1 value
Lyney sat there bored.
Cautiously, the regressed postal worker works up some courage to crawl over to Fumizuki and Mr. Oniyan. Sitting down, he then timidly shuffles his paws and asks. "C-can I pet the cat, t-too?" "Yes you may!, little teddy bear!" He sat and held Piano out to Noah. Noah then gently held out his paws to hold Piano, his eyes lit up with awe as he felt the fluffy cat. He gently pets it with his fluffy paw.- The kitten started to purr and curled himself against the tiny mail courier. The Saiyan smiled "Piano likes you!"
Is the Cat friendly?
He would scamper in and he rushed to Fumizuki and was wagging his tail and dancing. He would go give some love to Dante and then to Drael before laying his head in Fumizuki's lap. He would then see Noah and GATO and he would whine/growl and hide under Drael and Fumizuki's table with his back arched and his tail between his legs. "It okay, doggy. They fwends."
He would scamper in and he rushed to Fumizuki and was wagging his tail and dancing. He would go give some love to Dante and then to Drael before laying his head in Fumizuki's lap. He would then see Noah and GATO and he would whine/growl and hide under Drael and Fumizuki's table with his back arched and his tail between his legs. "It okay, doggy. They fwends." He trembled and put his head in her lap
Is the Cat friendly? Noah then nodded, gently cradling little Piano in his paws. "I-I think so." He softly pets the cat on his lap, ears perking up while enjoying the cafe's warmth. It made a nice change from the usual route, but this was no usual day.
He looks up at Fumizuki, as well as Thor, before he gently gave Piano back to his owner. "N-nice doggy...." He shuffles his paws, not used to being this close to Thor.
Fumizuki made her way out to where Noah and Piano where, trying to show Thor that they were friendly. "See, doggy? They fwends."
He would start trembling and he leaned Cautiously close to Noah. He looked up at Fumizuki for comfort before moving closer to Noah. He would reach his paw out to give Noah a gentle boop on the arm.. Noah softly squeaks as he's gently booped, before he slowly reaches out to scratch Thor underneath the chin. Lowering his voice as an adult would, he mutters, reassuring Thor. "E-easy, boy....good boy..."
He would start trembling and he leaned Cautiously close to Noah. He looked up at Fumizuki for comfort before moving closer to Noah. He would reach his paw out to olive Noah a gentle boop on the arm..
He started to calm down and move a bit closer. He slowly calmed down as well, liking the feeling of petting this good boy. "Good boy, Thor." He whispers, tail wagging happily.
He started to calm down and move a bit closer.
Fumizuki smiles as she sits with Thor and Noah. "Fwends." He shuffles his paws shyly, thankful for the company and warmth of two new friends. We c-can be friends, too.
Fumizuki smiles as she sits with Thor and Noah. "Fwends."
He laid his head on Fumizuki's lap and looked at Noah and wagged his tail before getting up and nuzzling Noah. Noah then squeaks, giggling happily in a high-pitched voice as he flops onto his side. "Geehee~!"
He laid his head on Fumizuki's lap and looked at Noah and wagged his tail before getting up and nuzzling Noah.
He laid his head on Fumizuki's lap and looked at Noah and wagged his tail before getting up and nuzzling Noah. Noah then squeaks, giggling happily in a high-pitched voice as he flops onto his side. "Geehee~!" He started licking the cub's face He squirms and giggles as his face is licked, before he sat up to give Thor a scratch under the chin.
He laid his head on Fumizuki's lap and looked at Noah and wagged his tail before getting up and nuzzling Noah. Noah then squeaks, giggling happily in a high-pitched voice as he flops onto his side. "Geehee~!" He started licking the cub's face
He perked a brow and he grinned at his daughter.
Fumizuki is happy to be with her friends. "Is nice."
"I won't hurt you, little bear" his voice was so deep that it almost shook the air, but there was an unmistakable kindness in his voice
Noticing the taller man with honey-blonde hair grinning at Fumizuki, Noah sheepishly hides behind Thor, his feet dragging on the floor as he shivers. He then shyly uncovers one eye, looking at Drael.
He sipped his hot chocolate as he watched the small bear.
"I won't hert you, little bear" his voice was so deep that it almost shook the air, but there was an unmistakable kindness in his voice Nervously, the little cub sat up and began to crawl towards him, his ears slowly perking up as he could hear the kindness and warmth in Drawl's voice. The only thing he had on was the oversized postman's hat, which dipped over his eyes frequently, making him constantly stop to fix his hat.
*is just silently sipping his tea*
He sipped his hot chocolate as he watched the small bear. His nose twitches as he sat down, closing his eyes, before his eyes open back up with an excited glow. "T-that smells good!" He squeaks, his tail wagging happily, before he shuffles his paws. "C-could you pick me up, please? I haven't eaten since t-this morning."
Nestled comfortably yet nervously on Drael's knee, it became very clear that he wasn't used to being picked up or having anyone order something for him. "T-thank you, Mister." He replies, his voice still mousey but with a hint of gratitude. At least it was warm in here.
He sipped his hot chocolate as he watched the small bear. His nose twitches as he sat down, closing his eyes, before his eyes open back up with an excited glow. "T-that smells good!" He squeaks, his tail wagging happily, before he shuffles his paws. "C-could you pick me up, please? I haven't eaten since t-this morning." The 7 foot-9 inch tall redeemed demon picked the cub up and set him on his knee. "Why don't you order something? Fumizuki, would you order something for the cub, sweet face?"
Claude was sitting there in the cafe, resting his head on his palm. He was wearing his royal uniform, looking out of place with all that luxury and jewels. --Claude De Alger Obelia, Father of Athanasia.
"Okie, papa." Fumizuki goes over to the menu to find something that Noah might like.
Fumizuki returns with some snacks for Noah. "Got some food for fwend."
Natasha stops in to browse the treats behind the glass displays. Opting for a tasty looking cake with a layer of marshmallow, chocolate and cinnamon graham crackers dusted on the top. Then chooses to sit at a small table off to the side. Enjoying the taste of the cake.
Hextook the treats and gave them to Noah "fantastic work, sweet face"
Raphael sat there, looking at a tablet on his lap.
Magnolia sat there calmly in the cafe, drawing something on her tablet.
"Happy to help." Fumizuki smiles.
*is silently sipping Tea*
The father and son both entered the building together, the older of the two holding the door open for the younger, fluffier one. Once they are both in the cafe, Cole walks up to the counter while holding Axel's hand. "Hello... I will take a coffee... Hot..." Said the tired adult. "What do you want Axel?" "I wanna... A cupcake!" Exclaims the excited Eevee with a happy trill. "A cupcake it is..." Cole adds with a small chuckle.
Umi enters, carrying her sons, and heads up to the counter. "Hello."
* max would be at a booth with some ice cream cake and some different parts and do hickys and he was tinkering with them befor nipping his hand on a sharp peace * max: shoot that hurts * he said as he started sucking his finger to keep the blood from going everywhere *
"Can we get some ice cream please?" Umi asked. "One for each of us. I'll have some chocolate flavoured ice cream."
Kazuma was holding onto Umi, sniffling and resting his head on her shoulder.
He looked over at the mother with the twins before return his attention to Fumizuki and the baby bear on his knee.
"I'll have chocolate as well, please." Takuma said happily.
Kazuma bounced a little, "Choco' vanilla?" He wanted both flavors put together it seemed. He then looked down, seeing Thor and his eyes filled with tears, startled by the dog.
He saw the babies and went over and looked at them. He had never seen babies before, so he whined in confusion before looking at Fumizuki and then back to the babies.
He looked back at Umi "Oh, Thor? Very. He's a sweet pup"
Umi nods. "Both flavours? Okay then." She then noticed Thor, and then looked over at Drael. "Is the dog friendly?"
"Hi doggy."
"Okay. See Kazuma, no need to be afraid of the dog." She gently sets Kazuma and Takuma down on the ground while she collects their ice cream orders.
Fumizuki nods in confirmation, having guessed what was on Thor's mind just from the way he looked at her.
He approached Takuma carefully and smelled him and looked up at Uma as if he were processing. He would then lick Takuma's hand and sat in front of him. He looked at Fumizuki and then back at the twins. It was like he was just now discovering "they get smaller?!"
Umi smiles at Thor and accepts his paw. "Aren't you such a sweet dog?"
Thor kinda whined because he couldn't figure out why they are so small. He used his paw to lightly touch Takuma. "Human pup?" Was the thought that came to mind. He then looked at Kazuma and sniffed Kazuma's cheek. "OF COURSE! SMALLER HUMAN PUPS! TWO OF THEM!" After those thoughts, he stood up and did a little celebratory dance by trotting in place and shaking his head some. He stood proudly and happily panted looking between them, and then up at Umi. He went to Umi and offered her his paw.
Kazuma crawled down Umi, until he reached the floor and tried to find somewhere to hide from the scary big dog. Even though the dog wasn't scary, he thought it was. He crawled underneath a table and sat.
He did his dog smile before offering her his other paw.
He looked down at the little one under his table. He simply perked a brow. He merely shrugged and resigned himself to his fate that children felt comfortable near and around him. He ate a bit of his muffin.
Takuma heads over to where his brother is. "Doggy is friendly, Kazuma." He said with a smile.
Takuma nods. "Yup. Doggy is friendly."
Kazuma looked at Takuma with watering eyes. "Friendly?" His voice cracked.
Fumizuki opens the door of the cafe to let Dreambert in. "Yes, this is such a place."
There will be a small knock on the door. The knock seems to be pretty soft. After a moment, a voice would then speak out. "Hey uhm... Excuse me if anyone's in there... Is this a place to relax and make friends...? Just wondering..."
"Boys, I've got our ice cream!" Umi calls out to her sons as she heads over to a table with the ice cream orders for the three of them.
He smiled and beamed about how helpful Fumizuki is.
Kazuma's eye widened, then followed his twin, excited for ice cream.
"Ice cream!" Takuma made a happy noise, and indicated for Kazuma to come with him. "We got ice cream, Kazuma!"
The dog finished the treat in under a minute. When complete, he had some cream on his nose and face and he started licking his nose trying to get to it.
He moved his leg aside so Kazuma could get his I've cream. He would then get a pup cup for Thor. He sat ans he held the pup cup out to Thor
Kazuma was behind Takuma, looking at the dog with curiosity, yet worry. Yes, Takuma said the doggy was nice, but the dog was still very very BIG compared to him and it was overwhelming.
After finishing his ice cream, Takuma goes over to play with Thor a bit more. "Doggy."
After finishing his ice cream, Takuma goes over to play with Thor a bit more. "Doggy." He started nuzzling the toddler. He put a paw around Takuma in a hug and wagged his tail.
"No need to be scared, Kazuma. Doggy is friendly." Takuma gently pets Thor on the head.
Kazuma took a few steps, carefully holding his hand to the doggy with hesitation.
"See, Kazuma? Doggy is friendly."
Kazuma took a few steps, carefully holding his hand to the doggy with hesitation. He sniffed and nuzzled Kazuma's hand whilst wagging his tail. He scooted over to Kazuma and laid in front of him and rolled over onto his back.
Fumizuki opens the door of the cafe to let Dreambert in. "Yes, this is such a place." Dreambert then nods to Fumizuki, being a kind prince he is. He then looked up towards her before floating up. "Oh, thank you kind ma'am! I was wondering if this could be the perfect place for me to relax and make some friends while I'm here, if everyone else here doesn't mind, of course..."
Takuma smiles, happy that his brother was making friends with Thor.
Kazuma flinched, startled by the dog laying down and rolling over, but he let out a small giggle and patted Thor's belly gently.
Kazuma flinched, startled by the dog laying down and rolling over, but he let out a small giggle and patted Thor's belly gently. He wiggled happily and then situated himself between the two boys. His ears were down and he looked between Takuma, Kazuma, and Fumizuki happily. He put his head against Kazuma and his tail swished against the floor as if he were saying "These are my smol squishy hoomans"
"Such a good dog." Umi smiles as she watches her sons play with Thor.
Suddenly, the device turned into a Peepy. How? Who knows, but that's what happened.
"THIS PLACE IS GOING DOWN!" Bob said as he uninvitedly barges in, holding an unidentified destructive device.
The Peepy began glowing as if it was going to explode, slowly getting larger like a cartoon bomb, before popping into a cloud of confetti and peanut shells.
"HAHA- Oh uh, ah. Umm... this was planned... GO YOU STRANGE COW PLUSH THING!! TAKE EM DOWN!!" Bob yelled after witnessing this mysterious transformation.
Confused floof
"YES, YES, YES, YES YES YES... WHAT?!? WHO HAS BESTOWED THIS WILDLY UNSATISYING LUCK UPON ME?! I'LL HAVE TO TEACH THEM A LESSON... wait.. those shells are moving? Must be the wind..." Bob says while the peanut shells start slowly gliding somewhat resembling walking and building something strange outside. Bob runs to a stair outside and sits on it while in a thinking pose similar to that one statue, waiting for the peanuts to build something despite not knowing anything about them or the Peepy...
Confused Pi'illo "What?"
Confused father of the confused floof.
"I... have tons of questions."
"What just happen?"
After two whole days, the peanut.. thing finally combusts revealing something greater within. It also wakes up Bob because nobody is able to stay awake for two days straight. "Mhp.. hhh..." Bob says yearning for ulterior rest. The thing released from the peanut combustion is unidentifiable and requires further inspection. The hum it emits is heard from the cafe.
Confused doggo
He stood between Bob and Takuma, Kazuma, and Fumizuki alert. He kept himself between Bob and the small humans. He would turn to nuzzle Takuma and put his head under Kazuma's hand before returning to protect them
Going to a corner jukebox in the Cafe, a woman puts in her coin and carefully selects a song. Tay hasn't even picked a song yet...and is standing there scrolling and humming the songs she comes across
He used his front paws to push Umi back. He looked up at Drael as if telling him to "stay put, very very big hooman". He then went back to his post.
"Such a brave dog."
Eleanor returned from behind the Employees Only door. And to her dismay, her cafe was covered with peanuts and a shattered window. Her mood changed from indifference to anger in a quick second. Her manifested dream, the one where she worked through blood and sweat for, was in a state of matter that she couldn't tolerate. Heck, Eleanor put the cafe over some of her relationships in the past. Raising a clenched fist, her eyes searched the room for the perpetrator. "Who?" Her word was drenched in bitter venom.
The unidentified peanut thing starts releasing peanuts at high speeds everywhere. It starts out slow but the firerate is slowly increasing... A window can be heard shattering. Something must be done about this... Bob is still asleep
Eleanor returned from behind the Employees Only door. And to her dismay, her cafe was covered with peanuts and a shattered window. Her mood changed from indifference to anger in a quick second. Her manifested dream, the one where she worked through blood and sweat for, was in a state of matter that she couldn't tolerate. Heck, Eleanor put the cafe over some of her relationships in the past. Raising a clenched fist, her eyes searched the room for the perpetrator. "Who?" Her word was drenched in bitter venom. Fumizuki points at Bob and the peanut. "Them"
Fumizuki switches to combat mode, her torpedo tubes deploying from her backpack while her 4.7 inch guns swing into position, locking onto the peanut thing.
Thor grabbed a mop between his teeth trying to help clean. It was obvious that the dog had the right idea.
He stood up and started sweeping the peanut shells.
"That takes care of that." Fumizuki pulled out a tiny brush and began sweeping the floor.
The unidentified peanut thing starts releasing peanuts at high speeds everywhere. It starts out slow but the firerate is slowly increasing... A window can be heard shattering. Something must be done about this... Bob is still asleep He reached his hand out and his massive blade flew to his hand. He grabbed the peanut thing and put it into the pocket universe within the blade before he resumed cleaning.
Umi notices Eleanor. "Oh, you must be the owner of this place. Nice to meet you. I'm Umi Mamizuka, and these are my sons Takuma and Kazuma."
Thor kept dragging the mop around as he learned by watching Fumizuki. He still wasn't doing much, but he still had the right idea
Thor followed Takuma's example and looked at Elanor and did a bit of a happy shuffle with his front paws and wagged his tail.
Takuma waves at Eleanor, and gives Kazuma a quick glance to indicate he should do the same.
Bob wakes up. "WHERE IN GOD'S NAME ARE MY -@-#ING PEANUTS?!? I DIDN'T EVEN SEE WHAT THEY DID! God, can't have @#& here!!! I'll be back..." Bob stands up very straight in an evil pose and does a salute as the floor magically opens to insert Bob inside and then closes right after... albeit struggling to close for a bit.
Kazuma looked at Takuma, confused at first, then realized, and quickly waved at Eleanor.
He growled at Bob before he vanished. Once the floor closed, he went over to Takuma and Kazuma wagging his tail.
*confused floof*
He smiled at his daughter and took a bite of his muffin
Fumizuki resumes enjoying her meal with Drael at the cafe.
He pointed at Joot "you know my brother...."
Jooters ran up to the counter with a party hat on, purchasing a piece of cake and taking it to a table to eat.
Isaac noticed the cafe sign. He didn't have an umbrella with him, and didn't like staying in the rain. He quickly ran up to the building, taking shelter underneath the overhang above the door. He was quietly sitting there, tears running down his face, as always.
"Joot is fwend."
Isaac nods, cautiously walking in. He was nervous, since he hadn't really talked to anyone in a while.
Fumizuki notices Isaac outside, and opens the door. "Come on in. We all fwendwy here."
Isaac felt a little less scared, as he thought the Cafe looked quite cozy. He liked the theme of it.
Fumizuki waves to Eleanor at the counter. "Something yummy for new fwend here, pwease."
"Shush, you scare new fwend." Fumizuki scolded Bob, then turned back to Isaac. "Don't mind him."
*Bob is there. Bob is not gone. Bob is always watching.*
Isaac smiled. He pet Thor.
He went over to Isaac wagging his tail. He started sniffing Isaac before he began licking his face.
Def joining this
The camera pans in on a large, colorful amusement park. A colorfully and eccentrically dressed cat that is totally not an adult Joot stands in a courtyard in the center of the park, a large grin on his face. "Welcome to RPRLand! RPR's biggest and as far as I know in my 0 seconds of searching only amusement park! Come on in and ride on our lightning fast roller coasters, our confusing mirror houses, our fun carousels, all while eating cotton candy and funnel cake! Need work? Well, we are always looking for employees!" please i am the only staff member "For any adult visitors that are not too fond of rides or candy, we also serve alcohol at our high class, exclusive, and totally copywrite legal bar, Trix- I mean, Trooxy's Bar!" we are completely and utterly unrelated to the inter-dimensional meeting spot Trixie's Bar please do not sue us "So come on in! Don't be shy! We guarantee a world of fun to be experienced in these magical walls!" guarantee is not legally binding and walls are not literally magical
Soo like is this open? Yeah!
Soo like is this open?
"Aha! Our first resident! Welcome!'
Oliver ran through the amusement park, James struggling to keep up with him. He didn't seem to have any specific thing he wanted to do in mind, so he was just running around.
He was on the slingshot ride cackling like a deranged madman as he was launched which was out of character for the usually mellow and soft-spoken Marine.
Oliver stopped and nearly tripped over a rock. He turned his head around to the voice that spoke to him and saw Joot. "Oh! Hi! Thank you!" He waved. James landed on his shoulder.
howdy i was wondering if this was still open
**AU SOME SPOILERS ** You can do this Vaggie.. its the same thing as always.. the angel thought, stretching out her dark grey wings, her gaze remained on a black mask in her hand with white detailing to keep her identity a secret. Her messy white hair covered her face slightly, an unsure look on her face as she glanced towards Adam and Lute. They had a mission to go down to hell and kill as many demons as she could with a team of other fallen angels. Her body remained tense as she put the mask on and walked towards the portal. Her wings would spread out before she jumped though the portal with a spear in her hand. It was a awful sight.. watching as demons were running away with pure fear in their eyes, trying to escape the angel exterminators who only were there to kill them... Upon seeing a child, Vaggie flew to chase the kid, she didnt want to do this! Not at all! Her spear aimed at the demon childs chest, before she slowly lowered it and crouched down. Run.. now. Get outta here.. She spoke quietly to the poor child as she watched him run off. A sigh escaped her lips as she moved to pick up her spear, but instead she was met with a rough kick in the face. Causing her to stumble onto the ground. What the hell are you doing Vaggie? You dont deserve to remain an angel.. Lute questioned in a cold voice as she stepped onto Vaggies back, the angel on top of her pulled out Vaggies wings which caused her to scream in pain. Before she was met with a worse fate.. the spear that was once her own was stabbed into her eye and pulled out.. golden goop dripped from her face and onto the ground. Pure fear filled her single eye as she watched the other fly off. The female was disproportionated. Slowly moving to get up and move as far away as possible. Sooner rather then later her body fell hard against a dumpster. Her head hung low. Her breathing was slow and weak.
alrighty sweet do you mind if I play the drunk cat
howdy i was wondering if this was still open Yes it is!
ya thats it sorry its been way to long since Ive watched hazbin hotel
Husk? You gotta give me the actual name so I know.
I mean how much has happend the last thing I saw of hazbin hotel was the pilot or I can be completely wrong on that
I would much rather have people updated on the time line to roleplay this, sorry
Well alright Ill have to watch it then maybe I can join lol if not I understand
I mean how much has happend the last thing I saw of hazbin hotel was the pilot or I can be completely wrong on that Im sorry, I'm going to be very strict on this. The newer episodes are on Amazon prime. I dint have the time to explain every single detail.
Can I do this with you? mhm!!
Can I do this with you?
Kit was entering through the gates of an unfamiliar graveyard. It was a new one he had decided to go to help guide a smaller ghosts that had wandered away and must've lost their way. He didn't talk to them as they wandered around him, asking him dozens of questions that would only be met with silence. He didn't really enjoy talking to ghosts, only their presence, usually. He was always good at ignoring them. The gates of the graveyard creak open slowly as his gloved hands pushed gently against them. He sighed as he gestured around the graveyard. A small smudge of dirt and dust collected on the fingertips of the gloves; Something he would overlook for now as to not immediately retreat. He was already here, wasn't he? He might as well take a walk. He watched the little ghosts all float off. He could only guess that there had been an accident somewhere nearby or the fun had caused them to stray away.
Swishhhh... Shhhhh... Hushhhh... The trees swayed and whispered to one another, a sense of serenity and peace. Star floated through, weaving between the trees gently as they listened to the rustling of the leaves. Today was peaceful... So far. As they continued floating, they came across a shrine dedicated to the sacred stars, the only things that Star truly believed in. They smiled softly at the sight of the shrine, kneeling down and placing a ghostly hand on the centerpiece, bowing their head solemnly as they closed their eyes. "May the sacred stars above forevermore shine down on those less fortunate." They whispered, their ethereal voice echoing slightly.
Kit didn't seem to notice Star yet. Instead, he was focusing on the graves, reading the words faintly seen on the gravestones. He slipped his gloves off, pocketing them, and revealing black painted nails glinting in the moonlight. He walked slowly down the rows, reading them inaudibly to himself. He liked to see the different pieces of information he would be allowed to gather from the stones, but also the variety of each one. His fingers started to rub the cross that connected to the string around his neck, it was a slight movement, one that wasn't very noticeable. He paused at one of the graves. Then turned to see a small ghost. A little boy. He stared for a moment, then looked to the grave. `Samuel Lovice' was the name on it, a brief timeline under it, then the words, 'Another boy who was taken too soon' the words were slightly covered with age. "Yours?" Kit asked in a calm voice. The ghost nodded slightly. Kit stared for another moment, before he reached into his pocket, and placed a small wilted white rose in front of the gravestone; Petals seemed to barely be holding on together, except the whole thing was completely still. Ah, it was encased in glass. It was as if it was frozen in time, a forever wilted rose that refused to die. "Sorry." He spoke once the rose was placed, before turning, and continuing down the line of graves.
The creaking of the gates opening slowly alerted Star to a new presence, some mortal probably coming to this graveyard to vandalize the grounds or disrupt the energy flows. They sighed, uttering a quick prayer to the stars that this wouldn't be the case. If it were, Star would have to spook the troublemaker away... And that was not an action they liked. But as long as it kept people from destroying the graveyards and the shrines, Star just dealt with it and continued on. However, this presence felt... different... somehow. Hm. They had to check the newcomer out anyway, might as well analyze them... Star sighed, beginning to float over to whoever had just entered through the gates. They passed other spirits, who nodded to them in respect. Star was known to be a comforting presence and whatnot, often acting like a parental figure to others who came their way. Then Star saw the boy - he looked a bit older than the age they died at, wearing gloves and a cross necklace. Star was a bit more intrigued by him now that they saw what he looked like... They stayed hovering there, watching the boy with a thoughtful, analytic gaze. They could sense some slight religious tones drifting from him, seeming to be from the God of Christianity. However, these were faint, as if he didn't truly believe in the deity like others. Star wondered where things would go from here...
Apologies for the misgendering/wrong pronouns used, but as this is from the perspective of Kit, he is assuming based on what he sees. He isn't familiar with the LGBTQ community--he does have knowledge of it to an extent--but it isn't a common topic for him. If there is a problem with his perspective assuming such--as in it bothers or makes you uncomfortable--please let me know, and I will change it. Kit paused, the cross slipped from his fingers, as he turned to see a new..figure. Not human, he could see that. Sammy.. Ah, Samuel? The boy, yes He focused back on the girl. He could see this figure was older than the boy. He only stared in silence for a moment, observing the figure rather than answering her question. Star Noire. . Has he seen that gravestone. "What is unusual? To be a decent human being in the presence of the dead and resting place?" Kit paused again, I would've preferred it to be placed somewhere with less filth, but it can't be helped.." Here he would decide whether or not to continue the conversation. His name was asked for, but did he want to give it? He didn't plan on getting to close to this ghost, let alone know anything about her. Still.. She did peak his interest, but only slightly. "If you must have a name to my face, those who know me have given me the nickname Kit." He spoke calmly, his eyes still shifting slightly ever so often as they attempted to pick up of every speck of detail.
They followed the older boy as he wandered through the graveyard, studying his every move. When he noticed Sammy, the young boy Star often saw, they tensed, ready to step in and scare the other away. However... he only placed a glass rose on Sammy's grave and apologized before leaving... Star's brows furrowed a bit. This... This boy is unlike others... They thought, beginning to smile softly. Then, after giving Sammy a pat on the head and nodding to him, Star floated back towards the other boy. "That's quite unusual for people to do, y'know... Most are here just to cause trouble and vandalize... The sacred stars thank you for your kindness to Sammy." Star announced, floating closer to him and hovering there. "What's your name? I'm known as Star, a sort of caretaker of graveyards and those that inhabit them."
Joot looks at the sugary pastry with big wide eyes and a drooling mouth open in surprise. "WOAH! What did I do to deserve this?!" He exclaims. "Thank you mister!"
Robyn Morningridge of the Magic Knights Squad, The Golden Dawn, offers your character a small, pretty looking but delicate cake with a bright smile on his face. "Here! I hope you like it!"
* max was a lone wonderer and has been ever since the outbrake start hes been moving from city to city town to town in his reliable van that he has modified so he can sleep and even cook in it but he ran out of gas as he was on his way to another city making him walk on foot with a back pack a gas can and his trusty slam fire shotgun * max: the next gasstation better have some gas or im going to be pissed * his stomec growls * max: and some food im starving
howdy basicly the story takes place only a few months into the world with flesh eating zombies some zombies slightly more mutated then others kinda like last of us but this will be threw the hole united states then just parts of it so if your feeling like it you can make a post starting off if not i was going to anyway so engoy!!
Sure I dont mind friend ^w^
Hi there! Is rp as a zombie okay?
Go ahead and replay whenever lol
Awesome!! :<
* max would be watching his perimeter closely so that nothing would jump him from behind thankfully he could spot a gas station down the street there was a couple of buildings and some back ally ways max would think it be better if he went threw the allys so that he wasent out in the open for to long * max: alright this makes me feel a little better * he said as he would start walking as he would be looking up not paying attention to his surroundings and he had kicked over a bottle as it would make a clanking noise hitting the ground *
*Aaliyah was a lost, wandering mishap. She had her conscious about, despite being apart of the undead population, but just barely. Her limbs replaced with blades, a tragically failed experiment left to wander and suffer through the apocalyptic world.* *She was shuffling if you could even call it that out of an alleyway, getting her fix off a day old corpse, still relatively fresh.*
* max would then continue walking threw the ally as he would then soon come to the back of the gas station he would then stop and try the back door unfortunately when he would try it would be locked he sighed * max: shit I guess I got to try the front * he said as he would take a look as there wasnt any ally to the front of the building * max: shit guess I have to try and ba- * max would then be suddenly grabbed from behind from a random zombie that was hidin behind a container as max would then drop his shotgun and a shot would go off and luckily enough hitting the zombie letting max be able to escape as he would quickly try grabbing his gun but was in able to so he would start max dashing it the opposite way of the zombie *
*As Aaliyah wandered around, she could hear the faintest echo of a bottle clanking across the ground. She straightened herself out, arms limply hanging at her sides as she surveys her surroundings, a muffled groan and severely broken English escaping from her sewn shut mouth.*
* max would then shortly stop as he would exit the ally way as he would be taking a breath * max: son of a bitch made me leave my gun * he would then go and grab a near by Pice of rebar and would start following the street down to the gas station once again and not noticing any other zombies yet * max: alright Ill make my way to the front and grab my gun leaving from the back of the station *
*Hearing a bit more ruckus, Aaliyah slowly shuffles her way towards it, her blades causing slight sparks as she drags her metal limbs towards the sound.* *Her head tilts as she nears what seems to be a gas station, her eyes surveying the area, making slight clicking sounds out of curiosity.*
* max not paying attention to anything else but wanting to get his gun back didnt even hear anything as he would then make his way into the gas station as the door had a little sound when it opened * max: shit why cant those doors be more quiet for pet sake * he said to himself out loud as he would then start to loot the gas station *
*As she nears the gas station, the faint scent of a living human tickles her senses as she continues making clicking sounds, cautiously approaching and ducking down low to see into the store as she continued to approach it.*
* * max would go and try and find the fual pump starters in the station and when he was about to walk over to it a big zombie would then come out from the back if anything it was the owner of the station * max: hehe well then big fella mind if I could take those keys off of ya * he said with a grin as the zombie would then go and sprint at max max would then hit its legs with the rebar he had cousing the zombie to scratch and groan befor max would then beat the zombies head in with the rebar and grabbing the gas station keys * max: thank you sir you can go back to being a dead beat now * he said with a chuckle as he would play with the keys as he would make his way to the back door *
*Aaliyah noticed some shifting sounds and a soft chime from the door as perhaps someone entering the store. She continued to creep towards the store, ducking down to view the inside, scanning for signs of any sort of life, living or undead.*
* max would then eventually grab his shotgun from befor and leaves back out to the street as he would then start to walk he would notice some of the chopped up zombies * max: what the hell did this a zombie or a person? * he said as he would then try to track what ever it was that did said thing to the chopped up zombie until he would faintly hear clicking and groaning as he would the go closer to the noises trying to be as quiet as possible *
*Finding no signs of people, Aaliyah continued her aimless wandering, occasionally slashing at her fellow zombies just to pass the time here and there. Then, she stopped in front of a store's display window, seeing her reflection, getting some sort of deja vu from it before shaking her head, wiping the feeling free of her conscious as she ventured on through the streets, groaning and clicking.*
* max would then quietly sneak up close to the noises as they got louder with eating he would then take a glance seeing the bladed zombie eating the dead human * max: holy shit thats morbid * he said as he would then think for a moment disposing if he should run away or attack as he would then think maybe later he would be next he wasent going to let that happen so he pumped his shotgun and aimed it * max: hay bladed zombie didnt your parents tell you to use a fork when you use a kife * he said thinking he was just going to shoot them like any other zombie but he didnt something kept him from shooting *
*Aaliyah continued down a street, coming up on a diseased human. She glanced around before strategically letting her knees buckle so she could get down on the level of her food, the only thing propping her up were her arm blades.* *Although she feasted on the corpse, she was disgusted with herself. This was who she was once, and maybe somewhere deep down still is. But, how was she going to survive otherwise? And no way was she going after a living human or a awful, rotting carcass of a zombie.*
max: ok that's kinda a new one um * he thought for a second * max: can you understand me? nod if you do * he said as he thought to himself that this zombie wasn't any other zombie that would just walked toward him so he wasn't going to shoot unless he absolutely had to *
*Aaliyah whipped her head around to the voice, seeing a shotgun aimed right at her. She quickly lifted herself up, a low, skiddish groan emanating from her. She took a few cautious steps back, blood dribbling down her chin and past stitches frayed around her mouth.*
* max wasnt expecting the zombie to nod but he was a man of his word as he puts the gun down * max: so your conscious like you think and everything right * he said slowly walking to her as he puts his shotgun to his side * max: couse I wont kill you if you are if anything Ill help with those uhhh stitches you got there on your mouth * he said pointing at them * max: those cant feel good right *
*Aaliyah hesitantly nodded, clicking soft as she shifted her weighted. She examined the human before her along with the gun. She didn't feel too threatened.. yet.*
* max would then see that she wasn't like all the other zombies so he would then approach her with a smile when she said thank you * Max: well then your welcome friend ill ask if you have a name after i cut the stitches ok and sorry im still kinda you know on edge if that makes sense * he said with a fascinated look but he would then take his boot knife * max: alright but like if i do cut the stitches you're not going to like freak out and like accidentally impale me will ya * he chuckled a little trying to bring the mood up as much as someone could talking to a human zombie women but ether way he was ready to cut them he just wanted to make sure nothing would happen when he did cut them *
*Aaliyah lowered herself slightly to be somewhat on his level, nodding again. She didn't sense any danger now as he approached. She also shook her head when he mentioned the stitches around her mouth which she was never too fond of. Aaliyah made a few clicking sounds and in very broken English, spoke up.* "Thank... y-you.." *she muttered with an extremely raspy tone. Aaliyah knew how to talk but because of how she'd been experimented on, and the stitches preventing her from opening her mouth, she hadn't spoken in God knows how long.*
max: alright here just make a noise if i accidentally hurt you and thank you that makes me feel a little better * he said as he took the knife and carefully cut each stitch and after a few seconds he had cut the last one * max: there you go now I can pull the thread out if you want me to do that as well that'll just be a little more uncomfortable of a feeling * he said as he would put his knife back into his boot *
*Aaliyah nodded, tucking her blades in towards herself to protect him from being harmed. Then she leaned down so it was easier for him to cut the stitches on her mouth.*
max: Hay there's a smile I haven't seen in a while * he chuckled a little as he smiled happily * Max: alright then um hold on * he said as he looked in his bag and grabbed some tweezers as he would then go and start carefully took out all the thread that was loose and after a few minutes all the thread was now out * max: and vwalla your all good try moving your jaw and lips to kinda get them to loosen up * he said as he puts the tweezers back into his bag *
*Aaliyah watched curiously, not making any movements. She moved mouth and jaw, a weird smile coming to her face. It'd been awhile since she could properly smile and as he offered to pull out the thread, she hesitated for a moment before nodding, making some more clicking sounds.*
* max had chuckled when she placed her head on his * max: hehe I bet that feels amazing huh oh Im max by the way * he said with a joyful smile
*Aaliyah flinched a few times with how weird it felt otherwise, she was alright. She then moved her jaw and lips around. After doing this for a minute or so, she rested her head on top of his for a moment before stepping back. She couldn't quite give a hand shake or a hug properly for obvious reasons.*
Max: hehe well it is certainly a pleasure to meet you Aaliyah * he said with a slight chuckle when she stoped to put her hand down * max: hehe were you trying to give me a hand shake I mean I can but like Id just grab your hand with two fingers to not cut my hand * he said with a chuckle * max: um since your more human then zombie are you hungry for like human food couse I have a can of spam in my bag if you want it * he said as he pulls the spam out from his bag *
*Aaliyah went to hold up her "hand" but then stopped and just nodded.* "Max... A-Aaliyah.." *She whispered hoarsely, smiling politely. She wish she could say more to introduce herself but for the time being, she was stuck with her limited vocabulary.*
max: hehe alright then here * he then opens the can showing the spam it wasent anything special just genaric cheep span as he would the think * max: hmm i think it might be a little hard to use blades to take something out of a can * he looked in his back befor pulling out a paper plate and he would then put the spam on it and then toss the can and he would then put it infront of her * max: here im sure this will taste alot better then mister dead dude there * he chuckled a little *
*Aaliyah tilted her head curiously. She'd never even heard of spam before. Maybe she try it so she wouldn't have to continue eating the diseased.* *She nodded at the offer, excited to try some new food, hopeful for the change of diet.*
max: well then go ahead and eat that up i wouldn't blame ya * he chuckled as he would then take a seat on the curve and took out a can of peaches and started eating that * Max: listen I know this whole thing is kinda odd but maybe we can work together kinda watch each other back or well I guess mine you seem more than fine on your own * he chuckled as he would take another bite of his peaches *
*Aaliyah smiled at the joke before cautiously taking the plate, making sure not to drop it, balancing it on her blade. She then slowly lowered her head and took a piece of it, taking her time chewing it.* *It was different from anything she had eaten before, both alive and dead, but it wasn't necessarily bad. She took another slice of it, doing her best not to seem like a total beast while eating.*
max: alright then i guess theres no time to waste i got a van just outside of town that we have to walk back to if we want a car * he said as he would then down the rest of his peaches and drink the juice befor standing up and grabed his bag throwing it onto his shoulder * max: or if you want you could hide out in the gas station down the street and ill come back with the van fill up on as much gas as possible and we head to the next town how does that sound * he said as he held his shotgun agints his sholder
*As Aaliyah was mid bite of another slice, she looked at Max then across the street at nothing in particular, thinking. She then groaned softly and nodded in agreement, finishing the slice off.*
max: alright sounds good to me then and ill help you out with that broken English when i get back alright * he said with a chuckle * max: oh and youll see me coming from a mile away my van has a cat riding a pegasus in space on the side * he chuckled a little * max: just keep an eye out for that or for anyone else trying to take this gas here ok not everyone is like me unfortunetly
*Aaliyah finished off what was left of the spam before standing up as well. She then looked down at Max, almost 2 feet taller, and listened then, with a very gravelly, raspy voice she said, "St-station.. I stay." *She was doing her best to remember the language she had always spoke but for some reason, after the experimentations, she had nearly forgotten how to talk completely, so for now, she had to deal with her broken English.*
* max smiled happily as he would then start making his way back to his van out of town and after a good hour goes by max would then be driving into town and he would coushisly drive his van to the gas station and he would then park into the station and park as he would get out * max: alright then looks like everything went alright then huh * he said to Aaliyah *
*Aaliyah nodded in response, leaned forward slightly because of the weight of her blades. She then started to walk towards the gas station looking around warily, keeping an eye out for any other humans or zombies.*
Max: sweet then here Im going to fill the van and some gas barrels up then well head out * he said as he goes to the back opening up the double doors and started walking the gas barrels next to the pump and started filling the two barrels up befor filling up the van *
*Aaliyah perked up, hearing Max and the van. She nodded, having no problems while he was gone.* "Every- th-thing good.."