Reddit Comment: As long as Mecca is run by Saudis they'll be influential, besides Iran is almost universally unpopular in the ME. There are a lot of countries that still support some form U.S. hegemony and that won't change as long as Iran continues to be a belligerent force for extremism.
Reddit Comment: But I was raised to be a responsible gun owner and until we can pass common-sense gun laws, I just don’t feel responsible in owning a gun.
Salon has some really idiotic people writing for it, and they come up with some incredibly boneheaded lines. This, however, is even beyond anything that a normal person would say. But I'm glad he got rid of his weapons. We don't need any more soft headed idiotic douchebags with firearms. We now have one fewer.
Reddit Comment: I stand corrected.
Reddit Comment: “Bill Clinton is the smartest politician alive in America and probably the smartest politician since Franklin Roosevelt,” Dean said.
Bill Clinton didn't even crack 45% of the popular vote when he got elected. He is a schmuck who was in the right place at the right time.
Reddit Comment: Reason I like Bennet is because he actually does what he says.
I agree, he's doing what we pay him to do.
Reddit Comment: Party is too right, therefore I will passively or actively support the party even further to the right. Makes sense.
Reddit Comment: Not to US levels, except for maybe Greece, where most unemployed people simply receive nothing. In Germany homelessness made a comeback when not paying any welfare became an option. Before we had a garanteed minimum standard of living.
Reddit Comment: Remindme! 313 days "/u/jHQ8k said Trump would not win"
Don't delete your account.
Reddit Comment: Can't wait for the day to come when this sub becomes readable again.
Reddit Comment: Messaging you on [**2016-11-09 00:05:04 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2016-11-09 00:05:04 UTC To Local Time) to remind you of [**this.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/3yw26e/obama_vowed_no_vacations_his_astronomical/cyhtrb3)
[**CLICK THIS LINK**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&amp;subject=Reminder&amp;message=[https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/3yw26e/obama_vowed_no_vacations_his_astronomical/cyhtrb3]%0A%0ARemindMe! 313 days ) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam.
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Reddit Comment: There's evidence suggesting Syrian rebels used chemical weapons, not Assad.
Reddit Comment: Phonebank and Blood Sacrifices are what I can think of off top my head. Especially Blood Sacrifice!
Reddit Comment: NJ reporting in for duty. Salute!
Reddit Comment: LOL I'm pretty sure that fuckface is a plant by bloomshit or beezy, either way don't let the door hit you on the way out rat.
Reddit Comment: He's probably a teemo main.
Reddit Comment: A big part of it is awareness i think. I just discovered them last year, i wouldve considered voting for them if there was a candidate in my riding.
Reddit Comment: That doesn't alter the underlying cost metrics at all. It's merely shifting to another funding mechanism.
Reddit Comment: [removed]
Reddit Comment: Oh, I get it. We only give Obama credit for when BAD things happen on his watch. My bad. Fucking idiot.
Reddit Comment: [removed]