a compound is a kind of substance & substances are made of matter
a compound is made of matter
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape & a compound is made of matter
a compound in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume & if something has a definite volume , then its volume will not change when transferred into a different container
liquid sample will retain its volume when transferredn to a different container
particles in a liquid flows past each other & particles in a liquid are close to each other
particles in a liquid are close and can flow past each other
particles in a liquid are close and can flow past each other & the particles in the substance are close and able to flow past each other
the substance could be in liquid phase
the substance has a variable shape & matter in the liquid phase has variable shape
the substance could be in liquid phase or gas phase
the substance could be in liquid phase & the substance could be in liquid phase or gas phase
the substance can only be in liquid phase
seeing requires light & reading requires seeing
reading requires light
reading requires light & a light bulb generates visible light when it is turned on
a light bulb can help generate light for reading
an airplane is fast in speed & an airplane is used for moving people to far away places
an airplane can move people to far away places quickly
a airplane is used for moving products across bodies of water & a ship is used for moving products across bodies of water
ship or airplane can move products across bodies of water
ship or airplane can move products across bodies of water & an ocean is a kind of body of water
ship or airplane can move products across ocean
a cake is a kind of baked product & baking is when a human makes food by adding heat
a cake is a product made by human adding heat to it
transportation technology is used for moving people / products & transportation technology is a kind of system for moving people and products
transportation technology is a system that moves people and products
astronomers study celestial objects & a telescope is used for observing celestial objects by astronomers
astronomers use telescopes to observe celestial objects
astronomers use telescopes to observe celestial objects & a telescope is a kind of optical instrument for observing celestial objects
astronomers use optical instruments to observe celestial objects
a microscope is used to see small things by making them appear bigger & biologists study small things such as cells
biologists use micropscopes to see small things
biologists use micropscopes to see small things & a microscope is a kind of optical tools for observing small things
biologists use optical tools to observe small things
biologists use optical tools to observe small things & tool means instrument
biologiests use optical instruments to observe small things
astronomers use optical instruments to observe celestial objects & biologiests use optical instruments to observe small things
astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make observations
astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make observations & making scientific discoveries requires observing
astronomers and biologists both use optical instruments to make scientific discoveries
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables & irradiating food can be used to kill existing microorganisms in the food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables to kill existing microorganisms in the food & killing microorganisms in food can be used to extend the shelf life of that food
companies irradiate some fruit and vegetables to extend the shelf life of that food
making products for cheaper has a positive impact on manufacturing & a mass production manufacturing system makes products more cheaply than a custom manufacturing system
a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper
a mass production has a positve impact on manufacturing by making products for cheaper & cheap means low in cost
a mass production has a positive impact on manufacturing by making products at a low cost
something that is used for communication increases communication & a radio is used for communication & a computer is used for communication / finding information
a computer and a radio increase communication
a computer and a radio increase communication & communication is used to share information
radios and computers increase the sharing of information
radios and computers increase the sharing of information & a weather report is a kind of information
radios and computers increase the sharing of weather report
radio station broadcasting is a source of radio waves & a source of something emits that something
radio station broadcasting emits radio waves
radio station broadcasting emits radio waves & radio transmitter emits radio waves
radio station is a radio transmitter
sandpaper is used to smooth the surface objects & sandpaper is a kind of tool for smoothing objects
sandpaper is a tool for smoothing the surface objects
an engineer constructs a prototype from wood & a prototype is a kind of object
the wooden prototype is a kind of object
sandpaper is a tool for smoothing the surface objects & the wooden prototype is a kind of object
sandpaper can be used to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype
sandpaper can be used to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype & the engineer needs a tool to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype
the engineer can use sandpaper to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype
pliers are made of two levers for gripping & pliers are a kind of hand tool
pliers are a tool made of two levers for gripping
pliers are a tool made of two levers for gripping & gripping produces gripping force
pliers are a tool that can produce gripping force
pliers are a tool that can produce gripping force & a gripping force can be used to tighten a mechanical fastener
pliers can be used to tighten a mechanical fastener
computers are usually designed with weight restriction & a restriction can be used to limit something / keep something low
a weight restriction on computers can keep the weight of the computer low
a weight restriction on computers can keep the weight of the computer low & a computer is a kind of object & as the weight of an object decreases , the object will be transported more easily
if the computer is low in weight, then the computer can be transported easily
scientists make observations & lightning is a kind of weather phenomenon & weather phenomenon can be observed
scientists make observations on lightning
scientists make observations on lightning & lightning is a kind of electrical discharge
scientists make observations on electrical discharge in the form of lightning
planets orbit stars & gravity causes orbits
gravity causes planets to orbit stars
gravity causes planets to orbit stars & the sun is a kind of star & planets in the solar system orbit the sun
gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun
gravity causes the planets in solar system to orbit the sun & isaac newton discovered the theory of gravity
isaac newton discovered that gravity causes the planets in the solar system to orbit the sun
something that is used for communication increases communication & a computer is used for communication / finding information
a computer can increase communication
exercise is a kind of physical activity & some types of new technology cause physical activity to decrease
some types of new technology cause exercise to decrease
decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing & exercise has a positive impact on a human 's health
decreasing exercise has a negative impact on a human's health
some types of new technology cause exercise to decrease & decreasing exercise has a negative impact on a human's health
some types of new technology cause a negative impact on a human's health
food is a kind of substance & louis pasteur discovered that heating the substance for a short time can kill the bacteria inside
heating food for a short time can kill the bacteria inside
heating food for a short time can kill the bacteria inside & if the bacteria in food are killed , then the food will be stored longer
heating food for a short time can help store foods for longer
farming produces food & farming is a kind of process
farming is a process of producing food
farming is a process of producing food & farming technology is used on farming
farming technology is used on the process of producing food
farming technology is used on the process of producing food & if technology used for a process is improved then the product produced by that process will increase
if farming technology is improved then the food produced by farming will increase
if farming technology is improved then the food produced by farming will increase & farming technology is improved
the food produced by farming will increase
replacing something decreases that something & advances in technology sometimes cause human jobs to be replaced by more efficient machines
advances in technology decrease human jobs by replacing them with efficient machines
advances in technology decrease human jobs by replacing them with efficient machines & having a job has a positive impact on a human & decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing
advances in technology decreasing human jobs by more efficient machines has a negative impact on human
chemical splashing can cause harm to humans / to the eyes & chemical splashing sometimes occurs during experiments
chemical splashing during experiments can cause harm to the eyes
chemical splashing during experiments can cause harm to the eyes & safety goggles are used for protecting the eyes during experiments
safety goggles can be used for protecting the eyes from chemical splashing
corrosive substance can cause harm to the eyes & acids are corrosive & a base is corrosive
acids and bases can cause harm to the eyes
acids and bases can cause harm to the eyes & students have to work with acids and bases for experiments
acids and bases may cause harm to students' eyes during experiments
acids and bases may cause harm to students' eyes during experiments & safety goggles are used for protecting the eyes during experiments
safety goggles can be used to protect students' eyes from acids and bases
yearly water usage in the usa is collected and needed to be presented & yearly means every year & water usage is a kind of data
yearly water usage in the usa is a kind of data over time
yearly water usage in the usa is a kind of data over time & a line graph is used for showing change / data over time
a line graph can be used to show yearly water usage in the usa
a circle graph / pie graph can be used to display percents / ratios & the percent of various materials in solid waste needs to be presented in a type of graph
the percent of various materials in solid waste can be presented in a circle graph
a line graph is used for showing change / data over time & a line graph is a kind of graph of connected data points
a line graph is used for showing change over time through connected data points
a line graph is used for showing change over time through connected data points & the change in squirrels' population over time needs to be shown in a graph
the change in squirrels' population over time can be shown using a line graph through connected data points
a student wants to record the data of the growth of a vine over a period of a day & days are a kind of unit for measuring time
the student wants to record the data of the growth of a vine over a period of time
the student wants to record the data of the growth of a vine over a period of time & a line graph is used for showing change / data over time
a line graph an be used to show the data of the growth of the vine over a period of time
a pie chart is a kind of graph & a pie chart is used for showing percentages & the percentages of the plant types in the deer diet need to be shown in a graph
the percentages of the plant types in the deer diet can be shown in a pie chart
plant is a kind of oragnism & a lemon tree is a kind of plant
a lemon tree is a kind of organism
a lemon tree is a kind of organism & cold temperatures usually have a negative impact on organisms
cold temperatures have a negative impact on the lemon trees
cold temperatures have a negative impact on the lemon trees & a greenhouse is used to protect plants by keeping them warm & a lemon tree is a kind of plant
a greenhouse can be used to protect the lemon trees by keeping them warm
soil is a kind of material & texture is a property of surfaces / materials / objects and includes ordered values of smooth / rough
texture is a property of soil
texture is a property of soil & the properties of something can be used to identify / used to describe that something
texture can be used to identify soil
texture can be used to identify soil & touch can be used for detecting texture
touching the soil can be used to identify the soil by detecting its texture