Inconclusive sampling. To be redone.
Received 04 ultrasound-guided cytopuncture smears of a left lobar nodule of 10 mm, heterogeneous presenting a central hypoechoic zone, with clear and regular contours. Microscopy: Microscopic study of all smears shows acellular hemorrhagic smears.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 03 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right thyroid nodule measuring 08 mm, EUTIRADS 4. Microscopic study: The microscopic study shows a scant cellularity, made of clusters and aggregates of follicular cells with regular nuclei, on a serohematic background.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous colloid nodule. Cytology classifiable in category II according to Bethesda.
Received 03 ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology smears of a 12 mm right thyroid nodule, EUTIRADS 4 on thyroiditis. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made of clusters and aggregates of regular follicular cells, on a hematic background, diluted with aqueous colloid substance.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a breast fibroadenoma. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a breast nodule in the right lower outer quadrant measuring (33x20x14) mm, i.e. a volume of 12 cc, heterogeneous hypoechoic, poorly vascularized, without calcification or US attenuation, with clear contours and regular, classified BIRADS 3 of the ACR. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made up of clusters, digitiform plaques and aggregates of galactophoric cells with round or ovoid nuclei, with homogeneous, regular chromatin, on a hemorrhagic background.
Presence of atypical cells.
Clinical information: Urinary cytology. Material transmitted: 60 cc of a urinary fluid with a light brownish appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and papanicolaou staining. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows poor cellularity, made up of transitional cells isolated or grouped in small clusters, some of which have a hypertrophied nucleus, with densified chromatin. The background is inflammatory, rich in healthy and altered polymorphonuclear cells.
Benign urinary cytology. Poor cellularity
Clinical information: Control urinary cytology. Material transmitted: 60 cc of a light yellow urinary fluid. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and papanicolaou staining. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows scanty cellularity, made up of scattered transitional cells with regular nuclei, on a clean background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance suggestive of right cervical tuberculoid lymphadenitis, calling for histological control on excisional biopsy for precise labeling.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of two bilateral cervical lymphadenopathies, oval in shape, well defined, homogeneous hypoechoic without necrosis within it or calcification with mixed central and peripheral vascularization measuring: On the right: ADP 1: (11x21) mm .Left: ADP 2: (08x22) mm. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows: Right lymphadenopathy: scanty cellularity, made essentially of lymphocytic cells isolated or grouped in clusters. It is associated with a few shreds of epithelioid cells as well as rare multinucleated cells. The background is hemorrhagic. Left lymphadenopathy: serohaematic, paucicellular smear, inconclusive.
No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined
Received a spread of multiporic left unilateral nipple discharge. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made exclusively of histiocytic cells, on a serofibrinous background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Clinical information: - Fever at 38.5 lasting for 08 days. - Exertional dyspnea - No change in general condition. Material transmitted: 30 cc of a pleural fluid with a cloudy yellow appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and papanicolaou staining. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows a rich cellularity, made essentially of polymorphonuclear cells, mixed with a few lymphocytic elements, on a serohaematic background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance in favor of a goitrous colloid nodule with oncocytic inflection. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 03 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right thyroid nodule measuring 21 mm TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of clusters and aggregates of regular follicular cells, associated with a few aggregates of oncocytic cells with dystrophic nuclei.The background is hematic, diluted with aqueous colloid substance.
Cytological appearance strongly suggests a papillary thyroid carcinoma.
Received 06 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right lobar nodular formation of 19 mm, hypoechoic, irregular contours, poorly limited, classified TIRADS 5. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows significant cellularity, made of clusters, aggregates , plaques with pseudo-papillary edges, composed of follicular cells with slightly hypertrophied nuclei, packed against each other in places, with homogeneous chromatin, provided with a few grooves and rare intranuclear pseudo inclusions. The background is serohematic.
Follicular neoplasm
Received 03 ultrasound-guided cytopuncture smears of a 45 mm right thyroid nodule, EUTIRADS 4. Microscopic study: The microscopic study shows significant cellularity, made essentially of microfollicular structures, isolated or grouped in aggregates, composed of thyrocytic cells with cytoplasm of medium abundance, with round or ovoid nuclei, with homogeneous chromatin, without incisures and without pseudo intranuclear inclusions. The background is serohematic.
Goitrous colloid nodule ++. Colloid background. benign cytology
Received 03 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a 22 mm right isthmo lobar nodule, TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made of clusters, aggregates and plaques of follicular cells at the nuclei of normal size, with homogeneous chromatin, regular, on a colloid background.
Cytological appearance suggestive of florid reactive adenitis. No evidence of signs of specificity or malignancy within the limits of the material examined. An excisional biopsy would be desirable for histological control.
The cytopuncture focused on left submaxillary lymphadenopathy that had been developing for around 1 month. A scant amount of viscous material was aspirated. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a rich cellularity, made of layers of mature lymphocytic cells, mixed with quite numerous activated centroblastic and immunoblastic lymphoid cells and numerous macrophages with tingible bodies. The background is serohematic.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous nodule. Cytology classifiable in category II according to Bethesda.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a right lower lobar nodule of 30 mm long axis, isoechoic to the glandular parenchyma, regular contours, classifiable TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of clusters and aggregates of follicular cells with regular nuclei, on a serohematic background.
No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received a smear of left uniporous bloody nipple discharge. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows poor cellularity, made exclusively of scattered histiocytic cells, on a hemorrhagic background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance in favor of a goitrous colloid nodule. Cytology classifiable in category II according to Bethesda.
Received 04 ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology smears of a right isthmo lobar nodule of (09x20) mm, heterogeneous isoechoic, with clear and regular contours. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of a few clusters of regular follicular cells, on a serohematic background, dotted with macrophage histiocytes and bare nuclei.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 06 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a voluminous right lobar toto-lobar nodular formation made of multi-loculated fluid areas, classified TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of a few clusters and aggregates of follicular cells with regular nuclei, on a serohaematic background.
This microscopic appearance may correspond to florid lymphoid hyperplasia, without signs of specificity. However; a histological control on excisional biopsy would be necessary in order not to overlook lymph node lymphoma.
The cytopuncture focused on a right upper maxillary lymphadenopathy evolving for around 3 months. Ultrasound: right laterocervical lymphadenopathy with a non-specific appearance. Very little thick material was aspirated. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows a very rich cellularity, made essentially of layers of medium-sized lymphoid cells, mixed with mature lymphocytic elements. A few macrophages with tingible bodies are associated with this.
No evidence of atypical cells.
The cytopuncture focused on a macro right lobar thyroid cyst, mobile when swallowed. Ultrasound: right lobar thyroid hypertrophy with a cyst classified EUTIRADS 2 and an atrophic left lobe with two nodules classified EUTIRADS 3.09 cc of a blackish colloid liquid were aspirated .Centrifugation, spreading on slides and papanicolaou staining. Microscopy: Microscopic study of the smears produced shows colloid and hematic smears dotted with a few macrophage histiocytes. No evidence of atypical cells.
Cytological appearance suggests necrotizing tuberculoid lymphadenitis, which would be of tuberculous origin. To be compared with the clinical and paraclinical context.
Received 03 ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology smears of left submaxillary lymphadenopathy (Kunter's lymph node), heterogeneous hypoechoic, containing hyperechoic traves. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears received shows a moderate cellularity, made essentially of lymphocytic elements isolated or grouped in aggregates, mixed with a few clusters of epithelioid histiocytic cells. The background is hemorrhagic, dotted with a scanty fine basophilic necrotic substance .
Cytological appearance suggestive of a supernumerary breast. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of the left axillary tissues, with a mammary glandular appearance. Microscopy: The microscopic study of all the smears shows poor cellularity, made up of rare clusters of epithelial cells with a galactophoric appearance with regular nuclei, on a hematic background.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 04 ultrasound-guided cytopuncture smears of a small right lobar thyroid nodule of 06 mm, classifiable TIRADS 3, on chronic thyroiditis. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of a few clusters of regular follicular cells, on a hematic background dotted with an aqueous colloid substance.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a left mid-lobar goitrous nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytopuncture focused on a macro left mid-lobar thyroid nodule, mobile when swallowed, in a context of multi-nodular goiter. Ultrasound: - Diffuse hetero multi-nodular goiter. . Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of a few clusters of follicular cells with regular nuclei, on a hemorrhagic background dotted with colloid droplets.
Non-contributory levy.
Clinical information: CT: right hilar tumor mass. Material transmitted: 07 cc of bronchial aspiration fluid with a hemorrhagic appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and papanicolaou staining. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows a frankly hematic acellular liquid.
Absence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Clinical information: Heavy hemoptysis. Material transmitted: 02 cc of a bronchial aspiration liquid with a sero-hemorrhagic appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and papanicolaou staining. Microscopy: Microscopic study of the smears shows moderate cellularity, made essentially of metaplastic squamous cells with regular nuclei, mixed with a few scattered cylindrical cells, on a serous background dotted with polymorphonuclear cells. Absence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance suggestive of ectasis galactophoritis. To be compared with clinical and radiological data.
Received 02 smears from an ultrasound-guided biopsy of a breast area, classified ACR3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a moderate cellularity made essentially of macrophage histiocytic cells isolated or grouped in aggregates, associated with rare clusters of galactophoric cells with regular nuclei, on a fibrinous background dotted with polymorphonuclear cells.
Cytological appearance suggests necrotizing tuberculoid granulomatous adenitis, most likely of tuberculous origin.
Received 04 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of an oval right lateral cervical nodule with irregular contours, with finely echogenic content, heterogeneous by the presence of bubbles within it, measuring (21x05) mm. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity showing clusters of epithelioid histiocytic cells, mixed with lymphocytic elements, on a hemorrhagic background, dotted with lumps of basophilic necrotic substance with a caseous appearance.
Normal urine cytology. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Clinical information: Patient treated and followed for TVNIM (superficial bladder tumor). Material transmitted: 60 cc of a light yellow urinary fluid. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and papanicolaou staining. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears produced shows mature, scattered transitional cells with regular nuclei, on a clean background. Normal urine cytology. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance in favor of a cystized colloid nodule. Cytology classifiable in category II according to Bethesda.
Received 04 smears and 28 cc of a brown-looking liquid, taken by ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a solidocystic right lobar nodule of (40x30) mm, with a majority cystic portion, classifiable TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears received and those made shows poor cellularity, made up of rare clusters of follicular cells regular, on a diluted hematic background of aqueous colloid substance.
Cytological appearance very suggestive of a subcutaneous epidermal cyst. No evidence of atypical cells. To be completed by excision and histological control.
Received 02 smears from a cytopuncture of a left clavicular subcutaneous cyst of approximately 01 cm, carried out in this patient with a history of breast neoplasia operated on in 2019. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears received shows a polymorphic inflammatory background dotted with regular mature squamous cells and anucleate horny scales.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a goitrous nodule. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 03 ultrasound-guided cytopuncture smears of a 17 mm isthmic thyroid nodule, EUTIRADS 4. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of a few clusters of regular follicular cells, on a hematic background.
Cytological appearance suggests a chronic tuberculoid lymphadenitis with little necrotization, very probably of tuberculous origin.
Received 05 smears from an ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology of a right side-cervical lymphadenopathy, partially calcified, fistulized to the skin, measuring (38x10) mm. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, characterized by the presence of flaps of epithelioid histiocytic cells, mixed with a few multinucleated giant cells. The background is hemorrhagic and inflammatory, dotted with a scant basophilic necrotic substance.
Benign cytology in favor of a goitrous colloid nodule.
Received 03 smears from an ultrasound-guided cytopuncture of a 38 mm isthmic thyroid nodule, TIRADS 3. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows scanty cellularity, made up of clusters, aggregates and plaques of follicular cells with regular nuclei , on a diluted hematic background of aqueous colloid substance.
Cytology strongly suspicious of a carcinoma of the left breast. To be completed by a microbiopsy sample for histological typing and study of immunohistoprognostic factors.
The cytopuncture focused on a nodule at the junction of the upper quadrants of the left breast, poorly limited, mobile with the gland. Ultrasound: Irregular formation at the JQS of the left breast (16.5) mm, classified ACR 4. Serohematic material was aspirated . Microscopy: The microscopic study shows rich cellularity, made of galactophoric cells isolated or grouped in clusters and aggregates. These have hypertrophied nuclei, of variable size, with densified chromatin, with moderate atypia. The background is serohematic.
No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Clinical information: Right pleurisy. Material transmitted: 04 cc of a liquid with a citrine yellow appearance. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and papanicolaou staining. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made essentially of lymphocytic cells, mixed with plasmacytic elements and a few quiescent mesothelial cells, on a serous background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Cytological appearance suggestive of a vesicular lesion with nuclear atypia of undetermined significance, in chronic thyroiditis. Cytology classifiable in category III according to Bethesda.
Received 03 ultrasound-guided cytopuncture smears of a left thyroid nodule of 09 mm EUTIRADS 4, on thyroiditis in hyperthyroidism. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows moderate cellularity, made of clusters and aggregates of regular follicular cells, sometimes with oncocytic inflection. Certain cells present a slightly hypertrophied nucleus, with a dystrophic appearance. The background is hemorrhagic, diluted with an aqueous colloid substance, dotted with lymphocytic elements and rare multinucleated cells.
No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Clinical information: Patient treated and followed for TVNIM. Material transmitted: 60 cc of a light yellow urinary fluid. Centrifugation, spreading on slides and papanicolaou staining. Microscopy: The microscopic study of the smears shows scanty cellularity, made up of mature paramalpighian cells with regular nuclei, on a serous background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined. To be compared with radiological data.
The cytopuncture focused on a swelling of the right breast, sensitive to palpation. Hemorrhagic material was aspirated (laborious cytopuncture). Microscopy: The histopathological study of the smears carried out shows poor cellularity, made up of rare small clusters of galactophoric cells with regular nuclei, on a hemorrhagic background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined. To be compared with radiological data.
Cytological appearance suggests a cystic lesion under the jaw, the exact nature of which could not be clarified on the cytological study; requiring an excisional biopsy for precise histological typing.
The cytopuncture focused on a mass under the right jaw that had been evolving for 03 weeks. Ultrasound: lymphadenopathy under the right jaw measuring (40x16x21) mm, necrotic. A scanty blackish viscous material was aspirated. Microscopy: The microscopic study shows a mucohematic background, dotted with very rare histiocytic cells.
No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Received 02 spreads of bilateral nipple discharge. Microscopy: Microscopic study of the two smears received shows scanty cellularity, made exclusively of histiocytic cells, on a serous background. No evidence of atypical cells within the limits of the material examined.
Inconclusive sampling.
Received 04 ultrasound-guided cytopuncture spreads of a left latero-tracheal thyroid remnant of 12 mm on total thyroidectomy for right papillary micro-carcinoma of 05 mm. Microscopy: Microscopic study of all smears received shows acellular serous smears.
Cytopuncture focused on a left sub-axillary nodular formation, well limited, mobile. Ultrasound: solid nodule of stable left QSE. Small right breast nodule with benign appearance. Examination classified BIRADS 3 of the ACR. Serohematic material was aspirated .Microscopy:The study
The cytopuncture focused on adenopathy under the right jaw, evolving for 02 months. Ultrasound: voluminous adenopathy under the right jaw suggestive of tuberculous adenitis. A puriform, thick material was aspirated. A culture of BK was requested. Microscopy: The study
Cytopuncture focused on right axillary lymphadenopathy in this patient with triple negative ipsilateral breast neoplasia. Mammography: suspicious-looking mass in the right QSE with ipsilateral axillary lymphadenopathy (ACR 5). Serohematic material was aspirated. Microscopy: L 'study
The cytopuncture focused on a small subcutaneous nodule of the left QSI. Ultrasound: Subcutaneous nodules of the lipomatous left QSI with acute perinodular fasciitis ACR 2. A serohematic material with a cellular appearance was aspirated. Microscopy:The study