[22:03] <kfogel> we at least want to do that, good point
[22:03] <kfogel> (re cscvs: sigh, so let's look at this naming from an outsider's perspective:
[22:04] <kfogel> a tool that mirrors svn to bzr, and it's called cscvs. But actually, our version (which does bzr) is called "launchpad-cscvs", not even "bzr-cscvs", because we happened to use it for launchpad).
[22:04] <joey> if you're looking for a new name for cscvs you could ask rockstar who is very intimate with the code although I don't know if he's on speaking terms with it :-)
[22:04] <kfogel> yeah how about "svn-bzr-mirror" or something really wild like that?
[22:05] <kfogel> I mean sheesh :-)
[22:06] <kfogel> so, one sec
[22:06] <joey> how about "cornpuffs"
[22:06] <joey> :-)
[22:08] <kfogel> https://wiki.canonical.com/OpenSource/Process mentions the mailing list thing now
[22:08] <kfogel> (people seem to actually be following that doc, so this might -- _might_ -- have an effect.)
[22:09] <joey> yeah, that looks good
[22:10] <joey> do we have an equivalent on the dev wiki for the community? maybe we don't need one
[22:15] <kfogel> the division of information between the internal and the dev wiki is a little awkward right now
[22:15] <kfogel> unavoidably -- we have to either duplicate information, or have enigmatic references
[22:16] <kfogel> joey: here's a question: why don't we create a mailnig list *automatically*?
[22:16] <kfogel> when you create a project, you get a bug tracker, and code hosting, and you don't have to do anything special...
[22:29] <kfogel> joey: so, the cscvs home page recommends a mailing list already -- bazaar's!
[22:30] <kfogel> and presumably #bzr would be the IRC channel, therefore
[22:30] <kfogel> though it doesn't say
[22:31] <joey> kfogel, It sure makes sense
[22:31] <joey> but I think we didn't initially because we weren't sure how much the servers could handle
[22:31] <joey> maybe we're passed that.
[22:31] <joey> barry would be the guy to ask I guess
[22:32] <kfogel> I'll ask him
[22:35] <joey> kfogel, I think one of the issues is that besides kiko and myself, there hasn't been a whole lot of thought to community building.
[22:35] <joey> hence you kfogel :-)
[22:35] <kfogel> yes :-)
[22:36] <joey> I know a lot of people are interested in it...but we have other work to do
[22:36] <kfogel> joey: the thing is, with the stuff we're releasing right now, it's not all one community -- it's spread across many communities, some of which already exist and have their own thing going on. When we open source lp, then we really have to build a community ourselves.
[22:36] * joey nods in agreement.
[22:40] * joey goes on the offensive.....
[22:40] <joey> ScottK, wgrant - I have a special assignment for you. :-)
[22:41] <joey> ScottK, wgrant - Make noise on the launchpad-users list please about the need for an opensourcing party at OSCON :-)
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[23:58] <wgrant> joey: I think the reason that nobody has touched cscvs is that the code is old and not very nice to look at and breaks frequently and we have bzr-svn already.
[23:58] <wgrant> I tried to have a look around at one point, but ran away fairly quickly.
[00:05] <joey> wgrant, you're smarter than you look! ;-)
[00:05] <wgrant> Heh.
[00:07] <joey> wgrant, I think rockstar had the same impression.
[00:07] <joey> wgrant, as in, he ran away
[00:07] <wgrant> Now, LAZR looks interesting. And that code isn't awful.
[00:07] <joey> yeah we've been hacking on LAZR for some time and it is continually being updated
[00:07] <wgrant> Although I had to hack lazr.restful to make it work with Python 2.6, and I should probably file a bug.
[00:08] <joey> wgrant, actually someone was working on that iirc
[00:08] <joey> flacoste or barry
[00:08] <wgrant> Ah.
[00:08] <joey> you might file a bug though
[00:08] <joey> not sure where they are with that
[00:08] <joey> maybe we can use your patch
[00:08] <wgrant> I saw somebody make the tests work with 2.4, but there are code changes needed for 2.6.
[00:09] <wgrant> I might file a bug after breakfast.
[00:09] <joey> that's like, 9 hours from now?
[00:09] <joey> aren't you in the UK?
[00:09] <wgrant> .au
[00:09] <joey> oh, my apologies.
[00:09] <wgrant> +11. It's just past 9am here.
[00:09] <joey> I thought you were in the UK for some reason
[00:10] <wgrant> By that I of course mean +10, because DST finished.
[00:10] <joey> Where abouts? OZ?
[00:10] <wgrant> Yes.
[00:10] <wgrant> Melbourne.
[00:10] <joey> Right on.
[02:42] <ScottK> joey: When you opensource sure. Sorry to be a party pooper, but you've not opensourced the part of Launchpad that most interests me.
[02:57] * wgrant agrees with ScottK
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[16:00] <andrea-bs> Hello! Can you tell me why all the classes in the lazr package don't inherit from ``object``?
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