lows and outflows; inward flows from a higher Lake Rukwa, access to Lake Malawi and an exit route to the Nile have all been proposed to have existed at some point in the lakes history. Of the several islands in Lake Tanganyika, the most important are Kavala Island DRC MambaKayenda Islands DRC Milima Island DRC Kibishie Island DRC Mutondwe Island Zambia Kumbula Island Zambia Lake Tanganyika and associated wetlands are home to Nile crocodiles including famous giant Gustave, Zambian hinged terrapins, serrated hinged terrapins, and pan hinged terrapins last species not in the lake itself, but in adjacent lagoons. Storms water cobra, a threatened subspecies of banded water cobra that feeds mainly on fish, is only found in Lake Tanganyika, where it prefers rocky shores. Lake Tanganyika supports a major fishery, which, depending on the source, provides 2540 or c. 60 of the animal protein in the diet of the people living in the region. Currently, there are around 100,000 people directly involved in the fisheries oper
ating from almost 800 sites. The lake is also vital to the estimated 10 million people living in the greater basin. Lake Tanganyika fish can be found exported throughout East Africa. Major commercial fishing began in the mid1950s and has, together with global warming limiting the habitat of temperaturesensitive species, had a heavy impact on the fish populations, causing significant declines. In 2016, it was estimated that the total catch was up to 200,000 tonnes. Former industrial fisheries, which boomed in the 1980s, have subsequently collapsed. CICHLID FISH The lake holds at least 250 species of cichlid fish and undescribed species remain. Almost all 98 of the Tanganyika cichlids are endemic to the lake and it is thus an important biological resource for the study of speciation in evolution. Some of the endemics do occur slightly into the upper Lukuga River, Lake Tanganyikas outflow, but further spread into the Congo River basin is prevented by physics Lukuga has fastflowing sections with many rapids and w
aterfalls and chemistry Tanganyikas water is alkaline, while the Congos generally is acidic. The cichlids of the African Great Lakes, including Tanganyika, represent the most diverse extent of adaptive radiation in the vertebrates. OTHER FISH Lake Tanganyika is home to more than 80 species of noncichlid fish and about 60 of these are endemic. The open waters of the pelagic zone are dominated by four noncichlid species Two species of Tanganyika sardine Limnothrissa miodon and Stolothrissa tanganicae form the largest biomass of fish in this zone, and they are important prey for the forktail lates Lates microlepis and sleek lates L. stappersii. Two additional lates are found in the lake, the Tanganyika lates L. angustifrons and bigeye lates L. mariae, but both these are primarily benthic hunters, although they also may move into open waters. The four lates, all endemic to Tanganyika, have been overfished and larger individuals are rare today. Two ferries carry passengers and cargo along the eastern shore of the
lake MV Liemba between Kigoma and Mpulungu and MV Mwongozo between Kigoma and Bujumbura. The port town of Kigoma is the railhead for the railway from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. The port town of Kalemie previously named Albertville is the railhead for the D.R. Congo rail network. The port town of Mpulungu is a proposed railhead for Zambia. January 31, 2020 by Engagi Safaris httpsafricagorillasafaris.netwpcontentuploads202001LakeTanganyika.jpg 504 1020 Engagi Safaris httpafricagorillasafaris.netwpcontentuploads201909mainlogo300x210.png Engagi Safaris20200131 08264520200203 095956Lake Tanganyika Lake Kivu Mount Sabyinyo
Agape Community Vocations that we have helped bloom! Coney's and Conversation April 4, 2023 at 730 pm 930 pm Col's Place 1 Madison Heights , 29022 Stephenson Hwy, Madison Heights, MI 48071, USA Come out for great food and great conversation. Couples Ministry April 7, 2023 at 700 pm 1000 pm The Boulanger's House Join other young couples, married, engaged, or dating as we explore how to strengthen relationships. Visit our Facebook Events Page to learn more about our events httpswww.facebook.comgroups11153314979events 2675 John R Rd. Email agapepavgmail.com We are grateful to the following individuals and businesses that help us provide programming for you adults. Alliance Catholic Credit Union Saint John Vianneys Fight Club
Agitprop! You Know You Want To September 9, 2016 by Agitprop a Klanbacked misogynist internet troll is going to be delivering the next State of the Union address. And that is not normal. It is fucked up. Random Trump Quote Lying is second nature to him More than anyone else I have ever met, Trump has the ability to convince himself that whatever he is saying at any given moment is true, or sort of true, or at least ought to be true. See all the quotes Copyright 2023 Agitprop Haus
2 Best Movies Shows Released in 2019 On Starz released 2019 Find the best movies and show to watch from the year 2019. These handpicked recommendations are highlyrated by viewers and critics. 1. Pain and Glory, 2019 This is the latest Oscarnominated movie by Spain's highestregarded director, Pedro Almodvar. It's his most personal work to date, being a slightly fictionalized account of his youth and then the last couple of years. He is mostly portrayed by Antonio Banderas, who was also nominated for an Oscar for this role; while another star performance comes from Penlope Cruz who plays his mother in the flashback scenes. Pain and Glory is about life in the arts how a tormented artistic personality is formed, the days of focusing on work over relationships, and dealing with the consequences later in life. It begs the question in Almodvar's life, was the glory that got him to making as great of a movie as this one worth the pain? 2. Maiden, 2018, 2019 This documentary charts the challenges faced by sailor Tra
cy Edwards and her 12woman crew in the wake of their decision to participate in the Whitbread Round the World Yacht Race, the grueling yachting competition that covers 33,000 miles and lasts nine months. Director Alex Holmes recreates their adventure using archival footage shot by the women themselves on their voyage, and interesting interviews with the crew members as well as the men who criticized and ridiculed them at the time. Maiden is an interesting bit of documentary filmmaking that is also inspirational and empowering. 20192003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
I originally had a set of tips on the "Resources" page. It was a small collection, and worked for when I started this off. Since then, however, I've had more experience, and had many people ask "how to" type questions, so I've expanded this section into its own page. Some of the tips will be migrating over here, others will be replaced by more extensive writeups. There is one tip I initially called "The biggest rule." I still feel it's one of the most important ones, and one that people do lose sight of as they build for the next big contest, or get put down by the "know it all" on the club or online. It's simply this Build it for you. If it's not perfect, but you enjoyed building it, the model has done its job. If it gets to be work, and nobody's paying you for it put it away. And if someone derides you for being a "mere kit assembler," for not having everything perfect, or the like, don't let them get to you. This is, for most of us, a hobby, and a hobby is meant to be enjoyed by the person doing it. With
that out of the way... Metal finishes what and where
Essential Skills Recap 6 More Emotional Intelligence by admin Feb 23, 2023 Communications, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development A lot of things are out of our control, but there are two things that are always under our control What we say and what we do. As mentioned in last weeks post, Emotional Intelligence EQ is the 1 predictor of personal and professional success. One of the key elements of EQ is SelfManagement. We never know from day to day what life is going to throw at us. Most of it is beyond our control. The one thing that we always have control over is how we respond to those situations the things that we say, and the actions we take. Viktor Frankl stated in his timeless book Mans Search for Meaning that Everything can be taken from us but one thing the last of the human freedoms to choose ones attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose ones own way. Continuing to develop your EQ skills gives you more power over your words and actions, and the ability to choose your own way.
You can find my previous Essential Skills posts here. The 3 Habits of a Highly Successful 2013 How to Avoid Getting Chopped! From Revelry to Resolve Feel Like You Are Losing Your Mind? All Aboard to Crazytown! Top 7 Tips for Staying Productive, Creative Engaged
Grinding the Millet August 2, 2013 by gwingenbach Leave a Comment By Trotter Heady Here we are along the B1 road, a major route in Namibia, headed toward the Nakambale Museum near Oshakati in the village of Olukonda. We are imagining just another museum to fill our long rides across the country, but it turned into some amazing memories that we will grasp on to forever. Nakambale, founded in 1871, was one of the first Finnish Mission Stations in Namibia. It currently contains a museum dedicated to the history of the location, a simulated community based home that is still in use today and the restored church that was built by the original Missionaries. The site was very educational especially because it was informative about a civilization that we had zero knowledge about going into the tour. We were able to see their living conditions and learn about their ancestry. The tour was great but so much more was to come. We were surprised with being able to visit a community that was near the museum. These homes are
surrounded by a fencelike structure made by sticks, bushes or plant stalks that is used to corral the livestock as well as protect the family that lives inside. Within the fence is where there are multiple huts made from stone, clay and sticks. Each of these huts has a different use. There is a boys sleeping hut, a girls sleeping hut, a grinding hut, a brewing hut, a storage hut, a sleeping hut for the mother and infants and the fathers hut, which is near the corral. Our group was able to interact and learn from a real family that lived in one of these small communities. We began our surprise visit by learning about millet, a grain that is widely used in this area of Namibia. These people eat millet with every meal accompanied by a vegetable and meat. Everyday millet is ground up by using a hollow log that has been sealed within the ground with clay and a very large and heavy wooden pole. Once the grain is in the hole with a splash of water it is then ground to a fine powder by slamming the wooden pole into
the bowllike log. Then the women start singing as they repeatedly land in the log perfectly. They sing about their family and loved ones in a way that seems so caring. It was obvious that this was a muscle memory action. It was so in synch that I could tell that the women are practically born performing this chore. We were then able to give it a try ourselves! The entire group quickly figured out how difficult it actually was. The women and made it seem so easy! I even bonked my head with the grinding pole. What a workout! Then we met Johanna. This woman is an 83 yearold who visually demands respect when she entered the area. She seemed to be so stoic and wise. Johanna showered us with knowledge on our tour. Beginning with how to prepare the millet for consumption. It is simply boiled over a fire and turned into pastelike dough and eaten using your hands, no utensils here! Then Johanna taught us how to weave anything from a plate to a multicolored basket. Here we are in an inhabited village with real people a
nd all I can think about is how lucky we are. How many people, let alone Texas AM students, are able to experience a situation like this? As this trip is coming closer and closer to an end the realization that I have experienced so much in one month that most people wont throughout their entire life becomes stronger and stronger. I almost dont want to go back! There is still so much to encounter, experience and live through that I feel like Im not done here yet. Filed Under COALS Study Abroad, Namibia, Study Abroad Tagged With Africa, TAMU, tamusafari
Your Job and Your Rights If you recently learned you have coronary artery disease, you may worry about whether you can go back to work. For most people, its fine to get back on the job. Treatments for coronary artery disease today are so improved that more people with the condition are able to work today than ever before, says Haider Warraich, MD, associate director of the Heart Failure Program at the VA Boston Healthcare System. Case in point Warraichs 2018 study in the medical journal Circulation looked at over 9,000 people whod had a heart attack and found that out of those who were employed, only 1 in 10 people either cut back on their work hours or quit their jobs. If you do return to work, the Americans with Disabilities Act ADA protects your right to ask for any changes you need to carry out your duties. Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations, such as a different work schedule or a transfer to a more suitable position. But not everyone with CAD can go back full steam. If your job i
nvolves stressful 60hour work weeks, for example, your cardiologist may advise cutting back or even switching to a lessdemanding career, Warraich says. But for the most part, As more employers have become more accommodating, and weve gotten better treatments, were seeing that the majority of patients with coronary artery disease are able to return successfully, he says. Here are some top tips from employment lawyers on how to navigate your job postCAD Start with the human resources department. If you have a great relationship with your boss, you might reach out to them first. But youre best off contacting your HR department, says Jeffrey Rhodes, an employment attorney at McInroy, Rigby Rhodes, LLP in Arlington, VA. They will be the most familiar with what theyre legally expected to do under the Americans with Disabilities Act, he says. Your HR department also knows it must follow the confidentiality rules in the ADA, so they should know exactly what they can and cannot reveal to your supervisors. Unfortunate
ly, sometimes people who have very friendly relationships with their employers overshare, which they may end up regretting later, he says. Outline the accommodations you expect. Before you contact HR, have a detailed discussion with your cardiologist about what youll need to be able to return to work successfully, says Edgar Ndjatou, executive director of Workplace Fairness, a nonprofit group based in Washington, D.C. These can include Time off for medical appointments. More frequent rest breaks. If youre on your feet all day, for example, you may request a scooter to help you move around or permission to sit instead of stand while you work. Limits on lifting. This request is especially common if youve had surgery or a recent heart attack. Over time, as you recover, you will be able to lift more. Breaks to take your medication. Limits on travel. Its a good idea to have your cardiologist write a letter detailing why you need the accommodation and for how long, Ndjatou says. A request doesnt guarantee that youl
l get it. Your employer has to, by law, research your request, but if they can prove that its very expensive or disruptive to their operations, legally they can deny it, Ndjatou says. But they do have to make a good faith effort. They cant just have one conversation with you and then say, We cant do that, Ndjatou says. If you ask for a transfer to a less stressful position because of your coronary artery disease, for example, they need to actively look for opportunities within the company to move you to, even if ones not available right now. Request Family and Medical Leave FMLA. This federal law may protect you if you have to take time off of work to recover from your coronary artery disease. You may be eligible for FMLA if Youve worked for your employer for at least 1 year. In the past year, youve worked at least 1,250 hours for your employer around 24 hours a week. Your employer employs at least 50 people within 75 miles of where you work. If youre covered, youre entitled to up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave
each year. Your employer cant fire you for taking leave or refuse to give you your job back when you return. They also need to continue paying for your health insurance. Stay tight lipped at work. You may be close with your coworkers, but you should still be careful about how much you reveal about accommodations related to your coronary artery disease, Rhodes says. Keep in mind that if you share personal, private health information with coworkers, it may spread through the company and have negative consequences, he says. If that does happen, it would be hard to hold your employer accountable because it would be hard to prove it was because of their lack of confidentiality. Disclose just enough to make clear why you need an accommodation, but save the indepth discussions for your friends outside the office. Know your legal options. Your employer cant retaliate against you for requesting accommodations, Rhodes says. If you feel like you are facing retaliation or being pushed to quit, find a local employment att
orney for advice. You can also file a complaint yourself with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC. They will notify your company within 10 days and investigate whether theres valid reason to believe discrimination occurred. The average time to investigate and resolve a charge is around 10 months.
Benefits of Biking Science Says Riding a Bike Makes You Happier Riding a bicycle rocks! There are lots of great reasons, other than good oldfashioned fun, to do it. The physical benefits of riding a bike are plentiful and lead to a higher quality of life. And it doesnt stop there. Bicycling is becoming known for its positive impact on emotional wellness. We all want the children in our lives to be happy and healthy, but often the latter becomes our primary focus. Happiness is not incidental. Your outlook, how you feel about yourself and the world, is just as important as building strength and getting your heart pumping. In fact, according to several scientific studies, mental health is a stronger predictor of life expectancy than physical health or even heavy smoking. Let that sink in. Over that last couple of decades, mental diagnoses in children have been on a steady incline. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 7.1 percent of children aged 317 years approximately 4.4 million have d
iagnosed anxiety, and 3.2 percent of children aged 317 years approximately 1.9 million have diagnosed depression. All Kids Bike wants to help send those statistics plummeting! Those of us who ride bikes regularly already know that it makes us feel amazing, and now science confirms it. In 2018, the Lancet released its findings from the first and largest study of its kind on the association between exercise and mental health burden. SPOILER ALERT! The study concluded that whether it is inside or out, riding a bike was named one of the top two activities MOST beneficial for emotional wellness. The study analyzed the exercise and mental health of 1,237,194 adults over three years. The participants reported the type of exercise they did, how much they exercised, and how many days they experienced stress, depression, or other emotional strain. While all exercise improved overall mental health, not all exercise was equally protective. Riding a bike came in as the second most protective activity with riders reporting
21.6 percent fewer difficult mental health days. Playing a team sport was the most effective, and researchers concluded it was due to social interaction. Want to amplify the positive effects of a bike ride? Invite a friend! This study confirms what most lovers of two wheels already knew; a few buddies and a bike make for a happier life. Scientific jargon aside, we believe in the power of riding a bike. We also want to rally behind and support our youth to ensure we are doing what we can to help keep them well physically AND emotionally. One day, these very children will become leaders in our world. Thats why we know our mission to teach every child in America how to ride a bike in kindergarten PE class is no small act. When it comes to helping children deal with anxiety, depression, and stress and improving how they feel about themselves and the world around them, part of the solution might be as simple as riding a bike. And, once they learn, theyll be able to ride and be happy well into their advanced year
s. Thats a cause worth supporting. Learn more about how you can get involved HERE.
Crisis team to be onsite at VoTech after reports of racial harassment Posted on September 4, 2017 by Alyssa Pressler Posted in The York Dispatch Published Nov. 10, 2016 with David Weissman. Representatives from the state Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, as well as a crisis response team from the Lincoln Intermediate Unit, will be at the York County School of Technology Friday after minority students reported racial harassment following Tuesdays election. Freshmen Victorria Markle and Eibreha Drayden told The York Dispatch the harassment started in early October, but escalated after Republican Donald Trump was elected president Tuesday. Victorria and Eibreha said many students left school early Wednesday and didnt show up Thursday. They said they spoke with the principal and were told school officials are looking into any reported harassment. However, the students said they dont think enough has been done. According to 15yearold Eibreha, the offending students get a talk
ingto, but no discipline is taken. Theyre saying its under control, Victorria, 14, said. The students are still in the classroom learning when we dont get to learn because of the comments they are making towards us. Victorria hails from York City School School District while Eibreha comes from Dallastown School District. Ongoing? A short video taken by a 14yearold student, Talianna Credille, at the school shows students holding a Trump sign, and voice can be heard saying white power. Comments posted under the video, which had more than 720 shares, suggest minority students at the school have been dealing with the issue throughout the election. Renie Mezzanotte, spokeswoman for VoTech, said administrators have handed down disciplinary actions to students involved in the video, which was taken Wednesday morning before first period. As for any other claims of racial harassment or threats, Mezzanotte said she was unsure if those claims were substantiated. She said the school had no incidents on Thursday. Talianna
disagreed, saying she attended school Thursday morning but decided to have her mother pick her up because of ongoing incidents, It was just crazy; there were a lot of things happening, she said, adding several fights broke out and more students have been suspended. The school sent out an automated phone message to parents late Thursday morning, according to York NAACP President Sandra Thompson, who said a parent forwarded the alert to her. Thompson said the message indicated that school officials spoke to all firstperiod classes to address reports of harassment. But Victorria and Eibreah both said the principal merely told students they could not participate in a blackout planned for Friday to raise awareness of the issue. Students had been planning to dress all in black, hence the term blackout. Racial epithets alleged Eibreah, who is part Mexican, said she has been called Papi, whistled at like a dog and told that she will be sent over the wall. Trump has pledged to build a wall along the U.S. border with
Mexico to keep illegal immigrants out of the country. Victorria, who is part black, said that she has been called the Nword, has been threatened with stabbing and murder and has heard people referring to her and other black students as slaves in the hallway. This morning, Victorria said that as she excited the school bus she was met by a rally of kids who barked and shouted at her and other minority students. Talianna also has heard threats shouted toward minority students in the hall, including the Nword and students saying that they would, shoot us up in the school, she said. The school doesnt have metal detectors or anything and they dont check students, so who knows if were actually safe at school. Talianna, whose home district is York City, said that she is looking into switching to a new school because of the incidents, which she says have been happening for weeks. Thompson told The York Dispatch on Wednesday that Yorks NAACP received reports of white students at one local high school yelling Trump at s
tudents of color. She confirmed Thursday that the report came from York County School of Technology and said shes since received other reports, including female students reporting unwanted sexual advances. Victorrias mother, Tammy Markle, also said that female students have been inappropriately grabbed at in the halls. Victorria, Eibreah and Tammy Markle all said that they have spoken with the schools principal several times about the incidents, but they have essentially been told to keep quiet. People told me and my mom, Dont tell anyone,' Victorria said. Karen Snyder, Eibreahs mother, said her daughter met with the principal weeks earlier about being called names, but she was scolded herself for referring to these students as country people. Snyder said she doesnt want her daughter to run from the issues because she can get a better education at VoTech, but she also wants to ensure Eibreahs safety. Eibreah will be back at school Friday, and Snyder said shes hopeful the media attention will cause the schools
administration to take these reports more seriously. A second automated call was placed to parents at 730 p.m. Thursday We want to assure you that with recent incidents that have been shared on social media we have put supports in place for tomorrow to ensure safety of all students and to assist students who would like to share concerns, the unidentified woman said. We have teamed up with representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission and a team of diversity counselors from the Lincoln Intermediate Unit crisis response team who will be on site tomorrow working with our dedicated faculty and staff to work together and to assure that all of our students are provided a safe environment for learning. Keeping students home York City resident Shawn Minnich, whose 16yearold son is a junior at the school, said he had heard from his son reports of groups of students marching through the hallways shouting the Nword and harassing other students. He asked that his
son not be named in the paper. His niece also attends the school, and he and his sister kept their children out of school Thursday because of the harassment. Though Minnichs son is not a minority, he said he does not want his son around people who would do and say such things, particularly because his niece and many members of his family are minorities. He said hes most upset that the school has acted like it was no big deal. The lady at the front desk acted like there was nothing going on, and we had to get information from the kids at the school about whats going on there, he said, talking about picking up his son from school yesterday. Minnichs sister, Tara Way, has a 14yearold daughter who attends the school. She also requested that her daughters name not be used in the report. She spoke with the principal at 830 a.m. Wednesday and said the principal explained there were incidents that morning but it was under control. After hearing from several friends that this was not the case, she decided to pick up
her daughter. Upon arriving at the school, Way claims that the woman at the front desk told her that all incidents were rumors and that she had nothing to worry about. When Way said that she spoke with the principal that morning and had heard differently, the woman agreed to get her daughter from class. The part that concerned me the most was when I walked in the door and said I was here to pick up my daughter, the lady asked if she had an appointment, Way explained. The lady at the front desk looked me in the face and said, Maam, all of these incidents were just rumors, nothing happened here today. Southeastern School District Superintendent Rona Kaufmann, who serves as superintendent of record for York County School of Technology, said she spoke with the schools director, and he told her there werent any incidents Thursday. She said she was apprised of an incident Wednesday. York City Mayor Kim Bracey and York City School Superintendent Eric Holmes were at the technology school Thursday in response to the c
omplaints. Holmes said approximately 450 York City students attend the technical school. We are working with the administration at the School of Technology, and anything that we can do to assist them, we will do, Holmes said. We are supporting them in their efforts, and we hope with time and with a great deal of discussion amongst the students about whats happening in our world today that we can put this behind us and move forward. Holmes explained that it is the city school districts responsibility to look after their students at VoTech, and their primary goal is the students safety. Bracey posted a statement on the City of Yorks Facebook page stating that the situation that occurred Wednesday morning was an isolated incident. This morning, I met with Dr. David Thomas, Director of York County School of Technology, and I assure you that our city students and all students of that school are safe, she wrote. York Area Regional Police Chief Tim Damon told The York Dispatch that his department is involved. The de
partment also posted a statement on the matter on its Facebook page, stating that posts made to social media about the incident were exaggerated. These posts include but are not limited to students being spat on and that someone was bringing a gun to school, the statement reads. None of this was reported to police by first party, and none of the posts have been substantiated. Most of the posts were from people that do not attend the school or have anything to do with the school. However, students who spoke with The York Dispatch have said that threats of shootings and murders were made to them in the halls and in classes. Meeting sought Thompson said she has seen the video Talianna shot and reached out to four or five school officials to arrange a meeting, but had yet to hear back as of 145 p.m. Thursday. Thompson said she feels school administrators should have addressed the issue more quickly. The York NAACP has received reports of racial harassment throughout the community since the election results were a
nnounced, Thompson said, and each complaint has referenced the election or Trump. The group will hold a meeting at 630 p.m. Nov. 22 at Crispus Attucks to talk about the best ways to address this situation. Thompson said anyone who encounters racial or any other type of harassment should try to identify the perpetrator and report the incident to police. The technology school serves students from 14 school districts in the county. It has a nondiscrimination policy posted on its website, stating it does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities. National Workcamp helps Yorkers in need Administrators feel teacher shortage in York County
Html Landing Page Example With that in mind, I will be reviewing the features of Instapage and also discussing the pricing plans available to the platform as well as how to use it. Youll be able to see if Instapage is right for you by the end of the review. For those of you who prefer a more visual experience, here is a video review from the YouTube channel Amazing Reviews. To get a comprehensive overview of Instapage, you may still want to check out our article below. Instapage Landing Page Builder An Overview Html Landing Page Example Before we get to the bottom of all of this, you must know firsthand what Instapage really is as a platform. Instapage is a landing page builder designed to help you generate attractive, eyecatching, and overall highquality landing pages. However, its not just any average landing page editor. Instapage is backed by a number of powerful tools that make it simple to quickly create highconverting landing page templates. While the idea of building a landing page sounds great, it do
es, however, come at a cost and an expensive one, too. The overall cost of creating a landing page can depend on several factors, from the complexity of the design to the resources needed to build and maintain it. That said, if you want a featurerich landing page with a more complex design, that would be too expensive to build and maintain. It doesnt help, either, if you dont have the skills or time to create one yourself and would rather rely on hiring a designer or agency to do it for you. Going that route would eventually cost you a few hundred to several thousand dollars more than your budget would allow. If you happen to manage multiple websites, your single Instapage account is enough to create and host multiple landing pages for each site. This is a significant advantage over other website builders that allow you to manage one account per base plan. Sign up now to create an account. Just like every other landing page builder, you wont fully get the Instapage experience until you register your account.
As soon as you log in, youll first notice your dashboard, where youll find a full overview of how much progress youll be making. Since this is your first time, you wont be able to see a lot on your dashboard. But thats okay because youre going to learn anyway how to build a landing page of your own. Lets get started! There are a lot of template options that you can choose from based on your planned campaign by selecting the use case filter. There are many templates that you can choose from. One template is designed to encourage users to download your app App Download, another one to sign people up for an event Event registration or one to thank them for buying your productservice. Instapage has a template for every use case. Now, lets say were building a landing page to launch a product. What should you do? You can start by selecting Product Launch from the filter. Next, choose one of the themes that will appear in the search results. A page preview will be displayed to you as you select the landing page des
ign you feel best fits your product. This is to give you a taste of your end product once its published to the public online. The Instapage Builder experience, of course, wouldnt be complete without the ability to add and rearrange a wide array of visual elements such as images, videos, and graphics, as well as headlines, text boxes, buttons, shapes, and even widgets. Interactive features such as surveys and text boxes can be added to your Instapage Builder account to capture user data while keeping them interested. To enhance the appearance of your webpage, you can use colors, fonts, and other design elements. Html Landing Page Example In Instapage terms, a set of elements grouped is called a block. You can add elements and make a few notable adjustments to a block. If you want, you can copy, duplicate, and even delete the block. This is just how to create a block. If you dont have enough time or confidence in your pagebuilding skills you can always use the Instapage Builders block templates. Every time you
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ding Page Example You can add elements to create blocks within pages, but you also have the benefit of being able save it and reuse it whenever you need to make another page. You can also save your own blocks as Instablocks to cut down on the time it takes to build landing pages. These blocks can be used in future pages. Simply rightclick the block you wish to reuse, and then click Save To My Blocks. Html Landing Page Example Global Blocks, on the other hand, work in the same way as Instablocks. The only difference is that they are specific to one page. The Global Blocks look consistent across all pages. If you make changes to a Global Block on a page, they will reflect on any other blocks. This can be very useful if you have a section on your website that you wish to be consistent across pages, such as a header, footer or footer. You can disable this feature if you wish. Optimizing your webpage with ABn testing can be a great way to improve it. Before youre ready to publish, you need to ensure that whatever
youre making should attract the general public. The optimization experiments feature in the Instapage Builder allows you to easily identify which elements or blocks should remain as they are, since many people are drawn to them, and which parts must be modified. Splittesting multiple versions of a landing pages is possible with Instapage. Click on the Traffic Split button in the Builder to view the options. This allows you to compare and contrast different versions of the page to determine which one performs best. You can create multiple pages and choose the percentage of traffic that will be sent to each version. Instapage will then show you detailed analytics to help you determine which version is performing best. You can use the winning page as your final landing page layout or continue testing it with different variants to optimize it, ensuring that your page delivers the best possible visitor experience and improves conversion rates. Html Landing Page Example Instapages many benefits include the ability
to collaborate with others and create an immersive experience. If you work in a group or team, youll be able to do exactly that with the platforms realtime collaboration features. You can add comments to different pages by clicking on the blocks or elements. This feature is helpful if you have any suggestions or requests for changes to the layout and design. The AdMap tool is a great way to make sure your landing page for your productservice gets sent to the right people. The AdMap tool is designed to increase conversions and maximize return on investment. It allows you to create and track ads across multiple platforms, including Google search results. AdMap allows you to customize your ads based on your audiences interests and behaviors. It can help optimize customer journeys by identifying and eliminating roadblocks and pain points that prevent customers from converting. It also allows users to view how changes to ads or pages affect the performance of their campaigns. Instapage AdMap offers a simple interf
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THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF STATES For parts 15 scroll down Nation states, then, are the authors, actors under, and subjects of International Law. The rights and duties of states are Equality Regardless of the size of its territory or population , each state enjoys equal access to international courts and organs of arbitration. Equality also means an equal voice relative to the the creation , codification, or restriction of rights and duties of states. Equality also refers to independence in its domestic affairs. A state may generally rely on its sovereignty in dealing with its own nationals. However, states that act in a manner to shock international standards of humanity invite intervention. The right of independence in domestic affairs is tempered by international standards of individual human rights. Genocide, "ethnic cleansing", and the dispossession of groups within a state invite response by the international community by intervention. Independence in Foreign Affairs A state may decide for itself the type
and extent of diplomatic relations it engages in with other states. The existence of an isolated state like Japan before Admiral Perry's visit is almost unthinkable today. It is entirely up to the individual state to determine its own foreign affairs. Each state has the inherent right to enter into treaties. the only limit on this right of soverignity is that the state may not enter a treaty whose provisions are contrary to International Law or violate treaties the state is bound to follow. Continued Existence and Self Defense The lawabiding state is entitled to continued existence. This implies the right of self defense. Self defense is not restricted to merely repelling attack. Other actions such as an arms build up in response to similar actions by an unfriendly sovereign are inherent in the right of self defense. However, "preventative war" is illegal. This must be carefully considered by states considering "preemptive strikes". The differences between "preventative war" and a "preemptive strike" are rea
l. A state must make its case before and after the event. Diplomatic and Consular Roles All sovereign states have the "right of legation" The right of legation refers to a state's right to send representatives to attend to their interests in other states, and to receive comparable representatives of other states. In the ancient world, legations or diplomatic missions were exchanged at times. The practice we observe in the modern world of permanent legations in foreign countries is of relatively recent vintage. It was not a very widespread practice until the latter years of the 19th century. Today it is a virtually indispensable norm. Under the right of legation a state may exchange a variety of representatives. The representatives most commonly referred to in this context are diplomatic agents and consuls. Diplomatic agents form the personnel of the diplomatic mission. The functions of the diplomatic missions include Representing the sending state in the receiving state Protecting the sending state's interest
Negotiating with the government of the receiving state Lawfully observing and reporting conditions in the receiving state Promoting friendly relations. By contrast consuls are not diplomatic agents. Consuls are agents in the interest of the sending state's commerce, industry, and navigation. Consular agents need not be citizens of the sending or authorizing state. In a number of U.S. ports "honorary consuls" are local attorneys. United States Naval officers and Coast Guard officers may be called upon to perform consular functions in foreign ports when there is no other U.S. consular agent. Military and naval officers may also serves as military attaches. As such they are part of the diplomatic mission. The primary duty of the military attache is the lawful collection of information of military value. Additionally, he or she may have ceremonial or honorary duties assigned by t he head of mission. The military attache occasionally may be charged with protecting the rights of U.S. servicemen subjected to trial
by a foreign court. Such situations are usually the subject of "status of forces' agreements. To a large extent , the military attache and his staff may enjoy the privileges and immunities of diplomatic agents. The privileges and immunities of diplomatic agents are much more extensive than the privileges and immunities normally extended to other military personnel on foreign soil under "Status of Forces" agreements. The privileges and immunities of diplomatic agents include Freedom of Transit the right to transit the territory of a third party to reach the nation wher ethe mission is located. Inviolability of Person protection from personal assault, interference or arrest. Inviolability of Domicile protection of their residence from search and seizure. Jurisdictional Immunities protection from civil suits, witness duties, and criminal prosecution. Exemption from taxes and customs duties. The privileges and immunities of diplomatic agents apply without exception to the Chief of Mission. Generally the mission s
taff and their families are entitled to the same immunities as the Chief of Mission; however, practices vary from state to state and are largely based on reciprocity. By contrast, consular officers with commercial duties are usually guided in their mission not by traditional diplomatic functions recognized in International Law but by the domestic law of the sending state. generally, the exchange of consuls is provided for in a bilateral treaty of commerce and navigation or a bilateral consular treaty or convention. By U.S.domestic law, our consuls are authorized to receive the protests and declarations of ship masters, crews, passengers, and merchants who are U.S. citizens. U.S. consuls abroad are also charged with the care of American merchant ships stranded in their district and the relief of distressed American merchant seamen. To this end, U.S. consular officers, including naval officers acting in that capacity, may require masters of American merchant ships to return such seamen to the U.S. at no charge
though the seaman may be required to work during passage. Consular officers, including naval officers acting in that capacity , may require U.s. masters of U.S. Merchant ships sold abroad to pay the crew's passage back to the United States. Consular officers, including naval officers acting in that capacity, are vested with the usual powers of a Notary Public. It is important that junior naval and Coast Guard officers be familiar with consular duties because the Senior Officer Present Afloat SOPA may act as a consular officer when a regular consular officer is not present. This power is most often exercised in its notarial functions for a warship's own crew members with problems that require the authentication of documents. The most junior officer may find himself SOPA on a warship during peace time port visits if liable to duty as inport Officer of the Deck. An exemplary senior yeoman afloat will keep a formulary of typical U.S. notorial forms of attestation , bills of sale, powers of attorney, and affidavit
formats to fulfill these needs. the notarial authority of commissioned officers is also recognized by statute in a number of U.S. states. This can provide a great savings, morale boost and convenience for crewmen. Crew morale and emergency considerations aside, the SOPA occasionally may have to perform the commercial functions of a consular agent. This is especially true when working closely with merchant manned sea lift forces. Naval officers are well advised to acquaint themselves with the guidelines for consular officers found in the U.S. State Department's FOREIGN AFFAIRS MANUAL. In a maritime context, sovereignty is a primary concept of International law. It is the authority to impose custom duties and entrance and clearance requirements for merchant ships. Sovereignty is the underlying principle guiding the the privileges and immunities of warships and the duties and obligations of merchant ships. The naval professional is charged with projecting, protecting, and defending the concept of sovereignty of
his own and allied nations and protecting the world's commons. To be continued Next the laws of territory and the commons Shop Amazon Warehouse Deals Deep Discounts on Openbox and Used Products
Disorder in the court injustice in Mississippis justice system The American Civil Liberties Union ACLU describes the mistreatment of Jagjeet Singh, a Sikh truck driver from California, by the state of Mississippis justice system. Police officers and the judge responsible for his case not only failed to recognize Sikh articles of faith, but also harassed and discriminated against him based on their ignorance of these articles. It began with the police officers who arrested Jagjeet Singh in January of this year after he experienced a flat tire while driving Categories Civil Rights Tags court room, Jagjeet Singh, MDOT, Michigan, Mississippi, Pike County, Turban Vaisakhi 2013 festivities continue in states of NY, MI, and WA Well into the month of April, Sikhs across the country are continuing to celebrate Vaisakhi, one of the most significant dates on the Sikh calendar. This weekend saw Vaisakhi festivities take place on the east coast, midwest and west coast. Last Saturday, thousands of Sikhs assembled in New
York City for their 26th annual Sikh Day Parade The Sikh community brought color and culture to Manhattans Madison Square Park on Saturday. Paradegoers marched under brilliant sunshine to celebrate Vaisakhi Day, Categories Events, Sikhism Tags "Washington, Baisakhi, Bellingham, Khalsa Day, Lansing, Lynden, Madison Square, Manhattan, Michigan, New York, Sikh Day, Vaisakhi Harleen Kaur shares about volunteering for nonprofit newspaper Harleen Kaur, a university student and activist, describes the challenges and learnings about volunteering in the office of the nonprofit newspaper Groundcover News I have realized what a great effort and passion it takes to maintain such dedication. Even when the work is this difficult, I have never seen a hint of despair or a sense of wanting to give up. According to their website, Groundcover News, located in Michigan, is one of many publications that exist in cities all Categories Civil Rights, Profiles, Reflections Tags Ann Arbor, Groundcover News, Harleen Kaur, Michigan,
Street newspaper Lets call it what it is Sikhophobia A number of different American communities have been impacted by Islamophobia, and practitioners of the Sikh religion make up one of the most adversely affected minority groups. The distinctive physical appearance of typical Sikh males in particular brown skin, turban, beard correlates with the stereotypical images of terrorists projected in western media. Scholars have recently described this perceived relationship as a racialization of religious identity. This process has led to a conflation of Sikhs and Muslims, and therefore, Categories Civil Rights, Hate Crimes Tags Brampton, California, Canada, Elk Grove, FBI Hate Crime Statistics, Fresno, hate crimes, Huffington Post, Islamophobia, Michigan, Ontario, Sikhophobia, Simran Jeet Singh, Sterling, Sterling Heights, Virginia Pictures of the Day Vaisakhi celebrations across America This past weekend, the Sikh communities in several cities enjoyed Vaisakhi celebrations by holding annual Nagar Kirtans. Iv
e enjoyed seeing Sikhs celebrate so openly in their cities. Below are photos from media reports about the Nagar Kirtans in Lansing, Michigan, New Orleans, Lousiana and New York, New York. Lansing, Michigan New Orleans, Louisiana New York, New York Categories Events, Picture of the Day Tags Lansing, Louisiana, Michigan, Nagar Kirtan, New Orleans, New York, Vaisakhi Picture of the Day Vaisakhi celebrations at WSU in Detroit, MI April 6, 2012 by Rupinder Mohan Singh A Sikh girl in Detroit, Michigan celebrates Vaisakhi also known as Baisakhi at Wayne State University. More photos of that celebration is available at the Wayne State University flickr feed. Vaisakhi is the most celebrated event on the Sikh calendar and takes place each April Vaisakhi Punjabi or , vaiskh, is, as well, known as Baisakhi, it is a very important day for Sikhs and one of the most colourful events in the Sikh calendar. It occurs during midApril Categories Events, Picture of the Day Tags Baisakhi, Detroit, Michigan, Nagar Kirtan, Vaisa
khi, Wayne State University FBI joins investigation of Michigan Gurdwara vandalism as possible hate crime The FBI is joining the investigation of the vandalism of a Gurdwara under construction in Sterling Heights, Michigan, almost two weeks ago DEARBORN, Mich. WTW The U.S. Justice Department says the FBI is joining local law enforcement agencies to investigate vandalism at Muslim and Sikh houses of worship in the Detroit area. U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade and Detroit FBI chief Andrew Arena announced Thursday that federal authorities will participate in the probes of two attacks that happened this month Categories Hate Crimes, News Bits Tags FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Graffiti, Gurdwara, hate crime, Michigan, Sterling Heights Gurdwara in Sterling Heights, MI, vandalized in apparent hate crime February 7, 2012 by Rupinder Mohan Singh The Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund SALDEF alerts us to vandalism of a Gurdwara completing construction in Sterling Heights, Michigan According to rep
orts directly from the gurdwara management committee, the vandalism happened between the evening of Feb 5th and the morning of February 6, 2012. The graffiti included vulgar language, racial epithets, the use of what appears to be a cross, a large drawing of a gun, and references to the attacks of September 11th. The new site Categories Hate Crimes, News Bits Tags Graffiti, hate crime, Michigan, SALDEF, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Sterling Heights Michigans Gulshan Singh raps against bullying Sikh teen Gulshan Singh, from Michigan, took on bullying through rap and video The video, titled Let It Out, sums up the emotions of a Sikh teenager who is harassed because he looks different. Mr. Singh said the video, which was recently showcased at the Sikh International Film Festival in New York, is not based on a specific person but on an experience shared by many Sikhs, including many of his friends. Turbans and beards, religious requirements, makes Sikhs stand Categories Hate Crimes Tags bul
lying, Gulshan Singh, Michigan, music
PreRevolution Timeline The 1700s Wars amongst colonial powers from Queen Anne to French and Indian led to growing unrest within the colonies themselves as taxes were levied without representation, which would lead to the next decade to come and revolution. American leaders began to emerge in a variety of ways, including George Washington trying to become a British General and Ben Franklin beginning his publishing career and flying a kite. More 1700s To the 1700s Buy Chronology Tweets by ambesthistory Above Engraving of Faneuil Hall in Boston. Courtesy Library of Congress. Right Painting of Oglethorpe and the Indians Muskogee in the U.S. Capitol, Architect of the Capitol. Courtesy Wikipedia Commons. Philosophical Ideas Sponsor this page for 150 per year. Your banner or text ad can fill the space above. Click here to Sponsor the page and how to reserve your ad. 1729 Detail July 25, 1729 Lord proprietors sells out their interests in North Carolina to British Crown, establishing North Carolina as a Crown Colony
. The colony of the Carolinas had begun over sixty years prior when King Charles benefacted his friends, eight, as Lord Proprieters of the lands from the Virginia border to Florida and all the way west to the Pacific Ocean. They and their heirs had become rich men off the settlements that now dotted the area. It had not been an easy journey to establish those communities, start and administer the governments that would arise, and fight off their enemies, whether that be in Queen Anne's War with the Spanish, or the later Tuscarora War between the colonists and tribes in North Carolina. On December 7, 1710, a partition was completed, making the Carolina colony two colonies; North Carolina and South Carolina. It would be run by the same eight proprieters, but be separate. By 1719, there was distrust of the proprieters in South Carolina, causing King George I to appoint a governor to South Carolina while the proprieters appointed the governor of North Carolina. For South Carolina it had been slow growth with gove
rnment hindrance, greed, lack of oversight, and personal rivalries. Add in the fact that the proprietors or their heirs rarely visited their holdings in the New World, leading to another round of abuse of power and graft. So in 1719, a bloodless Revolution of 1719 occurred when the citizens got tired of it, and installed their own government. It did not affect North Carolina, as it had its own separate government. For the next ten years, the English government attempted to buy out the lord proprieters and their heirs, as well as establish a defined boundary between the Colony of Virginia and that of the Carolinas. That was accomplished in 1728. As far as the negotiations for becoming a Royal Colony, seven of the lord proprieters would eventually agree, and both North Carolina and South Carolina became Royal Colonies in 1729. The only proprieter who refused to sell was Lord Cartaret's family; they retained a oneeighth portion of the royal colony, the Granville District, until 1776. The Cartaret Family and the
Granville District Vice Admiral Sir George Carteret, one of the eight original proprietors, had always been more involved in the affairs of the Colony of New Jersey than that of Carolina. However, the lands given to him in North Carolina were extensive. The Granville District ran south of the border with Virginia for sixty miles, between the north latitudes 35 degrees 34' and 36 degrees 30'. All told, it represented half of the acreage in the colony of North Carolina. George Cartaret's grandson, Lord John Cartaret, had no interest in selling, and held onto his landholdings in exchange for no participation in the colonial government. It took Lord John Cartaret until 1742 before he requested allotments and hired agents to administer it. Samuel Warner, a London surveyer came to the colonies and surveyed the land; it would contain fiftysix and a quarter minutes of north latitude, later extended with western expansion. Lord John Cartaret never visited his land. Once the Royal Colony was established back in 1729, t
here were disputes with the Cartaret Granville District, as the Royal government was still responsible for it, but received no revenue. John Cartaret, known as the Earl of Granville by 1750, had growing disputes about land grants condoned by his agents. After his death in 1763, the situation became worse. His son, Robert, considered many times selling their interest back to the crown, but after the War of Regulation, 1770, which stemmed back to settlers not being able to get clear title to their land, the American Revolution soon started to consume the affairs of the British Crown and the era of the Cartaret's and Granville had little significance. Granville's lands were specifically granted back to the State of North Carolina in 1777. After the war was completed, the Cartaret's were compensated some for their lands. Progress of the Rest of the Colony of North Carolina Despite the lack of Granville's land for British profit during the years of being a Royal Colony, the colony grew rapidly. The new administrat
ion, replacing that culled by the proprieters, was more efficient and allowed for better growth. Fiftytwo new towns were settled between 1729 and 1775. Customs ports were established at Bath, Roanoke, Currituck Precinct, Brunswick, and Beaufort. That does not mean there were no disputes; there was a struggle for control between the General Assembly and the Governor on issues such as the designation of counties and the use of the treasury. Since the General Assembly had legislative control over the choice of treasurer and the spending of money, it rankled the executive branch during the period of 1629 to 1776. Image above Map of the Royal Colony of North Carolina, 1738, James Wimble. Courtesy North Carolina State Department of Archives and History via Wikipedia Commons. Image Below Montage of the portraits of six of the eight men given charter to the Colony of Carolina; Sir Edward Clyde, Earl of Clarendon, unknown date and author; George Monck, Duke of Albemarle, 1665, workshop of Peter Lely; William Craven, L
ord Craven, 1640, Gerard van Honthorst; Anthony Ashley Cooper, Lord Ashley, 16721673, John Greenhill; John Berkeley, Lord Berkeley, 16251650, George Perfect Harding; and Sir George Carteret, 17th century, unknown author. Courtesy Wikipedia Commons via National Trust, Sotheby's, National Portrait Gallery, avalonisle.org, etc. Info Source Library of Congress; Wikipedia Commons; ccpl.org; North Carolina of Natural and Cultural Resources; ncpedia.org. History Photo Bomb Benjamin Franklin. Image courtesy National Archives. Engraving of Chamberlain and Paugus at Lovewell's Fight, Dummer's War, 1872, Author Unknown, John Gilmary Shea's A Child's History of the United States. Courtesy Wikipedia Commons. Timeline Book Old Fort Niagara, 1900, Detroit Photographic Company. Courtesy Library of Congress. ABH Travel Tip Be fort centric! Yes, if you like forts, there's plenty to go around. You can visit Fort Ticonderoga, above, in New York, or the forts of San Francisco, there's one, Fort Point, beneath the Golden Gate brid
ge, or anywhere in between, whether your interest is frontier, wild west, or Civil War. America's Best History where we take a look at the timeline of American History and the historic sites and national parks that hold that history within their lands. Photos courtesy of the Library of Congress, National Archives, National Park Service, americasbesthistory.com its licensors. If you like us, share this page on Twitter, Facebook, or any of your other favorite social media sites. 2022 Americasbesthistory.com. Template by w3layouts.
July 28, 2016 July 28, 2016 Andrew Chapman An Authors Life, The Other Stuff, Uncategorized When Kids Ruled the World I had a terrible realisation recently. I think I might be 11. And theres a good chance you are too. Let me explain. I remember my dad when he was in his thirties, as I am now. And I remember, very distinctly, that he was a proper grown up. He knew what he was doing. He had a business and a mortgage, he took us on holidays, could fix anything that broke. There was no sense that he was pretending to be an adult. I do not feel like that. I remember when I was 11 and my birthday was coming up and I thought When Im twelve I wont be a kid anymore. And then nothing changed. And then my 16th birthday came up and I thought, Finally Ill be an adult. I turned 16 and nothing happened. Soon I was 18. I felt the same. Now Im 32 and wondering at what point some internal thing will click into adult mode and I no longer find fart jokes funny. Maybe it will be when I turn 40. I am still an 11 year old waiting to
grow up. I have no idea how the whole grown up thing works. From the outside looking in I probably seem like a fully functioning adult. Im a dad, and Im managing to parent well enough, I have a job and pay my bills, but secretly I have no idea what Im doing. And then I thought, what if everyone else is secretly 11 too and were all just pretending at being an adult? What if our leaders are secretly running the country with no fucking idea what theyre doing? It would explain a lot. And then I saw this picture on the front page of the Guardian newspaper of Theresa May and Michael Gove and I thought, Shit! Theyre 11! God help us all. Further evidence Tagged 11, Brexit, Children, Fucked, Funny, Kids, Michael Gove, Running, Theresa May, World 2 thoughts on When Kids Ruled the World Delilah says Yes, I think its everyone. You, me, politicians, economists Ive a feeling the only grownup around is the Queen. andychapwriter says That could be true. She is the only one that seems to have mastered it. The Secret to Keep
ing your readers Attention Clarity of Thought. The Accidental Scoundrel the book launch and trailer
Tag Archives Joe Sawyer Posted on December 3, 2016 by lyzmadness You cant kill me again Director Michael Curtiz Starring Boris Karloff, Marguerite Churchill, Edmund Gwenn, Ricardo Cortez, Henry ONeill, Barton MacLane, Warren Hull, Joseph King, Joe Sawyer, Addison Richards, Paul Harvey, Robert Strange, Kenneth Harlan, Ruth Robinson Screenplay Ewart Continue reading Posted in Science fiction Tagged 1930s, Addison Richards, Barton MacLane, Boris Karloff, Edmund Gwenn, Ewart Adamson, Henry O'Neill, Horror, Joe Sawyer, Joseph Fields, Joseph King, Kenneth Harlan, Lillie Hayward, mad science, Marguerite Churchill, Michael Curtiz, Paul Harvey, Peter Milne, raising the dead, Ricardo Cortez, Robert Andrews, Robert Strange, Roundtable, Ruth Robinson, science fiction, Warners, Warren Hull 15 Comments
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riters. You can readily access forums in which students and professional researchers to exchange thoughts. Attempt to find out what kinds of questions that they ask, and answer yourself. Should you come across a student who seems to have the answers youre interested in, then it is possible contador de palavras online to consider them for a fantastic beginning. Speak to some research paper writers. You will have the ability to tell a lot about a writer by how heshe answers your questions. If they are really real and gives accurate answers, then you could consider himher to be an expert. But if the responses you receive are riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes, then its better to look elsewhere. Bear in mind, you are in a partnership for this particular person and its vital to make sure that you come out on top. This is the reason you will need to be selective and read between the lines. You can also speak with your teachers or older students who are already doing research documents. They may be able to g
ive you advice on ways to become one of the very best research paper writers there is. The research paper market is very competitive and there are lots of people trying to do this kind of work. It would be helpful if it is possible to develop your personal style and talk quickly and clearly. Last, talk to some people in the field of research papers. You can obtain online sentence counter a lot of experience by simply talking to some people in the industry. They can inform you about their own experiences and point you to the path that fits your requirements. Remember, the more you know about search papers, the better your chances are of getting among the best.
Name that critter Name that critter Started by animaltoyforum, December 14, 2012, 013358 PM Go Down Pages1 2 3 ... 19 December 14, 2012, 013358 PM Last Edit December 14, 2012, 013729 PM by animaltoyforum A new game Name that critter Here's a picture of an obscure animal species. The challenge is to identify it. Whoever can name it can then post a picture of another obscure species to be identified. And so on... Re Name that critter December 14, 2012, 014546 PM Last Edit December 14, 2012, 015534 PM by brontodocus Golden Snubnosed Monkey, Rhinopithecus roxellana. Hehe, I have the Kaiyodo figure of that one... Just wait, I'll have a new one within a few minutes... Edit Okay, I've got one... I do believe that is the business end of a Mexican mole lizard, Bipes biporus. I had to do a bit of research on this one though! Here it is, weird indeed! I feel we are all going to learn something from this thread! And a new one sbell Quote from animaltoyforum on December 14, 2012, 075239 PM Cycad weevil! Antliarhis zamia
now a weird one... Correct! Hosenosed cycad weevil. Appropriate name. As for the next one, I couldn't tell you what class it belongs to, let alone what species! Would you have a larger picture perhaps? I can't seem to find a larger one yet, but this might be clearer It's a type of pipefish isn't it. But what species...that I must find out. It's not though! It's even weirder than that. Varanus Goannas Rule! December 14, 2012, 114354 PM Last Edit December 14, 2012, 114649 PM by Varanus Snipe eel! Here's one Good work on the snipe eel, Varanus, that one had me stumped! I recognised your critter as a gull, but couldn't say what species. Until, that is, I saw the name in the .jpg URL. oops. I hereby disqualify myself from this round All right, all right! It's a Thayer's gull, Larus thayeri. This next one would be equally at home in the creatures that give you heebie jeebies thread December 16, 2012, 025736 PM Last Edit December 16, 2012, 025756 PM by Jetoar A spider with a shield in his abdomen . Hmm, I guess we
have to be more specific it's a trapdoor spider family Ctenizidae of the genus Cyclocosmia, possibly C. ricketti. They use the rear end of their opisthosome to close their burrows. Okay, this one is one of the most famous among its relatives and has a vernacular name that's as catchy as the animal itself so it shouldn't be hard... In Spain, the name of this animal is Spanish dancer . Quote from Jetoar on December 16, 2012, 072209 PM Yes, that's it! Ok this is one of my favorite insects Any idea . December 17, 2012, 094232 AM Last Edit December 17, 2012, 095747 AM by Ana Well, maybe I'm not into insects but isn't it Emperor moth Saturnia pavonia? If yes, here is the picture to guess Oh, that's a Huon Tree Kangaroo, Dendrolagus matschiei! Okay, what species do we have here? Quote from Ana on December 17, 2012, 094232 AM Sorry but your answer is incorrect friend . It is not Saturnia pavonia December 17, 2012, 044231 PM Last Edit December 17, 2012, 064019 PM by Ana Jetoar Oh, then I truly have no idea Ok, I thi
nk I found it, it must be Great peacock moth yes? Saturnia pyri Brontodocus I couldn't find these frogs anywhere at all. But they really look amazing And yes, the name of kangaroo species is correct Go Up Pages1 2 3 ... 19
Hasta Siempre Compaero Remembering Diego Maradona Author Danny ShawPosted on November 29, 2020 BY DANNY SHAW WILLIAM CAMACARO On November 25, 2020, the fighting peoples of the world lost a humble legend Diego Armando Maradona. He was 60 years old at... Heres How You Can Be a Communist and Enjoy the World Cup Author Carlos Cruz MosqueraPosted on June 4, 2018 September 4, 2018 BY CARLOS CRUZ MOSQUERA The FIFA World Cup, and football soccer in general, is hands down the most popular sporting event in the world. No other individual sport comes...
Home TOPOGRAPHICAL VIEWS AUSTRALIA Western Australia A View on the Ord River A View on the Ord River Julian Rossi Ashton 1851 1942 SN PAAWC2488217359 Categories Western Australia x 76mm Ashton was born in England, the elder son of a wealthy American, Thomas Briggs Ashton and his wife Henrietta, daughter of Count Carlo Rossi, a Sardinian diplomat. Soon after his birth the family moved to Cornwall, where his father, an amateur painter, encouraged the artistic leanings of Julian and his brother George. About 1862 the Ashtons moved to Totnes on the River Dart, where Julian attended the local grammar school, but his father died and the family, now in financial straits, went to London. Julian had art lessons from an old friend of his father whose teaching he described as 'the most helpful I ever had'. At 15 he took a job in the civil engineering branch of the Great Eastern Railway and attended the West London School of Art at night. After three years he joined a firm of ironmongers as a draftsman, but soon lef
t to become a successful illustrator for such journals as Chatterbox and Cassell's Magazine. In 1873 he spent a few months at the new Acadmie Julian in Paris, and subsequently had work accepted by the Royal Academy of Arts. Ashton emigrated to Melbourne in 1878 to work as an artist for the Illustrated Australian News. In 1881 he worked at the Australasian Sketcher and in 1883 moved to Sydney to work on the Picturesque Atlas of Australasia and the Bulletin. Ashton became an influential patron and supporter of Australian through his roles as trustee of the National Art Gallery of New South Wales and numerous associations that he belonged to. He was awarded the Society of Artists' medal for distinguished services to Australian art in 1924, appointed C.B.E. in 1930, and won the Sydney sesquicentennial prize for a watercolour in 1938. View other items by Julian Rossi Ashton Passing between Bald Head Vancouver Reefs. King Georges Sound, Western Australia. Swartte Swanne drift op het Eyland Rottenest. Het Eyland S
t. Paulo. Het Eyland Emsterdam. Natives of Western Australia. King Georges Sound.
Multistakeholder Climate Change Downscaler Training in Thailand 27FEB2018 Khlong Luang, Thailand Participants from seven countries gathered at the Asian Institute of Technology AIT in Thailand on February 1920, 2018 for a training course on the use of a Climate Change Downscaler system for impact assessments, adaptation planning, and urban planning. Organized by the Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific RRC.AP, the training workshop was delivered in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, the University of Tsukuba, and the Center for Environmental Science in Saitama. Spatially detailed climate prediction is essential for undertaking climate change impact assessments and designing corresponding adaptation strategies and measures to address identified impacts. Climate projection is also a tool that can be used to assess the effects of urban planning and changes in landuse on the local thermal environment. Currently, climate impact assessment researchers as well as landuse and ur
ban planners have to either rely on climate modeling specialists to generate necessary data or apply dynamic downscaling to their data in order to obtain detailed spatial climate prediction data fit for their respective purposes. However, dynamic downscaling requires advanced, specialized knowledge, making it difficult for nonspecialists to use. Responding to the need for a simplified process for making local climate change projections and assessments, Dr. Hiroyuki Kusaka University of Tsukuba, Dr. Masayuki Hara Center for Environmental Science in Saitama, and Yasutaka Wakatsuki Ibaraki University developed a downscaling assessment system called the S8SICAT Downscaler. It aims to reduce the workload for nonspecialists of climate modeling, including government officers and researchers, who are responsible for local climate change projections. The workshop provided participants with handson exercises on the specific functions of the S8SICAT Downscaler required for their particular research and policy needs. Sch
ematic image of down scaling from Global Climate model GCM to Regional Climate Model RCM 1 The countries are Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Birth Control Use in IVF? WaitWhat? It may be surprising to hear that the birth control pill has a specific and intentional use in IVF cycles. If you are just starting IVF, Its Not Forever, Its Just For Now. Women who walk into my office have been put through the fertility wringer. Theyve had their blood taken enough times they could guide a
The Fate of Your Vehicle Friday, June 9, 2017 in Blog Note originally published in 2011 in CAA Magazine we have made some progress in Ontario. How to ensure your old clunker doesnt become an environmental hazard. Its probably not something youve ever thought about, but where you take your vehicle when it reaches the end of the road can make the difference between an environmental disaster and a model of environmental responsibility. The truth is, not everybody handles endoflife vehicles ELV and vehicles that have been in accidents the way they should. Steve Fletcher, Executive Director of the Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association OARA, has heard some of the horror stories. With many automotive recyclers, trying to extract the most value from an ELV by cutting environmental corners is unfortunately a growing practise. Our members, however, follow a very strict code of practice in the way they handle a vehicle. they spend a lot of money to build and maintain facilities that are specially designed to capture
and store potentially harmful operating fluids and other toxins such as mercury and lead. We keep all of that stuff contained and prevent it from contaminating the soil and groundwater. The technicians who do the work are trained to follow a methodical process that maximizes the amount of material that can be reclaimed and minimizes the environmental impact, says Fletcher. The problem, Fletcher explains, is that not everybody follows the same protocol or plays by the same rules. We know of some scrap operations who buy cars just to crush them and sell them for the value of the metal. They dont drain anything and they dont do anything to protect the environment. And when metal prices are high like they are now, those guys really come out of the woodwork. Fletcher says their members remove an average of 40 litres of potentially hazardous fluids from each vehicle, as well as lead, mercury and ozonedepleting gases. All the oil, gas and other operating fluids pose a significant risk to the environment if theyre a
llowed to just leach into the soil. Our members carefully drain all the fluids and store them for reuse or recycling. Fletcher adds that gas tanks, batteries and tires are all removed and recycled, reused or disposed of appropriately. The vehicle is then sent for dismantling where usable parts are removed for resale. By the time our members crush a car, it is a clean, dry hulk that poses no threat to the environment. Only then is the unusable portion of the vehicle crushed and sent to be shredded for metal recovery, says Fletcher. Incredibly, there is currently no legislation that dictates how an ELV has to be handled, although the OARA is working with the provincial government to set environmental standards for the processing of ELVs. The OARA is also working with environmental groups and a number of leading auto manufacturers who have recognized the need to ensure ELVs are properly processed at the end of their operating lives. When people are done with their vehicles, they really need to be aware of who th
eyre selling it to. It can make all the difference in the world, says Fletcher. The post The Fate of Your Vehicle appeared first on Automotive Recyclers of Canada.
Press Release Severe Drought in the Horn of Africa By ASHLEY Publish date 18072022 Severe Drought in the Horn of Africa Minneapolis, July 18, 2022 The Horn of Africa experiences two rainy seasons per year. The timing varies across the region, but rains broadly fall from March to May. The lack of these rains in 2022 has been felt particularly in equatorial parts of the Horn of Africa region, where the long rains contribute 70 of the annual total rainfall. Currently, 16.7 million people are projected to be in crisis UNOCHA or worse levels of high acute food insecurity solely due to the drought in The Horn of Africa. Four consecutive rainy seasons have failed since late 2020, a climactic event not seen in the last 40 years. This disaster is expected to be worse than the famine in 2011, when 260,000 people died in Somalia alone, 50 of those people being children under the age of 5. Our Executive Director, Mohamed Idris, and Program Director, Jordan Greene, had the opportunity to visit the Horn of Africa in Jun
e 2022. While in The Horn, they witnessed firsthand the effects of the drought. It became apparent to Idris that the humanitarian situation in the horn of Africa region is alarming. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report projects that global warming will negatively affect food systems in the region by shortening the growing season and increasing water stress. The combined population of Switzerland and Australia doesnt add up to the 16.7 million people facing food insecurity in the Horn of Africa. The UNOCHA report further emphasized that the consequences of the prolonged drought conditions have extended to the loss of livestock, with 7 million deaths recorded so far. Another 22 million livestock are estimated to have been severely emaciated due to the drought. The ongoing humanitarian crisis caused by the drought raises serious questions about future food and water security in the Horn of Africa. The conditions have increased the workload for women and female children who are responsible
for providing water using donkeys or carrying it on their back; Access to water has increased to a walk between 3 5 miles each way. As a result, female children drop out of school to assist their mothers with this burden. ARAHA has launched a campaign to support families suffering from this drought. Our teams on the ground in the Horn of Africa allow ARAHA to know what supplies are most needed at this time and respond to the areas in the most need as fast as possible. These supplies include ricemaizewheat, cooking oil, evaporated milk, and water. Our Program Director states, We can distribute food baskets and nonfood items for hundreds of droughtaffected families in The Horn of Africa. However, the needs are currently far beyond the resources we have." ARAHA needs donations to continue providing immediate relief and aid to victims of this disaster. The Executive Director of ARAHA urges donors to think about these families and support ARAHAs lifesaving work Its a matter of life and death for these families. L
et us save families before its too late. To donate, please visit www.araha.orgdonate or text ARAHA to 44321. If you would like more information about ARAHAs current efforts in The Horn of Africa, please contact Jordan Greene, Program Director jordanaraha.org, or Ashley Dial, Marketing Director ashleyaraha.org. To learn more about our relief campaign, please visit www.ARAHA.org. About ARAHA ARAHA is a humanitarian nongovernmental organization NGO that works in the Horn of Africa region, delivering essentials and developing opportunities. We have a diverse range of programs that brings life to our mission and adapts to the specific needs of each community in which it works. The organization aims to bring immediate relief to those in need throughout the Horn while simultaneously seeking to create the conditions for sustainable opportunity and selfreliance. In all programs ARAHA pursues, it seeks to responsibly enact its mission while delivering essentials and developing opportunities in communities across the H