Thank you! Happy New Year!
Reddit Comment: Is the USA capitalist?
Reddit Comment: The incoherence suggests an intellect that meant it seriously, but it could also be parody done by someone who is just confused. Hmmm. Still not clear.
Reddit Comment: When they decide to repeat a lie they are very consistent
You have to admire that consistency and how effective it is at making a large group of people accept things as fact
(Welfare queens, Benghazi, climate change is a hoax, death panels, Obamaphones, etc)
Reddit Comment: For a more historical example Harlan County, Kentucky was once considered a socialist breeding ground because of union activity and the constant battles with company thugs etc.
There are still quite a few mining towns where the old solidarity politics have a fair bit of sway.
Reddit Comment: The usual hogwash from a bottom-feeder source.
Don't believe their lies.
Reddit Comment: If the workers are getting the profits and are liable to the losses, then they are just shareholders, it's no different than capitalism. What you are arguing for is a model that already exists in many companies.
Under capitalism, such a system wouldn't be communist, it would be petit-bourgeoisie, because it relies on capitalism.
how is the production going to expand with all the capital going to workers and none going to growth?
All of the capital is going to the proletariat *as a whole*, some capital is of course going to growth, but that is still going to the proletariat since they own the means of production.
My argument from 3 comments ago still stands and you failed to even acknowledge it properly.
The workers are paid in capital, and I'm sure they can have it.
Using the Marxist definition of Capital, they're not.
On top of that if you really know your business you can look for investors and start with no capital at all.
[That is very unlikely to happen.](http://www.brookings.edu/research/reports/2013/06/13-facts-higher-education)
Monopolies will not form due to competition.
See De Beers, Microsoft, Standard Oil, AT&amp;T, Western Union, and the [US banking industry](https://i.imgur.com/hTnfTkG.jpg)
Not true. Another Marxist fantasy. No matter the size, the business has to pay the same price for.
In fact, reality is the exact opposite. Larger companies grow too many liabilities and have much lower profit margins. Just look at Walmart, Walmart makes 3 cents of profit for every dollar sold, if you can set up a business with a profit margin larger than 3% you are outdoing Walmart.
Simply having a larger profit margin isn't 'outdoing' Walmart.
The larger the business the more difficult it is to maintain and harness profit.
8 out of 10 small businesses fail. Something tells me that rate doesn't go up the larger a business gets.
Well, I believe in you, people would be struggling to get food and would have no spare time to provide a new good or service to society.
How do you come to that conclusion?
Well, firstly, that sounds immoral. Why does everyone has to pay for the fuck ups of a few?
Because humans are fundamentally social creatures, and [it's beneficial to our survival as a species?](http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/09/study-generosity-is-more-evolutionarily-advantageous-than-selfishness/279336/)
Secondly, that would create such an absurd moral hazard and a mass destruction of wealth that I can't even begin to describe it.
[It seems to be working in healthcare.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitalismFacts/comments/3f4tzn/medical_errors_now_a_leading_cause_of_death_in/)
Reddit Comment: Thanks, I donated $10 and didn't see it go up, I guess it takes a while
Reddit Comment: -amawesome1
Reddit Comment: [removed]
Reddit Comment: Then spend more time there, eventually you will learn that we can't shout diversity while our people are getting stabbed in the streets.
For years and years *we* were the ones who always began negotiations for peace treaties, look how it is now. We always were the first to concede land and remove settlements, thinking that the Arabs would follow steps and do the same, instead rockets are falling on our people.
The key for a peace treaty is to have the enemy do something as well, there's a reason why we have peace with Jordan and kinda cold peace with the Egyptians, because both sides cooperated for the treaty, name me one recent Palestinian move towards a peace negotiation, compared to all of ours.