Sweden was rich in copper , thus , because of copper 's low value , extraordinarily big coins -LRB- often weighing several kilograms -RRB- had to be made .
(extraordinarily big coins;made;because of copper 's low value) (extraordinarily big coins;made;Sweden was rich in copper) (extraordinarily big coins;weighing;Sweden several kilograms)
(copper; has; low value) (Sweden; was; rich in copper) (extraordinarily big coins often weighing several kilograms; had; to be made of copper 's low value) (Sweden; was; rich because of copper 's low value extraordinarily big coins often weighing several kilograms had to be made)
{ "tags": [ "NNP", "VBD", "JJ", "IN", "NN", ",", "RB", ",", "IN", "IN", "NN", "POS", "JJ", "NN", ",", "RB", "JJ", "NNS", "HYPH", "NNP", ",", "RB", "VBG", "JJ", "NNS", ",", "NNP", "HYPH", "VBD", "TO", "VB", "VBN", "." ], "words": [ "Sweden", "was", "rich", "in", "copper", ",", "thus", ",", "because", "of", "copper", "'s", "low", "value", ",", "extraordinarily", "big", "coins", "-", "LRB", "-", "often", "weighing", "several", "kilograms", "-", "RRB", "-", "had", "to", "be", "made", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "cop", "root", "case", "obl", "punct", "advmod", "punct", "case", "fixed", "nmod:poss", "case", "amod", "obl", "punct", "advmod", "amod", "appos", "punct", "appos", "punct", "advmod", "csubj", "amod", "obj", "punct", "nsubj", "punct", "parataxis", "mark", "aux:pass", "xcomp", "punct" ], "words": [ "Sweden", "was", "rich", "in", "copper", ",", "thus", ",", "because", "of", "copper", "'s", "low", "value", ",", "extraordinarily", "big", "coins", "-", "LRB", "-", "often", "weighing", "several", "kilograms", "-", "RRB", "-", "had", "to", "be", "made", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "root", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_" ], "words": [ "Sweden", "was", "rich", "in", "copper", ",", "thus", ",", "because", "of", "copper", "'s", "low", "value", ",", "extraordinarily", "big", "coins", "-", "LRB", "-", "often", "weighing", "several", "kilograms", "-", "RRB-", "had", "to", "be", "made", "." ] }
The advantages of paper currency were numerous : it reduced transport of gold and silver , and thus lowered the risks ; it made loaning gold or silver at interest easier , since the specie -LRB- gold or silver -RRB- never left the possession of the lender until someone else redeemed the note ; and it allowed for a division of currency into credit and specie backed forms .
(paper currency;made;loaning gold or silver at interest) (someone else;redeemed;the note)
(it; lowered; the risks) (someone else; be redeemed; the note) (it; reduced; transport of gold and silver) (it; allowed; for a division of currency into credit and specie backed forms) (the specie gold or silver; never left; the possession of the lender until someone else redeemed the note) (it; made; loaning gold at interest easier since the specie gold or silver never left the possession of the lender until someone else redeemed the note) (it; made; loaning gold silver at interest easier since the specie gold or silver never left the possession of the lender until someone else redeemed the note) (The advantages of paper currency; were; numerous it reduced transport of gold and silver and thus lowered the risks it made loaning gold or silver at interest easier since the specie gold or silver never left the possession of the lender until someone else redeemed the note and it allowed for a division of currency into credit and specie backed forms)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NNS", "IN", "NN", "NN", "VBD", "JJ", ":", "PRP", "VBD", "NN", "IN", "NN", "CC", "NN", ",", "CC", "RB", "VBD", "DT", "NNS", ":", "PRP", "VBD", "VBG", "NN", "CC", "NN", "IN", "NN", "JJR", ",", "IN", "DT", "NN", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "NN", "CC", "NN", "HYPH", "NNP", ",", "RB", "VBD", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "JJ", "VBD", "DT", "NN", ":", "CC", "PRP", "VBD", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "IN", "NN", "CC", "NN", "VBN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "The", "advantages", "of", "paper", "currency", "were", "numerous", ":", "it", "reduced", "transport", "of", "gold", "and", "silver", ",", "and", "thus", "lowered", "the", "risks", ";", "it", "made", "loaning", "gold", "or", "silver", "at", "interest", "easier", ",", "since", "the", "specie", "-", "LRB", "-", "gold", "or", "silver", "-", "RRB", "-", "never", "left", "the", "possession", "of", "the", "lender", "until", "someone", "else", "redeemed", "the", "note", ";", "and", "it", "allowed", "for", "a", "division", "of", "currency", "into", "credit", "and", "specie", "backed", "forms", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nsubj", "case", "compound", "nmod", "cop", "root", "punct", "nsubj", "parataxis", "obj", "case", "nmod", "cc", "conj", "punct", "cc", "advmod", "conj", "det", "obj", "punct", "nsubj", "parataxis", "xcomp", "obj", "cc", "conj", "case", "obl", "advmod", "punct", "mark", "det", "nsubj", "punct", "appos", "punct", "conj", "cc", "conj", "punct", "flat", "punct", "advmod", "advcl", "det", "obj", "case", "det", "nmod", "mark", "nsubj", "amod", "advcl", "det", "obj", "punct", "cc", "nsubj", "conj", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "nmod", "case", "compound", "cc", "compound", "conj", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "advantages", "of", "paper", "currency", "were", "numerous", ":", "it", "reduced", "transport", "of", "gold", "and", "silver", ",", "and", "thus", "lowered", "the", "risks", ";", "it", "made", "loaning", "gold", "or", "silver", "at", "interest", "easier", ",", "since", "the", "specie", "-", "LRB", "-", "gold", "or", "silver", "-", "RRB", "-", "never", "left", "the", "possession", "of", "the", "lender", "until", "someone", "else", "redeemed", "the", "note", ";", "and", "it", "allowed", "for", "a", "division", "of", "currency", "into", "credit", "and", "specie", "backed", "forms", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "root", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_or_c", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_and_c", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "advantages", "of", "paper", "currency", "were", "numerous", ":", "it", "reduced", "transport", "of", "gold", "and", "silver", ",", "and", "thus", "lowered", "the", "risks", ";", "it", "made", "loaning", "gold", "or", "silver", "at", "interest", "easier", ",", "since", "the", "specie", "-", "LRB", "-", "gold", "or", "silver", "-", "RRB", "-", "never", "left", "the", "possession", "of", "the", "lender", "until", "someone", "else", "redeemed", "the", "note", ";", "and", "it", "allowed", "for", "a", "division", "of", "currency", "into", "credit", "and", "specie", "backed", "forms", "." ] }
At this time both silver and gold were considered legal tender , and accepted by governments for taxes .
(both silver and gold;considered;At this time legal tender) (governments;accepted;At this time both silver and gold were considered legal tender for taxes)
(both silver and gold; were considered; legal tender At this time) (both silver and gold; were accepted; by governments for taxes At this time)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "DT", "NN", "DT", "NN", "CC", "NN", "VBD", "VBN", "JJ", "NN", ",", "CC", "VBN", "IN", "NNS", "IN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "At", "this", "time", "both", "silver", "and", "gold", "were", "considered", "legal", "tender", ",", "and", "accepted", "by", "governments", "for", "taxes", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "det", "obl", "det", "nsubj:pass", "cc", "conj", "aux:pass", "root", "amod", "xcomp", "punct", "cc", "conj", "case", "obl", "case", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "At", "this", "time", "both", "silver", "and", "gold", "were", "considered", "legal", "tender", ",", "and", "accepted", "by", "governments", "for", "taxes", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "BV", "_", "_and_c", "_", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "At", "this", "time", "both", "silver", "and", "gold", "were", "considered", "legal", "tender", ",", "and", "accepted", "by", "governments", "for", "taxes", "." ] }
However , the instability in the ratio between the two grew over the course of the 19th century , with the increase both in supply of these metals , particularly silver , and of trade .
(the instability in the ratio between the two;grew;over the course of the 19th century with the increase both in supply of these metals , particularly silver , and of trade)
(these metals; is; particularly silver) (the instability in the ratio between the two; grew; over the course of the 19th century However) (the instability in the ratio between the two; grew; over the course of the 19th century with the increase) (the instability in the ratio between the two; grew; over the course of the 19th century both in supply of these metals and of trade)
{ "tags": [ "RB", ",", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "CD", "VBD", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", ",", "IN", "DT", "NN", "CC", "IN", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NNS", ",", "RB", "NN", ",", "CC", "IN", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "However", ",", "the", "instability", "in", "the", "ratio", "between", "the", "two", "grew", "over", "the", "course", "of", "the", "19th", "century", ",", "with", "the", "increase", "both", "in", "supply", "of", "these", "metals", ",", "particularly", "silver", ",", "and", "of", "trade", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "advmod", "punct", "det", "nsubj", "case", "det", "nmod", "case", "det", "nmod", "root", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "det", "amod", "nmod", "punct", "case", "det", "obl", "cc:preconj", "case", "nmod", "case", "det", "nmod", "punct", "advmod", "conj", "punct", "cc", "case", "conj", "punct" ], "words": [ "However", ",", "the", "instability", "in", "the", "ratio", "between", "the", "two", "grew", "over", "the", "course", "of", "the", "19th", "century", ",", "with", "the", "increase", "both", "in", "supply", "of", "these", "metals", ",", "particularly", "silver", ",", "and", "of", "trade", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "root", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "However", ",", "the", "instability", "in", "the", "ratio", "between", "the", "two", "grew", "over", "the", "course", "of", "the", "19th", "century", ",", "with", "the", "increase", "both", "in", "supply", "of", "these", "metals", ",", "particularly", "silver", ",", "and", "of", "trade", "." ] }
This is called bimetallism and the attempt to create a bimetallic standard where both gold and silver backed currency remained in circulation occupied the efforts of inflationists .
(both gold and silver backed currency;remained;circulation) (bimetallism and the attempt;create;a bimetallic standard) (This;called;bimetallism)
(This; is called; bimetallism) (currency; remained; in circulation) (both gold and silver; backed; currency remained in circulation where) (the attempt to create a bimetallic standard where both gold and silver backed currency remained in circulation; occupied; the efforts of inflationists)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "VBZ", "VBN", "NN", "CC", "DT", "NN", "TO", "VB", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "WRB", "DT", "NN", "CC", "NN", "VBN", "NN", "VBD", "IN", "NN", "VBD", "DT", "NNS", "IN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "This", "is", "called", "bimetallism", "and", "the", "attempt", "to", "create", "a", "bimetallic", "standard", "where", "both", "gold", "and", "silver", "backed", "currency", "remained", "in", "circulation", "occupied", "the", "efforts", "of", "inflationists", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "root", "xcomp", "cc", "det", "conj", "mark", "acl", "det", "amod", "obj", "advmod", "det", "nsubj", "cc", "compound", "amod", "conj", "acl:relcl", "case", "obl", "acl:relcl", "det", "obj", "case", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "This", "is", "called", "bimetallism", "and", "the", "attempt", "to", "create", "a", "bimetallic", "standard", "where", "both", "gold", "and", "silver", "backed", "currency", "remained", "in", "circulation", "occupied", "the", "efforts", "of", "inflationists", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG3", "_", "root", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "loc", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "This", "is", "called", "bimetallism", "and", "the", "attempt", "to", "create", "a", "bimetallic", "standard", "where", "both", "gold", "and", "silver", "backed", "currency", "remained", "in", "circulation", "occupied", "the", "efforts", "of", "inflationists", "." ] }
Governments at this point could use currency as an instrument of policy , printing paper currency such as the United States Greenback , to pay for military expenditures .
(paper currency such as the United States Greenback;pay;for military expenditures) (Governments;can use;at this point currency as an instrument of policy)
(Governments at this point; could use; currency to pay for military expenditures) (Governments at this point; could use; currency as an instrument of policy printing paper currency such as the United States Greenback to pay for military expenditures)
{ "tags": [ "NNS", "IN", "DT", "NN", "MD", "VB", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", ",", "VBG", "NN", "NN", "JJ", "IN", "DT", "NNP", "NNPS", "NNP", ",", "TO", "VB", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Governments", "at", "this", "point", "could", "use", "currency", "as", "an", "instrument", "of", "policy", ",", "printing", "paper", "currency", "such", "as", "the", "United", "States", "Greenback", ",", "to", "pay", "for", "military", "expenditures", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "case", "det", "nmod", "aux", "root", "obj", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "nmod", "punct", "acl", "compound", "obj", "case", "fixed", "det", "amod", "compound", "nmod", "punct", "mark", "advcl", "case", "amod", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "Governments", "at", "this", "point", "could", "use", "currency", "as", "an", "instrument", "of", "policy", ",", "printing", "paper", "currency", "such", "as", "the", "United", "States", "Greenback", ",", "to", "pay", "for", "military", "expenditures", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "root", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "mwe", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "ARG1", "_", "root", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG4", "_" ], "words": [ "Governments", "at", "this", "point", "could", "use", "currency", "as", "an", "instrument", "of", "policy", ",", "printing", "paper", "currency", "such", "as", "the", "United", "States", "Greenback", ",", "to", "pay", "for", "military", "expenditures", "." ] }
A failed monetary policy can have significant detrimental effects on an economy and the society that depends on it .
(the society;depends;on it) (the society;depends;economy)
(the society; depends; on it) (A failed monetary policy; can have; significant detrimental effects on an economy and the society)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "VBN", "JJ", "NN", "MD", "VB", "JJ", "JJ", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "NN", "CC", "DT", "NN", "WDT", "VBZ", "IN", "PRP", "." ], "words": [ "A", "failed", "monetary", "policy", "can", "have", "significant", "detrimental", "effects", "on", "an", "economy", "and", "the", "society", "that", "depends", "on", "it", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "amod", "amod", "nsubj", "aux", "root", "amod", "amod", "obj", "case", "det", "nmod", "cc", "det", "conj", "nsubj", "acl:relcl", "case", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "A", "failed", "monetary", "policy", "can", "have", "significant", "detrimental", "effects", "on", "an", "economy", "and", "the", "society", "that", "depends", "on", "it", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "_", "BV", "root", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "A", "failed", "monetary", "policy", "can", "have", "significant", "detrimental", "effects", "on", "an", "economy", "and", "the", "society", "that", "depends", "on", "it", "." ] }
These include hyperinflation , stagflation , recession , high unemployment , shortages of imported goods , inability to export goods , and even total monetary collapse and the adoption of a much less efficient barter economy .
(hyperinflation , stagflation , recession , high unemployment , shortages of imported goods , inability to export goods , and even total monetary collapse and the adoption of a much less efficient barter economy;include;These)
(These; include; hyperinflation stagflation recession high unemployment inability to export goods and even total monetary collapse and the adoption of a much less efficient barter economy) (hyperinflation stagflation recession high unemployment inability to export goods and even total monetary collapse and the adoption of a much less efficient barter economy; is; shortages of imported goods)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "VBP", "NN", ",", "NN", ",", "NN", ",", "JJ", "NN", ",", "NNS", "IN", "VBN", "NNS", ",", "NN", "TO", "VB", "NNS", ",", "CC", "RB", "JJ", "JJ", "NN", "CC", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "RB", "RBR", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "These", "include", "hyperinflation", ",", "stagflation", ",", "recession", ",", "high", "unemployment", ",", "shortages", "of", "imported", "goods", ",", "inability", "to", "export", "goods", ",", "and", "even", "total", "monetary", "collapse", "and", "the", "adoption", "of", "a", "much", "less", "efficient", "barter", "economy", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "root", "obj", "punct", "conj", "punct", "conj", "punct", "amod", "conj", "punct", "conj", "case", "amod", "nmod", "punct", "conj", "mark", "acl", "obj", "punct", "cc", "advmod", "amod", "amod", "conj", "cc", "det", "conj", "case", "det", "advmod", "advmod", "amod", "compound", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "These", "include", "hyperinflation", ",", "stagflation", ",", "recession", ",", "high", "unemployment", ",", "shortages", "of", "imported", "goods", ",", "inability", "to", "export", "goods", ",", "and", "even", "total", "monetary", "collapse", "and", "the", "adoption", "of", "a", "much", "less", "efficient", "barter", "economy", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "root", "ARG2", "_", "conj", "_", "conj", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "comp_less", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "These", "include", "hyperinflation", ",", "stagflation", ",", "recession", ",", "high", "unemployment", ",", "shortages", "of", "imported", "goods", ",", "inability", "to", "export", "goods", ",", "and", "even", "total", "monetary", "collapse", "and", "the", "adoption", "of", "a", "much", "less", "efficient", "barter", "economy", "." ] }
This happened in Russia , for instance , after the fall of the Soviet Union .
(This;happened;in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union)
(This; happened; in Russia for instance) (This; happened; in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "VBD", "IN", "NNP", ",", "IN", "NN", ",", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NNP", "NNP", "." ], "words": [ "This", "happened", "in", "Russia", ",", "for", "instance", ",", "after", "the", "fall", "of", "the", "Soviet", "Union", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "root", "case", "obl", "punct", "case", "nmod", "punct", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "det", "compound", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "This", "happened", "in", "Russia", ",", "for", "instance", ",", "after", "the", "fall", "of", "the", "Soviet", "Union", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "This", "happened", "in", "Russia", ",", "for", "instance", ",", "after", "the", "fall", "of", "the", "Soviet", "Union", "." ] }
Governments and central banks have taken both regulatory and free market approaches to monetary policy .
(Governments and central banks;taken;both regulatory and free market approaches to monetary policy)
(Governments and central banks; have taken; both regulatory and free market approaches to monetary policy)
{ "tags": [ "NNS", "CC", "JJ", "NNS", "VBP", "VBN", "CC", "JJ", "CC", "JJ", "NN", "NNS", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Governments", "and", "central", "banks", "have", "taken", "both", "regulatory", "and", "free", "market", "approaches", "to", "monetary", "policy", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "cc", "amod", "conj", "aux", "root", "cc:preconj", "amod", "cc", "conj", "compound", "obj", "case", "amod", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Governments", "and", "central", "banks", "have", "taken", "both", "regulatory", "and", "free", "market", "approaches", "to", "monetary", "policy", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "root", "_", "_", "_", "_and_c", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Governments", "and", "central", "banks", "have", "taken", "both", "regulatory", "and", "free", "market", "approaches", "to", "monetary", "policy", "." ] }
Some of the tools used to control the money supply include :
(Some of the tools;used;to control the money supply) (Some of the tools;control;the money supply)
(the tools; be used; to control the money supply)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "IN", "DT", "NNS", "VBN", "TO", "VB", "DT", "NN", "NN", "VBP", ":" ], "words": [ "Some", "of", "the", "tools", "used", "to", "control", "the", "money", "supply", "include", ":" ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "case", "det", "nmod", "acl", "mark", "advcl", "det", "compound", "obj", "root", "punct" ], "words": [ "Some", "of", "the", "tools", "used", "to", "control", "the", "money", "supply", "include", ":" ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "_", "_", "part", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "root", "_" ], "words": [ "Some", "of", "the", "tools", "used", "to", "control", "the", "money", "supply", "include", ":" ] }
In Money and the Mechanism of Exchange -LRB- 1875 -RRB- , William Stanley Jevons famously analyzed money in terms of four functions : a medium of exchange , a common measure of value -LRB- or unit of account -RRB- , a standard of value -LRB- or standard of deferred payment -RRB- , and a store of value .
(William Stanley Jevons;analyzed;In Money and the Mechanism of Exchange 1875 money in terms of four functions : a medium of exchange , a common measure of value -LRB- or unit of account -RRB- , a standard of value -LRB- or standard of deferred payment -RRB- , and a store of value)
(Exchange; is; 1875) (William Stanley Jevons famously; analyzed; money in terms of four functions a medium of exchange a common measure of value or unit of account a standard of value or standard of deferred payment and a store of value In Money and the Mechanism of Exchange)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "NNP", "CC", "DT", "NNP", "IN", "NNP", ",", "NNP", "SYM", "CD", "HYPH", "NN", ",", ",", "NNP", "NNP", "NNP", "RB", "VBD", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "IN", "CD", "NNS", ":", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", ",", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "NN", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "CC", "NN", "IN", "NN", "HYPH", "NN", ",", ",", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "CC", "NN", "IN", "VBN", "NN", "HYPH", "NN", ",", ",", "CC", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "In", "Money", "and", "the", "Mechanism", "of", "Exchange", "-", "LRB", "-", "1875", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "William", "Stanley", "Jevons", "famously", "analyzed", "money", "in", "terms", "of", "four", "functions", ":", "a", "medium", "of", "exchange", ",", "a", "common", "measure", "of", "value", "-", "LRB", "-", "or", "unit", "of", "account", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "a", "standard", "of", "value", "-", "LRB", "-", "or", "standard", "of", "deferred", "payment", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "and", "a", "store", "of", "value", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "obl", "cc", "det", "conj", "case", "nmod", "punct", "appos", "case", "nmod", "punct", "nmod", "punct", "punct", "nsubj", "flat", "flat", "advmod", "root", "obj", "case", "obl", "case", "nummod", "nmod", "punct", "det", "appos", "case", "nmod", "punct", "det", "amod", "conj", "case", "nmod", "punct", "conj", "punct", "cc", "conj", "case", "nmod", "punct", "appos", "punct", "punct", "det", "appos", "case", "nmod", "punct", "appos", "punct", "cc", "conj", "case", "amod", "compound", "punct", "nmod", "punct", "punct", "cc", "det", "conj", "case", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "In", "Money", "and", "the", "Mechanism", "of", "Exchange", "-", "LRB", "-", "1875", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "William", "Stanley", "Jevons", "famously", "analyzed", "money", "in", "terms", "of", "four", "functions", ":", "a", "medium", "of", "exchange", ",", "a", "common", "measure", "of", "value", "-", "LRB", "-", "or", "unit", "of", "account", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "a", "standard", "of", "value", "-", "LRB", "-", "or", "standard", "of", "deferred", "payment", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "and", "a", "store", "of", "value", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "_", "compound", "compound", "_", "root", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "compound", "_", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "In", "Money", "and", "the", "Mechanism", "of", "Exchange", "-", "LRB", "-", "1875", "-", "RRB-", ",", "William", "Stanley", "Jevons", "famously", "analyzed", "money", "in", "terms", "of", "four", "functions", ":", "a", "medium", "of", "exchange", ",", "a", "common", "measure", "of", "value", "-", "LRB", "-", "or", "unit", "of", "account", "-", "RRB-", ",", "a", "standard", "of", "value", "-", "LRB", "-", "or", "standard", "of", "deferred", "payment", "-", "RRB-", ",", "and", "a", "store", "of", "value", "." ] }
By 1919 , Jevons 's four functions of money were summarized in the couplet :
(Jevons 's four functions of money;summarized;By 1919 , in the couplet)
(Jevons; has; four functions of money were) (Jevons 's four functions of money were; summarized; in the couplet By 1919)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "CD", ",", "NNP", "POS", "CD", "NNS", "IN", "NN", "VBD", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NN", ":" ], "words": [ "By", "1919", ",", "Jevons", "'s", "four", "functions", "of", "money", "were", "summarized", "in", "the", "couplet", ":" ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "obl", "punct", "nmod:poss", "case", "nummod", "nsubj:pass", "case", "nmod", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "det", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "By", "1919", ",", "Jevons", "'s", "four", "functions", "of", "money", "were", "summarized", "in", "the", "couplet", ":" ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "By", "1919", ",", "Jevons", "'s", "four", "functions", "of", "money", "were", "summarized", "in", "the", "couplet", ":" ] }
Gram-positive bacteria possess a thick cell wall containing many layers of peptidoglycan and teichoic acids .
(Gram-positive bacteria;possess;a thick cell wall) (a thick cell wall;containing;many layers of peptidoglycan and teichoic acids)
(a thick cell wall; be containing; many layers of peptidoglycan and teichoic acids) (Gram-positive bacteria; possess; a thick cell wall containing many layers of peptidoglycan and teichoic acids)
{ "tags": [ "NN", "HYPH", "JJ", "NN", "VBP", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "VBG", "JJ", "NNS", "IN", "NN", "CC", "NN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Gram", "-", "positive", "bacteria", "possess", "a", "thick", "cell", "wall", "containing", "many", "layers", "of", "peptidoglycan", "and", "teichoic", "acids", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "compound", "punct", "amod", "nsubj", "root", "det", "amod", "compound", "obj", "acl", "amod", "obj", "case", "nmod", "cc", "compound", "conj", "punct" ], "words": [ "Gram", "-", "positive", "bacteria", "possess", "a", "thick", "cell", "wall", "containing", "many", "layers", "of", "peptidoglycan", "and", "teichoic", "acids", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "compound", "ARG1", "root", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_" ], "words": [ "Gram", "-", "positive", "bacteria", "possess", "a", "thick", "cell", "wall", "containing", "many", "layers", "of", "peptidoglycan", "and", "teichoic", "acids", "." ] }
In contrast , gram-negative bacteria have a relatively thin cell wall consisting of a few layers of peptidoglycan surrounded by a second lipid membrane containing lipopolysaccharides and lipoproteins .
(a second lipid membrane;containing;lipopolysaccharides and lipoproteins) (thin cell wall;consisting;a few layers of peptidoglycan surrounded by a second lipid membrane containing lipopolysaccharides and lipoproteins) (gram-negative bacteria;have;a relatively thin cell wall) (a few layers of peptidoglycan;surrounded;a second lipid membrane containing lipopolysaccharides and lipoproteins)
(a second lipid membrane; be containing; lipopolysaccharides and lipoproteins) (peptidoglycan; be surrounded; by a second lipid membrane containing lipopolysaccharides and lipoproteins) (a relatively thin cell wall; be consisting; of a few layers of peptidoglycan surrounded by a second lipid membrane containing lipopolysaccharides and lipoproteins) (gram-negative bacteria; have; a relatively thin cell wall consisting of a few layers of peptidoglycan surrounded by a second lipid membrane containing lipopolysaccharides and lipoproteins In contrast)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "NN", ",", "NN", "HYPH", "JJ", "NN", "VBP", "DT", "RB", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "VBG", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NNS", "IN", "NN", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "VBG", "NNS", "CC", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "In", "contrast", ",", "gram", "-", "negative", "bacteria", "have", "a", "relatively", "thin", "cell", "wall", "consisting", "of", "a", "few", "layers", "of", "peptidoglycan", "surrounded", "by", "a", "second", "lipid", "membrane", "containing", "lipopolysaccharides", "and", "lipoproteins", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "obl", "punct", "compound", "punct", "amod", "nsubj", "root", "det", "advmod", "amod", "compound", "obj", "acl", "case", "det", "amod", "obl", "case", "nmod", "acl", "case", "det", "amod", "compound", "obl:agent", "acl", "obj", "cc", "conj", "punct" ], "words": [ "In", "contrast", ",", "gram", "-", "negative", "bacteria", "have", "a", "relatively", "thin", "cell", "wall", "consisting", "of", "a", "few", "layers", "of", "peptidoglycan", "surrounded", "by", "a", "second", "lipid", "membrane", "containing", "lipopolysaccharides", "and", "lipoproteins", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "root", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "mwe", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "_" ], "words": [ "In", "contrast", ",", "gram-negative", "bacteria", "have", "a", "relatively", "thin", "cell", "wall", "consisting", "of", "a", "few", "layers", "of", "peptidoglycan", "surrounded", "by", "a", "second", "lipid", "membrane", "containing", "lipopolysaccharides", "and", "lipoproteins", "." ] }
Lipopolysaccharides , also called endotoxins , are composed of polysaccharides and lipid A that is responsible for much of the toxicity of gram-negative bacteria .
(Lipopolysaccharides;called;endotoxins) (Lipopolysaccharides , also called endotoxins;composed;polysaccharides and lipid A)
(Lipopolysaccharides; be called; also endotoxins) (lipid A; is; responsible for much of the toxicity of gram-negative bacteria) (Lipopolysaccharides also called endotoxins; are composed; of polysaccharides and lipid A)
{ "tags": [ "NNP", ",", "RB", "VBN", "NNS", ",", "VBP", "VBN", "IN", "NNS", "CC", "NN", "NN", "WDT", "VBZ", "JJ", "IN", "JJ", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "HYPH", "JJ", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Lipopolysaccharides", ",", "also", "called", "endotoxins", ",", "are", "composed", "of", "polysaccharides", "and", "lipid", "A", "that", "is", "responsible", "for", "much", "of", "the", "toxicity", "of", "gram", "-", "negative", "bacteria", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj:pass", "punct", "advmod", "acl", "xcomp", "punct", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "obl", "cc", "compound", "conj", "nsubj", "cop", "acl:relcl", "case", "obl", "case", "det", "nmod", "case", "compound", "punct", "amod", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Lipopolysaccharides", ",", "also", "called", "endotoxins", ",", "are", "composed", "of", "polysaccharides", "and", "lipid", "A", "that", "is", "responsible", "for", "much", "of", "the", "toxicity", "of", "gram", "-", "negative", "bacteria", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG3", "_", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "_", "root", "_", "ARG3", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "part", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Lipopolysaccharides", ",", "also", "called", "endotoxins", ",", "are", "composed", "of", "polysaccharides", "and", "lipid", "A", "that", "is", "responsible", "for", "much", "of", "the", "toxicity", "of", "gram-negative", "bacteria", "." ] }
These two groups were previously known as the low G+C and high G+C gram-positive bacteria , respectively .
(These two groups;known;previously the low G+C and high G+C gram-positive bacteria)
(These two groups; were known; as the low G+C and high G+C gram-positive bacteria previously) (These two groups; were known; as the low G+C and high G+C gram-positive bacteria respectively)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "CD", "NNS", "VBD", "RB", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "CC", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "HYPH", "JJ", "NN", ",", "RB", "." ], "words": [ "These", "two", "groups", "were", "previously", "known", "as", "the", "low", "G+C", "and", "high", "G+C", "gram", "-", "positive", "bacteria", ",", "respectively", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nummod", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "advmod", "root", "case", "det", "amod", "compound", "cc", "amod", "conj", "compound", "punct", "amod", "obl", "punct", "advmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "These", "two", "groups", "were", "previously", "known", "as", "the", "low", "G+C", "and", "high", "G+C", "gram", "-", "positive", "bacteria", ",", "respectively", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "root", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_" ], "words": [ "These", "two", "groups", "were", "previously", "known", "as", "the", "low", "G+C", "and", "high", "G+C", "gram", "-", "positive", "bacteria", ",", "respectively", "." ] }
These differences in structure can produce differences in antibiotic susceptibility ; for instance , vancomycin can kill only gram-positive bacteria and is ineffective against gram-negative pathogens , such as Haemophilus influenzae or Pseudomonas aeruginosa .
(These differences in structure;can produce;differences in antibiotic susceptibility) (vancomycin;can kill;only gram-positive bacteria gram-negative pathogens , such as Haemophilus influenzae or Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
(vancomycin; is; ineffective for instance) (vancomycin; can kill; only gram-positive bacteria for instance) (These differences in structure; can produce; differences in antibiotic susceptibility) (vancomycin; is; ineffective against gram-negative pathogens such as Haemophilus influenzae or Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NNS", "IN", "NN", "MD", "VB", "NNS", "IN", "NN", "NN", ":", "IN", "NN", ",", "NN", "MD", "VB", "RB", "NN", "HYPH", "JJ", "NN", "CC", "VBZ", "JJ", "IN", "NN", "HYPH", "JJ", "NNS", ",", "JJ", "IN", "NN", "NN", "CC", "NN", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "These", "differences", "in", "structure", "can", "produce", "differences", "in", "antibiotic", "susceptibility", ";", "for", "instance", ",", "vancomycin", "can", "kill", "only", "gram", "-", "positive", "bacteria", "and", "is", "ineffective", "against", "gram", "-", "negative", "pathogens", ",", "such", "as", "Haemophilus", "influenzae", "or", "Pseudomonas", "aeruginosa", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nsubj", "case", "nmod", "aux", "root", "obj", "case", "compound", "nmod", "punct", "case", "obl", "punct", "nsubj", "aux", "parataxis", "advmod", "compound", "punct", "amod", "obj", "cc", "cop", "conj", "case", "compound", "punct", "amod", "obl", "punct", "case", "fixed", "compound", "nmod", "cc", "compound", "conj", "punct" ], "words": [ "These", "differences", "in", "structure", "can", "produce", "differences", "in", "antibiotic", "susceptibility", ";", "for", "instance", ",", "vancomycin", "can", "kill", "only", "gram", "-", "positive", "bacteria", "and", "is", "ineffective", "against", "gram", "-", "negative", "pathogens", ",", "such", "as", "Haemophilus", "influenzae", "or", "Pseudomonas", "aeruginosa", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "BV", "_", "ARG2", "root", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "root", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "mwe", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_or_c", "_" ], "words": [ "These", "differences", "in", "structure", "can", "produce", "differences", "in", "antibiotic", "susceptibility", ";", "for", "instance", ",", "vancomycin", "can", "kill", "only", "gram-positive", "bacteria", "and", "is", "ineffective", "against", "gram-negative", "pathogens", ",", "such", "as", "Haemophilus", "influenzae", "or", "Pseudomonas", "aeruginosa", "." ] }
If the bacterial cell wall is entirely removed , it is called a protoplast , whereas if it is partially removed , it is called a spheroplast .
(the bacterial cell wall;called;a spheroplast) (the bacterial cell wall;removed;partially)
(it; is removed; partially) (the bacterial cell wall; is removed; entirely) (it; is called; a spheroplast if it is partially removed) (it; is called; a protoplast If the bacterial cell wall is entirely removed) (it; is called; a protoplast whereas if it is partially removed it is called a spheroplast)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "VBZ", "RB", "VBN", ",", "PRP", "VBZ", "VBN", "DT", "NN", ",", "IN", "IN", "PRP", "VBZ", "RB", "VBN", ",", "PRP", "VBZ", "VBN", "DT", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "If", "the", "bacterial", "cell", "wall", "is", "entirely", "removed", ",", "it", "is", "called", "a", "protoplast", ",", "whereas", "if", "it", "is", "partially", "removed", ",", "it", "is", "called", "a", "spheroplast", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "mark", "det", "amod", "compound", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "advmod", "advcl", "punct", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "root", "det", "obj", "punct", "mark", "mark", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "advmod", "advcl", "punct", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "advcl", "det", "xcomp", "punct" ], "words": [ "If", "the", "bacterial", "cell", "wall", "is", "entirely", "removed", ",", "it", "is", "called", "a", "protoplast", ",", "whereas", "if", "it", "is", "partially", "removed", ",", "it", "is", "called", "a", "spheroplast", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "root", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG3", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG3", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "If", "the", "bacterial", "cell", "wall", "is", "entirely", "removed", ",", "it", "is", "called", "a", "protoplast", ",", "whereas", "if", "it", "is", "partially", "removed", ",", "it", "is", "called", "a", "spheroplast", "." ] }
β-Lactam antibiotics , such as penicillin , inhibit the formation of peptidoglycan cross-links in the bacterial cell wall .
(β-Lactam antibiotics;inhibit;the formation of peptidoglycan cross-links in the bacterial cell wall) (β-Lactam antibiotics;inhibit;the formation of peptidoglycan cross-links bacterial cell wall .)
(Lactam antibiotics such as penicillin; inhibit; the formation of peptidoglycan cross-links in the bacterial cell wall)
{ "tags": [ "NN", ":", "NN", "NNS", ",", "JJ", "IN", "NN", ",", "VB", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "NN", "HYPH", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "β", "-", "Lactam", "antibiotics", ",", "such", "as", "penicillin", ",", "inhibit", "the", "formation", "of", "peptidoglycan", "cross", "-", "links", "in", "the", "bacterial", "cell", "wall", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "root", "punct", "compound", "nsubj", "punct", "case", "fixed", "nmod", "punct", "parataxis", "det", "obj", "case", "compound", "compound", "punct", "nmod", "case", "det", "amod", "compound", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "β", "-", "Lactam", "antibiotics", ",", "such", "as", "penicillin", ",", "inhibit", "the", "formation", "of", "peptidoglycan", "cross", "-", "links", "in", "the", "bacterial", "cell", "wall", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "compound", "_", "mwe", "_", "ARG2", "_", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "β-", "Lactam", "antibiotics", ",", "such", "as", "penicillin", ",", "inhibit", "the", "formation", "of", "peptidoglycan", "cross-links", "in", "the", "bacterial", "cell", "wall", "." ] }
The enzyme lysozyme , found in human tears , also digests the cell wall of bacteria and is the body 's main defence against eye infections .
(The enzyme lysozyme;digests;in human tears the cell wall of bacteria) (The enzyme lysozyme;found;in human tears)
(The enzyme lysozyme; be found; in human tears) (the body; has; main defense against eye infections) (The enzyme lysozyme found in human tears; is; the body 's main defense also) (The enzyme lysozyme found in human tears; digests; the cell wall of bacteria also) (The enzyme lysozyme found in human tears; is; the body 's main defense against eye infections)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NN", "NN", ",", "VBN", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", ",", "RB", "VBZ", "DT", "NN", "NN", "IN", "NN", "CC", "VBZ", "DT", "NN", "POS", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "NN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "The", "enzyme", "lysozyme", ",", "found", "in", "human", "tears", ",", "also", "digests", "the", "cell", "wall", "of", "bacteria", "and", "is", "the", "body", "'s", "main", "defence", "against", "eye", "infections", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "compound", "nsubj", "punct", "acl", "case", "amod", "obl", "punct", "advmod", "root", "det", "compound", "obj", "case", "nmod", "cc", "cop", "det", "nmod:poss", "case", "amod", "conj", "case", "compound", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "enzyme", "lysozyme", ",", "found", "in", "human", "tears", ",", "also", "digests", "the", "cell", "wall", "of", "bacteria", "and", "is", "the", "body", "'s", "main", "defence", "against", "eye", "infections", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "BV", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "root", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "enzyme", "lysozyme", ",", "found", "in", "human", "tears", ",", "also", "digests", "the", "cell", "wall", "of", "bacteria", "and", "is", "the", "body", "'s", "main", "defence", "against", "eye", "infections", "." ] }
There are approximately 5 × 1030 bacteria on Earth , forming a biomass which exceeds that of all plants and animals .
(5 × 1030 bacteria;forming;a biomass which exceeds that of all plants and animals) (a biomass;exceeds;that of all plants and animals)
(a biomass; exceeds; that of all plants and animals) (approximately 5 Ã 1030 bacteria on Earth; be forming; a biomass) (approximately 5 Ã 1030 bacteria on Earth; There are; forming a biomass)
{ "tags": [ "EX", "VBP", "RB", "CD", "SYM", "CD", "NN", "IN", "NNP", ",", "VBG", "DT", "NN", "WDT", "VBZ", "DT", "IN", "DT", "NNS", "CC", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "There", "are", "approximately", "5", "×", "1030", "bacteria", "on", "Earth", ",", "forming", "a", "biomass", "which", "exceeds", "that", "of", "all", "plants", "and", "animals", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "expl", "root", "advmod", "nummod", "case", "nummod", "nsubj", "case", "nmod", "punct", "advcl", "det", "obj", "nsubj", "acl:relcl", "obj", "case", "det", "nmod", "cc", "conj", "punct" ], "words": [ "There", "are", "approximately", "5", "×", "1030", "bacteria", "on", "Earth", ",", "forming", "a", "biomass", "which", "exceeds", "that", "of", "all", "plants", "and", "animals", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "subord", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "_" ], "words": [ "There", "are", "approximately", "5", "×", "1030", "bacteria", "on", "Earth", ",", "forming", "a", "biomass", "which", "exceeds", "that", "of", "all", "plants", "and", "animals", "." ] }
The nutrient cycle includes the decomposition of dead bodies and bacteria are responsible for the putrefaction stage in this process .
(The nutrient cycle;includes;decomposition of dead bodies and bacteria) (The nutrient cycle;includes;the decomposition of dead bodies)
(the decomposition of dead bodies and bacteria; are; responsible for the putrefaction stage in this process) (The nutrient cycle; includes; the decomposition of dead bodies and bacteria are responsible for the putrefaction stage in this process)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NN", "NN", "VBZ", "DT", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", "CC", "NNS", "VBP", "JJ", "IN", "DT", "NN", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "The", "nutrient", "cycle", "includes", "the", "decomposition", "of", "dead", "bodies", "and", "bacteria", "are", "responsible", "for", "the", "putrefaction", "stage", "in", "this", "process", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "compound", "nsubj", "root", "det", "obj", "case", "amod", "nmod", "cc", "conj", "cop", "conj", "case", "det", "compound", "obl", "case", "det", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "nutrient", "cycle", "includes", "the", "decomposition", "of", "dead", "bodies", "and", "bacteria", "are", "responsible", "for", "the", "putrefaction", "stage", "in", "this", "process", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "BV", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_and_c", "_", "root", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "nutrient", "cycle", "includes", "the", "decomposition", "of", "dead", "bodies", "and", "bacteria", "are", "responsible", "for", "the", "putrefaction", "stage", "in", "this", "process", "." ] }
In the biological communities surrounding hydrothermal vents and cold seeps , extremophile bacteria provide the nutrients needed to sustain life by converting dissolved compounds , such as hydrogen sulphide and methane , to energy .
(extremophile bacteria;provide;In the biological communities surrounding hydrothermal vents and cold seeps the nutrients needed to sustain life) (the nutrients;needed;to sustain life by converting dissolved compounds , such as hydrogen sulphide and methane , to energy) (the nutrients;sustain;life by converting dissolved compounds , such as hydrogen sulphide and methane , to energy) (the biological communities;surrounding;hydrothermal vents and cold seeps)
(the biological communities; surrounding; hydrothermal vents and cold seeps) (the nutrients; needed; to sustain life by converting dissolved compounds such as hydrogen sulphide and methane to energy) (extremophile bacteria; provide; the nutrients needed to sustain life by converting dissolved compounds such as hydrogen sulphide and methane to energy In the biological communities surrounding hydrothermal vents and cold seeps)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NNS", "VBG", "JJ", "NNS", "CC", "JJ", "NNS", ",", "NN", "NNS", "VBP", "DT", "NNS", "VBN", "TO", "VB", "NN", "IN", "VBG", "VBN", "NNS", ",", "JJ", "IN", "NN", "NN", "CC", "NN", ",", "IN", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "In", "the", "biological", "communities", "surrounding", "hydrothermal", "vents", "and", "cold", "seeps", ",", "extremophile", "bacteria", "provide", "the", "nutrients", "needed", "to", "sustain", "life", "by", "converting", "dissolved", "compounds", ",", "such", "as", "hydrogen", "sulphide", "and", "methane", ",", "to", "energy", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "det", "amod", "obl", "acl", "amod", "obj", "cc", "amod", "conj", "punct", "compound", "nsubj", "root", "det", "obj", "acl", "mark", "advcl", "obj", "mark", "advcl", "amod", "obj", "punct", "case", "fixed", "compound", "nmod", "cc", "conj", "punct", "case", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "In", "the", "biological", "communities", "surrounding", "hydrothermal", "vents", "and", "cold", "seeps", ",", "extremophile", "bacteria", "provide", "the", "nutrients", "needed", "to", "sustain", "life", "by", "converting", "dissolved", "compounds", ",", "such", "as", "hydrogen", "sulphide", "and", "methane", ",", "to", "energy", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "root", "_", "ARG2", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "mwe", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_and_c", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "In", "the", "biological", "communities", "surrounding", "hydrothermal", "vents", "and", "cold", "seeps", ",", "extremophile", "bacteria", "provide", "the", "nutrients", "needed", "to", "sustain", "life", "by", "converting", "dissolved", "compounds", ",", "such", "as", "hydrogen", "sulphide", "and", "methane", ",", "to", "energy", "." ] }
In March 2013 , data reported by researchers in October 2012 , was published .
(data reported by researchers in October 2012;published;In March 2013) (data;reported;by researchers in October 2012)
(data; be reported; by researchers in October 2012) (data reported by researchers in October 2012; was published; In March 2013)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "NNP", "CD", ",", "NNS", "VBN", "IN", "NNS", "IN", "NNP", "CD", ",", "VBD", "VBN", "." ], "words": [ "In", "March", "2013", ",", "data", "reported", "by", "researchers", "in", "October", "2012", ",", "was", "published", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "obl", "nummod", "punct", "nsubj:pass", "acl", "case", "obl:agent", "case", "obl", "nummod", "punct", "aux:pass", "root", "punct" ], "words": [ "In", "March", "2013", ",", "data", "reported", "by", "researchers", "in", "October", "2012", ",", "was", "published", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "root", "_" ], "words": [ "In", "March", "2013", ",", "data", "reported", "by", "researchers", "in", "October", "2012", ",", "was", "published", "." ] }
It was suggested that bacteria thrive in the Mariana Trench , which with a depth of up to 11 kilometres is the deepest known part of the oceans .
(bacteria;thrive;in the Mariana Trench)
(bacteria; thrive; in the Mariana Trench) (the Mariana Trench; is; the deepest known part of the oceans) (It; was suggested; that bacteria thrive in the Mariana Trench) (the Mariana Trench; is; the deepest known part with a depth of up to 11 kilometres)
{ "tags": [ "PRP", "VBD", "VBN", "IN", "NNS", "VBP", "IN", "DT", "NNP", "NNP", ",", "WDT", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "RB", "IN", "CD", "NNS", "VBZ", "DT", "JJS", "VBN", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "It", "was", "suggested", "that", "bacteria", "thrive", "in", "the", "Mariana", "Trench", ",", "which", "with", "a", "depth", "of", "up", "to", "11", "kilometres", "is", "the", "deepest", "known", "part", "of", "the", "oceans", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "expl", "aux:pass", "root", "mark", "nsubj", "ccomp", "case", "det", "compound", "obl", "punct", "nsubj", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "advmod", "fixed", "nummod", "nmod", "cop", "det", "amod", "amod", "acl:relcl", "case", "det", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "It", "was", "suggested", "that", "bacteria", "thrive", "in", "the", "Mariana", "Trench", ",", "which", "with", "a", "depth", "of", "up", "to", "11", "kilometres", "is", "the", "deepest", "known", "part", "of", "the", "oceans", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "root", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "part", "_" ], "words": [ "It", "was", "suggested", "that", "bacteria", "thrive", "in", "the", "Mariana", "Trench", ",", "which", "with", "a", "depth", "of", "up", "to", "11", "kilometres", "is", "the", "deepest", "known", "part", "of", "the", "oceans", "." ] }
Other researchers reported related studies that microbes thrive inside rocks up to 580 metres below the sea floor under 2.6 kilometres of ocean off the coast of the northwestern United States .
(Other researchers;reported;related studies that microbes thrive inside rocks up to 580 metres below the sea floor under 2.6 kilometres of ocean off the coast of the northwestern United States) (microbes;thrive;inside rocks up to 580 metres below the sea floor)
(microbes; thrive; inside rocks up to 580 metres below the sea floor under 2.6 kilometres of ocean) (microbes; thrive; up to 580 metres below the sea floor under 2.6 kilometres of ocean off the coast of the northwestern United States) (Other researchers; reported; related studies that microbes thrive inside rocks up to 580 metres below the sea floor under 2.6 kilometres of ocean off the coast of the northwestern United States)
{ "tags": [ "JJ", "NNS", "VBD", "JJ", "NNS", "IN", "NNS", "VBP", "IN", "NNS", "RB", "IN", "CD", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "NN", "NN", "IN", "CD", "NNS", "IN", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NNP", "NNPS", "." ], "words": [ "Other", "researchers", "reported", "related", "studies", "that", "microbes", "thrive", "inside", "rocks", "up", "to", "580", "metres", "below", "the", "sea", "floor", "under", "2.6", "kilometres", "of", "ocean", "off", "the", "coast", "of", "the", "northwestern", "United", "States", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "amod", "nsubj", "root", "amod", "obj", "mark", "nsubj", "acl", "case", "obl", "case", "case", "nummod", "obl", "case", "det", "compound", "obl", "case", "nummod", "obl", "case", "nmod", "case", "det", "nmod", "case", "det", "amod", "amod", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Other", "researchers", "reported", "related", "studies", "that", "microbes", "thrive", "inside", "rocks", "up", "to", "580", "metres", "below", "the", "sea", "floor", "under", "2.6", "kilometres", "of", "ocean", "off", "the", "coast", "of", "the", "northwestern", "United", "States", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "ARG1", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Other", "researchers", "reported", "related", "studies", "that", "microbes", "thrive", "inside", "rocks", "up", "to", "580", "metres", "below", "the", "sea", "floor", "under", "2.6", "kilometres", "of", "ocean", "off", "the", "coast", "of", "the", "northwestern", "United", "States", "." ] }
According to one of the researchers , `` You can find microbes everywhere -- they 're extremely adaptable to conditions , and survive wherever they are . ''
(microbes;survive;wherever they are)
(they; are; wherever) (they; 're; adaptable extremely) (they; survive; wherever they are) (You; can find; microbes everywhere) (they; 're; adaptable to conditions) (You; can find; microbes According to one of the researchers)
{ "tags": [ "VBG", "IN", "CD", "IN", "DT", "NNS", ",", "``", "PRP", "MD", "VB", "NNS", "RB", ",", "PRP", "VBP", "RB", "JJ", "IN", "NNS", ",", "CC", "VBP", "WRB", "PRP", "VBP", ".", "''" ], "words": [ "According", "to", "one", "of", "the", "researchers", ",", "``", "You", "can", "find", "microbes", "everywhere", "--", "they", "'re", "extremely", "adaptable", "to", "conditions", ",", "and", "survive", "wherever", "they", "are", ".", "''" ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "fixed", "obl", "case", "det", "nmod", "punct", "punct", "nsubj", "aux", "root", "obj", "advmod", "punct", "nsubj", "cop", "advmod", "parataxis", "case", "obl", "punct", "cc", "conj", "obj", "nsubj", "advcl:relcl", "punct", "punct" ], "words": [ "According", "to", "one", "of", "the", "researchers", ",", "``", "You", "can", "find", "microbes", "everywhere", "--", "they", "'re", "extremely", "adaptable", "to", "conditions", ",", "and", "survive", "wherever", "they", "are", ".", "''" ] }
{ "tags": [ "mwe", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "part", "_", "_", "ARG1", "root", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "ARG1", "ARG1", "_", "_" ], "words": [ "According", "to", "one", "of", "the", "researchers", ",", "``", "You", "can", "find", "microbes", "everywhere", "--", "they", "'", "re", "extremely", "adaptable", "to", "conditions", ",", "and", "survive", "wherever", "they", "are", ".", "''" ] }
Most bacterial species are either spherical , called cocci -LRB- sing .
(bacterial species;called;Most cocci)
(Most bacterial species; are; either spherical)
{ "tags": [ "JJS", "JJ", "NNS", "VBP", "CC", "JJ", ",", "VBN", "NN", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Most", "bacterial", "species", "are", "either", "spherical", ",", "called", "cocci", "-", "LRB", "-", "sing", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "amod", "amod", "nsubj", "cop", "cc:preconj", "root", "punct", "acl", "compound", "punct", "compound", "punct", "xcomp", "punct" ], "words": [ "Most", "bacterial", "species", "are", "either", "spherical", ",", "called", "cocci", "-", "LRB", "-", "sing", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Most", "bacterial", "species", "are", "either", "spherical", ",", "called", "cocci", "-", "LRB", "-", "sing", "." ] }
Some bacteria , called vibrio , are shaped like slightly curved rods or comma-shaped ; others can be spiral-shaped , called spirilla , or tightly coiled , called spirochaetes .
(Some bacteria;called;vibrio) (Some bacteria;called;vibrio) (Some bacteria;called;spirilla) (vibrio;shaped;like slightly curved rods or comma-shaped) (Some bacteria;shaped;like slightly curved rods or comma-shaped)
(Some bacteria; be called; vibrio) (others; can be; spiral-shaped called spirilla or tightly coiled called spirochaetes)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NNS", ",", "VBN", "NN", ",", "VBP", "VBN", "IN", "RB", "JJ", "NNS", "CC", "NN", "HYPH", "VBN", ":", "NNS", "MD", "VB", "JJ", "HYPH", "VBN", ",", "VBN", "NN", ",", "CC", "RB", "VBN", ",", "VBN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Some", "bacteria", ",", "called", "vibrio", ",", "are", "shaped", "like", "slightly", "curved", "rods", "or", "comma", "-", "shaped", ";", "others", "can", "be", "spiral", "-", "shaped", ",", "called", "spirilla", ",", "or", "tightly", "coiled", ",", "called", "spirochaetes", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nsubj:pass", "punct", "acl", "xcomp", "punct", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "advmod", "amod", "obl", "cc", "compound", "punct", "conj", "punct", "nsubj:pass", "aux", "aux:pass", "compound", "punct", "parataxis", "punct", "conj", "xcomp", "punct", "cc", "advmod", "conj", "punct", "conj", "xcomp", "punct" ], "words": [ "Some", "bacteria", ",", "called", "vibrio", ",", "are", "shaped", "like", "slightly", "curved", "rods", "or", "comma", "-", "shaped", ";", "others", "can", "be", "spiral", "-", "shaped", ",", "called", "spirilla", ",", "or", "tightly", "coiled", ",", "called", "spirochaetes", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "_or_c", "_", "_", "conj", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_or_c", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Some", "bacteria", ",", "called", "vibrio", ",", "are", "shaped", "like", "slightly", "curved", "rods", "or", "comma-shaped", ";", "others", "can", "be", "spiral", "-", "shaped", ",", "called", "spirilla", ",", "or", "tightly", "coiled", ",", "called", "spirochaetes", "." ] }
More recently , some bacteria were discovered deep under Earth 's crust that grow as branching filamentous types with a star-shaped cross-section .
(some bacteria;grow;under Earth 's crust) (some bacteria;discovered;More recently deep under Earth 's crust)
(Earth; has; crust) (some bacteria; were discovered; deep More recently) (some bacteria; were discovered; deep under Earth 's crust) (Earth 's crust; grow; as branching filamentous types with a star-shaped cross-section)
{ "tags": [ "RBR", "RB", ",", "DT", "NNS", "VBD", "VBN", "RB", "IN", "NNP", "POS", "NN", "WDT", "VBP", "IN", "VBG", "JJ", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "NN", "HYPH", "VBN", "NN", "HYPH", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "More", "recently", ",", "some", "bacteria", "were", "discovered", "deep", "under", "Earth", "'s", "crust", "that", "grow", "as", "branching", "filamentous", "types", "with", "a", "star", "-", "shaped", "cross", "-", "section", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "advmod", "advmod", "punct", "det", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "root", "advmod", "case", "nmod:poss", "case", "obl", "nsubj", "acl:relcl", "mark", "advcl", "amod", "obj", "case", "det", "compound", "punct", "amod", "compound", "punct", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "More", "recently", ",", "some", "bacteria", "were", "discovered", "deep", "under", "Earth", "'s", "crust", "that", "grow", "as", "branching", "filamentous", "types", "with", "a", "star", "-", "shaped", "cross", "-", "section", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "comp", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "More", "recently", ",", "some", "bacteria", "were", "discovered", "deep", "under", "Earth", "'s", "crust", "that", "grow", "as", "branching", "filamentous", "types", "with", "a", "star", "-", "shaped", "cross-section", "." ] }
The large surface area to volume ratio of this morphology may give these bacteria an advantage in nutrient-poor environments .
(large surface area to volume ratio of this morphology;give;an advantage in nutrient-poor environments)
(The large surface area to volume ratio of this morphology; may give; these bacteria an advantage in nutrient-poor environments)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "IN", "NN", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "MD", "VB", "DT", "NNS", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "HYPH", "JJ", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "The", "large", "surface", "area", "to", "volume", "ratio", "of", "this", "morphology", "may", "give", "these", "bacteria", "an", "advantage", "in", "nutrient", "-", "poor", "environments", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "amod", "compound", "nsubj", "case", "compound", "nmod", "case", "det", "nmod", "aux", "root", "det", "iobj", "det", "obj", "case", "compound", "punct", "amod", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "large", "surface", "area", "to", "volume", "ratio", "of", "this", "morphology", "may", "give", "these", "bacteria", "an", "advantage", "in", "nutrient", "-", "poor", "environments", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "BV", "root", "ARG1", "_", "ARG3", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "large", "surface", "area", "to", "volume", "ratio", "of", "this", "morphology", "may", "give", "these", "bacteria", "an", "advantage", "in", "nutrient", "-", "poor", "environments", "." ] }
This wide variety of shapes is determined by the bacterial cell wall and cytoskeleton , and is important because it can influence the ability of bacteria to acquire nutrients , attach to surfaces , swim through liquids and escape predators .
(bacteria;acquire;nutrients) (This wide variety of shapes;can influence;the ability of bacteria to acquire nutrients , attach to surfaces , swim through liquids and escape predators) (bacteria;can attach;to surfaces) (bacteria;swim;through liquids) (bacteria;escape;predators) (This wide variety of shapes;determined;by the bacterial cell wall and cytoskeleton)
(it; can influence; the ability of bacteria to escape predators) (it; can influence; the ability of bacteria to acquire nutrients) (it; can influence; the ability of bacteria to attach to surfaces) (it; can influence; the ability of bacteria to swim through liquids) (This wide variety of shapes; is determined; by the bacterial cell wall and cytoskeleton) (This wide variety of shapes; is; important because it can influence the ability of bacteria to acquire nutrients attach to surfaces swim through liquids and escape predators)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "VBZ", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "CC", "NN", ",", "CC", "VBZ", "JJ", "IN", "PRP", "MD", "VB", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "TO", "VB", "NNS", ",", "VB", "IN", "NNS", ",", "VB", "IN", "NNS", "CC", "VB", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "This", "wide", "variety", "of", "shapes", "is", "determined", "by", "the", "bacterial", "cell", "wall", "and", "cytoskeleton", ",", "and", "is", "important", "because", "it", "can", "influence", "the", "ability", "of", "bacteria", "to", "acquire", "nutrients", ",", "attach", "to", "surfaces", ",", "swim", "through", "liquids", "and", "escape", "predators", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "amod", "nsubj:pass", "case", "nmod", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "det", "amod", "compound", "obl:agent", "cc", "conj", "punct", "cc", "cop", "conj", "mark", "nsubj", "aux", "advcl", "det", "obj", "case", "nmod", "mark", "acl", "obj", "punct", "conj", "case", "obl", "punct", "conj", "case", "obl", "cc", "conj", "obj", "punct" ], "words": [ "This", "wide", "variety", "of", "shapes", "is", "determined", "by", "the", "bacterial", "cell", "wall", "and", "cytoskeleton", ",", "and", "is", "important", "because", "it", "can", "influence", "the", "ability", "of", "bacteria", "to", "acquire", "nutrients", ",", "attach", "to", "surfaces", ",", "swim", "through", "liquids", "and", "escape", "predators", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "BV", "_", "ARG1", "_", "root", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "conj", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "ARG1", "_" ], "words": [ "This", "wide", "variety", "of", "shapes", "is", "determined", "by", "the", "bacterial", "cell", "wall", "and", "cytoskeleton", ",", "and", "is", "important", "because", "it", "can", "influence", "the", "ability", "of", "bacteria", "to", "acquire", "nutrients", ",", "attach", "to", "surfaces", ",", "swim", "through", "liquids", "and", "escape", "predators", "." ] }
Every atom is composed of a nucleus and one or more electrons bound to the nucleus .
(Every atom;composed;of a nucleus and one or more electrons bound to the nucleus) (one or more electrons;bound;the nucleus)
(one or more electrons; be bound; to the nucleus) (Every atom; is composed; of a nucleus and one or more electrons bound to the nucleus)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NN", "VBZ", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "CC", "CD", "CC", "JJR", "NNS", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Every", "atom", "is", "composed", "of", "a", "nucleus", "and", "one", "or", "more", "electrons", "bound", "to", "the", "nucleus", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "det", "obl", "cc", "nummod", "cc", "conj", "conj", "acl", "case", "det", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "Every", "atom", "is", "composed", "of", "a", "nucleus", "and", "one", "or", "more", "electrons", "bound", "to", "the", "nucleus", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "BV", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "mwe", "mwe", "_", "ARG2", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Every", "atom", "is", "composed", "of", "a", "nucleus", "and", "one", "or", "more", "electrons", "bound", "to", "the", "nucleus", "." ] }
The nucleus is made of one or more protons and typically a similar number of neutrons .
(The nucleus;made;of one or more protons and typically a similar number of neutrons)
(The nucleus; is made; of one or more protons and typically a similar number of neutrons)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NN", "VBZ", "VBN", "IN", "CD", "CC", "JJR", "NNS", "CC", "RB", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "The", "nucleus", "is", "made", "of", "one", "or", "more", "protons", "and", "typically", "a", "similar", "number", "of", "neutrons", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "nummod", "cc", "conj", "obl", "cc", "advmod", "det", "amod", "conj", "case", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "nucleus", "is", "made", "of", "one", "or", "more", "protons", "and", "typically", "a", "similar", "number", "of", "neutrons", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "BV", "_", "root", "_", "mwe", "mwe", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "nucleus", "is", "made", "of", "one", "or", "more", "protons", "and", "typically", "a", "similar", "number", "of", "neutrons", "." ] }
Protons and neutrons are called nucleons .
(Protons and neutrons;called;nucleons)
(Protons and neutrons; are called; nucleons)
{ "tags": [ "NNS", "CC", "NNS", "VBP", "VBN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Protons", "and", "neutrons", "are", "called", "nucleons", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj:pass", "cc", "conj", "aux:pass", "root", "xcomp", "punct" ], "words": [ "Protons", "and", "neutrons", "are", "called", "nucleons", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG3", "_", "_and_c", "_", "root", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Protons", "and", "neutrons", "are", "called", "nucleons", "." ] }
If an atom has more or fewer electrons than protons , then it has an overall negative or positive charge , respectively , and it is called an ion .
(an atom;has;more or fewer electrons than protons)
(it; is called; an ion) (an atom; has; more or fewer electrons than protons) (it; has; an overall negative or positive charge respectively) (it; has; an overall negative or positive charge If an atom has more or fewer electrons than protons)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "DT", "NN", "VBZ", "JJR", "CC", "JJR", "NNS", "IN", "NNS", ",", "RB", "PRP", "VBZ", "DT", "JJ", "JJ", "CC", "JJ", "NN", ",", "RB", ",", "CC", "PRP", "VBZ", "VBN", "DT", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "If", "an", "atom", "has", "more", "or", "fewer", "electrons", "than", "protons", ",", "then", "it", "has", "an", "overall", "negative", "or", "positive", "charge", ",", "respectively", ",", "and", "it", "is", "called", "an", "ion", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "mark", "det", "nsubj", "advcl", "amod", "cc", "conj", "obj", "case", "nmod", "punct", "advmod", "nsubj", "root", "det", "amod", "amod", "cc", "conj", "obj", "punct", "advmod", "punct", "cc", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "conj", "det", "xcomp", "punct" ], "words": [ "If", "an", "atom", "has", "more", "or", "fewer", "electrons", "than", "protons", ",", "then", "it", "has", "an", "overall", "negative", "or", "positive", "charge", ",", "respectively", ",", "and", "it", "is", "called", "an", "ion", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "root", "_", "BV", "_", "mwe", "mwe", "_", "ARG1", "_", "than", "_", "_", "ARG1", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_or_c", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "If", "an", "atom", "has", "more", "or", "fewer", "electrons", "than", "protons", ",", "then", "it", "has", "an", "overall", "negative", "or", "positive", "charge", ",", "respectively", ",", "and", "it", "is", "called", "an", "ion", "." ] }
Stability of isotopes is affected by the ratio of protons to neutrons , and also by the presence of certain `` magic numbers '' of neutrons or protons that represent closed and filled quantum shells .
(Stability of isotopes;affected;by the ratio of protons to neutrons)
(Stability of isotopes; is filled; quantum shells) (the ratio of protons to neutrons and also by the presence of certain magic numbers of neutrons or protons; represent; closed) (Stability of isotopes; is affected; by the ratio of protons to neutrons and also by the presence of certain magic numbers of neutrons or protons)
{ "tags": [ "NN", "IN", "NNS", "VBZ", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "IN", "NNS", ",", "CC", "RB", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "``", "NN", "NNS", "''", "''", "IN", "NNS", "CC", "NNS", "WDT", "VBP", "VBN", "CC", "VBN", "NN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Stability", "of", "isotopes", "is", "affected", "by", "the", "ratio", "of", "protons", "to", "neutrons", ",", "and", "also", "by", "the", "presence", "of", "certain", "``", "magic", "numbers", "'", "'", "of", "neutrons", "or", "protons", "that", "represent", "closed", "and", "filled", "quantum", "shells", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj:pass", "case", "nmod", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "det", "obl:agent", "case", "nmod", "case", "nmod", "punct", "cc", "advmod", "case", "det", "conj", "case", "amod", "punct", "compound", "nmod", "punct", "punct", "case", "nmod", "cc", "conj", "nsubj", "acl:relcl", "amod", "cc", "conj", "compound", "obj", "punct" ], "words": [ "Stability", "of", "isotopes", "is", "affected", "by", "the", "ratio", "of", "protons", "to", "neutrons", ",", "and", "also", "by", "the", "presence", "of", "certain", "``", "magic", "numbers", "'", "'", "of", "neutrons", "or", "protons", "that", "represent", "closed", "and", "filled", "quantum", "shells", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_or_c", "_", "_", "root", "_", "_and_c", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Stability", "of", "isotopes", "is", "affected", "by", "the", "ratio", "of", "protons", "to", "neutrons", ",", "and", "also", "by", "the", "presence", "of", "certain", "``", "magic", "numbers", "'", "'", "of", "neutrons", "or", "protons", "that", "represent", "closed", "and", "filled", "quantum", "shells", "." ] }
Most odd -- odd nuclei are highly unstable with respect to beta decay , because the decay products are even -- even , and are therefore more strongly bound , due to nuclear pairing effects .
(the decay products;bound;more strongly)
(odd nuclei; are bound; therefore) (the decay products; are; even even) (odd nuclei; are bound; more strongly) (odd nuclei; are; Most odd unstable due to nuclear pairing effects highly) (odd nuclei; are; Most odd unstable due to nuclear pairing effects with respect) (odd nuclei; are; Most odd unstable due to nuclear pairing effects to beta decay because the decay products are even even)
{ "tags": [ "RBS", "JJ", "HYPH", "JJ", "NNS", "VBP", "RB", "JJ", "IN", "NN", "IN", "NN", "NN", ",", "IN", "DT", "NN", "NNS", "VBP", "RB", ",", "RB", ",", "CC", "VBP", "RB", "RBR", "RB", "VBN", ",", "IN", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Most", "odd", "--", "odd", "nuclei", "are", "highly", "unstable", "with", "respect", "to", "beta", "decay", ",", "because", "the", "decay", "products", "are", "even", "--", "even", ",", "and", "are", "therefore", "more", "strongly", "bound", ",", "due", "to", "nuclear", "pairing", "effects", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "advmod", "amod", "punct", "amod", "nsubj", "cop", "advmod", "root", "case", "obl", "case", "compound", "nmod", "punct", "mark", "det", "compound", "nsubj", "cop", "advcl", "punct", "advmod", "punct", "cc", "aux:pass", "advmod", "advmod", "advmod", "conj", "punct", "case", "fixed", "amod", "compound", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "Most", "odd", "--", "odd", "nuclei", "are", "highly", "unstable", "with", "respect", "to", "beta", "decay", ",", "because", "the", "decay", "products", "are", "even", "--", "even", ",", "and", "are", "therefore", "more", "strongly", "bound", ",", "due", "to", "nuclear", "pairing", "effects", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "comp", "ARG1", "_", "root", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Most", "odd", "--", "odd", "nuclei", "are", "highly", "unstable", "with", "respect", "to", "beta", "decay", ",", "because", "the", "decay", "products", "are", "even", "--", "even", ",", "and", "are", "therefore", "more", "strongly", "bound", ",", "due", "to", "nuclear", "pairing", "effects", "." ] }
As even the most massive atoms are far too light to work with directly , chemists instead use the unit of moles .
(chemists;use;As even the most massive atoms are far too light to work with directly the unit of moles)
(chemists; use; the unit of moles instead) (the most massive atoms; are; light to work with directly) (the most massive atoms; are; light far to work with directly) (the most massive atoms; are; light too to work with directly) (chemists; use; the unit of moles As even the most massive atoms are far too light to work with directly)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "RB", "DT", "RBS", "JJ", "NNS", "VBP", "RB", "RB", "JJ", "TO", "VB", "IN", "RB", ",", "NNS", "RB", "VBP", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "As", "even", "the", "most", "massive", "atoms", "are", "far", "too", "light", "to", "work", "with", "directly", ",", "chemists", "instead", "use", "the", "unit", "of", "moles", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "mark", "advmod", "det", "advmod", "amod", "nsubj", "cop", "advmod", "advmod", "advcl", "mark", "xcomp", "obl", "advmod", "punct", "nsubj", "advmod", "root", "det", "obj", "case", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "As", "even", "the", "most", "massive", "atoms", "are", "far", "too", "light", "to", "work", "with", "directly", ",", "chemists", "instead", "use", "the", "unit", "of", "moles", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "root", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG1", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "comp_too", "_", "than", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "As", "even", "the", "most", "massive", "atoms", "are", "far", "too", "light", "to", "work", "with", "directly", ",", "chemists", "instead", "use", "the", "unit", "of", "moles", "." ] }
This number was chosen so that if an element has an atomic mass of 1 u , a mole of atoms of that element has a mass close to one gram .
(This number;chosen;so that if an element has an atomic mass of 1 u , a mole of atoms of that element has a mass close to one gram)
(an element; has; an atomic mass of 1 u) (a mole of atoms of that element; has; a mass close to one gram if an element has an atomic mass of 1 u) (This number; was chosen; so that if an element has an atomic mass of 1 u a mole of atoms of that element has a mass close to one gram)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NN", "VBD", "VBN", "IN", "IN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "VBZ", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "CD", "NN", ",", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "NN", "VBZ", "DT", "NN", "RB", "IN", "CD", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "This", "number", "was", "chosen", "so", "that", "if", "an", "element", "has", "an", "atomic", "mass", "of", "1", "u", ",", "a", "mole", "of", "atoms", "of", "that", "element", "has", "a", "mass", "close", "to", "one", "gram", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "root", "mark", "fixed", "mark", "det", "nsubj", "advcl", "det", "amod", "obj", "case", "nummod", "nmod", "punct", "det", "nsubj", "case", "nmod", "case", "det", "nmod", "advcl", "det", "obj", "amod", "case", "nummod", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "This", "number", "was", "chosen", "so", "that", "if", "an", "element", "has", "an", "atomic", "mass", "of", "1", "u", ",", "a", "mole", "of", "atoms", "of", "that", "element", "has", "a", "mass", "close", "to", "one", "gram", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "BV", "_", "root", "_", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "root", "_", "ARG2", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "This", "number", "was", "chosen", "so", "that", "if", "an", "element", "has", "an", "atomic", "mass", "of", "1", "u", ",", "a", "mole", "of", "atoms", "of", "that", "element", "has", "a", "mass", "close", "to", "one", "gram", "." ] }
Because of the definition of the unified atomic mass unit , each carbon-12 atom has an atomic mass of exactly 12 u , and so a mole of carbon-12 atoms weighs exactly 0.012 kg .
(a mole of carbon-12 atoms;weighs;exactly 0.012 kg)
(a mole of carbon-12 atoms; weighs; exactly 0.012 kg) (each carbon-12 atom; so; a mole of carbon-12 atoms weighs exactly 0.012 kg Because of the definition of the unified atomic mass unit) (each carbon-12 atom; has; an atomic mass of exactly 12 u a mole of carbon-12 atoms weighs exactly 0.012 kg Because of the definition of the unified atomic mass unit)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "JJ", "NN", "NN", ",", "DT", "NN", "HYPH", "CD", "NN", "VBZ", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "RB", "CD", "NN", ",", "CC", "RB", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "HYPH", "CD", "NNS", "VBZ", "RB", "CD", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Because", "of", "the", "definition", "of", "the", "unified", "atomic", "mass", "unit", ",", "each", "carbon", "-", "12", "atom", "has", "an", "atomic", "mass", "of", "exactly", "12", "u", ",", "and", "so", "a", "mole", "of", "carbon", "-", "12", "atoms", "weighs", "exactly", "0.012", "kg", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "fixed", "det", "obl", "case", "det", "amod", "amod", "compound", "nmod", "punct", "det", "compound", "punct", "nummod", "nsubj", "root", "det", "amod", "obj", "case", "advmod", "nummod", "nmod", "punct", "cc", "advmod", "det", "nsubj", "case", "compound", "punct", "nummod", "nmod", "conj", "advmod", "nummod", "obj", "punct" ], "words": [ "Because", "of", "the", "definition", "of", "the", "unified", "atomic", "mass", "unit", ",", "each", "carbon", "-", "12", "atom", "has", "an", "atomic", "mass", "of", "exactly", "12", "u", ",", "and", "so", "a", "mole", "of", "carbon", "-", "12", "atoms", "weighs", "exactly", "0.012", "kg", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "mwe", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Because", "of", "the", "definition", "of", "the", "unified", "atomic", "mass", "unit", ",", "each", "carbon", "-", "12", "atom", "has", "an", "atomic", "mass", "of", "exactly", "12", "u", ",", "and", "so", "a", "mole", "of", "carbon", "-", "12", "atoms", "weighs", "exactly", "0.012", "kg", "." ] }
Each radioactive isotope has a characteristic decay time period -- the half-life -- that is determined by the amount of time needed for half of a sample to decay .
(Each radioactive isotope;has;a characteristic decay time period -- the half-life -- that is determined by the amount of time needed for half of a sample to decay) (the amount of time needed for half of a sample to decay;determined;a characteristic decay time period -- the half-life) (the amount of time;needed;half of a sample to decay)
(time; be needed; for half of a sample to decay) (Each radioactive isotope; has; a characteristic decay time period the half-life) (a characteristic decay time period the half-life; is determined; by the amount of time needed for half of a sample to decay)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "JJ", "NN", "VBZ", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "NN", ",", "DT", "NN", "HYPH", "NN", ",", "DT", "VBZ", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "VBN", "IN", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "TO", "VB", "." ], "words": [ "Each", "radioactive", "isotope", "has", "a", "characteristic", "decay", "time", "period", "--", "the", "half", "-", "life", "--", "that", "is", "determined", "by", "the", "amount", "of", "time", "needed", "for", "half", "of", "a", "sample", "to", "decay", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "amod", "nsubj", "root", "det", "amod", "compound", "compound", "obj", "punct", "det", "compound", "punct", "appos", "punct", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "acl:relcl", "case", "det", "obl:agent", "case", "nmod", "acl", "case", "obl", "case", "det", "nmod", "mark", "advcl", "punct" ], "words": [ "Each", "radioactive", "isotope", "has", "a", "characteristic", "decay", "time", "period", "--", "the", "half", "-", "life", "--", "that", "is", "determined", "by", "the", "amount", "of", "time", "needed", "for", "half", "of", "a", "sample", "to", "decay", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "BV", "root", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG1", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "part", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Each", "radioactive", "isotope", "has", "a", "characteristic", "decay", "time", "period", "--", "the", "half", "-", "life", "--", "that", "is", "determined", "by", "the", "amount", "of", "time", "needed", "for", "half", "of", "a", "sample", "to", "decay", "." ] }
The magnetic field produced by an atom -- its magnetic moment -- is determined by these various forms of angular momentum , just as a rotating charged object classically produces a magnetic field .
(The magnetic field;produced;an atom -- its magnetic moment) (The magnetic field produced by an atom -- its magnetic moment;determined;by these various forms of angular momentum , just as a rotating charged object classically produces a magnetic field) (a rotating charged object;produces;a magnetic field)
(its; has; magnetic moment) (object classically; produces; a magnetic field) (The magnetic field its magnetic moment; be produced; by an atom) (a rotating; charged; object classically produces a magnetic field just) (The magnetic field produced by an atom its magnetic moment; is determined; just as a rotating charged object classically produces a magnetic field) (The magnetic field produced by an atom its magnetic moment; is determined; by these various forms of angular momentum just as a rotating charged object classically produces a magnetic field)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "JJ", "NN", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NN", ",", "PRP$", "JJ", "NN", ",", "VBZ", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NNS", "IN", "JJ", "NN", ",", "RB", "IN", "DT", "VBG", "VBN", "NN", "RB", "VBZ", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "The", "magnetic", "field", "produced", "by", "an", "atom", "--", "its", "magnetic", "moment", "--", "is", "determined", "by", "these", "various", "forms", "of", "angular", "momentum", ",", "just", "as", "a", "rotating", "charged", "object", "classically", "produces", "a", "magnetic", "field", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "amod", "nsubj:pass", "acl", "case", "det", "obl:agent", "punct", "nmod:poss", "amod", "appos", "punct", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "det", "amod", "obl:agent", "case", "amod", "nmod", "punct", "advmod", "mark", "det", "amod", "amod", "nsubj", "advmod", "advcl", "det", "amod", "obj", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "magnetic", "field", "produced", "by", "an", "atom", "--", "its", "magnetic", "moment", "--", "is", "determined", "by", "these", "various", "forms", "of", "angular", "momentum", ",", "just", "as", "a", "rotating", "charged", "object", "classically", "produces", "a", "magnetic", "field", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "BV", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "root", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "magnetic", "field", "produced", "by", "an", "atom", "--", "its", "magnetic", "moment", "--", "is", "determined", "by", "these", "various", "forms", "of", "angular", "momentum", ",", "just", "as", "a", "rotating", "charged", "object", "classically", "produces", "a", "magnetic", "field", "." ] }
However , the most dominant contribution comes from electron spin .
(most dominant contribution;comes;electron spin)
(the most dominant contribution; comes; from electron spin However)
{ "tags": [ "RB", ",", "DT", "RBS", "JJ", "NN", "VBZ", "IN", "NN", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "However", ",", "the", "most", "dominant", "contribution", "comes", "from", "electron", "spin", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "advmod", "punct", "det", "advmod", "amod", "nsubj", "root", "case", "compound", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "However", ",", "the", "most", "dominant", "contribution", "comes", "from", "electron", "spin", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "root", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "BV", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "However", ",", "the", "most", "dominant", "contribution", "comes", "from", "electron", "spin", "." ] }
Due to the nature of electrons to obey the Pauli exclusion principle , in which no two electrons may be found in the same quantum state , bound electrons pair up with each other , with one member of each pair in a spin up state and the other in the opposite , spin down state .
(no two electrons;might found;Due to the nature of electrons to obey the Pauli exclusion principle in the same quantum state) (the nature of electrons;can obey;the Pauli exclusion principle) (bound electrons;pair;no two electrons may be found in the same quantum state with one member of each in a spin up state and the other in the opposite , spin down state)
(electrons; pair up; with each other) (no two electrons; may be found; in the Pauli exclusion principle) (the same quantum state; be bound; electrons pair up with each other) (no two electrons; may be found; in the same quantum state bound electrons pair up with each other in the Pauli exclusion principle)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "TO", "VB", "DT", "NNP", "NN", "NN", ",", "IN", "WDT", "DT", "CD", "NNS", "MD", "VB", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "NN", ",", "VBN", "NNS", "VBP", "RP", "IN", "DT", "JJ", ",", "IN", "CD", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "RP", "NN", "CC", "DT", "JJ", "IN", "DT", "JJ", ",", "NN", "RP", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Due", "to", "the", "nature", "of", "electrons", "to", "obey", "the", "Pauli", "exclusion", "principle", ",", "in", "which", "no", "two", "electrons", "may", "be", "found", "in", "the", "same", "quantum", "state", ",", "bound", "electrons", "pair", "up", "with", "each", "other", ",", "with", "one", "member", "of", "each", "pair", "in", "a", "spin", "up", "state", "and", "the", "other", "in", "the", "opposite", ",", "spin", "down", "state", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "fixed", "det", "obl", "case", "nmod", "mark", "acl", "det", "compound", "compound", "obj", "punct", "case", "obl", "det", "nummod", "nsubj:pass", "aux", "aux:pass", "acl:relcl", "case", "det", "amod", "compound", "obl", "punct", "amod", "nsubj", "root", "compound:prt", "case", "obl", "fixed", "punct", "case", "nummod", "obl", "case", "det", "nmod", "case", "det", "compound", "compound:prt", "nmod", "cc", "det", "conj", "case", "det", "amod", "punct", "compound", "compound:prt", "conj", "punct" ], "words": [ "Due", "to", "the", "nature", "of", "electrons", "to", "obey", "the", "Pauli", "exclusion", "principle", ",", "in", "which", "no", "two", "electrons", "may", "be", "found", "in", "the", "same", "quantum", "state", ",", "bound", "electrons", "pair", "up", "with", "each", "other", ",", "with", "one", "member", "of", "each", "pair", "in", "a", "spin", "up", "state", "and", "the", "other", "in", "the", "opposite", ",", "spin", "down", "state", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "ARG1", "_", "_", "mwe", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "root", "_" ], "words": [ "Due", "to", "the", "nature", "of", "electrons", "to", "obey", "the", "Pauli", "exclusion", "principle", ",", "in", "which", "no", "two", "electrons", "may", "be", "found", "in", "the", "same", "quantum", "state", ",", "bound", "electrons", "pair", "up", "with", "each", "other", ",", "with", "one", "member", "of", "each", "pair", "in", "a", "spin", "up", "state", "and", "the", "other", "in", "the", "opposite", ",", "spin", "down", "state", "." ] }
Thus these spins cancel each other out , reducing the total magnetic dipole moment to zero in some atoms with even number of electrons .
(these spins;reducing;the total magnetic dipole moment to zero some atoms with even number of electrons) (these spins;reducing;the total magnetic dipole moment to zero in some atoms)
(cancel each other out; be reducing; the total magnetic dipole moment to zero in some atoms with even number of electrons) (these; spins; cancel each other out reducing the total magnetic dipole moment to zero in some atoms with even number of electrons)
{ "tags": [ "RB", "DT", "NNS", "VBP", "DT", "JJ", "RP", ",", "VBG", "DT", "JJ", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "IN", "CD", "IN", "DT", "NNS", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Thus", "these", "spins", "cancel", "each", "other", "out", ",", "reducing", "the", "total", "magnetic", "dipole", "moment", "to", "zero", "in", "some", "atoms", "with", "even", "number", "of", "electrons", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "advmod", "det", "nsubj", "root", "obj", "fixed", "compound:prt", "punct", "advcl", "det", "amod", "amod", "compound", "obj", "case", "obl", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "amod", "obl", "case", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Thus", "these", "spins", "cancel", "each", "other", "out", ",", "reducing", "the", "total", "magnetic", "dipole", "moment", "to", "zero", "in", "some", "atoms", "with", "even", "number", "of", "electrons", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "root", "_", "BV", "ARG1", "mwe", "mwe", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_" ], "words": [ "Thus", "these", "spins", "cancel", "each", "other", "out", ",", "reducing", "the", "total", "magnetic", "dipole", "moment", "to", "zero", "in", "some", "atoms", "with", "even", "number", "of", "electrons", "." ] }
Most of the atoms that make up the Earth and its inhabitants were present in their current form in the nebula that collapsed out of a molecular cloud to form the Solar System .
(the atoms;make;the Earth and its inhabitants) (the nebula that collapsed out of a molecular cloud;form;the Solar System) (the nebula;collapsed;out of a molecular cloud to form the Solar System)
(its; has; inhabitants) (their; has; current form) (Most of the atoms; were; present in the nebula) (the atoms; make up; the Earth and its inhabitants) (the nebula; collapsed out; to form the Solar System) (Most of the atoms; were; present in their current form) (the nebula; collapsed out; of a molecular cloud to form the Solar System)
{ "tags": [ "JJS", "IN", "DT", "NNS", "WDT", "VBP", "RP", "DT", "NNP", "CC", "PRP$", "NNS", "VBD", "JJ", "IN", "PRP$", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "WDT", "VBD", "IN", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "TO", "VB", "DT", "NNP", "NNP", "." ], "words": [ "Most", "of", "the", "atoms", "that", "make", "up", "the", "Earth", "and", "its", "inhabitants", "were", "present", "in", "their", "current", "form", "in", "the", "nebula", "that", "collapsed", "out", "of", "a", "molecular", "cloud", "to", "form", "the", "Solar", "System", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "case", "det", "nmod", "nsubj", "acl:relcl", "compound:prt", "det", "obj", "cc", "nmod:poss", "conj", "cop", "root", "case", "nmod:poss", "amod", "obl", "case", "det", "nmod", "nsubj", "acl:relcl", "case", "fixed", "det", "amod", "obl", "mark", "advcl", "det", "amod", "obj", "punct" ], "words": [ "Most", "of", "the", "atoms", "that", "make", "up", "the", "Earth", "and", "its", "inhabitants", "were", "present", "in", "their", "current", "form", "in", "the", "nebula", "that", "collapsed", "out", "of", "a", "molecular", "cloud", "to", "form", "the", "Solar", "System", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG2", "_", "_", "part", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "poss", "_", "root", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "ARG1", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Most", "of", "the", "atoms", "that", "make", "up", "the", "Earth", "and", "its", "inhabitants", "were", "present", "in", "their", "current", "form", "in", "the", "nebula", "that", "collapsed", "out", "of", "a", "molecular", "cloud", "to", "form", "the", "Solar", "System", "." ] }
The rest are the result of radioactive decay , and their relative proportion can be used to determine the age of the Earth through radiometric dating .
(the age of the Earth;dating;the result of radioactive decay , and their relative proportion) (their relative proportion;can used;to determine the age of the Earth through radiometric dating) (the age of the Earth;determine;through radiometric dating)
(their; has; relative proportion) (The rest; are; the result of radioactive decay) (their relative proportion; can be used; to determine the age of the Earth through radiometric dating)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NN", "VBP", "DT", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NN", ",", "CC", "PRP$", "JJ", "NN", "MD", "VB", "VBN", "TO", "VB", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NNP", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "The", "rest", "are", "the", "result", "of", "radioactive", "decay", ",", "and", "their", "relative", "proportion", "can", "be", "used", "to", "determine", "the", "age", "of", "the", "Earth", "through", "radiometric", "dating", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nsubj", "cop", "det", "root", "case", "amod", "nmod", "punct", "cc", "nmod:poss", "amod", "nsubj:pass", "aux", "aux:pass", "conj", "mark", "advcl", "det", "obj", "case", "det", "nmod", "case", "amod", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "rest", "are", "the", "result", "of", "radioactive", "decay", ",", "and", "their", "relative", "proportion", "can", "be", "used", "to", "determine", "the", "age", "of", "the", "Earth", "through", "radiometric", "dating", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "BV", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "poss", "_and_c", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG3", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "rest", "are", "the", "result", "of", "radioactive", "decay", ",", "and", "their", "relative", "proportion", "can", "be", "used", "to", "determine", "the", "age", "of", "the", "Earth", "through", "radiometric", "dating", "." ] }
Most of the helium in the crust of the Earth -LRB- about 99 % of the helium from gas wells , as shown by its lower abundance of helium-3 -RRB- is a product of alpha decay .
(about 99 % of the helium from gas wells;shown;by its lower abundance of helium-3)
(its; has; lower abundance of helium-3) (Most of the helium in the crust of the Earth about 99 % of the helium from gas wells as shown by its lower abundance of helium-3; is; a product of alpha decay)
{ "tags": [ "JJS", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NNP", "HYPH", "NNP", ",", "RB", "CD", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "NNS", ",", "IN", "VBN", "IN", "PRP$", "JJR", "NN", "IN", "NN", "HYPH", "CD", "HYPH", "NN", ",", "VBZ", "DT", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Most", "of", "the", "helium", "in", "the", "crust", "of", "the", "Earth", "-", "LRB", "-", "about", "99", "%", "of", "the", "helium", "from", "gas", "wells", ",", "as", "shown", "by", "its", "lower", "abundance", "of", "helium", "-", "3", "-", "RRB", "-", "is", "a", "product", "of", "alpha", "decay", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "case", "det", "nmod", "case", "det", "nmod", "case", "det", "nmod", "punct", "nmod", "punct", "advmod", "nummod", "appos", "case", "det", "nmod", "case", "compound", "nmod", "punct", "mark", "acl", "case", "nmod:poss", "amod", "obl:agent", "case", "nmod", "punct", "dep", "punct", "flat", "punct", "cop", "det", "root", "case", "amod", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Most", "of", "the", "helium", "in", "the", "crust", "of", "the", "Earth", "-", "LRB", "-", "about", "99", "%", "of", "the", "helium", "from", "gas", "wells", ",", "as", "shown", "by", "its", "lower", "abundance", "of", "helium", "-", "3", "-", "RRB", "-", "is", "a", "product", "of", "alpha", "decay", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "_", "_", "part", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "root", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "compound", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Most", "of", "the", "helium", "in", "the", "crust", "of", "the", "Earth", "-", "LRB", "-", "about", "99", "%", "of", "the", "helium", "from", "gas", "wells", ",", "as", "shown", "by", "its", "lower", "abundance", "of", "helium", "-", "3", "-", "RRB-", "is", "a", "product", "of", "alpha", "decay", "." ] }
Mancur Olson suggests that the emergence of dictatorships can be linked to the concept of `` roving bandits '' , individuals in an atomic system that move from place to place extracting wealth from individuals .
(the emergence of dictatorships;can linked;the concept of `` roving bandits) (individuals in an atomic system;move;from place to place extracting wealth from individuals) (Mancur Olson;suggests;that the emergence of dictatorships can be linked to the concept of `` roving bandits '' , individuals in an atomic system that move from place to place extracting wealth from individuals) (individuals in an atomic system that move from place to place;extracting;wealth from individuals)
(roving bandits; is; individuals in an atomic system) (the emergence of dictatorships; can be linked; to the concept of roving bandits) (individuals in an atomic system; move; to place extracting wealth from individuals) (individuals in an atomic system; move; from place to place extracting wealth from individuals) (Mancur Olson; suggests; that the emergence of dictatorships can be linked to the concept of roving bandits)
{ "tags": [ "NNP", "NNP", "VBZ", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "MD", "VB", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "``", "NN", "NNS", "''", "``", ",", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "WDT", "VBP", "IN", "NN", "IN", "NN", "VBG", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Mancur", "Olson", "suggests", "that", "the", "emergence", "of", "dictatorships", "can", "be", "linked", "to", "the", "concept", "of", "``", "roving", "bandits", "'", "'", ",", "individuals", "in", "an", "atomic", "system", "that", "move", "from", "place", "to", "place", "extracting", "wealth", "from", "individuals", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "flat", "root", "mark", "det", "nsubj:pass", "case", "nmod", "aux", "aux:pass", "ccomp", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "punct", "compound", "nmod", "punct", "punct", "punct", "appos", "case", "det", "amod", "nmod", "nsubj", "acl:relcl", "case", "obl", "case", "obl", "advcl", "obj", "case", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "Mancur", "Olson", "suggests", "that", "the", "emergence", "of", "dictatorships", "can", "be", "linked", "to", "the", "concept", "of", "``", "roving", "bandits", "'", "'", ",", "individuals", "in", "an", "atomic", "system", "that", "move", "from", "place", "to", "place", "extracting", "wealth", "from", "individuals", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "compound", "root", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "ARG2", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "ARG3", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Mancur", "Olson", "suggests", "that", "the", "emergence", "of", "dictatorships", "can", "be", "linked", "to", "the", "concept", "of", "``", "roving", "bandits", "''", ",", "individuals", "in", "an", "atomic", "system", "that", "move", "from", "place", "to", "place", "extracting", "wealth", "from", "individuals", "." ] }
These bandits provide a disincentive for investment and production .
(These bandits;provide;a disincentive for investment and production)
(These bandits; provide; a disincentive for investment and production)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NNS", "VBP", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "CC", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "These", "bandits", "provide", "a", "disincentive", "for", "investment", "and", "production", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nsubj", "root", "det", "obj", "case", "nmod", "cc", "conj", "punct" ], "words": [ "These", "bandits", "provide", "a", "disincentive", "for", "investment", "and", "production", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "BV", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "_" ], "words": [ "These", "bandits", "provide", "a", "disincentive", "for", "investment", "and", "production", "." ] }
Olson states that a community of individuals would be better served if that bandit were to establish himself as a stationary bandit in order to monopolize theft in the form of taxes .
(Olson;states;that a community of individuals would be better served if that bandit were to establish himself as a stationary bandit in order to monopolize theft in the form of taxes) (a community of individuals;would served;if that bandit were to establish himself as a stationary bandit in order to monopolize theft in the form of taxes) (that bandit;establish;himself as a stationary bandit in order to monopolize theft in the form of taxes)
(that bandit; were; to establish himself as a stationary bandit) (that bandit; were; to establish himself in order to monopolize theft in the form of taxes) (a community of individuals; would be served; if that bandit were to establish himself as a stationary bandit in order to monopolize theft in the form of taxes better) (Olson; states; that a community of individuals would be better served if that bandit were to establish himself as a stationary bandit in order to monopolize theft in the form of taxes)
{ "tags": [ "NNP", "VBZ", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "MD", "VB", "RBR", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "VBD", "TO", "VB", "PRP", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "NN", "TO", "VB", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Olson", "states", "that", "a", "community", "of", "individuals", "would", "be", "better", "served", "if", "that", "bandit", "were", "to", "establish", "himself", "as", "a", "stationary", "bandit", "in", "order", "to", "monopolize", "theft", "in", "the", "form", "of", "taxes", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "root", "mark", "det", "nsubj:pass", "case", "nmod", "aux", "aux:pass", "advmod", "ccomp", "mark", "det", "nsubj", "aux", "mark", "advcl", "obj", "case", "det", "amod", "obl", "mark", "fixed", "mark", "advcl", "obj", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Olson", "states", "that", "a", "community", "of", "individuals", "would", "be", "better", "served", "if", "that", "bandit", "were", "to", "establish", "himself", "as", "a", "stationary", "bandit", "in", "order", "to", "monopolize", "theft", "in", "the", "form", "of", "taxes", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "root", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG3", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_" ], "words": [ "Olson", "states", "that", "a", "community", "of", "individuals", "would", "be", "better", "served", "if", "that", "bandit", "were", "to", "establish", "himself", "as", "a", "stationary", "bandit", "in", "order", "to", "monopolize", "theft", "in", "the", "form", "of", "taxes", "." ] }
Thus , a potential dictator will have greater incentive in providing security for a given community from which he is extracting from and conversely , the people from whom he extracts are more likely to produce because they will be unconcerned with potential theft by other bandits .
(a potential dictator;will providing;security a given community from which he is extracting from) (the people;produce;a potential dictator) (a potential dictator;will have;greater incentive)
(he; extracts; whom) (he; is extracting; from) (they; will be; unconcerned by other bandits) (they; will be; unconcerned with potential theft) (a potential dictator; will have; greater incentive in providing security for a given community from which he is extracting from) (the people from whom he extracts; are; likely more to produce because they will be unconcerned with potential theft by other bandits) (the people from whom he extracts; are; likely to produce because they will be unconcerned with potential theft by other bandits conversely)
{ "tags": [ "RB", ",", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "MD", "VB", "JJR", "NN", "IN", "VBG", "NN", "IN", "DT", "VBN", "NN", "IN", "WDT", "PRP", "VBZ", "VBG", "IN", "CC", "RB", ",", "DT", "NNS", "IN", "WP", "PRP", "VBZ", "VBP", "RBR", "JJ", "TO", "VB", "IN", "PRP", "MD", "VB", "JJ", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Thus", ",", "a", "potential", "dictator", "will", "have", "greater", "incentive", "in", "providing", "security", "for", "a", "given", "community", "from", "which", "he", "is", "extracting", "from", "and", "conversely", ",", "the", "people", "from", "whom", "he", "extracts", "are", "more", "likely", "to", "produce", "because", "they", "will", "be", "unconcerned", "with", "potential", "theft", "by", "other", "bandits", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "advmod", "punct", "det", "amod", "nsubj", "aux", "root", "amod", "obj", "mark", "acl", "obj", "case", "det", "amod", "obl", "case", "obl", "nsubj", "aux", "acl:relcl", "case", "cc", "conj", "punct", "det", "nsubj", "case", "obl", "nsubj", "acl:relcl", "cop", "advmod", "parataxis", "mark", "xcomp", "mark", "nsubj", "aux", "cop", "advcl", "case", "amod", "obl", "case", "amod", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Thus", ",", "a", "potential", "dictator", "will", "have", "greater", "incentive", "in", "providing", "security", "for", "a", "given", "community", "from", "which", "he", "is", "extracting", "from", "and", "conversely", ",", "the", "people", "from", "whom", "he", "extracts", "are", "more", "likely", "to", "produce", "because", "they", "will", "be", "unconcerned", "with", "potential", "theft", "by", "other", "bandits", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "root", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "comp", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Thus", ",", "a", "potential", "dictator", "will", "have", "greater", "incentive", "in", "providing", "security", "for", "a", "given", "community", "from", "which", "he", "is", "extracting", "from", "and", "conversely", ",", "the", "people", "from", "whom", "he", "extracts", "are", "more", "likely", "to", "produce", "because", "they", "will", "be", "unconcerned", "with", "potential", "theft", "by", "other", "bandits", "." ] }
Roughly two research approaches exist : -LRB- 1 -RRB- the minimalist approach focuses on whether a country has continued elections that are competitive , and -LRB- 2 -RRB- the substantive approach expands the concept of democracy to include human rights , freedom of the press , the rule of law , etc. .
(a country;continued;elections that are competitive) (the minimalist approach;focuses;on whether a country has continued elections that are competitive) (human rights , freedom of the press , the rule of law , etc.;include;the concept of democracy)
(the press; is; the rule of law) (a country; has; continued elections) (continued elections; are; competitive) (human rights etc.; is; freedom of the press) (the concept of democracy; to include; human rights etc.) (the minimalist approach; focuses on; whether a country has continued elections) (the substantive approach; expands; the concept of democracy to include human rights etc.)
{ "tags": [ "RB", "CD", "NN", "NNS", "VBP", ":", "NFP", "NNP", "HYPH", "CD", "HYPH", "NN", ",", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "VBZ", "IN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "VBZ", "VBN", "NNS", "WDT", "VBP", "JJ", ",", "CC", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "CD", "HYPH", "NN", ",", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "VBZ", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "TO", "VB", "JJ", "NNS", ",", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", ",", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", ",", "FW", "." ], "words": [ "Roughly", "two", "research", "approaches", "exist", ":", "-", "LRB", "-", "1", "-", "RRB", "-", "the", "minimalist", "approach", "focuses", "on", "whether", "a", "country", "has", "continued", "elections", "that", "are", "competitive", ",", "and", "-", "LRB", "-", "2", "-", "RRB", "-", "the", "substantive", "approach", "expands", "the", "concept", "of", "democracy", "to", "include", "human", "rights", ",", "freedom", "of", "the", "press", ",", "the", "rule", "of", "law", ",", "etc.", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "advmod", "nummod", "compound", "nsubj", "root", "punct", "punct", "obj", "punct", "dep", "punct", "flat", "punct", "det", "amod", "nsubj", "parataxis", "mark", "mark", "det", "nsubj", "advcl", "amod", "obj", "nsubj", "cop", "acl:relcl", "punct", "cc", "punct", "nsubj", "punct", "dep", "punct", "flat", "punct", "det", "amod", "nsubj", "conj", "det", "obj", "case", "nmod", "mark", "advcl", "amod", "obj", "punct", "conj", "case", "det", "nmod", "punct", "det", "conj", "case", "nmod", "punct", "conj", "punct" ], "words": [ "Roughly", "two", "research", "approaches", "exist", ":", "-", "LRB", "-", "1", "-", "RRB", "-", "the", "minimalist", "approach", "focuses", "on", "whether", "a", "country", "has", "continued", "elections", "that", "are", "competitive", ",", "and", "-", "LRB", "-", "2", "-", "RRB", "-", "the", "substantive", "approach", "expands", "the", "concept", "of", "democracy", "to", "include", "human", "rights", ",", "freedom", "of", "the", "press", ",", "the", "rule", "of", "law", ",", "etc.", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG1", "ARG1", "root", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "ARG1", "_", "root", "_", "_" ], "words": [ "Roughly", "two", "research", "approaches", "exist", ":", "-", "LRB-", "1", "-", "RRB", "-", "the", "minimalist", "approach", "focuses", "on", "whether", "a", "country", "has", "continued", "elections", "that", "are", "competitive", ",", "and", "-", "LRB-", "2", "-", "RRB", "-", "the", "substantive", "approach", "expands", "the", "concept", "of", "democracy", "to", "include", "human", "rights", ",", "freedom", "of", "the", "press", ",", "the", "rule", "of", "law", ",", "etc", ".", "." ] }
The DD index is seen as an example of the minimalist approach , whereas the Polity data series , relatively more substantive .
(The DD index;seen;an example of the minimalist approach)
(The DD index; is seen; as an example of the minimalist approach whereas the Polity data series relatively more substantive)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NN", "NN", "VBZ", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", ",", "IN", "DT", "NN", "NNS", "NN", ",", "RB", "RBR", "JJ", "." ], "words": [ "The", "DD", "index", "is", "seen", "as", "an", "example", "of", "the", "minimalist", "approach", ",", "whereas", "the", "Polity", "data", "series", ",", "relatively", "more", "substantive", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "compound", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "det", "amod", "nmod", "punct", "case", "det", "compound", "compound", "obl", "punct", "advmod", "advmod", "amod", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "DD", "index", "is", "seen", "as", "an", "example", "of", "the", "minimalist", "approach", ",", "whereas", "the", "Polity", "data", "series", ",", "relatively", "more", "substantive", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "BV", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "root", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "DD", "index", "is", "seen", "as", "an", "example", "of", "the", "minimalist", "approach", ",", "whereas", "the", "Polity", "data", "series", ",", "relatively", "more", "substantive", "." ] }
When Nishiyama Sōin , founder and leader of the Danrin school of haikai , came to Edo from Osaka in 1675 , Bashō was among the poets invited to compose with him .
(the poets;invited;to compose with him) (Nishiyama Sōin;came;to Edo from Osaka in 1675 invited to compose) (Nishiyama Sōin;came;to Edo from Osaka in 1675 to compose with him) (Bashō;compose;Edo 1675)
(the poets; be invited; to compose with him) (Nishiyama SÅ in; came; to Edo from Osaka When) (Nishiyama SÅ in; came; to Edo from Osaka in 1675 When) (Nishiyama SÅ in; is; founder and leader of the Danrin school of haikai) (BashÅ; was; among the poets invited to compose with him When Nishiyama SÅ in came to Edo from Osaka in 1675)
{ "tags": [ "WRB", "NNP", "NNP", ",", "NN", "CC", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NNP", "NN", "IN", "NNP", ",", "VBD", "IN", "NNP", "IN", "NNP", "IN", "CD", ",", "NNP", "VBD", "IN", "DT", "NNS", "VBN", "TO", "VB", "IN", "PRP", "." ], "words": [ "When", "Nishiyama", "Sōin", ",", "founder", "and", "leader", "of", "the", "Danrin", "school", "of", "haikai", ",", "came", "to", "Edo", "from", "Osaka", "in", "1675", ",", "Bashō", "was", "among", "the", "poets", "invited", "to", "compose", "with", "him", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "advmod", "nsubj", "flat", "punct", "appos", "cc", "conj", "case", "det", "compound", "nmod", "case", "nmod", "punct", "advcl", "case", "obl", "case", "obl", "case", "obl", "punct", "nsubj", "cop", "case", "det", "root", "acl", "mark", "advcl", "case", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "When", "Nishiyama", "Sōin", ",", "founder", "and", "leader", "of", "the", "Danrin", "school", "of", "haikai", ",", "came", "to", "Edo", "from", "Osaka", "in", "1675", ",", "Bashō", "was", "among", "the", "poets", "invited", "to", "compose", "with", "him", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "root", "_", "compound", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG3", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "When", "Nishiyama", "Sōin", ",", "founder", "and", "leader", "of", "the", "Danrin", "school", "of", "haikai", ",", "came", "to", "Edo", "from", "Osaka", "in", "1675", ",", "Bashō", "was", "among", "the", "poets", "invited", "to", "compose", "with", "him", "." ] }
It was on this occasion that he gave himself the haigō of Tōsei , and by 1680 he had a full-time job teaching twenty disciples , who published The Best Poems of Tōsei 's Twenty Disciples -LRB- 桃青門弟独吟二十歌仙 , Tōsei-montei Dokugin-Nijukasen -RRB- , advertising their connection to Tōsei 's talent .
(Twenty Disciples;published;The Best Poems of Tōsei 's) (Twenty Disciples;published;桃青門弟独吟二十歌仙 , Tōsei-montei Dokugin-Nijukasen)
(TÅ sei; has; talent) (their; has; connection) (he; gave; himself the haigÅ of TÅ sei) (a full-time job; be teaching; twenty disciples) (It; was; that he gave himself the haigÅ of TÅ sei) (who; be advertising; their connection to TÅ sei 's talent) (he; had; a full-time job teaching twenty disciples by 1680) ($ å 1\/4 ç ¬ å äº å æ ä; is; TÅ sei-montei Dokugin-Nijukasen) (TÅ sei; has; Twenty Disciples æ ¡ é é $ å 1\/4 ç ¬ å äº å æ ä) (It; was; on this occasion that he gave himself the haigÅ of TÅ sei) (twenty disciples; published; The Best Poems of TÅ sei 's Twenty Disciples æ ¡ é é $ å 1\/4 ç ¬ å äº å æ ä advertising their connection to TÅ sei 's talent)
{ "tags": [ "PRP", "VBD", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "PRP", "VBD", "PRP", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NNP", ",", "CC", "IN", "CD", "PRP", "VBD", "DT", "JJ", "HYPH", "NN", "NN", "VBG", "CD", "NNS", ",", "WP", "VBD", "DT", "JJS", "NNPS", "IN", "NNP", "POS", "NNP", "NNPS", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "UH", ",", "NNP", "HYPH", "NNP", "NNP", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", ",", "VBG", "PRP$", "NN", "IN", "NNP", "POS", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "It", "was", "on", "this", "occasion", "that", "he", "gave", "himself", "the", "haigō", "of", "Tōsei", ",", "and", "by", "1680", "he", "had", "a", "full", "-", "time", "job", "teaching", "twenty", "disciples", ",", "who", "published", "The", "Best", "Poems", "of", "Tōsei", "'s", "Twenty", "Disciples", "-", "LRB", "-", "桃青門弟独吟二十歌仙", ",", "Tōsei", "-", "montei", "Dokugin", "-", "Nijukasen", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "advertising", "their", "connection", "to", "Tōsei", "'s", "talent", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "expl", "cop", "case", "det", "root", "mark", "nsubj", "csubj", "iobj", "det", "obj", "case", "nmod", "punct", "cc", "case", "obl", "nsubj", "conj", "det", "amod", "punct", "compound", "obj", "acl", "nummod", "obj", "punct", "nsubj", "acl:relcl", "det", "amod", "obj", "case", "nmod:poss", "case", "nummod", "nmod", "punct", "appos", "punct", "flat", "punct", "conj", "punct", "flat", "flat", "punct", "flat", "punct", "flat", "punct", "punct", "acl", "nmod:poss", "obj", "case", "nmod:poss", "case", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "It", "was", "on", "this", "occasion", "that", "he", "gave", "himself", "the", "haigō", "of", "Tōsei", ",", "and", "by", "1680", "he", "had", "a", "full", "-", "time", "job", "teaching", "twenty", "disciples", ",", "who", "published", "The", "Best", "Poems", "of", "Tōsei", "'s", "Twenty", "Disciples", "-", "LRB", "-", "桃青門弟独吟二十歌仙", ",", "Tōsei", "-", "montei", "Dokugin", "-", "Nijukasen", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "advertising", "their", "connection", "to", "Tōsei", "'s", "talent", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "_", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG3", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "ARG1", "_and_c", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "poss", "_" ], "words": [ "It", "was", "on", "this", "occasion", "that", "he", "gave", "himself", "the", "haigō", "of", "Tōsei", ",", "and", "by", "1680", "he", "had", "a", "full", "-", "time", "job", "teaching", "twenty", "disciples", ",", "who", "published", "The", "Best", "Poems", "of", "Tōsei", "'s", "Twenty", "Disciples", "-", "LRB", "-", "桃青門弟独吟二十歌仙", ",", "Tōsei-montei", "Dokugin", "-", "Nijukasen", "-", "RRB-", ",", "advertising", "their", "connection", "to", "Tōsei", "'s", "talent", "." ] }
His disciples built him a rustic hut and planted a banana tree -LRB- 芭蕉 , bashō -RRB- in the yard , giving Bashō a new haigō and his first permanent home .
(His disciples;planted;a banana tree in the yard) (His disciples;built;a rustic hut Bashō) (His disciples;giving;in the yard a new haigō and his first permanent home)
(His; has; disciples) (a banana tree; is; è è bashÅ) (his; has; first permanent home) (His disciples; built; him a rustic hut) (His disciples; planted; a banana tree in the yard)
{ "tags": [ "PRP$", "NNS", "VBD", "PRP", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "CC", "VBD", "DT", "NN", "NN", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "FW", ",", "NN", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "IN", "DT", "NN", ",", "VBG", "NNP", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "CC", "PRP$", "JJ", "JJ", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "His", "disciples", "built", "him", "a", "rustic", "hut", "and", "planted", "a", "banana", "tree", "-", "LRB", "-", "芭蕉", ",", "bashō", "-", "RRB", "-", "in", "the", "yard", ",", "giving", "Bashō", "a", "new", "haigō", "and", "his", "first", "permanent", "home", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nmod:poss", "nsubj", "root", "iobj", "det", "amod", "obj", "cc", "conj", "det", "compound", "obj", "punct", "appos", "punct", "flat", "punct", "compound", "punct", "conj", "punct", "case", "det", "obl", "punct", "advcl", "iobj", "det", "amod", "obj", "cc", "nmod:poss", "amod", "amod", "conj", "punct" ], "words": [ "His", "disciples", "built", "him", "a", "rustic", "hut", "and", "planted", "a", "banana", "tree", "-", "LRB", "-", "芭蕉", ",", "bashō", "-", "RRB", "-", "in", "the", "yard", ",", "giving", "Bashō", "a", "new", "haigō", "and", "his", "first", "permanent", "home", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "poss", "root", "ARG3", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG3", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_" ], "words": [ "His", "disciples", "built", "him", "a", "rustic", "hut", "and", "planted", "a", "banana", "tree", "-", "LRB", "-", "芭蕉", ",", "bashō", "-", "RRB", "-", "in", "the", "yard", ",", "giving", "Bashō", "a", "new", "haigō", "and", "his", "first", "permanent", "home", "." ] }
He appreciated the plant very much , but was not happy to see Fukagawa 's native miscanthus grass growing alongside it :
(Fukagawa 's native miscanthus grass;growing;alongside it)
(the plant; much; very) (He; appreciated; the plant much very) (Fukagawa; has; native miscanthus grass growing alongside it) (Fukagawa 's native miscanthus grass; be growing; alongside it) (He; was not; happy to see Fukagawa 's native miscanthus grass growing alongside it)
{ "tags": [ "PRP", "VBD", "DT", "NN", "RB", "RB", ",", "CC", "VBD", "RB", "JJ", "TO", "VB", "NNP", "POS", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "VBG", "IN", "PRP", ":" ], "words": [ "He", "appreciated", "the", "plant", "very", "much", ",", "but", "was", "not", "happy", "to", "see", "Fukagawa", "'s", "native", "miscanthus", "grass", "growing", "alongside", "it", ":" ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "root", "det", "obj", "advmod", "advmod", "punct", "cc", "cop", "advmod", "conj", "mark", "xcomp", "nmod:poss", "case", "amod", "compound", "obj", "xcomp", "case", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "He", "appreciated", "the", "plant", "very", "much", ",", "but", "was", "not", "happy", "to", "see", "Fukagawa", "'s", "native", "miscanthus", "grass", "growing", "alongside", "it", ":" ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_but_c", "neg", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "He", "appreciated", "the", "plant", "very", "much", ",", "but", "was", "not", "happy", "to", "see", "Fukagawa", "'s", "native", "miscanthus", "grass", "growing", "alongside", "it", ":" ] }
Chinese characters are logograms used in the writing of Chinese and some other Asian languages .
(logograms;used;in the writing of Chinese and some other Asian languages)
(Chinese characters; are used; in the writing of Chinese and some other Asian languages logograms)
{ "tags": [ "JJ", "NNS", "VBP", "NNS", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "CC", "DT", "JJ", "JJ", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Chinese", "characters", "are", "logograms", "used", "in", "the", "writing", "of", "Chinese", "and", "some", "other", "Asian", "languages", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "amod", "nsubj", "cop", "root", "acl", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "nmod", "cc", "det", "amod", "amod", "conj", "punct" ], "words": [ "Chinese", "characters", "are", "logograms", "used", "in", "the", "writing", "of", "Chinese", "and", "some", "other", "Asian", "languages", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "ARG1", "root", "ARG2", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_" ], "words": [ "Chinese", "characters", "are", "logograms", "used", "in", "the", "writing", "of", "Chinese", "and", "some", "other", "Asian", "languages", "." ] }
They have been adapted to write a number of other languages including : Japanese , where they are known as kanji , Korean , where they are known as hanja , and Vietnamese in a system known as chữ Nôm .
(a number of other languages;including;Japanese , where they are known as kanji , Korean , where they are known as hanja , and Vietnamese in a system known as chữ Nôm) (a system;known;chữ Nôm)
(¯ NÃ ´; m; chá) (they; are known; Japanese where) (they; are known; as hanja where) (they; are known; as kanji Japanese) (Vietnamese in a system; known; as chá) (They; have been adapted; to write a number of other languages including Japanese Korean where they are known as hanja)
{ "tags": [ "PRP", "VBP", "VBN", "VBN", "TO", "VB", "DT", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", "VBG", ":", "JJ", ",", "WRB", "PRP", "VBP", "VBN", "IN", "NN", ",", "NNP", ",", "WRB", "PRP", "VBP", "VBN", "IN", "NN", ",", "CC", "JJ", "IN", "DT", "NN", "VBN", "IN", "NN", "NNP", "." ], "words": [ "They", "have", "been", "adapted", "to", "write", "a", "number", "of", "other", "languages", "including", ":", "Japanese", ",", "where", "they", "are", "known", "as", "kanji", ",", "Korean", ",", "where", "they", "are", "known", "as", "hanja", ",", "and", "Vietnamese", "in", "a", "system", "known", "as", "chữ", "Nôm", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj:pass", "aux", "aux:pass", "root", "mark", "xcomp", "det", "obj", "case", "amod", "nmod", "case", "punct", "nmod", "punct", "advmod", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "acl:relcl", "case", "obl", "punct", "conj", "punct", "advmod", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "acl:relcl", "case", "obl", "punct", "cc", "conj", "case", "det", "nmod", "acl", "case", "compound", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "They", "have", "been", "adapted", "to", "write", "a", "number", "of", "other", "languages", "including", ":", "Japanese", ",", "where", "they", "are", "known", "as", "kanji", ",", "Korean", ",", "where", "they", "are", "known", "as", "hanja", ",", "and", "Vietnamese", "in", "a", "system", "known", "as", "chữ", "Nôm", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "root", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG3", "_" ], "words": [ "They", "have", "been", "adapted", "to", "write", "a", "number", "of", "other", "languages", "including", ":", "Japanese", ",", "where", "they", "are", "known", "as", "kanji", ",", "Korean", ",", "where", "they", "are", "known", "as", "hanja", ",", "and", "Vietnamese", "in", "a", "system", "known", "as", "chữ", "Nôm", "." ] }
Chinese characters constitute the oldest continuously used system of writing in the world .
(Chinese characters;constitute;the oldest continuously used system of writing in the world .)
(the oldest; used; system of writing in the world continuously) (Chinese characters; constitute; the oldest continuously used system of writing in the world)
{ "tags": [ "JJ", "NNS", "VBP", "DT", "JJS", "RB", "VBN", "NN", "IN", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Chinese", "characters", "constitute", "the", "oldest", "continuously", "used", "system", "of", "writing", "in", "the", "world", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "amod", "nsubj", "root", "det", "amod", "advmod", "amod", "obj", "case", "nmod", "case", "det", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Chinese", "characters", "constitute", "the", "oldest", "continuously", "used", "system", "of", "writing", "in", "the", "world", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "ARG1", "root", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Chinese", "characters", "constitute", "the", "oldest", "continuously", "used", "system", "of", "writing", "in", "the", "world", "." ] }
By virtue of their widespread current use in East Asia , and historic use throughout the Sinosphere , Chinese characters are among the most widely adopted writing systems in the world by number of users .
(Chinese characters;adopted;in the world) (Chinese characters;writing;East Asia)
(their; has; widespread current use in East Asia and historic use throughout the Sinosphere) (Chinese characters; are; among the most widely adopted writing systems in the world by number of users By virtue of their widespread current use in East Asia and historic use throughout the Sinosphere)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "NN", "IN", "PRP$", "JJ", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "NNP", "NNP", ",", "CC", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NNP", ",", "JJ", "NNS", "VBP", "IN", "DT", "RBS", "RB", "VBN", "NN", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "By", "virtue", "of", "their", "widespread", "current", "use", "in", "East", "Asia", ",", "and", "historic", "use", "throughout", "the", "Sinosphere", ",", "Chinese", "characters", "are", "among", "the", "most", "widely", "adopted", "writing", "systems", "in", "the", "world", "by", "number", "of", "users", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "obl", "case", "nmod:poss", "amod", "amod", "nmod", "case", "compound", "nmod", "punct", "cc", "amod", "conj", "case", "det", "nmod", "punct", "amod", "nsubj", "cop", "case", "det", "advmod", "advmod", "amod", "compound", "root", "case", "det", "nmod", "case", "nmod", "case", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "By", "virtue", "of", "their", "widespread", "current", "use", "in", "East", "Asia", ",", "and", "historic", "use", "throughout", "the", "Sinosphere", ",", "Chinese", "characters", "are", "among", "the", "most", "widely", "adopted", "writing", "systems", "in", "the", "world", "by", "number", "of", "users", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "poss", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG1", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_" ], "words": [ "By", "virtue", "of", "their", "widespread", "current", "use", "in", "East", "Asia", ",", "and", "historic", "use", "throughout", "the", "Sinosphere", ",", "Chinese", "characters", "are", "among", "the", "most", "widely", "adopted", "writing", "systems", "in", "the", "world", "by", "number", "of", "users", "." ] }
Also called simple indicatives , this small category contains characters that are direct iconic illustrations .
(this small category;contains;characters that are direct iconic illustrations)
(this small category; contains; characters) (characters; are; direct iconic illustrations)
{ "tags": [ "RB", "VBN", "JJ", "NNS", ",", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "VBZ", "NNS", "WDT", "VBP", "JJ", "JJ", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Also", "called", "simple", "indicatives", ",", "this", "small", "category", "contains", "characters", "that", "are", "direct", "iconic", "illustrations", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "advmod", "advcl", "amod", "xcomp", "punct", "det", "amod", "nsubj", "root", "obj", "nsubj", "cop", "amod", "amod", "acl:relcl", "punct" ], "words": [ "Also", "called", "simple", "indicatives", ",", "this", "small", "category", "contains", "characters", "that", "are", "direct", "iconic", "illustrations", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "root", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Also", "called", "simple", "indicatives", ",", "this", "small", "category", "contains", "characters", "that", "are", "direct", "iconic", "illustrations", "." ] }
Examples include 上 shàng `` up '' and 下 xià `` down '' , originally a dot above and below a line .
(Examples;include;上 shàng `` up '' and 下 xià `` down '')
(Examples; include; ä ¸ shà ng up and ä ¸ xià down originally a dot above and below a line)
{ "tags": [ "NNS", "VBP", "NN", "NN", "``", "IN", "``", "``", "CC", "FW", "FW", "``", "RB", "''", "''", ",", "RB", "DT", "NN", "RB", "CC", "IN", "DT", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Examples", "include", "上", "shàng", "``", "up", "'", "'", "and", "下", "xià", "``", "down", "'", "'", ",", "originally", "a", "dot", "above", "and", "below", "a", "line", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "root", "compound", "obj", "punct", "case", "punct", "punct", "cc", "conj", "flat", "punct", "conj", "punct", "punct", "punct", "advmod", "det", "appos", "advmod", "cc", "case", "det", "conj", "punct" ], "words": [ "Examples", "include", "上", "shàng", "``", "up", "'", "'", "and", "下", "xià", "``", "down", "'", "'", ",", "originally", "a", "dot", "above", "and", "below", "a", "line", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "_and_c", "mwe", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Examples", "include", "上", "shàng", "``", "up", "''", "and", "下", "x", "ià", "``", "down", "''", ",", "originally", "a", "dot", "above", "and", "below", "a", "line", "." ] }
Hanja are still used to some extent , particularly in newspapers , weddings , place names and calligraphy -LRB- although it is nowhere near the extent of kanji use in day-to-day Japanese society -RRB- .
(Hanja;used;in newspapers , weddings , place names and calligraphy -LRB- although it is nowhere near the extent of kanji use in day-to-day Japanese society)
(it; is; use in day-to-day Japanese society) (it; is; use nowhere near the extent of kanji) (Hanja; are used; to some extent particularly in newspapers weddings place names and calligraphy although it is nowhere near the extent of kanji use in day-to-day Japanese society still)
{ "tags": [ "NNP", "VBP", "RB", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NN", ",", "RB", "IN", "NNS", ",", "NNS", ",", "NN", "NNS", "CC", "NN", "HYPH", "NNP", ",", "IN", "PRP", "VBZ", "RB", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "NN", "IN", "NN", "HYPH", "IN", "HYPH", "NN", "JJ", "NN", "HYPH", "NN", "HYPH", "." ], "words": [ "Hanja", "are", "still", "used", "to", "some", "extent", ",", "particularly", "in", "newspapers", ",", "weddings", ",", "place", "names", "and", "calligraphy", "-", "LRB", "-", "although", "it", "is", "nowhere", "near", "the", "extent", "of", "kanji", "use", "in", "day", "-", "to", "-", "day", "Japanese", "society", "-", "RRB", "-", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "advmod", "root", "case", "det", "obl", "punct", "advmod", "case", "obl", "punct", "conj", "punct", "compound", "conj", "cc", "conj", "punct", "conj", "punct", "mark", "nsubj", "cop", "advcl", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "compound", "nmod", "case", "compound", "punct", "case", "punct", "nmod", "amod", "nmod", "punct", "appos", "punct", "punct" ], "words": [ "Hanja", "are", "still", "used", "to", "some", "extent", ",", "particularly", "in", "newspapers", ",", "weddings", ",", "place", "names", "and", "calligraphy", "-", "LRB", "-", "although", "it", "is", "nowhere", "near", "the", "extent", "of", "kanji", "use", "in", "day", "-", "to", "-", "day", "Japanese", "society", "-", "RRB", "-", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG2", "_", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_and_c", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Hanja", "are", "still", "used", "to", "some", "extent", ",", "particularly", "in", "newspapers", ",", "weddings", ",", "place", "names", "and", "calligraphy", "-", "LRB", "-", "although", "it", "is", "nowhere", "near", "the", "extent", "of", "kanji", "use", "in", "day", "-", "to", "-", "day", "Japanese", "society", "-", "RRB-", "." ] }
Hanja is also extensively used in situations where ambiguity must be avoided , such as academic papers , high-level corporate reports , government documents , and newspapers ; this is due to the large number of homonyms that have resulted from extensive borrowing of Chinese words .
(ambiguity;should avoided;academic papers , high-level corporate reports , government documents , and newspapers due to the large number of homonyms that have resulted from extensive borrowing of Chinese words) (extensive borrowing of Chinese words;resulted;the large number of homonyms) (Hanja;used;in situations where ambiguity must be avoided)
(this; is; due to the large number of homonyms) (homonyms; have resulted; from extensive borrowing of Chinese words) (Hanja; is used; in situations such as academic papers high-level corporate reports government documents and newspapers also) (Hanja; is used; in situations such as academic papers high-level corporate reports government documents and newspapers extensively) (ambiguity; must be avoided; situations such as academic papers high-level corporate reports government documents and newspapers where)
{ "tags": [ "NNP", "VBZ", "RB", "RB", "VBN", "IN", "NNS", "WRB", "NN", "MD", "VB", "VBN", ",", "JJ", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", ",", "JJ", "HYPH", "NN", "JJ", "NNS", ",", "NN", "NNS", ",", "CC", "NNS", ":", "DT", "VBZ", "JJ", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "NNS", "WDT", "VBP", "VBN", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Hanja", "is", "also", "extensively", "used", "in", "situations", "where", "ambiguity", "must", "be", "avoided", ",", "such", "as", "academic", "papers", ",", "high", "-", "level", "corporate", "reports", ",", "government", "documents", ",", "and", "newspapers", ";", "this", "is", "due", "to", "the", "large", "number", "of", "homonyms", "that", "have", "resulted", "from", "extensive", "borrowing", "of", "Chinese", "words", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "advmod", "advmod", "root", "case", "obl", "advmod", "nsubj:pass", "aux", "aux:pass", "acl:relcl", "punct", "case", "fixed", "amod", "nmod", "punct", "amod", "punct", "compound", "amod", "conj", "punct", "compound", "conj", "punct", "cc", "conj", "punct", "nsubj", "cop", "case", "fixed", "det", "amod", "parataxis", "case", "nmod", "nsubj", "aux", "acl:relcl", "case", "amod", "obl", "case", "amod", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Hanja", "is", "also", "extensively", "used", "in", "situations", "where", "ambiguity", "must", "be", "avoided", ",", "such", "as", "academic", "papers", ",", "high", "-", "level", "corporate", "reports", ",", "government", "documents", ",", "and", "newspapers", ";", "this", "is", "due", "to", "the", "large", "number", "of", "homonyms", "that", "have", "resulted", "from", "extensive", "borrowing", "of", "Chinese", "words", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG2", "_", "root", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "mwe", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "conj", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "_", "conj", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Hanja", "is", "also", "extensively", "used", "in", "situations", "where", "ambiguity", "must", "be", "avoided", ",", "such", "as", "academic", "papers", ",", "high", "-", "level", "corporate", "reports", ",", "government", "documents", ",", "and", "newspapers", ";", "this", "is", "due", "to", "the", "large", "number", "of", "homonyms", "that", "have", "resulted", "from", "extensive", "borrowing", "of", "Chinese", "words", "." ] }
Just as Roman letters have a characteristic shape -LRB- lower-case letters mostly occupying the x-height , with ascenders or descenders on some letters -RRB- , Chinese characters occupy a more or less square area in which the components of every character are written to fit in order to maintain a uniform size and shape , especially with small printed characters in Ming and sans-serif styles .
(characters;printed;in Ming and sans-serif styles) (a uniform size and shape;maintain;Chinese characters occupy a more or less square area in which the components of every character are written to fit) (the components of every character;written;to fit in order to maintain a uniform size and shape) (Roman letters;have;a characteristic shape)
(Chinese characters; shape; especially with small printed characters in Ming and sans-serif styles) (the components of every character; are written; to fit in order to maintain a uniform size in a more or less square area) (Roman letters; have; a characteristic shape lower-case letters mostly occupying the x-height with ascenders or descenders on some letters Just) (Chinese characters; shape; especially Just as Roman letters have a characteristic shape lower-case letters mostly occupying the x-height with ascenders or descenders on some letters) (Chinese characters; occupy; a more or less square area Just as Roman letters have a characteristic shape lower-case letters mostly occupying the x-height with ascenders or descenders on some letters)
{ "tags": [ "RB", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", "VBP", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "JJR", "HYPH", "NN", "NNS", "RB", "VBG", "DT", "NN", "HYPH", "NN", ",", "IN", "NNS", "CC", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "NNS", "HYPH", "NN", "HYPH", ",", "JJ", "NNS", "VBP", "DT", "JJR", "CC", "RBR", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "WDT", "DT", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "NN", "VBP", "VBN", "TO", "VB", "IN", "NN", "TO", "VB", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "CC", "NN", ",", "RB", "IN", "JJ", "VBN", "NNS", "IN", "NNP", "CC", "NN", "HYPH", "NN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Just", "as", "Roman", "letters", "have", "a", "characteristic", "shape", "-", "LRB", "-", "lower", "-", "case", "letters", "mostly", "occupying", "the", "x", "-", "height", ",", "with", "ascenders", "or", "descenders", "on", "some", "letters", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "Chinese", "characters", "occupy", "a", "more", "or", "less", "square", "area", "in", "which", "the", "components", "of", "every", "character", "are", "written", "to", "fit", "in", "order", "to", "maintain", "a", "uniform", "size", "and", "shape", ",", "especially", "with", "small", "printed", "characters", "in", "Ming", "and", "sans", "-", "serif", "styles", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "advmod", "mark", "amod", "nsubj", "advcl", "det", "amod", "obj", "punct", "compound", "punct", "amod", "punct", "flat", "nsubj", "advmod", "acl", "det", "compound", "punct", "obj", "punct", "case", "obl", "cc", "conj", "case", "det", "nmod", "punct", "compound", "punct", "punct", "amod", "nsubj", "root", "det", "amod", "cc", "conj", "amod", "obj", "case", "obl", "det", "nsubj:pass", "case", "det", "nmod", "aux:pass", "acl:relcl", "mark", "advcl", "mark", "fixed", "mark", "advcl", "det", "amod", "obj", "cc", "conj", "punct", "advmod", "case", "amod", "amod", "obl", "case", "nmod", "cc", "compound", "punct", "conj", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Just", "as", "Roman", "letters", "have", "a", "characteristic", "shape", "-", "LRB", "-", "lower", "-", "case", "letters", "mostly", "occupying", "the", "x", "-", "height", ",", "with", "ascenders", "or", "descenders", "on", "some", "letters", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "Chinese", "characters", "occupy", "a", "more", "or", "less", "square", "area", "in", "which", "the", "components", "of", "every", "character", "are", "written", "to", "fit", "in", "order", "to", "maintain", "a", "uniform", "size", "and", "shape", ",", "especially", "with", "small", "printed", "characters", "in", "Ming", "and", "sans", "-", "serif", "styles", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "root", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "mwe", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_or_c", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG1", "root", "_", "mwe", "mwe", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_" ], "words": [ "Just", "as", "Roman", "letters", "have", "a", "characteristic", "shape", "-", "LRB", "-", "lower", "-", "case", "letters", "mostly", "occupying", "the", "x-", "height", ",", "with", "ascenders", "or", "descenders", "on", "some", "letters", "-", "RRB-", ",", "Chinese", "characters", "occupy", "a", "more", "or", "less", "square", "area", "in", "which", "the", "components", "of", "every", "character", "are", "written", "to", "fit", "in", "order", "to", "maintain", "a", "uniform", "size", "and", "shape", ",", "especially", "with", "small", "printed", "characters", "in", "Ming", "and", "sans", "-", "serif", "styles", "." ] }
Because of this , beginners often practise writing on squared graph paper , and the Chinese sometimes use the term `` Square-Block Characters '' -LRB- 方块字 / 方塊字 , fāngkuàizì -RRB- , sometimes translated as tetragraph , in reference to Chinese characters .
(beginners;can writing;squared graph paper) (the Chinese;use;the term `` Square-Block Characters '' -LRB- 方块字 / 方塊字 , fāngkuàizì -RRB- , sometimes translated as tetragraph , in reference to Chinese characters) (beginners;practise;writing on squared graph paper)
(å \/ æ ¹ å ¡ å; is; fÄ ngkuà izà ¬) (beginners; practice; writing on squared graph paper often) (the Chinese; use; in reference to Chinese characters sometimes) (beginners; practice; writing on squared graph paper Because of this) (the term Square-Block Characters æ ¹ å å \/ æ ¹ å ¡ å; be translated; sometimes as tetragraph)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "IN", "DT", ",", "NNS", "RB", "VBP", "NN", "IN", "VBN", "NN", "NN", ",", "CC", "DT", "NNP", "RB", "VBP", "DT", "NN", "``", "NNP", "HYPH", "NNP", "NNPS", "''", "``", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "NN", ",", "FW", ",", "NNP", "HYPH", "NN", "HYPH", ",", "RB", "VBN", "IN", "NN", ",", "IN", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Because", "of", "this", ",", "beginners", "often", "practise", "writing", "on", "squared", "graph", "paper", ",", "and", "the", "Chinese", "sometimes", "use", "the", "term", "``", "Square", "-", "Block", "Characters", "'", "'", "-", "LRB", "-", "方块字", "/", "方塊字", ",", "fāngkuàizì", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "sometimes", "translated", "as", "tetragraph", ",", "in", "reference", "to", "Chinese", "characters", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "fixed", "obl", "punct", "nsubj", "advmod", "root", "obj", "case", "amod", "compound", "nmod", "punct", "cc", "det", "nsubj", "advmod", "conj", "det", "compound", "punct", "obj", "punct", "appos", "appos", "punct", "punct", "punct", "appos", "punct", "flat", "punct", "conj", "punct", "conj", "punct", "conj", "punct", "punct", "advmod", "acl", "case", "obl", "punct", "case", "obl", "case", "amod", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Because", "of", "this", ",", "beginners", "often", "practise", "writing", "on", "squared", "graph", "paper", ",", "and", "the", "Chinese", "sometimes", "use", "the", "term", "``", "Square", "-", "Block", "Characters", "'", "'", "-", "LRB", "-", "方块字", "/", "方塊字", ",", "fāngkuàizì", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "sometimes", "translated", "as", "tetragraph", ",", "in", "reference", "to", "Chinese", "characters", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "mwe", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG1", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "root", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "_", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Because", "of", "this", ",", "beginners", "often", "practise", "writing", "on", "squared", "graph", "paper", ",", "and", "the", "Chinese", "sometimes", "use", "the", "term", "``", "Square", "-", "Block", "Characters", "''", "-", "LRB", "-", "方块字", "/", "方塊字", ",", "fāngkuàizì", "-", "RRB-", ",", "sometimes", "translated", "as", "tetragraph", ",", "in", "reference", "to", "Chinese", "characters", "." ] }
There are also some extremely complex characters which have understandably become rather rare .
(complex characters;become;rare)
(some extremely complex characters; There are; also) (some extremely complex characters; have become; rather rare understandably)
{ "tags": [ "EX", "VBP", "RB", "DT", "RB", "JJ", "NNS", "WDT", "VBP", "RB", "VBN", "RB", "JJ", "." ], "words": [ "There", "are", "also", "some", "extremely", "complex", "characters", "which", "have", "understandably", "become", "rather", "rare", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "expl", "root", "advmod", "det", "advmod", "amod", "nsubj", "nsubj", "aux", "advmod", "acl:relcl", "advmod", "xcomp", "punct" ], "words": [ "There", "are", "also", "some", "extremely", "complex", "characters", "which", "have", "understandably", "become", "rather", "rare", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "ARG1", "root", "_", "_", "ARG1", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "There", "are", "also", "some", "extremely", "complex", "characters", "which", "have", "understandably", "become", "rather", "rare", "." ] }
According to Joël Bellassen -LRB- 1989 -RRB- , the most complex Chinese character is / -LRB- U +2 A6A5 -RRB- zhé listen , meaning `` verbose '' and containing sixty-four strokes ; this character fell from use around the 5th century .
(the most complex Chinese character;containing;sixty-four strokes) (this character;fell;around the 5th century)
(Joà l Bellassen; is; 1989) (this character; fell; from use around the 5th century) (the most complex Chinese character; is; \/ zhà © listen meaning verbose and containing sixty-four strokes According to Joà l Bellassen) (According to Joà l Bellassen the most complex Chinese character is \/ zhà © listen meaning verbose and containing sixty-four strokes; is; U +2 A6A5)
{ "tags": [ "VBG", "IN", "NNP", "NNP", "HYPH", "NNP", "SYM", "CD", "HYPH", "NN", ",", ",", "DT", "RBS", "JJ", "JJ", "NN", "VBZ", ",", "HYPH", "NN", "HYPH", "FW", "HYPH", "NN", "HYPH", "NN", "HYPH", "UH", "VB", ",", "VBG", "``", "JJ", "''", "''", "CC", "VBG", "CD", "HYPH", "CD", "NNS", ":", "DT", "NN", "VBD", "IN", "NN", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "According", "to", "Joël", "Bellassen", "-", "LRB", "-", "1989", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "the", "most", "complex", "Chinese", "character", "is", "/", "-", "LRB", "-", "U", "+2", "A6A5", "-", "RRB", "-", "zhé", "listen", ",", "meaning", "``", "verbose", "'", "'", "and", "containing", "sixty", "-", "four", "strokes", ";", "this", "character", "fell", "from", "use", "around", "the", "5th", "century", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "fixed", "obl", "flat", "punct", "flat", "case", "nummod", "punct", "flat", "punct", "punct", "det", "advmod", "amod", "amod", "nsubj", "cop", "punct", "punct", "root", "punct", "flat", "punct", "flat", "punct", "flat", "punct", "flat", "parataxis", "punct", "conj", "punct", "obj", "punct", "punct", "cc", "conj", "compound", "punct", "nummod", "obj", "punct", "det", "nsubj", "parataxis", "case", "obl", "case", "det", "amod", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "According", "to", "Joël", "Bellassen", "-", "LRB", "-", "1989", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "the", "most", "complex", "Chinese", "character", "is", "/", "-", "LRB", "-", "U", "+2", "A6A5", "-", "RRB", "-", "zhé", "listen", ",", "meaning", "``", "verbose", "'", "'", "and", "containing", "sixty", "-", "four", "strokes", ";", "this", "character", "fell", "from", "use", "around", "the", "5th", "century", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "mwe", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "BV", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "According", "to", "Joël", "Bellassen", "-", "LRB-", "1989", "-", "RRB-", ",", "the", "most", "complex", "Chinese", "character", "is", "/", "-", "LRB-", "U", "+2", "A6A5", "-", "RRB", "-", "zhé", "listen", ",", "meaning", "``", "verbose", "''", "and", "containing", "sixty", "-", "four", "strokes", ";", "this", "character", "fell", "from", "use", "around", "the", "5th", "century", "." ] }
Another 64-stroke character is / -LRB- U +2053 B -RRB- zhèng composed of 興 xīng / xìng -LRB- lit .
(/ -LRB- U +2053 B -RRB- zhèng;composed;of 興 xīng / xìng) (/ -LRB- U +2053 B -RRB- zhèng;composed;興 xīng / xìng -LRB- lit)
(U +2053 B zhà ¨ ng; be composed; of è xÄ ng \/ xà ¬ ng lit)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "CD", "HYPH", "NN", "NN", "VBZ", "SYM", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "NNP", "CD", "NN", "HYPH", "NN", "HYPH", "NNP", "VBN", "IN", "SYM", "NNP", "SYM", "NNP", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Another", "64", "-", "stroke", "character", "is", "/", "-", "LRB", "-", "U", "+2053", "B", "-", "RRB", "-", "zhèng", "composed", "of", "興", "xīng", "/", "xìng", "-", "LRB", "-", "lit", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nummod", "punct", "compound", "nsubj", "cop", "case", "punct", "root", "punct", "flat", "nummod", "list", "punct", "appos", "punct", "flat", "acl", "case", "compound", "obl", "punct", "conj", "punct", "compound", "punct", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Another", "64", "-", "stroke", "character", "is", "/", "-", "LRB", "-", "U", "+2053", "B", "-", "RRB", "-", "zhèng", "composed", "of", "興", "xīng", "/", "xìng", "-", "LRB", "-", "lit", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Another", "64", "-", "stroke", "character", "is", "/", "-", "LRB", "-", "U", "+2053", "B", "-", "RRB", "-", "zhèng", "composed", "of", "興", "xīng", "/", "xìng", "-", "LRB", "-", "lit", "." ] }
The most complex Chinese character still in use may be biáng -LRB- pictured right , bottom -RRB- , with 58 strokes , which refers to Biang biang noodles , a type of noodle from China 's Shaanxi province .
(Chinese character;refers;Biang biang noodles)
(China; has; Shaanxi province) (¡ ng; is; pictured right bottom) (Biang biang noodles; is; a type of noodle) (58 strokes; refers; to Biang biang noodles from China 's Shaanxi province) (The most complex Chinese character still in use; may be biÃ; ¡ ng with 58 strokes)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "RBS", "JJ", "JJ", "NN", "RB", "IN", "NN", "MD", "VB", "JJ", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", "VBN", "RB", ",", "NN", "HYPH", "NN", "HYPH", ",", "IN", "CD", "NNS", ",", "WDT", "VBZ", "IN", "NNP", "NN", "NNS", ",", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "IN", "NNP", "POS", "NNP", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "The", "most", "complex", "Chinese", "character", "still", "in", "use", "may", "be", "biáng", "-", "LRB", "-", "pictured", "right", ",", "bottom", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "with", "58", "strokes", ",", "which", "refers", "to", "Biang", "biang", "noodles", ",", "a", "type", "of", "noodle", "from", "China", "'s", "Shaanxi", "province", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "advmod", "amod", "amod", "nsubj", "advmod", "case", "nmod", "aux", "cop", "root", "punct", "appos", "punct", "acl", "advmod", "punct", "conj", "punct", "conj", "punct", "punct", "case", "nummod", "obl", "punct", "nsubj", "acl:relcl", "case", "compound", "compound", "obl", "punct", "det", "appos", "case", "nmod", "case", "nmod:poss", "case", "compound", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "most", "complex", "Chinese", "character", "still", "in", "use", "may", "be", "biáng", "-", "LRB", "-", "pictured", "right", ",", "bottom", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "with", "58", "strokes", ",", "which", "refers", "to", "Biang", "biang", "noodles", ",", "a", "type", "of", "noodle", "from", "China", "'s", "Shaanxi", "province", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG2", "root", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "ARG2", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "root", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "most", "complex", "Chinese", "character", "still", "in", "use", "may", "be", "biáng", "-", "LRB", "-", "pictured", "right", ",", "bottom", "-", "RRB-", ",", "with", "58", "strokes", ",", "which", "refers", "to", "Biang", "biang", "noodles", ",", "a", "type", "of", "noodle", "from", "China", "'s", "Shaanxi", "province", "." ] }
This character along with the syllable biang can not be found in dictionaries .
(This character along with the syllable biang;found;in dictionaries)
(This character; can not be found; in dictionaries along with the syllable biang)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NN", "IN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "NN", "MD", "RB", "VB", "VBN", "IN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "This", "character", "along", "with", "the", "syllable", "biang", "can", "not", "be", "found", "in", "dictionaries", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nsubj:pass", "case", "case", "det", "compound", "nmod", "aux", "advmod", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "This", "character", "along", "with", "the", "syllable", "biang", "can", "not", "be", "found", "in", "dictionaries", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "BV", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "neg", "root", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "This", "character", "along", "with", "the", "syllable", "biang", "can", "not", "be", "found", "in", "dictionaries", "." ] }
The fact that it represents a syllable that does not exist in any Standard Chinese word means that it could be classified as a dialectal character .
(a syllable;exist;in any Standard Chinese word) (The fact that it represents a syllable that does not exist in any Standard Chinese word;means;that it could be classified as a dialectal character)
(it; represents; a syllable) (it; could be classified; as a dialectal character) (a syllable; does not exist; in any Standard Chinese word) (The fact that it represents a syllable; means; that it could be classified as a dialectal character)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NN", "IN", "PRP", "VBZ", "DT", "NN", "WDT", "VBZ", "RB", "VB", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "JJ", "NN", "VBZ", "IN", "PRP", "MD", "VB", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "The", "fact", "that", "it", "represents", "a", "syllable", "that", "does", "not", "exist", "in", "any", "Standard", "Chinese", "word", "means", "that", "it", "could", "be", "classified", "as", "a", "dialectal", "character", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nsubj", "mark", "nsubj", "acl", "det", "obj", "nsubj", "aux", "advmod", "acl:relcl", "case", "det", "amod", "amod", "obl", "root", "mark", "nsubj:pass", "aux", "aux:pass", "ccomp", "case", "det", "amod", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "fact", "that", "it", "represents", "a", "syllable", "that", "does", "not", "exist", "in", "any", "Standard", "Chinese", "word", "means", "that", "it", "could", "be", "classified", "as", "a", "dialectal", "character", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "mwe", "_", "_", "ARG1", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "neg", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "root", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "fact", "that", "it", "represents", "a", "syllable", "that", "does", "not", "exist", "in", "any", "Standard", "Chinese", "word", "means", "that", "it", "could", "be", "classified", "as", "a", "dialectal", "character", "." ] }
Its leading role in the Second World War saw the emergence of the Soviet Union as a superpower , with strong influence over Eastern Europe and parts of Asia .
(the Soviet Union;leading;role) (Its leading role in the Second World War;saw;the emergence of the Soviet Union as a superpower , with strong influence over Eastern Europe and parts of Asia)
(Its; has; leading role in the Second World War) (Its leading role in the Second World War; saw; the emergence of the Soviet Union as a superpower) (Its leading role in the Second World War; saw; the emergence of the Soviet Union with strong influence over Eastern Europe and parts of Asia)
{ "tags": [ "PRP$", "VBG", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NNP", "NNP", "NNP", "VBD", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NNP", "NNP", "IN", "DT", "NN", ",", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "NNP", "NNP", "CC", "NNS", "IN", "NNP", "." ], "words": [ "Its", "leading", "role", "in", "the", "Second", "World", "War", "saw", "the", "emergence", "of", "the", "Soviet", "Union", "as", "a", "superpower", ",", "with", "strong", "influence", "over", "Eastern", "Europe", "and", "parts", "of", "Asia", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nmod:poss", "amod", "nsubj", "case", "det", "amod", "compound", "nmod", "root", "det", "obj", "case", "det", "compound", "nmod", "case", "det", "obl", "punct", "case", "amod", "obl", "case", "amod", "nmod", "cc", "conj", "case", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Its", "leading", "role", "in", "the", "Second", "World", "War", "saw", "the", "emergence", "of", "the", "Soviet", "Union", "as", "a", "superpower", ",", "with", "strong", "influence", "over", "Eastern", "Europe", "and", "parts", "of", "Asia", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "poss", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Its", "leading", "role", "in", "the", "Second", "World", "War", "saw", "the", "emergence", "of", "the", "Soviet", "Union", "as", "a", "superpower", ",", "with", "strong", "influence", "over", "Eastern", "Europe", "and", "parts", "of", "Asia", "." ] }
The European and Japanese empires were shattered and Communist parties played a leading role in many independence movements .
(Communist parties;played;a leading role in many independence movements) (Communist parties;leading;role in many independence movements)
(Communist parties; played; a leading role in many independence movements)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "JJ", "CC", "JJ", "NNS", "VBD", "VBN", "CC", "JJ", "NNS", "VBD", "DT", "VBG", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "The", "European", "and", "Japanese", "empires", "were", "shattered", "and", "Communist", "parties", "played", "a", "leading", "role", "in", "many", "independence", "movements", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "amod", "cc", "conj", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "root", "cc", "amod", "nsubj", "conj", "det", "amod", "obj", "case", "amod", "compound", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "European", "and", "Japanese", "empires", "were", "shattered", "and", "Communist", "parties", "played", "a", "leading", "role", "in", "many", "independence", "movements", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "_", "_and_c", "BV", "_", "root", "_", "_", "compound", "_and_c", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "European", "and", "Japanese", "empires", "were", "shattered", "and", "Communist", "parties", "played", "a", "leading", "role", "in", "many", "independence", "movements", "." ] }
Marxist -- Leninist governments modeled on the Soviet Union took power with Soviet assistance in Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , East Germany , Poland , Hungary and Romania .
(Marxist -- Leninist governments;took;power with Soviet assistance in Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , East Germany , Poland , Hungary and Romania) (Marxist -- Leninist governments;modeled;the Soviet Union)
(Leninist governments; modeled; on the Soviet Union) (Marxist Leninist governments modeled on the Soviet Union; took; power with Soviet assistance in Bulgaria Czechoslovakia East Germany Poland Hungary and Romania)
{ "tags": [ "NNP", ",", "JJ", "NNS", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NNP", "NNP", "VBD", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "NNP", ",", "NNP", ",", "NNP", "NNP", ",", "NNP", ",", "NNP", "CC", "NNP", "." ], "words": [ "Marxist", "--", "Leninist", "governments", "modeled", "on", "the", "Soviet", "Union", "took", "power", "with", "Soviet", "assistance", "in", "Bulgaria", ",", "Czechoslovakia", ",", "East", "Germany", ",", "Poland", ",", "Hungary", "and", "Romania", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "punct", "amod", "nsubj", "acl", "case", "det", "compound", "obl", "root", "obj", "case", "amod", "obl", "case", "nmod", "punct", "conj", "punct", "compound", "conj", "punct", "conj", "punct", "conj", "cc", "conj", "punct" ], "words": [ "Marxist", "--", "Leninist", "governments", "modeled", "on", "the", "Soviet", "Union", "took", "power", "with", "Soviet", "assistance", "in", "Bulgaria", ",", "Czechoslovakia", ",", "East", "Germany", ",", "Poland", ",", "Hungary", "and", "Romania", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "compound", "_", "compound", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "root", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "conj", "_", "_", "conj", "_", "conj", "_", "conj", "_", "_and_c", "_" ], "words": [ "Marxist", "--", "Leninist", "governments", "modeled", "on", "the", "Soviet", "Union", "took", "power", "with", "Soviet", "assistance", "in", "Bulgaria", ",", "Czechoslovakia", ",", "East", "Germany", ",", "Poland", ",", "Hungary", "and", "Romania", "." ] }
A Marxist -- Leninist government was also created under Marshal Tito in Yugoslavia , but Tito 's independent policies led to the expulsion of Yugoslavia from the Cominform , which had replaced the Comintern , and Titoism was branded `` deviationist '' .
(Tito;led;Tito 's independent policies the expulsion of Yugoslavia from the Cominform) (Cominform;replaced;the Comintern) (A Marxist -- Leninist government;created;Marshal Tito in Yugoslavia)
(Tito; has; independent policies) (Titoism; was branded; deviationist) (the Cominform; had replaced; the Comintern) (Leninist government; was created; under Marshal Tito in Yugoslavia also) (Tito 's independent policies; led; to the expulsion of Yugoslavia from the Cominform)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NNP", "HYPH", "JJ", "NN", "VBD", "RB", "VBN", "IN", "NNP", "NNP", "IN", "NNP", ",", "CC", "NNP", "POS", "JJ", "NNS", "VBD", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NNP", "IN", "DT", "NNP", ",", "WDT", "VBD", "VBN", "DT", "NNP", ",", "CC", "NNP", "VBD", "VBN", "``", "NN", "''", "''", "." ], "words": [ "A", "Marxist", "--", "Leninist", "government", "was", "also", "created", "under", "Marshal", "Tito", "in", "Yugoslavia", ",", "but", "Tito", "'s", "independent", "policies", "led", "to", "the", "expulsion", "of", "Yugoslavia", "from", "the", "Cominform", ",", "which", "had", "replaced", "the", "Comintern", ",", "and", "Titoism", "was", "branded", "``", "deviationist", "'", "'", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "compound", "punct", "amod", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "advmod", "root", "case", "obl", "flat", "case", "obl", "punct", "cc", "nmod:poss", "case", "amod", "nsubj", "conj", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "nmod", "case", "det", "nmod", "punct", "nsubj", "aux", "acl:relcl", "det", "obj", "punct", "cc", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "conj", "punct", "xcomp", "punct", "punct", "punct" ], "words": [ "A", "Marxist", "--", "Leninist", "government", "was", "also", "created", "under", "Marshal", "Tito", "in", "Yugoslavia", ",", "but", "Tito", "'s", "independent", "policies", "led", "to", "the", "expulsion", "of", "Yugoslavia", "from", "the", "Cominform", ",", "which", "had", "replaced", "the", "Comintern", ",", "and", "Titoism", "was", "branded", "``", "deviationist", "'", "'", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "root", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_but_c", "_", "_", "ARG3", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "A", "Marxist", "--", "Leninist", "government", "was", "also", "created", "under", "Marshal", "Tito", "in", "Yugoslavia", ",", "but", "Tito", "'s", "independent", "policies", "led", "to", "the", "expulsion", "of", "Yugoslavia", "from", "the", "Cominform", ",", "which", "had", "replaced", "the", "Comintern", ",", "and", "Titoism", "was", "branded", "``", "deviationist", "''", "." ] }
Albania also became an independent Marxist -- Leninist state after World War II .
(Albania;became;an independent Marxist -- Leninist state after World War II)
(Albania; became; an independent Marxist Leninist state also) (Albania; became; an independent Marxist Leninist state after World War II)
{ "tags": [ "NNP", "RB", "VBD", "DT", "JJ", "NNP", "HYPH", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "NNP", "NNP", "CD", "." ], "words": [ "Albania", "also", "became", "an", "independent", "Marxist", "--", "Leninist", "state", "after", "World", "War", "II", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "advmod", "root", "det", "amod", "compound", "punct", "amod", "xcomp", "case", "compound", "nmod", "nummod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Albania", "also", "became", "an", "independent", "Marxist", "--", "Leninist", "state", "after", "World", "War", "II", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "root", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "mwe", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Albania", "also", "became", "an", "independent", "Marxist", "--", "Leninist", "state", "after", "World", "War", "II", "." ] }
Communism was seen as a rival of and a threat to western capitalism for most of the 20th century .
(Communism;seen;a rival of and a threat to western capitalism for most of the 20th century)
(Communism; was seen; as a rival of and a threat to western capitalism for most of the 20th century)
{ "tags": [ "NNP", "VBD", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "CC", "DT", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "JJS", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Communism", "was", "seen", "as", "a", "rival", "of", "and", "a", "threat", "to", "western", "capitalism", "for", "most", "of", "the", "20th", "century", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "cc", "det", "conj", "case", "amod", "nmod", "case", "obl", "case", "det", "amod", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Communism", "was", "seen", "as", "a", "rival", "of", "and", "a", "threat", "to", "western", "capitalism", "for", "most", "of", "the", "20th", "century", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG2", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "part", "_" ], "words": [ "Communism", "was", "seen", "as", "a", "rival", "of", "and", "a", "threat", "to", "western", "capitalism", "for", "most", "of", "the", "20th", "century", "." ] }
Communist thought has also been traced back to the works of the 16th-century English writer Thomas More .
(Communist thought;traced;back to the works of the 16th-century English writer Thomas More)
(Communist thought; has been traced back; to the works of the 16th-century English writer Thomas More also)
{ "tags": [ "JJ", "NN", "VBZ", "RB", "VBN", "VBN", "RB", "IN", "DT", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "HYPH", "NN", "JJ", "NN", "NNP", "NNP", "." ], "words": [ "Communist", "thought", "has", "also", "been", "traced", "back", "to", "the", "works", "of", "the", "16th", "-", "century", "English", "writer", "Thomas", "More", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "amod", "nsubj:pass", "aux", "advmod", "aux:pass", "root", "advmod", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "det", "amod", "punct", "compound", "amod", "nmod", "appos", "flat", "punct" ], "words": [ "Communist", "thought", "has", "also", "been", "traced", "back", "to", "the", "works", "of", "the", "16th", "-", "century", "English", "writer", "Thomas", "More", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "compound", "_", "root", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "compound", "_" ], "words": [ "Communist", "thought", "has", "also", "been", "traced", "back", "to", "the", "works", "of", "the", "16th", "-", "century", "English", "writer", "Thomas", "More", "." ] }
In his treatise Utopia -LRB- 1516 -RRB- , More portrayed a society based on common ownership of property , whose rulers administered it through the application of reason .
(More;portrayed;In his treatise Utopia 1516 a society based on common ownership of property , whose rulers administered it through the application of reason) (on common ownership of property;based;society) (rulers;administered;a society based on common ownership of property through the application of reason)
(property; has; rulers) (his; has; treatise Utopia) (his treatise Utopia; is; 1516) (More; portrayed; a society In his treatise Utopia) (More; portrayed; a society based on common ownership of property) (property rulers; administered; it through the application of reason)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "PRP$", "NN", "NNP", "HYPH", "NNP", "SYM", "CD", "HYPH", "NNP", "HYPH", ",", "JJR", "VBD", "DT", "NN", "VBN", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "NN", ",", "WP$", "NNS", "VBD", "PRP", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "In", "his", "treatise", "Utopia", "-", "LRB", "-", "1516", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "More", "portrayed", "a", "society", "based", "on", "common", "ownership", "of", "property", ",", "whose", "rulers", "administered", "it", "through", "the", "application", "of", "reason", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "nmod:poss", "obl", "appos", "punct", "flat", "case", "nmod", "punct", "flat", "punct", "punct", "nsubj", "root", "det", "obj", "acl", "case", "amod", "obl", "case", "nmod", "punct", "nmod:poss", "nsubj", "acl:relcl", "obj", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "In", "his", "treatise", "Utopia", "-", "LRB", "-", "1516", "-", "RRB", "-", ",", "More", "portrayed", "a", "society", "based", "on", "common", "ownership", "of", "property", ",", "whose", "rulers", "administered", "it", "through", "the", "application", "of", "reason", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG3", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG1", "root", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_" ], "words": [ "In", "his", "treatise", "Utopia", "-", "LRB", "-", "1516", "-", "RRB-", ",", "More", "portrayed", "a", "society", "based", "on", "common", "ownership", "of", "property", ",", "whose", "rulers", "administered", "it", "through", "the", "application", "of", "reason", "." ] }
In the 17th century , communist thought surfaced again in England , where a Puritan religious group known as the `` Diggers '' advocated the abolition of private ownership of land .
(communist thought;surfaced;In the 17th century in England) (a Puritan religious group;known;In the 17th century in England the `` Diggers '') (the `` Diggers '';advocated;In the 17th century in England the abolition of private ownership of land) (a Puritan religious group known as the `` Diggers;advocated;In the 17th century in England the abolition of private ownership of land)
(communist thought; surfaced; again in England) (a Puritan religious group; be known; as the Diggers) (communist thought; surfaced; again In the 17th century) (a Puritan religious group known as the Diggers; advocated; the abolition of private ownership of land where) (communist thought; surfaced; again where a Puritan religious group known as the Diggers advocated the abolition of private ownership of land)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", ",", "JJ", "NN", "VBD", "RB", "IN", "NNP", ",", "WRB", "DT", "JJ", "JJ", "NN", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "``", "NNPS", "POS", "''", "VBD", "DT", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "In", "the", "17th", "century", ",", "communist", "thought", "surfaced", "again", "in", "England", ",", "where", "a", "Puritan", "religious", "group", "known", "as", "the", "``", "Diggers", "'", "'", "advocated", "the", "abolition", "of", "private", "ownership", "of", "land", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "det", "amod", "obl", "punct", "amod", "nsubj", "root", "advmod", "case", "obl", "punct", "advmod", "det", "amod", "amod", "nsubj", "acl", "case", "det", "punct", "obl", "case", "punct", "acl:relcl", "det", "obj", "case", "amod", "nmod", "case", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "In", "the", "17th", "century", ",", "communist", "thought", "surfaced", "again", "in", "England", ",", "where", "a", "Puritan", "religious", "group", "known", "as", "the", "``", "Diggers", "'", "'", "advocated", "the", "abolition", "of", "private", "ownership", "of", "land", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "compound", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG1", "_" ], "words": [ "In", "the", "17th", "century", ",", "communist", "thought", "surfaced", "again", "in", "England", ",", "where", "a", "Puritan", "religious", "group", "known", "as", "the", "``", "Diggers", "''", "advocated", "the", "abolition", "of", "private", "ownership", "of", "land", "." ] }
Eduard Bernstein , in his 1895 Cromwell and Communism argued that several groups during the English Civil War , especially the Diggers , espoused clear communistic , agrarian ideals , and that Oliver Cromwell 's attitude towards these groups was at best ambivalent and often hostile .
(Eduard Bernstein;argued;in his 1895 Cromwell and Communism that several groups during the English Civil War , especially the Diggers , espoused clear communistic , agrarian ideals , and that Oliver Cromwell 's attitude towards these groups was at best ambivalent and often hostile) (Eduard Bernstein;espoused;clear communistic , agrarian ideals , and that Oliver Cromwell 's attitude towards these groups was at best ambivalent and often hostile)
(his; has; 1895) (Oliver Cromwell; has; attitude towards these groups) (several groups during the English Civil War; espoused; clear communistic agrarian ideals) (Oliver Cromwell 's attitude towards these groups; was; ambivalent and often hostile at best) (Eduard Bernstein; Cromwell argued; that several groups during the English Civil War espoused clear communistic agrarian ideals and that Oliver Cromwell 's attitude towards these groups was at best ambivalent and often hostile in his 1895) (Eduard Bernstein; Communism argued; that several groups during the English Civil War espoused clear communistic agrarian ideals and that Oliver Cromwell 's attitude towards these groups was at best ambivalent and often hostile in his 1895) (Cromwell and Communism; Eduard Bernstein argued; that several groups during the English Civil War espoused clear communistic agrarian ideals and that Oliver Cromwell 's attitude towards these groups was at best ambivalent and often hostile in his 1895)
{ "tags": [ "NNP", "NNP", ",", "IN", "PRP$", "CD", "NNP", "CC", "NNP", "VBD", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "NNP", "NNP", "NNP", ",", "RB", "DT", "NNPS", ",", "VBD", "JJ", "JJ", ",", "JJ", "NNS", ",", "CC", "IN", "NNP", "NNP", "POS", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NNS", "VBD", "IN", "RBS", "JJ", "CC", "RB", "JJ", "." ], "words": [ "Eduard", "Bernstein", ",", "in", "his", "1895", "Cromwell", "and", "Communism", "argued", "that", "several", "groups", "during", "the", "English", "Civil", "War", ",", "especially", "the", "Diggers", ",", "espoused", "clear", "communistic", ",", "agrarian", "ideals", ",", "and", "that", "Oliver", "Cromwell", "'s", "attitude", "towards", "these", "groups", "was", "at", "best", "ambivalent", "and", "often", "hostile", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "flat", "punct", "case", "nmod:poss", "compound", "obl", "cc", "conj", "root", "mark", "amod", "nsubj", "case", "det", "amod", "amod", "nmod", "punct", "advmod", "det", "appos", "punct", "ccomp", "amod", "amod", "punct", "amod", "obj", "punct", "cc", "mark", "nmod:poss", "flat", "case", "nsubj", "case", "det", "nmod", "cop", "case", "advmod", "conj", "cc", "advmod", "conj", "punct" ], "words": [ "Eduard", "Bernstein", ",", "in", "his", "1895", "Cromwell", "and", "Communism", "argued", "that", "several", "groups", "during", "the", "English", "Civil", "War", ",", "especially", "the", "Diggers", ",", "espoused", "clear", "communistic", ",", "agrarian", "ideals", ",", "and", "that", "Oliver", "Cromwell", "'s", "attitude", "towards", "these", "groups", "was", "at", "best", "ambivalent", "and", "often", "hostile", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "compound", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "root", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "root", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_and_c", "_" ], "words": [ "Eduard", "Bernstein", ",", "in", "his", "1895", "Cromwell", "and", "Communism", "argued", "that", "several", "groups", "during", "the", "English", "Civil", "War", ",", "especially", "the", "Diggers", ",", "espoused", "clear", "communistic", ",", "agrarian", "ideals", ",", "and", "that", "Oliver", "Cromwell", "'s", "attitude", "towards", "these", "groups", "was", "at", "best", "ambivalent", "and", "often", "hostile", "." ] }
Criticism of the idea of private property continued into the Age of Enlightenment of the 18th century , through such thinkers as Jean Jacques Rousseau in France .
(Criticism of the idea of private property;continued;through such thinkers as Jean Jacques Rousseau in France)
(Criticism of the idea of private property; continued; into the Age of Enlightenment of the 18th century through such thinkers) (Criticism of the idea of private property; continued; into the Age of Enlightenment of the 18th century as Jean Jacques Rousseau in France)
{ "tags": [ "NN", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "VBD", "IN", "DT", "NNP", "IN", "NNP", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", ",", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", "IN", "NNP", "NNP", "NNP", "IN", "NNP", "." ], "words": [ "Criticism", "of", "the", "idea", "of", "private", "property", "continued", "into", "the", "Age", "of", "Enlightenment", "of", "the", "18th", "century", ",", "through", "such", "thinkers", "as", "Jean", "Jacques", "Rousseau", "in", "France", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "case", "det", "nmod", "case", "amod", "nmod", "root", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "nmod", "case", "det", "amod", "nmod", "punct", "case", "amod", "obl", "case", "nmod", "flat", "flat", "case", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Criticism", "of", "the", "idea", "of", "private", "property", "continued", "into", "the", "Age", "of", "Enlightenment", "of", "the", "18th", "century", ",", "through", "such", "thinkers", "as", "Jean", "Jacques", "Rousseau", "in", "France", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "compound", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Criticism", "of", "the", "idea", "of", "private", "property", "continued", "into", "the", "Age", "of", "Enlightenment", "of", "the", "18th", "century", ",", "through", "such", "thinkers", "as", "Jean", "Jacques", "Rousseau", "in", "France", "." ] }
Later , following the upheaval of the French Revolution , communism emerged as a political doctrine .
(communism;emerged;Later , following the upheaval of the French Revolution a political doctrine) (communism emerged as a political doctrine;following;Later)
(communism; emerged; as a political doctrine Later) (communism; emerged; as a political doctrine following the upheaval of the French Revolution)
{ "tags": [ "RBR", ",", "VBG", "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NNP", "NNP", ",", "NN", "VBD", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Later", ",", "following", "the", "upheaval", "of", "the", "French", "Revolution", ",", "communism", "emerged", "as", "a", "political", "doctrine", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "advmod", "punct", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "det", "amod", "nmod", "punct", "nsubj", "root", "case", "det", "amod", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "Later", ",", "following", "the", "upheaval", "of", "the", "French", "Revolution", ",", "communism", "emerged", "as", "a", "political", "doctrine", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "root", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Later", ",", "following", "the", "upheaval", "of", "the", "French", "Revolution", ",", "communism", "emerged", "as", "a", "political", "doctrine", "." ] }
The 1917 October Revolution in Russia set the conditions for the rise to state power of Lenin 's Bolsheviks , which was the first time any avowedly communist party reached that position .
(The 1917 October Revolution in Russia;set;the conditions for the rise to state power of Lenin 's Bolsheviks)
(Lenin; has; Bolsheviks) (state power of Lenin 's Bolsheviks; was; the first time) (any avowedly communist party; reached; that position the first time) (The 1917 October Revolution in Russia; set; the conditions for the rise to state power of Lenin 's Bolsheviks)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "CD", "NNP", "NNP", "IN", "NNP", "VBD", "DT", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "NN", "IN", "NNP", "POS", "NNPS", ",", "WDT", "VBD", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "DT", "RB", "JJ", "NN", "VBD", "DT", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "The", "1917", "October", "Revolution", "in", "Russia", "set", "the", "conditions", "for", "the", "rise", "to", "state", "power", "of", "Lenin", "'s", "Bolsheviks", ",", "which", "was", "the", "first", "time", "any", "avowedly", "communist", "party", "reached", "that", "position", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "compound", "compound", "nsubj", "case", "nmod", "root", "det", "obj", "case", "det", "nmod", "case", "compound", "nmod", "case", "nmod:poss", "case", "nmod", "punct", "nsubj", "cop", "det", "amod", "acl:relcl", "det", "amod", "amod", "nsubj", "acl:relcl", "det", "obj", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "1917", "October", "Revolution", "in", "Russia", "set", "the", "conditions", "for", "the", "rise", "to", "state", "power", "of", "Lenin", "'s", "Bolsheviks", ",", "which", "was", "the", "first", "time", "any", "avowedly", "communist", "party", "reached", "that", "position", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "ARG2", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "1917", "October", "Revolution", "in", "Russia", "set", "the", "conditions", "for", "the", "rise", "to", "state", "power", "of", "Lenin", "'s", "Bolsheviks", ",", "which", "was", "the", "first", "time", "any", "avowedly", "communist", "party", "reached", "that", "position", "." ] }
The revolution transferred power to the All-Russian Congress of Soviets , in which the Bolsheviks had a majority .
(The revolution;transferred;power the All-Russian Congress of Soviets)
(the Bolsheviks; had; a majority in Soviets) (The revolution; transferred; power to the All-Russian Congress of Soviets)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NN", "VBD", "NN", "IN", "DT", "DT", "HYPH", "NNP", "NNP", "IN", "NNPS", ",", "IN", "WDT", "DT", "NNPS", "VBD", "DT", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "The", "revolution", "transferred", "power", "to", "the", "All", "-", "Russian", "Congress", "of", "Soviets", ",", "in", "which", "the", "Bolsheviks", "had", "a", "majority", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nsubj", "root", "obj", "case", "det", "det", "punct", "amod", "obl", "case", "nmod", "punct", "case", "obl", "det", "nsubj", "acl:relcl", "det", "obj", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "revolution", "transferred", "power", "to", "the", "All", "-", "Russian", "Congress", "of", "Soviets", ",", "in", "which", "the", "Bolsheviks", "had", "a", "majority", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "BV", "root", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "BV", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "revolution", "transferred", "power", "to", "the", "All", "-", "Russian", "Congress", "of", "Soviets", ",", "in", "which", "the", "Bolsheviks", "had", "a", "majority", "." ] }
The event generated a great deal of practical and theoretical debate within the Marxist movement .
(The event;generated;a great deal of practical and theoretical debate the Marxist movement)
(The event; generated; a great deal of practical and theoretical debate within the Marxist movement)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NN", "VBD", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "CC", "JJ", "NN", "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "The", "event", "generated", "a", "great", "deal", "of", "practical", "and", "theoretical", "debate", "within", "the", "Marxist", "movement", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nsubj", "root", "det", "amod", "obj", "case", "amod", "cc", "conj", "nmod", "case", "det", "amod", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "event", "generated", "a", "great", "deal", "of", "practical", "and", "theoretical", "debate", "within", "the", "Marxist", "movement", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "BV", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_and_c", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "event", "generated", "a", "great", "deal", "of", "practical", "and", "theoretical", "debate", "within", "the", "Marxist", "movement", "." ] }
Marx predicted that socialism and communism would be built upon foundations laid by the most advanced capitalist development .
(foundations;laid;by the most advanced capitalist development) (Marx;predicted;that socialism and communism would be built upon foundations laid by the most advanced capitalist development) (socialism and communism;would built;foundations laid by the most advanced capitalist development)
(foundations; be laid; by the most advanced capitalist development) (socialism and communism; would be built; upon foundations laid by the most advanced capitalist development) (Marx; predicted; that socialism and communism would be built upon foundations laid by the most advanced capitalist development)
{ "tags": [ "NNP", "VBD", "IN", "NN", "CC", "NN", "MD", "VB", "VBN", "IN", "NNS", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "RBS", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Marx", "predicted", "that", "socialism", "and", "communism", "would", "be", "built", "upon", "foundations", "laid", "by", "the", "most", "advanced", "capitalist", "development", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "root", "mark", "nsubj:pass", "cc", "conj", "aux", "aux:pass", "ccomp", "case", "obl", "acl", "case", "det", "advmod", "amod", "compound", "obl:agent", "punct" ], "words": [ "Marx", "predicted", "that", "socialism", "and", "communism", "would", "be", "built", "upon", "foundations", "laid", "by", "the", "most", "advanced", "capitalist", "development", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG1", "_" ], "words": [ "Marx", "predicted", "that", "socialism", "and", "communism", "would", "be", "built", "upon", "foundations", "laid", "by", "the", "most", "advanced", "capitalist", "development", "." ] }
Marx had explicitly stated that Russia might be able to skip the stage of bourgeois rule .
(Russia;might skip;the stage of bourgeois rule) (Marx;had stated;explicitly that Russia might be able to skip the stage of bourgeois rule)
(Russia; might be; able to skip the stage of bourgeois rule) (Marx; had stated; that Russia might be able to skip the stage of bourgeois rule explicitly)
{ "tags": [ "NNP", "VBD", "RB", "VBN", "IN", "NNP", "MD", "VB", "JJ", "TO", "VB", "DT", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Marx", "had", "explicitly", "stated", "that", "Russia", "might", "be", "able", "to", "skip", "the", "stage", "of", "bourgeois", "rule", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj", "aux", "advmod", "root", "mark", "nsubj", "aux", "cop", "ccomp", "mark", "xcomp", "det", "obj", "case", "amod", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Marx", "had", "explicitly", "stated", "that", "Russia", "might", "be", "able", "to", "skip", "the", "stage", "of", "bourgeois", "rule", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG1", "_", "_", "root", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Marx", "had", "explicitly", "stated", "that", "Russia", "might", "be", "able", "to", "skip", "the", "stage", "of", "bourgeois", "rule", "." ] }
As the tectonic plates migrate , oceanic crust is subducted under the leading edges of the plates at convergent boundaries .
(oceanic crust;subducted;As the tectonic plates migrate under the leading edges of the plates at convergent boundaries)
(oceanic crust; is subducted; under the leading edges of the plates at convergent boundaries As the tectonic plates migrate)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NNS", "VBP", ",", "JJ", "NN", "VBZ", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "VBG", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "NNS", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "As", "the", "tectonic", "plates", "migrate", ",", "oceanic", "crust", "is", "subducted", "under", "the", "leading", "edges", "of", "the", "plates", "at", "convergent", "boundaries", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "mark", "det", "amod", "nsubj", "advcl", "punct", "amod", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "det", "amod", "obl", "case", "det", "nmod", "case", "amod", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "As", "the", "tectonic", "plates", "migrate", ",", "oceanic", "crust", "is", "subducted", "under", "the", "leading", "edges", "of", "the", "plates", "at", "convergent", "boundaries", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "root", "_", "_", "BV", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "As", "the", "tectonic", "plates", "migrate", ",", "oceanic", "crust", "is", "subducted", "under", "the", "leading", "edges", "of", "the", "plates", "at", "convergent", "boundaries", "." ] }
At the same time , the upwelling of mantle material at divergent boundaries creates mid-ocean ridges .
(the upwelling of mantle material at divergent boundaries;creates;mid-ocean ridges)
(the upwelling of mantle material at divergent boundaries; creates; mid-ocean ridges At the same time)
{ "tags": [ "IN", "DT", "JJ", "NN", ",", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "NN", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", "VBZ", "JJ", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "At", "the", "same", "time", ",", "the", "upwelling", "of", "mantle", "material", "at", "divergent", "boundaries", "creates", "mid-ocean", "ridges", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "case", "det", "amod", "obl", "punct", "det", "nsubj", "case", "compound", "nmod", "case", "amod", "nmod", "root", "amod", "obj", "punct" ], "words": [ "At", "the", "same", "time", ",", "the", "upwelling", "of", "mantle", "material", "at", "divergent", "boundaries", "creates", "mid-ocean", "ridges", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "root", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "At", "the", "same", "time", ",", "the", "upwelling", "of", "mantle", "material", "at", "divergent", "boundaries", "creates", "mid-ocean", "ridges", "." ] }
The combination of these processes recycles the oceanic crust back into the mantle .
(The combination of these processes;recycles;the oceanic crust back into the mantle)
(The combination of these processes; recycles back; the oceanic crust into the mantle)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "NN", "IN", "DT", "NNS", "VBZ", "DT", "JJ", "NN", "RB", "IN", "DT", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "The", "combination", "of", "these", "processes", "recycles", "the", "oceanic", "crust", "back", "into", "the", "mantle", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "nsubj", "case", "det", "nmod", "root", "det", "amod", "obj", "advmod", "case", "det", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "combination", "of", "these", "processes", "recycles", "the", "oceanic", "crust", "back", "into", "the", "mantle", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "BV", "_", "_", "ARG1", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "combination", "of", "these", "processes", "recycles", "the", "oceanic", "crust", "back", "into", "the", "mantle", "." ] }
The oldest oceanic crust is located in the Western Pacific and has an estimated age of 7015631152000000000 ♠ 200 Ma .
(The oldest oceanic crust;has;in the Western Pacific an estimated age 7015631152000000000 ♠ 200 Ma)
(The oldest oceanic crust; is located; in the Western Pacific) (The oldest oceanic crust; has; an estimated age of 7015631152000000000 â 200 Ma)
{ "tags": [ "DT", "JJS", "JJ", "NN", "VBZ", "VBN", "IN", "DT", "NNP", "NNP", "CC", "VBZ", "DT", "VBN", "NN", "IN", "CD", "SYM", "CD", "NNP", "." ], "words": [ "The", "oldest", "oceanic", "crust", "is", "located", "in", "the", "Western", "Pacific", "and", "has", "an", "estimated", "age", "of", "7015631152000000000", "♠", "200", "Ma", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "det", "amod", "amod", "nsubj:pass", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "det", "amod", "obl", "cc", "conj", "det", "amod", "obj", "case", "nmod", "case", "nummod", "appos", "punct" ], "words": [ "The", "oldest", "oceanic", "crust", "is", "located", "in", "the", "Western", "Pacific", "and", "has", "an", "estimated", "age", "of", "7015631152000000000", "♠", "200", "Ma", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "_", "_", "BV", "_", "root", "ARG3", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "compound", "_", "compound", "_" ], "words": [ "The", "oldest", "oceanic", "crust", "is", "located", "in", "the", "Western", "Pacific", "and", "has", "an", "estimated", "age", "of", "7015631152000000000", "♠", "200", "Ma", "." ] }
Water vapor generated through surface evaporation is transported by circulatory patterns in the atmosphere .
(Water vapor;generated;through surface evaporation) (Water vapor generated through surface evaporation;transported;by circulatory patterns in the atmosphere)
(Water vapor; be generated; through surface evaporation) (Water vapor generated through surface evaporation; is transported; by circulatory patterns in the atmosphere)
{ "tags": [ "NN", "NN", "VBN", "IN", "NN", "NN", "VBZ", "VBN", "IN", "JJ", "NNS", "IN", "DT", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "Water", "vapor", "generated", "through", "surface", "evaporation", "is", "transported", "by", "circulatory", "patterns", "in", "the", "atmosphere", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "compound", "nsubj:pass", "acl", "case", "compound", "obl", "aux:pass", "root", "case", "amod", "obl:agent", "case", "det", "nmod", "punct" ], "words": [ "Water", "vapor", "generated", "through", "surface", "evaporation", "is", "transported", "by", "circulatory", "patterns", "in", "the", "atmosphere", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "_", "compound", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Water", "vapor", "generated", "through", "surface", "evaporation", "is", "transported", "by", "circulatory", "patterns", "in", "the", "atmosphere", "." ] }
When atmospheric conditions permit an uplift of warm , humid air , this water condenses and falls to the surface as precipitation .
(atmospheric conditions;permit;an uplift of warm , humid air) (this water;condenses;When atmospheric conditions permit an uplift of warm , humid air) (this water;falls;to the surface as precipitation)
(atmospheric conditions; permit; an uplift of warm humid air When) (this water; falls; to the surface as precipitation When atmospheric conditions permit an uplift of warm humid air) (this water; condenses; to the surface as precipitation When atmospheric conditions permit an uplift of warm humid air)
{ "tags": [ "WRB", "JJ", "NNS", "VBP", "DT", "NN", "IN", "JJ", ",", "JJ", "NN", ",", "DT", "NN", "VBZ", "CC", "VBZ", "IN", "DT", "NN", "IN", "NN", "." ], "words": [ "When", "atmospheric", "conditions", "permit", "an", "uplift", "of", "warm", ",", "humid", "air", ",", "this", "water", "condenses", "and", "falls", "to", "the", "surface", "as", "precipitation", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "advmod", "amod", "nsubj", "advcl", "det", "obj", "case", "amod", "punct", "amod", "nmod", "punct", "det", "nsubj", "root", "cc", "conj", "case", "det", "obl", "case", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "When", "atmospheric", "conditions", "permit", "an", "uplift", "of", "warm", ",", "humid", "air", ",", "this", "water", "condenses", "and", "falls", "to", "the", "surface", "as", "precipitation", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "root", "_", "ARG1", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "_", "_", "ARG1", "_", "_", "BV", "ARG1", "_", "_and_c", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "When", "atmospheric", "conditions", "permit", "an", "uplift", "of", "warm", ",", "humid", "air", ",", "this", "water", "condenses", "and", "falls", "to", "the", "surface", "as", "precipitation", "." ] }
Most of the water is then transported to lower elevations by river systems and usually returned to the oceans or deposited into lakes .
(Most of the water;deposited;into lakes) (Most of the water;returned;by river systems to the oceans or deposited into lakes) (Most of the water;transported;to lower elevations by river systems and usually returned to the oceans or deposited into lakes .)
(Most of the water; deposited; into lakes) (Most of the water; is returned; to the oceans usually) (Most of the water; is transported; to lower elevations by river systems)
{ "tags": [ "JJS", "IN", "DT", "NN", "VBZ", "RB", "VBN", "IN", "JJR", "NNS", "IN", "NN", "NNS", "CC", "RB", "VBD", "IN", "DT", "NNS", "CC", "VBD", "IN", "NNS", "." ], "words": [ "Most", "of", "the", "water", "is", "then", "transported", "to", "lower", "elevations", "by", "river", "systems", "and", "usually", "returned", "to", "the", "oceans", "or", "deposited", "into", "lakes", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "nsubj:pass", "case", "det", "nmod", "aux:pass", "advmod", "root", "case", "amod", "obl", "case", "compound", "obl", "cc", "advmod", "conj", "case", "det", "obl", "cc", "conj", "case", "obl", "punct" ], "words": [ "Most", "of", "the", "water", "is", "then", "transported", "to", "lower", "elevations", "by", "river", "systems", "and", "usually", "returned", "to", "the", "oceans", "or", "deposited", "into", "lakes", "." ] }
{ "tags": [ "ARG2", "_", "_", "part", "_", "_", "root", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "_and_c", "ARG1", "_", "_", "ARG2", "_", "ARG1", "_", "ARG2", "_" ], "words": [ "Most", "of", "the", "water", "is", "then", "transported", "to", "lower", "elevations", "by", "river", "systems", "and", "usually", "returned", "to", "the", "oceans", "or", "deposited", "into", "lakes", "." ] }