"how are you?"
"Kinda lonesome back here. Little help?"
"Sir, I have to keep my hands on the wheel."
"Excuse me."
"Pool. Dead. Mmm. Nice."
"Smells good, no?"
"Not the Daffodil Daydream. The girl."
"Ah, yes. Gita. She is quite lovely. She would have made me a very agreeable wife, but, um… Gita’s heart has been stolen by my cousin Bantu. He is as dishonorable as he is attractive."
"Dopinder, I’m starting to think there’s a reason I’m in this cab today."
"Yes, sir, you called for it, remember?"
"No, my slender, brown friend. Love is a beautiful thing. When you find it, the whole world tastes like Daffodil Daydream."
"So you gotta hold onto love. Tight! And never let go. Don’t make the same mistakes I did. Got it?"
"Or else the whole world tastes like Mama June after hot yoga."
"Sir, what does Miss Mama June taste like?"
"Like two hobos fucking in a shoe filled with piss."
"Okay, stop."
"I can go all day, Dopinder. The point is, it’s bad."
"It’s bad. Uh, why the fancy red suit Mr. Pool?"
"Oh, that’s because it’s Christmas Day, Dopinder. And I’m after someone on my naughty list. I’ve been waiting one year, three weeks, six days, and oh… Fourteen minutes to make him fix what he did to me."
"And what did he do to you?"
"This shit. Boo!"
"Fucking mutant."
"Aw, shit! I forgot my ammo bag!"
"Shall we turn back?"
"Nope, no time. Fuck it. I got this. Nine, ten, eleven, twelve bullets, or bust. We’re here!"
"That’s uh, twenty seven fifty."
"I, I never carry a wallet while I’m working. Ruins the lines of my suit."
"But, uh, how ‘bout a crisp high-five!"
"Merry Christmas."
"And a convival Tuesday in April to you too, Mr. Pool!"
"Wha- Oh! Oh, hello. I know, right? Who’s balls did I have to fondle to get my very own movie? I can’t tell you, but it does rhyme with Pullverine. And let me tell you; (In an Australian accent) he’s got a nice pair of smooth criminals down under. Anyway, I got places to be, a face to fix, and - oh! Bad guys to kill. Maximum effort. Rich, corinthian leather. I’m looking for Francis. Have you seen this man? I’ve never said this, but don’t swallow. Shit. Did I leave the stove on?"
"Please. House blowing up builds character. You ate breakfast, yes? Breakfast is most important meal of day. Here. Protein bar. Good for bones. Deadpool may try to break yours."
"Hey! Oh! Wait! You may be wondering, why the red suit? Well, that’s so bad guys can’t see me bleed. This guy’s got the right idea. He wore the brown pants. Fine! I only have twelve bullets, so you’re going to have to share. Let’s count ‘em down. Shit. Mother fucker! Ten. (He shoots and misses). Shit! Nine. (He shoots and misses). Fuck! Eight. (He shoots and misses). Shit fuck! Bad Deadpool. Seven. Good Deadpool. Someone’s not counting. Six. Four. Ah! Right up main street. Ooh. I’m touching myself tonight. Francis! Francis! What the shit biscuit! Where you at, Francis? Ugh. You’re not Francis. Really? Rolling up the sleeves? (Narrating) You’re probably thinking, ‘My boyfriend said this was a superhero movie, but this guy in the red suit just turned that other guy into a fucking kebab.’ Well, I may be super, but I am no hero. And yeah, technically, this is a murder. But some of the best love stories start with a murder. And that’s exactly what this is. A love story. And to tell it right, I gotta take you back to way before I squeezed this ass into red spandex."
"Then who placed the call?"
"I did. Pineapple and olive? Sweet and salty."
"Fuck are you? The fuck you doing in my crib?"
"Is it bread crust?"
"Woah, man, look. If this is about that poker game, I told him, I told Howie that uh… Just uh, just take whatever you want."
"Sir, before you do anything to him, mind if I get a big tip?"
"Jeremy, is it? Wade Wilson. That is ah, a no go on the tiperoo, Jer. I’m not here for him. I’m here for you."
"Oh, hey, wow, dodged a big time bullet on that one!"
"You’re not out of the woods yet. You need to seriously ease-up on the bedazzling. They’re jeans, not a chandelier. P.S., I am keeping your wallet. You did kind of give it to me."
"Hey, look man, can I just have my Sam’s Card -"
"I will shoot your fucking cat."
"I don’t even know what that means. I don’t have a cat."
"Then who’s kitty litter did I just shit in? Anywho, tell me something, what situation isn’t improved by pizza? Do you happen to know a Megan, Orflowsky? Orlavsky? Orlovsky? Am I getting that right? Good. 'Cause she knows you. Jeremy, I belong to a group of guys who take a dime to beat a fella down. And Megan, she’s not made of money, but lucky for her, I got a soft spot."
"I’m, uh…"
"A stalker. Threats hurt, Jer. But not nearly as much as serrated steel. So keep away from Megan. Cool?"
"Yes, sir."
"Kay, we’re cool."
"Wait, we are?"
"Yeah, totally done. You should have seen your face!"
"I didn’t know what to do. I was so scared."
"Soft spot, remember? Read a book in her general direction again, and you will learn in the worst of ways that I have some hard spots too. That came out wrong. Or did it? Megan. You’ve heard the last of Jeremy. He’s sorry."
"No friggin’ way!"
"Shoulda brought my roller blades, show these kids how it’s done. And that’s why we do it. But mostly the money."
"Think you could fuck up my step-dad?"
"If I give a guy a pavement facial, it’s 'cause he’s earned it."
"Hey, wait! You’re my hero."
"No, no, no, no, no. That I ain't. (Narrating) Nope. Never will be."
"Fuck you, Wade."
"(Narrating) I’m just a bad guy who gets paid to fuck-up worse guys. (Narrating) Welcome to Sister Margaret’s. It’s like a job fair for mercenaries. Think of us like really fucked up tooth fairies, except we knock out the teeth and take the cash. You best hope we never see your name on a gold card."
"Wade Wilson. Patron saint of the pitiful. What can I do for you?"
"I’d love a blowjob."
"Oh God, me too."
"The drink, moose knuckle. But first… And I ain’t taking any babysitting money, alright? Make sure that gets back to Miss, uh…"
"You sure?"
"You know, for a merc, you’re pretty warm-blooded. I bet you let the kid off easy, too."
"Oh, he’s not a bad kid, he’s… Just a little light stalking. I was way worse than him when I was his age. I was traveling to exotic places. Baghdad, Mogadishu, Jacksonville. Meeting new and exciting people."
"And killing them, yeah. I’ve seen your instagram. So what was special forces doing in Jacksonville?"
"That’s classified. They have wonderful T.G.I. Friday’s."
"Alright, Kalua, Bailey’s, and whipped cream. I give you: A Blowjob. Ah, why did you make me make that?"
"Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly. Could you bring that over to Bob, please? And tell him it’s from Buck."
"Remind me what good will come of this?"
"I don’t take the shits, I just disturb them. Cheers. To your health."
"Alright, move. Move, move, move, move. Yup. Still breathing. Nobody wins today. Nice try, Wade."
"You got me. I picked Boothe in the dead pool. Who’d you pick?"
"You know, Wade, uh, um…"
"No… You did not bet on me to die. You bet on me to die. Wow. Mother fucker, you’re the world’s worst friend. But joke’s on you. I’m living to 102, and then dying, like the city of Detroit."
"I’m sorry, I just wanted to win money. I never win anything."
"Oh, whatever. Soldiers of fortune, drinks on me!"
"Woah, woah, woah, woah, baby. You sure you wanna shoot your full wad?"
"Uh… Tight."
"Wade. What’s a nice place like you doing in a girl like this?"
"I’d hit that."
"You’d best apologize, before… … Yeah. That."
"I’m sorry."
"Breath through the nose"
"I don’t have a filter between my brain and my-"
"Hey, woah, hakuna his tatas! He’s sorry. Get out of here, go. Go cast a spell."
"Hey, hands off the merchandise."
"Merchandise, oh. So you uh… Warm fuzzys for money?"
"Rough childhood?"
"Rougher than yours. Daddy left before I was born."
"Daddy left before I was conceived."
"Ever had a cigarette put out on your skin?"
"Where else do you put one out?"
"I was molested."
"Me too. Uncle."
"Uncles. They took turns."
"I watched my own birthday party through the keyhole of a locked closet, which also happens to be -"
"Your bedroom. Lucky. I slept in a dishwasher box."
"You had a dishwasher! I didn’t even go to sleep. It was pretty much 24/7 ball gags, brownie mix and clown porn."
"Who would do such a thing?"
"Hopefully you. Later tonight? Hey, what… What can I get for, uh… $275 and a yogurt lite rewards card?"
"Did she just put a gift card in your mouth?"
"It’s time to put balls in holes. You said whatever I want."
"I get it. You love skeeball. Apparently more than you love vagina."
"It’s a tough call. I just want to get to know the real you. Not the short, 2-dimensional sex object peddled by Hollywood."
"Balls in holes."
"Balls in holes. Prepare to lose tragically."
"Bring it, big man."
"Ruh-roh. A limited edition, Voltron: Defender of the Universe ring, por favor. I’ve had my eye on this sucker for a while."
"And I will take the pencil eraser."
"Well, I hate to break it to you, but your 48 minutes are up."
"Hey, how many more minutes could I get for this? FYI, five mini-lion bots come together to form one super-lion bot."
"(Excitedly) Five mini-lion bots? Three minutes."
"What do we do with the remaining two minutes, thirty seven seconds?"
"Cuddle? How long can you keep this up?"
"All year?"
"Happy Valentine’s Day."
"Happy Chinese New Year."
"Year of the Dog. Relax. And happy International Women’s Day."
"Ah! Nope, nope, nope. Happy Lent."
"Ow, Wade!"
"Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween."
"Happy Thanksgiving."
"I love you. If your left leg is Thanksgiving and your right leg is Christmas, can I visit you between the holidays? Ugh, that sweater is terrible! But, it looks good on you."
"Red’s your color. Brings out the bloodshot in your eyes."
"Listen, I’ve been thinking."
"About why we’re so good together."
"Why’s that?"
"Well, your crazy matches my crazy. And we’re like two jigsaw pieces, you know? Um… Weird, curvy edges."
"Put them together and you can see the picture on top. Wade, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you, but only because you haven’t gotten around to asking me. Will you, um… Stick it it my -"
"Marry me?"
"Uhh... Jinx? Where were you hiding that?"
"Nowhere. I spent one month’s salary, so…"
"You mean it?"
"I do."
"That’s my line. I love you, Wade Wilson."
"So that’s a… You’re s’posed to -"
"Yes! Ha ha ha! I feel just like a little girl! What if I just held on and never let go?"
"Ride a bitch’s back like Yoda on Luke?"
"Oh, Star Wars jokes…"
"Jesus Christ, it’s like I made you in a computer. Hey. Perfect. Pee break. Shake it, yeah. (Narrating) Here’s the thing. Life is an endless series of trainwrecks with only brief commercial like breaks of happiness. This had been the ultimate commercial break. (Narrating) Which meant it was time to return to our regularly scheduled program."
"Oh, my God! Wade!"
"You’re clowning. You’re not clowning? I sense clowns."
"So what do we do? Surely there must be something we can do. My uncle Ivan was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and all these new experimental drugs…"
"(Narrating) Vanessa’s already working on plan A, B, all the way through Z. Me? I’m memorizing the details of her face. Like it’s the first time I’m seeing it. Or the last."
"Mr. Wilson. Mr Wilson? Take your time to process this. It’s important not to do anything rash."
"Now, if I were a two-hundred pound sack of assholes named Francis, where would I hide? Oh. A hush falls over the crowd. Rookie sensation Wade W. Wilson out of Regina, Saskatchewan lines up the shot. His form looks good. And that's why Regina rhymes with fun. Ladies and gentlemen, what you're witnessing is sweet, dick-kicking revenge. Oh! Giving him the business. Incoming! This is taking unsportsmanlike conduct to a whole new level! Looking good, Francis. Well rested. Like you've been pitching, not catching. Ringing any bells? No? How about now?"
"Huh. Wade fucking Wilson. Well hello, gorgeous."
"Yeah, like I got bit by a radioactive Sharpei. Yeah, and whose fault is that, Francis? Time to undo what you did to this butterface."
"You should thank me. Apparently I made you immortal. I'm actually quite jealous."
"Yeah, but this ain't a life worth living, is it? Now, I'm about to do to you what Limp Bizkit did to music in the late '90s. Dad? (Narrating) I think we can all agree that shit just went sideways in the most colossal way. (Narrating) Well, maybe not the most. Now this is my most prized possession."
"No, no, no, no. Wham! Make It Big is the album that George and Andy earned the exclamation point."
"So, am I supposed to just smile and wave you out the door?"
"Think of it like spring cleaning. Only, if spring was death. God, if I had a nickel for every time I spanked it to Bernadette Peters."
"Sounds like you do. Bernadette is not going anywhere, because you're not going anywhere! Drink."
"You're right. Cancer's only in my liver, lungs, prostate, and brain. All things I can live without."
"You belong here at home. Surrounded by your Ultron, and your Bernadette, and your me."
"Listen, we both know that cancer is a shitshow. Like, Yakoff Smirnoff opening for the Spin Doctors at the Iowa State Fair, shitshow. And under no circumstances will I take you to that show. I want you to remember me. Not the ghost of Christmas me."
"Well, I want to remember us!"
"I swear to God, I'm gonna find you in the next life, and I'm gonna boombox Careless Whisper outside your window. Wham!"
"No one is boomboxing shit, okay? We can fight this. Besides, I just realized something. You win. Your life is officially way more fucked up than mine."
"I love you."
"You look like you need a blowjob and a shower. Courtesy calls for the latter first."
"Yeah, how about three shots of Patron?"
"Yeah, how about Triticum aestivum? Wheat grass. Excellent for the immune system."
"Jesus Christ, you sound like Vanessa. Here, check it out. She's sending away for all these colorful clinic brochures. I'm sure they're all FDA approved. Chechnya. Isn't that where you go to get cancer? We've got China, and central Mexico. You know how they say cancer in spanish?"
"El cancer."
"Oh. I could have guessed that. Look how happy you look here? Mind if I keep this? Put it up, so I can remember? When you looked alive. At least now I'm gonna win the dead pool, now that you're gonna die tragically of cancer."
"Ah! Mr. Wilson."
"How can I help you? Besides luring children into a panel van."
"I understand you've recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer."
"Stalker alert."
"My job. Recruitment. I'm sorry you've had such a tough go. But you're a fighter. Special forces, forty-one confirmed kills."
"One every seven weeks. At that rate, most folks get a haircut. It's to wash the taste out. Of being so... impressive."