6 values
[ "Hello. Is that Mr. Nelson? This is Linda speaking.", "Hello, Miss Linda. What can I do for you?", "I'm on my way to visit you now, but I've lost my way.", "That's too bad. Where are you now, Miss Linda?", "I don't know exactly. I think I'm somewhere on New Hampshire Street. I'm calling you from a bookstore." ]
A bookstore on New Hampshire Street. It's at a corner, isn't it?
[ "Susan, Please pass me a copy of China Daily.", "Here you are.", "I want to find what's on this weekend.", "Is there anything good on?", "The Beijing Opera is showing on Saturday evening. Do you like Beijing Opera?", "Oh, yes. Very much. When and where will it be?" ]
At 7:30 in Beihai Park.
[ ": Yes, I'd like to report a theft.", "ice Officer: Okay. Can you tell me exactly what happened.", ": Well, I was walking home from work two days ago, enjoying the nature all around me ... the birds, the frogs, the flowing stream ... [Okay, Okay] when this woman knocked me right off my feet, grabbed my stuff, and ran off through the trees. [Hmm]. I was so surprised by the ordeal that I didn't go after her.", "ice Officer: Yeah. Can you describe the woman for me?", ": Yeah. He was about a hundred and ninety centimeters tall ...", "ice Officer: Wait. You said a woman robbed you.", ": Well, I'm not really sure. [Hmm]. You see, the person was wearing a white and black polka dot dress, a light red sweater over it, and she ... or he ... was wearing a pair of basketball shoes.", "ice Officer: Humm. What else can you tell me?", ": Okay. Like I said, the person was about 190 centimeters tall, heavy build, with long wavy hair. She ... or he ... was probably in his or her late 30's. I didn't get a good look at the person's face, but well ... uh ....", "ice Officer: What? Was there something else?", ": Well, the person ... had a beard.", "ice Officer: Ah! What was, uh, taken ... exactly?", ": Well, just my left shoe. Bizarre, isn't it?", "ice Officer: Ah. The \"bearded woman\" has struck again!", ": The \"bearded woman\"?", "ice Officer: Yeah. It's this man who dresses up like a woman and, for some unknown reason, removes the left shoe from his victims. He's really quite harmless, though, and he usually returns the shoe to the crime scene a couple of days later." ]
: Hey, he can keep my shoe, and I'll just take off my left shoe every time I walk through the park.
[ "Do you mind telling me about your work in the factory?", "Certainly not. I'm a machine operator working in the assembly workshop.", "Oh, are you? Then you have a six-day week, don't you?", "Yes. And we work eight hours a day, but this includes a one -hour break.", "What about the huge machines used in your factory? I know you make heavy machines yourselves. But I wonder if you also use machines imported from abroad.", "Most of them are made in China, some even by our factory. Only a few were bought from other countries.", "But I see the machines turned out here are quite modem and efficient.", "Following the national policy of self - reliance and hard - working struggle, we've tried our best in the past few years to improve our equipment. However, there is still a lot more to do.", "Now the question about yourself. I hope you don't mind it. How much do you earn each month?", "My monthly wage is 3,500 RMB, not including the extra pay of about 500 for extra work I put in.", "That sounds reasonable indeed. I'm very interested in worker's welfare here. What other benefits do you workers get, I wonder?" ]
Like other factories in China, our factory offers free medical service for workers.
[ "Excuse me, what did you say you would like to do, Mr Green?", "I said I'd better go back to the hotel. I'm meeting someone this evening.", "OK, how are you going back? By bus or taxi?" ]
I think I'd take a taxi. Do you know where I can get one?
[ "Excuse me, what did you say you would like to do, Mr Green?", "I said I'd better go back to the hotel. I'm meeting someone this evening.", "OK, how are you going back? By bus or taxi?", "I think I'd take a taxi. Do you know where I can get one?", "Oh, just wait by the roadside. I'll wait with you." ]
OK, thanks. Are the taxis in London all black?
[ "I really need a vacation. I just can't decide where to go." ]
Have you ever been to Curacao?
[ "I really need a vacation. I just can't decide where to go.", "Have you ever been to Curacao?", "No, I haven't. It's so far.", "Oh, come on! In this day and age, nothing is far. Besides, once you get there, it's like being in paradise. I really think you should consider it. In fact, I suggest you ask your travel agent about it." ]
What's so great about Curacao? It's just another tropical island with a pretty beach.
[ "How many horses are there under the tree?" ]
There are three, and there are four cows behind the tree.
[ "Excuse me, could you tell me where the post office is?" ]
Post office? It's not far from here. Do you know Xinhua Road?
[ "Hi, Lily. Great graduation party, isn't it?", "Yes, everyone here is having a good time. Any ideas for the future?" ]
Well, I'm interested in finance and my uncle runs a company in Hong Kong, so I decided to go to Hong Kong University.
[ "I can't find my purse.", "Oh, no. Maybe you left it at the bank. You took it out when you cashed the cheque.", "But I remember having it after that.", "Well, you paid for the coffee when we were in that coffee shop. Remember?", "That's right. I remember feeling it to my pocket as we walked out." ]
And then, we dropped in ... bookshop...
[ "My watch stopped again, and it has stopped three times today." ]
Why don't you take it to the watch and clock shop at the street corner? They can fix it for you easily.
[ "Excuse me. Can you do me a favor?", "What's your problem?", "I just can not find the right place here. I've never been here before.", "You must be a freshman. What do you want anyway?", "I want to find a book that I need for my term paper, but I cannot find it anywhere." ]
The library has five reading rooms. You may try the General Reading Room. You can find almost all the books there. But you can not take the book out of the reading room.
[ ": Hello.", "an: Oh. Hello. You must be a new student. Did you find it OK?", ": Well, I got a bit lost because I asked a stranger. But I got it eventually.", "an: Oh, dear. Have you come far today.", ": Only from Brighton. I was staying with my brother.", "an: Oh, good. How did you get here?", ": My brother took me to the railway station. And I got on a bus at this end.", "an: Aha. Well, you'd better tell me your name so I can find your form.", ": It's Mark Burn.", "an: Burn, Burn. Ah, yes. Oh, you've changed since this photo. What happened to your beard and mustache? And not wearing glasses, either.", ": No, I thought I'd better look smarter." ]
an: Here is the key to your room. It's 501.
[ ": Hello.", "an: Oh. Hello. You must be a new student. Did you find it OK?", ": Well, I got a bit lost because I asked a stranger. But I got it eventually.", "an: Oh, dear. Have you come far today.", ": Only from Brighton. I was staying with my brother.", "an: Oh, good. How did you get here?", ": My brother took me to the railway station. And I got on a bus at this end.", "an: Aha. Well, you'd better tell me your name so I can find your form.", ": It's Mark Burn.", "an: Burn, Burn. Ah, yes. Oh, you've changed since this photo. What happened to your beard and mustache? And not wearing glasses, either.", ": No, I thought I'd better look smarter.", "an: Here is the key to your room. It's 501.", ": Thanks. How do I get there?" ]
an: Go to the end of this corridor, turn left and it's the third door on the right.
[ ": Hello.", "an: Oh. Hello. You must be a new student. Did you find it OK?", ": Well, I got a bit lost because I asked a stranger. But I got it eventually.", "an: Oh, dear. Have you come far today.", ": Only from Brighton. I was staying with my brother.", "an: Oh, good. How did you get here?", ": My brother took me to the railway station. And I got on a bus at this end.", "an: Aha. Well, you'd better tell me your name so I can find your form.", ": It's Mark Burn.", "an: Burn, Burn. Ah, yes. Oh, you've changed since this photo. What happened to your beard and mustache? And not wearing glasses, either.", ": No, I thought I'd better look smarter.", "an: Here is the key to your room. It's 501.", ": Thanks. How do I get there?", "an: Go to the end of this corridor, turn left and it's the third door on the right.", ": Thank you. Oh, here's a meeting for new students. What time is that?" ]
an: Half past five in the Common Room on the ground floor at the other end of the corridor.
[ "ly: Welcome home, Dad.", ": Oh, Emily. How are you today?", "ly: Fine.", ": Good. And how was school today?", "ly: Really fun.", ": Good. And what did you do?", "ly: We made things.", ": Like what types of things did you make?", "ly: We made books.", ": You made books! Okay. And what else?", "ly: We ... we made paper kangaroos.", ": You made paper kangaroos? Okay, and what did you need to make your paper kangaroos? What kind of supplies did you need?", "ly: We used crayons, papers, glue, and we had to follow directions.", ": Well good. And what did you do after school?", "ly: We went home, played games.", ": And did ... Mom said you went to the junior high school." ]
ly: I rode my bike in the tennis court.
[ "Good morning, sir. May I help you?", "Will you please book tickets to Sanya for me?", "Yes, sir. When will you intend to leave?", "Next Wednesday.", "That will be July 13. There are two flight available that day: one at 9:00 a.m., the other one at 3:30 p.m.", "Fine. I'd like the 3:30 one.", "3:30 p.m. How many tickets do you need?", "Two." ]
Wish you a wonderful trip to Sanya.
[ "Good morning, sir. May I help you?", "Will you please book tickets to Sanya for me?", "Yes, sir. When will you intend to leave?", "Next Wednesday.", "That will be July 13. There are two flight available that day: one at 9:00 a.m., the other one at 3:30 p.m.", "Fine. I'd like the 3:30 one.", "3:30 p.m. How many tickets do you need?", "Two.", "Wish you a wonderful trip to Sanya." ]
They say Sanya leads the world in beautiful scenery. To tell the truth, my wife has been dying to go there.
[ "Hello." ]
Hello, Susan, this is Jim. I'm calling from the bus stop at Pine Street. I've been searching for your house for about thirty minutes now, but I can't find it. I forgot to bring the map you gave me.
[ "a: Hi, Tim. So, are you doing some last-minute shopping before the weekend?", ": Well, actually, I'm looking for supplies to put together 72-hour kits for each member of my family.", "a: [A] 72-hour kit? What's that?", ": Basically, a 72-hour kit contains emergency supplies you would need to sustain yourself for three days in case of an emergency, like an earthquake.", "a: An earthquake?! We haven't had an earthquake in years.", ": Well, you never know; you have to be prepared. Hey, if earthquakes don't get you, it could be a flood, hurricane, snowstorm, power outage, fire, alien attack. [Alien attack!] Well, you never know. Think of any situation in which you might find yourself without the basic necessities of life, including shelter, food, and water, for over a period of time.", "a: Hum. So, what do you keep in a 42-hour, um, ... I mean 72-kit?", ": Well, you should have enough food and water to last you three days, and you might want to pack a basic water filter or water purification tablets in case your only water source turns out to be a murky pool of bug-infested water. [Ugh!] Hey, sometimes you don't have a choice, and as for food, you should keep it simple: food that requires no preparation and that doesn't spoil. And no canned goods because they are often too heavy and bulky. [Okay, that makes sense.] And unless you have a can opener or the can has a pull-tab lid, you'll have to use a rock or something to open them. [Ah, instant mashed green beens.] Yeah, and oh, energy bars, beef jerky, and a mix of nuts, raisins, and chocolate are possibilities.", "a: Huh, the food might be nasty, but I guess you could survive ... barely.", ": Well, the food doesn't have to taste bad; just select things that are easy to prepare, and you might want to include some basic comfort foods like a couple of candy bars. Then, you have to decide on the type of shelter you might need.", "a: A hotel sounds nice.", ": Yeah, but that's really not an option. The reality is that you might have to evacuate to a shelter, possibly with hundreds or thousands of other people.", "a: That doesn't sound very fun ... everyone packed together like sardines in a can. Unsanitary conditions. Disease.", ": Ah, now you're sounding paranoid, but if a shelter isn't available, you might be completely on your own, so I always pack an emergency sleeping bag or small, lightweight tent in the event that I have to survive on the street or in a park.", "a: Wow.", ": And among other things, you should pack a flashlight, portable radio, extra batteries, a small first-aid kit, personal items like a toothbrush or toothpaste ... Having a change of clothing is also important.", "a: What about money? I have a credit card.", ": Right. Like that's going to help when the power is out. You'd better be prepared with coins and cash, and having small bills is a must.", "a: So, what do you do to communicate with other family members in case you get separated?", ": Oh, in that case? I always pack two-way radios to communicate with the group. You can never depend on cell phones. [Okay.] Plus, you should decide on a meeting point in case your family gets separated.", "a: Well, that sounds like a detailed plan, definitely.", ": Oh, that's not all. You never know what weather conditions you might encounter, so packing a rain poncho, a jacket, and something to start a fire with could be very useful.", "a: Like Matches?" ]
: Matches? (If) You drop those in a puddle of water, you're toast. You need to pack at least three forms of fire starter: a magnifying glass, a high-quality lighter, and waterproof matches.
[ "Good morning, Sir?", "Good morning. My name is Orwell. I've got a reservation, a single room with a shower.", "Ah, yes, Dr. Orwell. Would you fill in this form, please?", "Yes, of course.", "Oh, excuse me. I catch a cold. You're a doctor. You can give me something for it.", "Give you something for it, for your cold, you mean. I am not that kind of doctor.", "Oh, aren't you?", "No, I am a psychologist.", "Ah, you are a psychologist. Oh I see.", "Is that all right?", "Yes. Would you like a newspaper in the morning?", "Yes. The Times." ]
OK, Sir. Your room is 523, and how long would you stay?
[ "May I help you,sir?", "Yes, please. I want to buy a personal gift for my brother. He's taking a trip to South America.", "Is he going by ship or by plane?", "He's flying. My gift will have to be something light in weight. What can you suggest?" ]
What about this leather wallet? It's made of crocodile leather.
[ "Senator Kirk, if you are elected again, what do you plan to do?", "Well, first, I plan to create more jobs. My office will work hard to make our state a good place for businesses. Businesses will hire more people, and more people will be able to work and feed their families here.", "What do you think about the environment?", "I am a strong supporter of protecting the environment. I think that we need to build more trains. We need more people to ride their bikes. We need to protect the air. Everybody needs clean air, and when I am elected Senator, I will make sure we protect the earth." ]
In 2009, you voted to let factories put their garbage into the river. Is that correct?
[ "Hello, Mr. Tompkins. Our newspaper is going to print an article about new products. Could you tell me about the new home your company has built? I understand it promises to be a model for the houses of the future.", "Certainly. The idea is not to have a house full of different things. This is a complete home system. It will make people's lives easier.", "OK! So tell me how this house will make my life easier?", "When you arrive at the front door, you won't need a key. The door will open with a touch of your finger. You'll be able to call your refrigerator when you're at the grocery store and find out how much you need to buy. Isn't it wonderful?" ]
Can I call the washing machine as well?
[ "Hello. Can I help you?", "Yes, er... I am going to see the West End.", "How much time do you have?", "Just one day.", "Well, what do you particularly want to do?", "I want to visit museums, art galleries, Buckingham Palace, do some shopping, go to the theater...", "But you only have one day!", "That's right.", "Well, you can go shopping in the morning.", "Where?", "In Oxford Street.", "How do I get there?", "You can walk through Hyde Park. It's quite near.", "Good. What time do the shops open?", "At nine.", "Are there any restaurants in Oxford Street?", "Yes, there are lots. You can have lunch there.", "Are there any museums near Oxford Street?" ]
Yes, the British Museum. You can go there in the afternoon.
[ "Next! Good morning, can I help you?", "This place is a madhouse! Everybody is pushing and shoving!", "Yes, I know. We are short-handed and we are very crowded today Now what can I do for you?", "I want a ticket to New York.", "Okay. One way or round trip?" ]
One way, of course. I don't want to hang around here any longer. I was here in Los Angeles last year and I hated it. I come here on business every year and I hate it. It's too spread out, too smoggy!
[ "Excuse me, Madam.", "Yes?" ]
Docs this bus go to Renmin Road?
[ "Hello. Sunnyside Hotel. May I help you?", "Yes, I'd like to book a room for two on the 21st of March.", "Okay. Let me check our books here for a moment. The 21st of May, right?", "No. March, not May.", "Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmm,", "Are you all booked that night?", "I'm sorry. They are all booked that day.", "Then do you have a room available either on the 20th or the 22nd?" ]
Well, would you like a smoking or non-smoking room?
[ "Hello. Sunnyside Hotel. May I help you?", "Yes, I'd like to book a room for two on the 21st of March.", "Okay. Let me check our books here for a moment. The 21st of May, right?", "No. March, not May.", "Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmm,", "Are you all booked that night?", "I'm sorry. They are all booked that day.", "Then do you have a room available either on the 20th or the 22nd?", "Well, would you like a smoking or non-smoking room?", "Non-smoking, please.", "Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; we're full on the 22nd, unless you want a smoking room." ]
Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 20th?
[ "You know the weather's been awful so far this summer." ]
I know. This is very unusual for Japan. Usually by now, it's really hot and humid. I'm not sure why, but this summer we've had very little rain and surprisingly cool temperatures.
[ "Is this the English class?" ]
It is the Chemistry and Physics lab.
[ "Hello. Milton Hotel. Can I help you?", "I want a reservation. Can I have it now?", "Of course. What kind of taste do you like for your dinner?", "I prefer Chinese dishes.", "Would you like to sit in a smoking section, a non-smoking section or an open one?" ]
A non-smoking section.
[ "Tell me, Peter, what makes Harrods so famous?" ]
Well, it's the biggest department store in the UK. And its food hall and the Egyptian hall are very famous. People come to Harrods just to see them.
[ "Tell me, Peter, what makes Harrods so famous?", "Well, it's the biggest department store in the UK. And its food hall and the Egyptian hall are very famous. People come to Harrods just to see them.", "What is special about the food hall?", "It sells many different kinds of food. For example, it has 250 kinds of cheese from all over the world and more than 180 kinds of bread. Customers also love all the different kinds of chocolate. They buy a hundred tons every year." ]
That's amazing! And why is the Egyptian hall so famous?
[ "Tell me, Peter, what makes Harrods so famous?", "Well, it's the biggest department store in the UK. And its food hall and the Egyptian hall are very famous. People come to Harrods just to see them.", "What is special about the food hall?", "It sells many different kinds of food. For example, it has 250 kinds of cheese from all over the world and more than 180 kinds of bread. Customers also love all the different kinds of chocolate. They buy a hundred tons every year.", "That's amazing! And why is the Egyptian hall so famous?", "Well, when people see it, they feel they are in another world. It looks like in Egyptian building from 4,000 years ago. And it sells beautiful objects. They are not 4,000 years old, of course." ]
Is it true that Harrods produces its own electricity?
[ "Tell me, Peter, what makes Harrods so famous?", "Well, it's the biggest department store in the UK. And its food hall and the Egyptian hall are very famous. People come to Harrods just to see them.", "What is special about the food hall?", "It sells many different kinds of food. For example, it has 250 kinds of cheese from all over the world and more than 180 kinds of bread. Customers also love all the different kinds of chocolate. They buy a hundred tons every year.", "That's amazing! And why is the Egyptian hall so famous?", "Well, when people see it, they feel they are in another world. It looks like in Egyptian building from 4,000 years ago. And it sells beautiful objects. They are not 4,000 years old, of course.", "Is it true that Harrods produces its own electricity?", "Yes, it does 70%, enough for a small town. To light the outside of the building, we use 11,500 light bulbs.", "Really? Tell me, how many customers do you have on an average day? And how much do they spend?", "About 30,000 people come on an average day. But during the sales, the number increases to 300,000 customers a day. How much do they spent? Well, on average, customers spend about 1.5 million pounds a day. The record for one day is nine million pounds.", "Nine million pounds in one day?", "Yes, on the first day of the January sales." ]
Harrods says it sells everything to everybody, everywhere. Is that really true?
[ "This is a lovely house!", "Thank you, Jean.", "It's very close to your office, isn't it?", "Yes, it is. I always walk to work-even when it rains.", "I usually take the bus. It takes so long!", "How long does it take?", "Oh, it takes about 45 minutes.", "That's a long time. Well, have some pizza, please!" ]
(Taking a bite.) This is delicious! Do you bake all of your pizza?
[ "Hello? Um, can I get some help over here?", "Sure thing. What'll it be?", "A menu, please." ]
We don't serve food - just the beers you see on the wall.
[ "Today I'm interviewing nine-year old Catherine about her feelings on how people can help save the environment. So, Catherine, how call we save the environment?", "By saving water.", "Well, how can we do that?", "By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and when we do other things like watering the plants outside.", "Oh, what else?" ]
When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the garbage until you rind a garbage can to put it in. Because throwing rubbish carelessly makes our planet dirty, Do you like seeing rubbish all over the ground?
[ "Where are you going for your holiday this year, Jane?", "Florida.", "Great! How long are you going to stay there?", "One week. Just for Christmas time.", "Have you got any friends there?", "No. I have always wanted to go, but I've been too busy. Now I've got a week's holiday, and I can enjoy Christmas special prices. My dream will come true.", "Lovely! I guess you will certainly go to Disneyland.", "You are right. You have been there, haven't you?", "Yes, but just a couple of days.", "Tell me something about it, will you?" ]
There are so many things to see in the park. It has several main sections. They are named Main Street, Frontier Land, Fantasy Land, Tomorrow Land and Adventure Land. The park is often called a "Magic Kingdom".
[ "I'd like to add some Chinese traditional elements in the decoration of my new house." ]
That's great! I like this style very much. And I think if you want to embody the Chinese elements, you should use the red color. It is the most representative color in China, and sometimes it is called "Chinese Red".
[ "I'd like to add some Chinese traditional elements in the decoration of my new house.", "That's great! I like this style very much. And I think if you want to embody the Chinese elements, you should use the red color. It is the most representative color in China, and sometimes it is called \"Chinese Red\"." ]
Oh, yes, I agree with you. And as for the door and the windows, I also like to use lattice. I think it is the most important elements of Chinese decorating.
[ "Before making out a plan for sightseeing trips for you, I'd be glad to know if you have anything special in mind that you'd like to see." ]
Well, as a matter of fact, we were discussing this question last night. We all spoke of the Great Wall, one of the seven wonders of the world. We wouldn't want to leave China without seeing that. If it could possibly be arranged, how far is it from here?
[ "Before making out a plan for sightseeing trips for you, I'd be glad to know if you have anything special in mind that you'd like to see.", "Well, as a matter of fact, we were discussing this question last night. We all spoke of the Great Wall, one of the seven wonders of the world. We wouldn't want to leave China without seeing that. If it could possibly be arranged, how far is it from here?" ]
Only about 50 kilometers. Just an hour and a half's trip by car. We'll put down at the Great Wall then.
[ "Before making out a plan for sightseeing trips for you, I'd be glad to know if you have anything special in mind that you'd like to see.", "Well, as a matter of fact, we were discussing this question last night. We all spoke of the Great Wall, one of the seven wonders of the world. We wouldn't want to leave China without seeing that. If it could possibly be arranged, how far is it from here?", "Only about 50 kilometers. Just an hour and a half's trip by car. We'll put down at the Great Wall then.", "Good! And we've heard quite a lot about the Summer Palace. We'd like to see that, too." ]
All right, the Summer Palace, well, and there are a number of places that I think you'd find interesting, the Temple of Heaven, the Former Imperial Palaces and the Ming Tombs.
[ "When are you leaving?", "I'm leaving on Sunday night.", "What's your schedule?" ]
I arrive in Wellington on Monday, attend a conference there on Tuesday, and leave for Brisbane early Wednesday morning.
[ "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?", "Yes, nice and sunny.", "It's much better than last week. It was too warm then.", "I'm glad summer is over. I like autumn best.", "So do I. It's neither too hot nor too cold. The sky is clear and blue." ]
It's a good time to have a picnic. Do you want to have one this weekend.
[ "The Spring Festival is coming. Danny. How do you want to celebrate it?", "I don't know. We have no Spring Festival in our country.", "But the Spring Festival is the biggest holiday of the year in our country. People are busy shopping and preparing presents for their relatives and friends before the, New Year's Eve.", "That sounds exciting." ]
Children usually put on their new clothes on the first day of the Lunar New Year. And they also can get some money given by the elders as a Lunar New Year gift on the New Year's Eve.
[ "So Martin, what sports do you play?", "I play football, volleyball, tennis, and table tennis but volleyball is my favorite game as it's team game and you can play it with your friends, and enjoy it as a team.", "Is it quite a fast game as well?", "Yeah. It is a fast game and that's another reason why I enjoy it.", "How exciting...", "Yes.", "Where do you play, then?" ]
I play at local sports centres more during the winter and sort of play in tournaments around England. I also, in the summer, play beach volleyball.
[ "So Martin, what sports do you play?", "I play football, volleyball, tennis, and table tennis but volleyball is my favorite game as it's team game and you can play it with your friends, and enjoy it as a team.", "Is it quite a fast game as well?", "Yeah. It is a fast game and that's another reason why I enjoy it.", "How exciting...", "Yes.", "Where do you play, then?", "I play at local sports centres more during the winter and sort of play in tournaments around England. I also, in the summer, play beach volleyball." ]
Is beach volleyball different from the volleyball you play in the centres?
[ "Two more miles to go...we have an hour before school starts. Let's take our time. Do you want to stop and get a breakfast sandwich?", "We decided to start walking to school for the exercise. We want to get fit. Why would we want to eat a fattening breakfast sandwich?", "McDonald's has an egg muffin sandwich that has only 320 calories. What's wrong with that? I bet we walked off 320 calories already. After two more miles, we can probably walk off another 100 calories.", "I do need energy. I hardly ate dinner last night. My mom made leg of lamb, and it's definitely not my favorite. In fact, I think I'm going to become a vegetarian.", "Good for you! I gave up meat a long time ago. Now, almost all of my meals are salads. Funny thing is, when I make my food, I also make food for my rabbit. We mostly eat the same things now." ]
My bird eats seeds and berries. We could probably share our meals, too!
[ "an: Can I help you?", ": Yes. My daughter bought this camera here for my wife's birthday. But it doesn't work. So I'd like to change it for another one.", "an: I see. Let me have a look. Well, we'll be happy to change it for you. But I am afraid we don't have another pink one.", ": Oh? What will I do then?" ]
an: Would you like to choose a different color? We do have this camera in black and orange.
[ "Mary, you know I've been thinking about applying for a job in Germany. Well, I've got the details about different jobs and I'd like your opinion about which would be the best one to go for.", "Where are the jobs?", "One's in Munich, one's in Frankfurt and the other one's in Hamburg." ]
Munich's supposed to be a very nice place.
[ "Hello, my name is Carlson. I believe you have a room booked for me." ]
Carlson? Oh, yes, Mr. Carlson. It's a single room with a bath, on the second floor. I hope it will suit you, sir.
[ "From here, the mountains look as if you could just reach out and touch them." ]
That's why I chose this lodge. It has one of the best views in Switzerland.
[ "I remember going to the fireworks with my best friend. There was a lot of people, but it only felt like us in the world." ]
I remember going to see the fireworks with my best friend. It was the first time we ever spent time alone together. Although there was a lot of people, we felt like the only people in the world.
[ "I am so upset and mad. I cant believe what has happened!", "I never thought things would go like this.", "What happened for you to feel that way?" ]
I was at the beach and a hurricane changed track and was coming straight at us. My boyfriend didnt want to leave because we were on the second day only of our vacation.
[ "I felt proud when I had accomplished a dream that I wanted to do for a long time.", "I felt proud when I had accomplished a dream that I wanted to do for a long time. It was absailing!!", "I'm not familiar with abseiling, but I'm glad that you felt good about it." ]
absailing, its when you rappeling down a building. What have you down that amazing?
[ "I was just on vacation in Biloxi. While hanging out on the balcony, I dropped some chips and then the balcony was swarmed by seagulls.", "Hi I was recently on vacation and frightened half to death.", "Oh, my, what happened?" ]
I was eating some chips on the balcony. I dropped them and then was swarmed by seagulls.
[ "My daughter, who has a fear of water, has learned to swim this summer! She still gets a little nervous, but overall she loves it!" ]
My daughter, Brooklyn, has finally overcame her fear of water and learned to swim! It makes me so happy to see her loving the water.
[ "My daughter, who has a fear of water, has learned to swim this summer! She still gets a little nervous, but overall she loves it!", "My daughter, Brooklyn, has finally overcame her fear of water and learned to swim! It makes me so happy to see her loving the water.", "Thats so special! What a beautiful moment.. How old is she?", "She is 4. She normally is completely fearless, compared to my son who is afraid of everything. Haha! So I love that she has worked so hard to overcome this." ]
My daughter is 1.5 years old - shes just been introduced to the water.. its always so special when our babies have their "first" moments. Congrats mama!
[ "I've been taking care of my aging mom for 5 years now and don't really have any friends, since so much time is used taking care of her.", "I've been taking care of my aging mom for 5 years now and don't really have any friends, since so much time is used taking care of her.", "That is a nice thing you are doing for her though. Maybe you could hire somebody for a few hours a week and join a gym or yoga class.", "Thank you. Can't afford outside help unfortunatley. Yes. I have picked up exercising though." ]
Go to a walking path or park. Maybe to a dog park also.
[ "I saw a little turtle about to get hit on the road the other day and I was in a hurry and didn't stop and get him. I hope he made it across the road, poor little guy." ]
A little baby turtle was crossing the road the other day and I was in a hurry and didn't stop and help him. I hope he made it. I usually stop and take them to a creek away from the road. Darn!
[ "I finally rearranged the garage after a year of putting it off" ]
So after a year of being here we finally got to rearrange the garage.
[ "I am afraid of clowns.", "I am afraid of clowns.", "oh gosh, me too!! especially the clown from the movie IT", "Yes I saw that movie and cried." ]
i slept with a light on for a couple of night lol
[ "The summer is almost over. I couldn't be any happier!", "I have had enogh of this summer heat. Cmon autumn!", "I agree. I love autumn.", "It gets do hot in memphis. My daughter is ready for school to start back anyway," ]
I love Memphis.
[ "I went on my first date ever only about a month ago. Even though I knew this girl really well beforehand, I was still really worried that it would be awkward and that I might mess it up.", "I know it seems late, but I'm 19 and I went on my first date only about one month ago.", "How was it?", "Beforehand I was really nervous that I was gonna mess it up and make things awkward. Contrary to that it really wasn't too bad!", "Thats great. Where did you go." ]
This Italian restaurant and an escape room too.
[ "We've had some big rain storms where I live this spring and summer. The creek behind my house got almost in the yard twice already. Very scary." ]
We have had some big rain storms this spring and summer. The creek behind my house got in my yard twice. Very scary.
[ "There's been a big white wolf or coyote coming in my yard lately. I am afraid it will kill the neighbors cats." ]
There's been a big white wolf or coyote around my yard the past few months. I'm afraid he will kill the neighbors cats.
[ "When i go to conventions i always want to be ready for anything. I pack a first aid kit and a lot of food. I always want to be ready for the worse at conventions but it can happen.", "So i like being prepared for a lot of different situations when i go to conventions.", "True ! Conventions give you an opportunity to learn as you never know what kind of situations will prop up" ]
Yeah, I think the most important thing to me is the first aid kit.
[ "I am ready to visit Fenway Park.", "I am ready to visit Fenway Park.", "That's cool. I'm still a Boston boy...lived in Lowell, MA in 4-5th grade" ]
That is cool. Have you been to Fenway Park?
[ "I found my lugage broken and objects where stolen" ]
At the airport, I found my luggage broken and objects where stolen
[ "My daughter was thrown from her horse a few months back. We took her to the hospital and it took hours to make sure she was ok. Those were a long few hours." ]
My daughter was thrown from her horse a few months back.
[ "I was flying in to LAX and the Sierra Nevada Mountains below me made me feel like I was coming home." ]
I flew back to California a few weeks ago, it was beautiful flying in over the mountains.
[ "Just went by the lake. Made me think of a friend I used to play with a lot when we were little.", "Just went by the lake. Made me think of a friend I used to play with a lot when we were little.", "Oh nice did you have fun? What lake?" ]
It's a lake near my grandparent's home in TN. I had a lot of fun!
[ "I felt this way when I attended Disney World.", "I can't wait for next february", "What is happening in February?", "I'm going to Disney World with my family for the first time!", "Good for you.You are going to have the time of your life." ]
I can't wait, everyone says it is the most magical place on Earth!
[ "I really love the snow but it never snows here. A few years ago, I got my wish, but it was also horrible. Lots of people stranded all over, including my husband and daughter.", "I really really love the snow, but we never get it. Well a few years ago, my wish was granted!", "Where do you live? I live in Missouri and the snows can be brutal. We had a couple days at 0F this year. I hate it" ]
Georgia - it snowed alright, and no one expected it to stick - well, it did and so many people were stranded. My husband went to pick up our daughter from school and it took him 6 hours to get there and back. The school is 5 miles from our house.
[ "I tripped on the stairs of a subway because one stair was higher than the others and I got quite angry at it.", "I tripped the other day on a stair becuase one was slightly higher than the others.", "Oh no, are you ok?", "Yea im fine but it was quite an embarrasing and frustrating situation." ]
I can imagine, perhaps it's a good way to get someone to fix the steps?
[ "I had to investigate a noise coming from my backyard at night." ]
Turns out it was a deer who got stuck in the bushes.
[ "Sometimes my kids will just not go to sleep! It doesn't help that it stays light out until 9:30pm nowadays!", "Gosh it is already 11:30pm and my kids are still awake!", "That's the worst!. Mine was up extra late tonight too.", "It stays bright so late nowadays that it's impossible to get them to go to bed." ]
I know. We just read a bedtime story where the mom paints a night scene on the child's blind to make her feel better.
[ "My cat dissapeared after 14 years one day. He never came back." ]
My first cat disaapeared 2 years ago after 14 years with him
[ "One time I saw a 64gb flash drive plugged into a computer. I really needed one so I just took it since it didn't have any information on it, but I couldn't help but feel bad about it." ]
As bad as it is to say, one time I took a flash drive that I saw in a computer that I used at school because I needed one and it had nothing on it.
[ "Whenever I see a newborn baby I always think about how I wish their life will be happy and long.", "Whenever I see a newborn baby I always think about how I wish their life will be happy and long." ]
That is really sweet, I saw someone tweet about a baby laughing on the beach for 15 minutes today. Happy babies are fun
[ "I can't wait for the weekend. I am going to Disney World in Florida." ]
I cant wait for next weekend. I am going to Disney World here in Florida.
[ "I was celebrating my sixth anniversary with my boyfriend. We were sitting on the beach around sunset, it was totally secluded and beautiful. My boyfriend proposed to me and I was so elated." ]
My boyfriend and I went to the beach the other evening to celebrate our six year anniversary. It was secluded and looked gorgeous. He proposed to me and I was soooo elated.
[ "I was on a walk with my kids, and these two dogs who are always running around loose causing trouble came running at us like they wanted to attack. I had to stomp my feet and yell to scare them off." ]
I was out walking with the kids yesterday and these loose dogs who are always running around the neighborhood came up and ran up to attack us. I was so scared that they were going to bite one of the kids, I just stomped at them and yelled loudly and luckily they were scared off and left.
[ "I was so frightened when a black cat started following me home. I am very superstitious and though perhaps it was a shapeshifter." ]
It was so creepy when I saw a black cat following me on my walk. I was scared it was a shapeshifter.
[ "I once had to go camping it didn't have the right equipment. So I went to the store and bought a new tent and sleeping bag." ]
I once had to go camping it didn't have the right equipment. So I went to the store and bought a new tent and sleeping bag.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:558_conv:1117,2,prepared,I once had to go camping it didn't have the right equipment. So I went to the store and bought a new tent and sleeping bag.,64,That sounds like a fun trip. I love camping.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:558_conv:1117,3,prepared,I once had to go camping it didn't have the right equipment. So I went to the store and bought a new tent and sleeping bag.,184,Yep as long as the weather is nice, it's fun. It's too hot right now though,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:558_conv:1117,4,prepared,I once had to go camping it didn't have the right equipment. So I went to the store and bought a new tent and sleeping bag.,64,I'm glad the weather seems to be holding up. I live in Florida and it is always hot.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:559_conv:1119,1,terrified,I was afraid of failing my exams,181,I pray not to be afraid to pass my exams,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:559_conv:1119,2,terrified,I was afraid of failing my exams,64,I think you will be fine. Just stay confident!,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:559_conv:1119,3,terrified,I was afraid of failing my exams,181,Yes,i will surely do that,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:559_conv:1119,4,terrified,I was afraid of failing my exams,64,Please do and you will do great!,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1120,1,proud,2,160,I was so mad today. I was at the mall and someone stole my parking spot!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1120,2,proud,2,182,That is infuriating to hear! People are just so entitled to things these days, truly no decency. ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1120,3,proud,2,160,I know right. He just whipped right in my space after I had been waiting patiently for a few minutes.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1120,4,proud,2,182,I hate when that happens. Something that you do but someone else takes credit for. I would've yelled at the person!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1121,1,furious,Last week I made plans with a friend of mine I had not seen in a long time. But on the morning of the day, my friend said they couldn't make it! I was so really mad.,182,Last week I made plans with a friend of mine I had not seen in a long time. But on the morning of the day, my friend said they couldn't make it! I was so really mad.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1121,2,furious,Last week I made plans with a friend of mine I had not seen in a long time. But on the morning of the day, my friend said they couldn't make it! I was so really mad.,160,I hate when that happens. It makes you wonder if they are really your friend or not.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1121,3,furious,Last week I made plans with a friend of mine I had not seen in a long time. But on the morning of the day, my friend said they couldn't make it! I was so really mad.,182,Yea right. I was so upset that I considered ending the friendship with them.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:560_conv:1121,4,furious,Last week I made plans with a friend of mine I had not seen in a long time. But on the morning of the day, my friend said they couldn't make it! I was so really mad.,160,I know how you feel. Try not to get too mad, maybe he had a good reason and didn't want to share it.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:561_conv:1123,1,excited,I love pizza and finally got to go to Chicago to have the real deep dish experience.,167,I love pizza and finally got to go to Chicago to have the real deep dish experience,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:561_conv:1123,2,excited,I love pizza and finally got to go to Chicago to have the real deep dish experience.,64,I have never been to Chicago. I heard deep dish pizza is incredible!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:561_conv:1123,3,excited,I love pizza and finally got to go to Chicago to have the real deep dish experience.,167,Yes, if you ever get the chance it is a great weekend getaway for foodies.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:561_conv:1123,4,excited,I love pizza and finally got to go to Chicago to have the real deep dish experience.,64,That's great to hear, because I love food and pizza.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:562_conv:1125,1,afraid,when going into the haunted house,185,I feel anxious going to them.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:562_conv:1125,2,afraid,when going into the haunted house,64,I am sorry about that. Where are you going?,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:562_conv:1125,3,afraid,when going into the haunted house,185,To halloween horror nights. Have you ever been?,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:562_conv:1125,4,afraid,when going into the haunted house,64,I have not! Is that at a theme park?,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:562_conv:1125,5,afraid,when going into the haunted house,185,Yes it is at Universal studios in orlando florida,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:565_conv:1131,1,excited,On my last birthday I went skydiving. I'm afraid of heights, but I was still excitied about the prospect.,184,On my last birthday I went skydiving. I'm afraid of heights, but I was still excitied about the prospect.,3|5|5_5|5|5, hit:565_conv:1131,2,excited,On my last birthday I went skydiving. I'm afraid of heights, but I was still excitied about the prospect.,64,Skydiving sounds like a lot of fun. I need to go!,3|5|5_5|5|5, hit:565_conv:1131,3,excited,On my last birthday I went skydiving. I'm afraid of heights, but I was still excitied about the prospect.,184,It's really great, biggest thrill of my life.,3|5|5_5|5|5, hit:565_conv:1131,4,excited,On my last birthday I went skydiving. I'm afraid of heights, but I was still excitied about the prospect.,64,I want to go so bad. People that are afraid of heights are missing out!,3|5|5_5|5|5, hit:566_conv:1133,1,caring,My three year old had the flu. I gave them a bath, fed them some soup and fruit, gave them a cup of milk followed by some medicine and tucked them into bed. It felt nice taking care of my baby.,152,I had to take care of my 3 year old, he had the flu. I fed him some healthy food, gave him a warm bath and tucked him in to bed with fresh clean jammies. It was sweet.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:566_conv:1133,2,caring,My three year old had the flu. I gave them a bath, fed them some soup and fruit, gave them a cup of milk followed by some medicine and tucked them into bed. It felt nice taking care of my baby.,178,wow. what an experience. He must have felt loved from the care you gave him,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:566_conv:1133,3,caring,My three year old had the flu. I gave them a bath, fed them some soup and fruit, gave them a cup of milk followed by some medicine and tucked them into bed. It felt nice taking care of my baby.,152,I sure hope so! He was really fussy while he was sick, I felt bad.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:566_conv:1133,4,caring,My three year old had the flu. I gave them a bath, fed them some soup and fruit, gave them a cup of milk followed by some medicine and tucked them into bed. It felt nice taking care of my baby.,178,sorry about that. I hope he is doing well now,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:567_conv:1135,1,afraid,I was so terrified last night,181,I had terrifying dreams,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:567_conv:1135,2,afraid,I was so terrified last night,158,Don't we all,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:567_conv:1135,3,afraid,I was so terrified last night,181,It happens at times,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:567_conv:1135,4,afraid,I was so terrified last night,158,A lot of times I wake up and am relieved it was only a dream.,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1136,1,afraid,I was shot at on the fourth of july one year.,174,A few years ago I saw my life flash before my eyes.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1136,2,afraid,I was shot at on the fourth of july one year.,185,oh wow what happened?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1136,3,afraid,I was shot at on the fourth of july one year.,174,My friends and I were sitting at one of our houses. All of a sudden gunshots start reigning throughout the neighborhood.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1136,4,afraid,I was shot at on the fourth of july one year.,185,that is crazy, did you call the cops?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1136,5,afraid,I was shot at on the fourth of july one year.,174,Yes, but it took us a few minutes to do so because we were so shocked.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1137,1,trusting,when I left my friend cut my hair,185,I let my friend cut my hair, with no training,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1137,2,trusting,when I left my friend cut my hair,174,How did that wind up going for you?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1137,3,trusting,when I left my friend cut my hair,185,not to well i ended up cutting the rest myself to make the haircut better,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:568_conv:1137,4,trusting,when I left my friend cut my hair,174,Oh my gosh, that is terrible! I hope you were able to salvage it.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:569_conv:1139,1,lonely,I live by myself and I get so bored. I feel so depressed.,160,I live by myself and I get so bored. I feel so depressed.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:569_conv:1139,2,lonely,I live by myself and I get so bored. I feel so depressed.,108,I'm sorry to hear that it bothers you in a negative way. I love being alone, I'm an introvert.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:569_conv:1139,3,lonely,I live by myself and I get so bored. I feel so depressed.,160,Lucky you. I am very social so it is hard for me sometimes. Hopefully I won't have to deal with it forever.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:569_conv:1139,4,lonely,I live by myself and I get so bored. I feel so depressed.,108,No, you won't.Enjoy your peace while you have it. You can always go out or join an interest group.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:570_conv:1140,1,furious,I had some special flowers growing for 3 years and a new landscaper destroyed them all.,180,I grew these beautiful flowers in my garden and I had them for three years tending to them carefully. Can you believe our new landscaper mowed them over with his lawn mower.,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:570_conv:1140,2,furious,I had some special flowers growing for 3 years and a new landscaper destroyed them all.,184,Oh no, that's terrible! You should fire that landscaper and plant new flowers.,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:570_conv:1140,3,furious,I had some special flowers growing for 3 years and a new landscaper destroyed them all.,180,That is exactly how I felt. It took me so much time to get them exactly the way I wanted them.,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:570_conv:1140,4,furious,I had some special flowers growing for 3 years and a new landscaper destroyed them all.,184,Well you can always get more flowers, so it'll be okay!,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:570_conv:1140,5,furious,I had some special flowers growing for 3 years and a new landscaper destroyed them all.,180,You are so kind, but it is just not the same, and I think if this was to happen again I will pull what is remaining of my hair out.,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:570_conv:1141,1,lonely,I've been doing work in a remote location and I haven't seen my friends or family for weeks.,184,I've been doing work in a remote location and I haven't seen my friends or family for weeks.,5|4|5_5|5|5, hit:570_conv:1141,2,lonely,I've been doing work in a remote location and I haven't seen my friends or family for weeks.,180,Oh my, that must be very lonely. Don't you get home sick?,5|4|5_5|5|5, hit:570_conv:1141,3,lonely,I've been doing work in a remote location and I haven't seen my friends or family for weeks.,184,I do, but the pay is good and I need the money.,5|4|5_5|5|5, hit:570_conv:1141,4,lonely,I've been doing work in a remote location and I haven't seen my friends or family for weeks.,180,I totally understand, and I know you must feel sad sometimes. Would you get to see them soon?,5|4|5_5|5|5, hit:571_conv:1142,1,proud,I was very happy when I finished college.,185,I studied college at university of south Florida. I was very happy when I graduated.,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:571_conv:1142,2,proud,I was very happy when I finished college.,181,Oh,congrats!thats great,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:571_conv:1142,3,proud,I was very happy when I finished college.,185,thank you are you in college?,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:571_conv:1142,4,proud,I was very happy when I finished college.,181,Not yet,about to,5|5|5_4|4|4, hit:571_conv:1143,1,faithful,I trust people a lot,181,My trust for people has no limit,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:571_conv:1143,2,faithful,I trust people a lot,185,that is good right? that means you give everyone a chance?,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:571_conv:1143,3,faithful,I trust people a lot,181,Yes,and am being appreciated for that,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:571_conv:1143,4,faithful,I trust people a lot,185,that is good the world needs more people like you,4|4|4_5|5|5, hit:572_conv:1145,1,confident,I throw boomerangs at the beach and I'm the only one I have ever seen do that.,186,I throw boomerangs at the beach and I'm the only one I have ever seen do that.,1|1|1_5|5|5, hit:572_conv:1145,2,confident,I throw boomerangs at the beach and I'm the only one I have ever seen do that.,178,what was the reaction of the people around you,1|1|1_5|5|5, hit:572_conv:1145,3,confident,I throw boomerangs at the beach and I'm the only one I have ever seen do that.,186,Amazement! I throw them over the water and when they come back, it draws a crowd. I've met a lot of tourist that way.,1|1|1_5|5|5, hit:572_conv:1145,4,confident,I throw boomerangs at the beach and I'm the only one I have ever seen do that.,178,wow, thats interesting. boomerangs are easy to throw though. everyone should be doing it,1|1|1_5|5|5, hit:572_conv:1145,5,confident,I throw boomerangs at the beach and I'm the only one I have ever seen do that.,186,You're the first to say that. Most people can't throw them and when I try to teach them, I usually loose one to the sea!,1|1|1_5|5|5, hit:573_conv:1147,1,angry,I remember the time when I was madly raging, that I smash a 40oz beer on the street floor scattering all glass pieces over. That was after I lost $500 in gambling. ,187,I remember the particular time when I was a madly raging, that I smashed a 40oz beer on the street floor scattering all glass pieces over. ,2|3|4_5|5|5, hit:573_conv:1147,2,angry,I remember the time when I was madly raging, that I smash a 40oz beer on the street floor scattering all glass pieces over. That was after I lost $500 in gambling. ,158,I bet you wore shoes on the street for a while.,2|3|4_5|5|5, hit:573_conv:1147,3,angry,I remember the time when I was madly raging, that I smash a 40oz beer on the street floor scattering all glass pieces over. That was after I lost $500 in gambling. ,187,Aye. I did it because I lost a $500 bet. ,2|3|4_5|5|5, hit:573_conv:1147,4,angry,I remember the time when I was madly raging, that I smash a 40oz beer on the street floor scattering all glass pieces over. That was after I lost $500 in gambling. ,158,That's too bad.,2|3|4_5|5|5, hit:574_conv:1148,1,joyful,I am elated! I got the job of my dreams today!,160,I am so elated! I got the job of my dreams today!,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:574_conv:1148,2,joyful,I am elated! I got the job of my dreams today!,184,That sounds fun. What kind of job is it?,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:574_conv:1148,3,joyful,I am elated! I got the job of my dreams today!,160,Its a teaching job at a high school.,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:574_conv:1148,4,joyful,I am elated! I got the job of my dreams today!,184,Oh that's fun, teachers are some of the most underpaid people in the world.,5|5|5_4|5|5, hit:574_conv:1149,1,guilty,When I was 9 years old I once stole my friends baseball cards and I still to this day feel bad about it.,184,When I was 9 years old I once stole my friends baseball cards and I still to this day feel bad about it.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:574_conv:1149,2,guilty,When I was 9 years old I once stole my friends baseball cards and I still to this day feel bad about it.,160,Oh my! I hope you learned your lesson and never stole from a friend again.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:574_conv:1149,3,guilty,When I was 9 years old I once stole my friends baseball cards and I still to this day feel bad about it.,184,I sure haven't, I was just a silly kid, but for some reason it's always stuck with me.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:574_conv:1149,4,guilty,When I was 9 years old I once stole my friends baseball cards and I still to this day feel bad about it.,160,I can imagine. I hope you gave them back!,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:575_conv:1151,1,afraid,Someone tried to break into my house. I had to take my kids into our bedroom and call 911 while my husband stood at the door with some pepper spray and a knife. ,152,Someone was trying to break into my door one night. I had to sit with my kids in their bedroom, calling 911 while my husband guarded the door with a knife and pepper spray.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:575_conv:1151,2,afraid,Someone tried to break into my house. I had to take my kids into our bedroom and call 911 while my husband stood at the door with some pepper spray and a knife. ,6,What?that is so scary/ What happened after that?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:575_conv:1151,3,afraid,Someone tried to break into my house. I had to take my kids into our bedroom and call 911 while my husband stood at the door with some pepper spray and a knife. ,152,Well, the police showed up but the guy fled. Our door was all scratched up and looked like he had been kicking it too. It makes me anxious thinking whoever it is could be anywhere in our small town.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:575_conv:1151,4,afraid,Someone tried to break into my house. I had to take my kids into our bedroom and call 911 while my husband stood at the door with some pepper spray and a knife. ,6,Sorry about that,you might think of moving to somewhere more safe.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:577_conv:1154,1,furious, A driver brushed my car with his car and did not stop to apologize and fix my car,166,How can someone brush your car without waiting to appologize,4|3|3_5|5|5, hit:577_conv:1154,2,furious, A driver brushed my car with his car and did not stop to apologize and fix my car,178,ooh, sorry about that. That is so rude,4|3|3_5|5|5, hit:577_conv:1154,3,furious, A driver brushed my car with his car and did not stop to apologize and fix my car,166,i wish i can locate him and make him pay for what he did. but i will prefer to brush his face with a punch ,4|3|3_5|5|5, hit:577_conv:1154,4,furious, A driver brushed my car with his car and did not stop to apologize and fix my car,178,Please do not do that. just forgive him and hope that it does not happen again,4|3|3_5|5|5, hit:578_conv:1156,1,surprised,For my 30th birthday my friends threw me an unexpected party that was a lot of fun.,184,For my 30th birthday my friends threw me an unexpected party that was a lot of fun.
[ "I am so stress. Tomorrow, I will have my final exams.", "I am so stress. Tomorrow, I will have my final exams." ]
Awww, you need to take a nap, for you to focus and read
[ "My cat vomited on my favorite shoes and I was so mad about it.", "The other day my cat vomited on my best shoes and it really made me mad." ]
Wow, that cat must have loved that shoe, he wanted it
[ "I built a sandcastle which resembled the Parthenon and it took me only 10 minutes. I patted myself on the back" ]
I built a sandcastle which looked just like the Parthenon and it took me less than 20 minutes
[ "The first time that I ever tried weed was so scary at first. I was in Amsterdam and I was offered a hit from a bong and I was really hesitant, but it was a great time after that." ]
Ever tried weed? I did over in Amsterdam and man I was so nervous to try it!
[ "I'm so happy I found a new job!", "It paid very well and in a field I love." ]
What field is that?
[ "I think I've been in my hometown so long, I wouldn't dream of moving anywhere else. It's just home to me now.", "some people like to move away when they are older. I think I'm fine where I am.", "I agree, it's better to live in your own surroundings and have your own independence." ]
Memphis is my home. It is the perfect size got me and my family.
[ "When playing squash, I feel very confident" ]
I enjoy playing squash and I always feel confident when I am on court.
[ "I was terrified when I saw a snake", "I was terrified when I saw a snake", "Oh yeah? When was this?", "When I was little, I still hate snakes" ]
That's too bad. I actually own a ball python, she's pretty cute.
[ "My friend just got engaged. I am so envious because I don't even have a boyfriend." ]
MY friend just got engaged the other day.
[ "Someone hit my car during the night." ]
Someone hit my car during the night. It made me very angry