1 value
save list to file
def save_list(lst, path): """ Save items from list to the file. """ with open(path, 'wb') as out: lines = [] for item in lst: if isinstance(item, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)): lines.append(make_str(item)) else: lines.append(make_str(json.dumps(item))) out.write(b'\n'.join(lines) + b'\n')
save list to file
def save(self, filename, content): """ default is to save a file from list of lines """ with open(filename, "w") as f: if hasattr(content, '__iter__'): f.write('\n'.join([row for row in content])) else: print('WRINGI CONTWETESWREWR') f.write(str(content))
save list to file
def save_filelist(self, opFile, opFormat, delim=',', qu='"'): """ uses a List of files and collects meta data on them and saves to an text file as a list or with metadata depending on opFormat. """ op_folder = os.path.dirname(opFile) if op_folder is not None: # short filename passed if not os.path.exists(op_folder): os.makedirs(op_folder) with open(opFile,'w') as fout: fout.write("fullFilename" + delim) for colHeading in opFormat: fout.write(colHeading + delim) fout.write('\n') for f in self.filelist: line = qu + f + qu + delim try: for fld in opFormat: if fld == "name": line = line + qu + os.path.basename(f) + qu + delim if fld == "date": line = line + qu + self.GetDateAsString(f) + qu + delim if fld == "size": line = line + qu + str(os.path.getsize(f)) + qu + delim if fld == "path": line = line + qu + os.path.dirname(f) + qu + delim except IOError: line += '\n' # no metadata try: fout.write (str(line.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('utf-8'))) fout.write ('\n') except IOError: #print("Cant print line - cls_filelist line 304") pass
save list to file
def save(self, list_file): """Saves the current list of annotations to the given file. **Parameters:** ``list_file`` : str The name of a list file to write the currently stored list into """ bob.io.base.create_directories_safe(os.path.dirname(list_file)) with open(list_file, 'w') as f: for i in range(len(self.image_paths)): f.write(self.image_paths[i]) for bbx in self.bounding_boxes[i]: f.write("\t[%f %f %f %f]" % (bbx.top_f, bbx.left_f, bbx.size_f[0], bbx.size_f[1])) f.write("\n")
save list to file
def _save_history_to_file(history, path, size=-1): """Save a history list to a file for later loading (possibly in another session). :param history: the history list to save :type history: list(str) :param path: the path to the file where to save the history :param size: the number of lines to save (0 means no lines, < 0 means all lines) :type size: int :type path: str :returns: None """ if size == 0: return if size > 0: history = history[-size:] directory = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) # Write linewise to avoid building a large string in menory. with codecs.open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as histfile: for line in history: histfile.write(line) histfile.write('\n')
save list to file
def save_to_name_list(dest, name_parts, value): """ Util to save some name sequence to a dict. For instance, `("location","query")` would save to dest["location"]["query"]. """ if len(name_parts) > 1: for part in name_parts[:-1]: if part not in dest: dest[part] = {} dest = dest[part] dest[name_parts[-1]] = value
save list to file
def _save_file(self, data, path): """Save an file to the specified path. :param data: binary data of the file :param path: path to save the file to """ with open(path, 'wb') as tfile: for chunk in data: tfile.write(chunk)
save list to file
def save_file(self, path=None, filters='*.dat', force_extension=None, force_overwrite=False, header_only=False, delimiter='use current', binary=None): """ This will save all the header info and columns to an ascii file with the specified path. Parameters ---------- path=None Path for saving the data. If None, this will bring up a save file dialog. filters='*.dat' File filter for the file dialog (for path=None) force_extension=None If set to a string, e.g., 'txt', it will enforce that the chosen filename will have this extension. force_overwrite=False Normally, if the file * exists, this will copy that to *.backup. If the backup already exists, this function will abort. Setting this to True will force overwriting the backup file. header_only=False Only output the header? delimiter='use current' This will set the delimiter of the output file 'use current' means use self.delimiter binary=None Set to one of the allowed numpy dtypes, e.g., float32, float64, complex64, int32, etc. Setting binary=True defaults to float64. Note if the header contains the key SPINMOB_BINARY and binary=None, it will save as binary using the header specification. """ # Make sure there isn't a problem later with no-column databoxes if len(self)==0: header_only=True # This is the final path. We now write to a temporary file in the user # directory, then move it to the destination. This (hopefully) fixes # problems with sync programs. if path in [None]: path = _s.dialogs.save(filters, default_directory=self.directory) if path in ["", None]: print("Aborted.") return False # Force the extension (we do this here redundantly, because the user may have also # specified a path explicitly) if not force_extension == None: # In case the user put "*.txt" instead of just "txt" force_extension = force_extension.replace('*','').replace('.','') # If the file doesn't end with the extension, add it if not _os.path.splitext(path)[-1][1:] == force_extension: path = path + '.' + force_extension # Save the path for future reference self.path=path # if the path exists, make a backup if _os.path.exists(path) and not force_overwrite: _os.rename(path,path+".backup") # get the delimiter if delimiter == "use current": if self.delimiter is None: delimiter = "\t" else: delimiter = self.delimiter # figure out the temporary path temporary_path = _os.path.join(_s.settings.path_home, "temp-"+str(int(1e3*_time.time()))+'-'+str(int(1e9*_n.random.rand(1)))) # open the temporary file f = open(temporary_path, 'w') # Override any existing binary if we're supposed to if binary in [False, 'text', 'Text', 'ASCII', 'csv', 'CSV']: self.pop_header('SPINMOB_BINARY', True) binary = None # If the binary flag is any kind of binary format, add the key if not binary in [None, False, 'text', 'Text', 'ASCII', 'csv', 'CSV']: self.h(SPINMOB_BINARY=binary) # Now use the header element to determine the binary mode if 'SPINMOB_BINARY' in self.hkeys: # Get the binary mode (we'll use this later) binary = self.pop_header('SPINMOB_BINARY') # If it's "True", default to float32 if binary in ['True', True, 1]: binary = 'float32' # Write the special first key. f.write('SPINMOB_BINARY' + delimiter + binary + '\n') # Write the usual header for k in self.hkeys: f.write(k + delimiter + repr(self.headers[k]) + "\n") f.write('\n') # if we're not just supposed to write the header if not header_only: # Normal ascii saving mode. if binary in [None, 'None', False, 'False']: # write the ckeys elements = [] for ckey in self.ckeys: elements.append(str(ckey).replace(delimiter,'_')) f.write(delimiter.join(elements) + "\n") # now loop over the data for n in range(0, len(self[0])): # loop over each column elements = [] for m in range(0, len(self.ckeys)): # write the data if there is any, otherwise, placeholder if n < len(self[m]): elements.append(str(self[m][n])) else: elements.append('_') f.write(delimiter.join(elements) + "\n") # Binary mode else: # Announce that we're done with the header. It's binary time f.write('SPINMOB_BINARY\n') # Loop over the ckeys for n in range(len(self.ckeys)): # Get the binary data string data_string = _n.array(self[n]).astype(binary).tostring() # Write the column # ckey + delimiter + count + \n + datastring + \n f.write(str(self.ckeys[n]).replace(delimiter,'_') + delimiter + str(len(self[n])) + '\n') f.close() f = open(temporary_path, 'ab') f.write(data_string) f.close() f = open(temporary_path, 'a') f.write('\n') f.close() # now move it _shutil.move(temporary_path, path) return self
save list to file
def save( project: 'projects.Project', write_list: typing.List[tuple] = None ) -> typing.List[tuple]: """ Computes the file write list for the current state of the project if no write_list was specified in the arguments, and then writes each entry in that list to disk. :param project: The project to be saved :param write_list: The file writes list for the project if one already exists, or None if a new writes list should be computed :return: The file write list that was used to save the project to disk """ try: writes = ( to_write_list(project) if write_list is None else write_list.copy() ) except Exception as err: raise environ.systems.remove(project.output_directory) os.makedirs(project.output_directory) file_io.deploy(writes) return writes
save list to file
def save(self, filename): '''save settings to a file. Return True/False on success/failure''' try: f = open(filename, mode='w') except Exception: return False for k in self.list(): f.write("%s=%s\n" % (k, self.get(k))) f.close() return True
save list to file
def save_file(self): """Write the file out to disk.""" l = [] walk = self.walker for edit in walk.lines: # collect the text already stored in edit widgets if edit.original_text.expandtabs() == edit.edit_text: l.append(edit.original_text) else: l.append(re_tab(edit.edit_text)) # then the rest while walk.file is not None: l.append(walk.read_next_line()) # write back to disk outfile = open(self.save_name, "w") l_iter = iter(l) line = next(l_iter) prefix = "" while True: try: outfile.write(prefix + line) prefix = "\n" line = next(l_iter) except StopIteration: if line != "\n": outfile.write("\n") break
save list to file
def save(self): '''Save current property list representation to the original file.''' with open(self.filename, 'w') as plist_file: plist_file.write(str(self.soup))
save list to file
def save(self, filename, wildcard='*', verbose=False): '''save parameters to a file''' f = open(filename, mode='w') k = list(self.keys()) k.sort() count = 0 for p in k: if p and fnmatch.fnmatch(str(p).upper(), wildcard.upper()): f.write("%-16.16s %f\n" % (p, self.__getitem__(p))) count += 1 f.close() if verbose: print("Saved %u parameters to %s" % (count, filename))
save list to file
def do_save(self, fp=None): """Save to file. Parameters ---------- fp : `file` or `str`, optional Output file (default: stdout). """ if fp is None: fp = sys.stdout data = { 'settings': self.settings, 'nodes': self.nodes, 'backward': self.backward } json.dump(data, fp, ensure_ascii=False)
save list to file
def save(fname, data): """Saves a list of arrays or a dict of str->array to file. Examples of filenames: - ``/path/to/file`` - ``s3://my-bucket/path/to/file`` (if compiled with AWS S3 supports) - ``hdfs://path/to/file`` (if compiled with HDFS supports) Parameters ---------- fname : str The filename. data : NDArray, RowSparseNDArray or CSRNDArray, \ or list of NDArray, RowSparseNDArray or CSRNDArray, \ or dict of str to NDArray, RowSparseNDArray or CSRNDArray The data to save. Examples -------- >>> x = mx.nd.zeros((2,3)) >>> y = mx.nd.ones((1,4)) >>> mx.nd.save('my_list', [x,y]) >>> mx.nd.save('my_dict', {'x':x, 'y':y}) >>> mx.nd.load('my_list') [<NDArray 2x3 @cpu(0)>, <NDArray 1x4 @cpu(0)>] >>> mx.nd.load('my_dict') {'y': <NDArray 1x4 @cpu(0)>, 'x': <NDArray 2x3 @cpu(0)>} """ if isinstance(data, NDArray): data = [data] handles = c_array(NDArrayHandle, []) if isinstance(data, dict): str_keys = data.keys() nd_vals = data.values() if any(not isinstance(k, string_types) for k in str_keys) or \ any(not isinstance(v, NDArray) for v in nd_vals): raise TypeError('save only accept dict str->NDArray or list of NDArray') keys = c_str_array(str_keys) handles = c_handle_array(nd_vals) elif isinstance(data, list): if any(not isinstance(v, NDArray) for v in data): raise TypeError('save only accept dict str->NDArray or list of NDArray') keys = None handles = c_handle_array(data) else: raise ValueError("data needs to either be a NDArray, dict of str, NDArray pairs " "or a list of NDarrays.") check_call(_LIB.MXNDArraySave(c_str(fname), mx_uint(len(handles)), handles, keys))
save list to file
def save(self, filething=None): """Save changes to a file. If no filename is given, the one most recently loaded is used. Tags are always written at the end of the file, and include a header and a footer. """ fileobj = filething.fileobj data = _APEv2Data(fileobj) if data.is_at_start: delete_bytes(fileobj, data.end - data.start, data.start) elif data.start is not None: fileobj.seek(data.start) # Delete an ID3v1 tag if present, too. fileobj.truncate() fileobj.seek(0, 2) tags = [] for key, value in self.items(): # Packed format for an item: # 4B: Value length # 4B: Value type # Key name # 1B: Null # Key value value_data = value._write() if not isinstance(key, bytes): key = key.encode("utf-8") tag_data = bytearray() tag_data += struct.pack("<2I", len(value_data), value.kind << 1) tag_data += key + b"\0" + value_data tags.append(bytes(tag_data)) # "APE tags items should be sorted ascending by size... This is # not a MUST, but STRONGLY recommended. Actually the items should # be sorted by importance/byte, but this is not feasible." tags.sort(key=lambda tag: (len(tag), tag)) num_tags = len(tags) tags = b"".join(tags) header = bytearray(b"APETAGEX") # version, tag size, item count, flags header += struct.pack("<4I", 2000, len(tags) + 32, num_tags, HAS_HEADER | IS_HEADER) header += b"\0" * 8 fileobj.write(header) fileobj.write(tags) footer = bytearray(b"APETAGEX") footer += struct.pack("<4I", 2000, len(tags) + 32, num_tags, HAS_HEADER) footer += b"\0" * 8 fileobj.write(footer)
save list to file
def savetofile(self, filelike, sortkey = True): """ Save configurations to a file-like object which supports `writelines` """ filelike.writelines(k + '=' + repr(v) + '\n' for k,v in self.config_items(sortkey))
save list to file
def save(self, file_tag='2016', add_header='N'): """ save table to folder in appropriate files NOTE - ONLY APPEND AT THIS STAGE - THEN USE DATABASE """ fname = self.get_filename(file_tag) with open(fname, 'a') as f: if add_header == 'Y': f.write(self.format_hdr()) for e in self.table: f.write(e.format_csv())
save list to file
def saveFiles(fileName1, fileName2, songs, artist, album, trackNum): """Save songs to files""" songs[0].export(fileName1, format=detectFormat(fileName1), tags={'artist': artist, 'album': album, 'track': trackNum}) songs[1].export(fileName2, format=detectFormat(fileName2), tags={'artist': artist, 'album': album, 'track': str(int(trackNum) + 1)})
save list to file
def save(self, filename=None): """Save changes to a file. If no filename is given, the one most recently loaded is used. Tags are always written at the end of the file, and include a header and a footer. """ filename = filename or self.filename try: fileobj = open(filename, "r+b") except IOError: fileobj = open(filename, "w+b") data = _APEv2Data(fileobj) if data.is_at_start: delete_bytes(fileobj, data.end - data.start, data.start) elif data.start is not None: fileobj.seek(data.start) # Delete an ID3v1 tag if present, too. fileobj.truncate() fileobj.seek(0, 2) # "APE tags items should be sorted ascending by size... This is # not a MUST, but STRONGLY recommended. Actually the items should # be sorted by importance/byte, but this is not feasible." tags = sorted((v._internal(k) for k, v in self.items()), key=len) num_tags = len(tags) tags = b"".join(tags) header = bytearray(b"APETAGEX") # version, tag size, item count, flags header += struct.pack("<4I", 2000, len(tags) + 32, num_tags, HAS_HEADER | IS_HEADER) header += b"\0" * 8 fileobj.write(header) fileobj.write(tags) footer = bytearray(b"APETAGEX") footer += struct.pack("<4I", 2000, len(tags) + 32, num_tags, HAS_HEADER) footer += b"\0" * 8 fileobj.write(footer) fileobj.close()
save list to file
def file_save(self, name, filename=None, folder="", keep_ext=True) -> bool: """ Easy save of a file """ if name in self.files: file_object = self.files[name] clean_filename = secure_filename(file_object.filename) if filename is not None and keep_ext: clean_filename = filename + ".%s" % \ (clean_filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower()) elif filename is not None and not keep_ext: clean_filename = filename file_object.save(os.path.join( current_app.config['UPLOADS']['FOLDER'], folder, clean_filename)) return None
save list to file
def save(self, filething=None, v1=1, v2_version=4, v23_sep='/', padding=None): """save(filething=None, v1=1, v2_version=4, v23_sep='/', padding=None) Save changes to a file. Args: filething (filething): Filename to save the tag to. If no filename is given, the one most recently loaded is used. v1 (ID3v1SaveOptions): if 0, ID3v1 tags will be removed. if 1, ID3v1 tags will be updated but not added. if 2, ID3v1 tags will be created and/or updated v2 (int): version of ID3v2 tags (3 or 4). v23_sep (text): the separator used to join multiple text values if v2_version == 3. Defaults to '/' but if it's None will be the ID3v2v2.4 null separator. padding (:obj:`mutagen.PaddingFunction`) Raises: mutagen.MutagenError By default Mutagen saves ID3v2.4 tags. If you want to save ID3v2.3 tags, you must call method update_to_v23 before saving the file. The lack of a way to update only an ID3v1 tag is intentional. """ f = filething.fileobj try: header = ID3Header(filething.fileobj) except ID3NoHeaderError: old_size = 0 else: old_size = header.size data = self._prepare_data( f, 0, old_size, v2_version, v23_sep, padding) new_size = len(data) if (old_size < new_size): insert_bytes(f, new_size - old_size, old_size) elif (old_size > new_size): delete_bytes(f, old_size - new_size, new_size) f.seek(0) f.write(data) self.__save_v1(f, v1)
save list to file
def save(self): """ Save the state to a file. """ with open(self.path, 'w') as f: f.write(yaml.dump(dict(self.d)))
save list to file
def save_to(self, file): """Save data to file. Will copy by either writing out the data or using :func:`shutil.copyfileobj`. :param file: A file-like object (with a ``write`` method) or a filename.""" dest = file if hasattr(dest, 'write'): # writing to a file-like # only works when no unicode conversion is done if self.file is not None and\ getattr(self.file, 'encoding', None) is None: copyfileobj(self.file, dest) elif self.filename is not None: with open(self.filename, 'rb') as inp: copyfileobj(inp, dest) else: dest.write(self.__bytes__()) else: # we do not use filesystem io to make sure we have the same # permissions all around # copyfileobj() should be efficient enough # destination is a filename with open(dest, 'wb') as out: return self.save_to(out)
save list to file
def _save(file, data, mode='w+'): """ Write all data to created file. Also overwrite previous file. """ with open(file, mode) as fh: fh.write(data)
save list to file
def save_varlist(filename, varnames, varlist): """ Valid extensions '.pyshelf', '.mat', '.hdf5' or '.h5' @param filename: string @param varnames: list of strings Names of the variables @param varlist: list of objects The objects to be saved """ variables = {} for i, vn in enumerate(varnames): variables[vn] = varlist[i] ExportData.save_variables(filename, variables)
save list to file
def _save_file(self, data): """Attempt to atomically save file by saving and then moving into position The goal is to make it difficult for a crash to corrupt our data file since the move operation can be made atomic if needed on mission critical filesystems. """ if platform.system() == 'Windows': with open(self.file, "w") as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) else: newpath = self.file + '.new' with open(newpath, "w") as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) os.rename( os.path.realpath(newpath), os.path.realpath(self.file) )
save list to file
def saveFiles(fileName1, fileName2, songs): """Save songs to files""" songs[0].export(fileName1, format=detectFormat(fileName1)) songs[1].export(fileName2, format=detectFormat(fileName2))
save list to file
def OnMacroListSave(self, event): """Macro list save event handler""" # Get filepath from user wildcards = get_filetypes2wildcards(["py", "all"]).values() wildcard = "|".join(wildcards) message = _("Choose macro file.") style = wx.SAVE filepath, filterindex = \ self.interfaces.get_filepath_findex_from_user(wildcard, message, style) if filepath is None: return # Save macros to file macros = self.main_window.grid.code_array.macros self.main_window.actions.save_macros(filepath, macros) event.Skip()
save list to file
def save(self, filename, addnormalised=False): """Save a frequency list to file, can be loaded later using the load method""" f = io.open(filename,'w',encoding='utf-8') for line in self.output("\t", addnormalised): f.write(line + '\n') f.close()
save list to file
def save(self): """ Deletes the selected files from storage """ storage = get_media_storage() for storage_name in self.cleaned_data['selected_files']: full_path = storage.path(storage_name) try: storage.delete(storage_name) self.success_files.append(full_path) except OSError: self.error_files.append(full_path)
save list to file
def save(self, data, fname, header=None): """ Save data on fname. :param data: numpy array or list of lists :param fname: path name :param header: header to use """ write_csv(fname, data, self.sep, self.fmt, header) self.fnames.add(getattr(fname, 'name', fname))
save list to file
def _save_vocab_file(vocab_file, subtoken_list): """Save subtokens to file.""" with tf.gfile.Open(vocab_file, mode="w") as f: for subtoken in subtoken_list: f.write("'%s'\n" % _unicode_to_native(subtoken))
save list to file
def save_file_list(key, *files_refs): """Convert the given parameters to a special JSON object. Each parameter is a file-refs specification of the form: <file-path>:<reference1>,<reference2>, ..., where the colon ':' and the list of references are optional. JSON object is of the form: { key: {"file": file_path}}, or { key: {"file": file_path, "refs": [refs[0], refs[1], ... ]}} """ file_list = [] for file_refs in files_refs: if ':' in file_refs: try: file_name, refs = file_refs.split(':') except ValueError as e: return error("Only one colon ':' allowed in file-refs specification.") else: file_name, refs = file_refs, None if not os.path.isfile(file_name): return error( "Output '{}' set to a missing file: '{}'.".format(key, file_name) ) file_obj = {'file': file_name} if refs: refs = [ref_path.strip() for ref_path in refs.split(',')] missing_refs = [ ref for ref in refs if not (os.path.isfile(ref) or os.path.isdir(ref)) ] if len(missing_refs) > 0: return error( "Output '{}' set to missing references: '{}'.".format( key, ', '.join(missing_refs) ) ) file_obj['refs'] = refs file_list.append(file_obj) return json.dumps({key: file_list})
save list to file
def save(self, name, file): """ Saves new content to the file specified by name. The content should be a proper File object or any python file-like object, ready to be read from the beginning. """ # Get the proper name for the file, as it will actually be saved. if name is None: name = file.name if not hasattr(file, 'chunks'): file = File(file, name=name) name = self.get_available_name(name) name = self._save(name, file) # Store filenames with forward slashes, even on Windows return name.replace('\\', '/')
save list to file
def save_to_file(destination_filename, append=False): """ Save the output value to file. """ def decorator_fn(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper_fn(*args, **kwargs): res = f(*args, **kwargs) makedirs(os.path.dirname(destination_filename)) mode = "a" if append else "w" with open(destination_filename, mode) as text_file: text_file.write(res) return res return wrapper_fn return decorator_fn
save list to file
def save(self): """Write changed .pth file back to disk""" if not self.dirty: return data = '\n'.join(map(self.make_relative, self.paths)) if data: log.debug("Saving %s", self.filename) data = ( "import sys; sys.__plen = len(sys.path)\n" "%s\n" "import sys; new=sys.path[sys.__plen:];" " del sys.path[sys.__plen:];" " p=getattr(sys,'__egginsert',0); sys.path[p:p]=new;" " sys.__egginsert = p+len(new)\n" ) % data if os.path.islink(self.filename): os.unlink(self.filename) f = open(self.filename, 'wt') f.write(data) f.close() elif os.path.exists(self.filename): log.debug("Deleting empty %s", self.filename) os.unlink(self.filename) self.dirty = False
save list to file
def save_all(self): """Save all opened files. Iterate through self.data and call save() on any modified files. """ for index in range(self.get_stack_count()): if self.data[index].editor.document().isModified(): self.save(index)
save list to file
def saveToFile(self): """ Save the current text to file """ filename = self.codeEditor.dialog.getSaveFileName() if filename and filename != '.': with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(self.toPlainText()) print('saved script under %s' % filename)
save list to file
def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """save(filething=None, padding=None)""" super(MP4, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
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def save_to_file(self, fname): """ saves a characters data to file """ with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(str(self))
save list to file
def save(self, mode='all'): """Saves to the file specified by :attr:`~SR850.filename`. :param mode: Defines what to save. ======= ================================================ Value Description ======= ================================================ 'all' Saves the active display's data trace, the trace definition and the instrument state. 'data' Saves the active display's data trace. 'state' Saves the instrument state. ======= ================================================ """ if mode == 'all': self._write('SDAT') elif mode == 'data': self._write('SASC') elif mode=='state': self._write('SSET') else: raise ValueError('Invalid save mode.')
save list to file
def save(self, filename): """ Save document to a file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The output string filename """ self.doc.save(os.path.expanduser(filename))
save list to file
def save_to_file(self, text, filename, name=None): ''' Adds an utterance to speak to the event queue. @param text: Text to sepak @type text: unicode @param filename: the name of file to save. @param name: Name to associate with this utterance. Included in notifications about this utterance. @type name: str ''' self.proxy.save_to_file(text, filename, name)
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def save_file(self, filename, text): """Save the given text under the given control filename and the current path.""" if not filename.endswith('.py'): filename += '.py' path = os.path.join(self.currentpath, filename) with open(path, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as file_: file_.write(text)
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def saveAs(self, event=None): """ Save the parameter settings to a user-specified file. Any changes here must be coordinated with the corresponding tpar save_as function. """ self.debug('Clicked Save as...') # On Linux Pers..Dlg causes the cwd to change, so get a copy of current curdir = os.getcwd() # The user wishes to save to a different name writeProtChoice = self._writeProtectOnSaveAs if capable.OF_TKFD_IN_EPAR: # Prompt using native looking dialog fname = asksaveasfilename(parent=self.top, title='Save Parameter File As', defaultextension=self._defSaveAsExt, initialdir=os.path.dirname(self._getSaveAsFilter())) else: # Prompt. (could use tkinter's FileDialog, but this one is prettier) # initWProtState is only used in the 1st call of a session from . import filedlg fd = filedlg.PersistSaveFileDialog(self.top, "Save Parameter File As", self._getSaveAsFilter(), initWProtState=writeProtChoice) if fd.Show() != 1: fd.DialogCleanup() os.chdir(curdir) # in case file dlg moved us return fname = fd.GetFileName() writeProtChoice = fd.GetWriteProtectChoice() fd.DialogCleanup() if not fname: return # canceled # First check the child parameters, aborting save if # invalid entries were encountered if self.checkSetSaveChildren(): os.chdir(curdir) # in case file dlg moved us return # Run any subclass-specific steps right before the save self._saveAsPreSave_Hook(fname) # Verify all the entries (without save), keeping track of the invalid # entries which have been reset to their original input values self.badEntriesList = self.checkSetSaveEntries(doSave=False) # If there were invalid entries, prepare the message dialog if self.badEntriesList: ansOKCANCEL = self.processBadEntries(self.badEntriesList, self.taskName) if not ansOKCANCEL: os.chdir(curdir) # in case file dlg moved us return # If there were no invalid entries or the user says OK, finally # save to their stated file. Since we have already processed the # bad entries, there should be none returned. mstr = "TASKMETA: task="+self.taskName+" package="+self.pkgName if self.checkSetSaveEntries(doSave=True, filename=fname, comment=mstr, set_ro=writeProtChoice, overwriteRO=True): os.chdir(curdir) # in case file dlg moved us raise Exception("Unexpected bad entries for: "+self.taskName) # Run any subclass-specific steps right after the save self._saveAsPostSave_Hook(fname) os.chdir(curdir)
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def save(self, filename): """ saves the instance of the script to a file using pickle Args: filename: target filename """ if filename is None: filename = self.filename('.b26s') # if len(filename.split('\\\\?\\')) == 1: # filename = '\\\\?\\' + filename with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(pickle.dumps(self.__dict__))
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def batch_save(self, *documents): """ Inserts or updates every document specified in documents. :param documents: Array of documents to save as dictionaries :type documents: ``array`` of ``dict`` :return: Results of update operation as overall stats :rtype: ``dict`` """ if len(documents) < 1: raise Exception('Must have at least one document.') data = json.dumps(documents) return json.loads(self._post('batch_save', headers=KVStoreCollectionData.JSON_HEADER, body=data).body.read().decode('utf-8'))
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def save_to_file(filename, content): """ Save content to file. Used by node initial contact but can be used anywhere. :param str filename: name of file to save to :param str content: content to save :return: None :raises IOError: permissions issue saving, invalid directory, etc """ import os.path path = os.path.abspath(filename) with open(path, "w") as text_file: text_file.write("{}".format(content))
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def save_as(self, index=None): """Save file as... Args: index: self.data index for the file to save. Returns: False if no file name was selected or if save() was unsuccessful. True is save() was successful. Gets the new file name from select_savename(). If no name is chosen, then the save_as() aborts. Otherwise, the current stack is checked to see if the selected name already exists and, if so, then the tab with that name is closed. The current stack (self.data) and current tabs are updated with the new name and other file info. The text is written with the new name using save() and the name change is propagated to the other stacks via the file_renamed_in_data signal. """ if index is None: # Save the currently edited file index = self.get_stack_index() finfo = self.data[index] # The next line is necessary to avoid checking if the file exists # While running __check_file_status # See issues 3678 and 3026 finfo.newly_created = True original_filename = finfo.filename filename = self.select_savename(original_filename) if filename: ao_index = self.has_filename(filename) # Note: ao_index == index --> saving an untitled file if ao_index is not None and ao_index != index: if not self.close_file(ao_index): return if ao_index < index: index -= 1 new_index = self.rename_in_data(original_filename, new_filename=filename) # We pass self object ID as a QString, because otherwise it would # depend on the platform: long for 64bit, int for 32bit. Replacing # by long all the time is not working on some 32bit platforms # (see Issue 1094, Issue 1098) self.file_renamed_in_data.emit(str(id(self)), original_filename, filename) ok = self.save(index=new_index, force=True) self.refresh(new_index) self.set_stack_index(new_index) return ok else: return False
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def save(self, filething=None, padding=None): """save(filething=None, padding=None) Save a tag to a file. If no filename is given, the one most recently loaded is used. Args: filething (filething) padding (:obj:`mutagen.PaddingFunction`) Raises: mutagen.MutagenError """ try: self.tags._inject(filething.fileobj, padding) except (IOError, error) as e: reraise(self._Error, e, sys.exc_info()[2]) except EOFError: raise self._Error("no appropriate stream found")
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def save(self, filename): """Save the configuration to a file""" filename = pathlib.Path(filename) out = [] keys = sorted(list(self.keys())) for key in keys: out.append("[{}]".format(key)) section = self[key] ikeys = list(section.keys()) ikeys.sort() for ikey in ikeys: var, val = keyval_typ2str(ikey, section[ikey]) out.append("{} = {}".format(var, val)) out.append("") with filename.open("w") as f: for i in range(len(out)): # win-like line endings out[i] = out[i]+"\n" f.writelines(out)
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def save_list(self, list_name, emails): """ Upload a list. The list import job is queued and will happen shortly after the API request. http://docs.sailthru.com/api/list @param list: list name @param emails: List of email values or comma separated string """ data = {'list': list_name, 'emails': ','.join(emails) if isinstance(emails, list) else emails} return self.api_post('list', data)
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def save( self, copypath=None): """*save the content of the document back to the file* **Key Arguments:** - ``copypath`` -- the path to a new file if you want to make a copy of the document instead of saving it to the original filepath. Default *None* **Usage:** To save the document to file run: .. code-block:: python doc.save() Or to copy the content to another file run the save method with a new filepath as an argument: .. code-block:: python doc.save("/path/to/saturday-tasks-copy.taskpaper") """ self.refresh if copypath: self.filepath = copypath content = self.content import codecs # SET ENCODE ERROR RETURN VALUE writeFile = codecs.open(self.filepath, encoding='utf-8', mode='w') writeFile.write(content) writeFile.close() return None
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def save(self, name, content): """ Saves new content to the file specified by name. The content should be a proper File object, ready to be read from the beginning. """ # Get the proper name for the file, as it will actually be saved. if name is None: name = content.name name = self.get_available_name(name) name = self._save(name, content) # Store filenames with forward slashes, even on Windows return name.replace("\\", "/")
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def _save_file(self, filename, contents): """write the html file contents to disk""" with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(contents)
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def save(file_name, content): """Save content to a file""" with open(file_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as output_file: output_file.write(content) return output_file.name
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def save_to_file(self, fp, sep='\n'): """ Read all messages from the queue and persist them to file-like object. Messages are written to the file and the 'sep' string is written in between messages. Messages are deleted from the queue after being written to the file. Returns the number of messages saved. """ n = 0 m = self.read() while m: n += 1 fp.write(m.get_body()) if sep: fp.write(sep) self.delete_message(m) m = self.read() return n
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def file_to_list(in_file): ''' Reads file into list ''' lines = [] for line in in_file: # Strip new line line = line.strip('\n') # Ignore empty lines if line != '': # Ignore comments if line[0] != '#': lines.append(line) return lines
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def tplot_save(names, filename=None): """ This function will save tplot variables into a single file by using the python "pickle" function. This file can then be "restored" using tplot_restore. This is useful if you want to end the pytplot session, but save all of your data/options. All variables and plot options can be read back into tplot with the "tplot_restore" command. Parameters: names : str/list A string or a list of strings of the tplot variables you would like saved. filename : str, optional The filename where you want to save the file. Returns: None Examples: >>> # Save a single tplot variable >>> import pytplot >>> x_data = [1,2,3,4,5] >>> y_data = [1,2,3,4,5] >>> pytplot.store_data("Variable1", data={'x':x_data, 'y':y_data}) >>> pytplot.ylim('Variable1', 2, 4) >>> pytplot.save('Variable1', filename='C:/temp/variable1.pytplot') """ if isinstance(names,int): names = list(data_quants.keys())[names-1] if not isinstance(names, list): names = [names] #Check that we have all available data for name in names: if isinstance(data_quants[name].data, list): for data_name in data_quants[name].data: if data_name not in names: names.append(data_name) #Pickle it up to_pickle =[] for name in names: if name not in data_quants.keys(): print("That name is currently not in pytplot") return to_pickle.append(data_quants[name]) num_quants = len(to_pickle) to_pickle = [num_quants] + to_pickle temp_tplot_opt_glob = tplot_opt_glob to_pickle.append(temp_tplot_opt_glob) if filename==None: filename='var_'+'-'.join(names)+'.pytplot' pickle.dump(to_pickle, open(filename, "wb")) return
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def save(self, to_save, manipulate=True, check_keys=True, **kwargs): """Save a document in this collection. **DEPRECATED** - Use :meth:`insert_one` or :meth:`replace_one` instead. .. versionchanged:: 3.0 Removed the `safe` parameter. Pass ``w=0`` for unacknowledged write operations. """ warnings.warn("save is deprecated. Use insert_one or replace_one " "instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) common.validate_is_document_type("to_save", to_save) write_concern = None collation = validate_collation_or_none(kwargs.pop('collation', None)) if kwargs: write_concern = WriteConcern(**kwargs) with self._socket_for_writes() as sock_info: if not (isinstance(to_save, RawBSONDocument) or "_id" in to_save): return self._insert(sock_info, to_save, True, check_keys, manipulate, write_concern) else: self._update(sock_info, {"_id": to_save["_id"]}, to_save, True, check_keys, False, manipulate, write_concern, collation=collation) return to_save.get("_id")
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def save_copy_as(self, index=None): """Save copy of file as... Args: index: self.data index for the file to save. Returns: False if no file name was selected or if save() was unsuccessful. True is save() was successful. Gets the new file name from select_savename(). If no name is chosen, then the save_copy_as() aborts. Otherwise, the current stack is checked to see if the selected name already exists and, if so, then the tab with that name is closed. Unlike save_as(), this calls write() directly instead of using save(). The current file and tab aren't changed at all. The copied file is opened in a new tab. """ if index is None: # Save the currently edited file index = self.get_stack_index() finfo = self.data[index] original_filename = finfo.filename filename = self.select_savename(original_filename) if filename: ao_index = self.has_filename(filename) # Note: ao_index == index --> saving an untitled file if ao_index is not None and ao_index != index: if not self.close_file(ao_index): return if ao_index < index: index -= 1 try: self._write_to_file(finfo, filename) # open created copy file self.plugin_load.emit(filename) return True except EnvironmentError as error: self.msgbox = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Critical, _("Save Error"), _("<b>Unable to save file '%s'</b>" "<br><br>Error message:<br>%s" ) % (osp.basename(finfo.filename), str(error)), parent=self) self.msgbox.exec_() else: return False
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def save_files(self, nodes): """ Saves user defined files using give nodes. :param nodes: Nodes. :type nodes: list :return: Method success. :rtype: bool """ metrics = {"Opened": 0, "Cached": 0} for node in nodes: file = node.file if self.__container.get_editor(file): if self.__container.save_file(file): metrics["Opened"] += 1 self.__uncache(file) else: cache_data = self.__files_cache.get_content(file) if cache_data is None: LOGGER.warning( "!> {0} | '{1}' file doesn't exists in files cache!".format(self.__class__.__name__, file)) continue if cache_data.document: file_handle = File(file) file_handle.content = [cache_data.document.toPlainText().toUtf8()] if file_handle.write(): metrics["Cached"] += 1 self.__uncache(file) else: LOGGER.warning( "!> {0} | '{1}' file document doesn't exists in files cache!".format(self.__class__.__name__, file)) self.__container.engine.notifications_manager.notify( "{0} | '{1}' opened file(s) and '{2}' cached file(s) saved!".format(self.__class__.__name__, metrics["Opened"], metrics["Cached"]))
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def save(self, fname): """Saves symbol to a file. You can also use pickle to do the job if you only work on python. The advantage of `load`/`save` functions is that the file contents are language agnostic. This means the model saved by one language binding can be loaded by a different language binding of `MXNet`. You also get the benefit of being able to directly load/save from cloud storage(S3, HDFS). Parameters ---------- fname : str The name of the file. - "s3://my-bucket/path/my-s3-symbol" - "hdfs://my-bucket/path/my-hdfs-symbol" - "/path-to/my-local-symbol" See Also -------- symbol.load : Used to load symbol from file. """ if not isinstance(fname, string_types): raise TypeError('fname need to be string') check_call(_LIB.MXSymbolSaveToFile(self.handle, c_str(fname)))
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def save(self, event): """Saves a file that is specified in event.attr Parameters ---------- event.attr: Dict \tkey filepath contains file path of file to be saved """ filepath = event.attr["filepath"] try: filetype = event.attr["filetype"] except KeyError: filetype = "pys" # If saving is already in progress abort if self.saving: return # Use tmpfile to make sure that old save file does not get lost # on abort save __, tmpfilepath = tempfile.mkstemp() if filetype == "xls": self._set_save_states() self._save_xls(tmpfilepath) self._move_tmp_file(tmpfilepath, filepath) self._release_save_states() elif filetype == "pys" or filetype == "all": self._set_save_states() if self._save_pys(tmpfilepath): # Writing was successful self._move_tmp_file(tmpfilepath, filepath) self._save_sign(filepath) self._release_save_states() elif filetype == "pysu": self._set_save_states() if self._save_pysu(tmpfilepath): # Writing was successful self._move_tmp_file(tmpfilepath, filepath) self._save_sign(filepath) self._release_save_states() else: os.remove(tmpfilepath) msg = "Filetype {filetype} unknown.".format(filetype=filetype) raise ValueError(msg) try: os.remove(tmpfilepath) except OSError: pass
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def file_list(self): """list files on the device""" log.info('Listing files') res = self.__exchange(LIST_FILES) res = res.split('\r\n') # skip first and last lines res = res[1:-1] files = [] for line in res: files.append(line.split('\t')) return files
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def save(self, outpath): """Save this command file as an ascii file. Agrs: outpath (str): The output path to save. """ with open(outpath, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(self.dump())
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def save(self): """ Saves the settings contents """ content = self.dumps() fileutils.save_text_to_file(content, self.file_path)
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def save(self, p_todolist): """ Saves a tuple with archive, todolist and command with its arguments into the backup file with unix timestamp as the key. Tuple is then indexed in backup file with combination of hash calculated from p_todolist and unix timestamp. Backup file is closed afterwards. """ self._trim() current_hash = hash_todolist(p_todolist) list_todo = (self.todolist.print_todos()+'\n').splitlines(True) try: list_archive = (self.archive.print_todos()+'\n').splitlines(True) except AttributeError: list_archive = [] self.backup_dict[self.timestamp] = (list_todo, list_archive, self.label) index = self._get_index() index.insert(0, (self.timestamp, current_hash)) self._save_index(index) self._write() self.close()
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def save(variable, filename): """Save variable on given path using Pickle Args: variable: what to save path (str): path of the output """ fileObj = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(variable, fileObj) fileObj.close()
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def save(self, filename, callback=_noop_callback): """Save this file. :param filename: the file to which to save the .sav file :type filename: str :param callback: a progress callback function :type callback: function """ with open(filename, 'wb') as fp: self._save(fp, callback)
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def _save(self): """ save the cache index, in case it was modified. Saves the index table and the file name repository in the file `index.dat` """ if self.__modified_flag: self.__filename_rep.update_id_counter() indexfilename = os.path.join(self.__dir, "index.dat") self._write_file( indexfilename, (self.__index, self.__filename_rep)) self.__modified_flag = False
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def save(self, revision=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Handles the saving/updating of a Publishable instance. Arguments: revision - if True, a new version of this Publishable will be created. """ if revision: # If this is a revision, set it to be the head of the list and increment the revision id self.head = True self.revision_id += 1 previous_revision = self.get_previous_revision() if not self.is_parent(): # If this is a revision, delete the old head of the list. type(self).objects \ .filter(parent=self.parent, head=True) \ .update(head=None) # Clear the instance id to force Django to save a new instance. # Both fields (pk, id) required for this to work -- something to do with model inheritance self.pk = None self.id = None # New version is unpublished by default self.is_published = None # Set created_at to current time, but only for first version if not self.created_at: self.created_at = timezone.now() self.updated_at = timezone.now() if revision: self.updated_at = timezone.now() super(Publishable, self).save(*args, **kwargs) # Update the parent foreign key if not self.parent: self.parent = self super(Publishable, self).save(update_fields=['parent']) if revision: # Set latest version for all articles type(self).objects \ .filter(parent=self.parent) \ .update(latest_version=self.revision_id) self.latest_version = self.revision_id return self
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def save(self): """Write the store dict to a file specified by store_file_path""" with open(self.store_file_path, 'w') as fh: fh.write(json.dumps(self.store, indent=4))
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def saveParList(self, *args, **kw): """Write parameter data to filename (string or filehandle)""" if 'filename' in kw: filename = kw['filename'] if not filename: filename = self.getFilename() if not filename: raise ValueError("No filename specified to save parameters") if hasattr(filename,'write'): fh = filename absFileName = os.path.abspath(fh.name) else: absFileName = os.path.expanduser(filename) absDir = os.path.dirname(absFileName) if len(absDir) and not os.path.isdir(absDir): os.makedirs(absDir) fh = open(absFileName,'w') numpars = len(self.__paramList) if self._forUseWithEpar: numpars -= 1 if not self.final_comment: self.final_comment = [''] # force \n at EOF # Empty the ConfigObj version of section.defaults since that is based # on an assumption incorrect for us, and override with our own list. # THIS IS A BIT OF MONKEY-PATCHING! WATCH FUTURE VERSION CHANGES! # See Trac ticket #762. while len(self.defaults): self.defaults.pop(-1) # empty it, keeping ref for key in self._neverWrite: self.defaults.append(key) # Note also that we are only overwriting the top/main section's # "defaults" list, but EVERY [sub-]section has such an attribute... # Now write to file, delegating work to ConfigObj (note that ConfigObj # write() skips any items listed by name in the self.defaults list) self.write(fh) fh.close() retval = str(numpars) + " parameters written to " + absFileName self.filename = absFileName # reset our own ConfigObj filename attr self.debug('Keys not written: '+str(self.defaults)) return retval
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def save(self, fp=None): """Save to file. Parameters ---------- fp : `file`, optional Output file. """ self.storage.settings['markov'] = self.get_settings_json() self.storage.save(fp)
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def save(self, path): """ Save the file to the specified path """ # remember and restore file position pos = self.tell() self.seek(0) with fopen(path, 'wb') as output: output.truncate(self.length) for chunk in iter(lambda: self.read(1024), b''): output.write(chunk) self.seek(pos)
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def save(self): """Store config back to file.""" try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self._configfile)) except: pass with open(self._configfile, 'w') as f: self._config.write(f)
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def save(store, *args, **kwargs): """Convenience function to save an array or group of arrays to the local file system. Parameters ---------- store : MutableMapping or string Store or path to directory in file system or name of zip file. args : ndarray NumPy arrays with data to save. kwargs NumPy arrays with data to save. Examples -------- Save an array to a directory on the file system (uses a :class:`DirectoryStore`):: >>> import zarr >>> import numpy as np >>> arr = np.arange(10000) >>> zarr.save('data/example.zarr', arr) >>> zarr.load('data/example.zarr') array([ 0, 1, 2, ..., 9997, 9998, 9999]) Save an array to a Zip file (uses a :class:`ZipStore`):: >>> zarr.save('data/example.zip', arr) >>> zarr.load('data/example.zip') array([ 0, 1, 2, ..., 9997, 9998, 9999]) Save several arrays to a directory on the file system (uses a :class:`DirectoryStore` and stores arrays in a group):: >>> import zarr >>> import numpy as np >>> a1 = np.arange(10000) >>> a2 = np.arange(10000, 0, -1) >>> zarr.save('data/example.zarr', a1, a2) >>> loader = zarr.load('data/example.zarr') >>> loader <LazyLoader: arr_0, arr_1> >>> loader['arr_0'] array([ 0, 1, 2, ..., 9997, 9998, 9999]) >>> loader['arr_1'] array([10000, 9999, 9998, ..., 3, 2, 1]) Save several arrays using named keyword arguments:: >>> zarr.save('data/example.zarr', foo=a1, bar=a2) >>> loader = zarr.load('data/example.zarr') >>> loader <LazyLoader: bar, foo> >>> loader['foo'] array([ 0, 1, 2, ..., 9997, 9998, 9999]) >>> loader['bar'] array([10000, 9999, 9998, ..., 3, 2, 1]) Store several arrays in a single zip file (uses a :class:`ZipStore`):: >>> zarr.save('data/example.zip', foo=a1, bar=a2) >>> loader = zarr.load('data/example.zip') >>> loader <LazyLoader: bar, foo> >>> loader['foo'] array([ 0, 1, 2, ..., 9997, 9998, 9999]) >>> loader['bar'] array([10000, 9999, 9998, ..., 3, 2, 1]) See Also -------- save_array, save_group """ if len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0: raise ValueError('at least one array must be provided') if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0: save_array(store, args[0]) else: save_group(store, *args, **kwargs)
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def save(self, content): """ Save any given content to the instance file. :param content: (str or bytes) :return: (None) """ # backup existing file if needed if os.path.exists(self.file_path) and not self.assume_yes: message = "Overwrite existing {}? (y/n) " if not confirm(message.format(self.filename)): self.backup() # write file self.output("Saving " + self.filename) with open(self.file_path, "wb") as handler: if not isinstance(content, bytes): content = bytes(content, "utf-8") handler.write(content) self.yeah("Done!")
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def save(self, filename): """ Saves the data for this settings instance to the given filename. :param filename | <str> """ dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) try: f = open(filename, 'w') except StandardError: log.error('Failed to access file: {0}'.format(filename)) return False try: f.write(yaml.dump(self._root, default_flow_style=False)) except StandardError: log.error('Failed to save settings: {0}'.format(filename)) return False finally: f.close() return True
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def save(self, file, contents, name=None, overwrite=False): """Save contents into a file. The format name can be specified explicitly or inferred from the file extension.""" if name is None: name = self.format_from_extension(op.splitext(file)[1]) file_format = self.file_type(name) if file_format == 'text': _write_text(file, contents) elif file_format == 'json': _write_json(file, contents) else: write_function = self._formats[name].get('save', None) if write_function is None: raise IOError("The format must declare a file type or " "load/save functions.") if op.exists(file) and not overwrite: print("The file already exists, please use overwrite=True.") return write_function(file, contents)
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def save_playlist_file(self, stationFile=''): """ Save a playlist Create a txt file and write stations in it. Then rename it to final target return 0: All ok -1: Error writing file -2: Error renaming file """ if self._playlist_format_changed(): self.dirty_playlist = True self.new_format = not self.new_format if stationFile: st_file = stationFile else: st_file = self.stations_file if not self.dirty_playlist: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('Playlist not modified...') return 0 st_new_file = st_file.replace('.csv', '.txt') tmp_stations = self.stations[:] tmp_stations.reverse() if self.new_format: tmp_stations.append([ '# Find lots more stations at http://www.iheart.com' , '', '' ]) else: tmp_stations.append([ '# Find lots more stations at http://www.iheart.com' , '' ]) tmp_stations.reverse() try: with open(st_new_file, 'w') as cfgfile: writter = csv.writer(cfgfile) for a_station in tmp_stations: writter.writerow(self._format_playlist_row(a_station)) except: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('Cannot open playlist file for writing,,,') return -1 try: move(st_new_file, st_file) except: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('Cannot rename playlist file...') return -2 self.dirty_playlist = False return 0
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def save_file(self, srcfile): """ Save a (raw) file to the store. """ filehash = digest_file(srcfile) if not os.path.exists(self.object_path(filehash)): # Copy the file to a temporary location first, then move, to make sure we don't end up with # truncated contents if the build gets interrupted. tmppath = self.temporary_object_path(filehash) copyfile(srcfile, tmppath) self._move_to_store(tmppath, filehash) return filehash
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def save(self, savefile): """Do the TTS API request and write result to file. Args: savefile (string): The path and file name to save the ``mp3`` to. Raises: :class:`gTTSError`: When there's an error with the API request. """ with open(str(savefile), 'wb') as f: self.write_to_fp(f) log.debug("Saved to %s", savefile)
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def save_file(path, data, readable=False): """ Save to file :param path: File path to save :type path: str | unicode :param data: Data to save :type data: None | int | float | str | unicode | list | dict :param readable: Format file to be human readable (default: False) :type readable: bool :rtype: None :raises IOError: If empty path or error writing file """ if not path: IOError("No path specified to save") try: with io.open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: if path.endswith(".json"): save_json_file( f, data, pretty=readable, compact=(not readable), sort=True ) elif path.endswith(".yaml") or path.endswith(".yml"): save_yaml_file(f, data) except IOError: raise except Exception as e: raise IOError(e)
save list to file
def save(self, filename=None): """Save the document to file. Arguments: * filename (str): The filename to save to. If not set (``None``, default), saves to the same file as loaded from. """ if not filename: filename = self.filename if not filename: raise Exception("No filename specified") if filename[-4:].lower() == '.bz2': f = bz2.BZ2File(filename,'wb') f.write(self.xmlstring().encode('utf-8')) f.close() elif filename[-3:].lower() == '.gz': f = gzip.GzipFile(filename,'wb') #pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type f.write(self.xmlstring().encode('utf-8')) f.close() else: f = io.open(filename,'w',encoding='utf-8') f.write(self.xmlstring()) f.close()
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def save_to_file(self, file_path, labels=None, predict_proba=True, show_predicted_value=True, **kwargs): """Saves html explanation to file. . Params: file_path: file to save explanations to See as_html() for additional parameters. """ file_ = open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf8') file_.write(self.as_html(labels=labels, predict_proba=predict_proba, show_predicted_value=show_predicted_value, **kwargs)) file_.close()
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def xmlrpc_save2file(self, filename): """ Save results and own state into file. """ savefile = open(filename,'wb') try: pickle.dump({'scheduled':self.scheduled_tasks, 'reschedule':self.reschedule},savefile) except pickle.PicklingError: return -1 savefile.close() return 1
save list to file
def save_to_filename(self, file_name, sep='\n'): """ Read all messages from the queue and persist them to local file. Messages are written to the file and the 'sep' string is written in between messages. Messages are deleted from the queue after being written to the file. Returns the number of messages saved. """ fp = open(file_name, 'wb') n = self.save_to_file(fp, sep) fp.close() return n
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def save(self, fname=''): """ Save the list of items to AIKIF core and optionally to local file fname """ if fname != '': with open(fname, 'w') as f: for i in self.lstPrograms: f.write(self.get_file_info_line(i, ',')) # save to standard AIKIF structure filemap = mod_filemap.FileMap([], []) #location_fileList = filemap.get_full_filename(filemap.find_type('LOCATION'), filemap.find_ontology('FILE-PROGRAM')[0]) object_fileList = filemap.get_full_filename(filemap.find_type('OBJECT'), filemap.find_ontology('FILE-PROGRAM')[0]) print('object_fileList = ' + object_fileList + '\n') if os.path.exists(object_fileList): os.remove(object_fileList) self.lstPrograms.sort() try: with open(object_fileList, 'a') as f: f.write('\n'.join([i[0] for i in self.lstPrograms])) except Exception as ex: print('ERROR = cant write to object_filelist ' , object_fileList, str(ex))
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def save_to_file_like(self, flo, format=None, **kwargs): """ Save the object to a given file like object in the given format. """ format = self.format if format is None else format save = getattr(self, "save_%s" % format, None) if save is None: raise ValueError("Unknown format '%s'." % format) save(flo, **kwargs)
save list to file
def save(self, path=None, filter_name=None): """ Saves this document to a local file system. The optional first argument defaults to the document's path. Accept optional second argument which defines type of the saved file. Use one of FILTER_* constants or see list of available filters at http://wakka.net/archives/7 or http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=71294. """ if path is None: try: self._target.store() except _IOException as e: raise IOError(e.Message) return # UNO requires absolute paths url = uno.systemPathToFileUrl(os.path.abspath(path)) if filter_name: format_filter = uno.createUnoStruct('com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue') format_filter.Name = 'FilterName' format_filter.Value = filter_name filters = (format_filter,) else: filters = () # http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/frame/XStorable.html#storeToURL try: self._target.storeToURL(url, filters) except _IOException as e: raise IOError(e.Message)
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def save(self, output=''): """Save the document. If no output is provided the file will be saved in the same location. Otherwise output can determine a target directory or file. """ self.file = self._get_output_file(output) with open(self.file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: self.write(f)
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def save_to(self, destination, name=None, overwrite=False, delete_on_failure=True): """ To save the object in a local path :param destination: str - The directory to save the object to :param name: str - To rename the file name. Do not add extesion :param overwrite: :param delete_on_failure: :return: The new location of the file or None """ if not os.path.isdir(destination): raise IOError("'%s' is not a valid directory") obj_path = "%s/%s" % (destination, self._obj.name) if name: obj_path = "%s/%s.%s" % (destination, name, self.extension) file = self._obj.download(obj_path, overwrite_existing=overwrite, delete_on_failure=delete_on_failure) return obj_path if file else None
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def save(self, incoming_stream, size_limit=None, size=None, chunk_size=None, progress_callback=None): """Save file in the file system.""" fp = self.open(mode='wb') try: bytes_written, checksum = self._write_stream( incoming_stream, fp, chunk_size=chunk_size, progress_callback=progress_callback, size_limit=size_limit, size=size) except Exception: fp.close() self.delete() raise finally: fp.close() self._size = bytes_written return self.fileurl, bytes_written, checksum
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def save(self, path): """ Saving stored files at a given path (relative paths are added). Args: path (str): root path where to save the files. """ for relative_path_and_filename, content in self.files.items(): full_path_and_filename = os.path.join(path, relative_path_and_filename) full_path = os.path.dirname(full_path_and_filename) if not os.path.isdir(full_path): os.makedirs(full_path) with open(full_path_and_filename, 'wb') as handle: handle.write(b64decode(content))
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def save_to_file(self, text, filename, name): ''' Called by the engine to push a say command onto the queue. @param text: Text to speak @type text: unicode @param name: Name to associate with the utterance @type name: str ''' self._push(self._driver.save_to_file, (text, filename), name)
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def save(self): """Persist config changes""" with open(self._config_file_path, 'w') as file: self._config_parser.write(file)
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def save_to_file(self, script_file): """ Save filter script to an mlx file """ # TODO: rasie exception here instead? if not self.filters: print('WARNING: no filters to save to file!') script_file_descriptor = open(script_file, 'w') script_file_descriptor.write(''.join(self.opening + self.filters + self.closing)) script_file_descriptor.close()