----- ---79298769 Let's photoshop this with some of Trump's biggest haters. Story here:
---79299011 Hahahahaha the liberals are losing their shit! ---79299176 The video of it. ---79299741 >>79298769 pretty good physique for a psycho, desu. mirin Adonis belt, would look great if he wasn't DYELmode ---79299762 >>79299176 oh man what a dipshit ---79299818 >>79299741 dyelmode? ---79299847 >>79299741 >dyel mode he's clearly ottermode you newfag ---79299863 >>79298769 Did he died? ---79299899 >>79299847 what? ---79299909 Any uncensored pics? Looks Asian I bet he has tiny pee pee ---79300012 >>79299909 fag detected ---79300018 >>79299818 Do You Even Lift - mode >>79299847 I was going to shitpost some more but upon closer inspection he actually has some delts n quadz so yeah ur right m8 ---79300046 >>79299899 >Ottermode. It's a basic male body type. Do you even suck? ---79300110 >>79300046 Is this fit or pol? Fuck off! ---79300111 >>79300012 Little dick detected ---79300133 >>79298769 >16 ft >jump ---79300140 >risk your life trying to send an artsy political warning to the masses about Donald Trump >no one can tell what he said Good job ---79300160 >>79299909 >>79299999 ---79300199 >>79300140 He should have painted his body like those femen bitches. ---79300282 >>79300018 lol what? ---79300382 >>79298769 Those poor cops. ---79300518 >>79300382 >Those poor cops. >They were trying to talk him down >by repeating the words 'do it faggot' ---79300649 >>79300160 >>79300000 ---79301058 >>79299741 He obviously lifts, dummy. ---79301582 >>79298769 The left eating itself... prime example You should have a peek at this thread >>79301373 ---79302004 >>79298769 * * * SOCIAL ENGINEERING TIME * * * One of you glorious bastards should whip out your social media skills and start a #JumpAgainstTrump movement, convincing liberals to jump off buildings in protest of the racist, sexist, evil, big ol' meanie Donald Trump. Since it's ALREADY HAPPENED, we can use this as proof that the movement is real. People are already jumping off buildings in protest of Trump! Jumping off the roof is symbolic of how our country is ready to leap off a ledge by voting for Trump! WE HAVE TO GET THE MESSAGE OUT ANY WAY WE CAN, FELLOW LIBERALS! #NeverTrump #ImWithHer #JumpAgainstTrump ---79304853 >>79302004 Holy shit make a thread about this ---79305267 >>79302004 This Anon's jib is cut to satisfactory dimensions.
----- ---79305303 How does it feel knowing this religious Melvin is going to get a 10/10 virgin shidduch who will dress at an acceptable level of modesty and cover her hair with a legitament cover unlike these airhead "baalis shuvahs" who plague my community atleast? He is only getting her because his family is religious, HAS MONEY (WHICH IS ALL THESE "FRUM" STACIES CARE ABOUT), and he is intelligent enough to just sit and learn Talmud or whatever but is really just going along with the charadi (more like charade-ee) cult
---79305550 >>79305303 oh and only Chabad-faggots describe themselves as "chassidhshe" because people who are chassidshe, people already know they are, so they don't have to say it FUCKINGS BTs!!!! Oh and chabadniks always look like straight up retards. Because they are. And they steal and molest children, yup. Only JIDF would deny it BECAUSE THEY DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH!!!! ---79305991 Rabbi is out, but check it periodically so you can ttroll these faggots
----- ---79300877 What did niggers mean by this?
---79301154 WE ---79301382 >>79300877 ---79302363 Fuck me, that bass ---79303477 >can yall do the stanky leg well where's the video ---79303590 oh god I miss this video ---79303623 >>79301154 WUZ ---79303837 fucking animals ---79304011 >>79300877 >kangz ---79304091 BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM CLAP THEM THIGHS BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM Oh God, is it over? Please tell me it-- GET LOOS WIT IT BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM ---79304290 Literally a tribal sex/identity ritual. These niggers aren't suite for civilization yet. ---79304376 kek, I just noticed for the first time black spiderman is wearing a beanie hat ---79304456 muh sides ---79304466 >>79300877 My sides are obliterated. I remember this video. ---79304475 >>79300877 >black people have no culture mmmh... try again /pol/ ;) ---79304550 >>79303623 NIGGAZ ---79304613 >>79304475 >instincts kicking in >culture ---79305230 >>79300877 I always laugh at the part that like it says >EAT SHIT!!! >BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM
----- ---79305107 Go ahead America annex then we could all vote democrats and keep cucking your country :DDDDDDDDD
---79305241 You have absolutely nothing we want.
----- ---79305201 >Be United States, >borrow trillions of dollars, strengthening its national industry and public sectors, >becomes "the most powerful economy in the world" and strongly believes it will remain #1 to eternity, therefore being able to "pay" all of its debts with no problem. Or at least being able to persuade people into believing it will. >Realizes America isn't quite the God's-blessed nation it believes to be, and is deemed to fail at one point, >invests a great portion of that money on its military budget to prevent people from kicking in your door, demanding you to pay your debts. >Quickly driving itself into an economic collapse, >eventually never being able to pay its debts.
---79305397 US 2015 federal budget. Pretty much self-explanatory.
----- ---79302567 Theresa May says many Britons ‘BENEFIT GREATLY’ from Sharia Law This is the woman who seems to be most likely to replace David Cameron as the Prime Minister of the UK. She was pro-stay during the EU referendum. Despite being a member of the Conservative party she preaches about the imperfections of capitalism, an end to social injustice, unity, and other such socialist bullshit. Brexit wasn't enough. We're still fucked, lads. The best part is we don't even get to vote on this.
---79302812 >>79302567 ---79304333 >>79303766 the new tory leader will also become the PM. still, it seems like theresa may and michael gove have far more support than crabb, fox and leadsom combined. ---79304600 And the other guy, is he any good? ---79305178 >>79304600 he's a euroskeptic and seems somewhat libertarian, but has a bad reputation for being hated by teachers and wanting to reform the NHS/dismantle it and replace it with personal health accounts.
----- ---79291776 Why is Mexico so degenerate? I don't understand why it's such a shithole. Mexico has staggering crime rates and they just keep rising. The amount of murder committed annually is unprecedented and yet lots of the crimes go unreported. Can anyone explain this? >inb4 it's cuz they're shitskins >pic semi-related
---79292023 Everything was fine until the commies and socialists started to spread their seed of hatred in the 60's. They took our guns. Now we are full of dindus and poverty is considered "vibrant culture" ---79292260 >>79292023 Yes but that doesn't explain the rampant organized crime rings, i.e the cartels ---79292547 >>79292260 It does. All men had guns in the 60's. After socialist politics took over and banned guns the population had no way to defend themselves. ---79293306 Because Mexicans are the product of massacres and mass rapings. ---79293594 >>79293306 But Brazil and Mexico have very similar problems. Crime isn't small-scale in Brazil either. ---79293870 >>79293594 Brazil was basically the destination of prisoners, people who failed at life in Europe and black slaves I never said I live in paradise ---79294057 >>79293870 Ayy lmao but why isn't there a prevalent notion among your people to dismay the crime and conceive new methods to control the murders? ---79294209 >>79291776 I watched an american flick and it was full of niggers with obese white people and bullied kids shooting their schools jesus christ why is America so degenerate ---79294480 >>79294209 >American cinema >American reality Pick one pablo ---79294892 >>79294057 Because a lot of people here are leftists and therefore degenerates who think criminals are victims of society, for every real man who would gladly put a bullet in a thug's head there are like 10 cucks who either want to protect them or think sending them to prison for 3 years is better. It's like we live in Pakistan without the part where thieves are beaten to death. ---79294997 >>79294209 Mexicans and blacks are more likely to be fat and obese in the US, in fact most american whites actually exercise often. ---79295905 Rural Mexican women have 16 children on average or some shit like that. ---79298024 >>79292172 >Tfw my state is on red You will NEVER be killed by the cartels unless you're a snitch The only murders are low class junkie niggers that live in houses made out of cardboard because they owe money from their ounce of heroin ---79298592 >>79298024 What's an ounce of dope run in Mexico these days? ---79299696 >>79298592 Like 10 bucks ---79299772 >>79299696 I'd move to Mexico if this was true. ---79300063 >>79299772 >not doing stimulants shiggy diggy ---79300156 >>79300063 I stick to coffee these days. ---79300438 >>79299772 It is. Where I live in several towns there's what they call "the happy car", which is basically a car that parks or goes around town and that's where people get drugs. Like a drive through. ---79300537 >>79298024 >You will NEVER be killed by the cartels unless you're a snitch Translation: You will never be killed by the cartel so long as you do everything they demand of you, ie pay extortion fees, hide drugs, let your children work for them, and basically be a complete bitch to the people who profit off evil. ---79300630 >>79291776 My theory is that they are your neighbors. The Mexicans took your violent side, shit food, street gangs, drugs etc. Canadians took your fag side, degenerate etc. ---79300703 >>79291776 >Why is Mexico so degenerate? I don't understand why it's such a shithole. Because every single quasi-intelligent, quasi-productive Mexican has fled to the US or is exerting all their energy in trying to flee to the US, rather than improve their own country. Mexico is what happens to a country when every citizen of average worth leaves and only the sub-satisfactory people remain to run things. ---79300715 >>79300630 why did you fail to invade us senpai ---79301176 Eh, the cartels really don't go around killing innocent bystanders. All those photos you see of beheadings and face rip offs are either: Rival Cartels Junkies that owe them money Kidnapers Rapists But as first post said, gommies spreading shit. ---79301236 >>79291776 >a Gollywood movie where a big black guy protects a small white little girl and hunts her multi-racial captives, including the girl's father. WHY CAN'T I SAY THEY ARE JUST STUPID, OP? ALL COUNTRIES BECAME HIPPIES AT SOME POINT, YET MEXICO IS THE ONE DINDU WHO ISN'T GUILTY BY ITS OWN MONGREL NATURE? ---79301972 >>79292260 They rose to power after the populace was disarmed by the idiotic government... it has all to do with the shift in policies from the sixties onward ---79302015 >>79291776 Their Native American ancestors routinely sacrificed children and practiced cannibalism. ---79302108 >>79291776 Because Americans keep buying their drugs, giving massive profits to the cartels, which in turn leads to escalating violence for which the cartels need more guns which they buy from... America. Still, 2nd Amendment, hurr durr, and Mexico shit and beaners bad, duh, USA USA faggots, bleh. ---79302147 >>79300537 Unless you're wealthy or a politician they probably won't bother you I live in Sonora, a state in the red zone and the biggest crime in my city is extortion, and if you get a call I recommend using Tyler the Creator's advice ---79302192 >>79298024 this ---79302243 >>79291776 Because you idiots created the cartels by making all drugs illegal included that you funded the politicians that were dictators but were connected to the cartels. ---79302281 >>79300438 do you live in acapulco by any chance? a friend from there told me that there was this happy car around the beach and socialite clubs like Baby O or Paladium ---79302295 >>79302243 Ahem... the contras ---79302298 >>79300715 Napoleon III just wanted to make it a powerful Empire to stop the increasing expansion of the USA. But you do not seize this chance and you preferred to receive "help" American material, and remained so their vassal. Militarily, Napoleon III withdrew its troops because of the protest of the parliament. The same parliament that will do anything to delay the preparation of war with Germany and that will lead us to the 1870 disaster. ---79302396 >>79292547 There ain't no guns n straya or europe This is all just cause mexicans are of an INFERIOR race HEIL HITLER ---79302471 >>79302295 Its the same shit, at the end of the plan, they are all connected. ---79302517 >>79302298 I admit, we fucked up in the past, well we're still fucking up to this day, that's where Mr. Porfirio Diaz came in, but we started a pointless revolution ---79302537 >>79302281 No, I live in Sonora, but this carrito feliz shit happens all around the country as far as I know. ---79302541 >>79291776 I dunno why, OP. However, Man on Fire was a bitchin' movie. Love me some vigilante justice. ---79302594 Is there such a thing as a respectable cartel in Mexico? Which cartel leans farthest towards the side of good? ---79302693 >>79302537 De donde? Yo soy de San Luis, puto calor ---79302765 >>79302537 shame it doesn't happen in my little town north of veracruz, I don't want to deal with Zetas or Golfos directly to get weed when I'm on vacations. those fuckers either killed or chased away all local small time friendly dealers ---79302798 >>79292023 Go and read a History book, you fucking peasant. You´ll find all the commie ideology started with the revolution. ---79302821 >>79302693 a cuanto estan, aqui en la huasteca veracruzana estamos a 30 con sensacion de 40 ---79302943 >>79298433 Do you have the whole comic? I´d appreciate it. ---79302976 THIS IS ALL CAUSE THEY AIN'T WHITE ENOUGH WHITE POWER ZIEG HEIL MEIN FURHER ---79302977 >>79302594 Sinaloa cartel is the most """""""""""honorable"""""""""" They only kill rival cartels, and when they do, it's fucking brutal, I mean chainsaw brutal Their b0ss gave a fuck ton of money to the poor and built a hospital in his village so his mother was healthy ---79303075 >>79302821 50° ---79303116 >>79302693 Hermosillo, tambien esta de la verga pero a llovido estos ultimos dias >>79302765 Yeah, the war on drugs has been a massive failure and I dont get how people are still taking the usual measures to combat the problem ---79303187 >>79302147 >Unless you're wealthy or a POLITICIAN they probably won't bother you >This is what cartel apologists actually believe ---79303194 Because the Spanish crypto-jews who run the country profit off of illegal crimes and the peasants have no say. ---79303256 >>79303075 la puta madre Dios te bendiga ---79303340 >>79303187 They fucking hate politicians with a passion, like how Pablo Escobar wanted every cop dead ---79303348 >>79303187 It's our fault the cartels are as powerful as they are though. ---79303359 >>79302977 People who romanticize the cartels are idiots. ---79303603 >>79303359 >They are bringing drugs >Crime >They're rapists As long as they kill each other and junkie niggers I'm OK with them ---79303638 >>79303340 cops are not politicians. ---79304138 >>79293870 So was australia, faggot. Brazil was great during our past military regime, it got fucked when the resented took the power. ---79304386 >>79304138 Same thing with Mexico, We wuz Europeans n shiet ---79304690 >>79298592 You can get an ounce of medical grade shit for 75 usd ---79304786 >>79304386 but wewuzism is shunned in mexico ---79304859 >>79302765 Poza Rica? ---79305115 >>79304859 Tuxpan El puerto de los bellos atardeceres
----- ---79293231 British news website Guardian: >Brexit is great news for the rest of the EU >Britain has not yet come to terms with its own irrelevance, and would only have got in the way of plans to create a more democratic pooling of sovereignty "it's own irrelevance" hahahah Get used to it cücks... Irrelevance isn't so bad. I'll tell you as a Slovenian, I should know a thing or two about being irrelevant! At least people leave you alone, lower immigration, etc. Anyway, I love the UK because all it's doing is just good for us (Europeans). Feels good to be in the winning team (France & Germany). inb4 butthurt nationalist attack me & my country with their irrelevant brainfarts Freude, schöner Götterfunken Tochter aus Elysium!
---79293295 This article totally and finally obliterates the Brexiters so that it's not even funny: Please read it. ---79293438 Pretty sure it's Brexit that BTFO the Guardian desu ---79293543 Jokes on you. We've been irrelevant since WW2 ---79293616 >>79293231 wtf I love the eu now ---79293714 >>79293231 >pooling of sovereignty aka, giving it away to unelected fuckwits ---79293744 >>79293616 It's never too late to become an #MaastrichtMissile ---79293782 Sour Grapes. ---79293824 >>79293714 Because elections are such an amazing thing... Look all the great people we get because of elections. Cameron, Blair, Obama... ---79293830 >create a more democratic pooling of sovereignty ---79293949 >>79293824 At least we had a choice in their election. ---79293965 >Feels good to be in the winning team (France & Germany). >winning team (France & Germany) >France & Germany ---79294000 >>79293231 this is reddit ---79294145 >>79293231 History (the next 2-3 years) will prove Brexiteers right. >Feels good to be in the winning team (France & Germany). You are on the titanic, just like france and germany. ---79294166 It still makes me laugh just how triggered eastern """"""""""europeans""""""""""" are by Brexit. I didn't expect it at all, I thought it was the Germans who'd be the most upset. ---79294221 Would you like salt with that salt? ---79294369 >>79293231 >winning team >France & Germany ---79294411 >>79293231 Now that I'm in Switzerland I don't mind the Germs, Italians and Croats genociding you. Good luck, you are on your own. ---79294469 >>79294166 > I thought it was the Germans who'd be the most upset. Why would we be upset? We pay half of the EU's budget and practically 100% of the bailouts and rescue packages and get nothing but backbreaking regulations and a mudslime mudslide in return. If anyone should be cheering for british independence, it's germans. Brexit gives us new hope. ---79294543 >>79293231 Oh fuck the EU's so butthurt about this hahahaha ---79294545 Globalists have become very open with their hatred of democracy in the last week. Congratulations to Britain for getting out when you could, I always thought Farage's Nazi talk was fearmongering. ---79294555 >>79293824 At least we a) voted those people in b) can vote those people out lets face it we have a fucking cunt in Juncker but we cant do shit about him ---79294634 >>79294411 But we're gonna need a medpack to help us out? ---79294656 >>79293231 increasingly nervous paper predicts doom of UK for thousandth time.. ---79294660 >>79293231 they seem butthurt enjoy millions of third worlders leaking into the EU a year and the EU leaders letting it happen and calling you racist ---79294700 >>79293231 >proud of being a March for the EU ---79294745 >>79294545 I literally said this to the half of my family who were pro-remain, that a lot of fascists had been revealed, they seemed annoyed by my statement ---79294784 >>79293231 >cucks on /pol/ now call the Guardian based Welp it's been fun faggots. ---79294840 >m-muh relevancy yea whatever lol ---79294869 >>79293231 >Britain has not yet come to terms with its own irrelevance Skip to like 8:15 if the time embed doesn't work. >We have the fifth largest economy of the world, the fourth military power, we're one of five permanent seat holders in the UN Security Council... Also: watch the full interview to see this stupid Iranian terrorist shitskin getting BTFO Stop being assblasted that your country will get less gibs now. Fix your own shit, faggot. ---79294967 >>79293231 >pooling of sovereignty AAAAAAAAAAAAAA NONONO Netherlands great & independent superpower by 2020 ---79295009 < I broke up with you! You didn't break up with me! ---79295011 >>79293231 Every country should be satisfied with irrelevance. All they need is to be peaceful, sustainable, and free. What is with this nonsensical obsession with being a global power? ---79295045 >>79294469 We should reboot the EU with just us and maybe some Nordic countries ---79295063 Irrelevant to what? I really can't think of one international thing for Britain to get involved in. Even America is bored shitless with bombing the Middle East. ---79295080 >>79294634 The anglos get help because you at least appear salvageable. The Slovenes and especially this specimen that posted the thread can march straight into the gas chamber for all I care, and judging by > Feels good to be in the winning team (France & Germany). They'd do it without hesitation. I'm burning that passport right now. ---79295105 >>79293231 More pooling of sovereignty means better off ---79295199 >>79293231 >"it's own irrelevance" hahahah" You're seriously stupid enough to ADD a grammar mistake into a QUOTE??? ---79295262 >>79295045 Judging by their reaction to Brexit Eastern Europeans will go to war with Western Europe if they stop letting them come into their countries to work as cleaners ---79295288 Wow the Guardian is so """"""based"""""" I have a #hardianfortheguardian now ---79295339 >>79293231 >Joris Luyendijk Au wee, de kaffers weten! ---79295363 >wtf you cant leave the EU this is a disaster fuck you your staying >you actually left? we never needed you guys anyway, w-we're glad you left! ---79295366 >>79293231 5th biggest economy in the world.... yahp. Self-hating ill-disciplined Guardian cucks at it again. Heseltine on Boris. What an attack. True words. ---79295388 >W-we don't care anyways hahaha ---79295393 >>79295045 The EU needs to die for europe to live. The EU is an iredeemable disaster. Let it die or better yet, take measures to ensure its demise. ---79295413 >>79293231 are they going broke? ---79295497 >>79295393 This, we need other countries to declare independence, if you just turn into a super state you'll be stuck that way for decades ---79295530 >>79293295 >pls respond I guess you really do know about being irrelevant. ---79295680 >Pooling of sovereignty ie. not being sovereign ---79295691 >>79293231 >Guardian ---79295695 >>79295045 Agree with this. UK Germany France Netherlands Belgium Swe Danes No more mudslime ---79295859 >>79295413 God I hope so. ---79295872 >>79293231 I live in Sweden and I have never seen anyone sucking more dick than you ---79296113 the EU has become a continent wide KL. The kapos Tusk, Juncker & Schulz, are itching to torture the UK for trying to escape. ---79296145 >>79295859 Why am I not a journalist? Looks like easy money. Any old bollocks will do. ---79296384 >>79293231 >would only have got in the way of plans to create a more democratic pooling of sovereignty That was rather the point, old bean. ---79296498 You know how will end '? england does not leave too many economic interests ---79296535 >>79293231 So much salt in their eyes that they can't even see that the EU is already fucked. ---79296731 >>79293231 BRITPOL IRREVERSIBLY BTFO WE WILL NEVER RECOVER ---79296787 >>79293231 > Slovenia > again > b-but we didn't even want you anyway! They will still leave. Sorry. :^) ---79296791 >>79293231 Huh..Slovenia.. I didn't even know that was a country. Well you're right about one thing, you are irrelevant. And so is your opinion. ---79296792 >>79295859 Why are the Guardian so short of money and constantly having to fire journalists when they have hard-hitting pieces like this??! ---79296816 >Joris sour grapes by mainlanders projecting about irrelevance ---79296835 Feels good to be irrelevant, the shitskins and spongers will flood the more relevant countries. ---79297055 >>79293231 >Propoganda wing of the far left hates Brexit and will attempt to slander it as hard as possible based on the most threadbare evidence imaginable IN OTHER NEWS, WATER IS WET ---79297112 >>79293231 >pooling of sovereignty mm no thnx ---79297162 >pooling of sovereignty Then it's not sovereignty any more. We're escaping lads, and it feels so fucking good. ---79297276 >>79296535 Nah, the media and internet have been really schizophrenic lately depending on where you look. >EU doesn't need you and British economy is fucked. >You've doomed the EU. It's ogre. >Look at those tanking markets and pound. Business will move to EU and we'll be fine without you >WW3 is imminent, Europe is doomed. The fascists won. The globalists are confused that someone thwarted their plans and gave them the finger so they're just fearmongering in multiple ways until one of them sticks. Soros was actually saying the opposite of the OP article recently, that the EU is terminal now. ---79297398 >>79293231 ---79297608 >>79293824 so, I assume you are a monarchist in the tradition of Locke, or a more radical position? ---79298570 >europe >relevant ---79298805 >>79293231 >Guardian why should i give a fuck what some editorial in a far left newspaper says? ---79298817 >>79297608 I'm for the rule of a highly educated elite, basically technocracy The European Union is closest to this ideal China is second best Democracy a shit ---79298947 >>79293824 Cameron wasn't that bad, he got us out of this shit The next election will be more worrying since we just destroyed a lot of major politicians, and even more may very well be destroyed with chilcot ---79298975 >>79295859 I knew they were bad but holy shit. ---79299101 >>79298817 Yeah look how great that is working out, they really did well in that eurocrisis and migrationcrisis. The EUristocracy is just the best at running things. ---79299150 Ya all think this me and another thread of mine. Just here to tell you this is not my thread Britbongs. ---79299206 you know how the story will end? will be released not too many economic interests. if it came out and we will see later, however, will lose the Scotland and perhaps the northern ireland and although there will be no economic catastrophes, in a few years the UK will no longer 'the 5 world power for sure we're not' in 1900. ---79299267 >Not relevant How much money was lost overnight? A few trillion. Now globalists are desperately pushing their superstate. Soros lost money too iirc. I have no regrets voting leave, the salt is still flowing. ---79299391 >>79293231 We should have voted remain... The EU said straight up, no single market without freedom of movement and following atleast some EU laws. We'll have to follow laws that we have 0 say in just like Norway. ---79299395 >>79298817 The EU is run by zionist Jews who hate Europe. This retarded mentality of yours is why you aren't relevant on the global stage, or even in the EU. ---79299425 >>79299206 Scotland isn't going anywhere m8, Brussels already told them to fuck off, Spain too for that matter. ---79299433 >>79299150 Fuck off Janez Die Gewalt, der Krieg, die Liebe und das ewige Heilige! ---79299460 >>79293231 >Great news for EU >Euro is losing even more value >Nationalists are becoming more popular within Europe >EU lost one of her biggest members >EU loses a lot of money >EU embarrassed that they lost to nationalists Great News for the Globalists indeed ---79299467 I once asked Rupert Murdoch why he was so opposed to the European Union. 'That’s easy,' he replied. 'When I go into Downing Street they do what I say; when I go to Brussels they take no notice. Geeee who would want to stay in Europe if such fine gentleman is so against it.... ---79299558 >>79299391 With all our other deals we can eventually leave this market entirely. ---79299586 >>79293231 >the british wont vote to leave >haha they voted to leave as a joke >the british will regret this >lol they dont even matter wonder what tommarows spin will say. ---79299638 >>79299433 Idiot I was arguing the same as you are now for the last 2 days, and butt hurt brits were furious at me because of it. I am on your side Kmet en. ---79299641 >W-WE DIDN'T NEED YOU ANYWAY!!! ---79299662 >>79298817 The EU just ignored the shit out of Britain until it decided to take it's ball and go home. Even modest policy changes could have prevented it's fate, but no, they did literally nothing to accommodate the people who were growing more and more disillusioned by the EU, and then had the fucking nerve to act surprised when we lashed out and destroyed their entire fucking economy by ignoring them right back. ---79299673 >>79293231 So first it was "wahhh all these bigots #notmyvote" and now it's "go ahead and leave, EU didn't want you anyway". How mature ---79299714 >>79295530 > responses: 0 > 1 post by this ID ---79299789 >>79299460 Because of UK, EU had a shit ton restrictions to trade deals with China and India. THose restrictions are now no longer viable and I would bet we will make at least 50% back by just letting those countries trade more freer with us than in the past. ---79299819 >>79299586 Five stages of grief, literally. Tommorow's spin will be self-loathing, doomsaying, and the entire EU assembly on suicide watch. ---79299827 >>79293231 They still have the mentality that they're a world power, yea. Nontheless they have a point that the EU in its current form is shot. Leaving and staying are both bad, I wish them luck and hope to see them back in a project without the southerners and most of the balkanites ---79299860 did someone hear something? ---79299938 >>79299789 Probably not China, but it's true that we now have a massive list of people who are, quite literally, queuing up to establish new trade deals with us now that we're out of the shithole fascist state Europe has become. ---79299954 >>79299789 The Brexit will still destabilize the EU. Also, [citation needed] ---79300002 Brits are truly a retarded lot. Actually voting leave which gives them nothing but just throws them back many years. Credit rating down, pound down, investors and banks leaving, Scotland about to leave. Just pure idiocy. Might as well call it Little irrelevant Britain in the future ---79300023 >>79299789 what are you talking about "we" are still in EU and EU still has restrictions ---79300032 >>79299391 No we won't. Does Mexico have that agreement? Does Chile? Does Canada? Stop being a fucking retard, you voted remain and probably cried about it on reddit. You lost, deal with it. ---79300033 >>79299662 More than 1000 laws were tailored for GB's side. You didn't had to follow majority of rules that other had too. You were never ignored you just always wanted more more more. Not saying that that is a bad thing from your pov of course it isn't. But from POV of EU Brits leaving is a huge relief. ---79300151 >>79293231 EU sure has a wicked case of Sour Grapes. ---79300161 >>79299954 I can link you to half an hour Indian debate in English and what they think of Brexit. If you wanna watch. THat's my only source. ---79300177 >>79293231 Top bantz mate Only complete economic illiterates can support Brexit ---79300246 >>79300161 Link it than. ---79300252 >>79299954 Watch if you have time. ---79300295 >>79300002 Not retarded enough to spread our asshole for Africa, claiming no limit on the people who can enter. Enjoy your scientists, allthough I feel they wont be happy the economy is hit by brexit, but I'm sure they will pay you back eventually. ---79300341 >>79300246 >>79300252 Here it is. ---79300355 >>79295691 ...what? ---79300418 >>79294469 >Why would we be upset? We pay half of the EU's budget and practically 100% of the bailouts and rescue packages and get nothing but backbreaking regulations and a mudslime mudslide in return. If anyone should be cheering for british independence, it's germans. Brexit gives us new hope. BRExit - The Gift that keeps on giving. ---79300436 >>79295859 Please tell me that at least some of these "journalists" exaggerate and provocate with their articles and headlines? ---79300446 >>79300002 Scotland will not be leaving the UK. t. scotsman ---79300460 >>79300177 not really the biggest fear was that they won't be offered trade deals by other countries or the EU, which we now know they will, so that's gone. The majority economists predicted that Britain will bounce back in a few years. ---79300502 Yeah the EU is going to prosper with its failing currency. Italy is about to go into crisis so it can join greece and spain. Enjoy the bailout. ---79300532 >its own irrelevance >literally everyone was paying attention to this referendum, and Germany and the US are already lining up for new trade deals Was Brexit the ultimate bantz? I can't believe the sheer amount of ass pain, both inside and outside of the UK. ---79300581 >>79300446 Funny, everyone else in your "country" seems to disagree with you including the whole SNP ---79300651 >>79295009 >I broke up with you! You didn't break up with me! The queen looks like she's trying to smile while being anally fisted. Good Stuff! Bong's away. ---79300659 >>79300532 You need to stop getting your news on Fox, CNN or whatever other shithole you use. There will be absolutely no extra deals made with the UK by any EU state and they won't get any special treatment. This much has already been made clear multiple times. ---79300708 >>79293231 >leftcucks hate themselves and heavily underestimate themselves and their people 24 7 Yep nothing new ---79300867 >>79293231 >pooling of sovereignty I love this meme. ---79300876 >>79295366 *6th :^) ---79300913 >>79300659 >There will be absolutely no extra deals made with the UK by any EU state and they won't get any special treatment. oh yes they will they are your third biggest export destination. ---79300936 >create a more democratic pooling of sovereignty What did he mean by this? ---79300994 >>79299425 The Spanish question is quite different there are four parties, but no one is against Europe. eventually scotland has votat largely marjoram to stay. may 'happen all over europe is to be the united kingdom ---79301031 >>79295393 >The EU needs to die for europe to live. This is the correct mindset. Wales got lots of EU money, but I still voted out with this in mind. The EU is anti Europe. ---79301093 >>79300659 You're aware that there are hundreds of thousands of jobs in your automotive industry alone that are dependent on selling cars in the UK, right? ---79301134 >>79300913 Nope, there won't. There's more to this. Brussels pressing UK on getting this exit done with quickly and them (and us) not giving them any extra treatment serves as a warning to anyone else who's retarded enough to think you can leave the EU, yet keep all the benefits of being a member while no longer having to care about any of the responsibilities. ---79301157 Anyone got that pic of Nige smirking from the other day? ---79301187 >>79300867 >moving into a squat with 27 other people where you have to pay 30% of the food and rent bills gives you more control over your own destiny compared to living alone ---79301240 >>79300002 I hope they are happy in a quantum leap for Europe and I hope that this time we pay some consequences for their arrogance. moreover, they are the old who voted for the young English even see the results of their vote ---79301360 >>79293231 guardian has done nothing but bitch and moan and beg for donations its marxist trash ---79301367 >>79301134 all they said is they hope they will do it as quickly as possible and without complications if you actually read the quotes directly. And britain already said there's no need to rush. ---79301369 >>79293231 >Guardian >anything other than irrelevant They will not give it up until whites have been genocided or they go bankrupt. Whichever comes first. Bankruptcy will be first though. >mfw 0.16 Also this. >>79293438 Sage. ---79301371 >>79301093 > You are also forgetting that this isn't just an economics and that politics will play a major part. Examples must be made and UK isn't getting away with it. ---79301420 > literally declaring slavery is freedom Democracy isn't broken. Liberals are. ---79301534 >>79301367 >And britain already said there's no need to rush. Of course they said that, they're scared now. But this isn't happening and the EU is not gonna play the "let's take it easy and slow" game. It's not the UK who's in control of what goes down next. They had their vote. Now they'll have to deal with its consequences - and consequences there will be plenty of. ---79301544 >>79293231 Does irrelevant knock trillions of world markets with bold paradigm shifting actions? And at the same time watch its own stock market recover in a matter of days? You wish you were relevant Slovenia. Stop pretending you like being nobodies and constantly confuse with Czechoslovakia. ---79301577 >>79301420 I want to be free in a structured world I don't want to be free in the barbarian world. How does that make me a slave? ---79301645 >>79293231 >it's own irrelevance >Votes to leave >Global stock markets immediately tank That's how irrelevant we are. ---79301668 >>79301371 Shareholders of German car manufacturers don't give a flying fuck about examples. ---79301715 >>79301420 """""Freedom"""""" You of all should know better than the rest of world how little this means. US Americans are probably one of the least free people. You're being completely assraped by your government, the god awful health care, your garbage education system with its horrendous costs as well as your government spying on you as hard as they can. Yeah, freedom. ---79301749 >>79301534 >It's not the UK who's in control of what goes down next. Yeah. It is. ---79301790 >>79301749 Nope, it isn't. You dug your grave. Time to lie down in it. ---79301794 >>79298947 I second that. Cameron has his faults BUT he did try to renegotiate with the EU and he did hold a referendum. He did the right thing by stepping down. It's going to be a difficult few years as the politics in this country realign to represent the real divisions of society: the SJW metropolitan class vs the native forgotten and ignored working class. ---79301812 People are forgetting that in historic sense of way national pride isn't such an old concept. Maybe national pride is a fluke in history that future generations will laugh at. ---79301858 >>79293231 Yeah but at least they are free I doubt many of those who voted leave were delusional enough to think that leaving would somehow make hem rule the waves again ---79301871 >>79301577 ---79301910 >>79301534 you're seriously underestimating how much your country is tied to Britain They import nearly twice as much from you than they export to you You actually DO need to make deals with them or your economy will face the trasher as well ---79301925 >>79301790 Yep. It is. We're not invoking Article 50 till next year. What's anyone going to do about it? ---79302011 >>79295695 >>79295045 >>79294469 Tbh I'd rather have the UK, unified lowlands, Germany and a Nordic Union than a union between all of us. ---79302031 >>79301668 You'll see. Car manufacturers will bitch about it a little bit but eventually shut up and move on. Examples will be made. And there is no way UK is getting of easy. By that I don't mean some draconian trade rules, just that they will get the same treatment as everybody else. And that is somethink UK does not want at all, because if there will be no special deals, UK will lose so so much. ---79302090 >>79300252 your evidence is a bunch of poo in the loo pundits on some unwatched indian news broadcast? ---79302122 >>79301577 Pleb who grew up under communism detected. You were born a slave, raised a slave and have the mind of a slave. Fucking slave. ---79302123 >>79301790 >800K Sandniggers I think Merkel dug yours. ---79302132 >>79293231 a week ago I ticked a box and crashed half the globes currency value Today a [insert slav nation here] is calling me irrelevant on a Mongolian basket weaving forum ---79302134 What stage is the EU on? Burgeoning or is it still denial? ---79302208 >>79302134 Bargaining*, Holy Moses ---79302225 >>79302031 >same treatment as everybody else. So we'll get access to the free market with no free movement like Canada. Awesome. Can't wait. ---79302260 >>79302134 Laughter. Everyone is laughing at how retarded Brits are. ---79302266 >>79301925 Political and economical pressure on Uk? Also the longer you postpone the invoking of the article 50 the harder the negotiations will be for you. ---79302337 >>79302011 >Germany They can fuck off. Do you seriously want more "refugees"? ---79302341 >>79293231 And who cares what people from your insignificant country thinks? The EU won't be here is twenty years. It's a failed experiment. And the Guardian is a rag, by the way. ---79302368 >>79302031 >>79301371 >>79300659 There's a massive lobby in Germany for a swiftly negotiated trade deal. It is happening whether you like it or not. ---79302373 >>79302260 It wouldn't be the first time Germans fell for propoganda. ---79302437 >>79293231 And you are? A nobody. Just like the guardian. Lefty pussies. ---79302441 Haha its the same croatian cunt as last night. Tell me miroslav, does Junckers pay you by the post or by the hour? ---79302458 >>79302260 Sorry mate, can't here you over my already drafted trade deals with the rest of the world ---79302469 >>79302090 They are so called experts that your lot doesn't take seriously. If you watched it tho you would see that in the first few minutes they say they don't think it ill have a huge economical affect on the world... ---79302507 >>79294784 It's literally one butthurt Slovenian ---79302531 >>79300002 >Actually voting leave which gives them nothing but just throws them back many years. As opposed to the EU, which steals years from. Telling you right now, Germany and what other poor countries that didn't make it out of the EU in time, will not even exist nominally in 20 years. ---79302535 >>79293231 today, OP was awesome ---79302538 >>79302368 Pretty sure I know better than you about what my country is doing. Thank you Gunnar. ---79302579 What's the difference between Slovenia and Slovakia? ---79302617 >>79302225 Of course but then you will not be part of EEC, what you want(Like Norway,Swiss...) ---79302620 >>79302266 The EU is doomed. Any attempts to blackmail the UK won't be tolerated here. We've exposed the EU for what it is: weak and dying. Any tyrannical actions on their part will expose it to the world and sound its death knell. Slave. ---79302671 >>79302620 You live in your own fantasy world ---79302738 >>79302617 >what you want We don't want that. And neither do our politicians. There will be no deal with the EU without restrictions on immigration on our terms. I couldn't give two fucks what the EU and its slave-like drones think. ---79302757 >>79295011 Understated underrated ---79302809 >got in the way of plans to create amore democratic pooling of sovereignty Bigger electorate means less sovereignty for specific countries. For example try passing fag marriage laws if you vote together with eastern Europe or parts of russia. The article argues that we need a superstate for regulating "muh corporations", but it will also be even more effective at regulating the former nation states and its citizens, taking away their individual freedom and property by mob rule of the rest of the continent. ---79302816 >>79301715 >the god awful health care Best in the world; they just aren't paying for it. >Garbage education system. You know, I've been on this site for a couple of years now, talking to people from all over Europe, and I've met maybe 5 or 6 of you who come across as any more educated than your average American bumfuck to me. Just because you can point to Tunisia on a map doesn't change the fact that you're driving a cab (assuming you work at all). >your government spying on you as hard as they can. And it's contested, every time, and it loses every time it goes to court. Our system is entirely hostile to unreasonable search, it's just a matter of a case going to SCOTUS. But I'm sure you Germans are just so well-educated and connected, you knew all of that, right? ---79302855 >>79302620 EU is not doomed. Stop reading fucking UK propaganda bullshit and start reading serious articles. Like talking to children. DOOM DOOM DOOM. wtf. ---79302856 >>79302671 You are the one living in a fantasy world. The EU is finished, it has no power over us anymore. One more departure and it's dead. And it's only a matter of time now. ---79302866 >>79302579 One is a poor irrelevant nation that used to be part of Czechoslovakia and the other is a poor irrelavant nation that used to be part of Yugoslavia ---79302884 >>79302538 >Pretty sure I know better than you about what my country is doing Sure about that? Your police only talked about sex attacks after everyone was talking, you think your politicians keep the peasantry informed? ---79302944 >>79295691 This surely can not be real Surely ---79302945 >>79302671 You live in fantasy world, do you seriously think the EURO is SUCCESSFUL ---79302953 >>79302620 Funny thing is that you are calling me a slave, while you live in the most neo liberal and corporation whore country in the EU. ---79302959 >>79301715 >your garbage education system Nice maymay, friendo ---79303008 >>79302738 You wouldn't But your politicians will and so will your economy lol. ---79303009 >Second largest economy in Europe. >One of only 4 nations on Earth with any real force projection. >Withdrawal from the EU caused stocks to crash as far away as Japan. >One of the largest contributors to the EU monetarily. >One of 5 nations with a permanent seat in the UN security council. >Home to one of the largest financial centers on Earth. >Head of the Commonwealth of Nations. >Easily the largest media juggernaut in Europe. >Irrelevant. Ok. ---79303018 >>79302855 > UK Propaganda > Even George Soros EU proponent admited the union is finished > Slovenia Stay mad. :^) ---79303027 >>79301577 >I want the orderly life of a slave as opposed to the anarchy of self determination >how does that make me a slave? ---79303033 >>79293231 >One of the largest economy in the world >irrelevant ---79303044 >>79302855 The EU won't exist in a few decades. You will have to learn to live like a real man without daddy to look after you then. ---79303083 >>79293616 /thread ---79303088 >>79302856 It's nice of you to provide this board with a living example of the low intelligence the average brexit voter has. Stupid, often poor and from the countryside or bad districts. Or just aged 70+ Those are the ones who voted "leave". This is a fact. ---79303110 >>79302620 >being this delusional The only ones who think UK isn't totally irrelevant are brexiters. You guys literally have nothing left to offer that 3rd world countries can't provide for much cheaper. ---79303111 >>79302953 You are a slave. You think like a slave and your country is literally a slave in a German empire. ---79303121 markets over past two days says everything. EU BTFOd ---79303135 Daily reminder: 70% of 18 to 24 year olds voted remain, 36% of 18 to 24 year olds voted. 1 in 4 of (25.2%) 18 to 24 year olds voted to remain. Three quarters of Yuf didn't care or voted out. BBC BTFO. ---79303166 >>79293295 >he even tries to bump his own thread ---79303197 >>79303111 >slave Do you have a job? ---79303207 >>79303008 Our politicians don't and won't accept that. They have already made their statements. There is no way they won't get what they want. The EU has no leverage over us. No immigration or no deal. ---79303211 >>79302866 You can only insult because you don't have facts behind you. Thank god you steped out so we don't have to deal with your snobish attitude anymore Even Americans aren't so upper above everybody else as you people are. ---79303250 >>79295859 >gender Identity >loose woman vomit.jpg ---79303264 >we're relevant because we're 5th at something gdp 5 times lower than china 8 times lower than USA twice as low as Japan barely higher than France which has been on a general strike for weeks- months now lower gdp than the BRIC countries even excluding China m8 it's time to stop pretending you're living in the 19th century. ---79303277 >>79293231 Was the great news for the EU that their credit rating just got downgraded? ---79303278 >>79303088 >rural working class >most effected by EU regulations >literally losing their jobs >vote for no more EU regulations >trying to save their livelihoods GEEE THOSE COUNTRY BUMPKINS SURE ARE STUPID Is that you Bono? Have you got a gig in Berlinidad? ---79303314 >run after Boris >fuck up >even Boris recognizes this and runs away scared, not wanting to go for PM >retarded followers still cling onto the whole brexit idea My sides ---79303347 >>79303088 The ones you couldn't brainwash in time. I'm privately educated in Holland and Germany and graduated from the Times number one rated university for my subject, so ad hominems don't really work on me ahmed. ---79303366 >>79303027 Keep living in the denail that your lot hasn't fucked up. ---79303390 >>79303111 >German empire That's quite an empire, where the emperor pays tribute to its "subjects" and not the other way around. ---79303419 >>79303207 >leaving the EU when you can just close your borders It's like you guys have no idea how to react reasonable. If you don't want to take in more immigrants, just don't. What is the EU going to do? Kick you out? Fucking retards I swear. ---79303433 >>79300701 >Hitler stash >halo truly a great man ---79303439 >>79303264 >a non country ---79303492 >>79303347 Yeah I'm sure. You're totally not some ~20 year old NEET retard sitting on /pol/ all day spewing racist idiocy while calling everyone a "slave". You fucked up. Too bad you won't realize this until a few years have passed. It'll be too late then. Enjoy your life in a soon to be irrelevant country. ---79303493 >>79303390 Where did all our car manufacturers go ahmed? Who owns all our public services ahmed? ---79303497 >>79303088 52% voted leave so that's a lot of stupid poor old people. Stay butthurt Hans- your shitty little project is dead :) ---79303519 >>79303044 God damn it it hurts you being irrelevant to us continental Europeans. Nobody gives a fuck about your country and your people here and that hurts you so so much. ---79303538 >>79303419 Free movement of people is a core principle of the EU. It is required for you to be a part of the EU, don't be a fucking retard you chocolate pedophile ---79303561 >>79303497 >so that's a lot of stupid poor old people. Yeah, it sure is. Your point? ---79303578 >>79303135 >they blame old people >more old people voted remain than young people >they accuse old people of betraying them >they actually betrayed old remainers by not voting Young people are a right laugh ---79303596 >has lived in britain 5 years >thinks he can comment on Britain Fuck off. ---79303621 >>79303419 Idiot. You can't close your borders in the EU without breaking the treaty. Go back to fucking little white girls ahmed. Your opinions are worthless. I'm only interested in free white people's opinions. ---79303662 >>79303009 stocks are up again ---79303686 >>79303044 You are far more important to Australians, Americans, New Zealnders then us. Go spout your shit to them. We don't care about your country outside of what is going on with EU. You were never part of Europe and nobody considers you European at all. I now it stinks but hey it is how it is. Enjoy your freedom none-slave. ---79303700 >>79303492 You're just trolling at this point, aren't you? You are not making an argument, you are just insulting brexit supporters. If britains have ruined their lives, why do you care? It's their choice. I suspect that you know what i know and that is that the EU is about to collapse and Brexit was the first brick to fall. ---79303772 >>79303278 >leaving the EU >countless peoples jobs hinge on EU relationships I hope you guys leave soon so you will have to swallow all your idiocy. You don't even realize the shitstorm coming your way. Businesses will have to downsize because they can't afford the new tariffs, UK will still have to pay the EU and get nothing in return and immigrants will still enter the UK only illegally now. AHAHHAHHAHAHA ---79303783 >>79303519 >Nobody gives a fuck about your country >t. literally who All it took was one week to rebuild the empire slave. The whole world is watching us. We're the only news in town. ---79303786 When you leave Brit/pol/ of /SG/ you really see how ignorant /pol/ actually is about politics ---79303791 >>79303197 come on lad, he's not a Eurocrat ---79303815 >>79303121 others won't understand that sarcasm ---79303830 Nice """""rebound""""" of the pound there. ---79303871 >>79303538 Yea, and now the immigrants will just enter illegally you fucktard. Have fun patrolling the harbors. What are you going to do? Build a wall? ---79303875 >>79303700 final stage: acceptance ---79303879 >>79303390 Just fucking leave them. They will never get that we never considered them important in history of continental freedom. They took half the world but always get REKT'ED HARD when they stepped a foot on the continent. ---79303888 >>79295393 I will keep repeating it until I die: the EU as a concept is fine, the issue is the commission and how power is top heavy while the populace of the members have little interest in that. Make it so laws have to emanate from the National assemblies (with the EU parliamentaries being a hybrid of negotiator and ambassador), give a bit of executive powers to said parliament, and tada, a union whose joint powers represent the people rather than a nebulous European identity which doesn't fucking exist. ---79303911 >>79303700 The EU isn't collapsing nor going anywhere. Mach die Schule fertig, Leon. ---79303949 >all these EuroCuck tears Just makes it all the more sweet. Keep em coming. We won. You lost. Cry more. Cry like the bitches you are. Rule Britannia. ---79303968 >>79303871 >build wall We live on an island you utter moron ---79304022 >>79303492 Hans, you haven't got time to be shitposting on /pol/; you gotta bail Greece out again in a few weeks. Get back to work. ---79304037 >>79293231 >Sour Grapes: The Shitpost ---79304049 >>79293231 tl;dr also >guardian also >Slovenia ---79304086 >>79303772 Meanwhile, the Euro is still doomed far more than the Pound at this point, and the EU continues eroding the pillars of European culture with floods of Arabic shit. ---79304112 >>79303772 Of course our jobs rely on the EU, the EU wiped out many businesses that weren't reliant on them while huge European companies moved in. Jobs reliant on world trade suffered massively under EU restrictions >tarriffs Enjoy yours, then. Enjoy paying more than we pay you, while traders start looking out to sea instead of towards Europe. ---79304121 >>79303347 >Times having a rating for gender studies ---79304122 >>79303783 Yes your stupidity made you a center of the world, and they are all laughing at you or figuring out how can they take advantage of this. Go be relavent to people that you are relavent, because it ain't us continental Europeans. Literally nobody gives a fuck about your country on continent. ---79304123 >>79294869 What a total cunt that woman is. 'We interviewed some racists. Look at the interviews. Why have you caused this racism?' ---79304148 >>79303949 >We won. What did you win exactly? You're country has literally gained nothing. ---79304150 The EU is collapsing in on itself and its full of deniers who could be plummeting to earth in a 747 with no wings and say "Were still flying" ---79304155 >>79303879 >They took half the world but always get REKT'ED HARD when they stepped a foot on the continent. We've literally won every single war we fought on the continent for the last 200 years. >Napoleonic >Crimean >WW1 >WW2 Ywn know how it feels to be eternally victorious. ---79304162 >>79303911 Seen the Euro lately, m8? ---79304168 >>79293714 Nah, nah, you're just "pooling" it ...Under Herman van Rompuy's doughy bottom. ---79304188 >>79303949 What did you win? Your currency going to the shitter? Your credit rating being dropped? Investors leaving your country already? Banks leaving you? Firms worldwide putting offices into other EU cities now? Your NHS crumbling because of no more EU funding for it? Prices for everything in your supermarkets rising? You no longer being part of many important international meetings and thus having less of a voice on the international stage? Scotland holding another referendumg to leave the UK? Nice victory I must say. ---79304224 >>79303830 Never mind the export advantage we just gained, What about the stock markets fritz? ---79304280 >>79304224 UK is an import country, not an export country. ---79304285 >>79304122 Wew lad, you could win a medal with those gymnastics ---79304287 >>79304122 >Literally nobody gives a fuck about your country on continent. Hahahaha. We just made an entire continent piss themselves and cry to their mummies. ---79304338 >>79293824 Hitler. ---79304385 >>79303366 "you fucked up, you'll surely starve alone" Don't worry, massa will feed you, massa will look after your every need. You won't end up like greece, greece was a bad slave. Don't be a bad slave. ---79304397 >>79303347 >ad hominems don't really work >ad hominems >don't really work >ahmed ---79304403 >>79294166 The slavs are butthurt because A) Bongladesh was a rich country to mooch off of, and B) they all wanted to emigrate there one day and become plumbers ---79304441 >>79303911 Must be retarded: Greece crisis Spain crisis Italy crisis I don't know if you were taught but crisis is defined as 'a time of intense difficulty or danger' not everything is fine and dandy ---79304453 It's official!!! English are officially more retarded then Americans. Now I know Americans can act that way. Holy shit. ---79304468 >we don't want those retards in Brussels to decide things for us >time to take it into our own hands >will have to pick between Gove and May, two of the most idiotic choices in history ---79304476 >>79304403 >bongladesh Kek ---79304510 >>79304287 >We just made an entire continent laugh at us. You guys are so delusional. xDDDD ---79304517 >>79294145 BASED German. ---79304532 >>79300446 I hope you're right bro. This is literally my biggest fear post Brexit. Scotcuck memes aside, really don't want to see our island split up... ---79304542 >>79304280 Just stop man. THey are too retarded to have a discussion with them. They are officially more retarded then Americans. ---79304545 >>79304122 > Literally nobody gives a fuck about your country on continent. > This is why EU countries begged for you to stay. > This is why I already made 24 posts to prove this. ---79304563 >>79303088 Bernd, as long as a single rapefugee still draws breath in deutschkückistan, you literally can't say anything to anyone about anything ---79304588 It is those who want us to sign us up to EU membership who can't face Britain's irrelevance, to be honest. It's people like Tony Blair with his agenda of globalization of which he wants to be at the forefront who can't accept it. I'm fine with Britain being irrelevant globally. I don't want to lead the world. I want to sit on my /comfy/ island and drink tea with my fellow britbros. Who gives a shit about leading the world? Look after your own. ---79304604 >>79304510 We're delusional? You think Beligum is a real country. ---79304676 >>79304285 FTSE 100 doesn't mean a shit. 250 is the important one. And not like you who only spouts memes on internet I actually listened to your president of bank or what ever he is and he sounded far more concerned then you. ---79304679 >>79304188 >Scotland holding another referendumg to leave the UK? lol >Your NHS crumbling because of no more EU funding for it? They have the commonwealth. They'll survive. As to all that other shit, won't matter when the EU crashes. Which they've guaranteed. ---79304683 >>79293231 >ultra-leftist guardian >joris luyendijk is a british name, honestly >all these yurocuck tears and salt ---79304697 >>79304542 We are an Import nation because EU regulation has destroyed manufacturing in this country. We are now free to rebuild it, oh and guess what a devalued currency helps? Growing Manufacturing based economy's ---79304705 >>79304545 The EU asked them to stay not because it's the UK, but because anyone leaving the EU would set a bad example. Hell, the EU didn't even want Greece to leave back then when they had (and still have of course) such financial trouble. It's not a matter of it being the UK. If anything, this makes many things easier because the UK have wanted extra treatment on so many things for many years, they're a really special case. ---79304739 >>79304224 dax is back up again ---79304762 >>79304588 THIS. ---79304788 >>79293231 nobody knows how to spin it ---79304796 >>79304280 Because our currency is so fucking high and our manufacturing is so stifled. ---79304831 >>79304679 Is there even a single educated US American on this whole board or are theyx all as retarded as you are? It's always funny to see just how little you all know about the world. I wonder how fucking bad your news sources must be over there. I can smell the retarded "It's over, the EU is crumbling, it'll be gone next year!" headlines on FOX or some shit from here. ---79304837 >>79304697 An import nation with a currency that looks like steamed shit. I thought Sterling was 'recovering'. Hmmm. ---79304849 >>79304188 Scotland ain´t getting a referendum mate and everything in Britain is made and funded with English money. ---79304861 >>79295691 ---79304871 >>79304676 >your source is irrelavant because I say so >assumptive ad hom >assumptive ad hom >appeal to authority >an authority already BTFO by moggy for being politically biased Nice post ---79304912 >>79304676 That guy's literally a weedcuckistani immigrant globalist kike who doesn't know shit about anything except maple syrup and planning gay pride parades ---79304920 The trade deficit with the EU countries favors UK. Also without the UK in the EU, it looks much more like the German vassal states. ---79304948 >>79304697 What ever you say SUN. ---79304973 >>79304122 >>79304468 > Slovack and Kraut even start posting by themselves > Being this upset The end of Brussels kikery and Slovenia gibs me that makes this so pleasing. ---79304996 >>79293295 Disreguardianed ---79305011 >>79304188 Woah, woah, Hans, no need to tell us your "pls happen, pls happen" wishlist, we know you want the UK to go to the shitter and that's OK, but your fanfiction will only lead to disappointments. ---79305019 >>79304849 They will. In fact, as you should know (as an informed citizen which I am sure you totally are), remaining in the EU was one of the key points of the first referendum and it was agreed upon that should that situation ever change, Scotland would be able to hold another. Scotland almost broke away from you last time. The only reason they DIDN'T is because they wanted to stay in the EU. ---79305059 >>79304705 We're a really special case because we foot a massive portion of the bill lad. Good luck paying that, by the way. ---79305104 >>79304837 And how is the US$ and € doing? Oh they've all taken a hit? I guess everybody is just going to stop trading completely? Retard The £ and all currencies have taken knocks like this for literally nothing this year alone. ---79305105 >>79304871 I AM NOT SAYING THAT: FOR FUCK SAKE YOU STUPID CUNT: EVERY FUCKING EXPERT IN WHICH YOU BTW DON'T BELIEVE CUZ LOL FACTS AM I RIGHT, SAID THAT !How can you be so mentally retarded. ---79305205 >>79293231 Hou je bek Joris ---79305208 >>79302011 >>79295045 >>79295695 Are you plebs for real? This is literally how the EU started. ---79305219 >>79305019 Link me up, Gretel, I want to see that clause. ---79305234 >>79304973 We are breaking even and we gave way more money than they ever gave us. Your argument is invalid. ---79305237 >>79300446 Scots are so fucking delusional it's hilarious You're not going anywhere Jock, and even if you do it's not for another 2 years MINIMUM ---79305295 >>79304705 > i-it's just a matter of principle > we aren't going to miss one of the largest economies in the world! Sure buddy. Regardless of your denial, this 'bad example' will sink your zone (Spain and France seeing your sinking ship) and that's pretty amazing. ---79305305 >>79305019 They were 10% behind the remain vote, I woulnd´t describe that as "nearly". 6 nations in the EU said they don´t want Scotland and Im sure you krauts are clever enough to realise that Scotland would be more of a dran from day 1 than Greece could ever dream of being. If the scots want to keep their free prescriptions and uni education, they will remain in the UK. ---79305361 >>79304849 Like most Americans, I saw braveheart as a child and therefore immediately felt 1/8th of my blood (the Scottish part) swell with nationalistic hubris for sco'land. Then I read a book and realized that the Scots, at their best, were more or less equal partners in your successful bid to dominate 25% of the globe, and have contributed most to culture, philosophy, economics, etc. when they consider themselves British, and least when they start running around in kilts bellowing about freedom. Priding themselves on out-socialisting Britain is an absolute embarrassment. ---79305371 >>79305105 Same way those experts were pointing to the FTSE to claim Britain was collapsing. This is the fourth time experts have change the index they use to declare that Britain is ruined 5ever. ---79305383 >>79305104 € is up again ---79305391 >>79305104 >retard You guys are really touchy lately. >And how is the US$ and € doing? Oh they've all taken a hit? What? You do understand that chart is literally GBP/USD, so it shows the dollar rising against the pound? Also, the Euro is about to break a long term downtrend despite this shit, the pound, no. ---79305401 >>79304831 I'm pretty sure we get the same biased liberal garbage on our news that they're feeding you in Europe. ---79305420 >>79305019 They can hold another one, but they can't stay in the EU. Also, most scottish leave voters, also voted to leave the UK. Scotland also has a massive budget deficit, they need someone to pay it. Their entire campaign is based on saying no to austerity. Scotland won't leave, and if it does, Sturgeon will utterly shit bricks But I'm sure you already knew that as an informed citizen. ---79305509 >>79302959 >USA is the only country that breaks down its pisa results by ethnicity >uses this to discredit other countries who despite having an equally important immigrant population don't segregate >2009 results Even though you tout yourself as being proficient at reading, it seems interpreting graphs is still an issue If you take a look at Belgium, you'll see there is a vast difference between the scores of Flanders and Wallonia. Partly due to the increased immigration population, mostly due to the difference in the education system A draconian purely result based system and mentality tends to lead to an increase in purely theoretical tests like these, but isn't necessarily an accurate portrayal of intelligence nor even a guarantee of succeeding at uni /work Just to give you an example :school near where I teach has mandatory study time for all pupils until 7pm even on Wednesdays, they're expected to be present every morning at 8 am. Language classes tend to be about cramming grammar and vocabulary with very little actual practice to be creative and use the language. Result: even though pupils can readily identify and name verb forms, modals tell you the difference between a gerund and a present participle , they can't actually speak English. This problem tends to be even worse in most Asian countries ---79305528 >>79293744 I get why we need to stay in the EU (communists, former state security apparatus having its dirty hands in everything, cryptocommunists etc) lest we return to our former ways but UK was right to choose to leave and shall benefit from it in the long run ---79305573 >>79305105 > being this mad >>79305234 > five second google search > pic related ---79305619 >>79293231 >guardian >based ---79305630 >>79295859 Wow ---79305637 >>79304697 I thought it was Thatcher that did that? Everyone blames 'muh mines' and 'muh factories' on whoever it's politically convenient at the time. China and India 'destroyed' Britain's manufacturing, not the EU or any other domestic element. In reality, British manufacturing wasn't destroyed, it just shifted focus to high-detail, high value specialised products, which naturally meant the non-competitive elements collapsed, leading to job losses and plant closures. Sucks if you worked in a factory mass-producing simple shit that could be done for a fraction of the cost by child labour in a developing nation but hey, thems the breaks. If you think deliberately crashing our currency with no survivors is going to magically revive our manufacturing industry from the 60's and 70's, you're in for a fucking shock. t. Someone who works in British manufacturing and export ---79305640 >>79301369 >implying the popularity of newspaper increases the amount of truth on its content ---79305685 >>79305528 And so will we(EU) ---79305700 if indeed there will be separation between the UK and the EU in the clauses could be us a voice which said that Scotland remains in the UE, as in Scotland has voted to stay ---79305712 >>79295859 >"Hitler's world may not be so far away" I fuckin hope so ---79305724 >>79305573 Graph from 2012..... ---79305797 >>79301794 >SJW class Yeees goyim, it is the SJWs who are your real enemy. The conservatives are your righteous guardians and sheckles will trickle down to you if you fight amongst yourselves ---79305817 >>79293231 >pooling of sovereignty Is this a new meme-phrase for giving up self-determination? ---79305831 >>79304831 The Economist (aka Remain Weekly) has been saying for five years that the most "dangerous" thing about Brexit was the possibility of a domino-effect of -xits (Grexit, Nexit, Portuguexit, etc.) To my knowledge, this emphasis was common to the entire Remain campaign, both in Britain and on the continent ---79305836 >>79294166 They will be triggered gotta stay in there slav shit hellhole country now and get no bennies ---79305847 >>79305637 No no it's never home government's fault. IT'S EU. ---79305929 Can someone please explain why Germans are so desperate to defend the EU? They're the most prosperous nation in Europe, what do they have to fear if the EU goes under? This could only be a bad thing for the shitty dead weight countries that rely on EU aid. Is it a ploy for power? Are Germans only satisfied if they're in control, even at the expense of bailing out bankrupt shitholes and letting millions of mudslimes into their country? ---79306010 >>79296498 I don't think they can go back on it I think we should get the queen to activate article 50 for maximum butt hurt The salt from the eu would be epic ---79306060 >>79294166 We are so triggered that there were 3 threads from Eastern Euros praising UK leaving and one that said why are you attacking poles.... So so mad. ---79306114 >>79301369 lmao 20 more years and print media will be a thing of the past good riddance i say ---79306122 >>79304588 I agree with this sentiment ---79306159 >>79305831 If the domino effect will happen, for sure that we will all be worse well as you on the other side of the ocean ---79306227 >>79304831 >trusting >the media >>79305847 Just because something is the EUs fault it does not mean it is not also the governments fault, and vice versa. Both, either, or neither can have a hand in any number of problems caused. Immigration problems are a prime example of both Government and EU having a hand in the same issue. ---79306246 >>79305929 The EU allows Germany's currency to be artifically devalued allowing them to out compete other advanced industrial countries and secure the markets of their shit tier vassels. Plus, "muh German Empire" ---79306248 >>79304697 quotas fucked over everyone, not just your industries I wish subsidies would end their redistribution of wealth food producers are GETTING PAID NOT TO GROW X because of central planning it's absurd, famiglia ---79306253 >>79305637 >muh cheap exports is the new britpol hot talking point. It's a safe space for them from the crashing GBP charts, they have no idea what any of it means so forget that. ---79306269 >>79305929 Germans have been brainwashed to believe that they benefit from the EU and after 60 years of being told that everything german and nationalistic is bad they are looking for EU to solve the "nationalism" problem. It is a sad thing to witness. ---79306382 >>79306159 I'm just saying it's not this outlandish /pol/ belief ---79306413 >>79301371 >turning down billions and billions out of spite, to set an example God you're fucking dumb. Are you like 16? ---79306426 >>79305509 >A draconian purely result based system and mentality tends to lead to an increase in purely theoretical tests like these, but isn't necessarily an accurate portrayal of intelligence nor even a guarantee of succeeding at uni /work ye overall, white americans both outperform you cucks on test scores, AND outperform your shitty country economically, AND are the uncontested leaders of the scientific and technological world. by EVERY SINGLE METRIC, white americans BTFO their euro socialist counterpart. ---79306740 >>79302132 REKT ---79306757 >>79305724 > that's not sufficiently recent Post more recent graph then, proving that you guys stopped leeching it. ---79306759 >>79303439 b-b-ut we used to be one of the wealthiest colonialist nations, we were the first continental European country to industrialize Julius Caesar said we were the bravest germanic tribe Surely that means we're still relevant??? seriously though, Hull, Leeds, Wales except for Cardiff any and all the other post industrial regions didn't turn into shitholes because of the eu. Maybe Theresa May or Gove will somehow be able to revitalize those regions , without any Eu help,however little, but you and I both know that's extremely unlikely Although with there being no reduction of immigration possible despite the brexit campaigners' promises , You'l have a contingency scapegoat, just in case : ) ---79307038 >>79300002 A small price to pay for freedom, we hjave spoken we dont want to be part of your superstate and turning the world into a multicultural stewing pot and having our laws overuled by the EUs stupid courts... FUCK THE EU, i wouldnt regret my decision if this turned us into a third world country ---79307060 >>79306759 what help did you give to those areas, out of interest? Money? that we gave you in the first place? Thanks for the help lad. I'm sure all of the small and medium businesses in the country destroyed by anti-competitive red tape were doing those areas so much harm ---79307062 >>79296835 You know I hadn't consider that to be a factor. Undoubtably true, now that our Government will cut welfare to make up the margin we will attract less migrants. Genius. Hope Germany's still got room. ---79307190 >>79302579 about 3 goats ---79307243 >>79306759 It took you half an hour to reply to me and all I get is "muh EEEYU" Step it up junckers. ---79307562 >>79306759 >Not relevant >dominates global news for weeks. ---79307655 >>79307038 implying we're not already a third world country. ---79307692 >>79303519 I don't even know what country you are your flags that irrelevant ---79307882 >>79302260 You mean everyones laughing at how butthurt germany is, have fun wading through the shitskins. ---79307964 >>79306426 Just looked up the 2012 results out of curiosity White Americans scored 506 on Maths Flemish people scored 531 Below Canada Below Germany Below... Poland :^)
----- ---79299366 What do you think of our next Presidente Sumajestad Real Elvirrey Manuelberto Pejelagarto Lopez Obrador de la Nopalera y Horcasitas
---79301895 >>79299366 Is he gonna shoot your people when they try to leave illegally? At the very least will he stop them from border jumping? ---79304761 >>79299366 Mexico ---79304947 >>79299366 I mean not very much. I doubt he'll change anything and you guys will be just as poor and sad
----- ---79300126 Awww shit Russia and Turkey bout to go to war nigga >Three suspected Islamic State suicide bombers who killed 44 people in a gun and bomb attack at Istanbul's main airport this week were Russian, Uzbek and Kyrgyz nationals, a Turkish government official said on Thursday.
---79302551 >usa >education Fucking amerishits ---79304936 >>79300126 I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that the russian was a wild muslim kebab from the caucasus.
----- ---79273864 19yo Mohammed Tarayreh entered a childrens bedroom and repeatedly stabbed Hallel Ariel in her upper body while she slept. She was just 13 years old. Also injured was a security guard. These fucking animals murder children in their sleep. They should all be exterminated for the benefit of mankind.
---79273954 >>79273864 Muslims gonna Muslim. ---79274026 >>79273864 I can already see the headline from the anti-Israel LA Times. "Palestinian """"""""terrorist"""""""" defends himself against armed Israeli girl" ---79274029 >>79273864 Just another normal day at the desert ---79274076 >>79273864 Why murder children? Did you expect honourable conduct from a muslim lol? They look like rats and they act like rats, much like Jews, but without the intellect to pull it off ---79274115 >>79273864 Can it be a rape gone wrong? She resisted so much he had to stab her? ---79274181 FU Hans, why do you kill our cops? And why do you tan so easily and speak English not German? ---79274208 Who even moves into these settlements? They seem way too dangerous ---79274333 >>79273864 Muslims acting like they always do. At least the Israeli government isn't cucked when it comes to mudshits. I wish European governments had even half the balls of the Israeli's when it comes to dealing with the religion of peace. Isn't it funny, BTW, how leftists always scream the world belongs to everyone, yet oppose Jewish settlements on the West Bank? So which is it? If Muhammed the shitkicker has the right to move to my country, then surely Efraim the Hebe has the right to move WITHIN HIS OWN FUCKING COUNTRY, right? ---79274354 >>79273864 semites killing semites, who the hell cares ---79274460 >>79274333 >own fucking country Wanting the West Bank in Israel is like wanting mexico in the US ---79274462 >>79274333 >Isn't it funny n..Nige? ---79274656 >>79274204 Is that an attempt at shitposting? Are you Canadian at heart? ---79274677 >didn't rape her before killing her cant leave a mans job to a child. ---79274695 I guess Hallel wasn't Halal enough... ---79274702 >>79274029 Why don't you guys just fucking genocide them yet jesus ---79274710 >>79274204 >I express deep concern for the genocidal german imperialism and colonialism that drove this poor civilian Palestinian to a life of crime. >The so called "little girl" acted irresponsibly, and has committed several war crimes with no provocation whatsoever. >This is clearly a result of ethnic discrimination and I demand that Germany will declare Berlin as a sovereign Palestinian nation. Why delete ---79274833 >>79274656 >>79274710 Because I didn't read till the end and I thought it happened in Germany, which would still make sense(no offence kraut). Anyway, here's the family. They don't look very Jewish 2bh ---79274910 >>79274833 The woman certainly does ---79274991 >>79273864 >They should all be exterminated for the benefit of mankind. So you'd condone the murder of children? :^) ---79275033 >>79274910 Oh, yeah. Dad looks anglo though. It's a shame when ashkenazis die. They weren't even ultra orthodox ---79275102 >>79274991 Jews kill kids all the time, except they kidnap rape tape and sell the recording first, and drain all the blood and sell the organs. ---79275124 why no "je suis israel" ? as time progresses europe will see more terror attacks from the mussies and THEN you'll understand ---79275161 >>79274991 Nits become lice ---79275200 >>79275033 2bh I'd kill her too if she wore 9gag earrings Yeah, the dad doesn't look Jewish but I assume the kids are still Jews. Aren't the settlers armed though? ---79275206 >>79274833 I don't think we have more than a dozen Palestinians. They flee to other Arab countries, not to ours. I'm not sure they can even apply for asylum here since there's no war going on in their home country. ---79275231 The only good jew is a dead jew. She ain't gettin no sympathy from me, neither is the muzrat. Hell, I enjoy watching the both of them kill each other. ---79275285 >>79273864 >muslims >killing children I'm shocked. Shocked. Well, not that shocked. ---79275291 >>79274833 They killed Ben Garrison's Jewish brother's daughter! ---79275515 >>79275200 >the kids are still Jews Barely at this point. Ashkenazis are pretty much fakes anyway Unless you mean religiously but who cares >>79275206 Good to know. For the record they are all the same savage trash. Fuck, there's a white night festival in Tel Aviv tonight, we'll have a terror attack for sure and I'd be in the most central area. God damn it all to hell at least I'll die shitfaced. ---79275556 Deserved as always. I'm just tired of countless threads about this tbH ---79275586 >>79275515 >Ashkenazis are pretty much fakes anyway The real Jews are those African Americans, yes? ---79275618 >>79275124 How do you day "I am" in Jew babble? ---79275620 >>79275206 >I don't think we have more than a dozen Palestinians. They flee to other Arab countries, not to ours. I'm not sure they can even apply for asylum here since there's no war going on in their home country. They can. Remember the huge public outcry here after the debate with the palestinian girl that had a mental breakdown during TV? ---79275669 >>79275515 You cheered a bit too early. Palestinians are allowed to apply for Asylum. >>79275620 ---79275676 >>79275586 Probably the arab ones aka mizrahim. Idk, even if ashkenazis were real jews at some point they are all really mixed with euros at this point. >>79275620 >mental breakdown lmao her daddy told her to cry on camera ---79275685 >>79275620 I thought she was Afghani. So a fucking Palestinian made Merkel open the gates of Europe to all the scum in the world? Fuck them. Fuck them all. ---79275690 >Mohammed Stopped reading right there The rest of the text is not hard to imagine ---79275748 >>79273864 jew propaganda, bbc is a jew mouthpeice they wouldn't talk about it unless they needed a fixed outcome ---79275801 >>79274026 The la times is owned and run by kikes you insane kike loving wacko ---79275844 >>79275676 Eh religion means nothing anymore except for political gain anyway. The "real" Jews were just schitzos that talked to the sky ---79275882 >>79274460 If it were actually its own fucking country, you could make that argument. As it stands, it's more like New Mexico or Texas. Are you going to give those states up, just because a lot of Mexicans live there? ---79275887 >>79275748 ie..damage control from there settlement ops rabid yehudis are having a bloodlust orgy ---79275914 Israel when will you finally just fucking stomp Palestine into oblivion? Just bomb all your surrounding regions and get rid of that infestation calles Islam. You can keep the land just get rid of the roaches. ---79275924 >>79273864 why can't you be more tolerant of our sacred ancient pedophilic murder cult? you racist shitlords ---79275954 >>79275676 >>79275685 >lmao her daddy told her to cry on camera Yeah, these guys know how to play the media and western kids from social networks >I thought she was Afghani. Nope, look it up. She is Palestinian. It made big news and there was an article in "Die Welt" about her in which she stated: "I like germany but someday I want to go back to Palestine a Palestine in which Israel doesn´t exist". Journalist told her about the difficult relationship between germany and Israel and she was like: "Welp, sucks to be you" ---79275956 >>79275801 >Diaspora can't be anti Israeli I fucking wish >>79275914 When Europe and America go way right ---79276038 >murdering thousands of children is ok if Jews do it >1 jew dying is worthy of all our attention Fuck off kikes. ---79276044 >>79275676 12 tribes? 1 cursed? the diaspora? ---79276065 >>79273864 It was probably revenge for Israel killing his little sister or something. Either way nothing of value was lost in both events. Kike's aern't human ---79276135 >>79275954 >a Palestine in which Israel doesn´t exist >"Welp, sucks to be you" Yes, well, seeing how her kind behave over here, I still prefer a Middle East where Arabs don't exist anymore. Muslims are the true scum of the earth. ---79276147 >>79273864 >Kikes burn Palestinian family to death including a 18 year old infant Ziokikes on /pol/ gloat and laugh about it >jew teenager gets stabbed Oy vey its like annudah shoah pls show us sympathy /pol/ those damn Palestinians they are terrorists!!!!!111 ---79276151 >>79275685 >>79275676 Here the article, there is a video too: ---79276212 >>79275033 Fucking nazis deserve to die A N T I F A N T I F A Can't hate if you're dead ---79276214 >>79275954 The only refugee Merkel was happy to send back was an German speaking Palestinian but she'll happily invite the lowest scum of the middle east. Is Merkel a ((())) ---79276226 >Israeli girl stabbed to death by Palestinian inside bedroom >Israeli girl >Israeli and nothing of value was lost ---79276232 in the end we are all going to be palestinian when the jews finish taking over the world welcome to your new world order slave ---79276288 >>79276147 >18 year old infant Sweden? Is that you? How's the weather in Greece? ---79276296 >>79276135 >I still prefer a Middle East where Arabs don't exist anymore Same here, tho if I´m honest I´m kind of afraid that Israel will someday make acts of revenge against germany in a moment of power and no real opposition. All the "Never Again, Never Forget" slogans make me anxious but maybe it´s just me. ---79276329 >>79273864 Rest in peace, little girl. ---79276347 >>79276288 *18 month old infant ---79276404 >>79276296 They're already getting ""payback"" by flooding you with africans and arabs to replace you ---79276413 >>79275285 look at these poor defenseless refugees let them fill your wife with their superior muslim arab dick full of rich multicultural semen so we can all profit of diversity which is (((our))) strength remember? ---79276466 >>79273864 what do you expect from """Palastinians"""" not even the other shithole mudslim countrys want them, they are the lowest class of muslims ---79276516 >>79273864 i know nothing of the story until waking to briefly scan daily news and this is just horrifying. Children not safe in their own from these violent muslim invaders. It's a sad day not just for the victim and her family, but for all of us that this is what's going on given the vast array of other things these nasty muslims could, in theory, be doing with themselves like improving the world, learning science or the arts, beautifying the world, tending a garden, baking break, making music, or something at work benefiting all... but no not that, they wake up and configure how can I stab a child in bed to kill her? Islam should simply be made illegal since it is violent and incompatible with civility and modernity. ---79276537 >>79276466 Shut up kike sandnigger In the 5th Century BCE, Herodotus, the first historian in Western civilization (the “father of history”) referenced "Palestine" numerous times in his chronicle of the ancient world, The Histories. A hundred years later, Aristotle made reference to Palestine and the Dead in his Meteorology. "Again if, as is fabled, there is a lake in Palestine...” Two hundred years later, in the mid-2nd Century BCE, ancient geographer Polemon wrote of a place "not far from Arabia in the part of Syria called Palestine," while Greek travel writer Pausanias wrote in his Description of Greece, "In front of the sanctuary grow palm-trees, the fruit of which, though not wholly edible like the dates of Palestine, yet are riper than those of Ionia." Contemporaries of Jesus also routinely referred to Palestine as, well, “Palestine.” In the first decade of the 1st Century, the Roman poet Ovid mentioned Palestine in both his famed mythological poem Metamorphoses and his erotic elegy The Art of Love. He also wrote of "the waters of Palestine" in his calendrical poem Fasti. Around the same time, another Latin poet, Tibullus, wrote of "the crowded cities of Palestine" in a section "Messalla’s Triumph" in his poem Delia. The Jewish historian Josephus (c.37-100 CE), makes copious references to both “Palestine” and “Palestinians” in his The Jewish War, Antiquities of the Jews, and Against Apion. When the Muslim Arabs arrived in Palestine in the 7th century CE (and liberated its Jewish population from Byzantine oppression), they retained the administrative organization of the territory of Palestine as it had been under the Romans and the Byzantines. They referred to the territory as Filastin (no “P” in Arabic.) European tourist books of the nineteenth century refer to "Palestine," as did Theodor Herzl in his correspondence and the 1917 Balfour Declaration as well as the League of Nations British Mandate. ---79276547 Why disnt israel remove all kebab yet Doesnt make sense ---79276569 >>79276413 >muslim >superior lel ---79276608 >>79273864 >Hallel He was just making hallel meat guys ---79276638 >>79276537 So? ---79276639 >>79276537 im true aryan you flithy muslims lover. First pay your debts, than you can speak again.. I didnt even read your post, go to work please. ---79276678 >>79273864 >Dead Jew Moving on ---79276685 >>79276038 You pretty much explained my country in that post. Killing thousands of Palestinians is a funny funny joke. One Israeli death and we cry rivers of tears. ---79276691 >>79276212 >Antifa I know your roleplaying but opinion discarded anyway ---79276725 >>79276537 You need to go home, Achmed. ---79276760 >>79276404 Yechhh.... ---79276778 >>79273864 This is just their cultue stop being such a bigot germany. ---79276805 I don't support this sort of behaviour ---79276874 >>79276638 >>79276639 >>79276725 Shut up you inbred sandniggers. And get out of Europe. Europe is for Europeans only ---79276945 >>79273864 >13 Gonna need more pics faggot. Also NUKE THE MIDDLE EAST ---79276951 >>79276874 How many more years of inbreeding until it becomes dangerous for Jews? ---79276962 >>79273864 She probably shouldnt have been on OCCUPIED TERRITORY But jews are jews ---79277067 >>79276951 It already is. Jews suffer from multiple neurological and mental illnesses. Not to mention their grotesque physical appearance. They are trully cursed ---79277157 >>79277067 I mean it can't be healthy for the ultra orthodox to be cooped up in rooms reading some book all day. Considering their high birth rates Israel is going to be filled with these people soon enough. ---79277303 >>79276951 >>79277067 As if sandniggers that marry only their own cousins would live any healthier. ---79277715 >>79277067 How much schizophrenia do they need before the forest critters start talking to them? ---79277912 >>79276537 >Palestine Fuck off arab shill, the area is Lower Syria and rightfully belongs to the house of Seleukus. ---79277965 >>79276874 One of us is defending Palestine, the other doesn't give a fuck. ---79278135 Was her family living in an illegal settlement in the Occupied West Bank? If so, why were they there in the first place? That is meant to be an Arab country. Israelis should not be moving there. If your country was being colonized, it would be socially acceptable in your country to kill colonists. ---79278287 >>79273864 19 is not a child, its horrible regardless ---79278318 >>79278135 Are you living in an illegal settlement on native American Indian land? If so, why are you there in the first place? That is meant to be Indian country. Americans should not be living there. ---79278464 >>79278318 Typical kike always trying to shift the blame to White people. Why are you so obsessed Chaim? ---79278485 >>79273864 > "security guard injured" - (((medics))) say Obvious false flag. ---79278515 >>79278135 Arabs all deserve to die in the most painful way. They are mindless beasts and a plague upon the world. Fuck off cuckold. ---79278588 >>79278464 Shut up turk. You "Greeks" even look less European then Jews. How about you useless wankers take back Constantinople instead of wasting all the money Germany gives you? ---79278705 >>79278287 Reading comprehension -1 ---79278715 >>79278318 America was created through outright conquest. Israel vainly tries to cling to a veneer of legal legitimacy through the notion that they were going to split the land with the natives in some negotiated peace deal. Israel has no desire to do this but lacks the courage to simply deport the Palestinians, so they have created apartheid, which is even worse. ---79278774 >>79278515 The Israeli Palestinian conflict is probably the #1 factor driving anti-Western sentiment in the Arab world. ---79278786 >>79278588 >even look less European then Jews Jews are full blown sandniggers genetically indistinguishable from their arab cousins ---79278907 >>79278515 >Arabs all deserve to die in the most painful way. They are mindless beasts and a plague upon the world. And you're saying the same doesn't apply to jews? ---79278933 >german flag OY GEVALT ---79279024 >>79278774 So the Jews were the cause of Muslims invading Europe during the medieval age? Muslims don't need a reason for violence, they find it or make it up. ---79279025 >>79278318 Why are YOU where you are, Chaim? I think I know why. ---79279033 >>79278705 hahahaha ---79279079 >>79273864 RIP Beautiful Jewess. When does the Palestinian genocide begin? ---79279197 >>79279079 >Beautiful Jewess Kike women are hideous. They look like inbred rats. That woman you posted is a Slav not a kike sandnigger ---79279418 >>79279197 Takes one to know one. ---79279451 >>79279197 >greek "women" ---79279537 >>79279418 >>79279451 So fucking butthurt. I enjoy this way too much ---79279610 >>79274460 What country is the west bank in? ---79279630 >>79276065 Muslims aren't human either. >>79276147 Who gives a fuck about dead slimes? ---79279738 >>79274833 I wish I could save her in some sort of time machine ---79279794 >>79275618 Ani אני ---79279822 >>79276537 >In the 5th Century BCE, Herodotus, the first historian in Western civilization (the “father of history”) referenced "Palestine" numerous times in his chronicle of the ancient world, 1,000 years before the current Arab Muslim pedophiles kicked out the Assyrians who rightfully own that land. >When the Muslim Arabs arrived in Palestine in the 7th century CE (and liberated its Jewish population from Byzantine oppression), they retained the administrative organization of the territory of Palestine as it had been under the Romans and the Byzantines. They referred to the territory as Filastin (no “P” in Arabic.) By killing all the Christians to "free" the Jews. How nice. Semites gonna semite. ---79279843 >>79279610 AFAIK it's a disputed zone. Some of it is under Palestinian authority, Not the settlements though, they are under Israeli authority. And then there is shared zones. ---79279876 >>79279630 If nobody cares about dead sandniggers why is the media constantly talking about the so called Holocaust? checkm8 ---79279991 >>79279794 How do you type both in? Do you switch the keyboard? Or do you have a key combination to switch the keyboard? ---79280067 >>79275515 Here's hoping as many as possible TLV leftist, 99% homosexual, muslim-importing, nigger-loving secularist degenerate trash die. They are directly responsible for this child's murder. ---79280073 >>79274076 Ty :D ---79280097 Hasbara are trash. ---79280229 >>79280067 >Israeli >"leftist" In the real world they would still be right of centre. ---79280271 Only yesterday one of Mahmoud Abbas advisors said 'stab any Jew you see'. And we put up with these scum why?????? How big a pussy do you have to be to break into a house and murder a child. I hope when his body is released his family find his are full of pork. Stay strong Israel. All the decent peolle of the world support you. ---79280421 >>79279991 key combination... ---79280483 >>79280229 You'd be surprised, that SJW bullshit is also appearing in Israel now. ---79280521 >>79274833 IT'S NOT FAIR KILL ALL MUSLIMS SHE DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE!! ---79280618 >cmon dude really its 2016. ---79280707 >>79280229 You are oblivious. Israel's left is even worse than Eurotrash left. Good thing most of them are concentrated in TLV and the Kibbutzim, while the rest of the country is pretty normal. ---79280750 >>79279197 This. Kikes are fucking ugly. ---79280759 >>79279451 >>79279418 He's right though >>79279738 >>79280521 Daww I didn't know you guys care qt goyim ---79280769 >>79279991 What the hell man you've never heard of alt+shift? ---79280822 >>79280707 >that picture >mfw ---79280842 >>79280759 I love Israel I only hate rich globalist kikes like George Soros. ---79280939 >>79280067 I agree and I had it coming by living in this shit city. I still hope I'll survive I redpilled 5 leftists this month it must be worth something >>79280707 >even worse than Eurotrash left Don't overdo it They are terrible, but Euro leftists just killed a continent ---79281045 >>79280271 It is hard to be pro Israel when they kill just as many Palestinian children. Pretending jews are better than mudslimes is a joke, a joke played on goyim. >And we put up with these scum why?????? How big a pussy do you have to be to break into a house and murder a child. ---79281084 Can't you jews and muslims just fucking mutually eradicate each others soon. I am so fucking tired of your "bickering". ---79281179 Rest in peace. What a monster. ---79281256 >>79280822 They brought 200,000 illegal Africoons into south Tel-Aviv just to be their social justice toys. Also, it was widely reported thousands of Tel-Aviv gays go to South Tel-Aviv each night and pay them for muh dick. TLV is a hotbed of degeneracy and I truly hope Iran nukes it one day (hopefully the degenerate atheist TLV fag who posts here gets toasted as well). ---79281343 >>79280759 Yeah it must be hard being a "male" jew when all your women are constantly being GOYED by superior Aryan dick. You really think pretending that your women are ugly is going to stop me from cucking you and making you raise your wife's son(one of my many progeny) I've already deflowered a 17 year old Israeli, she always swallowed, how I miss her kike cunt. ---79281436 >>79273864 >another dead kike good I just wish that they could kill every kike child ---79281484 >>79276065 bazinga ---79281525 >>79281256 How is this even possible? I thought if any country would be safe from this shit, it would be Israel. ---79281536 >>79281343 I'm Goy and I only fuck women from my race aka beautiful slavs - and we have plenty. I'm not a disgusting race mixer like you and would never fuck a jewess, that's disgusting. ---79281552 >>79281256 >They brought 200,000 illegal Africoons into south Tel-Aviv Good I hope they rape and murder you, you fucking kikes ---79281627 >>79281525 stop sucking the kikes cock you fucking disgusting brainwashed kraut ---79281633 >>79280939 If you live in TLV, you're a degenerate and you should kill yourself. ---79281686 >>79281552 Our niggers are much milder than yours, Mr. 55% white ---79281693 >>79274076 >Why murder children? Killing the females of your enemy, especially when they're just starting to become fertile, deals the most long term damage - if taking and breeding with them isn't an option. Assuming you want to win it's pretty rational, honestly. ---79281711 >>79281627 >stop sucking the kikes cock you fucking disgusting brainwashed kraut It's probably holohaux denial charges if he doesn't ---79281718 >>79281436 spoken like a true muslim ---79281779 >>79274208 The goverment gives you money and the houses are extremely cheap compared to Tel-Aviv and other safe cities. ---79281803 >>79281525 Every Israeli on here always says- we are not the fucking diaspora, they fuck us over too, borderlessness is a threat on Israel like any other country, we have marxists and cultural relativists here. >>79281552 They are absolutly scared of legal citizens, far chance. i get to treat them like shit and they can't do nothing about it >>79281633 Someones jelly that we don't get any rockets here. Don't worry it'll change soon. And in any case I hate this city more than you ever will faggot, I need to endure this every single day. ---79281865 >>79281627 LOL, says the one whose country is under complete Jew command. ---79281899 >>79281686 You Khazars aren't as smart as you think you are, obviously >>79281718 I'm not Muslim, but I want to see the Jewish race wiped off the face of the planet ---79281900 >>79281045 Don't give a fuck. Only care about white kids and right now it's Muslims doing most of the raping of them. ---79281926 >>79274076 > Why murder children? To give false flag bigger magnitude. Propaganda always work with emotional response. And any kike news are propaganda. ---79281945 >>79281525 Why would it? Anglo Jews (some of them former Israelis) are the worst SJWs in the US/EU world, and there is a huge concentration of them here. ---79282065 >>79281945 >dyed hair >Palestinian scarf They even dress like our antifa. Uergh! ---79282165 >>79277157 I heard some thing like 5/7 of them become secular/athiest so were not too worried. ---79282168 >>79275685 KEK. Palestinian. She is the 3rd generation descendant of a person that used to live in what is now by some people called Palestine. She lives in Lebanon though and """fled""" from there to europe. That logic would make me polish actually, considering pomerania is now polish ---79282230 >>79274029 kill one for me dude ---79282276 >>79282065 TLV even has a truly retarded Russian Anarcho-Syndicalist clan. What a shit city. ---79282292 >>79274702 Cause liberal niggers in the world like obama would throw a fit. ---79282388 >>79277157 Jewish orthodox are INFINITELY better than the majority 'secular' godless zionist kikes. ---79282389 >>79282276 Hey not all Tel-Avivians are bad ok? ---79282405 >>79282276 >>79282065 Yeah we have shitload of antifa :( ---79282468 >>79282389 #NotAllTel-Avivians ---79282511 >>79282388 You don't know shit: They don't work They dont go to the army They dont pay taxes They have 10 children each And we have to pay for all of that shit ---79282569 >>79282168 Lebanese are the worst criminals of them all. We should send each and every fucking one of them back. ---79282605 >>79282511 Not enjoying socialism Moshe? ---79282660 Israelis do this too when they drop bombs on Palestinian homes in the night, and on schools ---79282680 >>79282389 TLV faggot detected. Kill yourself before we have to drag ourselves to your hot and humid shithole to do it. ---79282734 >>79282605 Our leftist (socialist) parties are the only ones who actually give a shit about this, all our right-wingers suck their dick. ---79282779 >>79281945 >Anglo Jews I always knew the Eternal Anglo + Ashkenazi Jew mix was the worst ---79282781 >>79282511 It's your fucked up history that granted them special status. Just like our fucked up history is responsible for us taking in millions of """refugees""". Sometimes I wish countries could just start over without considering what happened in the past. ---79282867 >>79282660 the alternative would be to let the people that just bombed Israel to continue to hide in the schools ---79282881 >>79273864 (((Hallel Ariel))) good riddance, i wish i learnt how to kill people while sleeping ---79282894 >>79281256 I thought you had a wall-building right wing government, Mr shekel? ---79282930 >>79274029 Dude, fuck world opinion. Nobody's doing shit about ISIS, nobody's doing shit about Ukraine, nobody's doing shit about fucking China. Nobody's gonna do shit about you guys clearing fucking house except bitch and fucking moan, and they'll do that either way. Fuckin' just go get 'em! Just go out there and fucking mop up, and just make it snappy. Like, be done in a week. ---79282975 >>79282680 >Your geographical location determines your political views yeah ok keep the butthurt flowing, this is funny ---79282983 >>79275620 I don't get it, Merkel said Germany can't accept her, a German speaking, possibly educated women, who dresses like a Westerner, and has accepted the language and culture, but she opens the doors of Germany to 2 000 000 Arab men who hate Western culture, can't speak any European language, and most likely are coming in to want to take over the country culturally? ---79282990 >>79274029 That is also unacceptable ---79283033 >>79282511 Sounds like an average immigrant ---79283097 >>79282511 This is why TLV secularists are detested all across Israel, they basically spread hate against every decent Israeli (settlers, ultra-orthodox, regular-orthodox, mizrachi Jews, russian Jews) while loving Arab savages and African illegals. ---79283101 >>79274833 >They don't look very Jewish 2bh You motherfuckers have been scattered across the globe, rounded up, and then scattered again more times than any other race, tribe, or nation. What the fuck, there's probably Eskimos and Mongolians and African Pygmies with Jewish blood. ---79283115 >>79282660 Don't forget the bulldozers >>79282511 now you know why we pogrom'd the fuck out of you kikes ---79283140 >>79282511 Secular jews are human trash, straight up holocaust material All jews should be forced to live and die under mosaic laws. Jews who dont adhere to the mosaic laws need to be exterminated. ---79283144 >>79282983 Merkel is a Soviet sleeper agent who was embedded into Germany to bring it down. It seems Putin has activated her now. ---79283146 >>79279451 obvs a kike at this point ---79283154 Jews have no business in that region tbqh. They should go back to Europe if they don't want to get stabbed. ---79283168 >>79282569 Also yet another misconception. Most of the gang-related crime associated with lebanese families is actually commited by kurdish families with lebanese passports, or most of the time just stateless people who resided in lebanon during the civil war. Daily reminder that lebanon used to be a christian country ---79283293 >>79283097 >ultra-orthodox are decent Israelis Now I know you're trolling, you got me ---79283295 >>79273864 >Hallel Ariel there are not enough ((())) on my keyboard to express how jewish that name sounds ---79283318 >>79282660 they always warn the terrorists who misuse schools and private house before they destroy the houses. The terrorists just don't want civilians to leave the houses because they couldn't get delicious international media outrage anymore ---79283371 >>79274208 Wait, it was a settlement? Well fuck her family then, she's just a dirty invader. The Israel police are worse then the East German Stasi, and the state makes up bullshit excuses to displace locals with Israel residents. Make no mistake, Israel is invading and taking over their land, and moving them to camps. The Jews are the only country on earth that is allowed to have a expaninist policy and it's fucking bullshit. what did you expect would happen when you quote a 16th century ottoman law that says if you don't have 2 sheep on your land and a header watching the. 24/7 the government steals your land. (This is literally what they did to take some land and give to Jewish settlers) Fucking jewing people out of their homes. ---79283372 >>79279451 She looks like the twin of that Jew bitch that blamed white men for the Rotheram rape scandal ---79283381 >>79283097 >>79282680 >>79282276 >TLV Does that mean anything? Like I heard "Hammas" is an abbreviation, but when you put those letters together it also means "happiness"? ---79283407 >>79282975 >- You're from Africa and you're black > - Don't call me a nigger! > - You're from Tel-Aviv and you're a leftist/atheist/degenerate edgelord >- Don't judge my book from it's cover, man! Hope TLV burns in nuclear fires, you sick fuck. ---79283457 >>79283381 Tel Aviv moron ---79283459 >>79282930 If there is one thing you should know about the jews, it is this: they aren't on a 10,20,30 year plan. They are on a 1000,10000,100000 year plan to appease their lizard god king during its malting cycles. ---79283563 >>79283457 don't be a dick, Schlomo. I wouldn't expect you to know all the shorthand names of local places where I live ---79283614 >>79282983 She just stated that Germany can't allow everybody to stay. Then that bitch started to cry whining about her lost future and she wants to study. Merkel also said quite recently that the majority of asylum seekers will have to go back to their respective countries. Problem is, that deportation is state matter and some of those leftie states don't do anything. Bremen for example, a failed city-state ruled by proto-communists for decades blatantly refuses to deport illegal immigrants, forcing the other states to pay for their socialist hellhole. ---79283653 >>79283407 Diversity is our greatest strength, Schlomo. ---79283758 >>79283407 >You're from Africa and you're white >lmao you're from africa you nigger This is what you're doing idiot Tel Avivian is not a race and if it was I'd be a foreigner As I said, the burning white rage I feel towards Tel Avivians is nothing compared to your tiny measly periferia disgust. I watch those antifa shits and pink haired hipster sluts walk my streets every day, everywhere. And for the record I support this city being nuked >>79283563 Sorry for calling you a moron but it's really easy to figure out by looking a couple of replies above ---79283898 >>79283563 >>79283457 I figured it meant Tel Aviv. I asked if it meant anything else besides that. ---79283919 >>79273954 >Boys will be boys >Muslims will be Muslims, let the have fun. It's just cultural differences, that's all. This is what leftists think.... ---79283992 >>79283898 Oh. Nope ---79284034 Pretty sick, all these innocent kids dying on both sides. Humanity ffs.. R.I.P ---79284076 >>79283293 Yeah, you're right. The Ultra-orthodox sell the country to the Muzzies like secular leftists AND rightists do, they flood the country with Africans, their crime statistics are, like, super-high, just the other day I was robbed at gunpoint and my wife's son was raped by an Ultra-Orthodox gangbanger. I mean, they are so bad. Muslims are so cool and peaceful so we must have more of them, there are no russian drunkard criminals, no staggering Ethiopian crime rate - so we must have more of all of them. Just not the Ultra-Orthodox. They are pure evil. All TLV knows this irrefutable fact. ---79284079 >>79273864 >Killing children What a piece of shit ---79284104 >>79273864 haha, only after they finish the job you failed to finish ---79284287 >>79273954 And kikes are gonna kike They let a group of settlers off after they burned a family alive including an infant in their own home. ---79284298 >>79273864 Good, fuck Jews. ---79284429 >>79284076 No, they simply leech on welfare and don't serve by law, it's disgusting. At least in Tel Aviv the leftists need to come up with an excuse for both of those things. People who are good for this country are actual right wing serving taxpayers, or settlers. the fact that some citizens here manage to be even worse than haredim doesn't make them ok. Whatever man, if you really think they are ok your opinion is absolutly worthless. ---79284490 >>79273864 the highlight of the article was when they said that 34 Israelis died in the last few weeks in this area, but over 200 Palestinians were killed This is a fucked up situation. Maybe this is a sign that you Israeli fags should stop building these ((((settlements))) inside your arab concentration camps.. seems like it's dangerous in there. ---79284504 The idolatrist shithole Tel Aviv, where shameless sodomists parade in the streets naked, was originally a settlement of the tribe of Dan, the first tribe to bring idolatry and paganism into the ranks of the biblical jews. It is not a coincidence that christianity believes the jewish antichrist will be from the tribe of Dan. Judas Iscariot, the scumbag who betrayed Jesus Christ, was a Danite too. The christian Book of Revelation doesnt even list Dan as a member of the future 12 tribes anymore, in Revelations they are erased from the list of jewish tribes. It's high time all these 'jewish' idolators, atheists, pagans and secular sodomites, all these danite snakes are wiped out. The law of Moses needs to be restored to the Holy Land. No 'jew' who refuses to obey the law of moses or even dares to criticize the law of moses can be allowed to live. Then and only then can Juda be merged to Israel. Jerusalem will never be allowed to fall into the hands of the shameless Danite sodomites and their false messiah. ---79284516 >>79284287 That stuff is crazy. It would look better if the Jews just conquered Palestine instead of doing shit like that a little at a time. ---79284644 >>79284298 >that guy in the top left I think we've been looking in the wrong place for aliens ---79284658 >>79284429 STFU wagecuck, NEET orthodox are the masterrace, you're just betacuck wageslaves serving the true jews. Dont procreate and kill yourself when you get old you secular sodomite. The orthodox hero who stabbed sodomites during a sodomite parade in Tel Aviv should be crowned King of Israel ---79284728 >>79273864 KILL ALL KIKE RATS ---79284756 >>79274460 >like wanting mexico in the US Mexico would be a great portfolio piece to the states considering how rich the land is. Just need to ship the people somewhere else. ---79284772 >>79284504 >>79284658 Dos detected. How does it feel to be absolutly worthless? traitor >The orthodox hero who stabbed sodomites during a sodomite parade in Tel Aviv should be crowned King of Israel The only good Dos in recent times I'll give you that ---79284802 >>79284490 Yes but, when you look at it from a religious homestead point of view, then Hebron is Abraham's old county. That's as Jewish as it gets on this planet. ---79284811 >>79284728 BUILD OLYMPICS ---79284818 >>79273864 The children pay for their parents mistakes. They don't deserve this. ---79284857 Noice ---79284895 Friendly reminder NEVER EVER TRUST A KIKE. ---79284900 >>79284429 >Country has Muslim crazies, drunkard Russians, sub 70 IQ criminal Ethiopians, Ashkenazi leftist scum, Arsim, Africans >Biggest problem and only repeated complaint is about a genuinely rightwing, peaceful and secluded group who's only bad characteristic is collecting some welfare >Being a NEET is more terrible than any other crime Typical kike logic ---79284942 >>79273864 His Imam told him he could only commit murder if it's Hallel. ---79285019 What about the systemic murder of palestinian children by Israel ---79285052 >>79282930 The same way nobody did anything about Serbia? ---79285122 >>79285019 Can't talk about it's antisemitic even though they're all semites. Clearly the solution is too turn that whole patch of desert into glass. ---79285149 >>79284900 >Implying I implyed all those groups aren't as shit as orthodox jews >Implying I said orthodox are our biggest problem Man, I get it, I offended you personally because you're a zealot. Sorry your feelings were hurt, I hope you burn on a tire along with niggers, leftists and arabs, you worthless piece of human garbage. ---79285258 >>79285019 A typical American drone strike kills twice as many bystander children, and you send out two dozens of that every day. ---79285276 >>79284942 wew lad ---79285332 >>79285258 I dont support american involvement in the middle east ---79285347 >>79284772 Yeah, I remember all those secularist rightwingers who went against degeneracy. Oh, righty then - 100% of all secularist rightwingers in Israel are actually actively promoting degeneracy, and Likud now has an openly degenerate MK. Also, I dare to mention that without the Ultra-Orthodox and the Settlers, Israel would be governed by the hard left 100% of the time, you fucking utterly disconnected from reality TLV nitwit. ---79285371 >>79284429 Danite scum from Tel Aviv detected ---79285374 >>79273864 He did it for the XP. Joke's on him tho, now he's a childkiller, and he will have merc squads after him ---79285403 >>79285149 You don't seem to be spending threads upon threads complaining about those other groups. You are what you post. ---79285510 >>79285347 What does the pic say? ---79285595 >>79275124 Fuck off bud. You faggots were given that land and your expansion isn't right in a lot of people's eyes especially when Israelis have killed plenty of children and ruined many families. Fuck off with your eternal victim crap. ---79285694 >>79281693 >implying that Israel isn't a modern nation >implying that it doesn't have an incredibly large population making any murder of females that isn't in the 10's of thousands redundant. ---79285739 >>79285149 >TLV goy faggot triggered. Nothing wrong about being a zealot though, time will come shortly when we take power and pour molten lead into your filthy, dick-widened mouth. ---79285767 >>79273864 need to start a tally on all murders and attempted/serious harm cases. Can /pol/ provide? ---79285859 >>79285510 IDF is proud of it's gay soldiers (actually an official IDF spokesman staged image - the actors are straight) IDF 9th place in the world in LGBT openness - Dutch research institute ---79286126 >>79285859 >IDF is proud of it's gay soldiers ---79286220 >>79285859 Is this common in Israel? ---79286224 >>79280707 >>79280939 You guys wana go beat up some homos or what ---79286228 >>79274833 Fuck that's horrible ---79286289 >>79273864 Damn I'm mad ---79286350 >>79285694 >implying that it doesn't have an incredibly large population Only 8.5 million, of course that doesn't include the 6 trillion on permanent assignment in europe and the US ---79286457 >Don't like Arabs >Set up country right in the middle of Arabs Israeli logic ---79286521 >>79275956 >When Europe and America go way right Rather, when Europe and America go down because of the left. ---79286529 >>79285859 Don't forget the autistic Jews! We can't forget about the Autistic Jews! ---79286593 >tfw all the good, conservative, right wing Jews are doing their aliyah Apparently for Jews it's safer to live under Hamas rockets than in France nowadays. Soon there will only be globalist leftist Jews left here. I can understand why they're leaving, though. I'm dating a girl who converted to Catholicism when she was 13, but who is from a Tunisian Sephardic family . A few years ago when she was in highschool, she went to Israel for the summer because she had some family there. She was in a relatively shitty school, full of Arabs. She told some of her friends that she was going to Israel, they immediately turned hostile, asked her if she was a Jew, and what she thought of Palestine. When she answered that her family is Jewish and not religious, but that she is Catholic, and that she didn't really know enough about it to have an opinion, they almost beat her up. Then she got bullied for what was left of the year, so much that she asked to transfer school during the summer, and she went to a private Catholic for the last two years of high school. Now she hates Muslims even more than me. ---79286614 >>79286529 >Don't forget the autistic Jews! All 6 million ---79286700 >>79286457 The kikes and the sand niggers didn't always hate each other. The Jewish settlers pre-1945 used to babysit the kids of the arabs, and vice versa. It was when all the 'holocausted' Ashkenazim mysteriously showed up after 1945 and started to genocide the arabs that all the problems began ---79286880 >>79273864 It looks like the JIDF forgot to turn off his proxy...this kike is posting with a German flag and not Israeli. ---79287191 >>79286700 >It was when all the 'holocausted' Ashkenazim mysteriously showed up after 1945 and started to genocide the arabs that all the problems began To be fair, they first wanted to share the land. It was Arabs who tried to genocide them first in 1948. So whose fault was it? Ultimately the Brits were in charge at the time, so it was their fault. They sure fucked up a lot of countries in colonial times, and they are hated throughout the world for this still to the present day. ---79288285 >>79281900 """raping""" Lol ---79288485 >>79273864 >(((German))) shoo shoo weg mit dir ---79288616 >>79288285 ---79288656 >>79273864 The only good goy is a dead goy ---79288782 >>79288656 $_ =~ s/goy/muslim/g; ---79288856 >>79273864 Do German kids have a boogie man lore? How soon until becomes Muslim man? ---79289008 >>79288856 In Germany it's "der Schwarze Mann", i.e. literally "the Black Man". I don't know about the boogie man, but the Black Man hides under beds and in closets and comes out at night to get the kids who have been bad. ---79289721 >>79289008 Well. Nightmares have become real now. Freddy "Hussein" Kruger. ---79289807 >>79273864 I agree, glass the whole area. Jews and slimes are both evil. ---79290206 >>79289807 As long as the Golden Dome stands, muslims will right move back in. And as long as the Western Wall stands, Jews will, too. Look, even Sesame Street is in on this. ---79290237 >>79284076 >my wife's son C U C K E D U C K E D ---79290591 >>79289721 Spooky. I just know the Black Man from nursery songs. What I was told though is that gypsies catch little children who go out by themselves to play without telling their parents first. I guess in the light of Rotherham and similar incidents here that place will now be taken by the muslims. ---79292421 >>79286700 >The kikes and the sand niggers didn't always hate each other. hmmmmmm ---79292815 >>79273864 Well guys excpect this bullshit soon enough in europe. I fucking hate these savages... even if it was a kike still a child. ---79293195 >>79281627 You are showing you mexican temperament. Eat a snickers, Jose. ---79296297 >>79285595 Cool clock Ahmed ---79296356 >>79273864 1 down, 6 million to go. ---79296781 >>79274702 why dont we genocide all Jew supporters? ---79296849 Is it true that Palestinians breed like rats? ---79296952 >>79276065 truth. ---79296990 >>79296849 Is it true that kikes spread in every country like rats? ---79299408 >>79296990 Not here they don't. Unfortunately the same can't be said for muslims. ---79300944 >>79273864 I guess she wasn't hallel ---79301505 >>79277303 Sandniggers are actually worse off than the jews, just by having them in your country you are weakening your gene pool. ---79302241 >>79301505 > This is much worse than I thought. This is horrible. ---79303039 >all these Jew supporters in this thread >not just laughing and hoping this leads to more Palis being bombed and more Israeli children being brutally murdered Fuck off to Reddit, you zionist faggots. ---79303163 >lets live in occupied land and pretend its ours >oh no, they killed us. ---79303536 Explain this, jews. ---79303861 >>79303163 As if you don't do exactly the same. Only I don't see native Indians murdering you like they should. ---79303919 >>79303536 >ramallah has more annual rainwater than LONDON i somehow doubt that ---79304074 >>79273864 Fuck Muslims but maybe you retarded kikes should stay the fuck out of the West Bank, ever think of that? ---79304314 >>79303536 While obviosuly filthy jews are stealing Palestinian water, the London comparison is a bad one because London's average rainfall is actually pretty low for a city that has notroiously grey skies. ---79304394 >>79303861 fuck off faggot, that comparison doesn't make sense. ---79304443 >>79274702 liberals. United Nations and world-wide boycotts ---79304743 >>79280707 ---79304755 >>79274702 they had their chance in the early days, but they just came off being humiliated in ww2 so they had no balls. ---79304937 >>79304743 Really surprised that this video has been allowed to get to almost half of a million views without being shoahed. ---79304959 >>79273864 Absolutely halal! It's just their culture, anon! Let them be, I mean, you're not a RACIST NAZI, are you? ---79305113 Who gives a fuck? Another day Israel killed 3 children playing soccer in the beach. They hate each other and are just savages. This conflict is not sided by any good. And when Israel kill is much less reported than when a palestinian kill. ---79305328 >>79273864 > a Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank. I forget this detail. You invade the land and expect the people do nothing or they are monsters? OP is just retarded. Fuck you stupid Kraut. ---79305512 >>79273864 >falling for the jew propaganda machine How much of a cuck are you? ---79307138 >>79296781 because murica would be left without population... ---79308230 >>79273864 JIDF thread
----- ---79303762 >Brazil >1940 63% whites, more than USA actually. >2010 47% whites and falling Brazil is the big example of white genocide in the history. Still around the world cuck whites think it's good thing. OK it is expected. They are blind. The biggest problem is that white nationalists, the only ones tho could make anything are more concerned in blame us, deny us, and call us monkey than help. Thank you motherfuckers. We will be extinct and you will be next.
---79305431 >>79303762 Such is life my brown friend
----- ---79303980 oh my god those fucking NIgger FUCK NIGGERS OH IM SO FUCKING MAD >Lower I.Q than Jews and Asians THEYRE A FUCKING PLAGUE I HATE THEM >Mexicans flooding across the border FUCKING NIGGERS NEED TO BE ROUND UP AND EXTERMINATED >Muslims bomb and kill your family FUCKING OOGA BOOGA NIGGERS STEAALIN OUR WHITE WOMEN >Wealthy politicians fucking you 7 different ways financially STUPID APES KEEPING MAKING A RUCKUS
---79305378 t. javarius tyrone ---79305725 >>79303980 WHITES REEEEEEEEEEE t. Black People
----- ---79301351
---79301714 >>79301351 ---79301968 >>79301351 >today a nigger nigged How is this news OP? ---79302141 >>79301714 #emo #columbinesquad #suicidegirls #nofucks #2012memephonecases ---79302218 >>79302141 2012? More like 2009 ---79302501 >>79301351 Fucking nigs always sucker punch people. Cowards. ---79302696 >>79301714 This girls body is nice as fuck, wouldeatpussy/10 ---79303001 Cunt should be locked up ---79303188 >was already on probation ---79303549 >>79303001 he got charged as an adult, so that's good ---79305348 >Murica
----- ---79302353 Thoughts on this guy? I think he's going to vote Trump
---79303099 >>79302353 nah, he'll vote Johnson ---79303852 Lol no. He's balls deep into Jew Stein. I find him humorous, and not a typical SJW type liberal, but still disagree on a lot of core ethics. He thinks the governemnt has fine institutions, they just need better people in them. I think the government is fundamentally flawed and needs a page one rewrite. ---79304093 smug cunt. ---79305483 His faith in government is embarrassing. ---79306017 >>79302353 He's a disgusting and pathetic cuck
----- ---79300292 Poland = bestland
---79300404 >>79300292 you'll be murdered by poortugal today ---79300653 >>79300404 braziil - Germany 1-7 ---79300845 >>79300774 Where is the Pierogi kurwa. ---79300868 wapiesz ---79300881 >>79300292 Didn't he cover up the crimes of pedophile priests? ---79300900 whats up shitters? ---79300966 >>79300653 don't take me wrong I'm rooting for you guys you'll still lose though ---79300980 >>79300404 we'll see faggot ---79300981 chuj ---79300987 >>79300845 ---79301033 >>79300653 poland-germany 0-5100000 ---79301054 >>79300845 w piździe twojej starej są wszystkie ---79301114 ale papierzyca ---79301184 John Rayman II ---79301185 ahha pope je gówno ---79301210 >>79301033 you mean 2-0? ---79301271 >>79300653 >>79300774 >>79300844 >>79300845 >>79300868 >>79300900 >>79300926 RARE ---79301295 If Poland is so good place then why do you move to Britain to clean toilets? ---79301413 >>79301295 brit shit tastes better than ours ---79301424 portugel we war you! ---79301443 Could someone explain the modern arguments against Poles and Polish immigration to me? ---79301528 >>79301295 human trash is going to lick brit toilets ---79301757 >>79301295 If there was some country where British plumbers made more money than in Britain and they could travel there with no restrictions they'd be going there too. ---79302280 >>79301443 polish animal agrees to being threat like a shit, be paid like nigger on cotton field, we are too dumb to learn english (as you can see in this post) or to upskill. we like to peach our coworkers, therefore we are destroing your labour market and causing wage reduction. ---79302647 >>79301295 because polish toilets are already clean ---79302922 only poolish animals will deny it ---79303079 >>79301271 Why the fuck do you keep doing that, Montonegro guy? ---79303153 >>79303079 shut the fuck up ---79303232 >>79300292 >Poland >Po-land >Po >Land >Po' Land >Poor Land >land of the poor Oh I get it now. You guys are a clever bunch. ---79304009 >>79303232 met my old good friend john yellowstone II ameritrash ---79304255 >>79300292 if poland is the bestland then why do you leech so much money? ---79304342 if poland is the bestland then are you so poor? ---79304480 >>79304009 Looks like a asshole ---79304548 if poland is the best land then why did you get cucked so much through history? ---79304596 >>79300292 Isn't poland a third world shitstain ---79305868 >>79300653 >>79300404 we had 3-3 with them portugals. poland will be fine.
----- ---79304332 For all the pol dads out there, where did you meet your wifes? Were can other bros find good wives. >pic unrelated
---79304509 just stay away from women. I always get bored and horney and jump on or plenty of fish looking for a hook-up next thing I know im in a relationship. Just stick to masterbation. ---79304643 >>79304509 >Just stick to masterbation. *tips fedora Howdy fellow MGTOW ---79304958 >>79304332 Well OP, I joined the navy a few years back and didn't really care where I went as long as it was as far from the lefty shithole known as New Jersey and they sent me to Japan and I met a cute little nip and when I got out I brought her back to Florida with me. ---79304998 >>79304643 >*tips fedora >Howdy fellow MGTOW well lets look at it. what do you even get from a woman outside sex? They need tons of attention, money, coddling, and when they dont get it they make your life hell. I'm just sick of the same bullshit over and over and over. ---79305176 >>79304958 Neet ---79305287 >>79304332 I'm dating the daughter of one of those rich Chinese ruining the housing market in the lower mainland. I feel conflicted. ---79305854 >>79304332 Good question I'd like to add, was your wife a VIRGIN? If not, what made you settle down with a woman that was fucked by X number of men before you?
----- ---79272890 13-Year-Old Guns Down Home Invaders with Mom’s Gun. 1 Dead, 1 Arrested. where were you when anti-gun hippies got btfo as a kid goodified 2 dindus?
---79272958 A hero for our time 2bh, the left will shame him as a racist though ---79272960 he wuz a goo boi dindu nuthin white people are evil ---79272996 >>79272890 Jesus that guns looks scary. ---79273027 >>79272890 This happened like a year ago faggot. ---79273068 >>79273027 >June 29, 2016 ---79273437 >>79272890 >Brown was shot three times, Nice, he has talent. ---79273501 >>79272890 Real men don't use guns, they use their fists they said. Oh wait, he was a little boy against two grown apes? Guns sure are convenient. ---79273525 >>79273027 Yeah, happened in November iirc. Still a heart warming story to revisit in the morning. ---79273671 >>79272890 >He opened fire on the man, and the Sheriff’s office reports that the man returned fire at the boy. Jesus. OP left that part out. ---79273705 >>79273501 >Real men don't use guns This. >Guns sure are convenient. He didn't deserve this win. It is the way of coward and weakling not man. ---79273715 >>79272890 can't wait until the media digitally ages this kid to make him look 30 and then use pictures of the dead criminals from when they were 12 ---79273761 >>79272890 guns fuck up the gene pool ---79273780 >>79273671 >13 year old kid has better aim than 2 grown men ---79273825 >he actually fired instead of just playing a recording of a gun like in Home Alone what a nerd ---79273871 >>79273705 Uh. You play to win. Only dead men are losers. There are no rules. ---79273884 >>79273705 I don't think he'll mind since he literally isn't a man ---79273907 >>79273671 >>79273780 blacks never know how to aim, it's not news... in their minds they are gangstas they hold their guns sideways and spray and pray ---79273938 >>79273780 niggers, not men ---79273958 >>79273715 Are you calling the media untrustworthy and bias? How dare you.........speak the truth! ---79274173 >>79273884 >I don't think he'll mind This is why guns should be banned. They can fall into hands of likes him who doesn't have proper understanding. ---79274251 >Kid murders two robbers >Conservitards gone wild.mp4 Stay cringy. ---79274253 >>79273437 Ban assault lolis ---79274305 >>79273938 ---79274361 >>79273907 yup ---79274439 >>79274251 Come on Australia, step your game up. You're a failure to your people. ---79274488 >>79274251 kills, not murders. big difference dude ---79274660 >>79274439 It's a sheep shagger from New Zealand you retard. ---79274688 >>79274305 I wonder what prison will be like when you get blasted by a 13yr white boi and run like a spotted ass ape? ---79274696 >>79274439 isnt that the gook version of aussies? ---79274810 >>79274439 Classic America, blind to the world around them ---79274882 >>79274688 >Black dude >Burglary Charge It will probably be the most unpleasant two weeks of his life anon. ---79274927 oh well got to take a shit and head to work adios no gun foreigners enjoy yourselves today ---79275026 >>79272890 >He opened fire on the man, and the Sheriff’s office reports that the man returned fire at the boy. Give that boy a fucking medal. ---79275036 >>79273705 Assmad noguns detected ---79275091 >>79274251 if it were >2 nogs murder 13 y/o white boy liberals would be silent if it was >2 white men murder 13 y/o niglet liberals would start a massive shitstorm and riot a few more towns into the ground This story is important, as is every story reinforcing the idea that constitutional rights must not be tampered with. ---79275181 >>79275036 use to be a real soccer player.. tell i took an arrow to the ass ---79275195 >>79272890 A real American hero. ---79275199 Obviously, all children should be required to have guns! ---79275255 >>79272890 You hav ta put yoself in dey posishin, dey din had no moni or fud. Jow dey spose tu get dey life on trac witout dat? Dey was getin wat dey neded, da lito boi shuda call da cops and ran away, ai no one ha da rite to shoot sumone lik dat. ---79275391 >>79275199 Grown enough to shoot Grown enough to f___ ---79275565 >>79275255 If letting them take his things was the right thing to do, why would the boy call the cops? You only call the cops if someone's doing something wrong. ---79275742 >>79272890 > ---79275829 >>79275255 ---79275985 >>79275255 Hey we actually have a law like that here in Italy If you're literally starving to death you can steal food and it won't be considered a crime Anything else is a crime though, destruction of property, harming people and stuff It happened here, a homeless dude stole food from a store, he went in, took some food, about 4€ worth of stuff and ran out The constitutional judges declared that it wasn't a crime because the man would have died of hunger However those guys didn't look in those conditions so they got what was coming to them ---79275986 >>79273705 >It is the way of coward and weakling not man Yet it's the only thing that makes everyone completely equal. A 13 year old firing a gun is just as deadly as prime Mike Tyson firing a gun, and this is exactly why liberals/the left/SJWs don't like them. If everyone really was equal and be responsible for themselves then there would be no victim status and no one to blame when things don't go your way. Now think of the liberal/left/SJW, does that really sound like something they want? ---79276071 >>79275986 But that's what a leftist should want, everybody made equal ---79276364 now white kids are killing brothers? When will this genocide stop. BLACK LIVES MATTER. ---79276410 >>79275036 What is going on here Is he a liar ---79276455 >>79273705 I would point out how the criminals had and used guns too, but it's pretty obvious you're trolling. ---79276766 >>79275985 We have things we like to call homeless shelter here in the US. They can get food, sleep and even shower so they don't smell like a dirty Italian while looking for jobs ---79276975 >>79272890 breaking and entering is not a crime punishable by death. this kid should be charged for murder. ---79277002 >>79276071 That's just it. No one is equal and that is how they like it. They would rather be victims than dare be perceived to be an 'oppressor' ---79277172 The only bad thing that happened here is that the kid did not kill both of these fucks. ---79277207 >>79274361 >kept firing as they drove away this is case in point, kid was trying to murder them even when they were no threat. Worse of all he was now firing at a car in an open street and likely put holes in ither peoples houses and risked their lives. ---79277222 Any screens of people getting pissed at the kid for anti-dinduing? ---79277274 >>79276975 >breaking and entering is not a crime punishable by death. It IS where I live. 18-1-704.5. Use of deadly physical force against an intruder (1) The general assembly hereby recognizes that the citizens of Colorado have a right to expect absolute safety within their own homes. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 18-1-704, any occupant of a dwelling is justified in using any degree of physical force, including deadly physical force, against another person when that other person has made an unlawful entry into the dwelling, and when the occupant has a reasonable belief that such other person has committed a crime in the dwelling in addition to the uninvited entry, or is committing or intends to commit a crime against a person or property in addition to the uninvited entry, and when the occupant reasonably believes that such other person might use any physical force, no matter how slight, against any occupant. (3) Any occupant of a dwelling using physical force, including deadly physical force, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (2) of this section shall be immune from criminal prosecution for the use of such force. (4) Any occupant of a dwelling using physical force, including deadly physical force, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (2) of this section shall be immune from any civil liability for injuries or death resulting from the use of such force. ---79277318 >>79274305 I bet it you it was microcephaly that died. ---79277374 >>79275829 >9mm Why don't I just fucking throw fruity pebbles at him while he fucks my ass. It will be just as effective. ---79277420 >>79274251 >killing in self-defense is murder ---79277503 >>79277274 Sometimes I wish I was american. ---79277534 >>79272890 How I minagined it in my head. White kid kills niggers. Open article. OH BOY WHO WOULD HAVE EXPECTED IT. Kid deserves a medal or something. At least buy him that PS4 he wanted. ---79277646 >>79277374 >He doesn't use Expanding bullet BUT THEIR ILLEGAL Yeah sure... ---79277757 >>79277207 >this is case in point, kid was trying to murder them even when they were no threat. You can't actually 'murder' a nigger. No more than you can murder a cockroach, >Worse of all he was now firing at a car in an open street and likely put holes in ither peoples houses and risked their lives. Good neighbors will be shooting at them too but in this case there probably was not time for them to grab their guns and help. ---79277782 >inb4 >>excessive use of violence >>they were running away >>dey din du niffin >>he didn't have to die >>>>>>the kid put the whole neighbourhood in danger by shooting a military grade assault pistol in a suburban town ---79277837 >>79277646 You mean Hollow Points? I do use those, in my .45 ---79277988 S&W 500 vs. some nigger bait. ---79278018 >>79277782 Lol knowing our country they're going to try him as an adult. ---79278186 >>79277837 And how do you fire that .45 in an enclose space without getting shell shocked? ---79278214 >>79276975 The intruders had at least one gun between them. You think they were going to stop at B&E, just hang out and chat, then leave? It is far more likely that if they weren't driven off, they would have committed more, possibly violent, crimes. I agree that the kid went overboard shooting at their car and should be punished for that, but for the home defense part he was certainly justified. ---79278237 >>79272890 >60 replies >no one mentioned that TD ---79278295 >>79278214 More like kid should have jacked a car followed them to the hospital and then killed the other guy there. FUCK THESE BEASTS. ---79278346 >>79277782 >the kid put the whole neighbourhood in danger by shooting a military grade assault pistol in a suburban town The boy did not have the time or training to properly and safely apprehend them like the police would. ---79278347 >>79278186 >shell shocked It's not like I'm sitting in a fucking trench while artillery turns my friends to goo. It's a fucking .45. ---79278367 >>79275255 >dey din had no moni or fud. Jow dey spose tu get dey life on trac witout dat? I won't bother checking the usual BLM twitter fags (because I'm pretty sure this was 6 months ago), but I'm sure some sheboon has said that ---79278399 >>79272960 >cuckposting >flag ---79278699 >>79278399 >being this retarded ---79278706 >>79278018 SC has 'stand your ground law' though. >>79278346 well, seeing that the niggers shot back, he did the right thing, if he apprehended them, they would have killed him, because they are most likely faster and better with a gun. ---79278722 >>79278399 [spoiler]Pay debts.[/spoiler] ---79278816 >>79278347 How big are you rooms because if I fired a .45 in my fucking room I'd go deaf very fast. 12m^2 Actually I'm totally wrong sorry. 152 .22 pistol 156 12 gauge shotgun 157 .45 ACP pistol 160 9mm pistol 164 .357 Magnum revolver I can't believe a .45 is less loud then a 9mm by bad... ---79278896 >>79278699 it wouldnt surprise me if he is not joking ---79278902 >>79272890 ---79278915 >>79278346 > properly and safely apprehend them That webm makes lmao every time, it could be a cut scene from GTA ---79278916 >>79278816 .45 is subsonic ---79278918 >>79276975 Who cares if two worthless niggers died? Right. No one. ---79278963 >>79277207 lol he's 13, what do you think can happen to him ? ---79279000 >>79273068 yet all the images in the article are just random images from google and the article has no sources so how can you even be sure it happened recently or at all faglord ---79279057 >>79275985 Why not make a law instead where restaurants should offer food that will be thrown away at the end of the night to poor people? ---79279066 >>79278963 >what do you think can happen to him ? If he was a niglet in some states he'd be tried as an adult ---79279131 >>79279066 if it was france he'd be tried as an adult, thanks to sarkozy, 13 is old enough for real prison ---79279205 >>79279057 >should offer food that will be thrown away at the end of the night to poor people? Here it's all the health and safety regulations, in the US it's probably the same plus the danger of getting sued for 6 trillion. That's why there are food banks and welfare ---79279302 >>79275391 Old enough for Glock? Can handle the cock ---79279340 >>79275391 Grown enough to fruit? ---79279370 >>79278963 he would get the purple heart at worse. ---79279396 >>79279000 The first link >5 sec goggle Stop being a faggot, but yes it happened last year, I remember there was a dozen threads here ---79279436 It wasn't an assault rifle that was used to gun down the robbers. Most liberals do not want to ban all guns. ---79279442 >>79272890 >13-Year-Old Guns Down Home Invaders with Mom’s Gun Obviously this kid should have his own gun. ---79279448 >>79278816 Where is .40 on that list? I shot out the roof of my car and only one ear was ringing ---79279494 >>79278214 >I agree that the kid went overboard shooting at their car and should be punished for that Why are you defending these animals? ---79279534 >>79272890 Yea but whats the point of this thread anyway OP? all of you fucking faggots sit here, trading information as good as gold but for what? the circle jerk and nothing else. if you faggots made as much noise as the progressive left you would've defeated them by now. He who makes the most noise wins. It doesn't matter about the info period. but you have the info. if you made as much noise you would've defeated the enemy long ago. Pathetic fucking bitches...the lot of you. You deserve every black cock that comes your way. ---79279581 >>79277988 The shooter and his gun have to be absolutely covered in watermelon juice and bits. I guess that's a good argument against high-calibre handguns in home defense scenario's. I want to defend my house from niggers, not repaint it with their innards. ---79279608 >>79272890 I bet he was like >Dont threat me or my mother's husband ever again ---79279697 >>79279000 13-Year-Old Guns Down Home Invaders with Mom's Gun. 1 Dead, 1 Arrested. ---79279748 >>79277988 #BLACKLIVESMATTER. ---79279756 >>79279494 >went overboard shooting at their car Well he might have hit the neighbor's dog, but 13 is kinda young to know when to quit when you're ahead ---79279839 >>79279748 #BLACKFOODSMATTER ---79279853 >>79279205 >in the US it's probably the same plus the danger of getting sued for 6 trillion You cannot actually be sued for donating food, provided you donate the food in good faith. It's obviously different if you knowingly donate rotten/dangerous food... The main problem is that you have to spend money to donate food, in storage, cooling, transport etc. Not worth it usually. ---79279879 >>79279534 In a minute, Dingo. Just wait. ---79279884 >>79278346 good job. ---79279893 >>79278214 >I agree that the kid went overboard shooting at their car and should be punished for that Then you're just as much a cuck as he is, judging after the fact and demanding victims of crimes act like coolheaded professionals. The burden is on the perpetrators. They thought this up at their leisure, they prepared, and they made the decision for the victim to suddenly have to defend himself against a bunch of coons intent on theft and murder. THEY are responsible for him shooting at their worthless asses, and THEY should be held fully accountable for all the results of THEIR bad decision. Which includes having their black asses shot at while attempting to flee the scene of a crime, which is also ILLEGAL. They could have just surrendered and waited for the police peacefully. And because they had all the time to prepare their crime with zero outside pressure, it's reasonablke to expect of them to take failure into account while planning their crime. In short, their failure to surrender and wait to be collected by the police is on their heads, not the kid's. You bleeding heart apologists make me sick. At least be an equal oppertunity apologist, and afford the private citizen the same leeway you do criminals. ---79280069 >>79278706 >they would have killed him, because they are most likely faster and better with a gun. It's very difficult to teach a nigger how to properly use a gun. ---79280102 >>79277988 >shoot nignog >his blood spray paints everything and everyone >I and my family have AIDS now Good job ---79280238 >>79279884 holy shit ---79280240 >>79280069 >when you finaly grasp the consequences of your actions, but they won't come and you are waiting there thinking about what you have just done ---79280375 >>79274810 Wtf are you implying? Kid's a hero ---79280431 >>79277988 Mmmm. >>79280102 >>shoot nignog >>his blood spray paints everything and everyone >>I and my family have AIDS now >Good job How about a rifle chambered in 20mm Vulcan. Yes, 20 mm Vulcan the same round fired from the onboard cannon of the F16 fighter jet. ---79280565 >>79279436 Yeah but they want to ban a certain type of gun that's used in less than 1% of gun crime based purely on aesthetic features because "muh feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings" ---79280612 >>79280069 What was he even trying to do there? ---79280632 >>79272890 >This story is important, as is every story reinforcing the idea that constitutional rights must not be tampered with. And it helps fellow Brazilians in our fight to have the right to defendendo ourselves again ---79280648 >>79280431 >How about a rifle chambered in 20mm Well if you're getting AIDS, might as well have fun with it. I'm assume you're firing from 10 feet Doom style, and not a mile out ---79280652 >>79280431 :) ---79280657 >>79274251 killed 1, the other was arrested, they were armed. Had there not been a gun in that house this would have been an entirely different story: 13 year old boy raped and murdered in home invasion, suspects on the loose and should be considered armed and very dangerous. Here's the victim's chilling 9-11 call, be warned what you are about to hear is graphic and disturbing. ---79280798 >>79278706 >better with a gun >gangbanger Pick one. ---79280849 >>79279442 >Taurus come on you fucker at least get him a S&W ---79280880 >>79280431 >20mm Vulcan When you should have asked if you should, instead of if you could. ---79280898 >>79277207 > they were no threat The assault does not end with perpetrator losing the weapon. If you pick the weapon and use it against the perpetrator this is not a crime, nor excessive self-defense. t. Russian Constitutional Court ---79280900 >>79274810 oi you can't have gun lol its not like abo were going to rip your heart out when you aint looking ---79280952 >>79274882 >free this nigga >#dontDoIt wot ---79281002 >>79280652 I love the fact that the same company that made my refrigerator built that beautiful peice of freedom. *sniffles* It's god damn beautiful. ---79281032 >>79277374 9mm with hollowpoints is good enough to get the job done. It's better for a woman or a teenaged child than a higher caliber. My sister's concealed carry is a 9mm with hollowpoints. Less recoil to worry about, and it'll get the job done. ---79281051 >>79280431 That might be too big for little Jill to use. 50BMG for smaller kids. ---79281055 >>79279884 >British police. And those cunts have the audacity to breathalyse me for Lane splitting. ---79281062 >>79272890 Nice goin' kid. Nice goin. ---79281066 >>79272890 This would be a good Home Alone movie ---79281124 >>79280069 >9mm ---79281184 >>79281066 >He opened fire on the man, and the Sheriff’s office reports that the man returned fire at the boy. >The suspects fled, one of them dropping a Colt .45 caliber handgun, and the boy continued firing as they drove off. ---79281192 >>79281051 Aww. That picture is adorable. ---79281306 >>79276071 If everyone was equal they have no cause to champion and virtue single over. ---79281358 >>79280898 >If you pick the weapon and use it against the perpetrator this is not a crime, nor excessive self-defense. Only if the clear evidence of life endangering assault persist. Excessive self-defense is still in place. ---79281376 >>79280898 Based constitution DESU. ---79281418 >>79277988 >bullets so big the cylinder can only fit 5 >go blind and deaf after every shot just get a .38 ---79281526 >>79278816 how does 10mm compete? ---79281589 >>79272890 he played too much counter strike. ---79281687 >>79273705 He believe this, kek ---79281784 >>79273705 pls get back to drinking vodka, Sasha, you'd pussy out if you had to fight ru-niggers ---79281873 I cannot wait for someone to actually start producing those things. It's just a matter of time I hope ---79281933 >>79280431 >Specs list >Huge amounts of fun So that's a guarantee, then? ---79281991 >>79278399 Sarcasm mothrrfucker ---79281995 >>79278399 Pay debts you oily mudskin ---79282088 >>79273705 >traditional russian tactic is spray and pray >gets arsemad when kid has more precision than entire russian military easy now ivan ---79282197 >>79273780 They were invaders, the boy could shoot hiding, take them completely by surprise and they wouldn't know were he was. ---79282318 >>79279494 Sunt cu totii niste babuini ---79282336 >>79281358 Two 30 year old men forced their way into a house and shot at a child. That sounds like it would put someone's life in danger. ---79282413 >>79281933 >>Specs list >>Huge amounts of fun >So that's a guarantee, then? I don't know. I am pretty sure that you can use it to get chicks. Legally, anything above .50 caliber is considered a cannon by the atf. ---79282488 >not booby trapping your television for when jamal and his friends steal it I shyggy diggydo ---79282491 >>79280431 ---79282542 >>79282491 ---79282573 >>79282542 ---79282591 >>79278816 9mm bullets fire at a higher velocity than .45 ACP, .45 ACP actually fires at a speed below the speed of sound (subsonic) where 9mm para fires at a velocity higher than the speed of sound, creating a sonic boom which makes it louder. Actually overpenetration is one of the reasons why 9mm full metal jackets aren't a reliable self defense round. If you hit areas of the body that are mostly cavity and softer tissue it'll go right through the body because it's going fast enough and carrying enough energy to go right through. So any energy left after the bullet leaves the body is wasted. Yeah, they'll bleed, and they may bleed out, but they didn't get that hydrostatic shock effect where they lose consciousness instantly. An expanding bullet like hollowpoints, or a slower, heavier bullet like .45ACP even in FMJ they don't tend to overpenetrate, so all that energy is transferred into the body, creating hydrostatic shock and an incapacitated assailant even if it takes them days to die from their wounds in a hospital, they're neutralized. HP's really aren't needed in rounds like .45ACP, .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum, but Hollowpoints will cause them to bleed out faster. But they'll probably lose consciousness after a torso shot regardless. A lot of people argue in favor of the .40 S&W for personal defense because of higher hydrostatic shock effect. ---79282722 >>79282591 Aren't there 9 mm hollowpoints too? Pls no bully, just asking ---79282727 >>79273705 RULES OF NATURE ---79282822 >>79280652 FOR ALL YOUR ETHNIC CLEANSING NEEDS, USE THE NIGGERKILLER9000™ ---79282862 >>79272890 Here are some good ones ---79283010 >>79281418 That gun's not meant for defending yourself against humans. It's for defending yourself against grizzly bears and moose. Seriously. a .38 won't help against a Grizzly you want bare minimum (no pun instended) .357 magnum. ---79283049 >>79280069 Should be required viewing for every idiot that asks "why did the police have to shoot him five times" ---79283077 why are you claiming victory against niggers? mexicans home breakers killed shittons of people in the south. never once the news of any merican home owners gunning down spic burglars. ---79283095 >>79277274 Damn, I wish I had that much freedom. In Britain we have such shitty home defence laws. ---79283196 >>79282336 When they are shooting you it a danger, if assault stopped and they run away there is no danger. Of course there is gray area in-between for judge to decide (could victim perceive that they are leaving not shooting etc) ---79283216 >>79282822 >FOR ALL YOUR ETHNIC CLEANSING NEEDS, USE THE NIGGERKILLER9000™ From the same company that that cleanses your dirty dishes, comes the New (designed in 1946) General Electric M61 Vulcan Rotary Cannon. ---79283256 >>79282722 Yes, I like them. Although never used on a person. 115 gr. +p makes short work of the phone book or a watermelon. ---79283258 >>79280102 human heads are tougher than a crt monitor shooting someone in the head with anything less than a 50 bmg will merely put a hole in it ---79283267 >>79277757 Don't break into people's homes if you don't want to be shot dead. It really is as easy as that. ---79283420 >>79272890 This murderer should be charged with premeditated first degree murder. ---79283427 >>79283256 thans freedombro, i think you can assume they would be effective on melanin americans if they can shred a phone hook ---79283612 >>79282722 There are, and a 9mm with hollowpoints is a perfectly acceptable self defense round against humans. 9mm FMJ's are where all the >9mm memes come from. But a 9mm with hollowpoint will cause someone to hemmorhage in their brain even if you hit them in the chest. Unfortunately in the military hollowpoints are banned, and so non combatant servicemen like medics for years were armed with 9mm full metal jacket ammunition as their self defense after the military had a contract where they were required to use 9mm Parabellum to standardize themselves with other NATO countries. Prior to that medics and field grade officers carried Colt 1911's with .45ACP as their weapon Now they carry M4 Carbines just like the other grunts, because we've learned that insurgents don't really respect the geneva conventions where you're not supposed to shoot at medics. So we said fuck it and let medics defend themselves better, because 9mm para FMJ in the M9 just wasn't cutting it. You can thank the Russians for the ban on expanding ammunition. ---79283873 >>79282591 >stopping power When will this meme die? Accurate, multiple follow up shots are what stops a threat regardless of caliber. Hollow points do cause more tissue damage than FMJ plus less risk of over penetrating. ---79284107 >>79283077 Mexicans aren't stupid enough to do it while you're there. They wait till you go to work and show up in a service van. Even the neighbors don't think anythings going on. ---79284158 >tfw have 3 9 mm pistols but no 45. I think I'll get a cheap RIA 1911 in 45 ---79284459 >>79281418 Hope you mean .38 super, anon. You're not a limp-waisted faggot, are you? ---79284600 >>79280069 >tries to commit suicide >uses meme caliber to make it as slow and painful as possible logic not even once ---79284613 >>79274688 You realize that is just as well be a population heat map? ---79284673 >>79283873 >self defense situation >accurate shooting choose one. You're asking for someone like a 13 year old boy, who's scared for his fucking life, to remain calm and aim accurately. Reality is his hands will be shaking, his breathing will be rapid and hard to control, and his mind won't be entirely focused on making the shot and he'll be sweaty. It's the same reason why Semiautomatic handguns are far superior than any single shot or revolver in a self defense situation, you don't want your life riding on one accurate shot when you're scared and shaking. You fire multiple times aiming for center mass. That's pretty much it. Depending on distance and how unsteady your hands are, you might only hit them once. even though you fired 3-4 times in a row. So it is important that that one shot has sufficient stopping power. But a .38 special with hollowpoints, or 9mm para with hollowpoints are sufficient for that. If FMJ, It'd be better to have a .40S&W or .45ACP. ---79284754 >>79273705 hey mohammed a 12 year old kid has no chance against 2 7 foot 300 pound dindus go rape your daughter some more you filth ---79284786 >>79283873 >the more times you shoot 'em the deader they are thanks beakman p.s. my 9mm is doublestack ---79284788 >>79282862 > >the nig was shot in the head >he survived why did I laugh so hard ---79284827 >>79280657 More like >racist media includes the description "2 black males " for suspects in possible home invasion Dyreke Montel and I'HattiWhite Jones were unfairly racially profiled after the police found their semen inside the victim's dead mother as well as her blood on his clothes. We now go to Ezekiel Bergerstein on the scene for more updates >SHALOM,I am here with Dyreke's cousin Hepatitus, and we are discussing what happened >i no Dyreke aint no murdah, killing someone dont make you know murderah he was just tryna afford school supply , yu know da white man dont want to see the black man succeed. ---79284876 >>79284788 >why did I laugh so hard probably a clean shot, in one ear out the other ---79284912 >>79279884 >the only female cop just NOPEs the fuck off lol women are useless. ---79284987 >>79284673 >single shot or revolver meant single action revolver double action revolvers are good. ---79285012 >>79272890 Isn't it likely that the mother shot the negro and then pinned it on her child to avoid jail time? ---79285131 >>79279884 Really, why can't they just use tasers? ---79285190 >>79284107 isnt theres one leaf that killed a burglar with an axe in /pol/ the burglar was white ---79285239 >>79272890 uh because the argument isnt to take away your gun's completely. It's to limit access. inb4 degenerate highschool drop out blue collar no college having pauper tells me they are the same thing and unconstitutional. I'll save you the time from responding because i'm just going to say "lmao" ---79285281 >>79285131 ---79285349 >>79285131 >Really, why can't they just use tasers? Probably only the sergeant had their holster keys, and he was already off to the pub ---79285818 So wait, this story actually happened in 2015. Why was this "news" site so slow to get the scoop? >IT'S 2016! ---79286075 >>79276975 Yea, no. Trying to take something that isn't yours by breaking into a home that is not your own, especially when armed, fully qualifies you for being a moving firearms target that the legal inhabitants of said home can fire upon. I don't care where it is in the US or whether you are facing me or not. Live by the sword. Die by the sword. Live by terrorizing people into giving up their rightful belongings to you and you will eventually die because of it. You sicken me and make me yearn for a time where the more feels than thoughts, people, in society have their own solitary land to fuck up with their nonsense. Move to Leafland, libfag. ---79286166 >>79285239 shall not be infringed ---79286256 >>79285239 How are you going to limit accesss to those who shouldn't have them without damaging it for those who should? I'll wait. ---79286406 >>79278346 I see what you did thar ---79286654 >>79272996 I think I have PTSD from looking at it to be honest. ---79286657 >>79279396 I fucking love charleston ---79286818 >>79286256 in switzerland we ban certain nationality from owning guns like albanian scum, north african origins, erythrea, that kinda people. it works well. ---79287806 >>79277988 It's like i'm on 2005 youtube again ---79287894 >>79286818 >in switzerland we ban certain nationality from owning guns Nice. ---79287919 >>79286818 Any tips on handling critics crying "racist" ? ---79288150 >>79287919 yeah, don't care about it as it isn't. these nationalities got banned after too much gun crimes ---79288380 >>79284827 ---79288701 >tfw live in Maryland and can't get a handgun without being fingerprinted like a criminal >forced to defend home with a Mossberg 500 tactical At least I can collapse the stock. This is some bullshit though. ---79288910 >>79280431 >huge amounts of fun Well, that's not wrong. ---79289024 >>79277534 >1911 FUGGGG i want that gun. meanwhile this nigger is like "muh glock gon end you white boi! yous raycis!" ---79289160 >>79273705 Nice bait, Holland. ---79289468 >>79289024 1911s are better for competition. Heavy and low capacity. In police training, you figure out pretty quick that re-loading frequently is no Bueno. Plus when you run, the extra weight on your hip makes things more awkward and uncomfortable. Glock design was pretty damn brilliant. ---79289602 13 year old boy hits burglars 3 times Burglars can't get a shot at the boy ---79289709 >>79289024 >FUGGGG i want that gun Well the nigger's is probably stolen, I take you're not a nigger because you do not already have one ---79289760 >>79289468 didnt know all that. makes sense why police would carry it. but why do niggers call all handguns glocks? worse yet, i hate the term "piece". i think i just hate everything about niggers and what they've done to my country and language. ---79289891 >>79289709 correct. i also live in the ever-liberal montgomery county. i met ONE person who had the balls to have a trump sticker on his truck, and boy howdy it was big. covered his entire tailgate. MD sucks. ---79289990 Things probably would have turned out differently for these two gentlemen if the boy was enrolled in a proper public school instead of being homeschooled. ---79290018 >>79279884 I love Benny Hill ---79290145 >>79273705 >le "evolution means the strong should survive and guns interfrere" meme Guess you missed those ~100'000 years of tool use being deeply related to human evolution ---79290272 >>79289760 A friend used to work at a police supply store. The place where all the recruits go to get uniforms, handcuffs, guns etc. Some nigger who was hired by Chicago came in looking for "one of them jee-locks." "A...what?" "Jee lock" "...I...." "That right there mane." "Oh. A Glock. You want this Glock." Niggers gonna nig. ---79290462 >>79273705 God created men, Colonel Colt made them equal. ---79290557 >>79272996 To my untrained eye it looks like a CZ SP-01 Shadow. can any ameri/k/an confirm? ---79290628 >>79282542 The RT-20 is a recoilless rifle, though. ---79290758 >>79272890 this is why gun training is mandatory in high school here. ---79290793 >>79272890 >make international call to American uncle >can't hear him over all the gunshots in the background smdh tbqh famm ---79290835 >>79290557 I think it's a HK. ---79291140 >>79273825 kek ---79291469 >>79282862 Holy fucking shit, Lance Thomas. How can one man be so fucking based? ---79291481 >>79285131 Because that would be a hate crime. ---79291625 >>79272890 Listen to the 911 from a decent source, faggot. ---79291713 >>79291481 >that pic 1/3 of young adults don't know bacon comes from a pig? So UK is confirmed for being 33% muslime aged 16-23 ---79291978 >>79290557 Yeah, it's an HK VP9 or VP40 ---79292140 >>79288150 See now that makes perfect sense, we could never get away with that in the states, it would be seen as some genuinely nazi style plan to perform some sort of black genocide in America, even though the statistics support the concept, since dindus make up a majority of violent crime as well as a majority of gun crime. Stay based switzerland. ---79292337 >>79276975 I don't live in faggotland. Castle doctrine. ---79292422 >>79272890 Ya'll all wrong. They niggas was tryins to understands the white man's magic. They was stupified by one of them physics books an cuolnt unnerstand. They tried preying to jesus, and stranglin a live chickin, but they was uninlited. So they decides to consult a white wizard, but Dat racist wizard bust a cap in they ass. ---79292526 >>79277274 Aurora here. I've already had someone try to kick my door in and I was waiting behind it and hoping they would make it in so I could greet them with .45JHP. ---79292632 >>79277988 Is this is a good gun to kill yourself with? Just asking. ---79292641 >>79291481 >kid denied water because it would upset muslim pupils on ramadan. fuck this fucking shit, WTF. explain to me why they dont ACT, i still cant wrap my hand around this. the majority of england is WHITE. the government is amjority WHITE Cameron is a Conservative, how can he not act against this? this shit is too retarded to exist, there is an agenda behind this there has to be. ---79292838 People already trying really hard to spin this to look as bad as they can make it look. >they can't make it look very bad Damn you all, you right wing nuts!!!! ---79293916 >>79277757 Context please? Clearly the gun went off as he was holding it to his ribcage like the pic on the right. That's why you don't buy Hi-Point, boys. ---79294117 >>79292838 pretty sad the have to go to comment sections to make a 'story' ---79294663 >>79279442 see >>79280849 I use it mostly for snakes on my property, but it could easily take someone down, and it's fun to mix and match ammo god bless ---79294823 >1 case out of thousands >Gun grabbers btfo Kek ---79294864 >>79294117 It made me laugh though because it was the best they had, all they could do was attack the mother for having an "unsecured" gun, pull a few racist tweets and comments, and whine about "the right" all while feigning concern about how mentally screwed up the kid will HAVE to end up for not letting a couple fuckwits rob and potentially kill him. ---79294960 >>79272890 Zimmerman JR, one of Kek's children has appeared before us. PRAISE KEK ---79295104 ---79295106 >>79294823 (You) ---79295156 >>79277534 Why does he have a napkin in his hat though? ---79295277 >>79273705 here's your (you) ---79295438 >>79273780 ayy yo holla at your homeboy(tm) ---79295456 >>79294663 >Using The Governor instead of the Taurus Judge Hope you like paying more for less safety ---79295817 >>79294823 >mass shooting >1 guy out of millions >gun owners btfo ---79295941 Not entirely related but I'm curious anyway. I know you're allowed to shoot someone if they break into your home in the US but what if you kill a burglar with a sword or some other bladed weapon? Would you be charged for using excessive force if you hit him more than you really needed to? ---79295961 Not on my property ---79296262 >>79280431 Just remember to wear ear protection ---79296435 >>79288701 shorty 12 gauge pump is a better home defense home weapon anyway dude. The primary benefit of handguns is light weight and concealability, these things are not concerns in your own home. ---79296531 >>79277207 >A kid firing a real gun against real nigs driving a car I guess all those hours playing videogames wpth something ---79296747 >>79292641 No shit there's an agenda There's no natural way a country can go from what England was to what it is now without an agenda ---79296877 >>79289468 Tfw when Taurus lobby the fuck of the government so we and not even the police can buy glocks.. fuck ---79297025 >>79295156 Pretty sure those are condoms. ---79297094 >>79295941 No. You may use any means necessary to repel or stop an assailant, as it is assumed (due to defensive advantage of your home) the intruder attacking you has already decided to take your life. Only way you can get in trouble is if you attack them when they are fleeing. ---79297211 >>79297025 You can't wipe blood off your face with a condom, silly burger. ---79297243 >>79273761 I disagree. Niggers are constantly killing themselves and are getting killed by guns. ---79297275 >>79296435 this right here, just get a comfy pistol grip. ---79297402 I play this scenario in my head daily, but wont the nigger friends come back and try to get revenge like a drive by? Thats my real fear not being scared that i cant shoot, but the fall out to me and my family. T. 24 yr old who lives with his mum ---79297415 >>79297094 So not even the autist who slices a nig nog several times with a katana will be charged? Neat. How do I come there? ---79297591 >>79272890 Texas mother, a vocal gun rights advocate, killed by police after fatally shooting her two daughters during 'family argument' ---79297783 >>79277988 why the fuck does he move his hands up and down like a retard? >inb4 it's from recoil No, he does it on purpose and it looks cringy ---79298218 >>79297591 WTF? I am now an #easytarget ---79298402 >>79272890 GFW's take note: another righteous shooting ---79298971 >>79273705 >Fist fighting 2 niggers with guns >13 years old Do you hear yourself think? >Flag Wait you don't think. ---79299536 >>79275199 ---79299580 >>79280069 >Guns kill people. here let me show you.. ---79299667 >>79297783 >i've never shot a high caliber pistol in my life the post ---79300813 >>79299667 Your fucking point? ---79300831 >>79275829 ---79301299 >>79277374 That fucking made me laugh, thanks Anon ---79301881 >>79292602 Noticed it too, and saved ---79302152 Thank god the gun was loaded and somewhere that the kids could easily access. ---79302327 >you will never be american >you will never get to shoot the soul out of some low life punks while defending yourself and your property In sweden you would probably go to prison for defending your life, it's fucking bullshit, in my opinion the moment you try to steal from another person/break in into their property you throw away your right to life and killing you even though your not a direct threat should be within the law ---79302688 >>79300813 His point is, you have no idea what it feels like to shoot a .38 Special or larger caliber pistol and feel entitled to talk shit about it. ---79302873 >>79272890 Did more for our country than our past two presidents combined. they release a photo of the child ---79303284 >>79297783 >Romanians in charge of understanding how high caliber revolvers behave Good god your country is fucking pathetic. ---79303286 >>79280431 Huge fun Low recoil ---79303442 >>79273780 Welcome to America. ---79303699 >>79300813 The point he's making is that you're a fucking retard who feels the need to comment on the behavior of a device you've never operated for yourself. ---79303948 >>79300831 >break in is also white 0/10 ---79303998 >>79302327 I'll never understand how vigilantism isn't more prevalent in countries like yours where being sent to jail is the equivalent of enduring house arrest in a nice hotel compared to my country. Plan your shit, be meticulous in covering your tracks, and I bet you could spend decades taking out punk scum in Sweden. ---79304154 >>79302688 >>79303699 >>79303284 Yeah , no. Still not explanation why the fuck he lets his hand so down before aiming at the next watermelon. ---79304477 >>79282573 Lol, that's an armorer's display model. They were used a lot in the days before computers were the primary tool used for teaching. ---79304664 >>79304154 he lowers it to cock the hammer and put it back on target, plz stop posting ---79304752 >>79304664 the only thing he should cock is his wife ---79304785 >>79304154 >I've literally never handled a gun in my life let alone shot something as intense as a .500 S&W It's a fairly heavy gun and he's dropping the muzzle because he's firing the gun in single action you fucking idiot. You have to manually pull back the hammer each time, and unless you have hulk hands, you're gonna have to drop the muzzle a bit when you do it. Move to a real country where you can learn some of this shit for yourself, moron. ---79305261 >>79304752 >Doesn't know a thing about hickok45 How thoroughly unsurprising. ---79305421 >>79276975 What the hell are you smoking? Even here in the cucked lands of the UK, you have every right to defend yourself against an intruder if you have an honestly held belief that yours or someone else's life is in danger. As long as it's proportionate, you're legally allowed to kill them if necessary. So, yes, if a couple of innocent, collegiate church-goers break into your house with guns, you have every right to shoot and kill them in return. (inb4 >guns >uk) Anyone who doesn't believe that this is a fundamental, necessary right of every free man can get to fuck. (Again, inb4 >uk >free) ---79305579 >>79273761 au contraire, felons fuck up the gene pool. ---79305611 >>79304785 And you couldn't post this as the first reply? Wew ---79305809 lol get shot later at scvhool. prolly 500 nigs noting his identity for future caps ---79305921 >>79275986 This is a high quality Fucking post. Well said lad, I'm proud of you guys. ---79306123 >before police could respond B-BUT THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE ---79306257 I fucking love news like this. ---79306825 >>79305611 >backpedaling this hard You think you're being clever, when in actuality, you're just a huge fucking idiot trapped in a shithole country that doesn't allow you to learn anything for yourself. ---79306997 >>79272960 Even for these monkeys it would be hard to blame a little kid for defending himself ---79307183 >>79306825 >You think you're being clever, when in actuality, you're just a huge fucking idiot trapped in a shithole country that doesn't allow you to learn anything for yourself. I guess not being an inbred and sucking on mad jew dick 24/7 has a price ---79307364 >>79307183 U mad bro? ---79307413 >>79280069 Omaewa mo shindeiru ---79308935 >>79277374 >using 9mm FMJ
----- ---79305486 >Leonard COHEN >First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin >I'm guided by a signal in the heavens >I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin Could it be any more obvious?
---79305780 I've got a book of his poetry and some of it is good. That sounds "suspicious" (or aware) though.
----- ---79301850 Boris has ruled himself OUT of the Tory leadership election Will Gove and May do a deal? WHAT A TURN OF EVENTS >Jeremy Corbyn wants to resign - but John McDonnell won't let him >Corbyn 'proud to be carrying on' >Gove challenges Johnson and May >More over 65s voted Remain than 18-24 year olds >Mexico has already drafted UK trade pact >EU to get Scotland every other weekend and during school holidays >British public opposed to a second referendum by almost 2 to 1
---79301898 >G O V E - B B C - I N T E R V I E W Get in yer, lads. ---79301960 >>79301898 Trust Gove. Stop May. ---79301973 IT'S ME BORIS IT'S ME BORIS IT WAS ME ALL ALONG, BORIS ---79301985 Disregard Matriarchs. ---79301994 SPIT ON MY WILLY MUMMY ---79301995 >>79301898 Laura must be about ready to collapse ---79302018 Hey kids want another referendum? ---79302029 First for May ---79302039 WHO ELSE HERE /IN THE GOVE COVE/? ---79302048 I'm worried lads >Michael Gove was born and raised in Scotland. >Leadership rival Liam Fox also grew up north of the border >Stephen Crabb -was born in Inverness and brought up in Wales. and obviously David Cameron was born in London but his father was born at Blairmore House, Aberdeenshire. Furthermore His predecessor Gordon Brown was Kirkcaldy born-and-bred, while Tony Blair was born in Edinburgh and later attended Fettes boarding school in the capital. FUCKING SCOTS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! ---79302068 Kill all autistic permavirgin weeaboo pedophiles ---79302081 MUMMYPOSTERS ASSEMBLE ---79302087 rare maymoms coming through ---79302135 >>79301960 ---79302138 First for MC Farage ---79302140 Is ther efucking anyone who wants to slow or stop immigration? Even Farage seems to want immigration. It's just impossible. I've been a londoner for 27 years. My city has literally had its identity ASSASSINATED entirely by multicultural bullshit. The only places that are acceptable now are expensive as fuck or right in the centre, and even that property is being bought by foreigners now at an alarming rate. Immigration is rapdily becoming the only issue that's really relevant to me. NO politician will say they're against it. NONE. ---79302158 >>79302018 he actually looks like how i imagine the archetypal cuck would look ---79302163 Theresa May as PM would be pretty horrifying. Is there anything we can do (apart from meme magic) to stop it? Apart from not voting for her at the next GE if she's the candidate, obviously. ---79302170 >>79302039 nope you cannot maroon the baroon ---79302175 karenposters, now is the time to unite against the mummy menace ---79302179 >>79302018 I don't know why the lib dems exist anymore ---79302182 >>79302009 kek ---79302194 >"Do you wish to fondle my breasts, young man?" ---79302196 >>79301994 >>79302029 >>79302068 >>79302081 >>79302087 Say goodbye to posting on 4chan if you vote for May ---79302200 >>79302039 ---79302202 >>79302018 >Farron is elected PM >first act is to gas the cabinet ---79302226 Hmm. ---79302227 Is Gove our real life Frank Underwood? ---79302228 >>79302175 ---79302246 Reminder to gas mummyposters ---79302248 >>79301898 Does anybody have the Boris article that was sabotaged by this man? I am still trying to understand how Boris got fucked in the ass my this guy. ---79302252 >>79301850 So it's treason then... ---79302262 Can someone please explain why Johnson's Telegraph atricle was so bad? I haven't been able to read it ---79302273 QT T She also wants to lock up all weeaboo pedophiles to the insane asyluum. What's not to like? ---79302276 >>79301994 >>79302029 >>79302068 >>79302081 >>79302087 >>79302194 ---79302307 >>79301867 Na, the Unions gave her the sword, she's the one that decapitated the industry. Undoubtedly, the Unions were too OP, but there must surely have been a better way than "Unions BTFO" ---79302314 >>79302138 Based As FUCK ---79302315 Wait, do you idiots really want Theresa may as pm? ---79302317 >>79302175 May would ban Karen. ---79302330 >what did she mean by this outfit ---79302334 no mummy posting allowed ---79302355 >>79302140 Blair killed this country. The only way to get it back is with extreme measures and that will never happen. It's over, now we've got to make the most of this shitpile we're left with. First of all that means ending his legacy which runs throughout both major parties. ---79302364 >>79302179 To take votes away from Labour. Gove is paying Farron off with antidepressants ---79302367 >>79301898 6 million hours in ms paint ---79302385 >>79302138 Better than your first try anon ---79302392 Reminder that there will be two female conservative PM's before a single labour one. ---79302398 >>79302262 He was walking back his commitment to ending freedom of movement. ---79302401 >>79302140 Thing are going to have to get a lot worse before anyone faces it honestly, because cutting off immigration also means crashing the economy until we at least try to recover our own birthrates. So that's a) being a nasty waycist and b) telling people they'll have to live in less luxury. Who's going to do that? ---79302404 >>79302276 Prepare to be locked up weirdo ---79302408 >>79302315 we just want to cummy in mummys big bummy ---79302446 >>79302175 ---79302452 >>79302262 ---79302455 >none of this would have ever happened without him makes me fucking laugh, how much of a madman can one man be? ---79302456 >pretending to dislike anime on an anime imageboard kek ---79302457 >>79302304 Want to thrust my tongue up her wet hairy cunt whilst she whips my arse cheeks red and stands on my toes with her powerful leather heels ---79302459 >>79302330 FUCK ---79302474 >>79302175 >>79302317 ---79302475 >>79302248 >>79301898 Can somebody tell me in detail how Boris got Fucked in the ass by Gove? What article was sabotaged? Shame I was really hoping Boris would be PM My related pic will now never happen :^( ---79302477 >>79302315 It is a few memesters and an autistic Greek. We are in the /Gove Cove/. ---79302486 I think it was wise of Boris to drop out anyway. Whoever is next PM is in a no-win situation of trying to keep both the EU and leaver happy. It's Gordon Brown all over again. Boris can spend the next few years building up his reputation as a statesman so he can simply step into the job after the next guy becomes so hated he somehow loses the next general election to Labour. ---79302525 >>79302404 >Sicko begs politician to legalize sex with children >Theresa May agrees with lowering the age of consent Makes sense ---79302530 >>79302276 resistance is useless. ---79302542 >>79302457 i just want to kiss her ---79302550 Do you guys ever get down about never being able to enjoy a girls company due to your political persuasion? ---79302556 >>79302456 >>79302474 >>79302317 >>79302175 You have to go b/a/ck ---79302565 >>79302196 > implying that's a bad thing ---79302587 >>79302556 Pay denbts ---79302590 >>79302556 Get out of Brit/pol/. ---79302592 Why is Brit/pol/ not memeing Leadsom? ---79302605 >>79302477 this tbqh ---79302623 >>79302401 I think the birthrate thing is a red-herring mate. It'll balance out in the end. Even if a generation of pensioners have it tough. ---79302624 >>79302276 As a pedo, I need this. I need to repent for my thought crimes and loli fapping. Only Mother Theresa can save me from myself! ---79302630 >>79302452 Fuck off! Nobody likes you ---79302633 >>79302556 Coming to 4chan automatically makes you a weeb, anon ---79302635 >>79302565 ---79302665 >>79302592 Because the conservatives in the Tory Party back Gove ---79302672 Pretty good article on Gove ---79302676 >>79302592 we're not ---79302683 >>79302635 reddit.jpg not even a png ---79302687 >>79302556 Pay denbts ---79302703 LADS LADS GET IN HERE IM GOING TO CUM ---79302714 >>79302455 Make that picture have the EU flag flying imposed over the tower and it'd be fucking perfect. ---79302716 >>79302018 ---79302737 >dictator clothes, totalitarian style ---79302759 What we learned today. Boris is a pussy for not taking his golden opportunity, and naive for getting Gove'd. He isn't a leader. Our next PM is either going to be a woman who was for Remain, who did nothing within her power to curb immigration during Cameron's leadership, and who doesn't even want to invoke Article 50 THIS YEAR. Or a lying Machiavellian cunt who will be deeply disliked by sections of his own party for "betraying" Boris. The best we can hope for now is civil war within the Tory party and a new party forming in the aftermath. ---79302762 >>79302314 Unbarageable. >>79302385 Cheers m8 ---79302844 >>79302737 jesus fucking christ ---79302846 >gilfspam has replaced karenspam please go back to karenspam, I don't want to throw up. ---79302847 >>79302528 >dat brony boris kek ---79302852 >>79302737 hnnnng ---79302853 >>79302630 It was in response to some lazy shit that couldn't be arsed to read Boris' article. Calm down, senpai. ---79302878 >>79302759 she has already said this. ---79302879 FUCK OFF DEGENERATE MAY POSTERS ---79302900 >>79302846 This is why we need Gove in office. ---79302929 >>79302737 SIEG HEIL! ---79302937 >>79302759 Hope springs eternal ---79302946 >>79302759 >who did nothing within her power to curb immigration during Mummyposting aside she is very tough on immigration. ---79302960 Andrea Leadsom for PM? ---79302970 >pic related now all despise each other ---79302974 >>79302623 I could be talking out of my arse but I'm sure I've read in a few different places that we're heading towards the ratio where no ethnic group has recovered from before? 1.3 per woman or something? ---79302984 >>79302475 Boris was only a figurehead, Gove was the influential one running his campaign. Except it turns out Gove was actually in it for himself. He cut Boris off by declaring his candidacy first, then a bunch of MPs who'd previously supported Boris came out as Govers, and Boris realised the rug had been pulled from under him. All he could do was concede graciously. It also turns out Gove had been subtly making Boris sabotage himself in the media. ---79302990 >>79302879 kill yourself pedofag maymay will lock you up with rest of the filth ---79302999 >>79302946 Her time in the home office has seen the highest non-EU immigration ever. ---79303005 >>79302737 I know who I'm voting for. ---79303019 >There are people on this board right now who aren't a member of all the major political parties so they can partake in leadership bants ---79303040 >>79302960 No, Gove and his boys will gangbang her. ---79303042 >>79302847 ---79303070 >>79303019 >all Don't you mean both? ---79303080 >>79302946 "she is very tough on immigration" >she is very tough on immigration Where's your proof, m9? ---79303102 >>79302946 She has already decided to flop and not cut our connection to the ECHR, which stops us from fucking deporting illegals never mind immigration ---79303106 >>79302759 We're fucked lads Can we convince Cameron to stay on somehow? ---79303109 >>79302990 FUCK OFF REDDIT ---79303113 >>79302759 >who did nothing within her power to curb immigration during Cameron's leadership no, she put a requirement that you need to earn more than 35K to remain here if ur outside the EU ---79303118 Andrea <3 ---79303119 >>79302937 > no to anime > no to tripfags > yes to mummyposts Attention whores out! ---79303120 >>79303042 Boris?! ---79303126 >>79302392 And they call themselves "progressive". ---79303139 >MURDOCH ENDORSED GOVE ---79303164 Liam Fox is literally the best candidate Foreign policy expert and Scottish, he'll smash the SNP ---79303174 >>79302946 What she says and what she does isn't the same think, debtor. ---79303175 >>79303118 would nail that face/10 ---79303177 This is a war we're facing! On one front are those who wish for a authoritarian, quasi-democratic hellbent on achieving globalism. On the other we have those brave animeposters who fight for freedom and Britain. I have no doubt, in the end, the MayCrays will have to bow down and accept their desires and interests to remain free men and not slaves to a power-hungry bitch. ---79303186 >>79302960 She looks like a competent primary school supply teacher who lets the class do painting in the afternoon. ---79303196 >>79303019 >All Most of the parties actively check each other's lists to make sure people aren't doing that ---79303215 >>79303139 I heard Murdoch said to Boris if he runs, Murdoch will demolish him in the papers. ---79303219 >>79303164 Gove also Scottish but has acquired Anglo accent ---79303236 >>79302009 YOU CANNOT STOP THE GOVENING ---79303242 >>79301960 CAN SOMEONE MAKE A COMPARISON IMAGE WITH MAY AND SPREAD IT ---79303245 >>79303080 nah also a member of LibDems/Greens/UKIP for the shits and giggles desu ---79303282 >>79303113 Yeah, and what are the non-EU immigration levels again? The highest on record you say? ---79303290 Before June 23rd I was wondering how I could possibly hate the political establishment more ---79303305 Daily reminder that if you don't support Leadsom for Leader you love watching your mother getting blacked every night ---79303311 BORIS STATUS: OUT-FUCKING-SKILLED BLOWN THE FUCK OUT ---79303321 >>79303177 Literally who for the last two threads has been advocating for May? All I see is gilf.jpgs ---79303380 >>79302314 >that second link ---79303389 >>79302984 Fucking hell mate. This level of planning. Will Gove now be PM in your opinion? If so will he be a good one? ---79303401 >>79301850 >Boris has ruled himself OUT of the Tory leadership election I'm betting that is because he wants to be the PM for a while and he is afraid that being an unelected PM will ruin his chances of winning an actual election. ---79303414 >>79302687 Is Joker Game good? ---79303449 >>79302550 I cant really enjoy anyone's company anyway. I want to but I never really do. It's probably a disorder but oh well, the NHS aren't going to help. ---79303452 >>79302974 Not sure about that, so I won't argue. What does strike me though is importing loads of working kids to pay for pensioners .. . . just compounds the problem later on - when the extra kids become pensioners themselves. I think we have too many people taking from the NHS pot than contributes, it's this that needs to be addressed . .. curbing lazy paki families and health tourists would be a start. ---79303501 >>79303389 It's not that hard. Boris was just an idiot who fell for Gove's plans, since Gove was convincing and his 'friend'. ---79303508 >>79303275 ---79303525 >>79303401 No it's not that complicated, he's just a fool who got Goved ---79303533 >>79302330 >>79302304 >>79302226 >>79302194 >>79302087 >>79302081 >>79302068 >>79302029 >>79301994 I love powerful women Theresa May has an intoxicating air of intelligence, beauty, experience and disdain for plebs that excites me more than any other elderly politician. All it takes is eye contact: One stern look from her and I'm rock hard ---79303574 >>79303215 Why does Murdoch hate Boris?? ---79303593 >>79303533 Kill yourself. ---79303622 >>79303275 Morality Man has the autismo? Wow, I couldn't tell. ---79303650 >>79303574 He's mates with Gove. ---79303657 I don't understand. Why is Bojo out? He had a GOLDEN opportunity? Why did he chicken out of such grand legacy? ---79303685 HOLY SHEEIT THIS CORBYN STORY ON BBC JEW MP LEAVING PRESS GETTING SHUTDOWN HABBENINGS ---79303697 >>79303593 >this babydick'd faggot touched his wee mushroom to gook cartoon children being raped ---79303708 >>79303657 He got GOVE'd. ---79303711 >>79302759 Gove seems like a long-term planner. I am sure he has a plan for dealing with this old cunt, no? ---79303719 Theresa May is literally a white female Kim Jong Un. Michael Gove has no problem with stabbing his friends in the back. Only one person will fight for what's right in a post-Brexit Britan - one that has fought for leaving the UK for years - not since the referendum was announced in order to further one's own career. Vote Leadsom, for a brighter future. ---79303742 >>79303533 FUCKING DEGENERATE GET OFF MY BOARD ---79303748 >>79303657 He got GOVED ---79303761 >Theresa May will choke the life out of your waifu before your very eyes ---79303768 >>79303685 The Blairites have played their final hand ---79303775 >>79303657 He's a bit buffoonish but having gove on his side lent him credibility. Gove left him and took support and advisors with him ---79303808 >>79303533 Consider suicide ---79303834 >>79302158 >Read Genesis 19:8 >Imagine it's Farron saying it It fits perfectly. ---79303853 >>79303657 ---79303860 >>79303452 >What does strike me though is importing loads of working kids to pay for pensioners .. . . just compounds the problem later on - when the extra kids become pensioners themselves. Well, there's the rub- not only does it mean killing us off as a group it's a fucking stupid plan anyway, it's just kicking the problem down the road a bit until it all eventually collapses. And this is openly being touted as a reason why immigration is our magic problem solver, I thought the left were supposed to care about sustainability. It's madness. ---79303874 I can imagine Boris would have the tiniest of willies. ---79303890 Gove is literally the Eternal Anglo. >Oy vey, I wonder who could be behind the Leave Campagin >Oy vey, I wonder how someone could backstab his 'friend' for political gain Hell, he did it so well, I'm more impressed than disappointed. ---79303895 >Labour hate Corbyn so much they're only putting one person up against him in order not to split the vote SALTY A L T Y ---79303923 >>79302737 Someone shoop a swastika armband on to this asap ---79303954 >>79303657 CAN'T CLOVE THE GOVE ---79303999 >>79303853 Gove would literally be the ugliest Prime Minister we've ever had. And that's saying something. ---79304026 >>79302550 No, because I'm not a complete autist and get along with people of all political persuasions. The trick is to have other things to talk about, other than politics, or to at least be able to talk neutrally about certain political topics. ---79304032 What ever happened to the news on the cinema attack in Germany? If you go on google and type in cinema attack germany in the news option, there's no news after the 23rd June. It was quickly hushed up ---79304077 >>79302737 ---79304106 >anti-mummyposters will never have a harder dick than me >anti-mummyposters will never cum as much as me >anti-mummyposters will never experience the ecstasy of my feverish delirium ---79304157 >tfw no Prime Moggister ---79304165 >>79304026 suicide by cop ---79304181 SHE'S THE HOME SECRETARY NOT YOUR MOTHER ---79304192 >>79302550 It's not like I could enjoy their company anyway ---79304206 >Theresa May has no children you can't make this shit up ---79304208 >Immigration 'harms social cohesion' >Immigration 'harms social cohesion' >Immigration 'harms social cohesion' COMFY ---79304212 >>79303860 >it's just kicking the problem down the road a bit until it all eventually collapses That is EXACTLY what it is. We do need a sustainable plan, hopefully without too much population growth. Any more than that and I'm at a loss. ---79304214 >>79304157 Mogg will end up in a Gove cabinet. ---79304225 oops, >>79304165 should have been for >>79304032 ---79304240 >>79303895 I can't wait until the members/people willing to pay £3 to trash the Labour party vote him back in again. ---79304261 >>79304157 Why isn't Moggy Moggy Moggy part of the cabinet at least? Does he not want to? Bloody bizzare. ---79304276 >>79304157 He'd just get bullied for his accent anyway ---79304306 What's his name again? ---79304310 >>79304157 they breed quickly so they'll still be around next leadership contest ---79304349 >>79304206 We've seen what happens when women don't have to care about the future. They try to make the future worse for everyone. ---79304374 Has anyone been more arseblasted than Michael hesseltine? ---79304379 >>79304261 >Bloody bizzare. Why is it bizarre that a Blairite government don't want a conservative on their cabinet? ---79304384 They called him a racist. They called his supporters fruitcakes. They made him look like Hitler on the BBC. Yet now look, after the vote that he has worked his entire 25 year political career for now look. Labour in absolute turmoil, Cameron another scalp to add to Farage's many trophy heads including the likes of Clegg. Now look, Farage has won in the end. ARE Nige has won in the end. ---79304395 >>79304310 Source? ---79304401 >>79303923 Someone needs to shoop a black cock in her mouth asap ---79304413 "I will do everything I can to bring migration down, that is my mission, I am committed to triggering article 50" - Michael Gove in a BBC interview ---79304429 >>79304276 >He'd just get bullied for his accent anyway The lefties haven't invented an -ism or -ophobe for that??? ---79304431 >>79304306 Michael "If you're a teacher', I'll beat yer" Gove ---79304434 >>79303923 I couldn't find a decent quality image for it. ---79304457 >>79304401 Why black? Faggot ---79304470 >show me your fap license anon, no erections without my authority ---79304481 >>79304379 Well regardless Cameron and Moggy are both etonites. They're clearly close. ---79304487 >>79304434 SIEG MUMMY ---79304507 >>79304206 Oh no... another Mutti? Merkel was sensible before she went cock crazy for migrants last year. ---79304518 Do you think Boris will ever become PM? I want him to :( ---79304519 >>79304429 Classism would probably cover it. ---79304533 >>79302367 not using pixlr ---79304546 >MFW the politics has gone serious, shakespearen, story-like because of Nige's 5D chess playing >MFW we've had betrayals, sacrifices, rousing and historic speeches and assassinations It doesn't get better than this, does it? ---79304553 >>79304384 >>79304384 ---79304554 >>79304429 You can't discriminate against something that implies wealth or power ---79304568 >>79304434 And so it begins ---79304570 Can someone post that super smug Nigel? ---79304617 >>79304570 ---79304631 >"Freedom aint free. The streets gotta be littered with the blood of muslims in order to return Britain to its former glory. Forced deportations. An end to assimilation. We must make Britain the white homeland it was always meant to be." - Andrea Leadsom, 2016. ---79304632 >>79302009 lmao ---79304649 >>79304157 MOGSTER BACKS GOVE ---79304651 >>79304546 Game of Thrones IRL. ---79304653 >>79304276 Haven't you ever watched HIGNFY? Mogg is the one who does the bullying. ---79304675 >>79304553 not a ghandi quote ---79304686 >change is coming britbongs ---79304712 >>79304570 Which one ---79304716 >>79304546 Which GoT character is Nige? I'd probably go with Ramsay. ---79304718 >>79304413 >THE GOVERNOR SPEAKS It's GOVER ---79304719 >>79304212 I think it's probably too late already desu. Even if you could un-pozz people enough to care about their own nation again you'd still have to convince them there was anything more important in life than a stream of cheap phones followed by slow comfy death, and good fucking luck with that. ---79304731 >>79304276 no he wouldn't, that's bollocks ---79304735 >>79304617 SAVED ---79304736 >>79304570 ---79304737 >>79302550 no because I can go on dates and not come across as an autist. If a girl likes you she wont care about your politics pro tip is to talk about and around topics, why you find them interesting, how you got into it etc. RATHER THAN going straight for the throat with your opinions, which is usully how guys talk to each other. ---79304753 ANDREA LEADSOM IS OUR OWN HOPE. Boris - retired, utterly destroyed. May - Remain cuck, wants to ban porn Gove - Absolute madman, but will suport freedom of movement because he's a christcuck. Staunchly anti-freedom Crab - Another remain cuck ---79304764 >>79304631 >Theresa May? more like Theresa Gay, ok praise brexit ---79304769 >>79304570 >mfw I learnt that Americans call Woodlice "roly polys"... >mfw they make fun of our terms for things ---79304800 >>79302048 At least he's not a fucking Nigel. ---79304803 >>79304686 I'm coming ---79304819 >>79304570 smug enough? ---79304823 >>79304719 This coming from Mr "cheer up you old pessimist" ---79304825 >>79304712 "EVERYTHING I DON'T LIKE IS VOLDEMORT" - J. K. Rowling ---79304843 >>79304753 >Gove >Anti-freedom Proof? Honestly, he said that he would lower immigration - and I've got to say, I think he will. He seems to have become a real Conservative; I think he was just hiding his powerlevel. ---79304845 >>79304716 Boris is definitely Mace the Ace. ---79304856 Gove may be a sociopath but he's our sociopath, remember that brit/pol/. ---79304892 >>79304712 This one >>79304736 >>79304819 Thanks guys have a super-rare Pepe in return. ---79304894 >>79304470 ---79304901 >>79304819 What happened to his jaw? ---79304904 >>79304737 Screenshot taken of this advice ---79304913 Ignorant American here: I looked up Theresa May and Grove and they both seem fucking terrible. Far, far, FAR worse than Cameron or BoJo. Here's what I've gathered: tell me how far off I am. Theresa May looks like she'd bring about an Orwellian nightmare with all her rheterotic of stifling of free/dissenting speech, banning of all content deemed unacceptable to her, banning "all websites with outward expression of anti establishment" and increasing hate speech laws even further. As if things were't already fucking ridiculous enough over there, i.e. that UK dude recently getting arrested for making a harmless funny video of his girlfriend's pug lifting its paw in the air to the command "heil hitler," since that was "hate speech" in the U.K. This type of bullshit is on the rise and needs to be stomped the fuck out as quickly as possible before it takes over even more. Gove seems fucked in a different way; he seems generally totally incompetent and has failed at everything he's tried in government so far. Also, he wants to dismantle the NHS and privatize everything instead, basing healthcare on an "American model" which sounds like a truly godawful idea, coming from someone with years of experience with the American healthcare system. Does /pol/ honestly like either of these two? Why? ---79304939 >>79304716 Nah, Roger Helmer is Ramsay. ---79304976 >>79304384 The rational will always beat the irrational in the end ---79304991 >>79304736 I am so happy for Nigel The man deserves his happiness more than any other ---79304992 >>79304845 Good call. ---79304993 >>79304712 FUCK REEEEEEE LIBERAL AGENDA PUSHING BITCH. STOP RUINING MY FUCKING CHILDHOOD BY COMPRING EVERYONE YOU DON'T LIKE TO VOLDEMORT REEEEEEEE ---79304994 ---79305032 >>79304913 No we all support Leadsom. ---79305041 >>79304913 theyre not labour ---79305048 >>79304913 >he seems generally totally incompetent and has failed at everything he's tried in government so far Have you even been following today's events? ---79305065 >>79304913 No, Leadsom is our prefered candidate lad ---79305069 >>79304901 That flag is in front of him familia ---79305070 >>79304686 >Tories >Change ---79305073 >>79304913 We need Andrea <3 ---79305076 anyone got that image of all the most based politicians with glowing eyes? ---79305081 >>79304823 It's probably just that post-orgasm depression from having so much fun last week. Lesson learned: never enjoy anything. ---79305108 >>79305069 Holy shit ---79305109 >>79304913 >He seems generally totally incompetent He was rusing us for the final level. He's actually extremely competent. >Basing healthcare on the American system Not that bad, as long as you make sure the prices match the quality. ---79305122 >One MP who attended Mr Johnson’s launch said: “Any politician who trusts Michael Gove needs their head examined" Literally Littlefinger irl ---79305131 Memes aside, I've only got one question, WILL MAY INVOKE ARTICLE 50?? ---79305161 >>79304384 It was all worth it to see him complete his lifes work ---79305166 >>79304913 >Gove seems fucked in a different way; he seems generally totally incompetent and has failed at everything he's tried in government so far. Gove is a political mastermind. He singlehandedly set up Boris and then crushed him. ---79305168 >>79304686 >longest serving home secretary >suddenly start doing something now ---79305179 >>79304904 kek no idea if this is sarcasm or not ---79305180 >>79304413 >everything I can A year later: >well I tried I'm sorry your neighbourhood now looks like Mogadishu but don't be a racist, keep calm ---79305203 >>79305131 Not in 2016 ---79305207 >>79302314 The absolute contempt farage has when he's says belgium is hilarious. ---79305217 >>79304384 What price, freedom? ---79305226 >>79305131 Not until 2017, and by then it'll probably be 2018 ---79305233 >>79305073 ---79305275 Honestly, as much as I'm beginning to respect Gove, I still can't trust him because of the betrayal. That's why he's my second choice. Leadsom for no. 10. ---79305301 >Leadsom >Lesdom Coincidence? I think not. May will be on her knees begging for a post in the cabinet. ---79305330 This decade is building up to the biggest I told you so when the EU finishes ---79305344 Does she make up for that sense of loss by mothering niggers and Arabs like Merkel? ---79305368 >>79304992 Completely out of his depth. ---79305374 Whatever happened to Mogg being the new PM? ---79305395 >>79305233 die ---79305402 >will i getting your vote in 2020 anon? Or do I have to force it out of you ---79305403 >>79304913 >that was "hate speech" in the U.K. No that was Scotland . . .. .it's not illegal in England to do Hitler salutes or deny the holocaust. ---79305426 The expansion begins. ---79305430 So who's most likely going to be the next PM? ---79305437 >>79305203 >>79305226 ---79305464 >>79303533 >>79302304 >>79302194 >>79302087 >>79302081 >>79301994 I never expected I would stop hating brits ---79305521 >>79305430 Theresa May is certain to win. The contest is over, it is about who gets the cabinet positions. ---79305530 Ok Leadsom shills, why should I support Leadsom rather than Gove the agent of chaos ---79305531 >>79305073 We need mummy ---79305539 >>79305402 Nope, I'm voting for Leadsom, so stick it up your baby dispenser - if you could have babies - and fuck off... bitch. ---79305540 Can someone redpil me on Andrea? What dpes she say on common market, freedom of movement and immigration? ---79305549 pls make Andrea the op image of the next thread ---79305558 >>79304470 May is my fetish Authoritarian femdom tyrants are my fetish ---79305571 >>79305131 May would be the end of Brexit. ---79305576 >>79304753 > implying banning degeneracy like pornography is a bad thing Do you know where you are? You came here from the_donald didn't you. ---79305583 >>79305430 It'll be Gove. ---79305622 >>79305464 brit/pol/ is best thing on 4chan Such a smooth natural flow of banther, it's like they're not even trying ---79305623 >>79305344 Yeah That's It This Bitch Can't Win ---79305626 >>79305549 pls make pic related the op image of the next thread ---79305627 NEW THREAD: >>79305575 >>79305575 >>79305575 >>79305575 ---79305631 >>79305070 Frauke is so cute, she always brightens my day ---79305647 >>79302018 Tim Faggon looks like a child molesting magician ---79305655 >>79305530 Because you can't really trust Gove due to his betrayal, can you. ---79305675 >>79302048 Didn't you know that after 1707 they moved south and took over the country? ---79305680 >>79304208 ---79305695 rare may ---79305704 What are the lib dem policies anyway? They seem to just steal votes from labour. ---79305709 >>79302135 Yeah this. Our primary field of interest, is, always has been, and will remain, Internet Freedom. Anything else s bantz. I personally will oppose any candidate that does not guarantee the freedom of the internet. The internet is and will be beyond the madate of normie goverments- this is OUR sphere of influence, in our capacity as the final boss of the internet. You gentlemen ought to consider our history on /pol/, as well as that of the UK. ---79305727 Mogg has declared for Gove. If I join the Tories now can I vote in the election? ---79305733 >>79304913 >the free market sound like a terrible idea Fuck off you commie bastard ---79305759 >>79305571 ---79305810 >>79302018 Tim Nice But Dim ---79305820 What was wrong with Mogg?... Oh. ---79305833 >>79302737 mein fuhrer? ---79305858 >>79302556 ---79305871 >>79304913 Leadsom for Tory leader. Corbyn Labour and UKIP for government. ---79305886 >>79305365 It's treason, then ---79305889 >>79304431 he almost ruined primary education. But now nicky fat neck morgan is at the helm we actually miss the cunt And would back the man as pm, which id never thought id say ---79305903 NEW THREAD: >>79305575 → >>79305575 → >>79305575 → >>79305575 → >>79305575 → ---79305916 >>79305727 No, you have to be in for 3 months. ---79305925 >>79305727 No they got a 3 month lie in period, to avoid Labour style pranks. ---79305941 >>79305820 You're not a disgusting atheist are you? ---79305944 >why does she take the power stance? ---79306026 >>79305944 Looks like a baby giraffe taking its first steps ---79306066 Well if May does get elected atleast she'll put Merkel in her fucking place. ---79306090 >>79303275 This is just a meme, right? ---79306125 >>79305889 Almost fixed it you mean. Fucking Marxist shit. ---79306145 >>79305944 ---79306200 >>79306066 >Merkel 2.0 putting Merkel in her place you fucking wish ---79306423 >>79303106 Meme magic can be a harsh mistress. We must of displeased Kek somehow. ---79306435 >>79305131 Would a Jew give money away? ---79306492 >>79303380 Such a smug fucking badass... I love it ---79307253 >>79302759 tfw Nigel Farage is better than every fucking Tory right now ---79307493 >>79302737 MEIN GOTT ---79307949 >>79301850 Boris the cuck was here only to keep some control over the leaver, not letting Farage leading the dance.
----- ---79304256 Why he said no?
---79305559 >>79304256 The circus is over, so the clown is going home.
----- ---79305502 But what are your thoughts on hackforums? And basically all hacking forums in general. And do you think hacking is degenerate? What are your thoughts /pol/?
---79306014 >>79305502 Used to have an UB3R account on there, literally just a circle-jerk combined with people selling DDOS services and RATs. I would say literally 0.01% of people on there actually understand real hacking, and not DDOSing and selling E-Books ---79306140 >>79306014 You forgot script kiddies thinking how badass they are ---79306220 >>79306014 Yeah. Never bought UB3R here, but i used to be hell of a script-kiddie back in the day and i earned some $$$ by making ebin booders. Since i came to /pol/ ive realized that skids are just leftist weapons. >>79306140 Just like me back in the day. ---79306275 >>79306140 Yeah that as well, most of the newer members are 12 years old trying to "hack" minecraft and fucking facebook accounts. There is sometimes decent discussion, but mostly shit nowadays.
----- ---79306163
---79306276 >>79306163 This really makes me think.. .
----- ---79302995 Isn't it great that /pol/ has finally realised that the true enemy and great jew of the world are the subhuman chinese?
---79303285 Chink here We are unstoppable We are spread over the whole world, and gain more and more wealth and thus power. ---79303531 Shout "refugees welcome" a bit louder and hug a mudslime ---79306176 >>79303285 Can't wait until China fucking destroys itself.
----- ---79299417 is charlie sheen one of the bad guys now? >WAKE ME UP INSIDE
---79302602 come the fuck on, did the jews really get based charlie? ---79302740 >>79302602 Yes, everybody who doesn't hate exactly what you hate exactly how you hate it is part of the legion of doom and is directly working against you. ---79303434 >>79299417 He literally has AIDS ---79303594 >>79299417 The most secret thing short girls won't tell you: is that they don't want AIDS ---79303757 >>79303434 what are you trying to say? that his new friends jews will give him a cure in exchange for some shilling? ---79305527 >>79302602 he got aids from fucking trannies without condoms, what the fuck do you think ---79305739 >>79302740 For some reason your post is fucking hilarious. Could literally be an accurate to 85% of posts. Maybe not all Canucks are cucks. ---79306036 >>79302602 Maybe he regularly browses /pol/ and is revealing his powerlevel next before he dies
----- ---79303199 >mfw I realized that r-rated movies are only called that because they promote r-selected behavior
---79303925 That... That kinda makes sense. ---79304235 i remember going to see titanic in elementary school 4 teh boobs. there was ''''controversy'''' about it being pg-13 while showing tits ---79305235 And the r-types, because they can survive due to innovations by the k-types are voting the k-types out of existence. ---79305484 >>79305235 explain ---79306374 >>79305484 r-types have minimum amount of kids because of cost of having kids. Raise them badly while k-types have same number of kids but raise them well. r-types move to inner cities designed and work for good k-type people and start to have dozens of kids. They outbreed the k-type (civilized) human beings, and take over the inner cities. R-types behavior is extremely common in inner cities and lower class people. K-types however are becoming more like r-types subconsciously to keep up with the quick breeding rates of the r-type criminal barbarians. Pretty soon all cultures will be r-types. Barbarians who fuck and eat and fight and don't raise their kids well. ---79306651 >>79306374 People say that Jews are K-selected, but they're not. They're more degenerate than any other race in the world and they have lots of poorly raised evil kids with anger issues and an inferiority complex. ---79306656 >>79306374 >r-types have minimum amount of kids because of cost of having kids Oh look, the jews are re-inventing definitions for words again >r-selected species are those that place an emphasis on a high growth rate ---79307094 >>79306656 I meant that before the growth of big cities and better medicine the r-types who were commonly poor, while they were of course adulterers would not breed out the k-types as quickly as they did with those innovations. I wasn't implying that the r-types wanted to have the minimum amount of kids. I simply meant that the average r-type family before city dwelling was common was having the minimum amount of kids that the r-types were having in those new areas.
----- ---79299350 So what's this I hear that you have to get a permit to burn leaves in Germany? Explain this faggotry, you cucks.
---79299511 It's against the law to burn leaves in most states here. ---79299688 >>79299511 This. We don't even have the option to here. It's a $500 ticket your first offence in my county. surrounded by fucking pine and gumball trees ---79299833 >>79299350 You need a permit to own a TV in the U.K ---79299943 >>79299511 >>79299688 >living in a city ---79300091 >>79299943 Okay it's still against the law to burn leaves, even if you take them in the woods. ---79300258 >>79299350 >tfw we used to have massive christmas tree bonfires every new years in my crowded suburb >once had the fire department called on us >got a wag of the finger for a 20+ foot flame >we only stopped because everyone started getting fake trees so there were none left to burn WELL I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN WHERE AT LEAST I KNOW I'M FREE ---79300324 >>79299833 Those permits could save your life. ---79300609 >be idiot >make pile of leaves >burn it >neighborhood burns down because I'm an idiot who can't control my fire >lawmakers see this >"what a horrible tragedy, we must ensure that this never happens again" >contempt.jpg >new law: cannot burn leaves anymore because some idiot failed at it I think this is the origin of every stupid law. Some dumbass went too far or was simply too dumb, other people got hurt from that stupidity, lawmakers try to protect people from their own stupidity by banning acts that might result in damages when an idiot does them. It's the good old issue of trading freedoms for security. And it's short-sighted, but what do you expect of representatives voted in by masses of drooling morons? ---79300849 >>79299511 Not here, and I live in fucking Illinois. Granted, I live in the country so I disregard the law anyway. My nearest neighbor is over a mile away. I shoot guns in my back yard, blow shit up with binary bombs, kill any game that gets on my yard and eat it, I play music as loud as I want. I heat my home with coal, no natural gas. No A/C. My water is from a well. I've just built my first three windmills that should be enough power to run my home. tl;dr The rural life in the USA is the best life. Hands down. ---79301216 >>79300849 That sounds awesome. Just what I plan to live lke in the future. Do you live close to an urban center with shopping opportunities? ---79302801 >>79301216 I don't need it, with Amazon Prime(I have to go to the post office to get packages and mail, though). The nearest walmart is about 45 minutes away. I have chickens, cattle, horses, etc. ---79303066 Hahaha it's also illegal in Germany to use a cast net to catch fish. ---79303374 >>79302801 America. ---79303592 In Kansas It is pretty loose, but you need to let the fire marshal know if you are having a bonfire or burning your field so they don't send the fleet to your house on accident. ---79303957 >>79303374 Is that a dirt bike track in the middle lol ye that's pretty much country life. ---79304337 >>79299350 > Germany > cucks and faggotry You had the answer the whole time anon. ---79304351 >>79300849 Southern Illinois here. I agree, Illinois sucks as a whole but rural life is great. I heat almost exclusively with wood too. ---79307056 >>79303957 All of it is a dirt bike track after harvest and before planting. And nah, what you're seeing is a horse pasture. >>79304351 >tfw central IL At least you have Kentucky and Missouri close by. I live in the dead center of IL. Takes minimum 1 hour and 45 minutes to potentially leave the state.
---79304275 lol bump for musadir ---79306749 >>79302554
----- ---79306713 >>79306608 Nurse is a known globalist
---79306716 Continuation: >>>79270896
----- ---79306710 I can't hear you.
---79308808 Sage
----- ---79302146 Why didn't isis attack three different airports instead of attacking one?
---79302277 >>79302146 they can attack turkey really easily cause its right there and they're already at war next door ---79303631 >>79302146 The other terrorists called in sick and said: "Sorry, boss, but my temperature's just hit 102. I'm awfully sorry. Look, can I get a doctor's note and I promise I'll blow myself up tomorrow? I feel bad for letting you down, but you know how it is. Once again, sorry. By the way, how did Jamal go? Oh, fantastic. Tell him I'll see him in the afterlife tomorrow LOL! Also, did you remember to send that 10 Euros to my wife? Yeah? Thanks, she needs it for books. Yeah! She's starting middle school tomorrow! Fantastic, eh? OK, bye then. Al Ak, as we say! Bye, love yer work, byeeee." ---79303767 >>79302146 More people required = more chances of getting caught. ---79304945 >>79302146 Please god don't tell me this pictures real ---79305819 >>79304945 this picture is real ---79305933 >>79305819 Delete your 4chan account. ---79306702 >>79305933
----- ---79306290 Why do conservatives look up to Reagan? He raised taxes. He killed people. He destroyed our economy with "reaganomics"
---79306676 >>79306290 >muh poor brown people Leftists are insane.
----- ---79293153 The reason why Hitler lost Nazi Germany the war, is because he purposefully lost. The reason why he threw the war and ignored his generals, while getting high on 50 different drugs, daily, was: Hitler's Ahnenerbe divison of the SS, which was basically the treasure-hunting nazis of Indiana Jones. Found something. What they found in the 1940s, is that the Aryan race were not put on the Earth by God himself as the master race. But merely they were the product of white skin and light hair adaptations in evolution, due to a lower UV in Europe. With lighter skin, and hair, being more aptly suited to absorb more UV than darker shades. With the blue eyes, originating in Ukraine about 10,000 years ago, around the time that Hunter Gatherers in Europe began to farm and breed a lot more. So after this realization that the Aryan race is not an alien ubermensch race, but merely evolved different than Africans.
---79293278 He died, so he won ---79293403 >>79293278 Not really, suicide is never the answer, unless you were raped and can't kill the rapist within 24 hours. Also isn't my OP picture of Aryan man, pretty to look at? No homo. ---79293536 >>79293403 but if your kill your enemies, they win ---79293561 >>79293153 They probably didn't literally believe that they were god's master race. Just that they were Germans and had to protect and improve themselves. Himmler was into occult shit I think but Hitler was more down to earth overall. The reason they lost was terrible military decisions. ---79293567 >>79293153 fuckin hell australia fuck off ---79293720 >>79293561 They got rid of Heinz Guderian, he would have won the eastern front, by pushing straight to Moscow - rather than sacking Stalingrad. Without the massive losses in the Eastern Front because of that bad decision. They would had enough soldiers after seizing Moscow, to defend the German airspace and land from American and Commonwealth invasion. ---79293831 >>79293536 Lol, did Justin Weedman really say that? ---79294883 >>79293153 The war was lost on purpose, but not by Hitler. Too many of his closest officers constantly lied to his face, mismanaged the divisions and withheld crucial information about the enemy. That must've frustrated Hitler to no end. Some of his closest friends couldn't at first even get him to believe that there were so many traitors among the Nazi leaders. ---79295149 >>79294883 Hitler was Jewish himself, he definitely lost the war on purpose. Heinz Guderian went to his fucking face, and told him he needs to withdraw his divisions, outnumbered severely at Moscow. And Hitler refused. Near the end of the war Hitler himself, proclaimed that the Aryans were in fact inferior to the slavs, because they couldn't beat Russia. He was fucken delusional on all the meth, morphine, cocaine and other drugs he was on every single day. ---79295628 >>79295149 The damage had already been done and the war effectively lost by the time any German troops were near Moscow. There was nothing he could've done about it. The fiasco of Normandy was the tipping point, and had the internal enemies got dealt with before that, D-day would've gone very differently ---79295784 >>79293153 Nazi's are alive and well and they live in the Hollow World. They will return in time for WWIII using their Nazi Spacecrafts (i.e. the Hannibal models). ---79296042 >>79293153 what are you on about? Hitler never said he believed that germans were the "aryan master race." he believed that all races have their own ubermensch and untermensch and that there is nothing wrong with accepting that but you should want to do all you can to make as many of your people be ubermensch rather than untermensch. quite simple. ---79297458 >>79293403 >and can't kill the rapist within 24 hours. wut? is rapists like vampires now? ---79297931 >>79293831 are you new or retarded? ---79298028 >>79297458 To regain your manhood basically. Being raped as a man is the worst thing that can happen to a man, worse than death. ---79298142 >>79293278 kek ---79298532 >>79293153 >when you realize aryans are not the master race so you snort 40 pounds of coke and die ---79298599 >>79293153 >ukraine no such thing ---79298728 >>79293153 ---79298733 >>79298599 Of the area of present day Ukraine. The area itself is just North of the Black Sea where blue eyes originated in a single ancestor. ---79298867 >>79293831 No he didn't ---79299144 >>79298867 It's a damn wide-spread meme, was it made by the alt-right? ---79299172 >OY VEY GOYIM THE ARYAN IS A MYTH! fuck off, kikes ---79299473 >>79293153 hitler was a tool in jewish hand, when his masters realized they not gonna bring russia down even weakened by communism, they left their tool to fend on his own sad fate, and appropriate for heavy medications total waste of a good army men ---79299574 >>79299473 Capped. ---79299759 >>79299473 yes shlomo ---79299884 >jewish master race ---79300278 >>79299884 >>79300173 The inferior less intelligent Jews were killed. The remaining Jews were the super-smart once. As such, since, Jews have formed a master race without dull elements. ---79300498 >>79300278 ---79301051 >>79293153 Aryan just means of Germanic descent, nothing to do with hair color ---79301146 >>79301051 >Aryan just means of Germanic descent how on Earth did you arrive at that conclusion? ---79301485 >>79301146 Hittler could not have lead the master race if that were the case. Blond hair and Blue eyes would be the average German person, but the Big members of Hittlers staff all had dark hair. Himmler, Goebles, Hess, etc ---79301785 >>79301485 you seem to be under the impression that Hitler is a living Aryan ---79301951 >>79301485 He thinks Hitler was logical and not mad with syphilis ---79302094 >>79301951 ---79302191 >>79293153 Very interesting tactic this one, 5-eyes. A little bit of truth with a big lie. Hitler was a rothschild jew, controlled opposition, this is true. He protected the jews with the camps, that's why they all "escaped" and conveniently went on to invade jerusalem. But no, Aryans are an alien ubermensch race, and that is why they are envied by you who are not. ---79302505 >>79302191 I'm not 5 eyes, but I am a versed conversant like an agent. I've met a lot of agents on this board's old minecraft servers. The dope I'm smoking in a pipe, is opening my Pineal gland and allowing me better creativity. ---79303385 >>79298733 >ukraine no such thing ---79303415 >>79293403 Would bang ---79303523 >>79293403 Change it to a US uniform and he looks like my father who is deceased. I am 57 y/o btw. So that look (OP's pic) is not unfamiliar to me, except for the uniform of course. Today, except in midwest where I lived, I rarely see this vanishing gentleman persona. And if one mentions Wagner, Goethe, Tristan, or Beyreuth (it's in DE) where paternal component of my family derived, nobody I know ever heard of any of it. But they know who Beyonce is, and that she apparently no longer smokes crack in front of small children, and that nigger lil'Wayne has some drug-related aliment that shouldn't matter. The world today where I live is ruined by shitckins, hispanics, illegals, niggers. Once in a while there's a high IQ asian taking the money, or merchants shaking out a percentage or collecting rent. White male a minority. That's all. ---79303655 >>79303523 Yep, sad state of reality, when all whites with the blue eye gene are descendant of Noah in the bible. ---79304246 >>79303655 a thousand years of this is disappearing (((again))) in our lifespan, only one presumes this time it will not self replicate. ---79304873 >>79293153 Wow, I'm now a #CruzMissile ---79306672 >>79301951 What makes you think he was a madman, I will concede that he was prideful and arrogant, but a madman is another story. How did he get into power if he was totally insane
----- ---79305252 Is brexit the silver lining of trump losing? By that i mean, is bad news trump loses but the good news that britain left the eu? Is that the tradeoff?
---79305597 >>79305252 Yes ---79305846 >>79305252 trump will win ---79306657 >>79305252 oi you cheeky bugger don't you be bailing on us at the last second we left the eu thinking we could form an alliance with the us led by trump and then get russia on board and finally rule the world again you better keep up your end of the bargain you wankers
----- ---79272504 >Debating atheist. >Religion isn't true because science. >What makes science true? >Because it's muh logical. >Implying logic isn't subjective. They can't even argue.
---79273022 I'll bite. >logic isn't subjective Pretty vague statement from what I can tell in the context I think you're trying to use it in. Are you saying things fall up for some people? Are you saying there are times where a match can't be blown out? Are you saying there someone has aged in reverse before? Also, Logic isn't factual in case you're trying to imply those two terms are related. For the sake of science and logic being used together and if you want to throw "fact" and known things there, when we say we know things we are never certain. We take them as though they are reasonably sound claims. If black holes are proven to not be true sometimes in the future, I'll accept it and realize we were assuming. ---79273529 >>79273022 cuck ---79274725 >>79273529 >this is how godfags debate Top kek, funny how religion is a bigger meme than 'cuck' ---79274791 >>79272504 Presuppositionalism is simply pseudophilosophy that deserve to be shat at and mocked ---79274913 >>79272504 kill yourself child molester ---79274916 >>79272504 >implaying deduction is subjective ---79275007 >>79272504 Flying spaghetti monster. Illogical? Lad logic is subjective. ---79275259 >>79272504 so, you are basically claiming that science is a religion too? there is nothing to argue about then, go believe in your bearded all mighty while i believe in evolution. what a weak bait, try harder ---79275406 >>79272504 Science is fact Logic is just a means to an end. =/= false equivalency is not an argument ---79275421 >>79272504 It may or may not be subjective, but it is certainly not complete (since there is at least one self-contradictory fact -- existence exists). In other words, the transcendetal is real. Human logic does not define the limits of reality but only of human conception and the mathematical structure of our perceptual world (the physical universe). ---79278003 >>79275421 buttmad cuck ---79278269 >>79275406 >Science is fact Prove it ---79278357 >>79272504 Only a God would be capable of logic. Since logic requires omniscience to be considered valid. lol ---79278501 >its this thread again ---79278576 Also, I'm still waiting for somebody to design an experiment that could prove or disprove God, let alone carry it out. If God doesn't come when you call for him, that doesn't prove there is no God, it proves that if there is a God, you aren't him. So what's your experiment? How would you even BEGIN to test? What conditions? ---79278663 Science is based on observation. Religion is based on imagination. ---79278789 thread reminds me of ---79278832 >>79278663 >science rests on falsifiability Science is based on perpetually refuting itself by design You will never get a stable "fact" through science ---79279185 >>79272504 Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence That which can be claimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence ---79279210 Also, I'm utterly SHOCKED that people think Science has somehow "defeated" religion. I thought the whole point of Science is that it's constantly changing, constantly approaching the truth, that no case is ever closed, that no debate is ever settled. I think it's funny that we still have to refer to the "Theory of Gravity," but yeah, the whole God thing is totally settled. It's the old, "do you know everything?" question again. >Do you know Everything? No. >Do you know half of everything? I doubt it. >What about 1%? Do you think you know 1% of everything? Let's say you do... Yes? >Well maybe God exists in the other 99% of everything that you don't know. Well you can't prove a negative! >Not only that, it's damned hard to prove a positive, too. ---79279292 >>79278832 >Science is based on The physical world my man. Religion has no basis. ---79279351 >>79278663 What are new inventions based on? It can't be observation, that leads to reproduction, not innovation. Hmm, maybe imagination isn't as unreal as you think. Maybe other things are real that you think relatively unreal, and vice-versa. Physicists sure think so. ---79279398 >>79279185 God does not exist is that sort of extraordinary claim just as much as God does exist ---79279505 >>79279292 >the physical world is all that exists ---79279515 >>79278576 Impossible. God is supernatural while science only deals with the natural world. So its futile to try to use science to disprove or prove the existence of god. Its a philosophical debate. ---79279559 this ---79279592 is a ---79279614 >current year >not worshiping KEK SHAME ON ALL OF YOU ---79279643 pepe thread ---79279648 >>79279185 What about that which is dismissed despite evidence? What about the fact that there would be new evidence coming in every new second in time? Don't you think you've made up your mind awfully early? Are you even aware that there can be multiple ways of interpreting the same evidence? And finally, what about this evidence? Have you seen it already? ---79279713 >>79279643 >>79279614 >>79279592 >>79279559 >>79279398 >>79279185 >>79278832 PRAISE HIM PRAISE KEK ---79279720 >>79279351 Inventions are either based on existing technologies and understandings, or on new observations discovered through creativity. >>79279505 There's no evidence for anything other than it existing. ---79279804 >>79279292 >The physical world my man. Prove that materialism is real. ---79279867 >>79272504 You're more correct than you think, but the exchange you outlined was still retarded. ---79279891 >>79279720 >What is the Argument from Ignorance? ---79279999 >>79279713 Sorry m9 I'm a Christian ---79280038 and then there was kek and kek saw the kek and that it was kek ---79280078 >>79279804 The collective experience of reality is proof enough unless you think you're the only consciousness in existence. >>79279891 Not at all what I claimed. I said there is NO evidence that worlds other than this one exist. ---79280100 >>79279515 How can atheists, who claim to have NO GOD OTHER than Science, not understand what you have so perfectly explained? Do they truly worship that which they know not of? The same accusation they levy against the religious? And they truly deny that atheism is a religion????? That takes the faith of at least several dozen mustard seeds. ---79280179 >>79280078 >The collective experience of reality is proof enough unless you think you're the only consciousness in existence. You just refuted your own "proof". Prove that any consciousness than my own is real. ---79280185 >>79279720 >new observations discovered through creativity. What's that? What's creativity based on? If you're familiar with Socrates, you should know that I can always ask more questions than you have answers. ---79280247 >>79280078 >Absence of evidence =! Evidence of absence You may have just been too stupid to notice it (always a valid possibility) ---79280266 >>79280078 Matter at the subatomic level is proven insubstantial. What 'materialism'? ---79280429 >>79280179 >Prove that any consciousness than my own is real. Stop defying your own will to fly! If you're the only consciousness, then what stops you from being God? Quick, make me a universe! Or maybe first you should prove that you are conscious in the first place, before we tackle flying through the air. ---79280433 >>79279398 Doubting the existence of God is reactionary to the claim that God exists in the first place, friend- the burden of proof is on you Otherwise, by that logic, Thor and Vishnu are just as real as God ---79280599 >>79280429 That's not proof. Are you saying that you can't prove that any other consciousness other than my own is real? If not, then I guess there's no proof for materialism either (and consequently not for anything related to science). Damn, must suck to be an atheist and rely so heavily on dogma. ---79280679 >>79273022 First comment best comment ---79280721 >>79280433 >Doubting the existence of God is reactionary to the claim that God exists in the first place, friend- the burden of proof is on you Burden of proof does not in any sense make the Argument from Ignorance valid >Otherwise, by that logic, Thor and Vishnu are just as real as God Yes they are. The question is which one ought to put his faith in ---79280811 >>79280433 >Doubting the existence of God is reactionary to the claim that God exists in the first place, friend-the burden of proof is on you It's on everyone, don't you think? Maybe God works through individuals, and in individuals, and on individuals. In His own time, not at one time. Each of us on our own, not everyone at once. Remember, man makes bricks. God makes rocks. Man makes boards, God makes trees. Man makes a place flat, while God raises mountains and makes valleys. Maybe you should take the burden of proof on yourself, and not wait for some fool to do it for you. ---79280888 >>79280100 Atheists who treat atheism as a religion are retarded people who doesnt understand the concept of what they claim to believe in, and they bash religion as if they have a moral reason to do so. We cant prove God exists and we cant really disprove it either so in the end all an atheist "should" do is to claim that it would be foolish to do or not do certain things that's been credited to a deity that we cant prove is real. ---79281057 >>79280599 >Are you saying that you can't prove that any other consciousness other than my own is real No, I'm saying I disproved that you're the only consciousness because if you were the ONLY consciousness, why would you defy your own will? Why can't you say, I don't know, breathe underwater or something? Or is this reality actually quite objectively real and also independent of your consciousness. i.e. reality isn't stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with it. ---79281108 >>79280100 "Science" is a process, not a religion. It's reddit as fuck but the flying spaghetti monster uses the same reasoning as "we can't disprove or comprehend it so it must be real". >>79280179 That's as impossible as proving or disproving God's existence. >>79280185 >>79280247 >>79280266 Let me simplify. We can observe the physical world with our sensory organs and we can observe others making such observations (by interacting with them or using medical technology). So, we can be reasonably sure we aren't the only ones observing it. Religion on the other hand is based purely on ideas and "experiences". There is no way to rationally accept it unless you have such an experience, and there's no way to observe one in another person either. ---79281132 >>79275406 >science is fact >Except global warming amd evolution, we just really think those things are real - just look at these made up drawings and charts. ---79281208 >>79280888 Maybe agnostics are atheists and atheists are anti-theists. ---79281241 >>79281108 >That's as impossible as proving or disproving God's existence. Good, then there's no proof that materialism is actually real. >>79281057 > No, I'm saying I disproved that you're the only consciousness because if you were the ONLY consciousness, why would you defy your own will? Except that's not really disproving anything. Try again. ---79281283 >>79273022 fpbp /thread ---79281345 >>79281108 >Let me simplify. We can observe the physical world with our sensory organs and we can observe others making such observations (by interacting with them or using medical technology). So, we can be reasonably sure we aren't the only ones observing it. Doesn't make those observations any less or more real (cf. ad populum) >Religion on the other hand is based purely on ideas and "experiences". There is no way to rationally accept it unless you have such an experience, and there's no way to observe one in another person either. There is no way to scientifically accept it There is a rational case for (the Christian) religion and I am happy to make it ---79281573 >>79273022 >falling for the truth meme Logic is built on axioms, which aren't necessarily true. ---79281675 logic is subjective the same way morals are. you can say "MUH THATS YOUR OPINION", but the same logic that builds space stations and nuclear powerplants disproves religion. While religious logic creats niggers. You're only left to go full "muh logic need to prove itself to be proven, muh leap of faith" but that retarded and wont lead you to shit and its nigger lv. ---79281681 >>79280721 The problem is that the Argument from Ignorance is your problem to deal with. Nobody is claiming God doesn't exist, you are claiming he does, hence the burden of proof. Argument from Ignorance doesn't come into it. Nobody is denying the existence of God on the grounds of a lack of (((evidence))), people just don't believe there is a God. That statement does not imply that there is no God, merely that person B does not believe in him. >Yes they are. The question is which one ought to put his faith in Do you believe in the existence of all Gods and deities? ---79281796 >>79272504 >Implying logic isn't subjective. ---79281831 >>79272504 I'm god. you can't prove that I'm not, I'm all powerful Just look at these dubs ---79281882 >>79281108 >Religion on the other hand is based purely on ideas and "experiences". There is no way to rationally accept it unless you have such an experience, and there's no way to observe one in another person either. By two or three witnesses let a thing be established, eh? What about mass-hallucinations. If two people hallucinate the same thing, is it real? What about fifty people? What about a whole CITY? What about TWO cities? ---79281938 >>79281241 >there's no proof that materialism is actually real No, but I personally experience reality, so I can accept it. I've never had a spiritual experience so I have nothing to base faith on. >>79281345 The crux of it for me is that because you can't apply logic to them, religions are as credible as me or any other anon claiming to be God. There is no reason to follow them except tradition. And I haven't read any philosophy so gimme a break with the fallacies. ---79281958 >>79281831 This poster has divine Godly dubs, but our limited human perception cannot understand them. He is powerful enough to make 31 into repeating digits, and we must believe him. PRAISE ANON! ---79282013 >>79281681 >Nobody is claiming God doesn't exist, you are claiming he does Prove which claim came first. Chicken? or Egg? ---79282033 >>79281681 >Weak Atheism Shitty copout m9. A dog lacks a belief in God, doesn't tell you absolutely anything about whether God exists or not You are just cowedly refusing to make a stance on the matter >Do you believe in the existence of all Gods and deities? Ought I? ---79282066 >>79281882 >By two or three witnesses let a thing be established, eh? I'm talking about literally the entire human population. Are you telling me you aren't real? And yes if a bunch of people observe something it warrants investigating. Who says what you linked was a hallucination? ---79282140 >>79281938 >I've never had a spiritual experience Did you try following the detailed instructions step-by-step? ---79282171 >>79281208 Well the fedora tier people sure fit the Anti-theists camp more. ---79282219 >>79282033 >A dog lacks a belief in God citation needed ---79282260 >>79281938 >No Great, so science is based on a fundamentally unprovable concept. Explain to once more, how science is factual? It's literally equivalent to religion in terms of dogma and belief. ---79282419 >people here talking of logic and pretending they use logic >none of them could even produce a simple proof in first order logic top kek, keep on arguing. you will never reach true agreement since you are not even using valid logical systems in your arguments ---79282427 >>79281938 >There is no reason to follow them except tradition. The Christian tradition brings with it things inherent in and only in the Christian religion (a Christian peace, a Christian content (synonym for happiness), a Christian unity and a homogeneous cultural identity in congruence with more of our ancestors' history) It's a lot more rational than keeping ourselves ideologically divided (or united in classical, social, and/ or cultural liberalism) ---79282430 >>79282066 >Who says what you linked was a hallucination? I didn't. But you didn't see it, so you might. It would seem to me that you pick and choose when to take things on blind faith and when to be more scrutinizing. Like everybody. ---79282539 Irreligion only idealology ---79282554 >>79282419 >What is informal logic? ---79282585 >>79282260 Right so is Jesus sitting next to you then? Can you hear God or Allah giving you divine instructions? I imagine not. You can however see the room you're sitting in. That's already a difference. ---79282614 >>79282033 >You are just cowedly refusing to make a stance on the matter Exactly! Why would I make a claim to something I cannot possibly prove? All I can affirm is this- I simply do not believe in the existence of the spiritual, or a God. What you're doing is baiting the trap of "You cannot claim God doesn't exist because you freely admit that you cannot physically prove he does not exist" and then getting frustrated when I don't bite. The problem for you is that this still doesn't support your claim that a God does exist. ---79282648 >>79279648 kent hovind is to hardcore for a atheist i had a alot of problems with dino man even when young christian ---79282656 >It's a new worlders unironically talk about religion episode Why did religious progress stagnate in America? ---79282696 >>79282219 Ok then, how about a fly? ---79282761 >>79282554 It's something you literally made up in your mammal brain. While a decent tool in shitposting and hunting rabbits, it is not logically sound and valid. ---79282795 >>79282430 I try not to take anything on blind faith except when it's pointless or impractical not to. (Like accepting that I exist and, for example, will die if I don't tend to my physical form.) How much of the Bible have you read anon? ---79282882 Someone prove that logic is real pro tip you can't lel rekt ---79283008 >>79282585 Schizophrenic people can see things that you consider to be hallunications. Guess these hallunications exist then, since they are visible to the human eye. ---79283042 >>79272504 Most modern "atheists" would get blown the fuck out by Plato. Most atheists are nothing more than modern day Sophists, fools that pretend to have knowledge when they're nothing more than masters of false opinion. ---79283086 >>79281938 Since no one can time travel, the only way for an ancient religion to prove itself true would be via predictions that are too big to plan, coming true to an exact and accurate point. Logically, if the predictions are all true, bar none, then the religion might be true. But they would have to be extremely specific. And there's always an argument that until it comes true, it is false. Therefore, all religions are false, until proven true and shouldn't be held on faith alone - which destroys many religions in itself. ---79283138 >>79282614 >Exactly! Why would I make a claim to something I cannot possibly prove? Because otherwise you have no place in having this conversation (if you're only interested in things you believe you could know) >The problem for you is that this still doesn't support your claim that a God does exist. It's not a problem for me. I'm not looking to prove to you that God exists I'm trying to get you to have faith in Him ---79283176 >>79283042 I get that this is a b8 thread, but you're holding up Plato as the golden standard here? That nigga is the reason why we still have sophistry in the world. Thank God he produced Aristotle otherwise we'd be dealing with a world of ideal forms rather than empiricism. ---79283269 >>79282761 >formal logic is not something made up in the human mammal brain as well ---79283298 >>79283008 What you decribe is literally what relevation is though.. >GOD SPEAKS TO ME, FOR REALSIES.. I'M TOTALLY NOT MENTALLY INSANE, PLEASE HEAR MY WORD AND WORSHIP THE VOICES IN MY HEAD ---79283364 >>79283269 >Talking about 'making things up' in a debate about religion lmao ---79283432 >>79283269 Formal logic is true even if there would be no life. ---79283496 >>79283364 He started it >:P ---79283557 >>79279505 >the physical world is all we can observe fix'd ---79283560 >>79283432 Prove it ---79283567 >>79283008 I can't prove reality if I'm a part of it anon. This discussion is impossible. My point is that there isn't even somewhere to start when it comes to religion. Like I said earlier, I could claim to be God and it would be as credible. >>79283086 Exactly what I'm trying to say. Religions are baseless claims, not observed phenomena. ---79283584 >>79272504 Logic isn't subjective. This board worries me sometimes. ---79283594 /pol/ is an atheist board. Believers in fairies, sky gods and kike miracles should fuck off to >>>/x/ ---79283600 >>79282882 Feel free to draw a shape that is both a cube and not a cube. ---79283601 >>79283432 Prove it ---79283641 >>79283557 See this >>79283560 ---79283694 >>79283584 Yea it is. It's you the individual who determines what is and isn't logical. ---79283770 >>79283594 >Believers in fairies, sky gods and kike miracles should fuck off Lmao, why are American atheists always so vile and asshurt? Is it because you're raised as Christians in a Christian country or something? I'm not religious and I don't really believe in anything as far as spirituality and deities go, but I don't have the urge to go around insulting people's beliefs with terms like 'sky wizard' and 'fairytales' like many Americans seem compelled to.. Why is that? Can't you just not believe and leave it at that? ---79283831 >>79283601 Cause and effect remain true even if there are no humans (or anyone) to observe it. ---79283899 >>79283694 >It's you the individual who determines what is and isn't logical. No. Logic remains logical if there is nobody to label it so.. ---79283946 >>79283831 Schrödinger would like a word. ---79283947 >>79283831 Proof? ---79284004 >>79283601 >>79283560 Axioms that define true and false are the same used to define formal logic. The claim "formal logic is not true" is not valid because outside of formal logic "not true/false" is not defined. ---79284115 >>79284004 But the claim "formal logic is true" is JUST as invalid ya mug ---79284159 >>79283946 Schrödinger had nice philosophical ideas... His cat however, would be either dead or alive after stuffing it in that box, not both. Probably dead, since IIRC he poisoned the box or something. >>79283947 Basic logic and common sense don't require proof ;DDDD Besides, debating religious people is pointless anyway.. >Lets have a rational debate about that which by it's very nature is not rational ;D ---79284216 >>79284004 So formal logic is true because formal logic says so that's like me saying God is real because the bible says so lol rekt ---79284292 >>79283138 >I'm not looking to prove to you that God exists, I'm trying to get you to have faith in him I'd love to have faith in God, truly I would The only problem is that God has no better a claim to my faith than Thor, Vishnu, Allah, or Ba'al Currently KEK seems more real to me than God. If God's reaching out to me, he seems to be doing it through the signs of repeating digits and Meme Magic, which isn't working out as planned for him. ---79284303 It's all about premisses. The premise in atheism is that God is not real and reality can only be know trough emperical epistemology. From that point you build evolution, secular ethics,etc ---79284408 >>79284216 Pretty much yeah. Logic is not omnipotent, and there is realm outside of logic. But everything that is true or false is defined by logic. Think of it as a tool. ---79284468 >>79284408 cuck ---79284489 >>79284159 Belief in Christ is rational for a collective's (my collective's) stability >Basic logic and common sense don't require proof ;DDDD And neither does God >>>Lets have a rational debate about that which by it's very nature is not rational ;D Because most new gaytheists think they can rationally dismiss God ---79284550 >>79283694 And how do you do that? By pulling it out of your ass? ---79284663 >>79283770 If you encourage idiots, they only get stupider. It's the problem with all forms of political correctness. Feel free to keep posting itt until you figure that out. ---79284701 >>79284292 That's because you need to stop thinking purely as an individual and start thinking collectively and nationally Do you even remember our history.. ---79284753 >>79284550 By defining your logical rules and axioms; and then applying them ---79284785 >>79284550 2+2=4 is not logical, it's just fact because math was created with pretermined rules. Everything else however is completely subjective. Example: It's logical that the sun will rise in the morning. That's an opinion because it could not, maybe it blows up, maybe the earth spins on the axis, etc... ---79284823 >>79283694 That' not what logic is. You sound like an SJW, "Facts are racist". kys. ---79284840 >>79284701 Yes, but it doesn't help me believe in God unfortunately ---79284884 >>79282427 >>79284701 Desu I recognise the benefit of modern Christianity, I'm just arguing the core belief. (Which is a bit essential actually.) ---79284917 >>79272504 >>79249560 >>79249560 >>79249560 ---79284981 >>79284917 POO ---79284989 >>79273022 Electric Universe and Primer fields, two models and theories that denounce black holes, Neutron stars, Gravitational lensing, dark matter, dark energy. ---79285010 >>79284663 You are no longer politically incorrect bucko. We are ---79285011 >all these edgy redditor atheists on /pol/, a christian board ---79285066 >>79284917 pretty shitty, like your street+s ---79285128 >be pagan >accept science >cozy afterlife and science Living the dream. ---79285136 >>79284823 Yes it is. There's no governing body that determines what is and isn't logical. And if there was, would you trust them? ---79285196 >>79284884 It's absurd arguing for [scientific] evidence for a thing that can't be [scientifically] proven You're just what the Soviets called useful (kind-hearted) idiots ---79285289 >>79285011 >/pol/, a christian board /pol/ was never a christian board. It's just a handful of 3rd worlders and rednecks shitposting over and over again. ---79285306 >>79284840 What would? >inb4 scientific evidence ---79285330 >>79278269 fucking hell m8 /thread ---79285410 >>79285289 >/pol/ was never a christian board. It's just a handful of 3rd worlders and rednecks shitposting over and over again. ---79285412 >>79285289 cuck ---79285433 >>79285196 Prove that it can't be scientifically proven ---79285456 >>79285289 kill yourself ---79285582 >>79284989 i thought electric universe got debuken 100000000000000000000000000000 times , but yeah people would still believe it ---79285653 >>79285433 I can't Science is just by definition is naturalist-physicalist (only the physical world exists) and God in science is perceived as entirely non-physical, so it could never detect Him ---79285656 >>79285136 logic is like math, you don't need a governing body >>79283641 the scientific method works only for the material world beccause that is what we can measure. if there is an immaterial world, we can not perceive or measure it. that doesn't mean that the immaterial world doesn't exist, only that scientists don't give a damn about it and that is why most scientists who are religious separate these two completely. because it's the most sensible thing to do. ---79285742 >>79285410 stop shit posting please you have polluted the entire thread, spastic. ---79285791 >>79272504 The false dichotomy between science and religion is one of the greatest enlightenment era tricks ---79285810 >>79285656 Why don't you need a governing body ---79285969 >>79285410 >>79285412 >>79285456 Thanks for proving my point, christfags. Keep being you. ---79286050 >>79285656 >They are scientists AND >at same time religious >they separate them completely Only when they actually do studies and apply the scientific method you absolute moron There is a way to perceive science without you drawing too many unprovable general conclusions (cf. Scientific Instrumentalism vs Scientific Realism) Read a book ffs ---79286103 >>79285196 >arguing for [scientific] evidence for a thing that can't be [scientifically] proven Anon I'm saying the original claim has little to give it credibility, so it's not really even something that should be seriously considered. (Like a cult leader claiming to be the second coming.) >You're just what the Soviets called useful (kind-hearted) idiots Not very nice desu. ---79286156 >>79285969 We will, because this is a christian board after all ---79286192 >>79285742 >shittalks my posts Thanks for reading them ---79286361 >>79286156 muh safe space ---79286394 >>79286103 >Anon I'm saying the original claim has little to give it credibility, so it's not really even something that should be seriously considered. (Like a cult leader claiming to be the second coming.) It has little to give it gnostic credibility Everyone knows it's a faith-based/ agnostic assertion (even the New Gaytheists who doublethink it's some sort of scientific claim) ---79286515 >>79286192 >implying i didn't just take a quick look at the half of your posts containing reddit frog and shitty bait images you're blatant desu ---79286588 Why do christards act like all atheists subscribe to science as their reason for the lack of existence of God. Is it so outrageous to you that atheist simply means one who does not believe in God?There is absolutely 0 addendum to that. Absolutely nothing else atheists as a whole have in common. It's always Americans who treat atheism as if it was a religion. Both the American christians and atheists that is. ---79286649 >>79286515 >implying you're not curious to see if you've misjudged them rapidly because of your ideological closed-mindedness ---79286661 >>79286394 But that's like having faith in a bowl of cereal man. You can't just come up with an idea and have faith that it's true. ---79286745 >>79286588 >We're all just Weak Atheists I swear :'^( Vezi >>79282033 ---79286780 God raped Jesus mother and molested him as a child. Thats why Jesus became such a cuck and loved BDSM. He died during a really disgusting BDSM session when he wanted to get off by being nailed to a cross. Why do you worship such a sicko?! ---79286799 >>79272504 >Implying logic isn't subjective. It's not, it's objective. But that isn't even the main thing. Science is the way to go, because everything can be challenged and retested objectively. There are things that can't be proven or disproven through science, and that's where religion comes in. Or metaphysics, or philosophy if you will. Both religion and science have its place in today's world, and neither can replace the other. ---79286934 >>79286745 >THE DIVINE APPLE OF GENESIS EXISTS AT THE CORE OF THE UNIVERSE,INVISIBLE AND INTANGIBLE >I don't believe that >HAHAH THEN PROVE ME WRONG >no >HAHAHAHA I WIN YET AGAIN I'VE DEMONSTRATED THE SUPERIORITY OF MY BELIEF OVER YOUR WEAK AND FRAIL DISBELIEF Oh pipe down theists,it doesn't fucking matter. ---79287005 >>79286661 >But that's like having faith in a bowl of cereal man. False equivalence (+Appeal to Ridicule) >You can't just come up with an idea You don't come up with the idea of God. It's millennia of years old >and just have faith that it's true. Ever heard of Kierkegaard? ---79287064 >>79272504 >Implying logic isn't subjective. oh boy ---79287145 >>79286934 >Declansat When will atheists stop being so burhurt and purposefully misunderstanding of Christianity ---79287161 >>79285582 Debunked because they aren't peer reviewed by """"""""Official Science groups""""""""" ---79287166 >>79285306 Probably a bad enough stroke should do it ---79287289 >>79287005 Yes I will use false equivalence and ridicule because the only reason the belief in a deity has more weight is because lots of people do it. And lots of people doing it over millennia doesn't make it true, didn't you mention ad populum earlier? ---79287358 >>79287166 Have you no respect for these nations' historical religion doe.. ---79287509 >>79287289 There are some areas where I don't give a flying fuck about how many fallacies there are It doesn't really matter anyway ---79287800 >>79281573 >axioms, which aren't necessarily true. you don't really understand what an axiom is, do you ---79287931 Alright, heres my thought on religion/atheism thing. As a former hardcore atheist, i used to debate religious people all the time, i won. And now im a guy whos deep in the rabbit hole, and i believe in god and greater powers. And ive talked to atheists about this, theyre the most annoying people ive ever met in my entire time, im sorry for everyone who i debated with. Atheists are fucking spergs. And i do believe in science, and science is good, we humans need science. But we should not talk shit about religions in general. And Science vs Religion is not a thing, because theyre 2 different things. Science nowdays are used as a weapon by (((Innocent people))) to destroy us. Theyre making false science and statics such as "circumcision is healthy and good for you penis" and using statistics such as "Men get 90% more paid than woman". "There are no races, just look, we are the same, but with different skin colors" It disgusts me, i can only trust "old" science now. And religion is philosophy where you talk about greater problems and solutions with facts and some science. Sorry for my english /pol/ ---79288023 >>79287800 he completely right doe ---79288090 >>79272504 And they say Canadians are shitposters. Ban all Americans. ---79288233 >>79287931 >former New Atheist, now Christian Same here mate ---79288550 >>79288023 yeah no ---79288556 >>79288233 Im not christian, im not even baptized, and ive never been to a church except for funerals. But i do believe in god and im thinking about becoming a christian, but i dont wanna donate money to the swedish cuck church. ---79288703 >>79272504 >why dont people believe what I want to believe >they cant even argue Probably he just decided you werent worth his time >logic is subjective Ok mr Goldenstein ---79288752 >>79288556 You don't need to go to Church to be Christian my friend. Just get baptised into the most Christ tradition-keeping faith you can find, and live out your faith >>79288550 y not? ---79288803 >>79272504 Kind of unrelated but I don't want to make my own thread just for this, so sorry in advance. I've been pretty much agnostic/atheist my entire life, however the last 5/6 years I have grown increasingly sympathetic towards Christianity and the effect it's had upon society. Recently I've had some extremely traumatic events happen in my life, and I'm somewhat struggling to cope with it. While I'm not sure if I believe in a God or not, I am thinking of turning to Christianity. 3 questions: - Am I doing this for the wrong reasons? - Is it frowned upon entering a church (most likely Anglican) without a firm belief in God? Or are they open to guiding you towards being a believer? - Has anyone else turned to religion to help recover from a traumatic event? Did it Work? ---79288843 >>79288752 Alright, thanks. I should start reading more about christianity. ---79289075 >>79288843 Make sure to avoid the most recent social liberal perversions of the faith. May God help you ---79289301 >>79288803 >Has anyone else turned to religion to help recover from a traumatic event? It was either Christ or killing myself >Did it Work? More than anything I've tried since I became a New Atheist. And I've tried pretty much everything I could ---79289314 >>79288843 This is all you need to know ---79289395 >>79289075 Been avoiding all propaganda brother :) I can feel the anger in some peoples minds because i refuse to listen to jewish propaganda. ---79289599 Science isn't "fact," nor its opposite: science just is. What's shown through science can be ascertained to be factual or not -- for the time being. ---79289648 >>79289395 (((Globalist))) propaganda has been pouring into our minds since the end of the last World War. It's stuck in most of our minds ---79289795 >>79288803 >- Am I doing this for the wrong reasons? There are no wrong reasons to try to get help. Especially when upon traumatic times. >- Is it frowned upon entering a church (most likely Anglican) without a firm belief in God? Or are they open to guiding you towards being a believer? Did you burst into flames as soon as you entered a church? If not, then you're fine. There are other people like you in there too. Beating up people when they're down is not what the church does. >- Has anyone else turned to religion to help recover from a traumatic event? Did it Work? Not for me. But the sense of community and belonging does help a lot of people. Some faggot once said something like "the knowledge that you can get help, is often enough to help." ---79289848 muh big bang ---79289929 >>79289301 That's encouraging, what denomination do you belong to? ---79289983 >>79288752 look it up ---79290048 >>79289929 Orthodox Christianity. I'm a east Euro migrant, currently a student here ---79290135 >>79289983 where do I find it doe? ---79290228 >>79274725 >godfag ---79290380 >>79289314 lol >>79289848 Big bang is just a theory based on some scientific facts, just like some religious theories, are based on imagination, philosophy, facts. Thats why i love to combine those things. Atheists who say big bang happened and the 'dude in the sky' isnt real are brainwashed. >>79289648 Yeah, so sad. Also, nice music ---79290584 >>79290380 The Brits have astounding beauty in music. A shame they've been more thoroughly globalised than our nations on the east of the continent ---79290630 >>79282013 >Prove which claim came first. >Chicken? or Egg? They evolved alongside each other during millions of years of natural selection ---79290862 >>79290630 >he believes in macroevolution ---79291857 >>79290135 you will find it atop the roof of the summit of the peak of the mountain of the ridge of the building of the temple of the church of ashurbanipal ---79292109 >>79273529 >>79278003 >>79283694 You have wrecked your original premise so badly you really should consider deleting life. ---79292149 >>79291857 >Appeal to Ridicule And they say New Atheists value logic ---79292637 >>79281573 Axioms are by definition true- thus they are necessarily true. However, you can pick and choose your axioms. Which makes logical truths true or false relative to a particular set of axioms. Usually, we think of logical axioms as being consistent and complete. This isn't always the goal- as some logicians and mathematicians like to remove or change axioms to see what truths follow- the non-contradictory axiom is a fun one to remove and allows for "fuzzy sets" and "fuzzy logic". In any case, logic isn't "subjective", it's relative. It isn't as though you can combine random axioms to get a consistent and complete logic- which is what non mathematicians and non- logicians mean when they use the term "logic".. ---79292870 >>79278576 By testing its supposed characteristics. Let's say you want to see if an all-knowing something can exist: can that something know how it feels to know something? See, easy peasy. No god. ---79293010 >>79292637 >Axioms are by definition true >thus they are necessarily true. Necessary for what? They're not necessarily facts. They could as well be false >It isn't as though you can combine random axioms to get a consistent and complete logic- which is what non mathematicians and non- logicians mean when they use the term "logic".. Not random, but they are completely arbitrary by their nature All you have to do is make sure they're compatible with each other ---79293125 >>79279210 No, not totally settled but simply abandoned, because not only there has never been any shred of evidence for its existence but a god with the required characteristics of one cannot logically exist. So while we aren't 100% sure that it doesn't exist we are 100% sure that it can't exist. ---79293192 >>79292870 >Let's say you want to see if an all-knowing something can exist: can that something know how it feels to know something? Explain ---79293326 >>79290380 It is funny because it is true Fucking Paul ruined everything ---79293345 It's as if atheists think that all Christians aren't scientists. I know many Christians who also believe in evolution and long earth theory. Eat your heart out atheists. ---79293351 There's too many religions for your one to be true, you only happen to believe in that specific one because of were you was born ---79293376 >>79293125 You do know God is defined as not having to respect our logic right? It's like 2-D people disproving our existence with their logic ---79293559 >>79293351 >you only happen to believe in that specific one because of were you was born This argument would work if there was any religion to begin with left in the West Westerners have their own dogmatic ideologies, even if they've lost their religion There's many things you take purely for granted just because of where you've been born ---79293563 >>79273529 SAVAGE. REKT. EKS DEE ---79293641 >>79293559 It also applies to when you were born ---79293711 >>79293125 personal god like Old Testament no Tillich God yes Perhaps we do need to move beyond theisms ---79293795 >>79293351 >>79293559 >There's many things you take purely for granted just because of where you've been born For example the idea that all religions are false. Regardless of how many there are or whether you've investigated any of their claims This is called a dogma ---79293917 >>79293641 And you are not immune to it. There are millennial dogmas even more insidious than previous' generations. See >>79293795 ---79294036 >>79293192 For it to know how it feels to know something is necessary to know how it feels to not know somethin. So even if it knows or not that feeling it means that there is something that it doesn't know, which means that he's not all knowing, so no god at all. ---79294046 hey atheists check out these sik dubs that prove god is real ---79294128 >>79272504 Logic is not subjective by definition of what "objective" and "subjective" mean. Your move. ---79294141 >>79272504 >Allah and Muhammad (PBUM) 1 >science 0 ---79294280 >>79294036 Ok. I get what you meant: >Let's say you want to see if an all-knowing something can exist: can that something know how it feels to know something [more]*? Acum de ce ar trebui Dumnezeu sa urmeze firul logicii umane? ---79294311 >all powerful, loving god >invisible & mysterious >eternal torture for non-believers yep sure makes sense ---79294492 >>79293376 But it must respect our logic, otherwise it would be incompatible with this universe and unable to interact with it in any way. BTW, i can prove that i exist to 2-D people, and while interacting with them i can follow and obey their logic, so you see, your argument is exactly the opposite of what you're expecting of it. >>79293711 Nah, all gods are exactly the same, they only differ in unimportant details. >>79294280 deoarece asta nu este logica umana, este logica universala, va fi la fel oriunde in univers. ---79294623 Can we just get /religion board in here so all the fucking people who want to fight about this can go on their own little place and have a showdown for decades. Yes, militant atheist and militant christians alike. Militant islamist blow themselves up, so there is no need for invite. We need to build a fucking wall here, gentlemen. ---79294627 >>79294311 >What is being All-Just? Non-religious/ non-spiritual atheists are by necessity evil (according to our religion) and amoral (objectively) ---79294715 >>79272504 Science's claim to truth is repeatable experiments giving consistent results and verifiable hypothesis. ---79294866 >>79294492 >But it must respect our logic, otherwise it would be incompatible with this universe and unable to interact with it in any way. Implying the Universe respects our logic >BTW, i can prove that i exist to 2-D people, and while interacting with them i can follow and obey their logic, so you see, your argument is exactly the opposite of what you're expecting of it. They wouldn't be able to understand a 3-D creature because of their perception >deoarece asta nu este logica umana, este logica universala, va fi la fel oriunde in univers. dovada? ---79295046 >>79283138 >I'm trying to get you to have faith in Him So what makes your present god worthy of your faith apart the fact it's the one your parents have indoctrinated you with? What makes it more special than countless millions of other gods? ---79295166 >>79294492 Btw, verifica asta cand simti nevoia de o pace bisericeasca ---79295334 >>79295046 It's this continent's most historically definitive religion ---79295338 >>79293010 >they're not necessarily facts You have no idea what you're talking about. Axioms are never facts. And facts are never necessarily true. Necessarily true means true in all possible worlds. Contingent truths- like facts are never necessarily true because it is possible that something else could have happened. Reflexive truths- or truths that are by definition true are necessarily true- they're true in all possible worlds because they are mere assertions not observations. (while assessing a set of axioms requires an "observation" or mathematical proof, axioms themselves aren't observations. For instance, if A is a member of set b then ~A is not a member of set b - isn't an observation- it's an assumption and required for consistency in logics. >arbitrary by nature Uh, no, by definition they have requirements if they are to meet completeness and consistency. That rules out rules that are by definition inconsistent or limited in scope. Thus they cannot at the same time be arbitrary and contain constraints. Theoretically, there may be many sets of axioms that achieve consistency and completeness- that isn't the same as the rules being arbitrary. For instance, you can have many axioms doing the same job as one simple axiom. Or you can load into your axioms truths that are the product of a simpler set of axioms (you can get demorgans from mp for instance). But that isn't arbitrary either- again, the redundant axioms are constrained by adhering to consistency and completeness. ---79295397 >>79272504 Regardless of the stupidity of this argument, please don't tell me you think it's original? ---79295521 >>79295046 And doctrines are not necessarily false, nor are you ever immune to them just because you have given up on religion ---79295553 >>79294866 Yes, it does, unless you have any evidence to the contrary You don't know that, we are capable of rationalizing 8 dimension universes and what happens in them. 2+2=4 >>79295166 Nu, mersi, nu sufar de retardare mintala, daca vreau pace sufleteasca ascult niste Bach sau Dream Theater. >>79295334 Times change, 2000 years ago that map would have looked nothing of the kind and in 200 yeas it will look completely different - cults are born and die just like everything else. ---79295995 >>79272504 My butthole is vast and surpasses the knowledge of simple human organisms - All Hail My Butthole!!! Refute that. Protip: you cannot. ---79296154 >>79272504 Unless you disprove causality in every specific case i will stick to logic. ---79296241 >>79295338 >You have no idea what you're talking about. Axioms are never facts. And facts are never necessarily true. Facts are necessarily demonstrated and demonstrable truth, by definition >Necessarily true means true in all possible worlds. Those are logical tautologies I was talking about demonstrable truths (facts) >Contingent truths- like facts are never necessarily true because it is possible that something else could have happened. Reflexive truths- or truths that are by definition true are necessarily true- they're true in all possible worlds because they are mere assertions not observations. Observations may be absolute (/necessary) fact in my opinion. "Reflexive truths" are purely tautologies >Uh, no, by definition they have requirements if they are to meet completeness and consistency. They don't really require completeness and consistency. It's not in their definition You require it (or would like it) They are merely "the building blocs/ the starting point" of reason. Doesn't mean that the end results *has to* be consistent ---79296410 >>79275259 Science and Atheism are religions, just not in the sense that an atheist or a scientist would see it as. Atheism is more like a cult and worse than godfags. ---79296606 >>79295553 >Yes, it does, unless you have any evidence to the contrary This is called an Argument from Ignorance >You don't know that, By definition, they couldn't directly observe us >we are capable of rationalizing 8 dimension universes and what happens in them. Purely theoretical abstractions >Nu, mersi, nu sufar de retardare mintala Suferi de o repulsie irationala fata de religie. Ti s-a indoctrinat in cap prin left-wing-ul social liberal (vezi Atheism Nou) >Times change, 2000 years ago that map would have looked nothing of the kind and in 200 yeas it will look completely different - cults are born and die just like everything else. This time they shouldn't change such that Christianity is completely eradicated It's the best thing that could give us some sane cultural collective principles again, instead of keeping divided ---79296724 >>79296154 >Argument from Ignorance ---79296904 >>79272504 lol i got over this shit when i was 12, you think i actually give a fuck ---79296996 >>79296241 >facts are necessarily demonstrated and demonstrable truth, by definition. Uh no. Not even close. Besides it's irrelevant. Facts aren't necessarily true. And you haven't shown otherwise- which means I'm right. >those are logical tautologies Yep, pretty much. That's what a necessary truth is. That's why facts, which are contingent, aren't necessary truths- ever. >They don't really require Uh, yeah they do, mate. It's a provision or limitation to what can be counted as an axiom in a given set in order to be consistent and complete. Is that too hard to understand for that tiny bong brain? > you require it Nope, this is irrelevant to the point made. >they are merely... Nonsense. If you agree that there is at least one rule that cannot fit into a set of axioms to form a complete and consistent set of axioms- then rules cannot be arbitrary. Here, I'll show you a rule if you really lack imagination - If A is true then ~A is true also. There ya go. The rules for axioms cannot be arbitrary because there is at least one rule which cannot be a part of a set of consistent and complete axioms. ---79297001 >>79296724 Says someone pushing a magical omnipotent wizard nobody's ever seen or recorded in any reliable way or form. ---79297070 >>79273529 /thread ---79297201 >>79292149 F ---79297470 >>79284785 >It's logical that the sun will rise in the morning.That's an opinion because it could not, maybe it blows up, maybe the earth spins on the axis, etc... But that's not an logical idea at all, that's the point. The correct idea is: It's logical for the average person to expect the sun to rise in the morning. >>79285653 But it should be able to detect its action on the universe and surprise surprise, no evidence of something even remotely hinting at that yet. And there aren't too many places left to look into to find it. >>79288233 >New Atheist Here was your problem, you went on a fad instead on your own logic and education. >>79296606 >This is called an Argument from Ignorance No , this is called having no evidence to support your claims despite all the efforts in finding one. >By definition, they couldn't directly observe us Actually yes, they could, just like we can detect what's happening in multi dimensional universes . >Purely theoretical abstractions Tell that tot the guys working at CERN, they need a good laugh. >Suferi de o repulsie irationala fata de religie Nah, doar dispretuiesc prostia si pe prostii gata sa o inghita nemestecata. >This time they shouldn't change Said every religiotard every time it has witnessed its cult dying before its eyes. ---79297582 >>79278663 So, the idea that a giant explosion caused particles 2 "decide" 2 make planets, then lighting striking the ocean caused bacteria 2 come from nothing (with no supernatural forces involved) is not imagination? Are u sure religion is ONLY based on imagination? ---79297630 >>79296996 >And you haven't shown otherwise- which means I'm right. >that's an Argument from Ignorance But you are right, if you mean that facts are purely observations, they aren't necessarily true My personal belief is that they can be necessary truth, and that they aren't purely external empirical observations >Yep, pretty much. That's what a necessary truth is. That's why facts, which are contingent, aren't necessary truths- ever. See my above reply >Uh, yeah they do, mate. It's a provision or limitation to what can be counted as an axiom in a given set in order to be consistent and complete. Is that too hard to understand for that tiny bong brain? >provision to be consistent and complete Maybe in mathematics, but not in logic. There is nothing that requires this. At all >Nonsense. If you agree that there is at least one rule that cannot fit into a set of axioms to form a complete and consistent set of axioms- then rules cannot be arbitrary. > then rules cannot be arbitrary. Within that system. But as you've already admitted, logical systems are relativistic >Here, I'll show you a rule if you really lack imagination - If A is true then ~A is true also. There ya go. The rules for axioms cannot be arbitrary because there is at least one rule which cannot be a part of a set of consistent and complete axioms. Within that system ---79297769 >>79280100 lololol. I loved that. Soooo true ---79297789 >>79297001 >Appeal to Ridicule >Thinking I'm trying to scientifically prove God ---79298189 >>79272504 >Religion isn't true because science. Religion is true because there is a need for it and that is not knowing what happens after death. so there is a lot of spiritual and emotional turmoil that comes from that and it needs to be addressed thouroughly and through the means of faith and prayer especially so fuck atheism. ---79298516 >>79297470 >But it should be able to detect its action on the universe and surprise surprise, no evidence of something even remotely hinting at that yet. And there aren't too many places left to look into to find it. Not really. Directly observing God is impossible if He is non-physical >Here was your problem, you went on a fad instead on your own logic and education. "My own" logic doesn't count for much epistemologically. Only if we presume there is only one logic And being educated doesn't necessarily mean not being religious Stop being a stuck-up whore m8 >No , this is called having no evidence to support your claims despite all the efforts in finding one. Which doesn't make your claim (the opposite) any more true >Actually yes, they could They couldn't make sense of our form (in 3-D) >, just like we can detect what's happening in multi dimensional universes . You yourself didn't detect shit pulica. Stop LARP-ing that you're a scientist >Tell that tot the guys working at CERN, they need a good laugh. Tell me when the guys at CERN directly observe beings from other dimensions (hypothetical 2-D, or other ∞-D people) >Nah, doar dispretuiesc prostia si pe prostii gata sa o inghita nemestecata. Te comporti ca un ratat smiorcait daca continui cu atitutinea asta de fedora >Said every religiotard every time it has witnessed its cult dying before its eyes. It's not a cult, it's our continental religion. Or what remains or it ---79300954 >>79278269 >>79294311 >My sense of morality is superior to an omnipotent, all-knowing god ---79301379 >>79298189 >because I can't come to terms with the utter incomprehensible nothingness that probably comes after death religion must be true ??? ---79301573 >>79301379 >>probably Whence thine formulae and calculations? ---79301632 >>79300954 Cool, when did this all knowing omnipotent god explain it's morality to you? ---79301800 >>79301632 When he read the Gospel probably.. ---79301950 >>79301573 Ocham's razor ---79302025 Mac from its always sunny shit on atheists ---79302120 Religion is a blue pill. ---79302143 >>79301950 Meet Occam ---79302222 >>79301800 You mean when he read a book written thousands of years ago by random people who claim that an all powerful omnipotent being existed and that they knew it's exact code of morals, yet interpretation of said code and god are still argued over to this day? Yeah, I'm gonna need a liiiittle more then a few whack jobs in a desert writing a bunch of stuff into a book before I bend a knee. ---79302378 >>79302222 >Strawman Nice quads. Proof that they were wackjobs? ---79302445 >>79272504 Science neither proves nor disproves the existence of god. It's a way to explain the universe and has a place regardless of your religious beliefs. There's literally no way to prove whether there is a "god" or not. Even is a being came down and claimed to be omniscient and omnipresent and then did whatever the fuck he wanted to "prove" to us, there's still no way of knowing if he is actually the judeo-christian god, or indeed a god of any other religion. ---79302534 >>79273022 All knowledge is built upon that which we cannot possibly know. Although we can construct axioms and operate completely logically within them (e.g. math) we cannot certainly claim something true beyond the human experience. Whilst Science cannot be proved 100% it is a lo t more convincing than most religious scriptures for certain people. We can weight the benefits of each approach and belief system but to pretend one of them is shooting towards an absolute truth is ridiculous. ---79302573 >>79296154 Read Hume ---79302804 >>79302445 And that's why we aim to have "faith" in God, the grand majority of Christians never once did claim to "know" God And neither does the Bible recommend we try and empirically find Him (John 20:29) ---79303016 We're are all gods, and we are all God. Infinity doesn't exist outside the mind. A second, a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, a century, a millennia, and eon. They're all the same. Here, there, nowhere, everywhere. All the same. Just some ideas, could be wrong, but probably right. ---79303183 >>79302534 >but to pretend one of them is shooting towards an absolute truth is ridiculous. It's not ridiculous if you agree with that act of "pretending" (ie. faith) To be a sceptic is to pretend the opposite (that you factually cannot know a thing) ---79303337 >>79296410 How many cults are the product of atheism. Surely it can't be just one. I would not be in a group with climate changers, fag enablers, drug abusing degenerate atheists. ---79303388 stop making these ---79303437 Religion is a coping mechanism. ---79303462 >>79303016 >New Age, Globalist faith ---79303489 >>79272504 Learning advanced mathematics and playing around with infinities led me to believe there may be a God. Employing an infinite element to moral philosophy, one can introduce infallible moral axioms as opposed to subjective fluctuating ones, subject to any oligarch's resolution. ---79303612 >>79272504 >Implying logic isn't subjective. everthing occuring around you logical retard it's a property of the world. ---79303771 >>79297630 >Argument from ignorance Nope, You failed to answer the argument in a relevant way. Pointing that out isn't an argument from ignorance. > but you are right I know I'm right. About everything I've said here. Facts aren't just direct observations- they're indirect observations and calculations, and mathematical models. You have a very naive account of facts. In fact, your account can't make sense of historical facts- or facts about the past since the past is unobservable. This was part of the downfall of positivism (See Ayer LTL). You don't get to have beliefs about what "necessary truth" is. It's well established in philosophy- particularly in modal logic. Either use the term as is customary, or find another noun phrase- you're inviting needless problems with your language choice. And i'd guess you simply have no familiarity with the modal literature. ( Pick up some Lewis or Stalnaker for a good intro on possibility and necessity) Furthermore, it is only necessary truth if you always quantify over one world. But there's no particular reason to always quantify over one world when using modals. If you quantify over one world then possibility and necessity collapse- and you lose a robust idea of possibility. >external empirical observations What a joke of a phrase. There's no reason to qualify empirical observations with "external"- it's meaningless. >Maybe in math... Nope, it's in logic. You'd know this if you'd taken any metalogic courses. Again, you fail to understand what I'm writing. No matter what you're designing a logic to do- there will be constraints otherwise it isn't a logic. For instance, if everything was true according to a set of axioms- that set of axioms would not be a logic. Additionally if nothing were true- that would not be a logic. Simply stringing axioms together doesn't produce a logic- and that is why you are fundamentally wrong about axioms being arbitrary. ---79303798 >>79272504 >>79273529 >Christcucks can't even argue ---79303835 >>79275406 Science is a method used to organize our experience of the world in order to form models of prediction about the properties of existence. whats passes the tests is CONSIDERED fact. Logic is a property of the world and define the relation between things that exist. ---79303843 >>79300954 >eternal torture for skeptics is moral sounds like some muslim-tier shit to me ---79303854 >>79303612 Maybe ---79303869 >>79303462 Well ok, here's the flipside. There are absolutely no patterns in nature, and quantum entanglement is the desperate search for connection. There isn't any. We are all puppets and slaves to the chain reaction of cause and effect, we have no control, no free will only the action of letting go into nothing. I don't claim to know anything, but I feel like there's obviously more and reject that notion is to deny what it means to be human. Globalism in what form? Spiritual, psychological / sociological, political / technological, all of the above, none of the above? ---79303942 >>79303854 thank you for proving my point. ---79304069 >>79303869 There is no such thing as cause and effect, the universe is an effect. Whether it was made by God or not doesn't matter, if it was made by God it's an extension of infnity and thus has no cause, if it wasn't there was no cause and thus only effect exists. We break reality up into cause and effect for practicality, but what we experience as "reality" I believe is just variance in an overall completely random trend. ---79304071 >>79303771 >Nope, You failed to answer the argument in a relevant way. Pointing that out isn't an argument from ignorance. >>And you haven't shown otherwise- which means I'm right. Um yes it is an argument from ignorance because you also said "which means I'm right" [1] ---79304449 >>79304069 Hey, I'm cool with robots. No problem with RNG's if that what the function of every brain is. The problem is, who's gonna do something about this? ---79304857 >>79304071 Burden of proof is on you fuckboi. I gave a reason, your response to my reason did not defeat it. So, I win. when did bongs get so dumb? I thought you guys were supposed to be educated and shit. Are you one of those northern sheep fuckers? Maybe from Essex? ---79304930 >>79303771 >You don't get to have beliefs about what "necessary truth" is. It's well established in philosophy- particularly in modal logic. It's "well established" ONLY in modal logic but as you know we're not conversing in formal logic >Either use the term as is customary, or find another noun phrase- you're inviting needless problems with your language choice. And i'd guess you simply have no familiarity with the modal literature. ( Pick up some Lewis or Stalnaker for a good intro on possibility and necessity) Bla bla bla I'm smart. Dude we're just talking here, nothing to do with applying your autistic logic >Furthermore, it is only necessary truth if you always quantify over one world. But there's no particular reason to always quantify over one world when using modals. If you quantify over one world then possibility and necessity collapse- and you lose a robust idea of possibility. Purposefully obscure mental masturbation >What a joke of a phrase. There's no reason to qualify empirical observations with "external"- it's meaningless. Empirical is sense-data. And not all sense-data is in relation to the outside world We have a sense of self, for instance. Or do you still believe there are only 5 senses? >No matter what you're designing a logic to do- there will be constraints otherwise it isn't a logic. For instance, if everything was true according to a set of axioms- that set of axioms would not be a logic. Additionally if nothing were true- that would not be a logic. Simply stringing axioms together doesn't produce a logic- and that is why you are fundamentally wrong about axioms being arbitrary. My first-year friend, you're talking about logic necessitating consistency Axioms, on the other hand, do most certainly not (see their definition) ---79305078 >>79304857 You sound like a total wanker ---79305554 >2016 >People still believing in god when clearly it's of no use Religion gives a nice excuse to fuck shit up cf: Crusades/ISIS/WBC/Any "religious" tensions throughout history and fulfill your thirst for power/money or force your outdated worldviews over people We don't need gods Axioms--->Logic is a more stable basis for our civilization to advance. ---79305913 >>79305554 >Axioms--->Logic is a more stable basis for our civilization to advance. How much of a bubble do you live in? Most people don't understand this shit Furthermore, try enforcing a nation's morality through "Axioms--->Logic" Fuck off >Back in the real world though Islam is borrowing through your nation's logic and reason ---79305960 >>79304930 UK education has gone to the shitter. You aren't even writing meaningful statements. >talking about necessity >not modal logic >we're not conversing in formal logic Niggerish shit is smarter than this. Are you even white? You sound like some shitskin gypsy. They not teach you about modal logic in your caravan? I can't help you get smart enough to engage in discussion with me. If only you were American and had our quality education standards. Jesus christ dude, your brain is rotten. ---79306021 >>79272504 If all is subjective, religion means nothing unless you ascribe meaning to it. So why waste time with a religion if its all subjective. I could think of thousands of things I would rather do than devote time, money or energy into a subjective cult of beliefs that inconvenience me more than they truly help me. ---79306392 >>79305960 >Ad hominem: the b8 Don't make me guess in your palm mate. Swear on me mum ---79306513 >>79306392 >Read* your palm That's the phrase ---79306535 >>79306021 whoa now. there's something to be said about a simple and "meaningless" existence. idk what that is though. someone with some experience in the benefits of "blind" faith wanna chime in? Think about the religious scientist working day and night trying to cure cancer and the only thing motivating him is the idea that God sent him on a mission to save the world. I mean what kind of athiest would give a shit about anyone else? ---79306621 Why are there no religious prophets in the modern world? Why is it that every single """""prophet""""" to have ever existed came out of a tiny, backwater region of the Earth? If someone came out today, claimed they were a messenger of God and that they received messages from him in their dreams or some shit, they would be locked up in an asylum. If God had such important things to deliver through these messengers, why is it that there were never any prophets of the semitic religions in Asia or North / South America, or Europe? Why just the middle east, specifically the area around the levant and the Arabian desert? You would think he would want to deliver his messages to the most populous regions of Earth at the time, which would have been China during the time of Jesus and Muhammad. There are too many gods, too many religions, too much nonsense to trust any of it. People are suckered into it by ignorance and upbringing. ---79306636 >>79272504 Arguing that logic is subjective is one of the worst arguments you can make. ---79306682 >>79306021 >If all is subjective u wot? ---79306750 >>79306021 >If all is subjective >I could think of thousands of things I would rather do than Why would you? It would all be worthless :^) ---79306896 >>79306621 prophets around because Jesus haven't been around yet. He died and resurrected so don't really prophets anymore. ---79307546 >>79284989 >debunked several times >still no sound evidence Move along, sir. ---79308218 >>79306750 I didn't say it wasn't worthless. But if religion is subjective, it is worthless as well. I could hold a Dostoevsky novel as my holy book, examine the characters, take the best traits from each and work to exhibit them. I could convince other people that this is a good system and that without it they will be lost and perish. I can gain their monetary support, to both live off of and spend as necessary to advance the agenda of my Dostoevsky based religion. In the end, its still just ascribed meaning to something and has no proof that I would truly gain some sort of advantage, whether the advantages be mortal or immortal. With subjectivity in mind, all I have to do is believe my religion is right and true, thus making it so. Which means that every promise, tenet or threat from religion is inherently only as true as a person wants or believes it to be. Meaning, that no religion is just and true. Take scientology as an example; if all religion is subjective and can be true simply if you believe so, people that subscribe to Scientology are 100% correct because they have ascribed their own version of truth to the religion. A lot of people believing in something doesn't make it more true than other pieces of fiction. ---79308669 >>79308218 >In the end, its still just ascribed meaning to something and has no proof that I would truly gain some sort of advantage, whether the advantages be mortal or immortal. Why would it be worth getting advantages? >With subjectivity in mind, all I have to do is believe my religion is right and true, thus making it so. It never *is* so objectively. As it never *is* false objectively It's just your religion >Which means that every promise, tenet or threat from religion is inherently only as true as a person wants or believes it to be. Truth has nothing to do with faith >if all religion is subjective and can be true simply if you believe so, people that subscribe to Scientology are 100% correct because they have ascribed their own version of truth to the religion. According to their religion >A lot of people believing in something doesn't make it more true than other pieces of fiction. It doesn't make it false either ---79309871 >>79279720 >There was no evidence for electricity for thousands of years until we discovered it. >There was no evidence man would be able to record moments of sound and light for thousands of years until we discovered how to do it. >There was no evidence man would ever be able to fly until we discovered a way to do it. >There was no evidence man would ever be able to transplant organs successfully until we discovered how. >There is no evidence for quantum mechanics and superposition until we discovered it. Perhaps there is no evidence for God because we simply haven't discovered it. Don't assume we're even close to knowing the limits of our universe. Only a fool believes he is wise.
----- ---79302524 >even Obama is cucked by superior Canadian cock.
---79302634 >>79302524 >cucking obama does that mean fucking his "wife" because I'm not that gay. There are way way way better traps than that out there. ---79302750 Who could it be? ---79302761 >>79302524 Is that open permission to start some invasions for territory? Dibs on New Zealand. They can be our Falklands. ---79302763 >>79302524 If Canada becomes a global super power in my lifetime, I will eat my toque. ---79302875 >>79302524 if obama were white he would be universally despised. Its a brilliant strategy on his part and democrats in general to try to equate any criticism of him to racism. ---79302905 >>79302763 We have loads of resources. If only we had a much bigger population, we could be a real power. ---79303580 >>79302905 I doubt we'll become a real power after we finally manage to migrate half of china, india and punjab in here. Neo-third-world, here we come ---79303781 >>79303580 C'mon, it won't get that bad... right? ---79304119 >>79303781 Mental exercise: Imagine you put a marker in the hand of Trudeau and the establishment of all the political parties in Canada. Now where do you think they'll draw the line? Are they even interested in drawing? ---79304231 >>79302524 >mfw buttblasted canadians are complaining that the USA ignores them ---79304270 >>79304119 Trudeau would just throw the marker right into the St Lawrence ---79305188 >>79302524 I have had enough of Canada. Ted Cruz was the last straw. ---79306620 >>79305188 I am now a #WinnipegCruzJets
----- ---79305752 Tumblr Raid. Some good tags to target: >feminism >blacklivesmatter >racism >poc >lgbt >steven universe >donald trump >doctor who >sherlock >game of thrones >taylor swift >adventure time >pride >white people >white privilege >gravity falls >black people >misogyny >sexism >equality >aesthetic >hipster >animals (put mutilated ones) >beyonce >nature >gay >halsey >hillary clinton >lesbian >transgender >otherkin (for the keks) Primarily go for the LGBT ones. We did a good job triggering the degenerates on YouTube. Also, aim for popular tags (like aesthetics and hipster) and trending tags of that day. Then things will really circulate. Use shit that you know will trigger those certain tags. Ex: Feminism? Post rape pictures, videos, etc. Shit that degrades women. BLM? Slavery pictures. Nigger hangings. etc. For the general tags like Steven Universe and stuff, go with the norm. Scat. Murder. Etc. Just trigger these fucks any way you can. Post this shit on /pol/, /r9k/, etc. Any board that you know will help. July 4th. #MakeTumblrGreatAgain
---79305923 >>79305752 > le tumblr You have bigger shit to worry about m8 >>79296714 ---79306587 Add me to the group Username: 426089359
----- ---79305970 Did /pol/ take the shitskin meme too far?
---79306562 >>79305970 Nope. ---79307838 >>79305970 Not likely shitskin.
----- ---79291287 In the absence of a God, why be moral?
---79291968 >>79291287 >Needing a magic sky daddy to not be an asshole. ---79292139 >>79291287 Another thread where bunch of fanatical faggots are going to try and prove that morals came from god. ---79292251 >>79291287 Because why be a cunt? ---79292286 >>79292139 >>79291968 >there is worth in existing Well you have to admit life in this universe is a freak accident. There is nothing special and you like everybody else is just a statistic. Which means there really is no basis for morality or objectivity. Self interest should prevail in every instance. ---79292323 Nonsensical question; objective morality cannot exist without religion, so to ask "Why be moral without religion?" doesn't make sense. If I firmly believe there is no God, and I stand to gain from killing/stealing/raping/whatever, and am in a situation where there is no realistic chance of legal retribution against me, it's illogical NOT to do those things. ---79292326 Empathy. ---79292354 Well muslims have their Allah see how that works out ---79292355 >>79291287 Why indeed. Just be yourself, anon. ---79292361 >>79292139 ---79292385 >>79291287 Because we are intrinsically altruistic and social creatures. We are not meant to live in isolation and morality provides a sort of guarantee that we will work together. ---79292482 Having no religion is the only way you can be possibly be moral. Religious people have no morality. ---79292515 >>79291287 nice image for ants, fag ---79292569 Is god the good-maker, or the good-detector? Read the Euthyphro dialogues, god does shit all for morality. ---79292626 >>79291287 ---79292761 the swords of intellect cannot cut the water that fills the cups of compassion you can deconstruct morality piece by piece, tear down the walls of empathy with logic and irrefutable reason and boast to be the one who understood it all and chant "GOD IS DEAD, GOD IS DEAD!" only to find yourself anyway with a fistful of ashes and a broken heart ---79292768 >>79291287 It is more profitable to be moral than immoral. Ethics indirectly improve standard of life in a way that is noticeable to everyone but a psychopath, and we should not set mentaly ill as our model citizens. ---79292780 First day of your philosophy undergrad, I assume. Yes, uncertainty of divinity is required for it to operate correctly. With certainty of presence we would all be saints, with certainty of absence we would all be monsters. ---79292923 >>79292768 >It is more profitable to be moral than immoral ---79293018 >>79292780 I dare to disagree, certainty of presence enforces hierarchic social structure and violence by domination as the foundation of ethics. ---79293078 >>79292923 This certainly makes you confused if you are a sociopath. ---79293088 Because it's the right thing to do. Atheists don't need a magical sky daddy to tell us how to behave. ---79293107 >>79292326 This. It's what seperates us from nignogs. ---79293143 >>79293088 Why is it right? ---79293224 >>79293088 >right thing >no god ---79293225 >>79292326 Focus on empathy may lead to censorship movements, thought policy and shame culture. ---79293240 Mutual-egoism is a basic foundation of pack civility. This is independent of God/religion. ---79293330 >>79293224 God doesn't tell me what's right and wrong. That is decided based on my upbringing and my own sense of empathy, which has nothing to do with religion. >>79293143 See above. If you need god to tell you what is right and wrong, then you are a sad sack of shit. ---79293362 >>79293240 This fellow gets it. ---79293365 >>79291287 Morals should only exist because they are practical. Like agreeing that none of us want people to steal our shit and so we will jail niggers. ---79293396 >>79293018 It's depends on the god we're talking about and the values assigned to the respective religion of that divine presence, if we're looking at typical Buddhism youd be trying to get blood from a stone to incite violence in service of that name. It's situational but definitely a talking point. Too tired for scholarly dissertation though ---79293401 >>79293330 >That is decided based on my upbringing and my own sense of empathy So Muslims are moral, and so are niggers. Got it. ---79293453 >>79291968 "Being an asshole" is entirely subjective, that is the problem. Obviously subjective morality exists, but objective morality can not without the existence of some higher power to give it authority. ---79293519 >>79293401 Some of them are, yes. By the way, many of the most immoral Muslims are also some of the most devout/religious. God doesn't have a monopoly on doing what's right. In fact, often times god has no interest in morality in the first place. ---79293574 >>79293330 >That is decided based on my upbringing and my own sense of empathy, which has nothing to do with religion. the bible says god instills that in you without god upholding the laws of the universe you would see complete chaos and hell with everybody always stealing and cheating out people every chance they get if you go to third world countries thats what its like. it could be like that here depending on the level of righteousness which can degrade over time Romans 2:14-15 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) ---79293630 >>79291287 Because you life in a society. And you need to follow the rules. This is one most important points of religion: How to life together. And if you dont have morality, you will be fucked up - even by yourself if you are social. Some points in the bible are not bad, e.g. You shall not kill.. ---79293636 SKY FAIRY K Y F A I R Y ---79293660 Religion is a form of tribalism and, historically, tribalism has been at the root of all societal conflict. Atheism has its roots in secular humanism, the belief that all human life has equal value. Therefore morality for an atheist involves respecting the value of the individual and tends to reject simple "us" versus "them" modalities. ---79293680 >>79293225 >you can only be a complete unemphatic selfish monster or a bleeding heart Jesus-esque cuck of the species dont deal in extremes, its perfectly possible to be empathize with other peoples hardships without being a hardcore SJW ---79293712 >>79291287 Because otherwise kek will fuck you up. ---79293757 >>79293574 That verse is about virtue signaling. Not morals. ---79293758 >absence of a God You have your life and being in him, what do you think sustains the harmony of our universe? ---79293765 >>79293519 >some of them are Based on what? What is moral and what's not? I'm arguing for objective morality, not subjective. Not every religion's morality is right or valid, if God exists. That's the point; morality doesn't care how you feel about it or where you grew up. Right is right and wrong is wrong, if God exists. What some heretical religion says is moral has no bearing on what is actually moral. ---79293771 >>79293636 When will this meme die out? Are people so base they can't understand that God is just a word (just like any other word) and that word stands for "the force"?? ---79293778 >>79293574 >the bible says god instills that in you The bible says a lot of stupid shit. That doesn't make it true. >without god upholding the laws of the universe you would see complete chaos and hell with everybody always stealing and cheating out people every chance they get >if you go to third world countries thats what its like. First of all, "third world country" is outdated cold war terminology that has no place in a discussion of the modern world. Second of all, many of the least developed countries are also some of the most highly religious, and there tends to be more than enough irrationality and religious violence to go around as a result. Your narrative of a noble religious "first world" contrasted with a chaotic non-religious "third world" is just that - A false narrative, not based in reality. ---79293791 >>79291287 In the presence of a god, why be moral? ---79293816 >>79292626 >implying catholics would support a crusade The Catholic church is degenerating at an unprecedented rate, they'll be ideologically identical to Episcopalians before the Francis papacy ends. The future belongs to the Baptists. ---79293840 >>79293088 >be a good person! That's it! oh boy i can't wait to watch you all with your cocks in your mouths for believing satan's lie ---79293861 >>79293636 >3636 (checked) F R O G G O D R O G G O D ---79293936 >>79293771 You're saying god means bacteria? I'm not a Star Wars fan, but wasn't it a bacteria? ---79293964 >>79292251 you keep asking that while i am balls deep in some guys wife and high as shit on something illegal ---79293987 >>79293765 There is no objective morality. There are agreed-upon rules of conduct from one society/culture to another based on how the majority and/or the ruling class feels about morality, but there is no overarching universal morality under which everyone should live. Even if there was, it would have nothing to do with god. ---79294151 >>79293680 True, but if you're pinpointing mechanism of empathy as the foundation of ethics it promotes conflict and misunderstanding between those who experience different levels of empathy, and react to it differently. Also it does nothing to assimilate into society those who are empathy-deficient. These individuals would be persecuted and much more likely to act in violence in order to survive and secure basic needs. ---79294158 >>79292286 >Self interest should prevail in every instance ---79294170 >>79293574 And yet those third world countries are highly religious ---79294245 >>79293778 thats not what i think i think america WAS BLESSED at a time when there was a huge christian population its only the modern era where america is starting to look secular all the places used to close down on sundays now its only chick fil a nobody wants to get married etc were reaping the benefits of something that will be gone very soon.... nobody is noble in their own right m8 and youll just have some peaceful modern world utopia youre being protected supernaturally by god in reality , your house would be invaded at night time and you could lose everything in 1 day and your legs chopped off ---79294307 >>79293660 tribalism is an essential aspect of the human mind though. identity is based both on a sense of familiarity and opposition to someone else. we all live in a "tribe", we all identify in something and without it we're usually lost and depressed. morality and education are both hardwired in our brains and learned from our parents/society when we grow up. it's all about language, memes and lessons. you don't need god to explain why you feel that something is right or wrong you can't even ignore this feeling and act like a reckless cunt without repercussions on your mind either morality and spirituality and magic (as a science of language) are all part of the greatest mystery that is humankind ---79294323 >>79293771 It will die out when people stop believing in a sky fairy. Never. That said, stupid people do actually need religion. I've spent some time thinking on this decided that the intelligent will always need to use religion to keep the dumbasses from becoming complete animals. This is why we can't let liberal faggots ruin Christianity. The New Testament is a far superior religion to any of the others as far as instilling morals. ---79294360 >>79293987 >There is no objective morality. Then what did you mean when you said some people are moral, you idiot? >Even if there was, it would have nothing to do with god. How's your first year of college going ---79294413 >>79291287 Communism means being judged by limp-wristed Kikes, and taking orders from ugly Women. Pretty much every God is against being bossed about by inferiors. ---79294428 >>79293861 ---79294497 >>79294245 You can THINK what you want, but what you THINK is not necessarily TRUE. Here in the real world, pretty much everything in your post is bullshit.You are wrong about the nature of the developing world, wrong about the nature of the U.S. in the past, and wrong about the nature of the U.S. in the present. Literally everything you've said in this post is simply you repeating a false narrative that you heard from someone else, not a reflection of any circumstances that exist in reality. You really need to fucking learn something about the world around you, you ignorant fuck. ---79294530 >>79294151 Yes, humans are vastly different from each other. That's not anything specific to empathy, that's a problem that humanity has in all aspects of life and it's something that isn't made any better under religion. You will always have extremists on both sides, either too much empathy or not enough empathy in this case. ---79294531 >>79291287 1) Human connections. Nobody wants anything to do with you if you're a violent lunatic. 2) Laws of society. I don't want to spend years of my life in jail. 3) There is a very basic moral fiber that is inherent to us. I was not raised with any religion whatsoever and I abhorr the idea of harming other people and animals just for laughs. ---79294544 >>79291287 In the absense of God, why be habitual? Basically: don't fix what ain't broken. Keep doing what works until it doesn't and you need to revisit it. Morals = Habits Bad habits become bad character becomes bad destiny. Good habits become good character becomes good destiny. ---79294550 Because i dont wanna get fucked over because i was being a prick ---79294559 >>79293330 this is a first what is right and wrong has to do with one's empathy and upbringing > everyone is right ok ---79294676 >>79294530 It is only a problem if systemic solutions ignore this fact in order to enforce golden standard. ---79294729 >>79294544 what. how is doing something like fucking some dudes wife a bad habit. nothing bad will come of it. in fact you only benefit. the real world is shit. deal with it. ---79294771 >>79294360 >Then what did you mean when you said some people are moral, you idiot? Morality is primarily concerned with the distinction between right and wrong. Therefore most people are moral whether you want to admit it or not. They may do some things that you view as being "wrong", but that doesn't make their morality inherently incorrect. On the other hand, even people who do things that you consider "wrong" most certainly agree with you on other matters of morality, meaning that even disagreements on the issue do not automatically exclude two people from considering each other moral. In other words, it's not fucking black-and-white like you idiots seem to think it is. >How's your first year of college going What a retarded "argument". Kill yourself. ---79294775 >>79294544 Will add that habits should be judged by their fruits. ---79294781 >>79294170 catholic not christian high christian countries are blessed >>79294497 it sounds like you are the one who has been protected and influenced by your peers in college or where ever. i came up with these thoughts independently and then the bible reconfirmed it all proving its truthfulness you like the way your life is going thats why it seems like all is good in the world some people are living homeless and in total misery right now ---79294810 I don't want to get robbed. I can also relate to other people who don't want to get robbed. If people stopped recognizing robbery as morally wrong, then i could go out and rob someone but someone else could rob me as well. But nobody want that to happen to them. Therefore, for the interest of self preservation, society accepts that robbery is wrong. ---79294822 >>79291287 You need to read your Evola, my dude. ---79294836 >>79291287 because Ill kill you if you're not ---79294839 >>79294544 kek has spoken ---79294882 >>79294729 Maybe there IS nothing wrong with fucking a dude's wife. What do you care for that dude? Maybe you really like his wife. Then again maybe the dude kicks your ass or worse, and maybe the wife is a cheating whore. Judge by fruits. ---79294886 >>79294550 superstitious people incorrectly call this "karma" ---79294894 >>79291287 Mutual benefit. You see, you brain does a little risk vs reward equation for everything you do. If tge reward outweighs the risk, then your brain gives it the green light. Quite simply, helping yourself out is the reason to be moral. ---79294915 >>79294810 ownership is a stupid fucking concept logically anyway ---79294980 >>79294882 what fruit? i am busting nuts ---79295042 >>79294729 I guess that depends on you personally. I'm an atheist but I still wouldn't fuck some dude's wife if he seemed like an even remotely decent dude. If he was an asshole then sure, I'd fuck his wife, but if he isn't an asshole then I would feel bad about ruining his marriage so I wouldn't. Call it irrational, but a lot of human consciousness is irrational. Feelings and virtues still win out even when there is no god. ---79295044 >>79294559 Exactly. Everyone is right>Every religion is right>Everyone disagrees. God didn't tell anybody anything about right and wrong so they all had to make it up. ---79295108 >>79294781 Holy fuck the amount of stupid in this post is unreal. I don't even know where to begin. Here's a tip: LEARN SOMETHING ABOUT THE REAL WORLD, FUCKFACE. ---79295120 >>79294915 It's a practical concept. Commie. ---79295169 >>79294980 Results. Was stealing metaphors. ---79295218 >>79292326 >Falling for the empathy meme ---79295236 >>79291287 >In the absence of a God, why be moral? >Implying Lord KEK is not with us all the time. Fucking Atheist. ---79295275 >>79295042 But you are a flawed human. If you want to fuck his wife, I guarantee she will have you convinced he is the worst bastard on Earth within five minutes of talking to her. You know how many married women I've made cum via the internet? Probably five or more. That's what happens when you don't adhere to an unwavering moral code. ---79295441 >>79295275 if he isnt sexually satisfying her he is an asshole also they made themselves cum ---79295476 There's no objective reason to be moral. It's purely subjective, and your decision. Of course, being respected as a good person makes it easier to get what you want. ---79295495 >>79294771 >In other words, it's not fucking black-and-white like you idiots seem to think it is. And if that's true, then you can never actually determine with any certainty what is moral or not. I believe it's moral for me to rape and murder you. Prove me wrong. ---79295601 >>79295441 I'll have you know that the mind is the most erogenous zone on a woman's body. They didn't tell themselves they were going to be raped up the ass while I choked them until they pass out for being a perverted bitch. ---79295686 >>79291287 If God is all-powerful, then he cannot be all good. If he is all good, then he cannot be all-powerful. ---79295694 >>79295495 >I believe it's moral for me to rape and murder you You live within a society with a consensus that rape and murder are immoral. If you do not agree with that consensus, then you are not welcome in our society. Breaking that consensus by committing rape and murder WILL result in the loss of your freedom or even your life depending on the state. ---79295747 >>79291287 If there is nothing coming after then what we do now is all that matters. ---79295767 >>79295495 Right that's Islam. Rape women and kill apostates. It's moral because it's what Allah wants. So therefore, anything can be moral. That's subjective. ---79295823 >>79295686 If god is a woman then female leaders are weak. ---79295848 >>79295236 Ever notice how angry those who haven't witnessed the GETs of our lord are all the time? I wonder where the frustration stems from. It can't have anything to do with knowing they are lost. They are stronk self-determining tadpoles who don't need no KEK. ---79295863 >>79291287 But Kek is real ---79295944 >>79295694 Not true. That consensus is changing as Islam is being favored over Judeo-Christian values. Rapists are getting away with it and victims are even being blamed in some cases. ---79295979 >>79295694 None of those things prove that rape or murder are moral/immoral. ---79296120 >>79291287 >Eye for an eye is not a thing I am moving my head from left to right repeatedly, to be frank, my friend ---79296195 >>79295601 >I'll have you know that the mind is the most erogenous zone on a woman's body. no her cunt is ---79296202 >>79295979 As I said, morality is based on consensus within a community/society, not some overarching universal truth. >>79295944 Oh please. Cry about it some more, you hysterical faggot. You don't think people don't make excuses for blonde-haired, blue-eyed rapists? It has nothing to do with Islam at all, you dumb fuck. It has more to do with misogyny and toxic masculinity. ---79296238 >>79296120 >atheist quotes the old testament ---79296290 >>79291287 Because I have my race and my family to look after. You think just cause I don't believe in Jew book of lies I won't care for my fellow neighbour or friend Infact since I'm not Christian I'm against refugees and Abo rights but if I was Christian I would be for them. Reminder to sage the slide thread ---79296352 >>79296238 >old testament Holy fuck you ignorant piece of shit. Eye for an eye goes back to Hammurabi, not the old testament. ---79296540 >>79296202 >As I said, morality is based on consensus within a community/society, not some overarching universal truth. You're free to feel that way, but that doesn't make it right. ---79296545 >>79296352 so worship hammurabi where does his spiritual guidance come from oh wait hes just making it up like every atheist does ---79296562 >>79295275 I'm not going to fuck the woman based off of her description of her husband. Obviously if she's trying to convince me she's going to bullshit me about her husband. I would have to see the guy in person to know if he's a legit asshole or not. I'm not going to just fuck her. If I miss out on pussy because of my own morals or ethics, then so be it. It's easy to get pussy while upholding my morals in the modern world, I don't need hers. ---79296614 If morals come from god, morality is arbitrary. Moral propositions have no value because moral statements are merely propositional. I.e. if god says torturing babies is morally right, then it is. If god wouldn't say that, or god didn't say that, because he knows torturing babies is wrong, then there is some preceding standard of morality that determines what god says is right or wrong. In the latter case, you have to concede god isn't necessary for morality. In the former case, moral propositions are no different from random propositions, and so aren't what most people mean when they talk about morality. ---79296662 >>79291287 >pic ---79296723 >>79291287 Look at niggers then at their achievements. ---79296847 >>79296540 The reality of the world we live in shows that it is true. Your narrative of a universal morality handed down by god is a false narrative with no basis in reality. >>79296545 Hammurabi wasn't a god, he was a leader. His code was a secular one, based on a consensus within a community/society, not some magical sky daddy. Once again reality disproves your delusions. ---79296986 >>79296562 So meeting the guy before you fuck his wife makes you feel morally superior about it? Tell me why you need to feel morally justified to fuck another man's wife? This seems entirely arbitrary and selfish. Why not just take the shortcut and fuck his wife without all the inefficient moral gymnastics? ---79296995 >>79296847 >based on a consensus within a community/society what is someone in the community deviates from the consensus after a few years and wants to go out at night and dump some radioactive waste into the public drinking water no more consensus anymore theyre all dead the next morning ---79297005 >>79296290 >if I was Christian I would be for them bullshit u dumb commie SJW cuck jew Jesus je Redpill.Jesus loves hitler, /pol/ and second amendment ---79297035 >>79296847 He got the code from a "god" but not actually God, just an imposter whom he believed to be God. Same with Abrahim, same with Juhammad. ---79297089 >>79291287 If you can survive the fallout be as immoral as you like bitch ---79297091 >>79296995 Then it would be considered immoral while everybody died. What is your point there? ---79297139 >>79292923 This is easily identifiable in that companies with better Customer service do better ---79297169 >>79296995 That is not an argument. First of all, it could happen in a religious community, too. Religion isn't immune to deviant behavior. Second of all, one person breaking the consensus does not mean that there is "no consensus anymore." It means deviation from the norm has occurred, and will be punished according to the norms of the society it took place in. ---79297218 >>79296995 Then that man is clearly God and the source of all objective morality, because only might makes right. ---79297241 >>79297035 He didn't get it from any god or anything that could be considered a god. ---79297253 >>79297089 This, but you should be aware that you probably can't. Do whatever suits you the best. ---79297392 >Not to endanger your peers and not to endanger yourself by their wrath >To form a stable, prosperous society >Because it feels right >To hold respect ---79297394 >>79297091 >>79297169 considered immoral is not good enough it has to actually BE immoral for it to mean anything or else the human existence is just the same thing over and over and over, failed experiments because theres nothing ordained to be and its destined to fail when i see something wrong i can go back to scripture and say "ya, thats wrong." and it makes god of the universe happy ---79297640 >>79297394 >or else the human existence is just the same thing over and over and over, failed experiments because theres nothing ordained to be Uh, well, YEAH. DUH. That's what human civilization fucking is. ---79297679 >>79296614 >If morals come from god, morality is arbitrary. Nonsensical logic there. We don't know why God's goodness is the way that it is. Perhaps he has a good reason to design torturing babies as wrong. We don't know why various fundamental numbers of the universe are what they are. Doesn't mean they are arbitrary and random. ---79297682 >>79297394 >or else the human existence is just the same thing over and over and over, failed experiments because theres nothing ordained to be and its destined to fail Trial and error is literally evolution tho ---79297780 >>79297394 If you think that secular humanism is bullshit, go to Saudi Arabia, there people follow God's morals ---79297846 >>79297682 >Trial and error is literally evolution tho nobody ever learns anything, new human beings are arisen who are unlearned and ignorant children who need full time well educated loving parents dead locked on teaching them everything it will always be beneficial to steal if you can get away with it god is the only one who can see the people who "got away with" the crimes they commit ---79297847 >>79296290 >Infact since I'm not Christian I'm against refugees and Abo rights but if I was Christian I would be for them. Nations are biblical. Borders are biblical. In fact, God in the old testament uses "strangers in the land" to punish nations for their sins, right next to the locusts and plagues. The fact that leftism takes over every religion and parades a false version of them, like a Frankenstein monster, doesn't mean the actual religion is like that. ---79297885 >>79291287 For the good of the community, and dignity ---79297926 >>79297394 but it is the same thing over and over again go read some ancient literature they were complaining that women are whores and society is degenerating and morals are fading, basically everything /pol/ whinges about way back in 400 BC ---79298029 >>79295044 > everyone is right > guy 1 thinks guy 2 is wrong done ---79298072 >>79297780 allah is satan m8 thats the devil christianity is the complete opposite of islam lol >>79297926 >but it is the same thing over and over again ok and thats very bad that means you will have gulags and gas chambers perpetually for all eternity once the society degenerates enough i dont know why you are defending that as if its a good thing ---79298207 >>79292251 Because being a cunt is funny. ---79298232 >>79298072 because i am a godless degenrate with no morals who loves life ---79298261 WHAT'S TO STOP ME FROM BECOMING A GOD ---79298264 >>79297679 >Perhaps he has a good reason to design torturing babies as wrong Perhaps he has a good reason to design torturing babies as right. But at the end this is all just mental masturbation, we can understand why torturing babies is wrong and it is because it fucks up with our chances of survival. Like it or not, that's all that matters, for the individuals and consequently for the set of behaviors we refer to as morality. >>79297846 Nature doesn't give a shit about crimes, it's a human invention. What makes you think there should be a transcendental arbiter to fulfill our fantasies of cosmic justice? ---79298354 >>79298232 You are not godless lad, kek is with all of us. ---79298368 >>79298261 idk i call myself god i think i got the idea from kanye ---79298390 >>79297679 >Perhaps he has a good reason then that reason would be what we would call morality, which I mention a few sentences later. If it's good just because god says so, it's arbitrary. Universal constants are completely arbitrary, but they may not be random in the sense that some combination of constants might be necessary for the universe to exist for the period of time that it has. ---79298514 >>79298354 i like this book it speaks to me. i couldnt read the bible cover to cover it like burnt. i had an affinity for this though. ---79298626 >>79298072 >This is what retards actually believe ---79298694 >>79298264 >Nature doesn't give a shit about crimes, it's a human invention. Which tells us that you intend to commit crimes or support the existence of criminals in society which means you are dangerous heathen Which is why god set up the laws of the universe so we can be protected When you are the one doing the crime it might feel good until its your turn to get raped ---79298729 >>79291287 Lol, as if a god would make me moral Fuck all of those skyniggers ---79298836 >>79298729 SKYKANGZ DINDU NUFFIN ---79298920 Morals are what a society agrees upon to be right/wrong, not religion. ---79299056 >>79291287 why not? if god isn't real, or isn't what people make him out to be, what will you have lost or missed by being moral? >>79292323 humans did that for a while, then they evolved. ---79299120 >>79298920 Morals are what a society enforces or allows to happen, not what they agree on. ---79299188 >>79299056 no we just instilled the fear of retribution in people if i can 100% get away with a crime that benefits me i will do it ---79299704 >>79291287 It's just a phase son, God is real. ---79299950 >>79298264 >we can understand why torturing babies is wrong and it is because it fucks up with our chances of survival. That doesn't explain why it is wrong. Why is survival of humanity important? And what if the baby wasn't important for the survival of humanity? You can't get morality without theology. Except possibly in an incomplete form as a game theory strategy ---79300115 >>79296662 Pretty good. ---79300312 >>79297679 We know why God is good cuz its axum of truff m8 >>79297847 >Christianity is what I believe it is >>79298072 >christianity is the complete opposite of islam lol No, read pre-humanist revoltion European law, no different than what the Arabs do today.Muslims never had one, they still get their morals from a primitive book, they still live in the middle ages, that is why they are such savages. >Before the 20th century, adultery was often punished harshly. In Scandinavia, in the 17th century, adultery and bigamy were subject to the death penalty, although few people were actually executed.[126] Examples of women who have been executed for adultery in Medieval and Early Modern Europe include Maria of Brabant, Duchess of Bavaria (in 1256), Agnese Visconti (in 1391), Beatrice Lascaris di Tenda (in 1418), Anne Boleyn (in 1536), and Catherine Howard (in 1542). The enforcement of adultery laws varied by jurisdiction. In England, the last execution for adultery is believed to have taken place in 1654, when a woman named Susan Bounty was hanged.[127] White people made Christ their bitch. Literally sandnigger tier. >For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death. If you end up with an edgy teenage kid that one day says something rude to you, will you kill him?Jesus says, forgive but don't forgive you're sons and daughters if they fuck it up.Amazing moral guidance. ---79300434 >>79300312 >>Christianity is what I believe it is Christianity is what plain scripture tells. Deviation from that is heresy. If you want to see real Christianity, look up the hate preacher Pastor Anderson. ---79300491 >>79291287 because fuck you. do you want your shit stolen? no, right? then don't steal people's shit. it's pretty simple desuuuuu ---79300558 >>79291287 >Only being good as a consequence for reward or punishment Not true morality ---79300612 >>79299950 You can't be moral if you're dead, bro. Therefore, the survival of humanity is important because it's a precondition for the survival of morality itself. And that from a purely abstract perspective, as in morality removed from it's biological context. In reality, morals are nothing but interpretations of facts about human behavior, there is no "importance" independent from what allows the subject of these interpretations of phenomena to exist. ---79300737 >>79300434 pastor anderson is pretty based i wish ihad a pastor like that to go to very knowledgeable on everything if you watch his sermons you can learn alot calling gay people gay isnt bad lol ---79300811 >>79300312 >If you end up with an edgy teenage kid that one day says something rude to you, will you kill him? What are you talking about? These are laws. It is legal authorities that are supposed to kill disobediant children, homosexuals, and so on, with proper due process. No parent should ever be asked to kill their own child. That isn't what the book is saying. ---79300879 >>79300312 >If you end up with an edgy teenage kid that one day says something rude to you, will you kill him? That's not what that quote means, it literally means honoring by honoring the genes by not racemixing and being a whore, it's godspeak for "burn the coal, pay the toll" And it's right. ---79301207 >>79292323 Because if you touch the wrong mans property/woman/fuck with his shit he will hunt you down and force feed you your intestines you autistic piece of trash. We need to reming people that some men are not to be fucked with. Like that british guy a few months ago, his wife decided to burn coal and then mock him with it. He beheaded her and smashed her skull into pieces and flushed it down the toilet. Consequences exist. The legal system is for things that don't deserve death. Wrath is a trait that many men possess. ---79301310 >>79300612 >Therefore, the survival of humanity is important because it's a precondition for the survival of morality itself. You are attempting to derive objective morals, meaning morals that are true whether we exist or not, just as the way 2+4 is true whether or not people believe in it. In which case, it was clearly true that we should all die, would be true even after we stop existing. ---79301511 >>79300491 This is morality based on utilitarianism, which is subjective morality, sure you don't benefit from getting your shit stolen but the criminal does and vice versa. So can we say that what the criminal did was less utilitarian? can we therefore say that it was less moral? Unless we hold morality to some standard we don't get anywhere, so let's say that you shouldn't steal because it's antithetical to a prosperous society/civilization then 'society' takes the place of god in this regard and we come full circle. ---79301644 >>79291287 When you consider doing something naughty and decide against it your first thought isn't "better not, God might get mad". When you see someone else do a bad thing your reaction isn't "Hey buddy you're making God testy!" Next time you find yourself in one of these situations try to remember what it is that really keeps you a moral person. ---79301846 >>79301310 I'm just working with your argument. There's no such a thing as morals that are true whether we exist or not, because morals are a product of human interactions. Unless we're talking about aspects of natural selection when we say objective morality. Then again, it wouldn't be accurate to call them morals as much as they are imperatives of evolution. ---79302370 >>79300879 couldn't be more deluded. You're like a wiwuzian nigger that sees melanin references in everything. Even madman Anderson isn't against race mixing.You're probably baiting. >>79300811 The book literally says that, Jesus was referencing Exodus >And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death. >And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. ---79302493 >>79301644 >When you consider doing something naughty and decide against it your first thought isn't "better not, God might get mad". yeah it is. if there's no possibility of getting caught, and 'something naughty' will benefit me, then there's no reason not to do it. but God is always watching and expects better of me. it's more "better not, this is immoral" than "better not, god might get mad" though, but that basically means the exact same thing in my worldview. ---79302563 >>79301644 >When you consider doing something naughty and decide against it your first thought isn't "better not, God might get mad". But you will come across situations where self interest conflicts with what you think is good. If good and evil are subjective evolutionary biproducts, societal constructs or whatever, it becomes very easy to play the Nietchze superman in those situations, to serve yourself, by adjusting your logical views, which eventually changes your emotional reactions. If good and evil are solid objective facts, then you will probably want to pursue good for the sake of good. But it is mighty to hard to see morality as objective without God existing. So belief in God ends up impacting how we act. ---79302784 >>79291287 We got smart. We now know that our lives are but a drip in the giant lake of human existence. Our role in society is to better it. The reason you have luxuries like the internet is because good people worked hard to create these things. If you think it's ok to be bad, you are just dumb. ---79302979 >>79302370 >madman Anderson Literally who? I can't be bothered to remember the name of a cuck, they aren't in the book. Tell me, do edgy teenagers make it in life? ---79303045 >>79302370 >The book literally says that, Jesus was referencing Exodus Yes, but my whole point is that these are laws for the legal authorities to enact, as is entirely obvious from the context, if you would read the chapter instead of a single line. The first line of Exodus 21 in KJV writes "Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them". In modern translations, "judgements" refers to "laws". Exodus 21 provides legal rules to the nation of Isreal. Enforcement of these rules comes from the authorities. ---79303386 >>79302979 He's an American baptist who preaches against Jews ( and sodomites ( and other hilarious things. His sermons end up surrounded by 200 police and metal detectors because the sodomites want to murder him. ---79303513 >>79303386 Well he needs to educate himself on racemixing/adultery/cuckoldry. ---79303620 >>79291287 Because the immoral are little more than human refuse. ---79303858 >>79291287 Christian morality is collectivist cancer. William Gayley Simpson's Which Way Western Man?, "The other apostates I have mentioned, and many that are now forgotten, together with almost all of the anti-Christians of recent centuries, exemplify the operation of what may be called the law of cultural residues. In all civilized societies, when a long-established and generally accepted belief is found to be incredible, good minds abandon it, but they commonly retain derivative beliefs that were originally deduced from the creed they have rejected and logically must depend on it. Thus it happened that modern enemies of Christianity rejected the mythology, but uncritically retained faith in the social and ethical superstitions derived from it — a faith which they oddly call rational but hold with a religious fervor." "They laugh at the silly story about Adam and his spare rib, but they continue to believe in a "human race" descended from a single pair of ancestors and hence in a "brotherhood of man." They speak of "all mankind," giving to the term an unctuous and mystic meaning with which they do not invest corresponding terms, such as "all marsupials" or "all ungulates." They prate about the "rights of man," although a moment's thought should suffice to show that, in the absence of a decree from a supernatural monarch, there can be no rights other than those which the citizens of a stable and homogeneous society have, by covenant or established custom, bestowed on themselves; and that while the citizens may show kindness to aliens, slaves, and dogs, such beings obviously can have no rights." ---79303916 >>79291287 >>79303858 "They do not believe that one-third of a god became incarnate in the most squalid region on earth to associate with illiterate peasants, harangue the rabble of a barbarian race, and magically exalt the ignorant and uncouth to "make folly of the wisdom of this world," so that "the last shall be first" — that they do not believe, but they cling to the morbid hatred of superiority that makes Christians dote on whatever is lowly, inferior, irrational, debased, deformed, and degenerate." "They gabble about the 'sanctity of human life' — especially the vilest forms of it — without reflecting that it takes a god creator to make something sacred. And they frantically agitate for a universal "equality" that can be attained only by reducing all human beings to the level of the lowest, evidently unaware that they are merely echoing the Christians' oft-expressed yearning to become sheep (the most stupid of all mammals) herded by a good shepherd, which is implicit in all the tales of the New Testament, although most bluntly expressed in another gospel, which reports Jesus as promising that after he has tortured and butchered the more civilized populations of the earth, there will be a Resurrection, and his ovine pets will pop out of their graves, all of the same age, all of the same sex, all of the same stature, and all having indistinguishable features, so that they will be as identical as the bees in a swarm." ---79303961 >>79303513 >racemixing/adultery/cuckoldry. He argues the death penalty for adultery ---79303970 >>79291287 >>79303858 >>79303916 "Although the "Liberal" and Marxist cults have doctrinal differences as great as those that separate Lutherans from Baptists, they are basically the same superstition, and whether or not we should call them religions depends on whether we restrict the word to belief in supernatural persons or extend it to include all forms of blind faith based on emotional excitement instead of observed facts and reason. When those "atheistic" cults scream out their hatred of "Fascists" and "Nazis," they obviously must believe that those wicked persons are possessed of the Devil and should therefore be converted or exterminated to promote holiness and love. And when they see "racists," who impiously substitute fact and reason for unthinking faith in approved fairy stories, their lust to extirpate evil is as great as that of the Christian mob that dragged the fair and too intelligent Hypatia from her carriage and lovingly used oyster shells to scrape the flesh from her bones while she was still alive." "With very few exceptions, the anti-Christians, no doubt unwittingly, retained in their minds a large part of Christian doctrine, and they even revived the most poisonous elements of the primitive Bolshevism of Antiquity, which had been attenuated or held in abeyance by the established churches in the great days of Christendom. And today, professed atheists do not think it odd that, on all social questions, they are in substantial agreement with the howling dervishes and evangelical shamans who, subsidized with lavish publicity by the Organized Jewry who control the boob-tubes and other means of communication, greedily participate in the current drive to reduce Americans to total imbecility with every kind of irrational hoax." ---79304211 >>79291287 Because I am not a degenerate. ---79304266 >>79291287 Because it makes me happy. I like feeling good and I do good to feel good. ---79304322 >>79296662 ok, but what is good? ---79304382 >>79291287 feels good man ---79304585 >>79296662 >- re-interpretation of Marcus Aurelius haha they've been called out so many times on this quote being bullshit, but liked it so much that they had to save face and say it's a reinterpretation so they can keep using it. that's gold. ---79305022 >>79304585 Stoics wouldn't give a shit about being 'remembered' either "Look at the minds of those who seek fame, observe what they are, and what kind of things they avoid, and what kind of things they pursue. And consider that as the heaps of sand piled on one another hide the former sands, so in life the events which go before are soon covered by those which come after." ---79305553 >>79303045 how does that negate the fact that God wants rebellious children dead?Everything he says is law and he wants the nation to be ruled by it, just like how muslims have sharia.The law is dogma, not an optional philosophical concept.Every person that want to get God's grace has to live life according to those laws:circumcision, not being able to wear clothes of wool and linen woven together etc.It ain't improv jazz. ---79306448 >>79305553 you don't know who Leviticus was written for do you? And you don't know what the difference between civil law and moral law do you?
----- ---79303204 >A Jewish Labour MP today demanded Jeremy Corbyn resign over his 'catastrophic' failure of leadership after he watched silently as one of his supporters heckled her. >Ruth Smeeth said she had made a formal complaint about the Labour leader's actions at the launch of a report into anti-Semitism today when she was shouted at by a Momentum activist. >Ms Smeeth walked out of the event in tears today after Marc Wadsworth accused her of working 'hand in hand' with a right wing newspaper. >Mr Corbyn, who used the event to condemn anti-Semitism and all racism, triggered further controversy when he appeared to compare the Israeli government to ISIS.
---79303712 bump ---79304053 These communists/marxists are digging their own graves. Soon Brothers ---79304660 What in the flying fuck does that have to do with british people? I don't give a fuck about jews or pakis or anyone but white british people. I voted leave and believe it was the right choice but I didn't expect there to be such a weak, retarded response and such a quick diversion into irrelevant shit. There needs to be a purge and a new party needs to rise that will actually carry out the will of the people for once. UKIP have proven to be just as ineffective without Nige. ---79304760 Corbyn's great. We need more communists like him. ---79306375 bumop
----- ---79306719 Xe/Xir American Army lol
---79306813 >>79306719 boy michael savage is NOT gonna be happy about this today ---79306916 Shit like this is why I am getting out when my enlistment is over in 2 months and joining the French Foreign Legion. ---79306932 >>79306719 I feel safer already. ---79307053 >>79306719 Taxpayer funded sex changes in 30 ---79307536 what will happen to them when their Black Hawk goes down? ---79307867 >>79307536 oh black HAWK down? i thought you said gobble that black COCK down
----- ---79301399 Is Drumpf even trying anymore? The most beneficial part of his campaign during the primaries was always being on the news and utterly ass blasting the competition. I see Hillary on the news far more now than Trump. Is Trump just waiting for the debates to start? Why would he wait and slowly go down in the polls where it will be harder to recover? Was Trump a fraud the whole time? Should I still support him?
---79301520 >>79301399 the conventions haven't happened yet bruv, the general election doesn't start for another month ---79301717 >>79301520 But why do nothing and go down in the polls? The longer you wait, the more people will be swayed to vote for Hillary. Some of those people may come back during the debates, but also some won't ---79301720 >>79301399 L O W E N E R G Y O W E N E R G Y ---79301953 >Should I still support him? What kind fairweathered faggot are you ---79302109 >>79301953 What if trump is a fraud? I don't think it's crazy to believe he's playing everybody for fools ---79302113 >Drumpf stopped caring about your post there. Try having an original thought that isn't seeded by a tv personality and then come back and post. ---79302187 >>79301717 He's not going down in polls and he's not doing nothing either. The problem is you're watching the news. Get your news somewhere other than a fucking tv screen. Media is going to report on who they want to win the most. ---79302214 >>79301399 The general election hasn't started. He hasn't even picked his VP yet ---79302311 >>79302109 And what if he is? I'd still vite for him over anyone else any day. ---79302324 >>79301399 He has a lot planned for the convention just hang in there. ---79302339 >>79302187 This. Read other than getting info from tv, it's current year ---79302391 >>79302109 >What if trump is a fraud? Then it's a fraud vs. a criminal. I know who I'm voting for. ---79302403 A trump insider answered this question in a QnA ---79302424 >>79302113 Here have an image for that ---79302431 >>79301717 >>79301717 >But why do nothing The guy has been doing rallies nearly every day shillary. May I direct you all to use this thread instead? >>79300830 OP is obviously a tumblrfag ---79302494 I personally quite like that he hasn't rushed in and picked his VP or running mate yet. He's using strategy, OP, something you quite clearly don't understand. ---79302607 >Drumpf The only fraud was Bernie and you reddit fags fell for it. Now go back to your gay website. ---79302609 >>79302431 trump has been steadily declining in the polls on average. There have been points where he has gone up, but the general trend has been downward. ---79302616 >>79301399 It's just the quiet before the storm. He will let Hillary get a lot of support before he drops his bombs. Then when she is out of the race because criminal charges, whoever steps in to take her place will have a hard time winning over the people her meme magic worked on. This is meme politics 101. ---79302626 >>79301399 >Why would he wait and slowly go down in the polls > Donald Trump has now taken a four-point lead. > June 30th, 2016 You guys need to update your shill memos daily rather than weekly. Are the Shillbots even trying anymore? ---79302743 >>79302626 literally the only poll that has him up ---79302764 >>79302609 back to tumblr now ---79302899 >>79302764 You are actually delusional if you think trump has been making gains recently. None of you have provided a genuine answer to why it's beneficial for trump to be acting this way. ---79303015 You are all also delusional if you think hillary is going to get charged with anything. Obama wouldn't let that happen. ---79303034 >>79301399 Yes. He's not even exploring recent terrorist attacks. ---79303246 >>79302743 Still shows this race isn't as cut and dry as you shills would like to claim ---79303344 >>79303034 Fucking exactly. That's what I've been saying. These faggots might think I'm trying to discredit trump, but that's far from the truth. I want him to succeed. He's just slipping up in my opinion ---79303376 >>79302899 >>79303015 >you are delusional Nice argument, still voting for him Hillary. ---79303422 >>79301399 Wait till the debates. ---79303480 >>79303344 >I want him to succeed >calls him Drumpf in the OP You're not fooling anyone ---79303628 >>79302899 Acting what way? You mean calling out Muslims out as the terrorists they are and rising in the polls because of it? ---79303714 >>79303628 I mean it seems like he doesn't have his campaign as organized as he should. ---79304242 >>79301399 The bait works better without the Drumpf meme, it's an immediate red flag, better luck next time though. ---79304251 >>79301399 >Using Drumpf as an insult ---79304463 >>79301399 >Is Drumpf even trying anymore? shill detected ---79304500 >>79303628 Are people still convinced that Mateen was a part of Isis? Because I thought it was common knowledge now that he was just some self hating faggot who wanted some revenge kills against spics. Well, if you didn't know before, surprise. ---79304696 >>79303376 Pfffft, I hate that bitch but he's right, she's not going to jail, and she is likely going to become president, then maybe some country with sense will finally balls up and nuke us. ---79305044 >>79304500 source? ---79305466 >>79301399 He thought he would keep getting free advertising from the media. He didn't realize that it was a ploy to get him through the primaries and then the media was going to go full hillshill. ---79307775 >>79302109 >what if Trump is a fraud and is playing everyone for fools? To what end? Can you explain your reasoning as to why you think this?
----- ---79307494 Are shills on /pol/ such a meme that we've become collectively aware of them, and they've lost their influence? Or are they successfully disrupting this place? I'm not even sure I'm not a shill, anymore.
---79307640 Shitposting psychosis... It's coming for all of you
----- ---79306858 Ban on Transgenders lifted on service members in military. What is your opinion this /pol?
---79307780 >>79306858 >The Slippery Slope argument isn't real top fucking kek. All the shit we've said was going to happen in the last 10 years has so far to date happened, and the irony is that libcuck faggots used to mock us saying this shit would never happened and we were just being delusional /pol/tards Well surprise faggots! We told you so ---79307862 I thought the mentally ill were not allowed to serve?
----- ---79304117 You know...this really does make you think...
---79305254 >>79304117 wtf i hate trump now ---79305405 I find this hilarious. Get it? Because I'm German and I have a shitty sense of humor. ---79305545 Whoa OP, guess I'm #FeelingTheBern now. ---79305678 I am now #mentallyHill ---79305683 >>79304117 Wish I could give that fine man some Reddit gold! ---79305686 wtf i hate trump now ---79305751 Find out where the barman works, send that pic to his boss and get him fired. ---79305914 In the year 2100 everything west of Poland will look like Rhodesia does now. ---79306008 Walk into the establishment and tell them you were planning on patronizing them until you saw that sign. Record response. Pic probably related ---79306547 >>79305678 hah haven't heard this one before ---79307485 >>79304117 > expecting anything else from normies ---79307579 >>79305405 Oh Hans, you do make me chuckle.
----- ---79295326 Can internet history be preserved? No one is printing shit out and putting it in a cave. How will archaeologists discover us in the future?
---79295651 Archives. Actually, the internet is even more preservable. Hard disks and electronics don't rot like paper does. ---79295656 History post imternet is a very different proposition ---79295676 >tfw you realize how young the internet really is >tfw you realize it will be here forever HOL UP, YOU BE SAYIN WE WUZ ANCIENTS N SHEEEEIT? ---79296067 >>79295326 >No one is printing shit out and putting it in a cave Speak for yourself, americlap ---79296100 >>79295651 Bit rot, m8 old NES games are starting to fail, and modern machines are built to be disposable ---79296320 >>79296100 Most NES games have been downloaded to roms and archived by retro gamers. Even if, just because the original reading technology can't read it doesn't mean technology 10,000 years from now can't. A single fingerbone from Denisovan... ---79297216 >>79295326 It wont. Allot of the original websites are gone. Sure theres archives but eventually it gets to the point of hoarding, especially with everyone ricing their websites so much. Anyone that says "harddrives" has never seen the electronic dumps in africa. Its all going to disappear someday, just like the 4chan archives did, and the second 4chan archives too. ---79299491 >>79295676 >mfw the pepe I created will be exposed in virtual museums >mfw my memes will be studied by an archeologist ---79300508 >>79295326 >implying there's a future ---79302512 >>79295676 >it will be here forever But it will never be as it was in the beginning ever again. ---79304313 >>79295326 Who cares? None of this is worth SHIT. If it ain't print, it's nothing. ---79306930 >>79295326 There will be no future. ---79307497 >>79295326 >Can internet history be preserved? No one is printing shit out and putting it in a cave. How will archaeologists discover us in the future? They wont. In a few hundred years they will be looking at our buildings like we look at the pyramids and wondering how a society with almost no writing or culture could build something so large. Think the European dark ages
----- ---79249560 What are /pol/ opinions on Hinduism? >pic related it's Trimurti
---79249680 >>79249560 poo ---79249884 really make u think , snap lips ---79250082 >>79249560 shameless self bump ---79250323 >>79249560 ---79250519 >>79249884 thats buddha you retard ---79250561 The Bhagavad Gita is a good book, I read Eknath Easwaran's translation of it, it really touched me I have nothing against Hindus, I think it's a nice religion and its adherents are chill as fuck That's my opinion on Hinduism -- not sure about /pol/'s though. ---79250929 >>79250519 Gautama Buddha is viewed as an avatar of the god Vishnu in Vaishnava Hinduism.. In the Puranic texts, he is mentioned as one of the ten Avatars of Vishnu. ---79250985 >>79249560 The last of the real pagans ---79251019 >>79249680 in ---79251364 If the Abrahmic religions didn't have happens it was likely that Roman Paganism would evolve to something similar to Hinduism. ---79251794 >>79249560 10/10 best religion. ---79251980 Our Based Lord Shiva ---79252394 >>79249560 >What are /pol/ opinions on Hinduism? it's india's local variety of paganism. i see it in the same light as the religions of ancient greece, ancient rome, ancient egypt, and the old germanic/norce religion. but, unlike those other pagan religions, hinduism wasn't wiped off the map by the abrahamic cancer. that's pretty good. and it seems to have done a decent job at keeping indian society functional and stable throughout the centuries. overall i approve of hinduism. not as cucked as christianity, not as savage and violent as islam, spawned a vast and rich culture. still, you have to get your shit together (literally) and build some fucking toilets you loomonkey. nobody will take your country seriously or want to go there as long as half your population regularly shit in the streets. ---79253776 >>79249560 Religion and spirituality are distractions from the real world, and used as a means to control people. See >>79251229 ---79254028 What happens when you amalgamated so many beliefs they become confused. I find it deeply interesting (because >>79252394), but am most interested in their process of choosing patron deities as well as the implications this has on their set of virtues and formation of self identity. >>79253776 It's more a means of studying a wider population's psychology. ---79254134 >>79249560 TOO MANY GODS But hinduism is pretty based considering that hindus where able to keep their religion for such a long time. ---79254305 >>79254134 There are 33 Gods. It is mentioned many times in Vedas . This transition from 33 to 330 million came after Upanishadic Age. Upanishads taught that Ultimate reality is a single supreme soul Brahman. The count went to millions in an attempt to poetically express the infinitude of the universe, to capture the all-pervading reality. This is how 330 million gods made sense. Nobody actually took this as a fact. It was always taken as a poetic narrative You guys are actually falling for the 330 Million gods meme ---79254364 >>79249560 It's fucking shit. Nothing can be gained from it. Buddhism is in every way superior. ---79254441 >>79252394 Technically it isn't paganism. All of the hindu Gods are egos of Brahmin. ---79254457 >>79249560 I think it's great that India preserved the last vestige of old Indo European religion from the scourge of Semitic faiths. You guys better make damn sure you protect it from the Muslims who would gladly destroy it and replace it with their shitty cult. ---79254484 >>79254364 Tells me how much you know about Buddhism. >>79250929 ---79254618 >>79250929 Gautama Poo is viewer as an avatar of the god Loo in Poo Looism.. In the Poo texts, he is mentioned as one of the ten Loo places of Poo.*** fixed it for you ---79254780 >>79254618 ---79255032 >>79254305 Those 330 millions aren't actually gods if you go deep in hinduism. They have classified the universe on the basis of their spiritual nature and power. Those 330 millions are those who are above the humans in those things. Like "Gandharvas" and "Apsaras" who are above humans in levels but you don't need to worship them as they are just singers and dancers of heaven. ---79255225 >>79249560 what is the general view of homos in India? Also what does hinduism say about homosex? ---79255267 I'm a Krishna fan, personally. ---79255449 >>79255225 >what is the general view of homos in India? Homosexuality is mostly a taboo subject in Indian civil society and for the government. Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code makes sex with persons of the same gender punishable by law. But if we talk about normal view, gays are usually made fun of and hated. So even if there are gays, they never come out. read this - ---79255562 STOP GIVING INDIA SHIT. THEY DON'T KNOW WHERE TO PUT IT. ---79255683 >>79255449 nice. also, how are hindu dindus viewed? pic related ---79255765 >>79255225 Vedic hinduism accepted Gays, Kamasutra has lesbian and gay sex and zoophilia. Gay sex is illegal here. Hindus don't give a fuck about gays unless its their own son. And to be honest I know plenty straight guys who fuck bottoms because they can't get a chick and still make fun of gays. ---79255827 >>79249560 its close to what Europeans used to warship 2 thousand years ago before our culture was destroyed don't make out mistake India or be cursed ---79256111 >>79255683 Hindus hate niggers almost as much as we hate muslims. ---79256314 >>79256111 Trips don't lie. ---79256397 >>79255225 >Also what does hinduism say about homosex? No sex before marraige. ---79256498 >>79255267 >not worshipping Ashwatthama >not worshipping Parashurama >not worshipping the Chiranjeevis. ---79257397 >>79255683 We consider then of lower caste. We won't even touch them. ---79257621 >>79249560 It ranges from the most ignorant religion to the most sublime. ---79257821 >>79254134 They are transtheist; they believe in an ultimate reality. Problem with Western religion is they don't understand myths as myths. In Hinduism its common knowledge that its all myths unlike the retarded Christians. ---79257916 >>79257621 Thats because its syncretic, literally for everyone. ---79258035 >>79255827 Aryans created that religion its why the swastika is the second most sacred symbol. Aryans invaded 6000 years ago and started the caste system were they were know as Brahmins and the ultimate reality is called Brahman. ---79258237 >>79258035 Brahmans job was to teach and preach. Nothing else. Kshatriyas were supposed to rule and fight Vaishyas to trade Shudras - good for nothing people ---79258255 >>79258035 It is often told that the higher the caste, the higher the aryan genes. The problem now we're facing is that upper caste people are marring lower caste people. Also upper caste people are a minority in every state. Kind of like white people in (insert cucked country here) While the low caste people enjoy paying less taxes and have reservations etc.. ---79258349 >>79254305 The vedas have hymns to thousands of devas ---79258524 >>79254441 Terrific. What's the difference between Brahma and Brahmin? ---79258528 >>79257916 Yeah the literal term for Hinduism is Sanatana Dharma which means Eternal Religion which could also be translated as eternal spiritual truth or eternal truth. I am a jnani (knower) as in I know Hinduism is fucking legit! You seem to know too ;). Had a Christian try to convert me a couple weeks ago lmao! My Ishta is Bhairava (Terrifying), I follow the Bhairava Tantras as in the non dual Tantras. ---79258670 >>79249560 never really studied on Hinduism myself but from what i see posted it sounds like the deviant art religion in the way everyone is overpowered and beats the next guy and everyone else's religion ---79258908 >>79258255 Im curious would I be accepted into that society as one of your own. Im white 1/10 lower european so don't have blue eyes. Thinking about one day renouncing and becoming an Aghori; makes me laugh to think a real possibility is me being sacrificed by my peeps. ---79259110 >>79258524 Brahma is god of this universe. Brahmin is the priestly caste humans. Brahman is the ultimate reality beyond all gods; we call it Parama Siva (Highest Divine) in my tradition. Pic is a Yantra sacred diagram representing Parama Siva. ---79259131 >>79258237 >>79258255 How did Hinduism deal with Buddhism? Were the Hindu leaders at the time scared about Buddhism gaining popularity? ---79259243 >>79249560 I am Kalki, Tell them about me. ---79259244 >>79249560 It's shit. Judeo-Christianity banned homosexuality, incest, pedophilia. Both Hindus and Buddhists would still wallow in filth , but they adopted Western (Jewish) values. ---79259262 >>79249560 I like Hinduism. To me Hinduism, Christianity, and Buddhism are the only religions that really make sense. I admire the deep history of Hinduism going back thousands of years, probably older than judaism. ---79259350 >>79249560 Better than the desert trilogy. ---79259355 Tell me about Hindudtva. Do you support it? ---79259366 >>79259131 By accepting the Buddha as one of their incarnations of god. Buddhism ran India for a thousand years. ---79259484 >>79259131 Hinduism is a very open religion that's why it has survived so long. Hindu priets tried to control Buddhism but when they saw its gaining popularity and is also kinda similar to hinduism, they accepted Buddha as an reincarnation of Vishu, hence they just incorporated a whole new religion into Hinduism. ---79259496 >>79259244 >Judeo-Christianity When will this meme end? Christians spent 1900 years trying to remove Jewish influence on their societies. Judeo-Islamic is more fitting as Muslim nations were much more tolerant of Jews in the past 2000 years. ---79259511 >>79259366 That seems pretty convenient. So Buddha just became another avatar of their main Hindu god? Well, I guess that was better than a war between which god should remain in India. ---79259708 >>79259496 >Christians spent 1900 years trying to remove Jewish influence on their societies. The Nazis did a better job in only 12 years and they were völkisch pagan LARPers. I'll never get how this "argument" is used in favor of Christianity. ---79259733 My two favourite Hindu texts are Vasistha's Yoga and the Ashtavakra Samhita. ---79259792 >>79259511 Yep lol. Avatar of Vishnu the elephant god, the preserver. Thats the Krishna religion and its like Christianity. I follow Kashmir Shaivism which is like PHD religion. Look up some Jaideva Singh translations. Shit will beyond blow your mind! ---79259880 >>79249560 Greentext your whole religion for me. Alien spaceship battles and all. ---79259938 Do Indians tend to behave like they're guns? I know a rajput who was obsessed with all sorts off weapons and was quite confrontational about everything. Are they all like that? ---79260102 >>79258908 I think you would, really depends in which state you would go in. >>79259355 Many of us are easily confused about the meaning of Hindutva because of the way that word has been coined. That is the brilliance of language and of Mr. Savarkar. So here are some short definitions: Hindu - People living east of the Indus river. Hindustan - Place where Hindu's live. Hinduism - A religious philosophy that is a combination of a large number of and some times contrasting religious ideas. Hindutva - A political ideology created by V D Savarkar to define national identity for all Indians after freedom. The term Hindutva has nothing to do with the religion Hinduism or 'Sanatan Dharma'. It is a political ideology created for defining national identity for India. Hinduism teaches us Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (earth is one family) whereas Hindutva leads to Hindu Rashtravad (Hindu nationalism ). >>79259511 >>79259366 >India starting war Gautama Buddha was an Indian, also he was somewhat inspired by Hinduism. Buddhism is just the path of truth, it never really tells that he was a god. His title is just 'The awakened one' >>79259938 Those kind of people live in Bihar and other states. Almost no one is like that in other states. ---79260141 >>79259792 >Jaideva Singh ---79260187 >>79259880 Cliffnotes There is an infinitely blissful Consciousness that exists; realities are its dreams. ---79260236 >>79257821 define ultimate reality. and how can you be so sure they agree its a myth? what then do the myths serve as, entertainment? ---79260330 >>79260187 Then a story of Kali. Greentext that. Hinduism is large and it's hard to know where to begin. Stories are always nice to read though. ---79260364 >>79260187 do the dreams serve a purpose? why does the infinite choose to dream? is my suffering my choice? ---79260419 >>79258528 Skanda for me. Apparently I will die in war, time to sign up and fight some pointless conflict. ---79260433 >>79260330 >>79260187 >>79259243 ---79260512 >>79250561 >t. Rajeet Singh ---79260540 >>79249560 Make india Hindustan again! ---79260639 >>79260512 Would you be rather touched by a catholic priest? ---79260641 >>79260141 I meant check out the books Vijnana Bhairava or Divine Consciousness Siva Sutras The Yoga of Supreme Identity Spanda Karikas The Divine Creative Pulsation Pratyabhijnahrdayam The Secret of Self Recognition Jaideva Singhs version are the best! Haven't came across anything deeper in 16 years! Hoping the Tantraloka will compete it was finally translated into English. Its the Encyclopedia for non dual Tantra and costs $500, you have to get it from India. ---79260690 >>79254441 Technically it is. Pagan means pre-christian religion, it's a word invented by Christians during the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons. It pre-dates Christianity by about 2000 years. It's technically pagan sort of. It would be more pagan if they were converted and some few kept the belief. ---79260737 >>79260419 >>79258528 How do you figure out which god is yours? ---79260839 >>79260737 ---79260852 >>79251019 loo ---79260953 >>79249560 >can't eat beef I can forgo Pork, but as an American, I think the biggest threat to our culture is Hinduism. ---79261074 >>79260953 How is Hinduism the biggest threat? ---79261078 >>79260839 you just choose one? Is there nothing that guides you? ---79261189 >>79260737 Depends on when you were born and at what time, the constellation of stars and the prime star that determines which god is your Ishtadevata or Favoured God ---79261229 >>79261078 Well, there is a holy trinity of Hinduism called Trimurti. You can see the pic i've used. Hinduism believes in a trinity of gods: Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver), and Shiva (the destroyer). ---79261235 >>79260236 satcitananda (existence, consciousness, bliss) Vedanta does which means after the Vedas or complete knowledge of the Vedas. Vedas are the mythology of Hinduism and only the plebs think the myths are real is what one Hindu from India told me. Technically he didn't say plebs but the really poor believe in that nonsense only. Metaphors and so the dumb can have some understanding of the divine. You literally traverse a path in Hindu spirituality using higher and higher techniques at least you are suppose to and it made me evolve. Look at these books and tell that shit aint PHD level! Ive read books that are Masters degree level as in its required reading to get a Masters Degree in Indian philosophy in India and this shit blasts it out of the water! They got shit that looks like string theory from the future but written in the 9th century by Vasugupta who claimed to have met Shiva in a dream and given the Siva Sutras and wrote Spanda Karikas an in depth explanation of it which sounds like string theory and explains existence; like how one person described reading it was like reading the mind of god. >>79260641 ---79261269 >>79260953 Dude you can eat whatever you want, there is no restriction specifically stated anywhere, you eat what you want but the aftermath of it needs to be borne by yourself alone. ---79261296 >>79261074 Because the fat fuck thinks he wouldn't be able to eat beef. ---79261324 >>79256397 not to many people follow that rule though. ---79261393 >>79261074 Duh, no burgers. ---79261550 >>79260953 You can if you want to but it's not encouraged ---79261557 >>79261296 burgers is the only culture that Amerifats have ---79261745 >>79260364 According to my beliefs it for its delight. Its Lila. ttps:// It does not choose to dream it is overflowing with bliss and spontaneously creates out of it. Maybe cause the infinite bliss of reality is fucking horrifying! It is literally infinitely terrifying, its not like oh thats nice. Thats why we often refer to it as Bhairava (Terrifying) in my tradition representing it as the ultimate wrathful deity. Suffering comes from ignorance. Perception is reality. You can change your perception. I know how to meditate in such a way that I don't experience hunger or cold. Even easier than that I can experience bliss whenever I want pretty much. I literally laugh when I experience pain. Fullest enlightenment is my tradition is permanent bliss even while sleeping, dreaming, awake and after you die. If perception is reality what would be better to perceive than Lila? ---79262047 >>79261745 Well Krishna did told us that we are living in a matrix and all of this we experience is not real. Its all maaya. ---79262067 >>79261393 Yeah, we will behead people who eat burgers!! ---79262118 >>79260953 For Modern Western countries, Monotheism is heavily ingrained in the modern culture so it would be extremely difficult for a Polytheistic religion to take hold again so something like the Greek and Norse Gods ain't gonna be mainstream anymore. Blame powerlevelfags from the past since polytheism made it too difficult for powerlevel rankings so they just decided to have monotheism instead. ---79262135 >>79260737 Whichever floats your boat. They are just metaphors for god. You can pick one cause you vibe with it and it helps you put your mind towards god more. To me its more of a meditation technique than anything. I don't really worship a wrathful deity who likes to cut the heads off of gods its just a metaphor. ---79262274 >>79260953 Im Hindu as fuck and eat beef! But then again I follow the Left Hand Tantric Path and the equivalent to our priests even eat people. ---79262323 >>79261189 Is there a website that tells you? I've googled and the instructions are confusing. ---79262416 >>79261078 There is only 1; the ultimate reality all gods are just a manifestation of it so it doesn't matter which one you pick. From experiencing enlightenment I can say the most accurate terms for it would be Parama Siva Siva Bhairava Kali Brahman ---79262419 >>79262323 I don't think so and websites will be mostly wrong. You need to find a hindu priest, you can find one in a temple. ---79262455 >>79249560 neutral ---79262465 My opinions on Indians and some of their ancient aryan traditions is vaguely positive, but I still don't want them flooding my country. Additionally, ever since the Brexit results, I've been convinced that Sikhs are much better than Hindus. ---79262540 people who don't like beef are degenerates ---79262557 >>79262047 I follow IMO the deepest tradition of Hinduism and its seems to be totally in line with the simulation theory which is fucking scary! ---79262630 >>79262465 >>79262540 I've asked what you think about Hinduism not about Indians. ---79262635 >>79262416 >Parama Siva >Siva >Bhairava >Kali >Brahman So they are all just one god? Which is the true name? ---79262711 >>79262635 Brahma ---79262721 >>79262067 How bout humans? ---79262731 >>79249560 The original paganism and remnant of the old pre-flood religions. It is the reason why India it is so poor. And it is the spiritual component (in a sort of "sanitized" or repackaged way) of the new world order. Their deities are fallen angels, incapable of forgivenes. Gods of the New Age *AGE OF DECEIT* (FULL) Fallen Angels and the New World Order Fallen Angels, Yoga & Hinduism, New Age, New World Satanic Order ---79262795 >>79249560 Well I like that song... ---79262841 >>79249560 What if there is truly only Chaos? ---79262860 >>79262630 oh, it's cool i guess i like the funky elephant god and meditation ---79262899 >>79262731 Oh look its some cunt here to justify his pedo urges. Go fuck your self you mexirat no one wants to pray to foreskin butchering genocidal 'god' ---79262946 >>79262557 Well it is scary. Also Hinduism is the only religion that supports the quantum physics. >>79262635 Different forms of the God not names. ---79263064 >>79262946 >Hinduism is the only religion that supports the quantum physics. Shit, vatican needs to step up their technological cycles. ---79263349 >>79261557 >burger You called? ---79263376 >>79254618 kek ---79263653 >>79254618 fuck off fedora ---79263698 >>79258255 >Also upper caste people are a minority in every state. Kind of like white people in (insert cucked country here) Except whites are the majority in nearly every European country and in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Argentina. ---79263742 >>79262635 If you ask my tradition they would say Parama Siva or Bhairava or simply Siva. Siva means bliss and it is definitely blissful. Parama Siva means highest bliss. You could say the OM is the true name of god. That shit is fucking horrifying! You don't know scared. When experiencing Sadasiva Tattva literally higher than Isvara (Lord) Tattva which is the state you abide in in permanent enlightenment I heard the OM like an old souped up muscle car only infinitely loud! Its the sound of the universe existing I think maybe the sound of consciousness existing. Its true name is Siva (bliss) we call it Parama Siva (Highest Bliss) because it is. I guess we specify in my tradition cause you don't want to get stuck short of the finish line just being happy with bliss. Massive difference in the two levels of bliss. Like if I got burned alive as a witch because I know how to experience bliss Im sure I would laugh but also experience fuck tons of pain. In the state of Turyatita (permanent enlightenment) you only experience bliss. Two best symbols for god are the two most sacred symbols in Hinduism. The OM and the swastika. Posting the esoteric meaning of OM. Most esoteric meaning of the swastika which is a sanskrit word it is a symbol for enlightenment. It is two intersecting lightning bolts. Enlightenment is experienced as a lightning bolt like pic related. >>79262416 ---79263794 >>79249560 The myths are like an ancient version of anime. ---79263863 this is all too confusing. Greentext some hindu epics instead desu ---79263942 >>79249560 grandmother's a taoist but she has a statue of kali amongst other taoist deities at her altar pretty cool desu ---79263972 >>79263698 It's not that bad for white people, it is like 15% in some states like Bihar etc.. ---79263984 >>79261296 Why should he force himself to live by your culture which is so deathly afraid of toilets? Sounds like a "shitty" culture to me. >>79261557 >he says on his Amerifat invented internet with his Amerifat invented computer typed through his Amerifat invented image board Right, and I guess Australia's only culture is losing embarrassingly to NATURE. ---79264021 >>79263794 lol god damn thats funny! ---79264152 As long as they don't start tying to blow up the West or invoke religious laws, I don't really have an opinion. ---79264199 >>79260852 D E S I G N A T E D >mfw no verticalposting ---79264219 >>79264152 Their belief in Karma and all that keeps them mostly in check. ---79264226 >>79249560 rape in loo ---79264299 >>79263972 What are some good terms to search for when looking for nice desi/hindu porn? I only find scraps most of the time or Paki garbage. Does India even have a porn industry? ---79264354 >>79263863 >The Dev (gods) and Rakshashas (demons) got together for the colossal task of churning the cosmic ocean. > Mount Mandara, was used as the pole to stir the waters. And Vishnu’s Koorma Avatar(Tortoise) balanced the mountain on its back thereby preventing it from sinking in the depths of the unfathomable ocean. >The great serpent Vasuki was used as the churning rope. As the ocean was churned lot of goodies came out of it which the Devs and Rakshashas distributed amongst themselves. >But from the depths of the ocean also came out the “Kalkoot” visha(poison). When the poison was taken out, it started heating up the cosmos considerably. >Such was its heat that people started running in dread, animals started dying and plants started withering. > The “Visha” had no taker hence Shiva came to everyone’s rescue and he drank the Visha. But, he did not swallow it. He kept the poison in his throat. >Since then, Shiva's throat became blue, and he came to be known as Neelkantha or the blue-throated one. >Now this caused immense heat and Shiva started getting restless. A restless Shiva is not a good omen. Hence the gods undertook the task of cooling Shiva off. >According to one of the legends Chandra Dev (Moon god) made Shiva’s hair his abode to cool him. Some legends even claim that Shiva moved to Kailash (which has subzero temperatures all year round) post the Samudra Manthan episode. Shiva’s head was covered with “Bilva Patra”. So you see everything was being done to cool Shiva off. >Hence summing everything up, we can say – Shiva smokes marijuana to keep his body temperature down. ---79264372 >>79264299 >Does India even have a porn industry? Underground and ametuer stuff, mostly. Otherwise there is always hot bhabait. ---79264387 >>79264226 top fucking KEK ---79264440 >>79264299 In India, watching or possessing pornographic materials is legal, however, the production, publication or distribution of such materials is illegal. ---79264464 >>79264299 Who needs porn when you can rape right in the street? ---79264476 >>79264226 Signs of blanda up, ladies and gentlemen. ---79264517 >>79249560 I know nothing about Hinduism. My only association is that I asked an Indian friend to bring me back a statue of that elephant man when he went to visit family and he wouldn't do it for me...fuck India/Indians/Hinduism. ---79264551 >>79264372 >hot bhabait >google it >this comes up >keep watching >that moment when the guy takes off his shirt ---79264553 >>79249560 kali is /pol/ ---79264657 >>79249560 I believe that hinduism or atleast the first two gods; Brahma and Vishnu originate outside of india. Shiva however is most likely from south india. Hinduism shares some similarities with ancient pagan traditions from the near east. Such as boons from brahma and vishnu's avatars. Also Indra the god of thunder is a near copy of thor and zeus. Not in story but in ability and nature. I believe that the religion that hinduism descends from is the most intact copy or most similar to the earliest religions of man. Also I think the hindu afterlife and cosmos is kinda muddy and confusing. In Christianity it's well thought out like a linear story. Beginning, Middle, Good End or Bad End. Satan's motivations are clear. It reads like a novel or well thought out story. The same as nearly every western religion. In hindu everything seems to be happening all at once. Even if it says it's at a later or earlier date. I dont understand the demons in hinduism, their motivation seems weak and only seem to be there to oppose without a reason why. I dont understand why the three gods do things that may hurt the other gods. Like Brahma giving a boon to Hiranyakashipu resulting vishnu having to kill him on his lap. Same with vishnu becoming a woman and marrying a man who was about to die. ---79264703 >>79264517 He is called Ganesha. kek >>79264551 Typed Indian in pornhub and this was the first video. ---79264791 >>79249560 I consider my beliefs more in line with vajrayana buddhist thought but certain aspects of hinduism are clearly pretty legit. I should really spend more time looking into it ---79264870 >>79249560 You guys don't bomb people, so that's good. ---79264885 >>79264703 Maybe it's changed, but I know that I used to try searching for it a lot about 5 or 6 years ago and I got a bunch of obviously Middle Eastern women, or black women that looked Indian. ---79264956 >>79249560 ---79264990 >>79264885 Ah,no. The laws are still the same, The Indians you might see on any site are amateur or either live in a different country. ---79265015 >>79264885 ---79265170 >>79264990 >>79265015 I'm saying online. The women weren't Indian but were being pawned off as Indian a lot not too long ago. Much like how they have ethnic looking girls pretend to be Native American. ---79265243 >>79249560 Shit, it's one of the reasons your culture finds it acceptable to poo in the streets, but at least it's not Islam. ---79265339 >>79249560 >What are /pol/ opinions on Hinduism? Kama Sutra lol. Also crazy multilimbed Gods are pretty sweet. Holy cows are retarded though. Hindus generally pretty based about Islam so that's a +1. ---79265487 SquareEnix should sue you for copyright infringement. They found shiva first. Tbh senpai ---79265794 “The Bhagavad Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity.” — Aldous Huxley “In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita, in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial.” — Henry David Thoreau “When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad Gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day.” — Mahatma Gandhi “I am heat; I give and withhold the rain. I am immortality and I am death; I am what is and what is not.” — Lord Krishna, Bhagavad Gita 9:19 ---79265835 >>79250929 This is fucking heresy and your pagan religion has no connotation with Buddhism. Poo yourself pajeet. ---79265871 >>79249560 K A L I Y U G A ---79265884 >>79265835 Use google x) ---79266156 everyone itt pls pray for a visa for these poor people so they can attend loo education classes overseas ---79266673 >>79249560 I don't know nearly enough to give an opinion on the topic. I generally like you poo in loos though, so have a bump. ---79266692 >>79265794 >“I am heat; I give and withhold the rain. I am immortality and I am death; I am what is and what is not.” >yep yep yep ---79266793 >>79249560 Kalachakra prophesies muslims as a people who will initiate the third world war. ---79266869 >>79266793 they gon get raped ---79267157 >>79266869 Saudis have more money than we can we ever imagine. And they are already funding cultural war against the west in form of wahhabi ---79267320 ---79267363 >>79265794 In the loo I do not poo but, take to the streets before I stain my sheets. -Pajeet Designate the heavens and ordain men, but, designate the street for poo and never the loo. - Craapah Korma The wind will blow,The bird will tweet, I will put my shit on your street. -Dutti dumpahstreeetah Nature curves and wills bend, The shits on the streets will never end. It will always pour from my end and offend to no end. -Designattedah Shittah These words are 10,000 thousand golden poems, these streets will know countless billion turds. It will happen heard and ever unheard, seen as it is ever obscene. --Pootah Nevalooin No but, seriously, It can be pretty chill. If any board needs to hear this song its this one. ---79267603 >>79262274 >the equivalent to our priests even eat people And that's what you follow voluntarily? Really? ---79267850 >>79266692 He is not born, nor does he ever die; Nor having come to be, will he ever come not to be. Unborn, eternal, everlasting, this ancient one is not slain when the body is slain. ---79267936 >>79249560 >What are /pol/ opinions on Hinduism? you mean satanism sandstorm edition? no thanks you. dont get tricked ---79268072 >>79267936 Again falling for the 330 million gods meme read this >>79254305 Trust me, Hindus are god. ---79268252 >>79267603 Why don't you do some research on your own on Hinduism? Most people over here don't know enough about it. ---79268565 >>79268072 doesnt matter explain why the "main ones" use the exact same satanic hand signs/one eye symbolism? its sketch mate ---79268744 >>79268565 Do your own research, even if i say something chances are you won't believe it. So it's not worth wasting my time to explain to you. ---79268750 >>79251980 I thought Shiva was a woman ---79268983 >>79249560 It's in The Secret Doctrine. They say Aryans brought it to India when they invaded. ---79269148 >>79268744 that makes no sense ive done my research and have found that hinduism is nothing more then idol worship akin to satanism and all of the idols take on satanic characteristics 4faces just like the demons have same symbology etc etc ---79271351 Hindu lads I've been ignoring your religion for far too long, do you have some good beginners guide to learning about it? ---79271575 >>79249560 Most degenerate poo in loo religion that was cucked by islam ---79271660 >>79251980 Degenerate pot smoking poo in loo ---79271729 >>79269148 No. ---79271756 >>79268750 That's Kali. ---79271792 >>79249560 It was one of the first real religions. I like it. ---79271800 >>79254305 Your whole race and religion are a meme, rajesh. Also poo in loo ---79271843 >>79249560 Is there more hindu gods or is here more genders? You decide And dnt say theres 2 genders thats bigotry ---79271894 >>79250929 Your recuperation of Bhudda is islam tier m8 Bhudda was a nihilist who denied the soul, he was also against the casts. >>79251364 It did m8 this is called neo platonism. ---79271911 >>79254618 This. ---79271967 >>79271351 You can start by reading The Bhagwat Gita ---79272005 >>79255765 Degenerate. ---79272066 >>79271894 ffs >>79271575 Yes, truly cucked by Islam. 80% of the population follows Islam, not Hindus. ---79272094 Meme religion with dumb blue comic book characters ---79272132 >>79249560 Based. ---79272462 Waaaaay too many gods to try to give a fuck about. I think a lot of the basic tenants are great but if you delve into the history of their mythology it just devolves into sub-categories of gods and events as interpreted by every single hindu villager ever. I don't need these kinds of complications. ---79272513 >>79272462 Read - >>79254305 ---79272679 >>79271756 No, this is kali ---79272858 >>79272066 >was Illiterate curry monkey. ---79273348 >>79268252 Why would I have to do research about it when the guy himself says it? ---79273882 >>79261235 to be quite honest with you, from all the stuff I read over the years, advaita vedanta looks to me kind of as the ultimate philosophical system / worldview that mankind has created ---79274270 Where the heck do I start with Hinduism? I have a copy of the Mahabharata but it seems...devoid of meaning to me. More about myths and cultural history than a real spiritual experience. ---79277751 >>79274270 Read up on Upanishads and advaitha Vedanta if looking for spiritual experience. Ramayana and Mahabharata are just poetic epics with lots of distinct characters. ---79278517 Based ---79281328 >>79260540 They still call it hindustan ---79283019 >>79249560 >Trimurti It bears a strong resemblance to our Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Ghost (Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier.) This is why I argue, as a Catholic, that you can see the imprint of what we say is true throughout the world. If we entertain the possibility that the (traditional) Catholic perspective and creation-fall-redemption narrative is correct, then we should see patterns of this throughout the world. The Trimurti is, in my view, one such example of a pattern. ---79283571 >>79283019 yeah. That's exactly why, when Portuguese explorers got there, they were overjoyed to find a land where people were "Christian", even though it was seen as a corrupted form of Christianity, in opposition to the rest of the known world which was inhabited by muslims ---79285343 >>79283571 Exactly. Hinduism is some ways a 'natural' religion that over millennia has evolved and, I mean this word clinically and not as an insult, decayed. Brahmanism was arguably monotheistic (not monistic, as Hinduism is today), but with three 'aspects' of the Godhead. I know /pol/ is down on treating the Bible as a source of actual history, but let's entertain this for a moment. If Adam, Cain, Abel, Seth, Noah, etc. all lived, they gained knowledge of the Divine through a variety of means. They also would have received 'help' along the way. Jewish mysticism attempted to chronicle this ancient era through things like the Book of Enoch, which makes reference to the Watchers. One major thing we have lost in post modern Christianity is the sense that God *is* and is eternally Triune. Many, many philosophers have devoted years to addressing the question of why the Triune Godhead is perfect. Suffice it to say that It is an active and most perfect example of sharing, generosity, and love. While I obviously reject the pantheon of cults, fetishes, and deities that have been caked on in Hinduism, I do respect the degree of religiosity of adherents. They take their sacred spaces very seriously- unlike capri wearing Boomer women who trample around our wrecked sanctuaries, clumsily handling what we say is the Body of Christ. ---79285621 >>79285343 The was people dress in the church - both men and women is indeed a tragedy. They just say they are Christians, but i don't really think they understand properly. ---79285749 >>79264956 >residents inaugurated a newly built toilet by performing proper pooja ---79286274 >>79285343 >Many, many philosophers have devoted years to addressing the question of why the Triune Godhead is perfect yeah, we have a saying in Portuguese, três é a conta que Deus fez. Three is the math that God has made The best part about Hinduism for me is the whole worldview, where you and all living things are an indivisible part of the Absolute, and all the cycles of criation and posterior destruction of the Universe are a dream of that absolute conscience. As far as I have read, the Advaita Vedanta are the ultimate philosophical creation, since it answers all questions inherent to being human in a satisfactory manner that is almost virtually unassailable ---79286486 >>79285621 We don't give a good example, do we. We claim to have in our churches Divinity itself and even claim the right to commune with It. But we dress like bums to meet God? Easy test: Would I dress better for something like a cocktail or Christmas party? My Indian friend, I suggest that we in the post-modern West have simply lost sense of taste, order, decorum, structure, sphere of appropriate setting, etc. ---79286802 >>79285343 The Watchers isn't Jewish mysticism, it's about the fallen angels and the beggining of the Nephilim (AKA the half angel half human demi gods that were worshipped in every major culture on earth and still are by some). It explains those huge structures with insane astronomical and gemometric accuracy found all over the world. The words of the book of enoch is referenced several times throughout the bible, even into the new testament. By reference it is canon but more like a dlc in that it's not necessary in understanding the word of God but the history of the preflood world. ---79286858 >>79285749 >mfw two women called Pooja at my workplace ---79286907 >>79271756 tfw no kali gf ---79287004 >>79286858 How do you not regularly lose your shit? ---79287557 >>79249560 As gods go i like Ganesh, dude looks like he has a sense of humour. Also the Mahabharata is like a soap opera on crack. ---79288235 >>79249560 Jainism is superior, Hinduism is for normies whereas Jainism is for the redpilled. ---79288347 >>79286907 The whole appeal of Kali is that she is a wild virgin warrior goddess, untamed by men. You will never have her. Aim for Lakshmi instead. ---79288514 >>79288347 Yeah specially as she comes with her own money ---79288515 >>79249560 >used to justify the caste system >is about as real as wrestling Poo in loo religion that loves to bathe in filth. Literally fedora tipping atheism is better. ---79288546 >>79285343 Hinduism is what would happen if Europe did not have any Christianity. Cults of certain gods worshipped with debauchery and sex and meat and liquor. You would not like it. Jainism is the true path. ---79288830 >>79249560 Don't know about the religion but the people fucking reek. Not of just curry, that is somewhat bearable, they fucking stink of body odour and literally shit. I fucking hate them so much, i consider them lower than animals ---79290848 >>79249560 I prefer Buddhism. Hinduism is like that completely uninteresting religion that's never relevent and keeps to themselves. Their food is shit tier though but the dancing. Oh boy. Bollywood and their dancing arrangements are the best thing to come out of it. They are acceptable and assimilated Muslims. ---79291376 >>79288546 >Jainism I would suggest that we effectively have slid into that situation. Our cults are to money and social acceptance via signaling support for things like homosexuality, miscegenation, universalism, celebration of anything (except things related to Europe/Christianity), etc. Your vows looks very consonant with Christian ethics. ---79293703 >>79249560 Interesting. I practiced traditional yoga in the past. It helped form a foundation for my current religious Taoism which I personally prefer more. ---79293753 >>79249560 Entertain your false religion while you can. The Hindu population is in decline and Islam has been slowly growing ever since independence. We won't have to pick up swords we'll simply outbreed/convert you. ---79295269 >>79272132 >underrated post Didn't she write a book about how Hitler was a reincarnation of Shiva or Kali or some shit? ---79297859 >>79249560 Poo in loo tier ---79298046 In India, this is the devil.... ---79299281 >>79298046 Its the gaddayum white devil that chases and makes the Indian nightmare. ---79299609 >See a thread made by an Indian. >Ctrl+F, search for "poo" >Has /pol gone too far? ---79299937 Similar to the universal sacred law of the trinity, triamazikamno; Holy-Affirming, Holy-Denying, Holy-Reconciling, Transubstantiate in me, For my Being. ---79302282 >>79299609 No Hygene regarding fecal matter is serious issue in India ---79304271 >>79249560 poo's religion ---79304576 >>79293753 Will meet you when the world war 3 begins as it appears that we will not be on the same side. It'll be you lot against the world lmao :^) ---79306416 >>79250323 why is her hair peeing ---79307481 >>79306416 Shiva is a dude and it's not peeing, that's the river Ganges, which is supposed to issue out of the Himalayas that are associated with the god everything about hindu icons is extremely symbolic, a bit like jewish theology, where theres 4 layers of interpretation going back to the ultimate reality shiva of the trimurti is the destructive, changing force, the MMMMM at the end of "aum", and accordingly has associations of impermanence - most famously the "dance of destruction"
----- ---79307473 The mighty empire will fall. This time the invaders come from within. very sad robert
---79307558 >>79307473 Link: Jew York Times >Transgender People Will Be Allowed to Serve Openly in Military
----- ---79304644 Are these two crimes "similar"? Should they receive the same penalty? >First crime: Man beats a woman and rapes her orally, anally and vaginally. >Second Crime: Drunk man seen with to be flirting with Drunk woman was later found to be fingering her while she was unconscious.
---79305045 >>79304644 Bork Bork ---79305508 >>79305045 RARE ---79307387 >>79305508 Rare, you're not running away this time
----- ---79305093 /pol/ BTFO!
---79305334 >>79305093 Fuck off shill ---79305624 >>79305334 >i have no argument so i'll just call him a shill ---79305875 >>79305624 Uses the phrase ''/pol/ BTFO!'' and expects not to be called a shill. Nice one. ---79305937 >>79305093 Fuck off shill ---79306044 >>79305937 Thanks dutch ---79306223 >>79305093 >(((washington post))) >/pol/BTFO eat shit shill >sage ---79306255 >>79305093 The whole "don't show ISIS because it's advertising for them is the most obvious, jewshit shill logic every conceived. They don't want the media showing terrorists in action because people will get a sense of how barbaric they truly are and how superior white culture is to them. ---79306671 >Is it really necessary to show us photos or rolling video of a terrorist exploding? Yes. This is the event that happened, it only makes sense that the news reporting on it would show footage. >One time he made a mistake while interviewing child celebrities Wow! Who fucking cares? And that's the end of the article. ---79306844 >Trying to stay relevant now that no one watches his shit HAHAHAHA ---79307376 >HOW COME THE WEST ONLY CARES ABOUT BOMBINGS IN THE WEST >WHOA WHAT THE FUCK STOP COVERING BOMBINGS IN PLACES THAT AREN'T THE WEST
----- ---79306266 Who is /pol/ voting for?
---79307308 >>79306266 pssst use strawpoll 4 ur banters next tiem
----- ---79306331 I don't know, worshipping them just feels right.
---79306452 >>79306331 Those blocks create wind tunnels. Not good. ---79306501 >>79306331 What a bizarre unsettling formation Is this supposed to channel a singularity ---79306646 were commieblocks created by god? ---79306754 >>79306452 Cuck ---79306904 >>79306452 >>79306452 THIS , I FUCKING HATE THAT WINDS ---79306967 >>79306331 Should we worship shitty old concrete buildings? Are you fucking dense? Did you just make this so you could spout the meme "commie blocks"? You should have called the fucking things 'bae" to pile on even more cringe ya loser. kys ---79307149 commier blocks be my waifu ---79307259 >>79306967 i like you have a hyde
----- ---79306071 Bosnian SS Why Hitler Wished He Was Muslim The Nazi Mosque of Munich Hitler Demands Freedom for Palesinte English: Arabic: Hitler 2 Store in Palestine
---79307208 >>79306071 Not gonna lie, that's pretty based.
----- ---79305135 Say it with me: S T U M P E D T U M P E D
---79305873 Racists BTFO ---79305893 Trump literally said that he doesn't know why he's losing because he had a big crowd in West Virginia. Dude is a fucking clueless moron. ---79306146 They didn't ask me I'm gonna vote like 5 times. ---79306339 >(((nate silver))) There has not been a single person more wrong on more topics this entire election season. ---79306441 >>79306339 He's just using an algorithm that interprets the polls ---79306558 >>79306441 same one he used for the midterms? for the primaries? for the Brexit? ---79306728 >>79306558 Yeah. Most of those had Trump winning. But everything he wrote said he didn't think he would win and he provided some less scientific reasoning for it. His algorithm was good. His personal commentary was bad ---79306809 >>79305893 Why are West Virginians so rightwing? Wasn't the state formed to avoid joining the confederacy? ---79306990 >>79306728 Its not a good algorithm if he's fucking wrong every time. ---79307013 >>79306809 Yeah, but now it's an all white redneck state ---79307105 >>79305135 >DRUMPF Kill yourself! ---79307357 Dont believe the polls ---79307359 >>79306728 >going from "drumpf btfo" thread tothe next and defending Silver you're seriously pathetic ---79307393 Oh is this the statistic from the guy who said the chance of Trump becoming the nominee was like 2%? ---79307601 >>79306728 >Most of [his algorithms] had Trump winning No they fucking didn't. At least not until after Florida, which pretty much everyone beforehand said if he took it he would win (then afterwards tried to spin it because the media hates him so much). Silver's algorithms, for whatever reason, have been absolute dog shit at predicting this. ---79307897 >>79307357 why
----- ---79305662 >tfw leavefags are cucked by the leaders of the campaign How does it feel, twats?
---79305757 >>79305662 t. non-country ---79306318 >>79305662 Implying the astronomical volume of buthurt libtards could ever be matched in any conceivable scenario ---79307774 I think the main face of reason behind the leave campaign was Michael Gove - he was the one doing all the interviews..... ---79308158 >>79305662 t. Mamadou
----- ---79306890 /pol/ BTFO again Based Obama strikes again
---79307732 What the fuck is this shit? Shut the fuck up you mutated little degenerate cock gobler. Trannies can not every be in the army because they will have to serve with the men and sleep in our barracks and dress like little sluts. How the fuck are we supposed to not have sex with them? And then we get disicplined and maybe discharge and jailed. This is fucking ridiculous. Sex with new recruits as initiate is looked past but command can't fucking ignore these degenerate fat assed sluts so when we fuck them they will get us fucking jailed. This is ridiculous what the fuck. I hope this never happens over here because so help me if it does. Degenerate faggot sluts. ---79308146 >>79306890 >inb4 military will pay for their sex change >inb4 they will program their operations before being deployed ---79309557 >>79306890 So is Micheal gonna join the military now?
----- ---79299535 What is the cause of the increasing degeneracy in America? The media or simply shitty parents?
---79299737 >>79299535 >scoopry Who? ---79299774 >>79299535 87% of all girls fuck dogs ---79299832 >>79299535 I guess niggers are still going to insist that racism is a problem until it is 100% of white women. ---79299834 >>79299535 Fake study, no source, gay thread. Never eat stale pasta boys, just smile and sage. This ''''''''study'''''''' was debunked as fake long time ago ---79299866 87% of white American women are also fat, old and ugly. What a surprise. ---79299951 Modernism, contrary to moral truth found in the Bible ---79299964 >>79299535 fake study ban americans ---79299972 >>79299535 Somebody once told me that a cock is gonna roll me I ain't the biggest dick in the shed I was looking kind of dumb with a dick and a sack In the shape of a "mushroom" on my forehead Well, the dicks start coming and they don't stop coming Fed some dicks and I suck the dick running Didn't make sense not to live for dicks You give good brain and your mouth gets numb So much to suck, so much to blow So what's wrong with taking it in the backdoor? You'll never know if you don't suck You'll never shine if you don't fuck Hey, now, you're a fucking fag, get on your knees go suck Hey, now, you're a gay bitch, take your pants off, get blown And all that glitters is cum Only shooting cumshots break the smegma It's a gay place and they say it gets gayer You're cocked up now wait 'til you get older But the gay men beg to differ Judging by the cock in your mouth The cocks we suck are getting pretty thin The cums getting thick so you might as well rim My asshole is on fire. How about yours? That's the way I like it and I'll probably get AIDS. Somebody once asked could I spare some a suck for gas I need to get myself a bunch of dick I said yep, what a concept I could use a little dick myself And we could all use a little suck Well, the cocks start coming and they don't stop coming Fed too many dicks and I hit the ground running Didn't make sense not to live for dick You give good brain and your mouth gets numb So much to suck so much to bloew So what's wrong with taking in the back door You'll never know if you don't suck You'll never shine if you don't blow. And all that glitters is cum Only shooting cumshots break the mold ---79300107 >>79299535 Sure thing buddy. Also that's a still from a non-porno movie. She gets unsimulated DPd on camera and then the dudes stop to argue about something while she sits there bored. Unsimulated sex in movies is a fetus have if mine. This is one of very few examples with actual anal. ---79300168 >>79300107 Fetish... What the actual fuck autocorrect ---79300254 >waaaa women don't want ot fuck me, this is DEGENERACY Thanks for playing. ---79300535 >>79299834 Study done at a Rutgers poorly selected samples, terrible design, little validity or reliability. Welcome to anti intellectualism ---79300803 >>79300107 The actress in that photo committed suicide ---79301008 >>79299535 Anyone who says this is not true obviously doesn't talk to women, especially younger women. They all want the BBC meme now. ---79301080 >>79299535 I wouldn't be surpised if this is real, assuming more like 80% of you white women are liberals, they obviously wouldn't have any problem when it comes to sleeping with a black guy. The rest you can add it up from the conservative girls that want to go blacked. ---79301095 >getting "facts" from actual cuckolds ---79301132 >>79300535 >Study done at a Rutgers it wasn't even. the whole thing is fake. scroopy is a hoax website. ---79301169 >>79299535 >not getting yourself a qt pure hispanic gf White women are dead, lads tbqh ---79301171 Technology ---79301202 >>79301008 >t. literal cuckold. ---79301325 >>79301202 Aren't you supposed to be at afternoon prayer right now infidel? ---79301337 >>79299535 >there is only one reason ---79301364 >>79301169 Fuck no I fell for that and had kids with her, once she turned 28 she had 2 gold teeth and fat as fuck when that happened I called ice and made them sent her back. ---79301383 Dont need a study to know that desu Women will always pick bigger cocks and blacks are bigger ---79301400 >>79299535 Weak passive white males ---79301448 >>79301008 That's what's pushed on media, specially in music. ---79301466 >>79301325 >american >calling anyone >a mudslime America is the 2nd most cucked country in the world Sweden is first of course s >>79301202 1-2 ---79301469 Everything is fine ---79301516 >>79301448 Exactly, and the women being as stupid as they are, fell for it. ---79301536 >>79299535 >Implying it isn't the other way around ---79301606 >>79299535 wow, only 13% of american women are not in to bestiality really makes you think... ---79301628 someone post the okcuoid response rates...nobody wants nigger men ---79301651 God dammit what a time to be black. Fucking loving it right now. Loving going to the feminist rallies, those whores see me and apologize for what there ancestors did to mine. I tell thank you but the pain is still there. These white women say they will make me fell better. End up having foursomes, get free fucking money for no reason. Starting to get an idea how our king ancestors were like in the past. Stay mad /pol/ breeding out the white race, one woman at a time. I'm the hero white people need but don't deserve. ---79301655 >>79301383 >flag ---79301667 >>79301466 Nah, Germany is at least before us. Anyhow, I wouldn't expect you to be updated since you live on an island in the North Atlantic.. ---79301699 >>79301383 A Jew promoting misintegration, wow! ---79301772 >>79301651 Hahaha. Bait is evolving. ---79301836 >>79301169 No hispanic women here faм ---79301839 >>79301383 Oy vey ---79301852 >>79301667 OH shiet They 85% white still faggot you 63% ---79301886 American women are coal burners. ---79301893 not only is that blatantly false, but it also is flawed because it believes women will say what they actually want. Women will say they want "sensitive" and smart men. What they really want is a knuckledragger, and their vagina dries like it was caked in silica and sawdust the moment they see a man cry. ---79301917 >>79301516 Women are banwagoners. they were all dating german nazis and then they all shaved the heads of others that did it. They always play it safe and do what most people in society want. I've seen lots of girls agreeing with right wing politics alone with me and then saying dumb liberal things when they are in a group, everyone is so affraid of labels these days, no one says their own opinion. ---79301929 >>79299535 Subversion See >>79301373 ---79301933 >>79301202 >tfw too delta to ever kiss or orbit a woman I'm cuck proof ---79301946 >>79301383 Fuck off schlomo Niggers are pathetic down there and you should know it you TLV faggot ---79301964 >>79301651 cool b8, it will make a nice copypasta ---79301971 >>79301852 >63% >meanwhile europe is in crisis over 10% of their population ---79302043 >1 post by this ID you stupid ass niggers fall for every b8 thread ---79302054 >>79301852 Once the shitskins figure out how to make boats you're fucked. Iceland has such a small population and if Scandinavian women are indicative of anything, your whiteness will be gone in a couple of generations. Enjoy today Jonsi, you're next. ---79302095 >>79301886 Finnish women are yurt burners ---79302155 >>79299535 /POL/ BTFO!!! ---79302220 The internet 4chan being very much guilty. As much ao as any other site it criticizes. In fact id say 4chan has done more damage to the intelligent upper middle class white demographic than anything else. Its the only thing holding back those ''redpilled'' and keeping them degenerate and lazy. The interracial thing is just deflecting from your own degeneracy as a 4chan loser. (porn, video game and internet addiction) not to mention ''ironic memes'' have literally gotten us /pol/acks spoutinf niggerspeak like it's cool ('based') ---79302249 >>79302054 We were just kicking out a mudslime that came from norway we dont want them here we denied taking 500 and took 50 ---79302345 >>79301536 these chinks better back off the latin puss ---79302352 >>79302249 >Denied taking 500 >Took 50 God, you Icelandics are such cucks. ---79302419 >>79301466 >America is the 2nd most cucked country next to Sweden France: paternity tests are outright illegal UK: lets paki savages rape their daughters Germany: freedom of speech is outlawed America isn't even close to European levels of liberal feminist faggotry ---79302451 >This meme study again This is so boring. ---79302470 How many boards is this going to be posted on today? Not to mention I saw it a week ago. ---79302500 >>79302054 >Once the shitskins figure out how to make boats you're fucked. I'm sure they will set sail towards Iceland with DYI boats. ---79302618 >>79301364 well meme'd, Jamal. ---79302675 >>79302500 Yeah, they're gonna get to Iceland via boats made of dead infidel corpses, Haitian style. It's gonna be hilarious when it happens too. ---79302691 >tfw work at a store in a suburb of Toronto >20% of the couples I see come in are black man, white woman >every time the woman has been fat, ugly, a cunt or all three except for one person Only whores want to fuck outside of their race. ---79302795 >>79301651 >t. basement dwelling LARPer ---79302796 >>79302691 >Toronto You've never been to California leaf. Shut up. It's bad here... all attractive girls, anything above 5/10 is dating either a nigger or a spic. ---79302886 >>79302352 We were kind of forced to mr. 80.000 >>79302419 Ok buddy look at any collage in america faggot ---79302935 >>79302796 >anything above 5/10 is dating either a nigger or a spic What shitty part of Commiefornia are you from? Last time I was in LA I saw barely any black man, white woman or latino-white couples, it was almost always white man and woman. However this was back in 2009. ---79302942 >>79299535 this is supposed to trigger basement dwelling robots right? Because nobody who actually interacts with white women regularly would believe this. ---79303063 >>79301946 I love how based the Israeli non-cuck posters have to be to offset all the memes. Good job, Abraham. ---79303090 white women are made for black cock. Only stupid /pol/ reactionaries disagree ---79303146 >40 years of jewish media brainwash ---79303221 >>79303090 polish kike detected ---79303239 >>79302886 You'll be taking more than 80000 when Merkel and Erdogan bring them over on battleships. Does Iceland even have an army? >>79302935 I've traveled most of the state.. I live in the Bay Area, but I go through to LA and I can assure you things have changed since 2009. You have to remind yourself that you went there at the beginning of the Obongo administration. It's not as bad in more conservative counties like Placer but on the coasts it's horrible. All the women are feminists and are entitled to date chad/minority to forgive their white guilt. ---79303292 >>79303221 It's even worse - it's a rich frog. ---79303315 >>79303146 >ugly family of jews breeds with family of negroes And nothing valuable was lost. ---79303323 >>79303239 Yes ---79303341 >daring a white girl in 2016 Literally kill yourself ---79303361 that study does not exist ---79303490 >>79299535 Then what does that say about white men? Since they are more likely to racemix. ---79303554 >>79299535 >according to a study ---79303599 >>79303341 >dating a spic, nigger, muslim or abbo in 2016 >dating an asian for anything other then kinky sex in 2016 Its like you want the world to die. ---79303718 >>79303490 If anything that just shows that asian girls are total whores for white cock. ---79303836 >>79299535 >we takkin al yall whyt wimmin witeboi >yo dis 'ere bitch be rayciss, dun wanna gib me dat bbc succ ?! ---79303934 >>79301169 >>White women are dead, >be dirty mexican >lazy, unattractive, balding manlet >all the beautiful white women are disgusted by me >hit on them all the time but they just laugh >white womenz are lame anyways who wants them I almost feel sorry for much much of a pathetic loser you must be ---79303991 Why are you guys constantly in a panic about interracial sex? ---79304027 >>79303490 >posting online dating statistics as if they are valid at all in the real world >most people dont use online dating and the girls that do are all money grubbing entitled cunts If i had a penny for the amount of cherry picking in that picture id retire right now. ---79304030 >>79299774 t. Jealous fat virgin ---79304178 >>79299535 >Implying this data wasn't gathered from a shilled organization or biased in anyway. ---79304222 >>79299535 BIG ---79304299 >>79304178 the "study" doesn't exist. ---79304450 >>79299535 Speaking of niggers, I just got into a good school but there is a video of me saying "Nigger" out there. How fucked am I. ---79304979 >>79304027 no but a random fucking tweet from some shitty twitter handle is totally valid ---79305121 >>79304979 i never even implied that it was. You seem a little butthurt son ---79305195 >>79300107 whats the name? this is also a fetish of mine ---79305256 >>79301917 bingo ---79305356 >>79300803 Charlotte Gainsbourg is still alive and shooting more depressing films. ---79305629 >>79299535 she doesn't look white to me ---79305659 >>79304222 Room for improvement. ---79305839 >>79301008 Lol sure thing bud. The interracial fetish shit is liked by men. Fucking sissy men. ---79306052 >>79299535 >people want to have sex with strange or different looking people >surprising ---79306228 >>79299535 Because they see fucking niggers as a way of rebelling. Since they usually end up a single mom not many good white men want to hit something that's vagina is already stretched from a kid and the kid being brown. ---79306240 I bet it's like, 3% of white women want to have sex with Indians/Asians ---79306484 >>79299535 American """""""""""""""""""""""""""women"""""""""""""""""""""""""" ---79307092 >>79299535 >*note: polling total includes white Hispanics and white non-hispanics combined. ---79307304 >>79306484 she 100% represents the average white woman I know, fat ugly hilldog supporters ---79307631 I've always thought girls prefer blacks guys because who wouldn't want to sit around all day and collect welfare checks instead of work ---79308045 >>79299535 The glorification and fetishization of nigger culture. >>79299774 Little brown girls are great! ---79308115 >>79306484 >smart water What the fuck are you drinking in burgerland ? ---79308407 >>79308115 only women fall for the named bottled water meme ---79309070 >>79299535 Shitty parents and all of you (passive men) ---79309211 This is why we need eugenics Just skip white women entirely, artificially grow Aryan babbies
----- ---79305855 It's like, um, happening, and shit. What prompted this, finally? Honestly, Brexit? "Oh hey, y'know what? Maybe borders matter after all, look they even think so in the mother country"
---79306050 >>79305855 Uhhh people still support drumpf? wtf i hate america now. ---79306064 >>79305855 ---79306138 >>79305855 Thanks Brits. We give European nationalists some of our high energy and they gave back. ---79306182 >>79306050 Uhhh americans still use the word Drumpf? Wtf I hate America now. ---79306211 >>79305855 It was never not happening. ---79306579 >>79306182 They're not really Americans, anon ---79306693 >>79306050 Lol "now" ---79307487 >>79306050 >>79306182 >Uhhhhh ---79307865 So it goes. I'm moving to Canada. ---79308091 >>79305855 To begin, I don't think Trump was ever trailing. Tied at worst. Keep in mind all the polls against Cruz where he was losing, then he would win by large margins. These always occurred during long periods of no voting, because it allowed the media to lie more easily (difficult to say a man that is winning every other day is losing). But to answer why they can't even hide it now, I believe that Brexit, the increasing presence of Antifa in the US, the 1018373th terrorist attack (Turkey airport) and the continual spread of Hillary's evils are the largest factors. My guess is also that a lot of the Berne supporters are finally picking sides and surprise surprise most hate Hillary more than Trump. Oh and Obama really helped with his announcement the other day. I like to think this also has to do with recent happenings like the complete shutdown of the LGBTQMD video from google, as well as the hetero pride hash tag trending. The people are waking up.
----- ---79306532 Its time for another "did the holocaust actually happen or not" thread. Post your proof, evidence, and theory's regarding the holocaust/holohoax.
---79307725 Looks like I need to jumpstart this thread ---79307915 >>79306532 Gotta go fast! ---79308081 >sonic would have a field day I laughed at that.
----- ---79308019 The mock trial organization "Empire" posted the summary for its new case today and its full of liberal propaganda: >Treating a person differently based on their ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status is unacceptable. Because our Empire Family is as diverse as it is talented, we feel that it is crucial to communicate this message to our young people. Xenophobic language is being propagated by major political figures throughout the world. We cannot and will not tolerate participants treating their peers differently based on stereotype. >Violent extremism comes in many variations, all of which are evil. In our case, a group of “extremists” are killing in the name of a religion. When we say “extremists,” we are referring to individuals that use hate and violence as a means of achieving an objective. Extremism is not a recent phenomenon. Look no further than the Ku Klux Klan (“KKK”) in the U.S. and the Irish Republican Army (“IRA”) in Ireland as examples of 20th century groups that used hate and violence to instill fear in others. Their abhorrent conduct was a reflection of the actors who participated in and supported the violence, not of the people of the U.S. and Ireland on the whole. We should judge a person’s character based on our interactions with the individual, rather than rely on the fact that she/he shares a characteristic (be it religious, ethnic, etc) with a group of people that we would classify as unsavory or extremist.
---79308319 >>79308019 >Are our gun laws working? In this year’s case, the shooter legally purchased a firearm at a gun show in Georgia. By law, as a private individual, a seller is permitted to sell a firearm without conducting a background check on the buyer or requiring her/him to present a firearm license. Known as “the gun show loophole,” most states don’t require background checks at gun shows for sales from a private individual.With the proliferation of gun-related tragedies that have plagued the U.S., we ask students to consider whether our gun laws are working. This is a particularly challenging issue that requires us to balance Second Amendment rights with the realities of 21st century public safety. Students should also place this problem in an international context by thinking about how different nations have responded to gun-related challenges and violence. The case centers around pic related, so it's basically a liberal hit job against DJT by the liberal establishment
----- ---79303679 Britain's stock market has completely recovered from the crash from the Brexit vote. Remain BTFO
---79304305 >>79303679 >Jews dump assets as last ditch to scare Brits into taking more rapefugees >based Brits don't even flinch ---79304797 >>79303679 Why do americans scale their x axis backwards? ---79305288 >>79304797 It's not backwards, they just put the y axis labels on the right instead of the left to make the recent end of the trendline easier to examine. They can't predict the future and they're not going to center the axis on a past date, so which side they use for the labels is arbitrary. ---79305489 >>79303679 Not laughing now are you? ---79307998 >>79303679 The rampant fearmongering by Remain supporters after their loss was absolutely disgusting. Congrats, Britain.
----- ---79305221 Why can't the EU member states just leave and start a new EU without Germany?
---79305818 >>79305221 Why can't I just secede from Earth? ---79306001 >>79305818 They're sending some martian colonies soon. ---79306113 >>79305818 RARE ---79306311 >>79305221 What would this achieve in your opinion? ---79306628 >>79306311 Germany would be sad ---79306863 >>79305221 With blackjacks? And hookers? ---79307027 >>79305221 nice image I had a laugh ---79307124 >>79305221 K.You go first. ---79307192 >>79305221 Why can't I dominate the world without anyone noticing? ---79307491 because Germany=EU UK only cares about its own interests and France is a joke ---79307960 >>79306113 (You)
----- ---79306957 Why is inflation happening? I know it can be good for the economy during recessions (if it's being put into the lower-classes who spend it) but why is it happening? It doesn't make any sense why the dollar is just magically getting less valuable >But anon the government is printing money Re-read many budget deficits/national debt levels and they line up perfectly meaning any extra money the government needs is borrowed not printed. Therefor the government is NOT printing money. >but anon Bill Clinton had a surplus and the debt still went up Nope, he didn't have a surplus. He borrowed from Social Security and then retitled borrowing from the Federal Government as "revenue".
---79307161 Becuase capitalism has failed us Becuase the 1% is moving in Becuase western freedom doesn't exist ---79307250 >>79307161 Ok but why would that cause the dollar to go down? Production is rapidly increasing. If the 1% are hoarding all the money that should case DEFLATION because there is less money for us plebs. ---79307448 >>79307250 Because they want it to happen leaf They have control of the system ---79307522 >>79307448 Who does? ---79307948 cuz it's happening<
----- ---79292122 The trial starts next week. What are you on trial for?
---79292289 >>79292122 Public Checking. ---79292365 >>79292122 Waiting for the DA to drop a case and get me and my dads hand guns back. The Mormons did this. ---79292447 >>79292122 Voting Brexit. ---79292478 >>79292122 Shoplifting, driving without a license, improper lane usage ---79292529 Fart rape. I thought it would be OK in the men's room, but boy was I ever wrong about that. ---79292597 >>79292122 stuck my dick in crazy and let her spend the night ---79292685 >>79292122 I saw a non-binary differently-abled abo play on a pair of sticks and remarked that his music was inspiring. I was publicly castrated ---79292691 >>79292122 I got a big, y'know, penis between my legs. ---79292905 Farted in the Shintoism section of the downtown library. Figured it was a safe place to fart. Some lady claimed I fart-raped her ---79292957 >>79292529 >men's room ---79293182 I asked a girl that looked sad what was wrong with her. I'm being charged with verbal rape and second degree triggering. ---79293564 >get aboard subway >barely anybody on >sit down and play on my phone a bit >woman with bright blue hair comes up to me with a ruler >sticks it right between my legs >yells "LEGS MORE THAN 4" APART? GET YOUR HATESEAT OUT OF THIS SUBWAY GET YOUR HATESEAT OUT OF THIS SUBWAY" >get off and get greeted by manspread police 50 days in jail ---79293751 >>79292122 >Refused to fuck a fat bitch. >Ignored a feminist who was yelling about male privileged. >Committed eye rape by looking at attractive women at the beach. I'm pretty sure they will give me the chair. Before they zap me I'm going to whip it out and spank it. ---79294138 >>79293751 ---79294491 >>79294138 I want to make sure to climax as the executioner flips the switch so the last thing I do is spooge in her eye. ---79294553 having an erection ---79294693 Wearing my hair short and in its natural color, as well as having facial hair. ---79294780 >>79292122 i stopped giving a shit and all my trials went nolle prosequi ---79294956 im being charged with consenting to my mother breastfeeding me over 25 years ago ---79295091 I disaggreed with a feminist ---79295100 >>79292122 I had an opinion. ---79295718 >meant to hug daughter >R-A-I-L-S-W-I-T-C-H >hugged my Ex-wife >Green becomes Purple >I hang my head >Rape to a degree of any power relative to the money in my bank account >Sentence is no more boo-boo kissies for the rest of the day >Shame ---79295719 >>79292122 Funny story about that actually. >feminist bitch that everyone hated at my job >she always bitched about people holding the door for her >cussed them out and bitched to HR when it happened, claiming sexism or whatever >HR people just tell people to stop holding door for her, they hate her too but just dont want to deal with her bitching anymore >one day young new guy gets hired who's very polite and friendly >one of those people who holds doors for everyone >someone forgot to tell them about her >he holds the door for her >she flies off the handle >screams and pushes him >he stumbles off curb >falls and smacks head off the asphalt, has to go to the hospital and get stitches, has concussion And she finally got fired, the entire place celebrated when she was gone. ---79297205 >>79292122 I let a young woman get the door for me at a cafe. I said to her "Chivalry is dead". She laughed. ---79297978 >>79297205 I do this all the time. I let the women go ahead and pull tue door as I smirk and walk in without saying thanks. ---79298214 Checked out the black girls ass at the office and now I'm on trial for attempted rape because the white girls in HR saw me. On a serious note, I did get a stern talking to. ---79298445 >>79292122 >Thinks that a women can't open a door. >Thinks that jail is the worst that can come from this. You sir are an optimist. She will completely destroy on social media as well. ---79298950 >>79298214 >did get a stern talking to EYE RAPER! ---79299156 >>79292122 I was man spreading while riding my fixed gear bike and the woman trying to pass me in the bike lane got clipped by a semi her death was 100% my crotches fault ---79300051 >>79292122 I asked my manager if she needed help with anything. Got 20 years, child support for the additional personality she spawned during the incident, trigger alimony, and I have to wear a hat indicating that I'm a violent Islamaphobic capitalist to my appeal, in case the committee forgets. ---79300132 >>79292957 Who's the Jewess? Never seen this gif before, cracked me up... ---79300247 Calling some one a faggot in front of a gay feminist. ---79300665 >>79292122 >minding my own business >get jumped by dindus >wallet, phone, shades, all stolen >called them assholes as they ran away >arrested for hate speech ---79301297 I'm accused of being a 25 year old kissless virgin. Normies are baffled. I just want the loneliness to stop. ---79302689 >>79292122 should have told her you identify as female and she should not oppress your life choices, maybe even cry some crocodile tears to really sell it. throw their bullshit right back at 'em. ---79303115 >Went to local store >Got razors >Went to check out >3/4 naked girl wearing nothing but a Hijab & bra/panties >Ask her how her day is going >She responds "Why, because I'm a women? Do you need to protect me"? >N-no >"Because I'm a LGBTQ++LMNOP trans-gender feminist muslim"? >N-no I was just making conver-- >"Because you wanted to GLOAT about how nice it is being a CIS WHITE MALE. Your razors don't even have the GENDER TAX" >I'm s-sorry >Xir calls the police >It's 2020 in the new city-state of Londistan >She tells them I'm guilty of the following: 'White cis-male', 'Islamophobe', 'Transphobe', 'Mansplainning', 'Verbal Rape', 'Eye Rape', 'Forgetting to check my privilege' >They see I have razors, think I'm going to attack someone >Get beaten with big black dildos they now use instead of batons to be more progressive >Get arrested >Have to stay in jail until court >Wife and her son die due to lack of place to live or income >Court date is coming up >Sadiq Khan personally comes out to give me my sentence >Ohfuck.jpg >He asks "How do you plead?" >N-not guilt- >GUILTY! GUILTY! >Mandated castration, female hormone therapy privilege courses, & Islamic classes >Islam allowed transgender marriages >Now I am Sadiq Khan's 5th wife >He throws me off a roof for being a faggot God bless the queen. ---79303201 i didnt prep the bull ---79303634 >>79300132 ---79304042 >>79301297 27 here. Don't worry friend, you're over the hump now. ---79304156 >>79292122 My DUI, failure to appear after three years. ---79304381 >>79295719 Holy shit, I never knew a grill could have so much spaghetti to spill ---79305030 >In Target >Can't find Kitchenware section >Ask female employee if she knows where the Kitchenware is. >She screams, yells I'm oppressing her. >Security shows up, slams me to ground. >Get arrested when the cops show up, get charged with talking to a women with a permit. >Not allowed to make my phone call due to my white male privilege. >Feminist judge sends me straight to prison. >Feminist lawyer too busy getting her nails done to defend me. >Get charged with one count of talking to a woman without a permit, one count of oppressing a female, one count of looking "rapey" and one count of being a while male while 500 ft from a woman without announcing my presence. >Go to prison >Should have voted for Trump ---79305661 >>79303115 I was having a bad morning. Im not anymore. Thanks anon. ---79306462 >>79292529 >Fart rape I looked up for this, thank you for that >By farting louder the man is using passive aggressive violence to position himself as dominant, this intimidates the woman to subconsciously not release as much flatulence and thus the woman fearing for her safety doesn’t fart as loud as a sign of submissiveness, this in turn contributes to rape culture and women being oppressed I haven't laughed this hard in a month ---79306561 >>79305661 glad I could help ---79306625 I accidentally mis-identified a Male-to-Female-back-to-Male demi-queer genderfluid individual's pronouns. Apparently there's a difference between 'xer' and 'xyr'. I lost the litigation and am now typing this from an internet cafe with my mom because I had to sell both our houses to pay for the emotional damages I haven't showered in 5 months. ---79306783 >>79292122 >I called a guy a cunt, and a feminist overheard it ---79306875 >>79306625 >male-to-female-back-to-male my sides ---79307346 >>79303115 Keked. ---79307589 >>79292122 calling op a faggot ---79307783 I was on trail last December for being high on cannabis in public I was completely sane and behaving normal, they just didn't like the fact that I smelled like weed so I had to pass a urine test Got sentenced to 5 days in jail, shit sucks down there ---79308719 >>79292447 Who is that talking to Nige in that pic? Have some titties. ---79308828 >>79292905 I thought we made shintoism illegal after nuking the japs
----- ---79296244 >tfw u just crashed a 500 year old empire and its economy while fucking up a union that prevented war for 70 years
---79297077 >>79296244 still mad your plans for a fourth reich, er a United European Union are falling apart? ---79297289 good job preventing wars faggot ---79297451 >>79296244 The nukes prevented wars, not the EU you cuck. ---79297506 >>79296244 I just heard that a fucking woman is the one most likely to be prime minister Don't fucking Do this ---79298308 >>79297289 >balkans >EU >Europe ---79298536 >>79296244 Wait, NATO dissolved?! Source on this now! ---79298600 HOLY SHIT NATO IS DEAD? ---79298680 >>79296244 >wanting to prevent war ---79298682 >>79296244 >while fucking up a union that prevented war for 70 years Wait what happened to the United States? ---79298819 >>79298308 his point still stands. The EU would be interested in preventing neighbouring states from war. But not only did the EU ignore the Balkan wars, but they also instigated war in the Ukraine. Perhaps a more clear example than the Balkan wars, would be the Irish troubles. ---79298876 >>79296244 ---79299142 >>79297451 It was nato and the un ---79299340 >>79296244 Wars ---79299530 >>79299142 The UN has never prevented or solved anything in its entire existence. It has only ever served to worsen existing problems, especially in Africa. ---79302101 >>79296244 The world is chaning Fritz, old alliances are breaking up. The Bear has awoken from his slumber, the Bald Eagle is old and weak and nearing his end, the eternal Anglo sees opportunity and advantage in these times. ---79302344 >>79299142 >the UN >preventing anything ---79302983 >>79297451 >The nukes prevented wars, not the EU you cuck. Nah, it was TV and the internet. Hard to fight each other when you all the same HBO series. ---79303182 >>79297506 I heard she will also cancel Brexit. ---79303392 Yea preventing wars by allowing the invaders to conquer without putting up a battle, go suck refugee cock RULE BRITANNIA ---79303411 Why doesn't Nigel Farage want to run for PM? ---79303552 >>79296244 >75 % of German people are not retarded >25 % are retarded hive minded pro-refugees >Immigrants Welcome X----DDD >I hate whites >Old people should not vote ---79303573 >>79303411 He had one mission and he did it. He didn't want to rule, he wanted the people to be free. ---79303658 >>79296244 At least he established a pretty good bike-share program right? ---79303705 >>79296244 I am all for your 4 Reich, but why did you have to put Arch-Jews in charge, Destroy the entire European continental gene pool, Submit to US paramilitary, and develop ex-Soviet satellites than will go back into their business once you stop sending money. What the actual fuck. ---79303717 >>79297506 UK have had a female PM before. If anything she was their most alpha leader since Churchill. ---79303736 >>79296244 Preventing wars isn't a good thing. Wars are the natural selection of peoples. If there are no wars, we get shit countries like France still existing. ---79303844 >>79303411 >>79303573 >North American understanding of westminster parliamentary system. I'm particularly disappointed with you Canada. ---79304039 Funny how every single topic gloating and exaggerating over Brexit fallout is by a German flag. Either it's one extremely dedicated shit-poster or it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Germany is far more afraid of their economic future than Britain. ---79304043 >>79303411 It doesn't work like it does in the US. Ukip are on 15% of the vote. If they got to 35% or so, they'd have enough seats to be the majority in parliament, during which Nigel would become the PM. The only way that UKIP will get that vote share is if the conservatives don't stop immigration or invoke article 50. ---79304083 >>79303844 Of course I get it, it's the way my parliament works as well. He could always cross the floor if he wanted to. ---79304133 >>79296244 Boris, Boris, Boris...Yeltsin destroy Russia Johnson destroy UK ---79304474 >>79304083 Ok for a start Nigel doesn't even sit in the UK parliament, he sits in the European parliament. His party, UKIP, has only 2 seats in the house of commons. You need like, 360 seats or something ridiculous to rule. SNP, Labor, Lib Dems and Conservatives all have more power than him. ---79304569 Johnson is a coward Why did he chicken out ---79304589 >>79303736 This. Our prosperity and years of peace have bred a generation of far-left liberal weaklings who are ripe for conquest by a much more masculine culture. War is coming, whether we want it or not. ---79304640 Why. he said no? ---79304715 >>79296244 Prevented war? The EU has damn near started a civil war in most of Europe and still wants to create an army to fix the problems it created. This is textbook Hegelianism, you as a German should be able to see this. Unless you're a shill in which case you can Fuck off. ---79304730 >>79296244 4th Reich BTFO Hermanns mad as fuck ---79304778 >>79296244 I wonder who's in charge of this union? Couldn't be you Hans,right? ---79304783 >>79296244 Are there really multiple butthurt germans making threads on /pol/ right now or is it proxies?? ---79304902 >>79304783 >Catalog Germans are cunts, they are the Arabs of Europe. ---79304919 >>79296244 >1 post by this ID ---79304943 >>79303717 May is nothing like Thatcher. Thatcher at least had a spine. May is a cowardly bitch who just wants to tummage through your personal information ---79305008 >>79304902 Says the Frenchman ---79305064 >>79298819 RARE ---79305125 >trusting EU in preventing anything One has to have mental illness to trust EU ---79305251 >>79304589 ---79305269 >>79296244 >union that prevented war for 70 years Sure just ignore the balkan war and Ukraine. NO wars in Europe, none at all. ---79305379 >>79296244 >FTSE ended on a month high >crashing ---79305399 >>79296244 >prevented war for 70 years Proofs? ---79305448 >>79298819 They also went into war against yugoslavia. ---79305657 >>79304943 You can take Tony Blair, France take Sarkozy ---79305723 >>79296244 Ah yes Union that pressures its members to recognise newest Muslim state in Europe , that pressures its members to to take in flood of muslim "refuges" , that , after a member country votes against a law , proceeds to vote it in secretly , that threatens to implement mechanisms to block right wing representatives voted in by the people of having any kind of say in the Union , listen cuck , just cuz your falling for refugee meme doesn't mean you'll get to drag others down with you , Europe will not be Germanys Eva Braun ---79305755 >>79296244 want to buy a rock that prevents lion attacks? ---79305874 >>79296244 Fuck off you knob ---79305894 >>79296244 It really makes you think. ---79305922 Do Europeans actually think the EU prevented wars? ---79305961 >>79298819 thanks sideways poland ---79305986 >>79296244 >prevented war >let's other take clay to prevent said wars Congratulations EU. ---79306162 Fritz's tricks foiled again by the Brits. Nice try though. ---79306517 >>79296244 >and its economy UK will recover, that's not Spain and they don't have the euro. ---79306699 >>79296244 >tfw u just created an EU of the north and it's going to fuck up just as badly as the German-led one ---79308562 Why do they keep preaching EU prevented wars? Its fucking NATO ---79308854 >>79296244 1 post by this ID >angry shill detected >also the EU as we know it today hasn't been around for 70 years
----- ---79300405 Christopher or Peter?
---79300662 Christopher. I really wish he were alive for this Hillary and Brexit shit. ---79300683 >>79300405 They're both fags but Pete is slightly less edgy and usually speaks sense. ---79300736 Chris. ---79300802 >>79300405 Alex ---79300887 >>79300405 Both jews. Both subversive in their own manner. Peter is definitely the better of the two. If ever one needed an example of jewish amoral and apolitical behavior, it's the antithetical relationship of two jewish brothers, who have a very curiously large level of attention attracted to themselves, despite being minor academic interests at best. ---79300952 fixed ---79300979 >>79300405 Neocon faggot vs self-important Christcuck twat. Gas 'em both. ---79301047 >>79300405 Christopher. He's a fucking riot to listen to. ---79301111 >>79300405 Peter, obviously >>79300662 >>79300736 >>79301047 Degenerates please leave ---79301136 who are these? ---79301246 >>79300405 Christopher's intellectual movement, New Atheism, is in disarray after unbelievably retarded ideological struggles related to social justice and it's still reeling trying to adapt to this new scenario where their own kind are even nuttier than the creationists they used to oppose. He's also dead due to his bad habits. Peter is alive and kicking and watching the rise of the New Right, a resurrection of his views that were squelched some time ago. He's practically ecstatic right now over Brexit instead of his usual depressing curmudgeonlyness. Who's the successful one in the end? ---79301317 >>79300662 wish he was here for this feminism bs too ---79301354 >>79300405 Christopher was a fucking badass, too bad we have to weather out SJWs without him. Oh, and fuck this, btw: ---79301590 >>79300405 When I was in my late teens and early 20s Christopher was the shit. Peter was some fucking old outdated moral boring shill cunt. Then I realized how things really are (minus the religion, which Pete just chose to spite Chris). I mourned the death of Christopher Hitchens. I really wonder what he would've made of the mess in the world atm. He was so wrong about Iraq. ---79301725 Christopher could laugh at himself. Peter has a perpetual stick up his ass. ---79301738 >>79301111 say what you want about chris but he defended david irving and said his books should be read by anyone interested in ww2 history. ---79301840 >>79301738 i like both. YOU DON'T HAVE TO THROW THE BABY OUT WITH THE BATHWATER, FAGS ---79301919 >>79300405 Who the fuck is peter. But i must say christopher was badass ---79302014 >>79300802 "The Man" Jones ---79302067 Christopher was the alpha. Peter is the cuckold. ---79302092 >>79301590 Same >>79301738 Chris is very good but unfortunately his views amount to degeneracy. I mean the man was an alcoholic for Christ's sake. Both very bright guys but I align more with Peter's views these days. >>79301725 Yeah but Peter has been proven right by the fact that Chris ended up dead. ---79302519 >>79300405 Both are excellent men. Although I think Peter takes christianity way to serious. Instead he should focus on the good things (certain) religions brings and why it does that. And Christopher is a good atheist, but focuses to much on the impossibility/impropability of religion. ---79303317 Christopher. By far. ---79303438 Unibrow! ---79303893 >>79300405 Could have used Christopher this election desu. When the man wasn't too busy fedora-tipping he made his living BTFOing the Clintons and it was great ---79305989 >>79300405 Use your voice to speak out against god ,get throat cancer christians 1 atheist 0 ---79306151 Christopher was so much more well versed and intelligent. His brother is a little christian revert cuck bitch who pales in comparison to the work and goring that christopher did upon his enemies ---79306301 >>79300405 Peter. Whole heartedly, Peter. Christopher was a fucking funny debater ---79307600 >>79303893 He would be backing Clinton, though. ---79307676 >>79307600 Of course as any sane man would, fuck Trump and his demagoguery. At least Clinton is predictable... ---79308201 >>79307600 >Hitch backing Shillary ---79308354 >>79300405 One was an atheist, the other is a protestant. So neither. Chris was more adept at rhetoric but I agree with Peter more. ---79308706 >>79300405 based moral man ---79308754 >>79300405 Neither. Chris is attractive to edgy teenage atheists because he states the fucking obvious about shit they should already know. And Peter is a toad with his tongue firmly stuck in the royal families arse like he's desperate for a knighthood. Although if they had a fist fight, I'd support hitch on the basis that Peter is the more annoying and deserves a kicking
----- ---79305575 Boris has ruled himself OUT of the Tory leadership election Will Gove and May do a deal? WHAT A TURN OF EVENTS >Jeremy Corbyn wants to resign - but John McDonnell won't let him >Corbyn 'proud to be carrying on' >Gove challenges Johnson and May >More over 65s voted Remain than 18-24 year olds >Mexico has already drafted UK trade pact >EU to get Scotland every other weekend and during school holidays >British public opposed to a second referendum by almost 2 to 1
---79305663 Explain this brit/fags/ ---79305665 mommy ---79305666 Can someone post the image this twitter header is of? I want it as a poster. ---79305688 REV UP THE MEME MAGIC We need Andrea ---79305701 Andrea is only popular because she is the Karenposters' anti-Theresa candidate ---79305736 >>79305575 Why do you want Andrea to win so much? ---79305740 MUMMY FOR PM <3 ---79305742 >>79305663 kek ---79305767 "I will do everything I can to bring migration down, that is my mission, I am committed to triggering article 50" Can he defeat May. ---79305771 >>79305701 >tripfag mad it's not xir thread ---79305775 >>79305665 What the fuck is her problem? Someone - chuck that bitch back into the channel. ---79305786 >>79305666 ---79305790 Andrea <3 ---79305794 >>79305665 M U H U H ---79305796 >>79305740 Good choice ---79305835 >>79305682 >abusing imaginary children This has got to be a shoop ---79305838 >>79305665 >o ---79305851 Can people stop posting softcore granny porn? ---79305864 >>79305736 Because all the other candidates are fucking awful ---79305895 LIAM FOX IS THE BEST CHOICE YOU DICKHEADS ---79305898 >>79305575 based ---79305912 >>79305790 ---79305938 you fucking cunts and cowards you should have invoked article 50 literally when the refferendum ended ---79305943 Lets put aside the mummyshit ---79305946 >stupid NEET meme spammed every thread It was a good few weeks, I'm out ---79305952 >>79305895 Who? ---79305958 Do we actually trust Gove? He just used this whole referendum to make a bid for PM, backstabbing bastard is playing 3D chess with the country, but what will he do when he gets the power? ---79305959 I think I'm in love with Frauke. ---79305981 Next week ---79305987 Man these threads are lewd as fuck today. ---79306002 >>79305895 Fox, Gove and Leadsom should form a united front. ---79306003 >>79305946 Back to Plebbit newfag ---79306024 >>79305665 Those are some manly shoulders ---79306037 >>79305895 >40/1 ---79306049 >nige's face when his wife is deported back to Germany ---79306054 >>79305952 fuck off cunt ---79306061 >>79305870 Aren't there better things to spend bongshekels on? ---79306075 >>79305663 Jamie Vardy's having a party ---79306093 >>79305665 Wanna cummy in mummies tummy ---79306096 >>79305946 >It was a good few weeks, I'm out Oh you mean the weeaboo animu cancer plaguing those threads for at least 4 years? mommyposters>>>weeaboos ---79306099 He reminds me of my dad so much. ---79306101 >>79305938 Don't blame us. Blame our slow Prime Minister. ---79306118 >>79306037 >Brexit >55/1 ---79306119 Guys, what did Gove do to overthrow the Boris dynasty. Give me it step-by-step, I'm curious just how articulate his plan was. ---79306130 >>79305938 We couldn't our fucking PM resigned. ---79306137 >>79305682 >abusing imaginary children hmm.. ---79306148 >>79295312 Because somebody is going to be crucified when A50 is invoked. Might as well be May. She'll have a mental breakdown, Gove is incompetent, and so Boris Johnson's master scheme will be unveiled and he will end up with total control anyway, and he'll seem extra humble for having 'bowed out of the running'. BoJo isn't a loose cannon. He's not scatterbrained, either. It just seems that way because he's playing a fucking good game of 4D Chess. ---79306169 >>79305682 She will not take Umaru away from me! ---79306173 >>79305736 She's anti-eu and anti-immigration without being a fucking victorian gargoyle. Also she's more attractive than May. It has to be women because nu-males are scared of arguing back to women. ---79306184 >>79305663 chat shit get banana'd ---79306187 Just finished watching the Gove interview. He's more robotic than Miliband. It's like he's an advert for home insurance in human form. >>79305864 Fair enough. ---79306191 >>79306061 YOU CAN'T POST THAT ON A CHRISTIAN IMAGEBOARD ---79306214 >>79305622 Not the banter my southern friend but the happy truth is that in actuality my dick is indeed hard ---79306222 >>79305796 Mummy .. ---79306229 >>79306169 ---79306242 >>79305959 She definitely has a scheiße fetish ---79306278 >>79306119 He was planning it for weeks. ---79306289 >>79306187 This. Not electable no matter how much /pol/ likes him. ---79306291 IT'S OVER GOVEFAGS. THIS IS NOW A /LEADSOM/ GENERAL. NON-LEADSOM SUPPORTERS CAN EITHER CONVERT OR FUCK OFF ---79306321 >>79305895 Fuck of, fox managed to axe 11 thousand off the military and tried to reduce our military spending while he was secretary for defence. Business mans politician bought and paid for. ---79306328 >>79305767 too early to tell. I bloody hope so, though. ---79306342 >>79306278 This is some House of Cards shit. ---79306359 >>79306291 >62% isn't a majority >We are the 38% ---79306361 >>79305959 I always imagine her presenting a sales conference for Weyland-Yutani or something. She just seems futuristic somehow. ---79306387 >>79306003 Go with him tripfag attention whore ---79306397 >>79305786 Thankyou ---79306412 >>79306075 ---79306417 >>79306061 >lewding Okuu you know what I hope you do get arrested ---79306425 >>79306291 >Leadsom She has no fucking experience and talks like an airhead? You absolute plebs, put your dicks away ---79306430 >>79306291 Prepare to get Gove'd. ---79306434 >>79306291 im fine wth either both handled themselves exceptionally well during the debates ---79306456 >>79305981 I loved that episode, just killed the whore out of nowhere, based as fuck. ---79306463 The wrong people voted to leave. ---79306465 >>79305575 Can someone post the image with the left/right authoritarian/libertarian-ukip? ---79306476 Nth for microphone assassin Nigel Farage. Who should I meme next lads? Considering a Corbyn freestyle about destroying Blairites. ---79306499 >>79306291 I don't know enough about Leadsom, other than she has some fat milkers. Can someone give me the lowdown? ---79306520 >>79305704 Very pro-Europe. Very internationalist. They are a centrist party with a focus on social liberal issues and they are the least authoritarian party. When they were in coalition they put a brake on May's Orwellian dreams. Economically they're a mixed bag - some are centre left, some are centre right. Their current leader is on the left, but their previous leader (Clegg) was more on the right economically. I have voted on and off for them in the past, depending on how much they've been whining about being pro-Europe and pro-immigration. ---79306522 >>79305786 >REELS Someone shoop this so that it says "FEELS" ---79306529 >>79305959 Frauke ist die beste Frau. ---79306542 What are the chances of a snap general election? ---79306570 Mogg has declared for Gove. If I join the Tories now can I vote in the election? ---79306573 >>79306476 >ruining good banter with stale reddit meme Stop posting this shit ---79306576 Gove never wanted to be Prime Minister. The next Prime Minister will be vilified and placed in a lose-lose situation. Gove pretended to betray Boris to make sure Boris did not come off looking like a coward. Gove is sacrificing his entire political legacy to help Boris. mfw ---79306586 >>79306481 Thank Christ. ---79306592 About this Gove guy, do we like him or hate him. please tell me what to think ---79306605 >>79306430 The face of a stone cold killer ---79306614 >>79306430 ---79306616 >>79306037 >Trusting probabilities in 2016AD ---79306633 >>79305682 not real but kek who's on question time tonight? ---79306645 >>79306542 Why would the conservatives do that. They just won, it's all above board what they're doing and labour wouldn't win. There is nothing to gain and everything to lose ---79306650 >>79306291 Gove will have to mend this problem. ---79306660 Anyone else thinks young Nige looks like Charlie Sheen here? ---79306685 >>79306592 He's not the worst candidate, that is literally the best thing I can say about him ---79306688 >>79306570 Almost certainly not. But they won't tell you that until they've got your money. ---79306718 Meanwhile in the USA... ---79306724 What exactly did Gove do to destroy Boris? As far as I can tell he just edited a news peace he did. ---79306741 >>79306049 That was his plan all along It was just a 17 year long divorce ruse ---79306779 >>79305943 Actually looking kinda alright there Millipede. He should've grown out his facial hair more when he was campaigning. ---79306799 >>79306592 Can't tell yet. You see, British politics is designed for these GoT situations where you don't know the true intent of the character and the personality's are important, etc. It's nothing like yank politics were it's very linear-minded and simple. ---79306801 >>79306499 >Has supported Brexit for over a decade (unlike Gove or May) >Wants to stop Freedom of Movement (unlike Gove or May) >Has a plan for the UK's economic future as she actually anticipated victory for Brexit (unlike Gove or May) >Is intelligent and attractive (unlike Gove or May) The choice is clear, my son. ---79306814 WANT TO CUMMY IN MUMMYS TUMMY ---79306815 >>79306736 >>79306725 GET OUT This is an Andrea thread ---79306835 >>79306724 That article was a rambling pro-immigration abomination that ruined his chances of ever being accepted by UKIP and conservative Tory voters ---79306836 >>79306718 >sending suicidal men into warzones I see no problem here ---79306841 How is Leadsom? Are people just memeing when they support her? I'd probably rather protest vote Lib Dems than vote for Tories with May as PM t b h. ---79306843 >>79306242 >>79306361 >>79306529 Apparently she's a chemist. I'd mix agents with her to see her reaction tbqhwyl ---79306850 michael gove comes across as someone who realised they had gone a bit too far and their reaction is to just speed up times ten ps corbs for PM by christmas for the ultimate bantz ---79306866 >>79306664 How can anybody trust an old woman without children? ---79306876 ---79306877 >>79306801 "I will do everything I can to bring migration down, that is my mission, I am committed to triggering article 50" - Michael Gove in a BBC interview ---79306888 Can't you see that this is all part of BoJo's plan? It's all calculated! ---79306905 >>79306779 It's conventional wisdom that voters don't trust politicians with beards, though that might be changing these days ---79306965 >>79306573 Thanks for the constructive ideas fag. ---79306975 >>79306877 Cameron said the same thing ---79307004 >>79306975 ---79307009 >>79306779 no beards allowed at the negotiation table ---79307010 >>79306741 I just spat out tea on my desk. Fukken kek ---79307019 >>79306843 frauke a cute ---79307022 thickthickthick ---79307023 >>79305575 >Andrea retweeted a tweet of mine once >my most popular tweet ever ever >was forced to delete it though to help avoid her getting in trouble for it ---79307043 HOW DO WR USE MEME MAGIC TO HELP BASED LEADSOM? ---79307057 >>79306965 >constructive Are you fucking retarded? If someone raped you and you asked them not to rape you, should they respond in court with "well that's not a constructive idea fag"? ---79307076 >>79306943 C U M M Y ---79307083 >>79306888 >Not knowing how to play dumb to fool the masses Nice one mate ---79307103 >>79307043 Britain is out of meme magic since Brexit and Corbyn's purge ---79307130 How possible do we think it is that Boris and Gove are in collusion and the plan is to make the Gove the fall guy for the inevitable EFTA agreement so that Boris can win the 2020 general election meanwhile they keep big positions in each other's cabinets ---79307133 >>79307023 >>was forced to delete it though to help avoid her getting in trouble for it What did it say? >>79307057 OK, I get it. You're not an ideas guy. That's fine. ---79307158 has any one taken the time to remeber that; any wanting to work for the goverment... would naturaly want to stay in the EU, there for the person we elect would either be a liar or a nutjob? somebody? back me up on this. ---79307167 >>79306660 winning ---79307201 >>79306688 Thanks Boris. ---79307205 >>79307152 >that one ant mayposter ---79307216 >>79306943 >>79306880 >>79306818 >>79306786 >>79306736 >>79306640 Can you just fucking not? ---79307235 >>79307103 Lad, I will have you know that meme magic is a renewable source of energy ---79307240 >>79307158 Nigel worked for the EU. Are you saying it was all a ruse? ---79307256 >>79307043 We don't want a womyn in charge, Merkel pretended to be centre-right to get elected, remember? ---79307273 >>79307130 >inevitable EFTA agreement Don't you lot ever give up? ---79307280 your mummy a shit tbqh lads ---79307282 >>79307216 Report and hide. ---79307285 >>79307213 Mummys eyes are so pretty ---79307295 >>79307043 the thread is split Mayfags, Gove's Gremlins and the Leadsom losers It's not like are nige or Corbyn when everyone knew who to support ---79307310 >>79305575 So long as it's not a woman, and it's not Corbyn, and it's not a mudslime, I don't really care. ---79307316 This thread has gone bad. ---79307371 >>79307205 >ant may ---79307378 >>79307130 Not a chance. Today was the most brutal knifing in politics since Julius Ceasar. I worked for Gove at Education. He'd be a brilliant PM. He genuinely believes in Brexit, and would tell Merkel to fuck off before giving in on free movement. ---79307380 >>79307152 >>79307249 You need help. ---79307388 "You're supporting me, right anon?" ---79307389 who is the most anti immigrant of the potential conservative leaders? ---79307397 can we kill or at least deport all mummy posters? ---79307415 >brit/pol/ is now mummy/pol/ ---79307423 >>79307295 >leadsom losers Leadsom Lovers <3 ---79307430 >>79306500 kek. Boris was soft on immigrants anyway ---79307444 >>79307380 SHUT UP SHOW MUMMY RESPECT ---79307446 >>79307388 Of course. ---79307468 >>79305663 elite banter ---79307483 >>79306465 So was gove good at being education secretary? My dad is a teacher and thinks he's awful ---79307506 >>79307004 >Wants to reform the HoL >Wants to remove hereditary peers >Quote "the low-paid of Britain are suffering too, with uncontrolled migration leading to a demonstrable downward pressure on their wages" >Voted to turn away 3000 refugees (including children) who had travelled to Europe ( TWO CAN PLAY AT THAT GAME M8. ---79307523 before she became a style revolutionary, she was just a regular mom clothes mommy. ---79307539 >>79307295 We must unite /pol/ ---79307540 >>79305835 It is a shop but and loli/shota is illegal in the UK. Nobody really cares at the moment though unless you go parading your feitsh about publicly but if May was PM anyone who accessed it would have their house immediately raided and be prosecuted as a paedophile. If May is PM she will shill Snoopers' Charter until it's passed. Snoopers' Charter which itself will allow the government to legally have access to the countries internet history and will have blacklisted sites (Including normal hentai sites which just happen to have loli/shota) which set off an auto alarm for raids within the hour. ---79307549 >>79305663 Smear campaign, suddenly all the racial attacks that were happening anyway are getting full blown coverage because it's suddenly relevant. The UK are a country of racists now, the media has to cling to every racist act no matter how minor, even fabricating racism where it doesn't exist, in order to make it look like our country is turning into Nazi Germany. Two years ago a muslim guy got kicked/stabbed to death around the corner from where I live. It wasn't even reported in the local news. If that had happened now, thanks to the referendum, it would be all over the national news, without a doubt. The media are fucking shitbags. ---79307578 Mummy for MP: "I am growing stronger" ---79307606 >>79307483 All teachers hate him because he GOVE'D their shit up They were the test case, Cameron and Boris being the secondary subjects. ---79307608 >>79307506 >wants to remove hereditary peers what's wrong with hereditary peers? ---79307623 Krauts have this nationalist MILF and we have droopy May ---79307634 >>79307506 >removing hereditary peers >good Do you even reactionary? ---79307646 >>79307549 >The UK are a country of racists now How is this a bad thing? ---79307650 there used to be rumours that may was secretly a massive racist based on that alone i think ill support her, dont try that speccy little gove ---79307654 >>79307388 No. Fuck off and take your cheeks with you. ---79307679 >>79306718 They're also going to pay for the freaks genital mutilation ---79307685 >>79307506 >Wants to reform the HoL >Wants to remove hereditary peers FUCK GOVE THEN It's May for me. ---79307699 >>79307415 Better or worse than Karen/pol/? ---79307706 RobinHoodUKIP endorses Andrea <3: ---79307709 >>79306465 >>79307483 oops, didn't mean to reply to you ---79307718 >>79307483 The NHS and Education Systems are corpses that died many years ago, propped up in chairs - Nobody ever changes them Whenever a health or education secretary prods them, and they fall and slump over the side of the chair, the unions and public scream "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! YOU KILLED IIIIIIIT!!!!!!" and the terrified health/education secretaries prop them back up where they were saying "N-no I didn't look he's fine he's fine!" >>79307506 >>Wants to reform the HoL >>Wants to remove hereditary peers >Good Your gilf a shit ---79307720 >>79307388 Two fat ladies - KEK wills it. ---79307724 Anyone else pleased with how fast a britpol hits 300? It disappeared 6 months or so ago and now it is back stronger than ever. ---79307753 >>79307699 Karen/pol/ was better. ---79307754 >>79305575 tfw mummy posting has got worse than karen posting. What has the world come to? ---79307757 >GOVE CALLS FOR THE RETURN OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE ---79307761 >>79307685 He was talking about Leadstrom not Gove ---79307766 >>79307388 Gove doesn't need support ---79307770 >>79307240 to a degree, its a popularty contest, the person who best repersents the peoples views, wins. so basicly a yes man, he wants what you want, but for his own personal postion within the goverment, logicly wouldn't he prefer to stay in the EU. who doesn't want to see there own company do well. (just imagine the poeple the works, the gov as the company, and other country as custorms ---79307782 GOVE O V E ---79307793 If I had, a month ago, posted a meme of two Theresa clones going at it like dogs, would it have been.... A May May-May maymay? ---79307836 Fuck these May posters ---79307860 >>79307388 >Born: August 26, 1967 (age 48), Edinburgh >Edinburgh erm, GUYS? ---79307868 >>79307753 Yep. Cute blonde 2d > ugly old 3d. I was considering moving to int or britfeel but they're even worse. ---79307870 >>79307766 >Yes, now add in a bit about wanting to keep mass immigration and your article will be ready ---79307872 >>79307623 ---79307906 >>79307578 > Gove cannot be trusted nor can Fox. > Crabb has a compelling back sorry but is a no-one > Leadsom would be good but she is too far behind I'm prepared to give up Anime to appease May. ---79307910 Post real mummies not barren hags. ---79307912 >>79307761 >it all goes over your head doesn't it? FUCK OFF YOU PATHETIC TRIPFAG ---79307952 who /leadsom/ here ---79307961 >>79307646 He's probably a Tory ---79307965 Degeneracy ---79307993 >>79307130 only about one trillion percent maybe two ---79307994 >>79307952 aye lad ---79308002 Make sure the next thread includes mummy in the title ---79308005 >>79307836 I know right ---79308016 Leadsom >> Gove >>>>>> May Is that the general gist I'm getting from /pol/ in terms of support? Here's another strawpoll, vote your choice here: > > > ---79308017 It's going to be May, face it, no one wants that creepy looking shit Gove for their leader, and no one wants to isolate the many Remain people out there. May gives a good balance and has a good claim to unite the country by being a soft Remainer, but slightly Eurosceptic who wants to listen to the will of the people ---79308039 >>79307952 >who /leadsom/ here i need to know more about her. ---79308048 >>79307836 Who is this Fluid Druid? ---79308056 >>79307623 ---79308073 Get this lads what if Boris was the one who asked Gove to run, whoever runs for the PM during the brexit is most likely be commiting political suicide if Europe plays hard ball and we have to make do with no trade deal to avoid free movement whoever is PM would have no chance at a second term Gove already said he didn't want to run. Gove goes in and does the dirty takes all the heat then hands it off to Boris in 2020. ---79308080 I was too slow in making the new thread last time lads, but it's still hanging around. Head there when this one fills up. >>79301967 >>79301967 >>79301967 >>79301967 ---79308090 >>79307623 ---79308102 >>79308039 against free movement ---79308137 >>79306024 God I've been here too long ---79308142 >>79307397 Reminder to add 'mummy' to your wordfilter list ---79308162 >tfw mummyposters ---79308176 >>79308039 We need to create some Leadsom memes to inform the masses. ---79308182 >>79308102 Well that's a good start. How is she on the NHS? ---79308188 I think I might have to sit this one out... I'm only gonna get angry. ---79308191 >>79305575 BITTY! ---79308268 >>79308182 >implying anything else matters ---79308281 >>79308188 ''Comedian'' That's debatable. ---79308299 >>79307860 >born at age 48 O FUCK. ---79308300 >>79308188 what about TW? ---79308310 >>79307870 kek ---79308322 >>79308188 >Cuckswell with Russell Kane OY VEY ---79308324 >>79308016 It's all irrelevant, all three of them are just fodder for the ambitions of Boris Johnson. You'll see soon enough the game he's playing. ---79308329 >>79308188 are there any radio panels on, tv sucks ---79308334 Leadsom is shite. >Has no experience >Speaks like an airhead >Has no wit >Is weak >Is not Gove Sort it out, lads. ---79308341 >>79308188 Jewess Phillips is alright ---79308360 >>79308162 mi gusta ---79308363 MOGG ON THE TELLY ALERT!!!!!!! ---79308365 >>79308188 >RUSSELL KANE OH JESUS CHRIST NO ---79308395 >>79308341 But you've got 3 other wankers that cancel out the decent person. ---79308405 >>79307273 How fucking naive do you have to be to put your faith in the Tory party ---79308420 >>79308234 is that a tranny? ---79308424 MOGGY MOG MOG ---79308475 >>79308188 Phillips is always based... Can't be arsed watching it when I only like 1/5 on the panel, hope she goes complete red pill and attacks all the leftists in the audience and says LOOK YOU'RE NOT LAUGHING NOW ARE YOU!!! ---79308496 >>79306278 Fucking brutal m8! ---79308498 >>79308334 Leadsome is there to split the FEMALE VOTE you stupid FUCKS ---79308502 >>79308424 What's he saying? ---79308525 >>79307836 She makes me so hard man. ---79308537 >>79306670 >pob oh hell no. fuck right off back to the LSD nightmare that spawned you. ---79308543 >>79307608 >>79307634 >>79307718 >Hereditary peers >Good Is this satire? ---79308548 Pander Soubry on now. ---79308569 >>79308048 Isabel HARDMAN ---79308573 >>79308498 has lexi lost that taco belle weight yet? ---79308574 r8 my Mummy ---79308575 >>79307646 You misunderstand me - I don't give a shit. I was merely pointing out how the lefties view us, and it's annoying. The fact that the brainless lefties view us as a racist country now we've left the EU was the point I was making - and why all you're currently hearing about are constant racial hate crimes happening all over the UK, along with bullshit statistics like it's risen by 57% ---79308581 That he is backing Gove and he didn`t know that Boris wouldn`t step down. ---79308591 We should all strive to be like Mogg ---79308599 >>79308475 It's gonna be tough for her when you've got 4 other idiots on the panel. >le get back in the eu nigger >le labour bint >le cuckswell >le "funny man" ---79308602 >>79308424 OIOIOIOI MOGGY sent him email yesterday or day before advising on foriegn policy. hope he reads it. you should all email moggy he knows whats up ---79308624 >>79308502 >>79308581 ---79308625 >>79308498 Leadsom will unite the nation and marry Nigel after his german wife gets deported ---79308635 >>79305870 Welp, sucks to be you I guess ---79308639 >>79308300 >Andrew Neil looks at quite a week in UK and European politics with Michael Portillo and Alan Johnson. Radio broadcaster Iain Dale chews over the Conservative leadership election contest, while David Starkey looks at how history may judge David Cameron. The Observer's Andrew Rawnsley rounds up the week in a film, while the SNP's Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh and journalist and Corbyn supporter Rachel Shabi help debate this historic week. >starkey great >screeching SNP bitch not great ---79308642 >>79308324 roflcopter pictuuuuure ---79308656 >>79308543 Learn to conservatism you dirty soulless Thatcherite ---79308701 >>79307860 Gove is a secret porridge nigger ---79308714 >>79308541 Heh heh ---79308729 >>79308624 >>79308581 Nice, thanks. ---79308737 >>79308543 Oh look, it's the alt right. Please learn conservatism. ---79308742 >social justice ---79308743 >>79308569 Thank you lad. ---79308757 Merkel showed you can't trust childless women. No to barren May Yes to fecund Leadsom ---79308774 >>79301967 >>79301967 ---79308795 >>79306718 Eh, we could use some more cannon fodder ---79308799 >>79308574 she has a manly voice, but I still would tbfhwy ---79308815 >>79301967 → >>79301967 → >>79301967 → >>79301967 → ---79308831 >>79308188 >"Immigration is not a curse, it's a blessing" *thunderous applause* How many times will this happen tonight? ---79308865 >>79308757 F E C U N D E C U N D ---79308867 >>79308498 Immunity cat always has effect but I will rather be safe than sorry ---79308885 I've always despised Theresa May for no real reason other than she's a woman and appears a soft touch closet Blairite I'm rather warming to the old piece now. However, my fantasies of being ball tortured by Andrea Leadsom dressed in full Dominatrix garb mean that I can only support her in her leadership bid I want to cummy on the bummy of the yummy grand mummy ---79308898 >>79308498 who? ---79308931 >>79305663 OOGA BOOGA ---79308984 >>79308188 >"""""comedian""""" ---79308996 >>79308498 You're a cunt. Was aving a wank as well ---79309034 >>79308885 >Theresa May Conservative >Blairite Pick one. ---79309127 >>79308028 >>79308056 I literally love her and want to have children with her. ---79309228 >>79308498 fu ---79309241 >>79308017 >no one wants to isolate the many Remain people out there. We should hang the treacherous SJWs. ---79309281 >>79308498 y ---79309314 >>79307829 the last part of the series should be called "The Final Cunt" ---79309320 >>79308073 >no trade deal. Don't be silly David. ---79309412 >>79308498 >immunity cat has no effect FUCK ---79309599 >>79308498 They'll want someone that'll get shit done though. They've had to wait 26 years for this chance and they won't fuck it up. ---79309707 Merkel just btfo Juncker & Schulz on EU-Canada trade deal, (Sigmar Gabriel did same yesterday) good news for future brit negotiations. I think both will carry the can for brexit and go as a result, which would be very positive progress. ---79309831 >>79308073 Did think that. ---79310401 >>79308188 >Russell Kane ---79311006 UK politics hasn't been this interesting in decades. 2020 General Election prediction: the Conservative/ Labour coalition have WON!! Leader of the opposition party UKIP, Nigel Farage vows to win in 2025. ---79311097 >>79308188 (((Melanie Phillips))) ---79311586 >>79311006 watch as seats drop partys such as BNP ---79311898 >>79308405 They got a third of the votes from the British people that could even be arsed to vote. [spoiler]Death of Democracy in UK.[/spoiler]
----- ---79308255 If the 13, 14, 15 amendments were real America wouldn't have a racial problem. Why those bullshit amendment?
---79308746 >>79308255 we didn't anticipate their long term consequences
----- ---79303928 What do /pol/ think of this guy?
---79304038 >>79303928 Why does he look and sound retarded? ---79305343 bump ---79305417 >>79304038 Because of Gorilla Mindset. ---79308630 bump
----- ---79306826 >Islamic State applauds the British: ‘Brexit threatens the unity of Crusader Europe’ > You've got ISIS cheering you on now. Hope you're happy with yourselves
---79306960 >>79306826 >I hate these guys, therefore I hate everything they like ---79307041 >>79306826 what's next, ISIS claims responsibility for Brexit? ---79307101 >>79307041 Hahaha ---79307115 >>79306826 fuck off scotland, we're england and wales ---79307478 The idea of a "Crusader Europe" under EU is laughable. The idea of Isis terrorists being honest is also laughable. ---79307557 >>79306826 On the flipside, people of color are calling the EU a bunch of racis crusaders. >2016 >being a part of the white supremacy crusader union I mean COME ON ---79307666 Britain shouldn't have invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or Syria. The fact ISIS agrees doesn't make that statement less true. ---79307828 >>79306826 >what is NATO I don't see how this is a problem other than for EU bootlickers. ---79307989 >>79306826 ---79308014 >>79306826 DONT YOU GET IT MAN LEAVING THE EU IS WHAT ISIS WANTS ---79308138 >>79306826 If anything, this will be too funny if the EU breaking up leads to former members turning into DEUS VULT Crusader states. Instead >oh sorry ISIS-kun, we don't want you to perceive us as crusaders, we'll accept more refugees desu ---79308209 >>79307041 kek ---79308627 >>79306826 PFFFF the goat fuckers just have the media making up shit. like >you cant prevent the muslim invasion you will just radicalize more muslims or > isis like the brexit as it weakens europe is just the medias faggot asses trying reverse psychology. 10 ro 1 it was made up by the station manager of MSNBC or aljazuwuteveritscalled
---79304834 >>79304747 SCOTS ARE RARE ---79304891 >>79304747 I'm sorry anon. My step family all voted remain, too. Didn't know Scotland was blue pilled. ---79304905 >>79304834 stop posting this in every thread Montenigger ---79304932 >>79304747 Was on the bus home through Glasgow city centre today. Why are there so many broons there now? And not the comic kind. We are going to become an ethnic minority in the next 50 years, i.e most of our lifetimes. ---79305012 >>79304747 Just move south to based Sunderland, faggot. ---79305013 Ok. ---79305094 >>79304891 >>79304932 Where should I move lads? I've always fancied learning Norwegian and going to Svalbard or the very north of the mainland, somewhere cold and remote. I just don't want to remain in this shithole anymore. ---79305158 >>79304747 >PROUD BRITISH SCOT Kill yourself ---79305345 >>79305158 >PROUD BRITISH SCOT >LIBERAL CUNT WHO WHORES THEMSELVES OUT FOR REFUGEES AND TWITTER TRENDS Oh boy, which one should I choose? ---79305350 >Proud British Scot Choose one you fucking traitor. Saor Alba, free Scotland. ---79305524 >>79305350 ARE YOU RETARDED? I REALLY FUCKING WISH THAT BASED RUSSIAN WOULD COME HERE AND WHIP SOME KNOWLEDGE INTO YOUR PATHETIC THICK HEAD. The "independence" that the SNP is offering right now ISN'T true independence. We'd be chained to the EU and absolutely fucked by refugees, we'd be forced to join Schengen and Sturgeon isn't gonna fucking stop until she strikes a deal with the EU. ---79305669 >>79305350 The "free" Scotland would immediately surrender its freedom to the EU. William Wallace is going to come back to life just to fucking set him self on fire in the middle of Glasgow. ---79305785 >>79304747 >SNP >constantly shilling for immigration ---79305930 >>79304747 >mfw this is likely the same Welsh shitposter that's been making these threads for the last week ---79306042 >>79304747 Come live with me in England x ---79306062 >>79304747 Requesting you reading this on vocaroo ---79306067 >>79304932 My county has been seriously enriched in just 1year. Such a quick change. Didnt think it would happen ---79306126 >>79305524 >>79305350 >>79305158 >you can't be Scottish and British I'm Catalan and proud Spanish. This independence movement is just to cover corruption anyways. ---79306181 >>79305524 >>79305669 I would rather work in a union of countries as an equal than an oppressed one in a union led by Conservashits we didn't vote for. ---79306205 >>79304747 Fucking bitch lost a vote from me,close the border ya downsyndrom cow fuck off wae the black bastards ---79306268 >>79306042 >>79305785 Like I said, I'd love to move to somewhere in the far north like Svalbard. I'll live anywhere as long as there are dark winter nights and tons of cold weather. (Except Nunavut, fuck Inuits) ---79306354 >>79304747 Fuck off Nigel. ---79306366 >>79306042 I don't know Arabic though :-( ---79306440 We stand with you!! Scotland the Brave!! Break free from the EU!!! Win your pride back!! Take your country back!! ---79306494 >>79306181 >I would rather work in a union of countries as an equal You're a braid-dead fucking nigger, you know that? >in a union led by Conservashits we didn't vote for. You can't vote for EU leaders. Seriously, you're a filthy fucking nigger. ---79306647 >>79304932 It's because they're being imported in their dozens on a daily basis into Glasgow. There are currently literally hundreds of 'refugees' being put up in for and five star hotels in Glasgow right now, at the taxpayers expense. ---79306882 >>79306647 got some sources for this? i belief you, i just wanna rage. ---79306970 H A G G I S A G G I S ---79307059 >>79306882 Not as such, but if you take a stroll down Paisley Road West down Cessnock way, you'll see them. You can't miss them, they hang about in gangs outside it. ---79307146 >>79306647 Are there facts on this? I feel like Glasgow has seen the largest ethnic shift in its entire history just in the past 24 months and nobody has said anything. When I was growing up it was pretty much impossible to see a black person about. ---79307220 >>79306970 ---79307254 you white boys may have the brains, but they're worth nothing without the strength. miscegenation is good. the white and black world is about to die and you can't stop it. ---79307314 >>79307146 And if you did see black guys around they were born and raised in England. ---79307341 >>79306970 This made me feel mentally unclean ---79307369 >>79304747 >>79305524 >>79306205 Absolutely based Scots right here Genuinely hope that sturgeon gets assassinated Don't worry lads EU bureaucracy has played in our hands, as EU officials refuse to negotiate with Sturgeon until article 50 is triggered. Even if she does find a deal it will be absolute shite: no rebate, freedom of movement (shengen area) and likely imposed economics (greek style austerity). Besides the SNP's trump card (north sea oil) has gone to shit as well, due to rock bottom commodity prices ---79307490 >>79307146 This is the company that is dealing with them Just turn up there any day and you'll see for yourself. ---79308594 >>79307146 Govanhill is beyond nuts. Official figures say 5000 eastern European savages in an area the Victorians originally built for 15000 workers. Overcrowding, rats, theft, filth, rape, robbery. At least the rate rape has dropped- but thats only because women cant go out at night
----- ---79300830 Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates EVENT SCHEDULE RALLIES AND SPEECHES > 6/29 - Bangor, Maine > 6/28 - St. Clairsville, OH > 6/28 - Economic policy speech, Monessen, PA INTERVIEWS > 6/28 - Katrina on Fox Business > 6/27 - "Crisis in Character" Author on Hannity > 6/27 - Eric Trump on Fox and Friends > 6/25 - Paul Manafort on Meet the Press ENTERTAINMENT > Muslim UCSD Student BTFO by Kike Professor > 6/28 - INFOWARS Praises Trump’s Economy Speech > 6/28 - Nigel Farage on CNN > 6/28 - Nigel Farage message to EU LIVE STREAMS LYING CROOKED HILLARY > 6/28 - Jeopardizing our National Security > 6-28 - Benghazi Report > 6/24 - Top 50 Facts about Hillary Clinton > Updated: 6/29 @ 8:40AM EDT > Template: Thread Theme:
---79300904 >>79300830 Weebs need to die ---79300915 THIS IS AWOOOOOVMENT ---79301022 >Trump will never run >Trump will never breach 15% >Trump will never win New Hampshire >Trump will never release his financials >Trump will never breach 25% >Trump will never win SC >Trump will never breach 35% >Trump will never breach 50% >Trump will never reach 1237 >Trump will never recover after Wisconsin >Trump will never win unbound delegates >Trump will never recover after Colorado >Trump will never be the nominee >Trump will never predict BREXIT ------------------ You are here ------------------ >Trump will never pivot to the GE >Trump will never beat Clinton in swing states >Trump will never get 270 >Trump will never be POTUS >Trump will never build the wall >Trump will never block risky shitskins >Trump will never deport spics >Trump will never win a second term >Trump will never bring back manufacturing jobs >Trump will never abolish Common Core >Trump will never renegotiate our trade deals >Trump will never MAGA >Trump will never MEGA >Trump will never colonize Mars >Trump will never colonize the Milky Way >Trump will never deport the xenos ---79301035 >>79300830 ---79301037 >>79300904 I see. ---79301087 woo ---79301172 THREAD THEME We're bringing the 80's back. ---79301214 Based Farage endorsing Trump and disavowing Clinton. ---79301332 ITS FUCKING OVER JUST SHUT IT DOWN ALREADY > > > ---79301333 DELET THIS THREAD, DONALD. -H ---79301453 >>79301332 >MUH SPICS Why tf does it matter? I'm one and I'd gladly join her in trashing them. Like only 5% of them are worth keeping alive. ---79301510 >Rasmussen has Trump up 4 points. B-but Rasmussen is biased towards republicans! >Reuters, Bloomberg, WaPo have Trump down 10 points. They're totally unbiased and reliable polling outlets! Why is this allowed? ---79301603 >>79301453 >Published on Jun 10, 2016 ---79301609 >>79300830 ---79301639 >>79301510 Why would you ask such an obvious question? CTR/Soros/Copycat shill faggots are just following the media playbook at this point. Like I said earlier, NO polls truly matter until after the convention and after the debate cycle starts. ---79301658 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ---79301724 is there gonna be a stream to Trump's event today? ---79301774 >>79301022 Kek approves, this is very memetic. ---79301778 >>79301639 Still, nice to be ahead in the polls for once. ---79301859 >>79300830 Shouldn't this go to Entertainment? ---79302058 >>79301724 I'm sure there will, but I can't find one yet. It's in two bongs, thirty bings. Please post if you find it. ---79302078 Guys, Trump has been shilling lately the Washington Post The fact that my favorite presidential candidate is actively supported by and is supporting the kikes is actually tilting me. All of these considered, it's time to divert our attention to the last anti-establishment political movement and #WarmForWarren ---79302080 >>79301510 >Reuters is totally not a complete bullshit outlier poll guys!!!!! ---79302217 >>79302078 >not#WarWhoopingforWarren Missed opportunity ---79302239 >>79301022 Shitskins,niggers,immigrants,illegals,women,white liberals,mexicunts and nuhtive muricans will never vote for him because "HE IS RACCIISSS" They will vote for a corrupt,putrid,unfucked,criminal,traitorous,cowardly,biased,nepotistic,despotic,abject cuntwat bitch. ---79302269 >>79302078 I am now #TipsyForTheGypsy ---79302271 >>79301859 Oh yes, I didn't know he had finished it. It's not very memetic though, needs a better soundtrack. ---79302302 >>79300830 >Cunt Oh, so this is a shill thread ---79302316 >>79302239 You forgot the ayyy lmao vote ---79302328 Remember what I said yesterday about outliers keeping the average unfavorable to Trump? ABC, Reuters and (I bet) Bloomberg will release very crooked polls that no one in the business would put their money if t were about the markets (for instance). But even then new Reuters poll has an awesome piece of data for Trump: he is leading Clinton by 9 points (34 to 23). Despite of that they are again oversampling democrats because it would be impossible otherwise to have the poll Clinton 42 to Trump 32 (Clinton +10). But even lying they can't hide the whole truth. The cross table by party tells it all: > Among democrats: Clinton 75 x Trump 7 > Among republicans: Trump 70 x Clinton 7 > Among independents: Trump 34 x Clinton 23 Considering these numbers alone that's great news for Trump, increased his support among independents while Clinton lost support among democrats. Later a more complete analysis of the polls (if it doesn't bore you guys). ---79302369 >>79302078 That's it, Rumania, I'm now a #ManletforRandlet. ---79302395 >>79302078 >>79302239 >be gypsy >shitpost It's like pottery, you faggots should be banned. I'd hide your flags at this point but your pathetic attempts at one upping Hungary results in some of the funniest banter /pol/ has to offer. ---79302440 Trump since day one here. What's going on with the convention? Everyone is backing out. Now white nationalist groups are saying they're going to attend, which is going to make even more people back out. It's going to be Trump and a bunch of nobodies and racists. Trump is driving this movement off a cliff, and he doesn't seem to care. I don't think I'm going to donate any more to Trump. Is it time to #FeelTheJohnson? ---79302497 >>79302328 Looking forward to it. ---79302580 >>79302440 >McCain, Yeb!, Graham and other RINO's aren't attending I think we should start #PreppingTheJohnson ---79302603 >>79302440 wtf i hate trump now ---79302685 >>79302440 Jeb! since day one here. What's going on with the primaries? Everyone is backing out. Now white nationalist groups are saying they're going to vote, which is going to make even more hispanics back out. It's going to be Trump and a bunch of nobodies and racists. Jeb! is driving this slow and steady movement off a cliff, and he doesn't seem to care. I don't think I'm going to buy anymore guacbowls from Jeb!. Is it time to #StumpForTrump? ---79302718 >>79302302 >>79302440 I see the hillary shills have logged on. Welcome back! I know you're all voting for Trump, we've redpilled you. Please try to enjoy your shift anyways and don't take the bants personally. ---79302756 79302440 You're a shill ---79302779 >>79302685 Yesterday pasta was delicious. Was it you creating all those funny variations? ---79302785 >>79302580 I heard Paul Ryan might make a speech at gunpoint. ---79302790 >>79302580 VP will be a surprise Ted Cruz. Think about it, he completely disappeared. There will be all this suspense, then he walks out and the place erupts. ---79302828 I am going to buy some salt , be right back lads ---79302854 I know this is almost pointless to ask in this echo chamber, but what do you guys think will happen in debates between Clinton and Trump? Personally, I think Clinton starts off with a pretty huge expectations advantage. Everyone is so sure that once Trump has her on stage to himself he will be vicious, bring up every little transgression and make her look like a crook, but I think what people aren't taking into account is that we've heard it all before. Clinton has weathered her email and benghazi scandals and all the others before them without really that much of an effect. Meanwhile, I think people forget that Clinton is a fighter. They've seen her on the primary trail for the most part, its been over a decade since she debated a republican, so they've never seen her go super negative and they forget that in her heart of hearts, Hillary Clinton is a fucking pitbull. I think Trump will underestimate her and won't know what hit him, while Clinton will spend millions on debate prep because she knows what is coming. ---79302862 >>79302779 This one? Trump supporter here, worried that hes going to lose big He needs to sway the folks in the middle, as well as women and various ethnic groups, but so far, he's done a woefully inept job of it. In fact, he's been quite successful at repulsing those Americans. With his current strategy, he'll never convert casuals. gonna be a lib president, a liberal house, & a lib so far left of Garland that it will make him look like Scalia. ---79302865 >>79302685 >>79302440 >>79302328 >>79302078 NEW POLLS OUT TRUMP IS STRUMPED ---79302896 >>79302685 >>79302779 ---79302897 >>79302785 Kek nice captcha ---79302907 >>79302779 Of course. Time we fighted fire with fire, and turning disfavorable memes into favorable ones is a 4chinz especiality ---79302911 >>79302790 > Trump setting up his own assassination Not on Manaford watch I assure ---79302926 >>79302328 Do people SERIOUSLY not find it a little bit suspicious that Reuters constantly spits out outliers of Clinton +10 when no other poll comes close? Obviously I don't put my faith into Rasmussen, but really polls like Reuters/Ipsos aren't much better. I think I buy more into Quinnipiac since I don't think they have much in terms of bias, PPP is a decent firm but they are a left-leaning pollster. They are the ONLY poll that show Clinton winning independents. ---79302966 >>79302865 10/10 for the effort I guess ---79303014 >>79302790 Cruz built his whole campaign around "We have to stop Donald Trump!" Just like Jeb, and Bernie, and now Hillary. ---79303078 >>79302440 Is there a way to keep those edgy cucks away? ---79303108 >>79302854 >Hillary Clinton is a fucking pitbull. Please don't come back here. She is going to get bombarded with attacks until she pretty much confesses on live TV ---79303159 >>79302926 I think the 538 pollster ratings are pretty accurate, 2bh >>79303078 Trump supporters protesting white nationalists at the convention could actually work. Total message change. ---79303162 >>79302790 I don't think I could ever accept that, but I'll tell you what, people like Levin will have to come to Trump. I honestly think it might be Sessions, but I think he's more useful in the senate and he's not a very good speaker. ---79303167 holy shit theres a ton of sliding today over the lynch/clinton thing goddamn ---79303184 >>79300830 >kantu >cunt nice try chaim ---79303192 >>79302854 >I think people forget that Clinton is a fighter >>79302854 >Hillary Clinton is a fucking pitbull. ---79303218 >>79302865 damn, nice work anon! ---79303235 >>79303167 >lynch/clinton thing Please link. ---79303258 How long do we need to wait until the official debate between Trump and Hillary happens? ---79303267 >>79303167 What do you mean by "sliding?" ---79303280 >>79303108 >debates happen >trump puts pressure on her >trump blasts with facts >trump hits her with her own words >"WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?" on national TV >mfw ---79303309 >pitbull >not a screeching banshee ---79303379 >>79302854 I think you have it backwards No one outside of here thinks Trump is a good debater (because he isn't). Meanwhile Clinton (who isn't very good either) is memed as some sort of debate master by the MSM. I think she'll go into the debate with higher expectations than Trump. Trump will be more disciplined than people expect, but still get in an off the cuff jab or two. This will surprise people. TL;DR: Trump benefits from having no expectations ---79303394 >>79303159 >ABC News/Washington Post is A+ Tip top kek m80, Quinnipiac is A- though. I don't think polls have ever been this erratic before. ---79303458 >>79303184 >tu Ka-n-to Retard ---79303465 Anyone have one of those MAGA lion .png's? I need one for a project. ---79303468 >>79303280 Exactly then the feds walk up and arrest her. CNN cuts to commercial ---79303473 Just one little blood clot.... ---79303475 >>79302926 You should be skeptical of all polls right now, regardless of if they show your candidate behind or ahead. It's June. Unfortunate as it is, the vast majority of the electorate is much much more interested in their 4th of July plans than in the election. Polling right now has almost never been an accurate predictor of the outcome in November. Whether it's the inherant bias of polling landlines, or of polling online, or of polling cell phones, every type excludes a certain block of voters (example, landline polls exclude the youth vote by a significant majority since young people don't have landlines, and visa versa for Online/cell phone polls) The best and most accurate way to use polls is through a site like Real Clear Politics, which combines them and finds an aggregate. Still not a predictor/indicator of what will happen in November, but at least a slightly less biased sample of who is answering the phones. Also, one thing that almost no one knows is that polls are long as fuck. I work in politics professionally, and my campaign just recently commissioned a poll that cost us about $30,000. The poll itself takes about 18 minutes to complete, and if the pollster and the pollee get disconnected/they hang up at any point during the call, then all of the results are discarded. As you can imagine, that creates all sorts of bias in itself. The type of person to stay on the line for nearly 20 minutes isn't necessarily indicative of the general voting public ---79303496 >>79300830 This needs to be in the OP, Trump's interview on O'Reilly last night. ---79303522 >>79303458 ---79303572 >>79303267 this, wtf is sliding? ---79303627 >>79303078 Honestly I think Trump should really release a statement completely denouncing them. I know some people on /pol/ will blow up because of it but I think it's best for his campaign. Obviously we all know they are probably paid Hillshills, but Trump supporters and Trump himself should tell these people to fuck off. ---79303645 >>79303465 Like ---79303680 >>79302926 > Do people SERIOUSLY not find it a little bit suspicious that Reuters constantly spits out outliers of Clinton +10 when no other poll comes close? People (regular people anyway) aren't paying attention to the individual polls, only to the averages and to the opinion makers like Nate Copper. It is like the stock markets. People don't care that apple is +3 or google -6, all they hear is Nasdaq is +0.6 About Rasmunssen, they probably do what I do and weight the polls samples correctly by gender / ethnicity / party affiliation. I consider them as much outliers as the rest of the polls (because they are) but the numbers they show are closer to reality than ABC / Reuters / Bloomberg. ---79303698 >>79303496 Oh yeah, it does. ---79303743 >>79303572 >>79303267 creating a bunch of new useless topics/threads to fill up space to suppress a certain topic/thread ---79303750 >>79302718 Nigga, the kanji on the fucking OP image says cunt. It's from that video some leftist made to trick supporters into thinking its a pro trump video. ---79303770 >>79303572 Go back to >>>/univision/ ---79303803 >>79303473 >shake >rattle >and roll ---79303804 >>79303522 Oh ya man, you got me! The jig is up!!!!! ---79303832 >>79303458 What does it mean, buddy? Honestly I had no idea. They're just exotic shapes to most Americans like the Chinese clothes that say KVHJKLBAV LKJAVB KJSAJVD ---79303855 >>79303473 ---79303859 >>79303804 ---79303897 Gary Byrne currently on Alex Jones senpai ---79303898 >>79303750 It wasn't a trick. It's clearly anti-Trump but the thing is? They failed miserably. It's easy to embrace that hate and turn it around. ---79303921 >>79303743 yeah this, there's like 44 junk threads in the catalogue at the moment ---79303958 >>79303750 >the kanji m8... ---79304045 >>79303496 Why is Trump bringing up Patton so much does he know Patton wanted to blast the communists kikes and soviets but was forced to resign? ---79304098 >>79302328 How the fuck did they come up with Clinton +10? I literally just multiplied the percentages for each option by the party registration according to Gallup and got Trump +0.71 ---79304135 >>79303898 I guess. >>79303958 I ain't a weeaboo, so please excuse my lack of knowledge on this type of shit. ---79304177 >>79303743 That sounds like a stupid and obvious way to label and completely ignore opposing points of view and just keep on repeating positive thoughts to yourself. Honestly, it's kind of incredible how committed /pol/ is to preserving this weird echo chamber you guys have. You straight up refuse to even discuss topics or ideas you didn't think of, and you get absolutely buttdevastated when Dems play the "race card" or the "woman card", but then use words like Nigger or Kike in everyday speech, and post about how horrible game of thrones is now because it has some strong female characters. It's actually really fascinating. You don't even try to learn from your mistakes (I remember posting something almost exactly like this in 2012 when everyone was convinced Obama was going to lose in a landslide to Romney) ---79304195 threadly reminder that the "horse race" between trump and clinton is a complete fabrication. why? >conflict of interest in polling the media pays for polls. polls in constant flux ensure that pollsters will continue to get paid. >conflict of interest in media the media attracts more viewers when the results of the election are uncertain. it's all about money guys. they cover trump for money. they keep the polls changing leads for money. hillary is far behind. she's burning money in the same way jeb burned money. obama has consistently responded to trump, i.e. it signals hillary's weakness. trump has already won. he has already won but the media has him pegged as the underdog. what happens when you're the underdog? it inspires your voters to come out in force. this shit is over. ---79304203 >>79303473 hell be fine ---79304230 >Trump campaign officially vetting Chris Christie for VP ---79304234 >>79304045 They killed him because he wanted to kick the soviets out of Europe ---79304250 Hillary will be indicted on RICO charges ---79304265 >>79303235 ---79304279 >>79304230 god no ---79304296 >>79303750 I loved that video. >>79303898 It WAS a trick, it sounds like you're saying. But fuck um. The cunt is Hillary. ---79304345 >>79300830 >2017 WILL BE 1981 hopefully not. the middle class in this country has been fucked for about 20 or 30 years longer than that, you know. ---79304354 >>79304230 god please no, not fucking christie ---79304355 >>79303475 > The best and most accurate way to use polls is through a site like Real Clear Politics, That's very very very untrue. They only magnify the outlier influence by averaging them all together. Think about it with this example: if you had 4 polls agreeing with Trump 53 x Clinton 47 and 1 poll with Clinton 64 X Trump 36 the average would be (wait for it): Clinton 50.4 X Trump 49.6. ---79304364 >>79304177 the shill menace is real ---79304366 >>79304230 He was the original guy to endorse Trump and opened the floodgates, but I don't think it'll be him don't worry. ---79304393 >>79304177 Kek has given us a glut of b8 today. ---79304432 >>79304098 better pic showing party registration. ---79304448 >>79304230 I wouldn't believe it for a second. Trump is craftier than that ---79304504 >>79303235 >lynch and bill clinton met for a 30 min conversation in a plane on the runway >no major news covered it initially, but some bad goys at a local arizona station did >Lynch is the one who is supposed to be handling the Clinton email scandal >most likely was either getting bribed, threatened, or called on by Clinton today tl;dr Lynch (who is supposed to be impartial) was caught meeting with Bill Clinton and tried to keep it secret ---79304514 >>79304098 I think Reuters might be an internet poll ---79304516 >>79304230 Does Christie even meet Trumps required criteria for VP? ---79304524 >>79304354 LAY OFF ME I'M STARVING ---79304526 >>79304354 >>79304279 Don't worry, I don't think it'll be Christie. There is a LOT of reasons for him not to pick him that would come up in a vet. ---79304556 >>79304448 She looks hot tbfam ---79304584 >>79304230 please mr trump dont do it ---79304621 >>79304514 It is an internet poll, along with any CBS/YouGov. Question I have is, how do you get selected to be in a online poll like Reuters? ---79304627 >>79304354 >>79304279 >>79304230 >not wanting based fat man the destroyer of robots Whats wrong with you? ---79304638 >>79304230 ---79304645 >>79304556 But anon she's a frog ---79304702 Requesting that pic of nationlist/right-wing leaders with their flags behind them and their eyes glowing. Preferably with their names beneath them. Have some decent OC in return. I need the pic as an opener when I initate a civilized debate through FB pms with a left-leaning philopshy/polsci major who thinks Bernie is a true statesman and Hillary isn't guilty for Benghazi and the emails. >debating on jewbook Merely a propaganda machine. We must all do our part in some small way for The Don and for freedom against globalism. I would have donated to the campaign, but poorfag. Give me the ammo, brothers. ---79304763 >>79304230 It will not be Christie, it will be Carson. Somebody screencap this. ---79304787 >>79304627 >Globalist owned by wall street ---79304799 >>79304230 Crispy better work on his poker face. If Trump actually picks the fat man, I might legitimately #FeelTheJohnson ---79304805 >>79304265 >>79304504 Oh yeah, I see they're trying to shill it away as an honest mistake. I want to find a non-shill youtube video about it. ---79304830 >>79304702 Best I got. ---79304842 >>79304645 That only makes me want her more! ---79304862 >>79304702 >Requesting that pic of nationlist/right-wing leaders with their flags behind them and their eyes glowing. Preferably with their names beneath them. Have some decent OC in return. they arent nationalists ---79304863 >>79304702 here you go phamiglia ---79304896 >>79304627 Bad choice m8, lots of shit that would come up in the election to fuck Trump over and he's HATED in his home state. He's also HATED by "true conservatives". I would LOVE to see him shit all over whoever Clinton's VP is though ---79304898 >>79304364 this is the part that I find most fascinating. The idea that there are people who are paid to post in places like /pol/ to influence votes is absolutely absurd to anyone who as actually worked in politics, as I currently do. For one, it's intangible. In today's democratic party literally everything has to be measured. If it can't be entered into NGP VAN, it's worthless. The question is always "dollars or votes", and if what you are doing isn't bringing in one or the other than it's not worth it. There is a zero percent chance anyone would pay someone to post on 4chan instead of paying for another advertisement or something like that. Less than zero really. The whole "shill" idea is just so funny. /pol/ is desperate to feel relevant, so much so that they'll fabricate paid posters just to make it feel like the national campaigns know about them and take them seriously, when in reality literally no one cares about you or your opinions. ---79304908 >>79304627 He is a neocon surveillance state interventionist establishment fat faggot Even Newt would be a better option >tfw no Paul VP ---79304934 It's either Sessions or Christie at this point. And Sessions has been labeled a racist more times than Trump. If Trump wants to make things harder, he'll choose Sessions. For fucks sake, people testified under oath that Sessions made explicitly racist statements. I fucking hope he doesn't choose Sessions. ---79304954 What's your favorite Trump speech, /pol/? ---79304972 #imwithher ---79304987 >>79304230 NO AT LEAST PICK CARSON ---79305007 >>79304177 Nobody here is saying opposing views shouldn't be allowed to be discussed in any way. When you have useless threads like, Really makes you think or /pol/ BTFO constantly popping up after something big is happening, that's when you can start worrying about sliding. ---79305027 AHEAD BY 4 HOW DID HE DO IT ---79305051 >>79304954 Snek ---79305057 >>79304230 >Those with knowledge of the process told The New York Times on Thursday that Christie is among those being vetted as a possible vice presidential pick for Trump. Literally clickbait ---79305091 >>79304898 >$0.02 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for correcting the record! ---79305097 >>79304230 >>79304516 >"And an unnamed source told CNN the governor has received the official paperwork for the vetting process." Oh, it's nothing. ---79305149 >>79301172 Get out of here with yer shit taste in music. ---79305150 WE'RE BREAKING THE CONDITIONING ---79305170 >Christie at this point I think the Trump was a Clinton plant tinfoils were right, he's actively sabotaging his own campaign looks like i'm #consideringsuicide now ---79305173 >>79304230 NOT GONNA BE CHRISTIE, IT'LL BE SOMEONE LIKE JOHN THUNE. KARL ROVE SAYS WATCH OUT FOR BOB CORKER. ---79305174 >>79304805 this OP's a shit > Muslim UCSD Student BTFO by Kike Professor not fucking relevant ---79305187 >>79304934 I've got great faith in whoever Trump picks. It will be the best possible person possible. But in all likelihood, it's possibly between Jeff Sessions and Mike Tyson ---79305209 Here's what I keep thinking: If Hillary spends her time picking on Christie for his indiscretions, he'll fire right back and drag her down, elevating Trump above the scrum. That's the traditional way of using a VP, as an attack dog, and in the era of teleprompter Trump, could Paul be thinking that the fat man should be bringing the salt? ---79305227 >>79300915 Poor thing-- it's not a serious condition, is it? ---79305240 >>79304763 ---79305273 >>79304954 Probably the first I ever watched. "...kick the shit out of ISIS quickly..." The final lines of that speech about winning until we're tired of winning and begging Trump to let us lose just once is really what made me think "This is the man that will save America." ---79305294 >>79304230 >mfw chris krispy kreme christie becomes seceratary of robot destruction ---79305309 >>79305187 >Mike Tyson Best VP debate ever. ---79305314 Trumpfags BTFO! ---79305332 >>79304898 Nice try shill. /pol/ is a meme factory and the left would love nothing more than to ---79305360 >>79304934 Sessions is a shitawful speaker as well, he's WAY more useful in the senate. Christie would be an excellent attack dog, but Trump doesn't need another Northeast republican on the ticket. ---79305364 >>79304265 >Lynch and Bill Clinton met privately in Phoenix >Monday after the two realized they were on the >same tarmac, an aide to the former president >said They just *happened* to be on the same tarmac at the same time? ---79305376 Reminder to donate today before midnight. Trump needs you ---79305386 >>79304863 It bothers me that ILIAS KASIDIARIS hasn't made the list yet ---79305396 >>79304230 Rand Paul sneak attack please ---79305398 >>79304230 whats wrong with christie? VP is a bullshit position anyways. they pretty much just kiss ass and smile for the cameras ---79305418 >>79304234 True ---79305422 >>79305174 OP is literally from reddit ---79305514 >>79305174 Actually it does have some relevance. The professor in the video is Dr. David Horowitz. He's an ardent Trump supporter and coined the term "Renegade Jew" for Billy Kristol. ---79305516 >>79305209 Christie just makes no sense as a pick. It's not like the Trump campaign needs another fiery politician who avoids political correctness and whose entire brand is about speaking his mind. That's why Christie got buttdevastated in the primary, Trump beat him at his own game by a mile. There's also zero chance that Clinton would jump at that bait. If he picks Christie, she'll let the MSM tear him apart while still focusing on Trump. Trump needs a mainstream politico to assuage the fears of centrist republicans/RINOs. Someone like McCain, or Paul Ryan. I wouldn't be surprised if they went with someone like Gowdy. ---79305555 >>79304830 Saved. Thank you. The Triumvirate will save Europe. >>79304862 Call it what you want; their actions advance nationalistic mentalities. Tones at lasted appeared to have wanted to protect Australia's national identity by attempted to stem the tide of inmigrants. Haven't researched him yet though so I may be wrong. >>79304863 Thank you! May your country forever be free from cancerous Marxism and politically correctness. More rookie OC for all. ---79305560 >>79305398 He's a huge surveillance state guy and he would probably cost Trump votes. Christie is more useful in the cabinet. ---79305577 >>79305422 Must be. ---79305618 >>79305514 Oh wow that was David Horowitz? Didn't know that. Based. ---79305621 >>79305309 IRON MIKE TYSON VS. ELIZABETH 'POCOHAUNTUS' WARREN OCTOBER ---79305635 >>79304898 >>79305332 Yeah, but really. It sounds silly but /pol/ is literally the largest and most (and really only) truly powerful and influential pro-Trump part of the internet. We've directly influenced people all over the right. ---79305643 >>79300830 Does it occur to you that picture says 'cunt'? ---79305649 >>79302790 I'd be into it ---79305743 >>79305332 the left doesn't know /pol/ exists. I'm here because I find it hilarious to troll and fascinating to witness the mass-denial/echo chamber firsthand, and because I can't wait to gloat the day after election day. It's just funny that you have this power fantasy that anyone views /pol/ as an actual threat, because it means that people think of you as a player. No one does. But keep on believing in paid shills and all the rest. It's really funny to see ---79305782 >>79300830 So according to Rasmussen's latest poll >Clinton continues to hold a wide lead among blacks. Trump leads among whites and other minority voters. ---79305806 >>79305649 Nah, Rubio stood a better chance than Cruz. ---79305829 >>79304898 >>79305635 I mean, remember when all those people at a Trump rally started shouting "Can't Stump the Trump"? That was a phrase created on /pol/ ---79305850 >>79305621 >IRON MIKE >ELITHABETH >POCOHAUNTITH ---79305918 >>79305829 >tfw you will never work for donalds campagn as one of his internet people ---79305920 >>79300830 Why does that say Kanto instead of Taranpu? ---79305935 >>79305743 >$0.02 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for correcting the record! Maybe if you keep trying people will believe you! ---79305949 >>79305635 please show me some evidence of this supposed "influence". Put your money where your mouth is, I don't think you have anything more than conjecture and hearsay to back up your argument. ---79305950 h-h-haha guys... trump will win.... RIGHT??? This is the third poll with Hillary having a double digit lead in Florida ---79305953 >>79305743 So you failed at discrediting Trump, now you are trying to discredit his support? Not going to happen. You failed, nigger. ---79305997 >>79305918 i cant take this pain anymore anon #imwithher now ---79306023 >>79302926 >Do people SERIOUSLY not find it a little bit suspicious that Reuters constantly spits out outliers of Clinton +10 when no other poll comes close? Everything reported in the mass media is suspect. There is literally no point in even listening to them anymore. They are completely bought and paid for. ---79306046 >>79305918 anon, you ARE one of his internet people ---79306047 >>79305560 >a huge surveillance state This is a bad thing? If you'll remember, Trump said he wanted to execute Snowden for treason. ---79306081 >>79305949 "B-but /pol/ is irrelevant!" keep crying ---79306082 >>79305918 Guess I'm #Cruzin4aBruzin now ---79306129 >>79305743 Secret... Everyone knows /pol/ exists. Someone is always paid to shill anywhere and everywhere. Killary will be defeated, we will win. ---79306141 roger stone about to be on Alex jones ---79306144 >>79305950 Lets see them poll demographics faggot. ---79306147 >>79304230 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ---79306154 >>79305920 Some faggot made an anti-trump video that appeared to be a for-trump video. This is a screenshot of one part of the video ---79306195 Trump rally/speech at 3:30 today. ---79306206 >>79306047 because he committed treason >(you) ---79306210 >>79305953 >nigger I also LOVE how /pol/ gets so fucking triggered when people claim Trump is racist/his supporters are racist. How you bitch and scream and moan about the race-card, but then in your everyday speech use words like nigger and kike. You straight up cannot see the forest for the trees. And i'm not trying to discredit Trump or his supporters. I'm pointing out the fact that /pol/ has had zero measurable effect on the race. ---79306243 >>79305950 I've noticed that Donald hasn't really moved all that much in the polls. Kinda suspicious if you ask me. ---79306249 Does Trump have any plans for educational reform? Common Core/No Child Left Behind/Department of Education all need to fucking die, along with all the teachers taught to their shitty standards ---79306256 The bell is tolling soon for Hillary Rodham Clinton! Watch: ---79306263 >>79305950 Yawn, still shilling outliers? ---79306270 >>79306129 Shame Shame Shame ---79306317 >>79305949 >ONE MILLIONS VIEWS >retweeted by Trump >literally made by someone who frequently post on /pol/ >full of /pol/ memes Keep saying /pol/ is irrelevant ---79306326 >>79306263 >Outliers I just told you there are 2 other polls showing her having a double digit lead. It's not an outlier anymore ---79306335 >>79306210 shut the fuck up you dumb kike ---79306341 >>79305920 Here ---79306363 >>79305950 lmao is that a poll with over 30% retired people? ---79306371 >79306210 >getting this upset over words >being this much of nigger kike faggot Begone, shill. No more (you) for you. ---79306385 >>79301658 need artist name ---79306395 >>79306249 He has mentioned multiple times that education ought to be decided by states again. ---79306447 >>79305949 4 chan gets 28 million unique visitors a month../pol/ accounts for a third of that traffic that's `10 million unique visitors to /pol/ a month. Thats more then O'Reilly, chris Matthews and Anderson Copper combined ---79306483 >>79306243 here's a perfect example of more /pol/ delusion. In this case, it's not just /pol/ though. People on the left and the right are highly likely to suspect fraud in the process when their candidate isn't doing well. We saw it with Bernie, we're seeing it with Trump, we've even seen it with Clinton. On average, 40-50% of either side will be inclined to suspect fraud when they lose. ---79306524 I watched a Hillary speech once and the crowd actually hissed like snakes. It was so weird. Why do leftists hiss and snap their fingers. Fuckin beatnik motherfucks ---79306577 >>79306326 SurveyUSA BTFO you faggots yesterday. ---79306585 >>79306447 Yes I know that, but has he put forth any concrete plans, like he has with the economic reform? ---79306597 >>79305949 "B-b-but no one's heard of /pol/!" Milo is one of the most popular contributors to Breitbart ---79306622 >>79306210 You express opinion from your perspective, nothing more. Yet, at the same time, you lump everybody together like a typical neolib. There's no monolith here, each individual speaks for himself. ---79306666 >>79306577 >h-hey Hillary is only up 4 in Florida that's not a bad thing right?? ---79306704 >>79306447 (citation needed) >>79306371 >>79306371 I couldn't care less if you call me a nigger spic kike faggot zipperhead tarbaby race traitor. I'm just pointing out the cognitive dissonance between using words like that in everyday speech, and then claiming vehemently you aren't racist when called on it. It's cute really. ---79306705 >>79306447 ugh more than half of that is non-american traffic LMAO ---79306734 Reminder to stay cool if Trump is a bit behind in the polls. It's all good and we will catch up after the RNC (okay Trump kinda did when you can trust that new poll) ---79306806 >>79306666 >H-HILLARY IS UP 10 FUCKING POINTS IN FLORIDA IT'S FUCKING OVER DRUMPFKINS AHAHAAHHAHAHAHA >B-b-but Hillary is still up 4! Holy fuck ---79306837 >>79306734 >Styxhexenhammer666 Good god what the fuck ---79306848 >>79306704 I like how you stopped replying to me when you got BTFO when I actually started posting evidence for my claims when you asked for them but you're still replying to everyone else ---79306884 >>79306704 its the numbers for 4chan...If you doubt them look them up yourself ---79306935 >>79306447 Look at the fucking flags in this thread to see how irrelevant that point is. 28 million people globally doesn't matter. ---79306937 >>79306395 He should have a speech about Education. ---79306958 >>79306704 FUNNY ISN'T IT? >>79306317 ---79306996 >>79306837 he has good videos about politics. ---79307033 >>79306597 I hope this faggot stops advertising /pol/ - this place is already overrun with libshits, summerfags, /int/ niggers, and plebbit. ---79307042 >>79303750 >It's from that video some leftist made to trick supporters into thinking its a pro trump video. Like Trump, his supporters have turned a negative into a positive. ---79307064 >>79306806 >H-hilary is up by 1 haha stupid d-drumpfkins >heh Trump only up by 2 its within MoE >what only up by 7 not a big deal Democrats always turn out >trump up only 11 points.....its...uh...*hangs self* ---79307070 >>79306937 he'd be one of the least educated presidents ever elected. Probably not his strong suit. especially considering how easy it'd be to detract by pointing out his trump U scam ---79307077 >>79306996 Yeah I'm watching the video linked. He's got a decent commentary, but god damn he looks tragic. ---79307085 >>79306935 Why are you so unhappy? No Dad? ---79307091 >>79306837 He's been good this entire election, but he is a bit of a edgelord occultist ---79307108 >>79301774 The more I learn about Farage, the more I like him. ---79307135 >>79306935 If were really as irrelevant as you say, then why are you here. Your responses are not for lulz. You are clearly a shill, whether you are paid or not who gives a shit. You are pathetic ---79307141 >>79306837 His name is retarded but he always gives a good analysis on the election. ---79307174 >>79306848 Sorry, I missed your replies. The video with 1 million views and the retweet, how many votes do you think that actually generated? Also, keep in mind that jewtube and twitter are global. Those one million views could have all come from america, or from all over. As could the retweets. Memes =/= votes. ---79307184 >>79307077 eh, don't care honestly. He has good arguments and he is reasonable. I watched many videos since yesterday from his channel. I like them ---79307231 g-guys i used to #strump4trump... but after he said the thing i #kill4hill... it's ogre... ---79307237 >>79307135 Hes here for the lulz XDDDD ---79307241 >>79307174 >Memes =/= votes. Moving the goal post. As i predicted :^). ---79307271 >>79307070 >says this while Bush went to Harvard and Yale Oh but I bet you weren't totally one of those screaming that Bush was a big dumb dumb when he was in office. ---79307277 ROGER STOP WEARING THAT STUPID HAT ---79307281 >>79307070 >he'd be one of the least educated presidents ever elected Nigga what, he went to arguably the best business school in the world. ---79307309 >>79307033 Or, we could let him be so that Hillary keeps sinking money into her shills to try and silence, which will only bring about two effects: her resources will be wasted 24/7 until the GE, and the /pol/ack's resolve will be steeled more and more until we can make the final push at the polls. ---79307313 >>79307174 memes are attracting votes from the millenials guaranteed ---79307350 >>79307231 >when they let me down I never forgive Remember that, cuck. ---79307419 >>79307281 Bush went to Harvard and Yale, but since he cares so much about how "educated" the candidate is I bet he never called Bush dumb or anything ---79307422 >>79307309 This. ---79307443 >>79307135 I'm here for the same reason you're here, it's entertaining. I'm currently at work and I'm supposed to be making phone calls to donors and gathering volunteers to walk in the 4th of July parades with my campaign, but i'm burned out because i've made like 300 phone calls this morning already, so i'm taking a cathartic break and trading jibes with retards on /pol/ because it makes me smile. ---79307489 some of you have actual degrees/jobs right? why not don a maga hat and visit your high school teachers they always like having actual successful students visiting, and if the hat comes up just say you like him because he'll get rid of common core bam, another vote right there ---79307498 >>79307108 So many ups and downs with Farage...When Ukip won the Euro elections in '14 it was one of the funnest times on /pol/ but when he lost his election to become an MP I was depressed for a month ---79307521 >>79307271 Of course I was. Because he's an idiot. You can be a well-educated idiot and a not-educated genius. Trump is neither of those things. But it would be an easy strategy ti detract from what he's saying by pointing out that he's the least educated presidential nomine and that his one brush with upper education was a scam. >>79307281 Undergrad only. ---79307534 >>79307443 So you admit you're a shill. Just not a paid one. Btw, are you a jew? Because you argue like one. ---79307570 >>79305621 BE THERE >BE THERE BEEEEEeeEE THEREEEEE ---79307573 >>79307350 but anon... obama is forming the american union as we speak... it's ogre... nothing can stop the globalists, not even brexit... ---79307576 guys trump is only up 4. i cant take this how could his numbers be so low it looks l-like im r-ready for hillary ---79307614 >trannys now allowed in the military Who thought giving rifles to suicidal men is a good idea? ---79307620 Take you daily redpill dose trumpgen! ---79307627 >>79304230 We didn't meme Trump-Webb hard enough ---79307657 >>79301774 >Kek never approves Farage posts Is this because Farage's power doesn't come through the digits but through Kek itself, so we don't need to prove anything - Farage'll prove it for us. ---79307662 >>79303167 REMINDER TO EVERYONE: If you want to help Trump, one good way is to create a targeted twitter account. 1) Choose a demographic you want to appeal to. Some ideas are: -A particular swing state e.g Ohio or North Carolina -Students -Women -Latinos -African Americans -Men -Conservatives (Cruz people) -Bernie supporters -Hillary supporters 2) Create twitter account with a suitable photo to best target your chosen audience. -Use a photo of a real person as your profile pic. -I use a real photo of myself, but if you don't want to, a good place to get photos is /b/ especially for photos of women. -There are many threads on /b/ of 'girls from facebook' etc. Just take one of the photos, crop it, and use it. 3) Install 'Twitter Follower' in google chrome browser. This lets you bulk add twitter people -Go to twitter and search for a twitter account who you think best represents your chosen demographic -e.g. if you wanted to target target latino people. Search for latinos for trump. If you want to target Ohio people, search for 'ohio trump'. -In the twitter search thing, you can select the 'accounts tab' to list users accounts -once you find a good account, go to their followers list and use 'twitter follower' to bulk add 250-500 of them. Do this daily. -If you add too many people, your account may be locked so try to not go overboard 4) you will slowly start to build up an account with a lot of users. -Try to prune the users who are not following you back using -This tool lets you easily unfollow those who have not followed you back 5) post images and memes to target your audience and try to take on a believable character. -An ex Bernie supporter -An ex cruz supporter who has realised that Trump is way better than hillary -An ex hillary supporter who couldn't take any more of her scandals -An African American who just wants jobs for their community etc. 6) win election ---79307738 >>79306210 You know nigger is widespread as an insult on 4chan right? ---79307752 >>79307576 m-me too buddy... t-time to p-prep the b..bull... ---79307861 >>79304898 >The whole "shill" idea is just so funny. /pol/ is desperate to feel relevant, so much so that they'll fabricate paid posters just to make it feel like the national campaigns know about them and take them seriously, when in reality literally no one cares about you or your opinions. >Nobody is paid to shill for Hillary. It's a republican funded lie. At least you shills are getting creative. ---79307907 >>79301332 >Jews kinda ugh... Holy shit, are journalists secretly redpilled as fuck, but just doing a job? ---79307941 >>79307662 forgot to add - after adding some Trump supporters, you obviously need to start adding people from your chosen demographic. Like if you are targeting latinos. Search for latinos for hillary, and add users from that account. ---79307943 >>79306210 Everyone on 4 chan says nigger...Its anonymous and it the most Taboo word...Nigger ---79307997 >>79307657 farage already won his battle his smug has been carved into history ---79308030 >>79306385 Houtengeki ---79308032 >>79307662 >North Carolina I wouldn't be to worried about us m8 ---79308074 >>79307997 Farage won all the battles, desu. He's a God incarnate. ---79308076 Stop Hellary or it's buh bye 4chan and /pol/ Not even joking once, it's coming just like when Andrew Cuomo took away our Usenet for complaining about him. Fuck a bunch of authoritarianism and censorship ---79308096 >>79301774 Nigel a cute. A CUTE. ---79308200 >>79307534 I don't understand how i'm a shill, but you're not? I'm nonreligious. ---79308216 so do you all just ignore the possible fallout from trump's ideas because they make you feel good? ---79308246 >>79304230 ---79308297 >79308200 I mean are you an ethnic Jew? Do you have a big hooked nose? ---79308351 >>79307174 You don't get it. Memes help shape the zeitgeist, which influences the vote. It isn't some sort of correlation. Why do you think political ads are so vacuous and omnipresent? It isn't to sway the minds of individual voters, its to present the image that the candidate is already in power due to their ubiquity ---79308377 anyone watching the pentagon news briefing? >tax payer funded gender reassignment surgery ---79308387 >>79308216 Wow really makes me think, fuck borders and laws and shit #ImWithHer ---79308389 >>79308200 Excuse me >>79308297 ---79308422 >>79308216 To whom are you referring? ---79308442 >>79301214 Well, I wouldn't say he's endorsing Trump. He seems pretty neutral towards Trump, but towards the Hilldog, it seems like he absolutely disdains her. ---79308450 >>79308200 >I'm nonreligious. ---79308466 >>79305918 You are already one of his internet people. It's up to you how much you work for him. ---79308520 >>79308074 Looking back losing the Election in 2015 was the best thing that could have happened..He belonged in Brussels fighting the EU. Lets say he would have won the seat and it was a wakeup call to people that the anti-EU anti migrant sentiment was real and only growing. So they go to him with a compromise that gives him like 60% of the reforms he wanted...Would he have taken it and stopped campaigning against the EU? ---79308526 Has Bernie dropped out? Or has Hillary been officially confirmed the Democrat nominee? ---79308535 >>79308216 do you just ignore the possible fallout from hillary's ideas because they make you feel good? ---79308547 >>79308200 I mean, most of the marxist kikes are athiest anyway. I want to know if you've got dirty kike blood. ---79308565 >>79308216 I can endure a little economic fallout if it means avoiding a dystopic 1984-type future with Hillary Clinton. ---79308579 Went to the library today. Got "The Art of the Deal" ---79308583 >>79308377 You mean Cuckagon briefing? >muh non-gender specific warriors ---79308607 Wild fire explosion of the J. Edgar Hoover Building when? ---79308622 >>79308422 everyone here who supports trump even though the evidence clearly suggests that his plans and ideas are flawed and won't have the positive effects that he alleges they will ---79308629 >>79307861 hahahaha how on earth did you get "it's a republican funded lie" from my post? It's not funded at all, there is a zero-point-zero percent chance that any political campaign would waste a single cent paying people to post on fucking 4chan. Consider that $20 can buy a 30 second radio advertisement in most mid-sized radio markets. Campaigns are alllllll about ROI. What do we get from what we give. Especially in the days of data analytics, you better back up your expenses with measurable returns, and unfortunately making dank memes just doesn't really translate to votes. If you think otherwise, consider that the bernie bros were some of the biggest producers of dank memes, and Bernie lost to Clinton by literally every possible metric. ---79308673 >>79308526 Bernie is basically done ---79308684 >>79304230 A name being mentioned means it's a red herring. Ain't gonna be Smough. ---79308692 >>79308583 >NO BEARDS >DICKS AND TITS ARE OK ---79308747 >>79306704 >then claiming vehemently you aren't racist when called on it. >still having negative connotations to the word "racist" ---79308778 >>79308565 there's no reason to believe anything even vaguely "1984" would happen with a clinton presidency. im talking about the real effects of real proposals trump has made. ---79308797 >>79308622 such as? ---79308805 >>79308622 >the evidence clearly suggests You mean the media speculation? Have you ever even watched a Trump speech, or are you just blindly shilling for someone who's done more harm to America as a secretary than some of the worst presidents that have existed? ---79308832 >>79308629 Ok we get it. If I said you were right, would you please fuck off? Go be a Jew somewhere else. ---79308859 >>79308629 >hahahaha how on earth did you get "it's a republican funded lie" from my post? >He doesn't know about the copypasta shills were posting over and over. resit of your post is tldr. ---79308864 >>79308673 Of course, but is his OFFICIALLY done? ---79308869 >>79308778 such as... ---79308876 >>79308622 >consumer prices go up >wages go up >jobs increase >wallstreet goes down >small businesses surge Oh wow so bad ---79308904 >>79308805 ---79308910 >>79300830 ---79308974 >>79308622 Says who? You've only expressed opinion based on generalization. Do you have a specific point or just more non sequitur? ---79308993 >>79308864 I think he's conceded he won't get the nomination and he's fading into irrelevance ---79309044 New bread when? ---79309067 >>79304364 >Australia is disregarded ausomatically as a troll. jej'd ---79309068 >>79301510 Is there a single poll that ISN'T biased? I just ignore them all. ---79309089 ERIC TRUMP ON FAUX ---79309090 >>79308797 >>79308805 trump's economic plans have been ruled as disastrous by economic analysts. a wall is infeasible and wouldn't prevent all illegal inmigration. mass deportation is infeasible without resorting to Nazi Germany-esque authoritarian restructuring of the country. even a blanket ban on muslims, which he has since walked back, wouldnt prevent terrorism because most terrorist threats in america come from natives and homegrown extremists. i'm not saying hillary is good or even that you should suport her. i'm saying that trump is not the perfect candidate you think he is and if you had any sense you'd be backing the republican push to oust him from the candidacy at the convention. ---79309091 >>79308910 haha, Love the image anon. ---79309108 >>79308778 The only thing we care about is the demographic displacement of white people in America. The correlation between non white population increase and the fall of America in every metric on the well being of a nation from Education to income inequality is undeniable. If Hillary wins America will be a third world country in a decade. ---79309136 got one NEW THREAD >>79309081 >>79309081 got one NEW THREAD >>79309081 >>79309081 >>79309081 >>79309081 ---79309182 >>79308876 >>wages go up >>jobs increase doesn't happen. ---79309225 >>79309090 Freidman was wrong...Inflation did not counterbalance low wages in the third world. I don't give a shit what Jew economist think they are always wrong ---79309319 >>79309090 Nonsense. Try each point one at a time next time if you're interested in dialogue. If you just want to spew propaganda without thought you're SOL here. ---79309348 >>79308547 Nope. Just good ole fashioned whitey here. >>79308351 You really couldn't be more wrong about political advertisements. They are entirely based on persuasion. I can actually pull the curtain back on this for you if you'd like by using my own campaign as an example: We just commissioned a poll, the poll is 17 minutes and cost $30,000. Part of it is the ballot question you always see "If the election were held today, who would you vote for", but that's actually a very small part. The rest of the 17 minute conversation is testing our message. The pollster reads statements to the pollee testing our negative and positive messages. We'll do a ballot question first, than a series of positives for our candidate and ask again, saying "often during a poll such as this people change their minds, so i'll ask again, if the election were held today whom would you vote for?" Then we'll do a series of negatives on our candidate, things we expect the opposition to say. Then a ballot question again. These are to test the effects of positive or negative advertising on the race. We'll do that several times, throwing in positives and negatives for our opponents as well as ourselves, to try to get a clearer picture of what messaging resonates most with voters, and what doesn't. Then the poll is dissected by the campaign team. You receive the "top lines" which are the sort of executive briefing with all the ballot question answers, and then you get a 40+ page document detailing the messaging results, which you turn into ads. Then you air the ads for a month, and repeat the process to test if they worked/how well they worked. Ads are a very measured and specific part of campaigns. Memes are just things generated by supporters without any science or polling behind them, and are much, much harder to realistically prove any positive or negative effects. ---79309354 New Thread: >>79309081 >>79309081 >>79309081 New Thread: >>79309081 >>79309081 >>79309081 New Thread: >>79309081 >>79309081 >>79309081 ---79309395 >>79307174 Memes are the reason I'm voting trump. So out of the people I've asked, it's at 100% success rate. ---79310427 >>79300830 >smug weeb tries to spell cunt in kana in his video >people repost his shit anyway Joke's on Mike, I don't give a fuck.
----- ---79307439 Why are North West Europe, Northern Italy, Central France and Souther England the least inbred places of Europe? Is it urbanization?
---79307665 Yes ---79307722 They know that inbreeding produces far less desirable genetic effects. The other countries don't care or somehow don't know. ---79308163 >>79307665 Southern Scandinavia on the other hand isn't urbanized though... ---79308259 >>79307439 >Anglos >not inbred ---79308401 >>79307439 >>Anglos >>not inbred Wow, this is realy a reliable study.
----- ---79307795 When you see a white woman with a black baby, and you automatically assume she's single, you might be a /pol/tard.
---79307919 u see chinaman with rice and he doesnt cook it ---79307933 >>79307795 >Jeff Foxworthy Oh wow is it 2005 again? ---79307991 >>79307795 When you see a white woman with a black baby, and you automatically assume she's single, you might have common sense. Fuck off. ---79308111 >>79307795 >assume The word you're looking for here is "know". ---79308121 >>79307795 ---79308184 See a black kid with a hood up on Halloween and assume he didn't put on a costume >he was a warlock ---79308296 >>79307933 >>79307991 These, these, a thousand times these. >>79307795 Fuck off, nigger.
----- ---79304288 be me >be a tourist in New York >buy heroin from a nigga pusher >put it into your vein >all of a sudden a muscle 6 ft cop stops you in the street >boy you look weird, let's go to the police station >come on, confess you're on drugs >the cop arrests you for being on heroin >boy, you'll be punished, but you can avoid it >how? >pound my bitch cop muscle ass hard with you twink cock!!!
---79304444 >>79304288 This pasta is shit ---79304826 bump ---79305066 selfbump ---79305783 bump ---79306105 >>79304288 >>79304826 >>79305066 >>79305783 uhmmmm nice thread NOT ---79308287 >>79306105 1
----- ---79306186 When the KKK loves your candidate... maybe it's time to find a new candidate. Just sayin....
---79306299 >>79306186 yeah I bet the old useless honeypot wants relevance again ---79306393 >>79306186 jew here. KKK is irrelevant in modern times. Its like poor rednecks in small towns burning crosses in the woods. Who cares who they like? ---79306399 The KKK is full of FBI agents so I trust them a lot more than I trust the nigger version of KKK, BLM. ---79306467 >>79306186 Maybe when terrorists support your candidate... maybe it's time to get a new candidate... Just sayin. ---79306594 >>79306186 Nation of Islam 50 000 plus members KKK 5000 plus members Both considered hate groups by USA authorities. Nation of Islam loves Obama, maybe its time to find a new candidate, huh? ---79306600 >>79306186 I agree, it's time to drop Hillary ---79306677 >>79306186 The same could be argued about international bankers... Just saying. ---79306989 The KKK also don't want white people to become disadvantaged, so no, it's really not a sign to find a new candidate. ---79307474 >>79306186 Just depends who you listen to. News isn't news anymore, it's a globalist network reporting on what they want you to believe. ---79307843 The target of kkk was the blacks? ---79308225 >>79306393 >Its like poor rednecks in small towns burning crosses in the woods. >poor rednecks nice try. true they are active in mississippi but they also have large bases pennsylvania and california don't try to say they're irrelevent they are coming back and people are supporting it, the samew kind who endorse DRUMPF ---79308713 >>79306186 >implying the KKK is relevant BLM has done more to hate in the past 6 months than the KKK has for the past 20 years ---79309286 >>79308713 >what is stabbing 3 people with a confederate flag pole
----- ---79308882 We know what Obama is going to do after the Supreme Court ruling on immigration - nothing. My question is - if a local police force or segment of the border patrol decided to start hauling illegals back would the federal government intervene and stop them from carrying out the law?
---79309086 >>79308882 Read about the Minute Men ---79309223 They would just vote to gradually cut their funding.
----- ---79304380 Every year hundreds of Americans die because they were eating behind the wheel How do we stop this /pol/ ?
---79304485 >>79304380 I don't think you can stop natural selection... ---79304612 >>79304380 Sounds like a problem that solves itself. ---79304703 >eating behind the wheel kek ---79304748 >>79304380 Is that a dude or a girl so super obese it has messed her hormones up? ---79304867 >>79304748 RARE ---79304885 >>79304380 banning cars #StopTheMetalMurderer ---79305002 >>79304748 It's a guy. >Morbidly obese 800-pound man, 33, is kicked out of hospital after ordering a pizza and is now living in his father's SUV ---79305163 >>79304380 Do nothing. Natural selection at work, homie ---79305255 >>79304380 honestly I eat about 60% of my meals behind the wheel and almost killed a family of Muslims about 2 years ago win win? ---79305375 Ban food Ban wheels Ban people ---79305479 >>79304748 Hes a upstanding young man that lives down the river, in his private domicile. ---79305705 Eating McDonald's® McHomestyle™ (part of the McPick two menu deal®) behind the wheel of a Supercharged© Turbo Ram Dodge® with Cummins™ Turbo-inject® pickup truck is one of my greatest joys in life and I'll be damned if Obama's going to take that away from me! ---79305825 >>79304380 ---79305876 Ban assault-style, high capacity, high-turnout drive thrus. They are clearly a menace to society and must stop. Now. ---79305888 >>79304748 it's a whatever-the-fuck-that-is ---79305906 >>79305255 depends, were you eating pork ---79306018 >>79305825 Thats 1 in 8? Are you flattering me? ---79306086 >>79304380 Make them drive a manual. ---79306245 >>79305825 To demonstrate this I’ve tabulated the ratio of overall female obesity rates and divided them by the 18-24 year old rates. A low ratio indicates the tendency for women to be obese at an earlier age and stay that way. Nice try ---79306368 >>79304380 holy shit they gave this guy his own fat show?! DERAIL THREAD THIS IS FUCKED UP! ---79306613 >>79306368 At least he can move, not all burgers can say that ---79306752 >>79306368 Found his real channel DERAIL DERAIL DERAIL DERAIL ---79306952 >>79306752 Stop derailing my super serious thread. Im very concerned about Americans ---79307400 >>79306752 Disturbing He obviously eats to try the void that only a cock will do for him. Degenerate
----- ---79307776 So why is having a national identity, common culture and a common people so important? Why can't countries just be like the Soviet Union or the USA? A mish mash of everything in one huge superstate. As someone with 4 different passports and mixed ancestry this would be fine by me.
---79308078 >>79307776 >Why can't countries just be like the Soviet Union or the USA? A mish mash of everything in one huge superstate. Because we as a society hold certain values that are not held by other cultures. When these cultures attempt to change our values or come into direct conflict with those values you cannot live peacefully. This is why we have nation-states so that different cultures can live peacefully with the values that are important to them. ---79308133 Do you feel loyalty to any one of those 4 countries? Do you feel like you belong anywhere? ---79308215 >>79308078 What's stopping the USA from entering into a civil war then? ---79308352 >>79308133 I love them all equally. ---79308487 >>79307776 Why is living so important? ---79308528 >>79307776 Probably because they would be arbitrary. ---79308540 >>79308215 we had that already. We destroyed the other culture in the process. ---79308544 >>79308215 It did, once. The US was very cruel in it's warfare against the rebels. We're way too scared of our giant military to think seriously about revolting now. ---79308764 >>79307776 What would be the purpose of this state? The nationstate is the organization of the tribe, there is no tribe there is no point to this state, for economic power I can just rob. ---79308918 >>79308764 I would have no nation in that state, no purpose, one of the truths of the world aka biology exterminated in favor of arbitrary momentary opinions and ideology which none of which are true or exist. ---79309049 >>79308764 >I want bread? I steal it >I want a car I steal it Next you will tell me of "risks" well the governments jurisdiction historically has a much higher risk with their wars. I would rather have no government then a foreign one governing me.
----- ---79307887 This pussyes try to control world.
---79308054 >>79307887 t. slavshit mcTurboAids ---79308124 >try ---79308194 Stop fucking posting this. this is fucking cant happen. How the fuck can expect us to not fuck these faggot sluts going around barracks dressed as promisquis little sluts? Asking for it like collage rapes on campuses then getting us jailed afterwards. Fucking faggots need to stay the fuck away. ---79308318 Are schizophrenics also allowed to serve in the US """military"""? ---79308586 >>79307887 You don't understand senpai. It's not for the signing up. It's for the eventual mandatory draft. First women, now freaks. ---79308724 >>79307887 There are probably like... three transgender serviceMEMBERS ---79308730 >>79307887 >gay army tranny ≠ faggot t. faggot ---79308843 >>79307887 B E L A R U S E L A R U S ---79309013 Reminder: they're giving young children medical treatment that stops puberty. Even I an atheist agnostic must concede that this is Satanic. Trannies in the Talmud >Transgender bathrooms are a human rights struggle - and a Jewish imperative >Even the rabbis of the Talmud understood that we do not live in a gender binary system. We find six different gender identities in the Talmud. /pol/ is always right ---79309129 >>79308730 >tranny ≠ faggot sorts of shit
----- ---79297049 >women having a vote Pick none. Let's see how many cucked manginas there are on /pol/. What do you think?
---79297466 >>79297049 ---79298837 >not purging the vaginal Jew >not replacing the menstrual menace with artificial wombs wew lad ---79299012 >>79298837 ---79299091 >>79298837 ---79299252 >>79297049 We need to start a petition on to repeal the 19th amendment. It was the biggest mistake in US history. ---79299439 >>79298837 So what happens if we give the artificial wombs YY chromozones in their eggs? What would a double Y male appear like? ---79299614 >>79299439 Bruce Jenner. ---79300196 >>79299252 ---79302284 >>79297049 >Let's see how many cucked manginas there are on /pol/ /pol/ is essentially woman-hate central. There are not many women defenders here aside from a few stormniggers. ---79302434 >>79297049 I legit hate women Only Muh white race types defend women. Useless spiteful cunts. Hope they all rot and suffer. ---79302508 >>79302434 >Hope they all rot and suffer. ---79302522 >>79302284 I've noticed a lot of Redditors here lately defending women. ---79302604 >>79302508 *the like you is obviously not you. ---79302708 >>79297049 Hormones made you rebel against mommy and you release your emotions on /pol/? ---79302968 >>79302708 Oh look, the cunt appears and has to mention mommies, babies and feelings. ---79303715 >>79302708 Not an argument. ---79304220 >>79302522 Give em a few weeks and they will learn that ALL women are garbage ---79304400 >>79299439 A babbling retard probably, I'm fairly sure the X chromosome contains some pretty crucial genes linked to the development of intelligent thought among other things. There's a reason why both men and women have X chromosomes, it just so happens that too many X chromosomes is a bad thing ---79304605 >>79304220 Actually, it's men who are garbage. They're the ones who harass and degrade women constantly on the internet, while simultaneously expecting to be given special treatment. >sends dick picture to random internet female >gets angry when she tells you to fuck off How many of you do this? ---79304623 >>79304220 They have their uses, they should certainly have no stake in any governmental or political matters at all. ---79304714 >>79304605 Women love dick pics what are you on about? ---79305089 >>79304605 I've never done that because I'm not a degenerate. I've received nudes, and I deleted them without showing anyone. I did have sex with the girl that sent them, though. ---79305193 >>79304714 not from strange men who they don't know how many of you actually pay women for your porn? ---79305279 U N A C C O U N T A B L E ---79305333 >>79299439 Dead. You need an X chromosome. ---79305513 >>79305193 >"how many of you actually pay women for your porn?" Um i'm guessing none. 99% of porn is free. ---79305612 >>79297049 So if women are the problem what is the solution? You are never going to get normies , ie 90% of the population, to give up womens rights. How do we fix women voters without taking away their right to vote? ---79305620 >>79302284 twf i'm one of the french guy in middle picture ---79306111 >>79305612 Women who are married vote conservative. And women aren't getting married anymore. We need to destroy feminism and reinstate our traditional culture. Women simply vote for the status quo. ---79306821 >>79306111 That's far easier said than done though. So we'll probably see total societal collapse before anything changes. ---79308982 >>79302708 Maybe because it's a fucking baby and won't be able to form memories untill the age of 3
----- ---79282224 >"The Socialist Left is the problem." t. /pol/
---79282428 >>79282224 So the 9.99% below the top 1% has more than 50% percent of America's wealth? Interesting ---79282810 wtf I hate obama now ---79282956 >>79282224 Weird, it's almost like the inequality doubled ever since the neoliberal "left" took permanent ruling positions ---79283120 >>79282956 Exactly. Yet, /pol/ thinks for some reason that increasing Socialism is the issue. ---79283124 It will eventually prove Marx right. The wealthy will gradually bring the entire system down on their heads. A true Marxist is a capitalist. ---79283142 >>79282224 As more leftist policies are made the less social mobility is experienced by society, of course the rich gets even richer as few key business profit from it. ---79283163 >>79282810 Why? Clearly you can see from this graph that the trend dates back to ~1987. That's at least, 3 Bush terms, 2 Clinton terms and 2 Obama terms. ---79283187 >>79282956 No one in America considers Reagan to be a leftist. ---79283331 wtf i hate robots now ---79283376 >>79283124 Actually the wealthy is not the sole responsible, the State itself makes the existence of super wealth possible. ---79283506 If you can't see that you're being fucked there is no hope for you. ---79283534 >>79282224 If you kill all the jews you automatically solve the 1% problem. However the left is too busy inviting muslims into europe and legalizing degeneracy. ---79283564 The inequality has reached and absolutely staggering level. ---79283581 >>79283437 >the worker is solely responsible for the increased productivity and should be compensated in kind. Yeah, nah not true. ---79283619 >>79283581 Not the argument. ---79283690 This is truly batshit insane. ---79283709 >>79283506 That's part of key arguments in favor of libertarianism. ---79283773 >>79283709 Yes it is, also social democracy. ---79283776 >>79282224 >clinton gives our jobs to mexico in 93 >bush gives our jobs to china in 2001 ---79283796 >>79283120 it's almost like you completely misinterpreted what he said ---79283797 >>79283376 Government is merely the shadow cast over society by big business. America is an extreme example but more often than not policies are shaped more by how much money you have and give a candidate. ---79283853 >>79283776 You're leaving out the first guy. ---79283984 >>79283776 Some would argue that it started when Nixon detached the dollar from gold and then really kicked into gear with Reagan's neo-liberalism. ---79284010 >>79283370 Funny how capitalism suddenly chose 1971 as the year to stop working. It really makes you think. Or maybe it's not just a coincidence that that's when the US severed the gold standard and started giving freshly printed money to the rich... ---79284153 You can have all the free shit and communism you want here in the US, it's still not going to punish the mega rich, THEY DON'T FUCKING PAY TAXES HERE. The mega rich are "globalists", they have their money stashed overseas in untouchable banks. You could raise the tax rate to 100% and they wouldn't blink a fucking eye, it won't impact them. There is no hope for you OP if you can't see that the people who make up the 1% can not be touched by your small minded "durrr hurrr muh tax". You need tarrifs and NATIONALISM to stop the outside pests from sucking us dry. NATIONAL SOCIALISM ---79284167 >>79282956 >starts falling in 1986/1987 >reagan >neoliberal ---79284190 >>79283773 Actually social democracy is what brought US to the current state of extreme inequality, free societies without artificial mechanisms of wealth distribution share the lowest level of inequality possible in post-industrial human societies. ---79284214 >>79284010 That's one of the main causes certainly. ---79284348 >>79284190 I'm not arguing with you on this anon, but the types of things Sanders is proposing were not the cause of this. This was our own brand of neo-liberalism, detaching from the gold standard and a government increasingly in control of the top .01% at the expense of everyone else below 1%. ---79284353 >>79284167 Most conservatives will not agree but that's the truth ---79284430 >>79284167 Reagan started neo-liberal policies. There is no arguing this and no one disputes this. Off-shoring and deregulation. ---79284543 >>79284167 Neo-liberal means neo-conservative in Europe. ---79284552 >>79284214 It gets worse every year. Get ready for the next crash, the sovereign debt crisis. Basically the mortgage/banking crisis part 2. Except now it's the people who bailed out the banks who need bailing out. The solution as always will be more printed money. This time from the IMF. Maybe... unless there's a total loss of confidence in the markets in which case everyone defaults and new national currencies will likely be formed backed by commodities, likely gold. Or if that doesn't happen, chaos. ---79284690 >>79284348 I love how sanders wants to make things even worse. He wants to push the Fed to keep interest rates even LOWER. Where does he think all that cheap fed money goes to? The working class? It's the cause of the entire wealth inequality problem. ---79284713 >>79284348 > but the types of things Sanders is proposing were not the cause of this Actually Sanders policies would lead to even lower social mobility, even bigger government expending and power. ---79284748 >>79284552 You seem knowledgable about this topic. So, what happens if the people and the gov are out of money and can't be bailed out. Does this mean that the banks can repo the whole county? ---79284859 >>79282224 That graph looks like Austria. Coincidence? I think not ---79284860 >>79283437 >filename says reagan >the "Great Regression" starts before he's even in office or does anything People who think Reagan represents free market capitalism are retarded. ---79284904 >>79284552 How would that work if so? What happens in a huge portion of the country needs to pay up including the gov and no one has the money to do so? ---79285185 >>79284860 you realize reagan was elected in '80, right? ---79285262 >>79283619 yes it is, that graph argues that a rise in productivity should be matched with a rise in pay as shown in the "the great prosperity" side and arguing that the rise in productivity post 1980 should've have been matched with a rise in pay. If this isnt your argument then know that that is the argument the graph implies. ---79285298 >>79284904 Weimar Germany ---79285407 >>79285262 That is my argument and the argument in the image, that is not what the other guy was saying it was. ---79285517 >>79284748 If the government can't pay it's debts, they default. Happens all the times in shitty countries. But it means they would have a very very hard time borrowing more money if they do. This would be a calamity for most western countries which have high debts like the US, as most government spending would have to stop immediately because there is not nearly enough money in the tax base alone to cover their obligations. Some expect that if this happened in the US, they would create a new dollar to replace the old one, and back it by gold. This would immediately restore confidence in the currency and the US could borrow again. I've heard talk over the years that the US has planned internally for the scenario should it occur. >Does this mean that the banks can repo the whole county? That's not a realistic scenario. Banks don't like repoing things. They only repo a house so they can immediately sell it to get some of their money back. If the economy goes to shit and the people who they gave mortgages to can't pay for them, but can pay just as much for them as anyone else on the market right now then there's no benefit for them to repo. They rather just renegotiate the debt and cut their losses. There's a lot of complex scenario's that can happen in a financial catastrophe. Hyperinflation can make debt disappear. Strong deflation can quickly make it default. Both are possibilities. ---79285613 >>79282224 >The globalist AND domestic socialist left, who voluntarly prostitutes itself for a elitaristic neo liberal globalist pipe dream, is the problem Fixed it for you. btw, welfare state IS the problem, as it makes it irrational to inovate. ---79285626 >>79284904 They default. Basically the fear people had of happening to countries since 2008. or the can do >>79285298 and print new money to pay the debt. But in the end it's the same as a default. ---79285726 >>79285185 He was inaugurated in '81. How does the mere election of Reagan cause the "great regression?" This line of questioning is meaningless anyways, Reagan nor republicans in general have ever been pro free market. He increased income taxes, he increased capital gains taxes, , he not only continued the war on drugs but fueled it more so than Nixon, and was an interventionist (into the economy and foreign affairs). It just baffles me how people attack Reagan and declare victory over free market capitalists or libertarians. ---79285738 >>79285517 I think your scenario where the IMF and the World Bank bail out the West is the likely plan for this scenario, but it would start with a default. So it looks like many people in our nation would go broke and the gov would have to cut most spending. Thanks man, just one more question. If the US defaults, roughly how long would it be until the IMF and World Bank would be able to bail us out and bring stability back? ---79285800 >>79282224 t. New to /pol/ It's almost like social policies weren't a thing until the 60s. Weird huh ---79285833 >>79285726 >. It just baffles me how people attack Reagan and declare victory over free market capitalists or libertarians. I hope you're not talking about me, because I haven't argued that this was the free market or libertarians. ---79285874 >where the problem starts has to do with who on in charge at that time Hey retards, were you never told that legislation has a delayed effect, sometime decades and I'd argue possibly centuries? If a problem manifests itself in the 60's, it's not because it was created then ---79286017 >>79285833 Referring to the people talking about "neoliberals." I often see that term thrown around here in libertarian threads. ---79286021 >>79285874 >legislation takes decades or centuries to have any kind of measurable effect ---79286334 >>79285738 >If the US defaults, roughly how long would it be until the IMF and World Bank would be able to bail us out and bring stability back? If the IMF bails anyone out, it would be to prevent a default happening. I'm not sure if they could do as much after someone defaults. Especially the US. If the US defaulted, european countries would soon follow because there would be a market panic. This is why europe was so so SO worried about greece defaulting. Even though they are tiny, if they defaulted it would cause a panic and spread to other countries and then it might not be controllable. Also be aware, the IMF only holds currencies of other countries. So if trust in national currencies collapses, then so to will trust in anything the IMF can offer. Short answer: I don't think the IMF could do much for you if you defaulted. The US could get back on it's feet pretty quick though if it backed the dollar with a stable commodity. That will depend a lot on the people in power being willing to do that though which is not at all a given. ---79286403 >>79282224 related. ---79286437 >>79285517 Basically the US are sitting on a ticking time bomb with low interest rates, right? Once the interest rates go up, they will see much more defaults and much fewer investments or any scale. No new machinery, factories, jobs, anything. Big recession. And if the US never ever increases the interest rate, they have to take more and more debt up until no one will lend them money, crashing the worthless dollar. ---79287122 muhhhhh 1% ITS IRRELEVANT, what matters is average people are much richer than world average and ITS SUSTAINABLE LOWER TAXES FOR ALL AND GIVE MENTAL HEALTHCARE FOR LIBERALS, that's the right social policy ---79287165 >>79286437 exactly. I recall reading if US bond yields rose to 3% or something pretty low like that, it would consume the entire tax base to pay the interest on them. Don't forget though. If the dollar crashes, we are all totally fucked. Buy gold folks. ---79287247 >>79284859 SHUT IT DOWN ---79287379 >>79286403 Look at how he uses a different number of countries in each of his statistics. Almost like he deliberately excludes countries with data contradicting his theories. 23 Countries (all western countries, including Singapore and Israel, but not Swiss and Canada) 21 Countries (Now with Switzerland and Canada, goodbye Singapore and Isreal) at 7:00, 12 Countries excluding all of scandinavia and portugal, but keeping spain and New Zealand) 30 seconds later, Scandinavia makes a comeback with first entrance Greece and Ireland. And Singapore is back too. No China, no Poland or Russia, fucking Singapore. 8:24 11 Countries, excluding Spain, cause every other European country matter and Australia. Fuck off with your fucking TED talk bullshit. ---79287389 >>79286021 decades is given. You have to be a brain dead retard to not think anh changes to the economy are felt instantly I argue centuries because things like changes to voting and government structure take a long time to accumulate I would argue the reason congress ceded so much power to the executive is largely because of the changes to how the senate is voted in ---79287473 The top 1 percent: Americans who earned an adjusted gross income of $410,096 or more accounted for 22.8 percent of all wages. But they paid 40.4 percent of total reported income taxes, an increase from 39.9 percent in 2006, according to the IRS. The top 5 percent: Americans who earned $160,041 or more accounted for 37.4 percent of all wages in 2007. But they paid 60.6 percent of the country's total reported income taxes, up from 60.1 percent a year earlier. The top 10 percent: Americans who earned at least $113,018 paid 71.2 percent of the nation's income taxes, up from 70.8 percent a year earlier. The top 25 percent: Americans who earned at least $66,532 paid 86.6 percent of the nation's income taxes, up from 86.3 percent a year earlier. The top 50 percent: Americans who earned at least $32,879 paid 97.1 percent of the nation's income taxes, up from 97 percent a year earlier. The bottom 50 percent: Americans who earned less than $32,879 paid 2.9 percent of the nation's income taxes, down from 3 percent a year earlier. ---79287502 >>79283120 >European education ---79287579 >>79282956 The thing is that there's barely any left left in the United States. They've abolished worker unions and fully embraced the neoliberal free market bullshit. To see this all you need is to google how much the government is pushing TTIP and TTP which are pretty much about giving more power to the elites and multinationals. The "democractic" Clinton will sign that agreement in a hearth beat and you can rest assured that the income inqueality will increase even more and they'll just blame brexit or terrorism or something. ---79287719 >>79287579 >They've abolished worker unions wut ---79287811 >>79282224 In addition. ---79287857 >>79287579 >I'm responsible for Brexit Neoliberalism seems like a cool guy, he should hang around. ---79287887 >>79282224 >vote left to fight inequality >school now has vegetarian food >dudes on road signs now have skirts >thanks left ---79288125 >>79286403 This is /pol/, so you should expect this coming, but what would that chart look like without niggers? ---79288153 >>79287579 >They've abolished worker unions ---79288304 >>79287579 Blablabla, therefore toleranza. fucking marxistes. ---79288979 >>79288153 >>79287719 Seems I confused articles on criticism against labor unions with actual action, but never the less based on what I've read they've been weakened thanks to corruption. ---79289224 >>79288979 > they've been weakened thanks to corruption. This is true but it's not really that the unions have been weakened so much as they've been completely misused by the mafia which have been running them for the last 70+ years in the US. ---79289500 >>79282956 >neoliberal >left if only you dumbshits would stop adopting retarded american rhetoric you wouldn't make these mistakes ---79289792 >>79282224 >le socioeconomic brackets meme If you actually think this graph tells you anything at all, you're an illiterate goy and a very good goy at that. How many people are there in each group over that time? What is the average income for each group over that time? ---79290164 >>79289792 >what is a percentage ---79290514 >>79290164 Percentage of wealth means precisely nothing. When you get a paycheck do you get it in percentage? When you go to the store and buy something do you pay it in percentage? The only people who measure income and wealth as percent """"""shares"""""" are socialists and commies because they believe in the zero-sum economy religion. ---79290988 >>79287379 The fact that he excludes countries on certain graphs doesn't necessarily mean that they contradict with his theories. We are talking about many different countries with their own laws, religions and very different cultural and social values that can heavily influence the graphs. It would be stupid and simplistic to think that income inequality is the sole reason for things shown in the graphs. ---79291620 >>79289792 >If you actually think this graph tells you anything at all, you're an illiterate goy and a very good goy at that. The "good goy" would be someone that keeps the system running, despite knowing that it doesnt do any good for him. ---79291880 >>79284543 stop shitposting they are called neo-cons for a reason ---79292063 >>79283120 >Germans >Reading It seems that liberal rapebabbies are still unable to get the basic reading comprehension Sage, report, ignore. ---79292166 >>79282224 Hey, that graph kinda looks like Austria ---79292267 >>79292166 That said, most graphs look kinda like Austria. ---79292362 >>79283120 increasing socialist policy IS the issue ---79292492 >>79292362 Quite the contrary. What most of the industrial nations increasingly saw since 1980 has been market liberalism. ---79292616 >>79290514 In a system where money equals political power, who has more power; a group that countrols 90% of the wealth or a group that controls 10% of the wealth? ---79292955 >>79287811 And that red line will keep descending until it meets the median income of India and China. I hope you're all happy with your Free Market Overlord. ---79293096 >>79287857 >Neoliberalism seems like a cool guy, he should hang around. The thing is that neoliberals didn't want Trump or Brexit to happen, their forced ideals just gave birth to rise of populism in Europe that's now taking for in many ways. Of course they will never admit it themselves and will continue to blame us, the people for their crimes. However now that the most Neoliberal state in the EU has left, things are getting exciting. ---79293197 >>79293096 >However now that the most Neoliberal state in the EU has left That would still be Ireland. Otherwise, agreed. ---79293305 >>79283163 So 4 Democrat terms and 3 Republican terms. Interesting, huh. ---79293347 >>79290988 The problem is that he randomly includes Singapore, a random country in South East Asia, or Israel in his comparison and not Spain or Greece when these countries have a lot more in common with the Western world. If he would be consistent and include all the OECD countries, he could make a valid point, but it really seems he specifically excludes some data that doesn't support his cause. How can one compare the laws religion and cultural/social values of Singapore and the US and not Canada and the US? Also the measures are highly debatable, some weird measure of child well-being ranking Greece higher than the UK. Or the measurement of "trust" His claim is that the economic equality in a country harms the society, and he is therefore stupid and simplistic. ---79293544 >>79293347 I can tell you, without looking at any statistic, that the social problems in Spain and Greece worsened since they were forced into austerity and neoliberal reforms. ---79293550 >>79284167 >implying neo-liberalism wasn't the stated goals of reagan's second term >implying milton freidman didn't push for neo-liberal policies neo-liberal =/= leftist/regressive ---79294362 >>79293544 So it's not inherently the economic inequality, but rather a recession? ---79295315 >>79282224 Most "socialist" in America are not even real socialists like Bernie. They give gibsmedats, but they favor business than the people ---79295493 >>79293544 > Greece enforced Austerity But is that really the case? ---79295833 >>79282224 >The west has become more socialist >At the same time wealth inequality has risen >OP somehow thinks more socialism will solve this I'm litterary in tears at the stupidity of OP right now ---79295958 >>79284167 Neoliberalism transcends the left-right spectrum. ---79296033 >>79282956 >>79283120 It's a prevalent trend in any captialist country. This isn't a political issue. ---79296102 >>79282224 >>79283370 >>79283437 >>79283506 >>79283564 >>79283690 >>79283853 Listen you fucking moron this isnt a conservative board GAS THE FUCKING KIKES and this will go away. ---79296284 >>79296102 GAS THE BIKES, ROAD RACE NOW ---79296341 >>79295833 >>The west has become more socialist You ain't much into economy, are you? ---79296368 >>79282224 The ledt is what makes the right rich, so yeah, one is a bigger problem than the other. ---79296703 >>79295833 >>The west has become more socialist USA in the 50s had stronger unions and less wealth inequality. ---79296770 >>79293550 Neoliberals actually promote a lot of the SJW shit. It's why they are so pro-Islam and pro-immigration. ---79296830 >>79296341 >You ain't much into economy, are you? Most certainly am, but what's it matter to you? You probably think what happened in Venezuela wasn't "real socialism". No matter what happens, you will always blame the capitalists. Better dead than red. ---79297030 >>79296830 >Medicare is socialism Spending increased because of the fucking boomers. ---79297107 >>79282224 No, we say that the globalist left is the problem ---79297196 >>79282224 The socialist left has consolidated all the wealth into the top 0.1% according to your graph. ---79297294 >>79282224 >"The rich aren't rich because the poor are poor" t. Warren Buffett ---79297350 >>79292492 >most of the industrial nations Well what the US saw was a massive rise in socialism. ---79297360 >>79287579 Neoliberalism is not just associated with conservative political figures. Also >implying that Trump is a neoliberal Fuck off berntard. ---79297364 >>79296830 >Source: Heritage Foundation research Literally Kock-suckers ---79297380 >>79282224 >2016 >there are faggots who still dont realize that neocons like the Bush family are just Democrats that appeal to a different demographic thats equally as stupid as the left's ---79297497 >>79296703 The USA in the 50s had just exited the second world war absolutely victorious and with its navy claiming control of the world's oceans while every other major country was broken into pieces. ---79297502 >>79283124 t. Soros ---79297532 >>79287579 >image Saying neoliberalism was responsible for Brexit is like saying the Napoleon was responsible for the Seventh coalition. Blatantly poor framing. ---79297614 >>79282224 So what this graph is saying is that Germany is about to invade/annex a neighbor and start World War 3 right? ---79297633 >>79283376 Wealth necessitates a state of some kind. Anarcho-capitalism would collapse back into statism on day one. ---79297649 >>79283163 >thinks the Bushs and Clintons are different people Yikes, stay neutral ---79297725 >>79282224 >"The Socialist Left is the problem." said Ronald Reagan ---79297732 >>79296830 Where's the Heritage Foundation's chart on corporate welfare that's orders of magnitude greater? ---79297779 >>79297502 He's still right though. Capitalism is inherently self destructive. ---79298400 >>79297779 Like how communism works with omnivorous species? ---79298464 >>79292616 That's a fair point. But a graph that just breaks down percentages and income brackets really hides the reality of what's going on. A graph like this doesn't really show who the people are in each year, that socio-economic brackets over time, are, for the most part, the same people in different stages of life. Over half of all Americans will wind up in the top 10% of income within their lifetime. And the vast majority of people in the top 1% of income won't be there the next year. A graph like this just makes it look like there's this constant landed elite "not sharing" their wealth with the poor. ---79298627 >>79298464 Nice made up statistics bro. ---79298752 >>79298464 source? Also, where would a person have to go on a shooting spree to affect the 1-5%? ---79298788 >>79296830 >What is inflation ---79298853 >>79282224 >/pol/ calling liberals "useful idiots" >are actually the usuful idiots helping the rich get richer and the poor poorer >blame mexicans can't make this shit up 2bh ---79298899 >>79298752 the bilderberg conference in dresden ---79298914 >>79297360 What is Trump then? ---79298990 >>79297497 It's not only in the US. You have the same phenomenon in Britai, France and Germany. ---79299061 >>79298899 >bilderberg conference in dresden Cool thanks, I gtg. I've got a van to catch ---79299083 >>79282224 Wealth inequality exists because work ethic inequality and IQ inequality exists. ---79299134 >>79298853 It's because they think that mass immigration is a leftist project. It is not, it is a fucking answer to the cry for more cheap labor. ---79299222 >>79282224 Socialism never solved problems like this. Not being a retard and stopping the kike scams does however. ---79299268 >>79299083 Seemingly, the top 0.1% became that much smarter since the 1980, right? >>79299113 Exactly. So everyone had the same chance as Walmart heirs, they just didn't use it properly? ---79299295 >>79298853 What's wrong with treating the symptoms of a disease when you are unable to cure it? ---79299428 >>79299134 It is a leftist project. When private corporations want cheap labor they just move to a country with cheap labor, they don't destroy their market by importing the third world. The goal of the third world invasion is destroying Western Civilization, and the left owns it. ---79299494 >>79299268 Congratulations, you failed economics. ---79299540 >>79299428 Most jobs ate created by the service sector nowadays, that cannot be outsourced. ---79299569 >>79282224 German hates the US. I'm no historian, but I think I've seen this before. ---79299599 >>79299428 I like how conservative pro-capitalists refuse to blame blame the wealthy for this even though it is almost entirely their fault. ---79299637 >>79299268 The top 0.1% of the private economy is a benefit to the country. They create jobs and innovation. The top 0.1% that is destructive to the country is the top 0.1% of the state. ---79299657 >>79299569 Never said I hate the US. I feel for their middle class. ---79299726 >>79299599 I like how Marxists think a 19th century bum's delusions are going to work if only they try it again. ---79299747 >>79299637 >They create jobs and innovation. The absolute majority of jobs in every country is created by small and medium businesses, or self-employment. ---79299907 >>79299726 I dislike how political imagination has been reduced to Marxism as single alternative to the current system. 19th century Marxism is as important for our discussion as feudal economics. ---79299962 A market economy will work anywhere, with any population. A socialist economy will only work with a homogeneous white northern European population. So if you're a true-believer in socialism the first thing you need to do is start exterminating all non-Aryans. ---79299998 >>79299637 >The top 0.1% of the private economy is a benefit to the country. They create jobs and innovation. Lmao this delusion. So why is the middle class disappearing? ---79300015 >>79282224 The left, yes. Nobody said /pol/ wasn't in any way socialist, just a very particular kind of socialist famalam. Change a culture enough and some of the more greedy and conniving folk at the top will get recognised as just that. It should be ingrained into a good culture that hoarding all the wealth in contempt of your fellow countryman is a negative behavior. In my opinion the shape of this graph is a symptom of the values of the west degenerating. Now things have gone this far, the only left-ism that it makes any sense to see is cynical firefighting for publicity, oh wait. ---79300112 >>79299494 >>79299428 And here we see what a diet of Cato Institute trash does with someone's mind. >The goal of the third world invasion is destroying Western Civilization, and the left owns it. Picture related, it's leftist barbarism ---79300198 >>79282224 >Jews make money while others lose it What else you got for us, water still wet? Sky still blue? Dogs still bark? ---79300212 >>79282224 Seems about right since socialistic principles and government programs took off in the 60s and 70s with the "war on poverty". ---79300294 >>79300112 Dig up the mass graves surrounding that monstrosity if you would like to see the leftist barbarism I refer to. ---79300331 >>79300112 To be fair, almost nothing done by Communism can be held in defence of Leftist economic policies. Every post-Communist country is left with more inequality than ever before, (Russia, East Europe, Chile) because the horrors of Communism make people accept the other extreme. ---79300337 >>79299962 >A socialist economy will only work with a homogeneous white northern European population. I think you mean, it only works in Norway. Where the politicians actually made good fiscal policies and don't seem to hate their people. We, the rest, are fucked beyond belief. ---79300363 >>79299962 >you can't have markets and socialism What the fuck are you talking about? ---79300386 >>79300212 The "war on poverty" was in reality a "war to create a dependent voter block." ---79300409 >>79299907 leftists refuse to cut ties with their socialist forethinkers ---79300447 >>79300212 lel Britain's welfare state in the 1960s was more generous than it was now. The War on poverty simply failed to achieve ANY meaningful results. ---79300471 >>79300386 Except that didn't work. Dems lost the South. Stop reading shit by professional shills like Sowell. ---79300474 >>79282224 Socialism is absolutely the problem because it insists theft can be a moral action. ---79300533 >>79282224 >.mic Fuck off ---79300544 >>79298627 >>79298752 U Michigan's PSID. They've been tracking the same families incomes since the 70's and find that as they age they tend to move up the chain quite a bit over time. They've done tons & tons of studies with the data. ---79300559 >>79300474 America isn't socialist though. ---79300565 >>79299540 service sector jobs can be outsources (see indian hotlines, programmers) it is just harder to do since you have to trust partners or go there to instruct them ---79300629 >>79300386 It's almost like giving your money to (((bureaucrats))) and expecting them to pay you back equally is fucking retarded. ---79300822 >>79300559 What is the most socialist nation anyway? Is it north-korea? Everyone is equal, sans the people who enforce the law. ---79300911 >>79300559 Yes but the little socialism it has, has failed and is corrupted. Social security, healthcare,obamaphones, free internnet, free food, free money. You bet your ass America is a socialist. Now go out there and stop it and move torwards capitalism *cooks burger on the grill* ---79300928 >>79282224 > Bottom 90% > Top 0.1% Uh.. missing some percents there chief. ---79300974 >>79300822 The most truly socialist in the sense that there is no exploration of people by profit-driven interests would probably be Denmarkk. ---79300989 >>79300559 >t. a social security and medicare recipient boomer ---79301076 >>79282224 Economy isn't a zero sum game, also >>79284010 ---79301110 >>79297030 spending increased as our beloved market offloads more and more risk onto taxpayers ---79301116 >>79300822 North Korea today is a de facto Theocracy, whose closest equivalent is Ancient Egypt. ---79301137 >>79300911 > free internet, Nah nah. You have to fucking deal with unleashing Comcast to the world. Stop sweeping it under the rug. ---79301147 >>79297107 the comintern hasn't existed for decades nigga ---79301162 >>79282224 How many wealthy people have socialists created? ---79301177 >>79300989 Fuck off bernfag. Programs supported by taxes on private property are not socialist. ---79301182 >>79300911 Providing those in need with most necessary (just barely, as te richest economy in the World) has little to do with Socialism. That is common sense that existed even in the Middle Ages, far before the economy as a concept was well-known. ---79301186 >>79300911 SS and Medicare have been a resounding success. Only because Congress looting the SS fund is it considered "unsustainable." ---79301193 >>79283120 I thought Germans were suppose to be smart? ---79301306 >>79301162 Anyone in a car manufacturer labour union in Germany, for example. ---79301347 >>79300474 what's robbing a bank compared to founding one? ---79301375 >>79301182 also common was the belief that people of higher caste and worth are entitled to more wealth. so the statistic in the OP should not upset you. ---79301392 >all these faggots whining about "muh 99%" and "income inequality" Go be poor somewhere else. Your commie niggerlover candidate lost to a corporatist and she will lose to a self-made billionaire. Your tears are delicious. If you people weren't so fucking lazy YOU could be in that top 1% you're so jealous of. Every last one of you. But instead you choose to whine like little bitches about bullshit like "waaaahhh income inequality is unfair" and "waaahhh wall street" and "waaahhh Jews" and then go back to masturbating to anime in your parents' basement. If you want socialism so badly, move to North Korea. Also, protip: the reason you have, or would be able to have, any money at all is ENTIRELY BECAUSE of that top 1% and their wealth. The more money those at the top have, the more money the rest have. Simple economics. ---79301394 >>79282428 Back in 2012, Spainards. ---79301431 >>79297030 >It's not "true" socialism, because I don't like the people that use certain social programs ---79301435 >>79283124 No, it won't. ---79301462 >>79301392 Nice bait. ---79301467 >>79286403 where's venezuela, cuba? they don't have a inequality problem, everyone is poor. ---79301521 >>79301116 Ah, you're right. A failure of an example that was. But which nation is truly equal? So much equal to satisfy the rapid hordes of 20-year somethings out of university feminist lessons. ---79301716 >>79301521 It's not about total equality. It's about a social sense of coherence that everyone gets as much as he deserves, and everyone gets enough. ---79301752 Inequality is irrelevant when the bottom has cellphones, fridges, cars, money for weed etc the only problem this country has are pro-refugee vermin scum ---79301795 Capitalism isn't perfect but it's the best system ever invented. ---79301934 >>79301752 In America the poor often can't even afford medical care. That's why this shit is coming up so often. If they would just give the proles healthcare most of this revolutionary BS would disappear overnight. ---79301974 >>79301795 No one invented Capitalism. It existed since farmers gathered crops and sold them for changing prices. ---79302006 >>79283124 marx noticed some patterns but his solutions are selfish and impractical ---79302148 >>79301752 Thats in Germany, even the unemployed have all their basic needs covered under some circumstances. Even in the richest nation in the World, the US, you can fall far deeper than that. ---79302257 >>79301934 >In America the poor often can't even afford medical care. in many states the govt provides healthcare options for the impoverished ---79302365 >>79301934 they would have to create two priorities for medicare. when you have paid, you don't want to queue behind people that have never paid anything in ---79302393 >>79299268 The Walton family can choose what they want to do with their fortune. The Death tax is just destroying family businesses. I can see how a child of a wealthy man is lucky, but only if that wealthy man decides that his child should be priviledged, not some phony system being inherently evil and unfair. ---79302399 >>79301716 And you do that by destroying the middle class. Social coherence is attained when all the working men have been thrown upon wage slavery by politicians who know better? Holydays? Fuck that, we need to please the masters. Vacations? Fuck it, go back to work. Extra payment? Hahaha, what do you think you are. ---79302410 >>79296830 Guys, sweden, we all know, we KNOW that socialism works. But it only works if it's tempered, socialism doesn't apply to every one, socialism applies only to the nation and productive citizens. It must be tempered with a strong sense of nationalism. Some kine of... national socialism would be the best system we could create. ---79302428 >>79300447 >Britain Wut? ---79302664 >>79282224 Yeah that shitty conservative Obama gave billions of dollars to the richest people in the country because otherwise they would have had to take a pay cut. I remember the outrage of my fellow enlightened liberal allies as we fought to prevent such obvious nepotism among the wealthy elite. ---79302678 >>79302428 inflation adjust that you piece of shit. ---79302701 >>79282224 >welfare took off in the 60's and 70's There's your problem. Bottom feeders get most of their welfare check from taxes paid by corporations and then go and spend it all at Walmart. They pay all the taxes and they voluntarily line the pockets of CEOs when they buy Minions on Bluray. ---79302746 >>79302428 The US has 50% more population than in the 1970, so that explains 70% of the rise. The rest means that more and more people are left behind. ---79302818 >>79282224 It is. Read Ken Wilber, Luhmann, Parsons, Forrester, Heidegger, Habermas, Bateso, Don Beck. Uneducated fuck. ---79302848 >>79302428 Wait, I hope that's inflation adjusted. If not, bad news for you. ---79302849 >>79282956 Neoliberalism is a right wing movement for corporate rule. ---79302941 >>79302818 I read Luhmann and Heidegger. So what does Luhmann say about this issue? ---79302998 >>79287579 are you retarded ? ---79303012 >>79282224 Makes you think, ha ---79303190 >>79300974 Yup, sure thing. Denmark has one of the most free markets and loosest regulations in the world. Not even a minimum wage. Taking about exploitation by profit-driven interest.... That's why their youth unemployment isn't rising like in the rest of scandinavia. ---79303332 >>79302941 Luhmann is a fuck and there is a reason his ideas never got publicity anywhere outside Germany. Other people were too busy dealing with realism. ---79303399 >>79303190 How does that contradict my statement that there is less exploitation? If anything, that proves it. Do you know why they don't have a minimum wage? No need for one, they have unions everywhere. ---79303516 >>79284167 neo-liberalism is a field of economics that Reagan followed closely ---79303610 >>79303190 If you can understand how 20% youth unemployment is a problem, then why the fuck you vouching for importing half of africa here to fix the situation? ---79303652 >>79282224 ytytrytyrty ---79303732 >>79303610 Its out politicians. They actually believe they can view African immigrants the same way as locals in long-term economic prospect. ---79303735 >>79302848 It is, the other guy replying is just retarded ---79303758 >>79302941 So I guess you support Obama's doubling our national debt for the purpose of giving billions of dollars to the richest people in the country? Or how his executive action making to US people assume the debt of each and every mortgage the banks decided weren't profitable enough? Do you expect clinton to do better with her "The Clinton Foundation" track record, what was it again, out of $330,000,000 donated to it only 6 million made it to charities, the remaining $324,000,000 went to supposed "fundraisers" and "dinners" You are a liar and a shill. ---79303794 >>79296033 Still a problem that needs to be addressed. /pol/ will never admit it ---79303951 >>79303758 Wait, what were you even replying to? I asked a Spaniard about Luhmann and never stated any of this. ---79304111 >>79301974 >markets are exclusive to capitalism ---79304399 >>79303951 You are claiming the socialist left is the solution to wealth disparity in the US. Therefor you are avocating for Hillary; more of what we've been served for the past eight years with Obama as they are both endorsed by the exact same establishment. ---79304426 >>79283796 >>79287502 >>79292063 >>79301193 Oh man you fuckers really don't know what neoliberalism is, holy shit, fucking read a book you uneducated retards. Why did americunts even ever begin with calling the left liberal? And why are retards on pol who aren't even american doing it too? ---79304467 >>79304399 Since when is Hillary a representative of the socialist left? ---79304488 >>79303190 If the people are already empowered to protect their interests, why should the government step in? ---79304591 >>79304399 So you believe Hillary to be a SOCIALIST? ---79304839 >>79304399 Please define socialism. ---79305055 >>79304467 Since superdelegates became a thing, if you don't like it you better start a new party or get all the Bern-outs to rally and get super delegates removed for the nomination process. As it stands democrats are nothing more than unwitting tools of our oligarchs. ---79305088 >>79282224 >eh thinks more government and more socialism will stop this trend you do realize global marxism is the worst form of crorny capitolism there is right? the ultra elite use governments to destroy any hope of competition.. ---79305596 >>79305088 >marxism is capitalism fuggin wut m8 here's some reading for you regarding the destruction of competition ---79305670 >>79303735 Is it adjusted for population growth? ---79305714 >>79305055 Is there any protest against this practice? I mean without superdelegates, Sanders could've won as well. ---79305774 >>79293305 It's called the neo-liberal consensus dumbass ---79305784 >>79303735 And it doesn't say it is adjusted for inflation...It just says in millions...Get your jew propaganda the fuck off my board ---79305976 >>79284010 The US went from a general labor shortage to a general labor surplus in the 70's thinks to women permanently entering the workforce, immigration continuing, international free trade coming to force, and the computer making existing workers more productive. when you have a labor surplus, wages go down and profits go up. At least in the short term. ---79306020 >>79282224 It's ironic because as our government becomes more socialist, inequality rises. ---79306079 >>79305596 Lefties are *always* the most useful idiots of the capitalist elite, no exceptions. They always fight for open borders, which as Bernie said (before he became an open borders shill) is a Koch brothers proposal. ---79306149 >>79306020 >neo-liberalism >socialism wew ---79306180 >>79306020 You really don't get it, do you? With that kind of attitude, no wonder the US has changed that way. ---79306226 >>79306020 >muh theoretical extremely specific version of capitalism would never create inequality God just shut up. ---79306313 >>79305055 That didn't answer his question... ---79306348 >>79305055 Or maybe we'll vote for Jill Stein since the green party became anti-capitalist recently. Once we kick out all the hippies, it will probably be pretty comfy. ---79306414 The real solution is for some form of reverse economic slavery or offshore banks ban. If all your money has to be in your own country, and if that money is relative to the wellbeing of your own country, then protecting your country and participting in its development turns into the only way to protect and augment your wealth. ---79306489 >>79302410 The US is not Sweden or Norway. Socialism cannot work in the US WHEN WE HAVE SO MANY USELESS EATERS. It will start to fail in Scandinavia too once the useless reach a critical mass...but this is all fucking obvious and shouldn't even need to be stated. Why can people not understand this? ---79306552 >>79306414 So stalinism? You go for it m8, but not all of us live in third world countries. ---79306601 >>79304591 Dam you're one lost German. Spend more time reading about economics. All that's coming out of your mouth is "please Merkel fuck me in the ass" ---79306648 I'm a BumForObumma now ---79306661 >>79306489 >Having ideology this pure. My gott. ---79306663 >>79306489 Useless eaters like Detroit, right? They were the pride of your nation, before they got a deregulated global Capitalism to the knee. ---79306758 >>79306489 Mein gott! ---79306763 >>79306601 If pitiful insult attempts are all you have I say, further talk is redundant. ---79306797 >>79306601 They are so cucked they don't even consider Bernie to be a socialist. Believe me I work with them and they think Bernie is leaning to the right. ---79306817 >>79306489 Where's your outrage over the useless corporate eaters? ---79306918 >>79306797 Bernie is leaning to the right in order to be acceptable to the us mainstream, he won't have to do that anymore. ---79306956 >>79305714 Sure there is, if enough democrats raised a big enough stink about it, Aside from that there would have to be some sort of repurcussions for such an obvious rigging of a nomination. If the people in charge can push Hillary through with the nomination and the democratic voter base just goes along with it, policy will never change. The only reason trump will be granted the nomination is because the Republicans suffered the same type of schism years ago beginning with Ron paul. He was our bernie sanders, and the Republican elite did nothing but mock and slander him. Instead they nominated a crooked warhawk McCain and the worthless Mormon douche Romney. ---79306959 >>79306797 Everything Bernie runs on is considered "New Deal" policies. He could have run as a Republican in the 50s. But you wouldn't know that seeing that you've never bothered reading a history book. ---79306979 >>79282224 inequality is fucking irrelevant ---79307034 >>79282224 I fucking told you guys Trump would take the lead ---79307040 >>79306817 tax break =/= eating there is probably corruption involved, at the same time successful enterprises are a good investment ---79307048 >>79306552 >Stalinism lol, no, was it like that? i don't mean communism, i just think that the 1% treat the world as if it was a whole, flowing money from country to country as they see fit normal citizens can't even cross the border in some cases, we are trapped inside these nations and they can empoverish it if they take a grudge with the current leader Whats your solution then? ---79307086 >>79306414 Stopping companies from inverting overseas I think can be agreed by everyone as being a shitshow of the highest degree. The only way is to either erect huge protective tarriffs specifically at tax havens, or stop them from leaving. In the criminal sense, this would be money laundering. ---79307171 >>79306979 t. someone who knows nothing about economics. ---79307186 Both sides are the issue, the parasites and the elites. They're both fucking up the country. Not too hard to understand you retard. Now go suck muslim cock like the good beta cuckold you are. ---79307244 >>79307086 >being a shitshow of the highest degree what do you mean? ---79307294 >>79306313 If every pro-socialist American votes for Hillary then yes, she is the representative of the socialist left. >>79306348 If the green party manages to claim any electoral votes then you may have a point. ---79307319 >>79307048 My solution? Make the municipality the center of political power and destroy global capitalism. ---79307368 >>79307294 >If the green party manages to claim any electoral votes then you may have a point They're polling between 7-9% atm ---79307410 >>79307244 Making profits in one country, and then inverting them to a different country to lower your effective taxes is pretty much tax evasion. Yet its done every day by corporations. ---79307526 >>79307368 Except they aren't dense enough to actually get any candidates. third partys need to not campaign nationally, but instead focus on the big cities and try and snigsnag a few metro seats so they can actually bitch and complain in congress. ---79307596 >>79307294 >If every pro-socialist American votes for Hillary Call me when that happens senpai ---79307700 >>79307294 >If every pro-socialist American votes for Hillary then yes, So no, because they voted for her rival. ---79307710 >>79307596 K talk to you in november. ---79307748 >>79307700 They voting for trump? ---79307773 >>79306959 Ahh I see. So Bernie is leaning to the right because he runs on "New Deal" policies. I've literally just been blinded by history. ---79307810 >>79307526 They have some 100 or so elected officials on the state and local levels, they should concentrate on the presidential to raise their profile and then focus on downballot elections. ---79307833 >>79307319 I like that But how does that work when you have a guy that has businesses that net more than the whole municipality, is the water provider for the municipality, and decides that he will close the water plant cause whatever, which makes the municipality have no water for X months until they either can pay for the closed water plant, redirect water from another municipality, or build a new one? >>79307410 Ah, i thought you were saying that banning it was bad. Yes its a big fucking abuse. ---79307940 >>79307810 and not one in congress. >>79307833 I'm not saying raise anyones taxes, but the only way its possible to know if taxes can be lowered is when you cut out all the loopholes. ---79308064 >>79307833 >>79307833 >But how does that work when you have a guy that has businesses that net more than the whole municipality, is the water provider for the municipality, and decides that he will close the water plant cause whatever, which makes the municipality have no water for X months until they either can pay for the closed water plant, redirect water from another municipality, or build a new one? They would take over the closed one obviously. You could even make it law that the municipality has the right of first refusal. ---79308095 >>79306663 And how does this translate into me being forced to take care of parasites that don't want to work and never will? We're not talking about the same thing. ---79308228 >>79282224 Wealth includes property. Home values have skyrocketed as the US population increases. This chart doesn't say it is counting for inflation. ---79308251 >>79306817 Supporting corporations with tax dollars is not capitalism. ---79308454 >>79283370 > productivity Why are you faggots taking credit for printers Microsoft Computers and other technology? ---79308463 >>79307940 >and not one in congress. Yeah so? >>79308095 >And how does this translate into me being forced to take care of parasites that don't want to work and never will? Because those people are an insignificant portion of the population, and the economic and political benefits from social safety nets outweighs the costs. Regardless, it's best to get rid of capitalism all together so we won't have to spend so much on social safety nets. >>79308251 But that's what happens when capitalism is a part of the political economy. ---79308527 >>79282224 "socialism prevents income inequality" t. shitposter ---79308580 >>79284167 >Reagan >Not the OG Neocon ---79308651 >>79308527 >obama is a communist >capitalism is equality >socialism is anything a government does t. shitposter ---79308686 >>79308064 >They would take over the closed one obviously. Nationalization So literally South American socialist populism? Chavez, Kirchner, etc? It doesnt work, it creates a huge fucking mess, makes the country lose money, services get worse, and gives way too much power to the politicians >>79307940 >I'm not saying raise anyones taxes, but the only way its possible to know if taxes can be lowered is when you cut out all the loopholes. Argentina right now is going that road, raising everything until it gets stable and they can lower them to a balance point. Also last gov. abused all sort of laws to hide and funnel money, so now all the loopholes are getting shone on while the investigations on corruption continue. Supposedly gonna get fixed as well. ---79308951 >>79308686 You rarely want to lower taxes, because its hard to get taxes raised. Fixing the issues with tax effeciency should be the #1 priority for government. ---79308976 >>79307748 Sanders. ---79309053 >>79308686 >Nationalization No, not nationalization, remember this is the municipality we're talking about, not the broader confederation. Which means it can be put under direct democratic control. Regardless, if capitalism is gone, there won't be single owners of anything unless someone is self-employed. The dominant mode of production would by co-ops. Don't look to south american socialism, much of which was a mix of tankieism and social democratic policies, look to Rojava syria to see what I'm talking about. ---79309087 >>79283163 wow, it's like the parties are identical ---79309093 >>79308527 It does, though. ---79309150 >inequality They mean inequity. Inequality would imply there is a legal component preventing a Burger King cashier from making as much as a doctor or the president of the United States. ---79309160 >>79309087 The ain't identical, but neither dares to address the issues. ---79309226 >>79307773 I'm just saying his ideas would have been non controversial as a Republican in the 50s. This is how far we've moved to the right as a whole. Clinton has swathes of Neo Cons supporting her. ---79309433 >>79308976 That's not how voting works in America. The democratic nominee is Hillary while the Republican nominee is Trump. Bernie is out of the race. ---79309467 >>79284859 >>79287247 Coincidence?? ---79309624 >>79287579 2/10 made me reply ---79309803 >>79287887 underrated ---79309939 >>79308527 t. temporarily embarrassed millionaire ---79310078 >>79284167 Unfortunately Reagan was probably already suffering Alzheimer's during that time, leaving (((other people))) to make his policies for him. Look how small the wealth inequality was in the first half of his presidency was. ---79310431 >>79302410 Socialism works in a perfect world The world is not perfect Look at how fucked Sweden is becoming now ---79310595 >>79310431 >socialism works in a perfect world >but not capitalism, which according to it's most ardent supporters can only work in a perfectly competitive market that's never existed ---79310646 >>79309053 >the municipality we're talking about, not the broader confederation this is retarded man, the first reason why you don't nationalize is because the big business players get hostile against you, if your claim doesn't have national legitimacy then you are alone against the big behemot that is business what this means is : you nationalize the wat plant, but then the business which made the pipes does the same, and then the one that transport the pipes, and then electricity, or garbage disposal, or etc, they all start boicotting the way things work until the leadership is replaced by one that doesn't nationalize shit >if capitalism is gone wait what? we were talking about a municipal government dealing with a big business player suddenly interrumpting a service, how is capitalism gone? >dominant mode of production would by co-ops you can't do this in already working cities, you can't interrupt life and wait for everything to start again >Rojava syria gonna check ---79310694 >>79310431 Yeah it has to be national socialism to work, the main caveat being you can't use all your countries newfound wealth to try conquering europe. ---79310728 >>79310431 >implying it isn't mass immigration It is fucking up my country too senpai ---79310886 >>79310728 Mass immigration is just a symptom of democracy, sleezy politicians will always import voters ---79310964 >>79310646 Did you not read the part about destroying global capitalism in my first point. The strategy is to destroy the political power of capitalists while preparing municipalities to get power. >you can't do this in already working cities, you can't interrupt life and wait for everything to start again Sure you can, just mandate that the workers of any particular business must now control it. They can organize some transition. There probably wouldn't be any significant lapse in production. ---79310992 >>79310886 Tell that to my very non-democratic country ---79311017 >>79310886 >implying mass immigration isn't a symptom of capitalism so sleezy capitalists can make labor cheaper. ---79311161 >>79309093 the one's in charge surely starved a lot with the rest of the population, oh, they didn't. ---79311277 >>79310964 >destroy the political power of capitalists while how? >preparing municipalities to get power >decentralizing power >that the workers of any particular business must now control it what kind of workers are this u are talking about? ---79311572 >>79311017 >implying they wouldn't rather just outsource to China or some other shit hole Any US worker illegal or not makes more in an hour than their contemporary in China makes in a week ---79311780 >>79311017 that would actually make labor more expensive because they would be forced to pay them minimum wage and comply to american safety standards. ---79311841 >>79311277 >how? organizing, taking local governments, etc. Taking advantage of any crisis that pops up. >what kind of workers are this u are talking about? All of them >>79311572 The US has infrastructure and markets china doesn't. Remember any commodity made in china for the US has to be shipped over too. ---79311964 >>79311780 >implying you'll care about minimum wage laws while you're employing illegals. ---79312042 >>79311841 so from CEO to toilet cleaner, all but owner will side with you? What will you give to them? Specially the higher-ups ---79312112 >>79311964 glad to hear you're voting for Trump.
----- ---79307649 >hurrrr durrrr we spend way too much on our military >i know let us have the military pay for surgery so mentally ill freaks can lop their cocks off Im done fuck this country where can i move to? Not a poorfag either so money is not a question
---79307826 '''Trannies in the Talmud''' >Transgender bathrooms are a human rights struggle - and a Jewish imperative >Even the rabbis of the Talmud understood that we do not live in a gender binary system. We find six different gender identities in the Talmud. /pol/ is always right ---79308950 I'm in the military, and I've always been kind of interested in getting breast implants temporarily but didn't want to pay for getting and then removing them. Think I could get away with it under this new shit? I just want tits for like a year or two. It's my gender identity.
----- ---79308258 “The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists” -Winston Churchill-
---79308467 >>79308258 But Hitler was the good guy. ---79308928 >>79308258 >this many
----- ---79304503 >this is the future we chose
---79304770 I thought Norway wasn't in the EU. Do they still do the freedom of movement thing? Good on y'all I guess. ---79304835 >>79304503 >United Ireland happening ever >UK not joining EFTA >EFTA accepting freedom of movement wew ---79304988 >>79304770 Yes, the EU blackmails neighbouring states in accepting freedom of movement. If you don't accept you don't get free trade. ---79305003 >>79304770 learn to read retard ---79305231 >>79304503 >implying we won't be light blue The day there will be immigration control in Britain is the day Mosley rises from the dead and stabs Theresa May in the eye with his cock ---79305327 >>79304503 fixed ---79305387 >>79304988 RARE ---79305404 >>79305231 Light blue = freedom of movement though you dumb retard, don't know how to read? ---79305537 >>79305404 That's what I'm saying dipshit We will have freedom of movement, unless pigs fly over the cliffs of dover ---79305561 >>79304503 >Implying Northern Ireland isn't under the rule of the prots. >Implying Scotland gets a choice. Wew lad. You better turn that edge in. ---79305582 >>79304503 >1 week after the election >this is the future ---79305761 >>79304503 Liechtenstein is in the EEA but doesn't accept free movement BE LIKE LIECHTENSTEIN ---79305769 >>79305561 Scotland will vote to stay in the UK because Spain will veto EU membership and tell them to go fuck themselves ---79305803 >>79304503 We're the first domino. We're the catalyst for the destruction of freedom of movement throughout Europe. ---79305926 >>79304503 >Balkanised Spain and Italy Interesting. Honestly, I won't be surprised if over the next 6 months you Brits get cold feet and back away from the whole thing. There wont be a second referendum but savvy politicians will notice a shift in the public mood when faced with the prospect of Scotland and companies like Vodafone leaving. ---79305979 >>79305769 They wont even get a vote. ---79305985 >>79304503 I see this meme is going to be reposted every single day now ---79306073 >>79304503 You forgot Turkey ---79306089 >>79305769 Honestly this is the only excuse I've heard from brexitees about Scotland. I doubt Spain would veto it, especially if the rest of the EU puts pressure on them. You're fucked, face it. ---79306407 >>79305979 No prime ministers if going to have the balls to ignore Sturgeon if she demands it, she's just not going to demand it unless the timing is perfect ---79306528 Sounds like a good future to me ---79306560 >>79304503 Fixed ---79306607 >>79306407 Sturgeon could go to the EU and beg for separate terms yet we still would ignore her. Oh wait that already happened. The people voted her to rule not to decide where to rule. SNP is successful because they are lefter than Labour not because they want to be 'free'. ---79306675 >>79305985 >>79306073 >>79304503 No, this is the future we have chosen. ---79306706 >>79306560 >Poland leaving the EU. Even if there was only Germany and Poland left they would still claim their dole. ---79306790 >>79306560 The horrible thing about this, it might actually happen. ---79306820 >>79305327 Turkey is not getting any time soon after the Brexit. ---79306828 >>79306675 Are you like... going to build a supersonic tunnel under the ocean? ---79306859 >>79304503 Secession of Ulster and Scotland has been pretty much squashed this week. I doubt UK will initiate Article 50 at any rate. They will probably back out of Brexit and accept a less privileged status in the EU. Sad future ahead. ---79306899 >>79306560 >Czechia leaving EU Stop with this inane meme. ---79307006 >>79304503 >all of those new nations >Bavaria still part of Germany ---79307045 >>79306859 >They will probably back out of Brexit and accept a less privileged status in the EU. Sad future ahead. I'm hoping for total capitulation and adoption of the Euro. ---79307054 >>79306560 >Finland leaving before Sweden >Finland leaving ever ---79307136 >>79304770 Not even a nigger from Congo can be as dumb as you. ---79307382 >>79307045 EU can milk this shit to oblivion and back. Specially 'cause the UK is basically a ship in a storm with noone at the helm. Only a matter of time before some pro-EU wanker takes charge ans starts sucking EU cock. Prepare to get the worst deal possible. It's really sad though. They could have done it, but they probably wont. ---79307588 >>79307045 The best thing about BREXIT is that every possible outcome is great. Either brits get cucked and stay, or they go for EEA and are forced to maintain freedom of movement, or fuck their economy and take more pakis in anyway, while throwing poles out. The tiny chance for them to regain their country and not fuck up as much as they had during the last half of a century is good too, as it would teach them about the danger of globalism and jews. Anyways >Gott strafe England ---79307781 >>79306089 O trust me, scots wont get in unless we have commies as rulers. If we let scotland in, Catalonia and Euskadi will want some special trestment too ---79307850 >>79304503 scotland is going nowhere neither is ulster ---79308086 >>79305387 what? ---79308206 >>79304503 >Scotland >Joining the EU >Ever AHAHAHAHA good one Did you miss the part where EU presidents said "no thanks, we've got more important things to do" to fishwife *after* she'd arrived in Bruxelles? ---79308385 >>79305387 Stop it ---79308616 >>79304503 >you will accept free movement just to get shittier trade deals than you already had >your government is still full of cucks who will do nothing to stop third world immigration >you will still be forced to accept all the bullshit EU regulations >your government literally had no plan if exit was voted for >you tanked your economy and achieved nothing for it ---79308703 Don't join EEA please. Your politicians have stirred up the anti-EEAers in this country again. Maybe people realize how scummy that deal was when we voted NO twice. ---79308749 >>79307382 >t. Someone who knows fuck all about UK politics Currently Labour is in the process of shedding itself of the eurocrat-friendly, nation-destroying Trotskyist morons that make up the rump of Blairite """new labour""". It's doing this by happy accident as Corbyn refuses to go (and he shouldn't because he has the backing of pretty much every trade union and still has the backing of about 59% of registered Labour voters). The Tories are in a flat spin as their government machine has had a huge spanner thrown in the works by the result. If they want to stay in government until 2020, they need to get rid of charlatan have-a-go-heroes like Gove and Bojo and get some proper leadership. Theresa May can go fornicate a doorknob - the entire Tory top brass is toxic. Even so, we're still only a week into the biggest upheval in British politics since probably the 1945 election that ousted Churchill and plonked Atlee in the driving seat. Leadership contests are a sideshow. ---79308760 >>79304503 Don't think so m8 ---79308887 >>79307781 whats bad about that? ---79308967 >>79306859 >They will probably back out of Brexit
----- ---79304552 Petition to remove Yvette Felarca, a member of a violent pro-affirmative action organization BAMN whose members attacked Nazis in Sacramento: The video depicts someone who looks very much like Yvette throwing punches at a peaceful protester. > Pic related is an story of one of the survivors of this death cult PS: if you are into conspirology, check out the previous thread with materials and (very disturbing) speculation: >>79261792
---79304850 Bump ---79305169 Goddammit, /pol/, there's a violent SJW cult targetting children as young as 4th grade, and you do nothing about it. ---79306737 More evidence that Leland Yee is Leland Sanderson: ---79307545 bump ---79310055 More on Leland Yee and your good friend Anita Sarkeesian: ---79310211 Bump ---79310419 Bump goddammit:
----- ---79303342 one of these threads >tfw black as bog
---79303407 template ---79303476 >>79303342 ---79305319 >>79303476 >nip great grandmother wut ---79305602 >>79305319 RARE ---79305992 >>79305602 Fuck off you stupid nigger. Fuck you and all your shit posting ---79307407 >>79303342 ---79307800 >>79303342 oops forgot to add their shiz ---79308037 >>79307407 >>79307800 >doesnt know who his great grandparents are ---79309705 >>79303342 >>79305602 Monté"négro" >négro :^) ---79309956 Here you go
----- ---79309704 > >Concealed carrier stops a would be mass shooter in a SC club. Bet the media won't cover this at all, especially since the perp was a dindu.
---79309922 >>79309704 >nigger tries to shoot up a nightclub >misses every shot ---79310012 >>79309922 Look man, no one said they were good at it.
----- ---79308199 US Attorny General Loretta Lynch, the person in charge of investigating both Benghazi and the Email scandals, met with Bill Clinton privately aboard her private jet a couple days ago for 30 minutes. They say they talked about golf and grandkids. I think its safe the fix is in. There will be no indictments. Go home boys.
---79309771 Everyone get in here. Stop bumping the slide threads. ---79309919 I'll bump this for you, OP. Saw this yesterday. Slick Willie probably threatened her.
----- ---79296974 Daily reminder that Trump can't win. I say this as a Trump supporter. Don't get too attached, because Hillary is going to beat him in November. The electoral map strongly favors her. The GOP is actively holding out against Trump and even un-endorcing him, promoting millions of displaced Cruz and traditional conservative voters to stay home on election day. Meanwhile, Sanders supporters are uniting around Hillary for the most part. The libertarian candidate Gary Johnson is siphoning right-wing voters far more than left-wingers. It's not an issue of Trump's base having more followers than Clinton, but Trump's base alone can't win the election. He needs a unified party and independants. And he's losing more of them daily. TL;DR unaffiliate yourself with the Trump campaign. You can still vote for him on election day, but don't get too involved. Don't watch on election night, because when he loses to Hillary, it's going to be crushing if you're too invested. Just take the Brexit victory and walk away.
---79297136 >>79296974 I'll always support Trump, even after he loses the election, but yeah, I've already given up hope on him actually winning. Too much of a daily onslaught to overcome. ---79297168 >>79296974 Nice posting of old polls to justify your shilling. Sagegoesinallfields ---79297207 >>79296974 >>79297136 t. shill ---79297407 Who would have thought that the man that stumped Trump would come not from the right or the left, but from the middle ---79297523 >>79296974 He said too much dumb shit, if he would have studied a bit of political theory instead of going at it ad lib, he might have had a chance. ---79297540 >>79297168 >old polls Get your eyes checked >>79297207 >Unless you believe Trump can win, you can't possibly actually be a Trump supporter Yeah, no, that's not how things work, bud. The evidence lines up. I'll still vote for him though. ---79297541 >>79296974 hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahaha Fucking Hillary shills. also sage in the option field ---79297602 >recent polls show the gap closing >Trump removes the dead weight and gets on Reagans campaign advisor >suddenly a +4 shift in favor of Trump >Hillary spikes downward whereas Trump spikes up >1 point difference when taking the margin of error into account >5 months out Sorry Hillary, but there's nothing you can do to stop it. It's happening. ---79297672 >>79296974 Good, Hillary's got it in the bag. No need to vote for her now. Dreaded the long lines, and traffic to get to the polls. ---79297689 >>79297523 >He said too much dumb shit, if he would have studied a bit of political theory instead of going at it ad lib, he might have had a chance This. Even O'Reilly and Limbaugh are grilling him now. He doesn't have to run a traditional political campaign, but freestyling it clearly isn't working anymore ---79297778 >>79297689 He hasn't made a gaff in a month....Manafort has already fixed the problem..He should have stopped freestyling a month earlier but the problem has been solved ---79297787 >>79296974 >>79297689 >demoralizatiom ---79297809 >>79297541 >>79297602 >Rasmussen The desperation has reached critical mass ---79297850 >>79297602 >>79297541 >G-GUYS DON'T WORRY TRUMP IS LEADING IN THE RASMUSSEN POLL.. YEAH... THE SAME POLL THE FOUNDER LEFT AND SHOWED ROMNEY CONSTANTLY WINNING??? YEAH THAT POLL... HAHAHAHAHAH ---79297853 >>79296974 The Reuters, Rasmussen and ABC polls are useless. The difference is 4-5% in favor of Hillary, and Trump has barely spent any money. ---79297857 >>79297523 He just needs to read "The Art of War". ---79297862 >>79296974 >don't support him publicly >don't watch trump related shit >just look at these honest poll results as proof Shills are getting more desperate by the week. I've never trusted polls of any kind, as most have a select demographic and political leaning. Brexit and its supporters were given the same labels as Trump and his supporters. Racist, xenophobic, uninformed, etc. and on the day of the vote was said that Remain would win. Shill all you want, but there are far more people in America than those in the polling circles wanted demographics, and the more you push against Trump the more shell-shocked the losers and media will be when their "much vagina" argument didng win them the vote. ---79297881 >shills are this terrified of Trump ---79297883 >>79297540 >fear mongering and trying to convice everyone that its over MONTHS before the general election >not #hillshill ---79297984 >>79296974 conveniently omitting the very next poll which had Trump at +4. well done OP ---79298001 >>79297853 The national polling is far worse. He's down in Florida He's down in Wisconsin He's also losing Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Ohio, and New Hampshire. ---79298004 >>79296974 >>79297136 >>79297407 >>79297523 >>79297689 >$0.02 has been deposited into your account for "Correcting the Record" ---79298008 This the new shill tactic today? ---79298023 Daily reminder that Leave can't win. ---79298063 >>79296974 >believing paid corporations Kek. Trump is going to win, doesn't matter what you think. You're like those brexit people. "Oh It'll never happen. UK will never leave the EU." It did and it's going to happen once again. ---79298111 >>79297984 see >>79297809 Rausmussen is a fucking joke. Fucking facebook runs more accurate polls ---79298119 >>79296974 well if he's not going to win, why do you shills keep trying so hard to make it seem like he's losing? ---79298139 >>79297809 Who gives a fuck Now explain the Quinnipiac poll and the NBC/WSJ poll...Even your fucking pic says 3.9% bias....So you're saying they are tied right now? cause that's what every new poll is showing ---79298172 >>79297809 adding in that 3.9 bias still makes it even tho ---79298208 >>79297809 Because Silver knows everything about being unbiased, am I right? ---79298223 >>79297809 >>79298111 >Nate Silver >talking about Bias jhahahahahahahahahahahh ---79298318 People said that Brexit wasn't going to happen, look at us now. Don't let your dreams be dreams lads meme him into office, Britain's Meme Warfare Department stands ready. ---79298324 >>79298001 >national poll >last day of june ---79298326 >>79298001 >national polling >lists state polls So do they not brief you at CTR or what? ---79298408 >>79297850 Hmm? ---79298412 >>79298326 Sorry, I meant state ---79298441 >>79298001 Ohio, NC and Penn are within 1-2% Florida was 3% in the last poll ---79298469 >>79298318 You only fucked yourselves by Brexit, while Trump would actually benefit the US. ---79298482 I need reassuring m8s. I don't think I see an avenue to victory, especially with the GOP purposely trying to fuck him and costing him Cruz/Kasich supporters he needs to win. And while the pessimism against him field him in the primaries, it's clearly not working in the general. How does he pull out of this hole? ---79298587 >>79298441 No, he's down 4 in Ohio & Penn Down 2% in NC ---79298608 clinton will win women, blacks, browns, lgtb, and white males with a college education not sure how you think trump is gonna win ---79298619 I'm 36. I've never voted for anything in my life. My wife has never voted. I'm more center left, she is a left. We are both voting for Trump, and the more people we talk to, the more Trump supporters we encounter. I'm in Northern California BTW. ---79298636 >>79298408 Hmm? ---79298673 >>79298482 found the Jew ---79298775 >>79298636 >Rasmussen also has a Romney +4 around this same time ---79298777 >>79298636 Other outlets (ABC News/Wash Post) had Romey winning and your own source shows Rasmussen listing Obama iwnning in one of those. You said "constantly", constant is a repetitive thing that happens over a period of time, always. Note the "always". You were wrong. ---79298800 Mmm the amount of new summerfags and shills is delicious Gtfo cunts ---79298869 >>79298408 look at the dates. That was before romney was even the nominee. Everyone hated romney at that point (santorum was winning iowa, newt in south carolina, people liked herman cain etc and well). it woulda been like polling scott walker up against obama ---79298877 >>79298777 Rasmussen isn't in line with the other polls though Polls like Fox news show that Hillary is leading Trump and widening the gap The Rasmussen poll is a total outlier, the Quinnipiac poll was atleast within the MoE of other polls ---79298880 Trump will win, KEK confirms it ---79298886 Given that Brexit overcame a 20pt lead, I'd be a little less sure about about a 5pt lead. When the underdog is capable of tapping into the long-ignored, unheard masses and the favourite has so many vulnerable attack points... the tables are capable of tipping. This bong is looking forwards to the election run. Gonna be fun. ---79298943 >>79297809 >Google >Wikipedia >Not biased Top kek anon ---79298953 >>79298636 The guy is an idiot and posting polls from like 6months before romney was even the nominee ---79298977 >>79298886 STOP COMPARING BREXIT TO THE FUCKING AMERICAN ELECTIONS THE U.K. IS LIKE 84% WHITE. AMERICA IS 60% WHITE ---79298983 >>79298777 Romney was a shit candidate and he had his biggest gaff at the end of fucking September... The 47% video came out and he didn't have time to overcome it ---79298996 >>79298777 Checked but I wasn't the one making the original claim. Everybody knows Rasmussen is too biased to be taken seriously. Besides, the polls are within the MoE. I'd really only pay attention to polls outside of the MoE, which is usually anywhere from 3.5-4%. ---79299032 >>79298877 >Polls like Fox news show that Hillary is leading Trump and widening the gap Widening the gap is outright false, it's now a 4 point average gap. The only outliers are polls listing anything over a 5 point difference for Clinton. Point is, the Qunniepac poll and this latest Poll have showed a clear shift that fits perfectlty in line with the more reserved/Clear messaged Trump Paul Manafort as gave us. And that's a good sign. ---79299076 3.5 shekels has been deposited to your account, care of Correct the Record Inc. ---79299094 >>79296974 wow.......... really makes you think doesn't it???? looks like I'm a #hildo now ---79299099 >>79298996 >Everybody knows Rasmussen is too biased to be taken seriously So are most polls. Washington post for example, a lot of them are trying to push a false narrative early. ---79299126 >>79297541 >other >not sure What? ---79299181 >>79298977 Why The American electorate is 75% white plus pic related. My mom, my gf and my aunt have always voted Democrat and they are full on Trump supporters ---79299196 >>79298482 Manafort will break some kneecaps and get enough republicans in line for the convention. It'll be a whole new introduction of Trump. He won't get some people on board (Cruz, the Bushes, etc.) but being around a few prominent Republicans, and preventing them from saying stupid anti-Trump shit, will help tremendously. By contrast, Clinton can't change who she is at the convention. We know her from 30 years of public service and we hate her. Her poll numbers always go down after she makes an appearance. The natural inclination is to vote Trump; that's why the media is shilling so hard to tell people its the wrong choice ---79299208 >>79298996 Here's a recent revelation from the Fox News poll, which heavily favors the right. Clinton is leading by 6%, and less then half of Republicans want him as their candidate. ---79299228 >>79299126 Third parties and undecideds ---79299247 >>79298608 >white males with a college education lolno ---79299263 >>79297809 (((SILVER))) ---79299316 >>79298482 Kasich will never support Trump. Cruz might but it's doubtful considering all of the fighting between them. ---79299356 >>79298977 But many of that 84% have the voting patterns of non-whites ---79299358 Hillary is going to win solely because of "im a woman" meme and because most women and niggers and "mexicans" are voting for her. It's not any different in Mexico (probably worse), but it sucks that americans are given this illusion of choice when both of their major presidential candidates are shit. Shillary will most likely end up winning because she's a wall street whore and the establishment wants her in that position. I do sincerely hope Trump wins because the memes will be amazing. Best of wishes for my ameribros. ---79299360 Polls don't mean shit. Voting day is the only day that matters. t. Brexit ---79299362 >>79298977 >STOP COMPARING BREXIT TO THE FUCKING AMERICAN ELECTIONS >THE U.K. IS LIKE 84% WHITE. AMERICA IS 60% WHITE Half of that 84% are beta faggots who are traitorous. Similarly, a shit tonne of ethnic minorities didn't vote the way you'd expect. ---79299365 >>79299208 The fox news poll does not favor the right...It is very accurate....Also fuck this nations Republicans they have lost every single major battle for 50 years..They will vote Trump and we will uncuck the Republican party ---79299434 Somebody once told me that a cock is gonna roll me I ain't the biggest dick in the shed I was looking kind of dumb with a dick and a sack In the shape of a "mushroom" on my forehead Well, the dicks start coming and they don't stop coming Fed some dicks and I suck the dick with loving Didn't make sense not to live for dicks You give good brain and your mouth gets numb So much to suck, so much to blow So what's wrong with taking it in the backdoor? You'll never know if you don't suck You'll never shine if you don't fuck Hey, now, you're a fucking fag, get on your knees go suck Hey, now, you're a gay bitch, take your pants off, get blown And all that glitters is cum Only shooting cumshots break the smegma It's a gay place and they say it gets gayer You're cocked up now wait 'til you get older But the gay men beg to differ Judging by the cock in your mouth The cocks we suck are getting pretty thin The cums getting thick so you might as well rim My asshole is on fire. How about yours? That's the way I like it and I'll probably get AIDS. Somebody once asked could I spare a suck for gas I need to get myself a bunch of dick I said yep, what a concept I could use a little dick myself And we could all use a little suck Well, the cocks start coming and they don't stop coming Fed too many dicks and I hit the ground running Didn't make sense not to live for dick You give good brain and your mouth gets numb So much to suck so much to blow So what's wrong with taking in the back door You'll never know if you don't suck You'll never shine if you don't blow. And all that glitters is cum Only shooting cumshots break the mold ---79299443 >>79296974 Trump is going to win shill faggot OP >>>sage ---79299482 >>79296974 >>79297407 Libertarians have been shown to pull equally from the right and the left, and even more so from the group that did not plan to vote at all. Get you shit straightened out. ---79299496 >>79298469 How? The pound is recovering and the FTSE 100 and 250 have recovered to the level it was just before the vote, the only thing that might fuck us is if we get a PM that will negotiate a shit exit deal with the EU ---79299509 >>79299362 its not 60/40 in the electorate...people old enough to vote are 70-75% white...The electorate is 80% white when you include hispanics who identify as white ---79299513 >>79299365 Yeah the establishment probably secretly wants Trump to lose. They're supporting them because not doing so would be political suicide. If Hillary gets into office, they'll probably gain even more seats in the Senate and Congress. If not, they'll probably lose at least the Senate. It took them decades to gain control of both houses. ---79299584 >>79299496 You're kicking out white Europeans in order to import more commonwealth niggers, I can't think of a more cucked move in recent history. ---79299690 Considering admitting that you support Trump has a good chance of drawing fire from a Liberal Tolerance Terror Squad, he's likely doing much better than the polls suggest. ---79299721 >>79296974 hey idiot, if he's not going to win thwn why do you need to bloviate about it? ---79299844 >>79299513 >secretly it's pretty blatant. not secret ---79299931 >>79299584 The commonwealth deal is between NZ AUS and the UK...There are no niggers involved...America is not going to be included..Canada is not going to be included after opening their borders this week..Almost everyone is AUS and NZ are Anglo ---79300102 >>79299931 >Nigeria >Pakistan >Uganda >South Africa >Ghana >India All commonwealth. ---79300182 >>79297809 >The desperation has reached critical mass We see that, Hilldog pathetic shilling becomes more and more bitter now. When he'll pass her again we will reach critical mass, the great cucksplosion. ---79300218 >>79296974 Thank (((you))) for sharing! ---79300222 >>79300102 Thats not the deal that is being hashed out right now...The Deal is between AUS and NZ and the UK.. ---79300338 >>79300222 "No." ---79300371 >>79296974 >I say this as a Trump supporter. Don't get too attached, because Hillary is going to beat him in November. faggot ---79300417 >>79299358 We aren't planning on providing wifi to the wall construction, so I don't see why you'd be able to get any memes pedro ---79300422 We will wait for Obama to let in refugees, then Americans will realize their rapey intentions and vote for Trump this November. ---79300465 >>79296974 This is it. It is of very but, yes and this. Greatly joined by yes, Donald "God-Emperor" Trump but inevitable. Me now #CruzMissile always. ---79300667 >>79300338 Breaking from august Fuck off moron...The only trade talk happen right now is between Aus, NZ and the UK. ---79300670 >>79299931 NZ is half Maori/Polynesian/Asian at this point. I mean, it's not hard to displace whitey when the whole country only has 4 million people. ---79300801 >>79296974 Thanks for spamming the exact same thread every day, OP. It really makes me think, and I'm now a #cruzmissile. ---79300895 >>79300667 Farage has went on record more than once to say he wants MORE COMMONWEALTH BLACKS and LESS EU CITIZENS in the UK. What's so hard to understand? ---79300905 >>79300670 Whats your point? These are trade deals they do not include free movement of peoples ---79300990 >>79300895 He is labeled racist so he said things that are the opposite of racist...He wants closed borders. ---79301144 Nice copy pasta you posted yesterday and the day before ---79301233 >>79296974 D A I L Y R E M I N D E R P A I D - F O R S H I L L S A R E S H I L L I N G R I G H T N O W F O R H I L L A R Y R O C K E F E L L E R C L I N T O N P L E A S E S L I D E T H R E A D T H A N K Y O U A N D H A V E A N I C E D A Y ---79301277 Hey guys Trump only has a 5% chance of winning the nomination bro. Yo bro Brexit has like no chance of happening bro. Like yo bro why you even try. ---79302088 >>79297540 > $0.02 has been deposited to your account. I mean at least shillary's shills are at least attempting to put in more effort. Still pathetically transparent though. Sage ---79303089 >>79296974 Trump is gonna ride his way to political office and theirs nothing you can do shill. ---79303566 >>79296974 How does a +4-5 average lead mean he can't win? Let's see what happens at the RNC. If the Republifags get behind Trump and he kills Clinton in a few debates he might get ahead. I do believe its all rigged though so yeah I expect the worst but one can't help but hope Hillary fucking Clinton won't be our next President. I mean honestly it isn't even about Trump its just about her being a truly awful, corrupt and criminal person and believing she'd truly harm this country. I'd rather a homeless man be President then her... and I wouldn't say that about many people. ---79304781 >>79299482 >Libertarians have been shown to pull equally from the right and the left If that's the case, then that's even worse. That means that Hillary's support is really even higher if you take Johnson out. ---79305036 >trump ahead by 15 points >cruz is gonna surge up trump is losing! >trump is behind by 4 points >it's over this will never change ---79305052 >Hillary wins >Texit commences I see nothing wrong with this ---79305139 >>79298004 >anything that doesn't agree with me is a shil!!! Look at the polls retard. Anyone can see that trump is losing voters to Gary Johnson, while Hillary gets bernout support. No big league political establishment supports him. He is on a boat with no motor on a sea filled with shit ---79305317 >>79305139 You realize that polls don't always reflect actual votes right? There have been 3rd party guys who got lots of love in these sort of polls but then got less then .01% of the real vote when the time came. There is lots of time left before the vote and so long as Hillshits lead isn't tremendous (I dunno like 10+ on average?) I wouldn't be quick to throw in the towel. ---79305349 >>79296974 This exact same thread was posted a couple of days ago... I can't be the only one that remembers, right? Word to word, a copypasta thread... ---79305497 >>79305052 You can't leave the union once you're in. Texas already tried this. ---79305593 You have A. spineless commie who did let bl(does not)m highjack stage, B. = criminal (who is woman), C. = businessman. Not many good picks eh. ---79305673 >>79305317 Well, you do have to agree with me that trump needs to pull off a miracle right now. No big media outlet pushes his agenda, the control of the info flow goes through liberals mouths first, ect ect. Trump isn't doing some things he should be doing, ect ---79305681 >>79305349 Same thread but with updated polls it looks like ---79306080 >>79296974 What the [omitted] did you just fucking say about me [in Arabic], you little [omitted]? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class [in Arabic], and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on [omitted] and I have over 300 confirmed [omitted]. I am trained [in Arabic] warfare and I’m the top [omitted] in the entire [omitted]. You are nothing to me but just another target [in Arabic]. I will wipe you the [omitted] out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before [in Arabic], mark my [omitted] words. You think you can get away with saying that [omitted] to me [in Arabic]? Think again, [omitted]. As we speak I am contacting my secret [omitted] across the [omitted] and your [omitted] is being [omitted] right now so you better prepare [in Arabic]. The [omitted] that wipes out the pathetic [omitted] you call your [omitted]. You’re fucking [omitted], kid. I can be [in Arabic] anywhere, anytime, and I can omit you in over seven hundred [omitted] and that’s just with my [omitted]. Not only am I extensively trained [in Arabic], but I have access to the entire [omitted] of the [omitted] and I will use it [in Arabic] to wipe your miserable [omitted] off the face of the [omitted], you little [omitted]. If only you could have known what unholy [omitted] your little “clever” [omitted] was about to bring down upon you [in Arabic], maybe you would have held your fucking [omitted]. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price [in Arabic], you goddamn [omitted]. I will omit fury all over you [in Arabic] and you will omit in it. You’re fucking [omitted], kiddo. ---79306192 >>79296974 >Trump can't win >Brexit wouldn't happen Yeah.. right ---79306536 >>79306192 love this meme ---79306679 >>79296974 Has he even started campaigning for President yet? He was chilling in Scotland last week ---79306941 >>79296974 Damn I guess #ImWithHer now, time to get out there and #Shill4Hill because I'm a #CruzMissile now, #DumpTrump ---79307047 The bell is tolling soon for Hillary Rodham Clinton! Watch: ---79307078 REMINDER: THERE ARE SHITTY HILLARY SHILLS 24/7 ON HERE REMINDER: BREXIT HAD *10 PLUS FUCKING POINTS* BURIED BY SHY VOTERS IN POLLS IMAGINE THE SHY VOTER EFFECT ON DONALD 'TAKE OUT THEIR FAMILIES' TRUMP! ---79307139 >>79305673 Yeah that is the way it feels but honestly this whole election is weird and somewhat unpredictable. Hard to say what the landscape will look like in the future or even just after the conventions. ---79307164 DId any of ye hear fash the nation and the daily shoah talking about how the polls are biased towards dems? Also referenced american thinkers work. Is this just wishful thinking? ---79307284 we must collaborate all our creativity to create an anti Clinton meme or pro trump meme we must meme this upcoming presidential elections. Meme magic is real. ---79307377 >>79296974 Sage this cuck. Your neetbux are over faggot. ---79307394 >>79298001 >He's down in Florida kek. people really are dumb ---79307405 Daily Reminder ---79307635 Yeah you're right. Same as the brexit polls, and we didn't win. ---79307749 >>79296974 Hillary. You aren't getting elected. ---79307830 >>79297809 Hurr because nothing changes in 6 years durr ---79307839 The real danger is the open Supreme Court seat. Remember when the liberal justices literally forced gay marriage through, completely ignoring their duty to take past decisions into account? A liberal justice would make that happen more - first with guns, then with speech. I'd be willing to accept a Hillary presidency if we somehow got a conservative judge, but we know that's not going to happen. If we get a liberal-ass judge, it's over. The Constitution's finished and the country is over. Get your guns, pack your bags, go innawoods. ---79307971 >>79307405 That isn't how he died at all. ---79308044 >>79296974 Trump has already won. No one is EXCITED about Hillary. Her narrative is so 2008. ---79308789 >>79298223 don't forget part 2 ---79309673 If Bill can get Lynch to give him a blow job then Hillary will not be charged. ---79309859 >>79297407 with his blatant open-border drivel gary johnson is set to take more from the left this election go-around
----- ---79307269 Just wondering if I am the only one: >be me >average white man >engineering student >not too ugly, but not attractive either >not very shaped, just athletic >pretty shy and very (perhaps too...) polite >frequently get in fights with sandnignogs when they act like trash and harass people in the subway - got nose broken twice >girls generally ignore me though I had a few lucky times >cant maintain eye contact with girls >BREXIT_HAPPENING.jpg >feel intense joy, pride and hope for the european race >never felt so happy before : not everything is doomed we can fight back >day after brexit: >laugh alone while walking up to school when I think about all the cucks crying and how we fucked up the globalist plans at least temporarily >increased_confidence.webm >girls look at me >smile at me >smile back >get no problem talking to girls >get laid with two tourists I know how confidence is important etc. but Brexit literally feels like a (perhaps brief) beacon of sunlight after a very cold winter Anyone else is feeling like that? Is that a sign that society has beaten our self-esteem so badly than now even a simple victory can remind us of our true nature? Thank you britbros, and praise KEK. Never have I felt prouder to be a european (and that is something I include americans of euro ancestry into ofc). VIVE KEK.
---79308735 >>79307269 bump? not a sliding attempt ---79309640 >>79308735 >SOCIETY IS AT FAULT NOT ME >SOME VOTE MADE MY DICK SO HARD THAT I FINALLY WAS A BIT LESS BETA no m8 that shit entirely depends on you here's your (You) ---79309748 post pics of your masculine dick op ---79310266 Society has harmed masculinity, but harmed masculinity itself perpetuates society. You got a wake-up call, good for you. Now make sure you stay that way and don't go back to sleep. Good luck, Francois.
----- ---79309642 >When you are at a Trump rally and they start playing Big Wheels Keep on Turnin and "If You Got A Problem with That"
---79309796 and Ground Control to Major Tom started playing when he left 10/10 ---79309953 >When Trumps DJ starts playing It's Just a Shot Away, then Because You Cant Always Get What you Want, followed by I Can't Get No Satisfaction
----- ---79306730 Wow, really makes you think
---79306913 bump ---79306978 I assume you can change you skin to a white man, so no big deal. It's not like the majority of people (whites) who are playing this game are going to choose a nigger skin, especially on PC where I will most likely run in to you cucks who say you're going to boycott the game but won't ---79307106 >>79306978 past battlefield games wouldn't let you change skins, so I doubt this will. ---79308468 >>79306730 Well at least brits are represented, even if it is by uchronic australian shitskins. Everybody know that french surrendered in 1914. ---79308506 >>79306730 WE ---79308689 bump ---79308838 No idea why you cucks are mad. They just took out female soldiers from the game to please us. Any of those soldiers that are negroid can be part of African colonies ---79308840 >>79306978 On the contrary, all the niggers playing it will make the war 1000000 times more niggery ---79308852 >>79308506 WUZ ---79308925 >>79306730 you wanna tell those swede cucks at DICE to fuck themselves? big secret here, but ill drop it: don't buy it. don't promote it. don't even have it enter the minds of other people. ---79309042 >>79308925 But some people want to play it because gameplay looks good. The only bad part is the tanned germans ---79309074 how much dindus fought in europe during ww1? ---79309085 >>79308838 then why aren't the black germans/aussies/brits wearing colonial uniforms? ---79309171 >>79306730 ---79309185 >>79309042 why? its the same game you've been fed for the past 4 battlefield games. A WW1 skin over it with historical inaccuracies all over the joint seems pretty boring & tasteless to me. ---79309273 >>79309185 For the ww1 skin. I dont care about historical accuracy, except for tanned german ---79309360 >>79309074 I don't know about the Central Powers, but the Entente had a few different all black units. ---79309404 >>79309171 is this real? holy shit ---79309427 >>79309171 Looks like Dave Chapelle lol ---79309430 On the plus side I can't wait to setup my bipod machine gun and mow down some dindus in no mans land ---79309451 >>79309273 Dude, buy Verdun. Way better, way less insulting to your intelligence. ---79309496 >>79309451 Does verdun have tanks? ---79309554 >>79308506 but in all seriousness there were African corps serving with the German Imperial Army, albeit probably not in Europe. ---79309588 >>79309496 I think they're working on them actually. I don't know when they'll be released. ---79309638 >>79309588 I might buy it then. ---79309679 >>79308506 No fucking way ---79309740 >>79309185 It's not even inaccuracy, it is voluntary revisionnism at this point. Will never buy their shit ever again. ---79309893 >>79309485 You have to go back ---79309931 >>79309554 There were several thousand askari in German west and east Africa. Thats it. ---79309962 >>79309740 Yeah, they're spitting in the face of history, and even though its just a video game, I think all history should be represented accurately. You look up interviews and the lead developers spouting off about the need for diversity & all this affirmative action bullshit. It's fucking insulting man, if you wanted to be fiction, be outright with it. This is cunty. ---79310107 >>79306730 >>79308506 whyo no asieno peepre? dis gameru iso layciss to asien peepre ---79310171 >>79310107 There is ---79310200 >>79310107 Sikhs are good enough ---79310342 >>79308689 Nice meme. ---79310359 >I don't know a fucking thing about the actual war, yet feel I can comment on the historical accuracy of anything involving it: The Thread ---79310414 >>79310342 ---79310629 >>79310107 Not chimpy enough ---79310799 >>79310359 >I watched a one hour documentary about the war, clearly I'm in position to make up shit about it and tell others to educate themselves: the post ---79310852 >>79310359 that webm fuckin SAVED ---79311020 >>79310799 So there were no black units in WW1 then? Because that's the only argument I'm seeing here, and it's flat out fucking wrong. I hope you might know a little bit about it pastanigger, because the Italians did some heavy fighting in the Alps. ---79311074 >>79311020 fucking wooooooooow lad ---79311673 bump ---79311696 >>79311020 Stop being fucking retarded, there obviously were niggers fighting in fucking africa, germans had little to no contact with their colonies, austrians didn't even have any, relatively the african soldiers in brit and french armies on the western front were nonexistent. Pooinloos played their part near their country. Even then, if you want to shoehorn minorities between a european majority, you'd have to put them in their own group, having them fight together and not in their own sections is nonsensical ---79311742 >>79311074 And that's not even including the four English units that were majority Black. Also pic related is an Afro-German Landser rifleman. So yes, even the fucking Central Powers had black soldiers. Fucking morons. ---79311873 >>79311742 Yes my dude, 3/4 of the allied side were black just like the game portrays. ---79311950 Forgot image. >>79311696 You were saying? I know you're stupid ass just doesn't want to accept it, but Germany was perfectly fine with Black soldiers until Hitler came along. ---79312091 >>79311873 >knowing what the game fully portrays before it's even released How come you aren't using those psychic powers for good? ---79312175 >>79312091 retard ---79312340 >>79311950 "you were saying" what you mongoloid? You think posting a nigger's head somehow proves anything? ---79312446 >>79312175 >using MP gameplay footage as an indicator of what the campaign will be Yes Sweden, you are very fucking retarded and flat fucking wrong about the history of this war you had no part in. ---79312635 >>79312446 9:04 There is the allied side characters, 4 classes like every battlefield. 3/4 character is black. How fucking retarded are you? >campaign Who the fuck plays Single Player? We are talking about MP here. ---79312676 >>79312340 It's photographic proof that you're completely fucking wrong in your assertions, idiot. Do I have to build a fucking time machine and take your stupid ass to the war itself before you realize that you're fucking wrong in your claims? ---79312836 >>79310359 Well all know as a burger you are pretty much ignorant on history about everything outside Michael Bay and Spielberg films but stop projecting your case on the rest of the planet. ---79312949 >>79312635 >Muh MP where men carrying fucking Hotchkiss heavy machine guns like they're AR's, every German has a 1911, and aircraft only reflex sights are as common as cigarettes, is historically ruined because some player characters have dark skin! Do you realize how fucking stupid your argument is yet?
----- ---79308156 I liked American History X and 25th Hour
---79308371 >>79308156 >American History X >/pol/ Approved Pick one faggot ---79309449 They Live also >American History X
----- ---79278191 Anyone with sex tourism experience? I was a fucking nerd who spent most of my time perusing an scientific career. Now I'm 30 years old feel like I sacrificed too much. Plus my interaction skills with women sucks, since lack of experience and being a retarded MGTOW. The only good part is that I have money. I'm thinking of going to the Philippines next year if I don't get my life in order.
---79278371 >>79278191 >I'm thinking of going to the Philippines germany is the prostitution capital of the world ---79278422 >>79278191 There are big online communities for this that'll help you better since this has nothing to do with /pol/. Where do you live? ---79278430 >>79278191 But you can go to Hamburg ---79278513 >>79278371 Yeah and I've been banging escorts here a lot. I want a holiday + party + girls, things that I missed out. ---79278524 >>79278191 Saddest post on /pol/ this far. Being thirty and having an advanced education in science didn't preclude me from experiencing life, sex, etc, at all. I think you just aren't cut out for the social world. Stick to becoming a wizard, you'll just embarass yourself in front of real people. ---79278543 >>79278191 Can hook you up anon as long as your white and not a muslim ---79278544 >>79278191 You should get hold of a gun on the black market as soon as you get there. ---79278641 I've been to Japan for sex tourism. It's very very different than what we have here in Australia. They can get really creative with their loopholes, just saying. ---79278653 >>79278191 You are the same as arabs who come to Germany for ficki ficki. Grow some balls and get a German woman instead of using money to purchase women as sex slaves. ---79278733 >getting a gook What the fuck are you doing m8. Fuck poor white women instead in Czech and Ukraine ---79278761 >>79278513 You are 30. Grow up. You didn't miss much being a degenerate. You missed having a meaningful relationship and if you fuck around more you will never get married and have children. ---79278795 >being this degenerate >on /pol/ please go, this is a Christian board ---79278833 >>79278191 >Go to Greece and buy off starving girls with a Sandwich ---79278856 >>79278733 Literally helping jews with their plan. Oy vey goyim isn't it lovely that white women whore themselves for 30$? ---79278946 >>79278733 Czechs are too wealthy now to fuck some ugly autist who cannot score in his own country and they don't need a man for a visa (EU). Ukraine is more Turkish than white. ---79278975 >>79278191 Prostitution is legal in Germany. Do you really want to risk being locked up in a foreign prison- especially one in a third world country with a different language? Not to mention the diseases, possibility of violence (muggings, robberies, etc.). ---79278977 Sorry Hans you can't go. You could have gone while you were MGTOW but now you are a cuck ---79278994 Pattaya, Thailand is a good place for what you're looking for. I once did an interview on a guy named Big Red BKK, he would groom country girls from Issan to become more "westernized ladies. He'd laugh about finding dirty footprints on the toilet seat (they're squat on it). He taught me a lot about the sex industry in Thailand. Following his lead, I went to Pattaya and interviewed some girls and trannies, average, non-sex workers too. Travelled SE Asia for a year, interviewing people and trying things first hand. Feel free to ask any questions. I'm a bit of an autist to warm you though. ---79279015 >>79278733 Ayyooo mane where da whyte wimin at? ---79279122 >>79278191 I have went gay cruising in both Amsterdam and Maspalomas Pretty nice overall If you want to bang young women you can just go to Amsterdam, plenty of teen pussy in the windows ---79279126 >>79278977 MGTOW is male equivalent of feminism which is being a whiny bitch competing in opression olympics. ---79279209 >>79278191 impregnate as many as 30 hopefully most of your unwanted offspring would inherit your brain and would have a "scientific career" when they grow up. Hans, i think youre better off trying improving your life in Germany. Youre a good man, dont become a degenerate and a waste of oxygen. but if youre a scat loving faggot, by all means, come here. you cant tell where the human begins and the shit ends. ---79279346 >>79278191 >I'm thinking of going to the Philippines next year if I don't get my life in order. Pinays are nice, very friendly, some of them do look a bit like monkeys so avoid those. Do some work online and you can even get one to meet you at the airport. ---79279387 >>79278994 how can you distinguish between normal girls and ladyboys before it's too late? ---79279468 >>79278977 Has any MGKEK figured out that women are whores because men allow them to be? Observe any thug and how faithful his girl is because she respects and fears him. Many women even get beaten today and never turn in the guy unless he takes it too far. You can easily make women submit to you. They are weak minded cunts who are born followers. I spent a month in Australia and i changed my cousin from dating a nigger to dumping him, getting rid of her whore friends and becoming a better person. ---79279509 >>79278191 What did you study? ---79279555 >>79279509 physics, phd and all ---79279569 >>79279209 Germany doesnt exist, at least the Germany of pre-1990. The government there is in the process of replacing all those Germany with brown people. ---79279724 >>79278975 I really doubt the philipino police are locking any tourists up for banging whores. It would cut into the tourism business, and municipal police often overlook things in the name of commerce. This is why you can usually get away with drinking a beer in the parking lot at an NFL game, despite public consumption being illegal in most cities. ---79279732 >>79278191 So you want to be one of those guy? Have some dignity idiot ---79279778 >>79279555 i heard latvia is a bit of a hot spot for it but supposedly british lads go there for a boys weekend and spoil the fun ---79279780 >>79279569 sad statement, and unfortunately true. rip in pieces krauts, swedes, brits ---79279821 >>79279209 Thx Phlibro. I'm giving myself one year to find a serious gf or something. ---79279826 >>79278191 you did not sacrifice anything, not missed anything. fucking whores is not a social skill. neither is fucking sluts. you'll only lose money and gain misogyny in that respect. the only thing that matters is stable income, and it seems you have it. now go find a wife. No, not in bars or parties. Use your family's and close friends' connections to meet with potential future wives, date them for a while. ---79279871 >>79279555 you can provide for a good family(even with the now a days housing prices), stop going for whores and get yourself a wife and make some kids, and start fixing Germany ---79279939 >>79278191 I was going to go to the Philippines to fuck some tiny flips with a super tight cunnys, but then a psychotic murderer got elected. ---79279987 grow some balls and go talk to women locally you piece of shit, its not rocket science ---79279990 >>79279569 its just the capital of most countries that are littered with the "tanned" population. even in the UK the situation isnt as bad in some cities. the more people leave, the more the snackbars thrive. ---79280033 >>79278191 Sex tourism is degenerate. Why would anyone want to portray himself as a sex starved, gulible, no self control person? ---79280080 >>79279987 >talk to women locally >used goods that can't cook, are fat, swallowed 10 other cocks in their prime-time, can't keep a house clean, career over familly ---79280090 >to the philipines you love girls with dicks? ---79280092 >>79279987 jao, it's not that easy, this is /pol/ you know the likes of the people that frequent this site? but i do agree he should stay and try to find a nice aryan there. ---79280111 >>79278524 >Degenerates >Real people Pick 1 ---79280149 >>79278191 you stupid fuck. if you have money, learn how to game. this is of course unless you wantt to spend money fuckign whores for the rest of your life. ---79280197 >>79280090 That's Thailand m8 ---79280286 >>79280149 >1900 to learn how to converse with people all of my keks are there really people this inept at being human? ---79280294 >>79280149 >Pua memes Hello plebbit!! ---79280299 >>79280149 I thought/hoped this was some kind of trading course material. If there's a game that can pay off long term it's this one, particularly now with post brexit fallout ---79280330 >>79279732 He's not going to be that guy though He's 30 and I doubt he's that fat. Normies frown upon fleeing your own country to find a woman because they themselves fit in. They don't understand, they're normal But what if you don't fit in? Do these people just deal with it and continue being alone to make everyone else feel better about themselves or do they find another way for their own happiness? ---79280334 Go there and impregnate 20-30 girls, promise them a good life so they let you, then dissapear. Now that you have fullfilled your biological imperative of having offsprings you can move on with your life. Repeat every few years. ---79280346 Dear OP, prostitution yields subpar unsatisfying sex most of the time. What you want is a relationship. I get that you have a really hard time with German women because by 30 they expect you to "get it" and behave in a certain way that you have no idea of. Getting a woman from the third world is quite feasible and not a bad idea. I suggest to try (1) Russia because it is at the end of a brutal economic recession and women have understood that the next 10 years will be bad; (2) Ukraine because the civil war has created havoc and it will not be resolved any time soon; (3) Cuba because it is dirt poor. In all three countries you can find beautiful women with university degrees that have never been married and have no children. They will be eager to follow you to Germany. Good luck. ---79280404 >>79280334 >impregnate Get AIDS? ---79280413 >>79278641 Please elaborate. ---79280423 >>79278191 Don't expect that pic. ---79280509 >>79279387 Oh no, fuck. She has a penis and I've already invited her over and she's already naked. Now I have to suck on her penis ---79280526 >>79278641 Isnt their loophole soapland or whatever? Also I thought it was pretty much legal there, isnt that what love hotels are for? As you can see I dont know much about the topic, dont really care but it seems loophole exaggerates it given how Japan is known for prostitutes. I thought they all refused foreigners btw? ---79280543 >>79278191 Typical loser of globalization. Has to finance the NEET masterrace and the shitskin welfare with his taxes, gets sucked dry by the oligarchs with bailout packages for banks. Never gets laid because he's the definition of a beta. Wears a fedorahat, never goes to church and will die without ever getting close to realizing what the meaning of life is. What are you even doing here on /pol/? Jesus fucking Christ man. Probably one of those Wutbürgers that still votes CDU because 'AfD is nazi lol'. Go to a fucking flatrate brothel, pay a mere 150-200 euros, stay all day fucking as many girls as you want, eat the buffet, sit in the porn theater and get your dick sucked along with everyone else, take a shower inbetween romps and pop another viagra. How hard can it be? But I can just picture your sorry beta wimp ass in my mind so it's probably better if you stick to hentai and inflatable plastic vaginas ---79280550 >>79280413 >>79278641 >They can get really creative with their loopholes, just saying. >loophole >lolis topkek straya ---79280570 >>79280330 Yeah right... ---79280712 Kill yourself degenerate poop inspector. ---79280717 >>79280509 totally not amusing that the swede automatically assumes he has to suck the traps cock and not the other way around ---79280751 >>79280330 Yeah, I'm actually pretty fit, since the last 10 years consisted of study/work/gym/sports On the negative side, I have a receding hairline since I was 19. ---79280772 >>79280080 >Implying that some foreign gook whore who dates you for money is any better >Implying that the gook whore did not have more than 10 foreign cocks in her ---79280799 >>79278946 >Czechs are too wealthy now >Ukraine is more Turkish than white Interesting, tell me more ---79280843 >>79280404 I believe AIDS through HIV is a hoax. In the case it's real, it's still very difficult to catch it as a man with just vaginal intercourse. ---79280874 >>79280751 Women do not care about the baldness IF you do not care about it either. ---79280896 >>79278946 > Ukraine is more Turkish than white. What do we call levels of retardation that shouldn't be reached? ---79280964 >>79280843 SE Asia has got the F strain though. That fucker is much easier to catch via vaginal intercourse ---79280992 >>79280896 Maybe you should actually go to Ukraine and look at some ukrainian faces. They all have turkish faces. Turks raped their way across that shitpile of a nation for hundreds of years. ---79281011 >>79280717 I was making fun of the guy who said this stupid thing >how can you distinguish between normal girls and ladyboys before it's too late? ---79281038 >>79280874 Women care about looks even of you do not care about it. ---79281092 >>79280772 implying I ever said that What I actually want to say is that people in the past got this whole relationship way better than us people married before they reached 20, in their prime of youth and beauty, marriages were decided by the parents to ensure everyone was happy at the end of the day, the familly worked together most of the time, sure they were not special snowflakes in love but they got the job done and at the end of the day have someone to care for now we have a generation of damaged people that don't know what the fuck they want ---79281096 >>79278761 >get married and have children >meaningful ---79281100 >>79280992 Hi Turkroach. ---79281114 >>79280346 Russian women are known gold diggers, and they have a sex indusrty. You wont get the pure waifu you expected. ---79281160 >>79279990 > What are Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan No niggers, kikes or other pooskins. They keep them at bay. ---79281164 >paying for prostitutes You're all doing it wrong. I'm not rich by any means, hell I don't think I'm that good looking too (5'8", not-white) BUT all you got to do not is not be creepy, clean up and get nice clothes and you'll pick up easy with out spending much. I'm travelled around the world including Europe and Asia and have had no problem picking up especially at bars. FYI, Yes, it's much easier in South-East Asian countries like the Philippines, but Japan was pretty easy too. Got a date within two hours of landing at Narita. ---79281168 >>79278191 Mongering in Asia is overrated. Europe is actually better in my opinion. Philippines is actually good if you want to find a nice girl funnily. Thailand or Cambodia are better for paying for whores. Just remember if you do the SE Asia thing you will end up with herpes. Use a rubber HIV is everywhere, and be really careful of girls going for the prostate massage too, get them to slip a condoms over their finger ---79281177 >>79281092 That is true but going after sub 90 IQ trash tier gooks is not the answer. ---79281183 >>79281114 Is there anywhere in europe where you can find a well raised conservative lady? ---79281215 >>79280570 How you feel about OP shouldn't matter to him at all He's not living his life to impress you. If he's letting your dumb taunts deter him from enjoying himself then he's got bigger problems than finding a girl What you're showing us with your pictures is that you pay too much attention to what other dudes are doing. I mean.. are you a faggot? ---79281244 >>79278191 >being a MTGOW ---79281259 >>79280992 Then I visit Germany and see everyone has Turkish faces, Turks raped thier way across that shitpile of a nation for around 50 years. Seriously outside Turkey you are most Turkroach. ---79281284 >>79280334 Funny story from a guy I met in Bali 10 years ago. >was 60+ year old businessman from Netherlands >traveled to Bali for work a lot >knocks up a local young slut >slut find out where he lives back home and exposes the situation >wife divorces him, kids won't speak to him >had to move to Bali with the new family. >lives in literal 3rd world conditions since divorce almost bankrupted him ---79281351 >>79281183 Nope, thank globalists. ---79281455 >>79281183 > Well raised conservative lady I encountered them only in traditional catholic conservative circles like the Fraternities Saint Pius V or Saint Peter; or in similarly traditional illiberal protestants. ---79281544 >>79280346 Yeah I was also thinking about South America but the problem is that it is dangerous. SE Asians are much smarter than spics and they don't rob/kill tourists that bring money. ---79281572 >>79281183 Fuck off we are full. Last thing we need is the trashiest whites to migrate here for "muh dick" reasons ---79281619 >risking life in prison for a cunnylick Nah ---79281674 You will realize that the great tragedy of your life isn't that you missed out because you didn't get laid. You see, after a certain point, even sex is kind of boring. You'll probably realize this when you go to the Phillipines or Thailand or whevere, and fuck your way through 30 chicks in a week. There's only so much you can fuck a day, both physically and mentally, and after awhile it just makes you jaded, you wonder exactly how much enjoyment you're getting out of it, and ultimately, you are unfulfilled. Your problem, OP, which you share with so many other sex tourists, is that you wasted your youth and missed out on the normal human experience. It's not just sex, it's the whole experience of hitting on your local bitches, hanging out with friends, dealing with a girlfriend, girlfriend drama, all that that makes up life, for better or worse, with sex being only a small piece. Now there's this huge, purposeless void in your life. You have money, you have a job, but you don't feel like a complete human being, and you wonder if it's because you didn't fuck enough chicks. Once the initial thrill dies down, you'll realize all the sex was just another hollow set of transactions like those that made up your entire life. My suggestion is to do some soul searching and get a real hobby, maybe a dog. ---79281692 Hang out with Bill ---79281731 >>79281114 Russian, Ukrainian and Cuban women are all gold diggers. But many also have university degrees, can cook and behave in a feminine fashion. Plus the cultural gap is lesser than with SE Asia. So they are more of a fit for the OP. ---79281778 >>79281674 You think he should fuck his dog? ---79281797 >>79281544 I'm going to Berlin soon to fuck whores. What do you think my chances of being blown up in a terrorist attack are? ---79281894 >>79281544 It's not South America in general. It's Cuba. The island is safe; for now. The women there are pretty, hot, well educated and dirt poor. ---79281925 >>79281544 >SE Asians are much smarter than spics and they don't rob/kill tourists that bring money. niqqa wtf? were you born yesterday? flips rob and kill tourist if they happen to be in the wrong neighborhood. (idk in taiwan and thailand) read on the travel advisory to the philippines we're code orange anyway, if you really want to come here, you have to read up a little. ---79281928 >>79281572 They are coming!! It cannot be stopped ---79281963 >>79281674 this anon gets it stuffin it in an endless number of holes isnt gonna fill the one inside you figure out what it is about yourself you arent happy with and fucking make peace with it already protip: this can take years ---79281980 >>79281244 >being a cuck ---79281996 >>79281778 >>79281674 fucking my dog might fix my problem too.. ---79282040 >>79281160 nigga i was talking about europe only having shitskins in the capital cities. ---79282062 >>79280346 >sending him to literal war zones ---79282063 >>79281797 Germany is safe, goy. All problems with immigrants is just Rechtspopulismus ---79282138 >>79281544 >SE Asians are much smarter than spics and they don't rob/kill tourists that bring money. Lol When I was in Thailand some bitches locked in the near hotel room and threated to burn passports of some losers ---79282252 >>79278191 Dude just go to Poland. Polish broads are the best ---79282303 >>79281572 Don't play tough. Your ex-Yu friends here in Germany already told me that Slovenians are total cucks and would do anything America/Germany/ZOG tells you to do. ---79282339 >>79280346 Russian women are notorious gold diggers. Been a bunch of c4 docs on it. It's not uncommon for the diggers to already be married. I imagine it's even worse since Russia economy has gone to the dogs ---79282527 >>79281674 >you wasted your youth and missed out on the normal human experience >hitting on your local bitches What if you were never really attracted to them. You were at one point but only because of their proximity >dealing with a girlfriend, girlfriend drama, all that that makes up life, Sounds like hell tb.h That shit isn't fun at all. In fact it makes everything much worse, stuff like that will sap your enthusiasm. It can and will scar you for life. ---79282617 >>79282339 In the 23-25 age range, not that many are married. They are gold diggers but that's the type of women the OP can pull. ---79282703 >>79278653 Way to rub it in. ---79282706 >>79279209 I am a urophile. Will I find my match in the Philippines? ---79282765 >>79278191 Went to North Africa because my mom is dating a Tunisian man. All the local women were all over me because they wante me to take them with me. Nasty as fuck tbqh. Lots of European men there that were just fucking every one they could but I also saw a large amount of white European women doing sex tourism too letting local men fuck them too. So fucking disgusting. ---79282773 literally going to Amsterdam this weekend ---79282989 >>79282773 me too wanna double team a hooker who looks like merkel? ---79283055 >>79282989 only if we can hold hands ---79283062 Get over there and fuck everything. ---79283084 >>79282765 >my mom is dating a Tunisian man >white European women doing sex tourism too letting local men fuck them too .. Just waiting for that moment when he realizes something ---79283123 >>79283055 you wear a nigel mask and i wear a spooky hitler ghost mask ---79283200 >>79279732 Didn't realise that some prick captured me on camera then put it on this internet thing :( ---79283201 >>79279387 I was in the Navy and traveled all over. Hookers in countries with lots of ladyboys know this is a concern and generally don't mind you asking or graabing their crotch to be sure. 99% of ladyboys are obvious from the start. Never heard a reliable account of a tranny purposely tricking someone. Its always "my friend knows a guy who..." and people getting caught with them claiming they didn't know. Shit, in Thailand, the ladyboys have their own street so you know exactly what you're getting into. ---79283395 >>79282773 Worst hookers I ever saw in the world >Expensive >Can't do shit ---79283443 >>79283123 It's a date then. ---79283467 >tfw 28 >not kissless but virgin >not fat; 190cm tall; fairly average looks >living on my own since 16, currently in a decent 2LDK apartment in a big city >own a car >stable lenient job and income, a lot of money on the side >a lot of vacation days, traveling around quite a bit >hating turks, nigs, gypsies, mudslimes, femnazis, SJW, cucks (in before you're one yourself) et al But then: >completely socially inept assburger king >total weeaboo trash >travels are mostly 3-6 weeks spent in Japan every year I have considered fucking Japanese whores multiple times during my trip, but could never muster the courage. ---79283477 >>79282527 You sound like a jaded old fucking man, lad. I feel bad for you. I wasn't a degenerate when I was young, but I wasn't a good kid either. I got into fights, I did my share of terrible things and made bad choices with the wrong girls. But looking back on it now I realize that that's life, that at the end of the day, years later, I gained something out of those experiences. And I talk to younger people now, 18-25, and they're totally clueless. They treat me like I'm some mythic fucking dude because I worked with my hands instead of going to college for 10 years, because I've worked in a place that wasn't an office, because I've dated women before they made apps for it and since their interactions are mostly done through screens they seem to find the world strange and alien and unapproachable. And even though OP is 30, older than those guys, I can sense he's the same fucking type of guy. He did what everyone expected of him and now he's got a stable thing going, but he feels like he never lived. He's just drifting. And because he's drifting he gets himself involved in dumb ideas like banging Flips or going MGTOW but in the end that time is gone and he is chasing ghosts. OP should just take a vacation and watch some movies, go visit a country to see it, not to fuck his way through it, take some fucking walks, try to find some wonder in this life. ---79283490 >>79279387 They always warn you Fucking always, they don't want any problems too ---79283533 >>79278524 This desu senpai. It's not that you were studious, its that you were studious AND an absolute fucking autismo sperg who's shit at social life. I have a friend who got a first in mathematics from UCL, is working as an actuary, recently bought a house putting down a lump sum of half its total value (he paid them fucking £250 000 straight up), and is physically fit and socially active, and he's 26. Some people are idiots but sociable. Some people are smart but unsociable. Some people are everything Some people are nothing ---79283554 >>79278191 >Anyone with sex tourism experience? Refugees. ---79283638 I'm unironically saving up to go to south east asia senpai Hopefully all goes well for the both of us ---79283692 >>79278191 Fuck off achmed. ---79283794 Always wanted to do a thailand roullete with the lads. Go to Thailand, one night we order like 6 sex workers, one for each of us. One is a lady boy, the others are women. We each pick one, then go get our dicks sucked. Afterwards we have a big strip-off reveal and find out who got their dick sucked by a dude. ---79283912 >>79281038 I don't know about that one. Maybe I've just been around women that don't respect themselves, but I've seen a couple with butt-ugly guys that have very much let themselves go (I'm talking letting yourself go HARD in your mid twenties) that instead pride themselves on how handsome their catch was at one point; like they're perpetually trying to fix it. Then again, I've fucked a couple of these girls while they were with these nu-males, so there is a part of me that thinks they could be lying or in denial. I dunno. Women are fucking weird. ---79284041 >>79283084 Sad to say that Tunisia is a popular female sex tourism destination for the last 30 years. But it is mostly old and fat catladies. ---79284060 >>79279387 This. I'm really worried I'll take some girl home, take her pants off and find out she has no cock. Would ruin my night ---79284172 >>79283467 Prostitution in Japan is for Japanese only. ---79284205 >>79283467 hans, ffs do you not have friends? even wizards here have friends take a buddy with you or go our with a buddy to try it. i suggest not fucking a whore. youve already kissed someone, it would kill you if you tried it again ---79284333 >>79282706 lel with money you can drink all the piss you want may or may not include cat piss. ---79284363 >>79283794 >homosex fantasy > UK Obviously a Canadian abroad. ---79284487 >>79284363 only 1 in 6 chance i'd be the one getting sucked off by a dude, lad. ---79284527 >>79278191 >Anyone with sex tourism experience? yup. its pretty cool desu, every two years i go to a southern European countrie with a friend. mostly France and Spain. we end up boning 4 or 5 chicks most of the time other tourist from norther European countries, sometimes American chicks too. my friend goes for the regular party slut (late teens, mid 20s) i personally prefer fresh teens. ---79284729 >>79284487 then you take him back and breed him right? for banter ---79284793 >>79283477 I wouldn't call myself old but I'm around the same age as OP Am I jaded? Perhaps, if that's what you want to call it. I've been through relationships and the way you talk about drama leads me to believe you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Maybe the drama in your part of the world (Mayberry USA) is nice and sweet but in the real world it ruins lives. It changes the way you see things from there on out, it puts you on guard. How can it not, it's natural to avert from pitfalls you've experienced before. You talk way too much about something you're obviously new at ---79284817 >>79284487 > willing to take a chance on getting sucked off by a dude when you could easily afford to ensure 100% of the fluid druids were female. Shouldn't you be busy at work running the country, Trudeau? ---79284820 >>79280992 > t.roach k thx bye ---79284979 Fat pensioners in socks and crocs ---79285055 >>79284793 So you've never had youthful romances that never worked out, but you're still glad you had? Have you only dated psychos or suffered 3 divorces or something? You sound like you got fucked over by some woman and it's scarred you for life, made you bitter and defensive, and afraid. Don't take your bullshit out on everyone else. ---79285246 >>79280717 >not wanting to suck the traps cock faggot ---79285315 >>79278761 >tfw 26 and married >have a child >wish I just became a 40 year old virgin drawing NEET bucks Fuck modern society ---79285382 >>79284527 >i personally prefer fresh teens. Hanging around playgrounds isn't sex tourism Amine. ---79285402 >>79278761 He's just going on vacation and banging a whore or seven. Calm down. ---79285451 >>79278524 ---79285532 Good luck lad. Enjoy yourself, you've earned it. ---79285623 >>79278191 pic related ---79285871 >>79284527 >fresh teens. fucking hell you mean 13?????? well islam is a religion of pedo anyway ---79285875 >>79280570 good lord this is really gross to look at, just imagine the the amount of diseases that are present in that pool jesus christ ---79285917 >>79284817 But then how would any of my mates get sucked off by a dude so I can laugh at them? Think like an englishman, lad. ---79285920 >>79285055 Why do you persist on talking out of your ass? That's great that you had a gf in high school and it was cute and cuddly.. but when you're no longer a child things get serious, the problem isn't about who you're going to take to the prom anymore And that's where the life experience line is above your head, you are not allowed to enter unless you have this much. You're out of your depth ---79285950 >>79279126 MGTOW =/= MRA ---79286034 >>79285917 im gonna have to go with frenchie with this one its so gay getting sucked off by a man. ---79286053 >>79285623 what the fuck ---79286094 >>79285623 >that whole post I bet the guy was an Anglo ---79286128 >>79284205 No, there are plenty of places that accept or even openly cater to Gaijin as well as long as you don't behave like an obvious asshole. The fact that I speak decent Japanese and have researched the Japanese sex industry customs and quirks helps as well. >>79284172 I have a few buddies living across the country, usually at least 3-4h away who I meet only 2-3 times a year. But none of them is an alpha. Besides I fucking hate normies. I have made my peace with the fact that I will never find happiness, and am fully aware that I only have myself to blame. ---79286196 >>79285920 Yes, well, I'm talking about those cute and cuddly teenage experiences. Those are precisely the ones I'm talking about. Sure, when you're an adult everything is more serious and everything sucks, but it's worse when you've never had those youthful experiences that aren't that important, which is what OP sounds like. Maybe your problem is you're just a prick? ---79286364 Casual, yet responsible, sex is one of the greatest parts of life. Fuck everyone you can but be as safe as possible. ---79286421 >>79278524 I am pretty social, had gfs, good sex etc, but never fucked escorts. Some are really hot, just wonder how it feels like. In Amsterdam there waa this amazing looking Hooker for 50 euro I was very tempted, but there is some taboo about this in my mind, since I am used to getting girls my way. ---79286430 All the sluts hanging out in this thread. Would it be ok if I shat in my hand and fucked you in the cunt with it like a filthy Indian dildo? ---79286559 >>79286421 >In Amsterdam there waa this amazing looking Hooker for 50 euro I was very tempted, but there is some taboo about this in my mind, since I am used to getting girls my way. Taboo about spending money on unnecessary things? Oy vey, who would have thought. ---79286619 >>79286430 Not in the slightest. You need to hydrate more if your feces is that solid. ---79286659 >>79278833 You fuck anything less that 50euros here, you're getting std through a condom, or a tranny, which is the same end result I guess. ---79286665 >>79286128 >I have made my peace with the fact that I will never find happiness, and am fully aware that I only have myself to blame. what the actual fuck is this sob story even? hans, give it some time. its too early to quit. ---79286710 >>79278524 a leaf. ---79286724 >>79278191 30 is really fucking young stupid. It's all in your head. Plus why do you want to destroy your German genes with flips ---79286874 >>79286724 What? He'll still have German genes. He's only talking about fucking them, too, not marrying them. Are you implying the Flip women will send Flip genes up his dick from their cunts and rewrite his white DNA? ---79287038 >>79286559 Topkek ---79287042 >>79286430 Get fucked weirdo ---79287149 >>79286559 Paying for sex But kek ---79287393 >24 >kissless virgin >about to start an engineering degree How fucked am i? ---79287501 >>79281674 Right in the feels. Thank you anon for making me realize I'll never be truly happy. ---79287522 >>79286196 >Maybe your problem is you're just a prick? Yeah, maybe. And maybe yours is that you're a complete numbskull that talks way too much about things he knows very little about ---79287548 >>79286128 Well fucking do it then you cuck! Time to get some real 3D jappuss man. >>79285623 EVIL. ---79287754 >>79286421 I friend of mine went with a hooker in Amsterdam. The 50 EU is only the basic price for which you get nothing. Even squeezing her tits will cost you extra. ---79287899 >>79280092 >>79280080 I swear I saw these exact posts a year ago ---79288252 >>79286094 he says he wanted to take her back to the states at the end. ---79288324 >>79287393 You've reserved wizard status. ---79288328 >>79287754 no its not, 50 euros gets you suck and fuck for 15 mins. ---79288420 >>79278513 Nigga, I literally go to Germany for that type of shit ---79288571 >>79287393 The wand chooses its owner. The wand chose your hand. Embrace it. ---79288627 >>79286874 the problem is I'm afraid if the girl is nice enough I will become a total sucker and might marry her. ---79288694 >>79281168 Is the prostate massage extra? ---79288832 >>79278191 >don't get my life in order. your life is in order. you have stable income. you should just spend your time outside doing things and not just going home after work to shitpost on 4chan ---79289238 >>79281183 The graveyard. ---79289473 >>79288694 Not by much, but they just want your maximum cummies the quickest so they can go attract their next john. ---79289642 >>79281674 Truth. I was working my way to being a high level wizard at the age of 25, decided I was going to kill myself like my heroes or just go balls out, don't give a fuck about anything or anyone. I decided the latter and I can tell you from the hundreds, maybe over a thousand times, I've had sex, that once you've done every position, tons of girls, it just becomes something a part of your life, like eating tendies or disciplining your wife's son. I've only done the sex tourism in Tijuana and although fun, probably because of the meth, cocaine, alcohol, and viagra, it really filled no void in me. I just felt like a degenerate scum. Forming relationships is what you should be focusing on. Join a dance class, pottery class, cooking class, fucking sign up for yoga in the park, or volunteer making houses for your imported brown people. Meet people your age at social clubs. You'd be surprised at how many inept individuals like yourself are searching for the "one." The trick is to not be obvious about it, and instead go about being happy and confident. That is when true attraction and relationships will form. ---79290211 >>79278191 >in Japan >new year's eve in Kabuki-cho >all these suits in front of whore houses hailing "hey american come here we've got girls" >ask them for directions to the bar I was looking for where fellow Finngols were drinking >the best English I've heard any Japanese person speak >don't find the bar, go back to the hotel, drink with some German backpackers, fuck no hoes >become a wizard a year later Good times, would go again. ---79290454 >>79278191 The best whores are in Germany ---79290998 >>79286196 Ah, yes, I remember being a young romantic too ---79291093 >>79278191 Vietnam Saigon is the cheapest place in Vietnam. Blowjob around 15$, they always want ridiculously more. You can get the wife or gf expirience in Thailand. That means rent a bitch for a day between 3-5k baht. Don't rent them longer than 2days. They are cheaper if you find them on the street. But the girls from the bars are more trustworthy. If you stay with them longer then a couple of days than by them a gold present. Get always your ladyboy from a bar, never from the street. Ladyboys are expensive and therefore get the youngs one. Don't focus and fetishise their dicks, if you want to suck a dick go to the gay bars. Cambodia and Philippenis is shit and overrun by pedophiles. ---79291841 >>79280570 All the women look so defeated. "Yup. This is my life..." ---79292476 >>79290211 Wizard? ---79293248 >>79285623 Well that was some stuff ---79293312 >>79280570 Even in Thailand... The ride never ends... ---79293597 Every science and engineering major I knew in university was relatively well adjusted and more than likely had a dating life. People study hard things and have a life as well all the time. Sounds like you're just a faggot, OP. ---79294044 >>79285871 >>79285623 >>79285920 >>79285917 >>79285875 >>79285950 >>79286034 >>79286053 >>79286094 >>79286128 >>79286196 >>79286364 >>79286421 >>79286430 >>79286559 >>79286619 >>79286665 >>79286710 >>79286724 >>79286874 >>79287038 >>79287042 >>79287149 >>79287393 >>79287501 >>79287522 >>79287548 >>79287754 >>79287899 >>79288252 >>79288324 >>79288328 >>79288571 >>79288627 >>79288694 >>79288832 >>79289473 >>79289642 >>79290211 >>79290454 >>79290998 >>79291093 >>79291841 >>79292476 >>79292476 >>79293248 >>79293312 >>79293597 same numbers ---79295072 >>79291093 You might catch herpes from those $15 BJ. When it comes to sex, anything below $50 is questionable. ---79295193 >>79278191 >Sex tourism Why travel abroad when you can just sex traffick into your own country by the millions? :^) ---79295706 >>79279732 I could weep from joy from being this guy. ---79295881 >>79279871 Germoney cannot into fixed. Too much brain drain has already happened, the remaining citizenry will be swamped by replacement level immigration. >Merkel wills it ---79295942 >>79279939 He's okay. Tourists are ever and always an exception. ---79296087 >>79280570 The look of abject despair on her face is kind of hot. ---79296226 >>79280149 It's Dungeons and Dragons with the hope of winning actual pussy. >Roll a D20 to choose your number close ---79296311 >>79285623 Terrible ---79296372 >>79278371 I thought that was Holland or Thailand? ---79296441 >>79279732 Even he probably has a family ---79296449 >>79283467 where do you live? I live in Munich. you sound interesting enough to at least have a change with some girls. I might help you get hooked up ---79296534 >>79279939 Get BTFO you pedophile ---79296674 >>79285623 ---79296807 >>79296372 >I thought that was Holland Expensive and meme-tier. People only think that because most prostitutes here sit in windows to advertise themselves.. It seems to be a tourist attraction more than anything. The all-in clubs in Germany probably have better value and better choices. >or Thailand? Kind of far away from most westerners.. Though it does have a serious reputation. ---79296887 >>79285623 fucking purge ---79296960 >>79296087 ---79297085 >>79278191 I have no experience in this matter, but >picking SE Asia Why not just go to Mexico? You can get an hour or two fuck for 30-50 USD, cost of living is low, and there are plenty of gorgeous beaches. Plus, you'd speak the local language. It'd be best if you went with likeminded friends too. ---79297286 >>79285623 >any of that happened, ever What kind of a twisted mind does it take for one reject to come up with mentally scarred horse shit of this scale? ---79297381 >>79278191 Are you fucking crazy OP? It's so damn easy to get laid for free. Don't blow your dough on some Flip ho. Come on man, have a little confidence. Imagine you're Hitler Blitzkrieging Polish pussy and go get some. ---79297513 >>79296960 fite me ---79297740 >>79280896 He's right and you retards should actually travel around a bit. ---79298107 >>79297085 because DUDE YELLOW FEVER LMAO you can't reason with 4chan ---79298188 >meet wife in grad school >she's originally from angeles city, Phillipines >go overseas for a funeral >wife and I are both in our mid-twenties and good looking >people constantly eyeballing us because I'm a normal looking white male with a 7/10 filipina in a city where 99% of the white males there are creepy old fat men there for sex We were like celebrities when talking to hotel staff and business employees. My wife got to tell all those dumb cunts to stay in school and go to the US for their masters/phds, they can make a fuck ton more money and married men their own age if they just stay in school a bit longer verses riding the foreign cock'o'goround. Hope we saved a few souls that trip. ---79298225 >>79278191 >The only good part is that I have money. Take the money Get a personal trainer Go to central/eastern Europe and fuck slavic chicks for free ---79298658 >>79279724 Police gets extra bonus if its a foreigner Plus they get to be praised in the news ---79298912 >>79283467 If I was still single and a degenerate I would make profiles on Japanese tinder and advertise that I was young white male looking for casual sex with Japanese milfs. But I choose a different path. You must plow japanese milfs in my place anon. Did it for me, without protection. ---79299078 >>79298188 >angeles city. That city is overrun with happas now. those millenial happas are now following their mom's footsteps looking for true love in the red light district. what a fucking schlock. ---79299218 >>79283201 what did you do in the Navy if you don't mind my asking? Think I should try commissioning or enlisting with my degree as an HM or CTN ---79299286 >>79293312 That's angeles city Philippines. I've driven past that place a few times. I stayed at a hotel in Clark like a normal humanbeing. ---79299463 >>79283201 How does that work? Sure, there will be some perverts who prefer a LB, but the vast amount of traffic must be there looking for actual girls, right? ---79299500 >>79284527 How do you get those fresh teens? It's not like Southern Europe is undeveloped. Is the AoC 16 there? ---79299973 >>79293312 ---79300097 >>79285623 this can't be real. shit here is works of fiction, remember. ---79300269 >>79299500 16 is the highest AoC in Southern Europe (Spain). Most have 14. ---79300824 >>79278191 I only know about London sex scene and I've heard it's one of the best. I've had girls from Asia, Ukraine, Eastern Europe. Excellent girls of great quality but probably a lot more expensive than Asia. What is the German sex work scene like? German women are beautiful. ---79300940 >>79300097 Idk if that specific story is real but the exploitation of Brazil's poor, especially the indios, is world-famous. >>79298107 Mexico isn't safe at all, dude. ---79300977 >>79281674 >filename Bless you ftiend ---79301133 >>79278191 Fahr einfach nach Berlin oder meld dich bei o.Ä. an ---79301331 >>79278191 > going to the philippines for sex Niga, I bet there's a brothel within 5km of your house and you can fuck 10/10 hungarian prostitutes there, what are you doing. ---79301515 >>79278191 >He needs prostitutes and poverty-ridden hookers to have contact with a female All (white)males that need to pay to touch a female should,honestly,kill themselves. You're just a sissy,beta nu-male failure who was never meant to breed,much less exist,but the current system allows you to exist and slave away. Make way for alphas ,you exist as cannon fodder,not even a hooker would let you father her offspring. ---79301564 >>79285623 degenerate self-insert fiction. fucking disgusting. ---79302042 >>79284172 I've used a few different services over there Hans. Unless you're a bloody wizard you can get by. ---79302526 >>79285623 well I popped a boner ---79302832 >>79278191 good luck with that shit. if the locals find out what you are doing you are fucked if you go looking for trouble in the Philippines trouble will find you ---79302927 >>79278191 Right place ask about it is probably daily stormer. ---79303514 >>79281674 This hit me right in the feels I am 21 had 1 or 2 friends in high school who left for college. Never been invited to a party personally just family gatherings, and birthday parties. I am 21 and haven't been able to find a job for nearly 6 months in anything from basic retail to help desk 21 and never had a gf before. Nor had a friend who happened to be a girl Live in the most iconic city on earth that everyone claims is the best thing ever and still unhappy with no friends, money or life >inb4 check out the museums or eat at some trendy restaurant >Not really interested >No money My main goal in life since I was in grade school was to get a good paying job so I can design a house I would rarely have to leave and be a Hermit. >This post made me realize I will never truly be happy >My entire life has been nothing but node points that I was meant to get to (School>college>that job). >Literal blips that mean very little >Those blips are the only thing I have because I am already to far gone End my life already pham ---79303548 >>79294044 Witnessed ---79303613 >>79294044 which proves what? ---79303773 >>79278191 >I need to go pay whores for an orgasm and go be lonely at the end of the day Sex when you're in love is what you're missing out on. ---79303978 >>79285623 This is disturbing ---79304353 >>79280570 >all the men are fat and ugly probably poor >all the women are skinny but still ugly >men have such low standards this is what they are satisfied with And this is why average girls are valued highly. Men with class will not sit around a bunch of other smelly men staring at average or ugly females. They get extremely hot women to do it for free. OP needs to man up, post an add about wanting to be a sugar daddy and showing off his wealth. You'll get to fuck a bitch for free by allowing her to be near you and not spending a dime. That's the key. Dont pay a woman unless she pays you first. ---79304404 >>79280413 Everything besides full intercourse is ok legally speaking, but theres a bunch of places that offer the full deal, albeit as a foreigner it can be a tad difficult. But you really have to be an ugly ass neck beard weeb to not get laid in japan. ---79304422 >>79278191 you couldn't get a chick with a 100 bill hanging our of your zipper ---79304709 >>79278524 I kekd ---79305126 >>79285623 I don't have any words. That is absolutely cruel and inhumane. I know it isn't real but if certain people got their way, the poor would have no rights and sex slavery would be legal again. And no. He didn't love her. This honestly makes me so mad. Somebody post the story of the white guy who went to South Africa and ACTUALLY fell in love and wanted to marry the 13 y/o girl. ---79305282 >>79305126 >Somebody post the story You're new here ---79305313 >>79282303 Yeah like those faggots know anything. They do not even live here. They are just trash living in a foreign country ---79305456 >>79283467 Fucking christ hans, you could easily bang some thirsty jap chicks, hell by the sounds of it I could set you up with a wifey pretty easily. ---79305598 >>79280570 wow...really makes u think ---79305617 >>79285623 Disgusting. People like this need to be locked away for life. Hope the fbi tracked the ip adress of the fucker who posted this and raided him. ---79305869 >>79286094 that guy from the post is human trash ---79305945 >>79278191 30 years old redhaired mongol from east germany wants to go in a crime ridden country will probably fall into a drug and prostitution demise NICE CHOICE HANS ---79306035 >>79278191 >Philippines Pedophile detected. You have the entire EU and Russia for sex tourism but you want to travel the PH? ---79306324 OP, you're no better than those disgusting middle aged men with beer bellies who fall for russian bride scams. Kill yourself. ---79306343 >>79285623 >all these triggered reddit newfags replying to this stuff should post stuff like this more often ---79306575 >>79306324 >russian bride scams They were real in the 90's. ---79306582 >>79278653 HE'S A JOB CREATOR YOU SHITLORD ---79306834 >>79286094 >I bet there is no wagering at 4chan, Grandpa ---79307096 >>79279939 >implying duterte isn't based as fuck ---79307528 >>79280570 Angel Witch? What? ---79307543 >>79285623 ---79307550 >>79278191 I used to go to Karlsruhe and Freiburg 5-6 years ago, german hookers are wonderful. In France it's officially forbidden so the only hookers you'll find are north-africans, niggers and eastern women that look like shit and have HIV or herpès. ---79307616 >>79283467 pull yourself together dude, i bet there are quite a few german female specimens that would very much like to have a family and use you as a cash cow ---79307675 >>79279468 Too late. Once you go black we don't want you back. ---79307741 >>79278191 Go to Belize Age of consent is like 14 and parents practically sell their children ---79307750 >>79278191 Have you like ever even tried? Women are more horny than men, but they are dangerous since they can get pregnant. I work as an engineer and I have Access to pussy 24/7 I am not good looking, but women are stupid and crazy ---79307926 >>79278191 >thinking sex tourism will get you out of your shell with women. Kill yourself ---79308021 >>79279939 That "psychotic murderer" is supportive of adult prostitution. If your a pedo you may get killed though. ---79308135 >>79278524 probably you dont know what real science is and how much sacrifice it demands. ---79308236 This thread is depressing. ---79308273 >>79280526 Love hotels are for any kind of hookup. Basically Japanese brothels do reject foreigners for the most part. Some dont. But I dunno why you'd bother. Just figure out where all the foreigners go and there will be plenty of cock hungry gaijin hunters. I've literally been dragged out of a club by a qt Japanese chick to the closest love hotel. She even paid for it ---79308438 >>79307543 ---79308545 >>79278653 And how can I go on achieving this? ---79308549 >>79307750 Everyone keep talking about how woman are sluts,horny bitches and I still cant get laid despite shitloads of money,engineering and good look xDDD it's wizard time..... ---79308744 >>79278833 >She'll fuck you for a chocolate bar ---79308849 >>79280751 cut your hair real short and keep a beard, be like some badass from some stupid hollywood movie, chicks love that shit ---79308914 >>79282138 Thailand is full of freelance prozzies ---79308944 >>79305617 You know its fiction right? Well they should still track him down, high probability of having CP, along with who ever posted the screens. ---79308969 >>79278191 I remember in the beginning of the Internet there use to be alot sex tourism websites ...they were the best. You can find the best hookers in any big city. It was amazing. I don't know why the fuck the close all of those down. ---79308997 >>79285623 jesus christ... disgusting ---79309099 >>79281674 this is the truth yo, but that shit at the end with getting a dog sounds a little awkward ---79309118 >>79307741 If you are american (or portarecan :P) it is illegal to have sex with anyone outside the US who is under 16, if there is evidence you will be prosecuted. If in the US its up to state law. AOC on military bases is 16 regardless of state law. ---79309139 >>79278191 >I'm thinking of going to the Philippines next year if I don't get my life in order. You are from Germany. WTF? Just stay in Germany - as first thread, best thread said. Or just download Tinder and start dating. Or go to a bar or just talk to women. Bulk up, dress up, have a good haircut and that is it. WTF are people thinking having sex in the Pihlippines will "correct" your autism??? ---79309232 >>79283467 Dude seriously? Don't look for brothels, go where the foreigners all go and you shouldn't have much problem picking up a gaijin hunter ---79309276 >>79309139 This. ---79309298 >>79283467 >hating turks, nigs, gypsies, mudslimes, femnazis, SJW, cucks >28 virgin >completely socially inept assburger king could those be related ?.... makes you think ---79309441 >>79278191 Why go overseas when you have a sluggish EU economy and legal prostitution? I'm sure there are endless German or Eastern European girls doing in calls in your area. I'm in the same boat as you, career focused and 33. I have about 5 local girls ages 18-25 that I pick from once or twice a month and call in. $200 later my balls are empty. Cheaper than a girlfriend. ---79309480 >>79285382 8/10 >>79285871 nah, like 14 ~ 17 >>79299500 16 in Spain, 15 in France. but most of the time no one really cares. ---79309482 >>79281674 Read the Game, it's not just about pickup. I read it once a year and continue to get new revelations from it. What the poster above is saying is that at some point you will realize that women are as Neil Strauss puts it: "all holes: ears to listen to me, a mouth to talk at me and a vagina to squeeze orgasms out of me." Because they are holes they cannot fill that missing part of your life, but enjoy the experience while you try. I feel like you need to get to that point yourself to realize the magnitude of the situation. My close friend and fellow pol tard and I go through cycles of intense intellectualism and research and we then go back to slaying ass for a bit and getting fit. ---79309573 >>79285623 Fucking remove this filth. ---79309629 >>79281674 True but you still didn't help, the purpose of having sex is to not dwell on it for many years to come. ---79309727 >>79298658 Didn't you guys just elect a complete lunatic? ---79309809 >>79285623 Well, I'm hard now. Seriously though, he did nothing wrong. The family needed money, and he gave them enough to last a year. ---79309865 >>79285623 white people are sick ---79310306 >>79299218 Not the guy you're asking, but if you have a useful degree definitely go in as an officer. If you really wanna go the enlisted route then pick CTN. HM is way overmanned, the advancement is terribly low, and about 75% of HMs are complete retards who can't use a broom properly. source - salty corpsman ---79310474 >>79285623 Guaranteed anglo that did that ---79310535 >>79278191 The tourist areas of Kenya are full of prostitutes. I actually met a fairly nice, smart, honest one (yeah I know, a nigger, right?). It was fun, and cheap (I was paying €100 a night, which was over the odds, I could have bargained her down but didn't bother), compared to the ridiculous money you'd have to pay in Ireland. We got drunk one night and fucked her with no condom, but lucked out and seem to still be clean, as well as childless. I think she was trying to get pregnant. Supposedly the area around the coast, north of Mombasa, is where you can go for child prostitutes. I had no experience with this though. If you were willing to deal with the usual dating bullshit you could very easily get unpaid-for sex anywhere in Africa. The continent is full of unemployed young people and girls who would love a white boyfriend. They will all want to go back home to Ireland with you though. ---79310907 >>79310535 >We got drunk one night and fucked her with no condom, but lucked out and seem to still be clean, as well as childless. I think she was trying to get pregnant. BTW, actually this was by far the best sex of my life. The danger made it feel intense, as well as her intense orgasm and awesome vaginal contractions. ---79311517 >>79308273 >drink it up and chat with an old Japanese dude at the hotel >topic of marriage comes up >he tells me I should get a Japanese wife >insist even as I tell him I'm not nearly proficient enough and all that >"marry first, master Japanese later" >was certain old Japanese dudes were absolutely against mixing with gaijins >mfw I wouldn't even think of such a thing because I'm absolutely against mixing I don't want to tarnish the last paradise on earth with my filthy gaijin genes. ---79311764 >>79311517 >finnish You're already half mongol so why worry? ---79311798 Going to cologne next week for 3 days then onto Berlin and finally Prague. I'm poor as fuck so can't drop big money for sex. Haven't had sex since my gf dumped me last year. Which city has the best value prostitutes? And what should I expect to pay? ---79312262 >>79311798 >>79310535 i don't get it. you guys are always complaining about how all women are sluts, yet you still pay prostitutes to have sex
----- ---79309386 >>>/b/692324884 Gt in here, faggots!
---79309842 >>79309386 bump ---79310040 >>79309842
----- ---79277727 so let us get this straight >voted leave >cameron pulls out >boris doesn't wonna do it >crashed your own curency for nothing >reignited the scottish independence movement >laughing stock of the western world right now >fell for a populist idiot who got laughed at by the EU parlament, but hey he made fun of them so it's a moral victory what the fuck have you done?
---79277796 Haha good post Germany ---79277873 What is their plan? Is there no plan? ---79277961 >>79277873 of course there is no plan, everyone campaigning for leave did it for personal gain and not because they want to better the country. ---79277973 >>79277873 Crashing the union ---79278032 >>79277727 >Cameron Wanted to stay in the EU >Boris He was shilling for EU market access and free movement which the Tory right were against and most of the public are against. >£ The £ is normalising in just under a week lad. >Scots Literally no one gives a shit about them and it is down to Westminster to give them a referendum (yes legally they have to ask Westminster) and they will be refused because they already had one 2 years ago. >Laughing stock No that's your position see pic. >Feel for populist Evidently we didn't because we got what we wanted and any back trackers are now being purged. Now fuck off you stupid Saur Kraut Abdullah cock licker. ---79278065 >>79277727 Great stuff Turkey 2.0! ---79278067 >>79277727 Oh thanks Germany Hey how are those 'Syrians', heard they didn't appreciate your lanky asses and wanted better pussy to empty their balls into. ---79278140 >>79277961 Wow they want to stay independent cry about it more German bitch stop ruining Europe and maybe they would have stayed ---79278194 >>79277973 The union seems rather unfazed. ---79278195 >>79278032 >Now fuck off you stupid Saur Kraut Abdullah cock licker. Whoa, watch your language. ---79278200 >>79277961 >everyone campaigning for leave did it for personal gain and not because they want to better the country. lol... I'm guessing you're the Eternal Anglo poster and you're switching things up because they didn't go your way last time, so you're going down this path which will also not go down your way. >>79277727 >Photoshopped picture of our beloved Kate. Nice try you buttblasted Turk faggot. ---79278232 Any economic loss is worth leaving the EU ---79278268 >>79277961 Another great post by our good friend Germany ---79278304 >>79277727 This same post 100 times per day. ---79278339 >>79277961 >everyone campaigning for leave did it for personal gain Why has Boris fucked off now then? What has he gained? ---79278375 >>79278195 I'm not Scottish, doesn't apply to me but thanks for your concern. ---79278529 >>79277727 >It's another kraut shit talking the brexit thread Man you guys are fucking salty. ---79278552 >>79278375 Well in that case, carry on. ---79278593 >>79278195 >Glasgow Soon to be part of your EU ---79278630 >>79278304 It's the new Eternal Anglo meme. Eternal Anglo has won the previous battle, Krauts getting fanny flustered at the looming Eurozone debt crisis being compounded by our decision to leave. Greece first, then Italy so I hope the Germans enjoy working 600 hours a week to pay for Abdi bin Turk to fuck his wife, along with paying for all the lazy Medniggers. Germany will go insane in your lifetime and try to annex more of Europe, more of the same and then collapse again. ---79278644 they don't want to be your bitch anymore germany , you've been a bad pimp ---79278656 >>79278529 Oh I am fucking happy you are out, it is just funny seeing a train crash in slowmo >>79278200 pic related is an intentional mistranslation, but this is how /pol/ works I guess, haha >lol... I'm guessing you're the Eternal Anglo poster what the fuck does that even mean go outside nerd >Photoshopped picture of our beloved Kate. last time I was in britian everyone had fucked up teeth, not even kidding. ---79278668 >>79277727 >what the fuck have you done? they have destroyed your economy and you haven't noticed yet ---79278695 >>79277727 We did the right thing, the problem is pussy politicians too cucked to enact the change we have demanded. In an ideal world snap elections produce a Tory/UKIP alliance with Farage as Deputy PM. The tears would be delicious. but it ain't gonna happen. ---79278743 >>79277727 Enjoy your descent into Turkey 2.0 Germany. You were a funny country once. >>79277873 You don't always have a plan when running from a fire. You just don't want to get burned. ---79278745 >>79278536 >last time I was in britian everyone had fucked up teeth, not even kidding. Most people in my country actually do look after their teeth but that's not even the point. Don't post shopped images of are Kate, especially since she has really good teeth. How about this pic? ---79278767 >>79277873 To be fair, it's up to the government to come up with a plan, the leave campaign had no plan because they had no real say in what would happen. Boris has a lot of hate at the moment and I don't really trust his intentions. Cameron should have stayed the course and come up with a plan instead of running away. ---79278777 >>79278194 They seem almost hysterically and utterly panicked. ---79278796 >>79277961 You know you fucked up when people are willing to dive into the unknown just to escape the current plan. ---79278819 >>79277727 ---79278854 >>79278656 >it is just funny seeing a train crash in slowmo I'm enjoying watching Germany do it in real time tbqh ---79278925 >>79278656 >last time I was in britian everyone had fucked up teeth, not even kidding You've never been to britain mohammad, you've only just managed to get into germany ---79278968 >>79277727 ---79279062 >>79277961 >personal gain = not being chucked by Syrian goat herders Kek ---79279227 >>79278968 >>79278065 >>79278067 >>79277796 >>79278925 Maybe if your only news source wasn't /pol/ you would realize that we aren't being overrun by muslims. I never had a bad experience with a refugee. ---79279283 >>79277727 Merkel, I thought you had better things to do than shitpost on a Laotian basket weaving forum. Isn't there some migrant crime figures to cover up? Also, what happened with that guy who took hostages in a theater and got shot. I never heard anything about who he was, should I just assume his name was Hans ibn von al-Husseini ---79279338 >>79278552 I think these guys are better. Watch the video. ---79279341 >>79279227 That's because you are one. ---79279425 >>79277727 Mehmed from Germanistan. ---79279431 >>79279227 >I never had a bad experience with a refugee. You would probably have to actually leave the house ---79279447 >>79279227 ---79279458 >>79277727 Your plans have been ruined shill. Deal with it. ---79279506 >>79279283 Everything points towards suicide by cop, he only had a blank gun, native german. >tfw gun control works ---79279531 >>79279341 shhhhhhhhh his Gran never told that his granddad was a Russian soldier ---79279584 >>79279431 >>79279431 You forget, they enjoy being ficki ficki'd. Funny story, pic related's company allowed a German woman to get brutally raped. Music for the thread. ---79279618 >>79279227 Pick a website an i'll get you a couple of negative """""refugee""""" stories ---79279637 >>79279227 But Hans! You are the Ahmed! ---79279693 >>79277727 I'm so glad that Germs will go extinct and all their women will be mass raped by arab cock. Can't wait to see Germany become Turkey 2.0 ---79279721 >>79277727 You are not in control anymore. Accept it. ---79279808 Of course alt-right nutters wil derail the thread >muh refugees britian was never even being threatened by the refugee wave your pakis were always there stupid ---79279938 >>79279721 Well said ---79279965 >>79279808 This really gets me hard. You will go extinct in just a few years. I'm so fucking happy :^) ---79279993 >>79279637 >Those faces my sides. >>79279808 >britian was never even being threatened by the refugee wave your pakis were always there stupid Yes we were LOL. We used our opt in clause to opt out of accepting the quotas, Republic of Ireland, Denmark and some other nation has that clause but that clause is going to be overturned in October with a brand new ficki ficki quota system being devised as we speak and anyone that rejects it will be sanctioned. ---79280076 >>79278032 What a retard you are. Say goodbye to the European market. ---79280085 >>79279965 The German people want it, let them have it lol. ---79280103 >>79278032 Is that Bubbles? ---79280150 >>79280076 >Say goodbye to the European market. BYE!!!!!! ---79280198 >>79280103 Don't be such a bigot, they are the Germans now. ---79280202 >>79279993 And that 20,000 Syrians aint here yet either ---79280217 >>79280085 What shall we call Germany once all the Germans are half arab/turk/negroid hybrids? Turkmany? ---79280332 >>79277727 >being German You're nation is currently calling for a referendum... ---79280379 >>79280202 They're going to Scotland, all 20,000 of them. Bute got its first taste of Enrichment this year and Police Scotland quickly clamped down on those not supporting this policy of Nicola (Irn Bru and bag of Fish & Chips) Sturgeon. ---79280388 >>79280150 Just dont get it do they ? WE CAN NOW TRADE ANYWHERE WITH ANYONE AND NOT JUST THE FAILED SHRINKING AND FUCKING DOOMED EU ---79280432 >>79279584 > >The origin of the men I do not like to express, as I have the last few months trying very reflected not to let my thinking and my basic setting bend by the recent events. Now I just think of anything else and I do not know how to deal with it, "says the thoroughly leftist friend who had rejected a blanket condemnation of the North Africans after the New Year's Eve attacks in Cologne and Dusseldorf and sometimes even the word "Nazi" took in her mouth. As punk, hippie and music activist she has always fought "against the right." Now their worldview is destroyed. "We have been sitting at the criminal police for six hours. All my social values and attitudes are today shaken overnight in their foundations. " at least the Kebab are curing leftism. ---79280497 welcome to new germstan and eustan ---79280501 >>79280379 >mfw the idiot Kraut doesn't realise we want Scotland gone but just can't shift them, not even the EU wants them. ---79280622 >>79280379 That will be an interesting experiment and a real boost for vitamin d sales ---79280692 >>79277873 You don't need a plan. that's why Article 50 gives you 2 years to negotiate. Cameron just doesn't want to be the one to enact it so it looks like we don't know what the fuck is going on because no one will take us out. ---79280802 >>79280692 Gove will take us out and out of the single market as well ---79280858 >>79278656 Of course you're happy. Because now UK can't block your bullshit. ---79281095 >>79280858 Exactly and when the crap gets so bad even the French see it the EU will cease to exist ---79281222 >>79279227 >I never had a bad experience with a refugee. Also most of them are 1.60 m (5'4") manlets. I have seen bus load of them getting off at the local alien's department. ---79281224 >>79281095 >>79280858 ---79281270 >>79279618 >Pick a website an i'll get you a couple of negative """""refugee""""" stories Go on. ---79281365 >>79280858 Any speeches from him in regards to actual result of the Brexit? ---79281422 >>79279584 > lol, fuck off! That's some little, right-wing radicals party. ---79281531 >>79281422 Everything is "right wing" radicals to you antifa trash. ---79281587 >>79277727 Abdul is from ___________? ---79281603 >>79279227 >Maybe if you didn't limit your scope to one source, you would realize that my anecdotal evidence represents the majority of my countrymen. ---79281607 >>79281224 ---79281623 >>79279965 >You will go extinct in just a few years. I'm so fucking happy :^) Who are your people stealing cars from then? ---79281671 >>79281607 And they call him a racist .................. ---79281728 Germany should be banned from the EU under article 7 of the Lisbon Treaty for advocating white genocide. ---79281820 >>79277727 merklebots out in force ---79281913 >>79280103 It's sad that bubbles is probably a more reliable employee than most of the rapefugees who are coming to Europe thinking they are getting shitloads of free money and don't have to ever work. ---79282003 >>79281603 Americans are the last ones that should claim knowing about the outside world. Really. Your idea of an average German is some leather-pants wearing, Bavarian with a beer mug and a feather on his bowler hat. Yet you are actually trying to tell us something about the reality in our country. ---79282027 >>79277727 ---79282089 go get cucked by an arab refugee you faggot ---79282115 -3.29 Watch it, all of you right now you fucking watch it. ---79282162 >>79278656 >has that picture saved >doesn't know what eternal anglo is yeah ok Mohammed ---79282284 >>79282089 >go get cucked by an arab refugee you faggot You can't even articulate your above the level of a special needs child. ---79282309 >>79281607 Shit edit ---79282328 >>79279808 >alt-right will detail the thread >on alt-right: the board ---79282369 I voted to remain. Gove is a fucking moron, and it's honestly terrifying to see people hoping that he will be PM. He fucked up the education system. ---79282456 >>79282089 What are you going to do when all your smart/young people leave your country for Canada just like they do in every country that fucks up an election? ---79282480 >>79282328 >/pol/ >alt-right Okay faggot. ---79282606 >>79281270 I don't speak that gutteral heathen language kraut, pick an english speaking one that isn't restricted by your government on what it can say ---79282619 >>79282003 That's the first I've heard of Germans being associated with leather pants. Unless you're implying that Germans are faggots. In which case, you're correct. ---79282654 Haven't even got the half of it desu: >Londonistan independence >not even a glimmer of a plan for what to do now >everyone from the leave campaign already went back on their promises >everyone jumping ship >the country will have a woman who failed to control immigration as a PM >the opposition will be the biggest cuck labour woman >inb4 bank clerk >inb4 damp rag >inb4 not a country >inb4 that picture of Belgium and sweden ---79282691 >>79282456 You meant Toronto? ---79282819 >>79277873 Fuck you I am at work and your filename made me spill my coffee. ---79282900 >>79282819 >kanker ---79283052 >>79280692 ...and Theresa May is saying it shouldn't be invoked until next year. I think they just want this to be the platform that the next PM runs on. ---79283081 >>79277727 Kate isn't even British you silly cunt. You're just made the UK isn't paying your dole anymore. ---79283150 >>79279431 Nope, he just has to be living in eastern Germany. ---79283164 >>79282003 Und das typische Krautbild des durchschnittlichen Amis ist ein idiotisch, waffenschleppend, fahnewellend, Trailerpark-wohnend Walmart-einkäuer ---79283322 >>79280388 They won't listen bro. They don't want to understand that trade deals aren't necessary to trade with other countrys. The EU has NO TRADE DEALS WITH USA OR CHINA and they still easily trade with them using the ancient concept of "money for goods". ---79283329 >>79277961 Yeah Daniel Hannan and Nigel Farage campaigned for leave for personal gain. That's why they sacrificed their "jobs" as MEPs :D ---79283454 >>79283164 also fat ---79283483 >>79279584 > "Alle meine sozialen Werte und Einstellungen sind heute Nacht in ihrer Grundfeste erschüttert worden.“" Loving every laugh, stupid lefti bitches. ---79283513 >>79281531 Die Rechte is seriously a fucking joke. and im pretty hard right wing. ---79283589 >>79283329 What did they personally gain for it? Being able to say "FUNNY, ISN'T IT?" ---79283629 >>79283164 You forgot inbred and loud. ---79283658 >>79278767 cameron was smart, good job cameron ---79283671 >>79281531 They literally state it in their website's name. They are right wing. ---79283716 >>79277727 >what the fuck have you done? We're crashing the entire rotten system. Join us or you are part of the problem. ---79283759 >>79282369 THIS. Pretty much. ---79283766 >>79283483 I also forgot, "der gar nichts die Ausenwelt weisst". ---79283793 daily reminder that the German government pays for pro EU/pro Globalism shills daily reminder that division between Anglos and Germans is the eternal jew's biggest priority ---79283811 >>79277873 plan. Vote leave. Stop immigration. Everything else is secondary. The politicians will soon discover this if they try to force us into freedom of movement arrangement. ---79283817 >>79279227 ---79283972 >>79283322 Yep imbecile, trade with US and China every time you need fresh food (over 50% of our import) you fucking idiot. ---79284068 >>79277727 >what the fuck have you done? The British people have voted to leave the European union. The British people have voted to reject the merchant banks. ---79284106 >>79277727 >it's a butthurt kraut thread ---79284297 >>79284068 Sure thing, a country based on a merchant banks economy rejected merchant banks. I want to believe. ---79284556 >>79283972 > imblying you don't want delicious chemical chicken nuggets that don't spoil for 5 years without a fridge ---79285084 >its another german poster pretends to be pro-EU for the sake of getting replies episode ---79285256 >>79277727 Angela, isn't it about time for you to bathe in the blood of virgins? ---79285261 >>79284556 Those idiots have no idea about the utter disaster they caused, we will never recover for decades. ---79285466 >>79277727 ---79285614 >>79279227 1-800-COME-ON-NOW ---79285695 >>79277727 More than germany , you cucked faggot . Nuke berlin. ---79285908 >>79278656 Last time I was in Germany, everyone looked faintly Slavic. ---79286079 >>79278777 That's pretty much what I'm seeing too. Nice trips, brother. ---79286353 >>79285908 > things that never happened, the post ---79286650 >>79280388 It's pretty dope, bro. ---79286765 >>79277727 >Says the one who owns the EU ---79286853 >>79282003 Germany would be a better place if it embraced its culture and heritage. ---79286881 >>79277973 will probably only strengthen the union ---79286931 >>79277727 >>79277777 ---79287088 >>79286353 You're telling me that Germany wasn't overrun by the Red Army? ---79287311 >>79278745 >Don't post shopped images of are Kate We do what we want, Bonglander.. ---79287370 >>79287088 And by the US and Canadian Army. (The red Army was maybe 50% Slavic at best btw, the rest were Central Asians) ---79287375 >>79280198 NO. They are MORE than Germans. They are 1st class CITIZENS. Only once you leave the EU do you regain your status. ---79287477 >>79278268 noice ---79287667 This... Coming from a German...?! 1. Enjoy mass immigration. 2. Enjoy antifa. 3. Enjoy Sharia. Enjoy the next generation of 'workers'. (1, 2 and 3 will be your workforce.) ---79287735 >>79287667 P.S. Enjoy the rise of the far-right in response to this full-retardary. ---79287812 >>79278656 Be honest faggot you haven't seen the sunlight in years ---79288009 >>79277973 With no survivors ---79288038 >>79277727 So, let us get this straight >BMW, Audi throw a fit and say if we are sanctioned they won't be happy >France goes back on its word and says we can post border guards in calais >Commonwealth countries back us up to the hilt except DudeWeeds Canada, and Obamas USA. When Trump wins, we become USABros >EU shitting the bed, with Druncker Juncker being a cunt in parliament. Go fuck yourself Kraut, we don't need the EU when we have the commonwealth. A group of S-Tier countries (get rid of dude weed Canada), who share our views and policies. Your own fucking companies won't let you shaft us, because after Germany, we are their biggest market. You think BMW will let you lose them hundreds of millions due to Mama Merkel? Companies give no fucks over borders, they care about profits...and guess what, we are a consumer country, we are the in most companies top five for units sold. You fuck us, you fuck them....and nothing can turn a political career more than a pissed off multi-national company. ---79288173 >>79277727 Please stop embarrassing us German's that aren't retarded. ---79288234 >>79277727 >laughing stock of the western world right now This one really tickles my ribs silly yuropoors ---79288359 >>79280388 They're frightened Anon, they are still stuck in the EU and it means that they will have to grow some balls or sit back and watch their nations become Islamastan. They hope we crash and burn so they can sit back and say "Ah see there was no point trying anyway." ---79288382 >>79288234 We are a laughing stock. Yknow those nervous laughs you make when you realise all the shit you said, isn't coming true. >'Haha, those silly brits, no one will trade with them. What? New Zealand, Thailand, China, Japan, India, Pakistan, Australia, Brazil...all want to trade with them? Ha...haha...silly....brits...Ha...fuck. ---79288455 >>79282003 I mean...that's pretty accurate, right? And here's an interesting reality about your country: You blockheads are pissing away your own, great culture for a mixed-up bag of dog shit. You're behaving like faggots. Your ancestors wouldn't hesitate to spit on you. And you appear to have lost the German grit that was cultivated over hundreds and hundreds of year due to your people constantly trying to make something out of nothing on your rock of a country. ---79288486 >>79277727 hun cuck tears : priceless ---79288487 >>79288382 We are laughing at you because you lost against Iceland. How can you even be proud of being English when you lose against Iceland ---79288537 >>79277727 How did I just *know* it would be a German flag? Holy fuck you bullet heads are brainwashed. I actually feel bad for you. I'm sipping freshly-bought tea right now, Hans. Our country is doing just fine. ---79288561 >>79288038 >When Trump wins, we become USABros No, mate, he'll either not remember or sell you out in a second. He'll look at you as that country that imported more Pakis per capita than they have Mexicans crossing the border. ---79288595 >>79278656 People in Britain associate perfect teeth with false teeth because that's what gran had on the national health. ---79288654 >>79288487 I'd rather lose against Iceland, than become the rape capital of europe. Your women are being raped daily by immigrants, and your solution? Import more, show them how to rape gently. ---79288859 >>79278339 He used the EU ref as a platform for a leadership bid, believing the result would be Remain. He gone done fucked up, and does not want to deal with the consequences of his campaigning. Heseltine said the other day as Boris campaigned for leave, he should deal with the resulting mess. Guess what Boris does? Runs off and leaves others to clean up his pooh. ---79288914 >>79277727 How stupid do you have to be to judge a long term situation after two weeks? Also its already clear that leave was the smarter choice. And this is why i am glad leave won and why in reality the pro remain people are naive best. ---79289096 >>79277727 > Be Germany > Let in hundreds of thousands of refugees > Refugees rape women > Want even more immigrants ---79289218 >>79278339 Because the "Leave" politicians didn't expect that they would win. He wanted to shitpost against the government just like UKIP Now that the one thing that made them relevant has been done, they have no idea what to do ---79289360 it's fucking Brilliant isn't it. England is finished. They all fell for the Brexit meme because "muh immigration" and now the brexit politicians are saying there is no need to slow down immigration so now they've stopped white French and Germans coming here but instead letting Patel from India come by the 1000s all whilst the pound continues to fall the banks have lost more than a quarter of there value And what makes it all better is there re light the fire of Scottish nationalism. The yes vote is now sitting and 69% and will only climb higher as Londons companies relocate to Edinburgh Remember you were there to see the fall of the sassenach what a joyful time ---79289533 >>79278067 >bunch of horny arabs that groped women VS a bunch of immigrants that raped children and put their fathers into jail If you want to rape, UK is the place to go ---79289627 >>79289533 The English police won't even arrest you because that's racist ---79289686 800 million "white" Europeans in Europe total, and that includes countries like Turkey that are "white." America is less than 60% whites with 160 millions "white" people, a number that includes self-identifying Hispanics that are darker than most blacks, an middle easterners. Hispanics were only 2% of the US population in 1980. Today they are 20%. 65+ million Hispanics in the country with an undetermined number of illegals. Canada and Australia. So there are about 1.3 billion white people on earth. There is 1.5 billion Asians in China alone. There is 1.3 billion Indians in India alone. Nigeria is projected to have a population over a billion in a few decades. The only countries on earth projected to have a mixed population are white countries. Whites are projected to become minorities in every country they call home in a few decades when the boomers die. There's no point in bickering with each other, you've already lost. The Globalists and Jews have won. All white countries will be multicultural shitholes while everyone else has their countries for themselves. ---79289880 >>79277727 >be german woman >government tells you to hate yourself >government tells you to hate your country >government tells you dirty shit reeking barbarians are culturally superior >get raped >blame it on white people ---79290248 >>79278745 1200 euro per month is fucking nothing.. You can earn that with a full time job at Mcdonalds.. ---79290261 >>79281603 protip: reality != /pol/ memes stay in school bud. ---79290411 >>79289627 If you say English do you mean white English or Indian brown British English? ---79290474 >>79278067 How about you answer the question you fucking cowards? ---79290536 >>79290248 So the German taxpayer is paying the equivalent of a Mcdondalds employee in aid. You think that's fine? ---79290618 >>79277727 >be German >get raped ---79290620 >>79290474 >welcome to malmo! ---79290753 >>79277727 >were a laughing stock >says the country who is swallowing up unskilled violent refugees by the million ---79290814 >>79289686 scared much anon? ---79290926 >>79277727 >laughing stock of the western world right now Jews and Arch-Jews are laughing at their UK comrades/puppeticians. But normal people respect you. ---79291078 >>79277727 >editing pictures Thats just sad anon ---79291085 >>79290814 Yes. I fear for the future of western civilization and for my children's futures. ---79291150 >>79290753 are you not as well? ---79291258 >>79278656 >last time I was in britian everyone had fucked up teeth, not even kidding. You were probably seeing your German countrymen expats since there's so fucking many of you cancerous Krauts living here ---79291725 >>79291150 he is delusional and unironically believes brexit will change that (or anything else for that matter) ---79291754 >>79277727 What's the fucking point of still having a monarchy If someone came up to me and said they were a dutchess I would laugh. Get a real job you faggot. ---79291823 >>79277727 >read first sentence >look at flag Opinion discarded ---79291899 >>79277727 >humiliated by France in the Napoleonic wars >treated like a bitch in the Samoan Civil Wars >totally cucked by UK & France in the First World War >stomped on by the US and Russia in the Second World War >tries to clandestinely gain global dominance through international institutions which get out of hand >racial populism on the rise throughout entire EU bloc >pretty much solely responsible for the last century of facism >EU economic failure while other OECD countries blossom >given two fingers by the UK >other likely to follow >Germany likely left to shoulder the failing Eurozone >All of this compounded with its domestic struggles When will you shitlords learn. ---79291931 Sucks 2 be you England ---79291965 >>79291899 And my dubs prove it, you German cuckstain. ---79291971 >>79277727 The amounts of salt from EU cucked Germans the last week has been amazing. Take your fucking country back and make a stand you pathetic cowards. ---79292005 >>79277727 Brexit is the beginning of the end of the EU shipwreck. The eurocrats wil try to drag us down with them, but in the end it'll all be in vain. The EU is sinking. Abort ship. ---79292092 >>79291899 Kek approves. ---79292103 >>79277961 Germans are so salty ---79292687 >>79277727 I would do it.... but I doubt they would elect a foreigner now. Brits decided well, this unelected negrified jewish lead EU mush perish. NEXIT, GREXIT, FREXIT, HUNEXIT and more to come. ---79293456 >>79292103 After 60 years of indoctrination many germans have a hatred for nationalism and everything german. It is quite disgusting. At the same time many germans erroneously believe the meme that being part of the european union is a source of power and prestige and that germany has a disproportional amount of influence in the EU, when it is quite the opposite. The Lugenpresse has been pushing the meme that "German taxpayers are not sending blank checks to the banks, no they're buying influence" to justify the unjustifyable bailouts of the banks during the meltdown of greece. ---79293902 >>79291931 Holy fuck that is awful, did you get it off facebook? ---79294041 >>79292005 this. fuck the eu and all the globalists behind it. ---79294759 >>79277727 stay salty kebab. Now there's no Britain to pay welfare checks for all the rapefugees merkel let invade Europe and it's all on you and France hahahahahaha ---79297156 >>79288561 ---79297324 >>79279227 This. It's statistically impossible. ---79297365 >>79278819 RARE ---79299397 >>79277727 Germans are mad because Britain market is doing better. ---79299658 >>79277961 Oh hi Angela ---79299805 >>79277727 The currency was already trending down. Look at a chart of GBP/USD. In february it was only 6 cents higher than it is now. Shill BTFO ---79299890 >>79277727 ---79300257 >>79282003 I've been told that germans are overweight freedom loving morons and only shop at Wal-Mart ---79300557 >>79288561 fuck you hans UK is our number one ally. stop ruining Europe every generation ---79301787 >>79280085 I think this will be a very iconic picture one day ---79302190 >>79280217 Turkroachistan ---79302485 >>79277727 We stand for what's right You prep the bull ---79302487 Birts voted thinking the will of the people will be respected. TOP KEK. Very naive. Gobment will still keep free movement to get to access the market. ---79302754 >>79302487 Folks in the city are now saying we don't need access to the single market We are being swamped with trade deals like your being swamped with migrants ---79302892 >>79302754 We'll see what remainer PM will do, wont we? ---79303043 >>79302485 why were they shaking hands with left hands? ---79303530 >>79277727 >the eternal Kraut eternally buttblasted by Brexit Absolutely glorious ---79303673 >>79292005 Dude what I just read about you having 20 million Muslim by 2020 I hate Germany but when I read about this I cried And you wonder why we left I don't care if the economy goes Zimbabwe tier you've been replaced ---79303738 >>79289360 >Scottish nationalism Lol, that's like being proud you're a cockroach >relocate to Edinburgh Fuck me, you have to be a troll. Go away, silly haggis munching buffoon. ---79303752 >>79291150 No, all our borders are water and muds can't swim. Don't you even know simple geography? ---79303778 >>79277727 +0.25Euros deposited in your account. ---79303849 >>79277873 Crashing the union and making them all Britain's bitch once again, the Anglo race shall dominate! ---79304052 >>79277727 Are you a retard? The currancies are inflated as is and Brexit shows that. however, British markets are stronk as ever ---79304198 >>79291931 Why? Didn't you see this >>79299397 ---79304717 >>79303043 Cos the e u is Muslim it offensive to shakes hands with le Arse wiping hand they don't use toilet paper ---79304793 >>79278232 God bless you Danebros, I hope you get your own referendum soon. ---79304888 It's funny all these racist Brits are saying Germany's full of Muslims, and cheering for the result of the referendum, but in their most inhabited cities you only see Indians, Pakistanis, Muslims and other immigrants... That they can't stop because of Commonwealth. The actual result of the referendum is stop white European immigration, welcome hindus Muslims etc. Bye Bye India's Nordic province! ---79305175 And let's not forget that Britain can't live without Saudi money so you'll keep seeing this in your city... With or without Europe! ---79305197 >>79277777 ---79305200 >>79304888 >Brexit was ever about race, and not the ideas people bring with them or the economic cost to natives Piss off, mate. ---79305715 Theresa May is based, much better than the sly jew oligarch Boris, y'all should vote for her. >May banned the Indian Muslim preacher Zakir Naik from entering the United Kingdom,[28] resulting in Home Office officials who disagreed with the Government's policy of excluding Zakir Naik from Britain being suspended from work.[29] In late June 2010, May announced plans for a temporary cap on UK visas for non-EU migrants. >At the Conservative Party Conference on 4 October 2011, while arguing that the Human Rights Act needed to be amended, May gave the example of a foreign national who the Courts ruled was allowed to remain in the UK, "because – and I am not making this up – he had a pet cat". In response, the Royal Courts of Justice issued a statement, denying that this was the reason for the tribunal's decision in that case, and stating that the real reason was that he was in a genuine relationship with a British partner >On 11 June 2012, May, as Home Secretary, announced to Parliament that new restrictions would be introduced, intended to reduce the number of non-European Economic Area family migrants. >May rejected the European Union's proposal of compulsory refugee quotas. She said that it was important to help people living in war-zone regions and refugee camps but "not the ones who are strong and rich enough to come to Europe". >Theresa May described the failures of police and council agencies to deal with child sex abuse [in Rotherham] as a complete dereliction of duty. She said that "institutionalised political correctness" had contributed to the authorities turning a blind eye to the abuse: "I am clear that cultural concerns – both the fear of being seen as racist, and the frankly disdainful attitude to some of our most vulnerable children – must never stand in the way of child protection. We know that child sexual exploitation happens in all communities. There is no excuse for it in any of them." ---79305882 >>79281623 Lol, you act like WE need YOUR cars. HAHAHA. The only reason we have your cars is because we're forced to because of the restriction of the EU. Every other country trades with asia and gets asian cars, who already produce right hand drive for Australia. On top of this, once petrol cars are banned, good fucking luck when Tesla completely destroys you. I can see why someone would want an Italian car, but a German one, roflmao. Your German car manufacturers will desperately be fighting for the UK to have no tariffs because otherwise we'll go elsewhere. ---79306254 >>79283671 so is /pol/ ---79306274 >>79277727 We must have had a hundred threads by Germans being mad at the Brexit . What are you so upset for ? ---79307373 >>79282654 You have the charisma of a damp rag, and the appearance of a low-grade bank clerk. And the question that I want to ask, that we're all going to ask, is "What the Fuck is Belgium?" ---79307695 >>79277727 wheres the vid of them laughing at nig? ---79307869 >>79277727 >Germans continually butthurt that even more of their tax payer money is gonna go to bailing out southern europe ---79308075 >voted leave The correct decision, yes. >cameron pulls out Once again, the correct decision. He knows that he would not have been able to keep the nation's support through the negotiations. >boris doesn't wonna do it Ditto. >crashed your own curency for nothing A currency that is still better than the dollar and euro by a fair bit, and one which will rise again considering the countries that we are now trading with. >reignited the scottish independence movement Won't come to anything. Sturgeon thinks she is more powerful than she is. >laughing stock of the western world right now Not by all of those who want the downfall of the EU, or did you not hear about the calls for referendums in all of those other countries? >fell for a populist idiot who got laughed at by the EU parlament, but hey he made fun of them so it's a moral victory Not an idiot. And being laughed at literally means fuck all in this case. Kissy bye to your Fourth Reich, Germanistan! ---79310141 >>79278796 But, muh racism.
----- ---79310115 Canada. I...
---79310386 Bump
----- ---79306983 worth it?
---79307151 >nigger >labour mp >cuck carswell >lefty comedian >SJW from the papers absolute horseshit/10 ---79307245 >>79306983 Melanie Philips might be ok.. I don't really like Douglas. ---79307255 >>79306983 >its a comedian tries t be funny and sidetracks the whole debate episode ---79307327 >>79307255 >>its a comedian tries t be funny and sidetracks the whole debate episode ---79307398 >moderate leftist >communist >literal cuckold >leftist "comedian" >feminist fossil Jesus fucking christ. ---79309808 >>79306983 >russell kane >melanie phillips dis gonna be some good brexit/racist butthurt ---79309927 >>79306983 >jewess phillips Yeah I would say so, who knows, maybe even Carswell will drop the BASED CIVIC NATIONALISM ---79309975 Why do they invite comedians to these fucking shows, they never have any insight or opinion worth sharing besides some rambling diatribe about racism = bad. And they always try to make the audience laugh, what is this, a political show or live at the fucking apollo? ---79310093 >>79309975 They are trying to tap into the "younger generation"
----- ---79304879 > everyone should be taxed at a flat tax rate % > conservashits
---79305015 >>79304879 works for us tbqh ---79305028 Not an argument. ---79305143 >>79304879 Equal tax is wrong now ? Wew lad ---79305154 >>79304879 Wow, a tax that is indiscriminate and fair. What a backwards idea. Conservatives on suicide watch. ---79305250 >>79304879 > everyone should be taxed > libtards ---79305331 >>79304879 >tax Jesus Christ people it's the CURRENT YEAR ---79305357 >>79304879 Everyone should be taxed at 10% and if the government can't handle that amount then it's not fit to rule. ---79305865 >>79304879 Yes, sounds fair to me. That way no one gets taxed out of their ass. Rich people and the upper middle class will still pay the most in taxes, while the poor people aren't as roughly taxed and thus have the possibility of vertical class movement ---79307128 > People actually defending the flat tax The temporarily embarrassed millionaires quote is truly apt ---79307268 >>79307128 Defend Progressive taxation Go ---79307433 >>79307268 >>79307268 Those that can bare more of the burden should do so ---79307533 >>79307268 Ultra wealthy and rich use more public resources than most therefore deserve more taxation Flat tax rate also shifts tremendous tax burden on the poor and middle class Checkm8 conservashit ---79307553 >>79304879 >people who make less than 40,000 should pay more taxes for (((free))) education >libfags ---79307716 >>79307433 Not an argument. >>79307533 Also not an argument. ---79307763 >>79304879 I thought you fags liked equality? ---79307817 >>79307533 > Ultra wealthy use more public resources That is simply untrue ---79307921 >>79304879 SHUT IT DOWN ---79308214 >>79307433 >should just because >>79307533 >rich use more public resources than most How do you measure that? One person is one person. We aren't talking about property tax which is a local concern. >shifts tremendous tax burden on the poor and middle class The various sales taxes and fees disproportionately affect the poor and middle class. Besides, those that receive money for nothing should witness the clawing of income so they too understand what it is to have a stake in the decisions of our representatives. ---79308237 >>79307716 ---79308326 >>79307433 Why? ---79308348 >>79307533 Even if this is true, the also contribute far more to public resources because they give more money in tax by the sheer fact that they make more. the 1% pay at least a quarter of all tax income in any country, is that not enough? ---79308531 >>79304879 >> everyone should be taxed at a flat tax rate % yeah 0 income tax is a scam and entirely intended to pick winners and losers "progressive" taxation favors the ultra rich the left claims to hate :^) ---79309674 >>79304879 >The government being even bigger is a good thing! >The government can spend money responsibly and well. So we should give the government more money! Anti-White Liberals, everyone. >>79307533 >Ultra wealthy and rich use more public resources than most therefore deserve more taxation First of all, prove it. Second of all, the government wastes and squanders more money than the rich ever have. Third of all, it's the rich's own money. They can do what they want with it. Fourth of all, the government doesn't have a right to the people's money. >Flat tax rate also shifts tremendous tax burden on the poor and middle class Okay, prove it. ---79309957 >>79307533 >use more public resources What resources are you talking about? ---79310091 Hows this. Citizens of a government get to decide how their taxes are spent and earned. You can opt out of paying taxes but get no benefits or you can pay only the taxes you agree with for gov programs you support. That would be an absolute democracy but who in the right mind would let Muhammad invest in airport security, or Jamal to decide how much welfare he gets. Think about it. ---79310249 >>79304879 >i want equal pay but not equal taxes i know this is bait so im not going to bump it