summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth -> the <mask> hemisphere will experience summer when it is tilted towards the sun
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth -> the northern <mask> will experience summer when it is tilted towards the sun
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth -> the northern hemisphere will <mask> summer when it is tilted towards the sun
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth -> the northern hemisphere will experience <mask> when it is tilted towards the sun
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth -> the northern hemisphere will experience summer when it is <mask> towards the sun
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth -> the northern hemisphere will experience summer when it is tilted towards the <mask>
1 year is equal to 365 days & a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes one year -> a <mask> revolution of the earth around the sun takes 365 days
1 year is equal to 365 days & a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes one year -> a complete <mask> of the earth around the sun takes 365 days
1 year is equal to 365 days & a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes one year -> a complete revolution of the <mask> around the sun takes 365 days
1 year is equal to 365 days & a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes one year -> a complete revolution of the earth around the <mask> takes 365 days
1 year is equal to 365 days & a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes one year -> a complete revolution of the earth around the sun <mask> 365 days
1 year is equal to 365 days & a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes one year -> a complete revolution of the earth around the sun takes 365 <mask>
a complete revolution of the earth around the sun takes 365 days & a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day -> the <mask> will complete 365 times of rotation after a complete revolution of the earth around the sun
a complete revolution of the earth around the sun takes 365 days & a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day -> the earth will <mask> 365 times of rotation after a complete revolution of the earth around the sun
a complete revolution of the earth around the sun takes 365 days & a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day -> the earth will complete 365 <mask> of rotation after a complete revolution of the earth around the sun
a complete revolution of the earth around the sun takes 365 days & a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day -> the earth will complete 365 times of <mask> after a complete revolution of the earth around the sun
a complete revolution of the earth around the sun takes 365 days & a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day -> the earth will complete 365 times of rotation after a <mask> revolution of the earth around the sun
a complete revolution of the earth around the sun takes 365 days & a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day -> the earth will complete 365 times of rotation after a complete <mask> of the earth around the sun
a complete revolution of the earth around the sun takes 365 days & a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day -> the earth will complete 365 times of rotation after a complete revolution of the <mask> around the sun
a complete revolution of the earth around the sun takes 365 days & a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day -> the earth will complete 365 times of rotation after a complete revolution of the earth around the <mask>
the solar system contains the moon & the moon is the celestial object that is closest to the earth -> the <mask> is the celestial object that is closest to the earth in the solar system
the solar system contains the moon & the moon is the celestial object that is closest to the earth -> the moon is the celestial <mask> that is closest to the earth in the solar system
the solar system contains the moon & the moon is the celestial object that is closest to the earth -> the moon is the celestial object that is closest to the <mask> in the solar system
the solar system contains the moon & the moon is the celestial object that is closest to the earth -> the moon is the celestial object that is closest to the earth in the solar <mask>
the stars in the night sky are very far away from the earth & as distance to an object increases , that object will appear smaller -> because the <mask> are very far away from the earth, they will appear a lot smaller on earth
the stars in the night sky are very far away from the earth & as distance to an object increases , that object will appear smaller -> because the stars are very <mask> away from the earth, they will appear a lot smaller on earth
the stars in the night sky are very far away from the earth & as distance to an object increases , that object will appear smaller -> because the stars are very far away from the earth, they will <mask> a lot smaller on earth
the stars in the night sky are very far away from the earth & as distance to an object increases , that object will appear smaller -> because the stars are very far away from the earth, they will appear a <mask> smaller on earth
the stars in the night sky are very far away from the earth & as distance to an object increases , that object will appear smaller -> because the stars are very far away from the earth, they will appear a lot smaller on <mask>
a planet is a kind of celestial object / body & earth is a kind of planet -> <mask> is a kind of celestial object
a planet is a kind of celestial object / body & earth is a kind of planet -> earth is a <mask> of celestial object
a planet is a kind of celestial object / body & earth is a kind of planet -> earth is a kind of celestial <mask>
earth is a kind of celestial object & a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body & as distance from an object decreases , that object will appear larger -> as the <mask> from a star to earth decreases, the star will appear larger
earth is a kind of celestial object & a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body & as distance from an object decreases , that object will appear larger -> as the distance from a <mask> to earth decreases, the star will appear larger
earth is a kind of celestial object & a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body & as distance from an object decreases , that object will appear larger -> as the distance from a star to <mask> decreases, the star will appear larger
earth is a kind of celestial object & a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body & as distance from an object decreases , that object will appear larger -> as the distance from a star to earth decreases, the <mask> will appear larger
earth is a kind of celestial object & a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body & as distance from an object decreases , that object will appear larger -> as the distance from a star to earth decreases, the star will <mask> larger
as the distance from a star to earth decreases, the star will appear larger & the sun is the star that is closest to earth -> the <mask> will appear larger than other stars because it is the closest star to earth
as the distance from a star to earth decreases, the star will appear larger & the sun is the star that is closest to earth -> the sun will <mask> larger than other stars because it is the closest star to earth
as the distance from a star to earth decreases, the star will appear larger & the sun is the star that is closest to earth -> the sun will appear larger than other <mask> because it is the closest star to earth
as the distance from a star to earth decreases, the star will appear larger & the sun is the star that is closest to earth -> the sun will appear larger than other stars because it is the closest <mask> to earth
as the distance from a star to earth decreases, the star will appear larger & the sun is the star that is closest to earth -> the sun will appear larger than other stars because it is the closest star to <mask>
a star produces light and heat & a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something -> a <mask> is a source of light
a star produces light and heat & a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something -> a star is a <mask> of light
a star produces light and heat & a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something -> a star is a source of <mask>
a star is a source of light & as the size of a light source increases , that light will appear brighter -> as the <mask> of the star increases, the light will appear brighter
a star is a source of light & as the size of a light source increases , that light will appear brighter -> as the size of the <mask> increases, the light will appear brighter
a star is a source of light & as the size of a light source increases , that light will appear brighter -> as the size of the star increases, the <mask> will appear brighter
a star is a source of light & as the size of a light source increases , that light will appear brighter -> as the size of the star increases, the light will <mask> brighter
stars are located light years apart from each other & light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year -> the <mask> between stars are measured in light years
stars are located light years apart from each other & light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year -> the distance between <mask> are measured in light years
stars are located light years apart from each other & light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year -> the distance between stars are <mask> in light years
stars are located light years apart from each other & light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year -> the distance between stars are measured in <mask> years
stars are located light years apart from each other & light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year -> the distance between stars are measured in light <mask>
the distance between stars are measured in light years & the sun is a kind of star & proxima centauri is a kind of star -> the <mask> between the sun and proxima centauri is measured in light years
the distance between stars are measured in light years & the sun is a kind of star & proxima centauri is a kind of star -> the distance between the <mask> and proxima centauri is measured in light years
the distance between stars are measured in light years & the sun is a kind of star & proxima centauri is a kind of star -> the distance between the sun and <mask> centauri is measured in light years
the distance between stars are measured in light years & the sun is a kind of star & proxima centauri is a kind of star -> the distance between the sun and proxima centauri is <mask> in light years
the distance between stars are measured in light years & the sun is a kind of star & proxima centauri is a kind of star -> the distance between the sun and proxima centauri is measured in <mask> years
the distance between stars are measured in light years & the sun is a kind of star & proxima centauri is a kind of star -> the distance between the sun and proxima centauri is measured in light <mask>
stars are located light years apart from each other & light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 -> <mask> year is used to measure the distance between stars
stars are located light years apart from each other & light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 -> light <mask> is used to measure the distance between stars
stars are located light years apart from each other & light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 -> light year is <mask> to measure the distance between stars
stars are located light years apart from each other & light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 -> light year is used to <mask> the distance between stars
stars are located light years apart from each other & light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 -> light year is used to measure the <mask> between stars
stars are located light years apart from each other & light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 -> light year is used to measure the distance between <mask>
light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year & an object is 10 light years from earth -> the <mask> between the object and the earth is equal to the distance light can travel in 10 years
light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year & an object is 10 light years from earth -> the distance between the <mask> and the earth is equal to the distance light can travel in 10 years
light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year & an object is 10 light years from earth -> the distance between the object and the <mask> is equal to the distance light can travel in 10 years
light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year & an object is 10 light years from earth -> the distance between the object and the earth is <mask> to the distance light can travel in 10 years
light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year & an object is 10 light years from earth -> the distance between the object and the earth is equal to the <mask> light can travel in 10 years
light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year & an object is 10 light years from earth -> the distance between the object and the earth is equal to the distance <mask> can travel in 10 years
light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year & an object is 10 light years from earth -> the distance between the object and the earth is equal to the distance light can <mask> in 10 years
light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year & an object is 10 light years from earth -> the distance between the object and the earth is equal to the distance light can travel in <mask> years
light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year & an object is 10 light years from earth -> the distance between the object and the earth is equal to the distance light can travel in 10 <mask>
light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 & stars are located light years apart from each other -> <mask> year is used to measure the distance between stars
light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 & stars are located light years apart from each other -> light <mask> is used to measure the distance between stars
light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 & stars are located light years apart from each other -> light year is <mask> to measure the distance between stars
light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 & stars are located light years apart from each other -> light year is used to <mask> the distance between stars
light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 & stars are located light years apart from each other -> light year is used to measure the <mask> between stars
light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000 & stars are located light years apart from each other -> light year is used to measure the distance between <mask>
the new moon is when the moon is in between the sun and the earth & the new moon is when the dark half of the moon faces the earth -> the new <mask> is when the moon could block the earth from the sun
the new moon is when the moon is in between the sun and the earth & the new moon is when the dark half of the moon faces the earth -> the new moon is when the <mask> could block the earth from the sun
the new moon is when the moon is in between the sun and the earth & the new moon is when the dark half of the moon faces the earth -> the new moon is when the moon could <mask> the earth from the sun
the new moon is when the moon is in between the sun and the earth & the new moon is when the dark half of the moon faces the earth -> the new moon is when the moon could block the <mask> from the sun
the new moon is when the moon is in between the sun and the earth & the new moon is when the dark half of the moon faces the earth -> the new moon is when the moon could block the earth from the <mask>
the new moon is when the moon could block the earth from the sun & a solar eclipse is when the moon blocks the earth from the sun -> a solar <mask> could only happen during the new moon
the new moon is when the moon could block the earth from the sun & a solar eclipse is when the moon blocks the earth from the sun -> a solar eclipse could only <mask> during the new moon
the new moon is when the moon could block the earth from the sun & a solar eclipse is when the moon blocks the earth from the sun -> a solar eclipse could only happen during the new <mask>
if the earth is in between the sun and the moon, then the earth can block the light on the moon & the full moon is when the earth is in between the sun and the moon -> the <mask> moon is when the earth can block the light on the moon
if the earth is in between the sun and the moon, then the earth can block the light on the moon & the full moon is when the earth is in between the sun and the moon -> the full <mask> is when the earth can block the light on the moon
if the earth is in between the sun and the moon, then the earth can block the light on the moon & the full moon is when the earth is in between the sun and the moon -> the full moon is when the <mask> can block the light on the moon
if the earth is in between the sun and the moon, then the earth can block the light on the moon & the full moon is when the earth is in between the sun and the moon -> the full moon is when the earth can <mask> the light on the moon
if the earth is in between the sun and the moon, then the earth can block the light on the moon & the full moon is when the earth is in between the sun and the moon -> the full moon is when the earth can block the <mask> on the moon
if the earth is in between the sun and the moon, then the earth can block the light on the moon & the full moon is when the earth is in between the sun and the moon -> the full moon is when the earth can block the light on the <mask>
the full moon is when the earth can block the light on the moon & an object blocking light causes a shadow -> the <mask> moon is when the earth can cause a shadown on the moon
the full moon is when the earth can block the light on the moon & an object blocking light causes a shadow -> the full <mask> is when the earth can cause a shadown on the moon
the full moon is when the earth can block the light on the moon & an object blocking light causes a shadow -> the full moon is when the <mask> can cause a shadown on the moon
the full moon is when the earth can block the light on the moon & an object blocking light causes a shadow -> the full moon is when the earth can <mask> a shadown on the moon
the full moon is when the earth can block the light on the moon & an object blocking light causes a shadow -> the full moon is when the earth can cause a shadown on the <mask>