1 value
27 values
What an 'ugly biased' column. Obviously our unethical French-Canadian Miss seems to feel that her "idealization & devaluation" neurotic premise in describing "The English" is acceptable; especially when describing.. "Portraits of stoic Brits during the Blitz are adorably misleading. Honest accounts of the time reveal a population blind-drunk and irretrievably slutty. A far cry from the image we’ve been sold.." ??"adorably misleading"?? ??"blind-drunk & irretrievable slutty"?? Ms. Cormier appears to enjoy
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Oh pish tosh mr kon. The GOP/trump own this thing now. They spent their last seven years staging 59 votes to repeal the PPACA rather than coming up with anything different that would in reality make the PPACA better for the American people. What they have proposed is what was vetted by the CBO and that non-partisan organization came up with the GOP plan costing 24 Million people their access to healthcare and for many their very lives. If they had prepared a more complete plan which they had seven years to
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9199079871177673 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.03679564595222473 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02596697397530079 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.02009541355073452 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.012899721041321754 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.010851488448679447 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004884418565779924 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0026613872032612562 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002112196059897542 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0020261602476239204 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.00152898533269763 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.00140516203828156 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.001259808661416173 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0009432443766854703 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007879861514084041 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007545954431407154 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006486155325546861 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0006076892022974789 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006030029617249966 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005706838564947248 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005085410084575415 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004648936737794429 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0004549801233224571 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004517894994933158 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00043016939889639616 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00029046920826658607 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002795603941194713 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00023502555268350989 } ]
My advice to Dr. Strangelove is "DON'T MESS WITH CHINA". Centuries of hardship: flooding, drought, changes in dynasties, and ruthless political campaigns including the Great Leap Forward in which approximately 35,000,000 starved to death, have steeled the Chinese. They are used to hardships, whereas Americans and Canadians excepting African Americans and people of the First Nations, are used to creature comforts and live lives that are soft in comparison. Having lived in China for more than twenty years, I
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And exactly what medical issue is birth control pills and any other birth control device addressing? It is most certainly not the same as antibiotics, heart meds, blood pressure meds...you know that and so does everyone else. If there are legitimate medical considerations, then by all means allow them to be prescribed and paid for. But, employers being forced to pay for convenience items that are the personal responsibility of their employees is ridiculous and in my view, unlawful regardless of any religi
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.29615819454193115 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2819306254386902 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.25010642409324646 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.1922226846218109 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.08870936185121536 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.05198235809803009 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.03522254154086113 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.014738387428224087 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.01198624074459076 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.007811389863491058 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00502786273136735 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004017951432615519 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0028113131411373615 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0023300095926970243 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.00218807440251112 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001819912577047944 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0016328598139807582 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0015454987296834588 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0010300006251782179 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0009947260841727257 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007488888222724199 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.000674597336910665 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005983944283798337 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00045636508730240166 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002833171747624874 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00028115001623518765 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00025298891705460846 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00018326117424294353 } ]
I have never been so dissapointed in my democrate party and their friends .. What we are doing around the country is back firing on us! Blocking peaceful people from airports, spitting on people , violence and firebombs at berckley! We preach love but act more like spoiled kids throwing tantrums.. we are hippocirtes but my final straw was this professer at NYU ! People watching this will be more drawn to donald trump. How stupid we are!!! We support violence? (“You should kick their ass!” the professor de
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.5093176364898682 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.4467473328113556 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.1678498238325119 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.08402609080076218 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.06385208666324615 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.037206050008535385 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.02280191145837307 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.01670912280678749 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.012743011116981506 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.011617121286690235 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.009509771130979061 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.00738517614081502 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.004538323730230331 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0034044221974909306 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0033675888553261757 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.003111968282610178 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0021394856739789248 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0018799548270180821 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0017952979542315006 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001699416316114366 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001437059254385531 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0014355903258547187 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0014276127330958843 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0011624504113569856 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.001070750062353909 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006131010013632476 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005064375000074506 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00048807947314344347 } ]
Yes Mike you have a point. The Mat Su Borough leaders are, or were in the past, a bunch of incompetent nincompoops. But swimming pools improperly maintained, they are 30 years old Mike! Maintenance can only be stretched so far. A falling apart Port Mac with no customer's, and the ferry boondoggle, true enough! Rail Link too, a boondoggle of idiotic proportions. But hey, Im just being optimistic and hoping that maybe with new leadership, a new tax source can be used for something useful, hopefully by politi
[ { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.79461669921875 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.38849112391471863 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.059583719819784164 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.0594722144305706 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03161994367837906 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.021241705864667892 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.020631937310099602 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.018321484327316284 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.014917123131453991 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.011317158117890358 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.010417497716844082 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.008518846705555916 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.005590919405221939 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0038487070705741644 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0030917737167328596 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00284742284566164 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0027097384445369244 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0023498120717704296 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.002275547944009304 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0021029768977314234 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0018064221367239952 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0016838599694892764 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.001249750959686935 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0010237753158435225 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0009068491635844111 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006003424059599638 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005834166659042239 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003918347938451916 } ]
first - the "fat drunk and stupid" is only stated because of the pic of dorfman... i didn't relate it to you specifically and apologize if it came off that way - i can see how it would have . get a peek at my avatar. pretty much same quote would work.. i think you don't know the grat lakes - i was told it was kinda like the Irish Sea - cold, choppy, unforgiving. black water. the great lakes are to be respected. the bottoms of all the lakes are littered with wrecks - edmund fitzgerald being one. storms c
[ { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.7019225358963013 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2740553915500641 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.09778792411088943 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.06942380219697952 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.05471348762512207 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.04734834283590317 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.039900023490190506 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.03157706558704376 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.022119460627436638 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.020840736106038094 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.01998441480100155 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.01243363507091999 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.010672686621546745 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0070252809673547745 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.006520500406622887 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.006470831111073494 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.005733523052185774 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.005015864036977291 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.004917169455438852 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0046562873758375645 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0031506812665611506 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0021209518890827894 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.002039866289123893 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0019670433830469847 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0018565834034234285 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0016990838339552283 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001055347267538309 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0007473774021491408 } ]
You can't run as a "progressive" out one side of your mouth, be an unquestioning rubber-stamp for the PPB out yet another, and give money, time, and labor uncritically to a church that hates LGBTQ people, disabled people, and believes mixed-race marriages aren't okay out yet another. Bailey failed spectacularly because Portland voters don't like hypocrites, and I can't think of anyone more hypocritical in this or any race. Perhaps it's time to consider something other than politics, Mr. Bailey, or potentia
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4203099310398102 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.3645533323287964 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.3146992325782776 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.10016466677188873 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.030149327591061592 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.02354750595986843 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.019828634336590767 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.015804100781679153 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0077229831367731094 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005274171940982342 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.003582729259505868 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.003560293698683381 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0031536435708403587 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0021423897705972195 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001379729830659926 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013529409188777208 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0011954784858971834 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0010283146984875202 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008916443912312388 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0008843699470162392 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005632478278130293 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005487820017151535 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.000520995061378926 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004605957947205752 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00044789418461732566 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00043286223080940545 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0004189296450931579 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003177582984790206 } ]
It is about demographics. . The "freedom caucus"/ "tea party" are astro-turf constructs of Big Oil. They represent the idea of the GWB presidency - the most Oil-controlled gov't in US history - after GWB became politically toxic. . The target is old white, red-necked males with money. That is a core vote Big Oil wants. So they nominate jocks who are in car sales or in the plastics business, preferably evangelicals. . US Health care is about race. . That is why America is the only major OECD nation withou
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8714357018470764 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0977710708975792 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.036057207733392715 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.01602325215935707 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.008209526538848877 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.006129993591457605 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003843210404738784 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0025738298427313566 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0018989380914717913 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0017383486265316606 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0016924483934417367 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0014153779484331608 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001202870043925941 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0011074835201725364 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0008050703909248114 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007390367682091892 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.000713038956746459 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005061030969955027 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005032372428104281 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004924163222312927 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00041656792745925486 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.000413635018048808 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004083637904841453 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00034857215359807014 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002768092672340572 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0002750480198301375 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00023395195603370667 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00021378866222221404 } ]
To my friends in the center and on the right I want you to rise above the left's hate. Yes social media should ban these snivelling snarks. I want you to cuddle that stupid lefty, don't treat them like they deserve. Rise above their hate, try to teach them that loving your culture and protecting your culture is no different than say the Quebecois who protect their language and their culture. They don't call Quebecois racist. No they reserve that for white folks cause we are easy quiet targets who rarely r
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.42648154497146606 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.1865651160478592 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.1549706608057022 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.1028195321559906 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.08298428356647491 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.07999283820390701 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.021374478936195374 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.010137544013559818 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.00872789602726698 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.008302545174956322 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.006852403748780489 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.005235733930021524 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0034380319993942976 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.003261466510593891 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.001704242080450058 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.001378432265482843 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001194412587210536 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0011859152000397444 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0011657153954729438 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0009959232993423939 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0009810765041038394 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0009618335752747953 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0009571325499564409 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0009367877501063049 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008323498186655343 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006298150401562452 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006018138374201953 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0003024502075277269 } ]
tRump -- making America grrrr..hate. As far as conservative voices being heard, they have been heard and heard and heard and heard and their screeching and complaints and divisiveness and vilification of those on the progressive side has dominated for the past 17 years. I am so tired of conservatives constantly crying about "conservatism" but have no real understanding of conservative politics, policy or theory. They feel so so misunderstood while they do nothing but attack and vilify. How many righties
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As much as I think Trump is a boorish nitwit, I don't think that's the fight you want to pick. Press articles about missing Oval Office statues, Spicer's footwear, Melania's headgear, disputed numbers of social media followers, internal machinations of White House staff and POTUS-FLOTUS marital relations all have little worth as actual news. In the arts - the Hamilton cast, actors at awards shows, two or three singers at rallies getting full of themselves...nearly every SNL episode since July...pundits us
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First, faux-meats are kind of a misnomer: seitan and soy have been used for centuries as protein options for non meat-eaters in South and East Asia. Tofu is a food in itself. Seitan is a food in itself. They are used in dishes as substitutes for meat alternatives for centuries. There are faux-meat dishes in Asian restaurants that have just as long of a history as the meat-equivalent dishes themselves. To say that seitan has to be 100% like beef is ridiculous. Second, as many have pointed out, the point of
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4510258436203003 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.35791125893592834 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.11432220041751862 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.057421475648880005 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.028245190158486366 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.021694660186767578 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.019558779895305634 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.019091688096523285 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.01878519169986248 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0048800562508404255 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.004859003704041243 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003244810039177537 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0018940665759146214 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0017662838799878955 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0016405321657657623 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0012005092576146126 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0009995355503633618 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.000987283419817686 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0009286312269978225 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0007104116957634687 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006715981871820986 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006122253835201263 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005915065412409604 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00045533088268712163 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004100665682926774 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00030069920467212796 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0002740120398811996 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00023479708761442453 } ]
For one thing, the pretend patriots backing the media moron known as Donald Trump are mostly cowards, and he knows it more than most. A few of them will show up with their side-arms, as if that matters, at certain events, like they did at the birth of the so-called TEA Party. So what? For another, both candidates are sock puppets---How does a thinking person gauge their obedience to a political process under the relative pall of a police state? Carefully. If Trump wins, it will totally disarm the cra
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I quoted WaPo the other day - Hobson and Neko both ignored the quote - one called me a liar, the other a troll. It's a shame you didn't see the exchange. I often use references to rather liberal media here, because if I use more middle of the road or conservative media, my comments are discounted & name calling ensues. Surely you have seen this tendency? And am I not to point out the hypocrisy in coverage? It has nothing to do with "tactics" or "corners" - it has to do with truth in reporting. The
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.282919317483902 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.24246740341186523 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.23823535442352295 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.14243575930595398 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.09582699090242386 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.06217126175761223 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.049889471381902695 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0264218058437109 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.015342445112764835 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.014974955469369888 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.010342082008719444 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.009705800563097 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.007684282958507538 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.005503785330802202 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0036800995003432035 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.00327878980897367 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0028200531378388405 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0024657114408910275 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002347641158849001 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0023047393187880516 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.001847257954068482 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001306144637055695 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001183369429782033 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0009626439423300326 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000917206343729049 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006375299417413771 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00027571251848712564 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00027535841218195856 } ]
Hillary is 100% correct! Her loss had NOTHING to do with the fact she was an awful candidate, a corrupt venal entitled puppet for Wall Street, an arrogant presumptuous psychopath, a two-faced lying hypocrite, none of these factors had ANYTHING to do with her loss--Why? you might ask--BECAUSE all these characteristics were obvious to all in the DNC who anointed her as the NEXT "identity" to become royalty--black, then female, apparently was the order of coronation by the Left-- The Media had already prepare
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Canada is about to see what the united states has been putting up with for years, CLOSE OUR BOARDERS, razor wire, and Canadian soldiers at all boarder crossings in Manitoba an Quebec there is a right way an a wrong way, TO ENTER MY COUNTRY ''CANADA'' I AM THE TAX PAYER not some two bit politician, i am and have been in the process of bringing my wife to canada for the last 7 months, no word yet on MY LEGAL APPLICATION TO SPONSOR MY '''WIFE'' the most stupid immigration system in the world, that is Canada's
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I gave up all hope of Republicans ever having enough sense years ago when Bush got re-elected after committing the US to two foreign actions after cutting taxes and maxing the federal credit cards. But I wrote that off as mere laziness, stupidity and right-intentions-wrong-headedness. Confirm an appointee who has no experience and no qualifications as secretary of education would be similarly wrongheaded. Except DeVos doesn't just lack qualities. She has spent over a dozen years trying to undermine publi
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.45012718439102173 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.2644634544849396 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.247848242521286 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.11293674260377884 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.039914894849061966 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.027811482548713684 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.020841065794229507 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.00854796264320612 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.00541047565639019 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.004457579459995031 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.004027195740491152 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0036625212524086237 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0024888510815799236 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0018578493036329746 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0018244677921757102 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0016580050578340888 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0014033018378540874 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.001304328441619873 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0012649098644033074 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0010970811126753688 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001086664036847651 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0010648977477103472 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00086834910325706 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.000754196138586849 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006515398272313178 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006473714602179825 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0006453001988120377 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0006285398849286139 } ]
It seems like there is always a budget shortfall and the first thing they cut is education so they can hold the kids hostage to another raise in taxes. The government has no incentive to save or use money efficiently yet they keep telling us that government is the answer to fix all problems. It seems like they are not allowed to ever have a budget surplus and must always spend more than they take in so they can complain that there isn't enough. I think you must find a way for government to pay for itself in
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Well I see that one of my comments to you was downrated for "incivility" or just plain gang censorship. Good work anti first amendment people. There is no such thing as clean coal. Cleaner coal is a possibility but even taking the entire tops off mountains to get at the coal is too expensive to compete with the vast surplus of natural gas. Market forces have made coal obsolete and I believe trump knew that when he lied to the people of Appalachia that he would bring back those jobs. Power plant owners have
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No. This ain't the free world. DeMaryius Thomas is guilty until proven innocent. He's not done much to earn his $70 million. He's dropped plenty of passes, some at critical points when a big-time catch could've/would've lifted Denver and its fans. Can you imagine a 30-yard catch on 2nd-and-18 with Denver driving to take the lead in the third quarter? Yeah, when Thomas starts turning in those catches, not a catch but catches, and rumbles for 139 yards on six catches one game and then another game he'll start
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Doesn't say if this schmuck is on a student visa. If so, deport him. If he tries to reapply, he will have a federal felony record and will never every be allowed re-entry. You really lose a valuable privilege when this is forever denied. If any of you American citizens abuse your flying privileges you get put on a no-fly list, and nobody will tell you when it ends. Not even if it ends. So it behooves us to all behave ourselves and insure we get to our destinations happy. If you see some mother screaming abo
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I am laughing my butt off here..... I spent 20 years in this building, well, actually 19 years, and nearly one in the Northwest corner of the old City Hall whilst it was being built. There was a time whence KFC had a front there, as well as other establishments that served food, and up to the Lee family business, which they ran well, as well as representations of the Covenant House, which did NOT run so well, and for the entire time, sometimes better, but mostimes worse, the Transit Center was a place of
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The DSM is a socially construction. Diagnoses come and go as society changes. For example, homosexuality was removed as a mental illness in 1987 after gay rights activists protested. The total removal of homosexuality from the DSM was the result of a vote. Recently, sexual identity disorder(s) were reconfigured to eliminate stigma against trans persons. The reconfiguration came after consultation with transgender advocacy organizations. And a vote. Gender dysphoria continues to be a diagnosis only to facili
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7833786606788635 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.1935243159532547 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.14838744699954987 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.015660466626286507 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.014370139688253403 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.011928810738027096 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.010032975114881992 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.007624607998877764 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.005541052669286728 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0031356599647551775 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0028776582330465317 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0022070957347750664 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0020386879332363605 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.002013140358030796 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0019528171978890896 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001792625873349607 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0017773446161299944 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0016219180542975664 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0015076128765940666 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0014380654320120811 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0013066156534478068 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001292975153774023 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0010141723323613405 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.000967236643191427 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0009486389462836087 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0008920301334001124 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0007558048819191754 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00044867643737234175 } ]
All animal populations are limited by bottom-up mechanisms (resources), not by top-down pressures (predation). Anyone who thinks predators control their prey populations doesn't know anything about wildlife biology/ecology. It simply does not, has not and never will work that way. Animal populations are determined by the carrying capacity of the habitat they occupy, predators only remove a small percentage of the population--mostly the old, sick and weakest individuals; thereby ensuring the health of the
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There is no getting around the facts: what is required to meet the Paris targets is that we shut down or reduce tarsands mining, eliminate gas fracking and LNG plants, eliminate coal and gas fired electricity, significantly reduce methane and CO2 emissions from agriculture and industry and rapidly transition to alternative sources of fuel for vehicles and baseload electricity generation. Canadians can do little to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on their own; what is required is immediate and decisive act
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# 1: SOCCER players are sucks & whiners! If they tried to play REAL FOOTBALL they would get their butts kicked! They're good athletes but not very tough ones! #2: The T.O. Argos have been around for 100+ years & are not going anywhere. The C.F.L. will prosper for DECADES to come! Unfortunately some sports 'fans' in T.O. are just plain snobs. #3: BMO Stadium is OWNED by the CITY of TORONTO, NOT T.F.C.! It was built as a MULTI-PURPOSE facility with other sports in mind! Rugby is also played there. I've never
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4919062852859497 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.19162890315055847 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.14145532250404358 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.10954892635345459 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.06186886131763458 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.029036758467555046 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.023858459666371346 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.012496275827288628 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.009749888442456722 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.008617335930466652 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0032507050782442093 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0016539774369448423 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0016068653203547 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0015471323858946562 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0011718733003363013 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0010074438760057092 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0009441102156415582 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.000940559315495193 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0007361843017861247 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.000711074098944664 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000684115628246218 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006545091164298356 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006505107739940286 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0005818309728056192 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005304673104546964 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.000462518073618412 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004208721802569926 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003304972779005766 } ]
The reviews on this movie were completely off target! I've always known that the mainstream movie critics are often totally off on their appraisals. The reviews of this movie proved to me that if I want an honest and or accurate review that I need to dig a bit deeper and or simply rely on my own now apparently more relevant abilities. What a joke! The comment on your review of this movie that was simply a spelling correction noting your misspelling of elicit, is similar to my wife's reaction to "my" revie
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Unto the students, unto the teachers, and unto the citizens within general, within said active shooter situation, no matter where said situation occurs. If you are unarmed, and if it is safe and clear to do so, escape if you can, protecting those around you, if you can, and if you are trapped, fight like hell to save your own life and those around you. Do NOT cower. Do NOT hide. Go after the bastards within mass, and take their sorry asses out, within every tool that you can gather. If you are armed, f
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Going to blow your assuming mind here, James, but I voted for, and fully support the legalization of marijuana in this State, as I would do so within any State. See what happens when you assume something? You make an ass out of you, not me. States rights are States rights, young man, and within our Constitution, supersede the rights of the Federal Government to over hold, or, oversee the decisions of said States by the voters within said States. Quit assuming who I am, or what I stand for, James, as it
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Vanderbilt gang rape case where the rapist urinated in the white victim's face telling her she deserved it because of slavery & 400 years of oppression. Another rape case where black man raped white woman said as he was cutting her throat she deserved it for slavery. Vet attacked in DC McDonald's after being asked 'do black lives matter?' They kicked him in the head as he lay on the ground knocked out and robbed. Victim after victim (most often white but not always though the perps are always black) of unpr
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Worked so hard for the physical and mental damage that I have yet to overcome and can't explain changed cause someone that should of never had a gun in the first place did and shot twice but fired twelve rounds emptied the clip cause I told him he was on private property and asked him to leave you know I read some of your comments and it makes me sick you know I'm that guy who is the first line of defense when your family or loved one goes to a concert ,a bar a hockey basketball or football game or working
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Just take ONE Martin paragraph. Such hypocrisy and false facts: "Mr. Trump has driven foreigners of colour out and prevented them from coming in." Really? When did he do this??? Enforcement of US immigration laws does none of this. Obama enforced the same rules. "Deportations are way up. ". Uh?? Obama deported 3 Million people during his reign. "There’s his unrelenting rhetoric against outsiders taking American jobs". Uh? That's the first job of a leader of a country to protect its citizens. "there’s h
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Your Trump style ALTERNATE FACTS just don't cut it. It was a watered down, tainted nomination contest without DeSousa in it. The high school teacher won because of the Greek vote, the pro-DeSousa protest vote and the secret deal James cut with Lambropoulos on the second ballot votes. DeSousa didn't withdraw his name from the ballot, the Liberals arbitrarily "Red Lighted" him to limit the competition so James could get in easier. Nathan wasn't trying to buy a nomination, the Liberals set a retroactiv
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7269410490989685 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.3038271367549896 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.04663814231753349 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0446789376437664 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.028168901801109314 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01507088728249073 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.00382055202499032 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0036655261646956205 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002660027239471674 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002560428809374571 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0020810249261558056 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0020380031783133745 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001018547103740275 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0009783855639398098 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0009625321254134178 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0009413199732080102 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008024123380891979 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0007756518898531795 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007536313496530056 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0006441468140110373 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006132356938906014 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005442785914056003 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005300086340866983 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004917729529552162 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004178995150141418 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00036662694765254855 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000308439222862944 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.000289255433017388 } ]
They need one more react emoji -- Mr. Yuck. "You are all pitifully ignorant of our voting system " -- to whom is this addressed? Ditto "You weren't anti electoral college before the election" -- you seem ignorant of the movement to retire this mechanism, even tho before the election 2 of WA's D electors swore not to vote for Clinton A tweet from Trump is not the same thing as facts. "W" Bush spent his 8 years in office sending his US Attorneys after Dem "voter fraud," and they could not find it
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Why not outlaw health insurance all together, get the market reset. Entitlements do nothing but keep people happy and complacent and don't drive innovation or just good ol fashion hard work. Are any of you commenters on Medicaid? Do you know who recieves Medicaid? Should we continue to shrink the middle class to pay for people who do not hold themselves accountable and try and make something of themselves. How many idiots can there be that continue to vote for the same senators and representatives? Why shou
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WOW! Am I to think you do all those things? I am certain you are a hypocrite. What I wrote is common information easily within the reach of any interested person. "The order indefinitely barred Syrian refugees from entering the United States, suspended all refugee admissions for 120 days and blocked citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, refugees or otherwise, from entering the United States for 90 days: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen." https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/29/us/trump
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Whomever put the chip in your head that endlessly repeats that bull pucky about cutting all the old growth needs to reprogram you. A) mills retooled because there was not going to be any cutting of timber, private or public, over 22" on the butt. Therefore, there are maybe a half dozen mills statewide that can cut a log 30" on the large end or larger, and only if few enough knots and little rot to enable cutting specialty lumber for renewing old wood construction, or renovations. B) Automation
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9444320797920227 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.029229657724499702 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01346715446561575 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.010026483796536922 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.008986147120594978 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004510931670665741 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.00405185716226697 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.003949396312236786 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001521941041573882 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0014173351228237152 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0013927804538980126 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0012296781642362475 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0011738636530935764 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0010885990923270583 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0009278091602027416 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0007000509649515152 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006203037919476628 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005661629256792367 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005258659948594868 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0004574506019707769 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0004476722970139235 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00040413637179881334 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00032819699845276773 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0002577126433607191 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.000221625276026316 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00020557983953040093 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.000190399878192693 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00016697074170224369 } ]
The Senate majority morons are the last people on earth that should be deciding how to improve education in Alaska! They've been doing nothing but sucking off the oil industry tit ever since they got their jobs. Education is the road to the future for Alaska and the university is the primary driver for the Alaskan economy. Cutting these entities does not bode well for the future of the state. I hope the House will stand strong against the morons in the Senate. The university's budget should be increased to
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First of all, great job WW in finding a seemingly endless source of naive guest writers to pen clickbait articles about Portland "changing," which are guaranteed 50+ comments and endless cranky debate. I look forward to the next in the series. Maybe you can find a local landlord who will write about how great it is to own multiple rental properties now that rents are skyrocketing. Second, I'm frankly embarrassed by the consistent bitterness and xenophobia of my hometown towards any new transplants. I ha
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This is an incredibly honest commentary written by a man who is such a staunch Republican conservative that he wrote Reagans speeches. When you've lost the Rubins and Gerson of the GOP orbit you've lost some big allies. When ya fu$k with the CIA as trump is doing you've lost far more than allies. For all their failures and meddling in foreign affairs the CIA under the umbrella of the DNI with the other 16 intell organizations know where the skeletons are buried, quite literally. Only a very foolish person l
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Thank you for this honest article. Yes. Optional Celibacy for married men while we are not ordaining married women equates to Gender Segregation & the subjugation of all women under all men no matter if we fully ordain a billion women to the permanent deaconate tomorrow. Permanent deacons have no authority, vote, voice or purpose beyond that of the laity in our church. The laity need to stand up against this evil attitude of exclusion & treating everything that the world has stereotyped female as less
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Speculation takes many forms: If borrow money and use it as a down payment because you feel houses will be worth much more in the future, you are speculating. If you move and rent out your house or leave it empty because it going to be worth much more down road, you are speculating. If you buy a home that leverages you beyond affordability with a rate increase, you are speculating. Clearly their are many speculators whose incomes cant support the mortgages or the taxes that will ensue. Homes are places t
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I fail to see what's the merit in appointing the prince of Wales' successful candidacy to the top shelf of medalists other than the selection committee members' tripping each other over the chance to kiss his royal ass. This is embarrassing to watch and actually infuriating to see it legal and final, because it only indicates the corruption that pervades in certain areas of the public administration captured by cliques of frivolous, vain and rapacious individuals. There is so much talent in the Canadian poo
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Interesting sentiments HCH, but maybe it's just a skeeter-bite instead of a snake-bite. IMHO; this issue is a ittybitty line of contrast inside a much bigger picture. I sympathize with you in that it's pretty easy to step in it when it's almost everywhere we stand. If Bill Walker doesn't spend more than $100 by singing on to this suit as plaintiff, I'm OK with that. After nearly 7-decades watching BigEarl spew black oily smoke while grabbing our gold, I am very tired of this old game. I'm very happy to
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From the Seattle Times: ""Facts are for suckers these days, but c’mon. Not only is Boeing gushing cash, but its own financial documents show it has actually paid an average federal income tax of just 3.2 percent of profits over the past 15 years. That’s less than one-tenth the figure Ryan cited. It doesn’t even count the largest tax break in U.S. history granted by the state of Washington, which reduced the company’s state business tax burden in 2015 nearly to zero. “The question with Boeing isn’t whether
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More bunk. Unless someone calling for more voter turnout is a Republican, their call is suspect for this reason: Democrats already win everything all the time. If they want to see higher turnout it is only because they want the satisfaction and moral high ground of being able to claim a high majority of all people. Currently they can claim only a high majority of those few idiots who bother to play the game. For Dems, winning all the time is not enough, they want to win BIG. All the time. Winning the state
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What a defeatist article. When Tarantino says he knew sexual abuse was going on in Hollywood and should have said something, Zagano says: "That is patently ridiculous. Everybody is afraid to say anything, whether it is a Weinstein or a predator priest or a dirty-old-man professor, because whistle-blowing has consequences." And what a bunch of defeatist comments. This is not a battle between liberals and conservatives. It was not all Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly excused by the "right" and it wasn't al
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This comment was from another article on this murder, from the aunt of David Grunwald... "Cheri M Ruiz One of these teen thugs is the same one who has been defending the 5 who murdered our David, he has been posting all over FB and made threats to folks who called him out." It seems this is the same gang that killed David. If the rest of us can read facebook and put this gang together while they proudly claim credit for crimes and threaten people...can't the police do a little research and start watchi
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A silly piece about a title never sought. If he looks at all like a leader, it's only because people compare him to Trump. Regarding Khadr, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that his rights were violated. The government had the choice between settling or going to court, and he would have received much more than he did. Given the writer's distaste for defecit spending, it's odd he would prefer giving more to Khadr. He was a child (15 years old at the time), who was radicalized by an abusive parent. H
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(correction, 278,000 I transposed numbers) I really don't understand what your internal malfunction is, you insist to make up crap and then accuse others of doing it. It is not often that i outright call anyone names on here or anywhere, but you are really acting like an arrogant jerk. I am not "claiming" anything. Look up the damn information you lazy pomp. Easy to confirm it, contact the Hawaii Food Bank. 278,000 IS unique individuals. If you bothered to research anything you would know that. It is data
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I mean no disrespect to you, however I could care less if the pope emeritus is offended. I do not deny the existence of the sick level of politics and egos in the curia. I could even care less about that. The rape of children was the biggest scandal to hit the church in the last 40 years. Everyone in the Vatican that can read a poll knows how important fixing the problems related to the scandal are for the faithful. The world also knows this as the Holy See has been reminded by the UN. about the horrifi
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3919891119003296 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.13609011471271515 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.12500305473804474 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.04575299099087715 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0437910370528698 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.03940447419881821 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.02982988953590393 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.027316540479660034 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.019895823672413826 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.018693765625357628 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.00523501168936491 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00442131794989109 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.003969872836023569 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0029976745136082172 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0019212287152186036 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0016878589522093534 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0013952882727608085 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0013250969350337982 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0012765616411343217 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00119862612336874 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0009573641000315547 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0007629042956978083 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006840309360995889 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0006461379816755652 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005563237355090678 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005360576906241477 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005118415574543178 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0004081679799128324 } ]
Neither is my post thanking your for your reply to my comment, but the whiners voted it into oblivion anyway. Don't care. It's not uncivil, so I'm putting it back: "Thank you, Sir... apparently "voting" a post up or down is based on whether the voter agrees with the comment or not, as opposed to its inherent civility or lack of same, which IMHO represents failure to understand the concept of "civility". The real irony is that arguments such as "we reserve the right to refuse service" are and have repeat
[ { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.6216630935668945 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.13163095712661743 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.12134350091218948 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.06787899881601334 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.03867410123348236 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.016867728903889656 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.009444957599043846 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0077082025818526745 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.005564033053815365 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0028269928880035877 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.002647051587700844 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0021588823292404413 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0018224240047857165 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001801967853680253 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0017264294438064098 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0015651629073545337 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.001346749602816999 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0012680678628385067 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0012415371602401137 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0012086915085092187 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0008317219326272607 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008067164453677833 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0006417899858206511 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0005912035703659058 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003835131064988673 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003606881946325302 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00035945174749940634 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0001966527197510004 } ]
Impeach Trump and Pence both before they can destroy your world, civilization, or all of the world. Them being there, in office, moving as they move? This is literally traumatizing an entire generation, and many of the patches that make up this country's quilt-work of sub-societies. It is a crime against humanity, it's noxious, it's harmful. There's actually a price tag associated with what's being permitted to be done. It's immoral, this harm. This is an affront. This is not how a liberal democracy operate
[ { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.36022651195526123 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.18577705323696136 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.1108003556728363 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.08427779376506805 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.07804031670093536 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.06385963410139084 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.06342215836048126 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.03899114951491356 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.033713843673467636 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.020364664494991302 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.017661208286881447 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.012262730859220028 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.009750103577971458 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.009529189206659794 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00896166916936636 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0033579489681869745 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0029401888605207205 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.002447228878736496 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.002368747955188155 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0022559843491762877 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0021725192200392485 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001538137556053698 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001449351548217237 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007690599304623902 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0007657434325665236 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0005366333643905818 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0004634807992260903 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003091569524258375 } ]
Putting this whole debacle in perspective calls for strategic understanding of historical political, humanity and environmental data. Creating chaos to prove political character is an age-old phenomena of traditionalist to enhance conservative thinking while progressing with a loud cry for democratic action in an environment where democratic execution reaches its calling with rapid movements. The tweet of Helen Zille was planned by the DA to strategically position the DA for 2019. Why didn't they use Ant
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8324661254882812 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.06605932116508484 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.03704356029629707 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.026725078001618385 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.015915516763925552 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.012413357384502888 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.009068306535482407 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.008152060210704803 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.007909988984465599 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0026109397877007723 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0023574098013341427 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0014427525456994772 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0012978753075003624 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0012404131703078747 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0009518701117485762 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008615559199824929 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0007431839476339519 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006590795237571001 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005905888392589986 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005026729195378721 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0004749758227262646 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00042970359208993614 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0003905585908796638 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.000390546367270872 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00030570983653888106 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0002849955053534359 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002560840512160212 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000208818179089576 } ]
Well whadayano, G&M editors demand Canada not sign extradition treaty with China. This is certification that Canada MUST therefore sign extradition treaty with China without haste. The Australian Senate, puppet of the American war machine, is severely divided between loyalty and money. It wants to maintain longstanding loyalty to its imperial master the U.S. (as to the British, well, Australia have considered even removing the Union Jack). But there is no more money from the bankrupt Yanks; the money com
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9254270792007446 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03161840885877609 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.031092554330825806 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.01737404428422451 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.011204107664525509 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.008213704451918602 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003146502887830138 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.002020331332460046 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002019602106884122 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0019332910887897015 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001850153785198927 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0017099131364375353 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0015916313277557492 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0014254288980737329 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008448456064797938 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0007689238991588354 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.000659112585708499 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005427301512099802 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005424031405709684 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005215072887949646 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00052010512445122 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0004219037655275315 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0003847145417239517 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00031878877780400217 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00030338010401465 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002653251576703042 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002480380062479526 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002299667103216052 } ]
Wavemaker your an idiot for supporting a crook and liar like Hillary Clinton. Her illegal actions and pay for play in the Clinton Foundation are next evil cash laundering that the hackers will be bringing out. Russia has nothing to do with these hackers they are home grown citizens that love America that want to see our country taken back from the Global elites that want to destroy the USA. Pay attention and quit watching mainstream media. ADN and most all of the papers tv cable FOX are all the paid shrills
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.44635412096977234 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.2893482446670532 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.26290446519851685 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.10776728391647339 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.05012163892388344 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.044600848108530045 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.016993584111332893 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.01098319236189127 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.010842827148735523 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006216933950781822 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0046807583421468735 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.004082170315086842 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0033270970452576876 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0022131050936877728 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0021339058876037598 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001645282725803554 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0013510964345186949 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0012845088494941592 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.001145151793025434 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0011257788864895701 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008962186984717846 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008736714953556657 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0008695040014572442 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0008557236287742853 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0007862122729420662 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0007122480892576277 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0005675388383679092 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005462942062877119 } ]
OT, E-mails and tax returns are political "bread and circuses." To paraphrase Bernie before he sold-out (if he ever was "real"), "People are sick of hearing about 'damn e-mails' and tax returns." I agree with what you're advocating and it is going to be a long hard slog making a political paradigm shift in this country. The only way I see it occurring peacefully or without economic devastation is by a third party and even a fourth party making the duopoly COMPETE for our votes. Voters are going to have to h
[ { "label": "approval", "score": 0.8787235617637634 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.09892847388982773 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.030987350270152092 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02620626613497734 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.022822173312306404 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.019838742911815643 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.01529918983578682 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0067808981984853745 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.005626955069601536 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.004167447332292795 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0035435776226222515 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.002506319200620055 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0023937730584293604 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0023545362055301666 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0022056587040424347 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.002093929098919034 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.002067623659968376 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0019806544296443462 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.001732730190269649 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0017169741913676262 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0012948063667863607 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0012600697809830308 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0009269605507142842 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0006994314608164132 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006327001028694212 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005452896584756672 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00047531098243780434 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.000367123750038445 } ]
Well folks, I tell ya, this election period, with all the debates, primaries, town halls, speeches, etc., has been the most interesting/ridiculous/important/emotion provoking/depressing/exciting one in my many years. I have gone way beyond being shocked or upset or surprised by anything anyone of these dudes and dudettes may come up with. Some have had some very good, intelligent, and maybe even workable ideas and programs. Others have said things my 4 year old grandkid would know was bogus and dumb as dirt
[ { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.27615323662757874 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.13002513349056244 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.11675838381052017 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.09929891675710678 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.08375909924507141 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.06044135242700577 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.04643566906452179 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.04547909274697304 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.035505425184965134 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.026482034474611282 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.014403961598873138 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.013873613439500332 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.008621655404567719 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.008141942322254181 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0044228695333004 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0032407038379460573 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0026895159389823675 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0022209319286048412 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002044729422777891 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001948558958247304 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0019187999423593283 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0018658973276615143 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0018216799944639206 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.001072504441253841 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.000636023236438632 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0005971711361780763 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00020657270215451717 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00017080435645766556 } ]
Whether that is true is the point on which our foreign policy turns. I believe your statement is true, and that the majority of Muslims, because of culture (a terribly backward one) and religion (a terribly intolerant one) are natural enemies of the West, and would like nothing better than to see Satan --- the West --- destroyed. Many Americans on the left are so self-loathing that they actually do hate America, and will not allow themselves to recognize the truth of what I just said. For example, look at
[ { "label": "approval", "score": 0.7242462038993835 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.1396118849515915 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.08993347734212875 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.04414873942732811 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.04223291948437691 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.022662580013275146 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.015232971869409084 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.01400414016097784 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.010552431456744671 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.007971130311489105 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.007017963100224733 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.004255219828337431 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0036343031097203493 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0033878700342029333 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.003197302808985114 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0027702185325324535 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0022508041001856327 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0017032665200531483 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.001568502513691783 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0013553726021200418 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.001099125249311328 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0009474931284785271 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0008797860355116427 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.000826460774987936 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007580351084470749 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006714823539368808 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006044635665602982 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005112927756272256 } ]
"...was reminiscent of the run-up to the Iraq War, when politically opposite friends avoided each other..." Like when people on the left kept saying what a stupid idea it was and as a result were called traitors and labelled ignorant by people like Kathleen Parker? Like when anyone that opposed the Iraq debacle was "blacklisted" from appearing on any TV or radio news shows? Like the only TV show host to oppose the Iraq war, Phil Donahue, lost his job as a result...on MSNBC no less. Or when Ashleigh Banfiel
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"So you are claiming on 4 cases, of any Voter Fraud or Election Fraud in the 2016 election?" My answer is NO. The report said four documented cases of Voter Fraud. It was not referring to Election Fraud. Once again: Voter Fraud involves only the voter, and that's what these studies and reports were referring to, not to all of the other kinds of Election Fraud. It's naive and foolish to think that anyone would take the chance of harsh penalties to vote fraudulently on their own. If they were paid, forced or
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If Kim does not have 100 nuclear ICBMs now, then almost certainly he will have them within 6 - 12 months, given the rapid progress of his WMD program. What few people on this thread and the DP get, is that means Denver and Colorado Springs are under threat of annihilation by a madman with nukes. Neither Trump nor Putin nor Xi have murdered their immediate relatives, nor have any of them claimed that he was the heir to a racially superior dynasty, nor do they continually threaten to "mercilessly annihilate
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Mass Murderers normally target groups of people based on a belief, religion, or some unifying factor. CNN and other liberal media outlets identified the victims of yesterdays Las Vegas attack as primarily Trump supporters. For the last year liberal media outlets, comedians, Hillary and other Democrats, liberal NEA educators, and Hollywood's finest have been using the most vile, disgusting, hate filled rhetoric to dehumanize the citizens of Middle America. The left wing refuses to admit that their rhetoric,
[ { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.6818112730979919 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.14825034141540527 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.1304181069135666 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.06876884400844574 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.06210734695196152 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.03119429387152195 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.016938820481300354 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.012201941572129726 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.009234242141246796 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.007357037626206875 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0064650634303689 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.004116076044738293 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0037917885929346085 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0030761726666241884 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.002371914451941848 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0023146923631429672 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.002166797872632742 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0018912750529125333 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001754173543304205 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0015864038141444325 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0013989052968099713 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0012529374798759818 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0010613161139190197 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0010155485942959785 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0008327151299454272 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006016406696289778 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.000600369879975915 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005935146473348141 } ]
You need to start with the root cause of the Alaska criminal problem, the politicians. The root of all evil is the crooked state officials. That starts right at the top of the pile & trickles all the way down to the local level. Case in hand would be the crooked officials that collect per diem when they live in Juneau or when they state that they're in session but are not at all. Another case is the one state official that charged the state about $18,000 to pay for moving some items of his to his home when
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8629397749900818 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.050689492374658585 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.04292665421962738 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.034252703189849854 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.016041072085499763 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.012647461146116257 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.004852807614952326 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.004079474601894617 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.004053369630128145 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.00371837941929698 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0015727318823337555 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0015052567468956113 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001444458612240851 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0012226916151121259 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0011449679732322693 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0009826578898355365 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007774389814585447 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005001637618988752 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004602082772180438 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0004584417911246419 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0004454714071471244 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00043070423998869956 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.00042232486885041 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003903784672729671 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003660678048618138 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003394645173102617 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0003365942102391273 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0003032734093721956 } ]
Kim Day is an incompetent fool. She should have been fired a long time ago. The hotel and train were both way over budget (remember the extra wasted $10-20 million paid to the architect for the fancy train bridge that was never used?). And now this idea to squeeze security into the bag check area--which is already overcrowded--is LUDICROUS! Just for more shopping? The current setup works great. Why spend $1 billion unless her bonuses are tied to shopping or she just wants to make a mark for herself. Good gr
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First of all, I would NEVER vote for Killary. She's as corrupt as Trump, and as big a liar and warmonger. They are equally despicable. http://thedailycoin.org/2017/04/14/trump-wont-cancelling-world-war-3-stand-mr-trump-video/ Secondly, if you want a more turgid response from me you're going to have to at least learn to spew in intelligible sentences. What does "The press had in her pocket that's the reason the vote count was down" mean? 'Not saying you don't have a valid point, just that it isn't clear wh
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ATF I am glad you want what I want but it needs to come now. Justice, even in our own society, quoting scripture, states Justice Must Be Swift! Women are in pain while we support lesser treatment than men in anyway. Choosing to compromise women's human dignity with a different voiceless, no authority cage in the form of a useless unnecessary ministry like the permanent deaconate is sinful & insulting to women, & hurtful to women while also harming our church as this ministry keeps the laity oppressed & i
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" ... fresh off their meeting with the UN committee in Geneva earlier this week" ... I am assuming that they (as always) flew First Class ... and stayed in the finest hotels. Geneva is so lovely at this time of the year. I wonder if they had lunch with Bono. In the autumn of 1971 I was standing on a dock in northern Manitoba ... a newly-minted school-teacher attending an orientation session before heading still further north. A young native guy walks out along the dock and joins me at the end. A beautifu
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I want to share from my experience that is bit embarrassing. As an adult male survivor of childhood sexual abuse who happens to be heterosexual and whose abusers were all males, for a very long time, I did not like gay people especially gay men. After years of working on the trauma and discovering that rape is about power not sex, I was finally able to see how wrong I was. I was a kid (abused from age 12 to 16) it was my default reaction. It was a displacement of my anger, and just didn't know. That belie
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you're an idiot. port is open, airport is too but not full capacity. I have family that works in FEMA. Seen first hand accounts. The roads are shot - the governor will only allow puerto rican owned companies (think graft and bribes) do any work. The fuel is sitting in giant drums and tankers - the governor will only allow purto rican owned (more bribes) and operated trucks deliver whatever fuel and other cargo , on the broken roads that he wont allow to be fixed. there are over 10000 containers full of w
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I say that you are ignorant when you make statements such as "Loving cited clear specific words in the [14th] amendment itself dealing with race". Given that there are NO words in the amendment dealing with race, you show that you do not know what the amendment says. That is just one example of your demonstrated ignorance. You said that it is the obligation of all Catholics to obey the magisterium without question. Adolf Eichmann believed he had the obligation to follow the orders given to him without ques
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The lower dam was apparently plugged by rafting up logs then submerging them by piling rock on them, to form a latticework plug, of sorts, so why not just dredge them out and let the river flow under the dam, then install a gate to store water for times of drought? The upper dam could have been similarly drilled under to allowed the lakes to refill in flood season, protecting downstream property and then used as a reservoir in Summer. We spent millions of scarce tax dollars for the aesthetics of a "wild" ca
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Sorry Rick Tubania, but our Gov't wants our food tainted to keep us sick, as well as tainting our medications, (some have SHELLAC in them and don't have to list it under Obama's FDA - in vitamin supplements too - Formaldehyde, (also called Crospovidone, etc. and Yellow, Blue carcinogenic dyes, phtalates ( insecticides in supplements) and the list is endless. Between making people sick right away and then getting other age onset illnesses decades before their time because of the toxic overload, all unnece
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You seem to be talking about finances or some sophistry like that. I'm talking about existential issues. This has less to do with tax and monetary policy and more to do with human population figures on the face of the planet and patterns of consumption and pollution. In reference to what you have said, I don't think we got there by being credibly progressive at all. At its worst moments, this has been a paternalistic and degrading system we've had here in the US that has chosen terrible destinies for citi
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...and need not be obeyed. The sad thing is that Catholic politicians have not had the courage to correct these bishops on why Roe is not going away, at least not by repeal, that doing so would repeal most privacy law. While the bishops would love to return to rule by a Catholic mob at the state level, most of us would not. This goes to the big dissent and obedience argument. It is not contraception and marital chastity, the sense of the faithful has already rejected that and we are not leaving. There
[ { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.4537184536457062 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2894306480884552 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.26667141914367676 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.11041505634784698 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.03423552215099335 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01753680408000946 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.01547366101294756 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0059881191700696945 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.005660388618707657 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.00556654017418623 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.005078101996332407 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.004075131379067898 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0036009468603879213 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0032292306423187256 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0026072198525071144 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0021103976760059595 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.002108802553266287 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.002022317610681057 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0018184996442869306 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0017956900410354137 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0015543566551059484 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0012814031215384603 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0011380239157006145 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0011313220020383596 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.001063547795638442 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008401405066251755 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006382534047588706 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003624476958066225 } ]
Yeah, those schools have been taken to court by teachers and other WHO WERE FIRED for no other reason than they got married. The CCC you traditionalists love so much says that homosexuals should not suffer "unjust discrimination", a statement honored more in the breech than in the observance. John, Homosexuals should not suffer "unjust discrimination". I agree, but isn't the employee who does not agree with Jesus' teachings on marriage discriminating against the Catholic School/Church by forcing them to
[ { "label": "approval", "score": 0.85297030210495 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.15406276285648346 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.045684099197387695 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.026014922186732292 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.019003354012966156 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.01872492954134941 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.012663941830396652 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.007001063320785761 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.006743913050740957 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.005271067842841148 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0038480141665786505 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0034360685385763645 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0033025573939085007 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.002262756461277604 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.002105230465531349 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.001902488642372191 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0018121774774044752 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0015622526407241821 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001453207340091467 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.001326203579083085 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001006593694910407 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0010018445318564773 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0008834169711917639 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007713836384937167 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0007441232446581125 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0006703738472424448 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003536715230438858 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003443141467869282 } ]
The Russians have been doing this for many decades now. What Americans don't realize is that the USA has done this to the old USSR long before they started doing it to us. These same claims of interference are now one the Democrat Party's use of political accusations of collusion with the Russians, which nobody has ever shown an ounce of proof of, and they've been investigating this for nearly 2 years now. Why are the Democrats using unfounded and false accusations against the American people's President
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Trump is the most corrupt president in US history. It's a fact that he is the only president in history NOT to fully divest himself of all previous business dealings and assets - that alone makes him Zumaesque and is almost certainly a violation of the constitution's emoluments clause. And that was before he was even sworn in. On the day of his swearing in he stood in front of the world and flat out lied about how many people attended - as if we hadn't all SEEN that he was lying. This is a president who lie
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I intended, taking with me to the grave, my secret of repeated rape by a Milwaukee priest. I suffered symptoms of child sexual abuse. 6 yrs ago, Listecki filed bankruptcy. Milwaukee is notorious for many pedoclergy like Fr. L Murphy who abused 200+ deaf kids. Listecki asked victims to come forward, promising healing, resolution, fair compensation. . It took me a year to find the courage to come forward I stupidly took him at his word Listecki knew all along there would be no healing. He ruthlessly
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For the past month I have been passing this atrocious eyesore, and even today I wanted to stop and tape a big hand written placard on its base asking "How much did this frightful monstrosity cost taxpayers?" in BOLD LETTERS Well, now I know. Nearly a quarter Mil$ wasted that could have went to OTHER projects such as road repairs, storm preparations, and countless other DOT & local needs, rather than this piece of unsightly junk - red paint, really? what the hell is it, a torch ? entire fail Devin, but
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OK, Wolf the racist Eagle, I googled Briebart. And, found it to be a moronic rag, boorish at best, belonging next to the National Enquirer within supermarket racks at the checkout counter at worst. So what? What I stated before still holds, as unto yourself, as you, Wolf the racist Eagle are still a one trick racist pony, and shall never be otherwise.so long as you promote your own racist ideals. You cannot see beyond race, or pigment, or any other 'ism' or 'ist' that you perceive to exist, and therefor
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.749909520149231 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.08628219366073608 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.07776680588722229 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.05152148753404617 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.037563156336545944 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.015379986725747585 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.01528612058609724 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.00820754375308752 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0060891443863511086 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004699036944657564 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.004525612574070692 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0030742092058062553 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.001332173589617014 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0012493927497416735 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0011912313057109714 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0009545271168462932 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0009284171392209828 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0008920437539927661 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0007678922265768051 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0006852620863355696 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004288518102839589 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0004288135969545692 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00028065344667993486 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002488497702870518 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00022522686049342155 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00020022544777020812 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00019902345957234502 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00012010132923023775 } ]
This is an idiotic idea. CD Howe would be appalled. The government is broke because it has failed to cut old idiotic spending, added new idiotic spending, overpays a bloated staff, and subsidizes silly "innovation," retirees, and politically important companies. They need to borrow more, but PRETEND they are not borrowing (as much). So, take existing assets that generate revenue, or COULD generate revenue (e.g. currently non-toll bridges, roads, etc.) and sell them to the private sector. Junior gets mor
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.5255826711654663 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.32098832726478577 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.1451667845249176 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.09828037023544312 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.04205534979701042 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.03487808629870415 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.01271639671176672 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.008949261158704758 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0045076822862029076 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0037455058190971613 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0028053533751517534 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002539956010878086 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002060918603092432 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0013337357668206096 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0012151779374107718 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001209091511555016 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0011509675532579422 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0011210964294150472 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0009654680034145713 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007309353677555919 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0007053110748529434 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005273280548863113 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004606923903338611 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003733532503247261 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00036076433025300503 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0003366887103766203 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00032628115150146186 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003153960278723389 } ]
I'd thought Trump's paranoia was the funniest thing I'd heard today, but Thos' comment takes the cake! "Thoroughly humiliated"; hysterical! Just when you think the bar can't get any lower. Yes, I "seriously doubt" Obama was involved...I didn't need a call from the former prez to show up at meetings and rallies, write letters, make phone calls, etc. But keep telling yourself that if it keeps you in your little circle, going around and around and around, and away from sane people. And we please stop all this
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JimmyJ: You are such a purveyor of that left-wing "fake news"...shame on you!!!! Trump knows what he's doing.....hell, the man's a billionaire and doesn't pay taxes.....so he must be way smarter than the rest of us. He's had three really HOT wives, so he's obviously way more manly than the rest of us. He's surrounded by sycophants who don't dare to contradict anything he says. He sits on a golden throne....and is not accountable to mere mortals like you...You damn pinko commie-loving slimeballs are jus
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the reactive protests and activism in response to the international Trumpublican disaster unfolding is pointless, the war waged against America by republicans and other home-based terrorists began with the coup murder of JFK and was won decisively when Nixon's mob regained power behind Reagan in '80. as a nation we were already a dead man walking to it's ultimate doom and this latest fiasco simply hastens the pace which will culminate within 20 years. it's over for America the beautiful. Nov. 8th was the li
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2785321772098541 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.179131418466568 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.08194249868392944 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.06785443425178528 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.06764942407608032 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.029935745522379875 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.02597936987876892 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.018048260360956192 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.01423237007111311 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.009727231226861477 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00802670419216156 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.007394511252641678 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.006061858963221312 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.005560015793889761 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00333201652392745 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0022323878947645426 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0019733000081032515 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0019491943530738354 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0019242229172959924 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001497038989327848 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0012129112146794796 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0010843896307051182 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0010804252233356237 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008748118998482823 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008386868285015225 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0006674111355096102 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003411707584746182 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0003379397967364639 } ]
This makes no sense. Canada and Trudeau have already gotten their headlines for stepping up to the plate with compassion and virtue to take the refugees and others who are being impacted by the Trump travel ban. No one is going to find out what you're doing with the Emerson 'problem'. Enough already with looking for a technicality to save face. It's not necessary. This is similar to the theatrics of whether Canada should do the right thing and not sell billions of dollars of arms to the worst human rights v
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.49794530868530273 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.3549564778804779 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.2410440891981125 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.039317164570093155 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.024080896750092506 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.02243446372449398 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.019093535840511322 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0075896140187978745 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.005774598568677902 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003300067037343979 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.002071494935080409 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0020239499863237143 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0016007783124223351 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0014371330616995692 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0012229349231347442 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0011743254726752639 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010051463032141328 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0009517301223240793 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.000556561048142612 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005108572659082711 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005072554340586066 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.00040638851351104677 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003670802107080817 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00036693058791570365 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00033785944106057286 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00031302651041187346 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00030862484709359705 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002616831043269485 } ]
This new American Century, kind of looks like the last century, Iraq very much being the equivalent of Vietnam (war) and the entire Middle East in flames is like...well, the insane first world war comes to mind. I have absolutely no trust in American foreign policy, none. I do have some regard for the intelligence of those perpetrating these wars, they pretend stupidity but in reality the Military Industrial Complex and its friends the Oil Complex have been doing great. Not that I would want to attend a fr
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Zach, naming characteristics or behaviors isn't name calling. Examples from Mr. Wolforth: "Trump is also a fool. He doesn't understand the basics of the job he is applying for. And he won't learn, because his narcissism doesn't allow him to listen to anyone. He spews lies and preposterous proposals because he is constantly improvising and, with his con man's heart, will say anything to stay in the game at that particular moment. Trump is a child. His bragging tells you who he really is — from the exagge
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8002544641494751 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.16957376897335052 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.05920357257127762 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.022068582475185394 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.019901011139154434 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.019683286547660828 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.014251938089728355 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.005194725003093481 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0029292022809386253 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.00269085424952209 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00176861765794456 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0017660764278843999 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0016998093342408538 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0014854520559310913 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0009290723828598857 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0007140749366953969 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006786789745092392 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006426885956898332 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005698783206753433 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005380617803893983 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0004350781673565507 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00043433558312244713 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004195209185127169 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0004101517843082547 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00040250958409160376 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003768861060962081 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003332993946969509 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002849272859748453 } ]
The income tax is not going to be the salvation like everyone thinks. Just the bureaucracy to run the tax is going to eat a lot of the money up. Accountants, lawyers, police and politicians are going to be the winners. Then you have to remember once you start down the road of taxation you will never be able to stop it. They will want more for schools so the money can be diverted from somewhere else to give them a pay raise. Then you have what they are doing now. The classic rock in a shell game. Now you see
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7738809585571289 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.12936492264270782 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.05349656939506531 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.03711613267660141 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0320681557059288 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.011579583398997784 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.007214782759547234 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.004807229153811932 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0034556968603283167 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002879110164940357 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0023869925644248724 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0009802809217944741 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0009714151383377612 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0009517981670796871 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0009223498054780066 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0007510361028835177 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0007243385189212859 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006905650952830911 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006435377872548997 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006419974379241467 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006259761285036802 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005371776060201228 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00041500016232021153 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00040821509901434183 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00028268396272324026 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00024033838417381048 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00021179021860007197 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002030971081694588 } ]
Trump has absolutely no qualifications to be president. He lacks the knowledge, the experience and the temperment to hold such office. Additionally, he has shown repeatedly that he is "bigly" egocentric, lacks empathy and is virtually "uncoachable." Of course he is also an extremely crude, crass lout of a man. ...and you think he should be President? Wow.. It's unfortunate Mr. Trump wasn't confronted about his crude, crass misogynistic behavior decades ago.....apparently, he wasn't and now, at 70 yea
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Just had to throw my two cents into this discussion. Very interesting comments made by everyone. Here's my 2 cents - I do believe that Comey should be fired because he was acting outside of his area of responsibility and authority. No boss would allow that kind of conduct by a subordinate to exist and continue. Firing him was logical and appropriate. He was playing everyone and take a look at his eyes and you know he wasn't being "totally" honest. I don't agree with the lefts argument that the POTUS i
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Dear Employee, As a tax paying citizen of Mzansi, and by this I mean YOUR employer, I kindly request that you stop wasting everyone's time with responding to every single article that points out your ignorance. This is not your job. Your job is to make sure the low-life scum that threatens my child's future does not thrive. Unless that IS your job? If this is the case we should meet as soon as possible as I, your EMPLOYER, did not approve of the changes to your job description. In the time it took you to wr
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4158308804035187 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.26134243607521057 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.2314978539943695 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.04309845715761185 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.03144032508134842 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.027519283816218376 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.02527456358075142 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.016695471480488777 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.012438577599823475 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.010907173156738281 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.006617159582674503 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.006550786551088095 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.003037594025954604 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002983632730320096 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0016762998420745134 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0016450007678940892 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0015144740464165807 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0010648815659806132 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0009294429910369217 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008842646493576467 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0008053692290559411 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0007733720121905208 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0007532964809797704 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006937631405889988 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006805757875554264 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005241307662799954 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003322404809296131 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003310471947770566 } ]
White nationalists, American Neo-Nazis and the KKK make me ashamed to be a Caucasian American. They blame anyone who is non-white, non Christian, of foreign ancestry and God forbid "liberal" for their personal circumstance. In reality it is their own ignorance, hate, bigotry and personal shortcomings that doom them. Hopefully such Deplorables and Trump will be properly buried in the 2018 and 2020 elections. These haters cannot see, much less accept, that they are the wrong side of public opinion, reality an
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Case in point. The News; "Nationwide, students in charter schools have lower achievement and performance scores than students in regular public schools." The source? A teacher. A professor no less. Someone with a bias. Part of an organization and profession that fails to admit failure. "Repeat something often enough and people will begin to believe it." True enough. It is called brain washing. Common practice of many reporters, commentators, etc.... Reminded me of Rush Slimbaugh. At first I thought I co
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Actually, I think part of it is that when a person actually IS the President, instead of just wanting the job, they get the full briefings from the CIA, the NSA, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and all those civilian organizations and then really, really understand that what they say gets people killed, or not killed, or in jail or not in jail or economically destroyed, or not, and so forth. The interim briefings they get as the candidates aren't the real meal deal. Then, after they are elected, what they said
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8898702263832092 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03799206763505936 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.03611041232943535 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.03428835794329643 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.03345835581421852 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.014613006263971329 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.007513475138694048 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004168640822172165 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.003294967347756028 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0017004196997731924 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0013806542847305536 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0012571652187034488 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0012188287219032645 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0009259965736418962 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0008847994031384587 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0007932414882816374 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0007000189507380128 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006874245591461658 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0006606621318496764 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005166619084775448 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0004703778540715575 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0004562093527056277 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00041904623503796756 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003563565551303327 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00031274728826247156 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0002650988462846726 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00023523226263932884 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00016083264199551195 } ]
"Tell the man (or lady) you're sorry." is a frequent directive to state a "forced apology." Those strained, contorted apologies we hear from politicians, athletes, entertainers and other powerful individuals are, in fact, just that.....forced apologies. Their advisors, agents, consultants, attorneys, managers, or mothers tell them "look, if you don't apologize for this one, you will lose your a) reputation (what's left) b) your wife/husband, c) your job, d) your endorsements, e) your next election; f) fre
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8822744488716125 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.05717615783214569 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.023416226729750633 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.021481214091181755 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.01481874380260706 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.014125009998679161 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.012115334160625935 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.009065470658242702 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004450561478734016 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.004288267344236374 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.00422912510111928 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.004201164469122887 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.003284332575276494 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0018257205374538898 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0013707869220525026 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013308199122548103 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001161782769486308 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0009776363149285316 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.000719929754268378 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0007161627290770411 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007096757763065398 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00069134880322963 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006737062358297408 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0006535748252645135 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.000585623667575419 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0004120609082747251 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00035937997745350003 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00032403680961579084 } ]
Yes, ignorance has become a virtue. And by extension Donald Trump should then be a saint. However, about those "elites" - who are they exactly? Oprah Winfrey is an elite? In the world of show business, what possible reason would we have to believe that Winfrey is not just playing the role has caused her to be so beloved by so many? Are you saying that phoniness is not rampant everywhere in the media, left and right? And therein lies the problem - who really walks the walk, and who just talks the talk? Tr
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I have read some of that. Russia did not collude with Hillary's campaign to get her elected. OK? In fact they trashed her campaign to see she wasn't elected. (I'm being generous here in stating their effort was to see she wasn't elected, not that Trump was elected). I want to know what you will say and believe when the evidence comes out that not only did Trump's campaign collude with Russia, but that Russia has been courting Trump for years, especially in financing him, to take advantage and aid his
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5884597897529602 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.3906888961791992 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.05834167078137398 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.02057034708559513 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.01684456691145897 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.015827221795916557 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.013592949137091637 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.00618320144712925 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.005621582269668579 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.005191574338823557 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0030454816296696663 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0026722510810941458 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0019349295180290937 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0017183381132781506 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0014338421169668436 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001373198232613504 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001371861668303609 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0009722919203341007 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0008003710536286235 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007975544431246817 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006542503251694143 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005699122557416558 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004859926411882043 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.00045002976548857987 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003851407382171601 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00030777943902648985 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0001917775225592777 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000087077307398431 } ]
We could start by recriminalizing conflict of interest and collusion on part of the legislature, judiciary and executive branches. I see most of these crooks hide behind fanciful names like Heritage and Prosperity, while they are nothing but white collar thieves, leeching off others like parasites who suck all the lifes juices out of living organisms till there areonly a empty lifeless husks. The politicians, that Hawkins and his ilk bribe in the legislature, all claim to have the right hand of their jesus,
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