earth revolving the sun is an example of a planet revolving around its star & a complete revolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year -> a complete <mask> of earth around the sun takes an earth year
earth revolving the sun is an example of a planet revolving around its star & a complete revolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year -> a complete revolution of <mask> around the sun takes an earth year
earth revolving the sun is an example of a planet revolving around its star & a complete revolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year -> a complete revolution of earth around the <mask> takes an earth year
earth revolving the sun is an example of a planet revolving around its star & a complete revolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year -> a complete revolution of earth around the sun <mask> an earth year
earth revolving the sun is an example of a planet revolving around its star & a complete revolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year -> a complete revolution of earth around the sun takes an <mask> year
earth revolving the sun is an example of a planet revolving around its star & a complete revolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year -> a complete revolution of earth around the sun takes an earth <mask>
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth -> <mask> hemisphere tilts towards the sun in summer
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth -> northern <mask> tilts towards the sun in summer
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth -> northern hemisphere <mask> towards the sun in summer
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth -> northern hemisphere tilts towards the <mask> in summer
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth -> northern hemisphere tilts towards the sun in <mask>
northern hemisphere tilts towards the sun in summer & when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun , that hemisphere receives more direct sunlight -> <mask> hemisphere will receive more direct sunlight in summer
northern hemisphere tilts towards the sun in summer & when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun , that hemisphere receives more direct sunlight -> northern <mask> will receive more direct sunlight in summer
northern hemisphere tilts towards the sun in summer & when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun , that hemisphere receives more direct sunlight -> northern hemisphere will <mask> more direct sunlight in summer
northern hemisphere tilts towards the sun in summer & when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun , that hemisphere receives more direct sunlight -> northern hemisphere will receive more <mask> sunlight in summer
northern hemisphere tilts towards the sun in summer & when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun , that hemisphere receives more direct sunlight -> northern hemisphere will receive more direct <mask> in summer
northern hemisphere tilts towards the sun in summer & when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun , that hemisphere receives more direct sunlight -> northern hemisphere will receive more direct sunlight in <mask>
the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> <mask> hemisphere tilts away the sun in winter
the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> northern <mask> tilts away the sun in winter
the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> northern hemisphere <mask> away the sun in winter
the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> northern hemisphere tilts away the <mask> in winter
the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> northern hemisphere tilts away the sun in <mask>
northern hemisphere tilts away the sun in winter & when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight -> <mask> hemisphere will receive less direct sunlight in winter
northern hemisphere tilts away the sun in winter & when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight -> northern <mask> will receive less direct sunlight in winter
northern hemisphere tilts away the sun in winter & when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight -> northern hemisphere will <mask> less direct sunlight in winter
northern hemisphere tilts away the sun in winter & when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight -> northern hemisphere will receive <mask> direct sunlight in winter
northern hemisphere tilts away the sun in winter & when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight -> northern hemisphere will receive less <mask> sunlight in winter
northern hemisphere tilts away the sun in winter & when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight -> northern hemisphere will receive less direct <mask> in winter
northern hemisphere tilts away the sun in winter & when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight -> northern hemisphere will receive less direct sunlight in <mask>
northern hemisphere will receive more direct sunlight in summer & northern hemisphere will receive less direct sunlight in winter -> <mask> hemisphere receives more direct sunlight in summer than in winter
northern hemisphere will receive more direct sunlight in summer & northern hemisphere will receive less direct sunlight in winter -> northern <mask> receives more direct sunlight in summer than in winter
northern hemisphere will receive more direct sunlight in summer & northern hemisphere will receive less direct sunlight in winter -> northern hemisphere <mask> more direct sunlight in summer than in winter
northern hemisphere will receive more direct sunlight in summer & northern hemisphere will receive less direct sunlight in winter -> northern hemisphere receives more <mask> sunlight in summer than in winter
northern hemisphere will receive more direct sunlight in summer & northern hemisphere will receive less direct sunlight in winter -> northern hemisphere receives more direct <mask> in summer than in winter
northern hemisphere will receive more direct sunlight in summer & northern hemisphere will receive less direct sunlight in winter -> northern hemisphere receives more direct sunlight in <mask> than in winter
northern hemisphere will receive more direct sunlight in summer & northern hemisphere will receive less direct sunlight in winter -> northern hemisphere receives more direct sunlight in summer than in <mask>
northern hemisphere receives more direct sunlight in summer than in winter & receiving direct sunlight causes objects to become warm -> <mask> hemisphere will be warmer in summer than in winter
northern hemisphere receives more direct sunlight in summer than in winter & receiving direct sunlight causes objects to become warm -> northern <mask> will be warmer in summer than in winter
northern hemisphere receives more direct sunlight in summer than in winter & receiving direct sunlight causes objects to become warm -> northern hemisphere will be <mask> in summer than in winter
northern hemisphere receives more direct sunlight in summer than in winter & receiving direct sunlight causes objects to become warm -> northern hemisphere will be warmer in <mask> than in winter
northern hemisphere receives more direct sunlight in summer than in winter & receiving direct sunlight causes objects to become warm -> northern hemisphere will be warmer in summer than in <mask>
1 month is equal to 27-31 days & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> a <mask> revolution of the moon around the earth takes around 27 to 31 days
1 month is equal to 27-31 days & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> a complete <mask> of the moon around the earth takes around 27 to 31 days
1 month is equal to 27-31 days & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> a complete revolution of the <mask> around the earth takes around 27 to 31 days
1 month is equal to 27-31 days & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> a complete revolution of the moon around the <mask> takes around 27 to 31 days
1 month is equal to 27-31 days & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> a complete revolution of the moon around the earth <mask> around 27 to 31 days
1 month is equal to 27-31 days & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> a complete revolution of the moon around the earth takes around <mask> to 31 days
1 month is equal to 27-31 days & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> a complete revolution of the moon around the earth takes around 27 to 31 <mask>
earth rotating on its tilted axis occurs once per day & earth is a kind of planet -> the <mask> is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis once per day
earth rotating on its tilted axis occurs once per day & earth is a kind of planet -> the earth is a <mask> that rotates on its tilted axis once per day
earth rotating on its tilted axis occurs once per day & earth is a kind of planet -> the earth is a planet that <mask> on its tilted axis once per day
earth rotating on its tilted axis occurs once per day & earth is a kind of planet -> the earth is a planet that rotates on its <mask> axis once per day
earth rotating on its tilted axis occurs once per day & earth is a kind of planet -> the earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted <mask> once per day
earth rotating on its tilted axis occurs once per day & earth is a kind of planet -> the earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis once per <mask>
the earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis once per day & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> the <mask> rotating on its tilted axis causes the cycles of day and night on earth
the earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis once per day & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> the earth <mask> on its tilted axis causes the cycles of day and night on earth
the earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis once per day & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> the earth rotating on its <mask> axis causes the cycles of day and night on earth
the earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis once per day & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> the earth rotating on its tilted <mask> causes the cycles of day and night on earth
the earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis once per day & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> the earth rotating on its tilted axis <mask> the cycles of day and night on earth
the earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis once per day & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> the earth rotating on its tilted axis causes the <mask> of day and night on earth
the earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis once per day & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> the earth rotating on its tilted axis causes the cycles of <mask> and night on earth
the earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis once per day & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> the earth rotating on its tilted axis causes the cycles of day and <mask> on earth
the earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis once per day & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> the earth rotating on its tilted axis causes the cycles of day and night on <mask>
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & rotation is the circular movement of an object around a center / axis -> a <mask> rotation of the moon around its axis takes one month
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & rotation is the circular movement of an object around a center / axis -> a complete <mask> of the moon around its axis takes one month
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & rotation is the circular movement of an object around a center / axis -> a complete rotation of the <mask> around its axis takes one month
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & rotation is the circular movement of an object around a center / axis -> a complete rotation of the moon around its <mask> takes one month
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & rotation is the circular movement of an object around a center / axis -> a complete rotation of the moon around its axis <mask> one month
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & rotation is the circular movement of an object around a center / axis -> a complete rotation of the moon around its axis takes <mask> month
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & rotation is the circular movement of an object around a center / axis -> a complete rotation of the moon around its axis takes one <mask>
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun -> the <mask> hemisphere is in summer
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun -> the northern <mask> is in summer
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun -> the northern hemisphere is in <mask>
the northern hemisphere is in summer & the winter in the southern hemisphere is during the summer in the northern hemisphere -> the southern <mask> is in winter
the northern hemisphere is in summer & the winter in the southern hemisphere is during the summer in the northern hemisphere -> the southern hemisphere is in <mask>
the southern hemisphere is in winter & australia is located in the southern hemisphere -> <mask> is in winter
the southern hemisphere is in winter & australia is located in the southern hemisphere -> australia is in <mask>
1 year is equal to 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes 1 / one year / solar year / earth year -> a <mask> revolution of earth around the sun takes 12 months
1 year is equal to 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes 1 / one year / solar year / earth year -> a complete <mask> of earth around the sun takes 12 months
1 year is equal to 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes 1 / one year / solar year / earth year -> a complete revolution of <mask> around the sun takes 12 months
1 year is equal to 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes 1 / one year / solar year / earth year -> a complete revolution of earth around the <mask> takes 12 months
1 year is equal to 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes 1 / one year / solar year / earth year -> a complete revolution of earth around the sun <mask> 12 months
1 year is equal to 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes 1 / one year / solar year / earth year -> a complete revolution of earth around the sun takes <mask> months
1 year is equal to 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes 1 / one year / solar year / earth year -> a complete revolution of earth around the sun takes 12 <mask>
a complete revolution of earth around the sun takes 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> the <mask> will have 12 complete revolutions around the earth after a complete revolution of earth around the sun
a complete revolution of earth around the sun takes 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> the moon will have <mask> complete revolutions around the earth after a complete revolution of earth around the sun
a complete revolution of earth around the sun takes 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> the moon will have 12 <mask> revolutions around the earth after a complete revolution of earth around the sun
a complete revolution of earth around the sun takes 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> the moon will have 12 complete <mask> around the earth after a complete revolution of earth around the sun
a complete revolution of earth around the sun takes 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> the moon will have 12 complete revolutions around the <mask> after a complete revolution of earth around the sun
a complete revolution of earth around the sun takes 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> the moon will have 12 complete revolutions around the earth after a <mask> revolution of earth around the sun
a complete revolution of earth around the sun takes 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> the moon will have 12 complete revolutions around the earth after a complete <mask> of earth around the sun
a complete revolution of earth around the sun takes 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> the moon will have 12 complete revolutions around the earth after a complete revolution of <mask> around the sun
a complete revolution of earth around the sun takes 12 months & a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month -> the moon will have 12 complete revolutions around the earth after a complete revolution of earth around the <mask>
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & the moon rotates on its axis -> a <mask> rotation of the moon on its axis takes one month
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & the moon rotates on its axis -> a complete <mask> of the moon on its axis takes one month
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & the moon rotates on its axis -> a complete rotation of the <mask> on its axis takes one month
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & the moon rotates on its axis -> a complete rotation of the moon on its <mask> takes one month
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & the moon rotates on its axis -> a complete rotation of the moon on its axis <mask> one month
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & the moon rotates on its axis -> a complete rotation of the moon on its axis takes <mask> month
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month & the moon rotates on its axis -> a complete rotation of the moon on its axis takes one <mask>