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He listened to her talk, especially about others needing his help, "I have a feed to police broadcasts and scanners, and right now there's a brief moment of respite. I came to make sure your intentions because in the end, I'll have to deal with you if you decide you're powerful enough to get your way. I really don't want to have to do that. Just watch yourself. You'll start attracting the kind of attention you don't want if you keep up the superhero shtick." He walked forward to the edge, "Doesn't matter. I'll be keeping an eye on you. Until then, if you need something, I'm sure it's within your power to find me. I'm called Shade." He stepped off the roof and twisted, launching the cable and swinging from the tower and into the city. He came to be perched upon one of the ledges a mile or so from where he had just met her. He applied pressure to the transceiver and spoke, "I had a talk with her. Seems like her intentions are good. Monitor her though. Also keep a search going on supers related to the powers I described. We're going to keep her under surveillance in case she goes rogue."
Violeta was shocked as she felt someone coming towards her and as she analyzed the aura she knew who it was. She didn't move from her spot as she sat there looking over the city. In truth as she felt him finally reach the roof and land she gave a sigh. She had hoped he wouldn't come after her but she was sure now that was exactly what he had done. "Does it really matter who I am? I just happened to be there when the screams first came" she stated as it was the truth. She had been just across the park when the attack first started. She was too late to help the woman keep her clothes but she did make sure that the woman wasn't harmed anymore than that. "I have no bad intentions for this place, I only wish to live here at the moment" she stated as it was the truth. She was sitting here at this very moment to try and finalize what her intentions were. "And you? Somehow you find that tracking me down is so important when I'm sure others could use your help" she stated as she wondered just who this guy was. She couldn't understand this at all yet as she sat there in her natural form she wondered just what this was going to turn out to be in the end. It was strange to her that he followed yet it seemed he only wanted answers that she didn't even have for herself yet.
Another night. Another beat. What a trivial pattern. The first thought to cross his mind upon awakening was the girl from the previous night. She was unnatural. She was extraterrestrial. He knew she had good intentions, but good intentions pave the road to Hell. Maybe, in his stupor, he had brought a revelation on himself. His reflection on her mirrored the fact that maybe his own altruistic nature was tiresome and for all intents and purposes, doing more harm than good. Under his watchful eye, he had noticed a spike in organized crime. This meant one thing to him: the criminals, knowing of his presence, decided that recklessness and separation were causing them to be picked off. Because of him he had united a band of murderers, rapists, and drug dealers. What a life. The man dragged along sluggishly in an attempt to pry himself from the comfort of being enveloped in a warm bed. His attempts seemed futile until he finally swung his feet to the floor, the cold touch of the tile bringing his wits to the surface. He let out a stretch and stood, immediately descending to the floor, palms against the tile. He was supported by an arch in his feet, toes curved and balancing his weight. One. Two. Three. It ended with over three hundred push-ups, his morning repetition. That would be followed by pull ups, sit ups, and a six mile run. This was all accomplished before six AM, which was more than most people were accustomed to performing all day. It was a rush through his personal hygiene. Without his costume, he felt bland, boring, usual. His hair was choppy and layered, swept to one side along his forehead. He had garbed himself in a mediocre pair of jeans, the coup de'tat being the grey wool pea coat that he bundled up with. He was buttoning the coat up as he walked through the hallway of his apartment and out into the brisk roll of air that accompanied December in New York City. He had spied a cafe that he had wanted to try. What a good start to a day. Once inside he found the line to be reasonable, so he was more privy to actually stick through and place an order. After a ten minute wait, he stepped forward to the counter, looking over the menu. Then those sapphire eyes fell to the woman tending to his order. She seemed so familiar. With a shake of his head, he began his order, "Coffee. Black. Asiago bagel with a shmear of cream cheese." Man, where had he seen this woman? The thought still plagued him as he moved aside to allow the patron behind him to place their order. This was going to grind his gears until he figured it out.
Violeta gave a sigh as she heard what he said. "I'm not a super . . . I'm just me" she stated though she guessed because to her she was powerful in her own people she must be something much more than that here with people with power were rarely found. She gave a sigh as she looked up to the skies wishing to see the stars she started off towards the heavens. As she reached space just outside of Earth's atmosphere she looked to the different planets she could see and all the stars she knew where her home was yet she didn't wish for it to be her home. Giving a sigh she decided trying to help a little here and there wouldn't help as trouble seemed to be everywhere in the city. As she turned and headed in for the night she figured that she was going to have to figure out a name for herself if she was going to try and do a little superhero work. She laughed at the thought of actually being a superhero but the one thing she liked about it was she could do it in her natural form as long as she kept the mask on as well.
Violeta wasn't sure what to do as she got herself home. She flew half the way then walked the rest. She didn't trust anyone to know where she was so flying there all the way was out of the question. Yet as she got to her apartment she gave a sigh getting chanced into her human appearance as morning came was easy for her it was just the fact that she didn't like what had happened the night before. She was on watch that much was sure but still she didn't like the fact that she came here for freedom and now she was getting questioned for it. Shaking her head she went downstairs to start the day as she got the shop open and going. It seemed that a lot of people were actually loving her shop as they started to come more often. As she saw one male come up ordering a black coffee and the bagel she was shocked as she could sense his aura that it was the same male from last night. She brushed it off acting as though he was another customer in the shop and got the order ready with the rest of her employee's yet as she handed him the order and rang him up she wondered just how long it might take him to realize. She wasn't stupid enough to think that he would never see through it she just hoped it would last long enough for her to get some more trust here.
The room was hustling and bustling with the brightest and best that Hogwarts had to offer, students whom Slughorn considered to be desirable because they either had an influential relative or a unique talent.Charlotte Saltairefell into the first category. As the only Ravenclaw student having been invited to the party, her connections seemed more appropriate for a student of Slytherin; if her ancestor had attended Hogwarts, he most definitely would have found a place in Slytherin. She knew very little about her ancestor; in fact, she knew just as much as everyone else knew, that he was the first wizard to discover the hatching process of a Basilisk, though that feat paled in comparison to his most note-worthy accomplishment: he was the only wizard to have ever successfully created a Horcrux. Few knew about her connections, more or less due to the fact professors did not want students attempting such a dangerousand forbiddenmagical procedure. Still, that did not stop Slughorn from acknowledging her ancestor as soon as she stepped inside the room. Just as Tom retreated to a more quiet section in the room, Slughorn turned around to face the red-haired girl. Well now, Charlotte, fashionably late are we, eh? Charlotte merely grinned in response to his teasing statement. I was just introducing some of the others, but surely you need no introduction? Not as Herpo the Fouls descendant. Herpo the who? someone asked from across the room. The only wizard to create a . . . well, he began, his voice starting to trail off before the big word could come out. It was an uncomfortable position for him to be inshould he have said such a thing? Oh! another student cried out. You mean that guy who made a Horcrux? Thats Herpo the Foul? Slughorn looked completely relieved when another student stepped in. He could not get in trouble for another students words, now could he? Yes, Mulciber, and if classes were in session I would aware five points to Slytherin. Unfortunately, I cannot do such a thing after hours. The boy looked devastated. Now, he said, turning his attention back to Charlotte, why dont you mingle with the others? Im sure an attractive young lady such as you doesnt want to spend her evening with an old codger. Youre too hard on yourself, Professor Slughorn, she replied, the grin now reduced to a pleasant smile. Charlotte could see two more students entering the room, so she nodded her head, and Slughorn did the same, and as Slughorn went to greet the two new students Charlotte began waltzing around the room. Indeed, she was an attractive girl, though unlike some her looks did not get her the grades she received. Her grades were a reflection of her own hard work.
Puny people, idiotic, all of them. And the king of stupid is that Slughorn. Jezus, he was more stupid then the ass of the Giant Octupus with everything that didn't have anything to do with potions. These were the thoughts of Tom "Voldemort" Riddle, even though he was talking to the specified person right at that moment. He had always known that he was smart, but he didn't know most, if not all, others were so dumb. They most often weren't even competent conversation partners. So he often just tried his hand at experimenting with lost or created spells, found in the library, or thought up by his intellect. He was thus the reason pets often disappeared, and sometimes even a student or two, mostly mudbloods and people from Ravenclaw he thought not smart enough for it. Recently his interest had been caught by one word 'Horcruxes'. He wished to know what they were, and if he could use it to get better. So he had tried getting Slughorn to tell him something about it, after it proved to be a fruitless effort with all other teachers. And though he seemed to at least now Something about it, he couldn't get it out of him. So he just went back to a dark corner, and inspected the people around. The only good thing about these parties was that he could get a good look on everyone, either for somebody to be his next partner, as he was quite to skirt chaser, or so people said. It didn't do anything bad to his reputation, as most people didn't get to know what happened in the bedroom with those people.
She had found a quiet little spot in the back of the room when Tom introduced himself. The first thing she noticed was the odd ring on his finger, the face of which had an equally odd symbol. She had never seen quite a ring such as it. Thats a rather interesting ring you have there, she said, looking away from the ring and up to the mans face. Upon seeing his face she wondered if Slughorn only allowed good looking students to his parties; indeed, he was worthy of the tall, dark, and handsome idiom that Muggles were so fond of. The corner of her lips twitched upwards into a smile at his remark. Definitely a Slytherin. She didnt even need to ask. She could tell by his witty comment alone. Were you referring to yourself just now? she asked, and reached out as well to shake his hand. Lucky for him he had that last name. If so, I guess well just have to wait and see. At any rate, its very nice to meet you, Tom. Oh? So someone knew a thing or two about her ancestor? That would be rather hard to hide, dont you think? The room was certainly large, though not large enough for a fifty foot snake. It sounds you know more about my ancestor than I do. She gave a large grin, not sure whether she should have been embarrassed or impressed at this featshe would have guessed few people knew of the dark wizard, though Slughorns introduction could have easily jogged his memory. Not that it really mattered. What else do you know about him, if I may ask?
When the woman stepped into the room Tom immediately knew she was special, and he would quickly find out the reason behind that. He had always had a small sense of seeing the future, and though he hated Divination, he always knew when some things were about to happen, and believed in most prophecies. When he heard about Herpo the Foul he, unlike most of his 'colleagues', immediately knew who that was. A smile crossed his face. Not the one that most people saw, no, a devious one, showing his trail of thoughts: If she was his ancestor, maybe she knew something about how he had done it. He stood up and started making his way through the crowd, the only thing on his mind this crimsonhaired woman. He worked his way through the crowd with the grace of a dancer, and when once someone stepped in his way, the elbows of an ice hockeyer. He soon appeared infront of the girl, and set his charms to work, putting a slight smile on his face. "Hey, Charlotte. you're a ravenclaw right? Well, I'm Tom Riddle, and I hope it goes true for you that every Ravenclaw likes puzzles and Riddles." He said, using an opening line that had worked several times before. He stuck out his hand for her to shake, after which he let it go back to his side. "You were lucky, most people get a way more awkward introduction from Slughorn while entering. But anyways, welcome to the Sluggers." He said the last word in such a tone that showed he thought the name to be as rubbish as half the school. "I hope you didn't bring a Basilisk with you to show off who your ancestor is, it would make such a mess of the chamber, though I have to admit, some new statues would do well for the school gardens."
The man smiled when he heard her comment about the ring. He had gotten it in the summer, when he had went to see his 'dear' uncle. "Thanks, it's a family heirloom." He said. The ring wasn't the evil thing that it would become later, at least not at the time. Even the Diary he now just used as a diary, though the plan for using it as a horcrux had settled down in his mind. It would keep a younger part of him alive, and maybe, he didn't know how it worked, he could make contact with it later on, to relive some good (read: Evil) Memories. "And yes, I was referring to myself. It's a shame I don't think I've ever really noticed you before, or I would have made my acquaintance much earlier." He said, "And if it contains a chance to get to know you better, I'll gladly wait." "Maybe, but every creature starts out small and relatively cute, maybe you could have brought a newly hatched one." He said, a smirk on his face. "Just an idea, of course." When she said that she thought he knew more about her ancestor then she herself did he only shrugged "I just spend quite a lot of time in the library, it's only an accident I know so much about him." As she then asked a feaat of his knowledge about him he thought for a couple of seconds, then said "Well, He was a parselmouth, and thus likely to be an ancestor of Salazar Slytherin, though the family must have split into branches, seeing what House you were sorted in. He was the inventor of some spells with less-than-nice effects, and he also dabbled in the Dark Arts a lot. If you don't think it's enough, I think I could find you a book containing more about him." He said.
Where had they gone wrong?Micaiahknew she wasn't the best of tacticians. There were several throughout the land that possessed that ability, including the one who worked for the Greil Mercenaries and a handful that worked for Beignon and even Daein. Yet, so far, Micaiah and her band had done quite well. They'd cut a swath through the forces that stood against them, had recruited several willing individuals, and had stood ready to reclaim the kingdom for good and light. Then, out of no where, reinforcements had arrived. They... they'd been too much. "You all need to get to safety!" yelled Micaiah, waving her hands. She never struck an imposing figure, being a slight mage girl. No, the striking bit about her was the pure white hair, the golden eyes, the raw determination that shown from her. For this small girl had rallied forces, had drawn dozens of people into this conflict. You could easily look past the cute face and those wide eyes to see the truth. It was also just as true that Micaiah held a great deal of weight upon her shoulders, which was probably what gave her the heart that made men follow her. Now, she used that to force a retreat, pulling back her forces. Only she and Sothe stood, holding a point and trying desperately to keep the others away, prevent them from their onslaught. Micaiah flung light spell after light spell, burning through a tome in her attempt at staving off the enemy. She already had a second one out, clutching it tightly and reciting the spells nearly from memory now. If this continued, she wouldn't be able to hold them off. Desperate, Micaiah sought out their leader. She saw someone who rallied the forces: a bold cavalier with a pennant. She focused her energy and fired her spell directly at him, hoping that a lucky blow might end this conflict all the sooner. The less blood that was shed, the better Micaiah would feel in the end.
A Private RP, Characters to be determined "To me, my brothers!" Forde cried out to his men. Countrymen, Brothers-in-arms...his siblings. Through dark times and through times of glory they had ridden side by side. They had fought with the Mad King, in service of their Motherland. No matter who they fight under, the hooves of their horses will thunder and their lances will taste blood, no matter whose own! Atleast, that's what Forde wanted to believe. They were nothing more than miscreants, cowards who feared death in the battlefield and begged their way out of the gallows. To kiss that bastard Jarod's ring...! No humiliation would prove far greater! Forde was one of the Mad King's proud cavalier brigade, the same who served under his thrall. Generations upon generations of soldiers dedicated their service to the Motherland, through tyrants and through ruin, the military houses of Daein will not falter! Fed only crude barley and forced to sleep in stables, they possessed the tenacity men of Daein possessed. Horsemen from Beignon were nothing more than fatted calf feasting upon plundered bounty and rich wines. Unlike them, he would ride into certain death, determined to atone for his humiliation. A soldier follows his orders even to the pain of death. Anything less is a coward and a fool. "To me, brothers, to me!" he cried out. Amongst them lay the battered remains of their allies, killed with wounds to their backs trying to run away from the enemy."Our enemies are nothing more than sellswords deluded by victory against the spineless armies of Beignon! Let us show them true Strength!"he cried out, their brave cries a truly intimidating show of force. Daein's cavaliers would chase their opponents until their horses would die from fatigue or their adversaries be slain with their blades. Unfolding from beneath his cuirass the tattered banner of the Mad King, he unfurled the standard as he placed it upon his lance, held upright as he steadied his foes. These 'people' whoever they are, would taste the true fury of Daein's wrath! What started as a slow trot grew to the thundering of hooves, leaving only dust and hoof prints behind them. Lost in valorous fervor, they faltered not when met by arrows, crashing into the hastily made battle lines. The enemy must have thought they were routed and stretched far too thin, attempting to retake the enemy fortification. Hooves crashed and snapped ribs, trampling their enemy beneath them. Breaking through the lines they fell right into the middle of a frenzied melee, the sound of steel clashing deafening him. And like none other, Forde fought like he had never before, the banner of the Mad King refusing to yield as he fought, unaware that he slew his fellow country men. No one had told him that he fought the Dawn Brigade, not a single soul present knew they turned their blades against a fellow countryman. It was a delicious prospect that Jarod himself instigated.
For a few seconds, Micaiah thought their desperate ploy had worked. They had rallied, surged forward, her light spell seeming to greatly disorient and damage the key player. Sothe had even charged forward, showcasing skills that Micaiah hadn't even known him to possess. Then, in an instant, it all ended. Micaiah's eyes went wide, tears flowing from her face. A hand extended helplessly as she watched her closest friend and companion perishing. Soon arrows ran down, and Micaiah yelped, falling back. Death, death all around her. A sword pointed at her throat, and the Priestess of Dawn looked up at the man who held it. Her eyes shimmered with tears, but they still narrowed into slits, the woman finding steel from somewhere deep within. "You may end me here, but you will not stop Daein! We will regain our autonomy, no matter what you do!" The man seemed to quiver though, as if uncertain himself. Micaiah swallowed, feeling her body shaking, her nerves shot. What... what was going on here? He seemed to recognize her. That was to be expected; she wasn't exactly easily mistaken for someone else. She had become a symbol of their rebellion, the leader of their brigade. She'd hated it, but she'd been forced to acknowledge its benefits. Now, it seemed to be dragging her further down. "What are you waiting for?" she demanded, her voice nearly choked. "Finish me!" For she knew she could continue... as a martyr if nothing else. There was no other hope from here, no other rescue for the priestess...
"In the land of our fathers, shed their blood!" "HAIL!" There can be nothing more frightening than the bellow of a soldier's praise in the thick of combat. Louder than the ring of spears or the clash of blades, true courage was found in the thick of battle. In the end, Forde was disappointed. To think the occupation forces would run from these miscreants, such worms! Truly those self-righteous Apostle-followers have no spine at all! Bowing lightly he punched his lance through an enemy, thrusting through the poor fellow as his lance severed all life from him. Sad, isn't it? It takes years to raise life yet it takes mere seconds to end it. The men of Daein fought to the bitter end. Wounds mattered not as long as they could raise a weapon in return. Frightened by the sight of a soldier who snapped off the handle of a lance plunged into his side, a Cavalier dismounted, his breath heavy and his blade seeking vengeance. Life was so short, hence every second of it must be used in service of Daein. That man fought to his last, taking down two more before his own life gave way. Gritting his teeth, Forde could only wade in this river of blood. Yet, he stood defiant, the banner of the Mad King stood proud, an indication to their men that the fight raged on. They numbered low, but their fighting spirit was easily twice that of the men that this little band had fought against. With an arrow to his right, he flung his spear towards a lowly archer, spearing him through the chest, guaranteeing an instant and painless death with a spear through his heart. Their fighting had truly shaken their foes even as the Occupation army tried to scramble back to fight against them. Standing straight, he was slowly enveloped by a pillar of light, blinding him briefly and searing his skin underneath. Forde frowned. Magic? How rare. Pulling a lance from the hands of a fallen comrade, Forde charged towards it's source, only to be met by two blades. Green hair...a kid?"Hhhrrrggga!"their weapons met steel to steel, considerable fighting ability for someone so young. Who would bring children to fighting a man's war? It was honestly despicable! Of course that wasn't just the end of his troubles, another searing light charred the ground he stood in shortly after he dodged to the right. Met with a blade to his shoulder, he could feel the blood steadily trickling. Such Knifeplay. However... Forde charged towards the man, easily dodging the light spells that followed. He raised his shoulders slightly to block his knives. The one thing about hand to hand fighting was to know the limit of your weapon. Foolish boy, the moment he saw an opening he sought to end it then! Taking his attack by his arm, with the young man having nowhere to dodge, he ended his life by piercing through his throat, the lance punhing through his scarf as he lay, choking as he breathed his last. The moment he acknowledged his own victory, Forde limped, drawing his blade as he pointed it to his foe. It was then that his eyes widened. S-s...silver hair...No! Before that, a hail of arrows pelted the sky, barely missing the young lady but the rest of her band was not so lucky. The battlefield slowly cleared up, the remnants of the army slowly scrambling away while the rest of the Occupation forces chased after them. Wh...what had he done?! He had struck against his fellow countryman, pitting his own friends against people who lived in this land!
Regret was something no soldier should have: he had felled men with families and simple lives. Why else did he hesitate trying to bring steel across her throat? The blade pointed right at her neck as she nestled at her lap the body of a fallen comrade. There was no mistake. Silver hair. This was the girl who had been heralded by the oppressed peasantry to be their deliverance, their hope. Even Forde had prayed that she would deliver them from their liberate him from the shame of serving their conquerors, licking the boot that had so ruthlessly stamped down on the ambitions of the lowly and the hopes of many. His blade quivered, unlike the proud soldier that Forde was once. All his life he had lived in humiliation, cleaning up after the demands of their conquerors, running away from an honorable death in the battlefield. Yet...he had not the decency to even bring her to rest with her friend in the afterlife. He dropped his blade. Closing his eyes, he looked away, simply marching away from her as he glumly marched even as she tried to back away from a few soldiers who had hoisted her steady. Forde resorted only to grasp the tattered banner of the Mad King. Pride had left him that day, even as the only hope of Daein would go away in chains awaiting her execution. And it was...all his fault! The soldiers had slowly approached Micaiah, ill intent plainly read form their eyes. Of course, their weapons drawn made it easy for them to surround her, strong arms grasping her steady, two sets of arms holding her steady, forced to her back to keep her in line. Amidst what could be a playful struggle, the men divested from her the beautiful blue scarf she wore, trampling it beneath their feet and soaking in the blood of her fellow countrymen. "There there kid, no need to struggle!" said one, who helped himself to hit her backside. Of course, without lingering there for a bit. She was dragged along, made to kneel by force when the handle of a lance struck the back of her knees making them buckle. Her neck against a tree stump, a man took what looked like a heavy stockade, supposedly for humiliation as they set her neck onto the largest groove, setting her wrists onto the ones adjoined to it. No matter how hard she squired, she was locked into it, a tight padlock ensuring that it would remain steady. Forced up by a leash, she was made to stand between them, their hands probing here and there as she was pushed around the circle. "Hehehe, so much for the 'Maiden of Hope'! I 'hope' you'll love what we've got planned for you!" he joked, his hands roughly rubbing against her breasts. The man from before merely looked at the ragged standard even as for a cruel joke, they grasped the insides of her tights, slipping away her pantyhose to reveal the skin of her smooth, milky thighs. Of course they didn't bother removing it, perhaps keeping it at ankle level without force to impede her movement.
Captain Kira. The blond didn't think he could ever get used to that impressive sounding title. He had been reluctant to accept the position at first because Kira kept expecting Captain Ichimaru to return to him. What would the man do if he found out that he had taken his place? No, he couldn't keep thinking like that, he thought to himself and shook his head. The only thing he had to worry about was to make sure the 3rd Division recovered from the betrayal and had a good leader. But he wasn't sure if that person was him or not. He had many doubts about himself. But, like it or not he had been promoted in Gin's place and had a duty that needed to be fulfilled to those who now served him. He also had the pressing responsibility of finding a suitable lieutenant to take his vacant place but wasn't sure who to give the position to. Kira wasn't used to having so much power bestowed upon him. Not to mention the fact that his zanpakutou's bankai scared him and a lot of the others in Seireitei. He sighed, raising a hand to rub his forehead as he felt a headache coming on. For now, he headed out of the 3rd Division office, intending to take a walk. The office was sparkling clean and all the paperwork had been done, something that Captain Ichimaru had insisted on and even though he was no longer there, Kira found himself doing the tasks automatically. He ended up bumping into someone along the way and instinctively he bowed to the other person and started to apologize. "Please excuse me, I wasn't looking where I was going!" He exclaimed and looked up to come face-to-face with Shino, a soul reaper only a few inches taller than him. For a moment Kira tried to place him and then recognized him. Most people would have taken longer to remember him and some wouldn't have known him at all but Kira made it a point to know everyone in his division and to know quite a few people outside of it as well. He was someone who had always been friendly with other people, even if he was considered a bit 'emo' by others. But it hadn't always been like that, before he had met Captain Ichimaru he had been different. The complete opposite of what he was like now. "Shino-san was it?" He asked, looking up at him and gave him a faint smile. "How are things with you?"
A clear blue sky, and a warm welcoming day, seemed like the idle life for the inhabitants of the soul society. Students from the academy trained with such earnest, while officers watched them. Other individuals just simply walked around the soul society as if they had nothing important to do. That just so happened to be the story for one person in particular. If one were to ask him what he was doing, he would have responded Reflecting on my past decisions and life. That person called himself Shino. The young male, he had to be at least 23 years old, stared lazily at his surrounds. The male was known for being very spacy. Shino stood at an average 510. The young male has pale grey eyes that always appeared confused, but he is actually quite wise. Shino wore the standard soul society attire, a black two piece shirt and pant combo. The black color complimented his tanned skin quite well. He also wore simple sandals. Shinos long jet black hair was pulled back into a neat pony tail, held by a simple white ribbon. His mother had given it to him before he had gone off to the academy. She had wished him good luck, and hoped that he would have made something out of himself. Unfortunately, that did not happen. The young male let a quick sigh before taking hold on his sheath. Shino remembered the story as if it happened yesterday. He had gone through all the training in the academy, but did not get a placement. They were going to put him in the 4th division, the medical division, but he declined. Healing was not his thing. He had always been a close combat fighting, which made his presence useless in that division. At least he thought so anyway. The young male, took hold of the grip of his sword, and unsheathed it. The weapon he held was an average zanpakuto. He had yet to master or even touch bases on its full capabilities. One day, Ill earn a higher ranking position in some division, and I will learn how to wield you the male said in a calm soothing voice. What was the point of having a sword if you did not know how to use it to its fullest potential? Shino held the blade up in the air and stared at it. He had noticed that his sword was much shorter than the other academy students. At first it worried him, but soon he grew to like it. Plus, the zanpakuto seemed to fit him well. They fit so well that his zanpakuto had even told him its name. Tonbo he thought with a soft smile. Tonbo, meaning dragonfly in Japanese, seemed perfect for the small weapon. A dragonfly was a small insect that showed that it could be strong and courageous too. The zanpakuto had to see something in his calm, quiet natural to have picked him. Thats something he had often questioned in his free time. Why me? Why give me such a meaningful zanpakuto? Shino continued to stare at the blade, as if it would answer him. It could after all, but Tonbo did not seem like that type of zapakuto to do so.
Kira still hadn't gotten used to being in a position of power and it showed every day. He wondered what his subordinates thought of their new captain and felt his heart skip a beat at the thought, did he really want to know? Kira tilted his head to the side when Shino answered hesitantly and he let his blue eyes linger on the other male for a moment. "Are you really alright?" The blond asked, not accepting the boy's answer from before since it had been too reluctant. No, there was definitely something wrong here. There were many that either hated or loved his special ability. To pick up when things were out of the ordinary and try and fix them himself. Kira's perception had always been rather good and he had sensed something was a bit off about Aizen and Ichimaru all along but couldn't quite put his finger on it. However, he had never suspected Tosen of being involved but then no one had due to the reaper's personality and code. He dragged up a smile for the younger male when asked how he was doing and shrugged. "I can't complain." Kira murmured and let his eyes drift out over his surroundings. "It's more work than before but I can manage." He looked over at Shino when the other male started to laugh and came over to pat him on the shoulder. Oh yes, he supposed they had gone to the academy together. Kira found it difficult to remember his days back then when he had been happy before Captain Ichimaru had come in and destroyed that version of himself. He inclined his head to Shino when he was congratulated, "Thank you." That was when the blond thought of something that might work out quite well. He let his eyes - or what could be seen of them - linger on Shino for a few more moments. "Tell me Shino-san, are you planning on joining any of the 13 Divisions? If not, would you consider coming to the 3rd?" He suggested, not bringing up the idea he had just come up with yet. It was too soon to ask, he needed to know a bit more about his abilities first. However, just having him in the 3rd would make things easier later on in the long run. He wouldn't have to go chasing after him later..
It had only been a few minutes before Shino had put away his zanpakuto. It would be his luck that he drop it and injure himself. He would not put it pass himself to do so. With the zanpakuto away, and no plans for the day, Shino just stood there. He continued to stare at the sky, as if the sky were telling him to not look away. This was something that happened often, which is probably why he had been called air-headed or whimsical. It actually enjoyed that. There was no need to worry, so why not be carefree. A small smile appeared on his face, causing him to get even more lost in his own little world. That is, until something bump past him. This caused the distracted male to become alert. This type of thing happened often, so he was prepared to apologize to the individual. If he was not in the way, they would have gotten by without even noticing him. Shino turned to the person slowly, but was greeted by a bow himself. He did not know how to take it. Normally, he was the one doing the bowing. It just seemed so odd to him. When the person looked up, Shino was greeted by a distant blue eye. Their eye had seen plenty of hardship and pain. At least, that what Shino estimated. Shino quickly shook his head and bowed to the person. Oh no, It was fault. I shouldnt be standing in such a busy area anyway. Shino stood up and looked back at the person. He seemed familiar, but he just couldnt put his finger out it. He was known for being spacy, and having poor facial recognition. When he was in the academy, he would often confuse people or even forget their names entirely. This was something that he was embarrassed about. However, the person seemed to remember his name. Shino-san was it? How are things with you? The person asked. The taller male felt that he had committed a crime. He hated when the person knew who he was. All is well Shino answer hesitantly. And for you? How are things going? Thinkthink. Why is this person so familiar? Shino struggled. Blond hair, blue eyes That mix is not that common in the soul society. But there are a lot of odd looking people here he had an internal conflict with himself. After of few awkward seconds of staring, the taller male managed to locate one name in the empty void that he called his memory. Kira right? Didnt we go to academy together? Dont be so formal! Shino said with a light hearted laugh. He approached the male and patted him on the shoulder. Unfortunately, Shino did not know what he had done. Rumors do fly around in the soul society and these last few weeks had not been peaceful at all. Shino had known that captains and lieutenant had been called into battle several times, but did not think anything about. That is, until the name Gin Ichimaru came up. His name was often associated with the word traitor. If his memory served him correctly, Kira had been Ichimarus right hand man. Congratulations on being appointed Captain. You will do a wonderful job.
Kira shook his head when Shino spoke of having his lieutenant help him out. "I actually haven't been able to appoint a lieutenant yet since our division is still somewhat disorganized due to the incident." He wouldn't be surprised if Shino rejected the offer, after all who would want to be a part of the 3rd Division with him as its captain? If it had been someone more deserving of the position or someone with more confidence it would have been different. But Kira didn't have much faith in himself and he wouldn't hold it against Shino if the male refused. However, he had asked him. Perhaps he shouldn't have, was it really his right to make such an offer? Yes, he was the division's new captain, he had to keep reminding himself of that. Kira wondered if he should have refused the position and remained as the 3rd's lieutenant. It might have been easier for him and maybe the men would have preferred that in the end. He bit his lip, briefly debating on whether or not to resign as the 3rd's new captain. But it was too late now, wasn't it? He was drawn from his thoughts when Shino spoke once more. "O-oh, I see. Thank you." He managed to get out a bit uncertainly. Shino had accepted? Kira wasn't sure why he would do that but at least he had another person in the division. One that he could trust not to hold Gin's defection as his responsibility. Then again, why shouldn't he? Kira had been the closest person to Gin other than Aizen. He should have known enough to report them and yet he hadn't. So, he really was at fault there. He shook his head, turning towards Shino. "It's alright." He murmured and shook his head once more in response to Shino's last question. "No, I'll take care of the paperwork, you'll only have to sign them." He told him. "So I'll see you at my office in half an hour?" Kira asked and then headed over to grab the paperwork to put Shino in for a transfer to his division.
Hearing Kiras answer, Shino wish he hadnt spoke about the captains position. The other male did not seem too happy about it. If anything, he seemed more distressed by it, which was quite sad. Being given the captains spot should be a wonderful moment for any person, but he could see why Kira would not want it. It was taking over for someone who had betrayed not only the trust of the soul society, but of his own men. Well, cant you ask your lieutenant for help? Since you are a new captain and all Shino suggested. He figured that the 3rd division would have been appointed an expressed lieutenant at least. Who would leave a new captain by themselves to work, even if they were a lieutenant? The grey eyed male felt himself getting lost in his own thoughts again; one could tell that it happened often. Luckily for him, the captain was not finished talking. Kira, who had been staring at Shino, questioned the younger male. Shino felt himself focus closely on the question. Shino glanced at the blond male and then at the ground. On the outside, he remained calm, cool, and collected, but on the inside a fire lit up. He had waited for this moment his entire life. Shino knew that he would eventually have a chance at being in one of the 13 divisions. Or he had hoped he would. Still, he could not believe this was happening. Unfortunately, there was one minor problem. Was he willing to risk being apart of the 3rd division? Shino considered the offer. He knew that he would be nothing but a simple guard for the division, but would the other individuals accept him? Shino had always felt that each division was made for a particular personality type. His personality had always worked better in the 4th division as a healer, but the thought just did not appeal for him. But, that was beside the point. By joining the 3rd division, Shino would actually have something to do with his free time. There was only so much philological thinking one person could do. The young male had an internal conflict, weighing out the pros and cons by accepting this offer. Fortunately, the pros did outweigh the cons. Okay. I can do that Shino said with a soft smile. What was the worst that could happen? I hope you dont mind me too much. Ive gotten more absent-minded since my days at the academy. Shino tried to make Kira laugh. He clenched his hands together and stared at Kira. Shino felt so childish next to Kira. The blond male had this particular air about him. Sadly, Shino felt that Kira had grown up too fast, because of various reasons. Will I need to fill out paper work stating that Ive been recruited? I can do all the work, so you wont have to worry about it. You are probably busy anyway.
Kira had given it some thought and decided that he wanted to have Shino as the third's new lieutenant but there were some problems there. The position couldn't be given to just anyone, a lieutenant was required to have achieved shikai with their zanpakutou and to his knowledge Shino didn't even have a zanpakutou yet which was a problem. Still, the man could probably carry out the paperwork duties and give Kira some relief in that particular field. Perhaps he could give Shino some time in which to be chosen by a zanpakutou and then to reach shikai afterward. If he didn't get it within that time period, Kira would choose another lieutenant. But if he did, there shouldn't be any problems, right? He decided to go ahead with his plan and made the announcement shortly before Shino was expected to enter the division. Kira would get him up to speed when he saw him and hopefully things would go well. He looked up from his desk when a knock sounded on the door and gave permission for whoever was outside to enter the room. The blond saw Shino's face on the other side of the door as it opened and he let a faint smile come to his face. One that didn't seem to reach his eyes. But most people would probably overlook that, thinking he was fine. "Good timing, please take a look at the papers and sign at the bottom." Kira told him as he pushed a few papers across the desk towards the new member of the 3rd Division. On those papers it would show that Shino Kazu was to be admitted into the 3rd Division as its new lieutenant. "Don't get too excited though, it's not official even after you sign the papers. I'm sure you know a lieutenant is required to know his shikai and since you don't even have a zanpakutou you can't." "But if you manage to gain a zanpakutou and achieve shikai by the end of the three months, you'll be truly instated as the lieutenant of the 3rd Division." Kira explained and waited to see if the reaper had anything to say in response. He produced another paper, one that simply stated that he was accepting Shino into the ranks of the 3rd Division and pushed that one across to the other male as well. "That's the paper you need to sign in order to be accepted into the 3rd right now." Kira added, expecting Shino to sign both sets of papers. That way it would be easier in the future. To turn the paper into the proper authorities. Once Shino had achieved his goal that is. He had faith in him, more than anyone else probably did.
Shinos smiled seemed to fade away. For some odd reason, he felt that Kira was hiding something. It wasnt his place to question it, but it did bother Shino. After all, who would want to handle a heavy burden alone? Okay. If youre sure Shino said quickly with a little wave. He stood there quietly and watched Kira walk away. Deep down, he wanted to be a part of the divisions, but was it really worth opening Pandoras Box? A half an hour later One would think that Shino knew his way around the Soul Society, since he spent most of his days being lazy, and wandering around aimlessly. Unfortunately, that was not the case. He knew where many of the division were, but only in a general sense. As a result of this, the young male managed to get himself lost several times. It was very dishearten. At least the day seemed promising. The sun was shining, and the skies were clear. To Shino, this would have been perfect day dreaming weather. Nows not the time the male muttered to himself. He had to meet with Kira to conform his admission into the third division. With that thought in mind, Shino started towards the third divisions headquarters, or at least where he thought it was. It only took the male 20 minutes to find the headquarters. In fact, he was pretty proud of himself for locating it on his own. Division three headquarters were not as welcoming as he would have thought they would be. Instead, the individuals just simply went about their business. Many of them seemed to be huddled together, gossiping about various topics. One of those topics in particular caught Shinos ear. Did you hear that Captain Kira recruited a new lieutenant? I guess he finally gave up on managing this place on his own. Who would want to take the lieutenant spot for this division? I know, they are just asking for trouble. These statements did not bother Shino one bit. In fact, he had thought these things when Kira was talking to him. He tried to play it off by saying that he had accepted a lower level ranking spot, but deep down he knew what he was getting into. Still, to see a division in such ruin was heartbreaking. The other men did not seem to trust Kira at all. Was the third division always this broken? Shino pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind. It was not his place to say anything at the moment. Once he took his position in the division, maybe he could offer some advice then. The male took slow strides as he made his way to the captains office. Luckily for him, there were some nice individuals that pointed him in the right direction. With a soft sigh, Shino stopped in front of a large wooden door. The name Captain Kira Izuru was painted on the door with black ink. There is no turning back now Shino said with another huff. He lifted his hand and knocked loudly on the door. Kira, its Shino. Shino Kazu. Ive come to sign the paper work.
Kitty Kat Williams, her common name Katrina, was a dancer, a special kind of dancer, that...catered to clients with particular tastes; usually high paying men of the nerdy types. Trekkies, Video Game enthusiasts; you name it, she had probably catered to that type at one time or another. Rich types, mainly. Or nerds attending some convention of another in Fortune City. She'd made a pretty good living here, in all her years as an entertainer. Red heads tended to be a sought after type these days, giving the lean, ample breasted, supple reared, long limbed woman plenty of clients. Who knew what the fuck was going to happen here. Shit, just when she had been planning to get out of this lifestyle. Figures the world would go to shit. She'd fought her way from the Arena when the infected had broken out of the confines that blasted show, Terror is Reality, had them in. They should have known it was only a matter of time before those creatures managed to get out, but fuck if they had pretended ignorance. The hotel she assumed was her best bet, at least for a place to board up until the cavalry came stampeding in. She pulled the slide back, loading the chamber of her .45 pistol, before letting loose the contents of her clip into the heads and torsos of the infected blocking her way to the Hotel entrance; several fell, blood oozing from piercing holes, pieces of heads missing, eyes shot out. Really, it was a disgusting sight, but what choice did she have. She grunted, slamming her boot against the chest of one of them, kicking it out of her way as she busted in through the doors, slamming them shut behind her. She gathered what she could of the furniture and barricaded the door the best she could, before making her way to the desk. Her green eyes looked over the security monitors, before she took the intercom mike and used it to the page the hotel in its entirety. "I heard from a group of survivors holding up underneath the Mall, the Military is arriving in 72 hours. Best bet, stay put." She slammed another clip into her pistol and made her way to the stairs as she pulled the slide back to load the chamber. Higher was probably better, the fucking things couldn't fly or scale walls;thatshe could actually be thankful for.
Wasn't Las Vegas the supposed extinction of these abominations? Dean presumed after the nuke that such horrors would be at worse a tragic memory to those afflicted from this heinous plague that was scripted right out of some ancient biblical bullshit for lore or the thoughts of a b-horror director. Regardless, this was not how he wished to spend his vacation time. Given an invitation from a friend to check out Fortune City, how ironic that only a few hours within the enormous resort that history was repeating itself apparently. Looking at the reflection from the window, he saw a fairly tall, lean-built man in his twenties with short spiky dark brown hair, amber hues filled with malevolence towards his misfortune, tan skin tone, thin eyebrows, slightly concave nose, and oblong jaw shape with a scar traced down from his lower lip to the chin . Overall a specimen until it came to tackling his fashion choice. Tattoos occupied his muscular arms, snake bite piercing rested above his chin and a customized silver skull piercing on the tongue. Clothing was recognizable with a pompous stud like himself, donning a special crimson leather jacket with silver color rhinestone embedded on the back of the jacket, designer black jeans with his initials stitched in crimson, and dress shoes to match the Spec Shades Ozzy sports but in a gold tint. The young man was certainly in deep shit at the moment, granted it was convenient compared to the other people in the middle of the calamity. Rationality was barely registering through his conceited head, having his heart beat in a frenzied pace while his nerves shot up with the blood curling lullaby of screams echoing in the hallways of the Fortune City Hotel. This luxurious suite of his was now the only sanctuary Dean had to the war zone outside. Dean Dixon was not particularly a house-hold name in the world, but to the many sexually frustrated or simply horny denizens of the adult industry; Dean was idolized as a sex god. Renowned similarly to icons like Ron Jeremy and John Holmes, it was difficult taking not to pay attention to this Adonis of a man. A controversial figure, Dean is label as a bay boy to society and has shown volatile behavior in many disputes broadcasted to the media. Although he was a malicious son of a bitch, even this love god could not be completely callous to the situation. For now he needed to keep his cool, barricade his domain, and when things died down try to make an attempt to escape from this resort. Never fucking gamble for it can screw you royally
Kat was getting low on clips of ammunition for her .45 pistol.Well, time to start searching the rooms...she thought with a sigh as a .45 caliber round found purchase between the inhuman eyes of a stumbling infected as it lumbered down the hall toward her. There were room service carts strewn about carelessly, as if the bell boys and maids had long abandoned them in hopes of finding a way out from where these hell born creatures were feasting. Unlikely. All of Fortune city seemed to have been hit. They were everywhere. Another round found itself slamming hard into the cheekbone of another stumbling infected, the thing groaning as the bullet shot around in its head. It fell and she dropped out the empty clip, reloading her pistol with a new one, pulling the slide back to load the chamber. There didn't seem to be any others wandering this floor's hall. Finally, a small break. She wasn't about to let herself go lax in defense though, chewing the gum she'd placed in her mouth as she came up the stairs. Idly, she popped a bubble, then found the nearest door to her. Holding the pistol by her face, she leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. "If any one is inside, don't shoot, I'm not infected," she called in warning, before opening the door, not realizing that she was moving into the hotel room adjoining Dean's. Once inside, once she was sure it was empty of infected and people, she began scrounging about the drawers and other pieces of overturned furniture for any ammunition or supplies she could use.
Echoes of gunshots lingered throughout the hallway, definitely a preferred sound to the inhumane responses coming the living dead as they dissect and fed on anyone that entered their cross hairs. Too absorbed to even conceive the thought of the misery of others in this gruesome scenario, Dean would not necessarily glue himself to the window of his suite. Fearing the repercussions for revealing his presence, it would simply be intelligent to stay hidden for the meanwhile to let the majority of the chaos dissipate. Wish I had myself a fine-ass chick to fuck right about now Ludicrous was the perfect word to describe the thought process of this pretty boy. Despite all the shit occurring the notion to get his dick wet seem retarded when survival logically would be fueling his actions. Drawing out a switchblade the porn star kept in handy in case of physical confrontations got too violent, he eyed the blade as it sprung out, pondering if going outside the would be a good idea. Reluctant to leave his little haven for now, Dean would quietly break off a table leg that served no true purpose for his barricade. Realizing he needed a better weapon to face these monsters, he did something rather primitive but effective as he slowly fashion himself a stake or mini-spear perhaps. Surprisingly this distracted him from the gunshots, figuring if required he would kill the person to retrieve the weapon to get something with a little more kick.
Kat swept up any supplies she found in the room before the man's voice came to her ears; he wasn't too far away, from the sounds of it. He sounded harmless enough, but as she came to learn in Fortune City was that some of the survivors were nearly as bad as the infected shambling about for human flesh. She pocketed the rounds she found and placed a menthol cigarette between her lips, lighting it with the lighter she always carried on her person. The cool inhale of the stick's smoke helped relieve her tension. She blew out the smoke and holding the gun close to her, began to head in the direction of the harmless enough voice;remember, Kat, things aren't always what they appear - don't assume anything. On edge, steps light and angled toward the heels of her feet in case of a quick need to turn and bolt in the other direction. The crazy survivors were always more complicated and harder to take down than the damn zombies. Though fuck it all if Zombrex wasn't hard enough to find. If they didn't kill you when they ate at you, there was a chance you'd become like them; long as you had your brain, you were a functional flesh hungry zombie. She came to the barricade and narrowed her eyes, stalling a few feet back from it. "Hello?" Her voice cut through the air in a hushed, yet harsh whisper. "You still alive back here, bud?" The gun was held close, though not up threateningly. No need to have the man think she was a threat to him.
Infatuated with his primitive commission towards a weapon convenient towards survival in this gambling wonderland, remnants of Kat voice were traced. A composed mindset was significant, watching from a safe location the consequences of letting emotions overwhelm one self in midst of chaos. Zombies were enveloping the majority of Fortune City with haste. The weapon was near completion now. This definitely placed a smile on the face of the selfish star as Dean eavesdropped on what Kat had to say. Closing in to the barricade, he yelled to test the waters as he swore the voice came from a woman. " If you are not some looter follow my voice. Be forewarned, this area is currently blocked for the sake of security. Now try not to shoot the place to death, you only attract them here." Dean never sugarcoated anything, knowing the uninhabited resort now lacked the humans that use to populate the region. Now Darwinism was going to be applied, obviously a byproduct of how he viewed people in the first place. The gun meant she had an advantage, granted without a safe room to enter she was a sitting duck. For now the porn star would wait with the improvised weapon wrapped around his taut fingers.
Bruce Wayne was a bit skeptical that Alfred had found a maid that would please him. "I think you will like her Mr. Wayne," Alfred had said after he had already hired her. "You 'think' I will like her? And if I don't, Alfred, how are you going to dismiss her without dashing her hopes?" Alfred had smiled wryly. "Have I ever let you down, Sir?" Bruce had to acknowledge that Alfred had an uncanny ability to understand his needs and provide for them. This thought gave Bruce hope, and even made him a bit excited as he waited for the new maid to arrive. Wayne was in the lab of the Bat Cave when he saw the lights of the elevator descending to his level. The utility belt he was developing was close to being finished. In a few days he would test it in the wee hours of the Gotham morning when the scum of the city lurked and prowled the deserted streets. He put the belt into a cabinet and turned off the light as the elevator door opened and Alfred stepped out. "Sir, the new hire is waiting in the south living room." Again Alfred had that wry smile on his old, gentle face, and Bruce laughed out loud as he slapped him on the back. "Alright my good man...let's see what you've done to me." They entered the elevator and both were silent as they ascended. Once on the main level, Bruce paused and addressed his butler. "Alfred...let us keep the young lady from the Red Room until I know what she's about," He said conspiratorially. "No sense scaring her away." As Bruce Wayne entered the living room, he was almost dumbfounded by the vision he saw before him, but he didn't let on. With a determined stride and a broad smile, he approached his new maid and extended his hand in greeting. "Miss is a pleasure to meet you," He said sincerely as he held her soft, dainty hand in his. "I understand Alfred has hired you for a live-in position," He paused for effect. "I trust Alfred's judgement implicitly. I'm sure you will be just what I'm looking for." He looked around her. "Do you not have any luggage or personal items," He asked casually. "No matter...everything you need will be provided for you." He gave her a good once over during the brief introduction, and he liked what he saw...very much indeed! "I'll have Alfred show you to you're quarters, then I hope you will dine with me. Tomorrow you will be an employee, but tonight you will be a guest." He let go of her hand and pardoned himself. "I will fetch the old man...see you tonight." With that, he turned and left the room. Meeting his butler in the hallway, he pulled him aside and spoke to him in a low voice. "Alfred, my friend...perhaps she will see the Red Room sooner than later.
Katie Welch walked down the street, dodging cars and grumpy pedstrians as she neared Bruce Wayne's manion. She'd never owned a car, despite being a decent driver, for she was never able to get ahead on her bills enough to purchase one. However, she didn't mind, for walking gve her plenty of time to think. And in the case, it was giving her time to think about what she had gotten herself in to. Today was the day she as supposed meet Bruce Wayne, the most powerful man in Gotham, to basically beg his permission to become his new live-in maid. She was technically hired by Alfred, his current butler who was slowly falling ill, but he admitted she better meet the owner of the manion before packing her bags. Giving the guard at the gate her name, 22-year-old Katie was allowed to walk up the path to the front door of the large mansion and gav a hesitant knock. She was not a shy girl, nor was she hardly ever nervous, but this situation genuinely scared her a little. She was not just asking for a job, but a job that gave her a place to stay and food to eat. Her bills would go down immensely, and it had to be more pay tha waitressing at the diner she was currently employed at. The door opened, revealing Alfred and his kind, wise smile. "Miss Welch," he greeted warmly, "I'll alert Master Wayne of your arrival." He nodded and led her to a sitting room on the West Wing of the house. Then, quickly, he went off to find Bruce and put on a pot of coffee. Katie sat down on the edge of the couch, biting her lip and looking all around the room. It was nicer than any room she'd ever been in before, intimidating her even more. What if he simply thought she was trash? Some poor girl who needed to make a living and who would never be on his level... It made a knot form in her stomach as she waited on him.
Bruce Wayne spent a bit more time on his grooming than usual that evening. And he spent more time in front of the mirror than was his wont. When he began to splash on some cologne, he stopped himself, fearing that it would appear that he had done so for Katie. Then, as he walked out of his room, he turned back and put the cologne on anyway. As he made his way down the hall from his suite, Alfred met him and assured him that the young lady looked stunning, and was there anything else he could do for him. Bruce told him he could enjoy the laboratory while he entertained Katie. Alfred was an amateur scientist and loved tinkering with everything Mr. Wayne had in the Bat Cave. In fact, Batman had utilized a number of Alfred's innovations in his crime-fighting activities. When Bruce entered the dining room he was once again taken aback by the beauty of his new maid. She looked stunning in her red dress and Bruce smiled inwardly at the possible omen that looked ahead to her introduction to the Red Room. He took her hand once more and held it a few moments after he finished greeting her. Then he sat at the head of the great oak table beside her. "Katie, you look very lovely tonight!" He told her sincerely. "I'm afraid I am under-dressed next to you." He was wearing tan Dockers and a dark brown corduroy dinner jacket with leather patches at the elbows. His suede loafers set the tone for the casual evening her had envisioned. As they ate the appetizers and the entres that Alfred brought them, and sipped the various drinks that were offered, Bruce found he couldn't take in enough of Katie. He was almost afraid that her being his maid might not pan out the way he hoped it would. Still, she would be near him regularly, and hopefully she would welcome the lifestyle he planned for her; hopefully - as he had told Alfred - sooner than later.
Alfred let out a throaty chuckle as he nodded to Mr. Wayne and walked back toward the south living room where they had left Katie. She was sitting with a silly smile on her face, thrilled to be accepted so quicky. A huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Not only did she have a job, but a place to stay and food to eat. "I have some things at my apartment," she told Alfred quickly. "I can go get them..." "No need," the butler said calmly, "You will wear a uniform while in the mansion, and Mr. Wayne will provide you of an extra clothes for outings. All necessities are already taken care of, and if you need anything else, just let me know." He smiled at her, then nodded for her to follow him down the hall. She did, and her eyes went wide as she took in her surroundings. Everything was so stately and beautiful; so much more fancy than she was used to. At the sound of a uniform, Katie wrinkled her nose, and she nearly scoffed when she saw it. Atleast she would not have to wear it until tomorrow, she thought. Keeping herself from rolling her eyes as Alfred showed her where everything was, she soon realized he was not lying when he said everything was provided. There was nothing she needed that was not in reach, not to mention her room was larger than her apartment downtown... Nicer too. "Thank you, Alfred," she said, nodding to the man as he left the room. Sighing, she sat on her bed and looked around her new home, a grin spreading across her face. After a few moments, she went into her bathroom and started to shower and get redy for dinner with Mr. Wayne, nearly shaking from being so nervous. His presence was so powerful, and his reputation was even more so. But even after that, he was a good-looking man, and Katie found herself blushing while just thinking of him. *** Later that night, Katie decended the stairs in a red dress she found in the closet of her room. It was bright color, and a little short, but it was nicer than anything she'd ever owned on her own. It also happened to be the only dress in the closet that made her still feel youthful, and it paired easily with simple earrings and black heels. Alfred met her in the sitting room, and nodded to the dining room table. He pulled out the chair to the left of the head of the table, and nodded for her to sit. She did, biting her lip out of nervousness, and waited for Bruce to arrive.
"Oh, no, Mr. Wayne," Katie argued, shaking her head and casually putting a hand over his. "You look very nice. It's me, I assure you. I tend to look out of place in this setting." With that, she gave him a charming smile, the withdrew her hand to grab the wine glass in front of her. She took a sip, leaving a red lipstick mark, and took her time swallowing it. Never had she tasted such fine white wine. "Thank you so much for inviting me to dinner," she continued, her voice excited like alittle school girl. "You have a beautiful place. I'll very much enjoy working and living here." Her blue eyes flashed up at him in a flirty way as the wait staff came in with the dessert. Looking down, she licked her lips at the sight of the creme brulee, the looked back up at him. "So, Mr. Wayne, have you lived here your whole life?" Taking a bite of the dessert, she tilted her head to the side in curiosity, wanting to get to know the dark, mysterious man in front of her.
The fall of the great Jedi Order, an order which had existed for literally tens of thousands of years irrevocably altered many lives. One of those lives was, Kailan Turmak, who had her life not only altered but destroyed by the destruction of the Order. Up until that point her entire existence had been defined and shaped by the Order, but afterwards she was left to find her own way through a harsh and unforgiving galaxy. Kalian had only ever known the embrace of the Order, it had been her mother, her father, and her family. As an infant she had displayed an affinity towards the use of the force, that affinity had shocked and dismayed their parents as soon after the Jedi had shown up to take their daughter away, and take her away they did. For nearly the next two decades Kailan grew and prospered under the care of the Jedi, first as a youngling and then as a padawan under Master Tal-Vaughn Almrik who had dragged her through the Clone Wars from one end of the Galaxy and back. Kailan had grown from a small babe, into a toddler and gangly young girl. As she stretched into her teenage years her awkwardness passed as did her innocence of childhood left behind on many different planets that were ripped apart by war. Growing into a young woman, Kailan was rather small, shorter than even the average height for human women and petite, her long black hair and hazel eyes only served to offset her pale skin. As she grew so did her abilities with the force which were mixed, centering around combat, her abilities were twofold. First Kailan would never be as strong as most of her opponents but by manipulating the force she was faster, more agile than almost any opponent shed ever met. That mixed with her second ability, and possibly in the time following the war more important ability, which allowed Kailan to manipulate all but the strongest of minds, pushing their thoughts, and forcing illusions onto those she tried to manipulate. Kais ability to manipulate the mind was the only thing that allowed her to survive the purges. Master Almrik had brought her to Coruscant to take her Knight trials which put them in the center of the destruction for the first few days as the clone troopers that she and Master Almrik had led into battle time and time again turned on them, shed seen her master fall, blaster bolts tearing into him as he created enough of a diversion for Kailan to slip away into the crowds and take the first ship leaving Coruscant. Which was what left her on Nar Shadaar scrambling on the dirty planet four years after she had arrived trying to stay off of the new Galactic Empires radar, burning for the chance to fight back. Every day she had to fight the anger and hotheadedness which had delayed her knights trials for nearly two years according to her master. But with his death and the destruction of the order Kai was unsure of the point in holding back her anger, her need to do something, anything to fight against the Empire which had slain every Jedi, Padawan and youngling she had come to think of as her family. And for four years, Kai had done planned and hoped for just such an opportunity, but she wasnt sure where to start, and so as each year passed she found herself staying on Nar Shadaar, working in the offices at the docking station, waiting, hoping and planning things that she feared would never come to pass.
Everyone knows the story of the Jedi Purge. Across the galaxy the news of the destruction of the Jedi Order and the formation of the Galactic Empire spread like wildfire and many, if not all knew that the elite force which had proctected them for millenia was now no more, a fading memory of a fantastic force that was apparently destroyed by corruption from within and without. There where those, however that had not been in the wrong place at that time, solidary Jedi who had been sent away on distance missions alone, or at least not with a detachment of Clone Troopers who would betray them. This is where one Jedi, Rayne-Sunn Winne had been on that fateful day when Order 66 was set in motion. Since birth it was known that Rayne-Sunn would be a Jedi. His Force potential was obvious, but there was a need, should he join the Jedi order that his name be kept hidden. The reason for this was his father, Jun-Kun Winne. Another powerful Jedi, he had abandoned the Order when he found the power of the Force was not nearly powerful enough to ignore the power of love, and during some of the battles of the age, he made rash, irresponsible decisions that would guarantee his return to his wife and child but would brush him along the borders of the Dark Side, and even betray some of his fellow Jedi. However, he had never killed one of his own, and the Order allowed him to leave forever soon after the events. He retired to Bespin, becoming a moderately successful Tibana gas mogul in relative peace and quiet. Rayne-Sunn's growing potential, however, disturbed Jun-Kun and he had little choice but to let him go to the Order so he could control the Force within him, and learn to use it responsibly. Jun-Kun presented Rayne-Sunn to the Council personally, and from that day forth the only people who knew of the relations were the members of the Council, and his name changed to Rynin. Rayne-Sunn grew into a strong, broad shouldered young man, with hair of the darkest black but with calm, gentle ocean blue eyes that betrayed just how kind he was in spirit. He focused heavily on the martial side of the Force, honing his powers to assist him in defending himself and others physically rather than with an outward display of the Force. Because he was so strong and physically capable, he took to dual wielding his lightsabers and despite his size was able to control them with grace and excellent care. Because of his strength and talent, one of the members of the Council, Mace Windu took it upon himself to guide Rayne-Sunn properly and uniquely (Windu being a similar Jedi of martial strength and prowess). Once he became a Jedi Knight, Windu and the Council knew the quiet, strong willed Guardian would make an excellent Jedi Master, a paragon of the Light Side who in his twenty five years of life had never stepped into the clutches of the Dark Side. He had an excellent example. In the quiet times, Rayne-Sunn would visit the library and read of the triumphs and failures of his own father, and began to understand why his old man was so cold, jaded...and a fantastic business man. When the Order came for the destruction of the Jedi, Rayne-Sunn had been on an investigative mission to Zirtran's Anchor, a strange space station which served as a type of trading post for intergalactric traders. Keeping his Jedi identity hidden for fear of ruining his chances of finding the required information, he heard the news of what was happening in the Inner Rim and felt that his master had fallen. He knew that if Windu had died, then this was a battle even he could not win, so in silence he left and returned home to Bespin, shedding his Jedi garb and taking up his birth name as he helped his father with the business until such a time as the galaxy was safe for the Jedi once more. For four years he has been living this life, travelling to and fro delivering Tibana gas to his fathers customers which thankfully didn't include members of the Empire. The return to his birth name and his willful supression of his Force abilities had allowed him to live in relative peace, despite his personal wishes to attack Lord Vader and the Emperor himself. An order came in for Nar Shadaa, and taking it reluctantly, Rayne-Sunn bordered his freighter and departed, and while meditating he had the feeling that there was someone on that planet who might share his situation. Curious, he continued onwards in interest, though his defenses were on high alert because you can never trust what you feel on Nar Shadaa.
Kailian grumbled at her supervisor, the little Rodians high pitched voice carrying over even the loud sounds of the loading docks. Listening she heard his squeaky annoying voice telling her to get over to Dock 7591 where a shipment of Tibana gas needed to be unloaded. Grabbing her overcoat and protective helmet Kai twisted her long braid up and into the helmet before sliding it down onto her head making her look indiscriminate from any other human. The large overcoat made her body look lumpy and genderless, which was the way Kai liked it. Too many times shed gotten into fist fights with males when shed worn her tight fitting uniform pants and only a light shirt with it. That was the reason shed taken to wearing the coat and the full face helmet rather than only a hard hat. Stomping her way over to the dock that shed been assigned to Kai decided that it was a crummy way to make a living but at least she wasnt starving like so many of the Nar Shadaar gutter rats. Looking at her manifest on a flexpad, she walked up and stopped at the ring of droids that stood at the base of the gang plan and looked at the tall, well-built mam on a long coat and suit that stood behind them. There was something familiar about him, something that she felt she should recognize but at the time shed been hiding her abilities and shoving her own knowledge and power over the force deep inside of her to stay off of the Jedi hunters radars. Shaking her head Kailian walked up to him demanding in a bored voice, Manifest card and registration? Holding out a gloved had she waited for him to get on with it so she could do her job.
It would be a slow, cautious approach that thearmed freighterwould make into one of the thousands of docks that formed the vast majority of Nar Shadaa's skyline. Within a few moments the heavily laden ship would touch down in its assigned landing block and slowly the engines would whirr down as the various mechanical droids milled about the new arrival, refueling and checking the ship for any external damage. The ship was an immaculately painted piece, a contrast of orange and black stylized to appear like the rising sun over the Bespin clouds and the Winne platform. And from the middle of the picture a door slid open and a ramp unfolded, the first three items going down the gang plank being droids. They were obviously military grade droids, and were probably used to man the turrets of the ship. After them stepped out the broad shouldered young man that was Rayne-Sunn Winne. Naturally, he was not wearing his Jedi garb, no one did anymore, instead replacing it with a relatively formfitting flight suit which matched the styling of his ship. Throwing a long coat over top of the suit, he proceeded out of the ship slowly, stopping at the bottom of the pedway to look around slowly. It was obvious he was measuring something, and if she was close enough, she could sense he was feeling the Force levels of the planet. Satisfied that they were more than strong enough to mask him, he took a long, deep breath and the air around him almost appeared lighter, less oppressive. For him, it was just a means of stretching his (Force) legs. There he would stay for a short while as he waited for the trader he was dealing with to arrive, scanning the area frequently, his mind sensing that there must be another Force user around, he could just feel it. Seeing it however, with all the hustle and bustle of the docks however, was a different story entirely.
Jerking to a halt the data chips halfway to the flex slate Kailian stopped moving, breathing, thinking for a moment. Either this was a trap or the man before her really was a Jedi, a man from the Order. Slowly she let a little of her control on the force leak out trying to sense anything about the man, all she could feel was his presence and controlled nature, nothing that said if he was a Jedi, Sith or anything else in the galaxy. Slowly she raised her eyes her face a mask even as her left hand dropped to her waist slowly settling over her hidden lightsaber. Biting her lip for a moment behind the face shield she decided to risk it, she was tired of hiding, living alone, afraid. If this was a trap and it was an assassin she would either kill him and start her resistance or be slain and return to the force with her fallen Master and fellow members of the Order. Peace, Knowledge, Serenity Harmony, The Force She knew that her emotion especially of fear was something that the order had tried to rid her of but had never truly been successful. She had always felt emotions, anger, sadness, fear all of those things especially as she grew up during the war watching many of the poor clone warriors die, and then as she watched her master fall to save her. This was the start of whatever would happen and she reached out to the force fully for the first time in four years and felt her ability to manipulate it settle around her, infusing her body with energy and strength as she waited to see if she would meet a companion or start a fight to the death.
Rayne-Sunn would not appear hurried, impatient or annoyed, even though he had been waiting for a bit. When the small-ish girl appear and asked for his manifest and registration, he handed over the two data chits with the required information and smiled softly. Those gentle blue eyes were observing her quietly, looking the heavily covered girl over for a long moment before he quirked his smile a bit, and said just a few small words after he had released the small disks. "Emotion, Ignorance, Passion, Chaos, Death. Do these things mean anything to you?" He would ask as he crossed his strong arms over his chest, eyes shifting away from her for a moment as he took a fresh scan of the area. Whispering even a small part of the Jedi Code was dangerous these days, but the strange feeling he was gleeming off of this girl was noteworthy, and since it didn't have a Dark taint to it he figured he might as well take the risk. At worst, he could defend himself against one Sith Assassin. Slowly the eyes returned to her, and he tried his best to follow her body language, and see if there were any tremors in the Force around her once the question was asked.
His reaction put Kailian even more on edge as she watched him turn to a business partner greeting the man and ignoring her. Palming her lightsaber with her freehand as she saw the large man look at her over his shoulder repeatedly she felt exhilarated and afraid at the possibilities of what could happen in the next few moments. Working to bring her manipulation of the force under even tighter control Kai sent more power surging through her body, feeling the forces power speeding up her reactions and strength, making her ready for whatever may happen. Momentarily she felt distracted as the droids stepped up to her and told her that they would handle the gas shipment. For several minutes shed forgotten the purpose to which shed actually come down to the docks, and the droids statement had her stepping back a half pace keeping her eyes on the large man who she now felt, definitely had an affinity towards the force, though to what degree she wasnt certain. Acquiescing to the droids knowing the volatile nature of the gas Kai stepped back a few more paces giving her more room to maneuver come what may. She watched from the side as the droids were given orders and the man approached her and stopped hands on his hips to ask her about a specific Jedi. That question more than anything else the man had done made her nervous beyond belief. Instantly her hand tightened on her saber ready to bring it up to defend herself. Taking a moment to study the mans face she watched as his twisted in a carefully controlled way to show inquiry, but Kai wasnt fooled. Shed mastered the art of disguise, manipulation and knew that any good assassin, spy or agent would know how to control their facial features at any time to display what they wanted, and this mans force levels meant he was no ordinary man. Keeping her answer as general and broad as possible she pulled her saber handle up along her arm sliding it from her pocket but kept it hidden from view. I knew of such a manhis name is in the public Imperial record as a criminal that wasnt captured four years ago. Waiting she watched his hands and his eyes wondering what move he would make and if she would live to see the next day.
The analysis was careful, Rayne-Sunn's eyes watching her movements and the way the Force swirled around her so carefully, so masterfully especially for someone of her age. 'She wasn't too old when the order was given...' he thought to himself as the calm smile returned to his lips and he nodded a couple times. "Fascinating." That was all he said as he turned his attention away from her towards a tanned skin, well dressed noble. "Bail! So good to see you on such a dark and foreboding planet." He would say to the man as he walked away, extending his arms to the man and embracing him. Apparently the two would set about their business, talking about how Alderaan was dealing with the presence of the Empire, and setting a price and location for the sale of the containers of gas that Rayne-Sunn had brought. He would keep looking over his shoulder to the girl though, a subtle but true smile of happiness pulling at the corner of his lips as he was happy of finally finding someone of his Order. It was a dream he never figured he would realize. Shortly after his departure, one of the droids would approach Kailian, and say in a typically metallic droid voice, "We can handle the offload of the shipment. We want to avoid human contact with such a combustible gas. Master Winn commands it." It said with a nod, before turning and returning to the base of the gangway. "Gentlemen!" Rayne-Sunn would soon say on his approach back to the ship, speaking to his droids, "Get the gas prepared and packed. Once it is ready take it with that man. Do not discuss him, do not say his family name." He said quietly once he had closed the distance. Saluting and nodding, the three droids went back up the plank to begin the unloading process. Should Kailian still be there, he would turn back to her and place his hands on his hips. "Did you ever know a Knight by the name of Rynin?" He would ask, twisting his face into a quizzical expression as if he was trying to hunt down some information instead of inquiring whether she knew him in his previous life or not.
Kailian stopped shocked again at the mans casual admittance to being a Jedi. Shaking her head she realized that she needed to think of him as Rynin rather than that man, or the ship owner as she had been. Dumbly nodding at his request to show him around Kai flushed when right afterwards he told her that she needed to work on her subtlety in movement. Today seemed to be full of shocks as she stumbled slightly following him after letting her force senses reach out trying to detect if the man was lying or was masking himself with the dark forces but found no traces of any treachery and decided to at least give Rynin a chance, and if it proved he was a liar she could deal with him at that time. She watched as he pulled two sabers from his bag and hid them in his sleeves similar to the setups she had on some of her personal clothing she wore outside of work. Following him again as he walked back to the platform she stopped, Rynin? If I am to show you around I need to finish work first and change into my street clothes rather than work clothes. Gesturing with one hand to indicate the bulky grimy clothes that she wore around the docks rather than ruining any of her decent clothes that shed purchased with her hard earned credits.
Rayne-Sunn would chuckle softly at her response, crossing his arms over his chest as she gave her answer and his face softened. "I would certainly hope it is still on the list. As far as I know I haven't been captured." He said quietly, almost a whisper to her as he looked up the plank to the ship. "Listen, it is going to take a while for them to unload all the gas on the ship, and I haven't been to Nar Shadaa in many moons. Care to show me around?" He asked, before nodding towards her hand. "You might want to work on making your movements more subtle by the way." He added with a wink before starting up and in to the ship to retrieve his carry bag. Should she choose to follow him, she would see him pull two lightsabers from the bag and slide them into specially designed pockets in his jacket sleeves that sit about his triceps. He would say no words either way, collecting his items and personals before exiting the craft and returning to the platform, ready to travel.
Gently taking his hand Kai nodded, Um here Im called Lia. She gave him the name that she used on Nar Shadaar to hide the one that was still in the Jedi Codexs. Kailian was sure that she was on a list of wanted Jedi as though her master had been slain she wasnt and her lightsaber was never recovered. Giving another nod she broke contact and went back to the administration building letting the annoying Rodian foreman know that the gas shipments were being unloaded and that her shift was ending. She used a little bit of her power and pushed the moldable mind of the Rodian into thinking that she was supposed to get off of work at this time rather than in a few hours like it was scheduled for her. Racing back to her shabby apartment Kai went through her things changing out of her work pants, coat and boots. Glancing at her sparse wardrobe she chose to wear a pair of tight fitted pants with several pockets and straps on the outside where she attached a leg holster and a blaster that she had picked up for protection. Pulling on a shirt and a form fitting overcoat with pockets along the sleeves she slid her lightsaber into a pocket along her inner arm designed to hide the long cylinder. Grabbing everything that she thought was essential Kai left the apartment unsure if she would be coming back to it at all. Walking briskly she found herself back at the docks and staring up the ramp into Rayne-Sunns ship before deciding to simply head inside. Once inside the cavernous cargo space she stopped, trying to determine where in the ship Rayne-Sunn was and eventually giving up, unable to find his force signature. Rayne-Sunn? Im back! Finally she decided calling out down the passageway was the best plan of action to find the man.
When she asked her question he would step back towards her, placing a finger to her lips to shush her. "Mind the name miss. The only reason I am still alive is because no one calls me by that name anymore, and nor should you. My birth name is Rayne-Sunn. Pleasure to meet you." He said with a soft smile as he then offered his hand to her in a gesture of greeting. It was apparent that he was trying to cover up an action from prying eyes. Looking around for a moment he would straighten up and nod. "Take your time. I have some work to take care of anyway. Just pay attention, I get the feeling someone may be watching us more intently than they should be." He said softly was he walked back on to his ship to leave her to her tasks and changing. In all honesty he was going to mediate for a short while because something had caused a faint flicker in the Force, and given the way she had said his name, it might have fallen on hostile ears. If that was the case, they were both in serious trouble.
Wincing when she heard Rayne speak her masters name Kai only hopped that he didnt know her real name. She wasnt sure why but after four years of trusting no one it was hard to trust this man, even though he claimed to be Jedi and even had the force presence to support that claim. All in all Kailian felt that trust was something that had been destroyed for her four years before and it would take a long time for her to rebuild it. When she heard him talk about her master being one with the force and being proud of her she felt herself getting angry and had to reign in her emotions ignoring his hand on her shoulder. Stepping away quickly she felt his hand fall away from her shoulder and tried to keep her face blank of her emotions seeing as Jedi werent supposed to have them. Yet another thing that had been hard after four years she figured. It had always been her weakest point her emotions, tendency for attachment and a quick temper were the traits that her Master had always admonished her to keep a careful watch over. The lack of his guidance and support or that of any other Jedi for the past four years had made that tenuous hold on her emotions even sparser. With that in mind she shoved everything she was feeling into a box inside of her mind and pushed it away. She would deal with it later, the same way shed been doing for years now, since her master had dragged a sixteen year old girl off to war shed learned to bottle her emotions, and now at twenty two, shed bottled six years of anguish, pain, grief, fear and anger along with her attachments inside of herself. Kailian knew that eventually the bottle could hold no more and it would break shattering, she just hoped that it wouldnt get anyone else killed. Lets go, this place really is a cesspool, but its great for disappearing. I can guarantee that by experience. She gave a bitter laugh as she led him away towards the markets, bars, and gaming houses that were the norm for entertainment on Nar Shadaar.
It would take a few moments for Rayne-Sunn to become aware that her voice was passing down the passageways of his ship to his ears, and with a heavy concentration he was able to break his trance and come back to the living world. Taking the strain to stand up and move out of his small meditation chamber, he coughed a bit and shook his head. "Lia. I'm here. I'll be there in a moment." He said as he cleared his head and rubbed his eyes. After a few moments he would grab his carry bag and head on out to where she was. Seeing her in normal clothing he would tilt his head a bit as he analyzed her. "I remember you now. Didn't see you much, you were still young by the time I reached Knighthood. Master Almrik was your teacher, wasn't he?" He asked softly, knowing as well as she did what had happened to him on that fateful day, which caused Rayne-Sunn to lower his head. "At least he is one with the Force now, as he would have wanted. And you're alive. He always said how proud he was of you." He nodded, before walking towards her and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Come, show me what there is to see or do in this little cesspool of a planet." He said with a small smile to show he was teasing.
Keeping her head swiveling back and forth she noticed as Rayne seemed to lose himself in thought. She decided to take him along the safest paths just to make sure nothing could sneak up on the distracted man. For a Jedi he seemed strange to Kai, everything he did was detached, not the sort of one step removed from the problem attitude like shed seen in some masters, but rather a cold emotional detachment that seemed deeper than that. Giving a mental shrug she watched from the corner of her eyes as different gangs, pickpockets and other less savory members of the Nar Shadaar society moved about them. One hand resting on her pistol she was watching a Duros who had the same distinctive scar across his face of a Duros shed heard talking about his murders in some sectors of Nar Shadaar. Walking along she passed a market and finally it seemed that Rayne was paying attention again and asking questions. Barely suppressing the urge to roll her eyes at the older Jedi she tapped one finger against the blaster that her hand rested against. Its probably better you dont mentionthoseagain at least in the open. And no I use my blaster, Ive learned there are times where you have to act like a local to fit in. To that end most of the gangs, thieves and other criminals of the area have learned the hard way that I am more skilled with a blaster or vibroblade than almost any other person theyve met. Giving a shrug she stopped on a corner and turned to Rayne. Alright what do you want to go see, theres the main market, the casinos, the houses of ill repute, and the bars. Other than that theres not much on Nar Shadaar other than black markets, slavers and criminals. She put her free hand on her hip without letting her other hand stray from her blaster before she suddenly turned to her right pulling it free and firing without hesitation burning a hole into the upper arm of a Weequay thug who was aiming a scatter blaster at the two of them from an alleyway, more than likely with the intent of mugging the off-worlder. Stepping forwards Kai kicked the blaster behind her and motioned down the alley and the Weequay ran off. Ive generally survived like that, I try not to kill anyone and if I have to, I have to. Thats as peaceful as I get.
Rayne Sunn would not react negatively to her shifting swirl of emotion and the way she moved from below his hand, obviously scarred by what had happened four years ago. It wasn't something he could hold against her, every single Jedi who had survived the Purge lived with the echos of the screams of their fallen comrades and it had taken its tolls in different ways. Nodding once she said 'Let's go" he would walk along beside her silently, eyes constantly scanning here and there and everywhere. That bad feeling had to have an origin somewhere, even if he couldn't feel it at the moment. He kept trying to think of something to say, knowing that she was so on edge with his presence, however his time in isolation had voided him of the necessary tools in order to help others process grief and fear. The Jedi Order was not a sentimental place most of the time, and his master had not always been the most compassionate person, so it didn't come as any surprise that Rayne-Sunn was unable to conjure up anything meaningful to say. He had lived as the sword of the Jedi Order, the group of Guardians who were called when words would not stop injustice, just the swing of a blade. He would become so lost in thought that he wouldn't notice where she would have led them, though he was becoming slowly aware of them mess of downtrodden people that started to surround them. Starting to look around once more, he would then look to Kailian. "Lai, tell me how it is a relatively unassuming girl like you manages to live here in any sense of peace. Has it forced you to use your skills, or more importantly, your blade?" He decided to query, wanting to know if there was a remote chance she might have compromised herself to the agents of the Emperor.
All of Kais thoughts and worries stopped as she watched Rayne being pushed back into a pile of garbage. Turning she kept her blaster in hand and moved the other to her waist waiting as she watched the Miraluka step forwards. Shivering she stared at the platinum haired woman and shivered, the Miraluka had always given Kalian the creeps. A force sensitive race that usually chose neither side but when they did had the tendency to be dark, such a species always was a worry to the Council. She sensed the others even before the female called them and suddenly the two pale Nagai were stepping out into the street. Another shiver, this one from fear passed down her spine as one of the recognized her and had her letting out a little growl as anger seeped through her control. Dimly she sensed pedestrians running away from the three figures with drawn lightsabers that had moved to surround her. The only things she seemed to have on her side were that these three could only be force sensitive or maybe adepts but the Emperor would never allow very many true force users to be allowed to live and the other was that they believed Rayne to be a simple force sensitive like them.Really? You think he has even enough force sensitivity to hunt Jedi? She decided that talking, buying a few moments to allow Rayne to do something as well as to size up her opponents would be to her advantage. The Nagai to her left the one shed called Treyvar was taller, but thinner and seemed to favor his left side, probably covering an old injury there. To her right the one called Kalmair seemed to be balanced, graceful and fluid in his movements. And finally the Miraluka seemed to be the most calm, relaxed of the three and probably the biggest threat followed by Kalmair and finally Treyvar. And what is the name of the one who is going to slay me? Waiting she planned figuring that she would kill Treyvar first, a few blaster bolts fired at his head and left and weaker side would leave his right exposed for her to throw the vibroblade. After that she figured it would come to lightsaber work and the force would decide who would survive.
Rayne-Sunn had been about to answer her question before she decided to stop the dastardly Weequay with a well placed blast. He had to smile to himself to see that her reflexes had not gone soft in the time since the end of the war. Giving a small nod of approval he turned towards her and started to walk, before his deep blue eyes shot upwards for just a moment, and then he went flying, the victim of a rather vicious Force Push which landed him in a heafty pile of garbage. The originator would make her presence known quite quickly, dropping down a few meters away from Kai. It was a tall, platinum haired Miraluka, her eyes covered by a blood red sash and her form, in typical Emperor's Hand fashion was covered in a form fitting black outfit, one that obviously did not restrict her movement. "I knew that simple minded Weequay would do the trick. They way you sensed his intentions, and those reflexes. Surely you are not all you appear to be miss...Lai." The woman said with a sneer on her lips that exposed her obvious intentions. "Though I can see the Force flowing off you like a gown, I cannot quite make out your face. Treyvar, Kalmair! Identify her!" She ordered and from two adjacent alleyways came two male Nagais, looking Kai up and down intently as they appeared to be trying to figure her out. "Kailian Turmak my lady. I am sure of it." One of them said, as the trio drew their lightsabers and held them at their sides patiently. "Ahh, Kailian, the hotheat." The Miraluka said smoothly. "Oh, and so sorry about your friend, but we only kill Jedi. We leave the Force Sensitive ones so we can train them to hunt the likes of you." She continued, apparently interested only in monologing as the three assassin's surrounded Kai slowly.
For a moment Kai was shocked by Rayne telling her to act out the plan that she had only vaguely figured out in her mind. Shed never known someone to read exact intentions through the force, only general intentions and that side thought froze her for a bare moments before she burst into action. Firing at the Nagais head she flung the vibroblade embedding it deep into the aliens upper thigh and without watching she knew arterial blood had begun to flow out around the blade. Without a doubt she knew that he would be dead within a few minutes and if he tried to fight back the blade embedded in his leg would severely hamper him. Kailian crossed her arms and from her left sleeve the long handle of her lightsaber slid into her hand. Thumbing the switch and the elegant golden-yellow blade slid forth with a prevailing thrumm of power. Turning slightly to the side she stepped up next to Rayne facing off with the Miraluka and shook her head, You truly are a rather ignorant creature arent you? I ask for your name and you give me that ridiculous rant? Squaring her shoulders she didnt wait for a response but swirled in swinging her blade quickly flashing it in from direction to direction trying to gauge the Miralukas defenses. Her strokes were swift and sure, flashing and blazing as they connected against the others red blade. Both fighters were twisting and striking, moving several paces away from Rayne and the other Nagai as they fought. Dodging a swing from the Miraluka she jumped back flipping and landing on top of a sign connected to the building. Balancing there she took a moment to take in the swirling fight below her.
The Miraluka chuckled softly to her questions, shaking her head a few times before placing a hand upon her hip. "Any Force Sensitive creature could be used to hunt your type, especially when they are obvious as you." She retorted, taking another few steps towards her. The Nagai also took a few steps forward and chuckled shortly after the Miraluka, showing that they were definitely her subordinates and were probably not going to take part in slaying Kai. "Of course, I will be the one to kill you, for I am the true Emperor's Hand here, and I, absolutely despise you and your kind. So, without further adieu, Let's--" She stopped mid way through her threat, and then ducked as a rather heavy looking pallet flew over her head. From behind her, Kai might hear Rayne-Sunn's voice carry down the alley. "Do your plan Kai! It should work!" With that several more pieces of debris came flying towards the midnight clad members of the Emperor's assassins. With that business out of the way, Rayne-Sunn's hand would tilt back, the Force unzipping the two pockets on the back of his arms and dropping the lightsabers into his grasp. In one fluid motion the two blades would be ignited as he closed the gap to them, one purple and one orange blade humming through the air as he approached.
Kai barely noticed anything around her during her fight with the Miraluka she was taking the moment as she balanced above the fight to check on what was happening. Off to her left she took in the fact that the Nagai with the knife in his leg had stopped moving and was surrounded by a pool of its own blood, sensing no life presence from it she counted it as dead before. All those details she took in in a few bare seconds before her eyes swiveled far to the right to take in Rayne-Sunn and watched as the air around him darkened quickly followed by his thrown lightsabers. With a hop she landed lightly in front of the Miraluka, her landing barely making any noise as she brought her blade back up in a guard position. Kai watched the thought process flashing through the assassins mind as she realized no matter what, against two Jedi she was guaranteed death. Wanting to end this servant of darkness herself Kai rolled forwards in a lunge but was too late as the Miraluka took her own head off and tumbled leaving Kailians saber thrust into the air where she had just stood. Firefek! Beesga! Breaking out the Huttese that shed learned in the cantinas and around the docks Kai tried to show her displeasure at the Miraluka taking her own life rather than letting one of the Jedi deal with her. Grumbling under her breath she snatched up the lightsaber that had fallen and bent to search the Miralukas body finding several thousand credit chips in small denominations. Pocketing them she kept her fingers probing the clothing and body of the Miraluka until she found a set of false documentation, several knives and a few bits a pieces that she tossed back down onto the body. Turning to Rayne-Sunn she raised an eyebrow at him. Nice throw, but we need to leave now. You have any suggestions as to where and how? Oh and did you search that Nagai? Even as she spoke she walked over to the Nagai shed thrown her knife at and knelt down. Yanking her knife from its thigh and wiping the blade on the dead Nagais clothes she sifted through his pockets finding a few little odds and ends and only a few cred-chips before snatching up his lightsaber as she stood again. If youre ready we need to get out of here.
If asked, Rayne-Sunn could never admit to having know what her plan was, especially that it was an excellent and well planned execution. All he knew is her mind was busy processing something, and he figured he would make a gamble and get her in motion as he recovered from his 'flying' accident. He closed the distance to Kai quickly, and it was an unspoken agreement that Rayne-Sunn would deal with the Nagai, and Kai could handle the the monologuing Miraluka who seemed intent on bringing an end to Kai's life. Turning to face the palid aggressor, Rayne-Sunn attacked immediately, a move which sent the Nagai reeling, for not only was Rayne-Sunn a physically strong opponent, his Force training had been focusing on making him even stronger which coincided with the lightsaber training he had received from Master Windu, a vicious, disconnected series of attacks that simply confused and overwhelmed the insufficently prepared assassin. "By the must be Rynin. I would recognize those movements anywhere." The Nagai said as he sat on the ground, recovering from the initial assault. He scrambled backwards, staying away from the outstretched beam of one of Rayne-Sunn's lightsabers. "Apparently you were not sufficiently prepared for such a meeting. Stand up, and fight me." He replied, stepping back and lowering his blade and waiting. The Nagai slowly stood and acted as he prepared to duel, and then bolted, trying to flee down the alley away from the Jedi. If Kai was watching, she would see the air around Rayne-Sunn darken considerably as his shoulders heaved under heavy breathing, and in a roaring voice he would call after the retreated enemy. "You shall not live to kill any more of my kind!" and he threw both of his lightsabers, attaching so much of the Force to them that they flew incredibly fast before effortlessly slicing the assassin into three parts. Turning away he caught the sabers as they returned and he looked up to Kai before returning to their previous alleyway to face the Miraluka. The arrogance had disappeared from the sash covered face of the Emperor's agent, having not expected Kai to still be as talented and powerful as she was, and most certainly not expecting to have run into one of the most promising Jedi Guardians before the Purge. But she knew she could not retreat, that would only end in her dishonourable death. Facing the two Jedi, she sneer, and with one quick stroke of her lightsaber she decapitated herself in ritualistic suicide, refusing to give her enemies the satisfaction of defeating her, and never having to admit that she retreated in the face of a superior enemy.
Shrugging at his telling her that he didnt take from the enemy she thought of all the times her and Master Almrik had taken from the dead in order to survive or in order to gain the credits to do something useful wherever they were, typically something that aided clone soldiers, or as Master Almrik called them, slave soldiers. At the time shed had no opinion and didnt understand why they were slave soldiers, but now she knew very well, force to obey orders, no stake in the system they defended, and nothing to live for except following orders. They were slaves, but in a way so were Jedi. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, that was a road shed been down many times in her thoughts, and she dare not dwell on it too long lest she examine herself and find answers she didnt want. Kai felt less and less like the Jedi, about to take her trials, that shed been when shed had that last breakfast with Master Almrik. Turning she knelt next to the Nagai that Rayne-Sunn had killed and looted him as well, searching through his things and taking that which was useful as well as his saber before standing and turning to Rayne-Sunn. I feel less and less Jedi like daily. Without waiting for a reply she turned down the street and started walking towards her apartment block. I have everything I truly need but there are things to get if we have time. Also is it wise to go to your ship? They have seen you know and I am sure others were watching in case these failed. Would that not lead you back to whoever you work for and live with putting them in danger? Kailian thought about the potential problems and futures if there was another imperial agent watching them even as her swift stride brought them closer and closer to her apartment.
Rayne-Sunn would give no overt reaction to the actions of the assassin, his lip twitching once as he looked down from a short moment and then up. It seemed like he was sniffing the air for an answer or other possible threats as she rummaged through the fallen Miraluka's pockets. "We'll have to leave the planet, that much is clear." When she asked if he had cleared the alien's pocket, he chuckled. "Sorry, I don't make a habit of stealing from my enemies. It's not a very Jedi act to commit, though I can understand why you would from a survival standpoint." He added the last sentence to avoid it seeming like he was chastizing her for her actions. Though a strick follower of his beliefs, he was not a man to exist solely in black and white. The Force didn't work like that. "We will go to your apartment first, get your stuff and I will leave before you. Take a tour through the city, say goodbye to those you have to, then meet me at the hangar. The safest option is for you to come with me, but we can't go together until we're at the ship." He explained, manipulating his sabers back into their pockets slowly before extending his arm. "Lead the way."
Nodding she walked quickly along just in front of him leading her back to her apartment block. I can lose anyone I want to lose. Letting herself inside her apartment she scanned the room looking for threats, when she found none she stepped inside and turned to face him. I also dont need your fathers teachings for that little trick. Peoples minds are a specialty. This is where we part, see you at the ship, may the force be with you. Turning she went back into the apartment grabbing a bag and stuffing her clothing and belongings inside. It only took her a few minutes but she was out the door with everything that was hers and she wanted to take. Quickly making her way through crowded streets she dodged and wove through bodies, constantly searching for any malevolent presence. Doubling back on herself several times she did eye sweeps and checked blind spots and worked her way through nearly a quarter of Nar Shadaars bar and entertainment districts as she made sure she wasnt followed. Stealthily she crept along the docks watching the shadows and empty spaces near Rayne-Sunns ship. She waited nearly half an hour according to the chrono as she watched the area before deciding it was definitely safe enough to cross and go to his ship. Reaching the craft she pressed the comms stud attached to the docking controls. Its me, open the ramp.
Rayne-Sunn would contemplate her feelings as they ran, especially with how she was feeling less and less Jedi like as the days pass by. He sighed lightly to himself, knowing how being seperated from the world they had known would cause an eventual detachment from the teachings and philosophy which had been the cornerstone of their life since childhood. But there was a more pressing question to answer, and that was how they were going to get back to the ship safely and without a tail. "That is why we must seperate. Even if someone follows us, a smart tour of the city, going every which direction and sliding in and out of crowds can easily fool even the most Force Sensitive assassin. You just have to plan properly, and make sure you're now being followed before committing to getting on the ship. I have faith you'll know when you're safe." he said with an assured nod. "Worse comes to worse I can ask if my father remembers any tricks for erasing peoples memories." he teased, looking around a few times just to make sure they're not being obviously followed at close proximity.
Kailian dashed onto the ship as soon as he lowered the ramp, heading for the cargo hold and ducking down behind a crate, pointing her blaster at the door until Rayne-Sunn had lifted them off of the surface and was taking them out of the system and heading towards the hyper jump distance. As soon as she felt safe she holstered the blaster and stood leaning against a crate in the center of the hold waiting for the other Jedi to come out of the cockpit. Giving a small not at him letting her know what was to happen next she decided to get a few formalities and questions out of the way before things went too much further. You should probably call me Kailian when we are in private, rather than my street name, Master Rynin. Stepping forwards slightly and away from the box she inclined her head in the fashion of respect that padawans gave to the full knights and masters of the order. Where are we heading? And if you dont mind my asking what are we going to do once we get there? Kailian was burning with curiosity at finally escaping the mundane existence shed led on Nar Shadaar. For years shed dreamt of leaving and resisting the Empire, and now at least she was leaving. But having survived an attempt by the Empire she was sure that they would send a follow up team to figure out what happened to her would be assassins. As soon as that team found them dead they would know that at least one Jedi had been on Nar Shadaar. With the knowledge that she would be hunted either way she made a conscious decision. Whenever they reached their destination, whether Rayne-Sunn would join her or not, Kai would start to actively resist the empire. If he chose not to join her she would attempt to erase any connection with him so as not to lead them back to him if she should fall prey to the Empire in the future. But such decisions and ideas were to be left for future discussions, for now she waited for Rayne-Sunns answers to her questions.
Rayne-Sunn would grin a bit to himself when she said mind manipulation was her specialty. He had found out over time it was a useful skill, but not one that he possesed. Unfortunate, but what he lacked he made up in other skills. One she started packing away he quickly disappeared and exited out an open window and headed to the street to do many of the same steps she did to lose any possible trails. For a man his size he was able to disappear quite efficiently, and he was back at his ship quite a while before her, being there to open the ramp when she came buzzing. "Stay in the cargo hold until we leave the planet Lai. Best if you stay discrete for a while longer." His voice said, coming from the cockpit as the engines started to warm up. Apparently he had already obtained his clearance and coordinates for leaving the planet, so now it was just a matter of taking off and heading out in to space, which for all intents and purposes went splendidly. About ten minutes after take off he would come out of the cockpit, climbing down the stairs to the cargo hold which occupied the middle and rear sections of the ship. He would hope to find her in there as he suggested, and if he did, he would speak while slipping off the gloves he wore for flight. "One of my men have the helm. We have to fly out a bit before jumping to hyperspace, or it would look like a getaway." He would say.
Nodding at his command to call her Rayne-Sunn, she leaned back against the crate for a moment more as she listened to his plan on their travels. If you wish to join me in resisting the empire, I plan to for sure. If not then I dont hold it against you at all. Behind her calm faade was a swirling mess of emotion; anger, vengeance, and sadness ebbed and flowed through Kais soul as she tried to push aside the memories of the Purges. Kailian followed him through the ship as he showed her the quarters she would stay in. They were similar in size to her Padawans quarters back in the Temple on Coruscant. That rogue thought instantly filled Kais mind with nostalgia, regret, and sadness as she remembered the others who lived in that temple, and all of the younglings so many of who were killed during the fall. Is there some place I had practice, its been years since I was able to fully practice my techniques and skills. Stretching she dropped her bags on the small quarters rooms, pulling off her cloak leaving her in black tight fitting pants and a tight long sleeve black top that she always exercised in. The clothes allowed her full range of motion without the possibility of the material catching on a protrusion. When we leave hyper I will rest.
Rayne-Sunn would give her a nod, though after she had finished asking her questions, he would hold up a hand to her. "I shall call you Kailian as you ask, but do not call me master, nor Rynin. The Council and my father chose the name so people could not make the relation between me and him. Though it proved convenient following the Purge, my name is Rayne-Sunn, is that is that." He said calmly and softly, moving to sit upon a box that had been sitting in the hold. Running his hand on his stubbled cheek, he would ponder her question as ocean blue eyes turned up to look at her. "We have to return to Bespin, that is unavoidable. I have to return the ship and give my father the news from Alderaan. After that we can dicuss the next best move." He answered, knowing that some input from other sources would be beneficial. "Maybe we can find some other Jedi. There must be other planets here in the Outer Rim that host at least one. We run in to danger with that though, because the more of us there are, the easier we will be to find." He continued, contemplating a bit more as he looked at Kailian for a bit longer, and then towards the quarters at the front. "Come with me, I'll show you your room on the ship." The room itself was relatively small, just enough space for a small desk to write on, and a bed that was attached to the far wall complete with dark red bed covers. "If you want to rest you can" Rayne-Sunn added, looking back to her for a moment, "Even after hyper space we'll have some time to kill before landing at home."
Kailian knew that patience and slow working was the key, but it wasnt something she was accustomed to or mentally programmed for. She was a person of action and the here and now, it had always gotten her into trouble with her Master over how rash her decisions were. That mixed with her inability to set aside her compassion for those who suffered during the war had her biting back a sigh as she nodded her head in reluctant acceptance of Rayne-Sunns point. Nodding when she was told that the cargo area would work for her training, Kailian made her way back to the large empty space and practiced her unarmed training regimen, stretching and moving quickly. Soon after she moved into her knife exercises and followed them with lightsaber techniques. As she trained she visualized all of the sessions shed had with her late master and the things hed taught her, the things that had been forced into her memory as she was beaten time and again in practice by his skill. A short while later she made her way to her bunk to wait for the trip to end and for them to approach Bespin. Her thoughts about ways to fight back against the empire and maybe even do it a true death blow had Kais mind racing until it finally drifted off to sleep.
He would contemplate the words she said about resisting the Empire. It was an idea he had had ever since the Purge, but it was foolish to think that two Jedi could hope to make a worthwhile impact on the Empire without some strong allies and plans. After introducing her to her room, he would give an answer. "I will work with you about the Empire, but you have to be calm and patient with it, otherwise more innocent people will die and our impact will be useless." He said, taking a tone of a kind but firm mentor, for he knew where her emotions would lead her if they went unchecked. When she asked about training and removed her cloak, Rayne-Sunn would be hard pressed not to take in the shape that the outfit onlined, but he managed to avoid gawking somehow. Instead he turned towards the relatively empty cargo bay, and waved an arm in its direction. "Practice what you wish in here, the boxes are empty and unimportant anyway. If you want to practice with your lightsaber, let me know and I can either help you, or one of the droids." He continued, smiling softly at her before walking to the door at the end of the small hall which held his cabin so he could pull off the overcoat and hang it up, stretching lazily as he looked out the viewport to the stars before them.
Nervous energy flooded through Kailian as she felt the ship drop out of hyper space. For the next little while she attempted to meditate in her chamber while waiting for the ship to land. Her meditation was interrupted constantly by her own stray thoughts, as different ideas, desires, and fears all flashed through her mind the moment she neared the meditative state that her master had taught her. Giving up with a frustrated sigh she resorted to pacing the room until she felt the ships gear touch down. Throwing her black cloak on over the same form fitting outfit she had on before she waited bags set beside the door. Not wanting to get in the way of any landing procedure and unsure if there was any risk to safety Kai decided that waiting in her room was best. Passing her clothes bag to the droid she kept her small pack slung on her back which contained everything of critical value. Looking at the building they landed by Kai was immediately struck by the ostentatious nature of the building. Its gardens and columns were designed to show off the wealth of the owner, and this was surely a private residence with where it was located. Seeing Rayne-Sunn heading towards the house, Kai followed her head moving to take in more of the large house and the clouds that the house floated amongst. Having never been to Bespin it was a strange experience, though probably less strange than some shed had during the war. Jogging she made herself catch up to Rayne-Sunn, What now then?
While she trained, Rayne-Sunn would occupy himself with various small tasks that had to be completed whenever a transaction was made. Tibana gas was one of those special cargoes which required a vast array of paperwork to be completed in order for the guilds and the Empire so they could track who was getting one. Transactions like this one were always difficult because the data had to be manipulated since it wouldn't do Winn Gas Mining any good if the Empire knew they were providing gas to a suspected opponent of the Emperor. This part always aggitated Rayne-Sunn, dishonesty was not something he came by naturally, but his father was a professional in deceit, so the younger Winn just did as his father instructed, and went about his business. When Kai wandered off to her bunk following her training, he would decide to move back to the bridge, watching the ripples of hyperspace fly by at alarming rates. 'Another Jedi...' he thought to himself as he rested his feet up on the console before him. 'So wild, but so talented. What am I going to do with her so she doesn't get killed...' After a few hours of silence she might feel the soft thump of the ship landing as the massive freighter engines slowly spun down to a quieter state, having to cool before being turned off. Rayne-Sunn would appear at the door to her room shortly thereafter, having changed into more casual apparel, a short sleeved button up shirt that was embroidered with the Winn family colours of black and dark orange, and black slacks. Compared to what most people wore as their clothing of choice in the galaxy, he might seem a little odd. "We've arrived Kailian. Come out when you're ready." He said softly and smiled, before disappearing, his footfalls audibly heard heading down the ramp in front of the steps of his droids. They hadn't arrived at the platform which served as the start and stop point for the mining operation, instead landing at the Winn family home, a rather large stone mansion, coloured in a manner very similar to the clouds in which the home was floating. There was a large flat platform which came out from the front of the home, and that was where the freighter had landed, close to the steps which cut through a three tiered garden leading to the pillared front door. Once Rayne-Sunn had exited one of the droids returned to stand by Kai's door, saying at a low volume, "Whenever you want miss, I have been tasked to take your bags, if you so choose."
Following along Kai tightened the straps on her backpack making sure it didnt shift when she moved. Her footsteps light and nimble as she followed Rayne-Sunn along the decorated pathway and towards the front of the house, she just nodded at his warning about his father and stepped thought the door a pace behind him. Looking around she took in the ostentatious decorations hanging from the walls, the marbled floors and the pillared theme around the room. She felt the man before she saw him, he had a presence and an affinity for the force that he didnt seem to bother hiding. It wasnt long before she was bristling at his comment about her being a stray, the unintended reference to the fact that all of her fellow Jedi except a select few were dead had her agitation rising faster than her control. Sticking her small hand into his larger one she gave it a brief forceful shake before letting go and wiping her hand on her leg as if to clean it of something slimy. My name is Kailian Turmak, thank you for allowing me the pleasure of your home. Her voice was controlled despite her thin hold on her anger and Kai concentrated for a moment on shoving that anger back down into place the well-practiced methods of control coming out again. The only evidence of her inner battle of will was the slight tightening of her jaw as she stared at Jun-Kun.
Placing his hands in his pockets as she caught up to him, he gave a small shrug. "Plesantries. If we're going to be staying here for any amount of time, might as well say hello. Just to warn you, my dad is as arrogant as the house suggests. However, he knows a lot so it would be worth discussing our ideas with him." He said casually, looking over at her for a moment, before glancing back to the front door. At the door there was a butler droid who silently opened the door for the two of them, leading to a marble floored hall that continued the pillared theme that led to a grand staircase. Rayne-Sunn lightly sighed to himself, never really liking how his dad chose to adorn his house, but dealing with it none the less. Shortly after their entry and tall, thinly built man in his later fifties came down one of their staircases holding a data pad, not really noticing the two of them until he had nearly reached the bottom of the stairs, at which point he looked up sharply and observed them. "Welcome back Rayne-Sunn...I see you brought company." He said in a deep, baritone voice as he switched his attention to Kai. "Found a stray Force cat I see." He continued, stepping forward and offering his hand to her. "I am Jun-Kun Winn. And you?"
Kai noticed the tension between the two Winn family members and watched as headed up the stairs. As soon as he was out of sight she felt Rayne-Sunns hand on her shoulder and then him stepping past to guide her up the stairs towards her room. As they ascended Kailian noticed even more of ostentatious nature of the house with the paintings, sculptures and different artifacts that were placed into little niches. As they walked Kai decided to broach the subject of something that the elder Winn had said. Rayne-Sunn? What place was your father talking about that I may end up visiting? Her curiosity was alive now as she tried to figure out the place that the older man dreaded. Different ideas and possibilities bounced around inside of her brain as they walked. Waiting for barely a breath Kai burst out her next question without thinking or censoring what she might say, And why such animosity between you and your father? The curiosity she felt towards the parent child relationship was something that Kai knew shed never probably understand. Her parents had given her up and shed been raised by dozens of the different knights and masters of the order so that as a youngling she had held no special attachment with any of them. In fact Kai didnt even know who her parents were or where they came from. Her entire background was a mystery to her since the order took her away at such a young age.
The small movement of her jaw, combined with the method in which she shook her hand gave the elder Winn all the proof he needed of her displeasure. He would straighten up and grin subtly as he gave a small shrug. "It is my son who is allowing you the pleasure. I merely keep the home it seems." He said, looking over at Rayne-Sunn for a moment with a daggered expression, one which the younger Winn returned with equal vexation. "Always a keen host dad." Was his only reply as Jun-Kun turned and headed back towards the stairs, and invariably his office. "Keep the girl's temper under wraps Rayne, or she's going to visit a place you never went and I would never hope to return to." Was his closing remark, though he did smack a small addentum on, "Dinner will be ready in an hour. I'm sure your mother would be glad to meet miss Turmak." Rayne-Sunn's jaw shifted a bit much like Kailian's had, and he placed a hand on her shoulder gently. "Come, I will show you your room, then we can visit the small temple we have hidden here." He said softly before letting go of her and starting to walk to the staircase.
Looking around the room she pondered the idea of what Rayne-Sunn had said. She didnt really didnt believe she would fall to the dark side, sometimes she became angry yes but never had she let her anger force her to act. When her master had realized that Kailians quickness to emotions hadnt and probably wouldnt every be completely lost he taught her to control them and to use them towards the proper way the order wanted them to do things. It had saved her many times over as when her emotions were running it seemed that her connection to the force was more powerful. The risk of falling was always there but Kai had never really had any of the feelings that drove most of the Fallen Jedi to fall; shed never felt the need for more power, or jealous of someones possessions, or angry because someone was better at something. Rather she felt her emotions made her stronger, but at the same time admitted to herself that it might just be her own way to placate herself and shield herself from the idea that she could fall. The other idea that hed said was also foreign, when he explained the connection between his father and himself. Kai had never felt love, or known what it really meant, especially between family members. Though the connection amongst the Jedi was close it was more camaraderie rather than family bonds. Even the bond between her and Master Amrik had been that of mentor and student, though close they never felt like family. Then again Kai wasnt sure on that point either as she didnt truly know what family ties felt like. Shoving the idea aside for the time she pulled her head back from its thoughts and took in the huge space that was available to her, it was more than sufficient for her needs. The room was rather ostentatious like the rest of the house and she figured every room would probably be decorated or sized on the same grand scale that the elder Winn seemed to enjoy. Tossing her pack down onto her bed she turned to the hallway where Rayne-Sunn was walking away, Would it be possible to go to the temple now? Before eating? Her voice held a quiet hope and longing, like a young girl wanting to return home, and that was how Kailian felt inside. The Temple had always been home, and since its destruction she had felt adrift, and shed never been able to go to any other temple but she wanted to take this opportunity as soon as she was able.
Rayne-Sunn would be quiet as they climbed the stairs, focusing more on what he could do to make Kai's stay more pleasurable and worthwhile, and what they could do in order to mount some kind of true resistance to the Empire. When she asked her first question he would still remain silent, not wanting to answer that kind of question right away because threats of being in that mental state usually scared the young Jedi. And then she asked her second question, and that made Rayne-Sunn chuckle a bit as he thought about the unique relationship between his father and him. "To answer your first question father is talking about the Dark Side..." He said softly, not really wanting to scare her into thinking she was heading down the path to ruin. "Strong emotions, especially those of anger are the cornerstones of falling to the Dark Side. My dad fell once, so he is not a fan of seeing other people go the same way." He continued, walking down a long hallway that had a large door at the end of it. "As for my father and I...well, he was a Jedi, and he did not want his child to follow the same life. But I did, and I became the Jedi he wanted to be. The emotional connection between us is weak and his sense of discipline is far more strict than the Jedi Order we know. However, he does love me, though he worries the Empire might catch wind of who I am or was." He continued, before opening the door to a massive, open air bedroom which was relatively sparse in terms of furniture, having a large, four post bed on one side (made and tidy) with a pair of bedside tables beside it. Nearby was a desk, but the biggest feature was a large window/door which was straight ahead of the entrance, leading out to a patio which held an immaculate view of the Bespin clouds around them, and some of the more savoury parts of the garden. Unlike the dark marble that lined the entrance, this room was mostly beige and colour, and reflected the sunlight fantastically. "This will be your room while you're here Kai, so please make yourself at home. You can train here if you wish, but we do have a temple for it as well." He said, introducing her to the room. "If you need me, I'm just around the corner. Look for the white door." He said with a soft smile as he slowly started to walk away, hands tucked in to his pockets idly.
Silently Kai followed him through the building until he opened the hidden passage that she figured was the way to the temple. Following his instructions she kept close to him no more than half a pace behind at any moment while they made themselves through the corridor filled with traps. Working their way through she felt the force power being pushed out of Rayne-Sunn to negate the traps and let the two visitors pass. Finally as they passed through from barren rock to styled stone the smaller scaled replica of the Temple on Coruscant had Kailian trembling. Everything from the entryway and through into the main temple hall were an exact if smaller scale representation of the Temple she had spent a great majority of her life in. The flood of emotions and memories had Kai blinking back tears as she looked around, the joy of remembrance tied with the pain of loss and grief flooded through her. Taking a few unsteady steps Kai knelt down in the middle of the main hall, her knees colliding with the cool stone with an audible thud. Her clenched fisted hands came up and were held under her chin as she tucked her head down to her chest still fighting her emotions before failing as the tears flowed freely down her cheeks leaving sparkling trails and small wet marks in the light layer of dust on the floor. For the first time in four years Kai was at a place where she felt home, and relatively safe. That feeling let her grieve for those she had lost and lose who she would never see again taken through treachery, for the first time and Kailian took that moment and grieved.
Rayne-Sunn would look over his shoulder at her for a long moment, and smiled a very soft, geniune smile at her. "Of course. Come along." He said and motioned for her to follow once again. When she caught up she would lead him back to the main hall at the bottom of the stairs, and then to the left into another arrogant display of wealth, a massive library of bound books from across the galaxy, written in languages even the elder Winn didn't know. But Rayne-Sunn walked with purpose, so it would be obvious he had a specific location in mind, one book marked "A Brief History of the Jedi." With a tug of the book the case started to move, exposing a small passage way of stone that led to a staircase. "Keep close. The traps are repelled by a specific Force sensation. As long as you stay close to me, it should be fine." The traps were a weird set up, something his father had came up with when bored one evening. Despite having not been part of the Jedi Order for many years, Jun-Kun's grasp on the Force had never faltered, and it was only grudgingly that he taught Rayne-Sunn how to access the temple he had made below. The path to it was small and barren, a passage of dry rock that turned and went down a series of stair cases until eventually they arrived at a near perfect replica of the main hall of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, though a little darker since it lacked natural light. Rayne-Sunn took in a deep, careful breath and stepped in to the room, just walking along to enjoy the memories and feelings which this place associated with in his mind. Despite having spent so much time in his father's manor, the Temple always felt like his true place of rest.
Feeling Rayne-Sunns arms around her Kai reached out clutching her hands on his shirt over his chest, her small fists clinging to him and let her head drop onto his shoulder for a few minutes as she cried. She grieved not just for the people shed come to know and treasure as friends and mentors, but rather for all of the things that had happened to everyone who she had at one time known. Every youngling, would never grow to be a padawan and then a knight or master in their own right, she would never tutor another padawan or learn something from one of the knights or masters. Instead, her entire life had been destroyed in one evening. Everything she had held dear, the teachers, the pupils, the halls of the Jedi and the teachings of the order were torn down by the rise of the Sith. Finally her sobs stopped and Kai just sat trying to regain control of her emotions. Her grief and the pain shed clutched and buried for so long was now mostly poured out, leaving just the need to come to grips with it, accept it and move on with her life. But that emotional state allowed her other emotions to roll around much easier, the pain, the rage, and strange feelings as she sat still clutching onto Rayne-Sunn. Kailian had never been in close physical contact with a male of her species or any other when it wasnt in training or combat and the feel of his warmth and the comforting soothing power of his embrace had Kai confused. She pulled her head away from his shoulder and looked at his face, though her hands were still in fists clutching his shirt. Her own face was twisted now with confusion rather than grief and sadness as she tried to decipher the feelings that were in her mind. Rayne-Sunn had comforted her and had helped to ease four years of repressed grief and sadness in a matter of minutes. By all of the studies on the mind that Kai had done as a padawan that was unusual to say the least. Either there was something about Rayne-Sunn either with the force or specifically related to her, or she was just that emotionally damaged that a few minutes of grieving seemed to have reduced the sadness inside herself. Unclenching her hands she dropped them to her lap, face flushed as she realized how weak she had been as well, and the damage she must have done to his clothing. She sat staring down at her clasped hands now in her lap unable to look at Rayne-Sunns face and her voice came out soft and quiet almost lost, Thank you.
Rayne-Sunn would have been lost in his own reverie until he heard Kai fall to her knees, turning quickly to find the reason why. It a heartbeat it all made sense and though he didn't share the same level of emotional connection to the memories, he knew exactly where it was coming from. Turning fully he would take three short steps towards her, and then wrap his arms around her as he joined her closer to the floor, holding her in close as his only known means of providing comfort. Unless she pulled away he would keep her there until she stopped crying, or could at least verbalize that she did not want him doing what he was. To a degree Rayne-Sunn had never dealt with the breadth of what had happened to his brothers and sisters at the Temple, and based off how he lived his life, he might never. He had learned so heavily that emotional connections to people, places and other general realities was probably one of the most dangerous things a Jedi could do. He had his father to serve as an example for that, and that is part of what fueled the animosity between them. Either way, if he could find some way to help Kai, then maybe he could be at peace that he had at least done something for those more adversely affected by the Purge. No words were needed now, he could at least figure out that much.
When he ran his hand through her hair and left it resting on her shoulder a shiver traveled down her spine making goosebumps break out all over her. The next moment was filled with silence until he pulled away and stood extending his hand for her. For some strange reason the loss of contact bothered Kailian but she shook away her thoughts deciding to try to untangle the knotted strands of her mind at a later time. Taking his hand Kai let Rayne-Sunn pull her to her feet the renewed contact making her skin tingle in a confusing way. As soon as she was on her feet she took a small step away from him her face coated in a light blush something she hadnt felt besides embarrassed chagrin since her days in training. The unusual reaction from her body that she was unable to control had Kai worried for a moment before she finally realized shed stood silently staring at Rayne-Sunn for a long enough time after his offer for the silence to have become awkward. Clearing her throat she shook her head softly, I think I would like to enjoy the temple, we can practice another day. In reality Kai didnt believe her nerves and confused mind would allow her to concentrate on a practice session and she would be liable to hurt herself or Rayne-Sunn on accident during such a session. Instead she tried to occupy her mind by admiring the replica of her lost home and to try to find some inner balance. When that balance was not forthcoming she decided on another track. Rayne-Sunn? I have met your father, but what is your mother like? How is your relationship with her? Settling on an idea that held her curiosity she figured it would aid her in forgetting or at least momentarily placing aside her confusion.
Rayne-Sunn's face would be so very calm when she looked up at him that it might seem weird. In all honesty, it was only in finding peace in himself he was able to work through any situation in his life, because some of the battles he had fought in stirred emotions that even he didn't want to deal with. So he just focused on her, held her and waited for the storm to pass. Maybe he did channel some of the Force to be able to calm her so quickly, and if he had it had not been an intentional action. He only ever cared for defending those who could not do the same for themselves, so much so it had become second nature, next to wielding a lightsaber. When she eventually pulled away completely he would slowly run a hand through her soft hair before resting it on her shoulder. "You're welcome Kailian." That was all he could say, not having enough of a grasp on the nuances of the situation to know really what else to say. Instead he just stood up and offered his hand to her for her to do the same. "Come, we can practice if you want, or just enjoy the familiar comfort."
Listening to his description Kai tried to imagine the type of relationship he was describing. The look of concentration on her face faded to frustration and confusion as she failed. The type of emotions he described she understood on an intellectual level but was unable to truly understand them. Finally she gave up with a sigh and turned away from him. Momentarily sparing a thought to wonder where her parents were and what kind of people they were Kailian wondered if they would care for her the same way Rayne-Sunns mother cared for him, or would they act like his father. Her eyes looked at the Temples pillars but her mind was far away and finally she gave up on that train of thought as well and started to slowly walk deeper into the temple. Looking over at Rayne-Sunn she decided to ask him another question, Do you have any siblings then? Having always wondered at the sibling relationship, Kai thought if it might be like the friendships amongst the groups of younglings or if it was something else. The brief thought of the younglings had her face crumpled in sadness before she gently pushed the thought aside, not shoving it away like she once would but rather taking it and accepting the fact that all of the younglings shed seen on her less and less frequent visits back to the temple were gone. Them along with so many of the clone soldiers shed known and learned the names of, and forged tentative friendships with despite her masters admonitions. She knew that he forged the same bonds of camaraderie that she had during the war and so took no notice of his scolding. Breaking her thoughts she turned once more to Rayne-Sunn waiting for his answer about any siblings, and before she could hear it she blurted out her next question. When was dinner again? The sudden broken thought was punctuated by the growling of her stomach to remind her that she hadnt eaten in nearly a day. Kai looked down at her stomach and back up to Rayne-Sunn her face burning brightly with a blush. A blush that she didnt understand, she felt her heated cheeks but wasnt sure why she should feel embarrassed in front of Rayne-Sunn for feeling hungry but she did anyway.
Rayne-Sunn could understand her unwillingness to train. When it came to the Ways of the Jedi if you were in a sordid mental state then you were prone to mistakes that could have very undesirable consequences. So he did not push the issue, instead giving her a soft nod and a careful smile. He would also, with amusement, watch that little blush grow and fade on her cheeks, a reaction he had not seen from another Jedi in his entire live among the Enclave. He liked it, it suited her young face well, even if her eyes had seen limitless atrocities and sadness. However, it was now time for him to react as she put forth her question about his mother. The thought of how to answer this made his smile widely as he turned and faced the mock Temple for a moment, before looking back to Kai. "My mother is a true mother. Caring and compassionate, strict but fair and loving. She is the reason I entered the temple later than most, however we never stopped our correspondence, mostly because my father was convinced that something would happen someday that would force me to return home." He started, placing his hands on his hips lazily as he looked around again. "Her and I get along extremely well. She gets along well with my father too, mostly because she does not take any batha fodder from him." He said with a wide smile.
Her face still softly red tinged Kailian nodded when he asked if they wanted to head back and turned to walk beside him staying close as he talked about his family. The question he asked had her shocked and the fading blush returned even brighter as her face turned red and she stared down at her feet digging them in. Biting her lip Kai shook her head and looked up, No. Why do you ask? Her voice sounded small and meek again as she tried to wrap her head around the question. Of course she had never been kissed, though she was prone to emotional outbursts those were usually of anger and sadness or injustice and frustration rather than affection. Kai knew the affection of friends but she had never known the type of affection that might lead to such an event as her kissing another person, though she knew of a few Jedi who had followed their affections. Forcing herself back into motion she stayed beside him as they approached the exit of the mock temple.
Rayne-Sunn would still be caught up in watching the shift in emotion pass over her face as he could feel her mind shifting constantly through many thoughts and feelings that he could only imagine. The answer to her first question was very easy, however she would manage to even cut off his short answer, and this made him chuckle a bit. He would then notice the way her cheeks reddened when her stomach grumbled, and that would simply ellicit a laugh from Rayne-Sunn. "Dinner will be soon, we can start heading back if you wish." He first responded, getting the impression that this was probably the more important question. "However, I have no siblings. My parents must have assumed I was more than enough of a handful." He said with a small grin. "Now let me ask you a question. Have you ever been kissed before?" He asked as he turned and started to walk towards the exit of the mock Temple, starting to guide her back towards where the food will be for her hungry stomach.
Listening as he explained about him being kissed her mind flashed through the few happy war experiences she had. Kai thought that the strangeness of happy and war memories wasnt lost on her as different events went through her mind. Shaking her thoughts out of her mind she put the memories of the war back into their little treasure box in her mind and set them aside for another day. Psychologically she realized that she was probably what some people would call damaged or emotionally stunted from her upbringing in the Jedi and her experiences in the war. It was hard for her sometimes to blend in when she wasnt sure how to act amongst the normal beings that roamed through the galaxy, her own strangeness had always been a barrier between her and them that was insurmountable for all but a select few that she had known as friends. As she thought all that through in the brief moments before the end of his story about the Twileks master and his question, a myriad of emotions flashed across her face from sadness to joy to confusion and humor. All of the brief memory figments that shed allowed out along with her self reflections on being damaged and not normal had shown in the emotions on Kailians face. But they stopped as did her walking when she finally processed his question. The sheer thought of him kissing her was alien, something shed seen, read about and thought of but had never really pondered having the chance to appreciate herself. Factor that in with the incredulous idea that anyone would want to kissherand Kai was confused and embarrassed. Having never thought of herself as pretty or the type of person that others would be interested in kissing due to her mental damages she had just left such fantasies behind, not that she was supposed to have such fantasies in the first place. Unsure of what to do Kai felt her face heat up in an even deeper blush as she gnawed on her lower lip, her teeth chewing lightly at it as she tried to figure out what to do as a reply in her embarrassed state. Finally she felt her head give a jerky nod without receiving prior approval from her mind. It seemed to her as if shed lost control of her own function. But approval she had given and she couldn't take it back now, so she stared at Rayne-Sunn's face waiting to see what he would do in response.
Rayne-Sunn could have no rational explanation for why he had put that question to her, the reasoning being found in the part of his mind that was still processing the look of her in the skin tight outfit on the ship. It was an inevitable result of being freed of the normal contraints and committments of the Jedi life, your mind returns to a more normal state though still imbued with the knowledge and training of the ages. Looking at her blush he smiled, and came up with some mediocre answer which actually did hold some degree of truth. "I wanted to see if any other Jedi had kissed. A twi'lek slave kissed me on Duro during the battle there. I had killed her master because he decided to get involved in an intercity fighting on one of the floating planets. Turned out her was a Sith informant anyway." he said, trailing off a bit towards the end of the statement before looking at her. "Would you mind if I kissed you?" He asked out of the blue, a statement he didn't even expect to make, expecting it to remain in his head. How it was however, it had slipped past his lips and now it was just a matter of waiting for her to answer.
She felt frozen as she watched him staring back at her before suddenly it seemed like her lips and his were pressed together. That touch stirred something inside of her as heat burst forth her lips tingling as she felt his against hers, his hand wrapped around her warm and safe. Without conscious thought she relaxed into the kiss her lips softening from their shocked state to mold against his, her arms wrapping themselves around his neck and digging themselves into his hair. Everything was a blur to Kailian, it seemed as if the kiss, that one moment in time was all important and all-consuming as she molded herself against Rayne-Sunn. A soft moan of pleasure escaped her lips as the kiss dragged on. This feeling had her floating, soaring in her own mind wondering why it had never happened before and if it would feel the same if it werent with Rayne-Sunn. Those thoughts were present but only barely as they flittered through the back of her mind. The largest part of her focus was on the connection between her lips at Rayne-Sunns, the soft feel of his hair as her fingers gripped the back of his head.
Rayne-Sunn's face would be extremely calm as he watched the thoughts and feelings go flying past her face like a movie in fast forward. There was something unique appealing about the way her face showed emotion, and maybe her broken nature appealed to his inherent guardianship. Maybe he cared for her because he could protect her, something he lived for as a Jedi and now that that life was gone, he was living for nothing. But not now, not at the moment anyway. When she had given her small and hesitant nod, he had to chuckle softly, her cheeks so innocently red and her disposition so seemingly childish. It was hard to believe the hardships she had survived as a Jedi and a warrior, and it was thinking of that he was able to place a hand softly on her cheek, pulling her towards him as he leaned down a bit, closing the distance between the two of them and waiting until he was extremely close before moving his lips to place them against hers, bringing her in to a soft, if somewhat inexperienced kiss as other arm wrapped around her tightly.
Dimly Kailian felt his hands roam up across her back and felt him moving her across the floor to press her against the wall, pinning her with his body even as their lips stayed locked. She felt every nerve in her body screaming for more of this contact, this touch that it was receiving at that moment. Kailian let go of her control and felt her body responding instinctually, naturally to the situation as she felt her pelvis grinding against him as he pinned her. Small moans were escaping from her as she opened her mouth letting her tongue trace the shape of his lips even as her hands came down to grip his shoulders feeling the coiled, sculpted muscles below his shirt. Each touch of her hands across his body was making her want to touch even more of him, to explore every nook and cranny even as she wanted to feel more of him touching her. Without thinking she lifted her legs off the floor with a little hopping bounce in the little room she had between her and the wall, her legs ended wrapped around Rayne-Sunns waist with her arms wrapped around his neck and gripping his back on his shoulder blades.
Something would ignite in Rayne-Sunn at that moment, a more base part of his brain that had been relegated due to the years of discipline and training which the Jedi Order imposed upon its students, especially strong, promising, potential masters such as himself. However when she melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around him he became lost in a passion and yearning which he had never found before. It was addictive, and despite the fact he should have just kissed her, part of him was clamouring for more as his body told hold of his actions away from his concious mind. That would be why hands would shift to sit on her upper back, holding her closer to him as his eyes closed and he continued to kiss her softly. An involuntary action would have her pressed against the wall near the exit as he simply refused to let go at his point, her body, her soul and her being so much a part of him that he couldn't imagine being free of it yet.
Everything was bright colors and sharp sensations, the feel of hard muscles under her finger tips, the tingle of sensation of his lips against hers, and the fire his fingers left as they trailed over her skin dragging her shirt away forcing a brief break to the kiss, letting Kai drag in a sharp breath before her mouth was locked with Rayne-Sunns again reveling in the passion he had ignited. The feel on his fingers touching her skin left a trail of warm tingles and an ever growing need within her which Kailian seemed unable to satisfy. When his tongue traced a line around her lips she let out a small gasp opening her lips to receive his tongue within her mouth, letting it explore even as her own tongue wrestled back tasting and learning everything it could about Rayne-Sunns. Her hands roamed up and down his back finally they gripped his shirt and dragged it up in a futile effort for her to remove it in her position. All the while her hips ground against his rhythmically pressing herself against him in a way she never imagined possible. Though all the horrors and hardships shed seen Kai had been protected in one sense at having never been witness to the passion between two creatures. And her passion drove her ever onwards, whimpering and groaning in need as she delved her tongue into Rayne-Sunns mouth returning the exploration and finding a sweet heady taste that she could only describe as Rayne-Sunn which stayed on the tip of her tongue even when she let her tongue retreat to her own mouth once more. Her hands were never calm, still trying to pull his shirt off shed only succeeded in bunching the material halfway up his back and was about to try to rip the irritating material away if thats what it took for her to be able to place her hands directly on the warm smooth planes of Rayne-Sunns broad back.
He was travelling down the same mental path, instictual receptors in his brain demanding that this act should not stop, and the way she felt so close to him, the way her tongue moved over his lips were all things that should and must happen. That would be why his tongue came to taunt her own, tasting her as her legs wrapped around his waist, their proximity as close as it could possibly be in this situation. He wanted more, needed more, and for some reason no rational thought in his mind could seem to stop that train, as if it was a freighter full of vibranum and armed to the teeth. Hands on her back would make sure she was well balanced when off the ground, however while using part of the wall for support and his own strength, the hands would grab on to the bottom of her skin tight top and pull it up, breaking the kiss for just a moment so he could remove the fabric and feel her bare skin under his fingertips. Stopping on her hips he would resume the kiss where they left off, his tongue now drawing a small line around her sweet lips as he fell deeper and deeper into this release.
Heat, thats the only word that described the mixture of feelings, emotion and mental state she was in at that moment. The feel of his bare chest pressing against hers, her hard nipples pressing and rubbing against his chest as she felt him grinding himself back against her pressing her into the wall, the warmth coursing through her body and the agitated state of her mind, full of lust and need had Kailian in a state she could only describe as her being in heat. Just like an animal she threw herself at her potential mating partner, moaning and whimpering with need as she let everything except this moment in time slide away from them. Everything else didnt matter except the feelings that Rayne-Sunn was making her feel, the flash of hot passion and molten lust mixed had Kailian panting against his lips kissing him back eagerly. Her hands traveled across his back and chest sliding between them to feel his hard muscles and to trace the scars that he had received, each one she knew had its own story, just like the ones she carried had stories all their own. As her hands roamed over his chest and back to his back she let her fingers slide down the hard panes of muscles tracing the broad expanse of his back and reveled in the warmth and tenderness of his skin and the hard powerful muscles underneath that soft layer. Kai knew that things were out of control but she didnt want them to stop, couldnt have stopped even if someone were to walk in at that moment. Small hands slide down his back and into the waist band of his pants traveling down to cup his butt, even as she broke the kiss in an effort to lean over his shoulder to reach so far. Her mouth was resting against his hard shoulder and Kai nipped it lightly as she gave his rear a squeeze and smiled delighting in the sensuous feel of his body.
Part of Rayne-Sunn would have reacted with laughter, amused and humoured by the way she acted with this passion coursing through her veins, a wild animal finally uncaged from her years of imposed exile in a planet that would eat your soul and leave your body to rot. Her body movements were, objectively speaking amusing as well, and he would have laughed if he didn't realize that he was acting much the same. Tongue was more than eager to accept her invitation, tasting her more deeply while playing through a dance with her own. She was better than any drink or food in the world, and more intoxicating than anything Corellia or Nar Shadaa could come up with. And her hips grinding against his own was a sensation that he could easily become addicted to, even through his Jedi training. He would be replying to the actions with some grinding of his own, mixed with a bit of a thrust that would push her back against the wall on occasion. In noticing her struggle to remove his shirt he would actually chuckle in their kiss, grinning a bit with a new found freedom as he balanced her much as he had to remove her own shirt to unbutton his, removing the fabric and exposing the strongly muscled, if somewhat scarred body of his, tossing aside the shirt as his strong arms wrapped around her and pulled her in tightly, pressing her chest into his own. Now that added just a whole other layer to the pleasure she provided.
Her hands slid out of his pants and gripped his lower back as he pried her legs from his waist and had her on her own feet. Confusion was rolling across her mind as she looked up at Rayne-Sunn but suddenly found herself spinning only to come to a stop pressed against the cold stone wall, her wrists pinned above her head in his hands. A moan of pure lust was dragged from her lips at the sensuous surrender to Rayne-Sunns control. Warm lips trailing soft kisses down her spine trailing slowly as his hands slid down her arms to her shoulders making little shivers spread down her body. The feel of those lips and fingers sliding down her back and sides, finally reaching her lower back had Kai shaking with lust, her hard nipples pressed against the wall and her wet, molten core waiting to be exposed. Her mind rolling in the joyous sensations that were being trailed through her by the other Jedi, all of which she knew were contrary to their teachings, but that simple thought only made the descent into her feelings all the sweeter. Suddenly she felt her pants being dragged down and off of her in a quick jerk as Rayne-Sunn tried to rip them away, the slid down her legs revealing her bare center and toned legs and rear. The tight cloth slipped down and finally she lifted each foot in turn helping him to rid her of the confining garment. Even as she realized she was naked and that Rayne-Sunn had an unhindered view of her nakedness from his kneeling view behind her she marveled at her ability to feel so hot even as the chill of the room made goosebumps break out over her newly exposed flesh.
While she seemed to revel in his strong mass, he would concentrate on being enamoured by her beautiful lithness, curves properly placed and everything seemed to be perfect with her. There would be no descriptions for this because much like her, his mind had ceased to function as it properly should, and as he felt her lips fall away to come to his shoulder as small hands squeezed his rear, he knew that there was one more step that had to be taken, primal mind demanding it to be so. His hands would shift to pry her legs from around his waist, dropping her back down to ground level despite any protests she may make. As soon as she would be down, he would spin her around, pressing her front to the cold wall as his hands grabbed her wrists and pinned them up on the wall as well. There was no logic to this, mind was just demanding his muscles comply, and following this forceful turn around his lips would come down to her spine, kissing along it slowly as his hands traced down from her wrists over arms and shoulders before trailing his kisses. Outstretched fingers would slide down the sides of her back so no skin would be missed, but when his kisses met her lower back, he stopped but his hands continued, grabbing the waist of her skin tight pants and basically ripping them down and off of her in a swing of primal want.
Kai let out soft whimpers as his hands traveled back up her legs and his kisses worked their way up her spine until he was standing once more behind her, one of his hands cupping her breast dragging a groan from her lips as she arched her back her head tilting to lie on his shoulder and upper chest as the feel of his warm hands cupping her soft tender flesh. His other hand sliding down across her hips and down to her inner thigh had her quivering, fear of the unknown mixed with impatience and the sensitive nature of her inner thighs and had her hot core burning even warmer as she reveled in his touch. The wetness she could feel on her now exposed nether lips, was starting to overflow and dampen the tops of her inner thighs as she fought to stay upright under his touch. The sudden feeling of his warm arousal touching her, nestling between her cheeks was a sweet accompaniment to the kisses and bites on her neck that were serving to drive her wild. Kailian pulled her hands down from the wall, one hand closing over the one of Rayne-Sunns that cupped her breast keeping it there as she enjoyed his manipulations of her tender flesh, the other hand worked slowly, sliding over her own shoulder coming to rest on her uncovered breast, lightly pinching at her exposed and hardened nipple in time to his nips and bites on her neck working herself even higher into the frenzy than she already was. It stopped only for a few heartbeats before it continued its slide down her body before she reached behind her, resting her hand flat against Rayne-Sunns stomach before slowly sliding it down through his curls and lightly grasping his throbbing member.
Rayne-Sunn was well aware of the view, enjoying the exposed shape of her carefully crafted body as he tossed aside her pants as carelessly as he had every other garment. But it was the tactile and not the visual things which made this stimulus so all encompassing, so it would only be a few moments before his hands would trail up her newly exposed legs as kisses resumed on one of her cheeks before passing up back along her spine, and hands in a somewhat pursuit, moving over the back of her things and her rear before coiling around her hips to her front. As his kisses came back to her neck one hand of his would find its way to cup one of her lovely breasts, making sure to form a gap between her and the wall before doing so. The other, well the other stayed around her hips, taking in the sensitive feel of her skin there, before trailing down to rub her inner thigh, finding the skin there even more soft. And it would be then that he would abuse the Force for the very first time, and may he be ever damned for it. While placing the kisses and soft bites on her neck, his mind would be working on his own pants, unzipping them and undoing the belt before the garment just fell along with his underwear, and that might be when she would become aware of his aroused member resting in the groove of her behind.
Gasping loudly Kai felt her entire body stiffen and little tingles emanate from where Raye-Sunn had bit down on her neck and squeezed her breast as her hand held onto his hard shaft. She felt his hand slide up her thigh and come to her wet center, rubbing up and down the hot slit making Kai elicit happy little moans as pleasure that shed never imagined before erupted from her body shooting straight through her from the place that he was touching. Her mind felt ragged and frayed as she let herself float away on the feelings that he was forcing her to experience. Even as that happened she let her hand explore his hot shaft. They roamed over the hard yet soft and supple shaft of his member, she marveled at its length and thickness as she explored it with her hand. The feelings that were coursing through her urged her on as she softly gripped him, stroking the velvety soft, yet steel cored shaft that she held in her hand. Her mind was only partially able to focus on that exploration as she still sought something more from the fingers sliding gently over her slit, she felt her wetness seeping onto his fingers but wanted even more and could stop her breathy little moans, PleaseRayne-SunnI needIsomething
He would find it crazily arousing when her hand sat itself upon his own while he manipulated her breast, and that would of course bring about a small moan from his lips somewhere in between the kisses and the bites on her entrancing neck and shoulder. Just the way her naked body felt was enough to make him want to forget about the Empire and just stay here with her, doing this for hours on end until everything turned to black and there was nothing left to feel. And then her hand found his shaft and gripped it hard, which generated a few responses from his overwhelmed body. First, he would bite down firmly on the skin between her neck and shoulder as his hand balled up a bit, squeezing her curvy breast underneath his fingers. And then his other hand committed to being cruel, sliding up her inner thigh to her wet core, starting to rub up and down her slit slowly as he felt her most sacred physical area. He was completely lost in the ectasy, and he just wanted to feel even more of her all over him.
Her whimpers and moans increased in regularity as his fingers continued to slide across her wet lips and suddenly she let out a groan of disappointment and need as he pilled that hand away from her. Suddenly Kai found her hand that had covered his hand grasping her breast shot out to balance herself against the wall as he pulled her hips backwards bending her over. The force and control that Rayne-Sunn was exerting over her body, moving her how he wanted and forcing her to elicit her little moans and cries had Kailians emotions of lust rolling higher. For some reason after the self-control and inner discipline of the life of a Jedi, surrendering control to someone else was delicious and relieving. Hearing him tell her to guide him into her Kai had a moment of confusion as she tried to figure what he meant but instinctually tugged his shaft towards her body. She felt it touch her slit, bumping into her just at the top of her wet lips and sliding up and across her little sensitive nub. That first touch on her body had Kai let out a small gasp and rubbed him back across that spot, her legs shaking as her pleasure doubled and doubled again at the feel of something rubbing across her little sensitive clit. Slowly she guided him sliding him up and down her slit enjoying the feeling of him pressed against her until by a little luck and a little instinctual guidance she had him aligned with her wet core, the head of his member pressing slightly into her and bumping against her maidenhead.
His mind wouldn't know exactly what she wanted, having his own feelings to cope with in the situation didn't improve his level of comprehension. But as his fingers felt her womanhood grow steadily more wet, something in his mind clicked that there was a further step for them to go in this dance. Something more was needed indeed, and looking down at her beautiful body before him, he would become aware of what that might be. The hand that was rubbing her warm core slowly slid away, moving back up as he took a step back and pulled her hips more towards him, making her slide down the wall a bit so she was in a more bent over position. What was the next step? Drawing in a deep breath he would try to regain enough control to know what to say, as he looked at how her hand was still holding his shaft. "Guide me in to you..." he said lightly, feeling that that would be the something she needed.
Kailian felt him start to push slowly pressing against her maidenhead before he pulled back and then sank himself slowly inside of her. The pain of her virginity being taken was minor, her barrier having been weakened so far by her physical exercise and the gentleness of Rayne-Sunns entry. Gasping as she felt more and more of him slowly sliding into her, stretching her in places that she never knew were there, Kai could only try to grip the wall her fingers kneading at the cold stone as she was slowly filled. Finally she felt his fingers dig in and felt him begin to thrust slowly in and out of her, building a rhythm and thrusting harder with each inward movement. Kais little moans and gasps for breath became faster and louder as she enjoyed the feeling of him filling her. To the small Jedi it felt like every nook and cranny of body was being fulfilled, some purpose that shed been missing was coming to pass as she felt Rayne-Sunn slipping in an out of her. Whimpers and squeals of pleasure started to echo through the mock temple as Kais pleasure started to build with every thrust, her own hips rocking back to meet him as he gripped her hips. Nothing mattered except the feeling of this union.
Certainly didn't mind taking the reigns in the situation, indeed there was something so natural about moving her in a way that was mutually pleasureable that sat right in his mind, and he would feel like stopping any time soon. And if he could have thought on what he said, he might have been confused too, however she did seem to get what he wanted, and when he felt her warm slit passing over the head of his member, he had to surrender a gasp of enjoyment, loving how she moved him up and down her lovely, tight womanhood. When she managed to align him with her opening, he only gave the smallest of pushes in the initial entry, before pulling it back a bit. Then he would push back in slowly, moaning as the unique feeling of her warm walls surrounding the tip of his shaft for the first time in his life. Fingers would dig in instinctively on her hips as he pushed a little harder into her each time he pulled back, knowing that this was the most amazing feeling he could have ever imagined, especially after the horrors of the last few years.
Kailian was lost in the feelings of him sliding inside of her roughly and quickly as his thrusts dragged more and more pleasure through her. This sensation was intoxicating, liberating, and simply right all at once as her instincts and biology told her that this action was something that was supposed to happen, that she was supposed to be here accepting Rayne-Sunns stiff member into her. That rightness mixed with the pleasure that was washing over her body had Kailian whimpering and moaning, her knees shaking as she gripped and pawed at the stone wall she was leaning towards. With every thrust of him inside of her she felt strange sensations brewing inside of her, things shed never dreamed of experiencing, a height of pleasure that she could just taste the edge of and wanted more. She knew nothing of the educated side, the terms and ideas of what was happening between her and Rayne-Sunn, she didnt know that this was both dangerous and impossibly beautiful, safe and wondrous all at once for the things that could come about as repercussions. All Kailian knew was that it was wondrous and beautiful because of the sensations and how safe she felt even as Rayne-Sunn drove himself into her again and again. She felt him kiss her shoulder and slide his hands up her body, passing them over her breasts capped by their impossibly stiff little nipples and back down to rest on her stomach. The feelings of his caresses even as the carnal passion rolled over her had Kai throwing her head back to rest on his shoulder as he leaned close his thrusts forced to be shorter and faster by their position, she whimpered and moaned at his hands gentle touches and felt that strange building, sensation rushing ever inexorably closer to her as they continued.
One would have to wonder why the Jedi Order would not have some contigency plan for young Jedi would would discover such joys, because despite everything, biology was biology and this was amazing. He felt more alive then he had in four years, four long years of miserably hiding from the malevolent forces of the universe under his father's frozen gaze. At least he had his mother, and in this moment he had Kai. The way she felt, the way she moved, even the way she sounded and smelt in this place was a complete intoxication and release all in one, and he loved it. Naturally, as the sensations grew, the speed did as well, the combined pace of her rocking and his thrusting causing a beautiful collision that drove his entire length deeply within her. He had a feeling that something was coming, wondering that since this was his first time he wouldn't have any fortitude to make this last longer than a few moments. Ignoring the worry he just focused on the feeling of the moment, especially as he bent forward a bit to kiss the back of her shoulder, hands releasing her hips for a moment to pass hands over her body, up along her hips and her sides to her breasts and then back over his stomach, some part of his mind just wondering if this could be real. Certainly was, it seemed.
The feel of him exploding inside of her, sending jets of pulsing heat deep inside of her had Kailian wailing out her own response her body tightening as the pleasure that had been building exploded. The rush of pleasure that washed over her body, her mind going blank and every nerve tingling and hypersensitive had Kai writhing and bucking back against Rayne-Sunn. Her inner muscles worked to milk him as he poured his essence inside of her, that simple thought that rushed across her pleasure blanked mind increased her pleasure yet again. Through their actions she felt his essence poured inside of her and Kailian felt a completion somehow, something she hadnt known she was missing was now there. As her body tensed and trembled, undulating back at Rayne-Sunn as the indescribable pleasure racked her body Kai knew that she would do this anytime Rayne-Sunn asked her to. She felt a sense of belonging mixed with the pleasure and as the waves of all consuming feeling subsided she felt her muscles, rubbery and weak struggling to hold her upright, only Rayne-Sunns arm around her middle keeping her from falling to her knees. Standing she panted trying to get her breath, struggling to find herself after the explosion of pleasure and the pleasant tingling aftershocks and sensations that were still rolling through her. The only sound she was able to make was a contented little moan as she leaned forwards against the wall trying not to simply melt into a puddle at Rayne-Sunns feet.
He was in love with the proximity, the basic human desire for companionship was embodied in this moment and when she tilted herself back a bit to be closer to him, then the sensation felt all the stronger. This was what lay beyond the grave, the bliss that everyone wanted to preach about across the known galaxy. He was left to assume none of them had felt anything like this, otherwise they would be with their lovers, not yelling at passer-by's on the street. Just like her though, he was feeling the building pressure, and with the increased speed and shortened depth, there was no way to stop the onrush of impulses. Brain and body was reaching its limit, and just as he slowly wrapped an arm around her midsection, he would sense an explosion of delight as all the muscles in his body tensed and he came within her, a motion that seem as natural and expected as the passage of time. Free hand would move to support himself on the wall as the feeling of his climax passed all through his body, seemingly overflowing like the volcanoes on Mustafar. He would try to speak, but he simply couldn't. He suddenly felt like he was weighed down with lead and steel, and the only thing he felt was her, all of her and her nearness. Heaven, they had called it, something like heaven.
Kai took the few minutes to relax savoring the afterglow of what had happened. Settling her head onto his chest as he held her on his lap, she was almost asleep when he moved and she agreed it was time to get dressed. She figured it was almost time for dinner and that they probably had been down in the temple for too long. Pulling her clothes back on she giggled quietly as the fact that his seed was making her undergarments a little gooey and it felt strange to move around with it leaking out of her. The Force took the same moment to warn her of impending danger as it did him and she shifted her balance just as the floating home took a hit and began to tilt. Latching her hand into Rayne-Sunns she followed him as he ran for the surface a mixture of surprise, curiosity and horror flowing through her mind at the attack. Once they reached the surface she stood staring at the TIE fighters that attacked the platform. Feeling Jun-Kun working to hold the platform stable and slow its descent, Kai heard his order to head for the ship and couldnt shake the feeling that this must somehow be her fault and had to do something. If it hadnt been for the assassins after her then this probably wouldnt be happening. With that in mind she decided that she had to do something and worked pulling at the Force to break of a piece of the marble colonnade and send it hurtling through the air at the swirling mass of TIE fighters hoping to hit one. Staggering at the taxing drain of preforming a feat with the Force that she wasnt used to Kai stumbled before heading towards the landing platform and Rayne-Sunns ship. She didnt even wait to see if shed hit anything as she ran, somehow shed lost hold of Rayne-Sunns hand while she worked to fight back and she hoped he would be at the ship when they got there along with his father and mother.
There was no resisting the tiredness now, and slowly bringing himself down the floor, he would bring her along with him, holding her tightly as he did. In the natural progression of their movements he would slide out of her, moving the two of them around so he would sit with his back to the wall, and he would bring her to sit across his lap, the silence after the storm that all lovers revelled in when it was a true experience. It would take some time for him to muster the energy and desire to grab their discarded clothes, handing hers to her and taking his own, finding a moment when getting dressed didn't seem wrong. Soon after he was clothed however, he perked up, and looked down to the far end of the mock Temple. "We're in trouble.." he said quietly, and that was when the first laser strike hit the gravitational generator on the base of the platform, and it started to fall, listing to the side as it lost its means of remaining stationary and upright. Impulse would take over as he grabbed Kai and ran for the stairs to bring the two of them topside, instict demanding that they get to the ship as soon as possible. Topside, Jun-Kun was running out the front door at top speed, and seeing the TIE fighters attaching his beloved platform, he drew up all the powers in the Force he had in himself, and worked on manipulating the home into a somewhat stable direction and try and slow its descent. Whenever the two of them would appear, the elder Winn would look over his shoulder, strain showing on his aged face and ordered, "Get to the ship! Go!"
Stumbling into the ship she felt Rayne-Sunns steps pounding up the ramp after her as she collapsed in the cargo bay, her body drained by the amount of energy shed been forced to exert to throw that piece of marble. Everything was a blur around her as the droids and Rayne-Sunn enacted an escape plan that she could do nothing to help with. Without knowing the particulars she felt she would be more of a hindrance than a help as she tried to calm her body and regain some energy. The lifting of the ship from the platform, the engine rumbling as they sped away served to dampen but not drown out the explosion of the Winn family platform. The sound was unnecessary as she felt the passing of Jun-Kun and his wife in the Force. The Rayne-Sunns agony at the loss was palpable for her even from her position in the cargo bay as the ship swerved and dodged, firing back at the TIE fighters chasing them. Finally Kailian forced herself to her feet and made her way into the cockpit of the freighter, and collapsed into one of the chairs in the small cockpit. The tears on Rayne-Sunns face did not go unnoticed and as much as she wanted to reach out a hand to comfort him Kai held back fearing to be a distraction. The moment he mentioned Darth Vader, she refused to think of him as the padawan and Jedi knight that she had known growing up at the temple. Shed met him when hed been brought in as a small boy and had been friendly with him throughout her own training and at several times had worked with him and Master Kenobi during different operations. His treachery was the reason that so many of the people she had known were dead, he was the reason her life had been destroyed and it was hard, oh so hard not to hate that creature who had once been a Jedi. As much as Kai wanted to surrender to that hate she knew it was better to simply feel pity for him, and to fight him wherever it was possible. What are we going to do to escape Rayne-Sunn? The Exactor was a fast battle cruiser and she wasnt sure if the freighter they were on could outrun it.
The marble would make a mark on the squadron, dropping two TIE's from the sky, but that hardly seemed to make a dent in the group that was there. Kai would actually be the first to run for the ship, as Rayne-Sunn took in the look of the enemy, and turned to face his father. "I'm going to find mother and bring her--" "Boy don't be stupid! Your mother is dead!" Jun-Kun growled, obviously coming under pressure from the strain of maintaining the platforms position, but it was never an easy struggle fighting against a planet's gravity. "She flew out the window when we got hit and fell off the side. Now go son, I'm old and failing, you are your friend can actually make a difference in the galaxy, now go!" he said, and with the little bit of spare Force energy he might have, he pushed Rayne-Sunn down the stairs to the ship, which would slam him lightly against the side of the ship. "Kai, in the ship.." Rayne-Sunn would say once he recovered from the shock of the impact and picked himself up, dropping the ramp so she could get in. "Droids, start the ship and man the turrets! Escape plan alpha six!" He barked as he ran up the ramp after Kai would get on, or dragging her on if he had to. He would say nothing more, running up to the cockpit to get the freighter off the ground as fast as he could, and take towards space. Once they were away, he would try to look back at the falling family platform, just in time to see his father blow it in to hundreds of pieces, and launch it up at the squadron who was converging on the two escaping Jedi before the elder Winn fell into the core of Bespin. Again, no sound, no cry and nothing would come from the cockpit as tears started to run down Rayne-Sunn's cheeks are the ship rocketed towards outer orbit as fast as its powerful engines could manage, defensive laser turrets whirring to life and firing at the few TIE's still following them. Though freedom seemed possible once the sky turned black and they pulled away from the planet, and look to the left would surrender all possible hope at the moment. "That is the Exactor...that's Vader's ship..."
She felt the ship jerk under the tractor beams influence and waited with Rayne-Sunn. Looking out at the large Star Destroyer looming through the viewport she felt a soft shudder ripple through her body. The pleasure and ecstasy of earlier now seemed like a long off dream or forgotten memory as the realization of just who they were being dragged closer to flooded through her and Kai wasnt sure how to react. Instead she just acted on autopilot following Rayne-Sunn into the cargo hold and waiting her hand held in his as he laid out his plan. Her mind was filled with doubts but when hed asked if she could do this she nodded without hesitation, one thing was sure either she would succeed or she would join her fallen masters in the Force. Reaching into her holster Kai pulled her lightsaber free and prepared to fight her way off of the freighter as soon as it had docked. They would only have a few minutes for her to get to the control tower and back before either of them would inevitably come into contact with the Sith that was now hunting them. Kai felt and heard herself give out a little chuckle as she realized that even now, on the cusp of probable death she still felt unable to say that fallen Jedis name, as if it would dishonor all of the true Jedi who had stayed faithful until their deaths. That giggle turned into chuckles followed by near hysteric laughter as she waited for them to dock. She knew that she must seem insane to Rayne-Sunn but she waved her hand at him, You wouldve had to have been there. Finally catching her breath she calmed herself and stood before the ramp waiting.
Rayne-Sunn would look down to his controls for a long moment, and then let them go as he noticed their craft was no longer going forward. "There is no escape now Kai...they have us in a tractor beam. Droids, cease-fire and store yourselves in the cargo hold." He said over the ship's intercom, drawing in a deep breath before turning to Kai. The tears he had shed were gone, and suddenly that cold, iron determination had returned to the Jedi's eyes. He wasn't thinking revenge now, only survival and that required thought and a plan. "Come with me." He said, taking Kai's hand gently and leading her down from the bridge as the Exactor grew ever closer to them. Once in the cargo hold he would look around to make sure the ship was still in one piece before taking pause for a minute. "You will have to find a way to sneak in to the control tower and disable the tractor beam if we have any hope of escaping. You're better at mind powers, and that is the only way you're going to get up there without being overwhelmed. I'll try and hold them off in the bay while you do that." He said, surprisingly confident of that fact he could take on legions of stormtroopers and even Vader himself if he had to to help them see another day. "Can you do this?" He asked carefully, placing his hands on her shoulders and holding her close as he looked into her eyes.
Reveling in the feeling of his skin against hers, Kailian wanted to rage at the prospect of him going into such danger alone. A small part of her finally understood the reason the Masters always spoke against forming bonds and relationships with people. Her strange connection to Rayne-Sunn which had formed over such a short period of time was screaming at her to protect him, keep him safe, that he was hers and someone else wanted to harm what was hers. It took all of her effort to not grab onto him when he turned her around towards the hidden exit. May the force be with you Rayne-Sunn After that Kai only had a brief second to notice the floating lightsabers before she dropped soundlessly behind the quiet engines and used the force to bend the winds of those Storm troopers nearest to her, making them see an officer of the ship. As she did it she remembered that some of those troopers could be the clones shed once commanded, some of them may be men who shed saved or helped or formed friendships with. The pain of that thought, the injustice of what the emperor and his lackey had done to the galaxy had Kai walking quickly striding past those numerous troopers and out of the landing bay. The quickly formed and in some ways nave minds of Storm troopers made it easy to bend the images they saw in their minds. Making her way quickly through corridors she fought to keep her mind off of Rayne-Sunn and how he was doing. Instead she was forced to constantly bend the illusion onto different peoples minds. The officers and some strong willed individual creatures were the hardest as she added and dropped the illusion from each person she passed. The constant strain was slowly taking its toll and she was struggling with the last few until she stopped outside the doors to the command center, dropping her illusions completely and thumbed her saber, stepping onto the command deck in the cruisers control tower.
She wouldn't seem insane at all, in fact for once Rayne-Sunn seemed to understand why she was acting the way she was. When she finally spoke he smirked and pressed his forhead against hers gently. "I was." He said softly, and while she sat waiting to go out the ramp, he would actually turn her around, and point towards a small hatch on the wall. "I should have explained. That is your exit. It's an emergency exit that goes out near the engines so you have plenty of cover to get behind. I will handle the rest. Now get over there." He replied, pushing her lightly in that direction as he turned to face the large loading ramp. He did all he could to calm his nerves, because to pull off the following steps would require some heavy concentration mostly because his lightsabers were still in his quarters at the front of the ship. Straightening his dress shirt and squaring his shoulders, he felt the freighter touch down before looking over his shoulder at Kai. "When I reach the bottom of the ramp, you go. Popping the emergency hatch will raise the shields, so it'll keep the ship safe while we get her loose." He paused for a moment and looked forward, before glacing back to her. "May the Force be with you Kai..." He said, before dropping the ramp and raising his hands to the waiting legion of stormtroopers. "I surrender!" He said, stepping forward and heading down the ramp, and if Kai was still looking, she would see his lightsabers slowly creeping out of his room, and sitting behind the wall beside the ramp.
Stepping onto the command deck Kai was met with the chaotic buzz of activity of a ship actively engaged in some sort of action. The officers were shouting about sending more troopers to the docking bay while others were asking for casualty reports and still others were giving orders on where and how to fly the ship. The hum of her lightsaber was almost lost in the cacophony until she slashed it through a navigation console watching it explode in a shower of sparks and sound. Using the Force she pulled the two Storm Troopers standing near the back hatch close enough to sweep her saber through the space between their helmets and their chest guards. Dispassionately Kailian watched their bodies tumble to the deck falling limply even as their heads rolled away, before the command deck erupted into overwhelming noise and light as laser pistols were fired at her and crew members screamed in panic. Falling back onto her training Kai almost felt like she was watching herself from the outside as her mind was allowed to drift, even as her body reacted automatically relying on the Force to guide her movements as she blurred through every member of the crew that was fighting her. Finally what seemed like an eternity of only a few seconds the command deck was quiet and Kai walked over to examine the consoles, glad that they had changed so little from the GAR battle cruisers that she had ridden on when her and Master Almrik had accompanied clone troops into battle. Working quickly Kai broke the tractor link and started to set about a crazed network of commands and programs loose on the ships controls. There wasnt enough time to destroy the hated vessel but the damage that her commands would cause would put it into the dockyard for several months at least. She felt the first of those commands as the ship twisted and jerked wildly, the engines firing up to dangerous levels of speed for a ship its size even as Kai raced back down corridors heading for the docking bay they had arrived at.
After Rayne-Sunn and the storm troopers had reached the end of the ramp, he heard her exit the hatch, and with a soft hum the ship's shield activated, but not before his lightsabers had flown past and into his hands, igniting and dropping the two who were escorting him in a matter of seconds. Now it was a matter of dealing with the hundreds upon hundreds of laser blasts that were coming his way. Grinning to himself behind the yellow and purple blades, he released them and used the Force to get them spinning in front of him at great speed, generating an near invincible forcefield that the bolts couldn't get through. The small tricks that master Windu had taught him were now coming to the fro, and as he slowly walked towards the multitude of troopers before quickly snatching his sabers and starting to cut through the legion. He would seem like a man possessed with the speed and seemingly random assortment of moves he was making amid the mass of white, making short work of the detachment that was sent to capture these two stray Jedi before he was standing there looking at the destruction he had wreaked, breathing deeply from the exertion. Then he was witness to a sight that made him happy that Kai had not stayed, but for him, it might prove to be disasterous as a black gloved hand thrusted towards him, and the next thing Rayne-Sunn knew, he was flying clean across the hangar.
Stepping in front of the sensor Kai stepped out onto a scene from her experiences in the war. Troopers were scattered throughout the bay in different states of injury while others lay still and silent. The entire scene was enough to give her momentary pause as she felt the overwhelming presence of death and of a very powerful force user standing in the midst of that death. Fighting her fear Kailian made a break across the bay, her saber swinging and clearing a path through the few troopers that stood in her path. Taking them in the back, most of them didnt even have time to know what was happening before they fell. Pushing the possibility that once again she was killing troopers shed known, saved, and formed friendships with Kailian kept her blade moving blocking the incoming fire from troopers who had watched their comrades fall. The deflected bolts bounced from the ships shields letting her know they were still functional, and the brief moment she had to look told her that the ramp was closed, meaning Rayne-Sunn must be back aboard. That thought brought momentary panic to her mind, the realization that she was the only other force user in the bay with that creature. A momentary lapse was all it was but it was enough as she felt a bolt slam into her calf sending her sprawling across the deck as her body skid her saber flying from her hands and landing next to a dead trooper. Fierfek! using one hand she clutched at her burned leg and with the other she summoned her blade, she just felt the handle slide into her grip when a boot slammed down onto her hand forcing another scream of pain from her throat. Gritting her teeth Kai looked at the boot, the black polymer plasti-armor of the boot trailed up more of the same glossy armor. Its normally pristine exterior was scratched and marred by some sort of fight,Rayne-Sunnthe thought came to her mind instantly that hed been fighting this creature. Glaring her defiance up at the helmeted face she bared her teeth in grim smile, before her hand came away from her wounded thigh driving a knife into the front of the dark Jedis leg allowing Kai to scramble painfully and drag herself through the hatch on the ship her saber left behind, broken under that black boot.
Rayne-Sunn had to groan with the strain of recovering from the toss, but he would barely have time to breathe before he was lifted up again, being turned to face the dark lord from across the massive room as he tried to resist the power being focused towards him. He managed to get his hands moving before Vader threw him again, this time bringing Rayne-Sunn towards him much as Kai had done in the bridge. As Vader ignited his saber to prepare and cut the Jedi in two, Rayne-Sunn found the will (and anger) to break the hold as he went sailing overhead, his sabers coming to life just in time to parry the terminal blow as he flipped forward to fascilitate him landing on his feet. Firmly planted he would turn and face Vader, and their own battle would begin. At this point in time Rayne-Sunn's mental state was not stable to be used with his trained saber style. It required a small dip in to the Dark Side in order to enhance the strength, speed and unpredictability of the user but with Rayne-Sunn's mind slipping further and further towards the fact his parents had just died because of him he would inch himself closer to danger every second he was fighting Vader. It would be the feeling and knowledge that Kai was coming back that started to stablized him a bit, and catching Vader's saber between his own, he yelled at the ship, "Troops, fire!" The order got one of the droids to swivel one of the turrets towards Vader and open fire. The bolts would not hit him, but it sufficently distracted the dark lord that Rayne-Sunn could concentrate and send a strong Force push and drive Vader towards the other side of the hangar well away from their ship. "Shields down, spool up, Kai is coming and we're getting out of here! Whatever you do, don't stop firing!" He ordered as he ran towards the ramp, jumping over the fallen bodies of the storm troopers to get there. Closing the ramp behind him he would make for the escape hatch, pulling it open as he looked towards the door Kai had left through earlier, and eagerly waiting for her return. "Please stay down, please stay down..." he said to himself as he kept sensing to see if Vader was coming at them any time soon, and whether or not Kai would make it that last short sprint.
Feeling strong hands grab her Kai relaxed into the grip her energy deserting her as her body tried to cope with the blaster wound to her leg, the pain in her hand and the exhaustion from the amount of Force work shed done. Stumbling she tried to help as he carried her towards her room and set her down on her bed. The feel of the ship moving was enough to calm a large part of her nerves. The downside was as her adrenalin faded her body was able to directly relate more and more how much damage shed suffered. Hissing in pain she felt Rayne-Sunn cut away at her pants, trying to look at her wound before slapping a bacta patch onto it. Another painful grunt was forced from her lips before the numbing agent in the bacta went to work calming her twitching leg and the fried nerves in it. Looking down at her right hand Kailian grimaced, Its busted the back of her hand was purple and swollen and Kai could feel the bones grating against each other, their small nature made them inherently more fragile. Giving a grim little laugh, At least my fingers arent broken, just the hand. Wincing she tried to look away and block the pain like shed been taught but it was hard. Exhaustion, shock, and the nerves from their encounter were still racing through her as she tried to stop the pain. Kai made sure not to meet his eyes and never told him if it hurt or not, because honestly, how stupid would it be to ask if her broken bones hurt or not. That made her start to giggle, but it soon swept into full out hysterical laughter as Kai tried not to cry, the fear and other emotions that were still rolling through her making her unstable after such an event. When she finally calmed down she was sniffling and there were tears in her eyes. I lost my lightsaber her voice sounded defeated and broken. There were two problems with the fact that her saber was gone, the first was now she was weaponless until she made a new one, and the second was that the Jedi had always kept a database of sabers that had been made and who they belonged to. And Kais was still her original saber, which meant that now the empire knew exactly which Jedi they had encountered and who they would be hunting for in the future.
Rayne-Sunn would be waiting there for her, her short struggle to get on the ship cut short by him grabbing her around the waist and pulling her up and in to the cargo bay, slamming the hatch closed behind him as he carried her towards her room. "Take off, get us out and keep firing those lasers so we can leave a last legacy!" He commanded to the droids, working as hard as they could to adjust for the fact that the Star Destroyer was listing quite heavily with the commands and damage Kailian had done on the bridge. But they managed, and in a few seconds the armed freighter was airborne and flying quickly out of the bay, moving around the twirling Star Destroyer to find a way to cover their path, as they launched in to hyperspace incredibly quickly, breaking a few standards of protocol in order to do so. While this was taking place outside of the ship, Rayne-Sunn would sit Kai down on her bed. He had seen all that had happened, and so he got to work immediately, grabbing the first aid box off the wall just outside. "How is the hand?" He asked quietly as he cut away the charred leg of her pant to look at the blaster shot. Looking at the wound he would take out a large bacta patch, pulling it free of the wrapping before placing it, and holding it against her leg as he looked up to her eyes to see how she was feeling.
Numbly she watched him wrap her leg her mind a million miles away. Without her lightsaber Kai felt somehow less than she should be, not truly a Jedi as she should be. That iconic defining item that all of the Jedi carried was now destroyed, her lightsaber the one that defined her career, was gone and Kai felt the hole it left. A sudden snapping pain flashed through her causing Kai to scream and double over pulling her hand away from Rayne-Sunn whimpering. Understanding went through her after a moment and she allowed him to wrap her hand up. Tears were still in her eyes as he told her that she just needed to let it heal. She felt him guide her, swinging her legs up onto her bed and lay her down, Kailian didnt even make the attempt at protest, she was tired, in pain, and depressed over the loss of her saber. His placating words about making a new one just bounced off her mind, her thoughts kept telling her how shed lost the last connection to her previous life as a Jedi, her last link to Master Almrik gone. Kai tried to hold herself together but as Rayne-Sunn leaned down and kissed her she tried to stifle her sob. Grabbing onto him she Clung to Rayne-Sunn her arms wrapped around his neck as she cried on his shoulder. Its goneIt wasnt just a saber Hoping he understood Kai stopped trying to talk and just let herself cry clinging to him. Finally after a few minutes she stopped sniffling and sat back, not looking Rayne-Sunn in the face. She couldnt believe how truly shed broken down over something that must seem so small.
Her mind was so fragile, it was almost cute to watch her work through her thoughts, emotions, sensations and feelings. Drawing in a deep sigh, Rayne-Sunn would look back down to the leg, wrapping some bandage around the patch to continue to hold it in place as he looked at her hand. He breathed lightly as his fingers traced over the skin of her hand, refusing to touch down until they came to the broken bone, and then they fell hard so a soft snap was heard. "There, the bone should be back in place. Now we just have to let it heal." He said, speaking so softly still as he grabbed some more bandage to wrap her hand up and keep it steady. He almost ingored the fact her saber was gone, instead tending to the important things, and once he had applied the required bandages, he would actually swing her legs up gently onto her bed, and have her lie down, even if she protested. "Don't worry about the saber. They already knew you weren't dead, and now they know you're not weak." He said as he ran a hand gently through her hair, sitting on the side of the bed to comfort her as the vessel continued to make its way through hyperspace. "You'll make a new one. I know just the place. For now, just rest my dear've done a lot today." He continued, before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on her soft lips.
Kai watched as Rayne-Sunn pulled out a saber, showing it to her, it was a design and particularly a saber she was familiar with. Its purple blade was distinctive, and the hilt was also distinct in its plainness. Instead of saying anything she sat quietly and listened to his story about retrieving his fallen masters saber. Still unable to look at him, with her emotions so unstable she kept her eyes on that sleek piece of equipment, her eyes burning now with envy and sadness. She wanted to get her masters saber but it was like her saber, destroyed. Her depression was silly, Kailian understood that but even Rayne-Sunns promise of rebuilding her saber or even improving it was of little relief to her mind. At that moment she felt him rub her arm, and leave the room telling her to rest. Rest, however; was the last thing on Kais mind. She felt adrift, with every true tie to the order having been severed all that was left was her training, the memories of fallen comrades, and Rayne-Sunn that she had to cling to. Everything now that tied Kailian to being; Kailian, padawan of the Jedi order was gone. With that in her mind Kai rolled onto her side, pulling her damaged hand in front of her and letting her injured leg stretch out. Fitful sleep descended upon her, as dreams of her most recent fight with the Dark Jedi and the death of her master four years before haunted her sleep.
He would hold her tightly when she clung to him, knowing deep seated emotions for the first time now as his mind slowly grappled with the fact the two of them were without a home, and his parents were dead. Maybe he wanted to cry, but not now...not when she had lost something that he knew was quite precious. Maybe... "Sabers never are just that. Look..." he said, grabbing one of his sabers from one of his holsters and holding it in front of him, and in her line of sight. Thedesignof which she might have seen before as he hovered it above his hand with the Force. "I spent a lot of time tracking this down. It belonged to my master, and it traded hands from a man in the lower world of Coruscant, to a trader on Nar Shadaa, to Corellia, and then finally to me. It belonged to Master Windu, and I protect this with my life." He said softly, looking at the saber contemplatively since he noticed that she wasn't keen on looking him in the eye. However, after telling his story he would look at her, and smiled softly. "I know somewhere we can go to hide. And there, we can find you everything you need to rebuilt your saber, and make one that means something to you. Could even use a rancor tooth if you wanted." He said with a soft smile, gently taking his saber and placing it back in its proper place. "For now, just rest. You need it." He rubbed her arm gently, and then slowly got up before heading away from her quarters towards the bridge.
After a fitful sleep Kailian woke, her leg throbbing as the anesthetizing effects of the bacta wore off. It still kept her leg clean, and was helping the wound to heal properly, but now it ached and hurt enough to cause Kai to let out a little whimper as she moved. Hopping she limped around her quarters, still dressed in the ripped and dirty clothes of the day before. As she looked down at her leg and then back to her hand Kai realized that they were in a bit more serious of a predicament than they had originally thought. Struggling Kai was able to fight her way out of her tattered clothing, thought that was mostly by ripping the battered garments off piece by piece and piling the rags on the floor. Finally she stood naked, never having worn undergarments before it seemed to be helpful at times but also most embarrassing at time. Right now she wanted nothing more than to go into the refresher and clean herself, maybe take a shower or a bath. Probably best to take a shower in her condition was the final decision shed made. But after a few moments of looking around she realized that she had nothing with which to wrap her bandages, and most probably would be unable to wrap them at any rate with one hand wrapped up in so much gauze and padding. Making sure to make small movements especially with her leg, Kai hobbled to her bed and wrapped the sheet around herself, before deciding to hop through the ship until she could find Rayne-Sunn. Eventually she happened upon him in the hold, practicing his lightsaber drills. The sight of those glowing rods struck a pang inside of her for a moment before she was distracted by the naked sweaty chest of the well-built man doing the practicing. Kai took a few moments to enjoy the view, watching his muscles rippled under the skin, and the sweat drops slide down that toned skin. Even in her broken condition Kai felt the newly awakened lust that Rayne-Sunn had kindled on his family platform. Deciding to make her presence known Kai cleared her throat before speaking, Rayne-Sunndo you think you could help meI cant shower without wrapping these Thinking for a moment she blushed as she realized something else. Actually I cant shower on my own, I need both legs or both arms to clean myselfum Her embarrassment was keeping her from asking for help as she bit her lip staring at the floor of the hold.
He would wish he could take his own advice, or even better be able to say the right things to ease Kai's slowly slipping mind, but he just didn't have the heart or calm mind of the Jedi he was to do just that. She was not a normal Jedi either, the war had seen to that and now he was faced with dealing with a normal person who never learned the methods for coping with her issues, and no means of seeking help beyond themselves because they were exiles, and the universe was not interested in their problems, their plight, and the help they needed. Sighing to himself he could only head to the bridge and sit in his chair, turning towards the navacomputer to set their coordinates. He would have to make crossover jumps between systems to try and lose their hyperspace trail so the empire wouldn't be able to find them, and he felt some jumps out into the far Outer Rim would assist them greatly, before making a few jumps in to the Middle Rim, and then out to their destination. It would take a while to complete, but then again they could use the time to try and collect their thoughts. With the coordinates posted, he turned to one of his droids, and nodded. "Make sure the Empire doesn't catch up, and the jumps happen as fast as they can. I'll be in the hold." Standing in the empty space he reflected on how alone they were now. His parents were dead, his home destroyed...everything that had kept him grounded was now a distant memory along with the Jedi Order. Slowly sliding his shirt off of his torso he let the coolness of the space around him seep into his skin. Closing his eyes he slowly drew his sabers, and started to focus on walking the line with the Dark Side, but never crossing, using that power to lend to his strength, but never let it become his strength. Be as his master, never falter away from the Light and always be a threat for those who wish to punish the innocent. With the death of his parents in mind he kept his eyes closed and sparred with the air, sabers ignited as he tried to calm his mind by fighting with it instead of letting his rage take hold and fight in anger. He would do this for hours, sweat sliding down his back as his eyes remained closed and he continued to try and calm his mind, shut away the pain of their isolation and try to be able to face the trials the two of them would have to face in the coming days..weeks...months...years...
She watched him stop and stare at her for a few moments and it suddenly dawned on her what she must look like standing there in only a blanket and a blush stained her cheeks. Turning to look away she stared at the deck again, and waited for him to recover before suddenly she found herself being lifted gently from her feet and cradled in Rayne-Sunns arms. As he did so she squeaked and wiggled, giggling a little bit and playfully admonished him, Rayne-Sunn! Finally she relaxed in his arms resting her head against his chest as he carried her to the freshers and set her down gently on the countertop. Smiling she felt happy again, somehow Rayne-Sunn simply balanced her and took away the uneasy feelings. Simply being near him helped to calm and focus her, though at the same time she felt like she lost focus, because time seemed to slip past without her noticing, like before she realized what was happening he was wrapping her hand in plastic when shed been staring at him and hadnt realized what he was searching for. Her own sheepish grin answered his, I figured I would need to keep that wrapped up until the bones set at least. Next she waited for him to check her leg and just nodded as he told her that she should get some water on it. What she wasnt expecting was him to suddenly step close, cupping her cheek and drawing her in for a kiss. The tenderness and simple comfort of that kiss was something new to her. The day before shed experienced Rayne-Sunns passion filled kisses, and then that evening his comforting ones when shed been in pain, but now it was as if he was trying to tell her something through that kiss, soft and sensuous but not deep and demanding. Finally when their kiss broke Kailian was in a daze her head still following Rayne-Sunn, before she came to her senses. Um, Rayne-SunnIm gonna need a little help cleaning That blush stained her face again as she tried to ask him to help her in the shower.
It would be a bit of an abrupt stop to his activities when he heard her voice, and in the end he ended up throwing his sabers right across the hold towards the back wall, the blades extinguishing before they landed. He had been so entraced by his activity he had lost contact with whatever might have been happening in the ship. He had to stop and breathe very deeply for a few moments, and Kai might notice that black aura that came over him again, before dissipating into the floor as he calmed. Shaking his head a few times he would take in one more breath and turn towards Kai, before standing in bewilderment. Her frame silouetted by the blanket was something absolutely breath taking to observe, and given the physical exertion he had just been doing, he might have passed out if he had lost his breath. He would almost forget for a bit that she had asked for some form of help, and he would have shake his head again to rediscover his focus, and actually respond. "Oh..yes certainly. Here." He would say, walking towards her, and without much of a second thought he would gently pick her up and carry her towards the washing room in his arms. Apparently he was feeling extra protective of her now that she was even the littlest bit injured. Going into the relatively spacious cleaning quarters would sit her down on the counterspace by the sink. "Now let me see..." He said to himself as he went searching for what was required. He would soon come back with a small plastic glove, smiling sheepishly. "We have to keep your hand bandaged, so this should keep it dry." He said, carefully sliding the waterproof garment over her fingers, and then unrolling it ever so gently over her broken hand. He would then turn his attention to her calf, which he analyzed carefully before slowly peeling the patch away from her skin. "Some water should actually do it some good. Air it out before we put another patch on it." He continued, throwing away the medical item before coming to stand in front of her again. And then he did something relatively unexpected, and stepped closer to her and gently cupped her cheeks in his hands, and drew her in for a long, careful and loving kiss.
The tension and embarrassment was almost palpable as Kai tried to look anywhere but him. His slightly stuttering foolish reply only heightened Kais sense of embarrassment, as she took it almost as a sign of reluctance on his part. Finally she felt him moving about the room removing his clothes before he stepped into the water turning it on. She felt a small tug at the edge of her blanket and let go of it her cheeks flaming as she had to accept his help, letting him half carry her into the showers. The warm water washing over her was relieving and Kai closed her eyes and let her face go under the spray, washing away her tensions and problems of the last few days along with the grit and dirt from the adventure. She was starting to relax, letting herself lean back against Rayne-Sunn as he helped to support her. Smiling slightly she kept weight from her injured leg, even as the warm water stung at the healing wound, mostly she just relaxed back against Rayne-Sunn enjoying the warmth and strength he offered, a sort of relaxing effect that he had on her. Kailian stiffened when she felt his fingers in her head, mostly from surprise and she fought to keep the contented moan from breaking free as she felt him massaging her scalp, cleaning her hair. That fight was something she lost as she heard her moan echo quietly in the small shower. Immediately after she ducked her head face flaming even as she felt her body responding to Rayne-Sunns nearness and their current state of dress, she felt his slippery muscular body sliding against her back as his hands washed her hair. Biting her lip Kai debated with herself for a moment before she spun around and hugged Rayne-Sunn from the front. Letting her own wet body slide against his she made sure to keep her leg from taking too much of her weight as she rubbed her stiff nipples against his chest. Her audacity and the simple fact that with her injuries she could feel such a need to touch and be touched in that stimulating way that had happed back in his family temple surprised Kai. That state of surprise didnt stop her from feeling that attraction however and Kai reached up to wrap her good hand around Rayne-Sunns neck, pulling the much taller man down so that her lips met his as passion and heat raced through her.
He had to smile at that little blush on her cheeks, it was just so damnably cute on her. And the way she asked her question, it all just worked together to make a simply adorable image. Nodding a few times he looked at himself then at the refresher, "" He said foolishly as he would strip himself clear of his remaining clothes before walking over to the refresher to get it running and warm. It was quite a traditional unit, but even in a spacecraft jumping back and forth through hyperspace it warmed up quickly. It would be then that he walked back over to her and grabbed a corner of her blanket, offering to take it off for her in order to save the effort. When that was done he would stand close in order to offer assistance so she could make it to the stall, granting her enough strength so she wouldn't have to use her bad leg or broken hand to get in, and shortly she would be under the warm water and steam, one of his arms wrapped around her firmly to keep her supported as he smiled down at the petite Jedi. He would just begin getting her cleaned, running some water through her hair at first as he free hand went through it and giving a soft massage in order to just make her feel better, calmed and more at ease with the situation.
The feel of slick skin sliding against her had Kai feeling warm and tingly again, an itching need starting in her core as she felt his hand held her by her rear. When hed grabbed her Kai couldnt suppress the soft moan she felt as his rough hands grabbed her and lift her slightly. Using her good leg Kai bounced once and leapt up wrapping that leg around him and her injured leg was wrapped around him lightly keeping all pressure off of it. As soon as she did that she felt his shaft trapped between them her slick folds wrapping around it and pressing against the base of it as she forced it against his stomach. Smiling as he kept kissing her she wrapped her arms around his neck, her uninjured hand sliding into his hair and playing with the short wet strands as she let him hold her up. With her body being held up like this she didnt need to stretch so far to meet his kisses and let his tongue delve deeply into her mouth as she kissed him back, passion fueling her actions as she clung to him. As the feelings grew she felt her pelvis rocking against him sliding her slick core against his shaft up and down and her mouth fought with his for dominance. This time she was facing him and just being able to see his expressions was new and exciting rather than how hed taken her from behind the last time. Her own was one of wonton lust and desire as she let out her moans and gasps against his lips every time the thick head of his member brushed against that little cluster of nerves at the top of her slit. Ohhhh.Rayne-SunnI wantitagain. She wasnt sure how to articulate what she knew she wanted after all shed never truly been educated on sex, instead she just knew what had happened with Rayne-Sunn before.
To say that Rayne-Sunn hadn't expected her to feel quite so passionate given the state of affairs and her injuries would be an understatement. One moment he was just gently cleaning her hair, and then next she was turned around and pressed against him, strong hands sitting on her lovely hips to help keep her steady by instinct, and the grip only grew when she pulled him down for a kiss. The passion flowing through he was so surprising that he would not know what to do at first, but then everything connected and he replied, returning the kiss with equal passion, though maybe with a sense of desperation as his emotions reeled themselves towards this positive energy, and away from the reality outside of the ship. His hands would slowly shift to the curve of her behind and hold her there, the reason being two fold. First, he simply loved the feeling of her butt, and secondly because it gave him a good angle to lift her up slightly, helping her to keep the weight off of her injured leg as much as possible. Always concerned he is. It was hard to concentrate with her naked, smooth, wet body pressed against his, but maybe that was the point as he continued to kiss her so deeply, tongue looking to taste her once again, because she was becoming an addiction he was happy to have.
Whimpering with need as she ground herself against him suddenly Kai felt cold at her back as her pressed her against a wall and one of his hands disappeared. For a moment she felt him move slightly away from her and groaned with disappointment but then immediately after felt the head of his member sliding up and down her slit before he notched himself and slowly sank inside of her. Her disappointment was immediately forgotten as she let out a long gasping moan as he filled her some completely again, her small body being stretched by his tool again. Being a small woman and having Rayne-Sunns large organ spreading her insides felt heavenly to Kailian as she rocked her hips to meet every thrust as he bounced her body guiding their rhythm. Every ridge and bump on his shaft elicited another feeling from inside of her as she let him take her to the heights of pleasure again as she found herself suddenly squeezing him, her body tightening around his shaft as lights exploded in her mind and pleasure rolled over her. A squeal erupted from her lips as she felt her body shake frozen on him, as her inner muscles worked to milk him before she collapsed forwards onto his shoulder. A few seconds later and her hips were starting to rock again as Kai felt that her body could reach that pinnacle again and if Rayne-Sunn could take her there again and again, she felt that she would do anything that he asked her to. Her lips found his again even as she felt that thick shaft sliding in and out of her filling her pleasantly.
He was more than up to the task of holding her up, especially with the way her legs wrapped around him so tightly, the way his shaft pressed so close to her womanhood that he could almost imagine the sensation of being inside her right now. It was definitely intoxicating, especially with the way she was trying to challenge him with the power of her kisses, and he was more then willing to fight back and keep his position, holding her tightly as he kissed back with equal passion to keep her in her place. Articulation wasn't really required when their bodies were together like this and she was grinding against his shaft so desperately. He would only smile brightly as he rested her against the wall a bit so he could free a hand, bringing it around so he could feel his shaft between her legs, and slowly rub it along her smooth womanhood before slowly guiding it inside her again, that sweet feeling of lust and physical fulfillment starting to come back to him as her tight insides surrounded his member. He had to release a moan before wrapping his arms around her once more, balancing himself in the middle of the refresher as he slowly guided her on and off his manhood as he began to feel drugged by the pleasure, the steam, and her beautiful eyes...simply delightful.
Gasping she felt her body rocking and riding on Rayne-Sunn, every thrust brought new feelings, new pleasure washing over her. Kailian just surrendered herself to the feeling, surrendered herself to Rayne-Sunn and that total trust, that total emersion of herself in another being was intoxicating as much as it was reassuring. As that passion rolled over herself and flooded her senses Kai acted in such a wanton manner as she rolled her hips against his, reveling in the feel of his length sliding around inside of her, his girth stretching her and making her his in a way that no one else could possibly understand. His hands on her rear guiding her working her faster and faster against his shaft had her moaning into his mouth, his wandering hand left a trail of tingles as it slid down in spine and down between her butt cheek. Suddenly she felt his finger tip at her backdoor, rubbing causing her to stiffen in shock at what he was exploring, before she felt that finger poke up inside of her. Gasping she broke their kiss to let her mouth fall against his shoulder panting against his skin as that finger broke the tight seal and wiggled inside of her. On one had the invading digit felt strangely uncomfortable, stretching an even tighter hole than the one his shaft was in, but on the other hand it felt strangely good at the same time and Kai couldnt decide which felt better as she lay tense against his shoulder, with that finger in her rear.
He could honestly not of expected her to reach her first pinnacle so quickly, having just gotten started himself. Regardless, it was a delightfully heavenly feeling to have her small body shake so violently around his actions, her womanhood squeezing so tightly on him as he kept sliding himself in and out of her. Truly, how could a Jedi find any bliss away from this union. Nothing felt more pure or true than these actions and emotions, especially with their rawness. Maybe that is why it was always forbidden, raw emotion always led down dark paths from which many did not return, but he didn't see how that could be possible, not with how this felt. His mind came back in to focus quite quickly when she brought her lips back to his, and this simply made him start working her faster over his shaft, the passion starting to whip him into a frenzy he normally saved for a battle. And curiousity spurned him to try something else. As one arm continued to hold her tightly against him and keep her moving, a finger idly ran down her spine and between the cheeks of her behind, stopping to run over her backdoor a bit, poking in to it curiously to see what kind of response that part of the body illicited from her.
For Kai the things he was doing to her body bordered on magical. Every time she thought it was starting to get uncomfortable shed slide that finger out and back into her rear eliciting new feelings and strange tingle from her rear as he pumped his large finger in her, but he never stopped bouncing her onto his shaft, its bumps and veins sliding against the ripples of her own internal muscles making Kailians pleasure grow ever higher with each thrust. At that moment in time she wasnt thinking about the Jedi or anything other than the feel of Rayne-Sunns wet body against hers. No worry or stray thought crossed her mind except the joy of the things that he was doing to her body, the passion he elicited from her. Every time the fat head of his penis slid almost out of her Kai felt a momentary loss but it disappeared as she felt him slide back inside of her, back home. And thats the way Kai felt, like she belonged her with Rayne-Sunn coupling with him in this way like it was her destiny. Moaning and shaking she felt another climax building and if she had been a student of medicine rather than a student of warfare she would know the dangers of what they were doing as well, less than a day before they had run the same risk, and Kai was like any other female in the galaxy, and the two Jedis couple was perfectly in the middle of her cycle.
Rayne-Sunn wasn't always one to push boundaries too far, always being careful of walking the fine line between adventurous and dangerous in every facet of his life. That was why he had adopted the fighting style he had, took the risk of returning to his parents during the purge all among other things. So he would keep teasing her behind, sliding finger out when she seemed to tense up, and then trying again, all the while making sure that their true connection was never severed...such pleasure was never something you wanted to surrender when so close to someone. Realistically it was hard to describe how the two Jedi had gone from strangers just a few days ago to extremely intimate partners, but the collective history of the Jedi Order coupled with their own trials and tribulations generated an attraction, a need for something positive for them to cling to, especially another who might feel the same. Either way, when her head went to his shoulder his lips decided to occupy themselves by going to her small, beautiful wet neck, which he started kissing softly, sucking on her skin softly.
Kai was lost to the sensations a slave to the feel of that thick long shaft thrusting and throbbing inside of her core. Right then that was all she cared about, nothing else mattered but that feeling of being filled, and of being Rayne-Sunns. As her second climax build she felt it building slowly higher and higher its peak so close yet just out of reach for her, and as it built her pleasure mounted, tangibly so close to washing over her and claiming every one of her senses but unattainable. That growing pleasure had changed her whimpering begging and pleas for more, to unintelligible whimpering and gasping of Rayne-Sunns name his pounding taking up her whole consciousness. It was almost painful how much that pleasure grew but never peaked she clung to him her fingernails digging into his shoulder when suddenly she felt his finger delve further into her behind and felt his knuckles against her cheeks that long digit buried in her and stretching and wiggling inside of her. This time she was aware of the build and thought she should be unsurprised by the peak that crested over her but it came just as fast and as her first, due to that exploring finger. Her head snapped back and her body jerked as she felt herself automatically clenching and milking him inside of her. All control was lost as she barely kept herself from letting go of him and falling backwards as her body undulated against him, the tip of his large organ pressing right up against the deepest part of her kissing against some opening deep inside. Her head snapped back forwards and she bit down on his shoulder as she wailed her pleasure, every nerve exploding inside of her as her mind went white with pleasure.
To be perfectly honest, Rayne-Sunn had never weighed the risk of what was happening, and even if he knew there was a good chance he wouldn't of cared. After having experienced the care (or lack thereof) that his father had given him, he had always harboured the thought that he could do better. Maybe together him and Kai could make a difference, and start the next generation of Jedi in these dark times. Unfortunately his committments to the Jedi were never far from his mind, even at a moment like this...though the way she made him felt, the way she was his to take, protect, please and enjoy was about the only thing that could unseat his number one priority. It was strange magic, but did it ever feel so perfect. In getting lost in his thoughts he would be returned to the situation by the building of her second climax, and in all honesty he was feeling that he couldn't take much more before he felt the same. Maybe when she was healed he would try something more radical with their bodies, but as they were trapped now, he didn't want to change a thing. The feeling of her tight womanhood stroking him to his orgasm so sweetly as his finger started to push further and further into her behind. He knew that when her walls tightened again, it would be the end of the line for him. He was doomed, and he didn't care.
As thought process slowly returned, that all-consuming pleasure slowly fading, Kailian could feel him splashing her insides with a warmth and wetness that was different. Just as his own gasps and heaving breathing was different than they had been and Kai just basked in the afterglow, feeling his strong swelling and pulsing inside of her, more and more liquid being poured into her body. As those torrents began abating she felt herself being balanced against the wall, soft kisses on her shoulder and neck making her shiver in happiness as she relaxed against him. At that moment Kai was exhausted, yet still pleased by the events that had happened. In a way she had needed to be that close to Rayne-Sunn after almost losing him. That act of coupling had calmed her, reassured her of his reality and at the same time connected her again with him in a way that she doubted the council would have liked for two Jedi to be connected. Snuggling her face into his shoulder Kai felt limp against him and hoped that she wasnt too heavy for him to hold up, even if she had been Kai wasnt sure that she would have been able to take her own weight after such a climax. Wow Finally she decided to break the silence and whispered against his wet neck, that one word containing so much emotion that she was trying to convey to Rayne-Sunn about her view on what had just happened between them yet again. I could become addicted to that.
The movement of her body and the explosive nature of her climax was enough to bring him over the edge as well, his body building its release before his muscles tighted and once she pitched forward and was close to him again he held on tight as he quickly filled her up, a torrent of warm seed released inside her happily. He would be able to hold on to her on his own for a few moments before he required the support of the wall, breathing heavily as he tried to maintain his balance under the warm waters of the refresher. Slowly he would place kisses upon her shoulder and neck, still holding her so close and simply refusing to let her go despite his weakness. His mind would slowly come back to him through the fog of plesure and ectasy, and slowly his breath returned, though he could be aware of very little than their proximity, her smooth body still so close to his and still how natural this all felt. It was a delight and as much better as it would be to let her go...he simply couldn't. Not yet.
Laying her head down against his shoulder she was giggling when he told her he had to punish her and lightly tapped her rear making her jump and gasp, her face flaming again as she liked the feel of him spanking her. As he let her down Kai heard the light sucking pop sound as they separated and she felt his seed dripping down onto her thighs and the floor of the shower. As he washed her she kept herself leaning against him letting his hands slide over her body, lathering the soap and cleaner on her muscles and working out the tension even as he helped to get her clean. As much as she was able to Kai helped to wash him, her good hand exploring every inch of him it was able. The exploration was sensual but not in a sexual way, it was caring and mind opening as her hand found his muscles and the scars he carried from his service as a Jedi. Finally she felt the spray washing away the last of the soap from either of them and relaxed against him utterly tired as she half walked half hopped her way out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself trying to dry her body one handed. Groaning in frustration she bit her lip and looked hopefully up at Rayne-Sunn again. I feel so useless right now.
He would have no words for the moment, there wasn't a single word in Galactic Basic that could convey what had happened. He would just smile to what she said and held her closer, tilting her head back so he could give her a long, soft kiss before straightening himself up, strength slowly returning to his exhausted muscles as the blood returned to his extremeties. Damn the human body for that minor flaw. A smart response would eventually come to his strained brain, causing him to chuckle before he spoke, "The Jedi Order does not condone anyone taking part in any addiction. As your superior I am going to have to punish you for that." He teased, giving her behind a light tap as a result before slowly letting her down from her perch around his waist. He wouldn't force her to deal with her entire weight just yet, still holding her up, but his body was not entirely content with how he was holding her up even after demanding so much of his muscles. Some things were worth it, but if they had to fight at their destination, it wouldn't be useful to be crippled. Slowly he would resume cleaning her with the soap dispenser...makes sense to pick up where they left off before the demands of need, love and attraction reared their heads.
Kai had long since stopped worrying about the different marks on her young body, each held a memory or story but most were things that she didnt want to continually try to remember. Some of them were even things that used to give her nightmares every night, and for a while on Nar Shaddar shed been jumpy and always ready to fight. On some level she realized just how bad the mental damage was, but most of the time she just shoved it aside in favor of knowing that she was alive and had survived, and had to keep surviving to honor the dead. Letting him reapply bacta to her leg she smiled and kissed him back softly, before resting his head against Rayne-Sunns shoulder for a few moments. As he led her from the shower she limped along still using him for support when Rayne-Sunn asked his question and her stomach answered with a loud grumble. With her face turning red Kailian bit her lip and nodded her good hand still holding the towel together over her body. Umshould we go get me dressed first? Or would you prefer me to eat in the nude? Even as she asked her stomach rumbled again and Kai made the decision of food first clothes later, and started to push Rayne-Sunn towards the ships kitchen. Once there she looked through different cupboards with as much skill as her broken hand and injured leg allowed. At one point she even had to hop up onto the counter resting on her good knee to root through one of the taller cupboards before finally finding all the bits and pieces she wanted and set about making a small stir-fry dinner. Fumbling as she went, and kept forgetting her broken hand as she tried to use it to grab spices or to cut things.
He knew that they both had stories, thousands of them, all etched in their skin in the places where the imperfections lay. Burns, scars, bumps, bruises...they all told of the Clone Wars, the Purge and all the trials and tribulations that a Jedi had to face until the day they would die. It was never a happy story, and looking over how Kai must have lived, felt and made it through her life...she story was far worse than many others. This made his a bit sad despite the beautiful joining the two of them had just completed as he cleaned her down, and watched her hop out of the shower. Her statement was also quite sadening, be he knew that there was an end to her current ailment, a definite deadline to at least one issue affecting them now. To that he could only smile and assist her a bit in drying off. "Only for now Kai, you'll be healed soon enough. Stop worrying about it and instead concentrate on getting better." He said calmly, removing the plastic glove from her broken hand and then sitting her down again so he could apply another soothing bacta patch to her leg. With the work done he would give her a soft kiss, and offer his hand to help her out of the refresher, and probably back to her quarters. "Hmm, how about something to eat. I am absolutely starving."
Smiling happily Kai had finally gotten everything going and kept things under control as she worked. The kitchen had always been somewhere that she had felt at home, and when they were in the field she had always wanted to provide some kind of hot food if it was a possibility to the clone troopers under their command. Those clones were the people she felt closest too outside of the Jedi community, and though her teachers had told her not to get attached, she knew shed failed. Every campaign shed made sure to learn as many names as possible, to learn their likes and personalities. Despite them all looking the same they had a different feel in the Force just like any other living creature. That dedication and tenacity to helping others had gotten her so many disciplinary chores from Master Almrik, but shed caught him doing the same things from time to time as well. The strain of several years of war did that to people. It made them question their beliefs and everything theyd been raised and trained to do and become. That strain had almost broken Kailian on more than one occasion as shed tried to grasp and wrestle with her part in the massive injustice that went on under the control of the Jedi order and the Republic. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts she worked quickly to add the finishing touches to the food, and used her force powers to float the plates and utensils over to the table. Giggling to herself she hadnt noticed Rayne-Sunn in the doorway, instead she was thinking of all the times shed gotten into trouble for doing things like this, a misuse of her power, is what shed been told. But it made setting the table so much easier and thats what Kai was going to do, especially with her current if temporary handicaps. Without looking at the door she started to call out for Rayne-Sunn, Rayne-Sunn! Its She turned so that she could shout out the door but saw him standing there and she stopped blushing, Ohum, its dinner time. Biting her lip she limped over to the table, her towel still secure around her body.
Rayne-Sunn was tempted to help her with every movement she made which caused her pain, effort and discomfort but based on what she had said about feeling useless, he had the feeling that she needed to do this as she wanted, even if it caused her great annoyance. Instead he would watch her, having wrapped a tower around his waist as he smiled in amusement. Her dedication and tenacity was amusing and so un-Jedi like that he sometimes wondered how she ever entered the temple. However, one could not forget what the four years in between then and now could have done to a person and regardless, he was beginning to love her for all her quirks. After a while he would quietly walk away, heading up to the bridge to see where they were in their sequence. They were on their way to Corscant, stopping there for just a moment before flipping somewhere in the Mid Rim and then they would move to their final destination. Smiling a bit at their success he would look at his droid, and nod. "Good work, keep us save, and we should live a long, long life." He said quietly before wandering back down to the kitchen to see how poor Kai was getting on with making dinner, standing in the door way again as if waiting for some call to grant her some help, not wanting to just jump in and deprive her of that feeling of being useful as she was.
Blushing she knew that Rayne-Sunn was teasing her and being slightly over dramatic on purpose, but for some reason she couldnt find the will to become upset with him. Instead she only nodded and walked the food over to the table, and started to fill his plate even as she felt his hand on her back sending warm happy tingles through her at the contact. This time she was sure it wasnt the passion like they had shared twice before during the day, it was something softer more content and promising. Taking a moment she closed her eyes and just enjoyed that feeling before taking her own seat and started to eat along with him, her own appetite as ravenous as his after all of the energy that had been expended the day before. When he told her that the food was delicious Kai froze, not because of the compliment but because of the endearment that had been added at the end. Her face was bright red and she couldnt help the happy buzz that was going through her at his words. Biting her lip Kai couldnt stop the smile that broke out along with her flush at being called that. As a Jedi those words would have been so wrong, an immediate cause for expulsion; but now they warmed her heart like nothing had in nearly four years. Unable to meet his gaze or erase her smile Kai simply nodded looking down at her place, her voice slightly husky and still filled with happiness as she responded. Thank you, I tried my best. That warm feeling infused her with energy and happiness as she quickly finished her own food and sat back in her chair looking at Rayne-Sunns chest. Every time Kailian tried to look at his face she would blush and smile and look away again, remembering that endearment. Clearing her throat she tried to get her mind off of the topic, So umwhere are we headed for now then?
There it was again, that sense of amusement as he silently watched Kai put together dinner, and use the force to dress the table so they could eat. Her reaction when she used her Force powers in a 'forbidden' manner almost made his chuckle which would break his cover, and at the moment that was something he simply didn't want to do. So he remained quiet and observed, and when she finally noticed him, he smiled beamingly, and chuckled. "Excellent. I'm starving. And it smells soooo goood!" He said with a strong emphasis, truly loving the smell of the food she had provided. Walking over towards the place she had prepared for him, he gently ran his hand over her back as he passed, sitting down slowly and looking at the food before him. He would take in a long sniff of the delicious meal, before grabbing his utensils, and digging in. It would be until he had taken the first bite that he realized how hungry he was, and how much energy he had spent in the past few hours since they had arrived at his family platform. Sex, battle and being thrown across a hangar had certainly made him develop an appetite, and it would also be then he realized how sore he was. Rolling his strong shoulders, he would give a sigh, his mind sending the grief of his parents passing further in to his mind until the two of them were in a better place in order to process exactly what had happened. "This is delicious my love.." he said quietly, looking up to Kai as he chewed on the stir fry, smiling as best he could with a mouth full of food.
Listening intently Kai still couldnt bring herself to look Rayne-Sunn in the eyes. Over the past few short days everything that was inside of her that made her part of the Jedi had been shaken and many of the codes she had been taught had been broken. A part of her mind questioned whether it was possible to fell such deep feelings, anything similar to love, when a person had never known that feeling before. She also wondered if it was possible to feel them in such a short time or was that a connection simply brought on by the stress of the situation, similar to her connections to the clones she had fought beside in battle during the war. All of these thoughts warred in her mind as she heard Rayne-Sunn tell her their destination and gave a short nod. That seems like a good place, or as good as any. No, not really the resistance wed first spoke of but we need to stay alive, at least its better than some of the alternatives as places to go into hiding for now. I think eventually we need to start finding others though, try to build a resistance not just of Jedi but regular people as well. Shrugging she stood and limped towards the counter to grab the pitcher of water that shed left there. When she stood she tugged at her towel making sure the garment stayed tight around her, and again strange feelings washed over her. The idea that her body could incite lust was strange as was the need to worry about modesty all things shed been told were not necessary in the emotionless system that was the Jedi order. Kailian felt him step up beside her with their empty plates and ask if there was anything more. Um I think theres a bit more, not too much but enough for you. Im full though so eat up. She gestured with her hand towards the pan that still sat over the cooker and limped her way slowly back to the table. So what should we do while we rest on the journey to Dantooine? Anything to plan or something to do? Even as a padawan Kai had been unable to stay still for long periods of time, something that had always been a problem during meditation and a large factor in her trainers ire and eventually her Master had just gotten used to her exuberance.
Rayne-Sunn had been quick to finish his meal, though he managed to finish at the same time as her, making the same motion to lean back in his chair comfortably as he looked at the wall across from him. He was in a moment of contented contemplation as he thought about all of the good and the bad which had surrounded them over the past 48 hours, and he just got lost in thought. It would be her soft question which brought him back to their reality, as he turned his blue eyed gaze back to her, and smiled softly. Leaning forward he would run his finger along the edge of his plate as he responded. "Dantooine. Some parts of the planet are quite isolated, and the old Jedi Temple really puts up a strong Force mask, so we should be invisible. From hiding into hiding...does not seem like the fatal blow we wished to strike into the heart of the it?" He said with a bit of disappointment. It was short lived however, because despite the fact they were not immediately planning their rebellion against the Empire, they were safe and they had each other. At the moment, that seemed more important. "We should be arriving there in a little bit. We've had to make a few jumps to try and mask where we're going so we can..just rest." He said with a soft sigh, before slowly standing up, and grabbing their empty plates. "Say, is there any more?" He asked with renew vigor, curious now if there was more deliciousness to be had. Surprisingly, that was enough to distract him.
She watched as Rayne-Sunn got into the pot taking it straight to the table without dishing it out onto a plate. Instead he was eating right out of the cooking pot which caused Kai to shake her head and let a small smile stretch across her face. She was oddly proud of the fact that he was enjoying the food that she had made, and his comment about most Jedi not knowing how to cook was entirely true. Well I learned while I was on campaign, either me and Master Almrik needed to eat and didnt want something premade at a little hole in the wall. It was also nice for the clones to be able to eat food they werent used to, it let them feel a little less like slaves. Giving a little shrug she tried to push off the compliment as those were something she wasnt used to. Kais face was slightly red with a blush and she looked away at the table but couldnt stop the smile that spread again at his compliments. As he suggested resting and healing she couldnt help but grimace at the idea, Ickeven during the war I never was able to just sit and heal when I was injured. She gave a little shrug and tried to think of what she should say now. Um, well yea I mean not that Im not able to sit still or anything I just meant I always thought there was somethingmoreI could be doing and now that were fighting against the empire theres even less time to just sit and wait. She bit her lip and looked over to the doorway realizing that she was rambling. I guess I tend to talk a lot when Im bored or nervous, at least around people that I like. After saying that she blushed brighter again, I mean people who I feel comfortable around. That and I havent been around anyone who I could talk to in a while. Biting her lip again she chewed at it lightly, embarrassed that shed kept babbling and that she was acting like a girl with a crush, at least what she thought a school girl with a crush might act like.
Despite having been a true paragon of everything the Jedi stood for and preached, he was probably having the easiest time transitioning into a state of balance within himself away from the code. He was still the man he always had been, will always defend those who need it, and will always keep control of himself. But the sensation of love, for as much as it felt like it in the presence of Kai was something he felt only strengthened him, and with the collapse of order as they knew it, the use of the Force would have to be unbridled in order to defeat the Sith and the Empire. He could see that much now. They drew no limit to the evil they would do, first in finding them on Nar Shadaa, and then killing his parents just to try and eliminate two innocent Jedi. This was war, regardless of how long it took them to make it happen. Wandering over to the pot where the food was located, Rayne-Sunn instead just took the vat, and placing their plates down, he would snap back his fork and just eat. It was a delicious meal, and he didn't want to let any of it go to waste for even one moment. And then he stopped and wondered for a second as he looked at Kai...'I didn't even know many Jedi knew how to least something this delicious." It was an amusing musing, and he grinned to himself as he just watched her hobble about on her hurt leg and try her best. She was so cute, so amazingly talented and honestly, he was happy he was meeting her outside the confines of the Temple. Everyone seemed so much more...alive without the discipline. Maybe that was how people fell to the darkside, but he knew the two of them still knew right from wrong, irrational from rational and they would not come to the same fate as Vader and the Emperor. "The biggest thing is rest. We're stuck in the wilds once we land. Other than The ships running well, and everything is being watched by the crew." He answered honestly, feeling kind of bad that he didn't have a means to provide her with something to keep her occupied. "You could do some limited training, but my best suggestion is to take care of your injuries as much as you can. It's important."
She blushed again when he openly told her that it was alright for her to like him, and then he mentioned the things theyd done. Oddly that made her skin tingle and her body flushed again despite being tired and sore from the fighting and their earlier love making. She felt warm and happy that Rayne-Sunn was happy with her, and then he went on complimenting her cooking making the padawan blush even brighter and sink into her chair embarrassed by his praise. But despite that she noticed him sinking into a funk obviously the memories were getting to him. There had been plenty of times over the past four years where memories had snuck up on her of the things shed done in the war and everyone had their own coping mechanism. Waiting until he finished talking about them running and gave her a soft kiss Kai decided to say something about his eating experiences during the war to distract her own thoughts, it was what she always did just pushed the bad away, sooner or later shed have to deal with it but not yet. We had the food we took, but especially when we were in the field with the clone troops we tried to find something to cookto give them a sense of normal, you know? Thinking about it now Kai laughed bitterly at the idea, What did we know about normal, A jedi and a padawan, a pair of people whose parents willingly gave us up to strangers because we were different? She reached up to touch her lips where hed kissed her and smiled, Though were not really different to most everyone else. We still care, we still feel... Her voice trailed off and she smiled up at him and put her arms up indicating him to help her up with her leg still injured. Up until that point shed been getting around on her own simply as a point but right now she wanted to be in his arms to feel him holding her. In his arms she felt safe, everything from her past was pushed away and the only thing that existed was that moment. She knew it wasnt really a safe feeling to have but it was addictive and she couldnt stop it.
"It's no shame to admit you like me Kai...after the things we've done it'd be hard to step back and ignore the feelings." He replied, speaking in between mouthfuls of the remaining food, which he soon devoured leaving the pot quite empty. "I wish I could have had this kind of cooking during the war. All I had was whatever I had taken from the temple before leaving for the mission. The missions I did hardly allowed a moment to actually enjoy the food." He said, remembering back to those years of vicious combat, hidden missions, and the violence. Even away from the frontlines the violence was everywhere. Maybe the worst part was how good he was at combat, how naturally the viciousness, strategy and art had come to him. Thinking back on it, maybe he was as much an agent of destruction as the Empire during that war. Shaking his head of the thought, he looked up towards Kai and smiled, "There's nothing much we can do to fight the Empire at the moment. We're sailing through hyperspace on the hope we'll lose them so we can find somewhere safe to hide. Once we're there...then we will have more than enough work to do to survive, and start our fight." He nodded, before standing up and placing the pot in the cleaner. It was then he turned towards her, smiled, and gently embraced her, placing a kiss on her soft lips. "For now, there is simply nothing for us to do."
Smiling she nodded snuggling against his chest, Timesomething we have so little of and at times too much of. Closing her eyes she rested her head against Rayne-Sunns shoulder as he carried her up the stairs towards the bridge. Her head was still tingling from the kiss hed placed on it as he took her from the kitchen. As he carried her little butterflies fluttered in her stomach she felt content. And then he settled her down into the bridge chair just as they came out of hyper and everything went wrong. As soon as they had settled into normal space she recognized where they were and could feel who was there despite the distance in space. Whyespecially when Im in just a towel Groaning she looked out the screen and grabbed onto her armrests feeling attention on them before suddenly green bolts were flashing past as a pair of cruisers opened fire and the outer elements of the fleet turned towards them. Holding on she felt the ship jerking and lurching as they dodged incoming fire. They just launched fighters, your droids may want to get us out of here in the next half minute or were liable to be ex-jedi and them to be ex-droids
Sometimes, where issues were of the magnitude that they had experienced, the small addictions were what kept everyone going. He took the same comfort in it, having someone who gave him purpose was the greatest ambrosia he could have ever asked for that this moment. That would be why he would crouch down and pick her up, carrying her damsel style out of the kitchen and into the more open confines of the remainder of the ship. "Maybe we don't know of normal, which is why we're so completely attached to each other. We're making up for lost time." He said with a bright smile and a wink before placing a soft kiss on her head. It was after that though that he took on a concerned look, and still holding her, ran up towards the bridge. Naturally, he would make sure his injured lover wouldn't hit any rails or doorways on the way up, but once they got to the bridge he had to gently put her down in one of the empty chairs before looking outside. "Is that what I sense it is?" He asked. The ship had just pulled out of hyperspace quite close to Courscant, and in high orbit around the planet was a massive flottilla of ships, with one at the center that seemed to stand out among them all. "Indeed sir. That would be Emperor Palpatine's Flagship with the armada." One of the droids pipped up from the control panel. Rayne-Sunn looked over to Kai, and all he could think of was to protect her no matter what. They had to get out of there as fast as possible. "Get the coordinates set and go, we can't linger too long, or he is going to detect us." He said to the droids. It was then the first bolt of green energy came flying towards their ship.
She felt the freighter shifting and jerking as the turrets fired keeping the fighters occupied for a few minutes while they plotted a new course. Suddenly she felt the ship shift as it went through a sudden turn and clung to her seat. From the corner of her eye she watched as Rayne-Sunn went flying through the open hatch and couldnt stop the blind panic she felt for a moment at the thought of him being seriously hurt. At the same time she tracked him with her senses and he didnt die and his presence in the force was still strong and steady meaning he couldnt be too injured so she tried to relax until suddenly everything went quite as they jumped into hyper and she heard Rayne-Sunns calls for help finding his towel. Hobbling upright Kai limped through the ship heading for the cargo bay and found his towel sticking to a bulkhead in the hallway leading to the open cargo space and shook her head. Though it wasnt bad her leg was starting to ache from being on it so soon after getting it injured despite what the bacta had done to speed along the healing process. She tried to hide her wince as she stepped though the doorway into the cargo bay and took her time to look over Rayne-Sunns naked body and dangled the towel from her fingers. Are you sure you want it back? I kind of like the view.
"Well...I guess that tells us the Emperor is still paranoid about Jedi." Rayne-Sunn teased, trying to keep a little light on the situation despite the rather aggitating fact they had come under a lot of fire very quickly. "Vader must have warned him that where were jumping around to get away." He added as he ran to the intercom next to Kai, and contacted the droid responsible for the weapons. "Keep the fighters occupied for twenty seconds so we can get out of here, or we're all going to be added to the landscape of the planet." He said, and then just looked down at Kai, and smiled. "As you said...why when you're in a towel." He said, before going flying through the open door back towards the cargo hold as a result of a particularly sharp maneuver. If they could say one thing about the sure handled well for a box. He would land with a pretty loud thunk as he flew quite the distance into the ship, landing on his back and losing his towel before eventually rolling into a stack of boxes near the back of the ship. He would probably be alright, judging from the stream of aggitated words echoing off the walls of the cargo hold as the ship jerked to and fro to try to avoid the blasts from the cruisers and the chasing fighters. And then the twenty seconds would pass, and all of a sudden the ruckus would stop. Kai could quite obviously see the robots had managed to pop in the correct coordinates and save them long enough to launch into hyperspace. Something had to be said for paying for the best mathmatical minds ever constructed. "Kai m'dear...could you help me find my towel..." A lonely voice said from the mostly empty hold.
For a few moments Kailian took the time to eye him up and down tracing his body. Her mind took in the image, hard muscles along with a few scars from his battles and a well sized package which her body took the moment to remember what it could do to her. Her face was flushed and she stayed where she was leaning against the door frame nibbling at her lower lip deciding what to do to his offer. Finally she grinned and shook her head throwing his towel over his head. I dont think so, Im too nice to wild. Her voice held a hint of challenge and a bit of laughter before she turned and limped from the cargo bay. She felt exhilarated at teasing Rayne-Sunn, free to act as she pleased in a playful manner as much as she wanted. That happy mood lasted halfway back to the bridge as her leg really started to pain her and her limping grew more pronounced until she was practically dragging her leg with soft whimpers every few steps. Finally though she made it back up to the bridge and collapsed into a chair to wait for Rayne-Sunn and whatever revenge he might come up with for her playful attitude. Until then she tried to meditate and control the pain in her leg.
Rayne-Sunn would just be casually laying on his back when Kai was finally able to come and rescue his towel. Though he had expected her to say something about his predicament, he didn't quite expect her to say what she did. This simply caused him to raise an eyebrow in amusement as a grin passed over his lips. "I will only stay like this if you do...something wild." He teased. He didn't really have anything in mind, but the way she said her last just turned something in his mind. Seriously, how many times could they keep making such sexual advances on each other before they would be bored with the concept. But he certainly wasn't, and lying there with her taunting him with his towel, he was feeling that old fire of passion flicking a bit to life in his stomach. Maybe it wasn't anything to go hog wild for, but he wanted to see what she might do with such a proposal, unless of course she just threw his towel on him and walked off. Then the Padawan would have had her first experience as a tease, and Rayne-Sunn would know the pain of being on the receiving end.
Kai felt Rayne-Sunn settle down beside her and take her leg from her to apply bacta to it. Wincing she sniffled at the pain, the blaster bolt was the most painful injury she'd suffered during all of her years in the order. Normally it was small burns or cuts and the occasional burn from the edge of a saber but nothing like the blaster injury. It wept plasma and started to throb as the numbing agent from the previous bacta patch wore off. She knew it would take a few moments before the new one started to sooth the injury and just gritted her teeth to wait it out. After a few minutes she sighed and relaxed as the numbing agent in the bacta patch went to work and her pain settled into a gentle throbbing instead of a searing burst. Sitting back into her chair she grabbed Rayne-Sunn's hand, still sniffling from holding back her tears and also emotional from everything that had happened throughout the day. Sometimes Kai just felt overwhelmed and right then was one of those moments as she sat there holding Rayne-Sunn's hand clinging to it as a lifeline of stability in her shifting chaotic world.
Something about that small, singular moment in time was more passionate and delightful than almost anything that had led up to that moment. There was something about the way she seemed to be tempted by their desire, and then decided to play a little game just to add a little humour to the entire scenario. Rayne-Sunn couldn't help but chuckle at her when she tossed the towel on his head, and hobbled off. It was then he became aware of how badly her leg was hurting her, and though he wanted to continue this little game they had started, his primary concern was always her well being, and her protection. That would be why he wouldn't rush to the bridge, instead running back to his room to slide in to a pain of loose fitting, rough woven beige cotton training pants before grabbing the health pack in the bathroom. It would only be a minute or two before he ran up the stairs to the bridge, and quietly sat down beside her. "You really have overworked yourself Kai." He said with a small, sympathetic grin on his lips as he looked through the pack for the best equipment to apply to her wound, but in the end, it was only the bacta patches that would fit the bill. So he gently placed one upon her leg, and looked at her meditating, and trying to control the vicious pain.
Finally she felt the pain ease and then Rayne-Sunn decided to be witty and remarked on her towel and even the view it offered him. It seemed that now the joke was on his side as he was able to look into her cleavage and at her rear when she walked around wrapped only in the white cloth. Blushing she looked down at herself and then looked up at him, her hand still in his. I guess that would be good, though if I need to I can stay this way Kai looked up at him coyly her eyes half lidded as she trailed a finger over her towel covered skin. Shivering at her own touch across her slightly cold skin Kailian broke out in goosebumps before she wrapped her free hand around herself. Feeling cold she looked up at him again, Help me up, and help me stay warm until I can get dressed. To emphasize her point she held out that freehand towards him to let him pick her up. Maybe he would even hold her and carry her back to the sleeping quarters. Shrugging mentally she decided it didnt matter so long as he stayed at her side.
Rayne-Sunn would just remain steady as she held his hand, more than happy to act as a pillar of support in a turbulent time. He was starting to feel that what had happened to him today was just another page is history, not something that he should or could dwell on. His parents would have to die at some point, especially his father for the power he had wielded in his life. His mother was innocent and so caring considering the life the men around her had taken, and maybe in a while her death would be the hardest to accept. Regardless, he could help Kai and he knew that he would succeed in that. And so he just held her hand carefully as the bacta would start to work over the wound slowly, and when a suitable amount of time had passed for that to happen, he would slowly stand himself up while still gripping her hand. "Want to go get some clothes on? Musn't be too comfortable in a towel." He teased, and trying to lighten the mood, "Though I certainly don't mind the view it gives."
Feeling him pick her up Kailian smiled happily. She hand never been able to rely on anyone before and it simply felt incredible to be able to have that feeling with Rayne-Sunn. The young Jedi knew that no matter what she could rely on him to be there and to help her if he was able. After a life of isolation, war and then exile the young woman was ready to cling to practically anything for a shot at a real life. Rayne-Sunn was her shot at that regular life, the only shot an ex-Jedi like her would probably get. It wouldnt truly be a regular or normal life like most beings in the galaxy experienced but it would be something, and something was better than simply existing like she had been and now after tasting that something she could never go back to simply existing. She came back to herself when she felt Rayne-Sunn gently laying her down onto the bed. What she didnt expect was for him to crawl on top of her laying on her between her legs which she automatically hooked over him holding him with her. During his laying down her towel had fallen open and lay beneath her with him laying against her exposed skin. She felt his lips on hers and his hand against her cheek making the young woman moan into his mouth her hands sliding up his back before one buried itself in his hair as she tried to enjoy his warmth. If he didnt get off of her soon Kailian knew they were about to have another round of that sex, her own body already starting to get damp and tense with arousal.
Rayne-Sunn smiled sympathetically to her when she managed to give herself goosebumps. It was kind of sad to see her attempts to be flirtatious backfire against her because of one malady or another and while she certainly managed to be seductive, the after effects just made his feel bad for the little Jedi. Smiling he took her free hand and brought her to her feet before doing as she expected and picking her up to carry to the bedroom. It would be a short walk before they were there, and though it might be expected for him to the chivilric thing and simply place her down, he wanted to be close, and to be with her, so he slowly came down on to the bed with her and placed her on her back as he slid between her legs. Supporting himself while running a hand along her soft cheek while his lips came to hers, just wanting her to feel his love. Her towel would come undone through mysterious forces, but there was no act to it, just him wanting to have his warm body pressed to her poor frigid self and the beautiful shape it took.
Miley couldn't believe who was all here. Some very important celebs. With this group she may get the big time push she was looking for. She walks about talking then decides to go to the bathroom. As she does she picks up a drink from a nearby waiter then takes it with her. If her father seen her he would kill her. But who cares. She sips the drink then decides to have some more fun. She pulls out the joint a friend had given her and begins smoking it. She looks around then notices that Beyonce had came in. She tosses the joint in the toilet then. "Hey Beyonce. How's Jay-Z?" Beyonce looks at her then the john."Why did you toss it? Wasting a perfectly good joint like that. Stupid girl." Who knew that while they talked there was a plot to gather them and others from the party. Miley of course had read where some b-list talent had came up missing but who cares. They were nobodies. Nobody cared. About like Emily's career after Hannah. Who cared. Show was all about Miley afterall. For that matter Beyonce should worry. Where was her career now?
Drake had been working for the company for more then 3 years now and in that time he had become one of their best agent to find the "target" and retrive it for them before training them then handing them over to be sold. He sat back in his chair all dressed up. There was supposed to be a big party for Celebrities, some A list group who thought that they were untouchable that they wouldn't get caught and disappear like some of those B list stars. Laughing he got up and headed to his car and checked his trunk for all of the tools of his trade. His ropes, gags and chloroform. Getting into his Car he headed out from his house and into the city where the after party was being held. Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike as he looked around for his next targets. Who would the company want now. it had to be someone really at the A list, someone who would actually cause a spark once she was kidnapped and never seen again. Then that would strike panic into them and make them know that they were not safe. He knew that they operated all around the world. Some in shadows and some in plain sight of others. They were able to put themselves into top levels of government. who knew what position they held. But they were bringing these powerful women and taking them to become their slaves to show everyone they they were truly in power
The girls come back after smoking a joint together. Beyonce makes her way outside for some air as Miley makes her way to the bar. She grabs a drink looking at the bartender and smiling. As she begins drinking she looks around again. She thought she spotted some other celebs but who cared. She makes her way to the outside herself to get some air. As she does she notes that she feels a little disoriented. What could be causing this she wounders? Maybe she grabbed some strong stuff. She walks down to a small fountain and notices she is all alone again. Typical of how her life was. Even her dad was now focusing more on her brother than her. She had plans of course to do another series but there was pressure to also do a new album. Still she had time to choose. She thought also of her boyfriend. THe pressures he put on her got bad at times. But she resisted the urge to jump into bed with him. What was the point of the Purity ring if she didn't remain pure till marriage. She closes her eyes relaxing not knowing of the danger out there. Beyonce herself was in a dark secluded alcove. By herself as well an empty glass lying on the ground. She was laying down not believing she was drunk but having no other name for it. This wasn't good.
Drake watched everyone making key notices of who was around. He also made notice of those whom he worked with that had infiltrated the party as well and who they had their eyes set one. Drake gave a quick nod to one of his brothers who was already heading out where one celebrity was headed out on her own. But drake watched the four that just walked in Miley Cyrus and Beyonc Knowles. He grinned and licked his lips just thinking about being able to control those stars. He grinned knowing it was all a matter of time and soon it would come to grab these girls but first he had to think of a plan to be able to get them all alone and one by one so that no one would suspect anything until it was too late. Drake knew he had some useful tools that could ensnare a girl quickly, also some tools were granted from some very important "friends" from afar. He nodded and watched as some stars walked outside making themselves easy targets for his kind. "No I need to focus on those two, they are my main target..." He also believed that he knew a way to make them drop their guards. He knew the bartender was one of theirs and gave a slight nod. as he was making a drink for the two girls he slipped something into their drink that would help them droup their guard and make them easier targets for Drake
Drake watched the ever growing list of celebrities that were walking around until he saw the four that he would take this night. He had noticed that Miley Cyrus and Beyonc had headed outside away from the large group to the outside which was fairly empty except for the black night and the stars. His enhanced eyes were able to give him a good look of them, the gold sparkling dress that clung to Beyonc's curves which stopped at the top of her thighs which were clad in sheer pantyhose. He grinned and quietly walked out knowing that no one had seen him head out and even if anyone did no one really cared. Once he was outside he walked up behind Beyonc and with one hand grabbed her by her wrist that held the wineglass to make sure she didn't spill and so she would grab onto his hand with both of her's leaving her unguarded and that is when he brought the drug soaked cloth to her mouth and held it over her mouth and nose letting the drug lull her to sleep. "Good night pet." He quietly spoke as he felt the singer fall agains't his body as the drug took affect. He quietly slipped out of the grounds with the unconcious woman over his shoulders till he got to his car. Once there he gagged her with a cloth and tied her wrists behind her back, tied her thighs and ankles before placing a blanket over her to keep her hidden. As Drake was capturing Beyonc another pair of hands had grabbed Miley and used the same cloth on her tying her up and carrying her back to the car.
"Still your tongue boy, I've no time for idle chat," the bishop squawked. He was a lithe man, tall and slender; his features were virtually effeminate save for the stark black stubble that limned his chain and jawline. "Have you procured it? The mask?" His eyes, serpentine and mischievous, prudently swept over the pirate's lackluster entourage. Unlike they, who appeared dressed for the occassion, he had still adorned his ceremonial robe. Secretly he feared the garb would tear on the crags, but such a sacrifice would be worth the possession of such an ancient relic. "I've sought after this piece for many years ... it will make a fine addition to my collection. As promised, I have your pay: two hundred sovereigns, not a copper less." He reached into his sash and hastily unfastened the satchel. The coins chimed lyrically within their leathery confines, singing a song of riches and scandal. "Merely words of caution, however ... you are certain you were not followed? I am cognizant that these reaches are virtually inaccessible but there has been a particularly ... bothersome individual who has also sought after this piece. Nonetheless. I would see you aptly rewarded for you trials." The bishop, an Antivan remnant by the name of Santos Velasco, had a shady aura to him. Though he approached professionalism with the utmost respect, his hasty and somewhat paranoid mannerisms would prove to be his downfall lest he composed himself. A fearsome looking templar stood proudly next to his employer, virtually dwarfing him in size. He was a colossus with broad shoulders and scars riddling his once handsome face, all aspects to a story since forgotten. "Let us not delay this transaction any longer. The artifact, if you will."
The swift air blew through the almost stagnant air of the small cove at the edge of the water. Arrick couldn't help but dart his eyes to and fro over the scant surroundings. Rocks were everywhere, and off in the distance he could see the remnants of former ships of all kinds. A foreboding sight for a pirate. Yet against his sudden unease he was here for a job, and he took solace in the fact that he was going to get paid. He released a hard sigh and looked at the other edge of the cove. The feeling of dread only heightened as his...'Benefactor' refused to show up. Arrick released another deep sigh and let a booted foot rest against one of the large jagged rocks before the short and choppy waves of the water outside the small hovel that was their chosen meeting place. The human man ran a quick hand up to his forehead and then let it run through his long black hair. The thin strands along the sides of his face rustling through his fingers before collapsing back against his face. He looked on with bright green eyes and continued to look around the cove. The foreboding feeling only growing as he crossed his arms and continued to wait. He shivered at the sudden increase in chill...Strange at least for the usually bright and cheerful look of the Orlesain water that lay just inches away from his current position. He looked to his few cohorts. There were three of them. Two other humans and an elf. He had never worked with them before. Usually a bad sign on a job of this caliber, and yet being a slightly famous smuggler can attract the bad attention that makes the job a tough one to succeed in. His fingers on his left hand curled across the tight leather sleeve of his right arm, while his right fingers curled around the open and bare flesh of his left arm. Releasing another chilled breath and then with one final look up he noticed the series of figures that made their way inside. A small smile entered onto his face and watched as what he could only assume to be a Bishop and two soldiers walked into the cove. Arrick cleared his throat and let the sound reverberate through his gaunt face. He let the words come to him as they always did; With little thought and a quick wit. "It is about time you showed up...I'm usually the one who is late to these parties..." He said with a slight laugh to his voice.
His eyes, dark and glazed, became engorged at the mere sight of the mask. It was carved entirely from rich obsidian, found only in the most treacherous depths of the Deep Roads. For many years the mask belonged to the Legion of the Dead, hidden in a coffer in some since abandoned cistern. How it came to the surface was beyond him and he dared not dwell on such a questionable feat. "You have done the Maker a great deed this eve, boy." His once flat, expressionless sneer became a twisted smirk. He advanced, hoisting himself upon a nearby boulder just as the templar unsheathed his weapon. "Andraste smile upon you." Velasco's fingers, longer and slender, unfurled with a flick of his wrist. He cast a lethargic veil of magic over the pirate which would inevitably cast him into a temporary slumber. "Horris, kill his men and cast their corpses into the sea. The Maker has willed this; there can be no witnesses ... simple sacrifices for a bigger cause. I'm sure he will understand." To hinder his bussiness partner, Velasco began to cast a twisted hex. Mid-spell he was thwarted by an unusual presence, something so poweerful that it thrust his body back. The spell misfired, sent hurling off into some unknown tangent while he attempted to regain composure. "What treachery is this ... ! Does one of the Maker's own decieve him?" He cast his vehement gaze back at his men, each shaking their heads in bewilderment. An archer whom had been secretly ensconced within a copse of bushes overhead fell to his demise at Velasco's feet. His flesh, once tawny and flushed was replaced with a disfiguring burn. Steam spiraled from his skull and through the fissures of marred, pink flesh warped by none other then fire. The archer let forth one last exhale; with it, his life. He gritted his teeth when realization had finally taken reign. "Horris, leave the pirate, the Messiah is nearby. End her now!" Velasco hollered like a child, shaking furiously as he collected his staff and clumsily summoned several lesser shades from the Fade. "Archbishop Velasco, this is the second time I've found you consorting with petty smugglers. Like the stars to a nomad you are growing increasingly predictable." The familiar, mellifluous hum ripped through his ears. He jerked his head back and gritted his teeth at the sight of an exotic, shapely woman with strikingly light eyes. Her pupils - tiny, like dollops of blackness - twitched with a desire to pounce. But like any trained animal, she waited. Her hand suddenly reached out and swept forth, almost in a disdainful motion. The shades shrieked, thrown aback by some unseen force, then dispersed as quickly as they materialized. Velasco grew panicked as he took note of the pirate beginning to stir. He motioned to Horris who suddenly sheathed his weapon and withdrew into the brush, leaving Velasco to finish summoning what appeared to be a monstrous demon. It eyes glowered and its teeth, jagged and misplaced, jutted out in several different directions. "I've no time to toy with you today, girl. Perhaps some other time. The Maker has willed we meet again." Suddenly, he disappeared, leaving his followers to be slaughtered by the pride demon's wake.
"Oh...Touchy..." Arrick stated completely under his breath, and in hushed tones. Although there were times that his tongue could get him into trouble he was not fool enough to stand on insulting a bishop of the chantry, especially a bishop with one of the strongest looking templars that he had ever seen. He thrust his foot forward and gazed into the bishop's eyes. Something about this man had always made Arrick's skin crawl, the little times that he had been "privileged" to interact with the man that is. Arrick darted his eyes over to his fellows, the three of them utterly ready to receive their fair share and only focused upon the satchel lay at his side. The elf however was too transfixed by the giant templar that stood at the Bishop's side. Arrick shook his head a little and returned his attention to the man only known to him as Bishop Velasco. He nodded. "Yes yes...It is right here." He said as he knelt down to the ground and pulled the small bag from the ground and riffled inside it to pull the artifact out to show him. "I believe that this is the item that you seek..." He said with a smile. He heard the glorious sounds of coin hit the floor and he reveled internally at it. Arrick released a slight sigh and lowered his shoulders as his employer talked of the possibility of him being followed. Arrick would always be happy to admit that he wasn't the best known, nor was he the greatest smuggler in the history of the profession. However, he always hated it when someone he took money from questioned his talents. "Yes yes...We weren't followed. I made sure of that myself...The ship drew anchor farther away from the cave...We left a few of the other men there as a distraction should someone get...Curious." He said with another small chuckle to his voice and placed the mask back into the bag and sealed it. He walked quickly towards the satchel and then rested the bag into the ground close to the Bishop as per the agreement. He took the satchel and walked backwards slowly. A wider smile growing on his face. "A pleasure doing business with you."
"What brazen soul dare summon me to this pitiable place?" The demon's voice boomed with great depth and a gaunt duel-chord bass that shook even the stone. Effortlessly, he plucked one of Velasco's men forth and eyed him peculiarly before giving the man a quick, teasing squeeze. "Was it you? Or your master?" The man, aging and clearly at a loss of words tripped and hobbled over his tongue. In response the pride demon grunted and crushed the man effortlessly under his behemoth strength. Bone, sinew, muscle, organ, all fleshy substances that were ground to dust and slush by one simple gesture. With a simple gesture, the demon cast the archer's body towards the sea where it spawned an eerie pool of blood and gore. Displeased, he grunted a second time and transfixed his gaze upon the mage - the "Messiah" as Velasco had titled her, a mercantile nomad who now loyally served the Qun. "A mage ... in such a place. Befitting. You are a proud, majestic animal, one I have not seen in many years. Tell me ... what is it you wish to achieve?" She was silent on response, stealthily unsheathing her stave as he spoke. He anxiously awaited a response but instead, nothing; her silence enraged him, but as a demon from the Fade, he knew he had to take this chance to possess a mage with a grain of salt. "Silence? Is that how you greet opportunity? You would let is pass?" His gravely baritone held empty promise to the mage. Instead, she rapidly snapped her fingers together, friction enough to spawn a fearsome looking orb of fire within the concave of her palm. "I see you will not bend under my will. So be it." Before the pride demon advanced, she flexed her wrist which flicked with unprecedented agility. The orb, growing in mass, jutted into the demon's chest. He groaned, brushed off the ashes with his gargantuan hand and hurled a boulder in her direction. She thwarted the attack by making use of a magic-erected barrier which waned following his second onslaught. The battle that raged on between the two was fierce and lasted for virtually twenty minutes. The demon hurled boulders from a distance, ocassional swatting at the woman with flattened fists as she responded with a volley of fire and ice. Eventually the demon fell to its knees, head bowed, one last time promising the mage riches and positions of power if she spared him. She heard none of his lies. With the sythe-end of her stave she positioned it at the nape of the demon's neck and drew it with such agility that the scaly, tempered flesh cut clean. After two tugs the sytche withdrew from the demon's dead flesh. She sheathed it, approaching the pirate who still appeared dazed by Velasco's spell. Her dark hair had been purposely positioned over one shoulder; it was an ethnic mane long and thick, riddled with the occasional rebelling curl. "What was it you gave to him?" she questioned flatly, though seriously, "Was it a mask?"
Arrick rolled his eyes at the comment of Velasco. He could do without the blessing of some dead woman. Sure she had some significance for some, but he was certainly not on e of those believers that sat in the back of the nearest chapel and prayed to some unseen god to try and bring light to an already dark world. As Arrick turned on the balls of his feet to meet eye to eye with his now former employer he took a quick glance at the mans hands. A sudden burst of energy reverberated from the bishops fingertips and before Arrick could react he felt himself fall to the floor on his knees, the cold and dank stone ground now his prison as he felt his body heave as if exhaustion had crept its ugly head. He couldn't move, couldn't think, and he could barely breathe. All feeling was heavy he wondered what was going on. His current pervasive emotion was sure and utter terror, as he watched what he thought was a simple Bishop of the chantry began to chant as if he was some kind of mage. The fear began to grip tighter at his body as he felt a twinge of the hex begin to seep into his skin and then as if awoken from a deep trance he watched as the mage Bishop was flung off his current perch by some force of magic. He felt the lethargy begin to fade and with legs of stone he began to rise from the confines of the stone floor. The horror was still plagueing his heart and mind, but the necessity of life was too tempting to fight against. He pulled his sword from the sheath on his back and the knife from the sheath at his side. And stood ready. As soon as he heard the voice Arrick darted a glance towards the woman who had willingly, and yet probably by accident saved his life. He had to admit that the creature in question was rather stunning. But now was not the time for such things. He tried to move his feet but found them impossible and within moments fell back to the floor. Horror once again gripped his face as he watched the rise of the pride demon. Darting a quick glance to notice his former workers now dead in the wake of the beast. He grimaced and fell completely onto the floor, unable to do anything under the weight of the hex.
The mage was evidently displeased with her interrogation despite emerging victor in a battle pitted against a pride demon. She pressed her full lips in a hard line, idly smacked by a wave that crashed nearby. The gentle spritz caused her hair - once wild and unruly - to stick flatly to her pert cheekbones. The pirate's exasperated utterance was, needless to say, was one answer to many she harbored. She crouched down and cupped his chin with her tattooed fingers, forcing him to meet her demanding gaze. "Where did you get it from?" She appeared impervious to his condition and merely continued to interrogate him while he laid limp. Her hasty mannerism merited moans and groans in response, not thoughtfully construct answers as she desired. After careful deliberation she managed to drag his corpse into the nearby alcove, resting him on his back and away from the reach of the waves. It was likely that a storm was brewing; she hadn't seen the tide so restless in quite some time. It was near impossible to gauge the time of night; clouds swarmed overhead, heavy and laden with rain. They cast an eerie, smoky glow over the strand, obscuring any ray of light that dared dwell there. She eased herself against the curvature of a nearby rock and winced as her rear hit the sandy floor with a noticeable smack. Fighting the pride demon had not only exhausted her stamina, but her mana as well. That was the second time she'd come dangerously close to expending her energies - if it was successful, she would have been skewered on the demon's jagged horns and sported like an article of jewelery. Much to her chagrin, time passed slowly. The waves grew louder and further up the strand, drawing with it bodies and weapons as they withdrew back to the ocean. She sorted through thoughts, particularly how the Arigena's demands had been growing increasingly cumbersome. To track down the Archbishop was one thing, but to allow him to flee with the mask in tow ... her mission would have failed and Arigena, as the mercantile third of the qunari triumvirate, would likely absolve the mage of her title as "pacifier" and "ambassador" then cast her to the templars who anxiously awaited the day she relinquished any diplomatic immunity.
Arrick groaned. He felt the weight of the spell engulf him almost entirely. All thought but the feeling of a strange combination of pain and the need for sleep took was wiped clean from his mind. An eradication of everything that was before. He barely saw the fight between the woman and the demon. His weapons now lay at the ground next to his utterly limp body. The feeling of his chest pressed hard against the cold stone. He watched whatever he could. A single eye being the only source that he could call upon to keep his check on the carnage. The demon was strong it seemed. No doubt one of the few manifestations of pride that he had heard of now and again. He had to admit that even in this state of lethargy he was deeply impressed with this Rivanian woman. Both powerful, and beautiful. A combination that would probably prove to be both deadly to the demon as well as to himself at some point in the future. Although he saw the intensity of the carnage unfold he looked on with no small amount of surprise as the mage woman came out the victor in this battle. A feat that few had ever told of. He had heard various stories now and again of people slaying demons, or manifestations. But one of Pride? He was going to have to tread as lightly as he could in this woman's presence. A task made all the more difficult that he could barely speak, let alone move. He watched as much as he could as he noticed the woman's form stride over to him. He couldn't see much now but knew her presence was close. Muffled groaning sounds flew out of his mouth and throat first. He was trying to form sentences, even just words but was having difficulty in doing so. When he finally mustered up enough power is when he tilted his head up. "...It...Was...A...Mask." He said softy and then felt his head smack back against the ground.
His pathetic display of gratitude was enough to have her believe he had energy; he stirred, she pounced, like a ready and able panther about to crush her prey's windpipe with her paw. She approached with prudence and grace, lifting his stiff corpse from the sands so that he sat pressed against a nearby stone wall. Her fingers flexed and for a second time took a hold of his jawline. For an instant she examined him, purposely jerking his head left and right as subtle sprouts of frost and ice crept from her fingertips and assaulted his flesh. This would slow his breathing - as she had intended - and supplement the important of the questions she was preparing to ask. "Where did you attain this mask?" she questioned flatly, "from whom? Or was it in a ruin? How did you come in contact with the Archbishop?" Steady streams of frost slithered up his mandible, eventually licking his ears and trekked into his nostrils. The patience she once held dear was lost in a fit of anger. She shook the pirate violently, teeth gritted, and cried "Answer!"
Arrick heard her words and although he felt her hand upon his face, just barely able to bring his eyes into contact with hers he could say and do nothing. It was like his body was as tough and as cold as the stone beneath them. A thought that made him cringe a little on the inside. His thoughts swirled for all the good that they could do. His thoughts were noting if there was no body to facilitate them. For the first time in a very long time he felt helpless, fearful. Not of the woman who was now standing over him, but of what this woman had in store for him. Obviously she knew much more about the mask than he did. He only knew it by name and what it looked like. Nothing had prepared him for any of this to happen and something in the back of his mind told him that that was key enough that something like this would happen. He felt her drag his body against the stone. He wanted to scream out in pain as he felt his stomach and legs, and arms be pulled with the force of the woman's strength through the hard and rocky ground beneath them. However, the spell was still in enough effect that he couldn't even scream in the small agony that he was experiencing. He groaned a little as he felt his body press against what he could only hope was sand. A soft and yet rough enough substance to keep him somewhat content that hard and jagged stone wasn't pressing into him. He continued to groan until he became powerful to thank her lightly.
As an emissary dispatched by Arigena, Asalah - meaning "to pacify" in qunari tongue - was charged with being efficient and vigilant with her commission. This meant defying her body's desires and exploring the precipices of agony, exhaustion and hunger. She would not eat nor rest until her mission was complete. Following fulfillment of Arigena's wishes, she was able to indulge. Now was one of those instances that she had to fight the urge to lose her mind and hone in on the task at hand. "You are beyond 'help'," she sputtered flatly. Her fingers flexed and made an uneasy popping noise, suddenly sprouting warm tendrils of light and color. Rather then torture him as she'd originally planned, Asalah did as he inquired and healed him. Her touch was gentle when it lacked the desire to harm. While she hadn't dabbled in life-touching spells, she could only hope that it was enough to bring him to his wits. "I don't think you quite understand the degree of treason you've committed." She was much less commanding this time around, however, equally as adamant about answers. "Speak, unless you desire I report you to the Orlesian chevaliers for illegal smuggling."
He felt his body move against his own volition. Though he knew that his body would not move even if he gave it a command. He was using whatever will he had to sprout his gratitude. However it seemed that this mage was rather impatient, and uncaring at his particular situation. He felt his back slam against the stone wall and then her hand press deep into his face, her fingers and more importantly nails, dug deep into his jaw. He would wince at the pain but the numbness was still twinging at his features with an unnatural grasp. He had felt the sting of magic before, but never like this...This was a whole new experience and that was nagging at his mind a little. He felt the freezing chill rise through the fingers on his face, and although he felt the cold rush through him and although he was feeling it he couldn't act on it. He felt the cold tighten against his lungs. His slow breaths were slowed even further and he felt his eyes widen a little as he felt somewhat incapable of taking in breath. He tried lifting his hands up, tried to pry her fingers from him to end the growing chill that was now making him gasp for as much air as he could through the air. He released a cough with all the fear and incapability he could display. He felt his breath singe and burn with the grasping chill. "It... It... Was..." He couldn't speak the lethargy a burden on him as much as the cold, though he had to say that it felt like two numbing sensations joining together to stifle him even further than before. "A ruin... Ruin... Off...The coast..." He paused mid statement and gasped for as much air as he could. "You'll...Need...To...Help me...Before you get...More..." He said as the cold began to effect him harder and his breathing dropped to a crawling hum and his eyes began to shut.
At first Arrick thought it was over. Her words gripped at his ears like daggers and he thought that his life was going to flash in front of his face in an over dramatic fashion. To his self pleasure it didn't and he felt the stunning and freezing chill subside within him and return to the normal stinging air that wafted around them. He coughed hard as he felt air start to fill into his lungs once more. The difficulty of breathing loosened as he felt her death grip move to a softer touch. He saw a brightness emanate from her finger tips and the almost healing warmth began to ease the dull numbness in his limbs. The lethargy was subsiding, and the numbness in his hands began to fade first. The feeling began to pulse through his body and through whatever means she was employing he felt like somewhat of his old self again. Well...Mostly his old self. He adverted his gaze from her staring and commanding eyes and looked at his hand. Moving the fingers back and forth in a dexterous manner caused him to smile a little. He had barely heard her words. However, he figured he knew what she was saying. Or at least implying. He lifted his legs up a little but still felt her grip on his face. He looked back at her and stared directly into her eyes for a moment. Leaving a long pause that seemed to linger in the air. "Lady...Please, I am a smuggler...I am not doing my job is some form of treason isn't committed. And how would that look for my reputation?" He chuckled as she mentioned the chevaliers, "Oh. That is funny. I might not be a great or grand smuggler. But I can safely state that I am already wanted by them. But none the less...I will speak as soon as you remove your hand from my face. As beautiful as it is I rather not let you draw blood. Thank you." He said and waited for her to comply. He wondered if she would, but regardless he knew he wasn't getting away from this without saying something. "The mask was in a ruin off the coast of Orlais. I took me three months to track down as much info about this thing as I could. From there I proceeded to sail down the shoreline towards the sea. When we came upon the the shoreline we set out in search. The ruin was just that...A heap of rubble that seemed to be dug into the cliff side mountain. The archbishop was the one who contacted me...He needed a known, and yet not well known smuggler to find out whatever information that I could and then be brave or stupid enough to follow through and find the damn thing."
So getting captured had never really been part of the plan. Truthfully, Mia did feel a bit blessed in that they hadn't outright killed her, which was what Begnion usually did, especially considering how much trouble the Greil Mercenaries had been for them. Still, thelovely swordmastercertainly wasn't pleased with her current situation. Sure, she was trying to keep a bright outlook on it, figuring that they would eventually rescue her. It was the eventually that often weighed on her, and was something that Mia really didn't want to think about. She'd been interrogated, released, and then rendered unconscious yet again. When she'd come to, she'd been like this, in this strange shape with no idea where she was. She still figured that it was somewhere in the Begnion Empire, but she couldn't even be wholly certain of that. Really, she had enough to focus on, with the position. Having her head bent forward meant that the long blue hair lay in Mia's sight, blinding her and making it impossible for her to see. Years of practicing with a blade and dancing about the battlefield had left Mia flexible and athletic enough to endure the bent over position, though it drew her body tight, drawing clothing across a pleasant bust. The position tugged her clothing up too, leaving her black leotard as the only thing covering her nether regions. The girl shifted to get comfortable, finding that she could do little more than wiggle. Steps, then hands upon her ass. Mia jerked, not startling so much as rearing, as though she would counterattack. Given a sword, she had no doubt that she could easily handle this fool. However, they had wisely taken any such chance from her. Instead, Mia shifted, trying to see her captor, and finding that even impossible. She yelled against her gag, struggling and trying to do something, anything. To her credit, she managed to squirm somewhat. More than that, however, proved quite impossible.
Private RP, do not post unless you were invited. Drip Drip Drip At the first signs of her coming about,Karelsmirked. "Tired?" The first thing to be noticed was strain. The strain of her body forced into a position that was most uncomfortable.Her arms were bound together at the wrists and her elbows, forced up high almost vertically. The stringent position then forcibly humbled her head, looking down to accustom the sudden change of position of where her arms were. The position was very unnatural, thusly her muscles strained.She stood perfectly taut, her legs spread out with a metallic bar bound to her ankles, tight to prevent her legs from closing: she had to spread her legs a bit. With her torso bending forward, with her arms up there was no way for her to guard what probing hands may fondle upon her private bits, her skirt hiking up from the position to reveal her panties. The room was a dank cell, the dripping of moisture the only real way to make sense of time. The smell of mildew was strong, mold having dirtied this place for many a year. A figure stood right before her, a well-dressed and handsome one. Beignon nobles were known for flair and their desire for the frivolous, corrupt and utterly greedy, it would be of no surprise if they started keeping slaves of Beorcs as well...that would also mean that she was now his property since the time she was interrogated and suddenly released, only to be knocked out and find herself in this position. Probing hands softly rubbed up on her butt cheeks before an open-handed slap struck against her left. "Such a firm ass...battlefield beauties are so well-shapen. Those soldiers weren't lying~" his voice was jesting, almost irritating in a way.
The strikes didn't really hurt Mia, at least, not physically. But they certainly reminded her of her position. For people generally didn't hit people like that. You saved little taunting blows of the sort Mia received now for horses, for animals, for creatures captured and used for her amusement. If there was ever a clear indication of what this man thought of her, it lay in those slaps as much as in words and bindings. Hands squeezed at the base of Mia's leotard, taunting the girl. She had felt that area before, had listened to the mercenary's gossip. Titania had answered most questions about such things, as Mist had been most eager to learn. Not that Mia had needed either, having discovered the joys of her sex several years ago, around the time she'd started bleeding down there. This unwanted touch brought about many of the same feelings. Those digits knew a woman well. That same question rang in her ears, or at least, a similar one. Mia felt like rolling her eyes, resisting somehow, but found that she couldn't. For he kept rubbing her as he spoke, hitting her body in a way that she hadn't ever expected one of these fools to hit. All of Mia's energy and effort went into enduring the position, the physical pain and aching, which left her quite open for an attack like this. To make matters worse, another hand came up to tease her breasts and tug her hair, again displaying her as though she were a prized animal in her collection. Bothering her? Mia managed a glare at the man, wishing she could do more. But the metal bit into her mouth, preventing speech, preventing much. It robbed her of some dignity as well, with drool leaking from her gagged mouth. The question wasn't the important thing though: the hands were. They dragged along Mia's nethers, pushing her leotard against her sex, dragging along it, the friction making her body shake.
Responding with gagged gurgling and a protesting cry enticed the noble to strike once again, his hand making contact with her firm buttocks. The first thing he had noticed was her body, lithe and pliant as it took the unorthodox position without quivering. Of course the human body had it's limits and she would soon grow strained from the position, but at this point in time it seemed as if she could very well take it. Taken prisoner during a break-in at a Supply Base, though the dastardly mercenaries have left much of the stock of arms ablaze, she was left behind, defeated and swarmed by a few soldiers who then took her prisoner. While it would have served their interests if she were hastily executed, instead she was taken in by a Noble, deep within Beignon territory meant that her chances of escaping were slim to none. Stroking her leotard, his probing hands softly discerned from the slender cloth about her private bits, her lips engorged from the persistent rubbing and stroking of his slender fingers. The female body was amazing: even in rape the vaginal area would try to squeeze the invading cock even if the mind knew it had entered by force. In the same way, no matter how battle-hardened she was, arousal to her pink folds were still a weakness. "Tell me girl...I want to know. Why tag along with those miscreants and vagrants?" he asked. While she had been asked this many times during interrogation, instead of harsh blows to her body she was met, instead by fickle fingers softly stroking her various parts. A hand softly stroked at her breasts, feeling the supple firmness of her breasts. his squeezes would not go unnoticed, grasping her blue hair he lifted them up for her to behold his figure. "You look troubled to tell me what's bothering you?" Some lips were meant to be gag, much like hers. Seeing her teeth against the metallic bars made it all the more appealing, a single thread of drool dripping from the left corner of her lips. The bar snugly fitted behind her teeth, it was effective in keeping her protests stifled into incoherent groaning, his hands softly reaching over as a finger slipped between the tight cloth of her leotard, stroking her innards ever so lovingly. "What's this, you're finding this arousing? What a slut!"
Another blow, another wince from Mia. She tried to shift, to utilize her lifetime training of dodging, but found that she simply couldn't. If she shifted, it seemed to direct her body directly into the path of those questing fingers. They tugged, pinched, pulled, and seemed destined to amp up Mia's arousal, much against her mind's will. Her cloth coverings only provided more friction, the fabric dragging across her soft skin instead of his fingers. Mia could feel the reactions of her body making things even more difficult. Peaked, hardened nipples pressed against the thick fabric upon her chest, dragging along it. Worse, her nether lips seemed almost to pout, swelling and moistening with each passing moment. Her captor noticed as well, commenting upon it, teasing her. The gag came off, giving her just enough room to speak. "You don't need to know it," she informed him, spitting, "because we're not going to be together long enough for it to matter to you." Probably not the smartest thing she could have done, but Mia frankly didn't care. If this man was thinking she was going to e an oh so obedient slave for him, he'd have another thing coming. No, he'd have to work if he wanted to get the appropriate reactions from her. Even now, those green eyes shown, promising wrath for this unjust treatment.
Met only with silence, his hand struck once again towards her cheeks, making a hollow 'thwack' noise as he spanked her cheeks. His prisoner had a fine figure, slender, curvaceous with a firm bottom and supple breasts. His left hand continued to tweak, rub and pinch, managing to single out where her nipples stood tall, bumped against the cloth of her blouse. Swordmasters wore very light cloth, preferring speed and their skill to avoid deadly blows. However, her skill and most certainly her cloth did not protect her from probing hands, quickly bringing her peaks to harden from beneath the cloth. The female body, ever quite the wondrous creation! While The tighter the leotard she wore, it would only grow further snug as her lips would engorge, pressing against the tight black cloth. Even now with a soft stroke he could tell where her vaginal lips were, pressing against the cloth throbbing and warm to the touch. He could even feel a little moisture here and there! "Don't look at me like that...I know you're enjoying might even say you find this thrilling!" Of course, given that she may be the kind of person used to having things done her way or killing anyone who touched her in such a way. Despite that, his hands continued to fondle and stroke, continuing to finger her most private parts. "Tell me, girlie. What's your name?" he loosened the Bar gag only temporarily, letting the bar hang just at the back of her head, giving her enough space to talk coherently. "Answer my question or I may be forced to undergo much more drastic measures.