Cytological appearance suggests a goitrous colloid nodule. Benign cytology.
Received 04 smears of an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a left thyroid nodule of 09 mm, classified TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a rich cellularity, made of clusters, aggregates and plaques of follicular cells at the nuclei of small size, with homogeneous, regular chromatin. The background is colloid, discreetly hematic.
It is not possible to identify atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Clinical information: Small right pleural effusion. Material transmitted: 03 cc of a pleural fluid with a serohematic appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows a moderate cellularity, made essentially of lymphocytic cells, mixed with mesothelial cells isolated or grouped in small clusters, on a serohematic background. We are unable to identify any atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Lymphocytic pleural cytology. +++
Clinical information: Right pleural effusion, history of breast neoplasia. Material transmitted: 05 cc of a pleural fluid with a yellowish appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows moderate cellularity made exclusively of layers of regular lymphocytic cells, on a serofibrinous background.
Paucicellular hemorrhagic smear.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a 14 mm right thyroid nodule, classified TIRADS 4B. Microscopy: Microscopic study of all the smears shows a paucicellular hemorrhagic smear.
The microscopic study of the smears made on the right breast and the left breast shows scanty cellularity, made exclusively of scattered histiocytic cells, on a serofibrinous background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 04 spreads of bilateral multiporic nipple discharge. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears made on the right breast and the left breast shows scanty cellularity, made exclusively of scattered histiocytic cells, on a serofibrinous background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance in favor of adenofibromas of the right breast.
Received 06 spreads from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of two right breast nodules located at the level of the QSE measuring: Nodule 1: located at 10 o'clock of 15 mm of the long transverse axis. Nodule 2: located at 9 o'clock of 12 mm of the long transverse axis. These nodules are classified BI-RADS 3 of the ACR suggesting fibroadenomas. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the spreads made on the two nodules shows moderate cellularity, made of clusters and aggregates of galactophoric cells with round or ovoid nuclei, with homogeneous, regular chromatin. The background is hemorrhagic, dotted with rare nuclei naked.
Cytological appearance suggests a slightly necrotizing tuberculoid lymphadenitis, suggestive of lymph node tuberculosis. To be compared with the clinical context and the results of the tuberculin IDR.
Received 06 ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology smears of multiple bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made up of a few flaps of epitheloid histiocytic cells, often crushed, mixed with polymorphic inflammatory elements. The background is hemorrhagic on which we can identify a focus of eosinophilic necrosis with a caseous appearance.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous colloid nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a right lobar thyroid nodule measuring 21 mm. Microscopy: Microscopic study of all the smears shows a colloidal background, dotted with rare bare nuclei.
Microscopic study of the smears produced shows a clean, acellular serous fluid. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Lumbar puncture performed in this patient operated on for medulloblastoma of the posterior fossa. Material transmitted: 03 cc of a cerebrospinal fluid with a serohematic appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: Microscopic study of the smears produced shows cerebrospinal fluid with a clean, acellular serous appearance. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
The microscopic study shows poor cellularity, made up of macrophage histiocytes, mixed with a few scattered lymphocytic elements, on a serofibrinous background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received a spread of unilateral serous nipple discharge. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows poor cellularity, made of macrophage histiocytes, mixed with a few scattered lymphocytic elements, on a serofibrinous background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance in favor of a colloid nodule in a context of lymphocytic thyroiditis. Benign cytology.
The cytopuncture focused on a left lobar thyroid macronodule, classified TIRADS 4A. Serohemorrhagic material was aspirated. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made up of clusters, aggregates and plaques of thyrocytic cells with normal-sized, regular nuclei, mixed with quite numerous lymphocytic cells. The background is colloid and hemorrhagic.
Cytological appearance in favor of a microvesicular adenomatoid nodule, calling for histological control.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a 42 mm thyroid nodule, classified TIRADS 4B. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows rich cellularity, made essentially of microvesicular structures in places confluent, associated with cellular clusters and aggregates, composed of follicular cells with round or ovoid nuclei, with homogeneous chromatin. The background is hemorrhagic.
Cytological appearance suggests a colloid cyst.
Clinical information: Ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a 50 mm right thyroid cyst. Material transmitted: 15 cc of a dark brownish colloid liquid.Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows scanty cellularity, made up of a few clusters of normal follicular cells, on a hemorrhagic and colloid background, dotted with histiocytes and lymphocytic elements.
Paucicellular sampling, inadequate for reliable cytological analysis.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a left lobar thyroid nodule measuring 20 mm. Microscopy: Microscopic study shows a paucicellular hemorrhagic smear, including very rare clusters of normal follicular cells.
Suggestive of a goitrous nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a thyroid nodule of the pyramidal lobe of 50 mm, classified TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a scant cellularity, made up of a few clusters of thyrocytic cells with regular nuclei, mixed with a few histiocytic elements, on a hemorrhagic background.
Cytological appearance in favor of a goitrous colloid nodule 1
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a 15 mm right thyroid nodule, classified TIRADS 4A. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made up of clusters and aggregates of thyrocytic cells with normal-sized nuclei, with homogeneous, regular chromatin. The background is hemorrhagic, dotted with a fine colloid substance and a few histiocytes. sidephages.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a left subdigastric cystic lesion. We cannot identify any atypical cells. To be completed by excision for histological control.
Cytopuncture focused on a left subdigastric adenopathy evolving for several months. Ultrasound: Submaxillary oval formation of (38x18) mm. Well-limited intra-parotid nodular formation of (23x17) mm.03 cc of thick material tinged with blood was aspirated. A bacteriological study with BK culture was requested. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows poor cellularity, made up of lymphocytic elements and scattered polynuclear cells, mixed with a few histiocytic cells. The background is fibrinous, discreetly hematic.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous colloid nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 03 ultrasound-guided cytopuncture smears of a left mid-lobar nodular formation of 11 mm, classified TIRADS 3, on a background of multinodular goiter. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of a few clusters of thyrocytic cells with normal-sized, regular nuclei, on a colloidal, discreetly hematic background.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a colloid goitrous nodule
Received 04 ultrasound-guided cytopuncture smears of a 24 mm left isthmo lobar thyroid nodule, classified EU-TIRADS 3. The right nodule, classified TIRADS 4B, could not be punctured due to its totally calcified nature. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a sparse cellularity made of clusters and aggregates of thyrocytic cells with normal-sized nuclei, with homogeneous, regular chromatin. The background is hemorrhagic, dotted with a fine colloid substance.
No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Clinical information: Amenorrhea of ​​12 weeks. Mediastinal mass with right pleural effusion.. Material transmitted: 05 cc of a pleural fluid with a hemorrhagic appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made up of scattered lymphocytic cells, mixed with a few polymorphonuclear cells and a few quiescent mesothelial cells. The background is serohematic. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance suggestive of chronic reactive adenitis. We cannot identify signs of specificity or borderline malignancy of the material examined. An excisional biopsy would be necessary for a histological label.
Received 03 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a right submaxillary adenomegaly measuring (20x12) mm, partially necrotic. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made essentially of mature lymphocytic elements, mixed with activated lymphocytes. There are a few shreds of connective cells associated with it. The background is hemorrhagic.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a breast fibroadenoma. To be compared with clinical and radiological data.
Received a smear of a fine aspiration of a breast mass, classified ACR4. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made up of single-layer plaques, clusters and aggregates of galactophoric cells with round or ovoid nuclei, with homogeneous chromatin. The background is hematic, dotted with a few bare nuclei.
Cytology strongly suspicious of malignancy in favor of a leptomeningeal location of the lobular breast carcinoma, already known in this patient.
Clinical Information:History : Infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the breast. Hydrocephalus with lepto-meningitis localization. Material transmitted: 01 cc of one cerebrospinal fluid with a yellowish appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows scanty cellularity, characterized by the presence of tumor cells isolated or grouped in small clusters, on a serohematic background. These are of medium size, with scanty cytoplasm sometimes loaded with an intra-cytoplasmic secretory vacuole, with round or ovoid nuclei, slightly hypertrophied, with densified chromatin.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous colloid nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 02 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right lobar thyroid nodule of (10x06) mm, classified EU-TIRADS 4. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows poor cellularity, made of rare small clusters of regular thyrocytic cells, on a colloidal and hemorrhagic background dotted with bare nuclei.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a cellular adenofibroma of the right breast.
Received 03 ultrasound-guided cytopuncture smears of a breast nodule at the level of the QSE of the right breast measuring (27x17) mm, classified BI-RADS 3 from the ACR. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a rich cellularity, made up of clusters, plaques and aggregates of galactophoric cells with round or ovoid nuclei, with homogeneous chromatin. The background is serohematic, dotted with bare nuclei.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a superinfected and suppurative cystic lesion. Purulent inflammatory cytology.
Fine needle aspiration cytology focused on a mass under the left jaw which had been evolving for around 20 days. 0.5 cc of thick purulent material was laboriously aspirated. A bacteriological study with BK culture was requested. MRI: abscessed collection of the lower pole of the left parotid. Microscopy: The histopathological study of the smears produced shows a rich cellularity, made up of polynuclear cells, pyocytes, histiocytes and a few multinucleated giant cells.
Paucicellular sampling, inconclusive.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a right lateral cervical lymph node measuring (10x06) mm. Microscopy: Microscopic study of all the smears shows a paucicellular hemorrhagic smear.
No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Material transmitted: 03 cc of a pleural fluid with a hemorrhagic appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows moderate cellularity, made up of polynuclear cells, lymphocytes, a few histiocytic cells and rare quiescent mesothelial cells. The background is hemorrhagic. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined .
Cytological appearance suggestive of a colloid goitrous nodule
Received 05 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a left lobar thyroid nodule measuring (36x28) mm, classified EU-TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows poor cellularity made of clusters and aggregates of thyrocytic cells in the nuclei normal size, with homogeneous chromatin, regular. The background is hemorrhagic, dotted with a fine colloid substance.
Microscopic study of the smears shows poor cellularity, made up of scattered lymphocytic elements, mixed with a few quiescent mesothelial cells, on a serous background. No evidence of atypical cells.
Clinical information: Hydrocele. Infertility of 04 years. Material transmitted: 03 cc of one liquid with a yellowish appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows poor cellularity, made up of scattered lymphocytic elements, mixed with a few quiescent mesothelial cells, on a serous background. No evidence of atypical cells.
Lymphocytic pleural cytology. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Material transmitted: 03 cc of a pleural fluid with a serohematic appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows moderate cellularity, made essentially of regular lymphocytic cells, isolated or grouped in aggregates, mixed with a few quiescent mesothelial cells. The background is serohematic.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a 22 mm left thyroid nodule, classified TIRADS 4A. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of clusters and aggregates of thyrocytic cells with normal-sized nuclei, with homogeneous, regular chromatin, on a hematic background.
Paucicellular hemorrhagic smear.
Received 05 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a 23 mm right thyroid nodule, classified EU-TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study of all the smears shows a paucicellular hemorrhagic smear.
Microscopic study of the smears shows acellular cerebrospinal fluid. No evidence of atypical cells.
Patient operated on for a posterior fossa tumor. Material transmitted: 03 cc of cerebrospinal fluid with a yellowish appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: Microscopic study of the smears produced shows acellular cerebrospinal fluid. No evidence of atypical cells.
Cytological appearance in favor of a goitrous colloid nodule 1
Cytopuncture focused on a right totolobar thyroid nodule, mobile on swallowing. Ultrasound: moderate right totolobar goiter, TIRADS 3. Serohematic material was aspirated. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made of clusters and aggregates of thyrocytic cells with normal-sized nuclei, with homogeneous, regular chromatin, mixed with aggregates of histiocytic cells. The background is colloidal, discreetly hemorrhagic.
Benign urinary cytology. Poor cellularity
Material transmitted: 40 cc of a urinary fluid with an orange-yellow appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows scanty cellularity, made up of scattered transitional cells with regular nuclei, on a clean background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
The microscopic study of the smears produced shows a moderate cellularity, made up of quiescent mesothelial cells isolated or grouped in small clusters, mixed with lymphocytic cells. It is not possible to identify any atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Material transmitted: 05 cc of a pleural fluid with a yellowish appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: Microscopic study of the smears produced shows moderate cellularity, made up of quiescent mesothelial cells isolated or grouped in small clusters, mixed with lymphocytic cells. It is not possible to identify atypical cells within the limits of the material examined
Paucicellular hemorrhagic smear.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right lobar thyroid nodule measuring (45x28) mm, classified TIRADS 3. Hemorrhagic sampling repeated twice. Microscopy:Microscopic study of all the smears shows a paucicellular hemorrhagic smear, comprising rare small clusters of regular thyrocytic cells, but of insufficient quantity for reliable cytological analysis.
Inflammatory cytology.
Material transmitted: 04 cc of a synovial fluid with a yellowish appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows moderate cellularity, made exclusively of polymorphonuclear cells, on a serofibrinous background. Inflammatory cytology. No evidence of atypical cells.
Benign urinary cytology. Low cellularity
Material transmitted: 60 cc of a urinary fluid with a yellowish appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows scanty cellularity, made up of scattered superficial and deep transitional cells, with regular nuclei, on a clean background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Acellular serohematic smear.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a nodule of the QSI of the right breast, classified ACR 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study of all the smears shows an acellular serohematic smear.
Suggestive of a goitrous nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a left lobar thyroid nodule of (23x10) mm, classified EU-TIRADS 4 on chronic thyroiditis. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of a few clusters of thyreocyte cells with regular nuclei, crushed in places, on a hemorrhagic background.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous nodule.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a 13 mm left thyroid nodule, classified TIRADS 4B. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made of clusters and aggregates of thyrocytic cells with regular nuclei, crushed in places, on a hemorrhagic background.
Microscopic study shows a colloid and hematic, acellular smear.
Received 05 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a left thyroid nodule of 18 mm, classified EU-TIRADS 4. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a colloid and hematic smear, acellular.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous nodule.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a left thyroid nodule of 11 mm, classified TIRADS 4A. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made of clusters, aggregates and microvesicular structures, composed of follicular cells with reduced cytoplasm, equipped with nuclei with homogeneous chromatin. The background is hematic, dotted with a colloid substance fine abundant on one of the spreads.
The microscopic study of the smears produced shows poor cellularity, made essentially of scattered lymphocytic cells, mixed with rare quiescent mesothelial cells, on a serous background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Material transmitted: 04 cc of one pleural fluid with a yellowish appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows poor cellularity, made essentially of scattered lymphocytic cells, mixed with rare quiescent mesothelial cells, on a serous background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Material transmitted: 60 cc of a urinary fluid with a yellowish appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows moderate cellularity, made of regular transitional cells isolated or grouped in small clusters, on an inflammatory background made of polymorphonuclear cells and histiocytic elements. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
A biopsy sample would be necessary for histological control.
Clinical information: Anterior mediastinal mass + pleural effusion. Material transmitted: 10 cc of a pleural fluid with a yellowish appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows a rich cellularity, associating lymphocytes + +, plasma cells +, polymorphonuclear cells +, histiocytes + and mesothelial cells + + isolated or grouped in small clusters with sometimes dystrophic nuclei. We are unable to identify any malignant cells within the limits of the material examined. A biopsy sample would be necessary for histological control.
Suppurative inflammatory cytology. No evidence of specific signs within the limits of the material examined.
Received 02 smears of a fine puncture from a QIE collection of the right breast. Microscopy: Microscopic study of the smears received shows rich cellularity, made up of polynuclear cells, pyocytes and macrophage histiocytic cells. No evidence of epithelial cells.
Cytological appearance suggests a colloid goitrous nodule.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a left lobar thyroid nodule of 23 mm, classified TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a scant cellularity made of bare nuclei of normal size, isolated or grouped in clusters, with chromatin homogeneous, regular, on a colloid background.
Inflammatory cytology in the process of suppuration.
Material transmitted: 05 cc of one ascites fluid with a hemorrhagic appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows a rich cellularity, made essentially of polymorphonuclear cells sometimes altered, associated with histiocytic cells. The background is serohematic.
Acellular hemorrhagic smear.
Received 05 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a 30 mm right thyroid nodule, classified EU-TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study of all the smears shows an acellular hemorrhagic smear.
The microscopic study shows poor cellularity, made exclusively of foamy histiocytic cells, on a serous background. No evidence of atypical cells.
Received 04 smears of an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a reworked cyst of the left QIE of (19x6) mm, classified BIRADS 3 of the ACR. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows poor cellularity, made exclusively of foamy histiocytic cells, on a serous background. No evidence of atypical cells.
Cytological appearance suggestive of nodular fibrocystic mastopathy. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 05 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right breast nodular formation suggestive of a fibroadenoma in its remodeled or fibrous form. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity made up of rare clusters of regular galactophoric cells, in places with an apocrine appearance. The background is serofibrinous dotted with rare macrophage histiocytes.
Microscopic study of the smears produced shows a clean, acellular serous smear. Absence of malignant cells within the limits of the material examined.
Clinical information: Hydrocephalus in breast neoplasia. Material transmitted: 01 cc of one cerebrospinal fluid with clear rock water appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: Microscopic study of the smears produced shows a clean, acellular serous smear. Absence of malignant cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous colloid nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 03 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a left lobo-isthmic thyroid nodule measuring 45 mm, classified EU-TIRADS 4. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of rare clusters of regular thyrocytic cells, on a haematic background dotted with an abundant colloid substance.
Cytological appearance suggests a goitrous nodule. Benign cytology.
Fine needle aspiration cytology focused on a right lobar thyroid macronodule, mobile on swallowing, classified TIRADS 4A. Hemorrhagic material was aspirated. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made up of clusters, aggregates and a few plaques of follicular cells with small, regular nuclei. The background is serohematic, dotted with a few lymphocytic elements.
Microscopic study of the two smears received shows poor cellularity, made of rare scattered histiocytic cells, on a fibrinous background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 02 spreads of a multiporic nipple discharge from the right breast. Microscopy: Microscopic study of the two smears received shows poor cellularity, made up of rare scattered histiocytic cells, on a fibrinous background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance suggests a goitrous nodule with oncocytic cell metaplasia. No evidence of atypical cells.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right thyroid nodule of 27 mm, classified EU-TIRADS 4. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made of clusters and aggregates of follicular cells, at the nuclei of normal size, with homogeneous, regular chromatin. There are a few clusters of oncocytic cells associated with it. The background is colloidal and hemorrhagic, dotted with macrophage histiocytes.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous nodule. We cannot identify atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 03 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right lobar thyroid nodule measuring 28 mm, classified EU-TIRADS 5. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of bare nuclei grouped in clusters and aggregates, often of normal size, with homogeneous chromatin, on a hemorrhagic background.
No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Clinical information: Patient followed for left rib sarcoma. Material transmitted: 04 cc of one pleural fluid with a hemorrhagic appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows moderate cellularity, made essentially of mature lymphocytic cells, mixed with rare quiescent mesothelial cells, on a serohaematic background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance suggests a goitrous nodule. ++
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a left lobar thyroid nodule of 14 mm, classified EU-TIRADS 4. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a weak cellularity, made of clusters and aggregates of thyrocytic cells at the nuclei of normal size, with homogeneous, regular chromatin. The background is hemorrhagic, dotted with a thin, scanty colloid substance.
Malignant cytology.
Material transmitted: 04 cc of one ascites liquid with a yellowish appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a rich cellularity, made of clusters, aggregates, morules and a few isolated cells, with hypertrophied, hyperchromatic, atypical nuclei. The background is serohematic dotted with lymphocytic cells.
This microscopic appearance is suggestive of breast cysts. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 08 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of two left breast nodules with a reworked cystic appearance, measuring 30 mm from the QIE and 17 mm from the QSE. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows: Nodule of the left lower outer quadrant of 30 mm: Serofibrinous background, dotted with rare macrophage histiocytes, without evidence of galactophoric cells. Nodule of the left upper outer quadrant of 17 mm: Acellular serofibrinous background.
No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Patient with no particular history presenting a unipore, hematic right nipple discharge. Ultrasound: Left breast: absence of anomalies. Right breast: slight retro-areolar ductal ectasia. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made exclusively of macrophage histiocytic cells on a hemorrhagic background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance suggests a colloidal goitrous nodule with oncocytic cell metaplasia.
The cytopuncture focused on a right isthmolobar thyroid nodule, mobile on swallowing, classified TIRADS 4A. A brownish colloidal material was aspirated. Microscopy:The study microscopic shows moderate cellularity, made of clusters and aggregates of normal thyrocytic cells, associated with aggregates of oncocytic cells. THE background is hemorrhagic, dotted with a colloidal substance of medium abundance and macrophage histiocytes. cytology in favor of a colloidal goitrous nodule with cell metaplasia oncocytic.
Cytological appearance suggestive of an adenofibroma of the right axillary extension.
Patient with multiple bilateral breast nodules with the same ultrasound semiology. Cytopuncture focused on a nodule in the right axillary extension. Serohematic material was aspirated. Ultrasound: nodules of both breasts suggestive of fibroadenomas. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of a few clusters of galactophoric cells with regular nuclei, on a hemorrhagic background, dotted with rare bare nuclei.
Cytological appearance in favor of chronic submaxillitis.
The cytopuncture focused on a small mass under the left maxilla sensitive to palpation. Serohematic material was aspirated. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made of acinis of epithelial cells with regular nuclei, on a serous background dotted with lymphocytic elements.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a fibroadenoma of the right breast.
The cytopuncture focused on a nodule of the QIE of the right breast, mobile, well limited. A scant serous material was aspirated. Ultrasound: mammary nodule of the QIE of the right breast with a benign appearance, classified ACR 2. Microscopy: The study microscopically shows scanty cellularity, made up of rare small clusters of regular galactophoric cells, on a serous background, dotted with rare bare nuclei.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a recurrent cellular adenofibroma of the left breast.
Patient already operated in 2018 for adenofibroma of the IQ of the left breast presenting a recurrent nodule next to the scar, well limited, mobile, very sensitive to palpation. A serous material was aspirated. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a rich cellularity, made up of clusters, plaques and aggregates of galactophoric cells with round or ovoid nuclei, with homogeneous chromatin. The background is serous, dotted with numerous bare nuclei.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a colloid goitrous nodule.
Received 06 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a left lobar thyroid nodule of 25 mm, classified EU-TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made of clusters and aggregates of follicular cells in the nuclei normal size, with homogeneous chromatin. The background is hematic and colloid, dotted with a few macrophage histiocytes.
The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made essentially of mature lymphocytic cells, mixed with rare quiescent mesothelial cells. The background is hemorrhagic. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Material transmitted: 04 cc of a Pleural fluid with a haemorrhagic appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made essentially of mature lymphocytic cells, mixed with rare quiescent mesothelial cells. The background is hemorrhagic. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a cellular adenofibroma of the breast.
The cytopuncture focused on a nodule in the left axillary extension, suggestive of an adenofibroma on ultrasound. Serohematic material was aspirated. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a rich cellularity, made of clusters, plaques and aggregates of galactophoric cells with round or ovoid nuclei, with homogeneous chromatin. The background is serohematic, dotted with bare nuclei.
Cytological appearance suggests a goitrous nodule with oncocytic inflection.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right lobar thyroid nodule measuring 26 mm, classified EU-TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made of clusters and aggregates of inflected follicular cells oncocytic, with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, with round or ovoid nuclei, slightly hypertrophied, with homogeneous chromatin. The background is hematic, dotted with a fine colloid substance.
Cytological appearance suggestive of left lobar goitrous nodules. We cannot identify atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 08 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of two left lobar thyroid nodules measuring 50 mm lower polar and 26 mm upper polar, classified EUTIRADS 5. Microscopy: Lower polar nodule measuring 50 mm: Sparse cellularity, made up of rare clusters of follicular cells at the normal-sized nuclei, with homogeneous chromatin, on a serohaematic background. Upper polar nodule of 26 mm: Colloid smear, paucicellular, dotted with a few bare nuclei with homogeneous chromatin.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous colloid nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 04 smears of an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a 20 mm left lobar thyroid nodule, classified EUTIRADS 3. The 12 mm left lobar nodule on which the puncture was requested, does not present microcalcifications (colloid content generating an artifact of reverberation) thus giving a nodule classified TIRADS 3.  Microscopic study: The microscopic study shows poor cellularity, made of rare clusters of regular follicular cells, on a colloid background.
Cytological appearance suggests a juvenile cellular adenofibroma.
Received 03 smears of an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a mammary nodule of the QSE of the right breast measuring (23x14) mm, classified BIRADS 4A of the ACR. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a rich cellularity, made up of clusters, monolayer plaques with digitiform edges and aggregates of galactophoric cells with round or ovoid nuclei, without significant cytonuclear atypia. The background is hemorrhagic, dotted with a few bare nuclei .
Cytological appearance suggests a vesicular lesion with mild nuclear atypia, of undetermined significance. Plan a control cytology.
Received 03 ultrasound-guided cytopuncture smears of a 21 mm right thyroid nodule, classified TIRADS 4B. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made essentially of microvesicular structures, composed of thyrocytic cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm of medium abundance, with slightly hypertrophied nuclei, with homogeneous chromatin. The background is hemorrhagic.
Suspicious cytology, calling for excisional biopsy and histological control.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of cervical lymphadenopathy measuring (19x14) mm. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made of a hemorrhagic background dotted with lymphocytic elements, with the presence of a few flaps of epithelial-looking cells, with slightly hypertrophied nuclei, with densified chromatin.
Cytological appearance suggestive of reactive lymphadenitis. We cannot identify signs of specificity or malignancy within the limits of the material examined.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a right spinal adenomegaly nodule measuring (18x07) mm of non-specific inflammatory nature. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made essentially of lymphocytic cells isolated or grouped in aggregates, mixed with activated lymphocytes. The background is hemorrhagic.
Suspicion of lymph node Hodgkin lymphoma. An excisional biopsy is recommended for histological control.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a 15 mm right cervical lymphadenopathy. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a rich cellularity, characterized by the presence of scattered cells with a large hyperchromatic nucleus, sometimes nucleolated, on a lympho-plasmacytic background.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous nodule colloid histiocytes macrophages
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a 22mm isthmic thyroid nodule, classified EUTIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity made of clusters and aggregates of thyrocytic cells with normal-sized nuclei, at homogeneous, regular chromatin. The background is hemorrhagic, dotted with a fine colloid substance and macrophage histiocytes.
Acellular hemorrhagic smear.
Received 06 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a 17 mm right lobar thyroid nodule, classified EU-TIRADS 5. Microscopy: The microscopic study of all the smears shows an acellular hemorrhagic smear.
Cytological appearance suggests a cystized colloid goitrous nodule.
Received 03 spreads and 02 cc of liquid yellowish in appearance taken by a fine puncture ultrasound-guided study of a left septate cystic thyroid nodule of 46 mm, classified TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears received and those made shows moderate cellularity, made of clusters and aggregates of follicular cells with normal-sized nuclei , with homogeneous, regular chromatin. The background is hematic and colloid, dotted with macrophage histiocytes.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous colloid nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 06 ultrasound-guided cytopuncture smears of a left mid-lobar thyroid nodule of 11.2mm, classified TIRADS 4b. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows poor cellularity, made up of rare small clusters of follicular cells with regular nuclei, on a hemorrhagic and colloid background dotted with a few bare nuclei.
Inconclusive sampling.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a small right posterior and peripheral nodular formation measuring 05 mm, classified TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study of all the smears shows an acellular hemorrhagic smear.
Paucicellular sampling with little contribution.
Received 03 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right lobar thyroid nodule measuring (21x11) mm, classified EU-TIRADS 4. Microscopy: The microscopic study of all the smears shows poor cellularity, made of rare clusters of regular thyrocytic cells , on a hemorrhagic background.
Cytological appearance suggests a goitrous nodule. No evidence of atypical cells.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of an 18 mm left thyroid nodule, classified TIRADS 4A. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made up of clusters, microvesicles and aggregates of thyrocytic cells with normal-sized nuclei, with homogeneous chromatin. The background is hemorrhagic.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a colloid goitrous nodule
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right lobar thyroid nodule of 19 mm, classified EU-TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows poor cellularity made up of a few clusters of thyrocytic cells with normal-sized nuclei, with chromatin homogeneous, regular. The background is colloid.
Acellular hemorrhagic smear.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right isthmo-lobar thyroid nodule of 25 mm, classified EUTIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study of all the smears shows an acellular hemorrhagic smear.
Cytological appearance suggests a breast fibroadenoma.
Received 02 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a 16 mm right breast nodule, classified Birads 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made up of clusters, aggregates and single-layer plaques with digitiform, compound edges of galactophoric cells with round or ovoid nuclei, with homogeneous chromatin. The background is hemorrhagic, dotted with a few bare nuclei.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 03 ultrasound-guided cytopuncture smears of a nodule with small cystic foci, located at the level of the left thyroid compartment of (16x14x08) mm. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows poor cellularity, made up of rare small clusters of follicular cells with regular nuclei, on a serohematic background dotted with a few bare nuclei.
Inconclusive samples.
Received a spread of an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a breast nodule at the level of the IEQ of the right breast. Microscopy: Microscopic study shows an acellular serous smear. Inconclusive samples.
Cytological appearance suggests a colloid goitrous nodule.
Received 04 spreads and 02 cc of liquid brown in appearance taken by cytopuncture ultrasound-guided study of a 36 mm left lobar thyroid nodule, classified EUTIRADS 3. Microscopic study of the smears received and those made shows a scant cellularity, made of clusters and aggregates of thyrocytic cells with regular nuclei, on a colloid background.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right thyroid nodule of 23 mm, classified TIRADS 4B. Microscopic study: The microscopic study shows a scant cellularity, made up of clusters of regular thyrocytic cells, associated with a few clusters of thyrocytic cells with oncocytic inflection. The background is hemorrhagic.
Paucicellular hemorrhagic smear.
Received 06 ultrasound-guided cytopuncture smears of a large left mid-lobar nodular formation, classified TIRADS 4b. Microscopy: Microscopic study of all the smears shows a paucicellular hemorrhagic smear.
No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a 22 mm left lobar thyroid nodule, classified EUTIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears received shows an acellular colloid smear, suggestive of a colloid nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Suggestive of a goitrous nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a left lobar thyroid nodule of 22 mm, classified EUTIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of a few clusters of thyrocytic cells with regular nuclei, on a hemorrhagic background , dotted with bare kernels.
The microscopic study of the smears produced shows moderate cellularity, made essentially of lymphocytic cells, mixed with a few plasmacytic elements, on a serohematic background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Material transmitted: 05 cc of a pleural fluid with a yellow-orange appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and staining with papanicolaou. Microscopy: Microscopic study of the smears produced shows moderate cellularity, made essentially of lymphocytic cells, mixed with a few plasmacytic elements, on a serohaematic background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous colloid nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 02 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a left lobar thyroid nodule of 20 mm, classified EU-TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows poor cellularity, made of a single cluster of regular thyrocytic cells, associated with macrophage histiocytic cells. The background is serohematic.