### the treaty aims at an ever closer union among the peoples of europe and confers on the union the task , inter alia , of contributing to the flowering of cultures of member states , while respecting their national and regional diversity and at the same time ensuring that the conditions necessary for the competitiveness of the union ' s industry exist . in this respect , the union , where necessary , supports and supplements member states ' actions to respect cultural and linguistic diversity , strengthen the competitiveness of the european cultural and creative sectors and facilitate adaptation to industrial changes , in particular through vocational training . ### the treaty aims at an ever closer union among the peoples of europe and confers on the union the task , inter alia , of contributing to the flowering of cultures of member states , while respecting their national and regional diversity and at the same time ensuring that the conditions necessary for the competitiveness of the union ' s industry exist . in this respect , the union , where necessary , supports and supplements member states ' actions to respect cultural and linguistic diversity , strengthen the competitiveness of the european cultural and creative sectors , improve knowledge and dissemination of the cultural history of the peoples of europe and conserve and protect europe ' s cultural heritage , as well as member states ' actions in the fields of non - commercial cultural exchanges and artistic and literary creation , including in the audiovisual and cinema industries .
### the treaty aims at an ever closer union among the peoples of europe and confers on the union the task , inter alia , of contributing to the flowering of cultures of member states , while respecting their national and regional diversity and at the same time ensuring that the conditions necessary for the competitiveness of the union ' s industry exist . in this respect , the union , where necessary , supports and supplements member states ' actions to respect cultural and linguistic diversity , strengthen the competitiveness of the european cultural and creative sectors and facilitate adaptation to industrial changes , in particular through vocational training . ### the treaty aims at an ever closer union among the peoples of europe and confers on the union the task , inter alia , of contributing to the flowering of cultures of member states , while respecting their national and regional diversity and at the same time ensuring that the conditions necessary for the competitiveness of the union ' s industry exist . in this respect , the union , where necessary , supports and supplements member states ' actions to respect cultural and linguistic diversity , strengthen the competitiveness of the european cultural and creative sectors , improve knowledge and dissemination of the cultural history of the peoples of europe and conserve and protect europe ' s cultural heritage , as well as member states ' actions in the fields of non - commercial cultural exchanges and artistic and literary creation , including in the audiovisual and cinema industries .
### the treaty aims at an ever closer union among the peoples of europe and confers on the union the task , inter alia , of contributing to the flowering of cultures of member states , while respecting their national and regional diversity and at the same time ensuring that the conditions necessary for the competitiveness of the union ' s industry exist . in this respect , the union , where necessary , supports and supplements member states ' actions to respect cultural and linguistic diversity , strengthen the competitiveness of the european cultural and creative sectors and facilitate adaptation to industrial changes , in particular through vocational training . ### the treaty aims at an ever closer union among the peoples of europe and confers on the union the task , inter alia , of contributing to the flowering of cultures of member states , while respecting their national and regional diversity and at the same time ensuring that the conditions necessary for the competitiveness of the union ' s industry exist . in this respect , the union , where necessary , supports and supplements member states ' actions to respect cultural and linguistic diversity , strengthen the competitiveness of the european cultural and creative sectors , improve knowledge and dissemination of the cultural history of the peoples of europe and conserve and protect europe ' s cultural heritage , as well as member states ' actions in the fields of non - commercial cultural exchanges and artistic and literary creation , including in the audiovisual and cinema industries .
### facilitate access to finance for small - and medium - sized enterprises and organisations in the european cultural and creative sectors ; ### facilitate access to finance for cultural and creative smes and organisations ;
### support of a european cinema owners ' network screening a significant proportion of non - national european films , including the integration of digital technologies ; ### measures to support the creation of a european cinema owners’ network screening mostly european films including a significant proportion of non - national european films , and to support the integration of digital technologies , particularly by encouraging the digitisation of these operators’ cinemas ;
### facilitate access to finance for small - and medium - sized enterprises and organisations in the european cultural and creative sectors ; ### facilitate access to finance for smes and organisations across the union ' s cultural and creative sectors ;
### cooperation between the programme and international organisations in the field of culture and audiovisual such as unesco , the council of europe and in particular eurimages , oecd and the world intellectual property organisation needs to be fostered . ### cooperation between the programme and international organisations in the cultural and audiovisual fields such as unesco , the council of europe and in particular eurimages and european cultural routes , oecd and the world intellectual property organisation needs to be fostered .
### to foster the safeguarding and promotion of european cultural and linguistic diversity ; ### to foster the safeguarding , promotion and development of europe ' s cultural and linguistic diversity and audiovisual and cinema heritage and to promote intercultural dialogue and enhance the cultural area shared by europeans in order to strengthen their feeling of being european citizens ;
### special actions aiming to achieve greater visibility for the richness and diversity of european cultures , and stimulate intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding , including european cultural prizes , the european heritage label , and the european capitals of culture . ### special actions aiming to achieve greater visibility for the richness and diversity of european cultures , and stimulate intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding , including european cultural prizes , the european heritage label , and the european capitals of culture , as well as europeana .
### facilitate circulation of european films worldwide and of international films in europe on all platforms ; ### facilitate circulation of european audiovisual works worldwide and of international works in europe on all platforms ;
### cooperation measures bringing together operators from different countries to undertake sectoral or cross - sectoral activities ; ### annual and multiannual cooperation projects bringing together cultural and creative operators from different countries to undertake sectoral or cross - sectoral cultural and creative activities ;
### encouraging business to business exchanges by facilitating access to markets and business tools for audiovisual operators to increase the visibility of their projects on european and international markets . ### business to business exchanges by facilitating access to markets and economic tools for audiovisual operators to increase the visibility of their projects on european and international markets .
### support initiatives presenting and promoting a diversity of european audiovisual works ; ### measures to support initiatives , including festivals , presenting and promoting a diversity of european audiovisual works ;
### relevant eu policies , in particular those in the fields of education , employment , health , research and innovation , enterprise , tourism , justice and development ; ### relevant eu policies , in particular those in the fields of education , employment , health , research and innovation , enterprise , tourism , justice and development , foreign policy , development , human rights , enlargement and trade policies ;
### to this end , improve the capacity of financial institutions to assess cultural and creative projects , including technical assistance and networking measures . ### improving the capacity of participating financial intermediaries to assess the risks associated with smes and organisations in the cultural and creative sectors and their projects , including through technical assistance , knowledge - building and networking measures .
### the cultural and creative sectors facility ### the cultural and creative sectors guarantee facility
### supporting audience building as means of stimulating interest for audiovisual works in particular through promotion , events , film literacy and festivals ; ### stimulation of audience interest for european audiovisual works in particular through promotion , events , film literacy and festivals ;
### support activities aiming at facilitating european and international co - productions , including television ; ### measures to support the activities of independent european audiovisual production companies with a view to facilitating european and international co - productions , including television and especially the production of works for television such as series and pilot programmes , as well as supporting international co - production funds ;
### the priorities in the field of reinforcing the sector ' s capacity shall be the following : ### to achieve these objectives and with a view to reinforcing the european audiovisual sector ' s capacity , the media programme shall support :
### facilitate circulation of european films worldwide and of international films in europe on all platforms ; ### measures to facilitate circulation of european films worldwide and of international films in europe on all platforms via projects for cooperation among various interests in the audiovisual sector ;
### facilitate circulation of european films worldwide and of international films in europe on all platforms ; ### measures to facilitate circulation of european films worldwide and of international films in the union on all platforms ;
### the strands shall be open to the participation of the following countries provided that the conditions are met , including those contained within directive 2010 / 13 / eu of the european parliament and of the council of 10 march 2010 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law , regulation or administrative action in member states concerning the provision of audiovisual media services for the media strand , and additional appropriations are paid : ### the strands shall be open to the participation of the following countries provided that the conditions set out below are met : – commitment to the values of diversity of cultural expression , evinced by signature and ratification of the 2005 unesco convention ; – in respect of the media strand , the conditions contained within directive 2010 / 13 / eu of the european parliament and of the council of 10 march 2010 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law , regulation or administrative action in member states concerning the provision of audiovisual media services ; – payment of additional appropriations , the amounts of which shall be commensurate with the countries’ participation , on the basis of the payments made during previous programmes .
### with regard to the charter of fundamental rights of the european union and in particular articles 11 and 21 , the cultural and creative sectors make an important contribution to the fight against all forms of discrimination including racism and xenophobia and are an important platform for freedom of speech . article 22 imposes an obligation to respect cultural and linguistic diversity . ### with regard to the charter of fundamental rights of the european union and in particular articles 11 and 21 , the cultural and creative sectors make an important contribution to the fight against all forms of discrimination including racism and xenophobia and are an important platform for freedom of expression . article 22 imposes an obligation to respect cultural and linguistic diversity .
### activities by european bodies comprising networks of operators from different countries ; ### activities by european networks of cultural and creative operators from different countries ;
### the culture strand shall provide support for the following measures : ### in order to implement the priorities set out in article 9 , the culture programme shall provide support for :
### ensuring a more level playing field in the european cultural and creative sectors by taking account of low production capacity countries and / or countries or regions with a restricted geographical and linguistic area . ### ensuring that proper account is taken of the conditions obtaining in the european cultural and creative sectors , in particular the situation in low production capacity member states and / or eu regions with a restricted geographical and linguistic area .
### the priorities in the field of reinforcing the sector ' s capacity shall be the following : ### to achieve these objectives and with a view to reinforcing the european audiovisual sector ' s capacity , the media programme shall support :
### the priorities in the field of reinforcing the sector ' s capacity shall be the following : ### to achieve these objectives and with a view to reinforcing the european audiovisual sector ' s capacity , the media programme shall support :
### to this end , improve the capacity of financial institutions to assess cultural and creative projects , including technical assistance and networking measures . ### improving the capacity of participating financial intermediaries to assess the risks associated with smes and organisations in the cultural and creative sectors and their projects , including through technical assistance , knowledge - building and networking measures .
### to this end , improve the capacity of financial institutions to assess cultural and creative projects , including technical assistance and networking measures . ### improving the capacity of participating financial intermediaries to assess the risks associated with smes and organisations in the cultural and creative sectors and their projects , including through technical assistance , knowledge - building and networking measures .
### increasing the capacity of audiovisual operators to develop audiovisual works with a potential to circulate in europe and beyond and to facilitate european and international co - production including with tv broadcasters ; ### the capacity of european audiovisual operators to design and develop european audiovisual works with a potential to circulate in europe and beyond and to facilitate european and international coproduction including with tv broadcasters ;
### relevant eu policies , in particular those in the fields of education , employment , health , research and innovation , enterprise , tourism , justice and development ; ### relevant eu policies , in particular those in the fields of education , employment , health , research and innovation , the digital agenda , external relations , enterprise , tourism , justice and development ;
### ' financial intermediaries ' means financial institutions providing or planning to provide loan facilities or additional expertise regarding the cultural and creative sectors . ### ' participating financial intermediaries ' , as selected by the cultural and creative sectors guarantee fund , in accordance with regulation no xx / 2012 [ the financial regulation ] , means financial institutions providing or planning to provide loan facilities or additional expertise regarding the cultural and creative sectors
### support initiatives presenting and promoting a diversity of european audiovisual works ; ### measures to support initiatives , including festivals , presenting and promoting a diversity of european audiovisual works ;
### ' financial intermediaries ' means financial institutions providing or planning to provide loan facilities or additional expertise regarding the cultural and creative sectors . ### ' participating financial intermediaries ' , as selected by the cultural and creative sectors guarantee fund , in accordance with regulation no xx / 2012 [ the financial regulation ] , means financial institutions providing or planning to provide loan facilities or additional expertise regarding the cultural and creative sectors
### the priorities in the field of reinforcing the sector ' s capacity shall be the following : ### to achieve these objectives and with a view to reinforcing the european audiovisual sector ' s capacity , the media programme shall support :
### it is necessary to ensure the european added value of all actions carried out within in the framework of the programme , complementarity to member state activities and compliance with article 167 of the treaty and other union activities , in particular in the field of education , research and innovation , industrial and cohesion policy , tourism and external relations . ### it is necessary to ensure the european added value of all actions carried out within in the framework of the programme , complementarity to member state activities and compliance with article 167 of the treaty , in particular paragraph 4 of that article , and other union activities , in particular in the field of education , research and innovation , industrial and cohesion policy , tourism and external relations .
### activities by european bodies comprising networks of operators from different countries ; ### activities by european networks of cultural and creative operators from different countries ;
### facilitating the acquisition of skills and the development of networks and in particular encouraging the use of digital technologies to ensure the adaptation to market development ; ### facilitating the acquisition and improvement of skills and competences of audiovisual professionals and the development of networks , in particular the use of digital technologies to ensure adaptation to market development , testing new approaches to audience development and testing new business models ;
### to promote the transnational circulation of cultural and creative works and operators and reach new audiences in europe and beyond ; ### to promote the transnational collaboration , co - production and circulation of cultural and creative works and operators and reach new audiences in europe and the rest of the world , particularly with the help of digitisation and online access through , for example , europeana , but also through other channels ;
### ' financial intermediaries ' means financial institutions providing or planning to provide loan facilities or additional expertise regarding the cultural and creative sectors . ### ' participating financial intermediaries ' , as selected by the cultural and creative sectors guarantee fund , in accordance with regulation no xx / 2012 [ the financial regulation ] , means financial institutions providing or planning to provide loan facilities or additional expertise regarding the cultural and creative sectors
### the media strand shall provide support for the following measures : ### in order to implement the priorities set out in article 11 , the media programme shall provide support for :
### to foster the safeguarding and promotion of european cultural and linguistic diversity ; ### to foster the safeguarding , promotion and development of europe ' s cultural and linguistic diversity and audiovisual and cinema heritage and to promote intercultural dialogue and enhance the cultural area shared by europeans in order to strengthen their feeling of being european citizens ;
### the programme shall consist of the following strands : ### the framework programme shall consist of :
### in addition to its core mission of financing investment in the european union , the european investment bank has since 1963 undertaken financing operations outside the european union in support of the eu ' s external policies . this allows the eu budget funds available to the external regions to be complemented by the financial strength of the eib for the benefit of beneficiary countries . ### in addition to its core mission of financing investment in the european union , the european investment bank has since 1963 undertaken financing operations outside the european union in support of the eu ' s external policies . this allows the eu budget funds available to the external regions to be complemented by the financial strength of the eib for the benefit of beneficiary countries and with a view to achieving the eu external policy objectives . therefore , the eib should clearly link its financing instruments with the eu objectives .
### the commission shall report annually to the european parliament and the council on eib financing operations carried out under this decision . the report shall include an assessment of eib financing operations at project , sector , country and regional level as well as the contribution of the eib financing operations to the fulfilment of the external policy and strategic objectives of the eu . the report shall in particular assess the compliance of eib financing operations with this decision , taking into account the operational guidelines referred to in article 5 , and shall include sections on added value for the achievement of eu policy objectives as well as on cooperation with the commission and other international financial institutions and bilateral institutions , including co - financing . ### the commission shall report annually to the european parliament and the council on eib financing operations carried out under this decision . the report shall include an assessment of eib financing operations at programme , project , sector , country and regional level as well as the contribution of the eib financing operations to the fulfilment of the external policy and strategic objectives of the eu paying particular attention to the related eu 2020 objectives . the report shall in particular assess the compliance of eib financing operations with this decision , taking into account the operational guidelines referred to in article 5 , and shall include sections on added value for the achievement of eu policy objectives , efficiency , effectiveness and impact of projects and financing operations , as well as on cooperation with the commission and other international financial institutions and bilateral institutions , including co - financing .
### the climate change mandate shall cover eib financing operations in all countries covered by this decision , where such eib financing operations support the key eu policy objective of tackling climate change by supporting projects in climate change mitigation and adaptation which contribute to the overall objective of the united nations framework convention on climate change , in particular by avoiding or reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the areas of renewable energy , energy efficiency and sustainable transport , or by increasing resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change on vulnerable countries , sectors and communities . the climate change mandate shall be implemented in close cooperation with the commission , combining where possible and appropriate eib financing with eu budget funds . ### the climate change mitigation mandate shall cover eib financing operations in all countries covered by this decision , where such eib financing operations support the key eu policy objective of tackling climate change by supporting projects in climate change mitigation and adaptation by increasing resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change on vulnerable countries , sectors and communities . the climate change mitigation mandate shall be implemented in close cooperation with the commission , combining where possible and appropriate eib financing with eu budget funds .
### the climate change mandate shall cover eib financing operations in all countries covered by this decision , where such eib financing operations support the key eu policy objective of tackling climate change by supporting projects in climate change mitigation and adaptation which contribute to the overall objective of the united nations framework convention on climate change , in particular by avoiding or reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the areas of renewable energy , energy efficiency and sustainable transport , or by increasing resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change on vulnerable countries , sectors and communities . the climate change mandate shall be implemented in close cooperation with the commission , combining where possible and appropriate eib financing with eu budget funds . ### the climate change mitigation mandate shall cover eib financing operations in all countries covered by this decision , where such eib financing operations support the key eu policy objective of tackling climate change by supporting projects in climate change mitigation and adaptation by increasing resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change on vulnerable countries , sectors and communities . the climate change mitigation mandate shall be implemented in close cooperation with the commission , combining where possible and appropriate eib financing with eu budget funds .
### for the purposes of paragraph 1 , the west bank and gaza strip is represented by the palestinian authority and kosovo under united nations security council resolution 1244 by the united nations mission in kosovo or an administration designated in the guidelines referred to under article 5 of this decision . ### for the purposes of paragraph 1 , the west bank and gaza strip is represented by the palestinian authority and kosovo under united nations security council resolution 1244 by the united nations mission in kosovo , or the government of the republic of kosovo .
### the commission shall develop , together with the eib , regional operational guidelines for eib financing under this decision . in drawing up these guidelines the commission and the eib will consult with the european external action service on policy issues , as appropriate . the operational guidelines aim to ensure that eib financing supports eu policies , and shall take as a starting point the wider eu regional policy framework set by the commission and the eeas , as appropriate . notably , the operational guidelines will ensure that eib financing is complementary to corresponding eu assistance policies , programmes and instruments in the different regions , taking into account european parliament resolutions and council decisions and conclusions . the commission will inform the european parliament and the council of the guidelines established . within the framework set out by the operational guidelines , the eib shall define corresponding financing strategies and ensure their implementation . ### the commission shall develop , together with the eib , regional operational guidelines for eib financing under this decision . these guidelines shall be prepared together with the european external action service , as appropriate . the operational guidelines aim to ensure that eib financing supports eu policies , and shall take as a starting point the wider eu regional policy framework set by the commission and the eeas , as appropriate . notably , the operational guidelines will ensure that eib financing is complementary to corresponding eu assistance policies , programmes and instruments in the different regions , in line with european parliament resolutions and council decisions and conclusions . the commission will inform the european parliament and the council of the guidelines established . within the framework set out by the operational guidelines , the eib shall define corresponding financing strategies and ensure their implementation .
### the measures referred to in articles 18 , 19 and 20 shall also apply to family members or persons known to be close associates of such politically exposed persons . ### the measures referred to in articles 18 , 19 and 20 with the exception of article 19a shall also apply to family members or persons that evidence indicates are close associates of such politically exposed persons .
### any natural person who has sole beneficial ownership of a legal entity or legal arrangement which is known to have been set up for the benefit de facto of the person referred to in points to above ; ### any natural person who has beneficial ownership of a legal entity or legal arrangement which is known to have been set up for the benefit de facto of the person referred to in points to above ;
### for providers of gambling services , when carrying out occasional transactions amounting to eur 2 000 or more , whether the transaction is carried out in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ; ### for casinos , when carrying out occasional transactions amounting to eur 2 000 or more , whether the transaction is carried out in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ; for on - line gambling when establishing the business relationship ; for other providers of gambling services , regarding the payment of prizes amounting to eur 2 000 or more , whether the transaction is carried out in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ;
### for providers of gambling services , when carrying out occasional transactions amounting to eur 2 000 or more , whether the transaction is carried out in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ; ### for casinos , when carrying out occasional transactions amounting to eur 2 000 or more , whether the transaction is carried out in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ; for on - line gambling when establishing the business relationship ; for other providers of gambling services , regarding the payment of prizes amounting to eur 2 000 or more , whether the transaction is carried out in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ;
### for providers of gambling services , when carrying out occasional transactions amounting to eur 2 000 or more , whether the transaction is carried out in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ; ### for casinos , when carrying out occasional transactions amounting to eur 2 000 or more , whether the transaction is carried out in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ; for on - line gambling when establishing the business relationship ; for other providers of gambling services , regarding the payment of prizes amounting to eur 2 000 or more , whether the transaction is carried out in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ;
### for providers of gambling services , when carrying out occasional transactions amounting to eur 2 000 or more , whether the transaction is carried out in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ; ### for casinos , when carrying out occasional transactions amounting to eur 2 000 or more , whether the transaction is carried out in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ; for on - line gambling when establishing the business relationship ; for other providers of gambling services , regarding the payment of prizes amounting to eur 2 000 or more , whether the transaction is carried out in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ;
### providers of gambling services . ### providers of gambling services . with the exception of casinos and online gambling , member states may decide to exempt fully or in part certain gambling services from national provisions transposing the provisions of this directive on the basis of the low risk posed by the nature of operations of such service providers .
### providers of gambling services . ### providers of gambling services . with the exception of casinos and online gambling , member states may decide to exempt fully or in part certain gambling services from national provisions transposing the provisions of this directive on the basis of the low risk posed by the nature of operations of such service providers .
### providers of gambling services . ### providers of gambling services . with the exception of casinos and online gambling , member states may decide to exempt fully or in part certain gambling services from national provisions transposing the provisions of this directive on the basis of the low risk posed by the nature of operations of such service providers .
### member states shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this article can be accessed in a timely manner by competent authorities and by obliged entities . ### member states shall ensure that central registers referred to in paragraph 1 of this article include adequate , accurate and current information on the beneficial owner established within their territory which shall generally and speedily be available to the public at a minimal cost . these registers shall also be accessible by competent authorities , obliged entities and the public from other member states .
### member states shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this article can be accessed in a timely manner by competent authorities and by obliged entities . ### member states shall ensure that central registers referred to in paragraph 1 of this article include adequate , accurate and current information on the beneficial owner established within their territory which shall generally and speedily be available to the public at a minimal cost . these registers shall also be accessible by competent authorities , obliged entities and the public from other member states .
### member states shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this article can be accessed in a timely manner by competent authorities and by obliged entities . ### member states shall ensure that central registers referred to in paragraph 1 of this article include adequate , accurate and current information on the beneficial owner established within their territory which shall generally and speedily be available to the public at a minimal cost . these registers shall also be accessible by competent authorities , obliged entities and the public from other member states .
### member states shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this article can be accessed in a timely manner by competent authorities and by obliged entities . ### member states shall ensure that central registers referred to in paragraph 1 of this article include adequate , accurate and current information on the beneficial owner established within their territory which shall generally and speedily be available to the public at a minimal cost . these registers shall also be accessible by competent authorities , obliged entities and the public from other member states .
### in carrying out the assessments referred to in paragraph 1 , member states may make use of the opinion referred to in article 6 . ### in carrying out the assessments referred to in paragraph 1 , member states shall make use of the opinion referred to in article 6 .
### in carrying out the assessments referred to in paragraph 1 , member states may make use of the opinion referred to in article 6 . ### in carrying out the assessments referred to in paragraph 1 , member states shall make use of the opinion referred to in article 6 .
### in carrying out the assessments referred to in paragraph 1 , member states may make use of the opinion referred to in article 6 . ### in carrying out the assessments referred to in paragraph 1 , member states shall make use of the opinion referred to in article 6 .
### member states shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this article can be accessed in a timely manner by competent authorities and by obliged entities . ### member states shall ensure that the general public , union and international competent authorities and obliged entities can access in an efficient and timely manner all information contained in the central public register referred to in paragraph 1 .
### member states shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this article can be accessed in a timely manner by competent authorities and by obliged entities . ### member states shall ensure that the general public , union and international competent authorities and obliged entities can access in an efficient and timely manner all information contained in the central public register referred to in paragraph 1 .
### member states shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this article can be accessed in a timely manner by competent authorities and by obliged entities . ### member states shall ensure that the general public , union and international competent authorities and obliged entities can access in an efficient and timely manner all information contained in the central public register referred to in paragraph 1 .
### member states shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this article can be accessed in a timely manner by competent authorities and by obliged entities . ### member states shall ensure that the general public , union and international competent authorities and obliged entities can access in an efficient and timely manner all information contained in the central public register referred to in paragraph 1 .
### member states shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this article can be accessed in a timely manner by competent authorities and by obliged entities . ### member states shall ensure that the general public , union and international competent authorities and obliged entities can access in an efficient and timely manner all information contained in the central public register referred to in paragraph 1 .
### member states shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this article can be accessed in a timely manner by competent authorities and by obliged entities . ### member states shall ensure that the general public , union and international competent authorities and obliged entities can access in an efficient and timely manner all information contained in the central public register referred to in paragraph 1 .
### member states shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this article can be accessed in a timely manner by competent authorities and by obliged entities . ### member states shall ensure that the general public , union and international competent authorities and obliged entities can access in an efficient and timely manner all information contained in the central public register referred to in paragraph 1 .
### member states shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this article can be accessed in a timely manner by competent authorities and by obliged entities . ### member states shall ensure that the general public , union and international competent authorities and obliged entities can access in an efficient and timely manner all information contained in the central public register referred to in paragraph 1 .
### other natural or legal persons trading in goods , only to the extent that payments are made or received in cash in an amount of eur 7 500 or more , whether the transaction is executed in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ; ### other natural or legal persons trading in goods , only to the extent that payments are made or received in cash in an amount of eur 15 000 or more , whether the transaction is executed in a single operation or in several operations which appear to be linked ;
### the commission may lend such assistance as may be needed to facilitate coordination , including the exchange of information between fius within the union . it may regularly convene meetings with representatives from member states ' fius to facilitate co - operation and to exchange views on co - operation related issues . ### the commission shall lend such assistance as may be needed to facilitate coordination , including the exchange of information between fius within the union . it shall regularly convene meetings with representatives from member states ' fius to facilitate co - operation and to exchange views on co - operation related issues .
### the commission may lend such assistance as may be needed to facilitate coordination , including the exchange of information between fius within the union . it may regularly convene meetings with representatives from member states ' fius to facilitate co - operation and to exchange views on co - operation related issues . ### the commission shall lend such assistance as may be needed to facilitate coordination , including the exchange of information between fius within the union . it shall regularly convene meetings with representatives from member states ' fius to facilitate co - operation and to exchange views on co - operation related issues .
### all member states have , or should , set up financial intelligence units to collect and analyse the information which they receive with the aim of establishing links between suspicious transactions and underlying criminal activity in order to prevent and combat money laundering and terrorist financing . suspicious transactions should be reported to the fius , which should serve as a national centre for receiving , analysing and disseminating to the competent authorities suspicious transaction reports and other information regarding potential money laundering or terrorist financing . this should not compel member states to change their existing reporting systems where the reporting is done through a public prosecutor or other law enforcement authorities , as long as the information is forwarded promptly and unfiltered to fius , allowing them to perform their tasks properly , including international cooperation with other fius . ### all member states have , or should , set up operationally independent and autonomous financial intelligence units to collect and analyse the information which they receive with the aim of establishing links between suspicious transactions and underlying criminal activity in order to prevent and combat money laundering and terrorist financing . suspicious transactions should be reported to the fius , which should serve as a national centre for receiving , analysing and disseminating to the competent authorities suspicious transaction reports and other information regarding potential money laundering or terrorist financing . this should not compel member states to change their existing reporting systems where the reporting is done through a public prosecutor or other law enforcement authorities , as long as the information is forwarded promptly and unfiltered to fius , allowing them to perform their tasks properly , including international cooperation with other fius .
### identifying the beneficial owner and taking reasonable measures to verify his identity so that the institution or person covered by this directive is satisfied that it knows who the beneficial owner is , including , as regards legal persons , trusts and similar legal arrangements , taking reasonable measures to understand the ownership and control structure of the customer ; ### identifying the beneficial owners and taking reasonable measures to verify their identity so that the institution or person covered by this directive is satisfied that it knows who the beneficial owners are , including , as regards legal persons , trusts and similar legal arrangements , taking reasonable measures to understand the ownership and control structure of the customer ;
### the use of the gambling sector to launder the proceeds of criminal activity is of concern . in order to mitigate the risks related to the sector and to provide parity amongst the providers of gambling services , an obligation for all providers of gambling services to conduct customer due diligence for single transactions of eur 2 000 or more should be laid down . member states should consider applying this threshold to the collection of winnings as well as wagering a stake . providers of gambling services with physical premises should ensure that customer due diligence , if it is taken at the point of entry to the premises , can be linked to the transactions conducted by the customer on those premises . ### the use of the gambling sector to launder the proceeds of criminal activity is of concern . in order to mitigate the risks related to the sector and to provide parity amongst the providers of gambling services , an obligation for all providers of gambling services to conduct customer due diligence for single transactions of eur 2 000 or more should be laid down . member states should consider applying this threshold to the collection of winnings as well as wagering a stake . providers of gambling services should ensure that customer due diligence , if it is taken at the point of entry can be linked to the transactions conducted by the customer .
### member states shall ensure that fius exchange , spontaneously or upon request , any information that may be relevant for the processing or analysis of information or investigation by the fiu regarding financial transactions related to money laundering or terrorist financing and the natural or legal person involved . a request shall contain the relevant facts , background information , reasons for the request and how the information sought will be used . ### member states shall ensure that fius exchange with both member state fius and non - member state fius , automatically or upon request , any information that may be relevant for the processing or analysis of information or investigation by the fiu regarding financial transactions related to money laundering or terrorist financing and the natural or legal person involved . a request shall contain the relevant facts , background information , reasons for the request and how the information sought will be used .
### it is important to expressly highlight that ‘ tax crimes’ related to direct and indirect taxes are included in the broad definition of ‘ criminal activity’ under this directive in line with the revised fatf recommendations . ### it is important to expressly highlight that ‘ tax crimes’ related to direct and indirect taxes are included in the broad definition of ‘ criminal activity’ under this directive in line with the revised fatf recommendations . differences in national definition should not impede the exchange of information between fius and other competent authorities .
### conducting ongoing monitoring of the business relationship including scrutiny of transactions undertaken throughout the course of that relationship to ensure that the transactions being conducted are consistent with the institution ' s or person ' s knowledge of the customer , the business and risk profile , including , where necessary , the source of funds and ensuring that the documents , data or information held are kept up - to - date . ### conducting ongoing monitoring of the business relationship including scrutiny of transactions undertaken throughout the course of that relationship to ensure that the transactions being conducted are consistent with the institution ' s or person ' s knowledge of the customer , the business and risk profile , including the source of funds and ensuring that the documents , data or information held are kept up - to - date .
### the commission may lend such assistance as may be needed to facilitate coordination , including the exchange of information between fius within the union . it may regularly convene meetings with representatives from member states ' fius to facilitate co - operation and to exchange views on co - operation related issues . ### the commission shall lend such assistance as may be needed to facilitate coordination , including the exchange of information between fius within the union . it shall regularly convene meetings with representatives from member states ' fius to facilitate co - operation and to exchange views on co - operation related issues .
### the commission may lend such assistance as may be needed to facilitate coordination , including the exchange of information between fius within the union . it may regularly convene meetings with representatives from member states ' fius to facilitate co - operation and to exchange views on co - operation related issues . ### the commission shall lend such assistance as may be needed to facilitate coordination , including the exchange of information between fius within the union . it shall regularly convene meetings with representatives from member states ' fius to facilitate co - operation and to exchange views on co - operation related issues .
### member states shall take all appropriate measures in order to protect employees of the obliged entity who report suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing either internally or to the fiu from being exposed to threats or hostile action . ### member states shall ensure that the obliged entities prevent their own employees who report suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing either internally or to the fiu from being exposed to threats or hostile action , including termination of employment , and that these should be provided with adequate legal protection if required .
### member states shall take all appropriate measures in order to protect employees of the obliged entity who report suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing either internally or to the fiu from being exposed to threats or hostile action . ### member states shall ensure that the obliged entities prevent their own employees who report suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing either internally or to the fiu from being exposed to threats or hostile action , including termination of employment , and that these should be provided with adequate legal protection if required .
### member states shall take all appropriate measures in order to protect employees of the obliged entity who report suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing either internally or to the fiu from being exposed to threats or hostile action . ### member states shall ensure that the obliged entities prevent their own employees who report suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing either internally or to the fiu from being exposed to threats or hostile action , including termination of employment , and that these should be provided with adequate legal protection if required .
### member states shall ensure that the provisions of this directive are extended in whole or in part to professions and to categories of undertakings , other than the obliged entities referred to in article 2 , which engage in activities which are particularly likely to be used for money laundering or terrorist financing purposes . ### member states shall , following a risk - based approach , ensure that the provisions of this directive are extended in whole or in part to professions and to categories of undertakings , other than the obliged entities referred to in article 2 , which engage in activities which are particularly likely to be used for money laundering or terrorist financing purposes .
### member states shall ensure that the provisions of this directive are extended in whole or in part to professions and to categories of undertakings , other than the obliged entities referred to in article 2 , which engage in activities which are particularly likely to be used for money laundering or terrorist financing purposes . ### member states shall , following a risk - based approach , ensure that the provisions of this directive are extended in whole or in part to professions and to categories of undertakings , other than the obliged entities referred to in article 2 , which engage in activities which are particularly likely to be used for money laundering or terrorist financing purposes .
### member states shall ensure that the provisions of this directive are extended in whole or in part to professions and to categories of undertakings , other than the obliged entities referred to in article 2 , which engage in activities which are particularly likely to be used for money laundering or terrorist financing purposes . ### member states shall , following a risk - based approach , ensure that the provisions of this directive are extended in whole or in part to professions and to categories of undertakings , other than the obliged entities referred to in article 2 , which engage in activities which are particularly likely to be used for money laundering or terrorist financing purposes .
### for companies whose average number of employees during the financial year exceeds 500 and , on their balance sheet dates , exceed either a balance sheet total of eur 20 million or a net turnover of eur 40 million , the review shall also include a non - financial statement containing information relating to at least environmental , social and employee matters , respect for human rights , anti - corruption and bribery matters , including : ### for companies whose average number of employees during the financial year exceeds 500 and , on their balance sheet dates , exceed either a balance sheet total of eur 20 million or a net turnover of eur 40 million , the review shall also include , where appropriate , a non - financial statement containing information in particular relating to environmental , social and employee matters , respect for human rights , anti - corruption and bribery matters , including :
### for parent undertakings of undertakings to be consolidated that together exceed an average number of 500 employees during the financial year , and , on their balance sheet dates , exceed either a balance sheet total of eur 20 million or a net turnover of eur 40 million , the review shall also include a non - financial statement containing information relating to at least environmental , social and employee matters , respect for human rights , anti - corruption and bribery matters , including the following : ### for parent undertakings of undertakings to be consolidated that together exceed an average number of 500 employees during the financial year , and , on their balance sheet dates , exceed either a balance sheet total of eur 20 million or a net turnover of eur 40 million and which have adopted a policy relating to environmental , social and employee matters , respect for human rights , anti - corruption and bribery matters , the review shall also include a non - financial statement containing information including :
### the agency shall issue opinions at request of the national regulatory bodies referred to in article 55 of directive 2012 / 34 / eu [ directive establishing a single european rail area ] concerning safety - related and interoperability - related aspects of matters drawn to their attention . ### the agency shall issue opinions at the request of one or more national regulatory bodies referred to in article 55 of directive 2012 / 34 / eu [ directive establishing a single european rail area ] concerning safety - related and interoperability - related aspects of matters drawn to their attention .
### the agency shall issue single safety certificates in accordance with articles 10 and 11 of directive … [ the safety directive ] . ### the agency shall issue , renew , suspend , amend or revoke single safety certificates in accordance with articles 10 and 11 of directive … [ the safety directive ] .
### the agency shall issue authorisations for placing on the market for railway vehicles in accordance with article 20 of directive … [ the interoperability directive ] . ### the agency shall issue , renew , suspend , amend or revoke authorisations for placing on the market for railway vehicles in accordance with article 20 of directive … [ the interoperability directive ] .
### the national authorities responsible for issuing the licences and certificates referred to in points and of paragraph 2 shall notify the agency within one month of each individual decision to issue , renew , amend or revoke those licenses and certificates . ### the national authorities responsible for issuing the licences and certificates referred to in points and of paragraph 2 shall notify the agency within fifteen days of each individual decision to issue , renew , amend or revoke those licenses and certificates .
### the national authorities responsible for issuing the licences and certificates referred to in points and of paragraph 2 shall notify the agency within one month of each individual decision to issue , renew , amend or revoke those licenses and certificates . ### the national authorities responsible for issuing the licences and certificates referred to in points and of paragraph 2 shall notify the agency within fifteen days of each individual decision to issue , renew , amend or revoke those licenses and certificates .
### in order to perform its tasks properly , the agency should have legal personality and an autonomous budget funded mainly through a contribution by the union and through fees and charges paid by applicants . in order to ensure independence in its daily management and in the opinions , recommendations and decisions which it issues , the agency’s organisation should be transparent , the executive director should have full responsibility . the agency’s staff should be independent and should represent an appropriate balance of short - term and long - term contracts , in order to maintain its organisational knowledge and business continuity while keeping necessary and on - going exchange of expertise with the railway sector . ### in order to perform its tasks properly , the agency should have legal personality and an autonomous budget funded mainly through a contribution by the union and through fees and charges paid by applicants . the eu contribution will need to be assessed and revised each time new powers are added which are not subject to fees or charges paid by applicants . in order to ensure independence in its daily management and in the opinions , recommendations and decisions which it issues , the agency’s organisation should be transparent , the executive director should have full responsibility . the agency ' s staff should be independent and should represent an appropriate balance of short - term and long - term contracts , in order to maintain its organisational knowledge and business continuity while keeping necessary and on - going exchange of expertise with the railway sector .
### the agency shall issue authorisations for placing on the market for types of vehicles in accordance with article 22 of directive … [ the interoperability directive ] . ### the agency shall issue , renew , suspend , amend or revoke authorisations for placing on the market for types of vehicles in accordance with article 22 of directive … [ the interoperability directive ] .