Query about plant protection, the query is sucking pest attack for the crop Onion
spray roger 15 ml15 liter of waterdimethoate cheminova
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is sucking pest attack for the crop Onion [/INST] spray roger 15 ml15 liter of waterdimethoate cheminova </s>
Query about market information, the query is asked about wheat market rate for the crop Wheat
datevarietyapmcunitquantitylratehratemodel15 2 2016localsangaliquintal30350036003570
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asked about wheat market rate for the crop Wheat [/INST] datevarietyapmcunitquantitylratehratemodel15 2 2016localsangaliquintal30350036003570 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is blight on tomato for the crop Tomato
blue copper 40 gm humic acid 30 mlcopper oxichloride syngenta15 litre water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is blight on tomato for the crop Tomato [/INST] blue copper 40 gm humic acid 30 mlcopper oxichloride syngenta15 litre water </s>
Query about nan, the query is spray for flowering stage for the crop Tomato
spray boom flower 20ml15lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is spray for flowering stage for the crop Tomato [/INST] spray boom flower 20ml15lit of water </s>
Query about weed management, the query is asking about weed management in cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray terga wheap supertarga super quizolofop ethyl 5 ec
<s>[INST] Query about weed management, the query is asking about weed management in cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray terga wheap supertarga super quizolofop ethyl 5 ec </s>
Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
market rate of cotton 4900 te 5000 rupeesqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] market rate of cotton 4900 te 5000 rupeesqtl </s>
Query about nutrient management, the query is drenching for tur for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
drenching for tur drenching of blue copper 40 gm humic acid 30 ml 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about nutrient management, the query is drenching for tur for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur [/INST] drenching for tur drenching of blue copper 40 gm humic acid 30 ml 15 liter water </s>
Query about market information, the query is pegionpea market rate for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
pegionpea market rate 5680 4900 qt
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is pegionpea market rate for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur [/INST] pegionpea market rate 5680 4900 qt </s>
Query about 3, the query is control for suckingg pest on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray diamethoide 10 ml in 10 ltr water
<s>[INST] Query about 3, the query is control for suckingg pest on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray diamethoide 10 ml in 10 ltr water </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about fertilizer dose of turmeric for the crop Turmeric
fertilizer dose of turmeric application of urea 1 bag supar phospet 2 bag acre mahadhan shakti 1 bag acre
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about fertilizer dose of turmeric for the crop Turmeric [/INST] fertilizer dose of turmeric application of urea 1 bag supar phospet 2 bag acre mahadhan shakti 1 bag acre </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate for the crop Cotton Kapas
rs 4950 5160 per quintal
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] rs 4950 5160 per quintal </s>
Query about nan, the query is asked about information downe mildew for the crop Capsicum
amistar chi favarani kara 15ml pump gehun favarave
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is asked about information downe mildew for the crop Capsicum [/INST] amistar chi favarani kara 15ml pump gehun favarave </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of caterpillar in brinjal for the crop Brinjal
spray avaunt 10 ml 15 liter of waterindoxacarb 158ecdupont
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of caterpillar in brinjal for the crop Brinjal [/INST] spray avaunt 10 ml 15 liter of waterindoxacarb 158ecdupont </s>
Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of onion for the crop Onion
market rate of onion minimum 200 maximum 1375 average 1100 rsqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of onion for the crop Onion [/INST] market rate of onion minimum 200 maximum 1375 average 1100 rsqtl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer spray for the crop Cauliflower
spray 00 52 34 30gm15lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer spray for the crop Cauliflower [/INST] spray 00 52 34 30gm15lit of water </s>
Query about nan, the query is white fly for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane
tata manik 7 gm 15 lit water
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is white fly for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane [/INST] tata manik 7 gm 15 lit water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about variety ginger for the crop Ginger
chainavyanadsurabhig 55 1
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about variety ginger for the crop Ginger [/INST] chainavyanadsurabhig 55 1 </s>
Query about nan, the query is market rate for the crop Cotton Kapas
4750 rsqlt
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is market rate for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] 4750 rsqlt </s>
Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate for the crop Cotton Kapas
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] telharaquintal287390041004000 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of fruit fly on watermelon for the crop Watermelon
use pheromone trap spray exite fitter 30gm 15lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of fruit fly on watermelon for the crop Watermelon [/INST] use pheromone trap spray exite fitter 30gm 15lit of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is plant protection for the crop 1037
spray of chloropyriphos
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is plant protection for the crop 1037 [/INST] spray of chloropyriphos </s>
Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of brinjal for the crop Brinjal
rs 1000 6500qtl brinjal market kolhapur
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of brinjal for the crop Brinjal [/INST] rs 1000 6500qtl brinjal market kolhapur </s>
Query about 9999, the query is weather for the crop 9999
cloudy sky and chances ofrain
<s>[INST] Query about 9999, the query is weather for the crop 9999 [/INST] cloudy sky and chances ofrain </s>
Query about market information, the query is nafedkadun paise milale nahit for the crop Green Gram Moong Bean Moong
contact msamb toll free no 18002330244
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is nafedkadun paise milale nahit for the crop Green Gram Moong Bean Moong [/INST] contact msamb toll free no 18002330244 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of bollworm on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray spinosad 35 ml 10 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of bollworm on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray spinosad 35 ml 10 lit of water </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer dose - for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane
10 26 26 urea 2 bag b
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer dose - for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane [/INST] 10 26 26 urea 2 bag b </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is growth sprayer on maize for the crop Maize Makka
spray bavistane 30gm 19 19 19 60gm microlla 30ml 15 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is growth sprayer on maize for the crop Maize Makka [/INST] spray bavistane 30gm 19 19 19 60gm microlla 30ml 15 liter of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is blight on tomato for the crop Tomato
spray score 8 ml15 liter of waterdifenconyazol 25ec syngenta
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is blight on tomato for the crop Tomato [/INST] spray score 8 ml15 liter of waterdifenconyazol 25ec syngenta </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is thrips control for the crop Bitter Gourd
sparay rijent 20 mili pamp water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is thrips control for the crop Bitter Gourd [/INST] sparay rijent 20 mili pamp water </s>
Query about weed management, the query is weed control in soybean for the crop Soybean bhat
pursuitimazethapyr soybean
<s>[INST] Query about weed management, the query is weed control in soybean for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] pursuitimazethapyr soybean </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer dose for the crop Tomato
spray 00 52 34 60 gm 19 19 19 60 gm microlla 30 ml 15lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer dose for the crop Tomato [/INST] spray 00 52 34 60 gm 19 19 19 60 gm microlla 30 ml 15lit of water </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate of black gram for the crop Black Gram urd bean
market rate of black gram 5900 6515 rsqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate of black gram for the crop Black Gram urd bean [/INST] market rate of black gram 5900 6515 rsqtl </s>
Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
market rate of cotton 3300 4825 rsqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] market rate of cotton 3300 4825 rsqtl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is jassids attack for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
spray trizophous 15 ml asifet 25 gm 15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is jassids attack for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur [/INST] spray trizophous 15 ml asifet 25 gm 15 lit of water </s>
Query about 76, the query is ask sucking pest on chilli for the crop 1280
spraying of emida cropid 5 ml in 10 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about 76, the query is ask sucking pest on chilli for the crop 1280 [/INST] spraying of emida cropid 5 ml in 10 lit of water </s>
Query about 3, the query is attack of white fly on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
spraying of acetameprid 4 gm in 10 lit water
<s>[INST] Query about 3, the query is attack of white fly on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spraying of acetameprid 4 gm in 10 lit water </s>
Query about 5, the query is varieties for the crop 1037
sb 11tag 24tag 26
<s>[INST] Query about 5, the query is varieties for the crop 1037 [/INST] sb 11tag 24tag 26 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is leaf miner for the crop Watermelon
use fertera 4 kg acre thimate 4 kg acre
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is leaf miner for the crop Watermelon [/INST] use fertera 4 kg acre thimate 4 kg acre </s>
Query about 3, the query is attct of sucking pest of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
spraying of rogar 15 ml in 10 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about 3, the query is attct of sucking pest of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spraying of rogar 15 ml in 10 lit of water </s>
Query about nutrient management, the query is asked about folier spray for the crop Onion
folier spray 00 52 34
<s>[INST] Query about nutrient management, the query is asked about folier spray for the crop Onion [/INST] folier spray 00 52 34 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of caterpillar for the crop Brinjal
spray fame 5mlbavistine 30gm15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of caterpillar for the crop Brinjal [/INST] spray fame 5mlbavistine 30gm15 lit of water </s>
Query about nutrient management, the query is nutrients for ginger for the crop Ginger
apply 2 kilo 0 52 34 through drip 20r week
<s>[INST] Query about nutrient management, the query is nutrients for ginger for the crop Ginger [/INST] apply 2 kilo 0 52 34 through drip 20r week </s>
Query about 76, the query is borer for the crop 1279
cypermethrin corag
<s>[INST] Query about 76, the query is borer for the crop 1279 [/INST] cypermethrin corag </s>
Query about 22, the query is suggest weedicide for sugarcane 1 month after planting for the crop Sunnhemp Patua
spray 24 d 1 kg aiha
<s>[INST] Query about 22, the query is suggest weedicide for sugarcane 1 month after planting for the crop Sunnhemp Patua [/INST] spray 24 d 1 kg aiha </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is flower drop on tur for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
spray plano fix 5ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is flower drop on tur for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur [/INST] spray plano fix 5ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about cultural practices, the query is cucumber planting distance for the crop Cucumber
cucumber planting distance 4x15 foot
<s>[INST] Query about cultural practices, the query is cucumber planting distance for the crop Cucumber [/INST] cucumber planting distance 4x15 foot </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of aphids for the crop Chillies
spray actra 5 gm bavistin 30 gram 15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngentasoil test lab phone no jalna 0248230128
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of aphids for the crop Chillies [/INST] spray actra 5 gm bavistin 30 gram 15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngentasoil test lab phone no jalna 0248230128 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is weediside for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane
use spray taba
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is weediside for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane [/INST] use spray taba </s>
Query about nan, the query is reclaimanation of solty soil for the crop Dhaincha
add green manures like dhainchya tagh cowpea shewari
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is reclaimanation of solty soil for the crop Dhaincha [/INST] add green manures like dhainchya tagh cowpea shewari </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is fruit drop in mosambi for the crop Mosambi
to reduse fruit drop spray of 15 ga 50 ml alcohol 1 kg urea100 lit water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is fruit drop in mosambi for the crop Mosambi [/INST] to reduse fruit drop spray of 15 ga 50 ml alcohol 1 kg urea100 lit water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of aphids on black gram for the crop Black Gram urd bean
attack of aphids on black gram spray asiphet 30 gm15 liter of water asifet 70 sp tata rallis
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of aphids on black gram for the crop Black Gram urd bean [/INST] attack of aphids on black gram spray asiphet 30 gm15 liter of water asifet 70 sp tata rallis </s>
Query about seeds and planting material, the query is varieties of onion crop for the crop Onion
varieties of onion akola safedpusa white flatbaswant 780agri found dark redfule suvarnaarka pitambaripanchaganga
<s>[INST] Query about seeds and planting material, the query is varieties of onion crop for the crop Onion [/INST] varieties of onion akola safedpusa white flatbaswant 780agri found dark redfule suvarnaarka pitambaripanchaganga </s>
Query about 6, the query is information about market rate for potato for the crop 1296
rate 1000 1050 rs q
<s>[INST] Query about 6, the query is information about market rate for potato for the crop 1296 [/INST] rate 1000 1050 rs q </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about chilli thrips for the crop Chillies
spray rogar 15 ml15 liter of waterdimethoate cheminova
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about chilli thrips for the crop Chillies [/INST] spray rogar 15 ml15 liter of waterdimethoate cheminova </s>
Query about weed management, the query is herbicide for bajara ---- for the crop Pearl Millet BajraBulrush MilletSpiked Millet
herbicide for bajara 2 4 d sodium 30 days after planting
<s>[INST] Query about weed management, the query is herbicide for bajara ---- for the crop Pearl Millet BajraBulrush MilletSpiked Millet [/INST] herbicide for bajara 2 4 d sodium 30 days after planting </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is sugercane dose for the crop Sunnhemp Patua
npk 160 85 85 kg ha
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is sugercane dose for the crop Sunnhemp Patua [/INST] npk 160 85 85 kg ha </s>
Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
market rate of cotton badanapur 4071 4425 rsqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] market rate of cotton badanapur 4071 4425 rsqtl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is wilting of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
drenching of blue copper 30 gm humic acid 30 mili
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is wilting of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] drenching of blue copper 30 gm humic acid 30 mili </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about yellowing of leaves for the crop Onion
19 19 19 60 gram microla 30 mili 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asking about yellowing of leaves for the crop Onion [/INST] 19 19 19 60 gram microla 30 mili 15 liter water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is sucking pest control on corinder crop for the crop Coriander
you can spray cloropyriphos 1 mili liter water use for sucking pest control on corinder crop
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is sucking pest control on corinder crop for the crop Coriander [/INST] you can spray cloropyriphos 1 mili liter water use for sucking pest control on corinder crop </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of mealy bug in custard apple for the crop Custard Apple
attack of mealy bug in custard apple profenophos 15 mll acephate 15 glitre neem seed kernel extractnske 5 5mll or neemoil 5ml l detergent powder 1gml can be sprayed as spot application on infested stalks
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of mealy bug in custard apple for the crop Custard Apple [/INST] attack of mealy bug in custard apple profenophos 15 mll acephate 15 glitre neem seed kernel extractnske 5 5mll or neemoil 5ml l detergent powder 1gml can be sprayed as spot application on infested stalks </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about catterpiler attack for the crop Cabbage
proclaim 5 gm 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about catterpiler attack for the crop Cabbage [/INST] proclaim 5 gm 15 liter water </s>
Query about 78, the query is pusa nasdarkokan haritakoimtur-12satputiyasurekha are the varities of ridge gourd for the crop Greater Yam
pusa nasdarkokan haritakoimtur 12satputiyasurekha are the varities of ridge gourd
<s>[INST] Query about 78, the query is pusa nasdarkokan haritakoimtur-12satputiyasurekha are the varities of ridge gourd for the crop Greater Yam [/INST] pusa nasdarkokan haritakoimtur 12satputiyasurekha are the varities of ridge gourd </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about growth spraying on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
19 19 19 60 gm microlla 30 ml bavistin 30 gm15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about growth spraying on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] 19 19 19 60 gm microlla 30 ml bavistin 30 gm15 liter water </s>
Query about nan, the query is pomo variety for the crop Pomegranate
bhagava arata
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is pomo variety for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] bhagava arata </s>
Query about weed management, the query is asking about herbicide used on wheat for the crop Wheat
spray allgrip herbicide 8 gram200 litre water
<s>[INST] Query about weed management, the query is asking about herbicide used on wheat for the crop Wheat [/INST] spray allgrip herbicide 8 gram200 litre water </s>
Query about cultural practices, the query is harvesting for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli
harvest after 35months 85 pod get matured when leaves get yellow colour
<s>[INST] Query about cultural practices, the query is harvesting for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli [/INST] harvest after 35months 85 pod get matured when leaves get yellow colour </s>
Query about nutrient management, the query is flower drop in cotton crop for the crop Cotton Kapas
flower drop in cotton crop spray plano fix 5ml15 lit of waternaa bayer
<s>[INST] Query about nutrient management, the query is flower drop in cotton crop for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] flower drop in cotton crop spray plano fix 5ml15 lit of waternaa bayer </s>
Query about 0, the query is enu information and contact no for the crop Others
mumbai 02224131180
<s>[INST] Query about 0, the query is enu information and contact no for the crop Others [/INST] mumbai 02224131180 </s>
Query about bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizers, the query is asking about stop extra growth of for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray lihocine 7 mlbasf 15 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizers, the query is asking about stop extra growth of for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray lihocine 7 mlbasf 15 liter of water </s>
Query about 5, the query is varieties for the crop Cotton Kapas
ajit155 paras bramha
<s>[INST] Query about 5, the query is varieties for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] ajit155 paras bramha </s>
Query about market information, the query is asked market information of pigeon pea for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asked market information of pigeon pea for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur [/INST] akolalalquintal977350038503675amarawatilalquintal1283370038003750 </s>
Query about market information, the query is commodity :onion for the crop Onion
unhali parner quintal 14177 150 700 500 lal lasalgaon quintal 10000 350 602 491 unhali lasalgaon quintal 8000 401 697 631 lal manmad quintal 8000 200 537 480
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is commodity :onion for the crop Onion [/INST] unhali parner quintal 14177 150 700 500 lal lasalgaon quintal 10000 350 602 491 unhali lasalgaon quintal 8000 401 697 631 lal manmad quintal 8000 200 537 480 </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is farmer asked about red mites attack on bhindi for the crop Brinjal
spray polo 25gm 15 liter of water diafenthiuron syngenta
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is farmer asked about red mites attack on bhindi for the crop Brinjal [/INST] spray polo 25gm 15 liter of water diafenthiuron syngenta </s>
Query about 0, the query is weather ciond for the crop Cotton Kapas
as per data
<s>[INST] Query about 0, the query is weather ciond for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] as per data </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is thrips on bhendi for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger
spray actra 5 gm15 lit of water spray bavistine 30gm15lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is thrips on bhendi for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger [/INST] spray actra 5 gm15 lit of water spray bavistine 30gm15lit of water </s>
Query about 3, the query is control measure for bajara aphid for the crop 1136
spray dimethoate 30ec10ml10litof water
<s>[INST] Query about 3, the query is control measure for bajara aphid for the crop 1136 [/INST] spray dimethoate 30ec10ml10litof water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is white fly for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray record 7gram15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is white fly for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray record 7gram15 lit of water </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is banana fertilizers for the crop Banana
banana fertilizers 00 52 344kgmicrola400mlcalsibor400gmpar acar
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is banana fertilizers for the crop Banana [/INST] banana fertilizers 00 52 344kgmicrola400mlcalsibor400gmpar acar </s>
Query about nan, the query is variety cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
super maruti rakhi 621 ankur 3028 indra vajra
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is variety cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] super maruti rakhi 621 ankur 3028 indra vajra </s>
Query about nan, the query is fert dose for the crop Wheat
19 19 19 macrolla 30 ml humic acid 30 ml15 lit water
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is fert dose for the crop Wheat [/INST] 19 19 19 macrolla 30 ml humic acid 30 ml15 lit water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of thrips on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray confidor 10 ml super confidor 10 ml 15 litar water imidacloprid 178
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of thrips on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray confidor 10 ml super confidor 10 ml 15 litar water imidacloprid 178 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of caterpillar on mango for the crop Mango
spray chloropyriphos 30ml 15
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of caterpillar on mango for the crop Mango [/INST] spray chloropyriphos 30ml 15 </s>
Query about 102, the query is informationn abt apple ber for the crop Apple
info given
<s>[INST] Query about 102, the query is informationn abt apple ber for the crop Apple [/INST] info given </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer spray for the crop Chillies
spray 00 52 34 60 gm boron 20 mlcalshium nitrate 20 ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer spray for the crop Chillies [/INST] spray 00 52 34 60 gm boron 20 mlcalshium nitrate 20 ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about 9999, the query is weather report for the crop 9999
partly cloudy possibility of light rain
<s>[INST] Query about 9999, the query is weather report for the crop 9999 [/INST] partly cloudy possibility of light rain </s>
Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
cotton market shailu min 3465 max 5135avg 5040
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] cotton market shailu min 3465 max 5135avg 5040 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is thrips on onion for the crop Onion
spray actra 5 gm redomil gold 30 gm 15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is thrips on onion for the crop Onion [/INST] spray actra 5 gm redomil gold 30 gm 15 lit of water </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate of onion for the crop Onion
market rate of onion local pune quintal 18677 1800 700 1250
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate of onion for the crop Onion [/INST] market rate of onion local pune quintal 18677 1800 700 1250 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is thrips attack for the crop Pomegranate
confidor 6ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is thrips attack for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] confidor 6ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about 3, the query is cotton atac thrips for the crop Cotton Kapas
<s>[INST] Query about 3, the query is cotton atac thrips for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] aictra </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is stem borer control on potato crop for the crop Potato
you can spray profex super 40 mili pamp water use for stem borer control on potato crop
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is stem borer control on potato crop for the crop Potato [/INST] you can spray profex super 40 mili pamp water use for stem borer control on potato crop </s>
Query about nan, the query is fertilizer doses for the crop Onion
sizer plus000050
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is fertilizer doses for the crop Onion [/INST] sizer plus000050 </s>
Query about 5, the query is varities for the crop Sunnhemp Patua
co 86032 co 265
<s>[INST] Query about 5, the query is varities for the crop Sunnhemp Patua [/INST] co 86032 co 265 </s>
Query about market information, the query is soyabean market rate for the crop Soybean bhat
nagpur quintal 523 4000 3770 3885
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is soyabean market rate for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] nagpur quintal 523 4000 3770 3885 </s>
Query about 9999, the query is control canker on lime for the crop 9999
spraying of 40gm carbaryl powder in 10lt water
<s>[INST] Query about 9999, the query is control canker on lime for the crop 9999 [/INST] spraying of 40gm carbaryl powder in 10lt water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of rust on black gram for the crop Black Gram urd bean
spray blue copper 40 gm 15 litter of water for controlling rust on black gram
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of rust on black gram for the crop Black Gram urd bean [/INST] spray blue copper 40 gm 15 litter of water for controlling rust on black gram </s>
Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
market rate of cotton jamner 4358 4891 rsqtl deulgaon raja 5000 5160 rsqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] market rate of cotton jamner 4358 4891 rsqtl deulgaon raja 5000 5160 rsqtl </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is cotton fertilizer dose for the crop Cotton Kapas
19 19 19 microla
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is cotton fertilizer dose for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] 19 19 19 microla </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate of ginger for the crop Ginger
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate of ginger for the crop Ginger [/INST] mumbaiquintal1750240032002700 </s>