wrapping the conducting wire in an insulator can achieve electrical insulation & plastic is usually an electrical insulator
wrapping the conducting wire in plastic can achieve electrical insulation
electrical insulation over a conducting wire is required to protect the user & wrapping the conducting wire in plastic can achieve electrical insulation
wrapping the conducting wire with plastic can protect the user
metal is an electrical conductor & copper is a kind of metal
copper is an electrical conductor
copper is an electrical conductor & wiring requires an electrical conductor
copper can be used in wiring
metal is an electrical / electrical energy conductor & copper is a kind of metal
copper is an electrical conductor
copper is a kind of metal & metal is a kind of material
copper is a kind of material
copper is an electrical conductor & copper is a kind of material
copper is the material that is an electrical conductor
metals usually have higher / greater conductivity than nonmetals & metal is an electrical conductor
conductivity can be used to identify metals
an element is a kind of material & conductivity is a property of a material
conductivity is a property of an element
conductivity is a property of an element & an electrical conductor is conductive
an electrical conductor is an element that is conductive
an electrical conductor is an element that is conductive & wiring requires an electrical conductor
wiring requires an element that is conductive
feeling is when an living thing senses through touch & soft is a kind of touch sensation
soft is a kind of feeling
soft is a kind of feeling & feathers are usually soft in sensation
a feather feels soft
the intensive property of something is the same for the things of same kind & hardness is an intensive property
hardness of a something is the same for the things of same kind
the statue is made of a kind of marble & the table is made of the same kind of marble
the statue and the table are made the same kind of marble
hardness of a something is the same for the things of same kind & the statue and the table are made the same kind of marble
the hardness of the statue and the table is the same
measuring the hardness of minerals requires scratching those materials & comparing requires measuring
to compare the hardness of minerals requires scratching those materials
a mineral is a kind of object & the luster of an object can be determined by looking at that object
the luster of a mineral can be determined by looking at it
nails are usually made of metal & metal is sometimes magnetic
metal nails are sometimes magnetic
metal nails are sometimes magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals
a metal nail will most likely be attracted to a magnet
a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism & an object is attracted to a magnet
the object is made of a magnetic material
the object is made of a magnetic material & metal is sometimes magnetic
the object is likely made of metal
iron nails are made of iron & iron is always magnetic
iron nails are magnetic
iron nails are magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals
a magnet will attract an iron nail
a refrigerator door contains iron & iron is always magnetic
a refrigerator door is magnetic
a refrigerator door is magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism
a magnet can attract to a refrigerator door
a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism & a paper clip is often made of magnetic metals
a magnet can attract a paper clip
a magnet can attract a paper clip & an unknown object can attract a paper clip
an unknown object and a magnet can both attract a paper clip
an unknown object and a magnet can both attract a paper clip & the ability to attract a paper clip is a kind of property
the unknown object has the same property as a magnet
the unknown object has the same property as a magnet & a magnet is magnetic
the unknown object is magnetic
iron is always magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals through magnetism
a magnet will attract iron
sand is always nonmagnetic & a magnet will not attract nonmagnetic materials
a magnet will not attract sand
a magnet will attract iron & a magnet will not attract sand & the mixture is made of unknown particles and sand
iron is likely the element attracted by the magnet
iron is always magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals
a magnet will attract iron
a magnet will attract iron & the mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails
a magnet will attract the iron nails in the mixture
a magnet will not attract nonmagnetic metals & aluminum is always nonmagnetic
a magnet will not attract aluminum
a magnet will not attract aluminum & the mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails
a magnet will not attract the aluminum nails in the mixture
a magnet will attract the iron nails in the mixture & a magnet will not attract the aluminum nails in the mixture
a magnet can separate the mixutre of iron nails and aluminum nails
the floor is a kind of object & a white object reflects all visible light
a white floor will reflect all visible light
sugar is soluble in water & if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution
sugar dissolves in water when they are combined
sugar dissolves in water when they are combined & a solution is made of one substance dissolved in another substance
sugar will dissolve in water and form a solution
tea tastes bitter & sugar causes food to taste sweet
sugar can cause tea to taste sweet
sugar can cause tea to taste sweet & taste can be used to distinguish food
if the tea tastes sweet, then there is sugar in the tea
wood is an thermal insulator & a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat
wood can slow the transfer of heat
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid & if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid2
if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup
if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup & the spoon is used to stir soup
the spoon is touching the soup
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid0 & the soup is cooking on the stove
heat energy is added to the soup
the spoon is touching the soup & heat energy is added to the soup
heat energy is added to soup that is touching the spoon
soup is a kind of thing & a spoon is a kind of thing
soup and a spoon are kinds of things
soup and a spoon are kinds of things & if two things are touching then heat energy will be transferred between those things
if soup and a spoon are touching then heat energy will be transferred between the soup and spoon
heat energy is added to soup that is touching the spoon & if soup and a spoon are touching then heat energy will be transferred between the soup and spoon
heat energy is transferring from the soup to the spoon
heat energy is transferring from the soup to the spoon & the spoon in the example is made of wood
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood
a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat & wood is an thermal insulator
wood can slow the transferring of the heat
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood & wood can slow the transferring of the heat
if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0: the transferring of heat energy from soup to wood is slowed down
if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0 & if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid1
the wood will increase temperature slower
sleeping bags are designed to keep people warm & insulated material can be used for keeping warm
sleeping bags usually are made of insulated materials
sleeping bags usually are made of insulated materials & down feathers are a thermal insulator
down feathers can be used to make sleeping bags
cookware is used for cooking & cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food using cookware
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food using cookware
cooking food requires cookware to be able to transfer heat
cooking food requires cookware to be able to transfer heat & a thermal energy conductor transfers heat
cooking requires the cookware to be a thermal conductor
texture is a property of objects & hardness is a property of a an object & taste is a property of an object
hardness, taste, and texture are properties of an object
density is a measure of mass of an object divided by volume & an object has a small volume and large mass
that object will likely have a high density
as the mass of an object increases , the weight of that object will increase & the rock has the greatest mass among four collected rocks
the rock has the greatest mass has the greatest weight
the rock has the greatest mass has the greatest weight & heaviest means greatest mass / weight
the rock with greatest weight feels the heaviest
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy & gold melts
gold changes from solid state to liquid state
gold changes from solid state to liquid state & as state of matter changes , mass will not change
the mass of gold will not change
a quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock
sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock and quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock
sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock and quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & class is a property of a rock and includes values of sedimentary / metamorphic / igneous
sandstone is in the class of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic rock
sandstone is in the class of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic rock & a rock changes from sandstone into quartzite
the rock changes class from sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock
the rock changes class from sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock & as the class of a rock changes , the mass of the rock will stay the same
the mass of the rock will remain the same
matter in the solid phase has definite shape & definite shape means the shape of an object stays the same when moved to different spot
solid object will have the same shape when moved to a different spot
solid object will have the same shape when moved to a different spot & an eraser is a kind of solid
an eraser will have the same shape when moved to a different spot
tearing means changing a whole into pieces & a paper bag is ripped into pieces & ripping means tearing
the paper bag has changed from a whole into pieces of paper
the paper bag has changed from a whole into pieces of paper & a piece of an object is smaller in size than the entire object / whole object
pieces of the paper bag are smaller than the whole bag
seeing small things with bare eye is difficult & hair is thin
seeing a hair with bare eyes is difficult
seeing a hair with bare eyes is difficult & texture of an object can sometimes be told by looking at the object
seeing the texture of a hair with bare eyes is difficult
seeing the texture of a hair with bare eyes is difficult & magnifying makes seeing small things easier
magnifying can help study the texture of a hair
friction causes the temperature of an object to increase & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
when friction occurs between two objects, both objects' temperatures increase
a wooden block is pushed across a sheet of sandpaper & an object being pushed across another object causes their surfaces to move against each other
the surfaces of a wooden block and sandpaper are moving against each other
the surfaces of a wooden block and sandpaper are moving against each other & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
friction occurs when the wooden block is moving against the sandpaper
when friction occurs between two objects, both objects' temperatures increase & friction occurs when the wooden block is moving against the sandpaper
friction will cause the temperature of the wooden block to increase
smooth is a kind of texture & texture is a property of objects and includes ordered values of smooth or rough
smooth can be used to describe the texture of an object
matter in the solid phase has definite volume & one sample is a solid sample of aluminum
the solid aluminum has definite volume
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume & one sample is a liquid sample of aluminum
the liquid aluminum has definite volume
the solid aluminum has definite volume & the liquid aluminum has definite volume
both samples have definite volume
the oceans are located on earth & the oceans contain liquid water
liquid water is located on earth
liquid water is located on earth & water is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 273 / 32 / 0 and 373 / 212 / 100 k / f / c
water in the liquid state is located on earth
arctic environments contain ice & arctic environments are located on earth
ice is located on earth
ice is located on earth & water is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c
water in the solid state is located on earth
earth's atmosphere contains water vapor & earth's atmosphere is located on earth
water vapor is located on earth
water vapor is located on earth & water is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam , for temperatures between 373 / 212 / 100 and 100000000000 k / f / c
water in the gas state is located on earth
water in the liquid state is located on earth & water in the solid state is located on earth & water in the gas state is located on earth
water in the liquid, solid, and gas state is located on earth
matter in gas phase takes the shape of the entire container & the item takes the shape of the entire container
the item is a kind of matter in the gas phase
the item is a kind of matter in the gas phase & air is a kind of gas
the item is most likely air
matter in the gas phase has variable volume & matter in the gas phase has variable shape
matter in gas phase has variable volume and shape
matter in gas phase has variable volume and shape & matter with variable volume and shape expands to fill the shape and size of its entire container
gas will expand to fill the shape of the container
gas will expand to fill the shape of the container & air is a kind of gas
air will expand to fill the shape of the container
a bubble is made of pockets of gas trapped inside a liquid or solid & soap bubbles are made of air trapped inside soap liquid
air is inside the soap bubbles
matter in the liquid phase has variable shape & matter in the liquid phase has definite volume
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and variable shape
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and variable shape & indefinite means variable
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape