1 value
27 values
Mr. Summers: Stop blaming the media when Trump creates his own problems. Trump did not have to make any additional comments about Charlottesville on Tuesday when doing his infrastructure news conference from Trump Tower. Instead he lacks the self-discipline and temperment to not answer the questions about it and then gets himself into more trouble, embarrasses his cabinet members and chief of staff, and loses his agenda of talking about infrastructure. While all the birther movement stuff about Obama went o
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The people who voted for Trump are suckers! Have you guys figured out yet that he just "said what you wanted to hear" because he was trying to get you to vote for him? Now, he'll do what he damn well pleases and it won't include most of the things you were hoping for. He'll enrich himself and his family, he'll embarrass us on the international stage- sending his son-in-law to broker peace in the Middle East? He isn't going to jail Clinton. She hasn't done anything that he could jail her for - she has been i
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"With only three in 1,000 incidents of rape resulting in conviction, and over 90 percent not even reported, the status quo is neither practically, politically, nor morally defensible." -David Butt, 'We are failing the community of sexual assault victims Feb. 4, 2017.' As a rape survivor, I understand the terror that's induced by the criminal justice system. Being in the same room with your rapist while being interrogated as if you're the one on trial is like being raped all over again. It's no secret that c
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What amazes and disappoints me is how near sighted Congress and/or the white house was/is when it comes to these types of programs. How stupid it was to stop production on a military asset that would have kept us ahead of both Russia and China for quite some time. Just because Russia appeared to be friendly for a bit doesn't mean that you open your arms and stop production of critical military assets. It was much cheaper to run them off the production line then when everything was tooled for it. Just an
[ { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.6977385878562927 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.2589484751224518 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.15509700775146484 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.10474637895822525 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.022821221500635147 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.022041818127036095 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.015330527909100056 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.014922301284968853 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.010008953511714935 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.00831680465489626 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.008209754712879658 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.007612815126776695 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.006864210125058889 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006855289451777935 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.005003094673156738 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002420448698103428 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0023056373465806246 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0022003580816090107 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0018447539769113064 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0017912279581651092 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.001611161045730114 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001477888086810708 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0013550453586503863 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0011818890925496817 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0009493147954344749 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0009091620449908078 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0006168026011437178 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005971836508251727 } ]
The article posits, correctly, that Kaepernick has the right to protest. His choice of protest is to deny honoring the flag of the United States of America, which, as the Pledge puts so eloquently, represents the Republic: Which to simplify means you, me, President Obama, the Syrian refugees that just moved to town and Jay Leno. All of us. He's gone further and intimated that the police are pigs, stating that when they kill someone in the line of duty, they are murders rewarded with paid time off. Agai
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8079255223274231 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.22405953705310822 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01779641956090927 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.011536955833435059 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.00749565614387393 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004211212508380413 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.003605827922001481 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.003234740812331438 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0015982745680958033 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.00158183672465384 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0013146569253876805 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0012799339601770043 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0009794990764930844 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008155121468007565 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0008128107292577624 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0007858928292989731 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006816263194195926 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0005925509613007307 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005321402568370104 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00044827070087194443 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0004338946600910276 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004311546799726784 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0003431638760957867 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003006232436746359 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00028466308140195906 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0002575686667114496 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00017431846936233342 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00015835209342185408 } ]
I would find this niggling over the exact words, when the actual message conveyed was that Trump, if elected, would have Clinton prosecuted and jailed, to be ludicrous, were it not for the potential for tragic consequences to our nation lurking behind that hateful utterance. And what are these posters, the same people who have been accusing Clinton of all sorts of crimes, and demanding she be jailed, so indignantly protesting against? Trump's campaign mobs chanting "Jail Hillary! Jail Hillary" with Trump's
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.4227098822593689 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3013596534729004 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.18863725662231445 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.15158963203430176 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.12514257431030273 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.05707564204931259 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.02679968997836113 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.024309881031513214 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.00790273305028677 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0077888378873467445 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.006784698460251093 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.006673857569694519 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.005408752243965864 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00439219456166029 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.003994446247816086 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003916298504918814 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0022555936593562365 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0016640328103676438 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013291612267494202 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001294042100198567 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0010270277271047235 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008928094757720828 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006589008844457567 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00047783402260392904 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003481845778878778 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00022856787836644799 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002031610201811418 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0002021371474256739 } ]
People who don't like Trump are people who either can't handle the truth, or can't handle change or prefer to be told only about rainbows, or are one of these illegal people who came in, which means they don't respect us or our laws either by the way! They start off coming to our countries by committing a crime by sneaking in, I'd say that is not a good start to show you are a good citizen and respect our country at all! Or these people are just so afraid to not appear to be politically correct (which is
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5436105132102966 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.1692940890789032 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.12368396669626236 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.03653964400291443 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.02707461453974247 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.025555023923516273 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.025265058502554893 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.024932846426963806 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.01875418983399868 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.014513710513710976 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.007209085393697023 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004699962679296732 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0030652014538645744 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0030453945510089397 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00274329143576324 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.002258448861539364 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001873041270300746 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0017613843083381653 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008568569901399314 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.000653114344459027 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006319460226222873 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005838933866471052 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005062569980509579 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005014548078179359 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00041267971391789615 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00038340597529895604 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00036135775735601783 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003429215576034039 } ]
So sad that our society is so screwed up, although it is certainly no surprise. Some people are paranoid and Alaska has more than it's share. But why? So far the actual verified facts are minimal but the half truth stories and rampant speculations and innuendos are freely flowing. Just read through the comments here. All of this comes from media sources which all, ADN included, in their rush to scoop the story, always present opinion and suggestion mingled with a bit of fact. Most so called news report
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Excuse me—this dictatorship of morons is using my taxpayer's dollars to pay Kadr an opulent compensation package, plus apologize to the former terrorist? This is very, very hard to believe, "rule of law" or no. If the outcome of the rule of law is insane, then something systemic is insane here. Think for a moment: how much did we pay law-abiding Japanese-Canadians who were persecuted, disowned, expropriated, and interned by Canada during WW2..? Something like $25,000, give or take..? With an apology that ca
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.34311172366142273 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.28738635778427124 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.222657710313797 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.16756315529346466 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.07133074849843979 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.061387307941913605 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.05999768152832985 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.02780858799815178 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0203525573015213 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.014295803382992744 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.012804290279746056 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.007273309398442507 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.006183550227433443 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.005387053359299898 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003557586809620261 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00230211578309536 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.002057964913547039 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0018221248174086213 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0016178464284166694 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013276954414322972 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0010933172889053822 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0010698700789362192 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0007229038747027516 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006485070334747434 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006279425579123199 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0002847708819899708 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00026620287098921835 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00018180737970396876 } ]
Well darn. Another piece of history bites it. Chair 1 was a long ride but it went all the way in one go. The bit about no parts is kinda weak. Riblet was made in Spokane with mostly off the shelf parts. No real exotic engineering and manufacturing involved. Relatively easy to duplicate. Chair 1, and Riblets in general were not a bad product. The only thing dangerous about it was just the terrain it was passing over. Now the Chair 1 version 1 which was a Poma lift by Pomagalski was a lot scarier for us ki
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5470735430717468 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.15035274624824524 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0896901786327362 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0381341427564621 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.025356724858283997 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.00984354317188263 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.007482684683054686 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.007228977978229523 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.006380552891641855 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.005797178950160742 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.005185529123991728 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.005090773571282625 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.004018266219645739 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.003662095172330737 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.002341896528378129 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.002180609153583646 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0017227582866325974 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0016879925969988108 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0016575095942243934 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001561900950036943 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0014796355972066522 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0011782179353758693 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0010346185881644487 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0008868275326676667 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006115512805990875 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0006006165640428662 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005153356469236314 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004160248499829322 } ]
I really enjoyed the way this article was written presenting that there are in fact "institutional" elites that do enjoy a great deal of power and control over the affairs of the state and that they are wielding that power but in the end it is Trump, and I suspect many of his own staff, that are responsible for the failures of the current administration to pursue their policies. Don't get me wrong I am truly no liberal democrat and am wary of how much control the "institutional" elites have over the governm
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I knew you would not admit your ignorance or lies. sad... Sealaska is NOT the native people. Sealaska is a group of lawyers and fast talkers sucking tax dollars and timber dollars and pocketing it, then insulting the native peoples by paying them $.70 (seventy cents) a share for the year. Maybe you are one of the sealaska bosses, that is why you lie. You do not know who I am but you are surely wondering how I know all this. Get a clue. You are ignorant. You may also be stupid too. I do not know or care, but
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There's no silver bullet for this issue, you can go back to 1910 when the AMA convinced Congress to shut down a bunch of Medical schools, with limits in place to the number of residencies at 100,000 per year which ensures the "poorer" professions like radiologists clear at least 400K a year, this totals out at around 60 Billion a year in physician salaries (supply and demand), so a Federal Reg that limits the supply is one side of the issue. Guys like Martin Shkreli are creations of the federal regs, ther
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Read your history. The KKK was a para-military branch of the democrat party. And don't give me that southern democrats turned into republicans drivel. The democrats have always been the party of control at least as far back as Andrew Jackson. When the South became a better place to do business due to less control, their economy improved. people became less dependent and they went republican. Radical groups? Ever hear of the Weather Underground, the Black Panthers,the FALN? What side has been doing all the r
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People don't get addicted the first time they use narcotics. But an addiction can be developed in a relatively short amount of time. I know people that have become addicted by being over prescribed and people that more or less chose their situation by buying drugs off the street to take recreationally and became addicted. Opioids when used properly are effective for pain management. But super potent versions like carfentanil have no place in this scenario and are not prescribed by doctors. Drugs are
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Now the equation is much worse. On a daily basis the fascist lunatic, Kim, threatens to "mercilessly annihilate" Australia, the RoK, Japan and the US; clearly, he has the capability to do it; daily his WMD and delivery capability is improving to carry out his threats. Saddam threatened international law and oil supplies as well as regional stability. Kim and his allies will very soon have the capability to destroy life on this planet. Iran is even worse than Kim in that the Ayatollahs are the world's
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continued: I can see just how stupid this is and wonder why any report tolerates the deception. In this same report by the state, it shows that 100% (The rules for workforce housing projects, where 75 percent of units are affordable to people earning less than $86,000, would be changed to give HCDA the first right of refusal to buy a unit when it’s sold), ), of all workers make less than the minimum to qualify for low cost units in Kakaako. What it doesn’t show is these figures I present. You must work to g
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A revolver isn't a semi-auto weapon. A shotgun, isn't a semi-auto weapon. A semi-auto handgun is not an assault type weapon, the other issue of some. Wow..... please cite sources to verify your claim the "vast majority" of gun deaths are from semi-auto weapons. I watched the second plane fly into the WTC, it killed thousands fairly fast. Despicable cowards. Accessibility isn't the same as fast and efficient. I knew someone who died in the Aurora Theater shooting. Sully. And you know what, the shooter pass
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2791038155555725 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.26461261510849 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.096450574696064 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.06602749973535538 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.062094151973724365 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.05943037569522858 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.03026275895535946 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.028805064037442207 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.02558901160955429 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.01168029848486185 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.01084890030324459 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.006841046269983053 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.005352864507585764 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0031312794890254736 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0026287471409887075 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0021004686132073402 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002076762495562434 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0017764937365427613 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001725021400488913 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0015381742268800735 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0014700070023536682 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0014141815481707454 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0011994913220405579 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0011224610498175025 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0006755177164450288 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00045351588050834835 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0002636045101098716 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00024286509142257273 } ]
Why would anyone come for any Avs information to any writer for the post? This is the most embarrassing major paper in all of sports. Other than Frei, these writers know absolutely nothing about the Avs. Every other news outlet in the US and Canada have far more insight into the Avs than these guys. And Kizla just needs to keep his whiny, Debbie Downer, rediculously fanatical writing far away from the Avs. He is by far the worst writer the DP has. Always has been. He only thumps the drum for the outrageous
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Here we go again...I'll explain it for the 100 th time: The reason Don Young keeps getting elected over and over and over again is most Alaskan's feel he represents us just fine . And those who don't...the democrats , keep sending loser after loser after loser to run against him and wonder why they lost yet another election. Crazy democrats sent one lady up against him who had such a personal beef against the TSA that she told the whole world she refuses to fly. Even a second grader KNOWS without flying t
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You know what I still don't get - who the hell cares? Why are people so invested in other people's sexuality or gender expression? Why should it matter to you if Joey wants to wear a dress & heels? Why shouldn't Suzie climb trees & kick ass? And if Joey & Suzie continue to dress as the other gender or want to marry the same sex, so what? Why not? Who are they hurting? As for the LGBTQ activists who may or may not be trying to turn gender studies into a science, perhaps they're just trying to establish a ri
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Nathan again. OBOR is not a charity, China won't be handing out freebies to the war-torn third world countries for the sake of "saving humanity". Central Asia is calling the project the "civilization project" that will profoundly transform the region for the better. ASEAN is eager to get on board for finding new ways to ignite economic growth of the south east asia region. Argentina, UK and US have been eager to participate in the project for new venues of growth. Should OBOR succeed, China will profound
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Let me make myself a target for everyone ... all of you have missed the one common denominator, that being a steady rise in cowardly-ness throughout the Western world. We became afraid of disciplining our own children, afraid of not being politically correct, afraid of being prosecuted if we used deadly force to protect self, family & property. Afraid to be different than our peers. Afraid of speaking our minds. Afraid of being unfriended of Facebook, Twitter, whatever. Afraid of finding ourselves on a
[ { "label": "fear", "score": 0.8812007308006287 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.06149552762508392 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.056575484573841095 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.02372027188539505 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.018861999735236168 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.018196210265159607 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.01588074304163456 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.01433911919593811 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.012525873258709908 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.01249901857227087 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.012493169866502285 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.01161068957298994 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.009315415285527706 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.008728845044970512 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.007208037190139294 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.005544500891119242 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.005261765327304602 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.004842651542276144 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.004403487779200077 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.003922760020941496 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0037390950601547956 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0036675261799246073 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.003582838224247098 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0028751844074577093 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0024840012192726135 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0023403496015816927 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.002014728495851159 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0012966705253347754 } ]
For others wondering here, NO!!! this is NOTHING CLOSE TO NEWS! This is a talentless person who has done nothing to admire or make news. Yet this is a person chosen, along with the Kardashians or Jenners (who also have no skills, talent, or anything to look up to as a role model), to have endless articles about nothing published about them. This is the bread and butter of People and E! and others I don't want to remember. If anything, if you are going to drag this into something to call a news story, you n
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5527528524398804 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.45069047808647156 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.1363735795021057 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.021730981767177582 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.02117694355547428 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.013500905595719814 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.013150627724826336 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.006946340668946505 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0047734822146594524 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.003125995397567749 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0024248589761555195 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0023373044095933437 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0017866725102066994 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.001709016622044146 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0017009457806125283 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001280666096135974 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.000870993360877037 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.000863788416609168 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0008346940740011632 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008236663416028023 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.000654862611554563 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006359415128827095 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.000399510987335816 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003631400759331882 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003551341069396585 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00035161286359652877 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003172864089719951 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00030341336969286203 } ]
Not "ready" for the debate? Get real, Lisa! We have been ready for this debate since Obamacare was passed and you promised in your campaign to repeal!!! You reneged on your promise to your constituents. You and your actions have, yet again, made Alaska the laughingstock of the country. You were saved from Joe Miller by Alaskans who loved and trusted you. We couldn't put someone like Joe Miller, with his goon squads. smarmy oiliness, hidden family corruption....noooooo, we ended up with a wolf in sheeps clot
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One really stupid aspect is the provision allowing children to be seated near the parent at no cost. This means a parent will book at most one seat for themselves in their preferred location and insist after boarding that all the other passengers give up the seats for which they prepaid. When this currently happens Air Canada tells the other affected passengers to go apply for a refund ( completely futile as I've tried). This is going to create a big problem with lots of confrontation. Why are airlines no
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.6607771515846252 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2900469899177551 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.10464240610599518 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.09744330495595932 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.05276668071746826 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.01749785616993904 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.01623261161148548 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.011814005672931671 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0104679549112916 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.010408765636384487 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0050070881843566895 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.003980095498263836 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0023729130625724792 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0020942259579896927 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0019402577308937907 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0018243792001158 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0017606649780645967 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0010244098957628012 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0009556058794260025 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0008815086330287158 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0007918230840004981 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006305577117018402 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.000506119686178863 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00044455978786572814 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00040020671440288424 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0003268069413024932 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00032258653664030135 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00027488518389873207 } ]
No, the Bush Family are long-time willing slaves to the CFR/Bilderberger/Illuminati/Rothschild cabal here and in Europe. They don't really care for the historical United States, because they have worked hard their entire lives trying to dismantle it through the "New World Order". They WANT to dismantle the US Constitution so that it will fit better into their vision of a Corporate-Communist run global government. George W Bush, in particular, worked hard to implement the North American Union between Canada,
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8044788241386414 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.10865124315023422 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.07008764147758484 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.024941138923168182 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.014941070228815079 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.010450923815369606 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.00474253436550498 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0031301872804760933 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0028572063893079758 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002745500998571515 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.002272993326187134 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002009852323681116 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0014099287800490856 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0011389440624043345 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008823359967209399 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007280129357241094 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006832207436673343 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006299291271716356 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006247676792554557 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0005738370236940682 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0005536520620808005 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00043774378718808293 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00038030828000046313 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0003534059214871377 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0003333849017508328 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00031230272725224495 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00026843883097171783 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00021327946160454303 } ]
If this insane maniac was a leader and this nation was still leading the world, the process of cleaning the Pacific would have already been started. Sadly, the political luddites lead nothing except their own daily self-interests for more wealth. National and International statesmanship no longer exists within this nation. Trump, the Republican traitors, and DINOs orchestrated every ill listed in your comment. The billionaire Corporate Oligarchy led by Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Koch family, etc., boug
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Jeez Teddy. Life is so tough for you. If it was a thoughtful response (which I'm guessing it clearly was not) why was it deleted? Well first of all its everyone on here who agreed that your response was not civil. There is no PC moderator on these comment boards as we are moderating ourselves. Civility has a real practical meaning. It means you address the comment not the poster. You regularly do not do this. We all go off sometimes, but you sir do it regular as clockwork. That is not civil discourse. Tha
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The comments here by tfrank and James_Everest display the ignorance of actual events regarding the Hammonds and the Refuge 'takeover' The Hammonds had a long string of crimes and threats to Federal Employees. The sentence they received is comensurate to the crimes they committed regardless of the complaints of the uninformed far right militia sympathizers. The Bundys did not care about the Hammonds or the local community in Harney County: the armed takeover of the publicly owned Refuge was just a platform
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No that's not true. Trump also won the popular vote, though the cry baby babies like to believe that lie from their corrupted party. All fraudulent votes uncovered were in favor of Hillary.So even though Hillary had the communist global media, George Soros, non-citizens, dead peoples, messed up voting machines that changed a Trump vote to a Hillary vote, you actually believe she won the popular vote. That is hillarius and then you all start blaming the Russians, whom Hillary also sold Uranium too...or was t
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Every thing is wrong with this picture. There is no gas. If the private industry doesn't see a gasline as a profitable move at this time, how does Walker think this is going to work for the State of Alaska? This is really foolish thing to do right now and a pipe dream of this administration. You all have been lobbied hard by Alaskas Future. Your answer is to cap our PFD and start an income tax. WHAT ABOUT CUTTING MORE IN ALL PLACES OF GOVERNMENT. You all are wasting so much $ traveling back and forth to Ju
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.44362592697143555 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.4113035500049591 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2418527603149414 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0823790654540062 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.05856868252158165 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.049400217831134796 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.04115607962012291 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.012141866609454155 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.011239970102906227 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.008061342872679234 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0049834828823804855 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.004900490399450064 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.003926202654838562 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002671936061233282 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0020667894277721643 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0017470478778705 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0015670432476326823 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0015285572735592723 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001452176016755402 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0014166838955134153 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.001284412108361721 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.000687378691509366 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0006288379663601518 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0004957920173183084 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0004439322219695896 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004328468057792634 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0003666463599074632 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002460000687278807 } ]
As a political science major, I find it odd that you're not familiar with the current scientific consensus on voter ignorance. Are you a first-year student or something? Are you not familiar with voter ignorance, rational irrationality, and public choice theory? To my knowledge, there is no paper, study, or evidence of any kind which suggests that increasing the total number of ignorant voters actually leads to better outcomes. That has more to do with faith in democracy than any actual science. Don't
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"Bannon does not need to be confirmed as senior counselor. His record as a white supremacist and anti-Semite is beyond dispute." This is being disputed, and you've provided no evidence that your claims are true. "I said that Trump is a racist and a fascist; he is. I didn't say that he was an anti-Semite, but the fact that he has Jewish relatives doesn't mean that he isn't." - True, but it is contradictory, that you are saying on the one hand Trump is going to "promote the causes that are dear to them(anti-
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5551942586898804 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.44247865676879883 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.06202583387494087 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.04533993825316429 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.030931591987609863 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.01968793384730816 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.011652241460978985 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.004251319915056229 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0036745474208146334 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0017715749563649297 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001684182439930737 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0016147809801623225 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0013280772836878896 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0011839392827823758 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0011595683172345161 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0011220324086025357 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0008512519998475909 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0007553642499260604 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006597934989258647 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006155968876555562 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005888491868972778 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0004915889585390687 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00044143886771053076 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0003876706468872726 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00032915742485783994 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003071758837904781 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00022685987642034888 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00022049953986424953 } ]
The police know that the whole court system and legal framework is nuts, and that it refuses to put any significant consequences on those who kill others through their carelessness, selfishness, and laziness. This is true of other crimes as well, from assault to Canada's rampant financial fraud. The lawyers obsess over whether or not the accused had the intent to do harm - or over the "degree of carelessness..." but who cares?? If you killed somebody, you were careless enough to deserve a real penalty!
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5389627814292908 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.15437911450862885 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.11583976447582245 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.08101116120815277 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.04977380111813545 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.04819907620549202 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.021472545340657234 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.01890246570110321 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01829528622329235 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.006488478276878595 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006149528548121452 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.004558367654681206 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.004064509179443121 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.003829384921118617 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.001900993287563324 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001615162123925984 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0014389147982001305 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0009919164003804326 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0009869490750133991 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0009596010786481202 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006093296105973423 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006006967159919441 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0004956077318638563 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0003534653806127608 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00033456491655670106 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0003236166085116565 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00024048073100857437 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00017965349252335727 } ]
I see that someone had a negative reaction to my post, but of course no rational counter-argument of any kind. This is probably another reason why we shouldn't encourage ignorant people to vote, because they are subject to all kinds of emotional appeals and logical fallacies. They don't even bother to construct logical and valid arguments, they just go with however they feel which often leads to bad policy. The person who didn't like my comment, of course, cannot rationally explain why they don't like it
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6642288565635681 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.20850984752178192 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.1315508335828781 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0400334931910038 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.028476551175117493 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.027605319395661354 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.023918813094496727 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0064636338502168655 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0050662364810705185 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004176784306764603 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0021155020222067833 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0016598894726485014 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001532107125967741 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0013148742727935314 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0012314498890191317 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0009312627371400595 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0009031503577716649 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007216875674203038 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005366905825212598 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0005161809967830777 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.00043092333362437785 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003935367858503014 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003829884226433933 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0003551485133357346 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00034668727312237024 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00034558348124846816 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002906143490690738 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000190127786481753 } ]
Much of the article misstates the facts of whats happening at the Assembly level and at the State level. Charlies also knows little about the way the driver, operator, owner, and dispatch relationship works in the Taxi industry. FYI..two types of permits transferable and nontransferable exist Uber and Lyft are buying neither from the city. Its not the great service that Uber and lyft give that is at issue it is the sub minimum wage jobs that it creates mainly for new immigrants in our country. How is not ge
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Well.. you are entitled to your opinion & you are completely wrong. To compare Trump to the out-of-control insane psychopath running North Korea is pure blind 'bias'.. Absolute uneducated nonsense. You do know that to stop any type of familial competition for his dictatorship.. Jong Un had his old Uncle put into a cage with starving dogs & gleefully watched the poor old man become torn to pieces; you did read how he got rid of his 1/2 brother in Malaysia by using a female to deposit a toxic poison on his p
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Well I called the office this morning looking to speak with Eric Rennie, and I spoke with a very pleasant (young sounding) woman who said he was in a meeting, and I related the fact that I'm an average Joe who'd just learned from the Globe & CBC that average Joes could supposedly register to make a presentation at one off these hearings, and basically she said (nicely) that citizens like me sort of have to keep checking the government website and find the page specific to the Bill they are interested in. No
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Here let me sum up the stupidity of all parties involved, your all being played against each other for the power brokers to stay in power and for you mindless robots that want to fight about my comment, well keep fighting for stupid and you will receive stupid. open your eye's to the truth and evil will fail, once you ignore the truth for the lie than soon the good of life will suffer and this is the point we all are at in this stupid race did you ever look at the word race? running anti community environme
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I thank you sir for your op-ed of fresh air and sanity. I lived in that apartment building between the borough building and Planned Parenthood. Have I got a story about those apartments, but I digress. For years as the group of protesters would be gathering by Planned Parenthood they were visible out my living room window. That prompted me to throw on my boots and jacket to go over there and do a one woman protest all by myself, so glad those other women are doing counter-protests.The evangelical dominionis
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So, carrying a weapon to a gun fight is not "wielding guns" because they are "holstered side arms"? And let me ask you this, SPS Tools: What word instead of "wielding" would you use for a large number of white supremacists with "holstered side arms" walking down a street in a major, mostly liberal, college town? BTW: They were also wielding - oops, I mean carrying - rifles (not holstered). The White Nationalists "... are not stupid." You might get a whole lot of disagreement there. "Helmets & shields seem
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7328524589538574 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.23259857296943665 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.17290793359279633 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.019309913739562035 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.01582905650138855 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.011935614049434662 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.006884162314236164 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.003339670365676284 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.003023887751623988 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0026861210353672504 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.002440493321046233 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001837736926972866 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0015677603660151362 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001163247274234891 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0010159827070310712 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008803772507235408 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0008510971674695611 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0007926131365820765 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0007544668042100966 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007122535025700927 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005704535287804902 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005085965385660529 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00032416623434983194 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003149435215163976 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000255509716225788 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.000215026899240911 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00014779843331780285 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00007178321538958699 } ]
Even if he DID call the cops, against her wishes, they couldn't have done anything about it. Reporting a crime against a third party, free of corroborating evidence - of which there was none - is not actionable as it's investigative-hearsay. It's not like seeing a crime on the news and saying 'I know that guy, I'm going to call in a tip,' that's offering third-party information to aid in an investigation. Here, there wasn't an investigation, as there was no report of a crime. Kizsla is salivating over every
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8536379337310791 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.17232675850391388 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0322021059691906 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.02419235184788704 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.014588698744773865 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0073251426219940186 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0034655204508453608 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0023630275391042233 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0020015521440654993 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.001795705407857895 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0017099230317398906 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0016412351978942752 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0014267312362790108 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0009284609113819897 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008998956182040274 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008327976684086025 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006990389665588737 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0006786815356463194 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006771771586500108 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006494549452327192 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0006356103112921119 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005960193811915815 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005806017434224486 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004910770803689957 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00029231386724859476 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002881621476262808 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002844447153620422 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00024919354473240674 } ]
No. Texans will refuse federal aid. Aid is welfare and a good conservative Texan believes in hauling themselves up by their own (sopping wet leather) bootstraps. They will never accept charity from all those liberal states who pay more in taxes than texans. Their entire congressional delegation (well, all the Republicans anyway) voted against aid to NY and NJersey after Sandy. They are now lying and claim it was because of riders and giveaways even though it had little pork. (I think they are counting o
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First, the unsubstantiated " rich guy ", and guy who has to say, repeat, say again; I'm rich, I'm rich, who is he trying to convince? Apparently us, he knows better. He filed bankruptcy, after bankruptcy, ripped off ppls life savings on his fake college, on how he cheated and payed no taxes and still doesnt. He so great, what is he listening to an American by birth, African by decent person, whom he cleary psuedoly feels superior to, and any other human, woman, white, or non white person on earth. This Tru
[ { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.41673511266708374 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2780185341835022 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.15110129117965698 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.07629552483558655 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.048518288880586624 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.03430498018860817 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.021274497732520103 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.017502905800938606 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.010772442445158958 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.008881318382918835 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.007357880473136902 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.007015026640146971 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002510458929464221 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0024475278332829475 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0021327303256839514 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0020346648525446653 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0015039542922750115 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.001259815995581448 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0011541893472895026 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0008257636800408363 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007289813947863877 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006242135423235595 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0005997722037136555 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005967057077214122 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004573141923174262 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004462554061319679 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00041788280941545963 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00024139523156918585 } ]
You are to blind to see because of the behavior of the past lying racist (see rev right)criminal haters of America you get the present.Past is relevant any critical thinker knows that.All I hear is hatred an threats of violence from the left! I always thought Trump was a bit of a yahoo but I don't doubt he loves our country,yes he says some crazy things all of us do he may tell the occasional lie but there is not 1of you who dose not lie likely on a regular basis he said pu$$y I think most men on earth have
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6691566705703735 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.12255965173244476 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.12047792226076126 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.06167316436767578 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02861608751118183 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.028235092759132385 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.011415309272706509 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.009225050918757915 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005015207454562187 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00482760276645422 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.004643439315259457 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0029376123566180468 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0027971628587692976 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002364435000345111 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001972511410713196 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0019705372396856546 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0009096113499253988 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.000868561735842377 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0007387814694084227 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006862485897727311 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0006330780452117324 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005971876671537757 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0005609197542071342 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.000532825943082571 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004662754654418677 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004466573300305754 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0002575812104623765 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0001171544790850021 } ]
Finally. A pragmatist. A realist. From the leftist side even! That these children of privilege, and shall continue to have privilege, after they have graduated, protesting for those that shall never have privilege, but will most assuredly work 'for; them within one low capacity or the other, is priceless! These spoiled brats have no clue how the ones that they protest for live, but yet hypocritically protest for them, when they are the causation of the problem! I have always gotten a kick out of the p
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I don't know you, but I have lived in Langley since 1983, and called Langley home since 1976. After reading your name calling letter I am not sure I want to get to know you. You say the "highly conservative members on the council" voted to put Burt on the Council" Could you please point out what council you are talking about? What decision was made by this group of "highly conservative members on the council"? I am disgusted by your crude, lazy attempt at scare tactics. I don't want to know you because you
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.30185824632644653 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.2995602488517761 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.2944320738315582 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.12948662042617798 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.10346237570047379 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.10088331252336502 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.06796132028102875 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.05448303371667862 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.02293587289750576 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.010488323867321014 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.009402422234416008 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00824194960296154 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.006875333376228809 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.00512209627777338 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0031002319883555174 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.002872825600206852 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.002823038026690483 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0025467530358582735 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0024630187544971704 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.00242254720069468 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0022657488007098436 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0021736803464591503 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0010675188386812806 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0010116460034623742 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008865673444233835 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0008303808863274753 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00040603222441859543 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00021915642719250172 } ]
Utter nonsense - is marriage to some people voluntary slavery, where every thought word & deed must be shared or approved ahead of time by another? The term "Marriage" encompasses such a host of different interpretations and expectations! And legal obligations! No wonder far fewer people are getting married. Not all that many decades ago marriage was an economic & social necessity for men & women both - people married people they had known in their neighborhoods or small town growing up; or they married
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With all of the problems with the Black Lives Matter idiots even the radicalized Muslims any positive police.public interactions is always a positive event. I went to a Trump for President fundraiser in Mpls last arch and talked to many BLM protesters their protesting a black guy getting killed by an officer. There idea of protesting involved laying on a highway or the light rail train tracks which only pissed people of when they were delayed and missed appointments or work. They looked at me like I was
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.607234001159668 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.28859299421310425 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.06982331722974777 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0528741180896759 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.021325550973415375 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.01957869715988636 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.01255520898848772 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006012594327330589 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.003902505384758115 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.003804437816143036 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0031600885558873415 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.003105881391093135 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0030486262403428555 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0024209206458181143 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0016216995427384973 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0015777354128658772 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0013927239924669266 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0011368353152647614 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0010062491055577993 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0009366866433992982 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0008945337613113225 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0008612846722826362 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0008612784440629184 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0005926918820478022 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005264758365228772 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005247508524917066 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00033908220939338207 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00026814365992322564 } ]
I was replying to the repeated lie thrown out once again by the granger cat about what Speaker Pelosi supposedly said. If you and the granger cat are so in the dark about the legislative process and so under the influence of the right wing noise machine that you don't know the truth by now it may be hopeless to explain once again but here goes. First spending bills are created in the House then voted on and pass or fail. That bill goes on to the Senate for committee hearings, compromise language added and t
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AAwesome post !! Thank you Mike AA! I wonder what would have happened if this man would have murdered someone and was acquitted by some ridiculous legal technicality. I think that the Vatican would have bounced him out of the priesthood. I bet that if this mans crime would have to do with embezzling funds, he would have been banned from the priesthood. It seems that catholic clerics place such little importance on child sex crimes. They minimize these crimes by calling them abuse and boundary violatio
[ { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.8938589692115784 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.3210136294364929 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.23790504038333893 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.15841345489025116 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.07115534693002701 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.03263388201594353 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.02238382026553154 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.017389990389347076 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.014676992781460285 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.010999748483300209 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.005930248647928238 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.005645181052386761 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.005496244411915541 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.005458637606352568 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.005318273324519396 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0043102470226585865 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0033189160749316216 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0027571057435125113 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0024504775647073984 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.002244145842269063 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0022379157599061728 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0020496451761573553 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002004283247515559 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0019023899221792817 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0017882583197206259 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0017263226909562945 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.001690206816419959 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.001415981911122799 } ]
Leave it to lying liberals to try and defend the indefensible? Khadr was OUTSIDE CANADA WAGING WAR AGAINST CANADIANS AND THEIR ALLIES! He was outside canada law and had no canadian rights, he had willfully terminated and cancelled his canadian citizenship! THEREFORE KHADR HAD NO CANADIAN RIGHTS TO BE VIOLATED! This is an insult to every service person living and dead who ever served this country and to the taxpayers from whom this 10.5 million was stolen? I call upon every true respectable canadian [liars,
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The road to hell must truly be paved with good intentions I'm sure today's Political self-Censorship (PC) will scream "insensitive", but I'm an American who escaped government run schools where HI's Professional Educators Socialize children instead of teaching them Reading, 'Riting, and Reasoning (aka "Rithmatic" because Mathematics is not a science, but the language of pure Reason) So I'll speak it anyway: Hawaii must be listed somewhere as the perfect dumping ground for failed mainland stuff, because wha
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And I sounded like a 'disciplinarian' when I have apologized to you and tried to start over on conversations, apologizing even when I did not start something, or did not start it 'alone'? When you walked away from conversations rather than give an inch of your sacred ground? Really? Pretty much everything you say to others is negative, probably because you came on/come on this website to challenge everything and everybody because that's what you need to do to those "liberals"/"progressives" of which you
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.28801077604293823 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.2758319675922394 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.13377545773983002 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.1315820962190628 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.06113171949982643 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.05502782389521599 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.034584399312734604 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.02947409078478813 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.020920807495713234 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.01951506920158863 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.01933487504720688 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.013799451291561127 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.008449253626167774 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.007695694919675589 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004004010930657387 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0034088660031557083 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.002639456419274211 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.002016125014051795 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0014905623393133283 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001367488643154502 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0013342038728296757 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001217754790559411 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0010988399153575301 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0009629394044168293 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006976809236221015 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006000392022542655 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005507672904059291 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00030634787981398404 } ]
Trumptalk: Get rid of your nukes, or we commit economic suicide!! Trump is an idiot. Look where he has us. In a corner with few practical options. He's lost Asia for the US. Idiot. Think about it. What If China, Russia and NK simply respond to all Trump demands and threats by simply saying, "No. We do what we want." Can they do that? Doesn't Trump have no options except things that hurt America termendously? The only Trump option is catastrophic war our catastrophic economic positions. War de
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This is Jason Vukovich's girlfriend, Angel. He isn't a bad man at all. He is a good loving man who loves me and loves all children. He doesn't deserve to still be in jail over these sick bastards. I have a fb page tilted " Jason Vukovich the Hero We Deserve" please go check it out. That is where I post all new updates about Jason's case. I have also formed a donation campaign on my Fundly account titled "Jason Vukovich Freedom" any kind of donations will be much appreciated by myself and Jason. I just hired
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This has to be one of the silliest and uninformed pieces written by Doug Saunders in some time. In quoting examples of Europeans and others living in and raising families in apartments, he knows darn well that those are not of the multi-storey nature recently erected and currently under construction in Toronto, Vancouver and elsewhere. Europeans do not rear families in 50-80 storey towers: if they live in multi-level shared space, it is in buildings of moderate height, where they and their children can
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5854586362838745 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.30548712611198425 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.133376806974411 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.028800835832953453 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.026437368243932724 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.02448900230228901 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.017692357301712036 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.015323554165661335 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.01490235235542059 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00486416881904006 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0028899849858134985 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0022363769821822643 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0016952300211414695 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0015109846135601401 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0011862219544127584 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0011794002493843436 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0009411962819285691 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0008026780560612679 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.000576377147808671 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005689990357495844 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005652016261592507 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005557147669605911 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005074788350611925 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004996053176000714 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0004844612267334014 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00042844077688641846 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003403720911592245 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002934794465545565 } ]
tRump's election was a tragedy for morality, for the goodness in Americans, for global stability, for the environment, for civil conversation etc etc etc etc. The nasty, Pu$$y grabbing, bully won (with Russia's help) We lost any faith in our elections and autonomy. Don't be so simplistic and perhaps you can function in real time. It's a wonder that you radical (stupid) right always refer back to Hillary and Obama. Deflect, divert and distract from current events and the horrible reality of your man tRu
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It is rubbish and it is as usual a ANGLO-AMERICAN media twist ..... distracting from their own problems. We will see what happens with the Trump ralley, how soon it will vanish and what the results will be. And their is the BREXIT. England, no the whole UK is divided about BREXIT. What May wants is ... eating the cake and having it too. Nothing new with this ANGLO approach, same old same old. It will not happen and the EU will be better off w/o England and will be in better shape with Scotland and Irel
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you go girl! i couldn't agree more. every morning i wake up and look in the mirror, my first feeling is utter disappointment and shame, while i mutter to myself- "ah shit, i'm still mitch buchannon...when will this end?!?" i get dressed, shape up my perm, do a little manscaping, all the while thinking to myself "mitch, you are truly a disgusting human being. and although you've never touched the opposite sex in any inappropriate way, you are guilty by association simply because you are a man, albeit sexy
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Talk about dumb women----they were supposed to get organized and march BEFORE the election , rather than cry like sore losers after it's over . The funny part is millions of women voted for Trump , and helped him become or 45 th president. Adding to the dumbness , in D.C. the organizers there told all women who are pro life to not show up . They are excluding their own sisters because they don't like they're position on abortion. How pathetic is that ? All those who march in D.C. support killing the ne
[ { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.566862165927887 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.15902331471443176 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.10343147814273834 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.09942897409200668 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.06830260902643204 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.05726790428161621 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03225162625312805 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.01656273566186428 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.014168929308652878 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.013530991040170193 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.011550410650670528 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.011355721391737461 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.008884554728865623 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.00783948227763176 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005907169543206692 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.003693660255521536 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.003668100805953145 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.003127126256003976 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0028192861936986446 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002678374759852886 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0022545144893229008 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00185877806507051 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0017952764173969626 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0012841337593272328 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0012747244909405708 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0010925771202892065 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00029682970489375293 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00014791615831200033 } ]
My goodness....You seem to think Mr. Trump's comments are trivial and should be ignored. I would suggest they are just further validation that Trump is an extremely crass, crude man who, over his entire lifetime, has displayed the same values he showcases in his comments in his comments,actions andrelationships toward and with women. He's the ""posterboy" for misogyny. Perhaps that's OK with you......that's your choice. You attempt to divert attention from these revelations with the rather tired mantra
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Seems that if an individual sends a letter outlining her crappy opinion about you to where you're smashed apart with all the negative pain.. seems the best thing to do is to phone her up -- tell her what a jerk she is for not being decent & respectful with you; wish her no ill will, but to just pls buzz off; send back all tinny mementos c/w note indicating she can bestow her trinkets on like-minded 'cruel' ones & get on with your own life. All this drama is a complete waste of your own life's time; good-he
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.37377458810806274 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.26904064416885376 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.12914809584617615 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.091129831969738 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0577152818441391 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.04335640370845795 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.038144852966070175 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.014967361465096474 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.01222847681492567 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.012116819620132446 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.010072018951177597 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0071102031506598 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0038417752366513014 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0032861719373613596 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0020125217270106077 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.001978726824745536 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0015173443825915456 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0014638270949944854 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0013512726873159409 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0012452173978090286 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0010444630170240998 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0007992229657247663 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0007887020474299788 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.000704609730746597 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.000694063026458025 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006918995059095323 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0006071160896681249 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0004088963323738426 } ]
I stayed with my rapist for a few weeks and after multiple attacks. Why ? It was extreme disbelief, shame, fear, terror, shock, trauma. It's easy to say I wouldn't let someone hit me or I would kill anyone who tried to rape me. I learned a personal lesson in my judgement of women, violence and rape. He beat me, kicked me, punched me, bit me. During my attacks all that I could think of was "if I do what he says maybe he won't kill me". I repeated this over and over as I was brutalized. It was easier for me
[ { "label": "fear", "score": 0.49532628059387207 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.14947831630706787 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.11580435186624527 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.08937021344900131 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.052764374762773514 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.05248299986124039 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.05127627030014992 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.05080564692616463 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.04218556359410286 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.04160371050238609 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.03977316617965698 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.03144879639148712 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.026695726439356804 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0241532102227211 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.008746459148824215 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.006892293691635132 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.004223888739943504 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004054717253893614 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0035344145726412535 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0035337998997420073 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0032838128972798586 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0032212589867413044 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.003010257612913847 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.002910281764343381 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0026940694078803062 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.002243300434201956 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0015861570136621594 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00029332589474506676 } ]
I say it because of this type thing yesterday. The rally is NOT Neo Nazi, this is a regular monthly vigil by victims of illegal aliens in USA. The previous rally's have been quiet, no issues. Yesterday, the counter-protesters showed up, in case it was neo-Nazi. Counter protesters really need to stand down, on either side. -- * "Fearing that extremists would join in, counterprotesters flooded the event. Tensions flared and police made their presence known." http://www.ocregister.com/2017/08/20/heres-how-th
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WOW you are amazingly ignorant. I have volunteered at First Place Family Center and worked as a teacher for the homeless preschoolers whose families receive services there. I have met the child in this picture and worked with him first hand. Families are suffering everywhere, all the time. More then often due to the recession, being laid off, going broke due to the high cost of medical bills, or from an untreated mental/ physical disability, NOT due to drug addiction, or "laziness" as many people think. The
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Jesus H. Christ, it's about time someone published this! This is the information that need to be plastered on mainstream media. We will loose this fight and that's a god damn guarantee! It's asshole's who post Youtube videos of their suction dredging and drool over their fucking miniscule amounts of Au in front of the entire world who has fucked us! This Asshole, Dave Mc Cracken and his Happy Camp Methadone patients that go into peoples back yards with their 6" Proline's and dredge their birdbaths because
[ { "label": "anger", "score": 0.5495621562004089 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.47090694308280945 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.16630062460899353 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.019030869007110596 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0186187494546175 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.015006190165877342 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.012234312482178211 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006173267029225826 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0053867800161242485 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002991306595504284 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0029190191999077797 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0026557648088783026 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002635359764099121 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.002520535606890917 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.00197387277148664 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0019222283735871315 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.001818316988646984 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0017883579712361097 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0015227114781737328 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.001453520730137825 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0012426618486642838 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0009816468227654696 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0008373703458346426 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006998004973866045 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00042384795960970223 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004097535856999457 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003701733658090234 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00035175649099983275 } ]
here we go again with these lifetime losers. druggies, alcoholics, lazy ass losers. we know those types and most are all sick and tired of this crap. to me reading this article,i blame the damn state, city a feds. they play this faking wait and see game, cuz they no like work either. the damn state, city workers don't like doing their job. theses are our society losers and our great city and state workers can't even follow a damn law. man, that mauga fellow builts his own rooms, how long did that take,
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.5909662246704102 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.3558790683746338 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.10720662772655487 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.08238175511360168 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.047318603843450546 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.02297765202820301 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.011774219572544098 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.008573127910494804 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.007997897453606129 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.005087868310511112 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.003132638754323125 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002961875405162573 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0025698107201606035 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0020190435461699963 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0017020765226334333 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0016343753086403012 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0013580711092799902 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0013448494719341397 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0010248807957395911 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.000979426666162908 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0009714479674585164 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.000924602267332375 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0007515210891142488 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0007272615330293775 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000646103813778609 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006381988641805947 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005124034360051155 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00033503505983389914 } ]
Holy crap, this is beyond ridiculous! These so called "counselors" need to be removed from their position. "According to the job description, they serve as "counselors" to younger students in the dorms." Does this not include Leadership by Example? Being someone the school is proud to have represent their campus? Do we need to keep letting people stir the pot and start more racial drama? College should be about getting an education and this roommate situation is a joke. We have bigger issues on campus: Sex
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At least Trump built businesses, Trudeau is the spoiled child born into wealth but did nothing himself and rode into power on the family name. No political party would put a part time drama teacher in charge of a major party,unless their father had been PM. On top of that we have an arrogant French Canadian bigoted man-child who said 'Canada belongs to Quebec and Quebeckers are better than other Canadians because they are" and he had the nerve to call Harper divisive? Trudeau does not understand economics
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Ready? Set. Let er rip! Yes, release all or anything done while taxpayers are paying their salary. That goes for any elected politician. They work for us. If not then they have pulled off the perfect con for 150 years. They act like they don't answer to anyone. That needs to change and FBI can start that change . Tell us what the hell has happened that our country is falling apart and those elected to SERVE AS OUR REPRESENTATIVES IN NATIONS GOVERNING BODY, have turned into rogue animals snarling and fighti
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.4655540883541107 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.19814713299274445 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.1586136668920517 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.13059863448143005 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.12719079852104187 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.04508143663406372 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.02767297625541687 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.020542703568935394 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.01208513043820858 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.011793643236160278 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.010011354461312294 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0064666965045034885 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.005477053578943014 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.005234996322542429 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.004371800925582647 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.003966685850173235 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0035419093910604715 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.003302709199488163 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.001470443676225841 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001291824271902442 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.001150120864622295 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0010354804107919335 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0009128485107794404 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007669842452742159 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007500537321902812 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00042495265370234847 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002590823860373348 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00023231330851558596 } ]
"In Little Mosque all the stereotypes you would expect were there: all Muslims were kind, warm hearted, tolerant, liberal, and non judgmental. Other non white characters were all good people too. The white police chief was a fool, and most of the white town folks had varying degrees of stupidity and oafishness. THe humour centered on how stupid white people are" ~ ~ 214Montreal -- You are exactly correct.. and that is the level of pandering the CBC will engage in to shore up its revenues which reach well be
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The problem is that Trump is a moron, i.e. an "adult" with the mental age of someone who is 7 to 12 years old. Because of that, he is incapable of understanding the rule of law and the fundamental conventions and protections afforded by common law, i.e. habeas corpus, the presumption of innocence etc. He also clearly doesn't grasp that the job of President is circumscribed by the Constitution and the rule of law. Trump remains the empowered and living embodiment of a viral political tantrum that began w
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6529600620269775 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.32400500774383545 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.07260219752788544 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.04180755093693733 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.025780392810702324 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.023094099014997482 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.021743169054389 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.008340881206095219 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0040665785782039165 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.002845583250746131 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002387108514085412 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002096709795296192 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0013646999141201377 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001219688798300922 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0011890195310115814 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0008319387561641634 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0008143946761265397 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0007000566693022847 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006058256840333343 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005447470466606319 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005171861848793924 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005024719866923988 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00043054745765402913 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00040968265966512263 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.000399158539948985 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00039346065022982657 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003628395206760615 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00034629006404429674 } ]
NOW LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT, we have a terrorist who HAILS from Canada, but joins the terrorist group and KILLS AN AMERICAN SOLDIER,, AND BLINDS ANOTHER AMERICAN SOLIDER,, AND HE GETS CAUGHT ''' captured''' our canadian intelligence people find out who he is and what he has done and they advise the UNITED STATES of this information,,, He is tried for his crimes and sent to a u.s prison in Cuba . WELL WHAT WOULD SOME OF YOU BLEEDING HEARTS WANT TO DO,, GIVE HIM A PARADE AND WELCOME HOME PARTY IN OTTAWA,
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8450865745544434 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.01907244510948658 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0177450068295002 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.017639728263020515 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.01029290072619915 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.009240304119884968 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.006104157771915197 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.003941557835787535 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0034539648331701756 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.002611634088680148 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0025733881630003452 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002536912215873599 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0017716207075864077 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0016911003040149808 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.001573805115185678 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0015557145234197378 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0015334849013015628 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0014799716882407665 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0014152734074741602 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0010635919170454144 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0009559641475789249 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00046808086335659027 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002841365057975054 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00024303141981363297 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00023055420024320483 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00021838922111783177 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0001766213244991377 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00017110562475863844 } ]
welcome...i also always appreciate a good laugh...heck..a half smile will do. some very funny people on here.. need it! at least once a day, every day, since the election, i freak out and yell "jesus, mary and joseph!!!...PRESIDENT *7*%$# donald TRUMP OF THE UNITED STATES? WHAT &^%* IDIOTS!!! ARRRRGGHHH. i actually haven't paid much attention, as i truly no longer feel like i'm part of a nation that would ELECTORALLY choose that fool. the electoral college system is antiquated and has to go. we got
[ { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.4029056429862976 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.29684481024742126 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.21116623282432556 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.07959342002868652 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.04458272084593773 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.038015320897102356 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03705541044473648 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.03490609675645828 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.029820073395967484 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.027933642268180847 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.025021204724907875 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.021249791607260704 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.011993859894573689 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.009271613322198391 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.009159970097243786 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.006303596775978804 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.006116592790931463 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004195773974061012 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.003270583227276802 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0026549731846898794 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0026318279560655355 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0024497993290424347 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0019911446142941713 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0017378225456923246 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0012562171323224902 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0008240360184572637 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007356205023825169 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005887050065211952 } ]
Hi, Mary - I had to re-read your comment to understand where you were coming from. If I understand you correctly, you're pointing out that the document to which Michael refers (Gaudium et Spes) suffers from the sexism of its time, and therefore requires correction if the Church is going to credibly proclaim the Gospel to the people of our day, and especially if the Church is going to mount real resistance to the Trump worldview. I agree, of course, although I don't think Michael was defending the patriarcha
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Dont forget that in addition to being sexually abusive, Trump is a white supremacist. His team regularly borrows propaganda from white supremacist websites for its internet campaign. His current and former campaign managers have deep ties to officially recognized hate groups. He is calling for "poll watchers" to guard against "black voter fraud". While claiming the voting system is "rigged" he has tacitly affirmed those surrogates of his who have called for open violence in the event that he doesnt win. T
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8623612523078918 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.1013420820236206 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.02893051877617836 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02003765106201172 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.01448091585189104 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0053385160863399506 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0050873830914497375 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0035470155999064445 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0031194433104246855 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0024551162496209145 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0020105831790715456 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0018388209864497185 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.000927784014493227 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0008001544629223645 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007784820627421141 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007187605369836092 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006600352935492992 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006459268042817712 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005225736531428993 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.000505497504491359 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004110285372007638 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003956940199714154 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0003926146018784493 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000356518808985129 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0003519636520650238 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002811161975841969 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00026300325407646596 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00020191774819977582 } ]
First, your debt citation is ludicrous. Britain was in an all-consuming war which killed a whole generation, destroyed shipping and trade, and sidelined normal industry. The US similarly had its highest debt in WW II, the domestic economy went on a war footing, and rationing was imposed; but our country wasn't bombed to pieces. Second, Reagan benefitted from the monetary actions of fed chairman Paul Volcker, who ended the stagflation that kicked Jimmy Carter out of office (not Ronnie's technicolor charm),
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.46865877509117126 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.40139660239219666 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.1468353569507599 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.046679239720106125 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0446678102016449 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0203996691852808 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.018219245597720146 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.015416855923831463 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.01123883668333292 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00432500010356307 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003138317260891199 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0023031041491776705 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0022424468770623207 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0021745264530181885 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0021340185776352882 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0014668717049062252 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010497471084818244 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001021328498609364 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0008923796121962368 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.000845872622448951 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0007826198707334697 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006614477606490254 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0006348592578433454 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005695011932402849 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004709885106422007 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003779898106586188 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00034918682649731636 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00026378000620752573 } ]
Something needs to be done about downtown...this is OUR city. The police have their hands tied so they end up having to expend all their energy chasing down drivers with a couple beers in their system instead of dealing with the BS from all the "travelers" downtown. I can't walk 5 ft without stepping on someone making a bed on the sidewalk or demanding my change or food from me. I get insulted and threatened constantly by smug, deranged addicts that seem more self-entitled than struggling. Half of them are
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.4882490038871765 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2496362328529358 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.13503512740135193 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.06976179778575897 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.035484448075294495 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.027812128886580467 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02237691357731819 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.02088165283203125 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.014626325108110905 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00831384863704443 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.007816132158041 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.007677305955439806 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.00711054028943181 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002735304180532694 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0024067824706435204 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0014918780652806163 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0014756183372810483 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00125089380890131 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0011250333627685905 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001111068413592875 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0010012004058808088 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008035965147428215 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007621562690474093 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0006982126506045461 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005892838235013187 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0005705730873160064 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0005454931524582207 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00042108629713766277 } ]
Another poorly written article, devoid of (a multitude) factual justification as to 'why' this game carries any importance. Stupid false narratives, like neither stadium hosting such a large crowd, while falling to point point out that CU loses much more money while playing to a 95% attendance at Mile High (it might breach that # this year) than they make by playing to a 75% gathering at Folsom - they sold out a herd of games last year BTW. CU already crushes the in-state recruiting, so that point is also m
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Please Stay with this story Globe & Mail -- It is likely one of the most important stories in Canada... & Thank you for pushing it up front. . The fact that this Liberal paper sees this issue as being so incredibly important brings home the complete callous disregard of this Federal Liberal Gov't. What the heck is this 'lie' from Bains re: the review of this sale by National Security? In fact, a full-fledged national security review WAS NOT performed! The man is unethical. This 2017 Cabinet of the Cdn
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Racist much up here in Alaska? thehighway wrote: “This just shows how big of a joke blacklivesmatters is. Where is their support now? No outrage, no protests? The police just killed a man… Hello… Oh yeah BLM is a joke and doesn’t care if anyone else except black people guilty or not are killed by police. A black KKK all for the destruction of police offices. If BLM were truly a just cause there would be supporters at the scene wearing their oh so special t-shirts…” So can you, “thehighway,” explain in you
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You make a very good point. I concede that my confidence may be overstated. Still, I remain cautiously optimistic that this bill cannot get through the Senate. Paul Ryan, whose hypocrisy and cowardice are already so well established, is calling the vote today precisely because the CBO score is not ready. By the time the Senate gets this, we'll know how many millions of people will be harmed by this act and how much it will cost. The Senate, I think, will tweak it in the hope of ameliorating their constit
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Though some may frown upon this "alleged" behavior, it is the conduct of the Police I find most disturbing by coercion and misconduct by unscrupulous Law Enforcement by creating crime and Framing someone to circumvent due process. Thus, don't prejudge the JOHN until one sees what the sick minds of the Police themselves wrote to lure the Perpetrator. if EPD wants to truly "conduct a sting operation targeting child prostitution" then catch the REAL Prostitutes and their Pimps ~ instead of fabricating crim
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Taking a simplistic look at the parties currently competing for votes in the South African political arena, can I (rightly or wrongly) come to the following view?: *EFF - extreme left, racist-based, wants to claim what little is left of the local economy and remove any incentive for investment of any kind (foreign or domestic) - result is an immediate economic collapse and isolation from the world world economy; *FF+ - far right, culture-based (Afrikaner) with a bias towards minority rights. There is insuff
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Planned Parenthood deserves our scorn and zero taxpayer dollars . If everything they do is so vital to the health of women and abortion is only a tiny part of what they do--why do they risk losing 500 million because they refuse to stop doing abortions ? It has been reported that last year out of around 1400 abortions performed in Alaska Planned Parenthood was behind 1340 of them . Why on earth can anyone other than the killers themselves support any organization that was responsible for killing 1340 innoce
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.3902207612991333 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.29893067479133606 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.13762260973453522 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.11450260132551193 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.08268310874700546 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.05211181566119194 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.04875500872731209 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.012803277932107449 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.00838895421475172 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.005982175935059786 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.005485464818775654 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.004657748620957136 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0027931411750614643 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0027289208956062794 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0024175397120416164 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001992387231439352 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0011367681436240673 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010304148308932781 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0009480497101321816 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0008501759148202837 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008424102561548352 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0007217299425974488 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006838851841166615 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005494878278113902 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005391880986280739 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.00038922205567359924 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00021002982975915074 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0002011878532357514 } ]
I would have to say that if you believe that this is o.k then you got one thing right..you are a confused Christian and God is not the author of confusion. This country was born based upon God, Glory and Guts. Not satan, luciferian impulses and shame. ALL true Christians should stand against and rebuke this. To say it is o.k to pray to an evil entity is to deny Jesus Christ and everything he stood for. Shame on you! Religion has absolutely everything to do with ALL politically held offices. When our forefat
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.28382638096809387 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.268267959356308 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.19949409365653992 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.09796926379203796 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.04185539111495018 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.036997146904468536 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.025205222889780998 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.020300352945923805 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.014606950804591179 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.010750878602266312 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.006196917966008186 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0034800905268639326 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002233132952824235 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.002034114208072424 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0016487734392285347 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0013947534607723355 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0013860189355909824 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0008456864743493497 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0008258289890363812 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0007635658257640898 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006805667071603239 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006584894144907594 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006079939194023609 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.000579182873480022 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005580252618528903 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005550594651140273 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00046882120659574866 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003118413151241839 } ]
Are all Alaska women as messed up as these ladies ? Addressing just of few of they're lame points : They boast about Mt. View being the most diverse neighborhood in the U.S. , as though it's a shinning example of open borders. Are these ladies so slow they don't know that Mt.View is the worst neighborhood in Alaska and leads the state in crime ? If they like Planned Parenthood--write them a check and stop asking for taxpayer money. Out of 1400 future Alaskan's killed by abortion last year , Planned Par
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Well, yeah, I'm a funny one. I didn't actually snipe at you, but at the comment which is overplayed on this blog. As in: "If NCR does this....blahblahblah." "If NCR doesn't do that...blahblahblah." People who don't like the blog shouldn't pretend they care about it. It just sounds pretty disingenuous to me. On the other hand, omg, I've done it once myself! Wow! I just contradicted myself! I told the editor that if anyone used the icon for the racist frog dude and it wasn't removed, I was gone. So sue me.
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Jesus was a carpenter. How do you think he'd run his business? What kinds of people do you think he'd refuse service to? The only people Jesus ever rebuked or called vile were the pious pharisees. The only people he ever showed anger towards were the charlatans in the temple (and I suppose the disciples from time to time). You have so much animosity towards people you disagree with. You think it's noble to refuse to serve them. You think you're standing up for what's right, but in reality you're standing
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I'd hate to be the partisan who has to explain away a rally of neo-Nazi torch weilders who chanted "Jews will not replace us" with "out of context" with no further attempt at explanation. Trump refused to rent to black Americans. That's why the "alt-right" loves him. I'd hate to be the partisan who has to explain away a contempt of court charge by arguing that the DOJ was wrong and so was the judge who found Arpaio in contempt after he violated desist order. Notably you didn't try to dispute the other sins
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By the way, did anyone notice Simmons on Harris's pick-six? He made an INCREDIBLY unselfish and amazing play, ESPECIALLY for the first game of a preseason, where team chemistry isn't typically going to be at its highest. The reverse end zone replay showed it perfectly, that even though he had a TOTAL bead on the ball, and had his momentum going in a better direction than Chris, he pulled off of the ball... even pulling his hands back, to give Harris an unobstructed view and easier catch. I'm PRETTY sure tha
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You want to be VULGAR and show your IGNORANCE. I will dismantle YOUR "STUPID" comment and supposed DEFENSE apart. First off , this was not YOUR house, YOU are renting it. Now, by your own ADMISSION in your comment, YOU are responsible for this fire because you set the generator to close to combustible materials. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. DUH........ Anyone who uses the Whackey Tabaky, aka, Weed, Devils Salad, Idiots Cabbage, Pot, Gongi, have shown to use EXTREMELY POOR JUDGEMENT and ha
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Meanwhile Donald envious of the Kim Jong-un's power is Tweeting this morning the next round of legislative changes needed to consolidate his own "situation"? In other words, Russia was against Trump in the 2016 Election - and why not, I want strong military & low oil prices. Witch Hunt! Republican Senate must get rid of 60 vote NOW! It is killing the R Party, allows 8 Dems to control country. 200 Bills sit in Senate. A JOKE! The very outdated filibuster rule must go. Budget reconciliation is killing R's
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.25955334305763245 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.1890975534915924 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.14897869527339935 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.1271514594554901 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.05364192649722099 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.04580718278884888 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.044552627950906754 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.039766762405633926 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.023582100868225098 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.017291519790887833 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.006514726672321558 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0056238058023154736 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0054808370769023895 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0053194849751889706 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0048392536118626595 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.004566343501210213 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.004195081070065498 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0037514895666390657 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0036324486136436462 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00309121236205101 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.002982162404805422 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002578199142590165 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0020366692915558815 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0014806102262809873 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0009214665624313056 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0008972676005214453 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00038542982656508684 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00011075555084971711 } ]
anybody notice the coincidences between a trump trip to russia and then a big hot mess, involving russia, a week after the trump returns to US. Putin is playing games, with trump & our whole nation. he is a puppet master ...he has dirt over trump - no doubt. he asks an impossible thing of trump, trump must say no and putin jerks his/our strings and gives donald fits. don jr & that email.. just stupid. our fate in those tiny hands the last time , it was about the leaks...he is just jacking us around watchin
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You're lying about me of course, as you seem to do every day now. I never think about you. Not ever. Don't you think it's weird that you think about me so often? I sure do! I'm happily married, by the way - so don't get any ideas. I am a very proud member and volunteer attorney for the ACLU. Since you have made it your life's work to remain absolutely and completely ignorant about the Constitution, nothing I write here will be absorbed by you. But others may actually want to learn something. With v
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So what are they saying; let HB 247 end Alaska's oil workers efforts to explore and produce so Saudi's manipulation can take ( steal) Alaska's oil market share and others that frack oil? Are you saying Saudi's oil manipulation is aimed at only oil that is fracked in Texas and not oil from other places like Alaska? So, do you want Saudi to enjoy more markets because of lower prices due to their manipulation? If HB 247 is as Alaska's Mr. Bill Armstrong ( Best Oil Finder in America) who says is this Hous
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Racists comments made by Palin, Nugent, etc.. Such as....? BTW,how is the birther campaign racist? Maybe you don't know what that word means. It's o.k., I'll let that slide. Wait, was that racist? Obama, who lied about how his parents met, who called his grandparents typical white people, who has more than one social security number..that's odd. Who did and did not register for selective service..that's strange.Who had his college records locked up tight. Whose real father is not who he said it was..Oops,
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"I did not have sex with that woman"..............Donald Trump? NOooo....that would be PRESIDENT Bill Clinton. Where is the intellectual honesty? Where was the outcry from the feminists and anti rape crowd? What Trump said WAS deplorable, disgusting and demonstrated a woeful lack of maturity. Can we NOT look at it in a vacuum? Can we at least admit the culture we live in - sex on TV; example after example sensationalized by the media ad nauseam; ZERO consequences for "role models" who actually commit the a
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