----- ---224323706 repeated his claim that neither he "nor anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939", stated his reasons for his intention to commit suicide, and praised and expressed his thanks to the German people for their support and achievements. Also included in the first testament are statements detailing his claim that he tried to avoid war with other nations and attributes responsibility for it to "international Jewry and its helpers". He would not "forsake Berlin ... even though the forces were too small to hold out". Hitler expressed his intent to choose death rather than "fall into the hands of enemies" and the masses in need of "a spectacle arranged by Jews". ~continue the "sacrifice" and "struggle".
---224323789 Didn't France force their way into the war. ---224323855 >>224323706 >repeated his claim that neither he "nor anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939" Why did he invade Poland then? ---224323957 >>224323706 >I wonder what Adolf was up to last night? ---224324038 >>224323855 To fuckin unite the german people, he only wanted that, and the jew feared that asfuck. will you believe the jew history books, search the official documents and conclude yourself ---224324094 >>224323706 Basically Germany got ganged up on and forced into a war by France, America, Britain and Russia for standing up for itself and telling these Jew ridden enemies to fuck off. ---224324142 >>224324038 >H-he was a good boy, he dindu nuffin! You sound like the niggers justifying robbery and murder to feed their families. ---224324259 >>224324142 do you really believe in holohoax? hitler only deported jews, nothing more. ---224324287 >>224324038 >To fuckin unite the german people, he only wanted that, and the jew feared that asfuck. Hitler invaded Poland under the stated reason of Polish mistreatment/massacres native Germans within their borders. While this did occur, "Operation Himmler" was specifically used by Germany to invade Poland by surprise without declaring war. This was a literal false flag to plant German bodies in Poland and claim that Polish troops did the killings. ---224324320 >>224324142 it makes far more sense, but if you prefer believing that all german people in that time where crazy and hitler a maniac, them you can have your way. ---224324356 >>224324287 But Poland was always a meme country and a Jew haven and now it's the China of Europe. ---224324423 >>224324320 Hitler was not insane or crazy, but he had reasons for doing the shit he did. That fact does not excuse any of the actions of the SS throughout the war, nor does it suddenly mean that the Nazis were unwilling participants in a global war which they continued to expand against the advice of their army leaders and strategists. ---224324446 >>224324142 > MUH HE DINDU NUFFIN It's called bloody Sunday, Polish people were killing ethnic Germans. Poland was given stolen land that the Germans took back. ---224324612 >>224324320 Isn't what they are doing right now (flooding Europa with rapefuges) just that, crazy? ---224324830 >>224323706 >I'm not taking the easy way out you guys I'm being brave LOL!!!!!!
----- ---224315622 What are /pol/'s thoughts on antinatalism and voluntary human extinction?
---224315766 >>224315622 We should push antinatalism to jews, niggers and sandniggers. ---224315771 faggotry ---224316474 >>224315622 I'm yet to see a compelling argument that non existence is better than existence, beyond "muh suffering" and "muh old age". The people who push this kind of nonsense are the types who are incapable of taking the bad with the good. If something isn't smooth sailing the entire way through, it's too much for them. They are weak, basically. And you should never follow the ideas of weak people. ---224316704 >>224315622 If anti-natalists thing so poorly of humanity, why don't they just commit suicide? ---224316996 >>224316704 >thing so poorly of humanity, Most of them don't actually think poorly of humanity, or at least they don't say they do. It's the opposite really. Their argument is that when you weigh up the positives and negatives of the human life experience, it's better to have not lived at all, because all the horrible things that will inevitably happen to you throughout your life, especially as you enter old age, outweigh any positives. Schopenhauer had similar opinions about humanity and life, I'm not sure if he ever went so far as to say that humanity should become extinct though. ---224317160 >>224316996 That's not because some fags have a shitty life that life itself isn't worth it. ---224317189 >>224316704 the idea is to cause less suffering. Killing myself would cause suffering to my family and friends while leaving me unable to spread the ideology of antinatalism. ---224317363 >>224315622 Antinatalism is a necessity. The less we are on earth the better we can live. It means less people to feed, less energy needs, less environmental impact, thus more possibilities to plan at long term. Vhemt on the other end is stupid. It's our duty as an intelligent specie to spread our eukaryotic terrestrial life in space, to preserve it from extinction. To do this we must reduce global human population to 4 billions within the next century. ---224317459 Let's suppose living is worse than not living at all. Let's suppose all the nice people selflessly decide to stop having children. Did they solve anything or did they make things worse? ---224317490 This >>224316474 And this >>224317363 ---224317498 >>224317363 Yes. And why don't you start know ?? Kill 5 billion people and then kill yourself for the sake of humanity. Don't worry, I will remember your sacrifice francophone fellow. ---224317533 >>224315622 Antinatalism is good thing. Fuck humans especially insects breeding droids like gooks, poos and niggers ---224317545 >>224315622 I think there are too many people having children that shouldn’t have children. Put a limit on it like China. There would be exceptions for rich people. ---224317600 >>224315622 >Yes white freinds stop having kids. ---224317606 >>224315622 I'll pay more attention when they tell this to people that aren't white. ---224317619 >>224317189 Not having children will also cause suffering to your family as they see their heritage die with you. By procreating you allow for the opportunity that suffering in the future can be reduced whilst happiness is increased. Antinatalism is a death cult. ---224317627 cringe 15 year old horseshit ---224317636 >>224317600 >let’s breed like a fucking nigger without brain ---224317690 >>224317636 Because white populations are just soaring? ---224317701 >>224317636 >Ensuring the survival of your genes by having at least three kids is breeding like a nigger ---224317729 >>224317498 I said before the end of the century, not right now. The biggest problem is the African demographic bubble, and the stabilization of Asian population at problematic limits. We must push for regulations of childbirth at a global level. ---224317773 >>224317636 All of history's great men who had loads of children were niggers? ---224317806 >>224315622 I think you should lead by example and stsrt with yourself ---224317847 >>224316474 Well I mean, non existence doesn't have any jews or blacks. So there's that. ---224317854 >>224317690 >>224317701 Your incel genes are worthless as average nigger genes, stop with your breeding bullshit ---224317865 >>224317363 >The less we are on earth the better we can live. It means less people to feed, less energy needs, less environmental impact, thus more possibilities to plan at long term. Wrong, bigger populations specialize more, bringing economic efficiency and technology advances which outweight the "lack" of resources. Malthusianism is a old meme. ---224317895 >>224315622 Antinatalists do make some solid philosophilcal points, but they should just off themselves if they find life unacceptable . Why encouarge orhters to join? Mayhap there are some hidden (((reasons))) behind this? ---224317970 >>224315622 What's the point at rushing human extinction. It's inescapable. ---224318038 >>224315622 Nothing that hasn't been said elsewhere. ---224318064 >>224317854 you're 15 years old. ---224318109 >>224318064 Nice ad hominem you fucking potato nigger ---224318125 >>224315622 I think it is great. Everyone except my bloodline should practice it. ---224318267 Self-hating leftoid retards, there's really not much to say on the topic, if you follow this ideology off yourself already and rid us of the burden of your existence. ---224318272 >>224317363 >less people to feed fewer >less energy needs fewer ---224318313 >>224317865 malthusianism was never disproved, we just live in fat imperialist societies while most live in abject poverty. At the same time, those in extreme poverty are kept alive by our charities. This is unsustainable and it's also immoral. ---224318316 >>224315622 >willingly ending the bloodline of your ancestors ---224318367 >>224318316 It's the ultimate troll move when you really think about it. ---224318421 >>224315622 Stop posting on pol zeke ---224318559 >>224318367 It's not really a troll move if you think about it carefully. If you look deep enough, "the blood of your ancestors" runs in all people and in bananas too (around 80% shared DNA), so for life and humanity it's cosmically irrelevant whether you breed or not. ---224318590 >>224315622 >endless cycle of suffering can't relate, to be honest I think this ideology is largely based on projection of intellectualized depression the other type simply realized that no one would really like to have a baby with them and use antinatalism as an edgy cope ---224318602 >>224315622 >What are /pol/'s thoughts on antinatalism and voluntary human extinction? Anyone who actually believed this would just kill themselves and not care about what happens after that because it's not their problem anymore. The complete lack of moral or intellectual honesty, coupled with the fact that it is EXCLUSIVELY aimed at white people, makes this bullshit more Jewish than blood libel matzo at passover. Jews and their shabbos goyim deliberately overpopulate the planet by selling the industry of the west to bugmen and diverting trillions in food and medical care into the bellies and wombs of niggers, and then once we reach unsustainable population levels, suddenly the moral and obvious solution is for white people to kill themselves off for the good of everyone else. They pretend it's a kool-aid for everyone, sure. But they only ever shake the cup under white people's noses. Here's a better idea. The Holocaust did not happen, but it should have and it will. Gas the kikes, race war now. Cut off the third world and embargo the second. Let them eat each other if they need food so badly. It is not a behavior that is foreign to any of them. ---224318603 >>224318109 You're a cringe debate club 15 year old. Did you think I thought I was making an argument? Retard. ---224318615 >>224315622 Pussy ass ideology that sees suffering as a bad thing. Suffering is the only thing capable of making someone strong. Without it we are weak. ---224318617 >>224318559 >cosmically irrelevant >Whatever he does must be "cosmically relevant" to be pursued The grandiosity, holy shit. Not a rationalization at ll... ---224318629 >>224318559 retard ---224318643 >>224316704 Because they have a non-violent approach. Like radical vegans don't want to kill carnivore species they want to sterilize them so all species that remain are vegetarian. If they don't push their ideology bringing new members to their lines I'd say it's just natural selection sorting itself out (in the case of the anti-natalists, not the vegans). ---224318660 >>224318559 Yea but it's the 20% of DNA that's different that's actually important. That's the secret. ---224318716 >>224318615 This / thread ---224318741 >>224318313 >those in extreme poverty are kept in poverty by our charities Fify. Nobody can compete with free food and free stuff, that's the reason why permanently 'aided' countries aren't productive. It also reinforces malthusianism thought because their population growth isn't a natural consecuence of economy (perfectly sustainable) but an artificially created one. ---224318800 >>224318603 >he can’t debate and low IQ ok. I understand ---224318844 >>224315622 A bit too jewish for my taste ---224318864 >>224317363 Why don’t we just nuke Africa? ---224318904 >>224316704 Because they don't actually care about what they pretend to give a shit about. It's just a behavioural sink caused by out of control status, virtue, fitness, etc signalling. It's basically another manifestation of le peak 2329IQ enlightened centrist rationalist meme, caused by people making decisions on the basis of what they think will get them perceived by others as intelligent rather than what they actually think is intelligent. ---224318953 >>224318615 Based burger ---224319002 >>224318125 Fucking korean get out of here we should have raped you all out of existence when we had the chance ---224319014 Its completely based, only brainlets are against it ---224319286 >>224318864 As a Japanese you must know nukes aren't the best way to do right ? ---224319316 >>224317854 Even the average incel has a higher IQ than the average nigger. Have fun trying to convince niggers not to think about anything other than base pleasures for longer than 2 minutes. Enjoy your net loss to humanity and ensuring more suffering by letting literal retard-tier IQ humans inherit the planet. ---224319335 >>224315622 Problem is, low IQ people will never buy it. Only depressed high IQs are anti-natal. Thus it is dysgenic and will never reach it's goals either. The true blackpill is that Humanity is a genetically engineered abomination created by the Archons or Pseudo-Creators. Only when our souls are freed from these tortured bodies can we know true happiness in the Resurrection. ---224319407 >>224319335 Then we force it on those low iq brainlets ---224319570 >>224319316 Niggers and incels are both subhuman groups Niggers - mentally (like 90% of them), but good physically (mostly) Incels - physically and mentally ---224319600 >>224319316 Low IQ people probably experience less suffering, at least on an intellectual and emotional level, since they are less sensitive and thoughtful than higher IQs. They are literally more dull. ---224319807 >>224319570 Incels are determined by modern female sexual preferences. Modern women think 80% of men are undesirable. Do you really think we should be building civilization around what women want? Isn't that why things are so bad now in the first place? ---224319982 >>224319807 People must consider the interests of both men and women and future children. Weak, stupid and ugly should not breed. ---224319987 >>224315766 FPBP ---224320010 >Antinatalism thread becomes an IQ circlejerk everytime ---224323897 Bump ---224324670 >>224315622 >What are /pol/'s thoughts on antinatalism and voluntary human extinction? Just like mgtow and other anti family anti-kids is complete bullshit.
----- ---224324098 The Decline of the West.. What went wrong? How do we fix it? >Yes, the skip is sinking.
---224324432 >>224324098 Rome was great because it was a city-state of stolid warrior farmers with family values. Every man focused on his own family and farm. Maybe salvation for the West lay in the family. ---224324587 >>224324098 The godfather of our movement, Jared Taylor, has two daughters. Neither one of them would ever mate with a nigger, even though he leaves the choice up to them. He discovered the way to keep his daughters from a coalburner's fate. Maybe you should ask him about this. ---224325071 >>224324098 This is your fate huwhite boy...
----- ---224310716 Are ankle monitors really a sensible measure? Wouldn’t a radioactive tracer implant make more sense? Or just putting them in large camps in the middle of nowhere?
---224310771 Goddamn, we are officially the third world. ---224310843 >>224310716 Shoot on sight. Human rights are for people who are born into the country, who receive them upon arrival. ---224310883 >>224310771 Why not just build large camps in pic related? Put razor wire around it, but the illegals in it. Done. ---224310920 >>224310843 You cannot shoot immigrants. That is idiotic. You should murderers or rapists or tax cheats, not immigrants. ---224311435 >>224310920 >immigrants Do you call the syrians immigrants or undocumented house guests when they break into your house? Are they undocumented boyfriends when they fuck your wife? Of course we ought to shoot them, they are foreign invaders! ---224311572 >>224310716 >Are ankle monitors really a sensible measure? Deport the fuckers back to their shitholes. ---224312719 >>224310920 We do kill criminals. We're also adding illegal immigrants to the list. From a pragmatic standpoint, if they don't have a net contribution to society, then we don't let them in. No company in their right minds hires a net loss employee. A country shouldn't be much different. ---224313033 >>224310716 The NGO boats should be warded off with gunfire ---224313081 >>224310716 eww nasty feets ---224313179 >>224310716 Explosive collars that can't be removed and will detonate in 1 week unless they are verified to be in Mexico by a piece of hardware and software only issued to the US consulate gatehouse in Mexico ---224313387 >>224312719 Entrepreneur is a French word ---224313420 >>224313179 Probably could make a TV show out of it... oh wait, you did. ---224313478 why not just deport them on the spot ---224313546 >How to deal with illegal immigrants when they are in the country? Eradicate the government for allowing them to invade and forcing the tax payer to fund the entire goddamn mess ---224313734 >>224313478 Because you only deport 3% of your illegals. Doesn’t your media tell you the statistics? ---224313765 >>224310716 chips, somewhere deep where it's difficult to remove so when 40 yo nigger decides to throw his documents again and try to imigrate as 13yo youth again you just put him through screen and then catapult him back to poseidon ---224316401 >>224310716 Such ugly hooves, Jesus Christ. ---224316856 >>224310883 You seem to have a lot of experience with camps,hans. ---224316984 >>224310716 we deport them, we're not members of the schengen zone therefore we have to enforce hard borders ---224317031 >>224310920 >tax cheats you mean TAXPAYERS**** only support the government that supports you! God fucking damn it USA ---224317092 >>224310716 chemical castrations for all the males ---224317208 >>224317092 And snips for the females, take no chances. ---224317313 >>224313734 wtf happened in 08 ---224317318 >>224316401 is this OC? ---224317491 >>224317031 if you're a tax cheat you're larping as an immigrant, wtf are you talking about faggot ---224317567 >>224310716 Those feet are nasty. ---224317676 >>224310716 Those feet dont look very feminin ---224318188 >>224310716 >Wouldn’t a radioactive tracer implant make more sense? don't be stupid... any radioactive tracer that can be read from any distance that is farther away than "Right in front of the detector" is going to be putting off lethal doses. ---224318337 >>224316401 Nah, found somewhere on the internet. ---224318349 >>224317318 >>224318337 lol im retarded ---224318999 >>224312719 >rent-seekers ---224319007 >>224310716 first of all, those are definitely not bad feet and would probably look better after a pedicure. and secondly, my understanding is the government pays money to private prisons/organizations $700+/per detainee a day to house them. this is just another opportunity for private prisons to capitalize on the situation at pretty much everyone else's expense, while everyone blames the immigrants. ---224320081 >>224310716 Wtf is wrong with her toe nails. Disgusting. ---224321133 >>224310716 Removal should be the only priority along with a. system that insures they can never return again. Detainment until removal would be the only sensible measure. ---224321355 >>224318188 ok ---224323054 >>224310716 Put them in camps, provide well for them, if they are actual refugees legitimately trying to keep their children out of a warzone, keep them until the danger is over and then send them back. For the untold numbers who are just selfish economic migrant faggots who burn anything they have to ID them: give them an ultimatum "you tell us where you came from and we pay you and ship you back there, or you can keep your mouth shut, let us guess and you get dumped off with nothing." Of course this doesn't work without border control, Europe can learn a lot from Israel and America when it comes to this. Israel has no scruples when it comes to dealing with undesirables, also a lot to learn from the mistakes of US. The US actually did a pretty good job dealing with migrants back in the days of Eisenhower and operation wetback. ---224323241 >>224310716 I don't get it. How will "technology betray" immigrants? What do immigrants have to fear? If those were illegal aliens, though ... ---224323664 >>224310843 This is retarded, you want a PR nightmare, and have your people more in support of migrants than ever? Sure just fucking line them up against them against the wall. Don't forget it's really important to maintain the moral high ground especially in the eyes of your people. You need a way to systematically corral them in one place, send them back, and make reentry as difficult as possible. The reentry part is most important, this is what the US has struggled with the most. Thankfully Europe at least has the Mediterranean to the south, and slavs who aren't self hating cucks to the east ---224323977 >>224313387 So what, protect is also from french ---224324061 >>224323664 >PR nightmare The news don't have to report it. What happened to the original Japanese immigrants of Hobart? Sent to Cadbury Estate and never seen again. Did you even know this? Your own people, genocided? Of course not. It's not "newsworthy". ---224324595 >>224310716 The Bail Reform Act of 1984 allows people to be held without bail if they pose a significant risk of flight. They should at least be charging illegal immigrants bail to incentivize their appearance in court. If that doesn't significantly increase the court appearance rate, they should use that data to justify holding people without bail.
----- ---224320185 The msm is so insane now days, I almost have no words. I really just can't be bothered...
---224320251 >>224320185 Look at the wording. He's not opposing censorship, he's "opposing moves to fight hate online". ---224320280 >>224320185 >stuff >"isn't that an NZ(ie: Muslim supporter) website?" >stop reading and abort thread Fuck this garbage site I'm off to get drunk and tip cows ---224320307 >>224320251 yeah, their words... ---224320398 >>224320280 i go there out of morbid curiosity... i.e. if i feel the need to throw up. ---224320553 >>224320280 >Fuck this garbage site I'm off to get drunk and tip cows Good luck! You're a cow commando sir, believe and film it. ---224320622 >>224320185 Oh how about that? I missed something! Hahaha!!! ---224322908 >>224320185 ---224322980 >>224320185 Exactly. ---224324977 >>224320185 Why is Macron looking like he's gonna score?
----- ---224322568
---224323246 >Hi! YT shill Jordan here! I'm too cheap to buy an ad so come on, /pol/ click my b8! ---224323266 >>224322568 When will the Brits do the same thing? ---224323362 >>224322568 That feeling when you uninstall the surveillance browser Chrome ---224323625 Yeah, so the cia glowniggers can move freely in the crowd. ---224323663 >>224323625 Fuck off chink ---224323780 >>224322568 >facial recognition towers This planet needs to die. ---224323862 >>224323663 Every time it was the cia, i am sure this time magically it is not the cia making it. Fuck off terrorist. You deserve to be nuked. ---224324268 >>224323663 Lmao americans thinking they are free. The NSA has your metadata and can surveil you anytime they want and they dont need any court to authorize it. They have giant datscenters everywhere, at every cable entrance they have a surveillance complex monitoring all internet Traffic. The only difference to China is that us is trying to uphold the lie of freedom because they have to, because people have always believed in that. China doesnt have that and can do things more in the open. ---224324887 >>224322568 Does facial recognition technology even work in China? How can it tell them apart when they all fuckin look the same?
----- ---224239128 Latest Happenings: PRINCE ANDREW ON HARD DENIAL WATCH MAXWELL PAID VISITS TO BUCKINGHAM PALACE VICTIMS' LAWYER CLAIMS TO HAVE PROOFS THAT JEFFREY WAS MURDERED LIONSGATE ("GOOD BOYS" MOVIE) FOUNDER FRANK GUISTRA CREATED A FUND WITH BILL CLINTON >All Epstein Docs in one pdf >Epstein court doc dump 2: >Flight logs >Black book unredacted >Trump calls out Clinton for ties to Epstein and Pedo Island in 2015 [Embed] >Video of Epstein's New Mexico Ranch: [Embed] >Rusty Shackleford YouTube Channel >Rusty's archive >EPSTEIN/PIZZAGATE LINKS > >PAX list Epstein Lolita Express >EPSTEIN and CERN Thread >EPSTEIN CONNECTIONS AND LEADS: Here you will find a massive info dump, READ THROUGH
---224239165 PREVIOUS THREADS >>224208531 >>224157746 >>224208563 >>224038275 >>223964642 >>223915908 >>223870370 >>223809998 >>223773447 >>223736336 >>223717490 >>223702309 >>223686472 >>223656927 >>223612154 >>223584289 >>223537303 >>223481551 >>223430937 >>223409140 >>223386535 >>223370776 >>223329705 >>223296632 >>223275441 >>223246175 >>223210707 >>223176594 >>223029807 >>222984572 >>222958257 ---224239201 Timeline (>>223331714): >* 2005, some girl at school in Florida was called a prostitute and got her ass kicked; a journalist and a principal are investigating; the girl told them she worked at Jeffrey's place in Palms Beach; turns out she was not the only underage giving massages; cops be copin'; Marcinkova and Kellen began to be known to the investigators at that time period as well >* 2006, detectives had the case cold, locked in, 30 victims, phone records, garbage snatch, CP on Epstein's computer, a shrine to the victims in his bedroom closet, dozens of interviews confirming > detectives write up 4 felony charges for Epstein and Maxwell, looking at life in prison if convicted, state attorney on board, ready to charge > suddenly, the state attorney is taken off the case, new state attorney assigned > he has a private one on one interview with Dershowitz > a deal is made > slap on the hand in exchange for immunity > immunity for ALL charges > immunity for ALL people involved > including the man (Dershowitz) who wrote the agreement > because he was fucking the children too > case is sealed, victims not told, detectives are stonewalled > all of the evidenced turned over to the FBI in June 2016, just before the election Oh, and how did they get rid of the first state attorney? You'll love this... > her husband is also a lawyer > he works for a law firm. > out of the blue, his boss assigns him a new case > working for Epstein on another matter > state attorney forced to withdraw for conflict of interest. ---224239220 >>224239201 >* 2008, Miami Herald is still on watch after the case, justice kicks in for another time, Epstein guaranteed to serve time in jail but then prosecutors are told to fuck off since he was from intelligence >* Two Obama terms, probably Epstein's best years; Trump was trying to get Jeffrey in jail in 2009 (and had kicked him out of Mar-A-Lago before this) >* Epstein arrested 7/6/19. >* Epstein """attempted suicide""" or attacked on 7/24/19. >* Between the 24th and his death, "Jeffrey Epstein told prison guards and fellow inmates that he believed someone had tried to kill him". >* 8/9/19, 2024 unsealed pages damaging to Epstein (and others like Maxwell, Clintons, UK royals) were released. >* There was a """camera malfunction""" at the Metropolitan Correctional Center where Epstein was in jail. (Unconfirmed) >* There were """two guards at the MCC who normally have an overnight shift that watches over suicide risk inmates, were both told to leave area 3 hours earlier for scheduled "Maintenance" to jail cells and hallway""" >* At ~6:30 am ET on 8/10/19, Epstein was "found unresponsive in his cell in the Special Housing Unit from an """apparent suicide"""". ---224239243 >>224239220 >* At ~6:39 am ET, "they called the Fire Department, which transported Epstein to New York Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan Hospital". >* At ~7:30 am ET, "Paramedics also tried to revive Epstein, and could be seen using a breathing bag as they wheeled him on a gurney into [New York Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan Hospital]… He was declared dead a short time later." >* News Epstein """committed suicide""" breaks around 9:30 am ET. >* Epstein created a trust, registered it in the Virgin Islands, passed it $577 million worth of shares two days prior to his death ---224239270 >>224239243 Theory: EPSTEIN WAS TAKEN OFF SUICIDE WATCH BECAUSE HE NEVER TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE. This is the sauce that broke the news that of Epstein's """suicide attempt""": >Accused pedophile and financier Jeffrey Epstein was found injured and in a fetal position inside his cell at a NYC jail >Epstein was found semi-conscious with marks on his neck >*A fourth source said an assault has not been ruled out, and that another inmate was questioned The """suicide attempt""" was never confirmed. There has been a lot of speculation at it was an ATTACK, just a few sauces: >Epstein also might have been attacked by an inmate at the facility in downtown Manhattan >Convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was found injured in jail earlier this week, in what sources say could be a suicide attempt, an attack, or even a ploy to get a transfer >It is not clear whether he tried to commit suicide or whether he was attacked by another inmate. AG Barr and IG Horowitz will be investigating his """suicide""" and continue going after his co-conspirators: (((NYT))) claims he was taken off suicide watch on the 29th, only 5 days after his """suicide attempt""": It makes sense he would be taken off suicide watch if IT WASN'T A SUICIDE ATTEMPT. A reminder that in 1975 possessed this kind of toys: ---224239295 >>224239270 We investigated the In-N-Out picture and came to this conclusion: >Leah Saffian took this pic and then sold it to NY Post. >She's a long-time friend of Ghislaine Maxwell. This is Leah's Dog "Dexter". >Leah Saffian is head of Meadowgate Media Investments Inc. >Meadowgate Media is named in the EXIF data of this picture: >She's friends with several maxwells at Faceberg: > >There are also pictures of the Dog 'Dexter'. >She's currently Attorney in the US, she already represented the Maxwells in London. > >Anon tipped of several news outlets and had email conversations with two Dailymail reporters. >had email conversations with two Dailymail reporters. > has learned exclusively. > Anon currently considers this matter solved. ---224239358 Also this >>>>224209347 ---224239471 So, back to my question. What happens next? I know Im not forgetting the things brought up and dug up by anons but like real world, whats going to happen to the Epstein case considering that no one with half a brain is buying it ---224239806 >>224239168 Yes, there was a collage about this but I cannot find it. >>224239471 Tel-Aviv will be nuked. ---224240815 Before EGG there was PIZZAGATE Before pizzagate there was EWO Before EWO there was SAVILE Before SAVILE there was DUTROUX Before DUTROUX there was THE FINDERS CULT Before the Finders there was BLOOD PASSOVER. A long list of young gentiles were brutally sacrificed by Religious Jews for the blood, used in their semitic rituals. SPIRIT COOKING, as advertised by MARINA ABRAMOVIC (a jew), in nothing more than a new version of BLOOD PASSOVER All of the aforementioned crimes involve a big number of jews. So, in short, it is JEWS. ---224241011 >>224240815 What's EWO? ---224241031 >>224240815 Jewish Ritual Murder Full Version. ---224241071 >>224239128 I heard that they found human child corpses on Epstein's island. Is this accurate? ---224241183 >>224241071 No. ---224241225 >>224239806 ---224241414 Forgive the nonsequitur, but icymi: #ChinaIsAsshole This guy is a hero, and this vid is an instant classic. ---224241533 >>224241225 Danke. ---224241782 >>224239471 >whats going to happen to the Epstein case "Prince" Andrew probably ---224242128 >>224241225 Thanks man. I wonder if this is tied to any of the Dennis Montgomery stuff? Timeline: ‘THE HAMMER’ TIMELINE November, 2015 U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow releases the “Whistleblower Tapes.” August 19, 2015 Dennis Montgomery, under a limited immunity agreement, turns over to Comey’s FBI 47 hard drives that he says prove the existence of Brennan’s and Clapper’s super surveillance system. March 4, 2017 President Trump tweets that Obama wiretapped him. March 7, 2017 WikiLeaks dumps CIA Vault 7, confirming the existence of The Hammer (HAMR). March 17, 2017 “Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped ‘A Zillion Times’ By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s And Clapper’s Secret Computer System” by Mary Fanning and Alan Jones published at March 19, 2017 3:30 pm General Thomas McInerney exposes The Hammer on America’s airwaves with Dr. Dave Janda during Operation Freedom on WAAM 1600. March 19, 2017 4:26 pm Strzok and Page exchange cryptic text. March 19, 2017 11:00 pm Strzok and Page exchange text referencing Montgomery and Klayman hours after General McInerney’s radio interview about The Hammer March 20, 2017 Comey announces Russia collusion investigation. April 24, 2017 FISA court lets Brennan, Clapper and others amend their statements and orders destruction of criminal case records. May 12, 2019 “Comey Launched Trump Russia Investigation Day After General Exposed ‘The Hammer’” by Mary Fanning and Alan Jones published at May 13, 2019 U.S. Attorney General William Barr appoints John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to explore the origins of the Trump Russia collusion investigation. ---224242556 reminder telecoms corps = attempted modern MKUltra branson ---224243097 >>224239806 Sunspot Solar Observatory and Stanley, NM are on the same Longitude. LONG: Stanley%2c%20New%20Mexico 105.97743225097656 LONG: Sunspot%2c%20New%20Mexico 105.81805419921875 ---224243568 >>224243097 >>224241225 The thread does not have a high-resolution image with a map as a background and screenshots of news articles. ---224243746 >>224241011 Tens of threads about haiti, clintoncides etc. They started with the RACHEL CHANDLER photo with Bill Clinton on Lolita Express. It was PEDOWOOD continuation. ---224244014 New "Rusty Shackleford" (nice name choice, whoever, hahaha) video Take a look starting at about the 2 minute mark Where'd all those dumpsters come from? Were they there before now? Can anybody identify that machine behind the dumpster on the right? How about that ragged-out trailer on the right, what kind of trailer was it before it rusted out? Why are the dumpsters covered with tarps? And what's with the pile of lumber? And those blue 5-gallon buckets in the dumpster? Were those dumpsters there when FBI/NYPD raided the place, and if so, why the hell weren't there half a dozen of them going through those dumpsters? Somebody's parking construction vehicles in the "tennis court". Seems strange. There's a gasoline tanker there now-- that's probably how they were fueling everything, just put the tanker on a barge and bring it over from another island. That one dump truck is odd; the inside of the back part is rounded. Would be a special order for a dump truck. There's a green "steamroller" machine there, maybe for roadway maintenance? The blue skid loader we've seen near the "garage" is now in the tennis court. Why stage all these vehicles up there, exposed to the sun/salt air, when there's a garage, unless something is going on inside the garage and the vehicles need to be parked somewhere out of the way? Pic related is the garage where the vehicles would logically be parked, instead of up on top of a hill exposed to the elements. If the drone had gotten any closer to that ambulance, we could read the VIN on the dashboard. ---224244217 Apophenia the tendency to mistakenly perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things >rich man likes little girls >rich man looses everything and kills self pol: it was the jews... ---224244614 >>224241782 Archived. ---224244907 >>224244217 1. One cannot fight the Jew by positive means. He is a negative, and this negative must be erased from the German system or he will forever corrupt it. 2. One cannot discuss the Jewish question with the Jews. One can hardly prove to a person that one has the duty to render him harmless. 3. One cannot allow the Jew the same means one would give an honest opponent, for he is no honorable opponent. He will use generosity and nobility only to trap his enemy. 4. The Jew has nothing to say about German questions. He is a foreigner, an alien, who only enjoys the rights of a guest, rights that he always abuses. 5. The so-called religious morality of the Jews is no morality at all, rather an encouragement to betrayal. Therefore, they have no claim to protection from the state. 6. The Jew is not smarter than we are, rather only cleverer and craftier. His system cannot be defeated economically — he follows entirely different moral principles than we do. It can only be broken through political means. 7. A Jew cannot insult a German. Jewish slanders are but badges of honor for a German opponent of the Jews. 8. The more a German person or a German movement opposes the Jew, the more valuable it is. If someone is attacked by the Jews, that is a sure sign of his virtue. He who is not persecuted by the Jews, or who is praised by them, is useless and dangerous. 9. The Jew evaluates German questions from the Jewish standpoint. As a result, the opposite of what he says must be true. 10. One must either affirm or reject anti-Semitism. He who defends the Jews harms his own people. One can only be a Jewish lackey or a Jewish opponent. Opposing the Jews is a matter of personal hygiene. > ---224245044 >>224244614 ---224245308 CodeMonkey tweeted late last night ---224245421 >>224244014 >whoever If I would have to guess: MIL. Unless a regular anon can also afford a chopper. >>224245044 I wonder if he brought a cellphone to the island kek I wonder if that cellphone went underground. ---224245577 >>224245308 When _research comes back, I'm sure there will be 50 breads done within a few minutes. ---224245597 Why the fuck is Ghislaine Maxwell walking about free? Where is she anyway? ---224245864 >>224245597 >Where is she ---224246005 >>224245597 In the UK or Israel, apparently. We have no access to what she owns in the Kikestan but considering there are as many as 301 British in the LBB, Britain is one of the safest places she can go to. ---224246096 >>224245421 That could of course also be just a 2nd drone. Still... ---224246116 >>224243568 ---224246261 he connect to gelitin? ---224246570 >>224244014 We have read the VIN, it was an internal ID Number, like the Emergency Vehicle of St.James Island itself. ---224246621 >>224246116 below needs to be appended to your pic >>224243777 ---224246636 >>224246116 >from thread: >dirty as fuck sky >just a normal day in germany Sky is 100% clear at my location for a few months now. Probably just a cohincidence. ---224246679 ---224246787 lol they're really getting away with it aren't they? now it's just another conspiracy theory ---224247189 >>224239128 Leaf could you also post the pastebin for posting the thread when you bake? Thank you please. ---224247343 >>224246621 Done ---224247350 What's with the obsession over that Good Boys movie? Unironically asking, I have nfc what it is or what it's about. ---224247394 >>224246096 ---224247512 >>224247394 Ok, so chopper then. I'm not into that drone stuff. ---224247620 >>224247343 Noice. Thanks, Hans. ---224247690 >>224239128 Updated Pastebin for thread posting. Incase there is not a thread, this is the current updated pastebin for posting. Thank you to everyone and thank you Leaf for updating the CONNECTIONS and LEADS!! ---224247760 >>224247189 It is always the pastebin with connections and leads. The top part has the timeline and theory, previous threads list is composed by me every time a thread is created. You can still add it somewhere, though, because the deployment of previous two or three threads was screwed up meaning that outdated timeline was posted and the said list lacked a few threads. ---224247862 >>224246116 There is SO MUCH STUFF in that area, going all the way back to the Manhattan Project and of course all the Sandia Labs stuff is still there. Very, very spoopy. ---224247937 Was it this observatory? Same one? >New Mexico observatory shut down amid FBI child porn investigation: documents ---224248043 >>224241533 can we get this with (((blue check marks))) ---224248058 >>224247512 Flying a chopper as many times as there are videos on his channel is quite expensive. If it was an actual helicopter, camera movements would be more smooth just because the operator could either a) use his hands or b) ask an acquaintance to record. Furthermore, why would he not storm the island sometime at night if he has the flying skills, equipment, and a helipad? ---224248194 >>224248058 The island is basically a hotel with full staff including security. ---224248257 >>224248043 You can already tell who is (((who))) by referencing the list of full names. ---224248361 >>224248058 The videos are made by a drone of course. But in that video I posted you can see that there is something else, probably a chopper in the air as well. Upper left corner. At the end. ---224248460 anybody run basc-archiver on the old /egg/ threads? gimme ---224248588 >>224248361 I saw that. Rusty turned the camera far enough for it to have blades recorded. ---224248665 >>224248460 followed by the thread number from >>224239165. ---224248977 >>224239128 Is that recent of Jones? He's looking better ---224249077 >>224240264 Do you have a high res version anon ---224249692 >>224249077 Were you hit on the head? ---224249999 >>224247862 ---224250142 >>224248361 I read somewhere this week that there's now a steady stream of tourists and gawkers, hiring boats to take them to go see Pedo Island Could probably charter a copter for a thrill ride for under $1000 I hope that eventually, when it's cleaned & cleared, someone will buy it and make it into a bird sanctuary, but only after a boatload of clergymen from every faith go over there and "clean" it, too. Purge the evil. Suddenly, everything that lady said in Poltergeist has a whole new meaning. ---224250152 >>224249692 Yes. I see its 4MB but its blurry as fuck. Maybe cause I'm phone posting ---224250491 >>224249077 Better? It's the best that I could do. Raw one is here, too large for 4. ---224250703 >>224249077 >3600x5625 Quit phoneposting, it is never good for you. Try this. ---224250877 Does anyone believe this is all going to be exposed? I feel like Epstein and his media coverage + ties mean that pgate will be revealed to US public? Also, is what Byrne has said related to this ? ---224250918 >>224250491 >>224250703 Thanks, didnt mean to derail ---224251128 Adrenochrome/HighwayPatrolman Anon rabbit hole: ---224251243 >>224250918 Are you mentally handicapped? Zoom into the IMG *sees flag* Oh, well... ---224251505 Georgianon here, got a suspicious judge's death to report from Albany, Georgia (is located in southwest Georgia, kind of out in the boondocks, is 30-40 miles from nearest interstate highway). Local news is falling all over themselves to declare that no foul play is suspected. Local news: Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Judge Goss had been in charge of a judicial OVERSIGHT entity: "Dougherty County Superior Court Judge Stephen S. Goss was recently recognized for his efforts within the accountability court system when he was elected Chairman of the Council of Accountability Court Judges of Georgia during the council’s annual meeting. According to CACJ Executive Director Taylor Jones, the council comprises judges from the 147 drug, mental health, veterans, DWI and family dependency drug treatment court programs in 48 of Georgia’s 49 judicial circuits and works to provide a unified framework that promotes and improves the quality, accessibility and administration of Georgia’s Accountability Courts. Additionally, Jones said, the CACJ oversees the state budget, standards, program certifications and continuing education programming for the accountability system statewide. “Judge Goss was nominated and then elected by the council body to lead the CACJ beginning July 1, 2017,” Jones said. “The council body consists of every judge in the state that presides over a drug court division, mental health court division, DUI court division and family treatment court division." ---224251853 >>224251505 >Stephen S. Goss Any relation to Porter Goss? ---224251981 >>224247189 Do you already have this picture? ---224252417 bump ---224252882 >>224246787 if you don't want it to be just a conspiracy theory then produce some evidence. The rest of the world needs evidence before they accept something as fact, not it looks like he was shot from the front, or it looks like the buildings fell too fast or it sure looks like murder. Bring some evidence to the table and you'll change the world. ---224253258 >>224251243 That is a known problem for phones, not his fault. ---224253272 >>224251243 >tripfagging >reddit spacing >meme flag You've got some nerve ---224253348 >>224251505 Haven't checked Stephen Goss' genealogy, although that's been my hobby for 20+ years. It would take some time to dig on him in Ancestry and FamilySearch to see if there's a connection to Porter Goss. That surname is relatively common in the southeastern US, however. I'm suspicious for two reasons: 1. Big rush by authorities that "no foul play is suspected" 2. A suicide by a respected judge who was instrumental in setting up "mental health courts" which were used as an example nationwide? Goss had been married for decades, had 3 adult children, career had been going very well, from all appearances. I guess you just never know what's going on in someone's private life. Preliminary digging online isn't turning up anything out of the ordinary. Something smells off, and this is in my neck of the woods. As if there aren't enough suspicious deaths in the 200 mile radius around Atlanta already. ---224253727 >>224247760 Yeah I posted that thread without a updated pastebin so it was all fucked up, and sorry about that. However, I did manage to find the most recent threads with some clever searching and that is what is updated here ---224253802 >>224251981 Always collecting more. Thanks. ---224253819 bump ---224254504 >>224247760 I only stress the posting of the pastebin so that others may post the thread and continue the chain regardless of your absence, similar to what occurred in the last few threads. Not trying to give you too much extra work, just hoping you could make it easier on others to re-post. I am watching the threads closely to make sure that others have access to the same resources. Thanks again for all of your effort, I truly appreciate all that you have been doing! ---224254571 >>224248977 >Is that recent of Jones? He's looking better I thought that fat faggot offed himself. ---224254624 ICYM the crazy interview with Epstein friend Stuart Pivar in Mother Jones, here it is: Highlights from the Daily Mail's wrapup of the much-longer Mother Jones piece: Jeffrey Epstein's best friend gives bizarre interview calling the billionaire pedophile's underage victims 'trollops' who were 'complicit' in his lewd behavior and insists the disgraced financier had a 'mental disorder' that made him crave sex An art collector and scientist claiming to be Jeffrey Epstein's best friend for decades referred to the pedophile's underage victims as 'trollops' Stuart Pivar, 89, claimed the girls were 'complicit' and that Epstein had a mental disorder called satyriasis which made him crave sex Pivar claimed Epstein 'shielded' him from lurid behavior during their friendship and he didn't know about it until he was informed by one of his alleged victims Maria Farmer told Pivar a 'terrible thing' about Epstein which he never realized Pivar said he would go to dinner parties hosted by Epstein and he would interrupt conversations by saying: 'What does that got to do with pussy?!” The scientist and author claimed he was never invited to Epstein's 'Isle of Babes' Pivar claimed that Epstein 'did stuff with underage girls, who knew what the hell they were doing' and made an industry out of it He also said Epstein asked him to take care of his alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell following the death of her father, describing her as a 'basket case' Today's vocabulary word is SATYRIASIS, anons ---224254811 >>224251128 >I believe that the ultimate authority of Shulgin refered to adrenochrome as "a fascinating red herring" in Pihkal. DUKE: "Where'd you get this?" DR GONZO: "Nevermind, its absolutly pure" Walnut Sauce? The pineal gland resembles a walnut; remember the “walnut sauce” from Podesta’s emails? Reconcile the two. >Comparbon to Other Psychotomimetic Experiences. Most of the subjects had not taken other hallucinogens and so had no basis for comparison. Of the group that did, two compared it to mild psilo- cybine experiments and three to mild LSD reactions but in each instance without the autonomic changes. ---224255085 >>224254624 Now we know what the harpy's outside the temple represent. ---224255824 >>224255085 >The harpies seem originally to have been wind spirits (personifications of the destructive nature of wind). Their name means "snatchers" or "swift robbers" and they steal food from their victims while they are eating and carry evildoers (especially those who have killed their family) to the Erinyes. When a person suddenly disappeared from the earth, it was said that he had been carried off by the harpies. Thus, they carried off the daughters of king Pandareus and gave them as servants to the Erinyes. In this form they were agents of punishment who abducted people and tortured them on their way to Tartarus. They were vicious, cruel and violent. >The harpies were called "the hounds of mighty Zeus" thus "ministers of the Thunderer (Zeus)". Later writers listed the harpies among the guardians of the underworld among other monstrosities including the Centaurs, Scylla, Briareus, Lernaean Hydra, Chimera, Gorgons and Geryon. >Their abode is either the islands called Strofades, a place at the entrance of Orcus, or a cave in Crete. ---224256260 >>224253727 Check this thread's happenings list, I updated it a little. ---224256690 >Who are the puppet masters? Not Bill Clinton, owned by israel from the Levinsky affaire. When has Dershowitz flown on Lolita Express? ---224256806 Bump ---224256976 Interesting image posted last night in response to a question about the symbolism of water/ocean ---224257143 >>224256690 I read he flw 4 times, but I can find only 2 confirmed cases here: >Flying solo: Another log shows Dershowitz on the plane - without his wife - on two journeys in 2005 That's Nov, 17 2005 Jewish Calendar 2005 (((*))) Sukkot / סוכות Sukkot (Hebrew: סוכות or סֻכּוֹת, sukkōt, or sukkos, Feast of Booths, Feast of Tabernacles) is a Biblical holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei (late September to late October). It is one of the three biblically mandated festivals Shalosh regalim on which Jews were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. (((*)));v=1;month=x;yt=G;nh=on;nx=on;vis=on;c=off#cal-2005-11 ---224257431 >>224256690 I believe the puppet masters, at least part of them, are the Mega Group: Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal The picture painted by the evidence is not a direct Epstein tie to a single intelligence agency but a web linking key members of the Mega Group, politicians, and officials in both the U.S. and Israel, and an organized-crime network with deep business and intelligence ties in both nations. Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case Epstein is only the latest incarnation of a much older, more extensive and sophisticated operation that offers a frightening window into how deeply tied the U.S. government is to the modern-day equivalents of organized crime. These people are getting close to the mark. Good reading. ---224257634 >>224257143 The Birth of a Cult After his expulsion, Shabbatai Zevi visited a number of Jewish communities in the Mediterranean area, his great charisma causing him to attract numerous followers. There, Shabbatai further transgressed halacha by celebrating the holidays of Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot all in one week, and by coining a new blessing Mattir Asurim, praising G‑d for permitting what is forbidden. ---224257637 >>224247343 Casillas >Celona seems we're now into the "C" operatives ---224258093 >>224239128 Understand their strategy was to spread his face to as many impressionable young girls as possible. Any young girl who reads the news can naturally be considered more curious (impressionable) than the rest. They always showed the same one, where he's partially smirking like it's some big joke and he did nothing wrong. Then they began to detail the Jew's wealth, subliminally enticing young females with tales of grandeur featuring mansions, private jets and wholly-owned private islands. It was never condemnation, it was promotion. All they were doing was providing information to young girls about: -What rich jewish pedophiles look like. -How pedophiles recruit their prey. -What monetary-incentives the pedophile provides. -How the pedophile provides a doorway to higher-society. It's truly fucking sick. ---224258975 >>224255085 Not quite, they're ichyocentaurs. A variant of centaur depicted with the front feet of a horse and having the tail of a fish. Essentially half-man half-hippocampus. Sometimes depicted with lobster claws in their hair. Also children of Conos the baby eater and some nymph, although ultimately I guess he wasn't much of a fish eater. Statues probably depict Aphros and Bythos and It was them who basically played midwife to Aphrodite lifting her out her massive shell. (although that could be construed as a metaphor for breaking her in? Fun fact: Those statutes used to stand by the entrance of the luxury Hotel Sacher in Vienna, disappeared for a while and then reappeared on Jeffrey's island. From what little I found out of (dubious) sources they were sons of Saturn and represent the pisces Constellation in astronomy. And furthermore, Aphros with at least the acquiescence if not support of his brother supposedly became the fist king of the Carthaginians ,who we all know since not too recently found were big on the mass sacrifice of children in special burial grounds, contrarily to it just being Roman propaganda. Take it all with more than a grain of salt, but few sauces I could find sucked on them while rw As for the statures themselves I can’t tell if it's the same statues or just an exact replica because the coating seems Somewhat off since Epstein got them. Also; Missouri seems to have one in front of it’s Capitol So they’re a comparatively widespread motif. Also the Louvre and the Vatican Museums have matching sculptures (whether we’re talking about the same pair that consistently changes hand between filthy rich institutions of replicas is debatable. ---224259139 >>224254624 Stuart Pivar knew the guy who was killed in a fire in his Trump Tower apartment. ---224260038 Spelled it wrong: Ichthyocentaurs, From the texts i found they oddly seem to be lagfely benevolent and peaceful creatures ---224260072 Buckingham fucking pedophile palace JE Rusty G.Maxwell ---224260438 >>224258093 Heh, last scandals about pedophiles seem more like a revelation of the method. Most probably international kikes want to create a one world order where tiny girls crave for MKULTRA and bitching on rich jews yachts or planes or islands. ---224260475 Bump ---224260505 Can anyone do some research with me on the Mega Agency? The company owns the rights to with the Ghislaine photos as well as the Epstien body pics ---224261014 >>224260072 >The email reportedly said, “I walked in to find him in a sweatsuit and a British guy in a suit with suspenders [braces], getting foot massages from two young well-dressed Russian women.” >Brockman referred to Epstein’s guest as “Andy” and said he spoke about the Julian Assange case and also complained about news coverage of his own lifestyle. ---224261085 >>224260505 sources, links, anything? ---224261197 >>224261014 What is 'foot massage' code for? ---224261288 By law, Andy is cannot be put under any trial for any crime he committed. Either Commonwealth or barenaked US Law, that's it. ---224261408 >>224261288 Since when are we following laws? Andy gets the rope too. ---224261599 >>224261408 k just took the rope, on minecraft ---224261862 >>224261085 >Mega Agency ---224261922 >>224261599 >chkdubs.bat YOU HAVE TO DO IT NOW AAHAHAHA ---224263027 >>224261862 THE MEGA APP IS HERE! Joining The Mega Agency as Global Operations Manager was a decision based solely on the inspiration and vision of our founder Kevin Smith and CEO Tom Tramborg. <--- Danish: Tramborg, formerly a senior director at Getty Images, and head of Allover Press in Scandinavia ---224264205 >>224261922 oh shit ---224265155 >>224254571 What'd he do to you? ---224266136 bump ---224266339 Not 12 hours after Ghislaine's photo leaked was there a NATIONWIDE CUSTOMS COMPUTER OUTAGE. Go watch the videos / google it yourself. > > > ---224267142 BUMP ---224267197 >>224258093 >>224260438 ---224267788 >>224239471 nothing. JE paid, according to online sources, some thing like 300.000 USD to various females who were almost ready to testify. Some other Ad-Hoc Created fake new happening will cover the last lfy of G. Maxwell out of the US into Tel-Aviv. World keeps spinning. >>224266339 There wasn't a similar case in Palm Springs months ago or am I ((sleepy))? ---224268164 >>224247350 Some shit movie but pedo undertones I believe (?) I read here that it has kids playing with sex toys and other fucked up weird shit, but what I find curious is that the poster for the film replaced the poster in the bus stop, in the shopped pic of Ghislaine Maxwell when it had no reason to be shopped over what was apparently a poster advertising a nearby hospital ---224268459 73. Maxwell was doing everything to make Jeffrey marry her. (*/ - including recruiting girls for his pleasures Source: >The source continues, “Ghislaine was in love with Jeffrey the way she was in love with her father. She always thought if she just did one more thing for him, to please him, he would marry her.” Is this the so-called Daddy issue or MKUltra kike edition? ---224268736 >>224268459 the latter, imho ---224269303 >>224261085 ---224270979 >>224257637 Larry (Lawrence) Celona Listed as a plaintiff in a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia in 2018 The judge in the case is George B. Daniels >Earlier in 2015, Daniels had ruled that Saudi Arabia had sovereign immunity and dismissed all charges against the kingdom for its alleged role in the attacks.[3] This lawsuit with Celona was filed in 2018 Three years after the original ruling Same fucking judge >Judge Daniels is also the one that dismissed the Seth Rich lawsuit ALSO Larry Celona was president of the New York Press Club in 1989-1990 Fun fact about the NYPC: >The organization in differing forms has been around since the nineteenth century.[2] In 1887, its members erected a 38-foot obelisk to mark the gravesite of a deceased reporter. Pic related ---224271410 >>224269303 How to get In N Out suing mega? ---224273287 bump ---224273899 >>224270979 44b. Larry (Lawrence) Celona is listed as a plaintiff in a 2018 lawsuit against Saudi Arabia. ( - lawsuit information (*/ - the judge, George B. Daniels, in another lawsuit against SA in 2015, ruled that Saudi Arabia had sovereign immunity and dismissed all charges against the kingdom for its alleged role in the [9/11] attacks - Larry was president of he New York Press Club in 1989-1990 Source: ---224273900 >>224257431 too bad this story completely contradicts the testimonies of the victims ---224274621 >>185327353 ( ---224275017 >>224274621 >Be October 2016 >Trump's dodged the pussy-grabber video >Has huge rallies of roaring fans despite constant demonization >Hillary's comments about the no-fly zone give serious reason to doubt her capacity on the international stage >Most importantly, Wikileaks drops the Podesta emails >Democratic power structure is sitting on a ticking time bomb which is an unwinnable election >They can still fight this, but they need an ace in the hole >"Space weather" >Draft an executive order creating an agency that serves as direct communicator with both international, federal, and local agencies. >Give all of those agencies their own authority for crafting their response to a "space weather event" >Lock down the most precise piece of sun-watching equipment in the country amidst potential EM Pulse fears of a solar storm (pic related) >Announcing a stellar weather event is capable of reaching all corrupt departments immediately. >Therefore, announcing a stellar weather event is the trigger for the coup. >Faking (or causing) an EMP Pulse also gives the deep state the freedom to act without being recorded by camera phones. >No chance for public reaction, enables deep state to assert control of the departments with a national announcement. ---224275774 bump ---224276450 >>224239128 bump ---224276611 >>224239128 Why do you have Alex Jones as a photo for egg? He’s a Zionist gate keeper who blamed Epstein’s death on the Chinese (CHICOMS) ---224276816 >>224239128 > Hahaha, sure Andy. We believe you. ---224277245 >>224276611 The first image my eyes saw in the directory. ---224277390 >>224277245 ---224277921 bumping ---224278368 >>224245044 >lol idk my friends are pedos Who does nonce andrew think he's fooling? ---224279300 bump ---224279438 >>224239128 An old egg from the archive: ---224279489 >>224273899 Here's link showing George Daniels is also the one that dismissed Seth Rich lawsuit ---224279678 @mc2telaviv Copyright @ 2019 MC2 Model Management. all Rights Reserved. ---224279682 >>224245044 Killed the last shred of monarchism in me. It's time for the guillotine. Hey GCHQ, you're a fucking traitor if you're actually going to defend those lecherous cunts. Bye. ---224279974 >>224241071 there is a frame on that sec cam pic that depicts something very creepy, some think it looks like a child's corpse ---224280070 On FEB 20, 2002 Epstein Flew from JFK to MRY (Monterey, CA) with the following people: SK – Sean Koo (appears elsewhere on flight logs) Steven Pinker- the Department of Psychology at Harvard University Nina & Tim Zagat – Zagat Restaurant & Business Reviews Gerry & Kit Laybourne – Founders of Nickelodeon & Oxygen Media David Rockwell-Founder of Rockwell Group; Imagination Playground pro-bono, a play space designed to encourage children to play together Caroline Miller (NY) – Director of the Child Mind Institute Michael Wolff – Unreliable Author; Loser; Daniel C. Dennett- Center for Cognitive Studies – Tufts University Richard Dawkins– Author ” The God Delusion” and Prof. Oxford University YES GOYM READ THE GOD DELUSION GOYM John Brockman- Publisher & Editor Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Edge Katinka Matson -President of Brockman, Inc. and Co-Founder of Edge Cindy Lopez – Minor(F) Mystery Minor posing w/ Clinton in hat Kelly Bovino – The Story Project (Helping Runaways/ Actress /Model) Richard Cook – At the time was Disney Chairman ---224280538 "They want to be older, and they want to be cool like the girl in college, and that’s part of the magic." - CFO Stuart Burgdoerfer Limited ---224280551 >>224240815 Lady Gaga attended all of the spirit cooking sessions. Look up this: >Lady Gaga + nose job Examine the photos. Look up: >Lady Gaga + spirit cooking >Lady Gaga + Marina Abramovic + film Gaga's whole task was to replace Madonna and organize LGBTs and furries on Twitter into Farmer Jones's attack dogs and to cheapen the Gen Z and Millennial concept of what "art" is so her masters can dictate just what they think art is to you instead. Once she accomplished this you finished hearing about her. inb4 "but she's Italian and Catholic" HER FATHER IS ITALIAN HER MOTHER IS NOT EXAMINE THE NOSE JOB PHOTOS Extra credit: look up >Gaga + Joe Germanotta Click images. Cringe at the open pedophilia. ---224280594 >>224279489 44b. Larry (Lawrence) Celona is listed as a plaintiff in a 2018 lawsuit against Saudi Arabia. ( - lawsuit information (*/ - the judge, George B. Daniels, in another lawsuit against SA in 2015, ruled that Saudi Arabia had sovereign immunity and dismissed all charges against the kingdom for its alleged role in the [9/11] attacks - Larry was president of the New York Press Club in 1989-1990 (*/ - Daniels is the same judge who dismissed Seth Rich lawsuit Source: ---224280612 >>224239471 Nothing, they are above the law and it all gets memory-holed. Shit I know but that's how the world works. ---224280740 >>224280551 Is there a meaning behind here Gaga nickname? ---224280779 >>224241011 it was fake, turned out to be some incel faggot larping ---224281108 >>224280551 Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (((New York))) ---224281118 Bump with Qresearch Pepe ---224281327 >>224280740 gaga is the gagging sound she makes while sucking jewish cock ---224281582 Sarah Kellen, one of Epstein's accomplices. Got immunity for federal prosecution in 2008. Changed her name, dyed her hair, still seen with Epstein in 2012. Anyone know where she is from or who her parents are? ---224281763 >>224280551 Just a normal dad right /pol/ ---224282524 >>224239128 dude can deny all he wants they have fucking pictures of him holding underage girls while with eps, or with ghis. so how you explain that one? ---224282734 >>224260505 >>224261085 ---224283122 >>224244217 Almost all of them are Jews, and those that aren't, are associating with them. Since Jews are such a small minority, then Occam's Razor applies. It's the simplest answer and makes the most sense. ---224283252 >>224239128 You wipe your ass with Nazi toilet paper? ---224283560 >>224282734 that article is a joke, well short on specifics ---224283695 >>224283560 Nice try ---224283785 >>224283695 show me the specifics, all about alleged ties ---224284186 >>224283785 I'm out right now, how about you show me what in the article is verifiably false ---224285514 >>224240815 the king coverup aka nebraska boysville pedos in the whitehouse savings and loan etc. ---224285699 Bump for Mommy G milkies ---224285738 >>224245597 >Where is she anyway? Outside of the US, somewhere the FBI has a lot of trouble getting to. Trump could SOCOM her ass, but he's king cuck. ---224285771 >>224241533 epstein was member of trilateral comission and council on foreign relations they are invite only who invited him and why ---224285853 >>224285738 Cuba or Venezuela in other words ---224285923 >>224285771 Mommy G's new boyfriend, Scott Borgerson was also on the CFR. All these damn coincidences. ---224285972 >>224285771 >who invited him and why Rothschilds and/or the Royal Family (same shit in the end) Why would be because of the dirt operation and it allowed him access to all of the real players/rulers of the world ---224286412 >>224284186 silence ---224286440 >>224285972 Nah...I'm pointing the finger at the CIA on this one. Firstly, Ghislaine was signalling that in "the photo". Secondly, Eggstain was the new and improved Hugh Hefner IMO...a massive blackmail operation to control the elite and generate money for CIA black ops. ---224286713 >>224285853 Why would she go there if a) she is tied to Israel and b) she has very decent connections in the UK where, moreover, her TerraMar and other organizations were registered? It does not make sense. Additionally, what is the point of getting her back for prosecution if feds/army could make her a double agent or release for ratting everybody she knows? Of course, the justice would be restored in such a case but Ghislaine did not have as much media coverage as Jeffrey did and thus people do not care; this is where shadow deals are coming up. ---224286857 >>224239128 What is this? 403 307- 4446 ---224287080 >>224286857 The fuck you talking about macaco? ---224287552 >>224261197 They used 'massage' for sex, so either literal foot massages or a random word added (foot) or foot is linked to another act of sex. ---224287610 >>224286440 CIA is run by the Rothschilds, dude. >>224286713 Her father had contacts with the Commies. People in Israel would want her dead for what she knows. The only safe place for her is countries that are off limits. ---224287776 >>224242556 interesting. Sauce? ---224288409 bump ---224288718 >>224287610 >CIA is run by the Rothschilds, dude. I don't think it is that simple ---224288721 >15. ) It has been the efforts of 17, >including MJ12, to help assist in >the Great Awakening by acting on a >paradox. >Paradoxes are naturally occurring in >nature and require logical >thinking and trust in yourself to >decipher. If 17 is an anonymous >source, when what "Fake News" are >they spreading? >Fake News = Narrative Shift + >Agenda >Detoxify + CBD = Awoke. >Physical brain changes from "fake >news FF trauma" make waking >up for some "impossible". >Inform the slaves of what freedom >is, >then offer it to them. >Fake News = Narrative Shift + >Agenda >This trick has been used for >centuries. Δ13Δ =-, Δ3Δ=+ ---224289044 >>224284186 it starts out with Lansky, he was not some uber spy mossad crime liason. he faced serious tax charges in the 70s and fled to israel, who in turn sent his ass back home two years later. he spent the rest of his life defending himself in court and hardly had any money. he lived in a small apartment in florida. And this is whom the article leads off with. ---224289210 >>224287610 So what? She is still a kike which is a solid reason to not kill her. In Cuba or Venezuela, her destiny would be solved either by a CIA assassin or a cartel member, respectively. ---224289870 Why are they so obsessed with Greek mythology? Pan, Pegasus, Achilles, Antinous, Pergamon, etc. Did you now that Ghislaine's father, Robert Maxwell, owned a publishing company that he named Pergamon Press? The Book of Revelation in the Bible refers to Pergamon as "the throne of Satan". ---224290087 >>224289044 It's also part three of a series that spends the first two parts discussing Lansky ---224290234 >>224290087 then there is the part with it says Lauder had ties to an israeli university, this university has ties to the mossad ergo laurder has ties to the mossad. just silly journalism ---224290917 >>224290234 >In 1997, when the “Mega” spy scandal broke, Netanyahu had recently become prime minister of Israel after an upset victory, a victory that was largely credited to one well-connected Netanyahu backer in particular, Ronald Lauder. Beyond being a major donor, Lauder had brought Arthur Finklestein on to work for Netanyahu’s 1996 campaign, whose strategies were credited for Netanyahu’s surprise win. Netanyahu was close enough to Lauder that he personally enlisted Lauder and George Nader to serve as his peace envoys to Syria. >Nader, who was connected to the Trump 2016 campaign and Trump ally and Blackwater founder Erik Prince, was recently hit with federal child sex trafficking charges last month, soon after Jeffrey Epstein had been arrested on similar charges. At the time Nader was picked to work with Lauder on Netanyahu’s behalf, he had already been caught possessing large amounts of child pornography on two separate occasions, first in 1984 and later in 1990. >This strong connection between Netanyahu and Lauder during the time of the 1997 “Mega” spy scandal is important considering Mossad answers directly to Israel’s prime minister. Fine, let's say rather than "Lauder has ties to Mossad" that "it's very likely that Lauder has ties to Mossad". Imagine defending (((them))) this hard ---224292037 >>224245308 Who or what is codemonkey? ---224292491 >>224239295 >Anon currently considers this matter solved Is it though? She could have been dead or safely out of the country when the photo was supposedly taken. For all we know the photo is months old. That would explain the "The Boys" shoop on the bus stop. It makes the picture look recent. Editing the exif would be the easiest part of the charade. ---224292900 >>224292491 The fact that anon considers it solved does not mean we arrived to the correct conclusion. >>224292037 EIGHTch's m00t. ---224293350 is 8ch coming back? ---224294071 >>224293350 At least on September 5, 2019. ---224294217 >>224292491 Interesting Anon. Anything else in photo that might date it? ---224295101 >>224289870 Pergamon was a city, not a myth. It was part of the Greek kingdom, but located in present day Turkey, on the west coast, not far from Troy. ---224295163 >>224294071 the earliest, Sept. 5. ---224295765 >>224294217 It's been looked over very carefully. There are several obvious and poorly executed shoops. Yet the bus stop shoop is fairly competent. Why? And why leave the exif? Red herrings, possibly. Perhaps the intention was to feed exactly the kind of speculation we have engaged in. This distracts us from the possibility that GM was removed from the game board. ---224295866 >>224295765 >This distracts us from the possibility that GM was removed from the game board. ---224296972 >>224268459 Even with extreme wealth and power, she is a childless whore looking for someone to actually love her. Can you get married when you’re locked up at gitmo? ---224297673 What's up with the FBI Anon post last night that stated Epstein was killed with Russian poison ( like Seth Rich). Anons find anything to corroborate? ---224298174 bump ---224298415 >>224297673 Link the post. CIA possessed weaponry that was capable of making a kill, but the autopsy would show a heart attack which it did not. ---224298776 >>224297673 >>224298415 FBI Anon Posts Re Epstein, Rich, Comey, etc. >>224184180 ---224298864 >>224267788 >Some other Ad-Hoc Created fake new happening will cover the last lfy of G. Maxwell out of the US into Tel-Aviv Excellent digits. Happy Hanukkah! While retreating to (((their))) ME criminal base would have some advantages, Epstein and Maxwell could really go almost anywhere in the world they liked - **BECAUSE THE US IS NOT TRYING TO FIND THEM**. Just like with Hillary and "lock her up," Zion Don played his role perfectly - once again tricking gullible whites into believing he would ever do anything against the (((global elite))). ---224298868 Previous threads pastebin (do not forget to add the current one on top of the list): >>224239165 Timeline: >>224239201 Latest happenings pastebin (do not forget to modify its beginning according to the OP): >>224253727 ---224299873 >>224298776 >FBI Anon Posts Re Epstein, Rich, Comey, etc Might be a real FBI who's just drunk, but that guy posts a whole lot without saying a whole lot. I'll be happy if most of D.C. ends up decorating the lamp posts on the Mall at Xmas, but right now the FBI dude feels awfully larp-y - especially the part about Epstein and Seth Rich both being killed by a secret poison often used by...Russia. ---224300982 >>224277390 Don't know why my sides hurt, lack of super male vitality? no, it's dat meme Kek ---224301175 Just stumbled on this, surprising I hadn't heard it earlier. Detective leading Epstein investigation in palm beach "died after a short illness". This was last year. ---224301408 >>224239295 Also the Good Boys movie poster was photoshopped into the In-N-Out pics. Was it just a way for her friend to squeeze some extra shekels out of the deal? ---224301466 >>224301175 Holy shit ---224301918 >>224301175 >died after a short illness Suffocation is an illness? ---224302608 >>224301175 ---224302830 ---224303179 Bump ---224303901 >>224239128 bump ---224304140 this is not over. keep the thread going. ---224304700 >>224304140 bump ---224305122 >>224275017 your scaring me anon. is the EMP really coming? I keep hearing Marfoogle news talking about harding the grid with EMP shield. Trump said the whole country needed to prepare for 6 months with out electricity. that new mexico observatory was shut down by FBI under claims of pedophilia, which makes no sense and sounds just like a cover story. do we need to be stocking up on water and ammo? ---224305837 What Q said about the red Queen falling the castle will crumble. ---224310093 >>224247862 Sandia is where Jeff Bezos's mom Jacklyn Gise and her parents lived and worked. Her dad was some sort of defense muckymuck high up. Story is she got knocked up at 15, that one lowly tech or something named Ted Jorgensen was the dad. Jacklyn Gise's parents cobbled a marriage together and had to sign the marriage license because she was too young. Little Jeffy was born, then very soon after Jaclyn split. I've always wondered who Jeff's real dad was and whether there wasn't lot of seed spreading by powerful men in powerful positions. Ted Jorgensen had no idea that the rich n famous Bezos was his son till a reporter told him late in his life. Whole story stinks and seeing that cap of the three ranches on the same road just east of the nuke labs seriously freaked me out. There's some weird shit in the Sangre de Cristos ---224310470 >>224245044 >I deplore the exploitation of any human being... Speaks aye ---224313013 bump ---224313141 >>224239128 Absolute Aesthetic OP ---224314007 >>224295101 Right, no one said it was a myth. It was still referenced in the Bible as the throne of Satan. And, you didn’t answer what I asked at all. ---224314326 Is it ok to take brown children? ---224315560 >>224310093 lol how the hell do you know all this stuff about jeff bezos's grandparents? the amount of random shit the autists on this site know never ceases to amaze me ---224316157 >>224280070 Always knew Dawkins fucked kids. ---224316256 >>224315560 Genealogy, I'm guessing. ---224317846 (L to R) Nat Rothschild, Nefer Suvio, Nick Rhodes and Ghislaine Maxwell attend the National Youth Orchestra of The United States of America Reception at the The Royal Albert Hall hosted by Ronald O. Perelman in London. ---224317953 Bump Also fuck captcha ---224318494 >Mysterious death of alleged Epstein ‘madam’ Ghislaine Maxwell’s father people keep on suiciding out of nowhere >Ms Maxwell’s father — media mogul and fraudster Robert Maxwell — died under bizarre circumstances. >The body of the publishing baron and British MP was found floating in the ocean naked after he vanished from his luxury yacht in the Canary Islands. >inquest ruled his death was the result of a heart attack and accidental drowning >Mr Maxwell, who escaped Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia in his youth, had also been accused of being a long-time agent for Mossad, >Mr Maxwell, who escaped Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia in his youth, had also been accused of being a long-time agent for Mossad, >Mr Maxwell, who escaped Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia in his youth, had also been accused of being a long-time agent for Mossad, >ong-time agent for Mossad, >ong-time agent for Mossad, >ong-time agent for Mossad, mossad mossad mossad MAXWELL FATHER WAS MOSSAD MOSSAD TRYS TO KILL EVERYONE INVOLED IN THIS MOSSAD ---224318647 satanists control the government. wwg1wga ---224320077 bump ---224320609 What are some indications that there were underground tunnels on the island? Besides the cement mixer Epstein ordered at one point? ---224321953 bump ---224322800 bump why am i so alone in here? ---224323141 >>224322800 We are all awakened. Qanon, lead us ---224323400 >>224323141 no, you are not MAXWELL FATHER WAS MOSSAD MOSSAD TRYS TO KILL EVERYONE INVOLED IN THIS MOSSAD ---224323546 >>224323400 part of *their* plan ---224324953 Stop spamming this crap.
----- ---224315934 Well?
---224316051 >>224315934 "Gender" is just the speech that identifies classes of things. Human genders usually involve male and female, but a counter-example is Duch, with Common(eg: men and women and sex dolls) and Neuter(eg:babies, books & tables) ---224316512 Identity is a meme, you are what you do, that's why when you die, the newspapers list the sex, the occupation and the age of the person, basically what gives you value and relevancy in the minds of people. Who cares if Babette "don't ask about their age" Michele, self-identified Helicopter, Phd in faggotry thinks they are. Intersex or hermaprodites suffer from pyhsical deformities. I wouldn't make a gender for every physical deformity. ---224317858 >>224316051 >"Gender" is just the speech that identifies classes of things. It's from the same etymological root as "genre". ---224317993 >>224317858 when I was younger, "gender" was used to mean literal biological sex. Nowadays, it's just a FEELING. an IDEA. But when I complain the old folks laugh at me. They remember when natural hair-colour was on passports. ---224318007 >>224317898 ---224318861 >>224315934 Where does /pol/ fit? Me: >sex characteristics Male >gender identity Woman >gender expression Masculine >sexual orientation lesbian ---224321435 There, I made it scientifically accurate. ---224321994 >>224317993 >when I was younger, "gender" was used to mean literal biological sex. Yeah this made things easy because it was natural and understandable. Now, I struggle with my sexuality thanks to the government. I believe I am heterosexual but I am indeed a faggot. See, I'd like to cuddle with and would like to have sex with a fellow man. How can I really say I'm not gay when this is how I feel? Pic of man related. Was a woman. Looks like a woman. Talks like a woman. But it's a man according to law and government ID. Shit sucks. I never wanted to be one of them LGBT freaks but da gubment made me gay. ---224324988 and?
----- ---224320123 I found a mixed race girl thats very smart and pro hitler and all about the jewish question. We've been getting really close and going out. Am I a failure
---224320201 >>224320123 Who care about the politics of women bro Has anyone ever truly cared about the opinion of a woman on politics You just like it because you associate it with being traditional and not being a slut, yet when one of your own women would date outside their race like she is, you'd rightfully see them as sluts. ---224320267 >>224320123 Is it a Chink or an Indian Boer? ---224320328 >hey guys my mutt likes to hitler shut up and go to bed Mike ---224320396 >>224320123 You’re only a failure if you’ve not fucked her yet ---224320487 >>>/adv/ ---224321254 >>224320123 You're a failure for asking a bunch of angry virgins what they think about your relationship. ---224321308 >>224321254 No he did the right thing, and to answer OP he should break it off immediately but remain as friends with her, no need to be a prick about it ---224323412 >>224320123 Use her as a practice gf. If you ever get the idea in your brainlet mind to marry the mixed mutt then get out asap. ---224324374 >>224320123 Yes boet you are. Jou kinders word nou almal kaffers ---224324740 As a non white I would say that racemixing is only ever ok if it's with a white person. Since you are white and she's not, it's ok. ---224324876 >>224320123 What mix? The obvious answer is to be happy you're with a woman you find attractive and you share interests with but you're asking here so... ---224324913 >>224324740 >t.schlomo ---224324998 >>224324913 Nice try, I'm not jewish (at least nothings points to me being even the tiny little bit jewish). ---224325098 >>224320123 is she muslim? dont get revange-assfucked by her 10 brothers and dad
----- ---224304104 Like ADHD, (((Doctors))) will diagnose you so they can make money from you. It's why they diagnose children as trans now.
---224304184 it was already removed from the DSM, retard ---224304260 >>224304104 I read yalls posts its definitely a thing. ---224305549 I am the custodial guardian of two children; my niece (7) and my nephew (6). My niece is a perfectly fine little girl (with the exception of the psoriasis). My nephew is ADHD. His working memory is shot all to fuck and back - he often times has issues remembering what he did just seconds before, or he'll look for items in places they've never been (ie: he sometimes looks for the broom in the pantry.. instead of the broom closet). He's always in trouble at school for hitting people. If it was a parenting thing we'd have the same issue with my niece... but we don't. So on and so forth. ADHD is a very real thing. I might agree with you that it's OVER diagnosed... but it absolutely does exist. ---224305614 >>224304104 no, it's worse than that... They use these diagnosis to cover up the very real chemical warfare that they are attacking us with. So now, instead of being poisoned... you "have aspergers" or whatever their flavor of the week is. ---224305750 >>224304104 how can one kid become a fucked up drug addict and the other a model citizen despite being raised the same way same family, I think adhd is real ---224307360 >>224304104 I'm tired of the medication/schizo meme. At least 70% of Americans believe in demons but as soon as I mention them on the internet I get spammed with adhoms. ---224307839 >>224304104 >have adha >get drugs with street value Whats the problem here? ---224307942 >>224305614 based but its not just chemical its electromagnetic from various transmitters 5G = rates of autism increase one hundredfold via sperm damage ---224308164 >>224305549 What is this, Facebook? Shut up about your retard kid. ---224308239 >>224305549 Are you sure it isn't just a nigger? ---224308468 >>224304184 Not really, it was merged with autism as Autism Type 1 as a way to have closely related disorders under the same umbrella. For the same reason ADD was removed as a diagnosis but there is ADHD type ADD. ---224308583 >>224304104 It's real but over diagnosed. Same way ADHD, Depression, and Trans are over diagnosed. Partly like you said to make money, promote agendas, and also >>224305614 ---224308930 >>224307360 the meds/schizo thing isn't a meme, well I guess in a way, but the point is it's more than many anons realize yet, it's a code. The anons that use those terms are either the pushers, they know what it means, or someone who got infected with the buzz. ---224310049 10 years ago they said I had it and it explained a lot. Whatever it is, every time I step out of routine and what I do everyday it kicks in and makes life a living hell. Something is wrong in my head. ---224310445 >>224310049 what makes it confusing is that it's on a spectrum so i'm like borderline-aspergers, and i could easily fit into either the aspergers group or the non-aspergers group then again, this sounds like the same argument made by race-denying retards, so i guess it's fair to categorize people who're past some vague threshold as having "aspergers" ---224310725 >>224310445 They can call it whatever they like, I dont care about what its called. But it is certainly very real. ---224310855 >>224310725 yeah i think people have a tendency to find that words and language are pretty shit at accurately describing the nuance of things, so they decide to discard them altogether, as if there weren't value in them despite being inherently imperfect ---224311139 >>224305549 have you tried hitting him? ---224311509 >>224304104 OP is a fake disease. Everything u just mentioned can be physically diagnosed via brain scan. ---224311545 >>224304104 As a person with ADHD, this is false. While kids who are just hyperactive in class being annoying as fuck are often misdiagnosed, having it is much different than that. Where as most people have a problem with being alone with nothing around you, a person with ADHD will be able to sit in a silent room alone repeating the same small action and thinking. Picking finger nails, twisting hair, ripping skin, shaking feet or legs and just being lost in thought completely. It is impossible to focus because the brain will want to think and consider everything at a furious pace. If you have ADHD, your life can fall apart if you aren’t medicated. Sleep, cleaning, deadlines, time management, large projects that require focus over the course of weeks, these things will take a backseat because you’re thinking about how create a new PoE build, how to create the optimal tinder account and how regulate it in the future if necessary, how to identify if a person is male or female and their age just based on posts, where you would go back in time in life if you have a singular chance to change something, what is the cheapest way to eat in a week while not sacrificing health, what if aliens don’t exist because for the universe to exist having 1 planet with life is all that is required. Then bam! you’re back staring at your single paragraph written of your term paper. It can be a total hell if left unchecked. ---224311993 >>224305549 He just sounds retarded to me. He should be diagnosed with mental retardation. ---224312026 >>224304104 >>224304184 It's not you retards. Aspies are high IQ autismos. Most people with autism are also low IQ which is why they can't be social. Aspergers are smart enough to analyse conversations and learn from them, basically making them socially capable again. ---224312064 >>224304104 They diagnose children as trans because they don't want to be career destroyed for bigotry But it's ok, if they are still doctors in 10 plus years time they can get sued for a false trans diagnosis and everyone is happy. The system works. ---224312132 >>224304104 Why do you think that ADHD is a fake diagnosis? Can you argument it? ---224312166 >>224308164 newfag >>224311993 >t. actual retard forgetting things doesn't make you a retard, your mom with Alzheimer is also retarded i guess ---224312195 >>224304104 you don't have to use any medicine when you have asperger and asperger meeting is optional, how they can make money out of you ---224312264 I was diagnosed with aspergers 2 weeks ago. It's a really bad disease and it takes it's toll on your family. ---224312509 >>224312264 It's not a disease. You are just thick and everyone is too polite to say so. ---224312666 >>224311545 Never thought about it, lol, but I really don't use Tinder effective. But is it ADHD or I just have social fears/complexes? Also had troubles with making notes. In school and in uni. You know, I can write it ok, but the first several pages. Later it became to mess which I can't read fluently. ---224312806 >>224311545 Sometimes it's literally hard for me to stop post, but if I would try to write an article on the same topic it would be hard. While I can post a lot. Even here once had this, when I'd posted 30+ posts. ---224312930 >>224304104 I have Asperger's. Most normies who say they have it are lying, but it's still very common in gaming circles. It's not a good thing to have. I've gotten to the point where I can almost pass as normal but anything that throws your concentration off turns you right back into being an autismo. ---224312975 >>224312666 I can read it, but some letters are equal to each other (in the way how I write in Russian in cursive), and the notes look really worser. ---224313142 >>224308583 One therapist literally noticed that I twich leg while sitting, but didn't start the conversation about possible ADHD. ---224313260 >>224312930 sounds like you're just a retard ---224313759 >>224305549 ITT: what is personality? Probably ESTP. Your son is a Chad in the making. ADHD is nothing but a collection of symptoms. Like all "diagnoses" in psychology. To explain cognition you need a model; models are falsifiably, so western psychology has no interest in that (too hard). Look up socionics. ---224313829 >>224304104 exactly but how else will you get neet bucks cut off your hands? ---224314520 >>224313260 It often does and yes we are indeed retards. Our brains are damaged. They dont work properly. ---224314589 >>224304104 >mfw using autism diagnostic for autismbux Eat shit, pharmakikes ---224314669 >>224314589 Based, but don’t you have to renew it after you become 16? ---224314840 >>224314669 ???? I'm 22 and the gov gives me 1k a month, no questions asked ---224314976 >>224312026 Not correct, aspies by definition at least of average intelligence but they are not by definition intelligent. Neither do people with autism necessarily have less than average intelligence. I have aspergers and an IQ of 130 and a friend of mine diagnosed with autism, not aspergers is a member of MENSA and has a higher IQ than me, I forgot exactly how high but in the 132 - 138 range. You are correct that many people with aspergers will leave how to act in many situations, by consciously analyzing situations and applying them in real situations. It'll never be perfect though and it's often far easier for an aspie to explain how one should act in a specific situation or what it means when someone is saying or acting in a specific way than it is for them or act accordingly in a real situation. ---224314997 >>224304104 When I was growing up people with Aspergers were just smart people that weren't popular. Nerds. They noticed patterns that normies ignored. ---224315062 >>224314840 Aspergers or more serious ASD? ---224315232 >>224315062 PDD-NOS ---224315247 >>224304104 I was diagnosed Aspergers at an early age 8-10 smth, I can guarantee you it exists but i guess it is highly individual to what extent it affects you some are more affected than others. Having this stamp has limited me to what iam able to do, For instance i wanted to become a pilot but it is just not possibly with this diagnose or well allowed rather which i can understand. It sucks but it is what it is. ---224315366 >>224312026 >It's not you retards. Aspies are high IQ autismos. Most people with autism are also low IQ which is why they can't be social. Aspergers are smart enough to analyse conversations and learn from them, basically making them socially capable again My whole life in a sentence. I never got diagnosed living in a third world shithole. But it's painfully obvious. I dont even know whether I would change anything if I could. Would I trade off my intelligence to normal brain hardwiring? Probably not. But damn I would love to feel how ordinary people do, even for just couple of minutes. How the conversation flows when one does not need to apply a continious conscious effort to maintain its accepted/expected form. ---224315609 So is white supremacy but you don't need a doctor to diagnose it ---224316220 >>224305549 He just sounds stupid, anon :\ ---224316441 >>224311545 This. I can't even focus on a vidya game. It's just staring at a wall and living thousands of lives and scenarios in my head all the time. ---224316745 >>224315366 Does aspergers just affect communication skills? What is it when you just sit there blank and have no interest in what others are talking about so you zone out then come back when they seem like they want a response from you but you have to fake it because you werent paying attention but feel shy enough to not want that to be known? Certain topics captivate me but for the most part those topics rarely ever come up in normal conversation. ---224316827 Depression is just a state and not something that has to be medicated. Prove me wrong. People come out of bad states. ---224317171 >>224304104 what about those full blown aspie kids that cant even function and drool on themselves and shit? ---224317332 >>224317171 They aren't aspie they're retarded. ---224317401 >>224317171 That's not aspergers, that's retardation.. >>224316827 I agree, I have diagnosed anxiety and depression, but I just deal with it. The anxiety is constant, the depression comes and goes over periods of weeks or months. With some early intervention counseling during my teenage years it went from suicidality to "I get inexplicably sad and unmotivated sometimes, lose all interest in the things I love, and don't have the energy to interact with others, but I just have to work through it" and I learned to work with anxiety as well. Medication is unnecessary. ---224317517 >>224317171 That is full blown autism, Probably combined with other conditions. ---224317723 >>224317401 Not to mention the power of regular exercise, which most people don't get enough of ---224318208 >>224304104 I remember getting an asburgers diagnosis forced on me in the second grade. That shit ruined my school career after I got put on an iep and never learned to function without hand holding ---224319643 >>224304104 Perinatal hypoxia = autism. It was CAUSED by doctors themselves. ---224320244 >>224318208 It sucks you got put on IEP but you'd like have problems anyway. One of the problems typical of people with aspergers is reduced executive functionality. ---224324153 exactly ---224324661 >>224315366 Ah the longing to be NT... Hard not to at times but I don't think it's all that healthy. I see our learning to interact with normies as learning a second language, we were not immersed in it like a native speaker, we had to learn it the hard way and that can lead to a far deeper understanding of the language than that of a native speaker who just takes it for granted because they learned it automatically. ---224325038 >>224316441 >INTP as s fellow INTP, i would recommend meditation. when you are in control of your mind, life becomes much simpler
----- ---224308872 Washington state is named after the main Mason himself. Do you think it has some special occult significance to the Freemasons? I've noticed a lot of sketchy Mason, and Shriner stuff here over the years. I'll post what i have. In one youtube interview Fritz Springmeier said Mary Hill Stonehenge is the site of rituals. The police, and Fire dept come out to protect, and participate. 14:55 Mothers of Darkness castle and the Dutroux affair The child snatchers in the Dutroux case used school catalogs to pick the children out, and followed them home form school. The K-12 Prussian education system enables the pedo rings. 17:05 Maryhill Stonehenge rituals at a nearby hidden cemetery. Bend OR Chief of Police, and Fire Marshal were a part of those rituals. Deschutes County Oregon Sheriffs were running security for the ritual. Maryhill Stonehenge WA
---224308977 There was an $chan webm where William Schnoebelen said Washington court rooms are controlled by Masons. He talks about Masons, and Shriners a lot. 3:45 After 33rd degree you can join the Shriners. Shriners drink at the lodge. 5:10 Shriner clowns 6:40 Shriner initiation, medical physical exam necessary, electric carpet "hot Sahara sands" ritual, forced to suck, and eat a hot dog 11:00 Koran used a holy book for initiation ritual, Shrines are Arab, and Islamic themed. Swear to get your eyes poked out with three cornered blades, and skull will be opened, leaving your brain exposed to desert heat if you betray them. Swear an oath to Allah, and the Djinn I've come across several videos of people accusing Washington of being very corrupt, and run by Masons. Here the British Masons brag about building America. 1:12 ---224309145 >>224308977 The mayor of Zillah is a swinger named Gary Clark. He runs a swinger's club out of "The Old Warehouse." I thought that was over with, but apparently those old fucks are still recruiting local moms to this day. He's probably a Mason. They recently added "Perham Hall." A music venue which looks to host satanic bands. Anons have said traveling bands are covers for pedo trafficking. The Perham name came to America in 1666. The logo features a Minerva owl, and their internal lights are pineapples(swinger symbolism). Zillah was the mother of Tubal-Cain. ---224309213 >>224309145 Pineapples symbolize swingers. ---224309250 >>224309145 > I've never heard of an yof these bands before. Parker Milsap's "Hades Pleads" lyrics talk about taking someone to the river styx. I’m gonna take you to my house on the Styx On a long black train going clackety-click I’m begging like Cerberus I’m begging like this I’m beggin’ I’m gonna take you to my garden of screams Down in the belly of the voodoo machine I’ll pick you up darlin’ in my black limousine I'm knockin’ I’m gonna take you to the end of the line I’ll give you anything you want pretty girl You could rule over the underworld A coal mine full of diamonds and a string of black pearls I’ll make you I’m gonna crown you as the queen of the dead Gold-capped teeth in a ring on your head You can hear the river from my burial bed Listen I’m gonna take you to the end of the line ---224309455 >>224309145 Many of the teachers in Zillah are pedos, and the kids’ reports against them go un-answered by the authorities. Zillah was the home of the 2013 Teacher of the Year. He ended up shilling for Common Core in 2014. Just before the big federal adoption. He did pedo shit, shilled for Prozac & NASA, and gave out misinformation in class. I think they are some kind of Sabbatean sex cult(Perham = 1666) under the control of the government. Here's an expose of him on public TV ten years earlier. >Green Frogs Green frogs are an occult symbol of transformation. The green frogs messed with Hilary in the Simpsons. I the Pepe meme was all one big psi-op. >Common Core shilling ---224309578 >>224309455 Yakima is the site of a large Freemason temple. It's built to honer the sun, and has an imported stone arch from Jerusalem. The pics on Google show they talk about the Dome of the Rock being the site of Solomon's Temple. The temple is Babylonian themed, and features several bulls. ---224309620 >>224309578 >EZ >Tiger >Shelter ---224309708 >>224309620 There were many missing teens this spring. People are saying they are going unreported. An anon in a past thread opened up about Masons abducting teens. I think i see what's going on here. Pic related shows that counties don't even share missing person info with each other. The system is set up to hide kidnappings. ---224309865 >>224309708 The recently elected coroner used Mason symbolism on his election sign. Two hermetic pillars, with a unity star in the middle. ---224309982 >>224309865 The police use an emerald green mountain motiff on their vehicles. Mountains are the birth place of the gods, and the emerald green symbolizes the emerald tablets of Thoth. It's Freemason symbolism. ---224310267 >>224309982 "Churchill's Booklover's Haunt" had Satan decorations out last Halloween. They also have a lunar progression mural on their side. I think the Haida art symbolizes slavery. Most of the books on display are written by Masons. It's right next to the Freemason temple. A nearby clock tower used to feature a creepy bronze statue of a fireman falling, or being pushed out of the top.!1s0x5499d7eb1751c1d1%3A0xc22f097cd511938!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!!5sChurchill%27s%20Booklover%27s%20Haunt%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipM2lLcljDihDwYs68OkF6CbECYOGCyV_lci2-rV&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwix286TwJ3kAhXBo54KHZrrDH0QoiowCnoECA8QBg ---224310526 >>224310267 Here's a collage of the rest of Yakima's Freemason symbolism. I'll get to the to the medical stuff later. There are concrete planters in downtown Yakima, and Seattle that feature a Mayan maize pattern. I remember reading an article about hem ~2015. The Freemasons are into the ancient Mayan mysteries. The Mayan maize god resurrects from a turtle shell. The maize is resurrection symbolism. Several theories, with varying degrees of ethnographic support, have been formulated to account for episodes such as the maize deity's resurrection from a turtle, his canoe voyage, and his transformation into a cacao tree. In many scenes, an aquatic environment strongly comes to the fore (see fig. 2), most famously in the maize deity's resurrection from the carapace of a turtle that is floating on the waters. ---224310823 >>224310526 Stanwood has several suspicious child care centers with spiral, and devil hands symbolism. They're right next to a Masonic lodge. There are refrigerated vans right next to a traveling band venue, Loco Billys(Cow with horns logo). The Methodist Church across from one of the day care centers has an OTO looking downward dove on it. The "solar powered" sign is a recent addition. There was talk in a past thread of how fire depts and solar imagery were pedo symbols. That location keeps it's lights on 24/7 and has a suspicious drive through style window. Stanwood was recently diversified inn the Obama era, so they may just be trafficking foreign kids. The local bar "Leatherheads" mysteriously opens and closes every year or so. They host shitloads of bikers. They are fire dept themed. The local venue "Loco Billys" has two suspicious refrigerated vans parked in it's lot. They are part of the food distribution center across the street. Previous threads said to look for refrigerated vans and traveling bands. The refrigerated vans have suspicious rainbow hand heart symbols and Tualalip Indian logos. The refrigerated vans have logos which do not show up on the other vans. The rainbow heart is very pedo. The old Indians feared the gamblers more than the kings. I don't buy that the casnos are good these days. They host seminars on preventing human trafficking at the local casino. Almost seems like a smokescreen. ---224311010 >>224310823 The nearby Sahara Pizza uses palm symbolism, and Loco Billys has a Moloch looking bull. Google maps won't let you streetview the Masonic lodge. ---224311035 >>224311010 ---224311159 >>224311035 Stanwood Co-op Preschool has a creepy drive through style window. I think all of this is an occult architecture that will be used against us en-mass when the boomers die off. ---224311301 >>224310823 >triangle spiral heart ---224311546 >>224311301 Bop N Burger in Edmonds has the black, and white checkerboard floor. It looks to be closed now. While it was "open" it was almost never actually open. I tried stopping in there over the years only to find it closed. It's right next to a Hansel, and Gretel themed bakery, and a baby store. The baby store used to be called "Kinderbritches", and it's old sign featured pedo spiral symbolism. Pic related shows the creepy interior, and the customer reviews complaining about it never being open. It's proximity to the Hansel and Gretel bakery makes me think it was some ritual cannibal place that only opened on special occasions. ---224311599 >>224311546 Kinderbritches in now Belly&Co. ---224311937 >>224311599 Maxwell Hotel in Seattle features the "Naked Experience." Their logo is a pineapple, and their promo vids are full of it. "Certificate of Excellence Pineapple Hospitality Company" is the Minerva owl. Their company has some weird stuff on their website. This video features a little girl. This video finishes with him kissing the dog. 0:22 MM entrance 0:30 between two pillars(lights on mirror) ---224312155 >>224311937 Several human trafficking articles have mention corrupt hotels that facilitate these pedo rings. ---224312613 >>224310526 I suspect the medical system is designed, and run by satanic Freemasons. From my experience it's designed to fuck you up. Several doctors seemed intentionally neglectful, and the reviews I've dug up say the same. Look at the highlighted part of pic related. This is what's happening. Masons cripple people as a mind control tool. “One of these Technocrats had hacked into a laptop at a Bilderberg Group conference and listened into a conversation between a Rothschild and a Rockefeller. This conversation was about the different ways they planned to use surgical mutilation on their own loyal members.” “What they are now planning is an extremely widespread program of surgical mutilation. In the world culture they are planning, most people, except for the wealthiest aristocrat families, would be surgically mutilated to some degree. In this conversation they were saying things like, “Gardeners don’t really need two eyes. Maids and butlers don’t really need both of their eyes, now do they? Computer programmers don’t need their legs really. Ordinary male factory workers don’t need their testicles. Ordinary female workers don’t need their ovaries or breasts. Whatever body part a worker doesn’t need in order to do their job, we should have that removed.” ― Kerth Barker, Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism ---224312720 >>224312613 >Virginia "Mason" >up/down triangles form Saturn Sigil What you have to understand is that all of this relates to a plan to create an apocalypse. The Illuminati has a depopulation agenda. They plan to kill off most of the people on the planet so that only half a billion people remain. This isn’t to be done to save the environment, they want to do it to turn the planet into a giant Satanic prison. In order to push forward their massive depopulation agenda, they need to have complete control over their own Illuminati members. And even in the Illuminati system, most members would not necessarily cooperate with the massive genocide that is being planned. Although Illuminati mind control is pretty sophisticated, it does have certain limits. Persons who have been subjected to Monarch mind control may be used as sex slaves, assassins or even entertainment performers. But none of those things require great intellectual skill. It turns out that computer programmers and social organizers don’t do well when subjected to this type of trauma-based mind control. So the problem that the Committee faces is how they can have complete control over their intellectual human resources. The solution that they’ve come up with is to combine surgical mutilation with certain forms of indoctrination. What they believe is that when surgical mutilation is combined with indoctrination, such persons can retain their intellectual capacity while becoming completely submissive to their masters. What Illuminati psychiatrists believe is that when a person is subjected to extreme surgical mutilation, this creates a permanent feeling of powerlessness. So when such a person is then subjected to indoctrination, that person will accept the indoctrination more willingly. ---224312781 >>224312720 >upside down five point star For example, if a computer programmer who operates predator drones were ordered to kill Christian Americans, that programmer might not comply. But if his legs were surgically removed, and he was indoctrinated to believe that it was a good thing to kill Christian Americans, he would then be more likely to comply. And the loss of his legs would not interfere with his ability to operate a computer. By the way, if you believe that the predator drone program was designed only to kill muslims overseas, you should think again. One thing that they told me about was the Illuminati’s plans to use surgical mutilation as a method of controlling their own members. The people who James arranged for me to meet were what some would call Technocrats. These are people who use computer modeling and social science as a way for the Illuminati to make plans to take over the world. One of these Technocrats had hacked into a lap top at a Bilderberg Group conference and listened into a conversation between a Rothschild and a Rockefeller. This conversation was about the different ways they planned to use surgical mutilation on their own loyal members. I listened to some of this recording and it was obvious that they weren’t joking. It was clear in the conversation that they believe that there is a relationship between surgical mutilation and social control. They believe that more they surgically mutilate the bodies of their own servants and subordinates, the more control they will have over them. What they were talking about was an extremely widespread program of surgical mutilation. In the world culture they are planning, most people, except for the wealthiest aristocrat families, would be surgically mutilated to some degree. ---224312860 >>224312781 In this conversation they were saying things like, “Gardeners don’t really need two eyes. Maids and butlers don’t really need both of their eyes–now do they? Computer programmers don’t need their legs really. Ordinary male factory workers don’t need their testicles. Ordinary female workers don’t need their ovaries or breasts. Whatever body part a worker doesn’t need in order to do their job, we should have that removed.” They also talked about the use of plastic surgery to identify social class. In their plan, the peasants would have homely faces, the police-enforcers would look fiercely animalistic, but the aristocrats would have plastic surgery to make themselves look handsome or beautiful. ---224313077 >>224309455 > For thousands of years, frogs and toads have been associated with myths, folklore and magic. Sadly many of these myths and tales portray them as demons, creatures associated with the devil. Some cultures however viewed them in a positive light, and saw them as representative of good fortune, protection, rain and fertility. In some cultures the frog symbolized resurrection and a higher stage of spiritual awakening. In the Rig Veda creation myths of the Hindus, the Great Frog supports the universe and is representative of the matter from which all is created. The Egyptians believed frogs to have been formed from mud and water, a belief that seems to have materialized as a result of rivers flooding during the rainy season, at which time frogs reproduced in such quantities that thousands of tiny frogs and toads invaded walkways and public areas; they even entered private homes and in general were regarded as pests. This phenomenon was dubbed “Frog Rain”, because such occurrences always happened after the first heavy rains of the season. As such frogs became associated with weather predictions because they would begin croaking just before rains. In Egypt the frog was most commonly associated with the goddess Heket (or Heqet), the goddess of fertility and childbirth who assisted Isis in her ritual to resurrect Osiris. Heket is depicted as a frog-shaped goddess, whose priestesses trained as midwives. They wore amulets, jewellery and other ornaments that bore her image. Frog shaped knives placed on to the bellies of pregnant women and newborn babies were believed to protect their youngsters. Frogs in general were so important to the early Egyptians they were often embalmed after death. ---224313306 >>224313077 In ancient China the toad was a trickster and a magician, a master of escapes and spells. But he was also the keeper of powerful secrets. One legend tells a story of a wandering wise old man called Liu Hai and his three-legged toad companion Ch'an Chu. Ch'an Chu knew the secret of eternal life, and due to his masters kindness he revealed the secret to the wise man. In Japan a similar legend involves the Gama-Sennin, also known as Kosensei, a wise old man with a hunched body and a warty face. Kosensei wanders the land with his toad companion, who teaches him the secret powers of herbs, including the secret of immortality. Frogs and toads go through at least one major transformation during their lives, that from tadpole to adult. Many also shed their skins regularly as they grow, and some even eat their discarded skin. These transformations may explain why many cultures saw frogs and toads as symbolic of re-creation, or as keepers of the secrets of life after death. Members of the Olmec tribes of early Mesoamerica created images of a toad as the ‘God of rebirth’, reborn after consuming itself and thus caught up in the never-ending cycle of life and death. As much as the frog was seen as a symbol of life and birth, it was also seen as a symbol of death. Some European myths tell that it was bad luck to kill a frog for they housed the souls of dead children. In the ancient Zoroastrian religion of the Middle East the frog was associated with Ahriman (the most evil of all beings). In Europe, it wasn’t until the Middle Ages that the frog was given such an unfavourable reputation, and the frog went from being a sacred symbol of creation to a manifestation of evil. The frog (along with other animals) was quickly associated with Witches, and thought to be their devoted magical animal used to carry out all sorts of diabolical deeds. > ---224313327 >>224313306 ---224313843 >>224313327 Here's an old Masonic mug. It features a tadpole, legged tadpole, and a frog. This is frog transformation symbolism. ---224314113 >>224312613 There's a guy who posts about the Lummi Tribe abductions. He says many small towns are controlled by government cults. they were called to help a local police department in the 90s in the pacific NW where we lived when i was really little. strange crimes of a ritual nature were going on. my dad only talked to me once about it, and wouldnt say much. he said there was a human smuggling ring in british columbia all the way down to california. satanists were involved. a young lady eventually came to my dad and i guess she said she had been running away from this satanic cult for a year and always found her. the priest friend helped out and she was brought to a convent for her protection i remember vivudly he said the bodies were dissolved with a strange chemical. he also said that a small part of the lummi tribe was affected by this cult, and the police were dirty. also said parts of bham pd were as well. ---224314435 >>224311159 I go check these out tomorrow OP...I just woke up again...saw a WA thread pretty well researched of the state shame Im so tired and no WA anon in thread. ---224314577 >>224311937 Three Masonic references in the Pineapple hospitality company website. Our corporate office is in St. Charles, Missouri. Downtown St. Louis (home of the best >baseball team in America and that little "arch" monument) is 25 miles >to the east. St. Charles is rich in >Lewis and Clark history and was the first state capital of Missouri. Our central location enables us to ship anywhere in the U.S. within 4 business days via ground. ---224314667 >>224312720 I delivered flowers here a lot in my youth....seems like they had some wild murals...cant member...virginia mason is a childrens hospital right? ---224314899 >>224314435 I waited too long to post. Everyone's a sleep. >>224314667 It's an everyone hospital. I've had issues getting timely care. I think the system is designed to hurt people as a satanic ritual. 1:30 ---224315291 >>224314899 you should post again tommow OP...get WA anons to have a lot to dig thru evertte has a old lodge near the naval base in old town alittle always chills me when I roll thru there....sorry I ate too much bbq and did too much farm chores today...still pretty drunk. ---224315561 >>224310526 That post's collage shows a fireman altar with Mayan, and Rosicrucian symbolism(flaming heart on cross). The Minerva owl is placed on top. Nearby was pic related. The Masons are into Mayan mysteries, and the Aztecs basically copied them. This Aztec festival was right across the street from the Freemason temple. ---224315696 >>224315561 ---224315801 >>224315696 Mayan mysteries ---224315905 >>224308872 >Fritz Springmeier said Stopped reading right there. He's a loon, and so is that daft cow he's humping, Cathy O'Brien/Arizona Wilder. "Fritz Springmeier" isn't even his real name, FFS. ---224316471 >>224310526 >There are concrete planters in downtown Yakima, and Seattle that feature a Mayan maize pattern. I remember reading an article about hem ~2015. The Freemasons are into the ancient Mayan mysteries. The Mayan maize god resurrects from a turtle shell. The maize is resurrection symbolism. Tammi Lynn Leppert was murdered by Hollywood occultists. The scene she performs in in Scarface features similar art deco maize symbolism as these concrete planters. Tammy is the girl in the blue bikini. 1:39 Mayan maize motif Black, white, and red In July of 1982, Tami landed a part in the teen exploitation film, “Spring Break”. When the movie completed filming, Tami went un-chaperoned to a weekend party. She came back a different person. According to Wing, Tami’s behavior began to take on paranoid overtones: “Sometimes I’d ask her, what was on her mind, if anything was bothering her. And she’d usually change the subject or she’d say oh, nothing you know and then try to laugh it off.” After filming Spring Break, Tami changed According to her mother, Linda, she even thought someone was trying to kill her: “Then she said Mom, what would you say if I told you somebody was trying to kill me. I just took a deep breath, and I said, do you think somebody’s trying to kill you, Tami? She said, yes.” Tami feared for her life A steady retreat into isolation soon followed for Tami. Linda and Wing had no way of ascertaining which of Tami’s fears were real and which were paranoid delusions. After two weeks of virtual seclusion, Tami Lynn was offered a small part in the big budget Al Pacino film, “Scarface,” which began shooting in Miami in March of 1983. She stayed with a family friend, Walter Liebowitz. According to Walter, all went well until the fourth day of filming: ---224316691 Many think her friend set her up. >>224316471 “I received a call from the casting director to tell me that Tami had a breakdown on the set. They said that it was a scene where someone was supposed to be shot and had artificial blood spurt out. And they said when Tami was watching the scene, she started crying hysterically and it got so bad that they had to take her to a trailer. She was in a tremendous state of fear, anxiety… What it was that caused this great fear in her I don’t know. When I spoke with Tami’s mother, I told her that she should take Tami to a doctor and also take her to the police to find out of the problem was psychological or if there was some basis in fact that someone was actually trying to kill her and get to the bottom of it.” Tami smashed a window in her home Tami Lynn quit the film and went back home. At her mother’s insistence, Tami did talk to the local sheriff, but apparently never mentioned that she felt her life was in danger. Even with her family, Tami’s paranoia ran rampant. According to Wing, Tami was now convinced that someone was trying to poison her: “There were good days and there were bad days. There were days when she was almost normal. And there were other days when she was real edgy.” Then on July 1 st , Tami finally snapped. She began smashing all the windows in her house and started attacking Wing. It was at that moment that Linda knew something was seriously wrong with her daughter: “I handled that incident, but I didn’t know if I was going to be able to handle the next one.” She was last seen in Cocoa Beach, FL ---224316952 Nice thread OP. ---224317604 >>224309455 >Many of the teachers in Zillah are pedos ? ---224317944 >>224309578 One episode of iCarly, produced of course by Dan "Tickle the Feet then Pickle your Meat" Schneider, is about Carly's grandparents threatening to take custody of her from her brother and move her to Yakima. ---224318148 >>224317604 A bunch left after pic related was caught. Many teachers would do wierd pedo grooming stuff. A recent grad told me about two teachers giving kids back rubs when they didn't want to. The kids complain, but the school and cops don't do anything. >>224317944 There was some extreme sports movie from the early 2000's where they name dropped Yakima. Yakima Canut was John Wayne's sidekick. I wonder if there's some Freemason significance to it? ---224318280 >>224308977 >fez Ottoman Turks = post-Cromwell England Royals (1648-present day) ---224318430 >>224308977 The Ottoman "Donmeh" Turks infiltrated England through the Civil War of 1648. Later, they accomplished the same feat in France. Their power was used to attack Russia in the Crimean War that saved the Ottoman Empire from Russian defeat. ---224318496 >>224311035 The masonic lodge in the Proctor District of Tacoma is right next to the post office, and goes underground ---224318626 >>224311599 Anacortes had the exact same style of restaurant next to a baby clothing store with pedo symbols, giant building ---224318654 >>224309145 Barbary Pirate Turk Symbols - White Slave Trade - 1600s-1800s ---224318920 >>224318430 >>224318280 The 007 series is steeped in British Occultism. Queen Elizabeth's tutor, John Dee, signed his letters with a "007." Leicester signed letters to Elizabeth with two eyes = "For Your Eyes Only." Octopussy has Shriner clowns, and world egg symbolism. The end scene is inside a blue, and white tent decorated with five point stars. There was a scene in one Bond movie where they play a video game that electrocutes the loser, kind of like the electric Shriner carpet initiation. Bond's black and white suit is very Masonic. Q could stand for Quetzalcoatl. He brought the Mayans civilization like Q brings Bonds hi tech gadgets. The Masons are into the Mayan mysteries. Are the Donmeh behind the Shriners being used to push Islam on normies? >Shriner clown >world egg(drops at the end) >blue and white tent >5 point stars ---224318969 >>224308872 Clintons, Bush, Obama, Vatican, Rotshields, royals, all are child molesters and satanists ---224319094 >>224309145 ---224319241 >>224318626 ---224319309 >>224308872 Good thread anon ---224319345 >>224318148 You remind me that there are probably full-blown satanic coven towns in the country that currently have no spotlight but people in the know flock to. I've read some such tales on /x/. >I wonder if there's some Freemason significance to it? Could be Freemasons or any of their affiliates. We can tell only by the symbolism they employ. ---224319611 >>224318920 Hayreddin Barbarossa ---224319700 Anglo-Turkish piracy or the Anglo-Barbary piracy refers to the collaboration between Barbary pirates and English pirates ---224319854 Barbary Pirate Freemasonry before the "modern" symbol. ---224319893 >>224319345 That town was full of pedos. Jeff Charb's Catholic church had a lot of pedo priests. One was a guest pastor from Venezuela that promoted Chavez. Half the town was Mormon, and there were some Freemason students. I felt like that place was really off. They held me back from a class I'd passed, a Mormon teacher blackballed me from honor roll stuff I'd earned, and Charb even told me i was wrong about stuff I'd learned in college. That place was some kind of mind control, common core experiment. >>224319241 Read Me a Story looks very suspicious.!1s0x548579e42fa9007b%3A0x20dc80bbca419514!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!!5sanacortes%20read%20me%20a%20story%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipMRjcGE8h5LuwNw6bhGlxY0oalkL8QGBby2JL4M&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiCorTq553kAhVlCTQIHS4rCSEQoiowCnoECA8QBg ---224320015 >>224318280 >>224318430 >>224318654 >>224319094 >>224319700 >>224319790 >>224319803 >>224319816 >>224319854 >>224319974 >>224319990 ---224320119 >>224319816 >>224319990 That looks like the two ball cane/Tubal Cain logo. Did the Donmeh introduce the eastern stuff, like the Assassin rituals? ---224320150 >>224309145 >1666 ---224320153 >>224318280 >>224318430 >>224318654 >>224319094 >>224319700 >>224319790 >>224319803 >>224319816 >>224319854 >>224319974 >>224319990 Freemasonry = Ottoman "Donmeh" Turkish Slavery. (Human Trafficking) aka "Barbary Pirates" ---224320253 >>224320153 It sure looks that way. ---224320269 >>224320253 ---224320431 >>224319241 This restaurant Kokopelli Grill doesn't have that suspicious an interior. But look at how they remodelled. ---224320528 >>224320253 The Swedes teamed up with the Ottoman "Donmeh" Turks to fight Catholic Monarchs across Europe. This is why you get "John Wayne" types caught in the mix. Sweden is allied with Turkey against Europe. Now Islam rules Europe. ---224320532 >>224310526 The fire dept bought new signs. They have weird swirly hearts mirrored on each side. One of the fire stations is next to a crescent moon logo old folks home, with a similar looking heart swirl in the logo. I've seen cops in the parking lot there at 1-2am. They were out front, hanging around like they were guarding something. ---224320538 Not sure if related but what happened to the Michigan child trafficking threads and anons going missing whilst checking out the derelict restaurant? I've just got off a ban from posting on the thread. Was it a larp or what? ---224320595 >>224319241 Oof. ---224320699 >>224320538 You were banned for that? ---224320739 >>224320538 Wew really? ---224320920 >>224309708 >While doing my research I learned that Washington state was among the top 5 states with the most missing person cases. The top 5 states listed in order from highest to lowest are >1. Alaska >2. Arizona >3. Oregon >4. Washington >5. Nevada >I can't help but wonder why these states have more missing than others We here at /pol/ have got the idea. ---224320981 OC ---224320995 >>224320981 ---224321014 >>224320995 ---224321033 >>224321014 ---224321049 >>224321033 ---224321122 >>224321014 . ---224321167 >>224320699 >>224320739 Yes. Kek. ---224321189 >>224321014 NOT TRIANGLES!!!! What is any of this supposed to mean? ---224321221 >>224321049 ---224321241 >>224320920 They just now bought their first cadaver finding dog. Police have told me mystery bodies show up out in random fields on the reservation. That seems suspicious to have not had one until now. ---224321267 >>224321221 ---224321296 >>224321267 ---224321327 >>224321189 yeah what could that stuff mean I wonder, it's not like triangles don't show up in the occult frequently or anything ---224321349 >>224320532 ---224321492 >>224321241 Of course Law """Enforcement""" is in on it. They do cover-ups of these things all the time. Look at England and Hampstead Church. The whole media lied and the police let the investigation go. ---224321601 >>224321349 Nice find. ---224321682 >>224321122 >>224321014 This Saturn stuff was an even bigger redpill than i expected. ---224321721 >>224321349 ... ---224321761 >>224309865 >>224309982 >>224310267 Very convincing. Has Yakima had a notable scandal regarding any of this to date? ---224321931 >>224308977 bullshit. freemasonry is jew/satanic to the core. nice misdirection schlomo ---224321981 >>224312155 This one doesn't though. ---224322352 >>224312613 Circumcision, genital mutilation, already has been shown to affect a child's cognitive development, warping their brain permanently and damaging their empathy functions, I think it was. Transexual surgery serves the dual purpose of making men eunuchs, incapable of breeding. ---224322523 >>224321367 What the fuck is going on in that painting??? ---224322629 >>224321981 This one talks about hotels being used. One of them i came across mentioned networks of complicit hotels. ---224322708 >>224321721 >>224322352 Are these sealed cases real or is this another psy-op? ---224323094 >>224321931 Yes Masonry is Jewish/Satanic, but Shriner rituals are Islamic themed. 1:55 ---224323214 The only based and redpilled place in Washington State is Gonzaga University. Based tradition Catholic school that didn't want ((ben shapiro))) to speak there. Plus they have a good basketball team. ---224323618 >>224322708 What does this imply exactly? I'm guessing sex trafficking would involve sealing the case. Lol Wyoming. Get with the Satanic program. Court documents are a part of public record. However, some of these records are not always available to people outside of the case. Sealed court records are found in civil, criminal and family law and are used for a variety of reasons. Safety The courts will seal court records for the safety of the individuals involved. The courts will not allow records to be made public if doing so will cause harm to anyone involved in the case. This rule is commonly used in cases where there are victims of assault or a restraining order is in force to name a few examples. ---224323840 >>224323618 >Lol Wyoming. Get with the Satanic program. That graph only shows what's reported. If it happened in Wyoming, why would it get a report? I'm surprised West Virginia has that high of a number for this reason. ---224324332 Is there any more info on these sealed cases? ---224325078 >>224324332 Not much, I've lurked in the pedo research threads on 4x2chan and that was the last update before the site was taken down. Usually sealed cases are used when facing organized crime or high ranking, wealthy persons who could flee the country and or destroy evidence. The number of cases was never seen before, around 5k was high and happened during investigations on mafia style groups. Some says it's Trump and the military moving against the pedos, other says it's a made up distraction.
----- ---224323892 I know a bigger fish than this
---224323938 >>224323892 >16-metre (52 ft) whale shark. Hardmode: name a drug more effective at preventing parkonsins disease than: nicotine. ---224323986 >>224323892 peanus weanus ---224324123 >>224323892 What sea creatures eat squids that size? I would imagine even very large sharks have trouble with it ---224324171 >>224324123 >every animal is a food. When you see ants in your house, you never wait for their predators. You always kill them personally. ---224324175 >>224324123 Always a bigger fish ---224324188 >>224323938 melatonin, it's why you don't see blacks with parkinson ---224324246 Bigger ---224324302 >>224324246 >>224324175 Whats your point, Swede? ---224324362 >>224323986 ---224324409 >>224324123 Sperm Whales ---224324481 >>224324188 >melatonin nigger IQ everyone ---224324492 >>224324188 While technically correct, melatonin is a natural product. Also in excess it causes blood pressure issues leading to early death. I always wondered why it was, when you cut open a nigger dick it has less nitric oxide receptors. now I know their answer - melatonin picks up the slack. I guess this means a nigger can't fuck when he isn't well-rested. ---224324540 >>224324481 On first glance, he is wrong. But African Americans really do have markedly higher melatonin levels than non-African Americans. ---224324555 >>224324123 Sperm whales ---224324569 >>224324188 Cassius clay? ---224324680 >>224324555 A sperm whale would need to eat two of those per day. I think they usually hunt smaller squid and scavenge a little, because the scars would definitely build up on their bodies, an immune system nightmare! Whale scars often tear open during late pregnancy. ---224324763 >>224324302 Probably talking about Leviathan. Congrats and welcome to the world of Jewish occult. ---224324790 These animals are the least of your concern I have seen a dead fish kilometres long ---224324819 >>224323892 No, but I do ---224324840 >>224324188 Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep, you fucking nigger. ---224324853 >>224324790 That's not very big ---224324861 >>224323938 CBD? ---224324880 we don't even know what's down there ---224324900 >>224324853 And it's only 50 million years ago since niggers looked like that. ---224324922 >>224324861 Are you *sure* CBD isn't just masking the effects? ---224324946 >>224324840 Yes. And blacks have much more of it. It also is the cause of morning wood. ---224324954 >>224324840 Lol rekt ---224324967 >>224324540 And yet what does this have to do with parkinsons. ---224324983 bump for deepsea kookspiracies. ---224324990 >>224324880 That's more like it ---224324993 >>224324853 >whites have been aloha apex predators since the Cambrian era >I'm supposed to be ashamed of this Back to the cuckshed with you ---224325030 >>224324922 My bad. Don't know how I could misread it, kek. But then I don't know. >>224324946 Yes, that's why they're so fucking lazy all the time. ---224325033 >>224324880 I wanted to post that ---224325042 >>224324993 *alpha not aloha ---224325061 >>224323892 not political ---224325069 that clossal squid would give your johnson (pecker) a good sodomy (oral) ---224325112 >>224324880 >>224325033 But do you have the webm ---224325122 >>224324993 It's clearly not a serious picture anon, it's satire. ---224325129 >>224325069 The eternal Leaf. Hello again. Remember to tag people when addressing them. No one knows who you're replying to. ---224325147 >>224325033 this stuff makes me sick. all this satanic abuse of technology to hurt niave animals. i hope we nuke each other and kill ourselves off ---224325173 >>224324409 >>224324555 ha, sperm muh dick ---224325199 >>224325122 Everything I post is satire bro ---224325227 >>224323986 What a dumb motherfucker. ---224325265 >>224325112 Big one There's still bigger ---224325289 >>224325199 Its really hard to tell because of your flag bro ---224325363 >>224325030 Eh, nobody has to know anything :) Myself, just glad I learned that melatonin=blacks is not a meme. Lol. I have a clock gene disorder and I have a big ol pile of pills which I never bother taking. If I take my melatonin every single day, my beard starts falling out. ---224325369 >>224325147 >NNNOOOOOO YOU CANT HURT THE CWUTE ANIMAWLS cuck ---224325382 >>224325147 Stupid leaf, if all of humanity would die out only niggers would roam the earth and look at how much africa and asia fucks up. Would be no life left. ---224325422 >>224325319 Reminds me of those glownigger algae that glow when you disturb them. ---224325423 >>224325363 >If I take my melatonin every single day, my beard starts falling out. Now I'm curious, what the fuck is the mechanism behind that? ---224325431 >>224325265 So give us some details. Is it some kind of salp? Oarfish? Eel? How does it's existence affect politics? ---224325450 >>224325319 With 14 legs ---224325461 >>224325422 ---224325501 >>224325363 I also take melatonin. Never had any side effects. I do 14 day cycles with 3mg pills. Else I sleep like shit, and it's not because I've messed myself up with them, cause I have always slept like shit without it. ---224325562 great video on the leviathan ---224325569 >>224325461 Nice. Fucking unreal. ---224325582 >>224325265 I want to see bigger >>224325147 SSSSSSSSSSSSSLURPP! >>224325319 Cool >>224325450 Looks like bullshit >>224325461 Cool ---224325669 I have an even bigger one ---224325679 >>224325147 No need for that. We just need to kill all non-whites and install a NatSoc dictatorship. Then nature will be respected. ---224325771 >>224323892 t. Master Qui gong ---224325785 >>224325586 I find it weird that so many organs could be nearly clear. You'd think some level of pigmentation would be unavoidable due to specialized proteins. ---224325802 >>224325450 that's some angry octopus ---224325803 >>224325450 This is old news, check out this article to see why, even underwater, it's safer to be cynical over the existence of kaiju: ---224325862 >>224325423 Apparently it affects stages of hair growth, and because I take it before bed then brush my beard in the morning, it's a noticeable difference. Since my concern arose, I started replacing it with more consistent drugs like alcohol. ---224325876 These ribs alone 500 metres ---224325950 >>224325501 Same here, clock gene disorders are fun and all but it's prescription-only here and every other country sells it at the airport :( ---224326032 >>224325669 Bullshit. No animals can get that big. It's out of proportions in regards to what they'd have to eat. A 2 km whale would need to eat way more food than it could find, so it'd die out really fucking fast. It's not in tune with symbiosis. Had other animals been huge, it would've made sense, but since other animals are much smaller, it's not in symbiosis, and thus it can't exist. And take gravity and pressure into consideration too. It's just some glitch in that image. ---224326044 cute octo is cute ---224326106 >>224324188 >melatonin Niggers just sleep through getting Parkinson's ---224326132 >>224324790 >6ft vs 5'11 ---224326173 >>224325950 It's also prescription-only in Denmark, but there's a nice EU law that allows you to import from other EU countries legally. If there's a drug in just one EU country that doesn't require prescription, you can legally buy it online and import it to any other EU country. I buy my melatonin online. It's around 30 times cheaper than in Denmark, plus I don't need to go see the doctor. ---224326208 Yeah, sure thing anon, hey I have a *big* secret to share with you. >unzips penis ---224326234 >>224326003 Big one Still bigger fish out there ---224326238 >>224326106 Parkinsons is a brain disease, meaning that niggers can't get parkinsons. ---224326339 Who can fish the leviathan? ---224326360 >>224323986 Holy shit, what a dumbass. He was probably drunk. Should have been skin side down anyway. No need to flip. Just baste. ---224326385 >>224325112 I love how it's zooming around like even the person behind it is freaking out ---224326452 Who can fish the Leviathan ---224326496 >>224324492 Are you nigger dick scientists ---224326553 I see it coming ---224326638 >>224326003 Roastie fish ---224326655 You know it ---224326679 >>224326452 >>224326655 wtf I'm looking at? ---224326853 >>224326679 These are sat images from around "Mt Sinai", also old news. It's debatable whether it's bogus or not imo. ---224326891 >>224326635 This is a salp ---224326896 >>224326635 What the hell is this thing? When God was perfecting the human design do you think he just practiced in the deep sea out of embarresment of how trash his prototypes were ---224326897 >>224325862 >more consistent drugs like alcohol. A man after my own heart. Good on ya, cobber. ---224326916 You know it. ---224326973 >>224323892 14 meters of calamares .. *breakes out bread and tartaarsause* hmmmm... =d >>224324409 amazing creatures.. they can literaly clic you to death but who eats the spermwhale? :o >>224325173 muh sexjokes *roll eyes* in flemish it's potvis pot = lesbian potter= homo vis fish ---224326975 >>224326896 doesn't matter, it is getting munched ---224327078 >>224326975 CUTE :3 ---224327130 >>224327078 He's a hungry one ---224327180 >>224325450 >Dr Padalka said: “The shapeshifting capabilities of organism 46-B sound almost diabolical. It shaped itself into the form of a human diver. ---224327218 >>224326496 I teach chinks how to speak Australian. >Lesson one. Say "Vegetable" >"Wegebre" >every fucking time ---224327425 Who killed him? You know it ---224327493 >>224325669 >>224326032 could it be a school of fish? ---224327753 >>224326975 >>224327130 Fun fact. Turtles get basically high from the toxins of the jellyfish ---224327905 >>224325669 fish swarm no? ---224328304 >>224326381 I want her to be my waifu. ---224328329 >>224323892 squids are not fish ---224328409 >>224327753 You sound like a faggot from reddit. ---224328586 >>224327210 >>224327210 >>224327210 ---224328796 >>224328329 If he posted a picture of firetrucks and said "I know a bigger fish than this", would it be a problem? No. As naytiv Inglish speequers we know he means the size of the image object. ---224328840 >>224326679 >wtf I'm looking at? One of Frank "Anonymous5" Slauenwhites deranged fans, who is posting these images to gather support for one the even more deranged theories he (Frank) championed in pic related: ---224329218 >/>224328840 You have been acknowledged ---224329299 >>224327753 >Jus try jellyfish duuuuude it's good for you duuuuude it's just jellyfish duuuuude it's all natural duuuuude ---224329319 This thread was moved to >>>/bant/8620049
----- ---224325334 EVERY RACE IN ONE SPACE Anons,when you combine all the colors of the pride flag you get gray Gray is a color of purity In my opinion all cultures should be destroyed with one new “world culture” any race,gender,sexuality,and human can enjoy. This is ultimate diversity and would let us break free of the chains of culture and access full potential of human society
---224325352 >>224325334 ---224325371 >>224325352 ---224325404 >>224325371 B ---224325448 >>224325404 Bloom into the new mega culture ---224326201 >>224325448 We have a flag
----- ---224277365 Who could have guessed?
---224278101 >>224277365 bump ---224279873 >>224278101 > Bzzt Bzzt > Oui > OP made a good thead > he did > ... > BUMP EET ---224279949 >>224277365 SPACE ISNT FUCKING REAL STOP SPAMMING THESE THREADS ---224279999 >>224279949 > space isn't real Where did that even come from? ---224280086 >>224279999 flat earth tards believe there's a dome with lcd's above us you should look into some of the shit they believe, it's a comedy goldmine ---224280130 >>224279949 fuck you redditor. ---224280159 >>224279999 Nice digits, leaf. ---224280206 >>224279949 Are you retarded? ---224280247 >>224280086 Yeah I did, it was funny for some time. Not anymore though ---224280281 >>224279949 You're not funny. Zero percent funny. If you realized how fucking unfunny you are right now. You'd need drugs to cope with the realization. Fuck you. ---224280304 >>224279873 >mfw Bizonacci is dead and ain't never coming back. Crypto memes just ain't the same ---224280312 >>224280159 Thanks, fren ---224280315 >>224280206 ARE YOU? MUH BALLOONS IN A VACUUM AT AN ELEVATION HIGHER THAN THE ISS. SPACE IS REAL GOYIM. IF THE ISS IS IN ORBIT AT A LOWER ALTITUDE THAN THIS SATELLITE HOW COME THE SATELLITE NEEDED A FUCKING BALLOON? ---224280346 >>224277365 There go my dreams of being the first space pirate. ---224280376 TRUST NASA ---224280403 >>224277365 She's really cute though. ---224280468 >>224280403 NO! ---224280489 >>224280086 It's like the anime Big O. ---224280636 >>224280376 > this ---224280707 >>224280489 What's it about? ---224280728 >>224279949 oh word? ---224280734 >>224277365 She got dem crazy eyes. How does someone like this futz the psych evaluations? ---224280806 >>224277365 >a female A homosexual female, no less. ---224280807 >>224280315 >Echo-1 read up on it's deployment sequence, fren ---224280879 >>224279999 >>224280130 >>224280206 >>224280281 >>224280728 none of you have ever seen space, just stop. you gobble the shitty doctored images that NASA feeds you like little shit eating feces goblins. ---224280887 >>224280807 Yeah I have. A rocket shot up a capsule THEN A FUCKING BALLOON INFLATES TOO KEEP THE SATELLITE UP. THEY NEEDED THE BALLOON BECAUSE SPACE ISNT REAL ---224281084 >>224277365 >Who could have guessed? weren't we betting it'd be a black guy? ---224281114 >>224280887 ECHO-1 was the balloon. It inflated, vented the gas and because it was in space, maintained it's shape after venting. It wasn't a helium balloon. ---224281177 >>224281114 SPACE ISNT REAL AND YOU DONT HAVE EVIDENCE TO PROVE IT IS. Keep shilling for NASA you fucking kike. ---224281189 >>224280879 > none of you have ever seen space, just stop. Fine, what's out there then? ---224281203 >>224277365 no one owns space. can't be a crime. it's like killing in international waters. there are no laws ---224281243 Woman brought sin to Earth. And now sin to the the void of space. ---224281333 >>224279949 David, you're stoned again. Calm down. ---224281346 >>224277365 It's just petty LBGTQWERTY BS drama. Faggots wanted marriage, now they got it. ---224281384 >>224281203 Space is more heavily monitored then international waters. So people still know that she did it ---224281408 >>224277365 Nudes? ---224281422 >>224277365 sounds like fake news to me ---224281481 >>224281408 no ---224281536 >>224277365 imagine my shock that the first crime in outer space is by a white female dyke and not a nigger. ---224281577 >>224279873 Nice save leaf >>224281084 I think the bets were on females or blacks but i guess the females won this time around ---224281604 HONK HONK put divorced Lesbian Pigs in space... sit back and watch the crimes begin ---224281695 >>224281536 well, they have to get there first ---224282097 Can't trust humans anywhere in this universe. ---224282282 >>224280247 ---224282699 >>224277365 Women are simply not fit for these things. Sure they have their virtues but being out there in space is just not it. ---224283271 >>224282699 > virtues What kind? Any that they may have had are long gone by now ---224283473 >>224277365 So who has space jurisdiction? ---224283595 >>224277365 Niggerfaggots on ycombinator have been trying hard to downplay this. ---224283776 >>224283473 No one...for now ---224283914 >>224283473 The Bogdanoff ---224284154 >>224283914 They can't be the only ones, though ---224284264 >>224277365 Cunt will do no prison time. Screencap this. ---224284342 >>224284264 Don't need to, I think we all already know that as a fact ---224284666 >>224284154 Hopefully redpilled ays, if there IS anything other than bogdabots up there. ---224284767 >>224280315 Centrifugal force n Newtonian mechanics, the centrifugal force is an inertial force that appears to act on all objects when viewed in a rotating frame of reference. It is directed away from an axis passing through the coordinate system's origin and parallel to the axis of rotation. ---224284768 >>224280489 based. I never understood the "back" meaning of the show as a kid, but rewatching it as an adult is redpilling to say the least. ---224284977 >>224277365 WHO HAS JURISDICTION IN SPACE? ---224285096 >>224284977 see above The Bogdanoffs and Ultimate 5 ---224285109 >>224280879 I actually have. They have these things called "Telescopes" that project reality television directly on to your eyeballs. ---224285200 >>224281333 THE DARKNESS GROWS ---224285407 >>224277365 all lesbian couples are unhinged ---224285665 Space Force will prosecute here ---224285728 >>224285407 and Red-pilled ---224285734 >>224277365 Great job women! You've come so fucking far! ROFL ---224286387 >>224280304 >>mfw Bizonacci is dead and ain't never coming back. Pls don't say that ---224286449 >>224285407 >all homosexuals are unhinged* Fixed. ---224286451 >>224281177 dumb ass shill proven wrong kys faggot, no one will miss you or your retarded views ---224286599 >>224286451 yeah, you tell him ---224287143 >>224281203 No but the US owns parts of the ISS . You commit a crime on US ship in international waters you get prosecuted by the US ---224287380 >>224281084 huggers what are you doing here? ---224287388 >>224286387 but he is dead in which sense ? he went away from jewtube or he is 3 feet under ? ---224287459 >>224287388 Probably both ---224287464 >>224280346 You still have a chance at being the first space butt pirate, faggot. ---224287549 >>224277365 See you space cowgirl... ---224287950 >>224282097 ---224288368 >>224287388 >3 feet under lazy shallow grave diggin spics ---224288467 >>224288368 Are there even any spics left in Chile? ---224288913 >>224279949 This is a >reddit tard defending lesbian felonious behavior. Sad! ---224289051 >>224287950 kek! ---224289431 >>224277365 The earth is concave, we are inside of it, space isnt real fuck you dumb no shoes nigger ---224289827 >>224289431 Dude, this stuff isn't even funny anymore, stop ---224290045 >>224288467 What are spics according to you? ---224290169 This is what happens when you let Jews run everything. This wouldn't be happening if we let feminism spread unchecked. ---224290203 >>224290045 Not Chileans, that's for sure ---224290254 >>224289431 Fuck off owen ---224290495 >>224290203 Every single person south of the US border is a spic (not counting actual spics living in the US) by definition anon. Spaniards are spics. I mean, I don't make these nomenclatures...I just abide to their meaning. ---224290808 >>224290495 oh, I get it now, thanks ---224290933 First transgression on earth was by eve too lmao ---224291089 >>224290933 Yeah, somebody already said that >>224281243 ---224291132 >>224290495 Do you consider Brazilians to be Hispanic? >>224290808 Do you? ---224291419 >>224291132 >Do you? If I didn't, I wouldn't say so ---224291543 >>224277365 The first ever criminal (original sin) is a woman ---224291633 >>224278101 >>224277365 OP can't bump own thread on first posts ---224291718 >>224291543 Somebody already said that >>224290933 >>224281243 ---224291758 >>224291633 I don't see why not ---224291789 >>224291132 Brazillians = spiggers who speak pork n cheese ---224291828 >>224291758 software doesn't permit the bump ---224291904 >>224291789 Stand firm with Bolsonaro against the Eurocrat Threats. ---224291916 classic woman being the first to sin in a new place ---224291933 >>224279999 Digits confirm space is real ---224291979 >>224277365 >first crime in space imagine the outrage if it was a man ---224292109 >>224279949 SPACE IS THE PLACE FOR THE HUMAN RACE ---224292361 >>224277365 They didn't go to space, the earth is flat Seriously, how /pol/ hasnt figure this out already? Einstein was a filthy kike for fuck sake and without relativity physics was going to admit the michelson-morley experiments prove the earth is stationary ---224292444 >>224281189 >Fine, what's out there then? Water ---224292542 >>224291132 Brazilians are also spics, being a spic is not about your language or race. Nick Fuentes? spic. Messi? spic. Jessica Alba? spic. Bolsonaro? hue spic, also a kike by the way... ---224292684 >>224292361 > You say that the earth is stationary > Other flat earthers say that the earth is actually accelerating upward in order to create the illusion of gravity You lot are certainly a bunch of geniuses, that's for sure ---224292731 >>224292542 "Spics" comes from hispanics you retarded memeflag, hispanics means the people that come from spain, brazilians have nothing to do with spain, we're at most latinos since we inherited the roman empire ---224292838 >>224292731 > we inherited the roman empire don't kid yourself ---224292912 >>224292684 >You say that the earth is stationary >Other flat earthers say that the earth is actually accelerating upward in order to create the illusion of gravity There isn't one single model in the flat earth community you retard, contrary to your globe pagan cult we actually don't believe in dogmas and discuss with each other Density and buoyancy could explain the gravity effect ---224293069 >>224292444 > Water >>224292912 > globe pagan cult ---224293116 >>224292838 >we inherited the roman empire >don't kid yourself We actually did, along with anyone that speaks a romanic language. Let's not forget the holy roman catholic apostolic church as well, one of the remaining memories of the roman empire, and Brazil has the largest catholic population in the world Is canada education system that bad? I thought brazilians had it worse ---224293164 >>224281604 I read the article and got really confused because there were no gender markers used, just spouse, so I naturally assumed that she was married to a man. Fuck this gay ass clown world. ---224293358 >>224293116 > I thought Brazilians had it worse You do ---224293366 >>224292731 I know where "spics" come from, you are the one in denial larping as an european or something. >see I'm not a spic because I speak a different variation of a romance language. Nevermind all the other geographical and cultural factors, Brazil isn't part of latin america, we wuz romans and sheit. ---224293470 >>224286451 > same goes to you faggot space is fake ---224293514 >>224293069 >globe pagan cult Yeah, it's a cult, the indoctrination begins in childhood and it's everywhere ---224293750 >>224293366 >Nevermind all the other geographical and cultural factors Yeah, Im considering these factos, specially history >Brazil isn't part of latin america Latin America isn't hispanic America you moron Lortugal has separated from Spain a long fucking time ago, and Brazil has separated from Portugal in some time in recent history ---224293798 >>224293514 I'm not even a pagan, dude. If anybody is a devil-worshipper, it's you dirty Catholics. Anything bad that Protestants and Orthodoxes did, your kind did 10x over! The genocide, the pedophilia, the destruction of cultures and nations. You guys are even worse than Jews. ---224293894 >>224293069 Have you ever stopped to consider why the fuck kids need to be told the format of the planet since the young age instead of learning anything useful? Languages, gardening, anything really ---224294155 >>224293750 >Latin America isn't hispanic America you moron no shit. So your whole case about not being a "spic" is merely built around semantics? ---224294289 >>224293894 > told the format of the planet since the young age instead of learning anything useful > instead How are those mutually exclusive? People already learn languages in school ---224294295 >>224293798 >Anything bad that Protestants and Orthodoxes did, your kind did 10x over Are you sure about that? 5000 deaths in 350 years While in protestant inquisitions, 100000 jus because of one revolt Let's also not forget that Salem wasn't exactly catholic ---224294432 >>224294155 >no shit. So your whole case about not being a "spic" is merely built around semantics? Yeah, i actually think words have meanings and that you can't change them to be the same shit just for the sake of a political argument (another example being "judaic-christian culture", that doesn't make sense in the slightest but "it's just semantics brah") ---224294473 >>224294295 You still haven't addressed > the pedophilia, the destruction of cultures and nations ---224294517 >>224277365 eve took the first bite of the apple? ---224294628 >>224294517 SOMEBODY ALREADY SAID THAT! >>224291543 >>224290933 >>224281243 ---224294638 >>224279999 Space as we perceive it is actually an illusion, noone is sure why our brains interpret spacetime like this but we know it's not "real", however the poster you are replying to is probably one of those flat earth faggots. ---224294689 >the white 52% of the population is responsible for 100% of space crimes ---224294716 >>224294289 >imagine not knowing the difference between inerrability and infallibility >imagine not knowing the catholic church history and thinking it's gair shares of cunts doesn't prove what Jesus said to Peter: >And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. >2000 years later and he's right, meanwhile protestants with their 900000 sects are even becoming muslims >How are those mutually exclusive? People already learn languages in school Not in the whole planet, for some reason it's more important to teach about a globe than to teach real life skills ---224294792 >>224294432 You are still a spic anon, a spic is any person living south of the US border, I'm not even the one making this out...ask any dixiefag or stormfag. I'm not the one pulling the meaning of "spic" out of my ass. You Brazilians are trully something else, living in a parallel reality. ---224294806 >>224294638 > no one is sure why our brains interpret spacetime like this like what? How does our perception of spacetime differ from what it actually is? ---224294918 >>224294792 true that ---224294998 >>224281604 Oh fucking Hell, I thought she was the ugly one. ---224295066 >>224294998 >the ugly one which one? ---224295188 >>224294473 >You still haven't addressed >the pedophilia You could try searching the rates od pedophilia in every group out there, lawyers, boy scouts, protestants, muslims, teachers, etc, in all of them the rate is higher than in the catholic church, and the people speaking against the holy church are the filthy scum that are following the commie agenda >the destruction of cultures You mean heathens that sacrificed their children to their pagan gods (demons actually)? Even considered what the Bible teaches (remember the caananites?), this doesn't make any sense, the church is the only reason you know about plato for example, the jesuits actually liked to learn about the indigenous language and culture, and registered it >and nations What nations? As far as I know the church is the reason you're not called mohammad ---224295353 >>224295188 > Yeah, let's just pretend like the Netherlands don't exist ---224295735 >>224277365 Affluent liberal white women are at it again! ---224295968 >>224280879 How have you never seen space? Like nigger open your eyes Like dumbass just look up at the sky. Space all around you nigga damn. ---224296503 >>224290203 Spics are the indigenous and andean people to you? Filthy pig ---224296847 >>224292109 Unless your fag in the faggy face ---224296874 >>224279949 Based and firmament pilled. ---224296884 >>224296503 yeah, whatever man ---224296949 >>224279949 Based and spacepilled ---224297055 >>224277365 We should be sending faggots into space all the time. ---224297262 >>224280403 She looks like a more realistic samantha carter. ---224297351 >>224296884 You came from europe and the language is not indigenous , you dont belong in that land , remember , millions of native north americans were killed since the sixteen century , how inferior you people feel to the need to kill people who helped to settle the first merchants of the cesspol of europe was at that time ---224297473 >>224293116 you bet your ass you inherited some things roman ---224297487 >>224277365 NASA cgi budget must be really low if the only thing they can contribute to clown world this month is more LGBTQ normalising. ---224297524 >>224297351 cool ---224297630 >>224277365 >>224277365 >McClain’s spouse, former Air Force intelligence officer Summer Worden, brought a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission that McClain had committed identity theft, despite not seeing any indication of moved or spent funds. These dykes are now experiencing the biggest bullshit aspect of our society: themselves in divorce proceeding. ---224297661 >>224277365 Why do they even let lesbians become astronauts Why not niggers while they're at it ---224297733 >>224297661 They already did ---224297772 Curious what the IP is for the ISS. ---224297791 >>224289431 If that's true than what is below us then? A giant floating turtle ---224297814 >>224279949 Actornauts. She accessed it from the big swimming pool. ---224298110 >>224297524 Who gave you the right to exploit resources who dosen't belong to you , millions of buffalos were killed to extintion just for their skin , how can you call modernism in the way your forefathers acted , your gunpowder is asian , your paper money is asian , your religion east asian , how can YOU claim to be Canadian when it never existed , in fact , have you read the colonization , a tale who shows what its the true nature of the european settler nothing but a double faced thief who betrayed all kinds of pacts of honor ---224298131 >>224277365 This thread is ShareBlue Slide Thread #EpsteinForgotten ---224298144 >>224292731 Spic comes from "no spic ingles" ---224298262 >>224291979 Then they'll cite FBI crime statistics to show how men are more violent, conveniently omitting the 13/50 ---224298306 >>224298110 That's nice, dude ---224298395 >>224298110 This is actually a real person that thinks this way hahahaha ---224298486 >>224281203 His bank account aint in space nigger. ---224298509 >>224298395 Wouldn't describe a non-White as a person, more like a biological tape recorder loaded with garbled Jewish rhetoric. ---224298631 >>224298306 Your system THRIVE because of us , instead of respect our agreement , you left us in the dark , what happened , did your balls dropped , were you scared ? We are in DEBT ---224298695 If nobody governs space, then how could one commit a crime there? ---224298706 >>224298110 >Who can own a tree but the great spirit? Its not yours. You say so yourself. ---224298775 >>224297791 Praise A'tuin. ---224298785 >>224298695 Theres an American flag on the moon. And soon therell be one on mars. So we’ll have a pretty big bubble around the sun that america owns. ---224298798 >>224298631 Just close the internet for today paco ---224298858 >>224298695 Prolly same way they handle jurisdiction in international waters. The laws of whatever country the vessel identifies with applies to whoever is on the vessel. This is essentially why you cant violate the NAP because its "chill bro its international waters lul" ---224298881 >>224298631 uh-huh, uh-huh, interesting ---224298884 >>224298695 >no one space is ours. all of it. ---224299159 >>224292444 Than you, now I'm agora-claustrophobic. ---224299191 >>224293798 Only a Jew would claim something is worse than a Jew ---224299249 >>224280086 Flat Earth is a conspiracy by the CIA to poison the well with disinfo. It makes true political conspiracy theories look false by association. ---224299323 >>224298881 How would you act , what are you gonna say when the next generation starts asking , how it all started wheres our colleages who were at the beggining with us , but now they are not here anymore , they are GONE. ---224299433 >>224299191 Lucifer is worse than a Jew. Am I a Jew for saying that as well Also, that conversation was already over ---224299471 >>224299191 wise words ---224299489 >>224299323 great ---224299526 >>224299249 >Flat Earth is a conspiracy by the CIA to poison the well with disinfo. This. Hollow earthers mentioning Agartha and operation highjump will be treated as "ideological terrorists" for supporting "cult-like conspiracy theories". ---224299855 >>224277365 Why is all the female astronauts are crazy? ---224299904 >>224277365 >>224278101 Garden of eden kek ---224299964 >>224277365 So she looked at her ex wife's bank account? Why the fuck are we putting fags in space to begin with? ---224299998 >>224277365 What's with women at NASA going nuts? ---224300022 >>224299855 because they're female ---224300333 >>224299964 We should be sending all fags into space. Preferably with a one way ticket. ---224300406 >>224300333 into the sun ---224300584 >>224299998 they're mostly lesbians ---224300757 All the "great women" are the first women to achieve some accomplishment a man already performed. First woman to fly across the Atlantic. First woman to fly in space. First woman to perform an operation, etc. Here's something that's not only a first for women, but something no man did first! This is a great moment for women! ---224300829 >>224300333 >>224300406 Too expensive. Isn't it easier to just let them all catch hiv? ---224300957 >>224277365 not surprising considering the first crime on Earth was also committed by a w*om*n. ---224301578 >>224300957 You know what? I'm done. If people want to keep repeating the same things over and over again, they should be able to ---224301731 >>224277365 The ISS is somewhere in the thermosphere (400-500km above ground) whereas the van allen radiation belt is in the magnetosphere surrounding the earth in the exosphere. no human can pass this belt of radiation held in earths magnetic field without getting cooked allegedly. NASA never figured out how to overcome this obstacle and have admitted that they are still trying to. they also said they destroyed previous technology that took them to the moon. technology development is exponential therefore if we could do it in the 60s we could do it now faster more efficiently and cheaper theoretically. also Don Peditt is an autistic fucking mong and supposedly is a high level employee, how he is employed at supposedly the most highly skilled field is some bs. also nasa is a massive money sink hole that that drip feeds tidbits of info with barely any evidence to back it up. cgi and sfx have been a thing for a while, there are multiple industries that have been created by it. the president called armstrong on the moon clearly with barely any interference, whereas you barely get service to some places on this planet. just my thoughts, want to see what /b/ and the kikes have to say about it. ---224302059 >>224300829 Too close to a cure/drugs that make them live long. Also this allows them to pozz people. ---224302147 >>224301578 Can you give me my fucking land back ---224302193 >>224301578 I think this shit is pushed by shills ---224302301 >>224301578 Fuck off namefag ---224302558 >>224302147 no ---224302738 This is why we need the space force, but in all seriousness women let alone sexual deviants are unfit for scientific missions. >Can't even handle proper conduct in LEO >Shills want one to go to Mars Don't fall for this shit Elon... ---224302808 >>224302738 He won't, he is probably the most based carbon-based lifeform on Earth ---224303001 >>224277365 Crimes don't count in space. No jurisdiction. Unironically based. ---224303235 >>224297733 Tbf, other than the nappy hair, she's a cutie. Smart, too. ---224303424 >>224277365 > Why are dykes allowed to have access to children, again? ---224303687 >>224303424 because progressiveness ---224304679 >>224300022 kek ---224305066 >>224277365 The worlds just so feminine...Its like they're all having periods while screaming orange man's bad and scissoring each other kek ---224305528 >>224280086 What do they thinks above the LCDs? ---224306069 >>224280403 She is lieutenant colonel. There is nothing cute about that. >>224280707 Carpet munchers having divorce and cunt in orbit accessed bank account of cunt on the ground from orbit. She knew the other cunts bank account logins and shit. The other cunt is staff officer ---224306262 >>224279949 >>224280315 oh yea? how do you explain >this.jpg racists much? ---224306319 >>224306069 fuck thats fucked up you think she'll kill herself and take the spacecraft with her? women right? ---224306363 >>224280086 joke's on you. ---224306428 >>224280130 you got BTFOed by r*ddit KYS ---224306473 >>224279949 Based and firmamentpilled ---224306505 >>224277365 >divorced in 2018 >”I was only checking the account to make sure he’s taking care of our son” Nice try bitch. ---224306518 >>224280281 100% triggered ---224306576 This is three days old now... ---224306622 >>224280315 WTF indeed ---224306760 >>224281114 now this is interesting and plausible good shill ---224306806 >>224305528 its lcds all the way to the top this guys been researching their "religion" lately a lot ---224306893 >>224279999 ---224307018 >>224285109 does Jupiter look like Jupiter or you can't get enough magnification? ---224307095 >>224286451 don't talk to leafs like that homo ---224307102 >>224279949 Fuck off your embarrassing us ---224307304 >>224277365 Women and magnets. How do they work? ---224307323 >>224277365 Nay, there was a Russian who sabotaged the ISS so he could go home because he couldn't take it anymore. It didn't worked and no formal accusations have been made but holes don't drills themselves. ---224307356 >>224292684 >> Other flat earthers say that the earth is actually accelerating upward in order to create the illusion of gravity this one is disinfo - interesting you mention it shill harder oh and you are the worst leaf ever ---224307620 >>224307356 its the planeearther theory right? this guy like researched them recently. that stupid concept flies apart when you mention things going sideways. ive heard of it before. and that was my same conclusion. ---224307658 >>224294806 oh yes it does. Our subjective experience of "reality" is just a representation. Reality as it is in itself may be very different. ---224307719 Based roastie, fuck the police ---224307786 >>224279949 Retard ---224307833 >>224298110 wew lad consider that the noble naturals were not as good as you imagine. To illustrate my point I will send you back in time and you may make first contact. Juuuuust wait for it ---224307843 >>224280315 Hmm ---224307954 >>224279949 Based and flatpilled ---224308045 >>224303235 She also did only one flight. If you wonder why that happened. She did her only space flight in aftermath of Challenger explosion when every flight was cancelled or delayed. She threatened to sue NASA for racism and walked over dozen of other more qualified astronauts when it comes flight assignments. Basically if you ever see her with any other astronauts, the other astrounauts smile is their best shit eating grin. >>224306319 >fuck thats fucked up Female military intelligence officers of staff officer kind. >you think she'll kill herself and take the >spacecraft with her? She was arrested after coming back, but now lawyers are being busy. Lesbian divorce and shit. They even have adopted kid. ---224308096 >>224302147 sure but then you have to give it back to whomever you murdered for it before. ---224308146 >>224277365 First alleged crime. The first conviction of a crime in space will be a nigger. ---224308151 >>224307658 >Reality as it is in itself may be very different. Specifically, how? ---224308366 >>224279999 since you got digits I will humor you ---224308572 >>224308366 Looks space-like to me ---224308602 >>224308151 We cannot know this anon. Just think about how we use scientific instruments to extract information that would not be available to us otherwise, that is, via our sensory organs and the brains' interpretation/representation of that data. Also think about other life forms and their senses, some of which are similar to ours but perhaps more sensitive. Some of which may sense things we cannot even imagine. Then consider a truly alien being... Is the sky blue or do we experience it as blue due to the way we filter and process sense information ---224308614 They're both a couple of psycho hose cunts. This is the collapsing state of America. Our astronauts are lesbian psychos or half baked psychos like diaper girl that drove nonstop from Houston to Florida to shoot a bitch, and our most critical intelligence agencies are populated with psycho hose cunt lesbian freak nuts like the bitch in this situation or Reality Winner.. Yeah, a crazy cunt legally named REALITY WINNER got into the NSA and then acted the ass. Fuck it. Burn it down and start over. ---224308693 >>224308366 we are not amused you did it without a fish eye lens. Cheating! ---224308735 >>224280086 >>224280489 >>224281189 Basically, its a dome, and outside it the metaphysical world exists and does not have any physical rules. >>224292444 Digits is techically correct, think of it as a metadimensional sea without measurable depth, filled with supergoddemons. The earth is a sanctuary that has had a spacetime reality cast on it. The thing is, space and all that does exist and whatnot, the dome is in the metaphysical multiverse. Its a heavily collapsed probability field in which the metaphysical earth does really exist in orbit around sol and blah blah. >>224284767 Maybe this is powering it? Maybe the physical laws of gravity which keep us on the planet, the thermonuclear sun, the electromagnetic properties of hot spinning metals which block solar radiation here are all just the ones needed to match things up, are in fact the only possible configuration. Supposedly, just one of many theoretical thought experiment universes. ---224308857 >>224308366 Go pro on weather balloon? ---224309009 >>224308602 Do you have an answer to my question that doesn’t include rhetorical questions? ---224309091 An unstable dyke commits the first cybercrime in space. Shocker. ---224309099 >>224280315 Larger target reflector. If space wasnt real then why does the catholic church have telescopes and the masons have nasa ---224309875 >>224279999 >>224280130 >>224307954 >>224306262 >>224292109 The question isn't why are (((they))) now deploying Flat-Earth CIA niggers to defend womyn, the real question here is WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU REPLYTING TO THEM? ---224310576 >>224277365 Imagine my shock ---224310596 >>224308151 >>224309009 The iris and lens of your eyeballs focus's photons bouncing off the surface of objects with a trajectory aligned perfectly "level" with your cornea to the optical nerve. That optical nerve transmits an electrochemical signal to a cluster of neurons in the brain which filter, interpret etc and then pass that information via electrochemical signals to another part of the brain for visual simulation to the consciousness. And human visible light is just a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Its not an analog mechanical device, you don't see reality. It's part of a digital data collection machine. It's not fly by wire, its power steering. ---224310666 >>224277365 Thats a bump Top kek ---224311084 >>224279949 ---224311998 >>224308614 Seriously. Mentally unstable is the most polite way you can describe lesbians. They lack direction, they lack drive, they latch onto anything that will provide a brief flare of empathy and pretend meaning. Lesbians move in with each other on the second date and trash each other's possessions when they move out on the fourth. What they need is a shot of testosterone straight to the womb. I do feel sorry for them that they've hung out with such shitty men that they're afraid of all men, though that's entirely their own fault, hanging out with men lacking any empathy (gays). ---224312159 >>224281084 Lmao black astronauts dont exist ---224312198 >>224308366 ---224312308 >>224277365 >mfw there's no law saying that you can't do any illegal things in space ---224312366 >>224292361 Dude, i was a glober before i saw a meme online too! Don't want to burn in hell with satanic glober fools XD ---224312697 >>224279949 based and schizopilled ---224312746 >>224310596 And that sensory information is used to construct a mental model of the world. This model generally corresponds to further sensory information. For example, if you see an apple sitting on a counter, you can reach over, pick it up, and take a bite, with the sensations involved generally matching what you predicted from the sight of the apple and previous experience with apples. Since sense information of this sort generally seems consistent with a physical universe that obeys certain physical laws, and people generally agree with each other in these matters (e.g. two people can see an apple and agree about what it is and what will happen if they interact with it), it looks like there is such a thing as reality that is perceptible with the senses. What, specifically, do think may be different? ---224312774 >>224280376 What's your point? Scummy people are in all fields. ---224312866 >>224312308 There is because you're interfering with terrestrial institutions which do fall under existing law and regulations. If the bank was a space bank not subject to any Terrestrial country this would be a different story. ---224312974 >>224308366 Looks flat ---224313195 >>224277365 >pokes hole in whale and inserts dick ---224313261 >>224279949 Do yourself AND your brain favor and buy a telescope. ---224313305 >>224277365 IMAGINE MY SHOCK ---224313347 >>224279949 Yes, it is real. Now fuck off. ---224313496 >>224309009 Those are not rhetorical questions. I'm asking you to think. You have to learn how to think not what to think. ---224313609 >>224310596 transduction ---224314562 >>224287950 Ayy lmao ---224314792 Despite making up only 11% of astronauts worldwide, women commit 100% of space crimes ---224315001 >>224279949 >SPACE ISNT FUCKING REAL ---224315212 >>224284977 I looked this up not long ago and it was fucking retarded, only the laws of the nation of the person commiting the crime apply. Meaning that if you sent a person from a country with no laws on rape, then they are free to rape everyone on board with no repurcussions. ---224315896 >>224314792 Deport all women! ---224316190 >>224315896 ---224317444 >>224292109 BASED AND GIZZARDPILLED ---224317951 >>224277365 She wasn't involved with the space station sabotage a few months back was she? The sabotage of the drill hole in the hull of the station that was leaking atmosphere? ---224318971 >>224281604 Raising a trans kid too. Notice the pattern? ---224319314 Despite being only 11% of the astronaut population did you know women have committed 100% of all space crime? ---224319687 >>224308366 ---224319764 >>224319687 ---224320354 >>224292912 >Density As in atoms placed tightly together? >Bouancy? That to refers to an objects atomical placement You're a fucking retard. Go suck priest dick faggot. ---224320543 Sage because the flathead ruined a thread because they are ignorant to science and mathematics ---224321561 i'd still fuck her ---224321834 >>224280086 I'm pretty sure it's just a meme just like Americans wearing shoes inside. I refuse to believe anyone would be such a heathen to actually wear shoes inside. That's just insane. ---224321987 >>224280879 My neighbour is Chris Hadfield. I'm pretty sure he's actually been to space he's pretty convincing at least. ---224322198 >>224281604 >Tfw you will never be forced to transition and be sexually abused by your 2 butch mommies and have them fight over you as leverage in the divorce Why even live? ---224322372 >>224299855 I would like to note this one is also a lesbian lol. Wtf? ---224322373 >>224277365 of course some psycho dyke would commit a cyber space crime to get custody of a testtube baby ---224322561 who's that guy in op's pic writing graffiti on the wall ---224322587 >>224277365 WRONG! Correction, it was done By a Dyke. And they're ten times worse than your every day female. Kill it with celestial reentry fire! Kill It! KILL IT! ---224322691 >>224322561 kill it with celestial fire; kill it on reentry; just chock the shitty thing out the airlock! ---224322816 >>224298110 >believing kike (((history))) this much fuck off back to plebbit ---224323657 >>224297351 The ugly lesbian from outer space stole your leaf, Leaf ---224324011 >>224277365 Lol, look at the article -- this is the same bitch that got pulled from what was supposed to be the "first all female spacewalk." ---224324449 >>224314792 ---224324692 >>224280315 Whoever wrote this is a dumbass, since in context it is pretty clearly referring to a ~1,000 mile flight (i.e., the length of the path traveled in the upper atmosphere, not the altitude). Of course, everybody here failing to recognize this is nearly as stupid. ---224324885 >>224277365 Degenerate homosexual women statistically commit 100% of all space crime. ---224325043 >>224280315 >>224324692 Okay, on second read, the craft was accelerated to an orbital velocity on a rocket. The purpose of having an inflatable balloon feature was to create a large reflective surface to do signal reflection tests (not for atmospheric lift). ---224325169 >>224321834 I wear slippers or flip flops in the house that I rarely take outside of the house, and even less rarely take off my property. ---224325203 fucking KEK dykes beat each other more than niggers beat their women ---224325365 >>224277365 >First Hurray! We broke the glass ceiling! ---224327487 >>224313261 >sees a blurry light in the dome's ceiling >"its a planet guise" ---224328139 >>224277365 In space, no one can hear her clam squelch. ---224328211 >>224319314
----- ---224324158 The power of religion is strong.
---224325181 >>224324158 >be Greece >Have country in extreme debt and being raped by the EU >still won't kill themselves Is this the power of homosex?
----- ---224325164 Is this what a white person looks like
---224325210 >>224325164 No ---224325226 thats a man ---224325252 >>224325164 No, that's nordic. ---224325260 >>224325164 This is a wife, not that ugly man Anon ---224328758 >>224325164 >1 Post by this ID
----- ---224307825 >>224307746 They just banned the old South african flag, wave it around like crazy, we're all Afrikaners now
---224309183 >>224307746 boers are all dead, mr emu. ---224309300 >>224309183 w/e ---224309989 >>224307746 Because the Jews and Pajeets flooding this board dont give a shit about whites and are heavily invested into taking their land anyways ---224310200 >>224309300 speak english you fucking zoomer ---224312037 >>224307746 Memory holed. ---224314918 >>224312037 Issue is trying to get people to pay attention to happenings when people quickly hop from one subject to the next. ---224315368 >>224307746 no saffer has been posting about the issue lately ---224318235 Farmers are mostly dead (from 155000 down to 20000), Just Chinese and American imports now, as intended. Also, no one cares. ---224319639 Move here: >>224317898 ---224319762 >>224318235 I'm on my way to New Zealand soon, why would I care? Enjoy getting raped by the votas. ---224320858 >>224319762 real cute.. wait till you have one of those things around your kids... dumb fuck ---224321370 >>224318235 Niggers killed all them? ---224321585 >>224319762 rape you when you get here ---224321701 >>224307746 Memory holed ---224321770 >>224318235 You got source on those digits? Want to know more about the situation ---224322457 >>224307746 Because it's a slow boil. The commies are stupid, but not that stupid. The expropriation of property will only start toward the middle of next year. And most likely, once the world is firmly focused on something else. ---224322638 >>224321770 The soft whites are leaving SA in droves. Some farmers are selling their farms at 30% - 40% of market value, and fleeing. Years of prosperous living has made them so soft, so they run. ---224322748 >>224319762 Have a safe flight, soutie. ---224323066 >>224319762 we tried to help you, but SA is lost, it willl need a mass turnout on eurropa first to then take that shithole from the scum. ---224323239 I think it's pretty obvious why the media isn't talking about other than to occasionally say: "It's a White Supremacist Myth". As for /pol/, idk all i see is shill threads or people bitching about shill threads ---224323264 Just come back boers. We are preaching for everyone to stay in their home country while also defending the boers. ---224323455 >>224323239 >"It's a White Supremacist Myth" ---224323628 >>224322748 massive white flight is going to fuck your niggers up more than whites sticking around. you need some serious organization if youre going to stand a chance staying. gl anon and keep us posted ---224323939 >>224323628 Europe is being invaded as well. What are white people going to do when there is nowhere to run anymore? >>224323066 Nothing is lost. Don't lose hope. The Boers are the most unconquerable people. ---224324883 >>224323628 They're not "our niggers". They're not our anything. I don't give a shit how much anything affects them. Our ancestors should have stayed in the fucking Netherlands and the rest of them should never have moved these fucking apes off of this godforsaken continent. Now we all have to deal with this shit forever. ---224325085 >>224307746 I hate to say this but the best way to get rid of them is to let them drive out the white farmers because you know they aren't going to properly grow food to feed the country. Wait 10 years then go back and start farming again. ---224325101 >>224323628 >massive white flight is going to fuck your niggers up ---224325781 >>224325085 You fool, the Chinese are there nowadays. The niggers are being armed with the most modern weaponry and supported by China, and the farms and mines will be bought off by them if they aren't already. The apes won't get shit, they're being used by China to mop up remaining whites. ---224325826 >>224325085 That won't get rid of them, they'll just reduce slightly in number and the foreign aid will come pouring in. Even without foreign aid they would still be here.
----- ---224317844 I would ask him for advice. Probably financial, but also self improvement or just general wisdom.
---224317882 360 and walk away ---224318072 >>224317882 >American Doesn't know difference between 180 and 360 ---224318216 >>224318072 Go back to your goat newfag ---224318247 >>224318072 >Pakistani Hasn't had electricity long enough to know about memes. ---224318330 >>224317844 Kidnap him and find the location of all his family and kill then all. Fuck those satanic cunts. ---224318343 >>224318072 You don't belong here ---224318352 >>224318072 Please blow yourself up on the way out. ---224318397 Capture him and hold him hostage to get as much capital as we can from him. Then dispose of him. As for you, pic related. ---224318694 >>224318247 >>224318216 >>224318247 >>224318343 >>224318397 Can't comprehend the fact that you guys are destroyed, can you? We have taken your lands and your women. The only platform that you poor faggots have is this shithole and we are taking over this too. ---224318775 >>224318072 >Americans didn't invent the moonwalk It's leaving - with style. ---224318846 >>224318694 >We have taken your lands and your women. No you cunts are just pussies who prey on kids. Most normie women hate pakis here- you guys stink and are ugly. ---224318891 >>224317844 pic sauce? ---224318898 >>224318330 Wouldn’t you want to pick his brain first? I’m sure he has lots of interesting things to talk about. ---224318965 >>224318898 No fuck that satanic bastard. I just want the world to be at peace without these evil bankers running the world. ---224319069 >>224318072 Tragic. I'm embarrassed for you. ---224319078 >>224318891 ---224319125 >>224318072 Fuck of incest sex loving fagg ---224319202 >>224318072 please move here and buy a space heater. ---224319311 >>224317844 I would rape him. I dont care. I would be drawn and quartered in public as reprisal. I dont care. I would humiliate that satanic silver spoon cut dick licking faggot. I would rape him. ---224319341 >>224318072 Summerfag ---224319421 >>224317844 Hmm I would probably ask him about financial stuff lul ---224319582 japan, wtf? ---224319690 >>224317844 You ever read that archive link where someone was larping as a Rothschild giving advice and answering questions? Even if it was a massive larp it was still interesting ---224319720 >>224319311 bender ---224319756 >>224319690 Is this what you’re referring to? ---224319842 >>224317844 I would say hi, and ask him for advice on how to make money through entrepreneurship. Hopefully he knows and tells something insightful. ---224319855 >>224319582 Eh, you guys have scat. And Rammstein. ---224319899 >>224319756 Yes looks familiar I read it years ago and thought it was just Gnostics larping but still enjoyed it ---224320009 >>224319690 Yeah I read that pretty interesting. There was also another elite guy from some industry family, got rejected because he wasn’t a psychopath. Said Brighton in UK is really bad for kid snuff stuff, Elites go there. I think he was a German. ---224320347 >>224320009 I wonder what life is like for those in his position. ---224320483 >>224320347 Probably a constant pursuit of that rush they can only get from engaging in prohibited stuff ---224320752 >>224317844 I'd ask him to tutor me in life. ---224320770 >>224318072 ---224321040 >>224320347 Check out their Instagrams, that Hilton / Rothschild couple. Absolute weirdos. Rather be us. ---224321067 >>224318072 ---224321090 >>224320752 Be careful you don’t end up in a ritual sacrifice lol ---224321128 Please lend your money to the poor also! ---224321247 >>224318072 And you dont have any clue of how easy are all of you to spot you stupid brainlets. We have a meme chaotic culture with 15 years on its back and more. You glow as fuck with this shit and you cannot hide because you dont know a fuck about the place and you are blindfolded. But thanks anyway. All this week has been espectacular for us. Keep going. Se you below. ---224321488 >>224321040 Will do. ---224321777 >>224319125 ---224321846 >>224317844 Is that elephantiasis? ---224321859 >>224317844 You mean the man whose family is one of the 13 that ruined my life? geez i dont know.... have no reason to live... but if had the chance to meet him... i would have a reason to die for. i would perish yes, but unilike that faggot of Tarrant or that 4 eyed incel of Texas wallmart that shooted unarmed civilians like cowards, i would really take one for the team and punch him with my own fist and make him bleed, no i wouldnt kill him, that would be pointless, i would make him bleed so it would remind him he is a mortal, that i had the chance to take his life but i didnt, his life in my hands... the life of a self proclaimed "god" the pain and the blood in hs face would remind him his human state,a perfect humilliation for someone "on the top" no matter if i die, he would only kill me once, the feeling of being hurt of a lower goyim would humilliate him for the rest of the human history even if nobody knows. ---224322031 I’d ask him where he thinks he’s heading when he dies ---224322417 >>224321846 No ---224324000 shoot his henchmen then hold him for ransom ---224324976 >>224318072 ---224325240 >>224321859 nice pic spic, too bad it never happened ---224325739 >>224318072 ---224325966 >>224317844 i fapped to this yesterday
----- ---224325301 Why are black people not in motorsports? Just watching motoGP, realised theres none, WRC, LeMans, Nascar etc.. Ive never seen a black racing driver except those on news helicopters
---224325401 >>224325301 Because they are retarded ---224325493 >>224325301 They prefer bikes than cars... ---224325595 >>224325493 Just watching motogp, not a single kang ---224326033 Lewis Hamilton?
----- ---224317283 PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom >b-but Trump hasnt done anything! >TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19 ARCHIVED LINKS SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: NEW APPEARANCES >Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive @G7 Opening Dinner 8/24/19 >Pres Trump G7 lunch w/Frankanistan Emir Macron 8/24/19 >Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in Islamic Republic of France 8/24/19 >Bannon on EpochTimes 8/24/19 >SpiceDaddy on WattersWorld 8/24/19 >Pres Trump comments before departing WH 8/23/19 >VP Pence @Dignified Transfer of 2 Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan 8/23/19 >HUDSec SleepyBen on FBN 8/23/19 >HUDSec SleepyBen on America1st w/MyPillowGuy 8/23/19 >WHTradeDir Navarro on FBN 8/23/19 >ACC Comdr Gen Holmes @AFA on Air Combat Training&Readiness 8/23/19 >This Week@Interior 8/23/19 >WHVideo: Robert Cousy Receives Presidential MoF 8/23/19 >WHVideo: VP Pence @6th Natl Space Council Meeting 8/23/19 >StateDeptVideo: SoS Pompeo Interviews 8/23/19 (Huawei) (Iran) (Hong Kong) (Hong Kong) OP pastebin: prev >>224304540
---224317288 >>224317283 MAGA! ---224317330 MAGA ---224317393 OK seriously you guys need to stop making him feel excluded. This is bullying. ---224317451 let's see what the world is talking about this morning... ---224317454 >>224317393 Arnt you getting rid of him in a month ---224317508 >>224317283 maga ---224317557 >>224317283 Keep America great. ---224317673 tall as a three story house, god darn, i say god darn! ---224317684 And you though The Matrix 3 was bad. ---224317725 >>224317283 Trump 2020! ---224317753 FUCK. i'm high as fucking SHIT. ---224317776 >>224317753 dude pass the fucking blunt BROOOOOOO ---224318017 >>224317454 No idea desu. There isn't much of an alternative. Our conservatives are kind of useless. There isn't a populist uprising like there is with Trump in the US. It probably wouldn't change much of anything if they won. I'd kind of miss Trudeau if he wasn't PM anymore desu. ---224318246 >>224317283 MAGA goodnight! ---224318434 >tfw a blatantly off topic thread is so good janny doesn't delete it ---224318731 >>224317750 ---224318928 >>224317283 I caught some Trannies on /b/, legit it's a good kek. Though kinda gross. >>224315923 >>224315923 We Take Our Flag! ---224318949 >>224317750 ---224318957 >>224318632 He's already forcing them with the tariffs. Trump just gave a warning to American companies to start moving out of China. ---224318967 >>224317283 AWOOOO! >>224315923 ---224318986 >>224318434 Where? I mean there is a lot of Trump posted in here. ---224318990 >>224318632 What an absolute brainlet interpretation of events ---224319008 >>224318632 If they don't get the hint to get the fuck out of China already they'll deserve whatever happens to them when this escalates. ---224319033 >>224317725 >>224317288 >>224317330 >>224317508 MAGA!!! >>224315923 ---224319169 >>224318986 >RGB died real and based ---224319172 >>224319033 Never give up rainbro ---224319312 >>224318017 Our conservatives are worse than useless. They can't stop gobbling jew cock. They have a thirst for zion-dick that would shame John McCain. ---224319508 >>224317684 2 & 3 would be better if studio kikes didn't insist on a trilogy. ---224319594 maga ---224319641 >>224319172 I can hardly believe it. They made their own thread,... Just so they can REEE! I didn't make this, >>>/b/807967135 I did stir their REEE thread with those first 3 flag post. It's kinda gross, but a genuine kek. I made this, needed it because the first thread hit image limit. >>>/b/807959107 CTF /pol/ >>224315923 ---224319696 >>224317283 >I am the biggest Second Amendment person there is but t. Donald J(ew) Trump ---224319722 >>224319641 If it's still up I'll jump in those threads later ---224319796 pics maybe? ---224319826 maga no one on cnn has a sex video, is this a joke? ---224319868 >>224319641 If you guys wanted to go to /b/ just to bump those thread ans stir the triggered free pot, is appreciate that. ---224319906 >>224319722 It's /b/. You won't get a later. Also checked. ---224319931 /ptg/ supports gun control, right? Otherwise you wouldn't be a real Trump supporter. ---224319952 >>224317283 ---224319959 >>224319796 Thanks, newswire-bro! ---224320023 >>224318017 >I'll run your country for a 2% royalty. ---224320169 >>224319796 no pls, deathly slow /ptg/ is all i need right now ---224320254 >>224320082 >Not pictured: Donny distracted by dat ass ---224320324 >>224320254 Don't worry it was Melinia's. ---224320447 >>224320324 kek. I wouldn't have it any other way ---224320460 >>224320383 Fuck everyone on the other side is staring at Trump and not the cameras.At least Boris's stare seems happy and Trudeua or what ever dude weed name is looks sad. ---224320489 Trump is honestly so fucking cool. I wish I could state this out in the open without any repercussions. But since I can't, I'll just say it here. Trump is cool. I hope to be that cool by the time I'm in my 70s. ---224320490 Awoovement commences! Thanks for the pics, mr newswire ---224320512 >>224320460 Weed lmao dude is sad because he’s leaving next month ---224320514 Friendly reminder that Trump doesn't actually achieve anything. He's just kinda there, and pisses off the Left who will vote him out in 1 year. ---224320525 >>224319796 rat bastard (a term of endearment you s,o,b. 0 now i have to stay up all fuggin night, well have some illegal tiddies for your trouble, you /ptg/ legend ---224320541 It doesn't make sense for EU to be part of G7. ---224320562 >>224320489 Billions to Israel, millions of illegals, thousands of criminal niggers released. Very cool. ---224320630 >>224320562 Marco Rubio wrote the Israel Bill. Chuck Grassley wrote the First Step Bill. ---224320645 >>224317283 >>>/b/807966907 My activite /b/ thread >>>/b/807959107 The First Triggering Thread. >>>/b/807967135 Their "REEbuttal" thread It's /b/ so those threads will be deleted and gone really fast! Catch a look at the Tranny Triggering while it's up!!! MAGA! PRAISE KEK!!! ---224320670 The fuck is up with these shots? Whoever took the photos seems like a real asshole, just taking snaps at random angles and times. ---224320722 >>224320383 cameraman farted? ---224320768 >>224317283 shinzo is in deep with the securities issued and the gov debt and investor confidence At this point I'm thinking the gov might be making their own companies just to buy securities/debt like good ol Enron ---224320816 >>224320670 >The fuck is up with these shots? >just taking snaps at random angles and times. It's so that can pick the perfect one to tell the lies they print. It's on purpose. ---224320830 >>224320661 I'm gonna put my fist in this canada guy's wife, oh yeah? stop me, go on stop me ---224320875 >>224320562 >>224320630 It's 4D chess. Trust the plan! ---224320877 >>224317750 Why is Trump scared of strong independent women? ---224320946 >>224320790 >>224320771 >>224320848 >>224320897 Newswire, you're easily one of the best features of /ptg/, probably 2nd behind our Awoos ---224320978 maga nfl player cried like a bitch! ---224320989 >>224320848 >>224320897 >>224320935 At least they aren't protesting Trump. ---224321008 >>224320935 did they steal these portraits from government buildings? ---224321019 >>224320848 The state of France ---224321047 >>224320816 seems that way, doesn't it? ---224321086 >>224320897 Good show Newswire, well played. ---224321153 >>224320645 If everyone went there and posted a "Saved! Thanks" or similar,... It might just rustle their Jimmies. ---224321169 District Judge from Kansas rules encouraging illegal immigration is not illegal even though there are laws against encouraging murder, robbery, etc By the way, he has 2 sisters: One is part of the 9th Circuit and the other is Boss of La Raza. Kansas is not under the 9th Circuit but this activist judge decided to comply with the 9th Circuit ruling. Obviously it will get appealed to the 10th Circuit but wow, activist judges really don't bother hiding anymore. ---224321174 >>224321047 It is, you ever notice those pictures they use that are out of focus they do that shit on purpose, more pictures they take the better chance to find one that makes someone look bad. Photographers are as bad as regular journalists. ---224321333 >>224321169 Retards should have known that letting non-whites vote would be destruction. Trump was right not wanting a wetback be a judge over one of his cases. ---224321374 >>224317283 >Trump declared "king of the Jews" by the MSM and (((Cohenservatives))) >Shills and genuine brainlets resort to "Heeeheee Jewjew cum! Jewjew cum!" and potatodrumpf.jpg >Failing to realize this all but confirms that they're gonna try to JFK him before November 2020 because every other Jewish trick has blown up in their face this past year I'm convinced some of you faggots are pretending to be retarded at this point, it's impossible that someone with an IQ above 80 is unable to see through pathetic attempt at "subversion". It's almost as if you're women or something ---224321425 KIG ---224321452 >>224321333 I can't believe this faggot judge didn't even recuse himself even though he based his ruling on the 9th Circuit where his sister is from and his other sister is leader of La Raza. So much conflicts of interests. Activist leftist judges don't even follow their own recusal rules so why bother having recusal rules. ---224321498 You guys seen the new Taylor Swift video? ---224321557 >>224321498 No, Jared, why not share it in another thread, it's off topic and shouldn't be posted here. ---224321737 >>224321233 SCREENSAVER oh fug caps ---224321872 >>224321557 She's gone full anti-white/SJW. ---224321888 >>224321737 Rachel is cuter ---224321946 >>224321737 pls don't post this girl as a recovering rapist I find her extremely triggering ---224321954 >>224321737 Is it still tomboy hours? Paging the tomboy cat just in case. Also > Be Indian > Fall for the "great indian coders" meme > Do simple "tabulating" software for final exams > Fuck up > Kids kill themselves APOLOGIZE! >>224321752 Thanks for the pics ---224321982 >>224321888 agree. ---224322014 >>224321982 Rachel who? Also > they fell for the 3D meme ---224322104 >>224321946 i feel bad for laughing. ---224322129 >>224321888 >denim pantaloons B-but those are boys' clothes. ---224322135 I love Trump. I wish he was my President. ---224322189 >>224321954 hey, are you good for baking? ---224322190 >>224322104 Mission accomplished. ---224322242 >>224321888 true but she is almost too pretty, unobtainable for an average guy like me and i'm married (Nancy no, don't read my 4chan posts) ---224322317 >>224322068 Best. ---224322376 >>224322189 >hey, are you good for baking? Yeah, I can take next but, considering it's a 4 hours wait, not the one after the next. Next thread is on me, thanks for baking ---224322387 >>224320515 Looks like Micron has borrowed some of that orange stuff from Trump ---224322499 Newswire-anon always on the scene with best pics! >>224317750 It's Sunday morning, faggot Joe needs to chill the fuck out and preferably permanently. ---224322526 >>224322376 thank you ---224322531 >>224322362 Can we get a >If only you knew how bad things really are edit on this one? ---224322540 >>224321888 >>224321737 who are these cum conjurers ---224322591 >>224320935 Can't believe the climate meme is unironically the thing that drives protests now, the twats are clearly trying to inflate it so other issues like taxation and immigration don't have space ---224322597 >>224322540 >he doesn't know Random Broad ---224322609 >>224320961 She's truly a sight from heaven ---224322639 >>224322591 ---224322697 >>224321153 Are you still here fren, did I help your thread out? ---224322737 >>224322639 true ---224322785 WHAT the FUCK is THIS ---224322886 >>224319169 I have never caught on to why you fucktards fuck her initials up. Did I miss a joke? Sure, she deserves slow death and is living it, but you fuckmonkeys cannot even use the initials correctly. ---224322921 >>224322609 please post pics of portugal wimminz i heard you were 95 per cent white and i need it for science ---224322942 >>224320383 >"Do we really need to nuke North Korea?" >"What do you think anon?" ---224322950 >>224317750 I'm all honesty, is there any actual reason to ever meet the Prime Minister of Denmark otherwise? ---224323008 >>224322785 schizo shit. kys ---224323069 >>224322597 yeah i dont ---224323153 >>224322897 >Abe's wife being all, you're a homo ---224323250 >>224323069 Okay well one of them is short haired butt girl and the other is apparently called 'Rachel' ---224323275 >>224323180 now thats a nice smug. ---224323277 What did he mean by this? ---224323301 >>224323250 cook. ---224323417 >>224322950 >Not wanting to steal Danes superior windmills and tulip fields ---224323426 >>224323250 i think i found pics of one of the girls ---224323432 >>224322921 Here is one of my favourites > Claudia Vieira Double as a MILF as she's currently 41 ---224323436 >>224319931 >Gov. Cuomo of NYC >Democrat >Brother has a show on CNN >This is Trump's fault ---224323451 >>224323180 The smuggest ---224323492 >>224323436 ---224323499 >>224323426 Yep, that's her. Anyone in this thread not knowing Sara is a newfag and a pederast ---224323638 >>224323008 no, it isn't, you fucking kill yourself little pussy too scared to type it out "kys" pussy ---224323650 thank you newswire appreciated as always ---224323653 >>224322897 >(wo)manlets ---224323709 >>224323650 It would be better if that faggot uploaded it to imgur and just dropped a link instead he has to spam shit ---224323753 >>224323709 Some of us enjoy the spam, besides this thread is moving at the speed of crawl anyway ---224323785 >>224323699 The face. >why do I have to fucking touch this? ---224323811 >>224323709 KYS retard. Newswire pic dumps are better than anything else happening in this thread, doesn't take an off site visit, get archived forever in the archives and keeps the thread moving when it should be on like page 7 for most of the sunday american morning. ---224323831 >>224323772 >"this faggot" ---224323846 >>224323627 >>224323699 >>224323735 these are great >>224323709 because its so busy here right now ---224323868 >>224323735 AAAAAAAHAHAAAAAAAAAaaaaaa... HA! ---224323880 >>224323709 Like a liberal, always have to bitch about something. ---224323942 ---224323972 >>224319900 If Trump was a drunk ---224324003 >>224323945 Canada... kys. ---224324006 >>224317393 One is the loneliest number... ---224324078 >>224323432 kinda looks like a Cubanno (of which have too much experience with) Fucking beautiful but crazy as hell. Best sex but hide your dick with a pillow insane when they are angry ---224324083 >>224323945 >>224324003 Hey hey, nothing wrong in using festive socks! ---224324095 ---224324133 >>224324078 didn't shad get ahold of that woman? ---224324138 >>224324078 >kinda looks like a Cubanno (of which have too much experience with) Many Cubans are fourth or fifth generation spaniards or portuguese (many of them expelled jews) mixed with other similarly spaniards or portuguese. ---224324167 >>224324083 I get this reference! ---224324176 >>224324095 Jews worship Marduk ---224324177 >>224324133 IIRC she made a twitter account and started whoring herself online. Good for her, if Belle Delphine can make six figures other girls can make five easy ---224324182 Has anyone collected all of Newswire's pics? ---224324237 >>224324182 IIRC Newswire has a mega folder. The archives also keep them archived and it's not hard to find them there. ---224324274 >>224318632 lmao libshit neocons are delusional. Remember there were Neicon retards right up to the vote in the GOP convention. They’re like dinosaurs getting extinct but have no idea what’s hitting them until the last second. ---224324277 FITE ME BRO ---224324279 >>224324083 Everyone there is going to take him less seriously esp Nippon. ---224324339 >>224321452 >Activist leftist judges don't even follow their own recusal rules so why bother having recusal rules. That's the fault of conservatives. They are the ones who cuck to muh optics every time. Meanwhile, nobody gives a rat's ass that they followed the rules. ---224324517 >>224324339 >That's the fault of conservatives 100% this. Think about it: that SC nigger in the senate blocked a Trump Federal judge for something he wrote like 25 years ago in college, meanwhile they didn't block this litany of clearly biased judges to the point Obama managed to appoint someone that was never a judge as a Supreme Court Justice, a person who said he opinions would be colored by her heritage. Thank fuck McConnell grew balls in 2014 ---224324526 >>224324138 one of the banes of my existance had her roots in cuba, expelled from europe in the 1920's her folks adopted a spanish name, developed a law firm, had daughters and granddaughters before comming to america. Did not know the telltale sign of khazar milkedrs back then but yeah, she was a j00 ---224324599 >>224324526 Yeah, Caribbean whites are mostly expelled jews, but the joke is on them because most of them aren't even actual jews but European Larpers that some time down the line ended up falling for the "chosen people" meme ---224324756 cute ---224324761 RARE ALERT: >>224324623 ---224324811 wtf is this guy doing? landing there? There are Iranis in the g7? ---224324842 >>224317283 All hail President Kikesucker. ---224324863 >>224324811 Maybe some meeting with France and other EU countries on the Iran deal ---224324901 >>224324599 her father literally had a business taking gold teeth that dentists eextracted i guess i should have known ---224324973 reaction-pic-#0 ---224325023 reaction-pic-#1 ---224325053 >>224324901 >her father literally had a business taking gold teeth that dentists eextracted Anon, plz > caribbean white > khazar milkers > father is a goldsmith > father dentistry specializes in taking gold teeth You didn't know what "jews" were back then, did you? ---224325062 >>224322242 That's true. Most instathots are way too hot to even have a nice fantasy about. A solid 8.5/10 like Ashton is easier ---224325096 >>224324973 >>224325023 Macron wife chimp like facial expressions are pretty much "white Michele Obama" ---224325177 these are great ---224325212 QUALITY ---224325256 any streams for G7? ---224325262 >>224325177 She dresses like a catalog model selling clothes. > BAKING > NO SPLITS > NO STALLS ---224325302 >>224325241 A-Are those redpills? ---224325407 >>224325053 i didn't get redpilled until 2014, i am ashamed because i am waaay older than you ---224325411 >>224325349 >>224325349 >>224325349 NEW NEW NEW >>224325349 >>224325349 >>224325349 ---224325426 >>224325411 > 299 ---224325469 >>224321677 Check'em! ---224325580 >>224325446 Come home white man >>224325349 >>224325349 ---224326500 >>224323087 Sad really, only guy you can trust in Europe is a slant eyed Jap. ---224326706 >>224320082 >mfw i wanted to buy greenland but now he's offering to sell england ---224326738 >>224323462 "And then the lil putz starts showing me his socks, I swear Don, I didn't know whether to laugh or what. But you're right he is a spaz". ---224327015 >>224323627 "And when I showed him my socks, I knew I had him". "Yeah . . . Justine about that . . . ---224327212 >>224323984 "Just knock it off about the damn socks . . . alright". ---224327447 >>224324024 . . . but the socks, it's my thing, you're the iconic businessman, Abe is the stoic Asian, Merkle's a bitch and Macron is a fag, it's all I've got to work with.
----- ---224322584 do you think it's worth it to abolish tousands of years of one's culture in exchange for diversity? what would anyone gain from it?
---224322649 >>224322584 Yes. We gain tacos and mowed lawns. *sip* ---224322874 >>224322649 >tousands of years of one's culture >USA ---224323032 Culture is destroyed by rapid technological growth. Race mixing is much less dangerous than ai, robots, social media and post scarcity. ---224324081 >>224322874 >USA ... ---224324509 >>224323032 Explain, why the technologies you named, are destroying culture. ---224324556 >>224322584 Multiculturalism should be critically viewed, since it can bring really harmful stuff to a society...' ---224324641 >>224324556 > Serves her right ---224324758 >>224322584 No culture has stayed the same for thousands of years ---224324989 It is worth it you faggot. Don’t you like taco bowls? ---224325116 >>224322584 Gee, do I want to exchange this brick of gold for a dog turd? Whoever gave you assholes the idea that "diversity" was something you traded for? That it was not something being jammed down your throat with broken beer bottle? Let me guess, was it someone with a crooked bulbous nose, a hunched back, wringing hands, and beady little rodent eyes with dollar signs in them? ---224325134 >>224324989 Go and shart in the mart! ---224325350 >>224322584 i dont know but your pic makes me think of the most recent radiohead album
----- ---224309538 > Based pro-Trump QT Latina could become an AOC for The Right. Is she, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?
---224309582 >>224309538 >not white ---224309595 You fags killed this place ---224309615 >>224309582 I doubt op is white. ---224309619 >>224309582 My sister is half mexican and white as fuck. That girl in OPs pic is a latina but still white ---224309655 >>224309538 Dude i didnt get the memo Why are little Latino girls running the United States of America now? ---224309686 >>224309538 too much fucking pink makeup smeared on her cheeks. AOC has that look where she's sexy with and without make up. ---224309773 >>224309619 Kill yourself mutt, you will never be white so long as you have the Amerindian taint in your DNA. ---224309861 >>224309538 >Latina She's Italian? Still not white ---224309868 >>224309538 I am Italian American and she's Irish imo. ---224309902 >>224309655 They’re hot ---224309985 >>224309538 Political differences aside, I would fuck AOC until I blow my last load and die from sheer exhaustion. This chick isn't that hot. That's the difference. ---224310288 >>224309619 Do you have the same mom or same dad?? Is she woke? Does she hate wypipo and you by extension? ---224310432 >>224309773 Im only 1/8th native fuck you bitch. Slav genes stronk. >>224310288 Same white dad. And no she doesnt hate white people she doesnt care for politics at all and she doesnt hate trump or anything. ---224310495 >>224309619 Are all spics this retarded /pol/? ---224310610 >>224309619 Prove it. Take a picture of her in the shower and post it here. ---224310731 >>224309538 Demi Lovato but slightly less crazy. Would fill her pussy with gum ---224310753 None of them are our people. ---224310768 >>224310495 Im not a spic dumb fuck. Im mainly slav and 1/8th cherokee on my moms side. >>224310610 No. Weirdo ---224310804 >>224309538 and this is what cucking looks like ---224310930 >>224309538 Trump is already our AOC ---224311008 >>224310753 She looks whiter than many Southern Euros you absolute fucking Mongoloid. ---224311223 >>224310432 Does she like getting blacked? What’s your relationship with her like? ---224311305 >>224311223 She had a kid with a guy of german descent and she looks more mexican than my sister LOL but were close ---224312000 >>224310930 How? ---224312506 >>224311305 Based I guess. She sounds like a good lady anyway ---224312567 >>224312506 Shes a devout christian and doesnt like gays ---224312609 >>224309538 She cute ---224312695 >>224309538 She seems like leadership material ---224312821 >>224311008 Not what I meant brooooooooooooo ---224313133 >>224312567 Based ---224313215 >>224309538 We don't need any women in leadership positions. Women belong at home. ---224313350 >>224309538 I'd have sex with her ---224313388 >>224309619 Pale does not mean white anon. ---224313421 >>224309538 >allowed on tv >/ourgirl/ i don't think you've realized how bad things are yet OP ---224313590 >>224313388 My sister is white you D&C SHILL ---224313887 >>224313215 You're a fag. ---224313999 >>224309686 >AOC has that look where she's sexy with and without make up. Wew. You're over the drink drive limit for sure. ---224314012 Only those of pure Slavic blood are white. ---224314081 Is she a debt free virgin with no tattoos though? ---224314214 >>224309773 Fuck your die breed and your shit ideas. You are on the losing side and will only continue to fall further and further. Go shoot up a school bitch. ---224314697 >>224309538 It's sad that burgers are already reaching the point where the only way they can get people representing their views into government is to have a none-white/wamyn run for them. This shit wasn't supposed to be the case until 2040+! So early! ---224314748 >>224314697 Dude ---224314773 >>224309538 >shitskin >pro Zion Don Yup, checks out. At this point only mutts, shitskins and brainwashed boomers still support the Zognald. ---224314841 Merican pollotics is becoming a joke ---224314890 >>224314748 >(((Wasserman))) ---224314989 >>224314697 Nigger, we have great Germanic chieftain Trump representing us. I just think having a QT girl like AOC but based would be cool as well. ---224314993 >>224309538 We shouldnt be led by women, but I enjoy her spunk. She is def white in my book, latin is white. ---224315272 would berry politically cancer but appeals to the young folks and assimilated beaners ---224315369 >>224309538 she looks like she's 1/2 jewish with a nose job ---224315370 >>224313388 > And White doesn't mean European Can we stop the purity-spiraling now? If somebody isn't a Nigger or Asian and looks like that its fine with me ---224315396 >>224314993 Who was leading Spain when all kikes were physically removed? >it's a namefag Oh, never mind, opinion discarded. ---224316186 >>224309619 People here say that if you have brown hair you're not white, so no she isn't white ---224316224 >>224314773 Too many buzzwords, shill. ---224316330 >>224313388 sure it doesn't ---224316339 woah, there's a fuck ton of faggots ITT. like, lmao, this shit is fucking cringe, bro. ---224316370 >>224316186 lol ireland, you drunk fucks ---224316732 >>224316186 Thats rich coming from a shitalian LMAO ---224317201 >>224316224 >Shills for some mystery mutt skank >calls other people shills You have to go back to plebbit. ---224317319 >>224309538 >Finally shes ugly with a chubby face , would not bang /10 ---224317414 >memeflag >we/our/us >pro-Trump QT Latina >/ourgirl/ >foxnews No thanks ---224317531 >>224309538 AOC is not the most popular congressman because of identity politics, but because she is a justice democrat. It's all about policy. If she was just another neoliberal, nobody would care, and she wouldn't win. Reminder that she won her district againstr the fourth most powerful dem, who was on track to become speaker. She BTFOd this dude because people don't actually want the lesser of two evils anymore. ---224317647 >>224309538 Gross slut desu ---224317704 AOC is cute and sexy , she would be an 11/10 over here. the meme is true , english women are fugly. ---224317804 >>224317704 except for harry potter girl ---224317920 >>224317804 emma watson is french ---224318129 >>224317319 Found the queer. ---224318289 >>224318129 homophobe ---224318356 >>224318289 found the frenchaman ---224318385 >>224318356 I'm too fanny-flusstered to give a response ---224318532 >>224316732 you aren't tricking anybody spic. Italians were your ancestors before you mixed in with indigenous ---224318675 >>224318385 ikr, making your underwear match the curtains is hard when theyre brown, but should be white you breton faggot ---224318912 Women don't belong in politics you dumb boomer. ---224318988 >>224309538 That's a trannie ---224319082 >>224309538 It’s the Catalina wine mixer. ---224320046 >>224318675 I'm absolutely too flabbergasted for words..... ---224320133 >>224320046 ---224320799 >>224314748 Yes it's (((astonishing))) that some whites have decided they don't want to be replaced in our homelands ---224321574 >>224318912 Get laid faggot. ---224322973 >>224317647 >leaf ---224324428 >>224314773 you used all the words on the card they gave you. good boy ---224324583 >>224309538 I'd fire some DNA into her ---224324662 >>224309538 way too much makeup, but she's a qt ---224324701 >>224309773 >1 drop rule You understand that you have literal ape dna still lingering around in your body right, not even nigger shit but none human APE DNA OOOH OOH AHH AHH Monkey boy ---224324844 >>224324701 I'm glad your family never left your island. ---224324928 >>224313388 White is a jew word anyway designed to reduce all european ethnicities into a single homogenous group, they do the same with the world "Black" in order to homogenise all African ethnicities into a single homogenous group This then makes it alot easier to Globohomo you and mix blacks and whites together You should refer to yourself as your actual ethnicity but maybe mutts dont know what their actually is ---224325089 >>224314993 >I enjoy her spunk Spunk means jizz anon ---224325482 >>224324844 Most "White" americans have native admixture Its not much but if you believe in the one drop rule then you are one of the filithy savages you claim to despise. Dont forget your APE DNA too ---224325630 >>224325482 >Most literal falsehood
----- ---224325544 Hi Arabic guys. Explain me is going on that videos. I laugh to tears but don’t understand what is happening on these videos:
---224325690 bump
----- ---224320554 *Freeze Frame*
---224320600 >>224320554 >What is media control promoting cancer, the real kind. butsecchs can cause poopcancer ---224321683 >>224320600 Getting regular checks is one of the #SignsYouAreAnAdult ---224321805 >>224321683 #ThingsIFindAttractive too I think they're just picking the trends now ---224321875 >>224321805 #Sumlin to think about ---224321919 >>224320554 #WeirdThingsToPutUpYourAss Fuck... the wrong side really did lose. ---224322610 >>224322410 bs I did check, posted it first ---224322671 >>224322410 oh wait you were the one who posted the other thread and then complained? fag ---224325002 I no check the catalog. Sorry for being a fag op. ---224325273 >>224321919 sam hyde is a total fucking degen and /pol/'s ballwashing of him is really gay, also look at that mug he's definitely one of the tribe ---224325554 Sam Hyde is a #WeirdThingsToPutUpYourAss
----- ---224324613 Would you side with the Iran or with the USA should a war, full fledged at that, come to arrive ?
---224324667 >>224324613 Iran Fuck ZOG ---224324765 Neither. I would like to see Iran get nukes and take out Israel, DC, NYC, and California ---224325142 >>224324613 Iran. Because they aren't bothering anyone. Israel is looking for excuses to take over the country. FUCK ISRAEL FUCK THE ZOG FUCK BLUMPF FUCK RAT-FACE BIBI FUCK THEM ALL. ---224325751 I side with neither but will support the nuking of Israel. ---224325754 >>224324613 There won't be a war between US-Iran. And even if there is, Russia will get involved. In other words, there won't be a war. But there is a trade war, so technically we are in a war already.
----- ---224316382 Calling it climate change is too nice. Why not call it poisoning of the earth. I know bait. But still.
---224316423 I like to call it "Tax Excuse" ---224316468 >>224316382 Why not call it >the weather ---224316527 >>224316468 The weather has nothing to with it. Its human contact. ---224316528 >>224316423 fpbp. ---224316647 >>224316382 Used to be called. Al Gore massive fuckfest. ---224316936 >>224316527 wh-what. ---224317117 >>224316936 I'm talking about dumpling waate ---224319905 >>224316382 atmospheric damage ---224323518 >>224316382 Climate change is not a real issue, natute will adapt relatively quickly (there's mammals in tschernobyl, for example) What's really dangerous, is pollution and that's mainly from chinks, niggers and poos ---224326162 >>224316382 You got deeply honked. Climate change is a hoax.
----- ---224319184 Why do we still have pic related? isnt it outdated? Isnt it merely a ruin from the past? What makes modern people dress up like this and spend a day constructing a fairy tale spending thousands on it? Are traditional weddings the ultimate boomer bluepill?
---224319230 I'm not having a big wedding, it's a waste of money. I would rather go on holiday ---224319360 >>224319184 What a shame no woman deserves the title wife any longer. ---224319417 >>224319184 Because it's supposed to be a very important event, it's the day you lock in your choice of who you spend the rest of your life with. Spending a lot of money and making it flamboyant is an age-old way of showing how important an event is. ---224319452 >>224319417 Yeah, and about 4 years later they will split up. How romantic. What an important day. Its a farce. ---224319489 >>224319452 It's not a farce if you love someone deeply ---224319521 >>224319417 I don't have any friends and my parents don't talk to each other so sounds like a hell ride ---224319561 >>224319417 That died the moment they passed through the no fault divoce bill ---224319682 I'll have a little party with my spouse and go for a nice dinner, drink champagne just wont be inviting anyone ---224319714 It would be uncomfortable to have a big wedding ---224319786 >>224319184 Children raised by married parents do better in life (better grades, higher wages, less criminal etc) then children raised by single-parents or homosexual parents. tl;dr you marry to make children "sage" goes in "options" ---224319793 >>224319489 50 percent of relationships fails. Its just a fact. Love is a larp story. The two agree to play the main roles, but sooner or later on is going to get tired of the play. ---224319834 >>224319786 Implying a white wedding is the cause of that. Nah, its just two people staying together, the wedding has nothing to do with that other than larping. ---224319886 >>224319793 It's not a larp but I think it is rare to find true love. It's nice to see old couples still together. The fact my parents are divorced would seem to bode in ill for my romantic fate but in fact I am an individual and my autistic tendency lends well to commitment. ---224319915 >>224319452 Don't use your parents as a yardstick, anon. Get over it. ---224319940 >>224319793 Marriage is about loving one another after the novelty of newness wears off and you can tell it is true if you don't look at anyone else in the same way again, a part from your spouse. ---224319964 For women, a big expensive wedding is a traditional, societally-approved form of attention-whoring. Most men would probably rather sign the papers and skip right to the honeymoon. ---224320012 >>224319184 It's a ceremony where a man who's been hypnotized by a woman's mind control pheromones cuts off his dick and balls and surrenders half of his life, liberty, and wealth to some hole. The rest to the government. At some point someone will inform him that he is not in possession of anything anymore. The state and his wife owns everything. He is a literal Slave. At that point he'll take out a gun and shoot himself in the head. Which won't help it'll just make his wife richer because then she'll get the life insurance. Is wife will pretend to cry for a day or two if anyone's looking but when no one's around she'll masturbate thinking about her husband's miserable life and how he's now burning in hell and she gets all that money. That big big payday. ---224320032 >>224319786 Correlation does not imply causation. Simply put, fucked up parents are less likely to be married, and they produce fucked us children. It’s not the lack of marriage that’s causing this kids the be wasted ---224320094 >>224319915 Its statistics. ---224320161 >>224319964 A woman that MUST have this fantasy outlived is a good redflag. A woman that says fuck that and skip the jew ring lets buy a boat for all that money instead and sail the med on the other hand..that is a fantasy ---224320170 True love still exists. My parents both have been divorced twice, but I've been with the same girl for two years and plan on marrying her right after college. Part of it is the will of people to keep the love going even when shit gets hard. The other big problem is everyone thinking a wedding needs to be expensive. Fellas, if your woman genuinely can't think of anything but a wedding that costs 10-20,000 dollars, you've got yourself a shallow bitch. ---224320189 >>224320012 Based ---224320287 >>224320161 Yup. If she's more focused on how big the wedding is, rather than even the house, apartment, etc and how it's furnished, huge red flag. ---224320288 >>224320170 > true love exists > I know this because I’m with the love of my life > we are going to get married > when we finish college Oh shit, my sides. Good luck to you, honestly. You’re going to need it ---224320327 The key to a successful marriage, if you want to go that path, is a highly educated white or Asian woman with a low partner count in a courthouse marriage. If she whines for a $10,000+ attention whoring party over a large down payment on a house, she's not the one. ---224320332 >>224319184 >Imagine starting your life with someone by spending all your money right away Diamond ring, wedding, vacation Come home and eat macaroni and cheese for the rest of your life and argue about not having any money until you break up. ---224320353 >>224319184 Weddings are fun but don't involve the church in it. ---224320367 >>224320170 T..true love exists. ---224320402 >>224320288 She's Asian, a virgin, and Christian. And wants at least four kids. I feel pretty comfy. ---224320442 >>224320402 Make sure you beat off before you propose. ---224320456 >>224320170 I hope things go well for you anon, I really do. But women are known to turn into sluts at the blink of an eye. I know that being possesive, jealous or obssesed with someone is perceived badly, but if she's not all over you beyond a shadow of a doubt, you need to watch out. ---224320461 >>224320442 kek ---224320523 >>224320367 It does anon. I won't lie though, it's rare. I was blackpilled and thought love was a lie up until I met the one for me. But ya gotta believe sometimes and be the best you can be. ---224320578 >>224320523 You’ve fucked her though right? The chemistry’s all good in bed? ---224320631 >>224320442 I mean, who doesn't? ---224320632 >>224319184 >Why do we still have pic related? We don't. Marriage is toxic to men today, so they no longer ask women to marry. Only a minority of people marry today and even fewer will do so in the future. Don't expect it. ---224320648 >>224320523 Not trying to put you down anon, just bantering with you, im glad you feel youve found someone special, but most modern relationship has a big trouble passing the test of time. Everything has sped up these days, and that includes the life cycles of relationships. Our attention span is decreasing, everything is accelerating. I wish you the best with your girl though, some do make it. ---224320658 >>224319184 Women who aren't virgins should not be allowed to wear white on their wedding day. ---224320708 >>224320456 I totally hear what your saying. She's definitely not a slut type. I'd never commit if she was. She's just a rare gem in a world of whores. ---224320731 >>224320632 White weddings are on a surge here in Denmark at least. Many millenials are getting married in traditional terms with church etc as we speak. The fairty tale is have a fucking renaissance, when most thought it was about to die. I expect zoomers to be the ones to end this farce. ---224320759 >>224319184 Unless the woman is a virgin that sort of wedding just looks stupid. ---224320781 >>224320332 Diamonds have biblical merit big weddings are fine if you are a social creature and keep in touch with your family closely but if you don't, I don't see the point ---224320791 >>224320578 Because of our Christian values, we have limits. I've definitely eaten her out though and she's sucked me off kek. Chemistry is amazing there i can assure you, she could suck the nipple right off a bottle kek ---224320833 >>224319915 The inside of that cab looks like a nightmare. Whiplash would kill all three of them, especially the lady in the middle. Nice touch with the chipped paint on the frame, though. ---224320835 >>224320781 You are not fooling anyone, Moshe ---224320853 >>224320632 That's sad. ---224320881 >>224319184 That‘s the finalization of transfer of power on the woman, the ultimate prostitution contract and blackmail instrument for destroying your life. Women pretend to just want their „princess day“ but you guess it, it’s a trap. ---224320883 >>224320835 Exodus 28:18 - and the second row a turquoise, a sapphire and a diamond; ---224320905 >>224320835 Jeremiah 17:1 Verse Concepts The sin of Judah is written down with an iron stylus; With a diamond point it is engraved upon the tablet of their heart And on the horns of their altars, ---224320908 >>224320731 >The fairty tale is have a fucking renaissance, when most thought it was about to die. This. ---224320918 >>224320835 Ezekiel 28:13 Verse Concepts "You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The ruby, the topaz and the diamond; The beryl, the onyx and the jasper; The lapis lazuli, the turquoise and the emerald; And the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets, Was in you. On the day that you were created They were prepared. ---224320933 >>224319915 >Get over it. More like get use to it. The older generations sold the foundations of their society for scrap. ---224320944 >>224319184 >tfw all I wanted was a big wedding ---224320952 >>224320933 Speak for yourself only. ---224321021 >>224320944 Tits or GTFO ---224321025 >>224320952 >memeflag ---224321065 >>224320402 She sounds flip or Korean. You sound like a racemixer. Why not marry her now? ---224321123 >>224319184 wasnt the white dress supposed to represent virginity? whats the point these days ---224321196 >>224320648 Sadly all valid points. We've gone through a lot together, including her parents practically threatening to kill her for dating a white guy like me. So despite all of that we've held fast. Still, it's good tk hear brutal realism anon. Thank you for the well wishes. ---224321226 >>224321123 >wasnt the white dress supposed to represent virginity? yes, purity. I think that's the point OP is making. Good book says you're suppose to take a wife in this way, but you do that and you're giving away your rights as if you joined the military, except you don't even get a big-bank account at the end. ---224321304 >>224320791 Neither one of you are virgins. You might as well slide your dick between her thighs, but not enter vagina. Or fuck her butthole. She's done all of that with other people...but at least she's a virgin and pure. What a bunch of horseshit. ---224321366 >>224321065 Flip. Good guess fren. I never considered being with any girl that wasn't white until I got exposed to how slutty modern white women are. From that point on I resigned myself to being alone. But then this beautiful flip girl walked into my church and life turned around for me. ---224321377 >>224321226 yeah, people doing that are getting cucked by their wifes so she could have a "big day" seeing tatted up, used up 30something women that alreay have kids in them is kinda disguisting imo ---224321465 >>224321377 >seeing tatted up, used up 30something women that alreay have kids in them is kinda disguisting imo Same but with two guys getting married. ---224321586 >>224321304 You do realize virginity refers to hymen, right anon? I've witnessed people with your mindset be the same types who ended up getting their cherry popped out of wedlock and having a failed, forced marriage. ---224321628 >>224320170 This man is in for a rude awakening when you find out just how much your girls been cheating on you it’s going to break you I suggest you get two side chicks right now ---224321754 >>224321628 I trust her because she's transparent. She ever starts panicking about me looking at her phone, accounts, etc I'd know something is up. We hold each other accountable in that sense. ---224321836 >>224319360 Have some, lad. Have some. ---224321842 >>224321304 >What a bunch of horseshit UNLESS microchimerism is a thing ---224322124 >>224321754 Women are liars brother. They’ll put up a facade for ages then almost out of nowhere she leaves you and immediately goes with another happens quickly but it’s not quick at all she might have stopped loving months ago and you’d have no idea...these people will delete their chats, hide affairs... Don’t believe a word that comes out of their mouths...just enjoy them before they eventually change their minds about you for no reason and have options ready to replace her once she inevitably does. They all do! Play it safe. You seem lovestruck and she’s going to break you ---224322164 >>224319184 Gay marriage is undermining this important institution, we don't need a to ruin it further by diminishing the celebration. ---224322210 >>224319184 My roastie sister had a fairytale wedding at a quaint little mountain resort. Set my retired schoolteacher parents back like $20k and turned into an open bar night of debauchery that kind of scared the older respectable relatives who attended. Few years and a few kids later they were both cheating on each other and cost my parents another shitload of money getting divorced, while having literal 80-year-olds raise their kids because they were too busy playing dueling lawyers, job hopping, and socializing. So... This >>224319964 and this >>224320161 ---224322508 >>224319184 >Are traditional weddings the ultimate boomer bluepill? Yes ---224322623 >>224322164 What celebration the whole idea was you make a contract with a woman in exchange for her work and womb, but nowadays thats not happening so whats the point of the entire marriage institution? ---224322831 >>224322210 >while having literal 80-year-olds raise their kids Is this the future of parenting, given the need for dual-income families? ---224322847 >>224320781 >Diamonds have biblical merit Not diamond rings for weddings That has nothing to do with the bible at all If anything wedding rings are pagan. ---224323000 >>224322210 What a beautiful love story ---224323002 >>224320883 >>224320905 >>224320918 None of those are about weddings. One was used for the high priest, one was used for the alter And one talked about what the Anointed Cherub that Sinned in the Garden of Eden (Satan) wore. ---224323135 >>224319184 Instagram and social media has ruined weddings. Weddings always cost money, sure, and earlier generations would have a good party, invite family, and celebrate, but the focus wasn't on photos and decorations with the goal of impressing people online. Everything needs to be picture perfect now. The wedding is the ultimate status symbol for women on social media. My fiance is pretty redpilled, but I think all the other wedding photos and pinterests make her feel inadequate, like she can't measure up to the standard without spending money we don't have. She wants to go to the courthouse instead. I don't, I still want a ceremony because she did say she'd be sad to miss out on her dad walking her down the aisle, but I don't judge her for wanting to dodge all the bullshit. Mentally she's put facebook photos first and our union second, because everyone else does. ---224323179 >>224322831 I dunno man, both these wannabe Yuppie idiots brag about making six figures *each* so it wasn't so much a lack of funds, but that they wanted to live out their dreams of traveling, buying toys, socializing, screwing around, going to conferences, etc. Why not let the elderly grandparents raise them, they have experience and not much else to do. ---224323242 >>224323000 Oh anon, you don't know the half of it. The cautionary tale only gets worse from there, but I probably shouldn't blogpost. ---224323331 >>224323002 Cherub? Don't think so pal, try Seraph j/k ---224323428 >>224319184 Just pay me $1000 for a cake and $2000 for a dress, goy. Don't you love her, goy? I'll be back in a couple of years to collect all the legal fees when you two realize that this was all larping and she divorces you. Happy wife, happy life! ---224323463 >>224323179 >Why not let the elderly grandparents raise them, they have experience and not much else to do Because they can't keep up as soon as the kid learns to walk properly. ---224323540 >>224319184 >not consecrating your marriage before the eyes of god, public, and family. Super nigger tier my guy ---224323575 >>224323242 Tell please. Destroy the little hope for love I have left. ---224323586 >>224321021 I'm a man ---224323659 >>224323463 You're correct. I'm just sharing the disgusting tale as it happened. ---224323694 My wedding was the best day of my life. We went cheap and spent somewhere around 15k + another 15k on the ring. Now I only get a blowjob about once a year. Fantastic trade off. ---224323743 >>224323659 Yeah, I get the feeling it's gonna happen more and more. ---224323766 The amount people pay for a wedding here in the states is absurd. If your future wife wants a 50k wedding, drop her right there. Couples that shove cake in their face have higher divorce rates. The 50% divorce rate is overall. When you look at two educated people the divorce rate is only about 25%. ---224323812 >>224323766 >two educated people the divorce rate is only about 25%. Maybe educated people are better at faking love for the benefit of order ---224324026 Redpilled reasons to marry. Add to the list if you got em. >You stand to gain power from the legal union. >She's a genetic specimen far above your physical SMV, and you want to lock her down for many k-selected children. ---224324067 >>224323575 Love can still be found Danebro. Just find a girl (ideally a little younger!) who's smart and laid back, who likes spending time with you whether it's in a mansion or a shack, and who wants to work together as a team to survive in this rapidly degenerating world. ---224324134 >>224323694 yikes you can buy an antique diamond for 1k and it's value appreciates ---224324168 >>224323812 Maybe, could also be educated people think more critically. Love isn’t enough to marry. You have to look at her family, spending habits, work ethic, etc. So far so good for me married 18 years. The passion dies quickly, especially after kids. But pick your battles wisely otherwise it’s hell on earth. ---224324179 I didn't get an antique as my wife has an antique sapphire and it was spur of the moment for the hell of it ---224324310 I'm a trap that got married and divorced when he found a younger trap. Divorce Is usually the mans fault because u guys think with your dicks instead of your hearts. Maybe stop cheating and the white race wouldn't be so dead ---224324350 >>224323331 Ezekiel 28:14 anointed Cherub ---224324629 >>224320170 i am with my gf for 9 years together and she is mad that I won't marry ---224324785 >>224319184 >bride wears white >isn't a virgin shame ---224324818 >>224319184 its usually for the woman... although i know some guys that are total fags and actually enjoy the process of it ---224324869 >>224324629 drop her dude, don't be so fucking selfish... you obviously don't want what she wants... you're just waisting her time. ---224325048 >>224319886 > I am, after all, an autist. ---224325186 >>224324869 Nope, relationship is not just about succumbing to the women's need and she knew of my views before we become a couple. ---224325195 >>224324350 Serpent is Seraphim ---224325629 >>224319417 I love Miss Palmer and her 5 sisters ---224326174 >>224325186 Women change as they get older and the baby rabies kick in. If you don't give her up, you're gonna get cucked when another guy comes along and promises all that ---224326212 >>224323135 You sound like a good man anon. May God quell your troubles.
----- ---224324201 Only people that can convincingly present talking points of both sides of a discussions should be treated seriously in a discussion. If you don't understand the other side of the discussion, shut the fuck up.
---224324284 Go to reddit then. This board is a right wing circlejerk ---224325627 >>224324284 >right wing circlejerks don't ban you for having left-wing opinions >Other places ban you for having right-wing opinions How does that work? ---224326117 >>224325627 Welcome to /pol/ where everything is allowed and argued, just don't bitch when your shit opinion gets shit on and people call you a faggot.
----- ---224325737 Gladys Berejiklian being asked on air if she'd have an abortion is 'not OK', Minister for Women says Turns out our water is full of microplastics, and we're drinking them up
---224325897 Asio circlebumfuck image from previous glowthread >rule 1 No poofters >rule 2 No glowies >rule 3 No poofters ---224325968 BPA is chemically castrating white men ---224326144 Last time I posted a name on /auspol, jannies suddenly decided my IP was banned for posting CP 2 years ago. >second experiment ---224326177 >>224325897 just as cluless as the kangaroo pictured on creating new auspol lol
----- ---224325340
---224325504 >>224325340 ---224325526 >>224325340 good ---224325693 Unironically based. ---224325728 >>224325340 Jews ---224325749 >>224325526 Expect...things (1/2) ---224325831 >>224325340 archive link is fucked. doublecheck your post. also about fucking time. ---224325899 2/2 ---224325928 >>224325340 Absolutely based and redpilled
----- ---224316160 Will Mass shootings skyrocket when the joker movie gets released?
---224316437 >>224316160 Mass shootings are fake. The problem is gynocentric society that excludes males and their ideas. ---224316548 >>224316160 No,because what triggers incel whitebois is seeing their women flock to mexicans and african americans ---224316604 >>224316160 ---224316780 >>224316160 ---224316877 GANGWEEDERS RISE UP BOTTOM TEXT ---224317050 >>224316437 world war I&II was also fake white people would not kill each other ---224317094 No, but get ready for one this week. Weinstein trial starts Monday. ---224317198 >>224317094 >No, but get ready for one this week. Weinstein trial starts Monday. that would be such a cohencidence ---224317384 I don’t know if it will but I’m excited to see what comes after. ---224317486 >>224316160 Idk, haven't seen it. But Honkler is based CTF! Triggered Trannies edition! >>224315923 >>224315923 Caught a couple Triggered Trannies. It is a sight to see. ---224317552 >>224317384 I just hope they don't fuck the movie up with some SJW ending. Also, this kind of Joker already exists (in cartoon version) ---224317696 >>224317552 No idea if they will fuck with some sjw shit with the joker. But I find it relaxing to know that it’s rated R so they aren’t holding back ---224317992 >>224316548 Does it trigger you that incels don't care at all? ---224318126 Of fucking course. The Joker movie is a signal from Q. Time for gamers to rise up. ---224318449 >>224316160 that left arm looks fucked up ---224318655 >>224316160 vigilante, anonymous-tier cringe mass crime will increase ---224318746 I'm ready ---224318801 >>224317552 They've already made the Joker an oil driller chasing after jungle bunnies. It's going to be faggy and gay, we already know that. The only question is how many memes we can mine out of the movie, since the trailer already gave us so much. ---224318886 >>224316160 What would make you think that ---224319730 >>224316160 >operation redpill phase is complete >initiate operation clownworld ---224323268 >>224316160 No.. Total bullshit to scare the sheeple. ---224324352 >>224316160 actor is a jew. this is not our movie. no fucking movie is in current year. ---224326372 >>224318801 >They've already made the Joker an oil driller chasing after jungle bunnies. Sounds based & redpilled. ---224326415 >>224324352 he's vegan so it's my movie
----- ---224324787 How do I redpill alt right youth about socialism? For some unknown to me reason they associate it with trannies, gays and homosexuals. As a proud white man who lived in GDR I can say it was the opposite. Never was a more prosperous time for the white race than that under the red flag. Fags? Beaten up? Trannies? Unheard off. I miss the long passionate sex after work - unlike the one in modern homoglobo western Germany. Today you see people begging on the streets. In the past? Want a house? Here's a house. You have a kid? Here's a bigger house. I can't grasp what they see in alt right. All it has done is give nationalism a bad name and paved the way for homoglobo capital. I mean look at this ( or this ( They are right though about the non-existence of the holocaust. It's as real as holodomor was - which means it isn't. I can't. Not going to lie, being a catholic back then was hard, but the struggle was nowhere as sharp as in homoglobo west.
---224324971 >>224324787 >How do I redpill alt right youth about socialism? With reason and logic but socialism has none so you can't. ---224325439 Take all the best things about Socialism and try to push them without labeling them as "Socialism" ---224326568 >>224324971 ^based
---224318708 About the Jews or what? ---224318795 Is it legal to have undeclared relatives in the US government that control the legislative, executive and judicial branches of the government? ---224320095 >>224318795 and the media, hollywood, cops, all intel agencies? ---224322161 >>224318427 Did you see AOC with the penguin yesterday? So cute! ---224324376 not that i'll share with a blowhard like you. write a fucking essay next time! ---224324499 >>224318427 This needs to be put in a family tree format. If they all share a grandmother that is pretty significant. ---224324932 >>224318427 nice ---224325297 am i really supposed to believe AOC is jewish ---224325521 >>224318427 >nepotism *jewish supremacy
----- ---224324166 Your fellow compatriots!
---224324410 the KKK has been a feed honeypot since for fucking ever you delusional retard those are all fat boomer fbi agents ironically your compatriots ---224324426 >>224324410 >feed honeypot meant fed ---224324458 >>224324166 they are not doing anything that literally everyone else isn't doing in fact when was the last time they killed cops or burned down city blocks? ---224324476 >>224324166 Why do you hate white people so much ? ---224324534 >>224324410 >>224324426 sneed ---224324564 Would you rather your son was a tranny or a KKK "racist" ? ---224324602 >>224324166 >federal agents stand outside a local government building, 2019 colorized. ---224324775 >>224324166 ---224324878 >>224324166 still looks better than a PRIDE gathering ---224325009 IMO White nationalists need to drop the goofy skinhead look and start wearing M40-era uniforms. %1000 more stylish and literally the battledress of the last White vanguard. ---224325081 >>224324564 KKK no competition. ---224325189 >>224324602 >>224324775 is there anything worse than the retards who think everything is feds ---224325294 >>224324564 what a silly question ---224325315 >>224324166 >while OP sits in front of a computer ---224325437 >>224325189 retards who think Obama is still gonna take your guns and Trump is based and brave ---224326239 >>224325189 They're all redditors
----- ---224320960 the willingness of a white parent to make their children black? Is it child abuse? Is it love of denigration? Is niggering your flesh and blood the ultimate fetish in this NWO reality that glorifies fetishes? Is it truly an NPC loop? I cannot think of anything that would make me hate my mother more than knowing she denied me the beauty of her race, rewinded 200000 years of evolution. So what do you call the willingness to breed with blacks?
---224322407 bump ---224322488 People want strong children who don't get cancer and, can actually live in the sun without frying like pigs. ---224322686 >>224320960 It's pretty cruel from them. >>224322488 Stfu nigger, go play with your jew friends ---224322905 >>224320960 White people have more neanderthal DNA than blacks though ---224322916 >>224322488 Nah. I doubt miscégénators made a considered decision after reading up on your made-up benefits: "my people hasn't lived in the african sun for hundreds of thousands of years, but what if the blood of my blood goes to the beach? I know, I'll make you a nigger! You're welcome!" ---224323025 >>224322407 That thing will be brown as hell when it grows up. Foolish woman. ---224323132 >>224322488 >muh black skin Sorry slave u still are the most undesireble race in the world. ---224323276 >>224320960 It's called Ethnomasochism: ---224323367 >>224323025 Does she sound nervous? I'm not even letrolling. I just want to understand what would make a normal person go through with it. ---224323616 >>224323276 Based ---224323678 >>224323367 Of course she is. Most roasties eventually wants white children so they act delusional like the woman in pic related. ---224323996 >>224323276 This resonates deeply with my perception. It rings true, even if I can't prove it to be, and my bias is certainly playing a role. Truth was always an elusive mistress, and even more today. >>224323678 Right? But I don't understand why they actually go through with it, repeatedly. Even if I wasn't a racist, i could still see that I don't have the right to make them be part of what the world calls ugly. ---224324093 I'm going to say it. ---224324110 >>224320960 Beastiality is illegal, but it seems like some people don't care. ---224324344 >>224324110 Yeah but I can put myself in a degenerate frame of mind and see the thrill of fucking a dog. But dogs wont get you pregnant. It's like the fetish is not in the act, but in the consequences. ---224324679 >>224323276 Good article. ---224325997 >>224320960 Erectus looks exactly like every nigger walking around today. Neanderthal looks like a kike. ---224326270 >>224325642 Jesus christ is that pic real ---224326345 >>224325997 I was gonna say robustus. I don't know how accurate these things are, but the poster makes me think we branched apart more than a million years ago. It's interesting to think how much science has been suppressed on the subject, if the father of DNA was stripped of his life work and titles for suggesting a genetic component to modes of learning. ---224326580 >>224326270 Shit, it seems she denies it. Cant find any facts. I don't know if hoax. Will delete.
----- ---224324947 Have any of you idiots felt alive since 2012??
---224325120 >>224324947 >lol u libtards and your feefees >hey u guis how do you feel? I don't feel so good as I used to guys, my feelings are bad. ---224325176 >>224325120 /thread >OP is a feelings faggot ---224325277 >>224325176 >>224325120 feelings are thoughts. the whole thought vs feeling vs emotion vs (((logic))) thing is a hoax. it's not a real distinction. ---224325370 >>224325277 Imagine being so brainwashed and convinced that Jews run the entire universe that you have to put ((())) around the word "logic". Look at yourself, anon. Is this really what you wanted? ---224325502 >>224324947 I was born dead inside. ---224326574 >>224324947 Yes the entire 2016 election cycle was amazing so many good times. Kys op
----- ---224324452 Jeez, sort your fucking niggers America
---224324637 >>224324452 >14:27 min long with some faggot speak Yeah no, i'm not watching thru that give me a timestamp when the niggers say that ---224325433 >>224324637 3:40 ---224325491 >>224324452 Soon ---224325660 >>224324452 >living within a 50 mile radius of a city that is nigger infested I'll let the liberal cities deal with the mess they made. ---224326256 >>224324452 What are the rules? ---224326398 >>224324452 >posts drunken syrian kid instead >gets upvoted totally unacceptable ---224326461 >>224324452 >2012 >haven't started. Most of these apes are afraid to go anywhere where there might actually be white babbys, and rightfully so. They start shit like that, we'll finish them forever. All of them. Every last one. Even in Apefrica.
----- ---224315425 right so story time it is then pol >be me >20 >at girls party last night who i'm madly in love with >shes blonde haired blue eyed smart as fuck the ideal aryan beauty >one of her retarded work friends gets cheeky >kick fuck out of him for being cheeky >ohshit.jpeg >get pulled into another room by her after the fight >discussion gets heated >say that i'm fed up and call her boyfriend a specky nigger >she gets very angry >understandable.lua >every possible chance with this girl is now fucked >probably going to end my life because of that plus other problems maybe this is why the white population is dwindling pic unrelated but god bless the glasgow celtic
---224315657 No you're just a cunt that is in love with someone who is already in a relationship and you might have an anger problem ---224315784 aye probably banter but innit ---224315860 youre from glasgow and you think you are white...LMAO scots are low IQ worse than niggers ---224315915 >>224315860 hahahaha fuck up you gimp i'm from the isle of lewis so fuck off ---224315971 >>224315860 >Imagine thinking the English are human ---224316278 >>224315971 >scottish master race yes pls ---224316297 >>224316278 >Imagine thinking the English exist ---224316419 >>224315425 Celtic are Nonce FC ---224316500 >>224315425 Listen up faggot. You don't fall in love with some thot who has a boyfriend. That's cuck territory. Any woman you're attracted to you hit on, if she says no move on. Don't be a beta orbiting bitch. ---224316510 >>224316419 >celtic are NONCE fc you just simmer down there before i get angr and racially abuse yer boyfriend ---224316980 >scottish """""people"""" bunch of barbarians desu ---224317157 >>224316980 mate ye actually come from a country we sent petty thieves to so you're either low order gene pool trash or your an abo either way you don't have enough white people points to speak ---224317689 >>224316500 This. And OP, just be fucking confident, hat's literally all you need to do to get ANY woman ---224318069 >>224315425 >probably going to end my life because of that plus other problems Good. My fair city doesn't need retarded taigs sperging out. ---224318257 >>224315425 Celtic are wank. You lost to a fucking Romanian team. ---224318315 >>224315425 Don't worry the white population is better off if trashy low iq cunts like you don't breed. ---224318333 >>224315425 >Muh football club Yeah I wouldn't fall in love either on a bread and circus goy. Have you considered that you might actually are gay. Have fun watching males running after a ball. ---224318517 >>224316500 Damn brother thats some real Alpha talking right here. Kids read what this great man said and follow those words! ---224318709 Keep trying. If there's one piece of advice I could give about getting pussy, be persistent. Make the ho say no. ---224318770 >>224315425 >Glasgow Filth. But then again is there any Scottish city that isn't screwed? ---224318890 >>224315425 fuck off you dirty tim cunt hope hearts do you today FTP ---224318905 >>224318069 >taig >from isle of lewis which is mostly church of scotland sorry my man but i just support a football team ---224318910 >>224315425 Only low iq morons get violent. High iq channels their rage into organized violence say taking out a nigger/shitskin from a distance with a rifle etc. Control yourself pleb. Move on, youre dead in her eyes now. ---224318955 >>224318910 >feelsbadman ---224319000 >>224315425 >fucking niggers >gonna act like a nigger to prove I'm better than niggers >kms ---224319020 >>224315915 No you aren't. You were from the Isle of Lewis. You chose to give your cultural heritage for the bright lights and that 24k pa, detached house and the Audi out front. You chose to spend your most malleable fomative years in the poisoned well claiming immunity. Well the proof is in the pudding. The fuck did you think was going to happen? You've had your starter and your main now shut the fuck up and have your dessert. ---224319074 >>224318905 A bheil iad a' bruidhinn ''sa Ghàidhlig air an eilein fhathast? ---224319175 >>224318333 ---224319247 >>224319020 hahahahahaha 24 k per anum mate i'm a student and working in retail not even close to 24k yet >>224319074 some people do but my parents are from the mainland origionally so we don't ---224319307 >>224318069 >pic What does ebola have to do with Naruto running ---224319354 >>224315425 Do some soul searching, OP. And please consider praying to Jesus. ---224319404 >>224315425 >>at girls party last night who i'm madly in love with AHAHA faggot ---224319440 >>224315425 >Specky nigger The fuck is this ---224319520 >>224319307 Background is George Square Glasgow, from "World War Z". This image was made by myself to celebrate the homecoming of Ebola-Chan's High Priestess. She was touched by Ebola-Chan, yet did not die. She tried to end the worship of Ebola-Chan - but in the end she served as a vessel to spread Ebola-Chan's love to all: ---224319563 >>224319440 specky is someone who wears spectacles and i'm sure you know what a nigger is ---224319590 >>224319440 trans: A bespectacled negro ---224319679 >>224315425 This place isn't your blog, you sound like an absolute cunt. Hope you get glassed you fucking mong. ---224319697 >>224319679 square go senpai ---224319872 > specky nigger wat >>224316500 pic related ---224319954 >>224319697 trans: A fair and equal fight, without the use of weapons, or seconds in the duel, who are know as "hauners" (ie: "handers", as they would theoretically "lend a hand" should their favoured combatant fail to defeat his foe). ---224320003 >>224315425 She can’t be smart if she’s blonde. ---224320145 >>224315425 >say that i'm fed up and call her boyfriend a specky nigger Call her a mudshark and a race traitor. ---224320243 >>224315425 You are just a noob in life and have to git gud let it teach you a lesson ---224320618 >>224315425 you're definitely a ned punching somebody smarter than you that's rangers fan level of degenerate ---224320694 >>224315425 > call her boyfriend a specky nigger >her boyfriend >nigger Why are you even chasing a girl who fucks niggers? You are saying you are madly in love with her mate you don't even know what love is. The main thing that makes a man a man is his ability to control his emotions. ---224320838 >>224315425 You blew it. Fighting is for low T emotionaltards. Move on and grow up. Also wtf is Celtic? Norf FC bitch. ---224320855 >>224315425 She'll probably end up fucking you retard. Don't kill yourself. People that appear strong are loved. ---224320874 >>224315425 simmer down she really wants to fuck you now. be patient ---224320937 >>224320874 >she really wants to fuck you now whats the logic behind that ---224321023 >>224315425 Go back and kick his arse properly this time then move on. Stop being a girl. Bitches aren't worth topping yourself for. ---224321082 >>224320937 why didnt she throw you out instead of the discussion? did she tell you never to see her again? ---224321165 >>224315425 > aryan beauty > glasgow ---224321176 >>224321082 she left the room after i called him a nigger ---224321259 >>224315425 >blonde girl >smart and beautiful >dating a nigger Nice story ahmed Nice story ---224322878 >>224321176 there is so much you are not telling us how well do you know the chick? is she in your friends circle? did the coon deserve it? do you have a GF? did she get wet when you dropped the N bomb? she might actually be turned on by your actions with the few details you give if you really dig her keep her on your radar don't press her or apologize make it known in your friends group(see above) that you have another love or multiple love interests you might have piqued her interest. have another chick around to get her jealous just dont grovel ---224322939 >>224315425 get off the board ---224323017 >>224315860 >celtic >from glasgow ---224323019 >>224315425 Wait so she’s a coalburner too? Cucked ---224323330 this post is so fake and gay, it hurts ---224325243 Why would you wanna fuck a coal burner? I am vomit. ---224325398 >>224317689 You forgot to tell him to be himself. ---224326310 >>224315425 I wonder why she doesn't want to be with someone who acts like a 'nigger' ---224326384 >>224316297 imagin-
----- ---224325311 >Protestants in 1948 - 69% >2018 - 35% Catholics, Jews, had declined Non-religious has exploded and a slight increase in no answer. Christian (nonspecific domination), Mormons and other are the only religions to see an increase in the US
---224325730 >>224325311 The Catholic population has increased, but only because the subhuman spics are flooding the country ---224326406 >>224325730 Catholic has went up and down, but remained at 22% as it was in 1948.
----- ---224323381 What's a kosovo?
---224323450 >>224323381 More like: What the FUCK is a Bosnia? MUSLIMS DO NOT BELONG IN EUROPE. ---224323672 >>224323381 BULLSHIT ---224323783 >>224323381 A region of serbia ---224323878 >>224323783 This guy gets it! ---224324565 >>224323381 Srbija ---224324962 >>224323381 It's the worst part of Serbia /thread ---224325028 >>224323381 Albanian ---224325084 why was kosovo even created? what is it? it's a little worthless state that shouldn't exist, wtf is that ---224325281 >>224323381 A sovereign Albanian state. ---224326392 >>224325084 Tito trying to bait, and Americans attempting to get a colony It's a literal fucking failed state
----- ---224325878 >Indianapolis Colts star Quarterback, Andrew Luck, has stunned the NFL world by abruptly choosing to retire at the age of 29 >Luck called the decision "the hardest of his life" and was predominantly due to mental fatigue. Does this mean I can retire too? It's all so tiresome
---224326773 >>224325878 Smart move, good kiddo. Wont sustain brain injury and can spend time with his family and enrich them with his massive wealth. And who still watches niggeroval? ---224326825 Why? And why should I give a shit? Sports are just played by niggers and teams owned by jews. ---224326977 >>224325878 show vegine
----- ---224326423 In this four-part series, “The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Too Big to Fail,” MintPress has revealed that Epstein’s activities — a sexual blackmail operation involving minors and connected to intelligence agencies — was one of many such operations that have taken place for decades, developing from the nexus forged between the CIA, organized crime and Israeli intelligence shortly after World War II. Connections drawn to Kashoogi, Awan, Promise Software and Iran Contra.
---224326945 Ya missed one. ---224326968 And yes, it's always a filthy Jew.
----- ---224319238 What are they /pol?
---224319300 lol white people have a lot of diseases as well ---224319573 >>224319238 Okay let's take a quick Jewgle search because OP is a faggot: 1. Gaucher Disease (1 in 10) The most common Ashkenazi genetic disease is Gaucher disease, with one out of every 10 Ashkenazi Jews carrying the mutated gene that causes the disease. Doctors classify Gaucher disease into three different types, resulting from a deficiency of glucocerebrosidase (GCase) within the body. Type 1, which is treatable, is the most common form among Ashkenazi Jews. 2. Cystic Fibrosis (1 in 24) Normally, cells in the lungs and digestive system produce a thin, slippery mucus as part of normal physiological processes. In people with cystic fibrosis, this mucus becomes much thicker and stickier, which damages internal organs, especially the lungs. It is possible to manage this condition with medications and daily care, but those who develop this disease have shortened life spans, typically only living into the mid- to late 30s. 3. Tay-Sachs Disease (1 in 27) Certain mutations on the HEXA gene cause Tay-Sachs disease, which is characterized by progressive deterioration of nerve cells (neurons) in both the brain and spinal cord. This destruction results from a shortage of an enzyme required to break down fatty substances in the body. There is currently no cure for Tay-Sachs disease. 4. Familial Dysautonomia (1 in 31) Typically, symptoms of this disease are already present when a baby is born. Familial dysautonomia is characterized by changes to nerves in the autonomic nervous system. These nerves are responsible for many involuntary bodily functions, including blood pressure, heart rate, and digestion. While there has been progress in developing effective treatments for this disease, people with the condition usually have shortened lifespans. ... ---224319665 ..cont 5. Spinal Muscular Atrophy (1 in 41) There are several different types of this disease, but all affect the control of muscle movement due to a decline in the number of specialized nerve cells, called motor neurons, in both the spinal cord and brainstem. Life expectancy varies widely depending on the type. There is no cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy, but treatment may be effective at managing the symptoms and complications. Well there you have it OP, wasn't so difficult was it >>224319300 This post actually proves that it is Kikes role-playing as Niggers on /pol/. Niggers would never retort against OP because they consider Jews to be white, not something separate. You just exposed yourself Schlomo ---224319752 There's probably more as scientific journals straight up refuse to publish anything that would imply Jews are susceptible to mental abnormalities. ---224319794 Weakness to black cock. ---224321529 >>224319794 This is actually rather true. A lot of the Jewish influence behind BM/WF imagery in the media is Jewish projection. ---224324622 >>224319238 An increased desire to be paedophiles ---224325743 >>224319238 Vampirism ---224325932 Bladder issues ---224326078 >>224319300 Kike. Also what is sickle cell for niggers. Also drinking dirty poo water and getting parasites and diseases because they have not learned to filter it. ---224326183 >>224319300 ---224326689 >>224319238 Higher rate of full blown schizophrenia and lesser characteristics of schizophrenia in their general population. Probably a lower level of general jaynesian consciousness which actually boosts verbal IQ. Which together is probably why so many lawyers and school shooters are jewish.
----- ---224326175 DOJ: Feds Arrested More Mexican Nationals than Americans in 2018 --- The total number of federal arrests of Mexican nationals living in the United States now exceeds the total number of federal arrests of American citizens, federal data reveals. A new report by the Department of Justice (DOJ) finds that in 2018, the number of Mexican nationals arrested for federal crimes exceeded the number of American citizens who were arrested for federal crimes by about 8,000 arrests. For example, more than 78,000 federal arrests of Mexicans were made last year. Compare that to the roughly 70,500 federal arrests made of American citizens the same year.
---224326899 >>224326175 Feds should arrest very few US Citizens because state and local police do that.
----- ---224323351 STOP
---224323521 >>224323351 epstein MAXWELL FATHER WAS MOSSAD MOSSAD TRYS TO KILL EVERYONE INVOLED IN THIS MOSSAD ---224324186 Looks like he's going to ask me if I want a side of fried rice. ---224324445 >>224323351 why not? Kek's will is mysterious ---224324455 >>224323351 RUUUU ROOH ITZZZAAA GODDDDDDZIRRRAAA ---224324748 >>224323351 >mods move thread to /bant/ >OP abandons his thread to go back to shilling his retarded theories on /pol/ ---224326926 >>224323351 Stop being so gay, fucking ayyytard!
----- ---224306972 Greetings, gentlethems.
---224307244 >>224306972 Using them/they like this is a split infinitive and not grammatically correct. When the gender of an object is unknown the neutral terms are he and him in English. >t. linguist ---224307303 >>224306972 This is why child abuse should be legal. ---224307350 >>224306972 >theydies well the faggot isnt wrong there ---224307438 I have a feeling the Jews are behind this. ---224307449 >>224306972 “this, that, it” ---224307702 >>224307350 Lmao what in the shit. ---224307703 >>224307244 If it isn't male, and it isn't female and it's a single object, then you have to use "it". t. grammar nazi ---224307744 >>224306972 This could be Trudeau's son. >peoplekind ---224307891 >>224306972 salutations esteemed tendie how fairs your day? ---224308668 >>224306972 ---224308717 Faggot kid from a faggot country. Nothing new. ---224308766 >>224307350 Kek ---224308827 >>224306972 >Theydies Kek, even they're admitting the 40% suicide rate now ---224308865 >>224307244 Dont need to be a linguist to know that desu. ---224308931 >>224306972 fetal alcohol syndrome! ---224308983 Corruption of the youth. ---224309022 >>224306972 Have we fallen so far as to let this degeneracy not only slide, but integrate into the mainstream? I won't rest easy until the 42% becomes the 100% ---224309141 >>224306972 Then, some day, people elected Hitler for no reason. ---224309185 Honestly, it’s hilarious how hypocritical this ideology can be. The idea of gender that these faggots push implies that there are things that are inherently definitive of what it means to be a man or a woman. “Pronouns like he and she are limiting.” In what way? You somehow managed to trick yourself into believing that there are certain things that people can and cannot do solely based on their “gender identity.” You became the one thing that you hated the most, you faggot. ---224309197 >>224306972 What the fuck >Canada Oh ok nvm ---224310034 >>224306972 Well.....what did you expect by voting Castro's faggot son into office. You traded faggots for legal weed. I warned you people to STOP voting ! ---224310837 >>224306972 Canada should be carpet nuked. ---224311184 >>224307350 ---224311240 >>224307350 >I failed to attach pic ---224311612 >>224310034 >warningguy leaf Yer nah, you didn't do shit for no cunt faggot... Ya especially didn't warn the masses "Fidel's son" became P.M of maple syrup. ---224311681 >>224306972 >many people no, very few people you give a platform to be faggots ---224311777 Canada is over. Liberal government managed to ruin everything in less than 4 years ---224311854 >>224306972 Ask them why they believe the terms "man" and "woman" should be restricted to use by the traditional binary ---224311908 >>224307244 There is nothing wrong with a split infinitive. ---224312013 >>224307303 he's already abused senpai ---224312030 >>224307350 ---224312293 >>224306972 I wonder how all this would work with languages with established grammatical genders. ---224312388 >>224306972 Cant believe my tax dollars fund this gay shit ---224312432 >>224311240 RARE ---224312499 >>224306972 FUCKING EXTREMELY BASED!!! ---224312513 >>224306972 FUCKING EXTREMELY BASED!!!! ---224312525 >>224306972 FUCKING EXTREMELY BASED!!!!! ---224312532 >>224306972 FUCKING EXTREMELY BASED!!!!!! ---224312585 >>224306972 FAGGOTS ---224312657 >>224307303 This is why the internet AND social media should be 18+. ---224312674 >>224307350 Based. ---224312730 >>224306972 Looks like a typical leaf to me ---224312832 >>224309185 Exactly, the media argues that a woman can be physically a man with a feminine penis. So they suggest that the category of woman can include everything, while arguing also that it’s limiting. ---224312969 >>224306972 >>224312805 PLEASE HALP ME FRENS ---224313007 >>224312832 I hardly understand it anymore. ---224313051 >>224306972 Somebody post the video ---224313120 >>224312499 >>224312513 >>224312525 >>224312532 Cringe ---224313150 >>224306972 what did they mean by this? ---224313210 >>224306972 >Theydies I wish a negro would. ---224313239 >>224307350 (((They)))dies ---224313465 >>224306972 >>224312805 PLEASE HALP ME FRENS ---224313471 >>224311908 This. Split infinitives in English are bullshit, since the "rule" came from Latin, which can't even have split infinitives, since they only consist of one single word. People who want to enforce unsplit infinitives only show how little they know about grammar. ---224313754 >>224313465 Kys ---224315335 >>224307244 I am a linguist. We approach language from a descriptive, scientific perspective, not from a prescriptive, elitist perspective. Non-standard dialects, however uncommon, are not the standard/prestige dialect with errors. English teachers focus on the care and feeding of the prestige dialect, yes. That does not mean that other dialects are inherently wrong or flawed somehow. There is nothing special about the prestige dialect. The perceptions that non-linguists have of non-standard dialects is an interesting sociological study, but irrelevant to the merits of those dialects. Because the perception of "incorrect" comes from subjecting it to the rules of the standard dialect (which of course it does not follow). ---224315574 >>224315335 Shut up, kike. Ebonics is not valid and neither are you. ---224315742 >>224315335 nigger lover ---224315774 >>224315574 calm down kid, it's reddit copypasta. ---224315972 >>224306972 >he or she him or her A simple faggot. There you go. ---224316105 >>224306972 This is the curse of the west, paying heed to what a fucking child says, that little cunt should be told to quit being a faggot and that's it. ---224316182 ---224317145 >>224306972 F for Canada >I used to work at a call center for North america and canadians were the kindest ---224317373 >>224306972 life is pozzed ---224317640 >>224306972 Why does no one understand or bring up the fact that pronouns are used when the person isn't present so its not like they'll fucking know what you call them? ---224317746 >>224306972 And then one day, for no reason at all... ---224317800 >>224311184 >>224311240 R A R E A R E ---224317834 >>224307244 Interesting if true. So if I said: >I missed the postman today, they must have come by when I was taking a shit That would be grammatically incorrect? ---224317879 >>224317800 ---224317955 >>224306972 English is a weak language, we had all this and more 2000 years ago without homosexual agenda. ---224318066 >>224306972 This has reached a point where it's not about someone with gender dysphoria or some shit but rather being some attention seeking moron. "Hnnnnnng english language is too limiting for me, I'm beyond male or female, I transcended the rubikon gneeeeeeeee" ---224318331 >>224306972 how are they going to spread this shit in my language? or spanish? or french? or basically any sane language? ---224318491 >>224318066 Gentleman(which is male in English) in Slovenian: Male: Gospod Female: Gospa Non-gender: Gospodstvo ---224318583 >>224306972 There is something in the hair dye products ---224318635 >>224311777 Ch- checked leaf fren ---224318684 >>224315335 You deserve death ---224318686 >>224318491 You actually have that word for human beings? ---224318774 >>224318686 We have a word in non-gender for anything, when you like to talk about women or men or both. It's not like this means gay, it means when i don't want to just explicitly say women or men, but pick a word referring to both. ---224318932 >>224311777 Rare based leaf. ---224318977 >>224318774 Oh, ok. I tried to look it up to learn more about it but it didn't find that word. It said "did you mean Gospodarstvo?" and took me to what it seemed an economic term. In Spain, we have some gender neutral words (like professions) and some feminist want to change them to make them female. Like "judge" in spanish is gender neutral and feminist want to create the term "judgette" because historically all judges have been majority male so they need a different term to challenge patriarchy. ---224319040 >>224306972 Do you think it's a coincidence that Baphomet has woman breasts and a penis? >gay Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. >genderroles The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. >sex change He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD. >feminism Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. ---224319099 >>224306972 I summarized the article for you ---224319157 >>224318977 Word economy came from word lord and lords were gentlemen. Who do you think rules economy and controls people with money if not old families of royal heritage. ---224319193 >>224317145 F ---224319249 >>224306972 >Micah Cottingham explains what it means to be a retarded faggot ftfy ---224319278 >>224317955 Based ---224319289 >>224319040 No way Washington was in that good of shape ---224319517 >>224318977 >>224319157 In russian earth is she, stone is he and tree is it(hshe). Your thoughts ---224319601 >>224306972 Imagine that thing trying to talk to this old couple ---224319708 >>224319517 Americans also say mother nature, since it bears fruit, of course they forgotten where words came from or their words have no connection to ancient times. Our language is very old, also Russia Cyrillic isn't very old, you should go back to original Slav language, then you would see connections more clearly. ---224319935 >>224319517 Some are obvious: Кaмeнь - kamen - Kamchatka Kamen or stone in English. ---224319948 >>224319708 >Russia Cyrillic isn't very old >Cyka blyad These 2 words prove and my superior analytic skills that russian is the closest language to protoindoeuropean. ---224319996 >>224319935 Kames is strong as man. ---224320040 >>224307350 Fucking kek ---224320127 >>224319996 Skala is strong as a StRoNg WoMaN then ---224320142 >>224319601 My name is Micah, I need government paid HRT some QBRAAAAP Violet hairspray and my pronouns are Theydies and Gentlethems. Old people from forgotton age "Are you human"? "Why do you have womens suspenders"? "Are you ill, there is something wrong, we can take you to the healer and get he could prescribe you a good tonic or physic". ---224320165 >>224319948 Modern Russian language isn't very old. As we know English also isn't very old, since it came after Vikings conquered them with Normans, before they had celtic language. >The standard form of Russian is generally regarded as the modern Russian literary language (coвpeмeнный pyccкий литepaтypный язык). It arose in the beginning of the 18th century with the modernization reforms of the Russian state under the rule of Peter the Great >18th century Old English isn't very similar to modern English: >words "ofer hron rade", translated as "over the whale's road (sea)" When French conquered Anglo-Saxons they changed language, culture and genetics: >genetic commonalities with the Basques, ranging from highs of 90% in Wales to lows of 66% in East Anglia. >The Norman Conquest of England (in Britain, often called the Norman Conquest or the Conquest) was the 11th-century invasion and occupation of England by an army of Norman, Breton, Flemish, and French soldiers led by Duke William II of Normandy, later styled William the Conqueror. >Following the conquest, many Anglo-Saxons, including groups of nobles, fled the country[102] for Scotland, Ireland, or Scandinavia.[103] Members of King Harold Godwinson's family sought refuge in Ireland and used their bases in that country for unsuccessful invasions of England.[69] The largest single exodus occurred in the 1070s, when a group of Anglo-Saxons in a fleet of 235 ships sailed for the Byzantine Empire. >The language of official documents also changed, from Old English to Latin. ---224320475 >>224320142 >we can take you to the healer and get he could prescribe More like > Prepare the bonfire! Where is my cross? Faster, we got a demon posession here. ---224320508 Russians, how you say “kill him.” In Russian so I can point to people and have them be oblivious, in Minecraft. ---224320569 >>224306972 its like a gayer version of pamperchu ---224320611 >>224320127 Skala has probably got something to do with Latin word scale, since they measured originally by using mountains. ---224320865 >>224320142 >My name is Micah Do you live in the second floor? ---224321130 Wow,it's like canada was literally founded by pedophiles and faggots kicked out of the UK and sent here to die....... Quebec was populated by soldiers and hookers canada is the most degenerate country on earth ---224321299 >>224315335 Ebonics monkey. OOga booga ---224321318 >>224317955 We getting jewed preety hard ---224321342 excuse me XIIIIRRRRR ---224321483 >>224321318 ---224321523 >>224321483 ---224321615 Thank God Radio-Canada is nothing like CBC. Anglos are so cucked I can’t even wrap my head around it. ---224321810 >>224306972 Dios mio ---224323252 >>224306972 Theydies I'm okay with calling them that ---224323394 Imagine letting this faggot dictate how you speak. When I was in high school we would kick the shit out of a faggot like thiis and it wouldn't even be considered a hate crime because everyone hated these types of people ---224324160 >>224307350 Wew ---224324225 >>224311777 True, vote for Trudeau again and read siege, let’s heat up this cold country ---224324289 >>224313150 They searched its happening in google images ---224324308 >>224321810 His head is shaped like an egg plant. I think you might be reaching a bit far with this one. ---224324342 Still a feminine slant because of course female is the favored gender ---224324357 >>224315335 >I am a linguist. You're probably good at classifying nouns and pronouns then, which is all that encompasses gender. ---224324553 >>224306972 >the deceased Usually fits many of them ---224324714 Disgusting little faggot cunt deserves a brutal beating ---224324820 >>224311777 Checked. So is there anyone running for prime minister that could at least return some sanity to Canada? ---224325012 >>224320485 >That boy has nice juicy lips ---224325016 >>224306972 Tower of Babylon v 2.0 in which all the fags and trannies so fuck up the English language, ppl can no longer communicate with each other. ---224325090 >>224315335 >Language is anything anybody says it is lmao On behalf of this cuntry, I apologise for this provincial Frankfurt School muppet shitting up this board, and assure you that on the day of the rope, I will personally drag him out of the closet sized rat's nest he calls an office in Melbourne Uni and hang him from one of the flag poles tarnished by anything other than the Southern Cross and Union Jack. ---224325200 >>224318331 >or spanish American SJW have started doing this with Spanish by creating the gender neutral term "Latinx" ---224325303 >micah lol he's named after a mineral ---224326661 >>224325303 Typical stripper name like Crystal ---224326821 >which I like Males with purple hair are called faggots which I like.
----- ---224321972 I turned 30 recently and I'm both single and childfree. Is the married life that good/bad?
---224322264 >>224321972 I havent found anyone I like yet. I havent looked either. I haven't liked myself enough to see myself as someone who could be liked since forever. ---224322360 ---224322479 >>224321972 >I turned 30 recently Which makes you a leftover. > Is the married life that good/bad? Doesn't matter any more. It's unlikely you'll ever experience it now. ---224322704 >>224322479 >says the man literally being cucked out of existence ---224322788 >>224321972 if you get the wrong woman its life crushing problem is you can think you have a great woman and then find out thats not the case i've seen almost all my friends go down in flames with life crushing debts fuck that shit what for to feed my ego no thanks ---224322791 >>224322479 >Which makes you a leftover. But I am a man? How can I be a leftover. Explain, Muhammed Cuckmüller. ---224322891 >>224322264 Idk anon, same boat. I always hear to keep afloat. Eh, maybe someday. ---224322894 >>224321972 43 year old never kissed forever alone virgin who still with his mom, suffers anxiety and I have a fear of relationships and sex if only sorta kinda. I mean I do want sex but talking to women who i'm not related to or have become friends with causes my brain to go numb. A girl tried to kiss me and another tried to have sex with me and I ran away out of fear. So I've spent the last twenty two years shit posting online and not watching porn while jacking myself to sleep every night and wallowing in tears after I've nutted over how depraved I've become (jacking it to ever more extreme pornographic material to get off to)and of how lonely I am. ---224323060 I've asked out a few women my age and all of them claimed to have a bf already. The only woman who is clearly interested in me is a single coworker who is about a decade older than me and has two (white) kids. I'm fucking terrified that she'll make a move and I won't have the willpower to say "no," since it has been about 5-6 years since the last time I had a gf/had sex in college. I will never actually get with this woman seriously, since I made a promise to myself to not raise anyone's kids until I have my own (unless my brother's kid needed a home or something). The issue is entirely how she and the workplace will react if I pumped-and-dumped her like I will have to do if she makes a move. ---224323298 >>224321972 Because my girlfriend is only 21 and hasn't finished her studies. Hopefully she'll be done next year and in a couple of years we both will have enough stability for it. By then we would have been together for six years and I'll be a 35yo boomer, so hopefully things will work out that way. ---224323597 >>224323060 5-6 years without any action? Here I'm freaking out after 5 weeks since the last time I got laid. >>224323298 So you are 8 years older? Alpha. ---224323619 >>224323597 I'm 32, she's 21. ---224323700 >>224323619 That's hot. I think my next girlfriend will be around that age. I'm no longer going to date girls around my age. It's just asking for trouble. May I ask how you two met? ---224323800 >>224322788 Marriage is perfect always. The choice to get married I mean. Marry the wrong one and you're screwed. Friend of mine married a gorgeous black girl. Her and i graduated 26 years ago. Friend was older than us by almost ten years. He married her and within 12 years bitch was tripping. It was so bad she had him living out of his car. Turns out she was a cold hearted monster. He had a nervous break down. Have another friend. His wife cheated on him repeatedly and eventual he moved out for a time. They have five kids. Eventually she stops and he takes her back. I love her too damn much to give up on us, he said of their relationship. Years later and they're still going strong, I'm proud of him. ---224324135 >>224321972 We were 10 years together. We've separated last year. We love each other but sometimes I guess thats not enough. Underpayed jobs, no chance for house or apartment so that's that. So I have to make choice now. Should I get into camping, air simulator with hell of a PC or ww2 aircraft scale modeling. You know, men got to do something not to lose his mind. I think it's to late for me to look for another woman. Ones that I've met recently are fucking insane egotistcal narcissistic drunktards and over 30 y.o. Maybe if some traditional, conservative, family/child loving girl not older than 28 come along, I will try. But for now thats it. ---224324307 >>224323060 A woman decides if she has a boyfriend one moment before it crosses her lips. She also won't give the same answer to every guy who asks. So how out of shape are you? ---224324456 >>224323800 >I'm proud of him. Proud of him being a cuck? ---224324655 >>224323700 We met during an internship back in late 2016 when we were finishing our basic IT technician studies (I was a cook and then a soldier in the past and I decided to change career again). At first we didn't even talk, but a month later we had to work together on a project and immediately hit it off. I was very careful every single step in case she was the usual thot, but turns out she's from a conservative Galician family and even back then she already talked about how she'd like to be a mother someday. And I knew she could be a keeper the day she got drunk and started openly insulting every nigger and landwhale she saw on the street. She's very hard-working both in her studies and when she started going to the gym early last year (becoming /fit/ made her even hotter) and she's a good motivation to keep doing light exercise daily myself and work hard at my job, which landed me a promotion to team lead a couple of months ago. Turns out I also motivate her the same way, so yeah. Things are good so far and if they keep like this we both definitely would like to get married in a few years. ---224324745 >>224321972 Because I'm 21, soon 22 and want to make some money before I start a family ---224324791 >>224324655 Sounds awesome, man. Congrats on landing what seems to be a good prospect. What about her previous dating history? If you met her at 20-21 she was most likely not a virgin, I suppose? ---224325014 >>224324791 She was 18 when we met and according to her and her friends she only had a couple of the usual teenager relationships that last a few months. She was definitely a virgin. And I still cannot fathom how a girl who had been practicing Taekwondo for 13 years hadn't broken her hymen. ---224325118 >>224325014 So she still had her hymen? Damn, you won the lottery. ---224325290 >>224324456 Not giving up on love is a beautiful thing because Ultimately Love is more sacrifice than anything else. And she was repentant. I would have done the same. ---224325483 >>224325290 >I would have done the same. Cuck. ---224325555 >>224321972 there is no deeper sadness and regret than a 41st birthday without children ---224325633 Because I'm divorced. ---224325651 I'm not married yet because I haven't been able to find a women is not total garbage I'm a chad so pussy is so easy it's boring, but finding a based qt is very difficult these days ---224325750 >>224321972 It’s not worth it. Married with 4 kids. Almost every day is full of regret ---224325860 because women are dirty whores ---224325896 >>224321972 Met my wife when I was 18, she was 16, both virgins. Been together for 12 years and we have two kids. Careers as Anesthesiologist/Architect. I love my life. If we ever broke up I'd probably just bone prostitutes and focus on myself and the kids. I'll never form a bond like this in my lifetime again so I wont even waste my time. The funniest thing is watching my female friends hit the wall, wondering why they cant find a nice guy. These bitches went thru about 10 decent lads on their way to age 30 but never settled and now they are buying cats. Also, you're 30. That's prime dating age for men. Your stock is rising and the girls aproaching 30's are plummeting fast. ---224325982 >>224325750 >Almost every day is full of regret Care to elaborate? ---224326008 >>224325896 >Your stock is rising and the girls aproaching 30's are plummeting fast if you're 30 and considering dating women your age you're retarded ---224326031 >>224321972 Had it grilled into me from a young age that unless the girl I was dating was seriously interested in an LTR don't get involved because I come from a lower upper class family and my parents didn't want some dumb thot tarnishing the family name and getting me on a sex offender registry. As such I just stayed home and worked on my studies, cars and guns. I now have as many material possessions as I could want; but I'm still alone and using my $1200 usd rig that i built one weekend because i was bored to talk to strangers on the Internet on a sunday morning. ---224326101 >>224322479 Men can have kids up until mid 50's. ---224326263 >>224321972 Well it kills all charm, that's for sure. You tend to let yourself go, both of you eventually get fat. Your entire life revolves around kids, getting them to school, getting them back from school, checking if they eat, dress, sleep, play properly, if they make their homework, etc etc. That's actually the easier part. It's a long road til you get there. You first have to have them, go through the hellish phase of seeing them grow from newborns to teens, when they suddenly become dicks to you, as if your whole life effort was in vain. And then once they become teens, you become invisible, you become their enemy. You only exist to provide them with whatever they need, until they completely get rid of you. When you get to this stage, you're already aged, wrinkled like a dried prune and you feel abandoned. If you're still lucky and you haven't divorced, that is. Once a year, you might get a phonecall from them, if you're lucky, again. Why do you think it's stupid people who have most kids? Because they don't think much about it. And then if you don't have them, you start feeling guilty once you hit a certain age. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Pick your poison. ---224326476 >>224326008 Obviously. Notice the word approaching my new macedonian friend ---224326552 >>224323298 Bruh why wait? Marriage will contribute to the stability. Then you can start having those sweet early-20s babies in her prime fertility years. ---224326640 >>224326476 going for any woman approaching the wall is equally retarded mate date 18 year olds like a normal human bean ---224326919 >>224324307 I would not consider myself in shape, but everyone around me talks about how "skinny" I am since I used to be in worse shape. If all the matters is positive attention from others, then I'm fit; but I look at myself in a mirror naked each day and I know I have more work to do. The only reason I asked them out was because they were constantly talking to me about what they liked to do, and what I liked to do, and never once mentioned a bf until I tried to cut through the bullshit and ask them out. As I said, they "claimed" to have a bf at that precise moment so I'm fairly sure they were lying. Either way, I did what you were supposed to do and told them I found them attractive and that I wanted to be with them. I learned my lessons in high school about how horrible it can be if you obsess over a woman for a long time only to be rejected, so now I don't waste time. ---224326969 I met a girl online and married her, I'm six years older than her. We just had our first child. Yes, it's wonderful. Being in a relationship is a lot of work, a lot more than I expected. Turns out we're both idiots, I knew my wife was dumb but you really don't know all the stupid shit you do until someone is chained to you forever and they bring it up.
----- ---224326614 Or fight for the staus quo to continue?
---224327035 >>224326614 Well, some of us on here are accelerationists so we can skip right to the killing communists part. And that picture is dumb. If you haven't invested anything into stocks or a 401k or a business you're an idiot so most people are "capitalist." ---224327177 >>224327035 >yeh bro I own 0.000000001% of a company im a capitalist the delusion
----- ---224313490 Is acceleration a meme? Should I be voting for far left candidates?
---224313561 >>224313490 >acceleration Remember kids doubling speed quadruples kinetic energy ---224313654 EAT THE TRANS VAGINA BIGOT ---224313670 >>224313490 It's not a meme, it's better to push it fast while memories of the recent past remain. Because once it fades this new degenerate crap is more readily digested and absorbed. It becomes the new normal ---224314023 op faggot ---224314043 >>224313490 they aren't even hiding it anymore ---224314114 >>224313490 People refusing to accept the final redpill is why things keep getting worse. ---224314305 >>224313490 Who is the author? I may have been approached to narrate that book. If it was written by FtM then I am glad I told them to fuck off. ---224314595 >>224313490 Things have only accelerated leftward. The problem with acceleration is if there is no one to control it you can end up just gifting the left more power and more narrative control. They have clamped down on all opposition recently. Fucking snipers are defending tranny story time. Being against the destruction of the US in any way makes you "far right". Acceleration has done nothing but give those in power more power. Accelerating degeneracy just normalises it. You think the damn will break any moment but it wont. ---224314830 >>224313490 Acceleration is a mistake. It's too readily assumed that there will be a cataclysmic shift and order will break down into chaos. The water won't be boiling, it'll be heated up gradually. The degeneracy we're seeing now is the culmination of a more than 70 year project. They aren't going to force you to fuck a tranny, they're going to educate your children to believe it's a good idea. They aren't going to take your guns away, they're going make it seem a grand idea to turn your guns in. Then in another 70 years, the 2% of the population that are still cuckservatives will be the new incel terrorists and finally everything will be gone. Making martyrs and giving communists a voice is only going to solidify the degenerates' foundation, not make it crack. So what do we do then? We speak. We say things we shouldn't in places we aren't allowed. Do not act crazed, and especially not violent. Instead of forming a picket around a library, go inside the library calmly and at an opportune moment simply state "40% of all transexuals end up killing themselves, 70% of children with gender identity disorder revert to their biological genders by age 20 if left alone and transexuals are the most likely demographic to molest children. That drag queen reading to your kids is just looking for another victim." and then calmly leave. Do this at work, at school, on the bus, on the plane, in mixed company and with immediate family. Your shitty wagecuck job isn't worth your future. Stand up for yourself and your people. ---224316634 >>224314830 damn ---224317128 >>224313490 nice link you no effort faggot. shitposts like this should be a bannable offense >>224314023 thanks anon but i'm not contributing further to shit OPs like this. anons need to do their part of cleaning up this cesspool by ridiculing OPs like this and ignoring - fuck knows mods wont do a fucking thing about it ---224317450 >>224313490 6 yr old performing oral sex! Wtf has our world become ---224317645 Why would you accelerate if you aren’t fully stocked up on ammo, have land, and good aged kids? Kali Yuga has to end bud, acceleration would just mean more dead white people ---224317949 >>224313490 The boomers did this to us. They were hippie degenerates and then they raised even worse degenerates who fell right into the jews hands. We didn’t even say transgender 10 years ago. We said transvestite which is cross dresser. I need to start praying to God to just not let me hate these people because at this point, there is absolutely nothing we can do. ---224318598 >>224313561 underrated ---224319217 >>224313490 with epstein arrest they trying to accelerate the acceptance of pedo shit and cannibalism for the later when ritual that they conducted revealed to public ---224319537 >>224313490 WHAT THE FUUUUUUUCKK ---224319646 >>224317949 Boomers used to beat trannies up in the streets. This isn't a generational problem you hopeless divide and conquer prick. ---224320197 >>224318598 It was a memeflag. You calling it underrated now means it’s overrated. ---224320375 You might as well, because we can't change the world. ---224322072 >>224314595 >if there is no one to control it There is though: the normal, quiet people living their lives, who just sigh when they see this shit on tv. If you accelerate to a point where the straw breaks the camels back, and they actually fear enough for their children’s futures that they’re working everyday for, you get RWDS’s. ---224322428 >>224317450 not ours, but the world of the whiteoid. good riddance i say. ---224323340 Good. Accelerate it. ---224323952 >>224323340 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ---224324162 >>224323340 I want to suck the bloody pus from that like a jelly doughnut ---224324227 >>224323340 I showed this to my wife and she gagged. ---224324327 >>224323340 universal health care should not cover this shit ---224324358 >>224314830 Impressive. ---224324397 >>224313490 No it isn’t a meme This is the inevitable but it’s going pretty slowly, unless we go full accelerationism we will die before the collapse I don’t want that though I want to be alive for the fall ---224324407 >>224314830 Sauce on those statistics? Genuinely would like to have them for when people call bullshit. ---224324605 >>224313490 Ok so.. checked and horrified. ---224324691 >>224324327 Universal healthcare shouldn't exist ---224324784 >>224314830 >>224314595 Isn't acceleration also the pushing of extreme right views onto society to heat up the tensions? The more bait you give cnn and twitter that white nationalism exists, the more scared people get, the more they believe conflict is inevitable. It's not just pushing fat left degenerate views onto society. ---224324948 >>224313490 No. Any acceleration you do need to err on the side of hurting the Left in some way. Why? Simple. Other people who are very clueless about the world will observe your actions and follow in your footsteps. Whether you support the Left or destroy the Left. Let you example be one of how to take the fight to the Left and you just might get the victory you seek. Otherwise, prepare for Sodom and Gomorrah except God won't burn them up with nuclear weapons this time. They will be everywhere. ---224325259 Milo publictly said how he was molested by a pedophile and you all loved that fag ---224325873 >>224314830 no, retard. Accelerationism isn't bowing down to the other side or letting them do what they want. Accelerationism is making them do the extreme of what we don't want. Making them force people to fuck trannies and steal guns. So that more and more people are repulsed by the radicalism. You're a retard who thinks he has a big dick IQ but doesn't understand what you're talking about. ---224326440 >>224319646 >He still believes in the fag bashing memes No sizable physical resistance has been given against faggots since the greatest generation. Isolated incidents for the past 80 years have been catalogued and put on display to justify this match to progress, when more people are beaten and killed in Detroit in a single year. Media and Hollywood is sure to give us our yearly indoctrinations on how bad fags and other minorites had it in the 50s through regular works of fiction. ---224326730 >>224324784 >>224325873 Acceleration is about throwing gasoline to the fire so that the normies come with hoses Read on montoneros and the latinamerican guerillas post 60s ---224326866 >>224313490 >Kids exploring this bodies with one another This shit literally happens all the time. Unless this kid was raped by an adult, this is literally nothing.
----- ---224317913 How is Christianity in Europe different from Christianity in America?
---224317943 It imports Muslims instead of Mexicans. ---224318025 >>224317913 It exists in America ---224318049 >>224317913 European Christians don't exist. Europe is hell and it's capital is Sodom ---224318097 >>224317913 In Europe, what is left of Christianity is seen as a tradition rather than a religion. Or as a culture. "Christians" in Europe don't consided Christianity to be objectively true, but they have more of a Pagan relationship to it, much as a Pagan might have thought that "our" Zeus is "their" Jupiter or whatever. Of course, you have the same in America with mainstream Evangelicism. However, in America there are still 6000 men left who haven't bend their kneel to Baal and who understand Christianity as what it is. ---224318099 christianity in western europe is nonexistent christianity in eastern europe is somewhat a meme but there is at least a solid backbone and people show up to church christianity in america is essentially programmed israel worship ---224318108 Christianity in America is a jew brainwashing cult meant for whites to support jews. ---224318221 >>224318097 In America it is the opposite really. We have the religion without the tradition. So no real values being passed down outside of believing in God. We have exceptions, but for the most part it's just Churchianity bullshit filled with degenerates who don't actually practice what they preach. ---224318481 >>224318221 sounds terrible. In that case I like our Christianity more. ---224318542 Over here it's pretty much just all about rituals and traditions, most of people are spiritually apathetic at best but still majority of Finns go to confirmation school as teens and want to get married in a church. Also at least in Finland religion or lack of it is considered highly private matter, public figure's religious life is not discussed in politics and media at all and common people rarely bring it up with each other either. ---224318622 >>224318481 Those of you that live in those little villages are alright, City Germans are shit tier though. But that's been the case since before Uncle Adolf too. ---224319139 >>224317913 We don`t believe in the rapture. Seems to be an American thing, mainly. ---224321645 >>224319139 The whole rapture thing is heresy by self important people who believe that being good Christians should automatically spare them from hardships. ---224321774 >>224319139 Rapture is a (((Scofield))) subversion of America. ---224322653 >>224317913 There are several differences. Europe, nowadays, is mostly either Catholic or Orthodox. Protestantism exists, but not nearly on the same scale as it once was decades ago. Nowadays, it's even moreso Atheist than either one of those and is projected to be majority Muslim in just a decade or two. Christianity in America is entirely different. We are majority Protestant with growing sects of Orthodox and Catholicism due to non-white immigrants arriving en masse. With that being said, differences include the personalization of God for an individual. Not that God himself is different for each person, but rather that each person can hold a relationship with God, as opposed to having to go through a church authority. We could argue about the merits of the personalization of God if you'd like, but I'd use birthrates among the white populations as a justification of Protestantism alone, as apposed to the traditional forms Christianity such as Orthodoxy/Catholicism. Protestants win that argument hands down. ---224323353 >>224317913 American christianity is pretty much just islam. You are so loud and obnoxious about thanking god and saying grace. You decorate your homes with crosses and pictures of jesus. Also wearing a cross neckless is somewhat satanic. Whats more satanic is your views on sin. I cant say how you live day to day but by what is presented in your media you have taken the deadly sins and presented them as virtues. Pride is a sin. The biggest one. ---224323570 >>224323353 >American christianity I suppose at this point I would attempt to describe the kind of Christianity within the U.K. in an attempt to refute it, but it doesn't exist. Your major religion is currently Liberalism and on its way to be Islam. That's the merit of your ways. ---224325631 >>224317943 One is dead and the other is floundering ---224325827 >>224322653 >Not that God himself is different for each person, but rather that each person can hold a relationship with God, as opposed to having to go through a church authority. No it's the proddy "God is my friend so I can be as degenerate as possible and still get to heaven mentality" It has nothing to do with going thru a church authority which is definitely not required in Catholicism or orthodoxy. God is not your friend. He is our creater meant to be worshiped and obeyed ---224325916 >>224322653 >Proddy win the argument hands down >No church authority needed boys Imagine being dumb enough to say this in 2018 ---224326022 >>224323353 >You decorate your homes with crosses and pictures of jesus. Oh the horrer. ---224326251 >>224317913 Western Europe is atheist, so not Christian anymore, while American Christianity with groups like the evangelicals is beyond a joke ---224326354 >>224326022 You shouldnt need to indoctrinate yourself or your children into christianity. ---224326554 >>224326354 Americans don't know what faith is. There are pornstars in who claim they are both conservative and Christian, if that doesn't tell you how much America perverts everything it touches, I don't know what will ---224326578 >>224326554 *Pornstars in America ---224326798 In the Netherlands and specifically the Bible belt, they're similar to and probably more extreme than American Evangelicals, just Calvinists instead of "Baptists". Even though Christianity here dates back to Roman times.
----- ---224318899 How do yellow boys keep from killing themselves?
---224318973 Race-mixing is bad ---224319027 >>224318899 hapa master race! ---224320843 >>224318899 asian men have the highest suicide rates on the planet tho. ---224320932 >>224318899 good, I want a hapa wife to make white children with ---224320939 brown skinned asians are such creaturas ---224321160 >>224318899 >baby >blue eyes Yeah, those will go away in a couple of months. ---224321268 >>224320843 >Tfw blue eyed white men are breeding all of the Asian waitus while the men literally kill themselves God it's glorious. Makes my dick rock hard ---224321309 >>224318899 ---224321313 >>224320843 generalization bro , you know how big asia is . at least name a country that are killing themselves bc of woman going after white cock. ---224321457 >>224321160 Asians are retarded. Don't believe the memes. ---224321484 >>224318899 Disgusting. Asians are for handjobs and takeout, not spawning with. ---224321503 >u mad yerrow boy? ---224321563 >>224318899 damn that nigger ugly ---224321616 >>224318899 Cumming in yellow slit probably is irresistible ---224321670 >>224318899 ---224321825 >>224318899 pretty sure most babies are born with blue eyes that change color to either green or brown. ---224321839 >>224321670 This deception is what keeps the yellow fever going. ---224321881 dont feed these threads they are turning the asian man against the white man ---224322033 >>224321839 Thats why I call the collection "yellow fever suicide watch" ---224322211 >>224321881 Too much of a pussy to fight brothers alone ---224322496 >>224322211 Why do people think this looks good? This looks fucking comically bad. ---224322530 >>224318899 Real problem here are women and their free choice of sexual partners. Of course men kill themselves when they see women of their own race with other races because their dating pool becomes limited. Allowing womens rights and votes is like shooting yourself in the leg, because they lack group thinking needed for functioning civilization. ---224322725 >>224318899 Babies always have blue eyes. It's unlikely they'll keep them. ---224322727 >>224321313 Something like 2-3 million asian men commit suicide each year because of white men fucking their woman. ---224324028 >>224322725 >Babies always have blue eyes not true for little shitskins. ---224324131 >>224322725 not true of brown and black people, cope more. ---224326104 >>224318973 >Race-mixing is bad says the original hapa ---224326300 >>224324131 >people ---224326432 >>224322175 Almost like they are ready and willing to fully assimilate. Fuck niggers and spics. ---224326479 >>224318973 it is. I am a product of self hatred. A white father and black mother. I have to ways in me at war. I use to hate blacks, but I hated whites too. Then i studied and realized the white man is the devil. I then made sense of me, my mother and my demonic pale faced father. Accept your own and be yourself. My family has produced nothing but mixed crackers. The black is almost gone. My uncles love the cave woman. ---224326602 >>224321503 And an Amerimutt is born ---224326670 >>224322175 >>224326432 >hear about this "America" country >meet these white people who openly accept you into their own lands >had to leave previous country because of shit people >want better life for your children What's very telling is asian dads, and this isn't the first time I heard this, saying white guys will treat their daughters better than asians. This is something I have ran into in life, not on twitter.
----- ---224320163 Alot of whites are smart enough to go to college unlike most other mintorty groups, so your really jsut paying your taxes for some place to go to meet girls. Girls under larger groups that are proffeinsally set gt a better of idea of the guy the want to marry. So really its a place you get to go for free and fuck around if your stupid if your smart you get your edcation and the girl for your life. That way you dont have to wrry about going to parties even, I am sure they can through your dorkies asse a party up at the college. It better than letting trump use your tax money so he can buy green land so he can farm it for the rich people for oil. Trump has really jsut started faking the American people in the ass. I dont get why you guys think the way you do. How are you guys going to make the white race survive if you cant get the women into breeding ground for cheap, where the niggers are afraid to go to anyways. At this point its the only solution there is. The fucking build wall lining shit needs to stop, building a wall and fucking with china will not solve the problem , it just fucks our country up even more.
---224320414 Think of it this way nazis for trump, if building a wall would work, dont you think Hitler would have jsut done that. I mean its not going to work, and his other plan failed to. Time to try this new tactic, winning hte irls over buy making them submit to yo on the professional level. ---224320427 It's not. ---224320594 I don't understand why people think free college is such an absurd idea, I mean...basic education is already free in the US and in many countries. Unless you against free education as a whole, including basic ones, (which I think many people here are), it doesn't seem to make much sense. ---224321092 >>224320163 Nigger, try passing junior high first before you worry about college. Your mastery of the English language is fucking pathetic. ---224321317 It's a good idea conceptually, because investing in education and training for the population makes us more productive. The main concern is how economically viable it is. I think we should look at what other countries have. Places like in Europe don't have free college, but cheap, subsidized college. Like hundreds of dollars for tuition instead of becoming a debt slave just to get an education. ---224321553 Trump supporters don't care about white people, they want blacks, gays, and Mexicans to take over. I think college should either be free or not mandatory. $1000 dollars a month freedom dividend to pay for college. ---224321560 >>224321092 Shut your dumb ass up I have associate degree I just cant afford to go to college. Unlike most people on this board, I can actually pass calculus unlike your stupid ass that think free college is the devil because of taxes and junk. You guys are so far up trumps ass that your pretty much begging to be the replicas slaves for the next hundred years. Well Europe is the only content that is actually coming up with good ideas. Also guess what you are going to need free college inter future, so are your kids, your pretty much fucking the next gyration up by not giving them the chance to get a job they want. I mea think about it your going to have to go back to college when robots tart taking the jobs slowly but surely anyways in the near future. And you fucking idiots are going to just blame the jew,and spread hate and fear, so that way you dont have to do anything real with your life. Hide in a fake shell, that you know is a lie because you are all pathetic losers. The reason Europe made college free, because they are trying to make the traction from type 0 civilization to type two easier on their kids instead of making a it hard for the kids to vote on anything they might actually need. I knew 4chan lost its shit, when the based BBC explained why you need free college. ---224321562 Oh, another thing. We should improve basic schooling up to high school so people don't feel the need as often to go into higher education. Like I said we should still invest in higher education and job training programs, but a deeper problem here is how a high school diploma has become devalued. We could maybe look at other systems like those from Finland and the Netherlands and synthesize them into a better schooling system, one that actually educates people instead of lowering the bar further and further. There's also East Asian systems, but they have students committing suicide left and right which might not be a good sign. ---224321727 >>224321560 Robots taking our jobs is supposed to be a good thing. It means the average person doesn't have to work as much. ---224321775 >>224321562 See now you are thinking 4chan, now you are thinking like me. Instead of a trumptard ---224321854 >>224321727 Fucking idiot, you still have to have a job. WHo is going to fix the robots, the BBC said likely people wont lose their jobs, they will jsut have new jobs that are easier to work. And your going to have to back to college in order to get that to work. ---224322001 >>224321854 You can make people learn to code, sure. But most people won't enjoy that sort of work. Imagine being a truck driver your whole life, losing your job to self-driving trucks, and then being told you must compete with pajeets in programming to stay alive. ---224322136 >>224320163 Eliminate a college degree being a requirement for employment. Let IQ tests be administered again for meritocracy. Goes against "diversity" bc asians and whites would score the highest every single time. ---224322154 >>224320594 Because muh party politics >>224320163 >So exasperated for any reason whatsoever to not support free college that you had to delegate to racial politics Why not just segregate the schools then, instead of hiding behind some bullshit racial agenda to enforce class based segregation ---224322286 >>224322001 Most people already aren't exactly happy with their jobs. It's not that big a shift. ---224322458 Universities shouldn't exist. Corporations should be made to educate and certify potential employees as part of their workers benefits. Free college doesn't do anything to improve education itself. College catalgoues are artificially bloated with fields that don't need to take up payroll space since you could learn much more efficiently over the net or on the job. ---224322594 What I think you guys are missing out on, is hte chance to be around a lot of cute bitches. That pays for it in itself. ---224322681 >>224322458 Well guess what the world isnt fair. And some people can succeed in college but not with an iq test. Maybe the republicans can come back with te next election saying you onto need college if you dont want to go. See a selling point and progression take steps foward one at a time. The point is guys with trump, if it cna be done is should be done. ---224322695 >>224322286 Let's supposed their happiness stays the same. What if they can't code no matter how hard they try? Debugging and writting new things doesn't come to them because that requires abstract thinking and logic normal people lack. ---224322965 >>224322681 You were replying to: >>224322136 >>224322286 pic related ---224323325 >>224320594 free university just creates older idiots. everyone will waste 30 years of their life without ever creating a family. thats their plan and when a masters degree is the norm, another shit willl take its place. at the end everyone will waste 80 years in indoctrination camp without ever starting a family. ---224323419 Well I dont know about you, but I am pretty sure that they can learn at least C++ if they tried. I mean people already get tech degree and do pretty much the same thi pragmmers do expect they jsut work there way up through the comapny. And you have to rememeber that people that cnat figure it out, will also evantly need a UBI. All you guys are pretty much saying is the republicans are wrong and the carets have been right this whole time. And remebr there will be other jobs then just mating rbots, there will still need traing on machines that will assit thing slike hgihways and cars. There still going to need liek tech degree in fixing cars. And the nerds can fix how the cars drive themselves. I mean it not like its abstract you are going to review the code and understand what does what, and see where its going wrong, a fucking monkey can do that. Just break done the porgram that is built, make it easy on the programmer to know what to fix, and have him rewrite the code to see what the problem is. ---224323522 Yeah good luck with all those bitches, when you say "MOE PLEASURE" ---224323576 The four year college is a failed experiment and I could name a myriad of reasons why. >Useless "core classes" where a professor basically advertises the textbook they wrote >Spending $300 on a textbook that is less in depth than a wikipedia article >Giant classes of 300 students taught by one shitty professor >Snail like learning pace I could go on. It took two asinine professors to teach me JavaScript over 2 semesters. Even then I had to teach myself all the relevant applications of JavaScript since they taught us shit that nobody was doing past 1998 in fucking 2017. I taught myself Python in two months while working a full time job. College was a mistake. Education is best done at a small, technical level. ---224323594 >>224323325 I dont see how this is a step backwards, whites are already not breeding, and we are segregated by comptuers. So you want to give away your one chacne to go talk to girls fror free. And fuck and do whatever you want. Trump isnt going to save the nation and you know it. top hiding behidn fears and lies. ITs time to either give this a try or give up alltogther. ---224323715 >>224323576 Your not listening, its not the fact that its the best system, its the fact is its the only system we have, and it should be free. IF it can be free and it really doesnt do anything better help our econmy at least some, then why the hell not. ---224323822 >>224320594 >>224320163 WHY should someone who will not go to university and therefore likely make less pay for someone else to make MORE? this is a travesty. ---224324017 >>224323949 *an end to it. ---224324115 >>224323822 >>224323822 >>224323822 >>224323822 >>224323822 CAN ANYONE REFUTE THIS? And you might say well we're helping poor people go to schools in the countries with socialized universities do the poor people mostly go? Of course it's not the people close to poverty but the middle class who goes, the poorest of the poor cannot afford to live let alone learn. ---224324180 Welp guys, i'm off to college. Not to get a degree or whatever the fuck they call it. I gotta get that puss puss, and drink with the bros ---224324200 >>224320163 "free" college is a terrible idea economically. first, it will become just like the k-12 education system; a giant daycare but for adults. if people aren't faced with the need to grow up, like getting a job to pay for their classes and books, they will never do so. second, take a look at how many drop outs and people who obtain loads amount of debt for shitty degrees. if they cannot be a viable source of repayment in the future, then the tax payers eat their bill. "free" college is not free and it only supports people who exploit it to live a life of carelessness while the real hardworking people foot the bill. want a free college? join the military for 4 years. at least then you'll be giving something back to society. ---224324345 >>224323949 Listen dumbass, Turmp is robbing the por people lind. I bet your are some rich smuck that sees the world as his to own. Trump is the bad guy here ripping the american people of, stop saying the same shit. And guess waht you can suck turmps dick all you want, he isnt going to win the next election. Ill be back on here in 2020 to say I told you so, after everyone in the middle goes, well fuck just being the riches bitch. IF they dont like our country they can fucking leave and go to china. Beucae I refuse ot let this natoin of our be used by the rich forever and ever tell the end of time, jsut because you guys are whispering capsicum like a dictatorship of fucking racist whites. And it does matter htath e by green land you dumb fuck. He should buy Mexcio and that would solve the imagratin problem fucking bralent. And guess what you cooed do with those means educate them for free so they dont have to sit there and be a degree on our ecnemoy. You very stupid me smarter, my gonk fu is stronger then yours. You guys are dumb you guys pretend that trump is the best president when everyone knows he is the worst. And when you lose your job some day to a robot or your family members do, how are they going to get back into the work force fucking branlet. ---224324427 >>224320163 (OP) >_91408619_55df76d5-2245-4(...).jpg shill-raid filename.jpg >unlike most other minority groups To hell with them, since when should minority groups dictate the academic performance of another nation, some of those fucking brainlets even have dual citizenship and its not the fault of the US or your responsibility to fix their broken view of education when they replace schooling with fucking religious doctrine from the middle fucking east is it? brainlet.. >so your really jsut paying your taxes for some place to go to meet girls No, some of us are trying to learn something you dumb fuck. You are supposed to pay colleges for EDUCATION, not pampering. That is the Only basically the Only function a college or a university has, to teach students and prepare them for employment! >It better than letting trump use your tax money so he can buy green land so he can farm it for the rich people for oil. It doesnt matter who own the MINES in Greenland, what matters is the JOBS it will create and that goes for anyone. You're such a fucking brainlet, rich people own corporations, you plan on fixing that any time soon? No? What's this homo-tier shit about Trump? at least he brings jobs back from overseas? It's not like the socialists ever do anything like that, all they do is shit on the working class and scream about fucking genders and victim status. >The fucking build wall lining shit needs to stop, building a wall and fucking with china will not solve the problem , it just fucks our country up even more. If you want to be at the mercy of western owned corporations who pollute and underpay workers in Asia for the rest of your idiotic life then fine, but dont fucking complain when we demand an end to it! ---224324523 >>224321560 Wow you are so kiked it’s unbelievable. Maybe find a way make a career by sucking Jew cock. You seem to have a real knack for it. ---224324594 >>224324523 What like Turmp does, Turmptard. ---224324660 >>224323715 Is this bait lol College is hurting our economy. We have millions of graduates with useless degrees and no skills, about to default on their student loans at age 35. ---224324687 >>224324594 Never said I liked Trump. Lol ---224324835 >let's raise taxes astronomically so I can get a gf ---224324874 >>224320163 >Why free college is a good idea Why free college is a terrible idea > University's fund Marxist courses because individuals can't declare bankruptcy on student loans. They know this, so they allow Marxist classes to be taught despite not holding any economic relevance whatsoever because they know that by law, they'll receive their money one way or another. It's literally guaranteed. > How do we fix this? Giving individuals the ability to declare bankruptcy on student loans will stop loaning companies from providing loans for meme degrees/classes because they'll want to make sure they'll be reimbursed somehow. They know it won't happen with those meme degrees. Thus, they'll mostly do it for either business or STEM curriculum, in hopes of being repaid. > How does this make college more affordable? In addition to eliminating Marxist curriculum, it will also create the need to eliminate the nonsense from university's to allow regular people the ability to afford it again so they can continue to grow their businesses and make more money. Thus, the price of school will drop and all the nonsense with it. This system has been propped up by big government for too long and has become bloated. It's that easy. No need to jump through hoops here and tax people an outrageous amount for something of such a low quality. ---224324911 >>224324345 >Listen dumbass, Turmp is robbing the por people blind Really? How? >I bet your are some rich smuck that sees the world as his to own. Because i want to roll back globalisation and end global trade monopolies, and that is something rich people who speculate on those businesses clearly do? >Trump is the bad guy Orange man bad, i fucking get it you drooling imbecile. Nobody cares about your fucking groupthink shareblue opinions. >>224324345 >Ill be back on here in 2020 to say I told you so Good on you, wen you grow up and find out socialists never do implement anything or do anything they say they'll do, other than shill for corporations and kiss their ass when they're given money. And keep in mind that the EU leans heavily socialist. Does the fucking EU seem ideal to you? Its practically Owned by international corporations, 500.000 fucking lobbyists working in the EU brussels complex alone. Does that seem like they give a shit about your teen-angst revolution, imbecile. You think the for-profit faggots at the biggest corporations in he world are in it for the fucking feels or to save the environment? So why protect their fucking investments by shitting on protectionism. Protectionism is marxist by nature, it protects the rights of workers. >And when you lose your job some day to a robot or your family members do, how are they going to get back into the work force fucking branlet. There are no fucking jobs in the west outside of sales you retard. You think we still have industries? Travel to Asia, see for your fucking self the type of oversight globalisation brings and why we're complaining. Or do what your kind always does, go play some fucked up videogame as some retarded gender until it fucks your mind so much that you think you are that gender irl. ---224325051 Let me play the futre of your reubcain pan in slow motoin. Reubcian gets up there says he is going to solve immgratoin. Lies about it jsut to get you to vtoe for him. You guys get nothing from the govermatn, then you turn around and have hte mexcans invade you anyways. ANd end whites as a whole. When you could have just stopped and thoguht it through why htey are coming here. ANd it is your resoblty to help dumber people, its part of life, if they cant figure out how to build it on their own, we will have to help them. That way we can keep our land. Instead what you guys are voting for is a false solution, problems within your family, and a shittier life, just because you wanted to be difficult. Let me tell you something , the rich dont give a fuck about you, its their lie to get you to vote for them, and mean while they will be sticking all that money in thier back pocket, while you guys say see look, we are racist an proud and guess where it got us no where. Meanwhile fucked the country up for the next generator as well. When thee are spiel solutions to the problem. Talking to trump tars is like talking to a wall, that will locales call you a NPC for making more sense then they do. ---224325211 >>224320163 Why the fuck isn't your access to the internet supervised, OP? You're genuinely too stupid to live. You are the reason our forefathers warned us about universal democracy. ---224325378 >>224323594 better give up then weakling ---224325428 >>224325211 Look I dont know what else to tell you. America is a failed experiment. Its time to try to fix it or cut our loses. Everthing looks good on paper, but guess what else your forefathers where, rich white men looking to do whatever the fuck they wanted just because they knew the system they made would always allow the rich to take a dump on the poor, and come up with a southern that any poor idiot could in his fucking sleep. " its called the American dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it" ---224325430 >>224321560 your pretty much fucking the next gyration up by not giving them the chance to get a job they want Firstly, I highly doubt you have your Associates degree based on your grammar alone. Second, people shouldn't be "given" anything, it should be earned so the value of it is realized within the individual acquiring it. Thirdly, Europe didn't make college "free." They are taxed an outrageous amount in order to prop up a system that is currently replacing them. Just look up English birthrates compared to immigrant birthrates. Plus, they live in a literal police state, so there shouldn't be any using them as an example to be admired. Fourthly, why not just acquire a student loan if attaining a degree is that important to you? I'm completing my senior year right now and that's what I'm doing. You can do it too if you really want it. ---224325636 >>224325430 You know what, I explained to you guys how the repugnant work, and all you guys can say, well lets just keep fucking the country up even more than it already is just because we want to be racist white. If you sit there and compute what you guys are saying in the long term, its the end of the white race. And they are acting like up at the top its the solution, to make you fear these ideas that really are not that radical.In fact it literally wont effect you in a bad way at all I what I dont get. You will live out your life the exact same way, but I mean the stratify some people will have free college. ---224326188 >>224321560 I think the problem lies in fundamental school rather than a continued education. Specialization should be encouraged at an earlier age and children arent interested in learning in the first place. There are many jobs that in the near future cant be replaced by robots feasibly and cost effectively that dont require a college degree. The knowledge is learned by actual practice rather than a theorized circumstance such the position college puts a person. Not saying that what is learned in college is of no use, but there has been a stigma that it is now required to get a degree to be able to live. The piece of paper you get at the end can help, but it really comes down to a persons motivation and goals. But im just a faggot ---224326490 >>224325636 >I explained to you guys how the repugnant work You haven't explained anything. > well lets just keep fucking the country up even more than it already is In case you haven't noticed, California is the state screwing up its own economy because of its borderline Socialist policies. It's also a state experiencing an exodus of talent because of its outrageous and absurd taxes. >In fact it literally wont effect you in a bad way at all I what I dont get. Let me see if I can understand what you're attempting to say here, you're telling us that we, the "white working class," won't be affected negatively by a major increase of taxes to pay for everything these illegal aliens don't deserve? LOL. It's almost as if you've never taken a basic economics class. Of course that will negatively affect us. When I work for my money, it's to provide for my family. I expect to be paid so I can provide them with everything I've worked for. Not so Jamal or Jose can sit on their lazy butts all day and collect a free paycheck for literally doing nothing. Sorry Anon, but the real world shouldn't work like that, even though it currently does. White people have been the scapegoats for society for too long. It's time for us to return to a system that has worked successfully for centuries. Capitalism. With that being said, we should acknowledge the dangers of the "open market," with its ability to import millions of illegal aliens to lower the cost of wages, as they've been doing and Democrats continue to support. ---224326585 >>224324345 >>224325428 >>224325636 I dont even want to be an asshole, listen kid. I have no way of explaining this to you but college does not challenge ideas and stereotypes you have politically, that is what education is supposed to do. Help you to see things from different sides. You're probably some young kid who think conservatives are all Christian ethnocentric people like the only frame of reference you have is the elderly in your family. It was like that for me when i grew up. But there is a reason why people do things and why they act the way they do, and that doesn't mean we're racist. 50% of the west and 90% of the world isn't racist in a conventional sense. You think Trump is bad because he's rich and you believe he is part of the elites, which he was and probably still is. But he didn't take as much donations as hillary did, that means he didn't owe money for really shitty stuff when he took office. People lobby politicians to get all sorts of shady shit through because lobbyism is corruption. It is under-the-table dealings, backroom deals etc, and it is endemically non-transparent. So when you see fake news like tyt, which you probably watch talk about the koch brothers and other shit, what they dont say is that Koch brothers lobbied Hillary and they are pro open borders, kind of like every other rich fuck in America. Which is kind of obvious when you think about it, cheaper labor and all, do you understand? There is a reason why all the billionaires in bigger cities vote democrat at every election nd its not out of moral conviction.
----- ---224326484 >right wing, centrist and apolitical dank memes: short and simple jokes in easy to understand formats. >left wing memes: literal walls of text not even formatted as a joke. Just rambling about retarded SJW shit. How are they this fucking braindead that they can't replicate the formula for a meme?
---224326777 >Right wing, centrist and apolitical dank memes = Simple minded and oversimplified strawman arguments that are poor attempts at political messages and humour. >Left wing memes = Mock childish memes by using a meme format but actually filling it with factual and useful information. ---224326893 >>224326777 Memes are jokes you rart. Whoever made the meme I put in my post would've looked less like a dweeb if they made it without a meme format. Memes are jokes. They're not meant to explain things, they're to create humour
----- ---224328364 If the Boris’ version of Brexit fails, does that mean that Trump will lose the bet for the US presidency?
---224329204 Is it over?
----- ---224326227 >/leftypol/ doesn't exist anymore
---224326301 >>224326227 Jews ---224326308 >>224326227 they went to another chan. and they were a dead board anyway. ---224326344 >>224326308 >they went to another chan which one? ---224326393 >>224326308 >they went to another chan What other chan is left? ---224326465 >>224326227 >>224326301 >>224326308 >>224326344 >>224326393 Sure it exists, it's now called /pol/ and they go to 4chan, which is where you are right now ---224326489 >>224326344 >>224326393 The absolute state of newfags ---224326498 >>224326308 Bunkerchan ---224326539 >>224326344 >>224326393 B***er Chan ---224326566 >>224326344 >>224326393 supposedly but i never go there so take this info with a grain of salt. ---224326569 >>224326227 >we must end white supremacist hate speech >shut down /leftypol/ It's great how they keep eating their own ---224326606 >>224326498 >>224326539 What is it? Is it a small literally who board? ---224326636 >>224326308 if aything, they are up and nonchink chan is still down. yeah, capitalism! ---224326660 >>224326569 >leftypol shut themselves down brilliant take ---224326813 >>224326569 >reddit board might have to return its users to reddit ---224326832 they can go wherever they want and not get taken down because, contrary to their delusions, they are the epitome of political orthodoxy, they are in fact its most ardent enforcers ---224326887 >>224326227 They're all here now. ---224327674 >>224326227 their shitposting is awful. its so fucking bad, they all went here because the fag shooters ---224327774 I'm more liberal than not. And I've been here longer than all of you. ---224327950 >>224327774 lame af ---224328379 >>224327774 me too brother, when I first came here 7 years ago I was a stormfag neo Nazi, now im a tranny
----- ---224324399 I think we should all meditate on/pray to our true selves/God/Kek to make a frog appear in the White House. We need to get as many people on board for this experiment as we can, because it seems as though it is a general rule that the more people that are involved in mass-meditations or mass-prayers like this, the more effective we will be in literally bending 'reality' itself to our righteous will. We will call this experiment 'Operation Anura' if you want (formerly 'Operation Malleable Reality'). Come on bros, we need to at least try this experiment. We need to practice controlling this infinite collective power of ours for the 2020 United States presidential election next year and even greater things further in the future. Group meditation has been correlated to a reduction in terrorism and crime: What we're doing (i.e. meme magic) works on the same principle (which is collectively focusing on something and thus energising that 'something' with our collective focus). What people call 'reality' is ILLUSORY and therefore MALLEABLE, which means that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE (indeed, even the word 'impossible' itself literally says "I'm possible!"). WE have the power. WE are the ones we've been waiting for. It's ALWAYS been us. All we're doing right now is REMEMBERING who we ALL REALLY ARE (Pure Consciousness, which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL, experiencing life in a temporary human form). (end of part 1)
---224324422 >>224324399 (start of part 2) Certain Native American tribes know that real prayer is about affirming that you already have whatever it is that you want while feeling the emotion that you would feel if you had whatever it is that you want, this is why they would perform rain dances and it would rain shortly afterward. Rain dances used to be banned by the authorities, because they knew that they worked - and they knew that they worked because they knew the true nature of 'reality'. Also, check out this video of a person's cancer being cured in three minutes: (end) ---224324440 >>224324422 A newsworthy frog is in the White House. ---224324487 >>224324399 Why though? What is the purpose of this venture? What is the goal? ---224324936 >>224324399 > I do not have to open that link to tell you that you are fucking retarded. ---224324959 >>224324422 >Also, check out this video of a person's cancer being cured in three minutes You should probably kill yourself in a fire. ---224324980 >>224324399 >>224324422 double checked ---224325791 >>224324399 A newsworthy frog is in the White House ---224326845 >>224324399 >NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE (indeed, even the word 'impossible' itself literally says "I'm possible!") This is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever read. ---224328268 bump ---224328351 >>224324399 stop spamming this autistic shit
----- ---224326879 >>224326684 Hmmm, yes, I assume English is not your first language?
---224327302 >>224326684 just don't be a pay pig
----- ---224327666 Is this the solution to the incel problem?
---224327883 >men bring in women to fuck >govt investigates abuse >women bring in men to fuck >govt covers up their violent crimes and excitedly shills for the importation of many more we live in such interesting times ---224327889 >>224327666 Satan be gone
----- ---224321520 How can they recover?
---224321650 >>224321520 They are clearly plotting more diversity. I approve. ---224321740 >>224321520 Why do they eat flowers? ---224321956 >>224321740 It’s an Anglo custom. ---224321979 >>224321520 >british >white ---224322010 >>224321520 Orange baboon is having pale turkShit jew mongrel clown on >Wife swapping is planed for later on ---224322083 >>224321979 >German >human ---224322176 >>224321520 always great to see the worlds strongest allies hanging out with each other, having fun. I LOVE THIS TIME LINE - god bless America. ---224322199 >>224321520 What is the guy in the back on Trump's side thinking? ---224322382 >"Global Economic Powers" No Russia No China No India It's like watching a 50th high school reunion. All the used to be's. ---224322475 >>224322083 brutal ---224322572 >>224322382 >India before 2020 ---224322646 >>224322382 MIGA and We are out of EU, but Boris is giving you turkey instead, enjoy it! ---224322734 >>224322010 Seething. ---224322768 >>224322646 Another "former empire." Tastes more like chicken. ---224322837 >>224321520 the sad thing is there are real anons like op ---224323793 does the norf support boris? ---224324033 >>224322382 >Economic power >Russia and India Kek Chinks are about to be BTFO economically in the next 3-6 years anyway. Nobody will back down from the trade war, hopefully it goes hot so we can have some chink BBQ. ---224324151 >>224321520 Why would we seethe? ---224324493 >>224321520 I'm watching you ---224324591 >>224321520 pull my finger ---224325094 >>224324033 spot the boomer,China eventually will win America ---224325313 Fuck the Brits. I hope trump gutfucks the queen desu. ---224325708 >>224325094 China can't win. They lack the ability to innovate, they have a demographic disaster occurring in slow motion, multinationals are already moving out, income disparity between the peasants and the elites is growing, they have a massive personal debt bubble, political strife such as hk, Tibet, and Uighurs will increase not decrease, etc etc I really don't understand this fetishisation of the chicoms - if you'd ever met a Chinese person you would know that they are full of shit. Imagine an entire nation of compulsively dishonest people, done that? Great - that's what China is. ---224326244 >>224325094 >Chinks are gonna drop the US T-bills then it will be all ogre for the US! Been waiting since the last recession for China to BTFO the US....say whatever happened with BRICS? :^) ---224326424 >>224322176 Cringe ---224326820 >>224321520 Don't take the hunchpill bros. ---224327445 >>224321520 Forever, and ever, and ever! ---224327653 >>224321520 Cringe. ---224328116 >>224325708 A chinese person is like if 1.5 billion irish people existed under their own nation.
----- ---224326941 Choose your character
---224327081 >>224326941 The African should be earth. The White man should be Aether. ---224327956 >>224326941 I chose Hmong. >mountains and valleys >and caves >can fit into a hole smaller than an american's foot >smart enough to set traps >smart enough to have weapons-secured means of food production >self-sufficient >lived for many generations before being destroyed by other races. in all likelyhood I will never see a foreigner if I am born a Hmong.
----- ---224327475 Why is Staten Island so red compared to the other boroughs of NYC?
---224328195 Italians
----- ---224319773 Prove my theory wrong: This is based on the question is there a God? Why are we here? And so on… I want to test my theory, so feel free to prove it wrong (or expand on it). Both science and religion agree that time has gone and will continue to go forever. This means that time is infinite. In an infinite amount of time, infinite things will happen. (i.e. EVERYTHING WILL HAPPEN) If everything happens, then every theory is correct. Meaning - There was once a God, and there was once no God, and this happened many times over - There was a big bang theory, but in some points of time or universes there wasn’t. - This exact same scenario will happen now, except this text will be RED. It has to be, in an infinite amount of time, if it hasn’t already happened. It will. Just in an extremely long time! The more you think about it the more complex it gets What do you thing? Is this theory valid?
---224320054 >>224319773 If it's true then it's both valid and invalid. ---224320784 Yes, that's what I thought. But can that still make sense? ---224320931 >>224319773 So that means we've had homo butt sex together at one time before ---224321089 :/, Well, technically it wasnt me though. Thank Fuck ---224321127 >>224321089 Are you new here? ---224321224 Not new, don't post regually tho ---224321295 A lot newer then most though ---224321429 >>224319773 yeah you're on the right track. everything is infinite, which means anything is possible, and impossible. "god" however is beyond any conceptual understanding, and cannot be comprehended by the mind. infinity and the idea of nothingness are still concepts. god is everything and nothing and beyond the mind. ---224321779 Even if time is infinite, it doesn’t mean the universe as we know it will last forever, so your original theory might not be possible. However, it is possible/probable that the universe is infinitely large, meaning the theory might be true but because of infinite space rather than infinite time. ---224321978 However, any theory would have to comply with the laws of physics and universal constants, so things such as faster than light travel would not be possible (assuming there is no hidden science that would make this possible) ---224322067 >>224319773 >Both science and religion agree that time has gone and will continue to go forever. Both agree on the opposite. Science: see one of the universe ending theories e.g. heat death of the universe Religion: see one of the end of the world events e.g. the rapture >If everything happens, then every theory is correct If something is infinite, it does not automatically mean that it contains everything within it. Sequence 1, 1, 1, 1... is infinite and consists only of 1s. >TLDR Your theory sucks cock ---224322191 >>224319773 quantum mechanics is junk science and religion doesn't support your theory, sorry Rick ---224322241 >>224319773 The text is already red. ---224323609 If there is infinite space, there could be multiple universes so the theory my still apply. There are currently two main things I got out of this theory that may disapprove it. 1. Space may end before every scenario happens (not time) 2. Everything may be in a infinite loop and everything therefore may not happen even with infinite time (like the 1, 1, 1, idea explained earlier). Can anyone counter these points? Or maybe the theory only work if these two points aren't happening? ---224323980 >>224319773 watch Kent Hovind's seminars since you are on the questions of the origin of life and all that. hes one of the final redpills on the topic. ---224324034 >>224319773 >no reptilians ---224324400 Any other key points I missed? ---224325107 >>224319773 This is brainlet shit. if we know god can exist and not exist it doesnt help us. The real question is: What is god? For me the answer is that god is a higher level entity that is an individual in itself but consists of groups of humans. Like an ant is an individual but the colony can operate as an individual as well, the ant is (you) and the colony is god. I think this is closest to the definition of god using something that we know exists. I also think that a group that practices region effects their "colony" and brings their god closer to reality through their common beliefs and practices. There may also be a possibility of groups of gods and a higher level god. ---224325364 >>224319773 Jesus Christ has Tarrant fucked you up nigger. >Summer is over >All else is the fault of neurochemistry ---224325536 That is an extremely valid point! Not sure if this is what you meant, but from the colony concept, I'm getting the idea that God is all of us together in a way. We are all a part of him. Whether this is what you meant or not, I've never looked at it this way. ---224325683 >>224325536 glad to have asprin pilled you bucko ---224325801 >>224320054 what??? ---224326594 >>224319773 what about parallel universes? All realities exist at the same time ---224326811 >>224319773 The only reason why this is even a question is because the idea of god that most tie into is a jewish fable. Your thoughts are the conditioning of Clown World. ---224327567 >>224319773 You're getting there keep going. Stay infinite
----- ---224324617 it's over
---224324698 but w-w-w-w-white men are most desired! ---224324809 >>224324617 Big fucking deal. There are millions of girls, millions, and you poor fat basement dwellers are thinking you don't have a girl cauz of a BIG BAD BLACK BOI? Maybe if you weren't fat, autistic, and retarded. Maybe, just maybe, then you could get yourself a fucking girlfriend. ---224327831 I don't think you really understand the context in which that was written.
----- ---224323804 Seriously though... is he literally retarded?
---224324129 >>224323804 Was expecting a German flag. Oh well. Fuck you America. Brexit means Brexit. In fact, you are probably that pesky sausage flipping Hans using a VPN. FUCK YOU ---224324241 >>224324129 HALF A MILLION AMNESTIED ---224324324 >>224324241 Stop it... ---224324370 open the borders. let them all come through ---224324381 >>224324324 RECORD NON-EU IMMIGRATION ---224324436 >>224324381 FUCKING STOP ---224324510 >>224323804 ---224324609 I guess he's kinda alright. His hair disturbs me. Bruh. Come that shit to the left/right, slick it back. Anything. What is this. He might possibly have more hair loss than Trump and Trump still combs his shit or at least tries. Even the attempt is better than nothing. No, patting it forward with your hand isn't good enough, your fingers are not a comb. Com'on! ---224324751 >>224324510 Why the fuck are his feet bonded? What the actual fuck?! ---224324926 Why do you hate germans? We love you guys ---224325040 >>224324751 >he's never taken a shit so bad he had to be strapped in welcome to the American diet, Darko ---224325373 >>224323804 Nigel Farage could have been your leader Instead you got dancing arms and legs and then this guy ---224325387 >>224324751 >he's never tried Indian food ---224325578 >>224324129 Neck yourself Muhammad. ---224325652 leftoids seething that they have to see TWO donald trumps presiding over their once progressive shit holes ---224326198 >>224323804 He's british. ---224326653 Leave boris alone ---224326678 >>224323804 I guess you've never been told this before, but, I T ' S A N A C T. He's like Trump but +200iq smarter, he set up the zip-wire line to stop mid-way so he could pose like this for the media and get people talking about him, this got his name out and got him votes etc. Stop being stupid, what are you a Hillary Clinton voter or something? ---224326839 >>224323804 Since you're probably gonna see the image in >>224325578 's post i'll clear this up for you too. He rides a bycycle to the houses of parliament (10mins away from his home) to appear environmentally friendly, reduce his carbon foot-print etc. (Only MP ((Now PM)) big-brain enough to do it) but in reality he still has a Mercedes Benz car drive nothing but his briefcase (in the back-seat) from his home to the house of commons. Top kek he really is too big brain for you amerilards. ---224327159 >>224323804 TurkTurd and yidd mongrel is clever clown, overgrown brat, but he's (((ours))) now ---224327233 >>224323804 Little bit. ---224327259 >>224323804 Looks based to me. ---224327269 >>224324926 Ignore (((British))) paki bro. You guys are alright ---224327298 >>224326653 Did he forget he was playing football, he went in for a fucking rugby tackle lmao ---224327330 >>224326198 >He's british No ---224327370 >>224323804 Boris Clownson ---224327433 >>224323804 Smarter than you burger, I can tell yiy that right now. The bumbling fool act is exterior, anyone who listens to him notices he is classically educated. ---224327452 >>224323804 Retarded like a fox... ---224327457 americlaps wtf dont you want UK as your new greatest ally I thought we were friends wtf plz ---224327539 >>224327457 I’m with ya, retarded fren ---224327652 >>224327433 >he is classically educated Born burger, but you know that ---224327763 >>224327259 he has said multiple times that he is a proud zionist ---224327856 >>224324129 >all Germans are anti Brexit Ahmed, you are so wrong. 80 percent of Germans just want you gone and would even give you the best deal in the world for that to happen soon. ---224327871 >>224324751 ---224328782 >>224323804
----- ---224326951 Is there something you want to say?
---224327030 Why is it called G7 if there are eight of you here? ---224327123 >>224327030 EU decided it’s a country ---224327151 >>224327030 women don't count ---224327162 >>224326951 yes, "covfefe" ---224327185 >>224327030 G = Goys 7 goys and Shinzō Abe ---224327267 >>224327151 Should be G6 then ---224327274 >>224327185 Kek. Not ce. Have a (You) ---224327440 >>224326951 Why is Canada here? ---224327478 >>224326951 Why yes, I believe there is. ---224327870 >>224327478 Let's hear him out ---224328031 Macron wants le D ---224328768 >>224326951 Yes! Why are there no proud African American women at G7?! Checkmate Drumph!
----- ---224321948 GOOD MORNING WOODS!!!! 619 DAGO HERE!!!!
---224321968 Better thread right here: >>224317898 ---224322334 >>224321948 I'm up in this jank ---224322386 >>224321948 why is you so big and strong o.O ---224322478 Good morning wood 713 Houston Texas here ---224322529 88 BURPEES RIGHT NOW SUPREME WHITE POWER (IM NOT RACIST BRO DONT YOU KNOW STATISTICS ILL BEAT YIUR ASS) ---224324379 >eat a full tray at chow time >immediately blast out 300 burpees in 20 minutes after >roll up on the yard >new ass MOTHERFUCKER doesn't have his paperwork hooped >the back of his shoes are flat >doesn't know the never nude shower code >ARE YOU FUCKIN' WHITE >he knew what time it was >get sent to the SHU >14 sets of 88 burpees every day ---224324494 >>224324379 HE KNOWS WHAT TIME IT IS ---224327074 i hooped the warden at count ---224328430 >>224322386 All heart no steroids ---224328715 A D E L E
----- ---224326168 >another 1000 ‘migrants’ have been brought into the west >another 1000 millennial libshits have been urbanised into a major city >another 1000 minds have been exposed to the globohomo agenda >another 1000 interracial relationships have formed >another 1000 have joined the wrong (((abrahamic religion))) Remind me again why /pol/ thinks it has ANY leverage whatsoever in modern society?
---224326298 >>224326168 >Remind me again why /pol/ thinks it has ANY leverage whatsoever in modern society? source? ---224326387 >>224326298 Literally every day there’s a post about how ‘more and more are waking up’ and how people are getting ‘redpilled to see the truth’ ---224326478 >>224326168 why is that white dude in your pic contracting aids? ---224326517 >>224326168 It's always matter of ideas... The strongest idea will win... >british >white ---224326829 >>224326387 which is an accurate statement. its all about ratios. the decline and 'people waking up are linked' either they win or we win but we certainly don't need kikes like you giving a running commentary. fucking kys ---224327058 >>224326168 Every day a charming guy called Roy makes sure the water supply for the billy no mates brigade you work for contains tramp piss. He puts it in with a syringe he tells people is for an allergy. Go drink some more tramp piss. ---224328576 >>224326168 Niggers in Africa are neck-roping themselves because they believe in the one true god, Ebola-Chan. MSM and actual world leaders have been convinced the OK hand signal is a white power symbol. There are more examples but I need to take a dump and don't have much time. Of course there are two ways you can look at it. 1. The chans are incredibly powerful. 2. The world is populated largely by gullible retards. Can you guess which I believe?
----- ---224325095 Slick Willy, Crooked Hillary, OR, will they be arrested together? The answer “neither” will not be accepted.
---224325148 >>224325095 Lol neither. ---224325219 >>224325095 None. ---224325332 >>224325219 Bullshit. It is obvious to those who are awake these mother fuckers are going to die in federal prison. ---224325347 >>224325219 Dam Epstein looks dope here. ---224325372 >>224325332 >Bullshit. It is obvious to those who are awake these mother fuckers are going to die in federal prison. Trump is probably gonna go to jail more likely anon. ---224325519 >>224325372 2020. you mad ---224325757 >>224325095 MSM are too chicken shit to vilify them while they're alive. ---224325999 >Trump will go to trial before either Clintons Making your day. ---224326143 >>224325095 >The answer “neither” will not be accepted. It’s unacceptable but it’s also the truth. ---224326186 Drumpf ---224326215 >>224325095 >I demand a bluepill immediately. >Do not post the answer I know to be correct. ---224326816 >>224325095 hillary is already in a form of prison. her repeated attempts to run for president have been cockblocked to the point where she wont even try anymore. she will never be able to realize her dream. ---224327022 >>224325095 They’ll be executed and everyone will think it was an accident, i.e. plane crash, gas leak, etc. Like McCain. ---224327530 >>224325095 None of them. ---224327642 >>224325095 Those two are demonic and need to be destroyed. The power of trump compels you! ---224327643 >>224325999 clintons have pedo dirt on every one. there is a reason clinton and epstien were friends ---224327719 >>224326816 it's not to be president really it's to be the FIRST FEMALE president. That's what matters. No matter what she does, her name would live on for as long as the US does. that's her dream. ---224327882 >>224327022 McCain really did just have a brain tumor though. That wasn't whitehats, that was biology. ---224328612 >>224327643 rare
----- ---224328402 Latest Happenings: EPSTEIN USED SHELL COMPANIES AND ASSOCIATES FOR PEDO RING; NEW LAWSUIT FROM THREE VICTIMS EPSTEIN SIGNED A WILL IN WHICH SET UP A TRUST AND FILLED IT WITH $577 MILLION WORT OF ASSETS GHISLAINE MAXWELL'S SISTER SPOTTED AT HER HOUSE DAILYMAIL POSTED ANON'S TIPS, ALL HEIL HI... GERMANBRO >All Epstein Docs in one pdf >Epstein court doc dump 2: >Flight logs >Black book unredacted >More info >Trump calls out Clinton for ties to Epstein and Pedo Island in 2015 >Video of Epstein's New Mexico Ranch: >Rusty Shackleford YouTube Channel >EPSTEIN/PIZZAGATE LINKS > >PAX list Epstein Lolita Express >EPSTEIN and CERN Thread >EPSTEIN CONNECTIONS AND LEADS: Here you will find a massive info dump, READ THROUGH
---224328412 PREVIOUS THREADS >>224239128 >>223915908 >>223870370 >>223809998 >>223773447 >>223736336 >>223717490 >>223702309 >>223686472 >>223656927 >>223612154 >>223584289 >>223537303 >>223481551 >>223430937 >>223409140 >>223386535 >>223370776 >>223329705 >>223296632 >>223275441 >>223246175 >>223210707 >>223176594 >>223029807 >>222984572 >>222958257 >>222903343 >>222838879 >>222866631 >>222725133 ---224328432 Timeline: >* 2005, some girl at school in Florida is called a prostitute and got her ass kicked; a journalist and a principal are investigating; the girl told them she worked at Jeffrey's place in Palms Beach; turns out she was not the only underage giving massages; cops be copin'; Marcinkova and Kellen began to be known to the investigators at that time period as well > detectives had the case cold, locked in > 30 victims, phone records, garbage snatch > CP on Epstein's computer, shrine to the victims in his bedroom closet > Dozens of interviews confirming So... > detectives write up 4 felony charges for Epistein and Maxwell > looking at life in prison if convicted > state attorney on board, ready to charge. Suddenly... > state attorney is taken off case > new state attorney assigned. > he has a private one on one interview with Dershowitz > a deal is made > slap on the hand in exchange for immunity > immunity for ALL charges > immunity for ALL people involved > including the man (Dershowitz) who wrote the agreement > because he was fucking the children too > case is sealed > victims not told > detectives are stonewalled > all of the evidenced turned over to the FBI in June 2016, just before the election. Oh, and how did they get rid of the first state attorney? You'll love this... > her husband is also a lawyer > he works for a law firm. > out of the blue, his boss assigns him a new case > working for Epstein on another matter > state attorney forced to withdraw for conflict of interest. ---224328444 Timeline: >* 2008, justice kicks in, Epstein guarranted to serve time in jail but then prosecutors are told to fuck off since he was from intelligence >* Two Obama terms, probably Epstein's best years; Trump was trying to get Jeffrey in jail in 2009 (and had kicked him out of Mar-A-Lago before this) >* Epstein arrested 7/6/19. >* Epstein """attempted suicide""" or attacked on 7/24/19. >* Between the 24th and his death, "Jeffrey Epstein told prison guards and fellow inmates that he believed someone had tried to kill him". >* 8/9/19, 2024 unsealed pages damaging to Epstein (and others like Maxwell, Clintons, UK royals) were released. >* There was a """camera malfunction""" at the Metropolitan Correctional Center where Epstein was in jail. (Unconfirmed) ---224328468 Timeline: >* There were """two guards at the MCC who normally have overnight shift that watches over suicide risk inmates, were both told to leave area 3 hours earlier for scheduled "Maintenance" to jail cells and hallway""". (Unconfirmed) >* At ~6:30 am ET on 8/10/19, Epstein was "found unresponsive in his cell in the Special Housing Unit from an """apparent suicide"""". >* At ~6:39 am ET, "they called the Fire Department, which transported Epstein to New York Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan Hospital". >* At ~7:30 am ET, "Paramedics also tried to revive Epstein, and could be seen using a breathing bag as they wheeled him on a gurney into [New York Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan Hospital]… He was declared dead a short time later." >* News Epstein """committed suicide""" breaks around 9:30 am ET. ---224328487 Theory: EPSTEIN WAS TAKEN OFF SUICIDE WATCH BECAUSE HE NEVER TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE. This is the sauce that broke the news that of Epstein's """suicide attempt""": >Accused pedophile and financier Jeffrey Epstein was found injured and in a fetal position inside his cell at a NYC jail >Epstein was found semi-conscious with marks on his neck >*A fourth source said an assault has not been ruled out, and that another inmate was questioned The """suicide attempt""" was never confirmed. There has been a lot of speculation at it was an ATTACK, just a few sauces: >Epstein also might have been attacked by an inmate at the facility in downtown Manhattan >Convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was found injured in jail earlier this week, in what sources say could be a suicide attempt, an attack, or even a ploy to get a transfer >It is not clear whether he tried to commit suicide or whether he was attacked by another inmate. AG Barr and IG Horowitz will be investigating his """suicide""" and continue going after his co-conspirators: (((NYT))) claims he was taken off suicide watch on the 29th, only 5 days after his """suicide attempt""": It makes sense he would be taken off suicide watch if IT WASN'T A SUICIDE ATTEMPT. ---224328509 In case anyone missed the final report of the Maxwell in n out threads: We investigated this picture and came to this conclusion: >Leah Saffian took this pic and then sold it to nypost. >She's a long time friend of Ghislaine Maxwell. This is Leahs Dog "Dexter". >Leah Saffian is head of Meadowgate Media Investments Inc. >Meadowgate Media is named in the exif data of this picture: >She's friends with several maxwells at faceberg: > >There are also pictures of the Dog 'Dexter'. >She's currently Attorney in the US, she already represented the Maxwells in London. > Anon currently consider this matter solved. Anon tipped of several news outlets and had email conversations with two dailymail reporters. >Anon tipped of several news outlets and had email conversations with two dailymail reporters. >had email conversations with two dailymail reporters. > has learned exclusively. > Based /pol/acks, celebratory thread: >>223683969 ---224328566 Save this pastebin in case there is no thread, so that you can repost it. Be sure to update it with the most recent threads.
----- ---224324062 >>224323163 I love this meme because it perfectly showcases how low IQ rightists are. The entire meme revolves around just saying she said shit she never has. That's the meme. That's the whole meme. That's it.
---224324113 >>224323163 America is one continent. Eurasia is the other. Africa is hell,not even part of Earth dimension, and Australia is a myth. ---224324144 >>224324062 The fucked up part is that if you repeat shit she actually said most people agree with it ---224324278 >>224324062 It is the maximum level of thought that they are capable of. >>224324144 So why not meme those things instead of stuff that looks like a 3rd grader made it? ---224324304 >>224324062 Damned rightists. How could they laugh at memes based on things a politician they dont like never said ---224324413 >>224324144 How is this bad? Rightists are literal nutcases. >Uh actually, having access to healthcare is bad and setting the planet on fire so billionaires can make even more money is good and you're a cuck if you disagree ---224324465 >>224324304 Are you under the impression someone likes hillary clinton? Or that conservatives are not by definition liberals? ---224324472 Where has she been lately Mr Commieman? She has been rather quiet. Are you guys somehow responsible or did Nancy stick a wet sock in her mouth? ---224324529 >>224324144 You will be shot cunt. ---224324693 >>224323163 What makes you people think she isn't smart? ---224324786 >>224323163 the amount of rightists triggered at a freshman Congress member is top kek fucking cowards ---224325091 >>224324693 I mean you see it, or at least I do, in boomer tier memes like the OP all the time. Instead of actually arguing against her/the left they just dismiss any disagreement, call her dumb, and argue with the straw man they made up instead. I’m not going to lie, that IS easier ---224325500 >>224324413 >Medicare for all Completely untenable in the US in 2019. Taxes would have to be increased to obscene levels to even begin to cover this. In example, in 2017, the US government spent roughly $4 trillion. Of that four trillion, social security and medicaid represented roughly half of that, and Medicaid and CHIP only provide assistance to about 65 million people. >Housing as a human right See above. Completely unachievable without a radical tax reform. >Federal jobs guarantee Service guarantees citizenship. >Assault weapons ban Proven to be wholly ineffective when we last did it federally, and completely unconstitutional. >Abolish ICE I have no idea how you'd even begin to justify this. >Solidarity with Puerto Rico I guess? Sure. >Climate change Unironically with you on this, still don't think the federal government would lift a fucking finger to help with it. >Clean campaign finance Honestly don't even know what this means, if you could explain this to me, that'd be great. >Higher education for all Education represents roughly 3% of our spending every year. Somewhere around $13,000 per student in 2015 for a total of somewhere around $600 billion dollars a year. Of this, around 80% is spent on paying staff. So what you essentially mean is laying off teachers, or paying them less. >Womens rights, LGBTQIA, support seniors Day of the fucking pillow when. I shouldn't even have to explain why this is retarded. >Restore glass steagall Unironically support this, but given the other fucking retardation I cannot possibly support this candidate doing so. ---224325639 >>224325500 >OMG WE CAN'T AFFORD ANY OF THIS Somehow we can afford billionaires never paying taxes though. ---224325666 >>224325500 >Taxes would have to be increased to obscene levels to even begin to cover this. Efficiency can be gained through massive overhauls? ---224325854 >>224324062 >>224324144 nice cope fags ---224325924 >>224325639 >>OMG WE CAN'T AFFORD ANY OF THIS Except at least Bernie has explained in detail how we not only should, but very easily could. Meanwhile the right is obsessed with... going to war in space I guess ---224325957 >>224323163 >Boomer meme Please kys ---224325981 >>224323163 Yeah but, aren't those vowels? ---224325983 >>224325854 Are you retarded? ---224325994 >>224325639 They pay more taxes than either you or me, combined, for our entire lifetimes, in a single year. At a certain point, you have to realize that they have to be given certain benefits to even stay in the country - which we're having an enormous problem with already, and is something that Trump said that he intended to fix and, so far, has done jack shit about. Offshore accounts, money leaving the country, etc etc. The fact of the fucking matter, though, is that someone will have to foot the bill. We cannot possibly expect other, more fortunate people. to foot the entire bill for us, and so, we have to expect to do a little fucking work. I, for one, wouldn't stand paying 50% (or greater, desu) taxes, and I'm sure you'd be pretty pissed as fuck too, because you'd be waiting around your entire lifetime to get a system where you'd benefit at all from it. You've got the understanding of a fucking child about all of this, and if you genuinely believe that this woman can achieve any of this in (((current year))), and indeed in 4 years with a senate and house that seems to absolutely refuse to play ball with any president and literally just does their own thing, you are literally delusional. The fact that you would accept giving up your firearms for a chance - not even an assurance, a CHANCE - at free healthcare says all that it needs to about you, honestly. ---224326026 >>224325924 The right never worries about the budget when it comes to fucking retarded shit. Only when it helps people and makes sense. Then they're fucking furious. ---224326055 >>224323163 Boomer memes are the fucking worst. ---224326077 >>224323163 boomer humor. dont forget that democrats are the real racists. ---224326082 >>224325639 well let's simplify the friggin tax code. Too bad this is a republic of the lawyers, by the lawyers, and for the lawyers. ---224326085 >>224325994 >They pay more taxes than either you or me, combined, for our entire lifetimes, in a single year. Because they HAVE more than either you or me, combined, for our entire lifetimes, in a single DAY, because they were either born into it, designed a system that allowed them to get that rich, or maybe, just maybe, invented something incredible and actually deserve SOME (but certainly not all) of that money. What the fuck could a person ever need a billion dollars for? ---224326136 >>224324278 Why don't you guys try posting during peak hours? ---224326171 >>224324144 >most people agree that we should spark a civil war by confiscating guns >most people agree that there should be an open border with no immigration services >couple that with universal healthcare and services, so tax payers are the ones footing bill for the entirety of South America >most people agree You are so low IQ I am surprised you are able to turn on the computer. Hmm, maybe you are just a phone poster. ---224326172 >>224325924 You want to pay to feed niggers and keep the alive endless. You and Bernie should have a log impale you in one of that kikes 12 cars. ---224326247 >>224326082 You mean the rich, you lying dumb piece of shit. Dude, nobody believes rightists lies anymore. You have no veil anymore, but you still act like the Chinese government. "Welp, I lied, they have to believe me." No, we don't. No rightists has ever argued in good faith. All you do is say the sounds you think will get what you want. ---224326322 >>224323163 >1 post by this ID >55 mins ago ---224326355 >>224323163 >A.E.I.O.U >Austriae est imperare orbi universo Now that's based ---224326365 >>224325924 > To pay for it, Bernie Sanders proposes Taxing Corporate Offshore Income which is estimated to generate $100 billion per year. Your corporations move their HQs to other countries. With the emergence of China as a world power, they lose exactly nothing while you lose everything. Beretta did exactly this in MD when MD taxed the fuck out of them with the 2013 AWB. >Senator Sanders proposes a Wall Street Speculation Tax which is estimated to generate about $300 billion per year. A tax on fucking wall street trading. Are you fucking serious? Do you know how utterly damaging to the economy and private industry that would be? You might as well lead CEOs out and shoot them for all the good that would do. >To pay for it, Sanders proposes to “Remove payroll tax cap for earnings above $250,000” which would is estimated to generate the $1.2 trillion over 10 years. See above. If you're earning over $250,000 a year, why the absolute fuck would you stay in a shithole of a country that wants to tax the piss out of you? You'd move out ASAP to literally anywhere else. >To pay for this, Senator Sanders proposes closing the carried interest loophole, which is estimated to generate $15.6 billion over 10 years. This is unironically good. >To pay for this, it is proposed to have an additional 0.2% Payroll Tax, which is estimated to generate $319 billion over 10 years. So just more income tax. Brilliant. Great. Worked out great for small businesses, always. Totally doesn't just benefit enormous corporations, who by this point will have all fucking left. It goes on like this, and is indicative of the type of person Bernie really is. Tax the rich, eat the poor, and on and on. Nothing in here really benefits anyone, and if it DOES benefit them, it'll later come back to bite them in the ass when they're successful. I'm amazed you actually eat this shit up, this is some blatant neocon shit. ---224326466 >>224326085 >Because they HAVE more than either you or me, combined, for our entire lifetimes, in a single DAY, because they were either born into it, designed a system that allowed them to get that rich, or maybe, just maybe, invented something incredible and actually deserve SOME (but certainly not all) of that money. Yeah I'm done with this, you're either a drooling retard or just a horrible, jealous, shitty fucking person. >Just give up your guns lol and in like 50 years we might be able to have free healthcare dude >Tax the shit out of the rich they don't NEED that cash lol ---224326667 >>224325500 we have public healthcare for a fraction of your price, I wonder why ---224326683 >>224326365 >You might as well lead CEOs out and shoot them for all the good that would do. Wait, that was an option? As far as the rich leaving if we tax them goes though, it appears to be an empty threat the right has been making for decades. Other countries have tried it. They don’t leave. ---224326759 >>224323163 >BROWN GIRL DUMB ---224326764 >>224323163 I wouldn’t call her retarded but she definitely has a double digit iq ---224326920 >>224324144 Fuck Puerto Rico, fuck gun control, fuck seniors, fuck the LGBTQA+ (but not really or you'll get AIDS), and fuck AOC ---224326946 brown girl HOT ---224326978 >>224326667 >pay crazy tax for it >VAT tax >tax my nuts off daddy government >still pay for it its european style tipping kek ---224327059 >>224326764 As opposed to brain geniuses like trump and biden, who totally aren’t sundowning dymentia riddled boomers? Didn’t trump declare himself the king of the jews earlier this week? I mean nobody on the right seriously supports this guy anymore, right? ---224327122 >>224326667 >United States is about 28 times bigger than Germany. >Germany covers an area of approximately 137,847 square miles, while the United States is approximately 3,791,400 square miles. In terms of area, the closest states in the US are Montana, which is slightly bigger than Germany, and New Mexico, which is a bit smaller. >Meanwhile, the population of Germany is ~80.6 million people (246.0 million more people live in United States). >Dude just upscale the system lol Breathtaking. Like pottery. >>224326683 Your own article admits wholly that this is because the people in question are betting that those taxes will drop, and are making an informed choice before heavily lobbying for said changes. Not to mention that they're granted clear opportunities to eschew those charges in exchange for purchasing certain benefits for the state in question. In the BernieFuture, this would never change, and other countries would offer clear benefits to both income AND spending. ---224327164 >>224326355 Nice ---224327318 >>224327059 I don’t support anyone who supports Israel, I just vote for whoever the leftists hate the most. ---224327418 >>224326026 Filtering your dumb nigger ass ---224327426 >>224323163 The continents: Americas Eurasia Africa ---224327555 >>224326946 She not even hot. IDGI ---224327607 >>224327122 >this is because the people in question are betting that those taxes will drop, and are making an informed choice before heavily lobbying for said changes. That’s bizarre, because I can’t find anything resembling that in the article. Would you care to point it out? ---224327790 Did you see her with the penguin? So cute! ---224327890 >>224325666 You mean quotas for who should die, which will eventually only affect white people? ---224328185 >>224327890 >You mean quotas for who should die, which will eventually only affect white people? The healthcare system in Norway disagrees with you ---224328352 >>224324062 >not aware of the blatant projection How's your daily Dumpltf spam going? ---224328450 >>224326946 Amen. Only good taste chads can notice it.
----- ---224325221 Since Drumpf won't be impeached, ummah will take matters into their own hands.
---224325338 >>224325221 sexy af and a little danger turns me on ---224325756 that's how nose jobs are done is shawarma city. ---224325828 >>224325221 There is no ummah bro. Muslims stab each other in the back all the time. We are too easily divided by the kikes. ---224325954 >>224325221 There ain't no clip in it bud ---224326199 >>224325221 >have no finger discipline >put clip in gun Hard choice. ---224326368 >>224325756 lel ---224328323 One in the chamber? ---224328952 Gaddafi was the last prophet who was intended to unite all Arab and African Muslims and then lead them in conquest against the West to establish global Islamic Socialism, save nature and secure the future of humanity. And you all sat back and let him be killed by obummer.
----- ---224328086 >>224327853 tl;dr: China says people from Hong Kong should have Chinese judges and lawyers instead of Hong Kong ones. The island has a political border, it's like saying "New Law! Hawaiians need to be tried and sentenced in California!" - the Hawaiians would go beserk! Same shit, different donkey.
---224328198 >>224327853 I wish i had a chinese gf. ---224328426 >>224327853 Chinese ---224328447 >>224328198 I will be your chinese girlfriend. 我将成为你的中国女友。 向我保证,我们永远不会看到加拿大人或加拿大人,那么我就是你的。 ---224329091 Maidan 2: Big trouble in Little China
----- ---224324091 >Figure 4. The Jewish Satan slays the Aryan and takes over the world. Bewer's cartoon 'Der Weltboxer' of 1901. Source: Politischer Bilderbogen no. 33
---224324228 >Figure 3. The Hohenzollern monarchy as the bastion against Jewish influence. Bewer's cartoon of 1891. Source: Politischer Bilderbogen no. 28. ---224324720 Based cripple kaizer. >On 2 December 1919, Wilhelm wrote to Field Marshal August von Mackensen, denouncing his own abdication as the "deepest, most disgusting shame ever perpetrated by a person in history, the Germans have done to themselves ... egged on and misled by the tribe of Judah ... Let no German ever forget this, nor rest until these parasites have been destroyed and exterminated from German soil!"[31] Wilhelm advocated a "regular international all-worlds pogrom à la Russe" as "the best cure" and further believed that Jews were a "nuisance that humanity must get rid of some way or other. I believe the best thing would be gas!"[32] ---224325233 bump ---224325434 >>224324720 Based ---224325853 >>224324091 >1901 >can talk shit about jews >can't promote faggotry & degeneracy >2019 >can't say anything critical about jews at all >faggotry and degeneracy heavily promoted, any opposition gets lynched We truly live in end times. ---224328981 bump
----- ---224326755 Noel Gallagher says he is leaving London after series of stabbings near his home Noel Gallagher has said that he is planning to move out of London following a number of stabbings near his home. The former Oasis man, who has a daughter Anais, 19, and sons Donovan, 11, and Sonny, eight, claims he is moving his family out of the city because he and his wife are worried the kids will get mugged or worse while travelling to school. ”We’re just about to move out to Hampshire,” he told The Irish Independent. “We didn’t want the kids growing up in London. We’ve had two stabbings outside our house in the last while. I live as you can imagine in quite an affluent area. At one end of the street is one housing estate and the other end is another housing estate, and they are currently at war. ”One guy was multiple stabbed in the middle of the fucking day and an air ambulance had to come and land in the middle of the street and all the streets were taped off.” He added: ”Anyway, our lad is 11 and is now coming to go to secondary school and we were just saying it would be too fucking stressful if he is on the Tube and he is coming home and he is being mugged for his phone. So we decided that we are going to go out to the country and put them to school in the country. We’ll just commute into London.” “Every time you wake up in the morning, there’s some 16-year-old kid been knifed to death,” said Liam. “I’ve got kids that age, out and about and that, doing their thing, living, being young. That freaks me right out – it does worry me. I’ve got teenagers.” He continued: “I’d have a word with that mayor – he seems to not be doing a good job, all them kids getting knifed and all that. The only thing that ever comes out of his mouth is, ‘London is open.’ What, open for knife crime and dying and stuff?”
---224326940 >>224326755 Sounds like a responsible dad. Why is this posted? ---224327206 >>224326755 >noel is leaving london because of stabbings >because of stabbing noel is leaving londing >leaving london noel is because of stabbings ---224327386 White flight. Let's transform London culture to Sharia and Islamic State to show the world what happens when you let liberal democrat progressive virtue signaling jewish globalists sit on your thrones. ---224327618 >>224327386 >Let's transform London culture to Sharia you're a bit too late for that it happened years ago ---224327659 >>224326755 The London Mayor is doing a GREAT job. His job of course is to get white people the fuck out so they can fully take over the Island from their power base. ---224327948 >>224327206 >stabbings are the cause noel is leaving London >london is being left by noel because of stabbings ---224328080 >>224327386 Let the muds have Londonistan. If all the whites move, a simple nuke to 10 downing street will get rid of all our problems. ---224328415 >>224326755 >Oi’d ave a werd wiv that mayor – he seems to not be doing a good job, all them kids gettin' knifed n all that. The only fing that ever comes out of his mouth is, ‘London is open.’ wot, open fer knife crime and dying and stuff? ---224328567 >>224328415 bloodeh 'ell ladz we goin' dawn in flamz fookin scots un oirishmen snubbin' da queen fook em 2 ell' ---224328632 But does he have a moving loicense? ---224328785 >>224327948 >london is being left by noel because of stabbings best ---224328804 >>224328632 >loicense Every single time... ---224328921 >>224328804
----- ---224326255 I've been wondering why since Trump's election, most /pol/fags continue to support Trump over any Dem. The calculation seemed to be "get Trump in office because he triggers dah libz and will drain the swamp". He still triggers libs but that's irrelevant compared to the fact that he brazenly supports and does the bidding of Isreal and Saudi Arabia to the tune of several billion American tax dollars. So how is it that a board that was dedicated to exposing and eradicating power elites and jews that run the country, now continues to support a president who openly voice support for Jewish supremacy? The predictable response is "REEE HE'S THE BEST OPTION! THE DEMS ARE WORSE AND WILL SUPPORT JEWS EVEN MORE!". This is objectively not true. The only people in American politics who explicitly denounce Isreal's control over our politics are progressives. If you're truly anti-Isreal, you'd vote for either Warren or Bernie. But then the next obvious reasons is, "REEEE THEY'RE SOCIALISTS WHO WANT TO GIVE ALL OUR MONEY TO NIGGERS AND SPICS!!!!". Even if that was true and not a strawman, giving money to Americans who then spend that money in America simulates the economy, crates jobs, and starts new businesses and competition. The money doesn't just vanish because brown people have it. But /pol/fags' hatred for non-white blinds them to the fact that that money remains in the American economic system instead of being shipped overseas. All this leads me to believe that far-right memes aimed at promoting Trump, tarnishing progressives and SJW, and fear-mongering about socialism and illegal immigration are actually created by the Israeli government and released on boards like this. They know very well that most right-wing are willing to turn a blind eye to Jews controlling all aspects of American politics and media if they can just foster resentment of minorities. It's a classic divide and conquer, and they're succeeding. So my final question is, why are you fags falling for it?
---224326463 >>224326255 Money that we send to Israel is often used in joint weapons designs between US and Israeli companies. So by your logic aid to Israel is good for the economy too ---224326571 >>224326255 Because all of the Democratic candidates are water trash ---224326742 >>224326463 Then i guess it's a matter of do you want to invest in the military industrial complex or America's citizens, businesses, and infrastructure. ---224328375 only libs on tv are still triggered by Trump. ---224328458 >>224326463 >money you give away to a foreign country is good for the economy, better than giving it to US citizens ---224328916 >>224326255 what about this mad lad
----- ---224327380 I love Brexit, it’s great!
---224327505 >>224327380 I saw a mongol (the chromosome kind) driving a car the other day and I nearly crashed. She tried to overtake me on a roundabout. ---224329588 >>224327380 Give me my country back and I'll show you great. ---224332382 >>224327380 Keep seething, Hansi.
----- ---224327683 Why did America win the cold war? How did they manage it?
---224327768 >>224327683 By being the cool dad of the world. ---224327800 >>224327683 America won because their language is easier to use ---224328544 >>224327800 >language is easier to use >letters with no sound put in words for whatever >other letters randomly change sound in different words ---224329496 >>224327683 Russia is a hapa shithole, USA is a BLACKED shithole. Blacks are stronger than Asians.
----- ---224319479 Hey /pol/ What's the red pill verdict on mercury fillings? Are they harmless or something more sinister? I've noticed none of the dentists that recommend them ever have them. I've been considering removing mine but I don't know if it's worth the hassle.
---224320636 >>224319479 Spent about £250 to get them all removed around 3 years ago. Would do the same again. ---224321206 >>224319479 Surely silver or gold is a much better option? I have looked into getting a cap for a fucked up tooth which had to have 2 root canals and want to replace it. Though I heard any form of metal in your mouth can fuck with your brain's magnetic field n shit ---224321236 >>224320636 Did you go abroad for it? ---224321448 >>224321206 Do they still do metallic fillings? I thought all the dentists had switched to ceramics and composites. They look natural and won't cause a galvanic reaction. ---224323175 >>224321236 Naw, why would I do that? I just went to my regular dentistry practice and got an estimate. ---224323671 >>224319479 had all mine removed and replaced ---224324611 >>224323175 I got an incisor crown and two ceramic fillings for £60 in Ukraine. Eastern Europe is great for dentistry ---224324905 >>224323671 >Would do the same again. did you have nasal problems prior to removal, like polyp growths in the nasal cavity, im quite allergic to metals on my skin, yet i have it in my mouth? yeah sucks doesnt it. ---224325017 >>224319479 look up jewish mystic heavy metal magic ---224325115 >>224321448 Yep. Got 2 fillings a couple years ago and they went with metal instead of ceramic. Claimed I was high risk because apparently brushing every day isn't enough to take care of my teeth. I wanted ceramic but they wouldn't let me have it. ---224325495 >>224319479 Tfw metal fillings get replaced with bpa plastics that have estrogenic effects. Tfw as long as your teeth aren't made of teeth you're still fucked. Tfw tooth regrowing technology still hasn't arrived. ---224326042 >>224325495 The tech has been invented. MIT did it 10 years ago. There's just not as much money in a cure. ---224327201 Cavities? You have shit genetics. Me, 38, no cavities. My father, 67, no cavities. My brother, 40, no cavities. None of our children have cavities. ---224327489 >>224321448 Composits are plastics and ALL plastics leek endocrine disruptors into your body, especially when you eat acidic and fatty food. Ceramics also get set with plastics, but have less surface into the mouth. Gold and Ceramic are the best of the worst. ---224328856 >>224321206 >2 root canals Are these safe? Some people say root-canaled tooth become a refuge for bacteria. ---224328988 >>224319479 I had several chronic health issues that disappeared miraculously when I got mine removed. Just make sure you find a good dentist who can remove them correctly. ---224329241 >>224319479 Amalgam fillings last longer but you need to check them from time to time just like any other filling. As for the danger, they say that with heat some mercury vapours might escape the filling and get into the body. ---224329484 >>224319479 >>224320636 >>224323671 >>224328988 Fucking morons, lmao. The fillings don't release vapour unless they're on the chewing surface and you are chewing. Having them drilled out exposes to high amounts of mercury vapour as they are heated and broken apart. By getting them removed, you've exposed yourself to more mercury vapours then they would release on their own.
----- ---224329445 What you Anons think? A little too on the (((nose)))?
---224329663 >>224329445 Comic sans is a crime against humanity ---224329785 >>224329663 The "I" looked to similar to the L's sue me ---224330563 >>224329785 Just try tahoma then...
----- ---224327010 How can /pol/ be turned into a less racist and more inclusive space? i suggest we stop using the N word and make sure there is a perfect 80/20 ammount of black/white posters (theres more blacks because of reparations).
---224327075 >>224327010 why 80-20? ---224327104 >>224327010 Shut it nigger faggot. ---224327176 >>224327075 because we have to be inclusive towards minorities, and also to repay them for being racist. they need reparations and so we need to listen to them more ---224327188 >>224327010 >How can /pol/ be turned into a less racist and more inclusive space? Lower the crime rate of non-whites. ---224327199 Are you going to pay them to post here? ---224327228 >>224327199 i would, but i am too poor ---224327252 >>224327010 >make sure there is a perfect 80/20 ammount of black/white posters Every thread would be about dragon ball, smash and Fried chicken. ---224327280 >>224327010 /pol/ is by definition very inclusive everyone is welcome to post here, just remind yourself there are no savespaces to protect your stupid ideas from comments ---224327304 SHUT UP NIGGER AND GET OUT OF ESTIJA ---224327322 >>224327228 Well, they aren't going to post here for free. ---224327382 >>224327010 NAGGERS ---224327387 >>224327010 Look at this faggot. Everyone is welcome here. All views are open to ridicule. Fuck off with your slide thread. You guys know what goes in the fields. ---224327401 I suggest that every black, muslim and especially Jewish poster has to sign their posts. In that way we'd more easily know who we're talking with so that we can take more care in how we word ourselves. I think this is the way to combat racism on this board. ---224327424 >>224327387 >You guys know what goes in the fields. Blacks? ---224327442 >>224327401 good idea ---224327476 >>224327010 ---224327507 >>224327010 Ten apples. ---224327553 >>224327424 cheeky rusky ---224327587 Nigger ---224327602 This old man is me, in the new inclusive, diverse /pol. >what up nigs and mamacitas? ---224327631 >>224327010 nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger ---224327664 >>224327010 Promote the unity of a new Roman Empire. Unforunately the Roman Empire collapsed after being unable to solve ethnic and financial system problems, so you would just be delaying a collapse. ---224327668 >>224327010 >80/20 ammount of black/white posters it is like that already, thats why we say nigger ---224327701 >>224327304 >>224327382 >>224327424 >>224327587 >>224327631 please, stop with the hate speech. N word has no place on /pol/ ---224327750 Did you mean nigger because I will not stop saying nigger. Also the word jew is a verb in Finland. ---224327927 >>224327188 Yeah pretty much ---224327985 >>224327010 Gimme some brown gash. ---224328048 >>224327010 Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger ---224328229 Fuck you disgusting brown and black subhumans! This is now a nigger hate thread! ---224328554 >>224327010 Niggers are only 13% though anon ---224328705 >>224327010 NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER ---224328788 >>224327010 You end racism by ending the nigger species ---224329232 Isn't an anime design like that supposed to represent the Ainu or something? It's not supposed to be a black person. ---224329450 >>224327010 Nigger spic chink kike faggot
----- ---224308722 In the past few days Israel has bombed Iranians in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, once again doing the West's dirty work. Based Bibi: “If someone rises up to kill you, kill him first.”. Israel bracing for retaliation, Hezbollah chief to speak later today. Major escalation possible in next 24 hours.
---224308813 >>224308722 Based. You sending in the Mutts soon? ---224309858 God Hitler was right ---224310346 >>224308722 >once again doing the West's dirty work How are you doing our dirty work when Iran hasn't attacked us and isn't a threat to us? Maybe if you were bombing ISIS that'd be a different story... Oh wait you actually finance ISIS and all our actual enemies. You filthy fucking kikes are shameless. ---224310430 >>224308722 >doing the West's dirty work. What the fuck do your problems have to do with the West? ---224310489 >muh aid money This is a return on our investment. Hebrews fighting Islamists ---224310592 >>224310346 Pic related was technically an act of war. ---224310612 >>224310592 ---224310615 >>224308722 I hope both of you get glassed ---224310635 Majority of rockets intercepted. Still damage. God bless Iran. ---224310659 >>224308722 Just know this: the men of my family have fought in every war this country has had. We’re done. For many reasons, you’re on your own. ---224310689 >>224308722 IM COMING FOR YOU KIKE ---224310690 >>224310612 The Iran "hostage crisis" was literally a CIA operation designed by George H.W. Bush and his political clan in order to oust Jimmy Carter and install H.W. as president or vice-president. ---224310749 >>224308722 Fucking nuke Iran already you useless bitches. ---224310820 >>224310690 Holy shit you're fucking crazy. And retarded. Downsophrenia. ---224310955 >>224308722 the ayatollah is next, praise allah ---224311021 >>224308722 How should citizens of America respond to this act of terrorism? ---224311164 Israel wouldn't do this if it didn't have support from the US administration. Trump will certainly not speak out against this and urge restraint like his predecessor(s) and this presents a dangerous predicament. >>224310690 this. Ronald Reagan wasn't super popular and yes ol' Jimmy was a weak opponent who was made weaker by this simulated vulnerability. The Bush/Reagan admin had false flags, scandals, and unchecked CIA ops against a variety of politically unfriendly countries. In other words, the American public was swindled into wanting increased a shift away from Carter's peaceful overtures towards rampant American aggression. We got it in spades as a result. ---224311187 >>224308722 are you scared circle are you looking forward to this? ---224311193 >>224308722 >Israel has bombed Iranians Has Iran the same right to bomb Israelis in Syrian territory ie. Golan heights? ---224311255 >>224308722 Does this mean the BBC threads will finally end? ---224311265 Time to send in the goy slaves for the protracted ground occupation and nation building. ---224311368 So they literally just attacked Iraq? ---224311471 >>224311193 Israel needs to learn a hard lesson. They will fail miserably. ---224311646 >>224311164 >Cold War proxy wars during the Cold War Imagine my shock. ---224311833 >>224311021 >>224311193 But they were going to attack us ---224311855 >>224311833 Pic related ---224311979 >>224311833 >tfw you realize you’re just another proxy. Believed your own bullshit didn’t cha rabbi? ---224312046 >>224311855 Trump makes king of Jew comment. Prime Jew looks bad. Next day shit is exploding. Seems legit. ---224312475 >>224308722 You fags don't deserve your country and I hope your neighbours kill all of you. I get my way and I'm killing as many israelites as possible. Without you there'd be no korean war vietnman war afghanistan 9/11 the war on "terror" Every fucking one of you has to die to make this world work. All of you. ---224312764 >>224312475 Right... That worked out so well in Europe ---224312935 >>224308722 we miss you Hitler ---224312952 >>224310612 They didn't kill those hostages and it was totally provoked since a decade earlier the CIA overthrew their democratically elected government. And the US shot down a civilian airplane with 300 people on board and never apologised so objectively speaking you've done much worse to them than they did to you. ---224313116 >>224308722 Hardly the West's dirty work. Iran has always been a threat to Israel, and cheerfully proxies it's actions via various militias and such much like many nations do. After all the tanker seizures and such, a little explosive slap in the face is just what Iran deserves and probably expected. ---224313145 >>224308722 8 dead iranians so far, and this number is expected to rise. webm related one of the dead iranians after being hit by a drone, he looks pretty toast ---224313364 >>224312046 Trump still hasnt understood the idea of everything having consequences ---224313431 >>224308722 At least israel will be nuked ---224313434 >>224309858 God Hitler, like God Doom. No comma. ---224313485 >>224308722 Why don't those cowards fight back? No way would Americans support another war, especially for Israel while Israel is starting it. ---224313486 >>224313145 am yisrael chai! ---224313784 We're all gonna die! ---224313796 >>224308722 Who else wants to cram their cock in MORGAN ORTAGUS DSL's ? ---224313877 >>224308722 You stupid motherfuckers are gonna start world war 3 ---224314072 fucking kikes all need to be gassed ---224314145 >>224308722 >>224312805 PLEASE HALP ME FRENS ---224314221 >>224308722 >“If someone rises up to kill you, kill him first.” Who the fuck states such obvious shit as if it is some deep, profound conclusion pic related ---224314230 >>224313485 kek they were gonna this attack was a preemptive strike on the platforms from which they intended to fight back ---224314250 >>224311021 By invading Iran. ---224314438 >>224308722 ---224314456 >>224308722 Why the fuck dont you ally Iran to btfo Saudi braindead whabis? Are you really that obsessed with oil shekel? ---224314457 >>224311833 You've been attacking the in Syria for years now, with no counter attack by Iran. At this point, they have the RIGHT to attack you guys. ---224314511 >>224314250 Lmao that pic ---224315114 >>224314457 syria by invaded us and iran with unprovoked death threats and proxy attacks (or attempts), they (foolishly) started it. what a waste of resources for two nations whose citizens are hungry. ---224315141 Good luck Israel. Kill all of them! ---224315252 >>224313145 Looks like.... *combs hair* he got.... *wears sunglasses* BLOWN THE FUCK OUT! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! ---224315629 >>224315252 leave that flag alone, kid, it's been through enough without your CoD VPN LARP ---224315736 >>224315141 thank you friend ---224316175 >>224308722 You will never be uncircumcised ---224316204 >>224308722 What’s the difference between in Israeli and a corpse? ---224316222 >>224308722 What was urban moving systems doing on 9/11? ---224316231 Haha /pol/ is always so butthurt when we take care of our enemies. Very amusing to watch the pathetic genocidal wishful thinking. Keep being mad, maybe we'll kill you too when we have the time for it and if you pose an actual threat. ---224316259 >>224308722 OPs grandparents murdered Americans on the USS Liberty ---224316276 >>224308722 Circumcised. CIRCUMCISED!!!! Let this sink in ---224316319 Iran needs nuclear weapons to defend itself from Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US ---224316320 >>224308722 There is no such country as “Israel” show me this “Israel” on the map. It’s called Palestine. Which is what the ancient Greeks called it. Herodotus mentioned Palestine. But he doesn’t mention any jews ---224316380 >>224308722 The jews are a made up “people” of no antiquity or ancientness. jews if today are merely a heretical judean sect called Pharisees which is a name that implies a Persian origin ---224316404 >>224308722 The holocaust never happened, jew. It never happened. You circumcised diaper-wearing retard with your phony made up language ---224316447 >>224308722 “Hebrew” isn’t a real language it was “reconstructed” in the 1800s from Aramaic using a Polish accent you circumcised shit ---224316505 >>224308722 There is no such country as “Israel” it’s a shitty little metropolitan area surrounding the homosexual city of Tel Avivif we nuked Tel Aviv alone, half of all jews in the world would be instantly exterminated which makes me HARD ---224316507 He's smiling at you from the sky, Shlomo. Make him proud. ---224316536 >>224316507 Fuggg, forgot the pic. ---224316546 >>224316231 Haha you are circumcised Circumcised Circumcised Circumcised Circumcised Why even live? ---224316613 >>224308722 >doing the west’s dirty work U clearly are delusional. We support Iran not pissrael. ---224316643 >>224308722 I hope Jew-nose bibi gets it from the other nations soon. Pic-related. ---224316687 >>224316319 It's likely they already have them. They should be about equal to NK, at least in the nuclear weapons department. NK has to focus on ICBMs to threaten the US, which are far harder to get to work. Iran has been working on MRBMs, which aren't as hard; they just need to make sure Israel is in range, which it is. ---224316716 >>224316546 Another clear example for the rampant retardation around here. I feel sad for you. ---224316719 >>224308722 hell yeah. makes me so happy. fuck iran. hope our military isnt cucking out of any chances to beat those faggots up ---224316804 >>224316716 get in. ---224316863 >>224308722 >In the past few days Israel has bombed Iranians in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, once again doing the West's dirty work I have said it before and will say it again. I wish for an all out war between Israel and its neighbors without US intervention where the winner takes all and the rest are raped to death by the winner. Then the winning side can take back whatever remnants of their people they have scattered around the world. ---224316879 >>224316804 No thanks. ---224316946 >>224310690 >and install H.W. as president >1980 ---224316951 >>224308722 Bolton and the Jews probably came to an agreement to drag the U.S. into the war this way ---224317045 >>224316716 Don’t feel sorry for me. I want to unironically exterminate all Israelis. And after you are dead I want to cut off your circumcised little prick and stick in your mouth like the Syrians and Lebanese used to do to you. I think that’s funny as hell. The thought of dead Israelis gives me hope. it also gives me a massive chub and my foreskin recedes because I still have mine. Death to you ---224317056 >>224311833 Why would Iran/Syria attack you when they know your MO is to cry hysterically for all the world to hear? They know you have the American military by the balls, this makes as much sense as Assad using chemical weapons on civilians the day before American troops were set to leave. ---224317104 >>224316643 Muslims are extremely divisive and Israel has quite succesfully torn the Middle-East apart using this fact. How the fact are they gonna have any sort of united effort when you still have an ongoing war between Sunni's and Shia's not to mention the Kurds causing shit. Either way you gonna need some sort of western third-party like Nazi Germany to actually lead the effort, form the officer corps, plan the attack and prevent the inevitable squabbling so it doesn't end up in like a 6 Day War. ---224317155 >>224310612 cannot unsee ---224317205 >>224312764 I actually support the concept of a Jewish state, and I don't care that it's in the Levant, I just demand that all the diaspora move there. Except for the traitorous elites, we execute those. >>224314221 He's quoting Jewish religious literature, it's to get all the Orthodox Israelis pumped. ---224317227 >>224317045 Man, this sort of obsession is very unhealthy. Keep at it, it's funny. ---224317279 >>224317227 I don't know what his problem is, but answer me >>224317056 ---224317295 >>224310612 Nipples protruding--very very disrespectful. ---224317324 >>224316951 Yes. Israel wants Iran to attack back and cause serious enough causalities so that daddy Trump can say enough is enough with evil Iran. If they can't get Iran to attack back, I fully expect a FF attack on Israel pointing to Iran, but it'll be done by the usual suspects. Iran hasn't taken the bait, and probably won't. Hezbollah might start playing up, but Israel doesn't want that, as Hezbollah can inflict casualties to make Israel pay, but it won't bring the US into a war with Iran at all. ---224317379 >>224317056 Iran is a theocracy, Islam calls for it Syria is more about pride but to be fair they aren't very aggressive, its their hosting of iranian forces that gets them attacked. ---224317397 >>224317205 Nah, just execute them all. There are only a handful of them really. 14 million? You can remove half of that amount with a couple of nukes on and around Tel Aviv. In the US just start a rumor that nike will give blacks free shoes for life if they kill a single jew for revenge against slavery which was caused by the jewish-owned Atlantic slave trade. Those dumb niggers will finally make themselves useful and overnight our jewish problem will be resolved. Pogroms abroad will take care of the rest. It’s as simple as that ---224317412 Israel dies soon Tsunami™ ---224317424 >>224311833 You have to go back. ---224317440 >>224317324 >Israel doesn't want that neither do the majority of the lebanese ---224317461 >>224317205 >He's quoting Jewish religious literature Still, I mean I know the thread is quoting him quoting the desert fanfiction, but I find it hard to believe even back then that people heard the guy say that and went >Wow, it's all so clear now, no wonder I've been getting killed so much, I'm not killing the other guy first. Wheres your paper, find someone who can write, the future is going to love this. ---224317468 >>224317227 Who ever said it was healthy? I think about exterminating Israelis every other minute. It’s definitely not healthy. But your still here ---224317515 >>224317379 >MUH Iran Iran so far away! Wah the Arabs are throwing rocks! It’s like annuda shoa! ---224317590 >>224308722 Retard, if you want to do our work then gass yourselfs. Fucking imbecile. ---224317593 >>224317440 Hezbollah isn't the majority, but if they attack, then you'll be forced to fight them, and it'll be another 2007 or so. And the more civilians in Lebanon you kill with airstrikes, the more people sympathize with Hezbollah. You guys really just need to stop it all, as the only outcome will be Israel getting nuked, even if you nuke back, it's a loss for you. Israel is tiny. ---224317596 >>224308722 >once again doing the West's dirty work. Why would we care about Iran? What the fuck? ---224317623 >>224317440 You are circumcised. You are circumcised. Your little tiny jewish dick has a shriveled dry head. You keep in tucked in your IDF diaper I’m sure. When it’s not inside of some homosexual brown middle eastern Yemen-descended jewish child’s butthole of course. ---224317709 >>224313784 >Jews violate the NAP ---224317730 >>224317593 if we stop it all, we die. if they stop it all, we sign peace treaties and go on our merry ways. we'll take our chances. we're doing much better than they are, they are the big losers in this conflict. ---224317793 >>224310690 Yep, George H. W. Bush was the director of the CIA, crafters of the false flags that have led millions of America to die for Israel. Pompeo, former director of the CIA, is an even more blatant shill. The last two defense secretaries have been chief executives at Boeing and Raytheon. The machine will rage on - Israel, Military Industrial Complex, Wall Street, and Oil ---224317825 >>224316643 To the West of Isreal is basically a null-threat. Same for the south basically. ---224317831 >>224317424 No please ---224317842 >>224312764 As long as they don't fuck with Russia, offing you all won't be an issue for anyone. ---224317861 >>224317379 Firstly, Syria is a sovereign state, and has an ally in Iran, so that doesn't 'get them attacked' unless you are willing to admit that Israel is perpetually on the offensive whilst claiming to be acting defensively. Note also that Israel, backed by the world hegemon, is occupying Syrian territory in the Golan Heights. Secondly, while Iran is a theocracy formally, you know as well as I that a good part of the Israeli desire to expand comes from revisionist Zionism with roots in devout Judaism. So Israeli is not as secular as it seems. Though I admit that neither is America so secular, our foreign policy is controlled by Jewish neocons and their Christian Zionist pets. So again, assuming for a minute that Iran does actually desire to attack Israel in an unprovoked offensive, how is this tactically prudent? Syria is just barely finished dealing with the American and Israeli military in the civil war, not to mention the American-Israeli funded ISIS mercenaries, so why in the world would they want to make an attack so blatant when they know Jews and Christians in America are just itching to go to war with them? ---224317864 >>224317730 >if we stop it all, we die. That genetic defect for paranoia is showing again, schizo ---224317931 >>224317730 >going our own ways So subverting host countries? It will be better that Iran nuke pissrael. And the west sign peace treaties with Muslims. All of the worlds problems is solved. ---224317961 The Syria campaign didn’t go so well for the jews and I have a feeling they are going to be all alone when Assad rapes Israel like the whores they are! ---224317967 >>224311471 They will never fail so long as Trump and boomers are in power, which will be for at least another decade or more. ---224318009 >>224317397 As despicable as they are, I only want them all to return from diaspora, where they are a constant nuisance and threat to us. Many diaspora Jews, and Israeli Jews, are secular atheists, and I think Israel could use some temperance given that they are dominated by religious zealots currently. >>224317623 Are you a child? ---224318011 >>224317730 No, you aren't going to die if you stop, because no one will invade you since you have nukes. But if you force Iran into a corner and have big buddy regime change them, then you'll end up nuked. See how it works? Think US versus Russia. If one started attacking the other, it WILL lead to nuclear conflict between the 2, which is why they don't do it. You're basically putting yourself on the path to destruction. ---224318030 >>224317056 Iranian proxies (Hamas, Hezbullah, Shi'ite militias - in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria) have attacked us numerous times and are always attempting to bring their hostile intentions against us to fruition - whether its transfer of weaponry for future attacks or an actual attack. Our own attacks on such proxies (and the Revolutionary Guard itself) in Syria and Iraq are all about either limiting their capabilities or preventing such attacks. We handle our own shit, we don't need American soldiers to fight for us. Frankly, it was US policy under Obama that allowed Iranian adventurism and influence to grow, not to mention the war in Iraq which created a power vacuum for the Iranians to exploit (our PM at the time, Sharon, told the Americans that invading Iraq was a bad idea). If the USA wasn't so gung ho about the Middle East, Israel would be in a better position vis-a-vis Iran. ---224318065 >>224308722 If it weren't for the kike loving Muricans, that country would have been none existence. ---224318077 Cant Mossad the Assad, you are just going to have to go back........ to the oven. ---224318147 >>224318030 What right do you have atacc anyone in Syria, Syria is our rightful colonial clay ---224318207 >>224317861 >Firstly, Syria is a sovereign state let me stop you right there. if following the rules get us killed, we won't follow them. simple as. they flaunt their intentions in the open. if they want peace they can sign a peace treaty like jordan and egypt. >occupying Syrian territory conquest in a war they started, its legitimate. >assuming for a minute that Iran does actually desire to attack Israel why assume, they have been doing just that from the 80's. back when iran was secular we didnt bother them and they didnt bother us. >why in the world would they want to make an attack religion is not rational >>224317931 dream on toothpaste >>224318011 >trust the arabs bro nope. but you can... have some over. ---224318212 >>224318030 >our ---224318239 >>224318147 Don’t let the jew get to you ---224318301 ITT we talk about jews and ovens. ---224318351 >>224318147 We have agreements with Putin, buddy. It's a win-win situation, as he certainly doesn't like Iranian meddling in Syria (if you've not paid attention, the "Syrian army" is basically divided between Iranian and Russian controlled units) ---224318383 >>224318207 Lol "toothpaste" that was funny kike ---224318391 >>224318030 >We handle our own shit No you don't Germany built you three submarines, in your early years your tanks and jets were given you from France, the UK and America, our taxpayers give Israel billions yearly so you can buy our weapons (further enriching our military industrial complex, perhaps the most corrupt group of corporations in the world) and pawn off our tech to China and other adversaries of ours. >our PM at the time, Sharon, told the Americans that invading Iraq was a bad idea Are you going to play stupid and ignore the indisputable fact that Jewish neoconservatives in the American govt were the ones drawing up plans for war, fabricating evidence (like the false Israeli intelligence claim that Mohammad Atta met with an Iraqi official in Prague) and pushing American public opinion towards war through the Jewish near monopoly of our press? With allies like Israel, who needs enemies? ---224318419 >>224318351 >agreement ---224318610 >>224318030 lest we forget a false flag sparked the predictable war morale to invade the east. Youre contradicting your masters. Im hopeful israel will be a glass parking lot. ---224318688 >>224308722 fuck you, you bomb them and then they all flee to europe hitler truly did nothing wrong ---224318719 >agreement ---224318724 >>224318207 >we won't follow them Yet you expect the rest of the world to follow these same laws. Not to mention religious Jews demanding we follow Noahide laws. >conquest in a war they started, its legitimate I might be inclined to agree with you here. However, that doesn't mean Syria can't fight to get it back, and I would support them doing so. You want a double standard where land you annex is justified as spoils of war, but then you whine and moan in the press that the Arabs and Persians are fighting to get it back. Keep in mind that they feel they are justified in fighting Israel because you became a nation by colonizing Palestine. Not that I care, personally, my main issue is that Jews have one foot in Israel, one foot in diaspora. You are two faced. >religion is not rational I agree, and religious Jews tend to be among the most irrational. Take our Christian Zionists too, we'll deport them to Israel since they want to be Jews so much. ---224318773 Here’s Israeli agreement. ---224318776 Hezbollah expected to attack Israel in the next 4 hours ---224318881 >>224318776 Good I hope a missile hits your house. ---224318902 >>224318776 one can hope. ---224318978 >>224318776 >>224318207 >>224318030 One of you Jews, respond: >>224318391 >>224318724 I actually enjoy talking to you when you aren't hiding behind a VPN or memeflag. ---224318981 >>224318391 By handle our own shit, I mean actually fight our own wars. Of course we were never completely able to be industrially self-sufficient. Anyways, neocons are bad. They care more about Spreading Democracy and making money than about looking out for Israel, though. The Iraq war was definitely NOT in Israel's interest. Not going to defend Jewish neocons (or Jewish Progressives for that matter). ---224319088 >>224308722 Israel terror bombs civilians and commits massive unprovoked aggression proving once again total judaic racist supremacism worldwide talpiot unit 8200 child porn and black pedo satanism everywhere all run out of the demon fuck head mind of lucifer possessed kikes ---224319173 >>224311855 another faked lie, after years of terror bombing and the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of civiliand the terrorist fuck mouthed jew tells lies to justify the terror bombing and murder of thousands pathetic, remember just last year the kikes murdered hundreds of peaceful protestors and injured thousands of Palestianisn ---224319196 >>224312764 >>224312475 correct no USSR no international jewish communist terror war ---224319263 >>224312764 yeah its callled the holohoax fake news propaganda and using white goyim to slaughter each other, look ussr terrorist fuck mouthed juden, we will kill you you are dead, you will burn in hell rat faced talmudic fuck you zog media, zog intel agencies, and zog power matrix, kikes are damned, kill them all ---224319283 >>224310592 Who fucking cares it's not like the nukes are flying. Wake me up after a world leader gets assassinated, then we can worry about a war. A real war, not just bibi and his pet dogs fucking with the Arabs. ---224319491 >>224317324 this ---224319540 >>224318724 >Yet you expect the rest of the world to follow these same laws wheres the problem? if a different state X wants to fuck up another state Y, Y is allowed to attack X. >You want a double standard where land you annex is justified one standard. conquest for defense is valid, conquest for offense is not. >I agree, and religious Jews tend to be among the most irrational religious jews don't call the shots, religious arabs do ---224319545 >>224313796 My god that woman is beautiful. ---224319549 >>224318981 >They care more about Spreading Democracy and making money than about looking out for Israel, though. Don't lie to me, you're mocking my intelligence. All of the neocons that weaseled their way into control over our foreign policy had closer ties to Israel than most American Jews, to the point that I would execute them for treason, not 'dual loyalty'. Israel feared Hussein because he was a Baathist strongman, just like they fear Assad because he's a Baathist and Iran because they are theocratic; they feared the United Arab Republic in 1958, they feared an Algeria independent from France (which JFK supported as Senator), and they feared Nasser because he wasn't a religious nut like the Muslim Brotherhood that Israel supports, but rather a shrewd nationalist. Israel doesn't like Baathism because Arab states working together is threatening to you. So yes, going to war in Iraq was more about destabilizing the region, very much in Israel's interest. Now that the west realizes how stupid the war was, and resent the American and Israeli govts for lying about weapons of mass destruction and unsubstantiated links to al-Qaeda, Israel's policy is to pretend that America acted alone, and Jewish neocons acting in Israel's interest had nothing to do with it. Britons hate Tony Blair for playing along, Frenchmen and Germans hate their govts for playing along, Americans, the non deluded ones, hate their govt for starting the whole thing by allowing Israel to run our foreign policy. Israel is the common denominator. You screwed the pooch. Not only do Arabs hate you, but your white allies will eventually abandon you because they will realize that you are backstabbing. ---224319653 >>224314438 goodmap ---224319718 >>224316231 shu t the fuck up you impotent world domination terror kike it didn't but thanks to hubris the dfie is cast and you child fuck bolshevik terror of the world from Russia to CHINA HAS ALL GOYIM EYES ON YOU PREPARE TO DIE JUDENRAT SCUM ---224319723 >>224317412 BASED ---224319736 >>224317424 GOOD REPLY ---224319860 >>224317461 you sound retarded the kikes hate God they worship themselves and satan also its not fiction PISSRAEL gets destroyed again and again this imposter pissrael is not even the real one it s a central asian kabbalah cult of imposter heebs with schizo ultra conspiratorial tendencies and has a bunch of satanic cults under its control the church aka real Israel the faithful its butchered hence the ZOG hells of the west and east ---224319920 >>224318776 Hezbollah cowards backing down, saying in 4 hours they will decide whether to attack Israel or not ---224319929 >>224318776 Good, I hope your entire fucking country burns. You greedy kikes are almost due for your centurial dose of karma. ---224319943 >>224319540 >If Israel wants to fuck up the United States, the United States is allowed to attack Israel. No, I see no problem. 9/11 was orchestrated by the Israeli 'deep state' with the help of sayanim with American citizenship and treacherous gentiles. It constituted an act of war and if our government was controlled by American patriots we would have gone to war against Israel, not Iraq. The USS Liberty incident was covered up by traitor LBJ. The JFK assassination was facilitated by the same Israeli deep state as carried out 9/11, alongside treacherous gentile opportunists and sayanim. America has every right to attack you, both for subversion and outright attack, even if they were covert attacks. >religious jews don't call the shots In Israel they do. >conquest for defense is valid, conquest for offense is not. I mean, I don't actually care about this, I even thing offensive conquest is justified under some conditions. But the international community wanted Israel to return to status quo ante bellum, as is usual in such events, which you did not. ---224319989 >>224319920 Post your nose ---224320020 If I can get one of these Jews to admit to Jewish American subversion in America to serve Israeli interests, I will go on the record as a bona fide antisemite that supports the legitimacy of Israel. Quid pro quo. ---224320041 >has goyim fight wars for him >calls others cowards ---224320049 >>224319549 i fear the deluded will stay the majority and millions more die. ---224320105 >the jew cries in pain as he strikes you ---224320205 >>224319943 What was the motive of the liberty incident? It obviously wasn’t an accident but at the same time it doesn’t seem to serve Israel’s interests to kill a bunch of American soldiers when they’re already at war with Egypt. ---224320232 >>224319860 >>224319736 >>224319723 >>224319718 >>224319653 chill, dude, you are going to have a stroke. HE AINT WORTH IT BRAH ---224320290 >>224320205 you must be new here. ---224320295 >>224308722 Based ---224320310 >>224319943 if your government knew and supported the act, its not an act of war. moreover, if we're in /x/ realm now, some say the USS liberty was there to spy on us and give egypt intel because uncle sam didn't like israel getting as strong as it is. that would be the US betraying israel and not the other way around. >I even thing offensive conquest is justified under some conditions alright to clarify, my opinion is that all conquest is validm always. i meant that the standard that we want the international community to adhere to (and it does to a large degree) is that conquest for defense is justified and conquest for offense isn't. >In Israel they do. alright now that we know you're retarded i can stop responding. we drive our cars on sabbath to eat cheeseburgers with calamares as an antre and then you show up to meme this bs. they decide who can marry in israel, thats all. ---224320404 we have never relied on the west in previous existential crises before and we handled insane odds before , don't get me wrong American military aid is very appreciated and helpful, but Iran like all challengers before them are a challenge to be overcome. ---224320408 >>224312475 >to stop war, we're going to start a war! The absolute state of NEETSOCs ---224320424 >>224308722 Literally what claim does your people have to any fucking land, period? Everywhere the jew goes, the jew destroys. You are a fucking parasite. Get nuked and get fucked. I hope your country burns so that my tax dollars quit going directly to the literal worst living organism on this rock. Fuck you and FUck Israel. ---224320441 >>224308722 >doing the West's dirty work How? I don't give a shit about what happens in your stupid desert. ---224320470 >>224320049 And yet every time I point out the indisputable fact that Christian Zionism is what causes this outright treason, all I get from non-Zionist and anti-Zionist Christians is 'they don't represent all Christians' or 'they aren't real Christians' or muh Scofield Bible or somesuch. It is Christian eschatological fantasies that are giving them power over American nationalists, even more than Jewish neconservative subversion and their control of the lügenpresse. >>224320205 Israel intended to pass the attack off as an Egyptian attack towards the US, just like the Lavon Affair. When that failed, they claimed they thought it was an Egyptian vessel, and LBJ ran with that story even though he knew it was bullshit because Jews bankrolled his campaign and got him into office by splattering the brains of his predecessor. Not that we had any doubt, but recently the Israeli audit tapes were revealed in which the fighter pilots and ground control both show they knew it was an American ship. ---224320486 >>224313796 >>224319545 Meh she looks fake and old ---224320519 >>224316231 Based and red pilled ---224320608 >>224317730 >if we stop it all, we die. You had 3000 years to make friends with the rest of the world, and instead you chose to subvert and make enemy with the entire world. It's not your fault individually of course, but don't be surprised that the rest of the world either wants to kill you or watch you get killed. ---224320646 Yo dawg, i heard you like the old testament. So we will make you roam the desert, without a country, for 40years. ---224320720 >>224308722 >preemptive strikes >Iranian aggression God forgive me, but I hate (((them))) ---224320721 >>224320608 All of the smartest and most powerful people are on Israel's side. It's time for you to accept that you hate them because they are better than you in every way. ---224320769 >>224320519 Wrong ---224320967 >general statement and ad hominem ---224320991 >>224320310 >the USS liberty was there to spy on us and give egypt intel because uncle sam didn't like israel getting as strong as it is I doubt that given how cozy LBJ was with Israel, but even if it were true, it would be a very different matter if you did it outright. Instead you lied about it for decades, slandered the survivors of the attack, and used the press to label anyone who correctly claimed that Israel purposefully attacked a US ship antisemites. People wouldn't hate Jews so much if they weren't such compulsive liars as a rule. Attacking a US ship is fine if you were openly an adversary. False flagging and then lying about it whilst pretending to be an ally makes whites hate you. >>224320310 I've been to Israel before, fren, I know all this. Just because Israel isn't theocratic does not mean that Judaism isn't a major influence on revisionist Zionist politics à la Likudniks. As for conquest, we agree and I think international law is mostly bullshit anyways. But you haven't said anything about Jewish control of press in the US, neoconservatism as an almost entirely Jewish movement, the JFK assassination or 9/11. I am trying to get you Israelis to understand something: Muslim complaints against Israel because of what happened to the Palestinians is one thing. Whites have our own beef with Israel and it has nothing to do with Arabs. You might survive by alienating the Muslims, but you will not survive when secular white westerns oppose you because we will stop supporting you agains the Arabs and Persians. ---224321088 >>224308722 Still mad that Assad cucked you? ---224321115 >>224320020 Not going to do that, because I don't think that the picture of subversion that you've painted in this thread is accurate (after Nasser, Baathism was never a real threat to Israel. Currently its Islamism that is a threat, as pan-Arab nationalism is basically completely bankrupt and has no power. Saddam was a joke). You think that Israel has far more influence that it actually does. That plenty of rich neocon and progressive Jews were and are involved in doing a whole lot of shitty things is definitely true though, but overall they don't do those things to help Israel. Lots of these shitty things are also against Israel's interest - look at Soros for example, he funds subversive NGOs in Israel just like he does all over the West. Progressive Jews are frankly our common enemy, and ultimately all Jews should find their home in Israel (some will have to be reeducated). But we can't solve the Progressive Problem if Israel is conflated with anti-nationalist cosmopolitans. Understand that there is a deep divide in the Jewish world. ---224321149 >>224316231 Seeking to humiliate, and also steers discussion in a certain direction, among other aspects, but without a care for the discussion itself or what happens if it is sacrificed. Can one take the survival of the human species for granted? Can the human species survive the Jews? Can Jews survive themselves? If the Jews were the only people on Earth, with a great starting point reg. technology, infrastructure, organization, etc., would you nonetheless end up completely eradicating yourselves sooner or later, unlike many or most other peoples put in a similar situation? Can the human species survive sacrifice and destruction of truth, of the systems that find, protect, preserve truth, and the systems that protect these systems, etc.? ---224321253 >>224321115 >Understand that there is a deep divide in the Jewish world. This is a fully intentional lie, and there is no doubt about that. See also >>224321149 . ---224321397 >>224308722 >Iranian agression lol at these filthy lying kikes ---224321440 >>224320721 I hate them because of their hypocrisy. Constantly denouncing white supremacy, when we simply want to defend our interests, while at the same time espousing the jewish supremacist crap you just posted. ---224321522 >>224320991 the US has done more false flags than the rest of the world combined. if you're gonna condemn a nation for creating false flags you're first on the list. and likkudniks aren't religious, they are traditional. most of them do not follow even the most basic religious rules. >Progressive Jews are frankly our common enemy, and ultimately all Jews should find their home in Israel (some will have to be reeducated). But we can't solve the Progressive Problem if Israel is conflated with anti-nationalist cosmopolitans. Understand that there is a deep divide in the Jewish world. with this i 100% agree. itsj ust a matter of time this ends though ---224321712 >>224321253 For an example of this, communism (which was created and spread by Jews for multiple purposes, first and foremost in order to destroy nations and peoples from the inside-out and the outside-in. And consider then the many genocides committed by communists) and Jewish capitalism are portrayed as opposed to each other. But that is likewise a fully intentional lie. Similarly, Winston Churchill sought in a 1920 article to give a picture of communists and religious/Zionist Jews as being opposed, but it seems likely that he knew that was fully false: The )))early Soviet Union((( supported the creation of Israel, and Jews were granted various privileges, view for instance . ---224321734 >>224321149 Lol we've basically survived longer than anyone else around, and under incredibly precarious situations. Man, so much contentless fluff being posted here. ---224321782 die, yid ---224321802 >>224321115 >pan-Arab nationalism is basically completely bankrupt and has no power I agree, and I support Saadeh's Syrian nationalism over Baathism. Nevertheless, pan-Arab nationalism would be a major mortal threat to Israel were it to have power, which is why Israel tries what it can to do away with it. You are trying to minimize Hussein as a foreign policy concern to discredit the idea that Israel and Jewish Americans would carry out 9/11, lie about WMDs and fabricate evidence linking al-Qaeda to Iraw to justify the war (I already mentioned the Mohammad Atta Prague lie in another post). Pic related, it's from Wikipedia and thus represents even the mainstream opinion. >Soros We can talk about progressive Jews if you want, but that's not what I was talking about. I recognize the differences between various Jewish groups, unlike some ignoramuses on this board. I was, however, talking about neoconservatives. >overall they don't do those things to help Israel Again, you are pretending to play stupid and brazenly mocking me. Neocons have very strong ties to Israel, and were fairly open about acting for ethnic interests. >ultimately all Jews should find their home in Israel Totally agree, sooner rather than later. If Jews actually were actively returning from diaspora in the west, then I would actively support Israel against Islamists. Quid pro quo. However, Jews know they have it comfortable in diaspora, and continue to subvert. ---224321927 >>224321734 >survived longer than anyone else around, and under incredibly precarious situations It's probably going to end this century though, because now we have global means of communication, so you can't shit up a place for 100 years and move somewhere else, rinse, repeat. The entire world is wising up to your antics. ---224321959 >>224320721 >you hate them because they are better than you in every way. >better to be sure (((they're))) the best at psychopathy ---224321991 >>224321522 >Progressive Jews are frankly our common enemy, and ultimately all Jews should find their home in Israel (some will have to be reeducated). But we can't solve the Progressive Problem if Israel is conflated with anti-nationalist cosmopolitans. Understand that there is a deep divide in the Jewish world. >with this i 100% agree. itsj ust a matter of time this ends though This is a fully intentional lie. See also >>224321253 >the Jews in the USA, early Soviet Union, Israel and Jews elsewhere has done more false flags than the rest of the world combined. Fixed. ---224322059 >>224321397 look at the amerimutts shilling for kikes ITT ---224322168 >>224321115 >cont. >Richard Perle Assistant Sec of Defense; on Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee from Reagan to Bush Jr 1987-2003; PNAC; American Enterprise Institute. Published a paper for Netanyahu and Likud "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm": >Among the group’s arguments was the idea that “removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq [was] an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right.” >Paul Wolfowitz Deputy Secretary of Defense under Bush Jr. >“a major architect of President Bush’s Iraq policy and, within the Administration, its most passionate and compelling advocate” >Douglas Feith Pentagon official; Investigated by the FBI for espionage via his connections to AIPAC. >among the chief facilitators of the U.S. war in Iraq >One investigation, by the Department of Defense’s inspector general (IG), was set up to assess whether the Office of Special Plans (OSP), a specialized outfit set up by Feith within the Pentagon to scrutinize intelligence on Iraq, deliberately skewed information about the regime of Saddam Hussein (New York Times, May 25, 2006) >Michael Ledeen Worked for Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. >“Michael Ledeen had been accused of being involved in the forgery which claimed that Saddam Hussein had bought yellowcake in Niger.” >Scooter Libby Assistant to Bush Jr and Cheney. >“British Secretary of State for Justice Jack Straw said of Libby: “It’s a toss-up whether [he] is working for the Israelis or the Americans on any given day.” ---224322346 >>224308722 >once again doing the West's dirty work Israel tried to bait USA to wage war on Iran, it failed. Tried to do the same with UK but failed too. Seems like you ran out of zogged countries to fuel your war effort. Muh WMDs, muh sarin, muh attack on tankers and all that other shit. People are just tired of your tricks. Since creation of Israel, middle east was nothing but never ending shitstorm. Your rogue state on muh holy land brought nothing but misery to this world and continues to do so at increasing rate. It was never in interest of west in general to help you keep your tiny, holy desert shithole. It is however in interest of your fucking unholy triple alliance "USA-ISRAEL-SAUDIS". USA gets to defend petrodollar economy from foreign suppliers of oil and customarily steals oil. Petrodollar is the reason why only in USA you can measure time in inflation. Saudis just are happy that another supplier of oil gets eliminated. Kikes are just rubbing hands that many of oil countries are nearby arab states. Your whole country is built on human greed, which doesn't surprise me at all because if there was someone knowing greed, it would be a kike. I'm happy to see that you kikes yourself have to start your funny wars now. ---224322357 >>224322168 >Jack Straw ---224322503 >>224309858 >God Hitler was right ---224322520 >>224321522 I wholeheartedly agree that America is a duplicitous liar like Israel. Unlike you, I active oppose my government as an illegitimate regime that doesn't represent my interests, nor the interests of the majority of my people (Anglosaxon Americans). Can you say the same? You are also ignoring much of what I wrote. I don't oppose Israel because of the Palestinian Arab plight, like the left does. I oppose Israel because of your subversion of my government. The fact that you pretend to be an ally while you act like an adversary is just the cherry on top. And as I said here, >>224321802 while you and I see eye to eye on the diaspora ending, it doesn't look like American Jews are in a hurry to get out of here. There's, what 5 million Jews here, 6 million in Israel? I would even support expansion of Israel's borders if they took each and every last Jew from this country (excepting of course, the subversive elites and prominent activists, who will be forced to stand trial). ---224322598 >>224310346 we did bomb ISIS, just in Sinai, not Syria. because Egypt asked us for help. ---224322652 >>224317424 ---224322769 >>224321734 >Lol we've basically survived longer than anyone else around, [...] But have you survived on your own, or among host nations? And even when you had kingdoms, how much did you depend on others? On assassins? On genociding others? Would you have been able to sustain your kingdoms without others around? Or would you have jewed yourselves to ruin and death? And what consequences have your actions had on the world? Spreading Islam? Creating communism? Spreading your ancestral brothers and sisters the Bantus (ancestral both genetically and culturally, such as reg. circumcision)? Without Europeans or other non-Jews to genesteal from and help offset the destruction you cause to both yourselves and others, will your nation decay? You seem most similar to the Bantus, but somehow even much, much more evil. ---224322787 >>224321088 >the man who has no balls to retaliate for our strikes cucked us ???? ---224322864 >>224320310 >if your government knew and supported the act, its not an act of war. In the interest of fairness, I will agree with you here. It wasn't technically an act of war if the traitors in our government were in on it, but that doesn't mean we won't take it as an attack on the nation as a whole. Regardless of the fact that the American government had a hand in orchestrating 9/11, that does not absolve Israel of its culpability. The truth will out one day. ---224322959 >>224322520 i ignore what is /x/ tier. israel can't subvert america. the american government (including the many non-jews) have to play ball, and they do, for their own reasons, when it suits them. same goes for diaspora. they act in their own interest, sometimes it works well for us and sometimes not. american jews are there under american law, we can't take them away by force, and you won't do it, so they are there to stay... with time they will work less in our favor and more in their own, thats the only thing that will change, for the detriment of everyone that isn't them. >>224322864 did you consider the possibility that 9/11 was entirely american and we just capitalized on it? what if thats the truth? ---224322964 >>224308722 may the muslims kill a lot of jews, may the jews kill a lot of muslims ---224323075 >>224321115 >>224322168 cont. I'll just list these names, since I already gave five of the ringleaders ties to Israel and evidence tying the push for the Iraq war to Israeli interests (needless to say, all these named individuals are Jews, and thus have loyalty to Israel and not America; there is no 'dual loyalty'): >Charles Krauthammer >Stephen Bryen >David Frum >Robert Kagan >David Wurmser >Dov Zakheim >Henry Kissenger >Norman and John Podhoretz >Elliot Abrams >Frederick and Donald Kagan >Alan Dershowtiz >Daniel Pipes >Eliot Cohen >Irving and Bill Kristol >Max Boot >James Schlesinger >Marc Grossman >Joshua Bolten ---224323176 >>224322503 Is that a Jewish shill? Reminds me of the Israeli Jewish youth that were convicted of somehing like 2000 bomb threats against Jews: I cannot help but get the impression that Jews are generally incapable and unwilling to care about the world and things overall, only being to pretend to at most. And it might be because those Jews that are both willing to and capable of caring genuinely are at an extreme disadvantage, especially among their own. ---224323335 >>224323176 >it’s da jooz >we definitely don’t look like that ---224323425 >>224322168 Look, I don't know enough about this group of people and the amount of influence they had in nudging America to invade Iraq. I also don't currently have the time to research all of this as I should be writing a paper. But let's say you're right - let's suppose that neocons pushed for the invasion MAINLY due to loyalty to Israel. If they did, it was an even bigger mistake on their part, and I repudiate them and any Israeli organization that allowed or directed them to do so. Nowadays, neocons have much less power and that's a good thing. Imperialism is bad. I'm not going to argue about Mossad involvement in 9/11: believe what you will, but said elaborate conspiracy theory doesn't seem like the best possible explanation for 9/11 whatsoever. Too many working parts. Genuine Islamic terrorism makes much more sense. But again, I don't see the point in arguing over this, since conspiracy theorism is more of a faith based phenomenon than a rational one. ---224323692 >>224313784 ---224323751 >>224323335 >>224323425 Have you considered the possibility that your extreme insincerity and sacrifice of truth is detrimental and dangerous not just to others, but to yourselves and your own, not from revenge by others, but directly due to the consequences of your actions? I get the impression that you generally hate everyone and everything, yourselves included. And that at least some part of your core might actively seek the extinction of the human species, with nothing left afterwards. I do very much hope I am wrong about this latter part, though it is not responsible to assume such, especially given things. ---224323787 >>224322959 >i ignore what is /x/ tier. This is equivalent to waving away evidence by calling it a 'conspiracy theory' or some similar way of avoiding details. None of what I said is /x/ tier, unlike aliens and bigfoot, political subversion is common throughout history and the evidence is overwhelming that Israel has subverted the American government. Even mainstream political theories like Mearsheimer agree, even though it's taboo to talk about because of Jewish press control and activism on the part of groups like ADL. Of course the gentiles in our govt have their own interests, being as they are, not Jewish with ethnic interests in Israel. However, they are put into power by Jewish and Christian Zionist billionaires, who get first preference in advising who staffs the executive branch. They also buy out our politicians, partly through simple lobbying (AIPAC is exempt from registering as a foreign lobby of Israel) and partly through slandering them through Jewish owned press and Semitic activist organizations like the ADL. As for the Jews in govt, it's pretty obvious where their loyalties lie. I'll ignore people like Bernie Sanders and other progressives, since we are talking about neoconservatives, who have dominated the foreign policy establishment outside of govt in thinktanks and inside govt from the Reagan administrations on. >american jews are there under american law >with time they will work less in our favor and more in their own Regrettably they are citizens, and the constitution makes it difficult to repatriate millions of Jews to Israel. Nevertheless, didn't we agree that ultimately all Jews should return to Israel? My support for Israel is conditional on this point. I will actively oppose Israel until Jews start returning from diaspora. I understand you can't change that as an individual, I am merely giving my reasons. I don't irrationally hate Israel like many here do. ---224323904 >>224322503 what a Chad ---224323924 >>224323751 >da jooz ---224324114 >>224323924 ---224324264 >>224323924 Very good misdirection among other aspects, but I would still very much like answers to my questions and arguments, or at least some of my questions and arguments, such as in: >>224323176 >>224322769 ---224324364 >>224323425 Well perhaps you are being genuine and aren't aware, though I find that hard to believe. But Jews in America are no good—progressive Jews are a headache for the same reason they are a headache in Israel; neoconservative Jews are subversive rats that are loyal to Israel. And actually, neocons still control foreign policy, Trump himself is incredibly tied up with Israel, through Kushner, through his campaign supporters like Adelson and American Likudniks, and through leftovers from the Bush admin like John Bolton (obv not Jewish himself). >conspiracy theorism is more of a faith based phenomenon than a rational one About 9/11, that would take its own thread. Keep in mind that the official narrative about 19 al-Qaeda highjackers is still a conspiracy theory by defintion, so using that label and calling it 'faith based' and irrational won't work here. Furthermore, I can't be sure how aware average Israelis are about this information, so I won't blame you for playing dumb. Suffice to say that you are wrong that Israel's documented connection to the event 'doesn't seem like the best possible explanation'. Rather it's the only explanation that makes sense. Obviously not only Jews were involved, and the gentiles in American govt had their own interests in carrying it out, but Israel is the locus of all the evidence. The so called Islamic terrorists were not the devout Muslims they were said to be; al-Qaeda is a creation of the intelligence community just like ISIS for the purposes of justifying war; the documentation linking American Zionist Jews and Israelis at all steps of the process, from planning to execution to coverup and media disinformation require ignoring all this evidence to be rather more irrational and faith based than the conspiracy theory you are slandering. ---224324416 >>224324114 1948 1956 1967 1967(war of attrition) 1973 1982 2006 2008 2012 2014 ---224324624 >>224324416 Unlike the others, I would personally support Zionism if it was what is proposes to be—Jewish nationalism. If diaspora Jews migrated to Israel and lived there, I would support Zionism. But they don't. They have one foot in, one foot out. As a tribe, they are internationalist, and Israel only facilitates this internationalism. Gone are the days of Herzl's nationalism, today you have Jewish Zionists living in diaspora, which is exactly what Herzl said caused anti-Semitism. All diaspora Jews should return to Israel and stop meddling in our affairs. ---224324945 >>224322769 >But have you survived on your own? yes, picrel Also Norway, Denmark, Luxembourg and Finland are the most gay friendly countris in the world. Why would white people push degenerate shit in countries they inhabit then blame it on others? >On June 17, 2008, the Norwegian Parliament, the Storting, approved a law that allowed same sex couples to enjoy the same matrimonial rights as heterosexual couples. One of the first countries in the world to do so, is the Norwegian Parliament jewish? Two years later gay marriage have been leglalized in Iceland. Is the Icelandic parliament jewish? No? Then fuck off ---224325049 >>224323787 i don't disagree with most of what you said, i just don't have much i can do about it. i think time will sort it all out on its own, starting with the progressives not being considered as jewish by us and possibly you. ---224325064 >>224324945 Homosexuality is irrelevant to this discussion. Address me: >>224324624 ---224325086 >>224320720 God hates (((them))) too, or at least most of what they stand for. "Their ancestors" were God's chosen to act as a light to all mankind, but fucked it up by disobeying at every turn, and seeking to kill the Prophets God sent to guide (((them))), because they saw themselves as being the shot-callers and not needing guidance. The prophet they were waiting for was Jesus, but they couldn't stand Jesus rebuking their greedy corrupt ways and so denied him. According to OT law, anyone crucified and left to hang overnight earns God's wrath. They believed they crucified Jesus, and in doing so disproved him as being a rightful prophet, and carried on with their shitty ways, and are still waiting for this Messiah to this day. Yonks ago they believed in and would intimidate the local non-Jews with the notion that when their Messiah comes, non-Jews will be massacred, and I'd bet this is the ideology most Rabbis still hold today ---224325366 >>224324624 but are those Jews zionists though(for the most part at least)? ---224325406 >>224325064 >All diaspora Jews should return to Israel and stop meddling in our affairs Why? Do you apply the same demands from more than 300 million white people who live outside Europe to return home? No? Then fuck off, hypocrite However, I do agree that ardent Zionist jews should live in Israel, and jews in general should stop advocating for increaed immigration ---224325412 >>224324945 (((Pilpul intensifies))) ---224325445 >>224325049 >i think time will sort it all out on its own In case you haven't noticed, your people are very keen on keeping our borders open to benefit themselves because they are hyperparanoid of a nationalist uprising and the pogroms that usually follow. All this could be solved if they fled to Israel. > progressives not being considered as jewish by us and possibly you Absolutely not. They are just as Jewish as you, have just as much right to live in your ethnostate and eventually they will be your problem to deal with, not ours. They will never be accepted as Americans, nor as Frenchmen, nor as Germans, or Russians, or Pollacks, or Argentinians or Britons etc etc etc. They are and will be Jews, and the only final solution is Jewish nationalism. Both Zionists and anti-Semites see eye to eye here, surely we could be temporarily allies to facilitate the process. ---224325607 >>224325366 Don't worry bro, I'm a diaspora myself and would gladly support Israel over muttland. ---224325664 >>224325412 >Pilpul is only used by Jooos! This is your mind on antisemitism. ---224325682 >>224324945 You do not even believe your own arguments. You are again lying fully intentionally. Have you considered the consequences of such sacrifice of truth? Overall? For yourselves? ---224325705 >>224315252 you faggot glow in the darks are always embarrassingly behind in meme trends ---224325820 >>224325705 >muh spooks. Back to /x/ with you, faggot. ---224325824 >>224316863 It happened in the past all got rekt hard :( I feel sad for Swedenistan's daughters which are being raped by kebab mob daily. Well - perhaps you enjoy it ---224325849 >>224319860 Take your meds, Cletus. But yeah, spot on. I hope the jews fuck the muslims up first tho. ---224325951 >>224325824 Sweedish men like watching Muslim Bvll's ravish their women, who do you think is pushing for immigration so hard over their. ---224325961 >>224325406 The autism in this jew is strong. I wonder if we can make him pop. ---224325995 >>224310489 without that aid money there would be a huge crater and no israel. ---224326154 >>224325406 because you are destroying the whole world for everyone. all life we know of is on this planet, and you guys are removing anything worth while bcuz "muh chosen people". fuck you :) have a nice day ---224326155 >>224325961 >Be seething mutt >Only insult is "no u" Pathetic. ---224326182 >>224325366 Most Jews in America are not anti-Zionist, as even atheist Jews tend to accept Israel as a legitimate aspect of Jewish existence. Some small Orthodox groups oppose it for religious reasons. I am mostly pointing out how ridiculous it is for ardent Zionist Jews to support Israel while living as American citizens and do not move to Israel. Jews always complain about the accusation of 'dual loyalty' as 'anti-Semitic' but the way I see it, these Zionist Jews have only one loyalty, to Israel. >>224325406 Well, firstly and most importantly, Jews in diaspora are doing extreme damage to our way of life. They are trying to criminalize opposition to them through anti-Semitic hate laws, they are the #1 overwhelming activists pushing not only for open borders, but increasing the already burdensome levels of immigration. They hate the traditional American way of life, our history and culture, they don't hide that they hate traditional Americans themselves, gleefully wishing that they die out. They control the media overwhelmingly, which they use to support their interests and suppress dissenters. They have subverted our political system, which is already broken for other reasons, and simultaneously support diaspora Jewish and Israeli Jewish interests through the government. Kicking out the Jews is a matter of national survival to my people, just like fighting the Islamists is a matter of survival to yours. Secondly, I am an ethnonationalist, and I believe the best political structure is the nation state. Multiculturalism and multiracialism increases ethnic tension and violence, yes even towards Jews. ---224326265 >>224326182 >I'm an ethnonationalist. If you say so, muttboi ---224326328 >>224325412 you don’t know what pilpul is >>224326182 >there is no in between anti Zionist and a Zionist ---224326348 >>224325820 >meme flag >"stop being paranoid, goy" yeah ok ---224326380 >>224325445the jews have been expelled from countries time and time again and they have ALWAYS made their way back. Honestly it is time for a real holocoast, sadly enough. war and killing and stuff sucks, but this has gone too far for too long ---224326408 >>224325406 >Do you apply the same demands from more than 300 million white people who live outside Europe to return home? I oppose the creation of European diasporas through rootlessness and careless immigration without assimilation. I would also force ethnic Europeans to return to their homelands if I could, to increase national solidarity, strengthen native culture and prevent ethnic tension. As for the former colonies, such as Canada, America, Australia, NZ, and parts of South Africa and the Rio del Plata region, these are our homelands now. Anglosaxons (whites of founding stock and those that assimilated to them) are the only true native Americans. I respect the Amerindian tribes, and think they should also strengthen their cultures, obviously they have homelands in their reservations. We are not a diaspora, unlike Jews. ---224326473 Fine. Let em take each other out. No way Trump sends us to war, going into an election year. ---224326505 >>224308813 fuck you tory ---224326509 >>224325406 ASHKENAZI JEWS ARE NOT SEMITES THEY HAVE NO GENETIC TIES TO MESOPOTAMIA ---224326532 >>224326348 >muh meme flags >muh JOOOS! He is right though, this is a board for political discussions not /x/ tier conspiracy theorists. ---224326564 >>224326509 ---224326579 >>224326509 >My baseless claims are true. >They are not da real joos! Take your meds bro. ---224326615 >>224326509 Citations needed ---224326801 >>224326473 They tried so hard to push you into Iran, then it suddenly stopped when they realized its not happening and no mention about it in the news at all. What they do is so obvious that I wonder if anyone is falling for it anymore. ---224326828 >>224326328 Are you playing coy? You're a Jew, so you should know best. Most American Jews support the state of Israel, whether they are ideologically aware Zionists or not. Some progressives like Noam Chomsky and Bernie Sanders claim to oppose Israel's actions, but don't claim Israel is an illegitimate state. Even if they aren't ideologically Zionist, they are Jews and they belong in the Jewish state, for the good of my people and yours. Then these liberal Jews will become Israel's problem, not ours. >>224326265 You couldn't even change the filename? I was having a good discussion with my Israeli bros, why don't you take off the flag and join us. >>224326380 I would make a distinction however, in that in the past, they were being bandied around from country to country in diaspora. The foundation of a Jewish state does change things in that they are not inclined to subvert their own state for ethnic gain. My one condition being that all Jews move to Israel. ---224326830 >>224326182 >I am an ethnonationalist You're white? Then your ethnostate is in Europe period. You don't get to advocate for muh ethnostate for me, but not for thee, while more than 300 million whites occupy 3 more continents besides Europe. And then you have the gull to accuse jews of what you're doing right now. Hypocrite, cognitive dissonance levels are off the charts >>224326408 >I would also force ethnic Europeans to return to their homelands if I could >Canada, America, Australia, NZ, and parts of South Africa and the Rio del Plata region, these are our homelands now Pottery. So just as much as you see America as your homeland now despite having origins in Europe, American jews, orMexican Amreicans for that matter, see America as their homeland despite having origins elsewhere, because they born there and don't give a single fuck about your arbitrary rules, deal with it. Anyway gotta go, see ya ---224326857 >>224325445 >Both Zionists and anti-Semites see eye to eye here, surely we could be temporarily allies to facilitate the process. you shit bags have no shame, do you Zionism is anti-semitism, zionists murder semites everyday in palestine, zionists murdered syrians, iraqis, iranians Being anti-Zionist means being anti-war, anti-supremacy ---224327195 >>224318009 You’re circumcised too I see. I think we should consider exterminating everybody who is circumcised ---224327285 >>224326564 >>224326579 >we have the right to this piece of land people are already living on because a fictional book we wrote says so your roots lie in eastern europe, not the middle east ---224327309 >>224326830 >projection You seem a little anxious about you consider the Golan Heights, the West Bank, and Gaza to be Israel? If so, why? You do realize that Europeans once came from somewhere else, right? Before that, they lived on the steppes north of the Black Sea, and in Anatolia. I.e. all Europeans came from Asia ultimately. Despite your incoherent ramblings, I support an ethnostate for Jews and ethnostates for others. These are our homelands now, if you don't like that, I don't see how one can consistently call any land a homeland. ---224327427 >>224326828 I support the creation of Kurdistan, does it mean I’m an Kurdish nationalist? no. Life is not black and white, you retard. ---224327548 >>224327285 >straw man >non cited statement as an argument against a study yep, that’s /pol/‘s ""intellectuals"" ---224327584 >>224326830 >Anyway gotta go, see ya Lmao I didn't catch this part. He projects his discomfort about living on a Jewish colony by delegitimizing other former colonies, then he ditches out. Too bad my other Israeli frens left me too. >>224326857 I am aware. I have to work with the cards that were dealt me. So far as I'm concerned, I can empathize with the Arabs, but I also have to worry about my own people. Better Jews in Israel than Jews in diaspora, that's the conclusion I've come to. >>224327195 I'm actually not, thanks to my parents. I just don't get the point being a sperg about it. They're Jews, of course they're circumcised. I was trying to have a discussion with them, and the dude was derailing the conversation. ---224327585 >>224327285 I don’t think we know what their actual roots are. They’ve got some chink in them. They’re probably cousins to mongols and tatars and turks. Ashkenazis are degenerate on a genetic level, they are literally falling apart at the genes. But Israelis are mixed with Yemen jews because back in the day the doctors would steal Yemen jew babies and tell their parents they died and they couldn’t see them during routine pediatric visits. Then they gave them to ashkenazi parents with tay sachs. This is why most Israelis have low IQs and brown skin. OP is probably an “olive skin” (aka shitskin) circumcised kike with a little tiny brown shriveled up dry little circumcised prick ---224327660 >>224308722 Cool ---224327727 >>224327309 Israel has already given so much a way to secure peace, the Golans are incredibly strategically important for us. The west bank settlements where in territories the "palestinians" where not already living in. ---224327761 >>224327427 Well maybe you and I disagree about definitions. I support the idea of a Jewish nation state, ergo, I am a Jewish nationalist even though I am not a Jew. ---224327782 >>224327427 I supportive destruction of Israel and 100% complete extermination of the jewish race, does it mean I’m a white nationalist nazi? No. Life is not black and white, you retard. There are plenty of browns in between, all the colors of the brown rainbow. Including your skin color ---224327789 >>224327309 I honestly can't see the idea of ethnostates being a viable option for people. Geographic and national borders aren't really much of obstacle anymore, travel is relatively affordable, and LEGAL immigration is relatively straight forward in most countries, provided you have some useful skills and some savings. Zionists push for immigration and diversity because they are the real racists who believe gentiles are all stupid, low IQ animals. ---224327867 >>224327585 The myth that Ashkenazi Jews are not from the holy land is perpetuated entirely by antisemites. ---224327895 >>224327727 shoot yourself kike ---224327898 >>224327309 >Golan yes >West Bank under our control? yes, part of Israel? not really. for now just east Jerusalem. >Gaza no ---224327994 >>224327309 Is your ethnicity Anatalian? Is it Steppe? Is it Asian? No, it's European, hence your homeland is in Europe period >I support an ethnostate for Jews and ethnostates for others. No, you support several ethnostate for yourself, most of whom aren't located in your true ethnostate, by removing anyone else from said ethnostates who isn't white, hypocrite. >These are our homelands now Says who? You? Like i've said no one cares about your arbitrary and nebulus defintions, that's just the way it is. Anyway I really have to go, I have a life outside this board, bye ---224327996 >>224327727 Well you're not the guy I was talking to, he was delegitimizing former European colonies, and I think he realized he was also delegitimizing Israel as a colony too, which is why he left in a hurry without a response. I don't actually care about Israeli expansion as much I do getting Israelis like yourself to see the necessity of our expulsion of diaspora Jews. Do you or do you not recognize the actions of diaspora Jews that are leading nationalists to be forced to expel Jews because of their treacherous and subversive actions? ---224328035 >>224327895 Projecting much cuckboi, go back to watching your women getting fucked by nigger bvll's. ---224328098 >>224327898 here is higher quality one ---224328162 >>224326830 You again do not believe your own arguments. No concern for the debate or the consequences of sacrificing it. Europeans, like most peoples and nations, do not generally sacrifice the world. Jews, however, do sacrifice it to an extreme degree in multiple different ways. When Europeans compete, do they do so in a way that sacrifices and destroys the world? Or do their ways, with sharing technology, science, insights, etc., help build and improve the world? Do they seek ways such that they and others in practice become better over time and generations? Do they put themselves to the test? And how does this compare with Jews in general? ---224328173 >>224327996 Those "diaspora" Jews as you call them are patriots of their nations, who's only difference between them and others is their religion. ---224328188 >>224327548 >An article written by mostly zionist jews validating the zionist idiology, method is a dna analysis that cant be verified, its totally not biased, honest :^) yep, that's JIDF ""shitposters"" ---224328243 >>224328162 Why should a diaspora Jew like myself care about the natives, they are not my people. ---224328280 >>224327789 Are you being disingenuous? Immigration policies can be set up to either incentivize or disincentivize immigration, and from certain regions/peoples. Geography is still important, the concept of the nation state is non negotiable, and legal immigration can be lowered to near zero and coupled with repatriation (emigration) policies to ensure almost everyone has the benefit of living in a culturally and nationally homogenous environment. ---224328328 >>224328188 >this genetic study is false because I know better >no I won’t back my claims ---224328465 >>224328188 >The genetic study is false. yep, that's aussie ""shitposters"" ---224328631 >>224328280 the idea that the majority of people of any country would support closing their borders to legal immigration is completely unrealistic. it will never happen ---224328663 >>224310346 Oh look a.French Muslim faggot. Go to prayer Jamal ---224328724 >>224328465 >>224328328 >""academics"" have never lied to us or manipulated test results to push an agenda go back to sleep faggots ---224328728 >>224327782 >I supportive destruction of Israel and 100% complete extermination of the jewish race, Are you a Jewish shill? >>224327867 Are you certain that aren't mostly Jewish shills? See for instance >>224323176 ---224328836 >>224328728 No, I'm not Jewish shill. But I support the Jewish peoples right to Israel and oppose antisemites like yourself. ---224328876 >>224327309 ur an idiot. half that land was owned by the french, the other half by england. the arabs who called themselves "palestinians" didnt own shit. ---224328924 >>224327994 Firstly, my ethnicity isn't European. It's Anglosaxon. This people has its own history. Originally developing as a group of Germanic tribes in northern Europe, they migrated to Britain, and from there to the current Anglosaxon countries (UK, US, Canada partly, Australia, NZ partly, South Africa partly). I support ethnostates for the Amerindians. In fact, they are rapidly going extinct because they are miscegenating with other races at an extremely high rate. Sad state of affairs. Everyone who isn't Amerindian, has somewhere for them to go. Everyone came from somewhere else, after all, and they can return home. Our presence here is non negotiable. >Anyway I really have to go, I have a life outside this board, bye Hehe, he runs away again. Someone really doesn't want to face the realization that by delegitimizing Anglosaxon America, he is delegitimizing Jewish Palestine. >>224328173 >>224328243 At least the first two Israelis I were talking to were honest, they weren't even hiding behind memeflags. Diaspora Jews are not patriots of their nations, they do not have 'dual loyalty'. They are loyal only to the Jewish people. You can't hide behind religion anymore, the Enlightenment is long over. Jews are a nation of people, and they are the most subversive nation on the face of the planet. One at a time, throughout history gentile nations have come to the realization that Jews can never be loyal citizens in diaspora. As Herzl said, they must live in a Jewish state for anti-Semitism to end. ---224328973 >>224318301 ITT we talk about Iranians under piles of rubble ---224329019 >>224328724 >I know better so I don’t need to provide evidence >this citation you gave? invalid. why? because i know better ---224329056 Here's more ---224329118 >>224328876 Are you trying to make a point here or are you just musing aloud? >>224328631 >completely unrealistic >will never happen It can, it has, and it will in the future. You only say this because you want it to be true and fear that if people thought it were possible, it would be possible. You've blown your cover, I'm afraid. ---224329163 >>224328924 >I'm a self proclaimed expert on diaspora JOOOS! Kys christcuck ---224329170 >>224328328 >>224328465 The study itself even concludes that ahskenazi jews are closer to europeans than semites (palestinians etc) so... yeah ---224329224 >>224327309 and also it was the jews that negotiated/terrorized the french and english colonizers of israel, so why should they hand the land over to filthy arabs? ---224329325 >>224329118 no one carez what u think, moron ---224329341 >>224329163 Are you seriously trying to perpetuate the tired Jewish canard that diaspora Jews are loyal citizens of their host countries? They belong in Israel, where all Jews belong because it is the Jewish state. And I'm not a Christian. I liked this thread better when I could talk honestly with Israelis. Now it's just back to shills shilling. ---224329346 >>224328243 But caring about the world, sentient life, civilization, the human species, etc. is obviously in the interest of, as well as the duty of, everyone, including Jews. Are you upholding that duty? And what are the consequences overall if you aren't upholding that duty, or go actively against it? Of course, if you are ludicruously and insanely evil, then these questions may not be something that you care to think about. See also >>224323751 >>224322769 >>224321712 ---224329352 >>224329170 >trusting "studies" You are only fooling yourself, that was most likely written by someone pro "palestinian". ---224329456 >>224329346 >>224329341 You to are simply regurgitating tired antisemitic talking points from the early 20th century, time to get better material Muhammad. ---224329544 >>224329224 >>224329325 Ah, the famed superior Ashkenazi IQ at work. >>224329456 You are simply regurgitating tired Jewish talking points from the early 20th century, time to get better material, Avi. ---224329586 >>224329118 apart from north korea, what countries have completely closed themselves off? ---224329754 >>224329352 if you read the thread you'll see that i dont trust it > most likely written by someone pro "palestinian" most of the authors are jewish also, just because you changed your meme flag doesnt mean i cant see straight through you ---224329769 >>224329544 look achmed, eveeyone knows the picture you posted is some muslim propiganda bullshit. least I came with facts. glad we wiped a million of you off the face of the earth in recent years. ---224329833 >>224329456 Again, very good misdirection among other aspects, and it also helps you avoiding considering the question. This fits with my comment in >>224323176 . But my questions and arguments still stand. ---224329942 It's pretty damn impressive desu how Israel is able to attack other countries on the auspices of "MUH IRAN" and there is literally nothing they will do about it except just complain and make idle threats. Along with having the US by the balls incase shit actually goes south. ---224330091 >>224329341 most jews just need to break the brainwashing they received as children, fear based victim mentality for example, most jewish holidays are anniversaries of atrocities, wars, and genocide ---224330093 >>224329170 quote it i don’t believe you managed to read this entire study or even the conclusion this quickly it concludes that Ashkenazim are the closest to Europeans, but that they are still very much related to other Jewish groups. ---224330278 >>224310689 Kek ---224330311 >>224330093 I didnt read the whole thing, i barely trust it I read the abstract and the conclusion and got the point of ashkenazi being more similar to european stock most europeans im sure can find ancient genetic ties to the fertile crescent, not just euro-jews ---224330383 >>224329586 Firstly, are you suggesting that contemporary globalizing political policies are to be lauded? Before the modern era, immigration was strictly controlled for in most the world, free travel was even a luxury afforded Roman citizens as part of the perks of citizenship. So the idea that because modern states are committing suicide to serve globalizing policies is not an argument in favor of open borders policy. Secondly, you are asserting a straw man as I never suggested closing off the possibility for immigration completely. I would prefer immigration to be below 100,000 per annum to the United States, with 80% of this being a quota devoted to other Anglosaxon countries. Prospective citizens must reside in the country 14 years (as was the second immigration law of this land, the first demanded 7 years residency so the second was stricter), must be accepted by direct vote in the local community of their residency, and must swear an oath of loyalty to their new homeland. After four generations of intermarriage, their offspring will then be considered ethnically Anglosaxon. >>224330091 Yes, that's all well and good and they can break that brainwashing in Israel where they belong. ---224330640 >>224308722 Fight your own wars, parasite. Leave the West out of it. ---224330723 >>224322503 Based and fagpilled. ---224330774 >>224330640 We do fight our own wars, very successfully at that. Can you say the same muttboi, you are using Israel as your proxy against Iran... ---224330791 >>224310955 Checked. ---224330932 >>224316447 not true. ancient Hebrew relates deeply to egyptian occult speak Ibaru. ---224331093 >>224330383 >It can, it has, and it will in the future (you) literally just fucking said that to my comment of closing borders >are you suggesting that contemporary globalizing political policies are to be lauded? it depends what policies they are pushing, uncontrolled, low skilled, immigration i think would be an issue, not because of race demographics, but because it would flood the job markets and lower wages and quality of life. which conveniently is something big multi-national, globalist coorporations would benefit greatly from... imagine having slaves you dont have to pay for. at least with conventional slavery, your masters would have to provide you with food and shelter, we wouldnt even be afforded that luxury ---224331347 >>224316175 >>224316276 >>224316447 >>224316404 >>224316546 >>224317045 >>224317623 >>224327195 >>224327585 obsessed about Jewish cock, just as you should be. ---224331476 >>224331093 You're thinking of it in purely economic terms. While correct, nothing you have mentioned includes the negative effects of immigration on high skilled immigrations that are alienated and deracinated from their cultures of origin, the negative effect on the native culture they are immigrating to, the wants and wishes of a people to be left alone from outside influence. This is just further tikkun olam 'let's meddle in everyone's shit' nonsense. ---224331611 >>224330093 even your diagram shows ashkenazi as being closely related to greeks and turks, which makes sense, as greece and turkey are like the gates to europe along the silk road from the east So in conclusion, greeks and turks have about the same right to claim palestine as the ashkenazi jews... which is about jack shit ---224331818 >>224331611 Possession is 9/10th of the law as they say. Jews have a Jewish state in Palestine. Now all Jews should migrate there so they can cease being a neverending headache to the rest of us. ---224331927 >>224319540 lmao literally ""circle"" logic. hahah dumbass. Can't say offensive imperialism is bad but defensive imperialism is good. nonsense ---224332020 >>224330774 Neither the United States, nor the rest of the 5 Eyes are in control of its own intel forces. (((*))) is. But you know that already. Reminder, if you take America to war, it will be the end of ALL human life on Earth. You think you can limit your little nuclear war? You think you can control it? It will get out of your control so fast it'll make your head spin, you arrogant snob. In your pretensions, not only will you fall from your perch, but so will all your global dreams, and everyone else's. But you knew that too, right? All for Pissrael. The New (((World Government)). Fuck you people. You're fucking clueless. And dicks to boot. ---224332157 >>224331611 those who are written in red are Jewish groups ---224332158 >>224311021 by doing nothing >>224313116 fuck you rabbi ---224332177 >>224331476 im not so sure about that my dude, i live in what you would call a "melting pot" and the cultures are pretty rich and distinct, we have greek festivals, french festivals, irish festivals, heaps of restaurants from asia, afrika etc my experience is that people love their heritage and culture, and people love to share it with others. dont be scared of the (((outside influence))), their efforts are fruitless, there is no amount of tikum olam that can erase your history as long as you keep it close to your heart my guy
----- ---224329042 What do you think of the Youtube channels the (((ADL))) is trying to have shut down?
---224329379 Isn't JF Gariepy that retard-fucker who admits he took donations from Epstein?
---224257464 >>224256564 Isn't Dallas full of niggers? No surprise. Niggers are housing market poison. ---224257518 MIGA BLUMPH AWOOOOO ---224257572 8 MORE YEARS BABY ---224257712 >bought house for 100k 8 years ago >listing it for 500k I don't know why my house won't sell! ---224257770 >>224256564 >07-27-2019 fuck off ---224257825 >>224256564 it's just because all west coast tech companies are moving to that area driving prices up so no one wants to sell too early and lose out on that delicious tech money ---224257917 >>224256564 In northwest Arkansas, houses are going so fast that my folks listed their $300,000 home for $375,000 on a Wednesday and the paperwork was signed for the sale by the next Tuesday. NW Arkansas is not exactly a utopia and even they are doing better than whatever shithole you're posting about. ---224258853 >>224256564 >Plano Shitskin poos can't flood there now that they can't abuse h1b like they used to ---224259634 I havea plano poo ---224259926 >>224256564 >Trump >Obama The coastal housing market is doomed on the long, regardless of who's in the White House. Who's going to insure a property that's flooded 5 times in 10 years? Underwrite a 20 year mortgage for the same? Fund development? You'll see a bit of a slowdown, then a full fucking panic. Picture blight and flight, but all up and down the eastern seaboard. ---224260009 >>224256564 >please more bubbles in the economy, more control! kek great burn baby burn, fuckin stupid overpriced garbage, ---224260049 >>224257770 >a month makes this irrelevant time to leave your basement ---224260712 >>224257917 >homes are selling quickly in places where massive companies are forcing their employees to move to NWA will be the next Austin in ten years. ---224260813 >>224257712 This, you are seeing homeowners trying to sell their houses (mainly baby boomers) all across the nation at like 5 times the price the house is actually worth. Stupid boomers actually bought into that whole wrap your whole retirement into selling your house and you'll be A-ok. Pretty much everywhere in the U.S., the housing market is a complete sellers market with little to no buyers since people either can't afford the house or don't want to pay a ridiculous price for a house built back in the 60's or 70's that is bound to have electrical issues and what not. ---224261200 >>224259926 Is this why the Obama's just bought beachfront property on the east coast? Don't tell me you actually believe this hoax.. even the biggest climate grifters don't believe the lies. ---224261307 >>224256564 I blame boomers and their McMansions that nobody wants ---224261356 >>224261200 >14.88 million Obama is /ourguy/ ---224261634 >>224256564 Reminder the people who voted for Trump wanted to see the Republican Party collapse when the collapse happened. ---224261792 >>224256564 >no one wants to move to a city thats been destroyed by libshits >indicative of a crash Only thing this indicates is that people are not drinking the koolaid ---224261795 >>224256564 ---224262084 >>224260813 >complete sellers market >little to no buyers ---224262210 >>224256564 Houses in our area typically are staying on the market a matter of a few weeks max unless priced like arrogant pricks. Spoke with a lady whose house was listed 18 hours. Many more that go within a week, leaving sellers in a jam to get out and into something else before they anticipated it. ---224262225 >>224261792 >thinks Dallas has always been some rightwing utopia until the blacks and libshits moved in LOL ---224262388 >>224257917 NWA rocks. Tons of natural beauty, great job opportunities and a world class museum (Crystal Bridges) thrown in. Lived there several years, now about 2 hours away and love the area. ---224262641 >>224262084 Ignorant fuck who does not understand the difference between sellers market and buyers market. *sigh* Sellers market means prices high, houses sell fast. Buyers market means prices low, demand low. Slow sales. Fucking retard. ---224262974 >>224256564 CHEAP HOUSING BAD JEWS AND BOOMERS GETTING RICH WITHOUT WORKING GOOD ---224263020 i chuckled ---224263181 >>224262641 >sellers market >houses sell fast >little to no buyers ---224263277 >>224256564 good thing for me. Im going to be looking for a new home next summer. ---224263753 >>224263181 Hahaha wow he made it even more painful. ---224263774 >>224262388 >placed offer on farm in NW Arkansas >3 day gay pride festival begins pic related >retract offer >purchased farm near Springfield, MO >feelsgoodman ---224264117 >>224263753 Please reread their sentence then kys >Pretty much everywhere in the U.S., the housing market is a complete sellers market with little to no buyers ---224265072 >>224264117 I’m agreeing with you... ---224265082 Not crashing... I’m a realtor and naive buyers are looking to save money with all the talk of a recession approaching. It doesn’t matter if your house is the nicest home on the street. What matters is the Value the buyer is getting. If you price your home correctly and not above market value you will sell quickly. If you price home above market value, after 30-60 days of the home being on the market, the days on market start working against the seller and you have a moron seller like op pictured ---224265202 >>224261200 >rich person do unwise thing >OMG GLOBAL WARMING AM HOAX!!! Martha's Vineyard has a pretty hard slope on the shore and a decent overall elevation. Looks like they have about 100 yards of setback as well. Still doesn't make it a smart investment. The acceleration of blue sky flooding in low-lying coastal cities was the canary. Keep breathing the denialist fumes and drift off, know-nothing. ---224265318 >>224256564 I bought my house for 285K last year for a bargain, now its at 350K and rising. You live in a shit area gg. ---224265450 >>224256564 I noticed housing prices starting to go down in my area. Thank God, honestly. They're fucking ridiculous and propagated by Calicucks and Vancouver shills. There's no fucking reason a town where the average income is 30k has houses listed on average at 375k. ---224265483 >>224265072 I’m retarded, thought he pulled out a new device ---224265557 >>224256564 Now people can afford some housing ---224265754 >>224256564 Plano can't fit any more caliniggers or muslims? That sucks ---224265869 Does any of you faggots make houses of brick or at least concrete panels? Or something? ---224265992 >>224265450 Arlington? ---224266024 >>224265869 Do* ---224266074 >>224265992 I mean if you like spics and armed robbery in parking lots ---224266275 >>224265992 Can't be Marysville, we're more like $450. ---224266714 >>224265318 >Property gains 70k in one year simply by existing >its totally not a bubble guys >>224265082 Not yet, but we are fast approaching the point at which prices become absurdly unrealistic. Its not like wages are rising, so who is supposed to pay these house prices? In Germany, even banks start to refuse to give out loans for houses since prices have become so absurd. If you buy now, youre a complete retard bruning money instead of waiting a few years. ---224266795 >>224256564 the housing market never actually got better but it has gotten worse over the past year see the banks lost their minds under obama and raised the prices to pre recession levels but in most cases the houses wouldnt sell and in many they end up abandoning the properties and states had to destroy the houses why raise prices despite them not selling. it was a short term gamble. they say there isnt a recession since 2010. they wouldnt admit there was one in 2008 and waited until mid 2009 to admit there was one. then they almost immediately said everything was fine. why? they kind of dont like oversight and they dont want to admit the great recession was 100 times worse than the great depression. the spread sheet for the great depression was 2 quarters of sub par growth. all the inflation people talk about was seen in the 20s as spending increased pricing did to. mid 2007 - 2009 looks so bad its insane to even pretend the great depression was significant. 2 years of declines. negative growth seen multiple quarters. not sub par but negative ---224266929 >>224256564 Until the Fed is abolished or made truly Federal, no matter what Trump does it's like playing in a rigged game of poker ---224267007 >>224256564 Because 1 person can't sell their shit house? ---224267483 >>224266795 Banks are still doing the same shit that lead to the crash of 2008. House loans are one of their most proftable enterprises, so they still hand those out like candy. They just keep seized properties off the market and baragined with the government to inhibit new building so prices keep high. Their solution is to simply manipulate the market so that prices *always* rise and they never again have to face 2008. Of course its a gross miscalculation, but modern companies dont exactly think ahead, its all about the next three months and after that , who cares? ---224267688 >>224261795 So many chr*stcucks ---224267715 >>224256564 >Implying this is news A housing market crash has been on the cards ever since they re-inflated the asset debt bubbles post 2008 via QE ---224267882 >>224266714 How long should I wait to buy? I'm approaching being able to afford a down payment right now ---224268241 >>224262641 what the fuck is wrong with your brain dude ---224268389 >>224266714 U mad bro? Go outside and get some fresh air shlomo. ---224268492 >DUDE VOTE IN A BUSINESSMAN HE WILL SAVE THE ECONOMY HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING At least I'll never here this bullshit again in my life. ---224268567 >>224265869 nope just this awesome stuff held together with voc offgassing glue. ---224269348 >>224260813 This is some big brain thinking right here, do you have a degree in economics?] ---224269850 Houses are overpriced and we're reaching critical mass. ---224270326 I'm buying a house in November wish me luck. Had to save up for years because of how fast these fucking prices have gone up ---224270532 >>224268567 damn... you people are the ones who are poor. even gypsies can afford brick houses here. ---224270559 >>224270326 Where? ---224271014 >>224265869 >>224270532 my house is brick I'm not like the other Americans ---224272047 >>224270532 Houses in America are built out of 2x4s. Then they tack on >>224268567 Then they cover it with a tyvek house wrap. Then they put on a thin brick veneer, which are thin, fake, decorative bricks. "They" = Mexican laborers. ---224273136 Except the Obama economy was really the Bush economy because there is ALWAYS a timelag involved. ---224273515 The housing crisis is being caused by boomers trying to cash out once and for all at the same time. This is their endgame, the culmination of their entire greedy generation, they don't give a shit about anything except being able to spend the autumn of their years kicking back on their shitty boats sipping shitty domestic beer while the world falls apart around them. Fuck them, they can burn in hell. My generation isn't buying and their retirement is on an indefinite hold. I'll spend the rest of my life living out of a van if it denies one boomer their dream. ---224273574 >>224265869 In Florida you build out of concrete blocks and poured concrete or solid poured concrete if you are smart. ---224274134 >>224256564 >Presidents should be in charge of the economy! ---224276275 >>224270559 little Elm TX ---224276818 Meanwhile, here in GA houses go up on market and don't last long. ---224276985 >>224256564 >Plano, TX >aka, niggerspicslands >""very posh location"" my sides >>224257464 fpbp ---224277032 >>224273515 Can't agree more. I feel nauseous every time, "That's the game!" while they laugh about being a fucking economic vampire. ---224277124 >>224265869 concrete houses are considered bunkers in USA and are illegal ---224277246 >>224256564 I have to wonder who is buying these million dollar shacks? Boomers? ---224277563 >barely half the population is non-hispanic white Again, tell me why anyone thinks Plano and "posh" belong in the same sentence?? ---224277569 >>224277246 It's basically money laundering by this point. Problem is too much internet took them out of the shadows. ---224277572 >>224261307 the best part about this is that if the boomers didn't destroy nearly all manufacturing and small town economies they would be able to sell their dream homes but since only major metropolitan areas have careers young people are unwilling to buy 5-bedroom boomer mcmansions out in the middle of nowhere ---224277939 >>224277246 Asians of various background, they do it by housing multiple h1b generations ---224277953 >>224256564 >investing in property anywhere other than a gentrifying urban neighborhood. If you’re treating your home as an asset make smart bets. Don’t get mad when your home, which represents an increasingly unpopular style of living isn’t attractive to buyers. Otherwise just rent ---224278117 My brother got a house in plano last year its pretty nice 2 story has a pool ---224278424 >>224267483 I have been wondering why the fuck is Europe and Asia doing negative interest rates. I know jack shit about the economy and can see this will only work short term with the rich staying rich while everyone gets fucked over. ---224279025 >>224261307 >Now they can't sell them. Then don't, why won't they just leave it as inheritance to their kids? I mean why would the younger generations buy off a McMansion at 5x the cost when they can just wait for the boomers to start dieing and for the market collapse? ---224279163 >>224261200 there goes the neigborhood ---224279344 As someone who lives and works in Plano, its california transplants, IT transplants, consultants, and mobile executives. The houses there are retarded overpriced. Yeah a lot of them are nice, new, and well built, but still overpriced by about 75%. So what happens when someone moves to plano for 4 years then has to transfer to the new corporate headquarters? Find out they take a loss on a house when they sell to chang who will rent the place. ---224279509 >>224279344 I'll also add, builders are now pricing against other developers to build new houses on any available land. hundreds of houses are going up daily. These mcmansions are going down in value because the housewife driving the $100k SUV to drive their 1 kid to school while daddy works are realizing they've paid too much. ---224279698 >>224278424 Its the same in the US, just more spread out since you have so much land. Silicon valley is a good example of where this shit is headed, and it only works because people there actually earn, and people who are not homeless druggies can move to another state. That otpion is nonexistent in Europe. ---224279722 >>224261200 >annual presidential salary is 400k >even if he wasn't taxed, thats only 3.2m over the 8 years he was president >buys $14.8M house HMMMMMM ---224280109 >>224276985 Uh basically everywhere is niggerspic ville or a total shithole now... ---224280134 >>224279025 >Then don't, why won't they just leave it as inheritance to their kids? Because they're boomers. Not all boomers are hypergreedy shits, but something went wrong with that generation. You just have to look at the things left and right wing boomers united over, over the years. That guy who wrote "A Generation of Sociopaths" wasn't far off. ---224280355 >>224261200 Why would Obama want to live in such a white neighborhood?You'd think he'd want to live in west Baltimore because it's so much nicer. ---224280384 >>224257464 texas is full of niggers ---224280394 The McMansion market is crashing. Normal sized housed 3bd/ba still in moderate demand and prices are stable. Plano needs more IT Poos. Whites have gone north and west. But POC's always seem to follow. I lived in what used to be mostly white Denton County. Blacks now other POC's are coming. ---224280516 >>224256564 >07-27-2019 neck yourself ---224280649 >>224280516 it still hasn't sold yet anon ---224280735 A home is so expensive here that even rich boomers aren't buying anymore. I was reading about a 68yo lady who got 1 million reais (250.000 dollars) from inheritance and decided to rent instead of buying. But our culture is different. Parents like to leave a house for the kids when they die. ---224280872 >>224256564 >THE OBAMA ECONOMY has been an absolute fucking dumpster fire since king nigger was elected and the markets collapsed. if there is even a hint that another nigger could be president remove your shekels from the market immediately because no one on the planet is willing to invest in a nation that elects a nigger president. ---224281503 >>224260813 >neighbours house sells for 3 million >mom suddenly thinks her house is worth 2.8 million >market already overstretched, going up 25% last year alone. >the commies get elected running on a platform that they will do whatever it takes to lower housing prices, they get ELECTED, and it will take them 1 year before they move into office and start working >got the disillusion bitch an offer for 2.5k. >she didn't sell >fuckthatdumbcunt.jpg >suspend my real estate license >market crashes in 2019 >market value of the house went from 2.5 million to around 2.0 million. >dumb greedy bitch missed out on 500k, blames everyone else (excluding me, because i actually got her an offer) for her greed and stupidity. Fuck these greedy boomers. ---224282048 >>224279025 >kids if they have any. also their kids probabaly moved to the big cities. ---224282151 >>224280355 Checked. Also, >2.1% Black Do Obama worshipers know about this? How he pandered to them for 8 years but then as soon as the cameras left he scurried off to live where he and Michelle are the only black people out of 100? It was all bullshit. ---224283178 >>224279722 "Book deal" money ---224283318 >>224281503 Must be hard for her. $500,000 to a Boomer is more than all of humanity is worth. ---224283842 >>224280872 The markets collapsed in 2008 and Obama was inaugurated in 2009 you brainlet. ---224284462 >>224256564 ---224285195 >>224283318 kek. its the entitlement that gets me. people feel entitled to make money off others via realestate. They don't view it as a risk, but a guaranteed source of income. That's why I terminated my lenience. fuck these people. its really no different from a 5/10 roastie thinking she deserves a 10/10 chad, only with their shitty houses. ---224285886 >>224256564 RE agent here. Supply and demand, fuckboys. Are there tons of families flocking to Plano? ---224285992 >>224281503 but she still hasn't sold? ---224286248 >>224285992 no, shes holding. it's called being in denial. Imagine price going up for 20 years straight, price collapses, these delusional boomer fucks think it is going to pick back up in 1 year. ---224286254 >>224280134 The guy who wrote that is either a spook or friends of. His entire investment portfolio is just a trace of inQTel moves. ---224286292 >>224256564 GOOD IM GONNA BUY A HOUSE NOW ---224286361 >>224286292 EBIN WIN FUR TSOOMERs ---224286388 >>224285886 >Politically suspended supply >Politically driven demand >It's your fault fuckboi! Do you ever get tired of being wrong? ---224286445 >>224256564 >jobs are finally plentiful >everyone has more money >housing and stocks will finally crash Looks like its finally time for Millhouse Millennials! If you don't get Boomer money now what can I fucking tell you? ---224286652 >>224256564 anyone who buys houses to then use them for renting needs to realize that buying at the top will never be fun. Imagine buying a house in 2007 for example lol. ---224286774 >>224256564 ---224286848 >>224256564 Sell the fucking piano then and the house is gone. ---224286863 >>224256564 >Boomers build lavish houses and try to sell them 70 years later for 10 times the price >Gen Xers, their own children, cant afford them having to live in cuck sheds for their entire life >Millenials don't buy houses and instead live in apartments >Boomers get mad and try to list their houses from 10 times the price to a 'messily' 5 times >no one buys it, Gen X still in the shed >Boomers die off and the houses go on sale for 10 times below the price >Millenials and Zoomers swoop in and buy up houses >Gen X live in the shed ---224287145 >>224265869 >concrete panels kek, no we don't build commie blocks here >bricks yes, the majority (atleast where I live) ---224287646 >>224277124 [citation needed] ---224287720 It also doesn’t help that millennials are dealing with an average of $30k per person in student loans and stagnant wages for decades. Or that they eat too much avocado toast or whatever bullshit boomer platitude that’s in vogue today. ---224287762 >>224279025 >why won't they just leave it as inheritance to their kids? you don't understand the mindset of old wasp boomers . they don't plan on giving anything to their kids cause they need to work for it like they did . my granddad has 100 million in the bank and he has never given me a penny and I don't expect anything from him after he is gone . ---224287924 >>224287720 the current platitude is "I WORKED 2 JOBS AND GOT BY, SO YOU SHOULD TO!" without realizing that 2 jobs for a boomer would be about 70K a year, while for a zoomer it is maybe 50K. ---224288061 >>224287762 And oh boy you're in for a treat if you have inheritance taxes >boomer finally croak >state swoops in to take what's left/cockblock "your" house ---224288151 >>224287924 And that zoomers are basically force to work the same hours as two jobs in one job anyway. ---224288245 >>224263774 You wouldn't have wanted to live there anyways. It's nothing but Mexicans there. ---224288503 >>224288061 what ? how can they come after me if I live in an apartment ? ---224289754 Will this apply to LA? I just want it to fucking crash already so I can move out of my Dad's house but I don't want to waste money on rent at an apartment. ---224289989 >>224259926 This is what I'm waiting for. The ecology of the coast will be too much for the commifags to adjust to, tanking prices. ---224290895 >>224285195 >That's why I terminated my lenience. Van or GTA? How much ca a REA make in those markets. Prices are absolutely insane. My neighbors 50's original suburban home was sold for 700k 3 years ago, it was sold two more times within 5 months, first for around 1mil, second for 1.15mil ---224291203 >>224262641 Your wording is off. "x" market means that whoever is "x" has the most leverage in their favor during the sale. Sellers market means that sellers can sell higher priced homes because there are so many buyers compared to homes being sold. Buyers market is the opposite. ---224291910 >>224256564 >elementary, middle and high school are rated 10/10 Bullshit. Bull. Shit. You'd have zero trouble selling if true... so long as you're not way overpricing it of course This is a bait thread by a shill anyways and yet so many dumb faggots are replying. I hate all you low IQ retards ---224292570 >>224276985 Plano is not quite the 'white' area of DFW, but is close as it's one of the wealthier areas. The whitest areas of DFW are the ones with no bus/train presence such as Arlington, but Plano is up there. DFW also has one of the fastest growing populations in the countries as hundreds of thousands of people have moved there in the last few years for jobs. The result is that rent prices are raising rapidly because the population rises faster than the number of available residences. Because of the above factors DFW is a great place to sell/rent a home, especially in areas like Plano that are close to where most of the businesses are relocating. From this, we can determine that either >the price of the home is too high in comparison to others in the area, or >the owner is not a reliable source As someone from the area, I can state with certainty there are no 10/10 high schools in Plano, maybe 8 or 9 but there are better schools in other nearby cities. If the author of OP's image is a reliable source, the problem he is facing is that Plano is too middle-ground for the area; new residents are buying homes in better areas and old residents are buying homes in worse areas. Lastly, many people, especially millennials, are trying to flip homes without knowledge of how the industry works or how to cheaply repair or fix them to increase value and are losing their money very quickly. This is most likely the group OP is getting his info from. ---224292842 Obama economy lol. Only president to ever have a sub 3 economic growth. 1.9. ---224293019 >>224262641 Le epic ruseman ---224293259 >>224261307 >build a house with all the money you've funneled to yourself >set up the system so that only you and your friends can amass millions of dollars >"what the fuck? I can't sell my multimillion dollar house?" Fucking boomers. ---224293455 >>224256564 Based if true. ---224294867 Boomers should forcibly be put into retirement camps and their property seized and redistributed among the people. Can you imagine the economic golden age that that would bring? They'd deserve it too, boomers are a generation of entitled sociopaths. ---224295283 >>224262641 Houses selling fast = lots of buyers ---224295632 >>224288503 At least there's one good thing in Sweden. You can never testify away more than 50% of what you own. Any will written when it comes to inheritance etc will be ignored when it is read if they tried to testify away more than 50% (The economic part of it. The rest of the will is adhered to).. And you can never inherit a debt. As any resources from the dead persons belongings, houses, etc etc will be used to pay for the debt. If the debt is still there the rest is simply removed. But it does mean you get zero inheritance, nilch. So In Sweden if you want to be very petty and ensure that your family, friends and children get absolutely nothing. You can simply rack up a massive debt and time it so it's still there when you croak and that the debt exceeds the value of your stuff and any money you own. There may be some other ways, like locking the money into a trust fund or some shit like that. But it's still valuable stuff you leave behind. The only way to truly leave zero to your inheritors is the way I described. People actually do this to get around this law when they really want to be a massive dick (and sometimes it's justified). I'd imagine your granddad would do something similar from the impression I got of him. If he did not rack up a massive debt and you both had lived in Sweden, you would be looking at a cool 50 million green a couple of weeks after he croaks. The state only get's the money if there is no inheritor around, or 50% of it if a inheritor is around but the one writing the will decided to give 50% to the state. How are the laws in Canada? ---224295847 >>224265082 Do you think itll be ok to hold off sale till April 2020? ---224296038 >>224288061 >inheritance taxes What a dirty fucking Jewish trick. Govt. double-dipping is disgusting. ---224296242 >>224296038 govt simple-dipping is disgusting too, desu ---224296809 >>224296038 More like protects future generations from aristocracy families like the Waltons. ---224296879 >>224265318 Did you buy it to live in? If so, what do you care if it's valued at x dollars? Fucking kikes ---224297396 >>224256564 I'm from Plano born and raised. AMA. Plano is rich as fuck and houses are selling like crazy. If this dude couldn't sell in 150 days then something is fucked up with his house/situation. ---224297623 my parents just made money on their house. i just refinanced mine. made out great and they even offered me cash. op is a fag. ---224297779 >>224296809 Why are you making excuses for the govt. taxing money they already taxed? They already took their cut once. Why do you want the govt. to take even more? I don't understand. ---224297860 There's a shortage of homes and people are buying them up like crazy. I sold two of my homes in the last 2 months for top dollar. Lies and slander OP. ---224297978 >>224297396 it's this house anon ---224298268 >>224289754 >house worth maybe $60k >list for $400k >people still buy it Houses in L.A. county are beyond unaffordable, but people keep paying these prices. L.A. county is a disease. ---224298342 >>224287762 What a dick. Should at least give you a few hundred grand and a hot rod. ---224298423 >>224287924 50k on 2 jobs. Jesus that's pretty good. Try more like 30k if you're lucky after taxes. If. Youre. Lucky. ---224298516 >>224256564 Plano nobody wants to live there its like 85% mexicans ---224298645 >>224256564 This thread is ShareBlue Slide Thread #EpsteinForgotten ---224298671 whats really gonna suck is in 20 or 30 years there will be no one skilled to fix these shitty mcmansions they're building. all the family businesses around here are hiring mexicans and this generations labor pool is on dope. ---224298813 >>224298516 Going by the other posts ITT lots of people do, racefag. Eat shit and die, liar. ---224299034 >>224298516 >its like 85% mexicans East of 75, yeah it's spic-ville. But no one goes there but poorfags. Central and west Plano is all rich whites and Asians. ---224299129 Nobody talks about the massive amount of sub-prime mortgages in Canada. The largest company almost went under a couple of years ago, only to be bailed out by Warren Buffett. Canadian housing isn't going to crash, it's going to collapse. Keep saving leafs. ---224299379 This fucking thread makes me glad my parents were both European and pre-boomers even though that made my mom an old fart when she had me. ---224299533 >>224262641 ---224299550 >>224256564 This is a kike shrill they are after texas . I own 2 houses in houston and dallas property value is up renters paying alot, and they are beautiful. We have people flocking here to work and live. Fuck you kikes ---224299630 >>224256564 We were going down hill from the start. Obama wasn’t doing shit to help, and trump isn’t making any worse than what it already is. ---224299657 >>224257712 I just bought a house to rent out . There were 5 other offers . You dont know what you are talking about ---224299767 >>224256564 Kek, Dallas housing market is nuts right now, it will crash but not at the moment. ---224299938 >>224299533 oh god no don’t let it crash Homelander why are you smiling NOOOOO ---224300129 >>224256564 what kinda dumb jew post is this op ---224300176 >>224262641 >i-im still going to be r-rich, r-right? COPE ---224300203 >>224287924 they worked two jobs and were miserable, had no hobbies and shouted at people. t. not making the same mistake ---224300227 >>224256564 >dallas housing is down >santa fe housing is skyrocketing, so is austin Big whoop ---224300261 >>224256564 i'm in Dallas rn and it's weird ---224300266 >>224256564 I've never once heard an American much less a Texan unironically use the word posh. ---224300335 >>224277572 They'd still be unable to sell them because these mcmansions are all made out of the cheapest building materials that you can use and still be compliant with the local building code. Nobody with an IQ above room temperature is going to buy a house that will cost more to maintain over the next 10-15 years than it would to just tear the damn boomer shack down and build a new house on the lot. ---224300361 >>224256564 Reminder that housing crashes are both artificial and a generally good thing. Unfortunately I have two family members trying to sell at the moment, and they will be shocked at the difficulty. On the plus side, they will find a cheap new home. ---224300427 >>224299657 >my single anecdote proves it! ---224300467 >>224262641 Let me guess, I need to buy bitcoin, too ---224300562 >>224256564 Its coming out that houses in DFW all have cracked foundations ---224300626 >>224280394 Hi Steven ---224300691 ITT ---224300753 >>224299657 Salespeople lie and tell you there are other offers to create a sense of urgency which is the first basic rule of sales. ---224300812 >>224299657 Yeah Shlomo, you and 5 other jews all trying the same scheme. Seems like every other house in an average neighborhood is rented out to packs of niggers and spics these days. Always at some ridiculous rent as well to ensure 50 nogs are needed in that 3 bedroom house to make the rent. ---224300966 >>224256564 The DFW housing market was actually one of the most pozzed areas right now. Ofc California/Oregon/Colorado markets are horribly expensive, however DFW was unjustifiably overpricing on an aggregate scale. Too lazy to post articles, but DFW is fucked. Too many spics, millennials, nogs, and blue state rejects moving into DFW and the kikes preempted this ---224301239 >>224296809 Or keeping from other aristocrats from rising up and competing with the current ones in power ---224301579 >>224279722 He can make 300k on a single speech ---224301629 >>224300812 You think that's bad try working in a college town. Every fucking house that goes on the market gets bought by some out of state real estate company and reworked so they can rent it to a dozen chang or pajeet grad students ---224301649 Chinese investors are no longer buying them, ---224301676 BULLSHIT. Market is strong for this time of year fuckwad. I have watched the housing market intently since April and it is fucking strong. Houses are selling the day they are listed. ---224301787 >>224300966 Agreed. Damn illegals moving in three generations paying insane prices to dubious landlords to turn a blind eye. ---224301813 >>224256564 >ZOG foundation weakens And that's a good thing. ---224301825 Just bought a "big" house in Palisades Park, NJ for 650k+. I do think housing prices are insane, but I don't think there is a bubble. American real estate, especially in major metro areas, now has an international demand. You're not competing with typical Americans anymore. You're bidding against Chinese, Indian, and Saudi multimillionaires/billionaires and American investors looking to build a portfolio of rental units. I'd wager that the real estate market is now almost completely detached from the actual economy and employment + income numbers. ---224301858 The ONE area in Housing that is flat is anything above $300k. Those mega homes are sitting empty. Anything within middle income is flying off the market. ---224301974 >>224280384 >hurrr haha merica is going through recession cept texas! >we added so many jobs we're the best state! >why is texas becoming a swing state? >where'd all these californians libcucks and shitskins come from? ---224302087 >>224256564 Posh is such a faggot word no wonder I only ever see/hear Europeans using it. ---224302093 >>224301825 Selling homes to non-citizens should be illegal. ---224302225 >>224302093 I agree, but after a long time waiting to buy, i decided to just do it now. Falling housing prices are bad for the elites, and they will never support any policy that might stunt housing prices. ---224302415 >>224256564 >>224256564 Well then the local news and County have been lying to us. They just boasted a record growth to justify the property tax hike. Apparently DFW was the fastest growing area in the country. -T. Arlington Area ---224302753 >>224300361 Since the last recession, the US has dramatically relaxed the investor visa program by reducing the required capital from $1 mill to $500k. In most places at or near major metro areas, there won't ever be a sizable correction, even under a major recession or depression. Take a look at NYC real estate prices during the 2009 recession. There was barely a drop, and this was before the investor visa program got relaxed. ---224302765 >>224299657 You were the only offer and you were deceived by a basic marketing trick. ---224302862 >>224266714 >Its not like wages are rising, so who is supposed to pay these house prices? International and domestic speculators. I think housing will continue to go up in value, but more people will be renting and living with roommates. ---224302874 >>224287762 This. My boomer dad died (274,000$ cash, 650,000$ house, two full pensions with survivors benefits .... total value 1.4 million), had five children, left them his old truck and some tools. Left his second wife, a whore who had two kids, from two different fathers, everything. And anything that wasnt bolted down, her two brats had already stolen before the will had even been read. you know what i got, a hammer, a square, a level, a trowel, you know whats really funny. idgaf. really i dont. I knew long ago he didnt, and I would get nothing. some of my siblings always thought he'd make things right in the end, but I knew he didnt care about us. He left my mom when we were kids, he fucking abandoned her and five kids, for some skanky ho. He send her 50$ a month child support, 10$ for each kid. Im married now, I live in a beautiful home with 180' ocean views. I built a small, but successful construction company. I couldnt afford collage. I have one son. I hang out/work with him every day. I will never leave him, or his mother, and everything, EVERYTHING, is for him. I have already written my will, my wife has read it, she gets nothing, our son gets everything, and he is charged with looking after her if she survives me. (she will still own the house, which is a nice chunk). Fuck boomers, and fuck thier "every man for himself bullshit". thats the motto of a pirate, not a warrior ---224302884 >>224302753 That’s more of a note on how competitive the NYC market is, absolutely the most competitive market in the country. ---224302991 I'm in a rural county NE of DFW and the population here has been more or less the same all my life. Now they're saying they expect the population to double in 10 years. All the leaders and politicians brag about attracting businesses from California with no regard to the effect it will have on demographics in the future. I fear this state is doomed. ---224303291 >>224295632 the law in canada sucks see >>224302874 ---224303307 >>224273515 Based ---224303390 >>224262641 8 people who replied to this are idiots. This guy is right ---224303546 >>224303390 Correct ---224303590 >>224302874 If it means anything, you're very inspiring to me. I'm 23 and have a gf a gf who I plan on marrying and making a life with her. Both my parents fucked up, they have nothing to show for it. Both in their 50s and own nothing. Mom has life insurance and out of all 3 of her children, she put me as the beneficiary. I don't care about anything they will or won't leave me, just grateful I have a good relationship with them. My goal in life is to have a kid or few and leave a mark on this world. Have something to show after years of hard work. Thanks for sharing Anon, again, very inspirational. ---224303601 >>224302884 Coming to a major city or town near you. The Chinese, Indians and Saudis are coming for your house to enslave your children by making them perma-renters. ---224303731 >>224262641 this ---224303989 >>224262641 This guy is right. I don't know why everyone is reeing. ---224304083 >>224256564 No one wants your shitty flip jobs. ---224304263 >>224296809 If that worked we wouldnt be talking about the Rothschilds still ---224304274 >>224299657 You fell for the oldest trick in the book. I use this trick all the time to push a sale. ---224304313 >>224302874 >I built a small, but successful construction company. better have a backup plan when the trump global recession hits next year ---224304446 >>224303601 Which is why it should be illegal. I don’t see a major problem with a chinaman investing money into an independent real estate company, but they shouldn’t be able to directly own residential property. These may seem like nearly identical things, but they aren’t. ---224304624 >>224265869 Cтapыe дoмa, гдe-тo дo 1960х пocтpoйки чacтo киpпичныe. Te чтo нoвыe, хoть зa 20+миллиoнoв - из гoвнa и пaлoк, oблицoвaнныйe дeкopaтивным cлoeм в пoлкиpпичa. ---224304888 >>224256564 what Soetoro "economy" 3 market crashes biggest one in one day massive halts and 90% unemployment and a drastic rise in welfare payouts along with massive drops in wages and hyper inflation only checked by the gencoide of the world and king dullah by dumbo jew ---224304926 >>224265754 you mean can't suffer anymore judaic nonsense and control by kikes like you faggot ---224304942 >Danish bank running first negative interest rate mortgage >literally none of the financial protections talked about after the 2008 financial crisis ever got put in place >people somehow blaming the president even though this would have happened regardless of who was in office and if not it would have simply been pushed back further and snowballed even worse >US owes $61,539 USD per citizen in debt Source: >6 in 10 US citizens don't have over $500 in savings Source: So when are we hanging bankers and when are people going to stop buying the latest iPhone on credit? Hint: Never. I hope it was worth us all not being able to put food on the table though. Sell future generations lives off so we can live cozy though and hope they don't throw us in the woodchopper once they realize we fucked them just like the boomers did. Stock up on toilet paper and ammunition anons, you're gonna need it. Assets mean everything, money is worthless. >>224261200 The only reason the rich are still buying houses is because they know their money might be worthless in the coming years + recessions are only an issue if you can't pay your dues. Hint: Obama isn't taking out a mortgage to pay for his $14 million dollar home. ---224304963 >>224280872 bingo and Orange Stalin is continuing all the juden policies of 100 years of kike fraud and aggression ---224305025 >>224256564 >Posh location >midwest/south The housing market outside of liberal faggoty zones is in perpetual purgatory. ---224305267 >>224267882 someone answer this man i'm tired of living with mom and i have enough saved to do it tomorrow ---224305312 >>224305267 >i'm tired of living with mom and i have enough saved to do it tomorrow wait till after election ---224305327 >>224304942 In addition to this, forgot to mention that the inverted yield curve is a very serious sign of shit to come given the absolutely astonishing level of debt in the world & the inability to lower interest rates further beyond going into the negatives. The danish bank offering negative interest rates (the banks are literally paying you to take mortgages) is a very scary sign of what people think the future value of currency will be like & will only serve to accelerate the bubble with 0 safety net possible. Imagine a world where banks are literally giving away money to any Joe Shmo to stir up investment & prevent hoarding of cash by the rich but suddenly the dollar isn't worth the paper it is written on. That might not come this recession but it will eventually if debts continue to go unpaid and the economic shock of a true recession isn't allowed to happen. ---224305487 >>224299657 This post is worth 4 dollars. Just so you know I have 12 other offers on it. ---224305500 >>224305312 >keep telling potential fuckbuddies that you live with your mom and ruin it all for another year fuck my life anon ---224305660 >>224305500 well, it's your money ---224305712 >>224302874 >everything, EVERYTHING, is for him. I have already written my will, my wife has read it, she gets nothing, our son gets everything, and he is charged with looking after her if she survives me. (she will still own the house, which is a nice chunk). Yeah but that generation is going to be the next boomer. So she's fucked. ---224305824 >>224282151 >it was all a lie. ---224305983 >>224296809 Ask the Rockefellers and Vanderbilts how well that worked. Drop your money and assets into a non-profit foundation that pays your kids and their kids seven figure salaries to sit on the board and also owns everything they use so it never changes hands if someone dies: all their land, houses, cars, planes, boats, art collections and so on. ---224306035 >>224305660 i know you're right, man, it's just aids when you wanna start a family and are staring down the age of 30 already (i know it's bad. i was a rentcuck) ---224306134 >>224305327 mortgaged property is a great way to hedge against inflation. If the dollar loses half it's value, theoretically, so has your loan. ---224306292 >live in white, upper middle-class suburb >every fucking where they are building more McMansions that "start in the 350s" Who the fuck is even buying these? ---224306451 >>224299034 West Plano here, can confirm. Live within spitting distance of a Whole Foods. ---224307548 >>224306134 Yes but if the value of the house drops substantially or you lose your job and can no longer pay mortgage payments and are now landlocked to a city where your career choice has no job offerings you are shit out of luck. Everyone thinks this won't happen to them. Tell that to all my friends in industries from construction, oil & gas, IT, etc that are highly qualified but suddenly out of work. Or the lack of contracts being bid on across all industries that is leading to reduced hours and less cash in people's pockets. It sounds retarded but there's plenty of people out there that live on debt to get by without a care as to how it will be paid off. I would even go as far as to say most people are like this. There is no such thing as a sure thing when it comes to investing and the fact that real estate is constantly treated as such is all but a guarantee of an eventual bubble popping. Negative interest rates will drive house values higher, put loans into the hands of people that should not have them to begin with, and will eventually lead to a market flush where as usual the poor get fucked and the savvy rich investors sweep the table just like they did in 2008. ---224308972 >>224307548 Another point for trades. Trades are needed everywhere and so overvalued competition is easy. I plan on becoming an AC repairman now that I’ve recovered from an injury. ---224310692 >>224257712 /thread Houses are so grossly overpriced thanks to greedy boomers buying 5 properties to rent out to zoomers who can never afford to buy a house of their own at these ridiculously over-inflated prices. The housing market cant crash soon enough, kek. I mean there are old rundown tiny houses listed for half a million in every urban area. ---224310918 >>224277572 >this They literally removed all the manufacturing and production out of their countries and into the third world for their own personal gain, because fuck the next generation I want more shit. Now we are left with countries that cannot compete against manufacturing hives in the 3rd world that have slave labour. >Lol who cares if the next generation can't find jobs as long as I get my giant mansion and fancy cars and shit. ---224311335 >>224265202 Who the fuck cares about muh climate change? If it floods, it floods. HUMANITY WILL SURVIVE. There are a billion more pressing threats to civilization than a little bit of salty water. ---224311472 >>224267483 Are there still laws on the books that force banks to loan to shitty borrowers? If so, you can’t blame them. ---224311628 >>224310692 For whatever reason people ignore the fact you have to completely gut and remodel a house very 20 to 30 years Land is way more important ---224312055 >>224267483 There are still fail safes. The more debt banks gain the more capital they have to store as collateral and banks don't like holding money because it burns a hole in their pockets. ---224312521 >>224273574 In some places it's required by code. Hurricanes. ---224312671 >>224256564 Sweet! I'm in the market to buy So tank it like a mother fucker I'm in the market for some lake front ---224314935 >>224276985 Fuck you from 75093. ---224315267 >>224261634 People forget this. There were only ever two choices. >Trump accomplished his campaign promises >Democracy becomes a one party system >Political solutions are no longer viable in this environment Honk. ---224316050 >>224265869 The reason you see meme wood houses is because they're in earthquake zones. Google "brick house earthquake" to see what happens if you build a brick house on a fault line. ---224316217 >>224279722 They have multiple best-selling books you fucking retard + speeches and whatever else. ---224316230 >>224256564 >implying the housing market should always be fuking inflated kys you economic brainlet ---224316948 >>224316050 >>224265869 >>224268567 >The reason you see meme wood houses is because they're in earthquake zones. Google "brick house earthquake" to see what happens if you build a brick house on a fault line. American construction is run by Billy Boby and Chip Lees that is why its so shit. Even a mild amerifatt fart makes those chipboard houses fall apart. ---224316972 Just move to southlake ---224317147 >this is a 1 000 000 usd house in america ---224317179 >>224286863 based ---224317243 >>224257464 Hey put a lid on the racism will you? Alright, buddy. ---224317290 >>224276818 depends on the part of georgia rural houses sell slow ---224317355 >>224316948 hi from /diy/ ---224318541 >>224299657 >your location and circumstances means everywhere else has the same. i doubt you even own a house anon. ---224318714 >>224261307 Boomers weren’t the mcmansion lovers. That was GenX, who drank the koolaid. They still thought they should buy a house (doesn’t make as much sense today) and all they ever knew was skyrocketing prices with cheap loans. And what kind of a house would you expect the group who grew up with Bill Cosby’s sweater to buy? ---224318839 >>224273515 ---224318878 >>224317355 /diy/ is rightful /pol/ clay ---224318939 >>224271014 My house is 16” solid fieldstone. A lot of homes here are. ---224318974 >>224277124 The bullshit is amazing in this thread. ---224319104 >>224279025 >>224279025 Because they need the money to pay for assisted living, which is right now running $6000/mo in the midwestern city closest to me. ---224319222 >>224260813 >the housing market is a complete sellers market with little to no buyers Nigga, what? ---224319459 Scrolled through my area on zillow looking at properties between 500k and 1m and couldn't find a single house I would be willing to blow nearly that kind of money on. A couple for near 500k look like they are fucking shacks. ---224319621 >>224261795 >Using catholic anime girl to shill for McChristianity (aka American Protestantism) Imagine being so fucking retarded you create a dichotomy between faith and works, and so fucking retarded you claim "sola scriptura" but >"lel fuck the apocrypha tho" ---224319660 >>224311628 Bullshit. People who do that are idiots. Things like granite countertops were never meant to be disposable . If you chase after trends instead of honoring your home as it was built, you will spend way too much on it. Having said that, I would never buy a house made after 1979. Current house is 1920. ---224319731 >>224298671 >fixing plywood mcmansions is hard What a retard ---224320167 >>224256564 There is no such thing as "THE" housing market. There are lots of different markets all over the US, and some go up and some go down. One of the reasons there has been such an increasing in pricing in big markets (like Dallas) has been because the Chinese were flooding the market while trying to get their money out of China. That has been shut down a lot, both because of the trade war, and because the Chinese economy is faltering. ---224320171 >>224273515 Based and redpilled. I’ll be doing the same. I actually have enough to “play the game” but I’m not going to buy their bags so they can cash out and live their dumbass retirement. Fuck em. ---224320676 >>224256564 Trump's fixed the housing affordability crisis!? Is there nothing this genius can't do? ---224320824 >>224256564 >Americans shitpost from unfinished houses that a leaning sideways truly a 1st world country ---224321326 >>224299657 Congrats. I'm closing on one in the next few weeks too. We saw three open houses in the same area. All of the units we saw that day were sold the same day. These retards can't figure out that the subprime lending bubble is completely different than the forces driving the market today. Today it is demand-driven and not propped up by bad loans ---224321705 >>224257712 this. but the good properties do sell thus artificiall value ---224322107 give you 2 bucks for it ---224322703 >>224261200 it's truly beautiful ---224323323 >>224317243 go suck a nigger cock, shitskin ---224323615 As a Jew I am looking forward to the excellent market opportunities that will arise in Recession. ---224324309 >>224259926 Meh. The absolute worst-case-scenario for 2100 predicts most of Manhattan still being above water. Wall St. Is fucked but Wall St. Is basically just ghost apartments for bankers, so they'll just take out the insurance policy. As the infrastructure of NYC is flooded, you can expect a dip in housing prices while they rebuild it. But again the infrastructure will probably be completely overhauled long before flooding starts. ---224324503 >>224319660 >granite countertops akshully, they're utter shit, for niggerwits tier animals why the fuck would you choose a stone that can get stained and that you have to coat, because it's porous as fuck, which is completely unhygienic in a fucking kitchen of all places??? older generations used soapstone, if they wanted stone, ffs... ---224324872 Good, maybe I'll be able to afford a house now. Fucking boomers. ---224325354 >>224310918 >s >They literally removed all the manufacturing and production out of their countries and into the third world for their own personal gain, because fuck the next generation I want more shit. >Now we are left with countries that cannot compete against manufacturing hives in the 3rd world that have slave labour. WTF are you even talking about loser? "Boomers" most certainly DID NOT move their jobs overseas, you are just stupid. ---224325386 >>224277569 This. ---224325393 >>224317243 This. 4chan has some interesting topics and a peculiar humor but the racism just has to go. ---224326076 >>224300203 Based Hans. Imagine Turk face when there is no monthly free money. I want to see WEBMS videos of their faces when they found out. Germans dont want to work for us!!!! Aaaaaaalaaaaaah! Ok.dont panic mohamed where is the closest US air food drop off ---224326149 >>224300467 Dont forget Gold!And magic (((bonds))!!! ---224326417 >>224287762 My Boomers parents left 6.5 million to charities and 50k to each of their kids. ---224326621 >>224317147 Vikendica ---224327375 HOME OWNERSHIP A THING OF THE PAST Privately owned housing would become a thing of the past. The cost of housing and financing housing would gradually be made so high that most people couldn't afford it. People who already owned their houses would be allowed to keep them but as years go by it would be more and more difficult for young people to buy a house. Young people would more and more become renters, particularly in apartments or condominiums. More and more unsold houses would stand vacant. People just couldn't buy them. But the cost of housing would not come down. You'd right away think, well the vacant house, the price would come down, the people would buy it. But there was some statement to the effect that the price would be held high even though there were many available so that free market places would not operate. People would not be able to buy these and gradually more and more of the population would be forced into small apartments. Small apartments which would not accommodate very many children. Then as the number of real home-owners diminished they would become a minority. There would be no sympathy for them from the majority who dwelled in the apartments and then these homes could be taken by increased taxes or other regulations that would be detrimental to home ownership and would be acceptable to the majority. Ultimately, people would be assigned where they would live and it would be common to have non-family members living with you. This by way of your not knowing just how far you could trust anybody. This would all be under the control of a central housing authority. Have this in mind in 1990 when they ask, "How many bedrooms in your house? How many bathrooms in your house? Do you have a finished game room?." This information is personal and is of no national interest to government under our existing Constitution. But you'll be asked those questions and decide how you want to respond to them. ---224327429 >>224327375 ---224327484 >>224257712 b-but my e-e-equity! why wont you stupid millenials get off your lazy asses and buy my overpriced house? THIS IS MY RETIREMENT, I NEED TO GO ON HOLIDAYS, OUT TO EAT AND HAVE FUN UNTIL I DIE fuck my kids, i put 'm through school and now they can save themselves heheeheeee I've earned it! lets just hope our overlords will pump some more money into the markets so we can keep prices high ---224328002 >>224288151 agree ---224328408 >>224321326 Yes, your anecdotal evidence is proof of that. The reality is that everything is returning to pre 2008 levels of retarded except it's even worse because of inflation and an overbought stock market. The housing market is going to crash and peripherals are going to crash along with it. It's not so much dominoes as a house of cards, ironically. ---224328423 >>224296242 who's the lady? ---224328476 >>224327484 >depression nap get outa here with your normie faux sad boi memes ---224328527 >>224256564 Greedy boomer needs to drop the price ---224328593 >>224296879 yes, can't agree more on stupidity of that flaunting "mY HoUsE iS wOrTh MoRe NoW tHaN wHeN I boUghT iT" ---224328704 >>224328423 gogolène royal, "l'ambassadrice bipolaire", you retard ---224328718 >>224297623 what's good about being paid in cash? ---224329048 >>224297978 I like it, looks appealing ---224329190 >>224298671 I know how to fix 99% of my stuff, anon. You just gotta be not afraid to break something in the process (which is hard) ---224329289 >>224299379 pre-boomers? how old do you have to be then? Like 50? ---224329851 >>224291910 >so many dumb faggots are replying. >hits Post ---224330115 >>224256564 Nah, there is tons of new housing being built in Plano. People have options, and they are choosing not to buy that specific house. Places like Los Angeles and Seattle have a housing "shortage" because they have a shit load of stupid regulations that make it difficult to build anything. In Texas, you can just buy property and build. ---224330667 New Thread >>224330644 >>224330644 >>224330644 >>224330644 >>224330644 ---224330696 >>224328527 Prices can't be allowed to drop much because for too many homeowners (mostly boomers) their house is also their entire retirement savings. Also too many people (again boomers) are heavily invested in rental properties. ---224331050 >>224321326 >not bad loans >all I see on msm is "no savings needed!" mortgages sure anon. the bank's learned their lesson last time and are playing nice now :). fucking dumbass. it's the same shit except now throw in all the boomers retiring, refugees (((pilling in))) to cover the gaps and millennials being too poor to do anything and you got the full story. ---224331758 >>224302093 I agree, but let's not be so harsh, buying should be available for legal long-term residents ---224331845 >>224316217 who the actual fuck would buy that drivel, seriously. ---224331998 >>224303590 same here, although I'm married already and I'm 27, but the rest is the same. I don't keep my hopes very high, desu, although I'm not a pushover and never been.
----- ---224322396 Here in Sweden childrens books about Donald Trump, throws shade on the President of the US and A and is via tax-financed goverment handouts, given to preschool and nursing schools around the country This book is marketed to young children, age 3-6, and is pushed by Swedish government authority "Statens kulturråd" by gifting (yes its all tax-financed ofc.) to preschools to help with reading Wikippedia: The Swedish Arts Council (Swedish: Statens kulturråd, or Kulturrådet) is a Swedish administrative authority organized under the Ministry of Culture, and is tasked with promoting culture and its availability by distributing and following up on government grants, on the basis of the national cultural policy objectives, as determined by the Riksdag. Is anything like this happening in your countries, or is swedistan once again at its own level of indoctrination? Welcome to the last satelite state of soviet, where pushing children at age 3-6 into a certain political direction by the goverment and schoolsystem is widely accepted. ISBN 9789150222661
---224322552 >>224322396 I'm sure at some point a swede anon is going to post a kindergarten book about how to suck BBC and I'm not going to be surprised that it's compulsory in all schools. The end will be a whimper not a bang. Steadily worse and worse until its too late, but everyone is too demoralised to do anything. ---224322558 >>224322396 WTF I LOVE ZIONIST STOOGES NOW ---224322641 good fuck fascist trump and, his kekistani alt-right followers. ---224323006 >>224322552 In alternative circles here in sweden this is already a big subject, "how we became slowly cooked, and in the beginning it was nice and warm, and we didnt notice anything was wrong until it was too late" I think our last bit of hope, is to get people that are not used to this kind of indoctrination i.e. people from other countries, to raise this subject for us, for we can no longer do it ourselves. ---224323182 >>224323006 ---224323773 >>224323006 read The New Totalitarians ---224324155 >>224323182 >>224323773 Thanks, i'll look into those books. ---224324530 >>224322396 >gifts so dont be a faggot and share it I remember some years ago someone posted the Hillary Clinton book, threas was hillarious ---224326275 >>224322532 Look at how this carbon free whore is teasing all the males, so outrageously slutty!! She sure is craving cocks!! Imagine how tight she must be... ---224329488 >>224322396 This kinda shit right here, along with being a tiny insignificant land mass, is why Sweden doesn't get to have a say in world affairs. ---224329640 >>224322396 that's utterly ridiculous
----- ---224329676 >>The Jewish Single Party Dialectic has caught up to the perverted wanna be Jews, actual Ottomans that started this political banana republic creating force: fake Israel! >>Fake Israel and it's LARPing Jews are all so Larped out that they literally hate everyone running for office like we do!
---224329931 I don't know about you, and I can't say exactly why it is, but this pleases my sense of karma.
----- ---224312334 Should we stop using the word "race" and start using the word "species" instead?
---224313915 >>224312334 I mean there is only ONE human in that pic, the Caucasian the rest aren't considered human by any means. ---224314387 >>224312334 Caucasoid and Mongoloid and Negroid is a bullshit term. You have very different races within these so called groups. It claims Semities are the same race as al the Europeans for example. You also have non Bantu Africans and Asia has loads of different races. Its basically globalism lite to destroy individual identity. Also according to America Sudan is "white" and "Caucasian" while Spain is not. ---224314477 >>224312334 It annoys me that the term Human race has become so popular, as race implies that there is more than just one, otherwise, what is the point in continuing to use that term? ---224314485 There are only one species, the human race. it consists of white people. The others are animals ---224314661 There are only two species, the chosen and the goyim. ---224314714 >>224312334 Humans, spics, niggers, and other Asians ---224314749 >>224312334 ---224314902 >>224312334 Why don't you go ahead and use actual photographs instead of a stock image illustration? ;) P.S. - All human beings are people. All of the illustrations here represent people. I do not hold anything against less widely successful races, other than what they are responsible for! You are simply misrepresenting them on purpose with this stupid jpg of 2D characters. ---224314905 >>224312334 Subspecies ---224316341 We're not different species as we can all still interbreed and produce viable offspring. Maybe different subspecies though, and there may be sub-races that we can just keep colloquially referring to as races, such as the white race. It's obvious that we have racial contiguity with most of the peoples of Anatolia, Iran, & the Levant though. And just because there's an overlapping section in a Venn diagram doesn't mean the circles aren't real. ---224316994 If Europeans maintain a core of their best people (forget about all the cucks and liberals etc) then they'll just continue on their path of evolution > whereby the European genome continues diverging/drifting further away from other sub-species. Non-europeans are not human either - even the word "human" was invented by the Romans in reference only to Europeans and now everyone just throws it around not knowing what it really means. ---224317039 >>224312334 4 races, 1 species kys and stop reinventing shit ---224317217 >>224312334 >and start using the word "species" instead? Just go by pic related ---224317586 >>224317217 I had a good laugh at this ---224317752 >>224317039 We're hardly 1 species - we're separate sub-species at best. ---224317784 >>224312334 We are all one species - human. Buuuuut there are definitely different breeds of human as there are in dogs etc. We're happy to say that different breeds of dogs have different qualities and abilities so surely there's differences between breeds of humans I.e- niggers can't swim, chinks are good at maths etc. Denial of this is denial of basic biology ---224317785 >>224317217 Where's this from, it's oddly sensible. ---224318015 >>224317785 >Where's this from Not sure, I picked it up off /pol/ years ago. Jewgle search show nothing, so it might have been some autists OC ---224318277 >>224314387 shut up idiot ---224318286 >>224318015 lol, abos didn't even make the cut, they've really spun off into a totally separate organism ---224318711 >>224312334 Subspecies is the correct scientific term. ---224318784 >>224314749 Two members of the same speciy can procreate and their offspring will be fertile. ---224318887 >>224318784 ---224318980 >>224318784 Lions and tigers (separate species) have made lygers - only to discover those lygers became infertile and dysgenic per generation of continuing their breed. They became evidently depressed, anti-social and infertile. And as a French, you guys have a reputation for miscegenation and you pose a threat to Europe due to your affinity for niggers. ---224319160 >>224318980 >(((French))) guys We are not the ones who let the niggers in, but I can tell you arab women are the ones ridding the BBC in France. ---224319227 >>224318887 still would the one on the left \o ---224319302 >>224319160 Semitics are all sluts, we get it here too. They're too easy. Even the nigger migrants here, their women go for white guys. Semitic males are weirdly gay too, they're fine with groping other guys like it's normal and they don't consider it gay at all. One of them told me: "Girls are for babies, and boys are for fucking"..... ---224319347 >>224319160 >frnch pushing "bbc" meme predictable. even if it's for arab women ---224319375 >>224319347 bbc meme? ---224319415 >>224319347 You have no idea how much arab guys are insecure about this. ---224319441 >>224319227 goat on left or grill on left? ---224319449 >>224319375 referring to any nigger cock as bbc. unjew your minds and your volk will follow ---224319474 >>224319415 doesn't matter. you shouldn't spread the lie that niggers have big dicks ---224319548 >>224317752 So separate races ---224319595 >>224319160 This graph is incorrect, all those tigers belong to the P. tigris species, with the Bengal, Sumatran and Siberian tigers being subspecies of P. tigris. ---224319755 >>224318887 >nigger >human Top kek ---224319768 >>224319474 Everyone know it's a lie. ---224319776 >>224319415 That;s why Islam is just a systematic cope. ---224319801 >>224319449 Yeah, but I'm not seeing where the French anon alluded to this. ---224319869 This guy is pretty entertaining, and he just get straight to the point and lays out the fundamentals. ---224321626 >>224319160 Because not Order> Family> Genus> Species> Sub-Species> Race> phenotypes/ethnicities> Strain ?! ---224321698 >>224319160 so in theory the neanderthal man is another race ---224321729 >>224318784 So can different genuses anon, google coywolves. ---224321821 >>224312334 >"species" There can be no reproduction between species. Cat and dogs are different species. Doberman and German Shepherd are different races. Mongoloids and Caucasoids are different races. ---224321951 >>224312334 No Pajeetoid? ---224322808 >>224312334 Were being out breed by billions of non humans. Things will rapidly degenerate from now on. ---224323795 >>224312334 More psychological attacks on white solidarity Shlomo? ---224324439 >>224318887 the one on the left looks mentally ill ---224324541 >>224312334 I want to live around and breed with the kind of human that has blond hair and blue eyes. What do we call those types? Nazi's? Wait, the Nazi's were trying to preserve that color pattern? No wonder the Jews still hate them to this day. ---224324654 Bible believing fundy Christfag here... This has always been the case. Our origins all point back to the same 8 people on the boat, and before that, the same 2 people in creation. The differences in our appearance are just the result of natural selection and the rapid speciation that occurred after the dispersion incident. The same blood courses through all our veins. There is not such thing as race. We're all related. (Read Ken Ham for fun!) ---224324796 >>224312334 why the fuck do americans even say caucasian? it makes no sense, nobody in europe does that. caucasian literally refers to a group of people from the caucasus ---224327226 >>224312334 That's the word hat should have been used from the beginning ---224327488 >>224324796 >literally refers to a group of people from the caucasus and where do you think the Proto-Indo-Europeans originate from? ---224327735 >>224319415 People really should be more aware of HLA antigens and genetic compatibility for blood and marrow and other tissues or organs ---224327840 >>224324796 >why the fuck do americans even say caucasian? It started as a government classification scheme to disguise the extent to which White Displacement was already taking place 40 to 50 years ago. North Africans, Indians, Arabs, Armenians, Jews, and other assorted non whites all serve to bolster the supposed "white majority". The mask on that deception has been slipping ever since the internet came into wider use. ---224328164 >>224327840 forgot to take off meme flag. Even millions of Meso-Americans with mixed race backgrounds get classified as "Caucasian". A secondary purpose of this is to disguise the racial disparity in almost every single recorded crime. The government can't have the actual white people of European heritage realise that the Central Americans commit 7 times as much theft and murder, or that niggers commit 30x the amount of crime, for example. That would be bad optics for the Race Replacement project. ---224328874 >>224318887 Look up dog breeds All the same species just different breeds ---224328947 >>224312334 Natives to America are also a different race from regular mongoloids. ---224329058 >>224312334 Actually, human breed makes more sense than human race. ---224329245 >>224324654 >believing all world descended from only 8 people >believing Noah didnt find other people when he landed what is genetics ? ---224329347 >>224328874 It's totally arbitrary how the line is drawn for differentiating a species from a breed. Dogs and Wolves or Dogs and Foxes can produce viable offspring, yet they are considered different species. A Husky (dog) has a lot more in common with an Arctic Wolf than it does with a schnauzer, yet I'm supposed to believe that the Husky is the same species as a cocker spaniel, not the animal that it is phenotypically exactly like and can be breed with? give me a break ---224329505 >>224327488 >and where do you think the Proto-Indo-Europeans originate from? Partly Ukraine(YAM), partly Siberian marsh (EHG) , partly Anatolia(NF), partly France and Central Europe(WHG) ---224329646 >>224324796 It started out in the 19th century when a retarded anthropologist discovered Georgians and and back then people believed Indo-Europeans originated somewhere in that area ---224332059 >>224312334 Sage
----- ---224319105 Hong Kong? Live on RT
---224319191 >>224319105 Those fucking protesters and making such a ruckus. The CCP has the best intention for all its citizens. They should lay down their arms and apologise. ---224319323 >>224319105 The CCP has the best intention for all its citizens ---224319418 >>224319105 I'm not supporting the HK protestors. ---224319438 >>224319105 Apparently the CCP has the best intentions for all its citizens, nothing shonky going on here guys let's all move on shall we? ---224319448 >>224319191 >>224319323 >>224319418 Literally chink bots. ---224319565 >>224319105 The CCP has the best intention for all its citizens, the rioters should return home. ---224319648 They gotta escalate the violence or the protests will die. The problem is that all the kids go back to school Sept 2 and then the revolution is over. HK people have legit grievances but. This incremental escalation strategy really indicates there is outside guidance. Guidance, but from whom? Well if you look at the “Revolution of Dignity” in Ukraine Obama allied with Nazis to bring down the regime , in Libya he allied with takafiri lunatics, and in Syria, with cannibals. So who is the empire using here in HK? What group opposes China and wants to seize power there. Also, expect a protest leader to be maytared this week. ---224319664 >>224319191 ---224319706 >>224319105 >those shields and barricades This will go down in history as the great lego revolution ---224319782 >>224319191 >>224319323 >>224319418 wtf lol Why can't libtards here riot properly? They are literally incapable of this cohesion and focus. They just chimp out, lose the very moment riot police arrive, then give up completely and choose a new city a few weeks or months later. ---224320033 >>224319105 Based insectoid chinks ---224320103 >>224319782 Maybe they were wrong from the start, get your facts* straight :) ---224320355 >>224319105 >muh watercannons! >2nd hand shills dont even realize they just want you to spread footage of at best 100-200 "protesters" getting doused and easily dispersed its literally just a PR war between mutt shills and China now ---224320392 The big lego pieces are a good idea. The CCP is family orientated. ---224320429 >>224319191 >>224319323 >>224319418 >>224319438 >>224319565 >t.Pajeet >>>224319448 >t.Gook ---224320701 who was in the wrong here ---224320765 >>224320355 show flag chink ---224320854 >>224319105 The CCP has the best intention for all its citizens, the youth need to stop rioting ---224320998 >>224319105 those """"protesters"""" seem to glow in the dark ---224321018 >>224320854 look at this faggot ---224321035 >>224320701 Hong Kong is wrong and are troublemakers. Xi Jinping is a kind leader who wishes the best for all his Chinese citizens. Hong Kong included ---224321039 >>224321018 he's not wrong though ---224321055 >>224319105 the protesters will inevitably lose. and when this happens, the chinese govt will give them subhuman social credit scores. their lives will be miserable and the majority of them will likely rot away in prison and become forgotten. nothing is more oppressive and resolute than the determination of the chinese govt. ---224321083 >>224321035 benevolent leader Xi Jinping is wise and will forgive the protestors. they just need to stop now and restore harmony. ---224321087 >>224319448 It's pretty surreal they're on ever website where this comment comes up, which means they are there all the time ---224321100 >>224319105 FUCK ALL HAPPENING. Bunch of pussies. Both of them. Nobody is attacking. Boring as fuck ---224321118 >>224321039 he's wrong, and you're a shill i hope they kill your family ---224321129 >>224320701 China for letting it go on so long then pulling the rug out from under them. ---224321177 >>224321118 I don't think the protestors will be able to reach me in Germany. ---224321192 >>224320392 >The CCP is family orientated. They'd never separate families. All to the laogai together. ---224321198 >>224319448 CCP still has the best intentions for Hong Kong citizens. ---224321214 >>224319105 gloomtube's stream with multiple perspectives. ---224321266 >>224319105 KLANKENING! ---224321273 >>224319448 Good thing the first reaction to any post is to call them a shill. FUCK CHINA!!! ---224321283 >>224321177 >i'm totes a german in germany guys ---224321289 >>224321118 just what a soros boy would say ---224321290 >>224319648 >What group opposes China and wants to seize power there The citizens of HK. They are seizing power as is their right accorded to them in the Basic Law. This is all coming as a great shock to you and your superiors in the 50 cent party I'm sure, but when people feel threatened, bullied, marginalized and pushed around badly enough, at some point they will fight back, and when that happens they come to realize that they're not alone in their fight and it's not them that are outnumbered, and then they stop being afraid, and soon after, they prevail. ---224321372 Lots of astroturfing agaubst HK protest on /pol/. ---224321409 Things seem to slowly escalate. Now policve shoots teargas. I can hear clankening! This could be it! ---224321414 >>224319706 underrated ---224321472 >>224319105 Protestors are based. All goverments should burn in hell. ---224321506 >>224319323 Sage ---224321555 >>224321083 Kek ---224321644 >>224321283 I'm German, too. And can confirm he's Germany. ---224321831 >>224321472 Except the CCP is based and redpilled and has the best intentions for all its citizens. Put in is good friend as well. I Jingping and Putin best friends ---224321922 >>224321506 How’s multi-party and fr33dom working in west? Good? No. CCP is more based way more ---224322081 >>224321644 holy fuck Germany is actually in this thread I guess they're right guys better stop the protests otherwise Germany will get you ---224322501 >>224319191 >>224319418 >>224321831 >>224321922 t.chinky chong in the west getting paid by communist china to shill for the party on 4chan ---224322570 Fuck china. Fuck communism. Fight for your freedom! ---224322636 Hong Kong is lost they should just move to Taiwan. ---224322853 >>224321472 All LGBT turds should burn in hell. That includes you you homo turd. ---224322917 hk cops are lame as fuck, this would be perfect for some water cannons ---224323009 >>224319105 I'm with CHINA on this one. They have a country of billion and IT WORKS. Why these fags and idiots in Honk Kong think they are better is beyond any sane thought. China should just do all a favor and nuke them the fuck out. Fuck you all. ---224323196 >>224323009 >Why these fags and idiots in Honk Kong think they are better is beyond any sane thought. >China should just do all a favor and nuke them the fuck out. >Fuck you all. Eat shit and die you commie scum ---224323203 >>224323009 I'm with the Serbs on this, Croatia is just a province. ---224323205 >>224322570 >Fuck china. Fuck communism. So why you fat American pigs are buying stuff made in China then. you fucking degenerate hypocrites ---224323216 >>224321922 It works where there is actualy >2 actual parties. ---224323261 >>224323196 >>224323196 Realy could care less about communism, democracy or any other shit that you make up. It's their fucking country, why should I fucking care? ---224323291 >>224323203 Big. Fucking. Deal. ---224323404 >>224321100 Any notice how the protesters can't even huck bricks more than 20 feet? It's embarrassing. ---224323620 The troublemakers in Hong Kong should go home. They are being guided by foreigners. Xi Jinping and the CCP have the Chinese people's best interests in mind. ---224323768 >>224323404 looking like this, im surprised they can lift the bricks at all ---224323841 I'm travelling to HK in a week. Wan Chai. They better stay the fuck out of there and any not interrupt my sucky fucky. ---224323871 >>224323620 The CCP has the best intention for all its citizens ---224323890 >>224321372 It dousnt fit the narrative,, which is weird.. I thought the narrative was Democracy in China.. Weird that all these liberal politicians have Huawai stock isnt it Jimbo? ---224323929 time to spray some anti-chink propaganda repellant 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 ---224324341 >>224319191 Imagine being this much of a faggot. ---224324368 These HK people just want free from the holocaust streets that is China. They want free from the baby fetus soup scrowing that nation. Let them be FREE! ---224324444 >>224323929 >The CCP has the best intention for all its citizens ---224324461 What are HKers protesting for anyway? I'm guessing not the extradition bill. Do they want independence or do they want to change the CCP to a democracy? It seems to me that they just hate their hateful govt, their hateful police and the hateful CCP. The media never focus on a clear demand. Not to mention that the CCP has the best intention for all its citizens, the rioters should return home. ---224324468 >>224324368 They learned freedom from the Brits not us.. They want the Freedom to stand in a queue to get a Democracy Loicence ---224324482 >>224319105 Good time to discipline these anarchist faggots ---224324522 >>224324461 they want that nigger dick so they can be le 56% just like their mutt overlords ---224324544 The rioters should return home, the CCP has the best intention for all its citizens. ---224324593 >>224319323 Go away 50 cent army. We know you are chi com agents. HK will be free. ---224324601 Boy all these Glow post sure are making me sleepy. Anyone else sleepy? Boy I sure like to sleep. ---224324837 >>224319105 Nice, comfy sunday apocalypse stream. Where would I ever be without /pol/? >Probably outside enjoying the summer ---224324904 >>224319191 Yes, fellow non-chinese. I, too, think these protesters are hurting Glorious Fatherland and must resume their duties for not to hurt my social credit score any further. ---224325375 >>224321922 >>224323871 >I can't find today's script comrade, have you been able to reach the lieutenant general? >No, there's no answer. Just stick to the best intentions bit and say the Party is based. ---224325435 The CCP has best intentions for all HK citizens ---224325471 >>224324468 No they are learning from us. The only country that has any influence over seas for the past 100 years is USA. ---224325637 >>224324444 >4444 Checked. The CCP has the best intentions for all its citizens ---224325938 >>224323205 >buying stuff made in China >made in China Are you proud of cheap slaves ching-chong ping-pong robots? ---224326081 Someone make a HongKongGeneral, this livestream is fun. /hkg/ ---224326249 >>224319105 THE GRORIOUS CCP HRAS THE BES INTENTERIONS FOR ARR IT CITIRENS CHING CHONG EAT DOG, HONG GONG PROTESTERUS RETURN TO HOME BEFOR WE DEPROY ASSUART ESCERATORS ---224326311 >>224319105 HAPPENING GUYS! ANTIFA NOW SHOOTING LASERS AT POLICE!!! ---224326535 >>224326081 There is a general. >>224312655 ---224326581 The CCP plans to kill all citizens. Beat them by striking first! ---224326728 >>224323871 ---224326771 >>224320701 >>224321035 ??? Also remember guys the CCP totally has the best intention for all its citizens ---224326909 >>224326581 >>224326771 We are. ---224327959 >>224320033 Yeah pretty based, I think its time we give em a chance to stop being a insect ---224328085 >>224319105 how badly will this affect their social credit score? quite scary ---224328166 >>224319105 Beautiful and miserable. ---224328660 >>224319648 >Nazis >Ukraine Are you retarded? ---224328945 >>224319105 ---224329250 The amount of Chinese bots ---224330026 >>224319706 wew ---224330076 >>224319706 Based ---224332580 Kill all hong kong terrorists.
----- ---224325836 Is slavery a violation of the NAP
---224326439 >>224325836 How did that person get into slavery in a hypothetical ancap society? The only way that can happen is if they sold themselves. Maybe as some sort of punishment if they broke the NAP? But that is also sketchy. In most cases, niggers being more impulsive and think of the now would sell themselves to slavery for some quick cash not realizing the consequences. In a society where people make the most rational choice, maybe no one would sell themselves to slavery, but that would take generations of eugenics to approach. ---224327041 >>224326439 Thank you. ---224327468 >>224325836 not if there is a contract ---224327651 >>224325836 Is unleashing incarcerated individuals? The slave caste belongs in bondage ---224327710 Every man, woman and child, no matter the color of their skin, ought to be born free.... To own as many slaves as they want. ---224330041 >>224327710 Okay This is based
----- ---224329274 >>224329045 Stop committing crimes
---224329351 >>224329274 Get serious whitey, that's the wrong answer ---224329531 >>224329045 The newspaper should be named " Defendant " ---224329728 >>224329045 You apologize to me for uploading that image sideways. ---224330029 >>224329045 Im sorry we freed the niggers!
----- ---224328700 What does /pol/ think of Snopes? Any dirt on them? Any examples of disinformation or other issues? The normies seem to trust the site implicitly. Is this a red flag? Wikipedia often cites Snopes articles and this surprises me since I didnt think they had a rigorous verification process and I am a bit surprised how much credit they get. Even scientific journals are full of total bs despite review process.
---224329449 Slight left wing bias, but they do tend to be accurate. For example, this page, snopes says it's true that the spic control cages were built in the last administration. ---224329710 >>224329449 Another example as well. ---224329742 ---224329835 Based. Dude took his wife’s money to hire hookers. Mos’ def “our guy”. ---224329903 >>224328700 Snopes its a legit site, they fact check everything great and have teams of experience on retainer. Oh wait no, not at all they are just a crazy dude and 2 whores. ---224329975 >>224328700 Oldfag here. Used to be an awesome website to visit for urban legends and useless information. Dumb cunts should have stayed away from politics
----- ---224315606 Why do atheists hate logic and science? A1a: we live in a causal universe A1b: every effect has a cause A2a: if we follow that chain back far enough we reach “the beginning of our universe” A2b: If an in-universe cause preceded this, it is not “the beginning of our universe” Therefore our universe began with an external cause; B1: premise A1 is foundational to discerning truth through science B2: premise A2 is a tautology. Therefore arguing against A requires you to argue against the validity of the foundation of using science to discern knowledge.
---224315855 Explain hummingbirds. ---224315929 >>224315855 They are birds. Present an argument. >implying you aren’t a creationist trying to make atheists look super-retarded. ---224315952 >>224315606 Sure, every single tiny thing in creation is part of Gods plan. Apart from the foreskin right ? Better chop that off. ---224315987 Read Kant and Schoepenhauer you midwit. Cause and effect is a never ending infinite cycle. There is no beginning of the universe, it just goes on forever. The universe is nothing but phenomenon. ---224316011 >>224315606 because causality is attribute of our universe alone, outside of it there is nothing suggesting effect cannot preceed a cause. quantum mechanics is a bitch ---224316057 And also how do you think causality applies to "external causes"? causality is merely a construction of our minds, it only deals with the universe as it appears to our senses, it tells us nothing about how things actually are. ---224316072 >>224315952 You seem to be so obsessed with a single god you can’t even consider diesm without lashing out against your imaginary sky fairy you don’t even believe in Wierd, right? Care to try again? ---224316148 >2043 >still believing that we came from an explosion Atheists are pure LOLZ. Go back to church and accept Jesus as your only savior, son, there is still time to save your soul from damnation. Also, stop masturbate to lolicon and traps. ---224316159 >>224315987 >some niggers I didn’t understand seemed to imply shit could happen for no reason. >therefore I believe in Magic Are you pretending? Address the argument. ---224316197 >>224316057 >causality is imaginary. Things happen for no reason. See argument B ---224316241 >>224316011 It seems like you failed to make an argument. ---224316279 >>224316148 Settle down. ---224316357 >>224315606 It's this retarded thread again. ---224316407 >>224316357 You appear to have no argument. Imagin my shock ---224316663 >>224316241 how so you assume that cause always happens "before" the effect, im pointing out its not always necessarily true ---224316873 >>224316663 First off, you aren’t,. Second off, in such a situation that you were correct you would be misatributing cause and effect. And you can’t prove otherwise. Your entire faith is built around effectless causes and causeless effects; something that is definitively anti-scientific. Which was my point, atheists hate science, ---224317075 This is like analytical philosophy for toddlers. Haha. Jfc this board. ---224317125 >>224317075 Our board has intellectual toddlers. Argue, accept the necessity, or move onl ---224317188 >>224315606 >Therefore our universe began with an external cause; it's fair to suppose that, without further evidence, I guess... However, can you prove that this "External Cause" was anything like literally ANYTHING in any of your holy books? use the same rigorous logic, now. ---224317247 Gotta point out we’ve had a few belligerents and none have even attempted to address the argument. Wierd? Right? If there was an error it would be so easily pinpointed by big rain atheists. ---224317333 >>224317188 My holy books? Seems like you are attempting a straw man argument to avoid addressing the proof I mentioned no holy books and no deity. Can you feel your own desperation? ---224317350 >>224315606 I used to argue with people at parties about this stuff--or anything, really--and what would happen is that the other person (the kind op is talking about) would inevitably pull out their phone and try rebut my argument with a Ted Talk clip or something. >"He definitely addresses that and totally refutes it. Just watch. I think it was this video..." So you can see that the essential quality at work is pure credulity in the face of celebrity authority. ---224317426 >>224317350 The jewel is inability to defend a personal position. They can’t. None of them can. They chose a poor position for reasons beyond logic. ---224317687 >>224317333 >I mentioned no holy books and no deity. >Can you feel your own desperation? You were addressing Atheists in your OP post. Meaning that you are NOT an Atheist. So, which holy book do you pray to? ---224317708 So few responses, is /pol/ truly a Christian board? If not, why can’t atheists rebut? ---224317770 >>224317687 Are you really this fucking braindead? Are you pretending to be retarded? Look up deism, and try not to dwell there too long, >obligatory indication you have zero arguments. ---224317860 >>224317770 then why are you proselytizing? ---224317906 I have no problem with controlled evolution. My problem is christmutt, jews and moslems shoving their jew god into it. ---224317930 >>224317687 I have to add, you are a zealot. You don’t understand or recognize that, but that is what you are. You turned a purely logical proof of the existence of a creator into an ideological argument about which creator is correct even though you “don’t believe” in a creator. You are a blind unthinking fool. Address my proof or fuck off. ---224317958 >>224315606 the position of atheist or theist is a non-starter. Anyone who uses science can only claim to be agnostic. If you want to discuss the validity of any particular RELIGIONS, however, it is quite obvious that essentially all of them are wrong. Especially the abrahamic faiths. ---224317975 >>224315606 there is no God ---224317997 >>224315606 ---224318013 >>224317860 I would have to ask why you are using words you don’t know the meaning of and why you are avoiding the topical argument Is it because you can’t find a fault in it? ---224318063 >>224317997 Imagine being so stupid you can’t briefly show how stupid stupid people arguments are. ---224318090 >>224317975 Not an argument Feel free to try again (you won’t) ---224318094 >>224317708 Some version of you comes here every day, it's so tiresome, you should understand how many others have come here and said the same things over and over, been rebutted or not, ad nauseum. ---224318135 >>224317958 And an agnostic would never claim god doesn’t exist, right? Stop pretending to be retarded. ---224318139 Explain free will you LARPing faggot Hard mode: dont reply unless you actually have free will ---224318180 >>224318090 i dont have to, cuz its true ---224318192 Why is it always american with the dumb christianity worship? inb4 jesus isn't a jew/judean inb4 muh judean is aryan ---224318220 >>224318094 Wait, you have heard countless arguments against my position but rather than simply present them you decided to be a big gay? Powerful. Certainly you will dismantle my proof at any moment, despite taking time to explicitly not do so, ---224318296 >>224318180 >tfw it’s so true you have no argument. Atheists, everyone. ---224318320 >>224318296 enjoy the void ---224318373 >>224318135 >And an agnostic would never claim god doesn’t exist, right? An agnostic would claim "I don't know if a god exists or not." Would it then be rational for the agnostic to live as though he "knows" a god is real? And how would this agnostic know what this god wants? Your turn. ---224318451 >>224318320 I can’t wven imagine how someone would perceive this to be a meaningful enough response to click 4 cars. Seriously, I’m so retarded yet NOOONE. Has even attempted at addressing my OP. Perhaps you are all just religious fanatic NPCs, since otherwise you would actually address my proof, ---224318523 >>224318373 >you are correct >also, dumb fucking questions I’d like to again address you to the OP which has not only been disproven but also Entirely unaddressed. ---224318540 >>224318451 >addressing my OP im not gonna address your cope, there is no God, period, no amount of As or Bs or word plays will change it ---224318566 >>224317930 >You turned a purely logical proof of the existence of a creator No, I did not. It's not a logical proof, it's mere speculation. We don't have enough data to conclusevly prove ANYTHING like you were asserting, I merely took it as a hyperbolic hypothesis, and attempted to refute the central thesis of your argument, that you are trying to create converts towards your religion.... Since this isn't the place for general social interaction, especially on metaphysical topics, and is instead a board dedicated to politics, I guess I assumed that the purpose of this thread is for politics...... So, are you off topic or not? ---224318581 >>224318540 >I have no arguments and I have a position based entirely on faith rather than logic or science, I’m okay with this, ---224318644 >>224318013 >Is it because you can’t find a fault in it? can't find fault in what? your opening argument? I can find several arguments against it. We don't know enough about the universe to say really anything about it, so most of your original axioms are just wrong, thus your argument has no basis on reality. sound logic upon a false premise isn't sound logic. ---224318651 >assuming that there is a beginning ---224318678 >>224318566 You abviously don’t know what the logical term “proof” means and also have no logical arguments against my proof, As a guess, you are a dumbfuck who isn’t even capable of being wrong in the arena you stepped into. Feel free to try again, the argument is at the top of the page. ---224318703 >>224318581 >add numbers and letters and call it logic and science lmao ---224318734 >>224318644 Past, hey retard: how about presenting one or more of the multiple arguments you have, ---224318754 >>224318523 I addressed your OP completely by calling it a non-starter. It does not mean anything, and I explained why... atheists and theists likewise deny science and logic. The only scientific position is that of an agnostic. Now you're not answering the questions I asked you at all. Why would an agnostic live his life as a theist? The starting position for agnosticism is living like an atheist. How does an agnostic know who to pray to, or what to call some sort of being that might have created everything? These were rhetorical, of course. An agnostic would not have any clue what god would be responsible for creation, just like how he wouldn't have any clue on how this god would want him to act. ---224318756 >>224318703 Is this schizophrenia? ---224318787 nigger, our universe does not equate to the beginning of time. But I dont expect nazi kikes with maga hats disrupting their energy flows to understand simple concepts. ---224318788 >>224318703 This is a 12 year old's idea of what god is like ---224318796 >>224318678 >have no logical arguments against my proof, we don't know enough about the "beginning" of the universe to say anything about it. Your conclusion is based on a false premise. ---224318798 >>224318754 >atheists and theists likewise deny science and logic. This is the best response I have ever gotten ---224318851 >>224318798 Great but you got it in my first comment ---224318859 >>224318796 So your argument is that effects proceeded causes in the beginning? Do you have any data to back that up? ---224318883 >>224318859 >So your argument is that effects proceeded causes in the beginning? No. it's not. ---224318895 >>224318851 Okay so... everyone denies science and logic. That is your stance? ---224318926 >>224318883 Oh, so causes preceded effects then? ---224318995 >>224315606 Both premises are bald assumptions. A2 the worse ---224318997 >>224315606 Atheists never use logic, especially when it involves god. >are human beings alone in the universe? “Of course not, the universe is so large that human beings can’t even accurately comprehend its size so the odds of us being alone in the universe is nearly 0%. There are millions, if not billions of stars in the sky, and any one of them could potentially have a planet orbiting it that could contain life, intelligent or otherwise. Given these facts, I think we can accurately say that humans are not alone in the universe just by the sheer size of the number of possibilities alone” >is there a possibility that God exists somewhere in this nearly-infinite universe? “Of course not.” ---224319047 >>224318995 Be more specific. Aka: make an argument. ---224319111 >>224318997 Worth noting that in a secular universe it is still totally possible earth contains the only advanced life forms, but fuck that because math based on nothing, ---224319113 >>224316148 If ur god is so fucking great why don't you go ahead and name one good thing he's done for you're miserable fucking existence? ---224319137 >>224318997 it would be funny seeing religiouscuck cope when an alien 100x more advanced lands on their church ---224319197 >>224318926 >Oh, so causes preceded effects then? yup, that's how it works. ---224319229 >>224315606 You are not going to get an answer because atheists are absolute fucking brainlets that lack imagination. Their only arguments revolve around "muh skydaddy" fallacy and "i'm too good for religion so I'll just poke holes in the expired dogma of the day"; in neither case do they ever have an answer for the vacuum they've created in explaining their own pitiful existence. Since atheists can't present any evidence that there is no God their hypothesis is actually less scientific than a theists. It's quite humorous actually. ---224319253 >>224319197 Then I’ll have to refer you to the OP while I roll my eyes. ---224319325 >>224319229 I’m aware. This argument as deliberately constructed to pit their competing gods against each other, I’m actually surprised this Fare into the thread no one has denounced science outright, which generally happens, ---224319344 >>224319229 hard to find evidence against something that doesnt exist, so if it doesnt exist then it doesnt exist, no need for evidence, checkmate christcuck ---224319346 >>224315606 >external cause Multiverse sound less idiotic than god. ---224319390 Itt: brainlets getting fucked by Aquinas of /pol/ ---224319409 >>224319346 You seem to have failed to present an argument, Would you like a second chance? ---224319424 >>224319229 Religion is complete degeneracy, there's not a bigger falsehood and rabbit hole than relgion. I can except the fact that maybe there is a god, but he clearly isn't on our fucking side. ---224319460 >>224315606 >every child has a mother >therefore the mother of all children exists Why should there be only 1 first cause and not 10 of then? Or 58934? ---224319473 >>224315606 I read through your thread and it seems to me you just had your logic 101 classes but forgot your basic philosophy classes. The first cause "argument" has been discussed numerous amounts of time. But sure, you know better, OP. Make yourself feel smart. ---224319484 >>224319473 ---224319496 >>224319344 >he's not a brainlet atheist therefore he must be a christcuck It's all so tiresome ---224319536 >>224319344 The only evidence christcucks have are there mentally ill spazms about how "aMaZing" god is. That's why it's not valid ---224319575 why do a dozen of these threads pop up all at once ---224319702 >>224319390 While I appreciate the credit, it is actually different to Aquinas. Aquinas poorly assigned several qualities to our creator that are not logically sound (within his construct) and I intentionally juxtaposed the necessity of god against the atheist’s last stand of science. When both logic and science demand god, the atheist becomes (in my experience) quite deranged. I very much enjoy atheists denouncing science because it leaves them in quite the predicament. It hasn’t happened yet this thread (though also zero arguments have) I imagine once people start providing reasonable arguments against OP we will see atheists denounce science. ---224319744 >>224319460 Are you trying to argue that there wasn’t a beginning to the human race? Or life in general? Please help me follow your argument, ---224320087 >>224319744 Baka your argument has the implicit premise that there is one and only one first cause. From a purely logical point of view there is absolutely no reason why there couldn't be 10 or 100 or 1000... first causes. Another example: every car has been manufactured, so there exists the one single manufacturer of all cars? ---224320217 >>224315606 >Magic man everything >Everything was made by something >Except magic man ---224320223 >>224319702 I understand this isn't actually the argument that Aquinas made, just drawing a parallel to your application of logic to the problems of theology. As an aside, I'm curious if you believe there must exist only 1 God. In your proof you didn't preclude the idea the the universe was created by a set of simultaneous causes, rather than a singular one. ---224320439 >>224319409 There is one thing your logic misses: there doesn't have to be a first cause if the causality chain is infinite. To phrase it differently: the universe (or, for a lack of a better word, the "omniverse", if you will") could as well just have "been" here - forever. ---224320551 >>224320087 Is the existence of two or several thousand gods a valid argument against the existence of a creator of our universe? ---224320697 >>224320223 I do believe there must exist exactly one god. That doesn’t mean our universe was made by that god. I hate to give credence to Gnosticism but yeah, the window is open. But this isn’t really a thread about theology so much as logic. Our universe was created by a supernatural being/force. This is the argument presented which has yet to even be addressed. ---224320756 >>224320217 You seem to be retarded. We live in a created causal universe. That doesn’t mean the creator has a similar situation. People can design cars, but people don’t need gasoline to run. ---224321085 >>224320439 Assuming the causality chain is infinite is not only ridiculous, contrary to scientific thought, but also doesn’t address the argument presented. You avoided the argument by presenting an unprovable hypothesis with no backing while still ignoring the actual argument, Why would you presume an infinite chain of existence on faith alone? Especially in light of all evidence that the universe is approaching heat death? Are you trying to make a claim contrary to all scientific thought based on faith alone and expecting respect for your position? Is your position somehow special or better in tune with our current knowledge of the universe, or is it so,etching that makes you feel better and that’s all that matters? ---224321572 >>224320223 Also my proof was inspired by the mistakes Aquinas made. He definitely had a hand in my proof, but he made many mistakes and wasn’t actually trying to convince non-believers. Aquinas want to prove the Christian god as logically evident, which was a mistake from the start. But he did lay the groundwork for proving a creator was logically evident. He just tried too hard. ---224321732 224315606 >A1 steak sauce. >Derrr. Where universe come from? Needs cause. I can't explain so nothing ever will Therefore theology? Lots of physics theories, lots of grand design ideas. Now 1: intelligent deity exists and makes universe. 2: op is a faggot. Therefore deity is responsible for OPs faggotry. ---224321827 >>224316148 you know in the begining there was nothing, and then god said let their be light. could that be gods way of explaining the big bang through divine inspiration? i don't understand this obsession with taking genesis completely literally when its clear from context thats not how its meant to be. its like song of solomon is clearly poetic but the creation story can't possibly be explaining the big bang evolution and the enlightenment and downfall of man. its a literal tree and theres a snake and a snake and thats final. frankly its bizarre and its helping kill faith in the west. ---224321840 >>224320551 Of course it is, since it is equally plausible to maintain that there exists 1, 5, 10 or 958487 first causes. Secondly, why should any of these causes (or even a single cause) be identified with God? God is not only the creator of the universe. ---224321993 >>224321732 >I can’t explain therefore it wasn’t a deity Science of the gaps. Much more egregious than the god of the gaps. Also, totally irrelevant to to topic. ---224321995 I remember your posts from that thread yesterday. Just let it go man people are going to believe what they want regardless of how logical or rational it is. ---224322049 >>224318756 It's pol. Of course it is ---224322057 >>224321827 Pretty irrelevant, since it is still a supernatural entity spawning our natural universe. ---224322080 >>224315606 Using deduction in an attempt to explain the beginning of a causal chain misses the point that logic does not exist beyond our own perception, ergo whatever is 'external' is exactly immune to our understanding. ---224322096 >>224319113 Not be born black in South Africa ---224322185 >>224315606 Same reason Christian theists do >God, therefore Satan, therefore one tribes writing on the subject 100% true (including illogical stuff like god testing his creature's faith/betting with the devil on another's loyalty rather than consulting his omniscience etc.) ---224322275 >>224321840 You can’t have more than one first cause. >why should we call it god? Because it creates the entirw realm in which we live? How is that not a good reason? You seem to have an emotional distaste for the word “god”. Call it “flormph” then flormph (totally not god) created all of what we call reality. Is that better? I sincerely hope it isn’t.r ---224322493 >>224322185 Oh dear, you appear to be tragically illiterate or hopelessly incapable of providing an argument, I’m super excited to find out which, ---224322525 fact: both creationists & atheist are retards but of course, 99.7% of you human scum mongoloids eat the dismembered, rigor-mortis corpses of snuffed baby animals, because your core-cognition ranking is "drooling retard" level humans evolve from microbes and continue evolving into god, you fucking infantile pieces of shit ---224322575 >>224321993 New report, OP is still a faggot. >Deism: gods hiding somewhere in axiatox drivel.. >Science of the gaps. See even you are admitting gods not one of those possible theories. I hope you can step away from your schizophrenia some day long enough to realize that philosophical debates about this are not really convincing to anyone. You are proposing a possibility with zero explanatory power. Useless. Now stop being a faggot. ---224322665 >>224322525 I like you. What are your thoughts on cannibalism? ---224322672 >>224321085 How is it contrary to scientific thought? Can you mark the beginning of history? The beginning of your life? Can you mark the point at which the universe began? It all just keeps flowing. Panta rhei my nigga. ---224322761 >>224322575 After the crack wears off I’d like you to try again, it seems like you have a unique argument How is god (I prefer creator) not one of the possible theories? ---224322777 >>224316148 I need my loli ---224322832 >>224322493 Pointing out non-sequiturs is not an argument, you're right. It's up to one who posits such things as "Satan" or an omniscient God testing Abraham to provide the arguments. ---224322913 >>224322275 I have already illustrated with two examples that from a purely logical point of view there might as well be a billion first causes. God is typically understood as omnipotent, omniscient and absolutely benevolent. Cause(s) that might have created the universe do not necessarily have anything to do with any values, let alone moral ones. God cannot be merely the first cause. ---224322952 >>224322080 Logic is the study of form of argument. You can apply formal argument to abstract/non concrete things and so there is no reason that the beginning of the universe it "outside of the realm of logic". That's complete nonsense. ---224322981 >>224322672 I think you may have hoisted yourself by your own petard, not that it invalidates your argument. There is a beginning of history, it’s the point before we had records. Obviously, there was a beginning to my life, I hope we don’t have to argue that. > Can you mark the point at which the universe began? No, and no one else can, we can guess, but I don’t see how this helps you. Regardless, you seem to have implied causality and as such failed to address my argument, ---224323021 >>224322832 I’m really confused by your tactics here and am unsure how to respond. ---224323166 >>224322952 Thanks, I missed this one >>224322080 Undermining logic as a way to discern fact is absolutely contrary to the scientific method. It’s totslly cool if you want to say “we know nothing, the sky is orange, Russians are kidnapping our abortions” but it doesn’t relate to science as a way of understanding our universe. ---224323341 Acid spray level zero. Alien confirmed. ---224323371 >>224322761 >I prefer creator I said in my original response to you, lots of physics theories. You respond with science of the gaps. Do you not see that faggotry? You have not demonstrated a first cause, you have not demonstrated a need for one. You have not demonstrated anything beyond your own axioms that you decided are true rather than accepting that your knowledge of how the universe works is probably microscopic, when compared to it's actual complexities. For fucks sake! AGAIN your intellectual masterbation convinces no one. Please give a damn bit of evidence! Or are you going to shit on yourself calling it a painting? My fucking God I hate you sophomoric idiots! ---224323593 >>224323371 Oh, the old “no u”? You do realize actual arguments against my proof >identifying faulty premises >identifying poor construction Would actually win you the argument, right? >no u Isn’t exactly a great way of winning or convincing people. Would you like to try again? You know, address the premises or logical followings of my OP? ---224323611 >>224323166 Logic is the definition of Our minds being in sync With reality. if it is logically sound, Our faith is in accordance to reality. When you People say cause and effect is an external, thing that only exist in the mind. you are wrong. it exists in the mind, because it's in reality, otherwise you shouldnt think about it. think only about reality. if cause and effect doesn't exist outside our universe, then you are not even allowed to ask the question "what caused the universe". so you should start to realize that dont make sense. ---224323697 >>224323611 To be clear, are you saying causes don’t lead to effects or effects don’t require causes? Please tell me you are saying this. ---224323738 >>224323697 no, I am not saying that. I am sayibg causes leads to effects and effect requires causes. Including the universe's beginning. and the right answer is something of immaterial essence. ---224323815 >>224323738 Golly gee, it almost sounds like we agree on everything and you just learned you are a deist. Did I misread that,or would you like to clarify? ---224323861 >>224323021 I'm convinced by the arguments that for metaphysical creation but there are no logical arguments for Satan. It's something you believe exists or don't. I am antimanichean, myself. ---224323959 >>224323815 I am firstly a deist, then a theist. Because there is much more to this religious question than simply the cause of the universe. Take this for example, that the God of the bible is the ONLY God from any religious faith that says, first there was nothing, then boom, something. If this scripture was right about just that complicated question years ago, they are probably right about more. and the ancient hebrews didnt do science to know, they simply said "the creator told us". So maybe, when the same creator tells you he is a person, and JEsus Christ is God in flesh, that maybe God incarnate, was right about that too? or the prophets who was holy inspired when they wrote the book. ---224324032 >>224323861 It seems really wierd to discuss that Satan doesn’t exist in a thread about a nondescript creator being the primal cause of our universe. ---224324325 >>224323593 I see you have chosen to shit and call it a painting. It is not a painting, it is still shit. >A1: causes are good, start the car >A2: definitely a first cause somewhere. Where was day 1? Fuck if I know? Do you know? Do you know there was a beginning to the nothing or is that an assumption? This is you painting with shit. >B2 That is your painting. There is no need for a first cause to a ball of crap in space. There is no need for a first cause with no time. Your axioms are yours alone. So A1: all ducks like casinos A2: casinos have lead paint Therefore ducks like lead paint. Axioms are stupid, conclusion is stupid. Intellectual masterbation ---224324338 >>224323959 I mean, you are wrong. While most religions have been supplanted by Christianity, the claim you are making is inane at its heart. ZERO religious claim there was something and the gods showd up to make sure everything went okay. Even fucking secularism doesn’t have this premise, I can’t even imagine how you came across much less captured such a silly thought in your mind. If they even exist at all,canon-creation religions are so scarce I would be shocked if you could name two. Not that it would prove anything, being a fractions of a percent of all religions, but the absolute gall of trying to claim creationism is not the absolute default of almost every single religion known to man makes me wonder about your intelligence and motives, ---224324366 >>224324325 I stopped reading after your first “quote” ---224324415 >>224324032 Sorry, it's usually Christians or atheists that start threads arguing about whether God exists and they tend to become shouting matches between the two where the deistic perspective gets lost. ---224324451 >>224324338 I meant non-creation rather than “canoncreations ---224324496 Correct. They love "logic and reason" but stop this process the second you ask how can something come from nothing. ---224324515 If we were spawned from the universe be it by a creator or entity then transfer of information could be stored in our metaphysical state? The fabric of millions of systems working in union. All with cause and effects. Following this thought process down the lines of free thinking with information being passed via communicate or (correspondence ) information gathering does it not seem plausible at the least to except the ( source) to be complex with all forms of manifestation? ---224324521 >>224324338 because all other religions claim the universe was created out of pre-existing matter. which we know today is false. The bible never claim that. It is completely distinct in claiming first there was nothing, then something. the point is, the god of the bible is not a god of the gaps. Just remember that. he is the god of the Whole show. you dont remove the creator because you understand parts of the universe he created. ---224324566 >>224324415 Bad news, I’m a Christian. I just made a Deism thread for fun. I hope we can still be friends. ---224324653 >>224320756 >the creator doesn't have a cause Wait, what? ---224324656 >>224324521 That’s not true. Even if it was (it’s not) it doesn’t have any bearing on reality. How does it feel to need to lie to maintain your delusions? ---224324715 >>224324653 Oh we’re entertaining the slow class today. >the creator made a causal universe >whatever the fuck he lived in preceded the causal universe. ---224324741 >>224324656 you have no arguments. you simply state Your disagreement, without supplementing arguments. sir, I could trash talk you to. Call you a faggot retard if I wanted to, A low IQ trash who cant keep track of my sound Logic. But bro, Just og to christ. If you have no arguments, only insults, you'le get insults. Oh vey, how christian of I. I know Jesus forgives I. Bitch made dumbass. ---224324822 >>224324741 I have no argument? I presented my argument in the OP of this thread. Over a hundred replies later, ZERO people have attempted to debate it, ---224324884 >>224315606 All matter is basically quantum vacuum fluctuations. In this state, pairs of virtual quarks and antiquarks pop in and out of existence. No need for any external source. The universe appeared on its own, from quantum vacuum fluctuations. Imaginary old man in the sky is an even bigger cop-out, since it requires you to believe he created himself or always preceded himself, which fits the points your argument is ridiculing, anyways. ---224324912 >>224324822 fuck your arguments somewhere in this post among 100 other replies. in this quarrel you have provided nothing but insults. You are faggot satanist. Go suck some black bull, you absolute homo trash. Satanists get the rope. ---224324942 I can’t do this forever, I’ve taken a sleeping pill My responses may become shittier, but I want to point out that NOONE has even ATTEMPTED to address the OP so far. Zero arguments, ---224324951 >>224324884 no it doesnt- It requires you to believe in something eternal. It states in the bible God is eternal, and something eternal, has no start. So please, be gone With that bullshit. ---224324985 >>224324366 Good for you, you brain dead cock Wrangler. >>224324715 Yup, totally rational. Creator just poofed from nowhere. >>224324822 Because faggotry. You still convince no one. ---224325015 >>224324884 Retard nigger shit already discussed at the top of the thread. >can you scientifically prove anything you said? No. ---224325060 >>224324912 Seems like you can’t actually disprove my original logical proof. ---224325104 >>224325060 seems like you love satans Cock. faggot. disgusting person. ---224325130 >>224324985 >creators can’t poof from nowhere! >only universes can do that! Imagine being. Anigger. ---224325161 >>224324951 Yeah, so it's a bedtime story for people who are mentally infantile. You are holding science to a high standard of rigour, by pointing out the lack of consistency when it comes to causality. But at the same time you believe in completely infantile bullshit about an eternal entity that has no beginning or end. Yeah, right, that makes sense. ---224325163 >>224325104 Feel free to present an argument whenever you like. ---224325225 >>224325161 my point is you clearly cannot comprehend the concept of eternity. thats Your problem. Your problem is not With a creator, its With the concept of eternity. something that was never created, but was always there. DO YOU BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND? SLOWPOKE? ---224325239 >>224325161 Based, only our entropic universe is clearly eternal. Something external to it couldn’t possibly be. ---224325247 >>224324715 And the creator lived in a non-causal universe where things happen at random? >>224324942 Fucking moron, there are plenty of arguments, that you've proceeded to belittle and mock without addressing. Take twenty more sleeping pills and make our lives easier. ---224325271 >>224325015 There's no argument involving quantum vacuum fluctuations in this thread besides mine. Just fucking Ctrl F, you brainlet. Quantum vacuum fluctuations are already known in physics. ---224325317 >>224324942 That's cuz you won! You saved the day. We is all deists now. You did it op You totally showed us you aren't a faggot! Please don't do this again tommorow. It was stupid both times I saw it. ---224325348 this thread again prove the bible's right god is absolutely meaningless without definition ---224325374 >>224325163 i have replied with around 5 arguments to you. all you said was silly mind, dumbass, and delusinal. you can try to come up with a counter argument to 1: god of the bible is not god of the gaps, he is the god of the whole show. 2. bible is the only creationist theory which states nothing-something, or rather, god-something. 3. second, if this immaterial essence can create this universe, he sure as hell can reveal himself to humans. and he has. ---224325385 >>224324715 >whatever the fuck he lived in Assuming whatever created everything "lived" so well even as using a time-marked verb bounds something axiomatically non-material to the material and temporal realm he created. ---224325389 >>224325225 Oh so I cannot comprehend eternity, but you somehow believe in something that is not comprehensible? How do we call such people who believe in incomprehensible things? ---224325429 >>224325389 eternity is comprehensible. IT IS, that is my point. you cannot comprehend it, because you deny the concept. I never did. ---224325453 >>224325247 We can’t possibly discern the actions of things external to our universe. This should be obvious >so many arguments Present the best one clearly and concisely before my sleeping pills kick in. The best one. Go ahead. ---224325486 >>224325348 Don't Just call him a faggot. It's the only thing he understands. I yelled at him yesterday He continues to self congratulate himself for convincing himself he is correct ---224325546 >>224325453 OP is a sleepy faggot Therefore jesus ---224325593 >>224325429 I didn't deny "eternity". I said the idea of an eternal entity (or being) that somehow created the universe, is infantile bullshit. And logically it's even more inconsistent than what OP is complaining about. ---224325606 >>224325271 Addressed really early in the thread I believe. I’m not even sure what argument you are marking with this, . >if we don’t understand why it happens, it’s random or demons or sprits or shit, Literally the science of the gaps argument. Claiming our ignorance as a sign of undiscoverability is perfectly anti-science ---224325655 >>224325593 so you deny it. you say it doesnt exist. YOU DO DENY ETERNITY AS A REAL CONCEPT. god freaking damnit you are slow. and you claim you have profound understanding of Quantum physics. cant even understand a simple syllogism. rofl. get the fuck outta here. ---224325667 >>224325453 see >>224324884 >>224325606 What the fuck are you talking about? ---224325700 >>224325374 >first argument >god of the Bible You have to be an elite sort of retard. Or just typical atheist. I can’t tell. ---224325724 >>224325546 Based but also not an argument. ---224325729 >>224315606 Gorgeously written I'm quite jealous What's your sample size and p factor? ---224325773 >>224322952 I never denied there being a logical conclusion to reason itself. A causes B is simple, though there really isn't any way to tell that A did cause B after all, without being able to observe it 'from the outside' so to speak. In any case, B could just exist spontaneously without ever invoking A ---224325810 >>224325385 This didn’t make much sense but presuming the qualities of whatever untestable realm happened to lead to our creation is unscientific ---224325811 >>224325700 typical atheist. I am a hardcore christian. have you not managed to discern that yyet? ---224325818 >>224317708 It's babby's first argument for God. When you point out that it only establishes a god, not the Christian god necessarily, and they have to renounce the first commandment to advance the argument, they fold. It's just boring. ---224325843 >>224325606 I dunno, therefore deity is just as fucking stupid!!!!! >>224325729 Do not encourage him!!!!!! God fucking damit!!! If he comes back again I blame yyyyyooouuuu!!!! ---224325869 >>224325729 Do you even know what you said means? ---224325890 >>224324985 I'm blacker than shit, uglier than sin and as burly as fat Albert and you're ten times the nigger I am, BY FAR! You're also a faggot too, and I'm not talking Degenerate Sodom and Gomorrah faggot, but a shit eating lying cock sucker, faggot! >>224325130 He's so full of shit because his reciprocation to your comment took a mind, hand, will thought process and an understanding of what's being said; on a device built by intelligent beings using the latest contrivances and technomancies available to mankind. NOW, imagine if someone suggested that nothing for no reason was as purposeful. Even funnier, asswipes like that guy believes nothing for no reason brought about a singularity composed of several universal masses in an area no bigger than a meson that suspiciously self created and expanded 32 trillion times the speed of light. Even funnier, lying cock suckers like that guy suggest that this not only happened but it's near verifiable and is not at all magical! ---224325945 >>224325818 >when you can’t meticulously dismantle baby’s first god argument ---224325963 >>224325729 >sample size and p-factor >in a philosophical argument Retard? ---224326018 >>224325890 Still zero appraisals of the provided proof at the top of the thread. ---224326066 >>224325546 No. All we can attest for was made by purposeful minded people who at the very least was smarter than the average bloke. Imagine my shock when lying atheist cunts says God is impossible but believes nothing for no reason self created amino acid then went on to choose solely left handed amino acid molecules trillions of times and formed complex structures with these and wrote complex algorithmic information with said structures unto life especially when our best Technomages with every modern commonality, network and contrivance imaginable remains incapable of as much. Really gets the noggins joggins, if you ask me Desu Sempai. ---224326075 >>224325945 It's been done to death, like I said it's just boring. ---224326120 >>224326075 Seems like you could bury it. Why don’t you. ? ---224326170 >>224326018 Sleep...sleep now.....and tell your friends that you won, tell them to get off the board now. You conquered it.. ---224326193 Yes if the universe is eternal which is unproven and exist then maybe the source creator is the same that’s why it is impossible that nothing comes from nothing. (Everything) absolute, almost like a seed but different. It’s the shit yoda talks about you fucking niggers! Manifest become change form it is all that shit but most of all niggers when you die the faith you have (helps) you because that is a belief you can have without any scientific proof. It’s a feeling and that feeling and belief is how it’s accessed. ---224326206 >>224326018 It's so refreshing to know I'm smarter than an atheist. It's like a warm fuzzy feeling all over. ---224326261 >>224326066 Shit just happens. crazy talk. Magical sky dude jizzes and poof it's all here. Totally makes sense. ---224326346 >>224326170 Fair, I should Starr this earlier Butw my opponent d are tragically more impaired Ethan even I sm ---224326383 >Whenever a religious person can't explain magic god shit >"H-he can't be bound by our rules!" >Whenever a religious person tries to justify their belief >"Yes, he fits exactly within this huamn-created philosophical deduction so he must be real!" Like clock work ---224326448 >>224326193 When an atheist says to you, Prove Inteligent Design, remind them that Miller 1957 labored for months. And not just Miller, but a cadre of scientist and not any scientist but some of the smartest scientist there were. And after montsh and months they finally managed to create amino acid molecules. Of which ceased to be as soon as they removed it from it's nursery they meticulously created. Even funnier, our best Scientist using knowledge and Technologies that surpassed what Miller and his cadre knew, BY FAR, as of yet remains incapable of creating life from baser amino acid molecules much like nothing for no reason accomplished using Brownian Motion. Atheist are lying dishonest dogs and should be silenced at every opportunity. ---224326458 >>224326346 The universe came into existence as the result of an absurdly unlikely sequence of quantum-vacuum fluctuations, which created all matter in the universe. Done, GG, no re. ---224326474 "God" is a Jewish invention. ---224326483 >We just don't know yet Why is that such a terrible answer so many people can't live with, that they go through such incredible lengths their entire lives to avoid it? ---224326503 >>224326448 They lie but they don’t need proof. That is the issue. ---224326513 >>224326346 Shh talk to the pillow... he will help you breathe.... ---224326567 >>224326261 And yet, you impetuous (I just love that word, 'impetuous) incorrigible lying hypocrite, Your Response was created by you, a purposeful thinking being. But for a change, you incalculable ninny, do allow the nothingness that you lot believe in to create your response for you. But do record that shit, i.e., Provide for Us AS It Happened Evidence of said phenomena penning your response to us for you. ---224326641 >>224325606 Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The fact that our physical model of the world is incomplete does not prove some other infantile bullshit explanation is valid. Which makes this thread completely pointless. ---224326707 >>224326458 Oh wow. A bunch of uncaused causes. Which of our creation stories needs more miracles? ---224326766 >>224326641 >Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Not sure what your point was. ---224326793 >>224326707 What uncaused causes? This phenomenon is well-documented. ---224326834 >>224326503 PRECISELY! They demand proof of a creator. I'm not saying Judeo Christian God (Even though I know this to be true) But I'm not saying Judeo Christian God because even as I believe in Him Strongly, I Don't Have As It Happened Evidence of Him. Even as I believe in Him and I am willing to die for said belief. But at the very least lying atheist dogs has no recourse other than to confess that an Intelligent Being who at the very least surpasses our best scientist and technologies, made all this. But they won't because they're lying dishonest dogs. They have no as it happened evidence of the big bang, abiogeneis or evolution and yet they swear they're right. And thanks to their wickedness, Morality has been shunned and degeneracy praised. And for that I hate everything about them! ---224326850 >>224326793 Then please provided documentation of uncaused causes (I believe you meant effects) ---224326931 >>224326567 >Asks for response from nothing >Wants Christ tards to not be treated as schizophrenics. The technological feat of a thread holding this much faggotry is glorious. I don't know how it all started, you don't know either. You believe one way, I believe the other. My way requires jack shit Your way requires schizophrenia. ---224326988 >>224326850 Well, you're the one who said "uncaused causes". ---224326991 Christcuck cries out God When he smacks you Also statistically religious people commit more crime, have higher chance of being crazy and believe the world has no meaning because it is predefined. ---224327060 >>224326448 >Smart scientists given a pre-existing framework of life managed to emulate its primordial conditions it using modern technology >...So there must have been a creator! Not even saying saying that atheists are right, but this is quite the jump anon ---224327062 >>224326991 Nothing to do with the argument in this thread. ---224327098 >>224326991 Kek. >In before not an argument. ---224327113 >>224326931 Then show us random bumping of amino acids forming an unbreakable purposeful link, of solely left handed molecules, and using this creating complex systems and eventually an algorithmic chemical instruction that surpasses every code we've ever written. But of course you can't and you won't because it was done by God. You atheist are dishonest scumbags! ---224327145 >>224327113 >purposeful shoot yourself, disingenuous fuck. ---224327163 >>224315606 What was God's cause? If you say nothing clearly you hate science too, because everything needs a cause. ---224327169 >>224326513 Still no arguments in my inmebriatrd state. Fucking sad, bro. This was your best shot and you got nothing, because you can never have anything You were presented with two works, one of scorn and one of love, and they were tie together. And you couldn’t dismantle them. Not because you. Are wrong, but because you are stupid. ---224327215 >>224327060 You realize solely left handed molecules were chosen and from this life came about, yeah? There's twenty known types of amino acid molecules and they're seemingly equally right and left, yet life came about via left. Now, I'll need as it happened evidence of Brownian Motion choosing Solely left handed molecules trillions of times in a world of equally left and right. Have at thee, anon. ---224327316 >>224327145 Come on now, anon, we're here aren't we? Were we not, purposeful? ---224327340 >>224327215 Perhaps it just happened out of sheer luck? >>224327316 Purpose on whose part? ---224327348 >>224326988 It's all well and fine to point at Quantum Fluctuations, and it could be very much the case. but then the question arises, where did the energy come from to cause the fluctuations? Why was quantum ANYTHING even a thing? How did it get there? ---224327357 >>224327113 Demonstrate your God doing this. Ask him to do it again. You are asking for a horrendously rare event to happen. Thus why it has only happens once. Thus why there is no life yet discovered on mars. Or Sig's of life elsewhere. It is rare. If it was easy, like for God to do, it should be fucking everywhere. Or is your God, like yourself with a mental disorder and just randomly made planets with Jack shit on it. ---224327394 >>224326988 Already addressed at the top of the thread. Not knowing an action does not make it inexplicable. To claim such is anti-science. ---224327450 >>224326483 Because we do know. Or we did, before brainlet atheists shut their eyes and shouted down anyone pointing out the obvious. All OP is doing is helping to articulate the obvious. Science, logic and god are all interdependent. In order for any of them to exist, the other two must. Following his logic, it is obvious yet it rustles the fuck out of atheists since it puts to bed one of their favourite rhetorical sledgehammers. The argument reveals that the whole discourse around science and religion has been one giant fucking meme that has been perpetuated for centuries with no grounding in reality. The humour comes from this dissonance. Like, it should be simple. If atheistic rationalism was as logical as it claimed to be it should be child's play to put this hyper smug OP to bed without the sleeping pills. The closest people have gotten it claiming that logic and science aren't practiced by anyone (which is just plain insane) and that there could possible by thousands of gods or causes (which is completely not what atheistic types claim). >>224326458 Here's how the argument works; See A1b: Those quantum-vacuum fluctations have a cause, if they exist within our universe. If they created the universe, they would have had a cause *before* them, within our universe, meaning they didn't actually create the universe but are merely another step in the chain. If the first one of these created the universe, it cannot possibly have been within the universe, making it an external cause, confirming OP's argument. To put simply: What causes the phenomenon of quantum-vacuum fluctuations? What causes the super-position effect of these virtual particles? Other particles? What caused them? Some kind of external particle, perhaps? That would answer the question, but it becomes some kind of quantum-deist argument or, if you will, science of the gaps since you are replacing god with some kind of unknown scientific phenomenon. ---224327461 >>224327357 The perfect conclusion to the thread: some faggot demanding god do something for him. Beautiful. ---224327465 >>224327169 Sleep....take the rest of the pills ---224327491 >>224327215 Given the size of the universe and the estimated amount of planets in it (supposedly in the quadrillions or more), wouldn't a seemingly rare occurrence happen quite frequently? And that's assuming that all life requires only these specific conditions to get started, there could be other ways for all we know. ---224327516 >>224327348 The effect of the fourth dimension on the third. >>224327394 What the fuck was addressed? Are the pills kicking in? ---224327551 >>224327465 There aren’t enough :/w ---224327561 >>224315606 t1 cause does not need to come before effect. (aka time travel) Man or some alien will understand the universe well enough to see that it has to have been caused by something from inside the universe. He will sacrifice the universe to send it back in time to cause the universe to exist. ---224327628 tb1 energy is always being added to the universe. Thus the universe is and will always be expanding. ---224327637 >>224327516 >Not knowing an action does not make it inexplicable. To claim such is anti-science. I need what you are taking, apparently. ---224327640 >>224315606 your claim about causality is not necessarily true. It might be true for simple matter and energies we interact with everyday but it breaks down at the quantum level. A perfectly rational theory suggests that causality does not apply to the framework that our universe is built on. In other words, causality with respect to interactive matter is a quality within the universe but not applied to it. Without our universe pure chaos would exist indefinitely or until a realm with stable laws and stable matter were built into it. Whatever the case might be, your proof does not support a sentient deity an I say what is the difference between a purely chaotic super universe and an irrational deity? ---224327656 >>224327561 Damn it! Time travel crazy. Just got fun when I have to go.. Stupid schizo boards ---224327741 >>224327637 Except that I presented to you documentation of the phenomena that created the universe. ---224327772 >>224327516 >The effect of the fourth dimension on the third. The thing is, I can just ask "And where did the fourth dimension come from?" Science hits a limit when you keep asking where the thing before it (or the thing that caused it) came from. I don't think it should necessarily mean immediately jumping to "so god did it", but based on it being unanswerable as of now, I don't think "god did it" should be discounted either. After all, in any other facet of science or logic, it would be considered bad practice to say something is completely impossible until shown otherwise. ---224327802 >>224327640 Can you give an example of causality breaking down that has a rigorously tested sample, or just some shit we “don’t understand” ---224327828 >>224327340 >Sheer luck We're gonna need As it Happened Evidence of your luck. >Purpose on whose part Is Life not purposeful? You're a fabulists to the last, ain't ya? >>224327357 Demonstrate what, Purposeful Creation? You just purposefully created a response to me. But for a change allow the nothingness to create your purposeful response to me on your behalf and be sure to provide As It Happened Evidence of said Nothingness Creating said response to me for you. >You are asking for a horrendously rare event to happen. More rhetorical trash. Sorry, you're going to have to provide as it happened evidence to the contrary. For again, you're using a device made by purposeful people. Now imagine some bloke saying a purposeful device made itself for no reason out of thin air. You'd have them locked up for being a fruit, wouldn't you? But here you are, a seemingly ingeligent person suggesting that Brownian motion managed to soley choose left handed amno acid molecules trillions of times and went on to create complex purposeful information that is DNA. Surpassing our brightest and best. And you wonder why you're hated. ---224327833 Yes and why do we refer to God as a him? Surely if he is a man he can be anything. Nothing can not come from something according to ( human logic) it’s kike the scientist final rebuttal. Not good enough. ---224327900 >>224327741 I’m pretty sure I’d remember if you gave me a picture of god to prove atheism. Feel free to post it again. ---224327986 >>224327900 >god has to be sentient and purposeful >suddenly, the goalposts have been moved ---224328032 >>224327986 Oh dear, you seem to be reframing the argument because you can’t win it! Reminder, the argument is at the top of the page. ---224328045 >>224327169 You ignored ALL the counterarguments provided by other anons. Keep cumming all over your face, you're a disappointment and you've convinced everyone on the internet that you are. You were either born dumb or blind, you cherrypicking self-centered retard. ---224328121 >>224327491 You're saying because space is big Brownian Motion Chose solely, left handed amino acid molecules, Trillions of times, unto complex systems unto complex algorithmic sequences unto DNA---least we forget that's in a world of equally left and right handed amino acids, but despite all that You're of the mind that Brownian motion did just so? Are you for real and is that your final answer; I mean is that what you're saying, space is big thereby, Magical? ---224328136 >>224328032 You're deliberately misinterpreting what I'm saying. ---224328156 >>224328045 I'm not an atheist by the way. I just wanted to point out much of a faggot OP is. ---224328200 >We live in a casual universe What does that even fucking mean? >every effect has a cause No shit sherlock. >"if we follow that chain back and fourth, we would reach the beginning of the universe" Have you ever driven a car? You don't reach Poin't going back and fourth. The best way is to go straight >If an In-Universe cause preceded this, it is not "the beginning of the universe" How does this make sence? If there was an outer force, your low IQ brain just fills it with "God" when in reality it could be anything. An Inner Force can create the universe too, such as a mother Raising a fetus which becomes yet another person. >"A1 Came from science" What fucking source? >"A2 is tautology" "Believe everything I said because I am right and ypu are wrong" ---224328203 >>224328045 Why dont both of you get a room already? ---224328228 >>224328045 None were presented. Since nooone can remember or understand how arguments work, illl reiterate. A1a: we live in a causal universe A1b: every effect has a cause A2a: if we follow that chain back far enough we reach “the beginning of our universe” A2b: If an in-universe cause preceded this, it is not “the beginning of our universe” Therefore our universe began with an external cause; B1: premise A1 is foundational to discerning truth through science B2: premise A2 is a tautology. Therefore arguing against A requires you to argue against the validity of the foundation of using science to discern knowledge. This is the argument. All your fairy bullshit you try to add doesn’t change it. Address it directly or imply defeat ---224328291 >>224315606 This position is not mutually exclusive from atheism though ---224328319 >>224328200 >What does that even fucking mean? It means when you read the preceding sentence it causes you to become retarded and belligerent. ---224328385 >>224327833 The Doctors and enablers who allows sad mentally ill persons to do this to themselves should be murdered, forthwith! Murder may be a bit much. How's about we throw them into a raging maelstrom? ---224328497 >>224328228 >we live in a causal universe False. All events occur independenly of each other. Provide proof to the contrary. ---224328499 >>224328291 Atheism requires a supernatural cause? Do go on. ---224328533 >>224328319 Fuck off faggot. You only want to cause confusion and not start real discusion Fucking Fat piece of mental shit faggot ---224328560 >>224328497 Already covered See argument B. Grata on learned to disdain science. ---224328582 >>224328121 >If I over-simplify your argument to "space magic" that makes you look silly! Space magic is a pretty ironic thing to accuse my argument of given the context of the the discussion by the way. Maybe it just works in a mysterious way :^) You know exactly what I meant, don't be disingenuous. Given billion of years, and quadrillions of planets, things that seem extremely unlikely will occur quite frequently. You might consider it worth while thinking about if you weren't just in this thread to screech about atheists. ---224328621 They want to destroy god but they can’t because he is everything. So they destroyed his son instead. That’s the story elaborate? That’s the jist ---224328640 >>224328533 Well, all those names you called me certainly proves I was in the wrong and you are a debate geniusl ---224328701 >>224315606 Like most other arguments for god it's the god of the gaps. We have some gap in our knowledge and theists insert god as an explanation, where as atheists basically just shrug and say, we don't know yet, maybe we should investigate. In this case it's to do with more fundamental behaviours in the universe such as causality which we do not have good science on yet. Causality has something to do with time because causes must precede effects in the timeline. What most theists do not understand however is that space and time are intrinsicly linked together as spacetime which has been demonstrated in special relativity. Modern theories of the early universe is that at some point all of space and all of time was condensed into a singularity of infinite density and as that exploded in the big bang it created the space in which it expanded into, In fact the latest theories today include inflation theory which suggested that the universe expanded with huge rate. Because of the connection of space and time we also know that the unvierse would have had to create the time it expanded into. And we don't yet have a complete theory about what it would mean to say "before" the big bang or what "caused" the big bang, we do not know if that is even a sensible question yet. Or if it's a sensible question to talk about things external to what we today call the universe, if that's a plausible idea or not. Theists do what they have done for centuries, they rush to an answer of "god" instead of investigating further, and the hell of it is, that all through the history of science, we've slowly and steadily plugged up all these gaps with knowledge backed by huge volumes of evidence and the theists have had to admit they were wrong and retreat yet further into ignorance. Like most atheists I'm an agnostic atheist, I lack belief in a god because there's no evidence for a god, but I don't rule out god existing because I don't know for sure. ---224328739 >>224328560 That's the point. Science is absolutely invalid since nobody actually knows what causes what. ---224328754 >>224315606 A2a assumes the universe is finite in at least one direction. This isn’t proven or widely accepted, you’re just saying it is with no evidence or argument. A2b makes a statement that is rational nonsense in an attempt to end the argument. Any actor doing something in our universe exists in our universe. If they didn’t and the implication is they created our universe then our universe is just part of their original universe and the chain of time you’re observing is for their universe instead but otherwise the exact same. On a more general note, you’re a faggot and this is the kind of thread a 15 year old who gets teased at school makes. Go work out. ---224328801 >>224328499 what's more supernatural than the big bang? A never seen or to be proven, for that matter, event in which a singularity Self Created From No Where for No Reason composed of SEVERAL universal masses in an area no bigger than a meson, that went on to expand just fast enough to overcome its own gravity well (32 trillion times faster than light). Aren't you Scared Shitless, anon? If the first Purported singularity self created from nowhere for no reason what's preventing another one, and another one, and another one, and another one, and another one, and another one? No made up bull crap answer here, anon, to say as to why you'll need to provide for us a scientific answer, i.e., observation and test as to why. ---224328830 >>224328640 ---224328879 >>224316148 You came from the portuguese fucking the local monkeys. We know. ---224328882 >>224328701 Logically apeaking, you can’t have an in-universe cause for the universe. I made it more explicit, but it is a rather self-evident thing. ---224328912 >>224328739 Seems like your u are saying I am correct ---224328985 >>224315606 Dank brah, did you just discover the cosmological argument? And a particularly shitty version of it at that? How cute, non-religious people have truly been eternally BTFO by your unique insight into the topic. We are all privileged to have read it, thank you master. Your wisdom is truly boundless ---224328994 >>224328912 No, I'm arguing that science is invalid and with it, any arguments for or against god are invalid. ---224329013 >>224328582 Don't try to dissuade us from your earlier point, you said because Space is big, and filled with mass, Brownian Motion was thereby able to choose solely left handed amino acid molecules trillions of times, in a world of equally left and right handed molecules, and go on to form complex systems and eventually DNA. Surpassing anything we're capable of, BY FAR! ---224329025 >>224328621 Jesus is God. John 8:57-58 So the Jews said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?” Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” ---224329129 >>224328801 >what's more supernatural than the big bang? A reason for it to happen, the census is the Big Bang created time, space and matter. It couldn’t have done any of these things by itself. First it would need time, since no change in state was possible without time. Then it created matter, which required space to exist in, Which should bring pause to NPCs about when and where and of what substance the Big Bang precursor had. But you won’t think about that.. you are all retarded. See you tomorrow. ---224329166 I love it when they say god is a sky wizard it’s the weakest form of attack. God is a word. To describe what. Creator is creation. Which is what we see and can’t now if we can’t see some shit maybe he can teleport and be invisible because the shot we know was invisible. ---224329223 >>224328985 It’s axtually a much better version. Brevity, audience, and removal of poor arguments. We can fight about it tomorrow. ---224329268 >>224328994 Thanks, my basic goal is to make people disregard science and we did it I can resist easy. ---224329305 >>224329268 No, your goal was to prove the existence of god. You failed to do that. ---224329337 >>224328701 You're a lying bag of dirty tricks and dog ticks, There's no way in Hell you'll ever prove Brownian Motion choosing solely left handed molecules, EXCLUDING ALL THE RIGHT HANDED AMINO ACID MOLECULES, ongoing to make complex systems and eventually DNA.' There's no way in A THOUSAND HELLS, you'll ever prove, a singularity self creating out of nowhere for no reason expanding 32 trillions times the speed of light, then creating black matter to compel itself to slow down and make particles and then engage in war as particles and anti particles cancel each other out then going on to create dark energy to compel itself to expand once more at speeds that surpasses warp 9.75 millions of times. There's no way, you're going to prove evolution, an unbreakable chain of the first instantiation of life evolving into its successor species unto all that's alive today. And that's an unbreakable chain over a billion years of each and every life form evolving from your purported first life form into each and every successor species; As It happened Evidence would be genetic and where applicable skeletal evidence of each and every purported creature being less the former and more of the latter in an unbreakable chain over a billion years, from muck to man. You will never prove any of that. But to suggest that you can is not only dishonest but is also downright evil and that's why I despise your kind and encourage Theist to return the lot of you to the shadows from whence you came. ---224329372 >>224315606 where did your creator come from? atheism is not what you think dipshit ---224329408 >>224329305 Anon, you don’t get to choose my goals. Thanks for rejecting science, I’m sure it will benefit you greatly and in no way make you appear silly. ---224329409 >>224329013 I didn't say that's what happened for sure, I said that given a large amount of planets over a very long period of time, that unlikely events occur frequently. Maybe on Earth, maybe on other planets. That's not a debatable point, that's just averages. Whether or not this is what happened I don't know, I never said it did. I was just giving an alternative explanation as to how something COULD occur, and remembering that the field of biogenesis is still relatively quite young, and that there could be other variables at play to help the process not seem so far-fetched in terms of likelihood. Perhaps there are other methods that don't require left hand amino acid selection trillions of times? Maybe there are natural conditions that allow for this with high possibility? ---224329431 >>224327828 We are here, we have observed chemicals, amino acids, all come up from perfectly natural events. Is it impossible that one if those events happened in a particular order? No. No it does not. So which one is a more useful model of reality. The I don't know let's find out model or capricious deity model? And again. It makes more sense for a rare event to happen one and only one time than a powerful deity who can do this on a whim to do it once and only once and leave a bunch of empty planets. Fucking Christ cock suckers. ---224329489 >>224329129 More rhetorical jargon that has no basis in Reality. you're using words right now because that's all you can use. You can't use observed phenomena for none exist that supports the big bang. I can play the word game too, Go Read The Bible. NO better words that exist than the ones in there. To control this narrative, you'll need As It Happened Evidence as to why and, As it happened Evidence as to why another singularity hasn't self created as of yet. We're waiting. ---224329524 >>224329372 I’m pretty deep into alcohol and sl ping pills, but our creator is not limited by the some rules as we are, in the same way a game designed doesn’t need a joystick to walk. ---224329562 >>224329166 White south Africans should buy a nuke and promise to use it if they're attacked. ---224329578 >>224329489 Just like, address the OP. You can’t and won’t. ---224329628 >>224329524 >but our creator is not limited by the some rules as we are But if this is the case, then you can't prove him philosophically using the rules we understand of cause and effect. It's a bit of a catch 22. ---224329685 >>224328499 You are attacking a straw man, chap. Atheism is merely the lack of belief in a God or Gods. It doesn't require anything but that. I'll agree to operate on the assumptions that causality exists in the universe as we know it and all observable phenomena are natural and not the grand illusions of a Descartesian evil demon deceiving humanity into the belief of existence. Causality is a property of time, and time is a property of our universe. Before the beginning of time, causality does not exist. If causality is not necessary, then it is entirely possible for a causal again to spontaneously begin, resulting in the universe as we know it. ---224329697 >>224329578 You ignored my post because you can’t address it. Don’t be a hypocrite ---224329726 Anyways, fun times guys, way fewer people responding to the Op than I hoped, but I gotta crash. See you tomorrow. Try to bring arguments. ---224329729 Fuck up you Jew banker with this empty planet theory dumbass monkey brain ---224329732 >>224317687 >deism implies books Are you retarded? He could be agnostic for all you know. ---224329797 >you can't explain it, therefore god. That's science >you can't explain it, therefore not god. That's science False dichotomy, begging the question and who knows how many other fallacies. Funny little irony that the sticky has a pic of all of them. >>224327450 Wrong. We don't know shit. The infinite stupidity that you, your peers AND your hated atheists exhibit when you spout claim after claim then immediately assert it as undeniable truth and say "Ha, that's science". The utter arrogance when you determine that any phenomena that is beyond our current ability to understand, explain and reproduce can only be done by a God, for it is implying that we are so intelligent we can explain everything in the universe - so anything that we can't can only come from the grand majesty of a celestial being. >There was a beginning of the universe, that's true and undeniably proven and we all know it was a big bang so that means... [God did it/God didn't do it] Slapping "that's science" at the end of such a statement makes it even more ridiculous. We gathered information about our current universe to the best of our abilities by throwing little probes and sattelites around and then we make theories. Are any of those theories uncientific? No; What is unscientific is making a claim, ANY claim, based on those theories and saying that they're absolutely true, even though you have no way of proving any of it. We can't know if there was a beginning, we can't know if there was any way it could not have happened without an external cause, we can't know that all the observable rules also applied to said beginning or before it, we have no way of studying all the theories we come up with. The most scientific thing you can do is say "We don't know YET", wait to evolve(hopefully) as a species, work hard on evolving technology and our means to study the universe, up until a point that we can actually look into the theories we make ---224329828 >>224329697 I won’t respond but if you actually post it I’ll see it and we can talk tomorrow. ---224329865 >>224329372 My Creator came from where you're from, Purposefulness. You Purposefully created your response on a purposeful device created by purposeful people using purposeful knowledge and purposeful modern contrivances. For a change, show us the nothingness you lot believe in being as purposeful, ensuring to provide us with As It Happened Evidence of it being as purposeful. ---224329899 >>224329732 I’m Christian. He was trying to distract f ok his inability to address OP ---224329973 Night night frens ---224329982 >>224329409 More rhetorical whats it whose it. To say it's possible where we're not looking is not at all Science. In fact, science is observation and test. Therefore, have ye as it Happened Evidence of Brownian motion choosing solely Left handed molecules trillions of times unto DNA in an environment of equally left and right amino acid molecules? ---224329990 >>224329899 >>224329973 The universe is not causal, therefore your argument is not valid. Done. ---224329997 >>224329865 >Purposefulness Yes but all those examples you listed require a medium to perform the purposeful task. Anon is asking you, by what medium was god created with purpose? ---224330067 >>224318754 >The starting position for agnosticism is living like an atheist. No it’s not. Atheism have absolutely no god, which means there cannot be meaning or morals apart from what society whims them to be at the moment. This eventually leads to nihilism/hedonism. Agnostics tend to be more careful. ---224330096 >>224315606 You forget the part where the external cause also needs a cause. Religions either violate the exact same premise you said there, or move the goalposts and then try to ignore that the premise is still violated. Nobody denies that according to everything we know about how the universe works, one of two possibilities must have occured: - Something must have come from nothing - Something must have always existed One of those must be true, the question is why would that thing have to be god? ---224330100 >>224329726 >going to bed without addressing me personally You are the Australian of Americans and I wish you a poor night's sleep ---224330199 >>224319229 Atheists are basically people that are sure they have proved a negative. ---224330249 >>224329431 You've observed the procesees of life after it was created. To say otherwise, you'd had to have been here at the beginning, testing whatever was here unto self creation of amino acids. To say, they're here thereby they were always here by their own benevolence is rather disingenuous. Said simply, you'll have to observe and test once the earth is here if said amino acids self created. Otherwise you're just guessing. ---224330354 >>224328882 What I'm saying is that we don't understand causality well enough to say anything about it. The idea that everything must necessarily have a cause has not been demonstrated to be true and we don't know how causality might work in a system that either doesn't contain time or where time is compressed into a singularity so basically has 0 dimension to it. Everything about causality outside of the big bang (if its even sensible to talk about that) is all speculation, we simply don't know if it's sensible and coherent to talk about before the big bang and things outside of the universe. It's not self evident at all, it's not something you can apply things like human intuition to because much of modern science is so strange that we simply do not have good intuition for it, much like with quantum mechanics and relativity, you have to understand these things with abstract mathematics and the outcome and behaviours are not intuative to understand. So appealing to peoples sense of everything must have a cause is just an appeal to intution, it's not citing specific science on causality and time. >>224329337 Science doesn't prove things, it provides plausible explanations for phenomena that are in accordance with reality and what we observe and measure. ---224330428 >>224329982 >More rhetorical Of course it's rhetorical, the discussion of science in relation to theology and creation is 99% rhetorical. My original point was that I am not about to stake the existence of a universal creator on a 1957 science experiment in a field that we know relatively little about. If scientists came out tomorrow and said "we found another way that is much more likely and doesn't require the trillions of left hand picks", would that mean you don't believe in god anymore? Probably not - so an atheist wouldn't use it as a mind-blowing revelation either when you tell them the trillion-left-picks experiment. ---224330429 >>224330249 Guess what's also guessing: saying that it was a God that did it ---224330514 >>224329562 >if they're attacked. They're literall being attacked for decades and ransacked and plundered and pillaged. I don't think you understand what you're talking about seeing quite clearly your a simpleton ape nigger gorilla autist. Yes i personally know people that have lived there for 2 decades and barely moved. ---224330734 >>224329997 You can go no further than where you are, and that's the created. You're claiming and they're claiming all this didn't require a creator. But that's dishonest, for everything purposeful that you can attest for was Purposefully made. You cannot claim space and earth self made when you were not here to see it's inception, even funnier, every experiment you've done speaks to the contrary. You've never seen Brownian choose simple left handed molecular structures to say nothing of the trillions unto DNA. You've never seen a bug become a cow. And No, your allele frequency is not proof thereof evolution unless you can show us allele frequency in the first instantiation of life unto all that's alive today and of how said allele frequency led to each and every purported organism evolving into its successor species. And that's as it happened evidence of said process that is genetic observation and test and skeletal. Otherwise it's all nonsense. But then you knew that. ---224330814 >>224330429 Our Creator is God as you are the god of your response. Said response was made by you, therefore you're a god of those lines of text. Admittedly you used devices and contrivances not made by you but my point still stands. ---224331147 >>224330514 Then fight back. Kill as many of them as they can before the end. Do something! The world is under the thrall of the European Jew who wants the South African White Gone, for whatever reason. Sure, some South African whites screwed over a lot of blacks. But that was then and the present folks are not those people So Fight BACK! I'm not a Christian by the way even though I'm a believer. ---224331176 >>224315606 I believe in God or something that could be specified as a "god". Alll religions are man made bullshit still ---224331324 >>224331176 >all religions are man made bullshit prove it ---224331405 >>224322096 based ---224331436 >>224331176 show flag kike ---224331493 >>224330734 >You're claiming and they're claiming all this didn't require a creator Maybe they are are claiming that, but I said no such thing - I was also discussion with the anon ITT earlier that he shouldn't hand-wave away creation with "quantum fluctuations" just because it's easy to do so, and I would say the same about god. The original question was, where did god come from and you answered "from purposefulness", but this is a cop-out answer, and just shrouded in mysterious metaphysical semantics. You are ready to tell us all about the trillion-left-hand-pick experiment and tell us about logic and science in that regard, but when asked about where god came from, conveniently things can just pop out of purpose without a medium. I told the quantum fluctuation anon the same thing, that "there must have been something before it", and the same rule applies here. You can't just get an exception in your argument "because he's god" ---224331745 >>224330814 Again, saying that there was an architect using those tools, and that this said architect is the ultimate omnipotent celestial being watching over us is a guess. It's not true, it's not false, it's a guess. If we can't disprove it that doesn't automatically make it true. We don't know if the only thing at play here is the dichotomy of either "God" or "happened for no reason". You're free to believe it's God just as you're free to believe the other but the main issue here, mainly brought by OP, is the claim that one's belief is the one that's scientifically true. How the hell do you know it wasn't some other type of entity that's nothing like our definition or understanding of God, nothing that was all-powerful or omnipresent or that commands over the heavens? The answer is that we just don't know as we're not capable of finding out. Not right now and not for who knows how many more centuries or millenia ---224332039 >>224331493 Where God came from is a nonsensical as far as you and I are concerned. Ask Him yourself. You're here,and you're bound by reality. And reality says all that exist was created. You can't suggest otherwise for since your inception and the inception of all before you, All that can be attested for was made by someone else. I've said this over and repeatedly and glaringly you're incapable of accepting this small truth, which is, your very response took a mind, a hand, and a will and also an understanding of what is being said. All that on a device or devices that was made by others. To suggest otherwise means you're of the belief that the purposefully complex can self create for no reason at all. Even funnier you're suggesting this is at all possible without scientific as it happened evidence. You claim you're not suggesting that and that you're simply asking, Where did God come From, but said response is an attempt to dissuade all of us from the truth which is, We Were Purposefully Made. ---224332116 >>224331745 It's not a guess, for your response, as worded as it is, took your mind and hands and the device or devices you're using. For a change, allow nothingness pen said response for you and be sure to Provide for Us Scientific, As it Happened evidence when it does so. ---224332452 or maybe we dont know that much about the universe and we are jumping to conclusions ---224332578 >>224332116 You're seriously using me sitting at a computer, typing crap as actual PROOF that there was a god that created all things? Wow ---224332694 >>224315606 1. Things exist. 2. Therefore worship Jewsus Kike and die for Israel. This is a very complete and well done logical proof indeed, Cletus. ---224332752 >>224332039 >Where God came from is a nonsensical as far as you and I are concerned. Why? Because it's easier to not have to answer that question? Isn't it funny how there are people in this thread who want to buzz-post their way through these threads with Aquinas arguments, cherry-picked experiments and historical anecdotes, but when pushed under the same framework about the origin of god himself, we all of a sudden jump to "he has been around forever", or "where he came from is nonsensical". "It's simply beyond us at that point so the rules don't apply!", but yet conveniently he isn't beyond us when trying to confirm their belief using human-invented philosophy and science (that we frankly know shit all about). Maybe the theologists are right, or maybe the atheists are. I just don't like the flip-flopping of the theists who try to pull the big brain science man shit until it doesn't suit them anymore, and proceed then swap over to metaphysical beings, then have the nerve to call atheists the inconsistent ones. Reddit-tier atheists are just as guilty, who won't believe they are being hit over the head with a hammer unless a peer-reviewed paper tells them they are. I digress, but I hope you can see my point.
----- ---224318334 Atheists are just as stupid as Christians.
---224318401 Who is smart then, pickle rick? ---224318410 >>224318334 Science vs. a storybook Yup, both are stupid. ---224318440 >>224318334 People who circumcise their children are psychopaths, and the act of cutting the genitals is a test of faith. ---224318453 >>224318401 Agnostics and true believers. ---224318459 >>224318334 rei>asuka ---224318477 I love Rei ---224318510 >>224318453 Why do you think smart/dumb is defined by a single opinion a person holds? What kind of binary thinking is that? ---224318533 >>224318410 Science doesn't prove god to be false, nor does the storybook prove it to be real. You have concisely summarized precisely why both camps are so stupid. ---224318546 there is only one true god ---224318570 >>224318546 >pic unrelated ---224318594 >>224318477 Me too. ---224318596 >>224318510 if someone holds a stupid opinion, they can be called stupid. ---224318638 >>224318459 >preferring a non-person over a German qt ---224318679 >>224318453 Agnostics mostly are atheist retard Say gnostic atheists/anti-theists next time ---224318700 >>224318546 Based ---224318702 >>224318638 asukafags will never understand ---224318712 >>224318596 With that logic a person that hold one stupid and one smart opinion is either impossible to categorize or somehow falls into both camps. And that's pretty much the majority of people. ---224318811 Leave this /thread: >>224317898 ---224318818 >>224318712 muh categories I need muh categorei get bent commie ---224318821 >>224318596 Take the spirituality pill anon. ---224318843 >>224318638 Germans act nothing like Asuka. She’s an insufferable cunt ---224318852 Gundam >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Evangelion ---224318860 >>224318638 >non-person Clones with fragmented human-alien hybrid souls are people too. ---224318868 >>224318818 But that's your own words, you are the one trying to categorize people. What is wrong with you? ---224318911 >>224318334 I am atheist and am smarter than most atheists and christians alike. ---224318940 >>224318911 if you're so smart why are you an atheist >>224318868 shoo commie shoo ---224319001 >>224318940 because I'm smart. thread/ ---224319028 >>224318843 Most German girls also never suffered the Trauma of having to see their mothers hang themselves, at infancy. Asuka is a bitch because of that trauma, and she was on the way to getting over that with her relationship with Shinji... until Evangelion decided to botch all character development 3/4 of the way in ---224319037 >>224318940 Well, since I'm on /pol/ I should have probably seen this coming. ---224319043 >>224318852 Kamille is a way shittier pilot than Shinji though. He spends most of the time get grabbed like a retard by Yazan, who plays him effortlessly every time ---224319106 >>224319043 fair enough ---224319109 >>224319028 Maybe things don't always work out. ---224319124 >>224318334 Misato is best wine aunt girl you stupid leaf ---224319165 >>224318334 the teachings of the Cross are foolishness to the wicked, but unto us who are saved it is the Kingdom of God. ---224319308 >>224319109 She's perfect bros. Literally perfect. ---224319317 Imagine a country so cucked they sell their national postal service to Japan and it gets used in weebamation ---224319332 >>224319109 True, but I consume bread and circus to be entertained, not to ponder about the meaning behind the choice in ingredients. ---224319393 >>224319308 She exists in our hearts, that's the important thing ---224319429 >>224318334 Um, no. Now kys ---224319472 >>224319393 I love Asuka! ---224319531 For me, it’s Kaworu-kun ---224319609 >>224319472 >>224319393 >>224319109 The plebfilter is working ---224319652 >>224319531 Rebuild sucks ---224319880 >>224319609 I dislike your snide insinuation. ---224319894 >>224319308 No she's not that's the whole point she's very messed up she needs therapy not pilot mechas. But her mommy issues are the main reason she can sync with the Eva as well as she does because they used her mother's soul in its core. That's why they chose her. So they keep injecting her back into her mommy Eva in a fluid-immersed tampon-shaped capsule but that's not healthy. ---224319923 >>224318940 ok let's put this into the category of challenged ---224319993 >>224318852 Gundam does not have good fanart. ---224320143 >>224319894 That's what makes her perfect anon, the depth of the scars on her soul serve to show its dimensionality. She's flawed and arrogant but those are the challenges which give her purpose and character, that's what makes her Asuka. To live is to be imperfect, but she is so perfectly human. >In other words, I love you ---224320180 >>224319652 You’re just too stupid to understand it ---224320187 >>224319894 Yeah and how her starting to get over that trauma leading to her becoming a worse pilot, which then made her depressed all over again, was really interesting... until the botched ending of the series. Evangelion really should have been 50 episodes >>224319993 It baffles me because Gundam has an English dub. I listened to a bit of it and it didn't seem too bad. ---224320212 >>224318679 you would have to be retarded to be a gnostic athiest or antithiest though its a contradiction ---224320387 Was it really this deep? ---224320397 Based Asuka posters ---224320438 >>224319894 >the scene in End of Evangelion where she finally accepts her mother's love and fights for her against the army in a massive rampage accompanied by triumphant orchestra ---224320462 >>224320143 Yeah that's why I'm so fond of her I guess. >>224320187 They ran out of money. I love that they tried to do something special rather than unweirding the whole thing and try to wrap it up more conventionally, but they ran out of time and money to do it better. Dunno why they seem to be trying to "save face" about this and say that it was totally what they wanted to do. Also Anno might have been going a little bit crazy by that point. ---224320614 >>224318546 nice ---224320624 >>224320438 Some people were saying that 1.0*4.0 is going to be the EoE of Rebuild but I'm not super optimistic desu. ---224320713 >>224320624 >I'm not super optimistic desu. Something as great as EoE doesn't come round very often. The maker was in a special place when he made it, and those conditions could never be matched again. ---224320954 >>224320713 she deserved better ---224320962 >>224320462 I suppose I can kind of agree with you on that. I would have preferred a conventional rap up, but I can see how other people prefer the way it was ---224321131 >>224320962 >I would have preferred a conventional rap up I like to think that's EoE, with the original finale being complementary to it. ---224321142 >>224320713 This reminds of an interview with Anno where he said this: >“Japan lost the war to the Americans,” he explains, seeming interested in his own words for the first time during our interview. “Since that time, the education we received is not one that creates adults. Even for us, people in their 40s, and for the generation older than me, in their 50s and 60s, there’s no reasonable model of what an adult should be like.” The theory that Japan’s defeat stripped the country of its independence and led to the creation of a nation of permanent children, weaklings forced to live under the protection of the American Big Daddy, is widely shared by artists and intellectuals in Japan. It is also a staple of popular cartoons, many of which feature a well-meaning government that turns out to be a facade concealing sinister and more powerful forces. >Anno pauses for a moment, and gives a dark-browed stare out the window. “I don’t see any adults here in Japan,” he says, with a shrug. “The fact that you see salarymen reading manga and pornography on the trains and being unafraid, unashamed or anything, is something you wouldn’t have seen 30 years ago, with people who grew up under a different system of government. They would have been far too embarrassed to open a book of cartoons or dirty pictures on a train. But that’s what we have now in Japan. We are a country of children.” It frankly blew my mind reading this. Some of the symbolism/subtext in NGE and other anime might be related to that. This thread is political now no DELET. ---224321265 >>224318533 Ockham razor. ---224321348 >>224321142 I slightly disagree with the main cause of it being exclusively the Americans, but rather the sign of a civilization at it's fall. Japanese were also openly reading pornography in the public, during the end of the Edo era. You can see traces of this in other civilizations. ---224321431 >>224321142 I always knew NGE was anti-otaku and anti-passive weakness, but that quote really does aptly summarise it. Holy shit. It is decidedly political. People view the ending of the show as depressing, failing to realise that it is actually life affirming. It rewards decision-making, choice and taking risks. Engaging with others, flaws and all, is important to being a fully realised human being, instead of a pathetic hedgehog husk. Shinji comes to realise that by the end of the show in both endings. It's positive. Everything else is just window dressing to the message that passivity and consuming soi product is weakness. Hard times create hard men. ---224321537 >>224318852 Gundam is shitty ---224321568 >>224318334 Yep ---224321635 >>224318334 Misato is better you fucking nerds ---224321692 >>224321431 NGE is very obviously political, especially if you look at the scene of the Nuclear-powered robot by the Japanese defense forces. >ending True, but I wanted Shinji to man up a bit faster. Maybe it's just me. ---224321738 >>224321431 Funny how your post contains the movie and anime that helped me a lot during my hard times ---224321755 >>224321348 It's a really special thing in history though, what the US did to Japan. And Germany too. They won, but they did not pillage and economically enslave the place (like the rest of Europe did to Germany at the end of WW1). Instead they rebuilt them, turned them into commercial partners and kept on defending them. But they also did massive social engineering. It would be foolish not to. Why would you rebuild your enemies if they would just be on the same path again? Their long-term geostrategic interests would remain similar. You have to change them. The de-nazification was an extensive process in Germany. In Japan, I don't know what the process was but pretty sure they did something alright. But yeah it would be silly to think that they planned and decided everything. But they influence. ---224321879 Ever noticed that the guys in SEELE all look like jews? And the one in charge is (((German))) ---224321947 >>224321879 >secretive elite in charge of eradicating cultural diversity and borders in favour of homogenizing humanity under one rule ---224321957 >>224321755 As far as I am aware, for Germans it was mostly a brainwashing program built around racial consciousness and race-guilt, while over here it was mostly built around pacifism and war-guilt. In the west, (I am to assume that) you can casually discuss warfare but not race. In Japan it's the other way around. ---224322156 >>224321957 The thing here is that MacArthur was able to tell Truman to fuck off and was way more lenient, He even let the Emperor go free. Patton was originally going to be in charge of the ordeal in Europe but he was killed in an "accident" Patton knew what was going on and even had sympathy for the Germans. The Jews in the USA did not want him around because of that and they had him killed. ---224322279 >>224321957 >>224322156 Well ok he wasn't killed off per say but he got removed from his position because he was not on board with the shit that the jews wanted to do ---224322295 >>224318596 that's a stupid opinion check mate ---224322370 >>224321879 SEELE were suppose to be kikes. They literally summoned the (((Kabbalah))) ffs. They wanted to unite the human race into 1 globalist entity. ---224322389 >>224318477 >>224318459 Look at me, agreeing with a jew and a serb maybe there's hope for peace after all? ---224322592 >>224318334 That's why I am agnostic ---224322611 >>224322389 well you're just fucking wrong ---224322901 >>224322611 so you don't think there can be peace? I'd expect that from an asuka fan. ---224322949 >>224318334 ---224323105 >>224321635 Hi Spicer. ---224323185 >>224318334 Hail Odin. Odin (Wr.Aldanism) would unlike Christianity Never agree to betray race. Motherfucking dumb Christians did, and they just blame the Jews for it and remain Christian to fuck the white race, purposely or not. Doesnt matter. ---224323894 >>224320180 >too stupid Rebuild is literal dumbed down shonen action crap. Omg we transforming Evas now and epic rebels against Seele! The humans gonna win now this is frickin epic bro ---224324467 >>224323894 Rebuild feels kind of pointless desu. But it had nice music and visuals. 1.0 and 2.0 were OK. If they want to remake the series in a condensed fashion, why not. I don't like a lot of the changes seemingly for no reasons (so far) though. The ending was new and it was pretty neat. Beautiful and horrible at the same time. It's hard to judge 3.0 (and the small changes in the other ones) without 4.0 though. It's not a good movie by itself, but there's a lot of things that need explaining. I really hope 4.0 will explain it all but I think that might have made a big mess that they can't fix. ---224324568 >>224324467 3.0 is really that bad bro. Don't give us that "too hard to judge" shit. ---224324616 >>224318453 >true believers In what? ---224324677 >>224318410 t. doesn't understand the philosophical underpinnings of anything Look at this pseud, everyone. ---224324728 >>224319308 She's a platonic form. An ideal that is not achievable in this world. ---224324735 >>224324568 No, it makes no sense without 4.0. You just can't even tell what's going on yet. It was just mistakenly released too early before 4.0. ---224324871 >>224321265 Ockham was a Christian, you pseud. ---224324891 >>224324735 That means the movie is shit. It wasn't mistakenly released. 3.0 is everything it should be. It really is that shit, and to be honest talking about this with some canadian cuck with no brains isn't really appealing to me. Just know that 2012 came out in 2013 and faggots like you have been wrong for 2019-2012 years straight. ---224324956 >>224318533 Science has consistently debunked all religious and esoteric notions. Skydaddy storybooks of all kind have been on the receiving end of such debunks. By proclaiming your irrational ungrounded beliefs you immediately out yourself as a retard, and a leaf. Therefore also a faggot. Sage ---224325205 >>224324891 I am a 4.0 agnostic and you are a 4.0 atheist and thus you are the brainlet. ---224325390 >>224325205 In your case, you're not an agnostic, but someone in denial. This isn't about belief, it's about knowledge, which I have, and arguably you might too, but you're looped up in a fantasy. That's it. ---224325604 >>224325390 Did you just become euphoric right now? ---224325804 Will faggots ever learn not to use Eva pics in vain in their OP if they want to talk about whatever stupid shit it is that they want to talk about. Seriously. ---224326551 >>224318334 There is no comparison. Rei is best girl because she doesn't act like an attention-seeking bitch. She pilots the Eva no problems and gets shit done. ---224326632 >>224318477 >subhuman reifag imagine my shock ---224329703 >>224318334 >just as They are far more retarded. Proof of God exists within the odds of our existence. The soul exists, therefore the supernatural exists. ---224329787 >>224318334 One made western philosophy, ethics, conquered the world over, and encouraged nationalism. The other is a gay brand of Anti philosophy that accomplished bread lines, defunct socialist governments, internationalism, and a 100 million death toll. Nice move OP, you are a confirmed retard. ---224331351 >>224318453 >agnostics you are ignorant. the majority of atheists are Agnostic Atheists. the terms go together to properly explain their position. the Ignorant fence sitters call themselves agnostic. those that call themselves atheists are just giving the short version of Agnostic Atheist. A Theist is someone that has accepted a God Claim to be true An Atheist is someone that has not accepted a God Claim to be true. Christians are Atheists when discussing their acceptance of Pagan god claims. Agnostic and Gnostic are terms about what a persons knows. Gnostics Theists/Atheists are certain a god does/doesnt exist. Agnostic Theists/Atheists are uncertain if the claims they accept/dont accept can be proven or known. A Deist would be an agnostic theist, believing their was likely a god that started things and is hands off or left and likely cant be proven to exist. . Agnostic Atheists arent convinced by theist arguments for their gods and dont know if its possible for a god to exist or even prove it if one does.
----- ---224329911 Six months until Budapest Ausbruch 60 again. Will you come, /pol/? I bet most of you need a little exercise.
---224332652 You have been visited by the Laura of desolate threads. Unfortunately this thread appears to have gone unnoticed by anons on /pol/. Unless someone bumps the thread (and does it soon), this thread will inevitably be forgotten.
----- ---224313595 All the US posters who demonize "socialism" and "communism" are missing the point. China has a one-party system that revolves around a party called Communist Party. Call it the way you like, but at the end of the day that system (of big centralized government) has performed a lot better than the US system. And not only economically. While the USA has been creating enemies all over the world, China has been creating friends: the two foreign policies stand in stark contrast, especially if one compares the military budget that the USA and China spend to protect their interests. The USA has spent almost ten times more than China over the last decade, and China seems to have gotten ten times more with ten times less. The very reason to oppose a socialist regime has been weakened by the USA itself: the undemocratic Chinese system ends up electing a competent and responsible leader like Xi, who is respected all over the world, whereas the democratic US system ends up electing incompetent leaders like George W Bush and now even Donald Trump who are despised everywhere in the world (except Russia).
---224313758 >>224313595 world politics is fake. everywhere is already under babylon control history is fake outer space is fake and gay ---224313828 >>224313595 ---224313983 >>224313595 What is it with this pic that makes it look so *menacing* ---224314046 >>224313595 Except the US also has a (((one party))) system and outperforms China, Your post is shit, consider kys ---224314162 >>224313983 his gentle expression juxtaposed with his nervous goons all standing off to the side ---224314239 If the OP believes any of this bullshit, I would be amazed. Anyone who falls for a politcal ideology is a pawn of the elites. None of these world leaders or ideologies will help or save you. ---224314255 >>224313595 this is an issue of semantics. China is not "socialist" or "communist" in a way that is in any way comprehensible to the west. They are similar to German national socialism. They are not about handouts, POZ, globohomo, or even state owned industries. They are about free market with government guidence. In chinese media they call their philosophy "nationalist leninism" - which sounds a lot like national socialism. People forget that china was "real" communist during mao's time and they centralized the means of production, did land reform, had radical student socialist movements, tried to destroy religion (their version of antifa burned down tibetan buddhist temples). The market reforms of 1978 under xiaoping took them out of maoism into a "market oriented" communism that simply has nothing in common with what westerners consider communism. The means of production is not centralized, handouts are not given. They get cheap healthcare and education, but that's it. ---224314476 >>224313595 I think if you are going to sing the praises of the chinese system, you shouldn't sing the phrases of "socialism" or "communism" - you should sing the praises of "socialism with chinese characteristics" or "chinese natioalist leninism". It works in china because they dont have a hostile kike elite that wants to destroy and enslave the majority of the population. Communism and central control in the west means literal jewish dictators like Maduro intentionally running the country into the ground while monopolizing the wealth generated by state owned enterprises. I dont believe you can achieve with china has with a jewish ruling class. You have to remove bagel first. ---224314492 >>224313983 “Welcome Sir, We’ve been waiting for you” Good lighting? ---224314543 >>224313595 >>224312805 PLEASE HALP ME FRENS ---224314919 >>224313595 >>224312805 PLEASE HALP ME FRENS ---224314956 >>224314919 Post more rare hitlers. ---224314971 >>224313595 >t.Pajeet ---224315133 >>224313595 Look at how Chinese citizens live though. And I don't mean the ones in the cities. The ones that live in places you're literally not allowed to take photos of because they're so miserable. A literal third world inside a first. That's the problem with you economy focused niggers, you don't even think about what goes into those numbers. ---224315504 >>224313595 say shit like that in chima and you'll get your organs harvested. ---224316501 >>224313595 First off the Chairman is not 'elected' and leadership falls squarely to politicians that have enough gusto to muscle enough positions from their peers. Maoism was a clear joke, note how China never participated in the Asian Tiger economic phenomenon. They were late bloomers by several decades due to various fuckups following the Cultural Revolution. You could say that China's liberalization in economics allowed it to catch up. Militarily, China spends far less on R&D and retirement benefits. Frankly, I'm no fan of the democracatic republic and you're right that we elect idiots as representatives; the real people that run the government are the same here as in China, beaureacrats and their corporate paypigs. ---224317539 >>224313595 ah ping long pong ching chong nip nong hong kong long ling ting pong ---224320279 >>224313595 “Tiananmen Square was a great time” is what you really saying... ---224323786 >>224313595 >criticize the government >get thrown in jail, entire social circle cannot access public transport anymore and loses jobs Yeah dude, communism works perfect. It's those Americans living under Drumblpf who are being oppressed, even tho they can openly ridicule him and get away with it. ---224325701 >>224313983 This ---224327577 >>224323786 >they can openly ridicule him and get away with it. Yeah but you're being genocided. So you're still worse off than China. ---224327595 “One party system...”. Musolini’s Italy, “...well, at least the trains run on time...”. No, they didn’t. It just became extremely unhealthy to notice. ---224327775 >>224327577 I thought it was a crazy conspiracy myth, whaos is it really real? ---224327825 >>224327595 >>224327775 What's best, living under a dictatorship vs becoming Mexico? ---224327858 >>224316501 One of the most interesting stories about China 60 years ago was Mao tried to advance the country by increasing steel production. Since Mao worshipped retarded values the obvious answer was to get thousands of people to create “backyard smelters”. No shit. It took them years to realize you can’t make quality steel in backyard smelters. Something Americans realized well over 100 years earlier. ---224327904 >>224327825 We would have what is best if we could just fire up the “General Pinochet Helicopter Services”. ---224327995 >>224327904 >We would have what is best if we could Seeing as you apparent can't, there seem two be only 2 options. The China model, or being genocided. ---224328193 >>224314255 >They are about free market with government guidence. With no democracy or rule of law. This is why people hate Marketerists. ---224328393 >>224328193 >With no democracy What has democracy bought us but extinction? Right now this autistic Swede is convincing all the children in Denmark to not make babies when they grow up. Thanks to Democracy. In China she would have been fucked to death as she should be. ---224328405 >>224313595 they are at least 50 years behind the west, only looks developed cause there's no patent laws and every big tech factory is there, so they steal shit and larp ---224328491 >>224314255 >They are not about handouts, POZ, globohomo this things are not in communism either, in communist countries not working is a capital offense ---224328594 >>224313595 Those communists are a joke. ---224328602 >>224313758 Its amazing how easy it is to pick out boomers at this point ---224328752 >>224313595 ---224328769 >>224313595 This is one of the dumbest things I've read in a long time and one of the many reasons Canadians are made of on pol. You praise their system but have no idea what is really going on. First, China only has money because they adopted a little bit of capitalism. 2nd China does not perform better than the US system they actually desperately rely on the US. 3rd, China has been using the US military for years to protect their trade routes just like the whole world has been using the US army for their own benefits while the US gets nothing from it. 4th, China steals all their innovation and tech because communism can't create anything good. Now look at what's happening with China. They are in an actual economic crisis. For about 2 years Chinese citizens have been put on a withdrawal limit of 30k a month when traveling abroad (indicator that Chinese banks are going broke). Trump has taken away the military protection for trade routes which has caused China to spend way more money on building up their navy (which is still pathetic). Trump has taken away their free trade which has heavily affected chinese manufacturing (which is their main source of income). Now Trump has probably put the final nail in the coffin, he has advised american companies to pull out of china. If this happens the US might suffer a little in the next couple years but china will be no more, RIP china. ---224328937 >>224328769 >China has been using the US military for years to protect their trade routes just like the whole world has been using the US army for their own benefits while the US gets nothing from it Explain to me Anon, why is USA getting so anal wrecked and upset at China using the northern Russian trade lanes? The truth is you use those lanes to control other countries. And to control who can trade and who can't. It's called Sanctions. ---224328944 >>224313595 Winnie the Poo will see you now. ---224329053 >>224328769 They already eat dogs, children and bugs, it's hard to imagine them sinking any lower. ---224329066 >>224327995 Oh, eventually we will get around to it. Like Churchill said. Americans always do the right thing after they have tried everything else. ---224329142 >>224329066 >Oh, eventually we will get around to it. Mutt genetics is irreversible damage. ---224329255 Fuck you OP for posting the same thread multiple times a day. Allah will torture your false god fruity trude now. Kill a leaf and get to paradaisu. ---224329473 >>224313595 >performed a lot better than the US system That's because the west moved basically ALL production to china. It's all by design. ---224329525 >>224313983 It looks like a scene from a 70's bond movie ---224329699 >>224328769 A FUCKING LEAF
----- ---224306132 What did I ever do to deserve such hatred? The amount of people who don't support my rights is totally incomprehensible, it's not like I ever hurt anyone. I just want respect.
---224306204 >>224306132 You have the right to be whatever gender you need to be. Why do you think you deserve respect? What should people respect you for? ---224306209 >>224306132 you hate yourself more than any of us ever could ---224306223 Okay we all respect you. Will you shut the fuck up now? ---224306352 >>224306132 Respect is earned. You arent off to a good start though. You have fallen pray to a mental disorder, and are whining on a forum. What have you accomplished that would make me respect you? ---224306376 >>224306132 What you did was fail to realize that even if your lifestyle wasn't a result of a mental illness, it's not for everyone. If transgender people started protesting schools forcing LGBT "education" on other people's kids, I'd be more for them. At the very least,I hope you do realize you're being used as a wedge issue by the democrats. They no longer have gay marriage,so now they have transgenderism and fucking with the minds of children. But if you oppose this,you're an evil bigot. ---224306421 >>224306132 The world should not have to capitulate to your mental illness, you insufferable little shit. You require medication, perhaps institutionalization, not hormones and the collective browbeating of society into pretending you freaks are something you're not. tldr eat shit you attention seeking faggot. ---224306427 >>224306132 Respect is usually earned ---224306429 >>224306132 Go see a doctor and get on fucking meds for that shit. Don't try to prove your not insane by cutting your dick off. It may be trendy right now but in a few years you will be confined to a mental institution for doing that. That is, if you don't an hero yourself before then. ---224306457 >>224306209 Nah, not as much as I hate trannies. It's impossible. I want them all to hang. ---224306459 >>224306132 Sad sick mutant freak. Seriously, there is something severely mentally wrong with anyone that tries to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles themselves with cow hormones and then has a kike doctor charge them 10 grand to cut their fucking dick off. Like really, suicide yourself. You fell for the ultimate meme. ---224306510 >>224306429 Also, read this ---224306552 >>224306204 >Why do you think you deserve respect? What should people respect you for? The pursuit of happiness is defined as a fundamental human right mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. But this becomes impossible for me when I am constantly misgendered. Every. Single. Day. It's a complete nightmare and you have no idea what it's like. >>224306209 Projection much? >>224306223 The sarcasm is strong with this one. >>224306352 >>224306376 It's not a mental illness. You were (I assume) born with a sex that matches your gender, and good for you, but not everyone was so lucky. ---224306573 >>224306132 Fuck off faggot. The worst thing you've ever done is posting a whole thread as a newfag instead of lurking for 2 years. Go die in a grease fire. ---224306583 >>224306132 I don't hate all trans people. You're just mentally ill, you should be helped not shamed. However, you are not the opposite sex and pretending you are does nothing but hurt you. ---224306588 >>224306421 This. ---224306603 >>224306552 Gender is a pseudo science term created by a child abuser to circumvent the hard science of binary sex. ---224306615 >>224306132 You're mentally ill. You and the jewish elite try to push your illness on society to weaken and normalize mental illness to subvert and degrade our society. You try to make me pretend along with your delusion. How am I suposed to respect a mentally ill man masquerading as a fetishised idea of what he thinks a woman is? you ask my rights to end when your feelings begin. ---224306642 >>224306132 You’re >mentally ill FTFY. ---224306644 >>224306132 >What did I ever do to deserve such hatred? You came here and talked about it ad nauseam. You are fucking annoying. No one likes a person or group of people that cant STFU about themselves. ---224306666 No time for dramas, if you are hot, post photos and I will masturbate at them, cause I'm not prejudice ---224306673 >>224306132 Tits or GTFO. ---224306678 >Guaranteed 300 replies by retarded mutts ---224306686 >>224306552 The pursuit of happiness is not a guarantee of happiness' acquisition. Sometimes the fucking answer is no you sick faggot. ---224306715 >>224306132 this>>224306615 Also dont chop of your weiner ---224306722 Also, do you have a pantyhose fetish, OP? ---224306739 >>224306612 Is she ok? ---224306769 Youre mentally Ill, i dont hate you. Same reason why i dont hate a handicapped person or someone with bipolar, youre a sick person. I will never accept it as normal and neither will the world, no matter how much propaganda they put out there. ---224306773 >>224306552 >pursuit of happiness Way to miss the point entirely, brainlet. You have the right to the "pursuit", not to happiness itself. My own happiness comes to a screeching halt whenever I see freaks such as yourself in public. By your logic I should have the right to prevent you from impeding my happiness. See how that works faggot? You don't get to dictate how people react to you in public. ---224306778 >>224306132 >I want respect And that’s the core issue. You did nothing to earn it. You just demand it. ---224306780 Shut up faggot, you will never be a woman, just a ugly cross dresser ---224306784 >>224306569 based ---224306786 >>224306132 You don’t want rights, you don’t want respect, you don’t even know what you want because you’re a goddamn train wreck at the mercy of a mental disorder. For the love of God, don’t do anything self-mutilating. Reminder: Gender Dysphoria is real and indulging a mental disorder is obviously counterproductive ---224306816 In order for society to function correctly people must abide by standards. The most basic standard is that men and women are just that - men and women. By attacking this basic tenet of life and society you are attacking society as a whole and I don’t take very kindly to it, given that I have kids and what not. I don’t want your disgusting lifestyle forced on them and I don’t want your disgusting brethren reading books to children in public libraries. Thankfully nature has a really good way of taking care of people like you and it sounds something like 40%. That having been said, I think everyone is redeemable (except for my degenerate brother in law) so read the Bible, find out who Jesus is, and change your wicked ways. Until then I will look forward to the day you succumb to pneumonia after years of fighting aids. ---224306822 >every gay person ever HEY PAY ATTENTION TO ME! I HAVE RIGHTS! RESPECT ME! *sucks cock in public street* ---224306823 >>224306132 Respect is earned. Your behavior signals mental instability, self loathing, and destructive tendencies ---224306844 No one here "hates" trans people. We hate the bullshit your group collectively tries to force down our throat as "normal". Thats what drives a lot of us from accepting libertarians toward more authoritarian. Do whatever makes you happy as long as you arent pushing it on others. Look, you have a mental illness, there is no shame in that. I am an alcoholic, I am mentally Ill as well. I dont want to try and normalize that and push it on children and to be taught in schools. What, "rights" are you concerned with? I am genuinely curious. ---224306845 >>224306132 >I'm transgender No you're not. You're a sexual con artist. You pretend to be something you aren't, and try to trick other people. It's psychotic and antisocial and you need to stop. ---224306899 You aren't transgender. You can't be transgender because you can't define what it means to be male or female, so therefore you don't know how to act like something if you don't even know how it acts, and all you can do is pretend that you know, and you do that by living out stereotypes, therefore proving that you are setting back any true understanding of what it would mean to be anything just by existing. Also you are, 1000%, a selfish, narcissistic asshole who is desperate, DESPERATE for attention. That's why no one likes you. Not because you are a tranny, not because you aren't passing, not because you crossdress. No, everyone hates you because you are absolutely insufferable to be around, period. ---224306904 >>224306552 Pursuit of happiness does not equal happiness, freak. Nobody owes respect to noone, and especially not to you ---224306905 >>224306552 You are free to pursue happiness; you are not guaranteed to acheive it. No one is required to play along with your bullshit fantasies ---224306909 >>224306844 >No one here "hates" trans people. That's where you're wrong, kiddo. ---224306922 >>224306132 >I'm transgender ---224306925 >>224306844 I don't consider the trans to be people at all. ---224306926 >>224306459 >cut their fucking dick off Imagine being so full of hate and bigotry you actually think it's "cut off". Wow. I am livid at you right now for spreading this misinformation, no wonder people hate us. What actually happens is the surgeons, using the most advanced techniques available, rearrange it into the correct genitalia. ---224306959 >>224306132 I can't say that you, yourself have done this, but most people can't respect those like you because people like you want to force normal people to accept and believe the delusions you're living. We all get that you have to do you, but you can't expect all of us to go along with it. If the alphabet people left others alone, stopped flaunting these mental disorders as "normal", arguing that biology and science are the ones that are wrong, stopped exposing themselves to children, pushing kids to get hotmone blockers and mutilating themselves, etc. your kind wouldn't get a fraction of the "hatred" that you claim. You say you're trans? Okay. We say you're mentally ill, which can be proven and you need to keep your private shit to yourself like every other decent person does. ---224306965 >>224306132 If you could resolve your dysphoria without body modification, would you do it? If your answer is, “yes,” then we are on the same side. What I hate to see is doctors filling patients with pills and the rest of society accepting this as normal. ---224306968 >>224306132 gas this dude ---224306989 >>224306132 >I just want respect. We all have wants. Respect is always earned, and never given. ---224306991 >>224306132 stop larping miguel >>224306209 bingo ---224307003 >>224306132 I too have weird fetishes. If I was to make my entire life revolve around them and I asked you to accept them, you too would say mildly impolite remarks to me. Imagine if the furries and bronies did what you do? If the lolicons did? If the scat or bdsm did? Shit, you no special man. ---224307017 >>224306926 omg you really are retarded ---224307026 >>224306926 >playing coy We know what gappens, and it ain’t pretty ---224307035 >>224306909 >>224306925 Hi Rabbi, whatcha doin? ---224307041 >>224306132 I don't care who did you sleep with. I just fucking hope you keep it to yourself and don't poison our kids with your lifestyle. They're too little to know things clearly. Fuck why don't we are based like Russia, banning all the faggots propaganda. ---224307070 >>224306926 Aaaaand the larp stays in character and hams it up to the point of obvious. Clap clap 3/10 bait kike. ---224307079 >>224306769 Come on, don't be a bigot, we need to be more supportive to suicidal people, and by supportive I mean we should jail everyone who tell them to not kill themselves and we should pay doctors to kill them. ---224307125 >>224306132 I support your right tho all all lgbt niggerrs force thier value on our throats ---224307129 >>224306132 >I'm transgender ---224307138 >>224306132 im a tranny too OP the people here are simply too retarded to listen to reason. their brain has been completely fucked by youtube videos and pictures of out of context headlines on twitter theyre barely human at this point ---224307146 >>224306132 ---224307166 >>224306552 It’s a disconnect from your mental state and physical reality. I wouldn’t tell an anorexic girl she’s fat and to keep starving herself and I won’t do the same to you. You explain to me how gender dysphoria is NOT a mental issue. It sure as fuck not physical because your chromosomes are going to give you away. And you know this; you’ll never be at peace with that no matter what superficial changes you make. Deep down you know you’re a man. ---224307175 >>224306132 Youre mentally ill and being used by bad actors to destabilize our aociety and tou olay victim while youre at it I dont have to explain anything to you anyway faggit Fuck off and die ---224307179 >>224306132 Because you say you’re a “real woman” but you will never be. Since you believe this to be so you would think to never reveal to a potential love interest that you were formerly a born man. A potential love interest should have all the facts prior to committing to you and an intimate relationship or sharing any intimacy whatsoever. A good majority of straight men would want nothing to do with you. I speak for most men when I say we consider you an abomination. But you will say with confidence that you are in fact “a real woman” when that is the furthest thing to the truth. And since you believe this to be so, you will never reveal the truth and he enters a relationship with you under false pretenses. And because of this, you are hated almost universally. Get a grip on reality and reveal yourself forever and always before pursuing a relationship with a straight man. Let him decide if he wants to deal with you then. ---224307181 >>224307129 Him: >say no more ---224307185 >>224306926 >>224306552 Well, shit. You're one of the many insane ones. It's a damn shame what you and your kind do to the """normal""" trans people who just want to live their life. You do more damage to your own cause with this lunacy. I know there are some actual cool trans people, but you sure ain't one of em. ---224307186 >>224306132 >. I just want respect. Respect is EARNED. You have done NOTHING to earn respect. FULL STOP ---224307194 >>224307146 saved ---224307195 >>224306936 The best part about this is that it illustrates that no matter what kind of autistic mutilation you do to your fleshy bits, you will always be a man. Faggot. ---224307210 Also a tranny. OP if you want respect, fucking earn it. Want people to leave you alone in public, put some fucking effort in. ---224307221 >>224306552 You aren't being "misgendered". Women have a uturus and can deliver babies. You have XY chromosomes, no one is obligated to share your delusion. You failed as a man, but you won't fail as a woman, because you aren't one in the first place. ---224307228 >>224307138 >controlled by headlines out of context We're not leftists who believe in retard tier reinterpretations of scientific research about race and gender anon... ---224307233 >>224306132 We hate you because you are acting like a retarded child.. you play make believe 24/7 you pretend to think there are more then 2 genders and then you get all butt hurt when someone calls you out on it.. you trannys even call for young boys to dress up like girls and really fuck up their heads to the point of abuse. It is abuse to yourself and others. trans people are in desperate need of an intervention! We know what your doing is sick, perverted and outright dumb. Why in the world would there ever be a thing that promotes fucking the shit out of someones asshole? POOP KAKA stinky shit! cutting of dicks and making dicks out of your own skin and filler... it's demonic, morbid and and really fucking awkward. You really have to ask? ---224307246 >>224306209 /thread ---224307259 >>224307125 of course a poo would pretend faggot non human have muh fake "rights" ---224307273 >>224306992 Based ---224307275 >>224307041 Yeah, Putin has the right idea with not allowing the alphabet propaganda to circulate. That's exactly what the US and britian and the rest of Europe NEED TO DO! ---224307319 >>224307186 He's done worse than nothing.. he's done the complete opposite of earning respect. ---224307338 >>224307233 "I do not need to know if I should be a male. I am a male. That is all." Life would be so much simpler. ---224307373 >>224306552 You guys confuse "gender" with the human soul. ---224307380 >>224307228 >reinterpretations sounds like a cope. are you coping anon? ---224307385 >>224306132 im ex-trans and it was a horrible mental disorder that I finally freed myself from with therapy and conscious awareness meditations. You have a mental disorder that others are telling you is good so you larp as other sex, get surgery and no one wants to touch you unless is someone who was paid to do porn to the axe wound ---224307416 >>224307138 So everyone else has lost their minds? Everyone else is crazy for accepting biology and not mutilating themselves, and then shoving it down everyone's throats? Okidokie... ---224307454 >>224307355 the statue of liberty is a freemasonic jewish pile of shit crapped on america by fuckhead wompheads well after the "revolt" ---224307456 >>224306552 >it's not a mental illness ---224307460 >>224306132 You’re acting like a female. Traps are only attractive because they aren’t female, bros with benefits, but you probably don’t even pass. ---224307546 >>224307456 its demonic possession they are sodomites with self hatred issues who wish to pretend to be women its like Shaun King and just as fucking gay ---224307587 >>224307035 Go back to lurking trap threads on /b/ you fucking degenerate. You clearly don't belong here. ---224307600 >>224307373 >Gender >Pick 2 Relevant to the human soul how? Dilate ---224307602 >>224307416 >So everyone else has lost their minds? not everyone else, just 90% of the retards here. thank god you people are irrelevant ---224307642 >>224307602 Seek help my dude ---224307649 >>224307319 This. There is tons of people around who do nothing to earn respect and all of us are fine with that. Massive faggots do extensive work to not deserve respect. ---224307683 >>224307642 ---224307765 >>224306132 You're suffering from 'grass is greener' syndrome. The opposite sex may actually have it better, but you trying to identify as something you aren't is dilusional. You can dress and act however you like but when you require others cooperation in pronouns and attempt to use the public bathroom that isn't for you, you've crossed the boundary into mental illness. Gender and sex are not only related, but synonymous. Where do you think 'gender identity' came from? Gender is based in sex. You're literally trying to base your entire identity around sexuality and that distances you even further than what you're trying to be. ---224307767 >>224306583 this ---224307775 >>224306132 You did nothing besides be a victim of mental illness and jewish exploits. Gender dysphoria, like all dysphoria, is a very real and very serious condition that cripples peoples enjoyment of life. Are you familiar with other dysphoria? There are people who swear their arm is not a part of their body or that they are supposed to be disabled. The get a wheel chair and larp as disabled all day, many even go so far as to pour lye in their eyes to blind them self, break their backs to be wheel chair bound, and seek out doctors to cut their healthy arms off because they really genuinely do not feel that their arm is part of their body. Does any of this sound familiar? Please seek out real help and stop letting yourself be used as a pawn to destroy western society. If you are willing to look at the things Ive talked about I can get you links and documented examples, and hopefully you will find clarity about your condition in the similar conditions of other dysphoria sufferers. ---224307796 >>224306132 I feel so bad for you, I hope this cheers you up ---224307876 >>224307683 >muh doctors did it to me Yeah, no. Have you come to terms with the notion that you may be stuck with a mental illness for the rest of your life? Is artificial hormone therapy and invasive elective surgery (mutilation desu) the best option? Have you even thought about it? ---224307893 >>224306552 Cope harder poopdick ---224307917 In the ethnostate, people like you will be [spoiler]given the compassionate mental treatment you desperately need but have been denied by our ludicrously degenerate and delusional society[/spoiler] without mercy! HH 14/88 ---224307952 >>224307683 This is not helping and firing all the ones who told them to wait before they damage their bodies did not helped either. Do you think they got 42% because they were helped or because the help made things worse? No one hate trans as much as the fanbase. ---224307973 >>224307179 Well said! As a real woman, biologically born a fucking woman, these assholes piss me off to no end. Im supposed to call these loons my sisters?? Hell no! You are what you were born, always will be! Another things these asshats puss me off about: I've always been one hell of a tomboy, growing up taking after my dad and my brother with large bone structure and solid muscle mass. I get along with men better than prissy little bitches that are nothing but vanity and back-stabbing plotters. I myself used to wonder about my sexuality until I hit puberty and then I had to embrace being a woman, who mostly has the brain, hobbies and such of a guy. These assholes should understand how akward it was for me growing up, getting picked on all the time, but no. They want to play victim and try to force everyone to accept their delusions instead of growing out of the confusion like I did. ---224308001 >>224307973 Omg slay Karen ---224308007 >>224306132 Sucks to suck ---224308013 >>224306132 You're an abomination and deserve to be put to death. In a truly just world, faggots of all flavors would be lined against a wall and shot to death as soon as they're caught in their faggotry. ---224308030 >>224307233 Exactly! They need mental help, not enablement! ---224308106 >>224307876 >Have you even thought about it? longer in a day that you have been in your whole life >>224307952 >This is not helping and firing all the ones who told them to wait before they damage their bodies did not helped either. got a source for that dumb claim or do you just make shit up so your retarded worldview may stay intact >Do you think they got 42% because they were helped or because the help made things worse? Who said that the suicide attempt were caused by treatment? id love to see a source for that too >No one hate trans as much as the fanbase ah yes the people who want to kill me on sight just because I exist hate me less than myself. what a deep take my dude ---224308152 >>224307917 Pretty sure gooks weren't invited to the ethnostate. ---224308170 >>224306132 Two reasons: 1. You demand I believe your delusions. You're free to believe you're transgender but don't come screaming at me for not playing along because you're an insecure faggot who needs constant validation in order to maintain your unrealistic fantasy. 2. You get children involved. Both Trannies and people who refuse to play along with them both acknowledge that the life of a transgender individual is one of confusion and pain, encouraging a child to walk down that path of agony just to validate your own beliefs is nothing short of evil. ---224308172 >>224308001 LMAO you fucking idiot. I couldn't help but laugh at that. Not a Karen though, just a very hard to find, hardworking, honest Southern woman, sweety. (With a nice round ass that I've grown to be proud of, I might add. Lol ) ---224308187 >>224307973 Never mind, I take >>224307917 this comment back. I’m an indefinitely preop transwoman, I have a cock and balls but am just as female as you, gib quotas, scholarships, and exemption from the draft pls I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR ---224308257 >>224308172 Stop larping. ---224308286 >>224306132 Ask your mother why your father left. Than you’ll have your answer. ---224308295 >>224306132 K I L L Y O U R S E L F L O L ---224308309 >>224308172 We have no choice but to stan /oursouthernbelle/ ---224308357 >>224308106 Ask the doctors, all the ones who didn't wanted to give HRT or surgery at demand were harassed and in some case had to quit. >Who said that the suicide attempt were caused by treatment? The suicide rate for the ones without HRT or surgery is 2%. >ah yes the people who want to kill me on sight just because I exist No, that would be you. We don't have a problem with you and wish you won't have one either, but you have to be a massive faggot and to ask us to accept your sexual fetishes. Do I tell you to accept my tulpa? ---224308426 >>224308187 Good idea. If there is a war I will just say I am a woman. ---224308435 >>224306132 Listen faggot, you don’t just get respect because you’re some mentally ill freak who chopped your dick off. If anything you people should be institutionalized, for not only the safety of our children but for your own safety as well. You’re sick, and you need to be stopped before you kill yourself or warp some fragile young mind with your garbage ---224308437 >>224308187 What are you rambling on about, "given the mental treatment you deserve"?? Dude, I'm a born female, I accepted that I'm a hell of a woman who gets along better with guys and can work along side guys, prefer it actually. Other women piss me off. Why cant you people just be homosexuals instead of mutilating yourselves? I'm sorry, sweety, I am, but you'll never be a woman, and you'll never be considered a woman by me. Just a man with female tendencies. Embrace that and don't think you have to mutilate yourself and like to yourself your whole life about it. ---224308449 >>224308172 >With a nice round ass that I've grown to be proud of, If you're so proud of it, post that ass here with a timestamp. ---224308472 >>224308357 >Ask the doctors, all the ones who didn't wanted to give HRT or surgery at demand were harassed and in some case had to quit. so nothing, no source? what a shock >The suicide rate for the ones without HRT or surgery is 2%. source >but you have to be a massive faggot and to ask us to accept your sexual fetishes. its not a fetish retard ---224308482 >>224306132 What rights are you talking about that you don't already have? You want more than rights. You want to reprogram what people think, and have thought since the beginning of time, that men are men and women are women. And because nobody molds to this insanity of yours, you think you're under attack constantly and need more rights. What you want are privileges. Privilege to not be offended or called a freak. It ain't gonna happen, twink. ---224308484 >>224306132 >it's not like I ever hurt anyone "If you don't find me attractive, I will kill you". ---224308514 >>224308257 What am I supposedly larping? I live in reality. ---224308525 >>224306132 Act respectable to earn respect. It’s not something that is automatic. ---224308527 >>224308106 >longer in a day that you have been in your whole life ??? ---224308559 >>224308309 Thank you. Real southern Belles, REAL, OLD FASHIONED WOMEN are going extinct now, I think.. ---224308596 why are trans people so fucking whiny and retarded? I really wish i had functional wings but you dont see me stitching chicken wings on my back and demanding people play along when i pretend to fly ---224308639 >>224308187 Sorry, I just re-read your post. (My brain took a quick vacation on that one lmao) Yes, women do have A TON of privileges that men don't. It's quite fucked up. ---224308672 >>224308596 >I really wish i had functional wings but you dont see me stitching chicken wings on my back and demanding people play along when i pretend to fly the thing with those is you dont really wish that, thats the difference between you and somebody with gender dysphoria its not something that will haunt and make you miserable all your life ---224308675 >>224306132 Go do your thing but don’t you dare try to preach it to my kids. A 5 yr old has no sense of any of this and cannot legally make an informed consent on a god damn web usability study with no risk. They sure as fuck should not be able to make decisions destroying their reproductive health. And not a chance in hell that someone else should make the decision for them. If you support transitioning kids then you’re a vile twisted follower of Slaanesh and your ways bring nothing but extinction to my family. Stay far away from me. ---224308680 >>224308172 >>224308437 100% this is a man pretending to be a woman ---224308684 >>224308472 The doctors stories, I got them from here. Hey, maybe 20 different people came to fake the same stories just by chance. I didn't saved them. Google the one on the sucide rate your goddamn self. It's isn't that hard. >My sexual preferences are not a fetish It is, you double nigger and your body is what it is, better accept it because no quantity of medical treatment is going to change reality, and reality will always find a way to make you remember that. ---224308771 >>224308449 I'm having trouble posting links and pics. I'm on mobile. But I'm GROWING proud of my ass. My man keeps telling me it's great, but I've been picked at and tormented about it since I was young, before the nasty Kardashian bitches started making it seem normal with ass implants. Women and trannies make me sick nowadays. ---224308782 >>224308672 >the thing with those is you dont really wish that, thats the difference between you and somebody with gender dysphoria Yes, it's called mental illness. There is no big difference between schizophrenia and gender dysphoria. Even the drugs against skizo work, but no, let's damage your body instead. ---224308808 >>224308672 wow what a bigot, how dare you mansplain to me about my lived experience, where do you work so i can report you for wingphobia ---224308826 >>224308596 LMFAO oh my God, my ribs hurt, laughing at that mental picture! That was a great analogy! ---224308845 >>224306132 Mentally ill perverted fag I'll pray you get the acceptance you crave in hell. ---224308884 >>224306132 No one cares, you are mentally ill. Please fuck off. ---224308961 >>224308808 That would be unwingsplaining. ---224308974 You are mentally ill and need help my friend. Go to the doctors or a Psychiatrist and take it from there ---224308985 >>224306132 Just live your life normally, dont try to shove shit down peoples throat they dont wont shoved down. Its the easiest way to make enemies, most people dont give a shit youre a tranny, but when you try preaching to them how theyre wrong and you deserve some type of special treatment because youre insane, well youre not doing a very good job making friends, are you? ---224308995 >>224308684 >The doctors stories, I got them from here. the stories you hear in your head uh? cool cool. >Google the one on the sucide rate your goddamn self. It's isn't that hard. even if I had a gun pointed at you, you couldnt find what you claim because it isnt true >It is and yet nobody in that field agrees with you. strange isnt? >>224308808 xD very epic meme! do you have a kekistani shirt? >>224308782 >There is no big difference between schizophrenia and gender dysphoria. what a fucking retard you are. the only skyzo here is you everything you said is based on nothing but what you think. youve literally built a whole world and a whole lore about what being transgender is ---224309015 >>224308680 Dude, I wish I had kept count of how many times I've gotten that kind of response. Check out my Twitter @EverFreeThinker or YouTube channel (The Curious Mind) (btw I'm just a viewer, not a content creator) and you'll definitely still think that. I was born a female sweety and I'll die as one. ---224309046 >>224306132 oh its this asshole again, the one who wants to spend all night arguing as it is the only attention that it can get. ---224309062 >>224306132 sicko. god will punish you ---224309107 >>224308672 >the thing with those is you dont really wish that, thats the difference between you and somebody with gender dysphoria that's still a mental illness, you don't treat schizophrenia by encouraging a patient to "listen to what the voices tell you to do" ---224309114 >>224308771 I'm on mobile. Almost everyone these days lurks on mobile. I have never had any trouble posting anything, nor have at least 85% of the posters in the catalog at any given moment. You're a man pretending to be a woman on the internet. ---224309117 >>224306132 D I L A T E I L A T E ---224309158 >>224308995 everything i said about you is true you wingphobic bigot, and like you said yourself its all a fucking meme, hope you realize now that youre a fucking joke, go neck yourself for the greater good of the planet ---224309226 Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, and you have my sympathies. However, demanding people to "properly gender" you is, at its core, asking people to refer to you as something you are not. >b-but muh professor said gender is different from sex Irrelevant. When they claim "Gender is a social construct", they're right, but not how they think. The word "gender" and its related concept is literally made up by a guy who was proven wrong by his own experiment. You are being lied to. You are being controlled. Take control of your own life and destiny. Do not allow the views of others to have the potential to tear you down. Be productive; do something valuable. Create food, build things, make art, entertain, educate, provide aid to those in need - but for the love of all that is holy, do not fall down the rabbit hole of an identity crisis. It is a trap made for people like you, to keep you from being productive. Do not fall victim to it. ---224309227 >>224309062 Yeah, because he’s been punishing degeneracy so well thus far. ---224309317 *turns your kids transexual* Nothin' personal, kid ---224309394 >>224309107 and you dont listen to retards online about whats the best treatment for you >>224309158 shut the fuck up loser your memes are shit youre worthless ---224309399 >>224306132 >What did I ever do to deserve such hatred? You decided to be transgender. How is this a question?? ---224309433 >>224306132 ---224309462 >>224309114 Im not sure why I'm having trouble posting them, but if that's what you want to think, idiot, I can't stop you. I also don't see the need to prove anything to you. Good luck finding someone, instead of jacking off on your keyboard. ---224309483 >>224306132 People that actually go out of their way to hurt you are just shitty people overall ---224309522 >>224309394 the meme is based off of you so naturally its shit, but you should stop calling yourself that, wouldnt want you to join the 40% with that kind of self hate ---224309570 >>224309226 Exactly! The word "Gender" is literally just a word some moron made up to try to explain an idea. That's why everything has been asking someone's "sex" not gender. ---224309605 >>224309522 imagine thinking attack helicopter tier meme are funny in 2019. neck yourself ---224309618 >>224307683 no one said seek juden fake "professional help" which btw there are tons of psychologists and etc that deny the fake juden they dyphoric shit despite the kultur terror of juden oppression ---224309671 >>224306132 It all started as a bit of a lark didn't it? As a middle child(7) you felt your older brother(10) got the lions share of attention with your younger sister (5) coming second and you a distant past. You remember the day your sister was given a (too large) dress by your auntie for her birthday. Your brothers team had won his footy match and was celebrating that but you had nothing to offer. How they noticed you when you put on your sister's dress (admittedly too small for you) !. Finally you were the centre of attention. You dad was angry ( and you still hated him for the time he spanked you for pricking your sister with pins when she was in her cot) so it was funny to see him blow his stack but before he could spank you mummy and aunty wino jumped to your protection and stopped the airstrike mid action. Dad stormed out but mummy and aunty cooed and giggled and you thought this is how I want to be away from getting in trouble- and most importantly YOU were the centre of attention. Once Dad moved out (small minded pig ignorant man that he was) you were free to express yourself and mummy gave her full support. You took your place as rightful centre of attention and you will never give it up and you will do whatever it takes to stay there. ---224309678 i hope you never find love, faggot ---224309698 >>224309618 >no one said seek juden fake "professional help" or as you should call them ''the people i disagree with'' ---224309743 >>224306132 OP is a glownigger, boys ---224309745 >>224309570 The word "gender" should merely mean a synonym for one's biological sex; because otherwise, "sex" has two meanings (intercourse and biological sex) which is fucking retarded. Leave it to retarded pseudo-intellectuals to come up with an entire fucking movement based around a mental illness that makes you cut your dick off and call it "normal" and "something to be accepted and proud of". ---224309766 >>224309605 but i dont think youre funny, just pathetic and sad, does looking into the meme mirror trigger you that much? you should reflect on that anon wishing you all the best ---224309869 >>224306132 Your existence disproves god and hurts me a lot. ---224309925 >>224306132 Why do you think there's a significant amount of people detransitioning? Serious question. ---224309968 >>224306132 >I like to dress up as a woman and get anally sodomized by faggots >I want respect ---224310052 >>224309968 >Anally Sweet summer child. ---224310087 >>224306552 >born with a sex that matches your gender >It's not a mental illness. ---224310115 I was born without legs. why doesn't society remove everyone elses legs so i can fit in? >t. 2025 ---224310126 Do it in the privacy of your own home but preferably not at all and just hang yourself ---224310154 Respect? No. You want privileges. ---224310178 >>224310115 Unironically this, but with height. ---224310474 >>224309745 And how the fuck is that movement permeating EVERYTHING!? WHY!? The trannies are like 1-5% of the population, right? Why the hell has seemingly everyone but you guys (thank God!!) bought into approving this nasty shit? I'm even having to battle the indoctrination of my 13yr old neice at school with this lunacy! Hell, if nothing else, I wished everyone like that could just go back to being regular homosexuals! ---224310677 >>224306132 \/(°_°)\/ I'm not sure what to tell you as far as respect goes, as you didn't exactly specify "mutual respect". Maybe I'd be down for something like that, I don't know. But, as far as you being trans and being faced with so much misplaced hatred, it's a sad reality. Wish things could be different, but I kinda sorta think that the more you push for progress, the more people will be rallying in opposition. Like the post civil war south. Gonna take a while, but things will get better for trans folk. Better before they get worse, eh? Wish you the best of luck until then soldier. (°_°) ̄/ ---224310740 >>224306132 Transgenderism is a fucking cognitohazard you need to kill yourself to stop the spread ---224310778 Post pics, no gash. ---224310779 >>224309317 Those who corrupt the youth deserve death. ---224310821 >>224310474 1 to 5%? dont fall for their indoctrination too, it works in layers like that, one lie after the other until youre correcting others with older lies, if you count the literal billions of people in countries where this mind virus hasnt taken root yet youd be looking at less than .1 percent of the human population, if you look at it from a time perspective out of all humans who have ever lived only the miniscule amount in the 2000s even have a negligible population of trannies so its more like 0% ---224310959 >>224310474 > WHY!? It's pushed by cultural marxists (AKA members of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory) circa 1940 or so in the US (they were kicked out of Frankfurt in the 30's because, y'know, nazis). It's all half-hearted; they don't REALLY give a shit about trannies, they just want to demoralize America to push socialism because it failed to come about after not just one, but TWO world wars "naturally" (so obviously, the answer is to DESTROY society and force it). Most of its members are long dead now, but they created an entire machine that churns out propaganda on a daily basis - from academia, to news media, to hollywood, so on and so forth. Other people are doing their work for them without even realizing it; they created a seed, and let nature water it for them. Socialism itself, by the way, is effectively utilized as a counter-balance to capitalism; both are used in tandem to terrorize and suppress the entire world as much as possible, and only the extraordinarily wealthy benefit from either system. ---224311121 >>224310779 *Kills your priest for molesting your kids* Nothing personal, kiddo ---224311178 >>224306552 You aren't misgendered You are misgendering yourself You are an individual with a mental illness If instead of other sex you thought yourself to be Napoleon Bonaparte we wouldn't give you a french uniform and an army 500000 stong and send you to Russia, you would be in a safe mental institution and constantly reminded that you are in fact NOT Napoleon Bonaparte bit you think yourself to be the sex you are not so we indulge in your delusions giving you hormones, cosmetic operations, we let you neuter yourself and watch your mental state deteriorate along the way Then when you go on an axe rampage and or kill yourself we wonder why and blame everything except you being mentally ill because that's taboo ---224311402 >>224306132 UMMM sweaty did you just assume my prejudice? ---224311410 >>224311178 interesting anecdote about delusions, there was an unethical study some psychologist performed that forced 3 delusional men who all thought they were jesus to live together. All three eventually concluded the others were crazy and they were the real jesus. point is logic will not get through to these trannies, only medication and therapy can help them now ---224311423 >>224306132 Nothing I know about you warrants respect ---224311503 >>224306132 > maybe becuz you are a delusional narcissist ---224311577 >>224306926 cut off is quicker to say than gouge a hole in the perenium, cut out all erectile tissue, and stuff your dick skin and ballsack into the hole ---224311579 >>224306132 You need medical help, not special rights. ---224311595 >>224306132 You stole the rainbow from children. ---224311619 >>224306132 Nobody will care if you just act like a decent person ---224311631 >>224306132 I respect you as long as you don't cut your cock off ---224311653 >>224311178 Based pole ---224311711 >>224306132 are you white? ---224311727 >>224306510 Any more stories like this? ---224311747 >>224306552 >fundamental human right You should think less about your rights, and more of your moral duty to God, Country and race. ---224312109 >>224306773 No reaction from OP because you literally /thread'ed his shit. ---224312120 >>224306132 >transgender >my rights You are sick. People don't like sickness ---224312296 We'll accept you if youre cute otherwise, get a rope and save us the job ---224312376 >>224312120 >Flag Dios mio aren't you spanish the most liberal of Europe nowadays? I've heard stories about the hard rise of feminism the last few years from a spanish friend of mine. ---224312378 Do you still have a penis? ---224312731 >>224306132 what have you ever done to assume authority and moral supremacy over us living our own lives? ---224313679 >>224306376 Not op. A lot if our rights have been gained thanks to people hungry for virtue points. Unfortunately that is the nature of our existence. ---224313721 >>224306429 What meds? ---224313964 >>224307035 Anon are you trans? Why would say someone is a rabbi whom hates and wants transgenders dead? Lurk more you stupid new fag if anything that’s more glow nigger behavior but any white male by now hates transgenders as they are corrupting our women and our children. Gas yourself ---224313990 >>224313721 Forget the name, some kind of drug for schizophrenia that was found to be effective at treating gender dysphoria ---224314086 >>224306132 I will not let my children succumb to your mind virus whether physically or through your sick propaganda. ---224314205 >i want respect while i stroll down Hollywood Blvd with a bad shave, my dick half hanging out of my Spider Man leotards and my gold cape. ok,good thing in L.A. that doesn't even stand out much. Have you tried yelling "fuck me for only five!" yet? ---224314228 >>224306132 yoouask for respect today and demand more and more and more as time goes on just like the gays no i wont bake the cake fag ---224314244 >>224306204 He doesn't want respect What he wants is attention like every single one of those fuckers ---224314257 >>224310959 Funny how not once did you mention Jews ---224314282 >>224306132 >be 0,002% of the population >demand 99,998% to do all kind of shit so you don't kill yourself Unreasonable demands and the jews using you to push their subversion tactics is disgusting, and I wish you and jews would fucking explode. ---224314296 >>224313990 >taking schizophrenia medicine without having schizophrenia I've considered this but it seems like either way you have to make a choice which part of yourself you wanna lose, your brain or your physical health ---224314350 It's not your fault, you don't deserve hatred. It's the current trans agenda that's causing a backlash ---224314619 >>224306552 It's not your dick that is wrong, it's your brain. ---224314823 >>224314244 I know. Was just probing it. ---224314852 >>224306698 disgusting larp eeew ---224314934 So I see a lot of people in this thread talking about how transitioning isn't the right way and instead they should do something else (be put in a mental institution, go on schizophrenia medicine, etc.) But I never see anyone suggest an actual full blown solution, it's always just one liners. GID and dysphoria are obviously real conditions with unknown causes. And to me personally, I'd rather trust people with years of experience with dysphoria and how transitioning helped them then some rando on /pol/ that thinks a mental hospital will magically cure my issues. Change my mind anons ---224315011 >>224306132 What rights do I have that you don't? ---224315158 >>224306132 Because you “self” identify. The reality is I t’s not up to you. You will be judged by the masses, of which the vast majority do not share your delusion and mental illness. ---224315185 >>224314934 Just be a girl with a feminine penis. A pseudo-vagina is nothing more than an open wound. There are mentally ill people who think that cutting off their arms or legs will cure their dysphoria, but it’s never a good thing to feed a mental illness like that. The treatment for OCD is to intentionally expose yourself to the obsessive stimulus and then avoid acting on your compulsion. Why should it be any different when talking about a compulsion to remove your p3n0s?? ---224315210 I don't have a gender and identify as an angel ---224315234 Seriously ---224315251 >>224306132 fuck your respect you dickless nigger ---224315313 >>224306132 cut your dick off, faggot. ---224315339 >>224314934 I'm no doctor If they say they can replace hormones then... They must know what "normal" levels of hormones are for men and women, right? So when someone presents with gender dysmorphia they should test these people and find out where their different hormone levels are. Right? Start collecting data on that. Then if they can manipulate a person's hormones through medicine, they should do so to correct the imbalances and perhaps make them feel differently right there, don't you think? I mean, they're just approaching the whole problem wrong, as a way of looking at it. It's irresponsible, really, what they're doing to young people, pandering to mental illness for money, I guess. ---224315486 >>224315185 I mean fair enough. I think that a lot of trannies obsess over not being able to feel cis enough and they end up looking desperately any way they can become more females and so they lose self control and the ability to see that a neovagina is just a reconfigured penis. Honestly if your only upset about trans people is srs then just advocate more for less pressure for surgery. I know I personally most likely won't get srs ---224315553 >>224306132 Fake and gay ---224315772 >>224315339 Not all trans people have dysphoria because of a hormone imbalance, and the science surrounding the cause for it is still extremely shallow. The young transitioner issue is a problem and I think that it should be 13 at the youngest. And I say that because for mtf's estrogen won't change much. The later you get on it the more likely you'll look like a man in a dress. But I'm unsure how we would be able to filter out the people that actually are trans from trenders and fetishists, like I said it's a very clouded area. ---224316610 >>224306132 I can respect you for being mentally ill ---224317073 >>224308559 Nope. "Real o!d fashionedwomen" would not frequent a place like this comprised of the most blatantly obscene, barroom talk that men engage in amomg themselves. Real old fashioned women are not brazen and loudmouthed nor boast of their private assets in a public place. You have not the faintest idea of which you speak and have a great deal in common with the strident trannie underdiscussion. As for "southern belle", patent absurdity. ---224317812 >>224306552 Clown tier logic ---224318218 >>224306132 >I just want respect That's the problem, often your people want to use the state in order to make sure people "respect" your kind. You're not happy to simply embrace who you are and live a fulfilling life, if it was merely about you being able to be you, there would be nothing wrong with that, maybe you could even work at a circus and raise some money to buy dildos or whatever it is you people do. But clearly it isn't about you, it's about the population at large being forced to "accept" you and act nonchalantly when in fact, you disgust people, parents are increasingly afraid of measures taken by the state that have effects on how they are allowed to raise their children. No one can be honest and say that they don't want to associate with you or let you get close to their families due to your faggotry, you are forced down people's throats, and that generates anger, obviously. The price of your little gay utopia is too much for society to bear, it's setting precedents that are utterly stupid and will slowly lead to our ruin, i don't expect you to understand this though, since anything that is done in the name of "equality" must be good, right ? ---224319083 when you and your faggot friends stop doing shit like this and instead just stay keep your faggotry in your own home instead of the streets ---224319280 Is is true you have to stretch out your permanent bleeding wound? It's a gaping wound so the body wants to heal itself..You disgust me. ---224319285 >>224306132 Because you're insane. Hopefully by not encouraging your bullshit you'll realize you're insane and begin down the road of being normal. ---224319486 >>224306132 Nobody cares about you. Nobody cares what you do. Reciprocate, and we're good. ---224319526 >>224306132 I support everyones rights, but what rights do we have left? We live in a dystopian hellhole. Its not getting any better. Have you been denied emplyment, housing, or are you being abused? If youre not, why are you complaining? ---224319568 >>224306132 >I’m transgender. Go to Hell. ---224319693 >>224306132 Day of the pic related is coming. Whether it is done by white, muslim or chink hands, it's coming. Despair degenerates. ---224320028 >>224306552 >you have no idea what it's like This, right here, illustrates where a lot of the anger comes from. Being "misgendered" is such a low-tier, first-world problem, that trying to milk pity from it is insulting to the humanity of every living person. Fuck you, and every other person that's ever tried that grift. NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU. The world starts making a lot more sense, when you start THERE. ---224320195 >>224307125 You are wrong, please leave my country. Trannies deserve to be treated like non endangered animals. Like if you run over them with car it should attract same punishment as running over non endangered animals for example squirrel or crow. ---224320467 >>224306132 genuine question: have you ever concidered that it's your brain that's wrong? I'm an autist personally (like 99% of all other people here) and thus my brain is wired wrong, I think things but those things aren't what I'm supposed to think imagine someone saying that he's napoleon, he actually feels like he's napoleon but he's clearly not, his brain has just deluded him into thinking he's napoleon and he's best helped by fixing his brain so he doesn't think he's napoleon anymore so why shouldn't the same thing apply to thinking you're the other gender? ---224320527 >>224306132 ---224320684 >>224307973 Post tomboy tits or gtfo ---224320700 >>224306132 Imagine doing somthing so stupid and so disgusting while flaunting your perversions in public. And then you might get an understanding of why you guys get some hate. ---224320724 >>224306132 Your entire life was meant to be conflict, by design. NO ONE gets to just be accepted. NOTHING will ever accomplish that, for ANYONE. That entire notion was dreamt up by weaklings who can't fathom worse fates than merely being DISLIKED by SOME people. And, so, when you complain about not having "acceptance", you reveal to everyone with a brain that isn't suspended in their skulls with mud, that you are a fucking NARCISSIST. THAT is much more the reason people dislike you, than you simply being a weirdo. ---224320760 Kill yourself please. ---224320804 >>224306132 >I just want respect. Then stop living a lie. Why should I respect you when you're entire existence is a lie? ---224321028 >replying to all this b8 Wow, pol is even more retarded than i thought t. /co/mrade ---224321168 >>224314244 na they all want a dick in their asses ---224321338 >>224306132 there are only two genders as defined by your x and y chromosomes or lack of the latter. identity is a mental construct and and identifying as the opposite of your born gender is abnormal, normal being the norm/majority. you have the right to live your own life and make your own choices whether they be wrong or right just as i have the right to judge you for your decisions. i personally only have a problem with normalization of what is clearly an agenda to push promiscuity and gender dysphoria onto vulnerable children. also there is a reason trans people have such a high suicide rate and low life expectancy. dont disfigure your body and learn to accept yourself. ---224321451 >>224306132 None of us have any rights or respect. You think you are fucking special in that regards? No, it is just another manifestation of the mental illness the kikes caused you to have by living in this horrible society they created for the goy. ---224321559 Well we don't like crazy people, that's all. I genuinely feel bad for you though, maybe God can help you if you reach out to him. ---224321887 1. Who the fuck cares about your gender, and who you are sexually attracted to? Get the fuck over yourself. You're not that important. 2. Respect is something you earn, and something you can lose. By being an attention whore screaming you're transgender and demand respect, you're losing respect. 3. Now go kill yourself. ---224323399 >>224306204 >you have a right No they don’t. ---224323502 >>224306132 >I'm transgender No such thing. You're LARPing at the other sex. ---224324253 >>224306992 topkek ---224324927 >>224306132 One man, one woman, 2.2 children ---224325155 I could never date someone that has fully transitioned and there is always that risk with dating someone who's trans. I'm gone when you're dick's gone. ---224325306 >>224321887 I thought with Jante's law, no one's opinion about anything matters. This is where Danes have it wrong: some groups of people are actually measurably smarter than others groups. It's wise to listen to smart people, but in Denmark no one is allowed to be demonstrably smart ---224325746 >>224306132 You don't deserve respect because you demand it. Respect needs to earned. And yes you have the right to be a trap but you don't have the right to tell me how I should think about you. If you are an honorary person you'll probably get my respect even if you are a trap. ---224328239 >>224306132 Yeah na you don't get off the hook that easy. When you faggot's started trying to push your left wing Communist LGBT indoctrination on our kids that's when normal people started to get pissed off I have not once seen or heard one faggot condemn the bull shit that your rainbow flag cunts preach and teach to kids . Not one. So your all the same degenerate scum and should be burnt alive on a big bonfire. You started all this I just wanted to play video games ---224328517 >>224306132 I hope you aren't part of the 45% Kek ---224328568 This thread is genuinely disheartening. ---224328714 >>224306132 You're a degenerate. ---224328771 >>224306132 You are mentally ill. Almost all animals reproduce with having sex with the opposite gender. Transgender don't want to reproduce, hence they should die off. The problem is the fact that normalizing your behavior has confused many people's lives, which in the end has created a weaker species. There is only so much "tolerance" a person could give to someone before they had enough and take action. ---224328809 >>224306552 >The pursuit of happiness is defined as a fundamental human right mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. Not in the Constitution. Kill yourself. ---224328909 >>224306926 Shut up, faggot. ---224328938 >>224306666 devilish ---224328960 >>224306132 ---224328996 >>224307973 Show us your tits, cunt. ---224329275 Slide thread? ---224329405 >>224328960 pedophilia is distinct from either hetero or homosexuality welcome to the 80s, do catch up ---224329582 >>224306132 >it's not like I ever hurt anyone. Arguably, your parents. Maybe they love you too much to tell you the truth, but in reality they really regret that they had you. Your life will be unfortunate and brief, and they wanted their kids to outlive them and be happy. Oh, and if at any point in your life you recommended to someone else that they become trans like you, then you have passed on this life-destroying curse, and deserve damnation as the truly evil person you are. ---224329670 The bigotry in this thread makes me lose faith in humanity ---224329747 >>224329670 maybe you should kill your self ---224329756 >>224329405 If it is why do Faggots make up 40% of pedos? ---224329897 >>224306209 I'm with this guy here >>224306457 ---224329924 >>224329756 we JUST went over this ---224330003 >>224329924 go over it again faggot ---224330077 >>224329670 why are you here, faggot ---224330128 >>224329924 >we JUST went over this Yes we established Faggots are like 2% of the population but 40% of pedos. If it's not related explain why the numbers are like this faggot ---224330170 >>224306552 There are people born into horribly deformed bodies missing legs arms some whos existence is pure hell and they put up with it but you were born with the body of a male and you are so mentally weak you can't just deal with that its fucking pathetic ---224330336 >>224330077 To know when you degenerates are going to do a racist/sexist/transphobe shooting to be sure to avoid it ---224330377 >>224306552 The right to the pursuit of happiness is not a guarantee that you will receive it. People do not have to like you. ---224330445 >>224306132 god we went 1 day without a thread like this ---224330490 >>224306132 Transexualism/genderism is a mental disorder. Your suicide rate is off the charts. And don't pretend it's due to "stigma." Literal ISIS sex slaves, taken from their homes and beaten and raped daily have a low suicide rate than post-surgery trannies. Take your infections and hurtful lifestyle back to whatever degenerate hole you crawled from and neck yourself. Thanks. ---224330579 >>224330377 In addition, gender is a meaningless construct. What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You are neither the right nor the wrong gender. You are of one sex, however. ---224330679 >>224306132 u gay lol ---224330687 >>224330336 It's going to get worse. A lot worse. And there's nothing you can do to stop it. ---224330703 >>224328568 Oh please, don't take it to heart. Not that I disagree with you but these are insecure faggots clinging on to whatever status they have left (even if its on the internet) - They may have valid arguments for the most part but if the "arguments" end in "kill urself" then you know right there that's someone who most likely doesn't have his life in order. All in all, it's interesting how the culture of this place I feel can sweep people up and turn them into the most pseudo-intellectual of faggots. Really I feel there's only a few on here who actually can pick up on this sort of shit. ---224330704 >>224306132 Respect? Only as much as the next guy. Special rights just for you? Nope, not gonna fly. You're gonna be treated like everyone else, and when you scream you're being discriminated against and want extra special attention, hopefully everyone will ignore you. You are not special. You are not above others, you do not receive extra 'hatred' like you claim. ---224330746 >>224306132 >I just want respect. attention whore and degenerate ---224330788 >>224330336 "You are a bigot if you don't accept this." One day you deranged degenerates will get fucking murdered. ---224330793 >>224311577 digits of truth checked ---224330794 >>224306552 >The pursuit of happiness is defined as a fundamental human right mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. >Pursuit. >Not guaranteed. You can pursue happiness however you want. That doesn't mean I have to accommodate your pursuit. >But this becomes impossible for me So? Your pursuit is based on you, sport. Happiness for me would be a 12 inch cock with a surgery to accommodate it paid for by your tax dollars. >It's a complete nightmare and you have no idea what it's like. Self imposed nightmare. You are nothing more than what you were born as. Simple as that. Stop pretending to be something else and your nightmare ends. ---224330858 What if I’m a tranny with kleinfelters? ---224331201 >>224330128 so what you're saying is that most pedos are hetero? ---224331519 >>224331201 I understand women aren't good at math, but put your larp aside for a second and consider the concept of proportion and rates per capita. ---224331710 >>224331201 >so what you're saying is that most pedos are hetero? Imagine taking 20 minutes to come back with a response like this because you don't have any Argument. Faggots 2% population. Hetero 98% population. So if we say Heteros make up 60% of pedos and Faggots 40% that means faggots are 50 times more likely to be Pedophiles. What are you gonna say now you dumb faggot? ---224331832 >>224330703 I understand the whole point was h8b8 >>224331519 >>224331710 I thought we were just spewing lunatic nonsense and as long as the numbers add up logic was secondary ---224332126 >>224331832 >as long as the numbers add up logic was secondary. AHAHA yes ignore the numbers and tell me im wrong without actually making any point. You are fucking retarded. ---224332300 >>224306132 You’re really ok with looking like pic related? ---224332468 >>224331832 Why would logic ever be irrelevant to us? You're the one illogically rebelling against the nature of your own existence. ---224332492 >>224306132 >What did I ever do to deserve such hatred? Became a freak? > I just want respect. Something you, and niggers in general fail to comprehend: Respect is earned, not awarded as some kind of prize just for complaining. ---224332497 >>224332126 To reitterate, pedos are a distinct group from either heteros or homos. The only "science" I'm aware of that suggests otherwise is pay to publish fear mongering from the 70s and 80s that was used to fight equal rights. Cope. ---224332900 >>224332497 >The only "science" I'm aware of that suggests otherwise is pay to publish fear mongering from the 70s and 80s that was used to fight equal rights. Cope. You mean the decades of unprecedented scientific advancement from before science was constrained by the chains of political correctness? ---224332946 >>224332900 >the JEWS RUINED SICENCE hahahahahaha ---224333429 >>224332497 Pedos are not distinct they can also be into Men or Women also not only children you are literally just trying to distance yourself from that because you know paedophilia is rampant around faggots and not heteros. And the numbers say a lot because a lot of fags were molested as a child which is probably why they are fags to begin with and why you make up 40% of child molesters. ---224333474 >>224306132 >I couldn't accept or respect what I was born as. >So I mutilated myself and play dress up >Why won't you accept or respect me? Good luck with your coin toss odds of an heroing, your poor deluded creature.
----- ---224327245 He's promoting the american dream,which is to secure the bag. Since the earliest days of the american nation,people came to America looking for a better,more prosperous life. Money has always been the god of the american people,the american dream is literally getting rich without any consideration for morals (see the genocide of the indians and the enslavement of the black people for cheap labour).
---224327320 >>224327245 He will never make it to the ballot, anon. ---224327592 Im tired of redditshit... Also fucking fag ---224327821 >>224327245 >Humanity first I'm completely disillusioned with >Equality >Humanity >Human rights >Peace >Tolerance >Love >Future >Hope >Vibrant >Etc now. They've ruined it all. ---224328009 >>224327245 He’s too cringe. It was over for him when he started crying over the mass shootings. ---224328147 >>224327245 If anyone here actually votes for him then americans are dumber than somalis for sure ---224329430 >>224327245 Just another socialist faggot ---224329602 >>224327245 I'd rather vote for a subhuman nigger than for a fucking disgusting chink ---224330055 >>224327245 Yang is not American. It is VERY American to NOT VOTE for that Commie Fag. ---224330284 >>224327245 How can you support someone who is aggressively anti gun?
----- ---224325217 Of course in canada, only state media is regarded as 'real news'. So people are being trained to identify media that doesn't have government funding and therefore isn't 'real' like the CBC
---224326214 'real' news story in canada ---224326232 Something something something groceryjew ---224326243 Real news story on canada ---224326433 >>224326232 please tell me your primary 'news' provider ---224326537 Canadian food prices are so bad that outsiders are blocked from seeing the prices - you need a canadian vpn to see em. some americans can but everyone outside north america cant get through ---224326601 you wont see this in your CBC >Effective August 30, 2019, the Postal Service will no longer sell International Postal Money Orders destined for Canada, and will no longer cash International Postal Money Orders issued by Canada Post. >Also, effective August 30, 2019, Canada Post will no longer sell International Postal Money Orders destined for the U.S., and will no longer cash International Postal Money Orders issued by the United States Postal Service. >Customers that have a USPS issued International Postal Money Order may redeem the money order for face value at any USPS Retail Unit. Also, customers in possession of a Canada Post issued Money Order will only be able to cash at a US Postal Retail Unit until August 30th, 2019. After that date, customers will be advised to return the money order to the sender. ---224326746 >canadian women on suicide watch ---224326776 >>224325217 Canada is actively brainwashing its citizens, threatening people with jail for wrongthink, sanctioning people for wrong behaviour, and de-legitimizing citizens concerns ---224327054 >>224326776 they want you to think that everyone outside canada doesn't see what is going on. like a cult. we all know. ---224327332 >>224326601 CHECK FOR YOURSELF, THE CANADIAN MEDIA ISN'T REPORTING IT - BUT THEY ARE ALL STATE MEDIA NOW ANYWAYS WHO THIS WILL EFFECT: Poor people. People with out checking accounts. Immigrants sending money to their homelands. People who commit wire fraud. People who are too dumb to use BTC/etc to buy illegal items online. People who rent. Business owners who have not set up for credit card payments ---224328479 why doesnt the cbc do a story on this 'spouses for children' meetup? ---224329035 >>224328949 if you put bugs in your kids lunch in the UK you'd be investigated ---224330281 ---224330492 eat the bug. ---224330531 now eat each other
----- ---224323414 Not an advertisement, not off topic. Explicitly political. Within ToS. Read before discord trannies get it banned, AGAIN.
---224323539 sloppy job brad ---224323541 >>224323414 sneed ---224323604 >>224323414 What about you posted some quotes for people to discuss? ---224323668 >>224323604 ---224323703 >>224323414 Sloppy Job Mossad ---224323723 >>224323414 link is dead. Can you re-upload it please? ---224323790 >>224323723 Link is not dead. ---224323920 >>224323604 ---224323923 >>224323414 good luck with the high score, anon! ---224323931 >>224323790 you are right, sorry i overlooked this ---224323953 >>224323923 this ---224323974 >>224323414 Nice read bro. Now I'm going to be checking American news all day waiting to see that a sperg has shot up a ponderosa ---224324012 "Genetic predisposition" is even more vague and unconvincing than oppression. ---224324119 >>224324012 >"Genetic predisposition" is even more vague and unconvincing than oppression First off, meme flag = kike shill. Second, the meaning of genetic predisposition is as clear as day. Jew elsewhere, jew. ---224324199 >>224324119 >meme flag = kike shill that's not fucking true. ---224324273 >Joined April 2019 OP IS A LARP OP IS A LARP OP IS A LARP OP IS A LARP OP IS A LARP REPORT AND SAGE ---224324354 >>224324119 Show me an actual scientific study linking genetics to criminal disposition amerimutt. Between nature and nurture, this is clearly a nurturing issue. ---224324474 > "Come on Anons, let's do something that has continually doesn't work and only hurts our peoples even more. White people will eventually love us masse murderers." Yeah, no thanks Mossad. ---224324488 >>224324199 ---224324577 >>224324354 There have been animal studies that showed darker skinned animals are more aggressive. Something to do with the melanin causing it. Same with basketball humans ---224324688 >>224324354 The difference between ghetto niggas and Harvard niggas is staggering, as one might expect. Family culture, values and socio-economic are all factors that come into play at every stage in life. If you're born into an illiterate broke family, you'll become one too, most likely. ---224324832 >>224324354 Well what are you looking for exactly? Blacks commit a disproportionately high amount of crime in every nation. Every proposed explanation other than genetics has been tested to death, and ruled out. Sources are listed in the original document. But I suspect you are not arguing in good faith. There is no evidence in this world or the next that would convince you because this is not a matter of fact to you, it is a moral question. ---224324907 >>224324199 Yes it is! ---224324969 >>224324688 Also the white vs. black differences in IQ are nearly identical to the white vs. (white)immigrant differences from a century ago. Not to mention Chinese immigrants used to be as behind whites as blacks are now. What's the difference? Assimilation. Nigger culture is fucked. We've known this for a long time but everyone is afraid to say it. ---224325032 So what now? ---224325059 >>224325032 That's up to you. ---224325077 >>224325032 Destroy the entitlement system. By any means. ---224325410 >>224325059 Larp detected. Its up to all of us you pussy, you can do more than write 6 pages - all that does is render you an edgelord. Do something yourself ---224325564 >>224325410 >6 pages Clearly didn't even skim it, yet deigns to tell others what to do. JIDF detected. ---224325609 >>224323414 Off your meds again Kyle? >Don't worry the brass is metastatic when it fires, they'll never see his fingerprints don't match the ones on the clip or trigger I LITERALLY CAN'T WAIT FOR SUMMER TO BE OVER ---224325731 *yawn* ---224325905 >>224325564 I read it, 2 pages of mhra endnotes don't count. You could have written more seems as your not restricted by time due to carrying out an immediate attack. I think you just want attention rather than to aid the struggle yourself, maybe you're scared of something ---224326048 >>224325059 I always try to spread this video but I'm not sure if your PDF will be as effective as a starting point. Not disregarding it or demoralizing, just trying to be honest (The intro sucks but the video as a whole is very good) ---224326133 >>224323414 The internet is a great place to post summaries of long reads, with a link to the full read for those so inclined. It requires a bit more work on the part of the writer but it red pills people a lot faster. Not many people have the time to sit down and read all day. ---224328143 >>224323541 gay ---224328746 >>224324688 That's what I am trying to say ---224329139 >>224324832 I'm looking for a reasonable explanation and a solution to the problem. Your entire argument is based on the correlation equals causation fallacy. ---224329357 >>224323414 Could you stop shilling this shit? Thank you. ---224330112 What is the point of this manifesto if you’re just a nobody that did nothing? Do something notable if you want people to see your manifesto faggot.
----- ---224324635 >>224324294
---224324705 >>224324635 Why would you use that font? Ffs ---224325707 >>224324635 >>224324705 fuck off sand niggers ---224326802 >>224324294 Women in mudslime countries know not to laugh at how small mudslime dicks are. ---224330632 >>224324294 Have sex incel,you never saw a pussy in your life why are you worried?
----- ---224329641 Is it still Civiv Nationalism if you want to forcefully deport Kikes, Atheists, Catholics, and Faggots?
---224329744 Nigger!!!! ---224330237 >>224329641 Yes but Civil nationalism ---224330327 >>224329641 Yeah because you don't give a shit what they are ethnically aslong as they're protestant. ---224330603 >>224330327 First of all, it's civic nationalism, and that means it'a about your nation of birth. Civic Nationalists don't want to deport natural people of their nation. ---224330641 >>224330327 Almost as if you are focused on a specific subset of people....wish there was a name for this... (It's nation)