### the tallinn digital summit55 of september 2017 and the conclusions of the european council56 of 19 october 2017 indicated the need for europe to invest in digitising our economies and addressing the skills gap to maintain and enhance european competitiveness , our quality of life and social fabric . the european council concluded that the digital transformation offers immense opportunities for innovation , growth and jobs , will contribute to our global competitiveness , and enhance creative and cultural diversity . seizing these opportunities requires collectively tackling some of the challenges posed by the digital transformation and reviewing policies affected by the digital transformation . __________________ 55 https : / / www . eu2017 . ee / news / insights / conclusions - after - tallinn - digital - summit 56 https : / / www . consilium . europa . eu / media / 21620 / 19 - euco - final - conclusions - en . pdf ### the tallinn digital summit55 of september 2017 and the conclusions of the european council56 of 19 october 2017 indicated the need for europe to invest in efficient digitalisation of our economies and addressing the skills gap to maintain and enhance european competitiveness and innovation , our quality of life and social fabric . the european council concluded that the digital transformation offers immense opportunities for innovation , growth and jobs , will contribute to our global competitiveness , and enhance creative and cultural diversity . seizing these opportunities requires collectively tackling the challenges posed by the digital transformation in several ways , including by ensuring that the essential building blocks on which new technologies rely are put in place , by creating effective and easily enforceable legal rules , by reviewing policies affected by the digital transformation , and by creating an innovation - friendly environment in which the interests of users are fully safeguarded . __________________ 55 https : / / www . eu2017 . ee / news / insights / conclusions - after - tallinn - digital - summit 56 https : / / www . consilium . europa . eu / media / 21620 / 19 - euco - final - conclusions - en . pdf
### the communication “towards a common european data space”58 , addresses the new measure to be taken as a key step towards a common data space in the eu - a seamless digital area with a scale that will enable the development of new products and services based on data . _________________ 58 com 125 final ### the communication “towards a common european data space”58 , addresses the new measure to be taken as a key step towards a common data space in the eu - a seamless digital area with a scale that will enable the development and innovation of new products and services based on data . _________________ 58 com 125 final
### the programme should be implemented through projects reinforcing essential digital capacities and their wide use . this should involve co - investments with member states and , when needed , the private sector . this should notably require reaching a critical mass in procurement to obtain better value for money and guarantee that suppliers in europe stay at the forefront of technology advancements . ### the programme should be implemented through projects reinforcing essential digital capacities and the union ' s strategic autonomy . this should involve co - investments with member states and , when needed , the private sector . this should notably require reaching a critical mass in procurement to obtain better value for money and guarantee that suppliers in europe stay at the forefront of technology advancements .
### the programme should be implemented through projects reinforcing essential digital capacities and their wide use . this should involve co - investments with member states and , when needed , the private sector . this should notably require reaching a critical mass in procurement to obtain better value for money and guarantee that suppliers in europe stay at the forefront of technology advancements . ### the programme should be implemented through projects reinforcing essential digital capacities and the union ' s strategic autonomy . this should involve co - investments with member states and , when needed , the private sector . this should notably require reaching a critical mass in procurement to obtain better value for money and guarantee that suppliers in europe stay at the forefront of technology advancements .
### cybersecurity is a challenge for the whole union that cannot continue to be addressed only with fragmented national initiatives . europe ' s cybersecurity capacity should be reinforced to endow europe with the necessary capacities to protect its citizens and businesses from cyber threats . in addition consumers should be protected when using connected products that can be hacked and compromise their safety . this should be achieved together with member states and private sector by developing , and ensuring coordination between , projects reinforcing europe ' s capacities in cybersecurity and ensuring the wide deployment of latest cybersecurity solutions across the economy , as well as by aggregating the competences in this field to ensure critical mass and excellence . ### cybersecurity is a challenge for the whole union that cannot continue to be addressed only with fragmented national initiatives . europe ' s cybersecurity capacity should be reinforced to endow europe with the necessary capacities to protect its citizens , its strategic networks and its businesses from cyber threats . in addition consumers should be protected when using connected products that can be hacked and compromise their safety and that of their data . this should be achieved together with member states and private sector by developing , and ensuring coordination between , projects reinforcing europe ' s capacities in cybersecurity and ensuring the wide deployment of the latest cybersecurity solutions across the economy , as well as by aggregating the competences in this field to ensure critical mass and excellence .
### cybersecurity is a challenge for the whole union that cannot continue to be addressed only with fragmented national initiatives . europe ' s cybersecurity capacity should be reinforced to endow europe with the necessary capacities to protect its citizens and businesses from cyber threats . in addition consumers should be protected when using connected products that can be hacked and compromise their safety . this should be achieved together with member states and private sector by developing , and ensuring coordination between , projects reinforcing europe ' s capacities in cybersecurity and ensuring the wide deployment of latest cybersecurity solutions across the economy , as well as by aggregating the competences in this field to ensure critical mass and excellence . ### cybersecurity is a challenge for the whole union that cannot continue to be addressed only with fragmented national initiatives . europe ' s cybersecurity capacity should be reinforced to endow europe with the necessary capacities to protect its citizens , its strategic networks and its businesses from cyber threats . in addition consumers should be protected when using connected products that can be hacked and compromise their safety and that of their data . this should be achieved together with member states and private sector by developing , and ensuring coordination between , projects reinforcing europe ' s capacities in cybersecurity and ensuring the wide deployment of the latest cybersecurity solutions across the economy , as well as by aggregating the competences in this field to ensure critical mass and excellence .
### trust is a prerequisite for the digital single market to function . cybersecurity technologies such as digital identities , cryptography or intrusion detection , and their application in areas such as finance , industry 4 . 0 , energy , transportation , healthcare , or e - government are essential to safeguard the security and trust of online activity and transactions by both citizens , public administrations , and companies . ### trust is a prerequisite for the digital single market to function . cybersecurity technologies such as digital identities , cryptography , encryption or intrusion detection , and their application in areas such as finance , industry 4 . 0 , energy , transportation , healthcare , or e - government are essential to safeguard the security and trust of online activity and transactions by both citizens , public administrations , and companies .
### trust is a prerequisite for the digital single market to function . cybersecurity technologies such as digital identities , cryptography or intrusion detection , and their application in areas such as finance , industry 4 . 0 , energy , transportation , healthcare , or e - government are essential to safeguard the security and trust of online activity and transactions by both citizens , public administrations , and companies . ### trust is a prerequisite for the digital single market to function . cybersecurity technologies such as digital identities , cryptography or intrusion detection , and their application in areas such as finance , industry 4 . 0 , logistics , energy , transportation , tourism , healthcare , or e - government are essential to safeguard the security and trust of online activity and transactions by both citizens , public administrations , and companies .
### trust is a prerequisite for the digital single market to function . cybersecurity technologies such as digital identities , cryptography or intrusion detection , and their application in areas such as finance , industry 4 . 0 , energy , transportation , healthcare , or e - government are essential to safeguard the security and trust of online activity and transactions by both citizens , public administrations , and companies . ### trust is a prerequisite for the digital single market to function . cybersecurity technologies such as digital identities , cryptography or intrusion detection , and their application in areas such as finance , industry 4 . 0 , logistics , energy , transportation , tourism , healthcare , or e - government are essential to safeguard the security and trust of online activity and transactions by both citizens , public administrations , and companies .
### the advanced digital technologies supported by this programme , such as high performance computing , cybersecurity and artificial intelligence are now sufficiently mature to move beyond the research arena and be deployed , implemented and scaled - up at union level . just as the deployment of these technologies require a union response so does the skills dimension . training opportunities in advanced digital skills need to be scaled up , increased and made accessible throughout the eu . failing this could impede the smooth deployment of advanced digital technologies and hamper the overall competitiveness of union ' s economy . the actions supported by this programme are complementary to those supported by the esf , erdf and horizon europe programmes . ### the advanced digital technologies supported by this programme , such as high performance computing , cybersecurity and artificial intelligence are now sufficiently mature to move beyond the research arena and be deployed , implemented and scaled - up at union level , however should continue to be supported also at member states level . just as the deployment of these technologies requires a union response so does the skills dimension . bearing in mind the impact new technologies may have on the job market , training opportunities in advanced digital skills need to be scaled up , increased and made accessible throughout the eu , in particular for employees in the sectors that will be most affected by digital innovations . failing this could impede the smooth deployment of advanced digital technologies and hamper the overall competitiveness of union ' s economy . the actions supported by this programme are complementary to those supported by the esf , erdf and horizon europe programmes .
### the advanced digital technologies supported by this programme , such as high performance computing , cybersecurity and artificial intelligence are now sufficiently mature to move beyond the research arena and be deployed , implemented and scaled - up at union level . just as the deployment of these technologies require a union response so does the skills dimension . training opportunities in advanced digital skills need to be scaled up , increased and made accessible throughout the eu . failing this could impede the smooth deployment of advanced digital technologies and hamper the overall competitiveness of union ' s economy . the actions supported by this programme are complementary to those supported by the esf , erdf and horizon europe programmes . ### the advanced digital technologies supported by this programme , such as high performance computing , cybersecurity and artificial intelligence are now sufficiently mature to move beyond the research arena and be deployed , implemented and scaled - up at union level , however should continue to be supported also at member states level . just as the deployment of these technologies requires a union response so does the skills dimension . bearing in mind the impact new technologies may have on the job market , training opportunities in advanced digital skills need to be scaled up , increased and made accessible throughout the eu , in particular for employees in the sectors that will be most affected by digital innovations . failing this could impede the smooth deployment of advanced digital technologies and hamper the overall competitiveness of union ' s economy . the actions supported by this programme are complementary to those supported by the esf , erdf and horizon europe programmes .
### reflecting the importance of tackling climate change in line with the union’s commitments to implement the paris agreement and the united nations sustainable development goals , this programme will contribute to mainstream climate actions and lead to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the eu budget expenditures supporting climate objectives74 . relevant actions will be identified during the programme ' s preparation and implementation , and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes . _________________ 74 com 321 final , page 1 ### reflecting the importance of tackling climate change in line with the union’s commitments to implement the paris agreement and the united nations sustainable development goals , this programme will contribute to mainstream climate actions and lead to the swift achievement of an overall target of at least 25% of the eu budget expenditures supporting climate objectives74 over the mff 2021 - 2027 period and 30% as soon as possible at the latest by 2027 . relevant actions will be identified during the programme ' s preparation and implementation , and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes . it is imperative that the eu delivers on its commitment to be a frontrunner in implementing the un sustainable development goals although there is a lack of a clear and visible commitment to that end in the mff proposals , therefore , the mainstreaming of the sdgs should be present in all eu policies and initiatives of the next mff . _________________ 74 com 321 final , page 1
### the programme may provide funding in any of the forms laid down in the financial regulation , including notably procurement as a primary form as well as grants and prizes . it may also provide financing in the form of financial instruments within blending operations . ### the programme may provide funding in any of the forms laid down in the financial regulation , including notably procurement by the commission or funding body , by grant beneficiaries individually or jointly as a primary form of the action as well as grants and prizes . procurements may authorise the award of multiple contracts within the same procedure and may provide for place of performance conditions in line with applicable international procurement agreements . the programme may also provide financing in the form of financial instruments within blending operations .
### the programme may provide funding in any of the forms laid down in the financial regulation , including notably procurement as a primary form as well as grants and prizes . it may also provide financing in the form of financial instruments within blending operations . ### the programme may provide funding in any of the forms laid down in the financial regulation , including notably procurement by the commission or funding body , by grant beneficiaries individually or jointly as a primary form of the action as well as grants and prizes . procurements may authorise the award of multiple contracts within the same procedure and may provide for place of performance conditions in line with applicable international procurement agreements . the programme may also provide financing in the form of financial instruments within blending operations .
### the performance reporting system shall ensure that data for monitoring programme implementation and results are collected efficiently , effectively , and in a timely manner . to that end , proportionate reporting requirements shall be imposed on recipients of union funds and member states . ### the performance reporting system shall ensure that data for monitoring programme implementation and results are suitable for an in - depth analysis of the progress achieved and the difficulties encountered and are collected efficiently , effectively , and in a timely manner . to that end , proportionate reporting requirements shall be imposed on recipients of union funds and member states .
### evaluations shall be carried out in a timely manner to feed into the decision - making process . ### evaluations shall be carried out in a timely manner to feed into the decision - making process . the evaluations shall also provide for a qualitative assessment of the progress towards achieving the general objectives set out in article 3 .
### berec and the berec office have made a positive contribution towards a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications . notwithstanding , there are still significant disparities between member states as regards regulatory practice . moreover , the governance structure of berec and the berec office is cumbersome and gives rise to unnecessary administrative burden . in order to ensure efficiency gains and synergies and to further contribute to the development of the internal market for electronic communications throughout the union as well as to the promotion of access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities and the interests of the citizens of the union , this regulation aims to strengthen the role of berec and enhance its governance structure by establishing berec as a union decentralised agency . this also corresponds to the need to reflect the significantly enhanced role played by berec following regulation no 531 / 2012 which establishes tasks for berec in relation to union - wide roaming , regulation no 2015 / 2120 which establishes tasks for berec in relation to open internet access and union - wide roaming , and the directive which establishes a significant number of new tasks for berec such as issuing decisions and guidelines on several topics , reporting on technical matters , keeping registers and delivering opinions on internal market procedures for draft national measures on market regulation as well as on assignments of rights of use for radio spectrum . ### berec and the berec office have made a positive contribution towards a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications . notwithstanding , there are still significant disparities between member states as regards regulatory practice . moreover , the governance structure of berec and the berec office is cumbersome and gives rise to unnecessary administrative burden . in order to ensure efficiency gains and synergies and to further contribute to the development of the internal market for electronic communications throughout the union as well as to the promotion of access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , competition , transparency and non - discrimination in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities and the interests of the citizens of the union , this regulation aims to strengthen the role of berec and enhance its governance structure by establishing berec as a union decentralised agency . this also corresponds to the need to reflect the significantly enhanced role played by berec following regulation no 531 / 2012 which establishes tasks for berec in relation to union - wide roaming , regulation no 2015 / 2120 which establishes tasks for berec in relation to open internet access and union - wide roaming , and the directive which establishes a significant number of new tasks for berec such as issuing decisions and guidelines on several topics , reporting on technical matters , keeping registers and delivering opinions on internal market procedures for draft national measures on market regulation as well as on assignments of rights of use for radio spectrum .
### the need for the regulatory framework for electronic communications to be consistently applied in all member states is essential for the successful development of an internal market for electronic communications throughout the union and the promotion of access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , of competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities and of the interests of the citizens of the union . in view of market and technological developments , which often entails an increased cross - border dimension , and to the experience so far in ensuring a consistent implementation in the electronic communications field , it is necessary to build on the work of berec and the berec office and further develop them into a fully - fledged agency . ### the need for the regulatory framework for electronic communications to be consistently applied in all member states is essential for the successful development of an internal market for electronic communications throughout the union and the promotion of access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , of competition , transparency and non - discrimination in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities and of the interests of the citizens of the union . in view of market and technological developments , which often entails an increased cross - border dimension , and to the experience so far in ensuring a consistent implementation in the electronic communications field , it is necessary to build on the work of berec and the berec office and further develop them into a fully - fledged agency .
### berec should be allowed if necessary to cooperate with , and without prejudice to the role of , other union bodies , agencies , offices and advisory groups , in particular the radio spectrum policy group29 , the european data protection board30 , the european regulators group for audiovisual media services31 and the european union agency for network and information security32 ; as well as with existing committees . it should also be allowed to cooperate with competent authorities of third countries , in particular , regulatory authorities competent in the field of electronic communications and / or groups of those authorities , as well as with international organisations when necessary for the performance of its tasks . __________________ 29 decision 2002 / 622 / ec establishing a radio spectrum policy group . 30 established under regulation 2016 / 679 of the european parliament and of the council of 27 april 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data , and repealing directive 95 / 46 / ec . 31 directive [ . . . ] . 32 regulation no 526 / 2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 21 may 2013 concerning the european union agency for network and information security and repealing regulation no 460 / 2004 . ### berec should be allowed if necessary to cooperate with , and without prejudice to the role of , other union bodies , agencies , offices and advisory groups , in particular the radio spectrum policy group29 , the european data protection board30 , the european data protection supervisor , the european regulators group for audiovisual media services31 , the european union agency for network and information security32 and the european agency for fundamental rights ; as well as with existing committees . it should also be allowed to cooperate with competent authorities of third countries , in particular , regulatory authorities competent in the field of electronic communications and / or groups of those authorities , as well as with international organisations when necessary for the performance of its tasks . __________________ 29 decision 2002 / 622 / ec establishing a radio spectrum policy group . 30 established under regulation 2016 / 679 of the european parliament and of the council of 27 april 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data , and repealing directive 95 / 46 / ec . 31 directive [ . . . ] . 32 regulation no 526 / 2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 21 may 2013 concerning the european union agency for network and information security and repealing regulation no 460 / 2004 .
### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , as a last resort , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation . ### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , where necessary to perform its tasks , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . for that purpose , berec should establish a common information and communication system to avoid duplication of information requests and facilitate communication between all authorities involved . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation .
### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , as a last resort , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation . ### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , where necessary to perform its tasks , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . for that purpose , berec should establish a common information and communication system to avoid duplication of information requests and facilitate communication between all authorities involved . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation .
### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , as a last resort , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation . ### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , where necessary to perform its tasks , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . for that purpose , berec should establish a common information and communication system to avoid duplication of information requests and facilitate communication between all authorities involved . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation .
### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , as a last resort , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation . ### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , where necessary to perform its tasks , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . for that purpose , berec should establish a common information and communication system to avoid duplication of information requests and facilitate communication between all authorities involved . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation .
### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , as a last resort , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation . ### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , where necessary to perform its tasks , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . for that purpose , berec should establish a common information and communication system to avoid duplication of information requests and facilitate communication between all authorities involved . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation .
### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , as a last resort , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation . ### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , where necessary to perform its tasks , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . for that purpose , berec should establish a common information and communication system to avoid duplication of information requests and facilitate communication between all authorities involved . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation .
### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , as a last resort , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation . ### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , where necessary to perform its tasks , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . for that purpose , berec should establish a common information and communication system to avoid duplication of information requests and facilitate communication between all authorities involved . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation .
### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , as a last resort , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation . ### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , where necessary to perform its tasks , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . for that purpose , berec should establish a common information and communication system to avoid duplication of information requests and facilitate communication between all authorities involved . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation .
### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , as a last resort , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation . ### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , where necessary to perform its tasks , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . for that purpose , berec should establish a common information and communication system to avoid duplication of information requests and facilitate communication between all authorities involved . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation .
### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , as a last resort , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation . ### in order to carry out its tasks effectively , berec should have the right to request all necessary information from the commission , the nras and , where necessary to perform its tasks , other authorities and undertakings . requests for information should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden on the addressees . for that purpose , berec should establish a common information and communication system to avoid duplication of information requests and facilitate communication between all authorities involved . nras , which are closest to the electronic communications markets , should cooperate with berec and have a timely and accurate provision of information to ensure that berec is able to fulfil its mandate . berec should also share with the commission and the nras the necessary information based on the principle of sincere cooperation .
### berec shall pursue the same objectives as those of national regulatory authorities referred to in article 3 of the directive . in particular , berec shall ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and thereby contribute to the development of the internal market . it shall also promote access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity ; competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities ; and the interests of the citizens of the union . ### berec shall pursue the same objectives as those of national regulatory authorities referred to in article 3 of the directive . in particular , berec shall ensure a consistent , transparent and non - discriminatory implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and thereby contribute to the development of the internal market . it shall also promote access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity ; competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities ; and the interests and rights of the citizens of the union .
### berec shall pursue the same objectives as those of national regulatory authorities referred to in article 3 of the directive . in particular , berec shall ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and thereby contribute to the development of the internal market . it shall also promote access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity ; competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities ; and the interests of the citizens of the union . ### berec shall as primary objectives ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and contribute to the development of the internal market , thereby contributing to the objectives referred to in article 3 of the directive of promoting access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities , and the interests of the citizens of the union .
### berec shall pursue the same objectives as those of national regulatory authorities referred to in article 3 of the directive . in particular , berec shall ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and thereby contribute to the development of the internal market . it shall also promote access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity ; competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities ; and the interests of the citizens of the union . ### berec shall as primary objectives ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and contribute to the development of the internal market , thereby contributing to the objectives referred to in article 3 of the directive of promoting access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities , and the interests of the citizens of the union .
### berec shall pursue the same objectives as those of national regulatory authorities referred to in article 3 of the directive . in particular , berec shall ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and thereby contribute to the development of the internal market . it shall also promote access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity ; competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities ; and the interests of the citizens of the union . ### berec shall as primary objectives ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and contribute to the development of the internal market , thereby contributing to the objectives referred to in article 3 of the directive of promoting access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities , and the interests of the citizens of the union .
### berec shall pursue the same objectives as those of national regulatory authorities referred to in article 3 of the directive . in particular , berec shall ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and thereby contribute to the development of the internal market . it shall also promote access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity ; competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities ; and the interests of the citizens of the union . ### berec shall as primary objectives ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and contribute to the development of the internal market , thereby contributing to the objectives referred to in article 3 of the directive of promoting access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities , and the interests of the citizens of the union .
### berec shall pursue the same objectives as those of national regulatory authorities referred to in article 3 of the directive . in particular , berec shall ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and thereby contribute to the development of the internal market . it shall also promote access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity ; competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities ; and the interests of the citizens of the union . ### berec shall as primary objectives ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and contribute to the development of the internal market , thereby contributing to the objectives referred to in article 3 of the directive of promoting access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities , and the interests of the citizens of the union .
### berec shall pursue the same objectives as those of national regulatory authorities referred to in article 3 of the directive . in particular , berec shall ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and thereby contribute to the development of the internal market . it shall also promote access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity ; competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities ; and the interests of the citizens of the union . ### berec shall as primary objectives ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and contribute to the development of the internal market , thereby contributing to the objectives referred to in article 3 of the directive of promoting access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities , and the interests of the citizens of the union .
### berec shall pursue the same objectives as those of national regulatory authorities referred to in article 3 of the directive . in particular , berec shall ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and thereby contribute to the development of the internal market . it shall also promote access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity ; competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities ; and the interests of the citizens of the union . ### berec shall as primary objectives ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and contribute to the development of the internal market , thereby contributing to the objectives referred to in article 3 of the directive of promoting access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities , and the interests of the citizens of the union .
### berec shall pursue the same objectives as those of national regulatory authorities referred to in article 3 of the directive . in particular , berec shall ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and thereby contribute to the development of the internal market . it shall also promote access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity ; competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities ; and the interests of the citizens of the union . ### berec shall as primary objectives ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and contribute to the development of the internal market , thereby contributing to the objectives referred to in article 3 of the directive of promoting access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities , and the interests of the citizens of the union .
### berec shall pursue the same objectives as those of national regulatory authorities referred to in article 3 of the directive . in particular , berec shall ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and thereby contribute to the development of the internal market . it shall also promote access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity ; competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities ; and the interests of the citizens of the union . ### berec shall as primary objectives ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and contribute to the development of the internal market , thereby contributing to the objectives referred to in article 3 of the directive of promoting access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities , and the interests of the citizens of the union .
### berec shall pursue the same objectives as those of national regulatory authorities referred to in article 3 of the directive . in particular , berec shall ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and thereby contribute to the development of the internal market . it shall also promote access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity ; competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities ; and the interests of the citizens of the union . ### berec shall as primary objectives ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications within the scope referred to in paragraph 2 and contribute to the development of the internal market , thereby contributing to the objectives referred to in article 3 of the directive of promoting access to , and take - up of , very high capacity data connectivity , competition in the provision of electronic communications networks , services and associated facilities , and the interests of the citizens of the union .
### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec’s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ; ### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec’s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the annual report on berec ' s activities shall be presented to the european parliament and to the council by the executive director during a public session . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ;
### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec’s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ; ### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec ' s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the annual report on berec ' s activities shall be presented to the parliament and council by the executive director during a public session . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ;
### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec’s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ; ### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec ' s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the annual report on berec ' s activities shall be presented to the parliament and council by the executive director during a public session . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ;
### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec’s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ; ### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec ' s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the annual report on berec ' s activities shall be presented to the parliament and council by the executive director during a public session . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ;
### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec’s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ; ### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec ' s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the annual report on berec ' s activities shall be presented to the parliament and council by the executive director during a public session . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ;
### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec’s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ; ### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec ' s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the annual report on berec ' s activities shall be presented to the parliament and council by the executive director during a public session . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ;
### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec’s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ; ### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec ' s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the annual report on berec ' s activities shall be presented to the parliament and council by the executive director during a public session . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ;
### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec’s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ; ### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec ' s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the annual report on berec ' s activities shall be presented to the parliament and council by the executive director during a public session . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ;
### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec’s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ; ### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec ' s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the annual report on berec ' s activities shall be presented to the parliament and council by the executive director during a public session . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ;
### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec’s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ; ### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec ' s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the annual report on berec ' s activities shall be presented to the parliament and council by the executive director during a public session . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ;
### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec’s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ; ### adopt and proceed with an assessment of the consolidated annual activity report on berec ' s activities and send both the report and its assessment , by 1 july each year to the european parliament , the council , the commission and the court of auditors . the annual report on berec ' s activities shall be presented to the parliament and council by the executive director during a public session . the consolidated annual activity report shall be made public ;
### the declarations shall be accurate and complete , made in writing and updated whenever necessary . the declarations of interests made by the members of the management board and the executive director shall be made public . ### the declarations shall be accurate and complete , made in writing and updated whenever necessary . the declarations of interests made by the members of the management board , the executive director and members of the working groups shall be made public .
### the union ' s macro - financial assistance should support moldova ' s commitment to values shared with the union , including democracy , the rule of law , good governance , respect for human rights , sustainable development and poverty reduction , as well as its commitment to the principles of open , rules - based and fair trade . ### the union ' s macro - financial assistance should support moldova ' s commitment to values shared with the union , including democracy , the rule of law , good governance , including the de - politicisation of appointments in public administration , respect for human rights and free , independent and pluralistic media , sustainable development and poverty reduction , as well as its commitment to the principles of open , rules - based and fair trade .
### a pre - condition for granting the union ' s macro - financial assistance should be that moldova respects effective democratic mechanisms – including a multi - party parliamentary system – and the rule of law , and guarantees respect for human rights . in addition , the specific objectives of the union ' s macro - financial assistance should strengthen the efficiency , transparency and accountability of the public finance management systems , the governance and supervision of the financial sector in moldova and promote structural reforms aimed at supporting sustainable and inclusive growth , employment creation and fiscal consolidation . both the fulfilment of the preconditions and the achievement of those objectives should be regularly monitored by the commission and the european external action service . ### a pre - condition for granting the union ' s macro - financial assistance should be that moldova respects effective democratic mechanisms – including a multi - party parliamentary system – and the rule of law , including the independence of the judiciary , guarantees respect for human rights , supports free , independent and pluralistic media , and ensures an effective fight against corruption and a thorough , result - orientated investigation into the “bank fraud” . in addition , the specific objectives of the union ' s macro - financial assistance should strengthen the efficiency , transparency and accountability of the public finance management systems , the governance and supervision of the financial sector in moldova and promote structural reforms aimed at supporting sustainable and inclusive growth , employment creation and fiscal consolidation . both the fulfilment of the pre - condition and the achievement of those objectives should be regularly monitored by the commission and the european external action service . before any instalment is released , the commission and the european external action service should report to the european parliament and the council on the level of fulfilment of that pre - condition and the achievement of those objectives against clearly defined benchmarks . in the event that progress towards the objectives set out in the council conclusions of 15 february 2016 on moldova , the eu - moldova association agenda and the memorandum of understanding is insufficient , the release of instalments should be suspended immediately .
### a pre - condition for granting the union ' s macro - financial assistance should be that moldova respects effective democratic mechanisms – including a multi - party parliamentary system – and the rule of law , and guarantees respect for human rights . in addition , the specific objectives of the union ' s macro - financial assistance should strengthen the efficiency , transparency and accountability of the public finance management systems , the governance and supervision of the financial sector in moldova and promote structural reforms aimed at supporting sustainable and inclusive growth , employment creation and fiscal consolidation . both the fulfilment of the preconditions and the achievement of those objectives should be regularly monitored by the commission and the european external action service . ### a pre - condition for granting the union ' s macro - financial assistance should be that moldova respects effective democratic mechanisms – including a multi - party parliamentary system – and the rule of law , including the independence of the judiciary , guarantees respect for human rights , supports free , independent and pluralistic media , and ensures an effective fight against corruption and a thorough , result - orientated investigation into the “bank fraud” . in addition , the specific objectives of the union ' s macro - financial assistance should strengthen the efficiency , transparency and accountability of the public finance management systems , the governance and supervision of the financial sector in moldova and promote structural reforms aimed at supporting sustainable and inclusive growth , employment creation and fiscal consolidation . both the fulfilment of the pre - condition and the achievement of those objectives should be regularly monitored by the commission and the european external action service . before any instalment is released , the commission and the european external action service should report to the european parliament and the council on the level of fulfilment of that pre - condition and the achievement of those objectives against clearly defined benchmarks . in the event that progress towards the objectives set out in the council conclusions of 15 february 2016 on moldova , the eu - moldova association agenda and the memorandum of understanding is insufficient , the release of instalments should be suspended immediately .
### in order to ensure that the union’s financial interests linked to the union’s macro - financial assistance are protected efficiently , moldova should take appropriate measures relating to the prevention of , and fight against , fraud , corruption and any other irregularities linked to the assistance . in addition , provision should be made for the commission to carry out checks and for the court of auditors to carry out audits . ### in order to ensure that the union’s financial interests linked to the union’s macro - financial assistance are protected efficiently , moldova should fully implement appropriate measures relating to the prevention of , and fight against , fraud , corruption and any other irregularities linked to the assistance . in addition , provision should be made for the commission to carry out checks and for the court of auditors to carry out audits .
### the union ' s macro - financial assistance should be managed by the commission . in order to ensure that the european parliament and the council are able to follow the implementation of this decision , the commission should regularly inform them of developments relating to the assistance and provide them with relevant documents . ### the union ' s macro - financial assistance should be managed by the commission . in order to ensure that the european parliament and the council are able to follow the implementation of this decision , the commission should regularly inform them of developments relating to the assistance and provide them with relevant documents including the draft memorandum of understanding .
### ensuring the protection of the union ' s financial interests , in particular providing for specific measures in relation to the prevention of , and fight against , fraud , corruption and any other irregularities affecting the union ' s macro - financial assistance , in accordance with council regulation no 2988 / 9511 , council regulation no 2185 / 9612 and regulation no 883 / 2013 of the european parliament and of the council13 ; __________________ 11 council regulation no 2988 / 95 of 18 december 1995 on the protection of the european communities financial interests . 12 council regulation no 2185 / 96 of 11 november 1996 concerning on - the - spot checks and inspections carried out by the commission to protect the communities ' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities . 13 regulation no 883 / 2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 11 september 2013 concerning investigations conducted by the european anti - fraud office and repealing regulation no 1073 / 1999 of the european parliament and of the council and council regulation no 1074 / 1999 . ### ensuring the protection of the union ' s financial interests , in particular fully implementing specific measures in relation to the prevention of , and fight against , fraud , corruption and any other irregularities affecting the union ' s macro - financial assistance , in accordance with council regulation no 2988 / 9511 , council regulation no 2185 / 9612 and regulation no 883 / 2013 of the european parliament and of the council13 ; __________________ 11 council regulation no 2988 / 95 of 18 december 1995 on the protection of the european communities financial interests . 12 council regulation no 2185 / 96 of 11 november 1996 concerning on - the - spot checks and inspections carried out by the commission to protect the communities ' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities . 13 regulation no 883 / 2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 11 september 2013 concerning investigations conducted by the european anti - fraud office and repealing regulation no 1073 / 1999 of the european parliament and of the council and council regulation no 1074 / 1999 .
### medicated feed should be marketed in sealed containers for safety reasons and to protect user’s interest . ### medicated feed should be marketed in specially labelled sealed containers for safety reasons and to protect the user’s interest .
### medicated feed should be marketed in sealed containers for safety reasons and to protect user’s interest . ### medicated feed should be marketed in specially labelled sealed containers for safety reasons and to protect the user’s interest .
### a system for the collection of unused or expired products should be put in place in order to control any risk that such products might raise with regard to the protection of animal , human health or the environment . ### a system for the collection of unused or expired products should be put in place in order to control any risk that such products might raise with regard to the protection of animal health , human health or the environment . member states should set up such a system as and where necessary , in cooperation with regional and local authorities .
### the supply of medicated feed to animal holders shall be subject to the presentation and , in case of manufacturing by on - farm mixers , the possession of a veterinary prescription and to the conditions laid down in paragraphs 2 to 6 . ### the supply of medicated feed to animal holders shall be subject to the presentation and , in case of manufacturing by on - farm mixers , the possession of a veterinary prescription issued by a veterinarian and to the conditions laid down in paragraphs 2 to 6 .
### the supply of medicated feed to animal holders shall be subject to the presentation and , in case of manufacturing by on - farm mixers , the possession of a veterinary prescription and to the conditions laid down in paragraphs 2 to 6 . ### the supply of medicated feed to animal holders shall be subject to the presentation and , in case of manufacturing by on - farm mixers , the possession of a veterinary prescription issued by a veterinarian and to the conditions laid down in paragraphs 2 to 6 .
### feed business operators feeding food - producing animals with medicated feed shall keep records in accordance with article 69 of directive 2001 / 82 / ec . those records shall be kept for five years after the date of administration of medicated feed , including when the animal is slaughtered during the five - year period . ### feed business operators feeding food - producing animals with medicated feed shall keep records in accordance with article 69 of directive 2001 / 82 / ec . those records shall be kept for five years after the date of administration of medicated feed , including when the animal is slaughtered during the five - year period . member states shall ensure that the data in those records is collected and transferred to the union database on veterinary medicinal products ) .
### feed business operators feeding food - producing animals with medicated feed shall keep records in accordance with article 69 of directive 2001 / 82 / ec . those records shall be kept for five years after the date of administration of medicated feed , including when the animal is slaughtered during the five - year period . ### feed business operators feeding food - producing animals with medicated feed shall keep records in accordance with article 69 of directive 2001 / 82 / ec . those records shall be kept for five years after the date of administration of medicated feed , including when the animal is slaughtered during the five - year period . member states shall ensure that the data in those records is collected and transferred to the union database on veterinary medicinal products ) .
### feed business operators feeding food - producing animals with medicated feed shall keep records in accordance with article 69 of directive 2001 / 82 / ec . those records shall be kept for five years after the date of administration of medicated feed , including when the animal is slaughtered during the five - year period . ### feed business operators feeding food - producing animals with medicated feed shall keep records in accordance with article 69 of directive 2001 / 82 / ec . those records shall be kept for five years after the date of administration of medicated feed , including when the animal is slaughtered during the five - year period . member states shall ensure that the data in those records is collected and transferred to the union database on veterinary medicinal products ) .
### in order to enable a timely update of this regulation to the developments at the national level , the power to adopt acts in accordance with article 290 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union should be delegated to the european commission in respect of amending the annexes to this regulation and regulation no 987 / 2009 . it is of particular importance that the commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work , including at expert level and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the interinstitutional agreement on better law - making of 13 april 2016 . 43 in particular , to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts , the european parliament and council receive all documents at the same time as member states’ experts , and their experts systematically have access to meetings of commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts . __________________ 43 com 216 final . ### in order to enable a timely update of this regulation to the developments at the national level , the power to adopt acts in accordance with article 290 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union should be delegated to the european commission in respect of amending the annexes to this regulation and regulation no 987 / 2009 , and establish a fair and optional adjustment mechanism for the calculation of exporting family benefits by member states for children residing in another member state other than the competent member state . it is of particular importance that the commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work , including at expert level and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the interinstitutional agreement on better law - making of 13 april 2016 . 43 in particular , to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts , the european parliament and council receive all documents at the same time as member states’ experts , and their experts systematically have access to meetings of commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts . __________________ 43 com 216 final .
### in order to enable a timely update of this regulation to the developments at the national level , the power to adopt acts in accordance with article 290 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union should be delegated to the european commission in respect of amending the annexes to this regulation and regulation no 987 / 2009 . it is of particular importance that the commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work , including at expert level and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the interinstitutional agreement on better law - making of 13 april 2016 . 43 in particular , to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts , the european parliament and council receive all documents at the same time as member states’ experts , and their experts systematically have access to meetings of commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts . __________________ 43 com 216 final . ### in order to enable a timely update of this regulation to the developments at the national level , the power to adopt acts in accordance with article 290 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union should be delegated to the european commission in respect of amending the annexes to this regulation and regulation no 987 / 2009 , and establish a fair and optional adjustment mechanism for the calculation of exporting family benefits by member states for children residing in another member state other than the competent member state . it is of particular importance that the commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work , including at expert level and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the interinstitutional agreement on better law - making of 13 april 2016 . 43 in particular , to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts , the european parliament and council receive all documents at the same time as member states’ experts , and their experts systematically have access to meetings of commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts . __________________ 43 com 216 final .
### in order to enable a timely update of this regulation to the developments at the national level , the power to adopt acts in accordance with article 290 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union should be delegated to the european commission in respect of amending the annexes to this regulation and regulation no 987 / 2009 . it is of particular importance that the commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work , including at expert level and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the interinstitutional agreement on better law - making of 13 april 2016 . 43 in particular , to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts , the european parliament and council receive all documents at the same time as member states’ experts , and their experts systematically have access to meetings of commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts . __________________ 43 com 216 final . ### in order to enable a timely update of this regulation to the developments at the national level , the power to adopt acts in accordance with article 290 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union should be delegated to the european commission in respect of amending the annexes to this regulation and regulation no 987 / 2009 , and establish a fair and optional adjustment mechanism for the calculation of exporting family benefits by member states for children residing in another member state other than the competent member state . it is of particular importance that the commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work , including at expert level and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the interinstitutional agreement on better law - making of 13 april 2016 . 43 in particular , to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts , the european parliament and council receive all documents at the same time as member states’ experts , and their experts systematically have access to meetings of commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts . __________________ 43 com 216 final .
### in order to enable a timely update of this regulation to the developments at the national level , the power to adopt acts in accordance with article 290 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union should be delegated to the european commission in respect of amending the annexes to this regulation and regulation no 987 / 2009 . it is of particular importance that the commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work , including at expert level and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the interinstitutional agreement on better law - making of 13 april 2016 . 43 in particular , to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts , the european parliament and council receive all documents at the same time as member states’ experts , and their experts systematically have access to meetings of commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts . __________________ 43 com 216 final . ### in order to enable a timely update of this regulation to the developments at the national level , the power to adopt acts in accordance with article 290 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union should be delegated to the european commission in respect of amending the annexes to this regulation and regulation no 987 / 2009 , and establish a fair and optional adjustment mechanism for the calculation of exporting family benefits by member states for children residing in another member state other than the competent member state . it is of particular importance that the commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work , including at expert level and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the interinstitutional agreement on better law - making of 13 april 2016 . 43 in particular , to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts , the european parliament and council receive all documents at the same time as member states’ experts , and their experts systematically have access to meetings of commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts . __________________ 43 com 216 final .
### in order to enable a timely update of this regulation to the developments at the national level , the power to adopt acts in accordance with article 290 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union should be delegated to the european commission in respect of amending the annexes to this regulation and regulation no 987 / 2009 . it is of particular importance that the commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work , including at expert level and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the interinstitutional agreement on better law - making of 13 april 2016 . 43 in particular , to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts , the european parliament and council receive all documents at the same time as member states’ experts , and their experts systematically have access to meetings of commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts . __________________ 43 com 216 final . ### in order to enable a timely update of this regulation to the developments at the national level , the power to adopt acts in accordance with article 290 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union should be delegated to the european commission in respect of amending the annexes to this regulation and regulation no 987 / 2009 , and establish a fair and optional adjustment mechanism for the calculation of exporting family benefits by member states for children residing in another member state other than the competent member state . it is of particular importance that the commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work , including at expert level and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the interinstitutional agreement on better law - making of 13 april 2016 . 43 in particular , to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts , the european parliament and council receive all documents at the same time as member states’ experts , and their experts systematically have access to meetings of commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts . __________________ 43 com 216 final .
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### in the field of sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ### recital 20 is replaced by the following : “in the field of sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits , insured persons , as well as the members of their families , living or staying in a member state other than the competent member state , should be afforded protection . ”
### sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits ### in title iii , the title of chapter 1 is replaced by the following : “sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits”
### sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits ### in title iii , the title of chapter 1 is replaced by the following : “sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits”
### sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits ### in title iii , the title of chapter 1 is replaced by the following : “sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits”
### sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits ### in title iii , the title of chapter 1 is replaced by the following : “sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits”
### sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits ### in title iii , the title of chapter 1 is replaced by the following : “sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits”
### sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits ### in title iii , the title of chapter 1 is replaced by the following : “sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits”
### sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits ### in title iii , the title of chapter 1 is replaced by the following : “sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits”
### sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits ### in title iii , the title of chapter 1 is replaced by the following : “sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits”
### sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits ### in title iii , the title of chapter 1 is replaced by the following : “sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits”
### sickness , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits ### in title iii , the title of chapter 1 is replaced by the following : “sickness , long - term care , maternity and equivalent paternity benefits”
### long - term care benefits for insured persons and members of their families need to be coordinated according to specific rules which , in principle , follow the rules applicable to sickness benefits , in line with the case law of the court of justice . it is also necessary to provide for specific provisions in case of overlapping of long - term care benefits in kind and in cash . ### long - term care benefits for insured persons and members of their families should , in principle , continue to be coordinated according to the rules applicable to sickness benefits , taking the specific nature of long - term care benefits into account and in line with the case law of the court of justice . it is also necessary to provide for specific provisions in case of overlapping of long - term care benefits in kind and in cash .
### long - term care benefits for insured persons and members of their families need to be coordinated according to specific rules which , in principle , follow the rules applicable to sickness benefits , in line with the case law of the court of justice . it is also necessary to provide for specific provisions in case of overlapping of long - term care benefits in kind and in cash . ### long - term care benefits for insured persons and members of their families should , in principle , continue to be coordinated according to the rules applicable to sickness benefits , taking the specific nature of long - term care benefits into account and in line with the case law of the court of justice . it is also necessary to provide for specific provisions in case of overlapping of long - term care benefits in kind and in cash .
### long - term care benefits for insured persons and members of their families need to be coordinated according to specific rules which , in principle , follow the rules applicable to sickness benefits , in line with the case law of the court of justice . it is also necessary to provide for specific provisions in case of overlapping of long - term care benefits in kind and in cash . ### long - term care benefits for insured persons and members of their families should , in principle , continue to be coordinated according to the rules applicable to sickness benefits , taking the specific nature of long - term care benefits into account and in line with the case law of the court of justice . it is also necessary to provide for specific provisions in case of overlapping of long - term care benefits in kind and in cash .
### article 19 stay outside the competent member state unless otherwise provided for by paragraph 2 , an insured person and the members of his / her family staying in a member state other than the competent member state shall be entitled to the benefits in kind which become necessary on medical grounds during their stay , taking into account the nature of the benefits and the expected length of the stay . these benefits shall be provided on behalf of the competent institution by the institution of the place of stay , in accordance with the provisions of the legislation it applies , as though the persons concerned were insured under the said legislation . 2 . the administrative commission shall establish a list of benefits in kind which , in order to be provided during a stay in another member state , require for practical reasons a prior agreement between the person concerned and the institution providing the care . ### article 19 is replaced by the following ; “article 19 stay outside the competent member state unless otherwise provided for by paragraph 2 , an insured person and the members of his / her family staying in a member state other than the competent member state shall be entitled to the benefits in kind which become necessary on either medical grounds or due to the need for long - term care during their stay , taking into account the nature of the benefits and the expected length of the stay . these benefits shall be provided on behalf of the competent institution by the institution of the place of stay , in accordance with the provisions of the legislation it applies , as though the persons concerned were insured under the said legislation . 2 . the administrative commission shall establish a list of benefits in kind which , in order to be provided during a stay in another member state , require for practical reasons a prior agreement between the person concerned and the institution providing the benefit . ”