6 values
5 values
My child seems anxious and depressed. Could social media use be contributing to their mental health?
social media addiction
child seems anxious depressed could social medium use contributing mental health
I spend way too much time on social media and feel anxious when I'm not checking it. Is this normal?
social media addiction
spend way much time social medium feel anxious checking normal
I often experience sudden episodes of intense fear and physical symptoms like sweating and trembling, even when there's no real danger
social media addiction
often experience sudden episode intense fear physical symptom like sweating trembling even real danger
I feel anxious and stressed after spending time on social media. Is social media bad for my mental health?
social media addiction
feel anxious stressed spending time social medium bad mental health
My sleep suffers because I stay up late scrolling through social media.
social media addiction
sleep suffers stay late scrolling social medium
I feel pressured to constantly post updates on social media to maintain my online image. How can I overcome this pressure?
social media addiction
feel pressured constantly post update social medium maintain online image overcome pressure
I feel invisible or unimportant unless I get a lot of likes and comments on my social media posts. Does this suggest social media addiction?
social media addiction
feel invisible unimportant unless get lot like comment social medium post suggest addiction
I use social media to avoid feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks, but it often makes me feel worse. Is this a healthy coping mechanism for ADHD?
social media addiction
use social medium avoid feeling overwhelmed daily task often make feel worse healthy coping mechanism adhd
I see my friends hanging out without me on social media, and it makes me feel left out and unwanted.
social media addiction
see friend hanging without social medium make feel left unwanted
I've noticed that my social media usage is negatively impacting my mental health, but I don't know how to change my habits. What should I do?
social media addiction
noticed social medium usage negatively impacting mental health know change habit
A person notices a decline in their productivity at work or school. They often find themselves distracted by social media notifications and spend a significant portion of their day browsing various platforms. Answer:
social media addiction
person notice decline productivity work school often find distracted social medium notification spend significant portion day browsing various platform answer
I've noticed that my relationships are suffering because I prioritize social media over spending time with loved ones. How can I change this?
social media addiction
noticed relationship suffering prioritize social medium spending time loved one change
Whenever I try to limit my screen time or take a break from social media, I get so angry and argumentative with my parents. I think I might have a real addiction problem.
social media addiction
whenever try limit screen time take break social medium get angry argumentative parent think might real addiction problem
I worry that my social media use might be affecting my mental health, but I don't know how to cut back. What can I do?
social media addiction
worry social medium use might affecting mental health know cut back
I'm feeling isolated and lonely because I don't have as many followers or likes on social media as others. How can I cope with these feelings?
social media addiction
feeling isolated lonely many follower like social medium others cope
Social media anxiety is causing stress and hindering productivity.
social media addiction
social medium anxiety causing stress hindering productivity
Social media makes me feel like everyone else has a fulfilling career, while I'm stuck in a dead-end job. It's discouraging. What can I help?
social media addiction
social medium make feel like everyone else fulfilling career stuck dead end job discouraging help
I feel anxious if I don't check social media frequently. Is this normal, and how can I reduce this anxiety?
social media addiction
feel anxious check social medium frequently normal reduce anxiety
Social media addiction recovery I have been addicted to social media and my own smartphone for as long as I remember. I am starting to feel the negative effects on my mental health - forgetfulness, trivial mistakes, clumsiness. Now that I have acknowledged the problem, I am determined to fix it. Aside from ditching social media (which I will do), what advice could you give me to restore my mental health? Any brain training exercises?
social media addiction
social medium addiction recovery addicted smartphone long remember starting feel negative effect mental health forgetfulness trivial mistake clumsiness acknowledged problem determined fix aside ditching advice could give restore brain training exercise
My relationships are suffering because I spend too much time on social media. How can I balance my online and offline life?
social media addiction
relationship suffering spend much time social medium balance online offline life
Spending too much time on social media makes me feel like I'm missing out on precious moments with my toddler. What can I do?
social media addiction
spending much time social medium make feel like missing precious moment toddler
I notice my grandkids are always on their phones at family gatherings, and it makes me feel disconnected from them. How can I bridge this gap?
social media addiction
notice grandkids always phone family gathering make feel disconnected bridge gap
I spend way too much time scrolling on social media, especially after work. I feel exhausted, but it feels like a mindless way to unwind. What can I do differently?
social media addiction
spend way much time scrolling social medium especially work feel exhausted like mindless unwind differently
I feel like I'm missing out on important events and updates when I'm not on social media, but it's making me feel anxious and overwhelmed. How can I find a balance?
social media addiction
feel like missing important event update social medium making anxious overwhelmed find balance
I'm scared of missing out on news or updates from my friends if I cut back on social media. What should I do?
social media addiction
scared missing news update friend cut back social medium
I know I should stop spending so much time on reels, but it's like an addiction. The short bursts of entertainment feel good in the moment, but then I crash and feel even worse.
social media addiction
know stop spending much time reel like addiction short burst entertainment feel good moment crash even worse
A person experiences a loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy, preferring to spend most of their time on social media or gaming platforms. Answer:
social media addiction
person experience loss interest activity used enjoy preferring spend time social medium gaming platform answer
Difficulty focusing on important tasks like mission planning due to the constant temptation to check social media.
social media addiction
difficulty focusing important task like mission planning due constant temptation check social medium
I compare myself to others on social media and it brings me down. How can I develop a healthier self-image?
social media addiction
compare others social medium brings develop healthier self image
The pressure to constantly create engaging content and maintain a high follower count is causing me burnout and anxiety. Social media feels like a never-ending performance. How can I establish healthy boundaries with social media and prioritize my mental well-being?
social media addiction
pressure constantly create engaging content maintain high follower count causing burnout anxiety social medium feel like never ending performance establish healthy boundary prioritize mental well
I only use social media for a limited time each day and avoid negativity. Is this considered social media addiction?\n\nAnswer:
social media addiction
use social medium limited time day avoid negativity considered addiction nanswer
Yes, I constantly feel the need to update my status and share details about my life on social media.
social media addiction
yes constantly feel need update status share detail life social medium
I spend so much time scrolling through TikTok and YouTube that I'm finding it hard to focus on my schoolwork and other important tasks.
social media addiction
spend much time scrolling tiktok youtube finding hard focus schoolwork important task
I find myself mindlessly scrolling through social media for hours, and I want to break this habit. What steps should I take to regain control?
social media addiction
find mindlessly scrolling social medium hour want break habit step take regain control
Yes, I often sacrifice sleep or rest time to spend more time on social media.
social media addiction
yes often sacrifice sleep rest time spend social medium
Feeling like you're missing out on life because of social media addiction.
social media addiction
feeling like missing life social medium addiction
The increasing trend of cosmetic enhancements driven by Instagram culture raises concerns about the long-term effects on self-image and physical health. Will we look back on these decisions with regret, considering the potential risks and consequences of these procedures?
social media addiction
increasing trend cosmetic enhancement driven instagram culture raise concern long term effect self image physical health look back decision regret considering potential risk consequence procedure
I find myself spending countless hours on social media every day and feel like I can't control it. What should I do?
social media addiction
find spending countless hour social medium every day feel like control
I've noticed that my grades have started to suffer because I'm spending more time scrolling through social media than I am on my schoolwork.
social media addiction
noticed grade started suffer spending time scrolling social medium schoolwork
I'm struggling with my social media use. It's taking up too much of my time and I feel like it's affecting my mental health. How can I cut back and regain control of my life?
social media addiction
struggling social medium use taking much time feel like affecting mental health cut back regain control life
A person's relationships suffer as they prioritize online interactions over face-to-face interactions with friends and family, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Answer:
social media addiction
person relationship suffer prioritize online interaction face friend family leading feeling loneliness isolation answer
I feel like I need to constantly document my life on social media to feel validated.
social media addiction
feel like need constantly document life social medium validated
I feel like I'm missing out when I'm not on social media, but I know it's taking a toll on my mental health. How can I find a balance?
social media addiction
feel like missing social medium know taking toll mental health find balance
I find myself comparing my life to others' highlight reels on social media, and it's making me feel inadequate. How can I stop comparing and focus on my own journey?
social media addiction
find comparing life others highlight reel social medium making feel inadequate stop focus journey
Yes, my excessive social media use has caused negative consequences in both my personal and professional life.
social media addiction
yes excessive social medium use caused negative consequence personal professional life
I feel a constant pressure to post and share content on social media, and I've started to neglect my real-world friendships and hobbies as a result.
social media addiction
feel constant pressure post share content social medium started neglect real world friendship hobby result
Comparing yourself to other soldiers on social media who seem to be racking up awards and promotions.
social media addiction
comparing soldier social medium seem racking award promotion
I'm feeling pressured to maintain a perfect image on social media, and it's taking a toll on my mental health.
social media addiction
feeling pressured maintain perfect image social medium taking toll mental health
As a psych attending, I'm struggling with residents' time management issues. Despite discussing efficiency improvements, they're often on their phones or computers, engaging in non-work activities like social media. How can I address this effectively?
social media addiction
psych attending struggling resident time management issue despite discussing efficiency improvement often phone computer engaging non work activity like social medium address effectively
I see all these amazing dance routines and challenges on reels. Now I feel this pressure to create my own perfect video, but I'm nowhere near that skilled. The fear of failing or looking silly keeps me from even trying, which makes me feel even worse.
social media addiction
see amazing dance routine challenge reel feel pressure create perfect video nowhere near skilled fear failing looking silly keep even trying make worse
I just don't know what to do. My son is failing his classes because he spends all his free time watching TikTok videos and scrolling Instagram instead of studying.
social media addiction
know son failing class spends free time watching tiktok video scrolling instagram instead studying
Whenever my parents try to limit my screen time or take away my phone, I get so angry and argumentative. I think I might have an addiction problem.
social media addiction
whenever parent try limit screen time take away phone get angry argumentative think might addiction problem
Whenever I try to cut back on social media, even for a little while, I get these intense feelings of anxiety and irritability. I think I might have a serious addiction problem.
social media addiction
whenever try cut back social medium even little get intense feeling anxiety irritability think might serious addiction problem
Sometimes I get frustrated with online arguments or negativity, which can worsen my mood.
social media addiction
sometimes get frustrated online argument negativity worsen mood
They seem constantly on and connected, even during study sessions or group work.
social media addiction
seem constantly connected even study session group work
“Social media is not media. It’s a conversation.”
social media addiction
social medium conversation
Feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to constantly be productive. Social media reinforces the hustle culture mentality. What can I help?
social media addiction
feeling overwhelmed pressure constantly productive social medium reinforces hustle culture mentality help
I think I need to take a step back from YouTube for a while. The constant pressure and negativity are taking a toll on me. But I'm scared of what will happen to my channel if I take a break. Will my audience forget about me? Will I lose everything I've built?
social media addiction
think need take step back youtube constant pressure negativity taking toll scared happen channel break audience forget lose everything built
Quite often, my job performance or productivity suffers because of the Internet.
social media addiction
quite often job performance productivity suffers internet
Can social media support groups be helpful in overcoming social media addiction?
social media addiction
social medium support group helpful overcoming addiction
I do not want to sleep; because I want to the first responder for everything happening on the social media
social media addiction
want sleep first responder everything happening social medium
I'm sure we're all addicted to some degree, and I'm sure I'm not as bad as some but I find the whole thing so frustrating! If I let myself I can easily loose hours a day just doom scrolling and I hate it. I only have FB, IG and YT but even those three are enough to suck my time.
social media addiction
sure addicted degree bad find whole thing frustrating let easily loose hour day doom scrolling hate fb ig yt even three enough suck time
Even the rhythm of my heartbeat follows the responses I receive on my social media
social media addiction
even rhythm heartbeat follows response receive social medium
I compare my life to the seemingly perfect lives portrayed on social media and feel inadequate. Can a support group help me challenge these negative thoughts?
social media addiction
compare life seemingly perfect portrayed social medium feel inadequate support group help challenge negative thought
Social media notifications seem to distract me from focusing on important tasks or enjoying hobbies.
social media addiction
social medium notification seem distract focusing important task enjoying hobby
I'm worried they might be struggling with social media addiction, impacting their studies.
social media addiction
worried might struggling social medium addiction impacting study
I get super jealous seeing my friends' posts about hangouts I wasn't invited to. How can I deal with these feelings?
social media addiction
get super jealous seeing friend post hangout invited deal feeling
an individual's excessive use of social media has led to a decline in face-to-face interactions with friends and family. Discuss the challenges of maintaining meaningful relationships in the digital age.
social media addiction
individual excessive use social medium led decline face interaction friend family discus challenge maintaining meaningful relationship digital age
I spend way too much time on social media lately, especially looking at lesbian content creators. It feels good at first, but then I just feel lonely and inadequate. What can I do differently?
social media addiction
spend way much time social medium lately especially looking lesbian content creator feel good first lonely inadequate differently
Yes, my grades or school work often suffer because of the amount of time I spend online.
social media addiction
yes grade school work often suffer amount time spend online
Feeling burnt out and like I'm failing as a grad student. Social media is full of people seemingly succeeding. How can I deal with these feelings?
social media addiction
feeling burnt like failing grad student social medium full people seemingly succeeding deal
I've been feeling disconnected from reality because of my constant scrolling on social media.
social media addiction
feeling disconnected reality constant scrolling social medium
“Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage.”
social media addiction
social medium ultimate equalizer give voice platform anyone willing engage
I can't seem to put my phone down, even during meals or conversations. How can I manage my social media use better?
social media addiction
seem put phone even meal conversation manage social medium use better
I keep having nightmares and flashbacks of a traumatic event, and it's affecting my daily life.
social media addiction
keep nightmare flashback traumatic event affecting daily life
I often feel anxious and stressed when I see negative news or comments on social media. How can I protect my mental health while staying informed?
social media addiction
often feel anxious stressed see negative news comment social medium protect mental health staying informed
I often feel pressured to portray a perfect life on social media, even when things aren't going well in reality. How can I be more authentic without fearing judgment?
social media addiction
often feel pressured portray perfect life social medium even thing going well reality authentic without fearing judgment
The pressure to portray a perfect med student life online seems stressful.
social media addiction
pressure portray perfect med student life online seems stressful
I often feel lonely and disconnected from others, even though I spend a lot of time interacting with people on social media.
social media addiction
often feel lonely disconnected others even though spend lot time interacting people social medium
I've been struggling with social media addiction for a long time, spending up to 10 hours daily. Even after a 30-day detox, I can't seem to control myself.
social media addiction
struggling social medium addiction long time spending hour daily even day detox seem control
You're concerned about the potential privacy risks associated with social media.
social media addiction
concerned potential privacy risk associated social medium
I spend so much time on social media that I'm starting to neglect my hobbies and interests that used to be important to me. I feel like I'm losing touch with that part of myself.
social media addiction
spend much time social medium starting neglect hobby interest used important feel like losing touch part
Feeling pressure to maintain a perfect online image as a priest.
social media addiction
feeling pressure maintain perfect online image priest
Good social media showing the good avatar, now I see real world is like a crab teaching children to walk straight, social media is better any time.
social media addiction
good social medium showing avatar see real world like crab teaching child walk straight better time
an individual's self-worth is heavily influenced by the feedback and engagement they receive on social media. seeking validation through online interactions.
social media addiction
individual self worth heavily influenced feedback engagement receive social medium seeking validation online interaction
Feeling isolated and disconnected from classmates. Social media feels fake, but it's the only way I connect with people sometimes. What are some alternatives?
social media addiction
feeling isolated disconnected classmate social medium feel fake way connect people sometimes alternative
I find myself constantly comparing my life to the highlight reels of others on social media, and it's making me feel inadequate. How can I stop this unhealthy habit?
social media addiction
find constantly comparing life highlight reel others social medium making feel inadequate stop unhealthy habit
I have a mountain of work to do, but every time I sit down to focus, I find myself mindlessly scrolling through reels for just a quick break. Those quick breaks turn into hours, and my deadlines keep looming closer.
social media addiction
mountain work every time sit focus find mindlessly scrolling reel quick break turn hour deadline keep looming closer
iam a college student participates in online challenges that involve self-harm or dangerous activities, such as the choking game or Tide Pod challenge, to gain views and likes on social media.
social media addiction
iam college student participates online challenge involve self harm dangerous activity choking game tide pod gain view like social medium
Porn isn’t as bad, as the act of switching from one video to another in the interval of a few minutes, or even seconds. Everything that gives sharp dopamine releases in such short intervals (changing from one porn video to another, reels on insta, memes, tiktoks) is detrimental to focus in general, because the mind creates a dependency on such neurological sparks of pleasure.
social media addiction
porn bad act switching one video another interval minute even second everything give sharp dopamine release short changing reel insta meme tiktoks detrimental focus general mind creates dependency neurological spark pleasure
I have hundreds of online friends, but I still feel like I have nobody to talk to about my problems.
social media addiction
hundred online friend still feel like nobody talk problem
I get into heated arguments with friends and family over things I see on social media. Is social media making these relationships more difficult?
social media addiction
get heated argument friend family thing see social medium making relationship difficult
These things are just soul-sucking, and I'm searching for a way out of that non-stop scrolling shithole. If anyone knows how to delete at least YouTube shorts, I will be grateful. I can always delete Insta, but I need YouTube, and I'm addicted. Send help.
social media addiction
thing soul sucking searching way non stop scrolling shithole anyone know delete least youtube short grateful always insta need addicted send help
My social media habits are affecting my sleep. How can I prevent this?
social media addiction
social medium habit affecting sleep prevent
Yes, I feel a strong sense of withdrawal and discomfort when I can't access social media.
social media addiction
yes feel strong sense withdrawal discomfort access social medium
I took a break from Instagram to focus on mental health, and now I've lost a significant number of followers. It's discouraging and makes me question whether I even want to be an influencer anymore. How can I rebuild my online presence after a hiatus and reconnect with my audience?
social media addiction
took break instagram focus mental health lost significant number follower discouraging make question whether even want influencer anymore rebuild online presence hiatus reconnect audience
I feel like I'm constantly competing for attention and validation on social media, and it's draining. How can I break free from this cycle?
social media addiction
feel like constantly competing attention validation social medium draining break free cycle
I feel a pressure to constantly curate a perfect online image on social media.
social media addiction
feel pressure constantly curate perfect online image social medium
My social media usage has become a compulsive behavior, and I'm struggling to break free from it. What should I do?
social media addiction
social medium usage become compulsive behavior struggling break free
I feel overwhelmed by the constant pressure to maintain a certain image on social media. How can I be more authentic and true to myself online?
social media addiction
feel overwhelmed constant pressure maintain certain image social medium authentic true online