1 value
This certainly seems interesting. I might consider joining if you don't mind . Just a heads up btw, there is a "looking for RP" section in RPrepository. That's usually where you advertise RPs I am capable of writing both lengthy and concise posts, though both depend on the situation and the actions my character/s take. I'm basically like using dialogue alot to convey my character's overall personality so most of them are quite the chatterbox, even the quieter ones like Ren. I am curious however as to what kind of fantasy story we're gonna be dealing with here. Is it a modern day/futuristic setting mixed with the likes of magic and mythical creatures My personal favorite as I don't need to decide between sci-fi or fantasy or is it the usual medieval-ish setting much like Dungeons and Dragons? Either way, I adjust my characters to the setting as always. Also, I usually roleplay with a pair of characters I have story reasons as to why I roleplay them together. I hope you don't mind me doing that too!
Hello there, I am on the lookout for like minded individuals who share a passion for immersive storytelling and fantasy worlds. I am eager to embark on a new roleplay adventure filled with excitement, intrigue, and endless possibilities. Throughout my journey; I have delved into various genres, but fantasy has always held a special place in my heart. There is something enchanting about weaving tales set in magical realms; where heroes rise; villains scheme; and the unknown beckons at every turn. Currently; I am seeking collaborators for a fantasy themed roleplay. Whether you are a seasoned role player or just starting out; if you have a fervor for crafting intricate narratives and developing compelling characters; then you are exactly who I am looking for. A richly detailed world brimming with mythical creatures, ancient ruins, and untold mysteries. Diverse characters with unique backgrounds; motivations; and aspirations. Engaging plotlines that blend action; drama; and suspense; keeping us on the edge of our seats. Also; I have gone through this: uipath -at-2019 which definitely helped me out a lot. Whether you prefer to write lengthy prose or concise posts, prioritize character development or dive straight into the action, there's room for everyone in our storytelling journey. So, if you are ready to embark on an epic quest filled with magic, danger, and discovery, then join me on this adventure. Thankyou in advance for your help and assistance.
Fumizuki happens to notice the sign, and makes her way over. "Oh cool, fwend is doing tea party. Can I join in?"
Thanks to @KansasVenomoth for inspo! Joot can be seen setting up a small table while wearing a small pink dress covered in stars and frills , a pink bow tied around both ears with one big one tied on the end of his tail. He then reaches into his deceptively small bag and pulls out a good amount of plush toys - Rabbits, kittens, puppies, all wearing equally cute outfits as himself, and a plastic tea set to complete setting it up. "Hehe! Perfect!" He exclaims. "Been a while since I had one of these... Surprised this dress still fits!" He then sets down a small plastic sign a little bit away from the table, with pink marker reading: " Joot's Tea Party! All invited! " After which, he takes a seat in his throne, kicking his legs, and then puts on a golden, jeweled tiara, feeling extremely pretty!
Fumizuki giggled as well at Joot's princess bit, and she takes a seat at the table. "I am quite honoured." She smiled.
"Hi Fumizuki!" Joot exclaims. "I, Princess Jooters, hereby declare you can come to my tea party!" He says in a high falsetto voice, before letting out a giggle.
He walked in carrying a tray of pastries "hey Joot. I got your order. Where do you want it?......oh, hi Fumizuki"
He picks up a tea cup, pouring out some tea for her. Surprisingly, it is in fact real tea! Real sugary, but still real.
"Well I'm still leaving these here, so where do you want it?"
Joot tilts his head. "... Huh? I didn't order anything..." He says. "Was there a mistake...?"
Todd's backseat door opened and Luke climbed out and pushed the door closed. He waved at his dad and he ran inside. He was wearing a black 3-piece suit and light-blue shirt and tie, with glossy black shoes. He had a pocket watch clipped to his vest and in a pocket. His hair was lightly gelled and combed back. Joot waves at Todd. "Hey Todd! Wanna join?"
Todd's backseat door opened and Luke climbed out and pushed the door closed. He waved at his dad and he ran inside. He was wearing a black 3-piece suit and light-blue shirt and tie, with glossy black shoes. He had a pocket watch clipped to his vest and in a pocket. His hair was lightly gelled and combed back.
He set the tray of pastries and mini-cakes on the table before ruffling Joot's hair "y'all be good, okay?" He would pick Fumizuki up and hold her for a few seconds before putting her down "I should tell your papa to come..."
He chuckled "sorry, no. I have things to do, but Luke got your invitation"
Fumizuki smiles at Todd and Joot. "Would certainly be fun if Papa Drael joined in."
He chuckled "sorry, no. I have things to do, but Luke got your invitation" "Aww... Alrighty then!" Joot says. "I invited Axel but he said that tea parties were too girly... I don't get how though!" He adds, fixing his tiara.
When Riddle expected a Tea Party, this was not what he was expecting, but he was already here and supposed he couldn't back away now. "Do you have all the proper permits for this.. tea party?" Riddle looked around, before gently sitting down on the floor nearby a few plush toys. "And are you abiding the laws?"
Joot grew a smirk. "I have some extra bows and a tiara he could wear!"
"I suppose I shall." Riddle said calmly. "If a law is to be broken, I'll fine you for it." He took a plastic teacup. "Oh, these are of plastic. Do you not have real teacups?"
Joot tilted his head in confusion. "Huh? Uh... What's a permit?" He asks. "I think I'm following laws though! Do you wanna join?"
Fumizuki smiles at Todd and Joot. "Would certainly be fun if Papa Drael joined in." "I'll get him then"
"No... Mom said I couldn't use any real ones in case I break them..." He says, a bit disappointed. "But that's okay, these still work!"
The owner, Eleanor, took shade from the rain with the overhang above the doors. Her keys jingle as she unlocks the cafe doors. Once entering the cafe, she walks behind the front counter and opens the door to the power breaker. With a few switches, the lights in the cafe are on. Eleanor grabs her apron and puts on then washes her hand in the kitchen sink. After a couple of hours, Eleanor finishes making the pastries for the morning. She then flips over her open sign, waiting for customers.
Rules: Any physical alteration between characters will caused them to get kicked out IC. Do your best and try to be civil. Follow the site's rules and keep it PG-13 for everyone. No need to ask to join. Have your character enjoy a sweet treat or a cup of coffee. Forum Affiliates: Porter's Courtyard and Garden Rain poured down heavily as umbrellas decorated the streets. Along the busy streets, a small cafe stuck out between the city buildings. The Sip & Nibble Cafe was a small brown building with vines and plants decorating it. Above the double doors was a small panel painted green with a white wooden sign reading Sip & Nibble Cafe . Once entering the cafe, an umbrella basket was parked beside the doors. Jazz played throughout the cafe as the scent of coffee and pastries perfumed the room. The floor was mahogany brown with faint gold patterns of swirls. Paintings and shelves filled with mugs, books, and potted plants decorated the grey striped walls. In the left corner was a rounded table with seats for four. The table had a lacy floral tablecloth and a pale pink beneath it. Across from it was a table with a jar of cookies and a display stand filled with various small pastries such as macrons, shortbread cookies, and cupcakes.Beside it was the front corner with a glass display counter filled with more pastries. A small kitchen stood behind the corner with coffee appliances and shelves filled with ingredients and more mugs. The menu itself hanged above the oven range hood. Near the cafe's single windows in the bottom right corner was a skinny and long table with built-in charging stations and grey cushioned stools. In the bottom left corner was a cozy corner of couches and bunches of pillows.
The scent of pumpkin spice wafted through the air. Eleanor looked up at her first customer of the day. "Welcome to Sip & Nibble Cafe. Can I get you started with anything?", she said warmly. In the display case was desserts and sweets catered to fall. The special of the day was bizcochitos cookies which are known for the floral licorice like flavor from the anise and cinnamon sugar dusting on top of them. She took a good look at the man and went to grab a mug just in case he ordered anything to drink. It was a sandy brown mug with yellow mushrooms and flowers in front of it. Due to the smell of weed coming from Max, she could assume that he smoked. "Any smoking is okay but you will have to sit by the window." Eleanor pointed to the only window in the building. The window was slightly open due to the fact it was raining outside. There was a long, skinny table by the window with cushioned stools by it.
* max had Hurd of this new cafe he wasent to much of a cafe person but he thought to give it a try and he enters saying * max: hello anyone home * he said curesly walking to the counter *
Eleanor grabbed a pair of tongs and a saucer plate. "How many would you like?" She gestured toward the bizcochitos which were star shaped. Eleanor nodded when Max declined to smoke in the cafe. "I also sell soda", she said. Placing the tongs down, she went to a cooler and grabbed a bottle to show as a example. The soda was in a glass bottle like the ones exported from Mexico.
max: Hmm, I'll take the special then and oh dont worry i wont smoke in here it just wouldn't feel right in a lovely little place like this * he said with a chuckle * max: and thank you do you only sell cofie or do you have like pop and what not * he said curesly*
He would enter by pushing the door open. He was wearing a blue Hoodia with white and gold flames coming up from the bottom. His pants matched. He had his hood as he entered, but he pushed the hood off. He would quietly make his way into the line and stood there quietly.
max; ill take two of them and your joking! * he said as his face lit up when he saw the mexican bottles * max: you know how many places that dont sell the bottles its like almost everywhere * he said with a excited tone * max: you wouldent happen to have bottled coke would ya or do you have more pepsi products
Max: no thank you I got a lighter * he chuckled as he would take the money out and hand it to her * max: there you go * he said with a cheerful tone *
"Welcome to Sip & Nibble Cafe. I will be there with you in just a moment", Eleanor said to Jin. She plated two bizcochitos cookies on the saucer. "It isn't found everywhere. I like the fact it is made with real cane sugar", she agreed with Max. The excited tone of Max and many others is the reason she brought them. She placed a bottle of coke on the counter. "Would you like a bottle opener?" Eleanor rung up his order on the cash register. "Your total is 1.05", she said, reading off the register.
He stepped up and he spoke in his thick Japanese accent "one blueberry bagel and medium hot tea with honey please"
Eleanor took the money from Max and insert it into the register. She turned her attention to the next customer. "How can I help you today?", she said.
max would grab his items and go and walk to Facebook max: howdy there friend mind if I didn't ya
Kazehiki carefully pushed open the door and walked in, holding his cross around his neck and sniffling. He crawled into a seat at a table and wiped his nose with his sleeve silently.
He looked at the woman that had just cut in front of him. Such quarreling was beneath him, so he simply took a step back away from the counter and remained quiet.
Alas! The rain poured heavily and she forgot to bring her umbrella. Now, how would she go to work? The woman with a brown hair was already nearby her office but suddenly, the rain poured in the middle of her way. It seemed that the rain wont be stopping anytime soon when she decided to wait on the unknown empty and looks abandoned shelter and it was already an half hour she was standing by it. She was sure that she will be late to go work because of the heavy rain, but maybe she will take her leave because of this force majeure. Julie sighed and feel the breeze started to make her cold so she decided to just run through it. She knew a caf nearby her office and she headed toward it. At least, she can have some warm drink while waiting the rain to stop. After arriving in front of the caf, Julie brushed her hair that was damp because of the rain. She ran as far as she could on her heels that made her dress thankfully not wet or else, she should stay outside. It was only her hair that being dewy and with the tingle sound of the doors bell from the caf, Julie entered it. There were some customers staying already, they must have had the same reason as her to wait the rain to stop. She went toward the counter and talked to the owner. Hello, Miss. Can I have some hot cappuccino? She rubbed her right arm to warm herself.
He removed a $10 bill his wallet that he retrieved from his jacket "green tea, please, and yes. Cream cheese." He would gesture to Julie plainly "I will pay for hers and for the little boy in the back" he said in his soft-spoken tone.
He stepped up and he spoke in his thick Japanese accent "one blueberry bagel and medium hot tea with honey please" Eleanor grabbed a medium sized coffee and a lid. She turned her head to look at Jin and asked, "Any tea flavor you preferably like? And would you like cream cheese" She returned her attention back to the kettle of hot water and poured its content in the cup. Grabbing a blueberry bagel, Eleanor placed it in a toaster and grabbed a small bag to put it in. She noticed two more people had entered the cafe, a child who crawled into a seat at one of the few tables in the cafe and a woman who miraculously wasn't wet from the rain expect perhaps for her hair. "Your total is 4 dollars", Eleanor said to Jin.
He removed a $10 bill his wallet that he retrieved from his jacket "green tea, please, and yes. Cream cheese." He would gesture to Julie plainly "I will pay for hers and for the little boy in the back" he said in his soft-spoken tone. Lenny took the 10 dollar bill and placed it beside the register. She went to add a green tea bag into the cup. Grabbing a small goodie bag, Lenny filled it with sugar packets and honey. She started to prepare a hot cappuccino while waiting for the bagel to toast. Once the bagel toasted and she spread cream cheese on it, she packaged it. "Here you go." Lenny handed Jin his tea and bagel. Once the cappuccino was finished, she waved towards Julie. "The gentleman before you paid for your order already", she said.
Alas! The rain poured heavily and she forgot to bring her umbrella. Now, how would she go to work? The woman with a brown hair was already nearby her office but suddenly, the rain poured in the middle of her way. It seemed that the rain wont be stopping anytime soon when she decided to wait on the unknown empty and looks abandoned shelter and it was already an half hour she was standing by it. She was sure that she will be late to go work because of the heavy rain, but maybe she will take her leave because of this force majeure. Julie sighed and feel the breeze started to make her cold so she decided to just run through it. She knew a caf nearby her office and she headed toward it. At least, she can have some warm drink while waiting the rain to stop. After arriving in front of the caf, Julie brushed her hair that was damp because of the rain. She ran as far as she could on her heels that made her dress thankfully not wet or else, she should stay outside. It was only her hair that being dewy and with the tingle sound of the doors bell from the caf, Julie entered it. There were some customers staying already, they must have had the same reason as her to wait the rain to stop. She went toward the counter and talked to the owner. Hello, Miss. Can I have some hot cappuccino? She rubbed her right arm to warm herself. * max had noticed the wet lady coming into the cafe and he chuckled a little befor pulling out a small hand towl as he would then walk to them * max: sorry but i noticed you were all wet and all so here * he said handing her the hand towel* max: i know it might not dry your hair but itll dry whatever water there is * he chuckled *
Lenny approached Kazehiki with a poppyseed muffin. "I noticed you looked a little sad. Would you like a muffin?", she said gently.
He removed a $10 bill his wallet that he retrieved from his jacket "green tea, please, and yes. Cream cheese." He would gesture to Julie plainly "I will pay for hers and for the little boy in the back" he said in his soft-spoken tone. Lenny took the 10 dollar bill and placed it beside the register. She went to add a green tea bag into the cup. Grabbing a small goodie bag, Lenny filled it with sugar packets and honey. She started to prepare a hot cappuccino while waiting for the bagel to toast. Once the bagel toasted and she spread cream cheese on it, she packaged it. "Here you go." Lenny handed Jin his tea and bagel. Once the cappuccino was finished, she waved towards Julie. "The gentleman before you paid for your order already", she said. He took his food and went to a table and he sat and started to pull pieces of his bagel apart and he started eating the pieces. He kept focused on his food.
* The shark walked in alone, trying to get a moment of peace for once. He walked in without an umbrella, but his scaley skin seems to have not gotten wet in the slightest. "Greetings ma'am. Would you happen to be serving coffee at this establishment?" Then, he noticed Kazehiki, and shuddered in fear... He hopes to Meikutsu that girl that follows him around isn't here. Her loud, maddened yelling will disturb his quiet time.
Lenny approached Kazehiki with a poppyseed muffin. "I noticed you looked a little sad. Would you like a muffin?", she said gently. Kazehiki noticed it and his eyes lit up with excitement, despite the bags underneath his eyes. He gently reached out for it, "I would." He said with a raspy, quiet voice. It sounded like he was sick with a cold.
*enters in*
He stayed quiet as he ate his bagel. His shoulders were hunched as if he were trying to hide within himself.
Azumi appeared out of a puff of smoke and glitter only to scream, "Time to party!" She then did silly little dances.
Looks up at the cafe sign, with whiskers twitching as she decides to venture further or continue onward.
*enters in as well*
He watched Azumi a bit before a grin crossed his face as the cute little gremlin fox.
Seems lovely.
Joot happens to pass by as Azumi shouted that, he entered in the store, eager to join in. "A PARTY?! Count me in!" He exclaimed as he joins in the silly dancing.
Wow, Whoever made these is definitely talented.
Smells goods baking inside, picking up hints of sweet cream. She ventures inside the cafe, admiring the interior and the comforting aura as she walks in. Going up to the counter, her eyes scan the pastries, and sweet treats, deciding which one she wants to indulge in. Her whiskers twitch excitedly.
* maximus would walk in smelling the baked sweets and other cakes and such and it brought a smile on his face and he almost purrd from the plesent smell he would then go and take a seat at a booth and looked at the menu * maximus: hmm these are some crazy names to be honest
She settles her sights on the beautiful cakes, a caramel tres leche, a blueberry lemon cake with sweet cream in the middle made her whiskers twitch. The tiramisu held her attention the most, already tasting the rich coffee taste. She then looks at the person behind the counter with a sparkle to her gold eyes, "I'd like a slice of the tiramisu and a cup of warmed sweet cream. Please?" Stepping close to the counter with her tail curled upward behind her back.
He sat awkwardly at the table with Fumizuki.
Fumizuki makes her way into the cafe, and heads for a vacated table. She then starts browsing the menu.
"I'm Fumizuki, and this is my papa, Drael." Fumizuki smiled happily. "I would like a chocolate chip muffin and some hot cocoa, please."
* Maximus would sigh as he would get up to see the two sitting there * Maximus: well howdy there friend mind if I ask your names * he said walking to drael and fumizuki*
* max would then come out from behind a counter with a apron on and just a black shirt and a hair net on and jeans as he would come to the table that they were at * max: hehe sorry about that guys say whatcha want again ill write it down and get it for ya
Maximus: oh hehe my bad I dont work here I just thought Id be kind and see what you folks are doing
Max: alrighty then Ill be right back * max said writing down the request befor going and started baking
"I'm Fumizuki, and this is my papa, Drael." Fumizuki smiled happily. "I would like a chocolate chip muffin and some hot cocoa, please." "I think I'll take the same thing as my daughter"
"It is. I wonder if the pastries are as nice as your uncle's and your cousin's"
Fumizuki looks around at the cafe. "Seems like a nice place."
"Is that right?" He said smiling at her
"I hope so. The lady who runs this place is very good at baking things. She and I once made some cupcakes together."
Hm? *Looks up from her book*
Astoria walks in. "Drael!!!"
Hikari walked in, fan over his face "Its a nice place.. I've never been here before.. Saiken do you think they'll have cinnamon buns?" he said visibly talking to himself
"Hello, Mrs. Mathius" yes said with a chuckle "how are you? Fumizuki, your Auntie Astoria is here"
*enters into the cafe*
Fumizuki waves to Astoria. "Hewwo Auntie!"
Fumizuki waves to Lenny as she heads past, and then turns to Drael with a smile. "She fwend. She bake things with me a few times."
Lenny enters back into the Sip & Nibble Cafe with a soggy brown bag. "Max, please put your hair up. Hair in food is a serious matter." She hangs up her rain poncho and folds up her umbrella, placing it into the umbrella holder. At a speedy pace, she went to put the items of the brown bag into the cabinets and refrigerator. "Now, how many orders are there?" She asked while putting her hair up in a low ponytail and then washing her hands. "Max, can you handle the drinks? There is a specific recipe I follow for the brownies." A special recipe that has passed down to Eleanor from her short time of being a lunch lady: the famous lunch lady brownies.
*enters into the cafe* "Yo Vergil.....come sit with us"
Fumizuki waves to Lenny as she heads past, and then turns to Drael with a smile. "She fwend. She bake things with me a few times." He smiled at her "you have a lot of friends, huh? I'm so proud of you, sweet face"
Lenny goes to slice a piece of the freshest batch of tiramisu. She placed the squared piece on a saucer with a gold borderline. Running over to the expresso machine, the cafe owner began to stream the sweet cream. By this process, it created mircofoam on the sweet cream. Lenny finished up the preparation by pouring the cream into a cup. She shouted, "Tiramisu and a cup of warmed sweet cream for a Natasha!"
Hm? Very well. *Sits down next to him and his daughter*
Hm? Very well. *Sits down next to him and his daughter* "Hi." Fumizuki smiles warmly at Vergil.
It's a honor to meet you.
"Hello Vergil......this is my little angel"
"Greetings!" Alliyus walked into the cafe calmly, standing at 4'10, and had a presence that wasn't entirely human.
If you wanna talk to me. You can always private message me. I'll respond when I can. I currently have school to do.
Fumizuki looks around curiously. "Our order should be coming soon, right Drael?"
Bro. Bored-.
"IJN Fumizuki, Mutsuki-class destroyer number seven of the Sakura Empire Fleet."
Benjamin looked down at the short shipgirl. He blinked with his dark golden eyes. He tilted his head. He stood there at 6'5, wearing a royal Duke uniform. "Who may you be?" His voice was soft, calm.
"Indeed. This is my papa, Drael." Fumizuki points to Drael.
"Ah! An Azur Lane Sakura Empire Shipgirl. How lovely" He nodded in respect. "My name is Benjamin Augustus Obelia, Duke of the Obelian Kingdom. Pleasure to meet you."
"Lovely to meet you." He nodded at the man before looking back down at her. "So, how are you?"
"Indeed. This is my papa, Drael." Fumizuki points to Drael. He nodded once.
"OOoo Hello there! Valentine perked up, sitting next to him, smiling softly, too friendly.
Fumizuki looks around curiously. "Our order should be coming soon, right Drael?" "Should be, yes. I think so, sweet face"
"Ragna. You're the bouncer at the bar my brother works at, right?"
Anastasia was cleaning and sweeping up the floor with a broom. She wore a maid outfit.
Hm? Oh yeah, That's me.
She glided over with elegance. "What may I get for you today?"
He reached over and ruffled Fumizuki's hair. His hand was almost as big as her head, but he was still so gentle with his daughter. He sighed a bit. He had fought galaxy-sized threats and slaughtered countless Nega-gods, but being a single father was the hardest thing he had done.
Valentine sat there reading a book at the table, ignoring them, the page flipping on its own with magic.
"This one is on the house", the cafe owner said before yawning. Lenny placed a tray with two chocolate chip muffins and two cups of hot cocoa on the table where Vergil, Drael, and Fumizuki were sitting at. "Oh, Fumizuki. I just made a batch of marshmallows this morning", she said, "Would you like to see?"
"This one is on the house", the cafe owner said before yawning. Lenny placed a tray with two chocolate chip muffins and two cups of hot cocoa on the table where Vergil, Drael, and Fumizuki were sitting at. "Oh, Fumizuki. I just made a batch of marshmallows this morning", she said, "Would you like to see?" "Go ahead and go with your boss, sweet face" He said smiling and beaming. Drael hadn't smiled nor was he this happy since his wife died. It was apparent that becoming a parent pun intended. Sue me was exactly what he needed.
"This one is on the house", the cafe owner said before yawning. Lenny placed a tray with two chocolate chip muffins and two cups of hot cocoa on the table where Vergil, Drael, and Fumizuki were sitting at. "Oh, Fumizuki. I just made a batch of marshmallows this morning", she said, "Would you like to see?" Fumizuki smiles at Lenny. "Yes please." She gets up to follow Lenny. "Be back in a bit, papa."
Valentine sat there bored, sitting over the table slouched. Her head was on her Exorcist book, silently asleep.
He glanced over at the silhouette and perked a brow. He was hoping that his brother Mathius was watching this part of the universe, because something about this figure didn't sit right with him, and he was running defense scenarios through his head. Surely he could summon his giant blade Armageddon's Call directly to him, but it would be pointless to do so at this time. He would reach over and tap Vergil's hand and gesture for him to look over at Judgement.
Judgement sat there on a chair. It was a silhouette of a young girl. The girl was faceless, with long black hair, a face and skin that was black/gray. It tilted its head to the left, wondering.
The silhouette of the young girl, turned its head towards them making no sounds at all. It was faceless, with black and gray on its face. It tilted its head.
... Who is this?
Fumizuki follows Lenny over to where the marshmallows are. "Marshmallows go well with hot cocoa."
Hazel sat there calmly, talking to herself.
*enters into the cafe*
Lalita was flying outside the cafe in the air with her broom, enjoying the warm breeze going through her hair.
"H-hello?" A timid voice squeaks from outside the Cafe's door. "I-is this the Sip and Nibble cafe?" Outside, a small bear cub in an oversized postal office uniform held a package in his paws, trying to keep it as dry as he can. And, as a coincidence, he happened to show up during a familiar postal route that passed by the Cafe. "I-I have a package for a M-Ms. Martin. I-is she home?"
Horizon sat there in a silent corner, in a fetal position, silently reading a white book, not wanting to be known or talked to.
"She was here earlier. I think she stepped out." Fumizuki returns to her table with some marshmallows for the hot chocolate she, Drael, and Vergil were enjoying.
A girl with bright golden eyes was sitting in the corner in a white tunic. Her presence was so powerful, even Earth couldn't handle it. She had a small Earth in her hand. She was small, but her presence seemed that this wasn't her real size. She was 5'4, her real size was actually 500,000+ miles tall. She eyed him. "No, why?" The girl appeared in front of him and opened the door before he could even react. She looked down at him calmly. She was stronger than even a God.
Fumizuki looks over at the newcomer, and then back to Drael and Vergil. "Guess we have a new fwend."
She made a chocolate chip cookie and put it in her own mouth and nibbled on it. She had a planet in her right hand as she calmly sat down next to Fumizuki at the table. The planet was like Earth. She was constructing it like the Gods did a long time ago for Earth. She placed pools of water that became oceans. And land that became continents. She was 5 feet tall, about 14.
She made a chocolate chip cookie and put it in her own mouth and nibbled on it. She had a planet in her right hand as she calmly sat down next to Fumizuki at the table. The planet was like Earth. She was constructing it like the Gods did a long time ago for Earth. She placed pools of water that became oceans. And land that became continents. She was 5 feet tall, about 14. A New goddess?
"H-hello?" A timid voice squeaks from outside the Cafe's door. "I-is this the Sip and Nibble cafe?" Outside, a small bear cub in an oversized postal office uniform held a package in his paws, trying to keep it as dry as he can. And, as a coincidence, he happened to show up during a familiar postal route that passed by the Cafe. "I-I have a package for a M-Ms. Martin. I-is she home?" "She's not here at the moment, but if you're dropping something off, is around the back." Nightshade hung out at the cafe from time to time, and they were doing their best to help the small post worker.
"H-hello?" A timid voice squeaks from outside the Cafe's door. "I-is this the Sip and Nibble cafe?" Outside, a small bear cub in an oversized postal office uniform held a package in his paws, trying to keep it as dry as he can. And, as a coincidence, he happened to show up during a familiar postal route that passed by the Cafe. "I-I have a package for a M-Ms. Martin. I-is she home?" "Little one, come in out if the rain....."
Fumizuki looks over at the newcomer, and then back to Drael and Vergil. "Guess we have a new fwend." "Wanna know something funny? Your Uncle Mathius is afraid of her...." He said with a smirk
In the morning, she was standing there asleep in space, 500,000+ miles high. Her sleeping, standing form could be seen if you looked up and closely looked closer. She had the Earth in her hands in the size of like a small golf ball. "I've fought bigger"
In the morning, she was standing there asleep in space, 500,000+ miles high. Her sleeping, standing form could be seen if you looked up and closely looked closer. She had the Earth in her hands in the size of like a small golf ball.
An eye opened up in space. The whole eye itself was around 600+ million miles in size, bigger than the Sun and Earth combined. It looked down at them all from space.
Divine, the giant who held the Earth in her hands, was in her human form at 5 feet tall. She was staring up at the sky in shock, seeing Ether actually taking a form for once in a Quadrillion years.
Fumizuki sips on her hot chocolate, blissfully unaware of the giant eye.
"Ol" A girl appeared sitting next to him.
He didn't really care about the eye. He sipped his hot chocolate before mapping Fumizuki's lips with a napkin to get the chocolate mustache off.
Fumizuki tilts her head around curiously. "Huh? Is that gunfire I hear?"
Violet was outside the building. She unshouldered dher carbine and pulled the bolt back. She raised the carbine to her ear sight. She fired, hitting a target dead center, that was set up earlier by her. She pushed the bolt up then turned her hand so she pulled the bolt back. She pushed it forward then pushed the bolt down back into place, reloading. She aimed and fired again, also hitting another target dead center. She reloaded once again before taking aim and firing, hitting a third target dead center. All perfect shots.
He lifted his head "yeah, I think k so. Some dope is shooting in an alley somewhere"
Violet crouched and fired again outside. She reloaded the magazine then stopped, hearing her. She pivoted to the left and shouldered her rifle. She entered the cafe.
He pointed at Dante then at his tea "your tea is getting cold"
A Woman with guns? Reminds me of Lady.
Oh yeah.
"She's not here at the moment, but if you're dropping something off, is around the back." Nightshade hung out at the cafe from time to time, and they were doing their best to help the small post worker. He then nods, shivering in the cold as he shuffles his paws. "F-fankyoo." He replies, grateful for their help, before he heads around to the back with his oversized package. Though something about this seemed odd to the little postman; like why was everybody so tall? Even with the sounds of sniper-fire startling him, he still had a job to do.
Finally arriving at the back door, Noah places the package down before he tries to push the doorbell. He then quickly comes in from the cold, crawling on his paws and knees while still swishing around in his postal uniform, only to look around the back room and call out. "H-hello? A-anybody?" Just then, he notices his reflection in the mirror, before he squeals in fright, whimpering as he hid behind his package.
She saluted before entering and sitting down, tired.
She about-faced and looked at him. She tilted her head. "Hello?" He timidly whimpers, his voice shaky as he tries to avoid being looked out. "H-how'd I get s-so small?" He asks, sounding like he was about to cry. "I-I'm a p-postal worker, n-not a...."
She about-faced and looked at him. She tilted her head. "Hello?"
"Calm down, calm down. Breath." She crouched down calmly. She was used to people being scared during the war. Slowly, the small bear cub takes a few deep breaths, following Violet's instructions. His fur was damp, his uniform ten sizes too big for him and he had nary a clue where he is. He then whimpers out a 'T-thank you, ma'am', before he cautiously crawls out from behind the package he had risked so much to deliver.
"Calm down, calm down. Breath." She crouched down calmly. She was used to people being scared during the war.
"Who is that package for?" "I-it's addressed t-to a Ms. Lenny M-Martin." -He answers, his ears folding back as he nervously shuffles his paws.-
"Who is that package for?"
*drinks his Tea*
Her eyes unfocused as she thought about the same. "True name?"
"Did my package come in?", Lenny circled around the corner with a pen in her hand. She stopped when she heard Violet asking for her name.
Her eyes unfocused as she thought about the same. "True name?" "That is her true name. She runs this place, and she's a fwend of mine."
Fumizuki nods, and points to where Noah is. "Yup. This tiny bear brought it in."
He looked back and saw the tiny beat cub. He perked a brow seeing him wearing a comedically oversized mail courier outfit before he shook his head and ate a piece of the muffin. The small cub was even smaller than his daughter.
Violet sat there in her military uniform and combat boots on. Her long blond hair reached past her shoulders, straight with the ends brown from dirt. Her topaz-blue eyes scanned the people next to her.
"I see what the problem is. My first name is actually Eleanor, but everyone calls me Lenny", she explained. Lenny reached to grab the package from the small bear cub.
*enters in* Eh, I suppose I can take a break.
He landed outside the bar and the golden-hearted Saiyan entered. He was in his usual clothes, but he had a small bag over his shoulder that he reached in and pulled out his kitten Piano. "We're here, Piano! I'm gonna get some tea, and get you a little bit of milk, okay?" He would approach the counter and stood smiling and humming a song.
Catelyn was laying on the dirt with a black backpack on her back. The zipper was open. A small black cat poked its head out and looked around. It meowed quietly as Catelyn was on the dirt, taking a picture of a deer in the woods. She was silent, laying there taking quiet pictures.
Wchterin sat there calmly, looking at everyone.
She crouched with her backpack on and took a picture of Noah with her camera quietly.
"I see what the problem is. My first name is actually Eleanor, but everyone calls me Lenny", she explained. Lenny reached to grab the package from the small bear cub. Noah then softly squeaks, before he hugs his now-oversized hat. "O-okay, Ms. Martin. S-sorry for the m-mixup..." He then tries to stand up, only to flop onto his bottom.- "Oof!" -He thinks; 'W-why can't I walk?', even as his eyes start to well with tears.
When he turned. He saw Catelyn laying in the dirt hiding from an animal. An Eagle was in front of her about 6 feet away. She had her camera pointed to it, silently taking pictures., She was silent.
The postal worker didn't notice this, instead looking around in a mild panic. "O-oh no, I-I gotta get b-back on my r-route." He felt so preoccupied with getting back on with the job that he hadn't realised his current predicament until he notices just how tall everybody else was.
She blinked as Sophie hid in her backpack. "Hello?"
Catelyn was laying on the dirt with a black backpack on her back. The zipper was open. A small black cat poked its head out and looked around. It meowed quietly as Catelyn was on the dirt, taking a picture of a deer in the woods. She was silent, laying there taking quiet pictures. He gasped and pointed at hee and her kitten "Look Piano! Another kitten!" He said as if he were just as happy.
She smiled as she put her hands behind her back in her backpack and pulled out a small black cat. It squirmed in her arms before relaxing and letting her hold it. "This is Sophie! Lovely to meet you."
"HI! My name is Oniyan and this is Piano" he petted the kitten that was perched on his large, muscular shoulder.
"Nice cats."
Piano mewed and Oniyan picked him up. "You wanna pet him? My friend Keiko's cat brought him to me"
Cautiously, the regressed postal worker works up some courage to crawl over to Fumizuki and Mr. Oniyan. Sitting down, he then timidly shuffles his paws and asks. "C-can I pet the cat, t-too?"
He would look at Fumizuki "you can pet Piano if you want....."
"Snacks and fluffy fwends. This is excellent."
Gato just looked up at him like he was insane.
Gato blinked and tilted its head then scurried up Calamori's shoulder and curled up behind her neck.
Gato just looked up at him like he was insane. Slowly and carefully, Noah gently pats the kitty, before he slowly opens eyes to see that the kitty wasn't going to hurt him.* "S-sorry, kitty." Noah murmurs, worried he might've upset the cat while he gently pats Gato.
She smiled. "Lexie's just sleeping now. You did nothing wrong." She smiled, GATO laying curled on the back of her neck, asleep.
Noah then lowered his head, shuffling his paws as he mutters. "W-what'd I do?" He was worried he might've upset the cat.
She smiled, her eyes blood-red and glowing a little. She looked like a psychopathic killer, now that he looked at her clearly. She tilted her head. "No problem." She giggled softly, GATO, asleep on her neck.
She smiled. "Lexie's just sleeping now. You did nothing wrong." She smiled, GATO laying curled on the back of her neck, asleep. He then replies, seeing GATO asleep on Ms. Calamori's neck. "O-oh, okay. T-thank you for l-letting me pat them. I've n-never had cats before." He adds, twiddling his paws.
Joot spots Noah in the cafe and rushes in, picking him up in a hug. "NOAH?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! Why are you so tiny now??" "J-Joot?" Noah asks, shivering a little. "A-aren't you supposed to be in school?" He then looks at himself, before muttering. "Oh....w-well, thanks for coming to find me."
Joot spots Noah in the cafe and rushes in, picking him up in a hug. "NOAH?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! Why are you so tiny now??"
-comment removed-
"Today was a minimum day, so mama said I can come here and get some ice cream!" He said. "Ooooh she's gonna be so surprised to see you!"
i know, but i'd assume they still know each other True, true. Still, different Noah.
i know, but i'd assume they still know each other
"You're the little one now, silly!" He says. "You look like a teddy bear!"
"Today was a minimum day, so mama said I can come here and get some ice cream!" He said. "Ooooh she's gonna be so surprised to see you!" Noah then breathes a soft sigh, before he shuffles his paws. "T-thank you, little Joot." He replies sheepishly.
"Snacks and fluffy fwends. This is excellent." He would scamper in and he rushed to Fumizuki and was wagging his tail and dancing. He would go give some love to Dante and then to Drael before laying his head in Fumizuki's lap. He would then see Noah and GATO and he would whine/growl and hide under Drael and Fumizuki's table with his back arched and his tail between his legs.
"You're the little one now, silly!" He says. "You look like a teddy bear!" Noah wobbles as he sat up. "I-I'm sorry, f-force of habit."
Cautiously, the regressed postal worker works up some courage to crawl over to Fumizuki and Mr. Oniyan. Sitting down, he then timidly shuffles his paws and asks. "C-can I pet the cat, t-too?" "Yes you may!, little teddy bear!" He sat and held Piano out to Noah. Noah then gently held out his paws to hold Piano, his eyes lit up with awe as he felt the fluffy cat. He gently pets it with his fluffy paw.-
Cautiously, the regressed postal worker works up some courage to crawl over to Fumizuki and Mr. Oniyan. Sitting down, he then timidly shuffles his paws and asks. "C-can I pet the cat, t-too?" "Yes you may!, little teddy bear!" He sat and held Piano out to Noah.