D: OK, and you removed that twit tick once you found it, you presented to me, have you checked your body for any other possible bites?
P: Oh yeah, I looked around and I looked at my husband too 'cause we we were just a little bit, you know, gave us a little bit of a scare, but no, there's been nothing else.
D: That's good. And did you bring a pet with you at all when you were hiking and gardening?
P: Uh no, I didn't, no.
D: OK, good. Any other family members you think might have been exposed?
P: Uh no it was just uh me and my husband.
D: OK, and what geographic area were you in um when you were hiking?
P: We were uh in Strathroy along the creek.
D: OK. I can do, if I remember there's a Lyme disease distribution map for Ontario and we can see exactly how that lines up to see if we should be a little bit concerned or not. Looks like Strathroy is close enough to be considered a little bit of a concerning point, so I think that we will be moving forward with antibiotics, but of course we'll be talking to the physician who'll be having a look at you as well. So it sounds like you haven't been having too much symptoms aside from you've noticed this tick, the skin around it is fairly sore and you've had this in the past, but you were treated with antibiotics in the past and since then you haven't had too many health problems after that?
P: No, no. I've been pretty healthy.
D: OK, and just about your health right now, is there anything that you see the family physician or doctor for in general and regarding your health?
P: Uh just for my cholesterol.
D: OK, are you taking and medications for that?
P: Uh Yeah, I take a uh statin, can't remember which one.
D: OK, got it. And do you have any allergies?
P: Uh no.
D: So no drug allergies?
P: No.
D: OK, now we've already talked about other exposures, so it doesn't sound like anyone else in your family or any pets are around, so it's unlikely that you have ticks coming in and you said you might have gotten this from gardening, but um you're hoping that your area doesn't have ticks. Maybe just take a look, ticks like to live in long grass, kind of on the intersection between woods and fields to see if there's any hovering around that kind of make a waving motion with their legs and they're sometimes easy to spot, you might wanna get some insecticide out there. But it sounds like this is fairly recent, unfortunately just for the length of time this tick might be on you for, it's probably safer than not to start you on some medications, but I'm going to go talk to the doctor after we do a quick physical exam, and we might also send the tick off to a local laboratory so they can identify the species for it definitively, as well as might just send some blood work just to see if there's any titres or any serology that would make us a little bit more concerned for Lyme disease. But aside from that you've been feeling well otherwise?
P: Yeah, totally fine. It was just a little tender there and that's the only reason I looked.
D: OK. So no headaches?
P: No.
D: Nothing like that?
P: Nothing like that.
D: OK, excellent, alright. I'm fairly happy with what we talked about today. Do you have any questions for me Jean?
P: No, this is pretty well what I expected today, so thanks for helping me out.
D: No problem. OK, I'll go talk to the doctor, we'll come back and talk to you, OK?
P: Great, thanks.
D: Thanks Jean.