Reddit Comment: Dope i should google tbh but I'm hapf studying half redditing and I don't want to go down the wiki path of distraction.
User: So George soros
Reddit Comment: That would be my guess since he funds these types of campaigns in the first place.
User: Because OP really wants their whiny opinion to be taken more seriously and respectably than it actually is.
Reddit Comment: They gave us 71 free packs, that's not an opinion, it's a fact
User: I dropped her flowers and ran
Reddit Comment: Went to pay respects, girlfriend became zombie.
User: dyslexia is a bicth
Reddit Comment: I keep saying we need to better our inner-city schools.
User: I honestly really hope that Sweetz is /not/ in fact hinting at Burial's future 'avant-garde` sound
Reddit Comment: Yeah, me too...I didn't enjoy it much, although I do enjoy them seperately
User: None of this matters if Trump wins Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan.
Reddit Comment: If a frog had wings it wouldn't bump his ass when he hops
User: "Agreed. I think what's the issue for me is that there are people out there theory-crafting this whole thing away, as if I don't have better things to do with my time but to make stuff up - and blatantly lie - for the hell of it." - Derek Smart, re: 2.6 and Star Marine.
Reddit Comment: Oh the irony...
User: skippity bop
Reddit Comment: ty papa bless
User: Still, I say statistics would be more convincing than your anecdote.
Reddit Comment: But what if those statistics get hidden due to process?
User: You as everyone else are MISSING THE ENTIRE POINT. The point is we can make these decisions without the VIOLENCE that government bring to the table. The free market is responsible for **far** more safety equipment than government. Cheers!
Reddit Comment: I remember reading all of those stories in the news about riot police marching into the Volvo head offices with truncheons and beating the designers until they invented the seatbelt.
User: You are on the internet, you can watch everything somewhere.
Reddit Comment: can't watch it and get into heaven son, that's stealing :(
Reddit Comment: **KEK GUIDES US**
User: What's your favourite way to mess with people's heads online?
Reddit Comment: talk about my penis
User: How vaguely can you describe your life?
Reddit Comment: ~~I think, therefore~~ I am
User: What do you want in a partner?
Reddit Comment: Love and support.
User: People who spray shit all over the walls and ceilings in bathroom stalls, what's your secret?
Reddit Comment: dairy