6 values
[ "What do you often do in your free time?" ]
I enjoy flying kites in spring, swimming in summer and skating in winter. What about you?
[ "Excuse me. What did you say you would like to do, Mr. Green?", "I said I'd better go back to the hotel. I'm meeting someone this evening.", "OK. How are you going back? By bus or taxi?" ]
I think I'll take a taxi. Do you know where I can get one?
[ "Excuse me. What did you say you would like to do, Mr. Green?", "I said I'd better go back to the hotel. I'm meeting someone this evening.", "OK. How are you going back? By bus or taxi?", "I think I'll take a taxi. Do you know where I can get one?", "Oh, just wait by the roadside. I'll wait with you." ]
OK. Thanks. Are the taxis in London all yellow?
[ "Are you free on the weekend?", "I haven't got any plans yet, why?" ]
There is an exhibition of Chinese paintings at the public library. Would you like to go with me?
[ "Did you hear about the air crash that occurred in South America recently? It was quite a tragic accident!", "No, I didn't see anything in the news about it. What happened?" ]
A foreign airliner was attempting to land at night in a mountainous area in Argentina and flew into a hill!
[ "Can I help you?" ]
I need to find this specific magazine, and I am not sure where to look for.
[ "Ah, good morning. It's Mr. Robinson, isn't it?", "Yes.", "Have a seat.", "Thank you.", "OK. I've got your letter of application. Now, as you know, when you apply for a post with our company, we need to find our a few things about both your academic background and recent work experience.", "Sure.", "First of all, A-levels?", "Yes, I've got three. Geography, maths and physics.", "Geography, maths and physics. OK. And what about your degree?", "I went to Manchester University and got an engineer degree with water management as my specialization.", "A-ha, I see.", "And as for work experience, I started it out after graduating in 1996 in India, working for the Indian Government.", "Did you work as a volunteer?", "No, it was a three-year water irrigation project.", "That sounds fascinating. How did you organize that? You see it wasn't a British company then.", "No, I know. My university had links with an Indian engineering university. So it was organized that level.", "And after that?", "Then I came back, moved to Sheffield and have been working with Latimer Engineering since then.", "And what exactly are you doing for Latimer?" ]
Ah, I'm working in water irrigation again, this time as a project research assistant.
[ "Hello, Kate. Have you been to the new sports center yet?", "Not yet. Where is it?", "On Mill Road, near Stone Street, behind Santa Station.", "What about it?" ]
It's wonderful. You can do a lot of sports there. I played table tennis last Saturday, and watched a basketball match.
[ "Hi, Jane, do you have some change? I have to make a call on the pay phone." ]
Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? Here you are.
[ "Waitress! I think there's something wrong with our bill.", "No, I don't think so...$10 for the drinks, 15 for the small plate, and 20 for the main dish.", "What? I knew the cheese sticks were 15. I always order cheese sticks, but I thought the main dish was $10.", "Oh, that explains it. You think the bill should be $35.", "Yes, exactly. I was wondering what happened to the rest of my change. I should have gotten back 15, not 5!", "I understand. Sometimes people aren't honest, but I think this was an honest mistake. Didn't you order the sea cucumbers for dinner?" ]
Yes, and they were delicious. Best cucumbers ever! I'm so glad I'm a vegetarian.
[ "I feel terrible. I really need to relax. Do you know any good ways to fight stress?", "Yeah, in fact, I read in a health magazine that you should drink two cups of lemon tea every day to fight stress.", "Lemon tea?" ]
That's right. Lemon tea makes you feel more relaxed. And also, you should eat low stress foods like apples and grapes.
[ "What are you doing here?", "I'm preparing my fishing tools.", "What for?", "I'm going to fish with some of my friends.", "Are you fond of fishing?", "Yes. I like fishing after school and on Sundays.", "When did you get such a hobby?" ]
Long ago. You know, my father is fond of and very good at fishing. When I was a child, he took me to the riverside to see him fishing. I found fishing very interesting then. Well, what's your hobby?
[ "What can I do for you?" ]
Well, has anyone turned in a brown leather wallet? Mine seems to be lost and it has my driver's license in it.
[ "Hi, what can I do for you today, sir?" ]
Good morning. I bought this air conditioner here a few months ago. It doesn't work now. Can I return it or get it fixed?
[ "Hi, Bob, guess what? I'm going to visit Quebec next summer. I'm invited to go to a friend's wedding, but while I'm there, I'd also like to do some sightseeing.", "That's nice, Sherry. But do you mean the province of Quebec or Quebec City?", "I mean the province. My friend's wedding is in Montreal, so I'm going there first. I'll stay for 5 days. Is Montreal the capital city of the province?" ]
Well, many people think so because it's the biggest city, but it's not the capital. Quebec City is, but Montreal is great. The Santa Lawrence River runs right through the middle of the city. It's beautiful in summer.
[ "May I help you, sir?", "Yes, please. I want to buy a personal gift for my brother. He's taking a trip to South America.", "Is he going by ship or plane?", "He,s flying. My gift will have to be something light in weight. What can you suggest?" ]
What about this tie? It's made of pure silk.
[ "Excuse me. Is this the Reference Desk?", "Yes, what can I do for you?", "I'd like to find some general information on computers.", "Is this for a particular research project or some general information?", "Well. I just need some general information for now." ]
We have quite a few magazines here dealing with computers.
[ "Are there any changes in this morning's program?", "No, we'll go to Collin's garage sale; he has many books for sale." ]
There're so many books for sale in a flea market near this street, too. Why don't you go there?
[ "Good morning! This is Clean Air hot line. May I help you?" ]
Yes, I'd like to report a smoking vehicle running on King Street.
[ "How do you manage to feed your family when food prices are so high?" ]
We have a garden and some fruit trees, and we raise some fish in the small pond.
[ "Hello, Mrs. Taylor. Can you help me? I'm doing my homework and I can't understand this word.", "Which one? Oh, I can't help you right away...I'm watching something on TV.", "Oh? What are you watching?", "I'm watching a cowboy film.", "Can Mr. Taylor help me?" ]
No, he can't now, Paul. He's reading.
[ "Hi, are you being helped?", "No, I'm not. I'm interested in some hats." ]
All our hats are in this section. What do you think of this one here? It's made of cotton.
[ "Hi, are you being helped?", "No, I'm not. I'm interested in some hats.", "All our hats are in this section. What do you think of this one here? It's made of cotton.", "Hmm,it looks nice and is suitable for autumn, but I'd like to have something warm for winter.", "Maybe you would like a heavy wool hat. How about this one?", "I think that's what I want. How much is it?", "It's seventy dollars plus tax.", "It's a little expensive. Do you think it's possible to get a discount?", "Hmm, since you like it so much, how about a 10 percent discount. That's the best I can offer.", "That's good. Could you wrap it up for me?", "Sure. Is there anything else I can get for you?" ]
I also want to have a red wool sweater. But there are only black and green ones.
[ "We've overspent dreadfully this month.", "By how much?", "It looks to me as if it's getting on for almost 400 pounds.", "Oh, does that mean we won't be able to get our holiday?", "I honestly don't think that we could afford to go really.", "But we haven't had a holiday for three years! Just because we can't afford it.", "That's true." ]
I was really looking forward to this holiday... three weeks in Barbados at Christmas-warmth, sea, sunshine.
[ "Have you ever been to New Orleans?", "No. What is it like?" ]
It's one of the most interesting cities in the United States. It has a French Quarter, with narrow streets and little shops. Many of the shops and restaurants are French.
[ "Have you ever been to New Orleans?", "No. What is it like?", "It's one of the most interesting cities in the United States. It has a French Quarter, with narrow streets and little shops. Many of the shops and restaurants are French.", "There's a lot of jazz music in New Orleans, isn't there?", "Yes. You hear wonderful jazz there. New Orleans and San Francisco are my two favorite cities. Have you been to San Francisco?", "No. What is it like?" ]
It has lovely views, and one of the most beautiful bridges in the world - the Golden Gate Bridge. It's a very hilly city. The hills are in the middle of the town, so you have to walk up and down hills when you go anywhere. When you arrive, your car needs good brakes.
[ "Have you ever been to New Orleans?", "No. What is it like?", "It's one of the most interesting cities in the United States. It has a French Quarter, with narrow streets and little shops. Many of the shops and restaurants are French.", "There's a lot of jazz music in New Orleans, isn't there?", "Yes. You hear wonderful jazz there. New Orleans and San Francisco are my two favorite cities. Have you been to San Francisco?", "No. What is it like?", "It has lovely views, and one of the most beautiful bridges in the world - the Golden Gate Bridge. It's a very hilly city. The hills are in the middle of the town, so you have to walk up and down hills when you go anywhere. When you arrive, your car needs good brakes.", "Do you have to drive? Can't you take buses?" ]
Well, most people who visit San Francisco ride in the cable cars. A cable car goes on tracks, and a strong cable pulls it up the hills.
[ "Have you ever been to New Orleans?", "No. What is it like?", "It's one of the most interesting cities in the United States. It has a French Quarter, with narrow streets and little shops. Many of the shops and restaurants are French.", "There's a lot of jazz music in New Orleans, isn't there?", "Yes. You hear wonderful jazz there. New Orleans and San Francisco are my two favorite cities. Have you been to San Francisco?", "No. What is it like?", "It has lovely views, and one of the most beautiful bridges in the world - the Golden Gate Bridge. It's a very hilly city. The hills are in the middle of the town, so you have to walk up and down hills when you go anywhere. When you arrive, your car needs good brakes.", "Do you have to drive? Can't you take buses?", "Well, most people who visit San Francisco ride in the cable cars. A cable car goes on tracks, and a strong cable pulls it up the hills.", "That doesn't sound very safe." ]
Don't worry. Hundreds of people ride in cable cars every day.
[ "stal: Vet, can you tell us what you usually do to deal with stress and depression?" ]
: I eat a cucumber and go to bed. I figure it's a healthy alternative to chocolate.
[ "What are you doing?" ]
I'm parking my car here.
[ "Excuse me, Madam.", "Yes?" ]
Does this bus go to Zhongshan Road?
[ "We're having a lovely time,Dad.", "I'm sure there's a lot to do.", "There is! We've been for a walk in Central Park. It's so big! Everything here is big. And we've climbed the Empire State Building. The view was fantastic. We haven't been to Greenwich Village yet, and we haven't been to Chinatown, either. We're going to do that tomorrow.", "Have you seen the Statue of Liberty yet?", "Oh, yes, we have. We've just had a helicopter out of the city, and we flew really close to it." ]
What about a show? Have you seen a show on Broadway yet?
[ "What exactly are you looking for?", "I am looking for a collection of the 19th century European paintings." ]
Is it the book on your left, the one with the yellow cover?
[ "Are there any long rivers in Africa?", "Yes, for example, the River Nile is the longest fiver in the world.", "Is it Egypt? I hear that it used to flood large areas. What about it today?" ]
In order to control the flood and make electricity, people built the Aswan High Dam on the river.
[ "Excuse me, sir. How can I get to this hotel? I can't find it." ]
It's easy. Just go along this street to 26th Avenue. And then you'll find it next to the hank.
[ "erviewer: Today, I'm interviewing nine-year-old Alex about her feelings on how people can help save the environment. So, Alex, how can we save the environment?", "x: By saving water.", "erviewer: Well, how can we do that?", "x: By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and when we do other things, like watering the plants outside.", "erviewer: Oh, I think I can do that. What else?" ]
x: When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the garbage until you find a trashcan to put it in because littering makes our planet dirty. Do you like seeing trash all over the ground?
[ "What did you do on the beach?" ]
You know, made sand castles that sort of things, and hunted for shells.
[ "Miss Jones, could you tell me more about your first job with hotel marketing concept?", "Yes, certainly. I was a marketing consultant responsible for marketing 10 UK hotels. They were all luxury hotels in a leisure sector, all of a very high standard.", "Which markets were you responsible for?", "For Europe and Japan.", "I see from your resume that you speak Japanese. Have you ever been to Japan?", "Yes, I have, I spent months in Japan 2006. I met all the key people in the tourist industry, the big tour operators and the tourist organizations. As I speak Japanese I had a very big advantage.", "Yes, of course. Have you had any contact with Japan in your present job?", "Yes, I've had a lot. The truth is I have become very popular with the Japanese, both for holidays and for business conferences. In fact, the market for all types of luxury holidays for the Japanese has increased a lot recently.", "Really, I'm interested to hear more about that, but first tell me have you ever traveled on the luxury train, the Orient Express, for example?" ]
No, I haven't. But I've traveled on the Glacial Express through Switzerland and I traveled across China by train about 8 years ago. I love train travel. That's why I'm very interested in this job.
[ "Can I help you?" ]
Yes, my son and daughter bought this pen here for my wife's birthday, but it doesn't work, so I'd like to exchange it.
[ "I'm sorry. I'm late.", "That's all right. John. My house is not that easy to find. But you know you wouldn't have gotten lost if you had a smart car." ]
A smart car? What's that?
[ "I'm sorry. I'm late.", "That's all right. John. My house is not that easy to find. But you know you wouldn't have gotten lost if you had a smart car.", "A smart car? What's that?" ]
I just read a magazine article about some new technology that can make a car smart. One device is a computerized map display and an artificial voice. You just enter the address for where you want to go and the voice will tell you how to get there,street by street.
[ "ghter: Dad, Dad. What's for breakfast?", ": [Dad mumbles something] Daughter: Dad? [What?]", "ghter: What's for breakfast?" ]
: Uh, there's a banana on the kitchen counter. Enjoy.
[ "Good morning, Mr. White. I wonder if you could spare a few minutes. I'd like to ask you a few questions.", "Well, I can spare you a few minutes, but I'm very busy preparing for our exhibition, you know.", "Just a few questions. Where is it going to be held?", "It's going to be held in the art gallery.", "Who is opening it?", "It's going to be opened by Mr.Smith." ]
It's quite a big exhibition, isn't it?
[ "We are informed that the eleven thirty train is late again." ]
Why did the railway company even bother to print a schedule?
[ "I haven't had much exercise lately. My only recreation has been watching TV or going to the movies. What do you do for recreation?" ]
In summer I like playing tennis instead of swimming and boating, and my favorite sport in the winter is skating.
[ "How did you like Egypt?", "Oh, perfect. It's one of the most interesting places I've ever seen.", "Where did you go?", "Well, we spent most of the time in Cairo and Luxor.", "What's there to see in Cairo?", "Well, not all that much, in fact, but there is the museum and the pyramids, and that's really something.", "What's the city like?", "It's very large, and the streets are always noisy and dirty.", "I thought you liked it." ]
Well, I did in a way. It's very different, but I liked Luxor better. Luxor's a little town fight on the banks of the Nile. It's very quiet and peaceful and much cleaner than Cairo. And actually I did more sightseeing there.
[ "How did you like Egypt?", "Oh, perfect. It's one of the most interesting places I've ever seen.", "Where did you go?", "Well, we spent most of the time in Cairo and Luxor.", "What's there to see in Cairo?", "Well, not all that much, in fact, but there is the museum and the pyramids, and that's really something.", "What's the city like?", "It's very large, and the streets are always noisy and dirty.", "I thought you liked it.", "Well, I did in a way. It's very different, but I liked Luxor better. Luxor's a little town fight on the banks of the Nile. It's very quiet and peaceful and much cleaner than Cairo. And actually I did more sightseeing there.", "Did you buy anything?" ]
Oh, sure. There are some excellent shops in Luxor with all sorts of interesting things. A lot better than Cairo, in fact, I bought a gold necklace. Want to see it?
[ "Hi. Mike. How did your weekend go?", "Fine. I went back to visit my grandma in the countryside.", "Lucky you. What did you do there?", "I went for a walk in the hills with some of my friends.", "Was it good?", "Yes. the scenery was amazing. The whole hillside was very red.", "How wonderful! Do anything else?" ]
We went on a picnic on Sunday.
[ "Dad, I need a few supplies for school, and I was wondering if...", "Yeah. There are a couple of pencils and an eraser in the kitchen drawer, I think.", "Dad, I'm in Grade 8 now, and I need real supplies for my demanding classes." ]
Oh, so you need a ruler, too?
[ "Hey Jane, where are you going this weekend?", "Hi, Bob. I'm going to the beach. 13o you want to come too?", "Yes, that sounds like fun. Which beach are you going to?" ]
I was thinking of going to Huangdao's Beach. I like to watch the sea birds and wildlife there.
[ "eptionist: Dr. Carter's Office.", "ald: Yes, I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Carter, please.", "eptionist: Is this your first visit?", "ald: Yes it is.", "eptionist: Okay. Could I have your name please?", "ald: Yes. My name is Ronald Schuller.", "eptionist: And may I ask who referred you to our office?", "ald: Uh, I drove past your office yesterday.", "eptionist: Okay. How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:00 O'clock?", "ald: Uh. Do you happen to have an opening in the morning? I usually pick up my kids from school around that time.", "eptionist: Okay. Um ... how about Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. or Thursday at 8:15 A.M.?", "ald: Uh, do you have anything earlier, like 7:30?", "eptionist: No. I'm sorry.", "ald: Well, in that case, Thursday would be fine.", "eptionist: Okay. Could I have your phone number please?", "ald: It's 643-0547.", "eptionist: Alright. And what's the nature of your visit?", "ald: Uh ...", "eptionist: Yes sir.", "ald: Well, to tell the truth, I fell from a ladder two days ago while painting my house, and I sprained my ankle when my foot landed in a paint can. I suffered a few scratches on my hands and knees, but I'm most concerned that the swelling in my ankle hasn't gone down yet.", "eptionist: Well, did you put ice on it immediately after this happened?" ]
ald: Well yeah. I just filled the paint can with ice and ...
[ "Can I help you?", "Yes, I am looking for a pair of gloves. I think I wear size six." ]
The gloves are on this counter. Let's see... How about the blue pair? The color suits you and they are washable, too.
[ "Do you want to try to take the subway to the theater?" ]
We can take a taxi. It's more expensive, but it's a lot easier.
[ "So you're visiting San Francisco?", "Yes, I just got here yesterday. And you?", "I'm a native.", "Oh, really? Everyone else I've met so far has been a tourist like us. I was beginning to think that there were no natives.", "Well. San Francisco has a lot of different ethnic groups so you might think you're seeing a lot of foreigners. But actually, the city has a population of about 700 000.", "What are the different ethnic groups?", "Web, after whites, the largest one is blacks.", "I thought it was Chinese.", "It's true that San Francisco has the largest Chinese community outside of Asia. But there are many more blacks here than Chinese.", "That's interesting. Don't most of the Chinese people live in China-town?" ]
Well, no, they live all over the city, but China-town is definitely the center of Chinese culture here. That's where you'll find the best Chinese restaurants, bookstores, art, theaters, things like that.
[ "iel: Hey, Ashley. How many people are coming to the barbecue tomorrow?", "ley: Well, um, there's your family; that's four people. [ Okay. ] There are three from my work [ Okay. ], and then Mike and Megan from across the street. And you and me, of course.", "iel: Okay. So, what is everyone bringing?", "ley: Um, let's see. Here's my list. Um ... Your brothers are bringing hamburgers, cheese, and buns.", "iel: Oh! I'm glad they are in charge of that. [ Yeah, me too. ] You know, my brother, Jim ... He eats like a horse. [ Uh-huh. ] At the last barbecue, he put away at least, what, five hotdogs and five cheeseburgers ...", "ley: No, I think it was six. Six cheeseburgers. It might have been more hotdogs. I don't know.", "iel: He was still hungry!", "ley: I know. I don't know how he did it. He does that all the time, he's ... and he's not even fat. You'd think (he would be fat). Anyway. Oh, yeah, anyway. So, my friends from work said that they could buy chips and salsa [ Okay. ], and they're going to bring a salad [ Alright. ]. And one of them is vegetarian, and so she's going to bring her own veggie burger, so you don't have to worry about her.", "iel: Okay. That's ... That'll work out.", "ley: And Mike and Megan. You're going to love this. They're going to bring some of the corn from their garden." ]
iel: Oh, their corn is always so, so good.
[ "Excuse me. Is there the Bank of China near here?" ]
Yes. Take the first turn on the left and the Bank of China is next to the bus stop.
[ "So, how was your vacation? You went to Paris, didn't you?", "Yeah, with my parents. We just got back on Saturday. It was wonderful!", "What sights did you visit?", "Well, we saw all the most famous places, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral... They were so interesting.", "Did you take any tours?" ]
Just one - a boat tour on the Seine River.
[ "Room service. Can I help you?", "Yes. I'd like a dinner for two. And would you please send it to the room?", "Sure. Your room number, please?" ]
Room 5003.
[ "What shall we do this weekend?", "Do you have something special in mind?", "No. not really. I just thought it might be fun to do something new.", "Do something for a change, you mean?", "Yes, something different.", "I usually go shopping and have my hair cut during the weekend and you usually watch football matches on TV.", "Yes. you often have tea with your friends. And I sometimes play cards with my friends. We have seldom done anything together since we were married." ]
Now I've got an idea. Why don't we go for a picnic this weekend?
[ "an: Excuse me. Is this seat taken?", ": It is now. Take a seat.", "an: Thanks. I had been waiting for over two hours for the bus to come.", ": Yeah. The bus broke down about 50 miles back. Actually, the bus driver lost control of the bus when he split hot chocolate on himself, and then as he tried to regain control of the bus, he hit a rock and the bus blew a tire.", "an: Uh. Are you sure this bus in safe?", ": I'm not sure if it's safe, but you can't beat the price of the trip.", "an: So, where are you from?", ": To tell the truth, I really don't know.", "an: Uh, what do you mean?", ": Well, you see, I was adopted when I was a baby. I was told that I was born in New York City, but I can't be sure about that. Then, my new parents raised me in a small town Texas. I'm sure you've never heard of it.", "an: Oh.", ": My parents, Fred and Norma, had a farm, so I grew up milking cows and herding sheep. Actually, I'm on my way to visit them now.", "an: You mean back to Texas?" ]
: Oh no. They sold that farm years ago when they discovered oil on their property. They live on a ranch right outside of Las Vegas. Beautiful place with a pool ...
[ "Excuse me. I'd like to buy a desk for my little son. I don't have any particular brand in mind, but it should be less than 50 dollars." ]
OK. We have a large selection of small desks for young children.
[ "el Clerk: Hello. Sunnyside Inn. May I help you?", ": Yes, I'd like to reserve a room for two on the 21st of March.", "el Clerk: Okay. Let me check our computer here for a moment. The 21st of May, right?", ": No. March, not May.", "el Clerk: Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmmm.", ": Are you all booked that night?", "el Clerk: Well, we have one suite available, complete with a kitchenette and a sauna bath. And the view of the city is great, too.", ": How much is that?", "el Clerk: It's only $200 dollars, plus a 10% room tax.", ": Oh, that's a little too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper room available either on the 20th or the 22nd?" ]
el Clerk: Well, would you like a smoking or a non-smoking room?
[ "el Clerk: Hello. Sunnyside Inn. May I help you?", ": Yes, I'd like to reserve a room for two on the 21st of March.", "el Clerk: Okay. Let me check our computer here for a moment. The 21st of May, right?", ": No. March, not May.", "el Clerk: Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmmm.", ": Are you all booked that night?", "el Clerk: Well, we have one suite available, complete with a kitchenette and a sauna bath. And the view of the city is great, too.", ": How much is that?", "el Clerk: It's only $200 dollars, plus a 10% room tax.", ": Oh, that's a little too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper room available either on the 20th or the 22nd?", "el Clerk: Well, would you like a smoking or a non-smoking room?" ]
: Non-smoking, please.
[ "el Clerk: Hello. Sunnyside Inn. May I help you?", ": Yes, I'd like to reserve a room for two on the 21st of March.", "el Clerk: Okay. Let me check our computer here for a moment. The 21st of May, right?", ": No. March, not May.", "el Clerk: Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmmm.", ": Are you all booked that night?", "el Clerk: Well, we have one suite available, complete with a kitchenette and a sauna bath. And the view of the city is great, too.", ": How much is that?", "el Clerk: It's only $200 dollars, plus a 10% room tax.", ": Oh, that's a little too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper room available either on the 20th or the 22nd?", "el Clerk: Well, would you like a smoking or a non-smoking room?", ": Non-smoking, please.", "el Clerk: Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; we're full on the 22nd, unless you want a smoking room." ]
: Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 20th?
[ "Hi. You're in the pink today. You must have had a nice new year holiday." ]
Yeah, I went to Qingdao and just came back yesterday.
[ "Next time in Berlin, I'll stay at Hotel Adlon or Gate Hotel again.", "Why?" ]
They're about five minutes from Tiergarten Park. The park has three courses for thirty-minute, sixty-minute, and ninety-minute roams. I enjoyed one of the roams every morning there.
[ "Hey, Karen, it looks like you've got some sun this weekend.", "Yeah, I guess so. I spent the weekend at the beach.", "Oh, yeah, that's great. Where did you stay?", "Some friends of my parents' live out there and they invited me for as long as I wanted to stay.", "So what are you doing back here already?" ]
Oh, 1 have a paper to work on, and I just couldn't do any serious studying at the beach.
[ "Mr. White, what changes have you seen in the champagne market in the last ten to fifteen years?", "Well the biggest change has been the decrease in sales since the great boom years of the 1980s when champagne production and sales reached record levels.", "Which was the best year?", "Well the record was in 1989 when 249 million bottles of champagne was sold. The highest production level was reached in 1990 with a total of 293 million bottles. Of course since those boom years sales have fallen.", "Has the market been badly hit by the recession?" ]
Oh certainly, the economic problems in champagnes' export markets that's Europe, the United States, Japan, and of course the domestic market in France, the economic problems have certainly been one reason for the decrease in champagne sales.
[ "That's a had cough.", "Yes, it's because I smoke.", "How many cigarettes do you smoke?", "Thirty a day.", "Smoking is bad for your health.", "I know.", "Give it up.", "It's easy to say. But how?", "Count one, two, three until ten before you have a cigarette.", "That's a goad idea.", "Don't smoke after dinner.", "But I like a cigarette after dinner." ]
Eat an apple or have a cup of tea instead.
[ "Sally,here is a letter for us. It's from Tom." ]
Can you read it, please? My hands are wet with all this washing.
[ "Where is Yang Pei?" ]
He is helping the farmers pick oranges. The farmers are always busy in this season.
[ "What did you do on the beach?" ]
You know, I made sand castles, that sort of things, and hunted for shells.
[ "So, what do you usually do in your free time?" ]
At the moment I'm spending much of my free time learning German. I also enjoy playing the piano.
[ "Jack, I hear you bought a new car." ]
I did just buy a car, but it's not exactly a new one-it was made back in the 1950s. Here, take a look at this photo.
[ "Jack, I hear you bought a new car.", "I did just buy a car, but it's not exactly a new one-it was made back in the 1950s. Here, take a look at this photo.", "You are right. This car hasn't been new for a long time. Couldn't you afford a newer car?", "Believe it or not, this car costs almost as much as a new one.", "Really? How could it be?" ]
Well, a lot of cars from the 40s, 50s and 60s have become collectors' items and are worth a lot of money.
[ "Pardon me. Are you familiar with this neighborhood?", "Well, I should be. I've lived here all my life. What are you looking for?" ]
The Post Office.
[ "Pardon me. Are you familiar with this neighborhood?", "Well, I should be. I've lived here all my life. What are you looking for?", "The Post Office.", "Well, the nearest one is about a mile away.", "Oh. Well, I guess I could send a letter." ]
There's a mail box up the street. Have you already got a stamp on that letter?
[ "Pardon me. Are you familiar with this neighborhood?", "Well, I should be. I've lived here all my life. What are you looking for?", "The Post Office.", "Well, the nearest one is about a mile away.", "Oh. Well, I guess I could send a letter.", "There's a mail box up the street. Have you already got a stamp on that letter?", "Yes, I have to register it. How do I walk to the post office from here?", "Go up this street until you get to the main street. Then turn right and walk about four blocks or so.", "Thank you for your help." ]
The post office entrance is inside a building complex with some other offices.
[ "Pardon me. Are you familiar with this neighborhood?", "Well, I should be. I've lived here all my life. What are you looking for?", "The Post Office.", "Well, the nearest one is about a mile away.", "Oh. Well, I guess I could send a letter.", "There's a mail box up the street. Have you already got a stamp on that letter?", "Yes, I have to register it. How do I walk to the post office from here?", "Go up this street until you get to the main street. Then turn right and walk about four blocks or so.", "Thank you for your help.", "The post office entrance is inside a building complex with some other offices.", "I'm sure I'll find it. If I get lost, I'll ask again." ]
There's an American flag out front, and a sign: The U.S. Post Office.
[ "Hi, Claire. How does it feel to be back on campus?", "Hi, Gee. Well, to tell you the truth, I have mixed feelings.", "Oh, why?", "I have this great summer job that I really hated to leave I worked at the wild life research center in Maryland.", "That makes sense for a genetic major. What did you do? Clean the cages?", "This is a wild life center, not a zoo. This place breeds endangered species and tries to prepare them for life in the wild.", "You mean the endangered species like the tiger and the panda?", "Well, endangered species, yes. But not tigers or pandas. I work with whooping cranes and sandhill cranes. I taught the baby crane how to eat and drink, and I help the vets to give medical check-ups.", "I can see it was hard to leave that job. But how did you teach a bird how to eat and drink?", "We covered ourselves up with cloth and used puppets made out of stuffed crones to show the baby chicks what to do. Then the chicks copied what the puppets did.", "Cloth? Puppets? Sounds like fun.", "It was. The cloth and puppets are the key tools. We all covered ourselves up, the scientists, the vets, the junior staff, everybody. You see, baby cranes will become attached to their caretakers.", "So if the caretaker is a person, the crane will stay in places where people are.", "Yeah. And their chances for survival aren't very good. But by covering ourselves and using cloth and puppets the chicks are more likely to seek out other birds rather than people. And their transition to the wild has a better chance of being successful.", "A chance of being successful? Hasn't this been done before?" ]
It's been done with sandhill cranes and everyone is optimistic about its work with whooping cranes too.
[ "Miss Stewart, I wonder if you could give me some advice about where to go and what to see in the city?", "How many days do you have, Mr. Ross?", "We have three more days. We're leaving on Friday." ]
Have you taken a bus tour? That's the best way to get to know the city.
[ "What do you want to make for dinner?", "I think I will make some steaks for dinner.", "Then we have to buy some steaks. Don't you think it's a little bit expensive?", "It is a little expensive but it's cheaper than having steaks in a restaurant.", "What a good wife!", "Do you want to buy some beer for Mr Chen?", "Yes, of course!We all like beer, but I think this time we'd better have some table wine, don't you?", "Yes, you are right. We do need table wine for the steaks.", "I think I would prefer the California Rose.", "That's good for steaks. What else do you want to buy?" ]
A carton of cigarettes.
[ "Good morning, can I help you?" ]
Yes, I'd like to send this letter by airmail.
[ "Let's sit here and order some coffee while I'll show you some pictures.", "Good idea. But I'd prefer tea, please.", "This is Ted, my roommate. We live in the dormitory." ]
Is this your room? You certainly have a lot of books. How did you ever manage to put them in such a good order?
[ "Hi,Gsry. What are you trying to collect money for?" ]
Tile wild-life project needs money.
[ "Hi, Mum.", "There you are. I'm getting worried. It's so late.", "Yes. I ran into Linda and we went to a pub. She told me a funny thing.", "Oh? What was that?", "Well, she was driving home after work, and she suddenly saw an old lady on her hands and knees in the middle of the road.", "Really?", "Yes, Linda was so shocked that she stopped suddenly and the car behind crashed into hers.", "Was her hurt?", "No.", "And what was the old lady doing?", "I am just coming to that. So Linda got out of her car and saw the old lady pick up something and walk away.", "Lucky indeed. Linda didn't run her over.", "Then a policeman came. But he didn't believe what Linda said.", "Well...", "Luckily there was a witness, a man waiting for a bus. He saw it all. Guess what the old lady was doing?", "I haven't the slightest idea.", "She was looking for her gold tooth.", "A gold tooth?" ]
Yes, it fell out as she was crossing the road. The witness heard her saying, "Oh, my gold tooth..."
[ "Excuse me, where do you live?" ]
I live at No. 156, Fuxing Road.
[ "Hi, Miss. Freezing cold, isn't it? What can I do for you?", "I'd like some plants that can keep the earth fresh.", "Especially in this cold season when you can't keep die window open, isn't it?", "Absolutely. And something that's easy to care for and not expensive." ]
OK, Miss. Our shop won't disappoint you. Look at these plants. They've just come in and I bet you like one of them. This is a corn plant. The tall tree can grow more than six feet and it doesn't need any water or light.
[ "Hi, Miss. Freezing cold, isn't it? What can I do for you?", "I'd like some plants that can keep the earth fresh.", "Especially in this cold season when you can't keep die window open, isn't it?", "Absolutely. And something that's easy to care for and not expensive.", "OK, Miss. Our shop won't disappoint you. Look at these plants. They've just come in and I bet you like one of them. This is a corn plant. The tall tree can grow more than six feet and it doesn't need any water or light.", "Quite striking, isn't it? What's that?" ]
A palm. It adds a tropical touch to your room. The leaves are perfect for cleaning your air. It has a long life and it's easy to care for.
[ "Hi, Miss. Freezing cold, isn't it? What can I do for you?", "I'd like some plants that can keep the earth fresh.", "Especially in this cold season when you can't keep die window open, isn't it?", "Absolutely. And something that's easy to care for and not expensive.", "OK, Miss. Our shop won't disappoint you. Look at these plants. They've just come in and I bet you like one of them. This is a corn plant. The tall tree can grow more than six feet and it doesn't need any water or light.", "Quite striking, isn't it? What's that?", "A palm. It adds a tropical touch to your room. The leaves are perfect for cleaning your air. It has a long life and it's easy to care for." ]
Oh, this lovely small plant has beautiful white flower. What do you call it?
[ "Hi, Miss. Freezing cold, isn't it? What can I do for you?", "I'd like some plants that can keep the earth fresh.", "Especially in this cold season when you can't keep die window open, isn't it?", "Absolutely. And something that's easy to care for and not expensive.", "OK, Miss. Our shop won't disappoint you. Look at these plants. They've just come in and I bet you like one of them. This is a corn plant. The tall tree can grow more than six feet and it doesn't need any water or light.", "Quite striking, isn't it? What's that?", "A palm. It adds a tropical touch to your room. The leaves are perfect for cleaning your air. It has a long life and it's easy to care for.", "Oh, this lovely small plant has beautiful white flower. What do you call it?" ]
Peace lily. Even the flower isn't blooming, its dense leaves look great.
[ "Hi, Miss. Freezing cold, isn't it? What can I do for you?", "I'd like some plants that can keep the earth fresh.", "Especially in this cold season when you can't keep die window open, isn't it?", "Absolutely. And something that's easy to care for and not expensive.", "OK, Miss. Our shop won't disappoint you. Look at these plants. They've just come in and I bet you like one of them. This is a corn plant. The tall tree can grow more than six feet and it doesn't need any water or light.", "Quite striking, isn't it? What's that?", "A palm. It adds a tropical touch to your room. The leaves are perfect for cleaning your air. It has a long life and it's easy to care for.", "Oh, this lovely small plant has beautiful white flower. What do you call it?", "Peace lily. Even the flower isn't blooming, its dense leaves look great.", "Perfect. It's just what I want.", "Won't you have a look at Janet Craig and Mother-in-Law's Tongue? And they're just as good." ]
No, thanks. The peace lily is OK. The more I see, the less certain I become, you know.
[ "Hi, John. What are you doing here?" ]
I'm waiting for the bus.
[ "Do you collect cola cans, Steve?", "No. Why do you ask?", "You have so many empty cans here.", "Well, my mum wants me to keep all the cans, so that we can sell them after a while.", "Aha, you are going to make a millionaire of yourself sooner or later with all those cans.", "You bet I will. Well, that's not the point. The point is we separate reusable things from other rubbish. We have to pay the dustman for dealing with rubbish, but if we sell him these cans and other reusable material we pay less.", "That sounds a clever idea. Now what are reused in China?", "Metal, plastic, paper, books and the like.", "Just as we do back home in the States." ]
And to avoid waste, the government is limiting the production of goods that can be used only once, such as bamboo chopsticks. For example, all the fast food boxes should be made of paper instead of non-reusable material.
[ "Honey, how long have we been living here?", "About 10 years. What's wrong?", "I am thinking about redecorating our house.", "That would cost a lot of money. But we do need to do some changes to the house." ]
Right. What about repainting the living room in yellow?
[ "James, you have a large collection of stamps, haven't you?" ]
Yes, I'm really proud of it. I have thousands of stamps from most countries of the world.
[ "James, you have a large collection of stamps, haven't you?", "Yes, I'm really proud of it. I have thousands of stamps from most countries of the world.", "Wow, that's great. How did you get all of them?" ]
Sometimes I took used stamps off envelopes, but mostly my dad brought them back from his travels. Some of the stamps in my collection are of great value. Drop over sometime and I'll show you my collection.
[ "e Show Host: Thank you, Thank you and welcome to everyone's favorite game show, Unbelievable Trivia. Today's contestant, Julie Jones, has just entered our bonus round and is trying to win our grand prize, $30,000 in cash and an all-expense paid, six-day vacation to China. Okay, Julie. In order to win the grand prize, you must answer all four of the bonus questions correctly. All of the questions are true or false. If false, you must make the statement true by giving the correct information. If not, you go home with our consolation prize: a fine set of encyclopedias on home repairs. [Oh] Remember. When the buzzer goes off, you must give your answer. Are you ready?", "ie: I'm ready.", "t: The first question: A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.", "ie:Uh. True.", "t: You are correct! Question number two: A tuna is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.", "ie: True, I mean, I mean, I mean false. A SHARK is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.", "t: Correct. Only two more questions. Number three: An elephant has the largest eyes in the world.", "ie: I know that one. False. The giant squid has the largest eyes.", "t: Super. This is the last question Julie. The national anthem of Greece has 134 verses." ]
ie: False. The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses.
[ "Hi, are you being helped?", "No, I'm not. I'm interested in some gloves.", "All our gloves are here. What do you think of this pair here? It's made of silk.", "Hm, it looks nice, but I'd like to have something warm for the winter." ]
Maybe you would like heavy wool gloves. How about this pair?
[ "I'm trying to get on Flight FA2028. Am I on time?", "Not exactly. It's 6:20 pm now. But lucky for you, that flight has been delayed.", "Inever thought I'd be happier about a delay. But hey, that's great news.", "OK, may I check your luggage and tickets, please?" ]
Here you are. Which gate do I leave from?