nt capital of One billion pesos P1,000,000,000.00 and below shall be delegated by the Fiscal Incentives Review Board to the concerned Investment Promotion Agency to the extent of the registered project or activity Provided furthermore, That the Fiscal Incentives Review Board may increase the threshold amount of One billion pesos P1,000,000,000. 00 Provided finally, That the application for tax incentives shall be deemed approved if not acted upon within twenty 20 days from the date of submission of the application and complete relevant supporting documents to the fiscal incentives review board or the investment promotion agency, as the case may be. Vetoed by the President C To approve applications for tax subsidies to government owned or controlled corporations, government instrumentalities, commissaries, and state universities and colleges. For this purpose, the other government agencies shall ensure complete submission of applications, documents, records, books, or other data relevant or material; D To form
ulate placespecific strategic investment plans during periods of recovery from calamities and postconflict situations and where the Fiscal Incentives Review Board determines that there is a need to attract many classes, firms, that would accelerate the growth of a regions flagship industries, in accordance with the mediumterm development plan the Fiscal Incentives Review Board may formulate and approve placespecific strategic investment plans and recommend incentives to the President, following the same procedure in Section 297; E To cancel, suspend, or withdraw the enjoyment of fiscal incentives of concerned registered business enterprises on its own initiative or upon the recommendation of the Investment Promotion Agency for material violations of any of the conditions imposed in the grant of fiscal incentives, including, but not limited to, the noncompliance of the agreed performance commitments and endorse registered business enterprises whose incentives are cancelled, suspended, or withdrawn to the conce
rned revenue agencies for the assessment and collection of taxes and duties due commencing from the first year of availment; F To cancel, suspended, or withdrawn to the concerned revenue agencies for the assessment and collection of taxes and duties due, including fines or penalties, if warranted, for violations of any of the conditions imposed in the grant of tax subsidy, or provisions of this act, or applicable rules; G To require Investments Promotion Agencies and other government agencies administering tax incentives to submit, regularly or when requested, summaries of approved investment and incentives granted, and firm or entitylevel tax incentives and benefits data as input to the Fiscal Incentives Review Boards review and audit function, and evaluation of performance of recipients of tax incentives. For this purpose, the Fiscal Incentives Review Board shall maintain a masterlist of registered products and services for export or domestic consumption that are entitled to incentives Provided, That, to fa
cilitate compliance with the foregoing, the Department of Trade and Industry, in coordination with relevant regulatory bodies, shall cause the registration and reporting by registered business enterprises, of the types of services rendered whether domestically or to foreign clients; types of products manufactured domestically, products imported and sold locally, and products exported; H To publish regularly, at per firm, the data pertaining to the amount of tax incentives, tax payments, and other related information including benefits data; I To obtain information summon, examine, inquire and receive from other government agencies administering tax incentives, governmentowned or controlled corporations, government commissaries, and state universities and colleges, and local government units, documents, records, books, or other data relevant or material to the resolution of issues arising from the approval, disapproval, cancellation, suspension, withdrawal or forfeiture of tax subsidy, or in imposing penalties
for violations of the terms and conditions on the availment of tax subsidy, or any of the provisions of this Act; J To submit annual reports to the Office of the President, as part of the budget process, covering its policy and activities in the administration of this act, including recommendations on tax incentive policies and approval of tax incentives; K To decide on issues, on its own initiative or upon the recommendation of the Investment Promotion Agency, after due hearing, concerning the approval, disapproval, cancellation, suspension, withdrawal, or forfeiture of tax incentives or tax subsidy in accordance with this Act. The Fiscal Incentives Review Board shall decide on the matter within ninety 90 days from the date when the Fiscal Incentives Review Board declares the issues submitted for resolution. A business enterprise adversely affected by the decision of the Fiscal Incentives Review Board may within thirty 30 days from receipt of the adverse decision, appeal the same to the Court of Tax Appeals
; L To promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement the intent and provisions of this Section; M To recommend to the President the grant of appropriate nonfiscal incentives in accordance with the Strategic Investment Priority Plan for highly desirable projects or very specific industrial activities and based on a benefitcost analysis approved by the Fiscal Incentives Review Board; and b containing a schedule of budgets of expenditures and sources of financing with magnitudes provisionally approved via resolution for inclusion in the upcoming National Expenditure Plans by the Development Budget Coordination Committee; N To adopt policies for the development and expansion of the domestic supply chain in order to reduce dependence on imports; promote diversification and sophistication of products produced and services offered, whether exported or consumed locally; and cater to local market demand; and O To exercise all other powers necessary or incidental to attain the purposes of this
Act and other laws vesting additional functions on the Fiscal Incentives Review Board. The functions of the fiscal incentives review board under Sections 297 A 1 and 5, E, G, H, J, and K shall be exercised in relation to the grant of tax incentives to registered projects or activities with the total investment capital of more than One Billion Pesos P1,000,000,000.00 as provided herein. Vetoed by the President Notwithstanding the provisions in the preceding paragraphs, tax and duty incentives granted through legislative franchises shall be excepted from the foregoing expanded powers of the Fiscal Incentives Review Board to review, withdraw, suspend, or cancel tax incentives and subsidies. Sec. 298. Composition of the Fiscal Incentives Review Board. The Fiscal Incentives Review Board. The Fiscal Incentives Review Board shall be reconstituted as follows Chairperson Secretary of Finance Co Chairperson Secretary of Trade and Industry Members Executive Secretary of the Office of the President Secretary of Budget
and Management Director General of the National Economic and Development Authority The Board shall have a technical committee which shall serve as its main support unit and perform functions as may be assigned, and shall be composed of the following Chairperson Undersecretary of Finance Members Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary of the Office of the Executive Secretary Undersecretary of Trade and Industry and Board of Investments Managing Head or Assistant Secretary of Trade and Industry Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary of Budget and Management Deputy or Assistant Director General of the National Economic and Development Authority Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of Customs Commissioner of the Philippine Competition Commission Director General or Chairperson or Administrator of the Investment Promotion Agencies Provided, That the participation of the Investment Promotion Agency representative in deliberations and decisionmaking processes of
the technical committee shall be limited to the matters concerning their Investment Promotion Agency Secretariat The Secretariat shall be headed by an Assistant Secretary of Finance and shall be staffed by the National Tax Research Center Sec. 299. Structure and Staffing Pattern To support the expanded functions of the Fiscal Incentives Review Board, the National Tax Research Center, as Secretariat thereof, shall create three 3 additional groups, namely, Fiscal Incentives Management Group, Monitoring and Evaluation Group, and Legal Group. Each group shall be composed of at least two 2 divisions which will be headed by a deputy executive director the existing administrative and financial branch of the National Tax Research Center shall be converted into a group to be headed by a deputy executive director and will be composed of four 4 divisions, namely, finance, human resource management and development, general services, and management and information system. Provided, That the Fiscal Incentives Review Boa
rd secretariat is authorized to determine its organizational structure and staffing pattern, and create such services, divisions, and units, as it may require or deem necessary in the future subject to the approval by the Department of Budget and Management Provided, finally, That nothing herein modifies the existing organizational structure and staffing pattern of the Investment Promotion Agencies or affects their power to maintain or determine their respective organizational structure and staffing pattern. Vetoed Provisions of RA 11534 CREATE RMC No. 292021 Adoption of eSignature on Certain BIR Forms
The Little Master of Lahore Chess Tournament 2018 The Little Master of Lahore, 7th Grand Chess Tournament was organised by the Laurelbank School System at its Alhamra Town Campus on 24th Nov. A total of 90 students from the Laurelbank School System and from almost all the renowned institutes of Lahore participated in the tournament. International hockey player, Mr. Muhammad Tanveer, Director Sports University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Cash prizes worth Rs.60,000 along with medals and certificates were awarded to the winners in three different age categories. Muhammad Sameer from Boys Branch Daroghawala Campus stood third in under 14 years of age category.
BOUNTEOUS BLACK BEAUTY When these deep purples fall into your menu, youre in for a great dinner. The eggplant is related to an odd assortment of cousins including tomatoes, tomatillos, chili peppers and tobacco, all members of the nightshade family. While the tomato hails from the Americas, eggplant was domestically cultivated long before Europeans arrived in the western hemisphere. In fact, it is likely that it was independently domesticated in Europe and in Asia. Like its cousin the tomato, the eggplant is a fruit, a berry to be precise, that we commonly treat as a vegetable. Dare one wonder how tobacco is classified? In England and much of continental Europe, the eggplant is called an aubergine. Regardless of its nomenclature, the eggplant is a staple in cuisines worldwide. It is sometimes eggshaped, oblong, widebottomed, round or elongated. Whatever the shape, the eggplant is versatile in the extreme. Depending on the cultural cuisine of its table, it is roasted, grilled, fried, boiled, sauted, stuffed, l
ayered, mashed, pureed and baked. In northeastern U.S. many of us first knew eggplant as represented in the Italian Eggplant Parmesan, Caponata and Pasta Alla Norma. If we were lucky, we might have been introduced to the Moussakas of Greece and Turkey. As America grew and enfolded other cultures, those peoples brought us the eggplant salads with nuts and spices of the Balkans; the salads and dips, Baba Ghanoush being the most famous, of the Near and Middle East. The French bequeathed us Ratatouille and Eggplant Caviar. Integral to cuisines as farflung as Africa, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, China, This purple, white, or lavender fruit is a determined good neighbor. It plays well with many other fruits, vegetables, cheese, herbs and spices. Available on the website from previously published columns are Grilled Japanese Eggplant with Jalapeno, Ginger and Lime and Eggplant and Tomato Whoppers. Todays recipe is of Italian descent and is called Involtini in which the eggplant is sliced longwise, grilled, stuffed, roll
ed and finally baked. Despite the list of treatments, its pretty easy.
Counselling is a type of talking therapy that allows a person to talk about their problems and feelings in a confidential and dependable environment. A counsellor is trained to listen with empathy by putting themselves in your shoes. They can help you deal with any negative thoughts and feelings you have. Sometimes the term "Counselling" is used to refer to talking therapies in general, but counselling is also a type of therapy in its own right. The internal and external challenges of our younger generation are to be resolved in order to empower them properly. For this a close assessment and a warm interaction with the student is necessary. The purpose of clinical counseling is that students can freely and confidentially express their academic, emotional and personal pressures and concerns to a professional who can help them effectively. The major objective of the counseling centre is to facilitate Academic, Emotional, Social and cognitive development of the students hence to empower them in their learning an
d personal development. Other than students, parents are also getting the benefits from the counsellor in order to pave a path to the students inside their homes. Adolescent Counselling It is aimed at helping young people make sense of their feelings, thoughts and behaviours. This can entail traditional talking therapy, or can use other techniques which draw on the expressive nature of young people such as art therapy. These proactive and creative strategies can help an adolescent to thrive in a counselling environment. Unfortunately about 4 in 10 teenagers become seriously depressed each year. That alone is a shocking figure, but in light of developmental changes and the numerous pressures on young people, those affected and in need of therapy can be much higher, hence the need for counselling aimed towards adolescents. Adolescence is the stage when we make the transition from child to adult, this usually occurs between 10 and 19. This is a time which a great deal of both physical and mental changes take pla
ce, the physical changes often referred to as puberty. These changes may predispose adolescents to be sensitive, to experience mood swings and to have swings in confidence levels. For this reason, Adolescent counselling should ensure that they take into account this period of vulnerability when engaging in therapy with an adolescent. Sex education for adolescents Sex education is instruction on issues relating to human sexuality, including emotional relations and responsibilities, human sexual anatomy, sexual activity, sexual reproduction, age of consent, reproductive health, reproductive rights, safe sex, birth control and sexual abstinence. Sex education that covers all of these aspects is known as comprehensive sex education. Traditionally, adolescents in many cultures were not given any information on sexual matters, with the discussion of these issues being considered taboo. Such instruction, as was given, was traditionally left to a child's parents, and often this was put off until just before a child's
marriage. Despite early inroads of schoolbased sex education, most of the information on sexual matters in the mid20th century was obtained informally from friends and the media, and much of this information was deficient or of dubious value, especially during the period following puberty, when curiosity about sexual matters was the most acute. This deficiency was heightened by the increasing incidence of teenage pregnancies. PreMarital Counselling Premarital counseling, a specialized type of therapy. It will offer benefit to all couples who are considering a longterm commitment. Typically, the goal of premarital counseling is to identify and address any potential areas of conflict in a relationship early on, before those issues become serious concerns, and teach partners effective strategies for discussing and resolving conflict. Partners seeking counseling before marriage may also find that premarital counseling can help them better understand their expectations about marriage and address any significant d
ifferences in a safe and neutral environment. Couples counseling can help intimate partners address concerns that arise in the course of their relationship, but premarital counseling can help partners identify areas likely to cause conflict later on finances, childrearing methods, career goals, and family dynamics, among others and either work through these issues in the early stages of the relationship, if possible, or develop a plan to address them in the years to come. A study published in the Journal of Family Psychology, showed couples who had participated in some type of premarital counseling program were 31 less likely to divorce. Marriage counseling, also called couples therapy, is a type of psychotherapy. Marriage counseling helps couples of all types recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their relationships. Through marriage counseling, you can make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding your relationship or going your separate ways. Marriage counseling is often short term. Marriage counseling
typically includes both partners, but sometimes one partner chooses to work with a therapist alone. The specific treatment plan depends on the situation. Couples seek marriage counseling to strengthen their bonds and gain a better understanding of each other. In other cases, couples seek marriage counseling to improve a troubled relationship. You can use marriage counseling to address many specific issues, including Sexual difficulties Conflicts about child rearing or blended families Marriage counseling might also be helpful in cases of domestic abuse. Families can be a source of support, encouragement and love but sometimes relationships within families are put under strain and family members feel isolated or overlooked. Family counselling can help when siblings arent getting on, or when parents and children are going through a divorce or separation. Forming a new family is a challenge and it is at this point that many parents contact Relate for some support to help everyone settle. If youre having problems
as a family, whatevers causing them, Family Counselling can help the whole family to communicate better, and to understand and resolve differences. When families go through change, it can be difficult to learn to adapt. Counselling can help family members to support one another through these difficult times, to reduce conflict and arguments and grow stronger as a result. DMIT Boost Memory Concentration Roots Routes Counselling and Psychotherapy Centre bookingsmindtherapist.in 2018 Roots Routes. All Rights Reserved. Powered by the Dinero Techlabs
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South Keys South Keys is a neighbourhood in GloucesterSouthgate Ward in the south end of Ottawa, Canada. It is bounded by Johnston Road to the north, Albion Road to the east, the Airport Parkway to the west, and Hunt Club Road to the south. According to the Canada 2011 Census, the neighbourhood has a population of 2,849. The neighbourhood is part of the South Keys Greenboro Community Association.
You are here Home Archives for Luis Nasser Luis Nasser Luz De Riada August 30, 2016 August 12, 2016 by NJProghouse who Luz De Riada httpwww.luzderiada.com whenTuesday August 30, 2016 730PM Show 700PM Doors Luz De Riada Luz De Riada Web Site Luz De Riada on Facebook LUZ DE RIADA was formed in 2010 in Mexico City by multiinstrumentalist Ramss Luna former member of Cabezas de Cera. The approach was to create a musical collective of talented musicians from other bands and projects which combined elements of jazz, experimental music, avantgarde and progressive rock. The result is a rich eclectic mix that defies labels with its original sound. The band released its debut in 2011, Cuentos y Fbulas Tales and Fables to great international critical and fan acclaim. Following 3 years of touring and shows in Mexico, Chile and Argentina, they released their second album Cuentos y Fbulas vol 2, a live compilation of several key performances in Mexico City from 2012 and 2013. The final installment of the Tales and Fables
trilogy was released this year. In 2016, the band begins a new chapter with LUZ DE RIADAs first shows in the US and the current lineup is working on new material for the next musical adventure. Ramss Luna In addition to forming LUZ DE RIADA in 2010, Ramss was a member of Cabezas de Cera from 1998 to 2011, and participated in all of their albums and tours, performing in Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, South Korea, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, France, Spain, India and the USA. He has also performed and done studio work with various artists such as Lynn Cassiers Belgium, Juan Pablo Villa, Raul Fernndez Refree, Silvia Perez Cruz Spain, Guillermo Velzquez y los Leones de la Sierra de Xich, Crneo de Jade, Grupo Qul Rockdrigo Gonzlez, Kavhe Parma Irn, La Orquesta de los 13 Zalbajes Dir. Germn Bringas, Decibel, Palo de Ron, Pez Diablo, El Cdice Lad. Alongside Bolivian saxophonist Marcos Miranda Sociedad Acstica de Capital Variable they propel the free improvisation project titled Expedition Lo
g. In addition to ongoing work with LUZ DE RIADA, he is also part of the Pascal Gutman Trio. Since 2013, he has served as Professor and director of the Experimental Orchestral Workshop at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Luis is an original member and founder of progressive rock band Sonus Umbra, formed in Mexico city back in 1993 and currently established in Chicago. Moving to the American East Coast in 1995, he has released 6 albums with Sonus Umbra, touring across the USA, Canada and Mexico. From 2003 to the present he has been bassist with instrumental acoustic guitar quartet Might Could, releasing four critically acclaimed albums and performing in the USA, Mexico, Canada, France and Germany. From 1997 to 2005 he was bassist with Baltimore Progressive Metal band Kurgans Bane, releasing 3 albums. He also continues to record with Pete Laramee, appearing on Alone but Not Lonely 2002, Childhood Memories 2008, Seven String Cinematoid 2011 and Chin Music 2016. He has also served as bassist in Jethr
o Tull tribute band Silver Pipe 20082011, Kevin Gilbert Tribute Band The Champions of Nothing 2008 2012, and continues to play with ELP tribute Fanfare 2011 to present. He has performed with many other artists including Phideaux, Nick DVirgilio, Brittany Lee Moffitt, Origin of Animal, Gunnel Pumpers, Brian Harris, Johnny Unicorn, Izolda, Uncle Gut, Dysfunktional Family and the Laramee Brute Squad. Aaron Geller Since 2003 Aaron has been working as a professional guitar player based in the Washington D.C. area, and also joined Might Could, who has released four albums and played shows and festivals in USA, Mexico, Canada, France and Germany. He performs in the national touring band Funk Ark, and works with Sonus Umbra, Brittany Lee Moffitt, and Fractales, and as a session artist at Record Arts Studio, recording for Margot MacDonald, Joe Peck, and Tina Lundelius, among others. He regularly plays with other prominent musicians in the Washington D.C. area including Greg Loman, Thomas Murphy, and Donald Wolcott. He
also teaches as an independent music teacher and in music programs, including a music camp run by the National Guitar Workshop, where he became director in 2008. Brandon Cameron Brandon has been a drummer and percussionist since 2002 and also works as an arranger and songwriter. He has played and recorded with an array of artists including Marcus B. Montgomery, LA Vangogh, and Jeremy Foster and The Nuance. Please note this presentation is nonprofit in nature and to support cultural exchange Filed Under NJProghouse Presents Tagged With Aaron Geller, Brandon Cameron, Luis Nasser, Luz De Riada, Ramss Luna
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Having bariatric surgery? Bariatric Surgery Having bariatric surgery? What do I do if I think I may be a candidate for bariatric surgery? The process begins with you being referred to the tier 3 weight management service by your GP. After a period of assessment and support in the tier 3 service you will be referred to meet the hospital based team if it is felt you would be a good candidate for surgery. You will then meet the specialist nurse for a onetoone session and also a member of the surgical team. At this point, we will discuss surgery in detail and place you on the waiting list for surgery. Close to the time of your surgery, you will attend a preassessment clinic where your fitness for surgery will be assessed by a member of the Anaesthetic Team. For 23 weeks before your operation, you will be placed on a special diet to reduce the size of your liver. During your time in the tier 3 service, you will be set an individual weight loss goal that you will need to meet before being referred to the surgical
team. You will need to maintain this weight loss up until the time of surgery. This is an important part of your weight loss journey as making healthy lifestyle choices such as dietary changes and exercise will set you up to do well in the long term after surgery. No weight loss operation will give good long term weight loss results if you do not adopt the changes covered during your time in the tier 3 weight management service. Types of Bariatric Surgery Follow Up After Bariatric Surgery Pregnancy and Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery and Type 2 Diabetes NICE Guidelines for Bariatric Surgery
AltaSea Project Receives 20 Million Donation AltaSea, an indevelopment marine research center at the Port of Los Angeles, will receive a 20 million gift from the Annenberg Foundation, the foundations president and CEO said Feb. 11 at an event to unveil designs for the project. Wallis Annenberg, Chairman, President and CEO of the Annenberg Foundation, announced the contribution toward the development of AltaSea, a new publicprivate endeavor in the Port of LA that brings together science, business and education to generate solutions to the challenges of sustainability. The ocean may be the most precious public resource we have, a life source unlike any other on the planet, Annenberg said. AltaSea is about uniting business, academia, and our scientific community to turn the Port of LAs public waterfront into the mecca for jobs, discovery and sustainability that it should be. AltaSea, now in its first phase of development, came to fruition in 2013 when the LA City Council approved a lease agreement to transform a
pier on the Los Angeles waterfront in San Pedro into AltaSea. Located on a 35acre campus in the Port of Los Angeles, AltaSea is said to be the only urban, oceanbased ideas and innovation center in the world. Planning and permitting for Phase One has begun, with construction expected to begin in 2017 and be complete by 2019. The total project budget is 217 million, with a goal of 160 million in private funding. The 50year master lease for the 35acre site requires 53.25 million to be raised by the first quarter of 2017 for the port to begin construction and ensure occupancy by the end of 2019. Labels AltaSea, Port of Los Angeles Hanjin Terminating Portland Calls Hanjin Shipping said in a Feb. 10 letter to customers that it is terminating direct call service to the Port of Portland in early March. However, we will continue to provide services tofrom Portland, Oregon and nearby regions via rail and truck transportation tofrom Seattle, the letter said in part. The revised rotation consists of calls at the ports i
n the cities of Ningbo, Shanghai, Pusan, Prince Rupert, Seattle, Vancouver, Pusan, Kwangyang and then back to Ningbo. The rotation begins with the arrival of container ship Hanjin Los Angeles at the Port of NingboZhoushan in China on March 9, according to the letter. The correspondence advises those with questions to contact their Hanjin sales representative for more information. Hanjin leaving Portland could cripple the ports container movement business an estimated 80 percent of business at the ports only container terminal is Hanjin related. Although no reason was given for the change, the Port of Portland has been struggling with labor issues for years that have drained productivity. Earlier this month, ICTSI Oregon, which operates Terminal 6, the only container terminal at the port, said productivity at the facility has fallen well below acceptable historical levels. ICTSI says that in the last quarter of 2014, ILWU labor was producing only about 13.2 moves per hour, compared to 24.8 moveshour in May 201
2, a roughly 47 percent reduction, according to the terminal operator. The labor issues are related to a jurisdiction battle between the ILWU, terminal operator and another union, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, which date back to June. The two unions were fighting over disputed jobs involving the pluggingunplugging and monitoring of refrigerated containers at Terminal 6. Since then, workers have walked off the job numerous times due to what the longshore union calls multiple pay disputes and associated grievances associated with the mismanagement of the terminal. The dispute, which is unrelated to ongoing contract talks between the ILWU and Pacific Maritime Association, has led to multiple container ships bypassing the port over the past twoandanhalf years in order to avoid the situation. Labels Hanjin Shipping, Port of Portland PMA Shutting Terminal Ops for 4 Days The Pacific Maritime Association is suspending vessel operations at port cargo terminals for four days, beginning Feb. 12, w
ith the explanation being that it didnt want to give weekend and holiday pay to longshore workers during Presidents Day weekend. Weekend and holiday pay rates command a premium of at least 50 percent more than the basic longshore wage rate, according to the PMA, which would mean those working those days would have received between 54 and 75 per hour for longshore workers and clerks and between 77 and 92 per hour for foremen. PMA members have concluded that they will not conduct vessel operations on those dates, paying full shifts of ILWU workers such high rates for severely diminished productivity while the backlog of cargo at West Coast ports grows, the association, which represents terminal operators, said in a Feb. 11 statement. The four dates affected by the suspension of vessel operations are Thurs. Feb. 12 Lincolns Birthday; Sat., Feb. 14; Sun., Feb. 15; and Mon., Feb. 16 Washingtons Birthday. However, yard, gate and rail operations are expected to continue at the terminal operators discretion as they d
id the previous weekend when the PMA also temporarily halted vessel operations as part of the ongoing dispute. This is an effort by the employers to put economic pressure on our members and to gain leverage in contract talks, ILWU President Robert McEllrath said of the fourday lockout. The maritime association and labor union have been locked in contract talks since May 2014 and the previous sixyear deal expired July 1. And although a federal arbitrator joined the talks in January, a final resolution does not appear to be near. On Feb. 4, the PMA revealed it had made the union an offer that would raise ILWU wages by 14 percent over five years, on top of current average fulltime wages of 147,000 per year and would maintain fully employerpaid health care, plus increase the ILWU pension to as much as 88,800 per year. The ILWU, while not commenting on specifics on the contract offer, has said the two sides are close to an agreement. Labels ILWU, labor contract negotiations, Pacific Maritime Association Port of Qu
incy Requests Terminal Expansion Funding The Port of Quincy this week requested 16.2 million in transportation funding from the Washington State Legislature to expand the infrastructure at its intermodal terminal to help restore critical domestic eastbound intermodal rail service for Central Washington fresh produce, perishable and frozen foods shippers. The port says the project would expand the infrastructure at the intermodal terminal to meet unit train requirements of BNSF Railway and help eliminate congestion on the Great Northern Corridor Rail Line in Quincy, Wash. In particular, the port says, the expansion project would include installation of three additional intermodal tracks to increase the capacity of the terminal to be able to simultaneously load or unload longer intermodal container trains, and a new longer siding track and set outpick up track that would allow longer trains to pull off of the BNSF mainline at Quincy for arrival and departure in one piece. The project would also entail expanding
the surface area of the intermodal terminal to allow for more storage of containers, and constructing a bridge across the US Bureau of Reclamation West Canal near Quincy. Expanding the terminals infrastructure would then allow the port to bringin an intermodal operator to begin shipping fresh produce, frozen foods and other perishable goods grown in the state to the Midwest and Eastern US markets, the port says. Labels BNSF Railway, Great Northern Corridor Rail Line, Port of Quincy Vigor Wins 9.9 Million USN Repair Contract Portlandbased Vigor Marine has won a 9.9 million contract for repair work to be performed on the USNS Yukon, a 677footlong underway replenishment oiler that provides fuel to ships at sea and jet fuel for aircraft assigned to aircraft carriers. The oiler, which was launched in 1993, has been involved in at least three collisions during its years in service, including in July 2000 when it suffered major damage, including multiple large holes and dents on her starboard quarter after it colli
ded with the USS Denver during an underway replenishment off the Hawaii coast. Also, in May 2012 it collided with the amphibious assault ship USS Essex after the Essex suffered an apparent steering malfunction upon approach for an underway replenishment. No injuries and no loss of fuel were reported however, and both vessels were able to continue to San Diego under their own power. The work Vigor Marine has been hired to perform includes flight deck nonskid preservation; port and starboard main engine overhaul; hip service diesel generator overhaul; port and starboard clutch and coupling overhaul; tank deck overhead preservation; habitability repairs; and cargo system wire replacement. The contract also includes options that, which if exercised, would bring the total contract value to 10.1 million. Work is to be performed in Portland and is expected to be completed by May 5, according to the US Navys Military Sealift Command in Washington, DC, which is the contracting activity. Labels Military Sealift Command
, Vigor Industrial Weekend Lockout Halts West Coast Port Operations Work at seaports along the West Coast resumed on Monday after the group that represents terminal operators and shipping lines instituted a twoday stoppage by that halted operations last weekend. The action was taken, according to the Pacific Maritime Association, in response to an ongoing work slowdown at the ports by the International Longshore Warehouse Union that allegedly began in late October. After three months of union slowdowns, it makes no sense to pay extra for less work, PMA spokesman Wade Gates said in a prepared statement. Especially if there is no end in sight to the unions actions, which needlessly brought West Coast ports to the brink of gridlock. Last weekend vessel loading and unloading were halted, but each terminal operator had the discretion of whether to continue yard, rail and gate operations such as the processing of containers for truck and rail delivery to customers. The ILWU has repeatedly denied the slowdown alleg
ations, instead blaming port congestion issues on larger vessels bringing in an everincreasing number of containers, plus a shortage of the chassis used to haul the containers to and from the port terminals. In a Feb. 9 statement, the union expressed a desire to reach a deal with the PMA. West Coast ports reopened Monday morning after employers closed the docks for two days, increasing delays for customers needing containers, the ILWU said in a Feb. 9 statement. The union remains focused on reaching a settlement as quickly as possible. Talks to resolve the few remaining issues between the Longshore Union and Pacific Maritime Association are ongoing, according to the ILWU. The PMA and ILWU have been in negotiations since May 2014. The previous sixyear labor pact between the two sides, which covered almost 20,000 longshore workers at 29 ports up and down the West Coast, expired last July 1. The PMA warned the union on Feb. 4 that it could impose a full lockout within 10 days if no contract agreement is reached
by then. Labels ILWU, Pacific Maritime Association Shipping 101 Course Planned for Puget Sound The Marine Exchange of Puget Sound is partnering with Artemus Transportation Solutions, a webbased trade compliance software industry, to hold the Global CommerceInternational Transportation Trade Shipping 101 Course on March 2327 in Seattle. The fiveday course covers materials needed to effectively trade and ship in the global marketplace, whether as an importer, exporter, NVOCC, freight forwarder, ocean andor domestic carrier. The course covers the transportation chain, critical work processes, compliance requirements and different modes of transportation and includes an onsite visit to a marine terminal for a firsthand look at the topics discussed throughout the course. This is the third time we will be holding the course with Artemus, Marine Exchange of Puget Sound Executive Director John Veentjer said. We believe a course like this is important to the community and the positive feedback from past students infl
uenced our decision in hosting this course again. Having a partnership with the Marine Exchange provides us an opportunity to help educate those in Pacific Northwest region who want to trade or expand their business internationally or just increase their knowledge of the international trade business to provide better service or possibly advance a students career objectives, Artemus President CEO Steve Pniewski said. This course provides critical work process information so that students are uptodate on the For more information, visit httpmarexps.comaboutshipping101 or contact Artemus directly at 866 7447101. Labels Marine Exchange of Puget Sound, Shipping 101 Course Cruise Industry Predicts 2015 Growth Strong growth for the cruise industry in 2015 is being projected by the Cruise Lines International Associations annual State of the Cruise Industry Report, which was released Feb. 9. A record 23 million passengers are expected to sail this year, and 61 percent of North American Cruise Lines International Assoc
iationcertified travel agents report an increase in 2015 travel bookings over this time last year. Also, member cruise lines are scheduled to debut 22 new ocean, river and specialty ships in 2015 for a total investment of more than 4 billion, according to CLIA. Its an exciting time for the cruise industry and cruise passengers, CLIA Chairman Adam Goldstein, whos also presidentCOO of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., said. This year will prove to be another step forward for the entire industry as our members continue to strive to make cruising the best overall vacation experience. Among the other outlooks for 2015 that were identified by the cruise industry association Cruise travelers intend to continue to set sail and are highly satisfied with prior cruise experiences. An estimated 62 percent are return cruisers and 69 percent ranked cruising as a better value than a landbased vacation. Overall, CLIA member ocean passenger volume is projected to increase to 23 million in 2015, a fourpercent increase over 2014 e
stimates of 22.1 million. Specialty cruises continue to thrive. CLIAs specialty segments, which includes sophisticated ships, luxury yachts, elegant ocean liners and the newest river cruises, continue to experience double digit passenger growth. In fact, specialty cruises grew by 21 percent annually from 2009 to 2014 estimates. The Caribbean is expected to see more than a third of the global deployment capacity market share in 2015. However, the Mediterranean continues to grow as a destination, as well as other regions including Asia and Australia. In 2015, 52 ships are expected to provide 1,065 Asian cruises with capacity for 2.17 million passengers. Although the Internet and mobile devices have overtaken how consumers make purchases, travel agents continue to be the most popular and best way to book a cruise. In fact, 70 percent of cruise travelers use a travel agent to plan and book cruise vacations. Labels cruise industry, Cruise Lines International Association
A not so usual daily excursion By petros, on December 25th, 2016 There are some times, when in order to take pictures of species rarely seen in Greece, you are forced to make some not so close daily trips. One such case was a few days ago. Near the mouth of the Gallikos river, just outside the city of Thessaloniki, appeared almost simultaneously a Longtailed Duck . . . Read More A not so usual daily excursion Comments are closed GALA, Places Clangula hyemalis, Gallikos River, Horned Grebe, Longtailed Duck, Melanitta fusca, Podiceps auritus, Slavonian Grebe, Velvet Scoter
Ellis Washington Mandela the Marxist By Ellis Washington "The cause of communism is the greatest cause in the history of mankind!" "At the end of the day... violence was the only weapon that would destroy apartheid." Nelson Mandela, 1959 He never renounced violence The globalist, progressive propaganda campaign deifying South Africa's Marxist revolutionary and former president Nelson Mandela should be galling and disgusting to all people of good will who love truth, real history and hate lies. The Big Lie is that yes, Mandela experimented with communism in the 1940s early in his political career at the dawn of the black struggle against the racist White Afrikaners and that he and his organization, ANC African National Congress only turned to armed struggle in the early 1960s once he saw the futility of overturning capitalism while seeking to establish Black majority rule in South Africa. The myth continues that during his 27 years as a political prisoner at Robben Island Mandela learned to embrace "democracy
" and thus overtime he totally renounced communism and political violence when he was let out of prison in February 1990. These popular sentiments are all lies and Marxistsympathizing propaganda shamefully disseminated by socialists worldwide to this day. Here's the truth about Mandela On January 31, 1985 the State President of South Africa, P.W. Botha speaking in parliament, offered Mandela his freedom on one condition that he "unconditionally reject violence as a political weapon." This offer of freedom was repeatedly made to Mandela during his 27 years in prison at Robben Island where all of his coconspirators accepted a rejection political violence and were eventually set free. Mandela, the so called "man of peace" repeatedly rejected all offers of freedom. Why? Because unlike the phony, global adulation of this man Mandela and the ANC were not only brutal murderers of children and innocent civilians, but look at who attended his funeral celebration earlier this week a veritable rogue's gallery of every
tyrannical, communist, Islamic and Marxist dictator on the planet with the socialist Obama leading this pack wolves at Mandela's memorial service. Indeed, birds of a feather do flock together. According to the original 1963 and 1964 indictments of the Rivonia Trial The State v. Nelson Mandela et al, Supreme Court of South Africa, Transvaal Provincial Division, Mandela was not charged for being a political dissident but for four acts of TERRORISM. Specifically, he was himself originally incarcerated, for involvement in 23 different acts of sabotage, conspiracy to overthrow the government and treason. He and his fellow terrorist conspirators of the ANC and the South African Communist Party SACP were caught by the police while in the possession of 48,000 Sovietmade antipersonnel mines and 210,000 handgrenades. Mandela lied when he confessed that the ANC only adopted violence as a means of protest "when other forms of resistance were no longer open to us." Mandela was inspired by Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movem
ent in the Cuban Revolution, in 1961 Mandela cofounded Umkhonto we Sizwe "Spear of the Nation," abbreviated MK with Sisulu and Joe Slovo, a notorious communist. Mandela became chairman of the militant group while embracing ideas from communist literature on guerilla warfare by Mao and Che Guevara. Soon after ANC leader Luthuli was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, MK publicly announced its existence with 57 bombings on Dingane's Day 16 December 1961, followed by further attacks on New Year's Eve. Politically Mandela was a democrat socialist and a Marxist who was openly opposed to capitalism, private landownership and the power of big money. Influenced by Marxism during the revolution Mandela advocated scientific socialism, although he denied being a communist during the Treason Trial, yet historically it has been proven Mandela had been a communist since at least the 1950s. Despite his Marxist politics, Mandela nationalized nothing during his presidency 199499, fearing that this would scare away foreign investor
s. This decision was in part also influenced by the fall of the socialist states in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc during the early 1990s. Mandela's second wife, Winnie Mandela married, 195896 was a close confidant; an unindicted coconspirator to ANC's human rights atrocities, who has been equally flattering in her praise of communism and violence. In 1986 she was reported in Moscow's communist party newspaper Pravda as saying "The Soviet Union is the torchbearer for all our hopes and aspirations. We have learned and are continuing to learn resilience and bravery from the Soviet people, who are an example to us in our struggle for freedom, a model of loyalty to internationalist duty. In Soviet Russia, genuine power of the people has been transformed from dreams into reality. The land of the Soviets is the genuine friend and ally of all peoples fighting against the dark forces of world reaction." And again at Munsieville, on April 13, 1986, Winnie said "With our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall l
iberate this country." Referring here to her own specific brand of socialist, political terrorism whereby anyone who opposed her and Mandela's ANC would be bound hand and foot and then burned to death by means of a tire filled with gasoline being placed around the neck of their victims and set on fire. A truly gruesome and tortuous death. Has Mandela since changed his tune in any way since being freed from prison in Feb. 11, 1990? Absolutely not. Leaving Victor Verster Prison on 11 February 1990, Mandela held Winnie's hand in front of amassed crowds and press; the event was broadcast live across the world. Driven to Cape Town's City Hall through crowds, he gave a speech declaring his commitment to peace and reconciliation with the white minority, but made it clear that the ANC's armed struggle was not over, and would continue as "a purely defensive action against the violence of apartheid." Today it is hard for even the most fanatical Mandela apologist to ignore the increasingly definitive evidence of his key
role in the international communist conspiracy which has been filtering out for decades. 30 years ago stalwart, conservative leaders like President Ronald Reagan, PM Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II all spoke out against Mandela and his communist, terrorist tactics in fighting apartheid. Early on, for example, there was a handwritten document by Mandela, dubbed "How to Be a Good Communist," that was referenced during his Rivonia Trial prosecution for sabotage, subversion, and terror. "We communist party members are the most advanced revolutionaries in modern history," Mandela declared in the essay and further wrote that, "The people of South Africa, led by the South African Communist Party, will destroy capitalist society and build in its place socialism." In Dec. 2013 The New American reported evidence exposed by British historian Stephen Ellis revealing Mandela's repeated denials of Communist Party participation as a fraud, while using communist disinformation tactics to downplay the consequences of
those evil associations. Ellis's current research, based on ANC Party minutes and more, established not only that the ANC leader was a member of the South African Communist Party SACP, but also that he was indeed a senior official working with the party's Central Committee throughout his 27 year prison term. Despite numerous articles by The New American which has comprehensively documented over a period of decades, despite Mandela's communist and terrorist atrocities against innocent civilians, Western governments and power brokers, together with the world's most coldblooded communist dictators, all worked together in creating Mandela the "Man of Peace" myth bringing him to power in May 1994. Yet, socialists cannot ignore the irrefutable truth exposed that Mandela was a socialist and Marxist even as South Africa continues its 20 year descent into perpetual chaos, genocide, and existential poverty, it is doubtful that regrets will be made South African cities like Durban, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town and Johann
esburg currently number as the murder, HIVAIDS and child rape capitals of the world. Although Democrat Socialists love Machiavellian tactics, yet Machiavelli was dead wrong the end does not, and will never, justify the means, despite the excessive adulation and crocodile tears communists and Mandela apologists may express. Mandela is neither remarkable nor unique. He is a classical Soviet trained, Sovietbacked Marxist leader and an admitted terrorist revolutionary in the mode of Cuba's Fidel Castro, Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah, Congo's Patrice Lumumba and Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, yet tragically Mandela's bombing campaigns against innocent civilians from the 194090s have faded from memory due to this existential Cult of Mandela. Political science professor Dr. R.J. Rummel has written that in the 20th century alone communism including Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, socialism was responsible for the evil genocide e.g., democide of over 260 million people. I for one will not join the world in this hypocritical
, sycophantic mourning of the death of Mandela the Marxist. Instead shed a tear for some of Mandela's victims who were principally South African Blacks accused of being against the communist coup of South Africa. Don't shed a tear for Mandela, but shed a tear for hundreds of millions of victims of communism all over the world. They have been virtually forgotten from history, but everyone who loves the truth, justice and righteous has a duty to promise that these victims are never forgotten, and that history does not repeat itself. Please purchase my latest opus dedicated to that Conservative Colossus, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Here are the latest two new volumes from my ongoing historical series THE PROGRESSIVE REVOLUTION History of Liberal Fascism through the Ages University Press of America, 2015 Volume III 201011 Writings Volume IV 201213 Writings However, before the book is officially released to the public, I have to place 100 prepublication orders 50 orders per each volume. I need your
help to make this happen ASAP. Please place your order today for Volume 3 Volume 4. Of course, if you can order all 100 copies today, the book will become official tomorrow. Please circulate this flyer to all your email contacts FacebookTwitter followers who may be interested in purchasing this opus which will serve as a ready apologetic against the rampant MarxistProgressive propaganda taught in America's public schools, colleges, universities, graduate schools, and law schools. Thanks in advance to all my friends, associates and colleagues for your invaluable support! Law and History Blog www.EllisWashingtonReport.com Invitation for manuscripts I am starting a new a program on my blog dedicated to giving young conservatives ages 1435 a regular place to display and publish their ideas called Socrates Corner. If you know of any young person who wants to publish their ideas on any subject, have them send their essay manuscripts to my email at ewashington NOSPAM wnd.com. Ellis Washington Ellis Washington is
a former staff editor of the Michigan Law Review 1989 and law clerk at the Rutherford Institute 1992. Currently he is an adjunct professor of law at the National Paralegal College and the graduate school, National Jurisprudence University, where he teaches Constitutional Law, Legal Ethics, American History, Administrative Law, Criminal Procedure, Contracts, Real Property, and Advanced Legal Writing, among many other subjects... more Ellis Washington is a former staff editor of the Michigan Law Review 1989 and law clerk at the Rutherford Institute 1992. Currently he is an adjunct professor of law at the National Paralegal College and the graduate school, National Jurisprudence University, where he teaches Constitutional Law, Legal Ethics, American History, Administrative Law, Criminal Procedure, Contracts, Real Property, and Advanced Legal Writing, among many other subjects. A founding board member and Director of Salt and Light Global, LLC, Washington is a cohost on "Joshua's Trial," a radio show proclaiming
a JudeoChristian worldview and conservative political philosophy. Washington is a graduate of John Marshall Law School 1994, the University of Michigan 1986, and DePauw University 1983, he did postgraduate studies in History at Harvard University GSAS and in Law at Harvard Law School 198889. Washington's latest law review articles include "Nigger Manifesto Institutional, Intellectual, Ideological Racism inside the American Academy" , pp. 169202, 2015 and "Social Darwinism in Nazi Family and Inheritance Law" 2011. Author of 9 books, Washington's latest opus is a 2volume collection containing over 300 essays, articles, and Socratic dialogues dedicated to his intellectual mentor and friend, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas The Progressive Revolution History of Liberal Fascism through the Ages University Press of America, 2013, 2015 Volume I 200708 Writings, Volume II 2009 Writings , Volume III 201011 Writings and Volume IV 20122013 Writings . Visit his Law and History blog, EllisWashingtonReport.
com, an essential repository of writings based on a Natural Law political and jurisprudence of the constitutional Framers; dedicated to educating the next generation of young conservative intellectuals and teaching the youth about real history, law, philosophy, politics, while rejecting the existential, militant Marxist propaganda taught in today's public schools, colleges, and universities. Also view his recent Detroit News interview with Reporter Bankole Thompson on the GOP Debate in Detroit, Michigan March 3rd, 2016. Receive future articles by Ellis Washington Click here Open letter to CUNY dean Sarah Bartlett Deconstruct all LBJ 501C3 churches! Symposium Which boss would you want? Obama and ISIS, O'Reilly and Da Capo Trumphalism Happy Birthday Bach Trump we the people peace victory Nancy Davis Reagan 19212016 Reagan's soul Trump fights KKK, Tampon Earrings and hosts 2011 GOP debate? Symposium ask big vs. the prayers of slaves
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Blog Its already hereThe Future Its already hereThe Future November 6, 2006 by Sara Hickman 1 Comment on Its already hereThe Future This is sort of funny , but the scary part about it is that it is probably not too far away. My mom forwarded this link to me. Im not sure how we can go backI know when I stop to buy gas, I cant until Ive entered my zip code, which really ticks me off. When people at stores ask me for my zip code, I always say, No, I dont like to give out any information, thanks. I recognize that giving a zip code may not seem intrusive because the corporations are only collecting data on which areas shop the most frequently in their stores, but you know what? It is, actually, prepping us to feel comfortable to give out even MORE information in the future. Trust me. So, speak up and say no. So. Listen closely and watch the screen and pointer carefully. You are the person processing the call. Click the link and see turn up the volume. Turn Sound ON Ordering Pizza in the year 2010 httpwww.aclu
.orgpizzaimagesscreen.swf Ed BradleyA Life Well Lived One Comment Its already hereThe Future Well, the zip code requirement at the gas station is a security check the credit card company checks your billing address against the zip code you enter to make sure that someone else hasnt stolen your card. But when they ask for it at Bed Bath Beyond or Radio Shack or any other retailer at the checkout, theyre collecting it for marketing research, and I always give them a madeup one. Just for fun. I want them to think that I travelled 2000 miles to shop at their chain store.
New Research Shows Housing Is Affordable For FirstTime Buyers Home prices have been on the rise for the last seven years, leading many housing market analysts to conclude that firsttime homebuyers are being shut out of the market due to affordability concerns. The National Association of Realtors NAR reports on the percentage of FirstTime Home Buyers FTHB on a monthly and yearly basis. Their latest report shows that FTHBs made up 33 of buyers in March, which matches their reported share in 2018. NAR uses survey data from their members to come up with this statistic, so their results do not include every transaction completed. Rather, they only show the transactions reported by members who complete the survey. The other entity that reports on FTHB share is the American Enterprise Institute AEI. The AEI uses data from mortgage applications that define an FTHB as any borrower who did not have a mortgage for the preceding three years. This means the AEI measurement also includes former homeowners who transitioned
out of a home they previously owned and reentered the market after at least 3 years. The latest FTHB share data from AEI shows that firsttime buyers made up 57.5 of all mortgages in August 2018. NARs data shows a 31 share for the same time period. New research from the New York Federal Reserve shows that these traditional reports on FTHB share have been unable to give an accurate depiction of this groups involvement in the market. The NY Fed was able to take consumer credit data and identify when a mortgage payment entered a consumers credit report to determine when a firsttime home purchase was made. Using this data, they were able to show that AEIs reported FTHB share was consistently 10 higher. The NAR reports were right on par with their findings until 2010, when NARs share dropped to the 11 gap seen today. So, what does this all mean? Firsttime home buyers have not disappeared from the market as many analysts had believed. Buying a home is very much a part of the American Dream for younger generations,
just like it had been for their parents and grandparents. This also means that rising prices have not scared buyers away from the market. Many firsttime buyers are making sacrifices to save their down payment and make their dream a reality. If you are one of the many renters who is scrolling through listings on your phone every night dreaming of buying your own home, there are opportunities in every market to make that dream a reality! Members Sign in now to set up your Personalized Posts start sharing today! Not a Member Yet? Click Here to learn more about KCMs newest feature, Personalized Posts. The post New Research Shows Housing Is Affordable For FirstTime Buyers appeared first on Keeping Current Matters.
ON SUCH A FULL SEA BY CHANGRAE LEE It couldnt have been just Reg she had gone to search out. She had no real leads as to where he might be, or if he was even alive. So why would any sane person leave our cloister for such uncertainties? He was the impetus, yes, the veritable without which, but not the whole story. One person or thing can never comprise that, no matter how much one is cherished, no matter how much one is loved. A tale, like the universe, they tell us, expands ceaselessly each time you examine it, until theres finally no telling exactly where it begins, or ends, or where it places you now. Vincent Van Goghs Branches with Almond Blossoms can be found on the wall of almost every BMor household. Fan lives in the BMor colony formerly known as Baltimore. It is a high walled, safe community made up primarily of people of Chinese descent who were brought over, out of the ruins of their country, to raise fish for the Charter Communities. "It is known where we come from, but no one much cares about thin
gs like that anymore." The Charters live in elite villages that ring the labor colonies repurposed suburbs of the communities that grow their food. Beyond the walls of these villages lie the Open Counties of which little is known, but much is feared. Fan is a fish tank diver. She cleans the tanks and retrieves the dead. She lives in a house of her extended family. ...in the thinly partitioned row house back in BMor, her uncles and aunties and cousins pitching their nightly calls in a an unmelodious orchestration that heralded her blood She pairs with Reg, a gangly, tall, young man not particularly good at anything, but such a beautiful soul that everyone adores him. Reg disappears without a word, without a trace. No ones knows where he is. Fan asks questions, but as she moves up the chain of command the answers become more and more nebulous and dismissive. Fan has an inkling, I do believe, because she poisons the fish tanks that were her responsibility before she strikes out in search of her man. This was an
act of defiance that had no precedent in the history of the community. She goes into the lawless country and leaves in her wake the beginnings of a revolution. Her odyssey becomes a fixation for her community as any story of her travels is amplified throughout the community, and added to her growing legend. Suddenly all the sturdy engineering and constructing, from the originals to now, feels as though its been resting upon an insufficient base, the same way a thoroughly elaborate and convincing dream can hinge upon an entirely impossible premise, which, once examined, exposes the rest as a mirage. The pilings are dust, the slab of matrix of silken spiderwebbing, and the very place we reside, our narrow row houses that have stood stalwartly walltowall through a checkered history of caring and neglect, are but cells in a chimera, some bloodless being in whose myth we have believed too deeply and too long. After a cataclysmic event it would not be difficult to convince people to exchange their personal libertie
s for a steady supply of food, shelter, and safety. Who wouldnt take it and actually be grateful for the opportunity? The thing is people in the future are going to be the same as people were in the past and the same as they are in the present. Eventually we are always going to reach a point where we will want more. The Charters do allow the top 1.2 of children from the labor communities to ascend to their villages. They are adopted by Charter families and allowed to become full members of the community. Frankly, it is brilliant, you strengthen your own community and continue to deplete the people from the gene pool of the labor communities that would be most likely to take stock of their life and decide things had to change. This reminds me of the decades old policy of the United States to steal the very best and brightest from all over the world by dangling citizenship before them, and convincing them that their contributions to society will be better rewarded in the United States. We become stronger and th
e communities they come from become weaker in the process. These bright children from BMor and from other labor communities are assimilated and made to feel special. Their claws are pared before they can grow into something that could be used to slash. Fans brother was one of those bright children who became a Charter member. She realizes that if she has any hope of finding Reg she first has to find her brother. She begins by navigating the lawless Open Counties and almost before her odyssey starts it is nearly ended as she is sideswiped by a speeding vehicle. Now fortunately for her she is hit by possibly the only person in the Open Counties that can heal her wounds. His name is Quig. He is a veterinarian by trade, a disgraced Charter citizen who now makes his living helping the sick and the wounded...for a price. His story, as it it revealed to us, is tragic. Fan looked up but in the dimness and rain could just make out the contours of his face under the dark shadow of his baseball caps bill. He was bearded
and had a wide frame to his jaw, and his nose looked like it had been broken multiple times, and the expression in his eyes was that of someone who has seen the worst of the life and would not be disturbed to see whatever measure more. He will heal her, feed her, and keep her until he figures out what to do with her. He trades her to Miss Cathy and Mister Leo, a Charter family. Now when is anything what it seems. On the surface their household seems normal, but there are strange things behind the curtain. There are seven girls of various ages living on the top floor of this house. They have all been bartered for from the Open Counties. They have all been raped by Mister Leo. Miss Cathy was raped as a child, and in some sick fashion the girls are all slices of her shattered self suspended in life, regardless of their age, at the point of when her trauma occurred. She is complicit in their molestation. Some were grown women, twice as broad as the youngest. But something was different about all of them, and not
just that they had grown old. All of their eyes were huge and shaped in the same way, halfmoons set on the straight side, like band shells but darkened, their pupils being brown. They were all giggling now, shoulders scrunched, their high pitch cutesy and saccharine. They crowded about Fan, bright of teeth. They smelled laundered and dryerfresh. And now one of them was gently touching her face, others her hair, the rest clasping her arms, her hands, already vining themselves through her, snatching Fan up. Fan is stoic, certainly courageous, through all her trials and tribulations. She is petite and quiet, a person easily overlooked. People sense something more in her that is larger than her size, something powerful. ChangRae Lee paints a world where on the surface you might think any one of these places is a utopia, but as you dig deeper you discover they are really all dystopias. There are benefits, despite the problems, to all three segments of this universe and Im still not sure, if I were to find myself
in this world, which scenario I would strive to call my home. Fans journey gives Lee the means to show us the layers of his creation, a real look at one possible future. This is the first book Ive read by Lee, but it will most certainly not be my last. He holds a mirror up. It is our responsibility to look into our own eyes. Posted by JEFFREYKEETEN at 852 AM No comments Labels Jeffrey It's All my Dad's Fault The Manticore I wavered between demoting this to a 3 star really 3.5 and keeping it at a 4, but I think it deserves a 4 even if it isnt near my favourite of Davies work and is, I think, the weakest of the Deptford trilogy. We were first given an account of the small town of Deptford, and the players who would be the major cast of characters in the series, in Fifth Business under the guiding hand of Dunstan Ramsay. Now we see things from a different angle David Staunton, the hard drinking criminal lawyer son of Deptfords golden boy magnate Boyd Staunton, has come to a crisis. His father has just been found
dead, possibly murdered, and this is the last straw of the many pressures on his life. After shouting out the query Who killed Boy Staunton?! in the theatre at Magnus Eisengrims performance of the Brazen Head no less he hurriedly bustles himself off to Zurich for psychoanalysis. From here we get his account of not only his own life but the lives of his father and Dunstan Ramsay amongst others as they intersected with his. Perhaps it can be viewed as a strength, but in some ways I think Davies decision to couch this novel in the form of the psychoanalytical treatment undergone by David was perhaps more of a weakness. I think I prefer when his Jungian obsessions come in through the side door as it were, and this blatant explication of the Jungian method was perhaps a tad on the heavyhanded side. David is also no Dunstan Ramsay. Ramsay was certainly not always sympathetic, but David is downright unpleasant a drunk with daddy issues whose many decisions in life seem to have all been calculated responses to the p
erceived slights visited upon him by others especially his family. Im being a bit harsh perhaps, but David certainly wont be winning any personality contests. He is, it must be said, unwaveringly honest with others and himself and certainly he grows, as is the point of psychoanalysis, so he is far from an uninteresting character. Thus we are treated to a ringside seat of David Stauntons life. We see more of Boy Staunton than was the case in Ramsays reminiscences though even here he is more of an overarching shadow cast across Davids life than a fully realized person indeed the more I think of it, the more Boy Staunton seems to hold a very special place in the Deptford trilogy he is a central figure to the action who looms large in the lives of all of the other characters, but we never see things from his perspective or get a full picture of him as a real person as opposed to a foil for others. Ramsay is amusingly portrayed as the somewhat eccentric schoolmaster as seen by a child who may also share a deeper r
elationship with the child than either of them would want to admit. It is often a pleasure of serial works to be able to see the same characters and situations detailed in another work from a different perspective and that pleasure is on full display here. Characters from Deptford, both major and minor, are portrayed either with more or less detail than before, but certainly show other sides of themselves than we had previously been privy to. They in essence become more fully human, not to mention subtly transformed, from their first appearance to us. I must admit that I by far enjoyed the final section of the book the most where we encounter old friends and some resolutions to outstanding questions are provided. This is not to say that Davids memoir of his life, as recounted to his analyst, is without interest, but he is certainly a character who lacks the flair and je ne sais quoi of Dunstan Ramsay. This book is a good read I havent yet come across a dud by Davies but even though Davies books can stand alon
e quite well I definitely recommend that you start your journey through the streets of Deptford and Toronto with Fifth Business. Labels Canadian, Literary Fiction, Terry
Alabama businesses support launch competition By Jeff Foust on 2014 August 12 at 1009 am ET In a letter earlier this month to several members of the states Congressional delegation, a group of Alabama aerospace suppliers expressed their support for greater competition in the launch industry, without mentioning the company that could benefit the most from such competition. As Alabamabased suppliers to our countrys leading providers of space launch services, we write to encourage your support of expanding Americas industrial aerospace capacity through competition, technology innovation, and new entrant companies who have chosen us as key suppliers for their innovative products, stated the August 1 letter on the letterhead of Industrial Manufacturing Specialties of Decatur, Alabama. The letter, signed by executives of five other north Alabama aerospace suppliers, was sent to the office of Rep. Mo Brooks RAL, with copies to the states two senators, Richard Shelby R and Jeff Sessions R, and to Reps. Mike Rogers RA
L and Robert Aderholt RAL. We especially want to emphasize that commercial space transportation and traditional aerospace both contribute significantly to suppliers like us, the letter continues. We hope you agree with us that competition and a broader overall set of industry players increase our business, as our products see a wider set of buyers. The letter does not name any of the space launch services companies they work for, although the websites of several mention working for United Launch Alliance ULA and the two aerospace companies that coown the joint venture, Boeing and Lockheed Martin. At least one, Cimarron Composites, mentions several NewSpace companies on its client list, including Blue Origin, SpaceX, and Virgin Galactic, alongside more traditional aerospace companies like Aerojet Rocketdyne, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin. Alabama, of course, is home to the major production facility for ULA, and SpaceX is the biggest of those new entrant companies that pose a challenge to ULAs current position as
the major provider of launch services for large spacecraft to the US government. Several members of the Alabama Congressional delegation have been critical, directly or indirectly, of SpaceX. Last month, Rep. Brooks cosigned a letter with two Colorado House members to NASA admininstrator Charles Bolden, asking for details about what they termed an epidemic of anomalies with SpaceX missions. Rep. Rogers had made a similar request of NASA and Air Force officials earlier this year. Sen. Shelby took credit for introducing a provision in report language accompanying a Senate appropriations bill that would require certified cost data for commercial crew companies, like SpaceX, which advocates of that program claim would drive up the cost of the program. A spokesperson representing SpaceX said in an email Monday that the company would not comment on the letter from the Alabama suppliers. The company, as well as ULA, have calmed their rhetorical battles in recent weeks after a judge called on SpaceX and the Air Forc
e to resolve their legal battle over the EELV block buy contract through mediation, and not to comment about that ongoing process in the media. Filed under Congress, Lobbying 22 comments SLS manager says program still on track By Jeff Foust on 2014 August 8 at 632 pm ET NASAs Space Launch System SLS heavylift rocket remains on track for a first launch in December 2017 despite warnings in a recent Government Accountability Office GAO about cost and schedule problems, the programs manager said Friday. Speaking at the 17th Annual International Mars Society Convention in Houston, SLS program manager Todd May said the program was at or ahead of schedule as it works through a series of critical design reviews CDRs for the SLS and its major systems. We said four years ago wed be at critical design review on the core stage this November. Im glad to report that we actually completed that last month, he said, a statement that generated an impromptu round of applause from the couple hundred attendees of the session. Th
e CDR on the booster stages was completed just this week, he said, and the CDR for the full SLS is on track for the spring of 2015. Things are going pretty well. As far as the critical path, weve still got three to five months of slack on the date the core stage is due to be delivered to the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi for testing, he said. Were just clicking off milestones. That rosy assessment stands in contrast to a report issued last month by the GAO that warned of cost and schedule risks to the program. The SLS program office calculated the risk associated with insufficient funding through 2017 as having a 90 percent likelihood of occurrence, the report stated, furthermore, it indicated the insufficient budget could push the planned December 2017 launch date out 6 months and add some 400 million to the overall cost of SLS development. Asked about the GAO report, May suggested that conclusion was based on information that was now out of date. They saw some things a couple of years ago. Some of the
data is now obsolete, he said. Specifically, he said the funding SLS received in fiscal year 2014, and what it expects to get in 2015 when the appropriations process is completed, is above the original request. In 2014, the administration requested 1.385 billion for SLS, but received 1.6 billion. In 2015, the administration requested 1.38 billion, but House and Senate version of appropriations bills offer 1.6 and 1.7 billion, respectively, for SLS. That additional funding, May said, has mitigated the risk identified in the GAO report, provided that level of support continues. If you dont receive the appropriated levels, you could see challenges, he said. As for schedule risks, May said Monte Carlo risk models widely used in such analyses arent always accurate. To me, they dont change a basic program management tenet, which is to hurry every chance you get, he said. That approach, he said, has worked for planetary exploration missions that have to launch within narrow windows. They dont pay attention to those
things. They hurry every chance they get. So far, thats paying off for us. Filed under Congress, NASA 105 comments As Texas celebrates winning SpaceX spaceport, Florida regroups On Monday, Texas Gov. Rick Perry confirmed what had neen widely speculated for weeks, if not months SpaceX would establish a commercial launch site on the Gulf of Mexico near Brownsville, Texas. The state is providing about 15 million in funds to support spaceport development, although the release notes that construction will involve 85 million in capital investment, presumably from SpaceX. The announcement was the culmination of several years of efforts by local and state officials, including Perry, to lure SpaceX to establish the launch site there. The letter noted state officials first talked with SpaceX in the spring of 2011, and Perry had since met with SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and provided letters of support as SpaceX worked through launch site regulatory efforts with the FAA. Texas has been on the forefront of our nations space e
xploration efforts for decades, so it is fitting that SpaceX has chosen our state as they expand the frontiers of commercial space flight, Perry said in the release. The decision is a defeat for Florida, who had hoped to keep SpaceXs commercial launches by developing a commercial launch site at a site named Shiloh just north of the Kennedy Space Center. An environmental assessment of the site is underway, although many local residents expressed opposition to the site at public hearings early this year. A day after Perrys announcement, Sen. Bill Nelson DFL tried to put a positive spin on the situation. I think youre going to see a lot of commercial activity that is going to be there and on the Kennedy Space Center, Nelson told Florida Today in an interview in the senators Orlando office. So I think we have a robust future. Nelson also raised questions about the viability of the Texas site, noting that launches from there will have to pass through a narrow keyhole downrange, between Florida and Cuba, restrictin
g the range of orbits those launches can meet. Dogleg maneuvers can enable additional orbits, although at a cost in terms of performance. How many launches will be financially viable for them to do that from there? he said. I think thats a story still to be told. Filed under States 58 comments Asteroid scientists vent their concerns about ARM By Jeff Foust on 2014 August 3 at 946 am ET At first glance, planetary scientists who study asteroids might seem to be obvious supporters of NASAs Asteroid Redirect Mission ARM plans. It would, after all, redirect a small near Earth asteroid NEA into lunar orbit, where astronauts would visit it and return perhaps many kilograms of samples. In fact, though, many planetary scientists have expressed skepticism, or even outright opposition, to ARM, worried that the mission might turn into a boondoggle that, if cancelled, could hurt other asteroid projects. Those arguments were front in center last week at a meeting of the Small Bodies Assessment Group SBAG, a NASAchartered
advisory group, in Washington. The middle day of the threeday meeting, Wednesday, was devoted to discussion about ARM, with NASA officials and other scientists among those speaking. And it featured some of the strongest criticism yet of the ARM by the scientific community. I think ARM is a stunt, said Richard Binzel, a professor of planetary sciences at MIT, in a presentation at the SBAG meeting devoted to criticism of the proposed mission. A stunt kind of gets handed to you at the top, and theres nothing underneath to support it. Thats in contrast, he argued, to the process for selecting science missions, which are supported by rigorous science and compelling questions that only a space mission can answer. Binzel urged scientists to just say no to ARM. I think that ARM is a oneanddone stunt, and if we get behind this in any way, its going to irreparably damage small body exploration. While he was opposed to ARM, Binzel was not opposed to human exploration of NEAs. Instead, he advocated human missions to NEAs
in native that is, not redirected orbits. That means building up capabilities in cislunar space while performing surveys to identify NEA targets that would be not much more difficult to reach for later human missions than an asteroid captured into lunar orbit. Such a mission, he said, is on the true path to Mars. Binzel brought up his criticism of ARM at the SBAG meeting because the group may be asked to officially weigh in on the proposed mission. The NASA authorization bill passed by the House in June, HR 4412, includes a provision requiring a complete assessment by SBAG of how the proposed mission is in the strategic interests of the United States in space exploration. The Senate, which has not been nearly as critical of ARM as the House, has yet to introduce its version of an authorization bill. Other attendees of the meeting also expressed reservations about ARM and the agencys overall Asteroid Initiative during presentations by NASA officials earlier in the day. It just seems like this logical disconne
ct to me, said SBAG chair Nancy Chabot of the Applied Physics Lab, trying to reconcile NASAs stated interest in searching for hazardous NEAs with the relatively limited funding its allocating for such searches as part of the initiative. I guess theres just a lot of us in the community who are confused by the overall strategy of the agency. Some at the meeting worried that a potential cancellation of ARM by a future administration could adversely affect asteroid science in general. There are groups of people who believe that ARM is associated with the current White House and could be cancelled by the next, said Tom Statler of the University of Maryland and Ohio University. If it so happens that ARM gets pushed aside because it was the product of the previous administration, there is a risk that the rest of asteroid science could be collateral damage simply because, in the minds of most people, ARM equals asteroid stuff. Others struggled to see the connection between ARM and human exploration of Mars. What the
agency has not articulated is how were magically go from cislunar space missions of about a month in duration to anything greater, said Brent Barbee of NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center. If this is all youre going to do in the mid2020s, he said of ARM, then its not very credible to talk about humans on Mars in the early to mid 2030s. If we were to start this from a clean sheet and do it in a logical manner, I think every one involved with this would do it differently than how its being done right now, acknowledged NASAs Lindley Johnson. ARM, he said, did allow NASA to double funding for NASAs Near Earth Object search program, from 20 to 40 million. We do the best we can with what weve got. The SBAG meeting ended without any formal findings or questions about ARM, although Chabot said those are being developed by the groups steering committee. Some worried that a lack of consensus could result in findings that could make SBAG appear neutral on the issue, which Chabot, as chair of SBAG, acknowledged as the meet
ing drew to a close on Thursday. A lot of people do not feel neutral about this, she said. The criticism of ARM by SBAG meeting attendees, as well as comments made at a separate meeting of the NASA Advisory Council NAC held at the same time, as reported by SpacePolicyOnline.com, caught the attention of the chairman of the House Science Committee, Rep. Lamar Smith RTX. The NASA Advisory Council warns that NASA runs the risk of squandering precious national resources if they move forward with ARM, Smith said in a statement released by the committee on Friday. For months, the Obama administration has downplayed such criticism. I appreciate the good work of NASAs technical advisors and encourage the Obama administration to take their recommendations seriously. Filed under Congress, NASA, Other 151 comments Edwards more optimistic about NASA authorization, less so about other legislation By Jeff Foust on 2014 August 1 at 1213 pm ET While NASA administrator Charles Bolden expressed skepticism earlier this week tha
t a NASA authorization bill would make it through Congress this year, a leading member of the House Science Committee said in a recent interview she is more optimistic about the bills prospects, but less so about two other pieces of spacerelated legislation. I feel confident that the Senate is going to move forward on its authorization, said Rep. Donna Edwards DMD, ranking member of the House Science Committees space subcommittee, in an interview after her luncheon speech at the NewSpace 2014 conference in San Jose, California, on July 26. I do hope that its one of those things that can be done by the end of this year. She said she expected the Senates version would, in many respects, mirror the House authorization, which would aid the conference needed to reconcile the likely differences between the House and Senate versions. One difference Edwards expected is that the Senate is interested in doing a multiyear authorization, while the House bill only covers the current fiscal year. The Senate is looking at a
multipleyear authorization which, I believe, we would be able to convince our colleagues in the House to support it, she said. Ive long supported a multiyear authorization, so thats not a problem for me. She was less optimistic about the prospects for passing an update to the Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act, although not because of any provisions in the legislation yet to be introduced to do that. I think we could use another hearing or so, and Ive expressed that to Mr. Steven Palazzo, she said, referring to the chairman of the space subcommittee. I just dont know, frankly, if we have enough days yet to be able to do it. So its not because the two of us dont want it. As previously noted here, she was skeptical about the chances of the ASTEROIDS Act, the bill introduced by Reps. Bill Posey RFL and Derek Kilmer DWA, members of the House Science Committee, in early July that would grant property rights to resources extracted form asteroids. We havent had any hearings on that, she said. I just think its b