Query about water management, the query is asked about attack for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray quinolphos 30 ml 15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of aphids on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray super confidor 6ml15 liter of waterimida 178 sl bayer
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is askeda about fertilizer spraying on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray ridomil gold 45 gm15 liter of watermephonaxonmancozeb syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about the thrips attack on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
the thrips attack on paddy spray actra 5 gm15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta
Query about cultural practices, the query is asking about spacing for banana for the crop Banana
spacing for banana cultivation 1515 meter
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about paddy thrips and aphids for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray imidacloprid 178 4 mili aciphet 30 gram 15 litre water
Query about plant protection, the query is leaf blight in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
leaf blight in paddy spray bavistin
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of yelloe stem borer on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
use thimate 4 kg acre
Query about plant protection, the query is asded about fungal attack on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray saaf 30 gm 15 liters of water carbendazim 12 mancozeb 63 wp upl
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of thrips on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray actra 5 gm15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of thrips on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
bio 303 22 ml 15 liters of water
Query about cultural practices, the query is asked about attack of wilt on tur for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
drenching drenching of blue copper 40 gm 15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of thrips for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray super confidor 07 ml 15 litar water imidacloprid 178
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about aphid and thrips attack on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
control measure for aphid and thrips attack on paddy spray actra 5 gm thiamethoxam15liter of waterthiomithoxom 25
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about fertilizer dose on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
fertilizer dose on paddy apply 15 15 15 1 bag zinc sulphate 10 kg acre
Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is asking about fungal attack on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
fungal attack on paddy spray m 45 30 gm 15 liter water
Query about nutrient management, the query is farmer asked about grain discolorationsheath blight in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
about grain discolorationsheath blight in paddy spray avtar 30 gm 15 liters of water zineb 68 hexaconazol 4 wp
Query about nutrient management, the query is asking about attack of aphids on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
attack of aphids on paddy spray pride 7 gm 15 liters of water acetamiprid 20
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of aphid on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray actra 5 gm15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta
Query about cultural practices, the query is attack of aphid on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray confidor 10 ml 15 litar water imidacloprid 178
Query about nutrient management, the query is asked about attack of sucking pest on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
for control attack of sucking pest on paddy bio 303 22 ml 15 liters of water
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of aphids on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray actra 5 gm15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about rice fertilizer for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray 12 61 00 60 gm microlla 30 ml 15 liters of water
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of catterpillar on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray chloropyriphos 30mlblaze indofil15 liter of water
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of aphids on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray actra 5 gm15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of thrips aphids for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray tata mida 07 ml 15 liter waterimida 178 sl tata rallis
Query about field preparation, the query is asked about attack of aphids on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray actra 5 gm bavistin 30 gram 15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about sucking pest attack on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
sucking pest attack on paddy spray actra 5 gm15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of stem borer on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
attack of stem borer on paddy spray chloropyriphos 30 ml15 lit of water
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of sucking pest on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
super confidor 10 ml 15 litar water imidacloprid 178
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of thrips for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray actra 5 gm15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about sucking pest in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
sucking pest in paddy spray ullala 8 gm 15 lit of waterupl
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of aphids on rice for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray admire 5 gm 15 liter water bayer crop science
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about aphids attack on plumeria alba for the crop Chrysanthemum
spray actra 5 gm15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about rust of maize for the crop Maize Makka
spray microla 45 ml m 45 40 gm15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about spraying for the crop Paddy Dhan
drainching of blue copper 40 gm 15 liter water
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about adverse effect weedicide on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray taba 30 ml15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is blight attack on rice for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray ridomil gold 30 gm 15 liters of water syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of fungus on paddy for the crop Wheat
attack of fungus on paddy spray saaf 30 gm 15 liters of water carbendazim 12 mancozeb 63 wp upl
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about wilt attack for the crop Ginger
spray blue copper 40 gm15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer spray for growth for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger
bavistin 30 gram microlla 30 ml 15 liters of water
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of sucking pest for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray rogar 15ml15 liter of water dimethoate cheminova
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about sucking pest attack for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray actra 5 gm bavistine 30gm15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is blight attack on dhaan for the crop Paddy Dhan
blight attack on dhaan spray m 45 30 gm 15 liter watermancozeb indofil
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of aphids for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray imidacloprid 18 sp 5 gm 15 liter water bayer crop science
Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
market rate of paddy rs 1482 1494 qtl
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of aphids on pigeon pea for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
spray actra 5 gm15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta
Query about cultural practices, the query is asked about seed treatment for gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
seed treatment before sowing mix 2 grams of thyrum powder 2 gm bavistine or 5 g trichoderma and 25 gms of rizobium and psb mixed with cold dilution
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about abiotic stress on fenugreek for the crop Leafy Vegetable
spray silicon ortho selicilic acid 3 3 15 20 ml15 litre of water
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer spray for growth for methi for the crop Leafy Vegetable
spray for growth for methi 19 19 19 40 gm microlla 30 ml 15 liters of water
Query about seeds and planting material, the query is asked about variety of drum stick for the crop Drum Stick
variety of drum stick moringa odisi pkm 1
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of fruit borer on brinjal for the crop Brinjal
attack of fruit borer on brinjal spray of solomon 8ml15 liter water
Query about nan, the query is asked about attack of wilt on onion for the crop Onion
drainching of blue copper 30 gm humic acid 30 ml15 liter water
Query about nan, the query is asked about fertilizer dose for growth of cabbage for the crop Cabbage
19 19 19 60 gram microla 30 mili 15 liter of water
Query about nan, the query is farmer asked about attack of sucking peas on okra for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger
okra sucking pest spray ullala 8 gm15 lit of waterupl
Query about nan, the query is asking about blight attack on banana for the crop Banana
blight attack on banana spray m 45 30 gm 15 liter watermancozeb indofil
Query about nan, the query is attack of nematode on drumstick for the crop Drum Stick
you can apply nematosan 2 4 kg ha
Query about nan, the query is asked about attack of sucking pest on brinjal for the crop Brinjal
attack of sucking pest on brinjal bio 303 22 ml 15 liters of water daman
Query about nan, the query is farmer asked about fertilizer spray for growth of pigeon pea for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
fertilizer spray for growth of pigeon pea spray 00 52 34 60 gm microlla 30 ml 15 liters of water
Query about nan, the query is asked about sowing time for wheat for the crop Wheat
sowing time cereal wheat is sown in the second fortnight of october complete the sowing of horticultural wheat in the first fortnight of november for this prioritize the soil and keep the soil ready
Query about nan, the query is farmer asking about varieties of wheat for the crop Wheat
varieties of wheat panchavati sharad
Query about nan, the query is asked about variety of wheat for the crop Wheat
varieties of wheat phule samadhan godavari tapovan tryambak ajit 104 sona sonalika lokvan mayko pratham 70 70
Query about nan, the query is asked about weed management in wheat for the crop Wheat
management in wheat to use pendamethalin 30 ec before emergence of wheat crop and weeds
Query about nan, the query is farmer asked about varieties of marigold for the crop Marigold
asked about varieties of marigold pusa orange genda pusa basanti genda cracker jack alaska orange treasure african tall double mixed yellow supreme gianna gold span gold hawaii african double orange sun giant giant double african yellow orange early yellow early orange bangalore local dashi sunshine etc
Query about nan, the query is asking about attack of catterpillar on bengal gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
attack of catterpillar on bengal gram control spray quinolphos 30 mlquinalphos 25 ec15 liter of water
Query about nan, the query is farmer asked about fertilizer dose for banana for the crop Banana
fertilizer dose for banana apply 19 19 19 3 kg microla 2 liter acre through drip system
Query about nan, the query is wilt attack on gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
spray bavistine 30gm15lit of water
Query about nan, the query is farmer asked about blight attack on turmeric for the crop Turmeric
about blight attack on turmeric spray ridomil gold 35 gram with microlla 30 in 15 litres of water
Query about nan, the query is asked about flower drop in pigeon pea for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
flower drop in pigeon pea to spray plano fix 5ml15 lit of waternaa bayer
Query about plant protection, the query is farmer asked about control of attack of wilt on tomato for the crop Tomato
control of attack of wilt on tomato spray score 8 ml15 liter of water difenconyazol 25ec
Query about crop insurance, the query is asked about crop insurance for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet
last date for filling application for sorghum is 30112018
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of mealy bug on tomato for the crop Tomato
spray nuvan 20 ml 15 liters of water dichlorvos 76 ec
Query about sowing time and weather, the query is asked about what type land suitable for soghum for the crop Sorghum JowarGreat Millet
landsorghum yields well in most black medium black or tidy soil except for rattan and chopping soil in some alkaline alkaline soil and ph value 5 to 5 this crop can also grow in acidic soil
Query about seeds and planting material, the query is rust attack for the crop Baby Corn
spray m 45 30 gm 15 liter watermancozeb indofil
Query about cultural practices, the query is asked about sowing time in wheat for the crop Wheat
sowing time in wheat oct nov
Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of rice for the crop Paddy Dhan
aarmori market rate of rice 1900 2050 rs quintal
Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of rice for the crop Paddy Dhan
market rate of rice 1400 1600 rupeesqtl
Query about weed management, the query is weed management in bengal gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
weed management in bengal gram spray pendimethylin 30 40 ml 15 lit of water
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of catterpillar on pigeon pea for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
spray proclaim 07 gm15 liter of wateremamectin benzoatesyngenta
Query about organic farming, the query is insecticide asking about attack of catterpillar on for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
spray proclaim 07 gm15 liter of wateremamectin benzoatesyngenta
Query about varieties, the query is asked about contact number of sed production company for the crop Paddy Dhan
vnr company 7869920330
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about spray for flower drop control for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
flower drop control spray plano fix 5ml15 lit of waternaa bayer
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of caterpillar on gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
spray proclaim 5 gm15lit of water emamectin benzoate 5 sg syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of wilt mardrenching for the crop Banana
ridomil gold 45 gm humic acid 30mlmephonaxonmancozebsyngnt
Query about varieties, the query is farmer asked about variety of green gram for the crop Green Gram Moong Bean Moong
variety of green gram kopargaonvaybhavphule m 2
Query about plant protection, the query is farmer asked about control sucking pests on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
control of sucking pests on paddy lancer gold 518 sp 30 gm15liter of water acephate 50 imidacloprid 18 sp
Query about plant protection, the query is farmer asking about attack of catterpillar on bitter gourd for the crop Bitter Gourd
spray proclaim 07 gm15 liter of wateremamectin benzoate
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about flower dropping in pigeon pea for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
spray silicon 03 dow silicon 20 ml in 15 litre of water
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is wilt attack gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
spray bavistine 30gm15lit of water carbendazim 50 wp basf
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is attack of aphids rice for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
spray actra 5 gm15 liter of waterthiomithoxom 25 syngenta
Query about nutrient management, the query is asking about application for branching for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
application for branching spray vruddhi 1 ml1 liter watertriacontanol 01
Query about cultural practices, the query is asked about sowing time of sunflower for the crop Sunflower suryamukhi
sowing season kharif july 1st fortnight rabbi oct 1st first fortnight to november first fortnight summer 1st fortnight of february
Query about plant protection, the query is farmer asked for wilt attack on gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
wilt attack on gram spray saaf 30 gm 15 liters of water carbendazim 12 mancozeb 63 wp upl
Query about cultural practices, the query is asked about inter-crop in pigeon pea for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
pigeon pea sunflower 1 2 pigeon pea soybean 1 3 or 1 4 pigeon pea jawar 1 2 or 1 4pigeon pea cotton pigeon pea groundnut black gram1 3 both the crops are well produced if sown in this way
Query about cultural practices, the query is asked about post emergence herbicide for wheat for the crop Wheat
post emergence herbicide for wheat spray metsulfuron methyl 8 gm ekar
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is farmer asked about fertilizer dose on bitter gourd for the crop Bitter Gourd
spray 12 61 00 60 gm microlla 30 ml 15 liters of water
Query about plant protection, the query is farmer asking about control of wilt attack on bengal gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
control of wilt attack on bengal gram spray bavistine 30gm15lit of water
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of thrips on banana for the crop Banana
spray asiphet 30 gm15 liter of water asifet 70 sp tata rallis
Query about market information, the query is asked about wheat market rate for the crop Wheat
wheat market ratemumbailocalquintal8778210035002800
Query about seeds and planting material, the query is chilly variety for the crop Chillies
chilly variety gunturbedgi