2 values
The only Islamophobia I have seen so far is coming from the liberal left.
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And co dependency? I'm not co dependent just because we choose to stick together and finish what we started. We had a baby young. We didn't stay together because we had a baby. We stayed together because we love each other and love what we are building. Our children are our lives. Dont confuse me with the women who stay in bad situations because they're scared to leave. That's not me and you may think you have us pegged, but you don't. Go to his Facebook and look at his babies. Look at how much they love him. Look at the positive photos rather than the ones YOU think are negative cause he's flipping off the camera. I didn't know flipping the bird when your a kid makes you a bad person. (Photo is at least 9 years old photo was reshared because of who was in the photo with him. A childhood friend of ours who is now deceased)
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Ahhh...Wakiki's tumultuous days - Yappy's, Diamond Head Markets, the Lemon Tree, Don Ho's Duke's, Aku Head? GONE. So, Go West Young Man...Wild Chinatown...tether horses along vagrant streets of bawdy saloons, mamasan tailors, Asian trinkets, noodles and drugs. Civilization encroaches - Kukui Plaza families, Judge Roy Bean. Char Hung Sut now in Tombstone's ghosttown. Fading storefronts servicing passing cowboys, stagecoaches, goldminer wagons. Disappearing horse rails. Pedestrian Street Malls now shield the law abiding away from vagrants, cowboys, horses and drug alleys. Must we tame the Wild West? The demise of Hotel Street dens for Alexandia-the-Great-48-by-the-tape and subduing the Union Bars doomed Chinatown to the boring future - the letter of law, whereby the true West becomes entirely the fake facade for the tourist experience -- Waikiki, the Polynesian Cultural Center, and very soon Chinatown. Sniffles.
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The Trumpsters are already on record stating that campaign promises are just that, campaign promises. Look like he took his supporters and detractors for a ride huh? I hear there are inaugural balls scheduled over in Moscow
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You've seen the blueprint, haven't you? God's archetypal design for the human sexual binary? Where else could such detailed knowledge have come? I have news for you : like the 'Hitler Diaries', it's a hilarious forgery. Did it never occur to you that the nonsense you have posted, together with all the homophobic humbug written or preached by others, can induce self-loathing in LGBT folk (especially, youth) and communal hatred towards them? That these aren't greater factors in those 'stats' you mentioned? There is absolutely nothing intrinsic to homosexuality that could induce the behaviours you refer to. No; that comes from without. From people like you.
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i wonder if trumpster will pardon bully from prison in his first term.
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I don't want to! Foreign buyer tax and a ban on sales of agricultural and commercial properties to foreign interests can't happen soon enough.
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Had to laugh out loud when Slick Willy went on and on and on about how great a womyn and wife Hillary is. If she's really that amazing, why did he cheat on her again and again and again.........
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This is a wonderful appointment. Ms. Freeland is a highly respected journalist and author who has already proven herself as a Cabinet minister. Mr. Trudeau has given a bold signal to the whole world that Canada rejects the xenophobia, Putinophilism and sexism of the right-wing "populism" infecting politics in many nations by appointing a Ukrainian-Canadian as Foreign Minister, a Somali-Canadian former refugee as Immigration Minister and a woman of Afghani/Iranian origin to Status of Women. Ms. Freeland was excluded by Russia before she entered government, and she has written one of the seminal books on the rise of the billionaires. Justin Trudeau has indeed thrown down the gauntlet and told the world exactly what values Canada represents. But it is now essential that Canada substantially increase its defence budget, that not only US brigades be stationed in Poland and the Baltic States. The surveillance and defence of Canada's northern border is an urgent need.
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".....as they noshed on smoked salmon croquettes & crab-stuffed peppers." They should be eating hot dogs & burgers like most of their struggling constituents. They just do not get it. The disconnect is astounding! Get the lobbyists out of Juneau.
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Senator Ted Stevens had a strategy to deal with the inevitable change in Senate majority power. He teamed up with Senator Inouye D-Hawaii, and they swapped the chairmanship of the Appropriations Committee for years covering each others' backs. But wait.... Alaska had a Republican AND a Democrat on Senate Appropriations Committee. Then we shot ourselves in the foot. Now we have Lisa and Senator #100, both Republicans who will both be out of the majority with no power.
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Alberta is compensating over half of their population to off the carbon tax. Ontario & Quebec have joined with California to create the biggest Ponzi scheme in the world to set up a future economic disaster.
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The most vile of the BC Liberal pack is arguable, but the attributes you bestow upon this minister are fully applicable to the BC Liberal party and by extension, the Premier. Ten years without an increase in welfare/disability is just inexcusable. And you cannot only blame Ms. Clark's leadership, the Gordon Campbell regime kept social assistance rates low, and froze the minimum wage for ten years. There is something cold-hearted at the core of the BC Liberal party.
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Nestle and others are already pumping millions of litres of OUR water out of OUR aquifers, either free or for a pittance royalty that doesn't cover the cost of administering it. Never mind without any regard to or study of the long term consequences of draining aquifers at that rate.
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In 1991 we spent 2% of our GDP on defense. Now we spend 1%. We are breaking our word to our allies. What kind of ally does that make us?
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And so where does the renaming end? In Canada do we start with British Columbia, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. We could add Vancouver, Kitchener, Regina and a whole raft of similar names throughout the country. In addition we could throw in any statues of French and English explorers, and others we generally acknowledge as heroes of Canadian history!
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Paying respect, how many year's later?
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All Alaskan can be so very rich from oil still locked in the ground, the state has powerful people in control that do not work for the best interest of the people of Alaska, when Alaskans do finally wake up and take back this oil wealth then prosperity will touch every Alaskan. Wake up and make Alaska the most attractive place in the world to drill and find oil and make profits and unlock the oil wealth Alaskans should enjoy!
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I suspect that many Canadians will punish Conservatives who act like dinosaurs and ignore the well-being of future generations. Typical selfish opportunism from this candidate.
Is CNN trying to put lipstick on this pig or what ?
Wonder why obama is so anti Israel?
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Their natural reaction in this town, SUCK IT DRY IMMEDIATELY. There are so many empty building fronts in downtown now. Pot Stores will be driven out of business by over saturation. But for the governments and business property owners, GET THE MONEY! That will be followed then by GHOST TOWN TOURS . . .
No idea how Pat Tabler keeps his job. He's not much more than a yak machine that seems to make up stuff as his mouth runs on. Maybe Your Js fans like his fawning over everything Blue Jay, maybe Rogers likes that. Don't know what else it could be. Today, he was running on 'bout the AL MVP, who should get it, Altuve or Judge. Judge hits all those HRs, big #s, he noted, how can you ignore that, he asked of no-one in particular. Guess he knows very little 'bout AL MVP history. Just mention 1941 and leave it there.
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Really? What is that term?
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It's businesses that are suffering. Read the article again you smug, bicycle-riding pinhead. And until there is an alternative power source for trucks, planes, trains, and ships, along with the 7000+ products that include oil, fossil fuels will rule.
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You are right. It's only in the 95% range of domestic violence murders that a woman is murdered by her SO.
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Talk of a championship is terribly premature, a victory of hope vs experience. To have watched the Rams playing Idaho, a program in its final year at the FBS level, and getting pummeled, scored on a will, isn't encouraging. Bono is 14-12 following a guy that did so well Florida offered him the Gross National Product of 18 European countries to work for them, meaning the cupboard was full and then some. Two 7-6 finishes against MW weak competition isn't a good thing. Yes, the MW that was 6-27 playing FBS teams outside the conference in 2015, only slightly better in 2016. The Rams have played in 4 straight bowl games as every team winning 6 games got to do, with 3 consecutive losses bs Utah, Nevada, and Idaho. CSU needs to work for respect, other teams are not going to play dead because the Rams are someone's pre-season pick.
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See Civil Beat article ..........raises are also being given. Now don't that beat all?
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"They begin with animosity and work backwards." Just as you regularly do, Marty.
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It was pure political BS. The questions were highly biased you had to actually think of what they were intending vs what they think people would agree with. Typical liberals.
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President Obama had to read very carefully at that point. Any meddling would have been perceived as an underhanded attempt to help Hillary Clinton.
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Are oceans currently acid or alkaline? What is the pH?
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Mr. Jenkins's rescue was undoubtedly brave and heroic and Mr. Hartung made a poor decision that almost cost him his life ...However, luck is about the only thing that kept this headline from being "bystander heroically dies in rescue attempt." Anyone in the river community should use this event as a tool. Ask yourselves how this rescue could have been handled in the minutes leading up to the rescuer jumping in? What could the rescuers have done to ensure the safety of their team? Either way everyone was able to "tell the tale" and that is a blessing.
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"We will cut the size and cost of government by making every program and agency justify its existence and eliminate those that don't work." This guy must be a complete moron. All the stuff he said in that sentence is a direct consequence of laws that were written by the House/Senate and signed by the President. It's a compliance issue, the governmental agencies are the ones charged with enforcement of those laws. That in itself is the justification. Well, I guess we could ignore all those pesky laws we don't like.
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Trump will win IN SPITE OF the rigging. Hillary and the DNC have already been found guilty of rigging the Democratic primary.
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Got to ask - do you get somebody to proofread your posts? Based on this one, if you pay them anything, you're overpaying.
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Prior to Harry Potter, fantasy literature (e.g. Lord of the Ring) and games (e.g. Dungeons and Dragons) were banned from many schools, with conservative groups claiming they spread belief in the occult. Harry Potter was initially banned in many schools with conservative parent groups claiming it promoted witchcraft! However Harry Potter's popularity forced school boards to address the fantasy genre. There were many debates and even some lawsuits, but ultimately Harry Potter took down conservative censorship in schools and libraries.
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You are joking, right? Scheer is definitely 'pushing his personal beliefs"!
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A lot of places hide the real taste of the meat with much secret sauce, mayonnaise, or ketchup. Order one without condiments to taste the meat, then season/garnish to your own taste requirements.
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It has everything to do with your proposal as it is an agreement between the states that does not have Congressional approval. It's very wording says it will not work if there is not an agreement between the states. I got the wrong paragraph, it is paragraph 3: https://usconstitution.net/xconst_A1Sec10.html NO STATE SHALL, WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF CONGRESS, lay any duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, ENTER INTO ANY AGREEMENT OR COMPACT WITH ANOTHER STATE, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay. The caps are mine to make it easy to see where you are trying to violate the Constitution. Again, this is nothing about an attempt to skirt the fact that the Constitution does not allow for direct elections for president and you are looking for loopholes to exploit. If you want direct elections for the president and vice president, amend the Constitution.
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Colleges will get around this by forcing veterans to take some extra remedial courses. Thank You for your service.
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It's less calling them liars and more assuming/hoping the initial test results are a false positive. Field tests are known for those. You'll note the story specifically calls out that this suspect pot tested positive when field-tested. At least I'd assume that's what the various quoted individuals are thinking. It's considered dangerous enough to warn other first responders, based on a field test of only moderate reliability, because fentanyl can functionally act as a contact poison.
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“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.” Teddy Roosevelt
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It may be illegal under federal law to grow and sell it, but it's not illegal to TAX it. The irony is amusing.
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(Part one of two) A continuing audit of financial records of St. Martha Parish in Okemos, Michigan, has increased the amount potentially embezzled from parish funds from $1.8 million to nearly $5 million it was revealed at a July 7 hearing at Ingham County District Court in Mason, Michigan.—Dan Morris-Young “In justice, I shall behold your face, O Lord” (Psalm 17:15a). “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest” (Matthew 9:38) and not harvests for laborers for themselves. Always remember Jacob who “contended with divine and human beings and have prevailed” at a place spelled Peniel in one place and Penuel in the next (Genesis 32:26, 31, 32).
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Obviously the folks running the lab just don't give a rip. Heads should roll.
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Ask all those who serve America in the Armed Forces who fight to protect and defend our rights http://www.politicususa.com/2014/02/27/senate-republicans-betray-u-s-vets-blocking-veterans-benefits-bill.html Senate Republicans Betray U.S. Vets By Blocking Veterans Benefits Bill Senate Republicans blocked the veterans bill by using a procedural maneuver to invoke the 60 vote rule. The final vote to waive the budget point of order failed, 56-41. Only two Republicans (Sen. Dean Heller and Sen. Jerry Moran) joined with Democrats on the vote. Two republicans voted for the bill, none from Alaska. The Republican Party doesn’t care about veterans. This vote stabbed veterans in the back, and should make every vet question why they would ever vote Republican. Hate is a very powerful motivator, especially for insecure people.
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Why? Did we have to pay for yours? If so we should sue to get our money back because it obviously was rejected.
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It's true. If I go to a cardiologist at a hospital that gets federal funding for cancer research or takes Medicaid or Medicare, that money is not going to somehow fund my EKG, that I am paying for, with my money and my insurance. That’s not how anything works.
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Public discussion of sexual assault has been taken over by ideologues who believe everything bad that humans experience is due to structural oppression. The fact that some humans are naturally predatory, and society has in fact been very successful in mitigating the worst of our violent instincts over the last century or so, simply doesn't fit their dogmatic narrative.
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Canada is back to reality as it exists under the federal Liberals . . . you can't tax the productive sector into oblivion; before long they stop producing. You can't throw roadblocks in front of every project and expect the economy to grow. Memo to Trudeau - budgets do not balance themselves. A balanced budget requires intelligent and disciplined leaders.
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Judging by the number "React(ions)" to B. Carfree's comment, I'd say you may be out-of-touch a bit.
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I think that your comment is erroneous.
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If you think Anchorage trashes its home, go see Fairbanks.
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This kind of article demonstrates the disconnect between the MSM and the general population. They clearly wrote it to illicit a sympathetic response - yet these comments tell a different story.
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Its a tough job, if you think you can do better, go for it. I'd like to see a cut budget as an option, if the council turns down the initiatives, lets see the cut list. What about the labor contracts that are all coming up, who pays for that? Unfortunately, a combine of taxes and cuts are the reality. He is making some tough calls. NO body wants tax increases and no one wants services cut.... Keep going Mayor, that's why you got elected.... do the best you can.... you got the ball.....just keep the people informed.
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We expect our employees that we pay to come to work bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
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The Ducks are looking like a legitimate team with a shot to go far in the NCAA tournament. Dylan Brooks is shooting lights out. Way to go Ducks!
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I felt 2,3,4 and 5 when I used but I imagined 1... as likely you do when under the influence... you are not nearly as intelligent as you think you are when high.
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I expect any day now that tRump will use the phrase “Under His Eye” To which the rabid, partisan throng will reply, “May The Lord Open”
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Ummmm, "the liberal elite"? I think you just proved Martin's point.
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Imagine - just imagine - how BAD Hillary had to be to lose to Donald Trump. And, almost a full month after the election, the political left STILL can't deal with it? Trump is the president elect. That's just a cold, hard fact. Deal with it, lefties. Or not...
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Motley: I address the statistics you cite and their irrelevance to the specific issue of "mass shootings" in a post on this thread.. If you have evidence to counter the on-going study by MotherJones, by all means, please present it. The bogus information provided by Breitbart and Fox has been repeatedly debunked. If you have data to contradict the MotherJones study, I'd love to see it. Gary crum
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Just saying that alone says a ton. It's complex and not built for an individual that just needs basics, or beginners to the whole insurance idea. What type of package is needed, why this one and not that one. or how they come to a decision on what's best for you when you're only one of millions that are suppose to be safely insured. It's a perfect reply. :D
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So it is all about abortion. In 1980 people, not unlike this professor, told me I had to vote for R. Reagan because he was "pro-life." When he left office in Jan. 1989, the abortion rate was nearly identical to when he first took the oath of office. In 1988 those same people told me i had to vote for G. H.W. Bush because he was "pro-life." When he left office the abortion rate was higher than it was he took office. In 1992 people told me I couldn't vote for Bill Clinton because he wasn't "pro-life." When he left office in 2001, the abortion rate was lower than when he took office. In 2000, people told me I had to vote for George W. Bush because he was "pro-life." Yet, when he left office in 2009, the abortion rate was higher than when he took office. In 2008, people told me I couldn't vote for Barack Obama because he wasn't "pro-life." Yet, the abortion rate is lower now than when he took office. If I really care about the unborn, it behooves me to vote Democrat.
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You know, RD, if you could give us these gracious posts instead of your more typical nastiness and/or irrelevancies, you would be far more appreciated.
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Could that be why it was defeated?
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Yep...I still think it would be interesting to see other drug use comparisons (including opioid use, etc).
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That's because they're inaccurately weighting the polls by using a larger number of liberals than conservatives, which skews the results because it does not truly represent the political makeup of the country. That was my point charles, that somehow you missed.
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I agree with you, but his choice of language is damnable. He could have found a way of expressing his view without resorting to sexism and meanness. Trump is the sexist pig we're examining, we shouldn't use terms demeaning to women to discuss his behavior.
While interesting, more than fifty-percent of the article is wanders into non-topical areas regarding the "stump speech." Wasn't there enough in Burke's prepared speech to complain about?
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the current REAL president of the usa will ensure this fiasco deal is dead as we should too and the next president in 8 years will not reverse anything , get over it.. its obama and alt left messes trump is now working to clean up
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Alfred & Charlie, you two are laughable fools. I hope you're being paid by someone to make yourselves look so utterly ignorant.
Scott Hawkins should have included a spinning top in his attack ads. That top would reflect the commentary he had published in ADN on April 24, 2016. In THAT commentary Mr. Hawkins said "board based taxes" were essential to a sound fiscal plan for Alaska. He went on to state that either an income tax or a sales was necessary for Alaska. Mr. Hawkins is Prosperity Alaska and his goal is to tilt everything to benefit his bottom line, not Alaska, and certainly not Alaskans. Less tax for the oil and gas industry and less revenues for Alaska sums up Mr. Hawkins quite well. Lets fix our fiscal problems by focusing on the needy rather than the greedy.
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Am I missing something here? It is alleged that Russia meddled in US politics in some way, is that surprising? Is it somehow unexpected? Should we all be shocked by such a 'stunning' revelation? Consider that the US routinely meddles (or worse) in other nation's politics, and evidently believes it has every right to do so. In some instances, interventions have gone well past the 'meddling' stage of things (think exploding Cuban cigars). So, is this sort of behavior exceptional in any way? Britain certainly has been involved in its share of clandestine interventions (think 007), France has inspired/supported or even driven revolutions in most if not all of its colonies or protectorates at one time or other, and continues to do so in subtle underhanded ways (think Madagascar, Mali, Burkina Faso, French Congo just for starters). Now we have yappy Democrats in the USA accusing the Russians of doing naughty things, goodness, how could those commies dare to do such a thing?
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Plenty of Hooters and other venues where ham faced fans of popular culture hang out.
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And I do see that - to a point. But in the playoffs, it often comes down to whether your shots go in or not. Crosby had no part in the Preds hitting 4 posts last night, or in the puck (correctly) being blown dead before a goal was scored. He had nothing to do with Subban's goal being called back for a razor-thin offside review in Game 1. Seven games against Caps, and a 2 OT 7th game victory against the Sens. At some point, any of those things could have gone against them, and there is no question they had some incredibly good fortune this year - not like last year when they simply outplayed everyone. When so much is left to chance - as it is all the time in the NHL playoffs - it is difficult to say one player makes such a huge difference - as the commentators always seem so desperate to do with Crosby. Take Malkin's contributions away, and there are no "Crosby Cups." And Malkin's contributions could not be replaced by someone else "stepping up"
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I guess we will see if the fear-mongers and hate-mongers (the low information voters) who support this atrocious human being will win out over the tolerant, kind and well-educated and well-travelled Americans. I don't think they will, but when one learns today that the White Supremacist, Breitbart News' Steve Bannon, has been given a seat today on the U.S. National Security Council, then there is a lot to worry about. We must not let this swamp of racism, bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia ooze into our country. We have, by and large, good people in Canada, most of whom are tolerant and kind. Let's keep it that way and let the hate-mongers and fearmongers, all insecure and masking their racism, know that their kind is not welcome in Canada.
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Thanks, my tags lie next to my bed to this day !
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And gets a good laugh, too.
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Why does demand for a product go up simply by paying employees more? That simply is not true.
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Read the article and learn a little bit about immigration laws. To sum it up, border patrol has EVERY right to deny ENTRY to anyone they suspect will potentially break laws. This even applies to green card holders. You lie and you story doesn't tally up, then you get sent home to figure out where your lies went bad and then she'll try a better story next time. LOL
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Not spelling your user name correctly says more about you then you'll ever know! BTW, I feel "priviledged" to inform you of this.
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Well said
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The "left" has been fighting totalitarianism in its many forms of Russian/Chinese communism, Capitalism, Royal Monarchy since human history began. The smearing of any dissent from the capitalist orthodoxy is the favorite game of those yearning for dictatorship of the few over the many in whatever form. The current governing system hijacked by the Republican traitors is only the latest in a long line of traitorous acts by the same predators with the same titles and intent. The "right" is dedicated to the overthrow of all human and civil rights formerly the reason for the revolution and formation of the U.S. From slavery to segregation and the Robber Barons of past eras, the modern Republicans epitomize the worst characteristics of them all led by the latest Hitler incarnation, Der Fuehrer Trump.
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I thought the longliner's were all about local labor, local Hawaiian's working the trade for local dollars and local consumption. Isn't that what they said when they got all them folks to stand up in opposition to the expansion of Papahanaumokuakea? I don't know about anyone else, but I feel as if Westpac has been hustling us all along.
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..and these people are anxious to leave their homelands and the same bad conditions come here.
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The point was at the near time you'll witness the cost to help all these marijuana consumers will be enormous.
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We will be lucky (!) to literally survive this madman's administration intact as a nation. Every single proposal he and the GOP propose, and those already being implemented, are to the detriment of most of us, especially the poor and disadvantaged. There are SO many signs of an incipient dictatorship in his intentions...truly, honestly frightening. I echo your last line.
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I don't understand. Are we accepting 300 million refugees? I can agree that a "couple of hundred Syrian refugees in my neighborhood" would be too much for one neighborhood, while also agreeing that 12,000 refugee Syrians can be accommodated in a population of 300 million. We are taking in 1 refugee per 25,000 US citizens, but I am hypocritical if I don't agree to a 1:1 match. Sorry, I don't accept your premise. My neighborhood has a refugee family, actually, which is right on target. I think you owe me an apology for your rash charge, that wasn't very nice.
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A previous story indicated that those seeking asylum in Canada are at record numbers not seen since 2009. It would be informative to not just know that the numbers crossing have dropped ,but exactly where does the count currently stand. It would also be informative to know how things are working in terms of housing and work permits and if they have found jobs. Somebody, perhaps a GM investigative journalist could as well check up on the forgotten Syrian refugees from 2015. How have they adjusted to Canada, have they found work, english classes etc.
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Hickenlooper thinks Gardner is a conservative...that's a joke...Gardner is lying RINO.
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Is it a problem at all... I totally concur Indians throughout the world outside of their historic homeland place a lot of emphasis on education, hard work and helping, in particular their own communities. I choose not to use the Gupta family as examples as they are a bad example!
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Regardless. The fact is that a course of treatment currently in place that is meant to be personal and is designed to help these people live comfortably with themselves has somehow been translated to mean all of society has to participate in that persons treatment. It seems to me that all this new legislation does is mandate that course of treatment be applied across society under threat of action from the government. It also seems to me that this legislation is in essence claiming to have "cured" this issue despite the science being inconclusive at best and will make any scientific findings to the contrary illegal and will very much hinder open and objective scientific research into this issue. Its dangerous and wildly irresponsible
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Both processed and deep fried fast foods will continue no matter this ban. As much as home cooked meals featuring fresh ingredients may be a wise choice, fast convenience will always win in the everything fast and now world of today.
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Because they have found the Liberal Honey Hole.
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I can see why comments taper off when you two guys appear with you comments. Neither of you has the remotest idea what you are talking about. Those damns are a spit in the ocean in terms of the electricity they generate. They were build to electrify the Rogue Valley in the early 20th century and have long outlived their usefulness. As the editorial writer says, the region is awash in surplus hydro from the Columbia River damns since the aluminum industry closed down. The region's utilities has been closing nuclear and fossil fuel plants because they are necessary. Do a bit of homework guys, before shooting off...your comments. You won't sound so foolish.
Chris I totally agree, they are not a good offensive club, simple as that. Desmond is functional, Story is a poor hitter with some power occasionally, Parra is a better alternative for Desmond the 70 million dollar boondoggle and Tapia at the moment is hitting instead of Cargo(though his fielding is very suspect). All in all they have a solid defensive club (depending on the lineup)with an average to below average offense. I see better than average with Dahl, Parra, Blackmon,DJ, Reynolds, Nolan, Wolters and a promotion from minor league at short, with contributions from Desmond and Tapia, seasoning from the Rookie starters will change this teams outlook moving forward...As for this year great start then they woke up, I believe that Black is a definite improvement...they will win with him as skipper, they may even hold on for a wild card, if they can shake the cob webs from their heads.
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