I ' m working through something I ca n't name as yet . The something is me and my terror of abandonment and insecurity and old rage and mother - loss and exile and dread of the unknown . During the day I am generally fine .
What happens when the night comes along ?
I feel motivated because I have a chance to hang out with my friends finally
I feel great because I do n't have to be around people
I tend to feel depressed , anxious and sad and can not cope with my feelings
I feel excited because I can relax after the day of work
Personally , I would . As much as I like my video games , sometimes it 's just a pain to pause , go find a computer , order delivery , and go back to the big screen . It 'd be so much easier to skip some of the steps by doing it straight from console . And personally , it sounds to me like it would be a great mixture of reality and gaming which is what Sony wanted anyways when it came to " entertainment " centers versus gaming consoles .
Do you usually cook your own meals ?
I cook meals ahead so I do n't have to take breaks while gaming
I cook meals if I do n't feel like ordering in
I usually order in food because it is easy to get food delivered
I like to cook whenever I can
He had never really thought about all he had accomplished in his life time . He started his patrol car and descended down Turkey Hill to make a last patrol through his town . He had been given the day off , but this was the last time he would be able to make his rounds around Northampton .
What may have caused him to patrol Turkey Hill on his day off ?
He wanted to reminisce about the work he did there .
He did n't accomplish much in his lifetime and he wanted to make up for that in Turkey Hill .
He does n't take days off .
He wanted to continue the work he did there .
We almost broke up twice in that last two days . I have been lonely but I never told him . He 's been lonely too . I keep on remembering the time where he told me that he felt that Marisha had almost been possesed by something the way that she changed and became darkly self serving . That he thought in the back of his mind that the ' spirit of what was her jumped into you ' ( me ) .
Why did the couple almost break up ?
The couple could n't make each other happy because the man was delusional .
None of the above choices .
The man was jealous of his girlfriend .
The man dound out his girlfriend cheated on him .
We almost broke up twice in that last two days . I have been lonely but I never told him . He 's been lonely too . I keep on remembering the time where he told me that he felt that Marisha had almost been possesed by something the way that she changed and became darkly self serving . That he thought in the back of his mind that the ' spirit of what was her jumped into you ' ( me ) .
Why did the couple almost break up ?
The man was jealous of his girlfriend .
The man thought that his girlfriend was possessed by a witch and could n't trust her .
None of the above choices .
The man dound out his girlfriend cheated on him .
You have work to do , you have soccer stuff to settle , you CANNOT sleep ! Alcohol makes me very sleepy , cigarettes just makes me even more emotional and stoney which is awesome if I had all the time in the world to feel this way . Yesterday I cried for the loss of our my friendship .
What is probably true about the narrator ?
They are not bothered by losing a friend
They have just ended a friendship
None of the above choices .
They have just gotten a new friend
You have work to do , you have soccer stuff to settle , you CANNOT sleep ! Alcohol makes me very sleepy , cigarettes just makes me even more emotional and stoney which is awesome if I had all the time in the world to feel this way . Yesterday I cried for the loss of our my friendship .
What is probably true about the narrator ?
They have just gotten a new friend
They have many things to do
None of the above choices .
They are not bothered by losing a friend
The music was n't really my type , but I have to say , I like the fact that the lead singer played a grand piano , and seemed to have a TON of energy during the set . Finally , Paramore took the stage , amidst screams of a couple thousand teenage girls . The sound was really quite good for an outdoor venue , and Haley , the lead singer of Paramore , had really good vocals for a live show . Paramore 's set was quite long , including all the hits from both their records , including a couple slower songs which I did n't expect to be played .
Why might I have not expected Paramore to play their slow songs ?
Because they were playing in a somber indoor venue where bands typically play somber songs .
Because they were playing in a festival environment where bands typically play a mix of songs .
Because they were playing in a festival environment where bands typically play festive songs .
None of the above choices .
Tongue in cheek , y ' all . When it is necessary to fight a battle , even if you know in advance you wo n't win , it 's never too late to get started . On Saturday while Mark and Amy were grocery shopping , I dug out and cut up all the acorn squash vines and all but one zucchini vine and one pumpkin vine , to be dumped in the compost . Hopefully it will be hot enough to kill any squash bugs that got dumped with them .
Why did you cut up the acorn squash vine and the zucchini vines and one pumpkin vine ?
I needed somewhere to put the scraps
To add them to my compost heap to decompose
I wanted to get rid of the scraps from the vegetables
I do n't eat those vegetables so I wanted to throw them away
I feel so empowered ! As I usually do when I solve problems by taking matters into my own hands . I 'll tell you all about it . One day last week we received a letter from the IRS .
What might be different if the narrator did n't take matters into their own hands ?
They would n't feel empowered
They would feel empowered
None of the above choices .
They would tell you about it
So I learned quite a bit on what to look for in a show bird during the small amount of time I spoke with him . Being that this was my first pigeon show , i did n't think they would place that well . Its funny that the birds I paid more for placed last . Yet The two I picked up for real cheap at the sale barn won .
What will you do next time you decide to enter a bird contest ?
None of the above choices .
I will avoid buying new birds because I am happy with the ones that won for me
I will consider the sale barn as a good resource for finding talented and exceptional birds
I will shove out more money to get more expensive birds
We ended up getting him a Dragonball Z Wii game and a necklace . Even though he is n't a big fan of Dragonball , he still liked the gift because it was a Wii game haha I would have liked it too :] I did have my eye Dance Dance Revolution : Super Nova 2 , though ... I 'll end up getting it , due to my recent obsession with that game .
Why did you not get dance dance revolution ?
I wanted first practice more on the old dance dance revolution before getting the new one
I think that the dance dance revolution game is inappropriate for boys and more appropriate for girls
The dragonball game was on sale and dance dance revolution was not
I do n't think he would be as interested in a dancing game as in a fighting game and went with Dragonball instead
Hay House asked me to do a video for them to promote the release of my book in late January ' 09 , it was something that was spontaneous and sort of last minute . I went along to the recording studio as requested and had a very fun time ! The man who does the filming and the edit was very pleasant indeed , it proved to be a fun experience even though I was n't used to keeping still !
What might have Hay house done with the video ?
Hay House may have released it online as an advertisement for the movie .
Hay House may have released it online as an advertisement for the book .
Hay House may have released it online as an trailer for the movie .
None of the above choices .
I have been struggling to get my feet back on solid ground after being lost in a distant dream for the past few days . Yet , I have no intention of letting go of the life I have struggled to build over these short months . However , the pain I feel is so intense . I feel like something vital has been ripped from the very depths of my soul .
What 's a possible reason the writer feels like something vital has been ripped from the very depths of their soul ?
Because they suffered some major setback or tragedy .
None of the above choices .
Because they want to get their feet back on solid ground .
Because they 've been lost in a distant stream .
Now I know why cherry juice is so hard to find . I opened the bottle I got from Trader Joe 's , took a swig , and just about spit it back out . It was extremely sour .
Why did the writer almost spit the juice out ?
Because cherry juice is hard to find .
None of the above choices .
Because the writer took a swig .
Because they did n't like the flavor of it .
The late dawn sky was a surreal mix of pale blue with white fluffly clouds , that changes into a wash of grey and orange . And where the sky reached it 's darkest point loomed the BNFL nuclear power station . We stood there for a second and silently cursed the abomination that was Sellafield . We walked eastwards towards Dent Fell , which really is like a gateway to another planet .
What changes into a wash of grey and orange ?
The BNFL nuclear power station
None of the above choices .
Dent Fell
He turns around to see , and when he turns back he is on the gravel , over corrects himself and is down on the ground . I ' m pretty sure he was like OMG WTF not my other wrist ! ! ! Yes , the man broke both of his wrists in 9 months ... It 's sort of a joke in our house to not get hurt between 9 and 5 in our town because we have a volunteer rescue squad and those EMT 's have real jobs they go to .
What happened after he realized he had hurt his wrist ?
None of the above choices .
he thought it was n't broken , just hurt , so he took some painkillers
he called the emergency services but they could not come out to help him until later
he had broken his wrist before and knew what he had to do so he bandaged it up himself
He was the first driver to take this decision . " The pit crew reacted quickly , and from then on he was the fastest man on the track and made up many places . He finally finished third .
What may have caused him to finish make up many places in the race ?
He decided that he would finish third no matter what .
The pit crew decided to do something that would improve his speed .
He decided to do something that would improve his speed .
None of the above choices .
Screamed " Julio " at a bunch of people , got to dance out to Chris Brown and then Mrs. Jackson came on . Me and Lauren were moving my crap and on the second trip when we were at my old house in the middle of nowhere , I lock my keys in the house . So we had to abandon my car with one window rolled down and half of all my posessions in my crackhead neighborhood and get Kyle to come get us . But we got to hang with him at his house and junk so it was n't a total loss . Anyways , had fun , moved into my new house , and almost lost all my crap . Oh and I got paid today .
Why did the writer lock their keys in the house ?
Because they danced to Chris Brown .
Because they screamed " Julio " at a bunch of people .
Because they forgot them accidentally .
Because the writer and Lauren were moving the writer 's crap .
First the bad news : Even though the movie 's called Booty Call , you wo n't be seeing Vivica A. Fox 's booty in the hook - up comedy . Now the good news : Viv 's shivs do make a pointed appearance . In the free pic of Vivica A.
Why does he want to see her booty ?
He does n't like Vivica .
He is attracted to Vivica .
He wanted to see a fox .
He is attracted to men .
First the bad news : Even though the movie 's called Booty Call , you wo n't be seeing Vivica A. Fox 's booty in the hook - up comedy . Now the good news : Viv 's shivs do make a pointed appearance . In the free pic of Vivica A.
Why does he want to see her booty ?
He thinks Vivica is hot .
He does n't like Vivica .
He is attracted to men .
He wanted to see a fox .
So funny ! We ran errands Saturday morning , acquiring essentials like toilet paper and contact lens solution , then did our weekly grocery shop . In an attempt to spend less money on groceries , we 're cutting back on the amount of meat we buy each week , with the mindset that it 's better for all parties if we eat more vegetarian meals . For some reason we ' ve been bogged down by the idea that dinner must always include a protein , vegetable and starch .
Why would eating more vegetarian meals be better for me ?
Because meat is n't always the best choice of meal .
None of the above choices .
Because it is a healthier way to eat more vegetables .
Because it is cheaper and I am trying to save money .
then all of them showed up shouting and saying " HAPPY BIRTHDAY '' then elena went to the window and opened the curtain . then there came the 3 banners they made . Each with the word happy birthday . :) After that , we ate pizza .
Why did you guys decide to have pizza ?
We had pizza because we were celebrating a birthday party and everyone loves pizza
We did not have time to make any other food
We did not have transport and pizza can be delivered to the house so we went with that instead
None of the above choices .
fallen fences and wild trees . we watch sunset and ate a few tree ripened mangoes . in 2 weeks there will be tonnes of bowen , nam dok mai , kp and elephant tusk mangoes just splotting on the ground below .
Where may we be staying ?
We may be staying on a tree farm .
None of the above choices .
We may be staying on an apple farm .
We may be staying on a mango farm .
About an hour later , my phone rings . Apparently out of the three people that were at the store that have keys , two of them did not have a key to the cage , and the other person did not have his keys with him . And I was closest .
Why did the writer 's phone ring ?
None of the above choices .
Because one person did n't have keys with him .
Because two people did not have a key to the cage .
Because he was being asked to unlock a door .
He 's really sweet and I think he really likes me . We kissed like 6 times . The first time was after we had been camping for 3 days and he still thought I looked pretty . He also made the effort to meet up with me in Oxford .
What may have been his reason for going to Oxford ?
He wanted to see if Oxford was pretty .
I wanted to see him .
He wanted to give me a kiss .
He wanted to see me .
Anyway , Chad and I had a wonderful anniversary . This year we went to Park City , Utah to spend the weekend . We stayed at the amazing Stein Erikson Lodge and had a wonderful evening . First , we arrived in Park City in the afternoon and headed to the Park City Alpine Coaster .
Why did they go to Park City , Utah ?
Because they headed to the Park City Alpine Coaster .
Because they had a wonderful evening .
None of the above choices .
Because they thought they would enjoy it there .
i really really do nt . -sidetracking even more , i think i m gon na fail my exams horribly . i m not even gon na think about ess gra , which sucks my non - existent balls . goddddd .- i ve been on the phone with SRP , and he s been filling me in on cmm politics .
Why are they worried about exams ?
They studied hard for the exam .
None of the above choices .
They will not fail the exam because of SRP .
They got side tracked and did n't study .
i really really do nt . -sidetracking even more , i think i m gon na fail my exams horribly . i m not even gon na think about ess gra , which sucks my non - existent balls . goddddd .- i ve been on the phone with SRP , and he s been filling me in on cmm politics .
Why are they worried about exams ?
They studied hard for the exam .
They will not fail the exam because of SRP .
They know they did n't do their homework but spent their time on SRP instead .
None of the above choices .
And I ' m sure all the other people that were out were happy as anything to be out of their homes . Now for those people in Texas , watch out . Ike will ravage that state , it looks like . And what makes Ike even more of a " prick " is that by the time I go home next Tuesday , he 'll probably be in Ohio dumping much needed rain there .
Who or what is Ike ?
Ike is a tropical storm moving from Texas to Ohio .
Ike is a prick that does not know when to stop .
Ike is a rain god that causes problems for people .
Ike is a politician visiting states and making people happy .
And I ' m sure all the other people that were out were happy as anything to be out of their homes . Now for those people in Texas , watch out . Ike will ravage that state , it looks like . And what makes Ike even more of a " prick " is that by the time I go home next Tuesday , he 'll probably be in Ohio dumping much needed rain there .
Who or what is Ike ?
Ike is a politician visiting states and making people happy .
Ike is a prick that does not know when to stop .
Ike is a rain god that causes problems for people .
Ike is a named tropical storm .
He recorded it , and I helped with a couple of " sounds " here and there . Then , we decided I should use some of my abundant " artistic talent " and do " illustrations " ( used very loosely ) for a youtube video . Luckily , my nephew is a bit of a genius when it comes to recording / youtube - ing / etc . He worked hard on what started out as my silly parody song blog .
What might happen to my youtube video and channel ?
I might produce more videos with the help of my nephew and get more views .
I might produce more videos without the help of my nephew and get more views .
None of the above choices .
I might produce more videos without the help of my nephew and get less views .
It 's always great to have a new baby in the family . And he was really good , too , considering he was getting passed around all afternoon with no nap . Writing is finally going my way ! My fic for the Sirius / Remus Fuh - Q Fest is done and in the bag .
What do you think about the family 's new baby ?
I think the infant behaves poorly .
That new baby is lazy , he took a nap that lasted the entire afternoon .
That baby is annoying , he keeps getting in the way of my writing .
I think the infant behaves well .
The veggie ham was tasty and very meat - like . I do n't know that I would have guessed that it was supposed to be corned ham had I not read that on the menu , but it was a perfectly suitable vegetarian stand - in for it 's real life fleshy counterpart . The thousand island dressing was a little too sweet for my taste , but the sauerkraut helped balance it out . The bread was fresh and the whole sandwich was grilled nice and crispy .
What 's a possible reason the writer ate veggie ham ?
Because the thousand island dressing was a little too sweet for their taste .
Because the writer is a vegetarian .
None of the above choices .
Because it was supposed to be corned ham .
I manage to eat a Weetabix on a little spoon like a baby , but I ca n't taste it at all . The eyedrops help alot , so I have a few of those and tape some gauze over my eye to keep out the light . After tossing and turning , every way I lie causing me pain , and I eventually pass out at around two am . Tuesday . I got up this morning and was happy that I 'd been asleep - until I realised the patch on my eye was there and remembered my face .
Why did the writer pass out at around 2 AM ?
Because they ca n't taste the Weetabix at all .
Because the eyedrops help a lot .
None of the above choices .
Because they were tired .
After xrays and blood tests , they found out that she has a sinus infection and tonsilitis . Did n't know that dogs could get that . Anywho , in other news , I am doing a clean sweep of my apt . I ' ve given away , thrown away , boxed up , packed up , and moved a ton of things so far .
Why did they do xrays and blood tests ?
Because there was possibly something physically wrong with their dog .
Because the writer did n't know dogs can get tonsilitis .
None of the above choices .
Because the writer did n't know dogs can get sinus infections .
I could not doze off , I just felt so helpless . I was having fever . I could not swallow any panadols with an empty stomach so I just stayed in bed , shivering away . I felt like throwing up every single second .
Why could I not doze off ?
Because I had an empty stomach .
Because I stayed in bed .
None of the above choices .
Because I could n't relax .
Yesterday was fantastic . I met Waves in Brooklyn , and she showed me around her favourite places . We went to a suburb called Williamsburg , which is like something out of VICE magazine . EVERYBODY has tattoos , and is significantly cooler / prettier than me .
What may happen during a meet - up with Waves ?
We 'd talk about VICE magazine .
We 'd explore normal and boring locations .
We 'd get some tattoos .
We 'd explore odd and interesting locations .
I was getting confused and answered " Of course ! " In the next moment she noticed that she had confused me with another passenger whose complete reservation had been changed . She then continued trying to check me in for the long - haul sector , but always failed . The supervisor suggested I should pick up my boarding pass for JFK flight at Prague .
Why is the writer picking up a boarding pass ?
Because a woman had the writer confused with another passenger .
None of the above choices .
Because they are about to take a flight somewhere .
Because the complete reservation had been changed .
omg i had sooo much fuckin fun~ ! ! Amanda , Kelsey , and me all went bar hoppin in downtown greenville last night~ ! ! it was soo awesome .
How might I feel about Amanda and Kelsey ?
I might feel Amanda and Kelsey are my best neighbors .
I might feel Amanda and Kelsey are my acquaintances .
I might feel Amanda and Kelsey are my best friends .
I might feel Amanda and Kelsey are my best co - workers .
Friends , A few years ago , I became weary of the Purpose Driven Life . We had gone through the program at my church , read the book , preached the sermons . When it was all done , I felt no better and our church did not grow . I felt dirty for using someone else 's sermon outlines .
Why did I feel dirty for using someone else 's sermon outlines ?
Because I became weary of the Purpose Driven Life .
Because we read the book .
Because it was a few years ago .
Because I was supposed to do them myself .
Nico Rosberg was second and sadly , Lewis Hamilton came in at third position . Both Ferraris did nt even score a point at all . What a disappointment . After the race was the presentation of the trophy and stuff . Then there was this special edition of the noose ... haha .
For whom might have the noose been prepared ?
The noose might have been prepared for the one who managed to win the trophies .
The noose might have been prepared for the one who finished in the top spots .
None of the above choices .
The noose might have been prepared for the one who won the first place .
Perhaps I need one of those little Sharper Image artificial sunlight lamps in my office or something . Either way , I think we are on the way to some warmer weather . From the forecast today , I do n't see snow in there for at least the next week ! The boys are getting crazy .
What is probably true about the narrator ?
They feel they are getting enough sunlight
They are looking forward to snow
None of the above choices .
They are looking forward to warmer weather
Perhaps I need one of those little Sharper Image artificial sunlight lamps in my office or something . Either way , I think we are on the way to some warmer weather . From the forecast today , I do n't see snow in there for at least the next week ! The boys are getting crazy .
What is probably true about the narrator ?
They are looking forward to snow
They feel they are not getting enough sunlight
None of the above choices .
They feel they are getting enough sunlight
Can you deal with that ? " She calmly said she can and so far has broken through my stereotype . So far she has been turning out fine . I demonstrated several classes to her , and then said , " I must be boring you to tears .
Why did the writer say to the girl that he must be boring her to tears ?
Because she could deal with that .
Because the believed he was being boring .
None of the above choices .
Because she said she could deal with that .
I got sort lips for joey ( cherry ) and carmex . I talked on the phone with trey for a half hour . He was talking about " stories " and he was helping me pack . Joey was in rome ... so close to me !
Why is she talking about lip balm ?
Joey needed some carmex so she got some for him .
None of the above choices .
Trey asked her to get him some .
She is getting ready to see Joey in Rome .
I got sort lips for joey ( cherry ) and carmex . I talked on the phone with trey for a half hour . He was talking about " stories " and he was helping me pack . Joey was in rome ... so close to me !
Why is Joey in Rome ?
Joey is therre to buy stock in Carmex .
He is coming to Rome to see her .
None of the above choices .
Joey is coming to meet Trey in Rome .
Beth managed to locate a small eatery that sold sandwiches . I headed over with Will and asked for one . At first , I did n't know what I was ordering ; I just pointed to what looked good . Turns out that I ordered a brie sandwich with lettuce , tomato , and butter .
What 's a possible reason Beth located an eatery ?
Because she was hungry .
None of the above choices .
Because the eatery sells sandwiches .
Because the writer did n't know what they were ordering .
I have been quite busy with my little place and it truly feels like home . It has a little bit from many of my loved ones , my couch came from Grandma , and it was hers long before Granddaddy died . She also gave me some of the silver wear that was given to her as a wedding gift but never used . Mom and Dad gave me their bedroom suit so they could get a new one .
What might happen when you move into your new place ?
None of the above choices .
My family would n't give me anything .
My family would give me some furniture .
My grandma might give me pajamas .
Around the world , coffee is adored as a source of refreshment and energy . From instant coffee prepared at home to specialty drinks perfected by baristas , coffee is one of the world 's most popular drinks . Friends unite over a " cup of Joe " and strangers nod to one another on the street at the sight of a familiar brand .
What may be true about coffee ?
People prefer specialty coffees prepared by baristas .
Everyone calls a coffee a " cup of joe . "
It 's one of the most consumed beverages internationally .
It 's one of the most consumed beverages nationally .
We procrastinated for ages , but decided to think it over , we left but not before the girl at the center said " There is another family interested but has not decided , they might decide tomorrow " we walked back towards the car and sat in the BMW . We all looked at each other and got straight back out and reserved the pair . Lucy and Maya they are called , so I ' m going to have a total of 5 girls in the house !
What probably happened after this story ?
The other family got two new pets
The narrator did not get the pair
None of the above choices .
The narrator got two new pets
Got her up walking and her stomach was really bloated looking and she kicked at it a couple of times . You may have heard of " colic " -- it can be life - threatening in horses and other livestock and she had the symptoms . Of course it was 11 p.m. by then on a Saturday night .
What is the likely reason for the horse to kick at it 's stomach ?
Because it was experiencing the symptoms of colic
None of the above choices .
Because it was awake late on a Saturday night
Because it was being walked around at night
Bush then quickly returned to the Olympic festivities . He was last spotted at a photo op with the US girls volleyball team jumping up and down on the beach - sand in his wingtips . The pretense that Bush is leading the country has seemingly been abandoned altogether . Cheney is in charge now .
Why was Bush at a photo op with the US girls volleyball team ?
None of the above choices .
Because there was sand in his wingtips .
Because he was jumping up and down .
Because that 's good for his image .
I do n't want to feed Bert food that he knocks on the floor . I worked in the food industry and am kind of OCD about hygiene . She insisted that I would and that , despite my claims to good hygiene almost to an obsession , she 'd seen my apartment in Portland and I could never care about hygiene .
What may have caused you not want to feed Bert ?
Bert gets angry when I leave a mess while we 're eating .
He wo n't eat when I try and feed him .
None of the above choices .
He leaves a mess when he eats .
So last night we took a bus and then Metro to the Paris center and walking along the main axis of Paris to the Louvre . We were trying to find a place to eat but August is the month which Parisian takes holidays ... so many of the restaurant were closed . Since we were both not from Paris and have not been living in Paris before , we just walked in a street from the Louvre leading to the Opera . Then I realized that there are a lot of japanese restaurants ... I thought to myself that this must be the japanese town that Marc has told me about .
What 's a possible reason there are a lot of Japanese restaurants ?
Because many of the restaurants were closed .
Because they took the metro to the Paris Center .
Because some people in Paris like Japanese food .
None of the above choices .
Yesterday was the first day he went back to work and you were a bit fussy with me most of the day . However , the moment daddy walked in the door you immediately calmed down as he held you in his arms and smiled as though to say all was right in the world again . We are going to take daddy out for a birthday lunch in just a bit and I ca n't imagine a greater birthday gift the two of us could ask for then having you in our lives each day .
Why was she fussy with you all day ?
She wanted me to leave as well so she could have some alone time
She wanted me to go to work with her dad instead of having me stay home to look after her
None of the above choices .
She missed her father and was not used to him being away
I inquired as to her health . He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer 's Disease . As we talked , I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late . He replied that she no longer knew who he was , that she had not recognized him in five years now .
Why did I inquire as to her health ?
Because she had been there for a while .
Because he was a bit late .
Because I care about her .
Because I asked if she would be upset .
But in order to do that he has to cut corners : No GM , an unrealistic scouting staff , and a medical team that is straight out of a Simpsons episode . He chooses the players , not Marvin , whom are drafted , and he also chooses whom is resigned ( see : Chris Henry ) . In essence and in reality , Mike Brown runs this team from the top down , and the players have turned into " pay check " mantra chanting employees , not football players . What 's more , Marvin is done .
How might Mike Brown 's team perform in the future ?
Mike Brown 's team will not continued to perform as football players but as employees .
Mike Brown 's team will continued to perform as football players instead of employees .
Mike Brown 's team will not continue to perform as employees but as football players .
Mike Brown 's team will continued to perform as employees instead of football players .
There was a lady on the radio saying she just purchased airline tickets last night and then when she woke up she learned ATA closed and she ca n't get her money back without going through endless red tape . I live in the suburbs of Chicago and the gas prices are hovering around $ 3.30-$3.40 a gallon . I drive a Tahoe and I think it is time to trade it in . I know I wo n't get what it is worth but with gas just climing every week , I have to do something .
What may be a good reason to sell your Tahoe ?
It does n't use gas and gas prices are dropping .
If I trade it in , I would get what it is worth .
Tahoes are in demand at Chicago dealerships .
It guzzles fuel .
There was a lady on the radio saying she just purchased airline tickets last night and then when she woke up she learned ATA closed and she ca n't get her money back without going through endless red tape . I live in the suburbs of Chicago and the gas prices are hovering around $ 3.30-$3.40 a gallon . I drive a Tahoe and I think it is time to trade it in . I know I wo n't get what it is worth but with gas just climing every week , I have to do something .
What may be a good reason to sell your Tahoe ?
Prices for gasoline are too unreliable .
If I trade it in , I would get what it is worth .
It does n't use gas and gas prices are dropping .
Tahoes are in demand at Chicago dealerships .
And yet he loved this thing . He loved its smooth white skin , its great dark brown eyes . He loved it not because it looked like a gentle , thoughtful young man , but because it was ghastly and awful and loathsome , and beautiful at the same time .
What may have been his reason for loving this thing ?
None of the above choices .
It made beauty out of its normalcy .
He loved it because it was absolutely beautiful .
It was otherworldly .
And yet he loved this thing . He loved its smooth white skin , its great dark brown eyes . He loved it not because it looked like a gentle , thoughtful young man , but because it was ghastly and awful and loathsome , and beautiful at the same time .
What may have been his reason for loving this thing ?
It made beauty out of its oddities .
He loved it because it was absolutely beautiful .
It made beauty out of its normalcy .
None of the above choices .
The article is a miserable hack - job . Todd Purdum does n't even pretend to prove anything , but uses the anti - Clinton mystique to let his readers make broad leaps from innocuous trips in planes with rich guys to ... oh , you know , do n't you ? Clinton was right - anyone who would write such a piece of crap - to say nothing of the editors who published it - is a " scumbag " .
Why does the writer believe that the author of the article is a hack job ?
Because Clinton takes trips in planes with rich guys .
None of the above choices .
Because he does n't like Todd Purdum on a personal level .
Because he believes he is accusing Clinton of things without proof .
The area where John had tilled the ground was also beginning to show signs of life . We were astounded by this trumpet vine and it 's tenacity . A Master Gardener from church informed us that we would not be able to kill the trumpet vine with Round - Up .
What will happen after they till the soil ?
The weeds will take over
They wo nt be able to save the trumpet vine .
The trumpet vine will flourish .
The maaster gardner will want to take over the plot .
Spike had tried to get information from his fellow prisoners , yelling down the hallway , asking who was in here and what they knew . He 'd only gotten a couple of answers before the area was flooded with soldiers . He 'd timed his questions to the movement of the cameras in the hall , speaking when the cameras swung away from his cell but apparently the two demons who 'd answered had n't had that much sense . Watching from his cell , he 'd seen the soldiers enter two cells down the hallway .
Why were the soldiers in the jail ?
They were looking at the prisoners for the camera .
These were prisoners of war who were captured during battle .
They needed the camera to capture the prisoner .
None of the above choices .
She gets up from his lap , still has her finger on his lip and he 's staring at her body and touching her thigh . He smiles then get up and go forward to stop her from leaving . She 's not going to ... She 's walking away till she finds herself against something .
Why is he staring at her body ?
Because he 's touching her thigh .
Because she got up from his lap .
Because he is physically attracted to her .
Because she still has her finger on his lip .
So we had everyone over to enjoy it with us . I wanted to show people my new tattoos , but it 's so hard to get a word in edgewise with everyone around ! Cindy talks a mile a minute , and has to butt in with some " witty " or " informative " remark , usually about Safeway 's customer service where she 's working now apparently . Karen 's not as bad as Cindy , but she still does talk a lot , and when she 's not the kids are ( and even when she is talking . Which makes me wonder , was I ever like that at parties or get - togethers when I was a kid ? ) .
What may be true about Cindy ?
She does n't like Karen 's sarcastic quips .
She works at a grocery store .
None of the above choices .
She just stopped working at a grocery store .
So we had everyone over to enjoy it with us . I wanted to show people my new tattoos , but it 's so hard to get a word in edgewise with everyone around ! Cindy talks a mile a minute , and has to butt in with some " witty " or " informative " remark , usually about Safeway 's customer service where she 's working now apparently . Karen 's not as bad as Cindy , but she still does talk a lot , and when she 's not the kids are ( and even when she is talking . Which makes me wonder , was I ever like that at parties or get - togethers when I was a kid ? ) .
What may be true about Cindy ?
None of the above choices .
She does n't like Karen 's sarcastic quips .
She makes sarcastic quips .
She just stopped working at a grocery store .
We called every kennel in the metropolitan area to find that they were a ) booked solid or b ) charged quadruple our regular rate . No way were we taking our carsick - prone pooch with us . Thank goodness for our fabulous friends T. & T. who agreed to dog sit . We owe them a lifetime supply of adult beverages . Then , our neighbor stole our car .
Why are they charging much more than before ?
They are taking advantage of increased demand .
They are trying to recoup the renovation cost .
They are featured in a pet magazine .
None of the above choices .
We called every kennel in the metropolitan area to find that they were a ) booked solid or b ) charged quadruple our regular rate . No way were we taking our carsick - prone pooch with us . Thank goodness for our fabulous friends T. & T. who agreed to dog sit . We owe them a lifetime supply of adult beverages . Then , our neighbor stole our car .
Why are they charging much more than before ?
They are trying to recoup the renovation cost .
They are featured in a pet magazine .
Supply is much smaller than demand now .
None of the above choices .
We called every kennel in the metropolitan area to find that they were a ) booked solid or b ) charged quadruple our regular rate . No way were we taking our carsick - prone pooch with us . Thank goodness for our fabulous friends T. & T. who agreed to dog sit . We owe them a lifetime supply of adult beverages . Then , our neighbor stole our car .
Why do I think we owe a lifetime supply of alcohol drinks ?
They talked to the kennel owner and negotiated the price .
They helped us in desperate time .
They would help us recover our stolen car .
None of the above choices .
We called every kennel in the metropolitan area to find that they were a ) booked solid or b ) charged quadruple our regular rate . No way were we taking our carsick - prone pooch with us . Thank goodness for our fabulous friends T. & T. who agreed to dog sit . We owe them a lifetime supply of adult beverages . Then , our neighbor stole our car .
Why do I think we owe a lifetime supply of alcohol drinks ?
They talked to the kennel owner and negotiated the price .
None of the above choices .
They came in for help when it is really needed .
They would help us recover our stolen car .
After I taped all the poster boards down , I gathered markers , rulers , crayons and stickers for the kids to use to " enhance " t their poster boards , creating their own a little backdrop for their Lego creations . One drew Outer Space , one drew an Ocean , and several drew Roads and Trails ... The amazing thing about this party is how well it worked . For the first hour the kids were so quiet and in to their building they hardly made a peep . We adults almost forgot that there was a birthday party going on at all ... I think the age of the kids helped - no fighter over toys etc . that might happen with kids Miles age .
What may have been your reason for getting poster boards along with the Legos ?
They could build their lego creations on the poster boards .
None of the above choices .
I wanted to make sure the kids had something to do after they were done with the legos .
I wanted the children to add a background .
My mother was 26 and my father 36 when they married . I do n't know exactly how it came about but it was n't easy as my mother was Catholic and my father Protestant . In 1933 that about equalled Black and White in 1960 .
Why was my mother 26 ?
Because my mother was Catholic .
Because I do n't know exactly how it came about .
Because my father was 36 .
None of the above choices .
I 'll have the deciding vote , because the call was saved but it was whispered and garbled on the machine 's end , so it comes down to , ' did you hear her say it ' which of course I did . So , either do my job , or save a job . If I lie , and something comes of it , I lose my job too . Nothing like a healthy dilemma to add to my day .
Why are they trying to figure out what to vote for ?
They have a healthy dilemma to figure out .
None of the above choices .
They want to keep their job , but do n't know how .
He did n't hear her say anything .
I 'll have the deciding vote , because the call was saved but it was whispered and garbled on the machine 's end , so it comes down to , ' did you hear her say it ' which of course I did . So , either do my job , or save a job . If I lie , and something comes of it , I lose my job too . Nothing like a healthy dilemma to add to my day .
Why are they having a dilemma ?
They are afraid no matter what they do , they will lose their job .
They want to keep their job no matter what .
They heard her on the machine and want to lie about it .
The garbled conversation was hard to hear .
Dear Family , Sisters and Friends , Ike hit us in Gros Morne Saturday night and Sunday -- worse than Hanna . There was a pause around 7 AM Sun . and I walked around the parish gardens which surround our house and the control ditches were full to the top , but holding . Then the downpour continued another six hours and the end of the second ditch broke and flooded the grounds of John XXIII high school for the second time in a week .
What might have caused the high school to be flooded twice in a week ?
The high school might have been flooded by Hanna and then by Ike .
The high school might have been flooded by Hanna twice
The high school might have been flooded by Ike and then by Hanna .
The high school might have been flooded by Ike twice .
My soul is alive , and so are you Helps when trying to pass the time , it ai n't easy without you As long as I can try , I 'll make it through But it might take awhile , believe me if you only knew Baby , you move on so quickly . Some days are full of hues of blues and greens , other days are filled with grey . I think that tonight would qualify for grey .
What 's a possible reason tonight qualifies for grey ?
Because the writer will make it through .
Because the writer feels a bit sad or depressed .
Because some days are full of hues .
None of the above choices .
Mama fought her liver cancer for only 2 months and then she gave up . It was first week of August when we found out that she has liver cancer and got 5 - 6 months to live . The doctor said that 1 year is the longest time for her to live . After 2 months of suffering from pain , Mama gave up .
What may have caused mama to die ?
She was struck with a devastating illness .
Mama could n't take the pain of living anymore .
None of the above choices .
She gave up on life .
I know now that it was not the boy - the cold , wet boy , on the cold , wet bench - that made me feel so at home on that hilltop . Or should I say , it was not only that boy . It was my friends . It was God .
What was cold and wet ?
None of the above choices .
The hilltop
The boy
I know now that it was not the boy - the cold , wet boy , on the cold , wet bench - that made me feel so at home on that hilltop . Or should I say , it was not only that boy . It was my friends . It was God .
What was cold and wet ?
None of the above choices .
The bench
The hilltop
You accept amphetamine , eat less and as a consequence lose weight . This preparation is prescribed to those patients which excess weight causes serious problems with health . With the purpose of greater efficiency it is prescribed together with an exact diet and a complex of exercises . However the preparation has its by - effects .
Why is it only prescribed to those who have health related issues ?
Because amphetamines are downers and can cause depression .
None of the above choices .
Only skinny people need this drug prescription .
Other people could easily get addicted to it .
A personal touch lacking in today 's movie studios . Today 's studios are now merely cogs in massive , ponderous mega - conglomerates that make Jabba The Hutt look positively svelte . The people that run them , faceless , uniform drones , who get hired , get fired , and are usually quickly forgotten . Their mark on the studio and its output fading quicker than it takes to cook minute rice . Today 's minute - moguls do n't run the studios with the intent of putting themselves into the company . It 's not their name on the watertower over the production office , and most of the time they have no real substantial stake in the company enough to invest their own identity into the company .
What might happen if these mega companies allowed employees to have shares or stakes in the companies ?
None of the above choices .
The employees would not be able to afford the investments and would be bankrupt
The employees would want to find different jobs so that they do not have their own money on the line
The employees would be more invested in the work because they would stand to benefit from good work
By the time I get home from those things my back hurts and my feet are so swollen . And they stay that wa throughout the next day . I had planned on going to the gym today but I ' m completely worn out . I hope I can muster up some energy , because my drink is with a particularly cheeky Brit and I have a feeling I 'll need to be on my toes .
Why did my back hurt and my feet were so swollen that I could n't go to the gym after getting home from those things ?
I did so much work at my desk today that I over exerted myself .
None of the above choices .
I did a lot of work on my computer today and over exerted myself .
I did so much work on the phone today that I over exerted myself .
So this is now completely outdated , what with the assignment being revised , but I figured I 'd post it here anyway for giggles . Note , of course , that the word - count issue is moot now that we 're expanding the scope of the podcast . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Simultaneously much better and much worse than the first assignment .
What has happened since the scope of the podcast is wider ?
We now make more money and so we do n't need to outsource assignments , we do them in - house only
We now accept assignments in various forms and do n't have limits , we cover a wider array of topics and styles
We now only focus on how many assignments we can get instead of the quality and length of them
We now do n't care as much about quality because everything is about quantity
I had a ball watching this movie . I was humming in my head to all the beats and song . I had no idea I know about ABBA songs so much ! If you 're a musical fan , then this movie is for you .
Why did the writer have a ball watching this movie ?
Because they know about Abba .
None of the above choices .
Because they really enjoyed it .
Because they had no idea they know about Abba songs .
I was talking to a friend yesterday about writing . He said he can only write when he is miserable . And though writing helps him to get his thoughts out of his head and work through his feelings , the misery pulls him in and it 's hard for him to get out . It 's hard for him to get out of that fake reality that the misery creates .
How did I respond to what my friend said ?
I told him I can only write when I 'm miserable .
I told him he lives in a fake reality and to get out .
I told him he is a miserable person to write with .
I told him about my experiences with writing .
I was talking to a friend yesterday about writing . He said he can only write when he is miserable . And though writing helps him to get his thoughts out of his head and work through his feelings , the misery pulls him in and it 's hard for him to get out . It 's hard for him to get out of that fake reality that the misery creates .
How did I respond to what my friend said ?
I told him I can only write when I 'm miserable .
I told him he is a miserable person to write with .
I told him he lives in a fake reality and to get out .
I gave him encouragement to help him feel better .
And laughter . And savoring time with one another . They taught us that simple things can make a difference in someone 's life . From them , we saw how to create and make long - lasting memories from the simple things .
Why would they have taught us these things ?
It is just something that everyone is taught .
They want us to feel bad about our current situations .
They taught this to us because they want us to lead fulfilling lives .
They want us to live like we do n't have any cares in the world .
Well , we are commencing operation get skinny this year . And so far it 's off to a start . I went and ran today . I never run .
Why does the writer never run ?
None of the above choices .
Because they are usually lazy .
Because they are commencing an operation .
Because they are trying to get skinny .
It 's like the weekends are her free for all , and because I was home all day sick ( I woke up with hives all over my arms , hands and stomach . Neat huh ? ) she saw it as I was n't being productive .
What may have caused you stay home all day during the weekend ?
None of the above choices .
I was having an allergic reaction .
I did n't want to be productive .
I had to help her with her allergic reaction during the weekend .
As I was weed eating she woke up so my neighbor Julie asked if I wanted her to take Sarah on a walk so I could finish . She is such a great person and so very kind . So I got the bear ready and she was off .
What 's a possible reason the writer was weed eating ?
Because they wanted to take Sarah on a walk .
None of the above choices .
Because they woke up their neighbor Julie .
Because they enjoy eating weed .
I had one moment where I wondered what I would do if a panther or a bear or other wild animal would come at me . But mostly I felt at peace and one with nature and that I would be protected somehow . I felt like this is where I belonged . These pictures are in no particular order . Be warned there 's quite a few of them .
What may have caused you to feel at peace ?
I was protected when the bear came at me .
I got to leave the natural environment .
I was enjoying my time in the natural environment .
None of the above choices .
I was drunk when I found this out and I was drunk ( but not badly ) when I emailed him in righteous indignation ( thank you Elisa for the phrase ) . He responded in two days with full apologies . Then last weekend I emailed him to see what the schedule for my flights back would be . He was his usual " wait , I ' m supposed to take care of this ? "
What may have happened before this story ?
The narrator got upsetting news .
The narrator sent an email
None of the above choices .
The narrator got drunk
When the alarm went off at 6:30 a.m. and I walked into Alice 's room , I could immediately tell that it was going to be a bad morning . Alice opened her eyes , sneered at me , and pulled the covers over her head . " You are my sunshine , my only sunshine , you make me happy , " I sang cheerfully . " Be quiet mommy !
Why did Alice open her eyes ?
Alice heard my foot steps .
Alice saw sunshine .
The alarm woke Alice up .
None of the above choices .
When the alarm went off at 6:30 a.m. and I walked into Alice 's room , I could immediately tell that it was going to be a bad morning . Alice opened her eyes , sneered at me , and pulled the covers over her head . " You are my sunshine , my only sunshine , you make me happy , " I sang cheerfully . " Be quiet mommy !
Why did Alice open her eyes ?
Alice felt my presence .
The alarm woke Alice up .
Alice saw sunshine .
None of the above choices .
When the alarm went off at 6:30 a.m. and I walked into Alice 's room , I could immediately tell that it was going to be a bad morning . Alice opened her eyes , sneered at me , and pulled the covers over her head . " You are my sunshine , my only sunshine , you make me happy , " I sang cheerfully . " Be quiet mommy !
What will Alice do after hearing my singing ?
None of the above choices .
Alice will eventually get up and eat her breakfast .
Alice will tell mom is the sunshine .
Alice will be hidden by the comforter covers .
I know I ' m a few hours short but this day marks my first week of not smoking . It is SO FUCKING GREAT . I ' m doing it ! ! ! I feel like I am learning to walk on water and I just got in one little brief step without sinking and got to taste what the journey will be like when I master my skill .
What may happen if you quit smoking ?
None of the above choices .
I would experience more fulfillment .
I would n't experience more fulfillment .
I would n't be able to handle not smoking for more than a week .
Going through a New Music Releases email from Amazon and stumbled upon debut record by a contestant in last season 's ' Biggest Loser ' , Dan Evans . Of course the Dan Evans album release coincides with the new season of Biggest Loser - good marketing . Yes , I did watch Biggest Loser last season . We 'd catch the second half of the show after yoga .
Why did the writer go through a New Music Releases email from Amazon ?
Because they stumbled upon debut record by a contestant in last season 's ' Biggest Loser ' , Dan Evans .
Because they thought they might find some interesting new music to listen to .
Because the Dan Evans album release coincides with the new season of Biggest Loser .
Because the writer watched Biggest Loser last season .
Once again I rolled and I covered and each cake instantly acquired one side called ' the back ' . Day 5 and I covered all 4 base boards with ribbon before wrapping each cake with thick ivory ribbon . Of all the tricky things to do this was , surprisingly , one of the trickiest . I needed at least one extra hand , maybe two to be safe .
What 's a possible reason the writer wrapped each cake with thick ivory ribbon ?
None of the above choices .
Because the writer rolled .
Because the writer needed at least one extra hand .
Because they thought that would make them look nice .