def upload_plans_for_template(request): """ Allow user to upload a csv file to create plans based on a previously selected template """ ctxd = {} context = RequestContext(request, ctxd) return render_to_response("rundb/plan/modal_batch_planning_upload.html", context_instance=context)
def calculate_total_correlativity(coefficient_array): """ Returns the total correlativity of the coefficient_array. The total correlativity is the sum of the absolute values and a measure of how correlated to timeseries are. The greater the value the more correlated.""" return sum(map(abs, coefficient_array))
from datetime import datetime def hide_topic(topic_id: TopicID, moderator_id: UserID) -> BoardTopicHidden: """Hide the topic.""" topic = _get_topic(topic_id) moderator = _get_user(moderator_id) now = datetime.utcnow() topic.hidden = True topic.hidden_at = now topic.hidden_by_id = db.session.commit() aggregate_topic(topic) topic_creator = _get_user(topic.creator_id) return BoardTopicHidden( occurred_at=now,, initiator_screen_name=moderator.screen_name, board_id=topic.category.board_id,,, topic_creator_screen_name=topic_creator.screen_name, topic_title=topic.title,, moderator_screen_name=moderator.screen_name, url=None, )
def argmax(a, axis=None, out=None): """ Returns the indices of the maximum values along an axis. Parameters ---------- a: array_like axis: int, optional By default, the index is into the flattened array, otherwise along the specified axis. out: numpy.array, optional If provided, the result will be inserted into this array. It should be of the appropriate shape and dtype. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray[int]""" a = if isinstance(a, Tensor) else a return np.argmax(a, axis, out)
def FlowBalance_rule(model, node): """Ensures that flows into and out of a node are equal """ return model.Supply[node] \ + sum(model.Flow[i, node] for i in model.NodesIn[node]) \ - model.Demand[node] \ - sum(model.Flow[node, j] for j in model.NodesOut[node]) \ == 0
def abcd(actual, predicted, distribution, as_percent=True): """ Confusion Matrix: |`````````````|`````````````| | TN[0][0] | FP[0][1] | | | | |`````````````|`````````````| | FN[1][0] | TP[1][1] | | | | ````````````````````````````` """ c_mtx = confusion_matrix(actual, predicted) "Probablity of Detection: Pd" try: p_d = c_mtx[1][1] / (c_mtx[1][1] + c_mtx[1][0]) # TP/(TP+FN) except ZeroDivisionError: p_d = 0 "Probability of False Alarm: Pf" try: p_f = c_mtx[0][1] / (c_mtx[0][1] + c_mtx[0][0]) # FP/(FP+TN) except ZeroDivisionError: p_f = 0 "Precision" try: p_r = c_mtx[1][1] / (c_mtx[1][1] + c_mtx[0][1]) # TP/(TP+FP) if not np.isfinite(p_r): p_r = 0 except ZeroDivisionError: p_r = 0 "Recall (Same as Pd)" r_c = p_d "F1 measure" try: f1 = 2 * c_mtx[1][1] / (2 * c_mtx[1][1] + c_mtx[0][1] + 1 * c_mtx[1][0]) # F1 = 2*TP/(2*TP+FP+FN) except ZeroDivisionError: f1 = 0 e_d = 2 * p_d * (1 - p_f) / (1 + p_d - p_f) g = np.sqrt(p_d - p_d * p_f) # Harmonic Mean between True positive rate and True negative rate try: auroc = round(roc_auc_score(actual, distribution), 2) except ValueError: auroc = 0 if as_percent is True: return p_d * 100, p_f * 100, p_r * 100, r_c * 100, f1 * 100, e_d * 100, g * 100, auroc * 100 else: return p_d, p_f, p_r, r_c, f1, e_d, g, auroc
def get_gene_name(protein_id, web_fallback=True): """Return the gene name for the given UniProt ID. This is an alternative to get_hgnc_name and is useful when HGNC name is not availabe (for instance, when the organism is not homo sapiens). Parameters ---------- protein_id : str UniProt ID to be mapped. web_fallback : Optional[bool] If True and the offline lookup fails, the UniProt web service is used to do the query. Returns ------- gene_name : str The gene name corresponding to the given Uniprot ID. """ try: gene_name = uniprot_gene_name[protein_id] # There are cases when the entry is in the resource # table but the gene name is empty. Often this gene # name is actually available in the web service RDF # so here we return only if the gene name is not None # and not empty string. if gene_name: return gene_name except KeyError: pass if not web_fallback: return None g = query_protein(protein_id) if g is None: return None query = rdf_prefixes + """ SELECT ?name WHERE { ?gene a up:Gene . ?gene skos:prefLabel ?name . } """ res = g.query(query) if res: gene_name = [r for r in res][0][0].toPython() if not gene_name: return None return gene_name return None
def summarize(): """ Returns summary of articles """ if request.method == 'POST': url = request.form['pageurl'] parser = HtmlParser.from_url(url, Tokenizer(LANGUAGE)) stemmer = Stemmer(LANGUAGE) summarizer = Summarizer(stemmer) summarizer.stop_words = get_stop_words(LANGUAGE) final = [] for sentence in summarizer(parser.document, SENTENCES_COUNT): final.append(str(sentence)) return render_template('result.html', len=len(final), summary=final)
import os def _env_constructor(loader, node): """ Replaces environment variables in YAML file """ value = loader.construct_scalar(node) for group in env_pattern.findall(value): try: value = value.replace(f"${{{group}}}", os.environ.get(group)) except TypeError as error: print( f"An error occured while parsing YAML file:\n\n\tENV variable {group} not set\n" ) raise Exception(f"ENV variable {group} not set") from error return value
def version(include_copyright=False): """Get the version number of ``ssocr``. Equivalent of running: ``ssocr --version`` Parameters ---------- include_copyright : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to include the copyright information. Returns ------- :class:`str` The version number (and possibly copyright information). """ out = _run([ssocr_exe, '--version']) if include_copyright: return out return out.splitlines()[0].split()[-1]
from typing import List import itertools def intersection(n: np.ndarray, d: float, A: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray) -> List[np.ndarray]: """Return the intersection of the plane and convex ployhedron. Returns a list of points which define the intersection between the plane nx = d and the convex ployhedron defined by linear inequalities Ax <= b. Args: n (np.ndarray): Normal vector of the plane. d (np.ndarray): Offset (or distance) vector of the plane. A (np.ndarray): LHS coefficents defining the linear inequalities. b (np.ndarray): RHS constants defining the linear inequalities. Returns: List[np.ndarray]: List of vertices defining the intersection (if any). Raises: ValueError: Normal vector must be length 3. ValueError: Matrix A must be of shape (n,3). """ if len(n) != 3: raise ValueError('Normal vector must be length 3.') if len(A[0]) != 3: raise ValueError('Matrix A must be of shape (n,3).') pts = [] n_d = np.hstack((n,d)) A_b = np.hstack((A,b)) for indices in itertools.combinations(range(len(A)),2): R_c = np.vstack((n,A[list(indices)])) R_d = np.vstack((n_d,A_b[list(indices)])) if np.linalg.matrix_rank(R_c) == 3 and np.linalg.matrix_rank(R_d) == 3: det = np.linalg.det(R_c) if det != 0: x_1 = np.linalg.det(R_d[:,[3,1,2]])/det x_2 = np.linalg.det(R_d[:,[0,3,2]])/det x_3 = np.linalg.det(R_d[:,[0,1,3]])/det x = np.array([[x_1],[x_2],[x_3]]) if all(np.matmul(A,x) <= b + 1e-10): pts.append(np.round(x, 10)) return pts
def create_session(checkpoint_path, target_device): """Create ONNX runtime session""" if target_device == 'GPU': providers = ['CUDAExecutionProvider'] elif target_device == 'CPU': providers = ['CPUExecutionProvider'] else: raise ValueError( f'Unsupported target device {target_device}, ' f'Expected one of: "CPU", "GPU"' ) session = ort.InferenceSession(checkpoint_path, providers=providers) input_names = [ for x in session.get_inputs()] return session, input_names
def V_eN_int(cgf_1, cgf_2, mol): """ Compute electron-nuclear integral between two contracted gaussian functions. """ v = 0 for i, _ in enumerate(cgf_1.alpha): for j, _ in enumerate(cgf_2.alpha): for k in range(mol.num_atoms): v +=[i] *[j] * potential((cgf_1.alpha[i], cgf_1.coordinate), (cgf_2.alpha[j], cgf_2.coordinate), mol.coordinates[k], mol.charges[k]) return v
def create_subword_vocab(input_data, subword_size): """create subword vocab from input data""" def generate_subword(word, subword_size): """generate subword for word""" subwords = [] chars = list(word) char_length = len(chars) for i in range(char_length-subword_size+1): subword = ''.join(chars[i:i+subword_size]) subwords.append(subword) return subwords subword_vocab_lookup = {} for sentence in input_data: words = sentence.strip().split(' ') for word in words: word_vocabs = [word, word.lower(), word.capitalize(), word.upper()] for word_vocab in word_vocabs: subword_vocabs = generate_subword(word_vocab, subword_size) for subword_vocab in subword_vocabs: if subword_vocab not in subword_vocab_lookup: subword_vocab_lookup[subword_vocab] = 1 else: subword_vocab_lookup[subword_vocab] += 1 return subword_vocab_lookup
import requests import json def request_json(input_data): """Request JSON data from full node, given request data input. More info:""" requested_data = None # Prevent no state if all servers fail! for full_node_url in full_node_list_http: try: requested_data = requests.get(full_node_url, data=input_data) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: print("...") print("Error: {}".format(full_node_url)) print(err) print("...") continue if requested_data.status_code is not 200: # Fail! Move onto the next URL! print("./\/\/\.") print("Not online: {}".format(full_node_url)) print(".\/\/\/.") continue else: print("---") print("Online: {}".format(full_node_url)) print(requested_data) num_workers = json.loads(json.dumps(requested_data.text)) print(num_workers) print("===") continue return requested_data
def rrange(x, y = 0): """ Creates a reversed range (from x - 1 down to y). Example: >>> rrange(10, 0) # => [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] """ return range(x - 1, y - 1, -1)
def einsum_outshape(subscripts, *operants): """Compute the shape of output from `numpy.einsum`. Does not support ellipses. """ if "." in subscripts: raise ValueError(f"Ellipses are not supported: {subscripts}") insubs, outsubs = subscripts.replace(",", "").split("->") if outsubs == "": return () insubs = np.array(list(insubs)) innumber = np.concatenate([op.shape for op in operants]) outshape = [] for o in outsubs: indices, = np.where(insubs == o) try: outshape.append(innumber[indices].max()) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid subscripts: {subscripts}") return tuple(outshape)
def random_points(region, color="00FFFF", points=100, seed=0): """Generates a specified number of random points inside a given area. Args: region(feature): region to generate points color(color code): default is red, I think points(numeric): how many points do you want? Default is 100 seed:(numeric): default is 0 Returns: a feature collection of locations """ if not isinstance(region, ee.Geometry): err_str = "\n\nThe region of interest must be an ee.Geometry." raise AttributeError(err_str) color = "000000" if color is None: color = "00FFFF" if points is None: points = 100 points_rand = ee.FeatureCollection.randomPoints( region=region, points=points, seed=seed ) return points_rand
import tqdm def GridSearch(X_train_df, Y_train_df, hps_NaN_dict, features_l, hps_models_dict, cv=5, n_jobs=-1, randomise=True): """Launch a grid search over different value of the hps.""" # Compute all the possible combinations of hps tuples_hp = BuildHpTuples(X_train_df, hps_NaN_dict, features_l, hps_models_dict) # Creates dataframe in which all results will be stored # (allows early stopping of grid search) pd_res_df = pd.DataFrame() # Executes a Cross Validation for all possible tuples scores_param = [] # Randomisation of the tuples if randomise: np.random.shuffle(tuples_hp) for tuple_i in tqdm(tuples_hp): [best_score, best_params_n, best_params_v, pd_res_df] = subGridSearch(X_train_df, Y_train_df, tuple_i, pd_res_df, cv=cv, n_jobs=n_jobs) results = (best_score, best_params_n, best_params_v) scores_param.append(results) # Extract best scores and parameters maxi = 0 best_params_names = 0 best_params_values = 0 for sublist in scores_param: if sublist[0] > maxi: maxi = sublist[0] best_params_names = sublist[1] best_params_values = sublist[2] # Return result return maxi, best_params_names, best_params_values
def atm(): """Fixture to compute atmospheric properties just once before tests. Returns: Atmosphere object """ return Atmosphere(h_geom_truth_arr)
def get_key(my_dict: dict, val): """Get key value form dictionary using key value. Args: collection_name: dict: collection in dictionary format val: Value in dictionary Returns: Key from dictionary. """ for key, value in my_dict.items(): if val == value: return key return "key doesn't exist"
def closest(point, points): """works, but @@DEPRECATED!! return index into points of closest-to-point """ da = dist_array(point, points) return N.argmin(da)
def generate_provenance_json(script="unknown", params={}): """Generate the provenance in a format which can later be output as valid json. Inputs: string: The name of the script used to trigger the data generation/deidentification/synthesis process dict: The parameters used to tune the data generation etc. process; should include random seeds and other options as appropriate for the method Returns: dict: Details of the script called by the user and any relevant parameters """ commit = get_git_commit_hash() local_mods = get_local_changes() provenance = {"script": script, "commit": commit, "local_modifications": local_mods, "parameters": params} return provenance
def dot(v, w): """v_1 * w_1 + ... + v_n * w_n""" return sum(v_i * w_i for v_i, w_i in zip(v, w))
def get_users(): """Query for user accounts.""" return JsonResponse(queryFor(UserAccount))
from typing import Dict def get_added_and_removed_pitches( chord_root_tpc: int, chord_type: ChordType, changes: str, key_tonic_tpc: int, key_mode: KeyMode, ) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Get a mapping of pitch alterations from the given chord. Pitches are given and returned with PitchType TPC because accidental-specific math is required to correctly apply accidentals. Parameters ---------- chord_root_tpc : int The root pitch of the given chord, in TPC notation. chord_type : ChordType The type of the given chord. changes : str A string of the changes or alterations of a given chord, like "64" or "+b2". key_tonic_tpc : int The tonic pitch of the current key, including any relative root, in TPC notation. key_mode : KeyMode The mode of the current key, including any relative root. Returns ------- changed_pitches : Dict[str, str] A dictionary representing pitch alterations to the given chord. Each entry represents a mapping of original_pitch -> new_pitch, represented as a string of their TPC integer. If original_pitch is empty, then the new_pitch is simply added. If new_pitch begins with "+", then it is added in an upper octave. """ added_pitches = [] removed_pitches = [] # First, we have to find the chord numeral degree, since changes are notated numerically # relative to the chord's tonal pitch class. # i.e., any "2" change to a IV chord will have some V in it, regardless of any accidentals. chord_root_str = get_pitch_string(chord_root_tpc, PitchType.TPC) for degree in range(1, 8): interval = get_interval_from_scale_degree(str(degree), True, key_mode, PitchType.TPC) pitch_str = get_pitch_string(interval + key_tonic_tpc, PitchType.TPC) if pitch_str[0] == chord_root_str[0]: break changes_list = split_changes_into_list(changes) # Calculate added pitches first for change in changes_list: while change[0] in "v^+": change = change[1:] # Find the scale degree for this change accidental_count, new_change = get_accidental_adjustment(change, in_front=True) accidental_count = abs(accidental_count) octave = "+" if int(new_change) >= 8 else "" # Convert change to be relative to the key tonic, including accidentals change_degree = (int(new_change) + degree - 2) % 7 # -2 since both are 1-indexed change_degree += 1 # Conver back to 1-indexing change_degree_str = change[:accidental_count] + str(change_degree) # Calculate interval above scale degree, including additional octaves interval = get_interval_from_scale_degree(change_degree_str, True, key_mode, PitchType.TPC) # Store added pitch, including "+" if the pitch is an octave up added_pitches.append(octave + str(interval + key_tonic_tpc)) # Calculate chord vector in ascending pitch order chord_vector = get_vector_from_chord_type(chord_type, PitchType.TPC, chord_root_tpc) chord_vector = np.where(chord_vector == 1)[0] ascending_chord_vector = [] for degree in range(1, 8): interval = get_interval_from_scale_degree(str(degree), True, key_mode, PitchType.TPC) pitch_str = get_pitch_string(interval + chord_root_tpc, PitchType.TPC) for pitch in chord_vector: if get_pitch_string(pitch, PitchType.TPC)[0] == pitch_str[0]: ascending_chord_vector.append(pitch) # Calculate removed pitches for change in changes_list: if change[0] == "+": # Added pitch only - no deletion removed_pitches.append("") _, new_change = get_accidental_adjustment(change, in_front=True) if change[0] == "^" or (new_change in "246" and change[0] == "#"): # Replaces the above pitch if change == "#6" and len(ascending_chord_vector) == 3: # Special case: If #6 occurs for a triad, it is an addition, # since it cannot be a lower replacement to a non-existent 7 removed_pitches.append("") continue # 2 replaces the 2nd chord pitch, 4 replaces the 3rd, etc. removed_pitches.append(str(ascending_chord_vector[int(change[-1]) // 2])) elif change[0] == "v" or (new_change in "246" and change[0] != "#"): # Replaces the below pitch # 2 replaces the 1st chord pitch, 4 replaces the 2nd, etc. removed_pitches.append(str(ascending_chord_vector[int(change[-1]) // 2 - 1])) else: # No removed pitch removed_pitches.append("") return {removed: added for removed, added in zip(removed_pitches, added_pitches)}
def get_n_random_points_in_region(region_mesh, N, s=None): """ Gets N random points inside (or on the surface) of a mes """ region_bounds = region_mesh.bounds() if s is None: s = int(N * 2) X = np.random.randint(region_bounds[0], region_bounds[1], size=s) Y = np.random.randint(region_bounds[2], region_bounds[3], size=s) Z = np.random.randint(region_bounds[4], region_bounds[5], size=s) pts = [[x, y, z] for x, y, z in zip(X, Y, Z)] ipts = region_mesh.insidePoints(pts).points() if N <= ipts.shape[0]: return ipts[np.random.choice(ipts.shape[0], N, replace=False), :] else: return get_n_random_points_in_region(region_mesh, N, s=int(N * 4))
import numpy def make_octad_tables(basis): """Return tables for encoding an decoding octads. Octads are numbered in the lexicographical order as given by the numbers of the corresponding Golay codewords in 'gcode' representation. The function returns a triple (oct_enc_table, oct_dec_table, oct_enc_offset) Given octad o, the correspondig Golay code word in gcode representation is oct_dec_table(o), for 0 <= 0 < 759. Given an octad (or a complement of an octad) v in 'gcode' representation, the number of the corresponding octad is: (oct_enc_table[v1] >> 1) + 3 * (v1 >> 3) - oct_enc_offset , where v1 = v & 0x7ff. The vector v is a (possibly complemeted) octad if the following condition holds: oct_enc_table[v1] < 255 . It is not a complemented octad if in addition we have: (v >> 12) & oct_enc_table[v1] & 1 == 0 """ codewords = lin_table(basis[:11]) oct_dec_table = numpy.zeros(759, dtype = uint16) octad = 0 d = {} w = {} for gcode, vector in enumerate(codewords[:2048]): weight = bw24(vector) if weight in [8, 16]: oct_dec_table[octad] = gcode + ((weight & 16) << 7) d[gcode] = octad - 3 * (gcode >> 3) w[gcode] = weight >> 4 octad += 1 assert octad == 759 d_min, d_max = min(d.values()), max(d.values()) assert d_min <= 0 assert d_max - d_min < 127 oct_enc_table = numpy.full(2048, 255, dtype = uint8) for gcode, dict_value in d.items(): new_value = dict_value - d_min oct_enc_table[gcode] = w[gcode] + 2 * new_value return oct_enc_table, oct_dec_table, -d_min
def fetch_profile(request): """ attaches the user.profile object into the request object""" context = {} if request.user.is_authenticated(): profile_module_name = get_my_profile_module_name() profile = getattr(request, profile_module_name, None) if profile != None: context[profile_module_name] = profile return context
import os def storeLabledImagesInFile(): """Consolidates the images in the emotion directories and stores them in data.npy and lables.npy file. Does virtual sampling for classes which do not have sufficient samples""" data = [] labels = [] if os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY): images = [] noOfImages = [] for dir in EMOTION_DIRECTORIES: if os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + dir): images.append(os.listdir(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + dir)) noOfImages.append(len(images[-1])) targetCount = max(noOfImages) for i in range(0, len(EMOTION_DIRECTORIES)): if os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + EMOTION_DIRECTORIES[i]): mask = np.zeros((100, 100)) for j in range(0, targetCount): if (j != 0 and j % noOfImages[i] == 0): mask = np.random.randint(0, 3, (100, 100)) face = cv2.imread(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + EMOTION_DIRECTORIES[i] + "/" + images[i][j % noOfImages[i]])[:, :, 1] face = face + mask face[np.where(face >= 256)] = 255 data.append(face) labels.append(i) + "/data", np.array(data)) + "/labels", np.array(labels)) else: print("Invalid path " + OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) return False
def to_local_op(input): """Returns the local tensor of a consistent tensor. Args: input (Tensor): the input tensor. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> import oneflow as flow >>> import numpy as np >>> np_arr = np.array([0.5, 0.6, 0.7]).astype(np.float32) >>> input = flow.Tensor(np_arr) >>> placement = flow.placement("cpu", {0:range(1)}) >>> consistent_tensor = input.to_consistent(placement, [flow.sbp.split(0)]) >>> consistent_tensor.to_local() tensor([0.5, 0.6, 0.7], dtype=oneflow.float32) """ assert input.is_consistent, "input must be a consistent tensor!" return flow.F.to_local(input)
import math def col_round(x): """ As Python 3 rounds 0.5 fraction to closest even, floor and cell round methods used here to round 0.5 up to next digit and 0.4 down back to previos. """ frac = x - math.floor(x) if frac < 0.5: return math.floor(x) return math.ceil(x)
def _create_notebook(client, headers: dict[str, str]) -> str: """Create a notebook. :param client: Test API client. :param headers: Headers with the access token. :return: Notebook ID. """ n = {"name": "Test Notebook"} r ="/notebooks/notebook", headers=headers, json=n) return r.json["result"]["id"]
def plot_range_range_rate(x_sat_orbdyn_stm:np.ndarray, x_obs_multiple:np.ndarray, t_sec: np.array): """ Plots range and range relative to the station Args: x_sat_orbdyn_stm (np.ndarray): satellite trajectory array. x_obs_multiple (np.ndarray): observer positions. t_sec (np.ndarray): array of timesteps. """ if len(x_obs_multiple.shape) == 2: x_obs_multiple = np.expand_dims(x_obs_multiple) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,14)) n_obs = x_obs_multiple.shape[2] for i in range(n_obs): r, rr = range_range_rate(x_sat_orbdyn_stm, x_obs_multiple[:,:,i]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(n_obs, 2, i*2+1) ax1.plot(t_sec, r) ax1.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax1.set_ylabel('Range (m)') ax1.grid(':') ax1.title.set_text('Station 1 - Range') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(n_obs, 2, i*2+2) ax2.plot(t_sec, rr) ax2.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax2.set_ylabel('Range rate (m/s)') ax2.grid(':') ax2.title.set_text('Station 1 - Range Rate') fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3) return fig
import argparse import shlex def parse_autostep(rule): """ Parse the autostep line """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() rules = shlex.split(rule) rules.pop(0) parser.add_argument("--autoscreenshot", dest="autoscreenshot", action="store") args = clean_args(vars(parser.parse_args(rules))) parser = None return args
def _make_tag(tagname: str, content: str = "", **attrs) -> str: """Creates a tag.""" tag = f"<{tagname} " for key, value in attrs.items(): if key == "raw": tag += " " + value continue if key == "cls": key = "class" if isinstance(value, float): value = round(value, 2) tag += f"{_slugify(key)}='{value}' " tag += f">{content}</{tagname}>" return tag
from typing import Optional import os import gzip import tarfile import zipfile def download(url: str, dest: Optional[str] = None, extract: bool=True, ignore_if_exists: bool = False, compression: Optional[str] = None): """ Download a file from the internet. Args: url: the url to download dest: destination file if extract=False, or destionation dir if extract=True. If None, it will be the last part of URL. extract: extract a tar.gz or zip file? ignore_if_exists: don't do anything if file exists Returns: the destination filename. """ base_url = url.split("?")[0] if dest is None: dest = [f for f in base_url.split("/") if f][-1] if os.path.exists(dest) and ignore_if_exists: return dest stream = UrlStream(url) extension = base_url.split(".")[-1].lower() if extract and extension in ['gz', 'bz2', 'zip', 'tgz', 'tar']: os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True) if extension == "gz" and not base_url.endswith(".tar.gz"): decompressed_file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=stream) with open(os.path.join(dest, url.split("/")[-1][:-3]), 'wb') as f: while True: d = * 1024) if not d: break f.write(d) else: if extension in ['gz', 'bz2', "tgz", "tar"]: decompressed_file =, mode='r|' + (compression or ( "gz" if extension == "tgz" else extension))) elif extension == 'zip': decompressed_file = zipfile.ZipFile(stream, mode='r') else: assert False, "Invalid extension: %s" % extension decompressed_file.extractall(dest) else: try: with open(dest, 'wb') as f: for d in stream.iter_content(1024 * 1024): f.write(d) except: os.remove(dest) raise return dest
def action_functions(action_id: str): """Determines which function needs to be run.""" action_mappings = { NewIncidentSubmission.form_slack_view: [report_incident_from_submitted_form], UpdateParticipantCallbacks.submit_form: [update_participant_from_submitted_form], UpdateParticipantCallbacks.update_view: [update_update_participant_modal], } # this allows for unique action blocks e.g. invite-user or invite-user-1, etc for key in action_mappings.keys(): if key in action_id: return action_mappings[key] return []
import os import pwd import socket def get_default_sender(): """ Determines the sender / to address for outgoing emails. """ try: return os.environ["EMAIL"] except KeyError: pass else: # Guess. # Not sure if euid is the right one to use here. user = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_name host = socket.getfqdn() return f"{user}@{host}"
def setup_function(function): """ Make sure there are no adapters defined before start of test """ clear_adapters() # Setup a basic int adapter for all tests @adapter((str, float, int), (int, str)) def to_int(obj, to_cls): return to_cls(obj)
def get_best_response_actions_as_string(best_response_actions): """Turns a dict<bytes, int> into a bytestring compatible with C++. i.e. the bytestring can be copy-pasted as the brace initialization for a {std::unordered_,std::,absl::flat_hash_}map<std::string, int>. Args: best_response_actions: A dict mapping bytes to ints. Returns: A bytestring that can be copy-pasted to brace-initialize a C++ std::map<std::string, T>. """ best_response_keys = sorted(best_response_actions.keys()) best_response_strings = [ "%s: %i" % (k, best_response_actions[k]) for k in best_response_keys ] return "{%s}" % (", ".join(best_response_strings))
def rank_velocity_genes(adata, vkey="velocity_S", prefix_store="rank", **kwargs): """Rank genes based on their raw and absolute velocities for each cell group. Parameters ---------- adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData` AnnData object that contains the gene-wise velocities. vkey: str (default: 'velocity_S') The velocity key. prefix_store: str (default: 'rank') The prefix added to the key for storing the returned in adata. kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `vf.rank_genes`. Returns ------- adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData` AnnData object which has the rank dictionary for velocities in `.uns`. """ rdict = rank_genes(adata, vkey, **kwargs) rdict_abs = rank_genes(adata, vkey, abs=True, **kwargs) adata.uns[prefix_store + "_" + vkey] = rdict adata.uns[prefix_store + "_abs_" + vkey] = rdict_abs return adata
def build_genome(tree, genome): """ Goes through a tree and builds a genome from all codons in the subtree. :param tree: An individual's derivation tree. :param genome: The list of all codons in a subtree. :return: The fully built genome of a subtree. """ if tree.codon: # If the current node has a codon, append it to the genome. genome.append(tree.codon) for child in tree.children: # Recurse on all children. genome = child.build_genome(genome) return genome
from typing import Tuple def fixture_yaml_formatting_fixtures(fixture_filename: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Get the contents for the formatting fixture files. To regenerate these fixtures, please run ``test/fixtures/``. Ideally, prettier should not have to change any ``formatting-after`` fixtures. """ before_path = formatting_before_fixtures_dir / fixture_filename prettier_path = formatting_prettier_fixtures_dir / fixture_filename after_path = formatting_after_fixtures_dir / fixture_filename before_content = before_path.read_text() prettier_content = prettier_path.read_text() formatted_content = after_path.read_text() return before_content, prettier_content, formatted_content
import argparse def get_base_parser(*args, **kwargs): """ Main parser """ parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(*args, **kwargs) # formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, # ) # parser.add_argument('--help_all', '--help_model', '--help_dataset', '--help_strategy', '--help_task', '--help_ptracker', # action=PrintHelpAction, nargs=0, # help="Print help for given model, dataset, task, strategy args") parser.add_argument('--task', type=str, default='fsl', choices=TASKS.keys(), help='Task name') parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, default='mini', choices=DATASETS.keys(), help='Dataset name') parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, default='protonet', choices=MODELS.keys(), help='FSL method name') parser.add_argument('--backbone', type=str, default='Conv4', choices=BACKBONES.keys(), help='Backbone neural network name') parser.add_argument('--strategy', type=str, default=None, choices=STRATEGIES.keys(), help='Imbalance strategy. If None, no imbalance strategy is used') parser.add_argument('--gpu', default='0', help='gpu number or "cpu"') parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument('--deterministic', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=True, help='If true, the tasks are generated deteministically based on the given seed') parser.add_argument('--results_folder', type=str, default="../experiments/dummy/", # default="../../experiments/", help='parent folder where all experiments are saved') parser.add_argument('--experiment_name', type=str, default="default") parser.add_argument('--experiment_folder', type=str, default=None, help='experiment folder used to save checkpoints and results') parser.add_argument('--clean_folder', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='Clears the experiment folder if it exisits') parser.add_argument('--storage_friendly', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=True, help='Deletes previously saved models systematically, only keeps best, latest model') parser.add_argument('--data_path', type=str, default="data/", help='Data folder with datasets in named subdirectories.') parser.add_argument('--continue_from', type=str, default=None, help="Continue from a checkpoint file, epoch, or 'latest', 'best', or 'from_scratch'/None.") parser.add_argument('--load_backbone_only', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Loads the backbone only from 'continue_from'") parser.add_argument('--dummy_run', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='A dry run of the settings with a 1 epoch and validation, a reduced number of tasks, no saving') parser.add_argument('--conventional_split', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=None, help='Joins classes in meta-training and meta-validation datests. ' 'Then conventional 80%%-20%% split for train-val datasets. ' 'If None, will be split automatically based on model.') parser.add_argument('--conventional_split_from_train_only', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='Performs conventional 80%%-20%% data split from the train dataset only,' ' without joining with the validation split. Working only when meta-dataset reduced, see' ' data.dataset_utils.prep_datasets() for details.') parser.add_argument('--backbone_channel_dim', type=int, default=64, help='Number of channels of the backbone model.') parser.add_argument('--tqdm', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Enable/Disable tqdm, especially useful when running experiment and redirecting to files") group = parser.add_argument_group('TASK SAMPLING OPTIONS') group.add_argument('--num_epochs', type=int, default=100, help="If none, then will stop training after achieving a stopping criterion, see ExperimentBuilder") group.add_argument('--num_tasks_per_epoch', type=int, default=500) group.add_argument('--num_tasks_per_validation', type=int, default=200, help="Number of tasks to evaluate on after every epoch.") group.add_argument('--num_tasks_per_testing', type=int, default=600, help="Number of tasks to evaluate on after meta-training.") group.add_argument('--evaluate_on_test_set_only', '--test', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="If present, no (further) training is performed and only the test dataset is evaluated.") group.add_argument('--val_or_test', type=str, choices=["test","val"], default="val", help="Dataset to perform validation on. Default val") group.add_argument('--no_val_loop', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="No validation loop. Default=False, meaning assume there is a validation loop.") group.add_argument('--test_performance_tag', type=str, default="test", help='The tag name for the performance file evaluated on test set, eg "test" in epoch-###_test.json') group = parser.add_argument_group('VISUALISATION OPTIONS') group.add_argument('--fix_class_distribution', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='If present, will fix the class distribution such that the model will be evaluated and tested ' 'on the same set of classes between tasks.') group.add_argument('--count_samples_stats', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='If true, counts the images and stores the distribution stats of images shown during the run') return parser
def conv_bboxinfo_bboxXYHW_to_centerscale(bbox_xyhw, bLooseBox = False): """ from (bbox_xyhw) -> (center, scale) Args: bbox_xyhw: [minX,minY,W,H] bLooseBox: if true, draw less tight box with sufficient margin (SPIN's default setting) Output: center: bbox center scale: scaling images before cropping. reference size is 200 pix (why??). >1.0 means size up, <1.0 means size down. See get_transform() h = 200 * scale t = np.zeros((3, 3)) t[0, 0] = float(res[1]) / h t[1, 1] = float(res[0]) / h t[0, 2] = res[1] * (-float(center[0]) / h + .5) t[1, 2] = res[0] * (-float(center[1]) / h + .5) t[2, 2] = 1 """ center = [bbox_xyhw[0] + bbox_xyhw[2]/2, bbox_xyhw[1] + bbox_xyhw[3]/2] if bLooseBox: scaleFactor =1.2 scale = scaleFactor*max(bbox_xyhw[2], bbox_xyhw[3])/200 #This is the one used in SPIN's pre-processing. See preprocessdb/ else: scale = max(bbox_xyhw[2], bbox_xyhw[3])/200 return center, scale
def add_video(db: Session, video: schemas.Video): """ Adds video to table video_library model used is Video. Attributes: - video_user_id: int, non-nullable, foreign_key - video_link: string, non-nullable, unique - video_name: string, non-nullable, - video_height: int, non-nullable, - video_width: int, non-nullable, - file_format: string, non-nullable, - ts_upload: datetime, non-nullable, - categories: string, nullable, - description: string, nullable, - length: int, non-nullable, - views: int, non-nullable - no_likes: int, non-nullable, - no_dislikes: int, non-nullable, Args: - db: Session - video: schemas.Video Returns: - db_video object """ db_video = models.Video( video_username=video.video_username, video_link=video.video_link, video_name=video.video_name, video_height=video.video_height, video_width=video.video_width, file_format=video.file_format, ts_upload=get_timestamp_now(), categories=video.categories, description=video.description, length=video.length, views=video.views, no_likes=video.no_likes, no_dislikes=video.no_dislikes, ) # add to database db.add(db_video) db.commit() db.refresh(db_video) return db_video
def compute_principal_axes(xyz_centered, weights=None, twodim=True): """ :param xyz_centered: [list_of_xs, lst_of_ys, list_of_zs] :param weights: weights of each pixel :param twodim: whether to compute two main axes in xy plane, or three axes in 3D image. :return: ax1, ax2, (ax3 if not twodim else None) """ if twodim: xyz_centered = xyz_centered[:2] cov = np.cov(xyz_centered, aweights=weights)#covariance between the variables x,y,z. pixels are the observations evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(cov)#MB: it seems to be for finding the main axis of the worm # sort eigenvalues in decreasing order sort_indices = np.argsort(evals)[::-1] ax1 = evecs[:, sort_indices[0]] ax2 = evecs[:, sort_indices[1]] if twodim: ax3 = None else: ax3 = evecs[:, sort_indices[2]] return ax1, ax2, ax3
import time def stream_http_get(S, dest): """Get contents of http://dest/ via HTTP/1.0 and samclasses.StreamSession S.""" C = S.connect(dest) C.send('GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n') while True: line = stream_readline(C).strip() if line.find('Content-Length: ') == 0: clen = int(line.split()[1]) if line == '': break s = C.recv(clen, timeout=None) time.sleep(2.0) C.close() return s
import re def get_definition(division_id, path=None): """ Returns the expected contents of a definition file. """ config = {} division = Division.get(division_id, from_csv=ocd_division_csv) # Determine slug, domain and authority. name = if not name: print('%-60s unknown name: check slug and domain manually' % if division._type == 'country': slug = 'Federal electoral districts' config['domain'] = name config['authority'] = ['Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada'] elif division._type in ('province', 'territory'): slug = '%s electoral districts' % name config['domain'] = name config['authority'] = ['Her Majesty the Queen in Right of %s' % name] elif division._type in ('cd', 'csd'): province_or_territory_sgc_code = type_id([:2] if province_or_territory_sgc_code == '24' and in divisions_with_boroughs(): slug = re.compile(r'\A%s (boroughs|districts)\Z' % name) elif province_or_territory_sgc_code == '12' and division.attrs['classification'] != 'T': slug = '%s districts' % name elif province_or_territory_sgc_code == '47' and division.attrs['classification'] != 'CY': slug = '%s divisions' % name elif province_or_territory_sgc_code == '48' and division.attrs['classification'] == 'MD': slug = '%s divisions' % name elif province_or_territory_sgc_code == '24': if in quartiers: slug = '%s quartiers' % name else: slug = '%s districts' % name else: slug = '%s wards' % name config['domain'] = '%s, %s' % (name, province_or_territory_abbreviation( if province_or_territory_sgc_code == '12' and 'boundaries/ca_ns_districts/' in path: config['authority'] = ['Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Nova Scotia'] elif province_or_territory_sgc_code == '13' and 'boundaries/ca_nb_wards/' in path: config['authority'] = ['Her Majesty the Queen in Right of New Brunswick'] elif province_or_territory_sgc_code == '24' and 'boundaries/ca_qc_' in path: config['authority'] = ['Directeur général des élections du Québec'] elif province_or_territory_sgc_code == '47' and division.attrs['classification'] != 'CY': config['authority'] = ['MuniSoft'] elif division._type == 'csd': config['authority'] = authorities + [division.attrs['organization_name']] else: config['authority'] = [''] # We have no expectation for the authority of a Census division elif division._type == 'borough': province_or_territory_sgc_code = type_id([:2] if name: slug = '%s districts' % name config['domain'] = '%s, %s, %s' % (name,, province_or_territory_abbreviation( else: slug = None config['domain'] = None if province_or_territory_sgc_code == '24': config['authority'] = ['Directeur général des élections du Québec'] else: config['authority'] = [division.parent.attrs['organization_name']] else: raise Exception('%s: Unrecognized OCD type %s' % (, division._type)) return (slug, config)
def api_last_blog_update(request): """Return the date of the last blog update. This is a PRIVATE API. Format: __lastblogupdate.json JSON return: {'lastupdate': '2019-01-31'} or if none available: {'lastupdate': None} """ api_code = enter_api_call('api_last_blog_update', request) if not request or request.GET is None: ret = Http404(HTTP404_NO_REQUEST('/__lastblogupdate.json')) exit_api_call(api_code, ret) raise ret lastupdate = None try: with open(settings.OPUS_LAST_BLOG_UPDATE_FILE, 'r') as fp: lastupdate = except: try: log.error('api_last_blog_update: Failed to read file "%s"', settings.OPUS_LAST_BLOG_UPDATE_FILE) except: log.error('api_last_blog_update: Failed to read file UNKNOWN') ret = json_response({'lastupdate': lastupdate}) exit_api_call(api_code, ret) return ret
def pearson(arr1, arr2): """ calculate pearson correlation between two numpy arrays. :param arr1: one array, the feature is a column. the shape is `m * n` :param arr2: the other array, the feature is a column. the shape is `m * k` :return: a pearson score np.array , the shape is `k * n` """ assert arr1.shape[0] == arr2.shape[0] n = arr1.shape[0] sums = np.multiply.outer(arr2.sum(0), arr1.sum(0)) stds = np.multiply.outer(arr2.std(0), arr1.std(0)) return ( - sums / n) / stds / n
def exact_match_filter(query_set, field, values): """Check if a field exactly matches a value.""" return field_filter(lambda x, y: Q(**{x: y}), query_set, field, values)
def get_move_descriptions(get_moved_ids, initial_state, current_state, obj_stuff, sort_attributes, obj_attributes): """ Get all 'move' descriptions from the current state (if any). Parameters ---------- get_moved_ids: function Function that extracts the id of objects that are being moved. initial_state: nd.array Initial state of the environment. current_state: nd.array Current state of the environment. obj_stuff: list of objects and their sizes List of initial objects {type, color, category} and their sizes. sort_attributes: function Function that separates adjective and name attributes. obj_attributes: list of list List of the list of object attributes for each object. Returns ------- descr: list of str List of 'move' descriptions satisfied by the current state. """ obj_moved = get_moved_ids(initial_state, current_state) verb = 'Move' move_descriptions = [] for i_obj in obj_moved: att = obj_attributes[i_obj] adj_att, name_att = sort_attributes(att) for adj in adj_att: quantifier = 'any' for name in name_att: move_descriptions.append('{} {} {}'.format(verb, adj, name)) move_descriptions.append('{} {} {} object'.format(verb, quantifier, adj)) for name in name_att: move_descriptions.append('{} any {}'.format(verb, name)) return move_descriptions.copy()
def reliability_diagram(labels, probs, class_conditional=False, y_axis='accuracy', img=False): """Reliability Diagram plotting confidence against accuracy. Note that this reliability diagram is created by looking at the calibration of the set of datapoints that surround each datapoint, not through mutually exclusive bins. Args: labels: label vector. probs: probability matrix out of a softmax. class_conditional: whether to visualize every class independently, or conflate classes. y_axis: takes 'accuracy or 'error'. Set y_axis to 'error' to graph the calibration error (confidence - accuracy) against the accuracy instead. img: return as image rather than as a plot. Returns: fig: matplotlib.pyplot figure. """ probs = np.array(probs) labels = np.array(labels) probs, _ = verify_probability_shapes(probs) labels_matrix = one_hot_encode(labels, probs.shape[1]) if class_conditional: for class_index in range(probs.shape[1]): if img: return to_image(plot_diagram( probs[:, class_index], labels_matrix[:, class_index], y_axis)) else: return plot_diagram( probs[:, class_index], labels_matrix[:, class_index], y_axis) else: if img: return to_image( plot_diagram(probs.flatten(), labels_matrix.flatten(), y_axis)) else: return plot_diagram(probs.flatten(), labels_matrix.flatten(), y_axis)
def GuessSlugFromPath(path): """Returns the slug.""" if path.endswith(''): # If it ends with index, get the second last path component. return path.split('/')[-2] else: # Otherwise, just get the filename. return path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
import os def get_file(fname, origin, cache_subdir='datasets', file_hash=None): """Downloads a file from a URL if not already in the cache. ref: By default the file at the url `origin` is downloaded to the CACHE_DIR `~/.kerasy`, placed in the cache_subdir `datasets`, and given the filename `fname`. The final location of a file `example.txt` would therefore be `~/.kerasy/datasets/example.txt`. You have to make a directory `~/.kerasy` and `~./kerasy/datasets`, and check whether you can access these directories using `os.access("DIRECOTRY", os.W_OK)` If this method returns False, you have to change the ownership of them like ``` $ sudo chown iwasakioshuto: ~/.kerasy $ sudo chown iwasakioshuto: ~/.kerasy/datasets ``` """ # /Users/<username>/.kerasy/`cache_subdir` DATADIR = os.path.join(DATADIR_BASE, cache_subdir) if not os.path.exists(DATADIR): os.makedirs(DATADIR) fpath = os.path.join(DATADIR, fname) if not os.path.exists(fpath): print('Downloading data from', origin) error_msg = 'URL fetch failure on {} : {} -- {}' try: try: request.urlretrieve(origin, fpath) except HTTPError as e: raise Exception(error_msg.format(origin, e.code, e.msg)) except URLError as e: raise Exception(error_msg.format(origin, e.errno, e.reason)) except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt): if os.path.exists(fpath): os.remove(fpath) raise return fpath
def simplified_fit(train_loader, val_loader, model, loss_fn, optimizer, n_epochs, is_cuda_available, metrics=[], start_epoch=0, scheduler = None, log_interval=1): """ TODO """ train_list = [] valid_list = [] log_interval = len(train_loader)//2 if scheduler != None: for epoch in range(0, start_epoch): scheduler.step() for epoch in range(start_epoch, n_epochs): if scheduler != None: scheduler.step() # Train stage train_loss, _metrics = train_epoch(train_loader, model, loss_fn, optimizer, is_cuda_available, log_interval, metrics) message = 'Epoch: {}/{}. Train set: Average loss: {:.4f}'.format(epoch + 1, n_epochs, train_loss) for metric in _metrics: message += '\t{}: {}'.format(, metric.value()) train_list.append(metric.value()) # Validation stage if val_loader != None: val_loss, _metrics = test_epoch(val_loader, model, loss_fn, is_cuda_available, metrics) val_loss /= len(val_loader) message += '\nEpoch: {}/{}. Validation set: Avg loss: {:.4f}'.format(epoch + 1, n_epochs,val_loss) for metric in _metrics: message += '\t{}: {}'.format(, metric.value()) valid_list.append(metric.value()) print(message) return (train_list, valid_list)
import torch def _onenorm_matrix_power_nnm(A, p): """ Compute the 1-norm of a non-negative integer power of a non-negative matrix. Parameters ---------- A : a square ndarray or matrix or sparse matrix Input matrix with non-negative entries. p : non-negative integer The power to which the matrix is to be raised. Returns ------- out : float The 1-norm of the matrix power p of A. """ # check input if int(p) != p or p < 0: raise ValueError('expected non-negative integer p') p = int(p) if len(A.shape) != 2 or A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]: raise ValueError('expected A to be like a square matrix') # Explicitly make a column vector so that this works when A is a # numpy matrix (in addition to ndarray and sparse matrix). v = torch.ones((A.shape[0], 1), dtype=A.dtype, device=A.device) M = A.t() for _ in range(p): v = return torch.max(v).item()
def _stiff_terms_null(states, *args, **kwargs): """Dummy function""" return states
import tqdm import scipy from sys import path def add_dataset(dset_fp, dset_fromroot, list_ids, up3d_fp, # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-arguments, too-many-statements, too-many-branches train_list_f, val_list_f, train_val_list_f, test_list_f, scale_f, train_spec, val_spec, test_spec, target_person_size, landmarks, train_crop, test_crop, running_idx, only_missing=False, with_rlswap=True, write_gtjoints_as_lm=False, human_annotations=False): """Add a dataset to the collection.""" test_ids = [int(id_[1:6]) for id_ in test_spec] train_ids = [int(id_[1:6]) for id_ in train_spec] val_ids = [int(id_[1:6]) for id_ in val_spec]"Split: %d train, %d val, %d test.", len(train_ids), len(val_ids), len(test_ids))"Writing dataset...") for im_idx in tqdm.tqdm(train_ids + val_ids + test_ids): image = scipy.misc.imread(path.join(up3d_fp, '%05d_image.png' % (im_idx))) with open(path.join(up3d_fp, '%05d_fit_crop_info.txt' % (im_idx)), 'r') as inf: cropinfo = [int(val) for val in inf.readline().strip().split()] assert image.ndim == 3 out_exists = (path.exists(path.join(dset_fp, '%05d_image.png' % (running_idx))) and path.exists(path.join(dset_fp, '%05d_ann_vis.png' % (running_idx)))) if with_rlswap and im_idx not in test_ids: out_exists = out_exists and ( path.exists(path.join(dset_fp, '%05d_image.png' % (running_idx + 1))) and path.exists(path.join(dset_fp, '%05d_ann_vis.png' % (running_idx + 1)))) if not (only_missing and out_exists or write_gtjoints_as_lm): if human_annotations: landmark_pos = np.load(path.join(up3d_fp, '%05d_joints.npy' % (im_idx))) else: landmark_pos = get_landmark_positions(path.join(up3d_fp, '%05d_body.pkl' % (im_idx)), (cropinfo[1], cropinfo[0]), landmarks) fac_y = cropinfo[0] / float(cropinfo[3] - cropinfo[2]) fac_x = cropinfo[1] / float(cropinfo[5] - cropinfo[4]) landmark_pos[:2, :] /= np.mean([fac_x, fac_y]) landmark_pos[0, :] += cropinfo[4] landmark_pos[1, :] += cropinfo[2] joints = np.load(path.join(up3d_fp, '%05d_joints.npy' % (im_idx))) joints = np.vstack((joints, np.all(joints > 0, axis=0)[None, :])) person_size = robust_person_size(joints) norm_factor = float(target_person_size) / person_size joints[:2, :] *= norm_factor if not (only_missing and out_exists or write_gtjoints_as_lm): landmark_pos[:2, :] *= norm_factor if write_gtjoints_as_lm: landmark_pos = joints.copy() image = scipy.misc.imresize(image, norm_factor, interp='bilinear') if im_idx in test_ids: crop = test_crop else: crop = train_crop if image.shape[0] > crop or image.shape[1] > crop: LOGGER.debug("Image (original %d, here %d) too large (%s)! Cropping...", im_idx, running_idx, str(image.shape[:2])) person_center = np.mean(joints[:2, joints[2, :] == 1], axis=1) crop_y, crop_x = get_crop(image, person_center, crop) image = image[crop_y[0]:crop_y[1], crop_x[0]:crop_x[1], :] landmark_pos[0, :] -= crop_x[0] landmark_pos[1, :] -= crop_y[0] assert image.shape[0] == crop or image.shape[1] == crop, ( "Error cropping image (original %d, here %d)!" % (im_idx, running_idx)) assert image.shape[0] <= crop and image.shape[1] <= crop and image.shape[2] == 3, ( "Wrong image shape (original %d, here %d)!" % (im_idx, running_idx)) vis_im = vs.visualize_pose(image, landmark_pos, scale=1.) if not (only_missing and out_exists): scipy.misc.imsave(path.join(dset_fp, '%05d_image.png' % (running_idx)), image) scipy.misc.imsave(path.join(dset_fp, '%05d_ann_vis.png' % (running_idx)), vis_im) if with_rlswap and im_idx not in test_ids: if landmark_pos.shape[1] == 14: landmark_pos_swapped = landmark_pos[:, rlswap_lsp] else: landmark_pos_swapped = landmark_pos[:, rlswap_landmarks_91] landmark_pos_swapped[0, :] = image.shape[1] - landmark_pos_swapped[0, :] image_swapped = image[:, ::-1, :] # Use core visualization for 14 joints. vis_im_swapped = vs.visualize_pose(image_swapped, landmark_pos_swapped, scale=1) if not (only_missing and out_exists): scipy.misc.imsave(path.join(dset_fp, '%05d_image.png' % (running_idx + 1)), image_swapped) scipy.misc.imsave(path.join(dset_fp, '%05d_ann_vis.png' % (running_idx + 1)), vis_im_swapped) list_fs = [] list_id_ids = [] if im_idx in train_ids: list_fs.append(train_val_list_f) list_id_ids.append(2) list_fs.append(train_list_f) list_id_ids.append(0) elif im_idx in val_ids: list_fs.append(train_val_list_f) list_id_ids.append(2) list_fs.append(val_list_f) list_id_ids.append(1) elif im_idx in test_ids: list_fs.append(test_list_f) list_id_ids.append(3) for list_f, list_id_idx in zip(list_fs, list_id_ids): # pylint: disable=bad-continuation list_f.write( """# %d %s 3 %d %d %d """ % ( list_ids[list_id_idx], path.join('/' + dset_fromroot, '%05d_image.png' % (running_idx)), image.shape[0], image.shape[1], landmark_pos.shape[1])) for landmark_idx, landmark_point in enumerate(landmark_pos.T): list_f.write("%d %d %d\n" % (landmark_idx + 1, int(landmark_point[0]), int(landmark_point[1]))) list_f.flush() list_ids[list_id_idx] += 1 scale_f.write("%05d_image.png %f\n" % (running_idx, norm_factor)) scale_f.flush() running_idx += 1 if with_rlswap and im_idx not in test_ids: for list_f, list_id_idx in zip(list_fs, list_id_ids): # pylint: disable=bad-continuation list_f.write( """# %d %s 3 %d %d %d """ % ( list_ids[list_id_idx], path.join('/' + dset_fromroot, '%05d_image.png' % (running_idx)), image.shape[0], image.shape[1], landmark_pos.shape[1])) for landmark_idx, landmark_point in enumerate(landmark_pos_swapped.T): list_f.write("%d %d %d\n" % (landmark_idx + 1, int(landmark_point[0]), int(landmark_point[1]))) list_f.flush() list_ids[list_id_idx] += 1 scale_f.write("%05d_image.png %f\n" % (running_idx, norm_factor)) scale_f.flush() running_idx += 1 return running_idx
def _compute_non_batch_kl(mu_a, sigma_a, mu_b, sigma_b): """Non-batch KL for N(mu_a, sigma_a), N(mu_b, sigma_b).""" # Check using numpy operations # This mostly repeats the tensorflow code _kl_mvn_mvn(), but in numpy. # So it is important to also check that KL(mvn, mvn) = 0. sigma_b_inv = np.linalg.inv(sigma_b) t = np.trace( q = (mu_b - mu_a).dot(sigma_b_inv).dot(mu_b - mu_a) k = mu_a.shape[0] l = np.log(np.linalg.det(sigma_b) / np.linalg.det(sigma_a)) return 0.5 * (t + q - k + l)
import time def wait_until(fn, timeout, period, message): """ :param fn: callable function :param timeout: :param period: :param message: :return: bool """ mustend = time() + timeout while time() < mustend: if fn(): return True sleep(period) raise TimeoutError(message)
import torch def single_test(model, testdata, max_seq_len=20): """Get accuracy for a single model and dataloader. Args: model (nn.Module): MCTN2 Model testdata ( Test Dataloader max_seq_len (int, optional): Maximum sequence length. Defaults to 20. Returns: _type_: _description_ """ model.eval() print('Start Testing ---------->>') pred = [] true = [] with torch.no_grad(): for i, inputs in enumerate(testdata): # process input src, _, _, labels, _ = _process_input_L2(inputs, max_seq_len) # We only need the source text as input! No need for target! _, _, _, head_out = model(src) pred.append(head_out) true.append(labels) eval_results_include = eval_mosei_senti_return(, 0),, 0), exclude_zero=False) eval_results_exclude = eval_mosei_senti_return(, 0),, 0), exclude_zero=True) mae = eval_results_include[0] Acc1 = eval_results_include[-1] Acc2 = eval_results_exclude[-1] print('Test: MAE: {}, Acc1: {}, Acc2: {}'.format(mae, Acc1, Acc2)) return {'Acc:': Acc2}
import itertools def allocate_memory_addresses(instructions: list[Instruction], reserved_memory_names: set[str]): """ Allocate memory addresses for SharedName and Slice, and replace AddressOf and MemoryOf with PrimitiveValue. """ allocated_before: tuple[int, int] | None = None # (bank_id, address) def malloc(size: int) -> tuple[str, int]: """ Allocates consecutive memory addresses of size `size` and returns the starting address. """ nonlocal allocated_before assert 1 <= size <= 512 if allocated_before is not None and size <= 512 - allocated_before[1]: start = allocated_before[1] allocated_before = (allocated_before[0], allocated_before[1] + size) return f'bank{allocated_before[0]}', start for i in itertools.count((0 if allocated_before is None else allocated_before[0]) + 1): if f'bank{i}' not in reserved_memory_names: allocated_before = (i, size) return f'bank{i}', 0 raise LogicError def process_argument(arg: OperandValue) -> OperandValue: match arg: case AddressOf(name=(SharedName() | MemorySlice()) as n) | MemoryOf(name=(SharedName() | MemorySlice()) as n): assert (n.memory is None and n.index is None) or (n.memory is not None and n.index is not None) if n.memory is None: memory_name, memory_address = malloc(n.size if isinstance(n, MemorySlice) else 1) n.memory = LocalName(memory_name, processor=arg.processor) n.index = memory_address if isinstance(arg, AddressOf): return PrimitiveValue(arg.ctx, n.index) else: return n.memory case _: return arg for ins in instructions: match ins: case Call(): list(map(process_argument, ins.args)) case Jump(): list(map(process_argument, ins.args)) case LongJump(): process_argument(ins.arg) case Label(): pass case _: raise LogicError(ins) for ins in instructions: match ins: case Call(): ins.args = list(map(process_argument, ins.args)) case Jump(): ins.args = list(map(process_argument, ins.args)) case LongJump(): pass case Label(): pass case _: raise LogicError(ins)
def find_blobs(B): """find and return all blobs in the image, using eight-connectivity. returns a labeled image, the bounding boxes of the blobs, and the blob masks cropped to those bounding boxes""" B = np.array(B).astype(bool) labeled, objects = label_blobs(B) blobs = [labeled[obj] == ix + 1 for ix, obj in zip(range(len(objects)), objects)] return labeled, objects, blobs
def star_dist(a, n_rays=32, mode='cpp'): """'a' assumbed to be a label image with integer values that encode object ids. id 0 denotes background.""" n_rays >= 3 or _raise(ValueError("need 'n_rays' >= 3")) if mode == 'python': return _py_star_dist(a, n_rays) elif mode == 'cpp': return _cpp_star_dist(a, n_rays) elif mode == 'opencl': return _ocl_star_dist(a, n_rays) else: _raise(ValueError("Unknown mode %s" % mode))
def get_bond_enthalpy(element1: str, element2: str, bond='single bond') -> int: """Utility function that retrieves the bond enthalpy between element1 and element2 (regardless or order) An optional argument, bond, describing the bond (single, double, triple) could be specified If not specified, bond defaults to 'single' The optional argument exception is used to distinguish the double bond between carbon atoms in benzene""" enthalpies_dict = enthalpies[bond] if element1 in enthalpies_dict and element2 in enthalpies_dict[element1]: return enthalpies_dict[element1][element2] elif element2 in enthalpies_dict and element1 in enthalpies_dict[element2]: return enthalpies_dict[element2][element1] else: return 0
def approx_sample(num_items: int, num_samples: int) -> np.array: """Fast approximate downsampling.""" if num_items <= num_samples: return np.ones(num_items, dtype=np.bool8) np.random.seed(125) # Select each xy with probability (downsample_to / len(x)) to yield # approximately downsample_to selections. fraction_kept = float(num_samples) / num_items return np.random.sample(size=num_items) < fraction_kept
def extract_out_cos(transmat, cos, state): """ Helper function for building HMMs from matrices: Used for transition matrices with 'cos' transition classes. Extract outgoing transitions for 'state' from the complete list of transition matrices Allocates: .out_id vector and .out_a array (of size cos x N) """ lis = [] # parsing indixes belonging to postive probabilites for j in range(cos): for i in range(len(transmat[j][state])): if transmat[j][state][i] != 0.0 and i not in lis: lis.append(i) #lis.sort() #print "lis: ", lis trans_id = ghmmwrapper.int_array_alloc(len(lis)) probsarray = ghmmwrapper.double_matrix_alloc(cos, len(lis)) # C-function # creating list with positive probabilities for k in range(cos): for j in range(len(lis)): ghmmwrapper.double_matrix_setitem(probsarray, k, j, transmat[k][state][lis[j]]) # initializing C state index array for i in range(len(lis)): ghmmwrapper.int_array_setitem(trans_id, i, lis[i]) return [len(lis),trans_id,probsarray]
import csv def import_statistics(sourcefile,starttime): """ Forms a dictionary for MarkovModel from the source csv file input -------- sourcefile: Source csv file for Markov Model starttime : For which hour the optimization is run Returns a dictionary statistics2 keys are (time,iniState,finState) time:timestep """ statistics1={} statistics2={} with open(sourcefile, newline='') as myFile: reader = csv.reader(myFile) rw_nb=0 for row in reader: ts=rw_nb//4 statistics1[ts,int(row[1]),int(row[2])]=float(row[3]) rw_nb+=1 if row[0]==starttime: listTop=ts for tS,ini,fin in sorted(statistics1.keys()): if tS-listTop>=0: statistics2[tS-listTop,ini,fin]=statistics1[tS,ini,fin] else: statistics2[tS-listTop+int(len(statistics1.keys())/4),ini,fin]=statistics1[tS,ini,fin] return statistics2
import click def image_repository_validation(func): """ Wrapper Validation function that will run last after the all cli parmaters have been loaded to check for conditions surrounding `--image-repository`, `--image-repositories`, and `--resolve-image-repos`. The reason they are done last instead of in callback functions, is because the options depend on each other, and this breaks cyclic dependencies. :param func: Click command function :return: Click command function after validation """ def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): ctx = click.get_current_context() guided = ctx.params.get("guided", False) or ctx.params.get("g", False) image_repository = ctx.params.get("image_repository", False) image_repositories = ctx.params.get("image_repositories", False) or {} resolve_image_repos = ctx.params.get("resolve_image_repos", False) parameters_overrides = ctx.params.get("parameters_overrides", {}) template_file = ( ctx.params.get("t", False) or ctx.params.get("template_file", False) or ctx.params.get("template", False) ) # Check if `--image-repository`, `--image-repositories`, or `--resolve-image-repos` are required by # looking for resources that have an IMAGE based packagetype. required = any( [ _template_artifact == IMAGE for _template_artifact in get_template_artifacts_format(template_file=template_file) ] ) validators = [ Validator( validation_function=lambda: bool(image_repository) + bool(image_repositories) + bool(resolve_image_repos) > 1, exception=click.BadOptionUsage( option_name="--image-repositories", ctx=ctx, message="Only one of the following can be provided: '--image-repositories', " "'--image-repository', or '--resolve-image-repos'. " "Do you have multiple specified in the command or in a configuration file?", ), ), Validator( validation_function=lambda: not guided and not (image_repository or image_repositories or resolve_image_repos) and required, exception=click.BadOptionUsage( option_name="--image-repositories", ctx=ctx, message="Missing option '--image-repository', '--image-repositories', or '--resolve-image-repos'", ), ), Validator( validation_function=lambda: not guided and ( image_repositories and not resolve_image_repos and not _is_all_image_funcs_provided(template_file, image_repositories, parameters_overrides) ), exception=click.BadOptionUsage( option_name="--image-repositories", ctx=ctx, message="Incomplete list of function logical ids specified for '--image-repositories'. " "You can also add --resolve-image-repos to automatically create missing repositories.", ), ), ] for validator in validators: validator.validate() # Call Original function after validation. return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped
import six import sys def safe_encode(text, incoming=None, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'): """Encodes incoming str/unicode using `encoding`. If incoming is not specified, text is expected to be encoded with current python's default encoding. (`sys.getdefaultencoding`) :param incoming: Text's current encoding :param encoding: Expected encoding for text (Default UTF-8) :param errors: Errors handling policy. See here for valid values :returns: text or a bytestring `encoding` encoded representation of it. :raises TypeError: If text is not an isntance of str """ if not isinstance(text, six.string_types): raise TypeError("%s can't be encoded" % type(text)) if not incoming: incoming = (sys.stdin.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding()) if isinstance(text, six.text_type): return text.encode(encoding, errors) elif text and encoding != incoming: # Decode text before encoding it with `encoding` text = safe_decode(text, incoming, errors) return text.encode(encoding, errors) return text
import inspect def create_source_location_str(frame, key): """Return string to use as source location key Keyword arguments: frame -- List of frame records key -- Key of the frame with method call Takes frame and key (usually 1, since 0 is the frame in which getcurrentframe() was called) Extracts line number and code context, i. e. when TrackingNode's loc-function was called Turns them into a string to use as key for the source location number Returns the string """ o_frames = inspect.getouterframes(frame) sl_frame = o_frames.pop(key) sl_lineno = sl_frame.lineno # list with 1 element sl_cc = sl_frame.code_context.pop(0) # strip it off leading whitespaces sl_cc = sl_cc.lstrip() source_location = f"{sl_lineno} {sl_cc}" return source_location
def uv_lines(reglist, uv='uv', sty={}, npoints=1001, inf=50., eps=1e-24): """ """ for reg in reglist: for b in reg.blocks: smin, smax, ds = -5., 25., 1. vals = np.arange(smin, smax, ds) cm = cv = np.linspace(0,1,len(vals)) for i in range(len(vals)): style1 = dict(c=cm(cv[i]), lw=.8, ls='-', zorder=6000) style1.update(sty) b.add_curves_uv([vals[i]], uv=uv, uvbounds=b.uvbounds, sty=style1, c=0., inf=inf, npoints=npoints)) return reglist
def rand_initialisation(X, n_clusters, seed, cste): """ Initialize vector centers from X randomly """ index = []; repeat = n_clusters; # Take one index if seed is None: idx = np.random.RandomState().randint(X.shape[0]); else: idx = np.random.RandomState(seed+cste).randint(X.shape[0]); while repeat != 0: # Let's check that we haven't taken this index yet if idx not in index: index.append(idx); repeat = repeat - 1; if seed is not None: idx = np.random.RandomState(seed+cste+repeat).randint(X.shape[0]); return X[index];
def l2_hinge_loss(X, Y, W, C, N): """ Computes the L2 regularized Hinge Loss function, and its gradient over a mini-batch of data. :param X: The feature matrix of size (F+1, N). :param Y: The label vector of size (N, 1). :param W: The weight vector of size (F+1, 1). :param C: A hyperparameter of SVM soft margin that determines the number of observations allowed in the margin. :param N: The number of samples in the mini-batch. :return: Loss (a scalar) and gradient (a vector of size (F+1, 1)). """ l = 1 / N * C loss = (l / 2) * norm(W) ** 2 + 1 / N * np.sum(np.maximum(np.zeros((1, N)), 1 - np.multiply(Y.T, np.matmul(W.T, X)))) grad = l * W + 1 / N * sum([-Y[i] * X[:, i:i + 1] if Y[i] * np.matmul(W.T, X[:, i:i + 1]) < 1 else 0 for i in range(N)]) return loss, grad
import argparse def args(): """Setup argument Parsing.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage='%(prog)s', description='OpenStack Inventory Generator', epilog='Inventory Generator Licensed "Apache 2.0"') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--file', help='Inventory file.', required=False, default='openstack_inventory.json' ) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--sort', help='Sort items based on given key i.e. physical_host', required=False, default='component' ) exclusive_action = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) exclusive_action.add_argument( '-r', '--remove-item', help='host name to remove from inventory, this can be used multiple' ' times.', action='append', default=[] ) exclusive_action.add_argument( '-d', '--remove-group', help='group name to remove from inventory, this can be used multiple' ' times.', action='append', default=[] ) exclusive_action.add_argument( '-l', '--list-host', help='', action='store_true', default=False ) exclusive_action.add_argument( '-g', '--list-groups', help='List groups and containers in each group', action='store_true', default=False ) exclusive_action.add_argument( '-G', '--list-containers', help='List containers and their groups', action='store_true', default=False ) exclusive_action.add_argument( '-e', '--export', help='Export group and variable information per host in JSON.', action='store_true', default=False ) exclusive_action.add_argument( '--clear-ips', help='''Clears IPs from the existing inventory, but leaves all other information intact. LXC interface files and load balancers will *not* be modified.''', action='store_true', default=False ) return vars(parser.parse_args())
from numpy.core import around, number, float_ from numpy.core.numerictypes import issubdtype from numpy.core.fromnumeric import any as npany def assert_array_almost_equal(x, y, decimal=6, err_msg='', verbose=True): """ Raise an assertion if two objects are not equal up to desired precision. The test verifies identical shapes and verifies values with abs(desired-actual) < 0.5 * 10**(-decimal) Given two array_like objects, check that the shape is equal and all elements of these objects are almost equal. An exception is raised at shape mismatch or conflicting values. In contrast to the standard usage in numpy, NaNs are compared like numbers, no assertion is raised if both objects have NaNs in the same positions. Parameters ---------- x : array_like The actual object to check. y : array_like The desired, expected object. decimal : integer (decimal=6) desired precision err_msg : string The error message to be printed in case of failure. verbose : bool If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message. Raises ------ AssertionError If actual and desired are not equal up to specified precision. See Also -------- assert_almost_equal: simple version for comparing numbers assert_array_equal: tests objects for equality Examples -------- the first assert does not raise an exception >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal([1.0,2.333,np.nan], [1.0,2.333,np.nan]) >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal([1.0,2.33333,np.nan], \t\t\t[1.0,2.33339,np.nan], decimal=5) ... <type 'exceptions.AssertionError'>: AssertionError: Arrays are not almost equal <BLANKLINE> (mismatch 50.0%) x: array([ 1. , 2.33333, NaN]) y: array([ 1. , 2.33339, NaN]) >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal([1.0,2.33333,np.nan], \t\t\t[1.0,2.33333, 5], decimal=5) <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>: ValueError: Arrays are not almost equal x: array([ 1. , 2.33333, NaN]) y: array([ 1. , 2.33333, 5. ]) """ def compare(x, y): try: if npany(gisinf(x)) or npany( gisinf(y)): xinfid = gisinf(x) yinfid = gisinf(y) if not xinfid == yinfid: return False # if one item, x and y is +- inf if x.size == y.size == 1: return x == y x = x[~xinfid] y = y[~yinfid] except TypeError: pass z = abs(x-y) if not issubdtype(z.dtype, number): z = z.astype(float_) # handle object arrays return around(z, decimal) <= 10.0**(-decimal) assert_array_compare(compare, x, y, err_msg=err_msg, verbose=verbose, header='Arrays are not almost equal')
def train_val_test_split(dataframe, val_ratio=.2, test_ratio=.2): """ Takes a dataframe and returns a random train/validate/test split param test_ratio: the percentage of data to put into the test portion - must be between 0.0 and 1.0 param val_ratio: the percentage of data to put into the validation portion - must be between 0.0 and 1.0 test_ratio + val_ratio must also be <= 1.0 - if test_ratio + val_ratio == 1, train will be empty returns: train, validate, test """ # ensure test_ratio is [0,1] if (test_ratio > 1.0) | (test_ratio < 0): raise ValueError('test_ratio must be between 0.0 and 1.0, found', test_ratio) # ensure val_ratio is [0,1] if (val_ratio > 1.0) | (val_ratio < 0): raise ValueError('test_ratio must be between 0.0 and 1.0, found', val_ratio) # ensure test + val <= 1 if (test_ratio + val_ratio > 1.0): raise ValueError('test_ratio + val_ratio must be <= 1.0, found', test_ratio + val_ratio) # split once to get test train, test = train_test_split(dataframe, test_ratio) # recalculate ratio and split again to get val train_ratio = 1 - (val_ratio + test_ratio) sub_ratio = val_ratio / (val_ratio + train_ratio) train, val = train_test_split(train, sub_ratio) # return the results return train, val, test
def diff_pf_potential(phi): """ Derivative of the phase field potential. """ return phi**3-phi
def process_image(image, label, height=224, width=224): """ Resize the images to a fixes input size, and rescale the input channels to a range of [-1,1]. Args: image: "tensor, float32", image input. label: "tensor, int64", image label. height: "int64", (224, 224, 3) -> (height, 224, 3). width: "int64", (224, 224, 3) -> (224, width, 3). Returns: image input, image label. """ image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32) image = image / 255. image = tf.image.resize(image, (height, width)) return image, label
def astz(data): """ [X] ASTZ - Request actual status STBY (dyno stopping) or SSIM (road load) or SMTR (constant speed) or SRPM (constant RPM) or SKZK (constant motor force) """ responds = data.split(" ") if len(responds) > 2: if responds[1] == 'STBY': state = 0 elif responds[1] in ["SSIM","SMTR","SRPM","SKZK"]: state = 1 else: print responds[1] state = 2 else: state = 3 return state
def get_peer_snappi_chassis(conn_data, dut_hostname): """ Get the Snappi chassis connected to the DUT Note that a DUT can only be connected to a Snappi chassis Args: conn_data (dict): the dictionary returned by conn_graph_fact. Example format of the conn_data is given below: {u'device_conn': {u'sonic-s6100-dut': {u'Ethernet64': {u'peerdevice': u'snappi-sonic', u'peerport': u'Card4/Port1', u'speed': u'100000'}, u'Ethernet68': {u'peerdevice': u'snappi-sonic', u'peerport': u'Card4/Port2', u'speed': u'100000'}, u'Ethernet72': {u'peerdevice': u'snappi-sonic', u'peerport': u'Card4/Port3', u'speed': u'100000'}, u'Ethernet76': {u'peerdevice': u'snappi-sonic', u'peerport': u'Card4/Port4', u'speed': u'100000'}}}, u'device_console_info': {u'sonic-s6100-dut': {}}, u'device_console_link': {u'sonic-s6100-dut': {}}, u'device_info': {u'sonic-s6100-dut': {u'HwSku': u'Arista-7060CX-32S-C32', u'Type': u'DevSonic'}}, u'device_pdu_info': {u'sonic-s6100-dut': {}}, u'device_pdu_links': {u'sonic-s6100-dut': {}}, u'device_port_vlans': {u'sonic-s6100-dut': {u'Ethernet64': {u'mode': u'Access', u'vlanids': u'2', u'vlanlist': [2]}, u'Ethernet68': {u'mode': u'Access', u'vlanids': u'2', u'vlanlist': [2]}, u'Ethernet72': {u'mode': u'Access', u'vlanids': u'2', u'vlanlist': [2]}, u'Ethernet76': {u'mode': u'Access', u'vlanids': u'2', u'vlanlist': [2]}}}, u'device_vlan_list': {u'sonic-s6100-dut': [2, 2, 2, 2]}, u'device_vlan_map_list': {u'sonic-s6100-dut': {u'19': 2}}, u'device_vlan_range': {u'sonic-s6100-dut': [u'2']}} dut_hostname (str): hostname of the DUT Returns: The name of the peer Snappi chassis or None """ device_conn = conn_data['device_conn'] if dut_hostname not in device_conn: return None dut_device_conn = device_conn[dut_hostname] peer_devices = [dut_device_conn[port]['peerdevice'] for port in dut_device_conn] peer_devices = list(set(peer_devices)) if len(peer_devices) == 1: return peer_devices[0] else: return None
def gen_hwpc_report(): """ Return a well formated HWPCReport """ cpua = create_core_report('1', 'e0', '0') cpub = create_core_report('2', 'e0', '1') cpuc = create_core_report('1', 'e0', '2') cpud = create_core_report('2', 'e0', '3') cpue = create_core_report('1', 'e1', '0') cpuf = create_core_report('2', 'e1', '1') cpug = create_core_report('1', 'e1', '2') cpuh = create_core_report('2', 'e1', '3') socketa = create_socket_report('1', [cpua, cpub]) socketb = create_socket_report('2', [cpuc, cpud]) socketc = create_socket_report('1', [cpue, cpuf]) socketd = create_socket_report('2', [cpug, cpuh]) groupa = create_group_report('1', [socketa, socketb]) groupb = create_group_report('2', [socketc, socketd]) return create_report_root([groupa, groupb])
def special_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred): """特殊的交叉熵 """ task = K.cast(y_true < 1.5, K.floatx()) mask = K.constant([[0, 0, 1, 1, 1]]) y_pred_1 = y_pred - mask * 1e12 y_pred_2 = y_pred - (1 - mask) * 1e12 y_pred = task * y_pred_1 + (1 - task) * y_pred_2 y_true = K.cast(y_true, 'int32') loss = K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred, from_logits=True) return K.mean(loss)
def nonensembled_map_fns(data_config): """Input pipeline functions which are not ensembled.""" common_cfg = data_config.common map_fns = [ data_transforms.correct_msa_restypes, data_transforms.add_distillation_flag(False), data_transforms.cast_64bit_ints, data_transforms.squeeze_features, data_transforms.randomly_replace_msa_with_unknown(0.0), data_transforms.make_seq_mask, data_transforms.make_msa_mask, data_transforms.make_hhblits_profile, data_transforms.make_random_crop_to_size_seed, ] if common_cfg.use_templates: map_fns.extend([data_transforms.fix_templates_aatype, data_transforms.make_pseudo_beta('template_')]) map_fns.extend([data_transforms.make_atom14_masks,]) return map_fns
import re def _getMark(text): """ Return the mark or text entry on a line. Praat escapes double-quotes by doubling them, so doubled double-quotes are read as single double-quotes. Newlines within an entry are allowed. """ line = text.readline() # check that the line begins with a valid entry type if not re.match(r'^\s*(text|mark) = "', line): raise ValueError('Bad entry: ' + line) # read until the number of double-quotes is even while line.count('"') % 2: next_line = text.readline() if not next_line: raise EOFError('Bad entry: ' + line[:20] + '...') line += next_line entry = re.match(r'^\s*(text|mark) = "(.*?)"\s*$', line, re.DOTALL) return entry.groups()[1].replace('""', '"')
def get_screen_resolution_str(): """ Get a regexp like string with your current screen resolution. :return: String with your current screen resolution. """ sizes = [ [800, [600]], [1024, [768]], [1280, [720, 768]], [1366, [768]], [1920, [1080, 1200]], ] sizes_mobile = [[768, [1024]], [720, [1280]], [768, [1280, 1366]], [1080, [1920]]] default_w = 1920 default_h = 1080 default_mobile_w = 1080 default_mobile_h = 1920 is_mobile = False window = Gtk.Window() screen = window.get_screen() nmons = screen.get_n_monitors() maxw = 0 maxh = 0 sizew = 0 sizeh = 0 if nmons == 1: maxw = screen.get_width() maxh = screen.get_height() else: for m in range(nmons): mg = screen.get_monitor_geometry(m) if mg.width > maxw or mg.height > maxw: maxw = mg.width maxh = mg.height if maxw > maxh: v_array = sizes else: v_array = sizes_mobile is_mobile = True for m in v_array: if maxw <= m[0]: sizew = m[0] sizeh = m[1][len(m[1]) - 1] for e in m[1]: if maxh <= e: sizeh = e break break if sizew == 0: if is_mobile: sizew = default_mobile_w sizeh = default_mobile_h else: sizew = default_w sizeh = default_h return r"%sx%s" % (sizew, sizeh)
def page_body_id(context): """ Get the CSS class for a given page. """ path = slugify_url(context.request.path) if not path: path = "home" return "page-{}".format(path)
def load_centers(network, name, eps): """Load values of centers from the specified network by name. :param network: Network to load center values :param name: Name of parameter with centers :return: Normalized centers """ assert name in network.params.keys(), 'Cannot find name: {} in params'.format(name) params = network.params[name] assert len(params) == 1 centers = params[0].data norms = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(centers), axis=1, keepdims=True) + eps) normalized_centers = centers / norms return normalized_centers
def naive_sort_w_matrix(array): """ :param array: array to be sorted :return: a sorted version of the array, greatest to least, with the appropriate permutation matrix """ size = len(array) def make_transposition(i, j): mat = np.identity(size) mat[i, i] = 0 mat[j, j] = 0 mat[i, j] = 1 mat[j, i] = 1 return mat sort_array = np.zeros(size) permutation = np.identity(size) for i in range(size): big = -float("inf") ix = i for j in range(i, size): if array[j] > big: big = array[j] ix = j sort_array[i] = big permutation = make_transposition(i, ix) @ permutation return sort_array, permutation
def plot_route(cities, route, name='diagram.png', ax=None): """Отрисовка маршрута""" mpl.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = 10000 if not ax: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5), frameon=False) axis = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) axis.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='datalim') plt.axis('off') axis.scatter(cities['x'], cities['y'], color='red', s=4) route = cities.reindex(route) route.loc[route.shape[0]] = route.iloc[0] axis.plot(route['x'], route['y'], color='purple', linewidth=1) plt.savefig(name, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=200) plt.close() else: ax.scatter(cities['x'], cities['y'], color='red', s=4) route = cities.reindex(route) route.loc[route.shape[0]] = route.iloc[0] ax.plot(route['x'], route['y'], color='purple', linewidth=1) return ax
def aes_cbc_mac( key: bytes, b: bytes, iv: bytes=None, pad=False ) -> bytes: """ AES CBC-MAC. :param key: The verification key. :param b: The buffer to be authenticated. :param iv: The initial vector. :param pad: Whether to apply PKCS-7 padding to the buffer. :return: A valid MAC for b, with given key and IV. """ if pad: b = matasano.blocks.pkcs_7(b, 16) return matasano.blocks.aes_cbc( key=key, b=b, iv=iv, decrypt=False, random_iv=False )[0][-16:]
import json def seamus(): """ Preview for Seamus page """ context = make_context() # Read the books JSON into the page. with open('www/static-data/books.json', 'rb') as readfile: books_data = json.load(readfile) books = sorted(books_data, key=lambda k: k['title']) # Harvest long tag names for book in books: tag_list = [] for tag in book['tags']: tag_list.append(context['COPY']['tags'][tag]['value']) book['tag_list'] = tag_list context['books'] = books return render_template('seamus-preview.html', **context)
import os import json def get_model_opt(model_path): """ Get the options to initialize a model evaluator """ opt_path = os.path.dirname(model_path.rstrip('/')) + '/opt.json' # load the options used while training the model opt = json.load(open(opt_path)) opt = dotdict(opt) opt.load_weights_folder = model_path return opt
def resolve_alias(term: str) -> str: """ Resolves search term aliases (e.g., 'loc' for 'locations'). """ if term in ("loc", "location"): return "locations" elif term == "kw": return "keywords" elif term == "setting": return "setting" elif term == "character": return "characters" else: return term
from typing import Union from typing import Any from typing import Iterable from typing import List import math def to_number(value: Union[Any, Iterable[Any]], default: Any = math.nan) -> Union[NumberType, List[NumberType]]: """ Attempts to convert the passed object to a number. Returns ------- value: Scalar * list,tuple,set -> list of Number * int,float -> int, float * str -> int, float * generic -> float if float() works, else math.nan """ if isinstance(value, str): return _convert_string_to_number(value, default) if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)): return [to_number(i, default) for i in value] try: converted_number = float(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): converted_number = default if not _is_null(converted_number) and math.floor(converted_number) == converted_number: converted_number = int(converted_number) return converted_number
def secretValue(value=None, bits=64): """ A single secret value bits: how many bits long the value is value: if not None, then a specific (concrete or symbolic) value which this value takes on """ return AbstractNonPointer(bits=bits, value=value, secret=True)
def year_frac(d_end, d_start=0, dates_string=False, trading_calendar=True): """ :returns year fraction between 2 (business) dates :params dates are datetimes, if string then insert dates_string=True """ delta_days = days_between(d_end, d_start, dates_string, trading_calendar) year = 252. if trading_calendar else 365.25 return delta_days / year