He was beginning to wonder if he had made a mistake . Sure , he hated Jimmy Cooper and wanted no part of anything that even remotely brought glory to him , but this was Ryan 's first big Newport event , and he could n't stand the thought of leaving the kid to face the sharks of Newport alone . The worried expression on the kid 's face was enough to tell him how uncomfortable Ryan was .
What might have he done even though he did n't want to stay at the Newport event ?
None of the above choices .
He might have stayed for the sake of Ryan even though it was his second Newport event .
He might have stayed for the sake of Jimmy since it was his first Newport event .
He might have stayed for the sake of Ryan since it was his first Newport event .
Paul then begged for mercy , " Please do n't kill me ! ! I have millions of children to feed ! ! " It was at that point I made the mistake of letting my guard down a little , like when your favorite villain takes the time to explain to his captured hero his plans for world domination .
What 's a possible reason Paul begged for mercy ?
He did n't want to die .
Paul has plans for world domination .
The writer let their guard down .
Paul is the writer 's favorite villain .
This is only like 1/3 of the campus in this image . Anyway , I get my coffee and bagel in there every morning and it is peaceful . But today MY GOD two old professors came in and THEY WERE SO LOUD . Like HEY MARTY LETS TALK ABOUT POLITICS and everyone got up and left to somewhere more quiet . In the quiet place some other old guy with a HUGE book comes in , sits down across from me .
What may have caused people to get up and leave at the coffee place ?
They ran out of coffee .
None of the above choices .
It was too quiet in there .
Some people were having a noisy debate .
After a moment 's pause - a moment that stretched for an eternity - I 'd approach the bar and throw myself under it , supporting my bodyweight 's worth of iron and steel on my powerful shoulders . Squat downward , blast upward . Repeat .
What is the writer doing ?
Barbell squats .
Stretching moments for eternity .
Supporting bodyweight .
Ironing their shoulders .
I ' m worn out though and ready for a weekend away to recover from our weekend away ! LOLYesterday I came home to an exciting announcement . I made it on to round 2 of the FPD Teacher 's Pet apprentice program !
What did you do last weekend ?
Stayed home with my pet .
None of the above choices .
Partied in las Vegas with friends .
Studied with friends for the apprentice program .
I ' m worn out though and ready for a weekend away to recover from our weekend away ! LOLYesterday I came home to an exciting announcement . I made it on to round 2 of the FPD Teacher 's Pet apprentice program !
How did you feel after seeing the announcement ?
Eager to leave the apprentice program .
Eager to start the apprentice program .
None of the above choices .
Upset I will need to to be away for the weekend .
I ' m worn out though and ready for a weekend away to recover from our weekend away ! LOLYesterday I came home to an exciting announcement . I made it on to round 2 of the FPD Teacher 's Pet apprentice program !
How did you feel after seeing the announcement ?
Eager to leave the apprentice program .
Proud of my hard work .
None of the above choices .
Upset I will need to to be away for the weekend .
It was great having so many visitors to wait with , and talk about the trail . Before heading to High Point , Billy and I took a detour to go see Hidden Shelter . It was an amazingly gorgeous site , just off of the trail , that Jim Murray built 15 years ago . He had a free hut for hikers , with a shower , bathroom , sink , loft and water .
Why did Jim Murray build a free hut for hikers ?
He wants the hikers in the area to be cleaner .
He wanted to do something nice for other people .
It 's a hidden shelter .
The site it 's built on is gorgeous .
The storm came and left , leaving trees uprooted and torn throughout the city . I awoke from a dream that I knew would be . The tree was not in the place where it once was . It was uprooted and tilted as if it were leaning on the door 's frame .
Why were trees uprooted and torn throughout the city ?
Because I awoke from a dream .
None of the above choices .
Because the storm left .
Because the wind from the storm was very powerful .
You three girls are the most desired in high school . Ivy loves it , Violet could n't care less , and you hate it . You were known as the rainbow family because of your hair colours . You brown , Violet blond , Ivory red , and your mother black .
Why are you three girls the most desired in high school ?
None of the above choices .
Because you hate it .
Because you three are physically attractive .
Because Ivy loves it .
Luckily after a 30 minute morning nap Owen was refreshed , for the most part . He was still a little tired and can be a little bratty when he 's tired . So there was a lot of " No Owen do n't do [ that ] " .
How old is Owen in this story ?
Owen is a teenager that wo n't leave his room .
Owen is an older gentlemen that sleeps a lot .
Owen is a 3 year old dog .
Owen is but a young child no older than 3 .
H 's class had an open morning yesterday ; parents were invited in for a cup of coffee and a chance to meet the teacher and look at the children 's work . No dads there , mostly mothers with babies or mothers like me calling in before work . It was so sweet - her new teacher is lovely , even though some of them had heard she might be a witch ( the fate of any dark - haired female teacher over 40 ) . They ' ve been learning about life as an evacuee in World War 2 .
Who were invited to look at the children 's work ?
the teacher
The parents
the witch
the dads
Then I came home and we celebrated the end of Kelly 's summer school with a bottle of champagne . YUM ! And earlier we had a bottle of blueberry wine from Kerrigan Brothers . It was better with Sprite in it , but it was good .
Why did they celebrate with a bottle of champagne ?
Because the wine was better with Sprite in it .
Because they enjoy champagne .
None of the above choices .
Because they had blueberry wine earlier .
It sucks because I ' m not sure what choices she has . She 's taking a test to see if she is in 6 more days . She 's really nervous and scared shitless . She 's been this huge bitch to everyone lately , and no on knows why .
Why is the woman nervous and scared shitless ?
Because she might have some kind of condition .
None of the above choices .
Because no one knows why she 's been behaving a certain way .
Because the writer does n't know what choices the woman has .
As soon as he see 's me I ' m the only person he wants . The problem is , he 's sleeping in the same room as us , so when he wakes up in the middle of the night he sees us and immediately wants us to pick him up . I think when we get back to the U.S. I ' m going to start working on weaning him . He wants to nurse a lot during the day , too .
What 's a possible reason he wants to be picked up ?
Because it 's in the middle of the night .
Because he wants love and attention .
Because he sleeps in the same room as them .
Because they 're going to start working on weaning him .
Good weekend . Saturday did a little shopping , took a walk , watched some tv and lounged about . Played a game at night with the hubs . Got a call from the on call manager about going into work .
What may have caused your weekend to be good ?
None of the above choices .
I got to relax .
I did some extra work because I was on call .
I got to relax with my manager .
On my way out and back to my dorm , I had to question : When will it end ? Even if I managed to get something published , we do n't live in the age when the achievements of an individual can ring for decades , centuries , millenia after they happen . George Bush will be forgotten .
What may be your reason for thinking it will never end ?
My work was noticed , but I 'm worried that it was n't the achievement I wanted .
I was still stuck in the dorm waiting for it to end .
I 'm worried that my work will never be noticed .
George Bush has n't been forgotten .
So Pappy , mad and growling at the goat , was oblivious to the fact that the goat he was challenging had big horns ... Suddenly , the goat , realizing that he was bigger than Pappy , started to chase after him ! Pappy ran straight into our open garage , past our kitchen and into our living room ! Our helper who was cleaning up got the scare of her life as she saw what was coming at her and started yelling and running while Hary , me and the herder chased after Pappy and the goat ... hahaha ! " It was crazy ! I can still imagine that scene in my head ... Anyway , I forgot how exactly but the herder and our helper ( after recovering from her shock ) somehow managed to shoo them out .
What did I do after the animals were shooed out of the house ?
I started yelling and running .
I made sure to close the garage door .
None of the above choices .
I let the goat into the open garage .
Sorry I ' ve been a bit MIA ( 30th birthdays and trips have been occupying my time lately ! ) . BUT , I have big news for all of my Georgia clients ! ! It 's officially time to start booking the 2008 Sessions ! !
What may be your reason for taking time away from your clients ?
I was having a celebration for my 30th birthday party .
I was getting sick of my clients .
There were many celebrations I had to attend .
None of the above choices .
None of the pieces are broken or non functional . I can not promise that each little piece that came with each playset is present , but we are pretty toy organized , and I think they are all there . We live right off the 163 at washington street . Easy to find .
What will happen if one wants to see the toy set ?
They will look up similar toy sets online to identify what they look like
They will go to the store to find the same toy set
They will find out where the set was bought and go to that store
They will go to the address just off of 163 washington to look at the toy set
Both descriptions noted that it was a cozy pub with a 4-barrel operation that had been there since the early 90 's . We both recommended the Chernobyl Stout , and dutifully pointed out that it is only served in half - pints . Finally , I regretted my pretentious use of the British phrase " opening hours " , since it made it seem like I took every bit of my information from the Guide .
Why did they both recommend the Chernobyl Stout ?
Because they have a 4-barrel operation .
Because the pub had been there since the early 90 's .
Because it was a cozy pub .
None of the above choices .
We 're all going to get split up when the actual classes start . I 'll just meet people then . Despite the complete and total awkwardness that was myself , the activity yesterday was pretty entertaining . We learned how to defend ourselves in the streets of Philly . A good portion of the instruction was focused on teaching us how to properly kick guys in the groin .
What may be your reason for waiting to meet people ?
I knew that I would be separated from the others soon .
I did n't want to meet people during classes .
None of the above choices .
I was too busy with the activity yesterday .
The " normal " range is between 4 and 6 , so it 's still a little high but it 's a lot better controlled now . Everything else was good , they said , except white blood cell count and triglycerides were a little high , but the doctor was n't worried about those . And , according to my scale , I ' ve lost 20 pounds since doc put me on the diet pills . And I ' m finally seeing it .
Why was n't the doctor worried about those ?
Because it 's a lot better controlled now .
Because I 've lost 20 pounds .
None of the above choices .
Because he does n't believe there is n't anything concerning there .
That makes me think it was never really pregnancy related in the first place . Of course , THAT makes me nervous about the pregnancy with this bug but ya , lunatic , like our bodies ca n't deal with a virus while pregnant . The human race would be having issues then because you 'd never be able to have more than one child . Once you HAVE kids , you do n't have much hope of going 9 ( 10 ) months without ever getting sick .
Do you agree that our bodies can not deal with sickness while pregnant ?
Pregnancy makes it difficult for women to heal properly because they 're caring for another life so women tend to stay sick during this period
No , I disagree because woman are always able to birth children regardless of their health
None of the above choices .
Pregnancy is tiring and taxing on the immune system and many women are sick while they are pregnant
I ' m thinking ( and hoping ) that when he wakes up from his drunken nap he will forget what he was talking about . No ... he did n't . When he woke up he started up on it again .
What will happen when he starts up on the thing he was talking about again after he wakes up from his drunken nap ?
I will be interested in the same conversation we just had .
None of the above choices .
I will be attentive to the drunken conversation again .
I will get bored of the same conversation we just had .
I ' m thinking ( and hoping ) that when he wakes up from his drunken nap he will forget what he was talking about . No ... he did n't . When he woke up he started up on it again .
What will happen when he starts up on the thing he was talking about again after he wakes up from his drunken nap ?
I will get exasperated by the drunken conversation again .
I will be interested in the same conversation we just had .
I will be attentive to the drunken conversation again .
I will be interested in the sober conversation we just had .
Came back from Taipei a couple days ago . It was a great trip , a fun one too . My wife has been loading up stuff , mostly her skincare stocks while I have been loading up beers . Wide variety at cheap prices !
Why did I go to Taipei ?
Because I thought it would be an enjoyable trip .
Because I have been loading up beers .
None of the above choices .
Because my wife has been loading up stuff .
The bridge is wood , 2X4 's spaced just far enough apart that the ride in the stroller was pretty bumpy , which is why he quieted . So , we went to Tim Horton 's in Mack 's building for breakfast , which was good . Then Owen and I walked home . He was quiet the whole way , but woke up as I arrived home .
Why did the bumpy ride cause him to quieten ?
he could n't complain anymore because he could n't speak over the bumpiness
He fell asleep because the bumpiness acted as a rocker for him and rocked him to sleep
the bumpiness made him feel nauseous so he was quiet as a result
he was so upset about the bumpiness that he tried to be quiet and ignore it
Anyway , I still do n't get why a person would do this . What type of sick pleasure do you get out of exploiting young women ? Does it make you feel powerful ? Does it turn you on ?
What might you have done that I 'm questioning you about exploiting young women ?
You might have gotten caught treating a prostitute .
You might not have gotten caught with a prostitute .
You might have gotten caught picking up a prostitute .
You might have gotten caught helping a prostitute .
I asked the Lord to tell me Why my house is such a mess . He asked if I 'd been ' computering ' , And I had to answer ' yes . ' He told me to get off my fanny And tidy up the house . And so I started cleaning up ... The smudges off my mouse .
Why did the writer tidy up the house ?
Because they had been computering .
Because it was time to get off their fanny .
Because the Lord told them to .
None of the above choices .
It was pretty interesting actually gave real life economic examples about the pilgrims landing in America and stuff . After that it was dishes and toast and dessert squares till nearly eleven . Star and I got a lemonade and Pepsi to drink with our lunch of macaroni salad and settled down in the deserted bar to eat and do school . Star likes to say that " We hang out in a bar after work . " .
Why did they have dessert squares ?
Because they enjoy the taste of them .
Because Star and the writer got a lemonade .
Because they gave real life economic examples about the pilgrims landing in America .
Because they had toast .
All my stress was for nothing because I decided how stressful it would be . I did things i wanted to do . shop , work out , see my immediate family . that was all i wanted to do and i did it .
What might have happened had you not decided to do what you wanted to do ?
I would have been stressed out and anxious throughout the period and that would have made it difficult to get anything done well
None of the above choices .
I would have been more productive and ultimately ahead of schedule
I would have managed to see more family and they 'd be happier with me
More likely , she is still in mourning in some way or another , and believe you me , no matter how well you put on that public face , it still affects you deep down . It took me a good couple of years to come to terms with things and it 's still challenging in year five . The second thing is to see who is actually taking care of Trig , because that 's going to be one of the most important full - time and then some jobs that her family will have .
Why is the lady still in mourning after so long ?
She had not seen her family in quite some time .
Her husband lost his fight with cancer .
She did n't know where her son was located .
None of the above choices .
More likely , she is still in mourning in some way or another , and believe you me , no matter how well you put on that public face , it still affects you deep down . It took me a good couple of years to come to terms with things and it 's still challenging in year five . The second thing is to see who is actually taking care of Trig , because that 's going to be one of the most important full - time and then some jobs that her family will have .
Why is the lady still in mourning after so long ?
None of the above choices .
She did n't know where her son was located .
She lost her husband in a terrible boating accident .
She had not seen her family in quite some time .
John Smith was elected president of Jamestown on September 10 , 1608 . A brash and boldly self - confident figure , Smith brought years of soldiering experience to the Virginia venture . While fighting the Turks in Transylvania , he was wounded , captured , and sold , he claimed , into slavery in Turkey . Smith reported that he eventually escaped with the assistance of a Turkish woman who had fallen in love with him .
What is John 's expertise ?
None of the above choices .
Prose and literature
John Smith was elected president of Jamestown on September 10 , 1608 . A brash and boldly self - confident figure , Smith brought years of soldiering experience to the Virginia venture . While fighting the Turks in Transylvania , he was wounded , captured , and sold , he claimed , into slavery in Turkey . Smith reported that he eventually escaped with the assistance of a Turkish woman who had fallen in love with him .
WHat happened before John 's story ?
He ran away from war
None of the above choices .
He got married
He signed up to fight
Today was my two year anniversary with Jonathan . We both requested the day off so we could spend time together . We woke up early and laid in bed for awhile just chatting before we got up . We said our goodbyes to the Canadians and part of Jonathan 's family who are all going to LA till Sunday .
What may have been your reason for taking the day off with John ?
We wanted to celebrate our marriage .
We were going to LA on Sunday .
None of the above choices .
We wanted to celebrate a new marriage in John 's family .
by a dog that was tied up under a fucking truck . he learned his lesson , but abigail has bite wounds on her face that i now have to go pay the vet to fix .
What must have happened to the dog tied under the truck ?
Abigail must have attacked the dog under the truck , and I must have taught him a lesson .
I must have attacked Abigail , and I must have taught him a lesson .
The dog under the truck must have attacked Abigail , and I must have taught him a lesson .
The dog under the truck must have attacked me , and Abigail must have taught him a lesson .
I made a few drinks , and Justin jumped and clapped with glee , as if he 'd just discovered the first prodigy barista . Mostly , I just have an excellent long - term memory recollection . Little has changed in eight years . Crossfit : Beginning my workout with 100 pull - ups , I positioned myself out on the back patio , beneath our pull - up bar .
Why did the writer begin their workout with 100 pull - ups ?
None of the above choices .
Because they believe that 's an effective workout routine .
Because the writer has excellent long - term memory .
Because the writer made a few drinks .
Out of the Loop . I spend the weekend at the Old Family Homestead in LA , watching the Angels beat the Rangers and seeing the Bernini sculptures at the Getty . I did n't visit the internet once , only glanced at the local fishwrap , and watched no news on TV . So I missed an entire news cycle or two on Sarah Palin .
What may have been your reason for not checking the internet or news ?
I had other work things to do at the old family homestead .
None of the above choices .
I had better and funner things to do .
I was tired of seeing news about Sarah Palin .
It has n't rained during the day here for like a month . The one Saturday I bring my staff in for the morning ... Yeah . Poopy . I stayed true to my word and went " bar shopping " last night . I stopped at one place I worked at about nine years ago in between LateNight and Little Bo 's . It was eleven o'clock and the place was as busy as I had expected .
What happened on the one Saturday I bring my staff in for the morning ?
It was pleasant .
It was closed .
I went bar shopping .
The weather was bad .
It has n't rained during the day here for like a month . The one Saturday I bring my staff in for the morning ... Yeah . Poopy . I stayed true to my word and went " bar shopping " last night . I stopped at one place I worked at about nine years ago in between LateNight and Little Bo 's . It was eleven o'clock and the place was as busy as I had expected .
Why may the narrator have chosen to go " bar shopping " .
The narrator was looking to be sober .
The narrator was looking to be by themselves .
The narrator was looking to be anti - social .
The narrator was looking to be social .
It has n't rained during the day here for like a month . The one Saturday I bring my staff in for the morning ... Yeah . Poopy . I stayed true to my word and went " bar shopping " last night . I stopped at one place I worked at about nine years ago in between LateNight and Little Bo 's . It was eleven o'clock and the place was as busy as I had expected .
What is the reason one goes " bar shopping " ?
You are going to buy a bar so you look at many of them .
You do the bunny hop in some bars .
You are looking to sell a bar so you shop at them .
You want to find a good bar to patronize so you go to several .
We sat around the fire , cooked camp food , told stories , and sang songs . The boys spent time in the tent reading , playing and listening to music . We all had fun , and it felt like the first time we all sat still to enjoy a summer evening . Those are the things I like most myself . I am not much of a running around with 50 places to be kind of person .
What may we be doing this evening ?
None of the above choices .
But perhaps most importantly , I have interesting friends that reflect the various facets of my personality and background . I think I ' ve just realized something ... It all comes down to confidence . If you 're not confident in yourself or what you want to do ( like my friend ) then you surround yourself with like - minded people - no confidence , career direction , etc . I do n't always have confidence .
What may be a true fact about me ?
I have uninteresting friends .
I am sociable .
I am always confident .
None of the above choices .
But perhaps most importantly , I have interesting friends that reflect the various facets of my personality and background . I think I ' ve just realized something ... It all comes down to confidence . If you 're not confident in yourself or what you want to do ( like my friend ) then you surround yourself with like - minded people - no confidence , career direction , etc . I do n't always have confidence .
What may happen after I become confident ?
I lose all my friends .
None of the above choices .
I lose career direction
I gain friends who feel the same .
Alot of drunks to I think I got spilled on three times , but I still had fun . Ren is doing good , he is learning a bunch of new stuff , we work with him alot . We usual go running or a walk all together everyday . It is nice to get out , but it has been so crazy out .
How might I feel about going out where there 's drinking ?
None of the above choices .
I might just wear some cheap clothes in case I get spilled on again .
I will trip the next person that spills drinks on me , stupid drunks .
It 's too crazy to go out at night anymore , I think I 'll stick with days .
Hi , Last night I woke up many times but began to have the same dream once I slept . In my dreams I began to see the Christian apologetic web pages ( mostly from ) which I have used for my Extended Essay for my IB course at school ( I am writing about how the Bible can be trustworthy historical document and contain the truth ) . I am began to see web pages after web pages , and at same time I think I began to have a debate with an unknown being ( probably I was arguing myself),and also seem to editing my essay along with reading the web pages .
What may be the reason I 'm taking that class ?
I like to cook .
None of the above choices .
I like to read .
I 'm interested in religion .
I am going to die of hunger . My mother used the rice that I made last night that I was planning on eating for lunch . Nope , it 's gone .
Why is the narrator feeling so famished ?
None of the above choices .
The rice they planned to eat has been consumed .
Their mother wo n't feed them .
Their mother wo n't cook for them .
I am going to die of hunger . My mother used the rice that I made last night that I was planning on eating for lunch . Nope , it 's gone .
Why is the narrator feeling so famished ?
Their meal prep has already been eaten .
None of the above choices .
Their mother wo n't feed them .
Their mother wo n't cook for them .
Adi goes to Princeton which is right next to my place , and I went to Douglass which is walking distance , practically , from HER house . My father 's other friends -- Sitaram uncle and Kalyani auntie were also there along with their children . Their daughter , Ramya , looks a lot like her mother ( as in , they 're both very pretty ) .
Why is the narrator happy to be around Princeton ?
None of the above choices .
She went to Princeton .
Many of her friends go there .
She went there .
Adi goes to Princeton which is right next to my place , and I went to Douglass which is walking distance , practically , from HER house . My father 's other friends -- Sitaram uncle and Kalyani auntie were also there along with their children . Their daughter , Ramya , looks a lot like her mother ( as in , they 're both very pretty ) .
Why is the narrator happy to be around Princeton ?
She went there .
She has many friends there .
None of the above choices .
She went to Princeton .
Hey , This is my first blog , so I thought I would start by introducing myself , yes boring I know , but I ' m going to introduce myself then talk about my life right now maybe . On another blog I will probably talk about something more interesting than this . So first off , My name is Patricia Porter , but I like to be referred to as Trish .
Why did you on the blog after giving your name ?
After giving my name , I went over my daily activities in my blog .
After giving my name , I decided that this was boring and closed the blog .
After giving my name , I described my height , appearance , and other details .
After giving my name , I talked on the blog about fun stuff in my life .
So i ' m gon na have my Supra running by Christmas . Heres where I start sourcing parts that I need . I figure that since the tranny and stuff is coming out , I can put some stuff in during re - assembly so I do nt have to in the future . Heres the question , is this stainless steel braided clutch line worth it ?
What is the narrator trying to get working by Christmas ?
A new piece of software .
A new line of clutches .
A car .
A transmission company .
So i ' m gon na have my Supra running by Christmas . Heres where I start sourcing parts that I need . I figure that since the tranny and stuff is coming out , I can put some stuff in during re - assembly so I do nt have to in the future . Heres the question , is this stainless steel braided clutch line worth it ?
What is the narrator trying to get working by Christmas ?
Their vehicle .
A new piece of software .
A new line of clutches .
A transmission company .
Last week started out bad from Monday on . Randy just got back to work , so no pay check yet , he gets paid every 2 weeks , but we had enough to fill the propane tank and get the septic tank pumped . The propane went fine , but when we had the septic tank pumped out we discovered that the septic pump inside the tank , that pumps water out of the tank into a drainage area was burned out . Without a working pump sewage water would just keep over flowing out of the tank into our yard , not a pleasant thing .
How is the septic tank pump being broken going to affect Randy 's paycheck ?
Randy will be able to purchase a new septic tank pump in addition to having it pumped out .
Randy will have to quit working at his job to be able to fix the septic tank pump this week .
Randy did not get a paycheck this week , so there is no money to buy propane or anything else .
Randy will not be able to afford to purchase a new septic tank pump with his current paycheck .
Last week started out bad from Monday on . Randy just got back to work , so no pay check yet , he gets paid every 2 weeks , but we had enough to fill the propane tank and get the septic tank pumped . The propane went fine , but when we had the septic tank pumped out we discovered that the septic pump inside the tank , that pumps water out of the tank into a drainage area was burned out . Without a working pump sewage water would just keep over flowing out of the tank into our yard , not a pleasant thing .
How is the septic tank pump being broken going to affect Randy 's paycheck ?
Randy did not get a paycheck this week , so there is no money to buy propane or anything else .
Randy will have to wait anoter two weeks before he can afford to buy a new spectic tank pump .
Randy will have to quit working at his job to be able to fix the septic tank pump this week .
Randy will be able to purchase a new septic tank pump in addition to having it pumped out .
Last week started out bad from Monday on . Randy just got back to work , so no pay check yet , he gets paid every 2 weeks , but we had enough to fill the propane tank and get the septic tank pumped . The propane went fine , but when we had the septic tank pumped out we discovered that the septic pump inside the tank , that pumps water out of the tank into a drainage area was burned out . Without a working pump sewage water would just keep over flowing out of the tank into our yard , not a pleasant thing .
What will happen if Randy can not aford to fix the septic tank pump ?
Randy will have to use the propane to act as a pump in the septic tank .
None of the above choices .
The sewage water will coninue to flow out of the tank and into the yard .
The septic tank will fix itself and no additional money will be spent .
Last week started out bad from Monday on . Randy just got back to work , so no pay check yet , he gets paid every 2 weeks , but we had enough to fill the propane tank and get the septic tank pumped . The propane went fine , but when we had the septic tank pumped out we discovered that the septic pump inside the tank , that pumps water out of the tank into a drainage area was burned out . Without a working pump sewage water would just keep over flowing out of the tank into our yard , not a pleasant thing .
What will happen if Randy can not aford to fix the septic tank pump ?
Randy will have to use the propane to act as a pump in the septic tank .
None of the above choices .
The septic tank pump will remain broken and it will cause a helth risk to the family .
The septic tank will fix itself and no additional money will be spent .
What a sureal conversation ... ! We were in the garden with my little sister of 3 years old , my mother and my dad . I was telling how much I craved for japanese . And my little sister , who came twice with me to the new japanese retaurant near my house was like : " Oh yeah !
What may be the reason why I found the conversation surreal ?
My sister talked for the first time .
My sister was so young to know what restaurant we went to .
It was interrupted by a Japanese chef .
We made plans to go to Japan for the first time .
What a sureal conversation ... ! We were in the garden with my little sister of 3 years old , my mother and my dad . I was telling how much I craved for japanese . And my little sister , who came twice with me to the new japanese retaurant near my house was like : " Oh yeah !
What may have happened before the conversation ?
We cooked Japanese food for my sister .
We cooked Japanese food for my mom and dad .
We ate Japanese food at the garden .
We went to the Japanese restaurant two times with my sister .
It was not as good as the week befores class , because he was so opinionated and biased , I tended to dismiss in my head a lot of his key points . However , I did appreciate that he did talk mostly about the UK , and did not make generalizations about America like the woman last week did . Tuesday was simply FULL of classes , with another Shakespeare play in the evening down at the Globe . This weeks production was Timon of Athens ... a play that was never performed during Shakespeares life , and it is even debatable if he wrote the whole thing .
What might be a plausible fact about me ?
None of the above choices .
I am involved in my classes .
I have graduated .
I am opinionated and biased .
It was not as good as the week befores class , because he was so opinionated and biased , I tended to dismiss in my head a lot of his key points . However , I did appreciate that he did talk mostly about the UK , and did not make generalizations about America like the woman last week did . Tuesday was simply FULL of classes , with another Shakespeare play in the evening down at the Globe . This weeks production was Timon of Athens ... a play that was never performed during Shakespeares life , and it is even debatable if he wrote the whole thing .
What might have happen before Tuesday ?
The actors practiced their production .
He was level - headed in his key points .
The production was performed .
He made generalizations about America .
As Tristan and I made our way from the airport to our beach - front hotel , we asked the cab driver where would be the best place to eat an early breakfast . His answer was Denny 's . I leaned toward Tristan and whispered , " I could ' ve gone home for the holidays if I wanted to eat breakfast at a diner . " He chuckled and slowly started to drift toward sleep . So I decided that it 'd be best if we skipped breakfast at 3AM , and went straight to the hotel to catch some shut eye .
Why would the driver recommend Denny 's ?
None of the above choices .
The narrator asked for a late hours diner .
The narrator asked for a diner .
The narrator asked for a hotel restaurant .
Using that fact , I trusted my right hand out in front of me with my fingertips facing forward , and began muttering ' excuse me 's and ' sorry 's as I struggled to pull free from the swarm of shoppers . Out of the corner of my eyes , I saw my team members doing the same , slipping in between people as they pulled away from our soaked clothes . Near the Famous Amos store , the traffic lightened a little as the massive crowd split into two and continued on their separate ways . We hastily arranged to meet at the McDonald 's outlet near the Orchard Mass Rapid Transit station should we lose sight of each other .
When did traffic finally seem to quiet down ?
None of the above choices .
When they got near the McDonald 's .
When they got near the center of the mall .
When they got near the cookie store .
It 's called Medicare , and although not perfect , it works very well . It already takes care of our sickest and most expensive patients , folks over age 65 . Medicare is very popular .
What may be the reason Medicare is popular ?
None of the above choices .
It helps old people .
It helps babies .
It helps teenagers .
While everything was great , it was the last that was the delight . Although we 'd been eating some version of vegetable fried rice for either lunch or dinner every day , it was the first time we were served vegetables that had n't been diced to microscopic proportions mixed in the rice . It was n't overcooked , either , but just right , with the amount of rice to vegetables roughly equal .
Why was the dish different than usual ?
The vegetables were diced to microscopic proportions , the rice was overcooked , and the ratio between rice and vegetables was unbalanced .
None of the above choices .
The vegetables had a coarser dice , the rice and vegetable ratio was equal , and rice was n't overcooked .
The vegetables had a finer dice , the rice and vegetable ratio was acceptable , and rice was n't overcooked .
Those of you who know me well know I ' m a sucker for a grocery deal . It totally makes my day to go grocery shopping and it makes it even better if I find a good sale . I ' m probably the only person on the planet that actually likes to grocery shop .
Why might they like grocery shopping ?
None of the above choices .
They are good at using coupons .
They like to hoard groceries .
They like to find sales on food .
Those of you who know me well know I ' m a sucker for a grocery deal . It totally makes my day to go grocery shopping and it makes it even better if I find a good sale . I ' m probably the only person on the planet that actually likes to grocery shop .
What may be a fact about this person ?
They go grocery shopping frequently .
They spent a lot of money at grocery stores .
They hoard food at their home .
None of the above choices .
I still ca nt seem to get a good shot of my baby , Hero . I hope I get a good one soon ! I just want to capture is unbelievable pom cutness . Jason did nt know what he wanted to do for the forth since his family was going to be out of a town .
Who is Hero ?
None of the above choices .
Someone in Jason 's family .
The speaker 's pet .
The speaker 's friend .
i m residing in Belgaum(karnataka ) and using 256kbps unlimited plan . I use muTorrent 1.7.7 and many times when i keep something to download and stop browsing , the connection gets disconnected automatically within 2 hours and muTorrent shows zero seeds and peers and it gets corrected when i switch off the modem(220BX ADSL2 ) and switch it on again.what is the problem ? Earlier i had similar problem with sify and for that i had installed a small application which my friend had given me and he had got it in some forum which prevented the automatic disconnecton . Is any similar application available for airtel ?
What may happen if my internet gets turned off ?
Wo n't be able to play games .
Wo n't be able to surf the web .
Wo n't be able to i m .
Will be unable to keep downloading .
failed BFIN coursework , but i still went for main paper just now . super heavy rain in the morning , and my bag happily dragged my mom 's umbrella with me when i got off her car . how stupid.met eddie on the bus , did n't see P until she poked my head when we alighted .
Why has the morning not started out well for the narrator ?
There is heavy rain outside .
She misplaced her bag .
Her friend Eddie rejected her .
None of the above choices .
failed BFIN coursework , but i still went for main paper just now . super heavy rain in the morning , and my bag happily dragged my mom 's umbrella with me when i got off her car . how stupid.met eddie on the bus , did n't see P until she poked my head when we alighted .
Why has the morning not started out well for the narrator ?
It is raining heavily .
She misplaced her bag .
Her friend Eddie rejected her .
None of the above choices .
I was told by a patron of the bar that the firemen already got most of the blaze out . I ' m looking at the building . There 's still too much smoke .
What would need to happen first for this to be plausible ?
None of the above choices .
The establishment would need to catch aflame .
The narrator would need to look at the building .
The firemen would need to get the blaze out .
I saw some $ 2 notes on the table .. I thought why my mom so blur , leave so much money on the table ... Actually is because when washing clothes , she dint cech the pocket for any money . When hangin out the laundry , she found the money in the pocket . The money was wet so she arrange on the table to let it dry .
Why did the mother leave out so much money in the open ?
It was there to be taken by her husband .
It was there to be given to charity .
None of the above choices .
It was there to dry .
I saw some $ 2 notes on the table .. I thought why my mom so blur , leave so much money on the table ... Actually is because when washing clothes , she dint cech the pocket for any money . When hangin out the laundry , she found the money in the pocket . The money was wet so she arrange on the table to let it dry .
Why did the mother leave out so much money in the open ?
It was there to be given to charity .
None of the above choices .
It was there to be taken by her husband .
It was there to get dry after being wet .
Will they be quick to criticize when promised jobs do not materialize , the national debt does not decline , and jobs continue to go overseas ? Will they , whose candidate is elected President think all of their problems will vanish , and never to reappear ? Nothing is further from the truth . History shows that power remains in the hands of a chosen few , no matter who is President .
What is the narrator so focused on and ranting about ?
They are ranting about power supply .
None of the above choices .
They are ranting about politics .
They are ranting about the President of Canada .
Will they be quick to criticize when promised jobs do not materialize , the national debt does not decline , and jobs continue to go overseas ? Will they , whose candidate is elected President think all of their problems will vanish , and never to reappear ? Nothing is further from the truth . History shows that power remains in the hands of a chosen few , no matter who is President .
What is the narrator so focused on and ranting about ?
They are ranting about power supply .
They are ranting about the President of Canada .
They are ranting about government .
None of the above choices .
He said " ok , that 's ok " and let me off . He must have known , given that I ran to the shuttle and then got off at the next stop , that I was offended by his choice of radio station . Maybe , considering that it 's a shuttle and it 's a captive audience , he 'll choose something more appropriate next time . I 'd rather listen to experimental atonal death metal than that ' I love you jesus ' crap . So I ' m walking .
Why was the narrator wanting to distance themselves from the man ?
They did not like the man 's embrace of death culture .
None of the above choices .
They did not like the man 's jokes while on the shuttle .
They did not like the man 's music .
He said " ok , that 's ok " and let me off . He must have known , given that I ran to the shuttle and then got off at the next stop , that I was offended by his choice of radio station . Maybe , considering that it 's a shuttle and it 's a captive audience , he 'll choose something more appropriate next time . I 'd rather listen to experimental atonal death metal than that ' I love you jesus ' crap . So I ' m walking .
Why was the narrator wanting to distance themselves from the man ?
They did not like the man 's open air playlist .
None of the above choices .
They did not like the man 's jokes while on the shuttle .
They did not like the man 's embrace of death culture .
I stepped back because they scared me and I was in the midst of telling them to leave her alone when I turned to see one of the creatures standing on the gramophone and starting it up . Answered my " what did they listen to ? " question ... it was playing Gekka No Yasoukyoku ! ( or however you spell it ! )
Why is the narrator startled by this sudden guest ?
The guest is a monster .
The guest is a criminal .
The guest is a robber .
The guest is a lion .
I stepped back because they scared me and I was in the midst of telling them to leave her alone when I turned to see one of the creatures standing on the gramophone and starting it up . Answered my " what did they listen to ? " question ... it was playing Gekka No Yasoukyoku ! ( or however you spell it ! )
What were the creatures doing ?
They were hurting the girl .
None of the above choices .
They were harassing the girl .
They were holding the girl hostage .
I stepped back because they scared me and I was in the midst of telling them to leave her alone when I turned to see one of the creatures standing on the gramophone and starting it up . Answered my " what did they listen to ? " question ... it was playing Gekka No Yasoukyoku ! ( or however you spell it ! )
What can be concluded about the size of these creatures ?
These creatures must be very big since they can start the gramophone .
These creatures must be very big since they can stand on the gramophone .
These creatures must not be very big since they can stand on the gramophone .
These creatures must not be very big since they do n't stand on the gramophone .
I stepped back because they scared me and I was in the midst of telling them to leave her alone when I turned to see one of the creatures standing on the gramophone and starting it up . Answered my " what did they listen to ? " question ... it was playing Gekka No Yasoukyoku ! ( or however you spell it ! )
What were the creatures doing ?
None of the above choices .
They were hurting the girl .
They were starting to play music .
They were holding the girl hostage .
* I turned my head and I saw an old gramophone / phonograph / whatever people use to play records on in the old days ( dude , I just pulled gramophone out of my butt ... I did n't even know that was a word ! ! ! and the correct one at that ! ) and I wondered what use to be played on it .
What are records ?
Music on 8 track cassettes .
Wax discs with grooves that phonograph used to play .
None of the above choices .
Taped music
* I turned my head and I saw an old gramophone / phonograph / whatever people use to play records on in the old days ( dude , I just pulled gramophone out of my butt ... I did n't even know that was a word ! ! ! and the correct one at that ! ) and I wondered what use to be played on it .
Why is the narrator so surprised about the music players ?
None of the above choices .
He is shocked that he actually knew their name .
He is shocked how modern they are .
He is shocked how new they are .
* I turned my head and I saw an old gramophone / phonograph / whatever people use to play records on in the old days ( dude , I just pulled gramophone out of my butt ... I did n't even know that was a word ! ! ! and the correct one at that ! ) and I wondered what use to be played on it .
Why is the narrator so surprised about the music players ?
He is shocked he knew their obscure name .
He is shocked how new they are .
None of the above choices .
He is shocked how modern they are .
I stepped back because they scared me and I was in the midst of telling them to leave her alone when I turned to see one of the creatures standing on the gramophone and starting it up . Answered my " what did they listen to ? " question ... it was playing Gekka No Yasoukyoku ! ( or however you spell it ! )
Why is the narrator startled by this sudden guest ?
The guest is a robber .
The guest is a dangerous creature .
The guest is a lion .
The guest is a criminal .
* I turned my head and I saw an old gramophone / phonograph / whatever people use to play records on in the old days ( dude , I just pulled gramophone out of my butt ... I did n't even know that was a word ! ! ! and the correct one at that ! ) and I wondered what use to be played on it .
What are records ?
World 's best at something .
None of the above choices .
Music on 8 track cassettes .
Taped music
He said yes . We took him to the hospital - where he blew a .4 - and that was the most lucid I had seen him in 2 years . After rehab , he had nowhere to go , so we have a roommate . Then in the fall , Avalon was diagnosed with cancer .
What may be the reason why they took him in ?
None of the above choices .
They need help with child care .
Out of guilt .
Out of the goodness of their hearts .
He said yes . We took him to the hospital - where he blew a .4 - and that was the most lucid I had seen him in 2 years . After rehab , he had nowhere to go , so we have a roommate . Then in the fall , Avalon was diagnosed with cancer .
What may be the reason why they took him in ?
They need help with child care .
None of the above choices .
They need the help with rent .
Out of guilt .
Joe is being transferred - he 's going to be the pastor of St. Christopher 's in Grant City . I was fine with the news when my mom told me ( I ' ve been expecting / dreading it for a year or two ) , but when Fr . Joe made the announcement at the end of the mass I was at I almost cried . I ' m going to miss him .
How do I feel about Joe going away ?
None of the above choices .
I will be miserable without him around .
I will be better off without him .
I will happier without him around .
Crack eggs into bowl , making sure there are no shells and set aside . In large bowl , sift together flour , sugar , salt , baking soda , and cinnamon . Stir in eggs , vegetable oil , milk , apple pie filling and apple sauce . Batter should be thick but moist .
What may be a fact about this situation ?
Someone is serving apple pie to others .
Someone is making an apple pie with other people .
Someone is providing a recipe to others .
None of the above choices .
Crack eggs into bowl , making sure there are no shells and set aside . In large bowl , sift together flour , sugar , salt , baking soda , and cinnamon . Stir in eggs , vegetable oil , milk , apple pie filling and apple sauce . Batter should be thick but moist .
What may be a fact about this situation ?
Someone is teaching how to make an apple pie from scratch .
None of the above choices .
Someone is serving apple pie to others .
Someone is making an apple pie with other people .
Crack eggs into bowl , making sure there are no shells and set aside . In large bowl , sift together flour , sugar , salt , baking soda , and cinnamon . Stir in eggs , vegetable oil , milk , apple pie filling and apple sauce . Batter should be thick but moist .
What may be the reason for them providing this recipe ?
They wanted to make money off of the recipe .
They wanted to share how to make the pie with others .
None of the above choices .
It is their job to provide recipes to others .
Crack eggs into bowl , making sure there are no shells and set aside . In large bowl , sift together flour , sugar , salt , baking soda , and cinnamon . Stir in eggs , vegetable oil , milk , apple pie filling and apple sauce . Batter should be thick but moist .
What may be the reason for them providing this recipe ?
They were requested to share the pie 's recipe .
None of the above choices .
It is their job to provide recipes to others .
They wanted to make money off of the recipe .
We counter - offered to split the closing costs and Jan called Pat , Pat called the buyers ... that was it . We sold the house . The school - teacher said she was about to cry for joy when she heard that we accepted the offer . I thought that was incredibly touching . I ' m about to cry , too .
What may happen after they countered offer ?
We will move out of the house .
We will pick up all of the closing costs .
None of the above choices .
We will call the buyers .
We counter - offered to split the closing costs and Jan called Pat , Pat called the buyers ... that was it . We sold the house . The school - teacher said she was about to cry for joy when she heard that we accepted the offer . I thought that was incredibly touching . I ' m about to cry , too .
What may happen after they countered offer ?
We will call the buyers .
We will pick up all of the closing costs .
None of the above choices .
We will sign papers and pack up .
We counter - offered to split the closing costs and Jan called Pat , Pat called the buyers ... that was it . We sold the house . The school - teacher said she was about to cry for joy when she heard that we accepted the offer . I thought that was incredibly touching . I ' m about to cry , too .
What may happen before they close the deal ?
They told the school - teacher about accepting the offer .
The teacher would hear about the accepted offer .
None of the above choices .
They looked over the costs involved .
I picked up the new Alice Cooper album , " Along Came a Spider " . It 's the first album of his I ' ve ever bought . Before that my exposure to Alice was an old Marvel comic and an episode of the Muppet Show . So I think I ' m coming in pretty fresh to the Alice experience . The album is about a serial killer who is making a spider using one leg from each of his victims .
Why did they get the Alice Cooper album ?
They have always been a fan of Alice Cooper .
They were curious about Alice Cooper 's music .
They had been excited for the album 's release .
None of the above choices .