You name it. You know the show you only made it a few episodes into and then decided to go do anything else. What's the worst show ever?
Le Cheile Financial Services Ltd t/a Le Cheile Group is regulated by the Central Bank Of Ireland. Le Cheile Financial Services Ltd complies with GDPR and our updated privacy notice is part of our terms of business agreement and can be viewed on our website. Company No: 30391
As my regular followers know, I am in the middle of a photography project with fourth graders at Davis Elementary School. With educators from the Mississippi Museum of Art and teachers at Davis, I am helping the students make field guides of the museum’s Art Garden. I thought I’d share some statistics from our project. Students: 43. Cameras: 14. Photographs Taken By Students: 1,493. Field Guides: 10. Photographs Selected for Field Guides: 46. The students are busy with research and writing now. They will begin publishing soon. I can’t wait to see finished guides! Murrah High School Quiz Bowl Team I spent Friday evening and most of Saturday with Murrah’s Quiz Bowl team. The team participated in a tournament at the University of Mississippi; three of us parents drove. Both teams competed with great aplomb — the ‘B’ team, consisting of 5 freshmen and 1 junior, lost two before lunch. The ‘A’ team, three juniors and three sophomores, didn’t lose the second time until the finals of the B bracket. I was proud of them. (One fun fact about these quiz bowlers is that nine of the 12 are also members of the varsity soccer team.) Here are some photos.
Set against the beautiful backdrop of New Zealand, Maori traditions are explored in this drama adapted from the Witi Ihimaera…
A new EU-funded project will help to improve air safety by training pilots to deal with hazardous situations and extreme air conditions and studying how they become disoriented during dangerous situations while in flight. The SUPRA (‘Simulation of upset recovery in aviation’) project, funded at EUR 3.7 million under the Transport Theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), is a consortium of nine scientific research institutes and industrial concerns coordinated by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) which will provide the use of two completely new types of flight simulators. One of the partners, the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany, is investigating the motion perception of pilots in extreme situations and is studying how the brain analyses both balance and visual information in extreme flight conditions. Pilots already receive a lot of training on flight simulators as well as real aircraft flight training. During training, tricky flight manoeuvres such as take-off and landing are already carried out with flight simulators, but extreme flight situations are much more difficult to carry out tests for. The SUPRA project, which began in September 2009, is choosing relevant training scenarios for its array of tests and is working in collaboration with professional test pilots to study how pilots perceive aircraft motion during extreme situations and how and why they become disoriented. The research team is especially interested in interactions between the pilots’ vision and the signals that the brain receives from the inner ear. A robotic arm will be used to expose test pilots to a variety of accelerations while they simultaneously view a computer-generated environment. By using both visual and balance systems, the tests are intended to ‘trick’ the brain, so the test pilots believe they are actually involved in a flight manoeuvre rather than an experiment. For example, the tests will give pilots the impression of experiencing acceleration exclusively through visual stimulation and not with real motion – the same type of technique that is used in flight simulator models. Professor Heinrich H. Bülthoff from the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, said, ‘In these times of ever increasing mobility, thorough training of new pilots is an important theme. We are pleased that the European Union has provided us with the opportunity to work with an international team to make an important contribution to flight safety by improving pilot training.’ Quality validation date: 2009-12-08 Category Текущие проекты EU CORDIS | ProjectsФизика Tags No Tag Навигация по записям Next post Историческая двойная звезда оказалась шестикратной Comments are closed Добрый день Уважаемые посетители сайта! Аэроклубы и аэродромы: Этот ресурс создан с целью предоставить любителям малой авиации максимум полезной информации и возможностей по обмену различными сведениями об аэродромах и интересных маршрутах. - информация из баз АОПА (в том виде как она предоставляется к свободному использованию) Каталог аэродромов и аэроклубов , с различными вариантами поиска и сортировки - подробнее>>> Так же Вы можете получить актуальную информацию о наличии свободных мест в отелях и забронировать номер: nextec
Austin Akers got a taste of the oil and gas business at age 15 when a family friend hired the high schooler to put together lease packets and interned him on title work. ... Read More by reeseenergyconsulting 6 Posted on October 23, 2019 Energy A Perfect Permian Prize Only in Texas could two midstream CEOs look out their office windows and literally gaze upon their joint venture reward. ... Read More by reeseenergyconsulting 6 Posted on October 22, 2019 Energy Hot News for the Bakken and Powder River Basins With a low of 31 degrees and wind gusts up to 40 mph today, Casper, Wyo., is bracing for an even more brutal winter than usual. But inside the offices of Bridger Pipeline, things are heating up. ... Read More by reeseenergyconsulting 7 Posted on October 18, 2019 Energy A Name in Lights Lemuel Davis had a big idea in 1849 to introduce light to Detroit’s street corners. You might say a light bulb went off—only the light bulb hadn’t been invented yet. ... Read More by reeseenergyconsulting 6 Posted on October 15, 2019 Energy An Eye on the Sparrow Six months into his role at Austin-based Parsley Energy, CEO Matt Gallagher described his company in June as an “attractive” purchase for potential buyers. ... Read More by reeseenergyconsulting 6 Posted on October 10, 2019 Energy Like a Bridge Over Troubled Water Over the last two years, the number of midstream investments has been nothing short of staggering. It’s been a great ride for this sector of the oil and gas biz and there’s no sign of a slowdown any time soon. ...
Just in case you can’t find a deck of Iraqi playing cards, here’s a set to help you identify the politicians and media personality involved on our side of the skirmish. (Somebody had to do it, right?)
Have you ever wondered what you would do if your engine quit while flying over the Strait of Georgia? The first time I flew over water I got a little freaked, but over time I got complacent. Every once in a while, though, I would ask myself what would I do if the engine stopped. Was I prepared to the best of my abilities to save not only myself, but my passengers? Bryan Webster runs Aviation Egress Systems and offers a one day course on how to survive an aircraft ditching event. The course starts at 9:30am with a classroom session. Bryan has not only been a passenger in a ditched aircraft, but he's put one into the trees after his engine quit so he knows what he is talking about. We covered all sorts of things like what to expect in a ditching, what we should do to increase our survivability, and why we should look at those life jackets beforehand. If you've got in those plastic bags they come in, have you ever thought what it would be like trying to rip them open if you're bobbing in cold water when the plastic is slippery? Add in a dislocated thumb and you might not get it open. The solution? Take a pair of scissors and make a partial cut along the flap to give you a place to grab and start the tear. Or better yet, put the life jacket on before you get into the plane. Then it was time try what we learned in the pool. Bryan and his two helpers, Willy and Rob, were always nearby watching out for our safety. Usually there were two of them in the pool whenever someone was in the water. We started off with a simple chair contraption that we strapped ourselves into with a seatbelt. They pushed it down under the water and we undid the seatbelt and got out. Second time through, they rolled it upside down. Third time, we were supposed to push out the window beside us and exit that way - it was amazing how much effort it took to push the window out. Then we headed to the single seat dunker. Willy explained where the exit handle was, and told us that the dunker had an air tank and pointed out where the regulator was. If we did have problems, Bryan and Rob would be in the pool and could pop the lid off the dunker to extract us. Then the ramp and dunker were raised, and with a word of warning, released to slide into the pool. Surprisingly, it filled with water pretty slowly. I decided to wait until it was fully submerged before exiting - I had time for 3 or 4 breaths before the water closed in. There was adrenaline rush as I waited, strapped into the seat, and the water closed over my head. But I did what we'd been taught - hand along leg, up to the door handle, open and push the door away. Then with one hand firmly grasping the frame (for positional awareness), I opened the seatbelt and pulled myself out. When I popped to the surface, I had a big grin on my face! The next couple of rides saw the dunker canister flipped, rolled, and put through all sorts of contortions. As long as I followed the drill, I had no problem and didn't even realize they were rolling the dunker. The last simulator was a two seater side-by-side with doors on either side. I was beginning to feel a little cocky and the first dunk in this was a bit of a shock. Willy warned us that as soon as we hit the water, we'd get the impact right in the face and be upside down before we knew it. His suggestion was to take a deep breath on the way down. The funny thing, though, was I never felt us go upside down. After about a second's delay (it felt much longer), the training kicked in and it was the same drill: door, hand on frame, open the belt, and exit. Only this time, the seatbelt was harder to open because my weight was hanging on it. Still, I had a big grin when I broke the surface. On subsequent ditchings, we practiced exiting different exits, and had a chance rescuing a passenger - he got to breathe with the scuba tank when I exited and went up to get air, then went back down for him. I had spike of adrenaline on another dunk when I went to open my door and it wouldn't open! There was a second or so when my mind went "ACK!!!!" but I caught myself and just went out the other door. I came the surface glaring at Willy, who just grinned innocently. All too soon it was 4:00pm and time to call it a day. Was it worth it? You bet! Not only did we get "book learning", but we actually practiced getting out of something very much like an aircraft cabin, underwater, and usually upside down - the water and exiting the plane don't really bother me any more. I found out that if something goes wrong, like a door is jammed, don't freak out - just go out the other door, or out the window. Panic is your enemy. Who should take the course? Anyone that flies or rides in a plane over water should consider this training. We owe it to ourselves and to our passengers to prepare for situations we may reasonably encounter. While I hope I never have to ditch, I know that what I learned and practiced will greatly increase the odds that both myself and my passengers will get out alive. So think what you would do, and then go take the course.
Stories to Tell When You Stay at Home Specially developed during April 2020, when large part so the globe were on lockdown. It is strange times, we all know that, oddly familiar yet completely unknown. These are stories for adults, while they tidy up, do the washing up, sit very still, try to get some sleep….They are recorded in lockdown, created in a homemade recording studio made from duvets and light fittings. Stories to Tell in the Middle of the Night A series of 9 episodes of short, strange
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"Your born to win, Your born to lose, Only you can choose or Snooze." ~ Noobmaster936 Yes I watch anime, here is a few I call Best friends: GokuThe6(My best friend in real life/Rival) FantasyOrchid(She's a great and comical person) Masterepico(Known him since I joined, one of the people I can talk to) OMGshadeslayer(I am glad to meet him he was always there to help me and get me through troubles when I needed it) Hrocks1(He's a Scripter, he doesn't type much but glad to know him :D) Djottman(He's a Small Troll but hes Laid back guy Azor555(He players Apoc Extremely alot, I'm afraid going into a server with him XD) Jarredbcv(He's a great guy when you get to know him) KanagiKen(Like OMGshadeslayer and Masterepico He's one of the people i've known on roblox since I made this account) Read More Favorites [NEW SKINS] Encounters ⚔️ Fighting 88% 204 Leagues 1.5 FE build 89% 0 Leagues [WIP] 81% 0 The Lift 65% 147 [ELDERS] Stands Online v26 85% 110 SOAR! 86% 0 Experiences Autumnal Forest 0% 0 Welcome to my Profile 33% 0 Old Football Legends (From JiuJiuMaster) 0% 0 Load More Autumnal Forest Made by Gkku Playing 0 Visits 4 Welcome to my Profile Playing 0 Visits 851 Old Football Legends (From JiuJiuMaster) Its from JiuJIuMaster I know its Copied cause i copied The Creators name is in the Title If he didnt want Copiers dont leave it uncopylocked Seriously I know some kids are gonna say "THIS KID IS A COPIER" So? I know lots of Games you cannot make 20% of the community can admit they cant make places and I'm one of them so i suggest you back off Cause im pretty Sure you cant make a Place even If your life Depended on it So Logic guys Also i do not feel like Tinkering with Jiu's Scripting so the 3 Game Limit will be shutdown if so Enjoy!
[School Name] will be using a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum called Strong Kids. Strong Kids is a program designed to build resiliency skills by teaching students how to handle typical life stressors and difficult, but common, social situations in a positive manner. The curriculum will be taught by ___________________ in place of ________________ . The curriculum will entail in-class discussions, activities, and assignments as well as occasional homework tasks. We will begin the curriculum on __________ and it will continue for approximately 12 weeks. Resiliency skills are the skills that students use every day to overcome minor problems in their environment. Some of the skills covered in the resiliency program will be: Problem-solving Positive-thinking Goal-setting Empathy Anger-management Identifying and understanding emotions Perspective taking Our school is committed to ensuring that all students get through their school years not only with strong academic skills but also with the skills necessary to foster resiliency and prevent social, emotional, and behavioral problems that can impact success in various areas of a student’s life. We would like to have your consent so that your son/daughter may participate. Please sign the attached form and return it to ________________________ by _________________________. You can elect to decline your student’s participation at this time. This will not result in any negative consequences for your child or for your relationship with the school. Students not participating in the Strong Kids curriculum will ________________________________ while the curriculum is taught. If you have any questions about this program or wish to review the program materials, please contact:
Two recent additions to the Archives' collection show, through the private lives of Ontarians, how wider military conflicts and political issues affected Ontario (Canada West) in the 1860s. The Darroch donation consists of over fifty rare letters of Canadians serving in the American Civil War . The Willson acquisition is the unique minutes of the Committee of Safety, formed in Welland, in response to an incursion of Fenians near Fort Erie in 1866. Thanks to Lois Darroch and Barbara Willson Smith these documents are now part of the Archives of Ontario's rich holdings. Click to see a larger image (195K) Fenian Monument, Queen's Park, Toronto, [ca. 1890] Josiah Bruce Black and white print Reference Code: F 1125-1-0-0-37 Archive of Ontario, I0001819 The Darroch Donation Lois Darroch’s grandfather was Alonzo Wolverton from Wolverton, Oxford County, Ontario. Like many other Canadians, Alonzo and his three brothers, Alfred, Jasper and Newton participated in the American Civil War. They served in the Union Army, but Canadians also enlisted in the opposing Confederate Army. Letter, Rose Goble, Gobles Corners to brother Alonzo Wolverton, Nashville, Tennessee, 28 April 1865 Lois Darroch fonds (F 4354) Reference Code: F 4354-6 Archives of Ontario The Darroch donation consists of over fifty letters; the primary correspondents are Alonzo and Newton Wolverton, and their married sister Roseltha (Rose) Wolverton Goble. Lois Darroch, the donor of the records, wrote an historical novel, Four Went to the Civil War, based on these family letters and other materials. Her research and writing files associated with this book and other of her publications, as well as research materials related to the Wolverton family and Wolverton village are included in her recent donation to the Archives. Materials included in the Darroch donation will be available to researchers in spring 2004, including microfilmed copies of the Wolverton family letters. Materials previously donated to the Archives by Lois Darroch are described in the Archives Descriptive Database (F 4354). The Barbara Willson Smith Acquisition The Committee of Safety minutes relate to the same time period and similar concerns. The Committee of Safety was a local citizens’ committee formed in Welland to address the threat of a Fenian raid at Ridgeway on June 2, 1866. The minutes provide reports of patrols sent out by the Committee, thus providing a rare record of a local response to a national threat. The Archives was able to purchase this document from Barbara Willson Smith of New Jersey, a descendant of Isaac Pemberton Willson, who was the secretary of this Committee of Safety.
Shewaferaw Desalegn performed in front of a sold-out crowd at Gonder University during an Easter Holiday event late last month. In front of a mixed audience of students and professors, he discussed media professionalism, rising living costs, and lingo-cultural diversity, all in the context of relocation. The young stand-up comic, unsurprisingly, made more sense and offered more substance to the arguments than the swarm of political activists and commentators who have become normal on our television screens. Today’s political commentary on television is filled with more lies than truths. Shewaferaw Desalegn performed a well-informed, intelligent, and elegant political comedy. He appears to be aware of the delicate balance that exists between Ethiopia’s contending political forces and what appeals to young people. He experimented in touchy subjects like ethnic strife and came out unscathed. This is at a time when politicians are finding it difficult to discuss historical, cultural, or political topics without alienating one another.
When you are facing criminal charges concerning fraud, financial crimes, tax evasion, or other related charges, it is critical to begin working with an experienced New Jersey white-collar criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. White-collar crime is a relatively broad area of criminal law in New Jersey that encompasses many different kinds of offenses. According to the FBI, the term “white-collar crime” was used first in 1939 but has since “become synonymous with the full range of frauds committed by business and government professionals.” In general, it is a term that is used to describe criminal acts that typically are “non-violent in nature” and that may include “public corruption, healthcare fraud, mortgage fraud, securities fraud, and money laundering.” Many white-collar crimes can also include offenses that are carried out over the internet. Both federal and state laws prohibit various white-collar crimes in New Jersey. Regardless of whether you are facing state or federal charges, you need to have an experienced white-collar criminal defense lawyer on your side from start to finish. These cases can be incredibly complex and you need to have an advocate on your side who can accurately evaluate the elements of your case and can build a defense strategy that is designed in relation to the facts of your case. Penalties for White Collar Criminal Convictions in New Jersey The penalties for white-collar crime convictions in New Jersey can vary widely, depending upon the particular type of criminal offense and whether there are any aggravating factors. Given that there are so many different kinds of white-collar crimes in New Jersey, it can be difficult to determine precisely what type of penalties you could be facing without speaking to a criminal defense lawyer in New Jersey. Generally speaking, however, you could be facing one or more of the following penalties: Asset forfeiture, which means the government will seize any of your assets that you obtained or bought with profits from a white-collar crime; Restitution, which requires you to make financial payments to anyone your white-collar crime harmed, both economically and otherwise; Term of imprisonment, which can often be up to 10 years in New Jersey for white-collar offenses that are classified as second-degree felonies; Financial penalties, which may be as high as $15,000 or $20,000 depending upon the degree of the charge (and these penalties are in addition to asset forfeiture and restitution); and A criminal record will result in difficulty obtaining certain forms of employment and credit after your conviction. Contact a White Collar Criminal Defense Lawyer in New Jersey If you are facing any kind of criminal charges in New Jersey for white-collar offenses, you should seek advice from an aggressive New Jersey white-collar criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. The sooner we can get started on your defense, the easier it will be to build a defense strategy that fits the specific needs of your case. Do not hesitate to get in touch with our criminal defense lawyer, Matthew V. Portella. Contact the Law Office of Matthew V. Portella, LLC to speak with us about your case and to learn more about the services we provide to clients who are facing white collar criminal charges in New Jersey.
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Description: South Vietnamese forces follow terrified children fleeing Bown Route 1, near Trang Bang, South Vietnam, June 8, after an accidental aerial Napalm strike. Girl at center had ripped off her burning clothes. AP Photo credit, caption and copy right stamp on verso. Annotations on recto unknown hand writing.
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Tired of choosing between an ice cream cone or cup? Well now with Yolé, you don’t have to. Yolé SG has just released a tasty new Waffle Bowl, giving customers the option of enjoying the taste of a delicious waffle cone but in cup format. Currently available in Singapore, and will be expanding soon worldwide.
Did you know that ART surrounds you in everyday life? From the design of your toothbrush to the textures in the fabric of your clothing, to the ergonomics of the chair in which you sit- it is all influenced by ARTISTS! At BSMS, you will learn the Elements of Art and Principles of Design as your explore various art media including drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, digital art, and more! Most of all, students will build their creative thinking skills as they use their imagination and innovation.
Full Employer & Graduated Employee (F/G) & Graduated or Graduated Employer & Employee (G/G). Full CPF Employee & CPF Employer (F/F). Written by Nicholas Updated over a week ago When you select Singapore PR in the Immigration Status field (Employee Profile), an additional PR Status field will automatically appear for you to key in as well: Now, you can select from 3 different options in the drop-down list. There are 3 options of CPF contribution rates for Singapore Permanent Residents for your to select from in the system: Full ER (F/G) - Full Employer and Graduated (Partial) Employee Rate Graduated (G/G) - Graduated Employer and Graduated Employee Rates Full EE/ER (F/F) - Full Employer and Full Employee Rate The commonly used option for most companies is Graduated. Hence by default, the Graduate option is selected (you will notice the tick next to it). Here's the definition breakdown for these 3 options and what this means for SPRs and their CPF contribution rates in Talenox: Full ER (Full Employer & Graduated Employee Rates) - For example: Year 1 SPR status CPF contribution is 17% (Employer; Full) and 5% (Employee; Partial) Graduated (Graduated Employer & Employee Rates) - For example: Year 1 SPR status CPF contribution is 4% (Employer; Partial) and 5% (Employee; Partial) Full EE/ER (Full Employer & Full Employee Rates) - For example: Year 1 SPR status CPF contribution is 17% (Employer; Full) and 20% (Employee; Full) Full ER is only chosen when an employer decides to contribute more % CPF to an employee. Full EE/ER is only chosen when am employee and employer decides to contribute the more % CPF (SPR Year 3 / Singapore Citizen equivalent). For this to happen, your company will need to inform the CPF Board for approval. There are only a handful of companies who practice these scenarios. In most cases, you can maintain the status quo, which is Graduated. 😀
2018 saw numerous conservation success stories, and 2019 is off to a good start with its share of positive nature news! Here we have compiled a list of conservation success from the past month. Marine Researchers were delighted about the birth of a right whale calf in late December, and there is cause for further celebration with two more spotted this January. The North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) are endangered, with only around 400 individuals, so any new births are a positive step toward their recovery. A baby orca has been born into the Southern resident orca population located around Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. The calf appears to be healthy, although the sex is still unknown. Researchers are hoping it is female so it can help contribute to a much needed population growth. Since being listed by the Endangered Species Act (ESA), 78% of marine mammal populations and 75% of sea turtle populations have increased. The authors of the study, published in PLoS. stated that these results show that species can recover if action is taken quickly and effectively. Microbeads have already gained significant attention and been banned in several countries. The EU have proposed a wider ranging ban on microplastics and will focus on products which contain unnecessary microplastics including cosmetics, detergents and paint. Waste management Marks & Spencer will start to accept non-recyclable plastic from customers such as crisp packets, black plastic and some cosmetics packaging. This plastic will be used to make playground equipment and furniture for schools. They will also accept and recycle waste from schools, hoping to teach the children of the importance of recycling. Tesco have joined FareShare, a charity who saves food that would have gone to waste and redistributes it to charities and community groups such as homeless shelters and domestic violence refuges. Jamie Oliver has also contributed by writing recipes for the community cooks. Ben and Jerry's are stopping offering plastic spoons and straws at their ice cream counters, and will follow this by ceasing to offer plastic cups and lids. The UK's first contact lens recycling scheme has launched. It was found that many contact lens users flushed them down the toilet or sink after use, so this free service is a welcome change to help to reduce plastic waste. Large brands including Häagen-Dazs, Tropicana, Dove, Quaker and Tide have partnered with waste management company TerraCycle in creating a project named Loop. The aim is to offer their products in reusable and refillable containers to cut down on unnecessary packaging. The project will launch in New York and Paris in May 2019, reaching London at the end of the year and San Francisco, Toronto and Tokyo in 2020. Read more information on this project here. Public action January saw people passionate about the environment joining marches to attract government attention. Over 70,000 people protested in Brussels, urging government to take climate change more seriously. A march to the Japanese embassy in London took place, with hundreds hoping to raise awareness and reverse Japan's decision to continue whaling. The RSPB celebrated its 40th Big Garden Birdwatch! Anyone can get involved by counting the maximum number of each bird species in their garden or local park over the space of 1 hour during the designated weekend. This helps the RSPB to discover up to date information of garden birds around the country. Results have not yet been released but more information can be found here. Climate Concerns of how diet contributes to climate change have continued to make headlines this month. It was found that over a quarter of 18-24 year olds in the UK have either cut out or reduced dairy due to environmental concerns, and Veganuary had their most successful year yet, with around 250,000 participants signing up. This number is higher than the last four years combined! Germany will close all of their 84 coal power plants over the next 19 years, stepping forward to contribute to the battle against climate change. This is exciting news as they are currently one of the world's biggest consumers of coal. Environmental protection The government of Tanzania are starting work to protect Magombera Natural Reserve from poaching and logging. This unique area hosts diverse animal and tree species and is a corridor for African elephants and hippopotamus. The first private nature reserve has been created in Haiti with over 1,200 acres designated as protected, known as the Grand Bois Nature Reserve. The area is located in the Massif de la Hotte mountain range which is an important habitat for amphibians, with 19 critically endangered species found there. After 10 years of planning, WWF Australia began their rewilding project on the York Peninsula in Southern Australia. The first species to be reintroduced will be a population of woylie, with more species to follow including bilbies, numbats, and quolls. Reports last year showed that Monarch butterfly populations in California had dropped by 86% since 2017. However, this month it was found that populations that winter in Mexico have increased by 144% - the highest count since 2006! Heard a positive story that we haven't mentioned? Please share with us below! you'll also love these Post a Comment Newer Posts Older Posts Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Hello! Welcome to Nature's Good News. Here we write about environmental research, conservation optimism, sustainability, and how we can all help the environment. Posts by Danielle Posts by Will Categories Stay In Touch "I'm an optimist and I believe that there is no point in moaning about stuff. You've got to deliver a viable alternative."
Women Who Care, a collection of women’s stories about health care and caring, is being launched at the Women’s Health Resources, Foothills Medical Centre, Room 160 on Thursday, November 25 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 p.m. Patricia Thille, one of the editors of the book, is currently a PhD student at the University of Calgary. She will read excerpts and talking about the experiences of “women who care.” Copies of the book will be available for $19.95 and are also available through Shelf Life Books. Through these moving, funny, and sometimes poignant poems and stories, women from across Canada share their personal and professional experiences as caregivers in various stages of their lives and careers. The women discuss personal health and illness, seeking care from others, and being lay caregivers to their children, partners, aging parents and extended family. Some work as health care professionals, other work in community centres and shelters, as activists in women’s health or as health policy-makers. This event is presented through the Women's Health Knowledge Centre (WHKC) which works closely with the Women's Health Resources to serve women of all ages, educational backgrounds & socioeconomic levels. Women's Health Resources is a program under the Women's Health Outpatient Programs at the Foothills Medical Centre. Services provided include professional health & well-being information, and support for women, such as counseling and, health & wellness workshops. Patients and workshop attendees can obtain health information and borrow materials from the WHKC. Contact: Donna Livingstone, Director of Communications for Libraries & Cultural Resources at the University of Calgary by email for more details
Let’s be honest: Loving, supporting, and advocating for our kids on a good day is stressful. And, personally, these last twelve months have tested my resiliency and commitment to show up as my best self for my daughter. Caring for a child with autism means that there will be stressful events and you will feel stress. My response to this stress was to simply bury it in my little black box of emotions. Please learn from my mistakes, and don’t be a martyr. Believing that I could do it all and not taking time for myself resulted in my body breaking down due to the tremendous stress that it was forced to keep. All those emotions that you’ve been denying–all those feelings that you’ve buried–let those come to the surface and see the light of day so that your body can accept and release them. Storing negative emotions in our body has long-term impacts that are only recently coming to light. Acceptance is one of the keys to managing caregiver stress. I was in denial about accepting my new role as a caregiver and also denying the fact that stress was inevitable. You see, a certain amount of stress in our daily lives is normal. It’s when stress becomes overwhelming and prolonged that it starts to impact our mental health and overall well-being. The good news is that we have a choice and we’re not alone on this journey. Knowing that stress is inevitable allows us to better accept the stress which then allows us to better ride the waves of stress when they appear–such as the uncertainty of programs and services during a global pandemic and the unpredictable behaviour of our kids when routines and schedules change. The flip side of this caregiver journey is that we learn to savour all the good moments–the belly laughs, the hugs, the first steps, learning to ride a scooter, saying a new word, etc. Our lives are forever changed for the better–stress and all. Living a happy life doesn’t mean that there’s no darkness or sadness, it simply means that we choose not to dwell on it. When we choose to accept that the path will be bumpy, we can learn how to manage the potholes. Your answers to the following questions can help you identify the small changes you can make to improve your well-being today and strive for a happier path. What kind of support do you have? What do you do to stay active? What do you do to relax? What do you do for fun? Yes; we’re allowed to have a fun and happy life as caregivers! Don’t get me wrong, I often have to remind myself not to let life get so darn serious. Remember friends, It costs nothing to play some music and dance. It costs nothing to send a text to connect. It costs nothing to go for a walk in the forest or on the beach. It costs nothing to close your eyes and take ten deep breaths. Wishing you all love, grace, and compassion as every day is autism awareness day in our world. **A version of this article: Accepting the Journey, Stress and All also appears on Caregiving.com. Caregiving.com cares for you as you care for family and friends.
Colorado Learning is dedicated to doing everything possible to find, attract and keep top education talent in the state.
1 Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. gert-ake.hansson@ymed.lu.se PMID: 10855453 DOI: 10.1016/s0003-6870(99)00047-2 Abstract Physical workload [muscular load of the trapezius and infraspinatus muscles using electromyography (EMG), wrist positions and movements by electrogoniometers] and neck and upper limb disorders (from, for example, a physical examination) were studied in women with repetitive industrial work (n = 95) and referents (n = 74). The repetitive work displayed higher ratings for wrist movements, but not for EMG. The prevalences of neck, shoulder and wrist/hand disorders were elevated for women with repetitive work [age-adjusted prevalence odds ratios (PORs) 2.0-7.5]. For the left hand, high frequency of wrist movements (mean power frequency 0.53 Hz) was associated with a high prevalence of disorders (56%), as compared to low (0.28 Hz and 26%; POR 3.5). We found no consistent and significant effect of muscular load, on either neck or shoulder disorders. However, selection and other bias may have diminished our possibility to observe such effects. Psychosocial work environment factors were not confounding the results. Measurements of wrist movements may be used for identification of high-risk work tasks.
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In the past, Zhao Hai was quite worried about the Divine Race’s javelin attack. However, Zhao Hai didn’t worry anymore. Now that Karen’s research has been completed, they could now use it in the army. As the Divine Race’s javelins hit the periphery of the undead army, a red shield suddenly appeared. Upon hitting the red shield, the javelins were immediately burned to ash. Currently, the crystals that Zhao Hai had the most were the fire element crystals. Therefore, Zhao Hai decided to use it for the defensive formation. At the same time, he also wanted to see how powerful the defensive formation was. Sure enough, the defensive formation didn’t disappoint Zhao Hai. Not only were the javelins blocked, they were also burned to ash. This was a testament to the defensive capability of the shield. The Divine Race were shocked by the scene before them. It wasn’t only the Divine Race who were startled, Fei’er and the others held the same shocked expression on their faces. Only the Demon Dragon King kept calm, but he couldn’t stop the smile emerging from his face. The reason why the Demon Dragon King was smiling was because Zhao Hai also equipped the Devil Legion with this defensive formation. This formation was mounted behind a large undead and was able to cover a large area. With this, whether advancing or retreating, the army would be protected either way. The defensive shield shouldn’t be underestimated. Even if the shield wasn’t defensively strong, it still could block attacks. This would reduce casualties and in turn improve the soldier’s morale. Zhao Hai smiled and said, “I won’t dare fighting the Divine Race before, but now, hehe.” Then he had the magic cannons retreat as the other undead proceeded to push on. This undead rush made the Divine Race panic. The reason for this was because the undead were all Divine Race soldiers. They were the fallen allies that were turned into undead. The undead Divines initially rushed in a cube formation. But when they were about a kilometer away from the Divine Race army, they immediately turned into a rotating cone formation. To be honest, there were only a few soldiers among the Divine Race army that wanted to face the Ark Continent at this point. Being faced with this cube formation composed of Divine Race undead made them utterly flustered. However, the Divine Race were still worthy of their title. When the two armies clashed, their formation still kept solid. They were quickly able to establish their Domains and their formations. But then, a scene of horror appeared in front of the Divine Race. As they raised their shields, the undead army did the same. This caused the initial state of battle to remain unchanged. The speed of the cone’s rotation became even faster. This rotation didn’t have one person acting as the tip, instead, it had four people. Each member of the formation had sword-shaped Domains, it caused the entire formation to become a huge weapon. There were a lot of these formations flying through the air, heading towards the Divine Race’s defensive formation. Each cone slowly became like sharp bamboo spears, spiralling towards the enemies. These bamboo spears proceeded to skewer the Divine Race army. The formation became a meat grinder, every area they passed through would have flesh and blood flying all around. Although the Divines had established their Domains, they became helpless in front of these bamboo spears. Ony by one, each of their Domains were broken through, shattered before they met their deaths. Zhao Hai looked at the situation without any change to his expression. The Demon Dragon King by his side was also looking towards the clash, his face failing to hide his shock. To be honest, he knew that even the Devil Legion wouldn’t be able to accomplish such a formation. The coordination needed to perform such a feat was astronomical, not one person was allowed to fail. Even a small mistake would completely derail the formation. The Demon Dragon King also knew that if the Devil Legion were to meet such a formation then even them would be punctured to death, there was no doubt about that. At the same time, Fei’er and the others were also shaken by what they saw, all of them were rendered speechless. If Zhao Hai decided to deal with them using the same method, then they would surely be finished. Although Zhao Hai was paying attention to his undead army, he had asked Cai’er to pay attention to his allies’ reactions. The reason he revealed the might of the cannons as well as the bamboo spear formation today was to show these people how formidable he was. In any alliance, a leader would need to be present. Otherwise, the alliance would be in a state of disunity. Not to say dealing with the Divine Race, an alliance leader would be needed to reduce infighting. But if one wanted to become the alliance leader, then one needed to show their might. This meant that Zhao Hai needed to stun his allies with this strength. Only with this method would the Barbarians, Winged Pegasus, and Thunder Clan listen to him. Otherwise, if Zhao Hai can’t do it, he might as well go back to the Space and sleep. The thoughts of the Barbarians and Winged Pegasus have already been confirmed by Fei’er. It was precisely because of this that Zhao Hai decided to use the Divine Race as an example. He would kill the chicken in order to frighten the monkeys. This way, the Barbarians and the Winged Pegasus would be afraid of him and obey his commands. Zhao Hai was very glad about this alliance. This was because he knew that it would take a long time to deal with the Divine Race if he was alone. But with the help of more people, the time needed would be greatly reduced. However, Zhao Hai didn’t want to listen to another person’s command. He still had the vigor of a young male, he didn’t want someone to dictate his actions. Now it seems like the results were very good. The Barbarians, Winged Pegasus, and the Thunder Clan were all shaken by his action. Later on, they wouldn’t have any reservations in following his command. At this point, the Divine Race were flustered. They didn’t expect Zhao Hai’s attack to be this fierce. It gave them little to no chance to retaliate. This time, the bamboo spear blistered into smaller bamboo spears. This caused the Divine Race army to be disturbed, finding it hard to keep their shape. In the end, the previously fearless Divine Race army started to have some deserters among their numbers. In fact, Zhao Hai had used this bamboo spear formation once before, but since there weren’t so many people in the formation, its might wasn’t that big. But now that Zhao Hai had a lot of undead Divines in his hand, this allowed the formation to show its true might. As the Divine Race soldiers ran away, Zhao Hai immediately gave an order to the Barbarians, Winged Pegasus, and the Thunder Clan to give chase. Meanwhile, Zhao Hai directed his other undead to clean the battlefield. All weapons discarded by the Divine Race were all captured, this included the big magic cannons up on the walls. The Divine Race soldiers left inside the Radiant Empire wasn’t a lot. The 20 million soldiers were almost all of the soldiers left. Now that the army has been routed, the entire Radiant Empire was now ripe for takeover. All involved in this fight were strong experts, it wouldn’t be a problem for them to fight continuously for one or two days. However, the Divine Race were completely scared off by Zhao Hai. This caused them to be unable to muster up some courage. All of them were scampering to return back to the Divine Realm. Naturally, Zhao Hai wouldn’t just have them retreat easily. They continuously chased the Divine Race soldiers up to the rift. While the others were going with the assault, Zhao Hai was actually in the Radiant Empire gathering all the supplies that the Divine Race had left. The most important harvests that Zhao Hai gained were grains, Goblins, and magic cannons. There were plenty of supplies inside the Radiant Church, all of which were taken by Zhao Hai. The Radiant Empire was different compared to the rest of the Ark Continent. The people of the Radiant Empire were all sacrificed by the Radiant Church. Because of this, their belongings were still present. This caused Zhao Hai’s harvest to be more than expected. These supplies were not really good, most of them were even quite old. There wouldn’t be anyone in the Ark Continent who would want to use them. Even the Beastmen would decline such items. Zhao Hai had made a place like the church in the Beastman territory. This allowed the Beastmen to trade their goods for living materials that they need. But this didn’t matter since Zhao Hai planned to hand these supplies over to the Demons and the Goblins. The Demons were completely lacking in living materials, they really didn’t have anything good to live with. Just like the Demon Dragon said, the Demons could quickly pack all of their belongings as well as get magic beasts and plants before moving to the Space. Even with this, there would still people who would come empty-handed. For these people, the Demon Dragon King had them carry stones for the Space in order to build their houses. The Demons were completely solid in their decision to keep the Space’s environment intact. There was no need to say anything about the Goblins. Besides their old and ripped pants, they simply didn’t have anything else. Giving them these supplies would surely elevate their situation. The Demon Dragon King has always been with Zhao Hai, therefore, he was able to see the undead basically scraping everything off the ground and then taking it to the Space. As long as something was useful, then it would be taken away. No matter if it was in good condition or bad, whether it was new or old, everything was taken. This caused the Demon Dragon King to be confused. However, the Demon Dragon King still kept an eye out for these things, the Demons were just too poor. While Zhao Hai was proceeding with his plunder, the Divine Race continued to run back to the Divine Realm. In the final moments, a defensive troop stayed behind to stop the pursuing soldiers. Although they were yet to attack the Divine Realm, Fei’er and the others were still very happy. They just managed to repel the Divine Race, this was definitely a good start to their plans. At the same time, it provided them confidence to fight against the Divine Race. Zhao Hai also left some cities untouched. These cities were to be handed over to Fei’er and the others to rest in. After exchanging words with Fei’er and the others, everyone went back to take a rest. Zhao Hai led the Devil Legion as they went back to the Demon’s Space. Zhao Hai discovered that the Demon Space has greatly changed. A lot of Demons already had their houses built. Those who didn’t have their own house were also in the process of building them. The reason they were slow was because they almost exclusively used materials from the Ark Continent or the Demon Realm. They rarely acquired materials from the Space. After seeing his people bustling about inside the Space, the Demon Dragon King couldn’t help but smile as he turned to Zhao Hai and said, “Mister, I really want to give you my utmost gratitude. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid my people wouldn’t be able to live this kind of life.” Zhao Hai smiled faintly as he waved his hand, “There’s no need to be too polite. Right, I just gained a lot of materials from the Radiant Empire. If you need them, I can provide a share of those things to you. What do you think?” When the Demon Dragon King heard this, he couldn’t help but smile, “That would be great. Thanks.” Zhao Hai smiled before he took out piles of those supplies out into the Space. When the piles appeared, the Demon Dragon King immediately had people distribute them. After the Demon Dragon King was finished with his task, he was immediately invited by Zhao Hai inside the sword carriage. After the two sat down, Zhao Hai said, “Demon Dragon, I want to tell you something. A few days ago, another spatial rift appeared in the continent….” Then Zhao Hai told the Demon Dragon King about the Atlanta Plane. The Demon Dragon King’s expression stayed tranquil. Now that the Demons were going to enter the Space, he doesn’t need to worry about this anymore. However, he knew that Zhao Hai must have a reason to tell him about this. Therefore, he kept listening. After Zhao Hai finished speaking, Demon Dragon asked, “What does mister want to do?” Zhao Hai’s tone turned to serious as he said, “Eliminate them when they come. Then we’ll snatch their magic armors and use it to deal with the Divine Race.” The Demon Dragon King nodded and said, “Does mister want us to send some troops?” Zhao Hai shook his head and said, “I only have my eyes on them, but I can’t guarantee if we can use them in the future. I just told you about it so that you can prepare. I also want you to pick some Demons who are enthusiastic about magic formations. We’ll have them make their own magic armor as soon as possible.” The Demon Dragon King wrinkled his brows as he said, “Mister, why would you go through so much trouble? We can just grab their method of production and reproduce them in the Space. If Mister’s strength isn’t enough, the Demons can send troops to help you.”
As administrator, you need to manage compaction of delta files that accumulate during data ingestion. Compaction is a process that performs critical cleanup of files. Hive creates a set of delta files for each transaction that alters a table or partition and stores them in a separate delta directory. When the number of delta and delete directories in the table grow, the read performance will be impacted, since reading is a process of merging the results of valid transactions. To avoid any compromise on the read performance, occasionally Hive performs compaction, namely minor and major. This process merges these directories while preserving the transaction information.
In an effort to get people to stop pestering me for the photos of last summer's Moo picnic and UK cycle trip, I've finally used up the film and got it developed. These long overdue pictures should start materialising on the appropriate webpages soon. Among the photos was a nice aerial photograph of downtown Ottawa which I'd completely forgotten about. It was taken in August 2001. Sorry about the engine nacelle in the lower left; although it was annoying to have in the photo, it was handy to have in the air.
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