P: Yeah, actually, I'll either do some running or cycling, probably three or four days per week and I haven't had any chest pain or or problems exercising.
D: OK, that's good to hear. And have you ever had problems with heartburn?
P: Uh. I don't think so, no.
D: OK. OK, so just to kind of summarize what we've talked about, over the last two weeks, you started having these 20 to 30 minute episodes of chest pain that's on the left side, it feels more sharp, is that correct?
P: Yeah.
D: And it's kind of constant when it comes on, there's nothing really that makes it better or worse, it just kind of goes away on its own after half an hour or so, it has kind of stayed the same over over the last two weeks, hasn't really gotten worse or better, it hasn't gone away either?
P: Right, yeah exactly.
D: You never had anything like that before and you have been, it sounds like experiencing some stress in your life, it definitely can play into that as well. OK, is there anything else that you wanted to to tell me about that I didn't ask you today?
P: Uh, no, I think that's um, yeah, I think that's all that I wanted to talk about today.
D: OK, so what I'm going to do is bring all this information to your family doctor and we can come back together and talk to you about the next steps.
P: Awesome, thank you.
D: Thanks for coming in.
P: Hey Doc, I'm a 45 year old man coming in, I'm worried there's a little old rash on my leg that I'm getting nervous about.
D: Hi, so you I understand you have a rash on your leg.
P: I don't really know what I would call it. That's what I told the nurse when I came in, but it more hurts than anything.
D: OK, uh, how long is this been going on for?
P: Ah, it's been it's been looking weird for about a week, but only yes, it started hurting yesterday and started looking strange and I just wanted to come in to get it checked out.
D: OK when you say it's looking strange, can you tell me what you mean by that?
P: Swollen, it looks bigger than it did before, and meaner, if that makes sense.
D: Swollen OK, is it red?
P: Yeah, it's red, it's turning more red, kind of in the area around it. I've got these I got these scabs. I've got diabetes and I'm not exactly the best with it and scratching at it, and normally it's not that bad, but this is just strange looking and there's no other word for it.
D: OK, have you ever had anything like this before? I guess you kinda just said that you didn't, but I'll just double check.
P: No no. Well I've had, I have occasional ulcers and sometimes I have banged my toe when I'm not exactly the best taking care of my feet, but this is the first time I've gotten something that I don't know, I've just never seen it before.
D: Do you have any ulcers right now?
P: Let me see. I think so, when's the last time I saw the family doc? I think I've got an ulcer on my left heel, but I think it's doing alright.
D: OK, and what leg are you having this problem with?
P: Right now it's on my right, so my ankle.
D: OK, how have your sugars been controlled recently?
P: I stopped measuring them. Yeah, last time I measured it was pretty bad. I think my A1C last time was like 9 something. I'm trying, I'm trying better to be with it. It's hard with work you know?
D: For sure, I can imagine so, in general, even if you don't know your numbers for your sugars, have you felt worse than usual lately? Have you felt rundown at all?
P: Yeah, actually I have gained more, feel hungry, sometimes just tired, but it's hard to tell. There's an awful lot going on in my life right now with the kids, but, It's hard to tell I think. Yeah, I need to see my family doc.
D: OK. Definitely you know a good a good idea moving forward just to make sure you get on top of these things, but I'm glad you came in today so we can, you know, have a better look at you and make sure that there's nothing super concerning going on. So in addition to this, have you had any other new symptoms?
P: Symptoms? Um, I feel a little hot actually. When the swelling started it's it also started leaking this like white stuff from one of the one of what used to be a scab so now like kind of an open wound now.
D: OK, OK so when did you start feeling hot?
P: Honestly, last 12 hours.
D: OK, you take your temperature at all?
P: No, I don't have a thermometer at home.
D: Have you had any difficulty breathing?
P: No no.
D: Any chest pain?
P: No.
D: Have you noticed that your left, sorry, your right leg feels any hotter than the left?
P: Yeah, yeah it does. Actually changing socks the other day, yeah.
D: Right. Say, have you alone have you felt ill recently? Have you been sick at all?
P: Aside from just feeling overall crummy last couple weeks, no don't really, less energy today, but I was up last night thinking about this and yeah wanted to come in and talk.
D: OK yeah, you did the right thing. I'm glad that you're in today. Is the pain on your legs worse when you touch it?
P: Yeah, maybe not so much when I touch it. When I walk with it and I start flexing it it, it doesn't like that.
D: OK, uhm.
P: Just resting it right now, it feels fine.
D: It's OK, OK. OK, well I'm going to if I think of any more questions specifically about your leg I will, I'll go back to it, but I'm going to just move on and ask you questions about your overall health. You've already shared with me that you you are diabetic. Do you have any other chronic conditions that you live with?
P: Chronic condition? I see the family doc about cholesterol. I'm on a pill for that. Uhm, I had asthma as a kid, not too much of an issue now. And my back, I've had back pain for the last 10 years, but all I really take for it is Tylenol Advil for that.