P: Um, I would say a couple of times a month.
D: A couple of times a month, OK. Alright, and for how long have you been using crystal meth?
P: Uh for the last seven years.
D: Seven years, OK.
D: What brings you in here today?
P: Yeah, I've just been feeling breathless and it's getting worse. So I wanted to check it out.
D: OK, and when did you first start feeling breathless?
P: About two months ago.
D: OK, and did it come on about like gradually through time or suddenly just happened?
P: I guess gradually, yeah.
D: OK. And, do you feel, uh, how often do you feel breathless?
P: I'd say it's worse when I when I walk more than 50 meters. That's kind of the main like that's kind of the main trigger, just exertion.
D: OK, and were you able to walk normally more than 50 meters before two months?
P: Yeah, three months ago I was fine.
D: OK. And do you have any other symptoms like cough or chest pain?
P: I have a cough sometimes, yeah.
D: OK, but nothing like constant?
P: No.
D: OK, and do you have any wet cough or any productive cough or are you producing like sputum or phlegm?
P: Yeah, I guess I'd say I have this frothy sputum.
D: OK, and has your breathlessness been getting any worse at all over the last two months?
P: I would say so, yes.
D: OK, and you mentioned like exertion makes it worse, but anything else like going outside or exposure to any chemicals that makes it worse?
P: Uh, I don't think so.
D: OK, and how about a positional changes? Does lying flat at all make it worse?
P: I would say so, yes. Yeah, I'm basically gasping for air when I lay down.
D: OK, and do you ever find yourself waking up at night in the middle of the night to catch your breath?
P: No.
D: No, OK. And when do you feel the breathlessness the most? Is it more so during the day or at night?
P: I guess it's worse at night because I'm laying down.
D: OK. Great and, in terms of how many flights of stairs you can climb before you start feeling breathless, do you have a number?
P: I would say like 3/4.
D: Three or four steps, OK. And was there anything new that happened in your life recently? Any new medical diagnosis recently? Or any travel that happened before you started having these symptoms?
P: No, nothing like that.
D: OK, and prior to two months, have you ever had any similar experiences?
P: Prior to 2 months? No.
D: OK. And, does anything make it better? Like any positional changes makes the breathlessness go away?
P: I guess when I I'm not laying down or when I'm laying down, I try to add pillows, stack pillows so that it gets better.
D: OK, and are you having any other symptoms like sore throat, runny nose, chest pain, dizziness, anything like that?
P: No.
D: OK. Have you recently traveled outside of the country?
P: No.
D: Have you recently had any surgeries?
P: No recent surgeries, no.
D: OK, any headache nausea or vomiting?
P: Um, no.
D: OK, any fevers or chills or night sweats.
P: No.
D: OK. Do you feel increasingly fatigued throughout the day?
P: Uh, I would say so, yeah.