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To Dunbar and Traini, this is from a retiree. Quit acting like a fart in a whirlwind and drop it. You're contriving a problem where none exists. As other posters have mentioned, these are ADULTS who should know through their OWN COMMAND that the marijuana issue is still a Federal offense. They raised their right hands and SIGNED THE CONTRACT. If you truly believe in simplifying government, then turn your attention to the stuff that needs care, like education and reducing the recidivism rate-- you know--- the hard stuff. Unless of course you're both content with the low-hanging fruit.
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Same fear mongering as Gerald Butts puts forth.
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They should make beer cans square, so we can fit more in the fridge.
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Yikes, how dumb can you be. I don't know where you get your information, but the evidence is NOT elusive. Maybe you should read the whole report. It's available. EVEN FOX NEWS says the Russians hacked our election. Fox doesn't believe it had any influence on the outcome, and neither do I. It's idiots like you who knowingly voted for the baby-in-chief. Also, the first notification of hacking came in 2015, and NSA continued to watch for more than a year before giving President Obama the report. Regarding Putin, you can believe what you want, but it's not much of a stretch to believe that in an autocratic government, the leader knows all. When did the GOP start loving a Russian dictators? Finally, unlike you lapdogs who listen to the propaganda arm of the GOP - Fox News - we liberals, certainly don't look for guidance from the Democratic Party. Just because you're too dumb to think for yourself, doesn't mean the whole world is. Care to post something dumber?
Sad about the wolf, but things like this do happen. It's a little hard for a wolf to hunt by itself being a pack animal. I don't think they are living a happy life when alone. There were once three pups who lived in my yard in the Copper Valley, a white one, black one and a grey one. They had been raised on a pond back behind my house. Used to come look in the windows, sit and watch me burn trash and annoy my bulldog. He would actually chase them to an invisible line and sit and watch them, not allowing them to cross it. They liked to play in the Glenn Highway. Most people who saw them just cussed because "those dogs were in the road again. Had to slam on my brakes!" Eventually they all grew up and went on their way. When I was young there was an old one who walked up and down the river at night. 4 inch tracks. My dad called him "Old Grand dad". He'd let out the most bone-chilling, moaning howl once in awhile. Stars, moon, cold and it was scary! Wonderful animals but fierce hunters.
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Well said! I wish BNSF would just station a repair team in near the tracks in Kent so that they can respond more quickly. Can the Kent Police help with traffic control to get cars out of an extensive delay and rerouted?
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Only the racist police should be allowed to have guns.
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It's tempting to dismiss the conclusions of such statistic based studies in the face of clear examples to the contrary of close personal friends or relatives. This is unwise and a better understanding of the nature of statistics helps us better resist that temptation.
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Mandela was useless as a PM- he did nothing to stem the decline. The ANC is a racist and utterly corrupt organization and the rot began when the NP stepped down in 1994.
Governor Abercrombie's rebuttal seems curious to me. He claims Kaye doesn't know how to take yes for answer, but as far as I can tell, never claims to have made a statement either publicly or privately to Kaye that he opposed the wind farm on Lana`i. Instead, his argument is that he never publicly supported the wind farm. In effect, he asks the reader to believe his agreement with the FOL position is indicated by his practical decision not to take center stage. He goes on to claim that there really was no center stage in the public debate over the wind farm proposal, that "practical realities" unrelated to public opposition were, in the end, decisive. He closes by asking the reader to believe that Kaye had a self-serving motive to occupy center stage. If I were developing a project in the face of public opposition, I'd welcome public officials willing to make this argument.
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The problem is TRUMP LIED... again and again and again ... ad nauseam. Were he a puppet (other than Putin's puppet) his nose would reach out of the White Nationalist House down to North Carolina.
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I like the scowl on his face. looks like a depressed election night face of the Hillary voters.
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What is this, a knockoff version of communism? Are we now going to blame the topper for working hard and scoring good while the dullards were lazing around? Is that what liberal politics have come to?
I also want to point out that Hillary Clinton co-signed The Flag Protection Act of 2005 as a NY Senator. It read as follows. “Any person who shall intentionally threaten or intimidate any person or group of persons by burning, or causing to be burned, a flag of the United States shall be fined not more than $100,000, imprisoned for not more than 1 year, or both,” read the bill, which Clinton co-sponsored the day it was filed by Sen. Robert Bennett (R.-Utah), along with Sen. Barbara Boxer (D.-Calif.), Sen. Thomas Carper (D.-Del.) and Sen. Mark Pryor (D.-Ark.).
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If she weren't a toady for her party she would have had the courage to call for meetings, hearings and votes on the POTUS nominee to fill the SCOTUS vacancy Ms. Gegonos just like her colleague Susan Collins did. She is locked in to the McConnell caucus and her fealty is to party over country or state. Lisa is a big part of the problem that has ground the Congress to a gridlocked halt.
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I believe that not enforcing laws against a particular protected class in downtown encourages both illegal behavior as well as that which is merely rude and uncivilized. I am not in favor of what used to be called ‘the bum’s rush’ or other unconstitutional actions. Public space cannot be regulated like private space but it can still be regulated within the law. While I don’t see the relevance of the R-G question, it is axiomatic that this site is under their total control and we pontificate by their leave and at their pleasure, which leave can be terminated anytime they choose for any (or no) reason that they choose. I vote with my wallet at all the places we have mentioned as well as out 29th and Willamette and the malls on West 11th. Downtown does not exist for me anymore. My last trip to Off the Waffle was my last trip downtown. I do not need to experience the stench of urine or feces or to respond to aggressive panhandlers; and I will not.
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I was planning to visit Spain and Portugal this winter. Well my itinerary just changed. I will visit Portugal, Catalonia and Aquitaine.
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Thomas E. Wheeler (who has been FCC Chair for several years) had been president of the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Assn. and had appointed Dr. George Carlo to coordinate the wireless industry's research on cell phone safety (p. 142, _Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider's Alarming Discoveries about Cancer and Genetic Damage_ by Dr. George Carlo & Martin Schram. Carlo was alarmed when research revealed possible adverse health effects from wireless. According to the book, Wheeler withheld a final $5 million to researchers including doctors who wanted to alert the public back in the 1990s by publishing their findings. So one reason the truth about wireless is not taught in schools and instead the cooking of America and other countries is occurring is that key scientific findings were repressed. Read Cell Phones, spread the word. Magda Havas has said: too many microwaves are in N America already. Who Cares? are the only words on the back of her book.
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One has to always consider the sources. Comey himself, just today, debunked a handful of NYT articles.
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"My only point is that it's very confusing to world leaders and members of Congress when the Trump administration does two exactly opposite things and that's my hope that as the administration grows and learns that the administration stops doing that," he said. Hope, he said. There is no hope. Only a president unable to express a coherent thought without Steve Bannon having written it out for him.
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Where are all the bimbos writing letters that " sullivan was the cause" of these loser ass turds commiting crimes? Yea they are all shut up now eh.
Walter, your response is interesting from a couple of perspectives. You correctly note that "We all have bias. and it is incumbent upon us to recognized that [sic]." Yet your ad-hominem-flavored dismissal of St. Thomas Aquinas seems to be completely at odds with the actual quote I cited. St. Thomas' point is that the intellect's apprehension of truth is measured by the degree to which the apprehension of the thing matches the actual thing. Is that not the point of empirical science, philosophy and theology? Secondly, while you argue about flaws in my reasoning (which I disagree with), none of your objections seems to fit with any definition of confirmation bias that I'm familiar with. Thirdly, in regards to "lumping a whole series of issues together," insofar that my argument is that confirmation bias is a major contributing factor to many ills, why does it not make sense, from the standpoint of analysis, to compare those issues impacted by confirmation bias? More to follow ...
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After the postponement Trump demanded Congress vote first thing this morning, Ryan told him it would be this afternoon before they could vote, so Trump said to heck with them and he is on his way to Mar-a-Lago for the weekend, So Presidential : (
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Canada has the highest GDP growth among all developed countries. Does the housing bubble have anything to do with it? Is that why the politicians are not doing anything about it?
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How about that Outsider77, I agree with you! The only point where we diverge is that if Republicans had engaged in bipartisan negotiations in 2012 (and both dumped the corruption of lobbyist money), we could have solved this! Now the Democrats are returning the same favor. When will both sides get real and deal with the fact that it is about the costs - not excluding millions and millions of citizens from proper health care? Then we will be getting somewhere.
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Despite UAA's terrible mistake of not firing Matt Thomas , or his unwillingness to do what's right and resign , the entire Anchorage hockey community needs to turn out to support UAA hockey next season. It's clear the U of A elites wants to end UAA hockey and if we don't show up in mass to support this program , next season will likely be it's last , giving Anchorage zero top tier hockey to watch locally. We must get everyone and their neighbor to attend UAA hockey games next season. It would be a big help if UAA students got off their lazy rear ends , put down the video games , and supported their team next year. UAA has got to be the very worst school in America for students who don't support their own sports teams. That's sad . After all , if UAA students are too lame to support their own school , why should the general public ?
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A dearth of responses from the traditional defenders of the conservative cause. Give Outsider credit for at least showing up. The paper edition headline "defections kill health bill" is in poor taste. Stick to the subject. The proposed bill drew huge negative responses from the little people (and insurers) that overwhelmed even a bought Congress. Republicans got a taste of govt. healthcare and they liked it. They just didn't like the rising prices. Obamacare was only insurance regulation. We're all told we'll lose choice with a national plan. And the choice we have now is? Do I have to become a medical expert to make the right decision? We expect 200 million people to make educated medical choices? We've become a nation fearful of the "educated elite". When did that happen and how did the conservative Right convince us not to listed to the educated? When did ignorance take on such value?
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Sorry for the late reply. I was out of town. The issues anti gay marriage advocates don't get is that heterosexual marriage was not about how our species is propagated, but about how property is passed down through generations. To a small extent protecting the property rights of males did involve sexual propagation to the extent wives and children were legally considered male property until very recently. And of course, multiple cultures did not really use the concept of marriage as it developed in the West. In the end marriage is a human, mostly male, determined cultural construct. Basically all that's happened with gay marriage is the human community has redefined the cultural construct to include same sex couples based on our evolving understanding of the genesis of homosexuality. It's not a series of sexual acts. It's an innate relational orientation. It was not ever going to be easy to change over 1200 federal and state laws and regulations to accommodate your solution.
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Immigrated to Canada from Iran 30 years ago, given a good career and life in this country, and didn't bother to get a Canadian citizenship? What's wrong with you, Mr. Sayadi? What's wrong with Canada?
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Goodbye to the milquetoast Mansbridge, who treated many including PMs with a mixture of fawning and kid gloves.
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Jail time is not gonna do anything. The 45 days should be spent working with the habitats pf these animals!
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So you are fine with the lies, false statements, libel and slander from school district administration and parents, but you have a problem with a felt costume? Wow.
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Religion and politics are two of the most powerful forces on Earth (except money), that can sweep people up into thinking and behaving as everything from terrorists such as ISIS or people who give their all, to love and help their fellow man. As such powerful forces, the more people of differing faiths or philosophies can meet to talk about religion and science, the better! But humans always insist in assigning labels to others and assuming they now know what that person or group will do. Such as calling all Muslims terrorists or saying all Mexicans are drug dealers and criminals. Such are the words of our current President. He is wrong and so is everyone who agrees with him. The more open forums on science and religion across the country the better! Apparently, America is in desperate need of more education, common sense, humility, empathy, and critical thinking skills!
As you said, America is everyone's home, how about seeking common ground based on the real issues instead of what Trump may or may not do. In my opinion America has become focused on getting your way regardless of the methods used or consequences. This is evidenced heavily by the DNC emails as well as the "spin" and out right lies by both major parties. Both parties are equally to blame here. It is further evidenced by the people in their "echo chambers" trading propaganda instead of researching genuine facts. Instead of vilifying and demonizing people that have a different opinion than you, try to understand the reasoning for their opposing opinion. We as a people need to move back to the days of reasonable compromise and respect of differing opinions. We need to draw social lines where one group is able to oppress another, prohibiting these actions equally. Most importantly, we need to demand self accountability for ones actions, hold everyone to the same standard.
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BG: I am not a 15 year old overweight highschool girl and you are not a high school administrator who, hopefully, is professionally and personally dedicated to helping students develop respect and consideration for others. Mock me all you like, I'll take care of myself. I'll confront your mocking behavior and challenge you to meet with me face-to-face to discuss our differences in a civil fashion. I'm up to it, and I'll ask "are you?" High school students (female or male) shouldn't be subjected to such behavior, especially from the two most powerful men/women on campus. I trust you see the difference. regards, and give me a call for that civil discussion. Gary Crum
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All this hacking going on. Our financial institutions are sending our personal lnfo' back and forth to India and like places. Have they been hacked? would we even be made aware if it?
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Maybe we should consider suing the president for his failure to make America great! Or sue the past president for making it difficult to kill and replace health care coverage. Lifeguards are men and women trained to rescue people from swimming accidents. They are not Gods. First responsibility for your safety, is you. They cannot be held liable for your negligence.
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Polar Bob. Polar plumbing, right?
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Aside from the proliferation of environmentally unfriendly plastic bottles from such companies, the sale of water that is in no way superior to what can (almost) freely be obtained from the tap amounts to theft. Instead of stealing from the gullible public, these executives looted their own corporation.
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At second look of the picture of the Gov and the background of Pete Kelly and Bryce Edgmon...tells the tale of two cultures one of Free Enterprise, free market & competition and one of socialism, cultural acceptance of subsistence for a single race and the "welfare of a racial culture" our Federal government has nurtured ! These divisions within our state will be our demise if we can't reason financially, as a state! “Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone.” Ayn Rand The layed back indignantness of Bryce Edgmon is evident of his stranglehold on our government to reason us financially into the free Enterprise liberty founded in the country known as America. Please Bryce get that smog face change, that requires understanding of the country you live under which actually protects your liberty. Not a give away state you & your people are custom to being, a "ward of the USA". Hold your ground Pete for us Americans!
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Now I feel compelled to compare the two: Obama: Articulate, engaging, charismatic, tall and lean, has a loving, intelligent, capable wife whom he treats with respect, a light-up-the-room smile, educated, considerate, diplomatic, did I say charismatic?, athletic, down to earth. Trump: the antithesis of all of the above.
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And we were the first jurisdiction in North America to impose a carbon tax on large emitters in 2007.
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by dining at his own restaurant, I would agree with R Miller above that he continues to thumb his nose at the Constitution so dear to many Americans who voted for him.
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Wow, guptas are still paying you guys?
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We have a 33% cost advantage with the level of our dollar.
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Speaking of nightmares, Lois Oleson (among with some others) actually believes in Donald Trump. Stephen J. Remington
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You mean places like North Korea? Burma? Guinea?
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Funny how all these attention seeking mentally ill broads show up now eh. Just like with cosby they smell blood and want to cash in. Hope oreilly sues them for stupidity if nothing else.
It will be doubly important that a Federal/Provincial Government consortium undertake such a bulk buying initiative given the terms of CETA with the EU and anticipated pressure by the Trump Administration to enhance the intellectual property rule protections that favour the big pharmaceutical companies from competition by generic manufacturers.
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Except no. This baker stated why he refused to bake a cake. He didn't simply say he was busy or booked. He didn't say that he didn't have time to bake their cake. He said that he refused to make a cake for them, because it was for a same-sex wedding. That's a big difference. And it actually is illegal to discriminate, even if you don't state it plainly to those you are discriminating against. Not openly admitting it just makes it tougher to prove in court, but it doesn't make it any less illegal. That's where proof of a pattern of discrimination comes into play. For example, if it can be proven that a landlord repeatedly refuses to rent to a specific race of people for no reason other than their race, even if he/she used the untrue excuse of the unit already having been rented, the landlord can be found guilty. The pattern just needs to be proven.
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I'm happy to see this well deserved shuttle service. I'm an veteran and I drive an EV. I am also happy to see EV charging stations there. EVs are getting cheaper every year and those spots, even if lightly used now, will be needed soon enough. Many of our veterans are injured because of involvement in the middle east to secure oil. Anything we can do to reduce oil dependency is a win for our country and our military.
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Hmmm..Slovenia went and we saw how well that turned out for Yugoslavia.. I hope things turn out better for Spain and Catalonia
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I don't think that the designers of the art work in Denver are an appropriate consultant choice.. Denver Airport has the creepiest mural with an bizarre, occult theme....large Nazi in gas mask and dead children in of many cultures lined up in coffins. It has been the subject of numerous documentaries. I remember the first time that I saw it. Give me the ""Eugene Flying People"" any day...light, whimsical and joyful.
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Well, one need only do simple mathematics on the outcomes, just within a generation of marrying anyone less than half in blood quantum--in two generations, you would not qualify under this legally putative definition. Or you could read through congressional testimony to see the many examples of this played-out throughout the last 100 years. From a tribal perspective, in December 16, 2003, a Southwest Tribe made headlines when it announced that 50 Percent Isleta Blood Needed To Stay In Tribe. Dozens of people who spent their whole lives thinking they were members of the Isleta Pueblo are finding out they are not. People on the Pueblo have been getting letters telling them they have to have 50 percent Isleta blood to be part of the tribe. The letters they received say that people can challenge them if they fill out a family tree proving their heritage.
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Doesn't work? How do we know? When the country is at the point of legalizing silencers, and the right of the mentally ill to own assault weapons, it's laughable to think we have ANY gun controls.
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Personally I am glad to hear the press is going to stop using derogatory names and expressions to describe politicians and other public figures. Ms McKenna is just one of the politicians labeled.
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How in the world do you even pull that out of my comment ?
When completed there's still an option, there's always an option. Shut theRail down if it's costly to maintain without projected ridership. But then again, our elected officials could say, Hawaii spent Billions on theRail and it's already running so there's no turning back shutting theRail down. WE have to keep it running.
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Glass half full?
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Ronald, the situation with my granddaughter is too serious for anyone to be humored by it. If it's taken into consideration that I have reacted similarly 20 years ago, that fact actually paints a different picture on the way how she acquired it. Certain people are genetically predisposed to react in this way, and no, vaccines are not safe for everyone. A vaccine with a live virus (not flu) have triggered my condition (which was transient) and it triggered hers (which might be chronic, as it is more severe, and she received two vaccines concurrently). I'm surprised that through all the schooling that you have done you haven't come across some of the work that I have come across as an amateur - if you do come across, you don't have to have a PhD to understand the point of a research. Most of the time it is written in plain English. Clear as day, it is there for all scientific and medical community to be ashamed. And I think that her pediatrician and rheumatologist are ashamed.
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The domestic terrorists at the company called "civil comments" are attempting to destroy your first amendment right to free speech! Only in communist countries or in Nazi Germany you had to have approval of your speech by your peers! That's not the United States of America! That's Russia under the iron fist of a loser named Putin! RESIST LOSING YOUR 1st Amendment right! Here is the communists website I HOPE all hackers that are reading this understand it is time to take this website down are you listening @ "anonymous" our free-speech is being destroyed by these losers Be a real American patriot like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington that fought for our first amendment rights for free speech ! https://www.getcivil.com
In Unexpected Development, Nazi March Turns Violent White nationalists ordered to leave Va. park before planned ‘Unite the Right’ rally
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Well this is the coolest thing ever~
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What is amazing how little MSM coverage there is on the civilian death toll in Mosul and Yemen.
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The only reason to sell something covered by CDIC is due to panic or excessive nervousness. And what is adding to this nervousness? Maybe the Globe and its daily negative articles on Home Capital!
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JZ: No, it is the best step backward.
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Not today. Not tomorrow. Never.
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Anyone else notice that Baldisseri's five-year term ends today. A reminder that the five-year end date only applies when Francis decides to lower the boom, as with Müller. Otherwise as in this case life goes on and nothing's said at all.
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...this advertisement brought to you by Raytheon.
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It sounds like the husband has social anxiety. He may drink too much as a cover. I had a boyfriend like this year's ago. He was a great guy but could be socially awkward in situations where he didn't know people. He was horrible at small talk and embarrassed me a few times. At least he knew he had an issue and would bow out of things that made him uncomfortable. I'm surprised this couple didn't discuss this issue a while back considering they've been together long enough to have grown kids. She should just come out and ask him if he wants to go (he may not want to) and if not she could go for a short time by herself and agree to meet him after for a movie or late dinner.
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The Olympic Stadium has huge side rooms, and a 2nd facility is being opened in a former convent.
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It hasn't, though. Congress just passed the Russian sanctions bill by veto-proof votes in the Senate (98-2) and the House (419-3). This sweeping legislation slaps new sanctions on Russia and rebukes Trump by blocking him from easing those sanctions without Congressional approval. All of the many Russia/Trump investigations are ongoing. We are not so easily distracted that we can't be appalled at his latest irrational cruelty.
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It was meant as a reminder that both sides of the political spectrum are guilty of and are currently employing propaganda to either sway the peoples opinions or to continue to hold their base line. Look at the whole of what is being offered and make a informed decision on ones own principals/morals. If they do not meet or exceed then that is not a choice. As for me. Neither of the current two candidates meet the criteria to full fill the highest office in this nation so no matter how much dirt is dug up or how much mud is thrown by either side will sway my opinion.
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The President is is unconcerned with affirming the puritanical biases of the classes Thomas Sowell brilliantly labelled 'The Anointed' and is quite correct to state that public violence is equally distributed among extremist splinter groups from both the left and the right.
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Weak tea.
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Justin is doing a good job and he's got my vote. Premier Wynne is also doing a great job. The economy is strong and people in general are very happy with the Premier and her liberal government. Wynne Majority 2018 and Brown will be driving a ice cream truck in the Queens Park area after his defeat.
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You are correct, it was rather a lack of enough money for the teachers.
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Wonderful insights. And most important, it is wonderful to see you in our midst once again (you may have been already, but I miss a lot now that I spend less and less time here).
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With a bag over your head, all you hear is yourself talking. No wonder radio is out :)
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Bill who?
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Duh!!! Why do you think the Chinese gave $50,000 to build a statue to TruDope`s Dad, Captain Selfie has been bought and paid for.
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It's about time . Notley is yet another example of hegemony by failed democracy. She barely got 40% of the vote but is now shoving her absolutist agenda down everyone's throats. Ris up off your knees , Albertans. You deserve better than this
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Yep. Learn the laws sunny
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The results are entirely predictable because these issues has been studied in many many reports all with similar conclusions.
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Re: "#1. The Pope is preserved from error by the Holy Ghost whenever he speaks magisterially on matters of Faith and Morals. So such a situation would not arise." Surely you misspoke Tridentinus? The usual and V1 sanctioned expression is Whenever he speaks ex cathedra. Surely you are not intending to develop that doctrine from "ex cathedra" to "any only papal magisterial statement on matters of faith and morals"? Such as, for instance, Sacedotalis Ordinatio?
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This is what happens when the media wants to overplay every incident on passenger removal. So many red flags before the departure. He should have been taken off the plane. However, airlines will now fear the economic consequences of the media slanting every story as if it is the airlines fault.
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"The whole world is watching"
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Then you may enjoy the book...I've not seen the film, but the book was "difficult" to read - yet one I found impossible to put down.
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Good piece. But why attribute this to the "state" instead of Gov Walker?
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There is another reason other than conflict of interest that a minister of the crown should not be riding around in non-commerical chartered or private aircraft and that is one of safety. Did Trudeau's team vet the helicopter pilot's training, ensure he was drug and alcohol-free, fit to fly, and ask to see the helicopter maintenance log? Was the fuel quality checked prior to getting on that private helicopter? I doubt it and they likely just climbed into that aircraft without any vetting. Just look at what happened with Jim Prentince when he hired a private aircraft with only one pilot who likely had a medical incident. Most travel insurance companies will not insure any accidents that occur while traveling in non-commerical aircraft and that is for good reason,.....actuarial data that shows these aircraft have much higher accident rate ands even higher for helicopters. It is pretty clear this PM and his advisors are not operating with a full deck.
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High voltage cables on pipes would be a lot cheaper. what a nightmare
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If the last part of the calculation is changed to "e1/4" the performance will increase.
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Improper at best
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What absolute drivel. Obvious this person knows nothing about guns and just makes up stats. 33000/yr? Really? This year NY, Detroit, Chicago and LA had ~1250 total and 1/2 of those were suicides NOT homicides. If you parse that out that means 31000 people were killed in all the rural or urban areas total BS. In addition, We have the 10th largest gun owners/capita in the Nation. The paper work and "hoops" to jump through did not dissuade citizens, but the only Mental Health check is if you yourself checks the box on the form. Otherwise, thanks to the Dems, it is illegal for FBI or Police to find out you're being treated for mental illness! P.S. the cities with the most draconian gun laws have the highest number of shootings, because the bad guys know you are disarmed and they can get any illegal gun they want on the street. ATF has to declare war on illegal guns. We have to pass laws that allow family and friends to get mental patients seen and taken care of.
"High levels of personal debt", true. On what ? vacations ? Huge TV's ? Expensive cars? ......paying your hydro bill, re-outfitting your home to make it cheaper to run ? University education ? basic living ?.............. ....... as an ex finance co. manager, I have witnessed what happens, and where this is going. and, the prognosis is not good. Ontario and Alberta, and now Canada have irresponsible governments . Please tell us, where is the heading ?
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I would hope that "Southern Heritage" is not contingent on the Confederacy. There's so much more to be proud of than that one thing. By the way, is there such a thing as Northern Heritage?
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yep, thats harrison all right. thanks for noting that.
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Skeletal fluorosis is cased by excess fluoride intake - it is not caused by community water fluoridation where the intake levels are optimum. Germouse is well known for making such dishonest, unsupported, claims.
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