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[01:03] <xnox> if i want to run soyuz portions => i.e. init-series and operating on the queue of the primary archive, do i need the full soyuz running? do i need builders setup as well?
[01:03] <xnox> the docs at https://dev.launchpad.net/Soyuz/HowToUseSoyuzLocally are not very encouraging =)
[01:04] <xnox> i guess i can try without additional setup and see how far i get
[01:22] <xnox> wasn't too bad, i think i have it runninng.
[01:22] <xnox> but failing to open web interface with proxies..... wget works, but edge/firefox do not =(
[01:24] <xnox> ah, i had a typo. all good =)
[01:24] <xnox> horay
[01:39] <xnox> nice i am driver for ubuntu now =) oh well will shut this down for now, it seems like i don't have much package uploads, so will need to upload interesting things into soyuz process them / publish, and then init new series.
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[07:15] <yumeyao> Hi I'm trying to setup a local instance of launchpad. I know that's a big topic and I tried searching but can't find a complete walkthrough. However, I just want to point out that "Build and run Launchpad" doc is kind of out-dated, which I tried following, but failed. Eventually I figured out the error:
[07:15] <yumeyao> by running 'rocketfuel-setup' without
[07:17] <yumeyao> by running 'rocketfuel-setup' without --no-workspace, it will not prepare for 'download-cache' directory as documented inside the file it self:
[07:17] <yumeyao> '$ git clone --depth=1 lp:lp-source-dependencies download-cache'
[07:18] <yumeyao> so I tried running that command manually and moved on, and eventually got a working testing instance of launchpad.
[07:18] <yumeyao> So I think this should be mentioned in the doc as well.
[07:20] <yumeyao> or maybe it should be handled by the script if the user option is without '--no-workspace'
[07:22] <jugmac00> yumeyao: Do you refer to https://launchpad.readthedocs.io/en/latest/how-to/running.html ?
[07:23] <yumeyao> Yes, I'm talking about that docoment
[07:24] <yumeyao> https://dev.launchpad.net/聽 ->聽 "Build and run Launchpad"聽 -> leads me there
[07:24] <jugmac00> RIght - we are in midst of moving our documentation. It will take a while, though.
[07:24] <jugmac00> Would you be so kind and create an issue at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad ?
[07:25] <jugmac00> I think this should not be a manual step, but automated.
[07:25] <yumeyao> sure
[07:25] <yumeyao> I just want to confirm if I was missing something first
[07:26] <jugmac00> I haven't created a manual instance for more than a year, so I cannot recall all the exact steps, but imho it should be at least partially automated, and if not, then it needs to be documented carefully.
[07:29] <yumeyao> I see, that just happens.
[07:49] <yumeyao> btw, the test instance has some ancient data initialized, doesn't come with a user authentication system, and have all the domains set as 'xxxxxx.test'.
[07:49] <yumeyao> If I want to convert the test instance to an even former instance for production, is there any fast commands or cheatsheets to deploy a clean instance with selected domain names, and integrate with some user authentication system?
[15:40] <jugmac00> yumeyao: I do not think so, as for production we use a different way for deployment. The outlined way is just for development (afaik).
[15:46] <cjwatson> For better or worse, making it easy for people to deploy their own production instances was explicitly a non-goal when Launchpad was open-sourced.
[15:47] <cjwatson> We won't stop folks from trying, but the priority was always to make it easy to collaborate on the code for launchpad.net instead.
[21:39] <xnox> i was able to run tests and iterate my fixes =)
[21:47] <xnox> marked https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/436161 as needs review
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[18:14] <jelmer> It looks like location URLs are somehow broken
[18:14] <jelmer> e.g. "curl https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/debian/sid/breezy/main/.bzr/branch/location"
[18:14] <jelmer> there's a missing / between the hostname and the first path segment
[18:17] <jelmer> (did we break something on the breezy side?)
[18:26] <cjwatson> jelmer: Interesting, that sounds likely to be an issue on our end. Could you file a bug?
[18:26] <cjwatson> Should be easy.
[18:26] <jelmer> cjwatson: yes, filing now
[18:27] <cjwatson> jelmer: Ah in fact this is a regression from deploying appservers using Juju
[18:27] <jelmer> AFAICT it is reproducible with older versions of breezy as well
[18:27] <jelmer> and I saw the SWH folks mention the same error as well
[18:28] <cjwatson> https://git.launchpad.net/launchpad-layers/tree/launchpad-base/templates/launchpad-base-lazr.conf#n35 needs a trailing slash
[18:30] <cjwatson> (This is actually only the second regression from that redeployment that anyone has reported, which I'm pretty pleased with considering it's a total rewrite of the deployment mechanism and an advance of two Ubuntu LTS releases.)
[18:32] <jelmer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/2017026
[18:32] <mup> Bug #2017026: bazaar branch redirects missing slash between hostname and path <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/2017026>
[18:33] <jelmer> cjwatson: ah, interesting
[18:33] <jelmer> I was looking through the recent code changes and didn't see any smoking guns there :)
[18:36] <cjwatson> MP up
[18:38] <jelmer> cjwatson: that was quick :) different target than lp:launchpad?
[18:46] <jelmer> ah, launchpad-layers
[20:06] <cjwatson> jelmer: yeah, but that's an internal detail that nobody other than us should be expected to care about
[20:06] <cjwatson> just had to separate out some code because charmcraft wouldn't play ball otherwise
[14:19] <cjwatson> jelmer: fixed, thanks for the report
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