[INST] Yep. Had to explain exactly that to my 23 year old room mate who's been working for years. [/INST] To be fair, while it definitely should be common knowledge, a paycheck isn't going to show you that info, and most people I know use something like TurboTax, which also doesn't give you info like that, you basically just fill out a questionnaire and you're done. I'm not surprised a lot of younger people don't know how it works.
[INST] Using “Not QE” you mean. [/INST] “It’s not qe” -jpow
[INST] we need people like you running the fed [/INST] People like him ARE running the Fed.
[INST] Who is the retard that told Bill Gross about wsb. [/INST] Just wait till Jim Cramer finds this subreddit
[INST] Would you bet in a roulette that spins for 1mo? Gambling need instant gratification. [/INST] Not sure if you’re comparing my pussy credit spreads as roulette or gambling? But its not gambling when you can bail on the middle of a “bet” and roll down and out pretty much perpetually
[INST] I exited my long from 2.20 at 2.207 because I was pussy and missed out on around $2k in 1hr. AMA But we got some kind of base on 2.18. I'll be watching weather reports and that level. I mean, even LA is freezing over. [/INST] Yeah for sure, its been bought up strongly every time it's hit that level. BBands tightening, i am positive of an uptrend to begin in the next couple days.. but nothing that will save my UNG calls..
[INST] It’s still gonna star Hugh Jackman [/INST] Can I be in it too please
[INST] Nice try, IRS. [/INST] But seriously though
[INST] This- your 1099-B's will be reported to the IRS and occasionally they don't receive the basis. If you don't report your own basis- they will assume it was $0 and they'll try to charge you as if the proceeds are 100% gains. Unfortunately - tax people normally charge extra for each form so even if you broke even (or had a loss) your going to be paying extra for them to file the return. [/INST] Seriously. I was quoted about $300 to file and I hadn't made enough to even owe. So I just didn't file and left the taxes I paid from working part time (less than filing would cost) on the table.
[INST] They’ve extended all the way down here to SWFL. They’re amazing. [/INST] I'm in Tampa Bay area, and they're fucking everywhere.
[INST] I feel like we’re only one or two more Fed meetings away from him starting off the talk with “Good morning everyone. I would like to start off by saying we’re totally not doing QE.” [/INST] Agreed, I hope when he’s saying it someone releases hundreds of white doves 🕊 in the background.. while JPOW does the ole 😉😉
[INST] I sold puts at $330. That gives someone the right to sell me shares at $330. The stock closed at $330.14. So it was out of the money when the market closed. [/INST] Nah the buyer of your puts can exercise at any time. They just normally wouldn't do so because they'd lose all extrinsic value in the option they bought. Some idiot exercising early is actually good for you as a seller since you're making a 100% profit. For edge cases like this it's best to pay the MMs a few hundred dollars to close it out.
[INST] Market doesn’t go straight down, it has it’s up and downs. Your puts are going to get wrecked when there is a bear market rally. [/INST] wut
[INST] U stupid fuck again Buy puts and show us Or else stfu I’m gonna fuck u bro I’m tracking your Grindr as we speak and I will bend u over and fuck u in public and show u HOW I BECAME A RUTHLESS CEO !! [/INST] You must be bored. So a $100 run in under a month is okay but a $45 pull back is impossible? Okay then.
[INST] I think control the narrative holds that title. L2FBAH is more retarded than autistic [/INST] No I’m not asshole I’m the RUTHLESS CEO BITCH control the narrative is my intern
[INST] I'm planning on taking the rowboat ferry across the Rio Grande into the village of Boquillas in Mexico for food and trinkets. Good times. [/INST] Swam across & drank a beer on the other side when I was there 😉 enjoy!
[INST] Hey man it’s my first time, just figured I’d share the story of getting my cherry popped. [/INST] You’re talking to seasoned gynecologists here boy
[INST] Whoa, I regret visiting that sub. [/INST] Me too
[INST] Haha, and I hate every one of your Boeing posts because I don’t want to own the stock, but now I’m your biggest cheerleader. Fuck it, have an upvote. [/INST] OK JUST FOR U I WILL PUMP BOEING ON MONDAY OK Expect 331 I will Email my hedgefund to buy a big position As I’m long Boeing and I’m long America I expect gold karma after u sells those shares FOR A PROFIT On MONDAY 👊💵💵💵👊👊👊👊👊👊💵💵🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😈😈🍆🍆 Ruthless ceo time I got your news years gift 🎁 right here 🍆
[INST] $1.5 million profit times the 20 percent top rate on long term capital gain and the 3.8 percent Medicare/Obamacare tax = $355,000ish in federal income taxes. I don't mind, I am still pocketing over a million. And no state income tax in Texas, so that's another $200,000 I keep in my pocket. California would tax the gains another 12.8 percent plus a 1 percent mental health services tax, IIRC. [/INST] Good shit mate can't hate on a fellow Texan
[INST] AMZN verticals 👌 [/INST] Whatever secures the bags!
[INST] Cramer’s browser history is just Financial Times articles and switchboards of funny noises. [/INST] I highly doubt he reads any financial times articles. that or he's been playing idiots with an inverse index the whole time he's been on air
[INST] The problems you’ve noted aren’t the fed it’s the people running the fed and their policies. The tax code is Republicans. The government isn’t the issue it’s the people running it. Even Obama would’ve been a Republican 10-20 years ago. We need someone to actually change things up. Bernie is the guy. Everyone thought Trump was the guy but it’s clear he’s not. The government is only as good as the people we elect. [/INST] There he is! Can I interest you in stakes in this bridge I own in San Francisco? With purchase of my shares to the tune of 51% holdings you could enact a toll that would be immensely profitable long term. Of course I could do this myself as the sole owner, but I have fallen on hard times and need the cash short term. What say you?
[INST] Negative tax [/INST] So I get a refund?
[INST] Maybe he’s just a huge fan. [/INST] Maybe
[INST] [It would be hilarious watching someone lose 30k and this sound effect plays ]( [/INST] The [Price Is Right losing horn]( would be better
[INST] I hope you stopped trading options completely. [/INST]
[INST] This is my AMD DD: I was thinking about buying AMD calls so it'll probably go down. [/INST] 😭👍😂😂😂
[INST] Yeah, but gas mileage is worse and it's almost too much space for one guy (me). We'll see. [/INST] Get a roommate.
[INST] Have you been to a Best Buy in the past decade? They're all just rented floorspace for outside vendors now. Best Buy died a long time ago. Now they're just a landlord for wireless and computers. [/INST] Well, their stock doesn’t agree with you.
[INST] What banks are most exposed? I'd like to follow this trade. [/INST] JPM, Citigroup, BOA, and GS
[INST] No I’m your dad he is a alt I’m the orginal l2fmw [/INST] Hi Daddy
[INST] Thank you. Have you used the desktop version or just online? [/INST] I have used the online version for years. Deluxe version I think due to a bunch of 1099 side work and 100s of retarded options plays.
[INST] That should be the WSB motto 👍 [/INST] WSB motto should be “GUH”
[INST] Maybe like a shared drive or network folder. [/INST] Or guessed CEO's email password
[INST] I started with millions and am now down to thousands [/INST] Womp
[INST] dick [/INST] cunny
[INST] Honestly this is probably the biggest sign that this type of strategy won’t keep working long term much longer. This strategy only worked as well as it did because of the last 10 years of monetary policy and QE which he said was a good reason why he did it. Last year would have been a big hit with all the volatility. Without the feds hardcore intervention this year [/INST] The backtesting data shows it has worked really well over all time. Where it might get killed is rising interest rates (which is a real possibility). Obviously something like Japan = game over but you’d be fairly screwed anyway if America becomes japan
[INST] Nah I only have $90k equity in the account. And now have $660k in boeing stock. [/INST] Oooh, interesting
[INST] []( [/INST] Oof. When was your entry?
[INST] hes got stop losses locked in. he'll be fine. [/INST] Famous last words
[INST] Yeah but take a look at the open interest for 90C 1/17 [/INST] The WSB way
[INST] But seriously though [/INST] RH ships you a document at the end of the year. Give that to them.
[INST] >'Is Tesla REALLY worth 1/3 of Toyota?' The correct version is: 'Is Tesla REALLY worth 1/3 of Toyota _in the future_?' [/INST] Everything is priced in. Tesla is the proof!
[INST] The point is, none of them were prevented yet and there is a truce coming in. [/INST] “A truce coming in” Except China is notorious for agreeing to stuff and never actually implementing it.
[INST] Don't lie. You never moved out in the first place or had money. [/INST] I made enough too but kept milking it and now I have nothing lol
[INST] Don't talk of margin here. We are already losing money fast enough [/INST] GUH !
[INST] Helicopter money? What is that and how can I bet on it? [/INST] All you need to know about helicopter money
[INST] You'll get a higher mod response rate if you use the term dongus instead. They have lots of experience with dongus, eating dongus, and other dongus-related activities. [/INST] I think it has to be sticky though
[INST] Every time I have gotten assigned it happened the next day around 3-4 am [/INST] This!
[INST] Are you younger than 10? [/INST] If you were 10 in 2008 you didn't go through the recession, your parents did. Sure maybe you moved to a shittier house but unless Daddy got a drinking problem after he lost his job at Lehman Brothers, you didn't go through anything compared to your parents.
[INST] Markets are retarded too [/INST] Yeah that's kinda what i figured.
[INST] Lol didn’t start investing till 2009 huh? [/INST] Sub 10% a year on average, not per year. People who started in 2009 have much much larger returns with passive index ETFs.
[INST] It will dip if they win the nomination, it'll be a double layer dip if they win the general, and the following 4-years will be an ultra deep subterranean Marianas Trench dip [/INST] PUTs it is then
[INST] “Which is why I have cash shoved in my jerkoff sock under the bed” [/INST] Sounds like a recipe to accidentally conjure Cumicus - The Prophet of Seht.
[INST] Source? [/INST] Just the a rumor I read on Twitter. Couldn’t confirm it anywhere, but he is dumping a shit ton of shares. Haven’t really looked too far into it though.
[INST] does china come up with a single thing on their own without ripping off the west [/INST] Kung fu! Wait... shit... India.
[INST] any catalysts? [/INST] Stonks only go up? Joking aside, on average historically the last few trading days of the year are green. I think the melt up continues. Possibility of signing date for Phase I announced any day. CES coming up. Microsoft’s cloud business growth potential. Not much to not like about MSFT.
[INST] i see ur a man of futures [/INST] its the only way to go, really. other than the commissions i dont really see the downside
[INST] U mean like Comcast owning cable, internet service, universal studio, tv networks and the theme park? Or At&t owning cable, phone carrier, internet service, warner bros, CNN, HBO and other tv networks? Oh and both of them will soon have streaming platform. Fox had their tv networks, 30% ownership of Hulu and i believe they ahd some partnership for theme park which they didnt operate but collected royalties [/INST] yes them too
[INST] Snorting it is honestly 10 times better thats the only reason I won my colleges Intamural Doubles Foosball [/INST] bruh already had about 30mg up my nostril🥵🔥
[INST] Unless his name is Adolf Trustinheimer [/INST] I mean then you trust heimer, still not adolf
[INST] Alcohol drugs and prostitutes are the holy trinity! [/INST] Sex, drugs, and rock and roll?
[INST] A call from 3 months from now [/INST] Why not a leap?
[INST] Bragging about what? That I and 50+ other people in this thread can make sense of this guys returns and you can't? [/INST] this OP posted like he converted 200$ to 400K in a year. The title is completely misleading
[INST] Hey got some tax write offs out of it [/INST] almost 7 years' worth!
[INST] I was thinking Disney 😎 [/INST] GUH I want you to send that play just so you can get “brokebacked by Mickey Mouse” as a flair
[INST] Weeklies have only worked for me after watching the same few tickers for a few months and seeing what they do M-F. If I feel like the pattern / price movement makes sense I’ll buy Thursday and typically sell in the first hour Friday. If I buy early Thursday I’ll often use a day trade and sell at gain I’m looking for. Weeklies always fucked me buying more than a day ahead. Learned my lesson there. Obviously still get fucked sometimes but way less with current strategy. [/INST] 'strategy'
[INST] Lots of SPY puts/calls and different earnings plays. [/INST] It's like riding a bicycle, except the bicycle is on fire the brakes don't work you're speeding downhill and the rims are missing half the spokes and it's impossible to steer. 😵
[INST] Bruh...I'm a retard. I thought you were saying 'EZPM' like 'EZ PM me' for the ticker. I can't find the ticker. Is it EPZM? [/INST] It's EPZM, biotech
[INST] bro 😎💪 [/INST] Bro 💪👶🖕
[INST] Do hookers accept Tesla shares these days? [/INST] The diversified ones do.
[INST] Hi Patrick, this is dad [/INST] Hi dad, this is dad.
[INST] shit i hope doesnt break 450 [/INST] I’m hoping it doesn’t break 440. Gl brother
[INST] He’s got about even odds to win re-election. He’s historically unpopular and divisive, but the short-term juicing of the economy is still working. Also the Democratic options are pretty weak. [/INST] Any of the current Dems will lose the election as soon as the first debate is over. Some of their policies are so far left and they are so robotic in their talking points he is going to dismantle them. He's also beating all of them in swing States or at least was a couple weeks ago.
[INST] Which subsidies? [/INST] Poor choice of words on my part, sorry. I meant the Zero emission credits, which in the last q10 added close to 200mil and made Tesla profitable, even though their main business of car making is not profitable by any means.
[INST] Exactly. inverse him guaranteed tendies [/INST] Well now since WSB is inversing him, do we inverse WSB?
[INST] No idea but I know they aren't ever getting it from him. I wonder what his credit score is now [/INST] Potato
[INST] I made more this year. I just use robinhood for fucking around [/INST] I think I speak for the rest when I say ‘pics or didn’t happen’
[INST] Close your eyes bro [/INST] Yea bro
[INST] Marilyn manson [/INST] Ur gayer tho
[INST] When is their earnings call? [/INST] Whenever trump tweets
[INST] I suck more dick than my mom [/INST] BASED and GAYpilled
[INST] Yes, that. [/INST] Blasphemy
[INST] Where tf is that [/INST] As close to wallstreet as they will let me😪
[INST] You'd be looking like a god damned genius if you purchased these convertible bonds back in Q4 2018. Assuming that TSLA is as always volatile as it has been, the appropriate play would be to short these bonds now. (buy the convertible, use that asset as collateral and when the stock price drops, convert the bond to meet the margin call/assignment?) [/INST] No one, even the Fed itself, expected 3 rate cuts in 2019. We all assumed rate would be well above 3% at eoy 2019
[INST] Turns out his signature comes in phases too and he can only write a few letters at a time [/INST] Lmao fuck
[INST] The most gainz [/INST] Agreed
[INST] Might be too late but fuck it let’s get rekkked [/INST] How many we buying?
[INST] #Approved Please wait 3 business seconds for availability. [/INST] How long is the 3 business seconds in miles?
[INST] Lol seriously. Like why worry about it? Just throw your credit card away if it doesn’t work anymore. The bank that gave it to you will call a bunch but they’re just jealous that you outsmarted them [/INST] This one trick collections agencies never heard of!
[INST] That's probably Citadel or Wolverine, 20k is probably their income for 2 minutes of trading. [/INST] Looks like Susquehanna got a piece of that account too. Hey, but at least it's free commissions. [](
[INST] If only Tim Apple was smart enough to buy up the real entertainment companies and not boomer shit like Beats [/INST] Dre is Gen-X, but, yeah, AAPL should be buying up gaming companies, particularly any that make decent mobile games.
[INST] I’m a dipshit. Lmao [/INST] You're forgiven
[INST] How can I get a retard flair? [/INST] By being a retard. Go buy some options
[INST] You're not getting tendies on the inevitable pullbacks as well? And you call yourself a bull? [/INST] What pullback ? 😏
[INST] iTs fReE MoNeY!! Edit: Forgot the sarcasm tag. Thought the lettering made it obvious but didn't remember wsb is full of retards [/INST] Nah we're just getting back our tax money and more from big corporations who aren't paying taxes.
[INST] I think their biggest weakness is sales and they have good tech. Edge networks are not possible to be built by small players so you either have to go with Akamai, Cloudflare or Fastly as a CDN. I sell some puts on Cloudflare too but I personally think Fastly will come out on top in the long run. [/INST] Thanks appreciate the color
[INST] Very True. Especially now that democrats have went waayyy to left. I f*ckin hate that.. P.S. Also, don’t get me wrong the statistics where taken from MarketWatch. [/INST] Tail risk is real
[INST] What of time and high iv help you? [/INST] Go back to school 🙈