decrement the count register and jump to decode if not equal zero
loop decode
invoke subroutine listen
mov ebx, 4
push the word 100 onto the stack
push word 100
jump to the find_egg label if the zero flag is set
jz find_egg
move al into the byte at address [esi+17]
mov byte [esi+17], al
push the 4 bytes at address var onto the stack
push [var]
decrement the contents of the ecx register and jump to the duploop label if the result is not negative
dec ecx \n jns duploop
push 102 onto the stack
push 102
load the effective address of the result of the operation [zero_reg+3] into the eax register
lea eax, [zero_reg+3]
multiply edx by 4 using left shift
shl edx, 2
move 0xe2 into bh
mov bh, 0xe2
send signal to another process
mov eax, 37
push 0x3458652e onto the stack
push 0x3458652e
load the effective address [ebp-8] into ebx
lea ebx, [ebp-8]
move the value 10 into the cl register then decrement the contents of the cl register and jump to the l1 label if the result is not zero
mov cl, 10 \n dec cl \n jnz l1
define the _execline label
reset both lower and uppper bytes of eax to be 0
xor eax, eax
negate all bits in the byte at the memory location tmp
not byte [tmp]
mov eax, 5
push the word 0x697a onto the stack
push word 0x697a
add 10 to eax
add eax, 10
push the word 0x3436 onto the stack
push word 0x3436
define the _write label
make the system call to create a new process
mov eax, 2
define port array of 5 bytes and initialize it to 0xd4, 0x31, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x3, 0x77
port: db 0xd4, 0x31, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x3, 0x77
move 0x01 into the byte at address [esp+3]
mov byte [esp+3], 0x01
invoke sys_time
mov eax, 13
push the byte 8 onto the stack
push byte 8
if equal then jump to label l7
je l7
push 0xdebf value to the stack
push 0xdebf
move the byte 3fh into al
mov al, byte 3fh
jump to the label l1 if the contents of the al register is greater than the decimal value 9
cmp al, 9 \n jg l1
increment the contents of the edi register
inc edi
push the word [edx] to the stack
push word [edx]
push the 0x5 onto the stack
push 0x5
push the contents of ecx register onto the stack
push ecx
move 30 to the cl register
mov cl, 30
perform the xor operation between the value stored at the location ecx and dh
xor [ecx], dh
restore the top of the stack into the edi register
pop edi
move 0x7 into al
mov al, 0x7
move the contents of the al register into the edi register
mov [edi], al
move 0xd into dl
mov dl, 0xd
declare message to contain the bytes 'hello world!'
message: db 'hello world!'
push the value 0x6475732f and the value 0x6374652f onto the stack and point the eax register to the stack register
push 0x6475732f \n push 0x6374652f \n mov eax, esp
push the word 0666q onto the stack
push word 0666q
init the esi register to 0
xor esi, esi
move value of memory address [ebp+8] into eax
mov eax, [ebp+8]
decrement the ecx register and jump to the l2 label if the contents of the ecx register is not zero else point the ebx register to the stack register
loop l2 \n mov ebx, esp
define the cmd label
move address of stack pointer into ebx
mov ebx, esp
perform a logical xor between the ecx register and the bh register and save the result in ecx
xor ecx, bh
push the byte +0x46 onto the stack
push byte +0x46
execute exit syscall
int 0x80
if the contents of the memory address ebp+var_a is not equal to zero then jump short to the memory location loc_4010E5
cmp [ebp+var_a], 0 \n jnz short loc_4010E5
make the system call close
mov eax, 6
push the word 0x632d onto the stack and point the eax register to the stack register
push word 0x632d \n mov eax, esp
if the contents of the eax register is not zero then jump to the label _convert
test eax, eax \n jnz _convert
initialize the esi register with the decimal value 0
xor esi, esi
push double word 0x74652f2f onto the stack and point the eax register to the stack register
push dword 0x74652f2f \n mov eax, esp
load the effective address of the result of the operation [zero_reg+66h] into the eax register
lea eax, [zero_reg+66h]
perform and operation on the variable mask1 and 128
and mask1, 128
push the 0x4 onto the stack
push 0x4
left shift the contents of edx register by 9 bit positions
shl edx, 9
jump to the memory address 0x8 if the contents of the edx register is equal to the contents of the ebx register else move the contents of the edx register into the ebx register
cmp edx, ebx \n je 0x8 \n mov ebx, edx
left shift the contents of the edx register by 9 bits
shl edx, 9
put the syscall 3h into the eax register
push byte 3h \n pop eax
move 0x66 into al
mov al, 0x66
define decoder label
jump to the _start label if the contents of the al register is equal to the value 0xf2
cmp al, 0xf2 \n je _start
initialize edx with the hexadecimal value 0x0
xor edx, edx
compare if the contents of al with 0xf2
cmp al, 0xf2
move 0xa2 into al
mov al, 0xa2
jump to the next_addr label if the operands of the above comparison are not equals
jne next_addr
push the dword 0x69622f3a onto the stack
push dword 0x69622f3a
move the memory address of filecontents variable into eax
mov eax, filecontents
multiply eax by ecx
mul ecx
push the dword 0x6d6f646e onto the stack
push dword 0x6d6f646e
left shift the contents of eax register by 28 bit positions
shl eax, 28
jump to the l00p label if the zero flag is cleared
jnz l00p
jump short to the fileaddress label
jmp short fileaddress
move dl into the byte at address [eax]
mov byte [eax], dl
decrement the ecx register and jump to the main_push label if the contents of the ecx register is not zero else move the value 30 into the cl register
loop main_push \n mov cl, 30
push the 0x0a4c4c41 onto the stack
push 0x0a4c4c41
make kernel call to display line string
int 80h
add ax to bx
add bx, ax
move 0x1 into bl
mov bl, 0x1
jump to the label close if the contents of the eax register is zero else move the contents of the edx register into the ebx register
test eax, eax \n jz close \n mov ebx, edx
move 0x42 into al
mov al, 0x42
place the value ebx+4*esi in edi
lea edi, [ebx+4*esi]
do no operation
push 10 onto the stack
push 10
subtract 5d455523 from the contents of the eax register
sub eax, 5d455523
mov eax, 106
define a tables of bytes byte_table and initialize to 14, 15 and 22
byte_table db 14, 15, 22, 45
push 0x204c4c41 onto the stack
push 0x204c4c41
restore the top of the stack into esi register
pop esi
jump to the label l2 if the contents of the cl register is greater than the decimal value 12
cmp cl, 12 \n jg l2
decrement the ecx register and jump to the L2 label if the contents of the ecx register is not zero and the zero flag is zero else push the contents of the eax register onto the stack
loopnz L2 \n push eax
push the contents of eax register onto the stack
push eax
decrement the ebx register by one
dec ebx