User: Ik leerde op de kleuterschool al dat wie vraagt wordt overgeslagen....
Reddit Comment: Maar wie zwijgen lopen de kans niets te krijgen!
User: my interview on rocket launcher
Reddit Comment: r/tf2shitposterclub
User: Impressive Ultron Cosplay for Avengers: Age of Ultron
Reddit Comment: I would love if they all spoke in turn and switched their LEDs from blue to red and back again.
User: Yeah, I don't think I have ever noticed any chalk marks.
Reddit Comment: I imagine they are small marks and if you weren't looking for them wouldn't see them.
User: Do you not have humor receptacles? I was clearly poking fun at myself for misreading it. Go find something worthwhile to protest.
Reddit Comment: t_d shitposter please go
User: Funtime Triangle (3D Model)
User: I dunno, doesnt make any sense to me really. If an advertizer wanted to relate/connect motorcycling with the image of "freedom" I wouldn't pick a dude standing on the seat of a sportbike... I'd say something more like a quick 7-8 second montage of a man at a cubicle getting yelled at in slow motion by his boss, stacks of papers all around him, cut to slow motion of him at home and his wife in an apron holding a newborn baby shaking her head in disaproval at him (slo-mo again of course) Cut to him standing in a downtown city at dusk in the rain hanging his head looking depressed, and as he looks over at a window, there's a motorcycle in the shop and it's a new bike- he's next to a dealership and the rain stops- last shot is a close up of him riding that new bike and smiling. Freedom. Or something like that.. But I guess thats just a motorcycle ad... Not sure how to attach a phone to it.
Reddit Comment: congratulations now everyone sees your motorcycle as a motorcycle for midlifing losers
User: Sir, we're closed... Tonight, at 10pm, my store closed. I cashed out my last customer. As I handed her the receipt, another guy walks in, past the automatic doors that were put on halfway open to accommodate my last customer. My shift lead is standing by the doors, keys in hand. "Sir," my shift lead calls after him, "it's 10 o clock, we are closed." "Oh, I know, I'll only be a sec!" Guy keeps walking back towards the pet stuff. My shift lead lets my last customer out, and stands by the doors, and I can see she's fuming. Here comes Special Guy. "See! I was only a second! Haha!" Special Guy literally puffs out his chest with pride. I ring up his 15 big cans of dog food, and bag them in his gross smelling bag. I tell him his total, he pays, and he's watching both of us, and we are less than thrilled with him. "Geez, ladies, lighten up! I was only a second!" My shift lead shakes her head. "Yes, but you're cutting into our closing ops, and yes, 5 minutes DOES make a difference." She unlocks the doors to let him out, bidding him adieu. And his parting words to us? "I was only a second though! Good night!" Good lord, dude. We are open 14 hours; you had all damn day! Also, before my head gets bitten off, I'm aware some people work doubles or long shifts; I am one of them (my other job). But there is a grocery store open until midnight, and the mini mart open until 11pm that can see you through. Sorry, just...argh!!!!!
Reddit Comment: Customers never respect stores closing It is always about what they want Most have no clue how that second can totally throw off a closing shift and they really don't care :/
User: I think the tories are going to deliberately push it over.
Reddit Comment: i can't believe they'd do it.
User: 'White Lives Matter' Held Its First March In The UK Today.
Reddit Comment: How about a No Lives Matter, for the incurably misanthropic?
User: To make predators think they're poisonous?
Reddit Comment: Exactly, no reason whatsoever.
User: This would mean that Zoolander was actually a subversive warning :O
Reddit Comment: So was Metal Gear.
User: Teddy Ruxpin, the iconic talking teddy bear from the 1980s, is back
Reddit Comment: Let me guess, in the modern times of social justice, he's now black, gay and a midget.
User: 'Remember, remember, the thirteenth of November' -dcpp4
Reddit Comment: The Beat grandfinals and throws
User: You're the only one
Reddit Comment: Hard to convey sarcasm over the Internet
User: So the truth reported about a certain news network is not relevant?
Reddit Comment: A clip of two people yellign at each other is not only a waste of memory, it's a waste of my time, bandwidth, and the attention of anyone coming to this sub to see a reasonable article / source.
User: What should you do every day?
Reddit Comment: Smoke weed