "Lauren: She killed Michael.", "Tom: What?", "Lauren: You know what she did!", "Tom: I got no idea what you're talking about.", "Lauren: Now don't you lie to me--my husband's dead! (Crying)", "Tom: Come on, come on. You got enough to cry about. Michael's just fine.", "Lauren: How do you know?", "Tom: 'Cause I saw him. Well, not him, but the inflatable he and the captain took out. You were unconscious just before the boat blew up. Way off in the distance, I saw the inflatable.", "Lauren: And why should I believe you?", "Tom: Well, think about it, Lauren. The only reason we're here is 'cause I don't kill people. Otherwise, I would have gotten rid of both of you by now. Which might not be a bad idea.", "Lauren: So he's... so he's alive?", "Tom: Unless he fell off the boat and forgot how to swim.", "Lauren: Thank God. Thank God.", "Tom: What are you looking at?", "Sheila: An idiot who's in way over his head. You have no clue what you're doing, do you? No clue at all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: No, Daniel, I haven't seen him all day. I have no idea, out of town somewhere. I love your idea, and I know Kevin will, too. I'm giving you the go-ahead. Oh, whenever. I'll leave the timing up to you. It's no problem, really. I will. And if you talk to Kevin before I do, would you let me know? Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: It's all your fault! It's all your fault, Michael!", "Kevin: All right, easy! Easy! Easy! Come on! You don't mean that!", "Scott: The hell I don't! All along, you've been saying this is Tom's fault. My mother would have never even met Tom Fisher if she hadn't known you!", "Michael: I didn't plan on having Tom as a stepfather.", "Scott: Well, maybe not, but you've been warning us about him for how long now? How come you didn't do something, Michael?", "Michael: Don't you think I wanted to? Don't you think I tried?", "Scott: I need some air.", "Man: Mr. Baldwin.", "Michael: What? What is it?", "Man: I just learned something you need to know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: What are you saying?", "Paul: We do know someone out there is violent and willing to kill.", "J.T.: I still say Tom's our guy.", "Paul: Maybe. What the client is paying us for is objectivity. They're emotional enough on their own. We need to see what they can't see, right?", "J.T.: Yeah, yeah.", "Paul: All right. So if you find yourself getting personally involved, take a step back.", "J.T.: That's easier said than done.", "Paul: You're right, it is, 'cause we're only human. (Cell phone rings)", "Paul: Hello?", "Michael: Hey, Paul, it's me.", "Paul: Michael. Any news on Lauren?", "Michael: No, not yet, but no one's given up here.", "Paul: Good.", "Michael: Look, I was just talking to one of the coast guard officers, and they say they think they know what kind of explosive was used.", "Paul: Oh, really? What is it?", "Michael: C-4 plastique.", "Paul: C-4? How could Tom get his hands on c-4?", "Michael: I don't know how, but obviously he did. I'm gonna have the lab results faxed to the Genoa City police department. That way, it'll help you get a search warrant for any place Tom has been in the last few months.", "Paul: Yeah, okay. Yeah, I'm all over it.", "Michael: All right, thanks, Paul. We'll talk later, all right?", "Paul: You bet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Lauren, you know that I'm right. Tom is completely clueless. Now he wants you to believe that he's in control of everything, but he's not. I mean, he's got us locked down here. He has no idea what to do next. He said it himself-- he's never killed anybody. He's never kidnapped anybody in his life. Sooner or later, he's gonna panic. And that makes him very dangerous.", "Lauren: And why should I care about anything you have to say?", "Sheila: You shouldn't. Unless you wanna get out of here alive. (Door opens)", "Tom: Oh, good. You're behaving yourselves.", "Lauren: Michael thinks I'm dead.", "Tom: Yeah, probably.", "Lauren: He must be going crazy. You gotta get word to him to tell him I'm okay.", "Tom: How am I supposed to do that?", "Lauren: Let me call him.", "Tom: No way.", "Lauren: I won't tell him where I am or even mention your name... please, he's... he's gotta hear my voice.", "Tom: Forget it. I'm not taking a chance like that.", "Sheila: You got your hands full, huh?", "Tom: Shut your mouth.", "Sheila: I'm sorry.", "Tom: Yeah, sure you are.", "Sheila: I'm just angry, that's all. I admit it-- I wanted to see her die. But not you. I never would have blown you up, Tom. But, you know, it's kind of funny the way things work out sometimes, huh? You're gonna get what you wanted all along--the money. We're gonna ransom her.", "Tom: Oh, well, now it's \"we\" again.", "Sheila: Oh, come on, don't be like that. You know I'm an asset to you. Everything I told you about that bank account in South America--it's all true. I took care of everything. We can do this, Tom. You and me, we can do this. We're a team.", "Sheila: Oh, you're wondering if you can trust me, huh? Well, yeah, you can. Only this time--this time, baby, you're in charge of everything, okay? You call all the shots. I'm just gonna be there watching your back.", "Sheila: Why don't you admit it? You know you need me. So what do you say?", "Sheila: Partners?", "Sheila: (Laughs)", "Tom: Ah. No.", "Sheila: Unh!", "Tom: You think we could be partners? Forget about it. A partner is somebody you can trust.", "Sheila: Be serious. You don't have any other options. I'm your only way out of this.", "Lauren: Don't you listen to her. She's lying, as usual.", "Sheila: Oh, shut up, Lauren!", "Lauren: You do have other options, Tom.", "Tom: Like what?", "Sheila: She's manipulating you!", "Lauren: I need to speak with you alone.", "Sheila: No, don't! Don't!", "Tom: Hey! Shut the hell up. All right, I'll listen to what you have to say. Let's go.", "Sheila: (Grunting) oh, God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: You know, c-4 explosives are not something you can easily get your hands on. Tom has to have some-- some serious con-- yeah? Well, what about the A.T.F.? They have to have records on that kind of thing. All right. I'm on hold again.", "J.T.: Oh, so you still think there's more people involved than just Tom Fisher?", "Paul: Yeah? No, y-you can't assume anything. We need to know whether it's off the street or from a military base. That's right. All right, well, keep checking. Thanks. (Sighs)", "J.T.: What do we do now?", "Paul: Well, I think I'm gonna check with the authorities and find out if there has been any activity at all with c-4 explosives.", "J.T.: All right, is there anything I can do?", "Paul: Well, yeah, as a matter of fact...", "J.T.: What?", "Paul: Well, never mind.", "J.T.: No, tell me, Paul. I wanna be useful.", "Paul: Yeah, I know. I just--I'm runnin' a couple of things in my head, and I got a couple irons in the fire, and I'm just thinking that, uh, I'm not ready to go there yet. So believe me, when I am, you'll be the first to know.", "J.T.: All right.", "Paul: I'm gonna go down to the police station and make sure that, uh, Detective Hawkins got Michael's fax. Why don't you knock off for awhile?", "J.T.: You sure?", "Paul: Yeah, just keep your cell phone on.", "J.T.: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Oh, ooh.", "Brad: You leaving?", "Victoria: Mm, yeah. I'm, uh, I'm meeting Dru upstairs.", "Brad: Well, I'll see you at the office.", "Victoria: Don't wear yourself out.", "Brad: Oh, Victoria, you know what? Um... (Machine beeps)", "Brad: Hang on a second. Can you wait here a minute?", "Victoria: Why?", "Brad: I have something in my car for you.", "Victoria: A Christmas present?", "Brad: I thought I'd give it to you early.", "Victoria: That is so sweet of you, but I don't want it.", "Brad: Don't you think you should see what it is before you reject it?", "Victoria: Well, I'm not rejecting it. I just don't want to exchange gifts right now.", "Brad: Oh, w-wait a second. I mean, if--if you didn't get me anything, that's all right. I still wanna--", "Victoria: I got you something. I just wanna give it to you on Christmas Eve... when you and Abby join us out at the ranch.", "Brad: Us-- you mean the whole family?", "Victoria: Please, Bradley. I wouldn't dream of spending Christmas any other way.", "Brad: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Please tell me that you and your daughter will be there. It would mean so much to me.", "Brad: Actually, Abby's going to be with Ash Christmas eve.", "Victoria: Oh, all right. Well, then I guess I'll just have to settle for you, solo.", "Brad: You sure I won't be intruding?", "Victoria: You won't. The more, the merrier... and with the way things are between Nick and Sharon, I think it might be good for them to be around a-- a happy couple. It might remind them how great it feels to be...", "Brad: To be... like we are, right?", "Victoria: Right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: You told Nick?", "Sharon: The only thing I said to him--", "Dru: Oh, I don't wanna know any details, but if there is some office hanky- panky going on between you and Brad, you best be careful.", "Sharon: I know that.", "Dru: Okay, well, then you know you can't travel with Brad. It's too risky.", "Sharon: Yeah, you're probably right.", "Dru: Well, I-I know I am, and I hope you hear me, because I've seen marriages destroyed behind this, and I would hate for that to happen to you, Sharon.", "Sharon: Yeah. Um, I appreciate what you're saying, Drucilla.", "Dru: Okay.", "Sharon: But-- but you know what, honestly? We're making way too much out of this because the thing between me and Brad, it's--it's nothing. I mean, it's nothing.", "Dru: Okay.", "Sharon: Even though you're probably right about the traveling together.", "Dru: Well, I am, and it's a shame, because you two work really well together. Okay, listen, um, I have a meeting with Victoria shortly, so...", "Sharon: Okay.", "Dru: Okay.", "Sharon: I'll get outta here.", "Dru: Be careful.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Anyway, uh, Dru and I thought about it, and we decided we'd spend the holidays this year in New Hampshire. I've never been there before. Dru says it's absolutely gorgeous. Check it out, man. We're renting a cabin out in the middle of nowhere.", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: We're gonna put some snow skis on, have a great time, snowboard a little bit. It's gonna be a special Christmas.", "Devon: Yeah. This is all because of, uh, Daniel Romalotti, isn't it? You guys are doin' this to keep her away from him.", "Neil: That, my boy, is just icing on the cake. Anyway, that's the deal. So we gotta hook you up with some skis and a snowboard.", "Devon: Well, now wait a second. I'm goin', too?", "Neil: Come on. You really think I'd leave you behind at Christmastime? Come on, man.", "Devon: Well, cool. Thank you. Except, um...", "Yolanda: Unh-unh. No, don't worry about me, Devon. Mnh-mnh. You go and enjoy yourself. It sounds like a lot of fun.", "Devon: Well, look, I don't feel comfortable leaving you, though.", "Yolanda: Please don't worry about me, Devon, okay? I have that little job working at the Jabot boutique wrapping gifts, and I have a few job leads for after the holidays are over.", "Devon: Well, it's Christmas, though.", "Yolanda: Devon, I'm gonna be fine. I'm used to doin' my own thing. Look, I know how much you miss Lily, and you're not even gonna be gone that long.", "Devon: But...", "Yolanda: No buts, okay? You are going with your foster family. It'll be your little Christmas gift to me, all right, knowing that you are someplace special, having a wonderful time. It'll make me feel good.", "Devon: That's not fair, Mom.", "Yolanda: Yes, it is. Now come on, let's go get you packed. Come on, come on, come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Mikey, can I get you anything?", "Michael: No, no, thanks.", "Kevin: I forgot to turn this back on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: How you doin'?", "Mac: Fine.", "J.T.: What, you don't seem fine. What's wrong?", "Mac: I still haven't heard from Kevin.", "J.T.: I-I'm sure he's okay.", "Mac: Why hasn't he called me back?", "J.T.: I don't know. Maybe his cell phone battery died or somethin'.", "Mac: Or maybe something happened to him.", "J.T.: You know what I could use right now? One of your peppermint smoothies. You wanna whip one up for me? What?", "Mac: Look, I know that you and Paul are working on a case and you can't talk about it, but does it have anything to do with Kevin?", "J.T.: Mac, come on.", "Mac: I mean, I'm starting to get worried.", "J.T.: All right. You're, uh, you're in the right ballpark.", "Mac: Well, I-is Kevin in trouble?", "J.T.: No, relax, he's fine.", "Mac: Do you know where he is? Come on, this is me. Stop being so mysterious. (Telephone rings)", "Mac: Crimson Lights, this is Mackenzie.", "Kevin: Mac, Mac, it's me.", "Mac: Kevin, where are you?", "Kevin: I'm in Florida. Listen, um... I have some really bad news.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Mm, so after Detroit, we're looking at sending Sharon where?", "Dru: Oh, anyplace you can think of. We're getting personal appearance requests for her across the nation.", "Victoria: That's great. It doesn't surprise me. You know, the retailers absolutely loved the webcast.", "Dru: And they wanna meet her in person. Wait till the numbers come back from St. Louis. I can't even--oh, God.", "Victoria: I know. Let's just hope Sharon's okay with being out of town a lot.", "Dru: Oh, she can't wait for her next assignment.", "Victoria: Good, good. I'm glad to hear that, but, listen, you don't have to worry because I intend to give you a break once in awhile.", "Dru: What do you mean?", "Victoria: Well, I don't expect you to accompany her on all of these trips. I'll be sending someone else with her part of the time.", "Dru: Well, um, I don't mind going, but who, for grins?", "Victoria: Bradley. He did such a good job in St. Louis.", "Dru: Bradley? You can't do that.", "Victoria: Why not? I thought you'd be happy not to be on the road so much. Or is there something I don't know?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: How's it goin' in there?", "Yolanda: Devon is packing up a storm. He is so excited to be going on this trip.", "Neil: Well, I'm glad. Drucilla and I want him to have a good Christmas, you know.", "Yolanda: Oh, he will. He's real lucky to have foster parents like you.", "Neil: Yolanda, I wanted to thank you for how you handled this. You made him feel comfortable about goin' to New Hampshire with us. That was very generous of you.", "Yolanda: Well, what'd you think I was gonna do, make a scene? And I meant everything I said. All I want is for my boy to be happy.", "Neil: You sure you'll be okay without him?", "Yolanda: I won't lie to you. I'm gonna miss him like crazy. You and Drucilla, too. I mean, this is the first time I'm gonna be on my own without all of you. It's sort of been like a little support group for me... but I knew this day was gonna come. And, just so that you know, I'm gonna find someplace else to stay while you're gone. It wouldn't be right, me being here alone.", "Neil: Drucilla and I haven't discussed that.", "Yolanda: Uh, you don't need to discuss it. I'm gonna make other arrangements.", "Neil: No, no, no, no, no, no. Let me--let me talk to Dru. I can't imagine she'd have a problem with you staying here. I-I know I don't.", "Yolanda: Really? You trust me that much?", "Neil: Yolanda, you've earned it. I'm sure you won't let us down.", "Yolanda: I think I'm gonna go out for awhile, um, check up on some of those job leads. It pays to be persistent, right?", "Neil: Yeah, it sure does. I'm proud of you, Yolanda.", "Yolanda: Thanks.", "Devon: Hey, Neil.", "Neil: Hmm? Are you finished with all that packing?", "Devon: No, not yet.", "Neil: Well, you know, you'd better pack somethin' warm, 'cause, uh, I don't want you wimpin' out, claiming that \"it's too cold to go outside. It's freezin', I'm cold.\"", "Devon: (Sighs)", "Neil: Hey, kid, somethin' on your mind?", "Devon: Yeah, there is.", "Neil: Yeah? What is it?", "Devon: It's really great that you guys invited me to go to New Hampshire with you... and I-I really hate to even ask this, but can we please take my mom with us?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Lauren's missing. Kevin said she might be dead.", "J.T.: Mac, come on.", "Mac: You knew about this, didn't you? You knew where Kevin was, and you knew what was going on, and you didn't tell me. How could you do that?", "J.T.: I told you, I can't. It's my--", "Mac: No, yeah, you can't talk about it... but you are my boyfriend, and you know how much I care about Kevin, not to mention how I feel about Lauren.", "J.T.: What do you want me to say?", "Mac: Is this what it's gonna be like, you keeping things from me, important things? 'Cause if it is, I don't-- I don't know if... I don't think that I...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: You just wait until I get out of here. Won't Lauren and Tom be sorry? Very, very sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: All right, lady, let's hear it. We're alone. What do you gotta say to me?", "Lauren: Why are you doing this?", "Tom: No, what kind of a question is that?", "Lauren: This isn't you.", "Tom: How would you know?", "Lauren: Because I know you don't kidnap, you don't ransom people. This is Sheila. She got you into this... and once you figured out, what kind of woman she was, you did the right thing, and you saved me, and that's exactly what I'm gonna tell everybody.", "Tom: Swell. I'm sure they'll give me a big medal for it.", "Lauren: Look, look, I am offering you-- I'm offering you a way out.", "Tom: How?", "Lauren: I have--I have money. I have a lot of money. W-we could make a deal. I'll give you enough so that you can get out of the country, you could start over. I get my freedom, and Sheila will pay for what she has done to us.", "Tom: You tellin' me the truth about her havin' a rap sheet?", "Lauren: It is so long, you won't believe it.", "Tom: There any rewards out for her?", "Lauren: Probably, and I will double them.", "Tom: Unh-unh, I can't do it.", "Lauren: Why not?", "Tom: Because even if I trusted you, it's too much of a risk. Michael's involved, and I sure as hell don't trust him.", "Lauren: W-what about Eric Forrester?", "Tom: Who?", "Lauren: The--the fashion guy. He's a--he's a really good friend of mine, and he has had dealings with Sheila, and believe me, he would wanna see her come to justice.", "Tom: What if you're lying to me?", "Lauren: I'm not. Look, I'm about the closest thing you've got to a friend right now.", "Tom: I need time to think.", "Lauren: We don't have the time.", "Tom: Hey, shut up! I'm callin' the shots here, not you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: No, Victoria, there's nothing that you don't know about.", "Victoria: Uh-huh. Then why don't you think Brad should go on the road with Sharon?", "Dru: Because that's my job, and where I truly appreciate Brad filling in for me, you know, uh, that was a one-shot deal, right? I mean, Sharon needs me, and consistency is important.", "Victoria: Well, you know, Dru, if it was a couple of months ago, I might agree with you, but I think that Sharon has surprised us all. She's become a real pro.", "Dru: Yes, she has, and we wanna keep her that way, and--and I have the best interest of the company at heart.", "Victoria: Listen, Dru, you don't have to worry. You will have your time in the spotlight, all right? It's not like I want Bradley gone, either. If you haven't noticed, I kind of like having him around. So are we on the same page?", "Dru: Same page.", "Victoria: Good. I'll see if Brad can cover a few of these dates. (Cell phone ringing)", "Victoria: Okay, I'm gonna have to take that. Excuse me. (Ring)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Did you find Scott?", "Kevin: Yeah, he's calmed down a bit. He's feeling pretty terrible about what he said.", "Michael: It doesn't matter. Is he okay?", "Kevin: Yeah, he's okay as he can be.", "Michael: I suppose he thinks that continuing the search for Lauren is a waste of time. So do you.", "Kevin: Are you kidding, Mikey? I want the search to go on forever. There's nothing I want more than for lauren to be found safe.", "Michael: What if she's-- what if she's gone? What if she's really gone? How am I supposed to go on without her?", "Kevin: Well, you know they're gonna keep searching here. Maybe we ought to go home.", "Michael: No, no, I can't.", "Kevin: Okay, I know you don't want to, but...", "Michael: No, no, it would be abandoning her, no.", "Kevin: It wouldn't be abandoning her. They're gonna keep searching. Mikey, there are people back home who are really worried about you... people who wanna be there for you. You know, sitting down here hour after hour, it's gonna drive you nuts.", "Michael: No, no.", "Kevin: This is-- this is the coast guard. They know what they're doing. You know, the minute there's word, you can fly back down, and Victor Newman would have you on his jet in a second. You know that.", "Michael: It would feel like I'm givin' up.", "Kevin: You're not giving up, okay? You could be on the phone every day, every hour. You know Lauren wouldn't want you to be alone right now. She'd want you to be with people who love you, people who can help you and be there for you.", "Michael: Maybe I'm in the way. Maybe you're right.", "Kevin: I'll make a call and, uh, get us a flight back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Okay, lady, enough talkin'. Let's get back downstairs.", "Lauren: All right. Hey, look, let's talk this over some more, okay? Maybe we can figure something out. Maybe there's something I can say to you to persuade you--", "Tom: You had your say. Now let's go.", "Lauren: I am offering you a way out.", "Tom: Well, what I need is a guarantee. How would I get this money you're talkin' about? The drop is always the toughest part.", "Lauren: Well, what about your plan? I mean, what about your bank account in South America?", "Tom: (Sighs) that was then.", "Lauren: It's easy. You don't understand. All I need to do is make one phone call to my business manager.", "Tom: Shut up. Let me think.", "Sheila: (Grunting) (loud crash)", "Tom: What the hell is that? [Lauren unlocks the door and runs out the door.]Hey!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: You don't understand. I told Nick about St. Louis.", "Victor: You're getting awfully chummy with my family, aren't you?", "Phyllis: What do you mean by that?", "Tom: Here's some mints. At least you can die with fresh breath." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Colleen tells Lily about sex with Professor Korbel. Lily joked that her friend might have kissed the man but she didn't expect to hear anything like she is hearing now. Lily tells Colleen that she should just forget about this and get on with her life. She worries that Korbel does this all the time with his students. Colleen is sure he doesn't. She tells Lily that if she knew Professor Korbel the way that she did, she would know that he couldn't do a thing like that. She has to address this. She feels that she should tell JT but it is going to hurt him so much. \"I have to do the only thing that I can do. I have to break up with JT.\" When JT arrives at the loft, Colleen is alone. She is quiet and doesn't want to go out to dinner or get in her sexy pajamas for him. When JT tries to touch her, she backs away. He can see that something is wrong and waits for her to explain. \"There is no way to tell you this so I will just come out and say it. I think that we should break up.\" JT senses that this has to do with Professor Korbel but Colleen denies it. He noticed that since she started working for the guy they have been arguing, but she says that this is about the both of them and not Adrian. She hurries out of the loft even though he calls to her to stay. JT heads to the boutique to talk to Lily about this but Lily won't say what is up. Amber listens in from a few feet away and learns that JT and Colleen are breaking up and that JT thinks that this has to do with Korbel. Lily admits that she knows what this is about but she can't talk about it. JT returns home and finds Colleen standing by the tree. She stops him when he starts talking about her wanting to break up with him. He doesn't want to talk about breaking up. It is Christmas Eve. He tells her that he background check on Korbel has come in and that she should be glad to know that the man checks out okay. JT tells that Korbel actually blew the whistle on another professor who was having an affair with a student. Colleen smiles. JT gives Colleen her present and she opens the box to find a ring inside. \"I love you Colleen,\" JT says. At the Athletic Club, Adrian has a drink with Jack and both men are feeling blue as they talk over drinks. \"Have you ever done something that was wrong, regretted it and then knew that you would do it again if given the chance?\" Adrian asks. Jack knows exactly what that feels like. Adrian leaves and Will enters. Jack is surprised to see the man in the club again so soon. \"What are you doing? Getting toasted for Christmas?\" Jack jokes. Will is actually there to see him. \"I need a sample of your DNA.\"" ]
[ "Colleen: Uh, you're joking, right?", "Lily: Uh, yeah.", "Colleen: Come on in. You look cute.", "Lily: Thank you. Just being in a warm place right now is nice, after that ice storm.", "Colleen: Well, Daniel must be really bummed to have to spend Christmas in the hospital.", "Lily: Well, actually, that's what I came to tell you. The doctors might release him early. He has stay in bed and rest he's pretty stoked.", "Colleen: Lily, that's fantastic. I know how worried you guys were, so...", "Lily: I've never been that scared in my life. I mean, if Nick Newman hadn't come when he did--", "Colleen: Come here. I'm just glad that you're okay. Lily. I just--I keep flashing back to thinking how close I came to losing Daniel in that car wreck.", "Colleen: Well, I guess you got your Christmas present early this year.", "Lily: Yeah. But what about you? I mean I can't believe you were stranded too. What could be worse than that?", "Lily: Were there all sorts of people on campus when the storm got bad?", "Colleen: Yeah, quite a few. But I just-- I didn't see very many of them.", "Lily: Oh, well, why not? Where were you?", "Colleen: In, uh, in Professor Korbel's office with him.", "Lily: Alone?", "Colleen: Yeah.", "Lily: So let me guess. You guys got cold, and then you were forced to snuggle together to stay warm. Um, I was just kidding, so... wait, did... did you guys kiss again?", "Colleen: For starters.", "Lily: What do you mean, for s-- shut up! You did it with the professor?!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: There we go. All right, little one... home sweet home.", "Phyllis: How did you do this?", "Nick: Uh, Miguel and Mom. Aren't they awesome?", "Phyllis: Oh, they are awesome! This is our baby's first Christmas.", "Nick: Oh, look! \"Baby's first Christmas.\"", "Phyllis: --Just you and me and our baby, and everybody's happy and healthy. I couldn't ask for more.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Phyllis really had a baby in the elevator? And you helped?", "Jack: I had no choice. The power was out.", "Noah: Weren't you scared?", "Jack: Was I-- I was so scared. My hand was shaking so much it looked like it was stuck in an electric socket.", "Sharon: Well you're good to have around in an emergency.", "Noah: Guess what?", "Jack: Uh, you want me to sit in Santa's lap before you do?", "Noah: I dare ya.", "Sharon: Don't dare him.", "Noah: Are you excited, Mom?", "Sharon: Um... yeah, I'm thrilled. I'm just dying to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I got a message from the office. You called earlier?", "Will: The test results on the earring came back.", "Michael: Was it Carmen's?", "Will: Yep, and I hate to be the Christmas Grinch, but Devon's DNA was all over it--saliva. I ran it through twice. No question it's his.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So you still haven't told me how it happened.", "Colleen: Well, I guess I let my guard down, and so did he.", "Lily: And who made the first move?", "Colleen: It was kind of mutual.", "Lily: Wow! So... are you guys, like...", "Colleen: No! I mean, if it wasn't for that stupid ice storm...", "Lily: Come on, Colleen, it was more than that.", "Colleen: I don't get this, Lily. I don't get it. I love JT, or at least I thought I did, but if I love JT, how could I sleep with Professor Korbel?", "Lily: I think you can probably call him by his first name now.", "Colleen: That's not funny. That's not funny.", "Lily: Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just--I'm, like, I'm blown away. This is so not like you.", "Colleen: I know! I've never cheated on a guy before in my whole entire life.", "Lily: So... wait, you don't think, like, Professor Korbel does this all the time, do you?", "Colleen: Does what?", "Lily: You know, like, messes around with his students?", "Lily: No, he's never slept with a student before.", "Lily: And how do you know?", "Colleen: Because he told me.", "Lily: Um, I hate to break it to you, Coll, but, uh, guys lie.", "Colleen: You know what, Lily? I believe him. And if you knew Professor Korbel-- Adrian-- the way that I do, you would understand.", "Lily: Okay, so... I mean, what are you gonna do?", "Colleen: I don't know. It's horrible. I can't even look at JT", "Lily: Are you gonna tell him?", "Colleen: I have to. I... don't see that I have any other choice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: Michael, I don't wanna see the kid going to prison any more than you do.", "Michael: Well, you got a strange way of showing it.", "Will: Please, think about a plea.", "Michael: What part of \"Devon is not a murderer\" is not sinking in?", "Will: If you really believe that, you're kidding yourself. Every piece of evidence I have says that Devon is the piece of the puzzle. Get your client a plea.", "Will: All right, when the kid gets the max, don't say I didn't warn you.", "Michael: Where did the police find the evidence?", "Will: The Newman Tower parking garage.", "Michael: The Newman garage. Where in the garage?", "Will: Near the parking spaces.", "Michael: Did the... test results reveal DNA from anyone else beside Carmen or Devon?", "Will: Yes.", "Michael: Whose?", "Will: I don't know. We couldn't match 'em to anyone in the database.", "Michael: Carlton's not in that database, is he?", "Will: No.", "Michael: Well, then you'll have to get him tested.", "Will: Thanks for the advice, but I can handle my own investigation.", "Michael: You weren't even gonna tell me about this, were you?", "Will: I'm not convince it's relevant.", "Michael: Not relevant? If Brad Carlton's fingerprints are on that earring, you got a new suspect.", "Will: Brad may not wanna volunteer a sample.", "Michael: If he doesn't, you should be even more suspicious of him.", "Will: Look, Michael, I know you're desperate.", "Michael: Yes, certain pieces of the evidence points to other people.", "Will: Yes but you client is the only one that all the evidence points to.", "Michael: Oh, please! Brad Carlton is on the security video. His fingerprints are also on the tape. An article of jewelry from the victim is found in his parking space? That a lot of coincidences, don't you think? That's at least enough to get the grand jury to reopen its investigation and to recall Brad.", "Will: Brad's fingerprints weren't the only other ones on that roll of tape.", "Michael: Oh, right! Well, you should get a sample from Jack Abbott, too. Or would you rather just railroad an innocent kid because you're too lazy to get off your butt and do the work?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So I finally get my cell phone working, finally get the doctor on the line...", "Noah: And he told you what to do?", "Jack: Well, I was hoping for that. I started talking to him, and my cell went dead again.", "Sharon: Oh, no.", "Noah: I bet you're glad it's over.", "Jack: It was the longest elevator ride in the history of man. I had quite an adventure when I delivered Noah.", "Noah: Yeah, I was too early.", "Sharon: Well, actually, I slipped on the ice, and then Noah was born prematurely.", "Jack: I remember.", "Noah: My lungs didn't work right. Mom had to get an operation. We both almost died.", "Jack: Well, I'm sure glad you didn't, because you and your mother are two of my favorite people on the planet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I can't stop looking at her.", "Nick: I know.", "Phyllis: She's a Christmas miracle. That's what she is.", "Nick: Hey, maybe we could call her that.", "Phyllis: Miracle?", "Nick: No, Christmas.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Nick: Call her \"Chrissy\" for short?", "Phyllis: Well, maybe if she had been born on Christmas day, we could.", "Nick: Yeah. You know, you mentioned Storm. I know you were kidding, but it's kinda got some funky potential.", "Phyllis: It has funky potential? Yeah, considering my son almost died on the night of a storm, that's the only thing I'd be thinking of every time I looked at her.", "Nick: Yeah. Well, we can't just keep saying, uh, \"Hey, you in the pink.\"", "Phyllis: Pink. Yeah, we can't say that. It's so weird. All the names we thought of-- none of 'em fit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Okay, before you do anything drastic, what do you want?", "Colleen: See, that's the crazy thing. 'Cause I thought that I had it already. Lily, for years I dreamed about how perfect it would be if JT and I got back together. I saved myself for him. I wanted him to be my first, and when it happened, it was...", "Lily: Perfect.", "Colleen: Yes.", "Lily: Yeah, and then you two moved in together, that's when you started fighting a lot.", "Colleen: I know, but we always make up. God, what is wrong with me?! I have this great guy. He loves me. But every time that I'm near Professor Korbel--", "Lily: Look, none of this makes you a horrible person.", "Colleen: Yes, it does! Yes, it does! JT trusts me. I totally screwed him over.", "Lily: But not on purpose! I mean, you got caught up in the moment, and things just went too far.", "Colleen: That's not an excuse. I wasn't drunk. And when he was kissing me, I...", "Lily: Adrian, you mean?", "Colleen: I knew that it was wrong. I knew that I should stop, but I didn't. I wanted it to happen.", "Lily: Okay. You messed up. You're human, and it happens. I love you anyway, okay? Just don't do it again.", "Colleen: Lily, I can't just be like, \"oh, uh-oh!\" And pretend like nothing's changed.", "Lily: So, I mean, now what?", "Colleen: I don't know.", "Lily: Are you gonna break things off with Professor Korbel?", "Colleen: Well, of course. I have to. I mean, he's my professor. That's really inappropriate. Plus, I could just--I it wasn't fair going behind JT's back. I can't do that.", "Lily: But if you tell him...", "Colleen: How can I not tell him? We live together. He's gonna be so hurt. He has no idea what's been going on, and he really does not deserve any of this.", "Lily: Okay, so, um... I'm gonna ask you again. What are you gonna do?", "Colleen: The only thing I can do. I have to break up with JT.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: A defense attorney telling the prosecutor what he should and shouldn't do?", "Michael: Wouldn't it be better to prove that I am wrong now, rather than gain a conviction and learn that I am right later?", "Will: You know, it's interesting you haven't mentioned your brother Kevin. His prints have surfaced, too, remember?", "Michael: Go ahead. Test Kevin's DNA It won't make a difference.", "Will: I will. But I still believe Devon Hamilton is the one who has to worry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: All right, how's that look? Good?", "Devon: It looks perfect.", "Dru: Oh, my--can I get a little bit of help here?", "Neil: It's a little bit too....", "Dru: How you doing?", "Dru: Well, you guys, this looks kinda fabulous!", "Neil: Yeah? You like that?", "Dru: Yeah. Hey, Pumpkin, how you doing?", "Devon: Hey, how you doing?", "Dru: It needs a little something, though.", "Neil: Okay.", "Dru: It needs a little something.", "Neil: Yeah? Like what?", "Dru: I think I know what it is. Just hold your horses. Yeah, I got it.", "Neil: What did you have in mind?", "Dru: You'll see. You'll see. It's fabulous!", "Devon: Who is this from?", "Neil: Um, I don't know, young brother. It says, uh, it's an apology from the shipping company for the delay. Whatever it is, it was ordered back in September.", "Devon: They're from a secret admirer?", "Neil: Yeah, right. I love presents. I love this time of year. It's all about presents. It says, \"Hello to Indigo. Long may it swing.\" Hmm!", "Devon: I don't get it.", "Neil: I don't either, but...", "Neil: Huh... wow! Okay. Um... you know, I don't know. This is, uh, this is really interesting. You know, Charles Mingus-- uh, one of the, um, the giants of jazz-- he wrote an elegy for the legendary sax man, Lester young, okay? That cat was the baddest sax man on the planet. And the song, it was called, \"Goodbye Pork Pie Hat,\" right?", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: Young always wore one. And Mingus-- he never went anywhere without his shades.", "Devon: that looks cute on you. That's nice, but--", "Neil: You like that, huh?", "Devon: Who sent the package, though?", "Neil: Yeah, see? I'm looking good in that.", "Neil: Carmen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: How come she's scrunching up her face like that?", "Nick: Well, she's, uh... trying to figure out if she wants to cry or not maybe. Or not.", "Noah: Can she smile?", "Phyllis: Not yet.", "Noah: Look, she's holding onto my finger!", "Phyllis: That means she likes you.", "Noah: I brought my video camera.", "Phyllis: Oh, good. You can be the official photographer.", "Noah: I'm gonna make another movie, like I did for your birthday, Dad.", "Nick: Cool.", "Sharon: What's her name?", "Nick: We, uh, can't decide.", "Noah: What about Lucy?", "Phyllis: Lucy, huh? Hmm...", "Nick: Lucy?", "Phyllis: Lucy.", "Sharon: He, um... he has a hamster named Lucy.", "Phyllis: Oh!", "Nick: Just be glad he doesn't wanna name her after his turtle.", "Phyllis: What's the turtle's name?", "Noah: Stinky.", "Phyllis: Stinky! Oh, my gosh! Hmm, Stinky Newman. I kinda like it.", "Nick: Well, let's hope you're kidding.", "Phyllis: Um, hey... you wanna open your presents?", "Noah: I thought you guys wanted me to wait and open my presents in the morning.", "Phyllis: I know. Well, those are Christmas presents. These are presents from your sister.", "Noah: Huh?", "Phyllis: Yeah, they're hidden all over the house.", "Noah: Where are they?", "Phyllis: Hmm...", "Nick: Well, here is your first clue, and this'll lead you to the next clue and then the next. And then when you find the first present, same thing. It'll take you to the next one and then the next.", "Noah: \"Sometimes they're crunchy, sometimes they're chewy. Look behind them a find your next clue-Y.\"", "Phyllis: \"Clue-y\"?", "Nick: Well, I mean, you know, she's--she's a baby. What do you expect?", "Noah: She can't write.", "Nick: All right, I may have helped her a little bit.", "Noah: I know! It's food!", "Phyllis: Ooh!", "Noah: Come on, Phyllis, help me!", "Phyllis: Okay!", "Nick: Well, she's, uh, she's recuperating, bud. She can't be, uh, you know, running around the house.", "Phyllis: No, I can. I can help. I can help. Um, here, give me-- give me the rest of the clues, Shakespeare.", "Nick: All right. I told you I wasn't good at rhyming. Take it easy, all right?", "Sharon: So... uh, a treasure hunt? That's such a great idea. Whose was it?", "Nick: Phyllis'.", "Sharon: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: Hey, I just ran into Lily outside.", "Colleen: Yeah, she stopped by on the way to the boutique.", "JT: She's gotta work on Christmas Eve? That sucks.", "Colleen: Guess they had a lot of last-minute shoppers.", "JT: All guys, I'm sure. Hey, so did she say how Daniel's doing?", "Colleen: Great. He should be going home soon.", "JT: That's good. What do you say we get dressed up and go to the athletic club for dinner?", "Colleen: Um... I'm not really hungry.", "JT: You okay?", "Colleen: Not really.", "JT: Are you coming down with something?", "Colleen: No. No.", "JT: Well, just in case, why don't you, uh, why don't you get into those sexy pajamas of yours and crawl in bed? I'll heat up some chicken soup--", "Colleen: JT, stop. stop.", "JT: What? Stop what?", "Colleen: Just stop being so nice to me.", "JT: Wow, that's a request a guy doesn't hear every day.", "Colleen: This is hard.", "JT: What are you talking about?", "Colleen: I don't know of any other way to say this but to just say it. I think that we should break up.", "JT: Break up with you? I thought we were past this.", "Colleen: Just admit it. We don't get along the way that we used to.", "JT: Because we're still getting used to living together. We'll get through this.", "Colleen: No, trust me, trust me, this is for the best.", "JT: This has something to do with Professor Korbel, doesn't it?", "Colleen: Why would you think that?", "JT: Well, I don't know. Maybe because \"A\"-- you haven't been the same since you started working for him. And \"B\"--you get all crazy every time his name comes up.", "Colleen: I don't get-- I don't get crazy!", "JT: And \"C\"-- that's when we started arguing. When you took the job as his research assistant that is when we started arguing so here's an idea. Quit your job.", "Colleen: It wouldn't help.", "JT: Yes, it would.", "Colleen: No, it wouldn't, JT this is between us--you and me. Professor Korbel has nothing to do with it!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Okay, so let me get this straight. You were at a cushy mansion with a real psychic for entertainment, and you're complaining?", "Amber: Yeah, because I wanted to be with Adrian, but instead Colleen Carlton gets trapped with him. I bet that was a riot.", "Lily: What's that supposed to mean?", "Amber: I mean, she's boring.", "Lily: She is not. She just can't get a word in when you're around.", "Amber: Sorry. I know you guys are like conjoined twins. But come on. I mean, can you imagine? She and Adrian alone in the dark grading papers by flashlight.", "Lily: Whatever.", "Amber: It's okay. I'm sure that hottie is gonna make it up to me.", "Lily: Wait, he told you that?", "Amber: Not yet. He will. I can tell when a guy is into me, and Adrian is definitely into me.", "Lily: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Gimme a scotch neat, Johnny.", "Noah: I know! I know!", "Phyllis: Kid's like a roadrunner.", "Noah: I bet it's in my bedroom.", "Nick: Just please be careful, okay?", "Phyllis: I will.", "Sharon: Noah loves Christmas. He's so cute.", "Nick: Yeah, he could never understand why Santa would wanna come down the chimney when we could just leave a key for him under the mat.", "Sharon: I forgot about that. Remember when Cassie was in the Christmas play?", "Nick: Yes. He was the front end of a camel.", "Sharon: Our little actress.", "Nick: Hey, it could've been worse. She could've been the back end. Those were special times.", "Sharon: Yeah. I just wish...", "Nick: What?", "Sharon: Nothing. You know, it is what it is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: I love you, Colleen. I know I may act like a jerk sometimes, and I probably don't tell you that enough.", "Colleen: I know that you love me.", "JT: There's no reason we can't fix whatever's got you so upset.", "Colleen: I wish we could, but we can't.", "JT: What? So what? That's it? You hit a few bumps along the way, and that's it?", "Colleen: I can't talk about this anymore. I have to go.", "JT: Where you going? It's Christmas Eve. It's cold out there.", "Colleen: I know. I don't care. I just--I have to go think.", "JT: Colleen...", "JT: Merry Christmas.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Mm.", "Dru: What do you think? A little bit of this... hmm?", "Neil: Yeah.", "Dru: You like it?", "Neil: Yeah, it looks perfect the way it is.", "Dru: You don't look like you like it. You look like you like frowning and whatnot.", "Neil: Hey...", "Dru: Huh?", "Neil: Look at this hat here and these glasses. These were in the package that you brought up.", "Dru: Oh. Yeah, that's kinda-- you know I like a brim.", "Neil: Yeah, I know you do.", "Dru: It's kinda snazzy.", "Neil: They were-- they were ordered back in September.", "Dru: Oh, yeah?", "Neil: She must've forgotten all about them.", "Dru: \"She,\" who?", "Neil: Carmen.", "Dru: Oh.", "Neil: It must've been a gift for the opening of my club.", "Dru: Mm-hmm. Well, that's, um... yeah, that's thoughtful.", "Neil: It was.", "Dru: You know, I... you know, Neil, I don't know what to tell ya. Man, I'm... having a little bit of trouble, you know, being sentimental about the stuff, especially when the woman tried to steal you from me.", "Neil: You know what, Dru? Regardless of what you think or thought of Carmen, she didn't deserve to die like that.", "Dru: Okay, well, then there you have it.", "Neil: I gotta tell ya, I've been so hung up on my anger over how this has been affecting Devon. Sometimes I forget... that a young woman actually died. And she's got parents and family out there that must Miss her something terrible, especially tonight.", "Dru: Yeah, well, um... the thing about life... hey, son.", "Devon: Hey.", "Dru: It can change on a dime.", "Devon: Tell me about it.", "Neil: Yeah. Nothing is promised to us except the love of the lord. And if you think about it, all we really have... is right now, today. And we're crazy not to make the most of it. Hmm?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Neil: I love you guys.", "Devon: I love you, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Thank you, Mr. Randolph. I'm sure your wife is gonna love these. Bye.", "JT: Hey, Lily.", "Lily: Hi.", "JT: Have you seen Colleen?", "Lily: Uh, I thought she was with you.", "JT: She was. She left. What the hell's going on with her?", "Lily: Um, what-- what do you mean?", "JT: She just told me she wants to break up, but she won't tell me why.", "Lily: Wow.", "JT: Yeah, a hell of a Christmas present, huh?", "Lily: So she really told you that?", "JT: Yeah. She gave me all this garbage about how we've been fighting too much, but... I know it has to be more than that.", "Lily: Well, I mean, what do you-- what do you think it's about?", "JT: Truthfully, I think there's something going on between her and Professor Korbel.", "Lily: Listen, um... I'm sorry. I really wish I could help you, JT.", "JT: You know, don't you? Tell... ah, forget it. I know you're not gonna say anything.", "Lily: Listen, I do know that Colleen seemed really confused.", "JT: Well, not as confused as I am.", "JT: Excuse me. I gotta take this.", "Lily: Sure. I have to get back to work anyway, so... sorry.", "JT: Hellstrom. Yeah, thanks for getting back to me. I know it's a holiday. Did you, uh, did you check into Professor Korbel's background? Good, tell me everything you know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: Something about drinking alone on Christmas Eve makes you wonder about your choices.", "Jack: Yeah, you got that right.", "Professor Korbel: You ever do something you know you shouldn't, but you went ahead and did it anyway?", "Jack: Who hasn't?", "Professor Korbel: Yeah, well, I'm talking about something that when you look back... and you know it was wrong, but given the chance, you'd do it over again exactly the same way.", "Jack: Even if other people would condemn you for it.", "Professor Korbel: Precisely.", "Jack: Yeah, I know all about that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Mom, Dad, wait till you see the cool video game that my sister got me!", "Nick: Well, keep looking. That's not all she got you.", "Noah: Okay!", "Sharon: That was really nice of you to put that together for Noah. You know, sometimes... the older kid feels a little left out when everyone's fussing over a new baby.", "Nick: Yeah, that's what we thought.", "Sharon: I fort, um... how tiny they are.", "Nick: I know.", "Sharon: Well... um, she's so sweet.", "Nick: You wanna hold her?", "Sharon: Uh, no, no, no, that's okay.", "Nick: You don't-- you don't have to if you don't want to.", "Sharon: Okay, I changed my mind. I wanna hold her.", "Nick: Okay.", "Sharon: Oh, my goodness.", "Sharon: Hey... wow! What big eyes you have.", "Sharon: Mmm. Babies-- boy, they sure smell good, huh?", "Nick: That's 'cause they're brand-new.", "Sharon: Yeah. Hello, Sweetheart.", "Nick: You want me to take her?", "Sharon: No. It's okay. I'll hold her for a little while. She's, um... she's so tiny and so innocent, so much potential.", "Nick: Sharon...", "Sharon: She's... she's beautiful, Nicholas. And she's really lucky to be alive. I'm sorry. I just, um... I never thought that I would be standing here with you holding a baby that wasn't ours.", "Sharon: And just... looking at this precious little face, it... I can't help thinking...", "Sharon: Um... I don't want Noah to see me crying like this, so I am just gonna take off before he and Phyllis get back.", "Nick: I understand. I'll, uh... is it cool if he stays a little while longer?", "Sharon: Sure. Yeah.", "Nick: I'll have him home before his bedtime.", "Sharon: Oh, don't worry about it. He's gonna be up half the night listening for hooves on the roof. Nick... I only wish the best for your brand-new little girl. And I hope that she has a long and happy life.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Sharon: And she's got one really great thing going for her.", "Nick: What's that?", "Sharon: She has the best Dad in the world.", "Nick: That means a lot. Thank you.", "Sharon: Merry Christmas, Nicholas.", "Nick: Merry Christmas.", "Nick: Hey...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: No, no way.", "Dru: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: Yeah, yeah, I did.", "Dru: It did happen. I swear it did. I swear it did.", "Devon: That can't be.", "Neil: It absolutely true.", "Devon: So, what'd he do then?", "Dru: He bought me a book on motorcycle maintenance. Can you believe this?", "Neil: Look who it is! Come on in. Can I take your ?", "Michael: Oh, yeah.", "Dru: Hey, Michael!", "Neil: Hey, guys, look who's here!", "Dru: How you doing?", "Michael: Whoa, somebody's in the Christmas spirit, huh?", "Dru: You better believe", "Neil: There's something about Christmas, you know? The promise of a New Year. You can't help but optimistic.", "Dru: Where is your wife? How come you're not at home with Lauren and Fen?", "Michael: Well, that's where I'm headed.", "Dru: Oh. Okay.", "Neil: Hey, uh, any news? The test results come on that earring yet?", "Michael: No. No, no, I just... I just wanted to personally wish you all a Merry Christmas.", "Dru: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: You're back.", "Colleen: I made some cocoa. Do you want me to fix you some?", "JT: No, I'm good. Did you get your thinking done?", "Colleen: Can we not talk about...", "JT: Yeah, yeah, that's fine. Just promise me something, all right?", "Colleen: What?", "JT: No more talk about breaking up.", "Colleen: Like you said, JT, It's Christmas Eve.", "JT: Listen, about Professor Korbel...", "Colleen: I already told you that this doesn't have anything to do with him.", "JT: I know.", "Colleen: You do?", "JT: Yeah. Yeah, um... that information you wanted me to dig up-- the guy who was doing the work for me finally got back to me. In the college that Professor Korbel used to teach at--", "Colleen: You know, um, I... changed my mind. I don't really wanna know.", "JT: Why not?", "Colleen: It just feels wrong prying into his life like that.", "JT: Oh, so now you're saying what I do for a living is wrong again? I thought we were...", "Colleen: No, that's not what I'm saying. I know that you're an honorable guy. It's just that...", "JT: What?", "Colleen: Forget it. It's fine.", "JT: No, Colleen, I'm trying to tell you, you got nothing to worry about. I'm pretty sure the guy's not a spy trying to get close to your family.", "Colleen: I never really thought that.", "JT: Turns out, he's actually a respectable guy, although some people may think he's a snitch.", "Colleen: What are you talking about?", "JT: At his last school... he turned in a professor for having an affair with a student.", "Colleen: Really?", "JT: Yeah. So, uh... what I said before-- about you and him-- I was wrong. I'm sorry. I guess he doesn't believe in that kind of thing. Are you relieved?", "Colleen: Actually, um... I am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey. You okay?", "Sharon: Uh, yes... and no.", "Jack: You see the baby?", "Sharon: Yeah, I saw her. I was dreading it, but I saw her.", "Jack: You couldn't put that off forever, you know.", "Sharon: I really didn't wanna see her. I just... I wanted to pretend like she wasn't real. Because I thought that she might remind me of all the pain that I went though this year. Am I a bad person if I admit that I was afraid I would hate the baby? I mean, what kind of a person hates a baby? But, you know... I didn't hate her. And... I don't. I mean, she was... she was tiny and innocent and just... so beautiful. And holding her in my arms-- I...", "Jack: She just melted your heart, didn't she?", "Sharon: And I realized that I can't blame her for Nick's infidelity.", "Jack: And I can't blame her for having Nick as a father and not me.", "Sharon: You know... I'm going to think of this baby as a chance for all of us to start over again-- you know, a new beginning for all of us.", "Jack: Here's to that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: To a new beginning.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: Well, I hope you're not one of those people who have to wait till morning to open their Christmas presents.", "Colleen: For me?", "JT: You see anybody else around here?", "Colleen: JT, I, uh...", "JT: No, no... just open it.", "Colleen: It's beautiful.", "JT: Just like you. Merry Christmas, Colleen. I love you.", "[Cell phone ringing]", "Colleen: Hello?", "Professor Korbel: Just checking in. Wanted to see if you were okay.", "Colleen: Why wouldn't I be?", "Professor Korbel: I thought maybe...", "Colleen: Look, I gotta go. I can't really talk right now. Okay, bye.", "JT: Hey, this sweater you got me is pretty nice. What do you think?", "Colleen: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: Merry Christmas.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Merry Christmas. So what do you say we go back to my place and see if the old guy in the red suit maybe left you something under the tree?", "Sharon: Well, you said that you wanted to exchange tomorrow, and now I have to be home before Noah gets there.", "Jack: Okay. I can't help it. I'm just a big kid.", "Sharon: Oh, I know you are. I doubt you could help it, but it's what I like best about you.", "Jack: Well, Mr. Bardwell, back so soon? What, are you getting toasted for Christmas Eve?", "Will: No, as a matter of fact, I came to see you.", "Will: I need a Sample of your DNA for testing.", "Sharon: What?", "Jack: You need or you want?", "Will: You could provide it willingly, or I could get a court order forcing you to give the Sample.", "Jack: Boy, you just don't quit, do you?", "Will: Wasn't my idea, Mr. Abbott.", "Jack: Uh, whose was it? One of Santa's elves?", "Will: Michael Baldwin's.", "Jack: Well, that figures. Well, Merry Christmas to you too. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: She's going to sleep.", "Nick: So?", "Phyllis: She looks like you.", "Nick: I know.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: I wanna know why you lied to my mom about your family.", "Nikki: Who did you hire to investigate Brad?", "Victor: Someone I trust.", "Joanna: When he wakes up, he's going to say, \"Hello, Merry Christmas, Grandma.\"", "Gloria: \"Beautiful Grandma,\" There's only one she knows." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By _ Emma_']
[ "Kay thinks asking Jack to join her and Nikki in suing Victor would be a very wise business move. Nikki and David are skeptical but when Kay asks them to compare the lesser of two evils (Jack or Victor) the answer is clear. Jack meets with them at the AC and says he'll think about it. After going to Sharon for advice and coming up empty, he decides to join their crusade in taking Victor down.", "Sharon and Nikki roommates? Who'd a thunk it? Well in light of Sharon's marital issues, she is in need of a space and clarity. Nikki needs to be close to Victoria so, in spite of their differences, they toast and decide to give it the old college try.", "Daniel finds out that ADA Heather Stephens does have a soft spot and, per her request, offers her some advice on giving people chances. This prompts her to reconsider Paul's invitation to celebrate Christmas with him and Maggie. Locating them at the AC, she tells them she'd love to join them.", "Victor is still on his soapbox, ready to take on the world, ignoring any voices of reason (Neil and Nick)." ]
[ "Kay: I'm, um, sorry to drop by without calling first.", "Nikki: Oh, for heaven's sake, you're welcome anytime. You know that.", "Kay: Good morning, David.", "David: Good morning.", "Kay: Well, are you still going through with the lawsuit?", "Nikki: I have to. I have to protect my interests.", "Kay: Well, you know it's going to be a very ugly fight.", "David: And we're ready for it.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: I've been watching Victor for years. I know what I'm in for.", "Kay: Well, good, good. Because I've thought of a way that I think will strengthen our case. You're not going to like it, but, uh, just hear me out. We invite Jack to join us in the lawsuit.", "Nikki: No. No.", "David: Absolutely not.", "Kay: Oh, come on.", "Nikki: No, I promised myself I would never do business with that man again.", "David: And for good reason.", "Kay: Well, you have your objections, and they're also mine, but you know, let's think about this. In the long run, who is the lesser of two evils? Victor or Jack?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey. How was Sam's?", "Noah: Good. His mom wants to know if he can stay with us. Please, can he?", "Jack: It's the first week in January. Uh, Beth has a conference in Miami.", "Noah: Can he?", "Jack: I told her I didn't think it would work out, but I'd run it by you first.", "Noah: Well, we could blow up the mattress and put it on the floor and I can sleep on that and Sam can have my bed.", "Sharon: I don't think so, Sweetie.", "Noah: Why not?", "Sharon: Because, um... I don't really know what my schedule's going to be at that time, and--and there is an N.V.P. photo shoot coming up.", "Jack: You know what? My schedule's pretty much up in the air, too, Buddy.", "Noah: It's only a couple of weeks away.", "Jack: Yeah, but we don't wanna make a commitment now and have to back out of it later, though.", "Noah: Well, one of you has to be home.", "Sharon: You know what? We will have Sam over for a weekend, though, okay?", "Noah: You guys never let me do anything anymore.", "Sharon: Thank you for handling that so well.", "Jack: That was handling it well?", "Sharon: Well, Jack, I'm not ready to tell him we're moving out yet.", "Jack: So don't move out. Please.", "Sharon: Jack...", "Jack: You and Noah brought life back into this house. I never thought I could be happy here again. And I can't imagine living in this house without you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Hey, he lives. I didn't see you come in. How you been?", "J.T.: Well, it's official. The test came back. I'm a dad. Yeah.", "Paul: Congratulations! I didn't expect that. That's great news!", "J.T.: No, I know. Yeah, I'm pretty excited. I'm pretty excited. Uh, the waiting almost killed me.", "Paul: The waiting's tough, but you know, look, in the end, you got what you wanted.", "J.T.: Yeah, I did. I just wish Victoria could've been there to share it with me.", "Paul: Yeah, well, soon.", "J.T.: You know, I-I keep telling myself that. But everyday that I see her like that, I just... it gets harder and harder to stay positive, you know?", "Paul: Yeah, well, listen, you know, I don't know if it's too early or not, but you're welcome to come back to work. I mean, no pressure. If you just need something to get your mind off everything else.", "J.T.: Yeah, well, I'll think about it. Appreciate it, though.", "Paul: So tell me, the little guy have a name yet?", "J.T.: Reed.", "Paul: I like that. Good strong name.", "J.T.: Yeah, yeah, I thought so.", "Paul: Awesome. I just... you know what? I know things didn't work out exactly the way you wanted, but try and enjoy being a dad. It all goes so fast.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Shiny duck!", "Phyllis: Oh, thanks.", "Daniel: Hey! How was your workout?", "Phyllis: It's cold! Hi, baby girl! Hey! Oh, it was good. It was good.", "Nick: Yeah, it was good. We ran. A lot.", "Daniel: Yeah?", "Phyllis: Yeah. You know, it's a new year's resolution. We're gonna do this more.", "Daniel: You know it's not New Year's yet, right?", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, I know. But I figure if I make it now, uh, I'll keep it up. Thanks.", "Daniel: Huh.", "Nick: Some weird reverse psychology thing going on there I think.", "Daniel: No. No. That's just Mom. Come on, let's get up.", "Phyllis: Oh! How was the baby girl?", "Daniel: She was a little monster, wasn't she? Yeah.", "Phyllis: You were?", "Daniel: No, she was great. After she woke up, we played with her little piano. If I was Billy Joel, I'd be watching my back right now.", "Nick: Thanks for coming over last minute.", "Daniel: Yeah, you know, anytime I get to spend my morning with her, it's--it's --it's worth it. I just gotta get some caffeine in me A.S.A.P.", "Phyllis: Oh, I'll make you some coffee, save you some money.", "Daniel: Can you make me a double nonfat latte?", "Phyllis: No.", "Daniel: Yeah, okay then. I, uh, did the dishes that were in the sink.", "Phyllis: Oh, thank you.", "Daniel: You're welcome.", "Phyllis: Okay, bye.", "Nick: See ya, Bud.", "Daniel: See you guys later.", "Nick: Drive safe.", "Daniel: I will. You know I will.", "Phyllis: See ya later. Um, that was nice of him to do the dishes.", "Nick: Yeah. You should take notes from him.", "Phyllis: Thank you. I will.", "Nick: He, uh, he sure has done a 180 since we fired him from Newman.", "Phyllis: Yeah, he has. Hopefully, the adults can follow his lead.", "Nick: If there was anything I could do to end the war, I would.", "Phyllis: I think you could talk your mom into it, but your dad...", "Nick: I wish there was some way I could get through to him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Victor remembering]", "Maggie: Does it surprise you to know that we have D.N.A. evidence putting you at the scene of Mr. Kim's death?", "Victor: That's impossible.", "Maggie: The lab results are irrefutable.", "Victor: What D.N.A. evidence could you possibly have?", "Maggie: Traces of Mr. Kim's blood were found in your gym bag. D.N.A. does not lie.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Michael Baldwin, call me as soon as you get this message, thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: This father thing is pretty intense.", "Paul: Yeah, I know, it changes your whole perspective.", "J.T.: Yeah, and it's only been a couple of days. It kills me to see him so helpless, you know? He's already got me wrapped around his little finger.", "Paul: Babies will do that. They look at you with those big eyes, and, uh... all you see is a little person so full of potential. My mom used to tell me all they need is love and support, and a diaper change now and then and food and a lifetime of financial assistance. I guess what I'm saying is, it's a big responsibility, isn't it?", "J.T.: Yeah, well, um... I'm ready for it. Even if I don't know what to expect.", "Paul: That's where most parents drop the ball. They get into it before they realize what it entails, like yours truly.", "J.T.: Hey, Paul, come on. You--you did the best you could with an impossible situation. Ricky's mom was crazy.", "Paul: Yeah, I suppose. He just started kindergarten. He's got a crush on his teacher, Miss Weber.", "J.T.: Is that right? His first crush, huh?", "Paul: First of many, I suppose.", "J.T.: Well, if he's anything like his dad.", "Paul: He's doing great.", "J.T.: See? Don't beat yourself up. It sounds like its all good.", "Paul: Yeah. Not so much with my daughter.", "J.T.: Your daughter?", "Paul: Yeah, it's a long story.", "J.T.: Yeah, well, give me the short version.", "Paul: Well, her mother didn't want her to know about me for a lot of reasons. But now that she's back in Genoa City, none of those reasons really matter anymore.", "J.T.: Wait, she's... she's here? Do I know her? Who is she?", "Paul: Heather Stevens.", "J.T.: Heather? That's your daughter? Does she know?", "Paul: Yeah.", "J.T.: And what happened?", "Paul: She doesn't wanna have anything to do with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You guys, thanks so much for having me over.", "Nick: Yeah, no problem. It sounded important.", "Phyllis: Yes, is there a problem with Noah?", "Summer: (Fusses)", "Sharon: No. Um, I mean, not yet. But I'm really worried about him.", "Nick: What's going on?", "Sharon: Well... I'm moving out of Jack's house after the first of the year.", "Phyllis: Oh. Wow.", "Nick: That's a big decision.", "Sharon: Yes, yes. But you know what? It's what I need to do. It's what I really need to do to clear my head.", "Phyllis: Absolutely. Are you--are you filing for divorce?", "Sharon: No! No! No!", "Phyllis: No? Okay.", "Sharon: Nothing like that. This is just-- I need some time and some space to really think this through.", "Nick: So Noah doesn't know yet?", "Sharon: No, he doesn't. But you know what? I just--I wanna wait until after the holidays to tell him. I don't wanna spoil it for him.", "Nick: Yeah, well, if there's anything we can do to help, just ask.", "Phyllis: Yeah, definitely. Definitely, we're here for you.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Nick: Do you know where you're going?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm. Yeah, um, I'm going back to our old house.", "Phyllis: Isn't Nikki there now?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Oh, wow. Uh, have you told her?", "Sharon: Not yet.", "Phyllis: Oh, well, good luck with that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: My, I didn't know I was so popular.", "David: You're not.", "Kay: Victor has called in Nikki's loans, Jack.", "Jack: Wow, that's harsh even by his standards.", "Nikki: Well, I have no intention of letting him steamroll me.", "Jack: You may not have much recourse.", "Nikki: I'm suing him. For causing the damage to N.V.P. up at Clear Springs.", "Jack: Ain't that a kick in the pants?", "David: It was Victor's drilling that caused the accident.", "Jack: Yeah, so the reports say. He is gonna try to refute that, you know?", "Kay: Well, he will try.", "Jack: Where do you fit in in all of this?", "Kay: Well, Chancellor Industries is a co-claimant in the case. The delays and the cleanup have cost me a fortune.", "Jack: Yeah, I know. I swimming in the same red ink you are. Oh, wait, you-- you want me to be part of this?", "Nikki: Well, Jack, as an owner of property that was damaged in the accident...", "David: It's only logical.", "Jack: From whose perspective?", "Kay: Well, I've seen the preliminary report from Victor's insurance company. And the payout is just a fraction of the cleanup costs.", "David: And that is only a small part of it.", "Nikki: Think of the revenue you're losing. When we finally do open, it's gonna take a very long time to overcome the negative publicity from the accident.", "Jack: Have you drawn up a complaint?", "Nikki: All spelled out here very acrimoniously. What started out as our dream project has become our nightmare. Courtesy of Victor Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Please sit down, Neil.", "Victor: This is their counterproposal? This is hardly different. What the hell are insurance policies for but to cover an accident like this?", "Neil: Well, I'm sure they're taking a hard line because the drilling company is owned by you personally and not Newman Enterprises.", "Victor: I don't give a damn. If they don't improve on these numbers, then what the hell? Let's take our business elsewhere.", "Neil: Yeah, but, Victor, you--you might wanna give that some more thought.", "Victor: I don't have to think about a damn thing, Neil.", "Neil: We may not be able to find another insurer if Nikki goes ahead with her lawsuit.", "Victor: That lawsuit would be against me, not against the company.", "Neil: No, I understand that. But the insurance company may not view it that way. Newman Enterprises could suffer collateral damage. Especially with Kay Chancellor on board.", "Victor: Even the cops won't leave me alone.", "Neil: Well, did something happen since you were served with warrants?", "Victor: This female detective, whatever the hell her name is, came by and practically accused me of killing Ji Min Kim.", "Neil: You must be kidding me. How could she do that?", "Victor: Apparently, they found his blood on my gym bag.", "Neil: But how is that even possible, Victor?", "Victor: I have no clue. I have no idea. All I know is that the cops and the D.A. probably would like nothing more than to have a rich and famous guy on the stand. And that I guess defines me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Go over there. Talk to her.", "Paul: Hey, mind if I join you?", "Heather: I'm a little busy.", "Paul: Well, I was just wondering, uh, what your plans were for the holidays? You gonna go see your mother?", "Heather: No. I'm not.", "Paul: In that case, would you like to join Maggie and me for Christmas Eve or Christmas dinner?", "Heather: No, but thank you.", "Paul: Have you ever been alone for the holidays? I have. It's not much fun.", "Heather: I'll survive.", "Paul: I was working on a case. I was undercover trying to save my dad. I had to make it look like I was on the outs with my entire family.", "Heather: Is there any point to this story?", "Paul: Well, yeah. As a matter of fact, there is. I felt terrible. It was Christmas Eve and I was shut out. And it was one of the worst nights of my life.", "Heather: I was shut out from knowing my real father for over 25 years. I think I have you beat.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, I gotta say, this should get Victor's attention.", "Nikki: He'll go through the roof when he reads this.", "Kay: And then he will come for us.", "Jack: I hope you're prepared.", "Nikki: With you and Katherine behind me, I will be more than prepared.", "Jack: I can go after Victor all on my own. I don't need to two of you.", "David: You know there's strength in numbers. The most effective way to go after Victor is in a concentrated attack rather than one on one.", "Jack: You'll forgive me if I don't value your particular brand of advice.", "Nikki: Well, you should, Jack. He's right.", "Jack: That remains to be seen. Look, if I go it alone, I don't have to answer to the two of you.", "Kay: We all have the same goals, Jack.", "Jack: Yeah, tell me that when it's decision time and I'm outvoted two to one.", "Nikki: All right, this is not a match made in heaven. You don't trust us. We don't trust you. But I think we can all agree that Victor is the bad guy here.", "Kay: What do you think?", "Jack: I think you make some good points.", "David: Well, here's another for you. If Nikki loses N.V.P., Victor is your new partner in Clear Springs.", "Nikki: Jack, I promise you, it would behoove you greatly to help us make our case as strong as possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey, Dad. Thanks. So is, uh, there any change with Victoria?", "Victor: No. Unfortunately not. What brings you by?", "Nick: I wanted to see if you, uh... still wanted to build that crib for Reed?", "Victor: Oh! How nice of you to remember.", "Nick: Yeah, I'm actually looking forward to doing that.", "Victor: Well, so am I. How about on the weekend?", "Nick: Cool.", "Victor: Yeah. And here I thought you'd come by to lecture me.", "Nick: No. That's not why I'm here.", "Victor: Why are you here?", "Nick: I wanted to talk to you about Christmas.", "Victor: What about it?", "Nick: Well, it should be a time for celebration and forgiveness.", "Victor: Uh-huh. In other words, you did come to lecture me.", "Nick: No. I just want the fighting to stop, Dad.", "Victor: I would like nothing more, Son.", "Nick: You know, ever since the explosion, we've all been on edge. We've all said and done things that we regret. This should be a time when we can set things aside and start to heal.", "Victor: Hmm. You're talking about your mother and me.", "Nick: This tension between the two of you-- it's not good. It's affecting everyone else.", "Victor: Sorry about that. So you're asking me to make an overture, is that it?", "Nick: It couldn't hurt.", "Victor: But you know for me to make an overture, she has to be receptive. And she ain't.", "Nick: Dad, honestly, have you tried?", "Victor: Son... she is otherwise occupied, okay?", "Nick: What are you talking about?", "Victor: Let's just say that your mother is more concerned with her so-called independence and that excuse of a man she's running around with. This is all self-imposed. I had nothing to do with any of this. She started it all. She made it personal.", "Nick: You made it personal when you called in those loans.", "Victor: Son, I did that to protect my company's interest. What are you talking about?", "Nick: Okay, well, what about the drilling? You didn't tell Mom about it or anyone else, because you didn't want anyone to know what you were up to.", "Victor: You don't know what you're talking about.", "Nick: I know if you hadn't started drilling, my sister wouldn't be in a coma. And your grandson wouldn't be fighting for his life.", "Victor: Get out of my house now.", "(Door closes)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Phyllis: Hey!", "Nikki: Hi.", "Phyllis: Um, Nick isn't here.", "Nikki: Oh, uh, I didn't come to see him. I just wanted to finalize plans for the holiday.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay, come in.", "Nikki: Thanks.", "Phyllis: It's cold.", "Nikki: It's cold.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, um, I figure we'll have Christmas here and, um... you know, you're welcome to come, if you'd like.", "Nikki: Are you doing lunch or dinner?", "Phyllis: Uh, lunch. I figured lunch, after everybody has opened their gifts. Um... yeah. That's what we'll do. Then we'll eat.", "Nikki: That'll be nice. Thank you.", "Phyllis: I, uh, I figure that Noah will be up at the crack of dawn.", "Nikki: Oh, just like his father was. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. I would get so excited, I'd start planning before Halloween. Victor thought I was insane.", "Phyllis: I-I-I love seeing how excited the kids get.", "Nikki: Yeah, well, that's what it's all about, huh?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Are you doing okay?", "Nikki: Oh, I'm fine. Uh, just... it's a little difficult for me realizing how different this year will be, you know?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Well, you'll still be with family. Nick, Noah, Summer...", "Nikki: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Me. Ahem. Oh, uh, this is funny. When I was going through the ornaments today, um... I came across our business plan for N.V.P.", "Nikki: Oh! If only we had borrowed money from a different lender. I should've known better than to go into business with Victor. I should've known it would be a disaster.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, you have lost anything yet. Believe me. I believe in Clear Springs.", "Nikki: Oh?", "Phyllis: And so does Nick.", "Nikki: That means a lot to hear you say that. Look, I know things got way out of hand. I regret my part in it. I'm really sorry.", "Phyllis: Apology accepted.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Sorry I didn't leave a note. I thought I'd be back a lot sooner.", "Sharon: Where were you?", "Jack: With Nikki and Kay. They're suing Victor.", "Sharon: What?", "Jack: For damages to Clear Springs. And they want me to be part of it.", "Sharon: What did you say?", "Jack: I told them I would give it some thought.", "Sharon: How did this come about?", "Jack: Victor called in Nikki's loans.", "Sharon: Oh, my God.", "Jack: No surprise. Classic Victor Newman. He doesn't care about Christmas, doesn't care about Victoria. He just wants to make his point.", "Sharon: So she's fighting back?", "Jack: Wouldn't you?", "Sharon: I don't know. I-I can't even imagine.", "Jack: What do you think I should do?", "Sharon: About what?", "Jack: About the suit?", "Sharon: Well, you know, it's not for me to say.", "Jack: I've always valued your opinion, and I'd love your input.", "Sharon: Okay, um... well, I can tell you this. If you're gonna go through with this, then just be honest. Be honest with yourself and be honest with everybody else, because it never works out when you try to get what you want by deceiving people. It backfires.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Ahem.", "Daniel: What's this?", "Heather: It's a bill, for the money that you owe me.", "Daniel: Oh, and thank you for taking it to the dealership.", "Heather: I told you I was going to.", "Daniel: Did you charge 'em with grand theft auto? Look at this price! It should be illegal.", "Heather: You're probably just not used to going to legitimate businesses.", "Daniel: Oh, oh, is that what it is? Are all district attorneys so quick to judge, or is it just you?", "Heather: You were going to take my car to a guy that operated a chop shop.", "Daniel: I didn't know it was a chop shop.", "Heather: You didn't know it was a chop shop? So what, it wasn't your fault? Pretty familiar with that one. It's all over your record.", "Daniel: Oh, good, you've got a copy of my record? You know what? That doesn't mean that you know a thing about me.", "Heather: I know a lot. For instance, like mother, like son.", "Daniel: You know, supposedly you're supposed to be out there chasing down justice. All I've seen you do is jump to conclusions without any hard facts. Do you do that with everyone or is it just with me? You know, if you'd bothered to take the time and read that file, you'd realize my mom didn't raise me at all.", "Heather: Well, you certainly made up for lost time quickly.", "Daniel: I thought that she was a loser, and I didn't want anything to do with her.", "Heather: So how'd you deal?", "Daniel: I made her life miserable for abandoning me, okay?", "Heather: Your father raised you?", "Daniel: Mmm, yeah, my father? I guess you could say that my father raised me. My father was too busy running around the world with his rock band. And my mom? Well, I just assumed that she didn't really wanna see me.", "Heather: Well, you obviously changed your mind about her.", "Daniel: Yes, I obviously changed my mind. I don't know why I'm telling you any of this. You know what? You'll get your check in the mail.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: Hey, um... you mind if I talk shop for a second?", "Paul: Uh, no, go ahead.", "Maggie: Okay. Excuse me, Mr. Chow?", "David: Yes, Detective Sullivan.", "Maggie: Do you have a moment?", "David: Well, if you make it brief.", "Maggie: Do you remember telling me that you thought Jack Abbott might have something to do with Ji Min Kim's death?", "David: Well, I didn't exactly accuse the man. I said that I knew that he was angry with Mr. Kim.", "Maggie: Okay. Um, you knew that because you were here that day.", "David: Yes.", "Maggie: Yes. Did you see Victor Newman here that day?", "David: I don't recall seeing him. Wait a minute, you searched his house and his office. Are you making a connection between Victor and Mr. Kim's death?", "Maggie: You know, Mr. Chow, I'm really not at liberty to say. I'm sure you understand. I may have some more questions for you in the near future, though.", "David: Anytime.", "Maggie: Okay.", "Maggie: Okay.", "Paul: So you really think Victor might have something to do with that?", "Maggie: Do I think that Victor set out to kill a man? No. Do I think that Victor-- a man that uses a heavy bag and is known to have a bad temper-- might've struck out in frustration and caught Ji Min in the throat? Yeah. Yeah, I think that's a definite possibility.", "Paul: You want a drink or--", "Maggie: Yeah. Hey, um, what are we doing for Christmas?", "Paul: Oh, I don't know. Whatever you want.", "Maggie: Did Santa forget you last year?", "Paul: No. It just that, uh... well, I asked Heather if she would be interested in joining us, and her answer was, um... a resounding no.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, Sharon?", "Sharon: Hi. Hi, can I come in?", "Nikki: Yeah, it's your house.", "Sharon: So, uh, how do you like living here?", "Nikki: I love it. Uh, it's great being so close to Victoria.", "Sharon: Mmm. Well, I'm glad this all worked out.", "Nikki: So, um, what's going on?", "Sharon: Um, well, Jack told me that you had a meeting with Kay, and--and I can't believe what Victor's doing.", "Nikki: Oh, I can.", "Sharon: So I would imagine you will probably wanna move back to the club so you can get as far away from him as possible?", "Nikki: You know, I really don't even care about Victor. Victoria is my main concern.", "Sharon: Oh, well, then, um... well, what I came here to tell you is, um, Noah and I need to move back in.", "Nikki: What?", "Sharon: Because, uh, well, Jack and I are--are separating first of the year.", "Nikki: Oh. Oh. Um, wow, I wasn't planning on that.", "Sharon: Well, I'm not, um, throwing you out, if that's what you thought.", "Nikki: Sharon, what do you expect me to do? Be your roommate?", "Sharon: If you're up for it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Hey, Daniel?", "Daniel: Let me guess, you'd like me to pick up your dry cleaning, too?", "Heather: No. I, um... I wanted to apologize to you.", "Daniel: Okay. Fine. See ya around.", "Heather: Well, no, um... actually, I was wondering if you could just tell me a little bit more about when you found your mother. Humor me? Please?", "Daniel: I was 16. The world sucked. If anybody did me wrong, I-I cut 'em off. You know, end of story.", "Heather: So you didn't want a relationship with Phyllis then?", "Daniel: No, I didn't want a relationship with her. I resented her.", "Heather: Yeah, well, I can understand why.", "Daniel: Yeah, but what good did it do me? Look where it got me.", "Heather: Ah. I see. They--they must've stuck you in therapy or something, huh?", "Daniel: Yeah, you know, you ask a lot of questions.", "Heather: I'm sorry. I'm just, uh... curious.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Heather: Look, can you just, um... tell me how you two reconciled?", "Daniel: It was simple. I just gave her another chance. And you know what? I'm kinda glad I did. Because I can't imagine my life without her in it.", "Heather: You fought really hard for her when she was in trouble.", "Daniel: Everyone deserves a second chance. Some people-- they need a third and a fourth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: So... roommates?", "Sharon: Yeah. Um, weird prospect, huh?", "Nikki: I-I-I don't know that that would work. I mean, we don't even really--", "Sharon: What, like each other very much?", "Nikki: Well, I wouldn't put it that strongly.", "Sharon: Nikki, you know, if I--if I had someplace else to go, I...", "Nikki: Oh, look, hey, this is your house. I totally understand.", "Sharon: Honestly, I was thinking it would be really, really good for Noah, having you here.", "Nikki: Oh. Well, that would be nice to see him everyday.", "Sharon: Well, think about it. You know, you don't-- you don't have to--to come up with an answer right now.", "Nikki: Oh, Sharon. Have you ever seen \"The Odd Couple\"?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: Would that be us?", "Sharon: Um... but which one would you be? The neat freak or the messy one?", "Nikki: Don't be ridiculous!", "Sharon: Well, I'm not messy.", "Nikki: Well... I suppose we have... gotten through our differences in the past. Thank you for not asking me to move out.", "Sharon: Oh, I wouldn't do that.", "Nikki: Roommates?", "Sharon: Roommates.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: It's freezing out there.", "Phyllis: I know. I'm kind of glad you're here alone. I wanted to see how you're doing.", "Jack: So Sharon told you?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Listen, I know you have a lot on your plate. Most of it cooked up by me.", "Jack: Hey, wait, wait, let's not even go there. Here, sit down. None of this is your fault.", "Phyllis: For what it's worth, I am sorry about everything.", "Jack: Well, thanks. I appreciate that. The sorriest part of this is, I did all this stuff before Sharon and I were even married. I feel like I'm a different person now. She changed me.", "Phyllis: Sharon is a , um... reasonable person. She'll realize that.", "Jack: I'm not so sure.", "Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no. Listen, listen, when she came by, her intentions were very clear. She wants space. She only wants space. Nick asked her about a divorce, and she said no. She's not even thinking that way.", "Jack: Well, I-I realize you're trying to give me hope here, but--", "Phyllis: But--no, no, no, no buts. If I learned anything in prison--", "Jack: Listen, this could be the end of my marriage. I mean, she may decide not to come back at all.", "Phyllis: You could be hit by a bus tomorrow.", "Jack: When Sharon and Noah moved into this house, they breathed new life into it. They leave now, it's... it's gonna be empty and depressing. Again.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, obviously I'm not gonna give you hope.", "Jack: Phyllis, I-I--", "Phyllis: But I can give you this... Sharon and Nikki will be living under the same roof. So if those two don't kill each other first, Sharon will be back here before the moving van backs up to the front door. I guarantee it.", "Nick: Hey!", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Nick: Don't look over here.", "Phyllis: All right, I'm not looking.", "Nick: How was Jack?", "Phyllis: Doing badly.", "Nick: Yeah, guess we are, uh, 0 for 2, huh?", "Phyllis: Yeah, we tried. Look!", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: You wrapped that!", "Nick: All by myself.", "Phyllis: Beautiful job!", "(Package rattles)", "Phyllis: I have no clue what it is.", "Nick: Yeah, shaking it is not gonna help.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Nick: Let me just take that from you.", "Phyllis: (Giggles)", "Nick: The tree looks great, by the way.", "Phyllis: It does, doesn't it? I couldn't wait. Although, and you're gonna be very happy about this, I saved these ornaments so we could decorate the rest of the tree together.", "Nick: All right. All right. What a morning! I feel like I could... take another run!", "Phyllis: Really? You couldn't handle that.", "Nick: Is that a challenge?", "Phyllis: Shh. You wanna run three more miles? You're crazy.", "Nick: You're right. I don't wanna run anymore. Besides, it's everyone else's job around us to be crazy.", "Phyllis: Hey, I am trouble-free. I'm a trouble-free woman. And you've never given me trouble, right?", "Nick: Never?", "Phyllis: Never.", "Nick: All right. Just promise me something.", "Phyllis: Yes?", "Nick: If I ever start acting like my father, just give me a swift kick in the butt.", "Phyllis: Absolutely.", "Nick: All right.", "Phyllis: Is Summer down?", "Nick: Um... you know, she just happens to be asleep.", "Phyllis: She does?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Oh, good. I know that you're a traditionalist, but I'd like to give you one of your Christmas gifts early.", "Nick: That's just a preview, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: I'm gonna get another present on Christmas, right?", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah. You're gonna get another one on Christmas.", "Nick: Uh-huh.", "Phyllis: And, uh, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.", "Nick: How about Flag Day?", "Phyllis: Absolutely, Flag Day, too.", "Nick: Uh-huh.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Okay.", "Phyllis: Um...", "(Knock on door)", "Nick: No, don't answer it. I really want my present.", "Phyllis: (Laughs)", "Daniel: Mom?", "Phyllis: Oh, it's my son.", "Nick: I love your son!", "Phyllis: I have to answer it.", "Nick: Okay.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Nick: I'll just be here.", "Phyllis: Hey, Daniel. Did you forget something?", "Daniel: Uh, yeah. I forgot to give you this. Come here!", "[Daniel gives Phyllis a hug]", "Phyllis: You're an awesome, awesome boy!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: Thank you.", "Paul: Thanks.", "Maggie: You know, we could cook.", "Paul: We could cook?", "Maggie: Yeah. Well, we could-- we could order in, and then we could, you know, pretend. You know, we could make your place real cozy, you know? Or my place.", "Paul: My place is cleaner.", "Maggie: Your place is cleaner because I cleaned it.", "Paul: Details.", "Maggie: Okay. Okay. I'm not gonna argue. Christmas Eve, your place, just the two of us.", "Heather: Would making it just the three of us interfere with your plans?", "Paul: You've changed your mind?", "Heather: Well, I-I guess I was thinking about it. I mean, if that's still okay with you?", "Paul: Of course it's okay.", "Maggie: Can you cook?", "Heather: No, I can't cook.", "Maggie: Damn! We can't cook.", "Paul: Um, we can order in, or you know, we can eat here. Gina makes this place look like a winter wonderland. You know, the food's good. I'll just, uh... I'll--I'll book a table.", "Heather: Okay. Whichever you prefer. Just tell me when and where... and I'll be there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: All right, is your lawyer coming?", "Nikki: Yes, any minute.", "David: I had an interesting chat with Detective Sullivan after you two left earlier.", "Nikki: Oh?", "David: She was asking questions about Victor in relation to Ji Min Kim's death.", "Jack: Okay, I'm in. Partners? Nikki?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Apparently Chancellor Industries was using substandard concrete.", "Neil: Well, that was part of the report. But it didn't have anything to do with the explosion.", "Victor: Well, it wasn't the immediate cause of the explosion, but apparently that parking structure was a disaster waiting to happen. In fact, Chancellor Industries was closing it down as it was collapsing.", "Neil: So what do you wanna do? You wanna go after Chancellor Industries?", "Victor: I'll go after anyone who opposes me. Be that Katherine Chancellor, be that my ex-wife. I don't give a damn. Bring 'em on. If they're reckless enough to try, they'll pay for it.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jeff: My first Christmas with my new fiancée and future stepson.", "Jack: I've joined Nikki and Katherine in the suit against your father.", "Nikki: You're surprisingly upbeat for a man facing multiple lawsuits and the law." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']