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Planning an event theme can sometimes feel daunting. Where do you start? What mood or vibe are you hoping to create? Will it be fun and...
We recently launched a new client partnership with Person Centred Software, a leading global care sector technology company. We have been working with Person Centred Software, delivering a range of digital marketing services, for a few months now with encouraging results. Here’s a bit more about Person Centred Software and what we have achieved so far. About Person Centred Software Person Centred Software use innovative technology to improve the care management systems used in social care. Their key product is a mobile care monitoring service, consisting of an app in which carers can monitor all care interactions they provide at the point of delivery. The data feeds into a portal where care home managers can access complete, detailed and accurate data about the care they have delivered to any patient in any given period. Find out more about Person Centred Software (PCS). Supporting Person Centred Software with Digital Marketing Services The first phase of our work with PCS involved the implementation of a programme of analyses and audits designed to deliver accurate, usable insights into the areas that required our focus. These were based on our understanding of the client’s challenges, points of friction, target audiences and objectives. The results of this work enabled us to structure our strategy in a way that allowed us to make gains quickly and efficiently while building long-term strategic value from the start. Geolocation Management Our initial objective when working with Person Centred Software was to address issues with the geolocation functionality on their site to ensure all visitors were directed to the correct area of the site, dependant on the region they were in. In addition, we also facilitated more effective data capture and analysis by reconfiguring the way the Google Analytics was structured, and installed Google Tag Manager to enable better quality, more accurate insight. As a result of the successful geolocation and data tracking work, we were able to access cleaner data which allowed us to better research, design and implement an effective digital marketing strategy, specifically for their Australian and UK markets. Pay Per Click Advertising As part of our strategy to achieve Person Centred Software’s short term lead generation goal, we have evolved an PPC strategy based on accurate, targeted keyword research. Keyword research is an essential step in a paid search strategy to ensure the campaigns are properly targeted to drive high quality traffic, at an acceptable cost, to the site. In order to achieve target ROAS (Return On Ad Spend), our PPC team will maintain a close focus on how the campaigns are performing, in terms of driving traffic and conversions. They will also look to optimise and expand the scope of the advertising to access and capture different target groups using creative targeting and content. Search Engine Optimisation Concurrently with the work outlined above we have also researched, developed and begun the implementation of a specific SEO strategy for organic lead generation for PCS. Initially, we completed a full SEO audit of the site, enabling us to identify various issues which we have started working on with the aim of improving the health of the site. Further to this, we completed organic search keyword research and selected initial keywords to track and focus on. These tracked terms serve as indicators of overall organic visibility and will be used as a benchmark against future improvements in rankings. Content Marketing As part of our SEO strategy, we have also created a detailed content plan which is designed to target all aspects of the buyers journey. This content plan, specifically for the Australian market, was developed using the results of our technical content audit that highlights gaps in relevant content and areas where content is underperforming from an SEO and user perspective. Next steps will include developing a similar data led plan for the UK market. Developing useful, quality content is key to guiding customers and leads through the sales funnel towards conversion, whilst also building visibility, authority and trust with search engines and users alike. We Can Support Your Digital Marketing Too We are delighted to be assisting Person Centred Software with their digital marketing efforts and have already seen some great results. If you would like to find out more about how we can help your business achieve its goals and objectives, then why not get in touch?
I've helped put on two bridal showers this year and shared bits and pieces of the behind-the-scenes stuff on my Instagram. Firstly, thank y'all so much for all of your kind comments and positive feedback! I've gotten a number of questions about the planning and hosting process so I decided to share some details and answer your questions in a bridal shower Q&A. How do you make the bride feel special? The whole goal is to celebrate the bride and "shower" her with love! Some brides have a full vision for their shower and others have just a few details they really desire. Either way, be sure to take her wishes into account when planning. The bridal shower is one of the last events before she enters a partnership in which she'll have to regularly consider her partner's needs and desires rather than just her own. One way we made our bride feel special was with this bridal chair at her table. We also got her this Bride to Be sash. How did you coordinate with other bridesmaids? There are different ways to go about putting on an event in collaboration with other people. In the case of a bridal shower, you'll likely be working with fellow bridesmaids and the bride's mother. I recommend either pooling resources or equitably dividing up tasks and expenses. We used apps like Cashapp, Venmo, and Paypal to centralize our funds and we used Google Sheets to keep track of menu, shopping lists, budget, etc. because every bridesmaid could login to view and update the document from the computer or phone using the mobile app. I use Google sheets to plan most events that involve more than a handful of guests. If y'all are interested in a post about my process, let me know in the comments section or shoot me an email. 🙂 While not necessarily a collaborative tool, Amazon Prime came in clutch for many of the materials we used to put on the shower. Here are some of the things we ordered: With both showers, some bridesmaids were out of town or even out of state. WhatsApp and GroupMe were invaluable in communicating important messages and generally ensuring everyone is on the same page. Last but not least, HEB Curbside was so helpful in delegating food-related tasks. I determined what ingredients we needed for the things we planned to prepare ourselves then placed a curbside order for whichever bridesmaid was handling that particular dish to pick up at her nearest HEB. This is a service we love because the personal shopper fee is only $5 and is waived on your first few orders! How did you stick to a budget? While you definitely want to incorporate fresh and exciting elements into the bridal shower, there's no need to completely reinvent the wheel. For both showers, we certainly incorporated skills and items we already had in our arsenals to save money. I happened to have furniture and decor items around my house like this mirrored table and this set of vases that fit into the desired aesthetic of the respective brides. Finding a free or inexpensive venue frees up space in your budget. I recommend first looking at the homes or amenities of those in the bridal party to see if there's a good fit before looking at venues with a cost associated. We also used some of the floral arrangements from the shower decor as game prizes. Here are my hacks for saving money on flowers! And, on the note of prizes, at each shower the parting favors for guests were small decorative boxes with chocolate inside. They were simple and inexpensive but still very cute and on theme. What games did you play? Games was my pet project (The Maid of Honor will tell you I was a little cray about them!) so we played quite a few. I found game inspiration on Pinterest and created the templates for each one on Canva. Here are the games we played: Get to Know the Guests - an icebreaker bingo where each square on your card has a statement such as "Went to high school with the bride." You have to find someone in the room to whom the statement applies and try to get blackout bingo. This is a great game to get guests from different areas of the bride's life (work, college, family, etc.) mixing and mingling! We played before the bride arrived. Who Knows the Bride Best? - A true or false game comprised of statements about the bride such as "Her favorite dessert is ice cream." The Newlywed Game - This was one of the must-dos on the bride's list. We asked the groom a series of questions beforehand and recorded his answers then asked the bride the same questions at the shower and she had to come up with what he would have said. They were very much in sync! Bridal Shower Jeopardy! We played this game at each shower. It consists of three categories: The Bride, The Couple, and The Groom. Like in the game show, the questions have dollar amounts assigned to them and their difficulty ascends with the assigned amount. We played this on teams and those with a good mix of guests who know both the bride and groom tended to be the winners. He Said She Said - A sheet of ten statements such as "I'm the better driver." Guests must guess whether the bride or groom made each statement. How Old Was the Bride? - A collage of numbered photos of the bride at different ages. Guests fill out a sheet with their best guesses at how old she was in each photo. This can be a passive game that's posted on the wall for guests to walk by and make their guesses. How Many Kisses? - For this game, we passed around a jar full of Hershey's kisses and guests had to write down their best guess at how many were inside. The closest guess wins. We also had a notebook set up for guests to share date night ideas for the couple to use throughout their marriage and a photo booth frame. The frame can be ordered at Michael's. What food did you serve? At the first shower, we had a catered dinner from Chef Javani King (I've written about him here.) and at the second, we had a buffet of eclectic bites and sweets. Here's that menu: Spring Greens & Champagne Salad - I got so many questions about this and will share the recipe ASAP! Fried Rice Meat Pies Toasted Ravioli with Vodka Sauce Garlic Parmesan Wings Teriyaki Chicken Skewers Sweet & Salty Kettle Corn Assorted Fresh Fruit Chocolate-Dipped Oreos Chocolate-Covered Strawberries Mini Banana Pudding Parfaits Vanilla Layer Cake Citrus and Mint Infused Water Pink Pineapple Punch - Also got lots of questions about this and am working on getting the recipe up. Blushing Bride Cocktail - This was the signature cocktail at both showers and a hit each time. I hope you enjoyed this peek into our planning process. If you have any questions not answered above, drop them in the comments section below. 🙂 Thanks for reading! Shop the Post Pin868 Share10 Tweet Share 878 Shares « Pineapple Jalapeño Mimosas 3-Ingredient Pineapple Salsa Chicken (Slow Cooker Recipe) » Entertaining & Etiquette, Hosting Bridal Reader Interactions Comments Locs of Sunshine says July 12, 2018 at 7:24 am This looks amazing. Reply Marta Rivera Diaz says July 12, 2018 at 10:03 am This is great! I have bad memories of hosting showers for "friends". I used to be the go-to girl for showers of all sorts. I realized I put more effort into than I should've because the honorees would actually tell me I should've done this or that. (I actually sent away for twenty teacups and saucers for one). Now, I'm happy to be a guest and bring a small gift. Reply Jazz says July 16, 2018 at 10:32 am Yikes--I'm sorry your past shower experiences weren't great, Marta. I appreciate your stopping by and reading here! Reply Cristy says July 12, 2018 at 10:14 am Love all your details. Especially that cake!!! Reply Mimi says July 12, 2018 at 2:29 pm I kind of wish I was there, it sounds you had a lot of fun, the games sounds so good XD Reply Maegan says July 12, 2018 at 4:30 pm You did such a beautiful job with these showers! My sisters and I used Groupme a ton for the last shower we helped to host. I love all your little details like the glitter cups and those cute cookies!
I'm from Ghana. But with some of my family, friends and loved ones living in America, I was moved to create a poster to react to the state of the United States in 2020. Watching the horrible killings of Black people like Jacob Blake, who was shot 7 times at point blank range - exactly one month after George Floyd was left breathless under the knee of a police officer - and with COVID-19 affecting a large proportion of people of color, one thing became clear to me: America is the unsafest place for Black people to live. Approach Through design, I exposed this truth lying within the letters that spell out: United States of America. Typography amplifies the tone and power of the message through Martin: a typeface inspired by lettering used on placards and posters during a Memphis sanitation strike, organized by Black people protesting against unsafe working conditions in the 1960s. Martin was designed by VOCAL Type Co. Results The poster was shared widely on social media in Africa, where several conversations about systemic racism and racial injustice were had online between Black people living in Africa, and in the diaspora.
Philanthropist and businessman Paul David Pope is a third-generation Italian-American. Throughout his childhood, Paul heard stirring stories from his father Gene Pope, Jr., about their family legacy—especially the remarkable rags-to-riches saga of his grandfather, Generoso Pope, Sr. Gene planted in Paul the seeds of pride in his Italian heritage and encouraged him to keep alive the memory of his ancestors. Pope was born in New York and raised in Florida's Palm Beach County, where he attended Pope John Paul Catholic High School. He then attended the Royal Academy of the Dramatic Arts in London, where he studied acting and singing. Groomed by his father to run the Enquirer, he worked in the paper's distribution, editorial, and business departments, learning the ropes from the bottom up. Following Gene’s death in 1988, when Paul was not named publisher of the National Enquirer, and the paper went up for sale, he mounted a bid to acquire it that fell just short. Soon after, he embarked on the writing of this revelatory book. Pope has also formed his own company, Pope Entertainment Group. He was an associate producer of the Broadway musical Rent and produced the critically acclaimed motion picture Manny & Lo. He sponsored the U.S. premiere of Quentin Tarantino's Curdled for the benefit of the Film Society of Miami. In the past decade, Pope has undertaken the organization of major events in the Italian-American community. He was chief sponsor of the New York Historical Society's exhibit "The Italians of New York: Five Centuries of Struggle and Achievement." In recognition of his efforts to promote Italian-American causes, he has received awards from the Consul General of Italy in New York, the Italian Apostolate of the Archdiocese of New York, the New York Conference of Italian American State Legislators, the Italian Welfare League, the Columbus Citizens Foundation, and the Order Sons of Italy in America. Pope has given his time, energy and support to such groups as the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Kids in Distress, and Best Buddies, which is dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with mental disabilities. He also has given his support to the University of Miami, the Miami Heart Institute, and the Miami City Ballet. He has received numerous awards from civic and charitable organizations for his philanthropic efforts. Photographs and documentary materials from the Pope family archives have contributed to such notable volumes as The Italians of New York: Five Centuries of Struggle and Achievement, edited by Philip V. Cannistraro and Big Town Biography: Lives and Times of the Century’s Classic New Yorkers edited by Jay Maeder of the New York Daily News. Paul David Pope lives in Weston, Florida, near the towns of Lantana and Manalapan, where his father relocated the National Enquirer and his family from New Jersey and New York in 1971. THE DEEDS OF MY FATHERS is his first book.
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The Subaru WRX STI’s name is a bit of an alphabet soup. You may know that the “WRX” in Subaru’s famous road-ready rally car stands for “World Rally eXperimental,” but do you know what the STI stands for? STI is an acronym for “Subaru Tecnica International,” and it’s been Subaru’s premier performance division for decades. Learn more about its history and which cars have been lucky enough to carry the STI name. Subaru Tecnica International: since 1988 The official founding date of the Subaru Tecnica International brand dates back to 1988, but the dream began in Australia in 1972. Here’s a brief timeline of the history of STI: 1972: The Subaru Leone enters the 1972 Australia Southern Cross Rally 1980: The Leone 4WD debuts as the first AWD competitor in the World Rally Championship 1988: The founding of Subaru Tecnica International by Ryuichiro Kuze, and the beginning of this specific performance tuning for Subaru cars 1989: The Subaru STI Legacy sets a world speed record with an average speed of 138 mph for over 447 hours straight 1990: STI debuts at the Safari Rally 1994: Subaru Tecnica International produces the Subaru Impreza WRC and the first Impreza WRX STI 1997: STI wins 8 out of 14 races 2004: The Subaru WRX STI is available in the U.S. for the first time 2017: Subaru WRX STI Type RA NBR Special sets a record lap time for four-door sports cars at the Nürburgring 2022: Subaru announces a pivot on the production of current and future STI cars STI stands for so much more than Subaru Tecnica International. It stands for a storied history of scrappy, underdog sports-car performance. (Metaphorically, of course.) Subaru Rally Car in Monte Carlo | Reporter Images/Getty Images RELATED: What is the Fastest Subaru STI Car? Subaru STI cars and coupes Currently, there are four total production models represented in the STI family: Subaru WRX STI Subaru S209 Subaru WRX STI Series.White Subaru BRZ tS The WRX STI is the only production sports car that you can buy new, and even it is running out of time. Subaru recently announced that it was killing the fifth-generation WRX STI. There will not be a new 2022 WRX STI released, and we may be waiting years for a replacement to show up. Want to get your hands on a Subaru S209, Series.White model, or BRZ tS? You’ll need to start searching used-car lots and listing sites because these STI cars are no longer in production. 2019 Subaru WRX STI S209 | Bill Pugliano/Getty Images RELATED: Used Subaru WRX Buyer’s Guide: 2014-2021 Will Subaru stop making STI cars? The future of Subaru Tecnica International as a whole is uncertain. When Subaru announced the discontinuation of the WRX STI, it didn’t specify the direction it would be going in. The one hint that the brand did drop mentioned electrification. This leaves the door open for Subaru STI cars to become fully electric and compete with other EV sports cars on the market. With a proven track record of surprising skeptics, Subaru Tecnica International may just be able to pull it off.
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Let me begin by stating that I am aware that this Charlie Brown animated special is based on the Clark Gesner Off-Broadway musical of the same name. That being said, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Charlie Brown get dumped on as much as he does in this animated special. In fact, it’s surprising they didn’t call this: You’re a Big Loser, Charlie Brown, given all the crap the guy is put through. Yes, I understand that Charlie Brown has horrific luck and an even worse time in all manner of situations he finds himself in. From It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown to A Charlie Brown Christmas, Charlie Brown never seems to get a leg up in life. But in this particular special, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, our pal Chuck gets so viciously attacked by his “friends” in the first few minutes that my jaw literally dropped. With friends like these, I’m surprised Charlie Brown didn’t go postal on Lucy and company. I don’t even think fellow loser Al Bundy from Married with Children got slammed this much in an episode. Why does Snoopy have a voice-over like he’s Garfield? I’m assuming that it’s due to the Snoopy character having a voice in the Off-Broadway musical. Despite this, it is rather odd to have a character who traditionally doesn’t speak in a human voice suddenly talk and sing. I’m not sure what it was, but there was something about this particular special that just didn’t work for me. I am a fan of musicals, have no problem with characters breaking out into song and dance over the course of a story. Perhaps this is one instance where going from comic strip to musical to animated musical just doesn’t work all that well. I can honestly say, that You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown is, definitely my least favorite Charlie Brown special. And trust me I’ve reviewed a lot of them (see the links below). The one bonus feature, Animating A Charlie Brown Musical is interesting, but did not lead to a change in my opinion about the special. Again, the vast majority of Peanuts specials are top-notch and a lot of fun to watch. This particular one just didn’t do it for me. So what do you think? Am I totally off-base with my view of You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown the animated special? What is the best Charlie Brown special in your view? Leave a comment and let us know! You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown on DVD Tuesday, January 26, 2010! Other notable Charlie Brown Specials: A Charlie Brown Christmas It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown Peanuts: 1970’s Collection You’re Not Elected, Charlie Brown It’s Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown You’re a Good Sport, Charlie Brown It’s Magic, Charlie Brown Share this post: Twitter Facebook Tumblr Reddit Email Related Author IanPosted on January 22, 2010 January 22, 2010 Categories Cartoons, DVD, Opinion, Review, TV Movie, WatchTags Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Off-Broadway Musical, Peanuts, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
Bellarine Community Health is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. Every child has the right to live a full and productive life in an environment that builds confidence, friendship, security, and happiness, irrespective of their family circumstances and background. Children have the right to give their views and opinions about decisions that affect them and to be listened to. Protecting children is everyone’s business. Bellarine Community Health has committed to taking action to protect children and young people by: providing an environment for young people that is caring, nurturing and safe safeguarding children and young people from sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, neglect and witnessing violence following all legislative child safety requirements including mandatory reporting empowering and involving children and young people when making decisions, especially about matters that directly affect them. We listen to their views and respect what they have to say promoting diversity and tolerance in our organisation, and people from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds are welcome If you would like further information, please reach out!Email Now Find a BCH site near you Find Us On Map Call for an appointment! 1800 007 224 Feel free to message us! Send an Email About Us Our health service receives most of its funding from the state and federal government, supplemented by client fees and grants and donations. We are supported by the Australian Government Department of Health and the Victorian Government. T: 1800 007 224 F: 03 8513 6206 info@bch.org.au Want to leave us Feedback? Locations Point Lonsdale Site 2 Nelsons Road Point Lonsdale, 3225 Drysdale Site 23-25 Palmerston Street Drysdale, 3222 Drysdale Youth Behind Bus Stop No 5, Peninsula Drive Drysdale, 3222 Ocean Grove CRN Presidents Ave & The Avenue Ocean Grove, 3226 GP Clinic Portarlington 39 Fenwick Street Portarlington, 3223 Latest News World First Pilot Project 14/09/2022 Art and story-telling workshop for nature-loving young people with our Youth Guerrilla Garden 31/08/2022 National Meals on Wheels Day 31/08/2022 Speech Pathology Week 17/08/2022 New GP Clinic Service Provider at Portarlington 15/08/2022 Acknowledgement BCH acknowledges the Wadawurrung People as the traditional custodians of the land, waters and skies of the Bellarine Peninsula. We acknowledge and respect Wadawurrung Elders and leaders, past, present and emerging and pay gratitude for their unique ability to care for Country and deep spiritual connection to it. Further we acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, who are part of todays Bellarine Community.
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Flotation was taken for granted, even after some Neanderthal -scooped out the inside of his log float. But it wasn't long before another "innovator" split his log into strips and hammered them back together, hollow on the inside, then hung heavy rocks on the bottom to keep his funny log from rolling over and dumping him out whenever he tried to stand up. Then a really strange thing started happening: logs started sinking. To the bottom! Fill them with water and the things would spiral down into the deep blue before you could jump off. This was a serious problem. Then, making things even worse, other simpletons began building boats of stuff that doesn't even float, like steel, fiberglass, and cement — things sane people made anchors from. Boats that wouldn't float when flooded needed some kind of positive flotation, an add-on that would keep the hulk afloat until help came, or until she could be patched up and pumped out. With positive flotation, boats could once again be almost as good as what boaters started with in the first place. Positive flotation means a boat will not sink, even with radical hull damage. Depending on the amount and location of the flotation, the hull might bob with the decks awash, or higher. The point is that it won't keep going down; what you have is a raft — but a floating one. To get an idea of the flotation requirements for an individual boat, divide its loaded displacement in pounds by 64, the weight of one cubic foot of seawater. Use 62-1/2 pounds per cubic foot if you sail only in fresh water. The answer you get is the number of cubic feet of flotation needed to support the boat on her designed waterline. Depending on a number of other factors, such as hull and furniture material, tankage, cargo, and the like, a fraction of this amount — judiciously placed — would keep the boat from sinking. But it's difficult, if not outright dangerous, to calculate the minimum amount of flotation that will keep the boat afloat. Compensate on the safe side. Flotation equalling about 30 to 70 percent of displacement seems to be average for ballasted boats. The problem is how to produce the amount of flotation needed in a small boat where space is at a premium. We've tried various approaches — some common, some not so common — in boats we've owned or built for clients. We present them here along with some thoughts on other possible systems. Foam Filling the required space with foam is one approach. A catalyzed mixture squirted through a wand to fill lockers and odd spaces seems the ideal solution. Certainly it can be made to work and is good for isolated areas, but there are some less appealing aspects to poured foam. The stuff is expensive. For a 29-foot boat we once owned, a foam contractor quoted $800 [at 1979 prices) for roughly 80 cubic feet of foam. The price was just the beginning of the bad news. He couldn't guarantee that the stuff would not eventually break down and absorb water. He had no information on the fumes given off by the foam, though he thought it had a urea-formaldehyde base. He said there was a danger of heat build-up while foaming the larger bunk areas and that we'd better stand by with the fire extinguishers just in case! And if that weren't enough, we just couldn't bear to seal all that wood, all that storage space, away forever. We did eventually experiment with foaming some small spaces with aerosol can formulations. True to our expectations, it wasn't the answer for us — especially in smaller boats where space is already at a premium. We searched for alternatives, finally realizing that the flotation does not have to be in large, fixed chunks. Why not 50,000 ping-pong balls, for instance, poured into some unused space and secured with a lid or net? The flotation material would be removable at any time for inspection, would never absorb I water, and conforms to any shape. We began looking for some closed-cell, lightweight, inexpensive material that was available in small pieces. One day our smiling U.P.S. lady delivered an order of deck hardware in a box stuffed with little "peanuts" of the same foam they make disposable coffee cups from. Eureka! Foam packing material, in its various forms, seems to have good possibilities. It can be dumped into any compartment with a lid or a door. In most cases, it is so light that it's hard to weigh. It does take a while to pack down though, and you have to keep adding more to top off the compartment, but it eventually settles. True, it has a little less flotation capability than solid foam because of the space between the pieces (which would hold water if flooded), but a well-packed compartment would come close to its maximum lifting potential nonetheless. With a big vacuum, you could empty or fill a compartment in seconds. And packing material is cheap, available almost for the asking from shipping departments. The alleys of industrial areas seem full of it, spilling out of every dumpster. It can be bagged in plastic zip-locks with air drawn out by vacuum, or it can be contained in fine-mesh nets. We ran across dozens of different kinds. We experimented by soaking them in salt water, squeezing 'em, freezing 'em, and so on. Some worked better than others; some seemed to hold a little water; some didn't. Sealed Tanks Next began our sealed tank experiments. We were building ultra-light weight fuel and water tanks for a multihull from plywood and epoxy, sheathed with 6-ounce fiberglass cloth inside and out and filleted with epoxy/microballoons and silica. Compared with metal tanks, these were economical, light, apparently long-lasting, suffered no electrolysis problems, and could be custom-built for any application with common woodworking tools. We began to consider them a viable alternative to metal tankage and, as they could hold water out as well as in, a possible source of flotation. (see our article on tanks) We made sealed air compartments for a couple of rowing dories and before long had built a pontoon boat entirely of wood. Each of the pontoons had a capacity of over 100 cubic feet, was lighter than a steel float, and would never have electrolysis problems. We designed and built flotation chambers for an off-shore sailboat, which were incorporated into the furniture under the settees below the waterline. Each had a capacity of 20 cubic feet, was made to fit an odd-shaped hole, and was very lightweight, being of 1/2-inch ply with cornerposts and a permanently sealed top. At some point in the future, they could convert to stowage by simply cutting hatches in the tops. The last tanks we built took the idea one step further. They had removable tops that could be sealed, either secured with thumbscrews over rubber gaskets, or sealed with silicone. These tanks could now be used for stowage as well as flotation. In some cases they also served as furniture and hull reinforcement for cold-molded or glass boats. The tanks could be used with water, then sealed for flotation once the water's gone. Sealed tanks could hold seldom-used gear while still offering a degree of flotation. The tank had now become a true multi-purpose device: keeping water in, keeping water out, keeping gear dry, serving as furniture, stiffening the hull, and, of course, providing positive flotation. Compartmentalize If you wish to avoid adding flotation altogether, yet still have some margin for safety, you can divide and subdivide your boat into a number of separate compartments, each with its own pumping system. This isolates potential hull damage and flooding to a specific area. If it works as planned, the compartmentalization allows time to think and gather your wits — time to deal with the problem. This is the very opposite of the traditional limber hole system which drains leakage to the lowest spot in the bilge and the main pump. Submarine-type doors and watertight bulkheads are a fine way to divide a boat into compartments. More than a few craft have limped into harbor with a sealed, flooded compartment. The vulnerable forepeak is particularly well suited to a watertight door and bulkhead. A large safety factor is achieved with only the one division. Effective watertight bulkheads are harder to achieve in traditional plank-on-frame construction, but cold-molded, steel, aluminum, and fiberglass hulls readily lend themselves to this treatment. Decent watertight doors can be built fairly lightweight with plywood, epoxy, and common sense. There are also beautiful aluminum versions commonly used on fishing boats. Along with the idea of compartmentalization, try to raise the bottoms of hatches and entryways as far above the waterline as possible. This way flooding in one area won't spill over into the adjacent compartment, even if they are not sealed off from one another. Ballast If some of the ballast can be easily and quickly removed from your boat in an emergency, its flotation requirements can be drastically reduced, and what flotation there is will float the boat higher. Removable ballast could also help get you off when grounded. Offload the ballast into the dinghy, then reload after the keel comes free. Movable ballast could also be used to trim for peculiar or extreme weather conditions or for long passages on the same tack. It can compensate for uneven loading, and a portion could be left ashore for an overloaded cruise. Movable ballast must be arranged in weights small enough to handle in a moving boat. It must be well secured when in place, yet capable of quick removal. These requirements seem to conflict, and we've been through a number of trials and errors looking for the best system. We tried bolting lead pigs in series to the deadwood or an internal ballast casting, using bolts tapped in place. Although these are both very secure, removing such ballast is tedious, and both systems take up lots of good storage room in the bottom of the bilge where we like to keep heavy canned goods. And 50-pound pigs, even with handles cast into them, are hard to grip and too heavy to maneuver easily in a pitching hull. Our current choice is lead shot in 25- or 30-pound bags. Lead doesn't rust like boiler punchings, and doesn't stain the bilge or end up in a solid glob of oxidation. Lead is cheaper as shot than as bars, ingots, or strap. It conforms to the odd nook and cranny, settling into places where a pickle jar wouldn't fit. The lighterweight allows the smallest crew member to handle them easily. A number of bags nestle together, and you can put more weight than you can lift in a small bucket. For clean installations, the shot can be sealed in plastic bags, then plopped into canvas, burlap, or tarp bags and tied with a strong cord, leaving a hank of bagtop for a grip. You can scrounge wheel weights and swap them to a metals dealer for shot. If you have a band saw with an old blade, you can clamp lead wheel weights in a pair of vise grips and cut them into marble-sized chunks yourself. But make no mistake: these bags, though they stow well and seem to cling to the corners, must be well secured! Of course, it's a simpler job than with ingots, and bags will cause a lot less damage than a 50-pound bar hurtling through the main salon. In a client's boat, we built a reinforced box in the appropriate space atop the keel casting, but still under the sole. With a latch on top made available by flipping back the cabin sole, the bag box was instantly accessible. We also favor containing the ballast under heavy netting with 7/16- or 1/2-inch shock cord sewn into the perimeter. Hold the shock cord in place with heavy hooks or eyelets. Half-inch shock cord is stout stuff and will take considerable weight, yet stay flexible. Air Bags You could achieve considerable flotation by stuffing your Avon into the cabin and pulling the inflation cord. We're not advocating that you try that, but it demonstrates what we have in mind. The possibilities are endless in this approach, but simplicity and reliability are paramount. This is not the place for Rube Goldberg prototypes. Visualize sausages of multi-celled raft material, or something similar, deflated and rolled into a tube, Velcro strapped alongside the sheer clamp, behind the settees, and against the bulkheads. When inflated, they can be secured with trampoline netting or grommets and line. Restraining gear is rigged beforehand during tests. Such a set-up would have to be inspected frequently, and drills in its use conducted often — especially in the dead of night. Air bags could provide the low-lying volume necessary to prevent a great weight of water from entering the boat before the inside level was up to the outside water line, thus stopping the leak after a fashion. If all other methods failed — sealed compartments damaged and lockers breached — the second line of defense could fall to air bags higher up in the hull, possibly up against the cabin top, in a last ditch attempt to stay afloat. This is when you break out the flare guns, survival suits, and EPIRB. To develop confidence in your positive flotation, rely on more than one flotation "device." Have as many back-ups and contingency plans as you can create. Prepare yourself for the first rule of Murphy's Law, since it applies so frequently to those who venture off dry land. Become proficient with epoxy and skilled in crafting good epoxy fillets; it takes a little practice to get the knack of it. Make everything watertight. Start with major bulkheads and work down to smaller lockers and crannies. Epoxy bonds perfectly to polyester resin and glass, providing it's clean, dry, sanded, and the gelcoat is removed. Consider enclosing your through-hull fittings in sealed compartments extending well above the waterline. That way, if they do let go, they'll only fill their own compartment to the waterline. Arrange flotation logically fore and aft, port and starboard. Don't stick it all in one place unless you plan on clinging to the rudder or stem for added visibility. Overhead hatches, constructed airtight with sealing gaskets, can form air traps in flooded compartments. These help float the boat. Inverted trimarans float indefinitely on trapped air alone. Even with a swamped boat, you're better off than in a raft. You have access to gear and stores. Possibly the dinghy can be tethered alongside in calm weather. Maybe there's a survival suit and EPIRB aboard. The Fastnet race demonstrated the fallacy of leaving a floating $80,000 boat for a $2,000 raft. Positive flotation won't save you from tankers, Moby Dick, or the Whirlpool of Charybdis, but well-planned, it will keep you afloat.-indefinitely.
NOTE: Not a standalone. It is strongly recommended to read this series in order. Twin Wars is Book #3 of the D.O.R.K. (Diary of a Rocker's Kid) Series. Madison Daley has grown to hate the drama that Beverly Hills and family come with… After Madison's long-lost twin sister, Raven Redinger, staged a double heartbreak video for the sake of publicity, she lost Madison's trust and instigated an all-out feud... or is it a war? Each sister is willing to do anything to finish the other for good. Raven wants to crush Madison and take everything away from her, while Madison wants to stop Raven’s reign of terror, even if she has to stoop to her level to do it. Raven isn’t done making Madison’s life a living hell… Now Madison is caught in a whirlwind of secrets, revenge, and heartache. The only bright spot in her life is Logan Caldwell, the guy she loves, but Raven has managed to manipulate everyone in Madison’s life. Can she manage to take Logan away from her too? Turns out keeping a diary was Madison's biggest mistake, but she's not the type of girl to back down without a fight. This rivalry is far from over, and while Raven may have won a few battles, Madison is determined to win the war. $0.99 for a limited time! Universal Link: myBook.to/TwinWars Universal Paperback Link: myBook.to/TwinWarsPaperback ★ BOOK 1 ★ Have you read Diary of a Rocker's Kid (D.O.R.K. #1)? "My identity, my childhood, everything I ever held sacred about myself... it's all a lie." myBook.to/DiaryofaRockersKid ★ BOOK 2 ★ "Time will tell if Raven has a human side or if she has too many tricks up her sleeve to ever be real." myBook.to/TheSisterCode “Why do you guys call me ‘Princess’? I’m no princess.” Dalton sits back on his heels against the lockers next to me with his usual self-assured smirk. “Well, let’s see…you’re rich, your dad is a effin’ rock star, which makes him a king in my book, you’re prudish, you’re pretty, and you have delicate mannerisms sometimes. ‘Princess’ just seemed to suit you.” With wide eyes, I struggle to absorb everything he just told me. Delicate mannerisms? What version of Mads does he know, and where can I find her? My self-deprecating thoughts are interrupted when Raven appears out of nowhere with her usual swarm of girls in tow. She strides up to Giovanni Abate, who is still standing at his locker behind us. Cupping his neck with her left hand, Raven looks directly into my eyes as she slowly pulls Gio’s face down to hers. Before I can even register what’s going on, they’re in a lip-lock very similar to the one I found them in on Halloween night. Everyone in the hallway gasps and stares at Raven’s disgusting display. My stomach heaves, making me turn the other direction to avoid losing my breakfast. This is a battle tactic I wasn’t counting on her starting off with. She saved all her attack power over the past week for this one effective takedown in the hallway. I’m about to come unraveled right now in front of all these people. From the sounds they’re making, I can gather Gio is returning her kiss with equal fervor. Real or not, I’m not ready for this, and not only is it hurting me, it’s insanely disrespectful to Dalton. The disrespect is not lost on my streetwise friend. I hear him growl and seethe behind me. Then I’m surprised when he grips me by the shoulders and whirls me around to face him. He leans down, looks me dead in the eyes, and probes my soul as he asks me a question. “You wanna get her back?” Haley Allison is a South Carolina native. She discovered a love of writing at age fourteen and hasn't been able to turn off the motor fingers since then. Today she lives in a quiet country home with her husband, son, and Boston Terrier. She is a Graphic Design major at Southern New Hampshire University and hopes to graduate with a B.A. degree sometime in the next couple of years. Her hobbies include composing piano music, nature photography, and blogging about books and authors. Feel free to contact her at hallisonauthor@gmail.com. Haley loves interacting with readers and other authors.
Born in Georgia, 1963. He directed 4 short films from 1977 to 1979. His first feature, Sex Lies and Videotape, wins him the Palme d'Or at the Festival de Cannes in 1990 and James Spader wins the Best Actor award for the same film. SS was also nominated at the Oscars for Best Original Screenplay. He then went on to direct Kafka (1992), The King of the Hill (1993), The Undereath (1995), Schizopolis (1996), Gray's Anatomy (1997), Out of Sight ( 1998), with George Clooney, whom he would also worked for Ocean's Eleven (2001), with Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, and Julia Roberts, The Limey with Terence Stamp and Peter Fonda. S. Soderbergh is the only director to have been nominated the same year for Best Film and Best Director, for two different films: Traffic and Erin Brockovich. The latter offered Julia Roberts one of her best roles. In 2002 he directed Full rontal with Julia Roberts and Solaris. In 2000 he created, along with George Clooney, a film production company called Section Eight. Films presented at Cannes BEHIND THE CANDELABRA 2013 In Competition - Feature Films Director CHE 2008 In Competition - Feature Films Director OCEAN'S THIRTEEN 2007 Out of Competition Director THE LIMEY 1999 Out of Competition Director KING OF THE HILL 1993 In Competition - Feature Films Film Editor , Director , Script / Dialogue SEX, LIES & VIDEOTAPE 1989 In Competition - Feature Films Film Editor , Director , Script / Dialogue Awards SEX, LIES & VIDEOTAPE 1989 International Critic's Prize by the F.I.P.R.E.S.C.I. Film Editor , Director , Script / Dialogue
According to popular Samsung tipster @IceUniverse, the Galaxy S23 Ultra will be an incremental advance over the current model, at least in appearance. Size (Expected) The leaker said that the S23 Ultra would be quite close in size to its immediate predecessor, with a projected rise of only 0.1-0.2mm. Thickness (Expected) The phone will reportedly get a thickness of 8.9mm, according to Samsung tipper @IceUniverse. Battery (Expected) The battery capacity of the smartphone is expected to be 5000 mAh. Screen (Expected) The screen size will remain the same as the predecessor with a 6.8-inch screen with a resolution of 3088 by 1440. Processor (Expected) The S23 Ultra won't change much in appearance, but it will likely run on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2+, which hasn't come out yet. It should be noted (pun intended) that Samsung previously explained that the Galaxy S Ultra will be the spiritual successor to the Galaxy Note lineup.
Thank you for your interest in Parenting Preschoolers with Positive Discipline - a 3-week mini-series via Zoom! Please fill in the form below to be sure you're notified when registration opens. You will also receive a mostly monthly newsletter with tips about parenting and life and announcements for educational opportunities.
Fr. J. Wilson Matt Born on May 20, 1918 in Eunice Louisiana Ordained on March 17 (Feast of St. Patrick), 1945 in Lafayette's St. John the Evangelist Cathedral Retired after 51 years a Priest of Jesus Christ on February 20, 1996 Died at the age of 96 on the Lord's Day, Sunday, October 5, 2014 May his soul, and the souls of all the Faithful departed, rest in peace! One of my life's greatest joys was getting to know our beloved former pastor, Fr. J. Wilson Matt, known simply as Fr. Matt. His initial 'J' stood for 'Joseph' but since childhood he had been called 'Wilson.' Prior to my arrival at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in July of 2007 I had met Fr. Matt on only a few occasions. I was first introduced to him when I was a teenaged seminarian and he was pastor of St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Gueydan. I had gone there to attend the first Mass of the parish's new assistant pastor. Our paths crossed afterwards only rarely after that, just briefly each time, never really enough to get to know one another. The last time I saw him before I came to Sacred Heart was at St. Landry Parish in Opelousas where he was already well retired. But even by then we were no more than merely casual acquaintances. That changed when, soon after my arrival at Sacred Heart of Jesus on the Teche, I visited him at Consolata Nursing Home across the bayou. As a courtesy, I invited him whenever he wanted and felt up to it to join me in concelebrating the Eucharist on weekends and weekdays. Being Fr. Matt, he accepted on the spot! He was always a delight when he came, usually on weekends, never with a frown, always with a smile and a joke and a laugh. Also, it did not take him long once he began coming to ask, 'The prayers right after our bread and wine have become the Body and Blood of Jesus? from my chair could I pray them aloud with a microphone all the way up to the Great Amen?? I said, 'Of course!' And so he did. He frequently told me how much he appreciated my invitation and the opportunity to connect weekly with longtime parishioner-friends. As to other things, Fr. Matt was brilliant and wise, well versed in Scripture and Church teachings, very conversant on the day's issues in religion and politics, a lover of jokes and funny stories, and he especially loved being a priest. In my opinion, he was a great priest who loved us all, and we all loved him back. One of my life's greatest sadnesses was when Fr. Matt's health prevented him from joining us, first sporadically, and then no more. As his illnesses worsened and I visited him in his room at Consolata, he said to me toward the end: 'I'm ready to go. Beg the Lord to let me go.' I replied so as to make him smile: 'I'll ask St. Peter to open heaven's gates for you'(I paused)'as soon as St. Peter finds the keys!' Fr. Matt smiled, nodding approvingly, his eyes filling with tears. In his heart, he knew it was time to leave us. During the early morning hours of October 5, 2014, a Sunday 'the Lord's Day' commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus, St. Peter found the keys to heaven's gates, and opened themnjust as Fr. Matt arrived. + + + Plus A Joke Fr. Matt always loved a good joke, so here's one on the aging process. :-) From comedian Bob Hope on turning 80: 'That's the time of your life when even your birthday suit needs pressing!' :-) + + + Until next week: How y'all doin? today? Good! Me, too! Fr. J. Wilson Matt proclaimed from the pulpit for all to hear? ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING!
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The NHS is constantly evolving and over the coming years, some of the most wide-ranging changes will occur in Primary Care. To meet the needs of a changing population, adopt important innovations and redesign for greater sustainability, Primary Care teams across England will need to evolve the ways in which they work. “The key challenge for all NHS organisations is to nurture cultures that ensure the delivery of continuously improving high quality, safe and compassionate health care. Leadership is the more influential factor in shaping organisational culture, and so ensuring the necessary leadership behaviours, strategies and qualities is fundamental” This is a leadership challenge of unprecedented scale and complexity which requires that Primary Care professionals are inspired, equipped and supported in their leadership roles. This has been recognised in successive national policy documents including the General Practice Five Year Forward View, the National Improvement and Leadership Development Board’s “Developing People – Improving Care”, People Plan and the NHS Long-Term-Plan. During the next few years, Primary Care will undergo enormous changes to meet the ambitions of the NHS Long-Term-Plan. The pressures of an ageing population, the need for better health outcomes, recruitment, COVID19 and retention issues, an increased use of technology, the introduction of Integrated Care Systems, and greater collaboration through Primary Care Networks (PCNs) all present leadership challenges for those working in Primary Care. Leaders will need to work more collectively across networks and systems, to be visionary in designing future services, and more effective in leading their teams to help improve the quality of patient care and the health and well-being of local communities. The behaviours and skills of our leaders are fundamental to the performance of our services. Our goal is to work with and through our stakeholders to create an effective leadership development service that supports the multi-professionals working in Primary Care as they strive to deliver excellent services in the interests of health and wellbeing for all. We will do this through offering support and development opportunities to individuals, teams, organisations and system leaders as they strive to enhance their leadership capability in a challenging environment. The NHS Long-Term-Plan provides a powerful starting point for local action and we know that implementing its ambitions requires the development of effective PCNs. Within the NHS England PCN Development Support Guidance and Prospectus, Organisational Development (OD) is highlighted as one of the six key domains of development needed to help PCNs to mature and thrive. OD is picked out as a practical method of support to build flourishing teams, develop positive working environments, work collaboratively and support networks for success. We will work with all Primary Care organisations in the Midlands to understand their leadership and OD needs and aim to address the gaps working with system partners. What we offer The Midlands Leadership and Lifelong Learning team goals are to develop the leadership capacity and capability across Primary Care in the Midlands and to provide a clear, consistent and accessible leadership and OD development offer for the range people who work in Primary Care; supporting individuals, teams, networks and systems. Individual leadership development: Through our range of national programmes, local learning and development programmes, seminars, masterclasses and diagnostic resources such as the toolkit, we support clinicians and managers in Primary Care to understand their leadership competencies, values and behaviours. This leads to creating and promoting a positive, inclusive and people-centred culture that engages and inspires all our people to effectively lead service transformation. Team leadership & OD development: We work in partnership with local stakeholders to ensure that people who work in Primary Care have access to interventions that support their own team development. This includes community-facing local provision of the Academy’s Mary Seacole programme. Network support and development: A range of interventions is offered to support the development of all Primary Care organisations including PCNs, GP Federations, GP partnerships, GP practices, Training Hubs, through their leadership and organisational development journeys. Coaching and mentoring: Coaching is an extremely effective form of personal leadership development that helps individuals move forward with a particular situation, or in their careers, for a set duration. People seek a coach because they want to improve their circumstances and achieve their goals. Often people are looking to learn new ways of thinking and approaching issues. Our Coaching Register is open to mentees from across Primary Care in the Midlands. Find out more and register here. Mentoring is the support and guidance of one individual to another to help with professional development and career goals with the opportunity to develop leadership capacity at all levels over a longer period of time. Our Mentoring Register is open to mentees from across Primary Care in Midlands. Find out more and register here. Graduate management scheme: As part of an expanded Graduate Management Training Scheme, the Midlands is ensuring that opportunities for trainees are more readily available in Primary Care. Talent management: The Midlands is working to ensure that primary care is present in talent management structures and workstreams as these are established across the NHS over the coming years. Consultancy and bespoke solutions: We are responsive to requests from Primary Care, providing expertise and guidance in relation to the design, co-design and delivery of bespoke leadership and organisational development solutions. Through our work we support the system to meet the needs of today whilst equipping our people with the skills to identify and transform services for the future. Leadership & Organisational Development for Primary Care Networks The Midland Leadership & Lifelong Learning team offers a range of tools, models, programme and expertise to support individuals, local partners, Primary Care organisations, GP practices, ICSs and PCNs & Training Hubs to develop leaders for everyone no matter where they are in the career. The Developing Leadership in Primary Care programme is focused on equipping leaders with the key insights, skills and capabilities to lead their challenging agenda. Our current offers and how to access To find out what is available, or to discuss your individual or organisational needs, please contact our local dedicated Primary Care lead Phillip Masuwa at [email protected]
Prior to the ride, it is important that you make sure both you and your bike are ready to cycle (and enjoy) your chosen route. If you are not a regular cyclist, do get your bike out of the shed before 11th June and go out for a ride to see how you both perform! Get your bike ready Get yourself ready MOT your bike We strongly advise that you give your bike a full service, especially if it has not had one recently or if you know that it has a major fault that will require new parts. As some cycle shops can get very busy and can have a long waiting list for servicing, you might want to consider getting this done sooner rather than later. Alternatively, a team of crack cycle mechanics will be running a Pop-up Cycle Clinic in Leighton Bromswold on 3 and 10 June to assist with any last minute hitches. While any parts that need replacing will be charged at cost, we do suggest that you consider making a donation for their time. MOT your body Just like your bike, you need to take prepare your body for the Bike Fest, especially if you are taking on the longer distances. You need to practice, working up to the distance if you have not cycled that far before. You also need to ensure you follow a health diet and keep well hydrated.
Hey there just wanted to inform everybody that the L.E eshop cards are availlable now. I got one @gamestop today its the OoT card and by the way all those who hope to get them online theres no chance eshop cards must be purchased in shops because they are activated while purchase (like prepaid card for mobile phones) for europe gamestop has them and for Germany you'll get them at Gamestop,Rewe,Real and Mediamarkt
He loves travel plans. What can go wrong, will go wrong, at the worst possible time, in a remote location, and a far distant time zone. Tell Murphy to go find another traveler, and another trip, because Lifetime Treasures, Travel and Adventure is on the case. Our travel planning professional knows Murphy’s tricks. We can plan for and avoid the obvious travel pitfalls that ensnare even the most experienced traveler, in a rapidly changing world. You can feel confident in the plans prepared by Lifetime Treasures, Travel and Adventures, and let go of worry, frustration, and uncertainty. You will NOT be missing out because the hidden treasures found in every destination will be on the menu and offered by your travel planning professional. Your next amazing travel treasure starts with delicious anticipation of what is to come. On that day when you begin your new adventure, you will be cared for, and your needs anticipated. You will be able to concentrate on enjoying yourself and having experiences that will turn into Lifetime Treasures. The best part is when you come back and your friend asks you in an elevator, “how was your trip?” By the time you finish telling that friend about your trip, they are ready to leave tomorrow and join in the incredible experiences that are possible. If you are ready to put Murphy in your past, contact Lifetime Treasures, Travel and Adventures. Let us begin planning your next adventure today. CLICK HERE to get Six Exclusive and Breathtaking Trips of Worldwide Discovery ADVENTURE Anticipation, Adventure, Adrenaline These are some of the hallmarks that make us feel more alive. Finding those adventures or expeditions makes the days of dreary sameness seem to be bearable. Lifetime Treasures – Travel and Adventure understands and wants to find the Adventure you can Anticipate and prepare for, over and over again in your mind. We take care of all the arrangements, all you have to do is to show up, and be ready to interact with the penguins. CRUISE Cruising is about more than letting somebody else do all the work. It’s about finding new and exiting places, experiencing new and delighting tastes and smells. It’s about making friends, and seeing the world in all it’s splendor LIFE Life doesn’t end when the adventure is over. It just begins. From the car service with uniformed chauffeur, to the first class flight, to the gourmet meal, and world class wine. Everything falls in place to compliment and add to the adventure and luxury of the moment. Life Should be an Adventure The Steps to Your Adventure Step 1 Consult After a brief consultation, where we gather the rough outline of your desires, pay the planning fee and schedule the in depth travel design meeting. Step 2 Design We scour the available travel options and come up with an itinerary to delight you and exceed your expectations Step 3 Book You give us the go ahead and sit back while we do the work to book all aspects of your travel. Air, Ground, Cruise, Tour, Rooms, and the little special extras that really make an Adventure a Lifetime Treasure Step 4 Travel This part is all you. Live the Adventure we planned together. See the sights, smell the smells, taste the tastes. Make friends, do something that few others get to. Step 5 Share Call us and share the experience. Let us know what worked, and what didn’t. We want to hear your stories and live the experiences through you.
“Scientists identified over 10,000 mutations in the coronavirus, and the existing vaccines can identify them and respond accordingly,” says Prof. Michal Linial Yoghev Carmel 12:4622.12.20 TAGS: Covid-19 Vaccine Science U.K. “There isn’t any need to be afraid of the mutated coronavirus (Covid-19) strains that were discovered in the U.K. They aren’t more dangerous than the existing strain and the existing vaccines won’t be any less effective against them,” Prof. Michal Linial told Calcalist. She researches coronaviruses and is a professor of molecular biology and bioinformatics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. “Scientists have already mapped thousands of strains of the coronavirus and we already know that currently there are over 10,000 different mutations,” she added. “This specific mutation we had already mapped in September, but back then it only appeared in small numbers. Somehow, it reached large numbers in London. We didn’t expect this mutation to have so many differences to the original, and without this scientific surprise, it wouldn’t even be worth mentioning. The existing vaccine knows how to identify mutations in the virus and respond accordingly.” Prof. Michal Linial. Photo: Smadar Bergman “The existing Covid-19 vaccines will help our bodies produce the infamous coronavirus spike protein. (After the body’s cells make copies of the protein, they eradicate the genetic material from the vaccine.) It is a single protein out of many that are found in the virus. Imagine that this protein is a single sentence in a book with thousands of letters, and I’m telling you that in the entire book there are some typos. If you’d read the book, would you still understand what it means? Probably. Every time that the virus splits and multiplies, it can cause a change in its genetic code. Scientists have already mapped out thousands of different versions of the coronavirus, and we already know that there are around 10,000 different mutations. These different versions of the virus already existed, but their sequence with differences, or typos to extend the analogy, didn’t exist.” Why do we need two “booster” shots of the coronavirus vaccine? “The immune system works like an identification and recognition system. At the first stage, the immune system recognizes the “enemy-invader” and it takes time to respond. That’s why we send people who have been exposed to the coronavirus to remain in quarantine for two weeks. So, the second booster shot is for the immune system to prevent the body from entering a state where it ‘forgets’ what it previously recognized. That reminder activates the immune system’s response. I estimate that in the future, companies will make an effort to provide the vaccine in a single dose, without harming the vaccine’s effectiveness. Now, companies aren’t trying to optimize the vaccine, neither monetary-wise or in terms of its lasting-time or amount, rather they are doing what is right, and deploying it as quickly as possible.” Do you think coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines will fall under the government healthcare basket that everyone is entitled to receive, like the measles vaccine? “It’s still too early to talk about that. If we look at the SARS virus for example, which is similar to the coronavirus, two years after its initial outbreak there wasn’t a single instance of it anywhere in the world. It could be that if we manage to eradicate the virus, it will disappear like smallpox. No one gets vaccinated against the Ebola virus, even though the virus still exists because it's only found in certain places. The Ebola vaccine is reserved for people who fly to African countries, where the virus is rampant. It could be that the course of evolution will make the coronavirus (Covid-19) weaken, like its relative, the flu virus.” Science is already familiar with other viruses, so how is it that the coronavirus caught us by surprise? “Since March, we conducted a scientific test and asked what would happen if we had excellent antibodies that could treat SARS. Would they be effective against Covid-19? The answer is a resounding ‘no.’ The reason we’re seeing these small changes that have evolved over time between many strains of the coronavirus (Covid-19) is that the protein’s active recognition site has been altered and now the virus uses a different strategy to enter the body. Every virus, during its evolutionary course, creates an optimal pathway to enter the body. We must remember that the next virus will come along someday too. There is an infinite number of viruses, and all we need in order to prevent the next dramatic outbreak is to ensure that different countries have excellent plans for how to combat the virus and that the human population won’t be contaminated by wild animal viruses. It’s also important to strengthen vaccine technology so that we can easily engineer an antibody. I estimate that if pharmaceutical companies will need to develop a Covid-24 antibody, for example, it will take them two weeks and not half a year. We must ensure that our accumulated knowledge on this project will be safeguarded and not go to waste.” As someone who has worked on developing a drug to treat the coronavirus are you disappointed by the new vaccines? It’s possible that people will not even need a cure. “That would be fantastic. It would be the happiest thing that I could think of for my career. There aren't any scientists out there who don't dream of their research one day becoming obsolete, because that would mean the disease had disappeared. We aren’t financial people who are looking to make an exit. We want the entire world to be healthy, and our way to do so is by shortening processes.” Where does the research stand today on developing a treatment? “Some of our research is in the field of bioinformatics, meaning that we are looking at the genetic sequence, and drawing conclusions from there. For example, today we’re trying to take coronavirus proteins and encapsulate their mRNA into a human cell. We want to know how a virus can succeed in generating a serious lung disease, while on the other hand, it can also cause blood clotting, skin diseases, or neurological diseases. We’re trying to decipher the problem, and see what the virus does inside the human cell that causes such a serious shutdown of these major systems. We’ve already succeeded in discovering that the virus can shut down a cell’s system, even though its job is to cause an emergency distress response. The virus ‘removes its battery’ so to speak, and cells continue to work like normal. The entire intercellular communication system is lost because the virus manages to silence the only system that is working to combat it. We are very far away from drawing conclusions, mainly because it’s a virus that works in a very clever way. I’m surprised by it every day.” You won’t miss all the attention that has been showered on you and other scientists over the past year? “What motivates me, just like most scientists, is intellectual and scholarly curiosity. Our work is based on our curiosity, and once in a while, something happens and people need us. If the human population will return in another year to where it was previously, when science was pushed to the side as something amusing for professors to busy themselves with, then we’ve missed the whole point. It isn’t because science has solved the problem and created a vaccine, but rather because as in everything in life, like politics, for example, sometimes the world deserves to get a failing grade. As scientists, we are trying to take this lesson and make science accessible to the entire world. We need to take personal responsibility for that.”
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No one has ever been 100% clear on what exactly it was that oOoOO, aka Chris Dexter, pioneered when he appeared on the scene a few years ago – some venture “witch house”, others pencil his music in at the greyer end of the “chillwave” spectrum, a quiet few venture “grave wave” – but it’s beyond doubt that he was part of the first wave of something. The thing about Dexter, though, is that he sounds very little like the contemporaries he’s frequently compared to. He’s poppier than exploratory sound engineer and noise artist The Haxan Cloak and dreamlike producer Balam Acab, and yet he adds a dimension of surreality to all the pop vocalists he works with (such as ML, who adds her voice to this album, and Butterclock, who featured on his ‘Our Love Is Hurting Us’ EP and, by herself, makes lovelorn nostalgic synth tunes). Dexter’s first full-length LP, ‘Without Your Love’, released on his own imprint Nihjgt Feelings, indicates that his sound is one that’s built to outlast the first wave of a movement – the album is definitely a mournful experience, but it’s one with verses, choruses, and even moments that recall what it’s like to dance. Gloomy soundscape Sirens opens the album, and in doing so it dupes the listener into thinking that they’re in for an hour of carefully engineered sonic moping. Somewhere between Stay Here and Without Your Love – both sound like hook-filled pop songs that have had concrete blocks tied to their feet and and been thrown to swim with the fishes – it becomes apparent that there’s much more than that to this sensitive collection of love songs. The memory of dance hovers over this music like a phantom limb; the clipped vocal sample on the fun interlude 3:51am for example, coupled with its languid yet crisp beats, make it feel like it’s a distorted snapshot of the dancefloor viewed through an impossibly long lens that makes a second into a blissfully intimate two and a half minutes. Similarly, The South functions around a series of exhilarating drops, and On It and Mouchette shuffle forward on grooves borrowed from murky R&B at one point, even murkier industrial techno the next. Dexter plays with countless references and models that suggest an intimacy with song structure and a desire to turn it inside out. His songs speak the language of pop, taking the classic formula of tragedy dressed up in a fun veneer and distorting it in all kinds of ways, with sounds that veer between blissful and terrifying and honest, emotional lyrics rendering the whole thing much more cohesive and meaningful than the appropriations that defined 2010/2011. There’s a lot of room to move around in this distorted pop model, but the crucial flaw of ‘Without Your Love’ is that it doesn’t ever quite explore that fully. Before this album ever gets off its feet, it gets sunk into the submerged, woefully pitched-down five minute closing track that is Across A Sea. Sprinkled with piano and distant wave-like crashes, the track winds the album to a sorrowful finale. ‘Without Your Love’ never really moves from the spot it’s rooted to; existing in a post-witch house mindset, oOoOO’s debut album epitomises the feeling of the morning after the night before. It’s made in the dawn as a profound darkness lifts, finally looking outwards after a night spent soul-searching, but never quite finding the energy to move too far.
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At your first appointment you can expect to spend 1 full hour with your physical therapist. This will give us the ability to give you a full evaluation and discuss your needs and your injury and how it pertains to you. We treat each patient that walks through our door as an individual, because each and every injury or surgery is different for every person. We want to know about you and how we can develop the most efficient and customized rehabilitation program for you. You can expect to see the same physical therapist for every appointment, and for your entire appointment. Printable new patient survey forms can be found here: Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Lower Extremity Function, Arm, Shoulder, Hand
This item is an example of the passports that the Vatican issued to all 2800 bishops participating in the Second Vatican Council. Imagine! We are talking about the 1960s while Communist governments were in the height of their power. And so the Vatican wanted to make sure it would secure the safety of all the bishops throughout the world. Many of them were traveling from Communist countries as well as other countries that maybe had political situations that were less stable. This passport was actually issued to a bishop from to ensure that he would have as safe travel as the Holy See as a State could grant. This passport is a rare and significant item. Imagine getting all these bishops to all arrive in the same place at the same time, safely! The council was unique in that it went in and out of sessions throughout several years. Imagine the amount of traveling the bishops must have done, just going back and forth from their nations. It must have been quite difficult. Just think of how different travel was in the 1960s compared to today. And there were 4 sessions, so they went back and forth each time. It always began in the Fall and ended in December. October 11, 1962 to December 8, 1962 September 29, 1963 to December 4, 1963 September 14, 1964 to November 21, 1964 September 14, 1965 to December 8, 1965 So as you can see, there was a lot of travel that these bishops had to do. The passports ensured their safety. This reminds us again of the universal nature of the Church. Over 2850 bishops from around the world participated in one or more sessions of the Second Vatican Council. These bishops from all over the world, from all nations, came together during that time. Their passports have several pages, and each of the pages say the same thing but in many different languages and in English. For example, Hamlet John Cicognani Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Roman Church, of the Title of the Suburban See of Frascati Secretary of State to His Holiness Pope John XXIII requests all Civil and Military Authorities to permit the bearer, who is one of the Fathers of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, freely to pass, and in case of need, to provide him with every opportune assistance and protection. From the Vatican, 1963 So we can see the English words right here requesting safe transport and safe travel. Of course many of those bishops had to travel through several countries to get to Italy. So, they were crossing a number of borders, and that accounts for the number of languages. What we see is the political authority–even though it’s not a military authority–the political authority that the Holy See has to be able to issue passports. Of course, you could have a country not recognize it or not even appreciate or honor it. But the fact that the Vatican, as a nation, can produce passports is quite an interesting thing considering that it’s the smallest country in the world. And another thing that is interesting about this item is the coat of arms on the cover of the passport. It is that of Pope (now Blessed) Paul VI who reconvened the Council since Pope (now Saint) John XXIII died after the first Session. So when we think about this Council, we think of the two popes, John XXIII and Paul VI. John XXIII called the Council, and he was only Pope for one session. But Pope Paul VI was the pope for three of the sessions. So both are equally associated with the Council for those reasons. They are two very historically significant popes, due to the fact of the Council itself. Also, John XXIII was elected to be a ‘transitional pope’, supposedly, because he was an older man. After a long pontificate, like Pius XII, who was Pope for 19 years, they thought they’d elected a transitional Pope. Instead, he was the Pope who called the Second Vatican Council. And it was Paul VI who ensured it continued. —Father Richard Kunst, Curator Additional Information: This is the actual passport issued to Bishop Javier Miguel Ariz Huarte, O.P. At the time of the II Vatican Council, he was Bishop of Bapara in Peru.
I have 2 doubts about this the first one is, does the SaveChanges() do it for iteration or when leaving the loop? The other doubt is that when I try to save I get this error: An exception of type 'System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll but was not controlled in the user's code Additional information: Validation error for one or more entities. See the 'EntityValidationErrors' property for more details. If I debug the exception I see this but I do not see any clue as to which field is failing me. Thank you, c# entity-framework asked by ilernet 24.05.2017 в 17:31 source 1 answer 6 The db.SaveChanges() must go outside the foreach . The reason is that for every call to SaveChanges() , EF creates a transaction and persists the pending changes in context ie if you do it in each iteration you will be making n connections to the DB instead of performing just a single transaction with all INSERT About EntityvalidationError is because you have some validation error in the entity that you are trying to save, If you add the code of the class VentasLinias we could see what the problem is
Registration is free for medical students & residents & all full-time practicing primary care clinicians – register here. The agenda and more information about the Summit can be found here. Join Today! Members join together at the forefront of value-based care innovation to understand the landscape, engage in policy and collaboratively identify solutions.
Yellow cedar wood is a beautiful, soft, and highly fragrant wood with a reddish-brown color. It has a high density and is resistant to water, making it an excellent choice for exterior construction. It can be used for flooring, furniture, paneling, cabinetry, and interior millwork. Yellow cedar lumber is also known as Western Yellow Cedar or Juniperus Virginiana. It’s not actually a true cedar at all; rather, it’s a juniper tree that grows in the eastern United States. That’s why you’ll see it sometimes referred to as “Eastern Juniper.” The wood has been used for centuries, it was popular with Native Americans who used it for everything from building canoes to weaving baskets out of its fibers. Today yellow cedar still commands high prices on the market because of its beauty and quality; however there’s also some concern about overharvesting due to this popularity, so if you have any chance at all to use native materials in your projects (like using yellow cedar instead of redwood), then do so. Yellow cedar wood is used in boatbuilding since ancient times. The wood is durable, splinter-free, and extremely strong. It is often used in high-performance shells for racing boats. It is also used in saunas, indoor pools, and outdoor furniture. For boat building, it is one of the most popular choices. VG Yellow Cedar VG Yellow Cedar wood is commonly available in a green form and has a fine texture. It is kiln-dried to improve strength, stiffness, and appearance. Kiln drying also improves resistance to insects and decay. Aside from being naturally aromatic, yellow cedar has excellent working qualities. It is suitable for turning on a rotary knife lathe. In addition, it is suitable for making moldings. A variety of grades of VG Yellow Cedar are available. Yellow Cedar is prized by boat builders for its exceptional natural durability, dimensional stability, and ease of tooling. It is highly resistant to splintering and stands up to constant wear and impact from loads. It also carves and turns easily, and it finishes beautifully. It is ideal for large architectural projects, including boat hulls. Yellow cedar has long been used for boat building. In fact, racing boat enthusiasts often use yellow cedar in the construction of their shells. It is also a popular choice for saunas and indoor pools, and it is suitable for outdoor furniture. Its long-lasting properties make it an excellent choice for a variety of outdoor uses, from benches to decking. VG Yellow Cedar is a valuable timber, with moderate hardness and even grain. It is easily worked, gives a fine knife finish, and is easily glued and nailed. It is also durable and was the timber of choice for Japanese temples. These temples are among the oldest wooden structures in the world. Alaskan Yellow Cedar Alaskan Yellow Cedar is a hard and attractive timber used for a variety of construction projects. This species of cedar grows in temperate, moist regions from southern Oregon south to Alaska. The wood of this species is very dense, with approximately 43 growth rings per inch. It is considered one of the hardest cedars in the world, making it a valuable choice for many construction projects. This wood is extremely durable and is highly resistant to rot and insect attack. It is also a high-quality choice for siding and shingles or shake roofing. It is also great for paneling and decorative trim. Because of its resistance to decay and rot, Alaska Yellow Cedar is a great choice for interior and exterior applications. Yellow cedar has been used for boat building since ancient times. Racing boat enthusiasts choose yellow cedar for their high-performance shells. It is also durable and splinter-resistant. This makes it a popular choice for stadium seating and other indoor and outdoor furniture. In addition to boat building, yellow cedar is widely used in saunas, indoor pools, and outdoor furniture. This durable, rot-resistant wood is used for interior and exterior wall cladding. Its low shrinkage factor makes it superior to other softwoods from conifers. It also has an excellent thermal insulating value. It is easy to work with, producing wide boards and strong exteriors. Musical instruments Yellow cedar wood is used for a wide range of musical instruments. It has a unique aroma when freshly cut and is free of resin and pitch. However, it does tend to discolor when exposed to iron compounds. Other characteristics of yellow cedar include high stiffness, high density, and low damping. When turned on a rotary knife lathe, it has the good surface quality and exceptional working properties. For example, it produces excellent mortising quality when used for guitars and other musical instruments. It bonds well with good-quality glues and adhesives. Another wood commonly used for musical instruments is the pear tree. Its soft tone makes it an excellent choice for Native American-style flutes and recorders. Pear wood is also an economical choice for musical instruments. Its color and texture are light and creamy. It is often used for acoustical instruments, such as acoustic guitar bellies. The way wood is cut is an important factor in its acoustic properties. Traditionally, instrument makers cut wood with a quarter-cut style, which keeps the fiber and grain straight. This improves the stiffness and radiation ratio of the instrument. However, spruce trees grow with a spiral pattern, so cutting it in this manner reduces the possibility of the fibers lying parallel to the face of the instrument. This wood is also commonly used for ukuleles and string instruments. The wood has a high strength-to-weight ratio and is popular for making soundboards. Boat building There are several benefits to working with yellow cedar wood when building boats. Its strength and durability make it ideal for boatbuilding projects. It is available at a reasonable price and is very dense. It is also easy to work with and has a uniform texture. It is also lightweight and resistant to dry rot. It is best used for boat-building interiors and trims. Yellow cedar has an exceptionally long life span. Because it is resistant to rot and splintering, it is an excellent choice for boat building. However, it is not the strongest wood and can cause respiratory irritation. As such, a boat made of white cedar may be less stable than a boat made of fir or other woods. Despite the limited availability of yellow cedar, wood has a number of benefits. Yellow cedar has exceptional weather resistance, and dimensional stability, and is easy to work. It can be used for boatbuilding, bridge decking, and aircraft construction. The wood also has a high finish, which is an important consideration in a boat. Yellow cedar grows in the northwest of the United States and the Canadian panhandle. Native tribes used it extensively. It has a straight grain and is 80% harder than western red cedar. It is also stronger than most softwoods and has good shock resistance. Interior millwork Yellow cedar is a slow-growing softwood native to the pacific northwest. It is very durable and naturally resistant to decay and splintering. It is often used for interior millwork, siding, and boatbuilding. It is also popular in saunas and for outdoor furniture. Yellow cedar is suitable for a wide variety of interior millwork projects. Its even grain pattern and uniform density make it an ideal choice for carving and woodworking. Its beautiful yellow hue adds to the aesthetic appeal of a home. It is also highly prized for its fine texture and straight grain. This wood is also very aromatic, especially when freshly cut. Yellow cedar is known as the world’s most durable wood, with natural resilience and corrosion resistance, making it an excellent choice for interior millwork. It grows along the Pacific coast of North America from Alaska to Oregon. Yellow cedar wood is a slow-growing softwood, with 50-60 annual growth rings per inch. It is one of the most durable types of wood for interior millwork and is used extensively for boat building, sauna manufacturing, and fine cabinetry. Yellow cedar is light yellow in color and has an even, smooth texture. It contains natural oils and has a sweet fragrance that gives it a distinct flavor when first cut. Some people say the aroma resembles raw potatoes. Exterior cladding Yellow cedar is a highly durable and aromatic wood that is commonly used for exterior cladding in a wide range of applications. This wood is also very durable and resistant to rot. It is also very easy to work with. As a result, it is ideal for exterior and interior wall cladding, as well as for exterior and interior decking. In addition, it has a high R-value, which means that it can withstand high temperatures. Yellow cedar lumber is usually sold green and then dried according to the intended use. Kiln-drying the wood improves its durability, stiffness, and appearance. It also increases its resistance to decay and insects. It is also straight-grained and has a fine texture. This wood is available in the quartersawn form, which is free of growth rings. The wood is resistant to decay, wears down evenly over time, and resists cupping or concaving. In addition, it is resistant to warping. This makes it an excellent choice for exterior cladding and is an economical choice for DIY projects. It is also one of the strongest and most durable woods. Yellow cedar is also popular for boat building. It is incredibly durable and is used extensively by racing boat enthusiasts for the high-performance shells of their boats. Due to its high resistance to splintering, yellow cedar is also commonly used for stadium seating and in saunas and indoor pools. It is even used to make outdoor furniture.
The student will classify the valuable assets of an Information System, the vulnerabilities, the threats on these assets, in order to identify the security objectives for which security mechanisms will be defined and put in place (applied).
Ideas, Freemason Collection was posted October 25, 2016 at 9:50 pm by carlynstudio.us . More over Freemason Collection has viewed by 23623 visitor.
Root canal treatment is performed by endodontists, dental professionals specializing in the treatment of the inside of the tooth to save severely decayed or infected teeth. This involves the removal of an infected or damaged tooth pulp followed by its filling. How do you know if you need a root canal? It can be challenging to figure out when there is an urgency of having a root canal or any other dental procedure. Most physical symptoms do not appear until the problem is advanced, which is why it is recommended to see a dentist right away especially when the person feels gum or tooth pain and sensitivity to temperature. The common 5 signs you need a root canal are discussed below by the best dentist at First Point Dental Clinic, root canal clinic in Chicago: 1. Intense Toothache- Pain is a well-known indicator of something serious, is happening with the tooth. When the tooth spontaneously causes a significant pain without any other attributable cause i.e. when the tooth decay has resulted in the exposure of the nerves present inside the infected tooth. This exposure can terribly hurt. The severity of pain and sensation may vary as the patient changes positions such as bending or sitting. Pain may become more profound when pressure is applied to the tooth while brushing or flossing of tooth or chewing. 2. Tooth discoloration- If there is an infection or nerve damage inside the tooth, the affected tooth may become darker in color (usually gray) than the remaining natural teeth. 3. Pain and swelling of gums- If there is a severe infection of the inside of the tooth, there is likely some discomfort felt in the gum tissues surrounding it. However, the discomfort may be in various forms. Some patients may feel like there is a knot or painless bump in the gums. In other cases, the swelling may be so pronounced that it becomes noticeable on the face and neck regions. 4. Persistent gum pimples- Gums are fleshy parts of the mouth that can have raised bumps on them. If the patient experiences a pus-filled boil on the gum (a form of localized swelling) or a dental abscess, then this could be an indication of severe tooth infection. Abscesses can lead to an unpleasant taste of the mouth, swollen gums, and other discomfort. Do not attempt to drain out the pus by puncturing such growth, instead consult the endodontist or dentist and let them assess the condition. It is very important to seek prompt dental help as an untreated dental abscess can make it difficult for the patient to swallow or breathe. 5. Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold- Dental hypersensitivity can be caused due to many reasons. But if there is long-term sensitivity felt by the individual after eating or drinking hot or cold food or drinks, it could mean the infection has reached the tooth pulp. A dentist can help determine the reason behind the pain and if there is a need for a root canal. When do You Need a Root Canal and How Do You Know If You Need a Root Canal? When the above-mentioned dental signs are present altogether in the patient, it may point out serious tooth decay or infection. Hence, instead of waiting for the dental issue to worsen, the area must be treated as early as possible. Otherwise, there may be a case that the permanent tooth can’t be saved and the only option left is its extraction. If you are afraid or nervous about root canal therapy, don’t be! The dental professionals at First Point Dental Clinic can help one know more about the signs you need a root canal and are also experts in performing painless root canal process. To know more, pay a visit now! BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULT & DENTAL EXAM 888-736-6430 Schedule Appointment General Dentistry Dental Exam & Cleaning Dental Hygiene Dental X-Rays Periodontal Treatment Preventive Care Emergency Dental Care Emergency Dental Care Cosmetic Dentistry Cosmetic Dentistry Orthodontics Teeth Whitening Dental Veneers Dental Crown Important Links Blog Insurance Careers Restorative Dental Implants Tooth Colored Fillings Root Canal Dental Bridge Dentures Wisdom Tooth Extraction Partial Dentures Follow Us Free Exam & X-rays for New Patients. $0 Cleanings for Insured Patients. Schedule Appointment 888-736-6430 First Point Dental is dedicated to providing the best dental services in Hoffman Estates and Westmont. Book an appointment today by clicking here or call us at 888-736-6430. Free Exams and X-rays for new patients while free cleanings for insured patients. Don’t wait! Book an appointment today!
This workshop is another in the series of the “joints” workshops by Body Blueprint Fitness. The other joint workshops are the spine, shoulder, knee, and the hip. We hope you find this workshop on the ankle and foot thorough and comprehensive. In this workshop we’ll look at bones, connective tissue, (ligaments, tendons, cartilage) and discuss the ankle and foot joints, ailments and injuries as well as exercises that strengthen the muscles around the ankle.
A person want to take a cash credit loan from sbi .the limit is 6 lacs .the bank manager want a estimated projected p/l and account & balance sheet .
Hold on to your red pen! I’m about to show you how I become a highly efficient editing machine by combining: Macros Keyboard shortcuts TextExpander snippets Word add-ons My Favorite Macros for Editing Paul Beverley is the master of macros and you’ll find them all on his website. For pre- and post-editing, I have some set up as task bar buttons. The ones I use on every single job are: DocAlyse HyphenAlyse ProperNounAlyse WordPairAlyse The buttons are right at the top of my screen, in the order that I use them. Keyboard Shortcuts for Speedy Editing While I’m editing, I have some macros attached to keyboard shortcuts. I slowly added them over time, so I know all the shortcuts from memory, and that keeps me zooming along. I use Paul’s macro CustomKeys to create the shortcuts. It pulls up this dialogue box: The Paul Beverley macros I use most often are: CaseNextWord Colon Comma CommaInDialogue ExclamationMark FullPoint MerriamFetch2 QuestionMark SwapCharacters CaseNextChar KeystrokeLister pulls them all out into an easily printable list if you need to refer to them often and haven’t got them burned into your brain yet, and don’t want to painfully write them out in a notebook like I did before I found this macro. The list looks like this: I also got a macro from someone else that highlights bold, italic, underlined, superscripted etc. text in different colors, so I can catch things like sneaky italic spaces at a glance. Paul has some macros that do this, too, though I haven’t played with them yet. He’s constantly adding more, so be sure to follow him on social media. Last I heard, he’s added over two hundred new macros to the ones already in his book! He also has handy videos on YouTube explaining how to use them. Don’t forget Word’s built-in shortcuts, and that you can add your own. I use Ctrl+Shift+E to turn Track Changes on and off, and Ctrl+Shift+Space to add nonbreaking spaces. I also have autocorrect set up to change three typed periods into a proper CMOS ellipsis with nonbreaking spaces, and I use Alt+Period to insert the ellipsis character, depending on my client’s preference. Here’s a handy list of some default keyboard shortcuts for Mac and PC users. I also use ASCII codes for special characters like em dash (alt+0151) and en dash (alt+0150) and for common accented characters, like alt+130 for é. Some editors suggest saving your macros in a template named something other than “Normal.” This can prevent it being overwritten if Word is updated. You can also customize templates with keyboard shortcuts and certain macros for certain clients, based on the different types of jobs you do for them. For example, I use nonbreaking no-width spaces much more often in game rules text than I do in fiction. How TextExpander Helps Me Edit TextExpander is an app that uses keyboard shortcuts to insert blocks of text, called snippets. My snippets include things like, “The word Black should be capitalized when referring to race, culture, or experience. This follows guidance by the Chicago Manual of Style, AP Stylebook, and the National Association of Black Journalists.” (I just typed “CLblack” for that one. The words are taken from Crystal Yang Shelley’s Conscious Language Toolkit for Editors.) I have other snippets of oft-used phrases in my queries, such as (AQword): “I’m not sure if this is the right word. Did you mean ‘ ’?” and (AQamb): “Consider rephrasing to avoid ambiguity here. I suggest ‘ ’.” Some have drop-down fields where I can insert a character’s name, such as the one for head-hopping (AQhh): “Watch out for head-hopping. Try to stay in one character’s head per scene. I suggest cutting this or showing this through behavior that the perspective character, Sally, could observe.” Sometimes I create a snippet just for that client. For example, right now I’m working on a choose-your-own-adventure book, so I’ve made “AQwtn,” which gives me, “This node appears to be a dead end. Where to next?” The Power of Word Add-ons Some people use Editor’s ToolKit Plus (ETK+) to do the tedious cleanup tasks; it’s basically a huge set of macros with its own toolbar and buttons that you can use to do things like remove extra spaces. I haven’t explored ETK+ much, but it’s on my list. I mostly use PerfectIt 5, especially since they added a way to link it to CMOS, which shaves time off switching between my browser tab and the document, or moving my eyes from my main screen to my secondary screen. Now I can see CMOS right in Word, and I can use it to check consistency with my clients’ house styles, too. Fast, Accurate Editing Used together, these tricks make the tedious stuff quicker so I can spend my brain power on the more challenging errors and ambiguities. It also reduces the time it takes me to edit something, and that increases the amount I’m earning per hour. My pre-flight setup of documents, post-flight cleanup, and overall editing time is about 25 percent faster than it was before I started using these tricks, without my accuracy suffering. If you’re looking for more tips for how to use Word more efficiently in your editing process, I highly recommend the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading’s Word for Practical Editing course. Also consider joining a nearby (or international) editors’ organization, like the CIEP or Editorial Freelancers Association, where members gleefully share tips and tricks with each other. Most of what I’ve shared here originally came from other CIEP members. Katherine Kirk (Gecko Edit) edits fiction and Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TTRPGs), with an emphasis on imaginary worlds. She puts a lot of effort into making things more effortless and has a bit of a thing for keyboard shortcuts. She can be found furiously mashing away at her keyboard in Ecuador, where she lives halfway up a volcano.
JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) – HUAWEI South Africa has announced plans to venture into the personal computer (PC) market, in line with the rising demand in the sector. The entity of the Chinese-headquartered company disclosed the launch of the products would come at a time when South Africans are actively looking for laptops that can serve their entertainment and work needs, at an affordable price. Outside South Africa, Huawei has been in the PC sector since 2016, and in 2019 saw a 200 percent increase in shipments year-on-year. Huawei’s focus has been on bringing its smartphone technology to its PCs for seamless integration. Since South Africa’s lockdown imposed in March, Huawei has launched six new products across the mobile, tablet and wearables categories. The company said this highlighted how it remained focused on its aim to offer consumers superior products, excellent service, and value for money. “Huawei is due to reveal its first PC offerings in South Africa soon,” the company stated. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), the surge in remote working, coupled with consumers’ needs for PCs to meet both home and work demands. This contributed to an increase of 7 percent year-on-year in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) market in the second quarter of 2020. Huawei recently announced its global first half 2020 business results, indicating it generated US$64.23 billion in revenue during the period.
1973-05-12 – Stafford feature, was moving ahead, but then no stated finishing position – edflemke.com
Do we decide whether to pursue something based on how big or how small it is to us? If it’s big and requires a lot of time and effort will we talk ourselves out of. If it’s small will we abandon it thinking it’s not worth pursuing? Why bother if it’s not going to mean that much in the long run. We can come up with more excuses that, pardon the phrase, Carters has liver pills. But there is no big or small. It’s all important. However, we can run and hide and tell ourselves and everyone else who will listen that we aren’t going to pursue something because it’s not meant to be, we don’t really want it that much or someone else already did it, is doing it or will be pretty soon. And that’s partially true. If we wait long enough someone else will be doing it, perhaps not in the same way as we would but some form it of will still get done. When we cheat ourselves out of living our dreams we also cheat the world because no matter what it is we were going to do, no one else can do it the way we would have. No one will sing a song and reach an audience in the same way, no one will design a building exactly as we would have, no one else can interact with others the way we could, the music will not be written, the business will not be started, the healer will not reach out. The list is endless. If we’re not doing it then it doesn’t get done. Simple as that. if we don’t do what our hearts tug at us to do then it’s lost and will not get done – ever. The questions is can we find the inner strength residing within to provide the impetus we need that says “no matter, I accept and embrace this as mine to do.” It is no small feat to say yes to things but it is no small feat to say no either. Things tug at us because they are calling to be fulfilled and we are the catalyst that is being used for that purpose. We are “the chosen ones.” Marian Quote: No moving picture of life is made up of only one player or one event. My part on the stage is important, for without me the cosmic drama would be incomplete. (Paramahansa Yogananda)
"Old Town Road" mastermind returns with a track that blends low-key rap with a beat that recalls flamenco and reggeaton dipped in pop. March 26, 2021 Britney Spears Requests That Father Be Removed as Conservator An attorney for Spears has asked that the singer's temporary care manager, Jodi Montgomery, be permanently installed as her sole conservator.
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Ah, the braid. It’s all the rage, thanks to some feisty heroines in Frozen and other films. And while you might have a grip on the basic braid, have you mastered the French version, or the Fishtail? Now is your chance! Moms (and dads) are invited to Junior Cuts’ class on braiding, held on Nov. 16 from 2:30 – 4 p.m. at 885 Old State Route 28 in Milford. Participants will get personalized instruction on creating braids, including the classic, the French and the Fishtail, as well as a few Frozen-inspired styles if time permits. This class is best for girls with medium to long hair who don’t mind sitting for a while as their hair is braided by Mom, Dad, grandparents or caregivers. Stick around afterwards for some play time in Recreation Outlet’s indoor playground (standard weekend rates apply). Space is limited, so be sure to RSVP! Cost is $25 per adult/child pair, and $10 for each additional child. Your fee includes a light snack, goody bag, class supplies and handouts. Call Sarah or Misty at 513-340-4516 or email info@juniorcuts.com. Visit juniorcuts.com for info on other upcoming classes.
Drying high value and potent APIs in a safe manner, with minimum degradation is a challenge. Pink specialises in integrated containment drying of high value and potent API’s. Pink systems are designed to uniformly dry products by innovative control of the heating and vacuum systems. It is possible to integrate Centrifuges, Load cells, Vacuum Drying , Weigh and Pack API’s in one single unit under validated contained environments. VSD WITH CIP For cleaning cycle validation, an automatic and reproducible cleaning process is essential. The CIP (Cleaning In Place) device perfectly adapted to the VSD supports the user in this. The device consists essentially of a cleaning lance with spray heads, which are driven either electrically or pneumatically. The drive moves the cleaning lance about its vertical axis while the spray heads rotate additionally about their horizontal axis. INTEGRATED NUTSCH VSD As another example of an intelligent combination, PINK combines VSD vacuum drying ovens, isolators and pressure nutsches in integrated systems. This combination enables the prefiltration of liquid products before the drying process proper, thus optimizing work processes. For applications in which the filling and filtration of the product is to take place outside the isolator, PINK has designed a mobile pressure nutsch for contamination-free docking.
Hey folks, Appleton Coworking is hosting an afternoon of open source on Saturday, May 6th, from 1pm to 4pm. Come,… Read more An Afternoon of Open Source We Are Non-Profit Posted on March 31, 2017 by Team It’s official: Appleton Coworking is now officially a non-profit organization. We’ve been going since 2015 with this as a foregone… Read more We Are Non-Profit We Are Offering a Free Trial Day Posted on March 18, 2016 March 18, 2016 by Team Coworking has been around for a while now, but to many it’s a completely novel concept. As more and more… Read more We Are Offering a Free Trial Day January 2016 Civic Hackathon Posted on January 15, 2016 January 15, 2016 by Team We were very pleased to host the DHMN Civic Hackathon on January 12th at Appleton Coworking. Read more about the… Read more January 2016 Civic Hackathon Happy Holidays Posted on December 21, 2015 December 21, 2015 by Team It’s the winter solstice time of year, and we wanted to wish everyone happy holidays. A quick reminder too: we… Read more Happy Holidays Appleton Coworking Has Landed Posted on September 3, 2015 September 24, 2015 by Team Starting August 1st, we are now open! Come cowork with us. We are open from 9-5 and have much of… Read more Appleton Coworking Has Landed
This beautiful vineyard is nestled in the hills of Lower Chiles Valley which sits on the eastern side of Napa Valley at over 1000 feet in elevation. These are mature Chardonnay vines over 30 years old, which produce small amounts of magnificent fruit. This Chardonnay has been cool fermented in a combination of French and American oak barrels and allowed to sit, surlie, for six months before bottling.
This text is available under a Creative Commons License and may have been adapted from the Ralph Vallone, Jr. bibliography at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database.
Every solar energy system (“system”) is customized based on your electricity need, home structure, geography and topography. System performance may be decreased by several factors that would affect the performance guarantee. Refer to your agreement for exclusions and other factors. The statements made by Bright Solar Marketing are based on the data available as of the last update to this website. The performance, cost and return on investment for a solar energy system is customized based on factors, including but not limited to, your electricity need, utility company rules, and state and federal incentive programs. There is no dollar savings guarantee. Statements regarding tax rebates and savings are not guarantees – seek advice from a tax professional regarding rebate terms and qualifications. Warranty and repair of the system are subject to specific terms and conditions stated in your agreement.
Beautiful 4700sqft retirement home of 2 and half floors, full of lush green and using natural green techniques , materials and technologies. Following traditional pitched roof kerala style with a lot of beautiful detailing, light, ventilation , openness and flexibility in plan. Beautiful interplay of light , shade and courtyards both inside and outside separating spaces giving warmth and definition to each space, located away from city in a green surrounding without noise and pollution. Every space and element is planned aesthetically and with a lot of research and innovation
Rob Speyer is Chief Executive Officer of Tishman Speyer. Over the past decade, Rob has led the firm's global expansion, doubling its assets under management to over $65 billion, delivering more than 50 million square feet of mixed-use development and redevelopment projects globally, and adding more than 13,000 units to its residential portfolio and development pipeline. Today, Tishman Speyer serves the needs of nearly 1,800 industry-leading customers in 30 markets around the world. Rob has driven the firm's growth and entry into new markets across the U.S., Asia, Europe and Latin America, and the development of innovative new business lines....
Presenting choral and solo music to our community from traditional masterworks to Broadway favorites since 1983
Here are PDF's of sheet music for various uses buy the UB Marching Band and Pep Band, including the "Victory March,""UB Alma Mater" (band arrangement) and the "Yells" series. UB Multimedia This is a collection of images, PDFs, MP3s, and other sound files that I have found and put together. They are all interesting and significant music from the university. UB Band History The history of UB's bands are rich and fascinating. I have pooled all of my notes into this outline. Many image that I discovered in my research can be found here.
Well-mannered people are polite and respectful to everyone they meet. They know how to treat others respectfully, even if they don’t agree with or like them. Well-mannered people might have high standards for themselves, but they don’t judge others based on those standards or make others feel bad about themselves. Well-mannered people don’t think they are better than others because of their good manners—they want to ensure everyone feels comfortable when they’re around. When you’re around people with manners, it’s not like they’re going around telling you how good they are at being polite. It’s just that they’re so comfortable being themselves that they don’t need to brag about it. It just comes naturally. If you’re looking to become a well-mannered person, a few key traits come up over and over again. Apply manners daily They understand that good manners are not just for special occasions; they are a way of life. They know that manners are not arbitrary rules but useful tools in making everyday life easier and happier. Treat everybody with respect and consideration They are never arrogant and give others the benefit of the doubt. They don’t expect perfection from other people. They understand that patience is a virtue, and sometimes it takes time for others to catch on to their etiquette. Make others feel valued They understand the importance of being polite, especially when it’s challenging to do so. They know that being polite isn’t about pleasing others: it’s about being considerate. Understand the impact of their action They know how to ask for help without being pushy or demanding. They offer sincere apologies and go out of their way to make amends when they’ve made a mistake. Their manners are genuine, not superficial People with good manners are not necessarily stuffy and pretentious; they know how to handle themselves in any situation with grace and ease. They eat with grace and elegance, but they also have no problem picking up a burger with two hands and biting it heartily. Manners are a way to show others that you respect them and their feelings, and they can be a sign of your own self-respect. When you’re well-mannered, people will notice and appreciate it—and so will you!.
Postcard-pretty colonial centers, waves splashing white-sand beaches, Kichwa villages, Amazonian rain forest and the breathtaking Andes – a dazzling array of wonders is squeezed into this compact country. Along the coastline are Andean villages renowned for their colorful textiles and sprawling markets, the days end with fresh seafood and memorable sunsets. ​ South America Destinations Ecuador Galapagos Chile Patagonia Galapagos This isolated group of volcanic islands and its fragile ecosystem has taken on almost-mythological status as a showcase of biodiversity. The Galápagos Islands may just inspire you to think differently about the world. The creatures that call the islands home, many found nowhere else in the world, act as if humans are nothing more than slightly annoying paparazzi. ​ Chile Preposterously thin and unreasonably long, Chile stretches along 6,000km of Pacific coastline from the belly of South America to its foot, reaching from the driest desert on earth to vast southern glacial fields, with thriving cultural hotspots along the way. The southernmost harbour is the gateway to visiting prime destinations such as the archipelago of Tierra del Fuego, the Beagle Channel, Isla Navarino and the famed Cape Horn. ​ Patagonia On South America’s southern frontier, nature grows wild, barren and beautiful. Spaces are large, as are the silences that fill them. For the newly arrived, such emptiness can be as impressive as the sight of Patagonia’s jagged peaks, pristine rivers and dusty backwater oases. In its enormous scale, Patagonia offers a wealth of potential experiences and landscapes from fjords and glaciers, to desert landscapes.
we Have purchase one of your theme called “Finance | Consultant, Finance Business Theme” we have existing site that already running but we need to change the site with the new purchased theme, But we have some issue on one of the plugin included and installed by the theme, here’s the issue https://www.screencast.com/t/dBXofpuP9 Also when I activated this plugin to prevent the error, it’s not allowing me to do any changes on the pages of the site Also how can I load the layout from the demo site “HOME 3” on the site so it’s easy for me to change the content from my existing file stuff… Let me know and any help will aprreciated Thanks, Theemwiz May 25, 2018, 11:26am #2 You have to reach out to the theme author of that theme to get support. Click on the Support tab for that. 1 Like payothemes November 28, 2018, 10:50pm #4 Hello, Maybe you don’t have enough memory on your server. Try to add higher memory in php ini from your server.
Many investors are now taking advantage of the opportunity to lend money to other private individuals through online platforms. But many people are sceptical about peer-to-peer lending. They have the wrong notion that private lending is a high-risk endeavour that could potentially make them lose money. So, this article explores why it makes sense to invest in peer-to-peer lending via an investment company. High Returns With Low-Interest Rates Peer-to-peer lending can generate returns of up to 10% and more even in periods of low interest rates. But of course, these returns have no guarantee, and lower returns may happen. But on average, and with excellent diversification, returns in this range will not be an issue. Hence, investors looking for an avenue to generate above-average returns even in a low-interest rates scenario should utilise peer-to-peer lending. For instance, it is an excellent idea to invest only part of your assets in this line of business. Investment Prospects and Risks Can Be Self-Determined As mentioned, many investors are considering the risks involved when it comes to peer-to-peer loans. But the risk is self-determined since each investor will be deciding which loans to invest in. For example, if you are an investor, you can choose to only lend to borrowers with very good credit ratings. But in this case, the return is somewhat lower. Moreover, the risk can be effortlessly diversified by spreading the investment to as many borrowers as possible. So if one loan defaults, the loss is limited and can easily be absorbed with income from other loans. There are also investment company platforms for investing in P2P loans that provide insurance against defaults. In this case, the provider will pay the defaulted loan back to the investors to mitigate the risk. All Transactions Are Flexible and Are Done Online Peer-to-peer lending is streamlined and straightforward, making it effortless for consumers who want to invest their money conveniently. The rave reviews and experiences of numerous investors show how investing in peer-to-peer loans online can be done from the convenience of your home. Meanwhile, your portfolio can always be viewed and modified online. It is even possible to make your investment process automated. In contrast, traditional blanks are not as technologically forward and require many contracts to be signed. Generate Passive Income With Peer-to-Peer Loans An incredible advantage of investing in peer-to-peer loans is passive income can be generated. The reason is the loans are repaid every month. Therefore, the investment and interest earned flow back to you regularly. And you can build an extra income that flows fully automatically. With a passive income, investors can generate another source of income for themselves, independent of developments in money and capital markets. And those already generating passive income via dividends and rental incomes can expand their portfolio in this platform as a hedge against defaults. Hence, peer-to-peer lending is an excellent way of generating regular cash flow and expanding it. Another advantage to peer-to-peer loans is it works even when the economy is in recession. For example, stock prices can fall sharply in economically uncertain times, and dividends might also be cut. But loans are always needed and are more independent of economic instability. P2P lending is becoming a popular mode of investment for people who want to expand their portfolios. So you can invest via online platforms with only a minimal amount of money. And it is possible to control and diversify your investment as you see fit.
Even with beautiful white snow still on the ground at Rocky Corner and the weather forecast calling for a few more days of snow, the days are getting longer, the sun is getting warmer, and it feels like spring is just around the corner. The pandemic made the winter months feel even longer and darker than usual because we were not able to engage in the usual holiday gatherings with family and friends. We all felt the dark days of winter drag on and on, but now the sun is higher in the sky and nature is pushing its way to reemerge in the spring. Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 14, giving us an additional hour of daylight and SPRING arrives at 5.37 am EDT on Saturday, March 20 when we mark the vernal equinox! Something to think about Although the sun is not assigned a gender in the English language, it is interesting that the sun is masculine in all of the romance languages but feminine in many Germanic languages, as is the Earth. Especially in spring, when the sun’s warmth causes nature to be reborn and burst forth with new life, the feminine qualities of the sun seem prevalent. From Darkness to Light As many cultures around the world watch the introspective influence of winter wane and feel the renewed energy of spring, they engage in some spring rituals. Many embark on spring cleaning of house and home (decluttering our lives also does wonders for the soul), and smudging ceremonies with a bundle of sage. Spring symbolizes growth and fertility. With the reemergence of light, warmth, plants, animals, come new ideas and fresh perspectives. Spring Holidays There are a number of holidays around this time of year to mark this new beginning: From the ancient Egyptians and Romans to Hindus in the East and Pagans in the West, civilizations have honored the arrival of spring through ceremony, ritual and festivals celebrating the abundance of sunlight and crops as well as the themes of revival, redemption and rebirth. These holidays include Holi, the Hindu festival of colors; Purim, a Jewish holiday observed in late winter/early spring commemorating the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia; the Pagan tradition of Ostara marking the arrival of spring; and Easter, a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We were all in shock last year around this time as we learned about Covid-19 and watched the virus spread through neighborhoods, cities, and eventually the entire world. It stopped us in our tracks and all we could do was emerge at 7 pm each evening to bang on pots as a well-deserved expression of thanks to hospital staff and other essential workers. But, word on the news now is that Covid cases are dropping and we are all hopeful that we can enjoy everything that spring 2021 has to offer! Spring is a Season for Planning and Planting Long before Spring begins, farmers and gardeners think about what they will plant in the coming weeks and months to ensure a bountiful summer and fall season. A shortage of seeds available from the usual sellers present an added challenge this year. Farmers and gardeners face challenges every growing season. They are problem-solvers, innovators, and we trust them to find a way to get us through this. We can help farmers by uplifting them, especially in poor and struggling communities. Now, more than ever, we must support our communities by supporting local farmers and small businesses where we live. Dreaming about your Connecticut home garden? Future resident Brenda and her daughter Alani are offering organic seedlings in curated collections for various themed gardens. CT Seedlings is going live in a few days with seedling collections for sale. Plants for spring beds will be ready for pick up in April and summer beds in May. Here’s a sneak peek ctseedlings.com. Check back to the website in a week to see the on-line store. Filed Under: Latest News, Our Interests Comments Aida M del Valle says May 8, 2021 at 5:52 pm I love all this beautiful caring that I am witnessing here! I would love to know more about how to become a member of your community!
California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones says Anthem Blue Cross should be left out of the new health insurance marketplace for small businesses next year. Jones says Anthem’s planned premium rate increase for small employers next month is excessive. He says the Affordable Care Act requires him to evaluate whether insurers are suitable to participate in the new marketplace. “With three unreasonable rate increases in the first seven months of 2013 alone, I have determined that Anthem has had a pattern or practice of excessive or unjustifiable rate increases,” says Jones. Anthem Blue Cross says it will be serving individuals statewide in the California exchange next year, and that its rates are affordable. Covered California estimates up to 200,000 people will be part of the small business marketplace in a few years. The exchange says it is considering the Insurance Commissioner’s recommendation but will make the final decision about which insurers participate in the new marketplace.
Chef Dave Jones' home-kitchen included in Devour Utah's Article, "Is 2017 the Year to Reboot Your Kitchen?"
January 30, 1992–April 7, 1992. Photographic Archive. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York. IN1614.19. Photograph by Mali Olatunji.
We all love a good roast potato at Christmas time with a roast but there’s one thing you can do to them to make them good for your gut bugs. Cook them the day before you want to roast them and put them in the fridge overnight to cool. Why? Because this creates resistant starch (a prebiotic fibre) and your gut bugs love this stuff. They will use it for energy and produce some great products that will help look after your health. If you are having a cold meat and salad Christmas lunch then still cook the potatoes and cool them then make an extraordinary potato salad. If you add shallots, garlic, yoghurt, mustard and some pepper you will be adding more goodness and prebiotic fibres to this simple and easy to make dish. Look for simple tasty fresh foods this Christmas and give your gut bugs the present they deserve this year.
Barm�s Buecher Alsace Grand Cru Wine Tasting � The Living Vine was pleased to present our members with 10 fine wines from Barm�s Buecher. The producer has a relatively large domaine with 16 biodynamic hectares, spread over 4 communes; Wettolsheim, Wintzenheim, Turckheim and Eguisheim. Some 2 hectares of the Barmes Buecher estate is on prime Grand Cru terroir. However, the volume is more moderate due to low yields. As an illustration, the Pinot Blanc Rosenberg of Barmes Buecher is made at a ridiculously low 43 hl/ha, slightly more than 50% of legal yield. The domaine Barm�s Buecher was founded in 1985 and is run by Genevi�ve and Fran�ois Barm�s. Biodynamic since 1998, the team carefully exploits the potential of the terroirs and expresses the unique feature of each plot in a sensitive and skillful manner.
Fløren K (they/them/their or xey/xem/xeir) is a New York City trained actor, experienced producer, and self-advocate for mental health & LGBT+ rights. Xey live in Louisville, KY in a duplex xey split with xeir best friend, xeir cat Mr. Mistoffelees, and xeir dog Feldspar. Life Experience. Theatre Fløren K appeared on stage for the first time at age seven, and continued to perform live in both theatrical and musical productions with xeir schools & church throughout xeir childhood. In high school, xey finally branched out to community theatre, in which xey continued to participate until the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Xey also have multiple regional theatre credits from xeir work in the midwest & south. Xey attended Stella Adler Studio NYC in New York City for two years in the workshop program studying stage & screen acting. Xey were invited to multiple advanced classes in xeir time there including Acting Technique, Scene Study, & Film Acting Master Classes. Film In 2009, Fløren began xeir journey in the independent film scene, as well as began appearing in local commercials. Xey are an award-winning performer for xeir screen work, having earned Best Actress Awards from Horror Society Magazine (2015) and MayDay Film Festival (2010). After xeir first appearance at MayDay Film Fest, xey were invited to become an event coordinator, acting as a public liaison to patrons & filmmakers for the festival. Other notables include appearing one of Maxim Magazine’s 66 Horror Flicks You’ve Never Seen (Hell is Full), appearing in a successful webseries that gained over 2 million views (The Book of Dallas), as well as multiple award-winning films (Lost Indie Mix, The Dog Walker, BULLY, The Pale King, Billie & Theodore, Ezekiel’s Landing). Mental Health Fløren K has been diagnosed with ADHD, Borderline Personality Disorder, PTSD, cPTSD, Major Depressive Disorder, and continues to investigate possibilities of Autism Spectrum Disorder, PMDD, Bipolar Disorder, among others. Xey write about xeir experiences, not only as a part of xeir treatment, but to de-stigmatize & normalize what so many others go through on a daily basis. LGBT+ Fløren K is genderfluid and abrosexual. Xey also identify as bisexual, as abrosexuality is a new term & concept. “Bisexual” is the first place xeir ‘otherness’ found a home, and xey will always ID as bisexual because of that. While xey may fluctuate between masculinity & femininity, genderfluid is always the correct way to refer to xem, and gender neutral pronouns are preferred. Xeir favorites are xey/xem/xeir (obviously), but they/them/their is also acceptable. Leftist Fløren K is a Leftist, not a Liberal. Xey are not a Democrat, though xey are registered as such to continue to vote in Kentucky Primaries. Capitalism is a tool of white supremacy, the only hope in not descending into fascism is by building a different government than we have now, responsible gun ownership is necessary, weed should be legal, Black lives fucking matter, and anyone who isn’t actively mean to racists has chosen the side of the oppessor. Witchcraft Magick has been a vital part of Fløren K’s life for many years. As a child & teenager, xey attempted practicing Wicca on multiple occasions, but it never took. In recent years, xey have taken a more eclectic & solitary approach. Xeir craft has been instrumental in managing mental health, everyday life activities, & is one of xeir greatest tools in tackling broad issues facing the world as an individual. Latest Posts My walk today + bedtime moodz. TW: medical battles, mental health battles, mention of self harm. So, I looks like something medical professionals assume about me is a vitamin D deficiency (insert [giggity] sex joke here).I’m pale, y’all. I walk my dog outside for an hour a few times a week. I take supplements. I am, physically, the healthiest I’ve everContinue reading “My walk today + bedtime moodz.” by explorinfloren May 28, 2021 May 28, 2021 Happy March! It’s officially March! So, here’s my completed Feb Feelz playlist! I was introduced to a bunch of indie, queer artists right at the start of the month, so I hope you love them too & get their play numbers up! Feb 2021 Feelz As always, keep an eye out for another erotica excerpt toward theContinue reading “Happy March!” by explorinfloren March 3, 2021 Are you chasing luxury or survival? By Fløren Kyteler (they/them/their or xey/xem/xeir) I was thinking about ideas similar to this yesterday. I’ve been watching Star Trek TNG. Earth no longer has poverty. There is no money. If you need something, you just…get it. What has resulted is, no one lives in extreme luxury, but everyone is comfortable. Deanna Troi can getContinue reading “Are you chasing luxury or survival?” by explorinfloren December 27, 2020 December 27, 2020 Processing a Generational Pain By Fløren Kyteler (they/them/their or xey/xem/xeir) I believe I am feeling a “generational” pain for the first time. I have never had much of a personal tie to my ancestry. I’ve gone the vast majority of my life a bit apart from everyone around me, and my family is no exception. I also have aContinue reading “Processing a Generational Pain”
The Amherst Winter Farmers Market is seeking volunteers! The market will run on Saturdays from December 5th through April 2nd (excluding December 26th, January 16th, and March 5th.) The market is looking for volunteers to help during market hours. Shifts can be flexible, but ideally we would prefer a 2-hour time commitment (10am to noon or noon to 2pm) from volunteers. Duties will include assisting vendors, greeting customers, processing credit card and SNAP transactions, answering questions, and helping out wherever needed. If interested, please email Kristen Whitmore, Market Manager.
Relationship at this time often is sold with “meeting” somebody about basic, as opposed to in person. And also the most effective and you will advanced level matchmaking discussion beginners is designed to help you modern reality. They might hunt contrived or disingenuous, but it is all in the manner in which you send. Creating a discussion and you may remaining it heading is a huge area of your matchmaking techniques. To efficiently get acquainted with people you just came across and avoid interviewing articles about the bad find-right up lines, you need to get comfortable entertaining him or her into the a great, non-threatening means. You could potentially invest forever publishing the ideal dating reputation, however it would not amount if not learn how to crack the newest frost and also an excellent wining dialogue been! Listed here are 17 online dating discussion beginners that really work anytime. Profitable on line daters discover they have to assist other people apply to her or him, so they really use the written reputation and you may images gallery to give your “hooks” so you can participate. (more…)
I'm an Industrial Engineer in Aerospace Composites and photographer of Headshots, portraits, and cars. I literally won my first camera in 2007 playing poker (it was a prize, not a stake) and placing 3rd out of 458 people, I've been hooked ever since. Shortly after moving to the St Louis area I started my photography business. Much like my Engineering degree, I look to continuously improve my photography skills daily. I feel if I'm not constantly learning or improving, I'm not doing my future clients justice. I like for my photos to stand out and I'd love to give my clients their best headshot session yet.
five nights at anime 2 GIFs. InfiniteLooper - Five Nights In Anime (FNIA) Mature Audience only 18+. A student of Zangan-style martial arts, she can clobber opponents with her fleet-footed combat techniques.
A Virginia judge ruled Thursday that a firearms ban can stay in place during a planned pro-gun rally on the Capitol grounds in Richmond. The ruling upholding the ban was quickly appealed. Governor Ralph Northam imposed the ban ahead of Monday's rally after law enforcement officials said they'd received "credible and serious threats." A lawsuit challenging Northam's decision was filed by Gun Owners of America, Inc. (GOA), Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL), and citizens Kenneth VanWyk, Erich Pratt, and John Velleco, who are all planning to attend Monday's rally, according to CBS Richmond affiliate WTVR. Of the three individuals filing the lawsuit, two are executive members of the GOA, and the third is a member of the VCDL. The plaintiffs argued the firearms ban violates the First and Second Amendments and that Northam didn't have the authority to impose it. According to The Associated Press, Judge Joi Taylor said in her ruling the governor has the authority under state law to take action related to the "safety and welfare" of the state. Taylor also cited rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court that the right to bear arms can be subject to limits. But the AP reports that after Taylor upheld the ban, lawyers for the GOA and VCDL filed an emergency petition asking Virginia's Supreme Court to review the ruling and immediately issue an order prohibiting enforcement of the ban. It wasn't immediately clear when the court would hear the appeal. Taylor's ruling came just a few hours after the arrest of three suspected white supremacists who were believed to be heading to the Richmond rally. Former FBI special agent in charge Katherine Schweit said "the threat in this kind of situation is with 1,500 rounds in semi-automatic weapons, hundreds of people could go down in seconds." One of the rally's organizers, Philip Van Cleave, said Monday's rally should not be canceled because of the three men arrested. "They're the problem makers, they're trying to create problems, the police will handle them, we will go on. We will not let them deter us or slow us down," Van Cleave said. Northam has said he wants to prevent another incident like Charlottesville, where in August 2017, a woman was killed and dozens more injured when a white supremacist rammed his car into a group of counter-protesters during a white nationalist rally. Newly elected Virginia Democrats have said they plan to make gun control a priority. An assault weapons ban, red flag laws and universal background checks have all been proposed. Republicans oppose the new gun measures, and municipalities across the state have declared themselves sanctuary cities for the Second Amendment and will refuse to use their resources to prosecute any state gun laws they deem unconstitutional. Virginia Beach, where 12 people were killed in a shooting rampage at a municipal building in May 2019, last week adopted a resolution declaring itself a "Second Amendment Constitutional City."
We have just released our first tutorial with BERNINA and I couldn't be more excited to share it with you. Daisy's Sun Bonnet is the perfect bonnet to protect you littles from the sun. It is reversible and can easily transition into every season. The bonnet ties under the childs neck.
Victoria N. “Vicki” Schlobohm, 55, surrounded by her family, passed away peacefully at her residence in Beaufort, South Carolina on Friday, July 8th after a long battle with illness. Born January 24, 1961 in Glen Ridge, New Jersey to John Noyes and Jane Munning Noyes, Vicki grew to become an active member of the Glen Ridge community. An insatiable reader, Vicki worked for the public library system and as a professional typist before graduating from Glen Ridge High School in 1979. She went on to graduate from Simmons College of Boston in 1983. During her college years, she went on to marry her long-time family friend Rudy Schlobohm, also of Glen Ridge. After college, Vicki returned with her husband to Montclair, New Jersey, where she ran her father’s insurance agency, The Noyes Agency on Broad Street, with her brother, Mark Noyes. Here, she also raised a son and a daughter, her pride and joy. In 2010, Vicki moved with her husband and son to Pleasant Point Plantation on Lady’s Island, where met some of her closest friends and with her husband Rudy, grew deep roots in the Beaufort community. Vicki spent her final years traveling the world with her husband and enjoying long walks along the marshes of the Sea Islands. Vicki is widowed from her husband, Rudolph Schlobohm and she is survived by her daughter, Melissa Schlobohm, her son, Karl Schlobohm, her daughter-in law, Mercedes Schlobohm, her granddaughter, Athena Schlobohm, her brothers, Carl, Chris, David and Richard Noyes, her sister, Linda Noyes Kneen, her brother-in-law, Todd Schlobohm, and her sister-in-law, Marilea “Kimm” Schlobohm. A service will be held to celebrate Vicki’s life at Tidal Creek Fellowship on Lady’s Island on Saturday, July 30th at 1:00pm. For all of those wishing to attend the reception Tabby Garden downtown following the service, the family asks that you coordinate bring food and your beverages of choice. Inquiries may be sent to her son Karl via email at: kschlobohm24@gmail.com. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association through their website: www.alz.org, or by contacting your local office. Finally, her requests would be that friends and family celebrate by gathering together whenever possible to reconnect and to discuss fond memories of Vicki over her favorite music.
Hi! My name is Ewa and I'm behind Studio Tekturek designs and ideas since 2013. Our Studio is small scrapbooking manufacturer from Poland. We design & sell FUN-tastic products for creative souls! We always try to make our designs fresh and versatile, we place great emphasis on modern design, vivid and captivating colors and we do ‘it’ with passion :) Our mission is to bring fun into the scrap-world around us for sure! Hope You'll find something interesting here. Warm hug, Ewa ​ Hey, thank You for stopping by :) H e l l o * ! share your work with us using hashtags I N S T A G R A M @studiotekturek #tellSTyourstory #STgoodies WE'RE LOOKING ASSOCIATES Yes, we are looking for resellers and collaborators. If you like our products or you want to work with us, please let us know. Please feel free to contact Studio Tekturek :) Let's be friends, stay in touch! Sign up for new arrival alerts, products highlights, special offers and more. NO SPAM!
We apologize that you are unable to find a conveniently located retailer in your area. Our retail network is continually growing; so we would suggest that you check back frequently on our web site’s retailer locator to see if there are any new stores in your area. We also have a number of online retail partners which may be a good solution until we have a retailer in your area.
The potty chair is ideal for times when your child wants to sit on the potty for longer thanks to its sturdy and ergonomic design with smooth edges providing your child with maximum comfort. It has a high backrest and the comfortable armrests mean that your child can just sit back and relax.
____ Service Org is the organization you are serving. For example, type "The Living Lab" if you worked at O'Dowd's Living Lab. ____ Category is the type of service you are completing. Select the correct option from the drop down menu. If you don't have a category, select Non-required Hours. ____ Describe the work you did in the Tell Your Story section. Sophomores have an additional description section.
Queenston Place offers three meals each day. At our community in Niagara Falls, lunch and dinner for retirement residents have a feature meal and several alternatives to choose from. Breakfast is served à la carte. In addition, residents will enjoy a café with hot and cold beverages and snacks. Tray service delivered to your room is also available. Why Choose Us? We provide everything that you are looking for in a retirement community. The amenities and the friendly, comfortable environment in our community will give you happiness and peace of mind. Our friendly staff is happy to take care of all your needs.
Join us for an afternoon workshop on representing the EAL field in a wider audience. In support of advocating for our profession, this session will discuss the how, when and why of stories on EAL students and educators in the media. Who: Led by Drs. Michelle Stack and Amea Wilbur. When: Friday, November 23rd to cap off EAL week. Where: SFU Harbour Centre, Room 2280, 515 W Hastings St Spaces are limited! Register below. About the Presenters: Michelle Stack Michelle Stack, is an associate professor, former senior policy advisor and public commentator on education. Her research interests are focused on education and equity. Michelle is committed to the process of knowledge exchange and expanding conversations about education. She has led numerous courses and workshops aimed at expanding the capacity of educators, activists and academics to engage with media. Michelle has been interviewed 79 times on prominent stations or programs (e.g. CBC 180, BC Almanac, On the Coast, and The Early Edition, Roundhouse Radio, News 1130 and Fairchild TV) and written 11 commentary articles, and numerous invited blog posts. She is called on to discuss her research, which involves equity and education, and as a result she is frequently asked for comment on issues that include education policy, white supremacy, poverty, university rankings and ableism. Her work is regularly republished by diverse outlets, used in policy discussions and disseminated through social media. Amea Wilbur Amea Wilbur currently teaches at the University of the Fraser Valley in the Adult Education Department. She has worked in a variety of different settings and positions including Pacific Immigrant Resources Society, Vancouver Coastal Health’s Access Community through English and in Capilano University Community Outreach and Development. She completed her Doctorate in Education from UBC in 2015. In 2017, she received the AMSSA Award for her work with marginalized populations and for innovative programming that supports diversity and promotes integration. She also developed a trauma-informed English as an Additional program through her work at Pacific Immigrant Resources Society, which received national recognition. She trains instructors, settlement workers and administrators on inclusive classroom and trauma informed practices. Amea published an article in the TESL Canada Journal entitled: Creating Inclusive EAL Classrooms: How Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Instructors Understand and Mitigate Barriers for Students Who Have Experienced Trauma”. She has also published Op Eds for the Tyee and been a guest on Roundhouse Radio.
San Francisco-born, Berlin-based artist Chloe Lula has been involved with the electronic music scene for more than a decade, helming record labels and throwing parties for years before beginning to DJ. She started producing her first live sets in 2019, when she completed a month-long artist residency with Drew McDowall of Coil. The experience ignited her confidence in composition and allowed her to combine her classical cello training with electronics, melding granular synthesis with acoustic riffs and metallic percussion to create an alloyed brand of droned-out industrial electronica. Many of these jams ended up becoming the tracks on her debut EP with aufnahme + wiedergabe, where she’s been a resident for four years. As a DJ, Chloe has played at Berghain, Tresor, Reaktor, Movement weekend in Detroit, and countless clubs, festivals, and DIY parties across Europe, the Caucasus, and North America. She’s performed regularly alongside artists like Ron Morelli, Silent Servant, DJ Hell, Broken English Club, Reka, and Thomas P Heckmann, becoming known for atmospheric sets that dig deep into niche releases and span electro, wave, industrial, techno, acid, and synthy experimental. In addition to her career as a DJ, she is also a music journalist and a selector for her monthly punk show, ‘No Exit,’ on Cashmere Radio.
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Brenda Lane is a certified nurse practitioner that has a passion for dermatology and is devoted to the care and treatment of her patients. Her formal educational training includes:
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