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"Wrong answer." he whispered under his breath, gently taking back the gag harness that had stifled her voice. Pressing it quite deep, it was soon shoved right behind her front teeth, going quite a good job of keeping her mouth somewhat open. Given how she was forced to look down, saliva would surely begin to drip once again. "You're no different from any animal, you know..." At the middle of his sentence a harsh slap against her right cheek was made, a hollow thwack making an echo in her confinement chamber. And then, another. THWACK! THWACK! He continued to slap at her prominent rear before he grew tired of it. "You've got some endurance, girl. That's a new one. It seems I have to take this slowly..." given how he spoke, he made sure he imparted to her the fact that he was experienced in the art of interrogation towards the fairer sex. Leaning up against her rear, his fingers made a delicate sliding motion, slowly pressing his fingers against the tight leotard, much tighter given how her lips seemed to have pouted up against the cloth. "How longer can you resist this?" he asked, smiling as he walked up to her, holding the broken blade that she once owned. It was a fine shamshir, too bad she had to raise it against the wrong man. "If you let go of this, I'll take it as a sign that you want to talk. If you abuse this, I may not even give you a voice to speak with." he said, grasping the leotard, making sure that the stretch of cloth against her panties would wedge up between her pouty lips, simply grasping it as he pulled up, the cloth pressing against her labia right between her clitoris, as he laid the handle upon her fingers to grasp. She would have to go on her tippy toes just to endure the strain, but how long would she last? Fingers continued to rub against her nipples, the stream of arousal truly a form of hellish torment.
Krys stood at Platform 9 and 3/4 watching all the students pile in, "How many mudbloods you reckon are attending this year" ,Krys asked Dolohov who was standing next to her. He snickered and looked around, "I haven't a clue Snape a lot of them are probably on the run in fear" ,he replied. The two watched as the students formed a line to get onto the train, they asked the routine questions and looked up names. A few students who were muggle born got sent to a certain section of the train. Both Dolohov and Krys watched as a girl hugged her brother good bye, "Aw how touching, move along we haven't got all day" ,Krys snapped at the two. When all the students were on the train Krys climbed on and made her way down the aisle, "No sign of Potter eh"? she asked a fellow death eater in passing. "Nope, he must be in hiding" ,he replied. Krys shook her head and continued to make her way down the aisle, a disgusted look came across her face as she passed all the muggle borns. As she made her way toward the back of the train a boy stood up, "He's not here losers" ,the boy said in a nasty tone. Krys looked at him, "Ah Neville you finally grew a pair, unfortunately it was at the wrong time if you speak to us like that again you'll find yourself suffering the same fate your parents did, sit down and shut the fuck up" ,Krys snapped back. Neville gave a nervous look before taking his seat. When the train arrived at the school Krys got off first with the rest of the death eaters and made her way up to the castle. She walked into the great hall and made her way to the staff table, she had graduated the year before and Voldemort had appointed her to punish students who had received detentions. The twisted young Snape enjoyed to torture people so there was no doubt that some students would be receiving the cruciatus curse as punishment.
Another year older, another year at Hogwarts. Tegwen Sinclair had no idea what to expect this year at school. With Dumbledore's murderer as headmaster of the school, who honestly knew what to expect. The hufflepuff seventh year had no earthly clue how Voldemort would choose to run a school. The more logical part of her mind kept repeating that the teachers would never allow any harm to come to the students. The less logical part of her mind screamed at her that the Death Eaters loved to cause people anguish and things would probably be more strict. More harsh. Tegwen honestly wouldn't be coming to school this year if it wasn't Mandatory, and her parents weren't forcing her older brother to take her to the station. She was quite furious with her parents right at that moment. They were going on the run. This was primarily because her father David was a muggleborn wizard and he did not want to go through with the Ministry's forced interrogation. Tegwen's mother Siobhan, who was actually a pureblood, was going to disappear with him too because she was very vocal about the Ministry's new ways. Beatrice, who was the youngest Sinclair child at ten years of age, was also going into hiding with her parents. Klaus, who was eighteen, would be staying in London in order to oppose the Death Eaters openly. He wouldn't run. "Be careful this year Gwen,"Klaus said. This brought Tegwen out of her train of thought about her family. She glared at her older brother. What right did he have to lecture her to not take any risks when he was going to be in the thick of the fighting? "I will,"Tegwen said. Her voice was slightly bitter. "I'll be fine Gwen..."Klaus began. "How am I supposed to know that. It's highly unlikely that I'll be able to get any word from you at all, or mum and dad for that matter. How am I supposed to know what is going on?"Tegwen demanded. "Shush."Klaus commanded. Her brother shifted his eyes slightly to indicate the death eaters that had positioned themselves in front of the train. "Let's get you on the train now,"he added. Tegwen had to announce who she was to the death eaters standing guard in front of the train. They would then check her name off a master list of all the students that would be at Hogwarts that year. It was probably a way of weeding out the muggleborns. The purebloods and half-bloods would most likely not be given any hassle. The muggleborns might be carted off somewhere. Tegwen gave her brother a fierce hug before getting on the train.
Krys watched as all the students piled in she noticed a few seventh years arguing, one a Hufflepuff the other a Slytherin. One of her fellow death eaters went to stand up but Krys stopped him, "Let them have it out for a while, see where it goes" ,she said with an evil smirk. After the Slytherin boy was hit with a curse that sent him falling backwards Krys stood up and began to walk over to the two. "Falon go sit at your table" ,Krys told the boy. He got up and quickly mad his way over to the Slytherin table and sat down. Krys turned her attention to the girl, "You will be seeing me in detention later" ,she said. Krys looked at the second year who was shaking in fear, "Shoo"! The girl hurried over to her own house table and Krys turned her attention back to the older girl, she put her hand on the girls shoulder, "After dinner tough guy meet me in my office". Krys turned and made her way back up to the staff table and sat down she eyed the Hufflepuff girl until she sat down. When dinner was finished Krys made her way to her office which was located right near the dungeons. She waited for her first victim so to speak to come and serve her detention.
When Tegwen walked along the train trying to find a place to sit she began making a list of everyone she recognized in her head. She started with those in her year. So far she had caught glimspes of Susan, Ernie, Hannah, Paravati, Padma, Terry, Sheamus, Neville- Lost once again in her train of thought she ran into some random Slytherin boy. She had no idea who he was. He shoved her violently out of his way. She landed on her knees on the corridor of the train. "Get lost freak,"he snarled. Tegwen's face burned bright red and she hurriedly scampered away. She took a seat with Ernie, Susan, and Hannah when she located them. Some of the others like Neville and the Paravati twins sat not far away from them. Tegwen stiffened once the death eaters began making their rounds once the train began moving. When Neville stood up to them about Harry not being there, the hufflepuff girl smiled slightly. He was showing courage he had never really shown before. Tegwen hurried over to him once the Death Eaters had left the compartment. "Um...nice j-job Nev,"Tegwen whispered. Neville looked up at her. "Thanks,"he mumbled. The time on the train seemed to fly by. Before Tegwen knew it the Hogwart's express had arrived at the school. She joined her fellow students on the carriages leading into the school. She hastily moved to find her seat when she got into the Great Hall. Tegwen didn't want to accidently cause any incidents. Fate seemed to have other plans in mind for her though. "Get out of my way you filthly mudblood!"Falon shouted. Falon was a sixth year Slytherin. Tegwen had been picked on by him for years. His focus of attention seemed to be directed at Madison Green, a second year, in Tegwen's house. "Honestly, people who aren't scum need-"Falon began. "Leave her alone,"Tegwen snarled. She had rushed upon the scene almost immediately. The seventeen year old could take Falon teasing her, but she wouldn't stand for his attitude if it was some innocent little kid. She had always been protective of Maddie anyway. "Ohhh...and you're going to make me are you?"Falon asked. "Yes,"Tegwen said. She began pulling out her wand. Falon already had his wand out, but unless someone was standing right up close to him they wouldn't have been able to tell. Tegwen sent a blasting curse straight at his chest. It wasn't one that could actually do him much damage. It only caused him to fall back a couple feet. "That will teach you to be a bully,"Tegwen said. She honestly didn't care if she got into trouble. She was quite sure she could justify her actions.
Krys sat in her office and waited for the Hufflepuff girl to show up. When she heard the knock on her door she smirked. "Enter" ,she said coldly. Krys had that same spine chilling tone her father had when he spoke, some found it sexy others found it scary. Krys looked at the girl when she came in, "Sit down at that desk right there, for now until I figure out what your punishment is going to be" ,Krys said as she stood up and began to pace around the room, she put her hand on her chin as if she were deep in thought as she walked around. "Hmm what would be a fitting punishment for you eh, maybe you can clean the floors to start with" ,Krys summoned a bucket of soapy water and a sponge. "Get to it, oh and you'll be cleaning the floor in your underwear so strip down". Krys walked over to her desk and sat back down and waited for the girl's response. If she was defiant then she would definitely be getting a crucio. Krys was a sadistic being and she almost would rather curse the girl then see her half naked and wet bent over scrubbing a floor.
Tegwen glared at Krys when she approached. She was getting detention? She barely had time to explain herself. Plus, Falon had been getting ready to attack her first. She pulled herself away from Krys when she placed the hand on her shoulder. "Right s-see you laterMiss,"she said. The seventeen year old's voice was slightly sarcastic. She moved towards her table and sat down. "You shouldn't have done that Gwen,"Hannah whispered. "I'm not going to stand for him picking on her,"Tegwen said. She tucked a strand of her auburn hair that had fallen out of the neat bun that she usually wore her hair in. "B-Besides what's the absolute worst that she can do to me?"Tegwen asked. Hannah had no answer to that. Tegwen piled her plate up with all sorts of food. She ate slowly. She was deliberately making Krys wait for her. Honestly...was she expected to treat some girl who was barely older then herself like an actual teacher. Tegwen knocked three times on Krys's door when she reached it. "I'm hereMiss,"she said loudly.
Themanhad been sitting in the chair reading the paper about his favorite Quidditch team. It didn't hurt that his father happened to own majority share of them, but that was beside the point. Fact of the matter was, they had lost again and this is what made Draco rather upset. That was when Lexi had plopped down on his lap and ruined his train of thought. This morning, however, Draco was feeling particularly good, he had finally closed the deal with Ms. Pansy Parkinson after months of trying to convince her. It didn't take too long, but nonetheless Draco was full of spirit this morning. "I was wondering what smelt like that bastard Blaise, and I guess now I know." He said looking her up and down for just a moment before ripping what was left of his paper out from under her. He and Blaise Zabini were close, but they were always butting heads. He was actually gifted at Quidditch whereas Draco was just rich and had better things than everyone else. He was getting better though. There had been rumors going around the Slytherin Common room that Lexi and Blaise had had a little thing going, and he had heard it from the horses mouth itself that it was true. Matter of fact, Blaise couldn't hang out with him and Pansy last night because of Lexi and that allowed him to close the deal. He supposed that he should be thankful of her. At the moment though, he would have his fun. Not waiting for her to answer, he ran the outside of his hand against her cheek and smiled. "What a lucky guy that Blaise, a good romp in the hay you are I bet?" He said, more of a rhetorical question to himself. "Better hurry, I hear Blaise is coming." He said as he looked towards the door. While he and Pansy perhaps were starting up, Blaise and Lexi seemed to be an actual relationship. That was cute, he would have to get the details from him at Quidditch Practice later in the day. For now, Draco Malfoy was perfectly content.
Lexi pushed back her long curly black hair behind her shoulders as her long legs took her down the stairway towards the common room. Rounding the corner her thick lips formed a beautiful smile when she spotted her favorite blonde sitting in a chair reading the paper. Lexi took a lot of joy out of annoying Draco, especially in the morning. He always made it so easy for her. She would never deny there wasn't a sexual attraction that she had towards him but he was always such a dick and she could never get past that. Lexi quickly made her way over to Draco's lap, sitting across his legs with a smile. Her arm wrapped around his neck as she leaned back against his chest, "Were you waiting down here for me?" She asked jokingly. Draco always hated when she touched or sat near him but she could tell he some what enjoyed playing along with her. The two had a strange relationship but for the time being Lexi genuinely enjoyed it. Her eyes scanned over him and stopped at his. For such an asshole he had the most gorgeous eyes. She could tell there was hate built up behind them as he stared at her. They were going to play with one another for the time being but usually by the end of the day they were yelling down each others throats. The boy had an arrogance about him that Lexi hated more then anything. At the same time on those rare occasions when Draco flirted back with her, she would nearly give in once in a while. Lexi knew if she ever gave into him it would be nothing more then adding a notch to his bedpost for Draco, she was sure he had slept with every girl in Slytherin besides her. When she first met him she had thought it over for a second but she couldn't bare to give herself over to such a jerk.
The man knew better than to get upset with her. After all, he loved having the ball in his court and making the first move and Lexi always seemed to set him up with perfect conditions. Shrugging, he brushed Pansy storming off and looked at her. "I don't have to impress her." He said motioning at Blaise. "However, here is your man." He said as Blaise had come back from his class. Blaise's face was not too happy with Lexi, she was doing the one thing that he hated any of his girlfriends to do and that was flirt with Draco Malfoy. Matter of fact, he knew better than to trust whatever Draco said. The man carrying his books put them down on the table. "Just what the fuck are you doing?" Blaise asked Lexi, clearly not pleased with her positioning. Unlike Draco and Pansy, he and Lexi were an actual couple around the school. He always got her the best seats for the Quidditch matches and this was how she repayed him? Draco gave Blaise a little nod, and went back to his paper while Blaise dealt with Lexi. "Well?" He said, his voice and temper starting to rise. He knew full well that Draco didn't pull Lexi on his own lap, probably Lexi just trying to mess around. Shaking his head, he picked his books up and looked her square in the eye. "I'll give you ten minutes to try and think up an excuse or we're done. I'll be in my room." He said as he trudged up the stairs and when the sound of heavy footsteps stopped, the sound of a door slamming was heard. Draco looked at Lexi and laughed. "Now you have done it, you have pissed off one of the more wholesome guys we have." He said with a snicker. He knew he was untouchable with Blaise, but he wasn't so confident for Lexi.
Lexi sat up a little in his lap when she felt him pull at his paper. Laughing at his comments she finally looked over to see Pansy staring at them. Pansy was a complete bitch and Lexi enjoyed more then anything to make her jealous when around Draco. The girl was obviously steaming mad as she glared over at them. Feeling Draco's hand against her face she almost flinched away but she wanted Draco to know that he wasn't bothering her in the slightest. "What happens between Blaise and I is really none of your business." Her hand moved reaching up her finger brushed down his nose, "You're a nosey little thing aren't you." Feeling Pansy's eyes on them she finally looked over at the girl lazily finger waving to her. Leaning in her lips brushed over Draco's ear causing the girl to stomp out of the common room. Lexi started to laugh uncontrollably, "It seems I've upset your little girlfriend." Lexi decided she had done enough damager to ruin Draco's day a little and rose up from his lap. "Maybe we can all go on a double date to hogsmeade?" She laughed, half joking. Draco seemed to be in a good mood and she assumed it had something to do with all the smiling Pansy was doing. Lexi wondered how serious things were between them, she pushed those thoughts out of her head when she saw Blaise coming down the stairs.
It was true, for the whole four days to a week that Blaise and Lexi had officially been together, it had been pretty smooth sailing. Blaise had some sort of an idea that something might go awry with Draco but at the current moment, he wasn't thinking long term, he was angry now. When he had heard the knock, he trudged over to the door and ripped it open, half expecting to see Draco there. His mouth was wide open and he was about to start yelling at her, fortunately he thought before he started to yell and grabbed her arm and pulled her in the room. Slamming the door behind him, he looked at her, pacing for just a moment trying to gather his thoughts. Letting out a sigh, he shook his head. He was worried about her sure, but at the moment he was worried about something else. "I don't want you to not go near him." He said bluntly. "We are friends, and we will hang out, I just don't want you to do that kind of stuff." He said as he started to pace again. He was starting to get more and more angry with her, but he had no idea how to formulate his words, and he didn't want to turn this into a yelling contest. Blaise Zabini tried to keep a level head. The two were good friends, but that didn't mean that there wasn't some sort of rivalry between the two. Having her touchy feely on Draco meant that he looked weaker, and that was something that couldn't happen when he butt heads with Draco on a regular basis. "What do you think we should do?" He asked her, truly wanting to know what she had thought. This was a matter that they had to try and work through. Testing their bonds early. Blaise Zabini at heart was a better man than Draco, though he did have his temper. . .
When Draco mentioned Blaise Lexi was feeling slightly worried about what he would say or do. Her eyes widened slightly when Blaise spoke to her, he had never actually been angry with her before. She knew he had a well enough reason to be angry with her because after all Draco was his best friend. Lexi watched Blaise walk off after he more or less threatened to break up with her and could barely believe her day was going that badly already. The girl was more then worried that Blaise would actually break up with her when Draco's laugh brought her back to reality. Lexi glared at Draco before immediately removing herself from his lap. Without a thought she headed up the stairs to Blaise's room. Lexi hated more then anything to apologize to someone but Blaise was fun and she genuinely liked him. Taking a deep breath she knocked on his door, "I'm sorry Blaise. I was just trying to piss off Pansy but I promise I will not go near Draco again." She stood there for a moment hoping he would answer the door. Lexi was sure if he wouldn't take her apology she could persuade him to forgive her some other way.
Blaise Zabini had let her kiss him before looking at her. He had no problem with her trying to piss off Draco and Pansy, though he knew that they had pretty thick skin. The man shook his head when she had made her comment and finally let out a laugh. He was pretty upset with her, but he figured there was nothing wrong with a little harmless fun. "That's all i ask." He said with a laugh before looking down and realized that her hands were on his blazer and his nice white shirt. One problem was that Blaise had a class in twenty minutes. He didn't care at this moment though, without much of a prior warning, Blaise pushed her against the closed door and proceeded to ram his tongue down her throat. That was something that was wrong with Blaise, he was much to spontaneous. It had hurt him when dealing with Quidditch, but he didn't think that Lexi would really mind. It was time for some make up for Draco. He knew Blaise was too soft to do anything, and he moved quickly to knock on Pansy's door. He found it interesting that Lexi and Pansy shared a room, how ironic. Though it made sense, that was how that had all met in the first place. Finally, when he got no answer, he just barged into their room and closed the door behind him. "Pansy?" He called out into the dark, looking for his friend. He was unsure where she was, but he had a feeling that she was in her room. There was no where else for her to go.
Lexi stayed quiet leaning against the door as Blaise paced the room and spoke to her. She was more then happy he didn't start to yell at her because she didn't want him to break up with her. The girl knew she was wrong for what she did but she wasn't really thinking at the time and she loved to ruin Draco's day. When Blaise finally finished talking she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I'm really sorry and I know he's your friend so from now on if I want to piss off Pansy or Draco I'll do it without doing something that might make your mad." She meant every word she said and leaned up pressing her lips against his for a quick kiss. She didn't know what else to say and they had just started officially dating. Her arms slid from around his neck and her hands held onto his shirt gently as she looked up into his eyes. A smile danced on her lips as she looked up at him, there was something very sexy about the way Blaise was acting, "You're kind of sexy all mad and jealous." She smiled but quickly spoke again, "Not that I purposely did that, I'm just saying." She didn't want the situation to get any worse then it already was by Blaise thinking she purposely did it.
While Blaise and Lexi were making up in his room Pansy was lying in the dark over reacting about the situation. She had finally gotten Draco this year and some new girl was trying to screw it up. She heard the boy knock at the door but refused to answer it, he could have pushed her away but he didn't. What pissed Pansy off more was that she shared a room with that slut, she was sure she was just trying to ruin her life. Draco finally just walked into the room and Pansy stayed quiet as he looked around. Hearing him call her name out cause her to sigh softly, "Lexi isn't here if thats why you came." She was so annoyed with that girl and she was always around Draco. Finally shutting the table lamp on Pansy sat up and looked up at him. "You know I hate her yet you let her sit on your lap like that?"
Pandora stood looking out from a different point, Kratos had done as he set out to do and though thrilled she was worried about him. Turning her odd ice blue eyes fell upon his face; he was weary, as was she. At least now rest could come and perhaps peace as well. The odd mix of despair and peace was unsettling. Mayhem was all around them and it seemed as though all was lost, but Pandora had faith. Looking around others stirred amongst the rubble. The rain and wind where the last thing on her mind as she lifted her leather clad feet to cross over to his side as he wandered aimlessly amongst the columns. The white of her tunic was frayed around the edges and drenched, her petite body was seen through the fabric but she didnt bother with it. His last question hit upon her ears, looking around there was much to accomplish. You are victorious Kratos; the feat you accomplished was amazing and some said impossible. The fact that you spared my life andstilldefeated Zeus remarkable. You have my respect and admiration as well as devotion. She touched his cheek, the rain had rinsed off the blood and mud leaving behind the face that plagued her dreams. The wind picked up causing tendrils of flame red and blonde hair to whip about her face as she moved closer. A chill raced her spine as she held a thin arm, one finger shakily pointing out to the mountain around them. There is still much to do, many tasks to accomplish. Her ice blue eyes settled on him after trailing around them at the debris and rubble. You are needed in a new way, we all are. How are those left supposed to survive without guidance. You can take that on, it is only right. Since you defeated Zeus, you must take his spot as god of the gods and goddesses. Your offspring should fill the emptied thrones. An odd tingle rattled its way through her belly while a pleasant smile crept over her features. A girl could dream and lately her dreams had been of repopulating the heavens with him. If only hed allow her to prove herself worthy of being the one to bear him many children. She knew he saw her as a child, and in many ways that was true, but she was not and needed to show him the woman she could be. Blinking there she stood looking up at him, climbing atop the column she was able to look him in the eye. I never did properly thank you for sparing my life. I had faith that you could do it perhaps you knew all along and only meant to test me. My allegiance is to you Kratos, always. Looking into his eyes, she felt the pain he still carried and the burden as well. I heard you say they have their release is there a way that I can help you receive yours. She knew that opening herself up to him in this way could be dangerous but she was willing to try anything just to see him happy. Please let me help, its the least I can do.
Everything was...hazy. Especially where to go from here. Though, things weren't hazy at all, were they? They were tumultuous, they were chaotic. Lightning cracked through the sky. Steady rain fell upon Kratos' face, washing away the blood, the water leaving his body as soon as it came, carried off by the same wind that beat about what little clothing the Spartan wore. Zeus was dead. Most of the gods and goddesses were, with Kratos now standing upon Olympus in a victory that hardly felt worth celebrating. As he looked about at broken columns and a shattered paradise, at flames everywhere being put out by wind and rain, the muscles of his body just...relaxed. He didn't know what else to do, really. Zeus lay dead only a few feet away. Equally dead were any that had aided the godly king. His wife and son were still dead. Vengeance was complete. The mortal realm was uninhabitable, filled with floods and locusts and souls wandering about free. The realm of the gods was...destroyed, but inhabitable. Though completely undesirable. His upper lip found a slight sneer as he looked about, even considering the idea. Turning, Kratos started to walk. The steps were slow, holding no goal ahead of them in mind. "Still, it's somehow better this way," he grumbled, looking about at the smoke and rubble of the once-temple at the mountain's apex. "No more tyrants...even if there are none left to tyrant over. Let them all cease -- I have found my revenge." Tired, his body sore, bruised and cut, each footstep came heavily as the Spartan warrior found himself approaching an overturned column. He paused when he came to it, his strong face and cold eyes glancing down, fists balled together in resistance. Of something. He wasn't sure what. "There is nothing left to accomplish, is there?" Kratos spoke to himself. Glaring down at the rubble, he continued, his tone heavy, gravelly, "The bastards all have their release, and yet here I am, 'victorious.'" The glare continued, as did the howling wind brushing against his face in the open air.
Seeing the way he looked over her, she licked her lips and watched him her eyes locking on his face. Her face fell but only internally. As he moved past, she wanted to scream for him to stop to allow her the pleasure of his body. She toppled from the column and landed in the mud. And I am nothing? she whispered, almost to herself. Standing up she moved toward the fountain in the center, she dipped her hands in the water and splashed the water over her face cleaning up her peach tinted skin. Leaning over the edge, she peered at herself. Did he not desire her? Pandora smiled at the reflection and trailed her fingers in the water to clear away her image. Shed seen the temple he ducked into, would it be proper to throw herself at him? Did it matter; Pandora bit her lower lip as she stepped quietly behind him in the darkened room. The only light was from torches along the walls, she didnt know whose temple it was but she knew they were alone. You have found something me. She moved to the alter in the middle of the room and held her hands out to it to warm herself. It is cold Kratos, She pulled at her tunic allowing it to fall to the stone floor. Her creamy skin glowing golden in the fire as she exposed herself to his scrutiny. Her petite form was unmarred other than a few small scratches on her knees and elbows. May I help you from your wet clothes? Her small hands slid up to her red locks freeing them from their bindings and allowing them to fall about her shoulders in a mess of waves. Perhaps we can find a way to keep warm her hands moved over his pale flesh, the muscles were hard as shed always imagined them to be. The red mark on his skin she traced with the tips of her fingers. You can have more offspring Kratos with me. I offer myself to you, Her pale blue eyes went to his, Allow me to take it all away, I offer my body for your use only. Please Kratos, I want to. She clasped his hand and moved it to one of her firm breasts. Please?
He heard words through the din of the wind, and it was then that he remembered Pandora was even here. Through the fight with Zeus she'd been forgotten about. Kratos didn't turn to acknowledge her but he did listen, somewhat at least, and only whenever the booming sound of thunder did not overwhelm the skies. "They should survive on their own. I am not someone to depend on," he replied simply and with a grumbling irritation. "And my only offspring is dead." He'd felt the fingers on his face, but it wasn't until Pandora climbed upon the fallen column so as to look him in the eyes that Kratos actually looked back at her. He stared into her blue pools as she spoke. When she finished, when silence rose up between them, Kratos' gaze fell from her face to look over the rest of her body. Ever-bold, the warrior-god thought nothing of looking her over, specifically how the rain caused the thin garment she wore to cling to her small, pert breasts, how it pronounced her nipples against the fabric, and how it caused a shimmer on the rest of the skin that wasn't covered in the first place. "The only release I desire at this point is death's. Yet, with Hades dead, I would not find it now even were I to die -- my soul would wander, unguided to its final resting place." Kratos brushed past her. "Let others accomplish whatever needs to be. I did not kill everyone, only the ones foolish enough to resist my revenge." An arm shoved her aside from that column, with Kratos stepping over and walking past it, a flash in the dark sky briefly illuminating the pale white skin of his muscled form and the red streak that ran down it. "I will find...something," he exhaled, disappointment tinging his voice. Kratos continued on in his walk, as he did in his thoughts, every unguided, leathered step taking him across an open square and to the steps of another nearby temple. He could remove himself from the rain, at least.
She didnt shy away as he looked her over; she felt his eyes sliding over her every part. Her sex fluttered at the prospect of him taking her as he wished, she wanted him. His words struck deep, straight to the heart. She opened her mouth to answer but no words would come as his hand caressed her breast, squeezing the flesh enough to have her moan, her eyes closed, it had been so long since she had been touched like this. And he, the one she wanted, questioned her motives. Her head hung; couldnt he see that she wanted him? Was he so blind to her as a woman that he couldnt see her desire? Pandora shoved away from him the cruelty of his words bashing her over the head. Im not a child, Ive told you time and time again. I am a woman. I want YOU. Why cant YOU see it? Her blue eyes held hurt. Is it so improbable to you that I bear you a child or many? I have nothing left for me Kratos, only you. I am worthy because you spared me, it is MY destiny to serve you in this way. She looked around and stared at the red line on his body anything to avoid his gaze. My purpose I wish to take your pain away and become your companion. I want to see you smile Kratos; I know you are capable of it. While speaking her blue eyes went to his face sweeping over his stern and strong features. I would survive. Not only am I stronger than you allow me credit for. I dont think you would allow yourself to hurt me. She licked her lips slowly hoping, to whatever god or goddess she could, that she was right. Why is it so hard to believe that I could be what you have been missing? I understand hurt and loss. I was locked in a cage when you found me do you think I enjoyed my life? She laid her hand on his chest, not expecting an answer, I didnt you freed me. Now allow me to free you she drug her small fingertips down his body to the top of his coverings at his waist. Please? Her heart thundered in her ears and a small chill worked its way up her spine, her dusky nipples beaded because of it. Her head was tilted up at him; she waited her eyes soft as she gazed at him.
Why had he even entered here again? To be rid of the rain, but as Kratos stood looking about the open circular temple, murals embossed along its walls, a statue and an altar in its center, he had to wonder -- now what? Walk somewhere else? Then sit? Then rest? Then eat? Then continue on, possessing no purpose anymore for existence? Droplets of water cascaded the Spartan's chiseled form as he looked about, his face calm, yet still bearing a disapproving sneer. Then a voice came, from behind, and the war god turned to look over his shoulder. He watched quietly as Pandora walked around him and to the altar to warm her hands. For a moment Kratos went back to observing the display itself, a ten foot bronze statue of Helios, the sun god, and one of the litany who fell to his twin blades. So they were in Helios' temple? The altar itself was a flat surface about four feet high, also bronze, its surface meant for offerings to a deity that had apparently been well respected by his peers; to the left and the right were standing braziers, with the flames from their full torches giving off what felt rare in Olympus right now -- light and heat both. It was the fall of that wet robe to a puddle at the goddess' feet that took over from Kratos' peripheral vision, now having him look back to her, his gaze openly soaking in the nude, petite thing that so nonchalantly stood before him. He watched as her hands rose up, and with it so did her breasts and her ribs, her tummy becoming taut as she stretched. He looked down to the crotch she so willingly bared to him. He looked back up to her face, framed now by blonde and by red that Pandora had allowed to settle loosely about. Were this all not surprising enough, now she was approaching him. Touching him. Speaking of being...his. "More?" He questioned, his body remaining rigid as he looked down into her eyes. The idea, even the suggestion of a new woman, a new child, would have seen most others have their neck snapped in anger. For some reason he cared for this girl though, for Pandora. "And what makes you suitable," he asked slowly, disapprovingly. "You want to bear me a child? Children? As what, mother and servant both? Where is this from? What is your purpose? And what makes you worthy?" His left hand remained where she had set it, upon her right breast, where it now squeezed down, firmly feeling the supple skin -- barely an A-cup, as small, tight and firm as the rest of her. Kratos' right hand rose up to Pandora's face, cupping her chin and jaw with his palm, his pale fingers wrapping around her freckled cheeks. Staring icily into her eyes, he spoke, "What makes you think you could evensurvivegettingfuckedby the God of War, little girl?"
Lukawas worried. That wasn't too uncommon, especially with the person she was worried about. Not that she thought that the girl would do something stupid, but her nearly always depressed state was quite worrisome. That she had a good reason to be like that didn't make it better. She entered the bar, that girl visited often. Too often, but Luka couldn't really hold her back. Sure enough, she sat there, drowning her worries as she did so often already. One could think that she got used to this sight, but that was not the case. It made her pity her, but she knew that this wouldn't help her. She pitied herself enough, anyway. Yowane Haku. She was like her, a vocaloid, and yet so different. Her singing abilities were... not all that great. Luka didn't think that she was all that bad, but in the same way an amateur wasn't bad. For a vocaloid, this was really weak. Haku probably had some potential, but Luka had to admit that wasn't sure if she could ever tap it fully. Not that she would say that into her face. Luka went over and took a seat beside her. She could see, and smell, that Haku already had a few too many. But she could probably tolerate a lot. After all, she has enough experience, Luka thought bitterly. After watching the girl for a few seconds, Luka broke the silence. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked rather rhetorical.
It was the evening andHakuwas sitting at the bar as she often tended to. Being a vocaloid was often very hard during the day, what with all of the singing and work they had to do. However that wasnt why the vocaloid was drinking. No, in fact she barely had to do any of those things during the day. The other vocaloids like Rin and Miku were much more popular than her and often took the spotlight. Yowane Haku instead was left in the black with nothing to do. She reached for her glass of bourbon and took a large swig again. Her face was flushed red from having drunk too much, and her breath lingered with the scent of alcohol. She couldnt help but wonder why it was she was made to be a singing program when she was programmed to be a poor singer. Maybe her creators did it as a cruel joke, or maybe they did it because they needed someone to make the other vocaloids look better. Even the newer vocaloids that were made after her like Lily and Honey were much more popular than her. Maybe it was because they were much cuter and brighter than Haku, who was so dull and lifeless compared to the others. Whatever the reason was, Haku was often rather morose and depressed, even when she wasnt drinking. The red eyed and fair skinned girl sighed before asking the bartender to pour her another glass. The night was still young and she had a lot more drinking to do in order to make herself feel even a smidgen better than she usually did.
Luka wondered what Haku thought when she saw her. It was obvious that she hadn't noticed her immediately and judging from her reaction, it was hard to say whether she was glad that it was someone familiar or disappointed about that. Maybe she wished that someone else would show interest in her. Someone, who heard her and liked her singing. But it was very unlikely that this would happen. It was not hard to believe that she was alright as she ever was. Of course, since she was never really alright, that was exactly the problem. To make it worse, Luka had no real idea how to make it better. But at least she could be there for her. "I... I can't really say, to be honest," she answered. "But you shouldn't give up. I'm sure you have a lot of potential that is just unrealized yet." It sounded a bit hollow, she had to admit, but there was truth to it. Or at least, she liked to believe that. "And you aren't undesirable. You have other qualities after all." Actually, Luka wasn't really sure what her other qualities were. Or even if she had other ones. After all, as Vocaloid her only purpose was singing. Everything else... well, that was probably secondary. Except maybe for appearance, in which Haku excelled quite nicely, just as much as Luka and the others. She had her own beauty, but it seemed that it isn't apparent to most people, not even to Haku herself. Except for... Luka caught herself staring at Haku's breasts for a short while. At least, she had one quality that was quite obvious...
Haku let out a heavy sigh and led her forehead gently thud onto the bar. She closed her eyes and listened to the soft piano music playing in the background along with the slight hustle of other bodies and voices in the bar. She didnt think much of when someone took a seat next to her. She just made the assumption that the person just needed a seat, and not that they were there to sit next to her and say hello. People rarely did after all, considering who she was. If she was Miku, Rin, Meiko, or Luka then guys and girls would be flaunting towards her for attention. However poor old Haku was just forgotten and left in the dust When the person next to her did finally speak up, Haku couldnt help but blink curiously before tilting her head up to see who had greeted her. She was greeted with the familiar sight of her fellow vocaloid Megurine Luka. Luka was another example of a vocaloid that was made after Haku that was much more popular than her. She couldnt blame them either though. Her voice was near heavenly and she was incredibly beautiful as well. Her costume was also very stylish and made Haku jealous that she didnt have a flowing long skirt like that herself. Haku let out a simultaneous sigh of relief and disappointment before replying to the girl. Ah Luka Yeah Im doing alright I suppose. As well as I ever am. Haku nodded softly before reaching for her glass again and took a small sip of the bourbon. Since Luka was watching her now though, she did her best not to literally pour the bourbon down her throat. Hakus eyes were just a little bit watery. It wasnt uncommon for her to get a little emotional at times, and having alcohol in her system didnt help her very much in that regard. She sighed again before turning her flushed face towards Luka and asking her, Luka Why do you think they made me like this? So undesirable in every way? Its not very fair to me
It was always like that. Haku always put herself down and worst of all, she had reason to do so. Still, Luka thought that she should be more confident in herself. With an attitude like that, it's no wonder that she doesn't improve. Granted, it's not like she didn't try either... Seeing her gulping down the alcohol was a bit infuriating. Luka briefly considered taking it away from her, making her... well, not sober, it's way too late for that now, but at least preventing her to get really drunk. But Haku would probably be angry at her, if she did that, and she really couldn't use that now. But what's more infuriating was, that she said something, Luka agreed and disagreed with. In all the wrong ways. "That's not true, you are very beautiful," she replied. "Really, much more than Miku or I could even be. All these people, they don't know the first thing, they can't or don't want to see it, but you are the most attractive one out of all of us." Luka nearly shouted the last part. She could see why she and Miku were more popular, but she couldn't understand why Haku's good looks were so lost on other people. She sighed. She was quite attracted to Haku, that was something she couldn't deny, and maybe that clouded her judgment a bit.
Haku sighed again, before quickly taking the rest of her bourbon down in a single fluid motion. She slammed the glass down on the bar with a slight thud and a heavy sigh caused by the burning sensation that tickled down her throat. She signaled the bartender for another as her glazed eyes started down at the empty glass while listening to Luka. Of course she had heard those words before from Luka previously, but she always had difficulty believing it or convincing herself otherwise. "Potential... Huh? But what else am I good for? I'm made to be a singer, and my singing is terrible. The way I see it I'm already a failure then..." Haku sighed as the bartender brought over her new drink, and she grasped the cool glass in between her hands. Her eyes were still focused on her glass as she silently thought to herself for a few moments before finally speaking up as yet another fact of life began to bother her. "And on top of everything else, I'm not even cute or pretty like the rest of the vocaloids are. No one ever looks at me and compliments me on how pretty I am or anything of the sort. While like Miku and you are always getting asked by people if they can take your photograph even when you're just walking around. I never get anything like that at all..." Haku pouted her lips slightly, her eyes staring down at her cleavage for a few seconds. She wasn't particularly happy with her curvy body type either. She wasn't petite and cute like the rest of the vocaloids and she hated the fact that she was so different from the rest.
Haku sighed as she finished off the last of the bourbon in her glass. She contemplated getting another, but wondered if Luka would say anything if she did. She hoped that maybe her friend would try and stop her from drinking any more because she was worried. That's all Haku really wanted. Just a little bit of attention from someone. She let out another heavy sigh and crossed her arms on top of the bar before setting her head down for a moment, closing her eyes and contemplating her awful situation. Haku of course expected Luka to just remain silent, since everything thing she had just said was true. However instead of hearing nothing, she her Luka defending her instead. She was caught off guard incredibly and for a moment, wondered if she had simply hallucinated hearing Luka say anything. However it wasn't long before she looked up at Luka, staring her straight in her blue eyes before retorting in a near silent voice. "You... You really think that Luka...?" The thought had never crossed her mind before that she could be beautiful as well, and especially not the most attractive of all of the vocaloids. Her face was now flushed red not only because of her alcohol consumption, but also the slightest bits of embarrassment and bashfulness.
Getting sent into a dark, mysterious facility had never been one of Link's plans when she sent out to rescue her sister, and when she ended up on her ass with no sword and dozens of armed monsters wanting her dead, Link was not happy. The blonde was surprised to hear the voice from the necklace from her neck, even though she had been told that it would speak, and the young woman listened to it and nodded. Being captured and killed was not something that interested her. It was hard to save your sister when you were dead. Rising to her feet, the woman rubbed at her sore body a little before getting serious. It was time for some serious business. The young woman moved slowly up the stairs, her eyes divided between the searchlights and the guards. When the woman saw the barrels, she smiled. Link had an idea. Seeing the Moblin turn back on his predetermined path of searching, the girl held in a grunt as much as she could when she slid the barrel on top of her, a convenient hole in it allowing her blue eyes to peak out into the world around her. Sure, these guys were probably dumb enough that a barrel a bit out of place would attract attention, but no one was stupid enough to think that it was simply a barrel with legs. One of the bright lights passed across her cover, and then she got to moving. The first thing to do was to deal with the searchlights. It would be hard to get to her sister, or get away, if these lights kept looking around the area. Her sword would be step two.
The moon was full tonight and the light from it shone brightly on the dark ocean waves.Linkhad been on Tetras pirate ship since this afternoon and was on her way to the Forsaken Fortress. Her little sister, Aryll, had been kidnapped that morning by a giant bird. The bird had come to the island carryingTetrain his claws as Tetras pirate ship was giving chase. The bird dropped Tetra into the forest and Link had managed to save her. The bird, however, mistook Aryll for Tetra and took her and flew off. Tetra decided to help Link get her sister back in order to repay her life debt to Link. The fortress was in view now over the horizon. Well be there any minute now. Tetra came up on deck as Link was sitting there staring out into the waves. The ship had managed to get close to the fortress but had to stop once it gotten within a certain range. Captain we cant go any further the ship is heavily armed and there are search lights everywhere well get spotted immediately especially in this moon light. Tetra then got an idea. She handed Link a necklace and made her wear it. Were gonna send you into the fortress now, as long as you have that on you we can communicate with each other even at a distance. Tetra signaled her henchmen to make the preparations. They loaded Link onto the cannon in the middle of the ship and fired her towards the fortress. She landed in the water within the walls of the fortress. Link was equipped with a sword and shield. She also had the telescope that she had received from Aryll for her 17th birthday. However all of her equipment had fallen off of her when she was launched from the cannon. She would be defenseless until she recovered her sword and shield. Link made her way over to the shore and stood in front of the stairs that lead up to the fortress. The place was heavily guraded byBokoblins,Miniblins, andMoblins. Link got a message from Tetra via her necklace. Link be careful this place is crawling with guards and with your weapon missing youre completely defenseless, so make sure not to get caught.
The hiss of the bomb filled the air, but before the young girl could do anything, the much louder sound of an explosion filled the air, and the wood around her splintered, being turned into a pile of burning wood around a slightly-crouched blonde with a look of both fear and surprise on her face. Explosions attracted attention, as did random intruders, so she knew that this would not work out well for her. Before Link could move away, one of the Moblins decided that it was time to make an introduction to her. When a strong hand went around her body, she knew that she wasn't going to be getting away. A moment of struggling showed her that it would be futile. When she met the hard ground of the cell, a small grunt escaped her mouth, her entire body slightly sore from the feeling. Link sat up, turning to face the pig-like creature. He did not look friendly, but he looked pretty interested in her. A gasp of shock escaped her mouth when the cock was revealed in front of her head, the smell of a cock that hadn't been washed in too long filling the air, causing her nose hairs to curl. It took a few moments for her to realize what Tetra was getting at, as a young girl from a small island wasn't exactly knowledgeable about sex. The blonde didn't want to do it, but there was no choice at this point. Her sister couldn't be saved from here. She had to do it. Her mouth wrapped around the head of the cock, sucking at it as the disgusting taste filled her mouth, making it hard to breath and avoid gagging. She began licking at it, trying to focus on not gagging or retching at the terrible smell and taste inside of her mouth and nose.
While Link was hiding in the barrel a mouse holding a bomb scurried towards her. The mouse ran into the barrel at full speed and exploded. The barrel shattered and Link was sent flying. The Moblin turned back around and threw its lantern in Link's direction. The area around her burst into flames and the Moblin ran up to her and grabbed her. His big hands were around her small waist and he ppicked her up and carried her off to the upper levels of the fortress. He opened up the doors to a Cell and threw her in. Surprisingly instead of closing the door he walked in and began to approach her. A bulge could be seen sticking out through the Moblin's pants and he began to pull his pants down as he approached her. When he got in front of her he pulled out his massive pig dick and held it in her face. He made grunts and snorted while shaking his cock up and down in front of her. A voice could be heard again from Link's necklace. "How repulsive, but it seems like you really have no choice here Link. Hopefully he'll leave once he's finished if you get what I mean."
[Link was so busy keeping herself from turning away at the smell that was wafting up to her nose that she didn't put any attention into increasing the pleasure, which left it as no surprise when he decided to take matters into his own hands, the head of his cock moving from right inside her lips to the back of her throat with one strong thrust, driving it in with the force of a drill. Her protests became muffled grunts with the large cock filling her, and be began moving it back and forth with the force that he had used to hold her. The woman knew she could do nothing to get away, and at that point, let him do his thing, holding herself steady as he pleasured himself with her mouth, his scent filling and permeating her nose and mouth, leaving the disgusting scene all over her mouth. When the strong pulse vibrated through her head, she bracer herself for what was coming next, and a torrent of his juices spilled into her, much of the disgusting paste forcing itself down her throat into her stomach, the rest of it filling her mouth and dripping out of the front. When he finally pulled out, she thought about swallowing, but that wasn't going to happen, so she spilled it out on the ground in front of her, the scent fusing with that of the Moblin's dick, both scents filling the blonde's nose. When the voice again filled her head, the heroine nodded and rose to her feet. A rape couldn't be able to stop her, and even though Tetra didn't sound convinced, she wouldn't give up yet. The young woman used the furniture she could to get to the ceiling, and like she said, there were some loose bricks. It took a strong push, but finally some of it gave way, the moonlight filling the room. It was good that she was thin, so she could slide out of the cell with a sigh of relief. Now it was sword-hunting time.
A huge grin spread across the Moblin's face as Link began to peck his cock. He began to grunt and snort as he grew more and more excited. A Moblin's dick emits a terrible smell that drives any woman mad if she's exposed to it for too long. The Moblin grew impatient with Link's slow blow job and so her grabbed the back of her head and forced his pig cock all the way into her mouth and down her throat. The Moblin began to fuck her throat like it was a pussy and gave no regard for Link's well being. He was scrapping the inside of her mouth with his smelly dick and as he fucked her the smell smeared into her tongue forever engraving the taste and smell into Link's memory. The Moblin's cock began to twitch as he fucked Link's face. his breathing got heavier and her let out a grunt as he pushed Link's head back and forth. his cock began to pulse before releasing his thick heavy load into Link's mouth. There was so much that it spilled out of Link's mouth and onto her shirt staining it in his juices. The Moblin's cum was sour and had a pungent taste. After he was satisfied he let go of Link and left the cell and went back on patrol. "Now's your chance Link. This fortress is pretty old so I'm sure f you look hard enough you can find a loose birck or two or a place in the ceiling that's missing some roofing. Well I'm sure you can figure this out somehow, but I'm not holding my breath." And with that Link was left in her cage covered in Moblin cum.
When Link came out onto the slim ledge, she slammed her back up against the wall, not wanting to die an embarrassing death from falling. That wouldn't even be heroic. Her eyes scanned around the area, taking note of the towards that occupied the outer edge. There was no way that the heroine could get around with all of those searchlights looking around, maybe even having been alerted by the Moblin that had recently finished raping her mouth. The young girl hadn't even so much as seen a cock in her past, so to have one introduced roughly to her throat was quite the odd experience. Blech. Moblins needed to learn how to wash. Maybe then they wouldn't have to resort to raping female adventurers for kicks. Knowing that standing there wouldn't do any good, the female got to work, moving slowly down the ledge. First she had to get the sword, as it would be hard to take out the searchlights without a sword to fight off the Bokoblins. If a Moblin dick was that gross, she didn't want to know what the cocks of other monsters were like. It was hard to move and not fall, and when the cold wind struck her, the blonde braced against the wall, not wanting it to blow her off. A chatter came from her teeth as the cold air slid across her skin. Did the outfit make her look adorable? Yes, but was it warm? No. For a moment, Link couldn't help but wish that her grandmother had put a longer skirt on, or at least some longer sleeves. The blonde felt a little bad that such a nice piece of clothing had been ruined by the thick cum of a Moblin. It would take time to get the scent and taste out of her clothing and her mouth. It took a lot of careful movement, but finally the heroine made it to the tower that she wanted to get to. Her sword was tantalizingly close, but there was still the Bokoblin to deal with. Stealth was her first choice. When his attention was the other way, the blonde set to sneaking past him to her blade, hoping that he was stupid and she was quiet.
Luckily for Link the cells were located on the third floor of the fortress. When she emerged outside her cell she stood on a steep ledge with her back against the wall. From this place she could see most of the fortress layed out before her eyes. There were five towers and one of them was the one she was standing on. The other four were in front of her arranged in a circle formation around the fortress. The one right across from her appeared to be the tallest tower, it had half of a ship lodged onto it. The other three in front of her were pretty low rise they sported spotlights 2 on each. She could see that each tower had one bokoblin guarding it and another one maning the lights. If she could manage to take out the Bokoblins maning the spotlights she'd be able to walk around the fortress without being seen at all. She also spoted what appeared to be her sword on one of the towers. It was wedged into the ground near the spotlight and it was surprising that none of the guards had picked it up or even seemed to have noticed it. If she could get her hands on that then she'd have nothing to fear, well maybe the big Moblins could still give her some trouble but at least she'd have a fighting chance. The camera stopped moving and Link had gotten control over her body again. The tower she was on was pretty high up therefore some wind managed to blow in her direction. It wasn't strong enough to knock her down or anything but it was certainly too cold for her to endure especially with what she was wearing. A green v-neck tunic with her cleavage sticking out which was now wet due to the Moblin's cum, a skirt that her grandma had made for her thinking she'd look cute in it, and sme white stockings with some pointed brown shoes.
"Do you know you are in God's grace?" It was a trap that was asked of her prior to her execution. Had she said "yes", she would have been found a liar, as the church had declared no man can truly know if he was in the grace of God. Had she said "no", she would have been found guilty of heresy. Jeanne, regardless of her youth was well learned. She spoke with the voice of an adult intellectual, her head held high. "If I am not, may God put me there; if I am, may God so keep me." Her response paralyzed the on-lookers with awe. In a question where there could be no right answer, she had found one. Her intelligence was not enough to protect her from her fate. She knew from the beginning that to act as a man in the french military would condemn her to the noose or the chopping block. But to be accused of heresy? She should have known the church would never accept a female profit, much less a female war-hero. She walked from her prison cell with her head held high. She willingly went to the large wooden post, allowing herself to be tied without question. She stood before all of her on-lookers, adorned in male clothing, with her hair cut short. A small smirk, teased the corners of her lips as oil was cast about her feet. A priest stood before her, reading her, her last rights, a crucifix in his hands. She could only chuckle at the irony. When the flame was lit she continued to hold her confidence as the fires rose about her, slowly sheathing her in flame. The pain, and suffocation quickly became to much for the maiden to bare. She died, trapped in agony and fear as flames licked at her flesh until naught but tattered cloth remained. Nineteen years old... Punished for her heroics... Several centuries later, she could feel that similar heat about her body, though no pain or suffocation accompanied it. As the fires faded away, her consciousness returned to her. The familiar weight of her armor upon her body. A quiet sigh escaping her lips as she breathed in for the first time in centuries. Her short, messy reddish brown hair fell about her face. her brown eyes fluttering open, only to find home upon the young woman's form before her. "I am the servant; Archer, called upon by my master to claim the Holy Grail. I ask of you, this one question... Are you my master?"
Remember well my little dear Mel, that in our family the flame if burning brighter than in any other in the world. And fire is the strongest element of everything else. We are Ashfords. No matter what happens, no matter what people might tell you, keep your head high and keep believing in our credo. Her mom told her before leaving her at home. She was nine years old back then but she could remember it still as clear as day. It was the last day she ever saw her mother, leaving her all alone. And though they told her the usual bull shit story that she died in a car crash, she knew well enough that her mother was killed because she lost in what they called the holy grail war. But she thought it was her mothers own fault for not preparing well enough. She had told her mother to do more research, not to be so laid back, find a proper item which to use to call a great servant. She vowed there and then she wouldnt be so laid back. Ten years later she was sitting in class, listening to her teacher rambling on about how there was no magic in this world but that the stories about it still influenced our daily lives and dreams. Having trouble not to laugh out loud, Melissa softly let out a chuckle. This got her some weird looks from her fellow students but she just ignored them. None of them would understand the reason she wanted to laugh since they all were so wrong. Not only did magic really did exist, the influence it had on the world was far bigger than they could ever imagine. Turning her attention away from the boring lecture, she kept working on her laptop. She was close to finding what she had been looking for the last year. It was even the reason why she moved to France and was in this boring lecture to keep up the pretense of being an exchange student. But all that would be over soon since she got the mail she had been waiting for. Smiling she tossed her honey blonde hair back. Opening another document she read that the servant Saber had been summoned, making her the last master to summon her servant. This wasnt the best of news since she had hoped to summon her servant under the Saber-class but know it had to be under the Archer-class. Though it still was a knight-class so that was a good thing. And it wasnt that having Saber would automatically make you the winner of the Holy Grail War. It was true that Saber was the strongest servant, but strength alone had never won a war. One had to have brains and tactics to and she had proven to be smart. Thats why she had searched hard for this relic as she knew that if she would be able to summon this Saint, victory would be within her grasp. Placing her left hand on top of the symbol on her right hand. She had preparing herself years for this and was in France searching for the relic when the symbol appeared on her hand, letting her know that soon the Holy Grail War would start again. And she wouldnt be so weak as her mother had been, she would win it. Closing her laptop with a loud sound, she stood up and felt everybody looking at her.Mademoiselle Melissa, what is the meaning of this?The teacher said in English with a thick French accent that gave her cold shivers. Im leaving, I got no more business being here. And there is nothing that you can do to stop me. She said as if it was nothing and the teacher wanted to say something back to her. But the iron stare coming from her deep blue eyes made him flinch and lower his head as she left the room. Outside of school she signaled for a taxi. After having given the address where she wanted to be taken too, she leaned back in the seat. Memories of her childhood came flooding back, memories about the cruel training she went through. Well it was only cruel because she herself put the bar really high. She never was happy about her results as she always could find something she thought that should be better. This however made her a mage on master level when it came to fire magic while she still was relatively young. Off course she had also studies a bit of earth and air magic along with healing magic but it wasnt on the same level as her fire magic. All in all it took a bit more than an hour before she reached her destination, an house that looked as if it needed a complete makeover located just outside the city. Wait here, Ill be back shortly. Handing over some extra euros to the cabdriver, she got out. Just one simple knock on the door was sufficient and she went inside the house. A man dressed in a black suit and wearing shades, even though they were standing inside and it was pretty dark, handed her a little package. You are sure this is what I asked for?She asked him. Off course, I double checked it myself. Now about the money you promised. Reaching inside her bag, she take out a thick brown envelop and handed it to him. He opened it, took out the money and counted it. Pleased with it he nodded his head and left the room, nothing else had to be said. She herself went back to the taxi and gave instructions to bring her to the airport. Half a day later she was back home. It had been her luck that the New Grail War would be located in the city she had grown up. This was because every ten years there would be a new war but the city changed each time. But with a little research and paying attention, one could figure out the next location the grail would appear. And this time it would be smack in the middle of London. That gave her a huge advantage since she knew the city through and through and had her own base was located here. Though it also meant that the mage from the Magic Associations European branch also would have the home advantage. However that were things she would worry about later. She had just dispatched a few familiars and now was going towards the garden. Because of the full moon, she could see perfectly well were she was going. In her hands she was caring the package. Stopping in the middle of the garden, which was sheltered from any views, she raised her right hand. Flames spread over the grass, burning away a pattern in it. In just a few seconds the magic circle had formed itself. Now she carefully opened up the package and took out a little piece of cloth that had burn marks on it. With the same care she softly put the piece of cloth in the center of the magic circle before stepping back. Pointing the back of her right hand, with the command spells on it, towards the magic circle she started the incantation. Fire courses through my veins, heat I breath out and as a beacon my light shines. I guide thee towards me, call you out from the flames that hold you and bring you here to me. Cometh forward and stand at my side from now until we achieve victory! Both her command spells as the magic circle lit up in bright yellow as she made the incantation. Then the circle burst out in flames and when the flames died away, a woman, clad in armor, was standing before her.
The armored woman caught on to her new Master's accent relatively quickly. It was slightly disconcerting to be summoned in the country of her former enemies, the ones God himself had sent her to do battle with. Jeanne gave a final look about the garden when the other mentioned familiars. She wasn't looking to get in a fight the second she was summoned, but she was no less prepared. She followed her master through the doors of her home in silence. The design of the building told her that this was not the world she had left behind, much had changed. When spoken to, she immediately redirected her attention to her master. A soldier to a fault. "I know not what proof I can provide, save my word. I am the one of whom you speak." She knelt before her new master, her right fist coming to rest just beneath her left collar-bone. "It is my pledge to bring you the Grail and to insure; by any means necessary, that no harm should come to you." "If you do not mind my asking, master... By what name are you known? And where are we, precisely? I realize that this is not France." Her gaze shifted about the room, taking in all manner of alien devices and technologies that she was far from understanding.
Melissa was smiling widely as she watched upon her servant. She had succeed in summoning the one she had wanted. One of the greatest heroes in history of France and one of the most powerful Saints in the Catholic Church was now standing in front of her, asking if she was her master. Making a little curtsey before the person standing in front of her. My name is Melissa Ashcroft and from this day until we achieve victory I am your master. Now lets go inside, there probably will be familiars from other masters scouting out this place. She said, looking at the other person one last time before going back inside her home. Once inside, she sat down on the couch looking up at her servant. Before we go outside again, we first need to confirm a few things. First I want you to assure me that you are indeed the servant I summoned. You are the Maid of Orlans, the one carrying the name Jeanne dArc? If not I need to revise my battle plans. If this wasnt the fact, then she would curse herself and the male that sold her the piece of cloth. She already had to change her plans since she had wanted to use her as the Saber-class. But still the Archer-class also had a lot of promise and she didnt had to change her plans to much.
Jeanne rose to her feet as directed, but quickly lowered her head in shame when her need for information was presented as a problem. "I beg your forgiveness for my lack of knowledge. I assure you that I will not allow this to become an issue." Her promise felt empty, almost as though she was scrambling to make up for her prior short-coming. "Fear not, master. I am plenty capable of assuming my spirit form whenever you feel it is necessary. I am well in tune with my own abilities and capable of action at a moment's notice." She straightened herself quickly, in preparation for her master's command. "I understand your instructions, Master. I will not fall short of your expectations." Jeanne had a feeling it was going to be a long hard road to earn her master's trust and reliance. If in fact, they were to win this war, it would be only through mutual faith and teamwork. She could feel Melissa's power, and therefore did not doubt her abilities as a mage. However, Jeanne had already managed to arrive, not only as a secondary class option, but lacking the necessary knowledge to function in this day and age. She'd come up short from the beginning. "Shard London Bridge. Understood. I am ready whenever you command it." Her soldier like tone was firmly in place.
Letting out a sigh of relieve, she eased back in the seat. At least that went according to plan. But it became a little awkward when her servant kneeled in front of her. And it even got worse when she asked her about where and when she was. Biting her lip, something she always did when something was bothering her, she wondered if something had went wrong with the summoning. Normally a servant would know about where and when she was summoned, as well as how to use the technology of the country unless there was something wrong with the summoning. And she had been so sure that she had done everything right when drawing the circle, placing the relic and saying the incantation. She also was completely sure she could provide Archer, as she would call her to be sure her identity stayed hidden, with more than enough magical power. So why didnt Archer know where and when she was. After letting out a sigh, the answers for those problems will have to come later on, she now had to focus back on Archer.You dont have to kneel in front of me, so please rise. I already told you that my name is Melissa Ashcroft. But youll address me as Master unless were alone and Ill address you as Archer. I want both your as my identity to remain a mystery for as long as possible. Knowing your opponents names is a key point in achieving victory in this battle. So unless I give you permission, you dont hand out your name, is that point clear?She said with a stern voice. If Archer would disobey her on this, she wouldnt hesitate to use her command spells. Absolute obedience was what she wanted of her Servant.About where and when we are. This might be a shock to you but were in London, England. The war you once fought is over, France and England are at peace now. Its the 21ste century now and were in the year 2012. Normally you should be aware of this but somehow it seems you arent. Ill explain more later on. First we need you to get a good grasp of the city. Well be going to the Shard London Bridge. Please do tell me youre capable of taking on the spirit form? She sudden realized that if Archer wouldnt be able to do that, things could get really difficult on her.
Jeanne paid serious attention to everything Melissa had to say during their journey throughout London. Though she was incredibly intelligent for her age, a lot of the technology that was explained to her, still escaped her understanding. Her eye twitched at the mention that Masters serving the church may claim they were fighting in the name of God. Her own mistreatment at the hands of the church was proof enough that the church didn't have God's grace. Surely if their claim were true, St. Michael would have made her allies clear to her. She nodded after Melissa laid out her request. "So we are to establish this bridge as our point of reconnaissance? Seems a sensible decision to me. I can see nearly all of London from here." Her eyes moved over the city, picking out each individual detail that seemed important to their effort. "We will want to monitor all major means of transportation, both in and out of the city. Hopefully we will see the out of town opponents early, that should allow us the advantage." "I admit to some concern regarding our opponents at the tower. If they're truly so well defended, we'll have to find a way to lure them away, to fight on our terms. Either that, or create a distraction, and draw their protective force elsewhere while we make our move." The tactician in Jeanne was clearly at work as she analyzed their situation. Rasputin has always had an eye for underhanded tactics. We may, at some point want to seek out an alliance. If he could be tricked into assaulting the tower, than the front door would be open to our use." "A saber or Lancer would not be an easy opponent. To ensure our ability to succeed as a team, and to stop them before they get their own opportunity, we should likely seek out the Assassin first. In face-to-face combat, I'm certain I could best one better suited to the shadows. After that... I propose the church or the tower as our target." Jeanne stopped after her analysis, turning to face Melissa. "Of course, the decision is yours, Master. This is simply what seems as the wisest course of action from my perspective."
Melissa smiled contently as Archer apologized to her and assured her that she was still able to use all her abilities.Dont worry about it, youll learn about everything soon enough. And Im sure you wont disappoint me. I dont take disappointment lightly. She couldnt help but sound stern. Ten years she had prepared for this, ten years she had given her all and now she had everything within her grasp. And she would be dammed if her servant would be the cause that she lost. Thus if that meant her being stern, so be it. Archer had to gain her trust first for she would allow her a bit more freedom. Okay, now turn in to your spirit form. When were outside its better for you to stay hidden unless I say so. Also remember, today is just reconnaissance, giving you a grasp of how the city works and looks like. We wont engage or seek out any battles. That is off course unless were not given another option and then well fight. She said while putting on her coat. Then she stepped outside, took a subway and walked over the streets. Now and then she pointed out and told Archer about the modern technology as cars, the subway, airplanes, electricity and such things. When they finally reached the top of the Shard London Bridge and were looking down on the city she turned to Archer. You can materialize yourself now. This place should give you the best view of the city. And then again she started pointing out a few buildings. Over there you got the Tower of London. That is the place where the Magic Association is located. They have a master called Milford Clay, a specialist in both water and air magic, whos also a master whos participating in this war. Hell probably has set up his base in the Tower. But its too heavily guarded so we cant go attack him there and I dont know who his servant is. The chances of it being either Saber or Lancer are high since they always have managed to have a servant from the Knight classes. I know a bit information about a few more other masters. One is coming from Russia and will have Rasputin as his Servant under the Caster-class since the bones from his grave were stolen a little while ago. The third master will be coming from Asia and knowing their skills he probably has Assassin under his mark. A fourth master is coming from America. As that country is always moving fast forwards, I bet he has the servant Rider. I think those three will hold themselves up at their countries embassies. Each of them are located on crossing magic lines just like my house. A perfect location for a base. Then there is Westminster Abbey. The overseer from the Church will be located there. So if Im ever wounded pretty badly that is the place you have to take me. Though be careful. I found out the church send out two people to here. So they probably also have a master in their ranks. And as the church has an almost unlimited supply of relics in their possession, its pretty sure there Servant will be a powerful one. Maybe even Saber. Remember well, they might claim that God is on their side, but this war has nothing to do with God. About the last master I have no information. She explained pointing out each building when talking about the masters. So I would rather make use of your abilities as Archer, wait a bit and observe the other masters and Servants. I got no problem taking on any battle head on but it would be unwise to throw ourselves in these battles without knowing a bit about who we are facing. Lack of knowledge of the enemy had proven to be the downfall for many. And I dont want to be one of them. Is that understood? She asked Archer while still looking down at the city.
Melissa stared at the Tower of London. If we have to, well bring down the entire structure on their heads. That would be a fitting ending for them anyway. She said bitterly before turning away her gaze towards Archer. Listen up, I wont work with anyone else if I dont have too. Also well wait until all pieces of the game have showed themselves. I know patience isnt your strong suit but Im telling you to hold back for the moment. Like I said, even the strongest Servant can be easily defeated if fighting unprepared or taken off guard. For now well just watch and wait. Then openings will present themselves and thats the moment well strike. Though she liked the idea of keeping eye on the transportation. Well its a good idea to watch transportation though the ones going outside the city we can neglect. The Holy Grail War takes place in this city so going outside it wont have any benefit. Lets focus on the quadrants where the embassies are located. Perhaps we can find out something about them or their Servants. She stated simply before turning around, her coat fluttering in the wind. The sun slowly started to rise. Now lets go back home. Ive had a long day and am tired. Tomorrow therell be plenty enough of things to do tomorrow night. She knew that all the other master probably would go do the same as her. It was some sort of unwritten rule of the war that you act at night time. Perhaps they though that they could minimize the collateral damage that way. Though in a city like this, a city that was buzzing with life both day and night, she knew the collateral damage would be huge. But she didnt care about that. Only thing that mattered was winning and getting her revenge. Just by that simple thought of revenge, she could feel the fire in her veins heat up.
Since Sasuke had left, Naruto liked to think that he had grown, matured a little bit. He'd grown taller, and older, that was for sure. He wasn't as mature as others his age, but he was no longer the prank playing brat he'd once been. One thing that hadn't changed however, was his love for ramen. He still loved ramen and made a point to go eat a bowl of ramen after every mission as a reward for himself. Naruto had been enjoying his ramen when a nondescript ninja had approached him. Unaware of who it was, he said between bites "What's that supposed to mean?" He didn't get it. Or rather, he didn't recognize Sasuke. Not while he was distracted with his ramen. Naruto growled between bites "Do I even know you?" Naruto said mid-bite "Yuf dunf loof famifiar!" Naruto swallowed his bite and after finishing the bowl of ramen, he plunked money down and got to his feet. Studying Sasuke's disguised form, he frowned, looking rather suspicious of the nin. He said "I don't think I've seen you here before. You're not a new nin either." Naruto blinked and stared, his brilliant blue eyes dark with thought as he tried to focus on Sasuke's henged form and recognize just who Sasuke was. When nothing came to mind, he huffed and said "Well, whoever you are, it's none of your business whether or not I've changed. For your information, I've grown taller! And older!" Satisfied with that explanation, Naruto huffed and walked away. He had wanted permission from Tsunade to leave the village to go hunt for Sasuke but she'd turned him down, saying he'd taken enough time hunting for Sasuke and he needed to do missions for the village for awhile. Besides, she'd help rationalize that he'd run into Sasuke eventually. Who knew she'd be right? Too bad Naruto just didn't recognize Sasuke's henged form or his chakra. Not that Naruto was paying attention. Naruto huffed under his breath, fuming that Tsunade had denied his request to go Sasuke hunting. He'd wanted to find Sasuke and bring him back sooner rather than later. Right now however, it seemed that Sasuke would be never coming back, much to Naruto's disappointment.
Hebi's main purpose was to track down and kill his brother, that was why he had made the organization in the first place. But unfortunately, there was only so much one could do at a time and information gathering took a certain amount of time. He trained in his spare time but his opponents weren't much of a challenge so it did nothing to help him get better. Sasuke's followers were good challenges but since they were out on missions, he tended to get left behind. So that in turn led to boredom every now and then. Lately it had been happening way too often for his taste. He knew something had to be done and it finally occurred to him what could help make him a better fighter and also ease the boredom he felt. Naruto continuously sought him out, Konoha had even sent a team to find him and bring him back. Perhaps he'd toy with the orange haired teen and see how his progress was coming along and if he could beat him yet. The main reason he hadn't killed him so far was that he wanted to measure his own strength and power against that of Naruto's. It wasn't because he cared about Naruto or even felt anything in particular for the other male. No, he measured his own worth against that of Naruto, just as Itachi had once said the same about his own little brother. Sasuke took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he rose from his seated position and headed out. A few days later, he reached the border of Konoha and then a couple of hours after that he saw the familiar gates in the distance which led into the heart of the village itself. Sasuke used a cloning jutsu and then walked into the village under the guise of a random ninja with ordinary features. He was looking for some sign of Naruto and wouldn't leave without him. Most likely Naruto was either at the Ichiraku Noodle Bar, hanging around with Sakura or out on a mission. He would try the ramen stand first and then would ask around to see if anyone knew where the boy might be found. Luckily, he spotted Naruto almost instantly by the orange jumpsuit he tended to wear and smirked at the sight. Really, he had to get some new clothes or colors or something, that style was out of date. Sasuke stepped up behind Naruto, the jutsu still in effect and leaned up against the side of the stand, watching the other boy eat. He shook his head at the bowls. "You still haven't changed, have you Naruto?" Sasuke commented and wondered whether or not Naruto would recognize that it was him. Most likely not since Naruto tended to be quite naive and denser than a block of wood. Maybe it would be fun to play around with him until he got it.
Naruto paused in his tracks at the mention of Sasuke's name. Whirling around so fast that it was a surprise he didn't get whip lash, he rushed the disguised Sasuke and grabbed the collar of his clothing. Shaking the disguised Sasuke, he demanded "Sasuke? You know where Sasuke is? Where?!?" Naruto was unaware of Sasuke's plans, unaware that the other male had anything planned for him. Not that Naruto would care. He was so busy trying to bring Sasuke back to Konoha that it never occurred to him that Sasuke would disguise himself and come into Konoha looking for him. Naruto released Sasuke's clothing and stepped back. Sounding a little angry, and a little threatening, he growled "Tell me. Where is he?" Naruto needed to bring Sasuke back, needed to show Sasuke that the hate he felt for Konoha was unnecessary, unneeded. What Sasuke needed was to see the Konoha he knew as a child, and not hate Konoha. Naruto needed to bring Sasuke back for Sakura too. Every time he thought of bringing Sasuke back, Sakura's tearful face, begging him to bring Sasuke back came to mind. Naruto would have a hard time forgetting that tearful face. Sakura was part of the reason Naruto was so determined to bring Sasuke back. She'd begged him to bring Sasuke back, tears and all. Nevermind the fact that he'd been in love with Sakura for as long as he'd known her. He wanted to see Sakura happy, and Sakura's happiness was Sasuke's return. Naruto's other reason for wanting to bring Sasuke back was that Sasuke was his best friend, and he knew it was up to him to knock some sense into his best friend.
Of course, just like he thought, Naruto didn't seem to recognize him, even though Sasuke was making no attempt to conceal his chakra at the moment. This would be rather fun he thought to himself and grinned, debating about hanging around Konoha or heading out to another place. It would probably be more fun somewhere else because not everyone was as dumb as Naruto and there was a high chance someone would figure out it was him right away and spoil the fun and games he had planned. And Sasuke knew exactly how to get Naruto out of Konoha without being seen. Naruto also wouldn't have time to inform anyone else before he left if he played his cards right and the orange haired teen was the same boy he used to know. It would be easy. He chuckled when Naruto asked what his words were supposed to mean. "It's just an observation." Sasuke remarked and tilted his head to the side when Naruto asked if he knew him. "Oh yes, quite well in fact." The cloned ninja commented with a twitch of his lips and could see the wheels in his former friend's mind turn as he tried to figure out who he might be. Of course, Naruto wouldn't be able to. That in turn would probably lead to his decision to give up a few seconds later and the boy did not disappoint him. Sasuke smirked, shaking his head at how little about Naruto had really changed and rolled his eyes. "I didn't mean physically..." He murmured and watched as Naruto started to walk away from the ramen stand, choosing to lean up against the side of the bar as a few choice words escaped his lips. "I don't suppose you're still looking for Sasuke? Because if you are I know where he is right now although he'll only be there until two." Sasuke commented as he looked up. Damn, it was getting a bit hot all of a sudden. The sunlight that was streaming down from the sky showed that it was only a little after noon.
Oh the nostalgia of being grabbed by his collar and shaken by Naruto. He remembered it well, the time they had last fought, when Naruto had been trying to stop him from going to Orochimaru's. The orange haired kid had failed back then and would fail this time around too although he didn't intend on fighting him in the same manner as before. No, he had something else in mind this time around, something that would give him a bit of relief and hopefully calm him down a bit since he had too much stress in his system. Sasuke chuckled as Naruto demanded to know where he was. "Come with me and I'll show you. But we'll have to move quickly, it takes around two hours to get there. So unless we go right now, we might miss him." Sasuke told him and started to walk off when Naruto released his clothing, not giving him time to think about the whole situation. Even if Naruto was dumb, he usually would know enough to let someone know where he was going before he left. But they didn't have time for that. They needed to leave this instant, without telling anyone now although he didn't mind if Naruto left someone a note. However, it would need to be fast. "You coming or not? He won't wait, it's not like he thinks he's going to see you today." Sasuke reminded him and as he approached the gates of Konoha, he paused and turned back to let his eyes linger on Naruto. Now it was all up to him.
Nora walked down the sidewalk, taking in the beautiful weather that the evening had provided. It was nearly sunset, her favorite time to take Sebastian, her German Shepard, for a walk. It had been a long day, and it was nice to come home and change into a pair of jeans and a jade green v-neck sweater, let her long dark hair down, and get some fresh air. Her hours at the local coffee shop could be brutal, starting at the wee hours of the morning and going on through out the day with minimum breaks. It was decent money, paying for her rent and bills, and that was not something to complain about at eighteen. However, she wished she could afford school. It had been her dream to get an education and make something of her self, but with her complex situation, that was nearly impossible. Nearing the park, Nora let Sebastian off his leash, watching as he ran toward the feild with an amazing speed. She shook her head, wishing that she could feel as free as her dog seemed to... His life seemed so simple, and she found herself feeling envy thinking about it. When Sebastian started to bark, a hint of aggression in his tone, Nora's eyebrows creased. He was all the way across the park from her and near the swings, a place he rarely wandered to. Sitting down, he looked up at a man sitting in a swing, barking at him as if he wished to be acknowledged. "Bastian, leave him alone!" Nora groaned, trudging up the hill and toward the swings. "Sebastian, I told you to stop!" Stopping in her tracks, Nora's eyes widened. This was not a man, but a boy that could not be much older than her. He looked badly beaten up, as if someone wanted him dead, and he seemed rather confused... Tilting her head to the side, she slowly approached him. Her eyes held indifference and sympathy, wondering what had gotten him into such a situation. Most people would avoid this kind of scene, but Nora was not most people. There was a time in her life when she had wished someone would have offered their concern... "Um... Hello," she said, offering a small smile. "Are, uh, are you alright?"
Harry James Potter was sitting on a swing miles away from Private Drive in Muggle London of all things. He was wearing his usual tattered, old, oversized clothes that his muggle relatives made him wear, because they where too cheep to spend the fifteen dollars to buy him an actual set of clothes. He sighed a little as he looked around, his eyes confused and blank as he swung his feet back and forth slowly, swinging back and forth lethargically, as if he was just waiting for someone, though he had been there for hours. Since noon, and the sun was already beginning to set, sending chilly air across the now empty playground. He himself looked terrible, the entire left side of his face was nothing but big black and blue bruise, and both of his eyes where black. He must have been hit with a sizable force to have bruises like that, even Dudley wouldn't have been able to hit him hard enough to leave marks like that. It was strange, he had been missing for three weeks, the entire wizarding world was looking for him, yet there he was sitting on a swing looking confused as if he wasn't sure who or where he was. In fact he didn't know anything, he didn't even know where he was. He had woken up on the side of the road three weeks ago in massive amounts of pain and had wandered off trying to find out where he was supposed to be, he felt he was supposed to be somewhere, he just wasn't sure where. He had settled himself down in the playground to rest his feet, but now he was regretting it, he was hungry, he was getting cold, and his feet hurt so badly he wasn't sure he could bare to stand on them anymore. He had been living with another homeless man under a bridge, they had shared any food they had come across and kept each other warm in the colder nights of London, but the man had died that morning, leaving Harry all alone again. So there he sat, wishing someone would know who he was and where he was supposed to be, shuddering as he hunkered in the swing, trying to preserve his body heat as the sun started setting, sending streaks of color across the sky that Harry found wonderful, but was far to miserable to really care about. He looked around, and felt a shudder of fear rush through him as footsteps started to sound into the cold air. The footsteps frightened Harry, he didn't know why, he just felt that being found, no matter how much he wished for it to happen, would be a bad idea. A very bad idea, despite that hope of being discovered and taken to someplace warm with food over rode any sense of fear he had, so he stayed on the swing, looking around for the source of the footsteps, and waited to be discovered.
Nora looked at Harry with her eyebrows creased together. He had obviously been living on the streets, she was sure, but something made her think this was not a normal situation. Starvation and lack of bathing was apparent in his appearence, yet she knew he was not used to his conditions. His green eyes still held sanity, even if they seemed quite lost, and he was too... trusting to be a seasoned homeless man. No, he'd found himself in a rough patch. And judging by the way he questioned who he was, she knew he must be lost. Something had happened to him, knocking him out of his life that she was sure he was previously comfortable in... And then Nora saw it. That scar... It looked so familiar, jogging something in her memory. Where had she seen that scar before? It must have been long ago, for it took her long moment of silence to realize she was not crazy... Wait. "I know who you are," Nora whispered, her head tilting slightly to the left. Her arms crossed over her chest and Sebastian finally stopped barking, enjoying the attention the boy was giving him. "You're Harry Potter." It took a moment for her to realize exactly who he was or how she knew him, but the moment she remembered that unusual scar sitting across from her in elementary school, it finally came to her. He was the boy who lived with the Dursley's a few blocks down from her childhood home. They went to school together when they were younger, but she remembered hearing how he was sent to boarding school or something. They did not talk much, and she never saw him outside of school, but she graduated with his cousin, Dudley. "We went to school together when we were little," she confirmed, reaching down to pat Sebastian's back. "I haven't seen you since... Well, I guess since you left for boarding school, or where ever you went." She thought about taking the lost, confused boy back to the house she remembered him living in. After all, they were his family, right? But then she remembered how they left very abruptly last summer. They were gone, and no one was sure where they had went. "I, uh...," she started, biting her lip as she decided what to do with him. She couldn't just leave him, could she? He was someone she once knew, and she definitely knew what it felt like to feel alone and lost. "How about you come back to my place? I have food there. You can take a shower if you want, and we can figure something out, okay?" Smiling, Nora leaned over and latched the leash back on Sebastian's collar, her long dark hair falling over her shoulder. Grey eyes glanced up beneath thick, dark lashes. "I'm Nora Carington, by the way."
Harry blinked rather stupidly as he watched a dog charge towards him and he jumped up so he was standing on the swing, looking ready to shimmy up the chains if he had to, shockingly nimble despite how thin he was. He was clearly starving, and had been for months, three weeks with a poor diet couldn't have made him so skinny you could see parts of his ribs. He was thin, frightened, confused, and he had clearly been abused or on the streets for a very long time. Whatever the reason for his state he didn't seam to notice Nora just yet as he stared at the dog with wide, shocked eyes before he finally glanced at Nora, looking shocked to see another person there. He glanced at the dog, making sure it wasn't going to eat him before he eased out of the swing gently, looking from Nora to the dog before realizing she had asked him a question. He was dizzy, hungry, tired, and he just wanted to find a place to curl up and sleep, someplace warm. He opened his mouth as if to say something before pausing and closing his mouth, giving her a suspicious look, as if he thought she was up to, his head tilted as he examined her as if sizing her up for danger levels, not at all the way most men looked Nora over. He finally seamed to decide that she could be trusted because he finally gave her a little smile. i... am.. ok? he asked, his voice raspy, he hadn't spoken in the three weeks, his impromptu roommate hadn't been able to, so Harry had felt no need, he had spoken little while with the Dursley's as well, so his voice was husky and sore from misuse. you... know me? Harry asked his head tilted at her, wondering if she knew who he was and that was why she was talking to him, looking at the dog and hesitantly reaching out to pat it on the head, uncertain and frightened, wondering if it would bite him if he touched it. He looked so lost and confused, innocent and childlike yet warrior like all at the same time. He looked capable of great violence as well as great tenderness, but Nora knew nothing about him, which made you wonder why she was really talking to the filthy boy who she had found on a swing, clearly homeless. He winced as his stomach growled loudly, setting his hand on his hand on his belly and looking down at it before looking up at her. you have food? he asked hopefully. i'm really hungry... he admitted calmly blinking at her his head tilted hopefully.
Nora listened to him recount his past occurences, trying to piecetogether everything. They way he spoke and retained information led her to belief he was very much sane, just scared. It was odd to her to be walking along with a boy her age who was atleast a head taller than her, yet seemed to be as innocent as a child. She saw an intensity in his eyes that told her he had been through many life-changing events, things that gave him a wise demeanor. There was not a doubt in her mind that he had been hit in the head a little too hard, making his memory faulter. Things like that happened all of the time, didn't it? He did not seem like the type who would do drugs or be mentally ill. No, she trusted the fact that he simply needed help finding himself. A smile spread acorss Nora's face and she shook her head, walking with him down the sidewalk. People stared, but she didn't think twice about it. "I don't live in the nicest of London apartments," she admitted, "I doubt a little dirt will hurt." Looking down at Sebastian, who made a point of walking between the pair, she smirked. "His name is Sebastian," she murmured, "And he's little protective. Don't mind him. He's just a teddy bear at heart, aren't you boy?" The dog wagged his tail and she reached down to run her fingers through his soft fur. The city lights were coming on as the sun finally went down, and the air grew a little chilly. It was a decent walk from th park to her apartment, but once they were their, she led him up to the fifth floor. It was a livable apartment, but certainly not top notch. There was an unsettling feeling that loomed over it, but Nora was used to it. She never left the apartment after dark without Sebastian, and she left work too early in morning to be bothered. "Welcome," she muttered, opening the door after a few moments of fumbling with her keys. "It's not much, but I can start something on the stove while you get cleaned up." Inside, there was a small black sofa, a metal table with books scattered on top of it, a dimly lit lamp, and a tiny television that sat on the fireplace. Right behind the wall that the sofa sat against was a tiny kitchen that had a decent stove and microwave. The bedroom was to the right, which barely fit a twin sized bed and small dresser, and the bathroom was positioned oddly off the kitchen. A radio could be heard from the bedroom, but there was no one there to listen to it. The televion was playing some kind of late night talk show, for she never turned it off. Silence made her nervous, and she did not like coming home to it. Sebastian was let off his leash and he ran straight for a dog bed that was placed in the corner beside the sofa. His eyes stayed on Harry even as Nora walked into the bedroom to fetch him him some towels. "The bathroom is right over there," she nodded, "Here is a towel, and I will go find something for you to wear... Oh! And you have to jiggle the hot water knob. It's stubborn."
Harry blinked at her, his head tilted as she explained that she had seen him before, that she knew who he was, hope flaring in his eyes as he studied her before it died as he realized she hadn't seen him in some time. Harry... Potter? he asked slowly, tasting the name on his tongue, he didn't find it familiar, but then nothing did anymore. He couldn't even remember three weeks ago. Truth be told as soon as Harry had turned sixteen he'd gone off to grimaced place, and the Dursley's had packed up and left, without telling a single soul. They had been threatened, or simply got tired of watching Harry, who knew, the only thing anyone knew was that they weren't there now. Harry continued to stare at her, emerald eyes hopeful as if he was expecting her to take him home. your place? he asked, looking confused again. not mine?.... he asked his head tilted as he studied her curiously. i would like food, and a shower too. he admitted. i've been taking baths in the creek but it doesn't work very well... he admitted calmly, as if everyone did such things. do you know where I live? I've been trying to find someone who knows me but everyone just gives me strange looks, the last person who I asked gave me this. he admitted pointing to his face. a Peirs someone... he admitted frowning a little. he laughed.. I don't know why, I don't thing it was all that funny. he admitted as he followed her. Nora... that's a pretty name. And what's his name? he asked looking down at the dog. He had missed it in the panic. He followed her through the darkness, considering everything that had happened to him. He had woken up in a massive amount of pain laying in a ditch with blood soaking his skin. As best as he could figure he had been hit by a car and the person had either taken him for dead or not cared. He'd met up with Silent Jay, a local homeless man who never talked. He was missing his tongue, and the only thing he knew how to spell was Jay, so that was what he was called. He told all of this to Nora, explaining, or he thought he was explaining, why he couldn't remember anything. Jay died though, this morning. It was really cold last night, I think he had a heart attack. he admitted calmly. so I just started walking again and sat down on the swing and just never got back up... are you sure it's ok for me to use your shower? I'm really gross. he admitted looking himself over.
Nora has been lounging on the couch, reading a book and paying little to not attention to the television. When she heard the bathroom door open, her eyes glanced to the right to see a very clean, handsome young man. Biting her lip, she took him in, notcing the muscles, the scars... What had he gotten himself into? Her eyes looked over his physic for far too long before she blushed a little and gave him a small smile. "I can cut it for you, if you would like," she offered, standing up and putting her book to the side. On her way to the kitchen, she grabbed some clothes off the coffee table and handed them to him. "Lucky for you, my ex boyfriend left some clothes be hind. Lucky for me, he will not be back for them, so no worries." It was just a white v-neck shirt and a pair of black basketball shorts, an outfit that her boyfriend from over a year ago had slept in when he stayed the night. She had never felt much for the guy, so when he decided to leave and make it as a muscian in America, she didn't stop him. She had not heard from him since, and she was not the least bit concerned. Walking into the small kitchen, she opened a drawer and retrieved a pair of hair-cutting scissors she had used on her own hair from time to time. Then, grabbing a small chair from the corner of the kitchen that she liked to use to reach the top cabinets, she motioned for him to sit and wrapped another towel around his shoulders. "So you had a dog named Sirius?" she asked, looking down at his hair and running her hands through it. "Well, atleast your memory is not a lost cause, hm?" Raising the scissors, she started to trim away at his unruly dark tresses, being extra careful with each snip. "I wish I could be of more help... I just remember you from when we were younger, and even then, we didn't know eachother very well. I was quite shy." After several minutes, Nora had his hair trimmed neatly and out of his way, showing off his striking green eyes and beautiful bone structure. It was hard to tear her eyes away from him as she took the messy towel off of his shoulders and nodded toward the bedroom. "Go get some clothes on," she murmured, a small smile spread across her face. She turned and discarded the towel in the laundry basket, walked over to the stove. Pulling a pot out of the cabinet, she filled it with water and started to boil it while she grabbed some pasta, sauce, and some leftover chicken from the fridge. "I'll get some food ready, okay? Then we can get you set up for the night." Nora's smile and demeanor was genuine, not thinking twice about helping Harry out. He was no threat, she could already see that, and he needed to be fed and clothed badly... Not only that, but she knew how he felt. He just needed someone; anyone. And she refused to leave him alone.
harry smiled a little as he was promised it was really going to be alright and grinned down at Sebastian. it's good that he's protective. Harry admitted calmly. bad things happen to good people far too often, and Sebastian loves you very much, he's a very good dog. he promised scratching the pups ears. very loyal. I used to have a dog like that, his name was Sirius... he paused, looking startled, just stopping in the middle of the road and blinking dumbly. i remembered something! he stated, looking astonished before beaming happily and resuming his pace next to her, perfectly content to let Sebastian protect Nora. He smiled as he was let in, looking around curiously before smiling at her. it might not be much, but I can assure you it could be a hell of a lot worse. he admitted smiling a little. He smiled as he accepted the towels, his eyes filled with gratefulness and thankfulness as he smiled at her. thank you Nora, so much. I promise I won't be trouble. he promised, smiling at Sebastian. your a good boy. it was strange that he was so happy that the dog was eying him up like a threat, But Harry knew the troubles of London streets, and it made him happy to know that Nora was well protected. He stepped into the shower, stripped down and washed himself clean before he actually started washing his clothes in the shower, just in case Nora couldn't find something for him to wear. Nora? Do you have a pair of scissors I can borrow? he asked suddenly as he stepped out of the bathroom, clean and handsome she could now see every bit of his body but from waist to knee, which was hidden by the towel. Harry was muscular despite being so small and malnourished, and he had some interesting scars. A long one on his shoulder from a dragon he didn't remember, burn marks across his ribs from a blast ended skrewt. You could see his lower ribs sticking out, but you couldn't count them yet, starved but not dying of it yet. He was tall and handsome, but a little bit feminine too with his hair down to his shoulders in messy, but untangled and now clan waves. i want to cut my hair, it's always in the way. Harry admitted tugging on his locks, completely uncaring that he was naked in front of a woman, in fact he didn't even seem to realize that it was rather impolite to be standing there dressed in nothing but a towel, asking for a pair of scissors so he could make a mess with his hair. It was hard to be annoyed with him though, since he was so cute.
Nora finished up dinner while listening to him try rationalize his thoughts. A smile spread across her lips, for she was not used to such chatty company. In fact, she was not used to any company at all anymore. It was always just her and Sebastian at home, and she managed to get in some human contact at work or the store. Her life was simple, but little did she know, Harry might be the one person to turn it upside down. "The couch pulls out into a bed," she said over her shoulder, "It's not the most comfortable thing in the world, so I apologize. I'll get you some blankets and pillows in after dinner." Walking into the living room with two plates in her hands, Nora's eyes lit up at Harry. He cleaned up nice, and the way the clothes she gave him hung on his frame, they made him look like a normal young man; a handsome one, in fact. The boy in the park and the boy in her apartment looked like two different beings. "And you don't need to keep sayng you are sorry," she murmured, pushing a plate toward him. Walking over to the sofa, she plopped down with her legs folded underneath her and began to stir her pasta around. Since she lacked a table, eating in the living room was their only option. "It's not your fault, you know. Judging by the bruises and everything, I doubt your situation was an accident." Leaning over, Nora took a bite of chicken and pasta. Her eyes glanced toward the television as she chewed, thinking over her current predicimate. What had she gotten herself into? He must think she is crazy for bringing home someone who was practically a stranger... But the thing is, she felt his pain, and despite not wanting to believe it, she was a tad lonely. And that's when the news abruptly took over the channel. A reporter read from a paper, obviously unrehearsed, stating that more deaths have occured today in London. The people were found in their home dead with no signs of natural causes, yet no signs of physical harm... Things like this were becoming more common throughout the past years. Th deaths were so unusual, so hard to explain, that Nora tried not to think about it. The last thing she needed was one more thing to worry about. "Wow," she murmured, shaking her head, "Two more bodied found right on the edge of London..." Taking another bite of her pasta, she found herself looking at Harry with indifferent. "Crazy how they can't find a single thing wrong with them, huh? It's like magic..."
he blinked as he stared at her and he looked at himself and blushed, realizing he was naked in front of her. But he said nothing, simply thinking she was staring because of the scars and how thin he was. He was really quite... not ugly, but certainly not handsome either. Maybe if he got some good meals into him and he filled out he would look better. He hadn't really bothered to look in the mirror so he really had no full idea about what he really looked like. i would like that, thank you. he chirped happily, smiling at her, silently thanking her for everything that she was doing for him as he tightened the towel to make sure it wouldn't slip off and settled carefully into the chair, looking a little hesitant about someone with sharp things behind him, but he trusted Nora, if she was going to hurt him she would have already right? He leaned his head back when she urged him to and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of her fingers in his hair. It felt so wonderful to have someone play with his hair. He half dozed in the chair as she cut his hair, simply enjoying the calm touch of another human being for once, as innocent as it was... especially because it was innocent. He frowned a little at the mention of Sirius. yes... I think so... I... think he died. I get very sad when I think about him. he admitted softly looking up at her and offering her a smile. thank you very much Nora, for everything. he muttered slowly standing up, making sure his towel didn't fall off, accepting the clothes and heading back into the bathroom to get dressed, changing and reveling in the feeling of clothes that actually fit, that didn't hang off him like a whale. He walked back out, examining himself as he did so, looking even more handsome in clothes that clung to his frame just right. He looked even better in those clothes than her ex boyfriend did. i can just sleep on the couch. he promised. anythings better than dirt. he admitted smiling happily. or a cupboard under the...stairs. he frowned, looking completely baffled, his head tilted. ... what a strange thought... he mused to himself before shaking his head and smiling at her. i'm sorry I... I think my head trauma knocked a few things loose. he admitted. i wish I could remember how I lost my memory. he admitted wrinkling his nose a little.
Nora frowned as she heard him getting sick in the bathroom, putting her plate of food on the coffee table before standing up. She walked across the room and went straight for the kitch to grab the chair shaw ha cut his hair in. Sliding it to the counter, she stood on top of it and went through her medicine cabinet until she found migraine relief. When she returned, Harry was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed, as if he were tying to rest. She didn't blame him. The noises coming from the batroom a moment ago sounded awful... Sitting beside him, she hesitantly reached her hand up to his forhead to gently brushed his hair away from his damp forehead. Her fingers grazed his scar before disappearing into his dark hair, feeling of his soft tresses as he tried to coaz his pretty green eyes open. "Harry," she murmured, worry etched across her face and swirling within her grey eyes. "Take this, okay?" Grabbing his hand, Nora made him stand to his feet and handed him two pills and his glass of water from dinner. As he stood, she pulled the sofa bed out and grabbed some blankets and pillow from the closet. Within minutes, she had the bed set up and was pushing him down into him, making him lay down underneath the soft, fleece covers. She sat on the edge of the sofa bed, looking down at the handsome, troubled young man with a frown. Her hand reached up to rest on his cheek, and she let out a sigh. "You just need to get some good sleep," she whispered, trying to comfort him, "Stop worrying about remembering things, alright? It will only make you feel worse until you get some rest. Don't worry about paying me back... You're no trouble, and Sebastian will make sure of that." Grinning, she tilted her head to the side and let her hair fall over her shoulder. "You can stay as long as you like... I suppose I like the company."
he smiled a little and nodded. it's ok, like I said I'm used to sleeping on uncomfortable things, any bed would be a welcome relief. he admitted smiling at her happily. thank you... for taking me in, I promise I'll find a way to repay you for this. he promised calmly smiling at her again as he scratched Sebastian's ears before settling onto the couch, grimacing as she told him to stop apologizing. i'm so... I mean... er... he blushed and coughed into his hand, looking sheepish. i'm just nervous... I don't want to be in the way or upset you. he admitted smiling at her sheepishly as he started to tuck into his food at laser light spread, finishing his plate save for two pieces of chicken which he kindly shared with Sebastian. Even starving, it was clear to see Harry had a kind soul. Harry was one of those people who would give everything he had if someone needed it. He looked startled when the news took control and he looked with horror as he heard how they had died. It sounded so familiar. Avada Kedavra. he muttered softly touching the TV flinching as he pressed a hand to his head. a...ow... he groaned, shuddering a little. yes... magic. he muttered leaning against the bottom of the couch, tears of pain in his eyes. i... have a terrible headache all of a sudden... he muttered, voice husky with pain. do you have any pain killers? he asked hopefully. i've never had this before... I was so sure I was going to remember something. he complained softly. something about those deaths... that was a worrying thing to say, because for most people it meant that Harry was involved in them somehow. He had either helped kill them, witnessed a death, or was helping stop them. Whatever it was, it meant someone dangerous was probably looking for him. Harry suddenly staggered to his feet and darted into the bathroom, the door slamming shut, but doing nothing to stop the sounds of him being sick from filtering through. He had eaten too much too fast and now he was paying for it. He heaved and huffed before laying his face on the cool linoleum to sooth his burning face before he got up and rinsed his mouth out, staggering back out into the living room. sorry... ate too fast I think. he muttered sitting back down on the couch and resting his head back, closing his eyes. i'm just... going to take a short nap...
Nora walked in to the kitchen early the next morning, her eye's still adjusting to being awake and in the light. Stumbling through the living room and into the kitchen, she nearly tipped over Harry on the way to the coffee pot. Her eyes went wide and she caught herself on the counter. Sebastian's ears perked up, and Nora slowly looked over her shoulder at the young man on his hands and knees, scrubbing her floor. Eyebrows raised, she put her hands on her hips and gave him an incredulous look. Dressed in just a long t-shirt and panties, her hair all over the place, she was not prepared for the scene she woke up to. "Harry, what the Hell are you doing?" she asked, reaching down and grabbing him by the arm. Making him stand up, she looked around the spotless kitchen with a sigh. "I told you that you did not need to do anything around here... I mean, thank you, but still..." Shaking her head, Nora walked over to the coffee pot and turned it on to let it brew, then grabbed two mugs out of the cabinet. Reaching in the fridge, she grabbed the carton of orange juice and poured two glasses. "Did you sleep well last night?" she asked, hopefully. "You never knocked on my door, so I assumed you didn't need anything..." She took a sip of her orange juice then put it down and opened one of th elower cabinets to get the dog food out. Pouring it into a large, metal bowl, she lt Sebastian eat and patted his head.
he winced as she touched him, startled, or more expecting a hit and he blinked at her, a slight fever, but that was to be expected when you lived on the streets, he'd had a fever ever since he'd woken up three weeks ago. Infection somewhere he supposed. He blinked at her and got to his feet, making a distressed noise in the back of his throat as he did so but he took the medicine and drank the water obediently, blinking slowly, looking exhausted. It had been a big day for him and puking probably hadn't helped his fatigue. He laid down when she urged him to and sighed softly as he snuggled into the pillow and bed with small sounds of serious pleasure and contentment. They where almost bedroom noises harry was enjoying the soft things so much before he smiled at her. thank you. he mumbled softly his hand catching hers and holding it gently as he closed his eyes and went to sleep, there was no stopping it, he was just asleep right then and there, breathing softly. Fortunately he released her hand with the gentlest of tugs and simply snuggled more firmly into his pillow. He was awake when she got up, and was on all fours on the floor of the kitchen, scrubbing it clean while Sebastian watched. The entire kitchen had been cleaned spotless, which meant Harry had to have woken up around dawn in order to clean, or maybe he had woken up gotten bored and then started cleaning to repay Nora. Whatever the case he was cleaning, and chattering to himself like a madman though she couldn't understand what he was saying he was clearly talking to either himself or Sebastian as he dipped his scrub brush into the water before resuming his scrubbing.
Nora could not help but look at him with shock, taking in his sudden burst of fear and terror. Why was he so skiddish? Not only was he child-like, but Harry acted like a child that had been previously abused. Lips pressing together, eyebrows creasing, Nora walked over to where he sat down and gently grabbed his hand. Her thumb calmly brushed against his palm and she bent down to look at him in the eyes. "Harry, I'd never hurt you," she whispered, her eyes soft and sympathetic. When he started to apologize, wondering aloud why he was so afraid, she tilted her head to the side. "You are afraid because your lost, but I swear on my life, I'd never do anything to hurt you. You are scared because nothing is familiar, and I'm sorry I can't be better help... But, maybe it would be healthier for you to stop trying to regain your previous life? Maybe you should try to pick up with a new one and get in touch with the world around you." A frown touched her lips, and she tightened her grip on his hand. "Your memory will come with time, okay? And until then, how about we get to know eachother? After all, I haven't seen you since we were... Eleven, I think." Nora smirked and stood up, glancing at her watch. Turning, she bend forward to pour a cup of coffee, giving him a good look at her panty-clad back side, then went into the living room the watch the news before work. She pulled her feet up underneath her and held the warm cup in her hands, looking at he screan casually. Sebastian followed, laying down in front of her on the floor.
Harry yelped when he tripped over her, startled, not in pain, just startled, blinking at her rather stupidly as she scowled at him looking very nervous as he hunkered down like a dog about to get yelled at, staring at her as she patronized him with her eyes. A full blown panic reached his eyes as she grabbed him and yanked him into the standing position, making him flinch and cower. i'm sorry! he wailed, cringing away from her as if he expected to be struck. Not the reaction one might have expected from someone as strong and brave as Harry. i... y..your not going to hit me? he asked, staring at her with wide, terror struck eyes as she thanked him of all things, making him swallow thickly. Wherever he had been, whoever he had been with it was clear from that reaction that he had been abused, a lot. He started to calm down as she headed over to the fridge and hesitated. i... had nightmares. Harry admitted softly, sitting down hesitantly, worried about his own reaction. i.. I woke up... the sun was down but I couldn't sleep and... and I just.. HAD to clean.. I felt that something bad would happen if I didn't... he admitted biting his lip. i didn't mean to hurt you... he was jumpy, skittish, but starting to relax as he sipped at his orange juice looking confused and frightened. i don't understand. he admitted suddenly, biting his lip. i... I just... no ones ever hit me on the streets, they never had a chance.. so why.. am I so afraid? he asked, worried, afraid of his lost memories now. What kind of person had he been? What if he had been a bad person? What if he had been a part of a gang that he was so afraid of being struck? Maybe he was a slave... did slaves still exist? Maybe... maybe he was putting Nora in danger?
Nora wrinkled her eyebrows and looked over at Harry. With a sigh, she shook her head and offered him a soft smile. "No, I do not think you are a bad person, Harry," she murmured, "Even if you were before, that doesn't mean you are now... People can change, you know." With that, she turned and headed toward the shower, peeling off her clothes and stepping into the hot water. Sighing in the steam, she washed her hair and bathed her body before stepping out and blowdrying her hair into long waves. After applying some makeup, she slipped into her usual black pants, black shirt, and apron. She checked her watch then hurried around the house, grabbing a bagel and patting Sebastian on the head as she grabbed her purse. "I'll be back around six tonight," Nora promised, "There is some stuff to make a sandwich if you get hungry! If there is a knock on the door... Well, don't answer and don't buzz anyone up, okay? No one but you and I are aloud in here." At that, she left, walking down the five flights of stairs and running across the street to work.
Harry licked his lips nervously as she took his hand and stroked it, the fear melting away as she touched him, swallowing thickly. i know... I'm sorry I... I don't know what happened. he admitted softly. Holding her hand, biting his lip. someone... else. Hurt me. he muttered softly. i'm not sure who... he admitted calmly before looking startled, his head tilted. stop... trying to find my last life? he asked biting his lip as he pondered that, sighing a little. you might be right. he admitted. i'm... frightened, of myself. he admitted smiling at her. i would like to get to know you... he admitted softly. you are a very kind and good person. he murmured softly, smiling at her as he followed her with his own cup of coffee. Black as pitch it was. He sat next to her, watching the news, his head tilted a little as he watched before yawning and rubbing his eyes. He had slept very poorly, and he was hoping to take a nap now that he had gotten his cleaning fix out of the way. He smiled and gently leaned against her, so desperate for human contact that he was actually cuddling with her, closing his eyes as he rested his head on her shoulder, sighing softly. your warm. he mumbled softly comfortable and mostly happy with his current situation. He let her up when she made motions to get up thankfully, and when she did get up he laid down on the couch, hogging it as he snuggled in and started to take another nap before hesitating. when do you get home? he asked softly, smiling at her. i'll make you dinner.. he offered, his head tilted, wanting to do nice things for her. Nora? he asked just before she left, his eyes uncertain. ... do you think I could be a bad person?
Nora walked into the kitchen with an arched eyebrow, taking in the surroundings for a moment before speaking. She eyed the food, Harry talking to Sebastian, and the clean house... Her lips turned into a smirk, and she shook her head. Reaching around herself, she removed her apron from work and tossed it on the counter, pulled her hair down from its pony tail, and removed her shoes. "You just couldn't help yourself, could you?" she said, amusement in her tone. "Well, it smells good. How was you day? No one knocked on the door, did they? I'm a little late on my rent, and they are bound to come to collect sooner or later..." Grabbing Sebatian by the collar, she let him out to the balcony so he could do his business and flipped the telelvision on the news. Another story about another killing. It was becoming so common to hear about the mysterious deaths that she didn't think much about it. All she cared about was eating dinner, relaxing, and hopefully getting some good sleep... "I brought you some clothes," Nora said, nodding toward a few shopping bags that sat by the door. "A few things that I thought would suit you... That way you can get a fresh start, go out in public... Start anew." She smiled and sat down on the sofa as she waited for food. "I'm not forcing anything on you. Just thought I would help you out a little."
harry smiled at her, glad that she didn't think he was a bad person. He laid on the couch and napped until she came back in and he smiled and nodded at her instructions. i won't let anyone in. he promised calmly before watching her lave, glancing at Sebastian he smiled at the dog. want to come take a nap with me boy? he offered his head tilted as he pulled the bed back out let the dog up on it and took a nap until noon when he jerked awake gasping and sweating from a nightmare that he couldn't quite recall. All he could remember was a bright flash of green, and an ice cold laugh, but it had left him shaking and terrified, the name Cederic and Sirius on his lips. Who they where, Harry didn't know, but he had a feeling that they where very important. He groaned a little and slid out of the bed, patting Sebastian's head and took a shower of his own, luxuriating in the warm water for close to an hour before he finally stepped out, dried off and got dressed. well, what should I make her for dinner? harry asked curiously, wondering who he was talking to, himself or the dog? Either way he felt ridiculous, but after weeks of silence, it bothered him. He turned on the Tv loud, letting the sound permeate the apartment and perused the fridge for something to eat he made himself a good sized sandwich and shared bits and pieces with the dog, smiling a little as he stroked the Canines head, sighing a little. i wish I could remember that dream. he muttered, it was bothering him, he never noticed that his personality had shifted into more of an adult like persona, how could he? He still felt perfectly himself. well, talking to you isn't helping my plea for sanity is it Sebastian? Harry asked smirking as he shook his head at his own stupidity. He rolled the bed back into a couch and looked around, shrugging. Nora had said not to, but he was going to anyway, it was the least he could do. He cleaned the rest of the kitchen and cleaned up the living room and the bathroom but didn't clean anything else, not wanting to invade her privacy. When she got home the apartment smelled like cooking meat, good cooking meat, Harry was in the kitchen flipping steaks on a skillet. Whether that had come from the freezer or he had obtained them somehow only Sebastian knew. He was whistling as he cooked and reached down and tossed Sebastian's ball whenever the dog brought it over to him, snickering at the dogs goofy playful nature as he flipped the steaks again. what do you think Sebastian, should I make a vegetable too? he paused. i wonder if she counts potatoes as a vegetable? he mused examining the steaks, glancing at the dog. i really should stop talking to you, you know. Nora is going to think I'm crazy... yes yes alright I'll throw the ball. he teased tossing the ball again before heading over to the pantry and pulling out some potatoes. fried or mashed do you think? he asked the dog before blushing hard as he noticed Nora. er... I wasn't talking to the dog... honest..
Nora grinned and dug into her food, eating rather quickly since she never had time to grab lunch. "It's great," she assured, giving him a nod before finishing of her potatos. His overly innocent behavior was something she was not used to. In fact, it was nothing like anything she had ever been around. Her previous boyfriends were very dominant and her father was a raging alcoholic... Harry's personality caught her off guard, leaving her with little to say. Her eyebrows raised, and her head tilted to the side. "You his under the bed?" she chuckled, shaking her head. "You do realize they cannot come in or see through the door, don't you? I just don't you not to answer the door because I've got some... old friends I would rather you not have to deal with. And then there is that landlord, and my ex boyfriend." Sighing, she stood up and walking into the kitchen to start washing her plate. It was nice to have someone to cook dinner for her.' "You don't need to go scoping for a job so soon," she protested, walking back into the living room and leaning against the doorway. "You've only been here a night... And besides, you're still trying to regain your memory." With that, she went back to sit on the couch and pulled her legs underneath her.
he smiled sheepishly at her. ... sorry... I got bored and reading made my brain hurt and the TV was depressing. he admitted smiling a little as he shook his head and flipped a steak. one person knocked but I just hid under the bed while Sebastian barked at them. he admitted looking amused. i have no idea why hiding under the bed was a good idea but they didn't try to come in so I guess it worked. he laughed at his own bad joke and prodded the meat before he finished pealing the potatoes and started slicing them up, deciding to fry them on the skillet with some butter and onion's, humming a little ditty to himself as he worked. i had a good day. he admitted. had some strange dreams while taking a nap though. he admitted frowning a little. i just can't seam to remember what they where. I woke up shaking. he admitted shaking his head. do you think that's normal? he asked blinking at her and turning faintly red. you didn't have to do that Nora... but he looked so grateful it was clear he was only saying that to be polite. thank you... I could go out and get a job too, and help you with the rent since I'm living here for a while... he wasn't sure for how long, but he could help her until he found his own place at least. i would like to go outside though. he admitted smiling a little. i thought about it earlier but I wasn't sure if i'd be able to get back in, and it looked like it was going to rain. he admitted frying the potatoes easily before flipping half of them and a steak onto a plate, setting it carefully into her lap before he dished himself up. i hope it tastes alright... I can't remember if I know how to cook or not. he admitted with another chuckle.
Nora went quiet when she asked if she was being threatened, her face growing solemn. She bit her lip and waved his accusations away, shaking her head. "No, of course not," she murmured in a hush tone. Her eyes glanced to the window, pulling her knees up to her chest and letting out a sigh. She listened to him, taking in what he had to say about getting a job and regaining his memory. However, she appeared as if she were being very distant; as if she were in a deep, deep thought... "You don't need to cook for me, you know." Her tone was defensive, as if she were suddenly irritated. "I can take care of myself. I've been doing it long before you came around." With that, she stood and went to take a shower without another word, needing the hot water to seep into her skin and calm her. Why was she taking her frustration out on Harry? He did nothing... But after being independent for so long, it felt unusual to have someone go out of their way for her... After getting dressed in a long t-shirt and boyshort panties, she slipped back out into the living room and grabbed a cup of coffee. "I'm sorry," she muttered, sitting back down beside him with a large coffee mug. She smelled of lavender shampoo and toothpaste. "I just... I'm so used to being alone..."
he smirked a little and shrugged. it seamed like a good idea. he admitted with a laugh. your dog gave me some pretty strange looks though. he admitted smiling as he cut his meat up but ate quickly, almost as hungry as she was, considering he'd given up most of his sandwich to Sebastian, who'd just looked starving, Harry hadn't been able to resist. He scowled ay the tone of her voice and straightened looking her over. Nora, are you being threatened by someone? he asked frowning a little. because if you are I can take care of them for you. he promised frowning a little, a strange look in his eyes. Not a killers look, but definitely the look of someone who was willing to hurt someone to protect the people he cared about... the look of a person who had killed before, someone who had seen a lot of death and pain. Besides... I don't have anything to clean anymore, I have to find something to do. he admitted with a small smile. if I take a part time I can do to work after you, and be back before you and I can make you breakfast and dinner. he offered smirking a little. it will give me something to do while your not home. he admitted smirking as he fed Sebastian pieces of fat from his steak. besides... I'm not sure I want my memory back. he admitted looking nervous. after those nightmares I'm just.. not sure I'm ready. he admitted scratching Sebastian's ears. i'll give it a while before I actively start finding out the kind of person I was... maybe a week or two... you know where I lived right? I'll start there when I feel more comfortable with who I am now.
Nora felt ten times more guilty when she heard him explain himself, and she wanted to punch herself for bein such a bitch. All Harry was doing was trying to help out. He was just trying to take care of her, something that no one had done for her in a long, long time, and her she was snapping at him. She should be ashamed of herself, and she was... Her eyes started to water and she looked at the television with a blank expression on her face. Her stomach started to hurt, and then she remembere why she cocked such an attitude. He reminded her of something that she truly did not want to think about, yet there was no hiding it now. Tears were starting to brim over within her dark eyes. "I just..." she whispered, shaking her head. "I'm in over my head, Harry. Very over my head. I'm scared all of the time." Taking a deep breath, Nora swallowed and reached up to wipe her eyes. It took her a moment to convince herself that tell Harry would do no harm. She could trust him, couldn't she? Her teary eyes looked over at him, and her forehead wrinkled with determination. "It started when my parents left us," she murmured, "My brother and I, I mean. He was thirteen years older than me, so by the time I was in kindergarten, he was a senior in highschool. They left when I was seven, so he came home from University and started to raise me as his own. He never told my why they left or why they never decided to come back. In fact, he didn't talk about it at all... He just took care of me, loved me, made me feel special even though I felt like dirt. I mean, who's parents just leave them? Nine years later, a little after a turned sixteen, my brother passed away due to illness. He had been sick for a while, and I knew it was coming, but he did his best to make sure our lives were normal up until his last day. He told me he was proud of me, that he loved me, and that he was sorry he could not leave me with more..." Now, Nora was sobbing, having to speak through the little gasps of breath her body managed to make. "So then I was alone, and I was sent to a foster home until I graduated highschool, which was about six months ago... When I first was forced on my own, I had no money and no place to stay, so I... Well, I borrowed some money from this guy. All he wanted was to "pimp" me out a little, and I was so desperate I let him... It was just supposed to work off my debt to him, and then I would be done, but now he's intent on getting me back. Now I'm broke again, because bills are so expensive... And I'm really scared." Her face was in her hands now, and she was shaking with her sobs. "I feel so dirty, too," she whispered, "My brother would be so ashamed, you know... And this guy frightens me. I feel like if he found me and I refused him, he's kill me right then. After all, I don't have an family left to miss me."
he blinked a little looking startled by the harsh tone and he scowled a little as he tilted his head. but I... he looked confused and upset that she was snapping at him, certain something was wrong but not sure what to do about it, not sure he wanted to. It was his life too after all, sort of. He sighed a little and picked up the dishes, washing them and sharing the scraps with Sebastian before sitting down on the couch, ignoring the TV in favor of mulling over what was going on with Nora, and wondering why it upset him so much. Nothing made sense to him anymore, he felt like he was supposed to be doing something important and sitting around getting his ass chewed was driving him crazy... was he the sort of person who took that? He didn't know but he doubted it. Whatever the truth was, he was going to ignore it as best as he could, she didn't need his temper on top of hers. He looked over at her, looking even more amazed when she apologized, clearly not used to that sort of thing. oh... er.. it's fine... for some reason I'm used to getting my ass chewed. he admitted frowning a little. i can't remember what about... he admitted shrugging a little. if you need space, just tell me ok? I'll take a walk around the park or something. he promised smiling at her a little. i'm still cooking for you. he stated simply. i like to cook apparently, it makes me feel better knowing I'm doing something to help out and not just mooching off of you. he admitted shaking his head. i don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of you, that's all... I care about you, you're my friend, I want to help you when I can, as little as it is.
Nora listened to him, trying desperately to calm herself. She felt like a bumbling idiot, crying and sniffing as a I child would. Normally a very independent, strong person, it was hard for Nora to be so vulnerable. It was hard for her to give in to the fact that she needed help; that someone was sitting next to her that was willing to take care of her... She swallowed and bit her lip, taking the hot chocolate from him and rellishing in its warmth. It took a few moments for her to look him in the eyes, tears still spilling down her cheeks. "It's too much to ask of you, Harry," she argued in a hushed tone. "You can't possibly take on the toubles I brought upon myself. This is all my fault, and I can't expect you to swoop in and protect me when you have so much on your plate. It would be selfish of me." She shook her head, and when she felt his hands on her knee, she seemed to relax a little. Who knew that Harry would be the one to eventually make her feel safe? Who knew he would be the only person she would learn to trust in such a little amount of time? After a moment of hesitation, Nora leaned back into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder and finding comfort within his arms once again. It had been a very, very long time since someone had held her in such a manner, and she found herself unable to tear herself away. "I'll go with you," she murmured, leaning down to sip her hot chocolate. She remained leaning against him, her legs pulled up underneath her. "You should have someone there with you, shouldn't you?" Nora, becoming addicted to his embrace, snuggled closer and started to watch the television. It was a mindless sitcom, and between watching that and having Harry beside her, she evetually started to calm down and get a little sleep. After finishing off her hot chocolate, she rest her head on his chest and sighed. "Harry, I'm happy you are here," she admitted, "I'm sorry about what had happened... But I'm happy that you ended up here with me. Even if I do act like a bitch from time to time."
Harry listened to her with astonishment as she started to cry, hesitantly setting his hand on her shoulder, unsure how to comfort her, or even if he should try. He swallowed hard when he watched her, realizing she was just as alone as he was. i'm sure they loved you very much... he whispered, hoping it was true, trying to offer her as much comfort as he could. He wasn't a touchy feely sort of person, he always said the wrong thing at the wrong times and this rather emotional confession out of her left him completely unsure of what to do. He felt his heart clench painfully as she spoke about her brother and he pulled her tight into him, holding her as she cried and spoke, stroking her hair gently as he kissed the top of her head, not realizing how that might have been seen, he just felt like it was right. He tensed violently as she explained that she had borrowed money from the wrong person and he pulled away from her, staring, wide eyed and shocked. I won't let him get you Nora. he promised, a snarl in the back of his voice, not angry at her, but furious that she would be so afraid. He would not hesitate to kill the man who was doing this to her. i won't let him touch you, talk to you, hurt you, I won't even let him look at you! he promised before gently stroking her cheek. his eyes still blazing with ferociousness. It was clear he was a very dominant personality, he had laid a claim on Nora in some form or another, ad anyone who fucked with her was then fucking with him. It was clear anyone who fucked with her was going to die, Harry wouldn't hesitate in the least to kill anyone who bothered Nora. your brother would be proud of you Nora. he promised once he got himself calmed down and she continued. you are a strong, brave girl and you did what you had to to survive and no one can fault you, blame you, hate you, or hold you in ill regard for that. he promised, smiling at her. everyone does things their not proud of. he promised standing up suddenly. wait here, I'll make you something special, it will make you feel better. he promised heading into the kitchen. It only took him ten or twenty minutes to make whatever he was making on the stove, he pressed a hot cup into her hands, the smell wafting from the cup informing her that he had made a cup of very rich hot chocolate. you don't need to be afraid of this guy Nora, I won't let him hurt you. he promised before pausing. and you do have Family, you have me. he promised setting his hand on her knee. i know I will never be as good as your big brother, never be who you want me to be, but I will try my best to protect you and help you. Your my family now Nora, and I will never let anyone hurt you. that fierce protectiveness was in his eyes again. He wasn't going to let some jackass hurt her, never. i think I want to go home tomorrow. he admitted his eyes fierce. there might be something there, money, a weapon, something that we can use to help us out of this situation...
Nora nodded in agreement, making no move to pull away from him. She rellished in the feeling of comfort and support. His arms around her soothed her in a way that she had been deprived of the past two and half years. Nothing would have made her leave his side, even when her eyes were starting to droop. The feeling of the steady rise and fall of his chest calmed her and ceased her tears, leaving her in a state of serenity. "That sounds great," she murmured, "I'll be there for you. So no reason to be nervous." She reached over and grabbed his hand, comforting him with a soft stroke of her thumb on the top of his hand. "Even if you don't find anything, even if you never remember your past like... Harry, you can always have a new life right here." With that, Nora's eyes started to close. She was so tired. So, so tired. Today had been a long day, and now it was nearly two in the morning. It took little effort for her to fall into a deep sleep as she cuddled with Harry on the couch, her body going limp against his. Part of her wished he would not leave her once she was asleep, dreading the feeling of waking up in the middle of the night alone. Even after living alone for so long, she still hated that feeling of waking up in an empty appartment.
Harry gently leaned over and carefully wiped her tears away with his thumbs, as he might have done to a lover, one might even expect for him to lean down and kiss her, but he didn't. i don't know about that. he admitted softly. i don't really have any problems or troubles, so I have a lost memory, sometimes I think it's a good thing... besides, what if I WANT to take on these troubles of yours? What if I want to help you, stick my nose in your business and keep you safe? he smiled. maybe I choose to help you, despite your protests, then it's not your fault at all now is it? he asked with a small chuckle as he shook his head. drink your hot chocolate Nora and stop worrying so much. he ordered calmly. As he wrapped an arm gently around her shoulder as she leaned against him. i think your right, something inside of me cringes at the thought of going to...that place... alone. he admitted softly, a strange growling tone to his voice, as if the place he lived was to be feared, as if his own home was a viscous enemy that would chew Harry up and spit him out if he went alone. we'll go when you get home from work, after dinner. he decided, biting his lip a little as he considered what might happen there, dread filling his heart as he realized that to be so afraid of his own home... not that he was actually scared or anything, but to be so unnerved at the thought of going back despite not having any memories, something very bad must have happened there. He smiled as Nora finished the hot chocolate and he leaned down, gently kissing the top of her forehead. i'm not sorry. he admitted smiling at her. because it brought me to you. he admitted chuckling a little. besides, your not a bitch, just traumatized, like me.
Nora slowly shifted off of him, taking a moment to become fully awake. She had not slept that good in a long, long time, and something told her that it was because of the boy who slept with his arms around her all night long... It made her smile to see him there when she opened her eyes, and when she moved to sit on the edge of the couch, she rubbed her eyes and chuckled. "Dudley was your cousin," she murmured, "That much I can tell you. I graduated with the little twit." With that, she stood up and turned to lay her palm on his forehead. He didn't have a temperature, making her assume his headaches were most definitely out of stress. "No need to make breakfast, Harry. I can cook too, you know." She smirked, then walked barefoot into the kitchen and started a pot of strong coffee. The aroma filled the tiny apartments as it brewed, and she took the time to crack a few eggs into a pan and scramble them then fry up a couple slices of bacon. She walked in with both plates and coffee mugs balanced in her arms and placed the on the table in front of the couch. "I really need a table to eat at," she mumbled, taking her seat beside him. As she started in on her breakfast, she looked over at Harry and gave him a smile. "Thanks for... Well, thanks for keeping me company last night. It was nice to have someone beside me for once."
he smiled a little as he rested his head gently on hers and relaxed, enjoying the physical comfort of being so close to someone. It was a rare feeling, or so he felt, to be so close to someone, to not have to worry about being stabbed in the back. He breathed softly and calmly, simply enjoying her presence and the feeling of her nestled close to him, he had to protect her, every part of him strained to make sure her pretty eyes never filled with tears again, he ached to make her laugh and smile and feel at ease, and he smiled as he kissed her forehead gently. thank you Nora. he mumbled softly, smiling. i would love to start a new life here... with you. he promised softly enjoying the comfort and smiling a little as he too drifted to sleep. He was still there when she woke up, snoring softly his head leaning back off the edge of the couch, both arms wrapped around her. He jerked awake the instant she shifted with a blink and a groan. i don't want to clean... make Dudley do it... he ordered sleepily, shifting on the couch, practically pulling her on top of him, holding her and cuddling her even more than he had been. mmm, you smell good. he muttered softly, his nose buried in her hair. i should make breakfast... ut he was still sleepy, and very comfortable with her laying on him like he was a bed. ... who's Dudley? he asked, wondering why he had ordered Dudley to do the cleaning, deep inside he knew he would have gotten smacked for that remark... smacked by who? Dudley?... no, someone else. He sighed a little and closed his eyes again as another small headache pounded in his temples. i don't feel so good.. Harry admitted sleepily. head hurts again. Seams like every time I try to remember something, on purpose or not it makes my head hurt... do you think that's a bad sign?... he was more worried about his physical health in all honesty, if he had, like, a tumor pressing against his brain or something... that worried him a little. He needed to get a job so he could get in to see a doctor or something. you should get up and get ready for work... he didn't want her to be late, even if he refused to let go until she actually moved to get up.
Nora chuckled and shook her head, giving him a little shrug. "It's just how I make it," she murmured, "I work in a coffee shop after all... Speaking of work." She downed the rest of her coffee and started in on her eggs and bacon, cleaning her plate within seconds. She had barely swallowed her last bite before she was up and putting her dishes in the sink. "I should be home early, Harry. We always close early on Sundays... So we will have plenty of time to go to your old house and take a look," she said after she was showered and dressed in her usualy uniform. She grabbed her keys off the table and started to head over to the door, leaning over to kiss Harry on the forehead. It felt comfortable. In fact, it felt natural to do it. "Don't be playing house maid while I'm gone, alright?" she said, arching an eyebrow. With that, she waved at him goodbye and left out for work. The day was supposed to be short, calm, and end back at home with Harry. However, on her way home, Nora's night took a turn for the worst. She was a few blocks away from her apartment building when a man grabbed her by the waist, throwing her into a van as she kicked in screamed. It was Gerard, the man who put her to "work" in order to pay off her debt a few months ago, and his men. He was angry; livid, actually. He yelled at her, telling her she was a worthless slut who did not work off all of the money he loaned her. She made him lose a client after she didn't show up to work one night, and now she was going to pay. The client was a big spender, after all, and he was going to punish her for making him lose all of that dependable money... They beat her, giving her a black eye, a bloody lip, and a gash across her left eyebrow. They raped her, tearing into her and making her act as the worthless whore she was hired on to be.... She was sobbing, scared for her life, and they knocked her out cold with a blow to the head. Where they left her unconscious, she was wrapped in bloody sheet, naked, and freezing from the cold weather. Behind a dumpster, she looked as if she were sleeping, her lips purple and bruises covering her small, feminine body. A note was pinned to the sheet the was hazardly wrapped around her that warned her, "This was is not over."
he smiled a little at her before grimacing. mt cousin... he muttered frowning a little. that's right... I lived with may aunt and uncle... oooh.. he groaned clutching his head as the migraine worsened, making him wince violently closing his eyes in an effort to lesson the headache, sighing a little as he pressed his forehead into the cool of her hand. He wasn't running a fever, but her cold hands lessened the pain a little. are you sure?... I can cook... no he couldn't that was pretty obvious, he was just being stubborn and wanting to take care of Nora. He didn't protest when she started cooking however and rested on the couch, nursing his migraine, getting up only once to grab a bag of pees from the freezer and lay them over his forehead and eyes, sighing softly as the pain was dulled into a light ache instead of a searing pain. He sat up when she came over and chuckled a little as she complained about needing a table. i like eating on the couch with you. he admitted accepting his plate. thank you for making breakfast, my head doesn't hurt so much now. he admitted rubbing his forehead, which was read from the cold pees. He smiled at her when she thanked him and he shook his head. i should be thanking you, I didn't have any nightmares last night thanks to you sleeping next to me. he admitted smiling at her. your welcome to use me as a bed anytime you want. he promised before blushing hard. ... that... didn't come out the way I wanted it to. he admitted realizing just how sexual that sounded. He coughed into his hand, clearly nervous and set in to his coffee, looking amazed at it. ... Nora... your coffee... you HAVE to show me how to make it like this it's PERFECT! somehow, he knew good coffee was hard to come by, Nora's was rich, strong, thick... just plain perfect.
Nora woke up a few hours later, her body sore and tired. Bruises covered her ivory skin, and one of her eyes looked badly beat up, along with her lip. Her head was aching terribly, and her nether regions felt like they have been stabbed. It took her a moment to remember what happened; to realize why he was in a hospital bed.... Tears sprung within her eyes and she looked around the room, finally finding Harry. It had been awful. Images of men on top of her, hitting her, kicking her, using her mouth and womanhood as if they owned her. Well, maybe they did. After all, she owed Gerard nearly a grand, not to mention the client she made him lose. It was her fault, in all honesty, and she could only blame herself. If only she had not been so stupid to get involved in such a business... "Harry," she croaked, looking up at him with sad eyes. It had to have been atleast three or four in the morning. "I'm so sorry.... I'm so sorry that you had to deal with all of this. This is all my fault... How on earth did you find me?"
Harry smiled a little and nodded. i'm going to take it easy. he promised. these headaches worry me, I don't want to do anything to set them off. he admitted calmly. i will make dinner though, I was thinking of baking that roast you have in there, it will be pretty easy to cook that. he admitted calmly smiling as she kissed his forehead, it made him feel rather loved, a sensation he found that he was desperately craving. have a good day at work. he stated with a grin at her. He behaved himself and didn't clean a thing and only made a simple dinner, nursing a growing headache, popping pain pills left and right to keep the pain down and swapping frozen pees to other frozen items from the freezer, just laying there on the couch and dozing for most of the day. He started to get worried however when she didn't come home when she had said she would, worry grew into panic when she still didn't return and ge grabbed the leash to Sebastian's collar. come on boy, let's go find your mommy. he ordered, a fierce determination to find her. She worked just across the street right? he'd start there. No one there knew where she was, either payed or threatened to keep silent about the van that had taken her. He wandered the streets, up one block, down another, waiting for any hint of where she could be. It took him almost two hours to find her, Sebastian nearly yanking his arm off to get to her, licking her face and wining as Harry gasped in horror at her state, his eyes wide as he bent down, hesitantly touching her shoulder. Nora!?, oh god Nora hang on. he ordered, his voice a hoarse whisper as he carefully pulled her into his arms, cradling her gently, looking nervous now, hesitated, uncertain what to do or where to go. ... where should we go Nora?... can you hear me? Do I take you to the hospital!? he pleaded, practically pleaded with her to answer him even as he looked at Sebastian. come on boy... we're going to the hospital. he decided turning and running through the street, determined to get her help, holding her tight as he carefully tore the letter off and threw it to the ground, no. the war wasn't over, it was just starting, and Harry was going to end it right damn quick.
Nora nodded and cuddled against him, her head resting on his chest with a sudden feeling of being protected. She trusted Harry, and she was still in shock that he found he; that he even tried to find her. Not only that, but he stayed with her for however long she had been in the hospital... He really did care about her, and here she was, laying in the hospital bed with him. She cared for him too. "Okay," she murmured, not trying to fight his insistance to get her to go back to sleep. She was tired and sore, and all she wanted was to stay right there with him... "Just promise not to leave, okay? I don't want to be left here alone. I hate hospitals..." After a few moments, Nora fell asleep against his chest, her body snuggled up against the side of his and her arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer. The nurses would come in to check in on her, but decided to just leave her be. She had went through alot, and it looked as if Harry was the only one who could give her the real help she needed.
Harry was sitting on the chair, half slumped out of it, sleeping in a way that you just knew he was going to have a back ache when she woke up, jerking awake the instant he heard his name, looking at the door with a furious glare, expecting a nurse to be there, telling him he had to leave. i'm not lea... he paused as he realized there was no one there and he gasped, leaping to his feet rushing over to Nora, gently stroking her hair and her face to make sure she was really awake, shaking his head. shhh, shh Nora hush now. he ordered softly, carefully pulling her into his arms. this isn't your fault, none of this is your fault. he promised kissing her forehead gently. Sebastian found you... I walked up and down the blocks until I found you. he admitted softly, holding her gently. i didn't stop looking until I found you. he promised swallowing thickly. i took him home once they admitted you... they wouldn't let him in. he admitted gently pulling away and gently stroking her cheek. you should rest, you had a painful ordeal... I won't let anything happen to you, I promise. he muttered softly, carefully settling into bed with her and pulling her, safe into his arms. i'll stay right here with you, I promise. he muttered softly. i won't let anyone hurt you again. he promised, his eyes practically glowing in the darkness of the hospital room, the Evada Kedavra eyes glowing with a fury that promised a very painful death to the man, men, who had hurt the woman he loved. The thought startled him, but he realized, that as little time as he had known her, he really did love her, was IN love with her. go back to sleep. he whispered softly as he softly humming a lullaby to her, rocking her gently back and forth in an attempt to calm her down and urge her back to sleep.
Harry smiled a little as he gently held her. i won't leave. he promised softly. i won't ever leave you. he promised kissing her temple. they only wanted to hold you until you woke, we can leave in the morning. he promised softly stroking her hair gently. When she woke Harry was still holding her, talking softly to a doctor who wanted information on who had hurt Nora so they could have them charged. Harry was explaining everything he knew, which was nothing, explaining that she hadn't returned from work when he had expected her and he'd gone out with the dog to look for her. you spent two hours in the dark, unarmed, in the streets, in the DANGEROUS streets to find her? I commend you young man, not many have that kind of bravery. it's not bravery, it's obsession. Harry admitted softly, gently stroking Nora's hair. she has my heart, I would do anything to make sure she's safe. ... you know they have medicine for that. the doctor teased Harry snorting a little. piss off doc. he ordered simply, the doctor laughing as he handed Harry something. these are pain medications, and anti anxiety pills, make sure she takes them when she needs them. the doctor ordered, Harry hesitating. i'll try Doc. but he was clearly wondering how they where going to pay for the medication, she was broke, he had no money... Nora? Are you awake? he asked gently shaking her shoulder. the doctor said we can leave now.
For the three women it had hardly been odd to receive a summons from the Inquisitor. Such a thing was an honor and a curse. It meant one of two things. Either they were suspected of heresy and would be put down like the dogs they would be viewed as, or they were being recruited as Acolytes. Agents of the Inquisition, allowed to act without remorse or regrets when it came to the rules and religion of the Imperial Cult. Summoned onto the grand ship, the three had no clue what to think of one another. Miri Xylo, a rather slender looking woman. It was painfully obvious she was one of the Sanctioned Psykers of the Imperium. Sunken eyes, white robes, messy black hair, and the telltale staff. She sat in her chair, humming to herself, a grin on her face. It was always nice to see how others reacted to her. Fun to gauge their reactions and predict how they would act. Of course, to anyone with experience in the Imperial Guard, she was a well known face. A Biomancer, one of the more disturbing trees of Warp witchcraft. Plus, being a Beta level psyker, anyone who had seen her in action on the battlefield knew well what she was capable on. Turning her breath into a massive cloud of toxic gas, shapeshifting into beasts of horror, the list went on and on. Though notably, the shapeshifting was what disturbed people the most. The idea of a Human being able to wear anothers face was always unsettling. Letting long nailed fingers rap against the table, she hummed to herself, a smile playing on the thin lips. Tya Nirm was uneasy. The rather young woman. It was clear she was nervous, never felt quite right around military types. She was dressed in almost the exact same garb the other Adept was though she was hardly here for the same reason. There was a very, very, very fine line as to what people were allowed to know in the Imperium, and she had well crossed that line years ago. In that pretty little head of hers lay information that most citizens of the Imperium would be purged with fire simply for knowing. But luckily, the Inquisitor got to her first. She was a rather curvy thing, the robes clinging to said curves in such a way it revealed more than it hid. She was surprisingly well groomed compared to the rest of the people in the room. Just by instinct, she sat next to the other Adept, after all, better to associate with someone who didnt look like they were ready to start shooting at any given moment, right? Offering the other woman a nervous smile, she leaned back in her seat, scanning the room. The replacement eye had been optional. Better for quickly reading documents and remembering faces with the interface it had built into it. In a profession like hers it was fairly useful. And finally, the rather athletic woman. Tall, slender, dressed in a black body glove with a hood that hung down her back. At her waist hung two power swords, on her hip several throwing knives, and on the back of her belt, a pair of daggers. Like the guardswoman, she remained standing, her arms crossed. Paranoia was the best friend of an assassin, and even in one of the most secure places in the galaxy she wasnt going to let her guard down. To anyone familiar with such things, the abundance of bladed weapons was the sign of a Moritat Assassin, a Death Cult who claimed to serve the Emperor though with a few twists to the dogma of it. It was clear Tya knew this as she sat on the opposite side of the room from the woman. Her hair was pulled back into a short ponytail as she glanced around the room, obviously sizing them up. Sororita, two Adepts, a Psyker, and a Guardswoman. Nothing she couldnt handle well maybe the Psyker. Hard to kill something that can break you with its brain. And finally the Inquisitor. One didnt gain such a rank by being meek or unworthy. Only the best rose to a rank where they were unbound from the rules of the Imperium. Under constant scrutiny by several Chapters of the Space Marines, save the Grey Knights because of their unorthodox methods. Alright you worthless pigs, here is how this is going to work! The Inquisitors voice boomed. Commissars had to shout over the sounds of battle and the screams of men, it was hardly surprising for her to have such a voice as well. I have hand selected each and every one of you to serve in this cell. Though I imagine you probably already figured that out. So well start with introductions. Your names dont matter. Your past, doesnt matter. All that matters is that you can do what I tell you without muddying up the whole operation. Growling, she stood up. She was quite busty, the impressive endowments showing through the armored coat. The massive hat wasnt there. Technically she wasnt a commissar any longer, no point in wearing it. If you all survive your mission, then Ill actually take the time to get to know you personally. But until then A gloved finger pressed a button in front of her chair as the viewing screen flickered to life. You lot will be going to a Feudal world. Guardsmen reports have been claiming that signs of cult activity have been cropping up in the outskirts of the city. Well be within shuttle distance within two days time, any questions? Without waiting for anyone to actually reply, she answered herself. No? Good. Go get acquainted with one another and all that shit. Youll be given temporary quarters on the ship and there SHOULD be a data-slate with further details. You all are dismissed And with that, she waved her hand, turning and walking out the door in the back of the room. It wasnt exactly surprising why she tended to go through acolytes a lot faster than most Inquisitors did.
They where summoned and invited to the ship 5 hours prior. They had been left to their own devices, given a brief explanation on the location of the facilities they could visit while they waited for the Inquisitor to see them at her behest. That wasn't too unusual, a Inquisitor of the Imperium and the holy God-Emperor was bound to be extremely busy, and few had the gall to question being told to wait for a summoning even when being left to wait for the better parts of a day. Patricia Velm, had arrived with the same shuttle as a couple other guests but she didn't think much of them. She had spent most of the voyage trying to figure out the affiliations of the shuttlecraft and it's crew, and not getting sick in the process while she broke the atmosphere and felt the smooth caress of zero-gravity on her body. She wasn't used to space travel having only done it once before, and even that was something of a privilege that the vast majority of men and women in the galaxy. She figured it was Inquisitorial, but that didn't take a genius since she knew she was being summoned by one... And she had a hunch of just who it was too. She shuddered on her seat in the dark conference room. It was rather spacious but devoid of luxuries. The walls, floor and ceiling was black, safe for whatever cords and power cables linking to the holo-transmitter on the ceiling that had their own purposes that she was only beginning to delve into. Patricia wore the common garb for a young woman of her profession - the inconspicuous robe, coloured in dark red and orange that went well with her fiery hair. It clung loosely to her full figure and didn't accent her figure in detail but it was rather difficult to not notice that puberty had been inordinately kind to her. A great pair of breasts were set on her chest, and a blubbery behind came with the package. She looked rather plain otherwise. Pale skinned, freckles and a large pair of spectacles crowned her short nose. She wore a loose fitting robe on purpose, as she felt embarrassed wearing tight clothes and it was a bother to wear at the same time. She didn't carry a book with her for once, instead having a notebook tucked inside a sash on her side. She looked around her now and again, much more than just a passing curiosity in who else had answered the Inquisitor's summons. She figured why she was there herself, taking a not so very outspoken pride in her understanding of Imperial lore and understanding in the political workings of the Imperium. She was convinced that it was the reason when she understood that there wasn't that many other individuals in the room that shared her 'learned' looks - though she hated to assume, she was confident that the Imperial Guardsman and the... Sister of Battle where very knowledgeable people. She was still convinced that her reasoning was good though. Mary Velacruz had come to a similar conclusion. She stood behind one of the tall, black chairs donning her armour. She wore the rather standard Cadian Pattern flak armour, painted in a khaki-brown and dark brown striped camouflage pattern. Her fatigues where in khaki as well, and it blended with her slightly tanned complexion. She preferred to stand, as she always found it uncomfortable to sit down wearing the armour for some reason, so she avoided it if she could help it. She wore the full set, chest piece, shoulder pauldrons and knee pads minus the helmet. She kept her light brown hair tied into a pony tail that reached just to the beginnings of her armour. She crossed her arms and looked briefly around herself now and then, just taking in the sights as it were. Ever since she rose to the rank of Lieutenant she had gotten used to conference rooms, having a chance to actually meet with some genuine officers in the Imperial Guard. And she was still a young woman, and would only reach her thirtieth year in a few months from now. That was something she took pride in, and in the banner of the T'cho XXXI. 'Screaming Tigers' Motorised Infantry division. The emblem was painted on her left shoulder as well, the stylized face of a hissing feline. She realized that most seemed capable of defending themselves in a scrap, though some seemed most suited for... clerk positions. To her, this suggested some desire for interoperability. The idea of combined arms was something she was exposed to for years, and difference branches working together wasn't that strange to her in both theory and practice. Still, she had difficulty imagining what an Inquisitor would want with fighters and scholars. She squinted her eyes and stroked her smooth shin with her finger tips, humming thoughtfully to herself. But the imposing Sister of Battle wasn't occupied with inquisitive thoughts of reasoning and deduction. Standing in full battle-gear, her black armour and robes spoke of her order, the Order of the Valorous Heart. Or, at least it spoke out for those that had knowledge about the Adepta Sororitas. She was not the first one in the conference room, having a habit of working at her own pace when not surrounded by her fellow Sisters, the only group she really had any respect for and wished to conform to. Her hair was dyed black and kept short, which accented against her pale skin. She had otherwise a very angular and strong face that never lost that touch of femininity needed to be called out as looking female when wearing such threatening armour. Though, the bodice-looking chest piece might have made it easier to assume her gender. She rested a white gauntlet on the top of a nearby chair, standing like the Guardsman. She didn't stand however for her own comfort, oh no, she had found that it was easier to frighten and dominate those around her when you stood up with a scowl on your face, letting your grey eyes wander across the people around you. Especially if they were not fellow Adepta Sororitas. She was well aware about the reputation of her compatriots, and she counted on it. She was raised to be humble in the grace of the God-Emperor, blessed be his Name, but she had no such notions when standing next to, or towering over, women of lesser rank than her. She relished in the authority that came with her position, and she rarely had it challenged. She frowned extra hard when she thought about her last... humiliation. Bitter-sweet since it was difficult to not find it enjoyable in a carnal plane at the same time as it was insulting to be in a submissive position. She fought though. Oh, did she fight it. And she glanced to the Inquisitor with a look that was charged with animosity... as well as sexual friction. The other two tried to not pay attention to her, but it was damn difficult not to considering their experiences. Patricia kept her hands on her lap, ready to pay attention as soon as it was called for and Mary... Well, Mary didn't mind it so much being man-handled by someone of higher rank than her. Besides, she was used to coarse Commissars, and it was much more 'fun' being yelled by a superior when she's groping you. Amongst other things. She also had a hunch that the Inquisitor had something in store for her, ever since they first met. When Mary had a rather impressive part of herself in the mouth of one of the Inquisitorial aides.
Greetings. Was the simple reply from the dark haired adept. It was nice to have another educated individual around, though Adepts all had different areas of specialty. She knew the other woman had well looked her over. Admittedly, she liked the attention, but her job came first, though that job, at least with this mission seemed more along the lines of desk work and research. But cult activity was one of her specialties. Predicting the movements of, and assisting with infiltration was what her dossier said at least. The other adept though well she was a pretty thing, a good bit taller to, just the sort of girl she would have fancied back home. Maybe? Though any thoughts were quickly cut off as the woman bellowed at them. In an instant, she shrank down a bit. One of the reasons she disliked working with the Imperial Guard in the past was they were just so noisy. She much preferred the quiet of the large halls of where she used to work. But well curiosity got the better of her and now she was in a job that would probably be the end of her. The mission was intriguing though. Plenty of room for research and discussion~ The idea thrilled her. Enough to make her ears perk up a bit. Turning to the adept next to her, she grinned widely. Would you like to go over the mission details together? It seems well be the ones coordinating most of the intel for the mission. She asked, obviously excited with the prospect. The Psyker on the other hand seemed entirely fine with it. She was fine with most things after all. With the things she had been through, not a whole lot rattled her. Grinning at the Guardswoman, she waved at her, offering her a crooked grin and a rather odd wink to the Sororita. Messing with a Sister of battle would be fun, after all, they usually went around like they had a stick up their ass. Technically as a Psyker, her military rank was that of an Officer, the Guardswoman would probably be a bit too submissive, probably fold over in an instant. No, shed poke fun at the tall brutal woman for a while, at least until they hit port or whatever they called it. She stood up next, following the Sororita out of the room, leaning heavily on her staff. The Assassin didnt say a word, curtly nodding and walking out of the room. This was her dream job. Killing in the name of the Emperor. Being a member of the Inquisition was about the highest honor any Moritat could ask for. It sounded exciting, and hopefully they would be tasked with the execution of the cult as well~ Letting out a happy sigh, she headed down the hallway to her room, quite pleased as well.
Before the Inquisitor began, Patricia glanced to her side and looked a little shyly to her fellow Adept. Seeing that curvy woman was, well, enjoyable. She never found herself enjoying the company of women until very recently, but she tried to make contact. "Hello." Was all she could muster. But once the Inquisitor spoke up, she kept quite. All of the women were rapt with attention, each for their own reasons and in their own special way. During the whole rather abrasive meeting, each and everyone of them had different thoughts on their mind. Patricia herself kept her head down, trying her best not to make eye contact with the woman. Partly she was damn intimidating, but also because of their previous encounter. She had mixed feelings about it, while it was a violation it... well, the Inquisitor knew what she was doing. The Guardsman almost by reflex straightened her back and faced her superior. She really did have the voice of a Commissar, that was without a doubt. She had several thoughts spinning in her head, each getting dealt with by the Inquisitor. Though not really answered, as when she was ready to ask a question the Inquisitor ended the briefing. She clenched her teeth together in frustration. Going in without any information was the worst, and while she did not doubt her authority, she did find her intolerable on a professional level. She kept her peace, however. She realized the need for the Adepts and the Psyker when cults where mentioned. She didn't mind either, having seen and dealt with both on occasion. She turned her head after the briefing and gave the Psyker a court nod, not having really greeted her in any fashion before then. She had a healthy respect for Psykers, especially the Battle Psykers. She figured it was best to be at least polite. Agnocil Nord, the Adepta Sororitas of the Order of the Valorous Heart, didn't share her sentiments. She took the rough barks of the Inquisitor with stride, thinking that she would have done the same. She didn't acknowledge the Psyker however, feeling that her presence was an insult to their mission. Investigate heretics and bring a Psyker along? That's inviting disaster as far as she was concerned. She was the first to leave the briefing room, heading straight for her recently allotted private chambers. She should at least read up on the mission. She did share Mary's appreciation for good intelligence. She didn't humour the thought of getting all buddy-buddy with her 'peers' any time soon, however.
Miri grinned widely, the other Adept had a pretty smile. Good looks were well a rarity, at least in her field. Mostly old men, robots, and old men that looked like robots. Of course, that was her old field as well, but that hardly mattered! A new exciting, dangerous life wouldnt be so bad with a fellow colleague around. When the woman exclaimed that she would love to, the smaller Adept jumped a little, obviously a little surprised the soft-spoken visage had vanished quite so quickly. Maybe this girl would be more fun than she thought? It would be a lovely surprise since the Inquisitorial types she met in the past were usually nothing short of terrifying. Hm? Oh! My room, Ive already gotten it situated. She nodded having gotten lost in thought. Reaching out, she tugged on the other womans robe. Honestly, she felt a little diminutive compared to the other woman. Her breasts were smaller, and she was a good bit shorter, and her assets seemed a bit smaller as well. Come, come. We can talk a bit on the way. Miris words were practiced, careful. Hinting at probably from Noble birth or at least higher class of some sort. As soon as they left the room, she began chattering away. So what is your name? I am Miri Xylo, Im guessing you are probably here for the same reason I am? Learned a bit too much, or something you shouldnt have? She asked as they walked along. Thankfully, the rooms were not that far away from the meeting room. I guess I should have seen this coming though. I started studying Chaos, Daemons, Heretics, anything I could get my hands on when I was younger and it just fascinated me I suppose. Of course, Im not a cultist or anything, dreadfully pitiful creatures. But, apparently Im one of the most well learned? People on the subject within the Imperium, guess that isnt something I should brag about though. She went on and on and on until they reached her room, pressing the button next to the door, it slid open. The furnishings were actually surprisingly nice. A table with two chairs, a fair sized cot, and a chest for clothing. Much better than normal accommodations for soldiers, then again they were acolytes now. Still soldiers but soldiers with benefits.
Patricia beamed at the approach. She turned and smiled wide, almost to the point where her cheeks hurt. "I would love to!" She almost regretted it, afraid of coming off too strongly. She quickly, and a little nervously, ran her fingers through her hair and tucked a few strands behind her ear. "I... I think you're right." She agreed with a nod, and got up. And as she stood up, her figure became more obvious. a great set of breasts, and while she had some love-handles on her waist, her hips still stood out. "My room or...?" The martially aware Guardsman reached for her chin again as she looked at the delightfully pleasant creature walking away. She had a thing for tight clothes, no doubt something enforced by the rarity of them in the Guard. She grinned lightly when her eyes came to her rear, seeing it perfectly filling out that bodyglove, her hips swaying with each step. She sighed too, but for entirely different reasons. She actually entertained the thought of following her. After all, they where supposed to get acquainted... And that was something Mary didn't mind at all. Agnocil was already in the dull, grey and metal hallway, on her way to her quarters. She was already thinking about the mission, but she was couldn't let it go.It. The obvious flaw with the mission and the rooster.The Psyker. She even spat the word out in her head as she thought about the sheer personal insult to being in the same room, to breathe the same air as her and to be expected to fight alongside her? The bare thought disgusted her, but that wasn't the worst part. It was a woman, and... someone with the visage of handsomeness. She refused to admit it though, and the second she caught herself even entertaining the idea of a witch that looked attractive she cursed herself. That lapse of concentration disturbed so much that she broke her stoic composure, closed her eyes and shook her head in a shudder. No doubt she had used her foul warp sorceries to don the visage of another woman, probably a poor soul she had stolen and offered to the altar of the Great Enemy. Agnocil's paranoia knew little bounds, especially when she was riled up.
No point in beating around the bush about it. They are the Dark Gods. If we deny they exist, we might as well deny the existence of the God Emperor himself. Without them, we dont have an enemy. Miri also had well a bit of a mouth on her. There had been a reason why they never allowed her to instruct others since once her mouth got running, she didnt have the reasoning or the will to stop. But, as Adepts of the Imperium, it is a duty to seek and learn is it not? Not learning about Chaos, the Dark Gods only hinders us. Plus if I was a heretic, I dont think I would be here now would I? She asked, grinning playfully. Ohh, yeah. They dont like people digging around about the Space Marines. Better to keep the savior of mankind a mystery. Never really looked into them myself, though from what I heard they are terrifying opponents. Truthfully enough, she had only skirted the topics of Space Marines, and the Imperium of Man. Of course, there were Chaos Space Marines, but she could only devote so much study to them. Ohh? Well that certainly would help me quite a bit. My last post didnt have much data hidden away about them. At the introduction though, her brows arched. In all her dithering, she had forgotten about introducing herself. Right! Right, Im Miri Xylo. It is a pleasure to meet you Patricia. So where did you study? I was a Schola Progenium myself before I was recruited into the college. She replied rather hastily, taking the hand gently and shaking it. She had soft hands, as to be expected of someone who worked with data-slates and scrolls all day. As she shook it, she bowed a little, brushing a bit of the black hair over her shoulder. Anyways, sit, sit! We can discuss the mission parameters, Ill get us something to drink. She nodding, pushing the woman over to the chairs rather gently before walking over to her chest. All she had was some old wine from an old partner back at her old post. Digging into the crate, she pulled the bottle out, examining it carefully before pulling out two metal cups. Figure this is as good as anything, right? Just dont tell anyone, hehe. Id hate for this to get confiscated.
Patricia didn't know it, but she felt the same way. Dusty old books and dusty old men was what she was used to dealing with, but having this, well, very pretty gal tugging at her robes to get her moving was thrilling. She smiled again and played with her hair again as they got moving. She rested her left hand on her back, absent-mindedly stroking the leather at the same time as she made a curl with a few strands of her hair with her right index finger and thumb. She hardly got a say as Miri went on, but she liked it. She was so happy to meet someone that appreciated what it was like to be learned, to be a scholar. And... Well, also someone that's pretty to look at too but she wasn't about to share that. She told herself that anyway. "Oh, I just wanted to understand how the Imperium of Man worked." She began with a modest tone of voice. "The organization, the logistics, the grand scale of it all. Oh... And the Adeptus Astartes." She cleared her throat nervously after that, as if it was something she was downplaying. Which she was, she had a thing for the Space Marines ever since she was one as a teenager. That was one of her most cherished memories and experiences. "I suppose what we don't see, we read." She smiled, and shrugged lightly. "But reading up on the.... Uh, Great Enemy is good in a way. Know Thine Enemy, y'know?" Patricia minded her words at that point, as she didn't really feel comfortable saying 'the Dark Gods' out loud. Once she got a good look of the interior of the room, and stepped in, she began to try and connect her own studies with what Miri would have dabbled in. She was trying to find things in common with them. "I suppose I've gathered some understanding about the Traitor Legions in my studies... Oh!" Then she jumped, shocked at her own bad manners. She reached out a hand, and excused herself. "Sorry! My name's Patricia. Patricia Velm." And she was blushing.
Oh I know that much. Inquisition work. Very dangerous very alluring. There have been several cells who posed as Heretics to get in close, only to be snared by Chaos. She replied, walking back over to the table. She was well aware Patricia had been examining her. It didnt particularly bother her. More often than she would have liked, the men at the old College had taken liberties at snagging glances, though never taken advantage. But needless to say, Im sure my knowledge will be an asset. You would be surprised, there is very little written documentation on the Chaos Cults or the Dark Gods. Sitting down across from Patricia, she set the cups down, popping the cork off of the bottle. Mmm, not too strong I dont think. But if it is, Ill make sure you dont cause any trouble. The woman teased, a grin on her lips. Tilting it, the red liquid slowly filled the metal cup. She continued pouring until it was full, filling the next ones. They werent large, the cups only held maybe a cup and a half of fluid. Sorry I dont have any wine glasses but well thesell work. Miri snickered, sipping at it. She winced a bit as the bitter fluid ran over her tongue, washing down her throat. So tell me Ms. Velm. What information were you wanting to share about the Traitor Legions? This being a meeting of the mind, it is only fair we share information is it not? The woman asked, sipping at her cup once more. The wine wasnt bad, a nice dry blend. She was glad she brought it along after all. Any special skills with technology or scribing? Fortune telling? Just being an Adept is a broad term since people in our profession do well quite a variety of things after all.
The level of informality Miri used when speaking about Chaos left Patricia a little shocked. She had only met old men that were too old to hide behind fancy words speaking about, well, anything in without giving it some respect. Miri seemed to take it very easily, and Patricia got the impression that she didn't take it seriously enough... But as she felt the hand in her own hand, and was moved over to a chair, she melted. "Oh... Oh." She just sat down and let herself be led. She turned her head and followed Miri as she moved to get them the drinks she mentioned. Patricia didn't think about it, but her eyes followed her rear as she leaned over rooting through the chest. She saw her ass push against the robes. She bit her lowerlip gently and breathed, and quickly looked away and adjusted her spectacles on her nose when Miri returned. She swallowed a lump down her throat and tried to get back at the topic. "You... would be surprised how many Inquisitor's have been tempted by the Dark Gods through the years..." She spoke with a low voice. Not whispering, but as if just highlighting some trivia without trying to sound as if she was boasting. She was terribly worried that she would make a bad impression on Miri. As she sat down, she folded her hands together on her lap unassumingly. She smiled at the bottle though. It had been awhile since she had a drink, but she rarely drank anyway. "I hope it isn't too strong... I'm not too good with liquor." She just mentioned it briefly, and didn't go into detail on just how she reacted to the opposite of sobriety. That would have been embarrassing to talk about.
Quietly, Miri listened, nursing the cup all the while. A light blush already coloring her cheeks. Most of what she said was well accurate. Most of her information came from salvaged tech old books and second-hand accounts from shell shocked Imperial Guards. It meant her information was well spotty at times. But in her pretty little head there was more info on Chaos, cults, and all things that went bump in the night than was in any Imperial Library. By the time Patricia finished her little speech, Miri was already pouring herself another cup of the wine. Very likely more wine was a terrible idea for the small Adept, but who was going to stop her? Plus it was her wine, and when you might die the next day, what was the harm in getting a little sauced? Hmmm? Oh the rest of our team? She tapped her lip, sipping from the cup again. Well, let me think. We have a Sororita. Ive met a few of them, just about what youd expect. Rude, tall, and more likely to crush your head than actually help you. A Moritat, honestly, that alone scares the hell out of me. I know more than I ought to when it comes to their cult and you know, they revel in their bloodshed a lot more than most servants of the Emperor do. A guardswoman dont know too much about her since I lack a good amount of knowledge when it comes Imperial Guard. Same goes for out Psyker. Aaand last but not least, a pretty little Adept who happened to find her way into my room. Miri teased a bit, winking at the woman across the table, taking another swig from her cup.
Patricia nodded knowingly about he lack of source materials and documentation regarding cult practices and information about the gods themselves. She took the cup and sipped gently at first. She found the taste strong but enjoyable. She quite liked it actually. So, she sipped a little more before making a comment, but she was interrupted by Miri asking for a sharing of information. She giggled against the cup, then thought about it. What could she say that would be interesting...? "Well..." She began, letting the tongue point against the back of the top-row of her teeth for s second. "Most documents and reports are second-hand accounts, that much I'm sure you know... Whenever the Ecclesiarchy is directly involved in the reports, either handling them or being part of the burning of the heretics and sorting out the remains, they tend to destroy or alter the reports. The most reliable accounts can be found from Astartes sources." She took another sip. "They hate anything with the Legions involved like nothing you could believe, and unless their own personal prestige is at stake, they tend to make very accurate and honest reports. Though, most things involving the original 8 Traitor Legions gets burned out of spite methinks. But 'ordinary' heresy and treason gets decent accuracy. And the irony is that whenever the priesthood has a chance to discredit the Space Marines, they aren't afraid to do just that!" Then she gestured with her hands, like a scale. "There's a balance that way." Then she put her hands down and reclined against the chair. Her breasts swayed gently from their own weight as the balance shifted onto her own chest. "But other than thaaaat, I'm a copyist. Can't say I'm good with machinery though." And then she took another sip, and she was already beginning to feel more chipper and comfortable. "So, what did you think about the other ladies? A rough bunch, right?" There was almost a cheeky smile at the delivery of that line. As she did have a thing for strong men, she sometimes unconsciously passed that fancy on to women.
It was never a secret that Inquisitorial work was dangerous. Hell, it was borderline suicidal. If you werent killed by Xeno, Chaos, Heretics, or Daemons, there was a good chance that another Acolyte would probably end your life for a shot at glory. It wasnt entirely uncommon for more than two cells of acolytes to be assigned the same mission though whether the Inquisitor was doing to just be sadistic or it had some actual impact on the mission was always up for debate. Needless to say, it was generally a bad idea to challenge an Inquisitors orders. Whatever they said was law, even if they decided to order Exterminatus, the desctruction of a planet that was beyond saving. Miri blinked at the compliment, her blush only deepening. A grin playing at her lips as she placed the now, empty, cup on the table. Oh? What a little flirt you are. What happened to that shy stammering demeanor I saw earlier, hmmm? She asked, biting her as Patricia squeezed her bust together, giving the considerable breasts a little more oomph! not that she minded in the least. Honestly, when it came to women, she preferred ones that were almost the exact same shape as the woman sitting across from her. For a moment, she considered filling her cup back up but decided against it. So tell me, what is YOUR take on our companions, hmmm? Surely you must have some input on them. Miri asked, cradling her chin in her hand, looking across the table at the other woman.
While Miri was justifying this drink with a fatalistic attitude, Patricia hadn't even considered just how dangerous it could be. Which was strange, since she was very aware of just how dangerous it was just being associated with an Inquisitor, let alone working for one. She was probably too distracted to give it the serious thought that it deserved. And distracted she was! She agreed with what Miri was talking about, at the same time as her eyes wandered over her form absent-mindedly and just adoring her long black hair. She moved a hand up to her own hair, slowly making curls just under her right ear. She hummed and nodded on and off, thinking to herself that the Sister really was the most intimidating of the lot, save for the Inquisitor herself. The others did however have a charm to them. The mysterious and dark Assassin wearing that snug latex suit did spark her imagination, and the rugged but handsome Guardsman wasn't without her charm. And the last remark, about herself, made her giggle. She sipped the last drops of the mug and smiled, lowering it on to her lap with both hands, unknowingly squeezing her ample chest together with her arms. "Well... I like to look at it that I happened to find myself in the room of a pretty little Adept." And she smiled a big blushing smile, looking at the little flirt in front of her. She felt excitement and thrill building inside of her, and it made her squirm. It just happened naturally, without any concious effort from her to be flirty at all. That's what stopped her from really absorbing the situation to the fullest, considering her... predicament. It was one of the reasons she had a habit of having a hand on her lap when she was talking with people, being as self-concious as she was.
An angry Sororita? Oh my, thats a new one. Miri rolled her eyes playfully. It didnt surprise her too much. Once or twice in the past she encountered the Sisters of Battle and not once had they ever been well friendly. Always rather brusque and stiff probably why they usually got along with the old men at the College so well. Then we have a Guardsman and a Psyker as well. So out of all of us, probably only three educated folks? Well depends on how sane the Psyker is. I mean you know. They might have all the knowledge of the universe locked up in that noggin but it is hard to separate fact from fiction when they might just be the mouthpiece of a Daemon. Guess it is probably good we have the Sororita along in that case. They usually tend to be quite talented as purging the wicked and all that. That and swinging big hammers though the two seem to go hand in hand. Miri rambled on and on, staring up at the ceiling. And what about you? I dont know a single thing about you. Probably better to get it from your own mouth than from the data-slate. She stated, grinning widely at the other. What makes you special unique? Why did they elect you to come along, hmmmm? She asked almost teasingly. In truth, she genuinely was curious, but at the same time, she never would have outright asked someone such a thing if she was sober. A mutation? Or something more sinester?
Being called a flirt would have made her shy into a hole in the ground, but she was in a different state of mind than usual. She giggled softly and held up the cup with the tips of her fingers as to answer the reason why she wasn't as shy as before. She spun the cup, and glanced at Miri from the corner of her eyes. She shifted her weight on the chair, grinding her legs together for a brief second and sighing when she pondered over the question. She actually liked the question, and now that she have had a little drink in her she could be more honest than usually. And in her tipsy state of mind she didn't think it was a bad thing, even if her tastes in women had changed the last year from being indifferent to secretly admiring. "Well..." She stared by rolling her tongue in her mouth. "The Sororitas looks angry. I can't tell how she is other than that, that was the only impression I got from her." And she told herself that her armour hid too much of her body to make any assessment on how attractive she was. "I guess she had a pretty face." And she shrugged. Then she bit her lip and looked down at the table thinking about the Assassin. She was not too familiar with the workings of the orders of Assassins, other than how they would be used and by whom. "The bodyglove was... interesting though." She giggled again and ground her legs together again, squirming as her thoughts became a little less than chaste. She made sure to keep her legs together, just as a reflex... But her tipsiness made her less cautious than she should have. Miri couldn't tell yet, but there was a throbbing desire between Patricia's legs, and it was without a doubt in the shape she couldn't expect.
Tsk, that doesnt tell me a whole lot. Miri replied, raising a brow. There she was being shy again. It wasnt like she was going to force her down and rip her clothing off or anything. Well there really is no sense in hiding anything. Plus given what I study, do you really think Id be judgmental ? She asked, sighing and standing up. Picking up the bottle, she walked back over to her chest and dropped it onto a pile of robe, glad the material was thick enough to catch it. It also gave her an idea as to how drunk she was. Normally she wouldnt have even fathomed dropping a bottle of such an expensive liquid without precaution. Sighing a little she turned back towards the other, leaning against the wall. So what is it? A mutation? Chaos taint? Some form of mental illness? Or was it a crime? I mean, as I said, Id rather hear it from you since they do have ALL of our information on our data-slates. Id rather just avoid any nasty surprises down the road, you know? She shook her head, walking back over to the table and sitting down, running a hand through her hair. "C'mon Miss. Velm. It isn't like I'm gonna make fun of you or something like that."
Patricia thought about each person that Miri mentioned. The Guardsman had the kind of look to her that made her imagine herself crawling into her arms, and having the Guardsman hug her tight all protectively. The Psyker looked nice, but she was a little uncomfortable around them. They where after all the potential gateways to the Warp just as Miri said. But she wasn't having unpleasant thoughts on her mind at the moment. Oh no, she was having all kinds of pleasant fantasies and scenarios running through her head. When Miri looked up, she revealed her neck. Patricia just stared at her, looking over her nice shapes when she could take a peek. Patricia moistened her lips when the delightful woman started to insinuate that Patricia had to have some unique skill or attribute. She couldn't imagine it being anything other than her insights in Imperial workings... But then she insinuated something sinister. A physical trait. The girl pressed her lips together and put her hands on her lap. She became very shy again, and more aware of her own body than she had been before. Feeling a throb between her legs, she pressed her knees together and squashed her secret between her soft and cool thighs. A very whimper that could have been confused with a sigh escaped her closed mouth. Her heart started to beat in her chest. This was... exciting, but dangerous at the same time. She was deathly frightened to have her secret known, and to scare away the only potential friend in the group as far as she could see... And, well, the most likely potential something-more-than-a-friend of the group as well. Patricia raised her face slightly and looked at Miri, the large glasses covering most of the face but it could not hide her red cheeks and unsure expression. She was hiding something and Patricia was torn between running away and test just how open-minded Miri really was. "It's... Something."
Of course, Miri noticed the hard nipples through the robes, but she didnt say anything. Patricas body language was enough to give her arousal away. But she still didnt say anything. She wanted Patricia to divulge her secret to her, after all, Miri made her business to discover secrets, especially juicy ones that belonged to busty shy adepts. But she wouldnt push her anymore if she didnt want to tell her. IT wouldnt do to make an enemy of her new teammate. Plus she knew that once the Sororita learned what her specialty was she would probably watch her as close if not closer than the Psyker. When Patrica actually began to speak again, the black brows arched, she was actually going to tell her? Quietly, she listened. It sounded of something that REEKED of Chaos magics. But she wouldnt tell her that. The last thing she wanted to do was make the girl more nervous. Reaching up, she ran a hand through her hair while she listened to the other girl go on. Embarrassing? How so? Miri asked, perking up a bit, her cheeks still a bit red from her buzz. She did notice that Patricias face strongly resembled a cherry as she spoke. Stand up and close my eyes? That is a bit odd, but I can comply with it I suppose. The woman offered Patricia a comforting smile as she stood up. Like this, right? She asked, pushing her chair in. Tucking her arms behind her back, she closed her eyes, taking in a small breath. Now she had to wait, and wonder what Patricia was so keep to hide from everyone.
Patricia did console herself with the fact that Miri did seem genuine in her assurances that she wouldn't be a judging person. And the mentioning of Chaos taint being something she considered both made her tense, but it did also make her feel less worried. That she even considered it and might have been prepared herself for it was good to know, and it was probably just the mentioning of it that worried her. Bracing herself, straightening her arms against her legs with her hands grabbing herself, squeezing her breasts together again, she tried to prepare herself. Feeling her breasts moving inside of her clothes, she just then noticed how hard her nipples had gotten. She smiled nervously at this whole idea. Would she really tell her? She just might. "I'm just... Not sure how to tell you." And she was unsure. She had never really told anyone, well, not anyone willingly anyway. She tried to start at the beginning. "A year ago, I came across a... tome. An old book with a language I didn't recognize. Markings that I did recognize, but couldn't place." She took a deep breath and started to get into details, albeit still being vague. "It was some kind of sorcery that changed me." And it was a brief explanation. She raised her head and looked at Miri. God-Emperor, she looked so fine. She licked her lip and shrugged. "It's... Very embarrassing though." And she contemplated just stripping and showing her, but that was a little too courageous of her despite the wine but she was tipsy and flirty and horny enough to suggest something different. "I could show you but... Would you mind s-standing up and... Umh, closing your eyes?" Her cheeks burned at that point, and she looked at Miri with almost pleading eyes. She was cautious, but by all that was holy, she wanted this so badly right there and then.
Under her breath, Miri muttered a quick prayer, after all that was one of the coping mechanisms that she developed. Humming hymns and prayers while studying, it was one of the better ways to stave off the dark thoughts that often followed study of Chaos. At least in her opinion. Once Chaos did have you fully in its grip, there was no escaping, at least for just a regular human. But with this, she had no idea what to expect. The Inquisition wasnt exactly picky with the Acolytes they picked out so for all she knew Patricia was hiding some horrible Mutation, or she was a Nacent Psyker. The more Miri thought about it, the more she actually began to worry. She came to a stop though when Patricia took her hand. So it was physical? Then something covered by cloth. Something hot? Carefully, Miri gave it a gentle squeeze, letting her hand run up it, she felt the flared head. At that, the blue eyes opened up as it throbbed in her hand. Was that a? Looking down, her eyes went wide at the tent the other Adepts cock was pitching in the red robes. She had a cock a massive cock. She could only imagine what it actually looked like, but this was still highly unusual. Any sort of enchantments caused by whatever caused this, usually things like this worked in a more full way. A gender swapping spell would make the person fully male, or fully female, not usually male genitals and a female body. A very, very, very voluptuous female body. Is that are you? She asked, looking up at the whimpering woman, her hand still gripping the member tightly. Seeing it had been more than enough to sober her up. Patricia was lucky Miri was one of the more open minded Humans, especially on this ship. Just let me The woman stated, leaning down and grabbing the hem of the robes. She wanted to investigate this further having never encountered something quite like this before. Of course, she had seen a penis before, and a naked woman, but by far, Patricia seemed to have one of the largest endowments she had ever seen. Releasing the throbbing member, she lowered herself to her knees, gripping the bottom of the robes with her hands and lifting them, the tented robes just a few inches from her face.
Oh, this was getting too much. Patricia was having seconds thoughts about her plan, being so insecure about herself for her entire life had its toll on her self-esteem and ability to be proactive. But around Miri, it just... felt right. She felt like she could say and do whatever she wanted, and she really hadn't even tested the limits of that. She felt, just by judging how candid Miri herself was, that she didn't need to sugarcoat her words or her actions. And, well, she felt like trying something out. After all, this was the closest thing Patricia had to a flirt like this. He straightened her back and took a deep stabilising breath. Making sure again that Miri kept her eyes closed, the bubbly woman stood up. Her aching erection poked through her dark robes. She felt like she had to hide herself, but he didn't not now. As it was swollen and engorged, it strained uncomfortable against the cloth. Pointing slightly downwards, just above her knees, it made it difficult to move around with any grace but she managed to move herself to Miri's immediate right. Patricia was panting, and caught herself by biting her lowerlip as soon as she realized this but she couldn't shake off her laboured breathing. She reached with cold and trembling hands for Miri's own right hand, and guided her slowly to the bulge. It was hard, but at the same time meaty. Stiff and warm even through the thick layer of clothing. If one assumed it was a male organ, then it was pretty much the truth. And a big organ it was! If Miri had a good sense of sizing up objects with touch alone, she would have deduced that this meaty knob was around 2 inches wide and that wasn't counting the widest point on the base of the tip. "After I read that book I... changed." That was all she could muster. She couldn't speak, for she was overwhelmed with her uncharacteristic bravery. And to feel the touch of another on her most intimate parts was amazing. She gave off a strained and muffled whimper, imagining suddenly lewd scenes in her mind. What if Miri wasn't repulsed by this? Mental images of sex-scenes that would put even the raunchiest of literature to shame. Patricia's knees where shaking, and she was desperate to know the fellow Adept's reaction to this.
If anything, the blue eyes only grew wider as she lifted the robe higher and higher. Her attention fell away from Patricia completely, focusing 100% on the heavy set of orbs pressed out from between the pale womans legs. This just Miri didnt know what to say. If THOSE were there, then that meant her suspicions were completely and totally spot on. Her hands trembled a little as she lifted the robe further and further until finally the thick meaty monster flopped out, nearly smacking her in the face. Just at the sight of it, Miris face turned a dark red color. She could hardly believe what she was seeing. The plump woman standing above her was well hung. It was a great deal larger than anything she had ever seen before, granted, most of what she had seen had been on paper. As she held the robe up, she let her thumb run along the length slowly, feeling the heat pour off of it. By the Emperor, Ms. Velm, this is huge! The woman stated almost absent-mindedly as Patricia took the reins so to speak and held up her robe. It was almost hypnotizing to be honest, the massive length, bobbing and swaying in front of her. In the back of her mind, Miri thought about what could have caused this, what could have created it. Much more than just simple book magic, that was for sure, but at the same time, she couldnt help but wonder. The blue eyes examined it carefully as she brought a hand up and prodded the testicles with a single finger well they were real, that was for sure. Though just to make sure, she cupped one in her hand, giving it a small squeeze, not enough to hurt. Well, there werent fake or cybernetic or anything out of the ordinary, aside from the fact they were on a woman. Letting the testicle fall from her hand, she gripped the cock with her index finger and thumb, the thumb pressing against the large vein on the bottom of the member. Slowly, she dragged them along the length, inspecting it, how it twitched in her grasp, and how Patricia reacted to her attentions. She knew that it would be EXTREMELY sensitive, given the nature of male genitals. But, she didnt let that stop her. The smaller woman continued her poking and prodding of the member, running her hands over it, weighing the testes in her hand, thumbing and rubbing the engorged head. If Patricia was wanting this to go in an erotic direction, she was going to have to take some initiative since Miri seemed more intent on examining it rather than taking it down her throat.
Miri's kneading fingers made Patricia squirm. She had never had anyone touching her in any fashion like this before. Coupling that with the forbidden and naughty nature of it all, she could feel her heart pounding inside of her chest. Her heavy breathing caused her chest to heave and her knees to wobble. She noticed so many things about her body at that instant. Her hot face, her stiffening nipples stroking against the insides of her clothes, her massive member throbbing with need. She knew that she needed more but she couldn't have imagine Miri being so... inquisitive. The redhead gasped when she kneeled down and tugged at her robes. She wanted to object but it was impossible. This was too good to be true! All of her recent fantasies were washed away save for one. That of this tasty little thing standing on her knees and gagging on her engorged cock. Besides... it would be rude to back down now, having lead Miri on so far. She bit her lip and let the woman do as she pleased and if she had a fancy for large the male organ then she wouldn't be disappointed. As more and more of Patricia's pale but smooth legs became revealed, the lifted dress pushed the cock upwards. It folded and twisted to the side against her pelvis, so the first thing Miri would see of this mystery was a pair of large testes. Hairless and heavy, they hung low between her legs, slightly pushed forward due to the woman having her legs together. If she continued to pull the robes further up beyond that, then her large member would dangle down and wobbled up and down from its own weight. It was truly something that did not fit with the ordinary plump woman. The tip was bereft of foreskin, revealing a meaty purple knob. The overall length of the shaft was 12, maybe even 13 inches. The width was also above average, 2 inches at the very least. In fact, about 3/4s up the shaft it actually became slightly wider, about 2.5 inches and then returning to the otherwise 'standard' width nearing the head. And that wasn't the most peculiar thing about it. While Patricia's complexion was very pale, her mysterious and sorcery-born member had a much more darker complexion, something between very tanned and ebony. A large vein followed the underside of the cock while the topside was riddled with thick and pulsating blood vessels that snaked around it like constricting jungle vines on a tree trunk. Patricia looked down at this incredible scene. She could only imagine what she would do next but judging by Miri's previous reactions, Patricia had high hopes that she would be positively surprised. She moved her hands down to help her keep the hem of the dress above her waist, freeing up the kneeling woman's hands.
As it grew hard in her hand, Miris curiosity only grew. Of course, it wasnt sexual in the least. More scholarly curiosity if anything. As the hand teased her scalp, she gentle pushed it off with her free hand, still going about her business. I would imagine so. Showing this to a medic or something could have resulted in cleansing by fire or some other ridiculous punishment. Worst part of the Imperium is that punishment usually means death. Bad system in my opinion, but it keeps people loyal somehow. She rolled the blue eyes for a moment, brushing a bit of hair over her shoulder. Reaching up again, she wrapped a single hand around the base of the member tightly, looking it over, her right eye recording everything she saw. Her other hand came up, two fingers resting on the purple head. Gently, the two fingers move away from one another, pulling the slit at the head open, almost as though she were checking for teeth or something. Obviously content with her search, she let the head slip from her fingers, her hand falling away. Well now, it definitely is real. Though I am concerned since it looks like it is of Chaos origin.
The fingers that did not bear any marks from a life of toil or labour felt like silk on Patricia's skin. That part of her body was almost scalding from the intense heat it was radiating, making the inspection feel so much more intense than it should have. What was making matters worse was that Patricia didn't have a habit of satisfying herself, and she hadn't have a sexual encounter in years. The pent of pressure of sexual frustration only built up to a boiling point while her insecurities disappeared... For the thing was, Patricia couldn't tell that Miri had more of a scholarly interest in this peculiarity. She mistook the intense interest and focus for a sexual curiosity. Every touch she felt made her shake and whimper. She had to force her mouth shut not to moan, but it was too much. She couldn't hide it any longer and at one particular long strong at her cock with Miri's hand made her moan. She raised her head, closed her eyes and shuddered so hard that the skin on her sack became studded with goosebumps. In these few seconds she had revealed herself, the member had continued to harden from a point were it wasn't dangling between her legs, but rose to a more horizontal level. It got closer and closer to Miri's chin and the second Patricia looked down again, she couldn't resist it. Making sure to hold up her clothes with just one of her hands, she moved down her right hand and gently, almost affectionately stroked her soft fingers down the black scalp of Miri's head while expressing her most prevailing thoughts with a shaky voice. "I've... never been touched like this before..."
Inches away from the cock itself, most people probably would have picked up on the fact that Patricia obviously wanted SOMEONE to suck her cock. But, Miri obviously didnt quite grasp it. At the question, a confused look crossed the blue eyes as she looked up at the other woman. Taste? Ive never heard of Chaos taint producing a taste so to speak. Maybe a smell, but that is usually from a dead body or something, no, no. No sense in looking for a taste, plus we dont know if it is contagious or anything. The dark haired woman replied, the bluntness of Patricias question going a clear mile over her head. Slowly, she stood up, scratching the back of her head. Ill go and get my equipment, and we can do a further examination. She replied, walking past the other woman and over to her chest, bending over and digging through the metal case. One again, the thin material of the robes clung to her generous frame, showing off the curves of her backside wonderfully. So, how long have you had your addition? She asked, her rear-end unconsciously swaying from side to side as she was elbow-deep in the chest. At the moment she was looking for her measuring apparatus, though clearly her Adept friend had other things in mind.
Patricia's breath became only more laboured with each new way Miri used her hands to prod and explore her body. The member almost jolted with power and vitality as it grew harder and harder, possibly even marginally longer and wider as more power flowed through its veins. Then a sudden thought entered the red-head's mind. She bit her lowerlip and giggled, taking in all the little things that Miri said. She saw how the meaty head, still sadly dry, teased so closely to her lips. When she opened her mouth and spoke, she could both see her tongue slither inside of her mouth and feel her hot and damp breath on her skin. She gave off a low rumbled, and used that shunned hand to touch herself. She held it about in the middle of the shaft at the thickest part, making it almost impossible to read around it with her fingers. And then Patricia offered her first real scholarly input into this exercise. "Well then... But does it taste like it is of Chaos origin?" And she slowly, sensually so almost, stroked her aching and pulsating member with a small grin on her face. The red blush slowly faded away, as her embarrassment was replaced with an uncharacteristic sensation of confidence and playfulness.
Miri was completely focused on her task though. This was an object containing a taint of Chaos to some extent. Never before had she a chance to examine a live specimen of any sort! Just the thought of it was enough to make her salivate. Not surprisingly, the thought of sex never even entered her mind. She didnt even notice that Patricia was sneaking up behind her. In the back of her mind, she wondered if Patricia would allow a dissection. If she wouldnt then she could easily drug her for long enough to just get a peek inside. Or maybe a urethral camera to see if the inners were the same as a Humans. She would need a doctor for that, but that wouldnt be a problem. Blinking, she felt the hands rub at her lower back, and she began to stand up before the cock pressed into the crevasse between her cheeks. At that, her cheeks turned almost as red as her robes. It was more than enough to snap her back to reality when the small moan followed. Patricia certainly had a lovely voice, and an even lovelier moan. Feeling the throbbing member hot-dog between her cheeks, she gasped as the hands pulled her back, the thick member grind between her buttocks. Reaching out, she placed her hands on the wall to keep herself from falling into the chest. P-Patricia! W-What are you doing? Miri gasped, looking over her shoulder. What she saw though, was the dark cock cresting out over her rather generous posterior.
Oh, plenty of other things where going through her mind. She almost thought that Miri was being deliberately obtuse when she didn't take the hint. Crooking her head to the side and giving a gentle frown, she looked at the black haired woman as she walked past, prattling on about instruments and tools. Her eyes followed the woman as she walked, teasing Patricia with her swaying body. She bit her lip with a grin and turned around and followed the woman. The unknown confidence she now had gave her the ability to enact on her fantasies before she even knew that she had them, and as she was thinking about impaling Miri's arse when she bent over in that lewd fashion, she stood behind her. Patricia's hands stroked the spot where her rear and her waist joined together with both of her hands, the raised cock was enough to keep her clothes up now. The member itself pressed against where her crack should have been, the underside disappearing into the fabric when the redhead pressed against her with a satisfying muffled groan. "Oh, I think we have all the equipment we need right here..." She say with a coy smile on her face, actually pulling Miri back against Patricia's crotch while giving her a little grind with her pelvis at the same time. She had a hard time believing that Miri would stay oblivious for much longer.
Porn well had never been a big part of Miris life. Where she grew up, having something like that would probably result in a flogging or worse, maybe even chemical sterilization or castration. The giggle from Patricias lips sent a chill up her spine as her nails scratched against the metal wall, trying to find some purchase, with very little success. It wasnt that she DIDNT want this. Hell, she enjoyed having sex even if it was a bit of a rarity in her line of work, and Patricia was a lovely thing, especially in a world full of hardened folks. It was always nice to find someone soft. Well, soft and curvy in Patricias case. W-Well. She began to reply when the thick cock slid between her cheeks again, making her yelp. Feeling the large cumvein on the bottom of the member roll over her hidden rose-bud made her shiver. The grip on her hips felt like it was made of iron, which didnt surprise her all that much. Patricia wanted release and would probably try to get it one way or the other. What I think you are doing is you aaa- The rather voluptuous woman began but never finished. A small groan left her lips, the cock having pushed her robes up just enough to make them ride up in the crotch in the most recent grind. Though her whole face took on a dark red color as the heavy balls pressed up against her rear-end, knowing they would probably be depositing their contents into her rather soon. J-Just do it. The woman stammered before Patricia did anything else. Of course, she knew it would happen one way or the other so it might as well be consensual, right? P-Please?
Having her leaning on the wall gave Patricia flashbacks to some of the more graphic holovids that she managed to acquire by not so legal means in her Academy days when she was training as a copyist. It was a rather uninspiring vid with an even more uninspiring title and theme. Something about Kanak Skull Takers does Valhalla XXII or something to that effect. She was just reminded of one scene very similar to this. The man holding the woman's rear while she leans against a surface. Then she was reminded of the moist slapping noises and the badly acted moans that came with those memories. Patricia bit her lowerlip and giggled as she looked at Miri's shocked expression. It was like this was a complete surprise to her! Oh, she told herself. She would have to work hard to get her hot and ready. "What do you think I'm doing, love?" She ground up against her again, pressing the underside of that swollen piece of hard meat between the oh, so soft and lovely ass cheeks. And Patricia's grip was rather solid too, making it pretty difficult for Miri to move away without tripping or falling, considering the bad footing as a result of this unannounced show of attention. Pushing extra hard with one stroke, Patricia rolled her pelvis and her cock poked up farther than before, as she stood on her toes at the end. Her eye lids where closed, and she groaned loudly through closed lips. Damn, this was just too good. She couldn't even begin to imagine how everything else she was going to do to Miri would feel like if something as harmless as grinding against her rear felt this good.
The hands kneading her, the cock pulsing between her cheeks. She honestly never imagined herself in a situation like this, bent over, a chaos-tainted cock pressed between her cheeks. Miri hung her head a bit, honestly embarrassed to be quite so exposed like this. She almost didnt want to look back at the woman behind her because she knew Patricia was dead-set on spit-roasting her on that massive length hanging between her legs. Quietly, she wondered if there was a risk of impregnation from the cock, but she didnt want to voice her concerns, knowing it was very likely that Patricia had absolutely no idea. Though in all her time, she had only taken one cock, and it was rather puny compared to the purple headed monster nestled between her cheeks. Feeling the hands grip the edge of her robes, a shiver shot up her spine, the cool air hitting the back of her legs. The words stung quite a bit. She wasnt a whore hell she would rather study the damn thing then take it up her ass. W-What?! No Im not! Do not call me such a thing. She almost hissed, obviously ticked at being called such a filthy thing. Trying to stand up straight, she fell down; headfirst into the clothing of the truck, her hips still being held by Patricias hands. But... she was stuck in the awkward position as long as the other Adept kept holding on.
A small tongue traced Patricia's lips, moistening them at the sight of Miri, that little tease, bending over and groaning as she was feeling her mighty tool on her rear. She was starting to wonder if she would have to pull her down and rape the poor thing, but that 'worry' was alleviated when she gave that short reply. And when it was followed by a quivering plead? Oh, by the God-Emperor of Mankind and his Golden Throne, Patricia felt her sack pull up and almost sink into her body. She bit her lip hard and let out a stifled groan, kneading her soft body as she felt herself almost going mad with it all! But she wasn't done playing with her just yet. Oh, she did lower one of her hands and start pulling Miri's dress up, aiming to deposit it on her back, but she was still taunting her. "Mmm, is that a hint of begging I'm hearing in your voice? My, so quick you succumbed. To think that it takes so little to make this oblivious bookworm into a cock-hungry whore... Mmm, that makes me even harder." Her voice rumbled with power and a whole new kind of sensuality that nobody had ever heard coming from this glassed and curvaceous woman. She stared at Miri with half-closed eyes, filled with a sultry and hungry gaze, imagining her naked and taking her entire length in all the holes she had to offer. That thought made her shiver and she knew that she was going to enjoy the first use of her sorcerous appendage.
Miri couldnt see what was going on as she tried to right herself. At the moment, she was wearing a pair of red panties, the same color as the robes. She also knew that the other woman had a full view of her underwear. Her face, which was currently buried in a set of dress robes was a dark shade of red. Any thoughts of sweet, happy sex were gone, replaced by anger. She didnt appreciate the womans words, and the fact she was still holding her in the awkward position only made her madder. Then the back of the cock pressed against her damp nethers through the panties, a muffled yelp coming from the trunk. Each grind against her pussy caused her back to arch and her body to squirm in the womans grip. Hearing the giggle, she tried to growl, though it was muffled by the clothing. Listening to the offer, she almost was aghast at it. She wanted her to ask NICELY for her to let her go? Just so she could reposition herself, only to be fucked shortly after? That no, despite the compromising position she was in she wasnt going to beg for something like that. From the chest came a muffled response that sounded something like Go fuck yourself though it was rather difficult to make out. Normally, Miri would have been a bit nicer, but given the fact Patricia was being rather blunt, and domineering, she was biting back at least for now. As the thick member ground against the hidden folds once more, a small moan emerged from the chest, the woman's back giving another arch.
Patricia felt all giddy watching Miri's reaction. She hissed back, but still blushed. She tried to move away but feel face first on a pile of clothes. Patricia managed to hold the poor woman up, somewhat, as she fell though but it only served to put her in an even more exposed position. Now she could look down and see her underwear. And in her mind's eye, she could see that no doubt deliciously amazing pussy behind that thin layer of fabric. She ground hard against Miri's groin, grunting loudly through her nostrils one, twice and three times in a steady and forceful pace. She could literally feel the heat of her cock passing on to Miri's sex through the clothes, and the growing dampness vice-versa. Then she tilted her head down and looked down the now exposed back of her new favourite lover. The little devil grinned and giggled, and gave a genuine offer, straight from the heart. "If that's too awkward for you, I could let you go for awhile.... But only if you ask nicely." At that she gave another painfully slow grind, her cock pressing against her own stomach when the base was forced against Miri's damp spot. "Mmmmh, I bet you want to be comfortable for this..."
Normally Patricia would have felt guilty for making the potential friend mad at her... but now? Oh no, now it was just a delight to see her struggling with her pride and her pleasure. She heard what she said, but those moans and that rocking body spoke more loudly than any word she uttered. "Alright." She said without any real emotions attached. Using the hands she had on the woman, she helped Miri to find a new footing. Well, she was giving her a chance to anyway. Patricia had a plane of just taking her in that position, in that awkward pose... Though, if she would be too combative, Patricia assumed that she would just overpower her and ravage her in whatever position they ended up in and fuck that little firebird from whatever angle, an in whatever orifice that was the closest. So, she moved her ass around and used her own feet to try and nudge her own so that she could stand straight. "You don't have to be this stubborn, y'know. I could let you go if you just tell me what I want to hear... What I need to hear." Her last line was much more loaded with that deep panting voice than usual. Truth be told, Patricia was feeling her own needs starting to demand things out of her. She started to become less satisfied with this fooling around, and more direct satisfaction seemed to be more on her mind than before.
as Andol darted past, an arm grabbed him around the waist, yanking him into thick shadows, a hand pressing firmly against his mouth so he wouldn't scream, the guards racing past as Andol was hugged back into a firm, hot body, a small chuckle coming out of his Captors mouth. Always in Trouble Eh Little Sparrow? a code name, letting Andol know who had him. you know, it seams like I have done this before, oh wait, I have. the arms let him go letting Andol turn around to see him. Years ago, when Andol had been seven, he had been in the exact same position, the local guards had learned that a boy was giving food out to the Argonian's, and had decided if he could give food to stinking scaly hides then he could afford to give food to the guards too. The Argonian who had saved Andol just now, had done the same eight years ago. what a way to have an anniversary eh? the black scaled Argonian asked with a small snicker. His name wasRasha, and he was a member of the local Thieves guild, but he was a very good friend to Andol ever since he had rescued the boy that first time, Rasha had saved Andol's ass so many times it wasn't even funny. your just in time, I was about to sneak into the Inn and get some lunch, want to join me? he asked grinning impishly. The Inn he spoke of, was run by a very racist Nord who chased out any Argonian who even looked like he wanted to enter her establishment, local or not. She'd almost gotten her head chopped off once when she tried to chase out an Argonian nobleman, but had survived because most Nords where pigs and bigots. getting caught handing out food again Andol? Rasha teased playfully as he snuffed lightly at the air, pulling them deeper into the shadows, his black scales and clothes blending in perfectly, rendering him nearly invisible as guards raced past, annoyed that they couldn't find Andol. come on Little Sparrow. We'll go to my house until things die down. calling it a house was a long shot, Rasha lived, as all Argonian's did, in a single room house with no bathroom and no kitchen. They had to go to communal showers and bathrooms and a communal kitchen, but Argonians where close knit as families so no one really minded too much. He led Andol through the back alleys that only Thieves knew about, and headed into his 'house' dumping his bag of 'goods' onto his bed. Clearly having been coming in from a job, stealing was the only reason why Rasha had such nice things in his house, like a mirror and a washing basin. make yourself at home Andol. he ordered calmly, digging through his bag, checking to make sure he hadn't let anything behind, smirking a little. so, what brings you here? he asked, taking the only chair in the room, letting Andol have the more comfortable bed. and bringing so much trouble with you, what HAVE you been getting into? I've only been gone a week you know.
Andol slipped out of his house quitly with a small coin pouch and a basket. Things had not been so good at home recently, and the burise on Andol's eye, as well as what felt like a broken rib proved it. His father had recently come home becuase he could no longer be an adventurer. Because of an arrow to the knee had ended his old man's days of fighting monsters and bringing home loot was over. Now the man just seemed to sit around and drink, as well as help out with town gaurd every now and then. Andol really had only thing in his life that made him happy and he was going to visit them at the moment when suddenly he heard some annoyed voices call out, "Hey kid... where do you think your going. Didn't you hear... it is time to pay your taxs, plus should you be sharing some of that food you have there with your local gaurds?" Andol knew he could not let them get thier hands near this food, plus there was simple fact these gaurds where simply just the kind of theives his father hung out with. The young man ran through the streets of Windhelm doing his best not to slip on the stone. He weaved in and out of the narrow streets as he tried his best not to be cornored in one of the back alleys. Lucky for him that was never going to happen. He knew this city like the back of his hand, and Andol wasn't afriad of using that knowledge to try and outwit the city gaurds who were chasing him now. It was not normally them that he had to contend with... usally it was local Nord teens who didn't like the fact that Andol had no problem spending time in the Assemblege. To him the Argonians were people just like everyone else... he had never seen the need for rasict nature which the Nords displayed. Of course now he was being chased by the gaurds who it seemed wanted to take a bit of extra 'taxes' form Andol, which he was not about to let them have. Mostly it just contained food and some gold. The food was some scraps off his parents table that he wanted to take to his friend... He was always worried about the other going hungry, and then the gold was just maybe so they could have a nice day hanging out. He began to wonder though if those plans would end of being canaceld. The young man was having trouble shaking the men even as he headed in the direction of the Assembelage... he just hoped that maybe they wouldn't want to chase him out onto the docks for the small amount of money he had. He just hoped everything would work out, of course it was at this moment that he noticed that they where starting to cacth up, and he began to panick a bit... and started speed up as he headed into the poorer part of town... he wondered what would happen... he just hoped that he could get away.
Rasha winced a little when he realized he'd hurt his friend, sighing a little. i'm sorry Little Sparrow, are you alright? he asked frowning, every time he left he came back to Andol being damaged in some way, it was a little frustrating... very frustrating. He had to laugh at Andol's wording though. Sweet? Since when have I EVER been sweet? he asked looking about ten seconds from laughing so hard tears came out of his eyes. Because of his interactions with Andol, he was a lot more expressive than most Argonian's, at least around Andol, and Rasha had saved Andol's mother on more than one occasion, so she knew the black scaled Argonian well. alright, if you feel like treating me I'll let you. Rasha agreed with a hissing laugh as he led the way to his home. It was small, and run down, but Rasha didn't mind, he didn't like large places, most of his time was spent in dark and enclosed spaces anyway, so getting used to something as large as a Nords home, or even Andol's home would be difficult for him to accomplish. i find it amusing that you would take the time to feed strangers. he admitted, teasing his friend, it was a common joke between the two, because they both knew that Rasha appreciated the help. Most of his money went towards buying food for the Argonian families who could not find work, mostly women and children. The men usually took up various jobs at the local guilds, the mages, fighters, thieves, and dark brotherhood always took in new recruits, though it was more the thieves and Dark brotherhood who took in the Argonian's, uncaring about the fact that no one seamed to like them. In fact it was because no one liked them that made Argonian's, and some Kajheet perfect for the illegal aspects of work. Rasha moved over to Andol, lifting the boy's shirt and gently examining the others ribs with a scowl, or what amounted to a scowl anyway as he gently, carefully set a warm hand on the wound, feeling the bones. your right, it's broken, I can't have helped that. he admitted setting the shirt down and pulling a key out of his pocket and slid it into the locked chest which he kept hidden, pulling out a glowing pink Phial, a very strong healing potion, worth more money than Andol would see in a year. Rasha must have stolen it at some point. here, drink this, it will heal you. Rasha ordered, sounding strained, upset that his friend was hurt, lord knew Rasha had few of them. of the nine gods Andol, how am I supposed to protect you when your own father tries to kill you? he complained frowning a little. Drink it Andol. he ordered, knowing that the other was going to protest using something so expensive on himself, but Rasha was determined to make sure Andol was completely healed. the Guild is great. he admitted grinning a little at the other, watching to make sure he drank the potion, all of it. my 'boss' as it where sent me to the castle, I got to steal this. he admitted pulling what looked like a crown out of his bag... it was a crown! with this stolen the guards that have been giving trouble to the Argonian's will back off and head into the castle to protect the Nords. Giving us the chance to actually make a bit of gold for once, or maybe start some gardens down in the tunnels now that the Guards aren't on our tails all the time. he admitted smiling a little as he dug into his bag again, pulling out the large seed packets he had also stolen. with these, we won't have to rely on gold to survive. he hoped. do you want to eat now? I can't turn in my prize until midnight, so we have until then to have some fun.
The youth continued to run forward as fast as he possibly could though he knew that they would probably cacth him. The fear of what they would possibly do to him. So as he rounded the cornor, suddenly he felt somthing grab hold of him, and pull him into the shadows. He screamed out in pain, becuase the pressure was all being put on his broken rib yet lucky for him at hand clamped over his kept any of the sound form getting out. Though at the same time he became to wonder what new and even more dangerous situation now faced him. Of course it didn't take long till his favorite voice floated right into his ear... it was Rasha... his best friend in the world. Finally the other male was back form his trip, and frankly the pale youth could feel his heart racing with excitment again. Especially sinice he knew it would give him an excuse to spend more time over at Rasha's and away form his drunk father. He let out a pained laugh to go along with the laugh of his reptilian friend though it was muffled by the others scaled hand. Turning around he softly rubbed his lower chest and said softly to the other male, "Could you be a bit more gentle next time? Things haven't been to kind to me recently ok?" It was obvious that the young man was hurt, by the way he was acting and by the way he was talking. Indeed though it was obvious Andol was quite happy to see his friend again. So happy in fact that he couldn't help, but give the guy a quick hug saying "Yeah it is the prefect way to start off an anniversary. I would love to join you for lunch my friend, but I have a better idea if you would like." He pulled out of his pocket a bag of coins, "My mother gave me these and said that if I saw a certian 'sweet argonian boy' today then I should take him out with me and get him a meal...." He paused for a moment before contiuning, "So what do you say, how about you let me treat you to somthing my friend? Maybe tonight after you are done fencing your goods and getting washed up?" Realizing that was about what the other wanted he quickly followed the male through the back allys, some of which he only knew of because of his friendship with Rasha. He could still hear some of the gaurds around the town looking for him, but it mostly seemed like things where starting to die down. Yet he knew that he had to trust Rasha when to tell him that it was completely safe. Just becuase the gaurds where not running around and looking for you, didn't mean they where not on the wacth out. It didn't take long though before they were at the area near the Assembleage that contianed most of the housing units. Rasha was one of the lucky few to have a house to himself, but Andol knew it came form his friends stealing ways, that made it where the other could pay for it. Still that didn't mean anything in face of xenophobia around town. That caused Rasha to still have to live in a place that was quite small and run down... Once they where inside though the young man waited until the other had put his stuff down... and headed over to sit on the bed. "Well not much has really been going on sinice you left Rasha. I mean most I have just been feeding the other Argonians the best I can, and really it hasn't been till today that have gotten caught. Also my father recently flew into a drunken rage over his 'arrow to the knee' injury. I did my best to protect my mother and took the brunt of it..." The young man stopped talking and pointed now to what was a very visable black eye sinice they where out of the shadows, "Plus I think he broke one of my ribs, but I am not really sure.... Anyway, beyond that my friend, not much has changed. How has life with the thevies guild been treating you over the past week. Did you complete the job they sent you out to do?"
Kim had been working in the Citadel's medical facility for a few months now; medical professions ran in her family, and she was the latest in a long line of nurses. Fresh out of nurse's school, she had so far avoided caring for what she considered "alien" races. She viewed most of them with considerable distaste, a trait that also ran in her family. Salarians were the only race that Kim truly had any respect for, since so many of them were so accomplished in her field, but even then she found the idea of touching them distasteful. So, imagine her chagrin when she was handed a clipboard for a turian in post-op care. She knew that the situation was bound to happen eventually, but had hoped that it would take a bit longer. If there was a race she disliked more than any other, it was turians. Her family had heavy losses during the First Contact war and had harbored ill feelings ever since. She gripped the chart, small hands turning white with frustration as she tried to contain herself. She would have to be as professional as possible of course, or she could lose her job, but that didn't mean she had to be nice to the damn cuttlefish. She made her way down to the private rooms, and stopped to rap loudly on the door. She looked at the chart as she walked into the room, to avoid looking at the turian in the bed. Vashiller Arok.. She mumbled to herself. He ought to be waking soon. She clipped the chart to the end of his bed and began her work, she hoped she would be done cleaning and dressing the wound before he awoke...
Vashiller Arok was lying on a med bay cot, screaming in pain. He was a Spectre returning from a successful mission. He found it funny, the mission was a success and yet he was here, writhing in lain on a med bay table trying to maintin consciousness while he and his squad race back to the citadel to get him to the medical facilities there. How did be end up in this predicament? Well the council had sent out this small team of Specteres: two Asari, a Salarians, him, and another Turian, to take care of a gang of Blood Pack mercenaries that were holding an Alliance cargo ship hostage. They sent the Spectres in as a small insertion team posing as negotiators to try and resolve the situation. The plan was to go in, take out the number of Vorcha on there and send the ship on its merry way. Only problem was that Alliance intel was off, there were a number of Krogan with them and when those Krogan saw Vash and the other Turian, they went nuts. They forgot about everything and started shooting and charging right at them trying to eliminate the bringers of the Genophage even though he nor the other Turian had no ties to that operation. Vash ended up taking a Krogan shotgun shell to his chest. Medigel helped close the wound so blood would stop seeping out but it didn't heal most of the internal damage and so he had to wait while the others took out the Blood Pack. Now here he was, waiting for the team to get to the Citadel. When they did finally arrive on the Citadel the two Asari Spectres took Vash to the medical facilities while the Turian and Salarians went to go give the council their report. Vash's mandibles were flexing in pain and anger as the two Asari wheeled him to the med bay. His red face paint had now gone from being nice and neat to smudged and faded, he was going to need to fix that later... if he lived to. His visor was now shot to hell so he needed to go buy a new one, all and all, he was pretty fucked up. "Damn Krogans," He muttered, the dual flanged tone in his voice was growing weak. He needed a doctor now or else he was as good as dead. The Asari got him there and handed him off to a few nurses while shouting for a doctor. The nurses started to wheel him towards an private medical room for a doctor to take care of him. Looking to ease his lain they immediately slapped a gas mask on his mouth and started pumping an anesthetic into him. After the gas started flowing he felt himself slip off into sleep, all he could do was hope that he was going to be able to wake up in a few hours.
Kim cursed inwardly as the turian (she refused to call him by name in her mind) began stirring. She had only just begun to ready the fresh bandages and other supplies for treating him on a small rolling cart. He began mumbling and groaning, hen finally opened his eyes and peered about the room. Studiously ignoring him for now, she examined the beeping machines attached to him and scribbled the results down on a clipboard. It wasn't until his strange, dual-toned voice spoke directly to her that she looked at him fully. He really was quite beat up. "I'm not your doctor." She said in a crisp, clipped tone. "I am your assigned nurse. And you will make a full recovery in a few weeks, the surgery was textbook." She moved the cart next to his bed, and slowly adjusted the incline so that he was in a more upright position. She cringed inwardly as she realized that he would likely be unable to remove his own hospital gown; she'd have to do even more touching. She motioned for him to raise his arms as much as possible, which likely wasn't much, thanks to the wound.
Vash didn't know how long he was out, days, hours, minutes? It all seemed blurred together with the anesthetic. All he knew was that he was starting to come out of it. He could began to feel the tenderness in his flesh and the pain from the surgery. He groaned as he started to move around in his hospti bed. He groaned louder and his two toned flanged voice filled the room. "Ugh, I think this is the worst I felt since that sniper slug through my shoulder." He wasn't aware that anyone was in the room, he had yet to open his eyes. He tried to fall asleep again but the pain was starting to overcome the anesthetic and he could feel it slowly spread from his chest to his other limbs as the wear and tear from the firefight was starting to take its toll. He finally found the strength to opens his eyes and he was greeted by the mute colors of a medical room. He turned his head one way and he saw out his window to the vast superstructure that was the Asari's pride, The Citadel. A place that was a sort of cultural and species melting pot. You could turn the corner and find a group containing Asari, Quarian, Humans, Salarians, Volus, Hanar, Turians, Elcor and just about every other species outside of Batarians, Vorcha, and Krogans (though he had seen the occasional straggler Krogan on the Zakara Ward) they aren't big fans of The Council so they tend to stay in the Terminus Systems and the Traverse. It was all metal and glass, only the occasional dot of green foliage on one of the upper levels of the Presidium. When be turned his head be saw a doctor looking at his vitals and other reading s that his machines were giving her. From his research into various species and their diverse cultures he could tell she was an Asian, an area somewhere on earth that was no for a large population and technological advancement. Also commonly known for their short stature and yet high intellect. Most Asians have become predominant people in the fields of medicine, technology, engineering, and programming. She seemed a bit stressed, or was it anger? He had yet to master the art of human emotion reading, but her body language was showing sins of anger and aggression. He didn't know why so he kept that to himself, but he had his suspicions that it was because he was Turian. He understood their reasons for resentment but he assumed that the rift between Turians and Humans were starting to close. They built an advanced ship , The Normandy, together and he had heard of various squads of Alliance and Turian soldiers working together. He himself had begun to show respect and kindness to humans. "So doc?" He asked, "How bad is it?"
Kim sighed; perhaps the turian wasn't a total brute, if he could tell how badly she didn't want this assignment. She had thought of doing exactly as he had suggested, asking another nurse to trade with her. But she knew it would be a bad career move; if the higher ups found out her...dislike of the turian race, she would likely be passed over for raises and promotions, in favor of more..tolerant workers. Besides, this was her job. She did have something of a personal code; she would not shirk her duties simply because she found them unpleasant. And she told the turian exactly that. "If you must know, I am not one to shy away from my duties just because I don't like them." She said quietly, leveling a stare at him. She leaned in to untie the back of his hospital gown and pulled it off of his outstretched arms, signaling that he could drop them again, and began removing the bandages, swabbing and cleaning the area of his wound with cleaning solution. It really was healing nicely, though there would be quite a scar when healed completely. She could not help but notice, over the smell of the solution, that he smelled absolutely foreign; nothing like a human, he smelled faintly of perhaps leather or gunmetal. After she finished cleaning the wound, she re-bandaged it, the whole time taking care not to make eye contact or to touch him beyond what was necessary; even the feeling of his skin and plates was strange to her, and it made her shudder a bit. Nodding in satisfaction when she was done, she addressed him. "I'll be back with your meal and medication. Don't go anywhere." The last part she said with what might have been called a faint smile, barely, as she left the room. It might have been a slightly cruel jest, seeing as obviously he was in no condition to do much of anything.
The way she talks to him ony confirmed his suspicions. She talked to him perfessionaly, no concern for his injuries, no niceties that made him feel comfortable in his hospital bed, no friendly hellos or good mornings. She deffinetly did not want to be around him. He gave a sigh, the pain suddenly erupted from his chest. "Ah, damn that hurts!" He switched to small, shallow, breaths to try and ease the pain, "Alright,nurse." He put emphasis on the word nurse to make sure she knew he observed the corrected title. He didn't see why she cared about that correct title, from what he observed from the chances he's had with humans they seemed to become flattered when they were given a title above what they were, he had also seen it done with ages. Anyway he was glad to hear that everything was all hunky dory with his body, or at least what was still left of the unbroken and unscathed parts. Another sharp inhale of breath came when she wheeled next to him and pulled his bed up to an incline. "Oh that's going to take some getting used to." He quieted again after that. He simply looked at her from here on out, and saw the utter look of discontent on her face. He was about to say something when she motioned for him to raise his arms. He knew this was going to be tough. "You know," He said beginning the raise of his arms, "You don't have to-Ah son of rachni!" He met the point where be felt jolts of pain shoot through his upper body. His arms were three quarters of the way up. "You don't have to be here. You can just switch out with someone else, I wouldn't be offended by it."
Vash continued to feel the pain jolt through him while the nurse took her sweet time in untieing the damn gown, hell she was probably even enjoying it. When the gown dropped down his chest, his pale grey metallic skin now bare, he quickly put his arms down and felt the pain slowly ebb away. Though it came back when he couldn't help but chuckle a little when the nurse revealed her dislike of him. "Heheh, admission of guilt." He hadn't said anything about her not likin Turians, all he did was make the assumption that she didnt want to treat him. It wasn't specific to him being Turian, anyone else could have taken it that he was being nice about his wound and how it would make someone uncomfortable, or even possibly that he was a Slectre and no one wanted to mess with a Spectre. She was the one that put words in his mouth. He kept his stare level with hers, his eyes remaining light and uncaring while hers seemed to have a fire in them. She was the first to break eye contact by looking at the tender flesh that stretched across his chest, the scar tissue was forming in a light grey hue that stood out amongst the sea of reflective dark grey of the rest of his body. As she wrapped the bandages around his chest he could feel his plates shift and tingle at the feeling of the first human to ever touch his skin. Sure Salarians, Turians, and Asari had touched it before from other surgeries and medical procedures, but no humans; she was the first. The touch was surprisingly warm and the five fingers that touched it were foreign from the three bulky tigers of Turians and Salarians. Even the Asari had a different feeling when they touched him. He was yanked from his thoughts with the nurse smiling saying that she would be back with his food and meds and told him to not go anywhere. The last part was said with a bit of an edge to it. "And here I thought nurses were all gumdrops and ice cream."
It was dark. Constant darkness with brief interruptions of beaming light through the single slot in his cell. Water and food, just enough to keep him alive. If not for being the last of his kind, perhaps hed let starvation take him, it had to be better than whatever experiments they had in store for him. With the state of his race uncertain, however, he needed to survive. He waited only now for his chance to escape the clutches of Shinra. The flow of time had been confused since his capture, but he was sure days had passed now. What could they be waiting for? Time continued pressing forward with nothing but silence forNanakiuntil, finally, a churning mechanized tick or click began and the ceiling above opened with a split. Light spilling around as he begin to rise with the floor beneath him. He winced in response to the abuse the sudden bright light imposed upon sensitive eye. His tail of flames whipped with ferocity as he prepared to be harassed. Instead, he was greeted with a lone human in a peculiar setting. The proud beast remained silent, studying the girl who shared this new prison. She seemed vulnerable, hardly threatening. Red XIII glanced about. The purpose of their union didnt seem so obvious at first. Outside of the room, Hojo and a handful of other Shinra employed scientists observed the scene. We had to expect this. It was a one and a million shot that our rare little prizes might mingle. Hojo commented idly. Lets start off simple. The pheromones, please. A female scientist responded with a nod and a short, professional, Yes, sir. Gases of a pinkish hue began to spew into the container housing the two species. A painstakingly created combination of each species chemical compound meant to complement one another, so that the very basic instincts of their bodies might recognize the other of the same species. It was only step one of a long list of tricks, but Hojo wanted the most natural sort of mating he could create. Inside, not much time had passed since Red XIII was brought in and now the pheromones were flooding the room. Slowly meant to alter perception of the two beings, Red reacted first by lowering his nose and covering the wet tip with his paws. Poison, was the first thought. But as the fumes begin to slip by and into his system, it was beginning to make sense. His body tingled with the very beginnings of curious arousal. His eyes now watched whom he believed to be human. What would come of this? The ample set of breasts, the curves frustratingly hidden behind her clothing, Nanaki wanted to catch her scent. Nanaki finding her more and more attractive to the eyes.
Aerisgasped as they threw her into the metal room. She tried straightening her pink dress, tugging at the fabric and getting things more in order. She wasn't quite sure why they'd left her fully dressed; she even still had the slight red jacket to cover her shoulders and upper arms. There had been muttering about some kind of experiment, and Hojo, the greasy man that he was, had seemed far, far too pleased by the idea. It took all Aeris had to continue putting on a brave face, convincing herself that Cloud and the others would come to save her soon enough. It would happen. She just had to hold out. For now though, she was apparently alone, in a room with steel floors. She looked around, noting that the room was close to round, with plates that formed a sort of ring about them. There were holes dotting the walls, and it didn't take a huge leap to figure they existed in order to allow gases and other such materials to leak into the room. A glance further up showed what looked like one-way glass, mirrors of some kind. Aeris didn't spend long looking at that, not wanting to think about the voyeuristic scientists peeping in from above. What was it that Hojo had said? Something about finally having the last Cetra? Something about how she would go well with the other captive? It hadn't made much sense to Aeris at the time, and it wasn't now. She took a few cautious steps forward, still trying to determine what exactly they had planned and where exactly this all was going. She noticed a table then, one that seemed prepared with straps. Breeding, a large open room, holes for gas, something to hold her down if need be... the girl was starting to put things together, and the picture wasn't pleasant. Terror filled, and she started looking around, desperate for an exit. It was then that she heard a sliding sound, something like a door opening. Fighting against the supreme fear, she turned, gazing at what entered with a mix of horror and desperation.
Well, our Red XII seems to be reacting positively to our concoction. Hojo tapped his chin as he watched the Cetra. It doesnt seem to be having as strong of an effect on her. The scientist waited longer though, no quite ready to give up on their most simplest of tests, considering one half of the equation was responding in a hopeful manner. Inside their glass, mirrored, cylinder a curious test subject rose to all fours, the constant supply of pheromones proving to cause an itch nothing but one thing could scratch. Nanaki moved forward. The grace of a lion carried throughout his slow, deliberate, movements as he approached wearily. The occasional sniff was audible, front paws inches from the girl while Hojo and the scientists acted as a collective Cupid. Yes, here we go. More, a bit more. Hes may be making a move. Hojo smirked, moving closer to the wall between he and the two rarities. This is , well interbreed, carry on two endangered species as one. It will be a marvelous accomplishment. He spoke aloud, to himself. Nanakis nose inched forward, the bestial form resting back on his hind legs, his muzzle pressing against the center of the Certras hips, inhaling, taking her raw scent in. Beyond the smell of flowers that covered her entirety. He pressed harder, the scent absolutely intoxicating. Now he stood, on hind legs, seemingly easier than it looked. He almost as tall as Aeris as such, his elongated mouth nuzzling into the crevice of her neck, a deep voice finally coming from the creature. Theyre trying to mate us. I dont know if I can resist, this is driving me mad. The animalistic nature of Red XIII in direct contrast of his intelligence. His tongue slipped from behind dark lips, it was just a bit rough and it left a trail of saliva as it tasted her. His weight was against her, paws pressing against her shoulders. Okay, prepare the aphrodisiac for the Cetra. Just in case. If she doesnt respond well, well inject her. Hojo ordered his team of prodders and pokers, remaining on standby.
The creature that appeared was like something out of a nightmare, at least, at first. Aeris's panic made it difficult for her to understand that the creature wasn't some kind of monstrosity, in fact, she saw it as little more than the creatures that she and the others had been defeating off and on. He had arisen from the floor, and now he stared at Aeris, more curious than anything else. Neither moved, and Aeris could almost hear their breathing resounding off the walls. Then a hissing sound, and Aeris's head swiveled to see the gases pouring into the room. Like Nanaki, she figured that they were being poisoned, and immediately slapped hands to her mouth, as though that would help. The girl then quickly decided that if they were going to kill the two of them, there were much more effective ways of doing so. It was much more likely that this gas was going to have some kind of strange effect upon them, something that the scientists wanted to test. Without thinking about it, Aeris breathed through her nose. She caught the strange scent of the drugs, and she felt her hands drop. It didn't smell all that chemical, not really. Were they spraying them with some kind of natural odor? She looked toward the creature, wondering if the gasses were, perhaps, supposed to be for him. Soon her eyes were widening as she took in certain very noticeable details. As Nanaki undoubtedly had a stronger nose, it was far more likely that he would be affected first. Though that hardly explained why Aeris' eyes were slowly drifting toward certain areas of the creature's anatomy. Just what were they planning anyway? this didn't make anysense.
It continued to not have as strong of an effect on Aeris. She wasn't bothered by Red's presence, and her mind was no longer registering him as a threat. Fear was gone; lust hadn't replaced it yet. The girl swallowed as she watched the creature stepping forward, his breathing and his footfalls seeming especially loud in the round, steel room. Then the creature moved, and Aeris gasped. His muzzle was pressing against her core, seemingly drawn straight there. The girl took several deep breaths, wondering why she wasn't terrified that this strange creature was sniffing her in a manner that definitely suggested he intended to be her potential mate. That suspicion was only confirmed as the creature lifted himself up and pressed against her, his muzzle even nuzzling her neck, making Aeris bite her lip. Trying to mate; resistance futile, "We have to try," mumbled Aeris, figuring that the creature must not want this either. It struck her as slightly strange, to think that a creature like this could deny its animal nature. But the creature seemed to be calm enough. He still licked her, and his weight was nearly driving her to the floor, but Aeris could still stand. Again, the distinct lack of fear was strange, but other than that, she wasn't feeling much of anything, certainly not the lust the scientists were likely hoping for.
The red beam from the pokeball shot out, expanding and giving form to Arcanine within. The fire pokemon stretched it limbs, front and back showing his muscles were in great shape. Standing firmly the orange with black strikes pokemon looked around for his master but didn't see him. The only person around was a young girl standing behind him which he pretty much ignored at first. He walked a few paces in a circle, trying to track his master. 'Maybe he was lost and my pokeball ended in this girls hand... or maybe she... he thought, and gave her a menacing look for moment. There was a light breeze in the forest and he caught the scent, he knew that scent. He perked up his ears and approached her slowly, he sniffed at her feet and up her body. Being 6 feet tall is was an easy task to recognize her from toe to head. He knew now it was his master's daughter, she sure grew up sice the last time he saw her. He stared at the pokeball in her hand and barked, like telling her why she had it with her. Without her permission he took possession of it in his jaw. He shook his head in dissappointment of how easy it was... so weak, he didn't understand why he was doing with her. Unaware of what was going on but he sure wasn't approving of her to hold his pokeball. Just like that he turned his back on her and started walking deeper into the forest.
Fayte paused out side the town entrance glancing once more. back to her home, then to the ball in her hand. Her eyes a Emerald shade of green, her dark brown nearly black hair fell along her back. She work a soft pink toque that matched her school girl skirt, whit her top was black, and tight to her still fairly young body of seventeen years old. She was nervous, she could admit that about setting off on her new adventure, with one of her fathers old fire pokemon. She had promised him she would be the best so that promise she was going to do the best she was able to. Her chest rose and fell with every breath she drew in. As she turned back to the path before her. Her black shoes silent on the dirt path. She rose her hand as she gazed at the pokeball within her clasp. This was it, a start to a new life. A life where she will change history. A smile curved her lips as pressed on. How corny was that. She mused to her self shaking her head from one side to the next. She entered the forest just before sunset by the time she allowed the fire dog out of his ball. It would be there first meeting as Trainer and pokemon. Not from the side as she watched her father battle other trainers . or at small gatherings. Would he accept her as his new master?
Arcanine turned to watch as she started giving him attitude. To be honest he and her father didn't start off much easier either. In fact it wasn't until they fought it out like two kids wrestling, but that was a long time ago and he was a growlithe then. He walked back to her until he was inches away, he had this intimidating glare as he stared down at her. He dropped the monster ball and barks, he sounded much happier now. He had been coup up in there for so long so he liked the offer she made him. He leaned down a bit and licked her cheek playfully. He caress his face against hers to show he would accept that. With everything done he took a few stepps back and bowed his head to apologize to her. He whines softly, his eyes moving up to look at her. It wasn't her fault she was weak, she was starting out... so it was his duty to help her get better. Besides he owed that and more to her father. He went down on his knees and nodded his head to his back. He wanted her to ride him, it showed that he accepted her and that he will be loyal to her from this day.
She stood there as he watched her, before he looked away from her. Obviously confused to why she was the one who released him, and not her father. She stood watching the towering dog Pokemon. She herself was lucky to reach 5'4 and the great beast loomed over her. When he turned back to her she just stood there careful not to move to suddenly as he approached her. Remaining ridged she allowed him to sniff at her. her heart racing, her breath held. She waited for him for finish his assessment what she hadn't expected though was him stealing away his ball. And turned on his large paws and walked deeper into forest. She was stunned how he'd just leave her. like he had no care. She was sure that he remembered her. At least she had thought so. "Arcanine now wait a minute." She said in a rather stern yet uncertain tone running up after him. "Father has given you to me, to start my journey to become the best trainer, ever. And your to be trainer. to aid in that quest."She stated her hands on her hips. "Would it make you feel better if i allowed you to follow me outside of the ball? She asked arching a slender dark brow
Fayte didn't cower as he approached her. Yes, her breath was held. But she didn't back down when she saw that look in his eyes. Point for her? When he dropped the ball her eyes shot down then just as quickly went back to him as he barked at her. At the moment she could but pray that she wouldn't regret this decision. Being new, she didn't know what kind of power this would give him to push her. Lost in momentary thought. Was he happy with that offer? He seemed so. she studied him carefully as he lowered his large furry dome his tongue warm and wet, and rather quite large as he licked her small cheek. His tongue nearly took up the side of her face in a single stroke. At least he seemed to be in a better mood. that's always a good thing. Rule one : Become friends and close companions with your pokemon. Though she doubt she would be able to allow all her pokemon free roam, maybe two at a time. Let them work on details. Her hand went to touch his large furry cheek. Her hand but a gentle caress against the rather warm cream and orange fur. She remained silent, trying to understand him. each motion watched and studied. He bowed and this made her dainty brows arch in curiosity, until the whine came then she understood. to a degree that was. He was apologizing. Or so she thought. Smiling softly she nods. "It's alright we need to get to know each other. You need to train me to become stronger, and train others to be strong as well." Slowly she rounded him at his pointing before climbing upon his back. Leaning her youthful body against his back.
Bimo was unhappy, very unhappy, in fact he was down right pissed off and he made sure the people around him knew it. He had been forced into a tux, and warned not to take it off. They where lucky he hadn't, but with every passing moment he was getting more and more furious. This was the fourth quarter quell, a mockery, a hell on earth. They had changed the age limit from 12-18, to 16-20 years ago, so even though he was nineteen he had not been spared. It was a joke that he was there in the first place. Because of the rules of this quarter quell the person who's name was drawn, had to choose who would go. A boy from his sector, a massive bully, had been drawn, and he knew the instant that he saw those smug eyes look at him, that he was doomed. So there he was in the games, not drinking, not eating, sitting in a corner and ignoring everyone growing more and more furious. He sighed a little and snarled as a young Capitol woman came over to flirt with him. He was known as The Mercy, because he had let three other contestants go, had not killed them. He was the lowest count as of yet, with only one kill. Every time he remembered it he felt sick, the way he had sliced through her belly, the way she had screamed and tried to pull her innards back into her own body.... he snatched up a glass of wine and sniffed at it before he suddenly tossed it to the floor, glaring around him as the crowd fell silent. You people make me SICK! he hissed, his voice low, but the rage in it making it even more frightening than if he had been screaming. you sit here in your lavish lifestyle, eating and laughing and drinking yet out there thousands are DYING of starvation just so you can wear pretty whore clothes! several people gasped as they realized he had just called them whores, pressing hands to their lips, inching away from him. we DIE for you and then you bring us here to make a MOCKERY of us! You people should burn in all the holy HELLS! he kicked over a table, scattering food everywhere and causing some of the faint of heart to shriek in terror as he stormed through the crowd, shoving anyone who got in his way to the floor, uncaring if it was man, woman, child, or victim, fighting back the tears that wanted to come to the surface. He didn't care that he was technically breaking the law by ruining the party, they wouldn't dare try to stop him lest he get hurt and be at an unfair advantage in the fights. He forced his way out of the crowds, giving a particular hard shove to a giggling woman, the silly thing clearly thinking it was all part of a show. Well clearly she realized her mistake when she spilled onto the floor and shrieked when he stepped on her hair on his way past, abandoning the party to go to the small area in which all the contestants could go to have silence and piece. There where twenty four tiny rooms, but they where mostly private, he went into the one that had The Mercy printed on it and slammed the door closed, pressing a hand to his face, the stress of the Games where beginning to take it's toll on him.
The room was loud and buzzing with chatter, music from the string orchestra on the stage echoing through the crowd. Hundreds of people talked, laughed, and danced. Everyone was dressed in either a custom tailored tux or ball gowns, holding champagne glasses and presenting themselves like nothing short of royality. The lighting was warm and attractive, the golden decorations and furniture were lavish and expensive. The atmosphere was anything but boring. All of the tributes were treated and healed of injuries from the previous round in the arena. They had been dressed by the Capitol's finest stylists, dolled up be the most talented of makeup and hair stylists, and their gowns and tuxes cost a small fortune each. All of the girls wore bright colors, all of the men wore tailored suits. If someone didn't know better, it would have looked like they were enjoying themselves. It would have looked like they were as happy as can be in their pretty dresses that were supposed to say something about their personalities; something that linked them to the character that the Capitol citizens saw them as. Aurora, however, stepped out in a daring black dress that she was forced into. It was form-fitting all the way to her thighs, then loosened as it fell to the floor. It left her looking curvy, despite the starvation she had encounter not days ago, and seperated her from the other tributes by a long show. Not because she looked better, but because she looked jut as dangerous there as she did in the arena. Hair fall down her back in waves instead of a innocent up-do, her lips panted red instead of pink. The stylists had an obvious angle for the surprisingly threatening girl. They said they wanted her to seduct the crowd, yet remain a mystery, hence the color of her dress. She was a walking wild card, a person who the Capitol men wanted in their bed and the tributes wanted dead. However, Aurora felt insecure. She was not this seductive, mysterious girl that everyone wanted her to be; what her character was. She was simply scared, worn down by the Games. She was quiet, always had been, and now her silence was looked upon as manipulation. Of course, she did play the game well so far. People had doubted her, but she was a fighter. She wanted to get home to her family. She wanted to suvive for them, and only them. But ever since she picked herself to go into the arena that faithful day, ever since she was marked the top killer in the Games, every since she murdured her own district partner (a boy who grew up just down the block from her) in order to get away from his dangerous grasp on her neck, she was marked as some one to watch and to be aware of. And judging by the looks of her fellow tributes, they were already planning a way to finally get rid of her. She wondered if people realized how scared she was, just like the rest of them. That when they said her name with venom in their voice; they knew that her name came from her mother's favorite childhood fairytale. Walking straight over to a waiter with champagne on his tray, her heels clicking against the marble floor, she grabbed a glass and downed it. She would need alot of alcohol to get through tonight and the rest of the intermission, that was for sure.
Bimo hated his name of 'The Mercy', he couldn't bring himself to kill someone else, couldn't bear to let the one person he loved to see him as a murderer... but that was all behind him now, she was dead... the only person who he had ever truly cared about, the only person he had ever loved... the only woman, the only living thing that loved him back, was dead, starved to death without Bimo there to hunt for her. He felt rage boiling inside of him, hatred for all those people out there in their stupid dresses and he unleashed a short cry of fury as he started to rip the clothing off his body, stripping the silly, flimsy clothing. He had been dressed in white, to make himself look angelic... he hated white, white was empty, nothing... white was where you went when you died. He froze when he heard someone knock on the door and he ripped it open, panting softly, clearly having some sort of breakdown for the wildness in his eyes, the rage in his face, and the long scratches he had given himself ripping off his shirt, which hung in tatters around himself. ...what!? he demanded, tears in his voice as he stared at her. what do you want!? but he knew what she wanted... he wanted it to, he hissed softly and turned away from her, heading deeper into his room, swallowing thickly as he sat on the bed and his his eyes with a hand as he sighed. this place... it's a madhouse.. he whispered. they wouldn't be out there... laughing and drinking... eating, if it was them and THEIR people out there being slaughtered. he growled, glaring at the floor before he looked at Aurora. i'm Bimo. he stated suddenly. i'm from district five. he greeted her, holding a hand out to her. please... I join me? I don't want to be alone tonight. he admitted softly. i can't bear to be alone anymore... he admitted softly staring at her with eyes that glowed like emeralds. just for one night, I want to feel human again. he admitted softly taking her hand in his, practically shivering at the contact. just one night. he pleaded, pressing his lips to hers, kissing her, his hand around her wrist, holding her tightly but not painfully. Whether he would let her go if she said no it was impossible to tell, but he was as desperate as she was for the comfort of touch, and while he wasn't a virgin, he didn't want to die without having sex one more time, without being able to hold someone, one more time.
Aurora watched the commotion of one of her fellow tributes, her eyebrows creasig in confusion. He was the boy from District 5, she believed, but then again, she had not spent much time trying to get to know any of her competitors. It was useless, really, because they would all be gone soon enough. One by one, they would disappear with what the Capitol thought was their disposable lives. However, she remembered this particular boy because he had made himself just as famous as she. While she was making a name for herself, gaining the title of "The Traitor", he was doing the opposite. If the rumors were true, which they probably were, he had been letting his victims go. He had been sparing lives, which while is not breaking a rule, it's defeating the purpose of the Games. "The Mercy" had become a fan favorite for his compassion, a heart throb amongst the Capitol women, and none of them seemed to realize his actions were his way of being defiant... Aurora already hated him. While the Capitol swooned over his hero-like character, they basked in what they thought was her mysterious, dangerous quality. She was the villian that everyone loved to watch, because she was so unexpected, and she loathed having such a reputation. Didn't they realize she had no choice in keeping herself alive? Did they not realize she had a family to get back to? Yes, Aurora hated "The Mercy". He made her look just as evil as the Game Maker himself. However, the scene that unfolded in front of Aurora was quite unexpected, creating confusion to spread across her face. She did not flinch once during all of the shouting, the crashing, or the screaming. Instead, she looked on with pure indifferent. Maybe this boy was not as soft as he was made out to be, just like she was not as brutal as she was depicted. The President went up to the stage, made a few jokes, distracted from the maids that quickly cleaned up the mess, and the room was back to its busy self. People continued to dance, drink, and eat as if nothing ever happened... Well, except for Aurora. She was baffled, trying to figure out what was going trough that boy's head. Didn't he realize that the Games could easily turn out of his favor if he angered the President? He was good as dead, she thought. What a shame. Now, why she did what she did next, Aurora hadn't a clue, but she grabbed one of the full unopened bottles of champagne off a table and two glasses before heading down to the Tribute Suites. Stopping in front of his door, she sighed, knocking softly. As soon as the door opened, she knew exactly why she followed him. She was lonely, and she was falling into a pattern than many deperate tributes did at some point. She craved human contact, a person who understood her pain, and despite how she hated the way his angelic reputation made her's look so much worse, she had a feeling after his outburst that "The Mercy" might 'get' her more than she thought.
he smiled a little as she kissed back, enjoying the sweet sensation that he so missed. He licked his lips a little and stood up, shedding his destroyed shirt before stroking her cheek. i have never been more sure of anything in my life... but are you? he asked, giving her a chance, one chance, to walk away, though they both knew neither would walk away from this without succumbing to their needs and wants. a virgin? he asked looking started before kissing her gently. i will be slow, and careful. he promised. He wanted to take her, hard and fast like an animal, to take out his rage on her slender body, but he wouldn't, it was not her fault that they where in this hell. He would offer her all the pleasure she deserved before she, and he died. He intended on taking his own life, holding his blade to his heart, and taking away the peoples pleasure of watching him die. It would ruin their games, his suicide, and he knew it. He took his time, undressing her gently, kissing her often, tangling his tongue with hers as he shredded the flimsy material that they used. Material like that would never have stood an hour out in the real world, he just tore her clothes off, and she didn't even have a scratch or a scrape to show for it. He gently spilled her onto the bed, kissing his way down her neck, pausing to suck there, but making sure to leave no mark before he traveled lower, kissing and suckling on each breast, leaving a lone of small hickeys along her sensitive flesh before stroking each nipple with his tongue, taking his time with each to show her the pleasures of her breasts. While he lavished her mounds with attention his hands trailed lower, stroking her ribs, across her hips, stroking down the tops of her thighs before traveling back up the inner, ticking the soft flesh as he grew hard in his passed pants, running his fingers slowly along her crotch. if you wish to stop, now would be the time to say. he whispered suddenly, his emerald eyes looking up at her again, licking his lips, waiting for her response. As soon as he had the go ahead he traveled lower, his fingers stroking along her lower lips and gently stroking the clit until his mouth was there, his hot breath ghosting over her flesh. He was a complicated fellow, everything he did seamed to contradict itself. He was so gentle with her despite how angry he was, and with every touch he gave her, he himself seamed to calm down, and even with how needy he was, he was... teasing her, giving her all the pleasure she deserved for her first time as his tongue finally snaked out and stroked along her flesh, stroking along her, teasing the clit for a long moment with the flesh of his hot, wet, warm tongue before it delved deep into her rubbing and tasting the never before touched places deep inside of her.
Aurora looked him over, yet to have said a single word, and noted the frustration, the saddness, the rage in his demeanor. She noticed the tears the formed in his eyes, the flush that rose to his cheeks from the previous tantrum he had presented. It was obvious that before she walked in, he was haing quite the meltdown... A frowned crept across her lips as she made her way over to where he sat on the bed, head in his hands. Gently, she placed the wine and glasses over on his dresser and went to sit beside him. As he looked up at her with those big green eyes, her heart fluttered a little. She wasn't sure if it was from attraction or sympathy... "They are monsters," she agreed, her voice no louder than a whisper. When he held her hand, she didn't move away. It was felt too good to touch another being with out it being harmful to deny it. Instead, she rellished in it as she looked him in te eyes while he spoke. His words made her shudder, knowing exactly what he meant. Part of her wanted to say no, to tell him it was not a good idea to be giving in to such awful temptation. That this was the first sign of coming to the awful realization that their time was coming to an end. However, his lips covered her's before she could protest. Sighing into the kiss, her body took over, trying to feed to her craving for human contact. She barely knew this boy, just now figured out his name, and she was giving in to their sexual desires. Why? Because she felt his pain. They were connected in a way that only fellow tributes could be subject to, and she could not deny this to him. She could not deny this to herself. Pulling back, Aurora looked deep into his eyes and frowned. "My name is Aurora," she breathed, biting her lip out of habit. "I... Are you sure?" Swallowing, she reached up and wiped his eyes, hating that she thought so little of him before. He was so obviously hurt, and so was she. Her eyebrows creased, and suddenly she remembered how much she wished to be held by someone before... Well, before it was too late. "I... I- I'm a virgin."
he smiled a little as he looked up at her. your not dangerous, not here... not now. he muttered softly. in the forest... maybe, but here... your just... lost, like me... alone... and afraid.. he nuzzled her, looking almost as lost and afraid as she was. i don't have to know you, to know you need this as much as I do... to know you deserve to be held and loved before you, and I, die. he muttered softly. He didn't know if she was going to die, she might, she might not, all he knew was that as soon as he was set in the forest, he was going to show them all the truth of what happened to people in the Arena. i don't want another girl. he whispered huskily. i want you... you understand where the others don't. he whispered smiling up at her before resuming his ministrations. He smiled as he heard her calling to god, it meant he was doing his job right, he gave one last kiss to her clitoris before she managed to pull his head away, smiling at her as he leaned up an kissed her. it's going to hurt a little at first. he explained softly. but I will make the painful part quick, and I won't move until you tell me to. he promised kissing her again before holding her gently, pressing his face to her neck, kissing her as he lined himself up, rubbing his head against her cunt before slowly slipping inside until he heard her make any sign that he had hit her hymen, feeling the resistance gently before pulling back and driving forward, simply doing it in one quick motion and then holding himself still to let her recover, his mouth on her tits and his thumb on her clit to help her through the pain, gently nudging her breasts as he waited for her to say it was alright to move. He moaned as he started to gently, carefully thrust in and out of her, gentle, and careful, slowly speeding up as she got used to it, moaning and groaning softly as he held her, kissed her, fucked her gently, stroking her body as he moved, biting her lip gently as he moved with her, panting against her. you feel so good Aurora. he whispered, kissing her again. your so wonderful. he whispered again. i'm close.' he muttered, warning her as he leaned up, supporting himself on his arms, angling and giving her faster, harder thrusts to try and drive her over the edge into that plain of never ending desire and pleasure, kissing her hard and stroking his thumb along her clit to help with that plan.
Aurora was scared, never having been intimate with a boy before. Yes, she was eighteen, but in the districts, there was little time for romance. In fact, there was little time for anything but work and sleep. So when he started to tear her clothes away hungrily, she bit her lip in fear. What was she doing? She was giving herself to a stranger; a boy who knew nothing about her. Nothing at all. Yet, part of her yearned for his touch - Well, anyone's touch - and his innocent green eyes led her to believe this was her best shot at some kind of romance, even if it is short lived. Even if he would probably be thinking of someone entirely different as he held her close... "You don't even know me," she murmured as her dress hit the floor. Letting his lay her on to the bed, she kissed him back with urgency, knowing they may not have much time. "I'm the most dangerous tribute in the arena, don't you remember? Wouldn't you rather have that sweet girl from District 8?" Her voice started to faulter, getting husky and filled with moans as his lips traveled down her body. Never had she had a man's lips on her breasts, sucking at her nipples greedily. It left her in complete euphoria, her eyes watching his everymove. When he started to touch her pussy, rubbing it in a way that she only did alone in the shower, she had to bite her lip in order to not cry out. Her hand went to her head, tangling with in his hair, and held his face close as his tongue pleassured her. Soon, her hips were bucking, feeling a something pulling at at her abdomen from with in. Her breathing was starting to come in fast, ragged pants and she got up on her elbow, finding it incredible erotic to watch him as he licked her most private spots. "Oh God," she groaned, her hand started to grip his hair with a little more force. Part of her felt dirty to be on a man's bed with in five minutes of knowing him, but what did they have to lose now? Nothing, that's what. "Just... Oh, just becareful, okay?" Aurora whimpered, pulling his face from her pussy. She didn't want to orgasm yet. No, she wanted it to be in a much more intimate, forbidden way. "And... And, call me by my name..."
he panted softly as he kissed her intently, moving along her, groaning as he felt her, held her, stroked her, pleasured her, reveling in the knowledge that she was enjoying it, that she was near her first orgasm, that she felt just as good as he did. He moaned softly as her lips brushed his ear and he smiled at the hopeful order. i love you. he whispered softly back to her, thrusting slightly faster. i love you Aurora, forever and always. he whispered kissing her intently, knowing it wasn't true, but it felt so good, so right to whisper that he loved her, kissing her hard again before moaning as he spilled his seed, arching as he cried out in pleasure, uncaring that anyone could have heard him, still thrusting, making sure she came as well, that she reached those impossible heights and tumbled over and over, spinning into a realm of pleasure that had no end. When they where both finished, he did something even more surprising, he laid down and tugged her close to him, holding her, comforting her and gent;y holding her hand as if they where lovers instead of strangers. stay with me, just a little longer? he asked hopefully, his thumb tracing her knuckles as he sighed softly. i hope you win. he admitted suddenly. out of everyone.. I think you deserve it the most. he admitted softly, kissing the back of her neck before closing his eyes, settling into a gentle doze, just holding her gently wand waiting for her to get up, or for morning to come, whichever came first. Tomorrow they where going to be back in the Arena, they would be enemies again, him with his sling and his blade, and they would begin to fight, and die all over again until the next intermission where they would play this damn game again. i want you to have something. he whispered suddenly, emotions choking his voice now as he settled something around her neck. A necklace made of fine gold, a mockingjay pendant hanging off of it. it's the last thing I have of my mother. he admitted softly. i want you to have it... for luck... and so those... filthy capitol bastards can't have it. he muttered softly, gently putting the clasp together before kissing her cheek before laying back down, holding her gently, closing his eyes and sighing softly, his breath ghosting gently along the back of her neck as he settled into a gentle sleep.
Aurora nodded with trust as she felt him moving up her body, his mouth moving across every square inch of skin that she had. Her eyes stayed open, wanting to watch him and take in the moment to the fullest extect. He was right; she did want this as much as he did. She needed this as much as he did. And she was alone. Alone and afraid, wanting nothing more than to feel the warmth and understanding of another human being. Part of her hated how right he was. She did not like to appear weak and vulnerable, but he seemed to have a knack at it. Underneath him, she was just another nervous girl. Not a murdurer, a traitor, a mystery... Seering pain shot through her nether regions, making her shried into the night. Her breasts heaved as she panted, her eyes squeezing shut as she got used to his size. It felt incredible, a mixture of pain and pleasure. But not only that, it took her breath away to keep so close to someone... Soon, Auror was left moaning and writhing under neath him, giving in to the feeling of his thumb on her clit, his tongue on her nipple, his cock thrusting in and out of her pussy. Her hands reached up, clawing at his back as panted his name and unintelligable words. "Oh, Bimo..." she murmured, "Oh, God, it's amazing..." They were shining with a thin sheen of sweat, they moans, groans and breathing filling the room. Suddenly, she pulled him close, hearing his comment about getting close to his climax. Tears in her eyes, she leaned up to where her lips brushed against his ear. "Please, tell me you love me," she pleaded, a tear running down her cheek. "I know you don't, and I know you never will... But it's just how I imagined my first time..."
Bimo was silently crying even as she was, the slow trickle of tears falling down his cheeks as he held her close, holding her just so he could feel the touch of another for just a while longer. He let her get up, feeling guilty for taking her virginity, but not feeling bad about giving her pleasure. No he did not love her, but he did care about her a little, how could he not after the tender moment that they had shared? How could he not when she was now sobbing at the side of his bed. He hesitated, sitting up a little, uncertain as to whether or not he was supposed to comfort her or not. He watched her get up and get dressed and just before she left, a few words of last minute comfort left his lips. though the day is darkest, and the night filled with sorrow, good things always come after great misery. he whispered, words that his fiance's sister had told him, words from his father. He lay back down, and sobbed himself to sleep. They had one day left of intermission, he didn't know how he was going to handle another day. He sighed in the morning, seeing a new fresh suit hanging off his door handle, well they could fuck themselves. Instead of getting dressed in the pale suit he grabbed his normal clothes, dressing in the tattered pants and the dirty shirt, staring at himself in the mirror for a long time before smirking a little as he shook his head, moving over to the suit he started to tear it apart, just so they knew he wasn't going to wear the shit. He reveled in the feeling of tearing something apart, destroying it, ruining something of THEIRS. He left nothing more than tiny strips of cloth, scattered about his room, and grabbed a handful as he walked out, handing the handful of strips to the butler waiting for him, the man looking shocked as he stared at his handful of cloth as Bimo stormed away in his district clothing. He was going to cause mass hysteria today, just to have one last little bit of amusement before he died. He hesitated as he passed 'The Traitor' door and wondered if he should invite her along. She deserved to have fun too, before he decided not to bother her, she was probably sore, and unhappy with him. He sighed a little and headed out to get food, wondering if he couldn't escape? If he could find a way out... he could take Aurora with him, they could run away, go south, away from the Capitol and it's people, find help, find people who could come and slaughter every last one of those silly little twits with their fancy fucking dresses.... he could run away, leave, he could find food, he had gone out into the wastes before, found books, though he hadn't been able to read them they had bought him food for him and his fiance... he had not seen hints of other people, but maybe they where just very far away? He stood there, his eyes glossy as he thought, planning his escape. Screw suicide, he was going to get away! They where stupid, he was smart, he could escape, he was sure of it!
Aurora swallowed. This was all too much. She could not handle the saddness; the sorrow of her fellow tribute. His soft touch was so inticing, his words were so gentle... And she would never feel it again. In fact, what was most heart-breaking, was the fact that it was not real. They did not love eachother. They did not even know eachother. Soon they would be the arena, fighting to the death, and what would happen if she was forced to kill Bimo, the boy who took her virginity? The boy who gave her that last feeling of compassion before she was faced with death? Laying in bed with him, feeling his arms around her and the rising and falling of chest behind her, Aurora started to feel nervous. Her hand went up to the necklace (a nice, expensive necklace that made her wonder how his family even aquired it) that was given to her by a stranger, a boy who wanted to her to keep it because he believed she had a large chance of living than he did. Why though? He appeared fit and strong. His odds were just as good as her's, if not more. So why would he not be the one determined to keep his pendant and take it home? Aurora was crying now, unable to take in all of the emotion. Part of her was scared, part of her was sad, and part of her felt a surge of regret. She was that much closer to dying, laying in bed with a boy who was just as torn apart was she, as she gave him her virginty. She gave him a part of her that could never be taken back. All her life, she dreamed of giving it to someone she loved, someone who she thought she would be with for the rest of her life. Now it was gone, and while Bimo did a beautiful job in pretending that were old lovers as he thrust in and out of her, spilling his seed into her womb, it was not the same. Bimo did not really love her. In fact, she remembered the interviews where he was asked about the fiance he left behind that tragically died from starvation... Standing up, not bothering to do it in away that would not wake him up, Aurora pulled the covers back and released herself from him arms. She sat up, putting her head in her hands, choking on her tears as her shoulders shook with her sobbing. This was awful... So awful. It felt good for a moment, worth it even, but now that she laid there in the silence, it left her feeling even worse than before. With a quick, uneasy movement, Aurora stood up and grabbedher dress off the floor, tugging it on and zipping it up the side. She grabbed her shoes in one hand, the bottle of champagne in another, and left ot the doorshe came in not an hour ago. She couldn't handle being around him. He made her remember just how sad she was, just how young and incomplete her life was. If she wanted to survive, to get home to her family. Aurora needed to stay strong. With that, she went into her room and popped the bottle open. She sat in the middle of the bed, wrapped in her expensive dress, and drank straight from the mouth of the champange bottle. She waited for it to seep in, to calm her down and stop her from thinking so hard. A hangover, of course, was the last thing she was worried about.
he entered the room as he always did, with a scowl and a glare at all the 'popinjays' and sat down in the only chair left available at the very end. He poked at his food before finally giving in and eating, knowing he wouldn't be able to escape if he was starving to death. If he couldn't find a way out by the time he got slung back into the Arena then he was just going to kill himself... maybe he'd do it at night, in his room, instead of out in the Arena. Maybe he'd do it right there, in the breakfast dining room with their silly butter knives, or maybe he could find his knife. They had taken away their weapons as soon as they had been fetched out of the Arena, but Bimo bet he could find them,he was clever, he knew how to do things. He looked down at the table and stared at Aurora, hoping to catch her eye, and once he had it he jerked his head towards the exit before getting up, purposely upending a plate of food into the lap of a woman, smirking as she shrieked and wailed as he practically skipped out of the room, almost chipper as he wondered what sort of chaos he could cause. He was going to do everything in his power to escape, and he had every intention of doing as much damage on the way as he could. His people, District five provided the power it took to run the shields, their electricity, their running water and their heating vents. Hell he had helped built most of the new power circuits that ran the Capitol. All he had to do was find the right wires, and instant, and total blackout. He had a feeling Aurora would enjoy causing mass panic before they either escaped or where flung back into the Area... or where killed by pissed off Capitol members, but that would ruin the games, and god forbid that happen. He paused just outside of the dining area and nibbled on a bread-stick that he had taken from the table, well aware of how horrified the twits of the Capital where with his behavior. But he was not there on his own will, he was not a willing participant and he did not want to be there, and dammit he was going to stop acting like it. He was going to make these people understand how pissed off he really was by any means necessary... maybe, they seamed pretty stupid.
Aurora woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, a soreness in her nether regions, and feeling up guilt. She suddenly felt like an awful person for leaving Bimo in the middle of the night, refusing him the human contact that they both craved. Something had snapped with her, unfortunately, that made her need to be alone. Maybe the Capitol was right. Maybe she was souless; a girl who murdured and gave the viewers exactly what they wanted to see. After all, it was obvious that her fellow tributes thought the same thing. At the ball the night before, she glared at her, planning the way that they were going to get rid of her in order to heighten their chances of winning. She was the ideal target, because she was the largest threat. After taking a shower, Aurora's personal stylist came in a applied makeup on her wear face, curled her hair, then pulled it back in a loose, wispy updo. After being forced in a white corset and panties, Aurora was relieved to see that they decided to give her a break on the dark, mysterious wardrobe. Instead, she wore a light blue, thin sundress, a pair of nude colored heels, and assortment of bracelets, and a set of pink-hued jewel earrings. Around her neck, she still had the mockingjay on, but the stylist made her tuck it beneath the neckline of her dress. She was expected at breakfast, she like the other tributes, so Aurora made her way down to the large dining hall. There, she sat amost other Capitol citizens, the President, the Game Maker, and the other tributes. Chatter was loudly buzzing through the room, but she kept silent as she sipped her coffee and ate her french toast. Her eyes glanced up at Bimo, who entered the room a few minutes prior it looks like, but she showed no emotion. She felt too guilty about last night... And then yet, she felt a warm sensation between her thighs that made her remember exactly why she did it in the first place.
he looked shocked as she yelled at him, his eyes wide. i... but! she just rolled over him and left him stunned, leaving him standing there, thinking about what she had said, sighing a little as he shook his head, setting a hand over his eyes. dammit Bimo... he muttered softly before he sighed, realizing she was right. Trying to escape would fail, it always did. And his plan to kill himself in the hunger games would do nothing to stop the games, would do nothing to fix anything. No, he had to do something else. And he knew exactly what. He headed outside after her and stood next to her, his emerald eyes watching the fake world that these people had created. it's disgusting here. he muttered softly. there's no grass or tree's... no animals... no sounds... he muttered softly, looking around and licking his lips. i'm sorry Aurora... your right. he admitted glancing at her before looking at the ground, hesitating. i... have to confess... I was planning to kill myself. he admitted. or try to escape somehow... he sighed. i realize how stupid that is, how stupid I am.. was acting I... I didn't mean to upset you I just... we're not here willingly... we shouldn't have to play this damn dress up doll for them and I was upset... he admitted softly. learning that.... he swallowed thickly. Isalay was the only person who ever cared about me... no one likes me in my district... in fact they all LAUGHED when I walked up to that horrid bitch and took my place in the games... he admitted, his voice choked. they laughed, and... wished me a slow and painful death. he admitted swallowing thickly. i... decided something just now though. he admitted licking his lips again, a nervous habit. i'm going to help you win. he admitted calmly. i have no reason to live anymore, except for you. he admitted looking at her. your the first person to care about me save for my little sister. he admitted shaking his head a little. i might not succeed, but I am going to protect you during the games, I have an idea. he admitted smirking a little. it might not be a good idea, but it is an idea... but one of us has to win to do it, because no one else would be brave enough to try it. he admitted softly. i mean... who would ever think that the districts could one day just pack their shit up and leave? he asked smirking a little his eyes narrowed a little. their useless without us right? They can't do anything, they can't even cook their own goddamn food... if we can just get one district to leave, the others will follow, and the Capitol will fall... right? he asked softly, glancing at her. would you be willing to try? We have to do something... we're all dying, starving, there's a cough spreading in my district and no medicine to stop it... I know that there's a rash spreading in district two, and it's killing people. Someone calls it 'pox', and the Capitol doesn't care because we can all be replaced... he sighed a little, realizing he was rambling. sorry... I... never can seam to learn when to stop...
Aurora watched Bimo with a creased forehead, wanting to tell him to stop. The scene was nearly as bad as last night, and this time, the people around the table were having harder time calming down. She rolled her eyes, watching him leave the room... Did he really think this would help his case? Help their case? The President was fuming at his end of the table, probably plotting Bimo's death, and it angered Aurora. Why was he doing this? Why was he making their situation more complicated? She followed him out into the hall in a discreet manner, but the expression on her face read disappointment. When she was alone with him, the hal deserted with a door seperating them from the rest, she glared at him. "So this is how you are going to solve our situation?" she asked, arching an eyebrow. "Acting like I child?" With a sigh, Aurora put a hand on her forehead. "Haven't you figured it out yet? The only way to beat the Capitol is to beat the Game. The security is high here, cameras are everywhere, and the President is taking tabs. He's just going to make it that much harder on you, you know! And if you manage to get out alive, you will be lucky if he left anything alive for you to come back to." Her eyes lifted up to him, and she swallowed back some unwanted tears. "We are not just fighting for ourselves, but for a our district, and we cannot change anything about our society while in the Games. One of us has to survive in order to make a difference." Rolling her eyes, she walked toward a door that led out to the fenced in courtyard. She needed some air.... "I don't want to just survive the Games, nor do I just want to tell them to fuck off," she said, opening the door and looking at him over her shoulder. "I want to get home, and most importantly, I want to make sure that the 100th Annual Hunger Games is thelast." And with that, she left, walking outside and breathing in the semi-fresh air. She felt bad for going off on him, but she had been holding it in for so, so long... His antics had finally set her off.
he shook his head. there are places to go. he admitted. i've seen them in pictures. he admitted. if one of us could go out first and find a place, and then go back and take everyone there, it would easily be a paradise. We're all smart enough to do it, we have hunters, electricians, farmers, we have everything we would ever need right where we live now. We just take what we need and leave. he stated before smiling at her. besides, I want to protect you. he admitted. but I will behave. he promised calmly. i will do what they say, I will even apologize. he promised smiling a little as he sat down next to her, gently taking her hand to stop her from fumbling with her dress. an alliance? he asked curiously, his head tilted. ... you realize... it would only be the two of us... one of us would have to kill the other. he warned softly. unless someone got one of us first.... he sighed a little and stared at the ground for a moment before glancing at her, offering her a smile. if you want it to be only a one time thing, then it will only be a one time thing. he promised. but... you are my friend... I think. he admitted frowning a little. i'm not sure... I've never really had a friend before. he admitted before smiling. i was never focused on the game, so I won't be hurt by it. he promised. i care about you aurora. he admitted as he stood up and smiled at her. think of me what you will, but I do care about you. he admitted before heading into the dining area, where everyone had finally calmed down, only to tense as Bimo came back in. i would like to apologize for my behavior. he stated calmly, looking around at everyone. i was... upset, and had no one to take out my anger on... I am sorry to have hurt anyone or upset anyone. he admitted hesitating before bowing his head to them and heading to his room to change into the god awful white suit. But he had promised Aurora that he would behave, and he intended on keeping that promise. He sighed a little as he reached into his pants pocket and examined the picture of his little family, his fiance and her sister, the only family he'd ever known and now both of them where dead... Aurora was the only emotional link to a person he had left. Maybe it was just because they'd fucked, but he really did care about her, and he would protect her, no matter what she said.
Aurora clenched her jaw, looking down at the ground as he talked, never looking at him. Her eyebrows were scrunched together in frustration, but she fought the urge to interupt him. She had to admit, the boy had a determination that put her's to shame, and his heart seemed so much more pure... When he mentioned his dead fiance, guilt settled in the put of her stomach making her regret going off on his in such a rude, heartless way. He was just sad, broken-hearted, and when he admitted his suicide plans, she sighed. Her blue eyes glanced up toward him, and she frowned, shaking her head. "I'm not going to let you do that," she murmured, "I don't want you to help me win." Her stubborn side was showing, and she was sure that she seemed like that cold, heartless girl the Capitol made her out to be. "First off, we need to take everything one step at a time... You make a great point about the Districts leaving, but where would they go? The world is in ruins... We would never survive." Shaking her head sadly, she walked over to a little stone bench and sat down, her hands fumbling with her skirt. "And the last thing you need to be doing right now is ensuring your death, okay? Stop with the outbursts. You will never get out alive that way, and instead of putting all of your money on me, why don't we... create an alliance? We will protect eachother. No matter what, one of us need to leave that arena." Aurora didn't like the deal she was making. She liked to fly solo, only depending on herself, but she knew he had good intentions. She knew he was strong and a good ally to have, so why not? Honestly, if she didn't win, she would be just as happy with Bimo making it out.... "And about last night," she whispered, looking down at her hands, "That was just a one time thing, right? The last thing we need is to... get attatched. We need to focus on the Game." Her voice shook a little when she said that, almost as if she didn't want to at all.
he sulked a little as he looked down at himself. i hate it. he admitted scowling a little. it's itchy. he growled sulking a little. and it clings in all the wrong places. he complained sighing a little. but I suppose it's only for one more evening. he muttered shaking his head. besides it's not that hard to fake an apology to nitwits like that. he admitted quietly so only she could hear him, smiling at her as he watched her leave, hesitating before moving over to her door. Aurora? he asked softly, hovering at the doorway. will you meet me tonight? One last time... we don't have to do anything I just... he sounded almost ashamed. i don't like to sleep alone. he admitted softly. and I've been so lonely I just... you can say no of course I don't mind but I... just needed to ask. he admitted smiling at her rather sheepishly before grimacing as he glanced at a clock. oh hell... I'm late for that last interview... just... think about it alright? he asked before vanishing down the hall to meet with the interview crew. He answered his questions polity, apologizing again for his bad behavior again. Explaining how he and his fiance had met, they had an arranged marriage, ever since they had been in the womb they had been promised to each other but he had felt she was more of a little sister. He finished up with his interview and headed into the training arena for his own practice session with his cloth sling. He was already pretty good with it, he used it to hunt. Though he hadn't used it to kill anyone yet he knew it was only a matter of time. His blade was nice, but it wasn't long ranged, and anyone with another long ranged weapon would have an advantage if he didn't use his sling, so he practiced, determined to keep aurora safe. He sighed once it was done and headed to the final party, dressed up as he was supposed to be, and he was perfectly behaved as he talked with stupid women and idiot men and drank copious amounts of wine which did nothing to get him drunk. It wasn't until later that he realized that the servers where making sure he didn't get anything but juice, fearing another outburst. It annoyed him, but he didn't argue it, he could get a wine bottle from the kitchens later, and hopefully, if aurora didn't want to be alone either, he would have company. He'd even be willing to sleep on the floor just to have company in the night before they all had to go back into the death and destruction. He just wanted to have a moment of happiness before he had to go and kill someone again.
Aurora had followed him, making it into the dining room just in time for his apology. She bit her lip, trying hard not to smile too wide. For some reason, his genuine personality made her a feel a tad better. Even among the death and torture, he seemed to still stand his ground on her beliefs. She respected him, and not that he took her advice, she trusted him. Eyes glancing around the room, Aurora noticed something... off. The tributes were looking at her with hatred, like always, but the President had another expression on his face. An expression that told her he noticed them disappear together. He knew that she had something to do with Bimo's sudden apology... Biting her lip, she wondered what the President was thinking. Maybe he thought she was on his side, swaying Bimo from making anymore horrific scenes to disturb the Capitol. Maybe he thought this was another one of her manipulative tactics in getting rid of Bimo, making him trust her only to kill him... Or maybe he realized they were teamed together, and he was plotting a way to end their alliance as soon as possible. Aurora had started to walk to her room in order to change into clothes for her workout and training session when she noticed Bimo in the hall way dressed in his white suit. She smirked, walking over to him and giving him a once over. He was handsome... More than handsome, actually. And despite how much it looked like he hated that suit, he looked quite charming in it. "It suits you, you know," she murmured, reaching up to straight in his tie. Her eyes held less sorrow in them as they did before, and they flashed up to meet his. "And... Well, I respect what you did back there." A small smile spread across her lips, and she finally dropped her hands from his white suit jacket. With that, she turned to walk toward her bedroom, leaving the door ajar as she picked up her schedule from where it was placed on her bed during breakfast. Luckily, it looked like she was going to get to shoot her bows and arrows today in the training center before lunch.
Bimo looked like he was on hell on earth, his eye was twitching but he was at least trying to keep his temper as he listened to some idiot twit chatter about how KIND he was and how MERCIFUL he was and how... he just wanted to punch her in the face, but he didn't, for one he was a girl and he was raised better, and for two he'd promised Aurora. The little twit vanished when Aurora appeared, fearful of harsh words between the two tributes. i will give you the world, for that one glass of wine. he pleaded, staring wistfully at her glass. they won't let me have any, they think my 'temper tantrums' are related to the alcohol.... I may have blamed the alcohol but it's making this all a lot more hellish than it needs to be. he admitted rubbing his aching head. do these people never shut up? he complained before pausing in his complaining as he realized she was still wearing the necklace and that she wanted to say something. of course it's still open. he promised smiling at her. my door will always be open to you, your probably the only person in this room who won't actually stab me in my sleep. he admitted shaking his head as he reached out and stole a glass of wine from one of the waiters before they realized he was behind Aurora, downing the liquid and sighing. i wish they would end this, I'm exhausted he complained shaking his head. they had me in an interview for three hours asking me variations of the same damn question... how can people be this stupid and still be alive? he complained sulking as he looked around him. Being the last dinner, none of them where allowed to leave until the party was declared finished. you do look lovely in that dress though. he admitted smiling a little. i'd offer you a dance, but I think that would send more than a few people into heart attacks. he admitted yawning a little, the glass of wine helping him to relax just enough to feel more comfortable. how was your day?
Aurora went down to the training room for a few hours, hitting targets with her bow and arrows. This was a skill she'd had since she was young; a skill that was already decent with out practice. However, she was intent on pefecting it. The weapon was something she needed most when it came to the Games, for if she was left to defend herself with only her body, she was good as dead. Being small in stature, Aurora was not a very physically intimidating person. But with her bow and arrow? She was one of the largest threats in the Games. After showering and being dressed in knee length formal dress and heels, Aurora walked down the hall and joined the rest of the tributes at the finaly party. Her hair was down and wavy, like usual, and around her neck sat the necklace Bimo had given her. For some reason, she could not make herself take it off. It meant too much to him, and since he thought she was the person worthy to wear it (for reasons she was not sure of) she found her self becoming attatched to it. Blue eyes scanning the room, Aurora saw Bimo from across the room and hesitantly walked over to him. When he confronted her in her room earlier, she had said nothing. She only listened to him, taking what he said into consideration, and before she could answer, he was rushing off. However, his words had burned into her mind, making her feel something she never wished to feel while in the Games. She was starting to soften toward Bimo, even though she was trying not to, and it scared her to think they would be pinned against eachother at some point. Would she be willing to kill him if she had to? Maybe, but the chances were starting to fade rather quickly... "Uh... Hey," she murmured, offering him a little smile. In her hand was a glass of white wine, something she desperately needed. This night was their last night; their last night of safety until the next intermission, which could be two days from now or two weeks from now... Relieved that they seemed to be standing far enough away from most of the people in the room to have a little privacy, Aurora took a sip of her wine and raised her other hand up to the necklace he gave her. "I just wanted to let you know..." Her voice came out quiet and hesitant, for she knew she should be telling them that they needed to everything professional. They didn't need to get attatched and he needed to start realizing that both of them would not make it out. There was no point in trying to find the redeeming qualities within her, like he seemed to be talented at. However, she couldn't manage to say any of that because what he said was also true for her; she hated to sleep alone these days. "I'd like to stay with you tonight... If the offer is still there, that is."
he smiled at her, looking pleased to have complimented her properly, he was not normally very god in that department, he almost always said something stupid. His fiance had found it endearing, everyone else had found it as a reason to go ahead and pound his head in. he was just glad that Aurora liked him just a little bit, he'd never had a friend before, save his fiance and she didn't count, they had been raised from the same crib, they where bound to like each other. He knew he was going to regret this later, knowing that eventually they where both going to be facing each other at the end, and eventually they where going to have to decide, between the two of them, who was going to die. But that was a thought for another time. He watched her set the wine down and sulked a little at the loss of the alcohol but his annoyance with the party was quickly swept away by Aurora pulling him away and onto the 'dance' floor, though no one ever danced. He smiled as he set his hands on her waist at her insistence and he chuckled a little as he looked down into her eyes. you realize that this is probably going to come back and bite us in the ass? he asked amused as he felt the burning eyes as everyone realized why Bimo had suddenly started calming down, he had been tamed down by Aurora, his heart had stopped hurting so much and he had calmed down. Aurora had fixed something deep inside of him that he had never expected to stop hurting. it feels nice. he admitted softly as they circled slowly, other couples starting to dance, though Bimo and aurora where the only tributes dancing with each other, the others had found he smiled as he bent down, his lips brushing her ear. everything seams brighter when your around. he admitted before pulling away from her as another Capitol man tapped his shoulder, wanting to dance with Aurora. Bimo could only be glad that the people of the capitol where gentlemen, and would never try to 'cop a feel' as it where. He himself went in search of wine and something to eat, nibbling only on the food he recognized and had seen someone else eat, wary of being poisoned somehow. He enjoyed another glass of wine and then ignored the alcohol, not wanting to get too drunk, as then he really wouldn't be able to control his temper, not that it was there. Aurora had done something to him and he felt like he was floating in clouds, he even smiled as the idiot capitol girls twittered his head off as he waited for the party to be put to an end so he could go to bed, he was so tired. He just wanted to curl up on the floor and go to sleep, and it looked like he wasn't the only tribute who was tired, three of them where sleeping at various tables and finally the party was called to a close when some of the waiters realized the tributes where not going to be entertaining the capitol anymore that night. Bimo was glad to move into his own room, stripping off his scratchy suit and wondering if he had the energy to take a shower before Aurora got there.
Aurora blushed a little at his compliment and looked down, her fingers rushing against the beading of the top of her dress. She didn't move when he grabbed the wine and downed it, not blaming him for his actions. The wine in her glass was only full because her stomach as too weak to handle it at the moment. Her nerves and her feelings toward Bimo (which were becoming more complicated every time she spoke with him) were taking their toll on her... "Thank you," she murmured, at both his compliment and his acknowledgement toward what she had told him. He still wanted her to come see him tonight, a relief washed over her. But why? Why was she so happy to be with such a stranger? Was it because they felt such a bond that only the Games could provide? Yes, it was. She was desperate for affection; desperate for human contact. They needed eachother more than they needed air, for they were eachother's last chance at happiness before death. She was determined to not get to know him and not fall for him. It would hurt her too much to realize they would have no future beyond the Games... No, she just wanted the comfort he could provide at the moment, and she had no problem giving it right back. Rolling her eyes, Aurora smirked and took his arm. She placed her wine glass on a tray of a waiter walking by and started to pull him out to the dance floor. "Then let's give them a heart attack, shall we?" she murmured, not knowing what had gotten into herself. As she knew was that she was placing his hand on her waist and wrapping her arms around his neck. Her body immediately started to move a slow, romantic song that was played by the live orchestra.... People stared. No, everyone stared at the two competitors dancing together; holding eachother. However, Aurora didn't care. At this moment in time, she was intent on savoring any kind of happiness she could muster up before the next morning. The President smirked from the corner of the room, the wheels of his mind turning. Star-crossed lovers? Oh, this would make the Games very interesting, he thought. The viewers would eat it up, and the romantics of the Capitol will swoon over their heart-wrenching story. The reviews will be better than any of the past Games, and at the end, the President will give them the tragic ending everyone will crave...
Bimo was still half naked when she arrived, slightly damp, he hadn't taken an actual shower, he'd just stripped naked stepped under the flow of cold water to wash off the itchy sweat off of his body and then toweled himself off. He turned at the knock halfway through putting his pants on and smiled a little, hoping it was Aurora. it's open. he called drying his hair so that it stuck up in every direction as he tossed the towel onto the floor, showing off his body to her for the first time. They had been frantic the first time, so she had not been able to see, but like all district members his body was scarred according to his job. Spider web markings lined his body where heavy wires had either struck him, or laid on his flesh and burned him, or where sparks had landed and burned him. The power based district was by far one of the more dangerous ones, as the electricity and power they dealt with could kill with a single jolt. It was a miracle anyone from District Five was still alive. Still, the scars only added to his physical character, though they where quickly hidden by a shirt. He smiled at her when she walked in, softening as soon as he saw her. you still look beautiful. he admitted smiling a little as he grabbed a wet wash rag, moving over to her. may I? I want to see what you really look like, not hidden by all that face pain these Twitters seem so keen on. he had decided to call them twitters, like the little twitter birds. Because they where just as flamboyant in their colors and just like the birds, they never stopped talking. He gently ran the cloth over her face, smiling as her face was revealed, making him smile. i knew it, you ARE more beautiful without the face paint. he teased smiling at her. i bet that feels better too, I can't imagine that stuff feels very nice on your face. he was chattering, nervous, unsure what was going to happen, not expecting sex, but unsure what she was expecting. he examined her face for a moment, wondering if he should really be trusting her? He had seen her tactic, what if she was just using him, being nice to him to get his help only to stab him when he wasn't looking, stabbing him in the back in both senses. Part of him trusted her explicitly, but the other part of him was wary of treachery, and weary of playing the game already. He knew he had to be careful, his heart was already growing warm, fond of her, he might even dare say he loved her in some way, what way he didn't know. As a sister, as a friend, as a lover? He just hadn't had enough experiences in love to understand or know, but he knew his feelings where strong, driving him to do things he wouldn't normally do, like invite her back into his room, and agree to partner up with her. i'm scared. he admitted sudden;y, turning to look at her, blinking. tomorrow we go back into the Arena... and I don't know... what to expect... maybe, she might just give him answers. ... are you going to abandon me, or are we really going to work together?
Aurora was a little disappointed when a young, tall Capitol man decided to cut in and steal her away from Bimo. Sighing, she gave the man a smile and let him twirl her around the dance floor. For the most part, he was polite, and she only caught him looking her up and down once. He did not keep her longer than a few songs, and when he was finished, he moved on to another tribute girl. Apparently, he was a social climber. Nothing was better than getting to dance with a tribute, and he seemed to be trying to get a piece of all of them. After they were dismissed, Aurora felt relieved to know she could change out of her dress and heels and into a pair of light blue sleep shorts and a matching tank top. Her hair still fell in waves, and she was too lazy to remove the makeup. What was the use? Washing her face that night would not prepare her for the next day. And, despite her insistence to stay nuetral when it came to Bimo, he found herself rushing to get to his room before it got too late. Luckily, she grabbed a bottle of wine from the kitchen and two glasses before it was shut down, so she halled it along with her as she walked barefoot down the hall. Knocking softly, Aurora bit her lip. Was this a mistake? Would getting close to Bimo distract her from the importance of getting out of the Game alive? She suddenly realized that they would eventually have to decide who would live or die, and she was not so sure she could bring herself to kill him. He was too genuine, too caring... Maybe the Districts could use someone like him; someone who could convince them to riot, yet make them feel protected. She on the other hand was "mysterious" and her demeanor due to her reputation in the Game led her to be thought of as a person that people did not know whether to trust or not.
he smiled as he tossed the now makeup riddled cloth onto the floor and watched her every move, not afraid, or worried, just curious, as if he accepted his fate of being stabbed in the back eventually. He looked upset when he saw he had hurt her feelings and he grimaced at himself, shaking his head. i'm sorry Aurora, I know that I just... I talk sometimes and I don't think. he explained. i get slapped a lot. he admitted trying to lighten the mood with a joke. i know you won't betray me, I just wanted to make sure you where alright with working together... he took his glass of wine and downed it before joining her on the bed taking her hand carefully, gently stroking her knuckles with his thumb, listening to her talk. Aurora... no one will ever listen to me. he informed her simply, shaking his head. my own district LAUGHED, when I was picked as tribute... they laughed! Bimo was a strange duck there, and no one liked him for various reasons, some he wasn't so sure of for himself. if anyone is going to lead our people to freedom it will be you. he admitted simply. i'm week for being The Mercy... everyone will see me as week, week willed, and pathetic. he shook his head. you will be respected when you walk out of the Arena... they will know you are brave, serious, they will know that you can lead them to safety and freedom. he smiled a little and shook his head before pulling her into his arms, holding her tightly. i'll protect you Aurora. he promised softly, licking his lips nervously. i'll make sure you win, no matter what you are going home to your brothers. he promised reaching over and grabbing the bottle of the wine and gently pouring her some more before adding more to his own glass, holding her with one arm as he savored the wine this time, his eyes closing as he sighed. it's a shame they pat us down, this wine would make a really good disinfectant. he admitted calmly, wondering how they where going to survive. can I tell you a secrete? Bimo asked softly, clearly half drunk, but still sober enough to talk and function properly. ... I know there are other places... he admitted softly. that's why no one likes me... because my father... wasn't from the districts... he was from the Capitol... and my mother.... wasn't from either. he admitted softly, swallowing thickly. she came from a place far away... and no one liked my father, and they where afraid of my mother... and that's why I know we'll be ok if we leave... because my Mother wasn't from here... part of him expected her to pull away from him, stare at him with the same shock and loathing as everyone else did when they found out, the only people who had never hated him had been his fiance and her elder sister, everyone else hated him just because he was of a strange bloodline, because his mother had been strange and his father had been the enemy.
Aurora's eyebrows furrowed, the cool air tickling her damp face. He was so sweet, so tender about wiping the makeup from her face. She had not expected that action from him, and it left her stomach in knots. How would she ever betray this boy? Even if her life depended on it, Aurora was left wondering if she could even make herself harm him. Hell, she wondered if she could even stand to watch another tribute harm him, let alone herself. Shaking her head, she shut the door behind her and locked it, then walked over to a table that sat off to the far side of the room and sat the glasses down. As she poured them wine, she bit her lip. "No," she answered truthfully, her face full of hurt. He did not make her sad, but the fact that her reputation led him to not trust her fully did. When she turned around to hand him his full glass, she sighed. "I'm... I'm not the monster they have made me out to be, Bimo. I never manipulated anyone. I never betrayed anyone! I just... I just did what I had to do, okay? Before I met you, I assumed everyone here was out for blood. I knew if I didn't kill them, they were going to kill me, and I can't leave my family alone in District 5 because I got soft hearted." She took a sip of her wine and let out a little sigh, sitting down on the foot of the bed and looking down at her bare legs and feet. "It's not my fault people underestimated me," she said with a little smirk. "They assumed since I look fragile, I would never survive. But I had three brothers. There was no way they would let me go through life not being able to take care of myself." Aurora downed her glass, then moved to pour another. "Bimo... The reason I want to work together, is because if I die, I want to make sure that the person who lives will be the person who saves future young adults from this fucked up world. I want to know my family will live a life of happiness, not fear. Since that outburst you made in the ballroom, which I still believe was not your best move, I knew that you wanted the same things as me. You were fighting for the same reasons." When she went back to sit on the bed again, her eyes lifted up to look at him. He was so handsome, so genuine... Maybe she was falling for him; maybe she actually cared about him. Who knew? But she knew these feelings could be dangerous. She knew they were in huge trouble the moment she felt herself wishing he would take her in his arms again and again, desperate to have him closer. "I'm scared too," she whispered.
he sighed and nodded, looking at her startled to see that she wasn't looking at him with horror or hatred. Maybe it was just because she didn't know him well enough? He wasn't sure but there had to be a reason shy she didn't hate him... right? my father took my mother there so she would be safe, the other Capitol's didn't know. he explained hesitating a little. he died of some disease while my mother was pregnant, they never knew that he had gotten someone pregnant as far as I know... that's why I have no last name. Mother was terrified they would take me away. she admitted. she promised me to another woman's daughter, so that I would have at least one friend growing up. he admitted. there is a law, I was always terrified that they would find me so I memorized it... he admitted swallowing thickly. any Child of a Capital Bloodline born outside of the Capital will be taken into the Capital for safe keeping until they are of an age to decide for themselves where they want to live. Meaning eighteen... but by that time their so brainwashed that the Capitol is the only place they want to live, they don't know anything else. i'm eligible because they don't know that I am Bimo Achilles. Son of Caesar Achilles. he admitted smiling a little, smirking viciously. i plan on telling them the truth, either before I die or when we both walk out of here... I don't know how we'll get away with it, but I know that there have been other games where two tributes escaped Alive... if I could read I would have looked at their Archives... but I can't, so I didn't. he admitted sighing a little. my father and mother loved each other, very much. he admitted. but the Capitol would have killed my mother, Riverwind without a second thought rather than let ANYONE know that there are other places to go, especially the districts. he smiled a little. i'm nineteen now. he admitted. when I tell them, theirs not shit they can do about it, and it might protect any future children I might have. he admitted thoughtfully. i think anyway. As long as I have the bloodline, and I'm alive and married, they shouldn't be able to take my children away from me. he admitted smiling a little. i've always wanted children. he admitted. He yawned loudly and groaned a little and rubbed his eyes a little, looking sleepy. ...tired. he admitted resting against her, smiling a little. aurora... if we both make it out of this alive... do you think we can still be friends? he asked hopefully. i'd like to court you, when we're both safe. he admitted calmly smiling at her. we could move far away, try to find my mothers people... they can't be all that far away right? he asked his head tilted as he blinked at her. i know I shouldn't... but I like you Aurora, a lot...
Aurora turned her head, looking up at Bimo with shock and bewilderment. Her eyebrows scrunched with confusion, and she held her wine glass tight between both her hands. She didn't pull away from him, not did she give him a glare. Her expression was full of wondering; trying to decide if he was telling the truth or if it was simply the alcohol talking. With a shake of her head, Aurora took a moment to let what he said sink it. Bimo did not present himself as a liar, even when tipsy. "Your mother was not from here... And your father was from the Capitol? How did you even end up in District 5?" she asked suddenly, looking up at him. The only light in the room was from the book and a few security lights in the distance outside. She pulled away, but only to settle into her position on the bed with interest and curiosity. "There is a law, isn't there? Gah... I can't remember what it is. Something about children under the age of eighteen with Capitol bloodlines could be taken if they deem their parents are not alive or not fit, even if they have plenty of people to care for them in the Districts. I think it's their way of keeping their population going strong." Aurora shook her head, the waved away the thought. "I'm not completely sure. I learned it in school a few years ago... But, I mean... With a Capitol bloodline, I can't even believe they would have you eligible for the Games. They are so intent on keeping their heritage alive..." She gave a little shrug, blushing from her rambling, and looked up into Bimo's green eyes. And then she remembered that lots of people who were born from Capitol citizens that had left to join districts tended to change their last names. Bimo may not even have a Capitol name, and with his parents being dead for so many years, he could have very well gone unnoticed... However, it worried Aurora a little. The Capitol had their ways, and they would find out eventually. They always did.
he smiled a little at her. thank you Aurora. he muttered softly. for not hating me. he muttered softly, so used to people hating him just because he was born, just because he was strange and different before looking astonished at the look in her eyes, his own widening as he stared into her, even as he let her pull him into a laying down position next to her, his head tilted a little before smiling at her, his face soft and affectionate, almost loving as he leaned over and gently kissed the shell of her ear with a small sigh. when we go back home. he muttered calmly. not if... when, if we have faith, then we will think much better, have better idea's... Isalay used to say, that there is no point in living, if you cannot think with an optimistic heart. he admitted smiling at her as he gently caught her hand in his, holding it gently before leaning over her, his eyes filled with passion, lust, affection, and protection as he examined her face. He bent down and kissed her again, deep and passionate as he slowly started to tug her clothes carefully off of her again, starting with her shirt and giving her many chances to make him stop as he kissed and sucked all over her neck, his hands sliding up to her breasts, intending on driving her wild with pleasure again and again before they drifted to sleep, wanting to give her one more happy moment before the battles started again in the morning. i will never let anything happen to you. he promised softly, kissing her eagerly as he carefully worked her pants off, gently stroking her clit with nimble fingers. i will protect you, I will always protect you. In, and out of the games.
Aurora looked up at him, a smile spreading across her face. He was hard not to like. His sweetness and determination for a happy life simple gave her a warm feeling, a feeling she never thought she would have while in the Capitol. Her hand grabbed his as she pulled him up toward the middle of the bed, laying down with her head on the pillow. Biting her lip, she looked up at him with something that had yet to appear in Aurora's eyes; innocence. "I've always wanted children too," she whispered, smiling a little. "Something about the thought of having a little boy or girl running around a little cottage, having a husband that loves me and comes home from work every night just to be with us... The Districts don't even bother me, you know. I like having a modest lifstyle, but I want my children to be safe. I don't want them to live in fear of being apart of the Games." With that, she frowned, but not for along. Her heart ached at his confession, and she suddenly realized she hoped for the same. It was a stupid wish, she knew that. They would not both make it out a live. The rules were very, very clear... But she found herself daydreaming like she used to do at home, being married and having children... And then she realized Bimo seemed to make the dream that much more vivid. While she had a hard exterior, and a stubborn personality that led her to want nothing to do with love, she craved it as much as he did. "I... I..." she stammered, blushing a little. Wasn't it cruel to feed him such outlandish thoughts? To encourage him of things that would never happen? Maybe. However, Aurora took one look at Bimo and her heart melted. Something about him made her serious, harsh wall break down. "I would like that, if we got back home," she continued, her voice a hushed whisper. Reaching up from where she laid on the bed, her hand carressed his face gently.
Bimo moaned softly as he kissed her gently, stroking her and teasing her, stripping naked for her, teasing her flesh with his fingers and his mouth moaning happily before gasping as he was flipped onto his back his eyes wide. what in the? he asked, utterly baffled as he raised himself onto his elbows, looking a little confused but curious. He had clearly never been ridden before. He groaned softly as she kissed his scars, arching gently against her and squirming with glee, he'd never had them payed attention to before, they where very sensitive, the nerves super sensitive because of the electricity, they often ached still, though they had happened years ago. Her light touches felt amazing, and he relaxed into her attention, smirking at her. i have decided you really are mysterious. he teased, grinning at her. one never knows what you'll do next. he teased groaning happily as she sucked on his neck, stroking along her sides. He bucked into her slender hands, his cock thick and full in her hands as he pulled her down for a long kiss, blinking at her as he felt her soft fingers on his cock before rolling them back over, smiling at her, kissing her again. i think I'm falling for you too. he admitted softly. you make my world seem, perfect. he admitted softly kissing her. you make everything seem so bright and worthwhile... even this horrible Games seam a little more worthwhile, even if only because I got to meet you. he admitted softly. but... if you like, during the games, we can hide our feelings? he offered, slowly, gently slipping inside of her with a small sigh, feeling the pleasure engulf him. i would wait a lifetime for you. he admitted smiling as he gently rocked inside of her, moving slowly, carefully as he kissed her intently. we can show our emotions now, while it's safe... and during the games we can keep it hidden, pretend we don't have feelings for each other, so that we won't put ourselves in Danger he decided smiling at her. sound alright to you?
Aurora met each of his kisses with increasing hunger, craving his contact and his comfort that he provided. His words gave her hope, and while she was too stubborn to believe his outlandish theories of them surviving and lving happily ever after, she found herself wanting to hear them more and more. Never had she been so wrapped up in another person; never had she given in to that butterfly-like feeling in her stomach before... But here she was, letting Bimo undress her, letting him embrace her, letting him have her in everyway. Maybe it was because she really was falling for him... "When we get back home," she repeated with a heated sigh. A moan reached her lips as his fingers stimulated her clit, and her back arched off the bed, her chest moving upward and toward him. Within moments, her hands reached up to tug his shirt of his head, wanting to feel his body against her's. The heat it created gave her more comfort that she had ever imagined. She let him play with her body for a few more moments, his fingers making her sex wet with need. Panting with lust, Aurora moved forward to push him off of her and on to his back. Her naked body straddled him, and she took in his bare chest. The scars caught her eye, and without evening thinking twice, she bent down and kissed each one. Her lips were soft and gentle, her hands caressing his sides all the way until they reached his pants. When her mouth reached his neck, sucking on a sensitive area, her hands started to attempt to slide his pants down enough so that she could feel his member in her small hands. The last night, everything was so rushed. Their passion took over and they wasted no time. Tonight, she wanted to rellish in the moment. "Bimo," Aurora whispered, her lips at his ear. Her breasts were pressed against his chest and her hands curiously fondled his cock. "I think I'm falling for you, and I'm not sure I want to... I'm not sure it's safe for us to love eachother."
Bimo moaned as he grimaced. sorry... sorry I always think to much... oooh you feel wonderful. he moaned holding her tightly and moving inside of her, thrusting and moaning. His mouth fell onto her breast, teasing her nipples with his talented tongue and groaning eagerly as she pleaded with him, his thumb settling onto her clit, touching and teasing her even as his thrusts sped up, moaning as he felt her throbbing around him. He cried out in pleasure as she came, yelling loud enough that he KNEW the others heard him, spilling deep inside of her. He was a smart boy, but he knew nothing about birth control, Isalay had taken care of that, taking the birth control pills that some of the Capitol 'spies' smuggled out for the few District members that could afford it. Bimo always gave all the money he made from finding books and other interesting things to Isalay so she could buy food and clothes. He himself had never even considered how babies where made, he knew the basics, you had to have a dick, and a vagina, and it grew in a woman's belly but other than that he had never considered what would happen when he had sex, Isalay had never gotten pregnant so he wasn't even aware he was putting Aurora at risk by cumming deep inside of her. He had never needed to know. He sighed softly as he held her, staying buried inside of her as he held her tightly, listening to his next door neighbor fornicate with a small chuckle. well at least we're not the only ones doing it. he muttered softly as he gently tickled her breast. you should sleep... we need to save our energy. he muttered softly, nuzzling her neck gently. we need to be on top of things tomorrow... we could set up a base camp, and lay traps all around it... then we'd be safe, for the most part. he admitted. we'll make a sort of shelter, and wait for the others to kill each other out before we make our way out to deal with the survivors... it was a decent plan... but, in the end it would never work, the Capitol would never allow them to just sit there and be Idle, they'd release something to wipe out their camp and get their asses in gear.
Nora moaned, her breathing now coming out as labored pants. Her eyes closed in pleasure and her legs moved to wrap themselves around his muscular waist. As he gently thrust in and out of her, she kissed softly, savoring every touch of his lips. "Okay, Bimo," she whispered, her mind fuzzy from their current state, "Stop... Just stop over-thinking things, okay?" A smile spread across her lips as she leant up to kiss him again, her hands moving within his hair. Her body was now slick with their sweat and arousal. The moans that came from her mouth were now filled with desperation, turning into deeper, mangled groans. "Oh, Bimo... Oh, please," she whimpered, feeling her pussy start to throb around his hard member. It was the first time that she thought it might not be the smartest thing to have him cum inside her, releasing his seed into her womb. However, reality kicked in and she realized it would not matter. Thier chances of surviving were very slim, especially with ten other tributes still alive, and getting pregnant was the least of her concerns. It was likely that she would not live long enough to realize her irresponsible actions had produced something even greater... "Oh! OH!" she shrieked, letting out noises that she was sure people could here up and down to tribute hall. She did not care though. Holding on to Bimo for dear life, she let her climax take over and hugged him close, her lips at his neck. "Bimo..."
he smiled a little and nodded a little. this is true. he admitted softly. even if we do plan their going to throw some unknown twist at us. he complained shaking his head a little. their such dicks. he complained with a small sigh, gently nuzzling the back of her neck. we'll survive though... I know we will... somehow. he wanted to be with her, more than anything or anyone he had ever felt an attachment or an attraction to, Aurora was the one. He'd known it the second he'd laid eyes on her in the Arena, but he'd refused to admit it. Isalay had always believed in love at first sight, but Bimo had not, now it seamed like he was being proven wrong... again. He wasn't the sort to like people in any form, he wasn't the sort to care about people, but he wanted to take care of Aurora, he HAD to take care of aurora, because he had failed to protect Isalay, and he was terrified he would fail Aurora like he had his sister. He just hoped that he could pretend to not be in love with her while on the arena... he paused, listening to her and then shaking his head. i can't promise that. he stated simply. i don't think before I do things, I just do them. he admitted smiling a little. i'll probably step in the way before I even consider the promise, but I'll try. he promised gently biting her ear. go to sleep. he ordered calmly. we can talk more in the morning. he promised calmly sighing softly. plus you have one last interview in the morning. he reminded her. they wanted to save you for last since your the most popular. he admitted wrinkling his nose a little. i think I might be in second... he admitted snorting a little as he snuggled into the bed a little and drifted off to sleep. He woke her in the morning and handed her clothing over to her, already getting dressed, half asleep as he stuffed his legs into his pants. your interview is in an hour. he explained. i thought you might need some alcohol before you went on. he admitted smiling at her, setting his hand on hers. we're going to win... no matter what. he promised her before taking a deep breath. i'll go out first and head to breakfast... I'll see you on the battlefield. he promised, hesitating before kissing her long and hard before smiling at her. good luck with your interview. he sated calmly setting a glass of wine into her hands.
Aurora laid there in his arms, not moving an inch and panting heavily. She nodded, her eyes slowly closing as she rest her head on his upper chest. The sound of his voice, the feeling of his heart beat underneath her ear... It soothed her. With a soft smile, Aurora tilted her head up to look at the emerald green eyes before her. "There is no point on dwelling on a game plan," she murmured, "The arena is never what we expect." Reaching down, Aurora grabbed the blanket and pulled it over body of their tired bodies before snuggling back into his arms. The innocent scene made her think of home, how simply life could be in the Districts. She was sure that if it were not for the Games, she would never have been drawn to Bimo. Always being so intent on being independent, she never felt the need to rely on someone for comfort. Now, Aurora could picture a like with Bimo. She could see them living a simple, free life back home. She could see them spending nights like this together reguarly... He was the type of boy that girls dreamed of having children with, if they looked deep within his sweet nature, and Aurora was no exception. However, she was better at shoving her feelings to the side if she felt they would only make matters worse. This was that kind of situation. "I want you to promise me something," she whispered, looking into the darkness, her head resting on his chest. "Do not put your life on the line for me, alright? I'm strong. I can take care of myself. This is an equal partnership..." Biting her lips, she closed her eyes. "If you want to do me a favor, protect yourself. Ensure that atleast one of us makes it out."
Bimo chuckled a little and nodded. i'll try. he promised. east. he agreed, vanishing to look for his own stylist, letting him dress him in a dark sweater and a leather jacket with simple jeans and horrifyingly they made him wear shoes... still he could use the shoelaces for something he supposed. He let the guards lead him down to his starting gate. Instead of releasing them all at once, each Tribute had a gate that they exited out of. The gate they left out of changed every break so they didn't know the surrounding area, but Bimo knew that already. He accepted his knife, his sling, and the heavy rocks he had found. He was glad he didn't have to find new ones. He sat there and waited, smirking a little as he shook his head a little as he watched the interview, chuckling a little as she watched the interview. way to go Aurora, now I'm a target too. he teased the Television shaking his head a little as he looked through one of the books in the little room he was waiting in. to keep fighting down and sabotage to a minimum the Tributes where separated the hours before the Arena opened again. Bimo was glad for the quiet time, even if he knew he was already being watched by the cameras. He didn't care about the cameras, he only wanted to win and be free with Aurora. Soon enough the doors slid open and he gathered his weapons and inched his way out, looking around cautiously before darting for the woods. The 'meadow' around the woods where dangerous and filled with beasts, you couldn't stay there long or you would be ripped apart by beasts. He raced for the woods, diving into the woods just in time to avoid the striking Talons of a massive bird, the creature's head diving in after him, but he was quick and was already gone, racing east and freezing when he saw two Tributaries already fighting, wrestling on the ground, trying to strangle each other. Part of him contemplated taking one of them out while they where distracted, but his conscience won and he looked for a way around them, not wanting to get involved until he was with Aurora. Killing someone was going to hurt, and he would cope better with Aurora there, just as he knew he would be able to help her when she finally killed someone. The guilt would be shared, they could comfort each other while still watching out for one another. He panted as he finally made it to the eastern sector of the Arena, his blade out and sling swinging in high arched circles, waiting to be ambushed by another tribute, trying to find Aurora and hoping those damn massive birds hadn't gotten to her.
Aurora winced and nodded with a little frown as she started to get dressed in her pajamas from last night. It was just early enough for her to dash across the hall and get a shower before her stylists had to fix her hair and makeup. A sigh left her lip as she stood up and kissed Bimo back equally as passionate. Leaving him broke her heart, making her realize how hard the incoming Game was going to be. Could she watch him get hurt? No, she couldn't. It was not safe to be so attached to to another tribute, she knew that, yet it was so hard to not like Bimo. His demeanor was so sweet, so sincere... He was a much better person that Aurora. "Be safe," she murmured, "Don't do anything rash... And head East after the countdown. That's where I will be." And with that, they went their seperate ways and Aurora went straight for her shower. She thoroughly washed her hair and body, forcing herself to not dwell on what was to come in a few hours. Her stylists fixed her hair into a low ponytail, gave her minimal makeup, and dressed her in a part of dark jeans, leather books, a jade green sweater and a black, durable jacket. She was dressed for the arena. No fancy, glittery dresses; just strong clothes that would keep her safe in the wild. The long awaited interview of Aurora Carington was taking place. She sat in a armchair next to the excited reported, and her expression remained stoic and strong. Her answers were simple; It was true that she had the highest kill count and the largest threat. She was there to win, not for the glory but to get back to her family. However, when she was asked about her sudden impression on Bimo, Aurora was stumped. It took her a moment to find an acceptable answer that would not drive them into deeper trouble. "If I do not make it out of the Arena," she murmured, "I believe Bimo will. He's been sorely under estimated." With that, reporters eagerly went to work on writing in their notepads. It was that moment that Bimo had become just as exciting of a "character" to the Capitol as Aurora.
Bimo was panting hard as he ran, having full out sprinted the entire way, ignoring the camera's that where following him, not noticing the other boy behind him, pausing to take in his surroundings, his eyes wide as the Arrow whizzed past his face, cutting a long, thin slice across his chin, his head turning to watch the other fall, shocked and startled, his heart hammering in his chest. g...good shot. he managed to stutter, adrenaline coursing through him as he turned to face Aurora. thanks, I didn't even know he was there. he admitted wrapping his arms around her. was scared you didn't make it through the meadow... I almost didn't. he admitted. damn giant birds. he growled. with our luck those damn things are going to breed just like the mockingjays did. he growled with a shake of his head, looking around with firm eyes. we need to find somewhere to hide... it's dark already... and I don't like it... he admitted gently stroking the cut on her cheek. with it dark already so soon, that meant that the Capitol had something new planned, something... nocturnal. come on, lets get n the trees, no one ever looks up. he admitted heading for the nearest tree, slipping up into the branches before pausing, looking up at the sky, hesitating. stay near the middle of the trees, we don't want to be picked off. he warned bring his lips. and we don't want to loose sight of the ground either in case someone spots us before we spot them. he doubted it, the trees where thick and the arena was getting darker with every minute. He reached down once he was on the first branch and helped her up as well, looking around nervously. ... I've never been in the dark before... he admitted softly, sounding... amazed. District five was never dark, ever. They where constantly lit up from all the power towers and electrical panels. The dark was mysterious to Bimo, who found it...exhilarating, and frightening at the same time. i don't like this, it's the middle of the morning. he growled, examining the midnight like surroundings. what the hell are they planning!? he demanded, swallowing thickly as he pondered the fresh hell that the Capitol had planned for them.
Aurora had managed to sprint east at the end of the countdown, runnng as fast and far as she could. The other tributes immediately turned on her, aiming their weapons at her as soon as they saw her. However, as luck would have it (for now) Aurora managed to slide past each one and climb up into a high tree that over looked a vast amount of the arena. Her eyes darted everywhere, her bow and arrows ready, and she prayed Bimo made it. What would she do if thee one person she trusted died before she could even say goodbye? Her heart was racing and her stomach felt sick. Sure enough, Aurora saw him heading her way after about a half an hour. The arena was already starting to darken, which was odd. Usually the gamemakers kept it light outside for longer periods of time, wanting the fighting to last long enough to get good footage. However, as soon as she saw Bimo, she saw another tribute following him. The boy had a sword, ready to take off Bimo's head in an instant. Feeling a surge of panic, Aurora did not hesitate to raise her bow. The arrow whizzed past Bimo, nearly hitting him, but going straight into the heart of the boy behind him. He died instantly, and she let out a sigh of relief. Jumping down from the tree, she walked over to him with a relieved expression. Her eyes shifted from him to the dead boy on the ground and a frown spread across her lips. Reaching down, she pulled her arrow from the boy's chest with a quick jerk, then looked back over at Bimo. "You found me," she murmured softly, slipping the arrow back into her satchel. Reaching out, she wrapped her arms around him, not being able to contain the happiness of realizing he was okay. It was to hard to hide her emotions after spent so long wondering if he ever made it out of the meadow. Pulling back, Aurora was now close enough to him to where he could easily see the three inch long gash across her left cheek where the girl from District 8 through a knife at her.