Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is bringal fertilizers spray for the crop Brinjal
19 1950 gmnicrola30 mlgrowar30 ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is bringal fertilizers spray for the crop Brinjal [/INST] 19 1950 gmnicrola30 mlgrowar30 ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
udgir quintal1500264526852665karanja quintal2200250027402625parli vaijnath quintal450215026412610
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] udgir quintal1500264526852665karanja quintal2200250027402625parli vaijnath quintal450215026412610 </s>
Query about field preparation, the query is flower in gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
ghate bhartana pani dyave
<s>[INST] Query about field preparation, the query is flower in gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] ghate bhartana pani dyave </s>
Query about 21, the query is herbicide in gram after 20 days of sowing for the crop 1037
not recommonded
<s>[INST] Query about 21, the query is herbicide in gram after 20 days of sowing for the crop 1037 [/INST] not recommonded </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about varieties of cabbage for the crop Cabbage
varieties of cabbage golden acre pride of india pusa drum head
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about varieties of cabbage for the crop Cabbage [/INST] varieties of cabbage golden acre pride of india pusa drum head </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate of onion for the crop Onion
market rate of onion is 750 1750 rs ql
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate of onion for the crop Onion [/INST] market rate of onion is 750 1750 rs ql </s>
Query about 9999, the query is controlspodoptera on soyabean crop for the crop 9999
spray chloropyrifos 20ml in 10lt water
<s>[INST] Query about 9999, the query is controlspodoptera on soyabean crop for the crop 9999 [/INST] spray chloropyrifos 20ml in 10lt water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is wilt on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
redomil gold 30 gmhumic acid 30 mlmephonaxonmancozebsyngnt spray microla 30 ml 19 19 19 35 gm 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is wilt on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] redomil gold 30 gmhumic acid 30 mlmephonaxonmancozebsyngnt spray microla 30 ml 19 19 19 35 gm 15 liter water </s>
Query about nan, the query is website for the crop Tomato
http agmarknetnicin
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is website for the crop Tomato [/INST] http agmarknetnicin </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is white fly attack for the crop Brinjal
spray 0 52 34 60 gm 19 19 19 60 gm microlla 30 ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is white fly attack for the crop Brinjal [/INST] spray 0 52 34 60 gm 19 19 19 60 gm microlla 30 ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is flowerdrop in tomato for the crop Tomato
spray planofix 5 mlbayer15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is flowerdrop in tomato for the crop Tomato [/INST] spray planofix 5 mlbayer15 liter water </s>
Query about cultural practices, the query is varieties for the crop Pomegranate
bhagwa super ganesh mrudula
<s>[INST] Query about cultural practices, the query is varieties for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] bhagwa super ganesh mrudula </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about information onion for the crop Onion
123216 1 bag acre fertilizer use
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about information onion for the crop Onion [/INST] 123216 1 bag acre fertilizer use </s>
Query about field preparation, the query is seed treatment of gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
seed treatment of gram 3gm kg of seed
<s>[INST] Query about field preparation, the query is seed treatment of gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] seed treatment of gram 3gm kg of seed </s>
Query about market information, the query is maize market rate for the crop Maize Makka
maize market rate lasalgaon quintal 1460 1181
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is maize market rate for the crop Maize Makka [/INST] maize market rate lasalgaon quintal 1460 1181 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is thrips for the crop Chillies
spray karate15ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is thrips for the crop Chillies [/INST] spray karate15ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about 3, the query is control of caterpiller for the crop Soybean bhat
apply endosulfane 30 mlpump
<s>[INST] Query about 3, the query is control of caterpiller for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] apply endosulfane 30 mlpump </s>
Query about cultural practices, the query is asked about information pomogrnate for the crop Pomegranate
5 5 m spacing pomogrnate crop
<s>[INST] Query about cultural practices, the query is asked about information pomogrnate for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] 5 5 m spacing pomogrnate crop </s>
Query about nan, the query is variety for the crop Tomato
subhangi abhinavshaktiman
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is variety for the crop Tomato [/INST] subhangi abhinavshaktiman </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about tomato varites for the crop Tomato
tomato 125 130 160 200 12
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about tomato varites for the crop Tomato [/INST] tomato 125 130 160 200 12 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of cotton bollworm for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray quinolphos 20 ml in 15 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of cotton bollworm for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray quinolphos 20 ml in 15 liter of water </s>
Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of for the crop Onion
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of for the crop Onion [/INST] onionpune1414tonneslocal50018001400rsquintal </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate- for the crop Maize Makka
market rate 1300quintal
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate- for the crop Maize Makka [/INST] market rate 1300quintal </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is stem borer on mango for the crop Mango
spray chloropyriphos 30ml15 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is stem borer on mango for the crop Mango [/INST] spray chloropyriphos 30ml15 liter of water </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate of mosambi for the crop Mosambi
market rate of mosambi 800 1800 rsquintal
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate of mosambi for the crop Mosambi [/INST] market rate of mosambi 800 1800 rsquintal </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of blight in chilli for the crop Capsicum
attack of blight in chillispray antracol 45 gm15 liter of waterpropineb bayer
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of blight in chilli for the crop Capsicum [/INST] attack of blight in chillispray antracol 45 gm15 liter of waterpropineb bayer </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate of bhindi for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger
market rate of bhindi 3400 3800qtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate of bhindi for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger [/INST] market rate of bhindi 3400 3800qtl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of sucking pest for the crop Ridge Gourd
spray plano fix 5ml15 lit of waterspray actra 5 gm15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of sucking pest for the crop Ridge Gourd [/INST] spray plano fix 5ml15 lit of waterspray actra 5 gm15 lit of water </s>
Query about 100, the query is fruit cracking for the crop Pomegranate
app of boron
<s>[INST] Query about 100, the query is fruit cracking for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] app of boron </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
market rate of cotton 4000 4400 rs qtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] market rate of cotton 4000 4400 rs qtl </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about sugarcane fertilizers dose for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane
sugarcane fertilizers dose 19 194kgurea6kgmicrola500ml par acar
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about sugarcane fertilizers dose for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane [/INST] sugarcane fertilizers dose 19 194kgurea6kgmicrola500ml par acar </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertiliser dose in onion for the crop Onion
use 0 0 50
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertiliser dose in onion for the crop Onion [/INST] use 0 0 50 </s>
Query about market information, the query is asked for orange market inormation for the crop Orange
orange market inormation mumbai 122 tonnes other 850 1800 1325 rsquintal nagpur 449 tonnes other 1100 2400 2075 rsquintal
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asked for orange market inormation for the crop Orange [/INST] orange market inormation mumbai 122 tonnes other 850 1800 1325 rsquintal nagpur 449 tonnes other 1100 2400 2075 rsquintal </s>
Query about 5, the query is varieties of ginger for the crop Cotton Kapas
rashi 2
<s>[INST] Query about 5, the query is varieties of ginger for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] rashi 2 </s>
Query about market information, the query is papaya market rate for the crop Papaya
papaya market rate mumbai quintal 1600 500 1050 rups
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is papaya market rate for the crop Papaya [/INST] papaya market rate mumbai quintal 1600 500 1050 rups </s>
Query about 9999, the query is tub rose vareity for the crop 9999
rajatrekhashrinagarpranjalphule rajani
<s>[INST] Query about 9999, the query is tub rose vareity for the crop 9999 [/INST] rajatrekhashrinagarpranjalphule rajani </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about sowing time of chana for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
sowing time of chana january february
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asking about sowing time of chana for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] sowing time of chana january february </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is red mite attack on cucumber for the crop Cucumber
spray 5 ml omite 15 litre water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is red mite attack on cucumber for the crop Cucumber [/INST] spray 5 ml omite 15 litre water </s>
Query about 20, the query is cotton managemnt for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray 19 19 19
<s>[INST] Query about 20, the query is cotton managemnt for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray 19 19 19 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is farmer asked about growth stunded for the crop Fenugreek
dreanching of humic acid 50ml bavistin 30 gram in 15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is farmer asked about growth stunded for the crop Fenugreek [/INST] dreanching of humic acid 50ml bavistin 30 gram in 15 lit of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of thrips in pomegranate for the crop Pomegranate
ecocidechilli extract garlic oil pine oil 3 ml per liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of thrips in pomegranate for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] ecocidechilli extract garlic oil pine oil 3 ml per liter of water </s>
Query about market information, the query is onion market rate for the crop Onion
onion market rate 500 1200qt
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is onion market rate for the crop Onion [/INST] onion market rate 500 1200qt </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of blight attack on brinjal for the crop Brinjal
spray blue copper 30 gm15 lit watercopper oxychloride 50 wp syngenta
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of blight attack on brinjal for the crop Brinjal [/INST] spray blue copper 30 gm15 lit watercopper oxychloride 50 wp syngenta </s>
Query about 3, the query is control measure for tur leaf roller for the crop 1066
spray dimethoate 30ec10ml10litof water
<s>[INST] Query about 3, the query is control measure for tur leaf roller for the crop 1066 [/INST] spray dimethoate 30ec10ml10litof water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of aphids on sorghum for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet
rijent 20 ml 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of aphids on sorghum for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet [/INST] rijent 20 ml 15 liter water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is variety of ground nut for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli
tag 24 tag 26 sb 11
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is variety of ground nut for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli [/INST] tag 24 tag 26 sb 11 </s>
Query about 6, the query is market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
date variety apmc unit quantity hrate lrate average 16112 digras quintal 434 4100 3800 3950 savner quintal 1200 4150 4000 4075 sailu quintal 1300 4271 4011 4151 deulgaon raja quintal 2777 4240 3800 4160 katol quintal 724 4150 4025 4075 local basmat quintal 354 4070 3950 4000
<s>[INST] Query about 6, the query is market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] date variety apmc unit quantity hrate lrate average 16112 digras quintal 434 4100 3800 3950 savner quintal 1200 4150 4000 4075 sailu quintal 1300 4271 4011 4151 deulgaon raja quintal 2777 4240 3800 4160 katol quintal 724 4150 4025 4075 local basmat quintal 354 4070 3950 4000 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is oily spot attack for the crop Pomegranate
blue copper 40 gm15 lit water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is oily spot attack for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] blue copper 40 gm15 lit water </s>
Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
market rate of 4800 rs quintal
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] market rate of 4800 rs quintal </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about fertilsier dose for onion for the crop Onion
application of 10 26 26 2 bag urea 10 kgacre
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asking about fertilsier dose for onion for the crop Onion [/INST] application of 10 26 26 2 bag urea 10 kgacre </s>
Query about 9999, the query is to know the weather report of jalgaon for the crop 9999
cloudy weathertoday and tommarow
<s>[INST] Query about 9999, the query is to know the weather report of jalgaon for the crop 9999 [/INST] cloudy weathertoday and tommarow </s>
Query about 3, the query is attack of bstem borer in sugarcane crop for the crop Sunnhemp Patua
spraying quinolphos 20 ml in 10 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about 3, the query is attack of bstem borer in sugarcane crop for the crop Sunnhemp Patua [/INST] spraying quinolphos 20 ml in 10 liter of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of wilt mar for the crop Watermelon
blue copper 20 gm humic acid 20 mlcopper oxichloride syngenta
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of wilt mar for the crop Watermelon [/INST] blue copper 20 gm humic acid 20 mlcopper oxichloride syngenta </s>
Query about 6, the query is market rate for the crop Cotton Kapas
commodity cotton rate per unit in rs date variety apmc unit quantity hrate lrate average 20112 hybrid gevrai quintal 7001 4100 3600 3900 19112 savner quintal 1500 4200 4100 4150 sailu quintal 2400 4150 4063 4100 deulgaon raja quintal 5854 4135 3900 4050
<s>[INST] Query about 6, the query is market rate for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] commodity cotton rate per unit in rs date variety apmc unit quantity hrate lrate average 20112 hybrid gevrai quintal 7001 4100 3600 3900 19112 savner quintal 1500 4200 4100 4150 sailu quintal 2400 4150 4063 4100 deulgaon raja quintal 5854 4135 3900 4050 </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertiliser dose for the crop Watermelon
spray calcium nitrate boron 20gm10lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertiliser dose for the crop Watermelon [/INST] spray calcium nitrate boron 20gm10lit of water </s>
Query about varieties, the query is varities of mug for the crop Green Gram Moong Bean Moong
varities of mug pusa vaishakhi akt 1
<s>[INST] Query about varieties, the query is varities of mug for the crop Green Gram Moong Bean Moong [/INST] varities of mug pusa vaishakhi akt 1 </s>
Query about cultural practices, the query is fertilizer dose for cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
application 15 bag 10 26 26 acre
<s>[INST] Query about cultural practices, the query is fertilizer dose for cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] application 15 bag 10 26 26 acre </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fert dose 4 papaya for the crop 1324
50 50 50 gm npk per plant
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fert dose 4 papaya for the crop 1324 [/INST] 50 50 50 gm npk per plant </s>
Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
market rate of cotton hinganghatquintal11500410051504300 rupeesqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] market rate of cotton hinganghatquintal11500410051504300 rupeesqtl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is thrips attack for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray regent 30 ml 15 liter waterfipronil 5 sc bayer
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is thrips attack for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray regent 30 ml 15 liter waterfipronil 5 sc bayer </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer dose for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane
compost 6 7 ton acre
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer dose for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane [/INST] compost 6 7 ton acre </s>
Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
market rate of cotton 4100 4550 rupeesqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] market rate of cotton 4100 4550 rupeesqtl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer deficiency for the crop Musk Melon
microlla 2 litacre
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer deficiency for the crop Musk Melon [/INST] microlla 2 litacre </s>
Query about nan, the query is pest for the crop Cauliflower
abcin 7 mili actra 5 gram
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is pest for the crop Cauliflower [/INST] abcin 7 mili actra 5 gram </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is pigronpea leaf eating caterpillar for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
nimrak35mlboomflower35ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is pigronpea leaf eating caterpillar for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur [/INST] nimrak35mlboomflower35ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about nan, the query is pest for the crop Chillies
focas 15 mili excite 15 mili pamp la favarni kara
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is pest for the crop Chillies [/INST] focas 15 mili excite 15 mili pamp la favarni kara </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is tomato attack blight for the crop Tomato
redomil gold30gmmicrola30mlstikar15ml15lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is tomato attack blight for the crop Tomato [/INST] redomil gold30gmmicrola30mlstikar15ml15lit of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about bitter gourd for the crop Bitter Gourd
polo 25 gm pump spray
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about bitter gourd for the crop Bitter Gourd [/INST] polo 25 gm pump spray </s>
Query about 0, the query is variety of banana for the crop Banana
basarai g 9 are suitable
<s>[INST] Query about 0, the query is variety of banana for the crop Banana [/INST] basarai g 9 are suitable </s>
Query about market information, the query is onion market ret info for the crop Onion
onion market ret 1450q
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is onion market ret info for the crop Onion [/INST] onion market ret 1450q </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is root fungus attack for the crop Ginger
drenching blue copper 30gm humic acid 30ml 15 liter of water for controlling wilt in tomato
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is root fungus attack for the crop Ginger [/INST] drenching blue copper 30gm humic acid 30ml 15 liter of water for controlling wilt in tomato </s>
Query about nan, the query is jassidesthrips for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli
spray actara5ml15 lit water
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is jassidesthrips for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli [/INST] spray actara5ml15 lit water </s>
Query about 20, the query is proper growth is not seen for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray microla 25ml10lit of water humic acid 20ml10lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about 20, the query is proper growth is not seen for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray microla 25ml10lit of water humic acid 20ml10lit of water </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is mango varieties for the crop Mango
mango varieties keshar amrapalilangada
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is mango varieties for the crop Mango [/INST] mango varieties keshar amrapalilangada </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is variety of brinjal for the crop Brinjal
variety of brinjal manjari gota krushana
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is variety of brinjal for the crop Brinjal [/INST] variety of brinjal manjari gota krushana </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is thrips attack for the crop Cotton Kapas
005234 60 grampump
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is thrips attack for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] 005234 60 grampump </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is weed management for the crop other
spray 2 4 d
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is weed management for the crop other [/INST] spray 2 4 d </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is appl- fertiliser for the crop Brinjal
urea19 19 1910 26 260 52 34
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is appl- fertiliser for the crop Brinjal [/INST] urea19 19 1910 26 260 52 34 </s>
Query about 6, the query is market price of soybean for the crop Soybean bhat
rs 2300 2400qtl
<s>[INST] Query about 6, the query is market price of soybean for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] rs 2300 2400qtl </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked aabout fertiliser dose for cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
fertiliser dose for cotton 19 19 19 1 bag urea 25 kg magneshium sulphet 10 kg neem cake ekar
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked aabout fertiliser dose for cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] fertiliser dose for cotton 19 19 19 1 bag urea 25 kg magneshium sulphet 10 kg neem cake ekar </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer for onion for the crop Onion
fertilizer for onion ssp mop
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer for onion for the crop Onion [/INST] fertilizer for onion ssp mop </s>
Query about field preparation, the query is market rate for the crop Soybean bhat
commodity soyabeanrate per unit in rsdatevarietyapmcunitquantitylratehratemodel14 1 2016 lasalgaon vinchurquintal116250037863727 shahadaquintal13365037463650 udgirquintal1500375037603760 karanjaquintal3100347036903585 shrirampurquintal5357535753575
<s>[INST] Query about field preparation, the query is market rate for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] commodity soyabeanrate per unit in rsdatevarietyapmcunitquantitylratehratemodel14 1 2016 lasalgaon vinchurquintal116250037863727 shahadaquintal13365037463650 udgirquintal1500375037603760 karanjaquintal3100347036903585 shrirampurquintal5357535753575 </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate of onion for aklut for the crop Onion
market rate of onion aklut min rate 700 max rate 1200qt
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate of onion for aklut for the crop Onion [/INST] market rate of onion aklut min rate 700 max rate 1200qt </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about soyabin market rate for the crop Soybean bhat
08 8 2015pivlatelharaquintal35300032753140pivlamandhalquintal630553055305507 8 2015 nagpurquintal12290032503163 karanjaquintal1200306032003100
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about soyabin market rate for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] 08 8 2015pivlatelharaquintal35300032753140pivlamandhalquintal630553055305507 8 2015 nagpurquintal12290032503163 karanjaquintal1200306032003100 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about white grub attack in bengal gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
for white grub attack in bengal gram use thimet 4 kgacrediethyl s phosphorodithioatemvac
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about white grub attack in bengal gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] for white grub attack in bengal gram use thimet 4 kgacrediethyl s phosphorodithioatemvac </s>
Query about seeds, the query is seedling required acer for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane
4356 seedling required acer plantation distance 15 meter 2 foot
<s>[INST] Query about seeds, the query is seedling required acer for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane [/INST] 4356 seedling required acer plantation distance 15 meter 2 foot </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is bollworm in cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
bollworm in cotton spray curacron 20 ml 15 lit water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is bollworm in cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] bollworm in cotton spray curacron 20 ml 15 lit water </s>
Query about market information, the query is asked about tomato market rate for the crop Tomato
tomato market rateshrirampur quintal8300050004000
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asked about tomato market rate for the crop Tomato [/INST] tomato market rateshrirampur quintal8300050004000 </s>
Query about market information, the query is gram market rate for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
gram market rate 3225 3300 rsqit
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is gram market rate for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] gram market rate 3225 3300 rsqit </s>
Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of green gram for the crop Green Gram Moong Bean Moong
market rate of green gram 6000 rupeesqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asking about market rate of green gram for the crop Green Gram Moong Bean Moong [/INST] market rate of green gram 6000 rupeesqtl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is fruit drop for the crop Tomato
spray m 45 30 gm15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is fruit drop for the crop Tomato [/INST] spray m 45 30 gm15 lit of water </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate of soyabean for the crop Soybean bhat
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate of soyabean for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] karanjaquintal4700385040403930 </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about fertilizer dose for growthfarmer asked about flower drop for the crop Cotton Kapas
19 19 19 60 geram microla 30 mili 15 liter water spray plano fix 5 ml 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about fertilizer dose for growthfarmer asked about flower drop for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] 19 19 19 60 geram microla 30 mili 15 liter water spray plano fix 5 ml 15 liter water </s>
Query about 76, the query is about alteneriya bligt for the crop 2108
sprying of score
<s>[INST] Query about 76, the query is about alteneriya bligt for the crop 2108 [/INST] sprying of score </s>
Query about 78, the query is variety of chiilli for the crop 1280
agnirekha jwala are suitable
<s>[INST] Query about 78, the query is variety of chiilli for the crop 1280 [/INST] agnirekha jwala are suitable </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is drenching on capsicum for the crop Capsicum
by drip 19 19 19 3 kg microlla 300 ml humic acid 300 ml
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is drenching on capsicum for the crop Capsicum [/INST] by drip 19 19 19 3 kg microlla 300 ml humic acid 300 ml </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer for the crop Banana
10 26 2610 26 26ureaurea
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer for the crop Banana [/INST] 10 26 2610 26 26ureaurea </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is wilt in fenugreek for the crop Fenugreek
drenching with bavistin 30gm humic acid 30ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is wilt in fenugreek for the crop Fenugreek [/INST] drenching with bavistin 30gm humic acid 30ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is water stress for the crop Pomegranate
water stress 30 40days
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is water stress for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] water stress 30 40days </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is white grub control in groundnut crop for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli
you can apply foret 2 3 kg acre use for white grub control in groundnut crop
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is white grub control in groundnut crop for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli [/INST] you can apply foret 2 3 kg acre use for white grub control in groundnut crop </s>