6 values
[ "It's a beautiful day ! Let's play on those rides in the park .", "Sounds like a good idea . I love to play on the jungle gym .", "Me too . I love to play on the swing as well . Swing is my favorite .", "That's great . Then we won't fight over taking the same ride .", "Look at the flowers over there . What are they ?" ]
They are morning glories . They are cute , aren't they ?
[ "It's a beautiful day ! Let's play on those rides in the park .", "Sounds like a good idea . I love to play on the jungle gym .", "Me too . I love to play on the swing as well . Swing is my favorite .", "That's great . Then we won't fight over taking the same ride .", "Look at the flowers over there . What are they ?", "They are morning glories . They are cute , aren't they ?", "They are . We can find many different kinds of flowers and insects in the park .", "I think so . Last time I saw dandelions and ladybugs near the pond ." ]
If you come to the park in the morning , you can find squirrels running on the lawn .
[ "It's a beautiful day ! Let's play on those rides in the park .", "Sounds like a good idea . I love to play on the jungle gym .", "Me too . I love to play on the swing as well . Swing is my favorite .", "That's great . Then we won't fight over taking the same ride .", "Look at the flowers over there . What are they ?", "They are morning glories . They are cute , aren't they ?", "They are . We can find many different kinds of flowers and insects in the park .", "I think so . Last time I saw dandelions and ladybugs near the pond .", "If you come to the park in the morning , you can find squirrels running on the lawn ." ]
It's really healthy to do some exercise there . The air is fresher and it's romantic to watch the sunset with your lover .
[ "I had a great time on the last date .", "Me , too .", "What will you up to this weekend ?", "Nothing .", "would you like to go to skating ? I was thinking of going out to the - - Saturday . It's great up there . Would you like to go with me ?" ]
I'd love to , but I don't care for skating very much .
[ "I'm taking my date to a restaurant . Could you tell me about one or two good ones ?", "My pleasure ! How much would you like to spend on your date ?", "She will want an excellent restaurant , of course .", "You should know that our hotel chef was trained in Paris . The service and food are world-class .", "I wanted to go out somewhere , not stay here . Do you know of another good restaurant ?" ]
You can't go wrong with Gramercy Tavern . It's famous for its food , service , and live jazz .
[ "All I do all day is work and watch TV . I really should start thinking about my health .", "I never thought about that , but you're right . What do you think we should do ?", "For starters , we should start doing more outdoor activities . That way we'll get some exercise ." ]
I was thinking about taking tennis lessons . I always have an hour to spare in the afternoon . What do you think about that ?
[ "Stewardess !", "Yes , sir ?", "May I have a magazine or a newspaper please ?" ]
What kind of magazines would you like , fashion or sports ?
[ "In China at least , coffee is often associated with an exotic , well-to-do bourgeois lifestyle . Coffee is often considered a hobby of the well-educated , middle-class people .", "Maybe that's why some young chaps often spend a whole afternoon in a coffee bar , surfing the net or just typewriting something with laptop . While they are savoring a coffee at a leisured pace , they are actually showing off !", "Yes . Behind a lifestyle , there is a culture . Young people easily become blind worshippers of a Westernized life . While they may not really like coffee , they think it desirable and enviable to be lavish with money in those high-consumption places .", "Then what about tea ? We need to bear in mind in the first place that tea , rather than coffee , has been the most popular drink for the Chinese people ." ]
Well . Tea represents another facet of popular culture . While a coffee bar is usually quiet and resonates with soft , elegant music , a teahouse is often a noisy , crowded , public space . People visit teahouses to associate with others , playing chess , chatting , or simply listening to operas .
[ "Would you show me this brooch ?", "Yes , I would .", "What is this made of ?" ]
It's sapphire . We have only one brooch of this type . Will you try it on ?
[ "Could you bring me some food , please ?", "Sure . What do you fancy ?", "Can I have a bottle of champagne , lobster tail , and filet mignon , medium rare ?", "Sir , the filet mignon was so popular tonight that we ran out . May I suggest the porterhouse ?", "Oh , no filet ? Okay , porterhouse will be fine then ." ]
Perhaps you would like chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne ?
[ "I'm looking for some blush . Do you still have some in peach rose ?", "Oh , yes , that is a beautiful color . It has been very popular blush this season . I have two left .", "Great , I'll take one .", "Have you heard about our special promotion this month ? If you purchase at least 18 dollar 50 cents in any Elizabeth Arden products , you will receive this black poke with a sample of lipstick , mascara and two shades of white shadow .", "Wow , that sounds like a bargain . I'm running low on facial moisturizer and toner . Could you ring those up for me too along with the blush ?", "I'd be glad to . Do you need anything else ?" ]
Oh , I almost forgot . It's my mum's birthday Saturday . I need to get her some more Chanel . Could you get me the 1.7 ounce bottle of Chanel cologne ?
[ "I'm calling to ask about your apartment advertised .", "Yes , we've got great apartments with charming environment and nice scenery . And they are all newly renovated .", "That sounds fantastic ! But I am looking for something closer to the downtown , as I spend most of my time at the office .", "No problem . We have a nice apartment located near the Oriental Square . It's perfect for people busy with office work . It is fully furnished with a service staff taking care of the trivial details .", "I'm sure it is wonderful , but I need an unfurnished apartment with relatively lower cost ." ]
Ah ! I get your point . We have just what you need . Our Jinyuan apartments have several floor plans . The one bedroom apartments are very economical , but their layout makes great use of a small amount of space . I think you can find the right apartment there .
[ "Hello , may I help you ?", "I'd like to send a fax to Shanghai .", "Photograph or document ?", "Document .", "Show me your document , please .", "Here you are .", "Ah , it is clear enough to send .", "How long will it take to get to Shanghai .", "It'll only take a couple of minutes .", "Oh , excellent . How much does it cost ?" ]
Twenty yuan .
[ "I'd like to have a berth ticket to Shanghai .", "Which train do you want ?" ]
The 19:00 train .
[ "I'd like to have a berth ticket to Shanghai .", "Which train do you want ?", "The 19:00 train .", "Sorry . There aren't any tickets available for the 19:00 train ." ]
When is the next train to Shanghai ?
[ "I'd like you to bring me some food .", "Just name it , sir .", "Please send up a bottle of champagne , lobster tail , and filet mignon , medium rare .", "Regrettably , we're currently out of filet mignon . May I suggest the porterhouse instead ?", "Sure , I love porterhouse , too ." ]
Would you be interested in chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne ?
[ "May I help you ? Miss !", "Yes . I'd like to look at lipstick and eye shadow .", "What color set do you prefer ?", "Well , brown ." ]
We have a beautiful selection of eye shadows this fall . Look at the colors . Aren't they beautiful ?
[ "Do you know anything about health food ?" ]
It is so popular among people to preserve health now , so I read some books about health food .
[ "Wow , you ’ re up early today ! What ’ s for breakfast ?", "Well , I felt like baking , so I made some muffins .", "Smells good ! I ’ ll make some coffee . Do you want me to make you some eggs ?", "Sure , I'll take mine , sunny side up ." ]
Www , I don ’ t know how you can eat your eggs like that ! Ever since I was small , I ’ Ve had eggs and soldiers .
[ "Hello , is this house keeper ?", "Yes , Madam , may I help you ?" ]
This room 117 , and we have just checked in .
[ "Hello , is this house keeper ?", "Yes , Madam , may I help you ?", "This room 117 , and we have just checked in .", "Yes ?", "Our room hasn't been cleaned up yet.So would you send one of your house keepers to clean up our room .", "Oh , yes . Madam , we'll come right away then . Your room number and your name , please ?" ]
Our room number is 117 and my name is Terry Chen .
[ "I'm hungry . Let's go to the snack bar .", "ok , what unusual food do you want to try ?", "I am going to try Gado Gado .", "what's that ?", "it's a kind of rice ball that is made in Malaysia . What about you ?", "I don't know . I don't know what most of this food is !", "do you want noodles , vegetables , rice , meat , seafood , beans , or dessert ?", "I'd like to have some vegetables first ." ]
have you ever tried tempura ?
[ "I'm hungry . Let's go to the snack bar .", "ok , what unusual food do you want to try ?", "I am going to try Gado Gado .", "what's that ?", "it's a kind of rice ball that is made in Malaysia . What about you ?", "I don't know . I don't know what most of this food is !", "do you want noodles , vegetables , rice , meat , seafood , beans , or dessert ?", "I'd like to have some vegetables first .", "have you ever tried tempura ?", "no , what is it ?" ]
it's deep fried vegetables , which is commonly eaten in Japan .
[ "I saw on TV that there is an entertainment item , bungee in Beijing Longtanhu Park . Except that the height is not exiting enough .", "You say how high can be exciting ?" ]
The highest bungee spot in the world is located in Mount Kikicama , South Africa , which is 216 meters high . A cable car in a scenic spot in Switzerland is 160 meters high .
[ "I saw on TV that there is an entertainment item , bungee in Beijing Longtanhu Park . Except that the height is not exiting enough .", "You say how high can be exciting ?", "The highest bungee spot in the world is located in Mount Kikicama , South Africa , which is 216 meters high . A cable car in a scenic spot in Switzerland is 160 meters high .", "I know that Frenchmen installed the Bungee cord between two tall buildings ." ]
It is said that Bungee was originally a grown-up ceremony of the indigenous people of New Guinea . People stood on branches of the tree , which was over 30 meters high . Their feet were fastened with canes and they jumped off from where they stood . When they almost reached the ground , they suddenly stopped to prove their bravery and express that they were able to endure the hardships of life independently .
[ "Bill , please .", "Please wait a moment ... here is the bill . Please check it .", "Excuse me , what's this item for ?" ]
For three bottles of Tsingtao beer .
[ "I really do like this dining set.But I just don't know . I don't know if I can do a good job with it .", "It really isn't hard , sir . You just have to follow the instructions .", "What instructions ?", "We will give you a detailed instruction manual if you buy the table .", "I see . But can I understand the instructions ? I'm a foreigner , you know .", "Don't worry about that . Your English seems very good.And our instruction manuals are very clearly written . It's easy !", "Could you tell me now some of the things I need to do ?", "Of course.First , you must sand the furniture . You sand it to make the wood smooth.You start with heavy-grade sandpaper . Then , you move to finer-grade sandpaper .", "Do I have to sand every inch of the table ?", "The better you sand it , the better the finish will be .", "Alright .", "Then , after you sand it , you use tack cloth to wipe off any dust or sawdust .", "Sawdust ?", "Yes , sawdust is the tiny particles of wood.You could call it wood dust . You must wipe it off.The wood should be very clean before you put the varnish on .", "That makes sense .", "Then you apply the varnish , which is very easy . It is like painting .", "And I can choose any color ?" ]
Yes , we have many colors to choose from , sir .
[ "I need a taxi .", "We could easily provide you with a private vehicle , if you'd prefer .", "No , the taxi will do .", "Perhaps you'd like to take a beautiful limousine .", "No , thank you . Taxis and I get along just fine .", "No private vehicle , no limo . Got it . Where are you going ?", "I'm seeing a show at Rockefeller Center ." ]
What time should the taxi be here to pick you up ?
[ "Can I order something from the kitchen ?", "Just tell me what you'd like , please .", "A bottle of champagne , lobster tail , and filet mignon , medium rare would hit the spot .", "I hate to tell you this , but we have no more filet mignon . May I suggest the porterhouse instead ?", "Sure ! Right now , I would even eat hamburger !" ]
Have you ever tried chocolate-covered strawberries with champagne ?
[ "Hey , Robert , that's a nice shirt you are wearing . Where did you get it ?", "thanks , I like it too . I bought it at the nearby department store .", "that's nice . Do you know you can get one at the wholesale market near the zoo for a much lower price ?", "yeah , I know that . But at those places . the prices they ask you are ridiculously high , and if you don't bargain hard , you will get ripped-off .", "true , learning how to haggle the price is one of the things people have to pick up when they come to China for the first time .", "yeah , but personally , I hate bargaining . If I bargain , I might come to a lower price , but I will never know the true price of what I am buying ; and I always have the feeling that I am overcharged at th", "yeah , I have the same feeling . Also there is another thing that bothers me the quality . Things in a department store are usually quality-guaranteed . But at a wholesale market , you never know whether w" ]
that's why I like department stores more . Shopping at a wholesale market like the locals is one of the few things I am unable to grow accustomed to .
[ "Dahua's Market . How can I help you ?", "Where is your store located ?" ]
We are on Nanjing Road , next to the theatre .
[ "Ladies and Gentlemen , this is the Statue of Liberty . It's one of the American symbol .", "It's really spectacular ." ]
The statue has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream .
[ "Have you moved into your new house yet , Michael ?", "We just moved in yesterday , actually .", "So , what do you think about the place ? Are you glad that you moved in ?", "It's great ! Unfortunately , we're going to spend a fortune doing everything up .", "How old is the house then ?", "It's about 200 years old . It has a lot of history !", "Sounds fascinating . Where is your new house located ?", "It's just off of the ring road .", "Do you have a big yard ?", "It's bigger than our last one . I've got flowers in the front , and fruits , vegetables and a fish pond in the back .", "Is your house well-lit ?" ]
Oh , yes . Our windows let plenty of natural light in . They've also got wonderful views of the park behind our house .
[ "What should I do if I notice a fire ?" ]
Raise the alarm by breaking the glass of the nearest fire alarm . Call Security , say ' Fire ' and give your name and exact location . At night you should phone the fire service from the nearest telephone .
[ "What should I do if I notice a fire ?", "Raise the alarm by breaking the glass of the nearest fire alarm . Call Security , say ' Fire ' and give your name and exact location . At night you should phone the fire service from the nearest telephone .", "Should I try to put the fire out ?" ]
If you discover a small fire , you can try to put it out with a fire extinguisher but only do this if you have been trained . Make sure you use the right extinguisher . They are all colour-coded and contain different substances to put out the fire .
[ "Well , Yuri , tell me about it .", "I'm sorry I can't bring better news , sir . The site is a disaster .", "That's what I was afraid of ." ]
It is not only the earthquake , sir . But the mudslides.Much of the north half of the site has been covered over by mud .
[ "Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables in you country ?", "Yes , we do . The most popular vegetables are potatoes , carrots , peas , and cauliflower . The most popular fruit are apples , bananas , pears , peaches , grapes , and oranges . Do you like vegetables ?", "I like them very much . We also eat a lot of vegetables in my country , buy we eat different kinds .", "Which kinds of vegetables do people in your country usually eat ?", "We eat a lot of sweet corn , broccoli and eggplant ." ]
I love eggplant ! Unfortunately , it ’ s quite expensive in my country , so I don ’ t eat it often .
[ "Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables in you country ?", "Yes , we do . The most popular vegetables are potatoes , carrots , peas , and cauliflower . The most popular fruit are apples , bananas , pears , peaches , grapes , and oranges . Do you like vegetables ?", "I like them very much . We also eat a lot of vegetables in my country , buy we eat different kinds .", "Which kinds of vegetables do people in your country usually eat ?", "We eat a lot of sweet corn , broccoli and eggplant .", "I love eggplant ! Unfortunately , it ’ s quite expensive in my country , so I don ’ t eat it often .", "Why is it relatively expensive ?", "Because we don ’ t grow it much in my country . We import a lot from other countries .", "I see . We grow a lot of fruit and vegetables in my country . We export a lot of melons , grapes , oranges and lemons . In your country , do you eat corn on the cob ? It's very popular in my country .", "We eat it in my country too , but I wouldn't say it ’ s very popular . Most people buy frozen sweet corn from their local supermarket .", "Do people usually buy frozen vegetables in your country , it ’ s very rare in mine ." ]
A lot of younger people like to buy large packets of mixed frozen vegetables . Peas and sweet corn have been sold frozen in my country for many years . I prefer to buy fresh vegetables .
[ "Hi , I'm Benjamin . Nice to meet you here . You look great .", "Thank you . Nice to meet you too . I'm John . Is this your first time to take a long-distance trip on plane ?", "No , this is the second time . But I also feel bad because of the lower pressure and the jet lag .", "Oh , I am sorry to hear that . Take it easy . It will be OK soon . You see , I take this long-hour plane frequently , but the jet lag still makes me uneasy .", "Oh , that's too bad . Do you get a good knowledge of China ?", "Yes , whenever I think about China , I'd see the Tian'an Men Square . China is a very beautiful country . And I've seen many landmarks in China but I like the Great Wall most .", "All of the Chinese are proud of the Great Wall . And it was built before the In dynasty near Shan Haiguan-the First Pass in the World .", "Was it built before the In dynasty ? I thought it was in the Ming dynasty .", "No , before the In dynasty .", "Oh , yeah . Thought I am an American , I know quite a lot about China and I like Chinese tea very well .", "Both the green tea and the black tea are good for our health . And I usually refresh myself with a cup of tea ." ]
Yeah , many of my friends like Chinese tea and whenever I go back to China , I'll take some Dragon-well green tea for them .
[ "Hi . What can I get for you ?", "I ’ d like a half a pound of ground beef , please .", "Good choice ! Our ground beef is extra lean , if you know what I mean .", "Could I also have half a dozen pork chops and two pounds of boneless chicken breasts ?", "No , no no no chicken breasts at the moment , but we have some nice chicken thighs .", "No , that won ’ t do . I ’ ll take this smoked ham you have here .", "Okay , is there anything else ?", "Is this salami and bologna you have here ?", "Yes ! It ’ s very fine meat ! Made it myself ...", "Sounds good . Okay , that ’ s it ." ]
Wait ! We have T-bone , rib eye , and sirloin steaks . They are very fresh ! Just came from the slaughter house ...
[ "Hello ! How do I get online with my laptop ?", "Just plug the Ethernet cable into your computer , and you'll be online in a heartbeat .", "Well , I see the cable . But my computer runs on wireless only .", "No problem . I'll tell you about our alternatives .", "Yes , I'd love to hear what the alternatives are ." ]
Our state-of-the-art computer lab is on the first floor .
[ "I'm so tired ! I don't know how I'm going to make it through this lecture .", "the professor is a bit boring today . You need something to perk yourself up . How about a coffee ?", "I don't really like coffee , to be honest . It's too bitter for me .", "well , you need something to wake you up . How about a soda ?", "most some drinks have too much sugar in them ." ]
the diet sodas don't have any caffeic in them , which one would you like ?
[ "Hey , let ’ s go to the night market after work tonight ." ]
That ’ s a good idea . I haven ’ t been in a while and I need to get a new backpack . The old one is hanging on by a thread !
[ "Shall we share a taxi ?", "Where are you heading now ?" ]
I want to go back to my college on the Huanghe road . It is very close to your house .
[ "What are my choices for lunch ?" ]
We have beef with rice and fish with noodles . Which would you like ?
[ "I need a pan .", "Okay . Do you have a particular size in mind ?", "Well , the bigger the better , I think .", "Look at this one . It's our biggest pan .", "Yes , that is big enough , but it's too heavy for me .", "Okay , we have the same thing in aluminum .", "Oh , this is nice and light . But it has an aluminum handle ." ]
Try this one . Same aluminum pan , but with a heat-resistant bamboo handle .
[ "Have you got some nice apples in stock today ?", "What about these ? They are very fresh and exceptionally juicy .", "Are they sweet ?", "Very sweet .", "How much are they ?", "These are a dollar each and those are 75 cents each .", "All right , I'll have a dozen of the dollar ones .", "OK . Anything else ?", "Do you have any tangerines ? I'd like to have two kilograms ." ]
Yes , we've just had some wonderful tangerines in from Tailband . Here they are .
[ "R :: Good morning . Room Reservations . May I help you ?" ]
Yes , I ’ d like to reserve a room .
[ "Where do you want to go this weekend ?", "Let's go to the lake and camp on the south side ." ]
Do you want to take the jet ski ?
[ "May I show you to your room ?", "Ok ." ]
Here , let me help you with your bags .
[ "Operator .", "I wonder if you can help me .", "I'll be happy to try .", "Please wake me up at seven tomorrow morning ." ]
May I have your name and room number , please ?
[ "Good.Now what kind of job do you want ? Mr.Wilson ?", "I don't mind really.Perhaps a job in a shop or a factory .", "Well , I know Brown's Biscuit Factory are looking for a porter.They pay $ 200 a week .", "That sounds all right ." ]
Good.Now here's the address of the factory.The manager's name is ...
[ "Welcome to our factory . My name is Tiang Had and I'll show you around here.First we'll take a look at the workshop which produces food thermometers . Please , this way .", "Has all the work done by men been replaced by automatic computers ?", "Yes , it has .", "Excuse me , what is this ?", "This is a circuit board .", "Are the batteries in it made by your people ?", "No , they are from other factories ." ]
What kind of battery is it ?
[ "Come again ? What are you talking about ? Aren't we on the same team now ?", "Guess again , Dave . I have no intention of leaving invoking . Never did .", "What do you mean ? You didn't ? Oh , no ... No !", "That's right , Dave . I tricked you into giving a confession . And I've recorded every word of it .", "But how ? So you knew all along I was with WebTracker ? How did you know ?" ]
I saw your green post-it notes . Nobody else has them .
[ "Can I help you ?", "How much is this pen ?" ]
Ten Yuan .
[ "Did you enjoy your meal ?", "Yes , we really enjoyed it .", "May I interest you in some dessert ?", "Yes , that sounds great ." ]
Well , we have chocolate mousse cake , homemade fresh strawberry shortcake , and a spicy rum apple crisp for our specials .
[ "You two are so health-conscious !" ]
Well , we try ! Here , I just made some carrot juice . Would you like a glass ?
[ "The boat is ready to leave.Everyone come onto the ship , please .", "Excuse me , where is my cabin ?", "Can I see your ticket ?", "Of course . Here you are ." ]
Your seat is in cabin No . 5 , the upper deck . It ’ s near amid ship .
[ "What's the latest fashion of evening gown ?" ]
The one on the manikin is in fashion now .
[ "And anything to drink ?" ]
Yes , a red wine and a cup of coffee .
[ "Should I go now ?", "Nice and easy . Just give it a little gas .", "Nothing is happening !", "First you have to put the car into gear . Move this shifter so the arrow points at D for drive .", "What do these other letters mean ?" ]
R is for reverse , P is for park , and D1 and D2 are lower gears for going through snow , or up a steep hill .
[ "I often see some ' new age people ' show off their various skills to handle a skateboard , which makes me wonder in awe .", "Annie , you also know the ' new age people ' . I think these people must have undergone much sufferings of flesh in order to ride skillfully ." ]
Although it is easy to ride , the condition of the road surface should also be paid attention to , such as places being put together and full of gullies . If the condition permits , it is better to be equipped with helmet , eye shades , ankle shield , knee shield and elbow shield .
[ "I often see some ' new age people ' show off their various skills to handle a skateboard , which makes me wonder in awe .", "Annie , you also know the ' new age people ' . I think these people must have undergone much sufferings of flesh in order to ride skillfully .", "Although it is easy to ride , the condition of the road surface should also be paid attention to , such as places being put together and full of gullies . If the condition permits , it is better to be equipped with helmet , eye shades , ankle shield , knee shield and elbow shield ." ]
The skateboard does not pollute the air , either . It can be used as a tool to ride instead of walk .
[ "Where ’ s the wagon ?", "Where ’ s what wagon ?", "The water wagon .", "What water wagon ?", "The wagon with the water , of course ." ]
That ’ s my wagon . I need the water to water my flowers in the yard .
[ "It's been a long time , Mrs , Lee .", "Yes . I went to Hawaii on a vacation with my husband .", "When did you come back ? Did you have a good time ?" ]
We came back the day before yesterday . I enjoyed myself there very much . The beach is beautiful . You should go there some day . The sun was lovely , too .
[ "I want to ask you for a favor . I want to rent an apartment here in Beijing , but as a foreigner , I don't know the normal practice . Can you give me some advice ?", "First , why don't you tell me what you need , such as how big a room , where you want to live , whether you want to live downtown , and what you like to do . Then I can figure out which apartment is most suitable for you .", "I am a student and want to live in Haitian , so that I can live close to my school . I like to play soccer and I like a quiet apartment so I can study ." ]
I think that an apartment with two rooms and a kitchen would suit your needs . I can introduce you to a place for rent near your school . The apartment is on the 7th floor , so it is very quiet and suitable for studying .
[ "I want to ask you for a favor . I want to rent an apartment here in Beijing , but as a foreigner , I don't know the normal practice . Can you give me some advice ?", "First , why don't you tell me what you need , such as how big a room , where you want to live , whether you want to live downtown , and what you like to do . Then I can figure out which apartment is most suitable for you .", "I am a student and want to live in Haitian , so that I can live close to my school . I like to play soccer and I like a quiet apartment so I can study .", "I think that an apartment with two rooms and a kitchen would suit your needs . I can introduce you to a place for rent near your school . The apartment is on the 7th floor , so it is very quiet and suitable for studying .", "That sounds great !" ]
You can also go to the school's sports field to play soccer , and if you're lucky you might make some Chinese friends there . It is right near the market and has comfortable facilities .
[ "Did your meal meet with your approval ?", "Our meal was absolutely perfect !", "How about a dessert to top off that wonderful meal ?", "Dessert sounds perfect , but I would like to split something with my friends ." ]
On this evening's dessert list , we have chocolate mousse cake , homemade fresh strawberry shortcake , and a spicy rum apple crisp .
[ "Morgan , can I ask you a question ?", "sure , what is it ?", "I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant ." ]
in most cities in China , doggie bags are quite uncommon .
[ "Morgan , can I ask you a question ?", "sure , what is it ?", "I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant .", "in most cities in China , doggie bags are quite uncommon .", "what happen to all the leftover food ?", "it usually goes to the dump .", "that seems like an awful waste ! Why don't people order fewer dishes so that they don't have to throw so much away at the end of the meal ?" ]
ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition in China . You know , in the past , people could not afford to eat out like they can today .
[ "Morgan , can I ask you a question ?", "sure , what is it ?", "I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant .", "in most cities in China , doggie bags are quite uncommon .", "what happen to all the leftover food ?", "it usually goes to the dump .", "that seems like an awful waste ! Why don't people order fewer dishes so that they don't have to throw so much away at the end of the meal ?", "ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition in China . You know , in the past , people could not afford to eat out like they can today .", "I guess that makes sense . I just think it would make more sense to take the leftovers home .", "well , if you want , you can take the leftovers home .", "no , that's OK . You know what they say when in Rome ..." ]
I was impressed that you tried the pig's feet . I heard that many foreigners don't like to eat them .
[ "Could I see that automatic camera ?", "Of course . This camera is easy to operate .", "Where is it made ?", "It's made in China .", "Is it expensive ?", "Not very expensive .", "I'll take this one .", "OK . Do you want any film ?" ]
Yes , give me two rolls of Kodak color film .
[ "Good afternoon Sir , may I please see your passport and reservation ?", "Here you go .", "I'm sorry sir , this flight has been cancelled due to some mechanical problems .", "Cancelled ! So what am I supposed to do now ?" ]
We apologize for any inconveniences that may be caused by this . If your flight is urgent , I can put you on a waiting list for another flight this evening , but it's on a first come first served basis , so there is no guarantee that you will be able to take that flight .
[ "Have you been registered yet , sir ?", "No , I haven't been registered .", "Are you a medical or surgical case ?", "I'm a medical case .", "Do you have your medical history sheet with you ?", "Yes , here you are .", "Please fill in this admission card . Well , how long do you expect to stay in the hospital ?", "The doctor told me to stay about one month ." ]
But there're no beds available now . Two patients will be discharged this afternoon , so you'll have to wait until then .
[ "Wow ! They've got everything here . All the world's famous brands . Aunt Cindy , what is your favorite brand ?" ]
I love all the fashionable things . But my favorite brand is Chanel .
[ "Would you please weigh this letter to see what the postage is ?", "Do you want to send it by ordinary or registered mail ?" ]
By ordinary air mail , please .
[ "( Having lunch with Joseph ) Have you ever been invited to a Chinese feast ?", "Sure . Beijingers are distinguished for their warmth and hospitality ." ]
As far as you could see , is dining at a Chinese table a distinct experience ? To what extent does it differ from that in your homeland ?
[ "We'd like some local-flavored pastry . Can you recommend some ?" ]
How about some Zongzi ?
[ "We'd like some local-flavored pastry . Can you recommend some ?", "How about some Zongzi ?", "What is that ?" ]
Well , it's a pyramid-shaped dumpling made from glutinous rice wrapped in reed leaves .
[ "Excuse me . Would you tell me where The People's Park is ?" ]
The People's Park is located on Nanjing Road , near Limbo road , just on the opposite side of the International Hotel .
[ "hello ! How are you .", "not too well ! I ’ m just to the doctor . I haven ’ t been feeling too well .. over the last few days .", "what have you got ? A cough ? A cold ?", "that ’ s the funny thing . I don ’ t what ’ s wrong with me . I just feel exhausted .", "perhaps you ’ Ve been working too hard . You do have a high-pressure job .", "maybe . I haven ’ t been able to keep my food down either . That ’ s unusual ." ]
well . I ’ m sure the doctor will be able to prescribe something to make you well again . Dr . Jameson is very good .
[ "Good morning . I ’ m thinking about buying some new furniture for my living room . Could you help me ?", "Certainly . As you can see , we have several three-piece suites on sale . Feel free to sit down and test how comfortable they are .", "I came to your store yesterday and have come back today to make a final decision . I think I like the black leather suite . It ’ s on sale , isn't it ?", "Yes . The price has been reduced by 50 % . It ’ s a real bargain .", "I ’ ll take it . I also need to improve the lighting in my living room . Do you have any suggestions ?", "Those floor lamps are very nice and you can vary the brightness according to whether you ’ re reading or watching tv . How big is your living room ?", "It ’ s quite large . It ’ s about 40 square metres .", "I ’ d suggest you buy two . That allows you to change the brightness of the room better ." ]
Ok . I like the design of this lamps . I also need some cushion covers . I ’ ll just browse through those ones over there .
[ "I heard you want to apply for the position as a foreign bank staff member , is it true ?", "Yes , it's true .", "What about the foreign bank ?" ]
It's a branch of the Bank of America in Beijing .
[ "Well it ’ s my first night in Beijing . What should I eat ?" ]
Well you have to try Peking duck .
[ "Hello ! This is Air China Booking Office .", "Hello ! I'd like to reconfirm my flight reservation .", "May I know your flight number , please ?" ]
It's flight CA169 , which leaves Beijing at 8: 00 a . m . on January 20th .
[ "I ’ ll show you around and explain the operation as we go along .", "That ’ ll be most helpful .", "That is our office block . We have all the administrative depart - ments there . Down there is the research and development section .", "How much do you spend on development every year ?", "About 3-4 % of the gross sales .", "What ’ s that building opposite us ?" ]
That ’ s the warehouse . We keep a stock of the faster moving items so that urgent orders can be met quickly from stock .
[ "I think I've looked everywhere , but I haven't seen a swimming pool here .", "This hotel has no full-size pool , but we do have swim stations in our gym .", "Swim stations ? Whoever heard of such a thing ?", "You swim in a swim station just like you run on a treadmill .", "All that exercise in a little pool ! Do I have to pay anything ?" ]
The swim stations are available to all guests for no charge .
[ "Alright , tell me what you think about this one .", "Don't you think it's a bit bright ?", "Yeah , maybe you're right . How about this outfit ?", "That dress looks lovely on you , but it's not very practical , is it ?", "No , I don't have any plans to go to a formal dance any time soon , but I love the way it looks . I just want to try it on ! What do you think about this ? It's casual , yet sophisticated .", "I like the jeans , but you need something to go with the top . It's too plain on its own ." ]
How about this scarf , these earrings , and an anklet ?
[ "So what brings you to my office today ?", "My tooth is killing me !", "How long has your tooth been bothering you ?", "It just started hurting me last night .", "Have you injured your tooth in any way ?", "I think one of my fillings might be coming loose ." ]
Do you have a special kind of toothbrush that you like to use ?
[ "We are free this afternoon , aren't we , Mr John ?", "Yes , we are visiting the exhibition this afternoon , and look around Beijing city , wouldn't we ?", "It's very kind of you , Mr John.the sightseeing trip between our business talk will be sort of our work can be make for pleasure.what kind of exhibition we're going to see ?", "It's industrial exhibition , in origin show the results of new industrial products in the city . a lot of products there to meet the needs of home and export", "Could you give more detail information about some of the industries you just mentioned ?", "Yes.take the oil industry for know there are twenty oil resources in can see many chemical products in the exhibition.such as chemical fabrics as I dress .", "What the others ?", "There are chemical materials , medicines , rubber , plastics and so on , many products and meet the domestic markets , we are also trying to meet international markets .", "How about textile industry ?", "Textile is a traditional industry , which has completely catalogue , and solid basis and has developed in the past few years.the export is great , counting more than 25 % of export products", "That's surprising , three days ago when I went to yancheng store , I saw different kinds of textile goods . I've bought some for my wife , some for my friends.they seem very attractive .", "That's good . I think they must like recently years , light industry have be developing in Standley , and place a credible role in our industry sister.these industry including leather , bikes , household electric products , clocks , sporting goods and so on.many of them are very popular at home and abroad ." ]
I'm sure I'll enjoy seeing them.and will have more information of your city industry.what is more ? I'd like to visit if it is possible.the famous Goumi street in the city .
[ "We are free this afternoon , aren't we , Mr John ?", "Yes , we are visiting the exhibition this afternoon , and look around Beijing city , wouldn't we ?", "It's very kind of you , Mr John.the sightseeing trip between our business talk will be sort of our work can be make for pleasure.what kind of exhibition we're going to see ?", "It's industrial exhibition , in origin show the results of new industrial products in the city . a lot of products there to meet the needs of home and export", "Could you give more detail information about some of the industries you just mentioned ?", "Yes.take the oil industry for know there are twenty oil resources in can see many chemical products in the exhibition.such as chemical fabrics as I dress .", "What the others ?", "There are chemical materials , medicines , rubber , plastics and so on , many products and meet the domestic markets , we are also trying to meet international markets .", "How about textile industry ?", "Textile is a traditional industry , which has completely catalogue , and solid basis and has developed in the past few years.the export is great , counting more than 25 % of export products", "That's surprising , three days ago when I went to yancheng store , I saw different kinds of textile goods . I've bought some for my wife , some for my friends.they seem very attractive .", "That's good . I think they must like recently years , light industry have be developing in Standley , and place a credible role in our industry sister.these industry including leather , bikes , household electric products , clocks , sporting goods and so on.many of them are very popular at home and abroad .", "I'm sure I'll enjoy seeing them.and will have more information of your city industry.what is more ? I'd like to visit if it is possible.the famous Goumi street in the city ." ]
No problem , this street is nearly built along the both sides of this street.there is stores , restaurant follow the style of tradition chinese building , the guest come there taste very traditional favorite dishes .
[ "Please point out the painful place with your finger . Is there any relation between the pain and the weather ?", "Yes , the pain comes more intense when the weather is bad . And the pain comes more intense when I walk too much .", "Have you ever had any trauma ?", "Yes , I have .", "Does the pian become more intense at night ?", "Yes , it does . Just like a needle prick . Besides , the place that hurts often feels cold , too .", "Do you have the sensation of ants crawling over the painful part ?", "Yes , I do .", "I'd like to treat you with acupuncture if you agree .", "By the way , does acupuncture hurt ?" ]
Acupuncture may cause just a little pain , but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distension.We ' ll try it every day for seven days.Will that be all right ?
[ "How are we going to get there ?" ]
Let's take a cab .
[ "I like chess better than xiangqi . And you ?", "For my part , xiangqi . Maybe it's because my girlfriend is Chinese .", "I think chess is more reasonable . You see , each side has eight pawns , a larger number than that of the soldiers in xiangqi . A true battle should be like that . Soldiers should outnumber the commanders .", "Quite right . And unlike the soldiers in xiangqi , the pawns in chess can promote once they reach the furthest rank . It is very agreeable to grant merits to people with good performance .", "Correct ! Another contrast is the rules for the general and the king . It seems the general or marshal in xiangqi is much too incompetent . They are required to stay in the palace , waiting to be checked and fleeing for life under the cover of the guards . Look at the king in chess , he is much more capable .", "Yeah , and though the king in chess doesn't have bodyguards , he has a queen who is the most powerful piece . I think this demonstrates the relatively higher social status of aristocratic women in medieval Europe than in China ." ]
There's another distinctive contrast . Both board games use a total of 32 pieces , but xiangqi is played on a 9 - by - 9 board , bigger than the 8 - by - 8 board used in chess .
[ "Would you please recommend some Chinese wine ?", "Would you like to have a taste of Moutan ?", "That's great ! What comes along with Moutan ?" ]
Yes , you con order some typical Chinese dishes . For example , Roast Beijing Duck .
[ "Good morning , sir , where are you going ?", "I'm going to England by flight B . E . 987 .", "When is your flight ?", "10:00 a . m . When am I supposed to check in ?", "We are checking in . May I have your ticket ? And your health certificate and your luggage , please .", "Here you are ." ]
Are you keeping this small bag as carry-on luggage , sir ?
[ "Where do these flower vases come from ?" ]
They are made a town nearby . The flower vases are made of porcelain and covered with tiny bamboo sticks .
[ "Would you like to order now ?", "This all looks good ! I think we know what we want .", "Please let me point out the chef's special , which is blackened catfish .", "I am dieting , so could the chef prepare the food with no extra sauce ?", "We are always happy to adjust our cooking to meet your needs .", "Could you tell me if there are any entrees that are vegetarian ?" ]
The cashew broccoli noodles or the cheese and veggie enchiladas would be an excellent choice .
[ "Would you care for a cup of tea before your meal ?", "OK , thank you ." ]
How about some Oolong tea ? It's very popular with our guests .
[ "I'd like to send this parcel to Spain , please ." ]
Do you want to send it by airmail or by surface mail ?