Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about information sugarcane for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane
130045 3 kg acre fertilizer use in sugarcane crop
Query about varieties, the query is asked about rice varieties for the crop Paddy Dhan
rice varieties ir 8 basumati indrayani kolam
Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of unhusked paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
market rate of unhusked paddy 1010 variety 1430 1450 rsquintal
Query about varieties, the query is asked about varieties of paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
varieties of paddy karjat 184karjat 14 7karjat 2sahyadri 2 sahyadri 3sahyadri 4
Query about seeds and planting material, the query is malberi varieties for the crop Sandal Wood
g4 the variety was developed during 2003 from cross pollinated hybrids of m multicaulis and s 30 the variety is characterized by open type bushes fast growing and high branching branches are straight greyish with short inter nodes leaves are dark green unlobed cordate thick with wavy surface it has high rooting ability under assured irrigation and recommended package of practices it yields 65 mthayear the variety is recommended for late age silkworm
Query about varieties, the query is varieties for the crop Paddy Dhan
seed yield kg ha finely 35 40 medium 50 sahyadri 20spacing of difference cm 20 15 sahyadri 20 20hectare yield quintal ha 40 55 hybrid 60 70the crop period days early 115 120 medium 126 140 late 145 150 hybrid 125 130 fragrant 130 135improved caste early sakoli 6 sinwevi 1 medium sinweevi 751 pkv ganesh late sinwevi 5 sakoli 8 hybrid sahyadri 234 sugar sakoli 7ratnagiri 1 2345 2468 173711 karjat 1 9
Query about seeds, the query is tur varieties for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
tur varieties t vishakha 1 akt 8811
Query about plant protection, the query is spray in bringle for the crop Brinjal
19 19 19 60 gm microlla 30 ml bavistin 30 gm15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is fungus attack on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
fungus attack on paddy drainching of blue copper 30 gm humic acid 30 ml15 liter water
Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of bottle gourd for the crop Bottle Gourd
market rate of bottle gourd 8001000rsquintal
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about the fungal attack on rice for the crop Paddy Dhan
fungal attack on rice spray bavistine 30gm15lit of water carbendazim 50 wp basf
Query about seeds, the query is farmer asked for seed treatment for riceseed for the crop Paddy Dhan
seed treatment for riceseed2 gram bavistin 2 gram thiram kg seed
Query about vegetative propagation and tissue culture, the query is asked about varieties of mango for the crop Mango
varieties of mango kesar payri langda mallika sindhu amrpali
Query about plant protection, the query is wilt attack for the crop Bitter Gourd
drenching of bavistin 30gm15litwater
Query about plant protection, the query is wilt attack on turmeric for the crop Turmeric
spray ridomil gold 30 gm 15 liters of water syngenta
Query about market information, the query is asked for market rate of bottle gourd for the crop Bottle Gourd
market rate of bottle gourd 500 800 rsq
Query about cultural practices, the query is asked about information paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
102626 1 bag acre fertiluizer use in paddy
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of caterpillar on soybean for the crop Soybean bhat
attack of caterpillar on soybean spray chloropyriphos 30ml15 liter of water
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about fertilizer dose of paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spraying of 19 19 19 60 gram microla 30 ml 15 liter water
Query about weed management, the query is which herbicide use paddy crop for the crop Paddy Dhan
24 d sodium salt fernoxone 80 wp 125 kgha dissolved in 625 litres with a high volume sprayer three weeks after transplanting or when the weeds are in 3 4 leaf stage
Query about nutrient management, the query is for bloosming in ridge gourd for the crop Ridge Gourd
spray boom flower 30ml devicropscience15 liter of water
Query about market information, the query is bottle gourd market rate for the crop Bottle Gourd
bottle gourd market rate 300 600 rsqit
Query about weed management, the query is herbicide spary on rice for the crop Paddy Dhan
2 4 d phenoxy carboxylic acid 25 ml1 liter of water
Query about cultural practices, the query is rice cultivation spacing for the crop Paddy Dhan
rice spacing 15 x 15 cm or 20 x 15 cm
Query about cultural practices, the query is asked about information brinjel for the crop Brinjal
191919 60gm microlla 30 ml pump water drench
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of caterpillar on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
attack of caterpillar on paddy spray chloropyriphos 30mlblaze indofil15 liter of water
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asking about fertilizer dose for paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
fertilizer dose for paddy application of 43 kilo urea125 kilo ssp33 kilo murate of potash acre at time of sowing 22 kilo urea at time of initial tillering stage and then 22 kilo urea at time of flowering stage
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is which fertilizer apply paddy crop for the crop Paddy Dhan
you can spray 1919 19 for 100 gram microla 40 mili qunolphos 30 mili pamp water use for paddy crop
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asking about fertiliser dose for paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
application of 10 26 26 2 bag urea 50 kg micro nutrients 10 kgacre
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer dose for soybean for the crop Soybean bhat
fertilizer dose for soybean spray 00 52 34 60 gm 15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about control of caterpillar attack for the crop Paddy Dhan
caterpillar attack quinolphos 30 ml 15 liter water
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer dose for the crop Paddy Dhan
10 26 26 1 bag urea 10 kg micronutrient 10 kg humic acid 2 kg acar
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is which fertilizer apply bottle gurd crop for the crop Bottle Gourd
you can spray imidacloprid 05 mili liter water use for bottle gurd crop
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about fertilizer spray on ridge gourd for the crop Bitter Gourd
fertilizer spray on ridge gourd spray 00 52 34 60 gm 15 liter water
Query about nutrient management, the query is nutrients for fruit size development in bitter gourd for the crop Bitter Gourd
spray 00 52 34 60 gm 15 lit of water
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of caterpillar on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray neem ark 30 ml15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about control of fruit drop attack for the crop Bottle Gourd
spraying of 00 52 34 60 gram calshiam 25 gram boron 25 gram 15 liter water
Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of bottle gourd for the crop Bottle Gourd
market rate of bottle gourd 800 1200 rsquintal
Query about weed management, the query is weed management in rice for the crop Paddy Dhan
weed management in rice spray 24 d 40 gm 15 liters of water 30 35 days after sowing
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about information paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
102626 15 bag acre fertilizer use in paddy
Query about field preparation, the query is attack of caterpillar paddy crop for the crop Paddy Dhan
apply spray chloropyriphos 30ml15 liter of water
Query about nan, the query is asking about weather information for the crop other
this week weather is cloudy possibility of light to medium rainfallprecip chance 44humidity 71
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of white grub in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
use thimate 4 kg acre
Query about plant protection, the query is powdery or downy or blight in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray tilt 7 ml 15 liter of water propiconazole syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is blight in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
blight in paddy spray m 45 30 gm 15 lit
Query about bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizers, the query is blight attack of paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray antracol 30 gm15 liter of water propineb bayer crop science
Query about cultural practices, the query is asked about cultivation of ginger for the crop Ginger
Query about weed management, the query is weed management in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
weed management in paddy spray 2 4 d
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is tomato fertilizers dose for the crop Tomato
tomato fertilizers dose 00 52 342kgmicrola200mlhumik acid200ml
Query about nutrient management, the query is asked about nutrient for dhaan for the crop Paddy Dhan
nutrient for dhaan aplication of ammonium sulphet 2 bag ekar
Query about plant protection, the query is attack stem borer on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
stem borer on paddy spray nuvan 20 ml 15 liters of water dichlorvos 76 ec
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about stem borer attack on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray nuvan 20 ml 15 liters of water dichlorvos 76 ec
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about control of sucking pest attack for the crop Chillies
spraying actra 5 gram bavistin 25 gram 15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of yellow stem borer on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
yellow stem borer on paddy spray chloropyriphos 30 ml15 lit of water
Query about plant protection, the query is spray for paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray chloropyriphos 30 ml15 lit of water
Query about weed management, the query is weed management in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
weed management in paddy spray sathi
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of stem borer on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray chloropyriphos 30ml15 liter of water
Query about nutrient management, the query is asked about fertilizer spray for growth on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray 19 19 19 40 gm microlla 30 ml bavistine 30 gm 15 liters of water
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of yellow stem borer on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray coragen 5ml15 liter of waterchlorantraniliproledupont
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asking about fertilizer dose for paddy crop for the crop Paddy Dhan
application of 15 15 15 2 bag urea 10 kg micro nutrients 05 kgacre
Query about plant protection, the query is yellow stem borer control on paddy crop for the crop Paddy Dhan
you can spray profex super 40 mili asefet 30 gram pamp water use for yellow stem borer control on paddy crop
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of stem borer for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray triaphose 30 mili 15 litre of water
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer spray by growth for the crop Bitter Gourd
spray by 19 19 19 3 kg microlla 300 ml humic acid 300 ml
Query about plant protection, the query is attack stem borer in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray nuvan 20 ml 15 liters of water dichlorvos 76 ec
Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is asked about attack of stem borer in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
attack of stem borer in paddy spray for nuvan 20ml15 liter of water
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of stem borer for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray benevia 10 ml in 15 liter water
Query about cultural practices, the query is paddy wilt for the crop Paddy Dhan
paddy wilt spray microla 45 ml m 45 40 gm15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is leaf blight in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
leaf blight in paddy spray bavistin 30 gm 15 lit water
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about blast in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray microla 30 ml m 45 25 gm15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is flower drop in cluster bean for the crop Cluster Bean
flower drop in cluster bean spray tata bahar 20 ml 15 litr
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about controll of red rust for the crop Paddy Dhan
diathen m 45 3 gm 1 lit water 2 3 spray by 10 days interval
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack stem borer on rice asking about controll of blight attack on rice for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray nuvan 20 ml 15 liters of water dichlorvos 76 ecspray ridomil gold 30 gm 15 liters of water syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is rice blast for the crop Paddy Dhan
rice blast spray kavach 15 gm15 liter of waterchlorothalonil syngenta
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asking about control of blight attack for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray blue copper 30 gm15 lit watercopper oxychloride 50 wp syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about control of blight attack for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray bavistine 30gm15lit of water
Query about cultural practices, the query is asked about attack of wilt or fungal attack on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray saaf 30 gm 15 liters of water carbendazim 12 mancozeb 63 wp upl
Query about plant protection, the query is attack stem borer for the crop Paddy Dhan
phorate 10 gm 5 kgacre application
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about fruit increasing for the crop Bottle Gourd
spray for fruit increasing size boron 30 gm calshium nitrate 30 gm15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack stem borer on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
attack stem borer on paddy spray nuvan 20 ml 15 liters of water dichlorvos 76 ec
Query about plant protection, the query is blight attack for the crop Paddy Dhan
blue copper 40 gm 15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of leaf eating caterpillar on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray chloropyriphos 30 ml m 45 30 gram 15 lit of water
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about control of blight attack on rice for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray m 45 30 gm 15 liter watermancozeb indofil
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack stem borer on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
attack stem borer on paddy spray nuvan 20 ml 15 liters of water dichlorvos 76 ec
Query about cultural practices, the query is yellowing of paddy leaves for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray bavistine 30gm15lit of water
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of thrips on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
lancer gold acephate 50 imidacloprid 18 sp 30 gram 15 litre of water
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of stem borer in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
attack of stem borer in paddyspray quinolphos 30 mlbavistin 30 gm 15 liter wate
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of blight on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
attack of blight on paddy spray neon 20 ml 15 lit of water
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of leaf eating caterpillar for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray chloropyriphos 30 ml m 45 30 gram 15 lit of water
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of rice hispa for the crop Paddy Dhan
integrated management 1 bind the water in the field and then take a pistachio crop over the pestle so the swells fall into the water after that the water from the field should be drained so that the wells down with water are carried away they should be collected and destroyed2 if necessary dust the carbaryl 10 water mixing powder 25 kg per hectare
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of leaf eating caterpillar for the crop Paddy Dhan
bio 303 22 ml 15 liters of water daman
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about controll of fungal attack for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray mancozeb 30 gm 15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about spray for flowering for the crop Ber
potashium nitrate 5 gram nitrobenzin 3 mili lit of water
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about controll of blight attack on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
controll of blight attack on paddy spray saaf 30 gm 15 liters of water carbendazim 12 mancozeb 63 wp upl
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about rice sucking pest for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray neem ark 20 ml15 liter water
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of blight on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray avtar 30 gm 15 liters of water zineb 68 hexaconazol 4 wp indofil
Query about vegetative propagation and tissue culture, the query is asked about bottle gourd varieties for the crop Bottle Gourd
bottle gourd varieties pusa summer prolific long pusa summer prolific round pusa manjari pusa megdoot and arka bahar samrat pusa navin
Query about vegetative propagation and tissue culture, the query is asked about varieties of brinjal for the crop Brinjal
varieties of brinjal purple co2 plr 1plr br 2 krushnahybridphule arjunhybridgreen pkm 1phule harit
Query about nutrient management, the query is asked about fungal attack on paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray blue copper 30 gm15 lit watercopper oxychloride 50 wp syngenta
Query about plant protection, the query is blight or wilt for the crop Paddy Dhan
chloropyriphos 30ml m 45 30gm 15 liter of water drenching
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer spray for growth in paddy for the crop Paddy Dhan
spray 12 61 00 60 gm microlla 30 ml 15 liters of water