6 values
[ "We are on our way . I think our first stop is Buckingham Palace .", "That's right . I can already see the Palace Garden on the left ." ]
And here is Buckingham Palace ! Look , isn't it beautiful ? It is much bigger than I imagined .
[ "That's great ! We made 20 minutes earlier .", "Good thing , we took a taxi .", "Mom , you are the best !" ]
Hey , look there . It is an advertisement of the piano training class on the billboard . The place is not far from our home .
[ "Hi , I'm checking in . The last name is Rama .", "Yes , here is your reservation . You have a standard room reserved for two nights . Is that right ?" ]
Actually , no . It should be a suite . I had booked a non-smoking king .
[ "Honey , could you help me here a minute ?", "Sure , sweetie.What are you doing ?" ]
I want to put this curtain up .
[ "I came in to see how my home inspection went .", "First of all , I need to share what the purpose of a home inspection is . Do you understand what I was doing there ?", "I had a home inspection before , but didn ’ t really understand it .", "I help you spot potential problems with the home before you purchase it ." ]
The owner said that the roof had leaked , but that he got it fixed last month .
[ "Would you like to take a look at the menu , sir ?", "Yes . Thank you .", "Would you care for a drink before you order ?" ]
A glass of Qingdao beer .
[ "Hi , this is ABC Company . Is that Joseph ?", "Yes , speaking . Anything I can do for you ?", "I am calling to tell you that the interview for you is in our company on Monday morning at 8: 00 .", "Where is the interview happening ?" ]
It is on the Jianshe Street where there is a Carrefour Supermarket near it .
[ "What a lovely tapestry ! Don't you think we could use one to decorate our room ?", "I think we can have a try .", "Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art , an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style ." ]
I see . Is this the marvelous landscape in Guiling ?
[ "I ’ d like to send this parcel to Australia .", "Certainly . Could you put it on the scales , so I can check the weight ?", "Sure . It ’ s not very heavy .", "That ’ s 850 grams . The coasts depends on how you would like to send it .", "I see . What are the options ? I suppose airmail is faster and more expensive than surface mail ." ]
That ’ s right . Sending it by airmail will cost twelve dollars and sending it by surface mail will cost eight dollars .
[ "I ’ d like to send this parcel to Australia .", "Certainly . Could you put it on the scales , so I can check the weight ?", "Sure . It ’ s not very heavy .", "That ’ s 850 grams . The coasts depends on how you would like to send it .", "I see . What are the options ? I suppose airmail is faster and more expensive than surface mail .", "That ’ s right . Sending it by airmail will cost twelve dollars and sending it by surface mail will cost eight dollars .", "How long will it take to get there ?", "Airmail should take four or five days and surface mail should take about two weeks ." ]
It that case , I ’ ll send it by airmail . I ’ d like to send it as a registered parcel .
[ "Waiter , bill , please .", "Yes , I'll be with you in a minute . Here's your bill , sir . It's 480 yuan altogether .", "What's this for ?", "That's for the wine .", "I see .", "Would you like to put it on your hotel bill ?", "Yes . please ." ]
Your name and room number , please ?
[ "Jenny , what's your favorite color ?", "I like red .", "Now , we're going to draw an apple in your sketch book . What do we use ?", "Dad , I want to draw with crayons , can I ?" ]
Why not ? Let's draw the outline of an apple with your pencil first .
[ "The mailboxes are right down there , and the laundry room with coin-operated washers and dryers is over there .", "I see . Well , it's nothing spectacular , but it's pretty cheap for an apartment in a decent neighborhood ... O . K . , I think I'll take it .", "All right , do you want to sign a nine-month or a one-year lease ?", "I think I'll sign a nine-month lease in case I decide not to go to summer school . I can extend it if I want to stay , can't I ?" ]
Sure . Just let us know before your lease expires .
[ "Hello ?", "Hello , is that Miss Smith ?", "Yes .", "This is Mr.Gao . How are you ?", "Not too bad , thanks . And you ?", "Fine . Listen . Are you free on Wednesday night ? I'd like to invite you to dinner .", "I'm terribly sorry , but I've already made arrangements for Wednesday .", "That's a pity . How about Thursday ?", "That would be fine .", "Great . What time would you like to meet ?", "Whenever is suitable for you . I have no plans for that day .", "OK , let's say 6", "And where would you like to meet ?", "I can pick you up at the gate of your company . Also , what type of food do you like ?", "I'm not very familiar with Chinese cuisine . What can you recommend ?" ]
Well , have you heard of Peking Duck ? it's a local specialty .
[ "Would you like some drinks ?", "Yes , what kinds of wine do you have ?" ]
We have various kinds of wine . As for an appetizer , I advise you to order white wine or dry white wine .
[ "I'm looking for some fresh produce that's on sale .", "Well , we just got in some mangoes ." ]
Mangoes . What are they ?
[ "I'm looking for some fresh produce that's on sale .", "Well , we just got in some mangoes .", "Mangoes . What are they ?", "Well , it's a fruit with a big nut in it .", "Can you eat the nut ?", "No , you peel off the skin and throw out the nut .", "How much are they ?", "Well , the sale price is $ 1 each .", "What does a mango taste like ?", "They're like a citrus fruit ." ]
How do I know if it's ripe ?
[ "You like this china tea set , don't you ?", "Yes , but can you show me the other colour ones ?", "Sure.How about the brown one ?", "No , I don't like the brown one .", "The blue one ?", "Good , I like it ." ]
You've made a good choice.This china tea set is unusual.It was made in Jingdezhen .
[ "So where is this mystery restaurant that we are going to ?", "It ' s an Indian restaurant ! I know you have never had Indian food , so I thought you might want to try .", "That sounds great ! I am craving some type of beef dish .", "Well , Indian cuisine actually doesn ' t serve beef . You see , cows are a sacred animal , a very important element in the Hindu religion , so beef is not eaten .", "I see , so what are we having ? Chicken ?" ]
There are many amazing dishes to choose from . We can have some chicken tikka masala which is an amazing curry . It ' s a bit spicy , but I think you can handle it .
[ "What are you thinking ?", "I ’ m thinking about where we shall spend our vocation .", "It ’ s about 7 o ’ clock . let ’ s have our breakfast first .", "Ok , dear.We will be late .", "What do you want ?" ]
A ham salad sandwich .
[ "alright , tell me what you think .", "don't you think it ’ s a bit bright ?", "yeah , maybe you ’ re right . How about this outfit ?", "that dress looks lovely on you , but it ’ s not very practical , is it ?", "no , I don't have an plans to go to a formal dance any time soon , but I love the way it looks . I just had to try it on ! What do you think about this ? It ’ s casual , yet sophisticated .", "I like the jeans , but you need something to go with the top . It ’ s too plain on its own ." ]
how about this scarf , these earrings , and an anklet ?
[ "How can I help you ?", "Yes , I would like to look at some of your products .", "Did you have anything specific in mind ?", "Well , to be honest , I mostly use Sarah Winter products now.But I'm not happy with them . So I would like to change companies .", "Well , you made a good choice . Coming to us , I mean.We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skin cleansers and moisturizers .", "What do you have in foundation ?", "Our foundation is very high quality . Only the finest ingredients.It will moisturize your skin and it has a sun block rating of 8 .", "What colors do you have in foundation ?", "Let me show you.We have this rose color . We also have different shades of beige .", "The color I use now is rose.How much does this rose foundation cost ? The 100ml bottle .", "In this size , we sell it for 53.95 .", "Wow ! That's expensive .", "What you're paying for , Ma'am , are the ingredients.It is a very high quality product .", "I understand . I need some mascara too.Do you have a good thickening mascara ?" ]
Of course . Here is our thickening mascara.We also have mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes .
[ "Hello , it's my first time in Egypt . What would you advise me to see here ?" ]
There are many famous resorts in Egypt . You can have a good time here .
[ "Would you show us the menu ?", "Sure . Here you are .", "I'd like to have prawn cocktail , and tomato soup for the main course , I'd like steak with onion , with some black coffee afterwards ." ]
Sorry , tomato soup is not being served today , but we have egg soup , it's very delicious . Why don't you try it today ?
[ "It's time for desserts ! Are you still hungry ?", "I've always got room for something sweet !", "what are you going to try first ?", "I've never tried traditional Greek yogurt , so I want to try that first .", "do they serve the yogurt with anything ?", "I believe they add locally produced honey to it .", "that sounds good . I'm going to start with an Italian tiramisu .", "do you want to try some of my yogurt . It's a favorite everyday dessert in Greece .", "ok . Mmm .", "what do you think ? How does it taste ?" ]
it's nice , but it's rather plain . Do you want to try my tiramisu ?
[ "Excuse me .", "Yes ?", "Can you tell me the way to the Peak Tram , please ?", "Certainly . Go along Queen's Road ...", "Along Queen's Road ...", "Yes , and turn right at the Hilton Hotel .", "Right at the Hilton .", "Then go up Garden Road , past the Cathedral .", "The Cathedral ?" ]
Yes . Then cross the road at the next traffic lights . The Peak Tram is straight ahead . You can't miss it .
[ "May I take your drink order while you are looking over your menu ?", "Yes , do you have a wine list ?", "The wine list is on the second page of your menu .", "Do you have mixed drinks in this restaurant ?", "Yes , we have a full bar here .", "I am not sure what I want . Do you have any house specials ?" ]
Actually , we are famous for our Cuervo Gold margaritas .
[ "Good morning , I want to send this parcel to Taiwan .", "Airmail or surface mail ?" ]
How long would surface mail take , compared with airmail ?
[ "Look , there's no way we can convince people they need fresh motor oil every morning ." ]
No , but you can let them know that yours is the cream of the crop-the purest motor oil in the world . Careful , hold it by the java jacket . This coffee drink has half and half-what do you think ?
[ "Good evening , sir . Are you ready to order now ?", "Yes . I'd like to try Chinese food . But I don't know anything about it ." ]
Chinese food is divided into eight big cuisines , such as Cantonese food , Sichuan food , Fujisan food , etc . Our restaurant is famous for Sichuan style .
[ "Good evening , sir . Are you ready to order now ?", "Yes . I'd like to try Chinese food . But I don't know anything about it .", "Chinese food is divided into eight big cuisines , such as Cantonese food , Sichuan food , Fujisan food , etc . Our restaurant is famous for Sichuan style .", "Is there any difference between Cantonese food and Sichuan food ?", "Yes . Cantonese food is lighter while Sichuan food is spicy and hot .", "Really ? I like hot food . Can you make a few suggestions ?" ]
How about the eggplant and minced pork in dry red chili sauce and the ' Tofu ' beancurd ? They are our specialties .
[ "Good evening , sir . Are you ready to order now ?", "Yes . I'd like to try Chinese food . But I don't know anything about it .", "Chinese food is divided into eight big cuisines , such as Cantonese food , Sichuan food , Fujisan food , etc . Our restaurant is famous for Sichuan style .", "Is there any difference between Cantonese food and Sichuan food ?", "Yes . Cantonese food is lighter while Sichuan food is spicy and hot .", "Really ? I like hot food . Can you make a few suggestions ?", "How about the eggplant and minced pork in dry red chili sauce and the ' Tofu ' beancurd ? They are our specialties .", "OK . I ’ ll have them . Is there any soup ?" ]
Yes . Sour soup of Sichuan style . It's our chef ’ s recommendation .
[ "I had a look yesterday . I found some exhibits are fine in quality and beautiful in design . The exhibition has successfully displayed to me what your corporation handles . I have gone over the catalogue and the pamphlets enclosed in your last letter . I have got some idea of your exports . I am interested in your silk blouses ." ]
Our silks are known for their quality . They are one of our traditional exports . Silk blouses are brightly colored and beautifully designed . They are greatly favored overseas and are always in great demand .
[ "Do you have a room available for this weekend ?", "Yes , we have several rooms available . Would you like two twin beds or one queen size bed ?", "I'd like two twin beds , please .", "The check in time is 2 p . m . If you get here before that time the room won't be ready .", "That's fine . Do you have any specials for your guests ?" ]
We offer a complementary breakfast buffet and free parking .
[ "You are going to work as my office secretary from next Monday . Right now I want to show you the rules of our company .", "Thank you for your instruction . I really need to know the rules before I play the game , so I can know more about our company .", "The working hours are from 9:00 to 11:30 in the morning and from 1:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon . Make sure never to be late or absent . Every time you should use the employee card to show you are present whenever you come into the company .", "Set your heart at rest . I keep this in my mind ." ]
In my opinion , a secretary must be familiar with office routine and try to do some things by you . This is the filing cabinet and any document or file you may need . And you should file these documents in alphabetical order .
[ "May I help you ?", "Can you recommend some popular tour ?", "How long is your journey ?", "Two weeks and I would like to go abroad ." ]
The popular tour of the season is a 14 - days ' sightseeing to Venice . Are you interested in that city ?
[ "I'm looking for a necklace for my girl friend as a birthday present ." ]
You've come to the right store . We've got a beautiful and wide selection of necklaces for you to choose from .
[ "Stand back from the door , please . There're plenty of seats in the rear .", "What's the fare , please ?", "One yuan fifty cents . Drop it in the box here .", "Is this the right bus to Zizhuyuan Park ?", "Take a No . 2 . This is No . 12 ." ]
But somebody told me this was the right bus to take . I want to go to Tian'anmen Square , you see .
[ "Stand back from the door , please . There're plenty of seats in the rear .", "What's the fare , please ?", "One yuan fifty cents . Drop it in the box here .", "Is this the right bus to Zizhuyuan Park ?", "Take a No . 2 . This is No . 12 .", "But somebody told me this was the right bus to take . I want to go to Tian'anmen Square , you see ." ]
Then this is the right bus . Move on , please . You're holding up the passengers . Tian'anmen Square is the last stop but one .
[ "in China at least , coffee is often associated with an exotic , well-to-do bourgeois lifestyle . Coffee is often considered a hobby of the well-educated , middle-class people .", "maybe that's why some young chaps often spend a whole afternoon in a coffee bar , surfing the net or just typewriting something with laptop . While they are savoring a coffee at a leisured pace , they", "yes . Behind a lifestyle , there is a culture . Young people easily become blind worshippers of a Westernized life . While they may not really life coffee , they think it desirable and enviable to be lavish", "then what about tea ? We need to bear in mind in the first place that tea , rather than coffee , has been the most popular drink for the Chinese people .", "well . Tea represents another facet of popular culture . While a coffee bar is usually quiet and resonates with soft , elegant music , a teahouse is often a noisy , crowded , public space . People visit tea" ]
what a pity that the traditional teahouses , as depicted Lao She , keep fading away so quickly in this metropolis . It is not easy to find an old-fashioned teahouse that suits the ordinary people's spend
[ "I think you made the right choice , coming to us.We have a wide selection of vehicles you can choose from .", "I would like to rent a car with a good stereo .", "All our cars have stereos in them.Stereos , air conditioning . It's all standard with us .", "Good . I am here visiting my girlfriend . I want her to have a good time .", "Oh , is that so ? Well , then . Let me show you something she might like . It's on our back lot .", "This is a Porsche !", "Yes . Beautiful , isn't it ?", "But I probably can't afford it . It must be really expensive ." ]
Well , sir . You said you were looking at cars at the rental agency at the airport.Now with them you'd spend your money and get nothing for it.But you could probably rent this Porsche from us , for the same price as one of their standard cars .
[ "Where are you going to play this weekend ?", "I have not given it much thought . Do you have any good suggestions ?", "I want to spend two days in the mountains with friends . The city is too noisy . Do you know Tangle Temple ?", "I have been there . It is in the middle of the mountains . It is not noisy there and you have to be a vegetarian .", "Do you want to climb the mountain with us ?", "Does it have enough lodging ?", "No problem . The temple is quite large ." ]
There are many ancient pine trees there . It is especially quiet at night . It is wonderful to listen to the monks chanting while listening to the soothing sound of the winds in the pine trees .
[ "How was your shopping trip Martin ?", "Actually it was the most interesting day I ’ Ve had so far .", "Oh really ? Did you find any bargains ?" ]
I did ! I found this lovely teapot . It was the best one I saw in the shops .
[ "Excuse me .", "Yes ?", "Can you tell me the way to the Peak Tram , please ?", "Certainly.Go along Queen's Road ...", "Along Queen's Road ...", "Yes , and turn right at the Hilton Hotel .", "Right at the Hilton .", "Then go up Garden Road , past the Cathedral .", "The Cathedral ?" ]
Yes.Then cross the road at the next traffic lights.The Peak Tram is straight ahead.You can't miss it .
[ "How about this floor lamp ?", "Fine , just get it ! We have been shopping for furniture for five hours ! I ’ m so tired !", "We still need to find an armoire and a dresser .", "Fine ! I am going to go home and drop off this nightstand , coffee table and love seat while you look for the rest of the things .", "Great ! Pick me up in about an hour because I think I ’ ll also get a bean bag and a dining set .", "While you are at it can you pick out a nice recliner ? I really want one so I can watch TV .", "Recliner ? In my beautifully decorated living room ? I don ’ t think so !" ]
How about this floor lamp ?
[ "Waiter ! May I see you for while ?", "Yes . I'll be with you in a second . Yes , sir ? What is the problem ?", "This is not what I asked for , I'm afraid .", "What did you order ?", "Roast beef ." ]
There must be a mistake . Those are fried oysters . Would you like to keep it or change ?
[ "What can I do for you ?" ]
I am looking for cologne , small bottle . Can I see that one in the glass shelf ?
[ "May I help you ?", "Yes . I'd like to send this parcel to Changchun .", "How do you want to send it ?", "I guess I'll send it by airmail .", "Is there anything valuable ?", "No , there are only some vases ." ]
They are fragile articles . They must be packed in a proper strong box . Your light cardboard box won't do .
[ "May I help you ?", "Yes . I'd like to send this parcel to Changchun .", "How do you want to send it ?", "I guess I'll send it by airmail .", "Is there anything valuable ?", "No , there are only some vases .", "They are fragile articles . They must be packed in a proper strong box . Your light cardboard box won't do .", "Have you got boxes for sale ?", "Yes .", "Is it all right this time ?", "Yes . Now fill in two customs declarations and one despatch note in English . You'll have to take your parcel to the next window for examination when you have completed the forms .", "OK ." ]
Have you written down your return address ?
[ "Hi . I want to get something nice for my niece .", "Well , I've never heard of a little girl that didn't love Barbie dolls .", "I like that suggestion . Show me one , please .", "Here you go β€” Digital Barbie .", "Oh , my niece will love her ! How much for her ?" ]
Barbie is our best seller . She's only $ 29.95 .
[ "Hi , I need to talk with the property manager right away !", "This is the property manager . What seems to be the problem ?", "This morning , when we woke up , there was water pouring in from the ceiling !", "Could you tell me what room had the leak ?", "There were several rooms , but the worst leak was in the bathroom ." ]
Could you please remind me which floor you are on ?
[ "Good morning , sir . Is there anything I can do for you ?", "I want to have a suit made to measure .", "No problem . How would you like your suit ?" ]
One Made in 100 % black Barathea wool , with 5 Celtic buttons .
[ "Sis , why did you ask me to come to this bargain market ? It's so crowded , and you can't find anything that you really want .", "You just don't get it . Looking for bargains can be really interesting .", "Are you serious ? How can that be ?", "Bargaining is a game , or even a battle . You feel like a winner when you get a good price .", "Come on . You know , you can never really win . The salesperson never loses . They make their living out of it .", "That's true . But I just love it . Come here !" ]
Oh , this silk carpet is really beautiful . Look at the pattern , and how delicate it is !
[ "Sis , why did you ask me to come to this bargain market ? It's so crowded , and you can't find anything that you really want .", "You just don't get it . Looking for bargains can be really interesting .", "Are you serious ? How can that be ?", "Bargaining is a game , or even a battle . You feel like a winner when you get a good price .", "Come on . You know , you can never really win . The salesperson never loses . They make their living out of it .", "That's true . But I just love it . Come here !", "Oh , this silk carpet is really beautiful . Look at the pattern , and how delicate it is !", "You do have great taste . That's the most expensive stuff here .", "Really ? Oh , this one . I like the cloisonn vase ." ]
Are you kidding me ? I bought a same one last week . It's surprising that there is something we both like . Well , what do you think of these ceramic cups ?
[ "Can I help you ?", "My wife and I want to go to Beijing for a tour . Can you arrange it ?", "Yes , we can arrange that .", "I'd like to know what kind of tour your travel agency has .", "Our travel agency provides all kinds of tours , ranging from individual tour to group package tour .", "Excellent .", "When do you expect to come ?", "September 28th .", "What specific places do you wish to visit ?" ]
We would like to visit the Great Wall , the Ming Tombs and the Imperial Palace .
[ "I really like the way this house looks .", "Yes , it has great curb appeal .", "The landscaping is wonderful !", "Yes , it is nice , but wait until you see the interior .", "Oh , I see what you mean !", "The carpeting and paint are all new , as well as the window treatments .", "I love the sage green carpeting with the sunset-colored walls .", "Come and see the kitchen ." ]
Oh , look at that beautiful countertop material and the double sink !
[ "Ping-pong must be the top-ranking popular sport in China . It seems to me in every school , factory , army unit , or residential area , men and women , young and old , are swinging paddles .", "You got it ! In a sense , it has become a byword for Chinese sport .", "What do you think might be the source of its popularity ?" ]
I think its critical advantage lies in its low cost . All you need is a racket , a table and a light celluloid ball . Tables are usually available in public recreation areas , like finest rooms , and outdoor playgrounds ...
[ "Ping-pong must be the top-ranking popular sport in China . It seems to me in every school , factory , army unit , or residential area , men and women , young and old , are swinging paddles .", "You got it ! In a sense , it has become a byword for Chinese sport .", "What do you think might be the source of its popularity ?", "I think its critical advantage lies in its low cost . All you need is a racket , a table and a light celluloid ball . Tables are usually available in public recreation areas , like finest rooms , and outdoor playgrounds ...", "And sometimes a substitute table can be made out of a few desks ." ]
Put it there ! In senior high schools , we used to play on desks in the classroom , when no vacant tables were available . Likewise , the racket may take a variety of forms , too.Anything that resembles a racket , from a plank to cardboard or even a hardcover book , may be used as a racket .
[ "Julia , the apartment I looked at today is pretty decent-around 120 square meters .", "Great . Where is it ?" ]
A new two-bedroom apartment , around 100 to 120 square meters , in the Sanlitun area .
[ " .", "Hello , madam . Where to ?", "Could you please help me put my bags in the truck ?", "No problem.Get in now ." ]
Take me to Hilton Hotel .
[ "Can you get me a taxi ?", "We offer various types of transportation . Perhaps you'd like to upgrade to a private vehicle ?", "Thanks , but no thanks . A taxi will do just fine ." ]
In that case , how about a limo ? Then you can travel in style .
[ "Wow ! It's hot today ! Do you want to get an ice cream cone ?", "No Let's go to an ice cream parlor ! They have way more flavors to choose from there . I feel like having something special like Neapolitan ice cream .", "What's that ?", "It's three different flavors mixed together . Chocolate , strawberry and something green with candied fruit .", "Do they have ice cream bars . frozen yogurt or frozen chocolate mousse ?", "Absolutely ! They also have real Italian Galatian and French sorbets . They do a great baked Alaska ." ]
Maybe a vanilla ice cream milkshake would be good . What's your favorite flavor ?
[ "Can anyone tell me where I can buy the ingredients to make Chinese food ?", "There is a supermarket in Kensington High Street . I'll come and give you a hand .", "That is good of you ." ]
Here , take one of these trolleys . What do you want exactly ?
[ "How long will it take for our order to be delivered ?" ]
Let's see ... You are importing fifty containers of textiles from China . They should be able to place your order before the end of next week . It will take 2 days for shipping to the port city of Ningpo . The freight will take 3 weeks on the open ocean , and will arrive in Los Angeles approximately a month from today . Domestic shipping will be your responsibility , you can make arrangements with the pier in Los Angeles .
[ "Can you help me find a pan ?", "Are you looking for a small , medium , or large pan ?", "I want a big pan .", "Does this one look big enough ?", "Yes , it's the right size , but it weighs too much .", "Well , what do you think of the aluminum pan ?", "It's light enough , but the handle will get too hot after cooking ." ]
Here's the same pan , but it has a space-age , heat-resistant plastic handle .
[ "Do you want to sign for a Korea language class ?", "What for ? Oh , I see , you mean next year our company will expand business to the South Korea market ." ]
Right , we have located a business partner in Seoul . The first contact proves to be successful . The general manager of South Korean company has scheduled to pay a visit to us next month . I think it is quite possible to set up a joint venture company with them soon .
[ "Do you want to sign for a Korea language class ?", "What for ? Oh , I see , you mean next year our company will expand business to the South Korea market .", "Right , we have located a business partner in Seoul . The first contact proves to be successful . The general manager of South Korean company has scheduled to pay a visit to us next month . I think it is quite possible to set up a joint venture company with them soon .", "Well , sounds promising . But I think our company will provide us with the language training courses if it is necessary . We need not bother signing for the language by ourselves ." ]
A slow sparrow should make an early start . You know , I am not quick at learning any language .
[ "Daddy , do you mind helping me prepare the supplies for mountain climbing .", "OK . I am coming .", "Is it gonna to rain tomorrow ?", "I have checked the weather report . It says it will be cloudy , but no rain ." ]
Just take my umbrella in case of rain .
[ "Can you tell me how to reach the bank please ?" ]
Which bank ? There are two , the Allied Irish Bank and the Bank of Ireland .
[ "Can you tell me how to reach the bank please ?", "Which bank ? There are two , the Allied Irish Bank and the Bank of Ireland .", "I have an AIR pass card and I want to withdraw money from the bank ." ]
You need to go to the Allied Irish Bank which is near the local shopping centre , Dunned Stores .
[ "There are so many Chinese people in Vancouver ." ]
The Chinatown in Vancouver is the second largest Chinatown in the North America .
[ "I need to get a taxi ." ]
We have a variety of transportation services . Would you prefer a private vehicle to a taxi ?
[ "Chinese tea is famous all over the world . I want to buy several boxes ." ]
There are various kinds of tea in China . It depends on the taste and effect .
[ "Chinese tea is famous all over the world . I want to buy several boxes .", "There are various kinds of tea in China . It depends on the taste and effect .", "Well , I do not know Chinese tea at all ." ]
This is green tea , you can drink it in summer . It can relieve summer-heat and it is good for maintaining your lungs .
[ "Chinese tea is famous all over the world . I want to buy several boxes .", "There are various kinds of tea in China . It depends on the taste and effect .", "Well , I do not know Chinese tea at all .", "This is green tea , you can drink it in summer . It can relieve summer-heat and it is good for maintaining your lungs .", "Sounds interesting . What about this ?" ]
It is black tea , it has a strong taste and promotes digestion .
[ "Chinese tea is famous all over the world . I want to buy several boxes .", "There are various kinds of tea in China . It depends on the taste and effect .", "Well , I do not know Chinese tea at all .", "This is green tea , you can drink it in summer . It can relieve summer-heat and it is good for maintaining your lungs .", "Sounds interesting . What about this ?", "It is black tea , it has a strong taste and promotes digestion .", "What's this ? It smells fragrant ." ]
It is jasmine tea of high quality . It is fragrant and has a pleasant taste .
[ "Excuse me , how do I get to Wall Street ?", "Take the A train south to the Liberty Ave . stop . You should be able to find it from there .", "I ’ m sorry , but how do I know the subway train is going south ?" ]
The southbound A trains say Brooklyn .
[ "Can I take your drink order ?", "Where is your wine list ?" ]
The wine choices are posted on the little menu in the middle of the table .
[ "Can I take your drink order ?", "Where is your wine list ?", "The wine choices are posted on the little menu in the middle of the table .", "Do you have any mixed drinks available here ?", "We can make a number of mixed drinks at our bar .", "I heard that you are famous for your drinks . What are your specials ?", "Our house special is our Cuervo Gold margarita .", "I would love a margarita right now ! That is what I am going to order .", "Can I prepare your drink on the rocks , or would you prefer it blended ?", "I prefer my margarita on the rocks , please ." ]
Do you like your margarita with salt or no salt ?
[ "Are you going to eat anything with your sandwich ?", "I may get some fruit .", "Oh really , what kind of fruit do you like ?", "I tend to only eat grapes and apples ." ]
What kind of apples do you prefer ?
[ "While you are thinking about what you might like to order for dinner , would you like to order your drinks ?", "Can you tell me where your wine list is ?", "The wine list is posted right there on the board .", "Can we order a mixed drink in this restaurant ?" ]
Yes , we have a wide selection of mixed drinks available from our bar .
[ "While you are thinking about what you might like to order for dinner , would you like to order your drinks ?", "Can you tell me where your wine list is ?", "The wine list is posted right there on the board .", "Can we order a mixed drink in this restaurant ?", "Yes , we have a wide selection of mixed drinks available from our bar .", "Do you have any house specials that you could recommend ?" ]
Our most popular drinks are our Cuervo Gold margaritas .
[ "I would like to discuss purchasing a home with you .", "I can help you . What location are you looking for ?", "I would like to live in Pasadena or Arcadia .", "Have you thought about what your needs are in terms of size ?", "We would like a smaller cozy cottage with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom .", "Is living in a particular school district important to you ?", "No , we don ’ t really care because they are all pretty good around here .", "Are you interested in purchasing on the lake , or would you like a home with a view ?" ]
We really want to live in a lakeside home with a dock for our boat .
[ "Mike , shall we book two tickets online ?" ]
Fine . Shanghai and Beijing are thousands of miles away . How about bullet train ? Faster and relatively cheap , I think .
[ "Mike , shall we book two tickets online ?", "Fine . Shanghai and Beijing are thousands of miles away . How about bullet train ? Faster and relatively cheap , I think .", "Yeah . How many tickets remain ?" ]
Oh , what a shame . Only sleeping cars have tickets . Others are all out of stock . The price of the sleeping car is almost the same as the airplane.You see , the discount plane tickets are no more than 500 yuan . A good deal , isn't it ?
[ "May I help you , sir ?", "Yes , please . I'd like to buy a gift for my younger brother . He's going to take a trip to South America .", "By air or by sea ?", "By air . So my gift should be quite light . What can you suggest ?" ]
How about this wallet ? It's made of fine leather .
[ "Excuse me , miss . I'm a transit passenger for Flight No . 207 . Can you tell me where to go ?", "Let me see . Your plane leaves from Gate 12 . You should go to Gate 12 to board your plane", "Where's Gate 12 ?" ]
Take the escalator over there and turn left , you'll see the sign .
[ "Hello , Pauline ’ s Furniture Store , Faye speaking . How may I help you ?" ]
Hello , I ordered a dining table last week . The order arrived today , but there are several scratches on the surface of the table . I would like to exchange it .
[ "Excuse me , This bus goes down town , doesn ’ t it ?", "Yes , where do you want to go ?" ]
The worker stadium .
[ "Good afternoon , sir ." ]
Good afternoon . I have a reservation under the name of Hilton .
[ "We've settled price , order , payment , now I am calling to ask about package . How can we pack the goods ?" ]
As a rule , we use cardboard boxes for outer packing . Besides , I would like to make it clear that each piece of computer will be dismantled into several parts before shipment .
[ "Hey honey ! Where were you ?", "I decided to take Kenny to the park and get some fresh air .", "How was it ? Were there a lot of kids ?", "It wasn't too crowded , but we had a great time ! We got on the see-saw together , then went on a couple of different slides and then I tried to go with him in the jungle gym , but I didn't fit ." ]
Sounds like fun ! When we go he always just likes to play in the sandbox .
[ "What do you think about all the different diets people go on ?", "I don't think dieting is good for you . It's much better to eat a balanced diet and to never get overweight to begin with !", "But what do you think about people who are obese ? What should they do to lose weight ?", "They need to eat healthy foods , but they also have to increase the amount of exercise they do every day . They don't have to cut out fattening foods altogether , though .", "So you think it's ok for people who are dieting to eat chocolate ?", "Sure , they can eat some chocolate . As long as they are exercising and eating mostly healthy foods , there's nothing wrong with having a small dessert .", "How about drinking soda ?" ]
Many people gain weight by drinking far too much soda . Soda should be a treat ; there's simply no nutritional value in it whatsoever . If you want to lose weight and you can't stop drinking soda , try some diet coke .
[ "We really were lucky . We got the last available table for two---and we didn't even have a reservation ! Did you see the long lines behind us ?", "Yeah , I'm glad that we didn't have to wait long . I'm starving !", "Let's take a look at the menu so we can order . Do you want to choose an appetizer for us to share ?" ]
What would you rather have , samosas or poppadoms ?
[ "We really were lucky . We got the last available table for two---and we didn't even have a reservation ! Did you see the long lines behind us ?", "Yeah , I'm glad that we didn't have to wait long . I'm starving !", "Let's take a look at the menu so we can order . Do you want to choose an appetizer for us to share ?", "What would you rather have , samosas or poppadoms ?", "I heard that one of their specialities is the samosa .", "Well , let's get a plate of those then .", "Sounds good . What are you going to have for your main course ?", "I think I might have a dahl .", "What's in a dahl ?", "It's got chickpeas and vegetables in a spicy curry sauce with rice .", "That sounds nice . Do you want to share some kebabs as well ?" ]
Ok . How about some lamb kebabs ?
[ "I am looking for a pan .", "No problem . What size would you like ?", "A big one would be nice ." ]
How about this one ? It's our biggest β€” 16 ” in diameter .
[ "Do you have perfume ?" ]
Yes , what kind of smell do you like ?
[ "Good morning , sir ! Can I help you ?", "Good morning ! I'd like to buy twelve tickets to Beijing for October 14th .", "Yes , sir . We have many trains going to Beijing , fast train , through train , express train and tourist train . Which train do you prefer ?", "Well , the express one , with air-conditioning .", "Then you'll have two choices . Train No . 14 leaves at 6:00 p . m , and train No . 22 leaves at 8: 00 p . m .", "When do they arrive in Beijing ?", "They will arrive the next morning , at 8: 00 a . m . and 10:00 a m . respectively .", "In that case I think Train No . 14 will be better . We can do more sightseeing in Beijing ." ]
Right . Trains No . 13 and No . 14 are the best trains on the line between Beijing and Shanghai . Which seats do you prefer , cushioned seats , ordinary seats , cushioned berth , or ordinary berth ?
[ "Excuse me . Does this bus go by Tiananmen square ?", "Yes , it does .", "At which stop should I get off ?" ]
There is a stop at Tiananmen Square . The stops will be announced on the bus both in English and Chinese . When the stop is coming , you just push the red button near the rear door if you want to get off .
[ "I wish to make it clear at the outset that this matter of labels is entirely our problem .", "I should say it is something we have never come across before .", "The Federal Food and Drug Administration , or the FDA as we call it for short , imposes a whole set of regulations on the import of food products to the United States . Over the years , they have become so rigid and complicated that they are now quite a head - ache for us importers .", "In my opinion , overly strict regulations are just another way of restricting imports .", "Ah , there's something in what you're saying . According to the present FDA regulations , the Ma Ling Labels then cannot be used if the lichee is to be offered for import into the United States .", "Why not ? Our cannedlichee and canned provisions have already been widely sold in various markets abroad , and the Ma Ling Label has now been accepted by most of overseas customers and importers . Is it quite impossible for you to use the Ma Ling labels as they are ?", "I'd be quite willing to if I could , but we must comply with the label requirements according to our law , or we can't clear the consignment of lichee through the Customs .", "In that case , what can we do to help you ? Have you any suggestions ?" ]
Would you consider quoting us for the order with neutral cans on a C . I . F . basis for delivery in Hong Kong ? Our associated company there will have the labels printed to comply with the FDA regulations .