Ọ bụ na Naịsan 11 , mgbe ọ fọrọ ụbọchị ole na ole tupu e gbuo ya .
He was teaching in the temple on Nisan 11 , a few days before his death .
Mgbe a kpọtara ha n’ihu eze , ha ji obi ike kwupụta mkpebi ha , sị : “ A sị na ọ dị ụzọ ọ bụla Chineke ahụ Onye anyị onwe anyị na - efe pụrụ ịnapụta anyị , ọ bụ n’oké ọkụ nke na - enwu ajọ onwunwu na n’aka gị , eze , ka Ọ ga - anapụta anyị .
When brought before the king , they declared their determination with confidence : “ If it is to be , our God whom we are serving is able to rescue us . Out of the burning fiery furnace and out of your hand , O king , he will rescue us .
Pita ọ̀ hụrụ ọrụ ịkụ azụ̀ n’anya n’obi ya otú ọ hụrụ Jizọs n’anya ?
In Peter’s heart , would love for the fishing business compete with love for Jesus ?
Ọ na - abụ m hụ otú Chineke si na - elekọta m , ya ana - eme ka okwukwe m na - esikwu ike , mụ na ya ana - adịkwukwa ná mma . ”
My faith and my relationship with God are strengthened when I see how he takes care of me . ”
Ònye Ka Ụta Dịịrị — Gị Ka Ọ̀ Bụ Mkpụrụ Ndụ Ihe Nketa Gị ?
Who Is to Blame ​ — You or Your Genes ?
Onye ọzọ aha ya bụ Ugochukwu kwuru na ya achọpụtakwala na obi na - adị nwunye ya mma ma ya gee ya ntị nke ọma , gharakwa ịnapụ ya okwu n’ọnụ .
A husband named Stephen would agree . “ I find it best to let my wife express herself without interrupting , ” he says .
Magret : O nwere ihe atụ ga - enyere anyị aka ịghọta ya .
Megan : Well , maybe I could use an illustration .
O dokwara anya na ndị ọzọ nwere mgbagwoju anya na mmechuihu mgbe ọ jụsịrị mgbalị ha mere ime ya eze .
Others were apparently confused and disappointed after he had rejected their efforts to make him king .
“ N’ebe ndị dị n’eluigwe ” e kwuru okwu ya ebe a abụghị eluigwe e kwere ha nkwa na ha ga - enweta .
The expression “ heavenly places ” here does not refer to their promised heavenly inheritance .
Gịnị ka ekpere ahụ pụtara nye gị taa ?
What meaning does that prayer have for you today ?
“ Onye ọ bụla nke na - eme ka otu n’ime ndị a dị nta bụ́ ndị nwere okwukwe na m sụọ ngọngọ , ” ka Jizọs dọrọ aka ná ntị , “ ọ baara ya uru karị na e ji nkume igwe nri , ụdị nke ịnyịnya ibu na - akwagharị konye ya n’olu ya ma tụba ya n’ime ogbu oké osimiri . ”
“ Whoever stumbles one of these little ones who put faith in me , ” warned Jesus , “ it is more beneficial for him to have hung around his neck a millstone such as is turned by an ass and to be sunk in the wide , open sea . ”
Ọtụtụ narị afọ gara aga , Aịzaịa onye amụma dere , sị : “ Ọ ga - adị m nnọọ mma ma a sị na ị ṅararịị ntị n’ihe nile [ Chineke ] nyere n’iwu !
Many centuries ago , the prophet Isaiah wrote : “ If only you would actually pay attention to [ God’s ] commandments !
Ebe ọ bụ na ahụ esighị Anne ike , ya adịkwa mkpa ka a waa ya ahụ , anyị laghachiri Quebec .
Since Anne was not well and needed an operation , we returned to Quebec .
E gosiri na onye na - atụ egwu Chineke ga - enwe ihe ịga nke ọma ma ọ bụrụ na ya a na - eme uche Chineke — ee , ime uche Chineke na - emekarị ka mmadụ nwee ihe ịga nke ọma .
The success of a godly person is linked to his doing God’s will ​ — and God’s will is always successful .
Ọ bụrụ na ị chọrọ ịmatakwu banyere otú e si agbakọta ụbọchị a , gụọ Ụlọ Nche December 15 , 1977 , peeji nke 767 .
For more information on how to calculate this date , see The Watchtower of June 15 , 1977 , pages 383 - 384 .
Olee ebe ọchịchị Setan na - agaru kwụsị ?
To what extent has Satan been permitted to govern ?
Kpebisie ike na ị gaghị “ na - agha mkpụrụ maka anụ ahụ́ . ”
Be determined not to ‘ sow with a view to the flesh . ’
Ọtụtụ ndị na - agụ Baịbụl , marakwa ọtụtụ ihe e kwuru na ya .
Many people read the Bible from time to time and thereby have come to be quite familiar with what it says .
Obi dị m ụtọ ịnabataghachi ya n’ahụ́ ọma .
I was happy to have him back safe and sound .
Ilekọta ndị agadi na - eweta ọtụtụ ngọzi .
Caring for older ones results in many blessings .
Otu n’ime ha bụ ọnụ ego ha .
One of these is the cost .
Nke ahụ bụ nnọọ nnukwu ọrụ !
A tremendous work !
Nchọpụta ndị e mere n’agbata afọ 1941 na afọ 1949 gosiri na ndị mmadụ anachaghị ejide onwe ha .
And the problem of lacking self - control is worsening .
N’oge ndị gara aga , ndị mmadụ na - edere ndị ikwu ha na ndị enyi ha akwụkwọ ozi iji kọọrọ ha otú ha na ije si aga .
People used to write letters to share their own experiences with family and friends , keeping them up - to - date with what was going on in their life .
Nwaanyị a kwuru , sị : “ Ọ dị mkpa ka ndị nne na nna na - eme ihe ha kwuru .
“ Inconsistency encourages a child to manipulate situations according to his liking . ”
Walter Bortz nke Abụọ , bụ́ prọfesọ nke na - ahụ maka ọgwụ na ahụ́ ike n’otu mahadum , dere okwu ndị ahụ dị n’elu .
Walter Bortz II , a university professor of medicine , wrote the above words .
Ọ bụrụ na e nwere ihe na - echegbu anyị , anyị kwesịrị ime ihe Pọl dụrụ n’ọdụ .
If anxiety has a grip on us for any reason , we should apply Paul’s counsel : “ Do not be anxious over anything , but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God . ”
Ọ bụrụ na anyị amata na a na - anwa ụmụ anyị ọnwụnwa ka ha ghọọ aghụghọ ule , anyị kwesịrị ikpe ekpere maka ha ma jiri Akwụkwọ Nsọ nyere ha aka ka ha ghara itinye aka n’aghụghọ ule ma ghara ime ihe ọjọọ .
If we learn that our children are being tempted to cheat on tests at school , we should pray for them and also give them Scriptural help so that they will act honestly and will not do anything wrong .
Ha nyeere m aka ịbụ ezigbo mmadụ . ” Monica alụọla di mụta ụmụ atọ . Ya na di ya na - ebikwa n’udo .
“ In the two years I lived with them , ” said Monica , “ they taught this shy girl to be outgoing and loving and to care for others .
Ihe ndekọ Bible ndị ahụ anyị tụleworo na - emesikwa ike eziokwu ahụ bụ́ na ọ bụ ndị nwere mkpa ha na - agaghị egboli n’onwe ha ka a na - egosi obiọma sitere n’ịhụnanya .
The Bible accounts we have discussed also underscore the fact that loving - kindness is to be shown to those who have a need that they themselves cannot fill .
Olee ihe anyị ga - amụta n’otú Jizọs si mesoo ndị ikwu ya ?
What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his relatives ?
Ka anyị tụlee ụfọdụ n’ime ha n’ụzọ dị nkenke .
Let us briefly consider some of these .
Na 1948 , ndị Kọmunist weghaara mba ahụ , n’oge na - adịghịkwa anya , a machibidoro ọrụ nkwusa anyị iwu ruo afọ 40 .
In 1948 the Communists took over the country , and soon a ban that lasted 40 years was imposed on our preaching work .
Mgbe e wepụsịrị ihe nile mmehie Adam kpatara , ụmụ mmadụ zuru okè ga - eme ihe Chineke chọrọ ha n’aka n’ụzọ anụ ahụ́ , n’echiche , n’omume , nakwa n’ụzọ ime mmụọ .
With the effects of Adam’s sin completely gone , perfect humans will meet God’s standards physically , mentally , morally , and spiritually .
O doro anya na o wepụtara oge iji tụgharịa uche n’ihe nile ọ maara banyere Jehova ma kwe ka ihe ọmụma ahụ duzie ya .
He evidently took time to ponder over everything he knew about Jehovah and let himself be guided by that knowledge .
Otú ọ dị , onye na - emebi iwu na - ebi ndụ asọpụrụghị Chineke .
However , the wicked one lives a godless life .
Mmụọ nsọ Chineke nwere ike inye Pọl ike ọ chọrọ .
God’s holy spirit could supply the power that Paul lacked .
4 , 5 . ( a ) Olee ihe Iwu Mozis chetaara ndị Chineke ?
4 , 5 . ( a ) Of what did the Mosaic Law remind God’s people ?
Jizọs Kraịst kwuru banyere ha , sị : “ [ Ha ] na - ahụ ihu Nna m nke bi n’eluigwe mgbe niile . ” — Matiu 18 : 10 .
Concerning these superhuman creatures , who are also called angels , Jesus Christ said : “ [ They ] always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven . ” ​ — Matthew 18 : 10 .
Anyị agatụghị echefu oge dọkịta gwara anyị na nwa anyị nwanyị na - arịa ajọ ọrịa lymphoblastic leukemia , ụdị cancer ụmụaka bụ́ nke na - emetụta mkpụrụ ndụ ọbara ọcha .
We will never forget the moment when the doctor told us that our daughter was suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia , a form of childhood cancer that affects the white blood cells .
Mgbe e mere m baptizim n’oge m dị afọ iri
At my baptism , age 10
Dị ka ihe atụ , Akwịla na nwunye ya , bụ́ Prisila ( Priska ) , nyeere Pọl aka .
For instance , Aquila and his wife , Priscilla ( Prisca ) , helped Paul .
Onyinye kasịnụ Jehova nyere anyị bụ izite “ Ọkpara ọ mụrụ nanị ya , ka e wee ghara ibibi onye ọ bụla nke na - egosipụta okwukwe na ya , kama ka o nwee ndụ ebighị ebi . ”
Jehovah’s greatest gift to us is his sending his “ only - begotten Son , in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life . ”
Otú Ọhịa ahụ Pụrụ Isi Dịghachi Mma
How the Forest Can Recover
Ọ bụ Tiofilọs ka Luk degaara akwụkwọ Luk na akwụkwọ Ọrụ Ndịozi , na - egosi na ọ bụ Luk dere ha abụọ .
Luke’s Gospel and Acts of Apostles are addressed to Theophilus , indicating that Luke compiled both .
Mbọ M Gbara Kụrụ Afọ n’Ala Ọtụtụ Ugboro ( J .
I Failed Many Times ( J . Mutke ) , No .
Ndị okenye kwesịrị idebe ọgbakọ ọcha , ha aghaghịkwa ime ka mkpebi ha dabere n’Okwu Chineke nakwa ná nduzi nke “ ohu ahụ na - ekwesị ntụkwasị obi , nke nwekwara uche . ”
Elders need to maintain the purity of the congregation and must base their judgment on God’s Word as well as on the direction of “ the faithful and discreet slave . ”
‘ Ndị Nnọchiteanya Kraịst ’ Na - eme Udo
Peaceable ‘ Ambassadors for Christ ’
O jikwa nghọta mee ka eluigwe guzosie ike . ”
“ He solidly established the heavens in discernment . ”
Sarah : Ọọ ihe ọhụrụ m mụtara n’ụbọchị ahụ .
Sophia : That was a new thought to me .
Ọ̀ bụ n’ime ole ndị ka a tọrọ ntọala “ ụwa ọhụrụ ” ahụ , ole ndị bụkwa ndị enyi ha ?
In whom was the foundation of the “ new earth ” laid , and who are their associates ?
10 Na - arị elu n’ụzọ na - agaghị akpatara gị mmerụ ahụ .
10 Climb safely .
Ọ bụ otú ahụ ka amụma ahụ e buru na Daniel 2 : 44 ga - esi emezu .
This action will fulfill the words of Daniel 2 : 44 that God’s Kingdom “ will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms . ”
Imelara ndị ọgaranya ma ọ bụ ndị a ma ama ihe nwere ike ime ka anyị mechie ntị anyị “ n’iti mkpu nke onye na - enweghị ike . ”
Showing undue favor to the materially rich or to those having prominence can make us less sensitive to “ the complaining cry of the lowly one . ”
Olee ihe Jizọs chọrọ iji ihe atụ ahụ gosi ?
What was the point that Jesus wanted to highlight ?
N’oge ndị Rom mere ka e nwee udo n’ụwa , ọmụrụ nwa ndị mmadụ na - akwụ kwa afọ n’ebe niile Rom na - achị anaghị eru otu ụzọ n’ime ụzọ iri nke ego ha gbazitere .
And during the period of peace established by the Romans , annual interest rates for credit throughout the Roman Empire fluctuated between 4 and 6 percent .
E gosipụtara nke a n’akwụkwọ Habakuk ahụ e dere n’ike mmụọ nsọ bụ́ nke na - ewusi ntụkwasị obi anyị ike taa n’ebe Jehova nọ . — Habakuk 3 : 18 , 19 .
This is reflected in the inspired book of Habakkuk that strengthens our trust in Jehovah today . ​ — Habakkuk 3 : 18 , 19 .
Na - ahazi otú ị ga - esi na - emefu ego ahazi .
Make a budget . Carpool .
Mkpagbu ọ bụla anyị pụrụ iche ihu n’usoro ihe a ga - adị nwa oge .
Any tribulation we face in this system of things is temporary .
( b ) Olee ihe Aịzaya 41 : 10 , 13 kwuru kwesịrị ime ka i nwee olileanya ?
( b ) What sure hope is held out at Isaiah 41 : 10 , 13 ?
N’akụkọ ifo ndị Ijipt , Set bụ chi nke ihe ọjọọ , bụ́ nke “ a na - egosipụta dị ka chi nwere ọdịdị anụ ọhịa dị egwu nke nwere imi dị gịrịgịrị ma gbaa ngọ , ntị ogologo , na ọdụ siri ike ma gbaa mkpị . ” — Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology .
In Egyptian mythology , Set was the god of evil , “ represented as having the features of a fantastic beast with a thin , curved snout , straight , square - cut ears and a stiff forked tail . ” ​ — Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology .
Ọ bụrụ na ndị “ nwere ezi obi maka inweta ndụ ebighị ebi ” aghọọ ndị Kraịst , e wee mee ha baptizim , anyị na - eji obi anyị niile asị ha , “ Batanụ n’ụzọ ndụ nke kacha mma ! ”
When those “ rightly disposed for everlasting life ” become believers and get baptized , we have sound reasons to say to them , “ Welcome to the best way of life ! ”
O doro anya na otú m si zaghachi n’ike mere ka Onyeàmà nke abụọ ahụ laghachi ma kọọrọ ìgwè ahụ dị nta , sị : “ Ọ gaghị ekwe omume Pericles ịghọ Onyeàmà .
My brusque response evidently made the second Witness return to the little group and report : “ It’s impossible for Pericles to become a Witness .
Ọ nọ na - agwa ndị na - ege ya ntị okwu ịdọ aka ná ntị .
He was giving a warning .
Ha kwetara .
They agreed .
Ị ga - agụta gbasara ndị a na - akpọ ndị Filistia , gụtakwa gbasara omenala ndị ị na - ahụtụbeghị mbụ , dị ka , mmadụ ‘ ịdọwa uwe ’ ya , ma ọ bụkwanụ ụdị nri a na - akpọ mana nakwa ego a na - akpọ drakma .
There you meet a people called Philistines , come across unusual customs , such as ‘ ripping garments apart , ’ or learn about a food called manna and a coin known as the drachma .
Baịbụl ekwughị na Ebreham chere na ọ bụrụ na o mee ihe a Chineke gwara ya , na Chineke ga - akpọlite Aịzik n’ọnwụ n’awa ole na ole , mgbe otu ụbọchị ma ọ bụ otu izu gachara .
The Bible does not say that Abraham felt that if he obeyed , in a mere few hours , a day , or a week , Isaac would come back to life .
Ọ bụ ya ka ị ga - ejere ozi , n’ahụ́ ya ka ị ga - araparakwa . ”
Him you should serve , and to him you should cling . ”
N’Izrel n’oge ochie , oge ọkọchị na - adịte aka , ọ na - adịru ọnwa isii .
You see , the dry season in ancient Israel was quite long , lasting up to six months .
O si n’ike mmụọ nsọ dee , sị : “ Ọ bụrụ naanị ná ndụ a ka anyị nwere olileanya na Kraịst , anyị bụ ndị e kwesịrị imere ebere karịa mmadụ niile .
He wrote under inspiration : “ If in this life only we have hoped in Christ , we are to be pitied more than anyone .
Gịnịkwanụ ma ọ bụrụ na di ya achọghị ige ntị ?
What , though , if he does not want to listen ?
Anyị ga - ejirịrị onyinye Chineke nyere anyị ime ihe ọ bụla anyị chọrọ na - eme ihe kwesịrị ekwesị ma ọ bụrụ na anyị chọrọ inweta ihu ọma Chineke .
Gaining God’s approval involves the proper exercise of our free will .
Ndị Kraịst maara ihe bụ́ ndị na - eche banyere ọnọdụ ime mmụọ ha nakwa nke ndị enyi na ndị ezinụlọ ha , na - ezere ịgba chaa chaa — ọbụna ndị e ji obere ego agba .
Wise Christians who care about their own spirituality as well as that of their friends and family avoid the practice of gambling ​ — even for small sums of money .
E kwuo na mmadụ nwere obi ike , ọ pụtara na obi kara onye ahụ nakwa na onye ahụ abụghị onye ụjọ .
It is the quality of being strong , bold , and valiant ​ — the opposite of timidity or cowardice .
Ọrụ ahụ́ anyị na - arụ iji gbarie nri anyị riri ma mee ka anyị si na ya nweta ume abụghị obere ọrụ .
It takes an enormous amount of coordination and effort for the body to transform food into fuel .
O yiziri ka Setan ò nweela ihe ịga nke ọma n’atụmatụ ọ na - eme iji kwatuo ọchịchị Jehova .
Satan appeared to have gained the upper hand in his attempt to discredit Jehovah’s sovereignty .
Ya mere , onyinye ịsụ asụsụ dị iche iche rụrụ ọrụ abụọ dị mkpa .
Thus , the gift of tongues served two vital purposes .
Olee ọrụ anyị na - arụ n’ozi Chineke ?
What responsibilities are involved ?
Ihe nkiri sịnịma , ihe omume redio , na akwụkwọ ndị a na - ebipụta n’Africa na - egosikarị nkwenkwe ụgha na ihe omimi ndị dị ka majik , ife ndị nna ochie ofufe , na ọtụmọkpọ .
Movies , radio shows , and literature produced in Africa often highlight superstition and mystical subjects , such as magic , ancestor worship , and fetishes .
Gịnịkwanụ ka ị ga - eme ma ọ bụrụ na ọ naghị agụ gị agụụ ife Jehova ?
On the other hand , what should you do if you do not yet feel inclined to serve Jehovah ?
Ọ̀ pụtara na ọ bụrụ na o nwee otú anyị si na - enupụrụ Chineke isi , na e nwere ike anyị agaghị abanye n’izu ike Chineke ?
If we were to rebel against God’s purpose in some way , might we run the risk of not entering into God’s rest ?
KWA ụbọchị , anyị na - ekpebi ọtụtụ ihe anyị ga - eme .
Every day we are faced with many of them .
32 ‘ Magazin A Ga - ata Ata Ma Gbarie ’
32 ‘ A Magazine to Be Digested ’
“ Ihe fọrọ nke nta ka ọ bụrụ otu onye n’ime ndị Canada ise kwuru na ha na - enwe nnọọ nchekasị nke na ha echewo echiche igbu onwe ha iji nwere onwe ha pụọ ná nrụgide ahụ , ” ka akwụkwọ akụkọ bụ́ The Globe and Mail na - akọ .
“ Almost one in five Canadians say they are so stressed that they have considered committing suicide to relieve the pressure , ” reports The Globe and Mail .
Ma hà nwere nkwarụ ma ọ bụ na ha enweghị , ndị na - ewu Ụlọ Nzukọ Alaeze nke Ndịàmà Jehova gburugburu ụwa nwere mmụọ nke inye onwe ha n’afọ ofufo .
Disabled or not , the workers who participate in the construction of Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the world have a volunteer spirit .
Cheta onye ị bụ .
Think about your identity .
Ndị nne na nna , na - akụzirinụ ụmụ unu ka ha na - akwanyere ndị ọzọ ùgwù
Parents , teach your children to show respect
Ha chere na ọ bụ chi nwanyị ndị a na - ejighị n’aka na - ekpebi ọdịnihu mmadụ ọ bụla .
They felt that the destiny of every person was decided by capricious goddesses .
Na Russia , a kọrọ na ego a na - enweta n’ụzọ iwu na - akwadoghị mejupụtara ihe ruru pasent 50 nke ngụkọta ego nile e nwere .
In Russia illegal income is reported to be up to 50 percent of the total .
Bible na - enye ihe ọmụma ndị e dekọrọ n’usoro ha ji mee bụ́ ndị na - eme ka e nwee ike iji nlezianya gụrụ oge laa azụ ruo ná mmalite akụkọ ihe mere eme nke mmadụ .
The Bible provides chronological information that allows for a careful count back to the beginning of human history .
Emswiler kwuru , sị : “ Nne ma ọ bụ nna nwere ike ite okwu ya mmanụ mgbe ọ na - agwa nwa ya na mmadụ nwụrụ , ma ime otú ahụ nwere ike ime ka nwatakịrị ahụ ghọta ihe na - adịbughị ya n’obi nke nwere ike ịtụwa ya ụjọ ma ọ bụ nyewe ya nsogbu . ”
Emswiler , “ but by doing so , she may plant ideas in his head that weren’t there before and that may be frightening or harmful . ”
Igosi nchebara echiche pụrụ inye aka na nke a .
Showing a caring attitude may help in this .
Dị ka ihe atụ , Fineas mere ihe ngwa ngwa iji kwụsị ihe otiti nke gburu ọtụtụ iri puku ụmụ Israel , Devid gbakwara ndị ikom ya agụụ na - agụgbu ume iso ya rie achịcha nke ihu Chineke bụ́ nke dị “ n’ụlọ Chineke . ”
For example , Phinehas took quick action to halt a scourge that killed tens of thousands of Israelites , and David encouraged his famished men to join him in eating the showbread in “ the house of God . ”
N’ihi gịnị ka o ji kachasịa mma ka ndị nne na nna na - amụrụ ụmụ ha ihe n’onwe ha ?
Why is it best that parents themselves study with their children ?
Ọ ka nwekwara ike inyere gị aka ka gị na ndị mụrụ gị dịkwuo ná mma — ma ọ bụdị mee ka gị na papa gị ma ọ bụ mama gị ị na - amachaghị dịwakwuo ná mma .
The same principles can help you reconnect with your parents ​ — or even connect with a parent you never really knew .
Onye na - egosi obiọma sitere n’ịhụnanya n’ebe ụmụ mmadụ ibe ya nọ na - eji omume si ya n’obi bụ́ nke o bu n’obi iji gboo mkpa bara uru eme ya .
A person who shows loving - kindness to fellow humans does so by voluntary deeds intended to fill a crucial need .
Ọ bụ ezie na Akwụkwọ Nsọ na - egosi n’ụzọ doro anya na nkwere Chineke kweere ka ndị ajọ omume dịrị bụ nke a kpaara ókè , olee otú anyị pụrụ isi jide n’aka na ihe ọjọọ agaghị apụtaghachi ma e wepụhaala ya ?
Although the Scriptures clearly show that God’s toleration of the wicked has its limits , how can we be sure that evil , once eliminated , will not recur ?
Ọ bụghị nanị na oge ehihie anyị adịkwuola ogologo kama ihe dị iche iche n’onwe ha yiri ka hà na - agakwu ọsọ ọsọ ná ndụ — nke nkà na ụzụ mekwara ka ọ dị mfe karị .
Not only have our days become longer but life itself seems to move faster — once again facilitated by technology .
Anyị ga - ahụ ihe mere ịgba ibe anyị ume ji dị mkpa n’oge a karịa mgbe ọ bụla ọzọ .
We will see why it is more urgent than ever to give encouragement to one another .
Ajụrụ m ụfọdụ ndị ụkọchukwu anyị ajụjụ ndị ahụ .
I put those questions to some priests I met .